diff options
authorRich Trott <>2021-04-08 23:55:45 -0700
committerRich Trott <>2021-04-25 01:50:18 -0700
commit3ef3501e498c4a05776440700e9238ef15f53c86 (patch)
parentc6b4ab0d9f7249d75da1473a1c962e3b2e5d0b74 (diff)
test,debugger: migrate node-inspect tests to core
Migrate the node-inspect tests to core (where node-inspect code now lives) and remove node-inspect from deps directory. PR-URL: Refs: Reviewed-By: Matteo Collina <> Reviewed-By: Jan Krems <> Reviewed-By: Colin Ihrig <> Reviewed-By: Stephen Belanger <> Reviewed-By: Gerhard Stöbich <> Reviewed-By: Michaël Zasso <>
-rw-r--r--test/common/inspector-cli.js (renamed from deps/node-inspect/test/cli/start-cli.js)75
-rw-r--r--test/fixtures/inspector-cli/alive.js (renamed from deps/node-inspect/examples/alive.js)0
-rw-r--r--test/fixtures/inspector-cli/backtrace.js (renamed from deps/node-inspect/examples/backtrace.js)0
-rw-r--r--test/fixtures/inspector-cli/break.js (renamed from deps/node-inspect/examples/break.js)0
-rw-r--r--test/fixtures/inspector-cli/cjs/index.js (renamed from deps/node-inspect/examples/cjs/index.js)0
-rw-r--r--test/fixtures/inspector-cli/cjs/other.js (renamed from deps/node-inspect/examples/cjs/other.js)0
-rw-r--r--test/fixtures/inspector-cli/empty.js (renamed from deps/node-inspect/examples/empty.js)0
-rw-r--r--test/fixtures/inspector-cli/exceptions.js (renamed from deps/node-inspect/examples/exceptions.js)0
-rw-r--r--test/fixtures/inspector-cli/three-lines.js (renamed from deps/node-inspect/examples/three-lines.js)0
-rw-r--r--test/fixtures/inspector-cli/use-strict.js (renamed from deps/node-inspect/examples/use-strict.js)0
-rw-r--r--test/inspector-cli/test-inspector-cli-address.js (renamed from deps/node-inspect/test/cli/address.test.js)28
-rw-r--r--test/inspector-cli/test-inspector-cli-exceptions.js (renamed from deps/node-inspect/test/cli/exceptions.test.js)44
-rw-r--r--test/inspector-cli/test-inspector-cli-low-level.js (renamed from deps/node-inspect/test/cli/low-level.test.js)21
-rw-r--r--test/inspector-cli/test-inspector-cli-profile.js (renamed from deps/node-inspect/test/cli/profile.test.js)22
-rw-r--r--test/inspector-cli/test-inspector-cli-scripts.js (renamed from deps/node-inspect/test/cli/scripts.test.js)32
-rw-r--r--test/inspector-cli/test-inspector-cli-use-strict.js (renamed from deps/node-inspect/test/cli/use-strict.test.js)18
-rw-r--r--test/inspector-cli/test-inspector-cli-watchers.js (renamed from deps/node-inspect/test/cli/watchers.test.js)30
76 files changed, 1083 insertions, 3933 deletions
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 26746d94f4..50d6795bc3 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -565,10 +565,6 @@ test-pummel: all
test-internet: all
$(PYTHON) tools/ $(PARALLEL_ARGS) internet
-test-node-inspect: $(NODE_EXE)
- USE_EMBEDDED_NODE_INSPECT=1 $(NODE) tools/test-npm-package \
- --install deps/node-inspect test
test-benchmark: | bench-addons-build
$(PYTHON) tools/ $(PARALLEL_ARGS) benchmark
diff --git a/deps/node-inspect/.editorconfig b/deps/node-inspect/.editorconfig
deleted file mode 100644
index beffa3084e..0000000000
--- a/deps/node-inspect/.editorconfig
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-root = true
-indent_style = space
-indent_size = 2
-charset = utf-8
-trim_trailing_whitespace = true
-insert_final_newline = true
-trim_trailing_whitespace = false
diff --git a/deps/node-inspect/.eslintrc b/deps/node-inspect/.eslintrc
deleted file mode 100644
index b6d45aa499..0000000000
--- a/deps/node-inspect/.eslintrc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
-root: true
- node: true
- es6: true
- ecmaVersion: 2017
- # Possible Errors
- #
- comma-dangle: [2, only-multiline]
- no-control-regex: 2
- no-debugger: 2
- no-dupe-args: 2
- no-dupe-keys: 2
- no-duplicate-case: 2
- no-empty-character-class: 2
- no-ex-assign: 2
- no-extra-boolean-cast: 2
- no-extra-parens: [2, functions]
- no-extra-semi: 2
- no-func-assign: 2
- no-invalid-regexp: 2
- no-irregular-whitespace: 2
- no-obj-calls: 2
- no-proto: 2
- no-template-curly-in-string: 2
- no-unexpected-multiline: 2
- no-unreachable: 2
- no-unsafe-negation: 2
- use-isnan: 2
- valid-typeof: 2
- # Best Practices
- #
- dot-location: [2, property]
- no-fallthrough: 2
- no-global-assign: 2
- no-multi-spaces: 2
- no-octal: 2
- no-redeclare: 2
- no-self-assign: 2
- no-unused-labels: 2
- no-useless-call: 2
- no-useless-escape: 2
- no-void: 2
- no-with: 2
- # Strict Mode
- #
- strict: [2, global]
- # Variables
- #
- no-delete-var: 2
- no-undef: 2
- no-unused-vars: [2, {args: none}]
- # Node.js and CommonJS
- #
- no-mixed-requires: 2
- no-new-require: 2
- no-path-concat: 2
- no-restricted-modules: [2, sys, _linklist]
- no-restricted-properties: [2, {
- object: assert,
- property: deepEqual,
- message: Please use assert.deepStrictEqual().
- }, {
- property: __defineGetter__,
- message: __defineGetter__ is deprecated.
- }, {
- property: __defineSetter__,
- message: __defineSetter__ is deprecated.
- }]
- # Stylistic Issues
- #
- brace-style: [2, 1tbs, {allowSingleLine: true}]
- comma-spacing: 2
- comma-style: 2
- computed-property-spacing: 2
- eol-last: 2
- func-call-spacing: 2
- func-name-matching: 2
- indent: [2, 2, {SwitchCase: 1, MemberExpression: 1}]
- key-spacing: [2, {mode: minimum}]
- keyword-spacing: 2
- linebreak-style: [2, unix]
- max-len: [2, 80, 2]
- new-parens: 2
- no-mixed-spaces-and-tabs: 2
- no-multiple-empty-lines: [2, {max: 2, maxEOF: 0, maxBOF: 0}]
- no-tabs: 2
- no-trailing-spaces: 2
- quotes: [2, single, avoid-escape]
- semi: 2
- semi-spacing: 2
- space-before-blocks: [2, always]
- space-before-function-paren: [2, never]
- space-in-parens: [2, never]
- space-infix-ops: 2
- space-unary-ops: 2
- # ECMAScript 6
- #
- arrow-parens: [2, always]
- arrow-spacing: [2, {before: true, after: true}]
- constructor-super: 2
- no-class-assign: 2
- no-confusing-arrow: 2
- no-const-assign: 2
- no-dupe-class-members: 2
- no-new-symbol: 2
- no-this-before-super: 2
- prefer-const: [2, {ignoreReadBeforeAssign: true}]
- rest-spread-spacing: 2
- template-curly-spacing: 2
- # Custom rules in tools/eslint-rules
- align-function-arguments: 2
- align-multiline-assignment: 2
- assert-fail-single-argument: 2
- new-with-error: [2, Error, RangeError, TypeError, SyntaxError, ReferenceError]
-# Global scoped method and vars
diff --git a/deps/node-inspect/.github/workflows/ci.yml b/deps/node-inspect/.github/workflows/ci.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 968316a347..0000000000
--- a/deps/node-inspect/.github/workflows/ci.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-name: Node CI
-on: [push, pull_request]
- build:
- runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- strategy:
- fail-fast: false
- matrix:
- node-version:
- # See
- # - 10.x
- - 12.x
- - 13.x
- steps:
- - uses: actions/checkout@v2
- - name: Use Node.js ${{ matrix.node-version }}
- uses: actions/setup-node@v1
- with:
- node-version: ${{ matrix.node-version }}
- - name: npm install, build, and test
- run: |
- npm install
- npm run build --if-present
- npm test
- env:
- CI: true
diff --git a/deps/node-inspect/.gitignore b/deps/node-inspect/.gitignore
deleted file mode 100644
index 72e2c8c180..0000000000
--- a/deps/node-inspect/.gitignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/deps/node-inspect/.npmrc b/deps/node-inspect/.npmrc
deleted file mode 100644
index b7c8444fee..0000000000
--- a/deps/node-inspect/.npmrc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/deps/node-inspect/.travis.yml b/deps/node-inspect/.travis.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 07418a91eb..0000000000
--- a/deps/node-inspect/.travis.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-language: node_js
- - '6.8'
- - git config --global ""
- - git config --global "Jan Krems"
- provider: script
- script: ./node_modules/.bin/nlm release
- skip_cleanup: true
- 'on':
- branch: master
- node: '6.8'
diff --git a/deps/node-inspect/ b/deps/node-inspect/
deleted file mode 100644
index 73aeb4df93..0000000000
--- a/deps/node-inspect/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,296 +0,0 @@
-### 1.11.6
-* fix: replace the deprecated "repl.cli" with "repl" - **[@oyyd](** [#66](
- - [`5c1d771`]( **fix:** replace the deprecated "repl.cli" with "repl" - see: [26260](Refs:
-* Address regressions due to changes in node - **[@jkrems](** [#67](
- - [`5b3511e`]( **fix:** Address regressions due to changes in node
-### 1.11.5
-* Fix eslint issues - **[@jkrems](** [#63](
- - [`2adadbc`]( **style:** Fix eslint issues
- - [`a6d2f88`]( **doc:** Remove redundant newline at the end
-### 1.11.4
-* Handle blocked port - **[@jkrems](** [#62](
- - [`3388969`]( **chore:** Disable package-lock
- - [`d278b23`]( **fix:** Stop asking to report a blocked port - see: [#60](
-### 1.11.3
-* [`93caa0f`]( **docs:** Add missing oc in protocol
-* [`2d87cbe`]( **fix:** Make --inspect-port=0 work
-* [`ebfd02e`]( **chore:** Bump tap to 10.7
-* [`c07adb1`]( **test:** Use useful break location
-* [`94f0bf9`]( **fix:** Fix `takeHeapSnapshot()` truncation bug
-### 1.11.2
-* [`42e0cd1`]( **fix:** look for generic hint text
-### 1.11.1
-* Prefer --inspect-brk over --debug-brk - **[@ofrobots](** [#43](
- - [`2c1ed27`]( **fix:** use --inspect-brk with Node 8+
-### 1.11.0
-* doc: add profile and heap to help - **[@joshgav](** [#39](
- - [`f64c920`]( **doc:** add profile and heap to help
-* Update test suite to pass on latest nightly - **[@jkrems](** [#36](
- - [`41148d7`]( **test:** Remove outdated test
- - [`2c224c5`]( **test:** Accept any kind of "break"
- - [`22bf349`]( **test:** Adjust for v8 5.7
- - [`6ce8c16`]( **test:** Revert to old assertions
-* Verify custom port support - **[@jkrems](** [#41](
- - [`e3a489f`]( **test:** custom port
-* Support for debugging a pid - **[@jkrems](** [#37](
- - [`4179506`]( **feat:** Support for debugging a pid
-### 1.10.6
-* chore: Fix usage text for embedded mode - **[@addaleax](** [#20](
- - [`b0779f5`]( **chore:** Fix usage text for embedded mode
-* print 'ok' after connection - **[@ofrobots](** [#25](
- - [`2a47125`]( **fix:** print 'ok' after connection
-* Make autocompletion in REPL work - **[@aqrln](** [#28](
- - [`ccab737`]( **fix:** Make autocompletion in REPL work
-* Remove console.error() statement - **[@aqrln](** [#30](
- - [`032b045`]( **style:** Remove console.error() statement
-* Take --debug-port into account - **[@jkrems](** [#26](
- - [`054d4b1`]( **fix:** Take --debug-port into account
-* Delay run until breakpoints are restored - **[@jkrems](** [#34](
- - [`802b88c`]( **fix:** Delay run until breakpoints are restored
- - [`2b93173`]( **fix:** Use single string for paused notice
- - [`b4d5ee2`]( **fix:** Work around inconsistent handling of strict directive
- - [`f6ccfc7`]( **fix:** Only restart after port is free
- - [`8b101bf`]( **test:** Skip exact match on AIX
-* [`a4e4b6f`]( **chore:** Fix repo info in package.json
-### 1.10.5
-* docs: minor edits to governance docs - **[@joshgav](** [#17](
- - [`a70fe04`]( **docs:** minor edits to governance docs
-### 1.10.4
-* [`1c31bf7`]( **chore:** Support embedded mode
-### 1.10.3
-* [`7b20379`]( **chore:** Mark .eslintrc as root
-### 1.10.2
-* Run tests on windows - **[@jkrems](** [#16](
- - [`5a57f98`]( **chore:** Run tests on windows
- - [`0a04b50`]( **chore:** Bump nlm to get rid of postinstall
- - [`4a8b27c`]( **test:** Remove unix path assumptions
-### 1.10.1
-* [`4ba3c72`]( **refactor:** Undo weird bundling into one file
-### 1.10.0
-* [`3e1a66a`]( **feat:** Support CPU & heap profiles
-### 1.9.3
-* Move back to single file - **[@jkrems](** [#15](
- - [`9877660`]( **refactor:** Wrap client in IIFE
- - [`7795c53`]( **refactor:** Move more code in createRepl scope
- - [`be34a39`]( **refactor:** Move back to single file
- - [`ab45b62`]( **refactor:** Remove single-use functions
- - [`37a711e`]( **style:** Stop using `new Buffer`
- - [`d669dc5`]( **chore:** Switch to node eslint rules
- - [`15e7917`]( **style:** Use var in classical for loops
-### 1.9.2
-* [`c9dc4be`]( **doc:** Link directly to GOVERNANCE file
-### 1.9.1
-* Handle big ws frames correctly - **[@jkrems](** [#14](
- - [`f80100e`]( **fix:** Handle big ws frames correctly - see: [#10](
-### 1.9.0
-* Support for low-level agent access - **[@jkrems](** [#13](
- - [`90ed431`]( **feat:** Support for low-level agent access
-### 1.8.4
-* Use proper path for websocket - **[@jkrems](** [#12](
- - [`3405225`]( **fix:** Use proper path for websocket - see: [#11](
-### 1.8.3
-* [`6f9883d`]( **fix:** Breakpoints & scripts work when not paused
-* [`ecb1362`]( **chore:** Pin node to 6.8
-### 1.8.2
-* [`4219a98`]( **refactor:** Decouple source snippet from repl
-### 1.8.1
-* [`95402ee`]( **refactor:** Move `list` into CallFrame
-### 1.8.0
-* [`d0e6499`]( **feat:** `exec .scope`
-### 1.7.0
-* `breakOn{Exception,Uncaught,None}` - **[@jkrems](** [#8](
- - [`fa8c4c7`]( **feat:** `breakOn{Exception,Uncaught,None}` - see: [#6](
-### 1.6.0
-* Add `help` command - **[@jkrems](** [#7](
- - [`09b37a0`]( **feat:** Add `help` command - see: [#5](
-### 1.5.0
-* [`7e0fd99`]( **feat:** Add `r` shortcut for `run`
-### 1.4.1
-* [`484d098`]( **chore:** Remove old implementation
-### 1.4.0
-* Properly tested implementation - **[@jkrems](** [#4](
- - [`ba060d3`]( **feat:** Error handling w/o args
- - [`b39b3bc`]( **feat:** Launch child
- - [`481693f`]( **feat:** Connect debug client
- - [`3bba0f2`]( **chore:** Disable lint for inactive code
- - [`cc7bdfc`]( **feat:** Properly fail with invalid host:port
- - [`73f34f9`]( **refactor:** Remove unused field
- - [`6a23e0c`]( **refactor:** Better debug output & support node 6.6
- - [`63b0f9b`]( **test:** Add timeout to waitFor(pattern)
- - [`cfa197b`]( **refactor:** Move REPL setup into own file
- - [`3f46c2c`]( **feat:** Working repl eval
- - [`6911eb1`]( **feat:** Enter repeats last command
- - [`7d20b7d`]( **chore:** Add missing license header
- - [`23c62f8`]( **feat:** Print break context
- - [`5dbc83d`]( **feat:** Stepping and breakpoints
- - [`8deb8cc`]( **feat:** list for printing source
- - [`1ed2ec9`]( **chore:** Disable verbose output on CI
- - [`625a435`]( **fix:** Gracefully handle delayed scriptParsed
- - [`8823c60`]( **chore:** Run all the tests
- - [`00506f7`]( **feat:** backtrace/bt
- - [`e1ee02d`]( **refactor:** Leverage util.inspect.custom
- - [`5dcc319`]( **feat:** scripts and scripts(true)
- - [`085cd5a`]( **refactor:** Consistent import style
- - [`1c60f91`]( **feat:** Set breakpoint before file is loaded
- - [`bc82ecc`]( **feat:** breakpoints to list breakpoints
- - [`7f48c95`]( **feat:** watchers & exec
- - [`0f8cd13`]( **feat:** clearBreakpoint
- - [`0d31560`]( **feat:** version to print v8 version
- - [`df6b89d`]( **feat:** Paused & global exec
- - [`9e97d73`]( **feat:** repl to enter exec mode
- - [`9ee9f90`]( **feat:** run & restart
-* [`3a752aa`]( **feat:** kill
-* [`a67e470`]( **feat:** Restore breakpoints on restart
-### 1.3.3
-* [`eb7a54c`]( **chore:** Switch to tap for tests
-### 1.3.2
-* Add notes about governance - **[@jkrems](** [#3](
- - [`e94089d`]( **chore:** Add notes about governance
-### 1.3.1
-* [`8767137`]( **style:** Remove rogue console.log
-### 1.3.0
-* [`3ac6232`]( **feat:** Add `version` command
-### 1.2.0
-* [`86b5812`]( **feat:** scripts & listScripts(true)
-### 1.1.1
-* [`feaea38`]( **style:** Typo in comment
-### 1.1.0
-* [`c64155f`]( **feat:** repl command
-### 1.0.0
-* [`44c4c79`]( **chore:** Initial commit
-* [`985873c`]( **feat:** Launching the example works
-* [`3d92d05`]( **chore:** Proper license and passing tests
-* [`b3f99d9`]( **feat:** Futile attempts to send a valid ws frame
-* [`465cfb7`]( **feat:** Working ws connection
-* [`da9f011`]( **fix:** Fix remote connect
-* [`5ef33d7`]( **feat:** Working step-by-step
-* [`534e1e4`]( **chore:** Add bin entry
-* [`8cff9cf`]( **style:** Use simpler key thingy
-* [`720ec53`]( **doc:** Add instructions
-* [`b89ad60`]( **doc:** More helpful docs
-* [`de9243c`]( **feat:** Watchers
-* [`e16978f`]( **docs:** Working usage hints
-* [`2dbc204`]( **refactor:** Use proxies
-* [`b8c9b14`]( **style:** Remove unused var
-* [`f6b4b20`]( **feat:** Nicer inspect of remote values
-* [`36887c6`]( **fix:** Properly print watchers
-* [`7729442`]( **feat:** Add pause command
-* [`e39a713`]( **fix:** Properly format boolean properties
-* [`f8f51d7`]( **fix:** Properly format numeric properties
-* [`89e6e08`]( **feat:** Add backtrace command
-* [`82362ac`]( **feat:** Add setBreakpoint()
-* [`7064cce`]( **feat:** Add `setBreakpoint(line)`
-* [`360580e`]( **feat:** Add run/kill/restart
-* [`b1b576e`]( **feat:** Add `help` command
-* [`2db4660`]( **feat:** Add remaining sb() variants
-* [`f2ad1ae`]( **fix:** Display breakpoints set into the future
-* [`73272f9`]( **refactor:** Make breakpoints more inspect friendly
-* [`507a71d`]( **feat:** Add breakpoints command
-* [`5fb3e5d`]( **docs:** Link to Command Line API docs
-* [`81af501`]( **chore:** Fix license field
diff --git a/deps/node-inspect/ b/deps/node-inspect/
deleted file mode 100644
index 012d294714..0000000000
--- a/deps/node-inspect/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,181 +0,0 @@
-# Contributing
-🎉🏅 Thanks for helping us improve this project! 🙏
-This document outlines some of the practices we care about.
