diff options
-rw-r--r--tools/lint-md.mjs (renamed from tools/lint-md.js)66005
7 files changed, 30804 insertions, 38153 deletions
diff --git a/.eslintignore b/.eslintignore
index 19e0fcee9e..e8b8c3f297 100644
--- a/.eslintignore
+++ b/.eslintignore
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ test/addons/??_*
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index ec4c774748..609d061441 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -1235,7 +1235,7 @@ LINT_MD_TARGETS = doc src lib benchmark test tools/doc tools/icu $(wildcard *.md
LINT_MD_FILES = $(shell $(FIND) $(LINT_MD_TARGETS) -type f \
! -path '*node_modules*' ! -path 'test/fixtures/*' -name '*.md' \
-run-lint-md = tools/lint-md.js -q -f --no-stdout $(LINT_MD_FILES)
+run-lint-md = tools/lint-md.mjs -q -f --no-stdout $(LINT_MD_FILES)
# Lint all changed markdown files maintained by us
tools/.mdlintstamp: $(LINT_MD_FILES)
$(info Running Markdown linter...)
diff --git a/tools/lint-md.js b/tools/lint-md.mjs
index 1f865ab809..b614ae37d8 100644
--- a/tools/lint-md.js
+++ b/tools/lint-md.mjs
@@ -1,50 +1,19 @@
-'use strict';
-// Don't change this file manually,
-// it is generated from tools/node-lint-md-cli-rollup
-var require$$0$a = require('stream');
-var require$$0$7 = require('path');
-var require$$0$5 = require('util');
-var require$$0$6 = require('os');
-var require$$1 = require('tty');
-var require$$0$8 = require('fs');
-var require$$1$1 = require('module');
-var require$$0$9 = require('events');
-var require$$5$2 = require('assert');
-var url = require('url');
-function _interopDefaultLegacy (e) { return e && typeof e === 'object' && 'default' in e ? e : { 'default': e }; }
-function _interopNamespace(e) {
- if (e && e.__esModule) return e;
- var n = Object.create(null);
- if (e) {
- Object.keys(e).forEach(function (k) {
- if (k !== 'default') {
- var d = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, k);
- Object.defineProperty(n, k, d.get ? d : {
- enumerable: true,
- get: function () {
- return e[k];
- }
- });
- }
- });
- }
- n['default'] = e;
- return Object.freeze(n);
-var require$$0__default$5 = /*#__PURE__*/_interopDefaultLegacy(require$$0$a);
-var require$$0__default$2 = /*#__PURE__*/_interopDefaultLegacy(require$$0$7);
-var require$$0__default = /*#__PURE__*/_interopDefaultLegacy(require$$0$5);
-var require$$0__default$1 = /*#__PURE__*/_interopDefaultLegacy(require$$0$6);
-var require$$1__default = /*#__PURE__*/_interopDefaultLegacy(require$$1);
-var require$$0__default$3 = /*#__PURE__*/_interopDefaultLegacy(require$$0$8);
-var require$$1__default$1 = /*#__PURE__*/_interopDefaultLegacy(require$$1$1);
-var require$$0__default$4 = /*#__PURE__*/_interopDefaultLegacy(require$$0$9);
-var require$$5__default = /*#__PURE__*/_interopDefaultLegacy(require$$5$2);
+import path$b from 'path';
+import require$$0$3, { realpathSync as realpathSync$1, statSync, Stats } from 'fs';
+import { URL as URL$1, fileURLToPath, pathToFileURL } from 'url';
+import process$2 from 'node:process';
+import stream, { PassThrough } from 'node:stream';
+import require$$0$2 from 'os';
+import tty$1 from 'tty';
+import require$$0$5 from 'events';
+import require$$0$4, { format as format$2, inspect as inspect$1 } from 'util';
+import require$$1 from 'stream';
+import path$c from 'node:path';
+import { pathToFileURL as pathToFileURL$1 } from 'node:url';
+import assert$2 from 'assert';
+import fs$a from 'node:fs';
+import { EventEmitter as EventEmitter$1 } from 'node:events';
+import process$1 from 'process';
var commonjsGlobal = typeof globalThis !== 'undefined' ? globalThis : typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : typeof global !== 'undefined' ? global : typeof self !== 'undefined' ? self : {};
@@ -67,218 +36,8605 @@ function commonjsRequire (path) {
throw new Error('Could not dynamically require "' + path + '". Please configure the dynamicRequireTargets or/and ignoreDynamicRequires option of @rollup/plugin-commonjs appropriately for this require call to work.');
-var cliEntry = {};
+var ansiStyles$2 = {exports: {}};
-var vfileStatistics = statistics$2;
+var colorName$1 = {
+ "aliceblue": [240, 248, 255],
+ "antiquewhite": [250, 235, 215],
+ "aqua": [0, 255, 255],
+ "aquamarine": [127, 255, 212],
+ "azure": [240, 255, 255],
+ "beige": [245, 245, 220],
+ "bisque": [255, 228, 196],
+ "black": [0, 0, 0],
+ "blanchedalmond": [255, 235, 205],
+ "blue": [0, 0, 255],
+ "blueviolet": [138, 43, 226],
+ "brown": [165, 42, 42],
+ "burlywood": [222, 184, 135],
+ "cadetblue": [95, 158, 160],
+ "chartreuse": [127, 255, 0],
+ "chocolate": [210, 105, 30],
+ "coral": [255, 127, 80],
+ "cornflowerblue": [100, 149, 237],
+ "cornsilk": [255, 248, 220],
+ "crimson": [220, 20, 60],
+ "cyan": [0, 255, 255],
+ "darkblue": [0, 0, 139],
+ "darkcyan": [0, 139, 139],
+ "darkgoldenrod": [184, 134, 11],
+ "darkgray": [169, 169, 169],
+ "darkgreen": [0, 100, 0],
+ "darkgrey": [169, 169, 169],
+ "darkkhaki": [189, 183, 107],
+ "darkmagenta": [139, 0, 139],
+ "darkolivegreen": [85, 107, 47],
+ "darkorange": [255, 140, 0],
+ "darkorchid": [153, 50, 204],
+ "darkred": [139, 0, 0],
+ "darksalmon": [233, 150, 122],
+ "darkseagreen": [143, 188, 143],
+ "darkslateblue": [72, 61, 139],
+ "darkslategray": [47, 79, 79],
+ "darkslategrey": [47, 79, 79],
+ "darkturquoise": [0, 206, 209],
+ "darkviolet": [148, 0, 211],
+ "deeppink": [255, 20, 147],
+ "deepskyblue": [0, 191, 255],
+ "dimgray": [105, 105, 105],
+ "dimgrey": [105, 105, 105],
+ "dodgerblue": [30, 144, 255],
+ "firebrick": [178, 34, 34],
+ "floralwhite": [255, 250, 240],
+ "forestgreen": [34, 139, 34],
+ "fuchsia": [255, 0, 255],
+ "gainsboro": [220, 220, 220],
+ "ghostwhite": [248, 248, 255],
+ "gold": [255, 215, 0],
+ "goldenrod": [218, 165, 32],
+ "gray": [128, 128, 128],
+ "green": [0, 128, 0],
+ "greenyellow": [173, 255, 47],
+ "grey": [128, 128, 128],
+ "honeydew": [240, 255, 240],
+ "hotpink": [255, 105, 180],
+ "indianred": [205, 92, 92],
+ "indigo": [75, 0, 130],
+ "ivory": [255, 255, 240],
+ "khaki": [240, 230, 140],
+ "lavender": [230, 230, 250],
+ "lavenderblush": [255, 240, 245],
+ "lawngreen": [124, 252, 0],
+ "lemonchiffon": [255, 250, 205],
+ "lightblue": [173, 216, 230],
+ "lightcoral": [240, 128, 128],
+ "lightcyan": [224, 255, 255],
+ "lightgoldenrodyellow": [250, 250, 210],
+ "lightgray": [211, 211, 211],
+ "lightgreen": [144, 238, 144],
+ "lightgrey": [211, 211, 211],
+ "lightpink": [255, 182, 193],
+ "lightsalmon": [255, 160, 122],
+ "lightseagreen": [32, 178, 170],
+ "lightskyblue": [135, 206, 250],
+ "lightslategray": [119, 136, 153],
+ "lightslategrey": [119, 136, 153],
+ "lightsteelblue": [176, 196, 222],
+ "lightyellow": [255, 255, 224],
+ "lime": [0, 255, 0],
+ "limegreen": [50, 205, 50],
+ "linen": [250, 240, 230],
+ "magenta": [255, 0, 255],
+ "maroon": [128, 0, 0],
+ "mediumaquamarine": [102, 205, 170],
+ "mediumblue": [0, 0, 205],
+ "mediumorchid": [186, 85, 211],
+ "mediumpurple": [147, 112, 219],
+ "mediumseagreen": [60, 179, 113],
+ "mediumslateblue": [123, 104, 238],
+ "mediumspringgreen": [0, 250, 154],
+ "mediumturquoise": [72, 209, 204],
+ "mediumvioletred": [199, 21, 133],
+ "midnightblue": [25, 25, 112],
+ "mintcream": [245, 255, 250],
+ "mistyrose": [255, 228, 225],
+ "moccasin": [255, 228, 181],
+ "navajowhite": [255, 222, 173],
+ "navy": [0, 0, 128],
+ "oldlace": [253, 245, 230],
+ "olive": [128, 128, 0],
+ "olivedrab": [107, 142, 35],
+ "orange": [255, 165, 0],
+ "orangered": [255, 69, 0],
+ "orchid": [218, 112, 214],
+ "palegoldenrod": [238, 232, 170],
+ "palegreen": [152, 251, 152],
+ "paleturquoise": [175, 238, 238],
+ "palevioletred": [219, 112, 147],
+ "papayawhip": [255, 239, 213],
+ "peachpuff": [255, 218, 185],
+ "peru": [205, 133, 63],
+ "pink": [255, 192, 203],
+ "plum": [221, 160, 221],
+ "powderblue": [176, 224, 230],
+ "purple": [128, 0, 128],
+ "rebeccapurple": [102, 51, 153],
+ "red": [255, 0, 0],
+ "rosybrown": [188, 143, 143],
+ "royalblue": [65, 105, 225],
+ "saddlebrown": [139, 69, 19],
+ "salmon": [250, 128, 114],
+ "sandybrown": [244, 164, 96],
+ "seagreen": [46, 139, 87],
+ "seashell": [255, 245, 238],
+ "sienna": [160, 82, 45],
+ "silver": [192, 192, 192],
+ "skyblue": [135, 206, 235],
+ "slateblue": [106, 90, 205],
+ "slategray": [112, 128, 144],
+ "slategrey": [112, 128, 144],
+ "snow": [255, 250, 250],
+ "springgreen": [0, 255, 127],
+ "steelblue": [70, 130, 180],
+ "tan": [210, 180, 140],
+ "teal": [0, 128, 128],
+ "thistle": [216, 191, 216],
+ "tomato": [255, 99, 71],
+ "turquoise": [64, 224, 208],
+ "violet": [238, 130, 238],
+ "wheat": [245, 222, 179],
+ "white": [255, 255, 255],
+ "whitesmoke": [245, 245, 245],
+ "yellow": [255, 255, 0],
+ "yellowgreen": [154, 205, 50]
-// Get stats for a file, list of files, or list of messages.
-function statistics$2(files) {
- var result = {true: 0, false: 0, null: 0};
+/* MIT license */
+/* eslint-disable no-mixed-operators */
+const cssKeywords$1 = colorName$1;
- count(files);
+// NOTE: conversions should only return primitive values (i.e. arrays, or
+// values that give correct `typeof` results).
+// do not use box values types (i.e. Number(), String(), etc.)
- return {
- fatal: result.true,
- nonfatal: result.false + result.null,
- warn: result.false,
- info: result.null,
- total: result.true + result.false + result.null
+const reverseKeywords$1 = {};
+for (const key of Object.keys(cssKeywords$1)) {
+ reverseKeywords$1[cssKeywords$1[key]] = key;
+const convert$4 = {
+ rgb: {channels: 3, labels: 'rgb'},
+ hsl: {channels: 3, labels: 'hsl'},
+ hsv: {channels: 3, labels: 'hsv'},
+ hwb: {channels: 3, labels: 'hwb'},
+ cmyk: {channels: 4, labels: 'cmyk'},
+ xyz: {channels: 3, labels: 'xyz'},
+ lab: {channels: 3, labels: 'lab'},
+ lch: {channels: 3, labels: 'lch'},
+ hex: {channels: 1, labels: ['hex']},
+ keyword: {channels: 1, labels: ['keyword']},
+ ansi16: {channels: 1, labels: ['ansi16']},
+ ansi256: {channels: 1, labels: ['ansi256']},
+ hcg: {channels: 3, labels: ['h', 'c', 'g']},
+ apple: {channels: 3, labels: ['r16', 'g16', 'b16']},
+ gray: {channels: 1, labels: ['gray']}
+var conversions$5 = convert$4;
+// Hide .channels and .labels properties
+for (const model of Object.keys(convert$4)) {
+ if (!('channels' in convert$4[model])) {
+ throw new Error('missing channels property: ' + model);
+ }
+ if (!('labels' in convert$4[model])) {
+ throw new Error('missing channel labels property: ' + model);
+ }
+ if (convert$4[model].labels.length !== convert$4[model].channels) {
+ throw new Error('channel and label counts mismatch: ' + model);
+ }
+ const {channels, labels} = convert$4[model];
+ delete convert$4[model].channels;
+ delete convert$4[model].labels;
+ Object.defineProperty(convert$4[model], 'channels', {value: channels});
+ Object.defineProperty(convert$4[model], 'labels', {value: labels});
+convert$4.rgb.hsl = function (rgb) {
+ const r = rgb[0] / 255;
+ const g = rgb[1] / 255;
+ const b = rgb[2] / 255;
+ const min = Math.min(r, g, b);
+ const max = Math.max(r, g, b);
+ const delta = max - min;
+ let h;
+ let s;
+ if (max === min) {
+ h = 0;
+ } else if (r === max) {
+ h = (g - b) / delta;
+ } else if (g === max) {
+ h = 2 + (b - r) / delta;
+ } else if (b === max) {
+ h = 4 + (r - g) / delta;
+ }
+ h = Math.min(h * 60, 360);
+ if (h < 0) {
+ h += 360;
+ }
+ const l = (min + max) / 2;
+ if (max === min) {
+ s = 0;
+ } else if (l <= 0.5) {
+ s = delta / (max + min);
+ } else {
+ s = delta / (2 - max - min);
+ }
+ return [h, s * 100, l * 100];
+convert$4.rgb.hsv = function (rgb) {
+ let rdif;
+ let gdif;
+ let bdif;
+ let h;
+ let s;
+ const r = rgb[0] / 255;
+ const g = rgb[1] / 255;
+ const b = rgb[2] / 255;
+ const v = Math.max(r, g, b);
+ const diff = v - Math.min(r, g, b);
+ const diffc = function (c) {
+ return (v - c) / 6 / diff + 1 / 2;
+ };
+ if (diff === 0) {
+ h = 0;
+ s = 0;
+ } else {
+ s = diff / v;
+ rdif = diffc(r);
+ gdif = diffc(g);
+ bdif = diffc(b);
+ if (r === v) {
+ h = bdif - gdif;
+ } else if (g === v) {
+ h = (1 / 3) + rdif - bdif;
+ } else if (b === v) {
+ h = (2 / 3) + gdif - rdif;
+ }
+ if (h < 0) {
+ h += 1;
+ } else if (h > 1) {
+ h -= 1;
+ }
+ }
+ return [
+ h * 360,
+ s * 100,
+ v * 100
+ ];
+convert$4.rgb.hwb = function (rgb) {
+ const r = rgb[0];
+ const g = rgb[1];
+ let b = rgb[2];
+ const h = convert$4.rgb.hsl(rgb)[0];
+ const w = 1 / 255 * Math.min(r, Math.min(g, b));
+ b = 1 - 1 / 255 * Math.max(r, Math.max(g, b));
+ return [h, w * 100, b * 100];
+convert$4.rgb.cmyk = function (rgb) {
+ const r = rgb[0] / 255;
+ const g = rgb[1] / 255;
+ const b = rgb[2] / 255;
+ const k = Math.min(1 - r, 1 - g, 1 - b);
+ const c = (1 - r - k) / (1 - k) || 0;
+ const m = (1 - g - k) / (1 - k) || 0;
+ const y = (1 - b - k) / (1 - k) || 0;
+ return [c * 100, m * 100, y * 100, k * 100];
+function comparativeDistance$1(x, y) {
+ /*
+ See
+ */
+ return (
+ ((x[0] - y[0]) ** 2) +
+ ((x[1] - y[1]) ** 2) +
+ ((x[2] - y[2]) ** 2)
+ );
+convert$4.rgb.keyword = function (rgb) {
+ const reversed = reverseKeywords$1[rgb];
+ if (reversed) {
+ return reversed;
+ }
+ let currentClosestDistance = Infinity;
+ let currentClosestKeyword;
+ for (const keyword of Object.keys(cssKeywords$1)) {
+ const value = cssKeywords$1[keyword];
+ // Compute comparative distance
+ const distance = comparativeDistance$1(rgb, value);
+ // Check if its less, if so set as closest
+ if (distance < currentClosestDistance) {
+ currentClosestDistance = distance;
+ currentClosestKeyword = keyword;
+ }
+ }
+ return currentClosestKeyword;
+convert$4.keyword.rgb = function (keyword) {
+ return cssKeywords$1[keyword];
+convert$ = function (rgb) {
+ let r = rgb[0] / 255;
+ let g = rgb[1] / 255;
+ let b = rgb[2] / 255;
+ // Assume sRGB
+ r = r > 0.04045 ? (((r + 0.055) / 1.055) ** 2.4) : (r / 12.92);
+ g = g > 0.04045 ? (((g + 0.055) / 1.055) ** 2.4) : (g / 12.92);
+ b = b > 0.04045 ? (((b + 0.055) / 1.055) ** 2.4) : (b / 12.92);
+ const x = (r * 0.4124) + (g * 0.3576) + (b * 0.1805);
+ const y = (r * 0.2126) + (g * 0.7152) + (b * 0.0722);
+ const z = (r * 0.0193) + (g * 0.1192) + (b * 0.9505);
+ return [x * 100, y * 100, z * 100];
+convert$4.rgb.lab = function (rgb) {
+ const xyz = convert$;
+ let x = xyz[0];
+ let y = xyz[1];
+ let z = xyz[2];
+ x /= 95.047;
+ y /= 100;
+ z /= 108.883;
+ x = x > 0.008856 ? (x ** (1 / 3)) : (7.787 * x) + (16 / 116);
+ y = y > 0.008856 ? (y ** (1 / 3)) : (7.787 * y) + (16 / 116);
+ z = z > 0.008856 ? (z ** (1 / 3)) : (7.787 * z) + (16 / 116);
+ const l = (116 * y) - 16;
+ const a = 500 * (x - y);
+ const b = 200 * (y - z);
+ return [l, a, b];
+convert$4.hsl.rgb = function (hsl) {
+ const h = hsl[0] / 360;
+ const s = hsl[1] / 100;
+ const l = hsl[2] / 100;
+ let t2;
+ let t3;
+ let val;
+ if (s === 0) {
+ val = l * 255;
+ return [val, val, val];
+ }
+ if (l < 0.5) {
+ t2 = l * (1 + s);
+ } else {
+ t2 = l + s - l * s;
+ }
+ const t1 = 2 * l - t2;
+ const rgb = [0, 0, 0];
+ for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+ t3 = h + 1 / 3 * -(i - 1);
+ if (t3 < 0) {
+ t3++;
+ }
+ if (t3 > 1) {
+ t3--;
+ }
+ if (6 * t3 < 1) {
+ val = t1 + (t2 - t1) * 6 * t3;
+ } else if (2 * t3 < 1) {
+ val = t2;
+ } else if (3 * t3 < 2) {
+ val = t1 + (t2 - t1) * (2 / 3 - t3) * 6;
+ } else {
+ val = t1;
+ }
+ rgb[i] = val * 255;
+ }
+ return rgb;
+convert$4.hsl.hsv = function (hsl) {
+ const h = hsl[0];
+ let s = hsl[1] / 100;
+ let l = hsl[2] / 100;
+ let smin = s;
+ const lmin = Math.max(l, 0.01);
+ l *= 2;
+ s *= (l <= 1) ? l : 2 - l;
+ smin *= lmin <= 1 ? lmin : 2 - lmin;
+ const v = (l + s) / 2;
+ const sv = l === 0 ? (2 * smin) / (lmin + smin) : (2 * s) / (l + s);
+ return [h, sv * 100, v * 100];
+convert$4.hsv.rgb = function (hsv) {
+ const h = hsv[0] / 60;
+ const s = hsv[1] / 100;
+ let v = hsv[2] / 100;
+ const hi = Math.floor(h) % 6;
+ const f = h - Math.floor(h);
+ const p = 255 * v * (1 - s);
+ const q = 255 * v * (1 - (s * f));
+ const t = 255 * v * (1 - (s * (1 - f)));
+ v *= 255;
+ switch (hi) {
+ case 0:
+ return [v, t, p];
+ case 1:
+ return [q, v, p];
+ case 2:
+ return [p, v, t];
+ case 3:
+ return [p, q, v];
+ case 4:
+ return [t, p, v];
+ case 5:
+ return [v, p, q];
+ }
+convert$4.hsv.hsl = function (hsv) {
+ const h = hsv[0];
+ const s = hsv[1] / 100;
+ const v = hsv[2] / 100;
+ const vmin = Math.max(v, 0.01);
+ let sl;
+ let l;
+ l = (2 - s) * v;
+ const lmin = (2 - s) * vmin;
+ sl = s * vmin;
+ sl /= (lmin <= 1) ? lmin : 2 - lmin;
+ sl = sl || 0;
+ l /= 2;
+ return [h, sl * 100, l * 100];
+convert$4.hwb.rgb = function (hwb) {
+ const h = hwb[0] / 360;
+ let wh = hwb[1] / 100;
+ let bl = hwb[2] / 100;
+ const ratio = wh + bl;
+ let f;
+ // Wh + bl cant be > 1
+ if (ratio > 1) {
+ wh /= ratio;
+ bl /= ratio;
+ }
+ const i = Math.floor(6 * h);
+ const v = 1 - bl;
+ f = 6 * h - i;
+ if ((i & 0x01) !== 0) {
+ f = 1 - f;
+ }
+ const n = wh + f * (v - wh); // Linear interpolation
+ let r;
+ let g;
+ let b;
+ /* eslint-disable max-statements-per-line,no-multi-spaces */
+ switch (i) {
+ default:
+ case 6:
+ case 0: r = v; g = n; b = wh; break;
+ case 1: r = n; g = v; b = wh; break;
+ case 2: r = wh; g = v; b = n; break;
+ case 3: r = wh; g = n; b = v; break;
+ case 4: r = n; g = wh; b = v; break;
+ case 5: r = v; g = wh; b = n; break;
+ }
+ /* eslint-enable max-statements-per-line,no-multi-spaces */
+ return [r * 255, g * 255, b * 255];
+convert$4.cmyk.rgb = function (cmyk) {
+ const c = cmyk[0] / 100;
+ const m = cmyk[1] / 100;
+ const y = cmyk[2] / 100;
+ const k = cmyk[3] / 100;
+ const r = 1 - Math.min(1, c * (1 - k) + k);
+ const g = 1 - Math.min(1, m * (1 - k) + k);
+ const b = 1 - Math.min(1, y * (1 - k) + k);
+ return [r * 255, g * 255, b * 255];
+convert$ = function (xyz) {
+ const x = xyz[0] / 100;
+ const y = xyz[1] / 100;
+ const z = xyz[2] / 100;
+ let r;
+ let g;
+ let b;
+ r = (x * 3.2406) + (y * -1.5372) + (z * -0.4986);
+ g = (x * -0.9689) + (y * 1.8758) + (z * 0.0415);
+ b = (x * 0.0557) + (y * -0.2040) + (z * 1.0570);
+ // Assume sRGB
+ r = r > 0.0031308
+ ? ((1.055 * (r ** (1.0 / 2.4))) - 0.055)
+ : r * 12.92;
+ g = g > 0.0031308
+ ? ((1.055 * (g ** (1.0 / 2.4))) - 0.055)
+ : g * 12.92;
+ b = b > 0.0031308
+ ? ((1.055 * (b ** (1.0 / 2.4))) - 0.055)
+ : b * 12.92;
+ r = Math.min(Math.max(0, r), 1);
+ g = Math.min(Math.max(0, g), 1);
+ b = Math.min(Math.max(0, b), 1);
+ return [r * 255, g * 255, b * 255];
+convert$ = function (xyz) {
+ let x = xyz[0];
+ let y = xyz[1];
+ let z = xyz[2];
+ x /= 95.047;
+ y /= 100;
+ z /= 108.883;
+ x = x > 0.008856 ? (x ** (1 / 3)) : (7.787 * x) + (16 / 116);
+ y = y > 0.008856 ? (y ** (1 / 3)) : (7.787 * y) + (16 / 116);
+ z = z > 0.008856 ? (z ** (1 / 3)) : (7.787 * z) + (16 / 116);
+ const l = (116 * y) - 16;
+ const a = 500 * (x - y);
+ const b = 200 * (y - z);
+ return [l, a, b];
+convert$ = function (lab) {
+ const l = lab[0];
+ const a = lab[1];
+ const b = lab[2];
+ let x;
+ let y;
+ let z;
+ y = (l + 16) / 116;
+ x = a / 500 + y;
+ z = y - b / 200;
+ const y2 = y ** 3;
+ const x2 = x ** 3;
+ const z2 = z ** 3;
+ y = y2 > 0.008856 ? y2 : (y - 16 / 116) / 7.787;
+ x = x2 > 0.008856 ? x2 : (x - 16 / 116) / 7.787;
+ z = z2 > 0.008856 ? z2 : (z - 16 / 116) / 7.787;
+ x *= 95.047;
+ y *= 100;
+ z *= 108.883;
+ return [x, y, z];
+convert$4.lab.lch = function (lab) {
+ const l = lab[0];
+ const a = lab[1];
+ const b = lab[2];
+ let h;
+ const hr = Math.atan2(b, a);
+ h = hr * 360 / 2 / Math.PI;
+ if (h < 0) {
+ h += 360;
+ }
+ const c = Math.sqrt(a * a + b * b);
+ return [l, c, h];
+convert$4.lch.lab = function (lch) {
+ const l = lch[0];
+ const c = lch[1];
+ const h = lch[2];
+ const hr = h / 360 * 2 * Math.PI;
+ const a = c * Math.cos(hr);
+ const b = c * Math.sin(hr);
+ return [l, a, b];
+convert$4.rgb.ansi16 = function (args, saturation = null) {
+ const [r, g, b] = args;
+ let value = saturation === null ? convert$4.rgb.hsv(args)[2] : saturation; // Hsv -> ansi16 optimization
+ value = Math.round(value / 50);
+ if (value === 0) {
+ return 30;
+ }
+ let ansi = 30
+ + ((Math.round(b / 255) << 2)
+ | (Math.round(g / 255) << 1)
+ | Math.round(r / 255));
+ if (value === 2) {
+ ansi += 60;
+ }
+ return ansi;
+convert$4.hsv.ansi16 = function (args) {
+ // Optimization here; we already know the value and don't need to get
+ // it converted for us.
+ return convert$4.rgb.ansi16(convert$4.hsv.rgb(args), args[2]);
+convert$4.rgb.ansi256 = function (args) {
+ const r = args[0];
+ const g = args[1];
+ const b = args[2];
+ // We use the extended greyscale palette here, with the exception of
+ // black and white. normal palette only has 4 greyscale shades.
+ if (r === g && g === b) {
+ if (r < 8) {
+ return 16;
+ }
+ if (r > 248) {
+ return 231;
+ }
+ return Math.round(((r - 8) / 247) * 24) + 232;
+ }
+ const ansi = 16
+ + (36 * Math.round(r / 255 * 5))
+ + (6 * Math.round(g / 255 * 5))
+ + Math.round(b / 255 * 5);
+ return ansi;
+convert$4.ansi16.rgb = function (args) {
+ let color = args % 10;
+ // Handle greyscale
+ if (color === 0 || color === 7) {
+ if (args > 50) {
+ color += 3.5;
+ }
+ color = color / 10.5 * 255;
+ return [color, color, color];
+ }
+ const mult = (~~(args > 50) + 1) * 0.5;
+ const r = ((color & 1) * mult) * 255;
+ const g = (((color >> 1) & 1) * mult) * 255;
+ const b = (((color >> 2) & 1) * mult) * 255;
+ return [r, g, b];
+convert$4.ansi256.rgb = function (args) {
+ // Handle greyscale
+ if (args >= 232) {
+ const c = (args - 232) * 10 + 8;
+ return [c, c, c];
+ }
+ args -= 16;
+ let rem;
+ const r = Math.floor(args / 36) / 5 * 255;
+ const g = Math.floor((rem = args % 36) / 6) / 5 * 255;
+ const b = (rem % 6) / 5 * 255;
+ return [r, g, b];
+convert$4.rgb.hex = function (args) {
+ const integer = ((Math.round(args[0]) & 0xFF) << 16)
+ + ((Math.round(args[1]) & 0xFF) << 8)
+ + (Math.round(args[2]) & 0xFF);
+ const string = integer.toString(16).toUpperCase();
+ return '000000'.substring(string.length) + string;
+convert$4.hex.rgb = function (args) {
+ const match = args.toString(16).match(/[a-f0-9]{6}|[a-f0-9]{3}/i);
+ if (!match) {
+ return [0, 0, 0];
+ }
+ let colorString = match[0];
+ if (match[0].length === 3) {
+ colorString = colorString.split('').map(char => {
+ return char + char;
+ }).join('');
+ }
+ const integer = parseInt(colorString, 16);
+ const r = (integer >> 16) & 0xFF;
+ const g = (integer >> 8) & 0xFF;
+ const b = integer & 0xFF;
+ return [r, g, b];
+convert$4.rgb.hcg = function (rgb) {
+ const r = rgb[0] / 255;
+ const g = rgb[1] / 255;
+ const b = rgb[2] / 255;
+ const max = Math.max(Math.max(r, g), b);
+ const min = Math.min(Math.min(r, g), b);
+ const chroma = (max - min);
+ let grayscale;
+ let hue;
+ if (chroma < 1) {
+ grayscale = min / (1 - chroma);
+ } else {
+ grayscale = 0;
+ }
+ if (chroma <= 0) {
+ hue = 0;
+ } else
+ if (max === r) {
+ hue = ((g - b) / chroma) % 6;
+ } else
+ if (max === g) {
+ hue = 2 + (b - r) / chroma;
+ } else {
+ hue = 4 + (r - g) / chroma;
+ }
+ hue /= 6;
+ hue %= 1;
+ return [hue * 360, chroma * 100, grayscale * 100];
+convert$4.hsl.hcg = function (hsl) {
+ const s = hsl[1] / 100;
+ const l = hsl[2] / 100;
+ const c = l < 0.5 ? (2.0 * s * l) : (2.0 * s * (1.0 - l));
+ let f = 0;
+ if (c < 1.0) {
+ f = (l - 0.5 * c) / (1.0 - c);
+ }
+ return [hsl[0], c * 100, f * 100];
+convert$4.hsv.hcg = function (hsv) {
+ const s = hsv[1] / 100;
+ const v = hsv[2] / 100;
+ const c = s * v;
+ let f = 0;
+ if (c < 1.0) {
+ f = (v - c) / (1 - c);
+ }
+ return [hsv[0], c * 100, f * 100];
+convert$4.hcg.rgb = function (hcg) {
+ const h = hcg[0] / 360;
+ const c = hcg[1] / 100;
+ const g = hcg[2] / 100;
+ if (c === 0.0) {
+ return [g * 255, g * 255, g * 255];
+ }
+ const pure = [0, 0, 0];
+ const hi = (h % 1) * 6;
+ const v = hi % 1;
+ const w = 1 - v;
+ let mg = 0;
+ /* eslint-disable max-statements-per-line */
+ switch (Math.floor(hi)) {
+ case 0:
+ pure[0] = 1; pure[1] = v; pure[2] = 0; break;
+ case 1:
+ pure[0] = w; pure[1] = 1; pure[2] = 0; break;
+ case 2:
+ pure[0] = 0; pure[1] = 1; pure[2] = v; break;
+ case 3:
+ pure[0] = 0; pure[1] = w; pure[2] = 1; break;
+ case 4:
+ pure[0] = v; pure[1] = 0; pure[2] = 1; break;
+ default:
+ pure[0] = 1; pure[1] = 0; pure[2] = w;
+ }
+ /* eslint-enable max-statements-per-line */
+ mg = (1.0 - c) * g;
+ return [
+ (c * pure[0] + mg) * 255,
+ (c * pure[1] + mg) * 255,
+ (c * pure[2] + mg) * 255
+ ];
+convert$4.hcg.hsv = function (hcg) {
+ const c = hcg[1] / 100;
+ const g = hcg[2] / 100;
+ const v = c + g * (1.0 - c);
+ let f = 0;
+ if (v > 0.0) {
+ f = c / v;
+ }
+ return [hcg[0], f * 100, v * 100];
+convert$4.hcg.hsl = function (hcg) {
+ const c = hcg[1] / 100;
+ const g = hcg[2] / 100;
+ const l = g * (1.0 - c) + 0.5 * c;
+ let s = 0;
+ if (l > 0.0 && l < 0.5) {
+ s = c / (2 * l);
+ } else
+ if (l >= 0.5 && l < 1.0) {
+ s = c / (2 * (1 - l));
+ }
+ return [hcg[0], s * 100, l * 100];
+convert$4.hcg.hwb = function (hcg) {
+ const c = hcg[1] / 100;
+ const g = hcg[2] / 100;
+ const v = c + g * (1.0 - c);
+ return [hcg[0], (v - c) * 100, (1 - v) * 100];
+convert$4.hwb.hcg = function (hwb) {
+ const w = hwb[1] / 100;
+ const b = hwb[2] / 100;
+ const v = 1 - b;
+ const c = v - w;
+ let g = 0;
+ if (c < 1) {
+ g = (v - c) / (1 - c);
+ }
+ return [hwb[0], c * 100, g * 100];
+convert$ = function (apple) {
+ return [(apple[0] / 65535) * 255, (apple[1] / 65535) * 255, (apple[2] / 65535) * 255];
+convert$ = function (rgb) {
+ return [(rgb[0] / 255) * 65535, (rgb[1] / 255) * 65535, (rgb[2] / 255) * 65535];
+convert$4.gray.rgb = function (args) {
+ return [args[0] / 100 * 255, args[0] / 100 * 255, args[0] / 100 * 255];
+convert$4.gray.hsl = function (args) {
+ return [0, 0, args[0]];
+convert$4.gray.hsv = convert$4.gray.hsl;
+convert$4.gray.hwb = function (gray) {
+ return [0, 100, gray[0]];
+convert$4.gray.cmyk = function (gray) {
+ return [0, 0, 0, gray[0]];
+convert$4.gray.lab = function (gray) {
+ return [gray[0], 0, 0];
+convert$4.gray.hex = function (gray) {
+ const val = Math.round(gray[0] / 100 * 255) & 0xFF;
+ const integer = (val << 16) + (val << 8) + val;
+ const string = integer.toString(16).toUpperCase();
+ return '000000'.substring(string.length) + string;
+convert$4.rgb.gray = function (rgb) {
+ const val = (rgb[0] + rgb[1] + rgb[2]) / 3;
+ return [val / 255 * 100];
+const conversions$4 = conversions$5;
+ This function routes a model to all other models.
+ all functions that are routed have a property `.conversion` attached
+ to the returned synthetic function. This property is an array
+ of strings, each with the steps in between the 'from' and 'to'
+ color models (inclusive).
+ conversions that are not possible simply are not included.
+function buildGraph$1() {
+ const graph = {};
+ //
+ const models = Object.keys(conversions$4);
+ for (let len = models.length, i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+ graph[models[i]] = {
+ //
+ // micro-opt, but this is simple.
+ distance: -1,
+ parent: null
+ };
+ }
+ return graph;
+function deriveBFS$1(fromModel) {
+ const graph = buildGraph$1();
+ const queue = [fromModel]; // Unshift -> queue -> pop
+ graph[fromModel].distance = 0;
+ while (queue.length) {
+ const current = queue.pop();
+ const adjacents = Object.keys(conversions$4[current]);
+ for (let len = adjacents.length, i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+ const adjacent = adjacents[i];
+ const node = graph[adjacent];
+ if (node.distance === -1) {
+ node.distance = graph[current].distance + 1;
+ node.parent = current;
+ queue.unshift(adjacent);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return graph;
+function link$2(from, to) {
+ return function (args) {
+ return to(from(args));
+ };
+function wrapConversion$1(toModel, graph) {
+ const path = [graph[toModel].parent, toModel];
+ let fn = conversions$4[graph[toModel].parent][toModel];
+ let cur = graph[toModel].parent;
+ while (graph[cur].parent) {
+ path.unshift(graph[cur].parent);
+ fn = link$2(conversions$4[graph[cur].parent][cur], fn);
+ cur = graph[cur].parent;
+ }
+ fn.conversion = path;
+ return fn;
+var route$3 = function (fromModel) {
+ const graph = deriveBFS$1(fromModel);
+ const conversion = {};
+ const models = Object.keys(graph);
+ for (let len = models.length, i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+ const toModel = models[i];
+ const node = graph[toModel];
+ if (node.parent === null) {
+ // No possible conversion, or this node is the source model.
+ continue;
+ }
+ conversion[toModel] = wrapConversion$1(toModel, graph);
+ }
+ return conversion;
+const conversions$3 = conversions$5;
+const route$2 = route$3;
+const convert$3 = {};
+const models$1 = Object.keys(conversions$3);
+function wrapRaw$1(fn) {
+ const wrappedFn = function (...args) {
+ const arg0 = args[0];
+ if (arg0 === undefined || arg0 === null) {
+ return arg0;
+ }
+ if (arg0.length > 1) {
+ args = arg0;
+ }
+ return fn(args);
+ };
+ // Preserve .conversion property if there is one
+ if ('conversion' in fn) {
+ wrappedFn.conversion = fn.conversion;
+ }
+ return wrappedFn;
+function wrapRounded$1(fn) {
+ const wrappedFn = function (...args) {
+ const arg0 = args[0];
+ if (arg0 === undefined || arg0 === null) {
+ return arg0;
+ }
+ if (arg0.length > 1) {
+ args = arg0;
+ }
+ const result = fn(args);
+ // We're assuming the result is an array here.
+ // see notice in conversions.js; don't use box types
+ // in conversion functions.
+ if (typeof result === 'object') {
+ for (let len = result.length, i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+ result[i] = Math.round(result[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+ };
+ // Preserve .conversion property if there is one
+ if ('conversion' in fn) {
+ wrappedFn.conversion = fn.conversion;
+ }
+ return wrappedFn;
+models$1.forEach(fromModel => {
+ convert$3[fromModel] = {};
+ Object.defineProperty(convert$3[fromModel], 'channels', {value: conversions$3[fromModel].channels});
+ Object.defineProperty(convert$3[fromModel], 'labels', {value: conversions$3[fromModel].labels});
+ const routes = route$2(fromModel);
+ const routeModels = Object.keys(routes);
+ routeModels.forEach(toModel => {
+ const fn = routes[toModel];
+ convert$3[fromModel][toModel] = wrapRounded$1(fn);
+ convert$3[fromModel][toModel].raw = wrapRaw$1(fn);
+ });
+var colorConvert$1 = convert$3;
+(function (module) {
+const wrapAnsi16 = (fn, offset) => (...args) => {
+ const code = fn(...args);
+ return `\u001B[${code + offset}m`;
+const wrapAnsi256 = (fn, offset) => (...args) => {
+ const code = fn(...args);
+ return `\u001B[${38 + offset};5;${code}m`;
+const wrapAnsi16m = (fn, offset) => (...args) => {
+ const rgb = fn(...args);
+ return `\u001B[${38 + offset};2;${rgb[0]};${rgb[1]};${rgb[2]}m`;
+const ansi2ansi = n => n;
+const rgb2rgb = (r, g, b) => [r, g, b];
+const setLazyProperty = (object, property, get) => {
+ Object.defineProperty(object, property, {
+ get: () => {
+ const value = get();
+ Object.defineProperty(object, property, {
+ value,
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ return value;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+/** @type {typeof import('color-convert')} */
+let colorConvert;
+const makeDynamicStyles = (wrap, targetSpace, identity, isBackground) => {
+ if (colorConvert === undefined) {
+ colorConvert = colorConvert$1;
+ }
+ const offset = isBackground ? 10 : 0;
+ const styles = {};
+ for (const [sourceSpace, suite] of Object.entries(colorConvert)) {
+ const name = sourceSpace === 'ansi16' ? 'ansi' : sourceSpace;
+ if (sourceSpace === targetSpace) {
+ styles[name] = wrap(identity, offset);
+ } else if (typeof suite === 'object') {
+ styles[name] = wrap(suite[targetSpace], offset);
+ }
+ }
+ return styles;
+function assembleStyles() {
+ const codes = new Map();
+ const styles = {
+ modifier: {
+ reset: [0, 0],
+ // 21 isn't widely supported and 22 does the same thing
+ bold: [1, 22],
+ dim: [2, 22],
+ italic: [3, 23],
+ underline: [4, 24],
+ inverse: [7, 27],
+ hidden: [8, 28],
+ strikethrough: [9, 29]
+ },
+ color: {
+ black: [30, 39],
+ red: [31, 39],
+ green: [32, 39],
+ yellow: [33, 39],
+ blue: [34, 39],
+ magenta: [35, 39],
+ cyan: [36, 39],
+ white: [37, 39],
+ // Bright color
+ blackBright: [90, 39],
+ redBright: [91, 39],
+ greenBright: [92, 39],
+ yellowBright: [93, 39],
+ blueBright: [94, 39],
+ magentaBright: [95, 39],
+ cyanBright: [96, 39],
+ whiteBright: [97, 39]
+ },
+ bgColor: {
+ bgBlack: [40, 49],
+ bgRed: [41, 49],
+ bgGreen: [42, 49],
+ bgYellow: [43, 49],
+ bgBlue: [44, 49],
+ bgMagenta: [45, 49],
+ bgCyan: [46, 49],
+ bgWhite: [47, 49],
+ // Bright color
+ bgBlackBright: [100, 49],
+ bgRedBright: [101, 49],
+ bgGreenBright: [102, 49],
+ bgYellowBright: [103, 49],
+ bgBlueBright: [104, 49],
+ bgMagentaBright: [105, 49],
+ bgCyanBright: [106, 49],
+ bgWhiteBright: [107, 49]
+ }
+ };
+ // Alias bright black as gray (and grey)
+ styles.color.gray = styles.color.blackBright;
+ styles.bgColor.bgGray = styles.bgColor.bgBlackBright;
+ styles.color.grey = styles.color.blackBright;
+ styles.bgColor.bgGrey = styles.bgColor.bgBlackBright;
+ for (const [groupName, group] of Object.entries(styles)) {
+ for (const [styleName, style] of Object.entries(group)) {
+ styles[styleName] = {
+ open: `\u001B[${style[0]}m`,
+ close: `\u001B[${style[1]}m`
+ };
+ group[styleName] = styles[styleName];
+ codes.set(style[0], style[1]);
+ }
+ Object.defineProperty(styles, groupName, {
+ value: group,
+ enumerable: false
+ });
+ }
+ Object.defineProperty(styles, 'codes', {
+ value: codes,
+ enumerable: false
+ });
+ styles.color.close = '\u001B[39m';
+ styles.bgColor.close = '\u001B[49m';
+ setLazyProperty(styles.color, 'ansi', () => makeDynamicStyles(wrapAnsi16, 'ansi16', ansi2ansi, false));
+ setLazyProperty(styles.color, 'ansi256', () => makeDynamicStyles(wrapAnsi256, 'ansi256', ansi2ansi, false));
+ setLazyProperty(styles.color, 'ansi16m', () => makeDynamicStyles(wrapAnsi16m, 'rgb', rgb2rgb, false));
+ setLazyProperty(styles.bgColor, 'ansi', () => makeDynamicStyles(wrapAnsi16, 'ansi16', ansi2ansi, true));
+ setLazyProperty(styles.bgColor, 'ansi256', () => makeDynamicStyles(wrapAnsi256, 'ansi256', ansi2ansi, true));
+ setLazyProperty(styles.bgColor, 'ansi16m', () => makeDynamicStyles(wrapAnsi16m, 'rgb', rgb2rgb, true));
+ return styles;
+// Make the export immutable
+Object.defineProperty(module, 'exports', {
+ enumerable: true,
+ get: assembleStyles
+var hasFlag$4 = (flag, argv = process.argv) => {
+ const prefix = flag.startsWith('-') ? '' : (flag.length === 1 ? '-' : '--');
+ const position = argv.indexOf(prefix + flag);
+ const terminatorPosition = argv.indexOf('--');
+ return position !== -1 && (terminatorPosition === -1 || position < terminatorPosition);
+const os$2 = require$$0$2;
+const tty = tty$1;
+const hasFlag$3 = hasFlag$4;
+const {env: env$2} = process;
+let forceColor$1;
+if (hasFlag$3('no-color') ||
+ hasFlag$3('no-colors') ||
+ hasFlag$3('color=false') ||
+ hasFlag$3('color=never')) {
+ forceColor$1 = 0;
+} else if (hasFlag$3('color') ||
+ hasFlag$3('colors') ||
+ hasFlag$3('color=true') ||
+ hasFlag$3('color=always')) {
+ forceColor$1 = 1;
+if ('FORCE_COLOR' in env$2) {
+ if (env$2.FORCE_COLOR === 'true') {
+ forceColor$1 = 1;
+ } else if (env$2.FORCE_COLOR === 'false') {
+ forceColor$1 = 0;
+ } else {
+ forceColor$1 = env$2.FORCE_COLOR.length === 0 ? 1 : Math.min(parseInt(env$2.FORCE_COLOR, 10), 3);
+ }
+function translateLevel$2(level) {
+ if (level === 0) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return {
+ level,
+ hasBasic: true,
+ has256: level >= 2,
+ has16m: level >= 3
+ };
+function supportsColor$2(haveStream, streamIsTTY) {
+ if (forceColor$1 === 0) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (hasFlag$3('color=16m') ||
+ hasFlag$3('color=full') ||
+ hasFlag$3('color=truecolor')) {
+ return 3;
+ }
+ if (hasFlag$3('color=256')) {
+ return 2;
+ }
+ if (haveStream && !streamIsTTY && forceColor$1 === undefined) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ const min = forceColor$1 || 0;
+ if (env$2.TERM === 'dumb') {
+ return min;
+ }
+ if (process.platform === 'win32') {
+ // Windows 10 build 10586 is the first Windows release that supports 256 colors.
+ // Windows 10 build 14931 is the first release that supports 16m/TrueColor.
+ const osRelease = os$2.release().split('.');
+ if (
+ Number(osRelease[0]) >= 10 &&
+ Number(osRelease[2]) >= 10586
+ ) {
+ return Number(osRelease[2]) >= 14931 ? 3 : 2;
+ }
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if ('CI' in env$2) {
+ if (['TRAVIS', 'CIRCLECI', 'APPVEYOR', 'GITLAB_CI', 'GITHUB_ACTIONS', 'BUILDKITE'].some(sign => sign in env$2) || env$2.CI_NAME === 'codeship') {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return min;
+ }
+ if ('TEAMCITY_VERSION' in env$2) {
+ return /^(9\.(0*[1-9]\d*)\.|\d{2,}\.)/.test(env$2.TEAMCITY_VERSION) ? 1 : 0;
+ }
+ if (env$2.COLORTERM === 'truecolor') {
+ return 3;
+ }
+ if ('TERM_PROGRAM' in env$2) {
+ const version = parseInt((env$2.TERM_PROGRAM_VERSION || '').split('.')[0], 10);
+ switch (env$2.TERM_PROGRAM) {
+ case '':
+ return version >= 3 ? 3 : 2;
+ case 'Apple_Terminal':
+ return 2;
+ // No default
+ }
+ }
+ if (/-256(color)?$/i.test(env$2.TERM)) {
+ return 2;
+ }
+ if (/^screen|^xterm|^vt100|^vt220|^rxvt|color|ansi|cygwin|linux/i.test(env$2.TERM)) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if ('COLORTERM' in env$2) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return min;
+function getSupportLevel$1(stream) {
+ const level = supportsColor$2(stream, stream && stream.isTTY);
+ return translateLevel$2(level);
+var supportsColor_1$1 = {
+ supportsColor: getSupportLevel$1,
+ stdout: translateLevel$2(supportsColor$2(true, tty.isatty(1))),
+ stderr: translateLevel$2(supportsColor$2(true, tty.isatty(2)))
+const stringReplaceAll$1 = (string, substring, replacer) => {
+ let index = string.indexOf(substring);
+ if (index === -1) {
+ return string;
+ }
+ const substringLength = substring.length;
+ let endIndex = 0;
+ let returnValue = '';
+ do {
+ returnValue += string.substr(endIndex, index - endIndex) + substring + replacer;
+ endIndex = index + substringLength;
+ index = string.indexOf(substring, endIndex);
+ } while (index !== -1);
+ returnValue += string.substr(endIndex);
+ return returnValue;
+const stringEncaseCRLFWithFirstIndex$1 = (string, prefix, postfix, index) => {
+ let endIndex = 0;
+ let returnValue = '';
+ do {
+ const gotCR = string[index - 1] === '\r';
+ returnValue += string.substr(endIndex, (gotCR ? index - 1 : index) - endIndex) + prefix + (gotCR ? '\r\n' : '\n') + postfix;
+ endIndex = index + 1;
+ index = string.indexOf('\n', endIndex);
+ } while (index !== -1);
+ returnValue += string.substr(endIndex);
+ return returnValue;
+var util$4 = {
+ stringReplaceAll: stringReplaceAll$1,
+ stringEncaseCRLFWithFirstIndex: stringEncaseCRLFWithFirstIndex$1
+const TEMPLATE_REGEX$1 = /(?:\\(u(?:[a-f\d]{4}|\{[a-f\d]{1,6}\})|x[a-f\d]{2}|.))|(?:\{(~)?(\w+(?:\([^)]*\))?(?:\.\w+(?:\([^)]*\))?)*)(?:[ \t]|(?=\r?\n)))|(\})|((?:.|[\r\n\f])+?)/gi;
+const STYLE_REGEX$1 = /(?:^|\.)(\w+)(?:\(([^)]*)\))?/g;
+const STRING_REGEX$1 = /^(['"])((?:\\.|(?!\1)[^\\])*)\1$/;
+const ESCAPE_REGEX$1 = /\\(u(?:[a-f\d]{4}|{[a-f\d]{1,6}})|x[a-f\d]{2}|.)|([^\\])/gi;
+const ESCAPES$1 = new Map([
+ ['n', '\n'],
+ ['r', '\r'],
+ ['t', '\t'],
+ ['b', '\b'],
+ ['f', '\f'],
+ ['v', '\v'],
+ ['0', '\0'],
+ ['\\', '\\'],
+ ['e', '\u001B'],
+ ['a', '\u0007']
+function unescape$1(c) {
+ const u = c[0] === 'u';
+ const bracket = c[1] === '{';
+ if ((u && !bracket && c.length === 5) || (c[0] === 'x' && c.length === 3)) {
+ return String.fromCharCode(parseInt(c.slice(1), 16));
+ }
+ if (u && bracket) {
+ return String.fromCodePoint(parseInt(c.slice(2, -1), 16));
+ }
+ return ESCAPES$1.get(c) || c;
+function parseArguments$1(name, arguments_) {
+ const results = [];
+ const chunks = arguments_.trim().split(/\s*,\s*/g);
+ let matches;
+ for (const chunk of chunks) {
+ const number = Number(chunk);
+ if (!Number.isNaN(number)) {
+ results.push(number);
+ } else if ((matches = chunk.match(STRING_REGEX$1))) {
+ results.push(matches[2].replace(ESCAPE_REGEX$1, (m, escape, character) => escape ? unescape$1(escape) : character));
+ } else {
+ throw new Error(`Invalid Chalk template style argument: ${chunk} (in style '${name}')`);
+ }
+ }
+ return results;
+function parseStyle$1(style) {
+ STYLE_REGEX$1.lastIndex = 0;
+ const results = [];
+ let matches;
+ while ((matches = STYLE_REGEX$1.exec(style)) !== null) {
+ const name = matches[1];
+ if (matches[2]) {
+ const args = parseArguments$1(name, matches[2]);
+ results.push([name].concat(args));
+ } else {
+ results.push([name]);
+ }
+ }
+ return results;
+function buildStyle$1(chalk, styles) {
+ const enabled = {};
+ for (const layer of styles) {
+ for (const style of layer.styles) {
+ enabled[style[0]] = layer.inverse ? null : style.slice(1);
+ }
+ }
+ let current = chalk;
+ for (const [styleName, styles] of Object.entries(enabled)) {
+ if (!Array.isArray(styles)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (!(styleName in current)) {
+ throw new Error(`Unknown Chalk style: ${styleName}`);
+ }
+ current = styles.length > 0 ? current[styleName](...styles) : current[styleName];
+ }
+ return current;
+var templates$1 = (chalk, temporary) => {
+ const styles = [];
+ const chunks = [];
+ let chunk = [];
+ // eslint-disable-next-line max-params
+ temporary.replace(TEMPLATE_REGEX$1, (m, escapeCharacter, inverse, style, close, character) => {
+ if (escapeCharacter) {
+ chunk.push(unescape$1(escapeCharacter));
+ } else if (style) {
+ const string = chunk.join('');
+ chunk = [];
+ chunks.push(styles.length === 0 ? string : buildStyle$1(chalk, styles)(string));
+ styles.push({inverse, styles: parseStyle$1(style)});
+ } else if (close) {
+ if (styles.length === 0) {
+ throw new Error('Found extraneous } in Chalk template literal');
+ }
+ chunks.push(buildStyle$1(chalk, styles)(chunk.join('')));
+ chunk = [];
+ styles.pop();
+ } else {
+ chunk.push(character);
+ }
+ });
+ chunks.push(chunk.join(''));
+ if (styles.length > 0) {
+ const errMessage = `Chalk template literal is missing ${styles.length} closing bracket${styles.length === 1 ? '' : 's'} (\`}\`)`;
+ throw new Error(errMessage);
+ }
+ return chunks.join('');
+const ansiStyles$1 = ansiStyles$2.exports;
+const {stdout: stdoutColor, stderr: stderrColor} = supportsColor_1$1;
+const {
+ stringReplaceAll,
+ stringEncaseCRLFWithFirstIndex
+} = util$4;
+const {isArray: isArray$2} = Array;
+// `supportsColor.level` → `ansiStyles.color[name]` mapping
+const levelMapping = [
+ 'ansi',
+ 'ansi',
+ 'ansi256',
+ 'ansi16m'
+const styles = Object.create(null);
+const applyOptions = (object, options = {}) => {
+ if (options.level && !(Number.isInteger(options.level) && options.level >= 0 && options.level <= 3)) {
+ throw new Error('The `level` option should be an integer from 0 to 3');
+ }
+ // Detect level if not set manually
+ const colorLevel = stdoutColor ? stdoutColor.level : 0;
+ object.level = options.level === undefined ? colorLevel : options.level;
+class ChalkClass {
+ constructor(options) {
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-constructor-return
+ return chalkFactory(options);
+ }
+const chalkFactory = options => {
+ const chalk = {};
+ applyOptions(chalk, options);
+ chalk.template = (...arguments_) => chalkTag(chalk.template, ...arguments_);
+ Object.setPrototypeOf(chalk, Chalk.prototype);
+ Object.setPrototypeOf(chalk.template, chalk);
+ chalk.template.constructor = () => {
+ throw new Error('`chalk.constructor()` is deprecated. Use `new chalk.Instance()` instead.');
+ };
+ chalk.template.Instance = ChalkClass;
+ return chalk.template;
+function Chalk(options) {
+ return chalkFactory(options);
+for (const [styleName, style] of Object.entries(ansiStyles$1)) {
+ styles[styleName] = {
+ get() {
+ const builder = createBuilder(this, createStyler(, style.close, this._styler), this._isEmpty);
+ Object.defineProperty(this, styleName, {value: builder});
+ return builder;
+ }
+ };
+styles.visible = {
+ get() {
+ const builder = createBuilder(this, this._styler, true);
+ Object.defineProperty(this, 'visible', {value: builder});
+ return builder;
+ }
+const usedModels = ['rgb', 'hex', 'keyword', 'hsl', 'hsv', 'hwb', 'ansi', 'ansi256'];
+for (const model of usedModels) {
+ styles[model] = {
+ get() {
+ const {level} = this;
+ return function (...arguments_) {
+ const styler = createStyler(ansiStyles$1.color[levelMapping[level]][model](...arguments_), ansiStyles$1.color.close, this._styler);
+ return createBuilder(this, styler, this._isEmpty);
+ };
+ }
+ };
+for (const model of usedModels) {
+ const bgModel = 'bg' + model[0].toUpperCase() + model.slice(1);
+ styles[bgModel] = {
+ get() {
+ const {level} = this;
+ return function (...arguments_) {
+ const styler = createStyler(ansiStyles$1.bgColor[levelMapping[level]][model](...arguments_), ansiStyles$1.bgColor.close, this._styler);
+ return createBuilder(this, styler, this._isEmpty);
+ };
+ }
+ };
+const proto = Object.defineProperties(() => {}, {
+ ...styles,
+ level: {
+ enumerable: true,
+ get() {
+ return this._generator.level;
+ },
+ set(level) {
+ this._generator.level = level;
+ }
+ }
+const createStyler = (open, close, parent) => {
+ let openAll;
+ let closeAll;
+ if (parent === undefined) {
+ openAll = open;
+ closeAll = close;
+ } else {
+ openAll = parent.openAll + open;
+ closeAll = close + parent.closeAll;
+ }
+ return {
+ open,
+ close,
+ openAll,
+ closeAll,
+ parent
+ };
+const createBuilder = (self, _styler, _isEmpty) => {
+ const builder = (...arguments_) => {
+ if (isArray$2(arguments_[0]) && isArray$2(arguments_[0].raw)) {
+ // Called as a template literal, for example:`2 + 3 = {bold ${2+3}}`
+ return applyStyle(builder, chalkTag(builder, ...arguments_));
+ }
+ // Single argument is hot path, implicit coercion is faster than anything
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-implicit-coercion
+ return applyStyle(builder, (arguments_.length === 1) ? ('' + arguments_[0]) : arguments_.join(' '));
+ };
+ // We alter the prototype because we must return a function, but there is
+ // no way to create a function with a different prototype
+ Object.setPrototypeOf(builder, proto);
+ builder._generator = self;
+ builder._styler = _styler;
+ builder._isEmpty = _isEmpty;
+ return builder;
+const applyStyle = (self, string) => {
+ if (self.level <= 0 || !string) {
+ return self._isEmpty ? '' : string;
+ }
+ let styler = self._styler;
+ if (styler === undefined) {
+ return string;
+ }
+ const {openAll, closeAll} = styler;
+ if (string.indexOf('\u001B') !== -1) {
+ while (styler !== undefined) {
+ // Replace any instances already present with a re-opening code
+ // otherwise only the part of the string until said closing code
+ // will be colored, and the rest will simply be 'plain'.
+ string = stringReplaceAll(string, styler.close,;
+ styler = styler.parent;
+ }
+ }
+ // We can move both next actions out of loop, because remaining actions in loop won't have
+ // any/visible effect on parts we add here. Close the styling before a linebreak and reopen
+ // after next line to fix a bleed issue on macOS:
+ const lfIndex = string.indexOf('\n');
+ if (lfIndex !== -1) {
+ string = stringEncaseCRLFWithFirstIndex(string, closeAll, openAll, lfIndex);
+ }
+ return openAll + string + closeAll;
+let template;
+const chalkTag = (chalk, ...strings) => {
+ const [firstString] = strings;
+ if (!isArray$2(firstString) || !isArray$2(firstString.raw)) {
+ // If chalk() was called by itself or with a string,
+ // return the string itself as a string.
+ return strings.join(' ');
+ }
+ const arguments_ = strings.slice(1);
+ const parts = [firstString.raw[0]];
+ for (let i = 1; i < firstString.length; i++) {
+ parts.push(
+ String(arguments_[i - 1]).replace(/[{}\\]/g, '\\$&'),
+ String(firstString.raw[i])
+ );
+ }
+ if (template === undefined) {
+ template = templates$1;
+ }
+ return template(chalk, parts.join(''));
+Object.defineProperties(Chalk.prototype, styles);
+const chalk$1 = Chalk(); // eslint-disable-line new-cap
+chalk$1.supportsColor = stdoutColor;
+chalk$1.stderr = Chalk({level: stderrColor ? stderrColor.level : 0}); // eslint-disable-line new-cap
+chalk$1.stderr.supportsColor = stderrColor;
+var source$1 = chalk$1;
+var chokidar = {};
+var utils$7 = {};
+const path$a = path$b;
+const WIN_SLASH = '\\\\/';
+const WIN_NO_SLASH = `[^${WIN_SLASH}]`;
+ * Posix glob regex
+ */
+const DOT_LITERAL = '\\.';
+const PLUS_LITERAL = '\\+';
+const QMARK_LITERAL = '\\?';
+const SLASH_LITERAL = '\\/';
+const ONE_CHAR = '(?=.)';
+const QMARK = '[^/]';
+const END_ANCHOR = `(?:${SLASH_LITERAL}|$)`;
+const START_ANCHOR = `(?:^|${SLASH_LITERAL})`;
+const NO_DOT = `(?!${DOT_LITERAL})`;
+const NO_DOTS = `(?!${START_ANCHOR}${DOTS_SLASH})`;
+const NO_DOT_SLASH = `(?!${DOT_LITERAL}{0,1}${END_ANCHOR})`;
+const NO_DOTS_SLASH = `(?!${DOTS_SLASH})`;
+const QMARK_NO_DOT = `[^.${SLASH_LITERAL}]`;
+const STAR$1 = `${QMARK}*?`;
+const POSIX_CHARS = {
+ * Windows glob regex
+ */
+const WINDOWS_CHARS = {
+ STAR: `${WIN_NO_SLASH}*?`,
+ DOTS_SLASH: `${DOT_LITERAL}{1,2}(?:[${WIN_SLASH}]|$)`,
+ NO_DOT: `(?!${DOT_LITERAL})`,
+ NO_DOTS: `(?!(?:^|[${WIN_SLASH}])${DOT_LITERAL}{1,2}(?:[${WIN_SLASH}]|$))`,
+ NO_DOT_SLASH: `(?!${DOT_LITERAL}{0,1}(?:[${WIN_SLASH}]|$))`,
+ NO_DOTS_SLASH: `(?!${DOT_LITERAL}{1,2}(?:[${WIN_SLASH}]|$))`,
+ START_ANCHOR: `(?:^|[${WIN_SLASH}])`,
+ END_ANCHOR: `(?:[${WIN_SLASH}]|$)`
+ * POSIX Bracket Regex
+ */
+ alnum: 'a-zA-Z0-9',
+ alpha: 'a-zA-Z',
+ ascii: '\\x00-\\x7F',
+ blank: ' \\t',
+ cntrl: '\\x00-\\x1F\\x7F',
+ digit: '0-9',
+ graph: '\\x21-\\x7E',
+ lower: 'a-z',
+ print: '\\x20-\\x7E ',
+ punct: '\\-!"#$%&\'()\\*+,./:;<=>?@[\\]^_`{|}~',
+ space: ' \\t\\r\\n\\v\\f',
+ upper: 'A-Z',
+ word: 'A-Za-z0-9_',
+ xdigit: 'A-Fa-f0-9'
+var constants$5 = {
+ MAX_LENGTH: 1024 * 64,
+ // regular expressions
+ REGEX_BACKSLASH: /\\(?![*+?^${}(|)[\]])/g,
+ REGEX_NON_SPECIAL_CHARS: /^[^@![\].,$*+?^{}()|\\/]+/,
+ REGEX_SPECIAL_CHARS: /[-*+?.^${}(|)[\]]/,
+ REGEX_SPECIAL_CHARS_BACKREF: /(\\?)((\W)(\3*))/g,
+ REGEX_SPECIAL_CHARS_GLOBAL: /([-*+?.^${}(|)[\]])/g,
+ REGEX_REMOVE_BACKSLASH: /(?:\[.*?[^\\]\]|\\(?=.))/g,
+ // Replace globs with equivalent patterns to reduce parsing time.
+ '***': '*',
+ '**/**': '**',
+ '**/**/**': '**'
+ },
+ // Digits
+ CHAR_0: 48, /* 0 */
+ CHAR_9: 57, /* 9 */
+ // Alphabet chars.
+ CHAR_UPPERCASE_A: 65, /* A */
+ CHAR_LOWERCASE_A: 97, /* a */
+ CHAR_UPPERCASE_Z: 90, /* Z */
+ CHAR_LOWERCASE_Z: 122, /* z */
+ CHAR_ASTERISK: 42, /* * */
+ // Non-alphabetic chars.
+ CHAR_AMPERSAND: 38, /* & */
+ CHAR_AT: 64, /* @ */
+ CHAR_BACKWARD_SLASH: 92, /* \ */
+ CHAR_CARRIAGE_RETURN: 13, /* \r */
+ CHAR_COLON: 58, /* : */
+ CHAR_COMMA: 44, /* , */
+ CHAR_DOT: 46, /* . */
+ CHAR_DOUBLE_QUOTE: 34, /* " */
+ CHAR_EQUAL: 61, /* = */
+ CHAR_FORM_FEED: 12, /* \f */
+ CHAR_FORWARD_SLASH: 47, /* / */
+ CHAR_GRAVE_ACCENT: 96, /* ` */
+ CHAR_HASH: 35, /* # */
+ CHAR_HYPHEN_MINUS: 45, /* - */
+ CHAR_LEFT_CURLY_BRACE: 123, /* { */
+ CHAR_LINE_FEED: 10, /* \n */
+ CHAR_NO_BREAK_SPACE: 160, /* \u00A0 */
+ CHAR_PERCENT: 37, /* % */
+ CHAR_PLUS: 43, /* + */
+ CHAR_QUESTION_MARK: 63, /* ? */
+ CHAR_RIGHT_CURLY_BRACE: 125, /* } */
+ CHAR_SEMICOLON: 59, /* ; */
+ CHAR_SINGLE_QUOTE: 39, /* ' */
+ CHAR_SPACE: 32, /* */
+ CHAR_TAB: 9, /* \t */
+ CHAR_UNDERSCORE: 95, /* _ */
+ CHAR_VERTICAL_LINE: 124, /* | */
+ SEP: path$a.sep,
+ /**
+ */
+ extglobChars(chars) {
+ return {
+ '!': { type: 'negate', open: '(?:(?!(?:', close: `))${chars.STAR})` },
+ '?': { type: 'qmark', open: '(?:', close: ')?' },
+ '+': { type: 'plus', open: '(?:', close: ')+' },
+ '*': { type: 'star', open: '(?:', close: ')*' },
+ '@': { type: 'at', open: '(?:', close: ')' }
+ };
+ },
+ /**
+ * Create GLOB_CHARS
+ */
+ globChars(win32) {
+ return win32 === true ? WINDOWS_CHARS : POSIX_CHARS;
- function count(value) {
- if (value) {
- if (value[0] && value[0].messages) {
- // Multiple vfiles
- countInAll(value);
+(function (exports) {
+const path = path$b;
+const win32 = process.platform === 'win32';
+const {
+} = constants$5;
+exports.isObject = val => val !== null && typeof val === 'object' && !Array.isArray(val);
+exports.hasRegexChars = str => REGEX_SPECIAL_CHARS.test(str);
+exports.isRegexChar = str => str.length === 1 && exports.hasRegexChars(str);
+exports.escapeRegex = str => str.replace(REGEX_SPECIAL_CHARS_GLOBAL, '\\$1');
+exports.toPosixSlashes = str => str.replace(REGEX_BACKSLASH, '/');
+exports.removeBackslashes = str => {
+ return str.replace(REGEX_REMOVE_BACKSLASH, match => {
+ return match === '\\' ? '' : match;
+ });
+exports.supportsLookbehinds = () => {
+ const segs = process.version.slice(1).split('.').map(Number);
+ if (segs.length === 3 && segs[0] >= 9 || (segs[0] === 8 && segs[1] >= 10)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.isWindows = options => {
+ if (options && typeof === 'boolean') {
+ return;
+ }
+ return win32 === true || path.sep === '\\';
+exports.escapeLast = (input, char, lastIdx) => {
+ const idx = input.lastIndexOf(char, lastIdx);
+ if (idx === -1) return input;
+ if (input[idx - 1] === '\\') return exports.escapeLast(input, char, idx - 1);
+ return `${input.slice(0, idx)}\\${input.slice(idx)}`;
+exports.removePrefix = (input, state = {}) => {
+ let output = input;
+ if (output.startsWith('./')) {
+ output = output.slice(2);
+ state.prefix = './';
+ }
+ return output;
+exports.wrapOutput = (input, state = {}, options = {}) => {
+ const prepend = options.contains ? '' : '^';
+ const append = options.contains ? '' : '$';
+ let output = `${prepend}(?:${input})${append}`;
+ if (state.negated === true) {
+ output = `(?:^(?!${output}).*$)`;
+ }
+ return output;
+const utils$6 = utils$7;
+const {
+ CHAR_AT, /* @ */
+ CHAR_DOT: CHAR_DOT$1, /* . */
+ CHAR_PLUS, /* + */
+} = constants$5;
+const isPathSeparator = code => {
+ return code === CHAR_FORWARD_SLASH || code === CHAR_BACKWARD_SLASH;
+const depth = token => {
+ if (token.isPrefix !== true) {
+ token.depth = token.isGlobstar ? Infinity : 1;
+ }
+ * Quickly scans a glob pattern and returns an object with a handful of
+ * useful properties, like `isGlob`, `path` (the leading non-glob, if it exists),
+ * `glob` (the actual pattern), and `negated` (true if the path starts with `!`).
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * const pm = require('picomatch');
+ * console.log(pm.scan('foo/bar/*.js'));
+ * { isGlob: true, input: 'foo/bar/*.js', base: 'foo/bar', glob: '*.js' }
+ * ```
+ * @param {String} `str`
+ * @param {Object} `options`
+ * @return {Object} Returns an object with tokens and regex source string.
+ * @api public
+ */
+const scan$1 = (input, options) => {
+ const opts = options || {};
+ const length = input.length - 1;
+ const scanToEnd = === true || opts.scanToEnd === true;
+ const slashes = [];
+ const tokens = [];
+ const parts = [];
+ let str = input;
+ let index = -1;
+ let start = 0;
+ let lastIndex = 0;
+ let isBrace = false;
+ let isBracket = false;
+ let isGlob = false;
+ let isExtglob = false;
+ let isGlobstar = false;
+ let braceEscaped = false;
+ let backslashes = false;
+ let negated = false;
+ let finished = false;
+ let braces = 0;
+ let prev;
+ let code;
+ let token = { value: '', depth: 0, isGlob: false };
+ const eos = () => index >= length;
+ const peek = () => str.charCodeAt(index + 1);
+ const advance = () => {
+ prev = code;
+ return str.charCodeAt(++index);
+ };
+ while (index < length) {
+ code = advance();
+ let next;
+ if (code === CHAR_BACKWARD_SLASH) {
+ backslashes = token.backslashes = true;
+ code = advance();
+ if (code === CHAR_LEFT_CURLY_BRACE$1) {
+ braceEscaped = true;
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (braceEscaped === true || code === CHAR_LEFT_CURLY_BRACE$1) {
+ braces++;
+ while (eos() !== true && (code = advance())) {
+ if (code === CHAR_BACKWARD_SLASH) {
+ backslashes = token.backslashes = true;
+ advance();
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (code === CHAR_LEFT_CURLY_BRACE$1) {
+ braces++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (braceEscaped !== true && code === CHAR_DOT$1 && (code = advance()) === CHAR_DOT$1) {
+ isBrace = token.isBrace = true;
+ isGlob = token.isGlob = true;
+ finished = true;
+ if (scanToEnd === true) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if (braceEscaped !== true && code === CHAR_COMMA$2) {
+ isBrace = token.isBrace = true;
+ isGlob = token.isGlob = true;
+ finished = true;
+ if (scanToEnd === true) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if (code === CHAR_RIGHT_CURLY_BRACE$1) {
+ braces--;
+ if (braces === 0) {
+ braceEscaped = false;
+ isBrace = token.isBrace = true;
+ finished = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (scanToEnd === true) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if (code === CHAR_FORWARD_SLASH) {
+ slashes.push(index);
+ tokens.push(token);
+ token = { value: '', depth: 0, isGlob: false };
+ if (finished === true) continue;
+ if (prev === CHAR_DOT$1 && index === (start + 1)) {
+ start += 2;
+ continue;
+ }
+ lastIndex = index + 1;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (opts.noext !== true) {
+ const isExtglobChar = code === CHAR_PLUS
+ || code === CHAR_AT
+ || code === CHAR_ASTERISK$1
+ || code === CHAR_QUESTION_MARK
+ if (isExtglobChar === true && peek() === CHAR_LEFT_PARENTHESES$1) {
+ isGlob = token.isGlob = true;
+ isExtglob = token.isExtglob = true;
+ finished = true;
+ if (scanToEnd === true) {
+ while (eos() !== true && (code = advance())) {
+ if (code === CHAR_BACKWARD_SLASH) {
+ backslashes = token.backslashes = true;
+ code = advance();
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (code === CHAR_RIGHT_PARENTHESES$1) {
+ isGlob = token.isGlob = true;
+ finished = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (code === CHAR_ASTERISK$1) {
+ if (prev === CHAR_ASTERISK$1) isGlobstar = token.isGlobstar = true;
+ isGlob = token.isGlob = true;
+ finished = true;
+ if (scanToEnd === true) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if (code === CHAR_QUESTION_MARK) {
+ isGlob = token.isGlob = true;
+ finished = true;
+ if (scanToEnd === true) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if (code === CHAR_LEFT_SQUARE_BRACKET$2) {
+ while (eos() !== true && (next = advance())) {
+ if (next === CHAR_BACKWARD_SLASH) {
+ backslashes = token.backslashes = true;
+ advance();
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (next === CHAR_RIGHT_SQUARE_BRACKET$2) {
+ isBracket = token.isBracket = true;
+ isGlob = token.isGlob = true;
+ finished = true;
+ if (scanToEnd === true) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (opts.nonegate !== true && code === CHAR_EXCLAMATION_MARK && index === start) {
+ negated = token.negated = true;
+ start++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (opts.noparen !== true && code === CHAR_LEFT_PARENTHESES$1) {
+ isGlob = token.isGlob = true;
+ if (scanToEnd === true) {
+ while (eos() !== true && (code = advance())) {
+ if (code === CHAR_LEFT_PARENTHESES$1) {
+ backslashes = token.backslashes = true;
+ code = advance();
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (code === CHAR_RIGHT_PARENTHESES$1) {
+ finished = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if (isGlob === true) {
+ finished = true;
+ if (scanToEnd === true) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (opts.noext === true) {
+ isExtglob = false;
+ isGlob = false;
+ }
+ let base = str;
+ let prefix = '';
+ let glob = '';
+ if (start > 0) {
+ prefix = str.slice(0, start);
+ str = str.slice(start);
+ lastIndex -= start;
+ }
+ if (base && isGlob === true && lastIndex > 0) {
+ base = str.slice(0, lastIndex);
+ glob = str.slice(lastIndex);
+ } else if (isGlob === true) {
+ base = '';
+ glob = str;
+ } else {
+ base = str;
+ }
+ if (base && base !== '' && base !== '/' && base !== str) {
+ if (isPathSeparator(base.charCodeAt(base.length - 1))) {
+ base = base.slice(0, -1);
+ }
+ }
+ if (opts.unescape === true) {
+ if (glob) glob = utils$6.removeBackslashes(glob);
+ if (base && backslashes === true) {
+ base = utils$6.removeBackslashes(base);
+ }
+ }
+ const state = {
+ prefix,
+ input,
+ start,
+ base,
+ glob,
+ isBrace,
+ isBracket,
+ isGlob,
+ isExtglob,
+ isGlobstar,
+ negated
+ };
+ if (opts.tokens === true) {
+ state.maxDepth = 0;
+ if (!isPathSeparator(code)) {
+ tokens.push(token);
+ }
+ state.tokens = tokens;
+ }
+ if ( === true || opts.tokens === true) {
+ let prevIndex;
+ for (let idx = 0; idx < slashes.length; idx++) {
+ const n = prevIndex ? prevIndex + 1 : start;
+ const i = slashes[idx];
+ const value = input.slice(n, i);
+ if (opts.tokens) {
+ if (idx === 0 && start !== 0) {
+ tokens[idx].isPrefix = true;
+ tokens[idx].value = prefix;
+ } else {
+ tokens[idx].value = value;
+ }
+ depth(tokens[idx]);
+ state.maxDepth += tokens[idx].depth;
+ }
+ if (idx !== 0 || value !== '') {
+ parts.push(value);
+ }
+ prevIndex = i;
+ }
+ if (prevIndex && prevIndex + 1 < input.length) {
+ const value = input.slice(prevIndex + 1);
+ parts.push(value);
+ if (opts.tokens) {
+ tokens[tokens.length - 1].value = value;
+ depth(tokens[tokens.length - 1]);
+ state.maxDepth += tokens[tokens.length - 1].depth;
+ }
+ }
+ state.slashes = slashes;
+ = parts;
+ }
+ return state;
+var scan_1 = scan$1;
+const constants$4 = constants$5;
+const utils$5 = utils$7;
+ * Constants
+ */
+const {
+} = constants$4;
+ * Helpers
+ */
+const expandRange = (args, options) => {
+ if (typeof options.expandRange === 'function') {
+ return options.expandRange(...args, options);
+ }
+ args.sort();
+ const value = `[${args.join('-')}]`;
+ try {
+ /* eslint-disable-next-line no-new */
+ new RegExp(value);
+ } catch (ex) {
+ return => utils$5.escapeRegex(v)).join('..');
+ }
+ return value;
+ * Create the message for a syntax error
+ */
+const syntaxError$1 = (type, char) => {
+ return `Missing ${type}: "${char}" - use "\\\\${char}" to match literal characters`;
+ * Parse the given input string.
+ * @param {String} input
+ * @param {Object} options
+ * @return {Object}
+ */
+const parse$e = (input, options) => {
+ if (typeof input !== 'string') {
+ throw new TypeError('Expected a string');
+ }
+ input = REPLACEMENTS[input] || input;
+ const opts = { ...options };
+ const max = typeof opts.maxLength === 'number' ? Math.min(MAX_LENGTH$4, opts.maxLength) : MAX_LENGTH$4;
+ let len = input.length;
+ if (len > max) {
+ throw new SyntaxError(`Input length: ${len}, exceeds maximum allowed length: ${max}`);
+ }
+ const bos = { type: 'bos', value: '', output: opts.prepend || '' };
+ const tokens = [bos];
+ const capture = opts.capture ? '' : '?:';
+ const win32 = utils$5.isWindows(options);
+ // create constants based on platform, for windows or posix
+ const PLATFORM_CHARS = constants$4.globChars(win32);
+ const EXTGLOB_CHARS = constants$4.extglobChars(PLATFORM_CHARS);
+ const {
+ const globstar = (opts) => {
+ return `(${capture}(?:(?!${START_ANCHOR}${ ? DOTS_SLASH : DOT_LITERAL}).)*?)`;
+ };
+ const nodot = ? '' : NO_DOT;
+ const qmarkNoDot = ? QMARK : QMARK_NO_DOT;
+ let star = opts.bash === true ? globstar(opts) : STAR;
+ if (opts.capture) {
+ star = `(${star})`;
+ }
+ // minimatch options support
+ if (typeof opts.noext === 'boolean') {
+ opts.noextglob = opts.noext;
+ }
+ const state = {
+ input,
+ index: -1,
+ start: 0,
+ dot: === true,
+ consumed: '',
+ output: '',
+ prefix: '',
+ backtrack: false,
+ negated: false,
+ brackets: 0,
+ braces: 0,
+ parens: 0,
+ quotes: 0,
+ globstar: false,
+ tokens
+ };
+ input = utils$5.removePrefix(input, state);
+ len = input.length;
+ const extglobs = [];
+ const braces = [];
+ const stack = [];
+ let prev = bos;
+ let value;
+ /**
+ * Tokenizing helpers
+ */
+ const eos = () => state.index === len - 1;
+ const peek = state.peek = (n = 1) => input[state.index + n];
+ const advance = state.advance = () => input[++state.index];
+ const remaining = () => input.slice(state.index + 1);
+ const consume = (value = '', num = 0) => {
+ state.consumed += value;
+ state.index += num;
+ };
+ const append = token => {
+ state.output += token.output != null ? token.output : token.value;
+ consume(token.value);
+ };
+ const negate = () => {
+ let count = 1;
+ while (peek() === '!' && (peek(2) !== '(' || peek(3) === '?')) {
+ advance();
+ state.start++;
+ count++;
+ }
+ if (count % 2 === 0) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ state.negated = true;
+ state.start++;
+ return true;
+ };
+ const increment = type => {
+ state[type]++;
+ stack.push(type);
+ };
+ const decrement = type => {
+ state[type]--;
+ stack.pop();
+ };
+ /**
+ * Push tokens onto the tokens array. This helper speeds up
+ * tokenizing by 1) helping us avoid backtracking as much as possible,
+ * and 2) helping us avoid creating extra tokens when consecutive
+ * characters are plain text. This improves performance and simplifies
+ * lookbehinds.
+ */
+ const push = tok => {
+ if (prev.type === 'globstar') {
+ const isBrace = state.braces > 0 && (tok.type === 'comma' || tok.type === 'brace');
+ const isExtglob = tok.extglob === true || (extglobs.length && (tok.type === 'pipe' || tok.type === 'paren'));
+ if (tok.type !== 'slash' && tok.type !== 'paren' && !isBrace && !isExtglob) {
+ state.output = state.output.slice(0, -prev.output.length);
+ prev.type = 'star';
+ prev.value = '*';
+ prev.output = star;
+ state.output += prev.output;
+ }
+ }
+ if (extglobs.length && tok.type !== 'paren' && !EXTGLOB_CHARS[tok.value]) {
+ extglobs[extglobs.length - 1].inner += tok.value;
+ }
+ if (tok.value || tok.output) append(tok);
+ if (prev && prev.type === 'text' && tok.type === 'text') {
+ prev.value += tok.value;
+ prev.output = (prev.output || '') + tok.value;
+ return;
+ }
+ tok.prev = prev;
+ tokens.push(tok);
+ prev = tok;
+ };
+ const extglobOpen = (type, value) => {
+ const token = { ...EXTGLOB_CHARS[value], conditions: 1, inner: '' };
+ token.prev = prev;
+ token.parens = state.parens;
+ token.output = state.output;
+ const output = (opts.capture ? '(' : '') +;
+ increment('parens');
+ push({ type, value, output: state.output ? '' : ONE_CHAR });
+ push({ type: 'paren', extglob: true, value: advance(), output });
+ extglobs.push(token);
+ };
+ const extglobClose = token => {
+ let output = token.close + (opts.capture ? ')' : '');
+ if (token.type === 'negate') {
+ let extglobStar = star;
+ if (token.inner && token.inner.length > 1 && token.inner.includes('/')) {
+ extglobStar = globstar(opts);
+ }
+ if (extglobStar !== star || eos() || /^\)+$/.test(remaining())) {
+ output = token.close = `)$))${extglobStar}`;
+ }
+ if (token.prev.type === 'bos' && eos()) {
+ state.negatedExtglob = true;
+ }
+ }
+ push({ type: 'paren', extglob: true, value, output });
+ decrement('parens');
+ };
+ /**
+ * Fast paths
+ */
+ if (opts.fastpaths !== false && !/(^[*!]|[/()[\]{}"])/.test(input)) {
+ let backslashes = false;
+ let output = input.replace(REGEX_SPECIAL_CHARS_BACKREF, (m, esc, chars, first, rest, index) => {
+ if (first === '\\') {
+ backslashes = true;
+ return m;
+ }
+ if (first === '?') {
+ if (esc) {
+ return esc + first + (rest ? QMARK.repeat(rest.length) : '');
+ }
+ if (index === 0) {
+ return qmarkNoDot + (rest ? QMARK.repeat(rest.length) : '');
+ }
+ return QMARK.repeat(chars.length);
+ }
+ if (first === '.') {
+ return DOT_LITERAL.repeat(chars.length);
+ }
+ if (first === '*') {
+ if (esc) {
+ return esc + first + (rest ? star : '');
+ }
+ return star;
+ }
+ return esc ? m : `\\${m}`;
+ });
+ if (backslashes === true) {
+ if (opts.unescape === true) {
+ output = output.replace(/\\/g, '');
} else {
- // One vfile / messages
- countAll(value.messages || value);
+ output = output.replace(/\\+/g, m => {
+ return m.length % 2 === 0 ? '\\\\' : (m ? '\\' : '');
+ });
+ if (output === input && opts.contains === true) {
+ state.output = input;
+ return state;
+ }
+ state.output = utils$5.wrapOutput(output, state, options);
+ return state;
- function countInAll(files) {
- var length = files.length;
- var index = -1;
+ /**
+ * Tokenize input until we reach end-of-string
+ */
+ while (!eos()) {
+ value = advance();
+ if (value === '\u0000') {
+ continue;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Escaped characters
+ */
+ if (value === '\\') {
+ const next = peek();
+ if (next === '/' && opts.bash !== true) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (next === '.' || next === ';') {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (!next) {
+ value += '\\';
+ push({ type: 'text', value });
+ continue;
+ }
+ // collapse slashes to reduce potential for exploits
+ const match = /^\\+/.exec(remaining());
+ let slashes = 0;
+ if (match && match[0].length > 2) {
+ slashes = match[0].length;
+ state.index += slashes;
+ if (slashes % 2 !== 0) {
+ value += '\\';
+ }
+ }
+ if (opts.unescape === true) {
+ value = advance() || '';
+ } else {
+ value += advance() || '';
+ }
+ if (state.brackets === 0) {
+ push({ type: 'text', value });
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * If we're inside a regex character class, continue
+ * until we reach the closing bracket.
+ */
+ if (state.brackets > 0 && (value !== ']' || prev.value === '[' || prev.value === '[^')) {
+ if (opts.posix !== false && value === ':') {
+ const inner = prev.value.slice(1);
+ if (inner.includes('[')) {
+ prev.posix = true;
+ if (inner.includes(':')) {
+ const idx = prev.value.lastIndexOf('[');
+ const pre = prev.value.slice(0, idx);
+ const rest = prev.value.slice(idx + 2);
+ const posix = POSIX_REGEX_SOURCE[rest];
+ if (posix) {
+ prev.value = pre + posix;
+ state.backtrack = true;
+ advance();
+ if (!bos.output && tokens.indexOf(prev) === 1) {
+ bos.output = ONE_CHAR;
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ((value === '[' && peek() !== ':') || (value === '-' && peek() === ']')) {
+ value = `\\${value}`;
+ }
+ if (value === ']' && (prev.value === '[' || prev.value === '[^')) {
+ value = `\\${value}`;
+ }
- while (++index < length) {
- count(files[index].messages);
+ if (opts.posix === true && value === '!' && prev.value === '[') {
+ value = '^';
+ }
+ prev.value += value;
+ append({ value });
+ continue;
+ }
+ /**
+ * If we're inside a quoted string, continue
+ * until we reach the closing double quote.
+ */
+ if (state.quotes === 1 && value !== '"') {
+ value = utils$5.escapeRegex(value);
+ prev.value += value;
+ append({ value });
+ continue;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Double quotes
+ */
+ if (value === '"') {
+ state.quotes = state.quotes === 1 ? 0 : 1;
+ if (opts.keepQuotes === true) {
+ push({ type: 'text', value });
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Parentheses
+ */
+ if (value === '(') {
+ increment('parens');
+ push({ type: 'paren', value });
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (value === ')') {
+ if (state.parens === 0 && opts.strictBrackets === true) {
+ throw new SyntaxError(syntaxError$1('opening', '('));
+ }
+ const extglob = extglobs[extglobs.length - 1];
+ if (extglob && state.parens === extglob.parens + 1) {
+ extglobClose(extglobs.pop());
+ continue;
+ }
+ push({ type: 'paren', value, output: state.parens ? ')' : '\\)' });
+ decrement('parens');
+ continue;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Square brackets
+ */
+ if (value === '[') {
+ if (opts.nobracket === true || !remaining().includes(']')) {
+ if (opts.nobracket !== true && opts.strictBrackets === true) {
+ throw new SyntaxError(syntaxError$1('closing', ']'));
+ }
+ value = `\\${value}`;
+ } else {
+ increment('brackets');
+ }
+ push({ type: 'bracket', value });
+ continue;
+ if (value === ']') {
+ if (opts.nobracket === true || (prev && prev.type === 'bracket' && prev.value.length === 1)) {
+ push({ type: 'text', value, output: `\\${value}` });
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (state.brackets === 0) {
+ if (opts.strictBrackets === true) {
+ throw new SyntaxError(syntaxError$1('opening', '['));
+ }
+ push({ type: 'text', value, output: `\\${value}` });
+ continue;
+ }
+ decrement('brackets');
+ const prevValue = prev.value.slice(1);
+ if (prev.posix !== true && prevValue[0] === '^' && !prevValue.includes('/')) {
+ value = `/${value}`;
+ }
+ prev.value += value;
+ append({ value });
+ // when literal brackets are explicitly disabled
+ // assume we should match with a regex character class
+ if (opts.literalBrackets === false || utils$5.hasRegexChars(prevValue)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ const escaped = utils$5.escapeRegex(prev.value);
+ state.output = state.output.slice(0, -prev.value.length);
+ // when literal brackets are explicitly enabled
+ // assume we should escape the brackets to match literal characters
+ if (opts.literalBrackets === true) {
+ state.output += escaped;
+ prev.value = escaped;
+ continue;
+ }
+ // when the user specifies nothing, try to match both
+ prev.value = `(${capture}${escaped}|${prev.value})`;
+ state.output += prev.value;
+ continue;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Braces
+ */
+ if (value === '{' && opts.nobrace !== true) {
+ increment('braces');
+ const open = {
+ type: 'brace',
+ value,
+ output: '(',
+ outputIndex: state.output.length,
+ tokensIndex: state.tokens.length
+ };
+ braces.push(open);
+ push(open);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (value === '}') {
+ const brace = braces[braces.length - 1];
+ if (opts.nobrace === true || !brace) {
+ push({ type: 'text', value, output: value });
+ continue;
+ }
+ let output = ')';
+ if (brace.dots === true) {
+ const arr = tokens.slice();
+ const range = [];
+ for (let i = arr.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ tokens.pop();
+ if (arr[i].type === 'brace') {
+ break;
+ }
+ if (arr[i].type !== 'dots') {
+ range.unshift(arr[i].value);
+ }
+ }
+ output = expandRange(range, opts);
+ state.backtrack = true;
+ }
+ if (brace.comma !== true && brace.dots !== true) {
+ const out = state.output.slice(0, brace.outputIndex);
+ const toks = state.tokens.slice(brace.tokensIndex);
+ brace.value = brace.output = '\\{';
+ value = output = '\\}';
+ state.output = out;
+ for (const t of toks) {
+ state.output += (t.output || t.value);
+ }
+ }
+ push({ type: 'brace', value, output });
+ decrement('braces');
+ braces.pop();
+ continue;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Pipes
+ */
+ if (value === '|') {
+ if (extglobs.length > 0) {
+ extglobs[extglobs.length - 1].conditions++;
+ }
+ push({ type: 'text', value });
+ continue;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Commas
+ */
+ if (value === ',') {
+ let output = value;
+ const brace = braces[braces.length - 1];
+ if (brace && stack[stack.length - 1] === 'braces') {
+ brace.comma = true;
+ output = '|';
+ }
+ push({ type: 'comma', value, output });
+ continue;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Slashes
+ */
+ if (value === '/') {
+ // if the beginning of the glob is "./", advance the start
+ // to the current index, and don't add the "./" characters
+ // to the state. This greatly simplifies lookbehinds when
+ // checking for BOS characters like "!" and "." (not "./")
+ if (prev.type === 'dot' && state.index === state.start + 1) {
+ state.start = state.index + 1;
+ state.consumed = '';
+ state.output = '';
+ tokens.pop();
+ prev = bos; // reset "prev" to the first token
+ continue;
+ }
+ push({ type: 'slash', value, output: SLASH_LITERAL });
+ continue;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Dots
+ */
+ if (value === '.') {
+ if (state.braces > 0 && prev.type === 'dot') {
+ if (prev.value === '.') prev.output = DOT_LITERAL;
+ const brace = braces[braces.length - 1];
+ prev.type = 'dots';
+ prev.output += value;
+ prev.value += value;
+ brace.dots = true;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ((state.braces + state.parens) === 0 && prev.type !== 'bos' && prev.type !== 'slash') {
+ push({ type: 'text', value, output: DOT_LITERAL });
+ continue;
+ }
+ push({ type: 'dot', value, output: DOT_LITERAL });
+ continue;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Question marks
+ */
+ if (value === '?') {
+ const isGroup = prev && prev.value === '(';
+ if (!isGroup && opts.noextglob !== true && peek() === '(' && peek(2) !== '?') {
+ extglobOpen('qmark', value);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (prev && prev.type === 'paren') {
+ const next = peek();
+ let output = value;
+ if (next === '<' && !utils$5.supportsLookbehinds()) {
+ throw new Error('Node.js v10 or higher is required for regex lookbehinds');
+ }
+ if ((prev.value === '(' && !/[!=<:]/.test(next)) || (next === '<' && !/<([!=]|\w+>)/.test(remaining()))) {
+ output = `\\${value}`;
+ }
+ push({ type: 'text', value, output });
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ( !== true && (prev.type === 'slash' || prev.type === 'bos')) {
+ push({ type: 'qmark', value, output: QMARK_NO_DOT });
+ continue;
+ }
+ push({ type: 'qmark', value, output: QMARK });
+ continue;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Exclamation
+ */
+ if (value === '!') {
+ if (opts.noextglob !== true && peek() === '(') {
+ if (peek(2) !== '?' || !/[!=<:]/.test(peek(3))) {
+ extglobOpen('negate', value);
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ if (opts.nonegate !== true && state.index === 0) {
+ negate();
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Plus
+ */
+ if (value === '+') {
+ if (opts.noextglob !== true && peek() === '(' && peek(2) !== '?') {
+ extglobOpen('plus', value);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ((prev && prev.value === '(') || opts.regex === false) {
+ push({ type: 'plus', value, output: PLUS_LITERAL });
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ((prev && (prev.type === 'bracket' || prev.type === 'paren' || prev.type === 'brace')) || state.parens > 0) {
+ push({ type: 'plus', value });
+ continue;
+ }
+ push({ type: 'plus', value: PLUS_LITERAL });
+ continue;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Plain text
+ */
+ if (value === '@') {
+ if (opts.noextglob !== true && peek() === '(' && peek(2) !== '?') {
+ push({ type: 'at', extglob: true, value, output: '' });
+ continue;
+ }
+ push({ type: 'text', value });
+ continue;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Plain text
+ */
+ if (value !== '*') {
+ if (value === '$' || value === '^') {
+ value = `\\${value}`;
+ }
+ const match = REGEX_NON_SPECIAL_CHARS.exec(remaining());
+ if (match) {
+ value += match[0];
+ state.index += match[0].length;
+ }
+ push({ type: 'text', value });
+ continue;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Stars
+ */
+ if (prev && (prev.type === 'globstar' || === true)) {
+ prev.type = 'star';
+ = true;
+ prev.value += value;
+ prev.output = star;
+ state.backtrack = true;
+ state.globstar = true;
+ consume(value);
+ continue;
+ }
+ let rest = remaining();
+ if (opts.noextglob !== true && /^\([^?]/.test(rest)) {
+ extglobOpen('star', value);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (prev.type === 'star') {
+ if (opts.noglobstar === true) {
+ consume(value);
+ continue;
+ }
+ const prior = prev.prev;
+ const before = prior.prev;
+ const isStart = prior.type === 'slash' || prior.type === 'bos';
+ const afterStar = before && (before.type === 'star' || before.type === 'globstar');
+ if (opts.bash === true && (!isStart || (rest[0] && rest[0] !== '/'))) {
+ push({ type: 'star', value, output: '' });
+ continue;
+ }
+ const isBrace = state.braces > 0 && (prior.type === 'comma' || prior.type === 'brace');
+ const isExtglob = extglobs.length && (prior.type === 'pipe' || prior.type === 'paren');
+ if (!isStart && prior.type !== 'paren' && !isBrace && !isExtglob) {
+ push({ type: 'star', value, output: '' });
+ continue;
+ }
+ // strip consecutive `/**/`
+ while (rest.slice(0, 3) === '/**') {
+ const after = input[state.index + 4];
+ if (after && after !== '/') {
+ break;
+ }
+ rest = rest.slice(3);
+ consume('/**', 3);
+ }
+ if (prior.type === 'bos' && eos()) {
+ prev.type = 'globstar';
+ prev.value += value;
+ prev.output = globstar(opts);
+ state.output = prev.output;
+ state.globstar = true;
+ consume(value);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (prior.type === 'slash' && prior.prev.type !== 'bos' && !afterStar && eos()) {
+ state.output = state.output.slice(0, -(prior.output + prev.output).length);
+ prior.output = `(?:${prior.output}`;
+ prev.type = 'globstar';
+ prev.output = globstar(opts) + (opts.strictSlashes ? ')' : '|$)');
+ prev.value += value;
+ state.globstar = true;
+ state.output += prior.output + prev.output;
+ consume(value);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (prior.type === 'slash' && prior.prev.type !== 'bos' && rest[0] === '/') {
+ const end = rest[1] !== void 0 ? '|$' : '';
+ state.output = state.output.slice(0, -(prior.output + prev.output).length);
+ prior.output = `(?:${prior.output}`;
+ prev.type = 'globstar';
+ prev.output = `${globstar(opts)}${SLASH_LITERAL}|${SLASH_LITERAL}${end})`;
+ prev.value += value;
+ state.output += prior.output + prev.output;
+ state.globstar = true;
+ consume(value + advance());
+ push({ type: 'slash', value: '/', output: '' });
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (prior.type === 'bos' && rest[0] === '/') {
+ prev.type = 'globstar';
+ prev.value += value;
+ prev.output = `(?:^|${SLASH_LITERAL}|${globstar(opts)}${SLASH_LITERAL})`;
+ state.output = prev.output;
+ state.globstar = true;
+ consume(value + advance());
+ push({ type: 'slash', value: '/', output: '' });
+ continue;
+ }
+ // remove single star from output
+ state.output = state.output.slice(0, -prev.output.length);
+ // reset previous token to globstar
+ prev.type = 'globstar';
+ prev.output = globstar(opts);
+ prev.value += value;
+ // reset output with globstar
+ state.output += prev.output;
+ state.globstar = true;
+ consume(value);
+ continue;
+ }
+ const token = { type: 'star', value, output: star };
+ if (opts.bash === true) {
+ token.output = '.*?';
+ if (prev.type === 'bos' || prev.type === 'slash') {
+ token.output = nodot + token.output;
+ }
+ push(token);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (prev && (prev.type === 'bracket' || prev.type === 'paren') && opts.regex === true) {
+ token.output = value;
+ push(token);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (state.index === state.start || prev.type === 'slash' || prev.type === 'dot') {
+ if (prev.type === 'dot') {
+ state.output += NO_DOT_SLASH;
+ prev.output += NO_DOT_SLASH;
+ } else if ( === true) {
+ state.output += NO_DOTS_SLASH;
+ prev.output += NO_DOTS_SLASH;
+ } else {
+ state.output += nodot;
+ prev.output += nodot;
+ }
+ if (peek() !== '*') {
+ state.output += ONE_CHAR;
+ prev.output += ONE_CHAR;
+ }
+ }
+ push(token);
- function countAll(messages) {
- var length = messages.length;
- var index = -1;
- var fatal;
+ while (state.brackets > 0) {
+ if (opts.strictBrackets === true) throw new SyntaxError(syntaxError$1('closing', ']'));
+ state.output = utils$5.escapeLast(state.output, '[');
+ decrement('brackets');
+ }
+ while (state.parens > 0) {
+ if (opts.strictBrackets === true) throw new SyntaxError(syntaxError$1('closing', ')'));
+ state.output = utils$5.escapeLast(state.output, '(');
+ decrement('parens');
+ }
+ while (state.braces > 0) {
+ if (opts.strictBrackets === true) throw new SyntaxError(syntaxError$1('closing', '}'));
+ state.output = utils$5.escapeLast(state.output, '{');
+ decrement('braces');
+ }
+ if (opts.strictSlashes !== true && (prev.type === 'star' || prev.type === 'bracket')) {
+ push({ type: 'maybe_slash', value: '', output: `${SLASH_LITERAL}?` });
+ }
+ // rebuild the output if we had to backtrack at any point
+ if (state.backtrack === true) {
+ state.output = '';
+ for (const token of state.tokens) {
+ state.output += token.output != null ? token.output : token.value;
- while (++index < length) {
- fatal = messages[index].fatal;
- result[fatal === null || fatal === undefined ? null : Boolean(fatal)]++;
+ if (token.suffix) {
+ state.output += token.suffix;
+ }
-var slice$4 = [].slice;
+ return state;
-var wrap_1 = wrap$3;
+ * Fast paths for creating regular expressions for common glob patterns.
+ * This can significantly speed up processing and has very little downside
+ * impact when none of the fast paths match.
+ */
-// Wrap `fn`.
-// Can be sync or async; return a promise, receive a completion handler, return
-// new values and errors.
-function wrap$3(fn, callback) {
- var invoked;
+parse$e.fastpaths = (input, options) => {
+ const opts = { ...options };
+ const max = typeof opts.maxLength === 'number' ? Math.min(MAX_LENGTH$4, opts.maxLength) : MAX_LENGTH$4;
+ const len = input.length;
+ if (len > max) {
+ throw new SyntaxError(`Input length: ${len}, exceeds maximum allowed length: ${max}`);
+ }
- return wrapped
+ input = REPLACEMENTS[input] || input;
+ const win32 = utils$5.isWindows(options);
+ // create constants based on platform, for windows or posix
+ const {
+ } = constants$4.globChars(win32);
+ const nodot = ? NO_DOTS : NO_DOT;
+ const slashDot = ? NO_DOTS_SLASH : NO_DOT;
+ const capture = opts.capture ? '' : '?:';
+ const state = { negated: false, prefix: '' };
+ let star = opts.bash === true ? '.*?' : STAR;
+ if (opts.capture) {
+ star = `(${star})`;
+ }
+ const globstar = (opts) => {
+ if (opts.noglobstar === true) return star;
+ return `(${capture}(?:(?!${START_ANCHOR}${ ? DOTS_SLASH : DOT_LITERAL}).)*?)`;
+ };
+ const create = str => {
+ switch (str) {
+ case '*':
+ return `${nodot}${ONE_CHAR}${star}`;
+ case '.*':
+ return `${DOT_LITERAL}${ONE_CHAR}${star}`;
+ case '*.*':
+ return `${nodot}${star}${DOT_LITERAL}${ONE_CHAR}${star}`;
+ case '*/*':
+ return `${nodot}${star}${SLASH_LITERAL}${ONE_CHAR}${slashDot}${star}`;
+ case '**':
+ return nodot + globstar(opts);
+ case '**/*':
+ return `(?:${nodot}${globstar(opts)}${SLASH_LITERAL})?${slashDot}${ONE_CHAR}${star}`;
+ case '**/*.*':
+ return `(?:${nodot}${globstar(opts)}${SLASH_LITERAL})?${slashDot}${star}${DOT_LITERAL}${ONE_CHAR}${star}`;
+ case '**/.*':
+ return `(?:${nodot}${globstar(opts)}${SLASH_LITERAL})?${DOT_LITERAL}${ONE_CHAR}${star}`;
- function wrapped() {
- var params = slice$, 0);
- var callback = fn.length > params.length;
- var result;
+ default: {
+ const match = /^(.*?)\.(\w+)$/.exec(str);
+ if (!match) return;
- if (callback) {
- params.push(done);
+ const source = create(match[1]);
+ if (!source) return;
+ return source + DOT_LITERAL + match[2];
+ }
+ };
+ const output = utils$5.removePrefix(input, state);
+ let source = create(output);
+ if (source && opts.strictSlashes !== true) {
+ source += `${SLASH_LITERAL}?`;
+ }
+ return source;
+var parse_1$2 = parse$e;
+const path$9 = path$b;
+const scan = scan_1;
+const parse$d = parse_1$2;
+const utils$4 = utils$7;
+const constants$3 = constants$5;
+const isObject$3 = val => val && typeof val === 'object' && !Array.isArray(val);
+ * Creates a matcher function from one or more glob patterns. The
+ * returned function takes a string to match as its first argument,
+ * and returns true if the string is a match. The returned matcher
+ * function also takes a boolean as the second argument that, when true,
+ * returns an object with additional information.
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * const picomatch = require('picomatch');
+ * // picomatch(glob[, options]);
+ *
+ * const isMatch = picomatch('*.!(*a)');
+ * console.log(isMatch('a.a')); //=> false
+ * console.log(isMatch('a.b')); //=> true
+ * ```
+ * @name picomatch
+ * @param {String|Array} `globs` One or more glob patterns.
+ * @param {Object=} `options`
+ * @return {Function=} Returns a matcher function.
+ * @api public
+ */
+const picomatch$3 = (glob, options, returnState = false) => {
+ if (Array.isArray(glob)) {
+ const fns = => picomatch$3(input, options, returnState));
+ const arrayMatcher = str => {
+ for (const isMatch of fns) {
+ const state = isMatch(str);
+ if (state) return state;
+ }
+ return false;
+ };
+ return arrayMatcher;
+ }
+ const isState = isObject$3(glob) && glob.tokens && glob.input;
+ if (glob === '' || (typeof glob !== 'string' && !isState)) {
+ throw new TypeError('Expected pattern to be a non-empty string');
+ }
+ const opts = options || {};
+ const posix = utils$4.isWindows(options);
+ const regex = isState
+ ? picomatch$3.compileRe(glob, options)
+ : picomatch$3.makeRe(glob, options, false, true);
+ const state = regex.state;
+ delete regex.state;
+ let isIgnored = () => false;
+ if (opts.ignore) {
+ const ignoreOpts = { ...options, ignore: null, onMatch: null, onResult: null };
+ isIgnored = picomatch$3(opts.ignore, ignoreOpts, returnState);
+ }
+ const matcher = (input, returnObject = false) => {
+ const { isMatch, match, output } = picomatch$3.test(input, regex, options, { glob, posix });
+ const result = { glob, state, regex, posix, input, output, match, isMatch };
+ if (typeof opts.onResult === 'function') {
+ opts.onResult(result);
+ }
+ if (isMatch === false) {
+ result.isMatch = false;
+ return returnObject ? result : false;
+ }
+ if (isIgnored(input)) {
+ if (typeof opts.onIgnore === 'function') {
+ opts.onIgnore(result);
+ }
+ result.isMatch = false;
+ return returnObject ? result : false;
+ }
+ if (typeof opts.onMatch === 'function') {
+ opts.onMatch(result);
+ }
+ return returnObject ? result : true;
+ };
+ if (returnState) {
+ matcher.state = state;
+ }
+ return matcher;
+ * Test `input` with the given `regex`. This is used by the main
+ * `picomatch()` function to test the input string.
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * const picomatch = require('picomatch');
+ * // picomatch.test(input, regex[, options]);
+ *
+ * console.log(picomatch.test('foo/bar', /^(?:([^/]*?)\/([^/]*?))$/));
+ * // { isMatch: true, match: [ 'foo/', 'foo', 'bar' ], output: 'foo/bar' }
+ * ```
+ * @param {String} `input` String to test.
+ * @param {RegExp} `regex`
+ * @return {Object} Returns an object with matching info.
+ * @api public
+ */
+picomatch$3.test = (input, regex, options, { glob, posix } = {}) => {
+ if (typeof input !== 'string') {
+ throw new TypeError('Expected input to be a string');
+ }
+ if (input === '') {
+ return { isMatch: false, output: '' };
+ }
+ const opts = options || {};
+ const format = opts.format || (posix ? utils$4.toPosixSlashes : null);
+ let match = input === glob;
+ let output = (match && format) ? format(input) : input;
+ if (match === false) {
+ output = format ? format(input) : input;
+ match = output === glob;
+ }
+ if (match === false || opts.capture === true) {
+ if (opts.matchBase === true || opts.basename === true) {
+ match = picomatch$3.matchBase(input, regex, options, posix);
+ } else {
+ match = regex.exec(output);
+ }
+ }
+ return { isMatch: Boolean(match), match, output };
+ * Match the basename of a filepath.
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * const picomatch = require('picomatch');
+ * // picomatch.matchBase(input, glob[, options]);
+ * console.log(picomatch.matchBase('foo/bar.js', '*.js'); // true
+ * ```
+ * @param {String} `input` String to test.
+ * @param {RegExp|String} `glob` Glob pattern or regex created by [.makeRe](#makeRe).
+ * @return {Boolean}
+ * @api public
+ */
+picomatch$3.matchBase = (input, glob, options, posix = utils$4.isWindows(options)) => {
+ const regex = glob instanceof RegExp ? glob : picomatch$3.makeRe(glob, options);
+ return regex.test(path$9.basename(input));
+ * Returns true if **any** of the given glob `patterns` match the specified `string`.
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * const picomatch = require('picomatch');
+ * // picomatch.isMatch(string, patterns[, options]);
+ *
+ * console.log(picomatch.isMatch('a.a', ['b.*', '*.a'])); //=> true
+ * console.log(picomatch.isMatch('a.a', 'b.*')); //=> false
+ * ```
+ * @param {String|Array} str The string to test.
+ * @param {String|Array} patterns One or more glob patterns to use for matching.
+ * @param {Object} [options] See available [options](#options).
+ * @return {Boolean} Returns true if any patterns match `str`
+ * @api public
+ */
+picomatch$3.isMatch = (str, patterns, options) => picomatch$3(patterns, options)(str);
+ * Parse a glob pattern to create the source string for a regular
+ * expression.
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * const picomatch = require('picomatch');
+ * const result = picomatch.parse(pattern[, options]);
+ * ```
+ * @param {String} `pattern`
+ * @param {Object} `options`
+ * @return {Object} Returns an object with useful properties and output to be used as a regex source string.
+ * @api public
+ */
+picomatch$3.parse = (pattern, options) => {
+ if (Array.isArray(pattern)) return => picomatch$3.parse(p, options));
+ return parse$d(pattern, { ...options, fastpaths: false });
+ * Scan a glob pattern to separate the pattern into segments.
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * const picomatch = require('picomatch');
+ * // picomatch.scan(input[, options]);
+ *
+ * const result = picomatch.scan('!./foo/*.js');
+ * console.log(result);
+ * { prefix: '!./',
+ * input: '!./foo/*.js',
+ * start: 3,
+ * base: 'foo',
+ * glob: '*.js',
+ * isBrace: false,
+ * isBracket: false,
+ * isGlob: true,
+ * isExtglob: false,
+ * isGlobstar: false,
+ * negated: true }
+ * ```
+ * @param {String} `input` Glob pattern to scan.
+ * @param {Object} `options`
+ * @return {Object} Returns an object with
+ * @api public
+ */
+picomatch$3.scan = (input, options) => scan(input, options);
+ * Create a regular expression from a parsed glob pattern.
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * const picomatch = require('picomatch');
+ * const state = picomatch.parse('*.js');
+ * // picomatch.compileRe(state[, options]);
+ *
+ * console.log(picomatch.compileRe(state));
+ * //=> /^(?:(?!\.)(?=.)[^/]*?\.js)$/
+ * ```
+ * @param {String} `state` The object returned from the `.parse` method.
+ * @param {Object} `options`
+ * @return {RegExp} Returns a regex created from the given pattern.
+ * @api public
+ */
+picomatch$3.compileRe = (parsed, options, returnOutput = false, returnState = false) => {
+ if (returnOutput === true) {
+ return parsed.output;
+ }
+ const opts = options || {};
+ const prepend = opts.contains ? '' : '^';
+ const append = opts.contains ? '' : '$';
+ let source = `${prepend}(?:${parsed.output})${append}`;
+ if (parsed && parsed.negated === true) {
+ source = `^(?!${source}).*$`;
+ }
+ const regex = picomatch$3.toRegex(source, options);
+ if (returnState === true) {
+ regex.state = parsed;
+ }
+ return regex;
+picomatch$3.makeRe = (input, options, returnOutput = false, returnState = false) => {
+ if (!input || typeof input !== 'string') {
+ throw new TypeError('Expected a non-empty string');
+ }
+ const opts = options || {};
+ let parsed = { negated: false, fastpaths: true };
+ let prefix = '';
+ let output;
+ if (input.startsWith('./')) {
+ input = input.slice(2);
+ prefix = parsed.prefix = './';
+ }
+ if (opts.fastpaths !== false && (input[0] === '.' || input[0] === '*')) {
+ output = parse$d.fastpaths(input, options);
+ }
+ if (output === undefined) {
+ parsed = parse$d(input, options);
+ parsed.prefix = prefix + (parsed.prefix || '');
+ } else {
+ parsed.output = output;
+ }
+ return picomatch$3.compileRe(parsed, options, returnOutput, returnState);
+ * Create a regular expression from the given regex source string.
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * const picomatch = require('picomatch');
+ * // picomatch.toRegex(source[, options]);
+ *
+ * const { output } = picomatch.parse('*.js');
+ * console.log(picomatch.toRegex(output));
+ * //=> /^(?:(?!\.)(?=.)[^/]*?\.js)$/
+ * ```
+ * @param {String} `source` Regular expression source string.
+ * @param {Object} `options`
+ * @return {RegExp}
+ * @api public
+ */
+picomatch$3.toRegex = (source, options) => {
+ try {
+ const opts = options || {};
+ return new RegExp(source, opts.flags || (opts.nocase ? 'i' : ''));
+ } catch (err) {
+ if (options && options.debug === true) throw err;
+ return /$^/;
+ }
+ * Picomatch constants.
+ * @return {Object}
+ */
+picomatch$3.constants = constants$3;
+ * Expose "picomatch"
+ */
+var picomatch_1 = picomatch$3;
+var picomatch$2 = picomatch_1;
+const fs$9 = require$$0$3;
+const { Readable } = require$$1;
+const sysPath$3 = path$b;
+const { promisify: promisify$3 } = require$$0$4;
+const picomatch$1 = picomatch$2;
+const readdir$1 = promisify$3(fs$9.readdir);
+const stat$3 = promisify$3(fs$9.stat);
+const lstat$2 = promisify$3(fs$9.lstat);
+const realpath$2 = promisify$3(fs$9.realpath);
+ * @typedef {Object} EntryInfo
+ * @property {String} path
+ * @property {String} fullPath
+ * @property {fs.Stats=} stats
+ * @property {fs.Dirent=} dirent
+ * @property {String} basename
+ */
+const BANG$2 = '!';
+const FILE_TYPE = 'files';
+const DIR_TYPE = 'directories';
+const FILE_DIR_TYPE = 'files_directories';
+const EVERYTHING_TYPE = 'all';
+const isNormalFlowError = error => NORMAL_FLOW_ERRORS.has(error.code);
+const [maj, min] = process.versions.node.split('.').slice(0, 2).map(n => Number.parseInt(n, 10));
+const wantBigintFsStats = process.platform === 'win32' && (maj > 10 || (maj === 10 && min >= 5));
+const normalizeFilter = filter => {
+ if (filter === undefined) return;
+ if (typeof filter === 'function') return filter;
+ if (typeof filter === 'string') {
+ const glob = picomatch$1(filter.trim());
+ return entry => glob(entry.basename);
+ }
+ if (Array.isArray(filter)) {
+ const positive = [];
+ const negative = [];
+ for (const item of filter) {
+ const trimmed = item.trim();
+ if (trimmed.charAt(0) === BANG$2) {
+ negative.push(picomatch$1(trimmed.slice(1)));
+ } else {
+ positive.push(picomatch$1(trimmed));
+ }
+ }
+ if (negative.length > 0) {
+ if (positive.length > 0) {
+ return entry =>
+ positive.some(f => f(entry.basename)) && !negative.some(f => f(entry.basename));
+ }
+ return entry => !negative.some(f => f(entry.basename));
+ }
+ return entry => positive.some(f => f(entry.basename));
+ }
+class ReaddirpStream extends Readable {
+ static get defaultOptions() {
+ return {
+ root: '.',
+ /* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */
+ fileFilter: (path) => true,
+ directoryFilter: (path) => true,
+ /* eslint-enable no-unused-vars */
+ type: FILE_TYPE,
+ lstat: false,
+ depth: 2147483648,
+ alwaysStat: false
+ };
+ }
+ constructor(options = {}) {
+ super({
+ objectMode: true,
+ autoDestroy: true,
+ highWaterMark: options.highWaterMark || 4096
+ });
+ const opts = { ...ReaddirpStream.defaultOptions, ...options };
+ const { root, type } = opts;
+ this._fileFilter = normalizeFilter(opts.fileFilter);
+ this._directoryFilter = normalizeFilter(opts.directoryFilter);
+ const statMethod = opts.lstat ? lstat$2 : stat$3;
+ // Use bigint stats if it's windows and stat() supports options (node 10+).
+ if (wantBigintFsStats) {
+ this._stat = path => statMethod(path, { bigint: true });
+ } else {
+ this._stat = statMethod;
+ }
+ this._maxDepth = opts.depth;
+ this._wantsDir = [DIR_TYPE, FILE_DIR_TYPE, EVERYTHING_TYPE].includes(type);
+ this._wantsFile = [FILE_TYPE, FILE_DIR_TYPE, EVERYTHING_TYPE].includes(type);
+ this._wantsEverything = type === EVERYTHING_TYPE;
+ this._root = sysPath$3.resolve(root);
+ this._isDirent = ('Dirent' in fs$9) && !opts.alwaysStat;
+ this._statsProp = this._isDirent ? 'dirent' : 'stats';
+ this._rdOptions = { encoding: 'utf8', withFileTypes: this._isDirent };
+ // Launch stream with one parent, the root dir.
+ this.parents = [this._exploreDir(root, 1)];
+ this.reading = false;
+ this.parent = undefined;
+ }
+ async _read(batch) {
+ if (this.reading) return;
+ this.reading = true;
try {
- result = fn.apply(null, params);
+ while (!this.destroyed && batch > 0) {
+ const { path, depth, files = [] } = this.parent || {};
+ if (files.length > 0) {
+ const slice = files.splice(0, batch).map(dirent => this._formatEntry(dirent, path));
+ for (const entry of await Promise.all(slice)) {
+ if (this.destroyed) return;
+ const entryType = await this._getEntryType(entry);
+ if (entryType === 'directory' && this._directoryFilter(entry)) {
+ if (depth <= this._maxDepth) {
+ this.parents.push(this._exploreDir(entry.fullPath, depth + 1));
+ }
+ if (this._wantsDir) {
+ this.push(entry);
+ batch--;
+ }
+ } else if ((entryType === 'file' || this._includeAsFile(entry)) && this._fileFilter(entry)) {
+ if (this._wantsFile) {
+ this.push(entry);
+ batch--;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ const parent = this.parents.pop();
+ if (!parent) {
+ this.push(null);
+ break;
+ }
+ this.parent = await parent;
+ if (this.destroyed) return;
+ }
+ }
} catch (error) {
- // Well, this is quite the pickle.
- // `fn` received a callback and invoked it (thus continuing the pipeline),
- // but later also threw an error.
- // We’re not about to restart the pipeline again, so the only thing left
- // to do is to throw the thing instead.
- if (callback && invoked) {
- throw error
+ this.destroy(error);
+ } finally {
+ this.reading = false;
+ }
+ }
+ async _exploreDir(path, depth) {
+ let files;
+ try {
+ files = await readdir$1(path, this._rdOptions);
+ } catch (error) {
+ this._onError(error);
+ }
+ return { files, depth, path };
+ }
+ async _formatEntry(dirent, path) {
+ let entry;
+ try {
+ const basename = this._isDirent ? : dirent;
+ const fullPath = sysPath$3.resolve(sysPath$3.join(path, basename));
+ entry = { path: sysPath$3.relative(this._root, fullPath), fullPath, basename };
+ entry[this._statsProp] = this._isDirent ? dirent : await this._stat(fullPath);
+ } catch (err) {
+ this._onError(err);
+ }
+ return entry;
+ }
+ _onError(err) {
+ if (isNormalFlowError(err) && !this.destroyed) {
+ this.emit('warn', err);
+ } else {
+ this.destroy(err);
+ }
+ }
+ async _getEntryType(entry) {
+ // entry may be undefined, because a warning or an error were emitted
+ // and the statsProp is undefined
+ const stats = entry && entry[this._statsProp];
+ if (!stats) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (stats.isFile()) {
+ return 'file';
+ }
+ if (stats.isDirectory()) {
+ return 'directory';
+ }
+ if (stats && stats.isSymbolicLink()) {
+ const full = entry.fullPath;
+ try {
+ const entryRealPath = await realpath$2(full);
+ const entryRealPathStats = await lstat$2(entryRealPath);
+ if (entryRealPathStats.isFile()) {
+ return 'file';
+ }
+ if (entryRealPathStats.isDirectory()) {
+ const len = entryRealPath.length;
+ if (full.startsWith(entryRealPath) && full.substr(len, 1) === sysPath$3.sep) {
+ const recursiveError = new Error(
+ `Circular symlink detected: "${full}" points to "${entryRealPath}"`
+ );
+ recursiveError.code = RECURSIVE_ERROR_CODE;
+ return this._onError(recursiveError);
+ }
+ return 'directory';
+ }
+ } catch (error) {
+ this._onError(error);
+ }
+ }
+ _includeAsFile(entry) {
+ const stats = entry && entry[this._statsProp];
+ return stats && this._wantsEverything && !stats.isDirectory();
+ }
+ * @typedef {Object} ReaddirpArguments
+ * @property {Function=} fileFilter
+ * @property {Function=} directoryFilter
+ * @property {String=} type
+ * @property {Number=} depth
+ * @property {String=} root
+ * @property {Boolean=} lstat
+ * @property {Boolean=} bigint
+ */
+ * Main function which ends up calling readdirRec and reads all files and directories in given root recursively.
+ * @param {String} root Root directory
+ * @param {ReaddirpArguments=} options Options to specify root (start directory), filters and recursion depth
+ */
+const readdirp$1 = (root, options = {}) => {
+ let type = options.entryType || options.type;
+ if (type === 'both') type = FILE_DIR_TYPE; // backwards-compatibility
+ if (type) options.type = type;
+ if (!root) {
+ throw new Error('readdirp: root argument is required. Usage: readdirp(root, options)');
+ } else if (typeof root !== 'string') {
+ throw new TypeError('readdirp: root argument must be a string. Usage: readdirp(root, options)');
+ } else if (type && !ALL_TYPES.includes(type)) {
+ throw new Error(`readdirp: Invalid type passed. Use one of ${ALL_TYPES.join(', ')}`);
+ }
- return done(error)
+ options.root = root;
+ return new ReaddirpStream(options);
+const readdirpPromise = (root, options = {}) => {
+ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+ const files = [];
+ readdirp$1(root, options)
+ .on('data', entry => files.push(entry))
+ .on('end', () => resolve(files))
+ .on('error', error => reject(error));
+ });
+readdirp$1.promise = readdirpPromise;
+readdirp$1.ReaddirpStream = ReaddirpStream;
+readdirp$1.default = readdirp$1;
+var readdirp_1 = readdirp$1;
+var anymatch$2 = {exports: {}};
+ * normalize-path <>
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2014-2018, Jon Schlinkert.
+ * Released under the MIT License.
+ */
+var normalizePath$2 = function(path, stripTrailing) {
+ if (typeof path !== 'string') {
+ throw new TypeError('expected path to be a string');
+ }
+ if (path === '\\' || path === '/') return '/';
+ var len = path.length;
+ if (len <= 1) return path;
+ // ensure that win32 namespaces has two leading slashes, so that the path is
+ // handled properly by the win32 version of path.parse() after being normalized
+ //
+ var prefix = '';
+ if (len > 4 && path[3] === '\\') {
+ var ch = path[2];
+ if ((ch === '?' || ch === '.') && path.slice(0, 2) === '\\\\') {
+ path = path.slice(2);
+ prefix = '//';
+ }
- if (!callback) {
- if (result && typeof result.then === 'function') {
- result.then(then, done);
- } else if (result instanceof Error) {
- done(result);
+ var segs = path.split(/[/\\]+/);
+ if (stripTrailing !== false && segs[segs.length - 1] === '') {
+ segs.pop();
+ }
+ return prefix + segs.join('/');
+Object.defineProperty(anymatch$2.exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
+const picomatch = picomatch$2;
+const normalizePath$1 = normalizePath$2;
+ * @typedef {(testString: string) => boolean} AnymatchFn
+ * @typedef {string|RegExp|AnymatchFn} AnymatchPattern
+ * @typedef {AnymatchPattern|AnymatchPattern[]} AnymatchMatcher
+ */
+const BANG$1 = '!';
+const DEFAULT_OPTIONS = {returnIndex: false};
+const arrify$1 = (item) => Array.isArray(item) ? item : [item];
+ * @param {AnymatchPattern} matcher
+ * @param {object} options
+ * @returns {AnymatchFn}
+ */
+const createPattern = (matcher, options) => {
+ if (typeof matcher === 'function') {
+ return matcher;
+ }
+ if (typeof matcher === 'string') {
+ const glob = picomatch(matcher, options);
+ return (string) => matcher === string || glob(string);
+ }
+ if (matcher instanceof RegExp) {
+ return (string) => matcher.test(string);
+ }
+ return (string) => false;
+ * @param {Array<Function>} patterns
+ * @param {Array<Function>} negPatterns
+ * @param {String|Array} args
+ * @param {Boolean} returnIndex
+ * @returns {boolean|number}
+ */
+const matchPatterns = (patterns, negPatterns, args, returnIndex) => {
+ const isList = Array.isArray(args);
+ const _path = isList ? args[0] : args;
+ if (!isList && typeof _path !== 'string') {
+ throw new TypeError('anymatch: second argument must be a string: got ' +
+ }
+ const path = normalizePath$1(_path);
+ for (let index = 0; index < negPatterns.length; index++) {
+ const nglob = negPatterns[index];
+ if (nglob(path)) {
+ return returnIndex ? -1 : false;
+ }
+ }
+ const applied = isList && [path].concat(args.slice(1));
+ for (let index = 0; index < patterns.length; index++) {
+ const pattern = patterns[index];
+ if (isList ? pattern(...applied) : pattern(path)) {
+ return returnIndex ? index : true;
+ }
+ }
+ return returnIndex ? -1 : false;
+ * @param {AnymatchMatcher} matchers
+ * @param {Array|string} testString
+ * @param {object} options
+ * @returns {boolean|number|Function}
+ */
+const anymatch$1 = (matchers, testString, options = DEFAULT_OPTIONS) => {
+ if (matchers == null) {
+ throw new TypeError('anymatch: specify first argument');
+ }
+ const opts = typeof options === 'boolean' ? {returnIndex: options} : options;
+ const returnIndex = opts.returnIndex || false;
+ // Early cache for matchers.
+ const mtchers = arrify$1(matchers);
+ const negatedGlobs = mtchers
+ .filter(item => typeof item === 'string' && item.charAt(0) === BANG$1)
+ .map(item => item.slice(1))
+ .map(item => picomatch(item, opts));
+ const patterns = mtchers
+ .filter(item => typeof item !== 'string' || (typeof item === 'string' && item.charAt(0) !== BANG$1))
+ .map(matcher => createPattern(matcher, opts));
+ if (testString == null) {
+ return (testString, ri = false) => {
+ const returnIndex = typeof ri === 'boolean' ? ri : false;
+ return matchPatterns(patterns, negatedGlobs, testString, returnIndex);
+ }
+ }
+ return matchPatterns(patterns, negatedGlobs, testString, returnIndex);
+anymatch$1.default = anymatch$1;
+anymatch$2.exports = anymatch$1;
+ * is-extglob <>
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2014-2016, Jon Schlinkert.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License.
+ */
+var isExtglob$1 = function isExtglob(str) {
+ if (typeof str !== 'string' || str === '') {
+ return false;
+ }
+ var match;
+ while ((match = /(\\).|([@?!+*]\(.*\))/g.exec(str))) {
+ if (match[2]) return true;
+ str = str.slice(match.index + match[0].length);
+ }
+ return false;
+ * is-glob <>
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2014-2017, Jon Schlinkert.
+ * Released under the MIT License.
+ */
+var isExtglob = isExtglob$1;
+var chars$1 = { '{': '}', '(': ')', '[': ']'};
+var strictRegex = /\\(.)|(^!|\*|[\].+)]\?|\[[^\\\]]+\]|\{[^\\}]+\}|\(\?[:!=][^\\)]+\)|\([^|]+\|[^\\)]+\))/;
+var relaxedRegex = /\\(.)|(^!|[*?{}()[\]]|\(\?)/;
+var isGlob$2 = function isGlob(str, options) {
+ if (typeof str !== 'string' || str === '') {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (isExtglob(str)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ var regex = strictRegex;
+ var match;
+ // optionally relax regex
+ if (options && options.strict === false) {
+ regex = relaxedRegex;
+ }
+ while ((match = regex.exec(str))) {
+ if (match[2]) return true;
+ var idx = match.index + match[0].length;
+ // if an open bracket/brace/paren is escaped,
+ // set the index to the next closing character
+ var open = match[1];
+ var close = open ? chars$1[open] : null;
+ if (open && close) {
+ var n = str.indexOf(close, idx);
+ if (n !== -1) {
+ idx = n + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ str = str.slice(idx);
+ }
+ return false;
+var isGlob$1 = isGlob$2;
+var pathPosixDirname = path$b.posix.dirname;
+var isWin32 = require$$0$2.platform() === 'win32';
+var slash = '/';
+var backslash = /\\/g;
+var enclosure = /[\{\[].*[\}\]]$/;
+var globby = /(^|[^\\])([\{\[]|\([^\)]+$)/;
+var escaped = /\\([\!\*\?\|\[\]\(\)\{\}])/g;
+ * @param {string} str
+ * @param {Object} opts
+ * @param {boolean} [opts.flipBackslashes=true]
+ * @returns {string}
+ */
+var globParent$1 = function globParent(str, opts) {
+ var options = Object.assign({ flipBackslashes: true }, opts);
+ // flip windows path separators
+ if (options.flipBackslashes && isWin32 && str.indexOf(slash) < 0) {
+ str = str.replace(backslash, slash);
+ }
+ // special case for strings ending in enclosure containing path separator
+ if (enclosure.test(str)) {
+ str += slash;
+ }
+ // preserves full path in case of trailing path separator
+ str += 'a';
+ // remove path parts that are globby
+ do {
+ str = pathPosixDirname(str);
+ } while (isGlob$1(str) || globby.test(str));
+ // remove escape chars and return result
+ return str.replace(escaped, '$1');
+var utils$3 = {};
+(function (exports) {
+exports.isInteger = num => {
+ if (typeof num === 'number') {
+ return Number.isInteger(num);
+ }
+ if (typeof num === 'string' && num.trim() !== '') {
+ return Number.isInteger(Number(num));
+ }
+ return false;
+ * Find a node of the given type
+ */
+exports.find = (node, type) => node.nodes.find(node => node.type === type);
+ * Find a node of the given type
+ */
+exports.exceedsLimit = (min, max, step = 1, limit) => {
+ if (limit === false) return false;
+ if (!exports.isInteger(min) || !exports.isInteger(max)) return false;
+ return ((Number(max) - Number(min)) / Number(step)) >= limit;
+ * Escape the given node with '\\' before node.value
+ */
+exports.escapeNode = (block, n = 0, type) => {
+ let node = block.nodes[n];
+ if (!node) return;
+ if ((type && node.type === type) || node.type === 'open' || node.type === 'close') {
+ if (node.escaped !== true) {
+ node.value = '\\' + node.value;
+ node.escaped = true;
+ }
+ }
+ * Returns true if the given brace node should be enclosed in literal braces
+ */
+exports.encloseBrace = node => {
+ if (node.type !== 'brace') return false;
+ if ((node.commas >> 0 + node.ranges >> 0) === 0) {
+ node.invalid = true;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ * Returns true if a brace node is invalid.
+ */
+exports.isInvalidBrace = block => {
+ if (block.type !== 'brace') return false;
+ if (block.invalid === true || block.dollar) return true;
+ if ((block.commas >> 0 + block.ranges >> 0) === 0) {
+ block.invalid = true;
+ return true;
+ }
+ if ( !== true || block.close !== true) {
+ block.invalid = true;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ * Returns true if a node is an open or close node
+ */
+exports.isOpenOrClose = node => {
+ if (node.type === 'open' || node.type === 'close') {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return === true || node.close === true;
+ * Reduce an array of text nodes.
+ */
+exports.reduce = nodes => nodes.reduce((acc, node) => {
+ if (node.type === 'text') acc.push(node.value);
+ if (node.type === 'range') node.type = 'text';
+ return acc;
+}, []);
+ * Flatten an array
+ */
+exports.flatten = (...args) => {
+ const result = [];
+ const flat = arr => {
+ for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
+ let ele = arr[i];
+ Array.isArray(ele) ? flat(ele) : ele !== void 0 && result.push(ele);
+ }
+ return result;
+ };
+ flat(args);
+ return result;
+const utils$2 = utils$3;
+var stringify$6 = (ast, options = {}) => {
+ let stringify = (node, parent = {}) => {
+ let invalidBlock = options.escapeInvalid && utils$2.isInvalidBrace(parent);
+ let invalidNode = node.invalid === true && options.escapeInvalid === true;
+ let output = '';
+ if (node.value) {
+ if ((invalidBlock || invalidNode) && utils$2.isOpenOrClose(node)) {
+ return '\\' + node.value;
+ }
+ return node.value;
+ }
+ if (node.value) {
+ return node.value;
+ }
+ if (node.nodes) {
+ for (let child of node.nodes) {
+ output += stringify(child);
+ }
+ }
+ return output;
+ };
+ return stringify(ast);
+ * is-number <>
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2014-present, Jon Schlinkert.
+ * Released under the MIT License.
+ */
+var isNumber$3 = function(num) {
+ if (typeof num === 'number') {
+ return num - num === 0;
+ }
+ if (typeof num === 'string' && num.trim() !== '') {
+ return Number.isFinite ? Number.isFinite(+num) : isFinite(+num);
+ }
+ return false;
+ * to-regex-range <>
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Jon Schlinkert.
+ * Released under the MIT License.
+ */
+const isNumber$2 = isNumber$3;
+const toRegexRange$1 = (min, max, options) => {
+ if (isNumber$2(min) === false) {
+ throw new TypeError('toRegexRange: expected the first argument to be a number');
+ }
+ if (max === void 0 || min === max) {
+ return String(min);
+ }
+ if (isNumber$2(max) === false) {
+ throw new TypeError('toRegexRange: expected the second argument to be a number.');
+ }
+ let opts = { relaxZeros: true, ...options };
+ if (typeof opts.strictZeros === 'boolean') {
+ opts.relaxZeros = opts.strictZeros === false;
+ }
+ let relax = String(opts.relaxZeros);
+ let shorthand = String(opts.shorthand);
+ let capture = String(opts.capture);
+ let wrap = String(opts.wrap);
+ let cacheKey = min + ':' + max + '=' + relax + shorthand + capture + wrap;
+ if (toRegexRange$1.cache.hasOwnProperty(cacheKey)) {
+ return toRegexRange$1.cache[cacheKey].result;
+ }
+ let a = Math.min(min, max);
+ let b = Math.max(min, max);
+ if (Math.abs(a - b) === 1) {
+ let result = min + '|' + max;
+ if (opts.capture) {
+ return `(${result})`;
+ }
+ if (opts.wrap === false) {
+ return result;
+ }
+ return `(?:${result})`;
+ }
+ let isPadded = hasPadding(min) || hasPadding(max);
+ let state = { min, max, a, b };
+ let positives = [];
+ let negatives = [];
+ if (isPadded) {
+ state.isPadded = isPadded;
+ state.maxLen = String(state.max).length;
+ }
+ if (a < 0) {
+ let newMin = b < 0 ? Math.abs(b) : 1;
+ negatives = splitToPatterns(newMin, Math.abs(a), state, opts);
+ a = state.a = 0;
+ }
+ if (b >= 0) {
+ positives = splitToPatterns(a, b, state, opts);
+ }
+ state.negatives = negatives;
+ state.positives = positives;
+ state.result = collatePatterns(negatives, positives);
+ if (opts.capture === true) {
+ state.result = `(${state.result})`;
+ } else if (opts.wrap !== false && (positives.length + negatives.length) > 1) {
+ state.result = `(?:${state.result})`;
+ }
+ toRegexRange$1.cache[cacheKey] = state;
+ return state.result;
+function collatePatterns(neg, pos, options) {
+ let onlyNegative = filterPatterns(neg, pos, '-', false) || [];
+ let onlyPositive = filterPatterns(pos, neg, '', false) || [];
+ let intersected = filterPatterns(neg, pos, '-?', true) || [];
+ let subpatterns = onlyNegative.concat(intersected).concat(onlyPositive);
+ return subpatterns.join('|');
+function splitToRanges(min, max) {
+ let nines = 1;
+ let zeros = 1;
+ let stop = countNines(min, nines);
+ let stops = new Set([max]);
+ while (min <= stop && stop <= max) {
+ stops.add(stop);
+ nines += 1;
+ stop = countNines(min, nines);
+ }
+ stop = countZeros(max + 1, zeros) - 1;
+ while (min < stop && stop <= max) {
+ stops.add(stop);
+ zeros += 1;
+ stop = countZeros(max + 1, zeros) - 1;
+ }
+ stops = [...stops];
+ stops.sort(compare$c);
+ return stops;
+ * Convert a range to a regex pattern
+ * @param {Number} `start`
+ * @param {Number} `stop`
+ * @return {String}
+ */
+function rangeToPattern(start, stop, options) {
+ if (start === stop) {
+ return { pattern: start, count: [], digits: 0 };
+ }
+ let zipped = zip(start, stop);
+ let digits = zipped.length;
+ let pattern = '';
+ let count = 0;
+ for (let i = 0; i < digits; i++) {
+ let [startDigit, stopDigit] = zipped[i];
+ if (startDigit === stopDigit) {
+ pattern += startDigit;
+ } else if (startDigit !== '0' || stopDigit !== '9') {
+ pattern += toCharacterClass(startDigit, stopDigit);
+ } else {
+ count++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (count) {
+ pattern += options.shorthand === true ? '\\d' : '[0-9]';
+ }
+ return { pattern, count: [count], digits };
+function splitToPatterns(min, max, tok, options) {
+ let ranges = splitToRanges(min, max);
+ let tokens = [];
+ let start = min;
+ let prev;
+ for (let i = 0; i < ranges.length; i++) {
+ let max = ranges[i];
+ let obj = rangeToPattern(String(start), String(max), options);
+ let zeros = '';
+ if (!tok.isPadded && prev && prev.pattern === obj.pattern) {
+ if (prev.count.length > 1) {
+ prev.count.pop();
+ }
+ prev.count.push(obj.count[0]);
+ prev.string = prev.pattern + toQuantifier(prev.count);
+ start = max + 1;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (tok.isPadded) {
+ zeros = padZeros(max, tok, options);
+ }
+ obj.string = zeros + obj.pattern + toQuantifier(obj.count);
+ tokens.push(obj);
+ start = max + 1;
+ prev = obj;
+ }
+ return tokens;
+function filterPatterns(arr, comparison, prefix, intersection, options) {
+ let result = [];
+ for (let ele of arr) {
+ let { string } = ele;
+ // only push if _both_ are negative...
+ if (!intersection && !contains(comparison, 'string', string)) {
+ result.push(prefix + string);
+ }
+ // or _both_ are positive
+ if (intersection && contains(comparison, 'string', string)) {
+ result.push(prefix + string);
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+ * Zip strings
+ */
+function zip(a, b) {
+ let arr = [];
+ for (let i = 0; i < a.length; i++) arr.push([a[i], b[i]]);
+ return arr;
+function compare$c(a, b) {
+ return a > b ? 1 : b > a ? -1 : 0;
+function contains(arr, key, val) {
+ return arr.some(ele => ele[key] === val);
+function countNines(min, len) {
+ return Number(String(min).slice(0, -len) + '9'.repeat(len));
+function countZeros(integer, zeros) {
+ return integer - (integer % Math.pow(10, zeros));
+function toQuantifier(digits) {
+ let [start = 0, stop = ''] = digits;
+ if (stop || start > 1) {
+ return `{${start + (stop ? ',' + stop : '')}}`;
+ }
+ return '';
+function toCharacterClass(a, b, options) {
+ return `[${a}${(b - a === 1) ? '' : '-'}${b}]`;
+function hasPadding(str) {
+ return /^-?(0+)\d/.test(str);
+function padZeros(value, tok, options) {
+ if (!tok.isPadded) {
+ return value;
+ }
+ let diff = Math.abs(tok.maxLen - String(value).length);
+ let relax = options.relaxZeros !== false;
+ switch (diff) {
+ case 0:
+ return '';
+ case 1:
+ return relax ? '0?' : '0';
+ case 2:
+ return relax ? '0{0,2}' : '00';
+ default: {
+ return relax ? `0{0,${diff}}` : `0{${diff}}`;
+ }
+ }
+ * Cache
+ */
+toRegexRange$1.cache = {};
+toRegexRange$1.clearCache = () => (toRegexRange$1.cache = {});
+ * Expose `toRegexRange`
+ */
+var toRegexRange_1 = toRegexRange$1;
+ * fill-range <>
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2014-present, Jon Schlinkert.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License.
+ */
+const util$3 = require$$0$4;
+const toRegexRange = toRegexRange_1;
+const isObject$2 = val => val !== null && typeof val === 'object' && !Array.isArray(val);
+const transform$3 = toNumber => {
+ return value => toNumber === true ? Number(value) : String(value);
+const isValidValue = value => {
+ return typeof value === 'number' || (typeof value === 'string' && value !== '');
+const isNumber$1 = num => Number.isInteger(+num);
+const zeros = input => {
+ let value = `${input}`;
+ let index = -1;
+ if (value[0] === '-') value = value.slice(1);
+ if (value === '0') return false;
+ while (value[++index] === '0');
+ return index > 0;
+const stringify$5 = (start, end, options) => {
+ if (typeof start === 'string' || typeof end === 'string') {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return options.stringify === true;
+const pad = (input, maxLength, toNumber) => {
+ if (maxLength > 0) {
+ let dash = input[0] === '-' ? '-' : '';
+ if (dash) input = input.slice(1);
+ input = (dash + input.padStart(dash ? maxLength - 1 : maxLength, '0'));
+ }
+ if (toNumber === false) {
+ return String(input);
+ }
+ return input;
+const toMaxLen = (input, maxLength) => {
+ let negative = input[0] === '-' ? '-' : '';
+ if (negative) {
+ input = input.slice(1);
+ maxLength--;
+ }
+ while (input.length < maxLength) input = '0' + input;
+ return negative ? ('-' + input) : input;
+const toSequence = (parts, options) => {
+ parts.negatives.sort((a, b) => a < b ? -1 : a > b ? 1 : 0);
+ parts.positives.sort((a, b) => a < b ? -1 : a > b ? 1 : 0);
+ let prefix = options.capture ? '' : '?:';
+ let positives = '';
+ let negatives = '';
+ let result;
+ if (parts.positives.length) {
+ positives = parts.positives.join('|');
+ }
+ if (parts.negatives.length) {
+ negatives = `-(${prefix}${parts.negatives.join('|')})`;
+ }
+ if (positives && negatives) {
+ result = `${positives}|${negatives}`;
+ } else {
+ result = positives || negatives;
+ }
+ if (options.wrap) {
+ return `(${prefix}${result})`;
+ }
+ return result;
+const toRange = (a, b, isNumbers, options) => {
+ if (isNumbers) {
+ return toRegexRange(a, b, { wrap: false, ...options });
+ }
+ let start = String.fromCharCode(a);
+ if (a === b) return start;
+ let stop = String.fromCharCode(b);
+ return `[${start}-${stop}]`;
+const toRegex = (start, end, options) => {
+ if (Array.isArray(start)) {
+ let wrap = options.wrap === true;
+ let prefix = options.capture ? '' : '?:';
+ return wrap ? `(${prefix}${start.join('|')})` : start.join('|');
+ }
+ return toRegexRange(start, end, options);
+const rangeError = (...args) => {
+ return new RangeError('Invalid range arguments: ' + util$3.inspect(...args));
+const invalidRange = (start, end, options) => {
+ if (options.strictRanges === true) throw rangeError([start, end]);
+ return [];
+const invalidStep = (step, options) => {
+ if (options.strictRanges === true) {
+ throw new TypeError(`Expected step "${step}" to be a number`);
+ }
+ return [];
+const fillNumbers = (start, end, step = 1, options = {}) => {
+ let a = Number(start);
+ let b = Number(end);
+ if (!Number.isInteger(a) || !Number.isInteger(b)) {
+ if (options.strictRanges === true) throw rangeError([start, end]);
+ return [];
+ }
+ // fix negative zero
+ if (a === 0) a = 0;
+ if (b === 0) b = 0;
+ let descending = a > b;
+ let startString = String(start);
+ let endString = String(end);
+ let stepString = String(step);
+ step = Math.max(Math.abs(step), 1);
+ let padded = zeros(startString) || zeros(endString) || zeros(stepString);
+ let maxLen = padded ? Math.max(startString.length, endString.length, stepString.length) : 0;
+ let toNumber = padded === false && stringify$5(start, end, options) === false;
+ let format = options.transform || transform$3(toNumber);
+ if (options.toRegex && step === 1) {
+ return toRange(toMaxLen(start, maxLen), toMaxLen(end, maxLen), true, options);
+ }
+ let parts = { negatives: [], positives: [] };
+ let push = num => parts[num < 0 ? 'negatives' : 'positives'].push(Math.abs(num));
+ let range = [];
+ let index = 0;
+ while (descending ? a >= b : a <= b) {
+ if (options.toRegex === true && step > 1) {
+ push(a);
+ } else {
+ range.push(pad(format(a, index), maxLen, toNumber));
+ }
+ a = descending ? a - step : a + step;
+ index++;
+ }
+ if (options.toRegex === true) {
+ return step > 1
+ ? toSequence(parts, options)
+ : toRegex(range, null, { wrap: false, ...options });
+ }
+ return range;
+const fillLetters = (start, end, step = 1, options = {}) => {
+ if ((!isNumber$1(start) && start.length > 1) || (!isNumber$1(end) && end.length > 1)) {
+ return invalidRange(start, end, options);
+ }
+ let format = options.transform || (val => String.fromCharCode(val));
+ let a = `${start}`.charCodeAt(0);
+ let b = `${end}`.charCodeAt(0);
+ let descending = a > b;
+ let min = Math.min(a, b);
+ let max = Math.max(a, b);
+ if (options.toRegex && step === 1) {
+ return toRange(min, max, false, options);
+ }
+ let range = [];
+ let index = 0;
+ while (descending ? a >= b : a <= b) {
+ range.push(format(a, index));
+ a = descending ? a - step : a + step;
+ index++;
+ }
+ if (options.toRegex === true) {
+ return toRegex(range, null, { wrap: false, options });
+ }
+ return range;
+const fill$2 = (start, end, step, options = {}) => {
+ if (end == null && isValidValue(start)) {
+ return [start];
+ }
+ if (!isValidValue(start) || !isValidValue(end)) {
+ return invalidRange(start, end, options);
+ }
+ if (typeof step === 'function') {
+ return fill$2(start, end, 1, { transform: step });
+ }
+ if (isObject$2(step)) {
+ return fill$2(start, end, 0, step);
+ }
+ let opts = { ...options };
+ if (opts.capture === true) opts.wrap = true;
+ step = step || opts.step || 1;
+ if (!isNumber$1(step)) {
+ if (step != null && !isObject$2(step)) return invalidStep(step, opts);
+ return fill$2(start, end, 1, step);
+ }
+ if (isNumber$1(start) && isNumber$1(end)) {
+ return fillNumbers(start, end, step, opts);
+ }
+ return fillLetters(start, end, Math.max(Math.abs(step), 1), opts);
+var fillRange = fill$2;
+const fill$1 = fillRange;
+const utils$1 = utils$3;
+const compile$1 = (ast, options = {}) => {
+ let walk = (node, parent = {}) => {
+ let invalidBlock = utils$1.isInvalidBrace(parent);
+ let invalidNode = node.invalid === true && options.escapeInvalid === true;
+ let invalid = invalidBlock === true || invalidNode === true;
+ let prefix = options.escapeInvalid === true ? '\\' : '';
+ let output = '';
+ if (node.isOpen === true) {
+ return prefix + node.value;
+ }
+ if (node.isClose === true) {
+ return prefix + node.value;
+ }
+ if (node.type === 'open') {
+ return invalid ? (prefix + node.value) : '(';
+ }
+ if (node.type === 'close') {
+ return invalid ? (prefix + node.value) : ')';
+ }
+ if (node.type === 'comma') {
+ return node.prev.type === 'comma' ? '' : (invalid ? node.value : '|');
+ }
+ if (node.value) {
+ return node.value;
+ }
+ if (node.nodes && node.ranges > 0) {
+ let args = utils$1.reduce(node.nodes);
+ let range = fill$1(...args, { ...options, wrap: false, toRegex: true });
+ if (range.length !== 0) {
+ return args.length > 1 && range.length > 1 ? `(${range})` : range;
+ }
+ }
+ if (node.nodes) {
+ for (let child of node.nodes) {
+ output += walk(child, node);
+ }
+ }
+ return output;
+ };
+ return walk(ast);
+var compile_1 = compile$1;
+const fill = fillRange;
+const stringify$4 = stringify$6;
+const utils = utils$3;
+const append = (queue = '', stash = '', enclose = false) => {
+ let result = [];
+ queue = [].concat(queue);
+ stash = [].concat(stash);
+ if (!stash.length) return queue;
+ if (!queue.length) {
+ return enclose ? utils.flatten(stash).map(ele => `{${ele}}`) : stash;
+ }
+ for (let item of queue) {
+ if (Array.isArray(item)) {
+ for (let value of item) {
+ result.push(append(value, stash, enclose));
+ }
+ } else {
+ for (let ele of stash) {
+ if (enclose === true && typeof ele === 'string') ele = `{${ele}}`;
+ result.push(Array.isArray(ele) ? append(item, ele, enclose) : (item + ele));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return utils.flatten(result);
+const expand$4 = (ast, options = {}) => {
+ let rangeLimit = options.rangeLimit === void 0 ? 1000 : options.rangeLimit;
+ let walk = (node, parent = {}) => {
+ node.queue = [];
+ let p = parent;
+ let q = parent.queue;
+ while (p.type !== 'brace' && p.type !== 'root' && p.parent) {
+ p = p.parent;
+ q = p.queue;
+ }
+ if (node.invalid || node.dollar) {
+ q.push(append(q.pop(), stringify$4(node, options)));
+ return;
+ }
+ if (node.type === 'brace' && node.invalid !== true && node.nodes.length === 2) {
+ q.push(append(q.pop(), ['{}']));
+ return;
+ }
+ if (node.nodes && node.ranges > 0) {
+ let args = utils.reduce(node.nodes);
+ if (utils.exceedsLimit(...args, options.step, rangeLimit)) {
+ throw new RangeError('expanded array length exceeds range limit. Use options.rangeLimit to increase or disable the limit.');
+ }
+ let range = fill(...args, options);
+ if (range.length === 0) {
+ range = stringify$4(node, options);
+ }
+ q.push(append(q.pop(), range));
+ node.nodes = [];
+ return;
+ }
+ let enclose = utils.encloseBrace(node);
+ let queue = node.queue;
+ let block = node;
+ while (block.type !== 'brace' && block.type !== 'root' && block.parent) {
+ block = block.parent;
+ queue = block.queue;
+ }
+ for (let i = 0; i < node.nodes.length; i++) {
+ let child = node.nodes[i];
+ if (child.type === 'comma' && node.type === 'brace') {
+ if (i === 1) queue.push('');
+ queue.push('');
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (child.type === 'close') {
+ q.push(append(q.pop(), queue, enclose));
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (child.value && child.type !== 'open') {
+ queue.push(append(queue.pop(), child.value));
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (child.nodes) {
+ walk(child, node);
+ }
+ }
+ return queue;
+ };
+ return utils.flatten(walk(ast));
+var expand_1 = expand$4;
+var constants$2 = {
+ MAX_LENGTH: 1024 * 64,
+ // Digits
+ CHAR_0: '0', /* 0 */
+ CHAR_9: '9', /* 9 */
+ // Alphabet chars.
