diff options
authorJames M Snell <>2022-12-17 13:07:42 -0800
committerJames M Snell <>2023-02-19 16:26:56 -0800
commitc8cc7e89e600c1e10739a086153a245cde661ac2 (patch)
parent9a82938b82dd3c5795adbf64b9c94c7594d2f39a (diff)
src: implement DataQueue
See documentation in dataqueue/queue.h for details Co-authored-by: flakey5 <> PR-URL: Reviewed-By: Matteo Collina <>
5 files changed, 1506 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/node.gyp b/node.gyp
index 6d1b2bf369..f890917747 100644
--- a/node.gyp
+++ b/node.gyp
@@ -477,6 +477,7 @@
+ 'src/dataqueue/',
@@ -580,6 +581,7 @@
+ 'src/dataqueue/queue.h',
@@ -991,6 +993,7 @@
+ 'test/cctest/',
'conditions': [
diff --git a/src/dataqueue/ b/src/dataqueue/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2ca87c0b59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/dataqueue/
@@ -0,0 +1,1202 @@
+#include "queue.h"
+#include <async_wrap-inl.h>
+#include <base_object-inl.h>
+#include <env-inl.h>
+#include <memory_tracker-inl.h>
+#include <node.h>
+#include <node_bob-inl.h>
+#include <node_errors.h>
+#include <node_file-inl.h>
+#include <stream_base-inl.h>
+#include <v8.h>
+#include <util-inl.h>
+#include <uv.h>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <deque>
+#include <initializer_list>
+#include <memory>
+#include <vector>
+#include "base_object.h"
+#include "memory_tracker.h"
+#include "node_bob.h"
+#include "node_external_reference.h"
+#include "util.h"
+#include "v8-function-callback.h"
+namespace node {
+using v8::ArrayBufferView;
+using v8::BackingStore;
+using v8::Context;
+using v8::HandleScope;
+using v8::Just;
+using v8::Local;
+using v8::Object;
+using v8::Maybe;
+using v8::Nothing;
+using v8::FunctionTemplate;
+using v8::Isolate;
+using v8::FunctionCallbackInfo;
+using v8::Value;
+using v8::String;
+using v8::Global;
+using v8::Function;
+using v8::Int32;
+using v8::Uint32;
+namespace {
+// ============================================================================
+class IdempotentDataQueueReader;
+class NonIdempotentDataQueueReader;
+class EntryBase : public DataQueue::Entry {
+ public:
+ virtual std::unique_ptr<DataQueue::Reader> getReader() = 0;
+class DataQueueImpl final : public DataQueue,
+ public std::enable_shared_from_this<DataQueueImpl> {
+ public:
+ // Constructor for an imdempotent, fixed sized DataQueue.
+ DataQueueImpl(std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Entry>> list, size_t size)
+ : entries_(std::move(list)),
+ idempotent_(true),
+ size_(Just(size)),
+ capped_size_(Just<size_t>(0UL)) {}
+ // Constructor for a non-idempotent DataQueue. This kind of queue can have
+ // entries added to it over time. The size is set to 0 initially. The queue
+ // can be capped immediately on creation. Depending on the entries that are
+ // added, the size can be cleared if any of the entries are not capable of
+ // providing a size.
+ DataQueueImpl(Maybe<size_t> cap = Nothing<size_t>())
+ : idempotent_(false),
+ size_(Just<size_t>(0UL)),
+ capped_size_(cap) {}
+ // Disallow moving and copying.
+ DataQueueImpl(const DataQueueImpl&) = delete;
+ DataQueueImpl(DataQueueImpl&&) = delete;
+ DataQueueImpl& operator=(const DataQueueImpl&) = delete;
+ DataQueueImpl& operator=(DataQueueImpl&&) = delete;
+ std::shared_ptr<DataQueue> slice(
+ size_t start,
+ Maybe<size_t> maybeEnd = Nothing<size_t>()) override {
+ // If the data queue is not idempotent, or the size cannot be determined,
+ // we cannot reasonably create a slice. Therefore, return nothing.
+ if (!idempotent_ || size_.IsNothing()) return nullptr;
+ size_t size = size_.FromJust();
+ // start cannot be greater than the size.
+ start = std::min(start, size);
+ size_t end;
+ if (maybeEnd.To(&end)) {
+ // end cannot be less than start, or greater than the size.
+ end = std::max(start, std::min(end, size));
+ } else {
+ end = size;
+ }
+ DCHECK_LE(start, end);
+ size_t len = end - start;
+ size_t remaining = end - start;
+ std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Entry>> slices;
+ if (remaining > 0) {
+ for (const auto& entry : entries_) {
+ size_t entrySize = entry->size().FromJust();
+ if (start > entrySize) {
+ start -= entrySize;
+ continue;
+ }
+ size_t chunkStart = start;
+ size_t len = std::min(remaining, entrySize - chunkStart);
+ slices.emplace_back(entry->slice(chunkStart, Just(chunkStart + len)));
+ remaining -= len;
+ start = 0;
+ if (remaining == 0) break;
+ }
+ }
+ return std::make_shared<DataQueueImpl>(std::move(slices), len);
+ }
+ Maybe<size_t> size() const override { return size_; }
+ bool isIdempotent() const override { return idempotent_; }
+ bool isCapped() const override { return capped_size_.IsJust(); }
+ Maybe<bool> append(std::unique_ptr<Entry> entry) override {
+ if (idempotent_) return Nothing<bool>();
+ if (!entry) return Just(false);
+ // If this entry successfully provides a size, we can add it to our size_
+ // if that has a value, otherwise, we keep size_t empty.
+ size_t entrySize;
+ size_t queueSize;
+ if (entry->size().To(&entrySize) && size_.To(&queueSize)) {
+ // If capped_size_ is set, size + entrySize cannot exceed capped_size_
+ // or the entry cannot be added.
+ size_t capped_size;
+ if (capped_size_.To(&capped_size) && queueSize + entrySize > capped_size) {
+ return Just(false);
+ }
+ size_ = Just(queueSize + entrySize);
+ } else {
+ // This entry cannot provide a size. We can still add it but we have to
+ // clear the known size.
+ size_ = Nothing<size_t>();
+ }
+ entries_.push_back(std::move(entry));
+ return Just(true);
+ }
+ void cap(size_t limit = 0) override {
+ if (isIdempotent()) return;
+ size_t current_cap;
+ // If the data queue is already capped, it is possible to call
+ // cap again with a smaller size.
+ if (capped_size_.To(&current_cap)) {
+ capped_size_ = Just(std::min(limit, current_cap));
+ return;
+ }
+ // Otherwise just set the limit.