-If you have any questions or suggestions about the process,
-feel free to [open an issue](#reporting-issues).
-## Code of Conduct
-The [Node.js Code of Conduct][] applies to this repo.
-[Node.js Code of Conduct]:
-## Governance
-This project falls under the governance of the Node.js Diagnostics WG as
-described at <>.
-## Developer's Certificate of Origin 1.1
-By making a contribution to this project, I certify that:
-* (a) The contribution was created in whole or in part by me and I
- have the right to submit it under the open source license
- indicated in the file; or
-* (b) The contribution is based upon previous work that, to the best
- of my knowledge, is covered under an appropriate open source
- license and I have the right under that license to submit that
- work with modifications, whether created in whole or in part
- by me, under the same open source license (unless I am
- permitted to submit under a different license), as indicated
- in the file; or
-* (c) The contribution was provided directly to me by some other
- person who certified (a), (b) or (c) and I have not modified
- it.
-* (d) I understand and agree that this project and the contribution
- are public and that a record of the contribution (including all
- personal information I submit with it, including my sign-off) is
- maintained indefinitely and may be redistributed consistent with
- this project or the open source license(s) involved.
-## How Can I Contribute?
-### Reporting Issues
-If you find any mistakes in the docs or a bug in the code,
-please [open an issue in Github]( so we can look into it.
-You can also [create a PR](#contributing-code) fixing it yourself of course.
-If you report a bug, please follow these guidelines:
-* Make sure the bug exists in the latest version.
-* Include instructions on how to reproduce the issue.
- The instructions should be as minimal as possible
- and answer the three big questions:
- 1. What are the exact steps you took? This includes the exact versions of node, npm, and any packages involved.
- 1. What result are you expecting?
- 1. What is the actual result?
-### Improving Documentation
-For small documentation changes, you can use [Github's editing feature](
-The only thing to keep in mind is to prefix the commit message with "docs: ".
-The default commit message generated by Github will lead to a failing CI build.
-For larger updates to the documentation
-it might be better to follow the [instructions for contributing code below](#contributing-code).
-### Contributing Code
-**Note:** If you're planning on making substantial changes,
-please [open an issue first to discuss your idea](#reporting-issues).
-Otherwise you might end up investing a lot of work
-only to discover that it conflicts with plans the maintainers might have.
-The general steps for creating a pull request are:
-1. Create a branch for your change.
- Always start your branch from the latest `master`.
- We often prefix the branch name with our initials, e.g. `jk-a-change`.
-1. Run `npm install` to install the dependencies.
-1. If you're fixing a bug, be sure to write a test *first*.
- That way you can validate that the test actually catches the bug and doesn't pass.
-1. Make your changes to the code.
- Remember to update the tests if you add new features or change behavior.
-1. Run the tests via `npm test`. This will also run style checks and other validations.
- You might see errors about uncommitted files.
- This is expected until you commit your changes.
-1. Once you're done, `git add .` and `git commit`.
- Please follow the [commit message conventions](#commits--commit-messages) described below.
-1. Push your branch to Github & create a PR.
-#### Code Style
-In addition to any linting rules the project might include,
-a few general rules of thumb:
-* Try to match the style of the rest of the code.
-* We prefer simple code that is easy to understand over terse, expressive code.
-* We try to structure projects by semantics instead of role.
- E.g. we'd rather have a `tree.js` module that contains tree traversal-related helpers
- than a `helpers.js` module.
-* Actually, if you create helpers you might want to put those into a separate package.
- That way it's easier to reuse them.
-#### Commits & Commit Messages
-Please follow the [angular commit message conventions](
-We use an automated tool for generating releases
-that depends on the conventions to determine the next version and the content of the changelog.
-Commit messages that don't follow the conventions will cause `npm test` (and thus CI) to fail.
-The short summary - a commit message should look like this:
-<type>: <subject>
-Everything but the first line is optional.
-The empty lines between the different parts are required.
-* `<type>`: One of the following:
- - **feat:** Introduces a new feature. This will cause the minor version to go up.
- - **fix:** A bug fix. Causes a patch version bump.
- - **docs:** Changes to the documentation.
- This will also cause an increase of the patch version so that the changes show up in the npm registry.
- - **style:** Cleanup & lint rule fixes.
- Note that often it's better to just amend the previous commit if it introduced lint errors.
- - **refactor:** Changes to the code structure without fixing bugs or adding features.
- - **perf:** Performance optimizations.
- - **test:** Fixing existing tests or adding missing ones.
- Just like with **style**, if you add tests to a feature you just introduced in the previous commit,
- consider keeping the tests and the feature in the same commit instead.
- - **chore:** Changes to the project setup and tools, dependency bumps, house-keeping.
-* `<subject>`: A [good git commit message subject](
- - Keep it brief. If possible the whole first line should have at most 50 characters.
- - Use imperative mood. "Create" instead of "creates" or "created".
- - No period (".") at the end.
-* `<body>`: Motivation for the change and any context required for understanding the choices made.
- Just like the subject, it should use imperative mood.
-* `<references>`: Any URLs relevant to the PR go here.
- Use one line per URL and prefix it with the kind of relationship, e.g. "Closes: " or "See: ".
- If you are referencing an issue in your commit body or PR description,
- never use `#123` but the full URL to the issue or PR you are referencing.
- That way the reference is easy to resolve from the git history without having to "guess" the correct link
- even if the commit got cherry-picked or merged into a different project.
-* `<footer>`: This part only applies if your commit introduces a breaking change.
- It's important this is present, otherwise the major version will not increase.
- See below for an example.
-##### Examples
-A feature that introduces a breaking change:
-feat: Support --yes CLI option
-For existing projects all prompts can be inferred automatically.
-Manual confirmation for each default provides no value in that case.
-BREAKING CHANGE: This removes support for interactive password entry.
-Users will have to login beforehand.
-A simple bug fix:
-fix: Handle multi-byte characters in search logic
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@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-# node-inspect Project Governance
-The node-inspect project is governed by the Node.js Diagnostics WG as described
-at <>.
diff --git a/deps/node-inspect/LICENSE b/deps/node-inspect/LICENSE
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--- a/deps/node-inspect/LICENSE
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@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-Copyright Node.js contributors. All rights reserved.
-Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
-of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to
-deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the
-rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or
-sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
-furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
-The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
-all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
diff --git a/deps/node-inspect/ b/deps/node-inspect/
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--- a/deps/node-inspect/
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-# `node-inspect`
-npm install --global node-inspect
-For the old V8 debugger protocol,
-node has two options:
-1. `node --debug <file>`: Start `file` with remote debugging enabled.
-2. `node debug <file>`: Start an interactive CLI debugger for `<file>`.
-But for the Chrome inspector protocol,
-there's only one: `node --inspect <file>`.
-This project tries to provide the missing second option
-by re-implementing `node debug` against the new protocol.
-Usage: node-inspect script.js
- node-inspect <host>:<port>
-#### References
-* [Debugger Documentation](
-* [EPS: `node inspect` CLI debugger](
-* [Debugger Protocol Viewer](
-* [Command Line API](
diff --git a/deps/node-inspect/appveyor.yml b/deps/node-inspect/appveyor.yml
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- nodejs_version: "6"
-- ps: Install-Product node $env:nodejs_version
-- npm install
-- node --version
-- npm --version
-- npm test
-build: off
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@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env node
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--- a/deps/node-inspect/lib/_inspect.js
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@@ -1,371 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright Node.js contributors. All rights reserved.
- *
- * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
- * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to
- * deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the
- * rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or
- * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
- * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
- *
- * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
- * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
- *
- */
-'use strict';
-const { spawn } = require('child_process');
-const { EventEmitter } = require('events');
-const net = require('net');
-const util = require('util');
-const runAsStandalone = typeof __dirname !== 'undefined';
-const [ InspectClient, createRepl ] =
- runAsStandalone ?
- // This copy of node-inspect is on-disk, relative paths make sense.
- [
- require('./internal/inspect_client'),
- require('./internal/inspect_repl')
- ] :
- // This copy of node-inspect is built into the node executable.
- [
- require('node-inspect/lib/internal/inspect_client'),
- require('node-inspect/lib/internal/inspect_repl')
- ];
-const debuglog = util.debuglog('inspect');
-class StartupError extends Error {
- constructor(message) {
- super(message);
- = 'StartupError';
- }
-function portIsFree(host, port, timeout = 9999) {
- if (port === 0) return Promise.resolve(); // Binding to a random port.
- const retryDelay = 150;
- let didTimeOut = false;
- return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- setTimeout(() => {
- didTimeOut = true;
- reject(new StartupError(
- `Timeout (${timeout}) waiting for ${host}:${port} to be free`));
- }, timeout);
- function pingPort() {
- if (didTimeOut) return;
- const socket = net.connect(port, host);
- let didRetry = false;
- function retry() {
- if (!didRetry && !didTimeOut) {
- didRetry = true;
- setTimeout(pingPort, retryDelay);
- }
- }
- socket.on('error', (error) => {
- if (error.code === 'ECONNREFUSED') {
- resolve();
- } else {
- retry();
- }
- });
- socket.on('connect', () => {
- socket.destroy();
- retry();
- });
- }
- pingPort();
- });
-function runScript(script, scriptArgs, inspectHost, inspectPort, childPrint) {
- return portIsFree(inspectHost, inspectPort)
- .then(() => {
- return new Promise((resolve) => {
- const needDebugBrk = process.version.match(/^v(6|7)\./);
- const args = (needDebugBrk ?
- ['--inspect', `--debug-brk=${inspectPort}`] :
- [`--inspect-brk=${inspectPort}`])
- .concat([script], scriptArgs);
- const child = spawn(process.execPath, args);
- child.stdout.setEncoding('utf8');
- child.stderr.setEncoding('utf8');
- child.stdout.on('data', childPrint);
- child.stderr.on('data', childPrint);
- let output = '';
- function waitForListenHint(text) {
- output += text;
- if (/Debugger listening on ws:\/\/\[?(.+?)\]?:(\d+)\//.test(output)) {
- const host = RegExp.$1;
- const port = Number.parseInt(RegExp.$2);
- child.stderr.removeListener('data', waitForListenHint);
- resolve([child, port, host]);
- }
- }
- child.stderr.on('data', waitForListenHint);
- });
- });
-function createAgentProxy(domain, client) {
- const agent = new EventEmitter();
- agent.then = (...args) => {
- // TODO: potentially fetch the protocol and pretty-print it here.
- const descriptor = {
- [util.inspect.custom](depth, { stylize }) {
- return stylize(`[Agent ${domain}]`, 'special');
- },
- };
- return Promise.resolve(descriptor).then(...args);
- };
- return new Proxy(agent, {
- get(target, name) {
- if (name in target) return target[name];
- return function callVirtualMethod(params) {
- return client.callMethod(`${domain}.${name}`, params);
- };
- },
- });
-class NodeInspector {
- constructor(options, stdin, stdout) {
- this.options = options;
- this.stdin = stdin;
- this.stdout = stdout;
- this.paused = true;
- this.child = null;
- if (options.script) {
- this._runScript = runScript.bind(null,
- options.script,
- options.scriptArgs,
- options.port,
- this.childPrint.bind(this));
- } else {
- this._runScript =
- () => Promise.resolve([null, options.port,]);
- }
- this.client = new InspectClient();
- this.domainNames = ['Debugger', 'HeapProfiler', 'Profiler', 'Runtime'];
- this.domainNames.forEach((domain) => {
- this[domain] = createAgentProxy(domain, this.client);
- });
- this.handleDebugEvent = (fullName, params) => {
- const [domain, name] = fullName.split('.');
- if (domain in this) {
- this[domain].emit(name, params);
- }
- };
- this.client.on('debugEvent', this.handleDebugEvent);
- const startRepl = createRepl(this);
- // Handle all possible exits
- process.on('exit', () => this.killChild());
- process.once('SIGTERM', process.exit.bind(process, 0));
- process.once('SIGHUP', process.exit.bind(process, 0));
- .then(() => startRepl())
- .then((repl) => {
- this.repl = repl;
- this.repl.on('exit', () => {
- process.exit(0);
- });
- this.paused = false;
- })
- .then(null, (error) => process.nextTick(() => { throw error; }));
- }
- suspendReplWhile(fn) {
- if (this.repl) {
- this.repl.pause();
- }
- this.stdin.pause();
- this.paused = true;
- return new Promise((resolve) => {
- resolve(fn());
- }).then(() => {
- this.paused = false;
- if (this.repl) {
- this.repl.resume();
- this.repl.displayPrompt();
- }
- this.stdin.resume();
- }).then(null, (error) => process.nextTick(() => { throw error; }));
- }
- killChild() {
- this.client.reset();
- if (this.child) {
- this.child.kill();
- this.child = null;
- }
- }
- run() {
- this.killChild();
- return this._runScript().then(([child, port, host]) => {
- this.child = child;
- let connectionAttempts = 0;
- const attemptConnect = () => {
- ++connectionAttempts;
- debuglog('connection attempt #%d', connectionAttempts);
- this.stdout.write('.');
- return this.client.connect(port, host)
- .then(() => {
- debuglog('connection established');
- this.stdout.write(' ok');
- }, (error) => {
- debuglog('connect failed', error);
- // If it's failed to connect 10 times then print failed message
- if (connectionAttempts >= 10) {
- this.stdout.write(' failed to connect, please retry\n');
- process.exit(1);
- }
- return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 500))
- .then(attemptConnect);
- });
- };
- this.print(`connecting to ${host}:${port} ..`, true);
- return attemptConnect();
- });
- }
- clearLine() {
- if (this.stdout.isTTY) {
- this.stdout.cursorTo(0);
- this.stdout.clearLine(1);
- } else {
- this.stdout.write('\b');
- }
- }
- print(text, oneline = false) {
- this.clearLine();
- this.stdout.write(oneline ? text : `${text}\n`);
- }
- childPrint(text) {
- this.print(
- text.toString()
- .split(/\r\n|\r|\n/g)
- .filter((chunk) => !!chunk)
- .map((chunk) => `< ${chunk}`)
- .join('\n')
- );
- if (!this.paused) {
- this.repl.displayPrompt(true);
- }
- if (/Waiting for the debugger to disconnect\.\.\.\n$/.test(text)) {
- this.killChild();
- }
- }
-function parseArgv([target, ...args]) {
- let host = '';
- let port = 9229;
- let isRemote = false;
- let script = target;
- let scriptArgs = args;
- const hostMatch = target.match(/^([^:]+):(\d+)$/);
- const portMatch = target.match(/^--port=(\d+)$/);
- if (hostMatch) {
- // Connecting to remote debugger
- // `node-inspect localhost:9229`
- host = hostMatch[1];
- port = parseInt(hostMatch[2], 10);
- isRemote = true;
- script = null;
- } else if (portMatch) {
- // start debugee on custom port
- // `node inspect --port=9230 script.js`
- port = parseInt(portMatch[1], 10);
- script = args[0];
- scriptArgs = args.slice(1);
- } else if (args.length === 1 && /^\d+$/.test(args[0]) && target === '-p') {
- // Start debugger against a given pid
- const pid = parseInt(args[0], 10);
- try {
- process._debugProcess(pid);
- } catch (e) {
- if (e.code === 'ESRCH') {
- /* eslint-disable no-console */
- console.error(`Target process: ${pid} doesn't exist.`);
- /* eslint-enable no-console */
- process.exit(1);
- }
- throw e;
- }
- script = null;
- isRemote = true;
- }
- return {
- host, port, isRemote, script, scriptArgs,
- };
-function startInspect(argv = process.argv.slice(2),
- stdin = process.stdin,
- stdout = process.stdout) {
- /* eslint-disable no-console */
- if (argv.length < 1) {
- const invokedAs = runAsStandalone ?
- 'node-inspect' :
- `${process.argv0} ${process.argv[1]}`;
- console.error(`Usage: ${invokedAs} script.js`);
- console.error(` ${invokedAs} <host>:<port>`);
- console.error(` ${invokedAs} -p <pid>`);
- process.exit(1);
- }
- const options = parseArgv(argv);
- const inspector = new NodeInspector(options, stdin, stdout);
- stdin.resume();
- function handleUnexpectedError(e) {
- if (!(e instanceof StartupError)) {
- console.error('There was an internal error in node-inspect. ' +
- 'Please report this bug.');
- console.error(e.message);
- console.error(e.stack);
- } else {
- console.error(e.message);
- }
- if (inspector.child) inspector.child.kill();
- process.exit(1);
- }
- process.on('uncaughtException', handleUnexpectedError);
- /* eslint-enable no-console */
-exports.start = startInspect;
diff --git a/deps/node-inspect/lib/cli.js b/deps/node-inspect/lib/cli.js
deleted file mode 100644
index a4880df2d5..0000000000
--- a/deps/node-inspect/lib/cli.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright Node.js contributors. All rights reserved.
- *
- * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
- * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to
- * deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the
- * rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or
- * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
- * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
- *
- * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
- * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
- *
- */
-'use strict';
-// ~= NativeModule.require('_debugger').start();
diff --git a/deps/node-inspect/lib/internal/inspect_client.js b/deps/node-inspect/lib/internal/inspect_client.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 9b8529de21..0000000000
--- a/deps/node-inspect/lib/internal/inspect_client.js
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@@ -1,352 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright Node.js contributors. All rights reserved.
- *
- * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
- * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to
- * deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the
- * rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or
- * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
- * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
- *
- * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
- * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
- *
- */
-'use strict';
-const Buffer = require('buffer').Buffer;
-const crypto = require('crypto');
-const { EventEmitter } = require('events');
-const http = require('http');
-const URL = require('url');
-const util = require('util');
-const debuglog = util.debuglog('inspect');
-const kOpCodeText = 0x1;
-const kOpCodeClose = 0x8;
-const kFinalBit = 0x80;
-const kReserved1Bit = 0x40;
-const kReserved2Bit = 0x20;
-const kReserved3Bit = 0x10;
-const kOpCodeMask = 0xF;
-const kMaskBit = 0x80;
-const kPayloadLengthMask = 0x7F;
-const kMaxSingleBytePayloadLength = 125;
-const kMaxTwoBytePayloadLength = 0xFFFF;
-const kTwoBytePayloadLengthField = 126;
-const kEightBytePayloadLengthField = 127;
-const kMaskingKeyWidthInBytes = 4;
-function isEmpty(obj) {
- return Object.keys(obj).length === 0;
-function unpackError({ code, message, data }) {
- const err = new Error(`${message} - ${data}`);
- err.code = code;
- Error.captureStackTrace(err, unpackError);
- return err;
-function encodeFrameHybi17(payload) {
- var i;
- const dataLength = payload.length;
- let singleByteLength;
- let additionalLength;
- if (dataLength > kMaxTwoBytePayloadLength) {
- singleByteLength = kEightBytePayloadLengthField;
- additionalLength = Buffer.alloc(8);
- let remaining = dataLength;
- for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
- additionalLength[7 - i] = remaining & 0xFF;
- remaining >>= 8;
- }
- } else if (dataLength > kMaxSingleBytePayloadLength) {
- singleByteLength = kTwoBytePayloadLengthField;
- additionalLength = Buffer.alloc(2);
- additionalLength[0] = (dataLength & 0xFF00) >> 8;
- additionalLength[1] = dataLength & 0xFF;
- } else {
- additionalLength = Buffer.alloc(0);
- singleByteLength = dataLength;
- }
- const header = Buffer.from([
- kFinalBit | kOpCodeText,
- kMaskBit | singleByteLength,
- ]);
- const mask = Buffer.alloc(4);
- const masked = Buffer.alloc(dataLength);
- for (i = 0; i < dataLength; ++i) {
- masked[i] = payload[i] ^ mask[i % kMaskingKeyWidthInBytes];
- }
- return Buffer.concat([header, additionalLength, mask, masked]);
-function decodeFrameHybi17(data) {
- const dataAvailable = data.length;
- const notComplete = { closed: false, payload: null, rest: data };
- let payloadOffset = 2;
- if ((dataAvailable - payloadOffset) < 0) return notComplete;
- const firstByte = data[0];
- const secondByte = data[1];
- const final = (firstByte & kFinalBit) !== 0;
- const reserved1 = (firstByte & kReserved1Bit) !== 0;
- const reserved2 = (firstByte & kReserved2Bit) !== 0;
- const reserved3 = (firstByte & kReserved3Bit) !== 0;
- const opCode = firstByte & kOpCodeMask;
- const masked = (secondByte & kMaskBit) !== 0;
- const compressed = reserved1;
- if (compressed) {
- throw new Error('Compressed frames not supported');
- }
- if (!final || reserved2 || reserved3) {
- throw new Error('Only compression extension is supported');
- }
- if (masked) {
- throw new Error('Masked server frame - not supported');
- }
- let closed = false;
- switch (opCode) {
- case kOpCodeClose:
- closed = true;
- break;
- case kOpCodeText:
- break;
- default:
- throw new Error(`Unsupported op code ${opCode}`);
- }
- let payloadLength = secondByte & kPayloadLengthMask;
- switch (payloadLength) {
- case kTwoBytePayloadLengthField:
- payloadOffset += 2;
- payloadLength = (data[2] << 8) + data[3];
- break;
- case kEightBytePayloadLengthField:
- payloadOffset += 8;
- payloadLength = 0;
- for (var i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
- payloadLength <<= 8;
- payloadLength |= data[2 + i];
- }
- break;
- default:
- // Nothing. We already have the right size.