+ CHAR_UPPERCASE_A: 'A', /* A */
+ CHAR_LOWERCASE_A: 'a', /* a */
+ CHAR_UPPERCASE_Z: 'Z', /* Z */
+ CHAR_LOWERCASE_Z: 'z', /* z */
+ CHAR_ASTERISK: '*', /* * */
+ // Non-alphabetic chars.
+ CHAR_AMPERSAND: '&', /* & */
+ CHAR_AT: '@', /* @ */
+ CHAR_BACKSLASH: '\\', /* \ */
+ CHAR_BACKTICK: '`', /* ` */
+ CHAR_CARRIAGE_RETURN: '\r', /* \r */
+ CHAR_COLON: ':', /* : */
+ CHAR_COMMA: ',', /* , */
+ CHAR_DOLLAR: '$', /* . */
+ CHAR_DOT: '.', /* . */
+ CHAR_DOUBLE_QUOTE: '"', /* " */
+ CHAR_EQUAL: '=', /* = */
+ CHAR_FORM_FEED: '\f', /* \f */
+ CHAR_FORWARD_SLASH: '/', /* / */
+ CHAR_HASH: '#', /* # */
+ CHAR_HYPHEN_MINUS: '-', /* - */
+ CHAR_LEFT_CURLY_BRACE: '{', /* { */
+ CHAR_LINE_FEED: '\n', /* \n */
+ CHAR_NO_BREAK_SPACE: '\u00A0', /* \u00A0 */
+ CHAR_PERCENT: '%', /* % */
+ CHAR_PLUS: '+', /* + */
+ CHAR_QUESTION_MARK: '?', /* ? */
+ CHAR_RIGHT_CURLY_BRACE: '}', /* } */
+ CHAR_SEMICOLON: ';', /* ; */
+ CHAR_SINGLE_QUOTE: '\'', /* ' */
+ CHAR_SPACE: ' ', /* */
+ CHAR_TAB: '\t', /* \t */
+ CHAR_UNDERSCORE: '_', /* _ */
+ CHAR_VERTICAL_LINE: '|', /* | */
+const stringify$3 = stringify$6;
+ * Constants
+ */
+const {
+ CHAR_BACKTICK, /* ` */
+ CHAR_DOT, /* . */
+} = constants$2;
+ * parse
+ */
+const parse$c = (input, options = {}) => {
+ if (typeof input !== 'string') {
+ throw new TypeError('Expected a string');
+ }
+ let opts = options || {};
+ let max = typeof opts.maxLength === 'number' ? Math.min(MAX_LENGTH$3, opts.maxLength) : MAX_LENGTH$3;
+ if (input.length > max) {
+ throw new SyntaxError(`Input length (${input.length}), exceeds max characters (${max})`);
+ }
+ let ast = { type: 'root', input, nodes: [] };
+ let stack = [ast];
+ let block = ast;
+ let prev = ast;
+ let brackets = 0;
+ let length = input.length;
+ let index = 0;
+ let depth = 0;
+ let value;
+ /**
+ * Helpers
+ */
+ const advance = () => input[index++];
+ const push = node => {
+ if (node.type === 'text' && prev.type === 'dot') {
+ prev.type = 'text';
+ }
+ if (prev && prev.type === 'text' && node.type === 'text') {
+ prev.value += node.value;
+ return;
+ }
+ block.nodes.push(node);
+ node.parent = block;
+ node.prev = prev;
+ prev = node;
+ return node;
+ };
+ push({ type: 'bos' });
+ while (index < length) {
+ block = stack[stack.length - 1];
+ value = advance();
+ /**
+ * Invalid chars
+ */
+ continue;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Escaped chars
+ */
+ if (value === CHAR_BACKSLASH) {
+ push({ type: 'text', value: (options.keepEscaping ? value : '') + advance() });
+ continue;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Right square bracket (literal): ']'
+ */
+ if (value === CHAR_RIGHT_SQUARE_BRACKET$1) {
+ push({ type: 'text', value: '\\' + value });
+ continue;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Left square bracket: '['
+ */
+ if (value === CHAR_LEFT_SQUARE_BRACKET$1) {
+ brackets++;
+ let next;
+ while (index < length && (next = advance())) {
+ value += next;
+ if (next === CHAR_LEFT_SQUARE_BRACKET$1) {
+ brackets++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (next === CHAR_BACKSLASH) {
+ value += advance();
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (next === CHAR_RIGHT_SQUARE_BRACKET$1) {
+ brackets--;
+ if (brackets === 0) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ push({ type: 'text', value });
+ continue;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Parentheses
+ */
+ if (value === CHAR_LEFT_PARENTHESES) {
+ block = push({ type: 'paren', nodes: [] });
+ stack.push(block);
+ push({ type: 'text', value });
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (value === CHAR_RIGHT_PARENTHESES) {
+ if (block.type !== 'paren') {
+ push({ type: 'text', value });
+ continue;
+ }
+ block = stack.pop();
+ push({ type: 'text', value });
+ block = stack[stack.length - 1];
+ continue;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Quotes: '|"|`
+ */
+ if (value === CHAR_DOUBLE_QUOTE$1 || value === CHAR_SINGLE_QUOTE$1 || value === CHAR_BACKTICK) {
+ let open = value;
+ let next;
+ if (options.keepQuotes !== true) {
+ value = '';
+ }
+ while (index < length && (next = advance())) {
+ if (next === CHAR_BACKSLASH) {
+ value += next + advance();
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (next === open) {
+ if (options.keepQuotes === true) value += next;
+ break;
+ }
+ value += next;
+ }
+ push({ type: 'text', value });
+ continue;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Left curly brace: '{'
+ */
+ if (value === CHAR_LEFT_CURLY_BRACE) {
+ depth++;
+ let dollar = prev.value && prev.value.slice(-1) === '$' || block.dollar === true;
+ let brace = {
+ type: 'brace',
+ open: true,
+ close: false,
+ dollar,
+ depth,
+ commas: 0,
+ ranges: 0,
+ nodes: []
+ };
+ block = push(brace);
+ stack.push(block);
+ push({ type: 'open', value });
+ continue;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Right curly brace: '}'
+ */
+ if (value === CHAR_RIGHT_CURLY_BRACE) {
+ if (block.type !== 'brace') {
+ push({ type: 'text', value });
+ continue;
+ }
+ let type = 'close';
+ block = stack.pop();
+ block.close = true;
+ push({ type, value });
+ depth--;
+ block = stack[stack.length - 1];
+ continue;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Comma: ','
+ */
+ if (value === CHAR_COMMA$1 && depth > 0) {
+ if (block.ranges > 0) {
+ block.ranges = 0;
+ let open = block.nodes.shift();
+ block.nodes = [open, { type: 'text', value: stringify$3(block) }];
+ }
+ push({ type: 'comma', value });
+ block.commas++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Dot: '.'
+ */
+ if (value === CHAR_DOT && depth > 0 && block.commas === 0) {
+ let siblings = block.nodes;
+ if (depth === 0 || siblings.length === 0) {
+ push({ type: 'text', value });
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (prev.type === 'dot') {
+ block.range = [];
+ prev.value += value;
+ prev.type = 'range';
+ if (block.nodes.length !== 3 && block.nodes.length !== 5) {
+ block.invalid = true;
+ block.ranges = 0;
+ prev.type = 'text';
+ continue;
+ }
+ block.ranges++;
+ block.args = [];
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (prev.type === 'range') {
+ siblings.pop();
+ let before = siblings[siblings.length - 1];
+ before.value += prev.value + value;
+ prev = before;
+ block.ranges--;
+ continue;
+ }
+ push({ type: 'dot', value });
+ continue;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Text
+ */
+ push({ type: 'text', value });
+ }
+ // Mark imbalanced braces and brackets as invalid
+ do {
+ block = stack.pop();
+ if (block.type !== 'root') {
+ block.nodes.forEach(node => {
+ if (!node.nodes) {
+ if (node.type === 'open') node.isOpen = true;
+ if (node.type === 'close') node.isClose = true;
+ if (!node.nodes) node.type = 'text';
+ node.invalid = true;
+ }
+ });
+ // get the location of the block on parent.nodes (block's siblings)
+ let parent = stack[stack.length - 1];
+ let index = parent.nodes.indexOf(block);
+ // replace the (invalid) block with it's nodes
+ parent.nodes.splice(index, 1, ...block.nodes);
+ }
+ } while (stack.length > 0);
+ push({ type: 'eos' });
+ return ast;
+var parse_1$1 = parse$c;
+const stringify$2 = stringify$6;
+const compile = compile_1;
+const expand$3 = expand_1;
+const parse$b = parse_1$1;
+ * Expand the given pattern or create a regex-compatible string.
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * const braces = require('braces');
+ * console.log(braces('{a,b,c}', { compile: true })); //=> ['(a|b|c)']
+ * console.log(braces('{a,b,c}')); //=> ['a', 'b', 'c']
+ * ```
+ * @param {String} `str`
+ * @param {Object} `options`
+ * @return {String}
+ * @api public
+ */
+const braces$1 = (input, options = {}) => {
+ let output = [];
+ if (Array.isArray(input)) {
+ for (let pattern of input) {
+ let result = braces$1.create(pattern, options);
+ if (Array.isArray(result)) {
+ output.push(...result);
} else {
- then(result);
+ output.push(result);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ output = [].concat(braces$1.create(input, options));
+ }
+ if (options && options.expand === true && options.nodupes === true) {
+ output = [ Set(output)];
+ }
+ return output;
+ * Parse the given `str` with the given `options`.
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * // braces.parse(pattern, [, options]);
+ * const ast = braces.parse('a/{b,c}/d');
+ * console.log(ast);
+ * ```
+ * @param {String} pattern Brace pattern to parse
+ * @param {Object} options
+ * @return {Object} Returns an AST
+ * @api public
+ */
+braces$1.parse = (input, options = {}) => parse$b(input, options);
+ * Creates a braces string from an AST, or an AST node.
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * const braces = require('braces');
+ * let ast = braces.parse('foo/{a,b}/bar');
+ * console.log(stringify(ast.nodes[2])); //=> '{a,b}'
+ * ```
+ * @param {String} `input` Brace pattern or AST.
+ * @param {Object} `options`
+ * @return {Array} Returns an array of expanded values.
+ * @api public
+ */
+braces$1.stringify = (input, options = {}) => {
+ if (typeof input === 'string') {
+ return stringify$2(braces$1.parse(input, options), options);
+ }
+ return stringify$2(input, options);
+ * Compiles a brace pattern into a regex-compatible, optimized string.
+ * This method is called by the main [braces](#braces) function by default.
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * const braces = require('braces');
+ * console.log(braces.compile('a/{b,c}/d'));
+ * //=> ['a/(b|c)/d']
+ * ```
+ * @param {String} `input` Brace pattern or AST.
+ * @param {Object} `options`
+ * @return {Array} Returns an array of expanded values.
+ * @api public
+ */
+braces$1.compile = (input, options = {}) => {
+ if (typeof input === 'string') {
+ input = braces$1.parse(input, options);
+ }
+ return compile(input, options);
+ * Expands a brace pattern into an array. This method is called by the
+ * main [braces](#braces) function when `options.expand` is true. Before
+ * using this method it's recommended that you read the [performance notes](#performance))
+ * and advantages of using [.compile](#compile) instead.
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * const braces = require('braces');
+ * console.log(braces.expand('a/{b,c}/d'));
+ * //=> ['a/b/d', 'a/c/d'];
+ * ```
+ * @param {String} `pattern` Brace pattern
+ * @param {Object} `options`
+ * @return {Array} Returns an array of expanded values.
+ * @api public
+ */
+braces$1.expand = (input, options = {}) => {
+ if (typeof input === 'string') {
+ input = braces$1.parse(input, options);
+ }
+ let result = expand$3(input, options);
+ // filter out empty strings if specified
+ if (options.noempty === true) {
+ result = result.filter(Boolean);
+ }
+ // filter out duplicates if specified
+ if (options.nodupes === true) {
+ result = [ Set(result)];
+ }
+ return result;
+ * Processes a brace pattern and returns either an expanded array
+ * (if `options.expand` is true), a highly optimized regex-compatible string.
+ * This method is called by the main [braces](#braces) function.
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * const braces = require('braces');
+ * console.log(braces.create('user-{200..300}/project-{a,b,c}-{1..10}'))
+ * //=> 'user-(20[0-9]|2[1-9][0-9]|300)/project-(a|b|c)-([1-9]|10)'
+ * ```
+ * @param {String} `pattern` Brace pattern
+ * @param {Object} `options`
+ * @return {Array} Returns an array of expanded values.
+ * @api public
+ */
+braces$1.create = (input, options = {}) => {
+ if (input === '' || input.length < 3) {
+ return [input];
+ }
+ return options.expand !== true
+ ? braces$1.compile(input, options)
+ : braces$1.expand(input, options);
+ * Expose "braces"
+ */
+var braces_1 = braces$1;
+var require$$0$1 = [
+ "3dm",
+ "3ds",
+ "3g2",
+ "3gp",
+ "7z",
+ "a",
+ "aac",
+ "adp",
+ "ai",
+ "aif",
+ "aiff",
+ "alz",
+ "ape",
+ "apk",
+ "appimage",
+ "ar",
+ "arj",
+ "asf",
+ "au",
+ "avi",
+ "bak",
+ "baml",
+ "bh",
+ "bin",
+ "bk",
+ "bmp",
+ "btif",
+ "bz2",
+ "bzip2",
+ "cab",
+ "caf",
+ "cgm",
+ "class",
+ "cmx",
+ "cpio",
+ "cr2",
+ "cur",
+ "dat",
+ "dcm",
+ "deb",
+ "dex",
+ "djvu",
+ "dll",
+ "dmg",
+ "dng",
+ "doc",
+ "docm",
+ "docx",
+ "dot",
+ "dotm",
+ "dra",
+ "DS_Store",
+ "dsk",
+ "dts",
+ "dtshd",
+ "dvb",
+ "dwg",
+ "dxf",
+ "ecelp4800",
+ "ecelp7470",
+ "ecelp9600",
+ "egg",
+ "eol",
+ "eot",
+ "epub",
+ "exe",
+ "f4v",
+ "fbs",
+ "fh",
+ "fla",
+ "flac",
+ "flatpak",
+ "fli",
+ "flv",
+ "fpx",
+ "fst",
+ "fvt",
+ "g3",
+ "gh",
+ "gif",
+ "graffle",
+ "gz",
+ "gzip",
+ "h261",
+ "h263",
+ "h264",
+ "icns",
+ "ico",
+ "ief",
+ "img",
+ "ipa",
+ "iso",
+ "jar",
+ "jpeg",
+ "jpg",
+ "jpgv",
+ "jpm",
+ "jxr",
+ "key",
+ "ktx",
+ "lha",
+ "lib",
+ "lvp",
+ "lz",
+ "lzh",
+ "lzma",
+ "lzo",
+ "m3u",
+ "m4a",
+ "m4v",
+ "mar",
+ "mdi",
+ "mht",
+ "mid",
+ "midi",
+ "mj2",
+ "mka",
+ "mkv",
+ "mmr",
+ "mng",
+ "mobi",
+ "mov",
+ "movie",
+ "mp3",
+ "mp4",
+ "mp4a",
+ "mpeg",
+ "mpg",
+ "mpga",
+ "mxu",
+ "nef",
+ "npx",
+ "numbers",
+ "nupkg",
+ "o",
+ "odp",
+ "ods",
+ "odt",
+ "oga",
+ "ogg",
+ "ogv",
+ "otf",
+ "ott",
+ "pages",
+ "pbm",
+ "pcx",
+ "pdb",
+ "pdf",
+ "pea",
+ "pgm",
+ "pic",
+ "png",
+ "pnm",
+ "pot",
+ "potm",
+ "potx",
+ "ppa",
+ "ppam",
+ "ppm",
+ "pps",
+ "ppsm",
+ "ppsx",
+ "ppt",
+ "pptm",
+ "pptx",
+ "psd",
+ "pya",
+ "pyc",
+ "pyo",
+ "pyv",
+ "qt",
+ "rar",
+ "ras",
+ "raw",
+ "resources",
+ "rgb",
+ "rip",
+ "rlc",
+ "rmf",
+ "rmvb",
+ "rpm",
+ "rtf",
+ "rz",
+ "s3m",
+ "s7z",
+ "scpt",
+ "sgi",
+ "shar",
+ "snap",
+ "sil",
+ "sketch",
+ "slk",
+ "smv",
+ "snk",
+ "so",
+ "stl",
+ "suo",
+ "sub",
+ "swf",
+ "tar",
+ "tbz",
+ "tbz2",
+ "tga",
+ "tgz",
+ "thmx",
+ "tif",
+ "tiff",
+ "tlz",
+ "ttc",
+ "ttf",
+ "txz",
+ "udf",
+ "uvh",
+ "uvi",
+ "uvm",
+ "uvp",
+ "uvs",
+ "uvu",
+ "viv",
+ "vob",
+ "war",
+ "wav",
+ "wax",
+ "wbmp",
+ "wdp",
+ "weba",
+ "webm",
+ "webp",
+ "whl",
+ "wim",
+ "wm",
+ "wma",
+ "wmv",
+ "wmx",
+ "woff",
+ "woff2",
+ "wrm",
+ "wvx",
+ "xbm",
+ "xif",
+ "xla",
+ "xlam",
+ "xls",
+ "xlsb",
+ "xlsm",
+ "xlsx",
+ "xlt",
+ "xltm",
+ "xltx",
+ "xm",
+ "xmind",
+ "xpi",
+ "xpm",
+ "xwd",
+ "xz",
+ "z",
+ "zip",
+ "zipx"
+var binaryExtensions$1 = require$$0$1;
+const path$8 = path$b;
+const binaryExtensions = binaryExtensions$1;
+const extensions = new Set(binaryExtensions);
+var isBinaryPath$1 = filePath => extensions.has(path$8.extname(filePath).slice(1).toLowerCase());
+var constants$1 = {};
+(function (exports) {
+const {sep} = path$b;
+const {platform} = process;
+const os = require$$0$2;
+exports.EV_ALL = 'all';
+exports.EV_READY = 'ready';
+exports.EV_ADD = 'add';
+exports.EV_CHANGE = 'change';
+exports.EV_ADD_DIR = 'addDir';
+exports.EV_UNLINK = 'unlink';
+exports.EV_UNLINK_DIR = 'unlinkDir';
+exports.EV_RAW = 'raw';
+exports.EV_ERROR = 'error';
+exports.STR_DATA = 'data';
+exports.STR_END = 'end';
+exports.STR_CLOSE = 'close';
+exports.FSEVENT_CREATED = 'created';
+exports.FSEVENT_MODIFIED = 'modified';
+exports.FSEVENT_DELETED = 'deleted';
+exports.FSEVENT_MOVED = 'moved';
+exports.FSEVENT_CLONED = 'cloned';
+exports.FSEVENT_UNKNOWN = 'unknown';
+exports.FSEVENT_TYPE_FILE = 'file';
+exports.FSEVENT_TYPE_DIRECTORY = 'directory';
+exports.FSEVENT_TYPE_SYMLINK = 'symlink';
+exports.KEY_LISTENERS = 'listeners';
+exports.KEY_ERR = 'errHandlers';
+exports.KEY_RAW = 'rawEmitters';
+exports.HANDLER_KEYS = [exports.KEY_LISTENERS, exports.KEY_ERR, exports.KEY_RAW];
+exports.DOT_SLASH = `.${sep}`;
+exports.BACK_SLASH_RE = /\\/g;
+exports.DOUBLE_SLASH_RE = /\/\//;
+exports.SLASH_OR_BACK_SLASH_RE = /[/\\]/;
+exports.DOT_RE = /\..*\.(sw[px])$|~$|\.subl.*\.tmp/;
+exports.REPLACER_RE = /^\.[/\\]/;
+exports.SLASH = '/';
+exports.SLASH_SLASH = '//';
+exports.BRACE_START = '{';
+exports.BANG = '!';
+exports.ONE_DOT = '.';
+exports.TWO_DOTS = '..';
+exports.STAR = '*';
+exports.GLOBSTAR = '**';
+exports.ROOT_GLOBSTAR = '/**/*';
+exports.SLASH_GLOBSTAR = '/**';
+exports.DIR_SUFFIX = 'Dir';
+exports.ANYMATCH_OPTS = {dot: true};
+exports.STRING_TYPE = 'string';
+exports.FUNCTION_TYPE = 'function';
+exports.EMPTY_STR = '';
+exports.EMPTY_FN = () => {};
+exports.IDENTITY_FN = val => val;
+exports.isWindows = platform === 'win32';
+exports.isMacos = platform === 'darwin';
+exports.isLinux = platform === 'linux';
+exports.isIBMi = os.type() === 'OS400';
+const fs$8 = require$$0$3;
+const sysPath$2 = path$b;
+const { promisify: promisify$2 } = require$$0$4;
+const isBinaryPath = isBinaryPath$1;
+const {
+ isWindows: isWindows$3,
+ isLinux,
+} = constants$1;
+const THROTTLE_MODE_WATCH = 'watch';
+const open = promisify$2(fs$;
+const stat$2 = promisify$2(fs$8.stat);
+const lstat$1 = promisify$2(fs$8.lstat);
+const close = promisify$2(fs$8.close);
+const fsrealpath = promisify$2(fs$8.realpath);
+const statMethods$1 = { lstat: lstat$1, stat: stat$2 };
+// TODO: emit errors properly. Example: EMFILE on Macos.
+const foreach = (val, fn) => {
+ if (val instanceof Set) {
+ val.forEach(fn);
+ } else {
+ fn(val);
+ }
+const addAndConvert = (main, prop, item) => {
+ let container = main[prop];
+ if (!(container instanceof Set)) {
+ main[prop] = container = new Set([container]);
+ }
+ container.add(item);
+const clearItem = cont => key => {
+ const set = cont[key];
+ if (set instanceof Set) {
+ set.clear();
+ } else {
+ delete cont[key];
+ }
+const delFromSet = (main, prop, item) => {
+ const container = main[prop];
+ if (container instanceof Set) {
+ container.delete(item);
+ } else if (container === item) {
+ delete main[prop];
+ }
+const isEmptySet = (val) => val instanceof Set ? val.size === 0 : !val;
+ * @typedef {String} Path
+ */
+// fs_watch helpers
+// object to hold per-process fs_watch instances
+// (may be shared across chokidar FSWatcher instances)
+ * @typedef {Object} FsWatchContainer
+ * @property {Set} listeners
+ * @property {Set} errHandlers
+ * @property {Set} rawEmitters
+ * @property {fs.FSWatcher=} watcher
+ * @property {Boolean=} watcherUnusable
+ */
+ * @type {Map<String,FsWatchContainer>}
+ */
+const FsWatchInstances = new Map();
+ * Instantiates the fs_watch interface
+ * @param {String} path to be watched
+ * @param {Object} options to be passed to fs_watch
+ * @param {Function} listener main event handler
+ * @param {Function} errHandler emits info about errors
+ * @param {Function} emitRaw emits raw event data
+ * @returns {fs.FSWatcher} new fsevents instance
+ */
+function createFsWatchInstance(path, options, listener, errHandler, emitRaw) {
+ const handleEvent = (rawEvent, evPath) => {
+ listener(path);
+ emitRaw(rawEvent, evPath, {watchedPath: path});
+ // emit based on events occurring for files from a directory's watcher in
+ // case the file's watcher misses it (and rely on throttling to de-dupe)
+ if (evPath && path !== evPath) {
+ fsWatchBroadcast(
+ sysPath$2.resolve(path, evPath), KEY_LISTENERS, sysPath$2.join(path, evPath)
+ );
+ }
+ };
+ try {
+ return fs$, options, handleEvent);
+ } catch (error) {
+ errHandler(error);
+ }
+ * Helper for passing fs_watch event data to a collection of listeners
+ * @param {Path} fullPath absolute path bound to fs_watch instance
+ * @param {String} type listener type
+ * @param {*=} val1 arguments to be passed to listeners
+ * @param {*=} val2
+ * @param {*=} val3
+ */
+const fsWatchBroadcast = (fullPath, type, val1, val2, val3) => {
+ const cont = FsWatchInstances.get(fullPath);
+ if (!cont) return;
+ foreach(cont[type], (listener) => {
+ listener(val1, val2, val3);
+ });
+ * Instantiates the fs_watch interface or binds listeners
+ * to an existing one covering the same file system entry
+ * @param {String} path
+ * @param {String} fullPath absolute path
+ * @param {Object} options to be passed to fs_watch
+ * @param {Object} handlers container for event listener functions
+ */
+const setFsWatchListener = (path, fullPath, options, handlers) => {
+ const {listener, errHandler, rawEmitter} = handlers;
+ let cont = FsWatchInstances.get(fullPath);
+ /** @type {fs.FSWatcher=} */
+ let watcher;
+ if (!options.persistent) {
+ watcher = createFsWatchInstance(
+ path, options, listener, errHandler, rawEmitter
+ );
+ return watcher.close.bind(watcher);
+ }
+ if (cont) {
+ addAndConvert(cont, KEY_LISTENERS, listener);
+ addAndConvert(cont, KEY_ERR, errHandler);
+ addAndConvert(cont, KEY_RAW, rawEmitter);
+ } else {
+ watcher = createFsWatchInstance(
+ path,
+ options,
+ fsWatchBroadcast.bind(null, fullPath, KEY_LISTENERS),
+ errHandler, // no need to use broadcast here
+ fsWatchBroadcast.bind(null, fullPath, KEY_RAW)
+ );
+ if (!watcher) return;
+ watcher.on(EV_ERROR$2, async (error) => {
+ const broadcastErr = fsWatchBroadcast.bind(null, fullPath, KEY_ERR);
+ cont.watcherUnusable = true; // documented since Node 10.4.1
+ // Workaround for
+ if (isWindows$3 && error.code === 'EPERM') {
+ try {
+ const fd = await open(path, 'r');
+ await close(fd);
+ broadcastErr(error);
+ } catch (err) {}
+ } else {
+ broadcastErr(error);
+ });
+ cont = {
+ listeners: listener,
+ errHandlers: errHandler,
+ rawEmitters: rawEmitter,
+ watcher
+ };
+ FsWatchInstances.set(fullPath, cont);
+ }
+ // const index = cont.listeners.indexOf(listener);
+ // removes this instance's listeners and closes the underlying fs_watch
+ // instance if there are no more listeners left
+ return () => {
+ delFromSet(cont, KEY_LISTENERS, listener);
+ delFromSet(cont, KEY_ERR, errHandler);
+ delFromSet(cont, KEY_RAW, rawEmitter);
+ if (isEmptySet(cont.listeners)) {
+ // Check to protect against issue gh-730.
+ // if (cont.watcherUnusable) {
+ cont.watcher.close();
+ // }
+ FsWatchInstances.delete(fullPath);
+ HANDLER_KEYS.forEach(clearItem(cont));
+ cont.watcher = undefined;
+ Object.freeze(cont);
+ };
+// fs_watchFile helpers
+// object to hold per-process fs_watchFile instances
+// (may be shared across chokidar FSWatcher instances)
+const FsWatchFileInstances = new Map();
+ * Instantiates the fs_watchFile interface or binds listeners
+ * to an existing one covering the same file system entry
+ * @param {String} path to be watched
+ * @param {String} fullPath absolute path
+ * @param {Object} options options to be passed to fs_watchFile
+ * @param {Object} handlers container for event listener functions
+ * @returns {Function} closer
+ */
+const setFsWatchFileListener = (path, fullPath, options, handlers) => {
+ const {listener, rawEmitter} = handlers;
+ let cont = FsWatchFileInstances.get(fullPath);
+ const copts = cont && cont.options;
+ if (copts && (copts.persistent < options.persistent || copts.interval > options.interval)) {
+ fs$8.unwatchFile(fullPath);
+ cont = undefined;
- // Invoke `next`, only once.
- function done() {
- if (!invoked) {
- invoked = true;
+ /* eslint-enable no-unused-vars, prefer-destructuring */
+ if (cont) {
+ addAndConvert(cont, KEY_LISTENERS, listener);
+ addAndConvert(cont, KEY_RAW, rawEmitter);
+ } else {
+ // TODO
+ // listeners.add(listener);
+ // rawEmitters.add(rawEmitter);
+ cont = {
+ listeners: listener,
+ rawEmitters: rawEmitter,
+ options,
+ watcher: fs$8.watchFile(fullPath, options, (curr, prev) => {
+ foreach(cont.rawEmitters, (rawEmitter) => {
+ rawEmitter(EV_CHANGE$2, fullPath, {curr, prev});
+ });
+ const currmtime = curr.mtimeMs;
+ if (curr.size !== prev.size || currmtime > prev.mtimeMs || currmtime === 0) {
+ foreach(cont.listeners, (listener) => listener(path, curr));
+ }
+ })
+ };
+ FsWatchFileInstances.set(fullPath, cont);
+ }
+ // const index = cont.listeners.indexOf(listener);
- callback.apply(null, arguments);
+ // Removes this instance's listeners and closes the underlying fs_watchFile
+ // instance if there are no more listeners left.
+ return () => {
+ delFromSet(cont, KEY_LISTENERS, listener);
+ delFromSet(cont, KEY_RAW, rawEmitter);
+ if (isEmptySet(cont.listeners)) {
+ FsWatchFileInstances.delete(fullPath);
+ fs$8.unwatchFile(fullPath);
+ cont.options = cont.watcher = undefined;
+ Object.freeze(cont);
+ };
+ * @mixin
+ */
+class NodeFsHandler$1 {
+ * @param {import("../index").FSWatcher} fsW
+ */
+constructor(fsW) {
+ this.fsw = fsW;
+ this._boundHandleError = (error) => fsW._handleError(error);
+ * Watch file for changes with fs_watchFile or fs_watch.
+ * @param {String} path to file or dir
+ * @param {Function} listener on fs change
+ * @returns {Function} closer for the watcher instance
+ */
+_watchWithNodeFs(path, listener) {
+ const opts = this.fsw.options;
+ const directory = sysPath$2.dirname(path);
+ const basename = sysPath$2.basename(path);
+ const parent = this.fsw._getWatchedDir(directory);
+ parent.add(basename);
+ const absolutePath = sysPath$2.resolve(path);
+ const options = {persistent: opts.persistent};
+ if (!listener) listener = EMPTY_FN$2;
+ let closer;
+ if (opts.usePolling) {
+ options.interval = opts.enableBinaryInterval && isBinaryPath(basename) ?
+ opts.binaryInterval : opts.interval;
+ closer = setFsWatchFileListener(path, absolutePath, options, {
+ listener,
+ rawEmitter: this.fsw._emitRaw
+ });
+ } else {
+ closer = setFsWatchListener(path, absolutePath, options, {
+ listener,
+ errHandler: this._boundHandleError,
+ rawEmitter: this.fsw._emitRaw
+ });
+ return closer;
- // Invoke `done` with one value.
- // Tracks if an error is passed, too.
- function then(value) {
- done(null, value);
+ * Watch a file and emit add event if warranted.
+ * @param {Path} file Path
+ * @param {fs.Stats} stats result of fs_stat
+ * @param {Boolean} initialAdd was the file added at watch instantiation?
+ * @returns {Function} closer for the watcher instance
+ */
+_handleFile(file, stats, initialAdd) {
+ if (this.fsw.closed) {
+ return;
+ const dirname = sysPath$2.dirname(file);
+ const basename = sysPath$2.basename(file);
+ const parent = this.fsw._getWatchedDir(dirname);
+ // stats is always present
+ let prevStats = stats;
+ // if the file is already being watched, do nothing
+ if (parent.has(basename)) return;
+ const listener = async (path, newStats) => {
+ if (!this.fsw._throttle(THROTTLE_MODE_WATCH, file, 5)) return;
+ if (!newStats || newStats.mtimeMs === 0) {
+ try {
+ const newStats = await stat$2(file);
+ if (this.fsw.closed) return;
+ // Check that change event was not fired because of changed only accessTime.
+ const at = newStats.atimeMs;
+ const mt = newStats.mtimeMs;
+ if (!at || at <= mt || mt !== prevStats.mtimeMs) {
+ this.fsw._emit(EV_CHANGE$2, file, newStats);
+ }
+ if (isLinux && prevStats.ino !== newStats.ino) {
+ this.fsw._closeFile(path);
+ prevStats = newStats;
+ this.fsw._addPathCloser(path, this._watchWithNodeFs(file, listener));
+ } else {
+ prevStats = newStats;
+ }
+ } catch (error) {
+ // Fix issues where mtime is null but file is still present
+ this.fsw._remove(dirname, basename);
+ }
+ // add is about to be emitted if file not already tracked in parent
+ } else if (parent.has(basename)) {
+ // Check that change event was not fired because of changed only accessTime.
+ const at = newStats.atimeMs;
+ const mt = newStats.mtimeMs;
+ if (!at || at <= mt || mt !== prevStats.mtimeMs) {
+ this.fsw._emit(EV_CHANGE$2, file, newStats);
+ }
+ prevStats = newStats;
+ }
+ };
+ // kick off the watcher
+ const closer = this._watchWithNodeFs(file, listener);
+ // emit an add event if we're supposed to
+ if (!(initialAdd && this.fsw.options.ignoreInitial) && this.fsw._isntIgnored(file)) {
+ if (!this.fsw._throttle(EV_ADD$2, file, 0)) return;
+ this.fsw._emit(EV_ADD$2, file, stats);
+ }
+ return closer;
-var wrap$2 = wrap_1;
+ * Handle symlinks encountered while reading a dir.
+ * @param {Object} entry returned by readdirp
+ * @param {String} directory path of dir being read
+ * @param {String} path of this item
+ * @param {String} item basename of this item
+ * @returns {Promise<Boolean>} true if no more processing is needed for this entry.
+ */
+async _handleSymlink(entry, directory, path, item) {
+ if (this.fsw.closed) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const full = entry.fullPath;
+ const dir = this.fsw._getWatchedDir(directory);
-var trough_1 = trough$4;
+ if (!this.fsw.options.followSymlinks) {
+ // watch symlink directly (don't follow) and detect changes
+ this.fsw._incrReadyCount();
+ const linkPath = await fsrealpath(path);
+ if (this.fsw.closed) return;
+ if (dir.has(item)) {
+ if (this.fsw._symlinkPaths.get(full) !== linkPath) {
+ this.fsw._symlinkPaths.set(full, linkPath);
+ this.fsw._emit(EV_CHANGE$2, path, entry.stats);
+ }
+ } else {
+ dir.add(item);
+ this.fsw._symlinkPaths.set(full, linkPath);
+ this.fsw._emit(EV_ADD$2, path, entry.stats);
+ }
+ this.fsw._emitReady();
+ return true;
+ }
+ // don't follow the same symlink more than once
+ if (this.fsw._symlinkPaths.has(full)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ this.fsw._symlinkPaths.set(full, true);
-trough$4.wrap = wrap$2;
+_handleRead(directory, initialAdd, wh, target, dir, depth, throttler) {
+ // Normalize the directory name on Windows
+ directory = sysPath$2.join(directory, EMPTY_STR$1);
-var slice$3 = [].slice;
+ if (!wh.hasGlob) {
+ throttler = this.fsw._throttle('readdir', directory, 1000);
+ if (!throttler) return;
+ }
-// Create new middleware.
-function trough$4() {
- var fns = [];
- var middleware = {};
+ const previous = this.fsw._getWatchedDir(wh.path);
+ const current = new Set();
- = run;
- middleware.use = use;
+ let stream = this.fsw._readdirp(directory, {
+ fileFilter: entry => wh.filterPath(entry),
+ directoryFilter: entry => wh.filterDir(entry),
+ depth: 0
+ }).on(STR_DATA$1, async (entry) => {
+ if (this.fsw.closed) {
+ stream = undefined;
+ return;
+ }
+ const item = entry.path;
+ let path = sysPath$2.join(directory, item);
+ current.add(item);
- return middleware
+ if (entry.stats.isSymbolicLink() && await this._handleSymlink(entry, directory, path, item)) {
+ return;
+ }
- // Run `fns`. Last argument must be a completion handler.
- function run() {
- var index = -1;
- var input = slice$, 0, -1);
- var done = arguments[arguments.length - 1];
+ if (this.fsw.closed) {
+ stream = undefined;
+ return;
+ }
+ // Files that present in current directory snapshot
+ // but absent in previous are added to watch list and
+ // emit `add` event.
+ if (item === target || !target && !previous.has(item)) {
+ this.fsw._incrReadyCount();
+ // ensure relativeness of path is preserved in case of watcher reuse
+ path = sysPath$2.join(dir, sysPath$2.relative(dir, path));
+ this._addToNodeFs(path, initialAdd, wh, depth + 1);
+ }
+ }).on(EV_ERROR$2, this._boundHandleError);
+ return new Promise(resolve =>
+ stream.once(STR_END$2, () => {
+ if (this.fsw.closed) {
+ stream = undefined;
+ return;
+ }
+ const wasThrottled = throttler ? throttler.clear() : false;
+ resolve();
+ // Files that absent in current directory snapshot
+ // but present in previous emit `remove` event
+ // and are removed from @watched[directory].
+ previous.getChildren().filter((item) => {
+ return item !== directory &&
+ !current.has(item) &&
+ // in case of intersecting globs;
+ // a path may have been filtered out of this readdir, but
+ // shouldn't be removed because it matches a different glob
+ (!wh.hasGlob || wh.filterPath({
+ fullPath: sysPath$2.resolve(directory, item)
+ }));
+ }).forEach((item) => {
+ this.fsw._remove(directory, item);
+ });
+ stream = undefined;
+ // one more time for any missed in case changes came in extremely quickly
+ if (wasThrottled) this._handleRead(directory, false, wh, target, dir, depth, throttler);
+ })
+ );
+ * Read directory to add / remove files from `@watched` list and re-read it on change.
+ * @param {String} dir fs path
+ * @param {fs.Stats} stats
+ * @param {Boolean} initialAdd
+ * @param {Number} depth relative to user-supplied path
+ * @param {String} target child path targeted for watch
+ * @param {Object} wh Common watch helpers for this path
+ * @param {String} realpath
+ * @returns {Promise<Function>} closer for the watcher instance.
+ */
+async _handleDir(dir, stats, initialAdd, depth, target, wh, realpath) {
+ const parentDir = this.fsw._getWatchedDir(sysPath$2.dirname(dir));
+ const tracked = parentDir.has(sysPath$2.basename(dir));
+ if (!(initialAdd && this.fsw.options.ignoreInitial) && !target && !tracked) {
+ if (!wh.hasGlob || wh.globFilter(dir)) this.fsw._emit(EV_ADD_DIR$2, dir, stats);
+ }
+ // ensure dir is tracked (harmless if redundant)
+ parentDir.add(sysPath$2.basename(dir));
+ this.fsw._getWatchedDir(dir);
+ let throttler;
+ let closer;
+ const oDepth = this.fsw.options.depth;
+ if ((oDepth == null || depth <= oDepth) && !this.fsw._symlinkPaths.has(realpath)) {
+ if (!target) {
+ await this._handleRead(dir, initialAdd, wh, target, dir, depth, throttler);
+ if (this.fsw.closed) return;
+ }
+ closer = this._watchWithNodeFs(dir, (dirPath, stats) => {
+ // if current directory is removed, do nothing
+ if (stats && stats.mtimeMs === 0) return;
+ this._handleRead(dirPath, false, wh, target, dir, depth, throttler);
+ });
+ }
+ return closer;
+ * Handle added file, directory, or glob pattern.
+ * Delegates call to _handleFile / _handleDir after checks.
+ * @param {String} path to file or ir
+ * @param {Boolean} initialAdd was the file added at watch instantiation?
+ * @param {Object} priorWh depth relative to user-supplied path
+ * @param {Number} depth Child path actually targeted for watch
+ * @param {String=} target Child path actually targeted for watch
+ * @returns {Promise}
+ */
+async _addToNodeFs(path, initialAdd, priorWh, depth, target) {
+ const ready = this.fsw._emitReady;
+ if (this.fsw._isIgnored(path) || this.fsw.closed) {
+ ready();
+ return false;
+ }
+ const wh = this.fsw._getWatchHelpers(path, depth);
+ if (!wh.hasGlob && priorWh) {
+ wh.hasGlob = priorWh.hasGlob;
+ wh.globFilter = priorWh.globFilter;
+ wh.filterPath = entry => priorWh.filterPath(entry);
+ wh.filterDir = entry => priorWh.filterDir(entry);
+ }
+ // evaluate what is at the path we're being asked to watch
+ try {
+ const stats = await statMethods$1[wh.statMethod](wh.watchPath);
+ if (this.fsw.closed) return;
+ if (this.fsw._isIgnored(wh.watchPath, stats)) {
+ ready();
+ return false;
+ }
+ const follow = this.fsw.options.followSymlinks && !path.includes(STAR) && !path.includes(BRACE_START$1);
+ let closer;
+ if (stats.isDirectory()) {
+ const absPath = sysPath$2.resolve(path);
+ const targetPath = follow ? await fsrealpath(path) : path;
+ if (this.fsw.closed) return;
+ closer = await this._handleDir(wh.watchPath, stats, initialAdd, depth, target, wh, targetPath);
+ if (this.fsw.closed) return;
+ // preserve this symlink's target path
+ if (absPath !== targetPath && targetPath !== undefined) {
+ this.fsw._symlinkPaths.set(absPath, targetPath);
+ }
+ } else if (stats.isSymbolicLink()) {
+ const targetPath = follow ? await fsrealpath(path) : path;
+ if (this.fsw.closed) return;
+ const parent = sysPath$2.dirname(wh.watchPath);
+ this.fsw._getWatchedDir(parent).add(wh.watchPath);
+ this.fsw._emit(EV_ADD$2, wh.watchPath, stats);
+ closer = await this._handleDir(parent, stats, initialAdd, depth, path, wh, targetPath);
+ if (this.fsw.closed) return;
+ // preserve this symlink's target path
+ if (targetPath !== undefined) {
+ this.fsw._symlinkPaths.set(sysPath$2.resolve(path), targetPath);
+ }
+ } else {
+ closer = this._handleFile(wh.watchPath, stats, initialAdd);
+ }
+ ready();
+ this.fsw._addPathCloser(path, closer);
+ return false;
+ } catch (error) {
+ if (this.fsw._handleError(error)) {
+ ready();
+ return path;
+ }
+ }
+var nodefsHandler = NodeFsHandler$1;
+var fseventsHandler = {exports: {}};
+const fs$7 = require$$0$3;
+const sysPath$1 = path$b;
+const { promisify: promisify$1 } = require$$0$4;
+let fsevents;
+try {
+ fsevents = undefined;
+} catch (error) {
+ if (process.env.CHOKIDAR_PRINT_FSEVENTS_REQUIRE_ERROR) console.error(error);
+if (fsevents) {
+ // TODO: real check
+ const mtch = process.version.match(/v(\d+)\.(\d+)/);
+ if (mtch && mtch[1] && mtch[2]) {
+ const maj = Number.parseInt(mtch[1], 10);
+ const min = Number.parseInt(mtch[2], 10);
+ if (maj === 8 && min < 16) {
+ fsevents = undefined;
+ }
+ }
+const {
+} = constants$1;
+const Depth = (value) => isNaN(value) ? {} : {depth: value};
+const stat$1 = promisify$1(fs$7.stat);
+const lstat = promisify$1(fs$7.lstat);
+const realpath$1 = promisify$1(fs$7.realpath);
+const statMethods = { stat: stat$1, lstat };
+ * @typedef {String} Path
+ */
+ * @typedef {Object} FsEventsWatchContainer
+ * @property {Set<Function>} listeners
+ * @property {Function} rawEmitter
+ * @property {{stop: Function}} watcher
+ */
+// fsevents instance helper functions
+ * Object to hold per-process fsevents instances (may be shared across chokidar FSWatcher instances)
+ * @type {Map<Path,FsEventsWatchContainer>}
+ */
+const FSEventsWatchers = new Map();
+// Threshold of duplicate path prefixes at which to start
+// consolidating going forward
+const consolidateThreshhold = 10;
+const wrongEventFlags = new Set([
+ 69888, 70400, 71424, 72704, 73472, 131328, 131840, 262912
+ * Instantiates the fsevents interface
+ * @param {Path} path path to be watched
+ * @param {Function} callback called when fsevents is bound and ready
+ * @returns {{stop: Function}} new fsevents instance
+ */
+const createFSEventsInstance = (path, callback) => {
+ const stop =, callback);
+ return {stop};
+ * Instantiates the fsevents interface or binds listeners to an existing one covering
+ * the same file tree.
+ * @param {Path} path - to be watched
+ * @param {Path} realPath - real path for symlinks
+ * @param {Function} listener - called when fsevents emits events
+ * @param {Function} rawEmitter - passes data to listeners of the 'raw' event
+ * @returns {Function} closer
+ */
+function setFSEventsListener(path, realPath, listener, rawEmitter) {
+ let watchPath = sysPath$1.extname(realPath) ? sysPath$1.dirname(realPath) : realPath;
+ const parentPath = sysPath$1.dirname(watchPath);
+ let cont = FSEventsWatchers.get(watchPath);
+ // If we've accumulated a substantial number of paths that
+ // could have been consolidated by watching one directory
+ // above the current one, create a watcher on the parent
+ // path instead, so that we do consolidate going forward.
+ if (couldConsolidate(parentPath)) {
+ watchPath = parentPath;
+ }
+ const resolvedPath = sysPath$1.resolve(path);
+ const hasSymlink = resolvedPath !== realPath;
+ const filteredListener = (fullPath, flags, info) => {
+ if (hasSymlink) fullPath = fullPath.replace(realPath, resolvedPath);
+ if (
+ fullPath === resolvedPath ||
+ !fullPath.indexOf(resolvedPath + sysPath$1.sep)
+ ) listener(fullPath, flags, info);
+ };
+ // check if there is already a watcher on a parent path
+ // modifies `watchPath` to the parent path when it finds a match
+ let watchedParent = false;
+ for (const watchedPath of FSEventsWatchers.keys()) {
+ if (realPath.indexOf(sysPath$1.resolve(watchedPath) + sysPath$1.sep) === 0) {
+ watchPath = watchedPath;
+ cont = FSEventsWatchers.get(watchPath);
+ watchedParent = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (cont || watchedParent) {
+ cont.listeners.add(filteredListener);
+ } else {
+ cont = {
+ listeners: new Set([filteredListener]),
+ rawEmitter,
+ watcher: createFSEventsInstance(watchPath, (fullPath, flags) => {
+ if (!cont.listeners.size) return;
+ const info = fsevents.getInfo(fullPath, flags);
+ cont.listeners.forEach(list => {
+ list(fullPath, flags, info);
+ });
+ cont.rawEmitter(info.event, fullPath, info);
+ })
+ };
+ FSEventsWatchers.set(watchPath, cont);
+ }
+ // removes this instance's listeners and closes the underlying fsevents
+ // instance if there are no more listeners left
+ return () => {
+ const lst = cont.listeners;
+ lst.delete(filteredListener);
+ if (!lst.size) {
+ FSEventsWatchers.delete(watchPath);
+ if (cont.watcher) return cont.watcher.stop().then(() => {
+ cont.rawEmitter = cont.watcher = undefined;
+ Object.freeze(cont);
+ });
+ }
+ };
+// Decide whether or not we should start a new higher-level
+// parent watcher
+const couldConsolidate = (path) => {
+ let count = 0;
+ for (const watchPath of FSEventsWatchers.keys()) {
+ if (watchPath.indexOf(path) === 0) {
+ count++;
+ if (count >= consolidateThreshhold) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+// returns boolean indicating whether fsevents can be used
+const canUse = () => fsevents && FSEventsWatchers.size < 128;
+// determines subdirectory traversal levels from root to path
+const calcDepth = (path, root) => {
+ let i = 0;
+ while (!path.indexOf(root) && (path = sysPath$1.dirname(path)) !== root) i++;
+ return i;
+// returns boolean indicating whether the fsevents' event info has the same type
+// as the one returned by fs.stat
+const sameTypes = (info, stats) => (
+ info.type === FSEVENT_TYPE_DIRECTORY && stats.isDirectory() ||
+ info.type === FSEVENT_TYPE_SYMLINK && stats.isSymbolicLink() ||
+ info.type === FSEVENT_TYPE_FILE && stats.isFile()
+ * @mixin
+ */
+class FsEventsHandler$1 {
+ * @param {import('../index').FSWatcher} fsw
+ */
+constructor(fsw) {
+ this.fsw = fsw;
+checkIgnored(path, stats) {
+ const ipaths = this.fsw._ignoredPaths;
+ if (this.fsw._isIgnored(path, stats)) {
+ ipaths.add(path);
+ if (stats && stats.isDirectory()) {
+ ipaths.add(path + ROOT_GLOBSTAR);
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ ipaths.delete(path);
+ ipaths.delete(path + ROOT_GLOBSTAR);
+addOrChange(path, fullPath, realPath, parent, watchedDir, item, info, opts) {
+ const event = watchedDir.has(item) ? EV_CHANGE$1 : EV_ADD$1;
+ this.handleEvent(event, path, fullPath, realPath, parent, watchedDir, item, info, opts);
+async checkExists(path, fullPath, realPath, parent, watchedDir, item, info, opts) {
+ try {
+ const stats = await stat$1(path);
+ if (this.fsw.closed) return;
+ if (sameTypes(info, stats)) {
+ this.addOrChange(path, fullPath, realPath, parent, watchedDir, item, info, opts);
+ } else {
+ this.handleEvent(EV_UNLINK$1, path, fullPath, realPath, parent, watchedDir, item, info, opts);
+ }
+ } catch (error) {
+ if (error.code === 'EACCES') {
+ this.addOrChange(path, fullPath, realPath, parent, watchedDir, item, info, opts);
+ } else {
+ this.handleEvent(EV_UNLINK$1, path, fullPath, realPath, parent, watchedDir, item, info, opts);
+ }
+ }
+handleEvent(event, path, fullPath, realPath, parent, watchedDir, item, info, opts) {
+ if (this.fsw.closed || this.checkIgnored(path)) return;
+ if (event === EV_UNLINK$1) {
+ const isDirectory = info.type === FSEVENT_TYPE_DIRECTORY;
+ // suppress unlink events on never before seen files
+ if (isDirectory || watchedDir.has(item)) {
+ this.fsw._remove(parent, item, isDirectory);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (event === EV_ADD$1) {
+ // track new directories
+ if (info.type === FSEVENT_TYPE_DIRECTORY) this.fsw._getWatchedDir(path);
+ if (info.type === FSEVENT_TYPE_SYMLINK && opts.followSymlinks) {
+ // push symlinks back to the top of the stack to get handled
+ const curDepth = opts.depth === undefined ?
+ undefined : calcDepth(fullPath, realPath) + 1;
+ return this._addToFsEvents(path, false, true, curDepth);
+ }
+ // track new paths
+ // (other than symlinks being followed, which will be tracked soon)
+ this.fsw._getWatchedDir(parent).add(item);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @type {'add'|'addDir'|'unlink'|'unlinkDir'}
+ */
+ const eventName = info.type === FSEVENT_TYPE_DIRECTORY ? event + DIR_SUFFIX : event;
+ this.fsw._emit(eventName, path);
+ if (eventName === EV_ADD_DIR$1) this._addToFsEvents(path, false, true);
+ }
+ * Handle symlinks encountered during directory scan
+ * @param {String} watchPath - file/dir path to be watched with fsevents
+ * @param {String} realPath - real path (in case of symlinks)
+ * @param {Function} transform - path transformer
+ * @param {Function} globFilter - path filter in case a glob pattern was provided
+ * @returns {Function} closer for the watcher instance
+_watchWithFsEvents(watchPath, realPath, transform, globFilter) {
+ if (this.fsw.closed || this.fsw._isIgnored(watchPath)) return;
+ const opts = this.fsw.options;
+ const watchCallback = async (fullPath, flags, info) => {
+ if (this.fsw.closed) return;
+ if (
+ opts.depth !== undefined &&
+ calcDepth(fullPath, realPath) > opts.depth
+ ) return;
+ const path = transform(sysPath$1.join(
+ watchPath, sysPath$1.relative(watchPath, fullPath)
+ ));
+ if (globFilter && !globFilter(path)) return;
+ // ensure directories are tracked
+ const parent = sysPath$1.dirname(path);
+ const item = sysPath$1.basename(path);
+ const watchedDir = this.fsw._getWatchedDir(
+ info.type === FSEVENT_TYPE_DIRECTORY ? path : parent
+ );
+ // correct for wrong events emitted
+ if (wrongEventFlags.has(flags) || info.event === FSEVENT_UNKNOWN) {
+ if (typeof opts.ignored === FUNCTION_TYPE$1) {
+ let stats;
+ try {
+ stats = await stat$1(path);
+ } catch (error) {}
+ if (this.fsw.closed) return;
+ if (this.checkIgnored(path, stats)) return;
+ if (sameTypes(info, stats)) {
+ this.addOrChange(path, fullPath, realPath, parent, watchedDir, item, info, opts);
+ } else {
+ this.handleEvent(EV_UNLINK$1, path, fullPath, realPath, parent, watchedDir, item, info, opts);
+ }
+ } else {
+ this.checkExists(path, fullPath, realPath, parent, watchedDir, item, info, opts);
+ }
+ } else {
+ switch (info.event) {
+ return this.addOrChange(path, fullPath, realPath, parent, watchedDir, item, info, opts);
+ return this.checkExists(path, fullPath, realPath, parent, watchedDir, item, info, opts);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ const closer = setFSEventsListener(
+ watchPath,
+ realPath,
+ watchCallback,
+ this.fsw._emitRaw
+ );
+ this.fsw._emitReady();
+ return closer;
+ * Handle symlinks encountered during directory scan
+ * @param {String} linkPath path to symlink
+ * @param {String} fullPath absolute path to the symlink
+ * @param {Function} transform pre-existing path transformer
+ * @param {Number} curDepth level of subdirectories traversed to where symlink is
+ * @returns {Promise<void>}
+ */
+async _handleFsEventsSymlink(linkPath, fullPath, transform, curDepth) {
+ // don't follow the same symlink more than once
+ if (this.fsw.closed || this.fsw._symlinkPaths.has(fullPath)) return;
+ this.fsw._symlinkPaths.set(fullPath, true);
+ this.fsw._incrReadyCount();
+ try {
+ const linkTarget = await realpath$1(linkPath);
+ if (this.fsw.closed) return;
+ if (this.fsw._isIgnored(linkTarget)) {
+ return this.fsw._emitReady();
+ }
+ this.fsw._incrReadyCount();
+ // add the linkTarget for watching with a wrapper for transform
+ // that causes emitted paths to incorporate the link's path
+ this._addToFsEvents(linkTarget || linkPath, (path) => {
+ let aliasedPath = linkPath;
+ if (linkTarget && linkTarget !== DOT_SLASH) {
+ aliasedPath = path.replace(linkTarget, linkPath);
+ } else if (path !== DOT_SLASH) {
+ aliasedPath = sysPath$1.join(linkPath, path);
+ }
+ return transform(aliasedPath);
+ }, false, curDepth);
+ } catch(error) {
+ if (this.fsw._handleError(error)) {
+ return this.fsw._emitReady();
+ }
+ }
+ *
+ * @param {Path} newPath
+ * @param {fs.Stats} stats
+ */
+emitAdd(newPath, stats, processPath, opts, forceAdd) {
+ const pp = processPath(newPath);
+ const isDir = stats.isDirectory();
+ const dirObj = this.fsw._getWatchedDir(sysPath$1.dirname(pp));
+ const base = sysPath$1.basename(pp);
+ // ensure empty dirs get tracked
+ if (isDir) this.fsw._getWatchedDir(pp);
+ if (dirObj.has(base)) return;
+ dirObj.add(base);
+ if (!opts.ignoreInitial || forceAdd === true) {
+ this.fsw._emit(isDir ? EV_ADD_DIR$1 : EV_ADD$1, pp, stats);
+ }
+initWatch(realPath, path, wh, processPath) {
+ if (this.fsw.closed) return;
+ const closer = this._watchWithFsEvents(
+ wh.watchPath,
+ sysPath$1.resolve(realPath || wh.watchPath),
+ processPath,
+ wh.globFilter
+ );
+ this.fsw._addPathCloser(path, closer);
+ * Handle added path with fsevents
+ * @param {String} path file/dir path or glob pattern
+ * @param {Function|Boolean=} transform converts working path to what the user expects
+ * @param {Boolean=} forceAdd ensure add is emitted
+ * @param {Number=} priorDepth Level of subdirectories already traversed.
+ * @returns {Promise<void>}
+ */
+async _addToFsEvents(path, transform, forceAdd, priorDepth) {
+ if (this.fsw.closed) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const opts = this.fsw.options;
+ const processPath = typeof transform === FUNCTION_TYPE$1 ? transform : IDENTITY_FN;
+ const wh = this.fsw._getWatchHelpers(path);
+ // evaluate what is at the path we're being asked to watch
+ try {
+ const stats = await statMethods[wh.statMethod](wh.watchPath);
+ if (this.fsw.closed) return;
+ if (this.fsw._isIgnored(wh.watchPath, stats)) {
+ throw null;
+ }
+ if (stats.isDirectory()) {
+ // emit addDir unless this is a glob parent
+ if (!wh.globFilter) this.emitAdd(processPath(path), stats, processPath, opts, forceAdd);
+ // don't recurse further if it would exceed depth setting
+ if (priorDepth && priorDepth > opts.depth) return;
+ // scan the contents of the dir
+ this.fsw._readdirp(wh.watchPath, {
+ fileFilter: entry => wh.filterPath(entry),
+ directoryFilter: entry => wh.filterDir(entry),
+ ...Depth(opts.depth - (priorDepth || 0))
+ }).on(STR_DATA, (entry) => {
+ // need to check filterPath on dirs b/c filterDir is less restrictive
+ if (this.fsw.closed) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (entry.stats.isDirectory() && !wh.filterPath(entry)) return;
+ const joinedPath = sysPath$1.join(wh.watchPath, entry.path);
+ const {fullPath} = entry;
+ if (wh.followSymlinks && entry.stats.isSymbolicLink()) {
+ // preserve the current depth here since it can't be derived from
+ // real paths past the symlink
+ const curDepth = opts.depth === undefined ?
+ undefined : calcDepth(joinedPath, sysPath$1.resolve(wh.watchPath)) + 1;
+ this._handleFsEventsSymlink(joinedPath, fullPath, processPath, curDepth);
+ } else {
+ this.emitAdd(joinedPath, entry.stats, processPath, opts, forceAdd);
+ }
+ }).on(EV_ERROR$1, EMPTY_FN$1).on(STR_END$1, () => {
+ this.fsw._emitReady();
+ });
+ } else {
+ this.emitAdd(wh.watchPath, stats, processPath, opts, forceAdd);
+ this.fsw._emitReady();
+ }
+ } catch (error) {
+ if (!error || this.fsw._handleError(error)) {
+ // TODO: Strange thing: "should not choke on an ignored watch path" will be failed without 2 ready calls -__-
+ this.fsw._emitReady();
+ this.fsw._emitReady();
+ }
+ }
+ if (opts.persistent && forceAdd !== true) {
+ if (typeof transform === FUNCTION_TYPE$1) {
+ // realpath has already been resolved
+ this.initWatch(undefined, path, wh, processPath);
+ } else {
+ let realPath;
+ try {
+ realPath = await realpath$1(wh.watchPath);
+ } catch (e) {}
+ this.initWatch(realPath, path, wh, processPath);
+ }
+ }
+fseventsHandler.exports = FsEventsHandler$1;
+fseventsHandler.exports.canUse = canUse;
+const { EventEmitter } = require$$0$5;
+const fs$6 = require$$0$3;
+const sysPath = path$b;
+const { promisify } = require$$0$4;
+const readdirp = readdirp_1;
+const anymatch = anymatch$2.exports.default;
+const globParent = globParent$1;
+const isGlob = isGlob$2;
+const braces = braces_1;
+const normalizePath = normalizePath$2;
+const NodeFsHandler = nodefsHandler;
+const FsEventsHandler = fseventsHandler.exports;
+const {
+ isWindows: isWindows$2,
+ isMacos,
+ isIBMi
+} = constants$1;
+const stat = promisify(fs$6.stat);
+const readdir = promisify(fs$6.readdir);
+ * @typedef {String} Path
+ * @typedef {'all'|'add'|'addDir'|'change'|'unlink'|'unlinkDir'|'raw'|'error'|'ready'} EventName
+ * @typedef {'readdir'|'watch'|'add'|'remove'|'change'} ThrottleType
+ */
+ *
+ * @typedef {Object} WatchHelpers
+ * @property {Boolean} followSymlinks
+ * @property {'stat'|'lstat'} statMethod
+ * @property {Path} path
+ * @property {Path} watchPath
+ * @property {Function} entryPath
+ * @property {Boolean} hasGlob
+ * @property {Object} globFilter
+ * @property {Function} filterPath
+ * @property {Function} filterDir
+ */
+const arrify = (value = []) => Array.isArray(value) ? value : [value];
+const flatten$1 = (list, result = []) => {
+ list.forEach(item => {
+ if (Array.isArray(item)) {
+ flatten$1(item, result);
+ } else {
+ result.push(item);
+ }
+ });
+ return result;
+const unifyPaths = (paths_) => {
+ /**
+ * @type {Array<String>}
+ */
+ const paths = flatten$1(arrify(paths_));
+ if (!paths.every(p => typeof p === STRING_TYPE)) {
+ throw new TypeError(`Non-string provided as watch path: ${paths}`);
+ }
+ return;
+// If SLASH_SLASH occurs at the beginning of path, it is not replaced
+// because "//StoragePC/DrivePool/Movies" is a valid network path
+const toUnix = (string) => {
+ let str = string.replace(BACK_SLASH_RE, SLASH$1);
+ let prepend = false;
+ if (str.startsWith(SLASH_SLASH)) {
+ prepend = true;
+ }
+ while (str.match(DOUBLE_SLASH_RE)) {
+ str = str.replace(DOUBLE_SLASH_RE, SLASH$1);
+ }
+ if (prepend) {
+ str = SLASH$1 + str;
+ }
+ return str;
+// Our version of upath.normalize
+// TODO: this is not equal to path-normalize module - investigate why
+const normalizePathToUnix = (path) => toUnix(sysPath.normalize(toUnix(path)));
+const normalizeIgnored = (cwd = EMPTY_STR) => (path) => {
+ if (typeof path !== STRING_TYPE) return path;
+ return normalizePathToUnix(sysPath.isAbsolute(path) ? path : sysPath.join(cwd, path));
+const getAbsolutePath = (path, cwd) => {
+ if (sysPath.isAbsolute(path)) {
+ return path;
+ }
+ if (path.startsWith(BANG)) {
+ return BANG + sysPath.join(cwd, path.slice(1));
+ }
+ return sysPath.join(cwd, path);
+const undef = (opts, key) => opts[key] === undefined;
+ * Directory entry.
+ * @property {Path} path
+ * @property {Set<Path>} items
+ */
+class DirEntry {
+ /**
+ * @param {Path} dir
+ * @param {Function} removeWatcher
+ */
+ constructor(dir, removeWatcher) {
+ this.path = dir;
+ this._removeWatcher = removeWatcher;
+ /** @type {Set<Path>} */
+ this.items = new Set();
+ }
+ add(item) {
+ const {items} = this;
+ if (!items) return;
+ if (item !== ONE_DOT && item !== TWO_DOTS) items.add(item);
+ }
+ async remove(item) {
+ const {items} = this;
+ if (!items) return;
+ items.delete(item);
+ if (items.size > 0) return;
+ const dir = this.path;
+ try {
+ await readdir(dir);
+ } catch (err) {
+ if (this._removeWatcher) {
+ this._removeWatcher(sysPath.dirname(dir), sysPath.basename(dir));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ has(item) {
+ const {items} = this;
+ if (!items) return;
+ return items.has(item);
+ }
- if (typeof done !== 'function') {
- throw new Error('Expected function as last argument, not ' + done)
+ /**
+ * @returns {Array<String>}
+ */
+ getChildren() {
+ const {items} = this;
+ if (!items) return;
+ return [...items.values()];
+ }
+ dispose() {
+ this.items.clear();
+ delete this.path;
+ delete this._removeWatcher;
+ delete this.items;
+ Object.freeze(this);
+ }
+const STAT_METHOD_F = 'stat';
+const STAT_METHOD_L = 'lstat';
+class WatchHelper {
+ constructor(path, watchPath, follow, fsw) {
+ this.fsw = fsw;
+ this.path = path = path.replace(REPLACER_RE, EMPTY_STR);
+ this.watchPath = watchPath;
+ this.fullWatchPath = sysPath.resolve(watchPath);
+ this.hasGlob = watchPath !== path;
+ /** @type {object|boolean} */
+ if (path === EMPTY_STR) this.hasGlob = false;
+ this.globSymlink = this.hasGlob && follow ? undefined : false;
+ this.globFilter = this.hasGlob ? anymatch(path, undefined, ANYMATCH_OPTS) : false;
+ this.dirParts = this.getDirParts(path);
+ this.dirParts.forEach((parts) => {
+ if (parts.length > 1) parts.pop();
+ });
+ this.followSymlinks = follow;
+ this.statMethod = follow ? STAT_METHOD_F : STAT_METHOD_L;
+ }
+ checkGlobSymlink(entry) {
+ // only need to resolve once
+ // first entry should always have entry.parentDir === EMPTY_STR
+ if (this.globSymlink === undefined) {
+ this.globSymlink = entry.fullParentDir === this.fullWatchPath ?
+ false : {realPath: entry.fullParentDir, linkPath: this.fullWatchPath};
+ }
+ if (this.globSymlink) {
+ return entry.fullPath.replace(this.globSymlink.realPath, this.globSymlink.linkPath);
+ }
+ return entry.fullPath;
+ }
+ entryPath(entry) {
+ return sysPath.join(this.watchPath,
+ sysPath.relative(this.watchPath, this.checkGlobSymlink(entry))
+ );
+ }
+ filterPath(entry) {
+ const {stats} = entry;
+ if (stats && stats.isSymbolicLink()) return this.filterDir(entry);
+ const resolvedPath = this.entryPath(entry);
+ const matchesGlob = this.hasGlob && typeof this.globFilter === FUNCTION_TYPE ?
+ this.globFilter(resolvedPath) : true;
+ return matchesGlob &&
+ this.fsw._isntIgnored(resolvedPath, stats) &&
+ this.fsw._hasReadPermissions(stats);
+ }
+ getDirParts(path) {
+ if (!this.hasGlob) return [];
+ const parts = [];
+ const expandedPath = path.includes(BRACE_START) ? braces.expand(path) : [path];
+ expandedPath.forEach((path) => {
+ parts.push(sysPath.relative(this.watchPath, path).split(SLASH_OR_BACK_SLASH_RE));
+ });
+ return parts;
+ }
+ filterDir(entry) {
+ if (this.hasGlob) {
+ const entryParts = this.getDirParts(this.checkGlobSymlink(entry));
+ let globstar = false;
+ this.unmatchedGlob = !this.dirParts.some((parts) => {
+ return parts.every((part, i) => {
+ if (part === GLOBSTAR$1) globstar = true;
+ return globstar || !entryParts[0][i] || anymatch(part, entryParts[0][i], ANYMATCH_OPTS);
+ });
+ });
+ return !this.unmatchedGlob && this.fsw._isntIgnored(this.entryPath(entry), entry.stats);
+ }
- next.apply(null, [null].concat(input));
+ * Watches files & directories for changes. Emitted events:
+ * `add`, `addDir`, `change`, `unlink`, `unlinkDir`, `all`, `error`
+ *
+ * new FSWatcher()
+ * .add(directories)
+ * .on('add', path => log('File', path, 'was added'))
+ */
+class FSWatcher extends EventEmitter {
+// Not indenting methods for history sake; for now.
+constructor(_opts) {
+ super();
- // Run the next `fn`, if any.
- function next(err) {
- var fn = fns[++index];
- var params = slice$, 0);
- var values = params.slice(1);
- var length = input.length;
- var pos = -1;
+ const opts = {};
+ if (_opts) Object.assign(opts, _opts); // for frozen objects
+ /** @type {Map<String, DirEntry>} */
+ this._watched = new Map();
+ /** @type {Map<String, Array>} */
+ this._closers = new Map();
+ /** @type {Set<String>} */
+ this._ignoredPaths = new Set();
+ /** @type {Map<ThrottleType, Map>} */
+ this._throttled = new Map();
+ /** @type {Map<Path, String|Boolean>} */
+ this._symlinkPaths = new Map();
+ this._streams = new Set();
+ this.closed = false;
+ // Set up default options.
+ if (undef(opts, 'persistent')) opts.persistent = true;
+ if (undef(opts, 'ignoreInitial')) opts.ignoreInitial = false;
+ if (undef(opts, 'ignorePermissionErrors')) opts.ignorePermissionErrors = false;
+ if (undef(opts, 'interval')) opts.interval = 100;
+ if (undef(opts, 'binaryInterval')) opts.binaryInterval = 300;
+ if (undef(opts, 'disableGlobbing')) opts.disableGlobbing = false;
+ opts.enableBinaryInterval = opts.binaryInterval !== opts.interval;
+ // Enable fsevents on OS X when polling isn't explicitly enabled.
+ if (undef(opts, 'useFsEvents')) opts.useFsEvents = !opts.usePolling;
+ // If we can't use fsevents, ensure the options reflect it's disabled.
+ const canUseFsEvents = FsEventsHandler.canUse();
+ if (!canUseFsEvents) opts.useFsEvents = false;
+ // Use polling on Mac if not using fsevents.
+ // Other platforms use non-polling fs_watch.
+ if (undef(opts, 'usePolling') && !opts.useFsEvents) {
+ opts.usePolling = isMacos;
+ }
+ // Always default to polling on IBM i because is not available on IBM i.
+ if(isIBMi) {
+ opts.usePolling = true;
+ }
+ // Global override (useful for end-developers that need to force polling for all
+ // instances of chokidar, regardless of usage/dependency depth)
+ const envPoll = process.env.CHOKIDAR_USEPOLLING;
+ if (envPoll !== undefined) {
+ const envLower = envPoll.toLowerCase();
+ if (envLower === 'false' || envLower === '0') {
+ opts.usePolling = false;
+ } else if (envLower === 'true' || envLower === '1') {
+ opts.usePolling = true;
+ } else {
+ opts.usePolling = !!envLower;
+ }
+ }
+ const envInterval = process.env.CHOKIDAR_INTERVAL;
+ if (envInterval) {
+ opts.interval = Number.parseInt(envInterval, 10);
+ }
+ // Editor atomic write normalization enabled by default with
+ if (undef(opts, 'atomic')) opts.atomic = !opts.usePolling && !opts.useFsEvents;
+ if (opts.atomic) this._pendingUnlinks = new Map();
+ if (undef(opts, 'followSymlinks')) opts.followSymlinks = true;
+ if (undef(opts, 'awaitWriteFinish')) opts.awaitWriteFinish = false;
+ if (opts.awaitWriteFinish === true) opts.awaitWriteFinish = {};
+ const awf = opts.awaitWriteFinish;
+ if (awf) {
+ if (!awf.stabilityThreshold) awf.stabilityThreshold = 2000;
+ if (!awf.pollInterval) awf.pollInterval = 100;
+ this._pendingWrites = new Map();
+ }
+ if (opts.ignored) opts.ignored = arrify(opts.ignored);
+ let readyCalls = 0;
+ this._emitReady = () => {
+ readyCalls++;
+ if (readyCalls >= this._readyCount) {
+ this._emitReady = EMPTY_FN;
+ this._readyEmitted = true;
+ // use process.nextTick to allow time for listener to be bound
+ process.nextTick(() => this.emit(EV_READY));
+ }
+ };
+ this._emitRaw = (...args) => this.emit(EV_RAW, ...args);
+ this._readyEmitted = false;
+ this.options = opts;
+ // Initialize with proper watcher.
+ if (opts.useFsEvents) {
+ this._fsEventsHandler = new FsEventsHandler(this);
+ } else {
+ this._nodeFsHandler = new NodeFsHandler(this);
+ }
+ // You’re frozen when your heart’s not open.
+ Object.freeze(opts);
+// Public methods
+ * Adds paths to be watched on an existing FSWatcher instance
+ * @param {Path|Array<Path>} paths_
+ * @param {String=} _origAdd private; for handling non-existent paths to be watched
+ * @param {Boolean=} _internal private; indicates a non-user add
+ * @returns {FSWatcher} for chaining
+ */
+add(paths_, _origAdd, _internal) {
+ const {cwd, disableGlobbing} = this.options;
+ this.closed = false;
+ let paths = unifyPaths(paths_);
+ if (cwd) {
+ paths = => {
+ const absPath = getAbsolutePath(path, cwd);
+ // Check `path` instead of `absPath` because the cwd portion can't be a glob
+ if (disableGlobbing || !isGlob(path)) {
+ return absPath;
+ }
+ return normalizePath(absPath);
+ });
+ }
+ // set aside negated glob strings
+ paths = paths.filter((path) => {
+ if (path.startsWith(BANG)) {
+ this._ignoredPaths.add(path.slice(1));
+ return false;
+ }
+ // if a path is being added that was previously ignored, stop ignoring it
+ this._ignoredPaths.delete(path);
+ this._ignoredPaths.delete(path + SLASH_GLOBSTAR);
+ // reset the cached userIgnored anymatch fn
+ // to make ignoredPaths changes effective
+ this._userIgnored = undefined;
+ return true;
+ });
+ if (this.options.useFsEvents && this._fsEventsHandler) {
+ if (!this._readyCount) this._readyCount = paths.length;
+ if (this.options.persistent) this._readyCount *= 2;
+ paths.forEach((path) => this._fsEventsHandler._addToFsEvents(path));
+ } else {
+ if (!this._readyCount) this._readyCount = 0;
+ this._readyCount += paths.length;
+ Promise.all(
+ path => {
+ const res = await this._nodeFsHandler._addToNodeFs(path, !_internal, 0, 0, _origAdd);
+ if (res) this._emitReady();
+ return res;
+ })
+ ).then(results => {
+ if (this.closed) return;
+ results.filter(item => item).forEach(item => {
+ this.add(sysPath.dirname(item), sysPath.basename(_origAdd || item));
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ return this;
+ * Close watchers or start ignoring events from specified paths.
+ * @param {Path|Array<Path>} paths_ - string or array of strings, file/directory paths and/or globs
+ * @returns {FSWatcher} for chaining
+unwatch(paths_) {
+ if (this.closed) return this;
+ const paths = unifyPaths(paths_);
+ const {cwd} = this.options;
+ paths.forEach((path) => {
+ // convert to absolute path unless relative path already matches
+ if (!sysPath.isAbsolute(path) && !this._closers.has(path)) {
+ if (cwd) path = sysPath.join(cwd, path);
+ path = sysPath.resolve(path);
+ }
+ this._closePath(path);
+ this._ignoredPaths.add(path);
+ if (this._watched.has(path)) {
+ this._ignoredPaths.add(path + SLASH_GLOBSTAR);
+ }
+ // reset the cached userIgnored anymatch fn
+ // to make ignoredPaths changes effective
+ this._userIgnored = undefined;
+ });
+ return this;
+ * Close watchers and remove all listeners from watched paths.
+ * @returns {Promise<void>}.
+close() {
+ if (this.closed) return this._closePromise;
+ this.closed = true;
+ // Memory management.
+ this.removeAllListeners();
+ const closers = [];
+ this._closers.forEach(closerList => closerList.forEach(closer => {
+ const promise = closer();
+ if (promise instanceof Promise) closers.push(promise);
+ }));
+ this._streams.forEach(stream => stream.destroy());
+ this._userIgnored = undefined;
+ this._readyCount = 0;
+ this._readyEmitted = false;
+ this._watched.forEach(dirent => dirent.dispose());
+ ['closers', 'watched', 'streams', 'symlinkPaths', 'throttled'].forEach(key => {
+ this[`_${key}`].clear();
+ });
+ this._closePromise = closers.length ? Promise.all(closers).then(() => undefined) : Promise.resolve();
+ return this._closePromise;
+ * Expose list of watched paths
+ * @returns {Object} for chaining
+getWatched() {
+ const watchList = {};
+ this._watched.forEach((entry, dir) => {
+ const key = this.options.cwd ? sysPath.relative(this.options.cwd, dir) : dir;
+ watchList[key || ONE_DOT] = entry.getChildren().sort();
+ });
+ return watchList;
+emitWithAll(event, args) {
+ this.emit(...args);
+ if (event !== EV_ERROR) this.emit(EV_ALL, ...args);
+// Common helpers
+// --------------
+ * Normalize and emit events.
+ * Calling _emit DOES NOT MEAN emit() would be called!
+ * @param {EventName} event Type of event
+ * @param {Path} path File or directory path
+ * @param {*=} val1 arguments to be passed with event
+ * @param {*=} val2
+ * @param {*=} val3
+ * @returns the error if defined, otherwise the value of the FSWatcher instance's `closed` flag
+ */
+async _emit(event, path, val1, val2, val3) {
+ if (this.closed) return;
+ const opts = this.options;
+ if (isWindows$2) path = sysPath.normalize(path);
+ if (opts.cwd) path = sysPath.relative(opts.cwd, path);
+ /** @type Array<any> */
+ const args = [event, path];
+ if (val3 !== undefined) args.push(val1, val2, val3);
+ else if (val2 !== undefined) args.push(val1, val2);
+ else if (val1 !== undefined) args.push(val1);
+ const awf = opts.awaitWriteFinish;
+ let pw;
+ if (awf && (pw = this._pendingWrites.get(path))) {
+ pw.lastChange = new Date();
+ return this;
+ }
+ if (opts.atomic) {
+ if (event === EV_UNLINK) {
+ this._pendingUnlinks.set(path, args);
+ setTimeout(() => {
+ this._pendingUnlinks.forEach((entry, path) => {
+ this.emit(...entry);
+ this.emit(EV_ALL, ...entry);
+ this._pendingUnlinks.delete(path);
+ });
+ }, typeof opts.atomic === 'number' ? opts.atomic : 100);
+ return this;
+ }
+ if (event === EV_ADD && this._pendingUnlinks.has(path)) {
+ event = args[0] = EV_CHANGE;
+ this._pendingUnlinks.delete(path);
+ }
+ }
+ if (awf && (event === EV_ADD || event === EV_CHANGE) && this._readyEmitted) {
+ const awfEmit = (err, stats) => {
if (err) {
- done(err);
+ event = args[0] = EV_ERROR;
+ args[1] = err;
+ this.emitWithAll(event, args);
+ } else if (stats) {
+ // if stats doesn't exist the file must have been deleted
+ if (args.length > 2) {
+ args[2] = stats;
+ } else {
+ args.push(stats);
+ }
+ this.emitWithAll(event, args);
+ }
+ };
+ this._awaitWriteFinish(path, awf.stabilityThreshold, event, awfEmit);
+ return this;
+ }
+ if (event === EV_CHANGE) {
+ const isThrottled = !this._throttle(EV_CHANGE, path, 50);
+ if (isThrottled) return this;
+ }
+ if (opts.alwaysStat && val1 === undefined &&
+ (event === EV_ADD || event === EV_ADD_DIR || event === EV_CHANGE)
+ ) {
+ const fullPath = opts.cwd ? sysPath.join(opts.cwd, path) : path;
+ let stats;
+ try {
+ stats = await stat(fullPath);
+ } catch (err) {}
+ // Suppress event when fs_stat fails, to avoid sending undefined 'stat'
+ if (!stats || this.closed) return;
+ args.push(stats);
+ }
+ this.emitWithAll(event, args);
+ return this;
+ * Common handler for errors
+ * @param {Error} error
+ * @returns {Error|Boolean} The error if defined, otherwise the value of the FSWatcher instance's `closed` flag
+ */
+_handleError(error) {
+ const code = error && error.code;
+ if (error && code !== 'ENOENT' && code !== 'ENOTDIR' &&
+ (!this.options.ignorePermissionErrors || (code !== 'EPERM' && code !== 'EACCES'))
+ ) {
+ this.emit(EV_ERROR, error);
+ }
+ return error || this.closed;
+ * Helper utility for throttling
+ * @param {ThrottleType} actionType type being throttled
+ * @param {Path} path being acted upon
+ * @param {Number} timeout duration of time to suppress duplicate actions
+ * @returns {Object|false} tracking object or false if action should be suppressed
+ */
+_throttle(actionType, path, timeout) {
+ if (!this._throttled.has(actionType)) {
+ this._throttled.set(actionType, new Map());
+ }
+ /** @type {Map<Path, Object>} */
+ const action = this._throttled.get(actionType);
+ /** @type {Object} */
+ const actionPath = action.get(path);
+ if (actionPath) {
+ actionPath.count++;
+ return false;
+ }
+ let timeoutObject;
+ const clear = () => {
+ const item = action.get(path);
+ const count = item ? item.count : 0;
+ action.delete(path);
+ clearTimeout(timeoutObject);
+ if (item) clearTimeout(item.timeoutObject);
+ return count;
+ };
+ timeoutObject = setTimeout(clear, timeout);
+ const thr = {timeoutObject, clear, count: 0};
+ action.set(path, thr);
+ return thr;
+_incrReadyCount() {
+ return this._readyCount++;
+ * Awaits write operation to finish.
+ * Polls a newly created file for size variations. When files size does not change for 'threshold' milliseconds calls callback.
+ * @param {Path} path being acted upon
+ * @param {Number} threshold Time in milliseconds a file size must be fixed before acknowledging write OP is finished
+ * @param {EventName} event
+ * @param {Function} awfEmit Callback to be called when ready for event to be emitted.
+ */
+_awaitWriteFinish(path, threshold, event, awfEmit) {
+ let timeoutHandler;
+ let fullPath = path;
+ if (this.options.cwd && !sysPath.isAbsolute(path)) {
+ fullPath = sysPath.join(this.options.cwd, path);
+ }
+ const now = new Date();
+ const awaitWriteFinish = (prevStat) => {
+ fs$6.stat(fullPath, (err, curStat) => {
+ if (err || !this._pendingWrites.has(path)) {
+ if (err && err.code !== 'ENOENT') awfEmit(err);
+ return;
+ }
+ const now = Number(new Date());
+ if (prevStat && curStat.size !== prevStat.size) {
+ this._pendingWrites.get(path).lastChange = now;
+ }
+ const pw = this._pendingWrites.get(path);
+ const df = now - pw.lastChange;
+ if (df >= threshold) {
+ this._pendingWrites.delete(path);
+ awfEmit(undefined, curStat);
+ } else {
+ timeoutHandler = setTimeout(
+ awaitWriteFinish,
+ this.options.awaitWriteFinish.pollInterval,
+ curStat
+ );
+ }
+ });
+ };
+ if (!this._pendingWrites.has(path)) {
+ this._pendingWrites.set(path, {
+ lastChange: now,
+ cancelWait: () => {
+ this._pendingWrites.delete(path);
+ clearTimeout(timeoutHandler);
+ return event;
+ }
+ });
+ timeoutHandler = setTimeout(
+ awaitWriteFinish,
+ this.options.awaitWriteFinish.pollInterval
+ );
+ }
+_getGlobIgnored() {
+ return [...this._ignoredPaths.values()];
+ * Determines whether user has asked to ignore this path.
+ * @param {Path} path filepath or dir
+ * @param {fs.Stats=} stats result of fs.stat
+ * @returns {Boolean}
+ */
+_isIgnored(path, stats) {
+ if (this.options.atomic && DOT_RE.test(path)) return true;
+ if (!this._userIgnored) {
+ const {cwd} = this.options;
+ const ign = this.options.ignored;
+ const ignored = ign &&;
+ const paths = arrify(ignored)
+ .filter((path) => typeof path === STRING_TYPE && !isGlob(path))
+ .map((path) => path + SLASH_GLOBSTAR);
+ const list = this._getGlobIgnored().map(normalizeIgnored(cwd)).concat(ignored, paths);
+ this._userIgnored = anymatch(list, undefined, ANYMATCH_OPTS);
+ }
+ return this._userIgnored([path, stats]);
+_isntIgnored(path, stat) {
+ return !this._isIgnored(path, stat);
+ * Provides a set of common helpers and properties relating to symlink and glob handling.
+ * @param {Path} path file, directory, or glob pattern being watched
+ * @param {Number=} depth at any depth > 0, this isn't a glob
+ * @returns {WatchHelper} object containing helpers for this path
+ */
+_getWatchHelpers(path, depth) {
+ const watchPath = depth || this.options.disableGlobbing || !isGlob(path) ? path : globParent(path);
+ const follow = this.options.followSymlinks;
+ return new WatchHelper(path, watchPath, follow, this);
+// Directory helpers
+// -----------------
+ * Provides directory tracking objects
+ * @param {String} directory path of the directory
+ * @returns {DirEntry} the directory's tracking object
+ */
+_getWatchedDir(directory) {
+ if (!this._boundRemove) this._boundRemove = this._remove.bind(this);
+ const dir = sysPath.resolve(directory);
+ if (!this._watched.has(dir)) this._watched.set(dir, new DirEntry(dir, this._boundRemove));
+ return this._watched.get(dir);
+// File helpers
+// ------------
+ * Check for read permissions.
+ * Based on this answer on SO:
+ * @param {fs.Stats} stats - object, result of fs_stat
+ * @returns {Boolean} indicates whether the file can be read
+_hasReadPermissions(stats) {
+ if (this.options.ignorePermissionErrors) return true;
+ // stats.mode may be bigint
+ const md = stats && Number.parseInt(stats.mode, 10);
+ const st = md & 0o777;
+ const it = Number.parseInt(st.toString(8)[0], 10);
+ return Boolean(4 & it);
+ * Handles emitting unlink events for
+ * files and directories, and via recursion, for
+ * files and directories within directories that are unlinked
+ * @param {String} directory within which the following item is located
+ * @param {String} item base path of item/directory
+ * @returns {void}
+_remove(directory, item, isDirectory) {
+ // if what is being deleted is a directory, get that directory's paths
+ // for recursive deleting and cleaning of watched object
+ // if it is not a directory, nestedDirectoryChildren will be empty array
+ const path = sysPath.join(directory, item);
+ const fullPath = sysPath.resolve(path);
+ isDirectory = isDirectory != null
+ ? isDirectory
+ : this._watched.has(path) || this._watched.has(fullPath);
+ // prevent duplicate handling in case of arriving here nearly simultaneously
+ // via multiple paths (such as _handleFile and _handleDir)
+ if (!this._throttle('remove', path, 100)) return;
+ // if the only watched file is removed, watch for its return
+ if (!isDirectory && !this.options.useFsEvents && this._watched.size === 1) {
+ this.add(directory, item, true);
+ }
+ // This will create a new entry in the watched object in either case
+ // so we got to do the directory check beforehand
+ const wp = this._getWatchedDir(path);
+ const nestedDirectoryChildren = wp.getChildren();
+ // Recursively remove children directories / files.
+ nestedDirectoryChildren.forEach(nested => this._remove(path, nested));
+ // Check if item was on the watched list and remove it
+ const parent = this._getWatchedDir(directory);
+ const wasTracked = parent.has(item);
+ parent.remove(item);
+ // Fixes issue #1042 -> Relative paths were detected and added as symlinks
+ // (,
+ // but never removed from the map in case the path was deleted.
+ // This leads to an incorrect state if the path was recreated:
+ //
+ if (this._symlinkPaths.has(fullPath)) {
+ this._symlinkPaths.delete(fullPath);
+ }
+ // If we wait for this file to be fully written, cancel the wait.
+ let relPath = path;
+ if (this.options.cwd) relPath = sysPath.relative(this.options.cwd, path);
+ if (this.options.awaitWriteFinish && this._pendingWrites.has(relPath)) {
+ const event = this._pendingWrites.get(relPath).cancelWait();
+ if (event === EV_ADD) return;
+ }
+ // The Entry will either be a directory that just got removed
+ // or a bogus entry to a file, in either case we have to remove it
+ this._watched.delete(path);
+ this._watched.delete(fullPath);
+ const eventName = isDirectory ? EV_UNLINK_DIR : EV_UNLINK;
+ if (wasTracked && !this._isIgnored(path)) this._emit(eventName, path);
+ // Avoid conflicts if we later create another file with the same name
+ if (!this.options.useFsEvents) {
+ this._closePath(path);
+ }
+ * Closes all watchers for a path
+ * @param {Path} path
+ */
+_closePath(path) {
+ this._closeFile(path);
+ const dir = sysPath.dirname(path);
+ this._getWatchedDir(dir).remove(sysPath.basename(path));
+ * Closes only file-specific watchers
+ * @param {Path} path
+ */
+_closeFile(path) {
+ const closers = this._closers.get(path);
+ if (!closers) return;
+ closers.forEach(closer => closer());
+ this._closers.delete(path);
+ *
+ * @param {Path} path
+ * @param {Function} closer
+ */
+_addPathCloser(path, closer) {
+ if (!closer) return;
+ let list = this._closers.get(path);
+ if (!list) {
+ list = [];
+ this._closers.set(path, list);
+ }
+ list.push(closer);
+_readdirp(root, opts) {
+ if (this.closed) return;
+ const options = {type: EV_ALL, alwaysStat: true, lstat: true, ...opts};
+ let stream = readdirp(root, options);
+ this._streams.add(stream);
+ stream.once(STR_CLOSE, () => {
+ stream = undefined;
+ });
+ stream.once(STR_END, () => {
+ if (stream) {
+ this._streams.delete(stream);
+ stream = undefined;
+ }
+ });
+ return stream;
+// Export FSWatcher class
+chokidar.FSWatcher = FSWatcher;
+ * Instantiates watcher with paths to be tracked.
+ * @param {String|Array<String>} paths file/directory paths and/or globs
+ * @param {Object=} options chokidar opts
+ * @returns an instance of FSWatcher for chaining.
+ */
+const watch = (paths, options) => {
+ const watcher = new FSWatcher(options);
+ watcher.add(paths);
+ return watcher;
+ = watch;
+ * @typedef {import('vfile').VFile} VFile
+ * @typedef {import('vfile-message').VFileMessage} VFileMessage
+ *
+ * @typedef Statistics
+ * @property {number} fatal Fatal errors (`fatal: true`)
+ * @property {number} warn warning errors (`fatal: false`)
+ * @property {number} info informational messages (`fatal: null|undefined`)
+ * @property {number} nonfatal warning + info
+ * @property {number} total nonfatal + fatal
+ */
+ * Get stats for a file, list of files, or list of messages.
+ *
+ * @param {Array.<VFile|VFileMessage>|VFile|VFileMessage} [value]
+ * @returns {Statistics}
+ */
+function statistics(value) {
+ var result = {true: 0, false: 0, null: 0};
+ if (value) {
+ if (Array.isArray(value)) {
+ list(value);
+ } else {
+ one(value);
+ }
+ }
+ return {
+ fatal: result.true,
+ nonfatal: result.false + result.null,
+ warn: result.false,
+ info: result.null,
+ total: result.true + result.false + result.null
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param {Array.<VFile|VFileMessage>} value
+ * @returns {void}
+ */
+ function list(value) {
+ var index = -1;
+ while (++index < value.length) {
+ one(value[index]);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param {VFile|VFileMessage} value
+ * @returns {void}
+ */
+ function one(value) {
+ if ('messages' in value) return list(value.messages)
+ result[
+ value.fatal === undefined || value.fatal === null
+ ? null
+ : Boolean(value.fatal)
+ ]++;
+ }
+ * @typedef {(error?: Error|null|undefined, ...output: any[]) => void} Callback
+ * @typedef {(...input: any[]) => any} Middleware
+ *
+ * @typedef {(...input: any[]) => void} Run Call all middleware.
+ * @typedef {(fn: Middleware) => Pipeline} Use Add `fn` (middleware) to the list.
+ * @typedef {{run: Run, use: Use}} Pipeline
+ */
+ * Create new middleware.
+ *
+ * @returns {Pipeline}
+ */
+function trough() {
+ /** @type {Middleware[]} */
+ const fns = [];
+ /** @type {Pipeline} */
+ const pipeline = {run, use};
+ return pipeline
+ /** @type {Run} */
+ function run(...values) {
+ let middlewareIndex = -1;
+ /** @type {Callback} */
+ const callback = values.pop();
+ if (typeof callback !== 'function') {
+ throw new TypeError('Expected function as last argument, not ' + callback)
+ }
+ next(null, ...values);
+ /**
+ * Run the next `fn`, or we’re done.
+ *
+ * @param {Error|null|undefined} error
+ * @param {any[]} output
+ */
+ function next(error, ...output) {
+ const fn = fns[++middlewareIndex];
+ let index = -1;
+ if (error) {
+ callback(error);
- // Copy non-nully input into values.
- while (++pos < length) {
- if (values[pos] === null || values[pos] === undefined) {
- values[pos] = input[pos];
+ // Copy non-nullish input into values.
+ while (++index < values.length) {
+ if (output[index] === null || output[index] === undefined) {
+ output[index] = values[index];
- input = values;
+ // Save the newly created `output` for the next call.
+ values = output;
// Next or done.
if (fn) {
- wrap$2(fn, next).apply(null, input);
+ wrap(fn, next)(...output);
} else {
- done.apply(null, [null].concat(input));
+ callback(null, ...output);
- // Add `fn` to the list.
- function use(fn) {
- if (typeof fn !== 'function') {
- throw new Error('Expected `fn` to be a function, not ' + fn)
+ /** @type {Use} */
+ function use(middelware) {
+ if (typeof middelware !== 'function') {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ 'Expected `middelware` to be a function, not ' + middelware
+ )
- fns.push(fn);
- return middleware
+ fns.push(middelware);
+ return pipeline
-var jsYaml$2 = {};
+ * Wrap `middleware`.
+ * Can be sync or async; return a promise, receive a callback, or return new
+ * values and errors.
+ *
+ * @param {Middleware} middleware
+ * @param {Callback} callback
+ */
+function wrap(middleware, callback) {
+ /** @type {boolean} */
+ let called;
+ return wrapped
+ /**
+ * Call `middleware`.
+ * @param {any[]} parameters
+ * @returns {void}
+ */
+ function wrapped(...parameters) {
+ const fnExpectsCallback = middleware.length > parameters.length;
+ /** @type {any} */
+ let result;
-var loader$2 = {};
+ if (fnExpectsCallback) {
+ parameters.push(done);
+ }
-var common$b = {};
+ try {
+ result = middleware(...parameters);
+ } catch (error) {
+ /** @type {Error} */
+ const exception = error;
-function isNothing$1(subject) {
+ // Well, this is quite the pickle.
+ // `middleware` received a callback and called it synchronously, but that
+ // threw an error.
+ // The only thing left to do is to throw the thing instead.
+ if (fnExpectsCallback && called) {
+ throw exception
+ }
+ return done(exception)
+ }
+ if (!fnExpectsCallback) {
+ if (result instanceof Promise) {
+ result.then(then, done);
+ } else if (result instanceof Error) {
+ done(result);
+ } else {
+ then(result);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Call `callback`, only once.
+ * @type {Callback}
+ */
+ function done(error, ...output) {
+ if (!called) {
+ called = true;
+ callback(error, ...output);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Call `done` with one value.
+ *
+ * @param {any} [value]
+ */
+ function then(value) {
+ done(null, value);
+ }
+/*! js-yaml 4.1.0 @license MIT */
+function isNothing(subject) {
return (typeof subject === 'undefined') || (subject === null);
-function isObject$4(subject) {
+function isObject$1(subject) {
return (typeof subject === 'object') && (subject !== null);
-function toArray$1(sequence) {
+function toArray(sequence) {
if (Array.isArray(sequence)) return sequence;
- else if (isNothing$1(sequence)) return [];
+ else if (isNothing(sequence)) return [];
return [ sequence ];
-function extend$4(target, source) {
+function extend$2(target, source) {
var index, length, key, sourceKeys;
if (source) {
@@ -294,7 +8650,7 @@ function extend$4(target, source) {
-function repeat$8(string, count) {
+function repeat$1(string, count) {
var result = '', cycle;
for (cycle = 0; cycle < count; cycle += 1) {
@@ -305,26 +8661,57 @@ function repeat$8(string, count) {
-function isNegativeZero$1(number) {
+function isNegativeZero(number) {
return (number === 0) && (Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY === 1 / number);
-common$b.isNothing = isNothing$1;
-common$b.isObject = isObject$4;
-common$b.toArray = toArray$1;
-common$b.repeat = repeat$8;
-common$b.isNegativeZero = isNegativeZero$1;
-common$b.extend = extend$4;
+var isNothing_1 = isNothing;
+var isObject_1 = isObject$1;
+var toArray_1 = toArray;
+var repeat_1 = repeat$1;
+var isNegativeZero_1 = isNegativeZero;
+var extend_1 = extend$2;
+var common$4 = {
+ isNothing: isNothing_1,
+ isObject: isObject_1,
+ toArray: toArray_1,
+ repeat: repeat_1,
+ isNegativeZero: isNegativeZero_1,
+ extend: extend_1
+// YAML error class.
+function formatError(exception, compact) {
+ var where = '', message = exception.reason || '(unknown reason)';
+ if (!exception.mark) return message;
+ if ( {
+ where += 'in "' + + '" ';
+ }
+ where += '(' + (exception.mark.line + 1) + ':' + (exception.mark.column + 1) + ')';
+ if (!compact && exception.mark.snippet) {
+ where += '\n\n' + exception.mark.snippet;
+ }
+ return message + ' ' + where;
-function YAMLException$6(reason, mark) {
+function YAMLException$1(reason, mark) {
// Super constructor; = 'YAMLException';
this.reason = reason;
this.mark = mark;
- this.message = (this.reason || '(unknown reason)') + (this.mark ? ' ' + this.mark.toString() : '');
+ this.message = formatError(this, false);
// Include stack trace in error object
if (Error.captureStackTrace) {
@@ -338,119 +8725,133 @@ function YAMLException$6(reason, mark) {
// Inherit from Error
-YAMLException$6.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype);
-YAMLException$6.prototype.constructor = YAMLException$6;
+YAMLException$1.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype);
+YAMLException$1.prototype.constructor = YAMLException$1;
-YAMLException$6.prototype.toString = function toString(compact) {
- var result = + ': ';
+YAMLException$1.prototype.toString = function toString(compact) {
+ return + ': ' + formatError(this, compact);
- result += this.reason || '(unknown reason)';
- if (!compact && this.mark) {
- result += ' ' + this.mark.toString();
- }
+var exception = YAMLException$1;
- return result;
+// get snippet for a single line, respecting maxLength
+function getLine(buffer, lineStart, lineEnd, position, maxLineLength) {
+ var head = '';
+ var tail = '';
+ var maxHalfLength = Math.floor(maxLineLength / 2) - 1;
+ if (position - lineStart > maxHalfLength) {
+ head = ' ... ';
+ lineStart = position - maxHalfLength + head.length;
+ }
-var exception$1 = YAMLException$6;
+ if (lineEnd - position > maxHalfLength) {
+ tail = ' ...';
+ lineEnd = position + maxHalfLength - tail.length;
+ }
-var common$a = common$b;
+ return {
+ str: head + buffer.slice(lineStart, lineEnd).replace(/\t/g, '→') + tail,
+ pos: position - lineStart + head.length // relative position
+ };
-function Mark$1(name, buffer, position, line, column) {
- = name;
- this.buffer = buffer;
- this.position = position;
- this.line = line;
- this.column = column;
+function padStart(string, max) {
+ return common$4.repeat(' ', max - string.length) + string;
-Mark$1.prototype.getSnippet = function getSnippet(indent, maxLength) {
- var head, start, tail, end, snippet;
- if (!this.buffer) return null;
+function makeSnippet(mark, options) {
+ options = Object.create(options || null);
- indent = indent || 4;
- maxLength = maxLength || 75;
+ if (!mark.buffer) return null;
- head = '';
- start = this.position;
+ if (!options.maxLength) options.maxLength = 79;
+ if (typeof options.indent !== 'number') options.indent = 1;
+ if (typeof options.linesBefore !== 'number') options.linesBefore = 3;
+ if (typeof options.linesAfter !== 'number') options.linesAfter = 2;
- while (start > 0 && '\x00\r\n\x85\u2028\u2029'.indexOf(this.buffer.charAt(start - 1)) === -1) {
- start -= 1;
- if (this.position - start > (maxLength / 2 - 1)) {
- head = ' ... ';
- start += 5;
- break;
- }
- }
+ var re = /\r?\n|\r|\0/g;
+ var lineStarts = [ 0 ];
+ var lineEnds = [];
+ var match;
+ var foundLineNo = -1;
- tail = '';
- end = this.position;
+ while ((match = re.exec(mark.buffer))) {
+ lineEnds.push(match.index);
+ lineStarts.push(match.index + match[0].length);
- while (end < this.buffer.length && '\x00\r\n\x85\u2028\u2029'.indexOf(this.buffer.charAt(end)) === -1) {
- end += 1;
- if (end - this.position > (maxLength / 2 - 1)) {
- tail = ' ... ';
- end -= 5;
- break;
+ if (mark.position <= match.index && foundLineNo < 0) {
+ foundLineNo = lineStarts.length - 2;
- snippet = this.buffer.slice(start, end);
- return common$a.repeat(' ', indent) + head + snippet + tail + '\n' +
- common$a.repeat(' ', indent + this.position - start + head.length) + '^';
+ if (foundLineNo < 0) foundLineNo = lineStarts.length - 1;
-Mark$1.prototype.toString = function toString(compact) {
- var snippet, where = '';
+ var result = '', i, line;
+ var lineNoLength = Math.min(mark.line + options.linesAfter, lineEnds.length).toString().length;
+ var maxLineLength = options.maxLength - (options.indent + lineNoLength + 3);
- if ( {
- where += 'in "' + + '" ';
+ for (i = 1; i <= options.linesBefore; i++) {
+ if (foundLineNo - i < 0) break;
+ line = getLine(
+ mark.buffer,
+ lineStarts[foundLineNo - i],
+ lineEnds[foundLineNo - i],
+ mark.position - (lineStarts[foundLineNo] - lineStarts[foundLineNo - i]),
+ maxLineLength
+ );
+ result = common$4.repeat(' ', options.indent) + padStart((mark.line - i + 1).toString(), lineNoLength) +
+ ' | ' + line.str + '\n' + result;
- where += 'at line ' + (this.line + 1) + ', column ' + (this.column + 1);
- if (!compact) {
- snippet = this.getSnippet();
+ line = getLine(mark.buffer, lineStarts[foundLineNo], lineEnds[foundLineNo], mark.position, maxLineLength);
+ result += common$4.repeat(' ', options.indent) + padStart((mark.line + 1).toString(), lineNoLength) +
+ ' | ' + line.str + '\n';
+ result += common$4.repeat('-', options.indent + lineNoLength + 3 + line.pos) + '^' + '\n';
- if (snippet) {
- where += ':\n' + snippet;
- }
+ for (i = 1; i <= options.linesAfter; i++) {
+ if (foundLineNo + i >= lineEnds.length) break;
+ line = getLine(
+ mark.buffer,
+ lineStarts[foundLineNo + i],
+ lineEnds[foundLineNo + i],
+ mark.position - (lineStarts[foundLineNo] - lineStarts[foundLineNo + i]),
+ maxLineLength
+ );
+ result += common$4.repeat(' ', options.indent) + padStart((mark.line + i + 1).toString(), lineNoLength) +
+ ' | ' + line.str + '\n';
- return where;
+ return result.replace(/\n$/, '');
-var mark$1 = Mark$1;
-var YAMLException$5 = exception$1;
+var snippet = makeSnippet;
+ 'multi',
+ 'representName',
-var YAML_NODE_KINDS$1 = [
-function compileStyleAliases$1(map) {
+function compileStyleAliases(map) {
var result = {};
if (map !== null) {
@@ -464,73 +8865,85 @@ function compileStyleAliases$1(map) {
return result;
-function Type$j(tag, options) {
+function Type$1(tag, options) {
options = options || {};
Object.keys(options).forEach(function (name) {
- if (TYPE_CONSTRUCTOR_OPTIONS$1.indexOf(name) === -1) {
- throw new YAMLException$5('Unknown option "' + name + '" is met in definition of "' + tag + '" YAML type.');
+ if (TYPE_CONSTRUCTOR_OPTIONS.indexOf(name) === -1) {
+ throw new exception('Unknown option "' + name + '" is met in definition of "' + tag + '" YAML type.');
// TODO: Add tag format check.
- this.tag = tag;
- this.kind = options['kind'] || null;
- this.resolve = options['resolve'] || function () { return true; };
- this.construct = options['construct'] || function (data) { return data; };
- this.instanceOf = options['instanceOf'] || null;
- this.predicate = options['predicate'] || null;
- this.represent = options['represent'] || null;
- this.defaultStyle = options['defaultStyle'] || null;
- this.styleAliases = compileStyleAliases$1(options['styleAliases'] || null);
+ this.options = options; // keep original options in case user wants to extend this type later
+ this.tag = tag;
+ this.kind = options['kind'] || null;
+ this.resolve = options['resolve'] || function () { return true; };
+ this.construct = options['construct'] || function (data) { return data; };
+ this.instanceOf = options['instanceOf'] || null;
+ this.predicate = options['predicate'] || null;
+ this.represent = options['represent'] || null;
+ this.representName = options['representName'] || null;
+ this.defaultStyle = options['defaultStyle'] || null;
+ this.multi = options['multi'] || false;
+ this.styleAliases = compileStyleAliases(options['styleAliases'] || null);
- if (YAML_NODE_KINDS$1.indexOf(this.kind) === -1) {
- throw new YAMLException$5('Unknown kind "' + this.kind + '" is specified for "' + tag + '" YAML type.');
+ if (YAML_NODE_KINDS.indexOf(this.kind) === -1) {
+ throw new exception('Unknown kind "' + this.kind + '" is specified for "' + tag + '" YAML type.');
-var type$1 = Type$j;
+var type$1 = Type$1;
/*eslint-disable max-len*/
-var common$9 = common$b;
-var YAMLException$4 = exception$1;
-var Type$i = type$1;
-function compileList$1(schema, name, result) {
- var exclude = [];
- schema.include.forEach(function (includedSchema) {
- result = compileList$1(includedSchema, name, result);
- });
+function compileList(schema, name) {
+ var result = [];
schema[name].forEach(function (currentType) {
+ var newIndex = result.length;
result.forEach(function (previousType, previousIndex) {
- if (previousType.tag === currentType.tag && previousType.kind === currentType.kind) {
- exclude.push(previousIndex);
+ if (previousType.tag === currentType.tag &&
+ previousType.kind === currentType.kind &&
+ previousType.multi === currentType.multi) {
+ newIndex = previousIndex;
- result.push(currentType);
+ result[newIndex] = currentType;
- return result.filter(function (type, index) {
- return exclude.indexOf(index) === -1;
- });
+ return result;
-function compileMap$1(/* lists... */) {
+function compileMap(/* lists... */) {
var result = {
scalar: {},
sequence: {},
mapping: {},
- fallback: {}
+ fallback: {},
+ multi: {
+ scalar: [],
+ sequence: [],
+ mapping: [],
+ fallback: []
+ }
}, index, length;
function collectType(type) {
- result[type.kind][type.tag] = result['fallback'][type.tag] = type;
+ if (type.multi) {
+ result.multi[type.kind].push(type);
+ result.multi['fallback'].push(type);
+ } else {
+ result[type.kind][type.tag] = result['fallback'][type.tag] = type;
+ }
for (index = 0, length = arguments.length; index < length; index += 1) {
@@ -540,99 +8953,92 @@ function compileMap$1(/* lists... */) {
-function Schema$7(definition) {
- this.include = definition.include || [];
- this.implicit = definition.implicit || [];
- this.explicit = definition.explicit || [];
- this.implicit.forEach(function (type) {
- if (type.loadKind && type.loadKind !== 'scalar') {
- throw new YAMLException$4('There is a non-scalar type in the implicit list of a schema. Implicit resolving of such types is not supported.');
- }
- });
- this.compiledImplicit = compileList$1(this, 'implicit', []);
- this.compiledExplicit = compileList$1(this, 'explicit', []);
- this.compiledTypeMap = compileMap$1(this.compiledImplicit, this.compiledExplicit);
+function Schema$1(definition) {
+ return this.extend(definition);
-Schema$7.DEFAULT = null;
+Schema$1.prototype.extend = function extend(definition) {
+ var implicit = [];
+ var explicit = [];
-Schema$7.create = function createSchema() {
- var schemas, types;
+ if (definition instanceof type$1) {
+ // Schema.extend(type)
+ explicit.push(definition);
- switch (arguments.length) {
- case 1:
- schemas = Schema$7.DEFAULT;
- types = arguments[0];
- break;
+ } else if (Array.isArray(definition)) {
+ // Schema.extend([ type1, type2, ... ])
+ explicit = explicit.concat(definition);
- case 2:
- schemas = arguments[0];
- types = arguments[1];
- break;
+ } else if (definition && (Array.isArray(definition.implicit) || Array.isArray(definition.explicit))) {
+ // Schema.extend({ explicit: [ type1, type2, ... ], implicit: [ type1, type2, ... ] })
+ if (definition.implicit) implicit = implicit.concat(definition.implicit);
+ if (definition.explicit) explicit = explicit.concat(definition.explicit);
- default:
- throw new YAMLException$4('Wrong number of arguments for Schema.create function');
+ } else {
+ throw new exception('Schema.extend argument should be a Type, [ Type ], ' +
+ 'or a schema definition ({ implicit: [...], explicit: [...] })');
- schemas = common$9.toArray(schemas);
- types = common$9.toArray(types);
+ implicit.forEach(function (type$1$1) {
+ if (!(type$1$1 instanceof type$1)) {
+ throw new exception('Specified list of YAML types (or a single Type object) contains a non-Type object.');
+ }
- if (!schemas.every(function (schema) { return schema instanceof Schema$7; })) {
- throw new YAMLException$4('Specified list of super schemas (or a single Schema object) contains a non-Schema object.');
- }
+ if (type$1$1.loadKind && type$1$1.loadKind !== 'scalar') {
+ throw new exception('There is a non-scalar type in the implicit list of a schema. Implicit resolving of such types is not supported.');
+ }
- if (!types.every(function (type) { return type instanceof Type$i; })) {
- throw new YAMLException$4('Specified list of YAML types (or a single Type object) contains a non-Type object.');
- }
+ if (type$1$1.multi) {
+ throw new exception('There is a multi type in the implicit list of a schema. Multi tags can only be listed as explicit.');
+ }
+ });
- return new Schema$7({
- include: schemas,
- explicit: types
+ explicit.forEach(function (type$1$1) {
+ if (!(type$1$1 instanceof type$1)) {
+ throw new exception('Specified list of YAML types (or a single Type object) contains a non-Type object.');
+ }
+ var result = Object.create(Schema$1.prototype);
+ result.implicit = (this.implicit || []).concat(implicit);
+ result.explicit = (this.explicit || []).concat(explicit);
+ result.compiledImplicit = compileList(result, 'implicit');
+ result.compiledExplicit = compileList(result, 'explicit');
+ result.compiledTypeMap = compileMap(result.compiledImplicit, result.compiledExplicit);
+ return result;
-var schema$2 = Schema$7;
-var Type$h = type$1;
+var schema$1 = Schema$1;
-var str$1 = new Type$h(',2002:str', {
+var str = new type$1(',2002:str', {
kind: 'scalar',
construct: function (data) { return data !== null ? data : ''; }
-var Type$g = type$1;
-var seq$1 = new Type$g(',2002:seq', {
+var seq = new type$1(',2002:seq', {
kind: 'sequence',
construct: function (data) { return data !== null ? data : []; }
-var Type$f = type$1;
-var map$7 = new Type$f(',2002:map', {
+var map$3 = new type$1(',2002:map', {
kind: 'mapping',
construct: function (data) { return data !== null ? data : {}; }
-var Schema$6 = schema$2;
-var failsafe$1 = new Schema$6({
+var failsafe = new schema$1({
explicit: [
- str$1,
- seq$1,
- map$7
+ str,
+ seq,
+ map$3
-var Type$e = type$1;
-function resolveYamlNull$1(data) {
+function resolveYamlNull(data) {
if (data === null) return true;
var max = data.length;
@@ -641,31 +9047,30 @@ function resolveYamlNull$1(data) {
(max === 4 && (data === 'null' || data === 'Null' || data === 'NULL'));
-function constructYamlNull$1() {
+function constructYamlNull() {
return null;
-function isNull$1(object) {
+function isNull(object) {
return object === null;
-var _null$1 = new Type$e(',2002:null', {
+var _null = new type$1(',2002:null', {
kind: 'scalar',
- resolve: resolveYamlNull$1,
- construct: constructYamlNull$1,
- predicate: isNull$1,
+ resolve: resolveYamlNull,
+ construct: constructYamlNull,
+ predicate: isNull,
represent: {
canonical: function () { return '~'; },
lowercase: function () { return 'null'; },
uppercase: function () { return 'NULL'; },
- camelcase: function () { return 'Null'; }
+ camelcase: function () { return 'Null'; },
+ empty: function () { return ''; }
defaultStyle: 'lowercase'
-var Type$d = type$1;
-function resolveYamlBoolean$1(data) {
+function resolveYamlBoolean(data) {
if (data === null) return false;
var max = data.length;
@@ -674,21 +9079,21 @@ function resolveYamlBoolean$1(data) {
(max === 5 && (data === 'false' || data === 'False' || data === 'FALSE'));
-function constructYamlBoolean$1(data) {
+function constructYamlBoolean(data) {
return data === 'true' ||
data === 'True' ||
data === 'TRUE';
-function isBoolean$1(object) {
+function isBoolean(object) {
return === '[object Boolean]';
-var bool$1 = new Type$d(',2002:bool', {
+var bool = new type$1(',2002:bool', {
kind: 'scalar',
- resolve: resolveYamlBoolean$1,
- construct: constructYamlBoolean$1,
- predicate: isBoolean$1,
+ resolve: resolveYamlBoolean,
+ construct: constructYamlBoolean,
+ predicate: isBoolean,
represent: {
lowercase: function (object) { return object ? 'true' : 'false'; },
uppercase: function (object) { return object ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE'; },
@@ -697,24 +9102,21 @@ var bool$1 = new Type$d(',2002:bool', {
defaultStyle: 'lowercase'
-var common$8 = common$b;
-var Type$c = type$1;
-function isHexCode$1(c) {
+function isHexCode(c) {
return ((0x30/* 0 */ <= c) && (c <= 0x39/* 9 */)) ||
((0x41/* A */ <= c) && (c <= 0x46/* F */)) ||
((0x61/* a */ <= c) && (c <= 0x66/* f */));
-function isOctCode$1(c) {
+function isOctCode(c) {
return ((0x30/* 0 */ <= c) && (c <= 0x37/* 7 */));
-function isDecCode$1(c) {
+function isDecCode(c) {
return ((0x30/* 0 */ <= c) && (c <= 0x39/* 9 */));
-function resolveYamlInteger$1(data) {
+function resolveYamlInteger(data) {
if (data === null) return false;
var max = data.length,
@@ -759,23 +9161,28 @@ function resolveYamlInteger$1(data) {
for (; index < max; index++) {
ch = data[index];
if (ch === '_') continue;
- if (!isHexCode$1(data.charCodeAt(index))) return false;
+ if (!isHexCode(data.charCodeAt(index))) return false;
hasDigits = true;
return hasDigits && ch !== '_';
- // base 8
- for (; index < max; index++) {
- ch = data[index];
- if (ch === '_') continue;
- if (!isOctCode$1(data.charCodeAt(index))) return false;
- hasDigits = true;
+ if (ch === 'o') {
+ // base 8
+ index++;
+ for (; index < max; index++) {
+ ch = data[index];
+ if (ch === '_') continue;
+ if (!isOctCode(data.charCodeAt(index))) return false;
+ hasDigits = true;
+ }
+ return hasDigits && ch !== '_';
- return hasDigits && ch !== '_';
- // base 10 (except 0) or base 60
+ // base 10 (except 0)
// value should not start with `_`;
if (ch === '_') return false;
@@ -783,8 +9190,7 @@ function resolveYamlInteger$1(data) {
for (; index < max; index++) {
ch = data[index];
if (ch === '_') continue;
- if (ch === ':') break;
- if (!isDecCode$1(data.charCodeAt(index))) {
+ if (!isDecCode(data.charCodeAt(index))) {
return false;
hasDigits = true;
@@ -793,15 +9199,11 @@ function resolveYamlInteger$1(data) {
// Should have digits and should not end with `_`
if (!hasDigits || ch === '_') return false;
- // if !base60 - done;
- if (ch !== ':') return true;
- // base60 almost not used, no needs to optimize
- return /^(:[0-5]?[0-9])+$/.test(data.slice(index));
+ return true;
-function constructYamlInteger$1(data) {
- var value = data, sign = 1, ch, base, digits = [];
+function constructYamlInteger(data) {
+ var value = data, sign = 1, ch;
if (value.indexOf('_') !== -1) {
value = value.replace(/_/g, '');
@@ -819,43 +9221,26 @@ function constructYamlInteger$1(data) {
if (ch === '0') {
if (value[1] === 'b') return sign * parseInt(value.slice(2), 2);
- if (value[1] === 'x') return sign * parseInt(value, 16);
- return sign * parseInt(value, 8);
- }
- if (value.indexOf(':') !== -1) {
- value.split(':').forEach(function (v) {
- digits.unshift(parseInt(v, 10));
- });
- value = 0;
- base = 1;
- digits.forEach(function (d) {
- value += (d * base);
- base *= 60;
- });
- return sign * value;
+ if (value[1] === 'x') return sign * parseInt(value.slice(2), 16);
+ if (value[1] === 'o') return sign * parseInt(value.slice(2), 8);
return sign * parseInt(value, 10);
-function isInteger$1(object) {
+function isInteger(object) {
return ( === '[object Number]' &&
- (object % 1 === 0 && !common$8.isNegativeZero(object));
+ (object % 1 === 0 && !common$4.isNegativeZero(object));
-var int$4 = new Type$c(',2002:int', {
+var int = new type$1(',2002:int', {
kind: 'scalar',
- resolve: resolveYamlInteger$1,
- construct: constructYamlInteger$1,
- predicate: isInteger$1,
+ resolve: resolveYamlInteger,
+ construct: constructYamlInteger,
+ predicate: isInteger,
represent: {
binary: function (obj) { return obj >= 0 ? '0b' + obj.toString(2) : '-0b' + obj.toString(2).slice(1); },
- octal: function (obj) { return obj >= 0 ? '0' + obj.toString(8) : '-0' + obj.toString(8).slice(1); },
+ octal: function (obj) { return obj >= 0 ? '0o' + obj.toString(8) : '-0o' + obj.toString(8).slice(1); },
decimal: function (obj) { return obj.toString(10); },
/* eslint-disable max-len */
hexadecimal: function (obj) { return obj >= 0 ? '0x' + obj.toString(16).toUpperCase() : '-0x' + obj.toString(16).toUpperCase().slice(1); }
@@ -869,26 +9254,21 @@ var int$4 = new Type$c(',2002:int', {
-var common$7 = common$b;
-var Type$b = type$1;
-var YAML_FLOAT_PATTERN$1 = new RegExp(
+var YAML_FLOAT_PATTERN = new RegExp(
// 2.5e4, 2.5 and integers
- '^(?:[-+]?(?:0|[1-9][0-9_]*)(?:\\.[0-9_]*)?(?:[eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?' +
+ '^(?:[-+]?(?:[0-9][0-9_]*)(?:\\.[0-9_]*)?(?:[eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?' +
// .2e4, .2
// special case, seems not from spec
'|\\.[0-9_]+(?:[eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?' +
- // 20:59
- '|[-+]?[0-9][0-9_]*(?::[0-5]?[0-9])+\\.[0-9_]*' +
// .inf
'|[-+]?\\.(?:inf|Inf|INF)' +
// .nan
-function resolveYamlFloat$1(data) {
+function resolveYamlFloat(data) {
if (data === null) return false;
- if (!YAML_FLOAT_PATTERN$1.test(data) ||
+ if (!YAML_FLOAT_PATTERN.test(data) ||
// Quick hack to not allow integers end with `_`
// Probably should update regexp & check speed
data[data.length - 1] === '_') {
@@ -898,12 +9278,11 @@ function resolveYamlFloat$1(data) {
return true;
-function constructYamlFloat$1(data) {
- var value, sign, base, digits;
+function constructYamlFloat(data) {
+ var value, sign;
value = data.replace(/_/g, '').toLowerCase();
sign = value[0] === '-' ? -1 : 1;
- digits = [];
if ('+-'.indexOf(value[0]) >= 0) {
value = value.slice(1);
@@ -914,30 +9293,14 @@ function constructYamlFloat$1(data) {
} else if (value === '.nan') {
return NaN;
- } else if (value.indexOf(':') >= 0) {
- value.split(':').forEach(function (v) {
- digits.unshift(parseFloat(v, 10));
- });
- value = 0.0;
- base = 1;
- digits.forEach(function (d) {
- value += d * base;
- base *= 60;
- });
- return sign * value;
return sign * parseFloat(value, 10);
-var SCIENTIFIC_WITHOUT_DOT$1 = /^[-+]?[0-9]+e/;
+var SCIENTIFIC_WITHOUT_DOT = /^[-+]?[0-9]+e/;
-function representYamlFloat$1(object, style) {
+function representYamlFloat(object, style) {
var res;
if (isNaN(object)) {
@@ -958,7 +9321,7 @@ function representYamlFloat$1(object, style) {
case 'uppercase': return '-.INF';
case 'camelcase': return '-.Inf';
- } else if (common$7.isNegativeZero(object)) {
+ } else if (common$4.isNegativeZero(object)) {
return '-0.0';
@@ -967,55 +9330,40 @@ function representYamlFloat$1(object, style) {
// JS stringifier can build scientific format without dots: 5e-100,
// while YAML requres dot: 5.e-100. Fix it with simple hack
- return SCIENTIFIC_WITHOUT_DOT$1.test(res) ? res.replace('e', '.e') : res;
+ return SCIENTIFIC_WITHOUT_DOT.test(res) ? res.replace('e', '.e') : res;
-function isFloat$1(object) {
+function isFloat(object) {
return ( === '[object Number]') &&
- (object % 1 !== 0 || common$7.isNegativeZero(object));
+ (object % 1 !== 0 || common$4.isNegativeZero(object));
-var float$1 = new Type$b(',2002:float', {
+var float = new type$1(',2002:float', {
kind: 'scalar',
- resolve: resolveYamlFloat$1,
- construct: constructYamlFloat$1,
- predicate: isFloat$1,
- represent: representYamlFloat$1,
+ resolve: resolveYamlFloat,
+ construct: constructYamlFloat,
+ predicate: isFloat,
+ represent: representYamlFloat,
defaultStyle: 'lowercase'
-var Schema$5 = schema$2;
-var json$3 = new Schema$5({
- include: [
- failsafe$1
- ],
+var json = failsafe.extend({
implicit: [
- _null$1,
- bool$1,
- int$4,
- float$1
- ]
-var Schema$4 = schema$2;
-var core$4 = new Schema$4({
- include: [
- json$3
+ _null,
+ bool,
+ int,
+ float
-var Type$a = type$1;
+var core = json;
-var YAML_DATE_REGEXP$1 = new RegExp(
+var YAML_DATE_REGEXP = new RegExp(
'^([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9])' + // [1] year
'-([0-9][0-9])' + // [2] month
'-([0-9][0-9])$'); // [3] day
-var YAML_TIMESTAMP_REGEXP$1 = new RegExp(
'^([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9])' + // [1] year
'-([0-9][0-9]?)' + // [2] month
'-([0-9][0-9]?)' + // [3] day
@@ -1027,19 +9375,19 @@ var YAML_TIMESTAMP_REGEXP$1 = new RegExp(
'(?:[ \\t]*(Z|([-+])([0-9][0-9]?)' + // [8] tz [9] tz_sign [10] tz_hour
'(?::([0-9][0-9]))?))?$'); // [11] tz_minute
-function resolveYamlTimestamp$1(data) {
+function resolveYamlTimestamp(data) {
if (data === null) return false;
- if (YAML_DATE_REGEXP$1.exec(data) !== null) return true;
- if (YAML_TIMESTAMP_REGEXP$1.exec(data) !== null) return true;
+ if (YAML_DATE_REGEXP.exec(data) !== null) return true;
+ if (YAML_TIMESTAMP_REGEXP.exec(data) !== null) return true;
return false;
-function constructYamlTimestamp$1(data) {
+function constructYamlTimestamp(data) {
var match, year, month, day, hour, minute, second, fraction = 0,
delta = null, tz_hour, tz_minute, date;
- match = YAML_DATE_REGEXP$1.exec(data);
- if (match === null) match = YAML_TIMESTAMP_REGEXP$1.exec(data);
+ match = YAML_DATE_REGEXP.exec(data);
+ if (match === null) match = YAML_TIMESTAMP_REGEXP.exec(data);
if (match === null) throw new Error('Date resolve error');
@@ -1083,50 +9431,41 @@ function constructYamlTimestamp$1(data) {
return date;
-function representYamlTimestamp$1(object /*, style*/) {
+function representYamlTimestamp(object /*, style*/) {
return object.toISOString();
-var timestamp$1 = new Type$a(',2002:timestamp', {
+var timestamp = new type$1(',2002:timestamp', {
kind: 'scalar',
- resolve: resolveYamlTimestamp$1,
- construct: constructYamlTimestamp$1,
+ resolve: resolveYamlTimestamp,
+ construct: constructYamlTimestamp,
instanceOf: Date,
- represent: representYamlTimestamp$1
+ represent: representYamlTimestamp
-var Type$9 = type$1;
-function resolveYamlMerge$1(data) {
+function resolveYamlMerge(data) {
return data === '<<' || data === null;
-var merge$2 = new Type$9(',2002:merge', {
+var merge$1 = new type$1(',2002:merge', {
kind: 'scalar',
- resolve: resolveYamlMerge$1
+ resolve: resolveYamlMerge
/*eslint-disable no-bitwise*/
-var NodeBuffer;
-try {
- // A trick for browserified version, to not include `Buffer` shim
- var _require$1 = commonjsRequire;
- NodeBuffer = _require$1('buffer').Buffer;
-} catch (__) {}
-var Type$8 = type$1;
// [ 64, 65, 66 ] -> [ padding, CR, LF ]
-var BASE64_MAP$1 = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=\n\r';
+var BASE64_MAP = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=\n\r';
-function resolveYamlBinary$1(data) {
+function resolveYamlBinary(data) {
if (data === null) return false;
- var code, idx, bitlen = 0, max = data.length, map = BASE64_MAP$1;
+ var code, idx, bitlen = 0, max = data.length, map = BASE64_MAP;
// Convert one by one.
for (idx = 0; idx < max; idx++) {
@@ -1145,11 +9484,11 @@ function resolveYamlBinary$1(data) {
return (bitlen % 8) === 0;
-function constructYamlBinary$1(data) {
+function constructYamlBinary(data) {
var idx, tailbits,
input = data.replace(/[\r\n=]/g, ''), // remove CR/LF & padding to simplify scan
max = input.length,
- map = BASE64_MAP$1,
+ map = BASE64_MAP,
bits = 0,
result = [];
@@ -1180,19 +9519,13 @@ function constructYamlBinary$1(data) {
result.push((bits >> 4) & 0xFF);
- // Wrap into Buffer for NodeJS and leave Array for browser
- if (NodeBuffer) {
- // Support node 6.+ Buffer API when available
- return NodeBuffer.from ? NodeBuffer.from(result) : new NodeBuffer(result);
- }
- return result;
+ return new Uint8Array(result);
-function representYamlBinary$1(object /*, style*/) {
+function representYamlBinary(object /*, style*/) {
var result = '', bits = 0, idx, tail,
max = object.length,
- map = BASE64_MAP$1;
+ map = BASE64_MAP;
// Convert every three bytes to 4 ASCII characters.
@@ -1231,24 +9564,22 @@ function representYamlBinary$1(object /*, style*/) {
return result;
-function isBinary$1(object) {
- return NodeBuffer && NodeBuffer.isBuffer(object);
+function isBinary(obj) {
+ return === '[object Uint8Array]';
-var binary$1 = new Type$8(',2002:binary', {
+var binary = new type$1(',2002:binary', {
kind: 'scalar',
- resolve: resolveYamlBinary$1,
- construct: constructYamlBinary$1,
- predicate: isBinary$1,
- represent: representYamlBinary$1
+ resolve: resolveYamlBinary,
+ construct: constructYamlBinary,
+ predicate: isBinary,
+ represent: representYamlBinary
-var Type$7 = type$1;
-var _hasOwnProperty$7 = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
-var _toString$5 = Object.prototype.toString;
+var _hasOwnProperty$3 = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
+var _toString$2 = Object.prototype.toString;
-function resolveYamlOmap$1(data) {
+function resolveYamlOmap(data) {
if (data === null) return true;
var objectKeys = [], index, length, pair, pairKey, pairHasKey,
@@ -1258,10 +9589,10 @@ function resolveYamlOmap$1(data) {
pair = object[index];
pairHasKey = false;
- if (_toString$ !== '[object Object]') return false;
+ if (_toString$ !== '[object Object]') return false;
for (pairKey in pair) {
- if (_hasOwnProperty$, pairKey)) {
+ if (_hasOwnProperty$, pairKey)) {
if (!pairHasKey) pairHasKey = true;
else return false;
@@ -1276,21 +9607,19 @@ function resolveYamlOmap$1(data) {
return true;
-function constructYamlOmap$1(data) {
+function constructYamlOmap(data) {
return data !== null ? data : [];
-var omap$1 = new Type$7(',2002:omap', {
+var omap = new type$1(',2002:omap', {
kind: 'sequence',
- resolve: resolveYamlOmap$1,
- construct: constructYamlOmap$1
+ resolve: resolveYamlOmap,
+ construct: constructYamlOmap
-var Type$6 = type$1;
-var _toString$4 = Object.prototype.toString;
+var _toString$1 = Object.prototype.toString;
-function resolveYamlPairs$1(data) {
+function resolveYamlPairs(data) {
if (data === null) return true;
var index, length, pair, keys, result,
@@ -1301,7 +9630,7 @@ function resolveYamlPairs$1(data) {
for (index = 0, length = object.length; index < length; index += 1) {
pair = object[index];
- if (_toString$ !== '[object Object]') return false;
+ if (_toString$ !== '[object Object]') return false;
keys = Object.keys(pair);
@@ -1313,7 +9642,7 @@ function resolveYamlPairs$1(data) {
return true;
-function constructYamlPairs$1(data) {
+function constructYamlPairs(data) {
if (data === null) return [];
var index, length, pair, keys, result,
@@ -1332,23 +9661,21 @@ function constructYamlPairs$1(data) {
return result;
-var pairs$1 = new Type$6(',2002:pairs', {
+var pairs = new type$1(',2002:pairs', {
kind: 'sequence',
- resolve: resolveYamlPairs$1,
- construct: constructYamlPairs$1
+ resolve: resolveYamlPairs,
+ construct: constructYamlPairs
-var Type$5 = type$1;
-var _hasOwnProperty$6 = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
+var _hasOwnProperty$2 = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
-function resolveYamlSet$1(data) {
+function resolveYamlSet(data) {
if (data === null) return true;
var key, object = data;
for (key in object) {
- if (_hasOwnProperty$, key)) {
+ if (_hasOwnProperty$, key)) {
if (object[key] !== null) return false;
@@ -1356,275 +9683,76 @@ function resolveYamlSet$1(data) {
return true;
-function constructYamlSet$1(data) {
+function constructYamlSet(data) {
return data !== null ? data : {};
-var set$1 = new Type$5(',2002:set', {
+var set = new type$1(',2002:set', {
kind: 'mapping',
- resolve: resolveYamlSet$1,
- construct: constructYamlSet$1
+ resolve: resolveYamlSet,
+ construct: constructYamlSet
-var Schema$3 = schema$2;
-var default_safe = new Schema$3({
- include: [
- core$4
- ],
+var _default$1 = core.extend({
implicit: [
- timestamp$1,
- merge$2
+ timestamp,
+ merge$1
explicit: [
- binary$1,
- omap$1,
- pairs$1,
- set$1
+ binary,
+ omap,
+ pairs,
+ set
-var Type$4 = type$1;
-function resolveJavascriptUndefined() {
- return true;
-function constructJavascriptUndefined() {
- /*eslint-disable no-undefined*/
- return undefined;
-function representJavascriptUndefined() {
- return '';
-function isUndefined(object) {
- return typeof object === 'undefined';
-var _undefined = new Type$4(',2002:js/undefined', {
- kind: 'scalar',
- resolve: resolveJavascriptUndefined,
- construct: constructJavascriptUndefined,
- predicate: isUndefined,
- represent: representJavascriptUndefined
-var Type$3 = type$1;
-function resolveJavascriptRegExp(data) {
- if (data === null) return false;
- if (data.length === 0) return false;
- var regexp = data,
- tail = /\/([gim]*)$/.exec(data),
- modifiers = '';
- // if regexp starts with '/' it can have modifiers and must be properly closed
- // `/foo/gim` - modifiers tail can be maximum 3 chars
- if (regexp[0] === '/') {
- if (tail) modifiers = tail[1];
- if (modifiers.length > 3) return false;
- // if expression starts with /, is should be properly terminated
- if (regexp[regexp.length - modifiers.length - 1] !== '/') return false;
- }
- return true;
-function constructJavascriptRegExp(data) {
- var regexp = data,
- tail = /\/([gim]*)$/.exec(data),
- modifiers = '';
- // `/foo/gim` - tail can be maximum 4 chars
- if (regexp[0] === '/') {
- if (tail) modifiers = tail[1];
- regexp = regexp.slice(1, regexp.length - modifiers.length - 1);
- }
- return new RegExp(regexp, modifiers);
-function representJavascriptRegExp(object /*, style*/) {
- var result = '/' + object.source + '/';
- if ( result += 'g';
- if (object.multiline) result += 'm';
- if (object.ignoreCase) result += 'i';
- return result;
-function isRegExp(object) {
- return === '[object RegExp]';
-var regexp = new Type$3(',2002:js/regexp', {
- kind: 'scalar',
- resolve: resolveJavascriptRegExp,
- construct: constructJavascriptRegExp,
- predicate: isRegExp,
- represent: representJavascriptRegExp
-var esprima;
-// Browserified version does not have esprima
-// 1. For node.js just require module as deps
-// 2. For browser try to require mudule via external AMD system.
-// If not found - try to fallback to window.esprima. If not
-// found too - then fail to parse.
-try {
- // workaround to exclude package from browserify list.
- var _require = commonjsRequire;
- esprima = _require('esprima');
-} catch (_) {
- /* eslint-disable no-redeclare */
- /* global window */
- if (typeof window !== 'undefined') esprima = window.esprima;
-var Type$2 = type$1;
-function resolveJavascriptFunction(data) {
- if (data === null) return false;
- try {
- var source = '(' + data + ')',
- ast = esprima.parse(source, { range: true });
- if (ast.type !== 'Program' ||
- ast.body.length !== 1 ||
- ast.body[0].type !== 'ExpressionStatement' ||
- (ast.body[0].expression.type !== 'ArrowFunctionExpression' &&
- ast.body[0].expression.type !== 'FunctionExpression')) {
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- } catch (err) {
- return false;
- }
-function constructJavascriptFunction(data) {
- /*jslint evil:true*/
- var source = '(' + data + ')',
- ast = esprima.parse(source, { range: true }),
- params = [],
- body;
- if (ast.type !== 'Program' ||
- ast.body.length !== 1 ||
- ast.body[0].type !== 'ExpressionStatement' ||
- (ast.body[0].expression.type !== 'ArrowFunctionExpression' &&
- ast.body[0].expression.type !== 'FunctionExpression')) {
- throw new Error('Failed to resolve function');
- }
- ast.body[0].expression.params.forEach(function (param) {
- params.push(;
- });
- body = ast.body[0].expression.body.range;
- // Esprima's ranges include the first '{' and the last '}' characters on
- // function expressions. So cut them out.
- if (ast.body[0].expression.body.type === 'BlockStatement') {
- /*eslint-disable no-new-func*/
- return new Function(params, source.slice(body[0] + 1, body[1] - 1));
- }
- // ES6 arrow functions can omit the BlockStatement. In that case, just return
- // the body.
- /*eslint-disable no-new-func*/
- return new Function(params, 'return ' + source.slice(body[0], body[1]));
-function representJavascriptFunction(object /*, style*/) {
- return object.toString();
-function isFunction(object) {
- return === '[object Function]';
-var _function = new Type$2(',2002:js/function', {
- kind: 'scalar',
- resolve: resolveJavascriptFunction,
- construct: constructJavascriptFunction,
- predicate: isFunction,
- represent: representJavascriptFunction
+/*eslint-disable max-len,no-use-before-define*/
-var Schema$2 = schema$2;
-var default_full = Schema$2.DEFAULT = new Schema$2({
- include: [
- default_safe
- ],
- explicit: [
- _undefined,
- regexp,
- _function
- ]
-/*eslint-disable max-len,no-use-before-define*/
-var common$6 = common$b;
-var YAMLException$3 = exception$1;
-var Mark = mark$1;
-var DEFAULT_SAFE_SCHEMA$1 = default_safe;
-var DEFAULT_FULL_SCHEMA$1 = default_full;
-var _hasOwnProperty$5 = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
+var _hasOwnProperty$1 = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
-var CONTEXT_FLOW_IN$1 = 1;
-var CONTEXT_FLOW_OUT$1 = 2;
-var CONTEXT_BLOCK_IN$1 = 3;
-var CHOMPING_CLIP$1 = 1;
-var CHOMPING_STRIP$1 = 2;
-var CHOMPING_KEEP$1 = 3;
-var PATTERN_NON_PRINTABLE$1 = /[\x00-\x08\x0B\x0C\x0E-\x1F\x7F-\x84\x86-\x9F\uFFFE\uFFFF]|[\uD800-\uDBFF](?![\uDC00-\uDFFF])|(?:[^\uD800-\uDBFF]|^)[\uDC00-\uDFFF]/;
-var PATTERN_NON_ASCII_LINE_BREAKS$1 = /[\x85\u2028\u2029]/;
-var PATTERN_FLOW_INDICATORS$1 = /[,\[\]\{\}]/;
-var PATTERN_TAG_HANDLE$1 = /^(?:!|!!|![a-z\-]+!)$/i;
-var PATTERN_TAG_URI$1 = /^(?:!|[^,\[\]\{\}])(?:%[0-9a-f]{2}|[0-9a-z\-#;\/\?:@&=\+\$,_\.!~\*'\(\)\[\]])*$/i;
+var PATTERN_NON_PRINTABLE = /[\x00-\x08\x0B\x0C\x0E-\x1F\x7F-\x84\x86-\x9F\uFFFE\uFFFF]|[\uD800-\uDBFF](?![\uDC00-\uDFFF])|(?:[^\uD800-\uDBFF]|^)[\uDC00-\uDFFF]/;
+var PATTERN_NON_ASCII_LINE_BREAKS = /[\x85\u2028\u2029]/;
+var PATTERN_FLOW_INDICATORS = /[,\[\]\{\}]/;
+var PATTERN_TAG_HANDLE = /^(?:!|!!|![a-z\-]+!)$/i;
+var PATTERN_TAG_URI = /^(?:!|[^,\[\]\{\}])(?:%[0-9a-f]{2}|[0-9a-z\-#;\/\?:@&=\+\$,_\.!~\*'\(\)\[\]])*$/i;
-function _class$1(obj) { return; }
+function _class(obj) { return; }
-function is_EOL$1(c) {
+function is_EOL(c) {
return (c === 0x0A/* LF */) || (c === 0x0D/* CR */);
-function is_WHITE_SPACE$1(c) {
+function is_WHITE_SPACE(c) {
return (c === 0x09/* Tab */) || (c === 0x20/* Space */);
-function is_WS_OR_EOL$1(c) {
+function is_WS_OR_EOL(c) {
return (c === 0x09/* Tab */) ||
(c === 0x20/* Space */) ||
(c === 0x0A/* LF */) ||
(c === 0x0D/* CR */);
-function is_FLOW_INDICATOR$1(c) {
+function is_FLOW_INDICATOR(c) {
return c === 0x2C/* , */ ||
c === 0x5B/* [ */ ||
c === 0x5D/* ] */ ||
@@ -1632,7 +9760,7 @@ function is_FLOW_INDICATOR$1(c) {
c === 0x7D/* } */;
-function fromHexCode$1(c) {
+function fromHexCode(c) {
var lc;
if ((0x30/* 0 */ <= c) && (c <= 0x39/* 9 */)) {
@@ -1649,14 +9777,14 @@ function fromHexCode$1(c) {
return -1;
-function escapedHexLen$1(c) {
+function escapedHexLen(c) {
if (c === 0x78/* x */) { return 2; }
if (c === 0x75/* u */) { return 4; }
if (c === 0x55/* U */) { return 8; }
return 0;
-function fromDecimalCode$1(c) {
+function fromDecimalCode(c) {
if ((0x30/* 0 */ <= c) && (c <= 0x39/* 9 */)) {
return c - 0x30;
@@ -1664,7 +9792,7 @@ function fromDecimalCode$1(c) {
return -1;
-function simpleEscapeSequence$1(c) {
+function simpleEscapeSequence(c) {
/* eslint-disable indent */
return (c === 0x30/* 0 */) ? '\x00' :
(c === 0x61/* a */) ? '\x07' :
@@ -1686,7 +9814,7 @@ function simpleEscapeSequence$1(c) {
(c === 0x50/* P */) ? '\u2029' : '';
-function charFromCodepoint$1(c) {
+function charFromCodepoint(c) {
if (c <= 0xFFFF) {
return String.fromCharCode(c);
@@ -1698,21 +9826,24 @@ function charFromCodepoint$1(c) {
-var simpleEscapeCheck$1 = new Array(256); // integer, for fast access
-var simpleEscapeMap$1 = new Array(256);
-for (var i$1 = 0; i$1 < 256; i$1++) {
- simpleEscapeCheck$1[i$1] = simpleEscapeSequence$1(i$1) ? 1 : 0;
- simpleEscapeMap$1[i$1] = simpleEscapeSequence$1(i$1);
+var simpleEscapeCheck = new Array(256); // integer, for fast access
+var simpleEscapeMap = new Array(256);
+for (var i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
+ simpleEscapeCheck[i] = simpleEscapeSequence(i) ? 1 : 0;
+ simpleEscapeMap[i] = simpleEscapeSequence(i);
-function State$3(input, options) {
+function State$1(input, options) {
this.input = input;
this.filename = options['filename'] || null;
- this.schema = options['schema'] || DEFAULT_FULL_SCHEMA$1;
+ this.schema = options['schema'] || _default$1;
this.onWarning = options['onWarning'] || null;
+ // (Hidden) Remove? makes the loader to expect YAML 1.1 documents
+ // if such documents have no explicit %YAML directive
this.legacy = options['legacy'] || false;
this.json = options['json'] || false;
this.listener = options['listener'] || null;
@@ -1725,6 +9856,10 @@ function State$3(input, options) {
this.lineStart = 0;
this.lineIndent = 0;
+ // position of first leading tab in the current line,
+ // used to make sure there are no tabs in the indentation
+ this.firstTabInLine = -1;
this.documents = [];
@@ -1740,55 +9875,63 @@ function State$3(input, options) {
-function generateError$1(state, message) {
- return new YAMLException$3(
- message,
- new Mark(state.filename, state.input, state.position, state.line, (state.position - state.lineStart)));
+function generateError(state, message) {
+ var mark = {
+ name: state.filename,
+ buffer: state.input.slice(0, -1), // omit trailing \0
+ position: state.position,
+ line: state.line,
+ column: state.position - state.lineStart
+ };
+ mark.snippet = snippet(mark);
+ return new exception(message, mark);
-function throwError$2(state, message) {
- throw generateError$1(state, message);
+function throwError$1(state, message) {
+ throw generateError(state, message);
-function throwWarning$1(state, message) {
+function throwWarning(state, message) {
if (state.onWarning) {
-, generateError$1(state, message));
+, generateError(state, message));
-var directiveHandlers$1 = {
+var directiveHandlers = {
YAML: function handleYamlDirective(state, name, args) {
var match, major, minor;
if (state.version !== null) {
- throwError$2(state, 'duplication of %YAML directive');
+ throwError$1(state, 'duplication of %YAML directive');
if (args.length !== 1) {
- throwError$2(state, 'YAML directive accepts exactly one argument');
+ throwError$1(state, 'YAML directive accepts exactly one argument');
match = /^([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)$/.exec(args[0]);
if (match === null) {
- throwError$2(state, 'ill-formed argument of the YAML directive');
+ throwError$1(state, 'ill-formed argument of the YAML directive');
major = parseInt(match[1], 10);
minor = parseInt(match[2], 10);
if (major !== 1) {
- throwError$2(state, 'unacceptable YAML version of the document');
+ throwError$1(state, 'unacceptable YAML version of the document');
state.version = args[0];
state.checkLineBreaks = (minor < 2);
if (minor !== 1 && minor !== 2) {
- throwWarning$1(state, 'unsupported YAML version of the document');
+ throwWarning(state, 'unsupported YAML version of the document');
@@ -1797,22 +9940,28 @@ var directiveHandlers$1 = {
var handle, prefix;
if (args.length !== 2) {
- throwError$2(state, 'TAG directive accepts exactly two arguments');
+ throwError$1(state, 'TAG directive accepts exactly two arguments');
handle = args[0];
prefix = args[1];
- if (!PATTERN_TAG_HANDLE$1.test(handle)) {
- throwError$2(state, 'ill-formed tag handle (first argument) of the TAG directive');
+ if (!PATTERN_TAG_HANDLE.test(handle)) {
+ throwError$1(state, 'ill-formed tag handle (first argument) of the TAG directive');
- if (_hasOwnProperty$, handle)) {
- throwError$2(state, 'there is a previously declared suffix for "' + handle + '" tag handle');
+ if (_hasOwnProperty$, handle)) {
+ throwError$1(state, 'there is a previously declared suffix for "' + handle + '" tag handle');
- if (!PATTERN_TAG_URI$1.test(prefix)) {
- throwError$2(state, 'ill-formed tag prefix (second argument) of the TAG directive');
+ if (!PATTERN_TAG_URI.test(prefix)) {
+ throwError$1(state, 'ill-formed tag prefix (second argument) of the TAG directive');
+ }
+ try {
+ prefix = decodeURIComponent(prefix);
+ } catch (err) {
+ throwError$1(state, 'tag prefix is malformed: ' + prefix);
state.tagMap[handle] = prefix;
@@ -1820,7 +9969,7 @@ var directiveHandlers$1 = {
-function captureSegment$1(state, start, end, checkJson) {
+function captureSegment(state, start, end, checkJson) {
var _position, _length, _character, _result;
if (start < end) {
@@ -1831,22 +9980,22 @@ function captureSegment$1(state, start, end, checkJson) {
_character = _result.charCodeAt(_position);
if (!(_character === 0x09 ||
(0x20 <= _character && _character <= 0x10FFFF))) {
- throwError$2(state, 'expected valid JSON character');
+ throwError$1(state, 'expected valid JSON character');
- } else if (PATTERN_NON_PRINTABLE$1.test(_result)) {
- throwError$2(state, 'the stream contains non-printable characters');
+ } else if (PATTERN_NON_PRINTABLE.test(_result)) {
+ throwError$1(state, 'the stream contains non-printable characters');
state.result += _result;
-function mergeMappings$1(state, destination, source, overridableKeys) {
+function mergeMappings(state, destination, source, overridableKeys) {
var sourceKeys, key, index, quantity;
- if (!common$6.isObject(source)) {
- throwError$2(state, 'cannot merge mappings; the provided source object is unacceptable');
+ if (!common$4.isObject(source)) {
+ throwError$1(state, 'cannot merge mappings; the provided source object is unacceptable');
sourceKeys = Object.keys(source);
@@ -1854,14 +10003,16 @@ function mergeMappings$1(state, destination, source, overridableKeys) {
for (index = 0, quantity = sourceKeys.length; index < quantity; index += 1) {
key = sourceKeys[index];
- if (!_hasOwnProperty$, key)) {
+ if (!_hasOwnProperty$, key)) {
destination[key] = source[key];
overridableKeys[key] = true;
-function storeMappingPair$1(state, _result, overridableKeys, keyTag, keyNode, valueNode, startLine, startPos) {
+function storeMappingPair(state, _result, overridableKeys, keyTag, keyNode, valueNode,
+ startLine, startLineStart, startPos) {
var index, quantity;
// The output is a plain object here, so keys can only be strings.