+ capped_size_ = Just(limit);
+ }
+ Maybe<size_t> maybeCapRemaining() const override {
+ size_t capped_size;
+ size_t size;
+ if (capped_size_.To(&capped_size) && size_.To(&size)) {
+ return capped_size > size ? Just(capped_size - size) : Just<size_t>(0UL);
+ }
+ return Nothing<size_t>();
+ }
+ void MemoryInfo(node::MemoryTracker* tracker) const override {
+ tracker->TrackField("entries", entries_);
+ }
+ std::unique_ptr<Reader> getReader() override;
+ SET_SELF_SIZE(DataQueueImpl);
+ private:
+ std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Entry>> entries_;
+ bool idempotent_;
+ Maybe<size_t> size_;
+ Maybe<size_t> capped_size_;
+ bool lockedToReader_ = false;
+ friend class DataQueue;
+ friend class IdempotentDataQueueReader;
+ friend class NonIdempotentDataQueueReader;
+// An IdempotentDataQueueReader always reads the entire content of the
+// DataQueue with which it is associated, and always from the beginning.
+// Reads are non-destructive, meaning that the state of the DataQueue
+// will not and cannot be changed.
+class IdempotentDataQueueReader final : public DataQueue::Reader {
+ public:
+ IdempotentDataQueueReader(std::shared_ptr<DataQueueImpl> data_queue)
+ : data_queue_(std::move(data_queue)) {
+ CHECK(data_queue_->isIdempotent());
+ }
+ // Disallow moving and copying.
+ IdempotentDataQueueReader(const IdempotentDataQueueReader&) = delete;
+ IdempotentDataQueueReader(IdempotentDataQueueReader&&) = delete;
+ IdempotentDataQueueReader& operator=(const IdempotentDataQueueReader&) = delete;
+ IdempotentDataQueueReader& operator=(IdempotentDataQueueReader&&) = delete;
+ int Pull(
+ Next next,
+ int options,
+ DataQueue::Vec* data,
+ size_t count,
+ size_t max_count_hint = bob::kMaxCountHint) override {
+ // If ended is true, this reader has already reached the end and cannot
+ // provide any more data.
+ if (ended_) {
+ std::move(next)(bob::Status::STATUS_EOS, nullptr, 0, [](size_t) {});
+ return bob::Status::STATUS_EOS;
+ }
+ // If this is the first pull from this reader, we are first going to
+ // check to see if there is anything at all to actually do.
+ if (current_index_.IsNothing()) {
+ // First, let's check the number of entries. If there are no entries,
+ // we've reached the end and have nothing to do.
+ bool empty = data_queue_->entries_.empty();
+ // Second, if there are entries, let's check the known size to see if
+ // it is zero or not.
+ if (!empty) {
+ size_t size;
+ if (data_queue_->size().To(&size)) {
+ // If the size is known to be zero, there's absolutely nothing else for
+ // us to do but end.
+ empty = (size == 0);
+ }
+ // If the size cannot be determined, we will have to try reading from
+ // the entry to see if it has any data or not, so fall through here.
+ }
+ if (empty) {
+ ended_ = true;
+ std::move(next)(bob::Status::STATUS_END, nullptr, 0, [](size_t) {});
+ return bob::Status::STATUS_END;
+ }
+ current_index_ = Just(0U);
+ }
+ // We have current_index_, awesome, we are going to keep reading from
+ // it until we receive and end.
+ CHECK(!pull_pending_);
+ pull_pending_ = true;
+ int status = getCurrentReader().Pull(
+ [this, next = std::move(next)]
+ (int status, const DataQueue::Vec* vecs, size_t count, Done done) {
+ pull_pending_ = false;
+ last_status_ = status;
+ // In each of these cases, we do not expect that the source will
+ // actually have provided any actual data.
+ CHECK_IMPLIES(status == bob::Status::STATUS_BLOCK ||
+ status == bob::Status::STATUS_WAIT ||
+ status == bob::Status::STATUS_EOS,
+ vecs == nullptr && count == 0);
+ // Technically, receiving a STATUS_EOS is really an error because
+ // we've read past the end of the data, but we are going to treat
+ // it the same as end.
+ if (status == bob::Status::STATUS_END ||
+ status == bob::Status::STATUS_EOS) {
+ uint32_t current = current_index_.FromJust() + 1;
+ // We have reached the end of this entry. If this is the last entry,
+ // then we are done. Otherwise, we advance the current_index_, clear
+ // the current_reader_ and wait for the next read.
+ if (current == data_queue_->entries_.size()) {
+ // Yes, this was the final entry. We're all done.
+ ended_ = true;
+ status = bob::Status::STATUS_END;
+ } else {
+ // This was not the final entry, so we update the index and
+ // continue on.
+ current_index_ = Just(current);
+ status = bob::Status::STATUS_CONTINUE;
+ }
+ current_reader_ = nullptr;
+ }
+ // Now that we have updated this readers state, we can forward
+ // everything on to the outer next.
+ std::move(next)(status, vecs, count, std::move(done));
+ }, options, data, count, max_count_hint);
+ if (!pull_pending_) {
+ // The callback was resolved synchronously. Let's check our status.
+ // Just as a double check, when next is called synchronous, the status
+ // provided there should match the status returned.
+ CHECK(status == last_status_);
+ if (ended_) {
+ // Awesome, we read everything. Return status end here and we're done.
+ return bob::Status::STATUS_END;
+ }
+ if (status == bob::Status::STATUS_END ||
+ status == bob::Status::STATUS_EOS) {
+ // If we got here and ended_ is not true, there's more to read.
+ return bob::Status::STATUS_CONTINUE;
+ }
+ // For all other status, we just fall through and return it straightaway.
+ }
+ // The other statuses that can be returned by the pull are:
+ // bob::Status::STATUS_CONTINUE - means that the entry has more data
+ // to pull.
+ // bob::Status::STATUS_BLOCK - means that the entry has more data to
+ // pull but it is not available yet. The
+ // caller should not keep calling pull for
+ // now but may check again later.
+ // bob::Status::STATUS_WAIT - means that the entry has more data to
+ // pull but it won't be provided
+ // synchronously, instead the next() callback
+ // will be called when the data is available.
+ //
+ // For any of these statuses, we want to keep the current index and
+ // current_reader_ set for the next pull.
+ return status;
+ }
+ DataQueue::Reader& getCurrentReader() {
+ CHECK(!ended_);
+ CHECK(current_index_.IsJust());
+ if (current_reader_ == nullptr) {
+ auto& entry = data_queue_->entries_[current_index_.FromJust()];
+ // Because this is an idempotent reader, let's just be sure to
+ // doublecheck that the entry itself is actually idempotent
+ DCHECK(entry->isIdempotent());
+ current_reader_ = static_cast<EntryBase&>(*entry).getReader();
+ }
+ CHECK_NOT_NULL(current_reader_);
+ return *current_reader_;
+ }
+ SET_MEMORY_INFO_NAME(IdempotentDataQueueReader);
+ SET_SELF_SIZE(IdempotentDataQueueReader);
+ private:
+ std::shared_ptr<DataQueueImpl> data_queue_;
+ Maybe<uint32_t> current_index_ = Nothing<uint32_t>();
+ std::unique_ptr<DataQueue::Reader> current_reader_ = nullptr;
+ bool ended_ = false;
+ bool pull_pending_ = false;
+ int last_status_ = 0;
+// A NonIdempotentDataQueueReader reads entries from the DataEnqueue
+// and removes those entries from the queue as they are fully consumed.