- }
- if ((dataAvailable - payloadOffset - payloadLength) < 0) return notComplete;
- const payloadEnd = payloadOffset + payloadLength;
- return {
- payload: data.slice(payloadOffset, payloadEnd),
- rest: data.slice(payloadEnd),
- closed,
- };
-class Client extends EventEmitter {
- constructor() {
- super();
- this.handleChunk = this._handleChunk.bind(this);
- this._port = undefined;
- this._host = undefined;
- this.reset();
- }
- _handleChunk(chunk) {
- this._unprocessed = Buffer.concat([this._unprocessed, chunk]);
- while (this._unprocessed.length > 2) {
- const {
- closed,
- payload: payloadBuffer,
- rest
- } = decodeFrameHybi17(this._unprocessed);
- this._unprocessed = rest;
- if (closed) {
- this.reset();
- return;
- }
- if (payloadBuffer === null) break;
- const payloadStr = payloadBuffer.toString();
- debuglog('< %s', payloadStr);
- const lastChar = payloadStr[payloadStr.length - 1];
- if (payloadStr[0] !== '{' || lastChar !== '}') {
- throw new Error(`Payload does not look like JSON: ${payloadStr}`);
- }
- let payload;
- try {
- payload = JSON.parse(payloadStr);
- } catch (parseError) {
- parseError.string = payloadStr;
- throw parseError;
- }
- const { id, method, params, result, error } = payload;
- if (id) {
- const handler = this._pending[id];
- if (handler) {
- delete this._pending[id];
- handler(error, result);
- }
- } else if (method) {
- this.emit('debugEvent', method, params);
- this.emit(method, params);
- } else {
- throw new Error(`Unsupported response: ${payloadStr}`);
- }
- }
- }
- reset() {
- if (this._http) {
- this._http.destroy();
- }
- this._http = null;
- this._lastId = 0;
- this._socket = null;
- this._pending = {};
- this._unprocessed = Buffer.alloc(0);
- }
- callMethod(method, params) {
- return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- if (!this._socket) {
- reject(new Error('Use `run` to start the app again.'));
- return;
- }
- const data = { id: ++this._lastId, method, params };
- this._pending[] = (error, result) => {
- if (error) reject(unpackError(error));
- else resolve(isEmpty(result) ? undefined : result);
- };
- const json = JSON.stringify(data);
- debuglog('> %s', json);
- this._socket.write(encodeFrameHybi17(Buffer.from(json)));
- });
- }
- _fetchJSON(urlPath) {
- return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- const httpReq = http.get({
- host: this._host,
- port: this._port,
- path: urlPath,
- });
- const chunks = [];
- function onResponse(httpRes) {
- function parseChunks() {
- const resBody = Buffer.concat(chunks).toString();
- if (httpRes.statusCode !== 200) {
- reject(new Error(`Unexpected ${httpRes.statusCode}: ${resBody}`));
- return;
- }
- try {
- resolve(JSON.parse(resBody));
- } catch (parseError) {
- reject(new Error(`Response didn't contain JSON: ${resBody}`));
- return;
- }
- }
- httpRes.on('error', reject);
- httpRes.on('data', (chunk) => chunks.push(chunk));
- httpRes.on('end', parseChunks);
- }
- httpReq.on('error', reject);
- httpReq.on('response', onResponse);
- });
- }
- connect(port, host) {
- this._port = port;
- this._host = host;
- return this._discoverWebsocketPath()
- .then((urlPath) => this._connectWebsocket(urlPath));
- }
- _discoverWebsocketPath() {
- return this._fetchJSON('/json')
- .then(([{ webSocketDebuggerUrl }]) =>
- URL.parse(webSocketDebuggerUrl).path);
- }
- _connectWebsocket(urlPath) {
- this.reset();
- const key1 = crypto.randomBytes(16).toString('base64');
- debuglog('request websocket', key1);
- const httpReq = this._http = http.request({
- host: this._host,
- port: this._port,
- path: urlPath,
- headers: {
- Connection: 'Upgrade',
- Upgrade: 'websocket',
- 'Sec-WebSocket-Key': key1,
- 'Sec-WebSocket-Version': '13',
- },
- });
- httpReq.on('error', (e) => {
- this.emit('error', e);
- });
- httpReq.on('response', (httpRes) => {
- if (httpRes.statusCode >= 400) {
- process.stderr.write(`Unexpected HTTP code: ${httpRes.statusCode}\n`);
- httpRes.pipe(process.stderr);
- } else {
- httpRes.pipe(process.stderr);
- }
- });
- const handshakeListener = (res, socket) => {
- // TODO: we *could* validate res.headers[sec-websocket-accept]
- debuglog('websocket upgrade');
- this._socket = socket;
- socket.on('data', this.handleChunk);
- socket.on('close', () => {
- this.emit('close');
- });
- this.emit('ready');
- };
- return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- this.once('error', reject);
- this.once('ready', resolve);
- httpReq.on('upgrade', handshakeListener);
- httpReq.end();
- });
- }
-module.exports = Client;
diff --git a/deps/node-inspect/lib/internal/inspect_repl.js b/deps/node-inspect/lib/internal/inspect_repl.js
deleted file mode 100644
index bfbedf66a7..0000000000
--- a/deps/node-inspect/lib/internal/inspect_repl.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1108 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright Node.js contributors. All rights reserved.
- *
- * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
- * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to
- * deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the
- * rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or
- * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
- * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
- *
- * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
- * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
- *
- */
-'use strict';
-const FS = require('fs');
-const Path = require('path');
-const Repl = require('repl');
-const util = require('util');
-const vm = require('vm');
-const fileURLToPath = require('url').fileURLToPath;
-const debuglog = util.debuglog('inspect');
-const SHORTCUTS = {
- cont: 'c',
- next: 'n',
- step: 's',
- out: 'o',
- backtrace: 'bt',
- setBreakpoint: 'sb',
- clearBreakpoint: 'cb',
- run: 'r',
-const HELP = `
-run, restart, r Run the application or reconnect
-kill Kill a running application or disconnect
-cont, c Resume execution
-next, n Continue to next line in current file
-step, s Step into, potentially entering a function
-out, o Step out, leaving the current function
-backtrace, bt Print the current backtrace
-list Print the source around the current line where execution
- is currently paused
-setBreakpoint, sb Set a breakpoint
-clearBreakpoint, cb Clear a breakpoint
-breakpoints List all known breakpoints
-breakOnException Pause execution whenever an exception is thrown
-breakOnUncaught Pause execution whenever an exception isn't caught
-breakOnNone Don't pause on exceptions (this is the default)
-watch(expr) Start watching the given expression
-unwatch(expr) Stop watching an expression
-watchers Print all watched expressions and their current values
-exec(expr) Evaluate the expression and print the value
-repl Enter a debug repl that works like exec
-scripts List application scripts that are currently loaded
-scripts(true) List all scripts (including node-internals)
-profile Start CPU profiling session.
-profileEnd Stop current CPU profiling session.
-profiles Array of completed CPU profiling sessions.
-profiles[n].save(filepath = 'node.cpuprofile')
- Save CPU profiling session to disk as JSON.
-takeHeapSnapshot(filepath = 'node.heapsnapshot')
- Take a heap snapshot and save to disk as JSON.
-const FUNCTION_NAME_PATTERN = /^(?:function\*? )?([^(\s]+)\(/;
-function extractFunctionName(description) {
- const fnNameMatch = description.match(FUNCTION_NAME_PATTERN);
- return fnNameMatch ? `: ${fnNameMatch[1]}` : '';
-const PUBLIC_BUILTINS = require('module').builtinModules;
-const NATIVES = PUBLIC_BUILTINS ? process.binding('natives') : {};
-function isNativeUrl(url) {
- url = url.replace(/\.js$/, '');
- if (url.startsWith('internal/') || PUBLIC_BUILTINS.includes(url))
- return true;
- }
- return url in NATIVES || url === 'bootstrap_node';
-function getRelativePath(filenameOrURL) {
- const dir = Path.join(Path.resolve(), 'x').slice(0, -1);
- const filename = filenameOrURL.startsWith('file://') ?
- fileURLToPath(filenameOrURL) : filenameOrURL;
- // Change path to relative, if possible
- if (filename.indexOf(dir) === 0) {
- return filename.slice(dir.length);
- }
- return filename;
-function toCallback(promise, callback) {
- function forward(...args) {
- process.nextTick(() => callback(...args));
- }
- promise.then(forward.bind(null, null), forward);
-// Adds spaces and prefix to number
-// maxN is a maximum number we should have space for
-function leftPad(n, prefix, maxN) {
- const s = n.toString();
- const nchars = Math.max(2, String(maxN).length) + 1;
- const nspaces = nchars - s.length - 1;
- return prefix + ' '.repeat(nspaces) + s;
-function markSourceColumn(sourceText, position, useColors) {
- if (!sourceText) return '';
- const head = sourceText.slice(0, position);
- let tail = sourceText.slice(position);
- // Colourize char if stdout supports colours
- if (useColors) {
- tail = tail.replace(/(.+?)([^\w]|$)/, '\u001b[32m$1\u001b[39m$2');
- }
- // Return source line with coloured char at `position`
- return [head, tail].join('');
-function extractErrorMessage(stack) {
- if (!stack) return '<unknown>';
- const m = stack.match(/^\w+: ([^\n]+)/);
- return m ? m[1] : stack;
-function convertResultToError(result) {
- const { className, description } = result;
- const err = new Error(extractErrorMessage(description));
- err.stack = description;
- Object.defineProperty(err, 'name', { value: className });
- return err;
-class RemoteObject {
- constructor(attributes) {
- Object.assign(this, attributes);
- if (this.type === 'number') {
- this.value =
- this.unserializableValue ? +this.unserializableValue : +this.value;
- }
- }
- [util.inspect.custom](depth, opts) {
- function formatProperty(prop) {
- switch (prop.type) {
- case 'string':
- case 'undefined':
- return util.inspect(prop.value, opts);
- case 'number':
- case 'boolean':
- return opts.stylize(prop.value, prop.type);
- case 'object':
- case 'symbol':
- if (prop.subtype === 'date') {
- return util.inspect(new Date(prop.value), opts);
- }
- if (prop.subtype === 'array') {
- return opts.stylize(prop.value, 'special');
- }
- return opts.stylize(prop.value, prop.subtype || 'special');
- default:
- return prop.value;
- }
- }
- switch (this.type) {
- case 'boolean':
- case 'number':
- case 'string':
- case 'undefined':
- return util.inspect(this.value, opts);
- case 'symbol':
- return opts.stylize(this.description, 'special');
- case 'function': {
- const fnName = extractFunctionName(this.description);
- const formatted = `[${this.className}${fnName}]`;
- return opts.stylize(formatted, 'special');
- }
- case 'object':
- switch (this.subtype) {
- case 'date':
- return util.inspect(new Date(this.description), opts);
- case 'null':
- return util.inspect(null, opts);
- case 'regexp':
- return opts.stylize(this.description, 'regexp');
- default:
- break;
- }
- if (this.preview) {
- const props =
- .map((prop, idx) => {
- const value = formatProperty(prop);
- if ( === `${idx}`) return value;
- return `${}: ${value}`;
- });
- if (this.preview.overflow) {
- props.push('...');
- }
- const singleLine = props.join(', ');
- const propString =
- singleLine.length > 60 ? props.join(',\n ') : singleLine;
- return this.subtype === 'array' ?
- `[ ${propString} ]` : `{ ${propString} }`;
- }
- return this.description;
- default:
- return this.description;
- }
- }
- static fromEvalResult({ result, wasThrown }) {
- if (wasThrown) return convertResultToError(result);
- return new RemoteObject(result);
- }
-class ScopeSnapshot {
- constructor(scope, properties) {
- Object.assign(this, scope);
- = new Map( => {
- const value = new RemoteObject(prop.value);
- return [, value];
- }));
- this.completionGroup = =>;
- }
- [util.inspect.custom](depth, opts) {
- const type = `${this.type[0].toUpperCase()}${this.type.slice(1)}`;
- const name = ? `<${}>` : '';
- const prefix = `${type}${name} `;
- return util.inspect(, opts)
- .replace(/^Map /, prefix);
- }
-function copyOwnProperties(target, source) {
- Object.getOwnPropertyNames(source).forEach((prop) => {
- const descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, prop);
- Object.defineProperty(target, prop, descriptor);
- });
-function aliasProperties(target, mapping) {
- Object.keys(mapping).forEach((key) => {
- const descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key);
- Object.defineProperty(target, mapping[key], descriptor);
- });
-function createRepl(inspector) {
- const { Debugger, HeapProfiler, Profiler, Runtime } = inspector;
- let repl; // eslint-disable-line prefer-const
- // Things we want to keep around
- const history = { control: [], debug: [] };
- const watchedExpressions = [];
- const knownBreakpoints = [];
- let pauseOnExceptionState = 'none';
- let lastCommand;
- // Things we need to reset when the app restarts
- let knownScripts;
- let currentBacktrace;
- let selectedFrame;
- let exitDebugRepl;
- function resetOnStart() {
- knownScripts = {};
- currentBacktrace = null;
- selectedFrame = null;
- if (exitDebugRepl) exitDebugRepl();
- exitDebugRepl = null;
- }
- resetOnStart();
- const INSPECT_OPTIONS = { colors: inspector.stdout.isTTY };
- function inspect(value) {
- return util.inspect(value, INSPECT_OPTIONS);
- }
- function print(value, oneline = false) {
- const text = typeof value === 'string' ? value : inspect(value);
- return inspector.print(text, oneline);
- }
- function getCurrentLocation() {
- if (!selectedFrame) {
- throw new Error('Requires execution to be paused');
- }
- return selectedFrame.location;
- }
- function isCurrentScript(script) {
- return selectedFrame && getCurrentLocation().scriptId === script.scriptId;
- }
- function formatScripts(displayNatives = false) {
- function isVisible(script) {
- if (displayNatives) return true;
- return !script.isNative || isCurrentScript(script);
- }
- return Object.keys(knownScripts)
- .map((scriptId) => knownScripts[scriptId])
- .filter(isVisible)
- .map((script) => {
- const isCurrent = isCurrentScript(script);
- const { isNative, url } = script;
- const name = `${getRelativePath(url)}${isNative ? ' <native>' : ''}`;
- return `${isCurrent ? '*' : ' '} ${script.scriptId}: ${name}`;
- })
- .join('\n');
- }
- function listScripts(displayNatives = false) {
- print(formatScripts(displayNatives));
- }
- listScripts[util.inspect.custom] = function listWithoutInternal() {
- return formatScripts();
- };
- const profiles = [];
- class Profile {
- constructor(data) {
- = data;
- }
- static createAndRegister({ profile }) {
- const p = new Profile(profile);
- profiles.push(p);
- return p;
- }
- [util.inspect.custom](depth, { stylize }) {
- const { startTime, endTime } =;
- return stylize(`[Profile ${endTime - startTime}μs]`, 'special');
- }
- save(filename = 'node.cpuprofile') {
- const absoluteFile = Path.resolve(filename);
- const json = JSON.stringify(;
- FS.writeFileSync(absoluteFile, json);
- print('Saved profile to ' + absoluteFile);
- }
- }
- class SourceSnippet {
- constructor(location, delta, scriptSource) {
- Object.assign(this, location);
- this.scriptSource = scriptSource;
- = delta;
- }
- [util.inspect.custom](depth, options) {
- const { scriptId, lineNumber, columnNumber, delta, scriptSource } = this;
- const start = Math.max(1, lineNumber - delta + 1);
- const end = lineNumber + delta + 1;
- const lines = scriptSource.split('\n');
- return lines.slice(start - 1, end).map((lineText, offset) => {
- const i = start + offset;
- const isCurrent = i === (lineNumber + 1);
- const markedLine = isCurrent
- ? markSourceColumn(lineText, columnNumber, options.colors)
- : lineText;
- let isBreakpoint = false;
- knownBreakpoints.forEach(({ location }) => {
- if (!location) return;
- if (scriptId === location.scriptId &&
- i === (location.lineNumber + 1)) {
- isBreakpoint = true;
- }
- });
- let prefixChar = ' ';
- if (isCurrent) {
- prefixChar = '>';
- } else if (isBreakpoint) {
- prefixChar = '*';
- }
- return `${leftPad(i, prefixChar, end)} ${markedLine}`;
- }).join('\n');
- }
- }
- function getSourceSnippet(location, delta = 5) {
- const { scriptId } = location;
- return Debugger.getScriptSource({ scriptId })
- .then(({ scriptSource }) =>
- new SourceSnippet(location, delta, scriptSource));
- }
- class CallFrame {
- constructor(callFrame) {
- Object.assign(this, callFrame);
- }
- loadScopes() {
- return Promise.all(
- this.scopeChain
- .filter((scope) => scope.type !== 'global')
- .map((scope) => {
- const { objectId } = scope.object;
- return Runtime.getProperties({
- objectId,
- generatePreview: true,
- }).then(({ result }) => new ScopeSnapshot(scope, result));
- })
- );
- }
- list(delta = 5) {
- return getSourceSnippet(this.location, delta);
- }
- }
- class Backtrace extends Array {
- [util.inspect.custom]() {
- return, idx) => {
- const {
- location: { scriptId, lineNumber, columnNumber },
- functionName
- } = callFrame;
- const name = functionName || '(anonymous)';
- const script = knownScripts[scriptId];
- const relativeUrl =
- (script && getRelativePath(script.url)) || '<unknown>';
- const frameLocation =
- `${relativeUrl}:${lineNumber + 1}:${columnNumber}`;
- return `#${idx} ${name} ${frameLocation}`;
- }).join('\n');
- }
- static from(callFrames) {
- return super.from(Array.from(callFrames).map((callFrame) => {
- if (callFrame instanceof CallFrame) {
- return callFrame;
- }
- return new CallFrame(callFrame);
- }));
- }
- }
- function prepareControlCode(input) {
- if (input === '\n') return lastCommand;
- // exec process.title => exec("process.title");
- const match = input.match(/^\s*exec\s+([^\n]*)/);
- if (match) {
- lastCommand = `exec(${JSON.stringify(match[1])})`;
- } else {
- lastCommand = input;
- }
- return lastCommand;
- }
- function evalInCurrentContext(code) {
- // Repl asked for scope variables
- if (code === '.scope') {
- if (!selectedFrame) {
- return Promise.reject(new Error('Requires execution to be paused'));
- }
- return selectedFrame.loadScopes().then((scopes) => {
- return => scope.completionGroup);
- });
- }
- if (selectedFrame) {
- return Debugger.evaluateOnCallFrame({
- callFrameId: selectedFrame.callFrameId,
- expression: code,
- objectGroup: 'node-inspect',
- generatePreview: true,
- }).then(RemoteObject.fromEvalResult);
- }
- return Runtime.evaluate({
- expression: code,
- objectGroup: 'node-inspect',
- generatePreview: true,
- }).then(RemoteObject.fromEvalResult);
- }
- function controlEval(input, context, filename, callback) {
- debuglog('eval:', input);
- function returnToCallback(error, result) {
- debuglog('end-eval:', input, error);
- callback(error, result);
- }
- try {
- const code = prepareControlCode(input);
- const result = vm.runInContext(code, context, filename);
- if (result && typeof result.then === 'function') {
- toCallback(result, returnToCallback);
- return;
- }
- returnToCallback(null, result);
- } catch (e) {
- returnToCallback(e);
- }
- }
- function debugEval(input, context, filename, callback) {
- debuglog('eval:', input);
- function returnToCallback(error, result) {
- debuglog('end-eval:', input, error);
- callback(error, result);
- }
- try {
- const result = evalInCurrentContext(input);
- if (result && typeof result.then === 'function') {
- toCallback(result, returnToCallback);
- return;
- }
- returnToCallback(null, result);
- } catch (e) {
- returnToCallback(e);
- }
- }
- function formatWatchers(verbose = false) {
- if (!watchedExpressions.length) {
- return Promise.resolve('');
- }
- const inspectValue = (expr) =>
- evalInCurrentContext(expr)
- // .then(formatValue)
- .catch((error) => `<${error.message}>`);
- const lastIndex = watchedExpressions.length - 1;
- return Promise.all(
- .then((values) => {
- const lines = watchedExpressions
- .map((expr, idx) => {
- const prefix = `${leftPad(idx, ' ', lastIndex)}: ${expr} =`;
- const value = inspect(values[idx], { colors: true });
- if (value.indexOf('\n') === -1) {
- return `${prefix} ${value}`;
- }
- return `${prefix}\n ${value.split('\n').join('\n ')}`;
- });
- return lines.join('\n');
- })
- .then((valueList) => {
- return verbose ? `Watchers:\n${valueList}\n` : valueList;
- });
- }
- function watchers(verbose = false) {
- return formatWatchers(verbose).then(print);
- }
- // List source code
- function list(delta = 5) {
- return selectedFrame.list(delta)
- .then(null, (error) => {
- print('You can\'t list source code right now');
- throw error;
- });
- }
- function handleBreakpointResolved({ breakpointId, location }) {
- const script = knownScripts[location.scriptId];
- const scriptUrl = script && script.url;
- if (scriptUrl) {
- Object.assign(location, { scriptUrl });
- }
- const isExisting = knownBreakpoints.some((bp) => {
- if (bp.breakpointId === breakpointId) {
- Object.assign(bp, { location });
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- });
- if (!isExisting) {
- knownBreakpoints.push({ breakpointId, location });
- }
- }
- function listBreakpoints() {
- if (!knownBreakpoints.length) {
- print('No breakpoints yet');
- return;
- }
- function formatLocation(location) {
- if (!location) return '<unknown location>';
- const script = knownScripts[location.scriptId];
- const scriptUrl = script ? script.url : location.scriptUrl;
- return `${getRelativePath(scriptUrl)}:${location.lineNumber + 1}`;
- }
- const breaklist = knownBreakpoints
- .map((bp, idx) => `#${idx} ${formatLocation(bp.location)}`)
- .join('\n');
- print(breaklist);
- }
- function setBreakpoint(script, line, condition, silent) {
- function registerBreakpoint({ breakpointId, actualLocation }) {
- handleBreakpointResolved({ breakpointId, location: actualLocation });
- if (actualLocation && actualLocation.scriptId) {
- if (!silent) return getSourceSnippet(actualLocation, 5);
- } else {
- print(`Warning: script '${script}' was not loaded yet.`);
- }
- return undefined;
- }
- // setBreakpoint(): set breakpoint at current location
- if (script === undefined) {
- return Debugger
- .setBreakpoint({ location: getCurrentLocation(), condition })
- .then(registerBreakpoint);
- }
- // setBreakpoint(line): set breakpoint in current script at specific line
- if (line === undefined && typeof script === 'number') {
- const location = {
- scriptId: getCurrentLocation().scriptId,
- lineNumber: script - 1,
- };
- return Debugger.setBreakpoint({ location, condition })
- .then(registerBreakpoint);
- }
- if (typeof script !== 'string') {
- throw new TypeError(`setBreakpoint() expects a string, got ${script}`);
- }
- // setBreakpoint('fn()'): Break when a function is called
- if (script.endsWith('()')) {
- const debugExpr = `debug(${script.slice(0, -2)})`;
- const debugCall = selectedFrame
- ? Debugger.evaluateOnCallFrame({
- callFrameId: selectedFrame.callFrameId,
- expression: debugExpr,
- includeCommandLineAPI: true,
- })
- : Runtime.evaluate({
- expression: debugExpr,
- includeCommandLineAPI: true,
- });
- return debugCall.then(({ result, wasThrown }) => {
- if (wasThrown) return convertResultToError(result);
- return undefined; // This breakpoint can't be removed the same way
- });
- }
- // setBreakpoint('scriptname')
- let scriptId = null;
- let ambiguous = false;
- if (knownScripts[script]) {
- scriptId = script;
- } else {
- for (const id of Object.keys(knownScripts)) {
- const scriptUrl = knownScripts[id].url;
- if (scriptUrl && scriptUrl.indexOf(script) !== -1) {
- if (scriptId !== null) {
- ambiguous = true;
- }
- scriptId = id;
- }
- }
- }
- if (ambiguous) {
- print('Script name is ambiguous');
- return undefined;
- }
- if (line <= 0) {
- print('Line should be a positive value');
- return undefined;
- }
- if (scriptId !== null) {
- const location = { scriptId, lineNumber: line - 1 };
- return Debugger.setBreakpoint({ location, condition })
- .then(registerBreakpoint);
- }
- const escapedPath = script.replace(/([/\\.?*()^${}|[\]])/g, '\\$1');
- const urlRegex = `^(.*[\\/\\\\])?${escapedPath}$`;
- return Debugger
- .setBreakpointByUrl({ urlRegex, lineNumber: line - 1, condition })
- .then((bp) => {
- // TODO: handle bp.locations in case the regex matches existing files
- if (!bp.location) { // Fake it for now.