@@ -1872,10 +10023,10 @@ function storeMappingPair$1(state, _result, overridableKeys, keyTag, keyNode, va
for (index = 0, quantity = keyNode.length; index < quantity; index += 1) {
if (Array.isArray(keyNode[index])) {
- throwError$2(state, 'nested arrays are not supported inside keys');
+ throwError$1(state, 'nested arrays are not supported inside keys');
- if (typeof keyNode === 'object' && _class$1(keyNode[index]) === '[object Object]') {
+ if (typeof keyNode === 'object' && _class(keyNode[index]) === '[object Object]') {
keyNode[index] = '[object Object]';
@@ -1884,7 +10035,7 @@ function storeMappingPair$1(state, _result, overridableKeys, keyTag, keyNode, va
// Avoid code execution in load() via toString property
// (still use its own toString for arrays, timestamps,
// and whatever user schema extensions happen to have @@toStringTag)
- if (typeof keyNode === 'object' && _class$1(keyNode) === '[object Object]') {
+ if (typeof keyNode === 'object' && _class(keyNode) === '[object Object]') {
keyNode = '[object Object]';
@@ -1898,27 +10049,39 @@ function storeMappingPair$1(state, _result, overridableKeys, keyTag, keyNode, va
if (keyTag === ',2002:merge') {
if (Array.isArray(valueNode)) {
for (index = 0, quantity = valueNode.length; index < quantity; index += 1) {
- mergeMappings$1(state, _result, valueNode[index], overridableKeys);
+ mergeMappings(state, _result, valueNode[index], overridableKeys);
} else {
- mergeMappings$1(state, _result, valueNode, overridableKeys);
+ mergeMappings(state, _result, valueNode, overridableKeys);
} else {
if (!state.json &&
- !_hasOwnProperty$, keyNode) &&
- _hasOwnProperty$, keyNode)) {
+ !_hasOwnProperty$, keyNode) &&
+ _hasOwnProperty$, keyNode)) {
state.line = startLine || state.line;
+ state.lineStart = startLineStart || state.lineStart;
state.position = startPos || state.position;
- throwError$2(state, 'duplicated mapping key');
+ throwError$1(state, 'duplicated mapping key');
+ }
+ // used for this specific key only because Object.defineProperty is slow
+ if (keyNode === '__proto__') {
+ Object.defineProperty(_result, keyNode, {
+ configurable: true,
+ enumerable: true,
+ writable: true,
+ value: valueNode
+ });
+ } else {
+ _result[keyNode] = valueNode;
- _result[keyNode] = valueNode;
delete overridableKeys[keyNode];
return _result;
-function readLineBreak$1(state) {
+function readLineBreak(state) {
var ch;
ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position);
@@ -1931,19 +10094,23 @@ function readLineBreak$1(state) {
} else {
- throwError$2(state, 'a line break is expected');
+ throwError$1(state, 'a line break is expected');
state.line += 1;
state.lineStart = state.position;
+ state.firstTabInLine = -1;
-function skipSeparationSpace$1(state, allowComments, checkIndent) {
+function skipSeparationSpace(state, allowComments, checkIndent) {
var lineBreaks = 0,
ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position);
while (ch !== 0) {
- while (is_WHITE_SPACE$1(ch)) {
+ while (is_WHITE_SPACE(ch)) {
+ if (ch === 0x09/* Tab */ && state.firstTabInLine === -1) {
+ state.firstTabInLine = state.position;
+ }
ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position);
@@ -1953,8 +10120,8 @@ function skipSeparationSpace$1(state, allowComments, checkIndent) {
} while (ch !== 0x0A/* LF */ && ch !== 0x0D/* CR */ && ch !== 0);
- if (is_EOL$1(ch)) {
- readLineBreak$1(state);
+ if (is_EOL(ch)) {
+ readLineBreak(state);
ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position);
@@ -1970,13 +10137,13 @@ function skipSeparationSpace$1(state, allowComments, checkIndent) {
if (checkIndent !== -1 && lineBreaks !== 0 && state.lineIndent < checkIndent) {
- throwWarning$1(state, 'deficient indentation');
+ throwWarning(state, 'deficient indentation');
return lineBreaks;
-function testDocumentSeparator$1(state) {
+function testDocumentSeparator(state) {
var _position = state.position,
@@ -1992,7 +10159,7 @@ function testDocumentSeparator$1(state) {
ch = state.input.charCodeAt(_position);
- if (ch === 0 || is_WS_OR_EOL$1(ch)) {
+ if (ch === 0 || is_WS_OR_EOL(ch)) {
return true;
@@ -2000,16 +10167,16 @@ function testDocumentSeparator$1(state) {
return false;
-function writeFoldedLines$1(state, count) {
+function writeFoldedLines(state, count) {
if (count === 1) {
state.result += ' ';
} else if (count > 1) {
- state.result += common$6.repeat('\n', count - 1);
+ state.result += common$4.repeat('\n', count - 1);
-function readPlainScalar$1(state, nodeIndent, withinFlowCollection) {
+function readPlainScalar(state, nodeIndent, withinFlowCollection) {
var preceding,
@@ -2024,8 +10191,8 @@ function readPlainScalar$1(state, nodeIndent, withinFlowCollection) {
ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position);
- if (is_WS_OR_EOL$1(ch) ||
- is_FLOW_INDICATOR$1(ch) ||
+ if (is_WS_OR_EOL(ch) ||
+ is_FLOW_INDICATOR(ch) ||
ch === 0x23/* # */ ||
ch === 0x26/* & */ ||
ch === 0x2A/* * */ ||
@@ -2043,8 +10210,8 @@ function readPlainScalar$1(state, nodeIndent, withinFlowCollection) {
if (ch === 0x3F/* ? */ || ch === 0x2D/* - */) {
following = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position + 1);
- if (is_WS_OR_EOL$1(following) ||
- withinFlowCollection && is_FLOW_INDICATOR$1(following)) {
+ if (is_WS_OR_EOL(following) ||
+ withinFlowCollection && is_FLOW_INDICATOR(following)) {
return false;
@@ -2058,27 +10225,27 @@ function readPlainScalar$1(state, nodeIndent, withinFlowCollection) {
if (ch === 0x3A/* : */) {
following = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position + 1);
- if (is_WS_OR_EOL$1(following) ||
- withinFlowCollection && is_FLOW_INDICATOR$1(following)) {
+ if (is_WS_OR_EOL(following) ||
+ withinFlowCollection && is_FLOW_INDICATOR(following)) {
} else if (ch === 0x23/* # */) {
preceding = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position - 1);
- if (is_WS_OR_EOL$1(preceding)) {
+ if (is_WS_OR_EOL(preceding)) {
- } else if ((state.position === state.lineStart && testDocumentSeparator$1(state)) ||
- withinFlowCollection && is_FLOW_INDICATOR$1(ch)) {
+ } else if ((state.position === state.lineStart && testDocumentSeparator(state)) ||
+ withinFlowCollection && is_FLOW_INDICATOR(ch)) {
- } else if (is_EOL$1(ch)) {
+ } else if (is_EOL(ch)) {
_line = state.line;
_lineStart = state.lineStart;
_lineIndent = state.lineIndent;
- skipSeparationSpace$1(state, false, -1);
+ skipSeparationSpace(state, false, -1);
if (state.lineIndent >= nodeIndent) {
hasPendingContent = true;
@@ -2094,20 +10261,20 @@ function readPlainScalar$1(state, nodeIndent, withinFlowCollection) {
if (hasPendingContent) {
- captureSegment$1(state, captureStart, captureEnd, false);
- writeFoldedLines$1(state, state.line - _line);
+ captureSegment(state, captureStart, captureEnd, false);
+ writeFoldedLines(state, state.line - _line);
captureStart = captureEnd = state.position;
hasPendingContent = false;
- if (!is_WHITE_SPACE$1(ch)) {
+ if (!is_WHITE_SPACE(ch)) {
captureEnd = state.position + 1;
ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position);
- captureSegment$1(state, captureStart, captureEnd, false);
+ captureSegment(state, captureStart, captureEnd, false);
if (state.result) {
return true;
@@ -2118,7 +10285,7 @@ function readPlainScalar$1(state, nodeIndent, withinFlowCollection) {
return false;
-function readSingleQuotedScalar$1(state, nodeIndent) {
+function readSingleQuotedScalar(state, nodeIndent) {
var ch,
captureStart, captureEnd;
@@ -2135,7 +10302,7 @@ function readSingleQuotedScalar$1(state, nodeIndent) {
while ((ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position)) !== 0) {
if (ch === 0x27/* ' */) {
- captureSegment$1(state, captureStart, state.position, true);
+ captureSegment(state, captureStart, state.position, true);
ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position);
if (ch === 0x27/* ' */) {
@@ -2146,13 +10313,13 @@ function readSingleQuotedScalar$1(state, nodeIndent) {
return true;
- } else if (is_EOL$1(ch)) {
- captureSegment$1(state, captureStart, captureEnd, true);
- writeFoldedLines$1(state, skipSeparationSpace$1(state, false, nodeIndent));
+ } else if (is_EOL(ch)) {
+ captureSegment(state, captureStart, captureEnd, true);
+ writeFoldedLines(state, skipSeparationSpace(state, false, nodeIndent));
captureStart = captureEnd = state.position;
- } else if (state.position === state.lineStart && testDocumentSeparator$1(state)) {
- throwError$2(state, 'unexpected end of the document within a single quoted scalar');
+ } else if (state.position === state.lineStart && testDocumentSeparator(state)) {
+ throwError$1(state, 'unexpected end of the document within a single quoted scalar');
} else {
@@ -2160,10 +10327,10 @@ function readSingleQuotedScalar$1(state, nodeIndent) {
- throwError$2(state, 'unexpected end of the stream within a single quoted scalar');
+ throwError$1(state, 'unexpected end of the stream within a single quoted scalar');
-function readDoubleQuotedScalar$1(state, nodeIndent) {
+function readDoubleQuotedScalar(state, nodeIndent) {
var captureStart,
@@ -2184,54 +10351,54 @@ function readDoubleQuotedScalar$1(state, nodeIndent) {
while ((ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position)) !== 0) {
if (ch === 0x22/* " */) {
- captureSegment$1(state, captureStart, state.position, true);
+ captureSegment(state, captureStart, state.position, true);
return true;
} else if (ch === 0x5C/* \ */) {
- captureSegment$1(state, captureStart, state.position, true);
+ captureSegment(state, captureStart, state.position, true);
ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position);
- if (is_EOL$1(ch)) {
- skipSeparationSpace$1(state, false, nodeIndent);
+ if (is_EOL(ch)) {
+ skipSeparationSpace(state, false, nodeIndent);
// TODO: rework to inline fn with no type cast?
- } else if (ch < 256 && simpleEscapeCheck$1[ch]) {
- state.result += simpleEscapeMap$1[ch];
+ } else if (ch < 256 && simpleEscapeCheck[ch]) {
+ state.result += simpleEscapeMap[ch];
- } else if ((tmp = escapedHexLen$1(ch)) > 0) {
+ } else if ((tmp = escapedHexLen(ch)) > 0) {
hexLength = tmp;
hexResult = 0;
for (; hexLength > 0; hexLength--) {
ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position);
- if ((tmp = fromHexCode$1(ch)) >= 0) {
+ if ((tmp = fromHexCode(ch)) >= 0) {
hexResult = (hexResult << 4) + tmp;
} else {
- throwError$2(state, 'expected hexadecimal character');
+ throwError$1(state, 'expected hexadecimal character');
- state.result += charFromCodepoint$1(hexResult);
+ state.result += charFromCodepoint(hexResult);
} else {
- throwError$2(state, 'unknown escape sequence');
+ throwError$1(state, 'unknown escape sequence');
captureStart = captureEnd = state.position;
- } else if (is_EOL$1(ch)) {
- captureSegment$1(state, captureStart, captureEnd, true);
- writeFoldedLines$1(state, skipSeparationSpace$1(state, false, nodeIndent));
+ } else if (is_EOL(ch)) {
+ captureSegment(state, captureStart, captureEnd, true);
+ writeFoldedLines(state, skipSeparationSpace(state, false, nodeIndent));
captureStart = captureEnd = state.position;
- } else if (state.position === state.lineStart && testDocumentSeparator$1(state)) {
- throwError$2(state, 'unexpected end of the document within a double quoted scalar');
+ } else if (state.position === state.lineStart && testDocumentSeparator(state)) {
+ throwError$1(state, 'unexpected end of the document within a double quoted scalar');
} else {
@@ -2239,12 +10406,14 @@ function readDoubleQuotedScalar$1(state, nodeIndent) {
- throwError$2(state, 'unexpected end of the stream within a double quoted scalar');
+ throwError$1(state, 'unexpected end of the stream within a double quoted scalar');
-function readFlowCollection$1(state, nodeIndent) {
+function readFlowCollection(state, nodeIndent) {
var readNext = true,
+ _lineStart,
+ _pos,
_tag = state.tag,
_anchor = state.anchor,
@@ -2253,7 +10422,7 @@ function readFlowCollection$1(state, nodeIndent) {
- overridableKeys = {},
+ overridableKeys = Object.create(null),
@@ -2280,7 +10449,7 @@ function readFlowCollection$1(state, nodeIndent) {
ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position);
while (ch !== 0) {
- skipSeparationSpace$1(state, true, nodeIndent);
+ skipSeparationSpace(state, true, nodeIndent);
ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position);
@@ -2292,7 +10461,10 @@ function readFlowCollection$1(state, nodeIndent) {
state.result = _result;
return true;
} else if (!readNext) {
- throwError$2(state, 'missed comma between flow collection entries');
+ throwError$1(state, 'missed comma between flow collection entries');
+ } else if (ch === 0x2C/* , */) {
+ // "flow collection entries can never be completely empty", as per YAML 1.2, section 7.4
+ throwError$1(state, "expected the node content, but found ','");
keyTag = keyNode = valueNode = null;
@@ -2301,38 +10473,40 @@ function readFlowCollection$1(state, nodeIndent) {
if (ch === 0x3F/* ? */) {
following = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position + 1);
- if (is_WS_OR_EOL$1(following)) {
+ if (is_WS_OR_EOL(following)) {
isPair = isExplicitPair = true;
- skipSeparationSpace$1(state, true, nodeIndent);
+ skipSeparationSpace(state, true, nodeIndent);
- _line = state.line;
- composeNode$1(state, nodeIndent, CONTEXT_FLOW_IN$1, false, true);
+ _line = state.line; // Save the current line.
+ _lineStart = state.lineStart;
+ _pos = state.position;
+ composeNode(state, nodeIndent, CONTEXT_FLOW_IN, false, true);
keyTag = state.tag;
keyNode = state.result;
- skipSeparationSpace$1(state, true, nodeIndent);
+ skipSeparationSpace(state, true, nodeIndent);
ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position);
if ((isExplicitPair || state.line === _line) && ch === 0x3A/* : */) {
isPair = true;
ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position);
- skipSeparationSpace$1(state, true, nodeIndent);
- composeNode$1(state, nodeIndent, CONTEXT_FLOW_IN$1, false, true);
+ skipSeparationSpace(state, true, nodeIndent);
+ composeNode(state, nodeIndent, CONTEXT_FLOW_IN, false, true);
valueNode = state.result;
if (isMapping) {
- storeMappingPair$1(state, _result, overridableKeys, keyTag, keyNode, valueNode);
+ storeMappingPair(state, _result, overridableKeys, keyTag, keyNode, valueNode, _line, _lineStart, _pos);
} else if (isPair) {
- _result.push(storeMappingPair$1(state, null, overridableKeys, keyTag, keyNode, valueNode));
+ _result.push(storeMappingPair(state, null, overridableKeys, keyTag, keyNode, valueNode, _line, _lineStart, _pos));
} else {
- skipSeparationSpace$1(state, true, nodeIndent);
+ skipSeparationSpace(state, true, nodeIndent);
ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position);
@@ -2344,13 +10518,13 @@ function readFlowCollection$1(state, nodeIndent) {
- throwError$2(state, 'unexpected end of the stream within a flow collection');
+ throwError$1(state, 'unexpected end of the stream within a flow collection');
-function readBlockScalar$1(state, nodeIndent) {
+function readBlockScalar(state, nodeIndent) {
var captureStart,
- chomping = CHOMPING_CLIP$1,
+ chomping = CHOMPING_CLIP,
didReadContent = false,
detectedIndent = false,
textIndent = nodeIndent,
@@ -2376,20 +10550,20 @@ function readBlockScalar$1(state, nodeIndent) {
ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position);
if (ch === 0x2B/* + */ || ch === 0x2D/* - */) {
- if (CHOMPING_CLIP$1 === chomping) {
- chomping = (ch === 0x2B/* + */) ? CHOMPING_KEEP$1 : CHOMPING_STRIP$1;
+ if (CHOMPING_CLIP === chomping) {
+ chomping = (ch === 0x2B/* + */) ? CHOMPING_KEEP : CHOMPING_STRIP;
} else {
- throwError$2(state, 'repeat of a chomping mode identifier');
+ throwError$1(state, 'repeat of a chomping mode identifier');
- } else if ((tmp = fromDecimalCode$1(ch)) >= 0) {
+ } else if ((tmp = fromDecimalCode(ch)) >= 0) {
if (tmp === 0) {
- throwError$2(state, 'bad explicit indentation width of a block scalar; it cannot be less than one');
+ throwError$1(state, 'bad explicit indentation width of a block scalar; it cannot be less than one');
} else if (!detectedIndent) {
textIndent = nodeIndent + tmp - 1;
detectedIndent = true;
} else {
- throwError$2(state, 'repeat of an indentation width identifier');
+ throwError$1(state, 'repeat of an indentation width identifier');
} else {
@@ -2397,18 +10571,18 @@ function readBlockScalar$1(state, nodeIndent) {
- if (is_WHITE_SPACE$1(ch)) {
+ if (is_WHITE_SPACE(ch)) {
do { ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position); }
- while (is_WHITE_SPACE$1(ch));
+ while (is_WHITE_SPACE(ch));
if (ch === 0x23/* # */) {
do { ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position); }
- while (!is_EOL$1(ch) && (ch !== 0));
+ while (!is_EOL(ch) && (ch !== 0));
while (ch !== 0) {
- readLineBreak$1(state);
+ readLineBreak(state);
state.lineIndent = 0;
ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position);
@@ -2423,7 +10597,7 @@ function readBlockScalar$1(state, nodeIndent) {
textIndent = state.lineIndent;
- if (is_EOL$1(ch)) {
+ if (is_EOL(ch)) {
@@ -2432,9 +10606,9 @@ function readBlockScalar$1(state, nodeIndent) {
if (state.lineIndent < textIndent) {
// Perform the chomping.
- if (chomping === CHOMPING_KEEP$1) {
- state.result += common$6.repeat('\n', didReadContent ? 1 + emptyLines : emptyLines);
- } else if (chomping === CHOMPING_CLIP$1) {
+ if (chomping === CHOMPING_KEEP) {
+ state.result += common$4.repeat('\n', didReadContent ? 1 + emptyLines : emptyLines);
+ } else if (chomping === CHOMPING_CLIP) {
if (didReadContent) { // i.e. only if the scalar is not empty.
state.result += '\n';
@@ -2448,15 +10622,15 @@ function readBlockScalar$1(state, nodeIndent) {
if (folding) {
// Lines starting with white space characters (more-indented lines) are not folded.
- if (is_WHITE_SPACE$1(ch)) {
+ if (is_WHITE_SPACE(ch)) {
atMoreIndented = true;
// except for the first content line (cf. Example 8.1)
- state.result += common$6.repeat('\n', didReadContent ? 1 + emptyLines : emptyLines);
+ state.result += common$4.repeat('\n', didReadContent ? 1 + emptyLines : emptyLines);
// End of more-indented block.
} else if (atMoreIndented) {
atMoreIndented = false;
- state.result += common$6.repeat('\n', emptyLines + 1);
+ state.result += common$4.repeat('\n', emptyLines + 1);
// Just one line break - perceive as the same line.
} else if (emptyLines === 0) {
@@ -2466,13 +10640,13 @@ function readBlockScalar$1(state, nodeIndent) {
// Several line breaks - perceive as different lines.
} else {
- state.result += common$6.repeat('\n', emptyLines);
+ state.result += common$4.repeat('\n', emptyLines);
// Literal style: just add exact number of line breaks between content lines.
} else {
// Keep all line breaks except the header line break.
- state.result += common$6.repeat('\n', didReadContent ? 1 + emptyLines : emptyLines);
+ state.result += common$4.repeat('\n', didReadContent ? 1 + emptyLines : emptyLines);
didReadContent = true;
@@ -2480,17 +10654,17 @@ function readBlockScalar$1(state, nodeIndent) {
emptyLines = 0;
captureStart = state.position;
- while (!is_EOL$1(ch) && (ch !== 0)) {
+ while (!is_EOL(ch) && (ch !== 0)) {
ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position);
- captureSegment$1(state, captureStart, state.position, false);
+ captureSegment(state, captureStart, state.position, false);
return true;
-function readBlockSequence$1(state, nodeIndent) {
+function readBlockSequence(state, nodeIndent) {
var _line,
_tag = state.tag,
_anchor = state.anchor,
@@ -2499,6 +10673,10 @@ function readBlockSequence$1(state, nodeIndent) {
detected = false,
+ // there is a leading tab before this token, so it can't be a block sequence/mapping;
+ // it can still be flow sequence/mapping or a scalar
+ if (state.firstTabInLine !== -1) return false;
if (state.anchor !== null) {
state.anchorMap[state.anchor] = _result;
@@ -2506,6 +10684,10 @@ function readBlockSequence$1(state, nodeIndent) {
ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position);
while (ch !== 0) {
+ if (state.firstTabInLine !== -1) {
+ state.position = state.firstTabInLine;
+ throwError$1(state, 'tab characters must not be used in indentation');
+ }
if (ch !== 0x2D/* - */) {
@@ -2513,14 +10695,14 @@ function readBlockSequence$1(state, nodeIndent) {
following = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position + 1);
- if (!is_WS_OR_EOL$1(following)) {
+ if (!is_WS_OR_EOL(following)) {
detected = true;
- if (skipSeparationSpace$1(state, true, -1)) {
+ if (skipSeparationSpace(state, true, -1)) {
if (state.lineIndent <= nodeIndent) {
ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position);
@@ -2529,14 +10711,14 @@ function readBlockSequence$1(state, nodeIndent) {
_line = state.line;
- composeNode$1(state, nodeIndent, CONTEXT_BLOCK_IN$1, false, true);
+ composeNode(state, nodeIndent, CONTEXT_BLOCK_IN, false, true);
- skipSeparationSpace$1(state, true, -1);
+ skipSeparationSpace(state, true, -1);
ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position);
if ((state.line === _line || state.lineIndent > nodeIndent) && (ch !== 0)) {
- throwError$2(state, 'bad indentation of a sequence entry');
+ throwError$1(state, 'bad indentation of a sequence entry');
} else if (state.lineIndent < nodeIndent) {
@@ -2552,15 +10734,17 @@ function readBlockSequence$1(state, nodeIndent) {
return false;
-function readBlockMapping$1(state, nodeIndent, flowIndent) {
+function readBlockMapping(state, nodeIndent, flowIndent) {
var following,
- _pos,
+ _keyLine,
+ _keyLineStart,
+ _keyPos,
_tag = state.tag,
_anchor = state.anchor,
_result = {},
- overridableKeys = {},
+ overridableKeys = Object.create(null),
keyTag = null,
keyNode = null,
valueNode = null,
@@ -2568,6 +10752,10 @@ function readBlockMapping$1(state, nodeIndent, flowIndent) {
detected = false,
+ // there is a leading tab before this token, so it can't be a block sequence/mapping;
+ // it can still be flow sequence/mapping or a scalar
+ if (state.firstTabInLine !== -1) return false;
if (state.anchor !== null) {
state.anchorMap[state.anchor] = _result;
@@ -2575,19 +10763,23 @@ function readBlockMapping$1(state, nodeIndent, flowIndent) {
ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position);
while (ch !== 0) {
+ if (!atExplicitKey && state.firstTabInLine !== -1) {
+ state.position = state.firstTabInLine;
+ throwError$1(state, 'tab characters must not be used in indentation');
+ }
following = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position + 1);
_line = state.line; // Save the current line.
- _pos = state.position;
// Explicit notation case. There are two separate blocks:
// first for the key (denoted by "?") and second for the value (denoted by ":")
- if ((ch === 0x3F/* ? */ || ch === 0x3A/* : */) && is_WS_OR_EOL$1(following)) {
+ if ((ch === 0x3F/* ? */ || ch === 0x3A/* : */) && is_WS_OR_EOL(following)) {
if (ch === 0x3F/* ? */) {
if (atExplicitKey) {
- storeMappingPair$1(state, _result, overridableKeys, keyTag, keyNode, null);
+ storeMappingPair(state, _result, overridableKeys, keyTag, keyNode, null, _keyLine, _keyLineStart, _keyPos);
keyTag = keyNode = valueNode = null;
@@ -2601,7 +10793,7 @@ function readBlockMapping$1(state, nodeIndent, flowIndent) {
allowCompact = true;
} else {
- throwError$2(state, 'incomplete explicit mapping pair; a key node is missed; or followed by a non-tabulated empty line');
+ throwError$1(state, 'incomplete explicit mapping pair; a key node is missed; or followed by a non-tabulated empty line');
state.position += 1;
@@ -2610,24 +10802,33 @@ function readBlockMapping$1(state, nodeIndent, flowIndent) {
// Implicit notation case. Flow-style node as the key first, then ":", and the value.
- } else if (composeNode$1(state, flowIndent, CONTEXT_FLOW_OUT$1, false, true)) {
+ } else {
+ _keyLine = state.line;
+ _keyLineStart = state.lineStart;
+ _keyPos = state.position;
+ if (!composeNode(state, flowIndent, CONTEXT_FLOW_OUT, false, true)) {
+ // Neither implicit nor explicit notation.
+ // Reading is done. Go to the epilogue.
+ break;
+ }
if (state.line === _line) {
ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position);
- while (is_WHITE_SPACE$1(ch)) {
+ while (is_WHITE_SPACE(ch)) {
ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position);
if (ch === 0x3A/* : */) {
ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position);
- if (!is_WS_OR_EOL$1(ch)) {
- throwError$2(state, 'a whitespace character is expected after the key-value separator within a block mapping');
+ if (!is_WS_OR_EOL(ch)) {
+ throwError$1(state, 'a whitespace character is expected after the key-value separator within a block mapping');
if (atExplicitKey) {
- storeMappingPair$1(state, _result, overridableKeys, keyTag, keyNode, null);
+ storeMappingPair(state, _result, overridableKeys, keyTag, keyNode, null, _keyLine, _keyLineStart, _keyPos);
keyTag = keyNode = valueNode = null;
@@ -2638,7 +10839,7 @@ function readBlockMapping$1(state, nodeIndent, flowIndent) {
keyNode = state.result;
} else if (detected) {
- throwError$2(state, 'can not read an implicit mapping pair; a colon is missed');
+ throwError$1(state, 'can not read an implicit mapping pair; a colon is missed');
} else {
state.tag = _tag;
@@ -2647,23 +10848,26 @@ function readBlockMapping$1(state, nodeIndent, flowIndent) {
} else if (detected) {
- throwError$2(state, 'can not read a block mapping entry; a multiline key may not be an implicit key');
+ throwError$1(state, 'can not read a block mapping entry; a multiline key may not be an implicit key');
} else {
state.tag = _tag;
state.anchor = _anchor;
return true; // Keep the result of `composeNode`.
- } else {
- break; // Reading is done. Go to the epilogue.
// Common reading code for both explicit and implicit notations.
if (state.line === _line || state.lineIndent > nodeIndent) {
- if (composeNode$1(state, nodeIndent, CONTEXT_BLOCK_OUT$1, true, allowCompact)) {
+ if (atExplicitKey) {
+ _keyLine = state.line;
+ _keyLineStart = state.lineStart;
+ _keyPos = state.position;
+ }
+ if (composeNode(state, nodeIndent, CONTEXT_BLOCK_OUT, true, allowCompact)) {
if (atExplicitKey) {
keyNode = state.result;
} else {
@@ -2672,16 +10876,16 @@ function readBlockMapping$1(state, nodeIndent, flowIndent) {
if (!atExplicitKey) {
- storeMappingPair$1(state, _result, overridableKeys, keyTag, keyNode, valueNode, _line, _pos);
+ storeMappingPair(state, _result, overridableKeys, keyTag, keyNode, valueNode, _keyLine, _keyLineStart, _keyPos);
keyTag = keyNode = valueNode = null;
- skipSeparationSpace$1(state, true, -1);
+ skipSeparationSpace(state, true, -1);
ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position);
- if (state.lineIndent > nodeIndent && (ch !== 0)) {
- throwError$2(state, 'bad indentation of a mapping entry');
+ if ((state.line === _line || state.lineIndent > nodeIndent) && (ch !== 0)) {
+ throwError$1(state, 'bad indentation of a mapping entry');
} else if (state.lineIndent < nodeIndent) {
@@ -2693,7 +10897,7 @@ function readBlockMapping$1(state, nodeIndent, flowIndent) {
// Special case: last mapping's node contains only the key in explicit notation.
if (atExplicitKey) {
- storeMappingPair$1(state, _result, overridableKeys, keyTag, keyNode, null);
+ storeMappingPair(state, _result, overridableKeys, keyTag, keyNode, null, _keyLine, _keyLineStart, _keyPos);
// Expose the resulting mapping.
@@ -2707,7 +10911,7 @@ function readBlockMapping$1(state, nodeIndent, flowIndent) {
return detected;
-function readTagProperty$1(state) {
+function readTagProperty(state) {
var _position,
isVerbatim = false,
isNamed = false,
@@ -2720,7 +10924,7 @@ function readTagProperty$1(state) {
if (ch !== 0x21/* ! */) return false;
if (state.tag !== null) {
- throwError$2(state, 'duplication of a tag property');
+ throwError$1(state, 'duplication of a tag property');
ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position);
@@ -2748,23 +10952,23 @@ function readTagProperty$1(state) {
tagName = state.input.slice(_position, state.position);
ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position);
} else {
- throwError$2(state, 'unexpected end of the stream within a verbatim tag');
+ throwError$1(state, 'unexpected end of the stream within a verbatim tag');
} else {
- while (ch !== 0 && !is_WS_OR_EOL$1(ch)) {
+ while (ch !== 0 && !is_WS_OR_EOL(ch)) {
if (ch === 0x21/* ! */) {
if (!isNamed) {
tagHandle = state.input.slice(_position - 1, state.position + 1);
- if (!PATTERN_TAG_HANDLE$1.test(tagHandle)) {
- throwError$2(state, 'named tag handle cannot contain such characters');
+ if (!PATTERN_TAG_HANDLE.test(tagHandle)) {
+ throwError$1(state, 'named tag handle cannot contain such characters');
isNamed = true;
_position = state.position + 1;
} else {
- throwError$2(state, 'tag suffix cannot contain exclamation marks');
+ throwError$1(state, 'tag suffix cannot contain exclamation marks');
@@ -2773,19 +10977,25 @@ function readTagProperty$1(state) {
tagName = state.input.slice(_position, state.position);
- if (PATTERN_FLOW_INDICATORS$1.test(tagName)) {
- throwError$2(state, 'tag suffix cannot contain flow indicator characters');
+ if (PATTERN_FLOW_INDICATORS.test(tagName)) {
+ throwError$1(state, 'tag suffix cannot contain flow indicator characters');
- if (tagName && !PATTERN_TAG_URI$1.test(tagName)) {
- throwError$2(state, 'tag name cannot contain such characters: ' + tagName);
+ if (tagName && !PATTERN_TAG_URI.test(tagName)) {
+ throwError$1(state, 'tag name cannot contain such characters: ' + tagName);
+ }
+ try {
+ tagName = decodeURIComponent(tagName);
+ } catch (err) {
+ throwError$1(state, 'tag name is malformed: ' + tagName);
if (isVerbatim) {
state.tag = tagName;
- } else if (_hasOwnProperty$, tagHandle)) {
+ } else if (_hasOwnProperty$, tagHandle)) {
state.tag = state.tagMap[tagHandle] + tagName;
} else if (tagHandle === '!') {
@@ -2795,13 +11005,13 @@ function readTagProperty$1(state) {
state.tag = ',2002:' + tagName;
} else {
- throwError$2(state, 'undeclared tag handle "' + tagHandle + '"');
+ throwError$1(state, 'undeclared tag handle "' + tagHandle + '"');
return true;
-function readAnchorProperty$1(state) {
+function readAnchorProperty(state) {
var _position,
@@ -2810,25 +11020,25 @@ function readAnchorProperty$1(state) {
if (ch !== 0x26/* & */) return false;
if (state.anchor !== null) {
- throwError$2(state, 'duplication of an anchor property');
+ throwError$1(state, 'duplication of an anchor property');
ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position);
_position = state.position;
- while (ch !== 0 && !is_WS_OR_EOL$1(ch) && !is_FLOW_INDICATOR$1(ch)) {
+ while (ch !== 0 && !is_WS_OR_EOL(ch) && !is_FLOW_INDICATOR(ch)) {
ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position);
if (state.position === _position) {
- throwError$2(state, 'name of an anchor node must contain at least one character');
+ throwError$1(state, 'name of an anchor node must contain at least one character');
state.anchor = state.input.slice(_position, state.position);
return true;
-function readAlias$1(state) {
+function readAlias(state) {
var _position, alias,
@@ -2839,26 +11049,26 @@ function readAlias$1(state) {
ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position);
_position = state.position;
- while (ch !== 0 && !is_WS_OR_EOL$1(ch) && !is_FLOW_INDICATOR$1(ch)) {
+ while (ch !== 0 && !is_WS_OR_EOL(ch) && !is_FLOW_INDICATOR(ch)) {
ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position);
if (state.position === _position) {
- throwError$2(state, 'name of an alias node must contain at least one character');
+ throwError$1(state, 'name of an alias node must contain at least one character');
alias = state.input.slice(_position, state.position);
- if (!_hasOwnProperty$, alias)) {
- throwError$2(state, 'unidentified alias "' + alias + '"');
+ if (!_hasOwnProperty$, alias)) {
+ throwError$1(state, 'unidentified alias "' + alias + '"');
state.result = state.anchorMap[alias];
- skipSeparationSpace$1(state, true, -1);
+ skipSeparationSpace(state, true, -1);
return true;
-function composeNode$1(state, parentIndent, nodeContext, allowToSeek, allowCompact) {
+function composeNode(state, parentIndent, nodeContext, allowToSeek, allowCompact) {
var allowBlockStyles,
@@ -2867,6 +11077,7 @@ function composeNode$1(state, parentIndent, nodeContext, allowToSeek, allowCompa
hasContent = false,
+ typeList,
@@ -2881,11 +11092,11 @@ function composeNode$1(state, parentIndent, nodeContext, allowToSeek, allowCompa
state.result = null;
allowBlockStyles = allowBlockScalars = allowBlockCollections =
- CONTEXT_BLOCK_OUT$1 === nodeContext ||
- CONTEXT_BLOCK_IN$1 === nodeContext;
+ CONTEXT_BLOCK_OUT === nodeContext ||
+ CONTEXT_BLOCK_IN === nodeContext;
if (allowToSeek) {
- if (skipSeparationSpace$1(state, true, -1)) {
+ if (skipSeparationSpace(state, true, -1)) {
atNewLine = true;
if (state.lineIndent > parentIndent) {
@@ -2899,8 +11110,8 @@ function composeNode$1(state, parentIndent, nodeContext, allowToSeek, allowCompa
if (indentStatus === 1) {
- while (readTagProperty$1(state) || readAnchorProperty$1(state)) {
- if (skipSeparationSpace$1(state, true, -1)) {
+ while (readTagProperty(state) || readAnchorProperty(state)) {
+ if (skipSeparationSpace(state, true, -1)) {
atNewLine = true;
allowBlockCollections = allowBlockStyles;
@@ -2921,8 +11132,8 @@ function composeNode$1(state, parentIndent, nodeContext, allowToSeek, allowCompa
allowBlockCollections = atNewLine || allowCompact;
- if (indentStatus === 1 || CONTEXT_BLOCK_OUT$1 === nodeContext) {
- if (CONTEXT_FLOW_IN$1 === nodeContext || CONTEXT_FLOW_OUT$1 === nodeContext) {
+ if (indentStatus === 1 || CONTEXT_BLOCK_OUT === nodeContext) {
+ if (CONTEXT_FLOW_IN === nodeContext || CONTEXT_FLOW_OUT === nodeContext) {
flowIndent = parentIndent;
} else {
flowIndent = parentIndent + 1;
@@ -2932,24 +11143,24 @@ function composeNode$1(state, parentIndent, nodeContext, allowToSeek, allowCompa
if (indentStatus === 1) {
if (allowBlockCollections &&
- (readBlockSequence$1(state, blockIndent) ||
- readBlockMapping$1(state, blockIndent, flowIndent)) ||
- readFlowCollection$1(state, flowIndent)) {
+ (readBlockSequence(state, blockIndent) ||
+ readBlockMapping(state, blockIndent, flowIndent)) ||
+ readFlowCollection(state, flowIndent)) {
hasContent = true;
} else {
- if ((allowBlockScalars && readBlockScalar$1(state, flowIndent)) ||
- readSingleQuotedScalar$1(state, flowIndent) ||
- readDoubleQuotedScalar$1(state, flowIndent)) {
+ if ((allowBlockScalars && readBlockScalar(state, flowIndent)) ||
+ readSingleQuotedScalar(state, flowIndent) ||
+ readDoubleQuotedScalar(state, flowIndent)) {
hasContent = true;
- } else if (readAlias$1(state)) {
+ } else if (readAlias(state)) {
hasContent = true;
if (state.tag !== null || state.anchor !== null) {
- throwError$2(state, 'alias node should not have any properties');
+ throwError$1(state, 'alias node should not have any properties');
- } else if (readPlainScalar$1(state, flowIndent, CONTEXT_FLOW_IN$1 === nodeContext)) {
+ } else if (readPlainScalar(state, flowIndent, CONTEXT_FLOW_IN === nodeContext)) {
hasContent = true;
if (state.tag === null) {
@@ -2964,51 +11175,69 @@ function composeNode$1(state, parentIndent, nodeContext, allowToSeek, allowCompa
} else if (indentStatus === 0) {
// Special case: block sequences are allowed to have same indentation level as the parent.
- hasContent = allowBlockCollections && readBlockSequence$1(state, blockIndent);
+ hasContent = allowBlockCollections && readBlockSequence(state, blockIndent);
- if (state.tag !== null && state.tag !== '!') {
- if (state.tag === '?') {
- // Implicit resolving is not allowed for non-scalar types, and '?'
- // non-specific tag is only automatically assigned to plain scalars.
- //
- // We only need to check kind conformity in case user explicitly assigns '?'
- // tag, for example like this: "!<?> [0]"
- //
- if (state.result !== null && state.kind !== 'scalar') {
- throwError$2(state, 'unacceptable node kind for !<?> tag; it should be "scalar", not "' + state.kind + '"');
- }
- for (typeIndex = 0, typeQuantity = state.implicitTypes.length; typeIndex < typeQuantity; typeIndex += 1) {
- type = state.implicitTypes[typeIndex];
+ if (state.tag === null) {
+ if (state.anchor !== null) {
+ state.anchorMap[state.anchor] = state.result;
+ }
- if (type.resolve(state.result)) { // `state.result` updated in resolver if matched
- state.result = type.construct(state.result);
- state.tag = type.tag;
- if (state.anchor !== null) {
- state.anchorMap[state.anchor] = state.result;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- } else if (_hasOwnProperty$[state.kind || 'fallback'], state.tag)) {
- type = state.typeMap[state.kind || 'fallback'][state.tag];
+ } else if (state.tag === '?') {
+ // Implicit resolving is not allowed for non-scalar types, and '?'
+ // non-specific tag is only automatically assigned to plain scalars.
+ //
+ // We only need to check kind conformity in case user explicitly assigns '?'
+ // tag, for example like this: "!<?> [0]"
+ //
+ if (state.result !== null && state.kind !== 'scalar') {
+ throwError$1(state, 'unacceptable node kind for !<?> tag; it should be "scalar", not "' + state.kind + '"');
+ }
- if (state.result !== null && type.kind !== state.kind) {
- throwError$2(state, 'unacceptable node kind for !<' + state.tag + '> tag; it should be "' + type.kind + '", not "' + state.kind + '"');
- }
+ for (typeIndex = 0, typeQuantity = state.implicitTypes.length; typeIndex < typeQuantity; typeIndex += 1) {
+ type = state.implicitTypes[typeIndex];
- if (!type.resolve(state.result)) { // `state.result` updated in resolver if matched
- throwError$2(state, 'cannot resolve a node with !<' + state.tag + '> explicit tag');
- } else {
+ if (type.resolve(state.result)) { // `state.result` updated in resolver if matched
state.result = type.construct(state.result);
+ state.tag = type.tag;
if (state.anchor !== null) {
state.anchorMap[state.anchor] = state.result;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (state.tag !== '!') {
+ if (_hasOwnProperty$[state.kind || 'fallback'], state.tag)) {
+ type = state.typeMap[state.kind || 'fallback'][state.tag];
+ } else {
+ // looking for multi type
+ type = null;
+ typeList = state.typeMap.multi[state.kind || 'fallback'];
+ for (typeIndex = 0, typeQuantity = typeList.length; typeIndex < typeQuantity; typeIndex += 1) {
+ if (state.tag.slice(0, typeList[typeIndex].tag.length) === typeList[typeIndex].tag) {
+ type = typeList[typeIndex];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!type) {
+ throwError$1(state, 'unknown tag !<' + state.tag + '>');
+ }
+ if (state.result !== null && type.kind !== state.kind) {
+ throwError$1(state, 'unacceptable node kind for !<' + state.tag + '> tag; it should be "' + type.kind + '", not "' + state.kind + '"');
+ }
+ if (!type.resolve(state.result, state.tag)) { // `state.result` updated in resolver if matched
+ throwError$1(state, 'cannot resolve a node with !<' + state.tag + '> explicit tag');
} else {
- throwError$2(state, 'unknown tag !<' + state.tag + '>');
+ state.result = type.construct(state.result, state.tag);
+ if (state.anchor !== null) {
+ state.anchorMap[state.anchor] = state.result;
+ }
@@ -3018,7 +11247,7 @@ function composeNode$1(state, parentIndent, nodeContext, allowToSeek, allowCompa
return state.tag !== null || state.anchor !== null || hasContent;
-function readDocument$1(state) {
+function readDocument(state) {
var documentStart = state.position,
@@ -3028,11 +11257,11 @@ function readDocument$1(state) {
state.version = null;
state.checkLineBreaks = state.legacy;
- state.tagMap = {};
- state.anchorMap = {};
+ state.tagMap = Object.create(null);
+ state.anchorMap = Object.create(null);
while ((ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position)) !== 0) {
- skipSeparationSpace$1(state, true, -1);
+ skipSeparationSpace(state, true, -1);
ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position);
@@ -3044,7 +11273,7 @@ function readDocument$1(state) {
ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position);
_position = state.position;
- while (ch !== 0 && !is_WS_OR_EOL$1(ch)) {
+ while (ch !== 0 && !is_WS_OR_EOL(ch)) {
ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position);
@@ -3052,81 +11281,81 @@ function readDocument$1(state) {
directiveArgs = [];
if (directiveName.length < 1) {
- throwError$2(state, 'directive name must not be less than one character in length');
+ throwError$1(state, 'directive name must not be less than one character in length');
while (ch !== 0) {
- while (is_WHITE_SPACE$1(ch)) {
+ while (is_WHITE_SPACE(ch)) {
ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position);
if (ch === 0x23/* # */) {
do { ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position); }
- while (ch !== 0 && !is_EOL$1(ch));
+ while (ch !== 0 && !is_EOL(ch));
- if (is_EOL$1(ch)) break;
+ if (is_EOL(ch)) break;
_position = state.position;
- while (ch !== 0 && !is_WS_OR_EOL$1(ch)) {
+ while (ch !== 0 && !is_WS_OR_EOL(ch)) {
ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position);
directiveArgs.push(state.input.slice(_position, state.position));
- if (ch !== 0) readLineBreak$1(state);
+ if (ch !== 0) readLineBreak(state);
- if (_hasOwnProperty$$1, directiveName)) {
- directiveHandlers$1[directiveName](state, directiveName, directiveArgs);
+ if (_hasOwnProperty$, directiveName)) {
+ directiveHandlers[directiveName](state, directiveName, directiveArgs);
} else {
- throwWarning$1(state, 'unknown document directive "' + directiveName + '"');
+ throwWarning(state, 'unknown document directive "' + directiveName + '"');
- skipSeparationSpace$1(state, true, -1);
+ skipSeparationSpace(state, true, -1);
if (state.lineIndent === 0 &&
state.input.charCodeAt(state.position) === 0x2D/* - */ &&
state.input.charCodeAt(state.position + 1) === 0x2D/* - */ &&
state.input.charCodeAt(state.position + 2) === 0x2D/* - */) {
state.position += 3;
- skipSeparationSpace$1(state, true, -1);
+ skipSeparationSpace(state, true, -1);
} else if (hasDirectives) {
- throwError$2(state, 'directives end mark is expected');
+ throwError$1(state, 'directives end mark is expected');
- composeNode$1(state, state.lineIndent - 1, CONTEXT_BLOCK_OUT$1, false, true);
- skipSeparationSpace$1(state, true, -1);
+ composeNode(state, state.lineIndent - 1, CONTEXT_BLOCK_OUT, false, true);
+ skipSeparationSpace(state, true, -1);
if (state.checkLineBreaks &&
- PATTERN_NON_ASCII_LINE_BREAKS$1.test(state.input.slice(documentStart, state.position))) {
- throwWarning$1(state, 'non-ASCII line breaks are interpreted as content');
+ PATTERN_NON_ASCII_LINE_BREAKS.test(state.input.slice(documentStart, state.position))) {
+ throwWarning(state, 'non-ASCII line breaks are interpreted as content');
- if (state.position === state.lineStart && testDocumentSeparator$1(state)) {
+ if (state.position === state.lineStart && testDocumentSeparator(state)) {
if (state.input.charCodeAt(state.position) === 0x2E/* . */) {
state.position += 3;
- skipSeparationSpace$1(state, true, -1);
+ skipSeparationSpace(state, true, -1);
if (state.position < (state.length - 1)) {
- throwError$2(state, 'end of the stream or a document separator is expected');
+ throwError$1(state, 'end of the stream or a document separator is expected');
} else {
-function loadDocuments$1(input, options) {
+function loadDocuments(input, options) {
input = String(input);
options = options || {};
@@ -3144,13 +11373,13 @@ function loadDocuments$1(input, options) {
- var state = new State$3(input, options);
+ var state = new State$1(input, options);
var nullpos = input.indexOf('\0');
if (nullpos !== -1) {
state.position = nullpos;
- throwError$2(state, 'null byte is not allowed in input');
+ throwError$1(state, 'null byte is not allowed in input');
// Use 0 as string terminator. That significantly simplifies bounds check.
@@ -3162,20 +11391,20 @@ function loadDocuments$1(input, options) {
while (state.position < (state.length - 1)) {
- readDocument$1(state);
+ readDocument(state);
return state.documents;
-function loadAll$2(input, iterator, options) {
+function loadAll$1(input, iterator, options) {
if (iterator !== null && typeof iterator === 'object' && typeof options === 'undefined') {
options = iterator;
iterator = null;
- var documents = loadDocuments$1(input, options);
+ var documents = loadDocuments(input, options);
if (typeof iterator !== 'function') {
return documents;
@@ -3187,8 +11416,8 @@ function loadAll$2(input, iterator, options) {
-function load$5(input, options) {
- var documents = loadDocuments$1(input, options);
+function load$1(input, options) {
+ var documents = loadDocuments(input, options);
if (documents.length === 0) {
/*eslint-disable no-undefined*/
@@ -3196,91 +11425,79 @@ function load$5(input, options) {
} else if (documents.length === 1) {
return documents[0];
- throw new YAMLException$3('expected a single document in the stream, but found more');
+ throw new exception('expected a single document in the stream, but found more');
-function safeLoadAll$1(input, iterator, options) {
- if (typeof iterator === 'object' && iterator !== null && typeof options === 'undefined') {
- options = iterator;
- iterator = null;
- }
+var loadAll_1 = loadAll$1;
+var load_1 = load$1;
- return loadAll$2(input, iterator, common$6.extend({ schema: DEFAULT_SAFE_SCHEMA$1 }, options));
+var loader = {
+ loadAll: loadAll_1,
+ load: load_1
+/*eslint-disable no-use-before-define*/
-function safeLoad$1(input, options) {
- return load$5(input, common$6.extend({ schema: DEFAULT_SAFE_SCHEMA$1 }, options));
-loader$2.loadAll = loadAll$2;
-loader$2.load = load$5;
-loader$2.safeLoadAll = safeLoadAll$1;
-loader$2.safeLoad = safeLoad$1;
-var dumper$2 = {};
-/*eslint-disable no-use-before-define*/
+var _toString = Object.prototype.toString;
+var _hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
+var CHAR_BOM = 0xFEFF;
+var CHAR_TAB = 0x09; /* Tab */
+var CHAR_LINE_FEED = 0x0A; /* LF */
+var CHAR_CARRIAGE_RETURN = 0x0D; /* CR */
+var CHAR_SPACE = 0x20; /* Space */
+var CHAR_EXCLAMATION = 0x21; /* ! */
+var CHAR_DOUBLE_QUOTE = 0x22; /* " */
+var CHAR_SHARP = 0x23; /* # */
+var CHAR_PERCENT = 0x25; /* % */
+var CHAR_AMPERSAND = 0x26; /* & */
+var CHAR_SINGLE_QUOTE = 0x27; /* ' */
+var CHAR_ASTERISK = 0x2A; /* * */
+var CHAR_COMMA = 0x2C; /* , */
+var CHAR_MINUS = 0x2D; /* - */
+var CHAR_COLON = 0x3A; /* : */
+var CHAR_EQUALS = 0x3D; /* = */
+var CHAR_GREATER_THAN = 0x3E; /* > */
+var CHAR_QUESTION = 0x3F; /* ? */
+var CHAR_COMMERCIAL_AT = 0x40; /* @ */
+var CHAR_LEFT_SQUARE_BRACKET = 0x5B; /* [ */
+var CHAR_RIGHT_SQUARE_BRACKET = 0x5D; /* ] */
+var CHAR_GRAVE_ACCENT = 0x60; /* ` */
+var CHAR_LEFT_CURLY_BRACKET = 0x7B; /* { */
+var CHAR_VERTICAL_LINE = 0x7C; /* | */
+var CHAR_RIGHT_CURLY_BRACKET = 0x7D; /* } */
+ESCAPE_SEQUENCES[0x00] = '\\0';
+ESCAPE_SEQUENCES[0x07] = '\\a';
+ESCAPE_SEQUENCES[0x08] = '\\b';
+ESCAPE_SEQUENCES[0x09] = '\\t';
+ESCAPE_SEQUENCES[0x0A] = '\\n';
+ESCAPE_SEQUENCES[0x0B] = '\\v';
+ESCAPE_SEQUENCES[0x0C] = '\\f';
+ESCAPE_SEQUENCES[0x0D] = '\\r';
+ESCAPE_SEQUENCES[0x1B] = '\\e';
+ESCAPE_SEQUENCES[0x22] = '\\"';
+ESCAPE_SEQUENCES[0x5C] = '\\\\';
+ESCAPE_SEQUENCES[0x85] = '\\N';
+ESCAPE_SEQUENCES[0xA0] = '\\_';
+ESCAPE_SEQUENCES[0x2028] = '\\L';
+ESCAPE_SEQUENCES[0x2029] = '\\P';
-var common$5 = common$b;
-var YAMLException$2 = exception$1;
-var DEFAULT_FULL_SCHEMA = default_full;
-var DEFAULT_SAFE_SCHEMA = default_safe;
-var _toString$3 = Object.prototype.toString;
-var _hasOwnProperty$4 = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
-var CHAR_TAB$1 = 0x09; /* Tab */
-var CHAR_LINE_FEED$1 = 0x0A; /* LF */
-var CHAR_CARRIAGE_RETURN$1 = 0x0D; /* CR */
-var CHAR_SPACE$1 = 0x20; /* Space */
-var CHAR_EXCLAMATION$1 = 0x21; /* ! */
-var CHAR_DOUBLE_QUOTE$2 = 0x22; /* " */
-var CHAR_SHARP$1 = 0x23; /* # */
-var CHAR_PERCENT$1 = 0x25; /* % */
-var CHAR_AMPERSAND$1 = 0x26; /* & */
-var CHAR_SINGLE_QUOTE$2 = 0x27; /* ' */
-var CHAR_ASTERISK$2 = 0x2A; /* * */
-var CHAR_COMMA$3 = 0x2C; /* , */
-var CHAR_MINUS$1 = 0x2D; /* - */
-var CHAR_COLON$1 = 0x3A; /* : */
-var CHAR_EQUALS$1 = 0x3D; /* = */
-var CHAR_GREATER_THAN$1 = 0x3E; /* > */
-var CHAR_QUESTION$1 = 0x3F; /* ? */
-var CHAR_COMMERCIAL_AT$1 = 0x40; /* @ */
-var CHAR_LEFT_SQUARE_BRACKET$3 = 0x5B; /* [ */
-var CHAR_RIGHT_SQUARE_BRACKET$3 = 0x5D; /* ] */
-var CHAR_GRAVE_ACCENT$1 = 0x60; /* ` */
-var CHAR_LEFT_CURLY_BRACKET$1 = 0x7B; /* { */
-var CHAR_VERTICAL_LINE$1 = 0x7C; /* | */
-var CHAR_RIGHT_CURLY_BRACKET$1 = 0x7D; /* } */
-ESCAPE_SEQUENCES$1[0x00] = '\\0';
-ESCAPE_SEQUENCES$1[0x07] = '\\a';
-ESCAPE_SEQUENCES$1[0x08] = '\\b';
-ESCAPE_SEQUENCES$1[0x09] = '\\t';
-ESCAPE_SEQUENCES$1[0x0A] = '\\n';
-ESCAPE_SEQUENCES$1[0x0B] = '\\v';
-ESCAPE_SEQUENCES$1[0x0C] = '\\f';
-ESCAPE_SEQUENCES$1[0x0D] = '\\r';
-ESCAPE_SEQUENCES$1[0x1B] = '\\e';
-ESCAPE_SEQUENCES$1[0x22] = '\\"';
-ESCAPE_SEQUENCES$1[0x5C] = '\\\\';
-ESCAPE_SEQUENCES$1[0x85] = '\\N';
-ESCAPE_SEQUENCES$1[0xA0] = '\\_';
-ESCAPE_SEQUENCES$1[0x2028] = '\\L';
-ESCAPE_SEQUENCES$1[0x2029] = '\\P';
'y', 'Y', 'yes', 'Yes', 'YES', 'on', 'On', 'ON',
'n', 'N', 'no', 'No', 'NO', 'off', 'Off', 'OFF'
-function compileStyleMap$1(schema, map) {
+var DEPRECATED_BASE60_SYNTAX = /^[-+]?[0-9_]+(?::[0-9_]+)+(?:\.[0-9_]*)?$/;
+function compileStyleMap(schema, map) {
var result, keys, index, length, tag, style, type;
if (map === null) return {};
@@ -3297,7 +11514,7 @@ function compileStyleMap$1(schema, map) {
type = schema.compiledTypeMap['fallback'][tag];
- if (type && _hasOwnProperty$, style)) {
+ if (type &&, style)) {
style = type.styleAliases[style];
@@ -3307,7 +11524,7 @@ function compileStyleMap$1(schema, map) {
return result;
-function encodeHex$1(character) {
+function encodeHex(character) {
var string, handle, length;
string = character.toString(16).toUpperCase();
@@ -3322,24 +11539,31 @@ function encodeHex$1(character) {
handle = 'U';
length = 8;
} else {
- throw new YAMLException$2('code point within a string may not be greater than 0xFFFFFFFF');
+ throw new exception('code point within a string may not be greater than 0xFFFFFFFF');
- return '\\' + handle + common$5.repeat('0', length - string.length) + string;
+ return '\\' + handle + common$4.repeat('0', length - string.length) + string;
-function State$2(options) {
- this.schema = options['schema'] || DEFAULT_FULL_SCHEMA;
+function State(options) {
+ this.schema = options['schema'] || _default$1;
this.indent = Math.max(1, (options['indent'] || 2));
this.noArrayIndent = options['noArrayIndent'] || false;
this.skipInvalid = options['skipInvalid'] || false;
- this.flowLevel = (common$5.isNothing(options['flowLevel']) ? -1 : options['flowLevel']);
- this.styleMap = compileStyleMap$1(this.schema, options['styles'] || null);
+ this.flowLevel = (common$4.isNothing(options['flowLevel']) ? -1 : options['flowLevel']);
+ this.styleMap = compileStyleMap(this.schema, options['styles'] || null);
this.sortKeys = options['sortKeys'] || false;
this.lineWidth = options['lineWidth'] || 80;
this.noRefs = options['noRefs'] || false;
this.noCompatMode = options['noCompatMode'] || false;
this.condenseFlow = options['condenseFlow'] || false;
+ this.quotingType = options['quotingType'] === '"' ? QUOTING_TYPE_DOUBLE : QUOTING_TYPE_SINGLE;
+ this.forceQuotes = options['forceQuotes'] || false;
+ this.replacer = typeof options['replacer'] === 'function' ? options['replacer'] : null;
this.implicitTypes = this.schema.compiledImplicit;
this.explicitTypes = this.schema.compiledExplicit;
@@ -3352,8 +11576,8 @@ function State$2(options) {
// Indents every line in a string. Empty lines (\n only) are not indented.
-function indentString$1(string, spaces) {
- var ind = common$5.repeat(' ', spaces),
+function indentString(string, spaces) {
+ var ind = common$4.repeat(' ', spaces),
position = 0,
next = -1,
result = '',
@@ -3378,11 +11602,11 @@ function indentString$1(string, spaces) {
return result;
-function generateNextLine$1(state, level) {
- return '\n' + common$5.repeat(' ', state.indent * level);
+function generateNextLine(state, level) {
+ return '\n' + common$4.repeat(' ', state.indent * level);
-function testImplicitResolving$1(state, str) {
+function testImplicitResolving(state, str) {
var index, length, type;
for (index = 0, length = state.implicitTypes.length; index < length; index += 1) {
@@ -3397,96 +11621,128 @@ function testImplicitResolving$1(state, str) {
// [33] s-white ::= s-space | s-tab
-function isWhitespace$1(c) {
- return c === CHAR_SPACE$1 || c === CHAR_TAB$1;
+function isWhitespace(c) {
+ return c === CHAR_SPACE || c === CHAR_TAB;
// Returns true if the character can be printed without escaping.
// From YAML 1.2: "any allowed characters known to be non-printable
// should also be escaped. [However,] This isn’t mandatory"
// Derived from nb-char - \t - #x85 - #xA0 - #x2028 - #x2029.
-function isPrintable$1(c) {
+function isPrintable(c) {
return (0x00020 <= c && c <= 0x00007E)
|| ((0x000A1 <= c && c <= 0x00D7FF) && c !== 0x2028 && c !== 0x2029)
- || ((0x0E000 <= c && c <= 0x00FFFD) && c !== 0xFEFF /* BOM */)
+ || ((0x0E000 <= c && c <= 0x00FFFD) && c !== CHAR_BOM)
|| (0x10000 <= c && c <= 0x10FFFF);
// [34] ns-char ::= nb-char - s-white
// [27] nb-char ::= c-printable - b-char - c-byte-order-mark
// [26] b-char ::= b-line-feed | b-carriage-return
-// [24] b-line-feed ::= #xA /* LF */
-// [25] b-carriage-return ::= #xD /* CR */
-// [3] c-byte-order-mark ::= #xFEFF
-function isNsChar(c) {
- return isPrintable$1(c) && !isWhitespace$1(c)
- // byte-order-mark
- && c !== 0xFEFF
- // b-char
- && c !== CHAR_LINE_FEED$1;
-// Simplified test for values allowed after the first character in plain style.
-function isPlainSafe$1(c, prev) {
- // Uses a subset of nb-char - c-flow-indicator - ":" - "#"
- // where nb-char ::= c-printable - b-char - c-byte-order-mark.
- return isPrintable$1(c) && c !== 0xFEFF
- // - c-flow-indicator
- && c !== CHAR_COMMA$3
- // - ":" - "#"
- // /* An ns-char preceding */ "#"
- && c !== CHAR_COLON$1
- && ((c !== CHAR_SHARP$1) || (prev && isNsChar(prev)));
+// Including s-white (for some reason, examples doesn't match specs in this aspect)
+// ns-char ::= c-printable - b-line-feed - b-carriage-return - c-byte-order-mark
+function isNsCharOrWhitespace(c) {
+ return isPrintable(c)
+ && c !== CHAR_BOM
+ // - b-char
+ && c !== CHAR_LINE_FEED;
+// [127] ns-plain-safe(c) ::= c = flow-out ⇒ ns-plain-safe-out
+// c = flow-in ⇒ ns-plain-safe-in
+// c = block-key ⇒ ns-plain-safe-out
+// c = flow-key ⇒ ns-plain-safe-in
+// [128] ns-plain-safe-out ::= ns-char
+// [129] ns-plain-safe-in ::= ns-char - c-flow-indicator
+// [130] ns-plain-char(c) ::= ( ns-plain-safe(c) - “:” - “#” )
+// | ( /* An ns-char preceding */ “#” )
+// | ( “:” /* Followed by an ns-plain-safe(c) */ )
+function isPlainSafe(c, prev, inblock) {
+ var cIsNsCharOrWhitespace = isNsCharOrWhitespace(c);
+ var cIsNsChar = cIsNsCharOrWhitespace && !isWhitespace(c);
+ return (
+ // ns-plain-safe
+ inblock ? // c = flow-in
+ cIsNsCharOrWhitespace
+ : cIsNsCharOrWhitespace
+ // - c-flow-indicator
+ && c !== CHAR_COMMA
+ )
+ // ns-plain-char
+ && c !== CHAR_SHARP // false on '#'
+ && !(prev === CHAR_COLON && !cIsNsChar) // false on ': '
+ || (isNsCharOrWhitespace(prev) && !isWhitespace(prev) && c === CHAR_SHARP) // change to true on '[^ ]#'
+ || (prev === CHAR_COLON && cIsNsChar); // change to true on ':[^ ]'
// Simplified test for values allowed as the first character in plain style.
-function isPlainSafeFirst$1(c) {
+function isPlainSafeFirst(c) {
// Uses a subset of ns-char - c-indicator
// where ns-char = nb-char - s-white.
- return isPrintable$1(c) && c !== 0xFEFF
- && !isWhitespace$1(c) // - s-white
+ // No support of ( ( “?” | “:” | “-” ) /* Followed by an ns-plain-safe(c)) */ ) part
+ return isPrintable(c) && c !== CHAR_BOM
+ && !isWhitespace(c) // - s-white
// - (c-indicator ::=
// “-” | “?” | “:” | “,” | “[” | “]” | “{” | “}”
- && c !== CHAR_MINUS$1
- && c !== CHAR_QUESTION$1
- && c !== CHAR_COLON$1
- && c !== CHAR_COMMA$3
+ && c !== CHAR_MINUS
+ && c !== CHAR_QUESTION
+ && c !== CHAR_COLON
+ && c !== CHAR_COMMA
// | “#” | “&” | “*” | “!” | “|” | “=” | “>” | “'” | “"”
- && c !== CHAR_SHARP$1
- && c !== CHAR_AMPERSAND$1
- && c !== CHAR_ASTERISK$2
- && c !== CHAR_EQUALS$1
- && c !== CHAR_GREATER_THAN$1
- && c !== CHAR_SINGLE_QUOTE$2
- && c !== CHAR_DOUBLE_QUOTE$2
+ && c !== CHAR_SHARP
+ && c !== CHAR_ASTERISK
+ && c !== CHAR_EQUALS
// | “%” | “@” | “`”)
- && c !== CHAR_PERCENT$1
- && c !== CHAR_GRAVE_ACCENT$1;
+ && c !== CHAR_PERCENT
+// Simplified test for values allowed as the last character in plain style.
+function isPlainSafeLast(c) {
+ // just not whitespace or colon, it will be checked to be plain character later
+ return !isWhitespace(c) && c !== CHAR_COLON;
+// Same as 'string'.codePointAt(pos), but works in older browsers.
+function codePointAt(string, pos) {
+ var first = string.charCodeAt(pos), second;
+ if (first >= 0xD800 && first <= 0xDBFF && pos + 1 < string.length) {
+ second = string.charCodeAt(pos + 1);
+ if (second >= 0xDC00 && second <= 0xDFFF) {
+ //
+ return (first - 0xD800) * 0x400 + second - 0xDC00 + 0x10000;
+ }
+ }
+ return first;
// Determines whether block indentation indicator is required.
-function needIndentIndicator$1(string) {
+function needIndentIndicator(string) {
var leadingSpaceRe = /^\n* /;
return leadingSpaceRe.test(string);
-var STYLE_PLAIN$1 = 1,
+var STYLE_PLAIN = 1,
// Determines which scalar styles are possible and returns the preferred style.
// lineWidth = -1 => no limit.
@@ -3495,32 +11751,35 @@ var STYLE_PLAIN$1 = 1,
// STYLE_PLAIN or STYLE_SINGLE => no \n are in the string.
// STYLE_LITERAL => no lines are suitable for folding (or lineWidth is -1).
// STYLE_FOLDED => a line > lineWidth and can be folded (and lineWidth != -1).
-function chooseScalarStyle$1(string, singleLineOnly, indentPerLevel, lineWidth, testAmbiguousType) {
+function chooseScalarStyle(string, singleLineOnly, indentPerLevel, lineWidth,
+ testAmbiguousType, quotingType, forceQuotes, inblock) {
var i;
- var char, prev_char;
+ var char = 0;
+ var prevChar = null;
var hasLineBreak = false;
var hasFoldableLine = false; // only checked if shouldTrackWidth
var shouldTrackWidth = lineWidth !== -1;
var previousLineBreak = -1; // count the first line correctly
- var plain = isPlainSafeFirst$1(string.charCodeAt(0))
- && !isWhitespace$1(string.charCodeAt(string.length - 1));
+ var plain = isPlainSafeFirst(codePointAt(string, 0))
+ && isPlainSafeLast(codePointAt(string, string.length - 1));
- if (singleLineOnly) {
+ if (singleLineOnly || forceQuotes) {
// Case: no block styles.
// Check for disallowed characters to rule out plain and single.
- for (i = 0; i < string.length; i++) {
- char = string.charCodeAt(i);
- if (!isPrintable$1(char)) {
- return STYLE_DOUBLE$1;
+ for (i = 0; i < string.length; char >= 0x10000 ? i += 2 : i++) {
+ char = codePointAt(string, i);
+ if (!isPrintable(char)) {
+ return STYLE_DOUBLE;
- prev_char = i > 0 ? string.charCodeAt(i - 1) : null;
- plain = plain && isPlainSafe$1(char, prev_char);
+ plain = plain && isPlainSafe(char, prevChar, inblock);
+ prevChar = char;
} else {
// Case: block styles permitted.
- for (i = 0; i < string.length; i++) {
- char = string.charCodeAt(i);
- if (char === CHAR_LINE_FEED$1) {
+ for (i = 0; i < string.length; char >= 0x10000 ? i += 2 : i++) {
+ char = codePointAt(string, i);
+ if (char === CHAR_LINE_FEED) {
hasLineBreak = true;
// Check if any line can be folded.
if (shouldTrackWidth) {
@@ -3530,11 +11789,11 @@ function chooseScalarStyle$1(string, singleLineOnly, indentPerLevel, lineWidth,
string[previousLineBreak + 1] !== ' ');
previousLineBreak = i;
- } else if (!isPrintable$1(char)) {
- return STYLE_DOUBLE$1;
+ } else if (!isPrintable(char)) {
+ return STYLE_DOUBLE;
- prev_char = i > 0 ? string.charCodeAt(i - 1) : null;
- plain = plain && isPlainSafe$1(char, prev_char);
+ plain = plain && isPlainSafe(char, prevChar, inblock);
+ prevChar = char;
// in case the end is missing a \n
hasFoldableLine = hasFoldableLine || (shouldTrackWidth &&
@@ -3547,16 +11806,21 @@ function chooseScalarStyle$1(string, singleLineOnly, indentPerLevel, lineWidth,
if (!hasLineBreak && !hasFoldableLine) {
// Strings interpretable as another type have to be quoted;
// e.g. the string 'true' vs. the boolean true.
- return plain && !testAmbiguousType(string)
+ if (plain && !forceQuotes && !testAmbiguousType(string)) {
+ return STYLE_PLAIN;
+ }
// Edge case: block indentation indicator can only have one digit.
- if (indentPerLevel > 9 && needIndentIndicator$1(string)) {
- return STYLE_DOUBLE$1;
+ if (indentPerLevel > 9 && needIndentIndicator(string)) {
+ return STYLE_DOUBLE;
// At this point we know block styles are valid.
// Prefer literal style unless we want to fold.
- return hasFoldableLine ? STYLE_FOLDED$1 : STYLE_LITERAL$1;
+ if (!forceQuotes) {
+ return hasFoldableLine ? STYLE_FOLDED : STYLE_LITERAL;
+ }
// Note: line breaking/folding is implemented for only the folded style.
@@ -3565,14 +11829,15 @@ function chooseScalarStyle$1(string, singleLineOnly, indentPerLevel, lineWidth,
// • No ending newline => unaffected; already using strip "-" chomping.
// • Ending newline => removed then restored.
// Importantly, this keeps the "+" chomp indicator from gaining an extra line.
-function writeScalar$1(state, string, level, iskey) {
+function writeScalar(state, string, level, iskey, inblock) {
state.dump = (function () {
if (string.length === 0) {
- return "''";
+ return state.quotingType === QUOTING_TYPE_DOUBLE ? '""' : "''";
- if (!state.noCompatMode &&
- DEPRECATED_BOOLEANS_SYNTAX$1.indexOf(string) !== -1) {
- return "'" + string + "'";
+ if (!state.noCompatMode) {
+ if (DEPRECATED_BOOLEANS_SYNTAX.indexOf(string) !== -1 || DEPRECATED_BASE60_SYNTAX.test(string)) {
+ return state.quotingType === QUOTING_TYPE_DOUBLE ? ('"' + string + '"') : ("'" + string + "'");
+ }
var indent = state.indent * Math.max(1, level); // no 0-indent scalars
@@ -3591,31 +11856,33 @@ function writeScalar$1(state, string, level, iskey) {
// No block styles in flow mode.
|| (state.flowLevel > -1 && level >= state.flowLevel);
function testAmbiguity(string) {
- return testImplicitResolving$1(state, string);
+ return testImplicitResolving(state, string);
- switch (chooseScalarStyle$1(string, singleLineOnly, state.indent, lineWidth, testAmbiguity)) {
- case STYLE_PLAIN$1:
+ switch (chooseScalarStyle(string, singleLineOnly, state.indent, lineWidth,
+ testAmbiguity, state.quotingType, state.forceQuotes && !iskey, inblock)) {
return string;
- case STYLE_SINGLE$1:
return "'" + string.replace(/'/g, "''") + "'";
- return '|' + blockHeader$1(string, state.indent)
- + dropEndingNewline$1(indentString$1(string, indent));
- case STYLE_FOLDED$1:
- return '>' + blockHeader$1(string, state.indent)
- + dropEndingNewline$1(indentString$1(foldString$1(string, lineWidth), indent));
- case STYLE_DOUBLE$1:
- return '"' + escapeString$1(string) + '"';
+ return '|' + blockHeader(string, state.indent)
+ + dropEndingNewline(indentString(string, indent));
+ return '>' + blockHeader(string, state.indent)
+ + dropEndingNewline(indentString(foldString(string, lineWidth), indent));
+ return '"' + escapeString(string) + '"';
- throw new YAMLException$2('impossible error: invalid scalar style');
+ throw new exception('impossible error: invalid scalar style');
// Pre-conditions: string is valid for a block scalar, 1 <= indentPerLevel <= 9.
-function blockHeader$1(string, indentPerLevel) {
- var indentIndicator = needIndentIndicator$1(string) ? String(indentPerLevel) : '';
+function blockHeader(string, indentPerLevel) {
+ var indentIndicator = needIndentIndicator(string) ? String(indentPerLevel) : '';
// note the special case: the string '\n' counts as a "trailing" empty line.
var clip = string[string.length - 1] === '\n';
@@ -3626,13 +11893,13 @@ function blockHeader$1(string, indentPerLevel) {
// (See the note for writeScalar.)
-function dropEndingNewline$1(string) {
+function dropEndingNewline(string) {
return string[string.length - 1] === '\n' ? string.slice(0, -1) : string;
// Note: a long line without a suitable break point will exceed the width limit.
// Pre-conditions: every char in str isPrintable, str.length > 0, width > 0.
-function foldString$1(string, width) {
+function foldString(string, width) {
// In folded style, $k$ consecutive newlines output as $k+1$ newlines—
// unless they're before or after a more-indented line, or at the very
// beginning or end, in which case $k$ maps to $k$.
@@ -3644,7 +11911,7 @@ function foldString$1(string, width) {
var nextLF = string.indexOf('\n');
nextLF = nextLF !== -1 ? nextLF : string.length;
lineRe.lastIndex = nextLF;
- return foldLine$1(string.slice(0, nextLF), width);
+ return foldLine(string.slice(0, nextLF), width);
// If we haven't reached the first content line yet, don't add an extra \n.
var prevMoreIndented = string[0] === '\n' || string[0] === ' ';
@@ -3658,7 +11925,7 @@ function foldString$1(string, width) {
result += prefix
+ (!prevMoreIndented && !moreIndented && line !== ''
? '\n' : '')
- + foldLine$1(line, width);
+ + foldLine(line, width);
prevMoreIndented = moreIndented;
@@ -3669,7 +11936,7 @@ function foldString$1(string, width) {
// Picks the longest line under the limit each time,
// otherwise settles for the shortest line over the limit.
// NB. More-indented lines *cannot* be folded, as that would add an extra \n.
-function foldLine$1(line, width) {
+function foldLine(line, width) {
if (line === '' || line[0] === ' ') return line;
// Since a more-indented line adds a \n, breaks can't be followed by a space.
@@ -3709,42 +11976,46 @@ function foldLine$1(line, width) {
// Escapes a double-quoted string.
-function escapeString$1(string) {
+function escapeString(string) {
var result = '';
- var char, nextChar;
+ var char = 0;
var escapeSeq;
- for (var i = 0; i < string.length; i++) {
- char = string.charCodeAt(i);
- // Check for surrogate pairs (reference Unicode 3.0 section "3.7 Surrogates").
- if (char >= 0xD800 && char <= 0xDBFF/* high surrogate */) {
- nextChar = string.charCodeAt(i + 1);
- if (nextChar >= 0xDC00 && nextChar <= 0xDFFF/* low surrogate */) {
- // Combine the surrogate pair and store it escaped.
- result += encodeHex$1((char - 0xD800) * 0x400 + nextChar - 0xDC00 + 0x10000);
- // Advance index one extra since we already used that char here.
- i++; continue;
- }
+ for (var i = 0; i < string.length; char >= 0x10000 ? i += 2 : i++) {
+ char = codePointAt(string, i);
+ escapeSeq = ESCAPE_SEQUENCES[char];
+ if (!escapeSeq && isPrintable(char)) {
+ result += string[i];
+ if (char >= 0x10000) result += string[i + 1];
+ } else {
+ result += escapeSeq || encodeHex(char);
- escapeSeq = ESCAPE_SEQUENCES$1[char];
- result += !escapeSeq && isPrintable$1(char)
- ? string[i]
- : escapeSeq || encodeHex$1(char);
return result;
-function writeFlowSequence$1(state, level, object) {
+function writeFlowSequence(state, level, object) {
var _result = '',
_tag = state.tag,
- length;
+ length,
+ value;
for (index = 0, length = object.length; index < length; index += 1) {
- // Write only valid elements.
- if (writeNode$1(state, level, object[index], false, false)) {
- if (index !== 0) _result += ',' + (!state.condenseFlow ? ' ' : '');
+ value = object[index];
+ if (state.replacer) {
+ value =, String(index), value);
+ }
+ // Write only valid elements, put null instead of invalid elements.
+ if (writeNode(state, level, value, false, false) ||
+ (typeof value === 'undefined' &&
+ writeNode(state, level, null, false, false))) {
+ if (_result !== '') _result += ',' + (!state.condenseFlow ? ' ' : '');
_result += state.dump;
@@ -3753,20 +12024,30 @@ function writeFlowSequence$1(state, level, object) {
state.dump = '[' + _result + ']';
-function writeBlockSequence$1(state, level, object, compact) {
+function writeBlockSequence(state, level, object, compact) {
var _result = '',
_tag = state.tag,
- length;
+ length,
+ value;
for (index = 0, length = object.length; index < length; index += 1) {
- // Write only valid elements.
- if (writeNode$1(state, level + 1, object[index], true, true)) {
- if (!compact || index !== 0) {
- _result += generateNextLine$1(state, level);
+ value = object[index];
+ if (state.replacer) {
+ value =, String(index), value);
+ }
+ // Write only valid elements, put null instead of invalid elements.
+ if (writeNode(state, level + 1, value, true, true, false, true) ||
+ (typeof value === 'undefined' &&
+ writeNode(state, level + 1, null, true, true, false, true))) {
+ if (!compact || _result !== '') {
+ _result += generateNextLine(state, level);
- if (state.dump && CHAR_LINE_FEED$1 === state.dump.charCodeAt(0)) {
+ if (state.dump && CHAR_LINE_FEED === state.dump.charCodeAt(0)) {
_result += '-';
} else {
_result += '- ';
@@ -3780,7 +12061,7 @@ function writeBlockSequence$1(state, level, object, compact) {
state.dump = _result || '[]'; // Empty sequence if no valid values.
-function writeFlowMapping$1(state, level, object) {
+function writeFlowMapping(state, level, object) {
var _result = '',
_tag = state.tag,
objectKeyList = Object.keys(object),
@@ -3793,14 +12074,18 @@ function writeFlowMapping$1(state, level, object) {
for (index = 0, length = objectKeyList.length; index < length; index += 1) {
pairBuffer = '';
- if (index !== 0) pairBuffer += ', ';
+ if (_result !== '') pairBuffer += ', ';
if (state.condenseFlow) pairBuffer += '"';
objectKey = objectKeyList[index];
objectValue = object[objectKey];
- if (!writeNode$1(state, level, objectKey, false, false)) {
+ if (state.replacer) {
+ objectValue =, objectKey, objectValue);
+ }
+ if (!writeNode(state, level, objectKey, false, false)) {
continue; // Skip this pair because of invalid key;
@@ -3808,7 +12093,7 @@ function writeFlowMapping$1(state, level, object) {
pairBuffer += state.dump + (state.condenseFlow ? '"' : '') + ':' + (state.condenseFlow ? '' : ' ');
- if (!writeNode$1(state, level, objectValue, false, false)) {
+ if (!writeNode(state, level, objectValue, false, false)) {
continue; // Skip this pair because of invalid value.
@@ -3822,7 +12107,7 @@ function writeFlowMapping$1(state, level, object) {
state.dump = '{' + _result + '}';
-function writeBlockMapping$1(state, level, object, compact) {
+function writeBlockMapping(state, level, object, compact) {
var _result = '',
_tag = state.tag,
objectKeyList = Object.keys(object),
@@ -3842,20 +12127,24 @@ function writeBlockMapping$1(state, level, object, compact) {
} else if (state.sortKeys) {
// Something is wrong
- throw new YAMLException$2('sortKeys must be a boolean or a function');
+ throw new exception('sortKeys must be a boolean or a function');
for (index = 0, length = objectKeyList.length; index < length; index += 1) {
pairBuffer = '';
- if (!compact || index !== 0) {
- pairBuffer += generateNextLine$1(state, level);
+ if (!compact || _result !== '') {
+ pairBuffer += generateNextLine(state, level);
objectKey = objectKeyList[index];
objectValue = object[objectKey];
- if (!writeNode$1(state, level + 1, objectKey, true, true, true)) {
+ if (state.replacer) {
+ objectValue =, objectKey, objectValue);
+ }
+ if (!writeNode(state, level + 1, objectKey, true, true, true)) {
continue; // Skip this pair because of invalid key.
@@ -3863,7 +12152,7 @@ function writeBlockMapping$1(state, level, object, compact) {
(state.dump && state.dump.length > 1024);
if (explicitPair) {
- if (state.dump && CHAR_LINE_FEED$1 === state.dump.charCodeAt(0)) {
+ if (state.dump && CHAR_LINE_FEED === state.dump.charCodeAt(0)) {
pairBuffer += '?';
} else {
pairBuffer += '? ';
@@ -3873,14 +12162,14 @@ function writeBlockMapping$1(state, level, object, compact) {
pairBuffer += state.dump;
if (explicitPair) {
- pairBuffer += generateNextLine$1(state, level);
+ pairBuffer += generateNextLine(state, level);
- if (!writeNode$1(state, level + 1, objectValue, true, explicitPair)) {
+ if (!writeNode(state, level + 1, objectValue, true, explicitPair)) {
continue; // Skip this pair because of invalid value.
- if (state.dump && CHAR_LINE_FEED$1 === state.dump.charCodeAt(0)) {
+ if (state.dump && CHAR_LINE_FEED === state.dump.charCodeAt(0)) {
pairBuffer += ':';
} else {
pairBuffer += ': ';
@@ -3896,7 +12185,7 @@ function writeBlockMapping$1(state, level, object, compact) {
state.dump = _result || '{}'; // Empty mapping if no valid pairs.
-function detectType$1(state, object, explicit) {
+function detectType(state, object, explicit) {
var _result, typeList, index, length, type, style;
typeList = explicit ? state.explicitTypes : state.implicitTypes;
@@ -3908,17 +12197,25 @@ function detectType$1(state, object, explicit) {
(!type.instanceOf || ((typeof object === 'object') && (object instanceof type.instanceOf))) &&
(!type.predicate || type.predicate(object))) {
- state.tag = explicit ? type.tag : '?';
+ if (explicit) {
+ if (type.multi && type.representName) {
+ state.tag = type.representName(object);
+ } else {
+ state.tag = type.tag;
+ }
+ } else {
+ state.tag = '?';
+ }
if (type.represent) {
style = state.styleMap[type.tag] || type.defaultStyle;
- if (_toString$ === '[object Function]') {
+ if ( === '[object Function]') {
_result = type.represent(object, style);
- } else if (_hasOwnProperty$, style)) {
+ } else if (, style)) {
_result = type.represent[style](object, style);
} else {
- throw new YAMLException$2('!<' + type.tag + '> tag resolver accepts not "' + style + '" style');
+ throw new exception('!<' + type.tag + '> tag resolver accepts not "' + style + '" style');
state.dump = _result;
@@ -3934,15 +12231,17 @@ function detectType$1(state, object, explicit) {
// Serializes `object` and writes it to global `result`.
// Returns true on success, or false on invalid object.
-function writeNode$1(state, level, object, block, compact, iskey) {
+function writeNode(state, level, object, block, compact, iskey, isblockseq) {
state.tag = null;
state.dump = object;
- if (!detectType$1(state, object, false)) {
- detectType$1(state, object, true);
+ if (!detectType(state, object, false)) {
+ detectType(state, object, true);
- var type = _toString$;
+ var type =;
+ var inblock = block;
+ var tagStr;
if (block) {
block = (state.flowLevel < 0 || state.flowLevel > level);
@@ -3969,53 +12268,83 @@ function writeNode$1(state, level, object, block, compact, iskey) {
if (type === '[object Object]') {
if (block && (Object.keys(state.dump).length !== 0)) {
- writeBlockMapping$1(state, level, state.dump, compact);
+ writeBlockMapping(state, level, state.dump, compact);
if (duplicate) {
state.dump = '&ref_' + duplicateIndex + state.dump;
} else {
- writeFlowMapping$1(state, level, state.dump);
+ writeFlowMapping(state, level, state.dump);
if (duplicate) {
state.dump = '&ref_' + duplicateIndex + ' ' + state.dump;
} else if (type === '[object Array]') {
- var arrayLevel = (state.noArrayIndent && (level > 0)) ? level - 1 : level;
if (block && (state.dump.length !== 0)) {
- writeBlockSequence$1(state, arrayLevel, state.dump, compact);
+ if (state.noArrayIndent && !isblockseq && level > 0) {
+ writeBlockSequence(state, level - 1, state.dump, compact);
+ } else {
+ writeBlockSequence(state, level, state.dump, compact);
+ }
if (duplicate) {
state.dump = '&ref_' + duplicateIndex + state.dump;
} else {
- writeFlowSequence$1(state, arrayLevel, state.dump);
+ writeFlowSequence(state, level, state.dump);
if (duplicate) {
state.dump = '&ref_' + duplicateIndex + ' ' + state.dump;
} else if (type === '[object String]') {
if (state.tag !== '?') {
- writeScalar$1(state, state.dump, level, iskey);
+ writeScalar(state, state.dump, level, iskey, inblock);
+ } else if (type === '[object Undefined]') {
+ return false;
} else {
if (state.skipInvalid) return false;
- throw new YAMLException$2('unacceptable kind of an object to dump ' + type);
+ throw new exception('unacceptable kind of an object to dump ' + type);
if (state.tag !== null && state.tag !== '?') {
- state.dump = '!<' + state.tag + '> ' + state.dump;
+ // Need to encode all characters except those allowed by the spec:
+ //
+ // [35] ns-dec-digit ::= [#x30-#x39] /* 0-9 */
+ // [36] ns-hex-digit ::= ns-dec-digit
+ // | [#x41-#x46] /* A-F */ | [#x61-#x66] /* a-f */
+ // [37] ns-ascii-letter ::= [#x41-#x5A] /* A-Z */ | [#x61-#x7A] /* a-z */
+ // [38] ns-word-char ::= ns-dec-digit | ns-ascii-letter | “-”
+ // [39] ns-uri-char ::= “%” ns-hex-digit ns-hex-digit | ns-word-char | “#”
+ // | “;” | “/” | “?” | “:” | “@” | “&” | “=” | “+” | “$” | “,”
+ // | “_” | “.” | “!” | “~” | “*” | “'” | “(” | “)” | “[” | “]”
+ //
+ // Also need to encode '!' because it has special meaning (end of tag prefix).
+ //
+ tagStr = encodeURI(
+ state.tag[0] === '!' ? state.tag.slice(1) : state.tag
+ ).replace(/!/g, '%21');
+ if (state.tag[0] === '!') {
+ tagStr = '!' + tagStr;
+ } else if (tagStr.slice(0, 18) === ',2002:') {
+ tagStr = '!!' + tagStr.slice(18);
+ } else {
+ tagStr = '!<' + tagStr + '>';
+ }
+ state.dump = tagStr + ' ' + state.dump;
return true;
-function getDuplicateReferences$1(object, state) {
+function getDuplicateReferences(object, state) {
var objects = [],
duplicatesIndexes = [],
- inspectNode$1(object, objects, duplicatesIndexes);
+ inspectNode(object, objects, duplicatesIndexes);
for (index = 0, length = duplicatesIndexes.length; index < length; index += 1) {
@@ -4023,7 +12352,7 @@ function getDuplicateReferences$1(object, state) {
state.usedDuplicates = new Array(length);
-function inspectNode$1(object, objects, duplicatesIndexes) {
+function inspectNode(object, objects, duplicatesIndexes) {
var objectKeyList,
@@ -4039,79 +12368,100 @@ function inspectNode$1(object, objects, duplicatesIndexes) {
if (Array.isArray(object)) {
for (index = 0, length = object.length; index < length; index += 1) {
- inspectNode$1(object[index], objects, duplicatesIndexes);
+ inspectNode(object[index], objects, duplicatesIndexes);
} else {
objectKeyList = Object.keys(object);
for (index = 0, length = objectKeyList.length; index < length; index += 1) {
- inspectNode$1(object[objectKeyList[index]], objects, duplicatesIndexes);
+ inspectNode(object[objectKeyList[index]], objects, duplicatesIndexes);
-function dump$2(input, options) {
+function dump$1(input, options) {
options = options || {};
- var state = new State$2(options);
+ var state = new State(options);
- if (!state.noRefs) getDuplicateReferences$1(input, state);
+ if (!state.noRefs) getDuplicateReferences(input, state);
- if (writeNode$1(state, 0, input, true, true)) return state.dump + '\n';
+ var value = input;
- return '';
+ if (state.replacer) {
+ value ={ '': value }, '', value);
+ }
-function safeDump$1(input, options) {
- return dump$2(input, common$5.extend({ schema: DEFAULT_SAFE_SCHEMA }, options));
+ if (writeNode(state, 0, value, true, true)) return state.dump + '\n';
-dumper$2.dump = dump$2;
-dumper$2.safeDump = safeDump$1;
+ return '';
-var loader$1 = loader$2;
-var dumper$1 = dumper$2;
+var dump_1 = dump$1;
+var dumper = {
+ dump: dump_1
-function deprecated(name) {
+function renamed(from, to) {
return function () {
- throw new Error('Function ' + name + ' is deprecated and cannot be used.');
+ throw new Error('Function yaml.' + from + ' is removed in js-yaml 4. ' +
+ 'Use yaml.' + to + ' instead, which is now safe by default.');
-jsYaml$2.Type = type$1;
-jsYaml$2.Schema = schema$2;
-jsYaml$2.FAILSAFE_SCHEMA = failsafe$1;
-jsYaml$2.JSON_SCHEMA = json$3;
-jsYaml$2.CORE_SCHEMA = core$4;
-jsYaml$2.DEFAULT_SAFE_SCHEMA = default_safe;
-jsYaml$2.DEFAULT_FULL_SCHEMA = default_full;
-jsYaml$2.load = loader$1.load;
-jsYaml$2.loadAll = loader$1.loadAll;
-jsYaml$2.safeLoad = loader$1.safeLoad;
-jsYaml$2.safeLoadAll = loader$1.safeLoadAll;
-jsYaml$2.dump = dumper$1.dump;
-jsYaml$2.safeDump = dumper$1.safeDump;
-jsYaml$2.YAMLException = exception$1;
-// Deprecated schema names from JS-YAML 2.0.x
-jsYaml$2.MINIMAL_SCHEMA = failsafe$1;
-jsYaml$2.SAFE_SCHEMA = default_safe;
-jsYaml$2.DEFAULT_SCHEMA = default_full;
-// Deprecated functions from JS-YAML 1.x.x
-jsYaml$2.scan = deprecated('scan');
-jsYaml$2.parse = deprecated('parse');
-jsYaml$2.compose = deprecated('compose');
-jsYaml$2.addConstructor = deprecated('addConstructor');
+var Type = type$1;
+var Schema = schema$1;
+var FAILSAFE_SCHEMA = failsafe;
+var JSON_SCHEMA = json;
+var CORE_SCHEMA = core;
+var DEFAULT_SCHEMA = _default$1;
+var load = loader.load;
+var loadAll = loader.loadAll;
+var dump = dumper.dump;
+var YAMLException = exception;
-var yaml$1 = jsYaml$2;
+// Re-export all types in case user wants to create custom schema
+var types$1 = {
+ binary: binary,
+ float: float,
+ map: map$3,
+ null: _null,
+ pairs: pairs,
+ set: set,
+ timestamp: timestamp,
+ bool: bool,
+ int: int,
+ merge: merge$1,
+ omap: omap,
+ seq: seq,
+ str: str
+// Removed functions from JS-YAML 3.0.x
+var safeLoad = renamed('safeLoad', 'load');
+var safeLoadAll = renamed('safeLoadAll', 'loadAll');
+var safeDump = renamed('safeDump', 'dump');
-var jsYaml$1 = yaml$1;
+var jsYaml = {
+ Type: Type,
+ Schema: Schema,
+ load: load,
+ loadAll: loadAll,
+ dump: dump,
+ YAMLException: YAMLException,
+ types: types$1,
+ safeLoad: safeLoad,
+ safeLoadAll: safeLoadAll,
+ safeDump: safeDump
var isArrayish$2 = function isArrayish(obj) {
if (!obj) {
@@ -4122,7 +12472,7 @@ var isArrayish$2 = function isArrayish(obj) {
(obj.length >= 0 && obj.splice instanceof Function);
-var util$4 = require$$0__default['default'];
+var util$2 = require$$0$4;
var isArrayish$1 = isArrayish$2;
var errorEx$1 = function errorEx(name, properties) {
@@ -4226,7 +12576,7 @@ var errorEx$1 = function errorEx(name, properties) {
Object.setPrototypeOf(errorExError.prototype, Error.prototype);
Object.setPrototypeOf(errorExError, Error);
} else {
- util$4.inherits(errorExError, Error);
+ util$2.inherits(errorExError, Error);
return errorExError;
@@ -4438,16 +12788,16 @@ var LinesAndColumns$1 = (function () {
return LinesAndColumns;
-var dist$2 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
+var dist = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
__proto__: null,
'default': LinesAndColumns$1
-var require$$2 = /*@__PURE__*/getAugmentedNamespace(dist$2);
+var require$$2 = /*@__PURE__*/getAugmentedNamespace(dist);
-var lib$9 = {};
+var lib$4 = {};
-var lib$8 = {};
+var lib$3 = {};
var jsTokens = {};
@@ -4475,7 +12825,7 @@ jsTokens.matchToToken = function(match) {
return token
-var lib$7 = {};
+var lib$2 = {};
var identifier = {};
@@ -4658,13 +13008,13 @@ Object.defineProperty(exports, "isKeyword", {
var _identifier = identifier;
var _keyword = keyword;
-var chalk$2 = {exports: {}};
+var chalk = {exports: {}};
var matchOperatorsRe = /[|\\{}()[\]^$+*?.]/g;
-var escapeStringRegexp$3 = function (str) {
+var escapeStringRegexp$1 = function (str) {
if (typeof str !== 'string') {
throw new TypeError('Expected a string');
@@ -4672,11 +13022,11 @@ var escapeStringRegexp$3 = function (str) {
return str.replace(matchOperatorsRe, '\\$&');
-var ansiStyles$2 = {exports: {}};
+var ansiStyles = {exports: {}};
-var conversions$5 = {exports: {}};
+var conversions$2 = {exports: {}};
-var colorName$1 = {
+var colorName = {
"aliceblue": [240, 248, 255],
"antiquewhite": [250, 235, 215],
"aqua": [0, 255, 255],
@@ -4829,20 +13179,20 @@ var colorName$1 = {
/* MIT license */
-var cssKeywords$1 = colorName$1;
+var cssKeywords = colorName;
// NOTE: conversions should only return primitive values (i.e. arrays, or
// values that give correct `typeof` results).
// do not use box values types (i.e. Number(), String(), etc.)
-var reverseKeywords$1 = {};
-for (var key$1 in cssKeywords$1) {
- if (cssKeywords$1.hasOwnProperty(key$1)) {
- reverseKeywords$1[cssKeywords$1[key$1]] = key$1;
+var reverseKeywords = {};
+for (var key$1 in cssKeywords) {
+ if (cssKeywords.hasOwnProperty(key$1)) {
+ reverseKeywords[cssKeywords[key$1]] = key$1;
-var convert$6 = conversions$5.exports = {
+var convert$2 = conversions$2.exports = {
rgb: {channels: 3, labels: 'rgb'},
hsl: {channels: 3, labels: 'hsl'},
hsv: {channels: 3, labels: 'hsv'},
@@ -4861,30 +13211,30 @@ var convert$6 = conversions$5.exports = {
// hide .channels and .labels properties
-for (var model in convert$6) {
- if (convert$6.hasOwnProperty(model)) {
- if (!('channels' in convert$6[model])) {
+for (var model in convert$2) {
+ if (convert$2.hasOwnProperty(model)) {
+ if (!('channels' in convert$2[model])) {
throw new Error('missing channels property: ' + model);
- if (!('labels' in convert$6[model])) {
+ if (!('labels' in convert$2[model])) {
throw new Error('missing channel labels property: ' + model);
- if (convert$6[model].labels.length !== convert$6[model].channels) {
+ if (convert$2[model].labels.length !== convert$2[model].channels) {
throw new Error('channel and label counts mismatch: ' + model);
- var channels = convert$6[model].channels;
- var labels$1 = convert$6[model].labels;
- delete convert$6[model].channels;
- delete convert$6[model].labels;
- Object.defineProperty(convert$6[model], 'channels', {value: channels});
- Object.defineProperty(convert$6[model], 'labels', {value: labels$1});
+ var channels = convert$2[model].channels;
+ var labels$1 = convert$2[model].labels;
+ delete convert$2[model].channels;
+ delete convert$2[model].labels;
+ Object.defineProperty(convert$2[model], 'channels', {value: channels});
+ Object.defineProperty(convert$2[model], 'labels', {value: labels$1});
-convert$6.rgb.hsl = function (rgb) {
+convert$2.rgb.hsl = function (rgb) {
var r = rgb[0] / 255;
var g = rgb[1] / 255;
var b = rgb[2] / 255;
@@ -4924,7 +13274,7 @@ convert$6.rgb.hsl = function (rgb) {
return [h, s * 100, l * 100];
-convert$6.rgb.hsv = function (rgb) {
+convert$2.rgb.hsv = function (rgb) {
var rdif;
var gdif;
var bdif;
@@ -4969,11 +13319,11 @@ convert$6.rgb.hsv = function (rgb) {
-convert$6.rgb.hwb = function (rgb) {
+convert$2.rgb.hwb = function (rgb) {
var r = rgb[0];
var g = rgb[1];
var b = rgb[2];
- var h = convert$6.rgb.hsl(rgb)[0];
+ var h = convert$2.rgb.hsl(rgb)[0];
var w = 1 / 255 * Math.min(r, Math.min(g, b));
b = 1 - 1 / 255 * Math.max(r, Math.max(g, b));
@@ -4981,7 +13331,7 @@ convert$6.rgb.hwb = function (rgb) {
return [h, w * 100, b * 100];
-convert$6.rgb.cmyk = function (rgb) {
+convert$2.rgb.cmyk = function (rgb) {
var r = rgb[0] / 255;
var g = rgb[1] / 255;
var b = rgb[2] / 255;
@@ -5001,7 +13351,7 @@ convert$6.rgb.cmyk = function (rgb) {
* See
* */
-function comparativeDistance$1(x, y) {
+function comparativeDistance(x, y) {
return (
Math.pow(x[0] - y[0], 2) +
Math.pow(x[1] - y[1], 2) +
@@ -5009,8 +13359,8 @@ function comparativeDistance$1(x, y) {
-convert$6.rgb.keyword = function (rgb) {
- var reversed = reverseKeywords$1[rgb];
+convert$2.rgb.keyword = function (rgb) {
+ var reversed = reverseKeywords[rgb];
if (reversed) {
return reversed;
@@ -5018,12 +13368,12 @@ convert$6.rgb.keyword = function (rgb) {
var currentClosestDistance = Infinity;
var currentClosestKeyword;
- for (var keyword in cssKeywords$1) {
- if (cssKeywords$1.hasOwnProperty(keyword)) {
- var value = cssKeywords$1[keyword];
+ for (var keyword in cssKeywords) {
+ if (cssKeywords.hasOwnProperty(keyword)) {
+ var value = cssKeywords[keyword];
// Compute comparative distance
- var distance = comparativeDistance$1(rgb, value);
+ var distance = comparativeDistance(rgb, value);
// Check if its less, if so set as closest
if (distance < currentClosestDistance) {
@@ -5036,11 +13386,11 @@ convert$6.rgb.keyword = function (rgb) {
return currentClosestKeyword;
-convert$6.keyword.rgb = function (keyword) {
- return cssKeywords$1[keyword];
+convert$2.keyword.rgb = function (keyword) {
+ return cssKeywords[keyword];
-convert$ = function (rgb) {
+convert$ = function (rgb) {
var r = rgb[0] / 255;
var g = rgb[1] / 255;
var b = rgb[2] / 255;
@@ -5057,8 +13407,8 @@ convert$ = function (rgb) {
return [x * 100, y * 100, z * 100];
-convert$6.rgb.lab = function (rgb) {
- var xyz = convert$;
+convert$2.rgb.lab = function (rgb) {
+ var xyz = convert$;
var x = xyz[0];
var y = xyz[1];
var z = xyz[2];
@@ -5081,7 +13431,7 @@ convert$6.rgb.lab = function (rgb) {
return [l, a, b];
-convert$6.hsl.rgb = function (hsl) {
+convert$2.hsl.rgb = function (hsl) {
var h = hsl[0] / 360;
var s = hsl[1] / 100;
var l = hsl[2] / 100;
@@ -5130,7 +13480,7 @@ convert$6.hsl.rgb = function (hsl) {
return rgb;
-convert$6.hsl.hsv = function (hsl) {
+convert$2.hsl.hsv = function (hsl) {
var h = hsl[0];
var s = hsl[1] / 100;
var l = hsl[2] / 100;
@@ -5148,7 +13498,7 @@ convert$6.hsl.hsv = function (hsl) {
return [h, sv * 100, v * 100];
-convert$6.hsv.rgb = function (hsv) {
+convert$2.hsv.rgb = function (hsv) {
var h = hsv[0] / 60;
var s = hsv[1] / 100;
var v = hsv[2] / 100;
@@ -5176,7 +13526,7 @@ convert$6.hsv.rgb = function (hsv) {
-convert$6.hsv.hsl = function (hsv) {
+convert$2.hsv.hsl = function (hsv) {
var h = hsv[0];
var s = hsv[1] / 100;
var v = hsv[2] / 100;
@@ -5196,7 +13546,7 @@ convert$6.hsv.hsl = function (hsv) {
-convert$6.hwb.rgb = function (hwb) {
+convert$2.hwb.rgb = function (hwb) {
var h = hwb[0] / 360;
var wh = hwb[1] / 100;
var bl = hwb[2] / 100;
@@ -5239,7 +13589,7 @@ convert$6.hwb.rgb = function (hwb) {
return [r * 255, g * 255, b * 255];
-convert$6.cmyk.rgb = function (cmyk) {
+convert$2.cmyk.rgb = function (cmyk) {
var c = cmyk[0] / 100;
var m = cmyk[1] / 100;
var y = cmyk[2] / 100;
@@ -5255,7 +13605,7 @@ convert$6.cmyk.rgb = function (cmyk) {
return [r * 255, g * 255, b * 255];
-convert$ = function (xyz) {
+convert$ = function (xyz) {
var x = xyz[0] / 100;
var y = xyz[1] / 100;
var z = xyz[2] / 100;
@@ -5287,7 +13637,7 @@ convert$ = function (xyz) {
return [r * 255, g * 255, b * 255];
-convert$ = function (xyz) {
+convert$ = function (xyz) {
var x = xyz[0];
var y = xyz[1];
var z = xyz[2];
@@ -5310,7 +13660,7 @@ convert$ = function (xyz) {
return [l, a, b];
-convert$ = function (lab) {
+convert$ = function (lab) {
var l = lab[0];
var a = lab[1];
var b = lab[2];
@@ -5336,7 +13686,7 @@ convert$ = function (lab) {
return [x, y, z];
-convert$6.lab.lch = function (lab) {
+convert$2.lab.lch = function (lab) {
var l = lab[0];
var a = lab[1];
var b = lab[2];
@@ -5356,7 +13706,7 @@ convert$6.lab.lch = function (lab) {
return [l, c, h];
-convert$6.lch.lab = function (lch) {
+convert$2.lch.lab = function (lch) {
var l = lch[0];
var c = lch[1];
var h = lch[2];
@@ -5371,11 +13721,11 @@ convert$6.lch.lab = function (lch) {
return [l, a, b];
-convert$6.rgb.ansi16 = function (args) {
+convert$2.rgb.ansi16 = function (args) {
var r = args[0];
var g = args[1];
var b = args[2];
- var value = 1 in arguments ? arguments[1] : convert$6.rgb.hsv(args)[2]; // hsv -> ansi16 optimization
+ var value = 1 in arguments ? arguments[1] : convert$2.rgb.hsv(args)[2]; // hsv -> ansi16 optimization
value = Math.round(value / 50);
@@ -5395,13 +13745,13 @@ convert$6.rgb.ansi16 = function (args) {
return ansi;
-convert$6.hsv.ansi16 = function (args) {
+convert$2.hsv.ansi16 = function (args) {
// optimization here; we already know the value and don't need to get
// it converted for us.
- return convert$6.rgb.ansi16(convert$6.hsv.rgb(args), args[2]);
+ return convert$2.rgb.ansi16(convert$2.hsv.rgb(args), args[2]);
-convert$6.rgb.ansi256 = function (args) {
+convert$2.rgb.ansi256 = function (args) {
var r = args[0];
var g = args[1];
var b = args[2];
@@ -5428,7 +13778,7 @@ convert$6.rgb.ansi256 = function (args) {
return ansi;
-convert$6.ansi16.rgb = function (args) {
+convert$2.ansi16.rgb = function (args) {
var color = args % 10;
// handle greyscale
@@ -5450,7 +13800,7 @@ convert$6.ansi16.rgb = function (args) {
return [r, g, b];
-convert$6.ansi256.rgb = function (args) {
+convert$2.ansi256.rgb = function (args) {
// handle greyscale
if (args >= 232) {
var c = (args - 232) * 10 + 8;
@@ -5467,7 +13817,7 @@ convert$6.ansi256.rgb = function (args) {
return [r, g, b];
-convert$6.rgb.hex = function (args) {
+convert$2.rgb.hex = function (args) {
var integer = ((Math.round(args[0]) & 0xFF) << 16)
+ ((Math.round(args[1]) & 0xFF) << 8)
+ (Math.round(args[2]) & 0xFF);
@@ -5476,7 +13826,7 @@ convert$6.rgb.hex = function (args) {
return '000000'.substring(string.length) + string;
-convert$6.hex.rgb = function (args) {
+convert$2.hex.rgb = function (args) {
var match = args.toString(16).match(/[a-f0-9]{6}|[a-f0-9]{3}/i);
if (!match) {
return [0, 0, 0];
@@ -5498,7 +13848,7 @@ convert$6.hex.rgb = function (args) {
return [r, g, b];
-convert$6.rgb.hcg = function (rgb) {
+convert$2.rgb.hcg = function (rgb) {
var r = rgb[0] / 255;
var g = rgb[1] / 255;
var b = rgb[2] / 255;
@@ -5532,7 +13882,7 @@ convert$6.rgb.hcg = function (rgb) {
return [hue * 360, chroma * 100, grayscale * 100];
-convert$6.hsl.hcg = function (hsl) {
+convert$2.hsl.hcg = function (hsl) {
var s = hsl[1] / 100;
var l = hsl[2] / 100;
var c = 1;
@@ -5551,7 +13901,7 @@ convert$6.hsl.hcg = function (hsl) {
return [hsl[0], c * 100, f * 100];
-convert$6.hsv.hcg = function (hsv) {
+convert$2.hsv.hcg = function (hsv) {
var s = hsv[1] / 100;
var v = hsv[2] / 100;
@@ -5565,7 +13915,7 @@ convert$6.hsv.hcg = function (hsv) {
return [hsv[0], c * 100, f * 100];
-convert$6.hcg.rgb = function (hcg) {
+convert$2.hcg.rgb = function (hcg) {
var h = hcg[0] / 360;
var c = hcg[1] / 100;
var g = hcg[2] / 100;
@@ -5604,7 +13954,7 @@ convert$6.hcg.rgb = function (hcg) {
-convert$6.hcg.hsv = function (hcg) {
+convert$2.hcg.hsv = function (hcg) {
var c = hcg[1] / 100;
var g = hcg[2] / 100;
@@ -5618,7 +13968,7 @@ convert$6.hcg.hsv = function (hcg) {
return [hcg[0], f * 100, v * 100];
-convert$6.hcg.hsl = function (hcg) {
+convert$2.hcg.hsl = function (hcg) {
var c = hcg[1] / 100;
var g = hcg[2] / 100;
@@ -5635,14 +13985,14 @@ convert$6.hcg.hsl = function (hcg) {
return [hcg[0], s * 100, l * 100];
-convert$6.hcg.hwb = function (hcg) {
+convert$2.hcg.hwb = function (hcg) {
var c = hcg[1] / 100;
var g = hcg[2] / 100;
var v = c + g * (1.0 - c);
return [hcg[0], (v - c) * 100, (1 - v) * 100];
-convert$6.hwb.hcg = function (hwb) {
+convert$2.hwb.hcg = function (hwb) {
var w = hwb[1] / 100;
var b = hwb[2] / 100;
var v = 1 - b;
@@ -5656,35 +14006,35 @@ convert$6.hwb.hcg = function (hwb) {
return [hwb[0], c * 100, g * 100];
-convert$ = function (apple) {
+convert$ = function (apple) {
return [(apple[0] / 65535) * 255, (apple[1] / 65535) * 255, (apple[2] / 65535) * 255];
-convert$ = function (rgb) {
+convert$ = function (rgb) {
return [(rgb[0] / 255) * 65535, (rgb[1] / 255) * 65535, (rgb[2] / 255) * 65535];
-convert$6.gray.rgb = function (args) {
+convert$2.gray.rgb = function (args) {
return [args[0] / 100 * 255, args[0] / 100 * 255, args[0] / 100 * 255];
-convert$6.gray.hsl = convert$6.gray.hsv = function (args) {
+convert$2.gray.hsl = convert$2.gray.hsv = function (args) {
return [0, 0, args[0]];
-convert$6.gray.hwb = function (gray) {
+convert$2.gray.hwb = function (gray) {
return [0, 100, gray[0]];
-convert$6.gray.cmyk = function (gray) {
+convert$2.gray.cmyk = function (gray) {
return [0, 0, 0, gray[0]];
-convert$6.gray.lab = function (gray) {
+convert$2.gray.lab = function (gray) {
return [gray[0], 0, 0];
-convert$6.gray.hex = function (gray) {
+convert$2.gray.hex = function (gray) {
var val = Math.round(gray[0] / 100 * 255) & 0xFF;
var integer = (val << 16) + (val << 8) + val;
@@ -5692,12 +14042,12 @@ convert$6.gray.hex = function (gray) {
return '000000'.substring(string.length) + string;
-convert$6.rgb.gray = function (rgb) {
+convert$2.rgb.gray = function (rgb) {
var val = (rgb[0] + rgb[1] + rgb[2]) / 3;
return [val / 255 * 100];
-var conversions$4 = conversions$5.exports;
+var conversions$1 = conversions$2.exports;
this function routes a model to all other models.
@@ -5710,10 +14060,10 @@ var conversions$4 = conversions$5.exports;
conversions that are not possible simply are not included.
-function buildGraph$1() {
+function buildGraph() {
var graph = {};
- var models = Object.keys(conversions$4);
+ var models = Object.keys(conversions$1);
for (var len = models.length, i = 0; i < len; i++) {
graph[models[i]] = {
@@ -5728,15 +14078,15 @@ function buildGraph$1() {
-function deriveBFS$1(fromModel) {
- var graph = buildGraph$1();
+function deriveBFS(fromModel) {
+ var graph = buildGraph();
var queue = [fromModel]; // unshift -> queue -> pop
graph[fromModel].distance = 0;
while (queue.length) {
var current = queue.pop();
- var adjacents = Object.keys(conversions$4[current]);
+ var adjacents = Object.keys(conversions$1[current]);
for (var len = adjacents.length, i = 0; i < len; i++) {
var adjacent = adjacents[i];
@@ -5753,20 +14103,20 @@ function deriveBFS$1(fromModel) {
return graph;
-function link$2(from, to) {
+function link$1(from, to) {
return function (args) {
return to(from(args));
-function wrapConversion$1(toModel, graph) {
+function wrapConversion(toModel, graph) {
var path = [graph[toModel].parent, toModel];
- var fn = conversions$4[graph[toModel].parent][toModel];
+ var fn = conversions$1[graph[toModel].parent][toModel];
var cur = graph[toModel].parent;
while (graph[cur].parent) {
- fn = link$2(conversions$4[graph[cur].parent][cur], fn);
+ fn = link$1(conversions$1[graph[cur].parent][cur], fn);
cur = graph[cur].parent;
@@ -5774,8 +14124,8 @@ function wrapConversion$1(toModel, graph) {
return fn;
-var route$3 = function (fromModel) {
- var graph = deriveBFS$1(fromModel);
+var route$1 = function (fromModel) {
+ var graph = deriveBFS(fromModel);
var conversion = {};
var models = Object.keys(graph);
@@ -5788,20 +14138,20 @@ var route$3 = function (fromModel) {
- conversion[toModel] = wrapConversion$1(toModel, graph);
+ conversion[toModel] = wrapConversion(toModel, graph);
return conversion;
-var conversions$3 = conversions$5.exports;
-var route$2 = route$3;
+var conversions = conversions$2.exports;
+var route = route$1;
-var convert$5 = {};
+var convert$1 = {};
-var models$4 = Object.keys(conversions$3);
+var models = Object.keys(conversions);
-function wrapRaw$1(fn) {
+function wrapRaw(fn) {
var wrappedFn = function (args) {
if (args === undefined || args === null) {
return args;
@@ -5822,7 +14172,7 @@ function wrapRaw$1(fn) {
return wrappedFn;
-function wrapRounded$1(fn) {
+function wrapRounded(fn) {
var wrappedFn = function (args) {
if (args === undefined || args === null) {
return args;
@@ -5854,40 +14204,40 @@ function wrapRounded$1(fn) {
return wrappedFn;
-models$4.forEach(function (fromModel) {
- convert$5[fromModel] = {};
+models.forEach(function (fromModel) {
+ convert$1[fromModel] = {};
- Object.defineProperty(convert$5[fromModel], 'channels', {value: conversions$3[fromModel].channels});
- Object.defineProperty(convert$5[fromModel], 'labels', {value: conversions$3[fromModel].labels});
+ Object.defineProperty(convert$1[fromModel], 'channels', {value: conversions[fromModel].channels});
+ Object.defineProperty(convert$1[fromModel], 'labels', {value: conversions[fromModel].labels});
- var routes = route$2(fromModel);
+ var routes = route(fromModel);
var routeModels = Object.keys(routes);
routeModels.forEach(function (toModel) {
var fn = routes[toModel];
- convert$5[fromModel][toModel] = wrapRounded$1(fn);
- convert$5[fromModel][toModel].raw = wrapRaw$1(fn);
+ convert$1[fromModel][toModel] = wrapRounded(fn);
+ convert$1[fromModel][toModel].raw = wrapRaw(fn);
-var colorConvert$1 = convert$5;
+var colorConvert = convert$1;
(function (module) {
-const colorConvert = colorConvert$1;
+const colorConvert$1 = colorConvert;
const wrapAnsi16 = (fn, offset) => function () {
- const code = fn.apply(colorConvert, arguments);
+ const code = fn.apply(colorConvert$1, arguments);
return `\u001B[${code + offset}m`;
const wrapAnsi256 = (fn, offset) => function () {
- const code = fn.apply(colorConvert, arguments);
+ const code = fn.apply(colorConvert$1, arguments);
return `\u001B[${38 + offset};5;${code}m`;
const wrapAnsi16m = (fn, offset) => function () {
- const rgb = fn.apply(colorConvert, arguments);
+ const rgb = fn.apply(colorConvert$1, arguments);
return `\u001B[${38 + offset};2;${rgb[0]};${rgb[1]};${rgb[2]}m`;
@@ -6003,12 +14353,12 @@ function assembleStyles() {
rgb: wrapAnsi16m(rgb2rgb, 10)
- for (let key of Object.keys(colorConvert)) {
- if (typeof colorConvert[key] !== 'object') {
+ for (let key of Object.keys(colorConvert$1)) {
+ if (typeof colorConvert$1[key] !== 'object') {
- const suite = colorConvert[key];
+ const suite = colorConvert$1[key];
if (key === 'ansi16') {
key = 'ansi';
@@ -6038,9 +14388,9 @@ Object.defineProperty(module, 'exports', {
enumerable: true,
get: assembleStyles
-var hasFlag$5 = (flag, argv) => {
+var hasFlag$2 = (flag, argv) => {
argv = argv || process.argv;
const prefix = flag.startsWith('-') ? '' : (flag.length === 1 ? '-' : '--');
const pos = argv.indexOf(prefix + flag);
@@ -6048,27 +14398,27 @@ var hasFlag$5 = (flag, argv) => {
return pos !== -1 && (terminatorPos === -1 ? true : pos < terminatorPos);
-const os$3 = require$$0__default$1['default'];
-const hasFlag$4 = hasFlag$5;
+const os$1 = require$$0$2;
+const hasFlag$1 = hasFlag$2;
-const env$2 = process.env;
+const env$1 = process.env;
-let forceColor$2;
-if (hasFlag$4('no-color') ||
- hasFlag$4('no-colors') ||
- hasFlag$4('color=false')) {
- forceColor$2 = false;
-} else if (hasFlag$4('color') ||
- hasFlag$4('colors') ||
- hasFlag$4('color=true') ||
- hasFlag$4('color=always')) {
- forceColor$2 = true;
+let forceColor;
+if (hasFlag$1('no-color') ||
+ hasFlag$1('no-colors') ||
+ hasFlag$1('color=false')) {
+ forceColor = false;
+} else if (hasFlag$1('color') ||
+ hasFlag$1('colors') ||
+ hasFlag$1('color=true') ||
+ hasFlag$1('color=always')) {
+ forceColor = true;
-if ('FORCE_COLOR' in env$2) {
- forceColor$2 = env$2.FORCE_COLOR.length === 0 || parseInt(env$2.FORCE_COLOR, 10) !== 0;
+if ('FORCE_COLOR' in env$1) {
+ forceColor = env$1.FORCE_COLOR.length === 0 || parseInt(env$1.FORCE_COLOR, 10) !== 0;
-function translateLevel$2(level) {
+function translateLevel$1(level) {
if (level === 0) {
return false;
@@ -6081,26 +14431,26 @@ function translateLevel$2(level) {
-function supportsColor$2(stream) {
- if (forceColor$2 === false) {
+function supportsColor$1(stream) {
+ if (forceColor === false) {
return 0;
- if (hasFlag$4('color=16m') ||
- hasFlag$4('color=full') ||
- hasFlag$4('color=truecolor')) {
+ if (hasFlag$1('color=16m') ||
+ hasFlag$1('color=full') ||
+ hasFlag$1('color=truecolor')) {
return 3;
- if (hasFlag$4('color=256')) {
+ if (hasFlag$1('color=256')) {
return 2;
- if (stream && !stream.isTTY && forceColor$2 !== true) {
+ if (stream && !stream.isTTY && forceColor !== true) {
return 0;
- const min = forceColor$2 ? 1 : 0;
+ const min = forceColor ? 1 : 0;
if (process.platform === 'win32') {
// Node.js 7.5.0 is the first version of Node.js to include a patch to
@@ -6109,7 +14459,7 @@ function supportsColor$2(stream) {
// release, and Node.js 7 is not. Windows 10 build 10586 is the first Windows
// release that supports 256 colors. Windows 10 build 14931 is the first release
// that supports 16m/TrueColor.
- const osRelease = os$3.release().split('.');
+ const osRelease = os$1.release().split('.');
if (
Number(process.versions.node.split('.')[0]) >= 8 &&
Number(osRelease[0]) >= 10 &&
@@ -6121,26 +14471,26 @@ function supportsColor$2(stream) {
return 1;
- if ('CI' in env$2) {
- if (['TRAVIS', 'CIRCLECI', 'APPVEYOR', 'GITLAB_CI'].some(sign => sign in env$2) || env$2.CI_NAME === 'codeship') {
+ if ('CI' in env$1) {
+ if (['TRAVIS', 'CIRCLECI', 'APPVEYOR', 'GITLAB_CI'].some(sign => sign in env$1) || env$1.CI_NAME === 'codeship') {
return 1;
return min;
- if ('TEAMCITY_VERSION' in env$2) {
- return /^(9\.(0*[1-9]\d*)\.|\d{2,}\.)/.test(env$2.TEAMCITY_VERSION) ? 1 : 0;
+ if ('TEAMCITY_VERSION' in env$1) {
+ return /^(9\.(0*[1-9]\d*)\.|\d{2,}\.)/.test(env$1.TEAMCITY_VERSION) ? 1 : 0;
- if (env$2.COLORTERM === 'truecolor') {
+ if (env$1.COLORTERM === 'truecolor') {
return 3;
- if ('TERM_PROGRAM' in env$2) {
- const version = parseInt((env$2.TERM_PROGRAM_VERSION || '').split('.')[0], 10);
+ if ('TERM_PROGRAM' in env$1) {
+ const version = parseInt((env$1.TERM_PROGRAM_VERSION || '').split('.')[0], 10);
- switch (env$2.TERM_PROGRAM) {
+ switch (env$1.TERM_PROGRAM) {
case '':
return version >= 3 ? 3 : 2;
case 'Apple_Terminal':
@@ -6149,42 +14499,42 @@ function supportsColor$2(stream) {
- if (/-256(color)?$/i.test(env$2.TERM)) {
+ if (/-256(color)?$/i.test(env$1.TERM)) {
return 2;
- if (/^screen|^xterm|^vt100|^vt220|^rxvt|color|ansi|cygwin|linux/i.test(env$2.TERM)) {
+ if (/^screen|^xterm|^vt100|^vt220|^rxvt|color|ansi|cygwin|linux/i.test(env$1.TERM)) {
return 1;
- if ('COLORTERM' in env$2) {
+ if ('COLORTERM' in env$1) {
return 1;
- if (env$2.TERM === 'dumb') {
+ if (env$1.TERM === 'dumb') {
return min;
return min;
-function getSupportLevel$2(stream) {
- const level = supportsColor$2(stream);
- return translateLevel$2(level);
+function getSupportLevel(stream) {
+ const level = supportsColor$1(stream);
+ return translateLevel$1(level);
-var supportsColor_1$2 = {
- supportsColor: getSupportLevel$2,
- stdout: getSupportLevel$2(process.stdout),
- stderr: getSupportLevel$2(process.stderr)
+var supportsColor_1 = {
+ supportsColor: getSupportLevel,
+ stdout: getSupportLevel(process.stdout),
+ stderr: getSupportLevel(process.stderr)
-const TEMPLATE_REGEX$1 = /(?:\\(u[a-f\d]{4}|x[a-f\d]{2}|.))|(?:\{(~)?(\w+(?:\([^)]*\))?(?:\.\w+(?:\([^)]*\))?)*)(?:[ \t]|(?=\r?\n)))|(\})|((?:.|[\r\n\f])+?)/gi;
-const STYLE_REGEX$1 = /(?:^|\.)(\w+)(?:\(([^)]*)\))?/g;
-const STRING_REGEX$1 = /^(['"])((?:\\.|(?!\1)[^\\])*)\1$/;
-const ESCAPE_REGEX$1 = /\\(u[a-f\d]{4}|x[a-f\d]{2}|.)|([^\\])/gi;
+const TEMPLATE_REGEX = /(?:\\(u[a-f\d]{4}|x[a-f\d]{2}|.))|(?:\{(~)?(\w+(?:\([^)]*\))?(?:\.\w+(?:\([^)]*\))?)*)(?:[ \t]|(?=\r?\n)))|(\})|((?:.|[\r\n\f])+?)/gi;
+const STYLE_REGEX = /(?:^|\.)(\w+)(?:\(([^)]*)\))?/g;
+const STRING_REGEX = /^(['"])((?:\\.|(?!\1)[^\\])*)\1$/;
+const ESCAPE_REGEX = /\\(u[a-f\d]{4}|x[a-f\d]{2}|.)|([^\\])/gi;
-const ESCAPES$1 = new Map([
+const ESCAPES = new Map([
['n', '\n'],
['r', '\r'],
['t', '\t'],
@@ -6197,15 +14547,15 @@ const ESCAPES$1 = new Map([
['a', '\u0007']
-function unescape$1(c) {
+function unescape(c) {
if ((c[0] === 'u' && c.length === 5) || (c[0] === 'x' && c.length === 3)) {
return String.fromCharCode(parseInt(c.slice(1), 16));
- return ESCAPES$1.get(c) || c;
+ return ESCAPES.get(c) || c;
-function parseArguments$1(name, args) {
+function parseArguments(name, args) {
const results = [];
const chunks = args.trim().split(/\s*,\s*/g);
let matches;
@@ -6213,8 +14563,8 @@ function parseArguments$1(name, args) {
for (const chunk of chunks) {
if (!isNaN(chunk)) {
- } else if ((matches = chunk.match(STRING_REGEX$1))) {
- results.push(matches[2].replace(ESCAPE_REGEX$1, (m, escape, chr) => escape ? unescape$1(escape) : chr));
+ } else if ((matches = chunk.match(STRING_REGEX))) {
+ results.push(matches[2].replace(ESCAPE_REGEX, (m, escape, chr) => escape ? unescape(escape) : chr));
} else {
throw new Error(`Invalid Chalk template style argument: ${chunk} (in style '${name}')`);
@@ -6223,17 +14573,17 @@ function parseArguments$1(name, args) {
return results;
-function parseStyle$1(style) {
- STYLE_REGEX$1.lastIndex = 0;
+function parseStyle(style) {
+ STYLE_REGEX.lastIndex = 0;
const results = [];
let matches;
- while ((matches = STYLE_REGEX$1.exec(style)) !== null) {
+ while ((matches = STYLE_REGEX.exec(style)) !== null) {
const name = matches[1];
if (matches[2]) {
- const args = parseArguments$1(name, matches[2]);
+ const args = parseArguments(name, matches[2]);
} else {
@@ -6243,7 +14593,7 @@ function parseStyle$1(style) {
return results;
-function buildStyle$1(chalk, styles) {
+function buildStyle(chalk, styles) {
const enabled = {};
for (const layer of styles) {
@@ -6270,26 +14620,26 @@ function buildStyle$1(chalk, styles) {
return current;
-var templates$1 = (chalk, tmp) => {
+var templates = (chalk, tmp) => {
const styles = [];
const chunks = [];
let chunk = [];
// eslint-disable-next-line max-params
- tmp.replace(TEMPLATE_REGEX$1, (m, escapeChar, inverse, style, close, chr) => {
+ tmp.replace(TEMPLATE_REGEX, (m, escapeChar, inverse, style, close, chr) => {
if (escapeChar) {
- chunk.push(unescape$1(escapeChar));
+ chunk.push(unescape(escapeChar));
} else if (style) {
const str = chunk.join('');
chunk = [];
- chunks.push(styles.length === 0 ? str : buildStyle$1(chalk, styles)(str));
- styles.push({inverse, styles: parseStyle$1(style)});
+ chunks.push(styles.length === 0 ? str : buildStyle(chalk, styles)(str));
+ styles.push({inverse, styles: parseStyle(style)});
} else if (close) {
if (styles.length === 0) {
throw new Error('Found extraneous } in Chalk template literal');
- chunks.push(buildStyle$1(chalk, styles)(chunk.join('')));
+ chunks.push(buildStyle(chalk, styles)(chunk.join('')));
chunk = [];
} else {
@@ -6308,11 +14658,11 @@ var templates$1 = (chalk, tmp) => {
(function (module) {
-const escapeStringRegexp = escapeStringRegexp$3;
-const ansiStyles = ansiStyles$2.exports;
-const stdoutColor = supportsColor_1$2.stdout;
+const escapeStringRegexp = escapeStringRegexp$1;
+const ansiStyles$1 = ansiStyles.exports;
+const stdoutColor = supportsColor_1.stdout;
-const template = templates$1;
+const template = templates;
const isSimpleWindowsTerm = process.platform === 'win32' && !(process.env.TERM || '').toLowerCase().startsWith('xterm');
@@ -6358,15 +14708,15 @@ function Chalk(options) {
// Use bright blue on Windows as the normal blue color is illegible
if (isSimpleWindowsTerm) {
- = '\u001B[94m';
+ ansiStyles$ = '\u001B[94m';
-for (const key of Object.keys(ansiStyles)) {
- ansiStyles[key].closeRe = new RegExp(escapeStringRegexp(ansiStyles[key].close), 'g');
+for (const key of Object.keys(ansiStyles$1)) {
+ ansiStyles$1[key].closeRe = new RegExp(escapeStringRegexp(ansiStyles$1[key].close), 'g');
styles[key] = {
get() {
- const codes = ansiStyles[key];
+ const codes = ansiStyles$1[key];
return, this._styles ? this._styles.concat(codes) : [codes], this._empty, key);
@@ -6378,8 +14728,8 @@ styles.visible = {
-ansiStyles.color.closeRe = new RegExp(escapeStringRegexp(ansiStyles.color.close), 'g');
-for (const model of Object.keys(ansiStyles.color.ansi)) {
+ansiStyles$1.color.closeRe = new RegExp(escapeStringRegexp(ansiStyles$1.color.close), 'g');
+for (const model of Object.keys(ansiStyles$1.color.ansi)) {
if (skipModels.has(model)) {
@@ -6388,11 +14738,11 @@ for (const model of Object.keys(ansiStyles.color.ansi)) {
get() {
const level = this.level;
return function () {
- const open = ansiStyles.color[levelMapping[level]][model].apply(null, arguments);
+ const open = ansiStyles$1.color[levelMapping[level]][model].apply(null, arguments);
const codes = {
- close: ansiStyles.color.close,
- closeRe: ansiStyles.color.closeRe
+ close: ansiStyles$1.color.close,
+ closeRe: ansiStyles$1.color.closeRe
return, this._styles ? this._styles.concat(codes) : [codes], this._empty, model);
@@ -6400,8 +14750,8 @@ for (const model of Object.keys(ansiStyles.color.ansi)) {
-ansiStyles.bgColor.closeRe = new RegExp(escapeStringRegexp(ansiStyles.bgColor.close), 'g');
-for (const model of Object.keys(ansiStyles.bgColor.ansi)) {
+ansiStyles$1.bgColor.closeRe = new RegExp(escapeStringRegexp(ansiStyles$1.bgColor.close), 'g');
+for (const model of Object.keys(ansiStyles$1.bgColor.ansi)) {
if (skipModels.has(model)) {
@@ -6411,11 +14761,11 @@ for (const model of Object.keys(ansiStyles.bgColor.ansi)) {
get() {
const level = this.level;
return function () {
- const open = ansiStyles.bgColor[levelMapping[level]][model].apply(null, arguments);
+ const open = ansiStyles$1.bgColor[levelMapping[level]][model].apply(null, arguments);
const codes = {
- close: ansiStyles.bgColor.close,
- closeRe: ansiStyles.bgColor.closeRe
+ close: ansiStyles$1.bgColor.close,
+ closeRe: ansiStyles$1.bgColor.closeRe
return, this._styles ? this._styles.concat(codes) : [codes], this._empty, model);
@@ -6489,9 +14839,9 @@ function applyStyle() {
// Turns out that on Windows dimmed gray text becomes invisible in cmd.exe,
// see
// If we're on Windows and we're dealing with a gray color, temporarily make 'dim' a noop.
- const originalDim =;
+ const originalDim = ansiStyles$;
if (isSimpleWindowsTerm && this.hasGrey) {
- = '';
+ ansiStyles$ = '';
for (const code of this._styles.slice().reverse()) {
@@ -6507,7 +14857,7 @@ function applyStyle() {
// Reset the original `dim` if we changed it to work around the Windows dimmed gray issue
- = originalDim;
+ ansiStyles$ = originalDim;
return str;
@@ -6535,20 +14885,20 @@ Object.defineProperties(Chalk.prototype, styles);
module.exports = Chalk(); // eslint-disable-line new-cap
module.exports.supportsColor = stdoutColor;
module.exports.default = module.exports; // For TypeScript
-Object.defineProperty(lib$8, "__esModule", {
+Object.defineProperty(lib$3, "__esModule", {
value: true
-lib$8.shouldHighlight = shouldHighlight;
-lib$8.getChalk = getChalk;
-lib$8.default = highlight;
+lib$3.shouldHighlight = shouldHighlight;
+lib$3.getChalk = getChalk;
+lib$3.default = highlight;
var _jsTokens = jsTokens;
-var _helperValidatorIdentifier = lib$7;
+var _helperValidatorIdentifier = lib$2;
-var _chalk = chalk$2.exports;
+var _chalk = chalk.exports;
const sometimesKeywords = new Set(["as", "async", "from", "get", "of", "set"]);
@@ -6568,7 +14918,7 @@ function getDefs$1(chalk) {
const NEWLINE$1 = /\r\n|[\n\r\u2028\u2029]/;
const BRACKET = /^[()[\]{}]$/;
-let tokenize$3;
+let tokenize;
const JSX_TAG = /^[a-z][\w-]*$/i;
@@ -6598,7 +14948,7 @@ let tokenize$3;
return token.type;
- tokenize$3 = function* (text) {
+ tokenize = function* (text) {
let match;
while (match = _jsTokens.default.exec(text)) {
@@ -6618,7 +14968,7 @@ function highlightTokens(defs, text) {
for (const {
- } of tokenize$3(text)) {
+ } of tokenize(text)) {
const colorize = defs[type];
if (colorize) {
@@ -6652,13 +15002,13 @@ function highlight(code, options = {}) {
-Object.defineProperty(lib$9, "__esModule", {
+Object.defineProperty(lib$4, "__esModule", {
value: true
-lib$9.codeFrameColumns = codeFrameColumns$1;
-lib$9.default = _default$1;
+lib$4.codeFrameColumns = codeFrameColumns$1;
+lib$4.default = _default;
-var _highlight = lib$8;
+var _highlight = lib$3;
let deprecationWarningShown = false;
@@ -6790,7 +15140,7 @@ function codeFrameColumns$1(rawLines, loc, opts = {}) {
-function _default$1(rawLines, lineNumber, colNumber, opts = {}) {
+function _default(rawLines, lineNumber, colNumber, opts = {}) {
if (!deprecationWarningShown) {
deprecationWarningShown = true;
const message = "Passing lineNumber and colNumber is deprecated to @babel/code-frame. Please use `codeFrameColumns`.";
@@ -6817,7 +15167,7 @@ function _default$1(rawLines, lineNumber, colNumber, opts = {}) {
const errorEx = errorEx_1;
const fallback = jsonParseEvenBetterErrors;
const {default: LinesAndColumns} = require$$2;
-const {codeFrameColumns} = lib$9;
+const {codeFrameColumns} = lib$4;
const JSONError = errorEx('JSONError', {
fileName: errorEx.append('in %s'),
@@ -6901,7 +15251,7 @@ var ms = function(val, options) {
options = options || {};
var type = typeof val;
if (type === 'string' && val.length > 0) {
- return parse$c(val);
+ return parse$a(val);
} else if (type === 'number' && isFinite(val)) {
return options.long ? fmtLong(val) : fmtShort(val);
@@ -6919,7 +15269,7 @@ var ms = function(val, options) {
* @api private
-function parse$c(str) {
+function parse$a(str) {
str = String(str);
if (str.length > 100) {
@@ -7307,7 +15657,7 @@ function setup(env) {
return createDebug;
-var common$4 = setup;
+var common$3 = setup;
/* eslint-env browser */
@@ -7564,7 +15914,7 @@ function localstorage() {
-module.exports = common$4(exports);
+module.exports = common$3(exports);
const {formatters} = module.exports;
@@ -7583,155 +15933,13 @@ formatters.j = function (v) {
var node = {exports: {}};
-var hasFlag$3 = (flag, argv = process.argv) => {
- const prefix = flag.startsWith('-') ? '' : (flag.length === 1 ? '-' : '--');
- const position = argv.indexOf(prefix + flag);
- const terminatorPosition = argv.indexOf('--');
- return position !== -1 && (terminatorPosition === -1 || position < terminatorPosition);
-const os$2 = require$$0__default$1['default'];
-const tty = require$$1__default['default'];
-const hasFlag$2 = hasFlag$3;
-const {env: env$1} = process;
-let forceColor$1;
-if (hasFlag$2('no-color') ||
- hasFlag$2('no-colors') ||
- hasFlag$2('color=false') ||
- hasFlag$2('color=never')) {
- forceColor$1 = 0;
-} else if (hasFlag$2('color') ||
- hasFlag$2('colors') ||
- hasFlag$2('color=true') ||
- hasFlag$2('color=always')) {
- forceColor$1 = 1;
-if ('FORCE_COLOR' in env$1) {
- if (env$1.FORCE_COLOR === 'true') {
- forceColor$1 = 1;
- } else if (env$1.FORCE_COLOR === 'false') {
- forceColor$1 = 0;
- } else {
- forceColor$1 = env$1.FORCE_COLOR.length === 0 ? 1 : Math.min(parseInt(env$1.FORCE_COLOR, 10), 3);
- }
-function translateLevel$1(level) {
- if (level === 0) {
- return false;
- }
- return {
- level,
- hasBasic: true,
- has256: level >= 2,
- has16m: level >= 3
- };
-function supportsColor$1(haveStream, streamIsTTY) {
- if (forceColor$1 === 0) {
- return 0;
- }
- if (hasFlag$2('color=16m') ||
- hasFlag$2('color=full') ||
- hasFlag$2('color=truecolor')) {
- return 3;
- }
- if (hasFlag$2('color=256')) {
- return 2;
- }
- if (haveStream && !streamIsTTY && forceColor$1 === undefined) {
- return 0;
- }
- const min = forceColor$1 || 0;
- if (env$1.TERM === 'dumb') {
- return min;
- }
- if (process.platform === 'win32') {
- // Windows 10 build 10586 is the first Windows release that supports 256 colors.
- // Windows 10 build 14931 is the first release that supports 16m/TrueColor.
- const osRelease = os$2.release().split('.');
- if (
- Number(osRelease[0]) >= 10 &&
- Number(osRelease[2]) >= 10586
- ) {
- return Number(osRelease[2]) >= 14931 ? 3 : 2;
- }
- return 1;
- }
- if ('CI' in env$1) {
- if (['TRAVIS', 'CIRCLECI', 'APPVEYOR', 'GITLAB_CI', 'GITHUB_ACTIONS', 'BUILDKITE'].some(sign => sign in env$1) || env$1.CI_NAME === 'codeship') {
- return 1;
- }
- return min;
- }
- if ('TEAMCITY_VERSION' in env$1) {
- return /^(9\.(0*[1-9]\d*)\.|\d{2,}\.)/.test(env$1.TEAMCITY_VERSION) ? 1 : 0;
- }
- if (env$1.COLORTERM === 'truecolor') {
- return 3;
- }
- if ('TERM_PROGRAM' in env$1) {
- const version = parseInt((env$1.TERM_PROGRAM_VERSION || '').split('.')[0], 10);
- switch (env$1.TERM_PROGRAM) {
- case '':
- return version >= 3 ? 3 : 2;
- case 'Apple_Terminal':
- return 2;
- // No default
- }
- }
- if (/-256(color)?$/i.test(env$1.TERM)) {
- return 2;
- }
- if (/^screen|^xterm|^vt100|^vt220|^rxvt|color|ansi|cygwin|linux/i.test(env$1.TERM)) {
- return 1;
- }
- if ('COLORTERM' in env$1) {
- return 1;
- }
- return min;
-function getSupportLevel$1(stream) {
- const level = supportsColor$1(stream, stream && stream.isTTY);
- return translateLevel$1(level);
-var supportsColor_1$1 = {
- supportsColor: getSupportLevel$1,
- stdout: translateLevel$1(supportsColor$1(true, tty.isatty(1))),
- stderr: translateLevel$1(supportsColor$1(true, tty.isatty(2)))
* Module dependencies.
(function (module, exports) {
-const tty = require$$1__default['default'];
-const util = require$$0__default['default'];
+const tty = tty$1;
+const util = require$$0$4;
* This is the Node.js implementation of `debug()`.
@@ -7965,7 +16173,7 @@ function init(debug) {
-module.exports = common$4(exports);
+module.exports = common$3(exports);
const {formatters} = module.exports;
@@ -8002,54 +16210,4296 @@ if (typeof process === 'undefined' || process.type === 'renderer' || process.bro
src.exports = node.exports;
-var resolveFrom$1 = {exports: {}};
+var createDebug = src.exports;
-const path$l = require$$0__default$2['default'];
-const Module = require$$1__default$1['default'];
-const fs$j = require$$0__default$3['default'];
+var re$6 = {exports: {}};
-const resolveFrom = (fromDirectory, moduleId, silent) => {
- if (typeof fromDirectory !== 'string') {
- throw new TypeError(`Expected \`fromDir\` to be of type \`string\`, got \`${typeof fromDirectory}\``);
- }
+// Note: this is the version of the spec that it implements
+// Not necessarily the package version of this code.
+const SEMVER_SPEC_VERSION = '2.0.0';
- if (typeof moduleId !== 'string') {
- throw new TypeError(`Expected \`moduleId\` to be of type \`string\`, got \`${typeof moduleId}\``);
- }
+const MAX_LENGTH$2 = 256;
+ /* istanbul ignore next */ 9007199254740991;
- try {
- fromDirectory = fs$j.realpathSync(fromDirectory);
- } catch (error) {
- if (error.code === 'ENOENT') {
- fromDirectory = path$l.resolve(fromDirectory);
- } else if (silent) {
- return;
- } else {
- throw error;
- }
- }
+// Max safe segment length for coercion.
- const fromFile = path$l.join(fromDirectory, 'noop.js');
+var constants = {
- const resolveFileName = () => Module._resolveFilename(moduleId, {
- id: fromFile,
- filename: fromFile,
- paths: Module._nodeModulePaths(fromDirectory)
- });
+const debug$f = (
+ typeof process === 'object' &&
+ process.env &&
+ process.env.NODE_DEBUG &&
+ /\bsemver\b/i.test(process.env.NODE_DEBUG)
+) ? (...args) => console.error('SEMVER', ...args)
+ : () => {};
- if (silent) {
- try {
- return resolveFileName();
- } catch (error) {
- return;
- }
- }
+var debug_1 = debug$f;
+(function (module, exports) {
+const { MAX_SAFE_COMPONENT_LENGTH } = constants;
+const debug = debug_1;
+exports = module.exports = {};
+// The actual regexps go on
+const re = = [];
+const src = exports.src = [];
+const t = exports.t = {};
+let R = 0;
+const createToken = (name, value, isGlobal) => {
+ const index = R++;
+ debug(index, value);
+ t[name] = index;
+ src[index] = value;
+ re[index] = new RegExp(value, isGlobal ? 'g' : undefined);
+// The following Regular Expressions can be used for tokenizing,
+// validating, and parsing SemVer version strings.
+// ## Numeric Identifier
+// A single `0`, or a non-zero digit followed by zero or more digits.
+createToken('NUMERICIDENTIFIER', '0|[1-9]\\d*');
+createToken('NUMERICIDENTIFIERLOOSE', '[0-9]+');
+// ## Non-numeric Identifier
+// Zero or more digits, followed by a letter or hyphen, and then zero or
+// more letters, digits, or hyphens.
+createToken('NONNUMERICIDENTIFIER', '\\d*[a-zA-Z-][a-zA-Z0-9-]*');
+// ## Main Version
+// Three dot-separated numeric identifiers.
+createToken('MAINVERSION', `(${src[t.NUMERICIDENTIFIER]})\\.` +
+ `(${src[t.NUMERICIDENTIFIER]})\\.` +
+ `(${src[t.NUMERICIDENTIFIER]})`);
+// ## Pre-release Version Identifier
+// A numeric identifier, or a non-numeric identifier.
+// ## Pre-release Version
+// Hyphen, followed by one or more dot-separated pre-release version
+// identifiers.
+createToken('PRERELEASE', `(?:-(${src[t.PRERELEASEIDENTIFIER]
+// ## Build Metadata Identifier
+// Any combination of digits, letters, or hyphens.
+createToken('BUILDIDENTIFIER', '[0-9A-Za-z-]+');
+// ## Build Metadata
+// Plus sign, followed by one or more period-separated build metadata
+// identifiers.
+createToken('BUILD', `(?:\\+(${src[t.BUILDIDENTIFIER]
+// ## Full Version String
+// A main version, followed optionally by a pre-release version and
+// build metadata.
+// Note that the only major, minor, patch, and pre-release sections of
+// the version string are capturing groups. The build metadata is not a
+// capturing group, because it should not ever be used in version
+// comparison.
+createToken('FULLPLAIN', `v?${src[t.MAINVERSION]
+ src[t.BUILD]}?`);
+createToken('FULL', `^${src[t.FULLPLAIN]}$`);
+// like full, but allows v1.2.3 and =1.2.3, which people do sometimes.
+// also, 1.0.0alpha1 (prerelease without the hyphen) which is pretty
+// common in the npm registry.
+createToken('LOOSEPLAIN', `[v=\\s]*${src[t.MAINVERSIONLOOSE]
+ src[t.BUILD]}?`);
+createToken('LOOSE', `^${src[t.LOOSEPLAIN]}$`);
+createToken('GTLT', '((?:<|>)?=?)');
+// Something like "2.*" or "1.2.x".
+// Note that "x.x" is a valid xRange identifer, meaning "any version"
+// Only the first item is strictly required.
+createToken('XRANGEIDENTIFIER', `${src[t.NUMERICIDENTIFIER]}|x|X|\\*`);
+createToken('XRANGEPLAIN', `[v=\\s]*(${src[t.XRANGEIDENTIFIER]})` +
+ `(?:\\.(${src[t.XRANGEIDENTIFIER]})` +
+ `(?:\\.(${src[t.XRANGEIDENTIFIER]})` +
+ `(?:${src[t.PRERELEASE]})?${
+ src[t.BUILD]}?` +
+ `)?)?`);
+createToken('XRANGEPLAINLOOSE', `[v=\\s]*(${src[t.XRANGEIDENTIFIERLOOSE]})` +
+ `(?:\\.(${src[t.XRANGEIDENTIFIERLOOSE]})` +
+ `(?:\\.(${src[t.XRANGEIDENTIFIERLOOSE]})` +
+ `(?:${src[t.PRERELEASELOOSE]})?${
+ src[t.BUILD]}?` +
+ `)?)?`);
+createToken('XRANGE', `^${src[t.GTLT]}\\s*${src[t.XRANGEPLAIN]}$`);
+createToken('XRANGELOOSE', `^${src[t.GTLT]}\\s*${src[t.XRANGEPLAINLOOSE]}$`);
+// Coercion.
+// Extract anything that could conceivably be a part of a valid semver
+createToken('COERCE', `${'(^|[^\\d])' +
+ '(\\d{1,'}${MAX_SAFE_COMPONENT_LENGTH}})` +
+ `(?:\\.(\\d{1,${MAX_SAFE_COMPONENT_LENGTH}}))?` +
+ `(?:\\.(\\d{1,${MAX_SAFE_COMPONENT_LENGTH}}))?` +
+ `(?:$|[^\\d])`);
+createToken('COERCERTL', src[t.COERCE], true);
+// Tilde ranges.
+// Meaning is "reasonably at or greater than"
+createToken('LONETILDE', '(?:~>?)');
+createToken('TILDETRIM', `(\\s*)${src[t.LONETILDE]}\\s+`, true);
+exports.tildeTrimReplace = '$1~';
+createToken('TILDE', `^${src[t.LONETILDE]}${src[t.XRANGEPLAIN]}$`);
+createToken('TILDELOOSE', `^${src[t.LONETILDE]}${src[t.XRANGEPLAINLOOSE]}$`);
+// Caret ranges.
+// Meaning is "at least and backwards compatible with"
+createToken('LONECARET', '(?:\\^)');
+createToken('CARETTRIM', `(\\s*)${src[t.LONECARET]}\\s+`, true);
+exports.caretTrimReplace = '$1^';
+createToken('CARET', `^${src[t.LONECARET]}${src[t.XRANGEPLAIN]}$`);
+createToken('CARETLOOSE', `^${src[t.LONECARET]}${src[t.XRANGEPLAINLOOSE]}$`);
+// A simple gt/lt/eq thing, or just "" to indicate "any version"
+createToken('COMPARATORLOOSE', `^${src[t.GTLT]}\\s*(${src[t.LOOSEPLAIN]})$|^$`);
+createToken('COMPARATOR', `^${src[t.GTLT]}\\s*(${src[t.FULLPLAIN]})$|^$`);
+// An expression to strip any whitespace between the gtlt and the thing
+// it modifies, so that `> 1.2.3` ==> `>1.2.3`
+createToken('COMPARATORTRIM', `(\\s*)${src[t.GTLT]
+}\\s*(${src[t.LOOSEPLAIN]}|${src[t.XRANGEPLAIN]})`, true);
+exports.comparatorTrimReplace = '$1$2$3';
+// Something like `1.2.3 - 1.2.4`
+// Note that these all use the loose form, because they'll be
+// checked against either the strict or loose comparator form
+// later.
+createToken('HYPHENRANGE', `^\\s*(${src[t.XRANGEPLAIN]})` +
+ `\\s+-\\s+` +
+ `(${src[t.XRANGEPLAIN]})` +
+ `\\s*$`);
+createToken('HYPHENRANGELOOSE', `^\\s*(${src[t.XRANGEPLAINLOOSE]})` +
+ `\\s+-\\s+` +
+ `(${src[t.XRANGEPLAINLOOSE]})` +
+ `\\s*$`);
+// Star ranges basically just allow anything at all.
+createToken('STAR', '(<|>)?=?\\s*\\*');
+// >=0.0.0 is like a star
+createToken('GTE0', '^\\s*>=\\s*0\.0\.0\\s*$');
+createToken('GTE0PRE', '^\\s*>=\\s*0\.0\.0-0\\s*$');
+}(re$6, re$6.exports));
+// parse out just the options we care about so we always get a consistent
+// obj with keys in a consistent order.
+const opts = ['includePrerelease', 'loose', 'rtl'];
+const parseOptions$4 = options =>
+ !options ? {}
+ : typeof options !== 'object' ? { loose: true }
+ : opts.filter(k => options[k]).reduce((options, k) => {
+ options[k] = true;
+ return options
+ }, {});
+var parseOptions_1 = parseOptions$4;
+const numeric$1 = /^[0-9]+$/;
+const compareIdentifiers$1 = (a, b) => {
+ const anum = numeric$1.test(a);
+ const bnum = numeric$1.test(b);
+ if (anum && bnum) {
+ a = +a;
+ b = +b;
+ }
+ return a === b ? 0
+ : (anum && !bnum) ? -1
+ : (bnum && !anum) ? 1
+ : a < b ? -1
+ : 1
+const rcompareIdentifiers = (a, b) => compareIdentifiers$1(b, a);
+var identifiers = {
+ compareIdentifiers: compareIdentifiers$1,
+ rcompareIdentifiers
+const debug$e = debug_1;
+const { MAX_LENGTH: MAX_LENGTH$1, MAX_SAFE_INTEGER } = constants;
+const { re: re$5, t: t$4 } = re$6.exports;
+const parseOptions$3 = parseOptions_1;
+const { compareIdentifiers } = identifiers;
+class SemVer$e {
+ constructor (version, options) {
+ options = parseOptions$3(options);
+ if (version instanceof SemVer$e) {
+ if (version.loose === !!options.loose &&
+ version.includePrerelease === !!options.includePrerelease) {
+ return version
+ } else {
+ version = version.version;
+ }
+ } else if (typeof version !== 'string') {
+ throw new TypeError(`Invalid Version: ${version}`)
+ }
+ if (version.length > MAX_LENGTH$1) {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ `version is longer than ${MAX_LENGTH$1} characters`
+ )
+ }
+ debug$e('SemVer', version, options);
+ this.options = options;
+ this.loose = !!options.loose;
+ // this isn't actually relevant for versions, but keep it so that we
+ // don't run into trouble passing this.options around.
+ this.includePrerelease = !!options.includePrerelease;
+ const m = version.trim().match(options.loose ? re$5[t$4.LOOSE] : re$5[t$4.FULL]);
+ if (!m) {
+ throw new TypeError(`Invalid Version: ${version}`)
+ }
+ this.raw = version;
+ // these are actually numbers
+ this.major = +m[1];
+ this.minor = +m[2];
+ this.patch = +m[3];
+ if (this.major > MAX_SAFE_INTEGER || this.major < 0) {
+ throw new TypeError('Invalid major version')
+ }
+ if (this.minor > MAX_SAFE_INTEGER || this.minor < 0) {
+ throw new TypeError('Invalid minor version')
+ }
+ if (this.patch > MAX_SAFE_INTEGER || this.patch < 0) {
+ throw new TypeError('Invalid patch version')
+ }
+ // numberify any prerelease numeric ids
+ if (!m[4]) {
+ this.prerelease = [];
+ } else {
+ this.prerelease = m[4].split('.').map((id) => {
+ if (/^[0-9]+$/.test(id)) {
+ const num = +id;
+ if (num >= 0 && num < MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) {
+ return num
+ }
+ }
+ return id
+ });
+ }
+ = m[5] ? m[5].split('.') : [];
+ this.format();
+ }
+ format () {
+ this.version = `${this.major}.${this.minor}.${this.patch}`;
+ if (this.prerelease.length) {
+ this.version += `-${this.prerelease.join('.')}`;
+ }
+ return this.version
+ }
+ toString () {
+ return this.version
+ }
+ compare (other) {
+ debug$e('', this.version, this.options, other);
+ if (!(other instanceof SemVer$e)) {
+ if (typeof other === 'string' && other === this.version) {
+ return 0
+ }
+ other = new SemVer$e(other, this.options);
+ }
+ if (other.version === this.version) {
+ return 0
+ }
+ return this.compareMain(other) || this.comparePre(other)
+ }
+ compareMain (other) {
+ if (!(other instanceof SemVer$e)) {
+ other = new SemVer$e(other, this.options);
+ }
+ return (
+ compareIdentifiers(this.major, other.major) ||
+ compareIdentifiers(this.minor, other.minor) ||
+ compareIdentifiers(this.patch, other.patch)
+ )
+ }
+ comparePre (other) {
+ if (!(other instanceof SemVer$e)) {
+ other = new SemVer$e(other, this.options);
+ }
+ // NOT having a prerelease is > having one
+ if (this.prerelease.length && !other.prerelease.length) {
+ return -1
+ } else if (!this.prerelease.length && other.prerelease.length) {
+ return 1
+ } else if (!this.prerelease.length && !other.prerelease.length) {
+ return 0
+ }
+ let i = 0;
+ do {
+ const a = this.prerelease[i];
+ const b = other.prerelease[i];
+ debug$e('prerelease compare', i, a, b);
+ if (a === undefined && b === undefined) {
+ return 0
+ } else if (b === undefined) {
+ return 1
+ } else if (a === undefined) {
+ return -1
+ } else if (a === b) {
+ continue
+ } else {
+ return compareIdentifiers(a, b)
+ }
+ } while (++i)
+ }
+ compareBuild (other) {
+ if (!(other instanceof SemVer$e)) {
+ other = new SemVer$e(other, this.options);
+ }
+ let i = 0;
+ do {
+ const a =[i];
+ const b =[i];
+ debug$e('prerelease compare', i, a, b);
+ if (a === undefined && b === undefined) {
+ return 0
+ } else if (b === undefined) {
+ return 1
+ } else if (a === undefined) {
+ return -1
+ } else if (a === b) {
+ continue
+ } else {
+ return compareIdentifiers(a, b)
+ }
+ } while (++i)
+ }
+ // preminor will bump the version up to the next minor release, and immediately
+ // down to pre-release. premajor and prepatch work the same way.