+// This means that reads are destructive and the state of the DataQueue
+// is mutated as the read proceeds.
+class NonIdempotentDataQueueReader final : public DataQueue::Reader {
+ public:
+ NonIdempotentDataQueueReader(std::shared_ptr<DataQueueImpl> data_queue)
+ : data_queue_(std::move(data_queue)) {
+ CHECK(!data_queue_->isIdempotent());
+ }
+ // Disallow moving and copying.
+ NonIdempotentDataQueueReader(const NonIdempotentDataQueueReader&) = delete;
+ NonIdempotentDataQueueReader(NonIdempotentDataQueueReader&&) = delete;
+ NonIdempotentDataQueueReader& operator=(const NonIdempotentDataQueueReader&) = delete;
+ NonIdempotentDataQueueReader& operator=(NonIdempotentDataQueueReader&&) = delete;
+ int Pull(
+ Next next,
+ int options,
+ DataQueue::Vec* data,
+ size_t count,
+ size_t max_count_hint = bob::kMaxCountHint) override {
+ // If ended is true, this reader has already reached the end and cannot
+ // provide any more data.
+ if (ended_) {
+ std::move(next)(bob::Status::STATUS_EOS, nullptr, 0, [](size_t) {});
+ return bob::Status::STATUS_EOS;
+ }
+ // If the collection of entries is empty, there's nothing currently left to
+ // read. How we respond depends on whether the data queue has been capped
+ // or not.
+ if (data_queue_->entries_.empty()) {
+ // If the data_queue_ is empty, and not capped, then we can reasonably
+ // expect more data to be provided later, but we don't know exactly when
+ // that'll happe, so the proper response here is to return a blocked
+ // status.
+ if (!data_queue_->isCapped()) {
+ std::move(next)(bob::Status::STATUS_BLOCK, nullptr, 0, [](size_t) {});
+ return bob::STATUS_BLOCK;
+ }
+ // However, if we are capped, the status will depend on whether the size
+ // of the data_queue_ is known or not.
+ size_t size;
+ if (data_queue_->size().To(&size)) {
+ // If the size is known, and it is still less than the cap, then we still
+ // might get more data. We just don't know exactly when that'll come, so
+ // let's return a blocked status.
+ if (size < data_queue_->capped_size_.FromJust()) {
+ std::move(next)(bob::Status::STATUS_BLOCK, nullptr, 0, [](size_t) {});
+ return bob::STATUS_BLOCK;
+ }
+ // Otherwise, if size is equal to or greater than capped, we are done.
+ // Fall through to allow the end handling to run.
+ }
+ // If the size is not known, and the data queue is capped, no additional
+ // entries are going to be added to the queue. Since we are all out of
+ // entries, we're done. There's nothing left to read.
+ current_reader_ = nullptr;
+ ended_ = true;
+ std::move(next)(bob::Status::STATUS_END, nullptr, 0, [](size_t) {});
+ return bob::STATUS_END;
+ }
+ // If we got here, we have an entry to read from.
+ CHECK(!pull_pending_);
+ pull_pending_ = true;
+ int status = getCurrentReader().Pull(
+ [this, next = std::move(next)]
+ (int status, const DataQueue::Vec* vecs, size_t count, Done done) {
+ pull_pending_ = false;
+ last_status_ = status;
+ // In each of these cases, we do not expect that the source will
+ // actually have provided any actual data.
+ CHECK_IMPLIES(status == bob::Status::STATUS_BLOCK ||
+ status == bob::Status::STATUS_WAIT ||
+ status == bob::Status::STATUS_EOS,
+ vecs == nullptr && count == 0);
+ // Technically, receiving a STATUS_EOS is really an error because
+ // we've read past the end of the data, but we are going to treat
+ // it the same as end.
+ if (status == bob::Status::STATUS_END ||
+ status == bob::Status::STATUS_EOS) {
+ data_queue_->entries_.erase(data_queue_->entries_.begin());
+ // We have reached the end of this entry. If this is the last entry,
+ // then we are done. Otherwise, we advance the current_index_, clear
+ // the current_reader_ and wait for the next read.
+ if (data_queue_->entries_.empty()) {
+ // Yes, this was the final entry. We're all done.
+ ended_ = true;
+ status = bob::Status::STATUS_END;
+ } else {
+ // This was not the final entry, so we update the index and
+ // continue on.
+ status = bob::Status::STATUS_CONTINUE;
+ }
+ current_reader_ = nullptr;
+ }
+ // Now that we have updated this readers state, we can forward
+ // everything on to the outer next.
+ std::move(next)(status, vecs, count, std::move(done));
+ }, options, data, count, max_count_hint);
+ if (!pull_pending_) {
+ // The callback was resolved synchronously. Let's check our status.
+ // Just as a double check, when next is called synchronous, the status
+ // provided there should match the status returned.
+ CHECK(status == last_status_);
+ if (ended_) {
+ // Awesome, we read everything. Return status end here and we're done.
+ // Let's just make sure we've removed all of the entries.
+ CHECK(data_queue_->entries_.empty());
+ return bob::Status::STATUS_END;
+ }
+ if (status == bob::Status::STATUS_END ||
+ status == bob::Status::STATUS_EOS) {
+ // If we got here and ended_ is not true, there's more to read.
+ return bob::Status::STATUS_CONTINUE;
+ }
+ // For all other status, we just fall through and return it straightaway.
+ }
+ // The other statuses that can be returned by the pull are:
+ // bob::Status::STATUS_CONTINUE - means that the entry has more data
+ // to pull.
+ // bob::Status::STATUS_BLOCK - means that the entry has more data to
+ // pull but it is not available yet. The
+ // caller should not keep calling pull for
+ // now but may check again later.
+ // bob::Status::STATUS_WAIT - means that the entry has more data to
+ // pull but it won't be provided
+ // synchronously, instead the next() callback
+ // will be called when the data is available.
+ //
+ // For any of these statuses, we want to keep the current index and
+ // current_reader_ set for the next pull.
+ return status;
+ }
+ DataQueue::Reader& getCurrentReader() {
+ CHECK(!ended_);
+ CHECK(!data_queue_->entries_.empty());
+ if (current_reader_ == nullptr) {
+ auto& entry = data_queue_->entries_.front();
+ current_reader_ = static_cast<EntryBase&>(*entry).getReader();
+ }
+ return *current_reader_;
+ }
+ SET_MEMORY_INFO_NAME(NonIdempotentDataQueueReader);
+ SET_SELF_SIZE(NonIdempotentDataQueueReader);
+ private:
+ std::shared_ptr<DataQueueImpl> data_queue_;
+ std::unique_ptr<DataQueue::Reader> current_reader_ = nullptr;
+ bool ended_ = false;
+ bool pull_pending_ = false;
+ int last_status_ = 0;
+std::unique_ptr<DataQueue::Reader> DataQueueImpl::getReader() {
+ if (isIdempotent()) {
+ return std::make_unique<IdempotentDataQueueReader>(shared_from_this());
+ }
+ if (lockedToReader_) return nullptr;
+ lockedToReader_ = true;
+ return std::make_unique<NonIdempotentDataQueueReader>(shared_from_this());
+// ============================================================================
+// An empty, always idempotent entry.