- Object.assign(bp, {
- actualLocation: {
- scriptUrl: `.*/${script}$`,
- lineNumber: line - 1,
- },
- });
- }
- return registerBreakpoint(bp);
- });
- }
- function clearBreakpoint(url, line) {
- const breakpoint = knownBreakpoints.find(({ location }) => {
- if (!location) return false;
- const script = knownScripts[location.scriptId];
- if (!script) return false;
- return (
- script.url.indexOf(url) !== -1 && (location.lineNumber + 1) === line
- );
- });
- if (!breakpoint) {
- print(`Could not find breakpoint at ${url}:${line}`);
- return Promise.resolve();
- }
- return Debugger.removeBreakpoint({ breakpointId: breakpoint.breakpointId })
- .then(() => {
- const idx = knownBreakpoints.indexOf(breakpoint);
- knownBreakpoints.splice(idx, 1);
- });
- }
- function restoreBreakpoints() {
- const lastBreakpoints = knownBreakpoints.slice();
- knownBreakpoints.length = 0;
- const newBreakpoints = lastBreakpoints
- .filter(({ location }) => !!location.scriptUrl)
- .map(({ location }) =>
- setBreakpoint(location.scriptUrl, location.lineNumber + 1));
- if (!newBreakpoints.length) return Promise.resolve();
- return Promise.all(newBreakpoints).then((results) => {
- print(`${results.length} breakpoints restored.`);
- });
- }
- function setPauseOnExceptions(state) {
- return Debugger.setPauseOnExceptions({ state })
- .then(() => {
- pauseOnExceptionState = state;
- });
- }
- Debugger.on('paused', ({ callFrames, reason /* , hitBreakpoints */ }) => {
- if (process.env.NODE_INSPECT_RESUME_ON_START === '1' &&
- reason === 'Break on start') {
- debuglog('Paused on start, but NODE_INSPECT_RESUME_ON_START' +
- ' environment variable is set to 1, resuming');
- inspector.client.callMethod('Debugger.resume');
- return;
- }
- // Save execution context's data
- currentBacktrace = Backtrace.from(callFrames);
- selectedFrame = currentBacktrace[0];
- const { scriptId, lineNumber } = selectedFrame.location;
- const breakType = reason === 'other' ? 'break' : reason;
- const script = knownScripts[scriptId];
- const scriptUrl = script ? getRelativePath(script.url) : '[unknown]';
- const header = `${breakType} in ${scriptUrl}:${lineNumber + 1}`;
- inspector.suspendReplWhile(() =>
- Promise.all([formatWatchers(true), selectedFrame.list(2)])
- .then(([watcherList, context]) => {
- if (watcherList) {
- return `${watcherList}\n${inspect(context)}`;
- }
- return inspect(context);
- }).then((breakContext) => {
- print(`${header}\n${breakContext}`);
- }));
- });
- function handleResumed() {
- currentBacktrace = null;
- selectedFrame = null;
- }
- Debugger.on('resumed', handleResumed);
- Debugger.on('breakpointResolved', handleBreakpointResolved);
- Debugger.on('scriptParsed', (script) => {
- const { scriptId, url } = script;
- if (url) {
- knownScripts[scriptId] = Object.assign({
- isNative: isNativeUrl(url),
- }, script);
- }
- });
- Profiler.on('consoleProfileFinished', ({ profile }) => {
- Profile.createAndRegister({ profile });
- print([
- 'Captured new CPU profile.',
- `Access it with profiles[${profiles.length - 1}]`
- ].join('\n'));
- });
- function initializeContext(context) {
- inspector.domainNames.forEach((domain) => {
- Object.defineProperty(context, domain, {
- value: inspector[domain],
- enumerable: true,
- configurable: true,
- writeable: false,
- });
- });
- copyOwnProperties(context, {
- get help() {
- print(HELP);
- },
- get run() {
- return;
- },
- get kill() {
- return inspector.killChild();
- },
- get restart() {
- return;
- },
- get cont() {
- handleResumed();
- return Debugger.resume();
- },
- get next() {
- handleResumed();
- return Debugger.stepOver();
- },
- get step() {
- handleResumed();
- return Debugger.stepInto();
- },
- get out() {
- handleResumed();
- return Debugger.stepOut();
- },
- get pause() {
- return Debugger.pause();
- },
- get backtrace() {
- return currentBacktrace;
- },
- get breakpoints() {
- return listBreakpoints();
- },
- exec(expr) {
- return evalInCurrentContext(expr);
- },
- get profile() {
- return Profiler.start();
- },
- get profileEnd() {
- return Profiler.stop()
- .then(Profile.createAndRegister);
- },
- get profiles() {
- return profiles;
- },
- takeHeapSnapshot(filename = 'node.heapsnapshot') {
- return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- const absoluteFile = Path.resolve(filename);
- const writer = FS.createWriteStream(absoluteFile);
- let sizeWritten = 0;
- function onProgress({ done, total, finished }) {
- if (finished) {
- print('Heap snaphost prepared.');
- } else {
- print(`Heap snapshot: ${done}/${total}`, true);
- }
- }
- function onChunk({ chunk }) {
- sizeWritten += chunk.length;
- writer.write(chunk);
- print(`Writing snapshot: ${sizeWritten}`, true);
- }
- function onResolve() {
- writer.end(() => {
- teardown();
- print(`Wrote snapshot: ${absoluteFile}`);
- resolve();
- });
- }
- function onReject(error) {
- teardown();
- reject(error);
- }
- function teardown() {
- HeapProfiler.removeListener(
- 'reportHeapSnapshotProgress', onProgress);
- HeapProfiler.removeListener('addHeapSnapshotChunk', onChunk);
- }
- HeapProfiler.on('reportHeapSnapshotProgress', onProgress);
- HeapProfiler.on('addHeapSnapshotChunk', onChunk);
- print('Heap snapshot: 0/0', true);
- HeapProfiler.takeHeapSnapshot({ reportProgress: true })
- .then(onResolve, onReject);
- });
- },
- get watchers() {
- return watchers();
- },
- watch(expr) {
- watchedExpressions.push(expr);
- },
- unwatch(expr) {
- const index = watchedExpressions.indexOf(expr);
- // Unwatch by expression
- // or
- // Unwatch by watcher number
- watchedExpressions.splice(index !== -1 ? index : +expr, 1);
- },
- get repl() {
- // Don't display any default messages
- const listeners = repl.listeners('SIGINT').slice(0);
- repl.removeAllListeners('SIGINT');
- const oldContext = repl.context;
- exitDebugRepl = () => {
- // Restore all listeners
- process.nextTick(() => {
- listeners.forEach((listener) => {
- repl.on('SIGINT', listener);
- });
- });
- // Exit debug repl
- repl.eval = controlEval;
- // Swap history
- history.debug = repl.history;
- repl.history = history.control;
- repl.context = oldContext;
- repl.setPrompt('debug> ');
- repl.displayPrompt();
- repl.removeListener('SIGINT', exitDebugRepl);
- repl.removeListener('exit', exitDebugRepl);
- exitDebugRepl = null;
- };
- // Exit debug repl on SIGINT
- repl.on('SIGINT', exitDebugRepl);
- // Exit debug repl on repl exit
- repl.on('exit', exitDebugRepl);
- // Set new
- repl.eval = debugEval;
- repl.context = {};
- // Swap history
- history.control = repl.history;
- repl.history = history.debug;
- repl.setPrompt('> ');
- print('Press Ctrl + C to leave debug repl');
- repl.displayPrompt();
- },
- get version() {
- return Runtime.evaluate({
- expression: 'process.versions.v8',
- contextId: 1,
- returnByValue: true,
- }).then(({ result }) => {
- print(result.value);
- });
- },
- scripts: listScripts,
- setBreakpoint,
- clearBreakpoint,
- setPauseOnExceptions,
- get breakOnException() {
- return setPauseOnExceptions('all');
- },
- get breakOnUncaught() {
- return setPauseOnExceptions('uncaught');
- },
- get breakOnNone() {
- return setPauseOnExceptions('none');
- },
- list,
- });
- aliasProperties(context, SHORTCUTS);
- }
- function initAfterStart() {
- const setupTasks = [
- Runtime.enable(),
- Profiler.enable(),
- Profiler.setSamplingInterval({ interval: 100 }),
- Debugger.enable(),
- Debugger.setPauseOnExceptions({ state: 'none' }),
- Debugger.setAsyncCallStackDepth({ maxDepth: 0 }),
- Debugger.setBlackboxPatterns({ patterns: [] }),
- Debugger.setPauseOnExceptions({ state: pauseOnExceptionState }),
- restoreBreakpoints(),
- Runtime.runIfWaitingForDebugger(),
- ];
- return Promise.all(setupTasks);
- }
- return function startRepl() {
- inspector.client.on('close', () => {
- resetOnStart();
- });
- inspector.client.on('ready', () => {
- initAfterStart();
- });
- const replOptions = {
- prompt: 'debug> ',
- input: inspector.stdin,
- output: inspector.stdout,
- eval: controlEval,
- useGlobal: false,
- ignoreUndefined: true,
- };
- repl = Repl.start(replOptions); // eslint-disable-line prefer-const
- initializeContext(repl.context);
- repl.on('reset', initializeContext);
- repl.defineCommand('interrupt', () => {
- // We want this for testing purposes where sending CTRL-C can be tricky.
- repl.emit('SIGINT');
- });
- // Init once for the initial connection
- initAfterStart();
- return repl;
- };
-module.exports = createRepl;
diff --git a/deps/node-inspect/package.json b/deps/node-inspect/package.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 925fb03f21..0000000000
--- a/deps/node-inspect/package.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
- "name": "node-inspect",
- "version": "2.0.0",
- "description": "Node Inspect",
- "license": "MIT",
- "main": "lib/_inspect.js",
- "bin": "cli.js",
- "homepage": "",
- "repository": {
- "type": "git",
- "url": "git+ssh://"
- },
- "bugs": {
- "url": ""
- },
- "scripts": {
- "pretest": "eslint --rulesdir=tools/eslint-rules lib test",
- "test": "tap test",
- "posttest": "nlm verify"
- },
- "nlm": {
- "license": {
- "files": [
- "lib"
- ]
- }
- },
- "dependencies": {},
- "devDependencies": {
- "eslint": "^6.8.0",
- "nlm": "^3.0.0",
- "tap": "^10.7.0"
- },
- "author": {
- "name": "Jan Krems",
- "email": ""
- },
- "files": [
- "*.js",
- "lib"
- ],
- "publishConfig": {
- "registry": ""
- }
diff --git a/deps/node-inspect/test/cli/backtrace.test.js b/deps/node-inspect/test/cli/backtrace.test.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 127ea56bf8..0000000000
--- a/deps/node-inspect/test/cli/backtrace.test.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-'use strict';
-const Path = require('path');
-const { test } = require('tap');
-const startCLI = require('./start-cli');
-test('display and navigate backtrace', (t) => {
- const script = Path.join('examples', 'backtrace.js');
- const cli = startCLI([script]);
- function onFatal(error) {
- cli.quit();
- throw error;
- }
- return cli.waitForInitialBreak()
- .then(() => cli.waitForPrompt())
- .then(() => cli.stepCommand('c'))
- .then(() => cli.command('bt'))
- .then(() => {
- t.match(cli.output, `#0 topFn ${script}:7:2`);
- })
- .then(() => cli.command('backtrace'))
- .then(() => {
- t.match(cli.output, `#0 topFn ${script}:7:2`);
- })
- .then(() => cli.quit())
- .then(null, onFatal);
diff --git a/deps/node-inspect/test/cli/break.test.js b/deps/node-inspect/test/cli/break.test.js
deleted file mode 100644
index ff71a36481..0000000000
--- a/deps/node-inspect/test/cli/break.test.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,195 +0,0 @@
-'use strict';
-const Path = require('path');
-const { test } = require('tap');
-const startCLI = require('./start-cli');
-test('stepping through breakpoints', (t) => {
- const script = Path.join('examples', 'break.js');
- const cli = startCLI([script]);
- function onFatal(error) {
- cli.quit();
- throw error;
- }
- return cli.waitForInitialBreak()
- .then(() => cli.waitForPrompt())
- .then(() => {
- t.match(
- cli.breakInfo,
- { filename: script, line: 1 },
- 'pauses in the first line of the script');
- t.match(
- cli.output,
- /> 1 (?:\(function \([^)]+\) \{ )?const x = 10;/,
- 'shows the source and marks the current line');
- })
- .then(() => cli.stepCommand('n'))
- .then(() => {
- t.match(
- cli.output,
- `break in ${script}:2`,
- 'pauses in next line of the script');
- t.match(
- cli.output,
- '> 2 let name = \'World\';',
- 'marks the 2nd line');
- })
- .then(() => cli.stepCommand('next'))
- .then(() => {
- t.match(
- cli.output,
- `break in ${script}:3`,
- 'pauses in next line of the script');
- t.match(
- cli.output,
- '> 3 name = \'Robin\';',
- 'marks the 3nd line');
- })
- .then(() => cli.stepCommand('cont'))
- .then(() => {
- t.match(
- cli.output,
- `break in ${script}:10`,
- 'pauses on the next breakpoint');
- t.match(
- cli.output,
- '>10 debugger;',
- 'marks the debugger line');
- })
- // Prepare additional breakpoints
- .then(() => cli.command('sb("break.js", 6)'))
- .then(() => t.notMatch(cli.output, 'Could not resolve breakpoint'))
- .then(() => cli.command('sb("otherFunction()")'))
- .then(() => cli.command('sb(16)'))
- .then(() => t.notMatch(cli.output, 'Could not resolve breakpoint'))
- .then(() => cli.command('breakpoints'))
- .then(() => {
- t.match(cli.output, `#0 ${script}:6`);
- t.match(cli.output, `#1 ${script}:16`);
- })
- .then(() => cli.command('list()'))
- .then(() => {
- t.match(cli.output, '>10 debugger;', 'prints and marks current line');
- t.strictDeepEqual(
- cli.parseSourceLines(),
- [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15],
- 'prints 5 lines before and after');
- })
- .then(() => cli.command('list(2)'))
- .then(() => {
- t.match(cli.output, '>10 debugger;', 'prints and marks current line');
- t.strictDeepEqual(
- cli.parseSourceLines(),
- [8, 9, 10, 11, 12],
- 'prints 2 lines before and after');
- })
- .then(() => cli.stepCommand('s'))
- .then(() => cli.stepCommand(''))
- .then(() => {
- t.match(
- cli.output,
- 'break in timers.js',
- 'entered timers.js');
- })
- .then(() => cli.stepCommand('cont'))
- .then(() => {
- t.match(
- cli.output,
- `break in ${script}:16`,
- 'found breakpoint we set above w/ line number only');
- })
- .then(() => cli.stepCommand('cont'))
- .then(() => {
- t.match(
- cli.output,
- `break in ${script}:6`,
- 'found breakpoint we set above w/ line number & script');
- })
- .then(() => cli.stepCommand(''))
- .then(() => {
- t.match(
- cli.output,
- `debugCommand in ${script}:14`,
- 'found function breakpoint we set above');
- })
- .then(() => cli.quit())
- .then(null, onFatal);
-test('sb before loading file', (t) => {
- const script = Path.join('examples', 'cjs', 'index.js');
- const otherScript = Path.join('examples', 'cjs', 'other.js');
- const cli = startCLI([script]);
- function onFatal(error) {
- cli.quit();
- throw error;
- }
- return cli.waitForInitialBreak()
- .then(() => cli.waitForPrompt())
- .then(() => cli.command('sb("other.js", 2)'))
- .then(() => {
- t.match(
- cli.output,
- 'not loaded yet',
- 'warns that the script was not loaded yet');
- })
- .then(() => cli.stepCommand('cont'))
- .then(() => {
- t.match(
- cli.output,
- `break in ${otherScript}:2`,
- 'found breakpoint in file that was not loaded yet');
- })
- .then(() => cli.quit())
- .then(null, onFatal);
-test('clearBreakpoint', (t) => {
- const script = Path.join('examples', 'break.js');
- const cli = startCLI([script]);
- function onFatal(error) {
- cli.quit();
- throw error;
- }
- return cli.waitForInitialBreak()
- .then(() => cli.waitForPrompt())
- .then(() => cli.command('sb("break.js", 3)'))
- .then(() => cli.command('sb("break.js", 9)'))
- .then(() => cli.command('breakpoints'))
- .then(() => {
- t.match(cli.output, `#0 ${script}:3`);
- t.match(cli.output, `#1 ${script}:9`);
- })
- .then(() => cli.command('clearBreakpoint("break.js", 4)'))
- .then(() => {
- t.match(cli.output, 'Could not find breakpoint');
- })
- .then(() => cli.command('clearBreakpoint("not-such-script.js", 3)'))
- .then(() => {
- t.match(cli.output, 'Could not find breakpoint');
- })
- .then(() => cli.command('clearBreakpoint("break.js", 3)'))
- .then(() => cli.command('breakpoints'))
- .then(() => {
- t.match(cli.output, `#0 ${script}:9`);
- })
- .then(() => cli.stepCommand('cont'))
- .then(() => {
- t.match(
- cli.output,
- `break in ${script}:9`,
- 'hits the 2nd breakpoint because the 1st was cleared');
- })
- .then(() => cli.quit())
- .then(null, onFatal);
diff --git a/deps/node-inspect/test/cli/exec.test.js b/deps/node-inspect/test/cli/exec.test.js
deleted file mode 100644
index acfd6e34ab..0000000000
--- a/deps/node-inspect/test/cli/exec.test.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-'use strict';
-const { test } = require('tap');
-const startCLI = require('./start-cli');
-test('examples/alive.js', (t) => {
- const cli = startCLI(['examples/alive.js']);
- function onFatal(error) {
- cli.quit();
- throw error;
- }
- return cli.waitForInitialBreak()
- .then(() => cli.waitForPrompt())
- .then(() => cli.command('exec [typeof heartbeat, typeof process.exit]'))
- .then(() => {
- t.match(cli.output, '[ \'function\', \'function\' ]', 'works w/o paren');
- })
- .then(() => cli.command('repl'))
- .then(() => {
- t.match(
- cli.output,
- 'Press Ctrl + C to leave debug repl\n> ',
- 'shows hint for how to leave repl');
- t.notMatch(cli.output, 'debug>', 'changes the repl style');
- })
- .then(() => cli.command('[typeof heartbeat, typeof process.exit]'))
- .then(() => cli.waitFor(/function/))
- .then(() => cli.waitForPrompt())
- .then(() => {
- t.match(
- cli.output,
- '[ \'function\', \'function\' ]', 'can evaluate in the repl');
- t.match(cli.output, /> $/);
- })
- .then(() => cli.ctrlC())
- .then(() => cli.waitFor(/debug> $/))
- .then(() => cli.command('exec("[typeof heartbeat, typeof process.exit]")'))
- .then(() => {
- t.match(cli.output, '[ \'function\', \'function\' ]', 'works w/ paren');
- })
- .then(() => cli.command('cont'))
- .then(() => cli.command('exec [typeof heartbeat, typeof process.exit]'))
- .then(() => {
- t.match(
- cli.output,
- '[ \'undefined\', \'function\' ]',
- 'non-paused exec can see global but not module-scope values');
- })
- .then(() => cli.quit())
- .then(null, onFatal);
-test('exec .scope', (t) => {
- const cli = startCLI(['examples/backtrace.js']);
- function onFatal(error) {
- cli.quit();
- throw error;
- }
- return cli.waitForInitialBreak()
- .then(() => cli.waitForPrompt())
- .then(() => cli.stepCommand('c'))
- .then(() => cli.command('exec .scope'))
- .then(() => {
- t.match(
- cli.output,
- '\'moduleScoped\'', 'displays closure from module body');
- t.match(cli.output, '\'a\'', 'displays local / function arg');
- t.match(cli.output, '\'l1\'', 'displays local scope');
- t.notMatch(cli.output, '\'encodeURIComponent\'', 'omits global scope');
- })
- .then(() => cli.quit())
- .then(null, onFatal);
diff --git a/deps/node-inspect/test/cli/heap-profiler.test.js b/deps/node-inspect/test/cli/heap-profiler.test.js
deleted file mode 100644
index ebd734e03c..0000000000
--- a/deps/node-inspect/test/cli/heap-profiler.test.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-'use strict';
-const { test } = require('tap');
-const { readFileSync, unlinkSync } = require('fs');
-const startCLI = require('./start-cli');
-const filename = 'node.heapsnapshot';
-function cleanup() {
- try {
- unlinkSync(filename);
- } catch (_) {
- // Ignore.