+ inc (release, identifier) {
+ switch (release) {
+ case 'premajor':
+ this.prerelease.length = 0;
+ this.patch = 0;
+ this.minor = 0;
+ this.major++;
+'pre', identifier);
+ break
+ case 'preminor':
+ this.prerelease.length = 0;
+ this.patch = 0;
+ this.minor++;
+'pre', identifier);
+ break
+ case 'prepatch':
+ // If this is already a prerelease, it will bump to the next version
+ // drop any prereleases that might already exist, since they are not
+ // relevant at this point.
+ this.prerelease.length = 0;
+'patch', identifier);
+'pre', identifier);
+ break
+ // If the input is a non-prerelease version, this acts the same as
+ // prepatch.
+ case 'prerelease':
+ if (this.prerelease.length === 0) {
+'patch', identifier);
+ }
+'pre', identifier);
+ break
+ case 'major':
+ // If this is a pre-major version, bump up to the same major version.
+ // Otherwise increment major.
+ // 1.0.0-5 bumps to 1.0.0
+ // 1.1.0 bumps to 2.0.0
+ if (
+ this.minor !== 0 ||
+ this.patch !== 0 ||
+ this.prerelease.length === 0
+ ) {
+ this.major++;
+ }
+ this.minor = 0;
+ this.patch = 0;
+ this.prerelease = [];
+ break
+ case 'minor':
+ // If this is a pre-minor version, bump up to the same minor version.
+ // Otherwise increment minor.
+ // 1.2.0-5 bumps to 1.2.0
+ // 1.2.1 bumps to 1.3.0
+ if (this.patch !== 0 || this.prerelease.length === 0) {
+ this.minor++;
+ }
+ this.patch = 0;
+ this.prerelease = [];
+ break
+ case 'patch':
+ // If this is not a pre-release version, it will increment the patch.
+ // If it is a pre-release it will bump up to the same patch version.
+ // 1.2.0-5 patches to 1.2.0
+ // 1.2.0 patches to 1.2.1
+ if (this.prerelease.length === 0) {
+ this.patch++;
+ }
+ this.prerelease = [];
+ break
+ // This probably shouldn't be used publicly.
+ // 1.0.0 'pre' would become 1.0.0-0 which is the wrong direction.
+ case 'pre':
+ if (this.prerelease.length === 0) {
+ this.prerelease = [0];
+ } else {
+ let i = this.prerelease.length;
+ while (--i >= 0) {
+ if (typeof this.prerelease[i] === 'number') {
+ this.prerelease[i]++;
+ i = -2;
+ }
+ }
+ if (i === -1) {
+ // didn't increment anything
+ this.prerelease.push(0);
+ }
+ }
+ if (identifier) {
+ // 1.2.0-beta.1 bumps to 1.2.0-beta.2,
+ // 1.2.0-beta.fooblz or 1.2.0-beta bumps to 1.2.0-beta.0
+ if (this.prerelease[0] === identifier) {
+ if (isNaN(this.prerelease[1])) {
+ this.prerelease = [identifier, 0];
+ }
+ } else {
+ this.prerelease = [identifier, 0];
+ }
+ }
+ break
+ default:
+ throw new Error(`invalid increment argument: ${release}`)
+ }
+ this.format();
+ this.raw = this.version;
+ return this
+ }
+var semver$2 = SemVer$e;
+const {MAX_LENGTH} = constants;
+const { re: re$4, t: t$3 } = re$6.exports;
+const SemVer$d = semver$2;
+const parseOptions$2 = parseOptions_1;
+const parse$9 = (version, options) => {
+ options = parseOptions$2(options);
+ if (version instanceof SemVer$d) {
+ return version
+ }
+ if (typeof version !== 'string') {
+ return null
+ }
+ if (version.length > MAX_LENGTH) {
+ return null
+ }
+ const r = options.loose ? re$4[t$3.LOOSE] : re$4[t$3.FULL];
+ if (!r.test(version)) {
+ return null
+ }
+ try {
+ return new SemVer$d(version, options)
+ } catch (er) {
+ return null
+ }
+var parse_1 = parse$9;
+const parse$8 = parse_1;
+const valid$1 = (version, options) => {
+ const v = parse$8(version, options);
+ return v ? v.version : null
+var valid_1 = valid$1;
+const parse$7 = parse_1;
+const clean = (version, options) => {
+ const s = parse$7(version.trim().replace(/^[=v]+/, ''), options);
+ return s ? s.version : null
+var clean_1 = clean;
+const SemVer$c = semver$2;
+const inc = (version, release, options, identifier) => {
+ if (typeof (options) === 'string') {
+ identifier = options;
+ options = undefined;
+ }
+ try {
+ return new SemVer$c(version, options).inc(release, identifier).version
+ } catch (er) {
+ return null
+ }
+var inc_1 = inc;
+const SemVer$b = semver$2;
+const compare$b = (a, b, loose) =>
+ new SemVer$b(a, loose).compare(new SemVer$b(b, loose));
+var compare_1 = compare$b;
+const compare$a = compare_1;
+const eq$2 = (a, b, loose) => compare$a(a, b, loose) === 0;
+var eq_1 = eq$2;
+const parse$6 = parse_1;
+const eq$1 = eq_1;
+const diff = (version1, version2) => {
+ if (eq$1(version1, version2)) {
+ return null
+ } else {
+ const v1 = parse$6(version1);
+ const v2 = parse$6(version2);
+ const hasPre = v1.prerelease.length || v2.prerelease.length;
+ const prefix = hasPre ? 'pre' : '';
+ const defaultResult = hasPre ? 'prerelease' : '';
+ for (const key in v1) {
+ if (key === 'major' || key === 'minor' || key === 'patch') {
+ if (v1[key] !== v2[key]) {
+ return prefix + key
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return defaultResult // may be undefined
+ }
+var diff_1 = diff;
+const SemVer$a = semver$2;
+const major = (a, loose) => new SemVer$a(a, loose).major;
+var major_1 = major;
+const SemVer$9 = semver$2;
+const minor = (a, loose) => new SemVer$9(a, loose).minor;
+var minor_1 = minor;
+const SemVer$8 = semver$2;
+const patch = (a, loose) => new SemVer$8(a, loose).patch;
+var patch_1 = patch;
+const parse$5 = parse_1;
+const prerelease = (version, options) => {
+ const parsed = parse$5(version, options);
+ return (parsed && parsed.prerelease.length) ? parsed.prerelease : null
+var prerelease_1 = prerelease;
+const compare$9 = compare_1;
+const rcompare = (a, b, loose) => compare$9(b, a, loose);
+var rcompare_1 = rcompare;
+const compare$8 = compare_1;
+const compareLoose = (a, b) => compare$8(a, b, true);
+var compareLoose_1 = compareLoose;
+const SemVer$7 = semver$2;
+const compareBuild$2 = (a, b, loose) => {
+ const versionA = new SemVer$7(a, loose);
+ const versionB = new SemVer$7(b, loose);
+ return || versionA.compareBuild(versionB)
+var compareBuild_1 = compareBuild$2;
+const compareBuild$1 = compareBuild_1;
+const sort$1 = (list, loose) => list.sort((a, b) => compareBuild$1(a, b, loose));
+var sort_1 = sort$1;
+const compareBuild = compareBuild_1;
+const rsort = (list, loose) => list.sort((a, b) => compareBuild(b, a, loose));
+var rsort_1 = rsort;
+const compare$7 = compare_1;
+const gt$3 = (a, b, loose) => compare$7(a, b, loose) > 0;
+var gt_1 = gt$3;
+const compare$6 = compare_1;
+const lt$2 = (a, b, loose) => compare$6(a, b, loose) < 0;
+var lt_1 = lt$2;
+const compare$5 = compare_1;
+const neq$1 = (a, b, loose) => compare$5(a, b, loose) !== 0;
+var neq_1 = neq$1;
+const compare$4 = compare_1;
+const gte$3 = (a, b, loose) => compare$4(a, b, loose) >= 0;
+var gte_1 = gte$3;
+const compare$3 = compare_1;
+const lte$3 = (a, b, loose) => compare$3(a, b, loose) <= 0;
+var lte_1 = lte$3;
+const eq = eq_1;
+const neq = neq_1;
+const gt$2 = gt_1;
+const gte$2 = gte_1;
+const lt$1 = lt_1;
+const lte$2 = lte_1;
+const cmp$1 = (a, op, b, loose) => {
+ switch (op) {
+ case '===':
+ if (typeof a === 'object')
+ a = a.version;
+ if (typeof b === 'object')
+ b = b.version;
+ return a === b
+ case '!==':
+ if (typeof a === 'object')
+ a = a.version;
+ if (typeof b === 'object')
+ b = b.version;
+ return a !== b
+ case '':
+ case '=':
+ case '==':
+ return eq(a, b, loose)
+ case '!=':
+ return neq(a, b, loose)
+ case '>':
+ return gt$2(a, b, loose)
+ case '>=':
+ return gte$2(a, b, loose)
+ case '<':
+ return lt$1(a, b, loose)
+ case '<=':
+ return lte$2(a, b, loose)
+ default:
+ throw new TypeError(`Invalid operator: ${op}`)
+ }
+var cmp_1 = cmp$1;
+const SemVer$6 = semver$2;
+const parse$4 = parse_1;
+const {re: re$3, t: t$2} = re$6.exports;
+const coerce$I = (version, options) => {
+ if (version instanceof SemVer$6) {
+ return version
+ }
+ if (typeof version === 'number') {
+ version = String(version);
+ }
+ if (typeof version !== 'string') {
+ return null
+ }
+ options = options || {};
+ let match = null;
+ if (!options.rtl) {
+ match = version.match(re$3[t$2.COERCE]);
+ } else {
+ // Find the right-most coercible string that does not share
+ // a terminus with a more left-ward coercible string.
+ // Eg, '' wants to coerce '2.3.4', not '3.4' or '4'
+ //
+ // Walk through the string checking with a /g regexp
+ // Manually set the index so as to pick up overlapping matches.
+ // Stop when we get a match that ends at the string end, since no
+ // coercible string can be more right-ward without the same terminus.
+ let next;
+ while ((next = re$3[t$2.COERCERTL].exec(version)) &&
+ (!match || match.index + match[0].length !== version.length)
+ ) {
+ if (!match ||
+ next.index + next[0].length !== match.index + match[0].length) {
+ match = next;
+ }
+ re$3[t$2.COERCERTL].lastIndex = next.index + next[1].length + next[2].length;
+ }
+ // leave it in a clean state
+ re$3[t$2.COERCERTL].lastIndex = -1;
+ }
+ if (match === null)
+ return null
+ return parse$4(`${match[2]}.${match[3] || '0'}.${match[4] || '0'}`, options)
+var coerce_1 = coerce$I;
+var iterator = function (Yallist) {
+ Yallist.prototype[Symbol.iterator] = function* () {
+ for (let walker = this.head; walker; walker = {
+ yield walker.value;
+ }
+ };
+var yallist = Yallist$1;
+Yallist$1.Node = Node;
+Yallist$1.create = Yallist$1;
+function Yallist$1 (list) {
+ var self = this;
+ if (!(self instanceof Yallist$1)) {
+ self = new Yallist$1();
+ }
+ self.tail = null;
+ self.head = null;
+ self.length = 0;
+ if (list && typeof list.forEach === 'function') {
+ list.forEach(function (item) {
+ self.push(item);
+ });
+ } else if (arguments.length > 0) {
+ for (var i = 0, l = arguments.length; i < l; i++) {
+ self.push(arguments[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ return self
+Yallist$1.prototype.removeNode = function (node) {
+ if (node.list !== this) {
+ throw new Error('removing node which does not belong to this list')
+ }
+ var next =;
+ var prev = node.prev;
+ if (next) {
+ next.prev = prev;
+ }
+ if (prev) {
+ = next;
+ }
+ if (node === this.head) {
+ this.head = next;
+ }
+ if (node === this.tail) {
+ this.tail = prev;
+ }
+ node.list.length--;
+ = null;
+ node.prev = null;
+ node.list = null;
+ return next
+Yallist$1.prototype.unshiftNode = function (node) {
+ if (node === this.head) {
+ return
+ }
+ if (node.list) {
+ node.list.removeNode(node);
+ }
+ var head = this.head;
+ node.list = this;
+ = head;
+ if (head) {
+ head.prev = node;
+ }
+ this.head = node;
+ if (!this.tail) {
+ this.tail = node;
+ }
+ this.length++;
+Yallist$1.prototype.pushNode = function (node) {
+ if (node === this.tail) {
+ return
+ }
+ if (node.list) {
+ node.list.removeNode(node);
+ }
+ var tail = this.tail;
+ node.list = this;
+ node.prev = tail;
+ if (tail) {
+ = node;
+ }
+ this.tail = node;
+ if (!this.head) {
+ this.head = node;
+ }
+ this.length++;
+Yallist$1.prototype.push = function () {
+ for (var i = 0, l = arguments.length; i < l; i++) {
+ push$2(this, arguments[i]);
+ }
+ return this.length
+Yallist$1.prototype.unshift = function () {
+ for (var i = 0, l = arguments.length; i < l; i++) {
+ unshift(this, arguments[i]);
+ }
+ return this.length
+Yallist$1.prototype.pop = function () {
+ if (!this.tail) {
+ return undefined
+ }
+ var res = this.tail.value;
+ this.tail = this.tail.prev;
+ if (this.tail) {
+ = null;
+ } else {
+ this.head = null;
+ }
+ this.length--;
+ return res
+Yallist$1.prototype.shift = function () {
+ if (!this.head) {
+ return undefined
+ }
+ var res = this.head.value;
+ this.head =;
+ if (this.head) {
+ this.head.prev = null;
+ } else {
+ this.tail = null;
+ }
+ this.length--;
+ return res
+Yallist$1.prototype.forEach = function (fn, thisp) {
+ thisp = thisp || this;
+ for (var walker = this.head, i = 0; walker !== null; i++) {
+, walker.value, i, this);
+ walker =;
+ }
+Yallist$1.prototype.forEachReverse = function (fn, thisp) {
+ thisp = thisp || this;
+ for (var walker = this.tail, i = this.length - 1; walker !== null; i--) {
+, walker.value, i, this);
+ walker = walker.prev;
+ }
+Yallist$1.prototype.get = function (n) {
+ for (var i = 0, walker = this.head; walker !== null && i < n; i++) {
+ // abort out of the list early if we hit a cycle
+ walker =;
+ }
+ if (i === n && walker !== null) {
+ return walker.value
+ }
+Yallist$1.prototype.getReverse = function (n) {
+ for (var i = 0, walker = this.tail; walker !== null && i < n; i++) {
+ // abort out of the list early if we hit a cycle
+ walker = walker.prev;
+ }
+ if (i === n && walker !== null) {
+ return walker.value
+ }
+Yallist$ = function (fn, thisp) {
+ thisp = thisp || this;
+ var res = new Yallist$1();
+ for (var walker = this.head; walker !== null;) {
+ res.push(, walker.value, this));
+ walker =;
+ }
+ return res
+Yallist$1.prototype.mapReverse = function (fn, thisp) {
+ thisp = thisp || this;
+ var res = new Yallist$1();
+ for (var walker = this.tail; walker !== null;) {
+ res.push(, walker.value, this));
+ walker = walker.prev;
+ }
+ return res
+Yallist$1.prototype.reduce = function (fn, initial) {
+ var acc;
+ var walker = this.head;
+ if (arguments.length > 1) {
+ acc = initial;
+ } else if (this.head) {
+ walker =;
+ acc = this.head.value;
+ } else {
+ throw new TypeError('Reduce of empty list with no initial value')
+ }
+ for (var i = 0; walker !== null; i++) {
+ acc = fn(acc, walker.value, i);
+ walker =;
+ }
+ return acc
+Yallist$1.prototype.reduceReverse = function (fn, initial) {
+ var acc;
+ var walker = this.tail;
+ if (arguments.length > 1) {
+ acc = initial;
+ } else if (this.tail) {
+ walker = this.tail.prev;
+ acc = this.tail.value;
+ } else {
+ throw new TypeError('Reduce of empty list with no initial value')
+ }
+ for (var i = this.length - 1; walker !== null; i--) {
+ acc = fn(acc, walker.value, i);
+ walker = walker.prev;
+ }
+ return acc
+Yallist$1.prototype.toArray = function () {
+ var arr = new Array(this.length);
+ for (var i = 0, walker = this.head; walker !== null; i++) {
+ arr[i] = walker.value;
+ walker =;
+ }
+ return arr
+Yallist$1.prototype.toArrayReverse = function () {
+ var arr = new Array(this.length);
+ for (var i = 0, walker = this.tail; walker !== null; i++) {
+ arr[i] = walker.value;
+ walker = walker.prev;
+ }
+ return arr
+Yallist$1.prototype.slice = function (from, to) {
+ to = to || this.length;
+ if (to < 0) {
+ to += this.length;
+ }
+ from = from || 0;
+ if (from < 0) {
+ from += this.length;
+ }
+ var ret = new Yallist$1();
+ if (to < from || to < 0) {
+ return ret
+ }
+ if (from < 0) {
+ from = 0;
+ }
+ if (to > this.length) {
+ to = this.length;
+ }
+ for (var i = 0, walker = this.head; walker !== null && i < from; i++) {
+ walker =;
+ }
+ for (; walker !== null && i < to; i++, walker = {
+ ret.push(walker.value);
+ }
+ return ret
+Yallist$1.prototype.sliceReverse = function (from, to) {
+ to = to || this.length;
+ if (to < 0) {
+ to += this.length;
+ }
+ from = from || 0;
+ if (from < 0) {
+ from += this.length;
+ }
+ var ret = new Yallist$1();
+ if (to < from || to < 0) {
+ return ret
+ }
+ if (from < 0) {
+ from = 0;
+ }
+ if (to > this.length) {
+ to = this.length;
+ }
+ for (var i = this.length, walker = this.tail; walker !== null && i > to; i--) {
+ walker = walker.prev;
+ }
+ for (; walker !== null && i > from; i--, walker = walker.prev) {
+ ret.push(walker.value);
+ }
+ return ret
+Yallist$1.prototype.splice = function (start, deleteCount, ...nodes) {
+ if (start > this.length) {
+ start = this.length - 1;
+ }
+ if (start < 0) {
+ start = this.length + start;
+ }
+ for (var i = 0, walker = this.head; walker !== null && i < start; i++) {
+ walker =;
+ }
+ var ret = [];
+ for (var i = 0; walker && i < deleteCount; i++) {
+ ret.push(walker.value);
+ walker = this.removeNode(walker);
+ }
+ if (walker === null) {
+ walker = this.tail;
+ }
+ if (walker !== this.head && walker !== this.tail) {
+ walker = walker.prev;
+ }
+ for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
+ walker = insert(this, walker, nodes[i]);
+ }
+ return ret;
+Yallist$1.prototype.reverse = function () {
+ var head = this.head;
+ var tail = this.tail;
+ for (var walker = head; walker !== null; walker = walker.prev) {
+ var p = walker.prev;
+ walker.prev =;
+ = p;
+ }
+ this.head = tail;
+ this.tail = head;
+ return this
+function insert (self, node, value) {
+ var inserted = node === self.head ?
+ new Node(value, null, node, self) :
+ new Node(value, node,, self);
+ if ( === null) {
+ self.tail = inserted;
+ }
+ if (inserted.prev === null) {
+ self.head = inserted;
+ }
+ self.length++;
+ return inserted
+function push$2 (self, item) {
+ self.tail = new Node(item, self.tail, null, self);
+ if (!self.head) {
+ self.head = self.tail;
+ }
+ self.length++;
+function unshift (self, item) {
+ self.head = new Node(item, null, self.head, self);
+ if (!self.tail) {
+ self.tail = self.head;
+ }
+ self.length++;
+function Node (value, prev, next, list) {
+ if (!(this instanceof Node)) {
+ return new Node(value, prev, next, list)
+ }
+ this.list = list;
+ this.value = value;
+ if (prev) {
+ = this;
+ this.prev = prev;
+ } else {
+ this.prev = null;
+ }
+ if (next) {
+ next.prev = this;
+ = next;
+ } else {
+ = null;
+ }
+try {
+ // add if support for Symbol.iterator is present
+ iterator(Yallist$1);
+} catch (er) {}
+// A linked list to keep track of recently-used-ness
+const Yallist = yallist;
+const MAX = Symbol('max');
+const LENGTH = Symbol('length');
+const LENGTH_CALCULATOR = Symbol('lengthCalculator');
+const ALLOW_STALE = Symbol('allowStale');
+const MAX_AGE = Symbol('maxAge');
+const DISPOSE = Symbol('dispose');
+const NO_DISPOSE_ON_SET = Symbol('noDisposeOnSet');
+const LRU_LIST = Symbol('lruList');
+const CACHE = Symbol('cache');
+const UPDATE_AGE_ON_GET = Symbol('updateAgeOnGet');
+const naiveLength = () => 1;
+// lruList is a yallist where the head is the youngest
+// item, and the tail is the oldest. the list contains the Hit
+// objects as the entries.
+// Each Hit object has a reference to its Yallist.Node. This
+// never changes.
+// cache is a Map (or PseudoMap) that matches the keys to
+// the Yallist.Node object.
+class LRUCache {
+ constructor (options) {
+ if (typeof options === 'number')
+ options = { max: options };
+ if (!options)
+ options = {};
+ if (options.max && (typeof options.max !== 'number' || options.max < 0))
+ throw new TypeError('max must be a non-negative number')
+ // Kind of weird to have a default max of Infinity, but oh well.
+ this[MAX] = options.max || Infinity;
+ const lc = options.length || naiveLength;
+ this[LENGTH_CALCULATOR] = (typeof lc !== 'function') ? naiveLength : lc;
+ this[ALLOW_STALE] = options.stale || false;
+ if (options.maxAge && typeof options.maxAge !== 'number')
+ throw new TypeError('maxAge must be a number')
+ this[MAX_AGE] = options.maxAge || 0;
+ this[DISPOSE] = options.dispose;
+ this[NO_DISPOSE_ON_SET] = options.noDisposeOnSet || false;
+ this[UPDATE_AGE_ON_GET] = options.updateAgeOnGet || false;
+ this.reset();
+ }
+ // resize the cache when the max changes.
+ set max (mL) {
+ if (typeof mL !== 'number' || mL < 0)
+ throw new TypeError('max must be a non-negative number')
+ this[MAX] = mL || Infinity;
+ trim(this);
+ }
+ get max () {
+ return this[MAX]
+ }
+ set allowStale (allowStale) {
+ this[ALLOW_STALE] = !!allowStale;
+ }
+ get allowStale () {
+ return this[ALLOW_STALE]
+ }
+ set maxAge (mA) {
+ if (typeof mA !== 'number')
+ throw new TypeError('maxAge must be a non-negative number')
+ this[MAX_AGE] = mA;
+ trim(this);
+ }
+ get maxAge () {
+ return this[MAX_AGE]
+ }
+ // resize the cache when the lengthCalculator changes.
+ set lengthCalculator (lC) {
+ if (typeof lC !== 'function')
+ lC = naiveLength;
+ if (lC !== this[LENGTH_CALCULATOR]) {
+ this[LENGTH] = 0;
+ this[LRU_LIST].forEach(hit => {
+ hit.length = this[LENGTH_CALCULATOR](hit.value, hit.key);
+ this[LENGTH] += hit.length;
+ });
+ }
+ trim(this);
+ }
+ get lengthCalculator () { return this[LENGTH_CALCULATOR] }
+ get length () { return this[LENGTH] }
+ get itemCount () { return this[LRU_LIST].length }
+ rforEach (fn, thisp) {
+ thisp = thisp || this;
+ for (let walker = this[LRU_LIST].tail; walker !== null;) {
+ const prev = walker.prev;
+ forEachStep(this, fn, walker, thisp);
+ walker = prev;
+ }
+ }
+ forEach (fn, thisp) {
+ thisp = thisp || this;
+ for (let walker = this[LRU_LIST].head; walker !== null;) {
+ const next =;
+ forEachStep(this, fn, walker, thisp);
+ walker = next;
+ }
+ }
+ keys () {
+ return this[LRU_LIST].toArray().map(k => k.key)
+ }
+ values () {
+ return this[LRU_LIST].toArray().map(k => k.value)
+ }
+ reset () {
+ if (this[DISPOSE] &&
+ this[LRU_LIST] &&
+ this[LRU_LIST].length) {
+ this[LRU_LIST].forEach(hit => this[DISPOSE](hit.key, hit.value));
+ }
+ this[CACHE] = new Map(); // hash of items by key
+ this[LRU_LIST] = new Yallist(); // list of items in order of use recency
+ this[LENGTH] = 0; // length of items in the list
+ }
+ dump () {
+ return this[LRU_LIST].map(hit =>
+ isStale(this, hit) ? false : {
+ k: hit.key,
+ v: hit.value,
+ e: + (hit.maxAge || 0)
+ }).toArray().filter(h => h)
+ }
+ dumpLru () {
+ return this[LRU_LIST]
+ }
+ set (key, value, maxAge) {
+ maxAge = maxAge || this[MAX_AGE];
+ if (maxAge && typeof maxAge !== 'number')
+ throw new TypeError('maxAge must be a number')
+ const now = maxAge ? : 0;
+ const len = this[LENGTH_CALCULATOR](value, key);
+ if (this[CACHE].has(key)) {
+ if (len > this[MAX]) {
+ del(this, this[CACHE].get(key));
+ return false
+ }
+ const node = this[CACHE].get(key);
+ const item = node.value;
+ // dispose of the old one before overwriting
+ // split out into 2 ifs for better coverage tracking
+ if (this[DISPOSE]) {
+ if (!this[NO_DISPOSE_ON_SET])
+ this[DISPOSE](key, item.value);
+ }
+ = now;
+ item.maxAge = maxAge;
+ item.value = value;
+ this[LENGTH] += len - item.length;
+ item.length = len;
+ this.get(key);
+ trim(this);
+ return true
+ }
+ const hit = new Entry(key, value, len, now, maxAge);
+ // oversized objects fall out of cache automatically.
+ if (hit.length > this[MAX]) {
+ if (this[DISPOSE])
+ this[DISPOSE](key, value);
+ return false
+ }
+ this[LENGTH] += hit.length;
+ this[LRU_LIST].unshift(hit);
+ this[CACHE].set(key, this[LRU_LIST].head);
+ trim(this);
+ return true
+ }
+ has (key) {
+ if (!this[CACHE].has(key)) return false
+ const hit = this[CACHE].get(key).value;
+ return !isStale(this, hit)
+ }
+ get (key) {
+ return get(this, key, true)
+ }
+ peek (key) {
+ return get(this, key, false)
+ }
+ pop () {
+ const node = this[LRU_LIST].tail;
+ if (!node)
+ return null
+ del(this, node);
+ return node.value
+ }
+ del (key) {
+ del(this, this[CACHE].get(key));
+ }
+ load (arr) {
+ // reset the cache
+ this.reset();
+ const now =;
+ // A previous serialized cache has the most recent items first
+ for (let l = arr.length - 1; l >= 0; l--) {
+ const hit = arr[l];
+ const expiresAt = hit.e || 0;
+ if (expiresAt === 0)
+ // the item was created without expiration in a non aged cache
+ this.set(hit.k, hit.v);
+ else {
+ const maxAge = expiresAt - now;
+ // dont add already expired items
+ if (maxAge > 0) {
+ this.set(hit.k, hit.v, maxAge);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ prune () {
+ this[CACHE].forEach((value, key) => get(this, key, false));
+ }
+const get = (self, key, doUse) => {
+ const node = self[CACHE].get(key);
+ if (node) {
+ const hit = node.value;
+ if (isStale(self, hit)) {
+ del(self, node);
+ if (!self[ALLOW_STALE])
+ return undefined
+ } else {
+ if (doUse) {
+ if (self[UPDATE_AGE_ON_GET])
+ =;
+ self[LRU_LIST].unshiftNode(node);
+ }
+ }
+ return hit.value
+ }
+const isStale = (self, hit) => {
+ if (!hit || (!hit.maxAge && !self[MAX_AGE]))
+ return false
+ const diff = -;
+ return hit.maxAge ? diff > hit.maxAge
+ : self[MAX_AGE] && (diff > self[MAX_AGE])
+const trim = self => {
+ if (self[LENGTH] > self[MAX]) {
+ for (let walker = self[LRU_LIST].tail;
+ self[LENGTH] > self[MAX] && walker !== null;) {
+ // We know that we're about to delete this one, and also
+ // what the next least recently used key will be, so just
+ // go ahead and set it now.
+ const prev = walker.prev;
+ del(self, walker);
+ walker = prev;
+ }
+ }
+const del = (self, node) => {
+ if (node) {
+ const hit = node.value;
+ if (self[DISPOSE])
+ self[DISPOSE](hit.key, hit.value);
+ self[LENGTH] -= hit.length;
+ self[CACHE].delete(hit.key);
+ self[LRU_LIST].removeNode(node);
+ }
+class Entry {
+ constructor (key, value, length, now, maxAge) {
+ this.key = key;
+ this.value = value;
+ this.length = length;
+ = now;
+ this.maxAge = maxAge || 0;
+ }
+const forEachStep = (self, fn, node, thisp) => {
+ let hit = node.value;
+ if (isStale(self, hit)) {
+ del(self, node);
+ if (!self[ALLOW_STALE])
+ hit = undefined;
+ }
+ if (hit)
+, hit.value, hit.key, self);
+var lruCache = LRUCache;
+// hoisted class for cyclic dependency
+class Range$a {
+ constructor (range, options) {
+ options = parseOptions$1(options);
+ if (range instanceof Range$a) {
+ if (
+ range.loose === !!options.loose &&
+ range.includePrerelease === !!options.includePrerelease
+ ) {
+ return range
+ } else {
+ return new Range$a(range.raw, options)
+ }
+ }
+ if (range instanceof Comparator$2) {
+ // just put it in the set and return
+ this.raw = range.value;
+ this.set = [[range]];
+ this.format();
+ return this
+ }
+ this.options = options;
+ this.loose = !!options.loose;
+ this.includePrerelease = !!options.includePrerelease;
+ // First, split based on boolean or ||
+ this.raw = range;
+ this.set = range
+ .split(/\s*\|\|\s*/)
+ // map the range to a 2d array of comparators
+ .map(range => this.parseRange(range.trim()))
+ // throw out any comparator lists that are empty
+ // this generally means that it was not a valid range, which is allowed
+ // in loose mode, but will still throw if the WHOLE range is invalid.
+ .filter(c => c.length);
+ if (!this.set.length) {
+ throw new TypeError(`Invalid SemVer Range: ${range}`)
+ }
+ // if we have any that are not the null set, throw out null sets.
+ if (this.set.length > 1) {
+ // keep the first one, in case they're all null sets
+ const first = this.set[0];
+ this.set = this.set.filter(c => !isNullSet(c[0]));
+ if (this.set.length === 0)
+ this.set = [first];
+ else if (this.set.length > 1) {
+ // if we have any that are *, then the range is just *
+ for (const c of this.set) {
+ if (c.length === 1 && isAny(c[0])) {
+ this.set = [c];
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ this.format();
+ }
+ format () {
+ this.range = this.set
+ .map((comps) => {
+ return comps.join(' ').trim()
+ })
+ .join('||')
+ .trim();
+ return this.range
+ }
+ toString () {
+ return this.range
+ }
+ parseRange (range) {
+ range = range.trim();
+ // memoize range parsing for performance.
+ // this is a very hot path, and fully deterministic.
+ const memoOpts = Object.keys(this.options).join(',');
+ const memoKey = `parseRange:${memoOpts}:${range}`;
+ const cached = cache$1.get(memoKey);
+ if (cached)
+ return cached
+ const loose = this.options.loose;
+ // `1.2.3 - 1.2.4` => `>=1.2.3 <=1.2.4`
+ const hr = loose ? re$2[t$1.HYPHENRANGELOOSE] : re$2[t$1.HYPHENRANGE];
+ range = range.replace(hr, hyphenReplace(this.options.includePrerelease));
+ debug$d('hyphen replace', range);
+ // `> 1.2.3 < 1.2.5` => `>1.2.3 <1.2.5`
+ range = range.replace(re$2[t$1.COMPARATORTRIM], comparatorTrimReplace);
+ debug$d('comparator trim', range, re$2[t$1.COMPARATORTRIM]);
+ // `~ 1.2.3` => `~1.2.3`
+ range = range.replace(re$2[t$1.TILDETRIM], tildeTrimReplace);
+ // `^ 1.2.3` => `^1.2.3`
+ range = range.replace(re$2[t$1.CARETTRIM], caretTrimReplace);
+ // normalize spaces
+ range = range.split(/\s+/).join(' ');
+ // At this point, the range is completely trimmed and
+ // ready to be split into comparators.
+ const compRe = loose ? re$2[t$1.COMPARATORLOOSE] : re$2[t$1.COMPARATOR];
+ const rangeList = range
+ .split(' ')
+ .map(comp => parseComparator(comp, this.options))
+ .join(' ')
+ .split(/\s+/)
+ // >=0.0.0 is equivalent to *
+ .map(comp => replaceGTE0(comp, this.options))
+ // in loose mode, throw out any that are not valid comparators
+ .filter(this.options.loose ? comp => !!comp.match(compRe) : () => true)
+ .map(comp => new Comparator$2(comp, this.options));
+ // if any comparators are the null set, then replace with JUST null set
+ // if more than one comparator, remove any * comparators
+ // also, don't include the same comparator more than once
+ rangeList.length;
+ const rangeMap = new Map();
+ for (const comp of rangeList) {
+ if (isNullSet(comp))
+ return [comp]
+ rangeMap.set(comp.value, comp);
+ }
+ if (rangeMap.size > 1 && rangeMap.has(''))
+ rangeMap.delete('');
+ const result = [...rangeMap.values()];
+ cache$1.set(memoKey, result);
+ return result
+ }
+ intersects (range, options) {
+ if (!(range instanceof Range$a)) {
+ throw new TypeError('a Range is required')
+ }
+ return this.set.some((thisComparators) => {
+ return (
+ isSatisfiable(thisComparators, options) &&
+ range.set.some((rangeComparators) => {
+ return (
+ isSatisfiable(rangeComparators, options) &&
+ thisComparators.every((thisComparator) => {
+ return rangeComparators.every((rangeComparator) => {
+ return thisComparator.intersects(rangeComparator, options)
+ })
+ })
+ )
+ })
+ )
+ })
+ }
+ // if ANY of the sets match ALL of its comparators, then pass
+ test (version) {
+ if (!version) {
+ return false
+ }
+ if (typeof version === 'string') {
+ try {
+ version = new SemVer$5(version, this.options);
+ } catch (er) {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ for (let i = 0; i < this.set.length; i++) {
+ if (testSet(this.set[i], version, this.options)) {
+ return true
+ }
+ }
+ return false
+ }
+var range$1 = Range$a;
+const LRU = lruCache;
+const cache$1 = new LRU({ max: 1000 });
+const parseOptions$1 = parseOptions_1;
+const Comparator$2 = comparator$1;
+const debug$d = debug_1;
+const SemVer$5 = semver$2;
+const {
+ re: re$2,
+ t: t$1,
+ comparatorTrimReplace,
+ tildeTrimReplace,
+ caretTrimReplace
+} = re$6.exports;
+const isNullSet = c => c.value === '<0.0.0-0';
+const isAny = c => c.value === '';
+// take a set of comparators and determine whether there
+// exists a version which can satisfy it
+const isSatisfiable = (comparators, options) => {
+ let result = true;
+ const remainingComparators = comparators.slice();
+ let testComparator = remainingComparators.pop();
+ while (result && remainingComparators.length) {
+ result = remainingComparators.every((otherComparator) => {
+ return testComparator.intersects(otherComparator, options)
+ });
+ testComparator = remainingComparators.pop();
+ }
+ return result
+// comprised of xranges, tildes, stars, and gtlt's at this point.
+// already replaced the hyphen ranges
+// turn into a set of JUST comparators.
+const parseComparator = (comp, options) => {
+ debug$d('comp', comp, options);
+ comp = replaceCarets(comp, options);
+ debug$d('caret', comp);
+ comp = replaceTildes(comp, options);
+ debug$d('tildes', comp);
+ comp = replaceXRanges(comp, options);
+ debug$d('xrange', comp);
+ comp = replaceStars(comp, options);
+ debug$d('stars', comp);
+ return comp
+const isX = id => !id || id.toLowerCase() === 'x' || id === '*';
+// ~, ~> --> * (any, kinda silly)
+// ~2, ~2.x, ~2.x.x, ~>2, ~>2.x ~>2.x.x --> >=2.0.0 <3.0.0-0
+// ~2.0, ~2.0.x, ~>2.0, ~>2.0.x --> >=2.0.0 <2.1.0-0
+// ~1.2, ~1.2.x, ~>1.2, ~>1.2.x --> >=1.2.0 <1.3.0-0
+// ~1.2.3, ~>1.2.3 --> >=1.2.3 <1.3.0-0
+// ~1.2.0, ~>1.2.0 --> >=1.2.0 <1.3.0-0
+const replaceTildes = (comp, options) =>
+ comp.trim().split(/\s+/).map((comp) => {
+ return replaceTilde(comp, options)
+ }).join(' ');
+const replaceTilde = (comp, options) => {
+ const r = options.loose ? re$2[t$1.TILDELOOSE] : re$2[t$1.TILDE];
+ return comp.replace(r, (_, M, m, p, pr) => {
+ debug$d('tilde', comp, _, M, m, p, pr);
+ let ret;
+ if (isX(M)) {
+ ret = '';
+ } else if (isX(m)) {
+ ret = `>=${M}.0.0 <${+M + 1}.0.0-0`;
+ } else if (isX(p)) {
+ // ~1.2 == >=1.2.0 <1.3.0-0
+ ret = `>=${M}.${m}.0 <${M}.${+m + 1}.0-0`;
+ } else if (pr) {
+ debug$d('replaceTilde pr', pr);
+ ret = `>=${M}.${m}.${p}-${pr
+ } <${M}.${+m + 1}.0-0`;
+ } else {
+ // ~1.2.3 == >=1.2.3 <1.3.0-0
+ ret = `>=${M}.${m}.${p
+ } <${M}.${+m + 1}.0-0`;
+ }
+ debug$d('tilde return', ret);
+ return ret
+ })
+// ^ --> * (any, kinda silly)
+// ^2, ^2.x, ^2.x.x --> >=2.0.0 <3.0.0-0
+// ^2.0, ^2.0.x --> >=2.0.0 <3.0.0-0
+// ^1.2, ^1.2.x --> >=1.2.0 <2.0.0-0
+// ^1.2.3 --> >=1.2.3 <2.0.0-0
+// ^1.2.0 --> >=1.2.0 <2.0.0-0
+const replaceCarets = (comp, options) =>
+ comp.trim().split(/\s+/).map((comp) => {
+ return replaceCaret(comp, options)
+ }).join(' ');
+const replaceCaret = (comp, options) => {
+ debug$d('caret', comp, options);
+ const r = options.loose ? re$2[t$1.CARETLOOSE] : re$2[t$1.CARET];
+ const z = options.includePrerelease ? '-0' : '';
+ return comp.replace(r, (_, M, m, p, pr) => {
+ debug$d('caret', comp, _, M, m, p, pr);
+ let ret;
+ if (isX(M)) {
+ ret = '';
+ } else if (isX(m)) {
+ ret = `>=${M}.0.0${z} <${+M + 1}.0.0-0`;
+ } else if (isX(p)) {
+ if (M === '0') {
+ ret = `>=${M}.${m}.0${z} <${M}.${+m + 1}.0-0`;
+ } else {
+ ret = `>=${M}.${m}.0${z} <${+M + 1}.0.0-0`;
+ }
+ } else if (pr) {
+ debug$d('replaceCaret pr', pr);
+ if (M === '0') {
+ if (m === '0') {
+ ret = `>=${M}.${m}.${p}-${pr
+ } <${M}.${m}.${+p + 1}-0`;
+ } else {
+ ret = `>=${M}.${m}.${p}-${pr
+ } <${M}.${+m + 1}.0-0`;
+ }
+ } else {
+ ret = `>=${M}.${m}.${p}-${pr
+ } <${+M + 1}.0.0-0`;
+ }
+ } else {
+ debug$d('no pr');
+ if (M === '0') {
+ if (m === '0') {
+ ret = `>=${M}.${m}.${p
+ }${z} <${M}.${m}.${+p + 1}-0`;
+ } else {
+ ret = `>=${M}.${m}.${p
+ }${z} <${M}.${+m + 1}.0-0`;
+ }
+ } else {
+ ret = `>=${M}.${m}.${p
+ } <${+M + 1}.0.0-0`;
+ }
+ }
+ debug$d('caret return', ret);
+ return ret
+ })
+const replaceXRanges = (comp, options) => {
+ debug$d('replaceXRanges', comp, options);
+ return comp.split(/\s+/).map((comp) => {
+ return replaceXRange(comp, options)
+ }).join(' ')
+const replaceXRange = (comp, options) => {
+ comp = comp.trim();
+ const r = options.loose ? re$2[t$1.XRANGELOOSE] : re$2[t$1.XRANGE];
+ return comp.replace(r, (ret, gtlt, M, m, p, pr) => {
+ debug$d('xRange', comp, ret, gtlt, M, m, p, pr);
+ const xM = isX(M);
+ const xm = xM || isX(m);
+ const xp = xm || isX(p);
+ const anyX = xp;
+ if (gtlt === '=' && anyX) {
+ gtlt = '';
+ }
+ // if we're including prereleases in the match, then we need
+ // to fix this to -0, the lowest possible prerelease value
+ pr = options.includePrerelease ? '-0' : '';
+ if (xM) {
+ if (gtlt === '>' || gtlt === '<') {
+ // nothing is allowed
+ ret = '<0.0.0-0';
+ } else {
+ // nothing is forbidden
+ ret = '*';
+ }
+ } else if (gtlt && anyX) {
+ // we know patch is an x, because we have any x at all.
+ // replace X with 0
+ if (xm) {
+ m = 0;
+ }
+ p = 0;
+ if (gtlt === '>') {
+ // >1 => >=2.0.0
+ // >1.2 => >=1.3.0
+ gtlt = '>=';
+ if (xm) {
+ M = +M + 1;
+ m = 0;
+ p = 0;
+ } else {
+ m = +m + 1;
+ p = 0;
+ }
+ } else if (gtlt === '<=') {
+ // <=0.7.x is actually <0.8.0, since any 0.7.x should
+ // pass. Similarly, <=7.x is actually <8.0.0, etc.
+ gtlt = '<';
+ if (xm) {
+ M = +M + 1;
+ } else {
+ m = +m + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (gtlt === '<')
+ pr = '-0';
+ ret = `${gtlt + M}.${m}.${p}${pr}`;
+ } else if (xm) {
+ ret = `>=${M}.0.0${pr} <${+M + 1}.0.0-0`;
+ } else if (xp) {
+ ret = `>=${M}.${m}.0${pr
+ } <${M}.${+m + 1}.0-0`;
+ }
+ debug$d('xRange return', ret);
+ return ret
+ })
+// Because * is AND-ed with everything else in the comparator,
+// and '' means "any version", just remove the *s entirely.
+const replaceStars = (comp, options) => {
+ debug$d('replaceStars', comp, options);
+ // Looseness is ignored here. star is always as loose as it gets!
+ return comp.trim().replace(re$2[t$1.STAR], '')
+const replaceGTE0 = (comp, options) => {
+ debug$d('replaceGTE0', comp, options);
+ return comp.trim()
+ .replace(re$2[options.includePrerelease ? t$1.GTE0PRE : t$1.GTE0], '')
+// This function is passed to string.replace(re[t.HYPHENRANGE])
+// M, m, patch, prerelease, build
+// 1.2 - 3.4.5 => >=1.2.0 <=3.4.5
+// 1.2.3 - 3.4 => >=1.2.0 <3.5.0-0 Any 3.4.x will do
+// 1.2 - 3.4 => >=1.2.0 <3.5.0-0
+const hyphenReplace = incPr => ($0,
+ from, fM, fm, fp, fpr, fb,
+ to, tM, tm, tp, tpr, tb) => {
+ if (isX(fM)) {
+ from = '';
+ } else if (isX(fm)) {
+ from = `>=${fM}.0.0${incPr ? '-0' : ''}`;
+ } else if (isX(fp)) {
+ from = `>=${fM}.${fm}.0${incPr ? '-0' : ''}`;
+ } else if (fpr) {
+ from = `>=${from}`;
+ } else {
+ from = `>=${from}${incPr ? '-0' : ''}`;
+ }
+ if (isX(tM)) {
+ to = '';
+ } else if (isX(tm)) {
+ to = `<${+tM + 1}.0.0-0`;
+ } else if (isX(tp)) {
+ to = `<${tM}.${+tm + 1}.0-0`;
+ } else if (tpr) {
+ to = `<=${tM}.${tm}.${tp}-${tpr}`;
+ } else if (incPr) {
+ to = `<${tM}.${tm}.${+tp + 1}-0`;
+ } else {
+ to = `<=${to}`;
+ }
+ return (`${from} ${to}`).trim()
+const testSet = (set, version, options) => {
+ for (let i = 0; i < set.length; i++) {
+ if (!set[i].test(version)) {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ if (version.prerelease.length && !options.includePrerelease) {
+ // Find the set of versions that are allowed to have prereleases
+ // For example, ^1.2.3-pr.1 desugars to >=1.2.3-pr.1 <2.0.0
+ // That should allow `1.2.3-pr.2` to pass.
+ // However, `1.2.4-alpha.notready` should NOT be allowed,
+ // even though it's within the range set by the comparators.
+ for (let i = 0; i < set.length; i++) {
+ debug$d(set[i].semver);
+ if (set[i].semver === Comparator$2.ANY) {
+ continue
+ }
+ if (set[i].semver.prerelease.length > 0) {
+ const allowed = set[i].semver;
+ if (allowed.major === version.major &&
+ allowed.minor === version.minor &&
+ allowed.patch === version.patch) {
+ return true
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Version has a -pre, but it's not one of the ones we like.
+ return false
+ }
+ return true
+const ANY$2 = Symbol('SemVer ANY');
+// hoisted class for cyclic dependency
+class Comparator$1 {
+ static get ANY () {
+ return ANY$2
+ }
+ constructor (comp, options) {
+ options = parseOptions(options);
+ if (comp instanceof Comparator$1) {
+ if (comp.loose === !!options.loose) {
+ return comp
+ } else {
+ comp = comp.value;
+ }
+ }
+ debug$c('comparator', comp, options);
+ this.options = options;
+ this.loose = !!options.loose;
+ this.parse(comp);
+ if (this.semver === ANY$2) {
+ this.value = '';
+ } else {
+ this.value = this.operator + this.semver.version;
+ }
+ debug$c('comp', this);
+ }
+ parse (comp) {
+ const r = this.options.loose ? re$1[t.COMPARATORLOOSE] : re$1[t.COMPARATOR];
+ const m = comp.match(r);
+ if (!m) {
+ throw new TypeError(`Invalid comparator: ${comp}`)
+ }
+ this.operator = m[1] !== undefined ? m[1] : '';
+ if (this.operator === '=') {
+ this.operator = '';
+ }
+ // if it literally is just '>' or '' then allow anything.
+ if (!m[2]) {
+ this.semver = ANY$2;
+ } else {
+ this.semver = new SemVer$4(m[2], this.options.loose);
+ }
+ }
+ toString () {
+ return this.value
+ }
+ test (version) {
+ debug$c('Comparator.test', version, this.options.loose);
+ if (this.semver === ANY$2 || version === ANY$2) {
+ return true
+ }
+ if (typeof version === 'string') {
+ try {
+ version = new SemVer$4(version, this.options);
+ } catch (er) {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ return cmp(version, this.operator, this.semver, this.options)
+ }
+ intersects (comp, options) {
+ if (!(comp instanceof Comparator$1)) {
+ throw new TypeError('a Comparator is required')
+ }
+ if (!options || typeof options !== 'object') {
+ options = {
+ loose: !!options,
+ includePrerelease: false
+ };
+ }
+ if (this.operator === '') {
+ if (this.value === '') {
+ return true
+ }
+ return new Range$9(comp.value, options).test(this.value)
+ } else if (comp.operator === '') {
+ if (comp.value === '') {
+ return true
+ }
+ return new Range$9(this.value, options).test(comp.semver)
+ }
+ const sameDirectionIncreasing =
+ (this.operator === '>=' || this.operator === '>') &&
+ (comp.operator === '>=' || comp.operator === '>');
+ const sameDirectionDecreasing =
+ (this.operator === '<=' || this.operator === '<') &&
+ (comp.operator === '<=' || comp.operator === '<');
+ const sameSemVer = this.semver.version === comp.semver.version;
+ const differentDirectionsInclusive =
+ (this.operator === '>=' || this.operator === '<=') &&
+ (comp.operator === '>=' || comp.operator === '<=');
+ const oppositeDirectionsLessThan =
+ cmp(this.semver, '<', comp.semver, options) &&
+ (this.operator === '>=' || this.operator === '>') &&
+ (comp.operator === '<=' || comp.operator === '<');
+ const oppositeDirectionsGreaterThan =
+ cmp(this.semver, '>', comp.semver, options) &&
+ (this.operator === '<=' || this.operator === '<') &&
+ (comp.operator === '>=' || comp.operator === '>');
+ return (
+ sameDirectionIncreasing ||
+ sameDirectionDecreasing ||
+ (sameSemVer && differentDirectionsInclusive) ||
+ oppositeDirectionsLessThan ||
+ oppositeDirectionsGreaterThan
+ )
+ }
+var comparator$1 = Comparator$1;
+const parseOptions = parseOptions_1;
+const {re: re$1, t} = re$6.exports;
+const cmp = cmp_1;
+const debug$c = debug_1;
+const SemVer$4 = semver$2;
+const Range$9 = range$1;
+const Range$8 = range$1;
+const satisfies$3 = (version, range, options) => {
+ try {
+ range = new Range$8(range, options);
+ } catch (er) {
+ return false
+ }
+ return range.test(version)
+var satisfies_1 = satisfies$3;
+const Range$7 = range$1;
+// Mostly just for testing and legacy API reasons
+const toComparators = (range, options) =>
+ new Range$7(range, options).set
+ .map(comp => => c.value).join(' ').trim().split(' '));
+var toComparators_1 = toComparators;
+const SemVer$3 = semver$2;
+const Range$6 = range$1;
+const maxSatisfying = (versions, range, options) => {
+ let max = null;
+ let maxSV = null;
+ let rangeObj = null;
+ try {
+ rangeObj = new Range$6(range, options);
+ } catch (er) {
+ return null
+ }
+ versions.forEach((v) => {
+ if (rangeObj.test(v)) {
+ // satisfies(v, range, options)
+ if (!max || === -1) {
+ // compare(max, v, true)
+ max = v;
+ maxSV = new SemVer$3(max, options);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ return max
+var maxSatisfying_1 = maxSatisfying;
- return resolveFileName();
+const SemVer$2 = semver$2;
+const Range$5 = range$1;
+const minSatisfying = (versions, range, options) => {
+ let min = null;
+ let minSV = null;
+ let rangeObj = null;
+ try {
+ rangeObj = new Range$5(range, options);
+ } catch (er) {
+ return null
+ }
+ versions.forEach((v) => {
+ if (rangeObj.test(v)) {
+ // satisfies(v, range, options)
+ if (!min || === 1) {
+ // compare(min, v, true)
+ min = v;
+ minSV = new SemVer$2(min, options);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ return min
+var minSatisfying_1 = minSatisfying;
+const SemVer$1 = semver$2;
+const Range$4 = range$1;
+const gt$1 = gt_1;
+const minVersion = (range, loose) => {
+ range = new Range$4(range, loose);
+ let minver = new SemVer$1('0.0.0');
+ if (range.test(minver)) {
+ return minver
+ }
+ minver = new SemVer$1('0.0.0-0');
+ if (range.test(minver)) {
+ return minver
+ }
+ minver = null;
+ for (let i = 0; i < range.set.length; ++i) {
+ const comparators = range.set[i];
+ let setMin = null;
+ comparators.forEach((comparator) => {
+ // Clone to avoid manipulating the comparator's semver object.
+ const compver = new SemVer$1(comparator.semver.version);
+ switch (comparator.operator) {
+ case '>':
+ if (compver.prerelease.length === 0) {
+ compver.patch++;
+ } else {
+ compver.prerelease.push(0);
+ }
+ compver.raw = compver.format();
+ /* fallthrough */
+ case '':
+ case '>=':
+ if (!setMin || gt$1(compver, setMin)) {
+ setMin = compver;
+ }
+ break
+ case '<':
+ case '<=':
+ /* Ignore maximum versions */
+ break
+ /* istanbul ignore next */
+ default:
+ throw new Error(`Unexpected operation: ${comparator.operator}`)
+ }
+ });
+ if (setMin && (!minver || gt$1(minver, setMin)))
+ minver = setMin;
+ }
+ if (minver && range.test(minver)) {
+ return minver
+ }
+ return null
+var minVersion_1 = minVersion;
+const Range$3 = range$1;
+const validRange = (range, options) => {
+ try {
+ // Return '*' instead of '' so that truthiness works.
+ // This will throw if it's invalid anyway
+ return new Range$3(range, options).range || '*'
+ } catch (er) {
+ return null
+ }
+var valid = validRange;
+const SemVer = semver$2;
+const Comparator = comparator$1;
+const {ANY: ANY$1} = Comparator;
+const Range$2 = range$1;
+const satisfies$2 = satisfies_1;
+const gt = gt_1;
+const lt = lt_1;
+const lte$1 = lte_1;
+const gte$1 = gte_1;
+const outside$2 = (version, range, hilo, options) => {
+ version = new SemVer(version, options);
+ range = new Range$2(range, options);
+ let gtfn, ltefn, ltfn, comp, ecomp;
+ switch (hilo) {
+ case '>':
+ gtfn = gt;
+ ltefn = lte$1;
+ ltfn = lt;
+ comp = '>';
+ ecomp = '>=';
+ break
+ case '<':
+ gtfn = lt;
+ ltefn = gte$1;
+ ltfn = gt;
+ comp = '<';
+ ecomp = '<=';
+ break
+ default:
+ throw new TypeError('Must provide a hilo val of "<" or ">"')
+ }
+ // If it satisfies the range it is not outside
+ if (satisfies$2(version, range, options)) {
+ return false
+ }
+ // From now on, variable terms are as if we're in "gtr" mode.
+ // but note that everything is flipped for the "ltr" function.
+ for (let i = 0; i < range.set.length; ++i) {
+ const comparators = range.set[i];
+ let high = null;
+ let low = null;
+ comparators.forEach((comparator) => {
+ if (comparator.semver === ANY$1) {
+ comparator = new Comparator('>=0.0.0');
+ }
+ high = high || comparator;
+ low = low || comparator;
+ if (gtfn(comparator.semver, high.semver, options)) {
+ high = comparator;
+ } else if (ltfn(comparator.semver, low.semver, options)) {
+ low = comparator;
+ }
+ });
+ // If the edge version comparator has a operator then our version
+ // isn't outside it
+ if (high.operator === comp || high.operator === ecomp) {
+ return false
+ }
+ // If the lowest version comparator has an operator and our version
+ // is less than it then it isn't higher than the range
+ if ((!low.operator || low.operator === comp) &&
+ ltefn(version, low.semver)) {
+ return false
+ } else if (low.operator === ecomp && ltfn(version, low.semver)) {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ return true
+var outside_1 = outside$2;
+// Determine if version is greater than all the versions possible in the range.
+const outside$1 = outside_1;
+const gtr = (version, range, options) => outside$1(version, range, '>', options);
+var gtr_1 = gtr;
+const outside = outside_1;
+// Determine if version is less than all the versions possible in the range
+const ltr = (version, range, options) => outside(version, range, '<', options);
+var ltr_1 = ltr;
+const Range$1 = range$1;
+const intersects = (r1, r2, options) => {
+ r1 = new Range$1(r1, options);
+ r2 = new Range$1(r2, options);
+ return r1.intersects(r2)
+var intersects_1 = intersects;
+// given a set of versions and a range, create a "simplified" range
+// that includes the same versions that the original range does
+// If the original range is shorter than the simplified one, return that.
+const satisfies$1 = satisfies_1;
+const compare$2 = compare_1;
+var simplify = (versions, range, options) => {
+ const set = [];
+ let min = null;
+ let prev = null;
+ const v = versions.sort((a, b) => compare$2(a, b, options));
+ for (const version of v) {
+ const included = satisfies$1(version, range, options);
+ if (included) {
+ prev = version;
+ if (!min)
+ min = version;
+ } else {
+ if (prev) {
+ set.push([min, prev]);
+ }
+ prev = null;
+ min = null;
+ }
+ }
+ if (min)
+ set.push([min, null]);
+ const ranges = [];
+ for (const [min, max] of set) {
+ if (min === max)
+ ranges.push(min);
+ else if (!max && min === v[0])
+ ranges.push('*');
+ else if (!max)
+ ranges.push(`>=${min}`);
+ else if (min === v[0])
+ ranges.push(`<=${max}`);
+ else
+ ranges.push(`${min} - ${max}`);
+ }
+ const simplified = ranges.join(' || ');
+ const original = typeof range.raw === 'string' ? range.raw : String(range);
+ return simplified.length < original.length ? simplified : range
+const Range = range$1;
+const { ANY } = comparator$1;
+const satisfies = satisfies_1;
+const compare$1 = compare_1;
+// Complex range `r1 || r2 || ...` is a subset of `R1 || R2 || ...` iff:
+// - Every simple range `r1, r2, ...` is a subset of some `R1, R2, ...`
+// Simple range `c1 c2 ...` is a subset of simple range `C1 C2 ...` iff:
+// - If c is only the ANY comparator
+// - If C is only the ANY comparator, return true
+// - Else return false
+// - Let EQ be the set of = comparators in c
+// - If EQ is more than one, return true (null set)
+// - Let GT be the highest > or >= comparator in c
+// - Let LT be the lowest < or <= comparator in c
+// - If GT and LT, and GT.semver > LT.semver, return true (null set)
+// - If EQ
+// - If GT, and EQ does not satisfy GT, return true (null set)
+// - If LT, and EQ does not satisfy LT, return true (null set)
+// - If EQ satisfies every C, return true
+// - Else return false
+// - If GT
+// - If GT.semver is lower than any > or >= comp in C, return false
+// - If GT is >=, and GT.semver does not satisfy every C, return false
+// - If LT
+// - If LT.semver is greater than any < or <= comp in C, return false
+// - If LT is <=, and LT.semver does not satisfy every C, return false
+// - If any C is a = range, and GT or LT are set, return false
+// - Else return true
+const subset = (sub, dom, options) => {
+ if (sub === dom)
+ return true
+ sub = new Range(sub, options);
+ dom = new Range(dom, options);
+ let sawNonNull = false;
+ OUTER: for (const simpleSub of sub.set) {
+ for (const simpleDom of dom.set) {
+ const isSub = simpleSubset(simpleSub, simpleDom, options);
+ sawNonNull = sawNonNull || isSub !== null;
+ if (isSub)
+ continue OUTER
+ }
+ // the null set is a subset of everything, but null simple ranges in
+ // a complex range should be ignored. so if we saw a non-null range,
+ // then we know this isn't a subset, but if EVERY simple range was null,
+ // then it is a subset.
+ if (sawNonNull)
+ return false
+ }
+ return true
+const simpleSubset = (sub, dom, options) => {
+ if (sub === dom)
+ return true
+ if (sub.length === 1 && sub[0].semver === ANY)
+ return dom.length === 1 && dom[0].semver === ANY
+ const eqSet = new Set();
+ let gt, lt;
+ for (const c of sub) {
+ if (c.operator === '>' || c.operator === '>=')
+ gt = higherGT(gt, c, options);
+ else if (c.operator === '<' || c.operator === '<=')
+ lt = lowerLT(lt, c, options);
+ else
+ eqSet.add(c.semver);
+ }
+ if (eqSet.size > 1)
+ return null
+ let gtltComp;
+ if (gt && lt) {
+ gtltComp = compare$1(gt.semver, lt.semver, options);
+ if (gtltComp > 0)
+ return null
+ else if (gtltComp === 0 && (gt.operator !== '>=' || lt.operator !== '<='))
+ return null
+ }
+ // will iterate one or zero times
+ for (const eq of eqSet) {
+ if (gt && !satisfies(eq, String(gt), options))
+ return null
+ if (lt && !satisfies(eq, String(lt), options))
+ return null
+ for (const c of dom) {
+ if (!satisfies(eq, String(c), options))
+ return false
+ }
+ return true
+ }
+ let higher, lower;
+ let hasDomLT, hasDomGT;
+ for (const c of dom) {
+ hasDomGT = hasDomGT || c.operator === '>' || c.operator === '>=';
+ hasDomLT = hasDomLT || c.operator === '<' || c.operator === '<=';
+ if (gt) {
+ if (c.operator === '>' || c.operator === '>=') {
+ higher = higherGT(gt, c, options);
+ if (higher === c && higher !== gt)
+ return false
+ } else if (gt.operator === '>=' && !satisfies(gt.semver, String(c), options))
+ return false
+ }
+ if (lt) {
+ if (c.operator === '<' || c.operator === '<=') {
+ lower = lowerLT(lt, c, options);
+ if (lower === c && lower !== lt)
+ return false
+ } else if (lt.operator === '<=' && !satisfies(lt.semver, String(c), options))
+ return false
+ }
+ if (!c.operator && (lt || gt) && gtltComp !== 0)
+ return false
+ }
+ // if there was a < or >, and nothing in the dom, then must be false
+ // UNLESS it was limited by another range in the other direction.
+ // Eg, >1.0.0 <1.0.1 is still a subset of <2.0.0
+ if (gt && hasDomLT && !lt && gtltComp !== 0)
+ return false
+ if (lt && hasDomGT && !gt && gtltComp !== 0)
+ return false
+ return true
+// >=1.2.3 is lower than >1.2.3
+const higherGT = (a, b, options) => {
+ if (!a)
+ return b
+ const comp = compare$1(a.semver, b.semver, options);
+ return comp > 0 ? a
+ : comp < 0 ? b
+ : b.operator === '>' && a.operator === '>=' ? b
+ : a
+// <=1.2.3 is higher than <1.2.3
+const lowerLT = (a, b, options) => {
+ if (!a)
+ return b
+ const comp = compare$1(a.semver, b.semver, options);
+ return comp < 0 ? a
+ : comp > 0 ? b
+ : b.operator === '<' && a.operator === '<=' ? b
+ : a
+var subset_1 = subset;
+// just pre-load all the stuff that index.js lazily exports
+const internalRe = re$6.exports;
+var semver$1 = {
+ re:,
+ src: internalRe.src,
+ tokens: internalRe.t,
+ SemVer: semver$2,
+ compareIdentifiers: identifiers.compareIdentifiers,
+ rcompareIdentifiers: identifiers.rcompareIdentifiers,
+ parse: parse_1,
+ valid: valid_1,
+ clean: clean_1,
+ inc: inc_1,
+ diff: diff_1,
+ major: major_1,
+ minor: minor_1,
+ patch: patch_1,
+ prerelease: prerelease_1,
+ compare: compare_1,
+ rcompare: rcompare_1,
+ compareLoose: compareLoose_1,
+ compareBuild: compareBuild_1,
+ sort: sort_1,
+ rsort: rsort_1,
+ gt: gt_1,
+ lt: lt_1,
+ eq: eq_1,
+ neq: neq_1,
+ gte: gte_1,
+ lte: lte_1,
+ cmp: cmp_1,
+ coerce: coerce_1,
+ Comparator: comparator$1,
+ Range: range$1,
+ satisfies: satisfies_1,
+ toComparators: toComparators_1,
+ maxSatisfying: maxSatisfying_1,
+ minSatisfying: minSatisfying_1,
+ minVersion: minVersion_1,
+ validRange: valid,
+ outside: outside_1,
+ gtr: gtr_1,
+ ltr: ltr_1,
+ intersects: intersects_1,
+ simplifyRange: simplify,
+ subset: subset_1,
+var semver = semver$1;
+var builtins = function ({
+ version = process.version,
+ experimental = false
+} = {}) {
+ var coreModules = [
+ 'assert',
+ 'buffer',
+ 'child_process',
+ 'cluster',
+ 'console',
+ 'constants',
+ 'crypto',
+ 'dgram',
+ 'dns',
+ 'domain',
+ 'events',
+ 'fs',
+ 'http',
+ 'https',
+ 'module',
+ 'net',
+ 'os',
+ 'path',
+ 'punycode',
+ 'querystring',
+ 'readline',
+ 'repl',
+ 'stream',
+ 'string_decoder',
+ 'sys',
+ 'timers',
+ 'tls',
+ 'tty',
+ 'url',
+ 'util',
+ 'vm',
+ 'zlib'
+ ];
+ if (, '6.0.0')) coreModules.push('freelist');
+ if (semver.gte(version, '1.0.0')) coreModules.push('v8');
+ if (semver.gte(version, '1.1.0')) coreModules.push('process');
+ if (semver.gte(version, '8.0.0')) coreModules.push('inspector');
+ if (semver.gte(version, '8.1.0')) coreModules.push('async_hooks');
+ if (semver.gte(version, '8.4.0')) coreModules.push('http2');
+ if (semver.gte(version, '8.5.0')) coreModules.push('perf_hooks');
+ if (semver.gte(version, '10.0.0')) coreModules.push('trace_events');
+ if (
+ semver.gte(version, '10.5.0') &&
+ (experimental || semver.gte(version, '12.0.0'))
+ ) {
+ coreModules.push('worker_threads');
+ }
+ if (semver.gte(version, '12.16.0') && experimental) {
+ coreModules.push('wasi');
+ }
+ return coreModules
+// Manually “tree shaken” from:
+const reader = {read: read$3};
+var packageJsonReader = reader;
+ * @param {string} jsonPath
+ * @returns {{string: string}}
+ */
+function read$3(jsonPath) {
+ return find$1(path$b.dirname(jsonPath))
+ * @param {string} dir
+ * @returns {{string: string}}
+ */
+function find$1(dir) {
+ try {
+ const string = require$$0$3.readFileSync(
+ path$b.toNamespacedPath(path$b.join(dir, 'package.json')),
+ 'utf8'
+ );
+ return {string}
+ } catch (error) {
+ if (error.code === 'ENOENT') {
+ const parent = path$b.dirname(dir);
+ if (dir !== parent) return find$1(parent)
+ return {string: undefined}
+ // Throw all other errors.
+ /* c8 ignore next 4 */
+ }
+ throw error
+ }
+// Manually “tree shaken” from:
+const isWindows$1 = process.platform === 'win32';
+const own$e = {}.hasOwnProperty;
+const codes = {};
+ * @typedef {(...args: unknown[]) => string} MessageFunction
+ */
+/** @type {Map<string, MessageFunction|string>} */
+const messages = new Map();
+const nodeInternalPrefix = '__node_internal_';
+/** @type {number} */
+let userStackTraceLimit;
+ /**
+ * @param {string} request
+ * @param {string} reason
+ * @param {string} [base]
+ */
+ (request, reason, base = undefined) => {
+ return `Invalid module "${request}" ${reason}${
+ base ? ` imported from ${base}` : ''
+ }`
+ },
+ TypeError
+codes.ERR_INVALID_PACKAGE_CONFIG = createError(
+ /**
+ * @param {string} path
+ * @param {string} [base]
+ * @param {string} [message]
+ */
+ (path, base, message) => {
+ return `Invalid package config ${path}${
+ base ? ` while importing ${base}` : ''
+ }${message ? `. ${message}` : ''}`
+ },
+ Error
+codes.ERR_INVALID_PACKAGE_TARGET = createError(
+ /**
+ * @param {string} pkgPath
+ * @param {string} key
+ * @param {unknown} target
+ * @param {boolean} [isImport=false]
+ * @param {string} [base]
+ */
+ (pkgPath, key, target, isImport = false, base = undefined) => {
+ const relError =
+ typeof target === 'string' &&
+ !isImport &&
+ target.length > 0 &&
+ !target.startsWith('./');
+ if (key === '.') {
+ assert$2(isImport === false);
+ return (
+ `Invalid "exports" main target ${JSON.stringify(target)} defined ` +
+ `in the package config ${pkgPath}package.json${
+ base ? ` imported from ${base}` : ''
+ }${relError ? '; targets must start with "./"' : ''}`
+ )
+ }
+ return `Invalid "${
+ isImport ? 'imports' : 'exports'
+ }" target ${JSON.stringify(
+ target
+ )} defined for '${key}' in the package config ${pkgPath}package.json${
+ base ? ` imported from ${base}` : ''
+ }${relError ? '; targets must start with "./"' : ''}`
+ },
+ Error
+codes.ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND = createError(
+ /**
+ * @param {string} path
+ * @param {string} base
+ * @param {string} [type]
+ */
+ (path, base, type = 'package') => {
+ return `Cannot find ${type} '${path}' imported from ${base}`
+ },
+ Error
+ /**
+ * @param {string} specifier
+ * @param {string} packagePath
+ * @param {string} base
+ */
+ (specifier, packagePath, base) => {
+ return `Package import specifier "${specifier}" is not defined${
+ packagePath ? ` in package ${packagePath}package.json` : ''
+ } imported from ${base}`
+ },
+ TypeError
+ /**
+ * @param {string} pkgPath
+ * @param {string} subpath
+ * @param {string} [base]
+ */
+ (pkgPath, subpath, base = undefined) => {
+ if (subpath === '.')
+ return `No "exports" main defined in ${pkgPath}package.json${
+ base ? ` imported from ${base}` : ''
+ }`
+ return `Package subpath '${subpath}' is not defined by "exports" in ${pkgPath}package.json${
+ base ? ` imported from ${base}` : ''
+ }`
+ },
+ Error
+codes.ERR_UNSUPPORTED_DIR_IMPORT = createError(
+ "Directory import '%s' is not supported " +
+ 'resolving ES modules imported from %s',
+ Error
+codes.ERR_UNKNOWN_FILE_EXTENSION = createError(
+ 'Unknown file extension "%s" for %s',
+ TypeError
+codes.ERR_INVALID_ARG_VALUE = createError(
+ /**
+ * @param {string} name
+ * @param {unknown} value
+ * @param {string} [reason='is invalid']
+ */
+ (name, value, reason = 'is invalid') => {
+ let inspected = inspect$1(value);
+ if (inspected.length > 128) {
+ inspected = `${inspected.slice(0, 128)}...`;
+ }
+ const type = name.includes('.') ? 'property' : 'argument';
+ return `The ${type} '${name}' ${reason}. Received ${inspected}`
+ },
+ TypeError
+ // Note: extra classes have been shaken out.
+ // , RangeError
+ /**
+ * @param {URL} url
+ */
+ (url) => {
+ let message =
+ 'Only file and data URLs are supported by the default ESM loader';
+ if (isWindows$1 && url.protocol.length === 2) {
+ message += '. On Windows, absolute paths must be valid file:// URLs';
+ }
+ message += `. Received protocol '${url.protocol}'`;
+ return message
+ },
+ Error
+ * Utility function for registering the error codes. Only used here. Exported
+ * *only* to allow for testing.
+ * @param {string} sym
+ * @param {MessageFunction|string} value
+ * @param {ErrorConstructor} def
+ * @returns {new (...args: unknown[]) => Error}
+ */
+function createError(sym, value, def) {
+ // Special case for SystemError that formats the error message differently
+ // The SystemErrors only have SystemError as their base classes.
+ messages.set(sym, value);
+ return makeNodeErrorWithCode(def, sym)
+ * @param {ErrorConstructor} Base
+ * @param {string} key
+ * @returns {ErrorConstructor}
+ */
+function makeNodeErrorWithCode(Base, key) {
+ // @ts-expect-error It’s a Node error.
+ return NodeError
+ /**
+ * @param {unknown[]} args
+ */
+ function NodeError(...args) {
+ const limit = Error.stackTraceLimit;
+ if (isErrorStackTraceLimitWritable()) Error.stackTraceLimit = 0;
+ const error = new Base();
+ // Reset the limit and setting the name property.
+ if (isErrorStackTraceLimitWritable()) Error.stackTraceLimit = limit;
+ const message = getMessage(key, args, error);
+ Object.defineProperty(error, 'message', {
+ value: message,
+ enumerable: false,
+ writable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ Object.defineProperty(error, 'toString', {
+ /** @this {Error} */
+ value() {
+ return `${} [${key}]: ${this.message}`
+ },
+ enumerable: false,
+ writable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ addCodeToName(error,, key);
+ // @ts-expect-error It’s a Node error.
+ error.code = key;
+ return error
+ }
+const addCodeToName = hideStackFrames(
+ /**
+ * @param {Error} error
+ * @param {string} name
+ * @param {string} code
+ * @returns {void}
+ */
+ function (error, name, code) {
+ // Set the stack
+ error = captureLargerStackTrace(error);
+ // Add the error code to the name to include it in the stack trace.
+ = `${name} [${code}]`;
+ // Access the stack to generate the error message including the error code
+ // from the name.
+ error.stack; // eslint-disable-line no-unused-expressions
+ // Reset the name to the actual name.
+ if (name === 'SystemError') {
+ Object.defineProperty(error, 'name', {
+ value: name,
+ enumerable: false,
+ writable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ } else {
+ delete;
+ }
+ }
+ * @returns {boolean}
+ */
+function isErrorStackTraceLimitWritable() {
+ const desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Error, 'stackTraceLimit');
+ if (desc === undefined) {
+ return Object.isExtensible(Error)
+ }
+ return own$, 'writable') ? desc.writable : desc.set !== undefined
+ * This function removes unnecessary frames from Node.js core errors.
+ * @template {(...args: unknown[]) => unknown} T
+ * @type {(fn: T) => T}
+ */
+function hideStackFrames(fn) {
+ // We rename the functions that will be hidden to cut off the stacktrace
+ // at the outermost one
+ const hidden = nodeInternalPrefix +;
+ Object.defineProperty(fn, 'name', {value: hidden});
+ return fn
+const captureLargerStackTrace = hideStackFrames(
+ /**
+ * @param {Error} error
+ * @returns {Error}
+ */
+ function (error) {
+ const stackTraceLimitIsWritable = isErrorStackTraceLimitWritable();
+ if (stackTraceLimitIsWritable) {
+ userStackTraceLimit = Error.stackTraceLimit;
+ Error.stackTraceLimit = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
+ }
+ Error.captureStackTrace(error);
+ // Reset the limit
+ if (stackTraceLimitIsWritable) Error.stackTraceLimit = userStackTraceLimit;
+ return error
+ }
+ * @param {string} key
+ * @param {unknown[]} args
+ * @param {Error} self
+ * @returns {string}
+ */
+function getMessage(key, args, self) {
+ const message = messages.get(key);
+ if (typeof message === 'function') {
+ assert$2(
+ message.length <= args.length, // Default options do not count.
+ `Code: ${key}; The provided arguments length (${args.length}) does not ` +
+ `match the required ones (${message.length}).`
+ );
+ return Reflect.apply(message, self, args)
+ }
+ const expectedLength = (message.match(/%[dfijoOs]/g) || []).length;
+ assert$2(
+ expectedLength === args.length,
+ `Code: ${key}; The provided arguments length (${args.length}) does not ` +
+ `match the required ones (${expectedLength}).`
+ );
+ if (args.length === 0) return message
+ args.unshift(message);
+ return Reflect.apply(format$2, null, args)
+// Manually “tree shaken” from:
+const extensionFormatMap = {
+ __proto__: null,
+ '.cjs': 'commonjs',
+ '.js': 'module',
+ '.mjs': 'module'
+ * @param {string} url
+ * @returns {{format: string|null}}
+ */
+function defaultGetFormat(url) {
+ if (url.startsWith('node:')) {
+ return {format: 'builtin'}
+ }
+ const parsed = new URL$1(url);
+ if (parsed.protocol === 'data:') {
+ const {1: mime} = /^([^/]+\/[^;,]+)[^,]*?(;base64)?,/.exec(
+ parsed.pathname
+ ) || [null, null];
+ const format = mime === 'text/javascript' ? 'module' : null;
+ return {format}
+ }
+ if (parsed.protocol === 'file:') {
+ const ext = path$b.extname(parsed.pathname);
+ /** @type {string} */
+ let format;
+ if (ext === '.js') {
+ format = getPackageType(parsed.href) === 'module' ? 'module' : 'commonjs';
+ } else {
+ format = extensionFormatMap[ext];
+ }
+ if (!format) {
+ throw new ERR_UNKNOWN_FILE_EXTENSION(ext, fileURLToPath(url))
+ }
+ return {format: format || null}
+ }
+ return {format: null}
+// Manually “tree shaken” from:
+const listOfBuiltins = builtins();
+const {
+} = codes;
+const own$d = {}.hasOwnProperty;
+const DEFAULT_CONDITIONS = Object.freeze(['node', 'import']);
+const invalidSegmentRegEx = /(^|\\|\/)(\.\.?|node_modules)(\\|\/|$)/;
+const patternRegEx = /\*/g;
+const encodedSepRegEx = /%2f|%2c/i;
+/** @type {Set<string>} */
+const emittedPackageWarnings = new Set();
+/** @type {Map<string, PackageConfig>} */
+const packageJsonCache = new Map();
+ * @param {string} match
+ * @param {URL} pjsonUrl
+ * @param {boolean} isExports
+ * @param {URL} base
+ * @returns {void}
+ */
+function emitFolderMapDeprecation(match, pjsonUrl, isExports, base) {
+ const pjsonPath = fileURLToPath(pjsonUrl);
+ if (emittedPackageWarnings.has(pjsonPath + '|' + match)) return
+ emittedPackageWarnings.add(pjsonPath + '|' + match);
+ process.emitWarning(
+ `Use of deprecated folder mapping "${match}" in the ${
+ isExports ? '"exports"' : '"imports"'
+ } field module resolution of the package at ${pjsonPath}${
+ base ? ` imported from ${fileURLToPath(base)}` : ''
+ }.\n` +
+ `Update this package.json to use a subpath pattern like "${match}*".`,
+ 'DeprecationWarning',
+ 'DEP0148'
+ );
+ * @param {URL} url
+ * @param {URL} packageJsonUrl
+ * @param {URL} base
+ * @param {unknown} [main]
+ * @returns {void}
+ */
+function emitLegacyIndexDeprecation(url, packageJsonUrl, base, main) {
+ const {format} = defaultGetFormat(url.href);
+ if (format !== 'module') return
+ const path = fileURLToPath(url.href);
+ const pkgPath = fileURLToPath(new URL$1('.', packageJsonUrl));
+ const basePath = fileURLToPath(base);
+ if (main)
+ process.emitWarning(
+ `Package ${pkgPath} has a "main" field set to ${JSON.stringify(main)}, ` +
+ `excluding the full filename and extension to the resolved file at "${path.slice(
+ pkgPath.length
+ )}", imported from ${basePath}.\n Automatic extension resolution of the "main" field is` +
+ 'deprecated for ES modules.',
+ 'DeprecationWarning',
+ 'DEP0151'
+ );
+ else
+ process.emitWarning(
+ `No "main" or "exports" field defined in the package.json for ${pkgPath} resolving the main entry point "${path.slice(
+ pkgPath.length
+ )}", imported from ${basePath}.\nDefault "index" lookups for the main are deprecated for ES modules.`,
+ 'DeprecationWarning',
+ 'DEP0151'
+ );
+ * @param {string[]} [conditions]
+ * @returns {Set<string>}
+ */
+function getConditionsSet(conditions) {
+ if (conditions !== undefined && conditions !== DEFAULT_CONDITIONS) {
+ if (!Array.isArray(conditions)) {
+ 'conditions',
+ conditions,
+ 'expected an array'
+ )
+ }
+ return new Set(conditions)
+ }
+ * @param {string} path
+ * @returns {Stats}
+ */
+function tryStatSync(path) {
+ // Note: from Node 15 onwards we can use `throwIfNoEntry: false` instead.
+ try {
+ return statSync(path)
+ } catch {
+ return new Stats()
+ }
+ * @param {string} path
+ * @param {string|URL} specifier Note: `specifier` is actually optional, not base.
+ * @param {URL} [base]
+ * @returns {PackageConfig}
+ */
+function getPackageConfig(path, specifier, base) {
+ const existing = packageJsonCache.get(path);
+ if (existing !== undefined) {
+ return existing
+ }
+ const source =;
+ if (source === undefined) {
+ /** @type {PackageConfig} */
+ const packageConfig = {
+ pjsonPath: path,
+ exists: false,
+ main: undefined,
+ name: undefined,
+ type: 'none',
+ exports: undefined,
+ imports: undefined
+ };
+ packageJsonCache.set(path, packageConfig);
+ return packageConfig
+ }
+ /** @type {Object.<string, unknown>} */
+ let packageJson;
+ try {
+ packageJson = JSON.parse(source);
+ } catch (error) {
+ path,
+ (base ? `"${specifier}" from ` : '') + fileURLToPath(base || specifier),
+ error.message
+ )
+ }
+ const {exports, imports, main, name, type} = packageJson;
+ /** @type {PackageConfig} */
+ const packageConfig = {
+ pjsonPath: path,
+ exists: true,
+ main: typeof main === 'string' ? main : undefined,
+ name: typeof name === 'string' ? name : undefined,
+ type: type === 'module' || type === 'commonjs' ? type : 'none',
+ // @ts-expect-error Assume `Object.<string, unknown>`.
+ exports,
+ // @ts-expect-error Assume `Object.<string, unknown>`.
+ imports: imports && typeof imports === 'object' ? imports : undefined
+ };
+ packageJsonCache.set(path, packageConfig);
+ return packageConfig
+ * @param {URL|string} resolved
+ * @returns {PackageConfig}
+ */
+function getPackageScopeConfig(resolved) {
+ let packageJsonUrl = new URL$1('./package.json', resolved);
+ while (true) {
+ const packageJsonPath = packageJsonUrl.pathname;
+ if (packageJsonPath.endsWith('node_modules/package.json')) break
+ const packageConfig = getPackageConfig(
+ fileURLToPath(packageJsonUrl),
+ resolved
+ );
+ if (packageConfig.exists) return packageConfig
+ const lastPackageJsonUrl = packageJsonUrl;
+ packageJsonUrl = new URL$1('../package.json', packageJsonUrl);
+ // Terminates at root where ../package.json equals ../../package.json
+ // (can't just check "/package.json" for Windows support).
+ if (packageJsonUrl.pathname === lastPackageJsonUrl.pathname) break
+ }
+ const packageJsonPath = fileURLToPath(packageJsonUrl);
+ /** @type {PackageConfig} */
+ const packageConfig = {
+ pjsonPath: packageJsonPath,
+ exists: false,
+ main: undefined,
+ name: undefined,
+ type: 'none',
+ exports: undefined,
+ imports: undefined
+ };
+ packageJsonCache.set(packageJsonPath, packageConfig);
+ return packageConfig
+ * Legacy CommonJS main resolution:
+ * 1. let M = pkg_url + (json main field)
+ * 2. TRY(M, M.js, M.json, M.node)
+ * 3. TRY(M/index.js, M/index.json, M/index.node)
+ * 4. TRY(pkg_url/index.js, pkg_url/index.json, pkg_url/index.node)
+ * 5. NOT_FOUND
+ *
+ * @param {URL} url
+ * @returns {boolean}
+ */
+function fileExists(url) {
+ return tryStatSync(fileURLToPath(url)).isFile()
+ * @param {URL} packageJsonUrl
+ * @param {PackageConfig} packageConfig
+ * @param {URL} base
+ * @returns {URL}
+ */
+function legacyMainResolve(packageJsonUrl, packageConfig, base) {
+ /** @type {URL} */
+ let guess;
+ if (packageConfig.main !== undefined) {
+ guess = new URL$1(`./${packageConfig.main}`, packageJsonUrl);
+ // Note: fs check redundances will be handled by Descriptor cache here.
+ if (fileExists(guess)) return guess
+ const tries = [
+ `./${packageConfig.main}.js`,
+ `./${packageConfig.main}.json`,
+ `./${packageConfig.main}.node`,
+ `./${packageConfig.main}/index.js`,
+ `./${packageConfig.main}/index.json`,
+ `./${packageConfig.main}/index.node`
+ ];
+ let i = -1;
+ while (++i < tries.length) {
+ guess = new URL$1(tries[i], packageJsonUrl);
+ if (fileExists(guess)) break
+ guess = undefined;
+ }
+ if (guess) {
+ emitLegacyIndexDeprecation(
+ guess,
+ packageJsonUrl,
+ base,
+ packageConfig.main
+ );
+ return guess
+ }
+ // Fallthrough.
+ }
+ const tries = ['./index.js', './index.json', './index.node'];
+ let i = -1;
+ while (++i < tries.length) {
+ guess = new URL$1(tries[i], packageJsonUrl);
+ if (fileExists(guess)) break
+ guess = undefined;
+ }
+ if (guess) {
+ emitLegacyIndexDeprecation(guess, packageJsonUrl, base, packageConfig.main);
+ return guess
+ }
+ // Not found.
+ fileURLToPath(new URL$1('.', packageJsonUrl)),
+ fileURLToPath(base)
+ )
+ * @param {URL} resolved
+ * @param {URL} base
+ * @returns {URL}
+ */
+function finalizeResolution(resolved, base) {
+ if (encodedSepRegEx.test(resolved.pathname))
+ resolved.pathname,
+ 'must not include encoded "/" or "\\" characters',
+ fileURLToPath(base)
+ )
+ const path = fileURLToPath(resolved);
+ const stats = tryStatSync(path.endsWith('/') ? path.slice(-1) : path);
+ if (stats.isDirectory()) {
+ const error = new ERR_UNSUPPORTED_DIR_IMPORT(path, fileURLToPath(base));
+ // @ts-expect-error Add this for `import.meta.resolve`.
+ error.url = String(resolved);
+ throw error
+ }
+ if (!stats.isFile()) {
+ path || resolved.pathname,
+ base && fileURLToPath(base),
+ 'module'
+ )
+ }
+ return resolved
+ * @param {string} specifier
+ * @param {URL?} packageJsonUrl
+ * @param {URL} base
+ * @returns {never}
+ */
+function throwImportNotDefined(specifier, packageJsonUrl, base) {
+ specifier,
+ packageJsonUrl && fileURLToPath(new URL$1('.', packageJsonUrl)),
+ fileURLToPath(base)
+ )
+ * @param {string} subpath
+ * @param {URL} packageJsonUrl
+ * @param {URL} base
+ * @returns {never}
+ */
+function throwExportsNotFound(subpath, packageJsonUrl, base) {
+ fileURLToPath(new URL$1('.', packageJsonUrl)),
+ subpath,
+ base && fileURLToPath(base)
+ )
+ * @param {string} subpath
+ * @param {URL} packageJsonUrl
+ * @param {boolean} internal
+ * @param {URL} [base]
+ * @returns {never}
+ */
+function throwInvalidSubpath(subpath, packageJsonUrl, internal, base) {
+ const reason = `request is not a valid subpath for the "${
+ internal ? 'imports' : 'exports'
+ }" resolution of ${fileURLToPath(packageJsonUrl)}`;
+ subpath,
+ reason,
+ base && fileURLToPath(base)
+ )
+ * @param {string} subpath
+ * @param {unknown} target
+ * @param {URL} packageJsonUrl
+ * @param {boolean} internal
+ * @param {URL} [base]
+ * @returns {never}
+ */
+function throwInvalidPackageTarget(
+ subpath,
+ target,
+ packageJsonUrl,
+ internal,
+ base
+) {
+ target =
+ typeof target === 'object' && target !== null
+ ? JSON.stringify(target, null, '')
+ : `${target}`;
+ fileURLToPath(new URL$1('.', packageJsonUrl)),
+ subpath,
+ target,
+ internal,
+ base && fileURLToPath(base)
+ )
+ * @param {string} target
+ * @param {string} subpath
+ * @param {string} match
+ * @param {URL} packageJsonUrl
+ * @param {URL} base
+ * @param {boolean} pattern
+ * @param {boolean} internal
+ * @param {Set<string>} conditions
+ * @returns {URL}
+ */
+function resolvePackageTargetString(
+ target,
+ subpath,
+ match,
+ packageJsonUrl,
+ base,
+ pattern,
+ internal,
+ conditions
+) {
+ if (subpath !== '' && !pattern && target[target.length - 1] !== '/')
+ throwInvalidPackageTarget(match, target, packageJsonUrl, internal, base);
+ if (!target.startsWith('./')) {
+ if (internal && !target.startsWith('../') && !target.startsWith('/')) {
+ let isURL = false;
+ try {
+ new URL$1(target);
+ isURL = true;
+ } catch {}
+ if (!isURL) {
+ const exportTarget = pattern
+ ? target.replace(patternRegEx, subpath)
+ : target + subpath;
+ return packageResolve(exportTarget, packageJsonUrl, conditions)
+ }
+ }
+ throwInvalidPackageTarget(match, target, packageJsonUrl, internal, base);
+ }
+ if (invalidSegmentRegEx.test(target.slice(2)))
+ throwInvalidPackageTarget(match, target, packageJsonUrl, internal, base);
+ const resolved = new URL$1(target, packageJsonUrl);
+ const resolvedPath = resolved.pathname;
+ const packagePath = new URL$1('.', packageJsonUrl).pathname;
+ if (!resolvedPath.startsWith(packagePath))
+ throwInvalidPackageTarget(match, target, packageJsonUrl, internal, base);
+ if (subpath === '') return resolved
+ if (invalidSegmentRegEx.test(subpath))
+ throwInvalidSubpath(match + subpath, packageJsonUrl, internal, base);
+ if (pattern) return new URL$1(resolved.href.replace(patternRegEx, subpath))
+ return new URL$1(subpath, resolved)
+ * @param {string} key
+ * @returns {boolean}
+ */
+function isArrayIndex(key) {
+ const keyNumber = Number(key);
+ if (`${keyNumber}` !== key) return false
+ return keyNumber >= 0 && keyNumber < 0xffff_ffff
+ * @param {URL} packageJsonUrl
+ * @param {unknown} target
+ * @param {string} subpath
+ * @param {string} packageSubpath
+ * @param {URL} base
+ * @param {boolean} pattern
+ * @param {boolean} internal
+ * @param {Set<string>} conditions
+ * @returns {URL}
+ */
+function resolvePackageTarget(
+ packageJsonUrl,
+ target,
+ subpath,
+ packageSubpath,
+ base,
+ pattern,
+ internal,
+ conditions
+) {
+ if (typeof target === 'string') {
+ return resolvePackageTargetString(
+ target,
+ subpath,
+ packageSubpath,
+ packageJsonUrl,
+ base,
+ pattern,
+ internal,
+ conditions
+ )
+ }
+ if (Array.isArray(target)) {
+ /** @type {unknown[]} */
+ const targetList = target;
+ if (targetList.length === 0) return null
+ /** @type {Error} */
+ let lastException;
+ let i = -1;
+ while (++i < targetList.length) {
+ const targetItem = targetList[i];
+ /** @type {URL} */
+ let resolved;
+ try {
+ resolved = resolvePackageTarget(
+ packageJsonUrl,
+ targetItem,
+ subpath,
+ packageSubpath,
+ base,
+ pattern,
+ internal,
+ conditions
+ );
+ } catch (error) {
+ lastException = error;
+ if (error.code === 'ERR_INVALID_PACKAGE_TARGET') continue
+ throw error
+ }
+ if (resolved === undefined) continue
+ if (resolved === null) {
+ lastException = null;
+ continue
+ }
+ return resolved
+ }
+ if (lastException === undefined || lastException === null) {
+ // @ts-expect-error The diff between `undefined` and `null` seems to be
+ // intentional
+ return lastException
+ }
+ throw lastException
+ }
+ if (typeof target === 'object' && target !== null) {
+ const keys = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(target);
+ let i = -1;
+ while (++i < keys.length) {
+ const key = keys[i];
+ if (isArrayIndex(key)) {
+ fileURLToPath(packageJsonUrl),
+ base,
+ '"exports" cannot contain numeric property keys.'
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ i = -1;
+ while (++i < keys.length) {
+ const key = keys[i];
+ if (key === 'default' || (conditions && conditions.has(key))) {
+ /** @type {unknown} */
+ const conditionalTarget = target[key];
+ const resolved = resolvePackageTarget(
+ packageJsonUrl,
+ conditionalTarget,
+ subpath,
+ packageSubpath,
+ base,
+ pattern,
+ internal,
+ conditions
+ );
+ if (resolved === undefined) continue
+ return resolved
+ }
+ }
+ return undefined
+ }
+ if (target === null) {
+ return null
+ }
+ throwInvalidPackageTarget(
+ packageSubpath,
+ target,
+ packageJsonUrl,
+ internal,
+ base
+ );
+ * @param {unknown} exports
+ * @param {URL} packageJsonUrl
+ * @param {URL} base
+ * @returns {boolean}
+ */
+function isConditionalExportsMainSugar(exports, packageJsonUrl, base) {
+ if (typeof exports === 'string' || Array.isArray(exports)) return true
+ if (typeof exports !== 'object' || exports === null) return false
+ const keys = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(exports);
+ let isConditionalSugar = false;
+ let i = 0;
+ let j = -1;
+ while (++j < keys.length) {
+ const key = keys[j];
+ const curIsConditionalSugar = key === '' || key[0] !== '.';
+ if (i++ === 0) {
+ isConditionalSugar = curIsConditionalSugar;
+ } else if (isConditionalSugar !== curIsConditionalSugar) {
+ fileURLToPath(packageJsonUrl),
+ base,
+ '"exports" cannot contain some keys starting with \'.\' and some not.' +
+ ' The exports object must either be an object of package subpath keys' +
+ ' or an object of main entry condition name keys only.'
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ return isConditionalSugar
+ * @param {URL} packageJsonUrl
+ * @param {string} packageSubpath
+ * @param {Object.<string, unknown>} packageConfig
+ * @param {URL} base
+ * @param {Set<string>} conditions
+ * @returns {ResolveObject}
+ */
+function packageExportsResolve(
+ packageJsonUrl,
+ packageSubpath,
+ packageConfig,
+ base,
+ conditions
+) {
+ let exports = packageConfig.exports;
+ if (isConditionalExportsMainSugar(exports, packageJsonUrl, base))
+ exports = {'.': exports};
+ if (own$, packageSubpath)) {
+ const target = exports[packageSubpath];
+ const resolved = resolvePackageTarget(
+ packageJsonUrl,
+ target,
+ '',
+ packageSubpath,
+ base,
+ false,
+ false,
+ conditions
+ );
+ if (resolved === null || resolved === undefined)
+ throwExportsNotFound(packageSubpath, packageJsonUrl, base);
+ return {resolved, exact: true}
+ }
+ let bestMatch = '';
+ const keys = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(exports);
+ let i = -1;
+ while (++i < keys.length) {
+ const key = keys[i];
+ if (
+ key[key.length - 1] === '*' &&
+ packageSubpath.startsWith(key.slice(0, -1)) &&
+ packageSubpath.length >= key.length &&
+ key.length > bestMatch.length
+ ) {
+ bestMatch = key;
+ } else if (
+ key[key.length - 1] === '/' &&
+ packageSubpath.startsWith(key) &&
+ key.length > bestMatch.length
+ ) {
+ bestMatch = key;
+ }
+ }
+ if (bestMatch) {
+ const target = exports[bestMatch];
+ const pattern = bestMatch[bestMatch.length - 1] === '*';
+ const subpath = packageSubpath.slice(bestMatch.length - (pattern ? 1 : 0));
+ const resolved = resolvePackageTarget(
+ packageJsonUrl,
+ target,
+ subpath,
+ bestMatch,
+ base,
+ pattern,
+ false,
+ conditions
+ );
+ if (resolved === null || resolved === undefined)
+ throwExportsNotFound(packageSubpath, packageJsonUrl, base);
+ if (!pattern)
+ emitFolderMapDeprecation(bestMatch, packageJsonUrl, true, base);
+ return {resolved, exact: pattern}
+ }
+ throwExportsNotFound(packageSubpath, packageJsonUrl, base);
-resolveFrom$1.exports = (fromDirectory, moduleId) => resolveFrom(fromDirectory, moduleId);
-resolveFrom$1.exports.silent = (fromDirectory, moduleId) => resolveFrom(fromDirectory, moduleId, true);
+ * @param {string} name
+ * @param {URL} base
+ * @param {Set<string>} [conditions]
+ * @returns {ResolveObject}
+ */
+function packageImportsResolve(name, base, conditions) {
+ if (name === '#' || name.startsWith('#/')) {
+ const reason = 'is not a valid internal imports specifier name';
+ throw new ERR_INVALID_MODULE_SPECIFIER(name, reason, fileURLToPath(base))
+ }
+ /** @type {URL} */
+ let packageJsonUrl;
+ const packageConfig = getPackageScopeConfig(base);
+ if (packageConfig.exists) {
+ packageJsonUrl = pathToFileURL(packageConfig.pjsonPath);
+ const imports = packageConfig.imports;
+ if (imports) {
+ if (own$, name)) {
+ const resolved = resolvePackageTarget(
+ packageJsonUrl,
+ imports[name],
+ '',
+ name,
+ base,
+ false,
+ true,
+ conditions
+ );
+ if (resolved !== null) return {resolved, exact: true}
+ } else {
+ let bestMatch = '';
+ const keys = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(imports);
+ let i = -1;
+ while (++i < keys.length) {
+ const key = keys[i];
+ if (
+ key[key.length - 1] === '*' &&
+ name.startsWith(key.slice(0, -1)) &&
+ name.length >= key.length &&
+ key.length > bestMatch.length
+ ) {
+ bestMatch = key;
+ } else if (
+ key[key.length - 1] === '/' &&
+ name.startsWith(key) &&
+ key.length > bestMatch.length
+ ) {
+ bestMatch = key;
+ }
+ }
+ if (bestMatch) {
+ const target = imports[bestMatch];
+ const pattern = bestMatch[bestMatch.length - 1] === '*';
+ const subpath = name.slice(bestMatch.length - (pattern ? 1 : 0));
+ const resolved = resolvePackageTarget(
+ packageJsonUrl,
+ target,
+ subpath,
+ bestMatch,
+ base,
+ pattern,
+ true,
+ conditions
+ );
+ if (resolved !== null) {
+ if (!pattern)
+ emitFolderMapDeprecation(bestMatch, packageJsonUrl, false, base);
+ return {resolved, exact: pattern}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ throwImportNotDefined(name, packageJsonUrl, base);
+ * @param {string} url
+ * @returns {PackageType}
+ */
+function getPackageType(url) {
+ const packageConfig = getPackageScopeConfig(url);
+ return packageConfig.type
+ * @param {string} specifier
+ * @param {URL} base
+ */
+function parsePackageName(specifier, base) {
+ let separatorIndex = specifier.indexOf('/');
+ let validPackageName = true;
+ let isScoped = false;
+ if (specifier[0] === '@') {
+ isScoped = true;
+ if (separatorIndex === -1 || specifier.length === 0) {
+ validPackageName = false;
+ } else {
+ separatorIndex = specifier.indexOf('/', separatorIndex + 1);
+ }
+ }
+ const packageName =
+ separatorIndex === -1 ? specifier : specifier.slice(0, separatorIndex);
+ // Package name cannot have leading . and cannot have percent-encoding or
+ // separators.
+ let i = -1;
+ while (++i < packageName.length) {
+ if (packageName[i] === '%' || packageName[i] === '\\') {
+ validPackageName = false;
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ if (!validPackageName) {
+ specifier,
+ 'is not a valid package name',
+ fileURLToPath(base)
+ )
+ }
+ const packageSubpath =
+ '.' + (separatorIndex === -1 ? '' : specifier.slice(separatorIndex));
+ return {packageName, packageSubpath, isScoped}
+ * @param {string} specifier
+ * @param {URL} base
+ * @param {Set<string>} conditions
+ * @returns {URL}
+ */
+function packageResolve(specifier, base, conditions) {
+ const {packageName, packageSubpath, isScoped} = parsePackageName(
+ specifier,
+ base
+ );
+ // ResolveSelf
+ const packageConfig = getPackageScopeConfig(base);
+ // Can’t test.
+ /* c8 ignore next 16 */
+ if (packageConfig.exists) {
+ const packageJsonUrl = pathToFileURL(packageConfig.pjsonPath);
+ if (
+ === packageName &&
+ packageConfig.exports !== undefined &&
+ packageConfig.exports !== null
+ ) {
+ return packageExportsResolve(
+ packageJsonUrl,
+ packageSubpath,
+ packageConfig,
+ base,
+ conditions
+ ).resolved
+ }
+ }
+ let packageJsonUrl = new URL$1(
+ './node_modules/' + packageName + '/package.json',
+ base
+ );
+ let packageJsonPath = fileURLToPath(packageJsonUrl);
+ /** @type {string} */
+ let lastPath;
+ do {
+ const stat = tryStatSync(packageJsonPath.slice(0, -13));
+ if (!stat.isDirectory()) {
+ lastPath = packageJsonPath;
+ packageJsonUrl = new URL$1(
+ (isScoped ? '../../../../node_modules/' : '../../../node_modules/') +
+ packageName +
+ '/package.json',
+ packageJsonUrl
+ );
+ packageJsonPath = fileURLToPath(packageJsonUrl);
+ continue
+ }
+ // Package match.
+ const packageConfig = getPackageConfig(packageJsonPath, specifier, base);
+ if (packageConfig.exports !== undefined && packageConfig.exports !== null)
+ return packageExportsResolve(
+ packageJsonUrl,
+ packageSubpath,
+ packageConfig,
+ base,
+ conditions
+ ).resolved
+ if (packageSubpath === '.')
+ return legacyMainResolve(packageJsonUrl, packageConfig, base)
+ return new URL$1(packageSubpath, packageJsonUrl)
+ // Cross-platform root check.
+ } while (packageJsonPath.length !== lastPath.length)
+ throw new ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND(packageName, fileURLToPath(base))
+ * @param {string} specifier
+ * @returns {boolean}
+ */
+function isRelativeSpecifier(specifier) {
+ if (specifier[0] === '.') {
+ if (specifier.length === 1 || specifier[1] === '/') return true
+ if (
+ specifier[1] === '.' &&
+ (specifier.length === 2 || specifier[2] === '/')
+ ) {
+ return true
+ }
+ }
+ return false
+ * @param {string} specifier
+ * @returns {boolean}
+ */
+function shouldBeTreatedAsRelativeOrAbsolutePath(specifier) {
+ if (specifier === '') return false
+ if (specifier[0] === '/') return true
+ return isRelativeSpecifier(specifier)
+ * The “Resolver Algorithm Specification” as detailed in the Node docs (which is
+ * sync and slightly lower-level than `resolve`).
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * @param {string} specifier
+ * @param {URL} base
+ * @param {Set<string>} [conditions]
+ * @returns {URL}
+ */
+function moduleResolve(specifier, base, conditions) {
+ // Order swapped from spec for minor perf gain.
+ // Ok since relative URLs cannot parse as URLs.
+ /** @type {URL} */
+ let resolved;
+ if (shouldBeTreatedAsRelativeOrAbsolutePath(specifier)) {
+ resolved = new URL$1(specifier, base);
+ } else if (specifier[0] === '#') {
+({resolved} = packageImportsResolve(specifier, base, conditions));
+ } else {
+ try {
+ resolved = new URL$1(specifier);
+ } catch {
+ resolved = packageResolve(specifier, base, conditions);
+ }
+ }
+ return finalizeResolution(resolved, base)
+ * @param {string} specifier
+ * @param {{parentURL?: string, conditions?: string[]}} context
+ * @returns {{url: string}}
+ */
+function defaultResolve(specifier, context = {}) {
+ const {parentURL} = context;
+ /** @type {URL} */
+ let parsed;
+ try {
+ parsed = new URL$1(specifier);
+ if (parsed.protocol === 'data:') {
+ return {url: specifier}
+ }
+ } catch {}
+ if (parsed && parsed.protocol === 'node:') return {url: specifier}
+ if (parsed && parsed.protocol !== 'file:' && parsed.protocol !== 'data:')
+ if (listOfBuiltins.includes(specifier)) {
+ return {url: 'node:' + specifier}
+ }
+ if (parentURL.startsWith('data:')) {
+ // This is gonna blow up, we want the error
+ new URL$1(specifier, parentURL);
+ }
+ const conditions = getConditionsSet(context.conditions);
+ let url = moduleResolve(specifier, new URL$1(parentURL), conditions);
+ const urlPath = fileURLToPath(url);
+ const real = realpathSync$1(urlPath);
+ const old = url;
+ url = pathToFileURL(real + (urlPath.endsWith(path$b.sep) ? '/' : ''));
+ =;
+ url.hash = old.hash;
+ return {url: `${url}`}
+ * Provides a module-relative resolution function scoped to each module,
+ * returning the URL string.
+ * `import.meta.resolve` also accepts a second argument which is the parent
+ * module from which to resolve from.
+ *
+ * This function is asynchronous because the ES module resolver in Node.js is
+ * allowed to be asynchronous.
+ *
+ * @param {string} specifier The module specifier to resolve relative to parent.
+ * @param {string} parent The absolute parent module URL to resolve from.
+ * You should pass `import.meta.url` or something else
+ * @returns {Promise<string>}
+ */
+async function resolve(specifier, parent) {
+ if (!parent) {
+ throw new Error(
+ 'Please pass `parent`: `import-meta-resolve` cannot ponyfill that'
+ )
+ }
+ try {
+ return defaultResolve(specifier, {parentURL: parent}).url
+ } catch (error) {
+ return error.code === 'ERR_UNSUPPORTED_DIR_IMPORT'
+ ? error.url
+ : Promise.reject(error)
+ }
var libnpmconfig = {};
@@ -8134,7 +20584,7 @@ class FiggyPudding {
try {
- const util = require$$0__default['default'];
+ const util = require$$0$4;
FiggyPudding.prototype[util.inspect.custom] = function (depth, opts) {
return (
this[Symbol.toStringTag] + ' '
@@ -8249,23 +20699,23 @@ function entries (obj) {
return Object.keys(obj).map(k => [k, obj[k]])
-var findUp$2 = {exports: {}};
+var findUp$1 = {exports: {}};
var locatePath$1 = {exports: {}};
var pathExists$1 = {exports: {}};
-const fs$i = require$$0__default$3['default'];
+const fs$5 = require$$0$3;
pathExists$1.exports = fp => new Promise(resolve => {
- fs$i.access(fp, err => {
+ fs$5.access(fp, err => {
pathExists$1.exports.sync = fp => {
try {
- fs$i.accessSync(fp);
+ fs$5.accessSync(fp);
return true;
} catch (err) {
return false;
@@ -8375,7 +20825,7 @@ var pLocate$1 = (iterable, tester, opts) => {
.catch(err => err instanceof EndError ? err.value : Promise.reject(err));
-const path$k = require$$0__default$2['default'];
+const path$7 = path$b;
const pathExists = pathExists$1.exports;
const pLocate = pLocate$1;
@@ -8384,7 +20834,7 @@ locatePath$1.exports = (iterable, options) => {
cwd: process.cwd()
}, options);
- return pLocate(iterable, el => pathExists(path$k.resolve(options.cwd, el)), options);
+ return pLocate(iterable, el => pathExists(path$7.resolve(options.cwd, el)), options);
locatePath$1.exports.sync = (iterable, options) => {
@@ -8393,18 +20843,18 @@ locatePath$1.exports.sync = (iterable, options) => {
}, options);
for (const el of iterable) {
- if (pathExists.sync(path$k.resolve(options.cwd, el))) {
+ if (pathExists.sync(path$7.resolve(options.cwd, el))) {
return el;
-const path$j = require$$0__default$2['default'];
+const path$6 = path$b;
const locatePath = locatePath$1.exports;
-findUp$2.exports = (filename, opts = {}) => {
- const startDir = path$j.resolve(opts.cwd || '');
- const {root} = path$j.parse(startDir);
+findUp$1.exports = (filename, opts = {}) => {
+ const startDir = path$6.resolve(opts.cwd || '');
+ const {root} = path$6.parse(startDir);
const filenames = [].concat(filename);
@@ -8412,20 +20862,20 @@ findUp$2.exports = (filename, opts = {}) => {
(function find(dir) {
locatePath(filenames, {cwd: dir}).then(file => {
if (file) {
- resolve(path$j.join(dir, file));
+ resolve(path$6.join(dir, file));
} else if (dir === root) {
} else {
- find(path$j.dirname(dir));
+ find(path$6.dirname(dir));
-findUp$2.exports.sync = (filename, opts = {}) => {
- let dir = path$j.resolve(opts.cwd || '');
- const {root} = path$j.parse(dir);
+findUp$1.exports.sync = (filename, opts = {}) => {
+ let dir = path$6.resolve(opts.cwd || '');
+ const {root} = path$6.parse(dir);
const filenames = [].concat(filename);
@@ -8434,27 +20884,27 @@ findUp$2.exports.sync = (filename, opts = {}) => {
const file = locatePath.sync(filenames, {cwd: dir});
if (file) {
- return path$j.join(dir, file);
+ return path$6.join(dir, file);
if (dir === root) {
return null;
- dir = path$j.dirname(dir);
+ dir = path$6.dirname(dir);
var ini$1 = {};
-ini$1.parse = ini$1.decode = decode$2;
+ini$1.parse = ini$1.decode = decode;
ini$1.stringify = ini$1.encode = encode$1;
-ini$ = safe$8;
+ini$ = safe$1;
ini$1.unsafe = unsafe$1;
-var eol$2 = typeof process !== 'undefined' &&
+var eol$1 = typeof process !== 'undefined' &&
process.platform === 'win32' ? '\r\n' : '\n';
function encode$1 (obj, opt) {
@@ -8477,16 +20927,16 @@ function encode$1 (obj, opt) {
var val = obj[k];
if (val && Array.isArray(val)) {
val.forEach(function (item) {
- out += safe$8(k + '[]') + separator + safe$8(item) + '\n';
+ out += safe$1(k + '[]') + separator + safe$1(item) + '\n';
} else if (val && typeof val === 'object')
- out += safe$8(k) + separator + safe$8(val) + eol$2;
+ out += safe$1(k) + separator + safe$1(val) + eol$1;
if (opt.section && out.length)
- out = '[' + safe$8(opt.section) + ']' + eol$2 + out;
+ out = '[' + safe$1(opt.section) + ']' + eol$1 + out;
children.forEach(function (k, _, __) {
var nk = dotSplit(k).join('\\.');
@@ -8496,7 +20946,7 @@ function encode$1 (obj, opt) {
whitespace: opt.whitespace,
if (out.length && child.length)
- out += eol$2;
+ out += eol$1;
out += child;
@@ -8513,7 +20963,7 @@ function dotSplit (str) {
-function decode$2 (str) {
+function decode (str) {
var out = {};
var p = out;
var section = null;
@@ -8605,7 +21055,7 @@ function isQuoted (val) {
(val.charAt(0) === "'" && val.slice(-1) === "'")
-function safe$8 (val) {
+function safe$1 (val) {
return (typeof val !== 'string' ||
val.match(/[=\r\n]/) ||
val.match(/^\[/) ||
@@ -8654,12 +21104,12 @@ function unsafe$1 (val, doUnesc) {
return val
-const fs$h = require$$0__default$3['default'];
+const fs$4 = require$$0$3;
const figgyPudding = figgyPudding_1;
-const findUp$1 = findUp$2.exports;
+const findUp = findUp$1.exports;
const ini = ini$1;
-const os$1 = require$$0__default$1['default'];
-const path$i = require$$0__default$2['default'];
+const os = require$$0$2;
+const path$5 = path$b;
const NpmConfig = figgyPudding({}, {
// Open up the pudding object.
@@ -8667,14 +21117,14 @@ const NpmConfig = figgyPudding({}, {
const ConfigOpts = figgyPudding({
- cache: { default: path$i.join(os$1.homedir(), '.npm') },
+ cache: { default: path$5.join(os.homedir(), '.npm') },
configNames: { default: ['npmrc', '.npmrc'] },
envPrefix: { default: /^npm_config_/i },
cwd: { default: () => process.cwd() },
globalconfig: {
- default: () => path$i.join(getGlobalPrefix(), 'etc', 'npmrc')
+ default: () => path$5.join(getGlobalPrefix(), 'etc', 'npmrc')
- userconfig: { default: path$i.join(os$1.homedir(), '.npmrc') }
+ userconfig: { default: path$5.join(os.homedir(), '.npmrc') }
}); = getNpmConfig;
@@ -8701,7 +21151,7 @@ function getNpmConfig (_opts, _builtin) {
const global = globalConfPath && maybeReadIni(globalConfPath);
- const projConfPath = findUp$1.sync(builtin.configNames, { cwd: builtin.cwd });
+ const projConfPath = findUp.sync(builtin.configNames, { cwd: builtin.cwd });
let proj = {};
if (projConfPath && projConfPath !== userConfPath) {
proj = maybeReadIni(projConfPath);
@@ -8709,17 +21159,17 @@ function getNpmConfig (_opts, _builtin) {
const newOpts = NpmConfig(builtin, global, user, proj, env, cli);
if (newOpts.cache) {
return newOpts.concat({
- cache: path$i.resolve(
+ cache: path$5.resolve(
(cli.cache || env.cache)
? builtin.cwd
: proj.cache
- ? path$i.dirname(projConfPath)
+ ? path$5.dirname(projConfPath)
: user.cache
- ? path$i.dirname(userConfPath)
+ ? path$5.dirname(userConfPath)
: global.cache
- ? path$i.dirname(globalConfPath)
- : path$i.dirname(userConfPath)
+ ? path$5.dirname(globalConfPath)
+ : path$5.dirname(userConfPath)
@@ -8732,7 +21182,7 @@ function getNpmConfig (_opts, _builtin) {
function maybeReadIni (f) {
let txt;
try {
- txt = fs$h.readFileSync(f, 'utf8');
+ txt = fs$4.readFileSync(f, 'utf8');
} catch (err) {
if (err.code === 'ENOENT') {
return ''
@@ -8748,59 +21198,64 @@ function getGlobalPrefix () {
return process.env.PREFIX
} else if (process.platform === 'win32') {
// c:\node\node.exe --> prefix=c:\node\
- return path$i.dirname(process.execPath)
+ return path$5.dirname(process.execPath)
} else {
// /usr/local/bin/node --> prefix=/usr/local
- let pref = path$i.dirname(path$i.dirname(process.execPath));
+ let pref = path$5.dirname(path$5.dirname(process.execPath));
// destdir only is respected on Unix
if (process.env.DESTDIR) {
- pref = path$i.join(process.env.DESTDIR, pref);
+ pref = path$5.join(process.env.DESTDIR, pref);
return pref
-var fs$g = require$$0__default$3['default'];
-var path$h = require$$0__default$2['default'];
-var resolve = resolveFrom$1.exports.silent;
-var readNpmConfig =;
-var loadPlugin_1 = loadPlugin$1;
-loadPlugin$1.resolve = resolvePlugin;
+ * @typedef ResolveOptions
+ * @property {string} [prefix]
+ * @property {string|string[]} [cwd]
+ * @property {boolean} [global]
+ */
-var electron = process.versions.electron !== undefined;
-var windows = process.platform === 'win32';
+const electron = process.versions.electron !== undefined;
+const windows = process.platform === 'win32';
-var argv = process.argv[1] || /* istanbul ignore next */ '';
-var nvm = process.env.NVM_BIN;
-var appData = process.env.APPDATA;
+const argv = process.argv[1] || /* c8 ignore next */ '';
+const nvm = process.env.NVM_BIN;
+const appData = process.env.APPDATA;
-/* istanbul ignore next */
-var globalsLibrary = windows ? '' : 'lib';
+/* c8 ignore next */
+const globalsLibrary = windows ? '' : 'lib';
-var builtinNpmConfig;
+/** @type {{prefix?: string}} */
+let builtinNpmConfig;
// The prefix config defaults to the location where node is installed.
// On Windows, this is in a place called `%AppData%`, which we have to
// pass to `libnpmconfig` explicitly:
-/* istanbul ignore next */
+/* c8 ignore next 4 */
if (windows && appData) {
- builtinNpmConfig = {prefix: path$h.join(appData, 'npm')};
+ builtinNpmConfig = {prefix: path$b.join(appData, 'npm')};
-var npmPrefix = readNpmConfig(null, builtinNpmConfig).prefix;
+ * Note: `libnpmconfig` uses `figgy-pudding` which is slated for archival.
+ * Either `libnpmconfig` will switch to an alternative or we’ll have to.
+ * @type {string}
+ */
+let npmPrefix =, builtinNpmConfig).prefix;
// If there is no prefix defined, use the defaults
// See: <>
-/* istanbul ignore next */
+/* c8 ignore next 5 */
if (!npmPrefix) {
npmPrefix = windows
- ? path$h.dirname(process.execPath)
- : path$h.resolve(process.execPath, '../..');
+ ? path$b.dirname(process.execPath)
+ : path$b.resolve(process.execPath, '../..');
-var globally = electron || argv.indexOf(npmPrefix) === 0;
-var globals = path$h.resolve(npmPrefix, globalsLibrary, 'node_modules');
+const globalsDefault = electron || argv.indexOf(npmPrefix) === 0;
+let globalDir = path$b.resolve(npmPrefix, globalsLibrary, 'node_modules');
// If we’re in Electron, we’re running in a modified Node that cannot really
// install global node modules.
@@ -8810,63 +21265,74 @@ var globals = path$h.resolve(npmPrefix, globalsLibrary, 'node_modules');
// versions of Node.
// Luckily NVM leaks some environment variables that we can pick up on to try
// and detect the actual modules.
-/* istanbul ignore next */
-if (electron && nvm && !fs$g.existsSync(globals)) {
- globals = path$h.resolve(nvm, '..', globalsLibrary, 'node_modules');
+/* c8 ignore next 3 */
+if (electron && nvm && !require$$0$3.existsSync(globalDir)) {
+ globalDir = path$b.resolve(nvm, '..', globalsLibrary, 'node_modules');
-// Load the plugin found using `resolvePlugin`.
-function loadPlugin$1(name, options) {
- return commonjsRequire(resolvePlugin(name, options) || name)
+ * Load the plugin found using `resolvePlugin`.
+ *
+ * @param {string} name The name to import.
+ * @param {LoadOptions} [options]
+ * @returns {Promise<unknown>}
+ */
+async function loadPlugin(name, options = {}) {
+ const {key = 'default',} = options;
+ const fp = await resolvePlugin(name, rest);
+ /** @type {Object.<string, unknown>} */
+ // Bug with coverage on Node@12.
+ /* c8 ignore next 3 */
+ const mod = await import(pathToFileURL(fp).href);
+ return key === false ? mod : mod[key]
-// Find a plugin.
-// See also:
-// <>
-// <>
-// Uses the standard node module loading strategy to find $name in each given
-// `cwd` (and optionally the global `node_modules` directory).
-// If a prefix is given and $name is not a path, `$prefix-$name` is also
-// searched (preferring these over non-prefixed modules).
-function resolvePlugin(name, options) {
- var settings = options || {};
- var prefix = settings.prefix;
- var cwd = settings.cwd;
- var global =;
- var filePath;
- var sources;
- var length;
- var index;
- var plugin;
- var slash;
- var scope = '';
- if (global === null || global === undefined) {
- global = globally;
- }
- if (cwd && typeof cwd === 'object') {
- sources = cwd.concat();
- } else {
- sources = [cwd || process.cwd()];
- }
+ * Find a plugin.
+ *
+ * See also:
+ * *
+ * *
+ *
+ * Uses the standard node module loading strategy to find `$name` in each given
+ * `cwd` (and optionally the global `node_modules` directory).
+ *
+ * If a prefix is given and `$name` is not a path, `$prefix-$name` is also
+ * searched (preferring these over non-prefixed modules).
+ *
+ * @param {string} name
+ * @param {ResolveOptions} [options]
+ * @returns {Promise.<string>}
+ */
+async function resolvePlugin(name, options = {}) {
+ const prefix = options.prefix
+ ? options.prefix +
+ (options.prefix.charAt(options.prefix.length - 1) === '-' ? '' : '-')
+ : undefined;
+ const cwd = options.cwd;
+ const globals =
+ === undefined || === null
+ ? globalsDefault
+ :;
+ const sources = Array.isArray(cwd) ? cwd.concat() : [cwd || process.cwd()];
+ /** @type {string} */
+ let plugin;
+ /** @type {Error} */
+ let lastError;
// Non-path.
if (name.charAt(0) !== '.') {
- if (global) {
- sources.push(globals);
+ if (globals) {
+ sources.push(globalDir);
+ let scope = '';
// Unprefix module.
if (prefix) {
- prefix = prefix.charAt(prefix.length - 1) === '-' ? prefix : prefix + '-';
// Scope?
if (name.charAt(0) === '@') {
- slash = name.indexOf('/');
+ const slash = name.indexOf('/');
// Let’s keep the algorithm simple.
// No need to care if this is a “valid” scope (I think?).
@@ -8885,29 +21351,51 @@ function resolvePlugin(name, options) {
- length = sources.length;
- index = -1;
+ let index = -1;
+ /** @type {string} */
+ let fp;
- while (++index < length) {
- cwd = sources[index];
- filePath = (plugin && resolve(cwd, plugin)) || resolve(cwd, name);
+ while (++index < sources.length) {
+ fp = plugin && (await attempt(sources[index], plugin));
+ if (fp) return fp
- if (filePath) {
- return filePath
- }
+ fp = await attempt(sources[index], name);
+ if (fp) return fp
- return null
+ // There’s always an error.
+ // Bug with coverage on Node@12.
+ /* c8 ignore next 8 */
+ throw lastError
+ /**
+ * @param {string} base
+ * @param {string} name
+ * @returns {Promise<string>}
+ */
+ async function attempt(base, name) {
+ try {
+ // `import-meta-resolve` resolves from files, whereas `load-plugin` works
+ // on folders, which is why we add a `/` at the end.
+ return fileURLToPath(
+ await resolve(name, pathToFileURL(base).href + '/')
+ )
+ // Bug with coverage on Node@12.
+ /* c8 ignore next 1 */
+ } catch (error) {
+ lastError = error;
+ }
+ }
-var isPlainObj = value => {
+function isPlainObject$1(value) {
if ( !== '[object Object]') {
return false;
const prototype = Object.getPrototypeOf(value);
return prototype === null || prototype === Object.prototype;
var format$1 = {exports: {}};
@@ -9027,242 +21515,323 @@ var format$1 = {exports: {}};
var formatter = format$1.exports;
-var fault$3 = create$2(Error);
-var fault_1 = fault$3;
-fault$3.eval = create$2(EvalError);
-fault$3.range = create$2(RangeError);
-fault$3.reference = create$2(ReferenceError);
-fault$3.syntax = create$2(SyntaxError);
-fault$3.type = create$2(TypeError);
-fault$3.uri = create$2(URIError);
+// @ts-ignore
-fault$3.create = create$2;
+var fault = Object.assign(create$1(Error), {
+ eval: create$1(EvalError),
+ range: create$1(RangeError),
+ reference: create$1(ReferenceError),
+ syntax: create$1(SyntaxError),
+ type: create$1(TypeError),
+ uri: create$1(URIError)
-// Create a new `EConstructor`, with the formatted `format` as a first argument.
-function create$2(EConstructor) {
- FormattedError.displayName = EConstructor.displayName ||;
+ * Create a new `EConstructor`, with the formatted `format` as a first argument.
+ *
+ * @template {Error} Fault
+ * @template {new (reason: string) => Fault} Class
+ * @param {Class} Constructor
+ */
+function create$1(Constructor) {
+ /** @type {string} */
+ // @ts-ignore
+ FormattedError.displayName = Constructor.displayName ||;
return FormattedError
- function FormattedError(format) {
- if (format) {
- format = formatter.apply(null, arguments);
- }
- return new EConstructor(format)
+ /**
+ * @param {string} [format]
+ * @param {...unknown} values
+ * @returns {Fault}
+ */
+ function FormattedError(format, ...values) {
+ /** @type {string} */
+ var reason = format ? formatter(format, ...values) : format;
+ return new Constructor(reason)
-var fs$f = require$$0__default$3['default'];
-var path$g = require$$0__default$2['default'];
-var fault$2 = fault_1;
-var debug$d = src.exports('unified-engine:find-up');
-var wrap$1 = wrap_1;
-var findUp = FindUp$2;
+const debug$b = createDebug('unified-engine:find-up');
-FindUp$2.prototype.load = load$4;
-function FindUp$2(options) {
- var self = this;
- self.cache = {};
- self.cwd = options.cwd;
- self.detect = options.detect;
- self.names = options.names;
- self.create = options.create;
- if (options.filePath) {
- self.givenFilePath = path$g.resolve(options.cwd, options.filePath);
- }
-function load$4(filePath, callback) {
- var self = this;
- var givenFile = self.givenFile;
- var parent;
+ * @template Value
+ */
+class FindUp {
+ /**
+ * @callback Create
+ * @param {Buffer} buf
+ * @param {string} filePath
+ * @returns {Promise<Value|undefined>|Value|undefined}
+ */
- if (self.givenFilePath) {
- if (givenFile) {
- apply(callback, givenFile);
- } else {
- givenFile = [callback];
- self.givenFile = givenFile;
- debug$d('Checking given file `%s`', self.givenFilePath);
- fs$f.readFile(self.givenFilePath, loadGiven);
- }
+ /**
+ * @callback Callback
+ * @param {Error|null} error
+ * @param {Value} [result]
+ * @returns {void}
+ */
- return
- }
+ /**
+ * @typedef Options
+ * @property {string} cwd
+ * @property {string|undefined} filePath
+ * @property {boolean|undefined} [detect]
+ * @property {string[]} names
+ * @property {Create} create
+ */
- if (!self.detect) {
- return callback()
- }
+ /**
+ * @param {Options} options
+ */
+ constructor(options) {
+ /** @type {Record<string, Callback[]|undefined|Error|Value>} */
+ this.cache = {};
+ /** @type {string} */
+ this.cwd = options.cwd;
+ /** @type {boolean|undefined} */
+ this.detect = options.detect;
+ /** @type {string[]} */
+ this.names = options.names;
+ /** @type {Create} */
+ this.create = options.create;
- filePath = path$g.resolve(self.cwd, filePath);
- parent = path$g.dirname(filePath);
+ /** @type {string|undefined} */
+ this.givenFilePath = options.filePath
+ ? path$c.resolve(options.cwd, options.filePath)
+ : undefined;
- if (parent in self.cache) {
- apply(callback, self.cache[parent]);
- } else {
- self.cache[parent] = [callback];
- find(parent);
+ /* eslint-disable no-unused-expressions */
+ /** @type {Error|Value|Callback[]|undefined} */
+ this.givenFile;
+ /* eslint-enable no-unused-expressions */
- function loadGiven(error, buf) {
- var cbs = self.givenFile;
- var result;
- if (error) {
- result = fault$2(
- 'Cannot read given file `%s`\n%s',
- path$g.relative(self.cwd, self.givenFilePath),
- error.stack
- );
- result.code = 'ENOENT';
- result.path = error.path;
- result.syscall = error.syscall;
- loaded(result);
- } else {
- wrap$1(self.create, onparse)(buf, self.givenFilePath);
- }
- function onparse(error, result) {
- if (error) {
- debug$d(error.message);
- loaded(
- fault$2(
- 'Cannot parse given file `%s`\n%s',
- path$g.relative(self.cwd, self.givenFilePath),
- error.stack
- )
- );
+ /**
+ * @param {string} filePath
+ * @param {Callback} callback
+ */
+ load(filePath, callback) {
+ const self = this;
+ const givenFile = this.givenFile;
+ const {givenFilePath} = this;
+ if (givenFilePath) {
+ if (givenFile) {
+ apply(callback, givenFile);
} else {
- debug$d('Read given file `%s`', self.givenFilePath);
- loaded(result);
+ const cbs = [callback];
+ this.givenFile = cbs;
+ debug$b('Checking given file `%s`', givenFilePath);
+ fs$a.readFile(givenFilePath, (error, buf) => {
+ if (error) {
+ /** @type {NodeJS.ErrnoException} */
+ const result = fault(
+ 'Cannot read given file `%s`\n%s',
+ path$c.relative(this.cwd, givenFilePath),
+ error.stack
+ );
+ result.code = 'ENOENT';
+ result.path = error.path;
+ result.syscall = error.syscall;
+ loaded(result);
+ } else {
+ wrap(this.create, (error, /** @type {Value} */ result) => {
+ if (error) {
+ debug$b(error.message);
+ loaded(
+ fault(
+ 'Cannot parse given file `%s`\n%s',
+ path$c.relative(this.cwd, givenFilePath),
+ error.stack
+ )
+ );
+ } else {
+ debug$b('Read given file `%s`', givenFilePath);
+ loaded(result);
+ }
+ })(buf, givenFilePath);
+ }
+ /** @param {Error|Value} result */
+ function loaded(result) {
+ self.givenFile = result;
+ applyAll(cbs, result);
+ }
+ });
+ return
- function loaded(result) {
- givenFile = result;
- self.givenFile = result;
- applyAll(cbs, result);
+ if (!this.detect) {
+ return callback(null)
- }
- function find(directory) {
- var index = -1;
+ filePath = path$c.resolve(this.cwd, filePath);
+ const parent = path$c.dirname(filePath);
- next();
+ if (parent in this.cache) {
+ apply(callback, this.cache[parent]);
+ } else {
+ this.cache[parent] = [callback];
+ find(parent);
+ }
- function next() {
- var parent;
+ /**
+ * @param {string} directory
+ */
+ function find(directory) {
+ let index = -1;
- // Try to read the next file.
- // We do not use `readdir` because on huge directories, that could be
- // *very* slow.
- if (++index < self.names.length) {
- fs$f.readFile(path$g.join(directory, self.names[index]), done);
- } else {
- parent = path$g.dirname(directory);
+ next();
- if (directory === parent) {
- debug$d('No files found for `%s`', filePath);
- found();
- } else if (parent in self.cache) {
- apply(found, self.cache[parent]);
+ function next() {
+ // Try to read the next file.
+ // We do not use `readdir` because on huge directories, that could be
+ // *very* slow.
+ if (++index < self.names.length) {
+ fs$a.readFile(path$c.join(directory, self.names[index]), done);
} else {
- self.cache[parent] = [found];
- find(parent);
- }
- }
- }
- function done(error, buf) {
- var fp = path$g.join(directory, self.names[index]);
+ const parent = path$c.dirname(directory);
- /* istanbul ignore if - Hard to test. */
- if (error) {
- if (error.code === 'ENOENT') {
- return next()
+ if (directory === parent) {
+ debug$b('No files found for `%s`', filePath);
+ found(null);
+ } else if (parent in self.cache) {
+ apply(found, self.cache[parent]);
+ } else {
+ self.cache[parent] = [found];
+ find(parent);
+ }
- debug$d(error.message);
- return found(
- fault$2(
- 'Cannot read file `%s`\n%s',
- path$g.relative(self.cwd, fp),
- error.message
- )
- )
- wrap$1(self.create, onparse)(buf, fp);
+ /**
+ * @param {NodeJS.ErrnoException|null} error
+ * @param {Buffer} [buf]
+ * @returns {void}
+ */
+ function done(error, buf) {
+ const fp = path$c.join(directory, self.names[index]);
- function onparse(error, result) {
if (error) {
- found(
- fault$2(
- 'Cannot parse file `%s`\n%s',
- path$g.relative(self.cwd, fp),
+ // Hard to test.
+ /* c8 ignore next 13 */
+ if (error.code === 'ENOENT') {
+ return next()
+ }
+ debug$b(error.message);
+ return found(
+ fault(
+ 'Cannot read file `%s`\n%s',
+ path$c.relative(self.cwd, fp),
- );
- } else if (result) {
- debug$d('Read file `%s`', fp);
- found(null, result);
- } else {
- next();
+ )
+ wrap(self.create, (error, /** @type {Value} */ result) => {
+ if (error) {
+ found(
+ fault(
+ 'Cannot parse file `%s`\n%s',
+ path$c.relative(self.cwd, fp),
+ error.message
+ )
+ );
+ } else if (result) {
+ debug$b('Read file `%s`', fp);
+ found(null, result);
+ } else {
+ next();
+ }
+ })(buf, fp);
- }
- function found(error, result) {
- var cbs = self.cache[directory];
- self.cache[directory] = error || result;
- applyAll(cbs, error || result);
+ /**
+ * @param {Error|null} error
+ * @param {Value} [result]
+ * @returns {void}
+ */
+ function found(error, result) {
+ /** @type {Callback[]} */
+ // @ts-expect-error: always a list if found.
+ const cbs = self.cache[directory];
+ self.cache[directory] = error || result;
+ applyAll(cbs, error || result);
+ }
- }
- function applyAll(cbs, result) {
- var index = cbs.length;
+ /**
+ * @param {Callback[]} cbs
+ * @param {Value|Error|undefined} result
+ */
+ function applyAll(cbs, result) {
+ let index = cbs.length;
- while (index--) {
- apply(cbs[index], result);
+ while (index--) {
+ apply(cbs[index], result);
+ }
- }
- function apply(cb, result) {
- if (
- result !== null &&
- typeof result === 'object' &&
- typeof result[0] === 'function'
- ) {
- result.push(cb);
- } else if (result instanceof Error) {
- cb(result);
- } else {
- cb(null, result);
+ /**
+ * @param {Callback} cb
+ * @param {Value|Error|Callback[]|undefined} result
+ */
+ function apply(cb, result) {
+ if (Array.isArray(result)) {
+ result.push(cb);
+ } else if (result instanceof Error) {
+ cb(result);
+ } else {
+ cb(null, result);
+ }
-var path$f = require$$0__default$2['default'];
-var yaml = jsYaml$1;
-var json$2 = parseJson_1;
-var debug$c = src.exports('unified-engine:configuration');
-var loadPlugin = loadPlugin_1;
-var plain$1 = isPlainObj;
-var fault$1 = fault_1;
-var FindUp$1 = findUp;
+ * @typedef {import('unified').Plugin<unknown[]>} Plugin
+ * @typedef {import('unified').PluginTuple<unknown[]>} PluginTuple
+ * @typedef {import('unified').PluggableList} PluggableList
+ *
+ * @typedef {Record<string, unknown>} Settings
+ *
+ * @typedef {Record<string, Settings|null|undefined>} PluginIdObject
+ * @typedef {Array<string|[string, ...unknown[]]>} PluginIdList
+ *
+ * @typedef Preset
+ * @property {Settings} [settings]
+ * @property {PluggableList|PluginIdObject|PluginIdList|undefined} [plugins]
+ *
+ * @typedef Config
+ * @property {Settings} [settings]
+ * @property {Array<PluginTuple>} [plugins]
+ *
+ * @callback ConfigTransform
+ * @param {any} config
+ * @param {string} filePath
+ * @returns {Preset}
+ *
+ * @callback Loader
+ * @param {Buffer} buf
+ * @param {string} filePath
+ * @returns {Promise<Preset|undefined>}
+ *
+ * @callback Callback
+ * @param {Error|null} error
+ * @param {Config} [result]
+ * @returns {void}
+ */
-var configuration = Config;
+const debug$a = createDebug('unified-engine:configuration');
-var own$f = {}.hasOwnProperty;
+const own$c = {}.hasOwnProperty;
-var loaders = {
+/** @type {Record<string, Loader>} */
+const loaders = {
'.json': loadJson,
'.cjs': loadScriptOrModule,
'.mjs': loadScriptOrModule,
@@ -9271,142 +21840,211 @@ var loaders = {
'.yml': loadYaml
-var defaultLoader = loadJson;
+const defaultLoader = loadJson;
-Config.prototype.load = load$3;
+ * @typedef Options
+ * @property {string} cwd
+ * @property {string} [packageField]
+ * @property {string} [pluginPrefix]
+ * @property {string} [rcName]
+ * @property {string} [rcPath]
+ * @property {boolean} [detectConfig]
+ * @property {ConfigTransform} [configTransform]
+ * @property {Preset} [defaultConfig]
+ * @property {Preset['settings']} [settings]
+ * @property {Preset['plugins']} [plugins]
+ */
+class Configuration {
+ /**
+ * @param {Options} options
+ */
+ constructor(options) {
+ /** @type {string[]} */
+ const names = [];
-function Config(options) {
- var names = [];
+ /** @type {string} */
+ this.cwd = options.cwd;
+ /** @type {string|undefined} */
+ this.packageField = options.packageField;
+ /** @type {string|undefined} */
+ this.pluginPrefix = options.pluginPrefix;
+ /** @type {ConfigTransform|undefined} */
+ this.configTransform = options.configTransform;
+ /** @type {Preset|undefined} */
+ this.defaultConfig = options.defaultConfig;
+ if (options.rcName) {
+ names.push(
+ options.rcName,
+ options.rcName + '.js',
+ options.rcName + '.yml',
+ options.rcName + '.yaml'
+ );
+ debug$a('Looking for `%s` configuration files', names);
+ }
- this.cwd = options.cwd;
- this.packageField = options.packageField;
- this.pluginPrefix = options.pluginPrefix;
- this.configTransform = options.configTransform;
- this.defaultConfig = options.defaultConfig;
+ if (options.packageField) {
+ names.push('package.json');
+ debug$a(
+ 'Looking for `%s` fields in `package.json` files',
+ options.packageField
+ );
+ }
- if (options.rcName) {
- names.push(
- options.rcName,
- options.rcName + '.js',
- options.rcName + '.yml',
- options.rcName + '.yaml'
- );
- debug$c('Looking for `%s` configuration files', names);
- }
+ /** @type {Preset} */
+ this.given = {settings: options.settings, plugins: options.plugins};
+ this.create = this.create.bind(this);
- if (options.packageField) {
- names.push('package.json');
- debug$c(
- 'Looking for `%s` fields in `package.json` files',
- options.packageField
- );
+ /** @type {FindUp<Config>} */
+ this.findUp = new FindUp({
+ cwd: options.cwd,
+ filePath: options.rcPath,
+ detect: options.detectConfig,
+ names,
+ create: this.create
+ });
- this.given = {settings: options.settings, plugins: options.plugins};
- this.create = create$1.bind(this);
- this.findUp = new FindUp$1({
- filePath: options.rcPath,
- cwd: options.cwd,
- detect: options.detectConfig,
- names: names,
- create: this.create
- });
-function load$3(filePath, callback) {
- var self = this;
- self.findUp.load(filePath || path$f.resolve(this.cwd, 'stdin.js'), done);
- function done(error, file) {
- if (error || file) {
- return callback(error, file)
- }
+ /**
+ * @param {string} filePath
+ * @param {Callback} callback
+ * @returns {void}
+ */
+ load(filePath, callback) {
+ this.findUp.load(
+ filePath || path$c.resolve(this.cwd, 'stdin.js'),
+ (error, file) => {
+ if (error || file) {
+ return callback(error, file)
+ }
- self.create().then(function (result) {
- callback(null, result);
- }, callback);
+ this.create(undefined, undefined).then((result) => {
+ callback(null, result);
+ }, callback);
+ }
+ );
-async function create$1(buf, filePath) {
- var self = this;
- var fn = (filePath && loaders[path$f.extname(filePath)]) || defaultLoader;
- var options = {prefix: self.pluginPrefix, cwd: self.cwd};
- var result = {settings: {}, plugins: []};
- var contents;
+ /**
+ * @param {Buffer|undefined} buf
+ * @param {string|undefined} filePath
+ * @returns {Promise<Config|undefined>}
+ */
+ async create(buf, filePath) {
+ const options = {prefix: this.pluginPrefix, cwd: this.cwd};
+ const result = {settings: {}, plugins: []};
+ const extname = filePath ? path$c.extname(filePath) : undefined;
+ const loader =
+ extname && extname in loaders ? loaders[extname] : defaultLoader;
+ /** @type {Preset|undefined} */
+ let value;
- if (filePath) {
- contents = await fn.apply(self, arguments);
- }
+ if (filePath && buf) {
+ value = await, buf, filePath);
- if (self.configTransform && contents !== undefined) {
- contents = self.configTransform(contents, filePath);
- }
+ if (this.configTransform && value !== undefined) {
+ value = this.configTransform(value, filePath);
+ }
+ }
- // Exit if we did find a `package.json`, but it does not have configuration.
- if (
- buf &&
- contents === undefined &&
- path$f.basename(filePath) === 'package.json'
- ) {
- return
- }
+ // Exit if we did find a `package.json`, but it does not have configuration.
+ if (
+ filePath &&
+ value === undefined &&
+ path$c.basename(filePath) === 'package.json'
+ ) {
+ return
+ }
- if (contents === undefined) {
- if (self.defaultConfig) {
- await merge$1(
+ if (value === undefined) {
+ if (this.defaultConfig) {
+ await merge(
+ result,
+ this.defaultConfig,
+ Object.assign({}, options, {root: this.cwd})
+ );
+ }
+ } else {
+ await merge(
- self.defaultConfig,
- Object.assign({}, options, {root: self.cwd})
+ value,
+ // @ts-expect-error: `value` can only exist if w/ `filePath`.
+ Object.assign({}, options, {root: path$c.dirname(filePath)})
- } else {
- await merge$1(
+ await merge(
- contents,
- Object.assign({}, options, {root: path$f.dirname(filePath)})
+ this.given,
+ Object.assign({}, options, {root: this.cwd})
- }
- await merge$1(result, self.given, Object.assign({}, options, {root: self.cwd}));
- return result
+ // C8 bug on Node@12
+ /* c8 ignore next 2 */
+ return result
+ }
-function loadScriptOrModule(_, filePath) {
+/** @type {Loader} */
+async function loadScriptOrModule(_, filePath) {
+ // C8 bug on Node@12
+ /* c8 ignore next 4 */
+ // @ts-expect-error: Assume it matches config.
+ // type-coverage:ignore-next-line
return loadFromAbsolutePath(filePath, this.cwd)
-function loadYaml(buf, filePath) {
- return yaml.safeLoad(buf, {filename: path$f.basename(filePath)})
+/** @type {Loader} */
+async function loadYaml(buf, filePath) {
+ // C8 bug on Node@12
+ /* c8 ignore next 4 */
+ // @ts-expect-error: Assume it matches config.
+ return jsYaml.load(String(buf), {filename: path$c.basename(filePath)})
-function loadJson(buf, filePath) {
- var result = json$2(buf, filePath);
- if (path$f.basename(filePath) === 'package.json') {
- result = result[this.packageField];
- }
+/** @type {Loader} */
+async function loadJson(buf, filePath) {
+ /** @type {Record<string, unknown>} */
+ const result = parseJson_1(String(buf), filePath);
- return result
+ // C8 bug on Node@12
+ /* c8 ignore next 8 */
+ // @ts-expect-error: Assume it matches config.
+ return path$c.basename(filePath) === 'package.json'
+ ? // @ts-expect-error: `this` is the configuration context, TS doesn’t like
+ // `this` on callbacks.
+ // type-coverage:ignore-next-line
+ result[this.packageField]
+ : result
-async function merge$1(target, raw, options) {
+ * @param {Required<Config>} target
+ * @param {Preset} raw
+ * @param {{root: string, prefix: string|undefined}} options
+ * @returns {Promise<Config>}
+ */
+async function merge(target, raw, options) {
if (typeof raw === 'object' && raw !== null) {
await addPreset(raw);
} else {
throw new Error('Expected preset, not `' + raw + '`')
+ // C8 bug on Node@12
+ /* c8 ignore next 6 */
return target
+ /**
+ * @param {Preset} result
+ */
async function addPreset(result) {
- var plugins = result.plugins;
+ const plugins = result.plugins;
if (plugins === null || plugins === undefined) ; else if (typeof plugins === 'object' && plugins !== null) {
- await ('length' in plugins ? addEach(plugins) : addIn(plugins));
+ await (Array.isArray(plugins) ? addEach(plugins) : addIn(plugins));
} else {
throw new Error(
'Expected a list or object of plugins, not `' + plugins + '`'
@@ -9414,152 +22052,190 @@ async function merge$1(target, raw, options) {
target.settings = Object.assign({}, target.settings, result.settings);
+ // C8 bug on Node@12
+ /* c8 ignore next 6 */
+ /**
+ * @param {PluginIdList|PluggableList} result
+ */
async function addEach(result) {
- var index = -1;
- var value;
+ let index = -1;
while (++index < result.length) {
- value = result[index];
+ const value = result[index];
// Keep order sequential instead of parallel.
- // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop
- await (value !== null && typeof value === 'object' && 'length' in value
- ? use.apply(null, value)
- : use(value));
+ /* eslint-disable no-await-in-loop */
+ // @ts-expect-error: Spreading is fine.
+ // type-coverage:ignore-next-line
+ await (Array.isArray(value) ? use(...value) : use(value, undefined));
+ /* eslint-enable no-await-in-loop */
+ // C8 bug on Node@12
+ /* c8 ignore next 6 */
+ /**
+ * @param {PluginIdObject} result
+ */
async function addIn(result) {
- var key;
+ /** @type {string} */
+ let key;
for (key in result) {
- // Keep order sequential instead of parallel.
- // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop
- await use(key, result[key]);
+ if (own$, key)) {
+ // Keep order sequential instead of parallel.
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop
+ await use(key, result[key]);
+ }
+ // C8 bug on Node@12
+ /* c8 ignore next 7 */
+ /**
+ * @param {string|Plugin|Preset} usable
+ * @param {Settings|null|undefined} value
+ */
async function use(usable, value) {
if (typeof usable === 'string') {
await addModule(usable, value);
} else if (typeof usable === 'function') {
addPlugin(usable, value);
} else {
- await merge$1(target, usable, options);
+ await merge(target, usable, options);
+ // C8 bug on Node@12
+ /* c8 ignore next 7 */
+ /**
+ * @param {string} id
+ * @param {Settings|null|undefined} value
+ */
async function addModule(id, value) {
- var fp = loadPlugin.resolve(id, {cwd: options.root, prefix: options.prefix});
- var result;
+ /** @type {string} */
+ let fp;
- if (fp) {
- result = await loadFromAbsolutePath(fp, options.root);
+ try {
+ fp = await resolvePlugin(id, {
+ cwd: options.root,
+ prefix: options.prefix
+ });
+ } catch (error) {
+ addPlugin(() => {
+ throw fault('Could not find module `%s`\n%s', id, error.stack)
+ }, value);
+ return
+ }
- try {
- if (typeof result === 'function') {
- addPlugin(result, value);
- } else {
- await merge$1(
- target,
- result,
- Object.assign({}, options, {root: path$f.dirname(fp)})
- );
- }
- } catch (_) {
- throw fault$1(
- 'Error: Expected preset or plugin, not %s, at `%s`',
+ const result = await loadFromAbsolutePath(fp, options.root);
+ try {
+ if (typeof result === 'function') {
+ addPlugin(result, value);
+ } else {
+ await merge(
+ target,
- path$f.relative(options.root, fp)
- )
+ Object.assign({}, options, {root: path$c.dirname(fp)})
+ );
- } else {
- fp = path$f.relative(options.cwd, path$f.resolve(options.root, id));
- addPlugin(
- failingModule(fp, new Error('Could not find module `' + id + '`')),
- value
- );
+ } catch {
+ throw fault(
+ 'Error: Expected preset or plugin, not %s, at `%s`',
+ result,
+ path$c.relative(options.root, fp)
+ )
+ // C8 bug on Node@12
+ /* c8 ignore next 8 */
- function addPlugin(result, value) {
- var entry = find$2(target.plugins, result);
+ /**
+ * @param {Plugin} plugin
+ * @param {Settings|null|undefined} value
+ * @returns {void}
+ */
+ function addPlugin(plugin, value) {
+ const entry = find(target.plugins, plugin);
+ if (value === null) {
+ value = undefined;
+ }
if (entry) {
reconfigure(entry, value);
} else {
- target.plugins.push([result, value]);
+ target.plugins.push([plugin, value]);
+ * @param {PluginTuple} entry
+ * @param {Settings|undefined} value
+ * @returns {void}
+ */
function reconfigure(entry, value) {
- if (plain$1(entry[1]) && plain$1(value)) {
+ if (isPlainObject$1(entry[1]) && isPlainObject$1(value)) {
value = Object.assign({}, entry[1], value);
entry[1] = value;
-function find$2(entries, plugin) {
- var index = -1;
+ * @param {Array<PluginTuple>} entries
+ * @param {Plugin} plugin
+ * @returns {PluginTuple|undefined}
+ */
+function find(entries, plugin) {
+ let index = -1;
while (++index < entries.length) {
- if (entries[index][0] === plugin) {
- return entries[index]
+ const entry = entries[index];
+ if (entry[0] === plugin) {
+ return entry
-function failingModule(id, error) {
- var cache = failingModule.cache || (failingModule.cache = {});
- var submodule = own$, id) ? cache[id] : (cache[id] = fail);
- return submodule
- function fail() {
- throw error
- }
+ * @param {string} fp
+ * @param {string} base
+ * @returns {Promise<Plugin|Preset>}
+ */
async function loadFromAbsolutePath(fp, base) {
- var ext = path$f.extname(fp);
- var result;
- /* istanbul ignore next - To do next major: Tests don’t run on Node 10 */
- if (ext !== '.mjs') {
- try {
- result = commonjsRequire(fp);
- } catch (error) {
- if (ext !== '.cjs' && error.code === 'ERR_REQUIRE_ESM') {
- ext = '.mjs';
- } else {
- throw fault$1(
- 'Cannot parse script `%s`\n%s',
- path$f.relative(base, fp),
- error.stack
- )
- }
- }
+ try {
+ /** @type {{default?: unknown}} */
+ const result = await import(pathToFileURL$1(fp).href);
- if (result && typeof result === 'object' && result.__esModule) {
- result = result.default;
+ if (!('default' in result)) {
+ throw new Error(
+ 'Expected a plugin or preset exported as the default export'
+ )
- }
- /* istanbul ignore next - To do next major: Tests don’t run on Node 10 */
- if (ext === '.mjs') {
- result = (await Promise.resolve().then(function () { return /*#__PURE__*/_interopNamespace(require(fp)); })).default;
+ // @ts-expect-error: assume plugin/preset.