+class EmptyEntry final : public EntryBase {
+ public:
+ class EmptyReader final : public DataQueue::Reader {
+ public:
+ int Pull(
+ Next next,
+ int options,
+ DataQueue::Vec* data,
+ size_t count,
+ size_t max_count_hint = bob::kMaxCountHint) override {
+ if (ended_) {
+ std::move(next)(bob::Status::STATUS_EOS, nullptr, 0, [](size_t) {});
+ return bob::Status::STATUS_EOS;
+ }
+ ended_ = true;
+ std::move(next)(bob::Status::STATUS_END, nullptr, 0, [](size_t) {});
+ return bob::Status::STATUS_END;
+ }
+ SET_SELF_SIZE(EmptyReader);
+ private:
+ bool ended_ = false;
+ };
+ EmptyEntry() = default;
+ // Disallow moving and copying.
+ EmptyEntry(const EmptyEntry&) = delete;
+ EmptyEntry(EmptyEntry&&) = delete;
+ EmptyEntry& operator=(const EmptyEntry&) = delete;
+ EmptyEntry& operator=(EmptyEntry&&) = delete;
+ std::unique_ptr<DataQueue::Reader> getReader() override {
+ return std::make_unique<EmptyReader>();
+ }
+ std::unique_ptr<Entry> slice(
+ size_t start,
+ Maybe<size_t> maybeEnd = Nothing<size_t>()) override {
+ if (start != 0) return nullptr;
+ size_t end;
+ if (maybeEnd.To(&end)) {
+ if (end != 0) return nullptr;
+ }
+ return std::make_unique<EmptyEntry>();
+ }
+ Maybe<size_t> size() const override { return Just<size_t>(0UL); }
+ bool isIdempotent() const override { return true; }
+ SET_SELF_SIZE(EmptyEntry);
+// ============================================================================
+// An entry that consists of a single memory resident v8::BackingStore.
+// These are always idempotent and always a fixed, known size.
+class InMemoryEntry final : public EntryBase {
+ public:
+ struct InMemoryFunctor final {
+ std::shared_ptr<BackingStore> backing_store;
+ void operator()(size_t) {
+ backing_store = nullptr;
+ };
+ };
+ class InMemoryReader final : public DataQueue::Reader {
+ public:
+ InMemoryReader(InMemoryEntry& entry)
+ : entry_(entry) {}
+ int Pull(
+ Next next,
+ int options,
+ DataQueue::Vec* data,
+ size_t count,
+ size_t max_count_hint = bob::kMaxCountHint) override {
+ if (ended_) {
+ std::move(next)(bob::Status::STATUS_EOS, nullptr, 0, [](size_t) {});
+ return bob::Status::STATUS_EOS;
+ }
+ ended_ = true;
+ DataQueue::Vec vec {
+ reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(entry_.backing_store_->Data()) + entry_.offset_,
+ entry_.byte_length_,
+ };
+ std::move(next)(bob::Status::STATUS_END, &vec, 1, InMemoryFunctor({
+ entry_.backing_store_
+ }));
+ return bob::Status::STATUS_END;
+ }
+ SET_SELF_SIZE(InMemoryReader);
+ private:
+ InMemoryEntry& entry_;
+ bool ended_ = false;
+ };
+ InMemoryEntry(std::shared_ptr<BackingStore> backing_store,
+ size_t offset,
+ size_t byte_length)
+ : backing_store_(std::move(backing_store)),
+ offset_(offset),
+ byte_length_(byte_length) {
+ // The offset_ + byte_length_ cannot extend beyond the size of the
+ // backing store, because that would just be silly.
+ CHECK_LE(offset_ + byte_length_, backing_store_->ByteLength());
+ }
+ // Disallow moving and copying.
+ InMemoryEntry(const InMemoryEntry&) = delete;
+ InMemoryEntry(InMemoryEntry&&) = delete;
+ InMemoryEntry& operator=(const InMemoryEntry&) = delete;
+ InMemoryEntry& operator=(InMemoryEntry&&) = delete;
+ std::unique_ptr<DataQueue::Reader> getReader() override {
+ return std::make_unique<InMemoryReader>(*this);
+ }
+ std::unique_ptr<Entry> slice(
+ size_t start,
+ Maybe<size_t> maybeEnd = Nothing<size_t>()) override {
+ const auto makeEntry = [&](size_t start, size_t len) -> std::unique_ptr<Entry> {
+ if (len == 0) {
+ return std::make_unique<EmptyEntry>();
+ }
+ return std::make_unique<InMemoryEntry>(backing_store_, start, len);
+ };
+ start += offset_;
+ // The start cannot extend beyond the maximum end point of this entry.
+ start = std::min(start, offset_ + byte_length_);
+ size_t end;
+ if (maybeEnd.To(&end)) {
+ // The end cannot extend beyond the maximum end point of this entry,
+ // and the end must be equal to or greater than the start.
+ end = std::max(start, std::min(offset_ + end, offset_ + byte_length_));
+ return makeEntry(start, end - start);
+ }
+ // If no end is given, then the new length is the current length
+ // minus the adjusted start.
+ return makeEntry(start, byte_length_ - start);
+ }
+ Maybe<size_t> size() const override { return Just(byte_length_); }
+ bool isIdempotent() const override { return true; }
+ void MemoryInfo(node::MemoryTracker* tracker) const override {
+ tracker->TrackField("store", backing_store_);
+ }
+ SET_SELF_SIZE(InMemoryEntry);
+ private:
+ std::shared_ptr<BackingStore> backing_store_;
+ size_t offset_;
+ size_t byte_length_;
+ friend class InMemoryReader;
+// ============================================================================
+// An entry that wraps a DataQueue. The entry takes on the characteristics
+// of the wrapped dataqueue.
+class DataQueueEntry : public EntryBase {
+ public:
+ DataQueueEntry(std::shared_ptr<DataQueue> data_queue)
+ : data_queue_(std::move(data_queue)) {
+ CHECK(data_queue_);
+ }
+ // Disallow moving and copying.
+ DataQueueEntry(const DataQueueEntry&) = delete;
+ DataQueueEntry(DataQueueEntry&&) = delete;
+ DataQueueEntry& operator=(const DataQueueEntry&) = delete;
+ DataQueueEntry& operator=(DataQueueEntry&&) = delete;
+ std::unique_ptr<DataQueue::Reader> getReader() override {
+ return data_queue_->getReader();
+ }
+ std::unique_ptr<Entry> slice(
+ size_t start,
+ Maybe<size_t> end = Nothing<size_t>()) override {
+ std::shared_ptr<DataQueue> sliced = data_queue_->slice(start, end);
+ if (!sliced) return nullptr;
+ return std::make_unique<DataQueueEntry>(std::move(sliced));
+ }
+ // Returns the number of bytes represented by this Entry if it is
+ // known. Certain types of entries, such as those backed by streams
+ // might not know the size in advance and therefore cannot provide
+ // a value. In such cases, size() must return v8::Nothing<size_t>.