- }
-test('Heap profiler take snapshot', (t) => {
- const cli = startCLI(['examples/empty.js']);
- function onFatal(error) {
- cli.quit();
- throw error;
- }
- // Check that the snapshot is valid JSON.
- return cli.waitForInitialBreak()
- .then(() => cli.waitForPrompt())
- .then(() => cli.command('takeHeapSnapshot()'))
- .then(() => JSON.parse(readFileSync(filename, 'utf8')))
- .then(() => cleanup())
- .then(() => cli.quit())
- .then(null, onFatal);
diff --git a/deps/node-inspect/test/cli/help.test.js b/deps/node-inspect/test/cli/help.test.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 9f0c081bde..0000000000
--- a/deps/node-inspect/test/cli/help.test.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-'use strict';
-const { test } = require('tap');
-const startCLI = require('./start-cli');
-test('examples/empty.js', (t) => {
- const cli = startCLI(['examples/empty.js']);
- function onFatal(error) {
- cli.quit();
- throw error;
- }
- return cli.waitForInitialBreak()
- .then(() => cli.waitForPrompt())
- .then(() => cli.command('help'))
- .then(() => {
- t.match(cli.output, /run, restart, r\s+/m);
- })
- .then(() => cli.quit())
- .then(null, onFatal);
diff --git a/deps/node-inspect/test/cli/invalid-args.test.js b/deps/node-inspect/test/cli/invalid-args.test.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 86428a3ec2..0000000000
--- a/deps/node-inspect/test/cli/invalid-args.test.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-'use strict';
-const Path = require('path');
-const { createServer } = require('net');
-const { test } = require('tap');
-const startCLI = require('./start-cli');
-test('launch CLI w/o args', (t) => {
- const cli = startCLI([]);
- return cli.quit()
- .then((code) => {
- t.equal(code, 1, 'exits with non-zero exit code');
- t.match(cli.output, /^Usage:/, 'Prints usage info');
- });
-test('launch w/ invalid host:port', (t) => {
- const cli = startCLI(['localhost:914']);
- return cli.quit()
- .then((code) => {
- t.match(
- cli.output,
- 'failed to connect',
- 'Tells the user that the connection failed');
- t.equal(code, 1, 'exits with non-zero exit code');
- });
-test('launch w/ unavailable port', async(t) => {
- const blocker = createServer((socket) => socket.end());
- const port = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- blocker.on('error', reject);
- blocker.listen(0, '', () => resolve(blocker.address().port));
- });
- try {
- const script = Path.join('examples', 'three-lines.js');
- const cli = startCLI([`--port=${port}`, script]);
- const code = await cli.quit();
- t.notMatch(
- cli.output,
- 'report this bug',
- 'Omits message about reporting this as a bug');
- t.match(
- cli.output,
- `waiting for${port} to be free`,
- 'Tells the user that the port wasn\'t available');
- t.equal(code, 1, 'exits with non-zero exit code');
- } finally {
- blocker.close();
- }
diff --git a/deps/node-inspect/test/cli/launch.test.js b/deps/node-inspect/test/cli/launch.test.js
deleted file mode 100644
index c4ff3d855a..0000000000
--- a/deps/node-inspect/test/cli/launch.test.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,196 +0,0 @@
-'use strict';
-const Path = require('path');
-const { test } = require('tap');
-const startCLI = require('./start-cli');
-test('custom port', (t) => {
- const CUSTOM_PORT = '9230';
- const script = Path.join('examples', 'three-lines.js');
- const cli = startCLI([`--port=${CUSTOM_PORT}`, script]);
- return cli.waitForInitialBreak()
- .then(() => cli.waitForPrompt())
- .then(() => {
- t.match(cli.output, 'debug>', 'prints a prompt');
- t.match(
- cli.output,
- new RegExp(`< Debugger listening on [^\n]*${CUSTOM_PORT}`),
- 'forwards child output');
- })
- .then(() => cli.quit())
- .then((code) => {
- t.equal(code, 0, 'exits with success');
- });
-test('random port', (t) => {
- const script = Path.join('examples', 'three-lines.js');
- const cli = startCLI(['--port=0', script]);
- return cli.waitForInitialBreak()
- .then(() => cli.waitForPrompt())
- .then(() => {
- t.match(cli.output, 'debug>', 'prints a prompt');
- t.match(
- cli.output,
- /< Debugger listening on /,
- 'forwards child output');
- })
- .then(() => cli.quit())
- .then((code) => {
- t.equal(code, 0, 'exits with success');
- });
-test('random port with --inspect-port=0', (t) => {
- const script = Path.join('examples', 'three-lines.js');
- const cli = startCLI([script], ['--inspect-port=0']);
- return cli.waitForInitialBreak()
- .then(() => cli.waitForPrompt())
- .then(() => {
- t.match(cli.output, 'debug>', 'prints a prompt');
- t.match(
- cli.output,
- /< Debugger listening on /,
- 'forwards child output');
- })
- .then(() => cli.quit())
- .then((code) => {
- t.equal(code, 0, 'exits with success');
- });
-test('examples/three-lines.js', (t) => {
- const script = Path.join('examples', 'three-lines.js');
- const cli = startCLI([script]);
- return cli.waitForInitialBreak()
- .then(() => cli.waitForPrompt())
- .then(() => {
- t.match(cli.output, 'debug>', 'prints a prompt');
- t.match(
- cli.output,
- /< Debugger listening on [^\n]*9229/,
- 'forwards child output');
- })
- .then(() => cli.command('["hello", "world"].join(" ")'))
- .then(() => {
- t.match(cli.output, 'hello world', 'prints the result');
- })
- .then(() => cli.command(''))
- .then(() => {
- t.match(cli.output, 'hello world', 'repeats the last command on <enter>');
- })
- .then(() => cli.command('version'))
- .then(() => {
- t.match(cli.output, process.versions.v8, 'version prints the v8 version');
- })
- .then(() => cli.quit())
- .then((code) => {
- t.equal(code, 0, 'exits with success');
- });
-test('run after quit / restart', (t) => {
- const script = Path.join('examples', 'three-lines.js');
- const cli = startCLI([script]);
- function onFatal(error) {
- cli.quit();
- throw error;
- }
- return cli.waitForInitialBreak()
- .then(() => cli.waitForPrompt())
- .then(() => cli.stepCommand('n'))
- .then(() => {
- t.match(
- cli.output,
- `break in ${script}:2`,
- 'steps to the 2nd line');
- })
- .then(() => cli.command('cont'))
- .then(() => cli.waitFor(/disconnect/))
- .then(() => {
- t.match(
- cli.output,
- 'Waiting for the debugger to disconnect',
- 'the child was done');
- })
- .then(() => {
- // On windows the socket won't close by itself
- return cli.command('kill');
- })
- .then(() => cli.command('cont'))
- .then(() => cli.waitFor(/start the app/))
- .then(() => {
- t.match(cli.output, 'Use `run` to start the app again');
- })
- .then(() => cli.stepCommand('run'))
- .then(() => cli.waitForInitialBreak())
- .then(() => cli.waitForPrompt())
- .then(() => {
- t.match(
- cli.breakInfo,
- { filename: script, line: 1 },
- 'is back at the beginning');
- })
- .then(() => cli.stepCommand('n'))
- .then(() => {
- t.match(
- cli.breakInfo,
- { filename: script, line: 2 },
- 'steps to the 2nd line');
- })
- .then(() => cli.stepCommand('restart'))
- .then(() => cli.waitForInitialBreak())
- .then(() => {
- t.match(
- cli.breakInfo,
- { filename: script, line: 1 },
- 'is back at the beginning');
- })
- .then(() => cli.command('kill'))
- .then(() => cli.command('cont'))
- .then(() => cli.waitFor(/start the app/))
- .then(() => {
- t.match(cli.output, 'Use `run` to start the app again');
- })
- .then(() => cli.stepCommand('run'))
- .then(() => cli.waitForInitialBreak())
- .then(() => cli.waitForPrompt())
- .then(() => {
- t.match(
- cli.breakInfo,
- { filename: script, line: 1 },
- 'is back at the beginning');
- })
- .then(() => cli.quit())
- .then(null, onFatal);
-test('auto-resume on start if the environment variable is defined', (t) => {
- const script = Path.join('examples', 'break.js');
- const cli = startCLI([script], [], {
- });
- return cli.waitForInitialBreak()
- .then(() => {
- t.match(
- cli.breakInfo,
- { filename: script, line: 10 },
- 'skips to the first breakpoint');
- })
- .then(() => cli.quit())
- .then((code) => {
- t.equal(code, 0, 'exits with success');
- });
diff --git a/deps/node-inspect/test/cli/pid.test.js b/deps/node-inspect/test/cli/pid.test.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 15d7fdeaa5..0000000000
--- a/deps/node-inspect/test/cli/pid.test.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-'use strict';
-const { spawn } = require('child_process');
-const Path = require('path');
-const { test } = require('tap');
-const startCLI = require('./start-cli');
-function launchTarget(...args) {
- const childProc = spawn(process.execPath, args);
- return Promise.resolve(childProc);
-// process.debugPort is our proxy for "the version of node used to run this
-// test suite doesn't support SIGUSR1 for enabling --inspect for a process".
-const defaultsToOldProtocol = process.debugPort === 5858;
-test('examples/alive.js', { skip: defaultsToOldProtocol }, (t) => {
- const script = Path.join('examples', 'alive.js');
- let cli = null;
- let target = null;
- function cleanup(error) {
- if (cli) {
- cli.quit();
- cli = null;
- }
- if (target) {
- target.kill();
- target = null;
- }
- if (error) throw error;
- }
- return launchTarget(script)
- .then((childProc) => {
- target = childProc;
- cli = startCLI(['-p', `${}`]);
- return cli.waitForPrompt();
- })
- .then(() => cli.command('sb("alive.js", 3)'))
- .then(() => cli.waitFor(/break/))
- .then(() => cli.waitForPrompt())
- .then(() => {
- t.match(
- cli.output,
- '> 3 ++x;',
- 'marks the 3rd line');
- })
- .then(() => cleanup())
- .then(null, cleanup);
diff --git a/deps/node-inspect/test/cli/preserve-breaks.test.js b/deps/node-inspect/test/cli/preserve-breaks.test.js
deleted file mode 100644
index affa3ad975..0000000000
--- a/deps/node-inspect/test/cli/preserve-breaks.test.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-'use strict';
-const Path = require('path');
-const { test } = require('tap');
-const startCLI = require('./start-cli');
-test('run after quit / restart', (t) => {
- const script = Path.join('examples', 'three-lines.js');
- const cli = startCLI([script]);
- function onFatal(error) {
- cli.quit();
- throw error;
- }
- return cli.waitForInitialBreak()
- .then(() => cli.waitForPrompt())
- .then(() => cli.command('breakpoints'))
- .then(() => {
- t.match(cli.output, 'No breakpoints yet');
- })
- .then(() => cli.command('sb(2)'))
- .then(() => cli.command('sb(3)'))
- .then(() => cli.command('breakpoints'))
- .then(() => {
- t.match(cli.output, `#0 ${script}:2`);
- t.match(cli.output, `#1 ${script}:3`);
- })
- .then(() => cli.stepCommand('c')) // hit line 2
- .then(() => cli.stepCommand('c')) // hit line 3
- .then(() => {
- t.match(cli.breakInfo, { filename: script, line: 3 });
- })
- .then(() => cli.command('restart'))
- .then(() => cli.waitForInitialBreak())
- .then(() => {
- t.match(cli.breakInfo, { filename: script, line: 1 });
- })
- .then(() => cli.stepCommand('c'))
- .then(() => {
- t.match(cli.breakInfo, { filename: script, line: 2 });
- })
- .then(() => cli.stepCommand('c'))
- .then(() => {
- t.match(cli.breakInfo, { filename: script, line: 3 });
- })
- .then(() => cli.command('breakpoints'))
- .then(() => {
- if (process.platform === 'aix') {
- // TODO: There is a known issue on AIX where the breakpoints aren't
- // properly resolved yet when we reach this point.
- // Eventually that should be figured out but for now we don't want
- // to fail builds because of it.
- t.match(cli.output, /#0 [^\n]+three-lines\.js\$?:2/);
- t.match(cli.output, /#1 [^\n]+three-lines\.js\$?:3/);
- } else {
- t.match(cli.output, `#0 ${script}:2`);
- t.match(cli.output, `#1 ${script}:3`);
- }
- })
- .then(() => cli.quit())
- .then(null, onFatal);
diff --git a/deps/node-inspect/tools/eslint-rules/align-function-arguments.js b/deps/node-inspect/tools/eslint-rules/align-function-arguments.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 015552489a..0000000000
--- a/deps/node-inspect/tools/eslint-rules/align-function-arguments.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
- * @fileoverview Align arguments in multiline function calls
- * @author Rich Trott
- */
-'use strict';
-// Rule Definition
-function checkArgumentAlignment(context, node) {
- function isNodeFirstInLine(node, byEndLocation) {
- const firstToken = byEndLocation === true ? context.getLastToken(node, 1) :
- context.getTokenBefore(node);
- const startLine = byEndLocation === true ? node.loc.end.line :
- node.loc.start.line;
- const endLine = firstToken ? firstToken.loc.end.line : -1;
- return startLine !== endLine;
- }
- if (node.arguments.length === 0)
- return;
- var msg = '';
- const first = node.arguments[0];
- var currentLine = first.loc.start.line;
- const firstColumn = first.loc.start.column;
- const ignoreTypes = [
- 'ArrowFunctionExpression',
- 'FunctionExpression',
- 'ObjectExpression',
- ];
- const args = node.arguments;
- // For now, don't bother trying to validate potentially complicating things
- // like closures. Different people will have very different ideas and it's
- // probably best to implement configuration options.
- if (args.some((node) => { return ignoreTypes.indexOf(node.type) !== -1; })) {
- return;
- }
- if (!isNodeFirstInLine(node)) {
- return;
- }
- var misaligned;
- args.slice(1).forEach((argument) => {
- if (!misaligned) {
- if (argument.loc.start.line === currentLine + 1) {
- if (argument.loc.start.column !== firstColumn) {
- if (isNodeFirstInLine(argument)) {
- msg = 'Function argument in column ' +
- `${argument.loc.start.column + 1}, ` +
- `expected in ${firstColumn + 1}`;
- misaligned = argument;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- currentLine = argument.loc.start.line;
- });
- if (msg)
-, msg);
-module.exports = function(context) {
- return {
- 'CallExpression': (node) => checkArgumentAlignment(context, node)
- };
diff --git a/deps/node-inspect/tools/eslint-rules/align-multiline-assignment.js b/deps/node-inspect/tools/eslint-rules/align-multiline-assignment.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 80896b5e96..0000000000
--- a/deps/node-inspect/tools/eslint-rules/align-multiline-assignment.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
- * @fileoverview Align multiline variable assignments
- * @author Rich Trott
- */
-'use strict';
-// Rule Definition
-function getBinaryExpressionStarts(binaryExpression, starts) {
- function getStartsFromOneSide(side, starts) {
- starts.push(side.loc.start);
- if (side.type === 'BinaryExpression') {
- starts = getBinaryExpressionStarts(side, starts);
- }
- return starts;
- }
- starts = getStartsFromOneSide(binaryExpression.left, starts);
- starts = getStartsFromOneSide(binaryExpression.right, starts);
- return starts;
-function checkExpressionAlignment(expression) {
- if (!expression)
- return;
- var msg = '';
- switch (expression.type) {
- case 'BinaryExpression':
- var starts = getBinaryExpressionStarts(expression, []);
- var startLine = starts[0].line;
- const startColumn = starts[0].column;
- starts.forEach((loc) => {
- if (loc.line > startLine) {
- startLine = loc.line;
- if (loc.column !== startColumn) {
- msg = 'Misaligned multiline assignment';
- }
- }
- });
- break;
- }
- return msg;
-function testAssignment(context, node) {
- const msg = checkExpressionAlignment(node.right);
- if (msg)
-, msg);
-function testDeclaration(context, node) {
- node.declarations.forEach((declaration) => {
- const msg = checkExpressionAlignment(declaration.init);
- // const start = declaration.init.loc.start;
- if (msg)
-, msg);
- });
-module.exports = function(context) {
- return {
- 'AssignmentExpression': (node) => testAssignment(context, node),
- 'VariableDeclaration': (node) => testDeclaration(context, node)
- };
diff --git a/deps/node-inspect/tools/eslint-rules/assert-fail-single-argument.js b/deps/node-inspect/tools/eslint-rules/assert-fail-single-argument.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 4ce7902381..0000000000
--- a/deps/node-inspect/tools/eslint-rules/assert-fail-single-argument.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
- * @fileoverview Prohibit use of a single argument only in ``. It
- * is almost always an error.