+ return result.default
+ // C8 bug on Node@12
+ /* c8 ignore next 4 */
+ } catch (error) {
+ throw fault('Cannot import `%s`\n%s', path$c.relative(base, fp), error.stack)
- return result
-var Configuration = configuration;
-var configure_1$2 = configure$6;
+ * @typedef {import('./index.js').Settings} Settings
+ */
-function configure$6(context, settings) {
+ * @param {Context} context
+ * @param {Settings} settings
+ */
+function configure$3(context, settings) {
context.configuration = new Configuration(settings);
@@ -9584,7 +22260,7 @@ const REGEX_SPLITALL_CRLF = /\r?\n/g;
// ..
const REGEX_TEST_INVALID_PATH = /^\.*\/|^\.+$/;
-const SLASH$1 = '/';
+const SLASH = '/';
const KEY_IGNORE = typeof Symbol !== 'undefined'
? Symbol.for('node-ignore')
/* istanbul ignore next */
@@ -9927,7 +22603,7 @@ const createRule = (pattern, ignorecase) => {
-const throwError$1 = (message, Ctor) => {
+const throwError = (message, Ctor) => {
throw new Ctor(message)
@@ -9961,7 +22637,7 @@ const isNotRelative = path => REGEX_TEST_INVALID_PATH.test(path);
checkPath.isNotRelative = isNotRelative;
checkPath.convert = p => p;
-class Ignore$2 {
+class Ignore$1 {
constructor ({
ignorecase = true
} = {}) {
@@ -10064,7 +22740,7 @@ class Ignore$2 {
// Supports nullable path
&& checkPath.convert(originalPath);
- checkPath(path, originalPath, throwError$1);
+ checkPath(path, originalPath, throwError);
return this._t(path, cache, checkUnignored, slices)
@@ -10077,7 +22753,7 @@ class Ignore$2 {
if (!slices) {
// path/to/a.js
// ['path', 'to', 'a.js']
- slices = path.split(SLASH$1);
+ slices = path.split(SLASH);
@@ -10088,7 +22764,7 @@ class Ignore$2 {
const parent = this._t(
- slices.join(SLASH$1) + SLASH$1,
+ slices.join(SLASH) + SLASH,
@@ -10120,19 +22796,19 @@ class Ignore$2 {
-const factory$5 = options => new Ignore$2(options);
+const factory$1 = options => new Ignore$1(options);
const returnFalse = () => false;
const isPathValid = path =>
checkPath(path && checkPath.convert(path), path, returnFalse);
-factory$5.isPathValid = isPathValid;
+factory$1.isPathValid = isPathValid;
// Fixes typescript
-factory$5.default = factory$5;
+factory$1.default = factory$1;
-var ignore$2 = factory$5;
+var ignore = factory$1;
// Windows
// --------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -10161,66 +22837,87 @@ if (
|| isNotRelative(path);
-var path$e = require$$0__default$2['default'];
-var gitignore$1 = ignore$2;
-var FindUp = findUp;
-var ignore$1 = Ignore$1;
-Ignore$1.prototype.check = check$5;
-function Ignore$1(options) {
- this.cwd = options.cwd;
- this.ignorePathResolveFrom = options.ignorePathResolveFrom;
- this.findUp = new FindUp({
- filePath: options.ignorePath,
- cwd: options.cwd,
- detect: options.detectIgnore,
- names: options.ignoreName ? [options.ignoreName] : [],
- create: create
- });
-function check$5(filePath, callback) {
- var self = this;
- self.findUp.load(filePath, done);
+ * @typedef {import('ignore').Ignore & {filePath: string}} IgnoreConfig
+ *
+ * @typedef {'cwd'|'dir'} ResolveFrom
+ *
+ * @typedef Options
+ * @property {string} cwd
+ * @property {boolean|undefined} detectIgnore
+ * @property {string|undefined} ignoreName
+ * @property {string|undefined} ignorePath
+ * @property {ResolveFrom|undefined} ignorePathResolveFrom
+ *
+ * @callback Callback
+ * @param {Error|null} error
+ * @param {boolean|undefined} [result]
+ */
- function done(error, ignore) {
- var normal;
+class Ignore {
+ /**
+ * @param {Options} options
+ */
+ constructor(options) {
+ /** @type {string} */
+ this.cwd = options.cwd;
+ /** @type {ResolveFrom|undefined} */
+ this.ignorePathResolveFrom = options.ignorePathResolveFrom;
+ /** @type {FindUp<IgnoreConfig>} */
+ this.findUp = new FindUp({
+ cwd: options.cwd,
+ filePath: options.ignorePath,
+ detect: options.detectIgnore,
+ names: options.ignoreName ? [options.ignoreName] : [],
+ create
+ });
+ }
- if (error) {
- callback(error);
- } else if (ignore) {
- normal = path$e.relative(
- path$e.resolve(
- self.cwd,
- self.ignorePathResolveFrom === 'cwd' ? '.' : ignore.filePath
- ),
- path$e.resolve(self.cwd, filePath)
- );
+ /**
+ * @param {string} filePath
+ * @param {Callback} callback
+ */
+ check(filePath, callback) {
+ this.findUp.load(filePath, (error, ignoreSet) => {
+ if (error) {
+ callback(error);
+ } else if (ignoreSet) {
+ const normal = path$c.relative(
+ path$c.resolve(
+ this.cwd,
+ this.ignorePathResolveFrom === 'cwd' ? '.' : ignoreSet.filePath
+ ),
+ path$c.resolve(this.cwd, filePath)
+ );
- if (
- normal === '' ||
- normal === '..' ||
- normal.charAt(0) === path$e.sep ||
- normal.slice(0, 3) === '..' + path$e.sep
- ) {
- callback(null, false);
+ if (
+ normal === '' ||
+ normal === '..' ||
+ normal.charAt(0) === path$c.sep ||
+ normal.slice(0, 3) === '..' + path$c.sep
+ ) {
+ callback(null, false);
+ } else {
+ callback(null, ignoreSet.ignores(normal));
+ }
} else {
- callback(null, ignore.ignores(normal));
+ callback(null, false);
- } else {
- callback(null, false);
- }
+ });
+ * @param {Buffer} buf
+ * @param {string} filePath
+ * @returns {IgnoreConfig}
+ */
function create(buf, filePath) {
- var ignore = gitignore$1().add(String(buf));
- ignore.filePath = path$e.dirname(filePath);
- return ignore
+ /** @type {IgnoreConfig} */
+ return Object.assign(ignore().add(String(buf)), {
+ filePath: path$c.dirname(filePath)
+ })
var old$1 = {};
@@ -10246,9 +22943,9 @@ var old$1 = {};
-var pathModule = require$$0__default$2['default'];
-var isWindows$2 = process.platform === 'win32';
-var fs$e = require$$0__default$3['default'];
+var pathModule = path$b;
+var isWindows = process.platform === 'win32';
+var fs$3 = require$$0$3;
// JavaScript implementation of realpath, ported from node pre-v6
@@ -10297,14 +22994,14 @@ pathModule.normalize;
// Regexp that finds the next partion of a (partial) path
// result is [base_with_slash, base], e.g. ['somedir/', 'somedir']
-if (isWindows$2) {
+if (isWindows) {
var nextPartRe = /(.*?)(?:[\/\\]+|$)/g;
} else {
var nextPartRe = /(.*?)(?:[\/]+|$)/g;
// Regex to find the device root, including trailing slash. E.g. 'c:\\'.
-if (isWindows$2) {
+if (isWindows) {
var splitRootRe = /^(?:[a-zA-Z]:|[\\\/]{2}[^\\\/]+[\\\/][^\\\/]+)?[\\\/]*/;
} else {
var splitRootRe = /^[\/]*/;
@@ -10342,8 +23039,8 @@ old$1.realpathSync = function realpathSync(p, cache) {
previous = '';
// On windows, check that the root exists. On unix there is no need.
- if (isWindows$2 && !knownHard[base]) {
- fs$e.lstatSync(base);
+ if (isWindows && !knownHard[base]) {
+ fs$3.lstatSync(base);
knownHard[base] = true;
@@ -10370,7 +23067,7 @@ old$1.realpathSync = function realpathSync(p, cache) {
// some known symbolic link. no need to stat again.
resolvedLink = cache[base];
} else {
- var stat = fs$e.lstatSync(base);
+ var stat = fs$3.lstatSync(base);
if (!stat.isSymbolicLink()) {
knownHard[base] = true;
if (cache) cache[base] = base;
@@ -10380,20 +23077,20 @@ old$1.realpathSync = function realpathSync(p, cache) {
// read the link if it wasn't read before
// dev/ino always return 0 on windows, so skip the check.
var linkTarget = null;
- if (!isWindows$2) {
+ if (!isWindows) {
var id = + ':' + stat.ino.toString(32);
if (seenLinks.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
linkTarget = seenLinks[id];
if (linkTarget === null) {
- fs$e.statSync(base);
- linkTarget = fs$e.readlinkSync(base);
+ fs$3.statSync(base);
+ linkTarget = fs$3.readlinkSync(base);
resolvedLink = pathModule.resolve(previous, linkTarget);
// track this, if given a cache.
if (cache) cache[base] = resolvedLink;
- if (!isWindows$2) seenLinks[id] = linkTarget;
+ if (!isWindows) seenLinks[id] = linkTarget;
// resolve the link, then start over
@@ -10444,8 +23141,8 @@ old$1.realpath = function realpath(p, cache, cb) {
previous = '';
// On windows, check that the root exists. On unix there is no need.
- if (isWindows$2 && !knownHard[base]) {
- fs$e.lstat(base, function(err) {
+ if (isWindows && !knownHard[base]) {
+ fs$3.lstat(base, function(err) {
if (err) return cb(err);
knownHard[base] = true;
@@ -10482,7 +23179,7 @@ old$1.realpath = function realpath(p, cache, cb) {
return gotResolvedLink(cache[base]);
- return fs$e.lstat(base, gotStat);
+ return fs$3.lstat(base, gotStat);
function gotStat(err, stat) {
@@ -10498,17 +23195,17 @@ old$1.realpath = function realpath(p, cache, cb) {
// stat & read the link if not read before
// call gotTarget as soon as the link target is known
// dev/ino always return 0 on windows, so skip the check.
- if (!isWindows$2) {
+ if (!isWindows) {
var id = + ':' + stat.ino.toString(32);
if (seenLinks.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
return gotTarget(null, seenLinks[id], base);
- fs$e.stat(base, function(err) {
+ fs$3.stat(base, function(err) {
if (err) return cb(err);
- fs$e.readlink(base, function(err, target) {
- if (!isWindows$2) seenLinks[id] = target;
+ fs$3.readlink(base, function(err, target) {
+ if (!isWindows) seenLinks[id] = target;
gotTarget(err, target);
@@ -10529,19 +23226,19 @@ old$1.realpath = function realpath(p, cache, cb) {
-var fs_realpath = realpath$2;
-realpath$2.realpath = realpath$2;
-realpath$2.sync = realpathSync;
-realpath$2.realpathSync = realpathSync;
-realpath$2.monkeypatch = monkeypatch;
-realpath$2.unmonkeypatch = unmonkeypatch;
+var fs_realpath = realpath;
+realpath.realpath = realpath;
+realpath.sync = realpathSync;
+realpath.realpathSync = realpathSync;
+realpath.monkeypatch = monkeypatch;
+realpath.unmonkeypatch = unmonkeypatch;
-var fs$d = require$$0__default$3['default'];
-var origRealpath = fs$d.realpath;
-var origRealpathSync = fs$d.realpathSync;
+var fs$2 = require$$0$3;
+var origRealpath = fs$2.realpath;
+var origRealpathSync = fs$2.realpathSync;
var version$2 = process.version;
-var ok$2 = /^v[0-5]\./.test(version$2);
+var ok$1 = /^v[0-5]\./.test(version$2);
var old = old$1;
function newError (er) {
@@ -10552,8 +23249,8 @@ function newError (er) {
-function realpath$2 (p, cache, cb) {
- if (ok$2) {
+function realpath (p, cache, cb) {
+ if (ok$1) {
return origRealpath(p, cache, cb)
@@ -10571,7 +23268,7 @@ function realpath$2 (p, cache, cb) {
function realpathSync (p, cache) {
- if (ok$2) {
+ if (ok$1) {
return origRealpathSync(p, cache)
@@ -10587,13 +23284,13 @@ function realpathSync (p, cache) {
function monkeypatch () {
- fs$d.realpath = realpath$2;
- fs$d.realpathSync = realpathSync;
+ fs$2.realpath = realpath;
+ fs$2.realpathSync = realpathSync;
function unmonkeypatch () {
- fs$d.realpath = origRealpath;
- fs$d.realpathSync = origRealpathSync;
+ fs$2.realpath = origRealpath;
+ fs$2.realpathSync = origRealpathSync;
var concatMap$1 = function (xs, fn) {
@@ -10615,7 +23312,7 @@ function balanced$1(a, b, str) {
if (a instanceof RegExp) a = maybeMatch(a, str);
if (b instanceof RegExp) b = maybeMatch(b, str);
- var r = range$3(a, b, str);
+ var r = range(a, b, str);
return r && {
start: r[0],
@@ -10631,17 +23328,14 @@ function maybeMatch(reg, str) {
return m ? m[0] : null;
-balanced$1.range = range$3;
-function range$3(a, b, str) {
+balanced$1.range = range;
+function range(a, b, str) {
var begs, beg, left, right, result;
var ai = str.indexOf(a);
var bi = str.indexOf(b, ai + 1);
var i = ai;
if (ai >= 0 && bi > 0) {
- if(a===b) {
- return [ai, bi];
- }
begs = [];
left = str.length;
@@ -10683,7 +23377,7 @@ var escClose = '\0CLOSE'+Math.random()+'\0';
var escComma = '\0COMMA'+Math.random()+'\0';
var escPeriod = '\0PERIOD'+Math.random()+'\0';
-function numeric$1(str) {
+function numeric(str) {
return parseInt(str, 10) == str
? parseInt(str, 10)
: str.charCodeAt(0);
@@ -10750,7 +23444,7 @@ function expandTop(str) {
str = '\\{\\}' + str.substr(2);
- return expand$4(escapeBraces(str), true).map(unescapeBraces);
+ return expand$2(escapeBraces(str), true).map(unescapeBraces);
function embrace(str) {
@@ -10767,7 +23461,7 @@ function gte(i, y) {
return i >= y;
-function expand$4(str, isTop) {
+function expand$2(str, isTop) {
var expansions = [];
var m = balanced('{', '}', str);
@@ -10781,7 +23475,7 @@ function expand$4(str, isTop) {
// {a},b}
if (,.*\}/)) {
str = m.pre + '{' + m.body + escClose +;
- return expand$4(str);
+ return expand$2(str);
return [str];
@@ -10793,10 +23487,10 @@ function expand$4(str, isTop) {
n = parseCommaParts(m.body);
if (n.length === 1) {
// x{{a,b}}y ==> x{a}y x{b}y
- n = expand$4(n[0], false).map(embrace);
+ n = expand$2(n[0], false).map(embrace);
if (n.length === 1) {
var post =
- ? expand$4(, false)
+ ? expand$2(, false)
: [''];
return {
return m.pre + n[0] + p;
@@ -10811,17 +23505,17 @@ function expand$4(str, isTop) {
// no need to expand pre, since it is guaranteed to be free of brace-sets
var pre = m.pre;
var post =
- ? expand$4(, false)
+ ? expand$2(, false)
: [''];
var N;
if (isSequence) {
- var x = numeric$1(n[0]);
- var y = numeric$1(n[1]);
+ var x = numeric(n[0]);
+ var y = numeric(n[1]);
var width = Math.max(n[0].length, n[1].length);
var incr = n.length == 3
- ? Math.abs(numeric$1(n[2]))
+ ? Math.abs(numeric(n[2]))
: 1;
var test = lte;
var reverse = y < x;
@@ -10855,7 +23549,7 @@ function expand$4(str, isTop) {
} else {
- N = concatMap(n, function(el) { return expand$4(el, false) });
+ N = concatMap(n, function(el) { return expand$2(el, false) });
for (var j = 0; j < N.length; j++) {
@@ -10872,13 +23566,13 @@ function expand$4(str, isTop) {
var minimatch_1 = minimatch$3;
minimatch$3.Minimatch = Minimatch$1;
-var path$d = { sep: '/' };
+var path$4 = { sep: '/' };
try {
- path$d = require$$0__default$2['default'];
+ path$4 = path$b;
} catch (er) {}
-var GLOBSTAR$1 = minimatch$3.GLOBSTAR = Minimatch$1.GLOBSTAR = {};
-var expand$3 = braceExpansion;
+var GLOBSTAR = minimatch$3.GLOBSTAR = Minimatch$1.GLOBSTAR = {};
+var expand$1 = braceExpansion;
var plTypes = {
'!': { open: '(?:(?!(?:', close: '))[^/]*?)'},
@@ -10893,7 +23587,7 @@ var plTypes = {
var qmark = '[^/]';
// * => any number of characters
-var star$3 = qmark + '*?';
+var star = qmark + '*?';
// ** when dots are allowed. Anything goes, except .. and .
// not (^ or / followed by one or two dots followed by $ or /),
@@ -10991,8 +23685,8 @@ function Minimatch$1 (pattern, options) {
pattern = pattern.trim();
// windows support: need to use /, not \
- if (path$d.sep !== '/') {
- pattern = pattern.split(path$d.sep).join('/');
+ if (path$4.sep !== '/') {
+ pattern = pattern.split(path$4.sep).join('/');
this.options = options;
@@ -11123,7 +23817,7 @@ function braceExpand (pattern, options) {
return [pattern]
- return expand$3(pattern)
+ return expand$1(pattern)
// parse a component of the expanded set.
@@ -11137,9 +23831,9 @@ function braceExpand (pattern, options) {
// when it is the *only* thing in a path portion. Otherwise, any series
// of * is equivalent to a single *. Globstar behavior is enabled by
// default, and can be disabled by setting options.noglobstar.
-Minimatch$1.prototype.parse = parse$b;
+Minimatch$1.prototype.parse = parse$3;
var SUBPARSE = {};
-function parse$b (pattern, isSub) {
+function parse$3 (pattern, isSub) {
if (pattern.length > 1024 * 64) {
throw new TypeError('pattern is too long')
@@ -11147,7 +23841,7 @@ function parse$b (pattern, isSub) {
var options = this.options;
// shortcuts
- if (!options.noglobstar && pattern === '**') return GLOBSTAR$1
+ if (!options.noglobstar && pattern === '**') return GLOBSTAR
if (pattern === '') return ''
var re = '';
@@ -11174,7 +23868,7 @@ function parse$b (pattern, isSub) {
// that wasn't consumed by this pass.
switch (stateChar) {
case '*':
- re += star$3;
+ re += star;
hasMagic = true;
case '?':
@@ -11408,7 +24102,7 @@ function parse$b (pattern, isSub) {
this.debug('tail=%j\n %s', tail, tail, pl, re);
- var t = pl.type === '*' ? star$3
+ var t = pl.type === '*' ? star
: pl.type === '?' ? qmark
: '\\' + pl.type;
@@ -11527,14 +24221,14 @@ function makeRe () {
var options = this.options;
- var twoStar = options.noglobstar ? star$3
+ var twoStar = options.noglobstar ? star
: ? twoStarDot
: twoStarNoDot;
var flags = options.nocase ? 'i' : '';
var re = (pattern) {
return (p) {
- return (p === GLOBSTAR$1) ? twoStar
+ return (p === GLOBSTAR) ? twoStar
: (typeof p === 'string') ? regExpEscape(p)
: p._src
@@ -11580,8 +24274,8 @@ function match (f, partial) {
var options = this.options;
// windows: need to use /, not \
- if (path$d.sep !== '/') {
- f = f.split(path$d.sep).join('/');
+ if (path$4.sep !== '/') {
+ f = f.split(path$4.sep).join('/');
// treat the test path as a set of pathparts.
@@ -11652,7 +24346,7 @@ Minimatch$1.prototype.matchOne = function (file, pattern, partial) {
// some invalid regexp stuff in the set.
if (p === false) return false
- if (p === GLOBSTAR$1) {
+ if (p === GLOBSTAR) {
this.debug('GLOBSTAR', [pattern, p, f]);
// "**"
@@ -11793,7 +24487,7 @@ function regExpEscape (s) {
return s.replace(/[-[\]{}()*+?.,\\^$|#\s]/g, '\\$&')
-var inherits$3 = {exports: {}};
+var inherits$2 = {exports: {}};
var inherits_browser = {exports: {}};
@@ -11826,13 +24520,13 @@ if (typeof Object.create === 'function') {
try {
- var util$3 = require$$0__default['default'];
+ var util$1 = require$$0$4;
/* istanbul ignore next */
- if (typeof util$3.inherits !== 'function') throw '';
- inherits$3.exports = util$3.inherits;
+ if (typeof util$1.inherits !== 'function') throw '';
+ inherits$2.exports = util$1.inherits;
} catch (e) {
/* istanbul ignore next */
- inherits$3.exports = inherits_browser.exports;
+ inherits$2.exports = inherits_browser.exports;
var pathIsAbsolute = {exports: {}};
@@ -11856,27 +24550,33 @@ pathIsAbsolute.exports = process.platform === 'win32' ? win32 : posix;
pathIsAbsolute.exports.posix = posix;
pathIsAbsolute.exports.win32 = win32;
-var common$3 = {};
+var common$2 = {};
-common$3.setopts = setopts$2;
-common$3.ownProp = ownProp$2;
-common$3.makeAbs = makeAbs;
-common$3.finish = finish;
-common$3.mark = mark;
-common$3.isIgnored = isIgnored$2;
-common$3.childrenIgnored = childrenIgnored$2;
+common$2.alphasort = alphasort;
+common$2.alphasorti = alphasorti;
+common$2.setopts = setopts$2;
+common$2.ownProp = ownProp$2;
+common$2.makeAbs = makeAbs;
+common$2.finish = finish;
+common$2.mark = mark;
+common$2.isIgnored = isIgnored$2;
+common$2.childrenIgnored = childrenIgnored$2;
function ownProp$2 (obj, field) {
return, field)
-var path$c = require$$0__default$2['default'];
+var path$3 = path$b;
var minimatch$2 = minimatch_1;
var isAbsolute$2 = pathIsAbsolute.exports;
var Minimatch = minimatch$2.Minimatch;
+function alphasorti (a, b) {
+ return a.toLowerCase().localeCompare(b.toLowerCase())
function alphasort (a, b) {
- return a.localeCompare(b, 'en')
+ return a.localeCompare(b)
function setupIgnores (self, options) {
@@ -11948,12 +24648,12 @@ function setopts$2 (self, pattern, options) {
if (!ownProp$2(options, "cwd"))
self.cwd = cwd;
else {
- self.cwd = path$c.resolve(options.cwd);
+ self.cwd = path$3.resolve(options.cwd);
self.changedCwd = self.cwd !== cwd;
- self.root = options.root || path$c.resolve(self.cwd, "/");
- self.root = path$c.resolve(self.root);
+ self.root = options.root || path$3.resolve(self.cwd, "/");
+ self.root = path$3.resolve(self.root);
if (process.platform === "win32")
self.root = self.root.replace(/\\/g, "/");
@@ -12004,7 +24704,7 @@ function finish (self) {
all = Object.keys(all);
if (!self.nosort)
- all = all.sort(alphasort);
+ all = all.sort(self.nocase ? alphasorti : alphasort);
// at *some* point we statted all of these
if (self.mark) {
@@ -12057,13 +24757,13 @@ function mark (self, p) {
function makeAbs (self, f) {
var abs = f;
if (f.charAt(0) === '/') {
- abs = path$c.join(self.root, f);
+ abs = path$3.join(self.root, f);
} else if (isAbsolute$2(f) || f === '') {
abs = f;
} else if (self.changedCwd) {
- abs = path$c.resolve(self.cwd, f);
+ abs = path$3.resolve(self.cwd, f);
} else {
- abs = path$c.resolve(f);
+ abs = path$3.resolve(f);
if (process.platform === 'win32')
@@ -12093,20 +24793,22 @@ function childrenIgnored$2 (self, path) {
-var sync$3 = globSync$1;
+var sync$1 = globSync$1;
globSync$1.GlobSync = GlobSync$1;
-var fs$c = require$$0__default$3['default'];
+var fs$1 = require$$0$3;
var rp$1 = fs_realpath;
var minimatch$1 = minimatch_1;
-var path$b = require$$0__default$2['default'];
-var assert$1 = require$$5__default['default'];
+var path$2 = path$b;
+var assert$1 = assert$2;
var isAbsolute$1 = pathIsAbsolute.exports;
-var common$2 = common$3;
-var setopts$1 = common$2.setopts;
-var ownProp$1 = common$2.ownProp;
-var childrenIgnored$1 = common$2.childrenIgnored;
-var isIgnored$1 = common$2.isIgnored;
+var common$1 = common$2;
+var setopts$1 = common$1.setopts;
+var ownProp$1 = common$1.ownProp;
+var childrenIgnored$1 = common$1.childrenIgnored;
+var isIgnored$1 = common$1.isIgnored;
function globSync$1 (pattern, options) {
if (typeof options === 'function' || arguments.length === 3)
@@ -12160,7 +24862,7 @@ GlobSync$1.prototype._finish = function () {
- common$2.finish(this);
+ common$1.finish(this);
@@ -12276,7 +24978,7 @@ GlobSync$1.prototype._processReaddir = function (prefix, read, abs, remain, inde
if (e.charAt(0) === '/' && !this.nomount) {
- e = path$b.join(this.root, e);
+ e = path$2.join(this.root, e);
this._emitMatch(index, e);
@@ -12337,7 +25039,7 @@ GlobSync$1.prototype._readdirInGlobStar = function (abs) {
var entries;
var lstat;
try {
- lstat = fs$c.lstatSync(abs);
+ lstat = fs$1.lstatSync(abs);
} catch (er) {
if (er.code === 'ENOENT') {
// lstat failed, doesn't exist
@@ -12373,7 +25075,7 @@ GlobSync$1.prototype._readdir = function (abs, inGlobStar) {
try {
- return this._readdirEntries(abs, fs$c.readdirSync(abs))
+ return this._readdirEntries(abs, fs$1.readdirSync(abs))
} catch (er) {
this._readdirError(abs, er);
return null
@@ -12487,9 +25189,9 @@ GlobSync$1.prototype._processSimple = function (prefix, index) {
if (prefix && isAbsolute$1(prefix) && !this.nomount) {
var trail = /[\/\\]$/.test(prefix);
if (prefix.charAt(0) === '/') {
- prefix = path$b.join(this.root, prefix);
+ prefix = path$2.join(this.root, prefix);
} else {
- prefix = path$b.resolve(this.root, prefix);
+ prefix = path$2.resolve(this.root, prefix);
if (trail)
prefix += '/';
@@ -12530,7 +25232,7 @@ GlobSync$1.prototype._stat = function (f) {
if (!stat) {
var lstat;
try {
- lstat = fs$c.lstatSync(abs);
+ lstat = fs$1.lstatSync(abs);
} catch (er) {
if (er && (er.code === 'ENOENT' || er.code === 'ENOTDIR')) {
this.statCache[abs] = false;
@@ -12540,7 +25242,7 @@ GlobSync$1.prototype._stat = function (f) {
if (lstat && lstat.isSymbolicLink()) {
try {
- stat = fs$c.statSync(abs);
+ stat = fs$1.statSync(abs);
} catch (er) {
stat = lstat;
@@ -12564,11 +25266,11 @@ GlobSync$1.prototype._stat = function (f) {
GlobSync$1.prototype._mark = function (p) {
- return common$2.mark(this, p)
+ return common$1.mark(this, p)
GlobSync$1.prototype._makeAbs = function (f) {
- return common$2.makeAbs(this, f)
+ return common$1.makeAbs(this, f)
// Returns a wrapper function that returns a wrapped callback
@@ -12670,7 +25372,7 @@ function makeres (key) {
return once$1(function RES () {
var cbs = reqs[key];
var len = cbs.length;
- var args = slice$2(arguments);
+ var args = slice$1(arguments);
// XXX It's somewhat ambiguous whether a new callback added in this
// pass should be queued for later execution if something in the
@@ -12697,7 +25399,7 @@ function makeres (key) {
-function slice$2 (args) {
+function slice$1 (args) {
var length = args.length;
var array = [];
@@ -12745,27 +25447,29 @@ function slice$2 (args) {
// `true` for files, and [children,...] for directories, or `false` for
// things that don't exist.
-var glob_1 = glob$1;
+var glob_1 = glob;
-var fs$b = require$$0__default$3['default'];
+var fs = require$$0$3;
var rp = fs_realpath;
var minimatch = minimatch_1;
-var inherits$2 = inherits$3.exports;
-var EE = require$$0__default$4['default'].EventEmitter;
-var path$a = require$$0__default$2['default'];
-var assert = require$$5__default['default'];
+var inherits$1 = inherits$2.exports;
+var EE = require$$0$5.EventEmitter;
+var path$1 = path$b;
+var assert = assert$2;
var isAbsolute = pathIsAbsolute.exports;
-var globSync = sync$3;
-var common$1 = common$3;
-var setopts = common$1.setopts;
-var ownProp = common$1.ownProp;
+var globSync = sync$1;
+var common = common$2;
+var setopts = common.setopts;
+var ownProp = common.ownProp;
var inflight = inflight_1;
-var childrenIgnored = common$1.childrenIgnored;
-var isIgnored = common$1.isIgnored;
+var childrenIgnored = common.childrenIgnored;
+var isIgnored = common.isIgnored;
var once = once$3.exports;
-function glob$1 (pattern, options, cb) {
+function glob (pattern, options, cb) {
if (typeof options === 'function') cb = options, options = {};
if (!options) options = {};
@@ -12778,13 +25482,13 @@ function glob$1 (pattern, options, cb) {
return new Glob(pattern, options, cb)
-glob$1.sync = globSync;
-var GlobSync = glob$1.GlobSync = globSync.GlobSync;
+glob.sync = globSync;
+var GlobSync = glob.GlobSync = globSync.GlobSync;
// old api surface
-glob$1.glob = glob$1;
+glob.glob = glob;
-function extend$3 (origin, add) {
+function extend$1 (origin, add) {
if (add === null || typeof add !== 'object') {
return origin
@@ -12797,8 +25501,8 @@ function extend$3 (origin, add) {
return origin
-glob$1.hasMagic = function (pattern, options_) {
- var options = extend$3({}, options_);
+glob.hasMagic = function (pattern, options_) {
+ var options = extend$1({}, options_);
options.noprocess = true;
var g = new Glob(pattern, options);
@@ -12818,8 +25522,8 @@ glob$1.hasMagic = function (pattern, options_) {
return false
-glob$1.Glob = Glob;
-inherits$2(Glob, EE);
+glob.Glob = Glob;
+inherits$1(Glob, EE);
function Glob (pattern, options, cb) {
if (typeof options === 'function') {
cb = options;
@@ -12896,7 +25600,7 @@ Glob.prototype._finish = function () {
if (this.realpath && !this._didRealpath)
return this._realpath()
- common$1.finish(this);
+ common.finish(this);
this.emit('end', this.found);
@@ -12955,11 +25659,11 @@ Glob.prototype._realpathSet = function (index, cb) {
Glob.prototype._mark = function (p) {
- return common$1.mark(this, p)
+ return common.mark(this, p)
Glob.prototype._makeAbs = function (f) {
- return common$1.makeAbs(this, f)
+ return common.makeAbs(this, f)
Glob.prototype.abort = function () {
@@ -13129,7 +25833,7 @@ Glob.prototype._processReaddir2 = function (prefix, read, abs, remain, index, in
if (e.charAt(0) === '/' && !this.nomount) {
- e = path$a.join(this.root, e);
+ e = path$1.join(this.root, e);
this._emitMatch(index, e);
@@ -13205,7 +25909,7 @@ Glob.prototype._readdirInGlobStar = function (abs, cb) {
var lstatcb = inflight(lstatkey, lstatcb_);
if (lstatcb)
- fs$b.lstat(abs, lstatcb);
+ fs.lstat(abs, lstatcb);
function lstatcb_ (er, lstat) {
if (er && er.code === 'ENOENT')
@@ -13244,7 +25948,7 @@ Glob.prototype._readdir = function (abs, inGlobStar, cb) {
if (Array.isArray(c))
return cb(null, c)
- fs$b.readdir(abs, readdirCb(this, abs, cb));
+ fs.readdir(abs, readdirCb(this, abs, cb));
function readdirCb (self, abs, cb) {
@@ -13390,9 +26094,9 @@ Glob.prototype._processSimple2 = function (prefix, index, er, exists, cb) {
if (prefix && isAbsolute(prefix) && !this.nomount) {
var trail = /[\/\\]$/.test(prefix);
if (prefix.charAt(0) === '/') {
- prefix = path$a.join(this.root, prefix);
+ prefix = path$1.join(this.root, prefix);
} else {
- prefix = path$a.resolve(this.root, prefix);
+ prefix = path$1.resolve(this.root, prefix);
if (trail)
prefix += '/';
@@ -13446,13 +26150,13 @@ Glob.prototype._stat = function (f, cb) {
var self = this;
var statcb = inflight('stat\0' + abs, lstatcb_);
if (statcb)
- fs$b.lstat(abs, statcb);
+ fs.lstat(abs, statcb);
function lstatcb_ (er, lstat) {
if (lstat && lstat.isSymbolicLink()) {
// If it's a symlink, then treat it as the target, unless
// the target does not exist, then treat it as a file.
- return fs$b.stat(abs, function (er, stat) {
+ return fs.stat(abs, function (er, stat) {
if (er)
self._stat2(f, abs, null, lstat, cb);
@@ -13499,597 +26203,915 @@ var isBuffer = function isBuffer (obj) {
typeof obj.constructor.isBuffer === 'function' && obj.constructor.isBuffer(obj)
-var own$e = {}.hasOwnProperty;
+const proc$1 = process;
-var unistUtilStringifyPosition = stringify$e;
+var own$b = {}.hasOwnProperty;
-function stringify$e(value) {
+ * @typedef {import('unist').Node} Node
+ * @typedef {import('unist').Position} Position
+ * @typedef {import('unist').Point} Point
+ */
+ * Stringify one point, a position (start and end points), or a node’s
+ * positional information.
+ *
+ * @param {Node|Position|Point} [value]
+ * @returns {string}
+ */
+function stringifyPosition$1(value) {
// Nothing.
if (!value || typeof value !== 'object') {
return ''
// Node.
- if (own$, 'position') || own$, 'type')) {
- return position$4(value.position)
+ if (own$, 'position') || own$, 'type')) {
+ // @ts-ignore looks like a node.
+ return position(value.position)
// Position.
- if (own$, 'start') || own$, 'end')) {
- return position$4(value)
+ if (own$, 'start') || own$, 'end')) {
+ // @ts-ignore looks like a position.
+ return position(value)
// Point.
- if (own$, 'line') || own$, 'column')) {
- return point$3(value)
+ if (own$, 'line') || own$, 'column')) {
+ // @ts-ignore looks like a point.
+ return point$1(value)
// ?
return ''
-function point$3(point) {
- if (!point || typeof point !== 'object') {
- point = {};
- }
- return index$2(point.line) + ':' + index$2(point.column)
+ * @param {Point} point
+ * @returns {string}
+ */
+function point$1(point) {
+ return index$1(point && point.line) + ':' + index$1(point && point.column)
-function position$4(pos) {
- if (!pos || typeof pos !== 'object') {
- pos = {};
- }
- return point$3(pos.start) + '-' + point$3(pos.end)
+ * @param {Position} pos
+ * @returns {string}
+ */
+function position(pos) {
+ return point$1(pos && pos.start) + '-' + point$1(pos && pos.end)
-function index$2(value) {
+ * @param {number} value
+ * @returns {number}
+ */
+function index$1(value) {
return value && typeof value === 'number' ? value : 1
-var stringify$d = unistUtilStringifyPosition;
+ * @typedef {import('unist').Node} Node
+ * @typedef {import('unist').Position} Position
+ * @typedef {import('unist').Point} Point
+ */
-var vfileMessage$1 = VMessage$3;
+class VFileMessage extends Error {
+ /**
+ * Constructor of a message for `reason` at `place` from `origin`.
+ * When an error is passed in as `reason`, copies the `stack`.
+ *
+ * @param {string|Error} reason Reason for message (`string` or `Error`). Uses the stack and message of the error if given.
+ * @param {Node|Position|Point} [place] Place at which the message occurred in a file (`Node`, `Position`, or `Point`, optional).
+ * @param {string} [origin] Place in code the message originates from (`string`, optional).
+ */
+ constructor(reason, place, origin) {
+ /** @type {[string?, string?]} */
+ var parts = [null, null];
+ /** @type {Position} */
+ var position = {
+ start: {line: null, column: null},
+ end: {line: null, column: null}
+ };
+ /** @type {number} */
+ var index;
-// Inherit from `Error#`.
-function VMessagePrototype$1() {}
-VMessagePrototype$1.prototype = Error.prototype;
-VMessage$3.prototype = new VMessagePrototype$1();
+ super();
-// Message properties.
-var proto$2 = VMessage$3.prototype;
+ if (typeof place === 'string') {
+ origin = place;
+ place = null;
+ }
-proto$2.file = '';
-proto$ = '';
-proto$2.reason = '';
-proto$2.message = '';
-proto$2.stack = '';
-proto$2.fatal = null;
-proto$2.column = null;
-proto$2.line = null;
+ if (typeof origin === 'string') {
+ index = origin.indexOf(':');
-// Construct a new VMessage.
-// Note: We cannot invoke `Error` on the created context, as that adds readonly
-// `line` and `column` attributes on Safari 9, thus throwing and failing the
-// data.
-function VMessage$3(reason, position, origin) {
- var parts;
- var range;
- var location;
+ if (index === -1) {
+ parts[1] = origin;
+ } else {
+ parts[0] = origin.slice(0, index);
+ parts[1] = origin.slice(index + 1);
+ }
+ }
- if (typeof position === 'string') {
- origin = position;
- position = null;
- }
+ if (place) {
+ // Node.
+ if ('type' in place || 'position' in place) {
+ if (place.position) {
+ position = place.position;
+ }
+ }
+ // Position.
+ else if ('start' in place || 'end' in place) {
+ // @ts-ignore Looks like a position.
+ position = place;
+ }
+ // Point.
+ else if ('line' in place || 'column' in place) {
+ // @ts-ignore Looks like a point.
+ position.start = place;
+ }
+ }
- parts = parseOrigin$1(origin);
- range = stringify$d(position) || '1:1';
+ // Fields from `Error`
+ = stringifyPosition$1(place) || '1:1';
+ this.message = typeof reason === 'object' ? reason.message : reason;
+ this.stack = typeof reason === 'object' ? reason.stack : '';
- location = {
- start: {line: null, column: null},
- end: {line: null, column: null}
- };
+ /**
+ * Reason for message.
+ * @type {string}
+ */
+ this.reason = this.message;
+ /**
+ * Starting line of error.
+ * @type {number?}
+ */
+ this.line = position.start.line;
+ /**
+ * Starting column of error.
+ * @type {number?}
+ */
+ this.column = position.start.column;
+ /**
+ * Namespace of warning.
+ * @type {string?}
+ */
+ this.source = parts[0];
+ /**
+ * Category of message.
+ * @type {string?}
+ */
+ this.ruleId = parts[1];
+ /**
+ * Full range information, when available.
+ * Has start and end properties, both set to an object with line and column, set to number?.
+ * @type {Position?}
+ */
+ this.position = position;
- // Node.
- if (position && position.position) {
- position = position.position;
- }
+ // The following fields are “well known”.
+ // Not standard.
+ // Feel free to add other non-standard fields to your messages.
- if (position) {
- // Position.
- if (position.start) {
- location = position;
- position = position.start;
- } else {
- // Point.
- location.start = position;
- }
+ /* eslint-disable no-unused-expressions */
+ /**
+ * You may add a file property with a path of a file (used throughout the VFile ecosystem).
+ * @type {string?}
+ */
+ this.file;
+ /**
+ * If true, marks associated file as no longer processable.
+ * @type {boolean?}
+ */
+ this.fatal;
+ /**
+ * You may add a url property with a link to documentation for the message.
+ * @type {string?}
+ */
+ this.url;
+ /**
+ * You may add a note property with a long form description of the message (supported by vfile-reporter).
+ * @type {string?}
+ */
+ this.note;
+ /* eslint-enable no-unused-expressions */
- if (reason.stack) {
- this.stack = reason.stack;
- reason = reason.message;
- }
+VFileMessage.prototype.file = ''; = '';
+VFileMessage.prototype.reason = '';
+VFileMessage.prototype.message = '';
+VFileMessage.prototype.stack = '';
+VFileMessage.prototype.fatal = null;
+VFileMessage.prototype.column = null;
+VFileMessage.prototype.line = null;
+VFileMessage.prototype.source = null;
+VFileMessage.prototype.ruleId = null;
+VFileMessage.prototype.position = null;
- this.message = reason;
- = range;
- this.reason = reason;
- this.line = position ? position.line : null;
- this.column = position ? position.column : null;
- this.location = location;
- this.source = parts[0];
- this.ruleId = parts[1];
+ * @typedef {import('unist').Node} Node
+ * @typedef {import('unist').Position} Position
+ * @typedef {import('unist').Point} Point
+ *
+ * @typedef {'ascii'|'utf8'|'utf-8'|'utf16le'|'ucs2'|'ucs-2'|'base64'|'latin1'|'binary'|'hex'} BufferEncoding
+ * Encodings supported by the buffer class.
+ * This is a copy of the typing from Node, copied to prevent Node globals from
+ * being needed.
+ * Copied from: <>
+ *
+ * @typedef {string|Uint8Array} VFileValue Contents of the file.
+ * Can either be text, or a Buffer like structure.
+ * This does not directly use type `Buffer`, because it can also be used in a
+ * browser context.
+ * Instead this leverages `Uint8Array` which is the base type for `Buffer`,
+ * and a native JavaScript construct.
+ *
+ * @typedef {VFileValue|VFileOptions|VFile} VFileCompatible Things that can be
+ * passed to the constructor.
+ *
+ * @typedef VFileCoreOptions
+ * @property {VFileValue} [value]
+ * @property {string} [cwd]
+ * @property {Array.<string>} [history]
+ * @property {string} [path]
+ * @property {string} [basename]
+ * @property {string} [stem]
+ * @property {string} [extname]
+ * @property {string} [dirname]
+ * @property {Object.<string, unknown>} [data]
+ *
+ * @typedef {{[key: string]: unknown} & VFileCoreOptions} VFileOptions
+ * Configuration: a bunch of keys that will be shallow copied over to the new
+ * file.
+ *
+ * @typedef {Object.<string, unknown>} VFileReporterSettings
+ * @typedef {<T = VFileReporterSettings>(files: VFile[], options: T) => string} VFileReporter
+ */
-function parseOrigin$1(origin) {
- var result = [null, null];
- var index;
+// Order of setting (least specific to most), we need this because otherwise
+// `{stem: 'a', path: '~/b.js'}` would throw, as a path is needed before a
+// stem can be set.
+var order = ['history', 'path', 'basename', 'stem', 'extname', 'dirname'];
- if (typeof origin === 'string') {
- index = origin.indexOf(':');
+class VFile {
+ /**
+ * Create a new virtual file.
+ *
+ * If `options` is `string` or `Buffer`, treats it as `{value: options}`.
+ * If `options` is a `VFile`, shallow copies its data over to the new file.
+ * All other given fields are set on the newly created `VFile`.
+ *
+ * Path related properties are set in the following order (least specific to
+ * most specific): `history`, `path`, `basename`, `stem`, `extname`,
+ * `dirname`.
+ *
+ * It’s not possible to set either `dirname` or `extname` without setting
+ * either `history`, `path`, `basename`, or `stem` as well.
+ *
+ * @param {VFileCompatible} [value]
+ */
+ constructor(value) {
+ var index = -1;
+ /** @type {VFileOptions} */
+ var options;
+ /** @type {string} */
+ var prop;
- if (index === -1) {
- result[1] = origin;
+ if (!value) {
+ options = {};
+ } else if (typeof value === 'string' || isBuffer(value)) {
+ // @ts-ignore Looks like a buffer.
+ options = {value};
} else {
- result[0] = origin.slice(0, index);
- result[1] = origin.slice(index + 1);
+ // @ts-ignore Looks like file or options.
+ options = value;
- }
- return result
-var minpath$1 = require$$0__default$2['default'];
+ /**
+ * Place to store custom information.
+ * It’s OK to store custom data directly on the file, moving it to `data`
+ * gives a little more privacy.
+ * @type {Object.<string, unknown>}
+ */
+ = {};
-var minproc$1 = process;
+ /**
+ * List of messages associated with the file.
+ * @type {Array.<VFileMessage>}
+ */
+ this.messages = [];
-var p$1 = minpath$1;
-var proc$2 = minproc$1;
-var buffer$5 = isBuffer;
+ /**
+ * List of file paths the file moved between.
+ * @type {Array.<string>}
+ */
+ this.history = [];
-var core$3 = VFile$3;
+ /**
+ * Base of `path`.
+ * Defaults to `process.cwd()` (`/` in browsers).
+ * @type {string}
+ */
+ this.cwd = proc$1.cwd();
-var own$d = {}.hasOwnProperty;
+ /* eslint-disable no-unused-expressions */
+ /**
+ * Raw value.
+ * @type {VFileValue}
+ */
+ this.value;
-// Order of setting (least specific to most), we need this because otherwise
-// `{stem: 'a', path: '~/b.js'}` would throw, as a path is needed before a
-// stem can be set.
-var order$4 = ['history', 'path', 'basename', 'stem', 'extname', 'dirname'];
+ // The below are non-standard, they are “well-known”.
+ // As in, used in several tools.
-VFile$3.prototype.toString = toString$9;
+ /**
+ * Whether a file was saved to disk.
+ * This is used by vfile reporters.
+ * @type {boolean}
+ */
+ this.stored;
-// Access full path (`~/index.min.js`).
-Object.defineProperty(VFile$3.prototype, 'path', {get: getPath$1, set: setPath$1});
+ /**
+ * Sometimes files have a non-string representation.
+ * This can be stored in the `result` field.
+ * One example is when turning markdown into React nodes.
+ * This is used by unified to store non-string results.
+ * @type {unknown}
+ */
+ this.result;
+ /* eslint-enable no-unused-expressions */
-// Access parent path (`~`).
-Object.defineProperty(VFile$3.prototype, 'dirname', {
- get: getDirname$1,
- set: setDirname$1
+ // Set path related properties in the correct order.
+ while (++index < order.length) {
+ prop = order[index];
-// Access basename (`index.min.js`).
-Object.defineProperty(VFile$3.prototype, 'basename', {
- get: getBasename$1,
- set: setBasename$1
+ // Note: we specifically use `in` instead of `hasOwnProperty` to accept
+ // `vfile`s too.
+ if (prop in options && options[prop] !== undefined) {
+ this[prop] = prop === 'history' ? options[prop].concat() : options[prop];
+ }
+ }
-// Access extname (`.js`).
-Object.defineProperty(VFile$3.prototype, 'extname', {
- get: getExtname$1,
- set: setExtname$1
+ // Set non-path related properties.
+ for (prop in options) {
+ if (!order.includes(prop)) {
+ this[prop] = options[prop];
+ }
+ }
+ }
-// Access stem (`index.min`).
-Object.defineProperty(VFile$3.prototype, 'stem', {get: getStem$1, set: setStem$1});
+ /**
+ * Access full path (`~/index.min.js`).
+ */
+ get path() {
+ return this.history[this.history.length - 1]
+ }
-// Construct a new file.
-function VFile$3(options) {
- var prop;
- var index;
+ /**
+ * Set full path (`~/index.min.js`).
+ * Cannot be nullified.
+ */
+ set path(path) {
+ assertNonEmpty(path, 'path');
- if (!options) {
- options = {};
- } else if (typeof options === 'string' || buffer$5(options)) {
- options = {contents: options};
- } else if ('message' in options && 'messages' in options) {
- return options
+ if (this.path !== path) {
+ this.history.push(path);
+ }
- if (!(this instanceof VFile$3)) {
- return new VFile$3(options)
+ /**
+ * Access parent path (`~`).
+ */
+ get dirname() {
+ return typeof this.path === 'string' ? path$b.dirname(this.path) : undefined
- = {};
- this.messages = [];
- this.history = [];
- this.cwd = proc$2.cwd();
+ /**
+ * Set parent path (`~`).
+ * Cannot be set if there's no `path` yet.
+ */
+ set dirname(dirname) {
+ assertPath(this.path, 'dirname');
+ this.path = path$b.join(dirname || '', this.basename);
+ }
- // Set path related properties in the correct order.
- index = -1;
+ /**
+ * Access basename (including extname) (`index.min.js`).
+ */
+ get basename() {
+ return typeof this.path === 'string' ? path$b.basename(this.path) : undefined
+ }
- while (++index < order$4.length) {
- prop = order$4[index];
+ /**
+ * Set basename (`index.min.js`).
+ * Cannot contain path separators.
+ * Cannot be nullified either (use `file.path = file.dirname` instead).
+ */
+ set basename(basename) {
+ assertNonEmpty(basename, 'basename');
+ assertPart(basename, 'basename');
+ this.path = path$b.join(this.dirname || '', basename);
+ }
- if (own$, prop)) {
- this[prop] = options[prop];
- }
+ /**
+ * Access extname (including dot) (`.js`).
+ */
+ get extname() {
+ return typeof this.path === 'string' ? path$b.extname(this.path) : undefined
- // Set non-path related properties.
- for (prop in options) {
- if (order$4.indexOf(prop) < 0) {
- this[prop] = options[prop];
+ /**
+ * Set extname (including dot) (`.js`).
+ * Cannot be set if there's no `path` yet and cannot contain path separators.
+ */
+ set extname(extname) {
+ assertPart(extname, 'extname');
+ assertPath(this.path, 'extname');
+ if (extname) {
+ if (extname.charCodeAt(0) !== 46 /* `.` */) {
+ throw new Error('`extname` must start with `.`')
+ }
+ if (extname.includes('.', 1)) {
+ throw new Error('`extname` cannot contain multiple dots')
+ }
+ this.path = path$b.join(this.dirname, this.stem + (extname || ''));
-function getPath$1() {
- return this.history[this.history.length - 1]
+ /**
+ * Access stem (w/o extname) (`index.min`).
+ */
+ get stem() {
+ return typeof this.path === 'string'
+ ? path$b.basename(this.path, this.extname)
+ : undefined
+ }
-function setPath$1(path) {
- assertNonEmpty$1(path, 'path');
+ /**
+ * Set stem (w/o extname) (`index.min`).
+ * Cannot be nullified, and cannot contain path separators.
+ */
+ set stem(stem) {
+ assertNonEmpty(stem, 'stem');
+ assertPart(stem, 'stem');
+ this.path = path$b.join(this.dirname || '', stem + (this.extname || ''));
+ }
- if (this.path !== path) {
- this.history.push(path);
+ /**
+ * Serialize the file.
+ *
+ * @param {BufferEncoding} [encoding='utf8'] If `file.value` is a buffer, `encoding` is used to serialize buffers.
+ * @returns {string}
+ */
+ toString(encoding) {
+ // @ts-ignore string’s don’t accept the parameter, but buffers do.
+ return (this.value || '').toString(encoding)
-function getDirname$1() {
- return typeof this.path === 'string' ? p$1.dirname(this.path) : undefined
+ /**
+ * Create a message and associates it w/ the file.
+ *
+ * @param {string|Error} reason Reason for message (`string` or `Error`). Uses the stack and message of the error if given.
+ * @param {Node|Position|Point} [place] Place at which the message occurred in a file (`Node`, `Position`, or `Point`, optional).
+ * @param {string} [origin] Place in code the message originates from (`string`, optional).
+ * @returns {VFileMessage}
+ */
+ message(reason, place, origin) {
+ var message = new VFileMessage(reason, place, origin);
-function setDirname$1(dirname) {
- assertPath$1(this.path, 'dirname');
- this.path = p$1.join(dirname || '', this.basename);
+ if (this.path) {
+ = this.path + ':' +;
+ message.file = this.path;
+ }
-function getBasename$1() {
- return typeof this.path === 'string' ? p$1.basename(this.path) : undefined
+ message.fatal = false;
-function setBasename$1(basename) {
- assertNonEmpty$1(basename, 'basename');
- assertPart$1(basename, 'basename');
- this.path = p$1.join(this.dirname || '', basename);
+ this.messages.push(message);
-function getExtname$1() {
- return typeof this.path === 'string' ? p$1.extname(this.path) : undefined
+ return message
+ }
-function setExtname$1(extname) {
- assertPart$1(extname, 'extname');
- assertPath$1(this.path, 'extname');
+ /**
+ * Info: create a message, associate it with the file, and mark the fatality
+ * as `null`.
+ * Calls `message()` internally.
+ *
+ * @param {string|Error} reason Reason for message (`string` or `Error`). Uses the stack and message of the error if given.
+ * @param {Node|Position|Point} [place] Place at which the message occurred in a file (`Node`, `Position`, or `Point`, optional).
+ * @param {string} [origin] Place in code the message originates from (`string`, optional).
+ * @returns {VFileMessage}
+ */
+ info(reason, place, origin) {
+ var message = this.message(reason, place, origin);
- if (extname) {
- if (extname.charCodeAt(0) !== 46 /* `.` */) {
- throw new Error('`extname` must start with `.`')
- }
+ message.fatal = null;
- if (extname.indexOf('.', 1) > -1) {
- throw new Error('`extname` cannot contain multiple dots')
- }
+ return message
- this.path = p$1.join(this.dirname, this.stem + (extname || ''));
-function getStem$1() {
- return typeof this.path === 'string'
- ? p$1.basename(this.path, this.extname)
- : undefined
+ /**
+ * Fail: create a message, associate it with the file, mark the fatality as
+ * `true`.
+ * Note: fatal errors mean a file is no longer processable.
+ * Calls `message()` internally.
+ *
+ * @param {string|Error} reason Reason for message (`string` or `Error`). Uses the stack and message of the error if given.
+ * @param {Node|Position|Point} [place] Place at which the message occurred in a file (`Node`, `Position`, or `Point`, optional).
+ * @param {string} [origin] Place in code the message originates from (`string`, optional).
+ * @returns {never}
+ */
+ fail(reason, place, origin) {
+ var message = this.message(reason, place, origin);
-function setStem$1(stem) {
- assertNonEmpty$1(stem, 'stem');
- assertPart$1(stem, 'stem');
- this.path = p$1.join(this.dirname || '', stem + (this.extname || ''));
+ message.fatal = true;
-// Get the value of the file.
-function toString$9(encoding) {
- return (this.contents || '').toString(encoding)
+ throw message
+ }
-// Assert that `part` is not a path (i.e., does not contain `p.sep`).
-function assertPart$1(part, name) {
- if (part && part.indexOf(p$1.sep) > -1) {
+ * Assert that `part` is not a path (as in, does not contain `path.sep`).
+ *
+ * @param {string} part
+ * @param {string} name
+ * @returns {void}
+ */
+function assertPart(part, name) {
+ if (part && part.includes(path$b.sep)) {
throw new Error(
- '`' + name + '` cannot be a path: did not expect `' + p$1.sep + '`'
+ '`' + name + '` cannot be a path: did not expect `' + path$b.sep + '`'
-// Assert that `part` is not empty.
-function assertNonEmpty$1(part, name) {
+ * Assert that `part` is not empty.
+ *
+ * @param {string} part
+ * @param {string} name
+ * @returns {void}
+ */
+function assertNonEmpty(part, name) {
if (!part) {
throw new Error('`' + name + '` cannot be empty')
-// Assert `path` exists.
-function assertPath$1(path, name) {
+ * Assert `path` exists.
+ *
+ * @param {string} path
+ * @param {string} name
+ * @returns {void}
+ */
+function assertPath(path, name) {
if (!path) {
throw new Error('Setting `' + name + '` requires `path` to be set too')
-var VMessage$2 = vfileMessage$1;
-var VFile$2 = core$3;
-var lib$6 = VFile$2;
-VFile$2.prototype.message = message$1;
-VFile$ = info$1;
-VFile$ = fail$2;
-// Create a message with `reason` at `position`.
-// When an error is passed in as `reason`, copies the stack.
-function message$1(reason, position, origin) {
- var message = new VMessage$2(reason, position, origin);
- if (this.path) {
- = this.path + ':' +;
- message.file = this.path;
- }
- message.fatal = false;
- this.messages.push(message);
- return message
-// Fail: creates a vmessage, associates it with the file, and throws it.
-function fail$2() {
- var message = this.message.apply(this, arguments);
- message.fatal = true;
- throw message
-// Info: creates a vmessage, associates it with the file, and marks the fatality
-// as null.
-function info$1() {
- var message = this.message.apply(this, arguments);
- message.fatal = null;
- return message
-var vfile$9 = lib$6;
-var buffer$4 = isBuffer;
-var vfile$8 = vfile$9;
-var core$2 = toVFile;
+ * @typedef {import('vfile').VFileValue} Value
+ * @typedef {import('vfile').VFileOptions} Options
+ * @typedef {import('vfile').BufferEncoding} BufferEncoding
+ *
+ * @typedef {number|string} Mode
+ * @typedef {BufferEncoding|{encoding?: null|BufferEncoding, flag?: string}} ReadOptions
+ * @typedef {BufferEncoding|{encoding?: null|BufferEncoding, mode: Mode?, flag?: string}} WriteOptions
+ *
+ * @typedef {string|Uint8Array} Path Path of the file.
+ * @typedef {Path|URL|Options|VFile} Compatible Things that can be
+ * passed to the function.
+ */
-// Create a virtual file from a description. If `options` is a string or a
-// buffer, it’s used as the path. In all other cases, the options are passed
-// through to `vfile()`.
+ * Create a virtual file from a description.
+ * If `options` is a string or a buffer, it’s used as the path.
+ * If it’s a VFile itself, it’s returned instead.
+ * In all other cases, the options are passed through to `vfile()`.
+ *
+ * @param {Compatible} [options]
+ * @returns {VFile}
+ */
function toVFile(options) {
- if (typeof options === 'string' || buffer$4(options)) {
+ if (typeof options === 'string' || isBuffer(options)) {
options = {path: String(options)};
+ } else if (options instanceof URL$1) {
+ options = {path: fileURLToPath(options)};
- return vfile$8(options)
+ return looksLikeAVFile$1(options) ? options : new VFile(options)
-var sync$2 = {};
-var fs$a = require$$0__default$3['default'];
-var path$9 = require$$0__default$2['default'];
-var vfile$7 = core$2;
-sync$ = readSync;
-sync$2.write = writeSync;
-// Create a virtual file and read it in, synchronously.
+ * Create a virtual file and read it in, synchronously.
+ *
+ * @param {Compatible} description
+ * @param {ReadOptions} [options]
+ * @returns {VFile}
+ */
function readSync(description, options) {
- var file = vfile$7(description);
- file.contents = fs$a.readFileSync(path$9.resolve(file.cwd, file.path), options);
+ var file = toVFile(description);
+ file.value = require$$0$3.readFileSync(path$b.resolve(file.cwd, file.path), options);
return file
-// Create a virtual file and write it out, synchronously.
+ * Create a virtual file and write it in, synchronously.
+ *
+ * @param {Compatible} description
+ * @param {WriteOptions} [options]
+ * @returns {VFile}
+ */
function writeSync(description, options) {
- var file = vfile$7(description);
- fs$a.writeFileSync(
- path$9.resolve(file.cwd, file.path),
- file.contents || '',
- options
- );
+ var file = toVFile(description);
+ require$$0$3.writeFileSync(path$b.resolve(file.cwd, file.path), file.value || '', options);
return file
-var async$1 = {};
-var fs$9 = require$$0__default$3['default'];
-var path$8 = require$$0__default$2['default'];
-var vfile$6 = core$2;
-async$ = read$3;
-async$1.write = write;
-// Create a virtual file and read it in, asynchronously.
-function read$3(description, options, callback) {
- var file = vfile$6(description);
+const read$2 =
+ /**
+ * @type {{
+ * (description: Compatible, options: ReadOptions, callback: Callback): void
+ * (description: Compatible, callback: Callback): void
+ * (description: Compatible, options?: ReadOptions): Promise<VFile>
+ * }}
+ */
+ (
+ /**
+ * Create a virtual file and read it in, asynchronously.
+ *
+ * @param {Compatible} description
+ * @param {ReadOptions} [options]
+ * @param {Callback} [callback]
+ */
+ function (description, options, callback) {
+ var file = toVFile(description);
- if (!callback && typeof options === 'function') {
- callback = options;
- options = null;
- }
+ if (!callback && typeof options === 'function') {
+ callback = options;
+ options = null;
+ }
- if (!callback) {
- return new Promise(executor)
- }
+ if (!callback) {
+ return new Promise(executor)
+ }
- executor(resolve, callback);
+ executor(resolve, callback);
- function resolve(result) {
- callback(null, result);
- }
+ /**
+ * @param {VFile} result
+ */
+ function resolve(result) {
+ callback(null, result);
+ }
- function executor(resolve, reject) {
- var fp;
+ /**
+ * @param {(x: VFile) => void} resolve
+ * @param {(x: Error, y?: VFile) => void} reject
+ */
+ function executor(resolve, reject) {
+ /** @type {string} */
+ var fp;
- try {
- fp = path$8.resolve(file.cwd, file.path);
- } catch (error) {
- return reject(error)
- }
+ try {
+ fp = path$b.resolve(file.cwd, file.path);
+ } catch (error) {
+ return reject(error)
+ }
- fs$9.readFile(fp, options, done);
+ require$$0$3.readFile(fp, options, done);
- function done(error, res) {
- if (error) {
- reject(error);
- } else {
- file.contents = res;
- resolve(file);
+ /**
+ * @param {Error} error
+ * @param {Value} result
+ */
+ function done(error, result) {
+ if (error) {
+ reject(error);
+ } else {
+ file.value = result;
+ resolve(file);
+ }
+ }
- }
+ );
-// Create a virtual file and write it out, asynchronously.
-function write(description, options, callback) {
- var file = vfile$6(description);
+const write =
+ /**
+ * @type {{
+ * (description: Compatible, options: WriteOptions, callback: Callback): void
+ * (description: Compatible, callback: Callback): void
+ * (description: Compatible, options?: WriteOptions): Promise<VFile>
+ * }}
+ */
+ (
+ /**
+ * Create a virtual file and write it in, asynchronously.
+ *
+ * @param {Compatible} description
+ * @param {WriteOptions} [options]
+ * @param {Callback} [callback]
+ */
+ function (description, options, callback) {
+ var file = toVFile(description);
- // Weird, right? Otherwise `fs` doesn’t accept it.
- if (!callback && typeof options === 'function') {
- callback = options;
- options = undefined;
- }
+ // Weird, right? Otherwise `fs` doesn’t accept it.
+ if (!callback && typeof options === 'function') {
+ callback = options;
+ options = undefined;
+ }
- if (!callback) {
- return new Promise(executor)
- }
+ if (!callback) {
+ return new Promise(executor)
+ }
- executor(resolve, callback);
+ executor(resolve, callback);
- function resolve(result) {
- callback(null, result);
- }
+ /**
+ * @param {VFile} result
+ */
+ function resolve(result) {
+ callback(null, result);
+ }
- function executor(resolve, reject) {
- var fp;
+ /**
+ * @param {(x: VFile) => void} resolve
+ * @param {(x: Error, y?: VFile) => void} reject
+ */
+ function executor(resolve, reject) {
+ /** @type {string} */
+ var fp;
- try {
- fp = path$8.resolve(file.cwd, file.path);
- } catch (error) {
- return reject(error)
- }
+ try {
+ fp = path$b.resolve(file.cwd, file.path);
+ } catch (error) {
+ return reject(error)
+ }
- fs$9.writeFile(fp, file.contents || '', options, done);
+ require$$0$3.writeFile(fp, file.value || '', options, done);
- function done(error) {
- if (error) {
- reject(error);
- } else {
- resolve(file);
+ /**
+ * @param {Error} error
+ */
+ function done(error) {
+ if (error) {
+ reject(error);
+ } else {
+ resolve(file);
+ }
+ }
- }
-var vfile$5 = core$2;
-var sync$1 = sync$2;
-var async = async$1;
-var fs$8 = vfile$5;
-vfile$ =;
-vfile$5.readSync = sync$;
-vfile$5.write = async.write;
-vfile$5.writeSync = sync$1.write;
-var toVfile = fs$8;
+ );
-var path$7 = require$$0__default$2['default'];
-var fs$7 = require$$0__default$3['default'];
-var gitignore = ignore$2;
-var glob = glob_1;
-var vfile$4 = toVfile;
+ * @param {Compatible} value
+ * @returns {value is VFile}
+ */
+function looksLikeAVFile$1(value) {
+ return (
+ value &&
+ typeof value === 'object' &&
+ 'message' in value &&
+ 'messages' in value
+ )
-var finder = find$1;
+toVFile.readSync = readSync;
+toVFile.writeSync = writeSync; = read$2;
+toVFile.write = write;
-// Search `patterns`, a mix of globs, paths, and files.
-function find$1(input, options, callback) {
- expand$2(input, options, done);
+ * @typedef {import('fs').Stats} Stats
+ * @typedef {import('vfile').VFile} VFile
+ * @typedef {import('./ignore.js').Ignore} Ignore
+ * @typedef {import('ignore').Ignore} GitIgnore
+ *
+ * @typedef Options
+ * @property {string} cwd
+ * @property {Array.<string>} extensions
+ * @property {boolean|undefined} silentlyIgnore
+ * @property {Array.<string>} ignorePatterns
+ * @property {Ignore} ignore
+ *
+ * @typedef SearchResults
+ * @property {fs.Stats|undefined} stats
+ * @property {boolean|undefined} ignored
+ *
+ * @typedef Result
+ * @property {Array.<string|VFile>} input
+ * @property {VFile[]} output
+ *
+ * @typedef CleanResult
+ * @property {boolean} oneFileMode
+ * @property {VFile[]} files
+ *
+ * @callback Callback
+ * @param {Error|null} error
+ * @param {CleanResult} [result]
+ */
- function done(error, result) {
- /* istanbul ignore if - glob errors are unusual.
- * other errors are on the vfile results. */
- if (error) {
+ * Search `patterns`, a mix of globs, paths, and files.
+ *
+ * @param {Array.<string|VFile>} input
+ * @param {Options} options
+ * @param {Callback} callback
+ */
+function finder(input, options, callback) {
+ expand(input, options, (error, result) => {
+ // Glob errors are unusual.
+ // other errors are on the vfile results.
+ /* c8 ignore next 2 */
+ if (error || !result) {
} else {
callback(null, {oneFileMode: oneFileMode(result), files: result.output});
- }
+ });
-// Expand the given glob patterns, search given and found directories, and map
-// to vfiles.
-function expand$2(input, options, next) {
- var paths = [];
- var actual = 0;
- var expected = 0;
- var failed;
- input.forEach(each);
- if (!expected) {
- search$1(paths, options, done);
- }
+ * Expand the given glob patterns, search given and found directories, and map
+ * to vfiles.
+ *
+ * @param {Array.<string|VFile>} input
+ * @param {Options} options
+ * @param {(error: Error|null, result?: Result) => void} next
+ */
+function expand(input, options, next) {
+ /** @type {Array.<string|VFile>} */
+ let paths = [];
+ let actual = 0;
+ let expected = 0;
+ let index = -1;
+ /** @type {boolean|undefined} */
+ let failed;
- function each(file) {
+ while (++index < input.length) {
+ let file = input[index];
if (typeof file === 'string') {
- if (glob.hasMagic(file)) {
+ if (glob_1.hasMagic(file)) {
- glob(file, {cwd: options.cwd}, one);
+ glob_1(file, {cwd: options.cwd}, (error, files) => {
+ // Glob errors are unusual.
+ /* c8 ignore next 3 */
+ if (failed) {
+ return
+ }
+ // Glob errors are unusual.
+ /* c8 ignore next 4 */
+ if (error) {
+ failed = true;
+ done1(error);
+ } else {
+ actual++;
+ paths = paths.concat(files);
+ if (actual === expected) {
+ search$1(paths, options, done1);
+ }
+ }
+ });
} else {
// `relative` to make the paths canonical.
file =
- path$7.relative(options.cwd, path$7.resolve(options.cwd, file)) || '.';
+ path$c.relative(options.cwd, path$c.resolve(options.cwd, file)) || '.';
} else {
+ const fp = file.path ? path$c.relative(options.cwd, file.path) : options.cwd;
file.cwd = options.cwd;
- file.path = path$7.relative(options.cwd, file.path);
- file.history = [file.path];
+ file.path = fp;
+ file.history = [fp];
- function one(error, files) {
- /* istanbul ignore if - Glob errors are unusual. */
- if (failed) {
- return
- }
- /* istanbul ignore if - Glob errors are unusual. */
- if (error) {
- failed = true;
- done(error);
- } else {
- actual++;
- paths = paths.concat(files);
- if (actual === expected) {
- search$1(paths, options, done);
- }
- }
+ if (!expected) {
+ search$1(paths, options, done1);
- function done(error, files) {
- /* istanbul ignore if - `search` currently does not give errors. */
- if (error) {
+ /**
+ * @param {Error|null} error
+ * @param {Array<VFile>} [files]
+ */
+ function done1(error, files) {
+ // `search` currently does not give errors.
+ /* c8 ignore next 2 */
+ if (error || !files) {
} else {
next(null, {input: paths, output: files});
@@ -14097,31 +27119,41 @@ function expand$2(input, options, next) {
-// Search `paths`.
+ * Search `paths`.
+ *
+ * @param {Array.<string|VFile>} input
+ * @param {Options & {nested?: boolean}} options
+ * @param {(error: Error|null, files: Array.<VFile>) => void} next
+ */
function search$1(input, options, next) {
- var extraIgnore = gitignore().add(options.ignorePatterns);
- var files = [];
- var expected = 0;
- var actual = 0;
+ const extraIgnore = ignore().add(options.ignorePatterns);
+ let expected = 0;
+ let actual = 0;
+ let index = -1;
+ /** @type {Array.<VFile>} */
+ let files = [];
- input.forEach(each);
+ while (++index < input.length) {
+ each(input[index]);
+ }
if (!expected) {
next(null, files);
- return each
+ /**
+ * @param {string|VFile} file
+ */
function each(file) {
- var ext = typeof file === 'string' ? path$7.extname(file) : file.extname;
- var part;
+ const ext = typeof file === 'string' ? path$c.extname(file) : file.extname;
// Normalise globs.
if (typeof file === 'string') {
- file = file.split('/').join(path$7.sep);
+ file = file.split('/').join(path$c.sep);
- part = base(file);
+ const part = base$1(file);
if (options.nested && (part.charAt(0) === '.' || part === 'node_modules')) {
@@ -14131,75 +27163,82 @@ function search$1(input, options, next) {
- Object.assign({}, options, {extraIgnore: extraIgnore}),
- handle
- );
- function handle(error, result) {
- var ignored = result && result.ignored;
- var dir = result && result.stats && result.stats.isDirectory();
- if (ignored && (options.nested || options.silentlyIgnore)) {
- return one(null, [])
- }
- if (!ignored && dir) {
- return fs$7.readdir(path$7.resolve(options.cwd, filePath(file)), directory)
- }
- if (
- !dir &&
- options.nested &&
- options.extensions.length > 0 &&
- options.extensions.indexOf(ext) === -1
- ) {
- return one(null, [])
- }
- file = vfile$4(file);
- file.cwd = options.cwd;
- if (ignored) {
- try {
-'Cannot process specified file: it’s ignored');
- } catch (_) {}
- }
- if (error && error.code === 'ENOENT') {
- try {
- error.syscall === 'stat' ? 'No such file or directory' : error
- );
- } catch (_) {}
- }
- one(null, [file]);
- }
+ Object.assign({}, options, {extraIgnore}),
+ (error, result) => {
+ const ignored = result && result.ignored;
+ const dir = result && result.stats && result.stats.isDirectory();
+ if (ignored && (options.nested || options.silentlyIgnore)) {
+ return one(null, [])
+ }
+ if (!ignored && dir) {
+ return fs$a.readdir(
+ path$c.resolve(options.cwd, filePath(file)),
+ (error, basenames) => {
+ // Should not happen often: the directory is `stat`ed first, which was ok,
+ // but reading it is not.
+ /* c8 ignore next 9 */
+ if (error) {
+ const otherFile = toVFile(filePath(file));
+ otherFile.cwd = options.cwd;
+ try {
+'Cannot read directory');
+ } catch {}
+ one(null, [otherFile]);
+ } else {
+ search$1(
+ => path$c.join(filePath(file), name)),
+ Object.assign({}, options, {nested: true}),
+ one
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ )
+ }
- function directory(error, basenames) {
- var file;
+ if (
+ !dir &&
+ options.nested &&
+ options.extensions.length > 0 &&
+ !options.extensions.includes(ext)
+ ) {
+ return one(null, [])
+ }
- /* istanbul ignore if - Should not happen often: the directory is `stat`ed
- * first, which was ok, but reading it is not. */
- if (error) {
- file = vfile$4(filePath(file));
+ file = toVFile(file);
file.cwd = options.cwd;
- try {
-'Cannot read directory');
- } catch (_) {}
+ if (ignored) {
+ try {
+'Cannot process specified file: it’s ignored');
+ // C8 bug on Node@12
+ /* c8 ignore next 1 */
+ } catch {}
+ }
+ if (error && error.code === 'ENOENT') {
+ try {
+ error.syscall === 'stat' ? 'No such file or directory' : error
+ );
+ // C8 bug on Node@12
+ /* c8 ignore next 1 */
+ } catch {}
+ }
one(null, [file]);
- } else {
- search$1(
- Object.assign({}, options, {nested: true}),
- one
- );
- }
+ );
- // Error is never given. Always given `results`.
+ /**
+ * Error is never given. Always given `results`.
+ *
+ * @param {Error|null} _
+ * @param {Array.<VFile>} results
+ */
function one(_, results) {
/* istanbul ignore else - Always given. */
if (results) {
@@ -14212,39 +27251,41 @@ function search$1(input, options, next) {
next(null, files);
- function concat(value) {
- return path$7.join(filePath(file), value)
- }
+ * @param {VFile|string} file
+ * @param {Options & {extraIgnore: GitIgnore}} options
+ * @param {(error: NodeJS.ErrnoException|null, result?: SearchResults) => void} callback
+ */
function statAndIgnore(file, options, callback) {
- var fp = path$7.resolve(options.cwd, filePath(file));
- var normal = path$7.relative(options.cwd, fp);
- var expected = 1;
- var actual = 0;
- var stats;
- var ignored;
+ const fp = path$c.resolve(options.cwd, filePath(file));
+ const normal = path$c.relative(options.cwd, fp);
+ let expected = 1;
+ let actual = 0;
+ /** @type {Stats|undefined} */
+ let stats;
+ /** @type {boolean|undefined} */
+ let ignored;
- if (!file.contents) {
+ if (typeof file === 'string' || !file.value) {
- fs$7.stat(fp, handleStat);
- }
- options.ignore.check(fp, handleIgnore);
- function handleStat(error, value) {
- stats = value;
- one(error);
+ fs$a.stat(fp, (error, value) => {
+ stats = value;
+ onStartOrCheck(error);
+ });
- function handleIgnore(error, value) {
+ options.ignore.check(fp, (error, value) => {
ignored = value;
- one(error);
- }
+ onStartOrCheck(error);
+ });
- function one(error) {
+ /**
+ * @param {Error|null} error
+ */
+ function onStartOrCheck(error) {
if (error) {
@@ -14252,13 +27293,13 @@ function statAndIgnore(file, options, callback) {
actual = -1;
} else if (actual === expected) {
callback(null, {
- stats: stats,
+ stats,
ignored ||
(normal === '' ||
normal === '..' ||
- normal.charAt(0) === path$7.sep ||
- normal.slice(0, 3) === '..' + path$7.sep
+ normal.charAt(0) === path$c.sep ||
+ normal.slice(0, 3) === '..' + path$c.sep
? false
: options.extraIgnore.ignores(normal))
@@ -14266,14 +27307,26 @@ function statAndIgnore(file, options, callback) {
-function base(file) {
- return typeof file === 'string' ? path$7.basename(file) : file.basename
+ * @param {string|VFile} file
+ * @returns {string}
+ */
+function base$1(file) {
+ return typeof file === 'string' ? path$c.basename(file) : file.basename
+ * @param {string|VFile} file
+ * @returns {string}
+ */
function filePath(file) {
return typeof file === 'string' ? file : file.path
+ * @param {Result} result
+ * @returns {boolean}
+ */
function oneFileMode(result) {
return (
result.output.length === 1 &&
@@ -14282,17 +27335,23 @@ function oneFileMode(result) {
-var Ignore = ignore$1;
-var find = finder;
-var fileSystem_1$1 = fileSystem$3;
+ * @typedef {import('vfile').VFile} VFile
+ * @typedef {import('trough').Callback} Callback
+ * @typedef {import('./index.js').Settings} Settings
+ * @typedef {import('./index.js').Configuration} Configuration
+ */
-// Find files from the file-system.
-function fileSystem$3(context, settings, next) {
+ * @param {Context} context
+ * @param {Settings} settings
+ * @param {Callback} next
+ */
+function fileSystem$1(context, settings, next) {
if (context.files.length === 0) {
} else {
- find(
+ finder(
cwd: settings.cwd,
@@ -14307,37 +27366,46 @@ function fileSystem$3(context, settings, next) {
ignorePathResolveFrom: settings.ignorePathResolveFrom
- onfound
- );
- }
- function onfound(error, result) {
- var output = result.files;
+ (error, result) => {
+ // Glob errors typically don’t occur.
+ /* c8 ignore next 4 */
+ if (!result) {
+ next(error);
+ return
+ }
- // Sort alphabetically.
- // Everything is unique so we do not care about cases where left and right
- // are equal.
- output.sort(sortAlphabetically);
+ const output = result.files;
- // Mark as given.
- // This allows outputting files, which can be pretty dangerous, so it’s
- // “hidden”.
- output.forEach(markAsGiven);
+ // Sort alphabetically.
+ // Everything is unique so we do not care about cases where left and right
+ // are equal.
+ output.sort(sortAlphabetically);
- context.files = output;
+ // Mark as given.
+ // This allows outputting files, which can be pretty dangerous, so it’s
+ // “hidden”.
+ let index = -1;
+ while (++index < output.length) {
+ output[index].data.unifiedEngineGiven = true;
+ }
- // If `out` was not set, detect it based on whether one file was given.
- if (settings.out === null || settings.out === undefined) {
- settings.out = result.oneFileMode;
- }
+ context.files = output;
- next(error);
- }
+ // If `out` was not set, detect it based on whether one file was given.
+ if (settings.out === null || settings.out === undefined) {
+ settings.out = result.oneFileMode;
+ }
- function markAsGiven(file) {
- = true;
+ next(error);
+ }
+ );
+ /**
+ * @param {VFile} left
+ * @param {VFile} right
+ * @returns {number}
+ */
function sortAlphabetically(left, right) {
return left.path < right.path ? -1 : 1
@@ -14345,7 +27413,7 @@ function fileSystem$3(context, settings, next) {
/* eslint-disable node/no-deprecated-api */
-var toString$8 = Object.prototype.toString;
+var toString$2 = Object.prototype.toString;
var isModern = (
typeof Buffer !== 'undefined' &&
@@ -14355,7 +27423,7 @@ var isModern = (
function isArrayBuffer (input) {
- return toString$, -1) === 'ArrayBuffer'
+ return toString$, -1) === 'ArrayBuffer'
function fromArrayBuffer (obj, byteOffset, length) {
@@ -15050,8 +28118,8 @@ function packF32(v) { return packIEEE754(v, 8, 23); }
-var Writable = require$$0__default$5['default'].Writable;
-var inherits$1 = inherits$3.exports;
+var Writable = require$$1.Writable;
+var inherits = inherits$2.exports;
var bufferFrom = bufferFrom_1;
if (typeof Uint8Array === 'undefined') {
@@ -15091,7 +28159,7 @@ function ConcatStream(opts, cb) {
var concatStream = ConcatStream;
-inherits$1(ConcatStream, Writable);
+inherits(ConcatStream, Writable);
ConcatStream.prototype._write = function(chunk, enc, next) {
@@ -15190,17 +28258,25 @@ function u8Concat (parts) {
return u8
-var debug$b = src.exports('unified-engine:file-set-pipeline:stdin');
-var vfile$3 = toVfile;
-var concat = concatStream;
-var stdin_1 = stdin$1;
+ * @typedef {import('vfile').VFile} VFile
+ * @typedef {import('trough').Callback} Callback
+ * @typedef {import('./index.js').Settings} Settings
+ */
-function stdin$1(context, settings, next) {
- var error;
+const debug$9 = createDebug('unified-engine:file-set-pipeline:stdin');
+ * @param {Context} context
+ * @param {Settings} settings
+ * @param {Callback} next
+ */
+function stdin(context, settings, next) {
if (settings.files && settings.files.length > 0) {
- debug$b('Ignoring `streamIn`');
+ debug$9('Ignoring `streamIn`');
+ /** @type {Error|undefined} */
+ let error;
if (settings.filePath) {
error = new Error(
@@ -15213,176 +28289,183 @@ function stdin$1(context, settings, next) {
+ // @ts-expect-error: does exist on `stdin`.
if (settings.streamIn.isTTY) {
- debug$b('Cannot read from `tty` stream');
+ debug$9('Cannot read from `tty` stream');
next(new Error('No input'));
- debug$b('Reading from `streamIn`');
- settings.streamIn.pipe(concat({encoding: 'string'}, read));
- function read(value) {
- var file = vfile$3(settings.filePath || undefined);
- debug$b('Read from `streamIn`');
- file.cwd = settings.cwd;
- file.contents = value;
- = true;
- = true;
- context.files = [file];
- // If `out` was not set, set `out`.
- settings.out =
- settings.out === null || settings.out === undefined ? true : settings.out;
- next();
- }
-var events = require$$0__default$4['default'];
-var inherits = require$$0__default['default'].inherits;
-var trough$3 = trough_1;
-var vfile$2 = toVfile;
+ debug$9('Reading from `streamIn`');
-var fileSet = FileSet$1;
-// FileSet constructor.
-function FileSet$1() {
- var self = this;
+ settings.streamIn.pipe(
+ concatStream({encoding: 'string'}, (value) => {
+ const file = toVFile(settings.filePath);
- self.files = [];
- = [];
+ debug$9('Read from `streamIn`');
- self.expected = 0;
- self.actual = 0;
+ file.cwd = settings.cwd;
+ file.value = value;
+ = true;
+ = true;
- self.pipeline = trough$3();
- self.plugins = [];
+ context.files = [file];
+ // If `out` was not set, set `out`.
+ settings.out =
+ settings.out === null || settings.out === undefined
+ ? true
+ : settings.out;
- self.on('one', one$1.bind(self));
+ next();
+ })
+ );
-// Events.
-inherits(FileSet$1, events.EventEmitter);
-// Expose methods.
-FileSet$1.prototype.valueOf = valueOf;
-FileSet$1.prototype.use = use;
-FileSet$1.prototype.add = add;
+ * @typedef {import('vfile').VFile} VFile
+ * @typedef {import('trough').Pipeline} Pipeline
+ */
-// Create an array representation of `fileSet`.
-function valueOf() {
- return this.files
+class FileSet extends EventEmitter$1 {
+ /**
+ * FileSet constructor.
+ * A FileSet is created to process multiple files through unified processors.
+ * This set, containing all files, is exposed to plugins as an argument to the
+ * attacher.
+ */
+ constructor() {
+ super();
-// Attach middleware to the pipeline on `fileSet`.
-function use(plugin) {
- var self = this;
- var pipeline = self.pipeline;
- var duplicate = false;
+ /** @type {Array.<VFile>} */
+ this.files = [];
+ /** @type {string[]} */
+ = [];
+ /** @type {Completer[]} */
+ this.plugins = [];
+ /** @type {number} */
+ this.expected = 0;
+ /** @type {number} */
+ this.actual = 0;
+ /** @type {Pipeline} */
+ this.pipeline = trough();
- if (plugin && plugin.pluginId) {
- duplicate = self.plugins.some(matches);
- }
+ // Called when a single file has completed it’s pipeline, triggering `done`
+ // when all files are complete.
+ this.on('one', () => {
+ this.actual++;
- if (!duplicate && self.plugins.indexOf(plugin) !== -1) {
- duplicate = true;
+ if (this.actual >= this.expected) {
+ this.emit('done');
+ }
+ });
- if (!duplicate) {
- self.plugins.push(plugin);
- pipeline.use(plugin);
+ /**
+ * Access the files in a set.
+ */
+ valueOf() {
+ return this.files
- return self
+ /**
+ * Attach middleware to the pipeline on `fileSet`.
+ *
+ * @param {Completer} plugin
+ */
+ use(plugin) {
+ const pipeline = this.pipeline;
+ let duplicate = false;
- function matches(fn) {
- return fn.pluginId === plugin.pluginId
- }
+ if (plugin && plugin.pluginId) {
+ duplicate = this.plugins.some((fn) => fn.pluginId === plugin.pluginId);
+ }
-// Add a file to be processed.
-// Ignores duplicate files (based on the `filePath` at time of addition).
-// Only runs `file-pipeline` on files which have not `failed` before addition.
-function add(file) {
- var self = this;
+ if (!duplicate && this.plugins.includes(plugin)) {
+ duplicate = true;
+ }
- if (typeof file === 'string') {
- file = vfile$2(file);
- }
+ if (!duplicate) {
+ this.plugins.push(plugin);
+ pipeline.use(plugin);
+ }
- // Prevent files from being added multiple times.
- if ([0]) !== -1) {
- return self
+ return this
- // Add.
- self.valueOf().push(file);
- self.expected++;
- // Force an asynchronous operation.
- // This ensures that files which fall through the file pipeline immediately
- // (such as, when already fatally failed) still queue up correctly.
- setImmediate(add);
+ /**
+ * Add a file to be processed.
+ * The given file is processed like other files with a few differences:
+ *
+ * * Ignored when their file path is already added
+ * * Never written to the file system or streamOut
+ * * Not reported for
+ *
+ * @param {string|VFile} file
+ */
+ add(file) {
+ if (typeof file === 'string') {
+ file = toVFile(file);
+ }
- return self
+ // Prevent files from being added multiple times.
+ if ([0])) {
+ return this
+ }
- function add() {
- self.emit('add', file);
- }
-// Utility invoked when a single file has completed it's pipeline, triggering
-// `done` when all files are complete.
-function one$1() {
- var self = this;
+ // Add.
+ this.valueOf().push(file);
+ this.expected++;
- self.actual++;
+ // Force an asynchronous operation.
+ // This ensures that files which fall through the file pipeline immediately
+ // (such as, when already fatally failed) still queue up correctly.
+ setImmediate(() => {
+ this.emit('add', file);
+ });
- if (self.actual >= self.expected) {
- self.emit('done');
+ return this
-var fs$6 = require$$0__default$3['default'];
-var path$6 = require$$0__default$2['default'];
-var debug$a = src.exports('unified-engine:file-pipeline:read');
-var stats$7 = vfileStatistics;
+ * @typedef {import('vfile').VFile} VFile
+ * @typedef {import('trough').Callback} Callback
+ * @typedef {import('./index.js').Context} Context
+ */
-var read_1 = read$2;
+const debug$8 = createDebug('unified-engine:file-pipeline:read');
-// Fill a file with its contents when not already filled.
-function read$2(context, file, fileSet, next) {
- var filePath = file.path;
+ * Fill a file with its value when not already filled.
+ *
+ * @param {Context} context
+ * @param {VFile} file
+ * @param {Callback} next
+ */
+function read$1(context, file, next) {
+ let filePath = file.path;
- if (file.contents || {
- debug$a('Not reading file `%s` with contents', filePath);
+ if (file.value || {
+ debug$8('Not reading file `%s` with `value`', filePath);
- } else if (stats$7(file).fatal) {
- debug$a('Not reading failed file `%s`', filePath);
+ } else if (statistics(file).fatal) {
+ debug$8('Not reading failed file `%s`', filePath);
} else {
- filePath = path$6.resolve(context.cwd, filePath);
+ filePath = path$c.resolve(context.settings.cwd, filePath);
- debug$a('Reading `%s` in `%s`', filePath, 'utf8');
- fs$6.readFile(filePath, 'utf8', onread);
- }
- function onread(error, contents) {
- debug$a('Read `%s` (error: %s)', filePath, error);
+ debug$8('Reading `%s` in `%s`', filePath, 'utf8');
+ fs$a.readFile(filePath, 'utf8', (error, value) => {
+ debug$8('Read `%s` (error: %s)', filePath, error);
- file.contents = contents || '';
+ file.value = value || '';
- next(error);
+ next(error);
+ });
@@ -15400,7 +28483,7 @@ var has = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
* @type {Function}
-var toString$7 = Object.prototype.toString;
+var toString$1 = Object.prototype.toString;
* Test whether a value is "empty".
@@ -15409,7 +28492,7 @@ var toString$7 = Object.prototype.toString;
* @return {Boolean}
-function isEmpty$1(val) {
+function isEmpty(val) {
// Null and Undefined...
if (val == null) return true
@@ -15432,7 +28515,7 @@ function isEmpty$1(val) {
if (val instanceof Error) return val.message === ''
// Objects...
- if (val.toString == toString$7) {
+ if (val.toString == toString$1) {
switch (val.toString()) {
// Maps, Sets, Files and Errors...
@@ -15463,89 +28546,107 @@ function isEmpty$1(val) {
* @type {Function}
-var lib$5 = isEmpty$1;
+var lib$1 = isEmpty;
-var debug$9 = src.exports('unified-engine:file-pipeline:configure');
-var stats$6 = vfileStatistics;
-var empty$3 = lib$5;
+ * @typedef {import('vfile').VFile} VFile
+ * @typedef {import('trough').Callback} Callback
+ * @typedef {import('./index.js').Context} Context
+ */
-var configure_1$1 = configure$5;
+const debug$7 = createDebug('unified-engine:file-pipeline:configure');
-// Collect configuration for a file based on the context.
-function configure$5(context, file, fileSet, next) {
- if (stats$6(file).fatal) {
+ * Collect configuration for a file based on the context.
+ *
+ * @param {Context} context
+ * @param {VFile} file
+ * @param {Callback} next
+ */
+function configure$2(context, file, next) {
+ if (statistics(file).fatal) {
return next()
- context.configuration.load(file.path, handleConfiguration);
- function handleConfiguration(error, configuration) {
- var index = -1;
- var plugin;
- var options;
+ context.configuration.load(file.path, (error, configuration) => {
+ let index = -1;
- if (error) {
+ if (!configuration) {
return next(error)
+ // Could be missing if a `configTransform` returns weird things.
+ /* c8 ignore next 1 */
+ const plugins = configuration.plugins || [];
// Store configuration on the context object.
- debug$9('Using settings `%j`', configuration.settings);
+ debug$7('Using settings `%j`', configuration.settings);'settings', configuration.settings);
- debug$9('Using `%d` plugins', configuration.plugins.length);
+ debug$7('Using `%d` plugins', plugins.length);
- while (++index < configuration.plugins.length) {
- plugin = configuration.plugins[index][0];
- options = configuration.plugins[index][1];
+ while (++index < plugins.length) {
+ const plugin = plugins[index][0];
+ let options = plugins[index][1];
if (options === false) {
// Allow for default arguments in es2020.
- if (options === null || (typeof options === 'object' && empty$3(options))) {
+ /* c8 ignore next 6 */
+ if (
+ options === null ||
+ (typeof options === 'object' && lib$1(options))
+ ) {
options = undefined;
- debug$9(
+ debug$7(
'Using plugin `%s`, with options `%j`',
+ // @ts-expect-error: `displayName` sure can exist on functions.
plugin.displayName || || 'function',
try {
- context.processor.use(plugin, options, fileSet);
+ context.processor.use(plugin, options, context.fileSet);
+ /* Should not happen anymore! */
+ /* c8 ignore next 3 */
} catch (error_) {
- /* istanbul ignore next - Should not happen anymore! */
return next(error_)
- }
+ });
-var debug$8 = src.exports('unified-engine:file-pipeline:parse');
-var stats$5 = vfileStatistics;
-var json$1 = parseJson_1;
-var parse_1$4 = parse$a;
+ * @typedef {import('vfile').VFile} VFile
+ * @typedef {import('./index.js').Context} Context
+ */
-// Fill a file with a tree.
-function parse$a(context, file) {
- var message;
+const debug$6 = createDebug('unified-engine:file-pipeline:parse');
- if (stats$5(file).fatal) {
+ * Fill a file with a tree.
+ *
+ * @param {Context} context
+ * @param {VFile} file
+ */
+function parse$2(context, file) {
+ if (statistics(file).fatal) {
- if (context.treeIn) {
- debug$8('Not parsing already parsed document');
+ if (context.settings.treeIn) {
+ debug$6('Not parsing already parsed document');
try {
- context.tree = json$1(file.toString());
+ context.tree = parseJson_1(file.toString());
} catch (error) {
- message = file.message(
+ const message = file.message(
new Error('Cannot read file as JSON\n' + error.message)
message.fatal = true;
@@ -15555,334 +28656,457 @@ function parse$a(context, file) {
// correctly recognised.
// Only add it if there is a path — not if the file is for example stdin.
if (file.path) {
- file.extname = context.extensions[0];
+ file.extname = context.settings.extensions[0];
- file.contents = '';
+ file.value = '';
- debug$8('Parsing `%s`', file.path);
+ debug$6('Parsing `%s`', file.path);
context.tree = context.processor.parse(file);
- debug$8('Parsed document');
+ debug$6('Parsed document');
-var debug$7 = src.exports('unified-engine:file-pipeline:transform');
-var stats$4 = vfileStatistics;
+ * @typedef {import('vfile').VFile} VFile
+ * @typedef {import('trough').Callback} Callback
+ * @typedef {import('./index.js').Context} Context
+ */
-var transform_1$1 = transform$5;
+const debug$5 = createDebug('unified-engine:file-pipeline:transform');
-// Transform the tree associated with a file with configured plugins.
-function transform$5(context, file, fileSet, next) {
- if (stats$4(file).fatal) {
+ * Transform the tree associated with a file with configured plugins.
+ *
+ * @param {Context} context
+ * @param {VFile} file
+ * @param {Callback} next
+ */
+function transform$2(context, file, next) {
+ if (statistics(file).fatal) {
} else {
- debug$7('Transforming document `%s`', file.path);
-, file, onrun);
- }
- function onrun(error, node) {
- debug$7('Transformed document (error: %s)', error);
- context.tree = node;
- next(error);
+ debug$5('Transforming document `%s`', file.path);
+ // @ts-expect-error: `tree` is defined at this point.
+, file, (error, node) => {
+ debug$5('Transformed document (error: %s)', error);
+ context.tree = node;
+ next(error);
+ });
-var debug$6 = src.exports('unified-engine:file-pipeline:queue');
-var stats$3 = vfileStatistics;
+ * @typedef {import('vfile').VFile} VFile
+ * @typedef {import('trough').Callback} Callback
+ * @typedef {import('./index.js').Context} Context
+ */
-var queue_1 = queue$1;
+const debug$4 = createDebug('unified-engine:file-pipeline:queue');
-// Queue all files which came this far.
-// When the last file gets here, run the file-set pipeline and flush the queue.
-function queue$1(context, file, fileSet, next) {
- var origin = file.history[0];
- var map = fileSet.complete;
- var complete = true;
+const own$a = {}.hasOwnProperty;
+ * Queue all files which came this far.
+ * When the last file gets here, run the file-set pipeline and flush the queue.
+ *
+ * @param {Context} context
+ * @param {VFile} file
+ * @param {Callback} next
+ */
+function queue(context, file, next) {
+ let origin = file.history[0];
+ // @ts-expect-error: store a completion map on the `fileSet`.
+ let map = context.fileSet.complete;
+ let complete = true;
if (!map) {
map = {};
- fileSet.complete = map;
+ // @ts-expect-error: store a completion map on the `fileSet`.
+ context.fileSet.complete = map;
- debug$6('Queueing `%s`', origin);
+ debug$4('Queueing `%s`', origin);
map[origin] = next;
- fileSet.valueOf().forEach(each);
+ const files = context.fileSet.valueOf();
+ let index = -1;
+ while (++index < files.length) {
+ each(files[index]);
+ }
if (!complete) {
- debug$6('Not flushing: some files cannot be flushed');
+ debug$4('Not flushing: some files cannot be flushed');
- fileSet.complete = {};
-, done);
+ // @ts-expect-error: Reset map.
+ context.fileSet.complete = {};
+, done);
+ /**
+ * @param {VFile} file
+ */
function each(file) {
- var key = file.history[0];
+ const key = file.history[0];
- if (stats$3(file).fatal) {
+ if (statistics(file).fatal) {
if (typeof map[key] === 'function') {
- debug$6('`%s` can be flushed', key);
+ debug$4('`%s` can be flushed', key);
} else {
- debug$6('Interupting flush: `%s` is not finished', key);
+ debug$4('Interupting flush: `%s` is not finished', key);
complete = false;
+ /**
+ * @param {Error|Null} error
+ */
function done(error) {
- debug$6('Flushing: all files can be flushed');
+ debug$4('Flushing: all files can be flushed');
// Flush.
for (origin in map) {
- map[origin](error);
+ if (own$, origin)) {
+ map[origin](error);
+ }
-var isEmpty = lib$5;
-// Detect color support.
-var color$4 = true;
-try {
- color$4 = 'inspect' in require$$0__default['default'];
-} catch (_) {
- /* istanbul ignore next - browser */
- color$4 = false;
-var unistUtilInspect = color$4 ? inspect$2 : /* istanbul ignore next */ noColor;
-inspect$2.color = inspect$2;
-noColor.color = inspect$2;
-inspect$2.noColor = noColor;
-noColor.noColor = noColor;
+var own$9 = {}.hasOwnProperty;
+var bold = ansiColor(1, 22);
var dim = ansiColor(2, 22);
var yellow = ansiColor(33, 39);
var green = ansiColor(32, 39);
-// Define ANSII color removal functionality.
-var colorExpression = new RegExp(
- '(?:' +
- '(?:\\u001b\\[)|' +
- '\\u009b' +
- ')' +
- '(?:' +
- '(?:[0-9]{1,3})?(?:(?:;[0-9]{0,3})*)?[A-M|f-m]' +
- ')|' +
- '\\u001b[A-M]',
- 'g'
+// ANSI color regex.
+/* eslint-disable-next-line no-control-regex */
+var colorExpression = /(?:(?:\u001B\[)|\u009B)(?:\d{1,3})?(?:(?:;\d{0,3})*)?[A-M|f-m]|\u001B[A-M]/g;
-// Standard keys defined by unist:
-// We don’t ignore `data` though.
-var ignore = ['type', 'value', 'children', 'position'];
-// Inspects a node, without using color.
-function noColor(node, pad) {
- return stripColor(inspect$2(node, pad))
+ * Inspects a node, without using color.
+ *
+ * @param {unknown} node
+ * @param {InspectOptions} [options]
+ * @returns {string}
+ */
+function inspectNoColor(node, options) {
+ return inspectColor(node, options).replace(colorExpression, '')
-// Inspects a node.
-function inspect$2(node, pad) {
- var result;
- var children;
- var index;
- var length;
+ * Inspects a node, using color.
+ *
+ * @param {unknown} tree
+ * @param {InspectOptions} [options]
+ * @returns {string}
+ */
+function inspectColor(tree, options) {
+ var positions =
+ !options ||
+ options.showPositions === null ||
+ options.showPositions === undefined
+ ? true
+ : options.showPositions;
- if (node && Boolean(node.length) && typeof node !== 'string') {
- length = node.length;
- index = -1;
- result = [];
+ return inspectValue(tree)
- while (++index < length) {
- result[index] = inspect$2(node[index]);
+ /**
+ * @param {unknown} node
+ * @returns {string}
+ */
+ function inspectValue(node) {
+ if (node && typeof node === 'object' && 'length' in node) {
+ // @ts-ignore looks like a list of nodes.
+ return inspectNodes(node)
- return result.join('\n')
- }
- if (!node || !node.type) {
- return String(node)
- }
- result = [formatNode(node)];
- children = node.children;
- length = children && children.length;
- index = -1;
+ // @ts-ignore looks like a single node.
+ if (node && node.type) {
+ // @ts-ignore looks like a single node.
+ return inspectTree(node)
+ }
- if (!length) {
- return result[0]
+ return inspectNonTree(node)
- if (!pad || typeof pad === 'number') {
- pad = '';
+ /**
+ * @param {unknown} value
+ * @returns {string}
+ */
+ function inspectNonTree(value) {
+ return JSON.stringify(value)
- while (++index < length) {
- node = children[index];
+ /**
+ * @param {Node[]} nodes
+ * @returns {string}
+ */
+ function inspectNodes(nodes) {
+ /** @type {Array.<string>} */
+ var result = [];
+ var index = -1;
- if (index === length - 1) {
- result.push(formatNesting(pad + '└─ ') + inspect$2(node, pad + ' '));
- } else {
- result.push(formatNesting(pad + '├─ ') + inspect$2(node, pad + '│ '));
+ while (++index < nodes.length) {
+ result.push(
+ dim((index < nodes.length - 1 ? '├' : '└') + '─' + index) +
+ ' ' +
+ indent(
+ inspectValue(nodes[index]),
+ (index < nodes.length - 1 ? dim('│') : ' ') + ' ',
+ true
+ )
+ );
- }
- return result.join('\n')
-// Colored nesting formatter.
-function formatNesting(value) {
- return dim(value)
-// Compile a single position.
-function compile$2(pos) {
- var values = [];
- if (!pos) {
- return null
+ return result.join('\n')
- values = [[pos.line || 1, pos.column || 1].join(':')];
+ /**
+ * @param {Object.<string, unknown>} object
+ * @returns {string}
+ */
+ function inspectFields(object) {
+ /** @type {Array.<string>} */
+ var result = [];
+ /** @type {string} */
+ var key;
+ /** @type {unknown} */
+ var value;
+ /** @type {string} */
+ var formatted;
- if ('offset' in pos) {
- values.push(String(pos.offset || 0));
- }
+ for (key in object) {
+ /* c8 ignore next 1 */
+ if (!own$, key)) continue
- return values
+ value = object[key];
-// Compile a location.
-function stringify$c(start, end) {
- var values = [];
- var positions = [];
- var offsets = [];
+ if (
+ value === undefined ||
+ // Standard keys defined by unist that we format differently.
+ // <>
+ key === 'type' ||
+ key === 'value' ||
+ key === 'children' ||
+ key === 'position' ||
+ // Ignore `name` (from xast) and `tagName` (from `hast`) when string.
+ (typeof value === 'string' && (key === 'name' || key === 'tagName'))
+ ) {
+ continue
+ }
- add(start);
- add(end);
+ // A single node.
+ if (
+ value &&
+ typeof value === 'object' &&
+ // @ts-ignore looks like a node.
+ value.type &&
+ key !== 'data' &&
+ key !== 'attributes' &&
+ key !== 'properties'
+ ) {
+ // @ts-ignore looks like a node.
+ formatted = inspectTree(value);
+ }
+ // A list of nodes.
+ else if (
+ value &&
+ typeof value === 'object' &&
+ 'length' in value &&
+ value[0] &&
+ value[0].type
+ ) {
+ // @ts-ignore looks like a list of nodes.
+ formatted = '\n' + inspectNodes(value);
+ } else {
+ formatted = inspectNonTree(value);
+ }
- if (positions.length !== 0) {
- values.push(positions.join('-'));
+ result.push(
+ key + dim(':') + (/\s/.test(formatted.charAt(0)) ? '' : ' ') + formatted
+ );
+ }
+ return indent(
+ result.join('\n'),
+ // @ts-ignore looks like a parent node.
+ (object.children && object.children.length > 0 ? dim('│') : ' ') + ' '
+ )
- if (offsets.length !== 0) {
- values.push(offsets.join('-'));
+ /**
+ * @param {Node} node
+ * @returns {string}
+ */
+ function inspectTree(node) {
+ var result = [formatNode(node)];
+ var fields = inspectFields(node);
+ // @ts-ignore looks like a parent.
+ var content = inspectNodes(node.children || []);
+ if (fields) result.push(fields);
+ if (content) result.push(content);
+ return result.join('\n')
- return values.join(', ')
+ /**
+ * Colored node formatter.
+ *
+ * @param {Node} node
+ * @returns {string}
+ */
+ function formatNode(node) {
+ var result = [bold(node.type)];
+ var kind = node.tagName ||;
+ var position = positions ? stringifyPosition(node.position) : '';
- // Add a position.
- function add(position) {
- var tuple = compile$2(position);
+ if (typeof kind === 'string') {
+ result.push('<', kind, '>');
+ }
- if (tuple) {
- positions.push(tuple[0]);
+ if (node.children) {
+ // @ts-ignore looks like a parent.
+ result.push(dim('['), yellow(node.children.length), dim(']'));
+ } else if (typeof node.value === 'string') {
+ result.push(' ', green(inspectNonTree(node.value)));
+ }
- if (tuple[1]) {
- offsets.push(tuple[1]);
- }
+ if (position) {
+ result.push(' ', dim('('), position, dim(')'));
+ return result.join('')
-// Colored node formatter.
-function formatNode(node) {
- var log = node.type;
- var location = node.position || {};
- var position = stringify$c(location.start, location.end);
- var key;
- var values = [];
- var value;
+ * @param {string} value
+ * @param {string} indentation
+ * @param {boolean} [ignoreFirst=false]
+ * @returns {string}
+ */
+function indent(value, indentation, ignoreFirst) {
+ var lines = value.split('\n');
+ var index = ignoreFirst ? 0 : -1;
- if (node.children) {
- log += dim('[') + yellow(node.children.length) + dim(']');
- } else if (typeof node.value === 'string') {
- log += dim(': ') + green(JSON.stringify(node.value));
- }
+ if (!value) return value
- if (position) {
- log += ' (' + position + ')';
+ while (++index < lines.length) {
+ lines[index] = indentation + lines[index];
- for (key in node) {
- value = node[key];
+ return lines.join('\n')
- if (
- ignore.indexOf(key) !== -1 ||
- value === null ||
- value === undefined ||
- (typeof value === 'object' && isEmpty(value))
- ) {
- continue
- }
+ * @param {Position} value
+ * @returns {string}
+ */
+function stringifyPosition(value) {
+ /** @type {Position} */
+ // @ts-ignore
+ var position = value || {};
+ /** @type {Array.<string>} */
+ var result = [];
+ /** @type {Array.<string>} */
+ var positions = [];
+ /** @type {Array.<string>} */
+ var offsets = [];
- values.push('[' + key + '=' + JSON.stringify(value) + ']');
- }
+ point(position.start);
+ point(position.end);
- if (values.length !== 0) {
- log += ' ' + values.join('');
- }
+ if (positions.length > 0) result.push(positions.join('-'));
+ if (offsets.length > 0) result.push(offsets.join('-'));
- return log
+ return result.join(', ')
-// Remove ANSI colour from `value`.
-function stripColor(value) {
- return value.replace(colorExpression, '')
+ /**
+ * @param {Point} value
+ */
+ function point(value) {
+ if (value) {
+ positions.push((value.line || 1) + ':' + (value.column || 1));
+ if ('offset' in value) {
+ offsets.push(String(value.offset || 0));
+ }
+ }
+ }
-// Factory to wrap values in ANSI colours.
+ * Factory to wrap values in ANSI colours.
+ *
+ * @param {number} open
+ * @param {number} close
+ * @returns {function(string): string}
+ */
function ansiColor(open, close) {
return color
+ /**
+ * @param {string} value
+ * @returns {string}
+ */
function color(value) {
return '\u001B[' + open + 'm' + value + '\u001B[' + close + 'm'
-var debug$5 = src.exports('unified-engine:file-pipeline:stringify');
-var buffer$3 = isBuffer;
-var stats$2 = vfileStatistics;
-var inspect$1 = unistUtilInspect;
+ * @typedef {import('vfile').VFile} VFile
+ * @typedef {import('./index.js').Context} Context
+ */
-var stringify_1 = stringify$b;
+const debug$3 = createDebug('unified-engine:file-pipeline:stringify');
-// Stringify a tree.
-function stringify$b(context, file) {
- var value;
+ * Stringify a tree.
+ *
+ * @param {Context} context
+ * @param {VFile} file
+ */
+function stringify$1(context, file) {
+ /** @type {unknown} */
+ let value;
- if (stats$2(file).fatal) {
- debug$5('Not compiling failed document');
+ if (statistics(file).fatal) {
+ debug$3('Not compiling failed document');
- if (!context.output && !context.out && !context.alwaysStringify) {
- debug$5('Not compiling document without output settings');
+ if (
+ !context.settings.output &&
+ !context.settings.out &&
+ !context.settings.alwaysStringify
+ ) {
+ debug$3('Not compiling document without output settings');
- debug$5('Compiling `%s`', file.path);
+ debug$3('Compiling `%s`', file.path);
- if (context.inspect) {
+ if (context.settings.inspect) {
// Add a `txt` extension if there is a path.
if (file.path) {
file.extname = '.txt';
- value = inspect$1[context.color ? 'color' : 'noColor'](context.tree) + '\n';
- } else if (context.treeOut) {
+ value =
+ (context.settings.color ? inspectColor : inspectNoColor)(context.tree) +
+ '\n';
+ } else if (context.settings.treeOut) {
// Add a `json` extension to ensure the file is correctly seen as JSON.
// Only add it if there is a path — not if the file is for example stdin.
if (file.path) {
@@ -15892,282 +29116,317 @@ function stringify$b(context, file) {
// Add the line feed to create a valid UNIX file.
value = JSON.stringify(context.tree, null, 2) + '\n';
} else {
+ // @ts-expect-error: `tree` is defined if we came this far.
value = context.processor.stringify(context.tree, file);
- if (value === undefined || value === null) ; else if (typeof value === 'string' || buffer$3(value)) {
- file.contents = value;
+ if (value === undefined || value === null) ; else if (typeof value === 'string' || isBuffer(value)) {
+ // @ts-expect-error: `isBuffer` checks buffer.
+ file.value = value;
} else {
file.result = value;
- debug$5('Serialized document');
+ debug$3('Serialized document');
-var fs$5 = require$$0__default$3['default'];
-var path$5 = require$$0__default$2['default'];
-var debug$4 = src.exports('unified-engine:file-pipeline:copy');
+ * @typedef {import('vfile').VFile} VFile
+ * @typedef {import('trough').Callback} Callback
+ * @typedef {import('./index.js').Context} Context
+ */
-var copy_1 = copy$4;
+const debug$2 = createDebug('unified-engine:file-pipeline:copy');
-// Move a file.
-function copy$4(context, file, fileSet, next) {
- var output = context.output;
- var outpath = output;
- var currentPath = file.path;
+ * Move a file.
+ *
+ * @param {Context} context
+ * @param {VFile} file
+ * @param {Callback} next
+ */
+function copy(context, file, next) {
+ const output = context.settings.output;
+ const currentPath = file.path;
- if (typeof outpath !== 'string') {
- debug$4('Not copying');
- return next()
+ if (typeof output !== 'string') {
+ debug$2('Not copying');
+ next();
+ return
- outpath = path$5.resolve(context.cwd, outpath);
+ const outpath = path$c.resolve(context.settings.cwd, output);
- debug$4('Copying `%s`', currentPath);
+ debug$2('Copying `%s`', currentPath);
- fs$5.stat(outpath, onstatfile);
- function onstatfile(error, stats) {
+ fs$a.stat(outpath, (error, stats) => {
if (error) {
if (
error.code !== 'ENOENT' ||
- output.charAt(output.length - 1) === path$5.sep
+ output.charAt(output.length - 1) === path$c.sep
) {
return next(
new Error('Cannot read output directory. Error:\n' + error.message)
- fs$5.stat(path$5.dirname(outpath), onstatparent);
+ // This is either given an error, or the parent exists which is a directory,
+ // but we should keep the basename of the given file.
+ fs$a.stat(path$c.dirname(outpath), (error) => {
+ if (error) {
+ next(
+ new Error('Cannot read parent directory. Error:\n' + error.message)
+ );
+ } else {
+ done(false);
+ }
+ });
} else {
- }
- // This is either given an error, or the parent exists which is a directory,
- // but we should keep the basename of the given file.
- function onstatparent(error) {
- if (error) {
- next(new Error('Cannot read parent directory. Error:\n' + error.message));
- } else {
- done(false);
- }
- }
+ });
+ /**
+ * @param {boolean} directory
+ */
function done(directory) {
- if (!directory && fileSet.expected > 1) {
+ if (!directory && context.fileSet.expected > 1) {
return next(
new Error('Cannot write multiple files to single output: ' + outpath)
- file[directory ? 'dirname' : 'path'] = path$5.relative(file.cwd, outpath);
+ file[directory ? 'dirname' : 'path'] = path$c.relative(file.cwd, outpath);
- debug$4('Copying document from %s to %s', currentPath, file.path);
+ debug$2('Copying document from %s to %s', currentPath, file.path);
-var debug$3 = src.exports('unified-engine:file-pipeline:stdout');
-var stats$1 = vfileStatistics;
+ * @typedef {import('vfile').VFile} VFile
+ * @typedef {import('trough').Callback} Callback
+ * @typedef {import('./index.js').Context} Context
+ */
-var stdout_1 = stdout$1;
+const debug$1 = createDebug('unified-engine:file-pipeline:stdout');
-// Write a virtual file to `streamOut`.
-// Ignored when `output` is given, more than one file was processed, or `out`
-// is false.
-function stdout$1(context, file, fileSet, next) {
+ * Write a virtual file to `streamOut`.
+ * Ignored when `output` is given, more than one file was processed, or `out`
+ * is false.
+ *
+ * @param {Context} context
+ * @param {VFile} file
+ * @param {Callback} next
+ */
+function stdout(context, file, next) {
if (! {
- debug$3('Ignoring programmatically added file');
+ debug$1('Ignoring programmatically added file');
- } else if (stats$1(file).fatal || context.output || !context.out) {
- debug$3('Ignoring writing to `streamOut`');
+ } else if (
+ statistics(file).fatal ||
+ context.settings.output ||
+ !context.settings.out
+ ) {
+ debug$1('Ignoring writing to `streamOut`');
} else {
- debug$3('Writing document to `streamOut`');
- context.streamOut.write(file.toString(), next);
+ debug$1('Writing document to `streamOut`');
+ context.settings.streamOut.write(file.toString(), next);
-var fs$4 = require$$0__default$3['default'];
-var path$4 = require$$0__default$2['default'];
-var debug$2 = src.exports('unified-engine:file-pipeline:file-system');
-var stats = vfileStatistics;
-var fileSystem_1 = fileSystem$2;
+ * @typedef {import('vfile').VFile} VFile
+ * @typedef {import('trough').Callback} Callback
+ * @typedef {import('./index.js').Context} Context
+ */
-// Write a virtual file to the file-system.
-// Ignored when `output` is not given.
-function fileSystem$2(context, file, fileSet, next) {
- var destinationPath;
+const debug = createDebug('unified-engine:file-pipeline:file-system');
- if (!context.output) {
- debug$2('Ignoring writing to file-system');
+ * Write a virtual file to the file-system.
+ * Ignored when `output` is not given.
+ *
+ * @param {Context} context
+ * @param {VFile} file
+ * @param {Callback} next
+ */
+function fileSystem(context, file, next) {
+ if (!context.settings.output) {
+ debug('Ignoring writing to file-system');
return next()
if (! {
- debug$2('Ignoring programmatically added file');
+ debug('Ignoring programmatically added file');
return next()
- destinationPath = file.path;
+ let destinationPath = file.path;
if (!destinationPath) {
- debug$2('Cannot write file without a `destinationPath`');
+ debug('Cannot write file without a `destinationPath`');
return next(new Error('Cannot write file without an output path'))
- if (stats(file).fatal) {
- debug$2('Cannot write file with a fatal error');
+ if (statistics(file).fatal) {
+ debug('Cannot write file with a fatal error');
return next()
- destinationPath = path$4.resolve(context.cwd, destinationPath);
- debug$2('Writing document to `%s`', destinationPath);
+ destinationPath = path$c.resolve(context.settings.cwd, destinationPath);
+ debug('Writing document to `%s`', destinationPath);
file.stored = true;
- fs$4.writeFile(destinationPath, file.toString(), next);
+ fs$a.writeFile(destinationPath, file.toString(), next);
-var trough$2 = trough_1;
-var read$1 = read_1;
-var configure$4 = configure_1$1;
-var parse$9 = parse_1$4;
-var transform$4 = transform_1$1;
-var queue = queue_1;
-var stringify$a = stringify_1;
-var copy$3 = copy_1;
-var stdout = stdout_1;
-var fileSystem$1 = fileSystem_1;
+ * @typedef {import('trough').Pipeline} Pipeline
+ * @typedef {import('vfile').VFile} VFile
+ * @typedef {import('vfile-message').VFileMessage} VFileMessage
+ * @typedef {import('unist').Node} Node
+ * @typedef {import('unified').Processor} Processor
+ * @typedef {import('../file-set.js').FileSet} FileSet
+ * @typedef {import('../configuration.js').Configuration} Configuration
+ * @typedef {import('../index.js').Settings} Settings
+ */
// This pipeline ensures each of the pipes always runs: even if the read pipe
// fails, queue and write run.
-var filePipeline$1 = trough$2()
- .use(chunk(trough$2().use(read$1).use(configure$4).use(parse$9).use(transform$4)))
- .use(chunk(trough$2().use(queue)))
- .use(chunk(trough$2().use(stringify$a).use(copy$3).use(stdout).use(fileSystem$1)));
-// Factory to run a pipe.
-// Wraps a pipe to trigger an error on the `file` in `context`, but still call
-// `next`.
+const filePipeline = trough()
+ .use(chunk(trough().use(read$1).use(configure$2).use(parse$2).use(transform$2)))
+ .use(chunk(trough().use(queue)))
+ .use(chunk(trough().use(stringify$1).use(copy).use(stdout).use(fileSystem)));
+ * Factory to run a pipe.
+ * Wraps a pipe to trigger an error on the `file` in `context`, but still call
+ * `next`.
+ *
+ * @param {Pipeline} pipe
+ */
function chunk(pipe) {
return run
- // Run the bound bound pipe and handles any errors.
- function run(context, file, fileSet, next) {
-, file, fileSet, one);
- function one(error) {
- var messages = file.messages;
- var index;
+ /**
+ * Run the bound pipe and handle any errors.
+ *
+ * @param {Context} context
+ * @param {VFile} file
+ * @param {() => void} next
+ */
+ function run(context, file, next) {
+, file, (/** @type {VFileMessage|null} */ error) => {
+ const messages = file.messages;
if (error) {
- index = messages.indexOf(error);
+ const index = messages.indexOf(error);
if (index === -1) {
- error = file.message(error);
- index = messages.length - 1;
+ Object.assign(file.message(error), {fatal: true});
+ } else {
+ messages[index].fatal = true;
- messages[index].fatal = true;
- }
+ });
-var FileSet = fileSet;
-var filePipeline = filePipeline$1;
-var transform_1 = transform$3;
+ * @typedef {import('vfile').VFile} VFile
+ * @typedef {import('trough').Callback} Callback
+ * @typedef {import('./index.js').Settings} Settings
+ * @typedef {import('./index.js').Configuration} Configuration
+ */
-// Transform all files.
-function transform$3(context, settings, next) {
- var fileSet = new FileSet();
+ * Transform all files.
+ *
+ * @param {Context} context
+ * @param {Settings} settings
+ * @param {Callback} next
+ */
+function transform$1(context, settings, next) {
+ const fileSet = new FileSet();
context.fileSet = fileSet;
- fileSet.on('add', add).on('done', next);
- if (context.files.length === 0) {
- next();
- } else {
- context.files.forEach(fileSet.add, fileSet);
- }
- function add(file) {
+ fileSet.on('add', (/** @type {VFile} */ file) => {
configuration: context.configuration,
+ // Needed `any`s
+ // type-coverage:ignore-next-line
processor: settings.processor(),
- cwd: settings.cwd,
- extensions: settings.extensions,
- pluginPrefix: settings.pluginPrefix,
- treeIn: settings.treeIn,
- treeOut: settings.treeOut,
- inspect: settings.inspect,
- color: settings.color,
- out: settings.out,
- output: settings.output,
- streamOut: settings.streamOut,
- alwaysStringify: settings.alwaysStringify
+ fileSet,
+ settings
- fileSet,
- done
- );
+ (/** @type {Error|null} */ error) => {
+ // Does not occur as all failures in `filePipeLine` are failed on each
+ // file.
+ // Still, just to ensure things work in the future, we add an extra check.
+ /* c8 ignore next 4 */
+ if (error) {
+ Object.assign(file.message(error), {fatal: true});
+ }
- function done(error) {
- /* istanbul ignore next - Does not occur as all failures in `filePipeLine`
- * are failed on each file.
- * Still, just to ensure things work in the future, we add an extra
- * check. */
- if (error) {
- error = file.message(error);
- error.fatal = true;
+ fileSet.emit('one', file);
+ );
+ });
+ fileSet.on('done', next);
- fileSet.emit('one', file);
+ if (context.files.length === 0) {
+ next();
+ } else {
+ let index = -1;
+ while (++index < context.files.length) {
+ fileSet.add(context.files[index]);
-var hasFlag$1 = (flag, argv) => {
- argv = argv || process.argv;
+function hasFlag(flag, argv = process$1.argv) {
const prefix = flag.startsWith('-') ? '' : (flag.length === 1 ? '-' : '--');
- const pos = argv.indexOf(prefix + flag);
- const terminatorPos = argv.indexOf('--');
- return pos !== -1 && (terminatorPos === -1 ? true : pos < terminatorPos);
-const os = require$$0__default$1['default'];
-const hasFlag = hasFlag$1;
+ const position = argv.indexOf(prefix + flag);
+ const terminatorPosition = argv.indexOf('--');
+ return position !== -1 && (terminatorPosition === -1 || position < terminatorPosition);
-const {env} = process;
+const {env} = process$1;
-let forceColor;
+let flagForceColor;
if (hasFlag('no-color') ||
hasFlag('no-colors') ||
hasFlag('color=false') ||
hasFlag('color=never')) {
- forceColor = 0;
+ flagForceColor = 0;
} else if (hasFlag('color') ||
hasFlag('colors') ||
hasFlag('color=true') ||
hasFlag('color=always')) {
- forceColor = 1;
+ flagForceColor = 1;
-if ('FORCE_COLOR' in env) {
- if (env.FORCE_COLOR === true || env.FORCE_COLOR === 'true') {
- forceColor = 1;
- } else if (env.FORCE_COLOR === false || env.FORCE_COLOR === 'false') {
- forceColor = 0;
- } else {
- forceColor = env.FORCE_COLOR.length === 0 ? 1 : Math.min(parseInt(env.FORCE_COLOR, 10), 3);
+function envForceColor() {
+ if ('FORCE_COLOR' in env) {
+ if (env.FORCE_COLOR === 'true') {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (env.FORCE_COLOR === 'false') {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return env.FORCE_COLOR.length === 0 ? 1 : Math.min(Number.parseInt(env.FORCE_COLOR, 10), 3);
@@ -16184,22 +29443,31 @@ function translateLevel(level) {
-function supportsColor(stream) {
+function _supportsColor(haveStream, {streamIsTTY, sniffFlags = true} = {}) {
+ const noFlagForceColor = envForceColor();
+ if (noFlagForceColor !== undefined) {
+ flagForceColor = noFlagForceColor;
+ }
+ const forceColor = sniffFlags ? flagForceColor : noFlagForceColor;
if (forceColor === 0) {
return 0;
- if (hasFlag('color=16m') ||
- hasFlag('color=full') ||
- hasFlag('color=truecolor')) {
- return 3;
- }
+ if (sniffFlags) {
+ if (hasFlag('color=16m') ||
+ hasFlag('color=full') ||
+ hasFlag('color=truecolor')) {
+ return 3;
+ }
- if (hasFlag('color=256')) {
- return 2;
+ if (hasFlag('color=256')) {
+ return 2;
+ }
- if (stream && !stream.isTTY && forceColor === undefined) {
+ if (haveStream && !streamIsTTY && forceColor === undefined) {
return 0;
@@ -16209,16 +29477,11 @@ function supportsColor(stream) {
return min;
- if (process.platform === 'win32') {
- // Node.js 7.5.0 is the first version of Node.js to include a patch to
- // libuv that enables 256 color output on Windows. Anything earlier and it
- // won't work. However, here we target Node.js 8 at minimum as it is an LTS
- // release, and Node.js 7 is not. Windows 10 build 10586 is the first Windows
- // release that supports 256 colors. Windows 10 build 14931 is the first release
- // that supports 16m/TrueColor.
- const osRelease = os.release().split('.');
+ if (process$1.platform === 'win32') {
+ // Windows 10 build 10586 is the first Windows release that supports 256 colors.
+ // Windows 10 build 14931 is the first release that supports 16m/TrueColor.
+ const osRelease = require$$0$2.release().split('.');
if (
- Number(process.versions.node.split('.')[0]) >= 8 &&
Number(osRelease[0]) >= 10 &&
Number(osRelease[2]) >= 10586
) {
@@ -16229,7 +29492,7 @@ function supportsColor(stream) {
if ('CI' in env) {
- if (['TRAVIS', 'CIRCLECI', 'APPVEYOR', 'GITLAB_CI'].some(sign => sign in env) || env.CI_NAME === 'codeship') {
+ if (['TRAVIS', 'CIRCLECI', 'APPVEYOR', 'GITLAB_CI', 'GITHUB_ACTIONS', 'BUILDKITE', 'DRONE'].some(sign => sign in env) || env.CI_NAME === 'codeship') {
return 1;
@@ -16245,7 +29508,7 @@ function supportsColor(stream) {
if ('TERM_PROGRAM' in env) {
- const version = parseInt((env.TERM_PROGRAM_VERSION || '').split('.')[0], 10);
+ const version = Number.parseInt((env.TERM_PROGRAM_VERSION || '').split('.')[0], 10);
switch (env.TERM_PROGRAM) {
case '':
@@ -16271,94 +29534,84 @@ function supportsColor(stream) {
return min;
-function getSupportLevel(stream) {
- const level = supportsColor(stream);
+function createSupportsColor(stream, options = {}) {
+ const level = _supportsColor(stream, {
+ streamIsTTY: stream && stream.isTTY,
+ ...options
+ });
return translateLevel(level);
-var supportsColor_1 = {
- supportsColor: getSupportLevel,
- stdout: getSupportLevel(process.stdout),
- stderr: getSupportLevel(process.stderr)
+const supportsColor = {
+ stdout: createSupportsColor({isTTY: tty$1.isatty(1)}),
+ stderr: createSupportsColor({isTTY: tty$1.isatty(2)})
-var stringWidth$1 = {exports: {}};
-var ansiRegex$1 = ({onlyFirst = false} = {}) => {
+function ansiRegex({onlyFirst = false} = {}) {
const pattern = [
return new RegExp(pattern, onlyFirst ? undefined : 'g');
-const ansiRegex = ansiRegex$1;
-var stripAnsi$1 = string => typeof string === 'string' ? string.replace(ansiRegex(), '') : string;
+function stripAnsi(string) {
+ if (typeof string !== 'string') {
+ throw new TypeError(`Expected a \`string\`, got \`${typeof string}\``);
+ }
-var isFullwidthCodePoint$2 = {exports: {}};
+ return string.replace(ansiRegex(), '');
/* eslint-disable yoda */
-const isFullwidthCodePoint$1 = codePoint => {
- if (Number.isNaN(codePoint)) {
+function isFullwidthCodePoint(codePoint) {
+ if (!Number.isInteger(codePoint)) {
return false;
// Code points are derived from:
- //
- if (
- codePoint >= 0x1100 && (
- codePoint <= 0x115F || // Hangul Jamo
- codePoint === 0x2329 || // LEFT-POINTING ANGLE BRACKET
- codePoint === 0x232A || // RIGHT-POINTING ANGLE BRACKET
- // CJK Radicals Supplement .. Enclosed CJK Letters and Months
- (0x2E80 <= codePoint && codePoint <= 0x3247 && codePoint !== 0x303F) ||
- // Enclosed CJK Letters and Months .. CJK Unified Ideographs Extension A
- (0x3250 <= codePoint && codePoint <= 0x4DBF) ||
- // CJK Unified Ideographs .. Yi Radicals
- (0x4E00 <= codePoint && codePoint <= 0xA4C6) ||
- // Hangul Jamo Extended-A
- (0xA960 <= codePoint && codePoint <= 0xA97C) ||
- // Hangul Syllables
- (0xAC00 <= codePoint && codePoint <= 0xD7A3) ||
- // CJK Compatibility Ideographs
- (0xF900 <= codePoint && codePoint <= 0xFAFF) ||
- // Vertical Forms
- (0xFE10 <= codePoint && codePoint <= 0xFE19) ||
- // CJK Compatibility Forms .. Small Form Variants
- (0xFE30 <= codePoint && codePoint <= 0xFE6B) ||
- // Halfwidth and Fullwidth Forms
- (0xFF01 <= codePoint && codePoint <= 0xFF60) ||
- (0xFFE0 <= codePoint && codePoint <= 0xFFE6) ||
- // Kana Supplement
- (0x1B000 <= codePoint && codePoint <= 0x1B001) ||
- // Enclosed Ideographic Supplement
- (0x1F200 <= codePoint && codePoint <= 0x1F251) ||
- // CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B .. Tertiary Ideographic Plane
- (0x20000 <= codePoint && codePoint <= 0x3FFFD)
- )
- ) {
- return true;
- }
- return false;
-isFullwidthCodePoint$2.exports = isFullwidthCodePoint$1;
-isFullwidthCodePoint$2.exports.default = isFullwidthCodePoint$1;
+ //
+ return codePoint >= 0x1100 && (
+ codePoint <= 0x115F || // Hangul Jamo
+ codePoint === 0x2329 || // LEFT-POINTING ANGLE BRACKET
+ codePoint === 0x232A || // RIGHT-POINTING ANGLE BRACKET
+ // CJK Radicals Supplement .. Enclosed CJK Letters and Months
+ (0x2E80 <= codePoint && codePoint <= 0x3247 && codePoint !== 0x303F) ||
+ // Enclosed CJK Letters and Months .. CJK Unified Ideographs Extension A
+ (0x3250 <= codePoint && codePoint <= 0x4DBF) ||
+ // CJK Unified Ideographs .. Yi Radicals
+ (0x4E00 <= codePoint && codePoint <= 0xA4C6) ||
+ // Hangul Jamo Extended-A
+ (0xA960 <= codePoint && codePoint <= 0xA97C) ||
+ // Hangul Syllables
+ (0xAC00 <= codePoint && codePoint <= 0xD7A3) ||
+ // CJK Compatibility Ideographs
+ (0xF900 <= codePoint && codePoint <= 0xFAFF) ||
+ // Vertical Forms
+ (0xFE10 <= codePoint && codePoint <= 0xFE19) ||
+ // CJK Compatibility Forms .. Small Form Variants
+ (0xFE30 <= codePoint && codePoint <= 0xFE6B) ||
+ // Halfwidth and Fullwidth Forms
+ (0xFF01 <= codePoint && codePoint <= 0xFF60) ||
+ (0xFFE0 <= codePoint && codePoint <= 0xFFE6) ||
+ // Kana Supplement
+ (0x1B000 <= codePoint && codePoint <= 0x1B001) ||
+ // Enclosed Ideographic Supplement
+ (0x1F200 <= codePoint && codePoint <= 0x1F251) ||
+ // CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B .. Tertiary Ideographic Plane
+ (0x20000 <= codePoint && codePoint <= 0x3FFFD)
+ );
-var emojiRegex$1 = function () {
+var emojiRegex = function () {
- return /\uD83C\uDFF4\uDB40\uDC67\uDB40\uDC62(?:\uDB40\uDC65\uDB40\uDC6E\uDB40\uDC67|\uDB40\uDC73\uDB40\uDC63\uDB40\uDC74|\uDB40\uDC77\uDB40\uDC6C\uDB40\uDC73)\uDB40\uDC7F|\uD83D\uDC68(?:\uD83C\uDFFC\u200D(?:\uD83E\uDD1D\u200D\uD83D\uDC68\uD83C\uDFFB|\uD83C[\uDF3E\uDF73\uDF93\uDFA4\uDFA8\uDFEB\uDFED]|\uD83D[\uDCBB\uDCBC\uDD27\uDD2C\uDE80\uDE92]|\uD83E[\uDDAF-\uDDB3\uDDBC\uDDBD])|\uD83C\uDFFF\u200D(?:\uD83E\uDD1D\u200D\uD83D\uDC68(?:\uD83C[\uDFFB-\uDFFE])|\uD83C[\uDF3E\uDF73\uDF93\uDFA4\uDFA8\uDFEB\uDFED]|\uD83D[\uDCBB\uDCBC\uDD27\uDD2C\uDE80\uDE92]|\uD83E[\uDDAF-\uDDB3\uDDBC\uDDBD])|\uD83C\uDFFE\u200D(?:\uD83E\uDD1D\u200D\uD83D\uDC68(?:\uD83C[\uDFFB-\uDFFD])|\uD83C[\uDF3E\uDF73\uDF93\uDFA4\uDFA8\uDFEB\uDFED]|\uD83D[\uDCBB\uDCBC\uDD27\uDD2C\uDE80\uDE92]|\uD83E[\uDDAF-\uDDB3\uDDBC\uDDBD])|\uD83C\uDFFD\u200D(?:\uD83E\uDD1D\u200D\uD83D\uDC68(?:\uD83C[\uDFFB\uDFFC])|\uD83C[\uDF3E\uDF73\uDF93\uDFA4\uDFA8\uDFEB\uDFED]|\uD83D[\uDCBB\uDCBC\uDD27\uDD2C\uDE80\uDE92]|\uD83E[\uDDAF-\uDDB3\uDDBC\uDDBD])|\u200D(?:\u2764\uFE0F\u200D(?:\uD83D\uDC8B\u200D)?\uD83D\uDC68|(?:\uD83D[\uDC68\uDC69])\u200D(?:\uD83D\uDC66\u200D\uD83D\uDC66|\uD83D\uDC67\u200D(?:\uD83D[\uDC66\uDC67]))|\uD83D\uDC66\u200D\uD83D\uDC66|\uD83D\uDC67\u200D(?:\uD83D[\uDC66\uDC67])|(?:\uD83D[\uDC68\uDC69])\u200D(?:\uD83D[\uDC66\uDC67])|[\u2695\u2696\u2708]\uFE0F|\uD83D[\uDC66\uDC67]|\uD83C[\uDF3E\uDF73\uDF93\uDFA4\uDFA8\uDFEB\uDFED]|\uD83D[\uDCBB\uDCBC\uDD27\uDD2C\uDE80\uDE92]|\uD83E[\uDDAF-\uDDB3\uDDBC\uDDBD])|(?:\uD83C\uDFFB\u200D[\u2695\u2696\u2708]|\uD83C\uDFFF\u200D[\u2695\u2696\u2708]|\uD83C\uDFFE\u200D[\u2695\u2696\u2708]|\uD83C\uDFFD\u200D[\u2695\u2696\u2708]|\uD83C\uDFFC\u200D[\u2695\u2696\u2708])\uFE0F|\uD83C\uDFFB\u200D(?:\uD83C[\uDF3E\uDF73\uDF93\uDFA4\uDFA8\uDFEB\uDFED]|\uD83D[\uDCBB\uDCBC\uDD27\uDD2C\uDE80\uDE92]|\uD83E[\uDDAF-\uDDB3\uDDBC\uDDBD])|\uD83C[\uDFFB-\uDFFF])|(?:\uD83E\uDDD1\uD83C\uDFFB\u200D\uD83E\uDD1D\u200D\uD83E\uDDD1|\uD83D\uDC69\uD83C\uDFFC\u200D\uD83E\uDD1D\u200D\uD83D\uDC69)\uD83C\uDFFB|\uD83E\uDDD1(?:\uD83C\uDFFF\u200D\uD83E\uDD1D\u200D\uD83E\uDDD1(?:\uD83C[\uDFFB-\uDFFF])|\u200D\uD83E\uDD1D\u200D\uD83E\uDDD1)|(?:\uD83E\uDDD1\uD83C\uDFFE\u200D\uD83E\uDD1D\u200D\uD83E\uDDD1|\uD83D\uDC69\uD83C\uDFFF\u200D\uD83E\uDD1D\u200D(?:\uD83D[\uDC68\uDC69]))(?:\uD83C[\uDFFB-\uDFFE])|(?:\uD83E\uDDD1\uD83C\uDFFC\u200D\uD83E\uDD1D\u200D\uD83E\uDDD1|\uD83D\uDC69\uD83C\uDFFD\u200D\uD83E\uDD1D\u200D\uD83D\uDC69)(?:\uD83C[\uDFFB\uDFFC])|\uD83D\uDC69(?:\uD83C\uDFFE\u200D(?:\uD83E\uDD1D\u200D\uD83D\uDC68(?:\uD83C[\uDFFB-\uDFFD\uDFFF])|\uD83C[\uDF3E\uDF73\uDF93\uDFA4\uDFA8\uDFEB\uDFED]|\uD83D[\uDCBB\uDCBC\uDD27\uDD2C\uDE80\uDE92]|\uD83E[\uDDAF-\uDDB3\uDDBC\uDDBD])|\uD83C\uDFFC\u200D(?:\uD83E\uDD1D\u200D\uD83D\uDC68(?:\uD83C[\uDFFB\uDFFD-\uDFFF])|\uD83C[\uDF3E\uDF73\uDF93\uDFA4\uDFA8\uDFEB\uDFED]|\uD83D[\uDCBB\uDCBC\uDD27\uDD2C\uDE80\uDE92]|\uD83E[\uDDAF-\uDDB3\uDDBC\uDDBD])|\uD83C\uDFFB\u200D(?:\uD83E\uDD1D\u200D\uD83D\uDC68(?:\uD83C[\uDFFC-\uDFFF])|\uD83C[\uDF3E\uDF73\uDF93\uDFA4\uDFA8\uDFEB\uDFED]|\uD83D[\uDCBB\uDCBC\uDD27\uDD2C\uDE80\uDE92]|\uD83E[\uDDAF-\uDDB3\uDDBC\uDDBD])|\uD83C\uDFFD\u200D(?:\uD83E\uDD1D\u200D\uD83D\uDC68(?:\uD83C[\uDFFB\uDFFC\uDFFE\uDFFF])|\uD83C[\uDF3E\uDF73\uDF93\uDFA4\uDFA8\uDFEB\uDFED]|\uD83D[\uDCBB\uDCBC\uDD27\uDD2C\uDE80\uDE92]|\uD83E[\uDDAF-\uDDB3\uDDBC\uDDBD])|\u200D(?:\u2764\uFE0F\u200D(?:\uD83D\uDC8B\u200D(?:\uD83D[\uDC68\uDC69])|\uD83D[\uDC68\uDC69])|\uD83C[\uDF3E\uDF73\uDF93\uDFA4\uDFA8\uDFEB\uDFED]|\uD83D[\uDCBB\uDCBC\uDD27\uDD2C\uDE80\uDE92]|\uD83E[\uDDAF-\uDDB3\uDDBC\uDDBD])|\uD83C\uDFFF\u200D(?:\uD83C[\uDF3E\uDF73\uDF93\uDFA4\uDFA8\uDFEB\uDFED]|\uD83D[\uDCBB\uDCBC\uDD27\uDD2C\uDE80\uDE92]|\uD83E[\uDDAF-\uDDB3\uDDBC\uDDBD]))|\uD83D\uDC69\u200D\uD83D\uDC69\u200D(?:\uD83D\uDC66\u200D\uD83D\uDC66|\uD83D\uDC67\u200D(?:\uD83D[\uDC66\uDC67]))|(?:\uD83E\uDDD1\uD83C\uDFFD\u200D\uD83E\uDD1D\u200D\uD83E\uDDD1|\uD83D\uDC69\uD83C\uDFFE\u200D\uD83E\uDD1D\u200D\uD83D\uDC69)(?:\uD83C[\uDFFB-\uDFFD])|\uD83D\uDC69\u200D\uD83D\uDC66\u200D\uD83D\uDC66|\uD83D\uDC69\u200D\uD83D\uDC69\u200D(?:\uD83D[\uDC66\uDC67])|(?:\uD83D\uDC41\uFE0F\u200D\uD83D\uDDE8|\uD83D\uDC69(?:\uD83C\uDFFF\u200D[\u2695\u2696\u2708]|\uD83C\uDFFE\u200D[\u2695\u2696\u2708]|\uD83C\uDFFC\u200D[\u2695\u2696\u2708]|\uD83C\uDFFB\u200D[\u2695\u2696\u2708]|\uD83C\uDFFD\u200D[\u2695\u2696\u2708]|\u200D[\u2695\u2696\u2708])|(?:(?:\u26F9|\uD83C[\uDFCB\uDFCC]|\uD83D\uDD75)\uFE0F|\uD83D\uDC6F|\uD83E[\uDD3C\uDDDE\uDDDF])\u200D[\u2640\u2642]|(?:\u26F9|\uD83C[\uDFCB\uDFCC]|\uD83D\uDD75)(?:\uD83C[\uDFFB-\uDFFF])\u200D[\u2640\u2642]|(?:\uD83C[\uDFC3\uDFC4\uDFCA]|\uD83D[\uDC6E\uDC71\uDC73\uDC77\uDC81\uDC82\uDC86\uDC87\uDE45-\uDE47\uDE4B\uDE4D\uDE4E\uDEA3\uDEB4-\uDEB6]|\uD83E[\uDD26\uDD37-\uDD39\uDD3D\uDD3E\uDDB8\uDDB9\uDDCD-\uDDCF\uDDD6-\uDDDD])(?:(?:\uD83C[\uDFFB-\uDFFF])\u200D[\u2640\u2642]|\u200D[\u2640\u2642])|\uD83C\uDFF4\u200D\u2620)\uFE0F|\uD83D\uDC69\u200D\uD83D\uDC67\u200D(?:\uD83D[\uDC66\uDC67])|\uD83C\uDFF3\uFE0F\u200D\uD83C\uDF08|\uD83D\uDC15\u200D\uD83E\uDDBA|\uD83D\uDC69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B\uDFED]|\uD83D[\uDCBB\uDCBC\uDD27\uDD2C\uDE80\uDE92]|\uD83E[\uDDAF-\uDDB3\uDDBC\uDDBD])|\uD83C\uDFFE\u200D(?:\uD83C[\uDF3E\uDF73\uDF7C\uDF84\uDF93\uDFA4\uDFA8\uDFEB\uDFED]|\uD83D[\uDCBB\uDCBC\uDD27\uDD2C\uDE80\uDE92]|\uD83E[\uDDAF-\uDDB3\uDDBC\uDDBD])|\uD83C\uDFFD\u200D(?:\uD83C[\uDF3E\uDF73\uDF7C\uDF84\uDF93\uDFA4\uDFA8\uDFEB\uDFED]|\uD83D[\uDCBB\uDCBC\uDD27\uDD2C\uDE80\uDE92]|\uD83E[\uDDAF-\uDDB3\uDDBC\uDDBD])|\uD83C\uDFFC\u200D(?:\uD83C[\uDF3E\uDF73\uDF7C\uDF84\uDF93\uDFA4\uDFA8\uDFEB\uDFED]|\uD83D[\uDCBB\uDCBC\uDD27\uDD2C\uDE80\uDE92]|\uD83E[\uDDAF-\uDDB3\uDDBC\uDDBD])|\uD83C\uDFFB\u200D(?:\uD83C[\uDF3E\uDF73\uDF7C\uDF84\uDF93\uDFA4\uDFA8\uDFEB\uDFED]|\uD83D[\uDCBB\uDCBC\uDD27\uDD2C\uDE80\uDE92]|\uD83E[\uDDAF-\uDDB3\uDDBC\uDDBD]))|\uD83D\uDC69\u200D\uD83D\uDC66\u200D\uD83D\uDC66|\uD83D\uDC69\u200D\uD83D\uDC69\u200D(?:\uD83D[\uDC66\uDC67])|\uD83D\uDC69\u200D\uD83D\uDC67\u200D(?:\uD83D[\uDC66\uDC67])|(?:\uD83D\uDC41\uFE0F\u200D\uD83D\uDDE8|\uD83E\uDDD1(?:\uD83C\uDFFF\u200D[\u2695\u2696\u2708]|\uD83C\uDFFE\u200D[\u2695\u2696\u2708]|\uD83C\uDFFD\u200D[\u2695\u2696\u2708]|\uD83C\uDFFC\u200D[\u2695\u2696\u2708]|\uD83C\uDFFB\u200D[\u2695\u2696\u2708]|\u200D[\u2695\u2696\u2708])|\uD83D\uDC69(?:\uD83C\uDFFF\u200D[\u2695\u2696\u2708]|\uD83C\uDFFE\u200D[\u2695\u2696\u2708]|\uD83C\uDFFD\u200D[\u2695\u2696\u2708]|\uD83C\uDFFC\u200D[\u2695\u2696\u2708]|\uD83C\uDFFB\u200D[\u2695\u2696\u2708]|\u200D[\u2695\u2696\u2708])|\uD83D\uDE36\u200D\uD83C\uDF2B|\uD83C\uDFF3\uFE0F\u200D\u26A7|\uD83D\uDC3B\u200D\u2744|(?:(?:\uD83C[\uDFC3\uDFC4\uDFCA]|\uD83D[\uDC6E\uDC70\uDC71\uDC73\uDC77\uDC81\uDC82\uDC86\uDC87\uDE45-\uDE47\uDE4B\uDE4D\uDE4E\uDEA3\uDEB4-\uDEB6]|\uD83E[\uDD26\uDD35\uDD37-\uDD39\uDD3D\uDD3E\uDDB8\uDDB9\uDDCD-\uDDCF\uDDD4\uDDD6-\uDDDD])(?:\uD83C[\uDFFB-\uDFFF])|\uD83D\uDC6F|\uD83E[\uDD3C\uDDDE\uDDDF])\u200D[\u2640\u2642]|(?:\u26F9|\uD83C[\uDFCB\uDFCC]|\uD83D\uDD75)(?:\uFE0F|\uD83C[\uDFFB-\uDFFF])\u200D[\u2640\u2642]|\uD83C\uDFF4\u200D\u2620|(?:\uD83C[\uDFC3\uDFC4\uDFCA]|\uD83D[\uDC6E\uDC70\uDC71\uDC73\uDC77\uDC81\uDC82\uDC86\uDC87\uDE45-\uDE47\uDE4B\uDE4D\uDE4E\uDEA3\uDEB4-\uDEB6]|\uD83E[\uDD26\uDD35\uDD37-\uDD39\uDD3D\uDD3E\uDDB8\uDDB9\uDDCD-\uDDCF\uDDD4\uDDD6-\uDDDD])\u200D[\u2640\u2642]|[\xA9\xAE\u203C\u2049\u2122\u2139\u2194-\u2199\u21A9\u21AA\u2328\u23CF\u23ED-\u23EF\u23F1\u23F2\u23F8-\u23FA\u24C2\u25AA\u25AB\u25B6\u25C0\u25FB\u25FC\u2600-\u2604\u260E\u2611\u2618\u2620\u2622\u2623\u2626\u262A\u262E\u262F\u2638-\u263A\u2640\u2642\u265F\u2660\u2663\u2665\u2666\u2668\u267B\u267E\u2692\u2694-\u2697\u2699\u269B\u269C\u26A0\u26A7\u26B0\u26B1\u26C8\u26CF\u26D1\u26D3\u26E9\u26F0\u26F1\u26F4\u26F7\u26F8\u2702\u2708\u2709\u270F\u2712\u2714\u2716\u271D\u2721\u2733\u2734\u2744\u2747\u2763\u27A1\u2934\u2935\u2B05-\u2B07\u3030\u303D\u3297\u3299]|\uD83C[\uDD70\uDD71\uDD7E\uDD7F\uDE02\uDE37\uDF21\uDF24-\uDF2C\uDF36\uDF7D\uDF96\uDF97\uDF99-\uDF9B\uDF9E\uDF9F\uDFCD\uDFCE\uDFD4-\uDFDF\uDFF5\uDFF7]|\uD83D[\uDC3F\uDCFD\uDD49\uDD4A\uDD6F\uDD70\uDD73\uDD76-\uDD79\uDD87\uDD8A-\uDD8D\uDDA5\uDDA8\uDDB1\uDDB2\uDDBC\uDDC2-\uDDC4\uDDD1-\uDDD3\uDDDC-\uDDDE\uDDE1\uDDE3\uDDE8\uDDEF\uDDF3\uDDFA\uDECB\uDECD-\uDECF\uDEE0-\uDEE5\uDEE9\uDEF0\uDEF3])\uFE0F|\uD83C\uDFF3\uFE0F\u200D\uD83C\uDF08|\uD83D\uDC69\u200D\uD83D\uDC67|\uD83D\uDC69\u200D\uD83D\uDC66|\uD83D\uDE35\u200D\uD83D\uDCAB|\uD83D\uDE2E\u200D\uD83D\uDCA8|\uD83D\uDC15\u200D\uD83E\uDDBA|\uD83E\uDDD1(?:\uD83C\uDFFF|\uD83C\uDFFE|\uD83C\uDFFD|\uD83C\uDFFC|\uD83C\uDFFB)?|\uD83D\uDC69(?:\uD83C\uDFFF|\uD83C\uDFFE|\uD83C\uDFFD|\uD83C\uDFFC|\uD83C\uDFFB)?|\uD83C\uDDFD\uD83C\uDDF0|\uD83C\uDDF6\uD83C\uDDE6|\uD83C\uDDF4\uD83C\uDDF2|\uD83D\uDC08\u200D\u2B1B|\u2764\uFE0F\u200D(?:\uD83D\uDD25|\uD83E\uDE79)|\uD83D\uDC41\uFE0F|\uD83C\uDFF3\uFE0F|\uD83C\uDDFF(?:\uD83C[\uDDE6\uDDF2\uDDFC])|\uD83C\uDDFE(?:\uD83C[\uDDEA\uDDF9])|\uD83C\uDDFC(?:\uD83C[\uDDEB\uDDF8])|\uD83C\uDDFB(?:\uD83C[\uDDE6\uDDE8\uDDEA\uDDEC\uDDEE\uDDF3\uDDFA])|\uD83C\uDDFA(?:\uD83C[\uDDE6\uDDEC\uDDF2\uDDF3\uDDF8\uDDFE\uDDFF])|\uD83C\uDDF9(?:\uD83C[\uDDE6\uDDE8\uDDE9\uDDEB-\uDDED\uDDEF-\uDDF4\uDDF7\uDDF9\uDDFB\uDDFC\uDDFF])|\uD83C\uDDF8(?:\uD83C[\uDDE6-\uDDEA\uDDEC-\uDDF4\uDDF7-\uDDF9\uDDFB\uDDFD-\uDDFF])|\uD83C\uDDF7(?:\uD83C[\uDDEA\uDDF4\uDDF8\uDDFA\uDDFC])|\uD83C\uDDF5(?:\uD83C[\uDDE6\uDDEA-\uDDED\uDDF0-\uDDF3\uDDF7-\uDDF9\uDDFC\uDDFE])|\uD83C\uDDF3(?:\uD83C[\uDDE6\uDDE8\uDDEA-\uDDEC\uDDEE\uDDF1\uDDF4\uDDF5\uDDF7\uDDFA\uDDFF])|\uD83C\uDDF2(?:\uD83C[\uDDE6\uDDE8-\uDDED\uDDF0-\uDDFF])|\uD83C\uDDF1(?:\uD83C[\uDDE6-\uDDE8\uDDEE\uDDF0\uDDF7-\uDDFB\uDDFE])|\uD83C\uDDF0(?:\uD83C[\uDDEA\uDDEC-\uDDEE\uDDF2\uDDF3\uDDF5\uDDF7\uDDFC\uDDFE\uDDFF])|\uD83C\uDDEF(?:\uD83C[\uDDEA\uDDF2\uDDF4\uDDF5])|\uD83C\uDDEE(?:\uD83C[\uDDE8-\uDDEA\uDDF1-\uDDF4\uDDF6-\uDDF9])|\uD83C\uDDED(?:\uD83C[\uDDF0\uDDF2\uDDF3\uDDF7\uDDF9\uDDFA])|\uD83C\uDDEC(?:\uD83C[\uDDE6\uDDE7\uDDE9-\uDDEE\uDDF1-\uDDF3\uDDF5-\uDDFA\uDDFC\uDDFE])|\uD83C\uDDEB(?:\uD83C[\uDDEE-\uDDF0\uDDF2\uDDF4\uDDF7])|\uD83C\uDDEA(?:\uD83C[\uDDE6\uDDE8\uDDEA\uDDEC\uDDED\uDDF7-\uDDFA])|\uD83C\uDDE9(?:\uD83C[\uDDEA\uDDEC\uDDEF\uDDF0\uDDF2\uDDF4\uDDFF])|\uD83C\uDDE8(?:\uD83C[\uDDE6\uDDE8\uDDE9\uDDEB-\uDDEE\uDDF0-\uDDF5\uDDF7\uDDFA-\uDDFF])|\uD83C\uDDE7(?:\uD83C[\uDDE6\uDDE7\uDDE9-\uDDEF\uDDF1-\uDDF4\uDDF6-\uDDF9\uDDFB\uDDFC\uDDFE\uDDFF])|\uD83C\uDDE6(?:\uD83C[\uDDE8-\uDDEC\uDDEE\uDDF1\uDDF2\uDDF4\uDDF6-\uDDFA\uDDFC\uDDFD\uDDFF])|[#\*0-9]\uFE0F\u20E3|\u2764\uFE0F|(?:\uD83C[\uDFC3\uDFC4\uDFCA]|\uD83D[\uDC6E\uDC70\uDC71\uDC73\uDC77\uDC81\uDC82\uDC86\uDC87\uDE45-\uDE47\uDE4B\uDE4D\uDE4E\uDEA3\uDEB4-\uDEB6]|\uD83E[\uDD26\uDD35\uDD37-\uDD39\uDD3D\uDD3E\uDDB8\uDDB9\uDDCD-\uDDCF\uDDD4\uDDD6-\uDDDD])(?:\uD83C[\uDFFB-\uDFFF])|(?:\u26F9|\uD83C[\uDFCB\uDFCC]|\uD83D\uDD75)(?:\uFE0F|\uD83C[\uDFFB-\uDFFF])|\uD83C\uDFF4|(?:[\u270A\u270B]|\uD83C[\uDF85\uDFC2\uDFC7]|\uD83D[\uDC42\uDC43\uDC46-\uDC50\uDC66\uDC67\uDC6B-\uDC6D\uDC72\uDC74-\uDC76\uDC78\uDC7C\uDC83\uDC85\uDC8F\uDC91\uDCAA\uDD7A\uDD95\uDD96\uDE4C\uDE4F\uDEC0\uDECC]|\uD83E[\uDD0C\uDD0F\uDD18-\uDD1C\uDD1E\uDD1F\uDD30-\uDD34\uDD36\uDD77\uDDB5\uDDB6\uDDBB\uDDD2\uDDD3\uDDD5])(?:\uD83C[\uDFFB-\uDFFF])|(?:[\u261D\u270C\u270D]|\uD83D[\uDD74\uDD90])(?:\uFE0F|\uD83C[\uDFFB-\uDFFF])|[\u270A\u270B]|\uD83C[\uDF85\uDFC2\uDFC7]|\uD83D[\uDC08\uDC15\uDC3B\uDC42\uDC43\uDC46-\uDC50\uDC66\uDC67\uDC6B-\uDC6D\uDC72\uDC74-\uDC76\uDC78\uDC7C\uDC83\uDC85\uDC8F\uDC91\uDCAA\uDD7A\uDD95\uDD96\uDE2E\uDE35\uDE36\uDE4C\uDE4F\uDEC0\uDECC]|\uD83E[\uDD0C\uDD0F\uDD18-\uDD1C\uDD1E\uDD1F\uDD30-\uDD34\uDD36\uDD77\uDDB5\uDDB6\uDDBB\uDDD2\uDDD3\uDDD5]|\uD83C[\uDFC3\uDFC4\uDFCA]|\uD83D[\uDC6E\uDC70\uDC71\uDC73\uDC77\uDC81\uDC82\uDC86\uDC87\uDE45-\uDE47\uDE4B\uDE4D\uDE4E\uDEA3\uDEB4-\uDEB6]|\uD83E[\uDD26\uDD35\uDD37-\uDD39\uDD3D\uDD3E\uDDB8\uDDB9\uDDCD-\uDDCF\uDDD4\uDDD6-\uDDDD]|\uD83D\uDC6F|\uD83E[\uDD3C\uDDDE\uDDDF]|[\u231A\u231B\u23E9-\u23EC\u23F0\u23F3\u25FD\u25FE\u2614\u2615\u2648-\u2653\u267F\u2693\u26A1\u26AA\u26AB\u26BD\u26BE\u26C4\u26C5\u26CE\u26D4\u26EA\u26F2\u26F3\u26F5\u26FA\u26FD\u2705\u2728\u274C\u274E\u2753-\u2755\u2757\u2795-\u2797\u27B0\u27BF\u2B1B\u2B1C\u2B50\u2B55]|\uD83C[\uDC04\uDCCF\uDD8E\uDD91-\uDD9A\uDE01\uDE1A\uDE2F\uDE32-\uDE36\uDE38-\uDE3A\uDE50\uDE51\uDF00-\uDF20\uDF2D-\uDF35\uDF37-\uDF7C\uDF7E-\uDF84\uDF86-\uDF93\uDFA0-\uDFC1\uDFC5\uDFC6\uDFC8\uDFC9\uDFCF-\uDFD3\uDFE0-\uDFF0\uDFF8-\uDFFF]|\uD83D[\uDC00-\uDC07\uDC09-\uDC14\uDC16-\uDC3A\uDC3C-\uDC3E\uDC40\uDC44\uDC45\uDC51-\uDC65\uDC6A\uDC79-\uDC7B\uDC7D-\uDC80\uDC84\uDC88-\uDC8E\uDC90\uDC92-\uDCA9\uDCAB-\uDCFC\uDCFF-\uDD3D\uDD4B-\uDD4E\uDD50-\uDD67\uDDA4\uDDFB-\uDE2D\uDE2F-\uDE34\uDE37-\uDE44\uDE48-\uDE4A\uDE80-\uDEA2\uDEA4-\uDEB3\uDEB7-\uDEBF\uDEC1-\uDEC5\uDED0-\uDED2\uDED5-\uDED7\uDEEB\uDEEC\uDEF4-\uDEFC\uDFE0-\uDFEB]|\uD83E[\uDD0D\uDD0E\uDD10-\uDD17\uDD1D\uDD20-\uDD25\uDD27-\uDD2F\uDD3A\uDD3F-\uDD45\uDD47-\uDD76\uDD78\uDD7A-\uDDB4\uDDB7\uDDBA\uDDBC-\uDDCB\uDDD0\uDDE0-\uDDFF\uDE70-\uDE74\uDE78-\uDE7A\uDE80-\uDE86\uDE90-\uDEA8\uDEB0-\uDEB6\uDEC0-\uDEC2\uDED0-\uDED6]|(?:[\u231A\u231B\u23E9-\u23EC\u23F0\u23F3\u25FD\u25FE\u2614\u2615\u2648-\u2653\u267F\u2693\u26A1\u26AA\u26AB\u26BD\u26BE\u26C4\u26C5\u26CE\u26D4\u26EA\u26F2\u26F3\u26F5\u26FA\u26FD\u2705\u270A\u270B\u2728\u274C\u274E\u2753-\u2755\u2757\u2795-\u2797\u27B0\u27BF\u2B1B\u2B1C\u2B50\u2B55]|\uD83C[\uDC04\uDCCF\uDD8E\uDD91-\uDD9A\uDDE6-\uDDFF\uDE01\uDE1A\uDE2F\uDE32-\uDE36\uDE38-\uDE3A\uDE50\uDE51\uDF00-\uDF20\uDF2D-\uDF35\uDF37-\uDF7C\uDF7E-\uDF93\uDFA0-\uDFCA\uDFCF-\uDFD3\uDFE0-\uDFF0\uDFF4\uDFF8-\uDFFF]|\uD83D[\uDC00-\uDC3E\uDC40\uDC42-\uDCFC\uDCFF-\uDD3D\uDD4B-\uDD4E\uDD50-\uDD67\uDD7A\uDD95\uDD96\uDDA4\uDDFB-\uDE4F\uDE80-\uDEC5\uDECC\uDED0-\uDED2\uDED5-\uDED7\uDEEB\uDEEC\uDEF4-\uDEFC\uDFE0-\uDFEB]|\uD83E[\uDD0C-\uDD3A\uDD3C-\uDD45\uDD47-\uDD78\uDD7A-\uDDCB\uDDCD-\uDDFF\uDE70-\uDE74\uDE78-\uDE7A\uDE80-\uDE86\uDE90-\uDEA8\uDEB0-\uDEB6\uDEC0-\uDEC2\uDED0-\uDED6])|(?:[#\*0-9\xA9\xAE\u203C\u2049\u2122\u2139\u2194-\u2199\u21A9\u21AA\u231A\u231B\u2328\u23CF\u23E9-\u23F3\u23F8-\u23FA\u24C2\u25AA\u25AB\u25B6\u25C0\u25FB-\u25FE\u2600-\u2604\u260E\u2611\u2614\u2615\u2618\u261D\u2620\u2622\u2623\u2626\u262A\u262E\u262F\u2638-\u263A\u2640\u2642\u2648-\u2653\u265F\u2660\u2663\u2665\u2666\u2668\u267B\u267E\u267F\u2692-\u2697\u2699\u269B\u269C\u26A0\u26A1\u26A7\u26AA\u26AB\u26B0\u26B1\u26BD\u26BE\u26C4\u26C5\u26C8\u26CE\u26CF\u26D1\u26D3\u26D4\u26E9\u26EA\u26F0-\u26F5\u26F7-\u26FA\u26FD\u2702\u2705\u2708-\u270D\u270F\u2712\u2714\u2716\u271D\u2721\u2728\u2733\u2734\u2744\u2747\u274C\u274E\u2753-\u2755\u2757\u2763\u2764\u2795-\u2797\u27A1\u27B0\u27BF\u2934\u2935\u2B05-\u2B07\u2B1B\u2B1C\u2B50\u2B55\u3030\u303D\u3297\u3299]|\uD83C[\uDC04\uDCCF\uDD70\uDD71\uDD7E\uDD7F\uDD8E\uDD91-\uDD9A\uDDE6-\uDDFF\uDE01\uDE02\uDE1A\uDE2F\uDE32-\uDE3A\uDE50\uDE51\uDF00-\uDF21\uDF24-\uDF93\uDF96\uDF97\uDF99-\uDF9B\uDF9E-\uDFF0\uDFF3-\uDFF5\uDFF7-\uDFFF]|\uD83D[\uDC00-\uDCFD\uDCFF-\uDD3D\uDD49-\uDD4E\uDD50-\uDD67\uDD6F\uDD70\uDD73-\uDD7A\uDD87\uDD8A-\uDD8D\uDD90\uDD95\uDD96\uDDA4\uDDA5\uDDA8\uDDB1\uDDB2\uDDBC\uDDC2-\uDDC4\uDDD1-\uDDD3\uDDDC-\uDDDE\uDDE1\uDDE3\uDDE8\uDDEF\uDDF3\uDDFA-\uDE4F\uDE80-\uDEC5\uDECB-\uDED2\uDED5-\uDED7\uDEE0-\uDEE5\uDEE9\uDEEB\uDEEC\uDEF0\uDEF3-\uDEFC\uDFE0-\uDFEB]|\uD83E[\uDD0C-\uDD3A\uDD3C-\uDD45\uDD47-\uDD78\uDD7A-\uDDCB\uDDCD-\uDDFF\uDE70-\uDE74\uDE78-\uDE7A\uDE80-\uDE86\uDE90-\uDEA8\uDEB0-\uDEB6\uDEC0-\uDEC2\uDED0-\uDED6])\uFE0F|(?:[\u261D\u26F9\u270A-\u270D]|\uD83C[\uDF85\uDFC2-\uDFC4\uDFC7\uDFCA-\uDFCC]|\uD83D[\uDC42\uDC43\uDC46-\uDC50\uDC66-\uDC78\uDC7C\uDC81-\uDC83\uDC85-\uDC87\uDC8F\uDC91\uDCAA\uDD74\uDD75\uDD7A\uDD90\uDD95\uDD96\uDE45-\uDE47\uDE4B-\uDE4F\uDEA3\uDEB4-\uDEB6\uDEC0\uDECC]|\uD83E[\uDD0C\uDD0F\uDD18-\uDD1F\uDD26\uDD30-\uDD39\uDD3C-\uDD3E\uDD77\uDDB5\uDDB6\uDDB8\uDDB9\uDDBB\uDDCD-\uDDCF\uDDD1-\uDDDD])/g;
-const stripAnsi = stripAnsi$1;
-const isFullwidthCodePoint = isFullwidthCodePoint$2.exports;
-const emojiRegex = emojiRegex$1;
-const stringWidth = string => {
+function stringWidth(string) {
if (typeof string !== 'string' || string.length === 0) {
return 0;
@@ -16373,33 +29626,29 @@ const stringWidth = string => {
let width = 0;
- for (let i = 0; i < string.length; i++) {
- const code = string.codePointAt(i);
+ for (let index = 0; index < string.length; index++) {
+ const codePoint = string.codePointAt(index);
// Ignore control characters
- if (code <= 0x1F || (code >= 0x7F && code <= 0x9F)) {
+ if (codePoint <= 0x1F || (codePoint >= 0x7F && codePoint <= 0x9F)) {
// Ignore combining characters
- if (code >= 0x300 && code <= 0x36F) {
+ if (codePoint >= 0x300 && codePoint <= 0x36F) {
// Surrogates
- if (code > 0xFFFF) {
- i++;
+ if (codePoint > 0xFFFF) {
+ index++;
- width += isFullwidthCodePoint(code) ? 2 : 1;
+ width += isFullwidthCodePoint(codePoint) ? 2 : 1;
return width;
-stringWidth$1.exports = stringWidth;
-// TODO: remove this in the next major version
-stringWidth$1.exports.default = stringWidth;
* repeat-string <>
@@ -16419,7 +29668,7 @@ var cache;
* Expose `repeat`
-var repeatString = repeat$7;
+var repeatString = repeat;
* Repeat the given `string` the specified `number`
@@ -16439,7 +29688,7 @@ var repeatString = repeat$7;
* @api public
-function repeat$7(str, num) {
+function repeat(str, num) {
if (typeof str !== 'string') {
throw new TypeError('expected a string');
@@ -16470,68 +29719,115 @@ function repeat$7(str, num) {
return res;
-var vfileSort = sort$1;
+ * @typedef {import('vfile').VFile} VFile
+ * @typedef {import('vfile-message').VFileMessage} VFileMessage
+ */
-var severities = {
- true: 2,
- false: 1,
- null: 0,
- undefined: 0
+var severities = {true: 2, false: 1, null: 0, undefined: 0};
-function sort$1(file) {
+ * @template {VFile} F
+ * @param {F} file
+ * @returns {F}
+ */
+function sort(file) {
return file
+ * @param {VFileMessage} a
+ * @param {VFileMessage} b
+ * @returns {number}
+ */
function comparator(a, b) {
return (
- check$4(a, b, 'line') ||
- check$4(a, b, 'column') ||
+ check$1(a, b, 'line') ||
+ check$1(a, b, 'column') ||
severities[b.fatal] - severities[a.fatal] ||
- compare$3(a, b, 'source') ||
- compare$3(a, b, 'ruleId') ||
- compare$3(a, b, 'reason') ||
+ compare(a, b, 'source') ||
+ compare(a, b, 'ruleId') ||
+ compare(a, b, 'reason') ||
-function check$4(a, b, property) {
+ * @param {VFileMessage} a
+ * @param {VFileMessage} b
+ * @param {string} property
+ * @returns {number}
+ */
+function check$1(a, b, property) {
return (a[property] || 0) - (b[property] || 0)
-function compare$3(a, b, property) {
- return (a[property] || '').localeCompare(b[property] || '')
+ * @param {VFileMessage} a
+ * @param {VFileMessage} b
+ * @param {string} property
+ * @returns {number}
+ */
+function compare(a, b, property) {
+ return String(a[property] || '').localeCompare(b[property] || '')
-var supported = supportsColor_1.stderr.hasBasic;
-var width = stringWidth$1.exports;
-var stringify$9 = unistUtilStringifyPosition;
-var repeat$6 = repeatString;
-var statistics$1 = vfileStatistics;
-var sort = vfileSort;
+ * @typedef {import('vfile').VFile} VFile
+ * @typedef {import('vfile-message').VFileMessage} VFileMessage
+ * @typedef {import('vfile-statistics').Statistics} Statistics
+ *
+ * @typedef Options
+ * @property {boolean} [color]
+ * @property {boolean} [silent=false]
+ * @property {boolean} [quiet=false]
+ * @property {boolean} [verbose=false]
+ * @property {string} [defaultName='<stdin>']
+ *
+ * @typedef _Row
+ * @property {string} place
+ * @property {string} label
+ * @property {string} reason
+ * @property {string} ruleId
+ * @property {string} source
+ *
+ * @typedef _FileRow
+ * @property {'file'} type
+ * @property {VFile} file
+ * @property {Statistics} stats
+ *
+ * @typedef {{[x: string]: number}} _Sizes
+ *
+ * @typedef _Info
+ * @property {Array.<_FileRow|_Row>} rows
+ * @property {Statistics} stats
+ * @property {_Sizes} sizes
+ */
-var vfileReporter = reporter$1;
+var own$8 = {}.hasOwnProperty;
-var push$1 = [].push;
+// @ts-ignore Types are incorrect.