+ //
+ // If the entry is idempotent, a size should always be available.
+ Maybe<size_t> size() const override { return data_queue_->size(); }
+ // When true, multiple reads on the object must produce the exact
+ // same data or the reads will fail. Some sources of entry data,
+ // such as streams, may not be capable of preserving idempotency
+ // and therefore must not claim to be. If an entry claims to be
+ // idempotent and cannot preserve that quality, subsequent reads
+ // must fail with an error when a variance is detected.
+ bool isIdempotent() const override { return data_queue_->isIdempotent(); }
+ void MemoryInfo(node::MemoryTracker* tracker) const override {
+ tracker->TrackField("data_queue", data_queue_);
+ }
+ DataQueue& getDataQueue() { return *data_queue_; }
+ SET_SELF_SIZE(DataQueueEntry);
+ private:
+ std::shared_ptr<DataQueue> data_queue_;
+// ============================================================================
+// An FdEntry reads from a file descriptor. A check is made before each read
+// to determine if the fd has changed on disc. This is a best-effort check
+// that only looks at file size, creation, and modification times. The stat
+// check is also async, so there's a natural race condition there where the
+// file could be modified between the stat and actual read calls. That's
+// a tolerable risk here. While FdEntry is considered idempotent, this race
+// means that it is indeed possible for multiple reads to return different
+// results if the file just happens to get modified.
+class FdEntry final : public EntryBase {
+ // TODO(@jasnell, @flakey5):
+ // * This should only allow reading from regular files. No directories, no pipes, etc.
+ // * The reader should support accepting the buffer(s) from the pull, if any. It should
+ // only allocate a managed buffer if the pull doesn't provide any.
+ // * We might want to consider making the stat on each read sync to eliminate the race
+ // condition described in the comment above.
+ public:
+ FdEntry(Environment* env,
+ int fd,
+ size_t start,
+ v8::Maybe<size_t> end,
+ BaseObjectPtr<fs::FileHandle> maybe_file_handle =
+ BaseObjectPtr<fs::FileHandle>())
+ : env_(env),
+ fd_(fd),
+ start_(0),
+ maybe_file_handle_(maybe_file_handle) {
+ CHECK(fd);
+ if (GetStat(stat_) == 0) {
+ if (end.IsNothing()) {
+ end_ = stat_.st_size;
+ } else {
+ end_ = std::min(stat_.st_size, end.FromJust());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ FdEntry(Environment* env, BaseObjectPtr<fs::FileHandle> handle)
+ : FdEntry(env, handle->GetFD(), 0, Nothing<size_t>(), handle) {}
+ FdEntry(Environment* env,
+ int fd,
+ uv_stat_t stat,
+ size_t start,
+ size_t end,
+ BaseObjectPtr<fs::FileHandle> maybe_file_handle =
+ BaseObjectPtr<fs::FileHandle>())
+ : env_(env),
+ fd_(end),
+ start_(start),
+ end_(end),
+ stat_(stat),
+ maybe_file_handle_(maybe_file_handle){}
+ std::unique_ptr<DataQueue::Reader> getReader() override {
+ return std::make_unique<Reader>(this);
+ }
+ std::unique_ptr<Entry> slice(
+ size_t start,
+ Maybe<size_t> end = Nothing<size_t>()) override {
+ size_t new_start = start_ + start;
+ size_t new_end = end_;
+ if (end.IsJust()) {
+ new_end = std::min(end.FromJust() + start, new_end);
+ }
+ CHECK(new_start >= start_);
+ CHECK(new_end <= end_);
+ return std::make_unique<FdEntry>(env_, fd_, stat_, new_start, new_end, maybe_file_handle_);
+ }
+ Maybe<size_t> size() const override {
+ return Just(end_ - start_);
+ }
+ bool isIdempotent() const override {
+ return true;
+ }
+ Environment* env() const { return env_; }
+ class Wrap : public BaseObject {
+ public:
+ static void New(const FunctionCallbackInfo<Value>& args) {
+ CHECK(args.IsConstructCall());
+ Environment* env = Environment::GetCurrent(args);
+ CHECK(args[0]->IsInt32());
+ CHECK(args[1]->IsUint32());
+ CHECK(args[2]->IsUint32());
+ int fd = args[0].As<Int32>()->Value();
+ size_t start = args[1].As<Uint32>()->Value();
+ size_t end = args[1].As<Uint32>()->Value();
+ new Wrap(env, args.This(), fd, start, Just(end));
+ }
+ static Local<FunctionTemplate> GetConstructorTemplate(Environment* env) {
+ Local<FunctionTemplate> tmpl = env->fdentry_constructor_template();
+ if (tmpl.IsEmpty()) {
+ Isolate* isolate = env->isolate();
+ tmpl = NewFunctionTemplate(isolate, New);
+ tmpl->SetClassName(FIXED_ONE_BYTE_STRING(env->isolate(), "FdEntry"));
+ tmpl->Inherit(BaseObject::GetConstructorTemplate(env));
+ env->set_fdentry_constructor_template(tmpl);
+ }
+ return tmpl;
+ }
+ static void Initialize(Environment* env, Local<Object> target) {
+ SetConstructorFunction(
+ env->context(), target, "FdEntry", GetConstructorTemplate(env));
+ }
+ static void RegisterExternalReferences(ExternalReferenceRegistry* registry) {
+ registry->Register(New);
+ }
+ static BaseObjectPtr<Wrap> Create(
+ Environment* env,
+ int fd,
+ size_t start = 0,
+ Maybe<size_t> end = Nothing<size_t>()) {
+ Local<Object> obj;
+ if (!GetConstructorTemplate(env)
+ ->InstanceTemplate()
+ ->NewInstance(env->context())
+ .ToLocal(&obj)) {
+ return BaseObjectPtr<Wrap>();
+ }
+ return MakeBaseObject<Wrap>(env, obj, fd, start, end);
+ }
+ Wrap(Environment* env, Local<Object> obj, int fd, size_t start, v8::Maybe<size_t> end)
+ : BaseObject(env, obj),
+ inner_(std::make_unique<FdEntry>(env, fd, start, end)) {
+ MakeWeak();
+ }
+ std::unique_ptr<DataQueue::Entry> detach() {
+ return std::move(inner_);
+ }
+ bool isDetached() const { return inner_ == nullptr; }
+ void MemoryInfo(MemoryTracker* tracker) const override {
+ tracker->TrackField("entry", inner_);
+ }
+ private:
+ std::unique_ptr<FdEntry> inner_;
+ };
+ private:
+ Environment* env_;
+ int fd_;
+ size_t start_ = 0;
+ size_t end_ = 0;
+ uv_stat_t stat_;
+ uv_fs_t req;
+ BaseObjectPtr<fs::FileHandle> maybe_file_handle_;
+ int GetStat(uv_stat_t& stat) {
+ int err = uv_fs_fstat(env_->event_loop(), &req, fd_, nullptr);
+ stat = req.statbuf;
+ return err;
+ }
+ class Reader : public DataQueue::Reader {
+ public:
+ Reader(FdEntry* entry)
+ : entry_(entry),
+ offset_(entry->start_),
+ end_(entry_->end_) {}
+ int Pull(
+ Next next,
+ int options,
+ DataQueue::Vec* data,
+ size_t count,
+ size_t max_count_hint = bob::kMaxCountHint) override {
+ // TODO(@jasnell): For now, we're going to ignore data and count.