- * @author Rich Trott
- */
-'use strict';
-// Rule Definition
-const msg = ' message should be third argument';
-function isAssert(node) {
- return node.callee.object && === 'assert';
-function isFail(node) {
- return && === 'fail';
-module.exports = function(context) {
- return {
- 'CallExpression': function(node) {
- if (isAssert(node) && isFail(node) && node.arguments.length === 1) {
-, msg);
- }
- }
- };
diff --git a/deps/node-inspect/tools/eslint-rules/buffer-constructor.js b/deps/node-inspect/tools/eslint-rules/buffer-constructor.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 938598e8db..0000000000
--- a/deps/node-inspect/tools/eslint-rules/buffer-constructor.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
- * @fileoverview Require use of new Buffer constructor methods in lib
- * @author James M Snell
- */
-'use strict';
-// Rule Definition
-const msg = 'Use of the Buffer() constructor has been deprecated. ' +
- 'Please use either Buffer.alloc(), Buffer.allocUnsafe(), ' +
- 'or Buffer.from()';
-function test(context, node) {
- if ( === 'Buffer') {
-, msg);
- }
-module.exports = function(context) {
- return {
- 'NewExpression': (node) => test(context, node),
- 'CallExpression': (node) => test(context, node)
- };
diff --git a/deps/node-inspect/tools/eslint-rules/new-with-error.js b/deps/node-inspect/tools/eslint-rules/new-with-error.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 655f34bf08..0000000000
--- a/deps/node-inspect/tools/eslint-rules/new-with-error.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
- * @fileoverview Require `throw new Error()` rather than `throw Error()`
- * @author Rich Trott
- */
-'use strict';
-// Rule Definition
-module.exports = function(context) {
- var errorList = context.options.length !== 0 ? context.options : ['Error'];
- return {
- 'ThrowStatement': function(node) {
- if (node.argument.type === 'CallExpression' &&
- errorList.indexOf( !== -1) {
-, 'Use new keyword when throwing.');
- }
- }
- };
-module.exports.schema = {
- 'type': 'array',
- 'additionalItems': {
- 'type': 'string'
- },
- 'uniqueItems': true
diff --git a/deps/node-inspect/tools/eslint-rules/no-let-in-for-declaration.js b/deps/node-inspect/tools/eslint-rules/no-let-in-for-declaration.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b1a6783e0..0000000000
--- a/deps/node-inspect/tools/eslint-rules/no-let-in-for-declaration.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
- * @fileoverview Prohibit the use of `let` as the loop variable
- * in the initialization of for, and the left-hand
- * iterator in forIn and forOf loops.
- *
- * @author Jessica Quynh Tran
- */
-'use strict';
-// Rule Definition
-module.exports = {
- create(context) {
- const msg = 'Use of `let` as the loop variable in a for-loop is ' +
- 'not recommended. Please use `var` instead.';
- /**
- * Report function to test if the for-loop is declared using `let`.
- */
- function testForLoop(node) {
- if (node.init && node.init.kind === 'let') {
-, msg);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Report function to test if the for-in or for-of loop
- * is declared using `let`.
- */
- function testForInOfLoop(node) {
- if (node.left && node.left.kind === 'let') {
-, msg);
- }
- }
- return {
- 'ForStatement': testForLoop,
- 'ForInStatement': testForInOfLoop,
- 'ForOfStatement': testForInOfLoop
- };
- }
diff --git a/deps/node-inspect/tools/eslint-rules/prefer-assert-methods.js b/deps/node-inspect/tools/eslint-rules/prefer-assert-methods.js
deleted file mode 100644
index fa345eb7c3..0000000000
--- a/deps/node-inspect/tools/eslint-rules/prefer-assert-methods.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-'use strict';
-function isAssert(node) {
- return node.expression &&
- node.expression.type === 'CallExpression' &&
- node.expression.callee &&
- === 'assert';
-function getFirstArg(expression) {
- return expression.arguments && expression.arguments[0];
-function parseError(method, op) {
- return `'assert.${method}' should be used instead of '${op}'`;
-const preferedAssertMethod = {
- '===': 'strictEqual',
- '!==': 'notStrictEqual',
- '==': 'equal',
- '!=': 'notEqual'
-module.exports = function(context) {
- return {
- ExpressionStatement(node) {
- if (isAssert(node)) {
- const arg = getFirstArg(node.expression);
- if (arg && arg.type === 'BinaryExpression') {
- const assertMethod = preferedAssertMethod[arg.operator];
- if (assertMethod) {
-, parseError(assertMethod, arg.operator));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- };
diff --git a/deps/node-inspect/tools/eslint-rules/require-buffer.js b/deps/node-inspect/tools/eslint-rules/require-buffer.js
deleted file mode 100644
index c9818cb758..0000000000
--- a/deps/node-inspect/tools/eslint-rules/require-buffer.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-'use strict';
-module.exports = function(context) {
- function flagIt(reference) {
- const msg = 'Use const Buffer = require(\'buffer\').Buffer; ' +
- 'at the beginning of this file';
-, msg);
- }
- return {
- 'Program:exit': function() {
- const globalScope = context.getScope();
- const variable = globalScope.set.get('Buffer');
- if (variable) {
- variable.references.forEach(flagIt);
- }
- }
- };
diff --git a/deps/node-inspect/tools/eslint-rules/required-modules.js b/deps/node-inspect/tools/eslint-rules/required-modules.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 3e4a8e8aad..0000000000
--- a/deps/node-inspect/tools/eslint-rules/required-modules.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
- * @fileoverview Require usage of specified node modules.
- * @author Rich Trott
- */
-'use strict';
-var path = require('path');
-// Rule Definition
-module.exports = function(context) {
- // trim required module names
- var requiredModules = context.options;
- var foundModules = [];
- // if no modules are required we don't need to check the CallExpressions
- if (requiredModules.length === 0) {
- return {};
- }
- /**
- * Function to check if a node is a string literal.
- * @param {ASTNode} node The node to check.
- * @returns {boolean} If the node is a string literal.
- */
- function isString(node) {
- return node && node.type === 'Literal' && typeof node.value === 'string';
- }
- /**
- * Function to check if a node is a require call.
- * @param {ASTNode} node The node to check.
- * @returns {boolean} If the node is a require call.
- */
- function isRequireCall(node) {
- return node.callee.type === 'Identifier' && === 'require';
- }
- /**
- * Function to check if a node has an argument that is a required module and
- * return its name.
- * @param {ASTNode} node The node to check
- * @returns {undefined|String} required module name or undefined
- */
- function getRequiredModuleName(node) {
- var moduleName;
- // node has arguments and first argument is string
- if (node.arguments.length && isString(node.arguments[0])) {
- var argValue = path.basename(node.arguments[0].value.trim());
- // check if value is in required modules array
- if (requiredModules.indexOf(argValue) !== -1) {
- moduleName = argValue;
- }
- }
- return moduleName;
- }
- return {
- 'CallExpression': function(node) {
- if (isRequireCall(node)) {
- var requiredModuleName = getRequiredModuleName(node);
- if (requiredModuleName) {
- foundModules.push(requiredModuleName);
- }
- }
- },
- 'Program:exit': function(node) {
- if (foundModules.length < requiredModules.length) {
- var missingModules = requiredModules.filter(
- function(module) {
- return foundModules.indexOf(module === -1);
- }
- );
- missingModules.forEach(function(moduleName) {
- node,
- 'Mandatory module "{{moduleName}}" must be loaded.',
- { moduleName: moduleName }
- );
- });
- }
- }
- };
-module.exports.schema = {
- 'type': 'array',
- 'additionalItems': {
- 'type': 'string'
- },
- 'uniqueItems': true
diff --git a/lib/internal/inspector/inspect_repl.js b/lib/internal/inspector/inspect_repl.js
index 7fd9772eef..cdc05211f0 100644
--- a/lib/internal/inspector/inspect_repl.js
+++ b/lib/internal/inspector/inspect_repl.js
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ const NATIVES = PUBLIC_BUILTINS ? process.binding('natives') : {};
function isNativeUrl(url) {
url = url.replace(/\.js$/, '');
- if (url.startsWith('internal/') || PUBLIC_BUILTINS.includes(url))
+ if (url.startsWith('node:internal/') || PUBLIC_BUILTINS.includes(url))
return true;
diff --git a/test/ b/test/
index 834af7dc58..f8f0d1663e 100644
--- a/test/
+++ b/test/
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ For the tests to run on Windows, be sure to clone Node.js source code with the
| `doctool` | Yes | Tests for the documentation generator. |
| `es-module` | Yes | Test ESM module loading. |
| `fixtures` | | Test fixtures used in various tests throughout the test suite. |
+| `inspector-cli` | Yes | Tests for `node inspect` |
| `internet` | No | Tests that make real outbound network connections. Tests for networking related modules may also be present in other directories, but those tests do not make outbound connections. |
| `js-native-api` | Yes | Tests for Node.js-agnostic [n-api]( functionality. |
| `known_issues` | Yes | Tests reproducing known issues within the system. All tests inside of this directory are expected to fail. If a test doesn't fail on certain platforms, those should be skipped via `known_issues.status`. |
diff --git a/test/common/ b/test/common/
index 29f073b288..9929cd3914 100644
--- a/test/common/
+++ b/test/common/
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ This directory contains modules used to test the Node.js implementation.
* [Heap dump checker module](#heap-dump-checker-module)
* [hijackstdio module](#hijackstdio-module)
* [HTTP2 module](#http2-module)
+* [Inspector CLI module](#inspector-cli-module)
* [Internet module](#internet-module)
* [ongc module](#ongc-module)
* [Report module](#report-module)
@@ -823,6 +824,34 @@ upon initial establishment of a connection.
+## Inspector CLI module
+Provides common functionality for tests for `node inspect`.
+### `startCLI(args[[, flags], spawnOpts])`
+* `args` [&lt;string>][]
+* `flags` [&lt;string>][] default = []
+* `showOpts` [&lt;Object>][] default = {}
+* return [&lt;Object>][]
+Returns a null-prototype object with properties that are functions and getters
+used to interact with the `node inspect` CLI. These functions are:
+* `flushOutput()`
+* `waitFor()`
+* `waitForPrompt()`
+* `waitForInitialBreak()`
+* `breakInfo`
+* `ctrlC()`
+* `output`
+* `rawOutput`
+* `parseSourceLines()`
+* `writeLine()`
+* `command()`
+* `stepCommand()`
+* `quit()`
## Internet Module
The `common/internet` module provides utilities for working with
diff --git a/deps/node-inspect/test/cli/start-cli.js b/test/common/inspector-cli.js
index 32c666c764..b806051a7b 100644
--- a/deps/node-inspect/test/cli/start-cli.js
+++ b/test/common/inspector-cli.js
@@ -1,42 +1,33 @@
+/* eslint-disable node-core/require-common-first, node-core/required-modules */
'use strict';
const spawn = require('child_process').spawn;
-// This allows us to keep the helper inside of `test/` without tap warning
-// about "pending" test files.
-const tap = require('tap');
-tap.test('startCLI', (t) => t.end());
-const CLI =
- process.env.USE_EMBEDDED_NODE_INSPECT === '1' ?
- 'inspect' :
- require.resolve('../../cli.js');
const BREAK_MESSAGE = new RegExp('(?:' + [
'assert', 'break', 'break on start', 'debugCommand',
'exception', 'other', 'promiseRejection',
].join('|') + ') in', 'i');
+const TIMEOUT = common.platformTimeout(5000);
function isPreBreak(output) {
return /Break on start/.test(output) && /1 \(function \(exports/.test(output);
function startCLI(args, flags = [], spawnOpts = {}) {
- const child = spawn(process.execPath, [...flags, CLI, ...args], spawnOpts);
- let isFirstStdoutChunk = true;
+ let stderrOutput = '';
+ const child =
+ spawn(process.execPath, [...flags, 'inspect', ...args], spawnOpts);
const outputBuffer = [];
function bufferOutput(chunk) {
- if (isFirstStdoutChunk) {
- isFirstStdoutChunk = false;
- outputBuffer.push(chunk.replace(/^debug>\s*/, ''));
- } else {
- outputBuffer.push(chunk);
+ if (this === child.stderr) {
+ stderrOutput += chunk;
+ outputBuffer.push(chunk);
function getOutput() {
- return outputBuffer.join('').toString()
- .replace(/^[^\n]*?[\b]/mg, '');
+ return outputBuffer.join('\n').replaceAll('\b', '');
@@ -45,7 +36,7 @@ function startCLI(args, flags = [], spawnOpts = {}) {
child.stderr.on('data', bufferOutput);
if (process.env.VERBOSE === '1') {
- child.stdout.pipe(process.stderr);
+ child.stdout.pipe(process.stdout);
@@ -56,7 +47,7 @@ function startCLI(args, flags = [], spawnOpts = {}) {
return output;
- waitFor(pattern, timeout = 2000) {
+ waitFor(pattern) {
function checkPattern(str) {
if (Array.isArray(pattern)) {
return pattern.every((p) => p.test(str));
@@ -67,47 +58,57 @@ function startCLI(args, flags = [], spawnOpts = {}) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
function checkOutput() {
if (checkPattern(getOutput())) {
- tearDown(); // eslint-disable-line no-use-before-define
+ tearDown();
- function onChildExit() {
- tearDown(); // eslint-disable-line no-use-before-define
- reject(new Error(
- `Child quit while waiting for ${pattern}; found: ${this.output}`));
+ function onChildClose(code, signal) {
+ tearDown();
+ let message = 'Child exited';
+ if (code) {
+ message += `, code ${code}`;
+ }
+ if (signal) {
+ message += `, signal ${signal}`;
+ }
+ message += ` while waiting for ${pattern}; found: ${this.output}`;
+ if (stderrOutput) {
+ message += `\n STDERR: ${stderrOutput}`;
+ }
+ reject(new Error(message));
const timer = setTimeout(() => {
- tearDown(); // eslint-disable-line no-use-before-define
+ tearDown();
reject(new Error([
- `Timeout (${timeout}) while waiting for ${pattern}`,
+ `Timeout (${TIMEOUT}) while waiting for ${pattern}`,
`found: ${this.output}`,
].join('; ')));
- }, timeout);
+ }, TIMEOUT);
function tearDown() {
child.stdout.removeListener('data', checkOutput);
- child.removeListener('exit', onChildExit);
+ child.removeListener('close', onChildClose);
- child.on('exit', onChildExit);
+ child.on('close', onChildClose);
child.stdout.on('data', checkOutput);
- waitForPrompt(timeout = 2000) {
- return this.waitFor(/>\s+$/, timeout);
+ waitForPrompt() {
+ return this.waitFor(/>\s+$/);
- waitForInitialBreak(timeout = 2000) {
- return this.waitFor(/break (?:on start )?in/i, timeout)
+ waitForInitialBreak() {
+ return this.waitFor(/break (?:on start )?in/i)
.then(() => {
if (isPreBreak(this.output)) {
return this.command('next', false)
- .then(() => this.waitFor(/break in/, timeout));
+ .then(() => this.waitFor(/break in/));
@@ -169,7 +170,7 @@ function startCLI(args, flags = [], spawnOpts = {}) {
quit() {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
- child.on('exit', resolve);
+ child.on('close', resolve);
diff --git a/deps/node-inspect/examples/alive.js b/test/fixtures/inspector-cli/alive.js
index c8ad157b45..c8ad157b45 100644
--- a/deps/node-inspect/examples/alive.js
+++ b/test/fixtures/inspector-cli/alive.js
diff --git a/deps/node-inspect/examples/backtrace.js b/test/fixtures/inspector-cli/backtrace.js
index f18b33ea55..f18b33ea55 100644
--- a/deps/node-inspect/examples/backtrace.js
+++ b/test/fixtures/inspector-cli/backtrace.js
diff --git a/deps/node-inspect/examples/break.js b/test/fixtures/inspector-cli/break.js
index d5f2657881..d5f2657881 100644
--- a/deps/node-inspect/examples/break.js
+++ b/test/fixtures/inspector-cli/break.js
diff --git a/deps/node-inspect/examples/cjs/index.js b/test/fixtures/inspector-cli/cjs/index.js
index 0ace6d9b78..0ace6d9b78 100644
--- a/deps/node-inspect/examples/cjs/index.js
+++ b/test/fixtures/inspector-cli/cjs/index.js
diff --git a/deps/node-inspect/examples/cjs/other.js b/test/fixtures/inspector-cli/cjs/other.js
index 44a9a439ba..44a9a439ba 100644
--- a/deps/node-inspect/examples/cjs/other.js
+++ b/test/fixtures/inspector-cli/cjs/other.js
diff --git a/deps/node-inspect/examples/empty.js b/test/fixtures/inspector-cli/empty.js
index e69de29bb2..e69de29bb2 100644
--- a/deps/node-inspect/examples/empty.js
+++ b/test/fixtures/inspector-cli/empty.js
diff --git a/deps/node-inspect/examples/exceptions.js b/test/fixtures/inspector-cli/exceptions.js
index f57d48a48d..f57d48a48d 100644
--- a/deps/node-inspect/examples/exceptions.js
+++ b/test/fixtures/inspector-cli/exceptions.js
diff --git a/deps/node-inspect/examples/three-lines.js b/test/fixtures/inspector-cli/three-lines.js
index c17c7c1ddc..c17c7c1ddc 100644
--- a/deps/node-inspect/examples/three-lines.js
+++ b/test/fixtures/inspector-cli/three-lines.js
diff --git a/deps/node-inspect/examples/use-strict.js b/test/fixtures/inspector-cli/use-strict.js
index 9fe4b8f3b4..9fe4b8f3b4 100644
--- a/deps/node-inspect/examples/use-strict.js
+++ b/test/fixtures/inspector-cli/use-strict.js
diff --git a/test/inspector-cli/inspector-cli.status b/test/inspector-cli/inspector-cli.status
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..23a6558541
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/inspector-cli/inspector-cli.status
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+prefix inspector-cli
+# To mark a test as flaky, list the test name in the appropriate section
+# below, without ".js", followed by ": PASS,FLAKY". Example:
+# sample-test : PASS,FLAKY
+[true] # This section applies to all platforms
diff --git a/deps/node-inspect/test/cli/address.test.js b/test/inspector-cli/test-inspector-cli-address.js
index b55a2d078e..81507c3181 100644
--- a/deps/node-inspect/test/cli/address.test.js
+++ b/test/inspector-cli/test-inspector-cli-address.js
@@ -1,9 +1,13 @@
'use strict';
-const { spawn } = require('child_process');
-const Path = require('path');
-const { test } = require('tap');
+const common = require('../common');
+const fixtures = require('../common/fixtures');
+const startCLI = require('../common/inspector-cli');
-const startCLI = require('./start-cli');
+const assert = require('assert');
+const { spawn } = require('child_process');
// NOTE(oyyd): We might want to import this regexp from "lib/_inspect.js"?
const kDebuggerMsgReg = /Debugger listening on ws:\/\/\[?(.+?)\]?:(\d+)\//;
@@ -32,12 +36,8 @@ function launchTarget(...args) {
-// process.debugPort is our proxy for "the version of node used to run this
-// test suite doesn't support SIGUSR1 for enabling --inspect for a process".