+var supported = supportsColor.stderr.hasBasic;
-// `log-symbols` without chalk:
-/* istanbul ignore next - Windows. */
-var chars$1 =
+// `log-symbols` without chalk, ignored for Windows:
+/* c8 ignore next 4 */
+var chars =
process.platform === 'win32'
? {error: '×', warning: '‼'}
: {error: '✖', warning: '⚠'};
-var labels = {
- true: 'error',
- false: 'warning',
- null: 'info',
- undefined: 'info'
+var labels = {true: 'error', false: 'warning', null: 'info', undefined: 'info'};
-// Report a file’s messages.
-function reporter$1(files, options) {
- var settings = options || {};
+ * Report a file’s messages.
+ *
+ * @param {Error|VFile|Array.<VFile>} [files]
+ * @param {Options} [options]
+ * @returns {string}
+ */
+function reporter$1(files, options = {}) {
+ /** @type {boolean} */
var one;
if (!files) {
@@ -16544,28 +29840,43 @@ function reporter$1(files, options) {
// One file.
- if (!('length' in files)) {
+ if (!Array.isArray(files)) {
one = true;
files = [files];
- return format(transform$2(files, settings), one, settings)
+ return format(transform(files, options), one, options)
-function transform$2(files, options) {
+ * @param {Array.<VFile>} files
+ * @param {Options} options
+ * @returns {_Info}
+ */
+function transform(files, options) {
var index = -1;
+ /** @type {Array.<_FileRow|_Row>} */
var rows = [];
+ /** @type {Array.<VFileMessage>} */
var all = [];
+ /** @type {number} */
+ var offset;
+ /** @type {_Sizes} */
var sizes = {};
+ /** @type {Array.<VFileMessage>} */
var messages;
- var offset;
+ /** @type {VFileMessage} */
var message;
- var messageRows;
+ /** @type {_Row} */
var row;
+ /** @type {Array.<_Row>} */
+ var messageRows;
+ /** @type {string} */
var key;
while (++index < files.length) {
- messages = sort({messages: files[index].messages.concat()}).messages;
+ // @ts-ignore it works fine.
+ messages = sort({messages: [...files[index].messages]}).messages;
messageRows = [];
offset = -1;
@@ -16576,10 +29887,10 @@ function transform$2(files, options) {
row = {
- location: stringify$9(
- message.location.end.line && message.location.end.column
- ? message.location
- : message.location.start
+ place: stringifyPosition$1(
+ message.position.end.line && message.position.end.column
+ ? message.position
+ : message.position.start
label: labels[message.fatal],
@@ -16590,37 +29901,57 @@ function transform$2(files, options) {
for (key in row) {
- sizes[key] = Math.max(size$1(row[key]), sizes[key] || 0);
+ if (own$, key)) {
+ sizes[key] = Math.max(size$1(row[key]), sizes[key] || 0);
+ }
- if ((!options.quiet && !options.silent) || messageRows.length) {
- rows.push({type: 'file', file: files[index], stats: statistics$1(messages)});
- push$1.apply(rows, messageRows);
+ if ((!options.quiet && !options.silent) || messageRows.length > 0) {
+ rows.push(
+ {type: 'file', file: files[index], stats: statistics(messages)},
+ ...messageRows
+ );
- return {rows: rows, stats: statistics$1(all), sizes: sizes}
+ return {rows, stats: statistics(all), sizes}
+ * @param {_Info} map
+ * @param {boolean} one
+ * @param {Options} options
+ */
function format(map, one, options) {
- var enabled = options.color == null ? supported : options.color;
+ /** @type {boolean} */
+ var enabled =
+ options.color === undefined || options.color === null
+ ? supported
+ : options.color;
+ /** @type {Array.<string>} */
var lines = [];
var index = -1;
+ /** @type {Statistics} */
var stats;
+ /** @type {_FileRow|_Row} */
var row;
+ /** @type {string} */
var line;
+ /** @type {string} */
var reason;
+ /** @type {string} */
var rest;
+ /** @type {RegExpMatchArray} */
var match;
while (++index < map.rows.length) {
row = map.rows[index];
- if (row.type === 'file') {
+ if ('type' in row) {
stats = row.stats;
line = row.file.history[0] || options.defaultName || '<stdin>';
@@ -16628,14 +29959,14 @@ function format(map, one, options) {
one && !options.defaultName && !row.file.history[0]
? ''
: (enabled
- ? '\x1b[4m' /* Underline. */ +
+ ? '\u001B[4m' /* Underline. */ +
- ? '\x1b[31m' /* Red. */
+ ? '\u001B[31m' /* Red. */
- ? '\x1b[33m' /* Yellow. */
- : '\x1b[32m') /* Green. */ +
+ ? '\u001B[33m' /* Yellow. */
+ : '\u001B[32m') /* Green. */ +
line +
- '\x1b[39m\x1b[24m'
+ '\u001B[39m\u001B[24m'
: line) +
(row.file.stored && row.file.path !== row.file.history[0]
? ' > ' + row.file.path
@@ -16646,13 +29977,13 @@ function format(map, one, options) {
(line ? line + ': ' : '') +
? enabled
- ? '\x1b[33mwritten\x1b[39m' /* Yellow. */
+ ? '\u001B[33mwritten\u001B[39m' /* Yellow. */
: 'written'
: 'no issues found');
if (line) {
- if (index && map.rows[index - 1].type !== 'file') {
+ if (index && !('type' in map.rows[index - 1])) {
@@ -16672,23 +30003,23 @@ function format(map, one, options) {
' ' +
- repeat$6(' ', map.sizes.location - size$1(row.location)) +
- row.location +
+ repeatString(' ', - size$1( +
+ +
' ' +
? (row.label === 'error'
- ? '\x1b[31m' /* Red. */
- : '\x1b[33m') /* Yellow. */ +
+ ? '\u001B[31m' /* Red. */
+ : '\u001B[33m') /* Yellow. */ +
row.label +
- '\x1b[39m'
+ '\u001B[39m'
: row.label) +
- repeat$6(' ', map.sizes.label - size$1(row.label)) +
+ repeatString(' ', map.sizes.label - size$1(row.label)) +
' ' +
reason +
- repeat$6(' ', map.sizes.reason - size$1(reason)) +
+ repeatString(' ', map.sizes.reason - size$1(reason)) +
' ' +
row.ruleId +
- repeat$6(' ', map.sizes.ruleId - size$1(row.ruleId)) +
+ repeatString(' ', map.sizes.ruleId - size$1(row.ruleId)) +
' ' +
(row.source || '')
).replace(/ +$/, '') + rest
@@ -16704,8 +30035,8 @@ function format(map, one, options) {
if (stats.fatal) {
line =
- ? '\x1b[31m' /* Red. */ + chars$1.error + '\x1b[39m'
- : chars$1.error) +
+ ? '\u001B[31m' /* Red. */ + chars.error + '\u001B[39m'
+ : chars.error) +
' ' +
stats.fatal +
' ' +
@@ -16716,8 +30047,8 @@ function format(map, one, options) {
line =
(line ? line + ', ' : '') +
- ? '\x1b[33m' /* Yellow. */ + chars$1.warning + '\x1b[39m'
- : chars$1.warning) +
+ ? '\u001B[33m' /* Yellow. */ + chars.warning + '\u001B[39m'
+ : chars.warning) +
' ' +
stats.warn +
' ' +
@@ -16734,32 +30065,54 @@ function format(map, one, options) {
return lines.join('\n')
-// Get the length of `value`, ignoring ANSI sequences.
+ * Get the length of `value`, ignoring ANSI sequences.
+ *
+ * @param {string} value
+ * @returns {number}
+ */
function size$1(value) {
var match = /\r?\n|\r/.exec(value);
- return width(match ? value.slice(0, match.index) : value)
+ return stringWidth(match ? value.slice(0, match.index) : value)
-var load$2 = loadPlugin_1;
-var report = vfileReporter;
+ * @typedef {import('vfile').VFile} VFile
+ * @typedef {import('../index.js').VFileReporter} VFileReporter
+ * @typedef {import('./index.js').Settings} Settings
+ * @typedef {import('./index.js').Configuration} Configuration
+ */
-var log_1 = log$1;
+ * @typedef Context
+ * @property {Array.<VFile>} files
+ * @property {Configuration} [configuration]
+ */
-function log$1(context, settings, next) {
- var reporter = settings.reporter || report;
- var diagnostics;
+ * @param {Context} context
+ * @param {Settings} settings
+ */
+async function log(context, settings) {
+ /** @type {VFileReporter} */
+ let func = reporter$1;
- if (typeof reporter === 'string') {
+ if (typeof settings.reporter === 'string') {
try {
- reporter = load$2(reporter, {cwd: settings.cwd, prefix: 'vfile-reporter'});
- } catch (_) {
- next(new Error('Could not find reporter `' + reporter + '`'));
- return
+ // @ts-expect-error: Assume loaded value is a vfile reporter.
+ func = await loadPlugin(settings.reporter, {
+ cwd: settings.cwd,
+ prefix: 'vfile-reporter'
+ });
+ } catch {
+ throw new Error('Could not find reporter `' + settings.reporter + '`')
+ } else if (settings.reporter) {
+ func = settings.reporter;
- diagnostics = reporter(
- context.files.filter(given),
+ let diagnostics = func(
+ context.files.filter((file) =>,
Object.assign({}, settings.reporterOptions, {
quiet: settings.quiet,
silent: settings.silent,
@@ -16772,80 +30125,247 @@ function log$1(context, settings, next) {
diagnostics += '\n';
- settings.streamError.write(diagnostics, next);
- } else {
- next();
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ settings.streamError.write(diagnostics, resolve);
+ })
-function given(file) {
- return
-var trough$1 = trough_1;
-var configure$3 = configure_1$2;
-var fileSystem = fileSystem_1$1;
-var stdin = stdin_1;
-var transform$1 = transform_1;
-var log = log_1;
+ * @typedef {import('vfile').VFile} VFile
+ * @typedef {import('../configuration.js').Configuration} Configuration
+ * @typedef {import('../index.js').Settings} Settings
+ */
-var fileSetPipeline$1 = trough$1()
+const fileSetPipeline = trough()
- .use(fileSystem)
+ .use(fileSystem$1)
-var PassThrough = require$$0__default$5['default'].PassThrough;
-var statistics = vfileStatistics;
-var fileSetPipeline = fileSetPipeline$1;
-var lib$4 = run;
+ * @typedef {import('vfile').VFile} VFile
+ * @typedef {import('unified').Processor<any, any, any, any>} Processor
+ * @typedef {import('./file-set.js').FileSet} FileSet
+ * @typedef {import('./file-set.js').Completer} Completer
+ * @typedef {import('./ignore.js').ResolveFrom} ResolveFrom
+ * @typedef {import('./configuration.js').ConfigTransform} ConfigTransform
+ * @typedef {import('./configuration.js').Preset} Preset
+ *
+ * @typedef VFileReporterFields
+ * @property {boolean} [color]
+ * @property {boolean} [quiet]
+ * @property {boolean} [silent]
+ *
+ * @typedef {{[key: string]: unknown} & VFileReporterFields} VFileReporterOptions
+ *
+ * @callback VFileReporter
+ * @param {VFile[]} files
+ * @param {VFileReporterOptions} options
+ * @returns {string}
+ *
+ * @typedef Settings
+ * @property {Options['processor']} processor
+ * @property {Exclude<Options['cwd'], undefined>} cwd
+ * @property {Exclude<Options['files'], undefined>} files
+ * @property {Exclude<Options['extensions'], undefined>} extensions
+ * @property {Exclude<Options['streamIn'], undefined>} streamIn
+ * @property {Options['filePath']} filePath
+ * @property {Exclude<Options['streamOut'], undefined>} streamOut
+ * @property {Exclude<Options['streamError'], undefined>} streamError
+ * @property {Options['out']} out
+ * @property {Options['output']} output
+ * @property {Options['alwaysStringify']} alwaysStringify
+ * @property {Options['tree']} tree
+ * @property {Options['treeIn']} treeIn
+ * @property {Options['treeOut']} treeOut
+ * @property {Options['inspect']} inspect
+ * @property {Options['rcName']} rcName
+ * @property {Options['packageField']} packageField
+ * @property {Options['detectConfig']} detectConfig
+ * @property {Options['rcPath']} rcPath
+ * @property {Exclude<Options['settings'], undefined>} settings
+ * @property {Options['ignoreName']} ignoreName
+ * @property {Options['detectIgnore']} detectIgnore
+ * @property {Options['ignorePath']} ignorePath
+ * @property {Options['ignorePathResolveFrom']} ignorePathResolveFrom
+ * @property {Exclude<Options['ignorePatterns'], undefined>} ignorePatterns
+ * @property {Options['silentlyIgnore']} silentlyIgnore
+ * @property {Options['plugins']} plugins
+ * @property {Options['pluginPrefix']} pluginPrefix
+ * @property {Options['configTransform']} configTransform
+ * @property {Options['defaultConfig']} defaultConfig
+ * @property {Options['reporter']} reporter
+ * @property {Options['reporterOptions']} reporterOptions
+ * @property {Options['color']} color
+ * @property {Options['silent']} silent
+ * @property {Options['quiet']} quiet
+ * @property {Options['frail']} frail
+ *
+ * @typedef Options
+ * Options for unified engine
+ * @property {() => Processor} processor
+ * Unified processor to transform files
+ * @property {string} [cwd]
+ * Directory to search files in, load plugins from, and more.
+ * Defaults to `process.cwd()`.
+ * @property {Array<string|VFile>} [files]
+ * Paths or globs to files and directories, or virtual files, to process.
+ * @property {string[]} [extensions]
+ * If `files` matches directories, include `files` with `extensions`
+ * @property {NodeJS.ReadableStream} [streamIn]
+ * Stream to read from if no files are found or given.
+ * Defaults to `process.stdin`.
+ * @property {string} [filePath]
+ * File path to process the given file on `streamIn` as.
+ * @property {NodeJS.WritableStream} [streamOut]
+ * Stream to write processed files to.
+ * Defaults to `process.stdout`.
+ * @property {NodeJS.WritableStream} [streamError]
+ * Stream to write the report (if any) to.
+ * Defaults to `process.stderr`.
+ * @property {boolean} [out=false]
+ * Whether to write the processed file to `streamOut`
+ * @property {boolean|string} [output=false]
+ * Whether to write successfully processed files, and where to.
+ *
+ * * When `true`, overwrites the given files
+ * * When `false`, does not write to the file system
+ * * When pointing to an existing directory, files are written to that
+ * directory and keep their original basenames
+ * * When the parent directory of the given path exists and one file is
+ * processed, the file is written to the given path
+ * @property {boolean} [alwaysStringify=false]
+ * Whether to always serialize successfully processed files.
+ * @property {boolean} [tree=false]
+ * Whether to treat both input and output as a syntax tree.
+ * @property {boolean} [treeIn]
+ * Whether to treat input as a syntax tree.
+ * Defaults to `options.tree`.
+ * @property {boolean} [treeOut]
+ * Whether to treat output as a syntax tree.
+ * Defaults to `options.tree`.
+ * @property {boolean} [inspect=false]
+ * Whether to output a formatted syntax tree.
+ * @property {string} [rcName]
+ * Name of configuration files to load.
+ * @property {string} [packageField]
+ * Property at which configuration can be found in `package.json` files
+ * @property {boolean} [detectConfig]
+ * Whether to search for configuration files.
+ * Defaults to `true` if `rcName` or `packageField` are given
+ * @property {string} [rcPath]
+ * Filepath to a configuration file to load.
+ * @property {Preset['settings']} [settings]
+ * Configuration for the parser and compiler of the processor.
+ * @property {string} [ignoreName]
+ * Name of ignore files to load.
+ * @property {boolean} [detectIgnore]
+ * Whether to search for ignore files.
+ * Defaults to `true` if `ignoreName` is given.
+ * @property {string} [ignorePath]
+ * Filepath to an ignore file to load.
+ * @property {ResolveFrom} [ignorePathResolveFrom]
+ * Resolve patterns in `ignorePath` from the current working
+ * directory (`'cwd'`) or the ignore file’s directory (`'dir'`, default).
+ * @property {string[]} [ignorePatterns]
+ * Patterns to ignore in addition to ignore files
+ * @property {boolean} [silentlyIgnore=false]
+ * Skip given files if they are ignored.
+ * @property {Preset['plugins']} [plugins]
+ * Plugins to use.
+ * @property {string} [pluginPrefix]
+ * Prefix to use when searching for plugins
+ * @property {ConfigTransform} [configTransform]
+ * Transform config files from a different schema.
+ * @property {Preset} [defaultConfig]
+ * Default configuration to use if no config file is given or found.
+ * @property {VFileReporter|string} [reporter]
+ * Reporter to use
+ * Defaults to `vfile-reporter`
+ * @property {VFileReporterOptions} [reporterOptions]
+ * Config to pass to the used reporter.
+ * @property {VFileReporterOptions['color']} [color=false]
+ * Whether to report with ANSI color sequences.
+ * @property {VFileReporterOptions['silent']} [silent=false]
+ * Report only fatal errors
+ * @property {VFileReporterOptions['quiet']} [quiet=false]
+ * Do not report successful files
+ * @property {boolean} [frail=false]
+ * Call back with an unsuccessful (`1`) code on warnings as well as errors
+ *
+ * @typedef Context
+ * Processing context.
+ * @property {VFile[]} [files]
+ * Processed files.
+ * @property {FileSet} [fileSet]
+ * Internally used information
+ *
+ * @callback Callback
+ * Callback called when processing according to options is complete.
+ * Invoked with either a fatal error if processing went horribly wrong
+ * (probably due to incorrect configuration), or a status code and the
+ * processing context.
+ * @param {Error|null} error
+ * @param {0|1} [status]
+ * @param {Context} [context]
+ * @returns {void}
+ */
-// Run the file set pipeline once.
-// `callback` is invoked with a fatal error, or with a status code (`0` on
-// success, `1` on failure).
-function run(options, callback) {
- var settings = {};
- var stdin = new PassThrough();
- var tree;
- var detectConfig;
- var hasConfig;
- var detectIgnore;
- var hasIgnore;
+ * Run the file set pipeline once.
+ * `callback` is called with a fatal error, or with a status code (`0` on
+ * success, `1` on failure).
+ *
+ * @param {Options} options
+ * @param {Callback} callback
+ */
+function engine(options, callback) {
+ /** @type {Settings} */
+ const settings = {};
+ /** @type {NodeJS.ReadStream} */
+ // @ts-expect-error: `PassThrough` sure is readable.
+ let stdin = new PassThrough();
try {
- stdin = process.stdin;
- } catch (_) {
+ stdin = process$2.stdin;
// Obscure bug in Node (seen on Windows).
// See: <>,
// <>.
- }
+ /* c8 ignore next 1 */
+ } catch {}
if (!callback) {
throw new Error('Missing `callback`')
+ // Needed `any`s
+ // type-coverage:ignore-next-line
if (!options || !options.processor) {
return next(new Error('Missing `processor`'))
// Processor.
+ // Needed `any`s
+ // type-coverage:ignore-next-line
settings.processor = options.processor;
// Path to run as.
- settings.cwd = options.cwd || process.cwd();
+ settings.cwd = options.cwd || process$2.cwd();
// Input.
settings.files = options.files || [];
- settings.extensions = (options.extensions || []).map(extension$2);
+ settings.extensions = (options.extensions || []).map((ext) =>
+ ext.charAt(0) === '.' ? ext : '.' + ext
+ );
- settings.filePath = options.filePath || null;
+ settings.filePath = options.filePath;
settings.streamIn = options.streamIn || stdin;
// Output.
- settings.streamOut = options.streamOut || process.stdout;
- settings.streamError = options.streamError || process.stderr;
+ settings.streamOut = options.streamOut || process$2.stdout;
+ settings.streamError = options.streamError || process$2.stderr;
settings.alwaysStringify = options.alwaysStringify;
settings.output = options.output;
settings.out = options.out;
@@ -16860,7 +30380,7 @@ function run(options, callback) {
// Process phase management.
- tree = options.tree || false;
+ const tree = options.tree || false;
settings.treeIn = options.treeIn;
settings.treeOut = options.treeOut;
@@ -16875,8 +30395,8 @@ function run(options, callback) {
// Configuration.
- detectConfig = options.detectConfig;
- hasConfig = Boolean(options.rcName || options.packageField);
+ const detectConfig = options.detectConfig;
+ const hasConfig = Boolean(options.rcName || options.packageField);
if (detectConfig && !hasConfig) {
return next(
@@ -16888,23 +30408,23 @@ function run(options, callback) {
detectConfig === null || detectConfig === undefined
? hasConfig
: detectConfig;
- settings.rcName = options.rcName || null;
- settings.rcPath = options.rcPath || null;
- settings.packageField = options.packageField || null;
+ settings.rcName = options.rcName;
+ settings.rcPath = options.rcPath;
+ settings.packageField = options.packageField;
settings.settings = options.settings || {};
settings.configTransform = options.configTransform;
settings.defaultConfig = options.defaultConfig;
// Ignore.
- detectIgnore = options.detectIgnore;
- hasIgnore = Boolean(options.ignoreName);
+ const detectIgnore = options.detectIgnore;
+ const hasIgnore = Boolean(options.ignoreName);
settings.detectIgnore =
detectIgnore === null || detectIgnore === undefined
? hasIgnore
: detectIgnore;
- settings.ignoreName = options.ignoreName || null;
- settings.ignorePath = options.ignorePath || null;
+ settings.ignoreName = options.ignoreName;
+ settings.ignorePath = options.ignorePath;
settings.ignorePathResolveFrom = options.ignorePathResolveFrom || 'dir';
settings.ignorePatterns = options.ignorePatterns || [];
settings.silentlyIgnore = Boolean(options.silentlyIgnore);
@@ -16914,23 +30434,27 @@ function run(options, callback) {
// Plugins.
- settings.pluginPrefix = options.pluginPrefix || null;
- settings.plugins = options.plugins || {};
+ settings.pluginPrefix = options.pluginPrefix;
+ settings.plugins = options.plugins || [];
// Reporting.
- settings.reporter = options.reporter || null;
- settings.reporterOptions = options.reporterOptions || null;
+ settings.reporter = options.reporter;
+ settings.reporterOptions = options.reporterOptions;
settings.color = options.color || false;
- settings.silent = options.silent || false;
- settings.quiet = options.quiet || false;
- settings.frail = options.frail || false;
+ settings.silent = options.silent;
+ settings.quiet = options.quiet;
+ settings.frail = options.frail;
// Process.{files: options.files || []}, settings, next);
+ /**
+ * @param {Error|null} error
+ * @param {Context} [context]
+ */
function next(error, context) {
- var stats = statistics((context || {}).files);
- var failed = Boolean(
+ const stats = statistics((context || {}).files);
+ const failed = Boolean(
settings.frail ? stats.fatal || stats.warn : stats.fatal
@@ -16942,8246 +30466,6 @@ function run(options, callback) {
-function extension$2(ext) {
- return ext.charAt(0) === '.' ? ext : '.' + ext
-var ansiStyles$1 = {exports: {}};
-var colorName = {
- "aliceblue": [240, 248, 255],
- "antiquewhite": [250, 235, 215],
- "aqua": [0, 255, 255],
- "aquamarine": [127, 255, 212],
- "azure": [240, 255, 255],
- "beige": [245, 245, 220],
- "bisque": [255, 228, 196],
- "black": [0, 0, 0],
- "blanchedalmond": [255, 235, 205],
- "blue": [0, 0, 255],
- "blueviolet": [138, 43, 226],
- "brown": [165, 42, 42],
- "burlywood": [222, 184, 135],
- "cadetblue": [95, 158, 160],
- "chartreuse": [127, 255, 0],
- "chocolate": [210, 105, 30],
- "coral": [255, 127, 80],
- "cornflowerblue": [100, 149, 237],
- "cornsilk": [255, 248, 220],
- "crimson": [220, 20, 60],
- "cyan": [0, 255, 255],
- "darkblue": [0, 0, 139],
- "darkcyan": [0, 139, 139],
- "darkgoldenrod": [184, 134, 11],
- "darkgray": [169, 169, 169],
- "darkgreen": [0, 100, 0],
- "darkgrey": [169, 169, 169],
- "darkkhaki": [189, 183, 107],
- "darkmagenta": [139, 0, 139],
- "darkolivegreen": [85, 107, 47],
- "darkorange": [255, 140, 0],
- "darkorchid": [153, 50, 204],
- "darkred": [139, 0, 0],
- "darksalmon": [233, 150, 122],
- "darkseagreen": [143, 188, 143],
- "darkslateblue": [72, 61, 139],
- "darkslategray": [47, 79, 79],
- "darkslategrey": [47, 79, 79],
- "darkturquoise": [0, 206, 209],
- "darkviolet": [148, 0, 211],
- "deeppink": [255, 20, 147],
- "deepskyblue": [0, 191, 255],
- "dimgray": [105, 105, 105],
- "dimgrey": [105, 105, 105],
- "dodgerblue": [30, 144, 255],
- "firebrick": [178, 34, 34],
- "floralwhite": [255, 250, 240],
- "forestgreen": [34, 139, 34],
- "fuchsia": [255, 0, 255],
- "gainsboro": [220, 220, 220],
- "ghostwhite": [248, 248, 255],
- "gold": [255, 215, 0],
- "goldenrod": [218, 165, 32],
- "gray": [128, 128, 128],
- "green": [0, 128, 0],
- "greenyellow": [173, 255, 47],
- "grey": [128, 128, 128],
- "honeydew": [240, 255, 240],
- "hotpink": [255, 105, 180],
- "indianred": [205, 92, 92],
- "indigo": [75, 0, 130],
- "ivory": [255, 255, 240],
- "khaki": [240, 230, 140],
- "lavender": [230, 230, 250],
- "lavenderblush": [255, 240, 245],
- "lawngreen": [124, 252, 0],
- "lemonchiffon": [255, 250, 205],
- "lightblue": [173, 216, 230],
- "lightcoral": [240, 128, 128],
- "lightcyan": [224, 255, 255],
- "lightgoldenrodyellow": [250, 250, 210],
- "lightgray": [211, 211, 211],
- "lightgreen": [144, 238, 144],
- "lightgrey": [211, 211, 211],
- "lightpink": [255, 182, 193],
- "lightsalmon": [255, 160, 122],
- "lightseagreen": [32, 178, 170],
- "lightskyblue": [135, 206, 250],
- "lightslategray": [119, 136, 153],
- "lightslategrey": [119, 136, 153],
- "lightsteelblue": [176, 196, 222],
- "lightyellow": [255, 255, 224],
- "lime": [0, 255, 0],
- "limegreen": [50, 205, 50],
- "linen": [250, 240, 230],
- "magenta": [255, 0, 255],
- "maroon": [128, 0, 0],
- "mediumaquamarine": [102, 205, 170],
- "mediumblue": [0, 0, 205],
- "mediumorchid": [186, 85, 211],
- "mediumpurple": [147, 112, 219],
- "mediumseagreen": [60, 179, 113],
- "mediumslateblue": [123, 104, 238],
- "mediumspringgreen": [0, 250, 154],
- "mediumturquoise": [72, 209, 204],
- "mediumvioletred": [199, 21, 133],
- "midnightblue": [25, 25, 112],
- "mintcream": [245, 255, 250],
- "mistyrose": [255, 228, 225],
- "moccasin": [255, 228, 181],
- "navajowhite": [255, 222, 173],
- "navy": [0, 0, 128],
- "oldlace": [253, 245, 230],
- "olive": [128, 128, 0],
- "olivedrab": [107, 142, 35],
- "orange": [255, 165, 0],
- "orangered": [255, 69, 0],
- "orchid": [218, 112, 214],
- "palegoldenrod": [238, 232, 170],
- "palegreen": [152, 251, 152],
- "paleturquoise": [175, 238, 238],
- "palevioletred": [219, 112, 147],
- "papayawhip": [255, 239, 213],
- "peachpuff": [255, 218, 185],
- "peru": [205, 133, 63],
- "pink": [255, 192, 203],
- "plum": [221, 160, 221],
- "powderblue": [176, 224, 230],
- "purple": [128, 0, 128],
- "rebeccapurple": [102, 51, 153],
- "red": [255, 0, 0],
- "rosybrown": [188, 143, 143],
- "royalblue": [65, 105, 225],
- "saddlebrown": [139, 69, 19],
- "salmon": [250, 128, 114],
- "sandybrown": [244, 164, 96],
- "seagreen": [46, 139, 87],
- "seashell": [255, 245, 238],
- "sienna": [160, 82, 45],
- "silver": [192, 192, 192],
- "skyblue": [135, 206, 235],
- "slateblue": [106, 90, 205],
- "slategray": [112, 128, 144],
- "slategrey": [112, 128, 144],
- "snow": [255, 250, 250],
- "springgreen": [0, 255, 127],
- "steelblue": [70, 130, 180],
- "tan": [210, 180, 140],
- "teal": [0, 128, 128],
- "thistle": [216, 191, 216],
- "tomato": [255, 99, 71],
- "turquoise": [64, 224, 208],
- "violet": [238, 130, 238],
- "wheat": [245, 222, 179],
- "white": [255, 255, 255],
- "whitesmoke": [245, 245, 245],
- "yellow": [255, 255, 0],
- "yellowgreen": [154, 205, 50]
-/* MIT license */
-/* eslint-disable no-mixed-operators */
-const cssKeywords = colorName;
-// NOTE: conversions should only return primitive values (i.e. arrays, or
-// values that give correct `typeof` results).
-// do not use box values types (i.e. Number(), String(), etc.)
-const reverseKeywords = {};
-for (const key of Object.keys(cssKeywords)) {
- reverseKeywords[cssKeywords[key]] = key;
-const convert$4 = {
- rgb: {channels: 3, labels: 'rgb'},
- hsl: {channels: 3, labels: 'hsl'},
- hsv: {channels: 3, labels: 'hsv'},
- hwb: {channels: 3, labels: 'hwb'},
- cmyk: {channels: 4, labels: 'cmyk'},
- xyz: {channels: 3, labels: 'xyz'},
- lab: {channels: 3, labels: 'lab'},
- lch: {channels: 3, labels: 'lch'},
- hex: {channels: 1, labels: ['hex']},
- keyword: {channels: 1, labels: ['keyword']},
- ansi16: {channels: 1, labels: ['ansi16']},
- ansi256: {channels: 1, labels: ['ansi256']},
- hcg: {channels: 3, labels: ['h', 'c', 'g']},
- apple: {channels: 3, labels: ['r16', 'g16', 'b16']},
- gray: {channels: 1, labels: ['gray']}
-var conversions$2 = convert$4;
-// Hide .channels and .labels properties
-for (const model of Object.keys(convert$4)) {
- if (!('channels' in convert$4[model])) {
- throw new Error('missing channels property: ' + model);
- }
- if (!('labels' in convert$4[model])) {
- throw new Error('missing channel labels property: ' + model);
- }
- if (convert$4[model].labels.length !== convert$4[model].channels) {
- throw new Error('channel and label counts mismatch: ' + model);
- }
- const {channels, labels} = convert$4[model];
- delete convert$4[model].channels;
- delete convert$4[model].labels;
- Object.defineProperty(convert$4[model], 'channels', {value: channels});
- Object.defineProperty(convert$4[model], 'labels', {value: labels});
-convert$4.rgb.hsl = function (rgb) {
- const r = rgb[0] / 255;
- const g = rgb[1] / 255;
- const b = rgb[2] / 255;
- const min = Math.min(r, g, b);
- const max = Math.max(r, g, b);
- const delta = max - min;
- let h;
- let s;
- if (max === min) {
- h = 0;
- } else if (r === max) {
- h = (g - b) / delta;
- } else if (g === max) {
- h = 2 + (b - r) / delta;
- } else if (b === max) {
- h = 4 + (r - g) / delta;
- }
- h = Math.min(h * 60, 360);
- if (h < 0) {
- h += 360;
- }
- const l = (min + max) / 2;
- if (max === min) {
- s = 0;
- } else if (l <= 0.5) {
- s = delta / (max + min);
- } else {
- s = delta / (2 - max - min);
- }
- return [h, s * 100, l * 100];
-convert$4.rgb.hsv = function (rgb) {
- let rdif;
- let gdif;
- let bdif;
- let h;
- let s;
- const r = rgb[0] / 255;
- const g = rgb[1] / 255;
- const b = rgb[2] / 255;
- const v = Math.max(r, g, b);
- const diff = v - Math.min(r, g, b);
- const diffc = function (c) {
- return (v - c) / 6 / diff + 1 / 2;
- };
- if (diff === 0) {
- h = 0;
- s = 0;
- } else {
- s = diff / v;
- rdif = diffc(r);
- gdif = diffc(g);
- bdif = diffc(b);
- if (r === v) {
- h = bdif - gdif;
- } else if (g === v) {
- h = (1 / 3) + rdif - bdif;
- } else if (b === v) {
- h = (2 / 3) + gdif - rdif;
- }
- if (h < 0) {
- h += 1;
- } else if (h > 1) {
- h -= 1;
- }
- }
- return [
- h * 360,
- s * 100,
- v * 100
- ];
-convert$4.rgb.hwb = function (rgb) {
- const r = rgb[0];
- const g = rgb[1];
- let b = rgb[2];
- const h = convert$4.rgb.hsl(rgb)[0];
- const w = 1 / 255 * Math.min(r, Math.min(g, b));
- b = 1 - 1 / 255 * Math.max(r, Math.max(g, b));
- return [h, w * 100, b * 100];
-convert$4.rgb.cmyk = function (rgb) {
- const r = rgb[0] / 255;
- const g = rgb[1] / 255;
- const b = rgb[2] / 255;
- const k = Math.min(1 - r, 1 - g, 1 - b);
- const c = (1 - r - k) / (1 - k) || 0;
- const m = (1 - g - k) / (1 - k) || 0;
- const y = (1 - b - k) / (1 - k) || 0;
- return [c * 100, m * 100, y * 100, k * 100];
-function comparativeDistance(x, y) {
- /*
- See
- */
- return (
- ((x[0] - y[0]) ** 2) +
- ((x[1] - y[1]) ** 2) +
- ((x[2] - y[2]) ** 2)
- );
-convert$4.rgb.keyword = function (rgb) {
- const reversed = reverseKeywords[rgb];
- if (reversed) {
- return reversed;
- }
- let currentClosestDistance = Infinity;
- let currentClosestKeyword;
- for (const keyword of Object.keys(cssKeywords)) {
- const value = cssKeywords[keyword];
- // Compute comparative distance
- const distance = comparativeDistance(rgb, value);
- // Check if its less, if so set as closest
- if (distance < currentClosestDistance) {
- currentClosestDistance = distance;
- currentClosestKeyword = keyword;
- }
- }
- return currentClosestKeyword;
-convert$4.keyword.rgb = function (keyword) {
- return cssKeywords[keyword];
-convert$ = function (rgb) {
- let r = rgb[0] / 255;
- let g = rgb[1] / 255;
- let b = rgb[2] / 255;
- // Assume sRGB
- r = r > 0.04045 ? (((r + 0.055) / 1.055) ** 2.4) : (r / 12.92);
- g = g > 0.04045 ? (((g + 0.055) / 1.055) ** 2.4) : (g / 12.92);
- b = b > 0.04045 ? (((b + 0.055) / 1.055) ** 2.4) : (b / 12.92);
- const x = (r * 0.4124) + (g * 0.3576) + (b * 0.1805);
- const y = (r * 0.2126) + (g * 0.7152) + (b * 0.0722);
- const z = (r * 0.0193) + (g * 0.1192) + (b * 0.9505);
- return [x * 100, y * 100, z * 100];
-convert$4.rgb.lab = function (rgb) {
- const xyz = convert$;
- let x = xyz[0];
- let y = xyz[1];
- let z = xyz[2];
- x /= 95.047;
- y /= 100;
- z /= 108.883;
- x = x > 0.008856 ? (x ** (1 / 3)) : (7.787 * x) + (16 / 116);
- y = y > 0.008856 ? (y ** (1 / 3)) : (7.787 * y) + (16 / 116);
- z = z > 0.008856 ? (z ** (1 / 3)) : (7.787 * z) + (16 / 116);
- const l = (116 * y) - 16;
- const a = 500 * (x - y);
- const b = 200 * (y - z);
- return [l, a, b];
-convert$4.hsl.rgb = function (hsl) {
- const h = hsl[0] / 360;
- const s = hsl[1] / 100;
- const l = hsl[2] / 100;
- let t2;
- let t3;
- let val;
- if (s === 0) {
- val = l * 255;
- return [val, val, val];
- }
- if (l < 0.5) {
- t2 = l * (1 + s);
- } else {
- t2 = l + s - l * s;
- }
- const t1 = 2 * l - t2;
- const rgb = [0, 0, 0];
- for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
- t3 = h + 1 / 3 * -(i - 1);
- if (t3 < 0) {
- t3++;
- }
- if (t3 > 1) {
- t3--;
- }
- if (6 * t3 < 1) {
- val = t1 + (t2 - t1) * 6 * t3;
- } else if (2 * t3 < 1) {
- val = t2;
- } else if (3 * t3 < 2) {
- val = t1 + (t2 - t1) * (2 / 3 - t3) * 6;
- } else {
- val = t1;
- }
- rgb[i] = val * 255;
- }
- return rgb;
-convert$4.hsl.hsv = function (hsl) {
- const h = hsl[0];
- let s = hsl[1] / 100;
- let l = hsl[2] / 100;
- let smin = s;
- const lmin = Math.max(l, 0.01);
- l *= 2;
- s *= (l <= 1) ? l : 2 - l;
- smin *= lmin <= 1 ? lmin : 2 - lmin;
- const v = (l + s) / 2;
- const sv = l === 0 ? (2 * smin) / (lmin + smin) : (2 * s) / (l + s);
- return [h, sv * 100, v * 100];
-convert$4.hsv.rgb = function (hsv) {
- const h = hsv[0] / 60;
- const s = hsv[1] / 100;
- let v = hsv[2] / 100;
- const hi = Math.floor(h) % 6;
- const f = h - Math.floor(h);
- const p = 255 * v * (1 - s);
- const q = 255 * v * (1 - (s * f));
- const t = 255 * v * (1 - (s * (1 - f)));
- v *= 255;
- switch (hi) {
- case 0:
- return [v, t, p];
- case 1:
- return [q, v, p];
- case 2:
- return [p, v, t];
- case 3:
- return [p, q, v];
- case 4:
- return [t, p, v];
- case 5:
- return [v, p, q];
- }
-convert$4.hsv.hsl = function (hsv) {
- const h = hsv[0];
- const s = hsv[1] / 100;
- const v = hsv[2] / 100;
- const vmin = Math.max(v, 0.01);
- let sl;
- let l;
- l = (2 - s) * v;
- const lmin = (2 - s) * vmin;
- sl = s * vmin;
- sl /= (lmin <= 1) ? lmin : 2 - lmin;
- sl = sl || 0;
- l /= 2;
- return [h, sl * 100, l * 100];
-convert$4.hwb.rgb = function (hwb) {
- const h = hwb[0] / 360;
- let wh = hwb[1] / 100;
- let bl = hwb[2] / 100;
- const ratio = wh + bl;
- let f;
- // Wh + bl cant be > 1
- if (ratio > 1) {
- wh /= ratio;
- bl /= ratio;
- }
- const i = Math.floor(6 * h);
- const v = 1 - bl;
- f = 6 * h - i;
- if ((i & 0x01) !== 0) {
- f = 1 - f;
- }
- const n = wh + f * (v - wh); // Linear interpolation
- let r;
- let g;
- let b;
- /* eslint-disable max-statements-per-line,no-multi-spaces */
- switch (i) {
- default:
- case 6:
- case 0: r = v; g = n; b = wh; break;
- case 1: r = n; g = v; b = wh; break;
- case 2: r = wh; g = v; b = n; break;
- case 3: r = wh; g = n; b = v; break;
- case 4: r = n; g = wh; b = v; break;
- case 5: r = v; g = wh; b = n; break;
- }
- /* eslint-enable max-statements-per-line,no-multi-spaces */
- return [r * 255, g * 255, b * 255];
-convert$4.cmyk.rgb = function (cmyk) {
- const c = cmyk[0] / 100;
- const m = cmyk[1] / 100;
- const y = cmyk[2] / 100;
- const k = cmyk[3] / 100;
- const r = 1 - Math.min(1, c * (1 - k) + k);
- const g = 1 - Math.min(1, m * (1 - k) + k);
- const b = 1 - Math.min(1, y * (1 - k) + k);
- return [r * 255, g * 255, b * 255];
-convert$ = function (xyz) {
- const x = xyz[0] / 100;
- const y = xyz[1] / 100;
- const z = xyz[2] / 100;
- let r;
- let g;
- let b;
- r = (x * 3.2406) + (y * -1.5372) + (z * -0.4986);
- g = (x * -0.9689) + (y * 1.8758) + (z * 0.0415);
- b = (x * 0.0557) + (y * -0.2040) + (z * 1.0570);
- // Assume sRGB
- r = r > 0.0031308
- ? ((1.055 * (r ** (1.0 / 2.4))) - 0.055)
- : r * 12.92;
- g = g > 0.0031308
- ? ((1.055 * (g ** (1.0 / 2.4))) - 0.055)
- : g * 12.92;
- b = b > 0.0031308
- ? ((1.055 * (b ** (1.0 / 2.4))) - 0.055)
- : b * 12.92;
- r = Math.min(Math.max(0, r), 1);
- g = Math.min(Math.max(0, g), 1);
- b = Math.min(Math.max(0, b), 1);
- return [r * 255, g * 255, b * 255];
-convert$ = function (xyz) {
- let x = xyz[0];
- let y = xyz[1];
- let z = xyz[2];
- x /= 95.047;
- y /= 100;
- z /= 108.883;
- x = x > 0.008856 ? (x ** (1 / 3)) : (7.787 * x) + (16 / 116);
- y = y > 0.008856 ? (y ** (1 / 3)) : (7.787 * y) + (16 / 116);
- z = z > 0.008856 ? (z ** (1 / 3)) : (7.787 * z) + (16 / 116);
- const l = (116 * y) - 16;
- const a = 500 * (x - y);
- const b = 200 * (y - z);
- return [l, a, b];
-convert$ = function (lab) {
- const l = lab[0];
- const a = lab[1];
- const b = lab[2];
- let x;
- let y;
- let z;
- y = (l + 16) / 116;
- x = a / 500 + y;
- z = y - b / 200;
- const y2 = y ** 3;
- const x2 = x ** 3;
- const z2 = z ** 3;
- y = y2 > 0.008856 ? y2 : (y - 16 / 116) / 7.787;
- x = x2 > 0.008856 ? x2 : (x - 16 / 116) / 7.787;
- z = z2 > 0.008856 ? z2 : (z - 16 / 116) / 7.787;
- x *= 95.047;
- y *= 100;
- z *= 108.883;
- return [x, y, z];
-convert$4.lab.lch = function (lab) {
- const l = lab[0];
- const a = lab[1];
- const b = lab[2];
- let h;
- const hr = Math.atan2(b, a);
- h = hr * 360 / 2 / Math.PI;
- if (h < 0) {
- h += 360;
- }
- const c = Math.sqrt(a * a + b * b);
- return [l, c, h];
-convert$4.lch.lab = function (lch) {
- const l = lch[0];
- const c = lch[1];
- const h = lch[2];
- const hr = h / 360 * 2 * Math.PI;
- const a = c * Math.cos(hr);
- const b = c * Math.sin(hr);
- return [l, a, b];
-convert$4.rgb.ansi16 = function (args, saturation = null) {
- const [r, g, b] = args;
- let value = saturation === null ? convert$4.rgb.hsv(args)[2] : saturation; // Hsv -> ansi16 optimization
- value = Math.round(value / 50);
- if (value === 0) {
- return 30;
- }
- let ansi = 30
- + ((Math.round(b / 255) << 2)
- | (Math.round(g / 255) << 1)
- | Math.round(r / 255));
- if (value === 2) {
- ansi += 60;
- }
- return ansi;
-convert$4.hsv.ansi16 = function (args) {
- // Optimization here; we already know the value and don't need to get
- // it converted for us.
- return convert$4.rgb.ansi16(convert$4.hsv.rgb(args), args[2]);
-convert$4.rgb.ansi256 = function (args) {
- const r = args[0];
- const g = args[1];
- const b = args[2];
- // We use the extended greyscale palette here, with the exception of
- // black and white. normal palette only has 4 greyscale shades.
- if (r === g && g === b) {
- if (r < 8) {
- return 16;
- }
- if (r > 248) {
- return 231;
- }
- return Math.round(((r - 8) / 247) * 24) + 232;
- }
- const ansi = 16
- + (36 * Math.round(r / 255 * 5))
- + (6 * Math.round(g / 255 * 5))
- + Math.round(b / 255 * 5);
- return ansi;
-convert$4.ansi16.rgb = function (args) {
- let color = args % 10;
- // Handle greyscale
- if (color === 0 || color === 7) {
- if (args > 50) {
- color += 3.5;
- }
- color = color / 10.5 * 255;
- return [color, color, color];
- }
- const mult = (~~(args > 50) + 1) * 0.5;
- const r = ((color & 1) * mult) * 255;
- const g = (((color >> 1) & 1) * mult) * 255;
- const b = (((color >> 2) & 1) * mult) * 255;
- return [r, g, b];
-convert$4.ansi256.rgb = function (args) {
- // Handle greyscale
- if (args >= 232) {
- const c = (args - 232) * 10 + 8;
- return [c, c, c];
- }
- args -= 16;
- let rem;
- const r = Math.floor(args / 36) / 5 * 255;
- const g = Math.floor((rem = args % 36) / 6) / 5 * 255;
- const b = (rem % 6) / 5 * 255;
- return [r, g, b];
-convert$4.rgb.hex = function (args) {
- const integer = ((Math.round(args[0]) & 0xFF) << 16)
- + ((Math.round(args[1]) & 0xFF) << 8)
- + (Math.round(args[2]) & 0xFF);
- const string = integer.toString(16).toUpperCase();
- return '000000'.substring(string.length) + string;
-convert$4.hex.rgb = function (args) {
- const match = args.toString(16).match(/[a-f0-9]{6}|[a-f0-9]{3}/i);
- if (!match) {
- return [0, 0, 0];
- }
- let colorString = match[0];
- if (match[0].length === 3) {
- colorString = colorString.split('').map(char => {
- return char + char;
- }).join('');
- }
- const integer = parseInt(colorString, 16);
- const r = (integer >> 16) & 0xFF;
- const g = (integer >> 8) & 0xFF;
- const b = integer & 0xFF;
- return [r, g, b];
-convert$4.rgb.hcg = function (rgb) {
- const r = rgb[0] / 255;
- const g = rgb[1] / 255;
- const b = rgb[2] / 255;
- const max = Math.max(Math.max(r, g), b);
- const min = Math.min(Math.min(r, g), b);
- const chroma = (max - min);
- let grayscale;
- let hue;
- if (chroma < 1) {
- grayscale = min / (1 - chroma);
- } else {
- grayscale = 0;
- }
- if (chroma <= 0) {
- hue = 0;
- } else
- if (max === r) {
- hue = ((g - b) / chroma) % 6;
- } else
- if (max === g) {
- hue = 2 + (b - r) / chroma;
- } else {
- hue = 4 + (r - g) / chroma;
- }
- hue /= 6;
- hue %= 1;
- return [hue * 360, chroma * 100, grayscale * 100];
-convert$4.hsl.hcg = function (hsl) {
- const s = hsl[1] / 100;
- const l = hsl[2] / 100;
- const c = l < 0.5 ? (2.0 * s * l) : (2.0 * s * (1.0 - l));
- let f = 0;
- if (c < 1.0) {
- f = (l - 0.5 * c) / (1.0 - c);
- }
- return [hsl[0], c * 100, f * 100];
-convert$4.hsv.hcg = function (hsv) {
- const s = hsv[1] / 100;
- const v = hsv[2] / 100;
- const c = s * v;
- let f = 0;
- if (c < 1.0) {
- f = (v - c) / (1 - c);
- }
- return [hsv[0], c * 100, f * 100];
-convert$4.hcg.rgb = function (hcg) {
- const h = hcg[0] / 360;
- const c = hcg[1] / 100;
- const g = hcg[2] / 100;
- if (c === 0.0) {
- return [g * 255, g * 255, g * 255];
- }
- const pure = [0, 0, 0];
- const hi = (h % 1) * 6;
- const v = hi % 1;
- const w = 1 - v;
- let mg = 0;
- /* eslint-disable max-statements-per-line */
- switch (Math.floor(hi)) {
- case 0:
- pure[0] = 1; pure[1] = v; pure[2] = 0; break;
- case 1:
- pure[0] = w; pure[1] = 1; pure[2] = 0; break;
- case 2:
- pure[0] = 0; pure[1] = 1; pure[2] = v; break;
- case 3:
- pure[0] = 0; pure[1] = w; pure[2] = 1; break;
- case 4:
- pure[0] = v; pure[1] = 0; pure[2] = 1; break;
- default:
- pure[0] = 1; pure[1] = 0; pure[2] = w;
- }
- /* eslint-enable max-statements-per-line */
- mg = (1.0 - c) * g;
- return [
- (c * pure[0] + mg) * 255,
- (c * pure[1] + mg) * 255,
- (c * pure[2] + mg) * 255
- ];
-convert$4.hcg.hsv = function (hcg) {
- const c = hcg[1] / 100;
- const g = hcg[2] / 100;
- const v = c + g * (1.0 - c);
- let f = 0;
- if (v > 0.0) {
- f = c / v;
- }
- return [hcg[0], f * 100, v * 100];
-convert$4.hcg.hsl = function (hcg) {
- const c = hcg[1] / 100;
- const g = hcg[2] / 100;
- const l = g * (1.0 - c) + 0.5 * c;
- let s = 0;
- if (l > 0.0 && l < 0.5) {
- s = c / (2 * l);
- } else
- if (l >= 0.5 && l < 1.0) {
- s = c / (2 * (1 - l));
- }
- return [hcg[0], s * 100, l * 100];
-convert$4.hcg.hwb = function (hcg) {
- const c = hcg[1] / 100;
- const g = hcg[2] / 100;
- const v = c + g * (1.0 - c);
- return [hcg[0], (v - c) * 100, (1 - v) * 100];
-convert$4.hwb.hcg = function (hwb) {
- const w = hwb[1] / 100;
- const b = hwb[2] / 100;
- const v = 1 - b;
- const c = v - w;
- let g = 0;
- if (c < 1) {
- g = (v - c) / (1 - c);
- }
- return [hwb[0], c * 100, g * 100];
-convert$ = function (apple) {
- return [(apple[0] / 65535) * 255, (apple[1] / 65535) * 255, (apple[2] / 65535) * 255];
-convert$ = function (rgb) {
- return [(rgb[0] / 255) * 65535, (rgb[1] / 255) * 65535, (rgb[2] / 255) * 65535];
-convert$4.gray.rgb = function (args) {
- return [args[0] / 100 * 255, args[0] / 100 * 255, args[0] / 100 * 255];
-convert$4.gray.hsl = function (args) {
- return [0, 0, args[0]];
-convert$4.gray.hsv = convert$4.gray.hsl;
-convert$4.gray.hwb = function (gray) {
- return [0, 100, gray[0]];
-convert$4.gray.cmyk = function (gray) {
- return [0, 0, 0, gray[0]];
-convert$4.gray.lab = function (gray) {
- return [gray[0], 0, 0];
-convert$4.gray.hex = function (gray) {
- const val = Math.round(gray[0] / 100 * 255) & 0xFF;
- const integer = (val << 16) + (val << 8) + val;
- const string = integer.toString(16).toUpperCase();
- return '000000'.substring(string.length) + string;
-convert$4.rgb.gray = function (rgb) {
- const val = (rgb[0] + rgb[1] + rgb[2]) / 3;
- return [val / 255 * 100];
-const conversions$1 = conversions$2;
- This function routes a model to all other models.
- all functions that are routed have a property `.conversion` attached
- to the returned synthetic function. This property is an array
- of strings, each with the steps in between the 'from' and 'to'
- color models (inclusive).
- conversions that are not possible simply are not included.
-function buildGraph() {
- const graph = {};
- //
- const models = Object.keys(conversions$1);
- for (let len = models.length, i = 0; i < len; i++) {
- graph[models[i]] = {
- //
- // micro-opt, but this is simple.
- distance: -1,
- parent: null
- };
- }
- return graph;
-function deriveBFS(fromModel) {
- const graph = buildGraph();
- const queue = [fromModel]; // Unshift -> queue -> pop
- graph[fromModel].distance = 0;
- while (queue.length) {
- const current = queue.pop();
- const adjacents = Object.keys(conversions$1[current]);
- for (let len = adjacents.length, i = 0; i < len; i++) {
- const adjacent = adjacents[i];
- const node = graph[adjacent];
- if (node.distance === -1) {
- node.distance = graph[current].distance + 1;
- node.parent = current;
- queue.unshift(adjacent);
- }
- }
- }
- return graph;
-function link$1(from, to) {
- return function (args) {
- return to(from(args));
- };
-function wrapConversion(toModel, graph) {
- const path = [graph[toModel].parent, toModel];
- let fn = conversions$1[graph[toModel].parent][toModel];
- let cur = graph[toModel].parent;
- while (graph[cur].parent) {
- path.unshift(graph[cur].parent);
- fn = link$1(conversions$1[graph[cur].parent][cur], fn);
- cur = graph[cur].parent;
- }
- fn.conversion = path;
- return fn;
-var route$1 = function (fromModel) {
- const graph = deriveBFS(fromModel);
- const conversion = {};
- const models = Object.keys(graph);
- for (let len = models.length, i = 0; i < len; i++) {
- const toModel = models[i];
- const node = graph[toModel];
- if (node.parent === null) {
- // No possible conversion, or this node is the source model.
- continue;
- }
- conversion[toModel] = wrapConversion(toModel, graph);
- }
- return conversion;
-const conversions = conversions$2;
-const route = route$1;
-const convert$3 = {};
-const models$3 = Object.keys(conversions);
-function wrapRaw(fn) {
- const wrappedFn = function (...args) {
- const arg0 = args[0];
- if (arg0 === undefined || arg0 === null) {
- return arg0;
- }
- if (arg0.length > 1) {
- args = arg0;
- }
- return fn(args);
- };
- // Preserve .conversion property if there is one
- if ('conversion' in fn) {
- wrappedFn.conversion = fn.conversion;
- }
- return wrappedFn;
-function wrapRounded(fn) {
- const wrappedFn = function (...args) {
- const arg0 = args[0];
- if (arg0 === undefined || arg0 === null) {
- return arg0;
- }
- if (arg0.length > 1) {
- args = arg0;
- }
- const result = fn(args);
- // We're assuming the result is an array here.
- // see notice in conversions.js; don't use box types
- // in conversion functions.
- if (typeof result === 'object') {
- for (let len = result.length, i = 0; i < len; i++) {
- result[i] = Math.round(result[i]);
- }
- }
- return result;
- };
- // Preserve .conversion property if there is one
- if ('conversion' in fn) {
- wrappedFn.conversion = fn.conversion;
- }
- return wrappedFn;
-models$3.forEach(fromModel => {
- convert$3[fromModel] = {};
- Object.defineProperty(convert$3[fromModel], 'channels', {value: conversions[fromModel].channels});
- Object.defineProperty(convert$3[fromModel], 'labels', {value: conversions[fromModel].labels});
- const routes = route(fromModel);
- const routeModels = Object.keys(routes);
- routeModels.forEach(toModel => {
- const fn = routes[toModel];
- convert$3[fromModel][toModel] = wrapRounded(fn);
- convert$3[fromModel][toModel].raw = wrapRaw(fn);
- });
-var colorConvert = convert$3;
-(function (module) {
-const wrapAnsi16 = (fn, offset) => (...args) => {
- const code = fn(...args);
- return `\u001B[${code + offset}m`;
-const wrapAnsi256 = (fn, offset) => (...args) => {
- const code = fn(...args);
- return `\u001B[${38 + offset};5;${code}m`;
-const wrapAnsi16m = (fn, offset) => (...args) => {
- const rgb = fn(...args);
- return `\u001B[${38 + offset};2;${rgb[0]};${rgb[1]};${rgb[2]}m`;
-const ansi2ansi = n => n;
-const rgb2rgb = (r, g, b) => [r, g, b];
-const setLazyProperty = (object, property, get) => {
- Object.defineProperty(object, property, {
- get: () => {
- const value = get();
- Object.defineProperty(object, property, {
- value,
- enumerable: true,
- configurable: true
- });
- return value;
- },
- enumerable: true,
- configurable: true
- });
-/** @type {typeof import('color-convert')} */
-let colorConvert$1;
-const makeDynamicStyles = (wrap, targetSpace, identity, isBackground) => {
- if (colorConvert$1 === undefined) {
- colorConvert$1 = colorConvert;
- }
- const offset = isBackground ? 10 : 0;
- const styles = {};
- for (const [sourceSpace, suite] of Object.entries(colorConvert$1)) {
- const name = sourceSpace === 'ansi16' ? 'ansi' : sourceSpace;
- if (sourceSpace === targetSpace) {
- styles[name] = wrap(identity, offset);
- } else if (typeof suite === 'object') {
- styles[name] = wrap(suite[targetSpace], offset);
- }
- }
- return styles;
-function assembleStyles() {
- const codes = new Map();
- const styles = {
- modifier: {
- reset: [0, 0],
- // 21 isn't widely supported and 22 does the same thing
- bold: [1, 22],
- dim: [2, 22],
- italic: [3, 23],
- underline: [4, 24],
- inverse: [7, 27],
- hidden: [8, 28],
- strikethrough: [9, 29]
- },
- color: {
- black: [30, 39],
- red: [31, 39],
- green: [32, 39],
- yellow: [33, 39],
- blue: [34, 39],
- magenta: [35, 39],
- cyan: [36, 39],
- white: [37, 39],
- // Bright color
- blackBright: [90, 39],
- redBright: [91, 39],
- greenBright: [92, 39],
- yellowBright: [93, 39],
- blueBright: [94, 39],
- magentaBright: [95, 39],
- cyanBright: [96, 39],
- whiteBright: [97, 39]
- },
- bgColor: {
- bgBlack: [40, 49],
- bgRed: [41, 49],
- bgGreen: [42, 49],
- bgYellow: [43, 49],
- bgBlue: [44, 49],
- bgMagenta: [45, 49],
- bgCyan: [46, 49],
- bgWhite: [47, 49],
- // Bright color
- bgBlackBright: [100, 49],
- bgRedBright: [101, 49],
- bgGreenBright: [102, 49],
- bgYellowBright: [103, 49],
- bgBlueBright: [104, 49],
- bgMagentaBright: [105, 49],
- bgCyanBright: [106, 49],
- bgWhiteBright: [107, 49]
- }
- };
- // Alias bright black as gray (and grey)
- styles.color.gray = styles.color.blackBright;
- styles.bgColor.bgGray = styles.bgColor.bgBlackBright;
- styles.color.grey = styles.color.blackBright;
- styles.bgColor.bgGrey = styles.bgColor.bgBlackBright;
- for (const [groupName, group] of Object.entries(styles)) {
- for (const [styleName, style] of Object.entries(group)) {
- styles[styleName] = {
- open: `\u001B[${style[0]}m`,
- close: `\u001B[${style[1]}m`
- };
- group[styleName] = styles[styleName];
- codes.set(style[0], style[1]);
- }
- Object.defineProperty(styles, groupName, {
- value: group,
- enumerable: false
- });
- }
- Object.defineProperty(styles, 'codes', {
- value: codes,
- enumerable: false
- });
- styles.color.close = '\u001B[39m';
- styles.bgColor.close = '\u001B[49m';
- setLazyProperty(styles.color, 'ansi', () => makeDynamicStyles(wrapAnsi16, 'ansi16', ansi2ansi, false));
- setLazyProperty(styles.color, 'ansi256', () => makeDynamicStyles(wrapAnsi256, 'ansi256', ansi2ansi, false));
- setLazyProperty(styles.color, 'ansi16m', () => makeDynamicStyles(wrapAnsi16m, 'rgb', rgb2rgb, false));
- setLazyProperty(styles.bgColor, 'ansi', () => makeDynamicStyles(wrapAnsi16, 'ansi16', ansi2ansi, true));
- setLazyProperty(styles.bgColor, 'ansi256', () => makeDynamicStyles(wrapAnsi256, 'ansi256', ansi2ansi, true));
- setLazyProperty(styles.bgColor, 'ansi16m', () => makeDynamicStyles(wrapAnsi16m, 'rgb', rgb2rgb, true));
- return styles;
-// Make the export immutable
-Object.defineProperty(module, 'exports', {
- enumerable: true,
- get: assembleStyles
-const stringReplaceAll$1 = (string, substring, replacer) => {
- let index = string.indexOf(substring);
- if (index === -1) {
- return string;
- }
- const substringLength = substring.length;
- let endIndex = 0;
- let returnValue = '';
- do {
- returnValue += string.substr(endIndex, index - endIndex) + substring + replacer;
- endIndex = index + substringLength;
- index = string.indexOf(substring, endIndex);
- } while (index !== -1);
- returnValue += string.substr(endIndex);
- return returnValue;
-const stringEncaseCRLFWithFirstIndex$1 = (string, prefix, postfix, index) => {
- let endIndex = 0;
- let returnValue = '';
- do {
- const gotCR = string[index - 1] === '\r';
- returnValue += string.substr(endIndex, (gotCR ? index - 1 : index) - endIndex) + prefix + (gotCR ? '\r\n' : '\n') + postfix;
- endIndex = index + 1;
- index = string.indexOf('\n', endIndex);
- } while (index !== -1);
- returnValue += string.substr(endIndex);
- return returnValue;
-var util$2 = {
- stringReplaceAll: stringReplaceAll$1,
- stringEncaseCRLFWithFirstIndex: stringEncaseCRLFWithFirstIndex$1
-const TEMPLATE_REGEX = /(?:\\(u(?:[a-f\d]{4}|\{[a-f\d]{1,6}\})|x[a-f\d]{2}|.))|(?:\{(~)?(\w+(?:\([^)]*\))?(?:\.\w+(?:\([^)]*\))?)*)(?:[ \t]|(?=\r?\n)))|(\})|((?:.|[\r\n\f])+?)/gi;
-const STYLE_REGEX = /(?:^|\.)(\w+)(?:\(([^)]*)\))?/g;
-const STRING_REGEX = /^(['"])((?:\\.|(?!\1)[^\\])*)\1$/;
-const ESCAPE_REGEX = /\\(u(?:[a-f\d]{4}|\{[a-f\d]{1,6}\})|x[a-f\d]{2}|.)|([^\\])/gi;
-const ESCAPES = new Map([
- ['n', '\n'],
- ['r', '\r'],
- ['t', '\t'],
- ['b', '\b'],
- ['f', '\f'],
- ['v', '\v'],
- ['0', '\0'],
- ['\\', '\\'],
- ['e', '\u001B'],
- ['a', '\u0007']
-function unescape(c) {
- const u = c[0] === 'u';
- const bracket = c[1] === '{';
- if ((u && !bracket && c.length === 5) || (c[0] === 'x' && c.length === 3)) {
- return String.fromCharCode(parseInt(c.slice(1), 16));
- }
- if (u && bracket) {
- return String.fromCodePoint(parseInt(c.slice(2, -1), 16));
- }
- return ESCAPES.get(c) || c;
-function parseArguments(name, arguments_) {
- const results = [];
- const chunks = arguments_.trim().split(/\s*,\s*/g);
- let matches;
- for (const chunk of chunks) {
- const number = Number(chunk);
- if (!Number.isNaN(number)) {
- results.push(number);
- } else if ((matches = chunk.match(STRING_REGEX))) {
- results.push(matches[2].replace(ESCAPE_REGEX, (m, escape, character) => escape ? unescape(escape) : character));
- } else {
- throw new Error(`Invalid Chalk template style argument: ${chunk} (in style '${name}')`);
- }
- }
- return results;
-function parseStyle(style) {
- STYLE_REGEX.lastIndex = 0;
- const results = [];
- let matches;
- while ((matches = STYLE_REGEX.exec(style)) !== null) {
- const name = matches[1];
- if (matches[2]) {
- const args = parseArguments(name, matches[2]);
- results.push([name].concat(args));
- } else {
- results.push([name]);
- }
- }
- return results;
-function buildStyle(chalk, styles) {
- const enabled = {};
- for (const layer of styles) {
- for (const style of layer.styles) {
- enabled[style[0]] = layer.inverse ? null : style.slice(1);
- }
- }
- let current = chalk;
- for (const [styleName, styles] of Object.entries(enabled)) {
- if (!Array.isArray(styles)) {
- continue;
- }
- if (!(styleName in current)) {
- throw new Error(`Unknown Chalk style: ${styleName}`);
- }
- current = styles.length > 0 ? current[styleName](...styles) : current[styleName];
- }
- return current;
-var templates = (chalk, temporary) => {
- const styles = [];
- const chunks = [];
- let chunk = [];
- // eslint-disable-next-line max-params
- temporary.replace(TEMPLATE_REGEX, (m, escapeCharacter, inverse, style, close, character) => {
- if (escapeCharacter) {
- chunk.push(unescape(escapeCharacter));
- } else if (style) {
- const string = chunk.join('');
- chunk = [];
- chunks.push(styles.length === 0 ? string : buildStyle(chalk, styles)(string));
- styles.push({inverse, styles: parseStyle(style)});
- } else if (close) {
- if (styles.length === 0) {
- throw new Error('Found extraneous } in Chalk template literal');
- }
- chunks.push(buildStyle(chalk, styles)(chunk.join('')));
- chunk = [];
- styles.pop();
- } else {
- chunk.push(character);
- }
- });
- chunks.push(chunk.join(''));
- if (styles.length > 0) {
- const errMsg = `Chalk template literal is missing ${styles.length} closing bracket${styles.length === 1 ? '' : 's'} (\`}\`)`;
- throw new Error(errMsg);
- }
- return chunks.join('');
-const ansiStyles = ansiStyles$1.exports;
-const {stdout: stdoutColor, stderr: stderrColor} = supportsColor_1$1;
-const {
- stringReplaceAll,
- stringEncaseCRLFWithFirstIndex
-} = util$2;
-// `supportsColor.level` → `ansiStyles.color[name]` mapping
-const levelMapping = [
- 'ansi',
- 'ansi',
- 'ansi256',
- 'ansi16m'
-const styles = Object.create(null);
-const applyOptions = (object, options = {}) => {
- if (options.level > 3 || options.level < 0) {
- throw new Error('The `level` option should be an integer from 0 to 3');
- }
- // Detect level if not set manually
- const colorLevel = stdoutColor ? stdoutColor.level : 0;
- object.level = options.level === undefined ? colorLevel : options.level;
-class ChalkClass {
- constructor(options) {
- return chalkFactory(options);
- }
-const chalkFactory = options => {
- const chalk = {};
- applyOptions(chalk, options);
- chalk.template = (...arguments_) => chalkTag(chalk.template, ...arguments_);
- Object.setPrototypeOf(chalk, Chalk.prototype);
- Object.setPrototypeOf(chalk.template, chalk);
- chalk.template.constructor = () => {
- throw new Error('`chalk.constructor()` is deprecated. Use `new chalk.Instance()` instead.');
- };
- chalk.template.Instance = ChalkClass;
- return chalk.template;
-function Chalk(options) {
- return chalkFactory(options);
-for (const [styleName, style] of Object.entries(ansiStyles)) {
- styles[styleName] = {
- get() {
- const builder = createBuilder(this, createStyler(, style.close, this._styler), this._isEmpty);
- Object.defineProperty(this, styleName, {value: builder});
- return builder;
- }
- };
-styles.visible = {
- get() {
- const builder = createBuilder(this, this._styler, true);
- Object.defineProperty(this, 'visible', {value: builder});
- return builder;
- }
-const usedModels = ['rgb', 'hex', 'keyword', 'hsl', 'hsv', 'hwb', 'ansi', 'ansi256'];
-for (const model of usedModels) {
- styles[model] = {
- get() {
- const {level} = this;
- return function (...arguments_) {
- const styler = createStyler(ansiStyles.color[levelMapping[level]][model](...arguments_), ansiStyles.color.close, this._styler);
- return createBuilder(this, styler, this._isEmpty);
- };
- }
- };
-for (const model of usedModels) {
- const bgModel = 'bg' + model[0].toUpperCase() + model.slice(1);
- styles[bgModel] = {
- get() {
- const {level} = this;
- return function (...arguments_) {
- const styler = createStyler(ansiStyles.bgColor[levelMapping[level]][model](...arguments_), ansiStyles.bgColor.close, this._styler);
- return createBuilder(this, styler, this._isEmpty);
- };
- }
- };
-const proto$1 = Object.defineProperties(() => {}, {
- ...styles,
- level: {
- enumerable: true,
- get() {
- return this._generator.level;
- },
- set(level) {
- this._generator.level = level;
- }
- }
-const createStyler = (open, close, parent) => {
- let openAll;
- let closeAll;
- if (parent === undefined) {
- openAll = open;
- closeAll = close;
- } else {
- openAll = parent.openAll + open;
- closeAll = close + parent.closeAll;
- }
- return {
- open,
- close,
- openAll,
- closeAll,
- parent
- };
-const createBuilder = (self, _styler, _isEmpty) => {
- const builder = (...arguments_) => {
- // Single argument is hot path, implicit coercion is faster than anything
- // eslint-disable-next-line no-implicit-coercion
- return applyStyle(builder, (arguments_.length === 1) ? ('' + arguments_[0]) : arguments_.join(' '));
- };
- // `__proto__` is used because we must return a function, but there is
- // no way to create a function with a different prototype
- builder.__proto__ = proto$1; // eslint-disable-line no-proto
- builder._generator = self;
- builder._styler = _styler;
- builder._isEmpty = _isEmpty;
- return builder;
-const applyStyle = (self, string) => {
- if (self.level <= 0 || !string) {
- return self._isEmpty ? '' : string;
- }
- let styler = self._styler;
- if (styler === undefined) {
- return string;
- }
- const {openAll, closeAll} = styler;
- if (string.indexOf('\u001B') !== -1) {
- while (styler !== undefined) {
- // Replace any instances already present with a re-opening code
- // otherwise only the part of the string until said closing code
- // will be colored, and the rest will simply be 'plain'.
- string = stringReplaceAll(string, styler.close,;
- styler = styler.parent;
- }
- }
- // We can move both next actions out of loop, because remaining actions in loop won't have
- // any/visible effect on parts we add here. Close the styling before a linebreak and reopen
- // after next line to fix a bleed issue on macOS:
- const lfIndex = string.indexOf('\n');
- if (lfIndex !== -1) {
- string = stringEncaseCRLFWithFirstIndex(string, closeAll, openAll, lfIndex);
- }
- return openAll + string + closeAll;
-let template;
-const chalkTag = (chalk, ...strings) => {
- const [firstString] = strings;
- if (!Array.isArray(firstString)) {
- // If chalk() was called by itself or with a string,
- // return the string itself as a string.
- return strings.join(' ');
- }
- const arguments_ = strings.slice(1);
- const parts = [firstString.raw[0]];
- for (let i = 1; i < firstString.length; i++) {
- parts.push(
- String(arguments_[i - 1]).replace(/[{}\\]/g, '\\$&'),
- String(firstString.raw[i])
- );
- }
- if (template === undefined) {
- template = templates;
- }
- return template(chalk, parts.join(''));
-Object.defineProperties(Chalk.prototype, styles);
-const chalk$1 = Chalk(); // eslint-disable-line new-cap
-chalk$1.supportsColor = stdoutColor;
-chalk$1.stderr = Chalk({level: stderrColor ? stderrColor.level : 0}); // eslint-disable-line new-cap
-chalk$1.stderr.supportsColor = stderrColor;
-// For TypeScript
-chalk$1.Level = {
- None: 0,
- Basic: 1,
- Ansi256: 2,
- TrueColor: 3,
- 0: 'None',
- 1: 'Basic',
- 2: 'Ansi256',
- 3: 'TrueColor'
-var source$1 = chalk$1;
-var chokidar$1 = {};
-var utils$7 = {};
-const path$3 = require$$0__default$2['default'];
-const WIN_SLASH = '\\\\/';
-const WIN_NO_SLASH = `[^${WIN_SLASH}]`;
- * Posix glob regex
- */
-const DOT_LITERAL = '\\.';
-const PLUS_LITERAL = '\\+';
-const QMARK_LITERAL = '\\?';
-const SLASH_LITERAL = '\\/';
-const ONE_CHAR = '(?=.)';
-const QMARK = '[^/]';
-const END_ANCHOR = `(?:${SLASH_LITERAL}|$)`;
-const START_ANCHOR = `(?:^|${SLASH_LITERAL})`;
-const NO_DOT = `(?!${DOT_LITERAL})`;
-const NO_DOTS = `(?!${START_ANCHOR}${DOTS_SLASH})`;
-const NO_DOT_SLASH = `(?!${DOT_LITERAL}{0,1}${END_ANCHOR})`;
-const NO_DOTS_SLASH = `(?!${DOTS_SLASH})`;
-const QMARK_NO_DOT = `[^.${SLASH_LITERAL}]`;
-const STAR$1 = `${QMARK}*?`;
-const POSIX_CHARS = {
- * Windows glob regex
- */
-const WINDOWS_CHARS = {
- STAR: `${WIN_NO_SLASH}*?`,
- DOTS_SLASH: `${DOT_LITERAL}{1,2}(?:[${WIN_SLASH}]|$)`,
- NO_DOT: `(?!${DOT_LITERAL})`,
- NO_DOTS: `(?!(?:^|[${WIN_SLASH}])${DOT_LITERAL}{1,2}(?:[${WIN_SLASH}]|$))`,
- NO_DOT_SLASH: `(?!${DOT_LITERAL}{0,1}(?:[${WIN_SLASH}]|$))`,
- NO_DOTS_SLASH: `(?!${DOT_LITERAL}{1,2}(?:[${WIN_SLASH}]|$))`,
- START_ANCHOR: `(?:^|[${WIN_SLASH}])`,
- END_ANCHOR: `(?:[${WIN_SLASH}]|$)`
- * POSIX Bracket Regex
- */
- alnum: 'a-zA-Z0-9',
- alpha: 'a-zA-Z',
- ascii: '\\x00-\\x7F',
- blank: ' \\t',
- cntrl: '\\x00-\\x1F\\x7F',
- digit: '0-9',
- graph: '\\x21-\\x7E',
- lower: 'a-z',
- print: '\\x20-\\x7E ',
- punct: '\\-!"#$%&\'()\\*+,./:;<=>?@[\\]^_`{|}~',
- space: ' \\t\\r\\n\\v\\f',
- upper: 'A-Z',
- word: 'A-Za-z0-9_',
- xdigit: 'A-Fa-f0-9'
-var constants$5 = {
- MAX_LENGTH: 1024 * 64,
- // regular expressions
- REGEX_BACKSLASH: /\\(?![*+?^${}(|)[\]])/g,
- REGEX_NON_SPECIAL_CHARS: /^[^@![\].,$*+?^{}()|\\/]+/,
- REGEX_SPECIAL_CHARS: /[-*+?.^${}(|)[\]]/,
- REGEX_SPECIAL_CHARS_BACKREF: /(\\?)((\W)(\3*))/g,
- REGEX_SPECIAL_CHARS_GLOBAL: /([-*+?.^${}(|)[\]])/g,
- REGEX_REMOVE_BACKSLASH: /(?:\[.*?[^\\]\]|\\(?=.))/g,
- // Replace globs with equivalent patterns to reduce parsing time.
- '***': '*',
- '**/**': '**',
- '**/**/**': '**'
- },
- // Digits
- CHAR_0: 48, /* 0 */
- CHAR_9: 57, /* 9 */
- // Alphabet chars.
- CHAR_UPPERCASE_A: 65, /* A */
- CHAR_LOWERCASE_A: 97, /* a */
- CHAR_UPPERCASE_Z: 90, /* Z */
- CHAR_LOWERCASE_Z: 122, /* z */
- CHAR_ASTERISK: 42, /* * */
- // Non-alphabetic chars.
- CHAR_AMPERSAND: 38, /* & */
- CHAR_AT: 64, /* @ */
- CHAR_BACKWARD_SLASH: 92, /* \ */
- CHAR_CARRIAGE_RETURN: 13, /* \r */
- CHAR_COLON: 58, /* : */
- CHAR_COMMA: 44, /* , */
- CHAR_DOT: 46, /* . */
- CHAR_DOUBLE_QUOTE: 34, /* " */
- CHAR_EQUAL: 61, /* = */
- CHAR_FORM_FEED: 12, /* \f */
- CHAR_FORWARD_SLASH: 47, /* / */
- CHAR_GRAVE_ACCENT: 96, /* ` */
- CHAR_HASH: 35, /* # */
- CHAR_HYPHEN_MINUS: 45, /* - */
- CHAR_LEFT_CURLY_BRACE: 123, /* { */
- CHAR_LINE_FEED: 10, /* \n */
- CHAR_NO_BREAK_SPACE: 160, /* \u00A0 */
- CHAR_PERCENT: 37, /* % */
- CHAR_PLUS: 43, /* + */
- CHAR_QUESTION_MARK: 63, /* ? */
- CHAR_RIGHT_CURLY_BRACE: 125, /* } */
- CHAR_SEMICOLON: 59, /* ; */
- CHAR_SINGLE_QUOTE: 39, /* ' */
- CHAR_SPACE: 32, /* */
- CHAR_TAB: 9, /* \t */
- CHAR_UNDERSCORE: 95, /* _ */
- CHAR_VERTICAL_LINE: 124, /* | */
- SEP: path$3.sep,
- /**
- */
- extglobChars(chars) {
- return {
- '!': { type: 'negate', open: '(?:(?!(?:', close: `))${chars.STAR})` },
- '?': { type: 'qmark', open: '(?:', close: ')?' },
- '+': { type: 'plus', open: '(?:', close: ')+' },
- '*': { type: 'star', open: '(?:', close: ')*' },
- '@': { type: 'at', open: '(?:', close: ')' }
- };
- },
- /**
- * Create GLOB_CHARS
- */
- globChars(win32) {
- return win32 === true ? WINDOWS_CHARS : POSIX_CHARS;
- }
-(function (exports) {
-const path = require$$0__default$2['default'];
-const win32 = process.platform === 'win32';
-const {
-} = constants$5;
-exports.isObject = val => val !== null && typeof val === 'object' && !Array.isArray(val);
-exports.hasRegexChars = str => REGEX_SPECIAL_CHARS.test(str);
-exports.isRegexChar = str => str.length === 1 && exports.hasRegexChars(str);
-exports.escapeRegex = str => str.replace(REGEX_SPECIAL_CHARS_GLOBAL, '\\$1');
-exports.toPosixSlashes = str => str.replace(REGEX_BACKSLASH, '/');
-exports.removeBackslashes = str => {
- return str.replace(REGEX_REMOVE_BACKSLASH, match => {
- return match === '\\' ? '' : match;
- });
-exports.supportsLookbehinds = () => {
- const segs = process.version.slice(1).split('.').map(Number);
- if (segs.length === 3 && segs[0] >= 9 || (segs[0] === 8 && segs[1] >= 10)) {
- return true;
- }
- return false;
-exports.isWindows = options => {
- if (options && typeof === 'boolean') {
- return;
- }
- return win32 === true || path.sep === '\\';
-exports.escapeLast = (input, char, lastIdx) => {
- const idx = input.lastIndexOf(char, lastIdx);
- if (idx === -1) return input;
- if (input[idx - 1] === '\\') return exports.escapeLast(input, char, idx - 1);
- return `${input.slice(0, idx)}\\${input.slice(idx)}`;
-exports.removePrefix = (input, state = {}) => {
- let output = input;
- if (output.startsWith('./')) {
- output = output.slice(2);
- state.prefix = './';
- }
- return output;
-exports.wrapOutput = (input, state = {}, options = {}) => {
- const prepend = options.contains ? '' : '^';
- const append = options.contains ? '' : '$';
- let output = `${prepend}(?:${input})${append}`;
- if (state.negated === true) {
- output = `(?:^(?!${output}).*$)`;
- }
- return output;
-const utils$6 = utils$7;
-const {
- CHAR_AT, /* @ */
- CHAR_DOT: CHAR_DOT$1, /* . */
- CHAR_PLUS, /* + */
-} = constants$5;
-const isPathSeparator = code => {
- return code === CHAR_FORWARD_SLASH || code === CHAR_BACKWARD_SLASH;
-const depth = token => {
- if (token.isPrefix !== true) {
- token.depth = token.isGlobstar ? Infinity : 1;
- }
- * Quickly scans a glob pattern and returns an object with a handful of
- * useful properties, like `isGlob`, `path` (the leading non-glob, if it exists),
- * `glob` (the actual pattern), `negated` (true if the path starts with `!` but not
- * with `!(`) and `negatedExtglob` (true if the path starts with `!(`).
- *
- * ```js
- * const pm = require('picomatch');
- * console.log(pm.scan('foo/bar/*.js'));
- * { isGlob: true, input: 'foo/bar/*.js', base: 'foo/bar', glob: '*.js' }
- * ```
- * @param {String} `str`
- * @param {Object} `options`
- * @return {Object} Returns an object with tokens and regex source string.
- * @api public
- */
-const scan$1 = (input, options) => {
- const opts = options || {};
- const length = input.length - 1;
- const scanToEnd = === true || opts.scanToEnd === true;
- const slashes = [];
- const tokens = [];
- const parts = [];
- let str = input;
- let index = -1;
- let start = 0;
- let lastIndex = 0;
- let isBrace = false;
- let isBracket = false;
- let isGlob = false;
- let isExtglob = false;
- let isGlobstar = false;
- let braceEscaped = false;
- let backslashes = false;
- let negated = false;
- let negatedExtglob = false;
- let finished = false;
- let braces = 0;
- let prev;
- let code;
- let token = { value: '', depth: 0, isGlob: false };
- const eos = () => index >= length;
- const peek = () => str.charCodeAt(index + 1);
- const advance = () => {
- prev = code;
- return str.charCodeAt(++index);
- };
- while (index < length) {
- code = advance();
- let next;
- if (code === CHAR_BACKWARD_SLASH) {
- backslashes = token.backslashes = true;
- code = advance();
- if (code === CHAR_LEFT_CURLY_BRACE$1) {
- braceEscaped = true;
- }
- continue;
- }
- if (braceEscaped === true || code === CHAR_LEFT_CURLY_BRACE$1) {
- braces++;
- while (eos() !== true && (code = advance())) {
- if (code === CHAR_BACKWARD_SLASH) {
- backslashes = token.backslashes = true;
- advance();
- continue;
- }
- if (code === CHAR_LEFT_CURLY_BRACE$1) {
- braces++;
- continue;
- }
- if (braceEscaped !== true && code === CHAR_DOT$1 && (code = advance()) === CHAR_DOT$1) {
- isBrace = token.isBrace = true;
- isGlob = token.isGlob = true;
- finished = true;
- if (scanToEnd === true) {
- continue;
- }
- break;
- }
- if (braceEscaped !== true && code === CHAR_COMMA$2) {
- isBrace = token.isBrace = true;
- isGlob = token.isGlob = true;
- finished = true;
- if (scanToEnd === true) {
- continue;
- }
- break;
- }
- if (code === CHAR_RIGHT_CURLY_BRACE$1) {
- braces--;
- if (braces === 0) {
- braceEscaped = false;
- isBrace = token.isBrace = true;
- finished = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (scanToEnd === true) {
- continue;
- }
- break;
- }
- if (code === CHAR_FORWARD_SLASH) {
- slashes.push(index);
- tokens.push(token);
- token = { value: '', depth: 0, isGlob: false };
- if (finished === true) continue;
- if (prev === CHAR_DOT$1 && index === (start + 1)) {
- start += 2;
- continue;
- }
- lastIndex = index + 1;
- continue;
- }
- if (opts.noext !== true) {
- const isExtglobChar = code === CHAR_PLUS
- || code === CHAR_AT
- || code === CHAR_ASTERISK$1
- || code === CHAR_QUESTION_MARK
- if (isExtglobChar === true && peek() === CHAR_LEFT_PARENTHESES$1) {
- isGlob = token.isGlob = true;
- isExtglob = token.isExtglob = true;
- finished = true;
- if (code === CHAR_EXCLAMATION_MARK && index === start) {
- negatedExtglob = true;
- }
- if (scanToEnd === true) {
- while (eos() !== true && (code = advance())) {
- if (code === CHAR_BACKWARD_SLASH) {
- backslashes = token.backslashes = true;
- code = advance();
- continue;
- }
- if (code === CHAR_RIGHT_PARENTHESES$1) {
- isGlob = token.isGlob = true;
- finished = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- continue;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- if (code === CHAR_ASTERISK$1) {
- if (prev === CHAR_ASTERISK$1) isGlobstar = token.isGlobstar = true;
- isGlob = token.isGlob = true;
- finished = true;
- if (scanToEnd === true) {
- continue;
- }
- break;
- }
- if (code === CHAR_QUESTION_MARK) {
- isGlob = token.isGlob = true;
- finished = true;
- if (scanToEnd === true) {
- continue;
- }
- break;
- }
- if (code === CHAR_LEFT_SQUARE_BRACKET$2) {
- while (eos() !== true && (next = advance())) {
- if (next === CHAR_BACKWARD_SLASH) {
- backslashes = token.backslashes = true;
- advance();
- continue;
- }
- if (next === CHAR_RIGHT_SQUARE_BRACKET$2) {
- isBracket = token.isBracket = true;
- isGlob = token.isGlob = true;
- finished = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (scanToEnd === true) {
- continue;
- }
- break;
- }
- if (opts.nonegate !== true && code === CHAR_EXCLAMATION_MARK && index === start) {
- negated = token.negated = true;
- start++;
- continue;
- }
- if (opts.noparen !== true && code === CHAR_LEFT_PARENTHESES$1) {
- isGlob = token.isGlob = true;
- if (scanToEnd === true) {
- while (eos() !== true && (code = advance())) {
- if (code === CHAR_LEFT_PARENTHESES$1) {
- backslashes = token.backslashes = true;
- code = advance();
- continue;
- }
- if (code === CHAR_RIGHT_PARENTHESES$1) {
- finished = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- continue;
- }
- break;
- }
- if (isGlob === true) {
- finished = true;
- if (scanToEnd === true) {
- continue;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- if (opts.noext === true) {
- isExtglob = false;
- isGlob = false;
- }
- let base = str;
- let prefix = '';
- let glob = '';
- if (start > 0) {
- prefix = str.slice(0, start);
- str = str.slice(start);
- lastIndex -= start;
- }
- if (base && isGlob === true && lastIndex > 0) {
- base = str.slice(0, lastIndex);
- glob = str.slice(lastIndex);
- } else if (isGlob === true) {
- base = '';
- glob = str;
- } else {
- base = str;
- }
- if (base && base !== '' && base !== '/' && base !== str) {
- if (isPathSeparator(base.charCodeAt(base.length - 1))) {
- base = base.slice(0, -1);
- }
- }
- if (opts.unescape === true) {
- if (glob) glob = utils$6.removeBackslashes(glob);
- if (base && backslashes === true) {
- base = utils$6.removeBackslashes(base);
- }
- }
- const state = {
- prefix,
- input,
- start,
- base,
- glob,
- isBrace,
- isBracket,
- isGlob,
- isExtglob,
- isGlobstar,
- negated,
- negatedExtglob
- };
- if (opts.tokens === true) {
- state.maxDepth = 0;
- if (!isPathSeparator(code)) {
- tokens.push(token);
- }
- state.tokens = tokens;
- }
- if ( === true || opts.tokens === true) {
- let prevIndex;
- for (let idx = 0; idx < slashes.length; idx++) {
- const n = prevIndex ? prevIndex + 1 : start;
- const i = slashes[idx];
- const value = input.slice(n, i);
- if (opts.tokens) {
- if (idx === 0 && start !== 0) {
- tokens[idx].isPrefix = true;
- tokens[idx].value = prefix;
- } else {
- tokens[idx].value = value;
- }
- depth(tokens[idx]);
- state.maxDepth += tokens[idx].depth;
- }
- if (idx !== 0 || value !== '') {
- parts.push(value);
- }
- prevIndex = i;
- }
- if (prevIndex && prevIndex + 1 < input.length) {
- const value = input.slice(prevIndex + 1);
- parts.push(value);
- if (opts.tokens) {
- tokens[tokens.length - 1].value = value;
- depth(tokens[tokens.length - 1]);
- state.maxDepth += tokens[tokens.length - 1].depth;
- }
- }
- state.slashes = slashes;
- = parts;
- }
- return state;
-var scan_1 = scan$1;
-const constants$4 = constants$5;
-const utils$5 = utils$7;
- * Constants
- */
-const {
-} = constants$4;
- * Helpers
- */
-const expandRange = (args, options) => {
- if (typeof options.expandRange === 'function') {
- return options.expandRange(...args, options);
- }
- args.sort();
- const value = `[${args.join('-')}]`;
- try {
- /* eslint-disable-next-line no-new */
- new RegExp(value);
- } catch (ex) {
- return => utils$5.escapeRegex(v)).join('..');
- }
- return value;
- * Create the message for a syntax error
- */
-const syntaxError$1 = (type, char) => {
- return `Missing ${type}: "${char}" - use "\\\\${char}" to match literal characters`;
- * Parse the given input string.
- * @param {String} input
- * @param {Object} options
- * @return {Object}
- */
-const parse$8 = (input, options) => {
- if (typeof input !== 'string') {
- throw new TypeError('Expected a string');
- }
- input = REPLACEMENTS[input] || input;
- const opts = { ...options };
- const max = typeof opts.maxLength === 'number' ? Math.min(MAX_LENGTH$4, opts.maxLength) : MAX_LENGTH$4;
- let len = input.length;
- if (len > max) {
- throw new SyntaxError(`Input length: ${len}, exceeds maximum allowed length: ${max}`);
- }
- const bos = { type: 'bos', value: '', output: opts.prepend || '' };
- const tokens = [bos];
- const capture = opts.capture ? '' : '?:';
- const win32 = utils$5.isWindows(options);
- // create constants based on platform, for windows or posix
- const PLATFORM_CHARS = constants$4.globChars(win32);
- const EXTGLOB_CHARS = constants$4.extglobChars(PLATFORM_CHARS);
- const {
- const globstar = opts => {
- return `(${capture}(?:(?!${START_ANCHOR}${ ? DOTS_SLASH : DOT_LITERAL}).)*?)`;
- };
- const nodot = ? '' : NO_DOT;
- const qmarkNoDot = ? QMARK : QMARK_NO_DOT;
- let star = opts.bash === true ? globstar(opts) : STAR;
- if (opts.capture) {
- star = `(${star})`;
- }
- // minimatch options support
- if (typeof opts.noext === 'boolean') {
- opts.noextglob = opts.noext;
- }
- const state = {
- input,
- index: -1,
- start: 0,
- dot: === true,
- consumed: '',
- output: '',
- prefix: '',
- backtrack: false,
- negated: false,
- brackets: 0,
- braces: 0,
- parens: 0,
- quotes: 0,
- globstar: false,
- tokens
- };
- input = utils$5.removePrefix(input, state);
- len = input.length;
- const extglobs = [];
- const braces = [];
- const stack = [];
- let prev = bos;
- let value;
- /**
- * Tokenizing helpers
- */
- const eos = () => state.index === len - 1;
- const peek = state.peek = (n = 1) => input[state.index + n];
- const advance = state.advance = () => input[++state.index] || '';
- const remaining = () => input.slice(state.index + 1);
- const consume = (value = '', num = 0) => {
- state.consumed += value;
- state.index += num;
- };
- const append = token => {
- state.output += token.output != null ? token.output : token.value;
- consume(token.value);
- };
- const negate = () => {
- let count = 1;
- while (peek() === '!' && (peek(2) !== '(' || peek(3) === '?')) {
- advance();
- state.start++;
- count++;
- }
- if (count % 2 === 0) {
- return false;
- }
- state.negated = true;
- state.start++;
- return true;
- };
- const increment = type => {
- state[type]++;
- stack.push(type);
- };
- const decrement = type => {
- state[type]--;
- stack.pop();
- };
- /**
- * Push tokens onto the tokens array. This helper speeds up
- * tokenizing by 1) helping us avoid backtracking as much as possible,
- * and 2) helping us avoid creating extra tokens when consecutive
- * characters are plain text. This improves performance and simplifies
- * lookbehinds.
- */
- const push = tok => {
- if (prev.type === 'globstar') {
- const isBrace = state.braces > 0 && (tok.type === 'comma' || tok.type === 'brace');
- const isExtglob = tok.extglob === true || (extglobs.length && (tok.type === 'pipe' || tok.type === 'paren'));
- if (tok.type !== 'slash' && tok.type !== 'paren' && !isBrace && !isExtglob) {
- state.output = state.output.slice(0, -prev.output.length);
- prev.type = 'star';
- prev.value = '*';
- prev.output = star;
- state.output += prev.output;
- }
- }
- if (extglobs.length && tok.type !== 'paren') {
- extglobs[extglobs.length - 1].inner += tok.value;
- }
- if (tok.value || tok.output) append(tok);
- if (prev && prev.type === 'text' && tok.type === 'text') {
- prev.value += tok.value;
- prev.output = (prev.output || '') + tok.value;
- return;
- }
- tok.prev = prev;
- tokens.push(tok);
- prev = tok;
- };
- const extglobOpen = (type, value) => {
- const token = { ...EXTGLOB_CHARS[value], conditions: 1, inner: '' };
- token.prev = prev;
- token.parens = state.parens;
- token.output = state.output;
- const output = (opts.capture ? '(' : '') +;
- increment('parens');
- push({ type, value, output: state.output ? '' : ONE_CHAR });
- push({ type: 'paren', extglob: true, value: advance(), output });
- extglobs.push(token);
- };
- const extglobClose = token => {
- let output = token.close + (opts.capture ? ')' : '');
- let rest;
- if (token.type === 'negate') {
- let extglobStar = star;
- if (token.inner && token.inner.length > 1 && token.inner.includes('/')) {
- extglobStar = globstar(opts);
- }
- if (extglobStar !== star || eos() || /^\)+$/.test(remaining())) {
- output = token.close = `)$))${extglobStar}`;
- }
- if (token.inner.includes('*') && (rest = remaining()) && /^\.[^\\/.]+$/.test(rest)) {
- output = token.close = `)${rest})${extglobStar})`;
- }
- if (token.prev.type === 'bos') {
- state.negatedExtglob = true;
- }
- }
- push({ type: 'paren', extglob: true, value, output });
- decrement('parens');
- };
- /**
- * Fast paths
- */
- if (opts.fastpaths !== false && !/(^[*!]|[/()[\]{}"])/.test(input)) {
- let backslashes = false;
- let output = input.replace(REGEX_SPECIAL_CHARS_BACKREF, (m, esc, chars, first, rest, index) => {
- if (first === '\\') {
- backslashes = true;
- return m;
- }
- if (first === '?') {
- if (esc) {
- return esc + first + (rest ? QMARK.repeat(rest.length) : '');
- }
- if (index === 0) {
- return qmarkNoDot + (rest ? QMARK.repeat(rest.length) : '');
- }
- return QMARK.repeat(chars.length);
- }
- if (first === '.') {
- return DOT_LITERAL.repeat(chars.length);
- }
- if (first === '*') {
- if (esc) {
- return esc + first + (rest ? star : '');
- }
- return star;
- }
- return esc ? m : `\\${m}`;
- });
- if (backslashes === true) {
- if (opts.unescape === true) {
- output = output.replace(/\\/g, '');
- } else {
- output = output.replace(/\\+/g, m => {
- return m.length % 2 === 0 ? '\\\\' : (m ? '\\' : '');
- });
- }
- }
- if (output === input && opts.contains === true) {
- state.output = input;
- return state;
- }
- state.output = utils$5.wrapOutput(output, state, options);
- return state;
- }
- /**
- * Tokenize input until we reach end-of-string
- */
- while (!eos()) {
- value = advance();
- if (value === '\u0000') {
- continue;
- }
- /**
- * Escaped characters
- */
- if (value === '\\') {
- const next = peek();
- if (next === '/' && opts.bash !== true) {
- continue;
- }
- if (next === '.' || next === ';') {
- continue;
- }
- if (!next) {
- value += '\\';
- push({ type: 'text', value });
- continue;
- }
- // collapse slashes to reduce potential for exploits
- const match = /^\\+/.exec(remaining());
- let slashes = 0;
- if (match && match[0].length > 2) {
- slashes = match[0].length;
- state.index += slashes;
- if (slashes % 2 !== 0) {
- value += '\\';
- }
- }
- if (opts.unescape === true) {
- value = advance();
- } else {
- value += advance();
- }
- if (state.brackets === 0) {
- push({ type: 'text', value });
- continue;
- }
- }
- /**
- * If we're inside a regex character class, continue
- * until we reach the closing bracket.
- */
- if (state.brackets > 0 && (value !== ']' || prev.value === '[' || prev.value === '[^')) {
- if (opts.posix !== false && value === ':') {
- const inner = prev.value.slice(1);
- if (inner.includes('[')) {
- prev.posix = true;
- if (inner.includes(':')) {
- const idx = prev.value.lastIndexOf('[');
- const pre = prev.value.slice(0, idx);
- const rest = prev.value.slice(idx + 2);
- const posix = POSIX_REGEX_SOURCE[rest];
- if (posix) {
- prev.value = pre + posix;
- state.backtrack = true;
- advance();
- if (!bos.output && tokens.indexOf(prev) === 1) {
- bos.output = ONE_CHAR;
- }
- continue;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if ((value === '[' && peek() !== ':') || (value === '-' && peek() === ']')) {
- value = `\\${value}`;
- }
- if (value === ']' && (prev.value === '[' || prev.value === '[^')) {
- value = `\\${value}`;
- }
- if (opts.posix === true && value === '!' && prev.value === '[') {
- value = '^';
- }
- prev.value += value;
- append({ value });
- continue;
- }
- /**
- * If we're inside a quoted string, continue
- * until we reach the closing double quote.
- */
- if (state.quotes === 1 && value !== '"') {
- value = utils$5.escapeRegex(value);
- prev.value += value;
- append({ value });
- continue;
- }
- /**
- * Double quotes
- */
- if (value === '"') {
- state.quotes = state.quotes === 1 ? 0 : 1;
- if (opts.keepQuotes === true) {
- push({ type: 'text', value });
- }
- continue;
- }
- /**
- * Parentheses
- */
- if (value === '(') {
- increment('parens');
- push({ type: 'paren', value });
- continue;
- }
- if (value === ')') {
- if (state.parens === 0 && opts.strictBrackets === true) {
- throw new SyntaxError(syntaxError$1('opening', '('));
- }
- const extglob = extglobs[extglobs.length - 1];
- if (extglob && state.parens === extglob.parens + 1) {
- extglobClose(extglobs.pop());
- continue;
- }
- push({ type: 'paren', value, output: state.parens ? ')' : '\\)' });
- decrement('parens');
- continue;
- }
- /**
- * Square brackets
- */
- if (value === '[') {
- if (opts.nobracket === true || !remaining().includes(']')) {
- if (opts.nobracket !== true && opts.strictBrackets === true) {
- throw new SyntaxError(syntaxError$1('closing', ']'));
- }
- value = `\\${value}`;
- } else {
- increment('brackets');
- }
- push({ type: 'bracket', value });
- continue;
- }
- if (value === ']') {
- if (opts.nobracket === true || (prev && prev.type === 'bracket' && prev.value.length === 1)) {
- push({ type: 'text', value, output: `\\${value}` });
- continue;
- }
- if (state.brackets === 0) {
- if (opts.strictBrackets === true) {
- throw new SyntaxError(syntaxError$1('opening', '['));
- }
- push({ type: 'text', value, output: `\\${value}` });
- continue;
- }
- decrement('brackets');
- const prevValue = prev.value.slice(1);
- if (prev.posix !== true && prevValue[0] === '^' && !prevValue.includes('/')) {
- value = `/${value}`;
- }
- prev.value += value;
- append({ value });
- // when literal brackets are explicitly disabled
- // assume we should match with a regex character class
- if (opts.literalBrackets === false || utils$5.hasRegexChars(prevValue)) {
- continue;
- }
- const escaped = utils$5.escapeRegex(prev.value);
- state.output = state.output.slice(0, -prev.value.length);
- // when literal brackets are explicitly enabled
- // assume we should escape the brackets to match literal characters
- if (opts.literalBrackets === true) {
- state.output += escaped;
- prev.value = escaped;
- continue;
- }
- // when the user specifies nothing, try to match both
- prev.value = `(${capture}${escaped}|${prev.value})`;
- state.output += prev.value;
- continue;
- }
- /**
- * Braces
- */
- if (value === '{' && opts.nobrace !== true) {
- increment('braces');
- const open = {
- type: 'brace',
- value,
- output: '(',
- outputIndex: state.output.length,
- tokensIndex: state.tokens.length
- };
- braces.push(open);
- push(open);
- continue;
- }
- if (value === '}') {
- const brace = braces[braces.length - 1];
- if (opts.nobrace === true || !brace) {
- push({ type: 'text', value, output: value });
- continue;
- }
- let output = ')';
- if (brace.dots === true) {
- const arr = tokens.slice();
- const range = [];
- for (let i = arr.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- tokens.pop();
- if (arr[i].type === 'brace') {
- break;
- }
- if (arr[i].type !== 'dots') {
- range.unshift(arr[i].value);
- }
- }
- output = expandRange(range, opts);
- state.backtrack = true;
- }
- if (brace.comma !== true && brace.dots !== true) {
- const out = state.output.slice(0, brace.outputIndex);
- const toks = state.tokens.slice(brace.tokensIndex);
- brace.value = brace.output = '\\{';
- value = output = '\\}';
- state.output = out;
- for (const t of toks) {
- state.output += (t.output || t.value);
- }
- }
- push({ type: 'brace', value, output });
- decrement('braces');
- braces.pop();
- continue;
- }
- /**
- * Pipes
- */
- if (value === '|') {
- if (extglobs.length > 0) {
- extglobs[extglobs.length - 1].conditions++;
- }
- push({ type: 'text', value });
- continue;
- }
- /**
- * Commas
- */
- if (value === ',') {
- let output = value;
- const brace = braces[braces.length - 1];
- if (brace && stack[stack.length - 1] === 'braces') {
- brace.comma = true;
- output = '|';
- }
- push({ type: 'comma', value, output });
- continue;
- }
- /**
- * Slashes
- */
- if (value === '/') {
- // if the beginning of the glob is "./", advance the start
- // to the current index, and don't add the "./" characters
- // to the state. This greatly simplifies lookbehinds when
- // checking for BOS characters like "!" and "." (not "./")
- if (prev.type === 'dot' && state.index === state.start + 1) {
- state.start = state.index + 1;
- state.consumed = '';
- state.output = '';
- tokens.pop();
- prev = bos; // reset "prev" to the first token
- continue;
- }
- push({ type: 'slash', value, output: SLASH_LITERAL });
- continue;
- }
- /**
- * Dots
- */
- if (value === '.') {
- if (state.braces > 0 && prev.type === 'dot') {
- if (prev.value === '.') prev.output = DOT_LITERAL;
- const brace = braces[braces.length - 1];
- prev.type = 'dots';
- prev.output += value;
- prev.value += value;
- brace.dots = true;
- continue;
- }
- if ((state.braces + state.parens) === 0 && prev.type !== 'bos' && prev.type !== 'slash') {
- push({ type: 'text', value, output: DOT_LITERAL });
- continue;
- }
- push({ type: 'dot', value, output: DOT_LITERAL });
- continue;
- }
- /**
- * Question marks
- */
- if (value === '?') {
- const isGroup = prev && prev.value === '(';
- if (!isGroup && opts.noextglob !== true && peek() === '(' && peek(2) !== '?') {
- extglobOpen('qmark', value);
- continue;
- }
- if (prev && prev.type === 'paren') {
- const next = peek();
- let output = value;
- if (next === '<' && !utils$5.supportsLookbehinds()) {
- throw new Error('Node.js v10 or higher is required for regex lookbehinds');
- }
- if ((prev.value === '(' && !/[!=<:]/.test(next)) || (next === '<' && !/<([!=]|\w+>)/.test(remaining()))) {
- output = `\\${value}`;
- }
- push({ type: 'text', value, output });
- continue;
- }
- if ( !== true && (prev.type === 'slash' || prev.type === 'bos')) {
- push({ type: 'qmark', value, output: QMARK_NO_DOT });
- continue;
- }
- push({ type: 'qmark', value, output: QMARK });
- continue;
- }
- /**
- * Exclamation
- */
- if (value === '!') {
- if (opts.noextglob !== true && peek() === '(') {
- if (peek(2) !== '?' || !/[!=<:]/.test(peek(3))) {
- extglobOpen('negate', value);
- continue;
- }
- }
- if (opts.nonegate !== true && state.index === 0) {
- negate();
- continue;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Plus
- */
- if (value === '+') {
- if (opts.noextglob !== true && peek() === '(' && peek(2) !== '?') {
- extglobOpen('plus', value);
- continue;
- }
- if ((prev && prev.value === '(') || opts.regex === false) {
- push({ type: 'plus', value, output: PLUS_LITERAL });
- continue;
- }
- if ((prev && (prev.type === 'bracket' || prev.type === 'paren' || prev.type === 'brace')) || state.parens > 0) {
- push({ type: 'plus', value });
- continue;
- }
- push({ type: 'plus', value: PLUS_LITERAL });
- continue;
- }
- /**
- * Plain text
- */
- if (value === '@') {
- if (opts.noextglob !== true && peek() === '(' && peek(2) !== '?') {
- push({ type: 'at', extglob: true, value, output: '' });
- continue;
- }
- push({ type: 'text', value });
- continue;
- }
- /**
- * Plain text
- */
- if (value !== '*') {
- if (value === '$' || value === '^') {
- value = `\\${value}`;
- }
- const match = REGEX_NON_SPECIAL_CHARS.exec(remaining());
- if (match) {
- value += match[0];
- state.index += match[0].length;
- }
- push({ type: 'text', value });
- continue;
- }
- /**
- * Stars
- */
- if (prev && (prev.type === 'globstar' || === true)) {
- prev.type = 'star';
- = true;
- prev.value += value;
- prev.output = star;
- state.backtrack = true;
- state.globstar = true;
- consume(value);
- continue;
- }
- let rest = remaining();
- if (opts.noextglob !== true && /^\([^?]/.test(rest)) {
- extglobOpen('star', value);
- continue;
- }
- if (prev.type === 'star') {
- if (opts.noglobstar === true) {
- consume(value);
- continue;
- }
- const prior = prev.prev;
- const before = prior.prev;
- const isStart = prior.type === 'slash' || prior.type === 'bos';
- const afterStar = before && (before.type === 'star' || before.type === 'globstar');
- if (opts.bash === true && (!isStart || (rest[0] && rest[0] !== '/'))) {
- push({ type: 'star', value, output: '' });
- continue;
- }
- const isBrace = state.braces > 0 && (prior.type === 'comma' || prior.type === 'brace');
- const isExtglob = extglobs.length && (prior.type === 'pipe' || prior.type === 'paren');
- if (!isStart && prior.type !== 'paren' && !isBrace && !isExtglob) {
- push({ type: 'star', value, output: '' });
- continue;
- }
- // strip consecutive `/**/`
- while (rest.slice(0, 3) === '/**') {
- const after = input[state.index + 4];
- if (after && after !== '/') {
- break;
- }
- rest = rest.slice(3);
- consume('/**', 3);
- }
- if (prior.type === 'bos' && eos()) {
- prev.type = 'globstar';
- prev.value += value;
- prev.output = globstar(opts);
- state.output = prev.output;
- state.globstar = true;
- consume(value);
- continue;
- }
- if (prior.type === 'slash' && prior.prev.type !== 'bos' && !afterStar && eos()) {
- state.output = state.output.slice(0, -(prior.output + prev.output).length);
- prior.output = `(?:${prior.output}`;
- prev.type = 'globstar';
- prev.output = globstar(opts) + (opts.strictSlashes ? ')' : '|$)');
- prev.value += value;
- state.globstar = true;
- state.output += prior.output + prev.output;
- consume(value);
- continue;
- }
- if (prior.type === 'slash' && prior.prev.type !== 'bos' && rest[0] === '/') {
- const end = rest[1] !== void 0 ? '|$' : '';
- state.output = state.output.slice(0, -(prior.output + prev.output).length);
- prior.output = `(?:${prior.output}`;
- prev.type = 'globstar';
- prev.output = `${globstar(opts)}${SLASH_LITERAL}|${SLASH_LITERAL}${end})`;
- prev.value += value;
- state.output += prior.output + prev.output;
- state.globstar = true;
- consume(value + advance());
- push({ type: 'slash', value: '/', output: '' });
- continue;
- }
- if (prior.type === 'bos' && rest[0] === '/') {
- prev.type = 'globstar';
- prev.value += value;
- prev.output = `(?:^|${SLASH_LITERAL}|${globstar(opts)}${SLASH_LITERAL})`;
- state.output = prev.output;
- state.globstar = true;
- consume(value + advance());
- push({ type: 'slash', value: '/', output: '' });
- continue;
- }
- // remove single star from output
- state.output = state.output.slice(0, -prev.output.length);
- // reset previous token to globstar
- prev.type = 'globstar';
- prev.output = globstar(opts);
- prev.value += value;
- // reset output with globstar
- state.output += prev.output;
- state.globstar = true;
- consume(value);
- continue;
- }
- const token = { type: 'star', value, output: star };
- if (opts.bash === true) {
- token.output = '.*?';
- if (prev.type === 'bos' || prev.type === 'slash') {
- token.output = nodot + token.output;
- }
- push(token);
- continue;
- }
- if (prev && (prev.type === 'bracket' || prev.type === 'paren') && opts.regex === true) {
- token.output = value;
- push(token);
- continue;
- }
- if (state.index === state.start || prev.type === 'slash' || prev.type === 'dot') {
- if (prev.type === 'dot') {
- state.output += NO_DOT_SLASH;
- prev.output += NO_DOT_SLASH;
- } else if ( === true) {
- state.output += NO_DOTS_SLASH;
- prev.output += NO_DOTS_SLASH;
- } else {
- state.output += nodot;
- prev.output += nodot;
- }
- if (peek() !== '*') {
- state.output += ONE_CHAR;
- prev.output += ONE_CHAR;
- }
- }
- push(token);
- }
- while (state.brackets > 0) {
- if (opts.strictBrackets === true) throw new SyntaxError(syntaxError$1('closing', ']'));
- state.output = utils$5.escapeLast(state.output, '[');
- decrement('brackets');
- }
- while (state.parens > 0) {
- if (opts.strictBrackets === true) throw new SyntaxError(syntaxError$1('closing', ')'));
- state.output = utils$5.escapeLast(state.output, '(');
- decrement('parens');
- }
- while (state.braces > 0) {
- if (opts.strictBrackets === true) throw new SyntaxError(syntaxError$1('closing', '}'));
- state.output = utils$5.escapeLast(state.output, '{');
- decrement('braces');
- }
- if (opts.strictSlashes !== true && (prev.type === 'star' || prev.type === 'bracket')) {
- push({ type: 'maybe_slash', value: '', output: `${SLASH_LITERAL}?` });
- }
- // rebuild the output if we had to backtrack at any point
- if (state.backtrack === true) {
- state.output = '';
- for (const token of state.tokens) {
- state.output += token.output != null ? token.output : token.value;
- if (token.suffix) {
- state.output += token.suffix;
- }
- }
- }
- return state;
- * Fast paths for creating regular expressions for common glob patterns.
- * This can significantly speed up processing and has very little downside
- * impact when none of the fast paths match.
- */
-parse$8.fastpaths = (input, options) => {
- const opts = { ...options };
- const max = typeof opts.maxLength === 'number' ? Math.min(MAX_LENGTH$4, opts.maxLength) : MAX_LENGTH$4;
- const len = input.length;
- if (len > max) {
- throw new SyntaxError(`Input length: ${len}, exceeds maximum allowed length: ${max}`);
- }
- input = REPLACEMENTS[input] || input;
- const win32 = utils$5.isWindows(options);
- // create constants based on platform, for windows or posix
- const {
- } = constants$4.globChars(win32);
- const nodot = ? NO_DOTS : NO_DOT;
- const slashDot = ? NO_DOTS_SLASH : NO_DOT;
- const capture = opts.capture ? '' : '?:';
- const state = { negated: false, prefix: '' };
- let star = opts.bash === true ? '.*?' : STAR;
- if (opts.capture) {
- star = `(${star})`;
- }
- const globstar = opts => {
- if (opts.noglobstar === true) return star;
- return `(${capture}(?:(?!${START_ANCHOR}${ ? DOTS_SLASH : DOT_LITERAL}).)*?)`;
- };
- const create = str => {
- switch (str) {
- case '*':
- return `${nodot}${ONE_CHAR}${star}`;
- case '.*':
- return `${DOT_LITERAL}${ONE_CHAR}${star}`;
- case '*.*':
- return `${nodot}${star}${DOT_LITERAL}${ONE_CHAR}${star}`;
- case '*/*':
- return `${nodot}${star}${SLASH_LITERAL}${ONE_CHAR}${slashDot}${star}`;
- case '**':
- return nodot + globstar(opts);
- case '**/*':
- return `(?:${nodot}${globstar(opts)}${SLASH_LITERAL})?${slashDot}${ONE_CHAR}${star}`;
- case '**/*.*':
- return `(?:${nodot}${globstar(opts)}${SLASH_LITERAL})?${slashDot}${star}${DOT_LITERAL}${ONE_CHAR}${star}`;
- case '**/.*':
- return `(?:${nodot}${globstar(opts)}${SLASH_LITERAL})?${DOT_LITERAL}${ONE_CHAR}${star}`;
- default: {
- const match = /^(.*?)\.(\w+)$/.exec(str);
- if (!match) return;
- const source = create(match[1]);
- if (!source) return;
- return source + DOT_LITERAL + match[2];
- }
- }
- };
- const output = utils$5.removePrefix(input, state);
- let source = create(output);
- if (source && opts.strictSlashes !== true) {
- source += `${SLASH_LITERAL}?`;
- }
- return source;
-var parse_1$3 = parse$8;
-const path$2 = require$$0__default$2['default'];
-const scan = scan_1;
-const parse$7 = parse_1$3;
-const utils$4 = utils$7;
-const constants$3 = constants$5;
-const isObject$3 = val => val && typeof val === 'object' && !Array.isArray(val);
- * Creates a matcher function from one or more glob patterns. The
- * returned function takes a string to match as its first argument,
- * and returns true if the string is a match. The returned matcher
- * function also takes a boolean as the second argument that, when true,
- * returns an object with additional information.
- *
- * ```js
- * const picomatch = require('picomatch');
- * // picomatch(glob[, options]);
- *
- * const isMatch = picomatch('*.!(*a)');
- * console.log(isMatch('a.a')); //=> false
- * console.log(isMatch('a.b')); //=> true
- * ```
- * @name picomatch
- * @param {String|Array} `globs` One or more glob patterns.
- * @param {Object=} `options`
- * @return {Function=} Returns a matcher function.
- * @api public
- */
-const picomatch$3 = (glob, options, returnState = false) => {
- if (Array.isArray(glob)) {
- const fns = => picomatch$3(input, options, returnState));
- const arrayMatcher = str => {
- for (const isMatch of fns) {
- const state = isMatch(str);
- if (state) return state;
- }
- return false;
- };
- return arrayMatcher;
- }
- const isState = isObject$3(glob) && glob.tokens && glob.input;
- if (glob === '' || (typeof glob !== 'string' && !isState)) {
- throw new TypeError('Expected pattern to be a non-empty string');
- }
- const opts = options || {};
- const posix = utils$4.isWindows(options);
- const regex = isState
- ? picomatch$3.compileRe(glob, options)
- : picomatch$3.makeRe(glob, options, false, true);
- const state = regex.state;
- delete regex.state;
- let isIgnored = () => false;
- if (opts.ignore) {
- const ignoreOpts = { ...options, ignore: null, onMatch: null, onResult: null };
- isIgnored = picomatch$3(opts.ignore, ignoreOpts, returnState);
- }
- const matcher = (input, returnObject = false) => {
- const { isMatch, match, output } = picomatch$3.test(input, regex, options, { glob, posix });
- const result = { glob, state, regex, posix, input, output, match, isMatch };
- if (typeof opts.onResult === 'function') {
- opts.onResult(result);
- }
- if (isMatch === false) {
- result.isMatch = false;
- return returnObject ? result : false;
- }
- if (isIgnored(input)) {
- if (typeof opts.onIgnore === 'function') {
- opts.onIgnore(result);
- }
- result.isMatch = false;
- return returnObject ? result : false;
- }
- if (typeof opts.onMatch === 'function') {
- opts.onMatch(result);
- }
- return returnObject ? result : true;
- };
- if (returnState) {
- matcher.state = state;
- }
- return matcher;
- * Test `input` with the given `regex`. This is used by the main
- * `picomatch()` function to test the input string.
- *
- * ```js
- * const picomatch = require('picomatch');
- * // picomatch.test(input, regex[, options]);
- *
- * console.log(picomatch.test('foo/bar', /^(?:([^/]*?)\/([^/]*?))$/));
- * // { isMatch: true, match: [ 'foo/', 'foo', 'bar' ], output: 'foo/bar' }
- * ```
- * @param {String} `input` String to test.
- * @param {RegExp} `regex`
- * @return {Object} Returns an object with matching info.
- * @api public
- */
-picomatch$3.test = (input, regex, options, { glob, posix } = {}) => {
- if (typeof input !== 'string') {
- throw new TypeError('Expected input to be a string');
- }
- if (input === '') {
- return { isMatch: false, output: '' };
- }
- const opts = options || {};
- const format = opts.format || (posix ? utils$4.toPosixSlashes : null);
- let match = input === glob;
- let output = (match && format) ? format(input) : input;
- if (match === false) {
- output = format ? format(input) : input;
- match = output === glob;
- }
- if (match === false || opts.capture === true) {
- if (opts.matchBase === true || opts.basename === true) {
- match = picomatch$3.matchBase(input, regex, options, posix);
- } else {
- match = regex.exec(output);
- }
- }
- return { isMatch: Boolean(match), match, output };
- * Match the basename of a filepath.
- *
- * ```js
- * const picomatch = require('picomatch');
- * // picomatch.matchBase(input, glob[, options]);
- * console.log(picomatch.matchBase('foo/bar.js', '*.js'); // true
- * ```
- * @param {String} `input` String to test.
- * @param {RegExp|String} `glob` Glob pattern or regex created by [.makeRe](#makeRe).
- * @return {Boolean}
- * @api public
- */
-picomatch$3.matchBase = (input, glob, options, posix = utils$4.isWindows(options)) => {
- const regex = glob instanceof RegExp ? glob : picomatch$3.makeRe(glob, options);
- return regex.test(path$2.basename(input));
- * Returns true if **any** of the given glob `patterns` match the specified `string`.
- *
- * ```js
- * const picomatch = require('picomatch');
- * // picomatch.isMatch(string, patterns[, options]);
- *
- * console.log(picomatch.isMatch('a.a', ['b.*', '*.a'])); //=> true
- * console.log(picomatch.isMatch('a.a', 'b.*')); //=> false
- * ```
- * @param {String|Array} str The string to test.
- * @param {String|Array} patterns One or more glob patterns to use for matching.
- * @param {Object} [options] See available [options](#options).
- * @return {Boolean} Returns true if any patterns match `str`
- * @api public
- */
-picomatch$3.isMatch = (str, patterns, options) => picomatch$3(patterns, options)(str);
- * Parse a glob pattern to create the source string for a regular
- * expression.
- *
- * ```js
- * const picomatch = require('picomatch');
- * const result = picomatch.parse(pattern[, options]);
- * ```
- * @param {String} `pattern`
- * @param {Object} `options`
- * @return {Object} Returns an object with useful properties and output to be used as a regex source string.
- * @api public
- */
-picomatch$3.parse = (pattern, options) => {
- if (Array.isArray(pattern)) return => picomatch$3.parse(p, options));
- return parse$7(pattern, { ...options, fastpaths: false });
- * Scan a glob pattern to separate the pattern into segments.
- *
- * ```js
- * const picomatch = require('picomatch');
- * // picomatch.scan(input[, options]);
- *
- * const result = picomatch.scan('!./foo/*.js');
- * console.log(result);
- * { prefix: '!./',
- * input: '!./foo/*.js',
- * start: 3,
- * base: 'foo',
- * glob: '*.js',
- * isBrace: false,
- * isBracket: false,
- * isGlob: true,
- * isExtglob: false,
- * isGlobstar: false,
- * negated: true }
- * ```
- * @param {String} `input` Glob pattern to scan.
- * @param {Object} `options`
- * @return {Object} Returns an object with
- * @api public
- */
-picomatch$3.scan = (input, options) => scan(input, options);
- * Compile a regular expression from the `state` object returned by the
- * [parse()](#parse) method.
- *
- * @param {Object} `state`
- * @param {Object} `options`
- * @param {Boolean} `returnOutput` Intended for implementors, this argument allows you to return the raw output from the parser.
- * @param {Boolean} `returnState` Adds the state to a `state` property on the returned regex. Useful for implementors and debugging.
- * @return {RegExp}
- * @api public
- */
-picomatch$3.compileRe = (state, options, returnOutput = false, returnState = false) => {
- if (returnOutput === true) {
- return state.output;
- }
- const opts = options || {};
- const prepend = opts.contains ? '' : '^';
- const append = opts.contains ? '' : '$';
- let source = `${prepend}(?:${state.output})${append}`;
- if (state && state.negated === true) {
- source = `^(?!${source}).*$`;
- }
- const regex = picomatch$3.toRegex(source, options);
- if (returnState === true) {
- regex.state = state;
- }
- return regex;
- * Create a regular expression from a parsed glob pattern.
- *
- * ```js
- * const picomatch = require('picomatch');
- * const state = picomatch.parse('*.js');
- * // picomatch.compileRe(state[, options]);
- *
- * console.log(picomatch.compileRe(state));
- * //=> /^(?:(?!\.)(?=.)[^/]*?\.js)$/
- * ```
- * @param {String} `state` The object returned from the `.parse` method.
- * @param {Object} `options`
- * @param {Boolean} `returnOutput` Implementors may use this argument to return the compiled output, instead of a regular expression. This is not exposed on the options to prevent end-users from mutating the result.
- * @param {Boolean} `returnState` Implementors may use this argument to return the state from the parsed glob with the returned regular expression.
- * @return {RegExp} Returns a regex created from the given pattern.
- * @api public
- */
-picomatch$3.makeRe = (input, options = {}, returnOutput = false, returnState = false) => {
- if (!input || typeof input !== 'string') {
- throw new TypeError('Expected a non-empty string');
- }
- let parsed = { negated: false, fastpaths: true };
- if (options.fastpaths !== false && (input[0] === '.' || input[0] === '*')) {
- parsed.output = parse$7.fastpaths(input, options);
- }
- if (!parsed.output) {
- parsed = parse$7(input, options);
- }
- return picomatch$3.compileRe(parsed, options, returnOutput, returnState);
- * Create a regular expression from the given regex source string.
- *
- * ```js
- * const picomatch = require('picomatch');
- * // picomatch.toRegex(source[, options]);
- *
- * const { output } = picomatch.parse('*.js');
- * console.log(picomatch.toRegex(output));
- * //=> /^(?:(?!\.)(?=.)[^/]*?\.js)$/
- * ```
- * @param {String} `source` Regular expression source string.
- * @param {Object} `options`
- * @return {RegExp}
- * @api public
- */
-picomatch$3.toRegex = (source, options) => {
- try {
- const opts = options || {};
- return new RegExp(source, opts.flags || (opts.nocase ? 'i' : ''));
- } catch (err) {
- if (options && options.debug === true) throw err;
- return /$^/;
- }
- * Picomatch constants.
- * @return {Object}
- */
-picomatch$3.constants = constants$3;
- * Expose "picomatch"
- */
-var picomatch_1 = picomatch$3;
-var picomatch$2 = picomatch_1;
-const fs$3 = require$$0__default$3['default'];
-const { Readable } = require$$0__default$5['default'];
-const sysPath$3 = require$$0__default$2['default'];
-const { promisify: promisify$3 } = require$$0__default['default'];
-const picomatch$1 = picomatch$2;
-const readdir$1 = promisify$3(fs$3.readdir);
-const stat$3 = promisify$3(fs$3.stat);
-const lstat$2 = promisify$3(fs$3.lstat);
-const realpath$1 = promisify$3(fs$3.realpath);
- * @typedef {Object} EntryInfo
- * @property {String} path
- * @property {String} fullPath
- * @property {fs.Stats=} stats
- * @property {fs.Dirent=} dirent
- * @property {String} basename
- */
-const BANG$2 = '!';
-const FILE_TYPE = 'files';
-const DIR_TYPE = 'directories';
-const FILE_DIR_TYPE = 'files_directories';
-const EVERYTHING_TYPE = 'all';
-const isNormalFlowError = error => NORMAL_FLOW_ERRORS.has(error.code);
-const [maj, min] = process.versions.node.split('.').slice(0, 2).map(n => Number.parseInt(n, 10));
-const wantBigintFsStats = process.platform === 'win32' && (maj > 10 || (maj === 10 && min >= 5));
-const normalizeFilter = filter => {
- if (filter === undefined) return;
- if (typeof filter === 'function') return filter;
- if (typeof filter === 'string') {
- const glob = picomatch$1(filter.trim());
- return entry => glob(entry.basename);
- }
- if (Array.isArray(filter)) {
- const positive = [];
- const negative = [];
- for (const item of filter) {
- const trimmed = item.trim();
- if (trimmed.charAt(0) === BANG$2) {
- negative.push(picomatch$1(trimmed.slice(1)));
- } else {
- positive.push(picomatch$1(trimmed));
- }
- }
- if (negative.length > 0) {
- if (positive.length > 0) {
- return entry =>
- positive.some(f => f(entry.basename)) && !negative.some(f => f(entry.basename));
- }
- return entry => !negative.some(f => f(entry.basename));
- }
- return entry => positive.some(f => f(entry.basename));
- }
-class ReaddirpStream extends Readable {
- static get defaultOptions() {
- return {
- root: '.',
- /* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */
- fileFilter: (path) => true,
- directoryFilter: (path) => true,
- /* eslint-enable no-unused-vars */
- type: FILE_TYPE,
- lstat: false,
- depth: 2147483648,
- alwaysStat: false
- };
- }
- constructor(options = {}) {
- super({
- objectMode: true,
- autoDestroy: true,
- highWaterMark: options.highWaterMark || 4096
- });
- const opts = { ...ReaddirpStream.defaultOptions, ...options };
- const { root, type } = opts;
- this._fileFilter = normalizeFilter(opts.fileFilter);
- this._directoryFilter = normalizeFilter(opts.directoryFilter);
- const statMethod = opts.lstat ? lstat$2 : stat$3;
- // Use bigint stats if it's windows and stat() supports options (node 10+).
- if (wantBigintFsStats) {
- this._stat = path => statMethod(path, { bigint: true });
- } else {
- this._stat = statMethod;
- }
- this._maxDepth = opts.depth;
- this._wantsDir = [DIR_TYPE, FILE_DIR_TYPE, EVERYTHING_TYPE].includes(type);
- this._wantsFile = [FILE_TYPE, FILE_DIR_TYPE, EVERYTHING_TYPE].includes(type);
- this._wantsEverything = type === EVERYTHING_TYPE;
- this._root = sysPath$3.resolve(root);
- this._isDirent = ('Dirent' in fs$3) && !opts.alwaysStat;
- this._statsProp = this._isDirent ? 'dirent' : 'stats';
- this._rdOptions = { encoding: 'utf8', withFileTypes: this._isDirent };
- // Launch stream with one parent, the root dir.
- this.parents = [this._exploreDir(root, 1)];
- this.reading = false;
- this.parent = undefined;
- }
- async _read(batch) {
- if (this.reading) return;
- this.reading = true;
- try {
- while (!this.destroyed && batch > 0) {
- const { path, depth, files = [] } = this.parent || {};
- if (files.length > 0) {
- const slice = files.splice(0, batch).map(dirent => this._formatEntry(dirent, path));
- for (const entry of await Promise.all(slice)) {
- if (this.destroyed) return;
- const entryType = await this._getEntryType(entry);
- if (entryType === 'directory' && this._directoryFilter(entry)) {
- if (depth <= this._maxDepth) {
- this.parents.push(this._exploreDir(entry.fullPath, depth + 1));
- }
- if (this._wantsDir) {
- this.push(entry);
- batch--;
- }
- } else if ((entryType === 'file' || this._includeAsFile(entry)) && this._fileFilter(entry)) {
- if (this._wantsFile) {
- this.push(entry);
- batch--;
- }
- }
- }
- } else {
- const parent = this.parents.pop();
- if (!parent) {
- this.push(null);
- break;
- }
- this.parent = await parent;
- if (this.destroyed) return;
- }
- }
- } catch (error) {
- this.destroy(error);
- } finally {
- this.reading = false;
- }
- }
- async _exploreDir(path, depth) {
- let files;
- try {
- files = await readdir$1(path, this._rdOptions);
- } catch (error) {
- this._onError(error);
- }
- return { files, depth, path };
- }
- async _formatEntry(dirent, path) {
- let entry;
- try {
- const basename = this._isDirent ? : dirent;
- const fullPath = sysPath$3.resolve(sysPath$3.join(path, basename));
- entry = { path: sysPath$3.relative(this._root, fullPath), fullPath, basename };
- entry[this._statsProp] = this._isDirent ? dirent : await this._stat(fullPath);
- } catch (err) {
- this._onError(err);
- }
- return entry;
- }
- _onError(err) {
- if (isNormalFlowError(err) && !this.destroyed) {
- this.emit('warn', err);
- } else {
- this.destroy(err);
- }
- }
- async _getEntryType(entry) {
- // entry may be undefined, because a warning or an error were emitted
- // and the statsProp is undefined
- const stats = entry && entry[this._statsProp];
- if (!stats) {
- return;
- }
- if (stats.isFile()) {
- return 'file';
- }
- if (stats.isDirectory()) {
- return 'directory';
- }
- if (stats && stats.isSymbolicLink()) {
- const full = entry.fullPath;
- try {
- const entryRealPath = await realpath$1(full);
- const entryRealPathStats = await lstat$2(entryRealPath);
- if (entryRealPathStats.isFile()) {
- return 'file';
- }
- if (entryRealPathStats.isDirectory()) {
- const len = entryRealPath.length;
- if (full.startsWith(entryRealPath) && full.substr(len, 1) === sysPath$3.sep) {
- const recursiveError = new Error(
- `Circular symlink detected: "${full}" points to "${entryRealPath}"`
- );
- recursiveError.code = RECURSIVE_ERROR_CODE;
- return this._onError(recursiveError);
- }
- return 'directory';
- }
- } catch (error) {
- this._onError(error);
- }
- }
- }
- _includeAsFile(entry) {
- const stats = entry && entry[this._statsProp];
- return stats && this._wantsEverything && !stats.isDirectory();
- }
- * @typedef {Object} ReaddirpArguments
- * @property {Function=} fileFilter
- * @property {Function=} directoryFilter
- * @property {String=} type
- * @property {Number=} depth
- * @property {String=} root
- * @property {Boolean=} lstat
- * @property {Boolean=} bigint
- */
- * Main function which ends up calling readdirRec and reads all files and directories in given root recursively.
- * @param {String} root Root directory
- * @param {ReaddirpArguments=} options Options to specify root (start directory), filters and recursion depth
- */
-const readdirp$1 = (root, options = {}) => {
- let type = options.entryType || options.type;
- if (type === 'both') type = FILE_DIR_TYPE; // backwards-compatibility
- if (type) options.type = type;
- if (!root) {
- throw new Error('readdirp: root argument is required. Usage: readdirp(root, options)');
- } else if (typeof root !== 'string') {
- throw new TypeError('readdirp: root argument must be a string. Usage: readdirp(root, options)');
- } else if (type && !ALL_TYPES.includes(type)) {
- throw new Error(`readdirp: Invalid type passed. Use one of ${ALL_TYPES.join(', ')}`);
- }
- options.root = root;
- return new ReaddirpStream(options);
-const readdirpPromise = (root, options = {}) => {
- return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- const files = [];
- readdirp$1(root, options)
- .on('data', entry => files.push(entry))
- .on('end', () => resolve(files))
- .on('error', error => reject(error));
- });
-readdirp$1.promise = readdirpPromise;
-readdirp$1.ReaddirpStream = ReaddirpStream;
-readdirp$1.default = readdirp$1;
-var readdirp_1 = readdirp$1;
-var anymatch$2 = {exports: {}};
- * normalize-path <>
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2014-2018, Jon Schlinkert.
- * Released under the MIT License.
- */
-var normalizePath$2 = function(path, stripTrailing) {
- if (typeof path !== 'string') {
- throw new TypeError('expected path to be a string');
- }
- if (path === '\\' || path === '/') return '/';
- var len = path.length;
- if (len <= 1) return path;
- // ensure that win32 namespaces has two leading slashes, so that the path is
- // handled properly by the win32 version of path.parse() after being normalized
- //
- var prefix = '';
- if (len > 4 && path[3] === '\\') {
- var ch = path[2];
- if ((ch === '?' || ch === '.') && path.slice(0, 2) === '\\\\') {
- path = path.slice(2);
- prefix = '//';
- }
- }
- var segs = path.split(/[/\\]+/);
- if (stripTrailing !== false && segs[segs.length - 1] === '') {
- segs.pop();
- }
- return prefix + segs.join('/');
-Object.defineProperty(anymatch$2.exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
-const picomatch = picomatch$2;
-const normalizePath$1 = normalizePath$2;
- * @typedef {(testString: string) => boolean} AnymatchFn
- * @typedef {string|RegExp|AnymatchFn} AnymatchPattern
- * @typedef {AnymatchPattern|AnymatchPattern[]} AnymatchMatcher
- */
-const BANG$1 = '!';
-const DEFAULT_OPTIONS = {returnIndex: false};
-const arrify$1 = (item) => Array.isArray(item) ? item : [item];
- * @param {AnymatchPattern} matcher
- * @param {object} options
- * @returns {AnymatchFn}
- */
-const createPattern = (matcher, options) => {
- if (typeof matcher === 'function') {
- return matcher;
- }
- if (typeof matcher === 'string') {
- const glob = picomatch(matcher, options);
- return (string) => matcher === string || glob(string);
- }
- if (matcher instanceof RegExp) {
- return (string) => matcher.test(string);
- }
- return (string) => false;
- * @param {Array<Function>} patterns
- * @param {Array<Function>} negPatterns
- * @param {String|Array} args
- * @param {Boolean} returnIndex
- * @returns {boolean|number}
- */
-const matchPatterns = (patterns, negPatterns, args, returnIndex) => {
- const isList = Array.isArray(args);
- const _path = isList ? args[0] : args;
- if (!isList && typeof _path !== 'string') {
- throw new TypeError('anymatch: second argument must be a string: got ' +
- }
- const path = normalizePath$1(_path);
- for (let index = 0; index < negPatterns.length; index++) {
- const nglob = negPatterns[index];
- if (nglob(path)) {
- return returnIndex ? -1 : false;
- }
- }
- const applied = isList && [path].concat(args.slice(1));
- for (let index = 0; index < patterns.length; index++) {
- const pattern = patterns[index];
- if (isList ? pattern(...applied) : pattern(path)) {
- return returnIndex ? index : true;
- }
- }
- return returnIndex ? -1 : false;
- * @param {AnymatchMatcher} matchers
- * @param {Array|string} testString
- * @param {object} options
- * @returns {boolean|number|Function}
- */
-const anymatch$1 = (matchers, testString, options = DEFAULT_OPTIONS) => {
- if (matchers == null) {
- throw new TypeError('anymatch: specify first argument');
- }
- const opts = typeof options === 'boolean' ? {returnIndex: options} : options;
- const returnIndex = opts.returnIndex || false;
- // Early cache for matchers.