+ // Later, we can support these to allow the caller to allocate the
+ // buffers we read into. To keep things easier for now, we're going
+ // to read into a pre-allocated buffer.
+ if (ended_ || offset_ == end_) {
+ std::move(next)(bob::STATUS_EOS, nullptr, 0, [](size_t) {});
+ return bob::STATUS_EOS;
+ }
+ // offset_ should always be less than end_ here
+ CHECK_LT(offset_, end_);
+ new PendingRead(this, std::move(next));
+ return bob::STATUS_WAIT;
+ }
+ private:
+ FdEntry* entry_;
+ bool ended_ = false;
+ size_t offset_;
+ size_t end_;
+ struct PendingRead {
+ static constexpr size_t DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE = 4096;
+ Reader* reader;
+ Next next;
+ uv_fs_t req_;
+ uv_buf_t uvbuf;
+ PendingRead(Reader* reader, Next next)
+ : reader(reader),
+ next(std::move(next)),
+ uvbuf(reader->entry_->env()->allocate_managed_buffer(
+ std::min(DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE, reader->end_ - reader->offset_)
+ )) {
+ = this;
+ uv_fs_fstat(reader->entry_->env()->event_loop(), &req_,
+ reader->entry_->fd_, &PendingRead::OnStat);
+ }
+ void Done() {
+ delete this;
+ }
+ bool checkEnded() {
+ if (reader->ended_) {
+ // A previous read ended this readable. Let's stop here.
+ std::move(next)(bob::STATUS_EOS, nullptr, 0, [](size_t) {});
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (req_.result < 0) {
+ std::move(next)(req_.result, nullptr, 0, [](size_t) {});
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ void OnStat() {
+ if (checkEnded()) return Done();
+ uv_stat_t current_stat = req_.statbuf;
+ uv_stat_t& orig = reader->entry_->stat_;
+ if (current_stat.st_size != orig.st_size ||
+ current_stat.st_ctim.tv_nsec != orig.st_ctim.tv_nsec ||
+ current_stat.st_mtim.tv_nsec != orig.st_mtim.tv_nsec) {
+ // The fd was modified. Fail the read.
+ std::move(next)(UV_EINVAL, nullptr, 0, [](size_t) {});
+ return;
+ }
+ // Now we read from the file.
+ uv_fs_read(reader->entry_->env()->event_loop(), &req_,
+ reader->entry_->fd_,
+ &uvbuf, 1,
+ reader->offset_,
+ OnRead);
+ }
+ void OnRead() {
+ auto on_exit = OnScopeLeave([this] { Done(); });
+ if (checkEnded()) return;
+ std::shared_ptr<BackingStore> store =
+ reader->entry_->env()->release_managed_buffer(uvbuf);
+ size_t amountRead = req_.result;
+ // We should never read past end_
+ CHECK_LE(amountRead + reader->offset_, reader->end_);
+ reader->offset_ += amountRead;
+ if (reader->offset_ == reader->end_)
+ reader->ended_ = true;
+ DataQueue::Vec vec = {
+ reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(store->Data()),
+ amountRead
+ };
+ std::move(next)(
+ reader->ended_ ? bob::STATUS_END : bob::STATUS_CONTINUE,
+ &vec, 1, [store](size_t) mutable {});
+ }
+ static void OnStat(uv_fs_t* req) {
+ PendingRead* read = ContainerOf(&PendingRead::req_, req);
+ read->OnStat();
+ }
+ static void OnRead(uv_fs_t* req) {
+ PendingRead* read = ContainerOf(&PendingRead::req_, req);
+ read->OnRead();
+ }
+ };
+ friend struct PendingRead;
+ friend class FdEntry;
+ };
+ friend class Reader;
+ friend struct Reader::PendingRead;
+// ============================================================================
+} // namespace
+std::shared_ptr<DataQueue> DataQueue::CreateIdempotent(
+ std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Entry>> list) {
+ // Any entry is invalid for an idempotent DataQueue if any of the entries
+ // are nullptr or is not idempotent.
+ size_t size = 0;
+ const auto isInvalid = [&size](auto& item) {
+ if (item == nullptr || !item->isIdempotent()) {
+ return true; // true means the entry is not valid here.
+ }
+ // To keep from having to iterate over the entries
+ // again, we'll try calculating the size. If any
+ // of the entries are unable to provide a size, then
+ // we assume we cannot safely treat this entry as
+ // idempotent even if it claims to be.
+ size_t itemSize;
+ if (item->size().To(&itemSize)) { size += itemSize; }
+ else return true; // true means the entry is not valid here.
+ return false;
+ };
+ if (std::any_of(list.begin(), list.end(), isInvalid)) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ return std::make_shared<DataQueueImpl>(std::move(list), size);
+std::shared_ptr<DataQueue> DataQueue::Create(Maybe<size_t> capped) {
+ return std::make_shared<DataQueueImpl>(capped);
+std::unique_ptr<DataQueue::Entry> DataQueue::CreateInMemoryEntryFromView(
+ Local<ArrayBufferView> view) {
+ // If the view is not detachable, we do not want to create an InMemoryEntry
+ // from it. Why? Because if we're not able to detach the backing store from
+ // the underlying buffer, something else could modify the buffer while we're
+ // holding the reference, which means we cannot guarantee that reads will be
+ // idempotent.