-const defaultsToOldProtocol = process.debugPort === 5858;
-test('examples/alive.js', { skip: defaultsToOldProtocol }, (t) => {
- const script = Path.join('examples', 'alive.js');
+ const script = fixtures.path('inspector-cli/alive.js');
let cli = null;
let target = null;
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ test('examples/alive.js', { skip: defaultsToOldProtocol }, (t) => {
target = null;
- if (error) throw error;
+ assert.ifError(error);
return launchTarget('--inspect=0', script)
@@ -63,11 +63,11 @@ test('examples/alive.js', { skip: defaultsToOldProtocol }, (t) => {
.then(() => cli.waitFor(/break/))
.then(() => cli.waitForPrompt())
.then(() => {
- t.match(
+ assert.match(
- '> 3 ++x;',
+ /> 3 \+\+x;/,
'marks the 3rd line');
.then(() => cleanup())
.then(null, cleanup);
diff --git a/test/inspector-cli/test-inspector-cli-auto-resume.js b/test/inspector-cli/test-inspector-cli-auto-resume.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bd498bc536
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/inspector-cli/test-inspector-cli-auto-resume.js
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+'use strict';
+const common = require('../common');
+const fixtures = require('../common/fixtures');
+const startCLI = require('../common/inspector-cli');
+const { addLibraryPath } = require('../common/shared-lib-util');
+const assert = require('assert');
+const path = require('path');
+// Auto-resume on start if the environment variable is defined.
+ const scriptFullPath = fixtures.path('inspector-cli', 'break.js');
+ const script = path.relative(process.cwd(), scriptFullPath);
+ const env = { ...process.env };
+ const cli = startCLI([script], [], { env });
+ cli.waitForInitialBreak()
+ .then(() => {
+ assert.deepStrictEqual(
+ cli.breakInfo,
+ { filename: script, line: 10 },
+ );
+ })
+ .then(() => cli.quit())
+ .then((code) => {
+ assert.strictEqual(code, 0);
+ });
diff --git a/test/inspector-cli/test-inspector-cli-backtrace.js b/test/inspector-cli/test-inspector-cli-backtrace.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a705efe5fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/inspector-cli/test-inspector-cli-backtrace.js
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+'use strict';
+const common = require('../common');
+const fixtures = require('../common/fixtures');
+const startCLI = require('../common/inspector-cli');
+const assert = require('assert');
+const path = require('path');
+// Display and navigate backtrace.
+ const scriptFullPath = fixtures.path('inspector-cli', 'backtrace.js');
+ const script = path.relative(process.cwd(), scriptFullPath);
+ const cli = startCLI([script]);
+ function onFatal(error) {
+ cli.quit();
+ throw error;
+ }
+ return cli.waitForInitialBreak()
+ .then(() => cli.waitForPrompt())
+ .then(() => cli.stepCommand('c'))
+ .then(() => cli.command('bt'))
+ .then(() => {
+ assert.ok(cli.output.includes(`#0 topFn ${script}:7:2`));
+ })
+ .then(() => cli.command('backtrace'))
+ .then(() => {
+ assert.ok(cli.output.includes(`#0 topFn ${script}:7:2`));
+ })
+ .then(() => cli.quit())
+ .then(null, onFatal);
diff --git a/test/inspector-cli/test-inspector-cli-break.js b/test/inspector-cli/test-inspector-cli-break.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5037354185
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/inspector-cli/test-inspector-cli-break.js
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+'use strict';
+const common = require('../common');
+const fixtures = require('../common/fixtures');
+const startCLI = require('../common/inspector-cli');
+const assert = require('assert');
+const path = require('path');
+// Stepping through breakpoints.
+ const scriptFullPath = fixtures.path('inspector-cli', 'break.js');
+ const script = path.relative(process.cwd(), scriptFullPath);
+ const cli = startCLI([script]);
+ function onFatal(error) {
+ cli.quit();
+ throw error;
+ }
+ cli.waitForInitialBreak()
+ .then(() => cli.waitForPrompt())
+ .then(() => {
+ assert.deepStrictEqual(
+ cli.breakInfo,
+ { filename: script, line: 1 },
+ );
+ assert.match(
+ cli.output,
+ /> 1 (?:\(function \([^)]+\) \{ )?const x = 10;/,
+ 'shows the source and marks the current line');
+ })
+ .then(() => cli.stepCommand('n'))
+ .then(() => {
+ assert.ok(
+ cli.output.includes(`break in ${script}:2`),
+ 'pauses in next line of the script');
+ assert.match(
+ cli.output,
+ /> 2 let name = 'World';/,
+ 'marks the 2nd line');
+ })
+ .then(() => cli.stepCommand('next'))
+ .then(() => {
+ assert.ok(
+ cli.output.includes(`break in ${script}:3`),
+ 'pauses in next line of the script');
+ assert.match(
+ cli.output,
+ /> 3 name = 'Robin';/,
+ 'marks the 3nd line');
+ })
+ .then(() => cli.stepCommand('cont'))
+ .then(() => {
+ assert.ok(
+ cli.output.includes(`break in ${script}:10`),
+ 'pauses on the next breakpoint');
+ assert.match(
+ cli.output,
+ />10 debugger;/,
+ 'marks the debugger line');
+ })
+ // Prepare additional breakpoints
+ .then(() => cli.command('sb("break.js", 6)'))
+ .then(() => assert.doesNotMatch(cli.output, /Could not resolve breakpoint/))
+ .then(() => cli.command('sb("otherFunction()")'))
+ .then(() => cli.command('sb(16)'))
+ .then(() => assert.doesNotMatch(cli.output, /Could not resolve breakpoint/))
+ .then(() => cli.command('breakpoints'))
+ .then(() => {
+ assert.ok(cli.output.includes(`#0 ${script}:6`));
+ assert.ok(cli.output.includes(`#1 ${script}:16`));
+ })
+ .then(() => cli.command('list()'))
+ .then(() => {
+ assert.match(
+ cli.output,
+ />10 debugger;/,
+ 'prints and marks current line'
+ );
+ assert.deepStrictEqual(
+ cli.parseSourceLines(),
+ [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15],
+ );
+ })
+ .then(() => cli.command('list(2)'))
+ .then(() => {
+ assert.match(
+ cli.output,
+ />10 debugger;/,
+ 'prints and marks current line'
+ );
+ assert.deepStrictEqual(
+ cli.parseSourceLines(),
+ [8, 9, 10, 11, 12],
+ );
+ })
+ .then(() => cli.stepCommand('s'))
+ .then(() => cli.stepCommand(''))
+ .then(() => {
+ assert.match(
+ cli.output,
+ /break in node:timers/,
+ 'entered timers.js');
+ })
+ .then(() => cli.stepCommand('cont'))
+ .then(() => {
+ assert.ok(
+ cli.output.includes(`break in ${script}:16`),
+ 'found breakpoint we set above w/ line number only');
+ })
+ .then(() => cli.stepCommand('cont'))
+ .then(() => {
+ assert.ok(
+ cli.output.includes(`break in ${script}:6`),
+ 'found breakpoint we set above w/ line number & script');
+ })
+ .then(() => cli.stepCommand(''))
+ .then(() => {
+ assert.ok(
+ cli.output.includes(`debugCommand in ${script}:14`),
+ 'found function breakpoint we set above');
+ })
+ .then(() => cli.quit())
+ .then(null, onFatal);
diff --git a/test/inspector-cli/test-inspector-cli-clear-breakpoints.js b/test/inspector-cli/test-inspector-cli-clear-breakpoints.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f85e33280c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/inspector-cli/test-inspector-cli-clear-breakpoints.js
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+'use strict';
+const common = require('../common');
+const fixtures = require('../common/fixtures');
+const startCLI = require('../common/inspector-cli');
+const assert = require('assert');
+const path = require('path');
+// clearBreakpoint
+ const scriptFullPath = fixtures.path('inspector-cli', 'break.js');
+ const script = path.relative(process.cwd(), scriptFullPath);
+ const cli = startCLI([script]);
+ function onFatal(error) {
+ cli.quit();
+ throw error;
+ }
+ return cli.waitForInitialBreak()
+ .then(() => cli.waitForPrompt())
+ .then(() => cli.command('sb("break.js", 3)'))
+ .then(() => cli.command('sb("break.js", 9)'))
+ .then(() => cli.command('breakpoints'))
+ .then(() => {
+ assert.ok(cli.output.includes(`#0 ${script}:3`));
+ assert.ok(cli.output.includes(`#1 ${script}:9`));
+ })
+ .then(() => cli.command('clearBreakpoint("break.js", 4)'))
+ .then(() => {
+ assert.match(cli.output, /Could not find breakpoint/);
+ })
+ .then(() => cli.command('clearBreakpoint("not-such-script.js", 3)'))
+ .then(() => {
+ assert.match(cli.output, /Could not find breakpoint/);
+ })
+ .then(() => cli.command('clearBreakpoint("break.js", 3)'))
+ .then(() => cli.command('breakpoints'))
+ .then(() => {
+ assert.ok(cli.output.includes(`#0 ${script}:9`));
+ })
+ .then(() => cli.stepCommand('cont'))
+ .then(() => {
+ assert.ok(
+ cli.output.includes(`break in ${script}:9`),
+ 'hits the 2nd breakpoint because the 1st was cleared');
+ })
+ .then(() => cli.quit())
+ .then(null, onFatal);
diff --git a/test/inspector-cli/test-inspector-cli-custom-port.js b/test/inspector-cli/test-inspector-cli-custom-port.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4b788a6488
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/inspector-cli/test-inspector-cli-custom-port.js
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+'use strict';
+const common = require('../common');
+const fixtures = require('../common/fixtures');
+const startCLI = require('../common/inspector-cli');
+const assert = require('assert');
+// Custom port.
+ const script = fixtures.path('inspector-cli', 'three-lines.js');
+ const cli = startCLI([`--port=${common.PORT}`, script]);
+ cli.waitForInitialBreak()
+ .then(() => cli.waitForPrompt())
+ .then(() => {
+ assert.match(cli.output, /debug>/, 'prints a prompt');
+ assert.match(
+ cli.output,
+ new RegExp(`< Debugger listening on [^\n]*${common.PORT}`),
+ 'forwards child output');
+ })
+ .then(() => cli.quit())
+ .then((code) => {
+ assert.strictEqual(code, 0);
+ });
diff --git a/deps/node-inspect/test/cli/exceptions.test.js b/test/inspector-cli/test-inspector-cli-exceptions.js
index 69d42d0a25..324f6f6bde 100644
--- a/deps/node-inspect/test/cli/exceptions.test.js
+++ b/test/inspector-cli/test-inspector-cli-exceptions.js
@@ -1,12 +1,18 @@
'use strict';
-const Path = require('path');
+const common = require('../common');
-const { test } = require('tap');
-const startCLI = require('./start-cli');
+const fixtures = require('../common/fixtures');
+const startCLI = require('../common/inspector-cli');
-test('break on (uncaught) exceptions', (t) => {
- const script = Path.join('examples', 'exceptions.js');
+const assert = require('assert');
+const path = require('path');
+// Break on (uncaught) exceptions.
+ const scriptFullPath = fixtures.path('inspector-cli', 'exceptions.js');
+ const script = path.relative(process.cwd(), scriptFullPath);
const cli = startCLI([script]);
function onFatal(error) {
@@ -14,42 +20,42 @@ test('break on (uncaught) exceptions', (t) => {
throw error;
- return cli.waitForInitialBreak()
+ cli.waitForInitialBreak()
.then(() => cli.waitForPrompt())
.then(() => {
- t.match(cli.breakInfo, { filename: script, line: 1 });
+ assert.deepStrictEqual(cli.breakInfo, { filename: script, line: 1 });
- // making sure it will die by default:
+ // Making sure it will die by default:
.then(() => cli.command('c'))
- // TODO: Remove FATAL ERROR once node doesn't show a FATAL ERROR anymore
+ // TODO: Remove FATAL ERROR once node doesn't show a FATAL ERROR anymore.
.then(() => cli.waitFor(/disconnect|FATAL ERROR/))
- // Next run: With `breakOnException` it pauses in both places
+ // Next run: With `breakOnException` it pauses in both places.
.then(() => cli.stepCommand('r'))
.then(() => cli.waitForInitialBreak())
.then(() => {
- t.match(cli.breakInfo, { filename: script, line: 1 });
+ assert.deepStrictEqual(cli.breakInfo, { filename: script, line: 1 });
.then(() => cli.command('breakOnException'))
.then(() => cli.stepCommand('c'))
.then(() => {
- t.match(cli.output, `exception in ${script}:3`);
+ assert.ok(cli.output.includes(`exception in ${script}:3`));
.then(() => cli.stepCommand('c'))
.then(() => {
- t.match(cli.output, `exception in ${script}:9`);
+ assert.ok(cli.output.includes(`exception in ${script}:9`));
- // Next run: With `breakOnUncaught` it only pauses on the 2nd exception
+ // Next run: With `breakOnUncaught` it only pauses on the 2nd exception.
.then(() => cli.command('breakOnUncaught'))
- .then(() => cli.stepCommand('r')) // also, the setting survives the restart
+ .then(() => cli.stepCommand('r')) // Also, the setting survives the restart.
.then(() => cli.waitForInitialBreak())
.then(() => {
- t.match(cli.breakInfo, { filename: script, line: 1 });
+ assert.deepStrictEqual(cli.breakInfo, { filename: script, line: 1 });
.then(() => cli.stepCommand('c'))
.then(() => {
- t.match(cli.output, `exception in ${script}:9`);
+ assert.ok(cli.output.includes(`exception in ${script}:9`));
// Next run: Back to the initial state! It should die again.
@@ -57,7 +63,7 @@ test('break on (uncaught) exceptions', (t) => {
.then(() => cli.stepCommand('r'))
.then(() => cli.waitForInitialBreak())
.then(() => {
- t.match(cli.breakInfo, { filename: script, line: 1 });
+ assert.deepStrictEqual(cli.breakInfo, { filename: script, line: 1 });
.then(() => cli.command('c'))
// TODO: Remove FATAL ERROR once node doesn't show a FATAL ERROR anymore
@@ -65,4 +71,4 @@ test('break on (uncaught) exceptions', (t) => {
.then(() => cli.quit())
.then(null, onFatal);
diff --git a/test/inspector-cli/test-inspector-cli-exec-scope.js b/test/inspector-cli/test-inspector-cli-exec-scope.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ef1455c0b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/inspector-cli/test-inspector-cli-exec-scope.js
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+'use strict';
+const common = require('../common');
+const fixtures = require('../common/fixtures');
+const startCLI = require('../common/inspector-cli');
+const assert = require('assert');
+// exec .scope
+ const cli = startCLI([fixtures.path('inspector-cli/backtrace.js')]);
+ function onFatal(error) {
+ cli.quit();
+ throw error;
+ }
+ cli.waitForInitialBreak()
+ .then(() => cli.waitForPrompt())
+ .then(() => cli.stepCommand('c'))
+ .then(() => cli.command('exec .scope'))
+ .then(() => {
+ assert.match(
+ cli.output,
+ /'moduleScoped'/, 'displays closure from module body');
+ assert.match(cli.output, /'a'/, 'displays local / function arg');
+ assert.match(cli.output, /'l1'/, 'displays local scope');
+ assert.doesNotMatch(
+ cli.output,
+ /'encodeURIComponent'/,
+ 'omits global scope'
+ );
+ })
+ .then(() => cli.quit())
+ .then(null, onFatal);
diff --git a/test/inspector-cli/test-inspector-cli-exec.js b/test/inspector-cli/test-inspector-cli-exec.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..15e7e212cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/inspector-cli/test-inspector-cli-exec.js
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+'use strict';
+const common = require('../common');
+const fixtures = require('../common/fixtures');
+const startCLI = require('../common/inspector-cli');
+const assert = require('assert');
+ const cli = startCLI([fixtures.path('inspector-cli/alive.js')]);
+ function onFatal(error) {
+ cli.quit();
+ throw error;
+ }
+ cli.waitForInitialBreak()
+ .then(() => cli.waitForPrompt())
+ .then(() => cli.command('exec [typeof heartbeat, typeof process.exit]'))
+ .then(() => {
+ assert.match(
+ cli.output,
+ /\[ 'function', 'function' \]/,
+ 'works w/o paren'
+ );
+ })
+ .then(() => cli.command('repl'))
+ .then(() => {
+ assert.match(
+ cli.output,
+ /Press Ctrl \+ C to leave debug repl\n+> /,
+ 'shows hint for how to leave repl');
+ assert.doesNotMatch(cli.output, /debug>/, 'changes the repl style');
+ })
+ .then(() => cli.command('[typeof heartbeat, typeof process.exit]'))
+ .then(() => cli.waitFor(/function/))
+ .then(() => cli.waitForPrompt())
+ .then(() => {
+ assert.match(
+ cli.output,
+ /\[ 'function', 'function' \]/, 'can evaluate in the repl');
+ assert.match(cli.output, /> $/);
+ })
+ .then(() => cli.ctrlC())
+ .then(() => cli.waitFor(/debug> $/))
+ .then(() => cli.command('exec("[typeof heartbeat, typeof process.exit]")'))
+ .then(() => {
+ assert.match(
+ cli.output,
+ /\[ 'function', 'function' \]/,
+ 'works w/ paren'
+ );
+ })
+ .then(() => cli.command('cont'))
+ .then(() => cli.command('exec [typeof heartbeat, typeof process.exit]'))
+ .then(() => {
+ assert.match(
+ cli.output,
+ /\[ 'undefined', 'function' \]/,
+ 'non-paused exec can see global but not module-scope values');
+ })
+ .then(() => cli.quit())
+ .then(null, onFatal);
diff --git a/test/inspector-cli/test-inspector-cli-heap-profiler.js b/test/inspector-cli/test-inspector-cli-heap-profiler.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..689604b1c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/inspector-cli/test-inspector-cli-heap-profiler.js
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+'use strict';
+const common = require('../common');
+if (!common.isMainThread) {
+ common.skip('process.chdir() is not available in workers');
+const fixtures = require('../common/fixtures');
+const startCLI = require('../common/inspector-cli');
+const tmpdir = require('../common/tmpdir');
+const { readFileSync } = require('fs');
+const filename = 'node.heapsnapshot';
+// Heap profiler take snapshot.
+ const cli = startCLI([fixtures.path('inspector-cli/empty.js')]);
+ function onFatal(error) {
+ cli.quit();
+ throw error;
+ }
+ // Check that the snapshot is valid JSON.
+ return cli.waitForInitialBreak()
+ .then(() => cli.waitForPrompt())
+ .then(() => cli.command('takeHeapSnapshot()'))
+ .then(() => JSON.parse(readFileSync(filename, 'utf8')))
+ .then(() => cli.quit())
+ .then(null, onFatal);
diff --git a/test/inspector-cli/test-inspector-cli-help.js b/test/inspector-cli/test-inspector-cli-help.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f72d4960a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/inspector-cli/test-inspector-cli-help.js
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+'use strict';
+const common = require('../common');
+const fixtures = require('../common/fixtures');
+const startCLI = require('../common/inspector-cli');
+const assert = require('assert');
+ const cli = startCLI([fixtures.path('inspector-cli/empty.js')]);
+ function onFatal(error) {
+ cli.quit();
+ throw error;
+ }
+ return cli.waitForInitialBreak()
+ .then(() => cli.waitForPrompt())
+ .then(() => cli.command('help'))
+ .then(() => {
+ assert.match(cli.output, /run, restart, r\s+/m);
+ })
+ .then(() => cli.quit())
+ .then(null, onFatal);
diff --git a/test/inspector-cli/test-inspector-cli-invalid-args.js b/test/inspector-cli/test-inspector-cli-invalid-args.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..841d7a8831
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/inspector-cli/test-inspector-cli-invalid-args.js
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+'use strict';
+const common = require('../common');
+const fixtures = require('../common/fixtures');
+const startCLI = require('../common/inspector-cli');
+const assert = require('assert');
+const { createServer } = require('net');
+// Launch CLI w/o args.
+ const cli = startCLI([]);
+ cli.quit()
+ .then((code) => {
+ assert.strictEqual(code, 1);
+ assert.match(cli.output, /^Usage:/, 'Prints usage info');
+ });
+// Launch w/ invalid host:port.
+ const cli = startCLI(['localhost:914']);
+ cli.quit()
+ .then((code) => {
+ assert.match(
+ cli.output,
+ /failed to connect/,
+ 'Tells the user that the connection failed');
+ assert.strictEqual(code, 1);
+ });
+// Launch w/ unavailable port.