- const mtchers = arrify$1(matchers);
- const negatedGlobs = mtchers
- .filter(item => typeof item === 'string' && item.charAt(0) === BANG$1)
- .map(item => item.slice(1))
- .map(item => picomatch(item, opts));
- const patterns = mtchers
- .filter(item => typeof item !== 'string' || (typeof item === 'string' && item.charAt(0) !== BANG$1))
- .map(matcher => createPattern(matcher, opts));
- if (testString == null) {
- return (testString, ri = false) => {
- const returnIndex = typeof ri === 'boolean' ? ri : false;
- return matchPatterns(patterns, negatedGlobs, testString, returnIndex);
- }
- }
- return matchPatterns(patterns, negatedGlobs, testString, returnIndex);
-anymatch$1.default = anymatch$1;
-anymatch$2.exports = anymatch$1;
- * is-extglob <>
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2014-2016, Jon Schlinkert.
- * Licensed under the MIT License.
- */
-var isExtglob$1 = function isExtglob(str) {
- if (typeof str !== 'string' || str === '') {
- return false;
- }
- var match;
- while ((match = /(\\).|([@?!+*]\(.*\))/g.exec(str))) {
- if (match[2]) return true;
- str = str.slice(match.index + match[0].length);
- }
- return false;
- * is-glob <>
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2014-2017, Jon Schlinkert.
- * Released under the MIT License.
- */
-var isExtglob = isExtglob$1;
-var chars = { '{': '}', '(': ')', '[': ']'};
-var strictRegex = /\\(.)|(^!|\*|[\].+)]\?|\[[^\\\]]+\]|\{[^\\}]+\}|\(\?[:!=][^\\)]+\)|\([^|]+\|[^\\)]+\))/;
-var relaxedRegex = /\\(.)|(^!|[*?{}()[\]]|\(\?)/;
-var isGlob$2 = function isGlob(str, options) {
- if (typeof str !== 'string' || str === '') {
- return false;
- }
- if (isExtglob(str)) {
- return true;
- }
- var regex = strictRegex;
- var match;
- // optionally relax regex
- if (options && options.strict === false) {
- regex = relaxedRegex;
- }
- while ((match = regex.exec(str))) {
- if (match[2]) return true;
- var idx = match.index + match[0].length;
- // if an open bracket/brace/paren is escaped,
- // set the index to the next closing character
- var open = match[1];
- var close = open ? chars[open] : null;
- if (open && close) {
- var n = str.indexOf(close, idx);
- if (n !== -1) {
- idx = n + 1;
- }
- }
- str = str.slice(idx);
- }
- return false;
-var isGlob$1 = isGlob$2;
-var pathPosixDirname = require$$0__default$2['default'].posix.dirname;
-var isWin32 = require$$0__default$1['default'].platform() === 'win32';
-var slash = '/';
-var backslash = /\\/g;
-var enclosure = /[\{\[].*[\}\]]$/;
-var globby = /(^|[^\\])([\{\[]|\([^\)]+$)/;
-var escaped = /\\([\!\*\?\|\[\]\(\)\{\}])/g;
- * @param {string} str
- * @param {Object} opts
- * @param {boolean} [opts.flipBackslashes=true]
- * @returns {string}
- */
-var globParent$1 = function globParent(str, opts) {
- var options = Object.assign({ flipBackslashes: true }, opts);
- // flip windows path separators
- if (options.flipBackslashes && isWin32 && str.indexOf(slash) < 0) {
- str = str.replace(backslash, slash);
- }
- // special case for strings ending in enclosure containing path separator
- if (enclosure.test(str)) {
- str += slash;
- }
- // preserves full path in case of trailing path separator
- str += 'a';
- // remove path parts that are globby
- do {
- str = pathPosixDirname(str);
- } while (isGlob$1(str) || globby.test(str));
- // remove escape chars and return result
- return str.replace(escaped, '$1');
-var utils$3 = {};
-(function (exports) {
-exports.isInteger = num => {
- if (typeof num === 'number') {
- return Number.isInteger(num);
- }
- if (typeof num === 'string' && num.trim() !== '') {
- return Number.isInteger(Number(num));
- }
- return false;
- * Find a node of the given type
- */
-exports.find = (node, type) => node.nodes.find(node => node.type === type);
- * Find a node of the given type
- */
-exports.exceedsLimit = (min, max, step = 1, limit) => {
- if (limit === false) return false;
- if (!exports.isInteger(min) || !exports.isInteger(max)) return false;
- return ((Number(max) - Number(min)) / Number(step)) >= limit;
- * Escape the given node with '\\' before node.value
- */
-exports.escapeNode = (block, n = 0, type) => {
- let node = block.nodes[n];
- if (!node) return;
- if ((type && node.type === type) || node.type === 'open' || node.type === 'close') {
- if (node.escaped !== true) {
- node.value = '\\' + node.value;
- node.escaped = true;
- }
- }
- * Returns true if the given brace node should be enclosed in literal braces
- */
-exports.encloseBrace = node => {
- if (node.type !== 'brace') return false;
- if ((node.commas >> 0 + node.ranges >> 0) === 0) {
- node.invalid = true;
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- * Returns true if a brace node is invalid.
- */
-exports.isInvalidBrace = block => {
- if (block.type !== 'brace') return false;
- if (block.invalid === true || block.dollar) return true;
- if ((block.commas >> 0 + block.ranges >> 0) === 0) {
- block.invalid = true;
- return true;
- }
- if ( !== true || block.close !== true) {
- block.invalid = true;
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- * Returns true if a node is an open or close node
- */
-exports.isOpenOrClose = node => {
- if (node.type === 'open' || node.type === 'close') {
- return true;
- }
- return === true || node.close === true;
- * Reduce an array of text nodes.
- */
-exports.reduce = nodes => nodes.reduce((acc, node) => {
- if (node.type === 'text') acc.push(node.value);
- if (node.type === 'range') node.type = 'text';
- return acc;
-}, []);
- * Flatten an array
- */
-exports.flatten = (...args) => {
- const result = [];
- const flat = arr => {
- for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
- let ele = arr[i];
- Array.isArray(ele) ? flat(ele) : ele !== void 0 && result.push(ele);
- }
- return result;
- };
- flat(args);
- return result;
-const utils$2 = utils$3;
-var stringify$8 = (ast, options = {}) => {
- let stringify = (node, parent = {}) => {
- let invalidBlock = options.escapeInvalid && utils$2.isInvalidBrace(parent);
- let invalidNode = node.invalid === true && options.escapeInvalid === true;
- let output = '';
- if (node.value) {
- if ((invalidBlock || invalidNode) && utils$2.isOpenOrClose(node)) {
- return '\\' + node.value;
- }
- return node.value;
- }
- if (node.value) {
- return node.value;
- }
- if (node.nodes) {
- for (let child of node.nodes) {
- output += stringify(child);
- }
- }
- return output;
- };
- return stringify(ast);
- * is-number <>
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2014-present, Jon Schlinkert.
- * Released under the MIT License.
- */
-var isNumber$3 = function(num) {
- if (typeof num === 'number') {
- return num - num === 0;
- }
- if (typeof num === 'string' && num.trim() !== '') {
- return Number.isFinite ? Number.isFinite(+num) : isFinite(+num);
- }
- return false;
- * to-regex-range <>
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Jon Schlinkert.
- * Released under the MIT License.
- */
-const isNumber$2 = isNumber$3;
-const toRegexRange$1 = (min, max, options) => {
- if (isNumber$2(min) === false) {
- throw new TypeError('toRegexRange: expected the first argument to be a number');
- }
- if (max === void 0 || min === max) {
- return String(min);
- }
- if (isNumber$2(max) === false) {
- throw new TypeError('toRegexRange: expected the second argument to be a number.');
- }
- let opts = { relaxZeros: true, ...options };
- if (typeof opts.strictZeros === 'boolean') {
- opts.relaxZeros = opts.strictZeros === false;
- }
- let relax = String(opts.relaxZeros);
- let shorthand = String(opts.shorthand);
- let capture = String(opts.capture);
- let wrap = String(opts.wrap);
- let cacheKey = min + ':' + max + '=' + relax + shorthand + capture + wrap;
- if (toRegexRange$1.cache.hasOwnProperty(cacheKey)) {
- return toRegexRange$1.cache[cacheKey].result;
- }
- let a = Math.min(min, max);
- let b = Math.max(min, max);
- if (Math.abs(a - b) === 1) {
- let result = min + '|' + max;
- if (opts.capture) {
- return `(${result})`;
- }
- if (opts.wrap === false) {
- return result;
- }
- return `(?:${result})`;
- }
- let isPadded = hasPadding(min) || hasPadding(max);
- let state = { min, max, a, b };
- let positives = [];
- let negatives = [];
- if (isPadded) {
- state.isPadded = isPadded;
- state.maxLen = String(state.max).length;
- }
- if (a < 0) {
- let newMin = b < 0 ? Math.abs(b) : 1;
- negatives = splitToPatterns(newMin, Math.abs(a), state, opts);
- a = state.a = 0;
- }
- if (b >= 0) {
- positives = splitToPatterns(a, b, state, opts);
- }
- state.negatives = negatives;
- state.positives = positives;
- state.result = collatePatterns(negatives, positives);
- if (opts.capture === true) {
- state.result = `(${state.result})`;
- } else if (opts.wrap !== false && (positives.length + negatives.length) > 1) {
- state.result = `(?:${state.result})`;
- }
- toRegexRange$1.cache[cacheKey] = state;
- return state.result;
-function collatePatterns(neg, pos, options) {
- let onlyNegative = filterPatterns(neg, pos, '-', false) || [];
- let onlyPositive = filterPatterns(pos, neg, '', false) || [];
- let intersected = filterPatterns(neg, pos, '-?', true) || [];
- let subpatterns = onlyNegative.concat(intersected).concat(onlyPositive);
- return subpatterns.join('|');
-function splitToRanges(min, max) {
- let nines = 1;
- let zeros = 1;
- let stop = countNines(min, nines);
- let stops = new Set([max]);
- while (min <= stop && stop <= max) {
- stops.add(stop);
- nines += 1;
- stop = countNines(min, nines);
- }
- stop = countZeros(max + 1, zeros) - 1;
- while (min < stop && stop <= max) {
- stops.add(stop);
- zeros += 1;
- stop = countZeros(max + 1, zeros) - 1;
- }
- stops = [...stops];
- stops.sort(compare$2);
- return stops;
- * Convert a range to a regex pattern
- * @param {Number} `start`
- * @param {Number} `stop`
- * @return {String}
- */
-function rangeToPattern(start, stop, options) {
- if (start === stop) {
- return { pattern: start, count: [], digits: 0 };
- }
- let zipped = zip(start, stop);
- let digits = zipped.length;
- let pattern = '';
- let count = 0;
- for (let i = 0; i < digits; i++) {
- let [startDigit, stopDigit] = zipped[i];
- if (startDigit === stopDigit) {
- pattern += startDigit;
- } else if (startDigit !== '0' || stopDigit !== '9') {
- pattern += toCharacterClass(startDigit, stopDigit);
- } else {
- count++;
- }
- }
- if (count) {
- pattern += options.shorthand === true ? '\\d' : '[0-9]';
- }
- return { pattern, count: [count], digits };
-function splitToPatterns(min, max, tok, options) {
- let ranges = splitToRanges(min, max);
- let tokens = [];
- let start = min;
- let prev;
- for (let i = 0; i < ranges.length; i++) {
- let max = ranges[i];
- let obj = rangeToPattern(String(start), String(max), options);
- let zeros = '';
- if (!tok.isPadded && prev && prev.pattern === obj.pattern) {
- if (prev.count.length > 1) {
- prev.count.pop();
- }
- prev.count.push(obj.count[0]);
- prev.string = prev.pattern + toQuantifier(prev.count);
- start = max + 1;
- continue;
- }
- if (tok.isPadded) {
- zeros = padZeros(max, tok, options);
- }
- obj.string = zeros + obj.pattern + toQuantifier(obj.count);
- tokens.push(obj);
- start = max + 1;
- prev = obj;
- }
- return tokens;
-function filterPatterns(arr, comparison, prefix, intersection, options) {
- let result = [];
- for (let ele of arr) {
- let { string } = ele;
- // only push if _both_ are negative...
- if (!intersection && !contains(comparison, 'string', string)) {
- result.push(prefix + string);
- }
- // or _both_ are positive
- if (intersection && contains(comparison, 'string', string)) {
- result.push(prefix + string);
- }
- }
- return result;
- * Zip strings
- */
-function zip(a, b) {
- let arr = [];
- for (let i = 0; i < a.length; i++) arr.push([a[i], b[i]]);
- return arr;
-function compare$2(a, b) {
- return a > b ? 1 : b > a ? -1 : 0;
-function contains(arr, key, val) {
- return arr.some(ele => ele[key] === val);
-function countNines(min, len) {
- return Number(String(min).slice(0, -len) + '9'.repeat(len));
-function countZeros(integer, zeros) {
- return integer - (integer % Math.pow(10, zeros));
-function toQuantifier(digits) {
- let [start = 0, stop = ''] = digits;
- if (stop || start > 1) {
- return `{${start + (stop ? ',' + stop : '')}}`;
- }
- return '';
-function toCharacterClass(a, b, options) {
- return `[${a}${(b - a === 1) ? '' : '-'}${b}]`;
-function hasPadding(str) {
- return /^-?(0+)\d/.test(str);
-function padZeros(value, tok, options) {
- if (!tok.isPadded) {
- return value;
- }
- let diff = Math.abs(tok.maxLen - String(value).length);
- let relax = options.relaxZeros !== false;
- switch (diff) {
- case 0:
- return '';
- case 1:
- return relax ? '0?' : '0';
- case 2:
- return relax ? '0{0,2}' : '00';
- default: {
- return relax ? `0{0,${diff}}` : `0{${diff}}`;
- }
- }
- * Cache
- */
-toRegexRange$1.cache = {};
-toRegexRange$1.clearCache = () => (toRegexRange$1.cache = {});
- * Expose `toRegexRange`
- */
-var toRegexRange_1 = toRegexRange$1;
- * fill-range <>
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2014-present, Jon Schlinkert.
- * Licensed under the MIT License.
- */
-const util$1 = require$$0__default['default'];
-const toRegexRange = toRegexRange_1;
-const isObject$2 = val => val !== null && typeof val === 'object' && !Array.isArray(val);
-const transform = toNumber => {
- return value => toNumber === true ? Number(value) : String(value);
-const isValidValue = value => {
- return typeof value === 'number' || (typeof value === 'string' && value !== '');
-const isNumber$1 = num => Number.isInteger(+num);
-const zeros = input => {
- let value = `${input}`;
- let index = -1;
- if (value[0] === '-') value = value.slice(1);
- if (value === '0') return false;
- while (value[++index] === '0');
- return index > 0;
-const stringify$7 = (start, end, options) => {
- if (typeof start === 'string' || typeof end === 'string') {
- return true;
- }
- return options.stringify === true;
-const pad = (input, maxLength, toNumber) => {
- if (maxLength > 0) {
- let dash = input[0] === '-' ? '-' : '';
- if (dash) input = input.slice(1);
- input = (dash + input.padStart(dash ? maxLength - 1 : maxLength, '0'));
- }
- if (toNumber === false) {
- return String(input);
- }
- return input;
-const toMaxLen = (input, maxLength) => {
- let negative = input[0] === '-' ? '-' : '';
- if (negative) {
- input = input.slice(1);
- maxLength--;
- }
- while (input.length < maxLength) input = '0' + input;
- return negative ? ('-' + input) : input;
-const toSequence = (parts, options) => {
- parts.negatives.sort((a, b) => a < b ? -1 : a > b ? 1 : 0);
- parts.positives.sort((a, b) => a < b ? -1 : a > b ? 1 : 0);
- let prefix = options.capture ? '' : '?:';
- let positives = '';
- let negatives = '';
- let result;
- if (parts.positives.length) {
- positives = parts.positives.join('|');
- }
- if (parts.negatives.length) {
- negatives = `-(${prefix}${parts.negatives.join('|')})`;
- }
- if (positives && negatives) {
- result = `${positives}|${negatives}`;
- } else {
- result = positives || negatives;
- }
- if (options.wrap) {
- return `(${prefix}${result})`;
- }
- return result;
-const toRange = (a, b, isNumbers, options) => {
- if (isNumbers) {
- return toRegexRange(a, b, { wrap: false, ...options });
- }
- let start = String.fromCharCode(a);
- if (a === b) return start;
- let stop = String.fromCharCode(b);
- return `[${start}-${stop}]`;
-const toRegex = (start, end, options) => {
- if (Array.isArray(start)) {
- let wrap = options.wrap === true;
- let prefix = options.capture ? '' : '?:';
- return wrap ? `(${prefix}${start.join('|')})` : start.join('|');
- }
- return toRegexRange(start, end, options);
-const rangeError = (...args) => {
- return new RangeError('Invalid range arguments: ' + util$1.inspect(...args));
-const invalidRange = (start, end, options) => {
- if (options.strictRanges === true) throw rangeError([start, end]);
- return [];
-const invalidStep = (step, options) => {
- if (options.strictRanges === true) {
- throw new TypeError(`Expected step "${step}" to be a number`);
- }
- return [];
-const fillNumbers = (start, end, step = 1, options = {}) => {
- let a = Number(start);
- let b = Number(end);
- if (!Number.isInteger(a) || !Number.isInteger(b)) {
- if (options.strictRanges === true) throw rangeError([start, end]);
- return [];
- }
- // fix negative zero
- if (a === 0) a = 0;
- if (b === 0) b = 0;
- let descending = a > b;
- let startString = String(start);
- let endString = String(end);
- let stepString = String(step);
- step = Math.max(Math.abs(step), 1);
- let padded = zeros(startString) || zeros(endString) || zeros(stepString);
- let maxLen = padded ? Math.max(startString.length, endString.length, stepString.length) : 0;
- let toNumber = padded === false && stringify$7(start, end, options) === false;
- let format = options.transform || transform(toNumber);
- if (options.toRegex && step === 1) {
- return toRange(toMaxLen(start, maxLen), toMaxLen(end, maxLen), true, options);
- }
- let parts = { negatives: [], positives: [] };
- let push = num => parts[num < 0 ? 'negatives' : 'positives'].push(Math.abs(num));
- let range = [];
- let index = 0;
- while (descending ? a >= b : a <= b) {
- if (options.toRegex === true && step > 1) {
- push(a);
- } else {
- range.push(pad(format(a, index), maxLen, toNumber));
- }
- a = descending ? a - step : a + step;
- index++;
- }
- if (options.toRegex === true) {
- return step > 1
- ? toSequence(parts, options)
- : toRegex(range, null, { wrap: false, ...options });
- }
- return range;
-const fillLetters = (start, end, step = 1, options = {}) => {
- if ((!isNumber$1(start) && start.length > 1) || (!isNumber$1(end) && end.length > 1)) {
- return invalidRange(start, end, options);
- }
- let format = options.transform || (val => String.fromCharCode(val));
- let a = `${start}`.charCodeAt(0);
- let b = `${end}`.charCodeAt(0);
- let descending = a > b;
- let min = Math.min(a, b);
- let max = Math.max(a, b);
- if (options.toRegex && step === 1) {
- return toRange(min, max, false, options);
- }
- let range = [];
- let index = 0;
- while (descending ? a >= b : a <= b) {
- range.push(format(a, index));
- a = descending ? a - step : a + step;
- index++;
- }
- if (options.toRegex === true) {
- return toRegex(range, null, { wrap: false, options });
- }
- return range;
-const fill$2 = (start, end, step, options = {}) => {
- if (end == null && isValidValue(start)) {
- return [start];
- }
- if (!isValidValue(start) || !isValidValue(end)) {
- return invalidRange(start, end, options);
- }
- if (typeof step === 'function') {
- return fill$2(start, end, 1, { transform: step });
- }
- if (isObject$2(step)) {
- return fill$2(start, end, 0, step);
- }
- let opts = { ...options };
- if (opts.capture === true) opts.wrap = true;
- step = step || opts.step || 1;
- if (!isNumber$1(step)) {
- if (step != null && !isObject$2(step)) return invalidStep(step, opts);
- return fill$2(start, end, 1, step);
- }
- if (isNumber$1(start) && isNumber$1(end)) {
- return fillNumbers(start, end, step, opts);
- }
- return fillLetters(start, end, Math.max(Math.abs(step), 1), opts);
-var fillRange = fill$2;
-const fill$1 = fillRange;
-const utils$1 = utils$3;
-const compile$1 = (ast, options = {}) => {
- let walk = (node, parent = {}) => {
- let invalidBlock = utils$1.isInvalidBrace(parent);
- let invalidNode = node.invalid === true && options.escapeInvalid === true;
- let invalid = invalidBlock === true || invalidNode === true;
- let prefix = options.escapeInvalid === true ? '\\' : '';
- let output = '';
- if (node.isOpen === true) {
- return prefix + node.value;
- }
- if (node.isClose === true) {
- return prefix + node.value;
- }
- if (node.type === 'open') {
- return invalid ? (prefix + node.value) : '(';
- }
- if (node.type === 'close') {
- return invalid ? (prefix + node.value) : ')';
- }
- if (node.type === 'comma') {
- return node.prev.type === 'comma' ? '' : (invalid ? node.value : '|');
- }
- if (node.value) {
- return node.value;
- }
- if (node.nodes && node.ranges > 0) {
- let args = utils$1.reduce(node.nodes);
- let range = fill$1(...args, { ...options, wrap: false, toRegex: true });
- if (range.length !== 0) {
- return args.length > 1 && range.length > 1 ? `(${range})` : range;
- }
- }
- if (node.nodes) {
- for (let child of node.nodes) {
- output += walk(child, node);
- }
- }
- return output;
- };
- return walk(ast);
-var compile_1 = compile$1;
-const fill = fillRange;
-const stringify$6 = stringify$8;
-const utils = utils$3;
-const append = (queue = '', stash = '', enclose = false) => {
- let result = [];
- queue = [].concat(queue);
- stash = [].concat(stash);
- if (!stash.length) return queue;
- if (!queue.length) {
- return enclose ? utils.flatten(stash).map(ele => `{${ele}}`) : stash;
- }
- for (let item of queue) {
- if (Array.isArray(item)) {
- for (let value of item) {
- result.push(append(value, stash, enclose));
- }
- } else {
- for (let ele of stash) {
- if (enclose === true && typeof ele === 'string') ele = `{${ele}}`;
- result.push(Array.isArray(ele) ? append(item, ele, enclose) : (item + ele));
- }
- }
- }
- return utils.flatten(result);
-const expand$1 = (ast, options = {}) => {
- let rangeLimit = options.rangeLimit === void 0 ? 1000 : options.rangeLimit;
- let walk = (node, parent = {}) => {
- node.queue = [];
- let p = parent;
- let q = parent.queue;
- while (p.type !== 'brace' && p.type !== 'root' && p.parent) {
- p = p.parent;
- q = p.queue;
- }
- if (node.invalid || node.dollar) {
- q.push(append(q.pop(), stringify$6(node, options)));
- return;
- }
- if (node.type === 'brace' && node.invalid !== true && node.nodes.length === 2) {
- q.push(append(q.pop(), ['{}']));
- return;
- }
- if (node.nodes && node.ranges > 0) {
- let args = utils.reduce(node.nodes);
- if (utils.exceedsLimit(...args, options.step, rangeLimit)) {
- throw new RangeError('expanded array length exceeds range limit. Use options.rangeLimit to increase or disable the limit.');
- }
- let range = fill(...args, options);
- if (range.length === 0) {
- range = stringify$6(node, options);
- }
- q.push(append(q.pop(), range));
- node.nodes = [];
- return;
- }
- let enclose = utils.encloseBrace(node);
- let queue = node.queue;
- let block = node;
- while (block.type !== 'brace' && block.type !== 'root' && block.parent) {
- block = block.parent;
- queue = block.queue;
- }
- for (let i = 0; i < node.nodes.length; i++) {
- let child = node.nodes[i];
- if (child.type === 'comma' && node.type === 'brace') {
- if (i === 1) queue.push('');
- queue.push('');
- continue;
- }
- if (child.type === 'close') {
- q.push(append(q.pop(), queue, enclose));
- continue;
- }
- if (child.value && child.type !== 'open') {
- queue.push(append(queue.pop(), child.value));
- continue;
- }
- if (child.nodes) {
- walk(child, node);
- }
- }
- return queue;
- };
- return utils.flatten(walk(ast));
-var expand_1 = expand$1;
-var constants$2 = {
- MAX_LENGTH: 1024 * 64,
- // Digits
- CHAR_0: '0', /* 0 */
- CHAR_9: '9', /* 9 */
- // Alphabet chars.
- CHAR_UPPERCASE_A: 'A', /* A */
- CHAR_LOWERCASE_A: 'a', /* a */
- CHAR_UPPERCASE_Z: 'Z', /* Z */
- CHAR_LOWERCASE_Z: 'z', /* z */
- CHAR_ASTERISK: '*', /* * */
- // Non-alphabetic chars.
- CHAR_AMPERSAND: '&', /* & */
- CHAR_AT: '@', /* @ */
- CHAR_BACKSLASH: '\\', /* \ */
- CHAR_BACKTICK: '`', /* ` */
- CHAR_CARRIAGE_RETURN: '\r', /* \r */
- CHAR_COLON: ':', /* : */
- CHAR_COMMA: ',', /* , */
- CHAR_DOLLAR: '$', /* . */
- CHAR_DOT: '.', /* . */
- CHAR_DOUBLE_QUOTE: '"', /* " */
- CHAR_EQUAL: '=', /* = */
- CHAR_FORM_FEED: '\f', /* \f */
- CHAR_FORWARD_SLASH: '/', /* / */
- CHAR_HASH: '#', /* # */
- CHAR_HYPHEN_MINUS: '-', /* - */
- CHAR_LEFT_CURLY_BRACE: '{', /* { */
- CHAR_LINE_FEED: '\n', /* \n */
- CHAR_NO_BREAK_SPACE: '\u00A0', /* \u00A0 */
- CHAR_PERCENT: '%', /* % */
- CHAR_PLUS: '+', /* + */
- CHAR_QUESTION_MARK: '?', /* ? */
- CHAR_RIGHT_CURLY_BRACE: '}', /* } */
- CHAR_SEMICOLON: ';', /* ; */
- CHAR_SINGLE_QUOTE: '\'', /* ' */
- CHAR_SPACE: ' ', /* */
- CHAR_TAB: '\t', /* \t */
- CHAR_UNDERSCORE: '_', /* _ */
- CHAR_VERTICAL_LINE: '|', /* | */
-const stringify$5 = stringify$8;
- * Constants
- */
-const {
- CHAR_BACKTICK, /* ` */
- CHAR_DOT, /* . */
-} = constants$2;
- * parse
- */
-const parse$6 = (input, options = {}) => {
- if (typeof input !== 'string') {
- throw new TypeError('Expected a string');
- }
- let opts = options || {};
- let max = typeof opts.maxLength === 'number' ? Math.min(MAX_LENGTH$3, opts.maxLength) : MAX_LENGTH$3;
- if (input.length > max) {
- throw new SyntaxError(`Input length (${input.length}), exceeds max characters (${max})`);
- }
- let ast = { type: 'root', input, nodes: [] };
- let stack = [ast];
- let block = ast;
- let prev = ast;
- let brackets = 0;
- let length = input.length;
- let index = 0;
- let depth = 0;
- let value;
- /**
- * Helpers
- */
- const advance = () => input[index++];
- const push = node => {
- if (node.type === 'text' && prev.type === 'dot') {
- prev.type = 'text';
- }
- if (prev && prev.type === 'text' && node.type === 'text') {
- prev.value += node.value;
- return;
- }
- block.nodes.push(node);
- node.parent = block;
- node.prev = prev;
- prev = node;
- return node;
- };
- push({ type: 'bos' });
- while (index < length) {
- block = stack[stack.length - 1];
- value = advance();
- /**
- * Invalid chars
- */
- continue;
- }
- /**
- * Escaped chars
- */
- if (value === CHAR_BACKSLASH) {
- push({ type: 'text', value: (options.keepEscaping ? value : '') + advance() });
- continue;
- }
- /**
- * Right square bracket (literal): ']'
- */
- if (value === CHAR_RIGHT_SQUARE_BRACKET$1) {
- push({ type: 'text', value: '\\' + value });
- continue;
- }
- /**
- * Left square bracket: '['
- */
- if (value === CHAR_LEFT_SQUARE_BRACKET$1) {
- brackets++;
- let next;
- while (index < length && (next = advance())) {
- value += next;
- if (next === CHAR_LEFT_SQUARE_BRACKET$1) {
- brackets++;
- continue;
- }
- if (next === CHAR_BACKSLASH) {
- value += advance();
- continue;
- }
- if (next === CHAR_RIGHT_SQUARE_BRACKET$1) {
- brackets--;
- if (brackets === 0) {
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- push({ type: 'text', value });
- continue;
- }
- /**
- * Parentheses
- */
- if (value === CHAR_LEFT_PARENTHESES) {
- block = push({ type: 'paren', nodes: [] });
- stack.push(block);
- push({ type: 'text', value });
- continue;
- }
- if (value === CHAR_RIGHT_PARENTHESES) {
- if (block.type !== 'paren') {
- push({ type: 'text', value });
- continue;
- }
- block = stack.pop();
- push({ type: 'text', value });
- block = stack[stack.length - 1];
- continue;
- }
- /**
- * Quotes: '|"|`
- */
- if (value === CHAR_DOUBLE_QUOTE$1 || value === CHAR_SINGLE_QUOTE$1 || value === CHAR_BACKTICK) {
- let open = value;
- let next;
- if (options.keepQuotes !== true) {
- value = '';
- }
- while (index < length && (next = advance())) {
- if (next === CHAR_BACKSLASH) {
- value += next + advance();
- continue;
- }
- if (next === open) {
- if (options.keepQuotes === true) value += next;
- break;
- }
- value += next;
- }
- push({ type: 'text', value });
- continue;
- }
- /**
- * Left curly brace: '{'
- */
- if (value === CHAR_LEFT_CURLY_BRACE) {
- depth++;
- let dollar = prev.value && prev.value.slice(-1) === '$' || block.dollar === true;
- let brace = {
- type: 'brace',
- open: true,
- close: false,
- dollar,
- depth,
- commas: 0,
- ranges: 0,
- nodes: []
- };
- block = push(brace);
- stack.push(block);
- push({ type: 'open', value });
- continue;
- }
- /**
- * Right curly brace: '}'
- */
- if (value === CHAR_RIGHT_CURLY_BRACE) {
- if (block.type !== 'brace') {
- push({ type: 'text', value });
- continue;
- }
- let type = 'close';
- block = stack.pop();
- block.close = true;
- push({ type, value });
- depth--;
- block = stack[stack.length - 1];
- continue;
- }
- /**
- * Comma: ','
- */
- if (value === CHAR_COMMA$1 && depth > 0) {
- if (block.ranges > 0) {
- block.ranges = 0;
- let open = block.nodes.shift();
- block.nodes = [open, { type: 'text', value: stringify$5(block) }];
- }
- push({ type: 'comma', value });
- block.commas++;
- continue;
- }
- /**
- * Dot: '.'
- */
- if (value === CHAR_DOT && depth > 0 && block.commas === 0) {
- let siblings = block.nodes;
- if (depth === 0 || siblings.length === 0) {
- push({ type: 'text', value });
- continue;
- }
- if (prev.type === 'dot') {
- block.range = [];
- prev.value += value;
- prev.type = 'range';
- if (block.nodes.length !== 3 && block.nodes.length !== 5) {
- block.invalid = true;
- block.ranges = 0;
- prev.type = 'text';
- continue;
- }
- block.ranges++;
- block.args = [];
- continue;
- }
- if (prev.type === 'range') {
- siblings.pop();
- let before = siblings[siblings.length - 1];
- before.value += prev.value + value;
- prev = before;
- block.ranges--;
- continue;
- }
- push({ type: 'dot', value });
- continue;
- }
- /**
- * Text
- */
- push({ type: 'text', value });
- }
- // Mark imbalanced braces and brackets as invalid
- do {
- block = stack.pop();
- if (block.type !== 'root') {
- block.nodes.forEach(node => {
- if (!node.nodes) {
- if (node.type === 'open') node.isOpen = true;
- if (node.type === 'close') node.isClose = true;
- if (!node.nodes) node.type = 'text';
- node.invalid = true;
- }
- });
- // get the location of the block on parent.nodes (block's siblings)
- let parent = stack[stack.length - 1];
- let index = parent.nodes.indexOf(block);
- // replace the (invalid) block with it's nodes
- parent.nodes.splice(index, 1, ...block.nodes);
- }
- } while (stack.length > 0);
- push({ type: 'eos' });
- return ast;
-var parse_1$2 = parse$6;
-const stringify$4 = stringify$8;
-const compile = compile_1;
-const expand = expand_1;
-const parse$5 = parse_1$2;
- * Expand the given pattern or create a regex-compatible string.
- *
- * ```js
- * const braces = require('braces');
- * console.log(braces('{a,b,c}', { compile: true })); //=> ['(a|b|c)']
- * console.log(braces('{a,b,c}')); //=> ['a', 'b', 'c']
- * ```
- * @param {String} `str`
- * @param {Object} `options`
- * @return {String}
- * @api public
- */
-const braces$1 = (input, options = {}) => {
- let output = [];
- if (Array.isArray(input)) {
- for (let pattern of input) {
- let result = braces$1.create(pattern, options);
- if (Array.isArray(result)) {
- output.push(...result);
- } else {
- output.push(result);
- }
- }
- } else {
- output = [].concat(braces$1.create(input, options));
- }
- if (options && options.expand === true && options.nodupes === true) {
- output = [ Set(output)];
- }
- return output;
- * Parse the given `str` with the given `options`.
- *
- * ```js
- * // braces.parse(pattern, [, options]);
- * const ast = braces.parse('a/{b,c}/d');
- * console.log(ast);
- * ```
- * @param {String} pattern Brace pattern to parse
- * @param {Object} options
- * @return {Object} Returns an AST
- * @api public
- */
-braces$1.parse = (input, options = {}) => parse$5(input, options);
- * Creates a braces string from an AST, or an AST node.
- *
- * ```js
- * const braces = require('braces');
- * let ast = braces.parse('foo/{a,b}/bar');
- * console.log(stringify(ast.nodes[2])); //=> '{a,b}'
- * ```
- * @param {String} `input` Brace pattern or AST.
- * @param {Object} `options`
- * @return {Array} Returns an array of expanded values.
- * @api public
- */
-braces$1.stringify = (input, options = {}) => {
- if (typeof input === 'string') {
- return stringify$4(braces$1.parse(input, options), options);
- }
- return stringify$4(input, options);
- * Compiles a brace pattern into a regex-compatible, optimized string.
- * This method is called by the main [braces](#braces) function by default.
- *
- * ```js
- * const braces = require('braces');
- * console.log(braces.compile('a/{b,c}/d'));
- * //=> ['a/(b|c)/d']
- * ```
- * @param {String} `input` Brace pattern or AST.
- * @param {Object} `options`
- * @return {Array} Returns an array of expanded values.
- * @api public
- */
-braces$1.compile = (input, options = {}) => {
- if (typeof input === 'string') {
- input = braces$1.parse(input, options);
- }
- return compile(input, options);
- * Expands a brace pattern into an array. This method is called by the
- * main [braces](#braces) function when `options.expand` is true. Before
- * using this method it's recommended that you read the [performance notes](#performance))
- * and advantages of using [.compile](#compile) instead.
- *
- * ```js
- * const braces = require('braces');
- * console.log(braces.expand('a/{b,c}/d'));
- * //=> ['a/b/d', 'a/c/d'];
- * ```
- * @param {String} `pattern` Brace pattern
- * @param {Object} `options`
- * @return {Array} Returns an array of expanded values.
- * @api public
- */
-braces$1.expand = (input, options = {}) => {
- if (typeof input === 'string') {
- input = braces$1.parse(input, options);
- }
- let result = expand(input, options);
- // filter out empty strings if specified
- if (options.noempty === true) {
- result = result.filter(Boolean);
- }
- // filter out duplicates if specified
- if (options.nodupes === true) {
- result = [ Set(result)];
- }
- return result;
- * Processes a brace pattern and returns either an expanded array
- * (if `options.expand` is true), a highly optimized regex-compatible string.
- * This method is called by the main [braces](#braces) function.
- *
- * ```js
- * const braces = require('braces');
- * console.log(braces.create('user-{200..300}/project-{a,b,c}-{1..10}'))
- * //=> 'user-(20[0-9]|2[1-9][0-9]|300)/project-(a|b|c)-([1-9]|10)'
- * ```
- * @param {String} `pattern` Brace pattern
- * @param {Object} `options`
- * @return {Array} Returns an array of expanded values.
- * @api public
- */
-braces$1.create = (input, options = {}) => {
- if (input === '' || input.length < 3) {
- return [input];
- }
- return options.expand !== true
- ? braces$1.compile(input, options)
- : braces$1.expand(input, options);
- * Expose "braces"
- */
-var braces_1 = braces$1;
-var require$$0$4 = [
- "3dm",
- "3ds",
- "3g2",
- "3gp",
- "7z",
- "a",
- "aac",
- "adp",
- "ai",
- "aif",
- "aiff",
- "alz",
- "ape",
- "apk",
- "appimage",
- "ar",
- "arj",
- "asf",
- "au",
- "avi",
- "bak",
- "baml",
- "bh",
- "bin",
- "bk",
- "bmp",
- "btif",
- "bz2",
- "bzip2",
- "cab",
- "caf",
- "cgm",
- "class",
- "cmx",
- "cpio",
- "cr2",
- "cur",
- "dat",
- "dcm",
- "deb",
- "dex",
- "djvu",
- "dll",
- "dmg",
- "dng",
- "doc",
- "docm",
- "docx",
- "dot",
- "dotm",
- "dra",
- "DS_Store",
- "dsk",
- "dts",
- "dtshd",
- "dvb",
- "dwg",
- "dxf",
- "ecelp4800",
- "ecelp7470",
- "ecelp9600",
- "egg",
- "eol",
- "eot",
- "epub",
- "exe",
- "f4v",
- "fbs",
- "fh",
- "fla",
- "flac",
- "flatpak",
- "fli",
- "flv",
- "fpx",
- "fst",
- "fvt",
- "g3",
- "gh",
- "gif",
- "graffle",
- "gz",
- "gzip",
- "h261",
- "h263",
- "h264",
- "icns",
- "ico",
- "ief",
- "img",
- "ipa",
- "iso",
- "jar",
- "jpeg",
- "jpg",
- "jpgv",
- "jpm",
- "jxr",
- "key",
- "ktx",
- "lha",
- "lib",
- "lvp",
- "lz",
- "lzh",
- "lzma",
- "lzo",
- "m3u",
- "m4a",
- "m4v",
- "mar",
- "mdi",
- "mht",
- "mid",
- "midi",
- "mj2",
- "mka",
- "mkv",
- "mmr",
- "mng",
- "mobi",
- "mov",
- "movie",
- "mp3",
- "mp4",
- "mp4a",
- "mpeg",
- "mpg",
- "mpga",
- "mxu",
- "nef",
- "npx",
- "numbers",
- "nupkg",
- "o",
- "odp",
- "ods",
- "odt",
- "oga",
- "ogg",
- "ogv",
- "otf",
- "ott",
- "pages",
- "pbm",
- "pcx",
- "pdb",
- "pdf",
- "pea",
- "pgm",
- "pic",
- "png",
- "pnm",
- "pot",
- "potm",
- "potx",
- "ppa",
- "ppam",
- "ppm",
- "pps",
- "ppsm",
- "ppsx",
- "ppt",
- "pptm",
- "pptx",
- "psd",
- "pya",
- "pyc",
- "pyo",
- "pyv",
- "qt",
- "rar",
- "ras",
- "raw",
- "resources",
- "rgb",
- "rip",
- "rlc",
- "rmf",
- "rmvb",
- "rpm",
- "rtf",
- "rz",
- "s3m",
- "s7z",
- "scpt",
- "sgi",
- "shar",
- "snap",
- "sil",
- "sketch",
- "slk",
- "smv",
- "snk",
- "so",
- "stl",
- "suo",
- "sub",
- "swf",
- "tar",
- "tbz",
- "tbz2",
- "tga",
- "tgz",
- "thmx",
- "tif",
- "tiff",
- "tlz",
- "ttc",
- "ttf",
- "txz",
- "udf",
- "uvh",
- "uvi",
- "uvm",
- "uvp",
- "uvs",
- "uvu",
- "viv",
- "vob",
- "war",
- "wav",
- "wax",
- "wbmp",
- "wdp",
- "weba",
- "webm",
- "webp",
- "whl",
- "wim",
- "wm",
- "wma",
- "wmv",
- "wmx",
- "woff",
- "woff2",
- "wrm",
- "wvx",
- "xbm",
- "xif",
- "xla",
- "xlam",
- "xls",
- "xlsb",
- "xlsm",
- "xlsx",
- "xlt",
- "xltm",
- "xltx",
- "xm",
- "xmind",
- "xpi",
- "xpm",
- "xwd",
- "xz",
- "z",
- "zip",
- "zipx"
-var binaryExtensions$1 = require$$0$4;
-const path$1 = require$$0__default$2['default'];
-const binaryExtensions = binaryExtensions$1;
-const extensions$1 = new Set(binaryExtensions);
-var isBinaryPath$1 = filePath => extensions$1.has(path$1.extname(filePath).slice(1).toLowerCase());
-var constants$1 = {};
-(function (exports) {
-const {sep} = require$$0__default$2['default'];
-const {platform} = process;
-const os = require$$0__default$1['default'];
-exports.EV_ALL = 'all';
-exports.EV_READY = 'ready';
-exports.EV_ADD = 'add';
-exports.EV_CHANGE = 'change';
-exports.EV_ADD_DIR = 'addDir';
-exports.EV_UNLINK = 'unlink';
-exports.EV_UNLINK_DIR = 'unlinkDir';
-exports.EV_RAW = 'raw';
-exports.EV_ERROR = 'error';
-exports.STR_DATA = 'data';
-exports.STR_END = 'end';
-exports.STR_CLOSE = 'close';
-exports.FSEVENT_CREATED = 'created';
-exports.FSEVENT_MODIFIED = 'modified';
-exports.FSEVENT_DELETED = 'deleted';
-exports.FSEVENT_MOVED = 'moved';
-exports.FSEVENT_CLONED = 'cloned';
-exports.FSEVENT_UNKNOWN = 'unknown';
-exports.FSEVENT_TYPE_FILE = 'file';
-exports.FSEVENT_TYPE_DIRECTORY = 'directory';
-exports.FSEVENT_TYPE_SYMLINK = 'symlink';
-exports.KEY_LISTENERS = 'listeners';
-exports.KEY_ERR = 'errHandlers';
-exports.KEY_RAW = 'rawEmitters';
-exports.HANDLER_KEYS = [exports.KEY_LISTENERS, exports.KEY_ERR, exports.KEY_RAW];
-exports.DOT_SLASH = `.${sep}`;
-exports.BACK_SLASH_RE = /\\/g;
-exports.DOUBLE_SLASH_RE = /\/\//;
-exports.SLASH_OR_BACK_SLASH_RE = /[/\\]/;
-exports.DOT_RE = /\..*\.(sw[px])$|~$|\.subl.*\.tmp/;
-exports.REPLACER_RE = /^\.[/\\]/;
-exports.SLASH = '/';
-exports.SLASH_SLASH = '//';
-exports.BRACE_START = '{';
-exports.BANG = '!';
-exports.ONE_DOT = '.';
-exports.TWO_DOTS = '..';
-exports.STAR = '*';
-exports.GLOBSTAR = '**';
-exports.ROOT_GLOBSTAR = '/**/*';
-exports.SLASH_GLOBSTAR = '/**';
-exports.DIR_SUFFIX = 'Dir';
-exports.ANYMATCH_OPTS = {dot: true};
-exports.STRING_TYPE = 'string';
-exports.FUNCTION_TYPE = 'function';
-exports.EMPTY_STR = '';
-exports.EMPTY_FN = () => {};
-exports.IDENTITY_FN = val => val;
-exports.isWindows = platform === 'win32';
-exports.isMacos = platform === 'darwin';
-exports.isLinux = platform === 'linux';
-exports.isIBMi = os.type() === 'OS400';
-const fs$2 = require$$0__default$3['default'];
-const sysPath$2 = require$$0__default$2['default'];
-const { promisify: promisify$2 } = require$$0__default['default'];
-const isBinaryPath = isBinaryPath$1;
-const {
- isWindows: isWindows$1,
- isLinux,
-} = constants$1;
-const THROTTLE_MODE_WATCH = 'watch';
-const open = promisify$2(fs$;
-const stat$2 = promisify$2(fs$2.stat);
-const lstat$1 = promisify$2(fs$2.lstat);
-const close = promisify$2(fs$2.close);
-const fsrealpath = promisify$2(fs$2.realpath);
-const statMethods$1 = { lstat: lstat$1, stat: stat$2 };
-// TODO: emit errors properly. Example: EMFILE on Macos.
-const foreach = (val, fn) => {
- if (val instanceof Set) {
- val.forEach(fn);
- } else {
- fn(val);
- }
-const addAndConvert = (main, prop, item) => {
- let container = main[prop];
- if (!(container instanceof Set)) {
- main[prop] = container = new Set([container]);
- }
- container.add(item);
-const clearItem = cont => key => {
- const set = cont[key];
- if (set instanceof Set) {
- set.clear();
- } else {
- delete cont[key];
- }
-const delFromSet = (main, prop, item) => {
- const container = main[prop];
- if (container instanceof Set) {
- container.delete(item);
- } else if (container === item) {
- delete main[prop];
- }
-const isEmptySet = (val) => val instanceof Set ? val.size === 0 : !val;
- * @typedef {String} Path
- */
-// fs_watch helpers
-// object to hold per-process fs_watch instances
-// (may be shared across chokidar FSWatcher instances)
- * @typedef {Object} FsWatchContainer
- * @property {Set} listeners
- * @property {Set} errHandlers
- * @property {Set} rawEmitters
- * @property {fs.FSWatcher=} watcher
- * @property {Boolean=} watcherUnusable
- */
- * @type {Map<String,FsWatchContainer>}
- */
-const FsWatchInstances = new Map();
- * Instantiates the fs_watch interface
- * @param {String} path to be watched
- * @param {Object} options to be passed to fs_watch
- * @param {Function} listener main event handler
- * @param {Function} errHandler emits info about errors
- * @param {Function} emitRaw emits raw event data
- * @returns {fs.FSWatcher} new fsevents instance
- */
-function createFsWatchInstance(path, options, listener, errHandler, emitRaw) {
- const handleEvent = (rawEvent, evPath) => {
- listener(path);
- emitRaw(rawEvent, evPath, {watchedPath: path});
- // emit based on events occurring for files from a directory's watcher in
- // case the file's watcher misses it (and rely on throttling to de-dupe)
- if (evPath && path !== evPath) {
- fsWatchBroadcast(
- sysPath$2.resolve(path, evPath), KEY_LISTENERS, sysPath$2.join(path, evPath)
- );
- }
- };
- try {
- return fs$, options, handleEvent);
- } catch (error) {
- errHandler(error);
- }
- * Helper for passing fs_watch event data to a collection of listeners
- * @param {Path} fullPath absolute path bound to fs_watch instance
- * @param {String} type listener type
- * @param {*=} val1 arguments to be passed to listeners
- * @param {*=} val2
- * @param {*=} val3
- */
-const fsWatchBroadcast = (fullPath, type, val1, val2, val3) => {
- const cont = FsWatchInstances.get(fullPath);
- if (!cont) return;
- foreach(cont[type], (listener) => {
- listener(val1, val2, val3);
- });
- * Instantiates the fs_watch interface or binds listeners
- * to an existing one covering the same file system entry
- * @param {String} path
- * @param {String} fullPath absolute path
- * @param {Object} options to be passed to fs_watch
- * @param {Object} handlers container for event listener functions
- */
-const setFsWatchListener = (path, fullPath, options, handlers) => {
- const {listener, errHandler, rawEmitter} = handlers;
- let cont = FsWatchInstances.get(fullPath);
- /** @type {fs.FSWatcher=} */
- let watcher;
- if (!options.persistent) {
- watcher = createFsWatchInstance(
- path, options, listener, errHandler, rawEmitter
- );
- return watcher.close.bind(watcher);
- }
- if (cont) {
- addAndConvert(cont, KEY_LISTENERS, listener);
- addAndConvert(cont, KEY_ERR, errHandler);
- addAndConvert(cont, KEY_RAW, rawEmitter);
- } else {
- watcher = createFsWatchInstance(
- path,
- options,
- fsWatchBroadcast.bind(null, fullPath, KEY_LISTENERS),
- errHandler, // no need to use broadcast here
- fsWatchBroadcast.bind(null, fullPath, KEY_RAW)
- );
- if (!watcher) return;
- watcher.on(EV_ERROR$2, async (error) => {
- const broadcastErr = fsWatchBroadcast.bind(null, fullPath, KEY_ERR);
- cont.watcherUnusable = true; // documented since Node 10.4.1
- // Workaround for
- if (isWindows$1 && error.code === 'EPERM') {
- try {
- const fd = await open(path, 'r');
- await close(fd);
- broadcastErr(error);
- } catch (err) {}
- } else {
- broadcastErr(error);
- }
- });
- cont = {
- listeners: listener,
- errHandlers: errHandler,
- rawEmitters: rawEmitter,
- watcher
- };
- FsWatchInstances.set(fullPath, cont);
- }
- // const index = cont.listeners.indexOf(listener);
- // removes this instance's listeners and closes the underlying fs_watch
- // instance if there are no more listeners left
- return () => {
- delFromSet(cont, KEY_LISTENERS, listener);
- delFromSet(cont, KEY_ERR, errHandler);
- delFromSet(cont, KEY_RAW, rawEmitter);
- if (isEmptySet(cont.listeners)) {
- // Check to protect against issue gh-730.
- // if (cont.watcherUnusable) {
- cont.watcher.close();
- // }
- FsWatchInstances.delete(fullPath);
- HANDLER_KEYS.forEach(clearItem(cont));
- cont.watcher = undefined;
- Object.freeze(cont);
- }
- };
-// fs_watchFile helpers
-// object to hold per-process fs_watchFile instances
-// (may be shared across chokidar FSWatcher instances)
-const FsWatchFileInstances = new Map();
- * Instantiates the fs_watchFile interface or binds listeners
- * to an existing one covering the same file system entry
- * @param {String} path to be watched
- * @param {String} fullPath absolute path
- * @param {Object} options options to be passed to fs_watchFile
- * @param {Object} handlers container for event listener functions
- * @returns {Function} closer
- */
-const setFsWatchFileListener = (path, fullPath, options, handlers) => {
- const {listener, rawEmitter} = handlers;
- let cont = FsWatchFileInstances.get(fullPath);
- const copts = cont && cont.options;
- if (copts && (copts.persistent < options.persistent || copts.interval > options.interval)) {
- fs$2.unwatchFile(fullPath);
- cont = undefined;
- }
- /* eslint-enable no-unused-vars, prefer-destructuring */
- if (cont) {
- addAndConvert(cont, KEY_LISTENERS, listener);
- addAndConvert(cont, KEY_RAW, rawEmitter);
- } else {
- // TODO
- // listeners.add(listener);
- // rawEmitters.add(rawEmitter);
- cont = {
- listeners: listener,
- rawEmitters: rawEmitter,
- options,
- watcher: fs$2.watchFile(fullPath, options, (curr, prev) => {
- foreach(cont.rawEmitters, (rawEmitter) => {
- rawEmitter(EV_CHANGE$2, fullPath, {curr, prev});
- });
- const currmtime = curr.mtimeMs;
- if (curr.size !== prev.size || currmtime > prev.mtimeMs || currmtime === 0) {
- foreach(cont.listeners, (listener) => listener(path, curr));
- }
- })
- };
- FsWatchFileInstances.set(fullPath, cont);
- }
- // const index = cont.listeners.indexOf(listener);
- // Removes this instance's listeners and closes the underlying fs_watchFile
- // instance if there are no more listeners left.
- return () => {
- delFromSet(cont, KEY_LISTENERS, listener);
- delFromSet(cont, KEY_RAW, rawEmitter);
- if (isEmptySet(cont.listeners)) {
- FsWatchFileInstances.delete(fullPath);
- fs$2.unwatchFile(fullPath);
- cont.options = cont.watcher = undefined;
- Object.freeze(cont);
- }
- };
- * @mixin
- */
-class NodeFsHandler$1 {
- * @param {import("../index").FSWatcher} fsW
- */
-constructor(fsW) {
- this.fsw = fsW;
- this._boundHandleError = (error) => fsW._handleError(error);
- * Watch file for changes with fs_watchFile or fs_watch.
- * @param {String} path to file or dir
- * @param {Function} listener on fs change
- * @returns {Function} closer for the watcher instance
- */
-_watchWithNodeFs(path, listener) {
- const opts = this.fsw.options;
- const directory = sysPath$2.dirname(path);
- const basename = sysPath$2.basename(path);
- const parent = this.fsw._getWatchedDir(directory);
- parent.add(basename);
- const absolutePath = sysPath$2.resolve(path);
- const options = {persistent: opts.persistent};
- if (!listener) listener = EMPTY_FN$2;
- let closer;
- if (opts.usePolling) {
- options.interval = opts.enableBinaryInterval && isBinaryPath(basename) ?
- opts.binaryInterval : opts.interval;
- closer = setFsWatchFileListener(path, absolutePath, options, {
- listener,
- rawEmitter: this.fsw._emitRaw
- });
- } else {
- closer = setFsWatchListener(path, absolutePath, options, {
- listener,
- errHandler: this._boundHandleError,
- rawEmitter: this.fsw._emitRaw
- });
- }
- return closer;
- * Watch a file and emit add event if warranted.
- * @param {Path} file Path
- * @param {fs.Stats} stats result of fs_stat
- * @param {Boolean} initialAdd was the file added at watch instantiation?
- * @returns {Function} closer for the watcher instance
- */
-_handleFile(file, stats, initialAdd) {
- if (this.fsw.closed) {
- return;
- }
- const dirname = sysPath$2.dirname(file);
- const basename = sysPath$2.basename(file);
- const parent = this.fsw._getWatchedDir(dirname);
- // stats is always present
- let prevStats = stats;
- // if the file is already being watched, do nothing
- if (parent.has(basename)) return;
- const listener = async (path, newStats) => {
- if (!this.fsw._throttle(THROTTLE_MODE_WATCH, file, 5)) return;
- if (!newStats || newStats.mtimeMs === 0) {
- try {
- const newStats = await stat$2(file);
- if (this.fsw.closed) return;
- // Check that change event was not fired because of changed only accessTime.
- const at = newStats.atimeMs;
- const mt = newStats.mtimeMs;
- if (!at || at <= mt || mt !== prevStats.mtimeMs) {
- this.fsw._emit(EV_CHANGE$2, file, newStats);
- }
- if (isLinux && prevStats.ino !== newStats.ino) {
- this.fsw._closeFile(path);
- prevStats = newStats;
- this.fsw._addPathCloser(path, this._watchWithNodeFs(file, listener));
- } else {
- prevStats = newStats;
- }
- } catch (error) {
- // Fix issues where mtime is null but file is still present
- this.fsw._remove(dirname, basename);
- }
- // add is about to be emitted if file not already tracked in parent
- } else if (parent.has(basename)) {
- // Check that change event was not fired because of changed only accessTime.
- const at = newStats.atimeMs;
- const mt = newStats.mtimeMs;
- if (!at || at <= mt || mt !== prevStats.mtimeMs) {
- this.fsw._emit(EV_CHANGE$2, file, newStats);
- }
- prevStats = newStats;
- }
- };
- // kick off the watcher
- const closer = this._watchWithNodeFs(file, listener);
- // emit an add event if we're supposed to
- if (!(initialAdd && this.fsw.options.ignoreInitial) && this.fsw._isntIgnored(file)) {
- if (!this.fsw._throttle(EV_ADD$2, file, 0)) return;
- this.fsw._emit(EV_ADD$2, file, stats);
- }
- return closer;
- * Handle symlinks encountered while reading a dir.
- * @param {Object} entry returned by readdirp
- * @param {String} directory path of dir being read
- * @param {String} path of this item
- * @param {String} item basename of this item
- * @returns {Promise<Boolean>} true if no more processing is needed for this entry.
- */
-async _handleSymlink(entry, directory, path, item) {
- if (this.fsw.closed) {
- return;
- }
- const full = entry.fullPath;
- const dir = this.fsw._getWatchedDir(directory);
- if (!this.fsw.options.followSymlinks) {
- // watch symlink directly (don't follow) and detect changes
- this.fsw._incrReadyCount();
- const linkPath = await fsrealpath(path);
- if (this.fsw.closed) return;
- if (dir.has(item)) {
- if (this.fsw._symlinkPaths.get(full) !== linkPath) {
- this.fsw._symlinkPaths.set(full, linkPath);
- this.fsw._emit(EV_CHANGE$2, path, entry.stats);
- }
- } else {
- dir.add(item);
- this.fsw._symlinkPaths.set(full, linkPath);
- this.fsw._emit(EV_ADD$2, path, entry.stats);
- }
- this.fsw._emitReady();
- return true;
- }
- // don't follow the same symlink more than once
- if (this.fsw._symlinkPaths.has(full)) {
- return true;
- }
- this.fsw._symlinkPaths.set(full, true);
-_handleRead(directory, initialAdd, wh, target, dir, depth, throttler) {
- // Normalize the directory name on Windows
- directory = sysPath$2.join(directory, EMPTY_STR$1);
- if (!wh.hasGlob) {
- throttler = this.fsw._throttle('readdir', directory, 1000);
- if (!throttler) return;
- }
- const previous = this.fsw._getWatchedDir(wh.path);
- const current = new Set();
- let stream = this.fsw._readdirp(directory, {
- fileFilter: entry => wh.filterPath(entry),
- directoryFilter: entry => wh.filterDir(entry),
- depth: 0
- }).on(STR_DATA$1, async (entry) => {
- if (this.fsw.closed) {
- stream = undefined;
- return;
- }
- const item = entry.path;
- let path = sysPath$2.join(directory, item);
- current.add(item);
- if (entry.stats.isSymbolicLink() && await this._handleSymlink(entry, directory, path, item)) {
- return;
- }
- if (this.fsw.closed) {
- stream = undefined;
- return;
- }
- // Files that present in current directory snapshot
- // but absent in previous are added to watch list and
- // emit `add` event.
- if (item === target || !target && !previous.has(item)) {
- this.fsw._incrReadyCount();
- // ensure relativeness of path is preserved in case of watcher reuse
- path = sysPath$2.join(dir, sysPath$2.relative(dir, path));
- this._addToNodeFs(path, initialAdd, wh, depth + 1);
- }
- }).on(EV_ERROR$2, this._boundHandleError);
- return new Promise(resolve =>
- stream.once(STR_END$2, () => {
- if (this.fsw.closed) {
- stream = undefined;
- return;
- }
- const wasThrottled = throttler ? throttler.clear() : false;
- resolve();
- // Files that absent in current directory snapshot
- // but present in previous emit `remove` event
- // and are removed from @watched[directory].
- previous.getChildren().filter((item) => {
- return item !== directory &&
- !current.has(item) &&
- // in case of intersecting globs;
- // a path may have been filtered out of this readdir, but
- // shouldn't be removed because it matches a different glob
- (!wh.hasGlob || wh.filterPath({
- fullPath: sysPath$2.resolve(directory, item)
- }));
- }).forEach((item) => {
- this.fsw._remove(directory, item);
- });
- stream = undefined;
- // one more time for any missed in case changes came in extremely quickly
- if (wasThrottled) this._handleRead(directory, false, wh, target, dir, depth, throttler);
- })
- );
- * Read directory to add / remove files from `@watched` list and re-read it on change.
- * @param {String} dir fs path
- * @param {fs.Stats} stats
- * @param {Boolean} initialAdd
- * @param {Number} depth relative to user-supplied path
- * @param {String} target child path targeted for watch
- * @param {Object} wh Common watch helpers for this path
- * @param {String} realpath
- * @returns {Promise<Function>} closer for the watcher instance.
- */
-async _handleDir(dir, stats, initialAdd, depth, target, wh, realpath) {
- const parentDir = this.fsw._getWatchedDir(sysPath$2.dirname(dir));
- const tracked = parentDir.has(sysPath$2.basename(dir));
- if (!(initialAdd && this.fsw.options.ignoreInitial) && !target && !tracked) {
- if (!wh.hasGlob || wh.globFilter(dir)) this.fsw._emit(EV_ADD_DIR$2, dir, stats);
- }
- // ensure dir is tracked (harmless if redundant)
- parentDir.add(sysPath$2.basename(dir));
- this.fsw._getWatchedDir(dir);
- let throttler;
- let closer;
- const oDepth = this.fsw.options.depth;
- if ((oDepth == null || depth <= oDepth) && !this.fsw._symlinkPaths.has(realpath)) {
- if (!target) {
- await this._handleRead(dir, initialAdd, wh, target, dir, depth, throttler);
- if (this.fsw.closed) return;
- }
- closer = this._watchWithNodeFs(dir, (dirPath, stats) => {
- // if current directory is removed, do nothing
- if (stats && stats.mtimeMs === 0) return;
- this._handleRead(dirPath, false, wh, target, dir, depth, throttler);
- });
- }
- return closer;
- * Handle added file, directory, or glob pattern.
- * Delegates call to _handleFile / _handleDir after checks.
- * @param {String} path to file or ir
- * @param {Boolean} initialAdd was the file added at watch instantiation?
- * @param {Object} priorWh depth relative to user-supplied path
- * @param {Number} depth Child path actually targeted for watch
- * @param {String=} target Child path actually targeted for watch
- * @returns {Promise}
- */
-async _addToNodeFs(path, initialAdd, priorWh, depth, target) {
- const ready = this.fsw._emitReady;
- if (this.fsw._isIgnored(path) || this.fsw.closed) {
- ready();
- return false;
- }
- const wh = this.fsw._getWatchHelpers(path, depth);
- if (!wh.hasGlob && priorWh) {
- wh.hasGlob = priorWh.hasGlob;
- wh.globFilter = priorWh.globFilter;
- wh.filterPath = entry => priorWh.filterPath(entry);
- wh.filterDir = entry => priorWh.filterDir(entry);
- }
- // evaluate what is at the path we're being asked to watch
- try {
- const stats = await statMethods$1[wh.statMethod](wh.watchPath);
- if (this.fsw.closed) return;
- if (this.fsw._isIgnored(wh.watchPath, stats)) {
- ready();
- return false;
- }
- const follow = this.fsw.options.followSymlinks && !path.includes(STAR) && !path.includes(BRACE_START$1);
- let closer;
- if (stats.isDirectory()) {
- const absPath = sysPath$2.resolve(path);
- const targetPath = follow ? await fsrealpath(path) : path;
- if (this.fsw.closed) return;
- closer = await this._handleDir(wh.watchPath, stats, initialAdd, depth, target, wh, targetPath);
- if (this.fsw.closed) return;
- // preserve this symlink's target path
- if (absPath !== targetPath && targetPath !== undefined) {
- this.fsw._symlinkPaths.set(absPath, targetPath);
- }
- } else if (stats.isSymbolicLink()) {
- const targetPath = follow ? await fsrealpath(path) : path;
- if (this.fsw.closed) return;
- const parent = sysPath$2.dirname(wh.watchPath);
- this.fsw._getWatchedDir(parent).add(wh.watchPath);
- this.fsw._emit(EV_ADD$2, wh.watchPath, stats);
- closer = await this._handleDir(parent, stats, initialAdd, depth, path, wh, targetPath);
- if (this.fsw.closed) return;
- // preserve this symlink's target path
- if (targetPath !== undefined) {
- this.fsw._symlinkPaths.set(sysPath$2.resolve(path), targetPath);
- }
- } else {
- closer = this._handleFile(wh.watchPath, stats, initialAdd);
- }
- ready();
- this.fsw._addPathCloser(path, closer);
- return false;
- } catch (error) {
- if (this.fsw._handleError(error)) {
- ready();
- return path;
- }
- }
-var nodefsHandler = NodeFsHandler$1;
-var fseventsHandler = {exports: {}};
-const fs$1 = require$$0__default$3['default'];
-const sysPath$1 = require$$0__default$2['default'];
-const { promisify: promisify$1 } = require$$0__default['default'];
-let fsevents;
-try {
- fsevents = undefined;
-} catch (error) {
- if (process.env.CHOKIDAR_PRINT_FSEVENTS_REQUIRE_ERROR) console.error(error);
-if (fsevents) {
- // TODO: real check
- const mtch = process.version.match(/v(\d+)\.(\d+)/);
- if (mtch && mtch[1] && mtch[2]) {
- const maj = Number.parseInt(mtch[1], 10);
- const min = Number.parseInt(mtch[2], 10);
- if (maj === 8 && min < 16) {
- fsevents = undefined;
- }
- }
-const {
-} = constants$1;
-const Depth = (value) => isNaN(value) ? {} : {depth: value};
-const stat$1 = promisify$1(fs$1.stat);
-const lstat = promisify$1(fs$1.lstat);
-const realpath = promisify$1(fs$1.realpath);
-const statMethods = { stat: stat$1, lstat };
- * @typedef {String} Path
- */
- * @typedef {Object} FsEventsWatchContainer
- * @property {Set<Function>} listeners
- * @property {Function} rawEmitter
- * @property {{stop: Function}} watcher
- */
-// fsevents instance helper functions
- * Object to hold per-process fsevents instances (may be shared across chokidar FSWatcher instances)
- * @type {Map<Path,FsEventsWatchContainer>}
- */
-const FSEventsWatchers = new Map();
-// Threshold of duplicate path prefixes at which to start
-// consolidating going forward
-const consolidateThreshhold = 10;
-const wrongEventFlags = new Set([
- 69888, 70400, 71424, 72704, 73472, 131328, 131840, 262912
- * Instantiates the fsevents interface
- * @param {Path} path path to be watched
- * @param {Function} callback called when fsevents is bound and ready
- * @returns {{stop: Function}} new fsevents instance
- */
-const createFSEventsInstance = (path, callback) => {
- const stop =, callback);
- return {stop};
- * Instantiates the fsevents interface or binds listeners to an existing one covering
- * the same file tree.
- * @param {Path} path - to be watched
- * @param {Path} realPath - real path for symlinks
- * @param {Function} listener - called when fsevents emits events
- * @param {Function} rawEmitter - passes data to listeners of the 'raw' event
- * @returns {Function} closer
- */
-function setFSEventsListener(path, realPath, listener, rawEmitter) {
- let watchPath = sysPath$1.extname(realPath) ? sysPath$1.dirname(realPath) : realPath;
- const parentPath = sysPath$1.dirname(watchPath);
- let cont = FSEventsWatchers.get(watchPath);
- // If we've accumulated a substantial number of paths that
- // could have been consolidated by watching one directory
- // above the current one, create a watcher on the parent
- // path instead, so that we do consolidate going forward.
- if (couldConsolidate(parentPath)) {
- watchPath = parentPath;
- }
- const resolvedPath = sysPath$1.resolve(path);
- const hasSymlink = resolvedPath !== realPath;
- const filteredListener = (fullPath, flags, info) => {
- if (hasSymlink) fullPath = fullPath.replace(realPath, resolvedPath);
- if (
- fullPath === resolvedPath ||
- !fullPath.indexOf(resolvedPath + sysPath$1.sep)
- ) listener(fullPath, flags, info);
- };
- // check if there is already a watcher on a parent path
- // modifies `watchPath` to the parent path when it finds a match
- let watchedParent = false;
- for (const watchedPath of FSEventsWatchers.keys()) {
- if (realPath.indexOf(sysPath$1.resolve(watchedPath) + sysPath$1.sep) === 0) {
- watchPath = watchedPath;
- cont = FSEventsWatchers.get(watchPath);
- watchedParent = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (cont || watchedParent) {
- cont.listeners.add(filteredListener);
- } else {
- cont = {
- listeners: new Set([filteredListener]),
- rawEmitter,
- watcher: createFSEventsInstance(watchPath, (fullPath, flags) => {
- if (!cont.listeners.size) return;
- const info = fsevents.getInfo(fullPath, flags);
- cont.listeners.forEach(list => {
- list(fullPath, flags, info);
- });
- cont.rawEmitter(info.event, fullPath, info);
- })
- };
- FSEventsWatchers.set(watchPath, cont);
- }
- // removes this instance's listeners and closes the underlying fsevents
- // instance if there are no more listeners left
- return () => {
- const lst = cont.listeners;
- lst.delete(filteredListener);
- if (!lst.size) {
- FSEventsWatchers.delete(watchPath);
- if (cont.watcher) return cont.watcher.stop().then(() => {
- cont.rawEmitter = cont.watcher = undefined;
- Object.freeze(cont);
- });
- }
- };
-// Decide whether or not we should start a new higher-level
-// parent watcher
-const couldConsolidate = (path) => {
- let count = 0;
- for (const watchPath of FSEventsWatchers.keys()) {
- if (watchPath.indexOf(path) === 0) {
- count++;
- if (count >= consolidateThreshhold) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
-// returns boolean indicating whether fsevents can be used
-const canUse = () => fsevents && FSEventsWatchers.size < 128;
-// determines subdirectory traversal levels from root to path
-const calcDepth = (path, root) => {
- let i = 0;
- while (!path.indexOf(root) && (path = sysPath$1.dirname(path)) !== root) i++;
- return i;
-// returns boolean indicating whether the fsevents' event info has the same type
-// as the one returned by fs.stat
-const sameTypes = (info, stats) => (
- info.type === FSEVENT_TYPE_DIRECTORY && stats.isDirectory() ||
- info.type === FSEVENT_TYPE_SYMLINK && stats.isSymbolicLink() ||
- info.type === FSEVENT_TYPE_FILE && stats.isFile()
- * @mixin
- */
-class FsEventsHandler$1 {
- * @param {import('../index').FSWatcher} fsw
- */
-constructor(fsw) {
- this.fsw = fsw;
-checkIgnored(path, stats) {
- const ipaths = this.fsw._ignoredPaths;
- if (this.fsw._isIgnored(path, stats)) {
- ipaths.add(path);
- if (stats && stats.isDirectory()) {
- ipaths.add(path + ROOT_GLOBSTAR);
- }
- return true;
- }
- ipaths.delete(path);
- ipaths.delete(path + ROOT_GLOBSTAR);
-addOrChange(path, fullPath, realPath, parent, watchedDir, item, info, opts) {
- const event = watchedDir.has(item) ? EV_CHANGE$1 : EV_ADD$1;
- this.handleEvent(event, path, fullPath, realPath, parent, watchedDir, item, info, opts);
-async checkExists(path, fullPath, realPath, parent, watchedDir, item, info, opts) {
- try {
- const stats = await stat$1(path);
- if (this.fsw.closed) return;
- if (sameTypes(info, stats)) {
- this.addOrChange(path, fullPath, realPath, parent, watchedDir, item, info, opts);
- } else {
- this.handleEvent(EV_UNLINK$1, path, fullPath, realPath, parent, watchedDir, item, info, opts);
- }
- } catch (error) {
- if (error.code === 'EACCES') {
- this.addOrChange(path, fullPath, realPath, parent, watchedDir, item, info, opts);
- } else {
- this.handleEvent(EV_UNLINK$1, path, fullPath, realPath, parent, watchedDir, item, info, opts);
- }
- }
-handleEvent(event, path, fullPath, realPath, parent, watchedDir, item, info, opts) {
- if (this.fsw.closed || this.checkIgnored(path)) return;
- if (event === EV_UNLINK$1) {
- const isDirectory = info.type === FSEVENT_TYPE_DIRECTORY;
- // suppress unlink events on never before seen files
- if (isDirectory || watchedDir.has(item)) {
- this.fsw._remove(parent, item, isDirectory);
- }
- } else {
- if (event === EV_ADD$1) {
- // track new directories
- if (info.type === FSEVENT_TYPE_DIRECTORY) this.fsw._getWatchedDir(path);
- if (info.type === FSEVENT_TYPE_SYMLINK && opts.followSymlinks) {
- // push symlinks back to the top of the stack to get handled
- const curDepth = opts.depth === undefined ?
- undefined : calcDepth(fullPath, realPath) + 1;
- return this._addToFsEvents(path, false, true, curDepth);
- }
- // track new paths
- // (other than symlinks being followed, which will be tracked soon)
- this.fsw._getWatchedDir(parent).add(item);
- }
- /**
- * @type {'add'|'addDir'|'unlink'|'unlinkDir'}
- */
- const eventName = info.type === FSEVENT_TYPE_DIRECTORY ? event + DIR_SUFFIX : event;
- this.fsw._emit(eventName, path);
- if (eventName === EV_ADD_DIR$1) this._addToFsEvents(path, false, true);
- }
- * Handle symlinks encountered during directory scan
- * @param {String} watchPath - file/dir path to be watched with fsevents
- * @param {String} realPath - real path (in case of symlinks)
- * @param {Function} transform - path transformer
- * @param {Function} globFilter - path filter in case a glob pattern was provided
- * @returns {Function} closer for the watcher instance
-_watchWithFsEvents(watchPath, realPath, transform, globFilter) {
- if (this.fsw.closed || this.fsw._isIgnored(watchPath)) return;
- const opts = this.fsw.options;
- const watchCallback = async (fullPath, flags, info) => {
- if (this.fsw.closed) return;
- if (
- opts.depth !== undefined &&
- calcDepth(fullPath, realPath) > opts.depth
- ) return;
- const path = transform(sysPath$1.join(
- watchPath, sysPath$1.relative(watchPath, fullPath)
- ));
- if (globFilter && !globFilter(path)) return;
- // ensure directories are tracked
- const parent = sysPath$1.dirname(path);
- const item = sysPath$1.basename(path);
- const watchedDir = this.fsw._getWatchedDir(
- info.type === FSEVENT_TYPE_DIRECTORY ? path : parent
- );
- // correct for wrong events emitted
- if (wrongEventFlags.has(flags) || info.event === FSEVENT_UNKNOWN) {
- if (typeof opts.ignored === FUNCTION_TYPE$1) {
- let stats;
- try {
- stats = await stat$1(path);
- } catch (error) {}
- if (this.fsw.closed) return;
- if (this.checkIgnored(path, stats)) return;
- if (sameTypes(info, stats)) {
- this.addOrChange(path, fullPath, realPath, parent, watchedDir, item, info, opts);
- } else {
- this.handleEvent(EV_UNLINK$1, path, fullPath, realPath, parent, watchedDir, item, info, opts);
- }
- } else {
- this.checkExists(path, fullPath, realPath, parent, watchedDir, item, info, opts);
- }
- } else {
- switch (info.event) {
- return this.addOrChange(path, fullPath, realPath, parent, watchedDir, item, info, opts);
- return this.checkExists(path, fullPath, realPath, parent, watchedDir, item, info, opts);
- }
- }
- };
- const closer = setFSEventsListener(
- watchPath,
- realPath,
- watchCallback,
- this.fsw._emitRaw
- );
- this.fsw._emitReady();
- return closer;
- * Handle symlinks encountered during directory scan
- * @param {String} linkPath path to symlink
- * @param {String} fullPath absolute path to the symlink
- * @param {Function} transform pre-existing path transformer
- * @param {Number} curDepth level of subdirectories traversed to where symlink is
- * @returns {Promise<void>}
- */
-async _handleFsEventsSymlink(linkPath, fullPath, transform, curDepth) {
- // don't follow the same symlink more than once
- if (this.fsw.closed || this.fsw._symlinkPaths.has(fullPath)) return;
- this.fsw._symlinkPaths.set(fullPath, true);
- this.fsw._incrReadyCount();
- try {
- const linkTarget = await realpath(linkPath);
- if (this.fsw.closed) return;
- if (this.fsw._isIgnored(linkTarget)) {
- return this.fsw._emitReady();
- }
- this.fsw._incrReadyCount();
- // add the linkTarget for watching with a wrapper for transform
- // that causes emitted paths to incorporate the link's path
- this._addToFsEvents(linkTarget || linkPath, (path) => {
- let aliasedPath = linkPath;
- if (linkTarget && linkTarget !== DOT_SLASH) {
- aliasedPath = path.replace(linkTarget, linkPath);
- } else if (path !== DOT_SLASH) {
- aliasedPath = sysPath$1.join(linkPath, path);
- }
- return transform(aliasedPath);
- }, false, curDepth);
- } catch(error) {
- if (this.fsw._handleError(error)) {
- return this.fsw._emitReady();
- }
- }
- *
- * @param {Path} newPath
- * @param {fs.Stats} stats
- */
-emitAdd(newPath, stats, processPath, opts, forceAdd) {
- const pp = processPath(newPath);
- const isDir = stats.isDirectory();
- const dirObj = this.fsw._getWatchedDir(sysPath$1.dirname(pp));
- const base = sysPath$1.basename(pp);
- // ensure empty dirs get tracked
- if (isDir) this.fsw._getWatchedDir(pp);
- if (dirObj.has(base)) return;
- dirObj.add(base);
- if (!opts.ignoreInitial || forceAdd === true) {
- this.fsw._emit(isDir ? EV_ADD_DIR$1 : EV_ADD$1, pp, stats);
- }
-initWatch(realPath, path, wh, processPath) {
- if (this.fsw.closed) return;
- const closer = this._watchWithFsEvents(
- wh.watchPath,
- sysPath$1.resolve(realPath || wh.watchPath),
- processPath,
- wh.globFilter
- );
- this.fsw._addPathCloser(path, closer);
- * Handle added path with fsevents
- * @param {String} path file/dir path or glob pattern
- * @param {Function|Boolean=} transform converts working path to what the user expects
- * @param {Boolean=} forceAdd ensure add is emitted
- * @param {Number=} priorDepth Level of subdirectories already traversed.
- * @returns {Promise<void>}
- */
-async _addToFsEvents(path, transform, forceAdd, priorDepth) {
- if (this.fsw.closed) {
- return;
- }
- const opts = this.fsw.options;
- const processPath = typeof transform === FUNCTION_TYPE$1 ? transform : IDENTITY_FN;
- const wh = this.fsw._getWatchHelpers(path);
- // evaluate what is at the path we're being asked to watch
- try {
- const stats = await statMethods[wh.statMethod](wh.watchPath);
- if (this.fsw.closed) return;
- if (this.fsw._isIgnored(wh.watchPath, stats)) {
- throw null;
- }
- if (stats.isDirectory()) {
- // emit addDir unless this is a glob parent
- if (!wh.globFilter) this.emitAdd(processPath(path), stats, processPath, opts, forceAdd);
- // don't recurse further if it would exceed depth setting
- if (priorDepth && priorDepth > opts.depth) return;
- // scan the contents of the dir
- this.fsw._readdirp(wh.watchPath, {
- fileFilter: entry => wh.filterPath(entry),
- directoryFilter: entry => wh.filterDir(entry),
- ...Depth(opts.depth - (priorDepth || 0))
- }).on(STR_DATA, (entry) => {
- // need to check filterPath on dirs b/c filterDir is less restrictive
- if (this.fsw.closed) {
- return;
- }
- if (entry.stats.isDirectory() && !wh.filterPath(entry)) return;
- const joinedPath = sysPath$1.join(wh.watchPath, entry.path);
- const {fullPath} = entry;
- if (wh.followSymlinks && entry.stats.isSymbolicLink()) {
- // preserve the current depth here since it can't be derived from
- // real paths past the symlink
- const curDepth = opts.depth === undefined ?
- undefined : calcDepth(joinedPath, sysPath$1.resolve(wh.watchPath)) + 1;
- this._handleFsEventsSymlink(joinedPath, fullPath, processPath, curDepth);
- } else {
- this.emitAdd(joinedPath, entry.stats, processPath, opts, forceAdd);
- }
- }).on(EV_ERROR$1, EMPTY_FN$1).on(STR_END$1, () => {
- this.fsw._emitReady();
- });
- } else {
- this.emitAdd(wh.watchPath, stats, processPath, opts, forceAdd);
- this.fsw._emitReady();
- }
- } catch (error) {
- if (!error || this.fsw._handleError(error)) {
- // TODO: Strange thing: "should not choke on an ignored watch path" will be failed without 2 ready calls -__-
- this.fsw._emitReady();
- this.fsw._emitReady();
- }
- }
- if (opts.persistent && forceAdd !== true) {
- if (typeof transform === FUNCTION_TYPE$1) {
- // realpath has already been resolved
- this.initWatch(undefined, path, wh, processPath);
- } else {
- let realPath;
- try {
- realPath = await realpath(wh.watchPath);
- } catch (e) {}
- this.initWatch(realPath, path, wh, processPath);
- }
- }
-fseventsHandler.exports = FsEventsHandler$1;
-fseventsHandler.exports.canUse = canUse;
-const { EventEmitter } = require$$0__default$4['default'];
-const fs = require$$0__default$3['default'];
-const sysPath = require$$0__default$2['default'];
-const { promisify } = require$$0__default['default'];
-const readdirp = readdirp_1;
-const anymatch = anymatch$2.exports.default;
-const globParent = globParent$1;
-const isGlob = isGlob$2;
-const braces = braces_1;
-const normalizePath = normalizePath$2;
-const NodeFsHandler = nodefsHandler;
-const FsEventsHandler = fseventsHandler.exports;
-const {
- isWindows,
- isMacos,
- isIBMi
-} = constants$1;
-const stat = promisify(fs.stat);
-const readdir = promisify(fs.readdir);
- * @typedef {String} Path
- * @typedef {'all'|'add'|'addDir'|'change'|'unlink'|'unlinkDir'|'raw'|'error'|'ready'} EventName
- * @typedef {'readdir'|'watch'|'add'|'remove'|'change'} ThrottleType
- */
- *
- * @typedef {Object} WatchHelpers
- * @property {Boolean} followSymlinks
- * @property {'stat'|'lstat'} statMethod
- * @property {Path} path
- * @property {Path} watchPath
- * @property {Function} entryPath
- * @property {Boolean} hasGlob
- * @property {Object} globFilter
- * @property {Function} filterPath
- * @property {Function} filterDir
- */
-const arrify = (value = []) => Array.isArray(value) ? value : [value];
-const flatten$1 = (list, result = []) => {
- list.forEach(item => {
- if (Array.isArray(item)) {
- flatten$1(item, result);
- } else {
- result.push(item);
- }
- });
- return result;
-const unifyPaths = (paths_) => {
- /**
- * @type {Array<String>}
- */
- const paths = flatten$1(arrify(paths_));
- if (!paths.every(p => typeof p === STRING_TYPE)) {
- throw new TypeError(`Non-string provided as watch path: ${paths}`);
- }
- return;
-// If SLASH_SLASH occurs at the beginning of path, it is not replaced
-// because "//StoragePC/DrivePool/Movies" is a valid network path
-const toUnix = (string) => {
- let str = string.replace(BACK_SLASH_RE, SLASH);
- let prepend = false;
- if (str.startsWith(SLASH_SLASH)) {
- prepend = true;
- }
- while (str.match(DOUBLE_SLASH_RE)) {
- str = str.replace(DOUBLE_SLASH_RE, SLASH);
- }
- if (prepend) {
- str = SLASH + str;
- }
- return str;
-// Our version of upath.normalize
-// TODO: this is not equal to path-normalize module - investigate why
-const normalizePathToUnix = (path) => toUnix(sysPath.normalize(toUnix(path)));
-const normalizeIgnored = (cwd = EMPTY_STR) => (path) => {
- if (typeof path !== STRING_TYPE) return path;
- return normalizePathToUnix(sysPath.isAbsolute(path) ? path : sysPath.join(cwd, path));
-const getAbsolutePath = (path, cwd) => {
- if (sysPath.isAbsolute(path)) {
- return path;
- }
- if (path.startsWith(BANG)) {
- return BANG + sysPath.join(cwd, path.slice(1));
- }
- return sysPath.join(cwd, path);
-const undef = (opts, key) => opts[key] === undefined;
- * Directory entry.
- * @property {Path} path
- * @property {Set<Path>} items
- */
-class DirEntry {
- /**
- * @param {Path} dir
- * @param {Function} removeWatcher
- */
- constructor(dir, removeWatcher) {
- this.path = dir;
- this._removeWatcher = removeWatcher;
- /** @type {Set<Path>} */
- this.items = new Set();
- }
- add(item) {
- const {items} = this;
- if (!items) return;
- if (item !== ONE_DOT && item !== TWO_DOTS) items.add(item);
- }
- async remove(item) {
- const {items} = this;
- if (!items) return;
- items.delete(item);
- if (items.size > 0) return;
- const dir = this.path;
- try {
- await readdir(dir);
- } catch (err) {
- if (this._removeWatcher) {
- this._removeWatcher(sysPath.dirname(dir), sysPath.basename(dir));
- }
- }
- }
- has(item) {
- const {items} = this;
- if (!items) return;
- return items.has(item);
- }
- /**
- * @returns {Array<String>}
- */
- getChildren() {
- const {items} = this;
- if (!items) return;
- return [...items.values()];
- }
- dispose() {
- this.items.clear();
- delete this.path;
- delete this._removeWatcher;
- delete this.items;
- Object.freeze(this);
- }
-const STAT_METHOD_F = 'stat';
-const STAT_METHOD_L = 'lstat';
-class WatchHelper {
- constructor(path, watchPath, follow, fsw) {
- this.fsw = fsw;
- this.path = path = path.replace(REPLACER_RE, EMPTY_STR);
- this.watchPath = watchPath;
- this.fullWatchPath = sysPath.resolve(watchPath);
- this.hasGlob = watchPath !== path;
- /** @type {object|boolean} */
- if (path === EMPTY_STR) this.hasGlob = false;
- this.globSymlink = this.hasGlob && follow ? undefined : false;
- this.globFilter = this.hasGlob ? anymatch(path, undefined, ANYMATCH_OPTS) : false;
- this.dirParts = this.getDirParts(path);
- this.dirParts.forEach((parts) => {
- if (parts.length > 1) parts.pop();
- });
- this.followSymlinks = follow;
- this.statMethod = follow ? STAT_METHOD_F : STAT_METHOD_L;
- }
- checkGlobSymlink(entry) {
- // only need to resolve once
- // first entry should always have entry.parentDir === EMPTY_STR
- if (this.globSymlink === undefined) {
- this.globSymlink = entry.fullParentDir === this.fullWatchPath ?
- false : {realPath: entry.fullParentDir, linkPath: this.fullWatchPath};
- }
- if (this.globSymlink) {
- return entry.fullPath.replace(this.globSymlink.realPath, this.globSymlink.linkPath);
- }
- return entry.fullPath;
- }
- entryPath(entry) {
- return sysPath.join(this.watchPath,
- sysPath.relative(this.watchPath, this.checkGlobSymlink(entry))
- );
- }
- filterPath(entry) {
- const {stats} = entry;
- if (stats && stats.isSymbolicLink()) return this.filterDir(entry);
- const resolvedPath = this.entryPath(entry);
- const matchesGlob = this.hasGlob && typeof this.globFilter === FUNCTION_TYPE ?
- this.globFilter(resolvedPath) : true;
- return matchesGlob &&
- this.fsw._isntIgnored(resolvedPath, stats) &&
- this.fsw._hasReadPermissions(stats);
- }
- getDirParts(path) {
- if (!this.hasGlob) return [];
- const parts = [];
- const expandedPath = path.includes(BRACE_START) ? braces.expand(path) : [path];
- expandedPath.forEach((path) => {
- parts.push(sysPath.relative(this.watchPath, path).split(SLASH_OR_BACK_SLASH_RE));
- });
- return parts;
- }
- filterDir(entry) {
- if (this.hasGlob) {
- const entryParts = this.getDirParts(this.checkGlobSymlink(entry));
- let globstar = false;
- this.unmatchedGlob = !this.dirParts.some((parts) => {
- return parts.every((part, i) => {
- if (part === GLOBSTAR) globstar = true;
- return globstar || !entryParts[0][i] || anymatch(part, entryParts[0][i], ANYMATCH_OPTS);
- });
- });
- }
- return !this.unmatchedGlob && this.fsw._isntIgnored(this.entryPath(entry), entry.stats);
- }
- * Watches files & directories for changes. Emitted events:
- * `add`, `addDir`, `change`, `unlink`, `unlinkDir`, `all`, `error`
- *
- * new FSWatcher()
- * .add(directories)
- * .on('add', path => log('File', path, 'was added'))
- */
-class FSWatcher extends EventEmitter {
-// Not indenting methods for history sake; for now.
-constructor(_opts) {
- super();
- const opts = {};
- if (_opts) Object.assign(opts, _opts); // for frozen objects
- /** @type {Map<String, DirEntry>} */
- this._watched = new Map();
- /** @type {Map<String, Array>} */
- this._closers = new Map();
- /** @type {Set<String>} */
- this._ignoredPaths = new Set();
- /** @type {Map<ThrottleType, Map>} */
- this._throttled = new Map();
- /** @type {Map<Path, String|Boolean>} */
- this._symlinkPaths = new Map();
- this._streams = new Set();
- this.closed = false;
- // Set up default options.
- if (undef(opts, 'persistent')) opts.persistent = true;
- if (undef(opts, 'ignoreInitial')) opts.ignoreInitial = false;
- if (undef(opts, 'ignorePermissionErrors')) opts.ignorePermissionErrors = false;
- if (undef(opts, 'interval')) opts.interval = 100;
- if (undef(opts, 'binaryInterval')) opts.binaryInterval = 300;
- if (undef(opts, 'disableGlobbing')) opts.disableGlobbing = false;
- opts.enableBinaryInterval = opts.binaryInterval !== opts.interval;
- // Enable fsevents on OS X when polling isn't explicitly enabled.
- if (undef(opts, 'useFsEvents')) opts.useFsEvents = !opts.usePolling;
- // If we can't use fsevents, ensure the options reflect it's disabled.
- const canUseFsEvents = FsEventsHandler.canUse();
- if (!canUseFsEvents) opts.useFsEvents = false;
- // Use polling on Mac if not using fsevents.
- // Other platforms use non-polling fs_watch.
- if (undef(opts, 'usePolling') && !opts.useFsEvents) {
- opts.usePolling = isMacos;
- }
- // Always default to polling on IBM i because is not available on IBM i.
- if(isIBMi) {
- opts.usePolling = true;
- }
- // Global override (useful for end-developers that need to force polling for all
- // instances of chokidar, regardless of usage/dependency depth)
- const envPoll = process.env.CHOKIDAR_USEPOLLING;
- if (envPoll !== undefined) {
- const envLower = envPoll.toLowerCase();
- if (envLower === 'false' || envLower === '0') {
- opts.usePolling = false;
- } else if (envLower === 'true' || envLower === '1') {
- opts.usePolling = true;
- } else {
- opts.usePolling = !!envLower;
- }
- }
- const envInterval = process.env.CHOKIDAR_INTERVAL;
- if (envInterval) {
- opts.interval = Number.parseInt(envInterval, 10);
- }
- // Editor atomic write normalization enabled by default with
- if (undef(opts, 'atomic')) opts.atomic = !opts.usePolling && !opts.useFsEvents;
- if (opts.atomic) this._pendingUnlinks = new Map();
- if (undef(opts, 'followSymlinks')) opts.followSymlinks = true;
- if (undef(opts, 'awaitWriteFinish')) opts.awaitWriteFinish = false;
- if (opts.awaitWriteFinish === true) opts.awaitWriteFinish = {};
- const awf = opts.awaitWriteFinish;
- if (awf) {
- if (!awf.stabilityThreshold) awf.stabilityThreshold = 2000;
- if (!awf.pollInterval) awf.pollInterval = 100;
- this._pendingWrites = new Map();
- }
- if (opts.ignored) opts.ignored = arrify(opts.ignored);
- let readyCalls = 0;
- this._emitReady = () => {
- readyCalls++;
- if (readyCalls >= this._readyCount) {
- this._emitReady = EMPTY_FN;
- this._readyEmitted = true;
- // use process.nextTick to allow time for listener to be bound
- process.nextTick(() => this.emit(EV_READY));
- }
- };
- this._emitRaw = (...args) => this.emit(EV_RAW, ...args);
- this._readyEmitted = false;
- this.options = opts;
- // Initialize with proper watcher.
- if (opts.useFsEvents) {
- this._fsEventsHandler = new FsEventsHandler(this);
- } else {
- this._nodeFsHandler = new NodeFsHandler(this);
- }
- // You’re frozen when your heart’s not open.
- Object.freeze(opts);
-// Public methods
- * Adds paths to be watched on an existing FSWatcher instance
- * @param {Path|Array<Path>} paths_
- * @param {String=} _origAdd private; for handling non-existent paths to be watched
- * @param {Boolean=} _internal private; indicates a non-user add
- * @returns {FSWatcher} for chaining
- */
-add(paths_, _origAdd, _internal) {
- const {cwd, disableGlobbing} = this.options;
- this.closed = false;
- let paths = unifyPaths(paths_);
- if (cwd) {
- paths = => {
- const absPath = getAbsolutePath(path, cwd);
- // Check `path` instead of `absPath` because the cwd portion can't be a glob
- if (disableGlobbing || !isGlob(path)) {
- return absPath;
- }
- return normalizePath(absPath);
- });
- }
- // set aside negated glob strings
- paths = paths.filter((path) => {
- if (path.startsWith(BANG)) {
- this._ignoredPaths.add(path.slice(1));
- return false;
- }
- // if a path is being added that was previously ignored, stop ignoring it
- this._ignoredPaths.delete(path);
- this._ignoredPaths.delete(path + SLASH_GLOBSTAR);
- // reset the cached userIgnored anymatch fn
- // to make ignoredPaths changes effective
- this._userIgnored = undefined;
- return true;
- });
- if (this.options.useFsEvents && this._fsEventsHandler) {
- if (!this._readyCount) this._readyCount = paths.length;
- if (this.options.persistent) this._readyCount *= 2;
- paths.forEach((path) => this._fsEventsHandler._addToFsEvents(path));
- } else {
- if (!this._readyCount) this._readyCount = 0;
- this._readyCount += paths.length;
- Promise.all(
- path => {
- const res = await this._nodeFsHandler._addToNodeFs(path, !_internal, 0, 0, _origAdd);
- if (res) this._emitReady();
- return res;
- })
- ).then(results => {
- if (this.closed) return;
- results.filter(item => item).forEach(item => {
- this.add(sysPath.dirname(item), sysPath.basename(_origAdd || item));
- });
- });
- }
- return this;
- * Close watchers or start ignoring events from specified paths.
- * @param {Path|Array<Path>} paths_ - string or array of strings, file/directory paths and/or globs
- * @returns {FSWatcher} for chaining
-unwatch(paths_) {
- if (this.closed) return this;
- const paths = unifyPaths(paths_);
- const {cwd} = this.options;
- paths.forEach((path) => {
- // convert to absolute path unless relative path already matches
- if (!sysPath.isAbsolute(path) && !this._closers.has(path)) {
- if (cwd) path = sysPath.join(cwd, path);
- path = sysPath.resolve(path);
- }
- this._closePath(path);
- this._ignoredPaths.add(path);
- if (this._watched.has(path)) {
- this._ignoredPaths.add(path + SLASH_GLOBSTAR);
- }
- // reset the cached userIgnored anymatch fn
- // to make ignoredPaths changes effective
- this._userIgnored = undefined;
- });
- return this;
- * Close watchers and remove all listeners from watched paths.
- * @returns {Promise<void>}.
-close() {
- if (this.closed) return this._closePromise;
- this.closed = true;
- // Memory management.
- this.removeAllListeners();
- const closers = [];
- this._closers.forEach(closerList => closerList.forEach(closer => {
- const promise = closer();
- if (promise instanceof Promise) closers.push(promise);
- }));
- this._streams.forEach(stream => stream.destroy());
- this._userIgnored = undefined;
- this._readyCount = 0;
- this._readyEmitted = false;
- this._watched.forEach(dirent => dirent.dispose());
- ['closers', 'watched', 'streams', 'symlinkPaths', 'throttled'].forEach(key => {
- this[`_${key}`].clear();
- });
- this._closePromise = closers.length ? Promise.all(closers).then(() => undefined) : Promise.resolve();
- return this._closePromise;
- * Expose list of watched paths
- * @returns {Object} for chaining
-getWatched() {
- const watchList = {};
- this._watched.forEach((entry, dir) => {
- const key = this.options.cwd ? sysPath.relative(this.options.cwd, dir) : dir;
- watchList[key || ONE_DOT] = entry.getChildren().sort();
- });
- return watchList;
-emitWithAll(event, args) {
- this.emit(...args);
- if (event !== EV_ERROR) this.emit(EV_ALL, ...args);
-// Common helpers
-// --------------
- * Normalize and emit events.
- * Calling _emit DOES NOT MEAN emit() would be called!
- * @param {EventName} event Type of event
- * @param {Path} path File or directory path
- * @param {*=} val1 arguments to be passed with event
- * @param {*=} val2
- * @param {*=} val3
- * @returns the error if defined, otherwise the value of the FSWatcher instance's `closed` flag
- */
-async _emit(event, path, val1, val2, val3) {
- if (this.closed) return;
- const opts = this.options;
- if (isWindows) path = sysPath.normalize(path);
- if (opts.cwd) path = sysPath.relative(opts.cwd, path);
- /** @type Array<any> */
- const args = [event, path];
- if (val3 !== undefined) args.push(val1, val2, val3);
- else if (val2 !== undefined) args.push(val1, val2);
- else if (val1 !== undefined) args.push(val1);
- const awf = opts.awaitWriteFinish;
- let pw;
- if (awf && (pw = this._pendingWrites.get(path))) {
- pw.lastChange = new Date();
- return this;
- }
- if (opts.atomic) {
- if (event === EV_UNLINK) {
- this._pendingUnlinks.set(path, args);
- setTimeout(() => {
- this._pendingUnlinks.forEach((entry, path) => {
- this.emit(...entry);
- this.emit(EV_ALL, ...entry);
- this._pendingUnlinks.delete(path);
- });
- }, typeof opts.atomic === 'number' ? opts.atomic : 100);
- return this;
- }
- if (event === EV_ADD && this._pendingUnlinks.has(path)) {
- event = args[0] = EV_CHANGE;
- this._pendingUnlinks.delete(path);
- }
- }
- if (awf && (event === EV_ADD || event === EV_CHANGE) && this._readyEmitted) {
- const awfEmit = (err, stats) => {
- if (err) {
- event = args[0] = EV_ERROR;
- args[1] = err;
- this.emitWithAll(event, args);
- } else if (stats) {
- // if stats doesn't exist the file must have been deleted
- if (args.length > 2) {
- args[2] = stats;
- } else {
- args.push(stats);
- }
- this.emitWithAll(event, args);
- }
- };
- this._awaitWriteFinish(path, awf.stabilityThreshold, event, awfEmit);
- return this;
- }
- if (event === EV_CHANGE) {
- const isThrottled = !this._throttle(EV_CHANGE, path, 50);
- if (isThrottled) return this;
- }
- if (opts.alwaysStat && val1 === undefined &&
- (event === EV_ADD || event === EV_ADD_DIR || event === EV_CHANGE)
- ) {
- const fullPath = opts.cwd ? sysPath.join(opts.cwd, path) : path;
- let stats;
- try {
- stats = await stat(fullPath);
- } catch (err) {}
- // Suppress event when fs_stat fails, to avoid sending undefined 'stat'
- if (!stats || this.closed) return;
- args.push(stats);
- }
- this.emitWithAll(event, args);
- return this;
- * Common handler for errors
- * @param {Error} error
- * @returns {Error|Boolean} The error if defined, otherwise the value of the FSWatcher instance's `closed` flag
- */
-_handleError(error) {
- const code = error && error.code;
- if (error && code !== 'ENOENT' && code !== 'ENOTDIR' &&
- (!this.options.ignorePermissionErrors || (code !== 'EPERM' && code !== 'EACCES'))
- ) {
- this.emit(EV_ERROR, error);
- }
- return error || this.closed;
- * Helper utility for throttling
- * @param {ThrottleType} actionType type being throttled
- * @param {Path} path being acted upon
- * @param {Number} timeout duration of time to suppress duplicate actions
- * @returns {Object|false} tracking object or false if action should be suppressed
- */
-_throttle(actionType, path, timeout) {
- if (!this._throttled.has(actionType)) {
- this._throttled.set(actionType, new Map());
- }
- /** @type {Map<Path, Object>} */
- const action = this._throttled.get(actionType);
- /** @type {Object} */
- const actionPath = action.get(path);
- if (actionPath) {
- actionPath.count++;
- return false;
- }
- let timeoutObject;
- const clear = () => {
- const item = action.get(path);
- const count = item ? item.count : 0;
- action.delete(path);
- clearTimeout(timeoutObject);
- if (item) clearTimeout(item.timeoutObject);
- return count;
- };
- timeoutObject = setTimeout(clear, timeout);
- const thr = {timeoutObject, clear, count: 0};
- action.set(path, thr);
- return thr;
-_incrReadyCount() {
- return this._readyCount++;
- * Awaits write operation to finish.
- * Polls a newly created file for size variations. When files size does not change for 'threshold' milliseconds calls callback.
- * @param {Path} path being acted upon
- * @param {Number} threshold Time in milliseconds a file size must be fixed before acknowledging write OP is finished
- * @param {EventName} event
- * @param {Function} awfEmit Callback to be called when ready for event to be emitted.
- */
-_awaitWriteFinish(path, threshold, event, awfEmit) {
- let timeoutHandler;
- let fullPath = path;
- if (this.options.cwd && !sysPath.isAbsolute(path)) {
- fullPath = sysPath.join(this.options.cwd, path);
- }
- const now = new Date();
- const awaitWriteFinish = (prevStat) => {
- fs.stat(fullPath, (err, curStat) => {
- if (err || !this._pendingWrites.has(path)) {
- if (err && err.code !== 'ENOENT') awfEmit(err);
- return;
- }
- const now = Number(new Date());
- if (prevStat && curStat.size !== prevStat.size) {
- this._pendingWrites.get(path).lastChange = now;
- }
- const pw = this._pendingWrites.get(path);
- const df = now - pw.lastChange;
- if (df >= threshold) {
- this._pendingWrites.delete(path);
- awfEmit(undefined, curStat);
- } else {
- timeoutHandler = setTimeout(
- awaitWriteFinish,
- this.options.awaitWriteFinish.pollInterval,
- curStat
- );
- }
- });
- };
- if (!this._pendingWrites.has(path)) {
- this._pendingWrites.set(path, {
- lastChange: now,
- cancelWait: () => {
- this._pendingWrites.delete(path);
- clearTimeout(timeoutHandler);
- return event;
- }
- });
- timeoutHandler = setTimeout(
- awaitWriteFinish,
- this.options.awaitWriteFinish.pollInterval
- );
- }
-_getGlobIgnored() {
- return [...this._ignoredPaths.values()];
- * Determines whether user has asked to ignore this path.
- * @param {Path} path filepath or dir
- * @param {fs.Stats=} stats result of fs.stat
- * @returns {Boolean}
- */
-_isIgnored(path, stats) {
- if (this.options.atomic && DOT_RE.test(path)) return true;
- if (!this._userIgnored) {
- const {cwd} = this.options;
- const ign = this.options.ignored;
- const ignored = ign &&;
- const paths = arrify(ignored)
- .filter((path) => typeof path === STRING_TYPE && !isGlob(path))
- .map((path) => path + SLASH_GLOBSTAR);
- const list = this._getGlobIgnored().map(normalizeIgnored(cwd)).concat(ignored, paths);
- this._userIgnored = anymatch(list, undefined, ANYMATCH_OPTS);
- }
- return this._userIgnored([path, stats]);
-_isntIgnored(path, stat) {
- return !this._isIgnored(path, stat);
- * Provides a set of common helpers and properties relating to symlink and glob handling.
- * @param {Path} path file, directory, or glob pattern being watched
- * @param {Number=} depth at any depth > 0, this isn't a glob
- * @returns {WatchHelper} object containing helpers for this path
- */
-_getWatchHelpers(path, depth) {
- const watchPath = depth || this.options.disableGlobbing || !isGlob(path) ? path : globParent(path);
- const follow = this.options.followSymlinks;
- return new WatchHelper(path, watchPath, follow, this);
-// Directory helpers
-// -----------------
- * Provides directory tracking objects
- * @param {String} directory path of the directory
- * @returns {DirEntry} the directory's tracking object
- */
-_getWatchedDir(directory) {
- if (!this._boundRemove) this._boundRemove = this._remove.bind(this);
- const dir = sysPath.resolve(directory);
- if (!this._watched.has(dir)) this._watched.set(dir, new DirEntry(dir, this._boundRemove));
- return this._watched.get(dir);
-// File helpers
-// ------------
- * Check for read permissions.
- * Based on this answer on SO:
- * @param {fs.Stats} stats - object, result of fs_stat
- * @returns {Boolean} indicates whether the file can be read
-_hasReadPermissions(stats) {
- if (this.options.ignorePermissionErrors) return true;
- // stats.mode may be bigint
- const md = stats && Number.parseInt(stats.mode, 10);
- const st = md & 0o777;
- const it = Number.parseInt(st.toString(8)[0], 10);
- return Boolean(4 & it);
- * Handles emitting unlink events for
- * files and directories, and via recursion, for
- * files and directories within directories that are unlinked
- * @param {String} directory within which the following item is located
- * @param {String} item base path of item/directory
- * @returns {void}
-_remove(directory, item, isDirectory) {
- // if what is being deleted is a directory, get that directory's paths
- // for recursive deleting and cleaning of watched object
- // if it is not a directory, nestedDirectoryChildren will be empty array
- const path = sysPath.join(directory, item);
- const fullPath = sysPath.resolve(path);
- isDirectory = isDirectory != null
- ? isDirectory
- : this._watched.has(path) || this._watched.has(fullPath);
- // prevent duplicate handling in case of arriving here nearly simultaneously
- // via multiple paths (such as _handleFile and _handleDir)
- if (!this._throttle('remove', path, 100)) return;
- // if the only watched file is removed, watch for its return
- if (!isDirectory && !this.options.useFsEvents && this._watched.size === 1) {
- this.add(directory, item, true);
- }
- // This will create a new entry in the watched object in either case
- // so we got to do the directory check beforehand
- const wp = this._getWatchedDir(path);
- const nestedDirectoryChildren = wp.getChildren();
- // Recursively remove children directories / files.
- nestedDirectoryChildren.forEach(nested => this._remove(path, nested));
- // Check if item was on the watched list and remove it
- const parent = this._getWatchedDir(directory);
- const wasTracked = parent.has(item);
- parent.remove(item);
- // Fixes issue #1042 -> Relative paths were detected and added as symlinks
- // (,
- // but never removed from the map in case the path was deleted.
- // This leads to an incorrect state if the path was recreated:
- //
- if (this._symlinkPaths.has(fullPath)) {
- this._symlinkPaths.delete(fullPath);
- }
- // If we wait for this file to be fully written, cancel the wait.
- let relPath = path;
- if (this.options.cwd) relPath = sysPath.relative(this.options.cwd, path);
- if (this.options.awaitWriteFinish && this._pendingWrites.has(relPath)) {
- const event = this._pendingWrites.get(relPath).cancelWait();
- if (event === EV_ADD) return;
- }
- // The Entry will either be a directory that just got removed
- // or a bogus entry to a file, in either case we have to remove it
- this._watched.delete(path);
- this._watched.delete(fullPath);
- const eventName = isDirectory ? EV_UNLINK_DIR : EV_UNLINK;
- if (wasTracked && !this._isIgnored(path)) this._emit(eventName, path);
- // Avoid conflicts if we later create another file with the same name
- if (!this.options.useFsEvents) {
- this._closePath(path);
- }
- * Closes all watchers for a path
- * @param {Path} path
- */
-_closePath(path) {
- this._closeFile(path);
- const dir = sysPath.dirname(path);
- this._getWatchedDir(dir).remove(sysPath.basename(path));
- * Closes only file-specific watchers
- * @param {Path} path
- */
-_closeFile(path) {
- const closers = this._closers.get(path);
- if (!closers) return;
- closers.forEach(closer => closer());
- this._closers.delete(path);
- *
- * @param {Path} path
- * @param {Function} closer
- */
-_addPathCloser(path, closer) {
- if (!closer) return;
- let list = this._closers.get(path);
- if (!list) {
- list = [];
- this._closers.set(path, list);
- }
- list.push(closer);
-_readdirp(root, opts) {
- if (this.closed) return;
- const options = {type: EV_ALL, alwaysStat: true, lstat: true, ...opts};
- let stream = readdirp(root, options);
- this._streams.add(stream);
- stream.once(STR_CLOSE, () => {
- stream = undefined;
- });
- stream.once(STR_END, () => {
- if (stream) {
- this._streams.delete(stream);
- stream = undefined;
- }
- });
- return stream;
-// Export FSWatcher class
-chokidar$1.FSWatcher = FSWatcher;
- * Instantiates watcher with paths to be tracked.
- * @param {String|Array<String>} paths file/directory paths and/or globs
- * @param {Object=} options chokidar opts
- * @returns an instance of FSWatcher for chaining.
- */
-const watch = (paths, options) => {
- const watcher = new FSWatcher(options);
- watcher.add(paths);
- return watcher;
-chokidar$ = watch;
var textTable = function (rows_, opts) {
if (!opts) opts = {};
var hsep = opts.hsep === undefined ? ' ' : opts.hsep;
@@ -25198,8 +30482,8 @@ var textTable = function (rows_, opts) {
return acc;
}, []);
- var rows = map$6(rows_, function (row) {
- return map$6(row, function (c_, ix) {
+ var rows = map$2(rows_, function (row) {
+ return map$2(row, function (c_, ix) {
var c = String(c_);
if (align[ix] === '.') {
var index = dotindex(c);
@@ -25220,8 +30504,8 @@ var textTable = function (rows_, opts) {
return acc;
}, []);
- return map$6(rows, function (row) {
- return map$6(row, function (c, ix) {
+ return map$2(rows, function (row) {
+ return map$2(row, function (c, ix) {
var n = (sizes[ix] - stringLength(c)) || 0;
var s = Array(Math.max(n + 1, 1)).join(' ');
if (align[ix] === 'r' || align[ix] === '.') {
@@ -25260,7 +30544,7 @@ function forEach (xs, f) {
-function map$6 (xs, f) {
+function map$2 (xs, f) {
if ( return;
var res = [];
for (var i = 0; i < xs.length; i++) {
@@ -25271,7 +30555,7 @@ function map$6 (xs, f) {
var camelcase$1 = {exports: {}};
-const preserveCamelCase = string => {
+const preserveCamelCase = (string, locale) => {
let isLastCharLower = false;
let isLastCharUpper = false;
let isLastLastCharUpper = false;
@@ -25279,37 +30563,46 @@ const preserveCamelCase = string => {
for (let i = 0; i < string.length; i++) {
const character = string[i];
- if (isLastCharLower && /[a-zA-Z]/.test(character) && character.toUpperCase() === character) {
+ if (isLastCharLower && /[\p{Lu}]/u.test(character)) {
string = string.slice(0, i) + '-' + string.slice(i);
isLastCharLower = false;
isLastLastCharUpper = isLastCharUpper;
isLastCharUpper = true;
- } else if (isLastCharUpper && isLastLastCharUpper && /[a-zA-Z]/.test(character) && character.toLowerCase() === character) {
+ } else if (isLastCharUpper && isLastLastCharUpper && /[\p{Ll}]/u.test(character)) {
string = string.slice(0, i - 1) + '-' + string.slice(i - 1);
isLastLastCharUpper = isLastCharUpper;
isLastCharUpper = false;
isLastCharLower = true;
} else {
- isLastCharLower = character.toLowerCase() === character && character.toUpperCase() !== character;
+ isLastCharLower = character.toLocaleLowerCase(locale) === character && character.toLocaleUpperCase(locale) !== character;
isLastLastCharUpper = isLastCharUpper;
- isLastCharUpper = character.toUpperCase() === character && character.toLowerCase() !== character;
+ isLastCharUpper = character.toLocaleUpperCase(locale) === character && character.toLocaleLowerCase(locale) !== character;
return string;
+const preserveConsecutiveUppercase = input => {
+ return input.replace(/^[\p{Lu}](?![\p{Lu}])/gu, m1 => m1.toLowerCase());
+const postProcess = (input, options) => {
+ return input.replace(/[_.\- ]+([\p{Alpha}\p{N}_]|$)/gu, (_, p1) => p1.toLocaleUpperCase(options.locale))
+ .replace(/\d+([\p{Alpha}\p{N}_]|$)/gu, m => m.toLocaleUpperCase(options.locale));
const camelCase = (input, options) => {
if (!(typeof input === 'string' || Array.isArray(input))) {
throw new TypeError('Expected the input to be `string | string[]`');
- options = Object.assign({
- pascalCase: false
- }, options);
- const postProcess = x => options.pascalCase ? x.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + x.slice(1) : x;
+ options = {
+ pascalCase: false,
+ preserveConsecutiveUppercase: false,
+ ...options
+ };
if (Array.isArray(input)) {
input = => x.trim())
@@ -25324,29 +30617,37 @@ const camelCase = (input, options) => {
if (input.length === 1) {
- return options.pascalCase ? input.toUpperCase() : input.toLowerCase();
+ return options.pascalCase ? input.toLocaleUpperCase(options.locale) : input.toLocaleLowerCase(options.locale);
- const hasUpperCase = input !== input.toLowerCase();
+ const hasUpperCase = input !== input.toLocaleLowerCase(options.locale);
if (hasUpperCase) {
- input = preserveCamelCase(input);
+ input = preserveCamelCase(input, options.locale);
- input = input
- .replace(/^[_.\- ]+/, '')
- .toLowerCase()
- .replace(/[_.\- ]+(\w|$)/g, (_, p1) => p1.toUpperCase())
- .replace(/\d+(\w|$)/g, m => m.toUpperCase());
+ input = input.replace(/^[_.\- ]+/, '');
+ if (options.preserveConsecutiveUppercase) {
+ input = preserveConsecutiveUppercase(input);
+ } else {
+ input = input.toLocaleLowerCase();
+ }
+ if (options.pascalCase) {
+ input = input.charAt(0).toLocaleUpperCase(options.locale) + input.slice(1);
+ }
- return postProcess(input);
+ return postProcess(input, options);
camelcase$1.exports = camelCase;
// TODO: Remove this for the next major release
camelcase$1.exports.default = camelCase;
-var minimist$1 = function (args, opts) {
+var camelcase = camelcase$1.exports;
+var minimist = function (args, opts) {
if (!opts) opts = {};
var flags = { bools : {}, strings : {}, unknownFn: null };
@@ -25646,7 +30947,7 @@ let token;
let key;
let root$1;
-var parse$4 = function parse (text, reviver) {
+var parse$1 = function parse (text, reviver) {
source = String(text);
parseState = 'start';
stack = [];
@@ -25692,14 +30993,14 @@ function internalize (holder, name, reviver) {
let lexState;
-let buffer$2;
+let buffer;
let doubleQuote;
let sign;
let c;
function lex () {
lexState = 'default';
- buffer$2 = '';
+ buffer = '';
doubleQuote = false;
sign = 1;
@@ -25880,12 +31181,12 @@ const lexStates = {
case '.':
- buffer$2 = read();
+ buffer = read();
lexState = 'decimalPointLeading';
case '0':
- buffer$2 = read();
+ buffer = read();
lexState = 'zero';
@@ -25898,7 +31199,7 @@ const lexStates = {
case '7':
case '8':
case '9':
- buffer$2 = read();
+ buffer = read();
lexState = 'decimalInteger';
@@ -25915,7 +31216,7 @@ const lexStates = {
case '"':
case "'":
doubleQuote = (read() === '"');
- buffer$2 = '';
+ buffer = '';
lexState = 'string';
@@ -25943,7 +31244,7 @@ const lexStates = {
- buffer$2 += u;
+ buffer += u;
lexState = 'identifierName';
@@ -25953,7 +31254,7 @@ const lexStates = {
case '_':
case '\u200C':
case '\u200D':
- buffer$2 += read();
+ buffer += read();
case '\\':
@@ -25963,11 +31264,11 @@ const lexStates = {
if (util.isIdContinueChar(c)) {
- buffer$2 += read();
+ buffer += read();
- return newToken('identifier', buffer$2)
+ return newToken('identifier', buffer)
identifierNameEscape () {
@@ -25992,19 +31293,19 @@ const lexStates = {
- buffer$2 += u;
+ buffer += u;
lexState = 'identifierName';
sign () {
switch (c) {
case '.':
- buffer$2 = read();
+ buffer = read();
lexState = 'decimalPointLeading';
case '0':
- buffer$2 = read();
+ buffer = read();
lexState = 'zero';
@@ -26017,7 +31318,7 @@ const lexStates = {
case '7':
case '8':
case '9':
- buffer$2 = read();
+ buffer = read();
lexState = 'decimalInteger';
@@ -26038,19 +31339,19 @@ const lexStates = {
zero () {
switch (c) {
case '.':
- buffer$2 += read();
+ buffer += read();
lexState = 'decimalPoint';
case 'e':
case 'E':
- buffer$2 += read();
+ buffer += read();
lexState = 'decimalExponent';
case 'x':
case 'X':
- buffer$2 += read();
+ buffer += read();
lexState = 'hexadecimal';
@@ -26061,28 +31362,28 @@ const lexStates = {
decimalInteger () {
switch (c) {
case '.':
- buffer$2 += read();
+ buffer += read();
lexState = 'decimalPoint';
case 'e':
case 'E':
- buffer$2 += read();
+ buffer += read();
lexState = 'decimalExponent';
if (util.isDigit(c)) {
- buffer$2 += read();
+ buffer += read();
- return newToken('numeric', sign * Number(buffer$2))
+ return newToken('numeric', sign * Number(buffer))
decimalPointLeading () {
if (util.isDigit(c)) {
- buffer$2 += read();
+ buffer += read();
lexState = 'decimalFraction';
@@ -26094,48 +31395,48 @@ const lexStates = {
switch (c) {
case 'e':
case 'E':
- buffer$2 += read();
+ buffer += read();
lexState = 'decimalExponent';
if (util.isDigit(c)) {
- buffer$2 += read();
+ buffer += read();
lexState = 'decimalFraction';
- return newToken('numeric', sign * Number(buffer$2))
+ return newToken('numeric', sign * Number(buffer))
decimalFraction () {
switch (c) {
case 'e':
case 'E':
- buffer$2 += read();
+ buffer += read();
lexState = 'decimalExponent';
if (util.isDigit(c)) {
- buffer$2 += read();
+ buffer += read();
- return newToken('numeric', sign * Number(buffer$2))
+ return newToken('numeric', sign * Number(buffer))
decimalExponent () {
switch (c) {
case '+':
case '-':
- buffer$2 += read();
+ buffer += read();
lexState = 'decimalExponentSign';
if (util.isDigit(c)) {
- buffer$2 += read();
+ buffer += read();
lexState = 'decimalExponentInteger';
@@ -26145,7 +31446,7 @@ const lexStates = {
decimalExponentSign () {
if (util.isDigit(c)) {
- buffer$2 += read();
+ buffer += read();
lexState = 'decimalExponentInteger';
@@ -26155,16 +31456,16 @@ const lexStates = {
decimalExponentInteger () {
if (util.isDigit(c)) {
- buffer$2 += read();
+ buffer += read();
- return newToken('numeric', sign * Number(buffer$2))
+ return newToken('numeric', sign * Number(buffer))
hexadecimal () {
if (util.isHexDigit(c)) {
- buffer$2 += read();
+ buffer += read();
lexState = 'hexadecimalInteger';
@@ -26174,36 +31475,36 @@ const lexStates = {
hexadecimalInteger () {
if (util.isHexDigit(c)) {
- buffer$2 += read();
+ buffer += read();
- return newToken('numeric', sign * Number(buffer$2))
+ return newToken('numeric', sign * Number(buffer))
string () {
switch (c) {
case '\\':
- buffer$2 += escape();
+ buffer += escape();
case '"':
if (doubleQuote) {
- return newToken('string', buffer$2)
+ return newToken('string', buffer)
- buffer$2 += read();
+ buffer += read();
case "'":
if (!doubleQuote) {
- return newToken('string', buffer$2)
+ return newToken('string', buffer)
- buffer$2 += read();
+ buffer += read();
case '\n':
@@ -26219,7 +31520,7 @@ const lexStates = {
throw invalidChar(read())
- buffer$2 += read();
+ buffer += read();
start () {
@@ -26240,7 +31541,7 @@ const lexStates = {
switch (c) {
case '$':
case '_':
- buffer$2 = read();
+ buffer = read();
lexState = 'identifierName';
@@ -26260,7 +31561,7 @@ const lexStates = {
if (util.isIdStartChar(c)) {
- buffer$2 += read();
+ buffer += read();
lexState = 'identifierName';
@@ -26457,7 +31758,7 @@ const parseStates = {
throw invalidEOF()
- push();
+ push$1();
beforePropertyName () {
@@ -26503,7 +31804,7 @@ const parseStates = {
throw invalidEOF()
- push();
+ push$1();
beforeArrayValue () {
@@ -26516,7 +31817,7 @@ const parseStates = {
- push();
+ push$1();
afterPropertyValue () {
@@ -26573,7 +31874,7 @@ const parseStates = {
-function push () {
+function push$1 () {
let value;
switch (token.type) {
@@ -26722,7 +32023,7 @@ function syntaxError (message) {
return err
-var stringify$3 = function stringify (value, replacer, space) {
+var stringify = function stringify (value, replacer, space) {
const stack = [];
let indent = '';
let propertyList;
@@ -26983,221 +32284,258 @@ var stringify$3 = function stringify (value, replacer, space) {
const JSON5 = {
- parse: parse$4,
- stringify: stringify$3,
+ parse: parse$1,
+ stringify,
-var lib$3 = JSON5;
+var lib = JSON5;
-var dist$1 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
- __proto__: null,
- 'default': lib$3
+ * @typedef Option
+ * @property {'boolean'|'string'} [type='string']
+ * @property {string} long
+ * @property {string} description
+ * @property {string} [value]
+ * @property {string} [short]
+ * @property {boolean|string} [default='']
+ * @property {boolean} [truelike=false]
+ */
-var require$$3$1 = /*@__PURE__*/getAugmentedNamespace(dist$1);
-var require$$5$1 = [
- {
- long: "help",
- description: "output usage information",
- short: "h",
- type: "boolean",
- "default": false
- },
- {
- long: "version",
- description: "output version number",
- short: "v",
- type: "boolean",
- "default": false
- },
- {
- long: "output",
- description: "specify output location",
- short: "o",
- value: "[path]"
- },
- {
- long: "rc-path",
- description: "specify configuration file",
- short: "r",
- type: "string",
- value: "<path>"
- },
- {
- long: "ignore-path",
- description: "specify ignore file",
- short: "i",
- type: "string",
- value: "<path>"
- },
- {
- long: "setting",
- description: "specify settings",
- short: "s",
- type: "string",
- value: "<settings>"
- },
- {
- long: "ext",
- description: "specify extensions",
- short: "e",
- type: "string",
- value: "<extensions>"
- },
- {
- long: "use",
- description: "use plugins",
- short: "u",
- type: "string",
- value: "<plugins>"
- },
- {
- long: "watch",
- description: "watch for changes and reprocess",
- short: "w",
- type: "boolean",
- "default": false
- },
- {
- long: "quiet",
- description: "output only warnings and errors",
- short: "q",
- type: "boolean",
- "default": false
- },
- {
- long: "silent",
- description: "output only errors",
- short: "S",
- type: "boolean",
- "default": false
- },
- {
- long: "frail",
- description: "exit with 1 on warnings",
- short: "f",
- type: "boolean",
- "default": false
- },
- {
- long: "tree",
- description: "specify input and output as syntax tree",
- short: "t",
- type: "boolean",
- "default": false
- },
- {
- long: "report",
- description: "specify reporter",
- type: "string",
- value: "<reporter>"
- },
- {
- long: "file-path",
- description: "specify path to process as",
- type: "string",
- value: "<path>"
- },
- {
- long: "ignore-path-resolve-from",
- description: "resolve patterns in `ignore-path` from its directory or cwd",
- type: "string",
- value: "dir|cwd",
- "default": "dir"
- },
- {
- long: "ignore-pattern",
- description: "specify ignore patterns",
- type: "string",
- value: "<globs>"
- },
- {
- long: "silently-ignore",
- description: "do not fail when given ignored files",
- type: "boolean"
- },
- {
- long: "tree-in",
- description: "specify input as syntax tree",
- type: "boolean"
- },
- {
- long: "tree-out",
- description: "output syntax tree",
- type: "boolean"
- },
- {
- long: "inspect",
- description: "output formatted syntax tree",
- type: "boolean"
- },
- {
- long: "stdout",
- description: "specify writing to stdout",
- type: "boolean",
- truelike: true
- },
- {
- long: "color",
- description: "specify color in report",
- type: "boolean",
- "default": true
- },
- {
- long: "config",
- description: "search for configuration files",
- type: "boolean",
- "default": true
- },
- {
- long: "ignore",
- description: "search for ignore files",
- type: "boolean",
- "default": true
- }
+/** @type {Option[]} */
+const schema = [
+ {
+ long: 'help',
+ description: 'output usage information',
+ short: 'h',
+ type: 'boolean',
+ default: false
+ },
+ {
+ long: 'version',
+ description: 'output version number',
+ short: 'v',
+ type: 'boolean',
+ default: false
+ },
+ {
+ long: 'output',
+ description: 'specify output location',
+ short: 'o',
+ value: '[path]'
+ },
+ {
+ long: 'rc-path',
+ description: 'specify configuration file',
+ short: 'r',
+ type: 'string',
+ value: '<path>'
+ },
+ {
+ long: 'ignore-path',
+ description: 'specify ignore file',
+ short: 'i',
+ type: 'string',
+ value: '<path>'
+ },
+ {
+ long: 'setting',
+ description: 'specify settings',
+ short: 's',
+ type: 'string',
+ value: '<settings>'
+ },
+ {
+ long: 'ext',
+ description: 'specify extensions',
+ short: 'e',
+ type: 'string',
+ value: '<extensions>'
+ },
+ {
+ long: 'use',
+ description: 'use plugins',
+ short: 'u',
+ type: 'string',
+ value: '<plugins>'
+ },
+ {
+ long: 'watch',
+ description: 'watch for changes and reprocess',
+ short: 'w',
+ type: 'boolean',
+ default: false
+ },
+ {
+ long: 'quiet',
+ description: 'output only warnings and errors',
+ short: 'q',
+ type: 'boolean',
+ default: false
+ },
+ {
+ long: 'silent',
+ description: 'output only errors',
+ short: 'S',
+ type: 'boolean',
+ default: false
+ },
+ {
+ long: 'frail',
+ description: 'exit with 1 on warnings',
+ short: 'f',
+ type: 'boolean',
+ default: false
+ },
+ {
+ long: 'tree',
+ description: 'specify input and output as syntax tree',
+ short: 't',
+ type: 'boolean',
+ default: false
+ },
+ {
+ long: 'report',
+ description: 'specify reporter',
+ type: 'string',
+ value: '<reporter>'
+ },
+ {
+ long: 'file-path',
+ description: 'specify path to process as',
+ type: 'string',
+ value: '<path>'
+ },
+ {
+ long: 'ignore-path-resolve-from',
+ description: 'resolve patterns in `ignore-path` from its directory or cwd',
+ type: 'string',
+ value: 'dir|cwd',
+ default: 'dir'
+ },
+ {
+ long: 'ignore-pattern',
+ description: 'specify ignore patterns',
+ type: 'string',
+ value: '<globs>'
+ },
+ {
+ long: 'silently-ignore',
+ description: 'do not fail when given ignored files',
+ type: 'boolean'
+ },
+ {
+ long: 'tree-in',
+ description: 'specify input as syntax tree',
+ type: 'boolean'
+ },
+ {
+ long: 'tree-out',
+ description: 'output syntax tree',
+ type: 'boolean'
+ },
+ {
+ long: 'inspect',
+ description: 'output formatted syntax tree',
+ type: 'boolean'
+ },
+ {
+ long: 'stdout',
+ description: 'specify writing to stdout',
+ type: 'boolean',
+ truelike: true
+ },
+ {
+ long: 'color',
+ description: 'specify color in report',
+ type: 'boolean',
+ default: true
+ },
+ {
+ long: 'config',
+ description: 'search for configuration files',
+ type: 'boolean',
+ default: true
+ },
+ {
+ long: 'ignore',
+ description: 'search for ignore files',
+ type: 'boolean',
+ default: true
+ }
-var table = textTable;
-var camelcase = camelcase$1.exports;
-var minimist = minimist$1;
-var json5 = require$$3$1;
-var fault = fault_1;
-var schema$1 = require$$5$1;
+ * @typedef {import('unified-engine').Options} EngineOptions
+ * @typedef {import('./schema.js').Option} Option
+ *
+ * @typedef {Required<
+ * Pick<
+ * EngineOptions,
+ * | 'extensions'
+ * | 'ignoreName'
+ * | 'packageField'
+ * | 'pluginPrefix'
+ * | 'processor'
+ * | 'rcName'
+ * >
+ * >} RequiredEngineOptions
+ *
+ * @typedef ArgsOptionsFields
+ * @property {string} name
+ * Name of executable
+ * @property {string} description
+ * Description of executable
+ * @property {string} version
+ * Version (semver) of executable
+ *
+ * @typedef {RequiredEngineOptions & Pick<EngineOptions, 'cwd'> & ArgsOptionsFields} Options
+ */
-var options_1 = options$1;
+const own$7 = {}.hasOwnProperty;
-// Schema for `minimist`.
-var minischema = {
+ * Schema for `minimist`.
+ */
+const minischema = {
unknown: handleUnknownArgument,
+ /** @type {Record<string, string|boolean|null>} */
default: {},
+ /** @type {Record<string, string>} */
alias: {},
+ /** @type {string[]} */
string: [],
+ /** @type {string[]} */
boolean: []
+let index = -1;
+while (++index < schema.length) {
+ addEach(schema[index]);
-// Parse CLI options.
-function options$1(flags, configuration) {
- var extension = configuration.extensions[0];
- var name =;
- var config = toCamelCase(minimist(flags, minischema));
- var help;
- var ext;
- var report;
+ * Parse CLI options.
+ *
+ * @param {string[]} flags
+ * @param {Options} configuration
+ */
+function options(flags, configuration) {
+ const extension = configuration.extensions[0];
+ const name =;
+ const config = toCamelCase(minimist(flags, minischema));
+ let index = -1;
- schema$1.forEach(function (option) {
+ while (++index < schema.length) {
+ const option = schema[index];
if (option.type === 'string' && config[option.long] === '') {
throw fault('Missing value:%s', inspect(option).join(' '))
- });
- ext = commaSeparated(config.ext);
- report = reporter(;
+ }
- help = [
- inspectAll(schema$1),
+ const ext = commaSeparated(/** @type {string} */ (config.ext));
+ const report = reporter(/** @type {string} */ (;
+ const help = [
+ inspectAll(schema),
@@ -27213,7 +32551,6 @@ function options$1(flags, configuration) {
return {
helpMessage: help,
- // “hidden” feature, makes testing easier.
cwd: configuration.cwd,
processor: configuration.processor,
@@ -27232,15 +32569,19 @@ function options$1(flags, configuration) {
packageField: configuration.packageField,
rcPath: config.rcPath,
detectConfig: config.config,
- settings: settings(config.setting),
+ settings: /** @type {Record<string, unknown>} */ (
+ settings(/** @type {string} */ (config.setting))
+ ),
ignoreName: configuration.ignoreName,
ignorePath: config.ignorePath,
ignorePathResolveFrom: config.ignorePathResolveFrom,
- ignorePatterns: commaSeparated(config.ignorePattern),
+ ignorePatterns: commaSeparated(
+ /** @type {string} */ (config.ignorePattern)
+ ),
silentlyIgnore: config.silentlyIgnore,
detectIgnore: config.ignore,
pluginPrefix: configuration.pluginPrefix,
- plugins: plugins(config.use),
+ plugins: plugins$2(/** @type {string} */ (config.use)),
reporter: report[0],
reporterOptions: report[1],
color: config.color,
@@ -27250,12 +32591,15 @@ function options$1(flags, configuration) {
+ * @param {Option} option
+ */
function addEach(option) {
- var value = option.default;
+ const value = option.default;
minischema.default[option.long] = value === undefined ? null : value;
- if (option.type in minischema) {
+ if (option.type && option.type in minischema) {
@@ -27264,116 +32608,165 @@ function addEach(option) {
-// Parse `extensions`.
+ * Parse `extensions`.
+ *
+ * @param {string[]|string|null|undefined} value
+ * @returns {string[]}
+ */
function commaSeparated(value) {
- return flatten(normalize(value).map(splitList))
+ return flatten(normalize(value).map((d) => splitList(d)))
-// Parse `plugins`.
-function plugins(value) {
- var result = {};
+ * Parse `plugins`.
+ *
+ * @param {string[]|string|null|undefined} value
+ * @returns {Record<string, Record<string, unknown>|undefined>}
+ */
+function plugins$2(value) {
+ const normalized = normalize(value).map((d) => splitOptions(d));
+ let index = -1;
+ /** @type {Record<string, Record<string, unknown>|undefined>} */
+ const result = {};
- normalize(value)
- .map(splitOptions)
- .forEach(function (value) {
- result[value[0]] = value[1] ? parseConfig(value[1], {}) : null;
- });
+ while (++index < normalized.length) {
+ const value = normalized[index];
+ result[value[0]] = value[1] ? parseConfig(value[1], {}) : undefined;
+ }
return result
-// Parse `reporter`: only one is accepted.
+ * Parse `reporter`: only one is accepted.
+ *
+ * @param {string[]|string|null|undefined} value
+ * @returns {[string|undefined, Record<string, unknown>|undefined]}
+ */
function reporter(value) {
- var all = normalize(value)
- .map(splitOptions)
- .map(function (value) {
- return [value[0], value[1] ? parseConfig(value[1], {}) : null]
- });
+ const all = normalize(value)
+ .map((d) => splitOptions(d))
+ .map(
+ /**
+ * @returns {[string, Record<string, unknown>|undefined]}
+ */
+ (value) => [value[0], value[1] ? parseConfig(value[1], {}) : undefined]
+ );
return all[all.length - 1] || []
-// Parse `settings`.
+ * Parse `settings`.
+ *
+ * @param {string[]|string|null|undefined} value
+ * @returns {Record<string, unknown>}
+ */
function settings(value) {
- var cache = {};
+ const normalized = normalize(value);
+ let index = -1;
+ /** @type {Record<string, unknown>} */
+ const cache = {};
- normalize(value).forEach(function (value) {
- parseConfig(value, cache);
- });
+ while (++index < normalized.length) {
+ parseConfig(normalized[index], cache);
+ }
return cache
-// Parse configuration.
-function parseConfig(flags, cache) {
- var flag;
- var message;
+ * Parse configuration.
+ *
+ * @param {string} value
+ * @param {Record<string, unknown>} cache
+ * @returns {Record<string, unknown>}
+ */
+function parseConfig(value, cache) {
+ /** @type {Record<string, unknown>} */
+ let flags;
+ /** @type {string} */
+ let flag;
try {
- flags = toCamelCase(parseJSON(flags));
+ flags = toCamelCase(parseJSON(value));
} catch (error) {
- // Fix position
- message = error.message.replace(/at(?= position)/, 'around');
- throw fault('Cannot parse `%s` as JSON: %s', flags, message)
+ throw fault(
+ 'Cannot parse `%s` as JSON: %s',
+ value,
+ // Fix position
+ error.message.replace(/at(?= position)/, 'around')
+ )
for (flag in flags) {
- cache[flag] = flags[flag];
+ if (own$, flag)) {
+ cache[flag] = flags[flag];
+ }
return cache
-// Handle an unknown flag.
+ * Handle an unknown flag.
+ *
+ * @param {string} flag
+ * @returns {boolean}
+ */
function handleUnknownArgument(flag) {
- // Glob.
- if (flag.charAt(0) !== '-') {
- return
- }
- // Long options, always unknown.
- if (flag.charAt(1) === '-') {
- throw fault('Unknown option `%s`, expected:\n%s', flag, inspectAll(schema$1))
- }
- // Short options, can be grouped.
- flag.slice(1).split('').forEach(each);
- function each(key) {
- var length = schema$1.length;
- var index = -1;
- var option;
+ // Not a glob.
+ if (flag.charAt(0) === '-') {
+ // Long options, always unknown.
+ if (flag.charAt(1) === '-') {
+ throw fault(
+ 'Unknown option `%s`, expected:\n%s',
+ flag,
+ inspectAll(schema)
+ )
+ }
- while (++index < length) {
- option = schema$1[index];
+ // Short options, can be grouped.
+ const found = flag.slice(1).split('');
+ const known = schema.filter((d) => d.short);
+ const knownKeys = new Set( => d.short));
+ let index = -1;
- if (option.short === key) {
- return
+ while (++index < found.length) {
+ const key = found[index];
+ if (!knownKeys.has(key)) {
+ throw fault(
+ 'Unknown short option `-%s`, expected:\n%s',
+ key,
+ inspectAll(known)
+ )
- throw fault(
- 'Unknown short option `-%s`, expected:\n%s',
- key,
- inspectAll(schema$1.filter(short))
- )
- function short(option) {
- return option.short
- }
+ return true
-// Inspect all `options`.
+ * Inspect all `options`.
+ *
+ * @param {Option[]} options
+ * @returns {string}
+ */
function inspectAll(options) {
- return table(
+ return textTable( => inspect(d)))
-// Inspect one `option`.
+ * Inspect one `option`.
+ *
+ * @param {Option} option
+ * @returns {string[]}
+ */
function inspect(option) {
- var description = option.description;
- var long = option.long;
+ let description = option.description;
+ let long = option.long;
if (option.default === true || option.truelike) {
description += ' (on by default)';
@@ -27388,7 +32781,12 @@ function inspect(option) {
-// Normalize `value`.
+ * Normalize `value`.
+ *
+ * @param {string[]|string|null|undefined} value
+ * @returns {string[]}
+ */
function normalize(value) {
if (!value) {
return []
@@ -27398,82 +32796,114 @@ function normalize(value) {
return [value]
- return flatten(
+ return flatten( => normalize(d)))
-// Flatten `values`.
+ * Flatten `values`.
+ *
+ * @param {string|string[]|string[][]} values
+ * @returns {string[]}
+ */
function flatten(values) {
- return [].concat.apply([], values)
+ // @ts-expect-error: TS is wrong.
+ return values.flat()
+ * @param {string} value
+ * @returns {string[]}
+ */
function splitOptions(value) {
return value.split('=')
+ * @param {string} value
+ * @returns {string[]}
+ */
function splitList(value) {
return value.split(',')
-// Transform the keys on an object to camel-case, recursivly.
+ * Transform the keys on an object to camel-case, recursivly.
+ *
+ * @param {Record<string, unknown>} object
+ * @returns {Record<string, unknown>}
+ */
function toCamelCase(object) {
- var result = {};
- var value;
- var key;
+ /** @type {Record<string, unknown>} */
+ const result = {};
+ /** @type {string} */
+ let key;
for (key in object) {
- value = object[key];
+ if (own$, key)) {
+ let value = object[key];
- if (value && typeof value === 'object' && !('length' in value)) {
- value = toCamelCase(value);
- }
+ if (value && typeof value === 'object' && !Array.isArray(value)) {
+ // @ts-expect-error: looks like an object.
+ value = toCamelCase(value);
+ }
- result[camelcase(key)] = value;
+ result[camelcase(key)] = value;
+ }
return result
-// Parse a (lazy?) JSON config.
+ * Parse a (lazy?) JSON config.
+ *
+ * @param {string} value
+ * @returns {Record<string, unknown>}
+ */
function parseJSON(value) {
- return json5.parse('{' + value + '}')
+ return lib.parse('{' + value + '}')
-var stream = require$$0__default$5['default'];
-var engine = lib$4;
-var chalk = source$1;
-var chokidar = chokidar$1;
-var options = options_1;
-var lib$2 = start$3;
-var noop$2 = Function.prototype;
+ * @typedef {import('unified-engine').Options} EngineOptions
+ * @typedef {import('unified-engine').Context} EngineContext
+ * @typedef {import('unified-engine').Callback} EngineCallback
+ * @typedef {import('./options.js').Options} Options
+ */
// Fake TTY stream.
-var ttyStream = new stream.Readable();
-ttyStream.isTTY = true;
+const ttyStream = Object.assign(new stream.Readable(), {isTTY: true});
// Exit, lazily, with the correct exit status code.
-var exitStatus = 0;
+let exitStatus = 0;
-process.on('exit', onexit);
+process$2.on('exit', onexit);
// Handle uncaught errors, such as from unexpected async behaviour.
-process.on('uncaughtException', fail$1);
+process$2.on('uncaughtException', fail);
-// Start the CLI.
-function start$3(cliConfig) {
- var config;
- var output;
- var watcher;
+ * Start the CLI.
+ *
+ * @param {Options} cliConfig
+ */
+function args(cliConfig) {
+ /** @type {EngineOptions & {help: boolean, helpMessage: string, watch: boolean, version: boolean}} */
+ let config;
+ /** @type {chokidar.FSWatcher|undefined} */
+ let watcher;
+ /** @type {boolean|string|undefined} */
+ let output;
try {
- config = options(process.argv.slice(2), cliConfig);
+ // @ts-expect-error: Close enough.
+ config = options(process$2.argv.slice(2), cliConfig);
} catch (error) {
- return fail$1(error, true)
+ return fail(error, true)
if ( {
- process.stdout.write(
+ process$2.stdout.write(
'Usage: ' + + ' [options] [path | glob ...]',
@@ -27484,14 +32914,14 @@ function start$3(cliConfig) {
- noop$2
+ noop$1
if (config.version) {
- process.stdout.write(cliConfig.version + '\n', noop$2);
+ process$2.stdout.write(cliConfig.version + '\n', noop$1);
@@ -27506,18 +32936,18 @@ function start$3(cliConfig) {
// Do not write to stdout(4).
config.out = false;
- process.stderr.write(
- chalk.bold('Watching...') + ' (press CTRL+C to exit)\n',
- noop$2
+ process$2.stderr.write(
+ source$1.bold('Watching...') + ' (press CTRL+C to exit)\n',
+ noop$1
// Prevent infinite loop if set to regeneration.
if (output === true) {
config.output = false;
- process.stderr.write(
- chalk.yellow('Note') + ': Ignoring `--output` until exit.\n',
- noop$2
+ process$2.stderr.write(
+ source$1.yellow('Note') + ': Ignoring `--output` until exit.\n',
+ noop$1
@@ -27525,15 +32955,19 @@ function start$3(cliConfig) {
// Initial run.
engine(config, done);
- // Handle complete run.
- function done(err, code, context) {
- if (err) {
+ /**
+ * Handle complete run.
+ *
+ * @type {EngineCallback}
+ */
+ function done(error, code, context) {
+ if (error) {
- fail$1(err);
+ fail(error);
} else {
- exitStatus = code;
+ exitStatus = code || 0;
- if ( && !watcher) {
+ if ( && !watcher && context) {
@@ -27543,28 +32977,33 @@ function start$3(cliConfig) {
function clean() {
if (watcher) {
- watcher = null;
+ watcher = undefined;
- // Subscribe a chokidar watcher to all processed files.
+ /**
+ * Subscribe a chokidar watcher to all processed files.
+ *
+ * @param {EngineContext} context
+ */
function subscribe(context) {
watcher = chokidar
+ // @ts-expect-error: `fileSet` is available.
.watch(, {cwd: config.cwd, ignoreInitial: true})
.on('error', done)
- .on('change', onchange);
- process.on('SIGINT', onsigint);
- function onchange(filePath) {
- config.files = [filePath];
+ .on('change', (filePath) => {
+ config.files = [filePath];
+ engine(config, done);
+ });
- engine(config, done);
- }
+ process$2.on('SIGINT', onsigint);
+ /**
+ * Handle a SIGINT.
+ */
function onsigint() {
// Hide the `^C` in terminal.
- process.stderr.write('\n', noop$2);
+ process$2.stderr.write('\n', noop$1);
@@ -27578,26 +33017,31 @@ function start$3(cliConfig) {
-// Print an error, optionally with stack.
-function fail$1(err, pretty) {
- var message =
- (pretty ? String(err).trim() : err.stack) ||
- /* istanbul ignore next - Old versions of Node */ err;
+ * Print an error, optionally with stack.
+ *
+ * @param {Error} error
+ * @param {boolean} [pretty=false]
+ */
+function fail(error, pretty) {
+ // Old versions of Node
+ /* c8 ignore next 1 */
+ const message = String((pretty ? error : error.stack) || error);
exitStatus = 1;
- process.stderr.write(message.trim() + '\n', noop$2);
+ process$2.stderr.write(message.trim() + '\n', noop$1);
function onexit() {
/* eslint-disable unicorn/no-process-exit */
- process.exit(exitStatus);
+ process$2.exit(exitStatus);
/* eslint-enable unicorn/no-process-exit */
-var unifiedArgs = lib$2;
+function noop$1() {}
-var require$$0$3 = [
+var require$$0 = [
@@ -27608,13 +33052,16 @@ var require$$0$3 = [
-var markdownExtensions = require$$0$3;
-var bail_1 = bail$1;
+var markdownExtensions = require$$0;
-function bail$1(err) {
- if (err) {
- throw err
+ * Throw a given error.
+ *
+ * @param {Error | null | undefined} [error]
+ */
+function bail(error) {
+ if (error) {
+ throw error
@@ -27680,7 +33127,7 @@ var getProperty = function getProperty(obj, name) {
return obj[name];
-var extend$2 = function extend() {
+var extend = function extend() {
var options, name, src, copy, copyIsArray, clone;
var target = arguments[0];
var i = 1;
@@ -27734,396 +33181,66 @@ var extend$2 = function extend() {
return target;
-var stringify$2 = unistUtilStringifyPosition;
-var vfileMessage = VMessage$1;
-// Inherit from `Error#`.
-function VMessagePrototype() {}
-VMessagePrototype.prototype = Error.prototype;
-VMessage$1.prototype = new VMessagePrototype();
-// Message properties.
-var proto = VMessage$1.prototype;
-proto.file = ''; = '';
-proto.reason = '';
-proto.message = '';
-proto.stack = '';
-proto.fatal = null;
-proto.column = null;
-proto.line = null;
-// Construct a new VMessage.
-// Note: We cannot invoke `Error` on the created context, as that adds readonly
-// `line` and `column` attributes on Safari 9, thus throwing and failing the
-// data.
-function VMessage$1(reason, position, origin) {
- var parts;
- var range;
- var location;
- if (typeof position === 'string') {
- origin = position;
- position = null;
- }
- parts = parseOrigin(origin);
- range = stringify$2(position) || '1:1';
- location = {
- start: {line: null, column: null},
- end: {line: null, column: null}
- };
- // Node.
- if (position && position.position) {
- position = position.position;
- }
- if (position) {
- // Position.
- if (position.start) {
- location = position;
- position = position.start;
- } else {
- // Point.
- location.start = position;
- }
- }
- if (reason.stack) {
- this.stack = reason.stack;
- reason = reason.message;
- }
- this.message = reason;
- = range;
- this.reason = reason;
- this.line = position ? position.line : null;
- this.column = position ? position.column : null;
- this.location = location;
- this.source = parts[0];
- this.ruleId = parts[1];
-function parseOrigin(origin) {
- var result = [null, null];
- var index;
- if (typeof origin === 'string') {
- index = origin.indexOf(':');
- if (index === -1) {
- result[1] = origin;
- } else {
- result[0] = origin.slice(0, index);
- result[1] = origin.slice(index + 1);
- }
- }
- return result
-var minpath = require$$0__default$2['default'];
-var minproc = process;
-var p = minpath;
-var proc$1 = minproc;
-var buffer$1 = isBuffer;
-var core$1 = VFile$1;
-var own$c = {}.hasOwnProperty;
-// Order of setting (least specific to most), we need this because otherwise
-// `{stem: 'a', path: '~/b.js'}` would throw, as a path is needed before a
-// stem can be set.
-var order$3 = ['history', 'path', 'basename', 'stem', 'extname', 'dirname'];
-VFile$1.prototype.toString = toString$6;
-// Access full path (`~/index.min.js`).
-Object.defineProperty(VFile$1.prototype, 'path', {get: getPath, set: setPath});
-// Access parent path (`~`).
-Object.defineProperty(VFile$1.prototype, 'dirname', {
- get: getDirname,
- set: setDirname
-// Access basename (`index.min.js`).
-Object.defineProperty(VFile$1.prototype, 'basename', {
- get: getBasename,
- set: setBasename
-// Access extname (`.js`).
-Object.defineProperty(VFile$1.prototype, 'extname', {
- get: getExtname,
- set: setExtname
-// Access stem (`index.min`).
-Object.defineProperty(VFile$1.prototype, 'stem', {get: getStem, set: setStem});
-// Construct a new file.
-function VFile$1(options) {
- var prop;
- var index;
- if (!options) {
- options = {};
- } else if (typeof options === 'string' || buffer$1(options)) {
- options = {contents: options};
- } else if ('message' in options && 'messages' in options) {
- return options
- }
- if (!(this instanceof VFile$1)) {
- return new VFile$1(options)
- }
- = {};
- this.messages = [];
- this.history = [];
- this.cwd = proc$1.cwd();
- // Set path related properties in the correct order.
- index = -1;
- while (++index < order$3.length) {
- prop = order$3[index];
- if (own$, prop)) {
- this[prop] = options[prop];
- }
- }
- // Set non-path related properties.
- for (prop in options) {
- if (order$3.indexOf(prop) < 0) {
- this[prop] = options[prop];
- }
- }
-function getPath() {
- return this.history[this.history.length - 1]
-function setPath(path) {
- assertNonEmpty(path, 'path');
- if (this.path !== path) {
- this.history.push(path);
- }
-function getDirname() {
- return typeof this.path === 'string' ? p.dirname(this.path) : undefined
-function setDirname(dirname) {
- assertPath(this.path, 'dirname');
- this.path = p.join(dirname || '', this.basename);
-function getBasename() {
- return typeof this.path === 'string' ? p.basename(this.path) : undefined
-function setBasename(basename) {
- assertNonEmpty(basename, 'basename');
- assertPart(basename, 'basename');
- this.path = p.join(this.dirname || '', basename);
-function getExtname() {
- return typeof this.path === 'string' ? p.extname(this.path) : undefined
-function setExtname(extname) {
- assertPart(extname, 'extname');
- assertPath(this.path, 'extname');
- if (extname) {
- if (extname.charCodeAt(0) !== 46 /* `.` */) {
- throw new Error('`extname` must start with `.`')
- }
- if (extname.indexOf('.', 1) > -1) {
- throw new Error('`extname` cannot contain multiple dots')
- }
- }
- this.path = p.join(this.dirname, this.stem + (extname || ''));
-function getStem() {
- return typeof this.path === 'string'
- ? p.basename(this.path, this.extname)
- : undefined
-function setStem(stem) {
- assertNonEmpty(stem, 'stem');
- assertPart(stem, 'stem');
- this.path = p.join(this.dirname || '', stem + (this.extname || ''));
-// Get the value of the file.
-function toString$6(encoding) {
- return (this.contents || '').toString(encoding)
-// Assert that `part` is not a path (i.e., does not contain `p.sep`).
-function assertPart(part, name) {
- if (part && part.indexOf(p.sep) > -1) {
- throw new Error(
- '`' + name + '` cannot be a path: did not expect `' + p.sep + '`'
- )
- }
-// Assert that `part` is not empty.
-function assertNonEmpty(part, name) {
- if (!part) {
- throw new Error('`' + name + '` cannot be empty')
- }
-// Assert `path` exists.
-function assertPath(path, name) {
- if (!path) {
- throw new Error('Setting `' + name + '` requires `path` to be set too')
- }
-var VMessage = vfileMessage;
-var VFile = core$1;
-var lib$1 = VFile;
-VFile.prototype.message = message; = info; = fail;
-// Create a message with `reason` at `position`.