+ if (!view->Buffer()->IsDetachable()) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ auto store = view->Buffer()->GetBackingStore();
+ auto offset = view->ByteOffset();
+ auto length = view->ByteLength();
+ USE(view->Buffer()->Detach(Local<Value>()));
+ return CreateInMemoryEntryFromBackingStore(std::move(store), offset, length);
+ std::shared_ptr<BackingStore> store,
+ size_t offset,
+ size_t length) {
+ CHECK(store);
+ if (offset + length > store->ByteLength()) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ return std::make_unique<InMemoryEntry>(std::move(store), offset, length);
+std::unique_ptr<DataQueue::Entry> DataQueue::CreateDataQueueEntry(
+ std::shared_ptr<DataQueue> data_queue) {
+ return std::make_unique<DataQueueEntry>(std::move(data_queue));
+std::unique_ptr<DataQueue::Entry> DataQueue::CreateFdEntry(
+ BaseObjectPtr<fs::FileHandle> handle) {
+ return std::make_unique<FdEntry>(handle->env(), handle);
+void DataQueue::Initialize(Environment* env, v8::Local<v8::Object> target) {
+ FdEntry::Wrap::Initialize(env, target);
+void DataQueue::RegisterExternalReferences(
+ ExternalReferenceRegistry* registry) {
+ FdEntry::Wrap::RegisterExternalReferences(registry);
+} // namespace node
diff --git a/src/dataqueue/queue.h b/src/dataqueue/queue.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..955f9ec589
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/dataqueue/queue.h
@@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <base_object.h>
+#include <node.h>
+#include <node_bob.h>
+#include <node_file.h>
+#include <memory_tracker.h>
+#include <stream_base.h>
+#include <v8.h>
+#include <uv.h>
+#include <memory>
+#include <vector>
+namespace node {
+// Represents a sequenced collection of data sources that can be
+// consumed as a single logical stream of data. Sources can be
+// memory-resident or streaming.
+// There are two essential kinds of DataQueue:
+// * Idempotent - Multiple reads always produce the same result.
+// This is even the case if individual sources
+// are not memory-resident. Reads never change
+// the state of the DataQueue. Every entry in
+// an Idempotent DataQueue must also be idempotent.
+// * Non-idempotent - Reads are destructive of the internal state.
+// A non-idempotent DataQueue can be read at
+// most once and only by a single reader.
+// Entries in a non-idempotent DataQueue can
+// be a mix of idempotent and non-idempotent
+// entries.
+// The DataQueue is essentially a collection of DataQueue::Entry
+// instances. A DataQueue::Entry is a single logical source of
+// data. The data may be memory-resident or streaming. The entry
+// can be idempotent or non-idempotent. An entry cannot be read
+// by itself, it must be part of a DataQueue to be consumed.
+// Example of creating an idempotent DataQueue:
+// std::shared_ptr<v8::BackingStore> store1 = getBackingStoreSomehow();
+// std::shared_ptr<v8::BackingStore> store2 = getBackingStoreSomehow();
+// std::vector<std::unique_ptr<DataQueue::Entry>> list;
+// list.push_back(DataQueue::CreateInMemoryEntryFromBackingStore(
+// store1, 0, len1));
+// list.push_back(DataQueue::CreateInMemoryEntryFromBackingStore(
+// store2, 0, len2));
+// std::shared_ptr<DataQueue> data_queue =
+// DataQueue::CreateIdempotent(std::move(list));
+// Importantly, idempotent DataQueue's are immutable and all entries
+// must be provided when the DataQueue is constructed. Every entry
+// must be idempotent with known sizes. The entries may be memory
+// resident or streaming. Streaming entries must be capable of
+// being read multiple times.
+// Because idempotent DataQueue's will always produce the same results
+// when read, they can be sliced. Slices yield a new DataQueue instance
+// that is a subset view over the original:
+// std::shared_ptr<DataQueue> slice = data_queue.slice(
+// 5, v8::Just(10UL));
+// Example of creating a non-idempotent DataQueue:
+// std::shared_ptr<v8::BackingStore> store1 = getBackingStoreSomehow();
+// std::shared_ptr<v8::BackingStore> store2 = getBackingStoreSomehow();
+// std::shared_ptr<DataQueue> data_queue = DataQueue::Create();
+// data_queue->append(DataQueue::CreateInMemoryEntryFromBackingStore(
+// store1, 0, len1));
+// data_queue->append(DataQueue::CreateInMemoryEntryFromBackingStore(
+// store2, 0, len2));
+// These data-queues can have new entries appended to them. Entries can
+// be memory-resident or streaming. Streaming entries might not have
+// a known size. Entries may not be capable of being read multiple
+// times.
+// A non-idempotent data queue will, by default, allow any amount of
+// entries to be appended to it. To limit the size of the DataQueue,
+// or the close the DataQueue (preventing new entries from being
+// appending), use the cap() method. The DataQueue can be capped
+// at a specific size or whatever size it currently it.
+// It might not be possible for a non-idempotent DataQueue to provide
+// a size because it might not know how much data a streaming entry
+// will ultimately provide.
+// Non-idempotent DataQueues cannot be sliced.
+// To read from a DataQueue, we use the node::bob::Source API
+// (see src/node_bob.h).
+// std::unique_ptr<DataQueue::Reader> reader = data_queue->getReader();
+// reader->Pull(
+// [](int status, const DataQueue::Vec* vecs, size_t count, Done done) {
+// // status is one of node::bob::Status
+// // vecs is zero or more data buffers containing the read data
+// // count is the number of vecs
+// // done is a callback to be invoked when done processing the data
+// }, options, nullptr, 0, 16);
+// Keep calling Pull() until status is equal to node::bob::Status::STATUS_END.
+// For idempotent DataQueues, any number of readers can be created and
+// pull concurrently from the same DataQueue. The DataQueue can be read
+// multiple times. Succesful reads should always produce the same result.
+// If, for whatever reason, the implementation cannot ensure that the
+// data read will remain the same, the read must fail with an error status.
+// For non-idempotent DataQueues, only a single reader is ever allowed for
+// the DataQueue, and the data can only ever be read once.
+class DataQueue : public MemoryRetainer {
+ public:
+ struct Vec {
+ uint8_t* base;
+ size_t len;
+ };
+ // A DataQueue::Reader consumes the DataQueue. If the data queue is
+ // idempotent, multiple Readers can be attached to the DataQueue at
+ // any given time, all guaranteed to yield the same result when the
+ // data is read. Otherwise, only a single Reader can be attached.
+ class Reader : public MemoryRetainer,
+ public bob::Source<Vec> {
+ public:
+ using Next = bob::Next<Vec>;
+ using Done = bob::Done;
+ };
+ // A DataQueue::Entry represents a logical chunk of data in the queue.
+ // The entry may or may not represent memory-resident data. It may
+ // or may not be consumable more than once.
+ class Entry : public MemoryRetainer {
+ public:
+ // Returns a new Entry that is a view over this entries data
+ // from the start offset to the ending offset. If the end
+ // offset is omitted, the slice extends to the end of the
+ // data.
+ //
+ // Creating a slice is only possible if isIdempotent() returns
+ // true. This is because consuming either the original entry or
+ // the new entry would change the state of the other in non-
+ // deterministic ways. When isIdempotent() returns false, slice()
+ // must return a nulled unique_ptr.
+ //
+ // Creating a slice is also only possible if the size of the
+ // entry is known. If size() returns v8::Nothing<size_t>, slice()
+ // must return a nulled unique_ptr.
+ virtual std::unique_ptr<Entry> slice(
+ size_t start,
+ v8::Maybe<size_t> end = v8::Nothing<size_t>()) = 0;
+ // Returns the number of bytes represented by this Entry if it is
+ // known. Certain types of entries, such as those backed by streams
+ // might not know the size in advance and therefore cannot provide
+ // a value. In such cases, size() must return v8::Nothing<size_t>.