+(async () => {
+ const blocker = createServer((socket) => socket.end());
+ const port = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+ blocker.on('error', reject);
+ blocker.listen(0, '', () => resolve(blocker.address().port));
+ });
+ try {
+ const script = fixtures.path('inspector-cli', 'three-lines.js');
+ const cli = startCLI([`--port=${port}`, script]);
+ const code = await cli.quit();
+ assert.doesNotMatch(
+ cli.output,
+ /report this bug/,
+ 'Omits message about reporting this as a bug');
+ assert.ok(
+ cli.output.includes(`waiting for${port} to be free`),
+ 'Tells the user that the port wasn\'t available');
+ assert.strictEqual(code, 1);
+ } finally {
+ blocker.close();
+ }
diff --git a/test/inspector-cli/test-inspector-cli-launch.js b/test/inspector-cli/test-inspector-cli-launch.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..60f09334b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/inspector-cli/test-inspector-cli-launch.js
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+'use strict';
+const common = require('../common');
+const fixtures = require('../common/fixtures');
+const startCLI = require('../common/inspector-cli');
+const assert = require('assert');
+ const script = fixtures.path('inspector-cli', 'three-lines.js');
+ const cli = startCLI([script]);
+ cli.waitForInitialBreak()
+ .then(() => cli.waitForPrompt())
+ .then(() => {
+ assert.match(cli.output, /debug>/, 'prints a prompt');
+ assert.match(
+ cli.output,
+ /< Debugger listening on [^\n]*9229/,
+ 'forwards child output');
+ })
+ .then(() => cli.command('["hello", "world"].join(" ")'))
+ .then(() => {
+ assert.match(cli.output, /hello world/, 'prints the result');
+ })
+ .then(() => cli.command(''))
+ .then(() => {
+ assert.match(
+ cli.output,
+ /hello world/,
+ 'repeats the last command on <enter>'
+ );
+ })
+ .then(() => cli.command('version'))
+ .then(() => {
+ assert.ok(
+ cli.output.includes(process.versions.v8),
+ 'version prints the v8 version'
+ );
+ })
+ .then(() => cli.quit())
+ .then((code) => {
+ assert.strictEqual(code, 0);
+ });
diff --git a/deps/node-inspect/test/cli/low-level.test.js b/test/inspector-cli/test-inspector-cli-low-level.js
index 2a41359825..5fafc7c361 100644
--- a/deps/node-inspect/test/cli/low-level.test.js
+++ b/test/inspector-cli/test-inspector-cli-low-level.js
@@ -1,11 +1,16 @@
'use strict';
-const { test } = require('tap');
+const common = require('../common');
-const startCLI = require('./start-cli');
-test('Debugger agent direct access', (t) => {
- const cli = startCLI(['examples/three-lines.js']);
- const scriptPattern = /^\* (\d+): examples(?:\/|\\)three-lines.js/;
+const fixtures = require('../common/fixtures');
+const startCLI = require('../common/inspector-cli');
+const assert = require('assert');
+// Debugger agent direct access.
+ const cli = startCLI([fixtures.path('inspector-cli/three-lines.js')]);
+ const scriptPattern = /^\* (\d+): \S+inspector-cli(?:\/|\\)three-lines\.js/m;
function onFatal(error) {
@@ -22,13 +27,13 @@ test('Debugger agent direct access', (t) => {
.then(() => {
- t.match(
+ assert.match(
/scriptSource:[ \n]*'(?:\(function \(|let x = 1)/);
- t.match(
+ assert.match(
/let x = 1;/);
.then(() => cli.quit())
.then(null, onFatal);
diff --git a/test/inspector-cli/test-inspector-cli-pid.js b/test/inspector-cli/test-inspector-cli-pid.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..92c8117765
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/inspector-cli/test-inspector-cli-pid.js
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+'use strict';
+const common = require('../common');
+const fixtures = require('../common/fixtures');
+const startCLI = require('../common/inspector-cli');
+const assert = require('assert');
+const { spawn } = require('child_process');
+function launchTarget(...args) {
+ const childProc = spawn(process.execPath, args);
+ return Promise.resolve(childProc);
+ const script = fixtures.path('inspector-cli', 'alive.js');
+ let cli = null;
+ let target = null;
+ function cleanup(error) {
+ if (cli) {
+ cli.quit();
+ cli = null;
+ }
+ if (target) {
+ target.kill();
+ target = null;
+ }
+ assert.ifError(error);
+ }
+ return launchTarget(script)
+ .then((childProc) => {
+ target = childProc;
+ cli = startCLI(['-p', `${}`]);
+ return cli.waitForPrompt();
+ })
+ .then(() => cli.command('sb("alive.js", 3)'))
+ .then(() => cli.waitFor(/break/))
+ // TODO: There is a known issue on AIX and some other operating systems
+ // where the breakpoints aren't properly resolved yet when we reach this
+ // point. Eventually that should be figured out but for now we don't
+ // want to fail builds because of it.
+ // What it should be:
+ //
+ // .then(() => cli.waitForPrompt())
+ //
+ // What we're diong for now:
+ .then(() => cli.waitFor(/>\s+(?:\n1 breakpoints restored\.)?$/))
+ .then(() => {
+ assert.match(
+ cli.output,
+ /> 3 \+\+x;/,
+ 'marks the 3rd line');
+ })
+ .then(() => cleanup())
+ .then(null, cleanup);
diff --git a/test/inspector-cli/test-inspector-cli-preserve-breaks.js b/test/inspector-cli/test-inspector-cli-preserve-breaks.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fb751016ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/inspector-cli/test-inspector-cli-preserve-breaks.js
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+'use strict';
+const common = require('../common');
+const fixtures = require('../common/fixtures');
+const startCLI = require('../common/inspector-cli');
+const assert = require('assert');
+const path = require('path');
+// Run after quit.
+ const scriptFullPath = fixtures.path('inspector-cli', 'three-lines.js');
+ const script = path.relative(process.cwd(), scriptFullPath);
+ const cli = startCLI([script]);
+ function onFatal(error) {
+ cli.quit();
+ throw error;
+ }
+ return cli.waitForInitialBreak()
+ .then(() => cli.waitForPrompt())
+ .then(() => cli.command('breakpoints'))
+ .then(() => {
+ assert.match(cli.output, /No breakpoints yet/);
+ })
+ .then(() => cli.command('sb(2)'))
+ .then(() => cli.command('sb(3)'))
+ .then(() => cli.command('breakpoints'))
+ .then(() => {
+ assert.ok(cli.output.includes(`#0 ${script}:2`));
+ assert.ok(cli.output.includes(`#1 ${script}:3`));
+ })
+ .then(() => cli.stepCommand('c')) // hit line 2
+ .then(() => cli.stepCommand('c')) // hit line 3
+ .then(() => {
+ assert.deepStrictEqual(cli.breakInfo, { filename: script, line: 3 });
+ })
+ .then(() => cli.command('restart'))
+ .then(() => cli.waitForInitialBreak())
+ .then(() => {
+ assert.deepStrictEqual(cli.breakInfo, { filename: script, line: 1 });
+ })
+ .then(() => cli.stepCommand('c'))
+ .then(() => {
+ assert.deepStrictEqual(cli.breakInfo, { filename: script, line: 2 });
+ })
+ .then(() => cli.stepCommand('c'))
+ .then(() => {
+ assert.deepStrictEqual(cli.breakInfo, { filename: script, line: 3 });
+ })
+ .then(() => cli.command('breakpoints'))
+ .then(() => {
+ // TODO: There is a known issue on AIX and some other operating systems
+ // where the breakpoints aren't properly resolved yet when we reach this
+ // point. Eventually that should be figured out but for now we don't
+ // want to fail builds because of it.
+ // What it should be:
+ //
+ // const msg = `SCRIPT: ${script}, OUTPUT: ${cli.output}`;
+ // assert.ok(cli.output.includes(`#0 ${script}:2`), msg);
+ // assert.ok(cli.output.includes(`#1 ${script}:3`), msg);
+ //
+ // What we're doing for now instead:
+ assert.match(cli.output, /#0 [^\n]+three-lines\.js\$?:2/);
+ assert.match(cli.output, /#1 [^\n]+three-lines\.js\$?:3/);
+ })
+ .then(() => cli.quit())
+ .then(null, onFatal);
diff --git a/deps/node-inspect/test/cli/profile.test.js b/test/inspector-cli/test-inspector-cli-profile.js
index 0f900c5a2b..a683d78b06 100644
--- a/deps/node-inspect/test/cli/profile.test.js
+++ b/test/inspector-cli/test-inspector-cli-profile.js
@@ -1,14 +1,20 @@
'use strict';
-const { test } = require('tap');
+const common = require('../common');
-const startCLI = require('./start-cli');
+const fixtures = require('../common/fixtures');
+const startCLI = require('../common/inspector-cli');
+const assert = require('assert');
function delay(ms) {
return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
-test('profiles', (t) => {
- const cli = startCLI(['examples/empty.js']);
+// Profiles.
+ const cli = startCLI([fixtures.path('inspector-cli/empty.js')]);
function onFatal(error) {
@@ -19,14 +25,14 @@ test('profiles', (t) => {
.then(() => cli.waitForPrompt())
.then(() => cli.command('exec console.profile()'))
.then(() => {
- t.match(cli.output, 'undefined');
+ assert.match(cli.output, /undefined/);
.then(() => cli.command('exec console.profileEnd()'))
.then(() => delay(250))
.then(() => {
- t.match(cli.output, 'undefined');
- t.match(cli.output, 'Captured new CPU profile.');
+ assert.match(cli.output, /undefined/);
+ assert.match(cli.output, /Captured new CPU profile\./);
.then(() => cli.quit())
.then(null, onFatal);
diff --git a/test/inspector-cli/test-inspector-cli-random-port-with-inspect-port.js b/test/inspector-cli/test-inspector-cli-random-port-with-inspect-port.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9089f352f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/inspector-cli/test-inspector-cli-random-port-with-inspect-port.js
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+'use strict';
+const common = require('../common');
+const fixtures = require('../common/fixtures');
+const startCLI = require('../common/inspector-cli');
+const assert = require('assert');
+// Random port with --inspect-port=0.
+ const script = fixtures.path('inspector-cli', 'three-lines.js');
+ const cli = startCLI(['--inspect-port=0', script]);
+ cli.waitForInitialBreak()
+ .then(() => cli.waitForPrompt())
+ .then(() => {
+ assert.match(cli.output, /debug>/, 'prints a prompt');
+ assert.match(
+ cli.output,
+ /< Debugger listening on /,
+ 'forwards child output');
+ })
+ .then(() => cli.quit())
+ .then((code) => {
+ assert.strictEqual(code, 0);
+ });
diff --git a/test/inspector-cli/test-inspector-cli-random-port.js b/test/inspector-cli/test-inspector-cli-random-port.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..aecadc549c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/inspector-cli/test-inspector-cli-random-port.js
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+'use strict';
+const common = require('../common');
+const fixtures = require('../common/fixtures');
+const startCLI = require('../common/inspector-cli');
+const assert = require('assert');
+// Random port.
+ const script = fixtures.path('inspector-cli', 'three-lines.js');
+ const cli = startCLI(['--port=0', script]);
+ cli.waitForInitialBreak()
+ .then(() => cli.waitForPrompt())
+ .then(() => {
+ assert.match(cli.output, /debug>/, 'prints a prompt');
+ assert.match(
+ cli.output,
+ /< Debugger listening on /,
+ 'forwards child output');
+ })
+ .then(() => cli.quit())
+ .then((code) => {
+ assert.strictEqual(code, 0);
+ });
diff --git a/test/inspector-cli/test-inspector-cli-run-after-quit-restart.js b/test/inspector-cli/test-inspector-cli-run-after-quit-restart.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0e0233d120
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/inspector-cli/test-inspector-cli-run-after-quit-restart.js
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+'use strict';
+const common = require('../common');
+const fixtures = require('../common/fixtures');
+const startCLI = require('../common/inspector-cli');
+const assert = require('assert');
+const path = require('path');
+// Run after quit/restart.
+ const scriptFullPath = fixtures.path('inspector-cli', 'three-lines.js');
+ const script = path.relative(process.cwd(), scriptFullPath);
+ const cli = startCLI([script]);
+ function onFatal(error) {
+ cli.quit();
+ throw error;
+ }
+ cli.waitForInitialBreak()
+ .then(() => cli.waitForPrompt())
+ .then(() => cli.stepCommand('n'))
+ .then(() => {
+ assert.ok(
+ cli.output.includes(`break in ${script}:2`),
+ 'steps to the 2nd line'
+ );
+ })
+ .then(() => cli.command('cont'))
+ .then(() => cli.waitFor(/disconnect/))
+ .then(() => {
+ assert.match(
+ cli.output,
+ /Waiting for the debugger to disconnect/,
+ 'the child was done');
+ })
+ .then(() => {
+ // On windows the socket won't close by itself
+ return cli.command('kill');
+ })
+ .then(() => cli.command('cont'))
+ .then(() => cli.waitFor(/start the app/))
+ .then(() => {
+ assert.match(cli.output, /Use `run` to start the app again/);
+ })
+ .then(() => cli.stepCommand('run'))
+ .then(() => cli.waitForInitialBreak())
+ .then(() => cli.waitForPrompt())
+ .then(() => {
+ assert.deepStrictEqual(
+ cli.breakInfo,
+ { filename: script, line: 1 },
+ );
+ })
+ .then(() => cli.stepCommand('n'))
+ .then(() => {
+ assert.deepStrictEqual(
+ cli.breakInfo,
+ { filename: script, line: 2 },
+ );
+ })
+ .then(() => cli.stepCommand('restart'))
+ .then(() => cli.waitForInitialBreak())
+ .then(() => {
+ assert.deepStrictEqual(
+ cli.breakInfo,
+ { filename: script, line: 1 },
+ );
+ })
+ .then(() => cli.command('kill'))
+ .then(() => cli.command('cont'))
+ .then(() => cli.waitFor(/start the app/))
+ .then(() => {
+ assert.match(cli.output, /Use `run` to start the app again/);
+ })
+ .then(() => cli.stepCommand('run'))
+ .then(() => cli.waitForInitialBreak())
+ .then(() => cli.waitForPrompt())
+ .then(() => {
+ assert.deepStrictEqual(
+ cli.breakInfo,
+ { filename: script, line: 1 },
+ );
+ })
+ .then(() => cli.quit())
+ .then(null, onFatal);
diff --git a/test/inspector-cli/test-inspector-cli-sb-before-load.js b/test/inspector-cli/test-inspector-cli-sb-before-load.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fe1923f884
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/inspector-cli/test-inspector-cli-sb-before-load.js
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+'use strict';
+const common = require('../common');
+const fixtures = require('../common/fixtures');
+const startCLI = require('../common/inspector-cli');
+const assert = require('assert');
+const path = require('path');
+// Using sb before loading file.
+ const scriptFullPath = fixtures.path('inspector-cli', 'cjs', 'index.js');
+ const script = path.relative(process.cwd(), scriptFullPath);
+ const otherScriptFullPath = fixtures.path('inspector-cli', 'cjs', 'other.js');
+ const otherScript = path.relative(process.cwd(), otherScriptFullPath);
+ const cli = startCLI([script]);
+ function onFatal(error) {
+ cli.quit();
+ throw error;
+ }
+ cli.waitForInitialBreak()
+ .then(() => cli.waitForPrompt())
+ .then(() => cli.command('sb("other.js", 2)'))
+ .then(() => {
+ assert.match(
+ cli.output,
+ /not loaded yet/,
+ 'warns that the script was not loaded yet');
+ })
+ .then(() => cli.stepCommand('cont'))
+ .then(() => {
+ assert.ok(
+ cli.output.includes(`break in ${otherScript}:2`),
+ 'found breakpoint in file that was not loaded yet');
+ })
+ .then(() => cli.quit())
+ .then(null, onFatal);
diff --git a/deps/node-inspect/test/cli/scripts.test.js b/test/inspector-cli/test-inspector-cli-scripts.js
index f6e3f30dca..3c634e4b80 100644
--- a/deps/node-inspect/test/cli/scripts.test.js
+++ b/test/inspector-cli/test-inspector-cli-scripts.js
@@ -1,12 +1,16 @@
'use strict';
-const Path = require('path');
+const common = require('../common');
-const { test } = require('tap');
-const startCLI = require('./start-cli');
+const fixtures = require('../common/fixtures');
+const startCLI = require('../common/inspector-cli');
-test('list scripts', (t) => {
- const script = Path.join('examples', 'three-lines.js');
+const assert = require('assert');
+// List scripts.
+ const script = fixtures.path('inspector-cli', 'three-lines.js');
const cli = startCLI([script]);
function onFatal(error) {
@@ -18,26 +22,26 @@ test('list scripts', (t) => {
.then(() => cli.waitForPrompt())
.then(() => cli.command('scripts'))
.then(() => {
- t.match(
+ assert.match(
- /^\* \d+: examples(?:\/|\\)three-lines\.js/,
+ /^\* \d+: \S+inspector-cli(?:\/|\\)three-lines\.js/m,
'lists the user script');
- t.notMatch(
+ assert.doesNotMatch(
- /\d+: buffer\.js <native>/,
+ /\d+: node:internal\/buffer/,
'omits node-internal scripts');
.then(() => cli.command('scripts(true)'))
.then(() => {
- t.match(
+ assert.match(
- /\* \d+: examples(?:\/|\\)three-lines\.js/,
+ /\* \d+: \S+inspector-cli(?:\/|\\)three-lines\.js/,
'lists the user script');
- t.match(
+ assert.match(
- /\d+: buffer\.js <native>/,
+ /\d+: node:internal\/buffer/,
'includes node-internal scripts');
.then(() => cli.quit())
.then(null, onFatal);
diff --git a/deps/node-inspect/test/cli/use-strict.test.js b/test/inspector-cli/test-inspector-cli-use-strict.js
index c6dc8f31cd..4fb33c9f3e 100644
--- a/deps/node-inspect/test/cli/use-strict.test.js
+++ b/test/inspector-cli/test-inspector-cli-use-strict.js
@@ -1,12 +1,16 @@
'use strict';
-const Path = require('path');
+const common = require('../common');
-const { test } = require('tap');
-const startCLI = require('./start-cli');
+const fixtures = require('../common/fixtures');
+const startCLI = require('../common/inspector-cli');
-test('for whiles that starts with strict directive', (t) => {
- const script = Path.join('examples', 'use-strict.js');
+const assert = require('assert');
+// Test for files that start with strict directive.
+ const script = fixtures.path('inspector-cli', 'use-strict.js');
const cli = startCLI([script]);
function onFatal(error) {
@@ -18,11 +22,11 @@ test('for whiles that starts with strict directive', (t) => {
.then(() => cli.waitForPrompt())
.then(() => {
const brk = cli.breakInfo;
- t.match(
+ assert.match(
'pauses either on strict directive or first "real" line');
.then(() => cli.quit())
.then(null, onFatal);
diff --git a/deps/node-inspect/test/cli/watchers.test.js b/test/inspector-cli/test-inspector-cli-watchers.js
index 46bcde19a2..ab39be6239 100644
--- a/deps/node-inspect/test/cli/watchers.test.js
+++ b/test/inspector-cli/test-inspector-cli-watchers.js
@@ -1,10 +1,16 @@
'use strict';
-const { test } = require('tap');
+const common = require('../common');
-const startCLI = require('./start-cli');
-test('stepping through breakpoints', (t) => {
- const cli = startCLI(['examples/break.js']);
+const fixtures = require('../common/fixtures');
+const startCLI = require('../common/inspector-cli');
+const assert = require('assert');
+// Stepping through breakpoints.
+ const cli = startCLI([fixtures.path('inspector-cli/break.js')]);
function onFatal(error) {
@@ -22,21 +28,21 @@ test('stepping through breakpoints', (t) => {
.then(() => cli.command('watch("process.env")'))
.then(() => cli.command('watchers'))
.then(() => {
- t.match(cli.output, 'x is not defined');
+ assert.match(cli.output, /x is not defined/);
.then(() => cli.command('unwatch("42")'))
.then(() => cli.stepCommand('n'))
.then(() => {
- t.match(cli.output, '0: x = 10');
- t.match(cli.output, '1: "Hello" = \'Hello\'');
- t.match(cli.output, '2: NaN = NaN');
- t.match(cli.output, '3: true = true');
- t.match(cli.output, '4: [1, 2] = [ 1, 2 ]');
- t.match(
+ assert.match(cli.output, /0: x = 10/);
+ assert.match(cli.output, /1: "Hello" = 'Hello'/);
+ assert.match(cli.output, /2: NaN = NaN/);
+ assert.match(cli.output, /3: true = true/);
+ assert.match(cli.output, /4: \[1, 2\] = \[ 1, 2 \]/);
+ assert.match(
/5: process\.env =\n\s+\{[\s\S]+,\n\s+\.\.\. \}/,
'shows "..." for process.env');
.then(() => cli.quit())
.then(null, onFatal);
diff --git a/test/inspector-cli/ b/test/inspector-cli/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d45972ac3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/inspector-cli/
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+import sys, os
+sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..'))
+import testpy
+def GetConfiguration(context, root):
+ return testpy.SimpleTestConfiguration(context, root, 'inspector-cli')