+ //
+ // If the entry is idempotent, a size should always be available.
+ virtual v8::Maybe<size_t> size() const = 0;
+ // When true, multiple reads on the object must produce the exact
+ // same data or the reads will fail. Some sources of entry data,
+ // such as streams, may not be capable of preserving idempotency
+ // and therefore must not claim to be. If an entry claims to be
+ // idempotent and cannot preserve that quality, subsequent reads
+ // must fail with an error when a variance is detected.
+ virtual bool isIdempotent() const = 0;
+ };
+ // Creates an idempotent DataQueue with a pre-established collection
+ // of entries. All of the entries must also be idempotent otherwise
+ // an empty std::unique_ptr will be returned.
+ static std::shared_ptr<DataQueue> CreateIdempotent(
+ std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Entry>> list);
+ // Creates a non-idempotent DataQueue. This kind of queue can be
+ // mutated and updated such that multiple reads are not guaranteed
+ // to produce the same result. The entries added can be of any type.
+ static std::shared_ptr<DataQueue> Create(
+ v8::Maybe<size_t> capped = v8::Nothing<size_t>());
+ // Creates an idempotent Entry from a v8::ArrayBufferView. To help
+ // ensure idempotency, the underlying ArrayBuffer is detached from
+ // the BackingStore. It is the callers responsibility to ensure that
+ // the BackingStore is not otherwise modified through any other
+ // means. If the ArrayBuffer is not detachable, nullptr will be
+ // returned.
+ static std::unique_ptr<Entry> CreateInMemoryEntryFromView(
+ v8::Local<v8::ArrayBufferView> view);
+ // Creates an idempotent Entry from a v8::BackingStore. It is the
+ // callers responsibility to ensure that the BackingStore is not
+ // otherwise modified through any other means. If the ArrayBuffer
+ // is not detachable, nullptr will be returned.
+ static std::unique_ptr<Entry> CreateInMemoryEntryFromBackingStore(
+ std::shared_ptr<v8::BackingStore> store,
+ size_t offset,
+ size_t length);
+ static std::unique_ptr<Entry> CreateDataQueueEntry(
+ std::shared_ptr<DataQueue> data_queue);
+ static std::unique_ptr<Entry> CreateFdEntry(
+ BaseObjectPtr<fs::FileHandle> handle);
+ // Creates a Reader for the given queue. If the queue is idempotent,
+ // any number of readers can be created, all of which are guaranteed
+ // to provide the same data. Otherwise, only a single reader is
+ // permitted.
+ virtual std::unique_ptr<Reader> getReader() = 0;
+ // Append a single new entry to the queue. Appending is only allowed
+ // when isIdempotent() is false. v8::Nothing<bool>() will be returned
+ // if isIdempotent() is true. v8::Just(false) will be returned if the
+ // data queue is not idempotent but the entry otherwise cannot be added.
+ virtual v8::Maybe<bool> append(std::unique_ptr<Entry> entry) = 0;
+ // Caps the size of this DataQueue preventing additional entries to
+ // be added if those cause the size to extend beyond the specified
+ // limit.
+ //
+ // If limit is zero, or is less than the known current size of the
+ // data queue, the limit is set to the current known size, meaning
+ // that no additional entries can be added at all.
+ //
+ // If the size of the data queue is not known, the limit will be
+ // ignored and no additional entries will be allowed at all.
+ //
+ // If isIdempotent is true capping is unnecessary because the data
+ // queue cannot be appended to. In that case, cap() is a non-op.
+ //
+ // If the data queue has already been capped, cap can be called
+ // again with a smaller size.
+ virtual void cap(size_t limit = 0) = 0;
+ // Returns a new DataQueue that is a view over this queues data
+ // from the start offset to the ending offset. If the end offset
+ // is omitted, the slice extends to the end of the data.
+ //
+ // The slice will coverage a range from start up to, but excluding, end.
+ //
+ // Creating a slice is only possible if isIdempotent() returns
+ // true. This is because consuming either the original DataQueue or
+ // the new queue would change the state of the other in non-
+ // deterministic ways. When isIdempotent() returns false, slice()
+ // must return a nulled unique_ptr.
+ //
+ // Creating a slice is also only possible if the size of the
+ // DataQueue is known. If size() returns v8::Nothing<size_t>, slice()
+ // must return a null unique_ptr.
+ virtual std::shared_ptr<DataQueue> slice(
+ size_t start,
+ v8::Maybe<size_t> end = v8::Nothing<size_t>()) = 0;
+ // The size of DataQueue is the total size of all of its member entries.
+ // If any of the entries is not able to specify a size, the DataQueue
+ // will also be incapable of doing so, in which case size() must return
+ // v8::Nothing<size_t>.
+ virtual v8::Maybe<size_t> size() const = 0;
+ // A DataQueue is idempotent only if all of its member entries are
+ // idempotent.
+ virtual bool isIdempotent() const = 0;
+ // True only if cap is called or the data queue is a limited to a
+ // fixed size.
+ virtual bool isCapped() const = 0;
+ // If the data queue has been capped, and the size of the data queue
+ // is known, maybeCapRemaining will return the number of additional
+ // bytes the data queue can receive before reaching the cap limit.
+ // If the size of the queue cannot be known, or the cap has not
+ // been set, maybeCapRemaining() will return v8::Nothing<size_t>.
+ virtual v8::Maybe<size_t> maybeCapRemaining() const = 0;
+ static void Initialize(Environment* env, v8::Local<v8::Object> target);
+ static void RegisterExternalReferences(ExternalReferenceRegistry* registry);
+} // namespace node
diff --git a/src/node_bob.h b/src/node_bob.h
index 74571608f3..d0160b393c 100644
--- a/src/node_bob.h
+++ b/src/node_bob.h
@@ -10,6 +10,10 @@ constexpr size_t kMaxCountHint = 16;
// Negative status codes indicate error conditions.
enum Status : int {
+ // Indicates that there was an error while pulling.
+ // Should be treated similar to STATUS_EOS
// Indicates that an attempt was made to pull after end.
@@ -72,6 +76,7 @@ using Next = std::function<void(int, const T*, size_t count, Done done)>;
template <typename T>
class Source {
+ virtual ~Source() = default;
virtual int Pull(
Next<T> next,
int options,
diff --git a/src/node_errors.h b/src/node_errors.h
index 3f17a80a62..1c0c342df3 100644
--- a/src/node_errors.h
+++ b/src/node_errors.h
@@ -156,6 +156,7 @@ ERRORS_WITH_CODE(V)
"Context not associated with Node.js environment") \
V(ERR_INVALID_ADDRESS, "Invalid socket address") \
V(ERR_INVALID_MODULE, "No such module") \
+ V(ERR_INVALID_STATE, "Invalid state") \
V(ERR_INVALID_THIS, "Value of \"this\" is the wrong type") \
V(ERR_INVALID_TRANSFER_OBJECT, "Found invalid object in transferList") \
V(ERR_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAILED, "Failed to allocate memory") \