-// When an error is passed in as `reason`, copies the stack.
-function message(reason, position, origin) {
- var message = new VMessage(reason, position, origin);
- if (this.path) {
- = this.path + ':' +;
- message.file = this.path;
- }
- message.fatal = false;
- this.messages.push(message);
- return message
-// Fail: creates a vmessage, associates it with the file, and throws it.
-function fail() {
- var message = this.message.apply(this, arguments);
- message.fatal = true;
- throw message
-// Info: creates a vmessage, associates it with the file, and marks the fatality
-// as null.
-function info() {
- var message = this.message.apply(this, arguments);
- message.fatal = null;
- return message
-var vfile$1 = lib$1;
-var bail = bail_1;
-var buffer = isBuffer;
-var extend$1 = extend$2;
-var plain = isPlainObj;
-var trough = trough_1;
-var vfile = vfile$1;
+ * @typedef {import('unist').Node} Node
+ * @typedef {import('vfile').VFileCompatible} VFileCompatible
+ * @typedef {import('vfile').VFileValue} VFileValue
+ * @typedef {import('..').Processor} Processor
+ * @typedef {import('..').Plugin} Plugin
+ * @typedef {import('..').Preset} Preset
+ * @typedef {import('..').Pluggable} Pluggable
+ * @typedef {import('..').PluggableList} PluggableList
+ * @typedef {import('..').Transformer} Transformer
+ * @typedef {import('..').Parser} Parser
+ * @typedef {import('..').Compiler} Compiler
+ * @typedef {import('..').RunCallback} RunCallback
+ * @typedef {import('..').ProcessCallback} ProcessCallback
+ *
+ * @typedef Context
+ * @property {Node} tree
+ * @property {VFile} file
+ */
// Expose a frozen processor.
-var unified_1 = unified$1().freeze();
-var slice$1 = [].slice;
-var own$b = {}.hasOwnProperty;
-// Process pipeline.
-var pipeline = trough()
- .use(pipelineParse)
- .use(pipelineRun)
- .use(pipelineStringify);
+const unified = base().freeze();
-function pipelineParse(p, ctx) {
- ctx.tree = p.parse(ctx.file);
-function pipelineRun(p, ctx, next) {
-, ctx.file, done);
- function done(error, tree, file) {
- if (error) {
- next(error);
- } else {
- ctx.tree = tree;
- ctx.file = file;
- next();
- }
- }
-function pipelineStringify(p, ctx) {
- var result = p.stringify(ctx.tree, ctx.file);
- if (result === undefined || result === null) ; else if (typeof result === 'string' || buffer(result)) {
- if ('value' in ctx.file) {
- ctx.file.value = result;
- }
- ctx.file.contents = result;
- } else {
- ctx.file.result = result;
- }
+const own$6 = {}.hasOwnProperty;
// Function to create the first processor.
-function unified$1() {
- var attachers = [];
- var transformers = trough();
- var namespace = {};
- var freezeIndex = -1;
- var frozen;
+ * @returns {Processor}
+ */
+function base() {
+ const transformers = trough();
+ /** @type {Processor['attachers']} */
+ const attachers = [];
+ /** @type {Record<string, unknown>} */
+ let namespace = {};
+ /** @type {boolean|undefined} */
+ let frozen;
+ let freezeIndex = -1;
// Data management.
+ // @ts-expect-error: overloads are handled. = data;
+ processor.Parser = undefined;
+ processor.Compiler = undefined;
// Lock.
processor.freeze = freeze;
// Plugins.
processor.attachers = attachers;
+ // @ts-expect-error: overloads are handled.
processor.use = use;
// API.
processor.parse = parse;
processor.stringify = stringify;
+ // @ts-expect-error: overloads are handled. = run;
processor.runSync = runSync;
+ // @ts-expect-error: overloads are handled.
processor.process = process;
processor.processSync = processSync;
@@ -28131,60 +33248,25 @@ function unified$1() {
return processor
// Create a new processor based on the processor in the current scope.
+ /** @type {Processor} */
function processor() {
- var destination = unified$1();
- var index = -1;
+ const destination = base();
+ let index = -1;
while (++index < attachers.length) {
- destination.use.apply(null, attachers[index]);
+ destination.use(...attachers[index]);
-$1(true, {}, namespace));
+, {}, namespace));
return destination
- // Freeze: used to signal a processor that has finished configuration.
- //
- // For example, take unified itself: it’s frozen.
- // Plugins should not be added to it.
- // Rather, it should be extended, by invoking it, before modifying it.
- //
- // In essence, always invoke this when exporting a processor.
- function freeze() {
- var values;
- var transformer;
- if (frozen) {
- return processor
- }
- while (++freezeIndex < attachers.length) {
- values = attachers[freezeIndex];
- if (values[1] === false) {
- continue
- }
- if (values[1] === true) {
- values[1] = undefined;
- }
- transformer = values[0].apply(processor, values.slice(1));
- if (typeof transformer === 'function') {
- transformers.use(transformer);
- }
- }
- frozen = true;
- freezeIndex = Infinity;
- return processor
- }
- // Data management.
- // Getter / setter for processor-specific informtion.
+ /**
+ * @param {string|Record<string, unknown>} [key]
+ * @param {unknown} [value]
+ * @returns {unknown}
+ */
function data(key, value) {
if (typeof key === 'string') {
// Set `key`.
@@ -28195,7 +33277,7 @@ function unified$1() {
// Get `key`.
- return (own$, key) && namespace[key]) || null
+ return (own$, key) && namespace[key]) || null
// Set space.
@@ -28209,132 +33291,213 @@ function unified$1() {
return namespace
- // Plugin management.
- //
- // Pass it:
- // * an attacher and options,
- // * a preset,
- // * a list of presets, attachers, and arguments (list of attachers and
- // options).
- function use(value) {
- var settings;
+ /** @type {Processor['freeze']} */
+ function freeze() {
+ if (frozen) {
+ return processor
+ }
+ while (++freezeIndex < attachers.length) {
+ const [attacher, ...options] = attachers[freezeIndex];
+ if (options[0] === false) {
+ continue
+ }
+ if (options[0] === true) {
+ options[1] = undefined;
+ }
+ /** @type {Transformer|void} */
+ const transformer =, ...options);
+ if (typeof transformer === 'function') {
+ transformers.use(transformer);
+ }
+ }
+ frozen = true;
+ freezeIndex = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
+ return processor
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param {Pluggable|null|undefined} [value]
+ * @param {...unknown} options
+ * @returns {Processor}
+ */
+ function use(value, ...options) {
+ /** @type {Record<string, unknown>|undefined} */
+ let settings;
assertUnfrozen('use', frozen);
if (value === null || value === undefined) ; else if (typeof value === 'function') {
- addPlugin.apply(null, arguments);
+ addPlugin(value, ...options);
} else if (typeof value === 'object') {
- if ('length' in value) {
+ if (Array.isArray(value)) {
} else {
} else {
- throw new Error('Expected usable value, not `' + value + '`')
+ throw new TypeError('Expected usable value, not `' + value + '`')
if (settings) {
- namespace.settings = extend$1(namespace.settings || {}, settings);
+ namespace.settings = Object.assign(namespace.settings || {}, settings);
return processor
- function addPreset(result) {
- addList(result.plugins);
- if (result.settings) {
- settings = extend$1(settings || {}, result.settings);
- }
- }
+ /**
+ * @param {import('..').Pluggable<unknown[]>} value
+ * @returns {void}
+ */
function add(value) {
if (typeof value === 'function') {
} else if (typeof value === 'object') {
- if ('length' in value) {
- addPlugin.apply(null, value);
+ if (Array.isArray(value)) {
+ const [plugin, ...options] = value;
+ addPlugin(plugin, ...options);
} else {
} else {
- throw new Error('Expected usable value, not `' + value + '`')
+ throw new TypeError('Expected usable value, not `' + value + '`')
+ /**
+ * @param {Preset} result
+ * @returns {void}
+ */
+ function addPreset(result) {
+ addList(result.plugins);
+ if (result.settings) {
+ settings = Object.assign(settings || {}, result.settings);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param {PluggableList|null|undefined} [plugins]
+ * @returns {void}
+ */
function addList(plugins) {
- var index = -1;
+ let index = -1;
- if (plugins === null || plugins === undefined) ; else if (typeof plugins === 'object' && 'length' in plugins) {
+ if (plugins === null || plugins === undefined) ; else if (Array.isArray(plugins)) {
while (++index < plugins.length) {
- add(plugins[index]);
+ const thing = plugins[index];
+ add(thing);
} else {
- throw new Error('Expected a list of plugins, not `' + plugins + '`')
+ throw new TypeError('Expected a list of plugins, not `' + plugins + '`')
+ /**
+ * @param {Plugin} plugin
+ * @param {...unknown} [value]
+ * @returns {void}
+ */
function addPlugin(plugin, value) {
- var entry = find(plugin);
+ let index = -1;
+ /** @type {Processor['attachers'][number]|undefined} */
+ let entry;
+ while (++index < attachers.length) {
+ if (attachers[index][0] === plugin) {
+ entry = attachers[index];
+ break
+ }
+ }
if (entry) {
- if (plain(entry[1]) && plain(value)) {
- value = extend$1(true, entry[1], value);
+ if (isPlainObject$1(entry[1]) && isPlainObject$1(value)) {
+ value = extend(true, entry[1], value);
entry[1] = value;
} else {
- attachers.push(slice$;
- }
- }
- }
- function find(plugin) {
- var index = -1;
- while (++index < attachers.length) {
- if (attachers[index][0] === plugin) {
- return attachers[index]
+ // @ts-expect-error: fine.
+ attachers.push([...arguments]);
- // Parse a file (in string or vfile representation) into a unist node using
- // the `Parser` on the processor.
+ /** @type {Processor['parse']} */
function parse(doc) {
- var file = vfile(doc);
- var Parser;
- freeze();
- Parser = processor.Parser;
+ processor.freeze();
+ const file = vfile(doc);
+ const Parser = processor.Parser;
assertParser('parse', Parser);
if (newable(Parser, 'parse')) {
+ // @ts-expect-error: `newable` checks this.
return new Parser(String(file), file).parse()
+ // @ts-expect-error: `newable` checks this.
return Parser(String(file), file) // eslint-disable-line new-cap
- // Run transforms on a unist node representation of a file (in string or
- // vfile representation), async.
- function run(node, file, cb) {
+ /** @type {Processor['stringify']} */
+ function stringify(node, doc) {
+ processor.freeze();
+ const file = vfile(doc);
+ const Compiler = processor.Compiler;
+ assertCompiler('stringify', Compiler);
+ assertNode(node);
+ if (newable(Compiler, 'compile')) {
+ // @ts-expect-error: `newable` checks this.
+ return new Compiler(node, file).compile()
+ }
+ // @ts-expect-error: `newable` checks this.
+ return Compiler(node, file) // eslint-disable-line new-cap
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param {Node} node
+ * @param {VFileCompatible|RunCallback} [doc]
+ * @param {RunCallback} [callback]
+ * @returns {Promise<Node>|void}
+ */
+ function run(node, doc, callback) {
- freeze();
+ processor.freeze();
- if (!cb && typeof file === 'function') {
- cb = file;
- file = null;
+ if (!callback && typeof doc === 'function') {
+ callback = doc;
+ doc = undefined;
- if (!cb) {
+ if (!callback) {
return new Promise(executor)
- executor(null, cb);
+ executor(null, callback);
+ /**
+ * @param {null|((node: Node) => void)} resolve
+ * @param {(error: Error) => void} reject
+ * @returns {void}
+ */
function executor(resolve, reject) {
-, vfile(file), done);
+ // @ts-expect-error: `doc` can’t be a callback anymore, we checked.
+, vfile(doc), done);
+ /**
+ * @param {Error|null} error
+ * @param {Node} tree
+ * @param {VFile} file
+ * @returns {void}
+ */
function done(error, tree, file) {
tree = tree || node;
if (error) {
@@ -28342,97 +33505,119 @@ function unified$1() {
} else if (resolve) {
} else {
- cb(null, tree, file);
+ // @ts-expect-error: `callback` is defined if `resolve` is not.
+ callback(null, tree, file);
- // Run transforms on a unist node representation of a file (in string or
- // vfile representation), sync.
+ /** @type {Processor['runSync']} */
function runSync(node, file) {
- var result;
- var complete;
+ /** @type {Node|undefined} */
+ let result;
+ /** @type {boolean|undefined} */
+ let complete;
- run(node, file, done);
+, file, done);
assertDone('runSync', 'run', complete);
+ // @ts-expect-error: we either bailed on an error or have a tree.
return result
+ /**
+ * @param {Error|null} [error]
+ * @param {Node} [tree]
+ * @returns {void}
+ */
function done(error, tree) {
- complete = true;
- result = tree;
+ result = tree;
+ complete = true;
- // Stringify a unist node representation of a file (in string or vfile
- // representation) into a string using the `Compiler` on the processor.
- function stringify(node, doc) {
- var file = vfile(doc);
- var Compiler;
- freeze();
- Compiler = processor.Compiler;
- assertCompiler('stringify', Compiler);
- assertNode(node);
- if (newable(Compiler, 'compile')) {
- return new Compiler(node, file).compile()
- }
- return Compiler(node, file) // eslint-disable-line new-cap
- }
- // Parse a file (in string or vfile representation) into a unist node using
- // the `Parser` on the processor, then run transforms on that node, and
- // compile the resulting node using the `Compiler` on the processor, and
- // store that result on the vfile.
- function process(doc, cb) {
- freeze();
+ /**
+ * @param {VFileCompatible} doc
+ * @param {ProcessCallback} [callback]
+ * @returns {Promise<VFile>|undefined}
+ */
+ function process(doc, callback) {
+ processor.freeze();
assertParser('process', processor.Parser);
assertCompiler('process', processor.Compiler);
- if (!cb) {
+ if (!callback) {
return new Promise(executor)
- executor(null, cb);
+ executor(null, callback);
+ /**
+ * @param {null|((file: VFile) => void)} resolve
+ * @param {(error?: Error|null|undefined) => void} reject
+ * @returns {void}
+ */
function executor(resolve, reject) {
- var file = vfile(doc);
+ const file = vfile(doc);
-, {file: file}, done);
+, file, (error, tree, file) => {
+ if (error || !tree || !file) {
+ done(error);
+ } else {
+ /** @type {unknown} */
+ const result = processor.stringify(tree, file);
- function done(error) {
- if (error) {
+ if (result === undefined || result === null) ; else if (looksLikeAVFileValue(result)) {
+ file.value = result;
+ } else {
+ file.result = result;
+ }
+ done(error, file);
+ }
+ });
+ /**
+ * @param {Error|null|undefined} [error]
+ * @param {VFile|undefined} [file]
+ * @returns {void}
+ */
+ function done(error, file) {
+ if (error || !file) {
} else if (resolve) {
} else {
- cb(null, file);
+ // @ts-expect-error: `callback` is defined if `resolve` is not.
+ callback(null, file);
- // Process the given document (in string or vfile representation), sync.
+ /** @type {Processor['processSync']} */
function processSync(doc) {
- var file;
- var complete;
+ /** @type {boolean|undefined} */
+ let complete;
- freeze();
+ processor.freeze();
assertParser('processSync', processor.Parser);
assertCompiler('processSync', processor.Compiler);
- file = vfile(doc);
- process(file, done);
+ const file = vfile(doc);
+ processor.process(file, done);
assertDone('processSync', 'process', complete);
return file
+ /**
+ * @param {Error|null|undefined} [error]
+ * @returns {void}
+ */
function done(error) {
complete = true;
@@ -28440,61 +33625,112 @@ function unified$1() {
-// Check if `value` is a constructor.
+ * Check if `value` is a constructor.
+ *
+ * @param {unknown} value
+ * @param {string} name
+ * @returns {boolean}
+ */
function newable(value, name) {
return (
typeof value === 'function' &&
+ // Prototypes do exist.
+ // type-coverage:ignore-next-line
value.prototype &&
// A function with keys in its prototype is probably a constructor.
// Classes’ prototype methods are not enumerable, so we check if some value
// exists in the prototype.
+ // type-coverage:ignore-next-line
(keys(value.prototype) || name in value.prototype)
-// Check if `value` is an object with keys.
+ * Check if `value` is an object with keys.
+ *
+ * @param {Record<string, unknown>} value
+ * @returns {boolean}
+ */
function keys(value) {
- var key;
+ /** @type {string} */
+ let key;
for (key in value) {
- return true
+ if (own$, key)) {
+ return true
+ }
return false
-// Assert a parser is available.
-function assertParser(name, Parser) {
- if (typeof Parser !== 'function') {
- throw new Error('Cannot `' + name + '` without `Parser`')
+ * Assert a parser is available.
+ *
+ * @param {string} name
+ * @param {unknown} value
+ * @returns {asserts value is Parser}
+ */
+function assertParser(name, value) {
+ if (typeof value !== 'function') {
+ throw new TypeError('Cannot `' + name + '` without `Parser`')
-// Assert a compiler is available.
-function assertCompiler(name, Compiler) {
- if (typeof Compiler !== 'function') {
- throw new Error('Cannot `' + name + '` without `Compiler`')
+ * Assert a compiler is available.
+ *
+ * @param {string} name
+ * @param {unknown} value
+ * @returns {asserts value is Compiler}
+ */
+function assertCompiler(name, value) {
+ if (typeof value !== 'function') {
+ throw new TypeError('Cannot `' + name + '` without `Compiler`')
-// Assert the processor is not frozen.
+ * Assert the processor is not frozen.
+ *
+ * @param {string} name
+ * @param {unknown} frozen
+ * @returns {asserts frozen is false}
+ */
function assertUnfrozen(name, frozen) {
if (frozen) {
throw new Error(
- 'Cannot invoke `' +
+ 'Cannot call `' +
name +
- '` on a frozen processor.\nCreate a new processor first, by invoking it: use `processor()` instead of `processor`.'
+ '` on a frozen processor.\nCreate a new processor first, by calling it: use `processor()` instead of `processor`.'
-// Assert `node` is a unist node.
+ * Assert `node` is a unist node.
+ *
+ * @param {unknown} node
+ * @returns {asserts node is Node}
+ */
function assertNode(node) {
- if (!node || typeof node.type !== 'string') {
- throw new Error('Expected node, got `' + node + '`')
+ // `isPlainObj` unfortunately uses `any` instead of `unknown`.
+ // type-coverage:ignore-next-line
+ if (!isPlainObject$1(node) || typeof node.type !== 'string') {
+ throw new TypeError('Expected node, got `' + node + '`')
+ // Fine.
-// Assert that `complete` is `true`.
+ * Assert that `complete` is `true`.
+ *
+ * @param {string} name
+ * @param {string} asyncName
+ * @param {unknown} complete
+ * @returns {asserts complete is true}
+ */
function assertDone(name, asyncName, complete) {
if (!complete) {
throw new Error(
@@ -28503,120 +33739,516 @@ function assertDone(name, asyncName, complete) {
-var mdastUtilToString$1 = toString$5;
+ * @param {VFileCompatible} [value]
+ * @returns {VFile}
+ */
+function vfile(value) {
+ return looksLikeAVFile(value) ? value : new VFile(value)
+ * @param {VFileCompatible} [value]
+ * @returns {value is VFile}
+ */
+function looksLikeAVFile(value) {
+ return Boolean(
+ value &&
+ typeof value === 'object' &&
+ 'message' in value &&
+ 'messages' in value
+ )
+ * @param {unknown} [value]
+ * @returns {value is VFileValue}
+ */
+function looksLikeAVFileValue(value) {
+ return typeof value === 'string' || isBuffer(value)
+ * @typedef Options
+ * @property {boolean} [includeImageAlt=true]
+ */
-// Get the text content of a node.
-// Prefer the node’s plain-text fields, otherwise serialize its children,
-// and if the given value is an array, serialize the nodes in it.
-function toString$5(node) {
+ * Get the text content of a node.
+ * Prefer the node’s plain-text fields, otherwise serialize its children,
+ * and if the given value is an array, serialize the nodes in it.
+ *
+ * @param {unknown} node
+ * @param {Options} [options]
+ * @returns {string}
+ */
+function toString(node, options) {
+ var {includeImageAlt = true} = options || {};
+ return one(node, includeImageAlt)
+ * @param {unknown} node
+ * @param {boolean} includeImageAlt
+ * @returns {string}
+ */
+function one(node, includeImageAlt) {
return (
(node &&
+ typeof node === 'object' &&
+ // @ts-ignore looks like a literal.
(node.value ||
- node.alt ||
- node.title ||
- ('children' in node && all$2(node.children)) ||
- ('length' in node && all$2(node)))) ||
+ // @ts-ignore looks like an image.
+ (includeImageAlt ? node.alt : '') ||
+ // @ts-ignore looks like a parent.
+ ('children' in node && all(node.children, includeImageAlt)) ||
+ (Array.isArray(node) && all(node, includeImageAlt)))) ||
-function all$2(values) {
+ * @param {Array.<unknown>} values
+ * @param {boolean} includeImageAlt
+ * @returns {string}
+ */
+function all(values, includeImageAlt) {
+ /** @type {Array.<string>} */
var result = [];
var index = -1;
while (++index < values.length) {
- result[index] = toString$5(values[index]);
+ result[index] = one(values[index], includeImageAlt);
return result.join('')
-var assign$5 = Object.assign;
+ * Like `Array#splice`, but smarter for giant arrays.
+ *
+ * `Array#splice` takes all items to be inserted as individual argument which
+ * causes a stack overflow in V8 when trying to insert 100k items for instance.
+ *
+ * Otherwise, this does not return the removed items, and takes `items` as an
+ * array instead of rest parameters.
+ *
+ * @template {unknown} T
+ * @param {T[]} list
+ * @param {number} start
+ * @param {number} remove
+ * @param {T[]} items
+ * @returns {void}
+ */
+function splice(list, start, remove, items) {
+ const end = list.length;
+ let chunkStart = 0;
+ /** @type {unknown[]} */
-var assign_1 = assign$5;
+ let parameters; // Make start between zero and `end` (included).
-var own$a = {}.hasOwnProperty;
+ if (start < 0) {
+ start = -start > end ? 0 : end + start;
+ } else {
+ start = start > end ? end : start;
+ }
-var hasOwnProperty$2 = own$a;
+ remove = remove > 0 ? remove : 0; // No need to chunk the items if there’s only a couple (10k) items.
-function normalizeIdentifier$4(value) {
- return (
- value // Collapse Markdown whitespace.
- .replace(/[\t\n\r ]+/g, ' ') // Trim.
- .replace(/^ | $/g, '') // Some characters are considered “uppercase”, but if their lowercase
- // counterpart is uppercased will result in a different uppercase
- // character.
- // Hence, to get that form, we perform both lower- and uppercase.
- // Upper case makes sure keys will not interact with default prototypal
- // methods: no object method is uppercase.
- .toLowerCase()
- .toUpperCase()
- )
+ if (items.length < 10000) {
+ parameters = Array.from(items);
+ parameters.unshift(start, remove) // @ts-expect-error Hush, it’s fine.
+ ;[].splice.apply(list, parameters);
+ } else {
+ // Delete `remove` items starting from `start`
+ if (remove) [].splice.apply(list, [start, remove]); // Insert the items in chunks to not cause stack overflows.
+ while (chunkStart < items.length) {
+ parameters = items.slice(chunkStart, chunkStart + 10000);
+ parameters.unshift(start, 0) // @ts-expect-error Hush, it’s fine.
+ ;[].splice.apply(list, parameters);
+ chunkStart += 10000;
+ start += 10000;
+ }
+ }
+ * Append `items` (an array) at the end of `list` (another array).
+ * When `list` was empty, returns `items` instead.
+ *
+ * This prevents a potentially expensive operation when `list` is empty,
+ * and adds items in batches to prevent V8 from hanging.
+ *
+ * @template {unknown} T
+ * @param {T[]} list
+ * @param {T[]} items
+ * @returns {T[]}
+ */
-var normalizeIdentifier_1 = normalizeIdentifier$4;
+function push(list, items) {
+ if (list.length > 0) {
+ splice(list, list.length, 0, items);
+ return list
+ }
-var fromCharCode$4 = String.fromCharCode;
+ return items
-var fromCharCode_1 = fromCharCode$4;
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').NormalizedExtension} NormalizedExtension
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Extension} Extension
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Construct} Construct
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').HtmlExtension} HtmlExtension
+ */
-var fromCharCode$3 = fromCharCode_1;
+const hasOwnProperty = {}.hasOwnProperty;
-function safeFromInt$1(value, base) {
- var code = parseInt(value, base);
+ * Combine several syntax extensions into one.
+ *
+ * @param {Extension[]} extensions List of syntax extensions.
+ * @returns {NormalizedExtension} A single combined extension.
+ */
+function combineExtensions(extensions) {
+ /** @type {NormalizedExtension} */
+ const all = {};
+ let index = -1;
- if (
- // C0 except for HT, LF, FF, CR, space
- code < 9 ||
- code === 11 ||
- (code > 13 && code < 32) || // Control character (DEL) of the basic block and C1 controls.
- (code > 126 && code < 160) || // Lone high surrogates and low surrogates.
- (code > 55295 && code < 57344) || // Noncharacters.
- (code > 64975 && code < 65008) ||
- (code & 65535) === 65535 ||
- (code & 65535) === 65534 || // Out of range
- code > 1114111
- ) {
- return '\uFFFD'
+ while (++index < extensions.length) {
+ syntaxExtension(all, extensions[index]);
- return fromCharCode$3(code)
+ return all
-var safeFromInt_1 = safeFromInt$1;
+ * Merge `extension` into `all`.
+ *
+ * @param {NormalizedExtension} all Extension to merge into.
+ * @param {Extension} extension Extension to merge.
+ * @returns {void}
+ */
+function syntaxExtension(all, extension) {
+ /** @type {string} */
+ let hook;
-var content$3 = {};
+ for (hook in extension) {
+ const maybe =, hook) ? all[hook] : undefined;
+ const left = maybe || (all[hook] = {});
+ const right = extension[hook];
+ /** @type {string} */
+ let code;
-function markdownLineEnding$k(code) {
- return code < -2
+ for (code in right) {
+ if (!, code)) left[code] = [];
+ const value = right[code];
+ constructs(
+ // @ts-expect-error Looks like a list.
+ left[code],
+ Array.isArray(value) ? value : value ? [value] : []
+ );
+ }
+ }
-var markdownLineEnding_1 = markdownLineEnding$k;
+ * Merge `list` into `existing` (both lists of constructs).
+ * Mutates `existing`.
+ *
+ * @param {unknown[]} existing
+ * @param {unknown[]} list
+ * @returns {void}
+ */
+function constructs(existing, list) {
+ let index = -1;
+ /** @type {unknown[]} */
+ const before = [];
+ while (++index < list.length) {
+(list[index].add === 'after' ? existing : before).push(list[index]);
+ }
+ splice(existing, 0, 0, before);
+ * Combine several HTML extensions into one.
+ *
+ * @param {HtmlExtension[]} htmlExtensions List of HTML extensions.
+ * @returns {HtmlExtension} A single combined extension.
+ */
+function combineHtmlExtensions(htmlExtensions) {
+ /** @type {HtmlExtension} */
+ const handlers = {};
+ let index = -1;
-function markdownSpace$a(code) {
+ while (++index < htmlExtensions.length) {
+ htmlExtension(handlers, htmlExtensions[index]);
+ }
+ return handlers
+ * Merge `extension` into `all`.
+ *
+ * @param {HtmlExtension} all Extension to merge into.
+ * @param {HtmlExtension} extension Extension to merge.
+ * @returns {void}
+ */
+function htmlExtension(all, extension) {
+ /** @type {string} */
+ let hook;
+ for (hook in extension) {
+ const maybe =, hook) ? all[hook] : undefined;
+ const left = maybe || (all[hook] = {});
+ const right = extension[hook];
+ /** @type {string} */
+ let type;
+ if (right) {
+ for (type in right) {
+ left[type] = right[type];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// This module is generated by `script/`.
+// CommonMark handles attention (emphasis, strong) markers based on what comes
+// before or after them.
+// One such difference is if those characters are Unicode punctuation.
+// This script is generated from the Unicode data.
+const unicodePunctuationRegex =
+ /[!-/:-@[-`{-~\u00A1\u00A7\u00AB\u00B6\u00B7\u00BB\u00BF\u037E\u0387\u055A-\u055F\u0589\u058A\u05BE\u05C0\u05C3\u05C6\u05F3\u05F4\u0609\u060A\u060C\u060D\u061B\u061E\u061F\u066A-\u066D\u06D4\u0700-\u070D\u07F7-\u07F9\u0830-\u083E\u085E\u0964\u0965\u0970\u09FD\u0A76\u0AF0\u0C77\u0C84\u0DF4\u0E4F\u0E5A\u0E5B\u0F04-\u0F12\u0F14\u0F3A-\u0F3D\u0F85\u0FD0-\u0FD4\u0FD9\u0FDA\u104A-\u104F\u10FB\u1360-\u1368\u1400\u166E\u169B\u169C\u16EB-\u16ED\u1735\u1736\u17D4-\u17D6\u17D8-\u17DA\u1800-\u180A\u1944\u1945\u1A1E\u1A1F\u1AA0-\u1AA6\u1AA8-\u1AAD\u1B5A-\u1B60\u1BFC-\u1BFF\u1C3B-\u1C3F\u1C7E\u1C7F\u1CC0-\u1CC7\u1CD3\u2010-\u2027\u2030-\u2043\u2045-\u2051\u2053-\u205E\u207D\u207E\u208D\u208E\u2308-\u230B\u2329\u232A\u2768-\u2775\u27C5\u27C6\u27E6-\u27EF\u2983-\u2998\u29D8-\u29DB\u29FC\u29FD\u2CF9-\u2CFC\u2CFE\u2CFF\u2D70\u2E00-\u2E2E\u2E30-\u2E4F\u2E52\u3001-\u3003\u3008-\u3011\u3014-\u301F\u3030\u303D\u30A0\u30FB\uA4FE\uA4FF\uA60D-\uA60F\uA673\uA67E\uA6F2-\uA6F7\uA874-\uA877\uA8CE\uA8CF\uA8F8-\uA8FA\uA8FC\uA92E\uA92F\uA95F\uA9C1-\uA9CD\uA9DE\uA9DF\uAA5C-\uAA5F\uAADE\uAADF\uAAF0\uAAF1\uABEB\uFD3E\uFD3F\uFE10-\uFE19\uFE30-\uFE52\uFE54-\uFE61\uFE63\uFE68\uFE6A\uFE6B\uFF01-\uFF03\uFF05-\uFF0A\uFF0C-\uFF0F\uFF1A\uFF1B\uFF1F\uFF20\uFF3B-\uFF3D\uFF3F\uFF5B\uFF5D\uFF5F-\uFF65]/;
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Code} Code
+ */
+ * Check whether the character code represents an ASCII alpha (`a` through `z`,
+ * case insensitive).
+ *
+ * An **ASCII alpha** is an ASCII upper alpha or ASCII lower alpha.
+ *
+ * An **ASCII upper alpha** is a character in the inclusive range U+0041 (`A`)
+ * to U+005A (`Z`).
+ *
+ * An **ASCII lower alpha** is a character in the inclusive range U+0061 (`a`)
+ * to U+007A (`z`).
+ */
+const asciiAlpha = regexCheck(/[A-Za-z]/);
+ * Check whether the character code represents an ASCII digit (`0` through `9`).
+ *
+ * An **ASCII digit** is a character in the inclusive range U+0030 (`0`) to
+ * U+0039 (`9`).
+ */
+const asciiDigit = regexCheck(/\d/);
+ * Check whether the character code represents an ASCII hex digit (`a` through
+ * `f`, case insensitive, or `0` through `9`).
+ *
+ * An **ASCII hex digit** is an ASCII digit (see `asciiDigit`), ASCII upper hex
+ * digit, or an ASCII lower hex digit.
+ *
+ * An **ASCII upper hex digit** is a character in the inclusive range U+0041
+ * (`A`) to U+0046 (`F`).
+ *
+ * An **ASCII lower hex digit** is a character in the inclusive range U+0061
+ * (`a`) to U+0066 (`f`).
+ */
+const asciiHexDigit = regexCheck(/[\dA-Fa-f]/);
+ * Check whether the character code represents an ASCII alphanumeric (`a`
+ * through `z`, case insensitive, or `0` through `9`).
+ *
+ * An **ASCII alphanumeric** is an ASCII digit (see `asciiDigit`) or ASCII alpha
+ * (see `asciiAlpha`).
+ */
+const asciiAlphanumeric = regexCheck(/[\dA-Za-z]/);
+ * Check whether the character code represents ASCII punctuation.
+ *
+ * An **ASCII punctuation** is a character in the inclusive ranges U+0021
+ * EXCLAMATION MARK (`!`) to U+002F SLASH (`/`), U+003A COLON (`:`) to U+0040 AT
+ * SIGN (`@`), U+005B LEFT SQUARE BRACKET (`[`) to U+0060 GRAVE ACCENT
+ * (`` ` ``), or U+007B LEFT CURLY BRACE (`{`) to U+007E TILDE (`~`).
+ */
+const asciiPunctuation = regexCheck(/[!-/:-@[-`{-~]/);
+ * Check whether the character code represents an ASCII atext.
+ *
+ * atext is an ASCII alphanumeric (see `asciiAlphanumeric`), or a character in
+ * the inclusive ranges U+0023 NUMBER SIGN (`#`) to U+0027 APOSTROPHE (`'`),
+ * U+002A ASTERISK (`*`), U+002B PLUS SIGN (`+`), U+002D DASH (`-`), U+002F
+ * SLASH (`/`), U+003D EQUALS TO (`=`), U+003F QUESTION MARK (`?`), U+005E
+ * CARET (`^`) to U+0060 GRAVE ACCENT (`` ` ``), or U+007B LEFT CURLY BRACE
+ * (`{`) to U+007E TILDE (`~`).
+ *
+ * See:
+ * **\[RFC5322]**:
+ * [Internet Message Format](
+ * P. Resnick.
+ * IETF.
+ */
+const asciiAtext = regexCheck(/[#-'*+\--9=?A-Z^-~]/);
+ * Check whether a character code is an ASCII control character.
+ *
+ * An **ASCII control** is a character in the inclusive range U+0000 NULL (NUL)
+ * to U+001F (US), or U+007F (DEL).
+ *
+ * @param {Code} code
+ * @returns {code is number}
+ */
+function asciiControl(code) {
+ return (
+ // Special whitespace codes (which have negative values), C0 and Control
+ // character DEL
+ code !== null && (code < 32 || code === 127)
+ )
+ * Check whether a character code is a markdown line ending (see
+ * `markdownLineEnding`) or markdown space (see `markdownSpace`).
+ *
+ * @param {Code} code
+ * @returns {code is number}
+ */
+function markdownLineEndingOrSpace(code) {
+ return code !== null && (code < 0 || code === 32)
+ * Check whether a character code is a markdown line ending.
+ *
+ * A **markdown line ending** is the virtual characters M-0003 CARRIAGE RETURN
+ *
+ * In micromark, the actual character U+000A LINE FEED (LF) and U+000D CARRIAGE
+ * RETURN (CR) are replaced by these virtual characters depending on whether
+ * they occurred together.
+ *
+ * @param {Code} code
+ * @returns {code is number}
+ */
+function markdownLineEnding(code) {
+ return code !== null && code < -2
+ * Check whether a character code is a markdown space.
+ *
+ * A **markdown space** is the concrete character U+0020 SPACE (SP) and the
+ * virtual characters M-0001 VIRTUAL SPACE (VS) and M-0002 HORIZONTAL TAB (HT).
+ *
+ * In micromark, the actual character U+0009 CHARACTER TABULATION (HT) is
+ * replaced by one M-0002 HORIZONTAL TAB (HT) and between 0 and 3 M-0001 VIRTUAL
+ * SPACE (VS) characters, depending on the column at which the tab occurred.
+ *
+ * @param {Code} code
+ * @returns {code is number}
+ */
+function markdownSpace(code) {
return code === -2 || code === -1 || code === 32
+ * Check whether the character code represents Unicode whitespace.
+ *
+ * Note that this does handle micromark specific markdown whitespace characters.
+ * See `markdownLineEndingOrSpace` to check that.
+ *
+ * A **Unicode whitespace** is a character in the Unicode `Zs` (Separator,
+ * Space) category, or U+0009 CHARACTER TABULATION (HT), U+000A LINE FEED (LF),
+ * U+000C (FF), or U+000D CARRIAGE RETURN (CR) (**\[UNICODE]**).
+ *
+ * See:
+ * **\[UNICODE]**:
+ * [The Unicode Standard](
+ * Unicode Consortium.
+ */
-var markdownSpace_1 = markdownSpace$a;
+const unicodeWhitespace = regexCheck(/\s/);
+ * Check whether the character code represents Unicode punctuation.
+ *
+ * A **Unicode punctuation** is a character in the Unicode `Pc` (Punctuation,
+ * Connector), `Pd` (Punctuation, Dash), `Pe` (Punctuation, Close), `Pf`
+ * (Punctuation, Final quote), `Pi` (Punctuation, Initial quote), `Po`
+ * (Punctuation, Other), or `Ps` (Punctuation, Open) categories, or an ASCII
+ * punctuation (see `asciiPunctuation`).
+ *
+ * See:
+ * **\[UNICODE]**:
+ * [The Unicode Standard](
+ * Unicode Consortium.
+ */
+// Size note: removing ASCII from the regex and using `asciiPunctuation` here
+// In fact adds to the bundle size.
-var markdownSpace$9 = markdownSpace_1;
+const unicodePunctuation = regexCheck(unicodePunctuationRegex);
+ * Create a code check from a regex.
+ *
+ * @param {RegExp} regex
+ * @returns {(code: Code) => code is number}
+ */
+function regexCheck(regex) {
+ return check
+ /**
+ * Check whether a code matches the bound regex.
+ *
+ * @param {Code} code Character code
+ * @returns {code is number} Whether the character code matches the bound regex
+ */
-function spaceFactory(effects, ok, type, max) {
- var limit = max ? max - 1 : Infinity;
- var size = 0;
+ function check(code) {
+ return code !== null && regex.test(String.fromCharCode(code))
+ }
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Effects} Effects
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').State} State
+ */
+ * @param {Effects} effects
+ * @param {State} ok
+ * @param {string} type
+ * @param {number} [max=Infinity]
+ * @returns {State}
+ */
+function factorySpace(effects, ok, type, max) {
+ const limit = max ? max - 1 : Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
+ let size = 0;
return start
+ /** @type {State} */
function start(code) {
- if (markdownSpace$9(code)) {
+ if (markdownSpace(code)) {
return prefix(code)
return ok(code)
+ /** @type {State} */
function prefix(code) {
- if (markdownSpace$9(code) && size++ < limit) {
+ if (markdownSpace(code) && size++ < limit) {
return prefix
@@ -28626,23 +34258,30 @@ function spaceFactory(effects, ok, type, max) {
-var factorySpace$i = spaceFactory;
-Object.defineProperty(content$3, '__esModule', {value: true});
-var markdownLineEnding$j = markdownLineEnding_1;
-var factorySpace$h = factorySpace$i;
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').InitialConstruct} InitialConstruct
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Initializer} Initializer
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Token} Token
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').State} State
+ */
-var tokenize$2 = initializeContent;
+/** @type {InitialConstruct} */
+const content$1 = {
+ tokenize: initializeContent
+/** @type {Initializer} */
function initializeContent(effects) {
- var contentStart = effects.attempt(
+ const contentStart = effects.attempt(
- var previous;
+ /** @type {Token} */
+ let previous;
return contentStart
+ /** @type {State} */
function afterContentStartConstruct(code) {
if (code === null) {
@@ -28653,18 +34292,20 @@ function initializeContent(effects) {
- return factorySpace$h(effects, contentStart, 'linePrefix')
+ return factorySpace(effects, contentStart, 'linePrefix')
+ /** @type {State} */
function paragraphInitial(code) {
return lineStart(code)
+ /** @type {State} */
function lineStart(code) {
- var token = effects.enter('chunkText', {
+ const token = effects.enter('chunkText', {
contentType: 'text',
- previous: previous
+ previous
if (previous) {
@@ -28674,6 +34315,7 @@ function initializeContent(effects) {
previous = token;
return data(code)
+ /** @type {State} */
function data(code) {
if (code === null) {
@@ -28683,7 +34325,7 @@ function initializeContent(effects) {
- if (markdownLineEnding$j(code)) {
+ if (markdownLineEnding(code)) {
return lineStart
@@ -28694,84 +34336,128 @@ function initializeContent(effects) {
-content$3.tokenize = tokenize$2;
-var document$3 = {};
-var markdownLineEnding$i = markdownLineEnding_1;
-var factorySpace$g = factorySpace$i;
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').InitialConstruct} InitialConstruct
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Initializer} Initializer
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Construct} Construct
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').TokenizeContext} TokenizeContext
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Tokenizer} Tokenizer
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Token} Token
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').State} State
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Point} Point
+ */
+/** @type {InitialConstruct} */
-var partialBlankLine$4 = {
- tokenize: tokenizePartialBlankLine,
- partial: true
+const document$2 = {
+ tokenize: initializeDocument
+/** @type {Construct} */
-function tokenizePartialBlankLine(effects, ok, nok) {
- return factorySpace$g(effects, afterWhitespace, 'linePrefix')
- function afterWhitespace(code) {
- return code === null || markdownLineEnding$i(code) ? ok(code) : nok(code)
- }
+const containerConstruct = {
+ tokenize: tokenizeContainer
+/** @type {Initializer} */
-var partialBlankLine_1 = partialBlankLine$4;
+function initializeDocument(effects) {
+ const self = this;
+ /** @type {StackItem[]} */
-Object.defineProperty(document$3, '__esModule', {value: true});
+ const stack = [];
+ let continued = 0;
+ /** @type {TokenizeContext|undefined} */
-var markdownLineEnding$h = markdownLineEnding_1;
-var factorySpace$f = factorySpace$i;
-var partialBlankLine$3 = partialBlankLine_1;
+ let childFlow;
+ /** @type {Token|undefined} */
-var tokenize$1 = initializeDocument;
-var containerConstruct = {
- tokenize: tokenizeContainer
-var lazyFlowConstruct = {
- tokenize: tokenizeLazyFlow
+ let childToken;
+ /** @type {number} */
-function initializeDocument(effects) {
- var self = this;
- var stack = [];
- var continued = 0;
- var inspectConstruct = {
- tokenize: tokenizeInspect,
- partial: true
- };
- var inspectResult;
- var childFlow;
- var childToken;
+ let lineStartOffset;
return start
+ /** @type {State} */
function start(code) {
+ // First we iterate through the open blocks, starting with the root
+ // document, and descending through last children down to the last open
+ // block.
+ // Each block imposes a condition that the line must satisfy if the block is
+ // to remain open.
+ // For example, a block quote requires a `>` character.
+ // A paragraph requires a non-blank line.
+ // In this phase we may match all or just some of the open blocks.
+ // But we cannot close unmatched blocks yet, because we may have a lazy
+ // continuation line.
if (continued < stack.length) {
- self.containerState = stack[continued][1];
+ const item = stack[continued];
+ self.containerState = item[1];
return effects.attempt(
- stack[continued][0].continuation,
+ item[0].continuation,
- documentContinued
+ checkNewContainers
- }
+ } // Done.
- return documentContinued(code)
+ return checkNewContainers(code)
+ /** @type {State} */
function documentContinue(code) {
+ if (self.containerState._closeFlow) closeFlow();
return start(code)
+ /** @type {State} */
- function documentContinued(code) {
- // If we’re in a concrete construct (such as when expecting another line of
- // HTML, or we resulted in lazy content), we can immediately start flow.
- if (inspectResult && inspectResult.flowContinue) {
- return flowStart(code)
- }
+ function checkNewContainers(code) {
+ // Next, after consuming the continuation markers for existing blocks, we
+ // look for new block starts (e.g. `>` for a block quote).
+ // If we encounter a new block start, we close any blocks unmatched in
+ // step 1 before creating the new block as a child of the last matched
+ // block.
+ if (continued === stack.length) {
+ // No need to `check` whether there’s a container, of `exitContainers`
+ // would be moot.
+ // We can instead immediately `attempt` to parse one.
+ if (!childFlow) {
+ return documentContinued(code)
+ } // If we have concrete content, such as block HTML or fenced code,
+ // we can’t have containers “pierce” into them, so we can immediately
+ // start.
+ if (childFlow.currentConstruct && childFlow.currentConstruct.concrete) {
+ return flowStart(code)
+ } // If we do have flow, it could still be a blank line,
+ // but we’d be interrupting it w/ a new container if there’s a current
+ // construct.
+ self.interrupt = Boolean(childFlow.currentConstruct);
+ } // Check if there is a new container.
+ self.containerState = {};
+ return effects.check(
+ containerConstruct,
+ thereIsANewContainer,
+ thereIsNoNewContainer
+ )(code)
+ }
+ /** @type {State} */
- self.interrupt =
- childFlow &&
- childFlow.currentConstruct &&
- childFlow.currentConstruct.interruptible;
+ function thereIsANewContainer(code) {
+ if (childFlow) closeFlow();
+ exitContainers(continued);
+ return documentContinued(code)
+ }
+ /** @type {State} */
+ function thereIsNoNewContainer(code) {
+ self.parser.lazy[] = continued !== stack.length;
+ lineStartOffset =;
+ return flowStart(code)
+ }
+ /** @type {State} */
+ function documentContinued(code) {
+ // Try new containers.
self.containerState = {};
return effects.attempt(
@@ -28779,16 +34465,20 @@ function initializeDocument(effects) {
+ /** @type {State} */
function containerContinue(code) {
- stack.push([self.currentConstruct, self.containerState]);
- self.containerState = undefined;
+ continued++;
+ stack.push([self.currentConstruct, self.containerState]); // Try another.
return documentContinued(code)
+ /** @type {State} */
function flowStart(code) {
if (code === null) {
- exitContainers(0, true);
+ if (childFlow) closeFlow();
+ exitContainers(0);
@@ -28801,870 +34491,221 @@ function initializeDocument(effects) {
return flowContinue(code)
+ /** @type {State} */
function flowContinue(code) {
if (code === null) {
- continueFlow(effects.exit('chunkFlow'));
- return flowStart(code)
+ writeToChild(effects.exit('chunkFlow'), true);
+ exitContainers(0);
+ effects.consume(code);
+ return
- if (markdownLineEnding$h(code)) {
+ if (markdownLineEnding(code)) {
- continueFlow(effects.exit('chunkFlow'));
- return effects.check(inspectConstruct, documentAfterPeek)
+ writeToChild(effects.exit('chunkFlow')); // Get ready for the next line.
+ continued = 0;
+ self.interrupt = undefined;
+ return start
return flowContinue
+ /**
+ * @param {Token} token
+ * @param {boolean} [eof]
+ * @returns {void}
+ */
- function documentAfterPeek(code) {
- exitContainers(
- inspectResult.continued,
- inspectResult && inspectResult.flowEnd
- );
- continued = 0;
- return start(code)
- }
- function continueFlow(token) {
+ function writeToChild(token, eof) {
+ const stream = self.sliceStream(token);
+ if (eof) stream.push(null);
+ token.previous = childToken;
if (childToken) = token;
childToken = token;
- childFlow.lazy = inspectResult && inspectResult.lazy;
- childFlow.write(self.sliceStream(token));
- }
- function exitContainers(size, end) {
- var index = stack.length; // Close the flow.
- if (childFlow && end) {
- childFlow.write([null]);
- childToken = childFlow = undefined;
- } // Exit open containers.
- while (index-- > size) {
- self.containerState = stack[index][1];
- stack[index][0], effects);
- }
- stack.length = size;
- }
- function tokenizeInspect(effects, ok) {
- var subcontinued = 0;
- inspectResult = {};
- return inspectStart
- function inspectStart(code) {
- if (subcontinued < stack.length) {
- self.containerState = stack[subcontinued][1];
- return effects.attempt(
- stack[subcontinued][0].continuation,
- inspectContinue,
- inspectLess
- )(code)
- } // If we’re continued but in a concrete flow, we can’t have more
- // containers.
- if (childFlow.currentConstruct && childFlow.currentConstruct.concrete) {
- inspectResult.flowContinue = true;
- return inspectDone(code)
- }
- self.interrupt =
- childFlow.currentConstruct && childFlow.currentConstruct.interruptible;
- self.containerState = {};
- return effects.attempt(
- containerConstruct,
- inspectFlowEnd,
- inspectDone
- )(code)
- }
- function inspectContinue(code) {
- subcontinued++;
- return self.containerState._closeFlow
- ? inspectFlowEnd(code)
- : inspectStart(code)
- }
- function inspectLess(code) {
- if (childFlow.currentConstruct && childFlow.currentConstruct.lazy) {
- // Maybe another container?
- self.containerState = {};
- return effects.attempt(
- containerConstruct,
- inspectFlowEnd, // Maybe flow, or a blank line?
- effects.attempt(
- lazyFlowConstruct,
- inspectFlowEnd,
- effects.check(partialBlankLine$3, inspectFlowEnd, inspectLazy)
- )
- )(code)
- } // Otherwise we’re interrupting.
- return inspectFlowEnd(code)
- }
- function inspectLazy(code) {
- // Act as if all containers are continued.
- subcontinued = stack.length;
- inspectResult.lazy = true;
- inspectResult.flowContinue = true;
- return inspectDone(code)
- } // We’re done with flow if we have more containers, or an interruption.
- function inspectFlowEnd(code) {
- inspectResult.flowEnd = true;
- return inspectDone(code)
- }
- function inspectDone(code) {
- inspectResult.continued = subcontinued;
- self.interrupt = self.containerState = undefined;
- return ok(code)
- }
- }
-function tokenizeContainer(effects, ok, nok) {
- return factorySpace$f(
- effects,
- effects.attempt(this.parser.constructs.document, ok, nok),
- 'linePrefix',
- this.parser.constructs.disable.null.indexOf('codeIndented') > -1
- ? undefined
- : 4
- )
-function tokenizeLazyFlow(effects, ok, nok) {
- return factorySpace$f(
- effects,
- effects.lazy(this.parser.constructs.flow, ok, nok),
- 'linePrefix',
- this.parser.constructs.disable.null.indexOf('codeIndented') > -1
- ? undefined
- : 4
- )
-document$3.tokenize = tokenize$1;
-var flow$7 = {};
-// Counts tabs based on their expanded size, and CR+LF as one character.
-function sizeChunks$2(chunks) {
- var index = -1;
- var size = 0;
- while (++index < chunks.length) {
- size += typeof chunks[index] === 'string' ? chunks[index].length : 1;
- }
- return size
-var sizeChunks_1 = sizeChunks$2;
-var sizeChunks$1 = sizeChunks_1;
-function prefixSize$4(events, type) {
- var tail = events[events.length - 1];
- if (!tail || tail[1].type !== type) return 0
- return sizeChunks$1(tail[2].sliceStream(tail[1]))
-var prefixSize_1 = prefixSize$4;
-var splice$2 = [].splice;
-var splice_1 = splice$2;
-var splice$1 = splice_1;
-// causes a stack overflow in V8 when trying to insert 100k items for instance.
-function chunkedSplice$8(list, start, remove, items) {
- var end = list.length;
- var chunkStart = 0;
- var parameters; // Make start between zero and `end` (included).
- if (start < 0) {
- start = -start > end ? 0 : end + start;
- } else {
- start = start > end ? end : start;
- }
- remove = remove > 0 ? remove : 0; // No need to chunk the items if there’s only a couple (10k) items.
- if (items.length < 10000) {
- parameters = Array.from(items);
- parameters.unshift(start, remove);
- splice$1.apply(list, parameters);
- } else {
- // Delete `remove` items starting from `start`
- if (remove) splice$1.apply(list, [start, remove]); // Insert the items in chunks to not cause stack overflows.
- while (chunkStart < items.length) {
- parameters = items.slice(chunkStart, chunkStart + 10000);
- parameters.unshift(start, 0);
- splice$1.apply(list, parameters);
- chunkStart += 10000;
- start += 10000;
- }
- }
-var chunkedSplice_1 = chunkedSplice$8;
-var assign$4 = assign_1;
-function shallow$6(object) {
- return assign$4({}, object)
-var shallow_1 = shallow$6;
-var assign$3 = assign_1;
-var chunkedSplice$7 = chunkedSplice_1;
-var shallow$5 = shallow_1;
-function subtokenize$2(events) {
- var jumps = {};
- var index = -1;
- var event;
- var lineIndex;
- var otherIndex;
- var otherEvent;
- var parameters;
- var subevents;
- var more;
- while (++index < events.length) {
- while (index in jumps) {
- index = jumps[index];
- }
- event = events[index]; // Add a hook for the GFM tasklist extension, which needs to know if text
- // is in the first content of a list item.
- if (
- index &&
- event[1].type === 'chunkFlow' &&
- events[index - 1][1].type === 'listItemPrefix'
- ) {
- subevents = event[1];
- otherIndex = 0;
- if (
- otherIndex < subevents.length &&
- subevents[otherIndex][1].type === 'lineEndingBlank'
- ) {
- otherIndex += 2;
- }
- if (
- otherIndex < subevents.length &&
- subevents[otherIndex][1].type === 'content'
- ) {
- while (++otherIndex < subevents.length) {
- if (subevents[otherIndex][1].type === 'content') {
- break
- }
- if (subevents[otherIndex][1].type === 'chunkText') {
- subevents[otherIndex][1].isInFirstContentOfListItem = true;
- otherIndex++;
- }
- }
- }
- } // Enter.
- if (event[0] === 'enter') {
- if (event[1].contentType) {
- assign$3(jumps, subcontent(events, index));
- index = jumps[index];
- more = true;
- }
- } // Exit.
- else if (event[1]._container || event[1]._movePreviousLineEndings) {
- otherIndex = index;
- lineIndex = undefined;
+ childFlow.write(stream); // Alright, so we just added a lazy line:
+ //
+ // ```markdown
+ // > a
+ // b.
+ //
+ // Or:
+ //
+ // > ~~~c
+ // d
+ //
+ // Or:
+ //
+ // > | e |
+ // f
+ // ```
+ //
+ // The construct in the second example (fenced code) does not accept lazy
+ // lines, so it marked itself as done at the end of its first line, and
+ // then the content construct parses `d`.
+ // Most constructs in markdown match on the first line: if the first line
+ // forms a construct, a non-lazy line can’t “unmake” it.
+ //
+ // The construct in the third example is potentially a GFM table, and
+ // those are *weird*.
+ // It *could* be a table, from the first line, if the following line
+ // matches a condition.
+ // In this case, that second line is lazy, which “unmakes” the first line
+ // and turns the whole into one content block.
+ //
+ // We’ve now parsed the non-lazy and the lazy line, and can figure out
+ // whether the lazy line started a new flow block.
+ // If it did, we exit the current containers between the two flow blocks.
- while (otherIndex--) {
- otherEvent = events[otherIndex];
+ if (self.parser.lazy[token.start.line]) {
+ let index =;
+ while (index--) {
if (
- otherEvent[1].type === 'lineEnding' ||
- otherEvent[1].type === 'lineEndingBlank'
+ // The token starts before the line ending…
+[index][1].start.offset < lineStartOffset &&
+ (![index][1].end || // …or ends after it.
+[index][1].end.offset > lineStartOffset)
) {
- if (otherEvent[0] === 'enter') {
- if (lineIndex) {
- events[lineIndex][1].type = 'lineEndingBlank';
- }
- otherEvent[1].type = 'lineEnding';
- lineIndex = otherIndex;
- }
- } else {
- break
+ // Exit: there’s still something open, which means it’s a lazy line
+ // part of something.
+ return
- if (lineIndex) {
- // Fix position.
- event[1].end = shallow$5(events[lineIndex][1].start); // Switch container exit w/ line endings.
- parameters = events.slice(lineIndex, index);
- parameters.unshift(event);
- chunkedSplice$7(events, lineIndex, index - lineIndex + 1, parameters);
- }
- }
- }
- return !more
-function subcontent(events, eventIndex) {
- var token = events[eventIndex][1];
- var context = events[eventIndex][2];
- var startPosition = eventIndex - 1;
- var startPositions = [];
- var tokenizer =
- token._tokenizer || context.parser[token.contentType](token.start);
- var childEvents =;
- var jumps = [];
- var gaps = {};
- var stream;
- var previous;
- var index;
- var entered;
- var end;
- var adjust; // Loop forward through the linked tokens to pass them in order to the
- // subtokenizer.
- while (token) {
- // Find the position of the event for this token.
- while (events[++startPosition][1] !== token) {
- // Empty.
- }
- startPositions.push(startPosition);
+ const indexBeforeExits =;
+ let indexBeforeFlow = indexBeforeExits;
+ /** @type {boolean|undefined} */
- if (!token._tokenizer) {
- stream = context.sliceStream(token);
+ let seen;
+ /** @type {Point|undefined} */
- if (! {
- stream.push(null);
- }
- if (previous) {
- tokenizer.defineSkip(token.start);
- }
+ let point; // Find the previous chunk (the one before the lazy line).
- if (token.isInFirstContentOfListItem) {
- tokenizer._gfmTasklistFirstContentOfListItem = true;
- }
- tokenizer.write(stream);
- if (token.isInFirstContentOfListItem) {
- tokenizer._gfmTasklistFirstContentOfListItem = undefined;
- }
- } // Unravel the next token.
- previous = token;
- token =;
- } // Now, loop back through all events (and linked tokens), to figure out which
- // parts belong where.
- token = previous;
- index = childEvents.length;
- while (index--) {
- // Make sure we’ve at least seen something (final eol is part of the last
- // token).
- if (childEvents[index][0] === 'enter') {
- entered = true;
- } else if (
- // Find a void token that includes a break.
- entered &&
- childEvents[index][1].type === childEvents[index - 1][1].type &&
- childEvents[index][1].start.line !== childEvents[index][1].end.line
- ) {
- add(childEvents.slice(index + 1, end));
- // Help GC.
- token._tokenizer = = undefined;
- token = token.previous;
- end = index + 1;
- }
- }
- // Help GC.
- = token._tokenizer = = undefined; // Do head:
- add(childEvents.slice(0, end));
- index = -1;
- adjust = 0;
- while (++index < jumps.length) {
- gaps[adjust + jumps[index][0]] = adjust + jumps[index][1];
- adjust += jumps[index][1] - jumps[index][0] - 1;
- }
- return gaps
- function add(slice) {
- var start = startPositions.pop();
- jumps.unshift([start, start + slice.length - 1]);
- chunkedSplice$7(events, start, 2, slice);
- }
-var subtokenize_1 = subtokenize$2;
-var markdownLineEnding$g = markdownLineEnding_1;
-var prefixSize$3 = prefixSize_1;
-var subtokenize$1 = subtokenize_1;
-var factorySpace$e = factorySpace$i;
-// No name because it must not be turned off.
-var content$2 = {
- tokenize: tokenizeContent,
- resolve: resolveContent,
- interruptible: true,
- lazy: true
-var continuationConstruct = {
- tokenize: tokenizeContinuation,
- partial: true
-}; // Content is transparent: it’s parsed right now. That way, definitions are also
-// parsed right now: before text in paragraphs (specifically, media) are parsed.
-function resolveContent(events) {
- subtokenize$1(events);
- return events
-function tokenizeContent(effects, ok) {
- var previous;
- return start
- function start(code) {
- effects.enter('content');
- previous = effects.enter('chunkContent', {
- contentType: 'content'
- });
- return data(code)
- }
- function data(code) {
- if (code === null) {
- return contentEnd(code)
- }
- if (markdownLineEnding$g(code)) {
- return effects.check(
- continuationConstruct,
- contentContinue,
- contentEnd
- )(code)
- } // Data.
- effects.consume(code);
- return data
- }
- function contentEnd(code) {
- effects.exit('chunkContent');
- effects.exit('content');
- return ok(code)
- }
- function contentContinue(code) {
- effects.consume(code);
- effects.exit('chunkContent');
- previous = = effects.enter('chunkContent', {
- contentType: 'content',
- previous: previous
- });
- return data
- }
-function tokenizeContinuation(effects, ok, nok) {
- var self = this;
- return startLookahead
- function startLookahead(code) {
- effects.enter('lineEnding');
- effects.consume(code);
- effects.exit('lineEnding');
- return factorySpace$e(effects, prefixed, 'linePrefix')
- }
- function prefixed(code) {
- if (code === null || markdownLineEnding$g(code)) {
- return nok(code)
- }
- if (
- self.parser.constructs.disable.null.indexOf('codeIndented') > -1 ||
- prefixSize$3(, 'linePrefix') < 4
- ) {
- return effects.interrupt(self.parser.constructs.flow, nok, ok)(code)
- }
- return ok(code)
- }
-var content_1 = content$2;
-Object.defineProperty(flow$7, '__esModule', {value: true});
-var content$1 = content_1;
-var factorySpace$d = factorySpace$i;
-var partialBlankLine$2 = partialBlankLine_1;
-var tokenize = initializeFlow;
-function initializeFlow(effects) {
- var self = this;
- var initial = effects.attempt(
- // Try to parse a blank line.
- partialBlankLine$2,
- atBlankEnding, // Try to parse initial flow (essentially, only code).
- effects.attempt(
- this.parser.constructs.flowInitial,
- afterConstruct,
- factorySpace$d(
- effects,
- effects.attempt(
- this.parser.constructs.flow,
- afterConstruct,
- effects.attempt(content$1, afterConstruct)
- ),
- 'linePrefix'
- )
- )
- );
- return initial
- function atBlankEnding(code) {
- if (code === null) {
- effects.consume(code);
- return
- }
- effects.enter('lineEndingBlank');
- effects.consume(code);
- effects.exit('lineEndingBlank');
- self.currentConstruct = undefined;
- return initial
- }
- function afterConstruct(code) {
- if (code === null) {
- effects.consume(code);
- return
- }
- effects.enter('lineEnding');
- effects.consume(code);
- effects.exit('lineEnding');
- self.currentConstruct = undefined;
- return initial
- }
-flow$7.tokenize = tokenize;
-var text$5 = {};
-Object.defineProperty(text$5, '__esModule', {value: true});
-var assign$2 = assign_1;
-var shallow$4 = shallow_1;
-var text$4 = initializeFactory('text');
-var string$1 = initializeFactory('string');
-var resolver = {
- resolveAll: createResolver()
-function initializeFactory(field) {
- return {
- tokenize: initializeText,
- resolveAll: createResolver(
- field === 'text' ? resolveAllLineSuffixes : undefined
- )
- }
- function initializeText(effects) {
- var self = this;
- var constructs = this.parser.constructs[field];
- var text = effects.attempt(constructs, start, notText);
- return start
- function start(code) {
- return atBreak(code) ? text(code) : notText(code)
- }
- function notText(code) {
- if (code === null) {
- effects.consume(code);
- return
- }
- effects.enter('data');
- effects.consume(code);
- return data
- }
- function data(code) {
- if (atBreak(code)) {
- effects.exit('data');
- return text(code)
- } // Data.
- effects.consume(code);
- return data
- }
- function atBreak(code) {
- var list = constructs[code];
- var index = -1;
- if (code === null) {
- return true
- }
- if (list) {
- while (++index < list.length) {
- if (
- !list[index].previous ||
- list[index], self.previous)
- ) {
- return true
+ while (indexBeforeFlow--) {
+ if (
+[indexBeforeFlow][0] === 'exit' &&
+[indexBeforeFlow][1].type === 'chunkFlow'
+ ) {
+ if (seen) {
+ point =[indexBeforeFlow][1].end;
+ break
- }
- }
- }
- }
-function createResolver(extraResolver) {
- return resolveAllText
- function resolveAllText(events, context) {
- var index = -1;
- var enter; // A rather boring computation (to merge adjacent `data` events) which
- // improves mm performance by 29%.
- while (++index <= events.length) {
- if (enter === undefined) {
- if (events[index] && events[index][1].type === 'data') {
- enter = index;
- index++;
+ seen = true;
- } else if (!events[index] || events[index][1].type !== 'data') {
- // Don’t do anything if there is one data token.
- if (index !== enter + 2) {
- events[enter][1].end = events[index - 1][1].end;
- events.splice(enter + 2, index - enter - 2);
- index = enter + 2;
- }
- enter = undefined;
- }
- return extraResolver ? extraResolver(events, context) : events
- }
-} // A rather ugly set of instructions which again looks at chunks in the input
-// stream.
-// The reason to do this here is that it is *much* faster to parse in reverse.
-// And that we can’t hook into `null` to split the line suffix before an EOF.
-// To do: figure out if we can make this into a clean utility, or even in core.
-// As it will be useful for GFMs literal autolink extension (and maybe even
-// tables?)
-function resolveAllLineSuffixes(events, context) {
- var eventIndex = -1;
- var chunks;
- var data;
- var chunk;
- var index;
- var bufferIndex;
- var size;
- var tabs;
- var token;
- while (++eventIndex <= events.length) {
- if (
- (eventIndex === events.length ||
- events[eventIndex][1].type === 'lineEnding') &&
- events[eventIndex - 1][1].type === 'data'
- ) {
- data = events[eventIndex - 1][1];
- chunks = context.sliceStream(data);
- index = chunks.length;
- bufferIndex = -1;
- size = 0;
- tabs = undefined;
- while (index--) {
- chunk = chunks[index];
- if (typeof chunk === 'string') {
- bufferIndex = chunk.length;
+ exitContainers(continued); // Fix positions.
- while (chunk.charCodeAt(bufferIndex - 1) === 32) {
- size++;
- bufferIndex--;
- }
- if (bufferIndex) break
- bufferIndex = -1;
- } // Number
- else if (chunk === -2) {
- tabs = true;
- size++;
- } else if (chunk === -1);
- else {
- // Replacement character, exit.
- index++;
- break
- }
- }
+ index = indexBeforeExits;
- if (size) {
- token = {
- type:
- eventIndex === events.length || tabs || size < 2
- ? 'lineSuffix'
- : 'hardBreakTrailing',
- start: {
- line: data.end.line,
- column: data.end.column - size,
- offset: data.end.offset - size,
- _index: data.start._index + index,
- _bufferIndex: index
- ? bufferIndex
- : data.start._bufferIndex + bufferIndex
- },
- end: shallow$4(data.end)
- };
- data.end = shallow$4(token.start);
+ while (index < {
+[index][1].end = Object.assign({}, point);
+ index++;
+ } // Inject the exits earlier (they’re still also at the end).
- if (data.start.offset === data.end.offset) {
- assign$2(data, token);
- } else {
- events.splice(
- eventIndex,
- 0,
- ['enter', token, context],
- ['exit', token, context]
- );
- eventIndex += 2;
- }
- }
+ splice(
+ indexBeforeFlow + 1,
+ 0,
+ ); // Discard the duplicate exits.
- eventIndex++;
+ = index;
+ /**
+ * @param {number} size
+ * @returns {void}
+ */
- return events
-text$5.resolver = resolver;
-text$5.string = string$1;
-text$5.text = text$4;
-function miniflat$3(value) {
- return value === null || value === undefined
- ? []
- : 'length' in value
- ? value
- : [value]
-var miniflat_1 = miniflat$3;
-var hasOwnProperty$1 = hasOwnProperty$2;
-var chunkedSplice$6 = chunkedSplice_1;
-var miniflat$2 = miniflat_1;
+ function exitContainers(size) {
+ let index = stack.length; // Exit open containers.
-function combineExtensions$2(extensions) {
- var all = {};
- var index = -1;
+ while (index-- > size) {
+ const entry = stack[index];
+ self.containerState = entry[1];
+ entry[0], effects);
+ }
- while (++index < extensions.length) {
- extension$1(all, extensions[index]);
+ stack.length = size;
- return all
-function extension$1(all, extension) {
- var hook;
- var left;
- var right;
- var code;
- for (hook in extension) {
- left = hasOwnProperty$, hook) ? all[hook] : (all[hook] = {});
- right = extension[hook];
- for (code in right) {
- left[code] = constructs$3(
- miniflat$2(right[code]),
- hasOwnProperty$, code) ? left[code] : []
- );
- }
+ function closeFlow() {
+ childFlow.write([null]);
+ childToken = undefined;
+ childFlow = undefined;
+ self.containerState._closeFlow = undefined;
+/** @type {Tokenizer} */
-function constructs$3(list, existing) {
- var index = -1;
- var before = [];
- while (++index < list.length) {
-(list[index].add === 'after' ? existing : before).push(list[index]);
- }
- chunkedSplice$6(existing, 0, 0, before);
- return existing
+function tokenizeContainer(effects, ok, nok) {
+ return factorySpace(
+ effects,
+ effects.attempt(this.parser.constructs.document, ok, nok),
+ 'linePrefix',
+ this.parser.constructs.disable.null.includes('codeIndented') ? undefined : 4
+ )
-var combineExtensions_1 = combineExtensions$2;
-var chunkedSplice$5 = chunkedSplice_1;
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Code} Code
+ */
-function chunkedPush$3(list, items) {
- if (list.length) {
- chunkedSplice$5(list, list.length, 0, items);
- return list
+ * Classify whether a character code represents whitespace, punctuation, or
+ * something else.
+ *
+ * Used for attention (emphasis, strong), whose sequences can open or close
+ * based on the class of surrounding characters.
+ *
+ * Note that eof (`null`) is seen as whitespace.
+ *
+ * @param {Code} code
+ * @returns {number|undefined}
+ */
+function classifyCharacter(code) {
+ if (
+ code === null ||
+ markdownLineEndingOrSpace(code) ||
+ unicodeWhitespace(code)
+ ) {
+ return 1
- return items
+ if (unicodePunctuation(code)) {
+ return 2
+ }
-var chunkedPush_1 = chunkedPush$3;
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').TokenizeContext} TokenizeContext
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Event} Event
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Resolver} Resolver
+ */
-function resolveAll$4(constructs, events, context) {
- var called = [];
- var index = -1;
- var resolve;
+ * Call all `resolveAll`s.
+ *
+ * @param {{resolveAll?: Resolver}[]} constructs
+ * @param {Event[]} events
+ * @param {TokenizeContext} context
+ * @returns {Event[]}
+ */
+function resolveAll(constructs, events, context) {
+ /** @type {Resolver[]} */
+ const called = [];
+ let index = -1;
while (++index < constructs.length) {
- resolve = constructs[index].resolveAll;
+ const resolve = constructs[index].resolveAll;
- if (resolve && called.indexOf(resolve) < 0) {
+ if (resolve && !called.includes(resolve)) {
events = resolve(events, context);
@@ -29673,491 +34714,55 @@ function resolveAll$4(constructs, events, context) {
return events
-var resolveAll_1 = resolveAll$4;
-var fromCharCode$2 = fromCharCode_1;
-function serializeChunks$1(chunks) {
- var index = -1;
- var result = [];
- var chunk;
- var value;
- var atTab;
- while (++index < chunks.length) {
- chunk = chunks[index];
- if (typeof chunk === 'string') {
- value = chunk;
- } else if (chunk === -5) {
- value = '\r';
- } else if (chunk === -4) {
- value = '\n';
- } else if (chunk === -3) {
- value = '\r' + '\n';
- } else if (chunk === -2) {
- value = '\t';
- } else if (chunk === -1) {
- if (atTab) continue
- value = ' ';
- } else {
- // Currently only replacement character.
- value = fromCharCode$2(chunk);
- }
- atTab = chunk === -2;
- result.push(value);
- }
- return result.join('')
-var serializeChunks_1 = serializeChunks$1;
-function sliceChunks$1(chunks, token) {
- var startIndex = token.start._index;
- var startBufferIndex = token.start._bufferIndex;
- var endIndex = token.end._index;
- var endBufferIndex = token.end._bufferIndex;
- var view;
- if (startIndex === endIndex) {
- view = [chunks[startIndex].slice(startBufferIndex, endBufferIndex)];
- } else {
- view = chunks.slice(startIndex, endIndex);
- if (startBufferIndex > -1) {
- view[0] = view[0].slice(startBufferIndex);
- }
- if (endBufferIndex > 0) {
- view.push(chunks[endIndex].slice(0, endBufferIndex));
- }
- }
- return view
-var sliceChunks_1 = sliceChunks$1;
-var assign$1 = assign_1;
-var markdownLineEnding$f = markdownLineEnding_1;
-var chunkedPush$2 = chunkedPush_1;
-var chunkedSplice$4 = chunkedSplice_1;
-var miniflat$1 = miniflat_1;
-var resolveAll$3 = resolveAll_1;
-var serializeChunks = serializeChunks_1;
-var shallow$3 = shallow_1;
-var sliceChunks = sliceChunks_1;
-// Create a tokenizer.
-// Tokenizers deal with one type of data (e.g., containers, flow, text).
-// The parser is the object dealing with it all.
-// `initialize` works like other constructs, except that only its `tokenize`
-// function is used, in which case it doesn’t receive an `ok` or `nok`.
-// `from` can be given to set the point before the first character, although
-// when further lines are indented, they must be set with `defineSkip`.
-function createTokenizer$1(parser, initialize, from) {
- var point = from
- ? shallow$3(from)
- : {
- line: 1,
- column: 1,
- offset: 0
- };
- var columnStart = {};
- var resolveAllConstructs = [];
- var chunks = [];
- var stack = [];
- var effects = {
- consume: consume,
- enter: enter,
- exit: exit,
- attempt: constructFactory(onsuccessfulconstruct),
- check: constructFactory(onsuccessfulcheck),
- interrupt: constructFactory(onsuccessfulcheck, {
- interrupt: true
- }),
- lazy: constructFactory(onsuccessfulcheck, {
- lazy: true
- })
- }; // State and tools for resolving and serializing.
- var context = {
- previous: null,
- events: [],
- parser: parser,
- sliceStream: sliceStream,
- sliceSerialize: sliceSerialize,
- now: now,
- defineSkip: skip,
- write: write
- }; // The state function.
- var state =, effects); // Track which character we expect to be consumed, to catch bugs.
- if (initialize.resolveAll) {
- resolveAllConstructs.push(initialize);
- } // Store where we are in the input stream.
- point._index = 0;
- point._bufferIndex = -1;
- return context
- function write(slice) {
- chunks = chunkedPush$2(chunks, slice);
- main(); // Exit if we’re not done, resolve might change stuff.
- if (chunks[chunks.length - 1] !== null) {
- return []
- }
- addResult(initialize, 0); // Otherwise, resolve, and exit.
- = resolveAll$3(resolveAllConstructs,, context);
- return
- } //
- // Tools.
- //
- function sliceSerialize(token) {
- return serializeChunks(sliceStream(token))
- }
- function sliceStream(token) {
- return sliceChunks(chunks, token)
- }
- function now() {
- return shallow$3(point)
- }
- function skip(value) {
- columnStart[value.line] = value.column;
- accountForPotentialSkip();
- } //
- // State management.
- //
- // Main loop (note that `_index` and `_bufferIndex` in `point` are modified by
- // `consume`).
- // Here is where we walk through the chunks, which either include strings of
- // several characters, or numerical character codes.
- // The reason to do this in a loop instead of a call is so the stack can
- // drain.
- function main() {
- var chunkIndex;
- var chunk;
- while (point._index < chunks.length) {
- chunk = chunks[point._index]; // If we’re in a buffer chunk, loop through it.
- if (typeof chunk === 'string') {
- chunkIndex = point._index;
- if (point._bufferIndex < 0) {
- point._bufferIndex = 0;
- }
- while (
- point._index === chunkIndex &&
- point._bufferIndex < chunk.length
- ) {
- go(chunk.charCodeAt(point._bufferIndex));
- }
- } else {
- go(chunk);
- }
- }
- } // Deal with one code.
- function go(code) {
- state = state(code);
- } // Move a character forward.
- function consume(code) {
- if (markdownLineEnding$f(code)) {
- point.line++;
- point.column = 1;
- point.offset += code === -3 ? 2 : 1;
- accountForPotentialSkip();
- } else if (code !== -1) {
- point.column++;
- point.offset++;
- } // Not in a string chunk.
- if (point._bufferIndex < 0) {
- point._index++;
- } else {
- point._bufferIndex++; // At end of string chunk.
- if (point._bufferIndex === chunks[point._index].length) {
- point._bufferIndex = -1;
- point._index++;
- }
- } // Expose the previous character.
- context.previous = code; // Mark as consumed.
- } // Start a token.
- function enter(type, fields) {
- var token = fields || {};
- token.type = type;
- token.start = now();
-['enter', token, context]);
- stack.push(token);
- return token
- } // Stop a token.
- function exit(type) {
- var token = stack.pop();
- token.end = now();
-['exit', token, context]);
- return token
- } // Use results.
- function onsuccessfulconstruct(construct, info) {
- addResult(construct, info.from);
- } // Discard results.
- function onsuccessfulcheck(construct, info) {
- info.restore();
- } // Factory to attempt/check/interrupt.
- function constructFactory(onreturn, fields) {
- return hook // Handle either an object mapping codes to constructs, a list of
- // constructs, or a single construct.
- function hook(constructs, returnState, bogusState) {
- var listOfConstructs;
- var constructIndex;
- var currentConstruct;
- var info;
- return constructs.tokenize || 'length' in constructs
- ? handleListOfConstructs(miniflat$1(constructs))
- : handleMapOfConstructs
- function handleMapOfConstructs(code) {
- if (code in constructs || null in constructs) {
- return handleListOfConstructs(
- constructs.null
- ? /* c8 ignore next */
- miniflat$1(constructs[code]).concat(miniflat$1(constructs.null))
- : constructs[code]
- )(code)
- }
- return bogusState(code)
- }
- function handleListOfConstructs(list) {
- listOfConstructs = list;
- constructIndex = 0;
- return handleConstruct(list[constructIndex])
- }
- function handleConstruct(construct) {
- return start
- function start(code) {
- // To do: not nede to store if there is no bogus state, probably?
- // Currently doesn’t work because `inspect` in document does a check
- // w/o a bogus, which doesn’t make sense. But it does seem to help perf
- // by not storing.
- info = store();
- currentConstruct = construct;
- if (!construct.partial) {
- context.currentConstruct = construct;
- }
- if (
- &&
- context.parser.constructs.disable.null.indexOf( > -1
- ) {
- return nok()
- }
- return
- fields ? assign$1({}, context, fields) : context,
- effects,
- ok,
- nok
- )(code)
- }
- }
- function ok(code) {
- onreturn(currentConstruct, info);
- return returnState
- }
- function nok(code) {
- info.restore();
- if (++constructIndex < listOfConstructs.length) {
- return handleConstruct(listOfConstructs[constructIndex])
- }
- return bogusState
- }
- }
- }
- function addResult(construct, from) {
- if (construct.resolveAll && resolveAllConstructs.indexOf(construct) < 0) {
- resolveAllConstructs.push(construct);
- }
- if (construct.resolve) {
- chunkedSplice$4(
- from,
- - from,
- construct.resolve(, context)
- );
- }
- if (construct.resolveTo) {
- = construct.resolveTo(, context);
- }
- }
- function store() {
- var startPoint = now();
- var startPrevious = context.previous;
- var startCurrentConstruct = context.currentConstruct;
- var startEventsIndex =;
- var startStack = Array.from(stack);
- return {
- restore: restore,
- from: startEventsIndex
- }
- function restore() {
- point = startPoint;
- context.previous = startPrevious;
- context.currentConstruct = startCurrentConstruct;
- = startEventsIndex;
- stack = startStack;
- accountForPotentialSkip();
- }
- }
- function accountForPotentialSkip() {
- if (point.line in columnStart && point.column < 2) {
- point.column = columnStart[point.line];
- point.offset += columnStart[point.line] - 1;
- }
- }
-var createTokenizer_1 = createTokenizer$1;
-var constructs$2 = {};
-function markdownLineEndingOrSpace$9(code) {
- return code < 0 || code === 32
-var markdownLineEndingOrSpace_1 = markdownLineEndingOrSpace$9;
-// This module is generated by `script/`.
-// CommonMark handles attention (emphasis, strong) markers based on what comes
-// before or after them.
-// One such difference is if those characters are Unicode punctuation.
-// This script is generated from the Unicode data.
-var unicodePunctuation$3 = /[!-\/:-@\[-`\{-~\xA1\xA7\xAB\xB6\xB7\xBB\xBF\u037E\u0387\u055A-\u055F\u0589\u058A\u05BE\u05C0\u05C3\u05C6\u05F3\u05F4\u0609\u060A\u060C\u060D\u061B\u061E\u061F\u066A-\u066D\u06D4\u0700-\u070D\u07F7-\u07F9\u0830-\u083E\u085E\u0964\u0965\u0970\u09FD\u0A76\u0AF0\u0C77\u0C84\u0DF4\u0E4F\u0E5A\u0E5B\u0F04-\u0F12\u0F14\u0F3A-\u0F3D\u0F85\u0FD0-\u0FD4\u0FD9\u0FDA\u104A-\u104F\u10FB\u1360-\u1368\u1400\u166E\u169B\u169C\u16EB-\u16ED\u1735\u1736\u17D4-\u17D6\u17D8-\u17DA\u1800-\u180A\u1944\u1945\u1A1E\u1A1F\u1AA0-\u1AA6\u1AA8-\u1AAD\u1B5A-\u1B60\u1BFC-\u1BFF\u1C3B-\u1C3F\u1C7E\u1C7F\u1CC0-\u1CC7\u1CD3\u2010-\u2027\u2030-\u2043\u2045-\u2051\u2053-\u205E\u207D\u207E\u208D\u208E\u2308-\u230B\u2329\u232A\u2768-\u2775\u27C5\u27C6\u27E6-\u27EF\u2983-\u2998\u29D8-\u29DB\u29FC\u29FD\u2CF9-\u2CFC\u2CFE\u2CFF\u2D70\u2E00-\u2E2E\u2E30-\u2E4F\u2E52\u3001-\u3003\u3008-\u3011\u3014-\u301F\u3030\u303D\u30A0\u30FB\uA4FE\uA4FF\uA60D-\uA60F\uA673\uA67E\uA6F2-\uA6F7\uA874-\uA877\uA8CE\uA8CF\uA8F8-\uA8FA\uA8FC\uA92E\uA92F\uA95F\uA9C1-\uA9CD\uA9DE\uA9DF\uAA5C-\uAA5F\uAADE\uAADF\uAAF0\uAAF1\uABEB\uFD3E\uFD3F\uFE10-\uFE19\uFE30-\uFE52\uFE54-\uFE61\uFE63\uFE68\uFE6A\uFE6B\uFF01-\uFF03\uFF05-\uFF0A\uFF0C-\uFF0F\uFF1A\uFF1B\uFF1F\uFF20\uFF3B-\uFF3D\uFF3F\uFF5B\uFF5D\uFF5F-\uFF65]/;
-var unicodePunctuationRegex$2 = unicodePunctuation$3;
-var fromCharCode$1 = fromCharCode_1;
-function regexCheck$9(regex) {
- return check
- function check(code) {
- return regex.test(fromCharCode$1(code))
- }
-var regexCheck_1 = regexCheck$9;
-var unicodePunctuationRegex$1 = unicodePunctuationRegex$2;
-var regexCheck$8 = regexCheck_1;
-// In fact adds to the bundle size.
-var unicodePunctuation$2 = regexCheck$8(unicodePunctuationRegex$1);
-var unicodePunctuation_1 = unicodePunctuation$2;
-var regexCheck$7 = regexCheck_1;
-var unicodeWhitespace$2 = regexCheck$7(/\s/);
-var unicodeWhitespace_1 = unicodeWhitespace$2;
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Construct} Construct
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Tokenizer} Tokenizer
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Resolver} Resolver
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').State} State
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Token} Token
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Event} Event
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Code} Code
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Point} Point
+ */
-var markdownLineEndingOrSpace$8 = markdownLineEndingOrSpace_1;
-var unicodePunctuation$1 = unicodePunctuation_1;
-var unicodeWhitespace$1 = unicodeWhitespace_1;
+/** @type {Construct} */
+const attention = {
+ name: 'attention',
+ tokenize: tokenizeAttention,
+ resolveAll: resolveAllAttention
+ * Take all events and resolve attention to emphasis or strong.
+ *
+ * @type {Resolver}
+ */
-// Classify whether a character is unicode whitespace, unicode punctuation, or
-// anything else.
-// Used for attention (emphasis, strong), whose sequences can open or close
-// based on the class of surrounding characters.
-function classifyCharacter$2(code) {
- if (
- code === null ||
- markdownLineEndingOrSpace$8(code) ||
- unicodeWhitespace$1(code)
- ) {
- return 1
- }
+function resolveAllAttention(events, context) {
+ let index = -1;
+ /** @type {number} */
- if (unicodePunctuation$1(code)) {
- return 2
- }
+ let open;
+ /** @type {Token} */
-var classifyCharacter_1 = classifyCharacter$2;
+ let group;
+ /** @type {Token} */
-// chunks (replacement characters, tabs, or line endings).
+ let text;
+ /** @type {Token} */
-function movePoint$1(point, offset) {
- point.column += offset;
- point.offset += offset;
- point._bufferIndex += offset;
- return point
+ let openingSequence;
+ /** @type {Token} */
-var movePoint_1 = movePoint$1;
+ let closingSequence;
+ /** @type {number} */
-var chunkedPush$1 = chunkedPush_1;
-var chunkedSplice$3 = chunkedSplice_1;
-var classifyCharacter$1 = classifyCharacter_1;
-var movePoint = movePoint_1;
-var resolveAll$2 = resolveAll_1;
-var shallow$2 = shallow_1;
+ let use;
+ /** @type {Event[]} */
-var attention$1 = {
- name: 'attention',
- tokenize: tokenizeAttention,
- resolveAll: resolveAllAttention
+ let nextEvents;
+ /** @type {number} */
-function resolveAllAttention(events, context) {
- var index = -1;
- var open;
- var group;
- var text;
- var openingSequence;
- var closingSequence;
- var use;
- var nextEvents;
- var offset; // Walk through all events.
+ let offset; // Walk through all events.
// Note: performance of this is fine on an mb of normal markdown, but it’s
// a bottleneck for malicious stuff.
@@ -30203,54 +34808,58 @@ function resolveAllAttention(events, context) {
events[index][1].end.offset - events[index][1].start.offset > 1
? 2
: 1;
+ const start = Object.assign({}, events[open][1].end);
+ const end = Object.assign({}, events[index][1].start);
+ movePoint(start, -use);
+ movePoint(end, use);
openingSequence = {
type: use > 1 ? 'strongSequence' : 'emphasisSequence',
- start: movePoint(shallow$2(events[open][1].end), -use),
- end: shallow$2(events[open][1].end)
+ start,
+ end: Object.assign({}, events[open][1].end)
closingSequence = {
type: use > 1 ? 'strongSequence' : 'emphasisSequence',
- start: shallow$2(events[index][1].start),
- end: movePoint(shallow$2(events[index][1].start), use)
+ start: Object.assign({}, events[index][1].start),
+ end
text = {
type: use > 1 ? 'strongText' : 'emphasisText',
- start: shallow$2(events[open][1].end),
- end: shallow$2(events[index][1].start)
+ start: Object.assign({}, events[open][1].end),
+ end: Object.assign({}, events[index][1].start)
group = {
type: use > 1 ? 'strong' : 'emphasis',
- start: shallow$2(openingSequence.start),
- end: shallow$2(closingSequence.end)
+ start: Object.assign({}, openingSequence.start),
+ end: Object.assign({}, closingSequence.end)
- events[open][1].end = shallow$2(openingSequence.start);
- events[index][1].start = shallow$2(closingSequence.end);
+ events[open][1].end = Object.assign({}, openingSequence.start);
+ events[index][1].start = Object.assign({}, closingSequence.end);
nextEvents = []; // If there are more markers in the opening, add them before.
if (events[open][1].end.offset - events[open][1].start.offset) {
- nextEvents = chunkedPush$1(nextEvents, [
+ nextEvents = push(nextEvents, [
['enter', events[open][1], context],
['exit', events[open][1], context]
} // Opening.
- nextEvents = chunkedPush$1(nextEvents, [
+ nextEvents = push(nextEvents, [
['enter', group, context],
['enter', openingSequence, context],
['exit', openingSequence, context],
['enter', text, context]
]); // Between.
- nextEvents = chunkedPush$1(
+ nextEvents = push(
- resolveAll$2(
+ resolveAll(
events.slice(open + 1, index),
); // Closing.
- nextEvents = chunkedPush$1(nextEvents, [
+ nextEvents = push(nextEvents, [
['exit', text, context],
['enter', closingSequence, context],
['exit', closingSequence, context],
@@ -30259,7 +34868,7 @@ function resolveAllAttention(events, context) {
if (events[index][1].end.offset - events[index][1].start.offset) {
offset = 2;
- nextEvents = chunkedPush$1(nextEvents, [
+ nextEvents = push(nextEvents, [
['enter', events[index][1], context],
['exit', events[index][1], context]
@@ -30267,7 +34876,7 @@ function resolveAllAttention(events, context) {
offset = 0;
- chunkedSplice$3(events, open - 1, index - open + 3, nextEvents);
+ splice(events, open - 1, index - open + 3, nextEvents);
index = open + nextEvents.length - offset - 2;
@@ -30285,83 +34894,72 @@ function resolveAllAttention(events, context) {
return events
+/** @type {Tokenizer} */
function tokenizeAttention(effects, ok) {
- var before = classifyCharacter$1(this.previous);
- var marker;
+ const before = classifyCharacter(this.previous);
+ /** @type {NonNullable<Code>} */
+ let marker;
return start
+ /** @type {State} */
function start(code) {
marker = code;
return sequence(code)
+ /** @type {State} */
function sequence(code) {
- var token;
- var after;
- var open;
- var close;
if (code === marker) {
return sequence
- token = effects.exit('attentionSequence');
- after = classifyCharacter$1(code);
- open = !after || (after === 2 && before);
- close = !before || (before === 2 && after);
- token._open = marker === 42 ? open : open && (before || !close);
- token._close = marker === 42 ? close : close && (after || !open);
+ const token = effects.exit('attentionSequence');
+ const after = classifyCharacter(code);
+ const open = !after || (after === 2 && before);
+ const close = !before || (before === 2 && after);
+ token._open = Boolean(marker === 42 ? open : open && (before || !close));
+ token._close = Boolean(marker === 42 ? close : close && (after || !open));
return ok(code)
+ * Move a point a bit.
+ *
+ * Note: `move` only works inside lines! It’s not possible to move past other
+ * chunks (replacement characters, tabs, or line endings).
+ *
+ * @param {Point} point
+ * @param {number} offset
+ * @returns {void}
+ */
-var attention_1 = attention$1;
-var regexCheck$6 = regexCheck_1;
-var asciiAlpha$4 = regexCheck$6(/[A-Za-z]/);
-var asciiAlpha_1 = asciiAlpha$4;
-var regexCheck$5 = regexCheck_1;
-var asciiAlphanumeric$5 = regexCheck$5(/[\dA-Za-z]/);
-var asciiAlphanumeric_1 = asciiAlphanumeric$5;
-var regexCheck$4 = regexCheck_1;
-var asciiAtext$1 = regexCheck$4(/[#-'*+\--9=?A-Z^-~]/);
-var asciiAtext_1 = asciiAtext$1;
-// Note: EOF is seen as ASCII control here, because `null < 32 == true`.
-function asciiControl$3(code) {
- return (
- // Special whitespace codes (which have negative values), C0 and Control
- // character DEL
- code < 32 || code === 127
- )
+function movePoint(point, offset) {
+ point.column += offset;
+ point.offset += offset;
+ point._bufferIndex += offset;
-var asciiControl_1 = asciiControl$3;
-var asciiAlpha$3 = asciiAlpha_1;
-var asciiAlphanumeric$4 = asciiAlphanumeric_1;
-var asciiAtext = asciiAtext_1;
-var asciiControl$2 = asciiControl_1;
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Construct} Construct
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Tokenizer} Tokenizer
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').State} State
+ */
-var autolink$1 = {
+/** @type {Construct} */
+const autolink = {
name: 'autolink',
tokenize: tokenizeAutolink
+/** @type {Tokenizer} */
function tokenizeAutolink(effects, ok, nok) {
- var size = 1;
+ let size = 1;
return start
+ /** @type {State} */
function start(code) {
@@ -30371,21 +34969,24 @@ function tokenizeAutolink(effects, ok, nok) {
return open
+ /** @type {State} */
function open(code) {
- if (asciiAlpha$3(code)) {
+ if (asciiAlpha(code)) {
return schemeOrEmailAtext
return asciiAtext(code) ? emailAtext(code) : nok(code)
+ /** @type {State} */
function schemeOrEmailAtext(code) {
- return code === 43 || code === 45 || code === 46 || asciiAlphanumeric$4(code)
+ return code === 43 || code === 45 || code === 46 || asciiAlphanumeric(code)
? schemeInsideOrEmailAtext(code)
: emailAtext(code)
+ /** @type {State} */
function schemeInsideOrEmailAtext(code) {
if (code === 58) {
@@ -30394,7 +34995,7 @@ function tokenizeAutolink(effects, ok, nok) {
if (
- (code === 43 || code === 45 || code === 46 || asciiAlphanumeric$4(code)) &&
+ (code === 43 || code === 45 || code === 46 || asciiAlphanumeric(code)) &&
size++ < 32
) {
@@ -30403,6 +35004,7 @@ function tokenizeAutolink(effects, ok, nok) {
return emailAtext(code)
+ /** @type {State} */
function urlInside(code) {
if (code === 62) {
@@ -30410,13 +35012,14 @@ function tokenizeAutolink(effects, ok, nok) {
return end(code)
- if (code === 32 || code === 60 || asciiControl$2(code)) {
+ if (code === null || code === 32 || code === 60 || asciiControl(code)) {
return nok(code)
return urlInside
+ /** @type {State} */
function emailAtext(code) {
if (code === 64) {
@@ -30432,10 +35035,12 @@ function tokenizeAutolink(effects, ok, nok) {
return nok(code)
+ /** @type {State} */
function emailAtSignOrDot(code) {
- return asciiAlphanumeric$4(code) ? emailLabel(code) : nok(code)
+ return asciiAlphanumeric(code) ? emailLabel(code) : nok(code)
+ /** @type {State} */
function emailLabel(code) {
if (code === 46) {
@@ -30452,15 +35057,17 @@ function tokenizeAutolink(effects, ok, nok) {
return emailValue(code)
+ /** @type {State} */
function emailValue(code) {
- if ((code === 45 || asciiAlphanumeric$4(code)) && size++ < 63) {
+ if ((code === 45 || asciiAlphanumeric(code)) && size++ < 63) {
return code === 45 ? emailValue : emailLabel
return nok(code)
+ /** @type {State} */
function end(code) {
@@ -30471,12 +35078,37 @@ function tokenizeAutolink(effects, ok, nok) {
-var autolink_1 = autolink$1;
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Construct} Construct
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Tokenizer} Tokenizer
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').State} State
+ */
+/** @type {Construct} */
+const blankLine = {
+ tokenize: tokenizeBlankLine,
+ partial: true
+/** @type {Tokenizer} */
-var markdownSpace$8 = markdownSpace_1;
-var factorySpace$c = factorySpace$i;
+function tokenizeBlankLine(effects, ok, nok) {
+ return factorySpace(effects, afterWhitespace, 'linePrefix')
+ /** @type {State} */
+ function afterWhitespace(code) {
+ return code === null || markdownLineEnding(code) ? ok(code) : nok(code)
+ }
-var blockQuote$1 = {
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Construct} Construct
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Tokenizer} Tokenizer
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Exiter} Exiter
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').State} State
+ */
+/** @type {Construct} */
+const blockQuote = {
name: 'blockQuote',
tokenize: tokenizeBlockQuoteStart,
continuation: {
@@ -30484,18 +35116,22 @@ var blockQuote$1 = {
exit: exit$1
+/** @type {Tokenizer} */
function tokenizeBlockQuoteStart(effects, ok, nok) {
- var self = this;
+ const self = this;
return start
+ /** @type {State} */
function start(code) {
if (code === 62) {
- if (! {
+ const state = self.containerState;
+ if (! {
effects.enter('blockQuote', {
_container: true
- = true;
+ = true;
@@ -30507,9 +35143,10 @@ function tokenizeBlockQuoteStart(effects, ok, nok) {
return nok(code)
+ /** @type {State} */
function after(code) {
- if (markdownSpace$8(code)) {
+ if (markdownSpace(code)) {
@@ -30521,39 +35158,38 @@ function tokenizeBlockQuoteStart(effects, ok, nok) {
return ok(code)
+/** @type {Tokenizer} */
function tokenizeBlockQuoteContinuation(effects, ok, nok) {
- return factorySpace$c(
+ return factorySpace(
- effects.attempt(blockQuote$1, ok, nok),
+ effects.attempt(blockQuote, ok, nok),
- this.parser.constructs.disable.null.indexOf('codeIndented') > -1
- ? undefined
- : 4
+ this.parser.constructs.disable.null.includes('codeIndented') ? undefined : 4
+/** @type {Exiter} */
function exit$1(effects) {
-var blockQuote_1 = blockQuote$1;
-var regexCheck$3 = regexCheck_1;
-var asciiPunctuation$1 = regexCheck$3(/[!-/:-@[-`{-~]/);
-var asciiPunctuation_1 = asciiPunctuation$1;
-var asciiPunctuation = asciiPunctuation_1;
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Construct} Construct
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Tokenizer} Tokenizer
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').State} State
+ */
-var characterEscape$2 = {
+/** @type {Construct} */
+const characterEscape$1 = {
name: 'characterEscape',
tokenize: tokenizeCharacterEscape
+/** @type {Tokenizer} */
function tokenizeCharacterEscape(effects, ok, nok) {
return start
+ /** @type {State} */
function start(code) {
@@ -30562,6 +35198,7 @@ function tokenizeCharacterEscape(effects, ok, nok) {
return open
+ /** @type {State} */
function open(code) {
if (asciiPunctuation(code)) {
@@ -30576,4499 +35213,2269 @@ function tokenizeCharacterEscape(effects, ok, nok) {
-var characterEscape_1 = characterEscape$2;
-const AEli$2 = "Æ";
-const AElig$2 = "Æ";
-const AM$2 = "&";
-const AMP$2 = "&";
-const Aacut$2 = "Á";
-const Aacute$2 = "Á";
-const Abreve$2 = "Ă";
-const Acir$2 = "Â";
-const Acirc$2 = "Â";
-const Acy$2 = "А";
-const Afr$2 = "𝔄";
-const Agrav$2 = "À";
-const Agrave$2 = "À";
-const Alpha$2 = "Α";
-const Amacr$2 = "Ā";
-const And$2 = "⩓";
-const Aogon$2 = "Ą";
-const Aopf$2 = "𝔸";
-const ApplyFunction$2 = "⁡";
-const Arin$2 = "Å";
-const Aring$2 = "Å";
-const Ascr$2 = "𝒜";
-const Assign$2 = "≔";
-const Atild$2 = "Ã";
-const Atilde$2 = "Ã";
-const Aum$2 = "Ä";
-const Auml$2 = "Ä";
-const Backslash$2 = "∖";
-const Barv$2 = "⫧";
-const Barwed$2 = "⌆";
-const Bcy$2 = "Б";
-const Because$2 = "∵";
-const Bernoullis$2 = "ℬ";
-const Beta$2 = "Β";
-const Bfr$2 = "𝔅";
-const Bopf$2 = "𝔹";
-const Breve$2 = "˘";
-const Bscr$2 = "ℬ";
-const Bumpeq$2 = "≎";
-const CHcy$2 = "Ч";
-const COP$2 = "©";
-const COPY$2 = "©";
-const Cacute$2 = "Ć";
-const Cap$2 = "⋒";
-const CapitalDifferentialD$2 = "ⅅ";
-const Cayleys$2 = "ℭ";
-const Ccaron$2 = "Č";
-const Ccedi$2 = "Ç";
-const Ccedil$2 = "Ç";
-const Ccirc$2 = "Ĉ";
-const Cconint$2 = "∰";
-const Cdot$2 = "Ċ";
-const Cedilla$2 = "¸";
-const CenterDot$2 = "·";
-const Cfr$2 = "ℭ";
-const Chi$2 = "Χ";
-const CircleDot$2 = "⊙";
-const CircleMinus$2 = "⊖";
-const CirclePlus$2 = "⊕";
-const CircleTimes$2 = "⊗";
-const ClockwiseContourIntegral$2 = "∲";
-const CloseCurlyDoubleQuote$2 = "”";
-const CloseCurlyQuote$2 = "’";
-const Colon$2 = "∷";
-const Colone$2 = "⩴";
-const Congruent$2 = "≡";
-const Conint$2 = "∯";
-const ContourIntegral$2 = "∮";
-const Copf$2 = "ℂ";
-const Coproduct$2 = "∐";
-const CounterClockwiseContourIntegral$2 = "∳";
-const Cross$2 = "⨯";
-const Cscr$2 = "𝒞";
-const Cup$2 = "⋓";
-const CupCap$2 = "≍";
-const DD$2 = "ⅅ";
-const DDotrahd$2 = "⤑";
-const DJcy$2 = "Ђ";
-const DScy$2 = "Ѕ";
-const DZcy$2 = "Џ";
-const Dagger$2 = "‡";
-const Darr$2 = "↡";
-const Dashv$2 = "⫤";
-const Dcaron$2 = "Ď";
-const Dcy$2 = "Д";
-const Del$2 = "∇";
-const Delta$2 = "Δ";
-const Dfr$2 = "𝔇";
-const DiacriticalAcute$2 = "´";
-const DiacriticalDot$2 = "˙";
-const DiacriticalDoubleAcute$2 = "˝";
-const DiacriticalGrave$2 = "`";
-const DiacriticalTilde$2 = "˜";
-const Diamond$2 = "⋄";
-const DifferentialD$2 = "ⅆ";
-const Dopf$2 = "𝔻";
-const Dot$2 = "¨";
-const DotDot$2 = "⃜";
-const DotEqual$2 = "≐";
-const DoubleContourIntegral$2 = "∯";
-const DoubleDot$2 = "¨";
-const DoubleDownArrow$2 = "⇓";
-const DoubleLeftArrow$2 = "⇐";
-const DoubleLeftRightArrow$2 = "⇔";
-const DoubleLeftTee$2 = "⫤";
-const DoubleLongLeftArrow$2 = "⟸";
-const DoubleLongLeftRightArrow$2 = "⟺";
-const DoubleLongRightArrow$2 = "⟹";
-const DoubleRightArrow$2 = "⇒";
-const DoubleRightTee$2 = "⊨";
-const DoubleUpArrow$2 = "⇑";
-const DoubleUpDownArrow$2 = "⇕";
-const DoubleVerticalBar$2 = "∥";
-const DownArrow$2 = "↓";
-const DownArrowBar$2 = "⤓";
-const DownArrowUpArrow$2 = "⇵";
-const DownBreve$2 = "̑";
-const DownLeftRightVector$2 = "⥐";
-const DownLeftTeeVector$2 = "⥞";
-const DownLeftVector$2 = "↽";
-const DownLeftVectorBar$2 = "⥖";
-const DownRightTeeVector$2 = "⥟";
-const DownRightVector$2 = "⇁";
-const DownRightVectorBar$2 = "⥗";
-const DownTee$2 = "⊤";
-const DownTeeArrow$2 = "↧";
-const Downarrow$2 = "⇓";
-const Dscr$2 = "𝒟";
-const Dstrok$2 = "Đ";
-const ENG$2 = "Ŋ";
-const ET$2 = "Ð";
-const ETH$2 = "Ð";
-const Eacut$2 = "É";
-const Eacute$2 = "É";
-const Ecaron$2 = "Ě";
-const Ecir$2 = "Ê";
-const Ecirc$2 = "Ê";
-const Ecy$2 = "Э";
-const Edot$2 = "Ė";
-const Efr$2 = "𝔈";
-const Egrav$2 = "È";
-const Egrave$2 = "È";
-const Element$2 = "∈";
-const Emacr$2 = "Ē";
-const EmptySmallSquare$2 = "◻";
-const EmptyVerySmallSquare$2 = "▫";
-const Eogon$2 = "Ę";
-const Eopf$2 = "𝔼";
-const Epsilon$2 = "Ε";
-const Equal$2 = "⩵";
-const EqualTilde$2 = "≂";
-const Equilibrium$2 = "⇌";
-const Escr$2 = "ℰ";
-const Esim$2 = "⩳";
-const Eta$2 = "Η";
-const Eum$2 = "Ë";
-const Euml$2 = "Ë";
-const Exists$2 = "∃";
-const ExponentialE$2 = "ⅇ";
-const Fcy$2 = "Ф";
-const Ffr$2 = "𝔉";
-const FilledSmallSquare$2 = "◼";
-const FilledVerySmallSquare$2 = "▪";
-const Fopf$2 = "𝔽";
-const ForAll$2 = "∀";
-const Fouriertrf$2 = "ℱ";
-const Fscr$2 = "ℱ";
-const GJcy$2 = "Ѓ";
-const G$2 = ">";
-const GT$2 = ">";
-const Gamma$2 = "Γ";
-const Gammad$2 = "Ϝ";
-const Gbreve$2 = "Ğ";
-const Gcedil$2 = "Ģ";
-const Gcirc$2 = "Ĝ";
-const Gcy$2 = "Г";
-const Gdot$2 = "Ġ";
-const Gfr$2 = "𝔊";
-const Gg$2 = "⋙";
-const Gopf$2 = "𝔾";
-const GreaterEqual$2 = "≥";
-const GreaterEqualLess$2 = "⋛";
-const GreaterFullEqual$2 = "≧";
-const GreaterGreater$2 = "⪢";
-const GreaterLess$2 = "≷";
-const GreaterSlantEqual$2 = "⩾";
-const GreaterTilde$2 = "≳";
-const Gscr$2 = "𝒢";
-const Gt$2 = "≫";
-const HARDcy$2 = "Ъ";
-const Hacek$2 = "ˇ";
-const Hat$2 = "^";
-const Hcirc$2 = "Ĥ";
-const Hfr$2 = "ℌ";
-const HilbertSpace$2 = "ℋ";
-const Hopf$2 = "ℍ";
-const HorizontalLine$2 = "─";
-const Hscr$2 = "ℋ";
-const Hstrok$2 = "Ħ";
-const HumpDownHump$2 = "≎";
-const HumpEqual$2 = "≏";
-const IEcy$2 = "Е";
-const IJlig$2 = "IJ";
-const IOcy$2 = "Ё";
-const Iacut$2 = "Í";
-const Iacute$2 = "Í";
-const Icir$2 = "Î";
-const Icirc$2 = "Î";
-const Icy$2 = "И";
-const Idot$2 = "İ";
-const Ifr$2 = "ℑ";
-const Igrav$2 = "Ì";
-const Igrave$2 = "Ì";
-const Im$2 = "ℑ";
-const Imacr$2 = "Ī";
-const ImaginaryI$2 = "ⅈ";
-const Implies$2 = "⇒";
-const Int$2 = "∬";
-const Integral$2 = "∫";
-const Intersection$2 = "⋂";
-const InvisibleComma$2 = "⁣";
-const InvisibleTimes$2 = "⁢";
-const Iogon$2 = "Į";
-const Iopf$2 = "𝕀";
-const Iota$2 = "Ι";
-const Iscr$2 = "ℐ";
-const Itilde$2 = "Ĩ";
-const Iukcy$2 = "І";
-const Ium$2 = "Ï";
-const Iuml$2 = "Ï";
-const Jcirc$2 = "Ĵ";
-const Jcy$2 = "Й";
-const Jfr$2 = "𝔍";
-const Jopf$2 = "𝕁";
-const Jscr$2 = "𝒥";
-const Jsercy$2 = "Ј";
-const Jukcy$2 = "Є";
-const KHcy$2 = "Х";
-const KJcy$2 = "Ќ";
-const Kappa$2 = "Κ";
-const Kcedil$2 = "Ķ";
-const Kcy$2 = "К";
-const Kfr$2 = "𝔎";
-const Kopf$2 = "𝕂";
-const Kscr$2 = "𝒦";
-const LJcy$2 = "Љ";
-const L$2 = "<";
-const LT$2 = "<";
-const Lacute$2 = "Ĺ";
-const Lambda$2 = "Λ";
-const Lang$2 = "⟪";
-const Laplacetrf$2 = "ℒ";
-const Larr$2 = "↞";
-const Lcaron$2 = "Ľ";
-const Lcedil$2 = "Ļ";
-const Lcy$2 = "Л";
-const LeftAngleBracket$2 = "⟨";
-const LeftArrow$2 = "←";
-const LeftArrowBar$2 = "⇤";
-const LeftArrowRightArrow$2 = "⇆";
-const LeftCeiling$2 = "⌈";
-const LeftDoubleBracket$2 = "⟦";
-const LeftDownTeeVector$2 = "⥡";
-const LeftDownVector$2 = "⇃";
-const LeftDownVectorBar$2 = "⥙";
-const LeftFloor$2 = "⌊";
-const LeftRightArrow$2 = "↔";
-const LeftRightVector$2 = "⥎";
-const LeftTee$2 = "⊣";
-const LeftTeeArrow$2 = "↤";
-const LeftTeeVector$2 = "⥚";
-const LeftTriangle$2 = "⊲";
-const LeftTriangleBar$2 = "⧏";
-const LeftTriangleEqual$2 = "⊴";
-const LeftUpDownVector$2 = "⥑";
-const LeftUpTeeVector$2 = "⥠";
-const LeftUpVector$2 = "↿";
-const LeftUpVectorBar$2 = "⥘";
-const LeftVector$2 = "↼";
-const LeftVectorBar$2 = "⥒";
-const Leftarrow$2 = "⇐";
-const Leftrightarrow$2 = "⇔";
-const LessEqualGreater$2 = "⋚";
-const LessFullEqual$2 = "≦";
-const LessGreater$2 = "≶";
-const LessLess$2 = "⪡";
-const LessSlantEqual$2 = "⩽";
-const LessTilde$2 = "≲";
-const Lfr$2 = "𝔏";
-const Ll$2 = "⋘";
-const Lleftarrow$2 = "⇚";
-const Lmidot$2 = "Ŀ";
-const LongLeftArrow$2 = "⟵";
-const LongLeftRightArrow$2 = "⟷";
-const LongRightArrow$2 = "⟶";
-const Longleftarrow$2 = "⟸";
-const Longleftrightarrow$2 = "⟺";
-const Longrightarrow$2 = "⟹";
-const Lopf$2 = "𝕃";
-const LowerLeftArrow$2 = "↙";
-const LowerRightArrow$2 = "↘";
-const Lscr$2 = "ℒ";
-const Lsh$2 = "↰";
-const Lstrok$2 = "Ł";
-const Lt$2 = "≪";
-const Mcy$2 = "М";
-const MediumSpace$2 = " ";
-const Mellintrf$2 = "ℳ";
-const Mfr$2 = "𝔐";
-const MinusPlus$2 = "∓";
-const Mopf$2 = "𝕄";
-const Mscr$2 = "ℳ";
-const Mu$2 = "Μ";
-const NJcy$2 = "Њ";
-const Nacute$2 = "Ń";
-const Ncaron$2 = "Ň";
-const Ncedil$2 = "Ņ";
-const Ncy$2 = "Н";
-const NegativeMediumSpace$2 = "​";
-const NegativeThickSpace$2 = "​";
-const NegativeThinSpace$2 = "​";
-const NegativeVeryThinSpace$2 = "​";
-const NestedGreaterGreater$2 = "≫";
-const NestedLessLess$2 = "≪";
-const NewLine$2 = "\n";
-const Nfr$2 = "𝔑";
-const NoBreak$2 = "⁠";
-const NonBreakingSpace$2 = " ";
-const Nopf$2 = "ℕ";
-const Not$2 = "⫬";
-const NotCongruent$2 = "≢";
-const NotCupCap$2 = "≭";
-const NotDoubleVerticalBar$2 = "∦";
-const NotElement$2 = "∉";
-const NotEqual$2 = "≠";
-const NotEqualTilde$2 = "≂̸";
-const NotExists$2 = "∄";
-const NotGreater$2 = "≯";
-const NotGreaterEqual$2 = "≱";
-const NotGreaterFullEqual$2 = "≧̸";
-const NotGreaterGreater$2 = "≫̸";
-const NotGreaterLess$2 = "≹";
-const NotGreaterSlantEqual$2 = "⩾̸";
-const NotGreaterTilde$2 = "≵";
-const NotHumpDownHump$2 = "≎̸";
-const NotHumpEqual$2 = "≏̸";
-const NotLeftTriangle$2 = "⋪";
-const NotLeftTriangleBar$2 = "⧏̸";
-const NotLeftTriangleEqual$2 = "⋬";
-const NotLess$2 = "≮";
-const NotLessEqual$2 = "≰";
-const NotLessGreater$2 = "≸";
-const NotLessLess$2 = "≪̸";
-const NotLessSlantEqual$2 = "⩽̸";
-const NotLessTilde$2 = "≴";
-const NotNestedGreaterGreater$2 = "⪢̸";
-const NotNestedLessLess$2 = "⪡̸";
-const NotPrecedes$2 = "⊀";
-const NotPrecedesEqual$2 = "⪯̸";
-const NotPrecedesSlantEqual$2 = "⋠";
-const NotReverseElement$2 = "∌";
-const NotRightTriangle$2 = "⋫";
-const NotRightTriangleBar$2 = "⧐̸";
-const NotRightTriangleEqual$2 = "⋭";
-const NotSquareSubset$2 = "⊏̸";
-const NotSquareSubsetEqual$2 = "⋢";
-const NotSquareSuperset$2 = "⊐̸";
-const NotSquareSupersetEqual$2 = "⋣";
-const NotSubset$2 = "⊂⃒";
-const NotSubsetEqual$2 = "⊈";
-const NotSucceeds$2 = "⊁";
-const NotSucceedsEqual$2 = "⪰̸";
-const NotSucceedsSlantEqual$2 = "⋡";
-const NotSucceedsTilde$2 = "≿̸";
-const NotSuperset$2 = "⊃⃒";
-const NotSupersetEqual$2 = "⊉";
-const NotTilde$2 = "≁";
-const NotTildeEqual$2 = "≄";
-const NotTildeFullEqual$2 = "≇";
-const NotTildeTilde$2 = "≉";
-const NotVerticalBar$2 = "∤";
-const Nscr$2 = "𝒩";
-const Ntild$2 = "Ñ";
-const Ntilde$2 = "Ñ";
-const Nu$2 = "Ν";
-const OElig$2 = "Œ";
-const Oacut$2 = "Ó";
-const Oacute$2 = "Ó";
-const Ocir$2 = "Ô";
-const Ocirc$2 = "Ô";
-const Ocy$2 = "О";
-const Odblac$2 = "Ő";
-const Ofr$2 = "𝔒";
-const Ograv$2 = "Ò";
-const Ograve$2 = "Ò";
-const Omacr$2 = "Ō";
-const Omega$2 = "Ω";
-const Omicron$2 = "Ο";
-const Oopf$2 = "𝕆";
-const OpenCurlyDoubleQuote$2 = "“";
-const OpenCurlyQuote$2 = "‘";
-const Or$2 = "⩔";
-const Oscr$2 = "𝒪";
-const Oslas$2 = "Ø";
-const Oslash$2 = "Ø";
-const Otild$2 = "Õ";
-const Otilde$2 = "Õ";
-const Otimes$2 = "⨷";
-const Oum$2 = "Ö";
-const Ouml$2 = "Ö";
-const OverBar$2 = "‾";
-const OverBrace$2 = "⏞";
-const OverBracket$2 = "⎴";
-const OverParenthesis$2 = "⏜";
-const PartialD$2 = "∂";
-const Pcy$2 = "П";
-const Pfr$2 = "𝔓";
-const Phi$2 = "Φ";
-const Pi$2 = "Π";
-const PlusMinus$2 = "±";
-const Poincareplane$2 = "ℌ";
-const Popf$2 = "ℙ";
-const Pr$2 = "⪻";
-const Precedes$2 = "≺";
-const PrecedesEqual$2 = "⪯";
-const PrecedesSlantEqual$2 = "≼";
-const PrecedesTilde$2 = "≾";
-const Prime$2 = "″";
-const Product$2 = "∏";
-const Proportion$2 = "∷";
-const Proportional$2 = "∝";
-const Pscr$2 = "𝒫";
-const Psi$2 = "Ψ";
-const QUO$2 = "\"";
-const QUOT$2 = "\"";
-const Qfr$2 = "𝔔";
-const Qopf$2 = "ℚ";
-const Qscr$2 = "𝒬";
-const RBarr$2 = "⤐";
-const RE$2 = "®";
-const REG$2 = "®";
-const Racute$2 = "Ŕ";
-const Rang$2 = "⟫";
-const Rarr$2 = "↠";
-const Rarrtl$2 = "⤖";
-const Rcaron$2 = "Ř";
-const Rcedil$2 = "Ŗ";
-const Rcy$2 = "Р";
-const Re$2 = "ℜ";
-const ReverseElement$2 = "∋";
-const ReverseEquilibrium$2 = "⇋";
-const ReverseUpEquilibrium$2 = "⥯";
-const Rfr$2 = "ℜ";
-const Rho$2 = "Ρ";
-const RightAngleBracket$2 = "⟩";
-const RightArrow$2 = "→";
-const RightArrowBar$2 = "⇥";
-const RightArrowLeftArrow$2 = "⇄";
-const RightCeiling$2 = "⌉";
-const RightDoubleBracket$2 = "⟧";
-const RightDownTeeVector$2 = "⥝";
-const RightDownVector$2 = "⇂";
-const RightDownVectorBar$2 = "⥕";
-const RightFloor$2 = "⌋";
-const RightTee$2 = "⊢";
-const RightTeeArrow$2 = "↦";
-const RightTeeVector$2 = "⥛";
-const RightTriangle$2 = "⊳";
-const RightTriangleBar$2 = "⧐";
-const RightTriangleEqual$2 = "⊵";
-const RightUpDownVector$2 = "⥏";
-const RightUpTeeVector$2 = "⥜";
-const RightUpVector$2 = "↾";
-const RightUpVectorBar$2 = "⥔";
-const RightVector$2 = "⇀";
-const RightVectorBar$2 = "⥓";
-const Rightarrow$2 = "⇒";
-const Ropf$2 = "ℝ";
-const RoundImplies$2 = "⥰";
-const Rrightarrow$2 = "⇛";
-const Rscr$2 = "ℛ";
-const Rsh$2 = "↱";
-const RuleDelayed$2 = "⧴";
-const SHCHcy$2 = "Щ";
-const SHcy$2 = "Ш";
-const SOFTcy$2 = "Ь";
-const Sacute$2 = "Ś";
-const Sc$2 = "⪼";
-const Scaron$2 = "Š";
-const Scedil$2 = "Ş";
-const Scirc$2 = "Ŝ";
-const Scy$2 = "С";
-const Sfr$2 = "𝔖";
-const ShortDownArrow$2 = "↓";
-const ShortLeftArrow$2 = "←";
-const ShortRightArrow$2 = "→";
-const ShortUpArrow$2 = "↑";
-const Sigma$2 = "Σ";
-const SmallCircle$2 = "∘";
-const Sopf$2 = "𝕊";
-const Sqrt$2 = "√";
-const Square$2 = "□";
-const SquareIntersection$2 = "⊓";
-const SquareSubset$2 = "⊏";
-const SquareSubsetEqual$2 = "⊑";
-const SquareSuperset$2 = "⊐";
-const SquareSupersetEqual$2 = "⊒";
-const SquareUnion$2 = "⊔";
-const Sscr$2 = "𝒮";
-const Star$2 = "⋆";
-const Sub$2 = "⋐";
-const Subset$2 = "⋐";
-const SubsetEqual$2 = "⊆";
-const Succeeds$2 = "≻";
-const SucceedsEqual$2 = "⪰";
-const SucceedsSlantEqual$2 = "≽";
-const SucceedsTilde$2 = "≿";
-const SuchThat$2 = "∋";
-const Sum$2 = "∑";
-const Sup$2 = "⋑";
-const Superset$2 = "⊃";
-const SupersetEqual$2 = "⊇";
-const Supset$2 = "⋑";
-const THOR$2 = "Þ";
-const THORN$2 = "Þ";
-const TRADE$2 = "™";
-const TSHcy$2 = "Ћ";
-const TScy$2 = "Ц";
-const Tab$2 = "\t";
-const Tau$2 = "Τ";
-const Tcaron$2 = "Ť";
-const Tcedil$2 = "Ţ";
-const Tcy$2 = "Т";
-const Tfr$2 = "𝔗";
-const Therefore$2 = "∴";
-const Theta$2 = "Θ";
-const ThickSpace$2 = "  ";
-const ThinSpace$2 = " ";
-const Tilde$2 = "∼";
-const TildeEqual$2 = "≃";
-const TildeFullEqual$2 = "≅";
-const TildeTilde$2 = "≈";
-const Topf$2 = "𝕋";
-const TripleDot$2 = "⃛";
-const Tscr$2 = "𝒯";
-const Tstrok$2 = "Ŧ";
-const Uacut$2 = "Ú";
-const Uacute$2 = "Ú";
-const Uarr$2 = "↟";
-const Uarrocir$2 = "⥉";
-const Ubrcy$2 = "Ў";
-const Ubreve$2 = "Ŭ";
-const Ucir$2 = "Û";
-const Ucirc$2 = "Û";
-const Ucy$2 = "У";
-const Udblac$2 = "Ű";
-const Ufr$2 = "𝔘";
-const Ugrav$2 = "Ù";
-const Ugrave$2 = "Ù";
-const Umacr$2 = "Ū";
-const UnderBar$2 = "_";
-const UnderBrace$2 = "⏟";
-const UnderBracket$2 = "⎵";
-const UnderParenthesis$2 = "⏝";
-const Union$2 = "⋃";
-const UnionPlus$2 = "⊎";
-const Uogon$2 = "Ų";
-const Uopf$2 = "𝕌";
-const UpArrow$2 = "↑";
-const UpArrowBar$2 = "⤒";
-const UpArrowDownArrow$2 = "⇅";
-const UpDownArrow$2 = "↕";
-const UpEquilibrium$2 = "⥮";
-const UpTee$2 = "⊥";
-const UpTeeArrow$2 = "↥";
-const Uparrow$2 = "⇑";
-const Updownarrow$2 = "⇕";
-const UpperLeftArrow$2 = "↖";
-const UpperRightArrow$2 = "↗";
-const Upsi$2 = "ϒ";
-const Upsilon$2 = "Υ";
-const Uring$2 = "Ů";
-const Uscr$2 = "𝒰";
-const Utilde$2 = "Ũ";
-const Uum$2 = "Ü";
-const Uuml$2 = "Ü";
-const VDash$2 = "⊫";
-const Vbar$2 = "⫫";
-const Vcy$2 = "В";
-const Vdash$2 = "⊩";
-const Vdashl$2 = "⫦";
-const Vee$2 = "⋁";
-const Verbar$2 = "‖";
-const Vert$2 = "‖";
-const VerticalBar$2 = "∣";
-const VerticalLine$2 = "|";
-const VerticalSeparator$2 = "❘";
-const VerticalTilde$2 = "≀";
-const VeryThinSpace$2 = " ";
-const Vfr$2 = "𝔙";
-const Vopf$2 = "𝕍";
-const Vscr$2 = "𝒱";
-const Vvdash$2 = "⊪";
-const Wcirc$2 = "Ŵ";
-const Wedge$2 = "⋀";
-const Wfr$2 = "𝔚";
-const Wopf$2 = "𝕎";
-const Wscr$2 = "𝒲";
-const Xfr$2 = "𝔛";
-const Xi$2 = "Ξ";
-const Xopf$2 = "𝕏";
-const Xscr$2 = "𝒳";
-const YAcy$2 = "Я";
-const YIcy$2 = "Ї";
-const YUcy$2 = "Ю";
-const Yacut$2 = "Ý";
-const Yacute$2 = "Ý";
-const Ycirc$2 = "Ŷ";
-const Ycy$2 = "Ы";
-const Yfr$2 = "𝔜";
-const Yopf$2 = "𝕐";
-const Yscr$2 = "𝒴";
-const Yuml$2 = "Ÿ";
-const ZHcy$2 = "Ж";
-const Zacute$2 = "Ź";
-const Zcaron$2 = "Ž";
-const Zcy$2 = "З";
-const Zdot$2 = "Ż";
-const ZeroWidthSpace$2 = "​";
-const Zeta$2 = "Ζ";
-const Zfr$2 = "ℨ";
-const Zopf$2 = "ℤ";
-const Zscr$2 = "𝒵";
-const aacut$2 = "á";
-const aacute$2 = "á";
-const abreve$2 = "ă";
-const ac$2 = "∾";
-const acE$2 = "∾̳";
-const acd$2 = "∿";
-const acir$2 = "â";
-const acirc$2 = "â";
-const acut$2 = "´";
-const acute$2 = "´";
-const acy$2 = "а";
-const aeli$2 = "æ";
-const aelig$2 = "æ";
-const af$2 = "⁡";
-const afr$2 = "𝔞";
-const agrav$2 = "à";
-const agrave$2 = "à";
-const alefsym$2 = "ℵ";
-const aleph$2 = "ℵ";
-const alpha$2 = "α";
-const amacr$2 = "ā";
-const amalg$2 = "⨿";
-const am$2 = "&";
-const amp$2 = "&";
-const and$2 = "∧";
-const andand$2 = "⩕";
-const andd$2 = "⩜";
-const andslope$2 = "⩘";
-const andv$2 = "⩚";
-const ang$2 = "∠";
-const ange$2 = "⦤";
-const angle$2 = "∠";
-const angmsd$2 = "∡";
-const angmsdaa$2 = "⦨";
-const angmsdab$2 = "⦩";
-const angmsdac$2 = "⦪";
-const angmsdad$2 = "⦫";
-const angmsdae$2 = "⦬";
-const angmsdaf$2 = "⦭";
-const angmsdag$2 = "⦮";
-const angmsdah$2 = "⦯";
-const angrt$2 = "∟";
-const angrtvb$2 = "⊾";
-const angrtvbd$2 = "⦝";
-const angsph$2 = "∢";
-const angst$2 = "Å";
-const angzarr$2 = "⍼";
-const aogon$2 = "ą";
-const aopf$2 = "𝕒";
-const ap$2 = "≈";
-const apE$2 = "⩰";
-const apacir$2 = "⩯";
-const ape$2 = "≊";
-const apid$2 = "≋";
-const apos$2 = "'";
-const approx$2 = "≈";
-const approxeq$2 = "≊";
-const arin$2 = "å";
-const aring$2 = "å";
-const ascr$2 = "𝒶";
-const ast$2 = "*";
-const asymp$2 = "≈";
-const asympeq$2 = "≍";
-const atild$2 = "ã";
-const atilde$2 = "ã";
-const aum$2 = "ä";
-const auml$2 = "ä";
-const awconint$2 = "∳";
-const awint$2 = "⨑";
-const bNot$2 = "⫭";
-const backcong$2 = "≌";
-const backepsilon$2 = "϶";
-const backprime$2 = "‵";
-const backsim$2 = "∽";
-const backsimeq$2 = "⋍";
-const barvee$2 = "⊽";
-const barwed$2 = "⌅";
-const barwedge$2 = "⌅";
-const bbrk$2 = "⎵";
-const bbrktbrk$2 = "⎶";
-const bcong$2 = "≌";
-const bcy$2 = "б";
-const bdquo$2 = "„";
-const becaus$2 = "∵";
-const because$2 = "∵";
-const bemptyv$2 = "⦰";
-const bepsi$2 = "϶";
-const bernou$2 = "ℬ";
-const beta$2 = "β";
-const beth$2 = "ℶ";
-const between$2 = "≬";
-const bfr$2 = "𝔟";
-const bigcap$2 = "⋂";
-const bigcirc$2 = "◯";
-const bigcup$2 = "⋃";
-const bigodot$2 = "⨀";
-const bigoplus$2 = "⨁";
-const bigotimes$2 = "⨂";
-const bigsqcup$2 = "⨆";
-const bigstar$2 = "★";
-const bigtriangledown$2 = "▽";
-const bigtriangleup$2 = "△";
-const biguplus$2 = "⨄";
-const bigvee$2 = "⋁";
-const bigwedge$2 = "⋀";
-const bkarow$2 = "⤍";
-const blacklozenge$2 = "⧫";
-const blacksquare$2 = "▪";
-const blacktriangle$2 = "▴";
-const blacktriangledown$2 = "▾";
-const blacktriangleleft$2 = "◂";
-const blacktriangleright$2 = "▸";
-const blank$2 = "␣";
-const blk12$2 = "▒";
-const blk14$2 = "░";
-const blk34$2 = "▓";
-const block$2 = "█";
-const bne$2 = "=⃥";
-const bnequiv$2 = "≡⃥";
-const bnot$2 = "⌐";
-const bopf$2 = "𝕓";
-const bot$2 = "⊥";
-const bottom$2 = "⊥";
-const bowtie$2 = "⋈";
-const boxDL$2 = "╗";
-const boxDR$2 = "╔";
-const boxDl$2 = "╖";
-const boxDr$2 = "╓";
-const boxH$2 = "═";
-const boxHD$2 = "╦";
-const boxHU$2 = "╩";
-const boxHd$2 = "╤";
-const boxHu$2 = "╧";
-const boxUL$2 = "╝";
-const boxUR$2 = "╚";
-const boxUl$2 = "╜";
-const boxUr$2 = "╙";
-const boxV$2 = "║";
-const boxVH$2 = "╬";
-const boxVL$2 = "╣";
-const boxVR$2 = "╠";
-const boxVh$2 = "╫";
-const boxVl$2 = "╢";
-const boxVr$2 = "╟";
-const boxbox$2 = "⧉";
-const boxdL$2 = "╕";
-const boxdR$2 = "╒";
-const boxdl$2 = "┐";
-const boxdr$2 = "┌";
-const boxh$2 = "─";
-const boxhD$2 = "╥";
-const boxhU$2 = "╨";
-const boxhd$2 = "┬";
-const boxhu$2 = "┴";
-const boxminus$2 = "⊟";
-const boxplus$2 = "⊞";
-const boxtimes$2 = "⊠";
-const boxuL$2 = "╛";
-const boxuR$2 = "╘";
-const boxul$2 = "┘";
-const boxur$2 = "└";
-const boxv$2 = "│";
-const boxvH$2 = "╪";
-const boxvL$2 = "╡";
-const boxvR$2 = "╞";
-const boxvh$2 = "┼";
-const boxvl$2 = "┤";
-const boxvr$2 = "├";
-const bprime$2 = "‵";
-const breve$2 = "˘";
-const brvba$2 = "¦";
-const brvbar$2 = "¦";
-const bscr$2 = "𝒷";
-const bsemi$2 = "⁏";
-const bsim$2 = "∽";
-const bsime$2 = "⋍";
-const bsol$2 = "\\";
-const bsolb$2 = "⧅";
-const bsolhsub$2 = "⟈";
-const bull$2 = "•";
-const bullet$2 = "•";
-const bump$2 = "≎";
-const bumpE$2 = "⪮";
-const bumpe$2 = "≏";
-const bumpeq$2 = "≏";
-const cacute$2 = "ć";
-const cap$2 = "∩";
-const capand$2 = "⩄";
-const capbrcup$2 = "⩉";
-const capcap$2 = "⩋";
-const capcup$2 = "⩇";
-const capdot$2 = "⩀";
-const caps$2 = "∩︀";
-const caret$2 = "⁁";
-const caron$2 = "ˇ";
-const ccaps$2 = "⩍";
-const ccaron$2 = "č";
-const ccedi$2 = "ç";
-const ccedil$2 = "ç";
-const ccirc$2 = "ĉ";
-const ccups$2 = "⩌";
-const ccupssm$2 = "⩐";
-const cdot$2 = "ċ";
-const cedi$2 = "¸";
-const cedil$2 = "¸";
-const cemptyv$2 = "⦲";
-const cen$2 = "¢";
-const cent$2 = "¢";
-const centerdot$2 = "·";
-const cfr$2 = "𝔠";
-const chcy$2 = "ч";
-const check$3 = "✓";
-const checkmark$2 = "✓";
-const chi$2 = "χ";
-const cir$2 = "○";
-const cirE$2 = "⧃";
-const circ$2 = "ˆ";
-const circeq$2 = "≗";
-const circlearrowleft$2 = "↺";
-const circlearrowright$2 = "↻";
-const circledR$2 = "®";
-const circledS$2 = "Ⓢ";
-const circledast$2 = "⊛";
-const circledcirc$2 = "⊚";
-const circleddash$2 = "⊝";
-const cire$2 = "≗";
-const cirfnint$2 = "⨐";
-const cirmid$2 = "⫯";
-const cirscir$2 = "⧂";
-const clubs$2 = "♣";
-const clubsuit$2 = "♣";
-const colon$2 = ":";
-const colone$2 = "≔";
-const coloneq$2 = "≔";
-const comma$2 = ",";
-const commat$2 = "@";
-const comp$2 = "∁";
-const compfn$2 = "∘";
-const complement$2 = "∁";
-const complexes$2 = "ℂ";
-const cong$2 = "≅";
-const congdot$2 = "⩭";
-const conint$2 = "∮";
-const copf$2 = "𝕔";
-const coprod$2 = "∐";
-const cop$2 = "©";
-const copy$2 = "©";
-const copysr$2 = "℗";
-const crarr$2 = "↵";
-const cross$2 = "✗";
-const cscr$2 = "𝒸";
-const csub$2 = "⫏";
-const csube$2 = "⫑";
-const csup$2 = "⫐";
-const csupe$2 = "⫒";
-const ctdot$2 = "⋯";
-const cudarrl$2 = "⤸";
-const cudarrr$2 = "⤵";
-const cuepr$2 = "⋞";
-const cuesc$2 = "⋟";
-const cularr$2 = "↶";
-const cularrp$2 = "⤽";
-const cup$2 = "∪";
-const cupbrcap$2 = "⩈";
-const cupcap$2 = "⩆";
-const cupcup$2 = "⩊";
-const cupdot$2 = "⊍";
-const cupor$2 = "⩅";
-const cups$2 = "∪︀";
-const curarr$2 = "↷";
-const curarrm$2 = "⤼";
-const curlyeqprec$2 = "⋞";
-const curlyeqsucc$2 = "⋟";
-const curlyvee$2 = "⋎";
-const curlywedge$2 = "⋏";
-const curre$2 = "¤";
-const curren$2 = "¤";
-const curvearrowleft$2 = "↶";
-const curvearrowright$2 = "↷";
-const cuvee$2 = "⋎";
-const cuwed$2 = "⋏";
-const cwconint$2 = "∲";
-const cwint$2 = "∱";
-const cylcty$2 = "⌭";
-const dArr$2 = "⇓";
-const dHar$2 = "⥥";
-const dagger$2 = "†";
-const daleth$2 = "ℸ";
-const darr$2 = "↓";
-const dash$2 = "‐";
-const dashv$2 = "⊣";
-const dbkarow$2 = "⤏";
-const dblac$2 = "˝";
-const dcaron$2 = "ď";
-const dcy$2 = "д";
-const dd$2 = "ⅆ";
-const ddagger$2 = "‡";
-const ddarr$2 = "⇊";
-const ddotseq$2 = "⩷";
-const de$2 = "°";
-const deg$2 = "°";
-const delta$2 = "δ";
-const demptyv$2 = "⦱";
-const dfisht$2 = "⥿";
-const dfr$2 = "𝔡";
-const dharl$2 = "⇃";
-const dharr$2 = "⇂";
-const diam$2 = "⋄";
-const diamond$2 = "⋄";
-const diamondsuit$2 = "♦";
-const diams$2 = "♦";
-const die$2 = "¨";
-const digamma$2 = "ϝ";
-const disin$2 = "⋲";
-const div$2 = "÷";
-const divid$2 = "÷";
-const divide$2 = "÷";
-const divideontimes$2 = "⋇";
-const divonx$2 = "⋇";
-const djcy$2 = "ђ";
-const dlcorn$2 = "⌞";
-const dlcrop$2 = "⌍";
-const dollar$2 = "$";
-const dopf$2 = "𝕕";
-const dot$2 = "˙";
-const doteq$2 = "≐";
-const doteqdot$2 = "≑";
-const dotminus$2 = "∸";
-const dotplus$2 = "∔";
-const dotsquare$2 = "⊡";
-const doublebarwedge$2 = "⌆";
-const downarrow$2 = "↓";
-const downdownarrows$2 = "⇊";
-const downharpoonleft$2 = "⇃";
-const downharpoonright$2 = "⇂";
-const drbkarow$2 = "⤐";
-const drcorn$2 = "⌟";
-const drcrop$2 = "⌌";
-const dscr$2 = "𝒹";
-const dscy$2 = "ѕ";
-const dsol$2 = "⧶";
-const dstrok$2 = "đ";
-const dtdot$2 = "⋱";
-const dtri$2 = "▿";
-const dtrif$2 = "▾";
-const duarr$2 = "⇵";
-const duhar$2 = "⥯";
-const dwangle$2 = "⦦";
-const dzcy$2 = "џ";
-const dzigrarr$2 = "⟿";
-const eDDot$2 = "⩷";
-const eDot$2 = "≑";
-const eacut$2 = "é";
-const eacute$2 = "é";
-const easter$2 = "⩮";
-const ecaron$2 = "ě";
-const ecir$2 = "ê";
-const ecirc$2 = "ê";
-const ecolon$2 = "≕";
-const ecy$2 = "э";
-const edot$2 = "ė";
-const ee$2 = "ⅇ";
-const efDot$2 = "≒";
-const efr$2 = "𝔢";
-const eg$2 = "⪚";
-const egrav$2 = "è";
-const egrave$2 = "è";
-const egs$2 = "⪖";
-const egsdot$2 = "⪘";
-const el$2 = "⪙";
-const elinters$2 = "⏧";
-const ell$2 = "ℓ";
-const els$2 = "⪕";
-const elsdot$2 = "⪗";
-const emacr$2 = "ē";
-const empty$2 = "∅";
-const emptyset$2 = "∅";
-const emptyv$2 = "∅";
-const emsp13$2 = " ";
-const emsp14$2 = " ";
-const emsp$2 = " ";
-const eng$2 = "ŋ";
-const ensp$2 = " ";
-const eogon$2 = "ę";
-const eopf$2 = "𝕖";
-const epar$2 = "⋕";
-const eparsl$2 = "⧣";
-const eplus$2 = "⩱";
-const epsi$2 = "ε";
-const epsilon$2 = "ε";
-const epsiv$2 = "ϵ";
-const eqcirc$2 = "≖";
-const eqcolon$2 = "≕";
-const eqsim$2 = "≂";
-const eqslantgtr$2 = "⪖";
-const eqslantless$2 = "⪕";
-const equals$2 = "=";
-const equest$2 = "≟";
-const equiv$2 = "≡";
-const equivDD$2 = "⩸";
-const eqvparsl$2 = "⧥";
-const erDot$2 = "≓";
-const erarr$2 = "⥱";
-const escr$2 = "ℯ";
-const esdot$2 = "≐";
-const esim$2 = "≂";
-const eta$2 = "η";
-const et$2 = "ð";
-const eth$2 = "ð";
-const eum$2 = "ë";
-const euml$2 = "ë";
-const euro$2 = "€";
-const excl$2 = "!";
-const exist$2 = "∃";
-const expectation$2 = "ℰ";
-const exponentiale$2 = "ⅇ";
-const fallingdotseq$2 = "≒";
-const fcy$2 = "ф";
-const female$2 = "♀";
-const ffilig$2 = "ffi";
-const fflig$2 = "ff";
-const ffllig$2 = "ffl";
-const ffr$2 = "𝔣";
-const filig$2 = "fi";
-const fjlig$2 = "fj";
-const flat$2 = "♭";
-const fllig$2 = "fl";
-const fltns$2 = "▱";
-const fnof$2 = "ƒ";
-const fopf$2 = "𝕗";
-const forall$2 = "∀";
-const fork$2 = "⋔";
-const forkv$2 = "⫙";
-const fpartint$2 = "⨍";
-const frac1$2 = "¼";
-const frac12$2 = "½";
-const frac13$2 = "⅓";
-const frac14$2 = "¼";
-const frac15$2 = "⅕";
-const frac16$2 = "⅙";
-const frac18$2 = "⅛";
-const frac23$2 = "⅔";
-const frac25$2 = "⅖";
-const frac3$2 = "¾";
-const frac34$2 = "¾";
-const frac35$2 = "⅗";
-const frac38$2 = "⅜";
-const frac45$2 = "⅘";
-const frac56$2 = "⅚";
-const frac58$2 = "⅝";
-const frac78$2 = "⅞";
-const frasl$2 = "⁄";
-const frown$2 = "⌢";
-const fscr$2 = "𝒻";
-const gE$2 = "≧";
-const gEl$2 = "⪌";
-const gacute$2 = "ǵ";
-const gamma$2 = "γ";
-const gammad$2 = "ϝ";
-const gap$2 = "⪆";
-const gbreve$2 = "ğ";
-const gcirc$2 = "ĝ";
-const gcy$2 = "г";
-const gdot$2 = "ġ";
-const ge$2 = "≥";
-const gel$2 = "⋛";
-const geq$2 = "≥";
-const geqq$2 = "≧";
-const geqslant$2 = "⩾";
-const ges$2 = "⩾";
-const gescc$2 = "⪩";
-const gesdot$2 = "⪀";
-const gesdoto$2 = "⪂";
-const gesdotol$2 = "⪄";
-const gesl$2 = "⋛︀";
-const gesles$2 = "⪔";
-const gfr$2 = "𝔤";
-const gg$2 = "≫";
-const ggg$2 = "⋙";
-const gimel$2 = "ℷ";
-const gjcy$2 = "ѓ";
-const gl$2 = "≷";
-const glE$2 = "⪒";
-const gla$2 = "⪥";
-const glj$2 = "⪤";
-const gnE$2 = "≩";
-const gnap$2 = "⪊";
-const gnapprox$2 = "⪊";
-const gne$2 = "⪈";
-const gneq$2 = "⪈";
-const gneqq$2 = "≩";
-const gnsim$2 = "⋧";
-const gopf$2 = "𝕘";
-const grave$2 = "`";
-const gscr$2 = "ℊ";
-const gsim$2 = "≳";
-const gsime$2 = "⪎";
-const gsiml$2 = "⪐";
-const g$2 = ">";
-const gt$2 = ">";
-const gtcc$2 = "⪧";
-const gtcir$2 = "⩺";
-const gtdot$2 = "⋗";
-const gtlPar$2 = "⦕";
-const gtquest$2 = "⩼";
-const gtrapprox$2 = "⪆";
-const gtrarr$2 = "⥸";
-const gtrdot$2 = "⋗";
-const gtreqless$2 = "⋛";
-const gtreqqless$2 = "⪌";
-const gtrless$2 = "≷";
-const gtrsim$2 = "≳";
-const gvertneqq$2 = "≩︀";
-const gvnE$2 = "≩︀";
-const hArr$2 = "⇔";
-const hairsp$2 = " ";
-const half$2 = "½";
-const hamilt$2 = "ℋ";
-const hardcy$2 = "ъ";
-const harr$2 = "↔";
-const harrcir$2 = "⥈";
-const harrw$2 = "↭";
-const hbar$2 = "ℏ";
-const hcirc$2 = "ĥ";
-const hearts$2 = "♥";
-const heartsuit$2 = "♥";
-const hellip$2 = "…";
-const hercon$2 = "⊹";
-const hfr$2 = "𝔥";
-const hksearow$2 = "⤥";
-const hkswarow$2 = "⤦";
-const hoarr$2 = "⇿";
-const homtht$2 = "∻";
-const hookleftarrow$2 = "↩";
-const hookrightarrow$2 = "↪";
-const hopf$2 = "𝕙";
-const horbar$2 = "―";
-const hscr$2 = "𝒽";
-const hslash$2 = "ℏ";
-const hstrok$2 = "ħ";
-const hybull$2 = "⁃";
-const hyphen$2 = "‐";
-const iacut$2 = "í";
-const iacute$2 = "í";
-const ic$2 = "⁣";
-const icir$2 = "î";
-const icirc$2 = "î";
-const icy$2 = "и";
-const iecy$2 = "е";
-const iexc$2 = "¡";
-const iexcl$2 = "¡";
-const iff$2 = "⇔";
-const ifr$2 = "𝔦";
-const igrav$2 = "ì";
-const igrave$2 = "ì";
-const ii$2 = "ⅈ";
-const iiiint$2 = "⨌";
-const iiint$2 = "∭";
-const iinfin$2 = "⧜";
-const iiota$2 = "℩";
-const ijlig$2 = "ij";
-const imacr$2 = "ī";
-const image$3 = "ℑ";
-const imagline$2 = "ℐ";
-const imagpart$2 = "ℑ";
-const imath$2 = "ı";
-const imof$2 = "⊷";
-const imped$2 = "Ƶ";
-const incare$2 = "℅";
-const infin$2 = "∞";
-const infintie$2 = "⧝";
-const inodot$2 = "ı";
-const int$3 = "∫";
-const intcal$2 = "⊺";
-const integers$2 = "ℤ";
-const intercal$2 = "⊺";
-const intlarhk$2 = "⨗";
-const intprod$2 = "⨼";
-const iocy$2 = "ё";
-const iogon$2 = "į";
-const iopf$2 = "𝕚";
-const iota$2 = "ι";
-const iprod$2 = "⨼";
-const iques$2 = "¿";
-const iquest$2 = "¿";
-const iscr$2 = "𝒾";
-const isin$2 = "∈";
-const isinE$2 = "⋹";
-const isindot$2 = "⋵";
-const isins$2 = "⋴";
-const isinsv$2 = "⋳";
-const isinv$2 = "∈";
-const it$2 = "⁢";
-const itilde$2 = "ĩ";
-const iukcy$2 = "і";
-const ium$2 = "ï";
-const iuml$2 = "ï";
-const jcirc$2 = "ĵ";
-const jcy$2 = "й";
-const jfr$2 = "𝔧";
-const jmath$2 = "ȷ";
-const jopf$2 = "𝕛";
-const jscr$2 = "𝒿";
-const jsercy$2 = "ј";
-const jukcy$2 = "є";
-const kappa$2 = "κ";
-const kappav$2 = "ϰ";
-const kcedil$2 = "ķ";
-const kcy$2 = "к";
-const kfr$2 = "𝔨";
-const kgreen$2 = "ĸ";
-const khcy$2 = "х";
-const kjcy$2 = "ќ";
-const kopf$2 = "𝕜";
-const kscr$2 = "𝓀";
-const lAarr$2 = "⇚";
-const lArr$2 = "⇐";
-const lAtail$2 = "⤛";
-const lBarr$2 = "⤎";
-const lE$2 = "≦";
-const lEg$2 = "⪋";
-const lHar$2 = "⥢";
-const lacute$2 = "ĺ";
-const laemptyv$2 = "⦴";
-const lagran$2 = "ℒ";
-const lambda$2 = "λ";
-const lang$2 = "⟨";
-const langd$2 = "⦑";
-const langle$2 = "⟨";
-const lap$2 = "⪅";
-const laqu$2 = "«";
-const laquo$2 = "«";
-const larr$2 = "←";
-const larrb$2 = "⇤";
-const larrbfs$2 = "⤟";
-const larrfs$2 = "⤝";
-const larrhk$2 = "↩";
-const larrlp$2 = "↫";
-const larrpl$2 = "⤹";
-const larrsim$2 = "⥳";
-const larrtl$2 = "↢";
-const lat$2 = "⪫";
-const latail$2 = "⤙";
-const late$2 = "⪭";
-const lates$2 = "⪭︀";
-const lbarr$2 = "⤌";
-const lbbrk$2 = "❲";
-const lbrace$2 = "{";
-const lbrack$2 = "[";
-const lbrke$2 = "⦋";
-const lbrksld$2 = "⦏";
-const lbrkslu$2 = "⦍";
-const lcaron$2 = "ľ";
-const lcedil$2 = "ļ";
-const lceil$2 = "⌈";
-const lcub$2 = "{";
-const lcy$2 = "л";
-const ldca$2 = "⤶";
-const ldquo$2 = "“";
-const ldquor$2 = "„";
-const ldrdhar$2 = "⥧";
-const ldrushar$2 = "⥋";
-const ldsh$2 = "↲";
-const le$2 = "≤";
-const leftarrow$2 = "←";
-const leftarrowtail$2 = "↢";
-const leftharpoondown$2 = "↽";
-const leftharpoonup$2 = "↼";
-const leftleftarrows$2 = "⇇";
-const leftrightarrow$2 = "↔";
-const leftrightarrows$2 = "⇆";
-const leftrightharpoons$2 = "⇋";
-const leftrightsquigarrow$2 = "↭";
-const leftthreetimes$2 = "⋋";
-const leg$2 = "⋚";
-const leq$2 = "≤";
-const leqq$2 = "≦";
-const leqslant$2 = "⩽";
-const les$2 = "⩽";
-const lescc$2 = "⪨";
-const lesdot$2 = "⩿";
-const lesdoto$2 = "⪁";
-const lesdotor$2 = "⪃";
-const lesg$2 = "⋚︀";
-const lesges$2 = "⪓";
-const lessapprox$2 = "⪅";
-const lessdot$2 = "⋖";
-const lesseqgtr$2 = "⋚";
-const lesseqqgtr$2 = "⪋";
-const lessgtr$2 = "≶";
-const lesssim$2 = "≲";
-const lfisht$2 = "⥼";
-const lfloor$2 = "⌊";
-const lfr$2 = "𝔩";
-const lg$2 = "≶";
-const lgE$2 = "⪑";
-const lhard$2 = "↽";
-const lharu$2 = "↼";
-const lharul$2 = "⥪";
-const lhblk$2 = "▄";
-const ljcy$2 = "љ";
-const ll$2 = "≪";
-const llarr$2 = "⇇";
-const llcorner$2 = "⌞";
-const llhard$2 = "⥫";
-const lltri$2 = "◺";
-const lmidot$2 = "ŀ";
-const lmoust$2 = "⎰";
-const lmoustache$2 = "⎰";
-const lnE$2 = "≨";
-const lnap$2 = "⪉";
-const lnapprox$2 = "⪉";
-const lne$2 = "⪇";
-const lneq$2 = "⪇";
-const lneqq$2 = "≨";
-const lnsim$2 = "⋦";
-const loang$2 = "⟬";
-const loarr$2 = "⇽";
-const lobrk$2 = "⟦";
-const longleftarrow$2 = "⟵";
-const longleftrightarrow$2 = "⟷";
-const longmapsto$2 = "⟼";
-const longrightarrow$2 = "⟶";
-const looparrowleft$2 = "↫";
-const looparrowright$2 = "↬";
-const lopar$2 = "⦅";
-const lopf$2 = "𝕝";
-const loplus$2 = "⨭";
-const lotimes$2 = "⨴";
-const lowast$2 = "∗";
-const lowbar$2 = "_";
-const loz$2 = "◊";
-const lozenge$2 = "◊";
-const lozf$2 = "⧫";
-const lpar$2 = "(";
-const lparlt$2 = "⦓";
-const lrarr$2 = "⇆";
-const lrcorner$2 = "⌟";
-const lrhar$2 = "⇋";
-const lrhard$2 = "⥭";
-const lrm$2 = "‎";
-const lrtri$2 = "⊿";
-const lsaquo$2 = "‹";
-const lscr$2 = "𝓁";
-const lsh$2 = "↰";
-const lsim$2 = "≲";
-const lsime$2 = "⪍";
-const lsimg$2 = "⪏";
-const lsqb$2 = "[";
-const lsquo$2 = "‘";
-const lsquor$2 = "‚";
-const lstrok$2 = "ł";
-const l$2 = "<";
-const lt$3 = "<";
-const ltcc$2 = "⪦";
-const ltcir$2 = "⩹";
-const ltdot$2 = "⋖";
-const lthree$2 = "⋋";
-const ltimes$2 = "⋉";
-const ltlarr$2 = "⥶";
-const ltquest$2 = "⩻";
-const ltrPar$2 = "⦖";
-const ltri$2 = "◃";
-const ltrie$2 = "⊴";
-const ltrif$2 = "◂";
-const lurdshar$2 = "⥊";
-const luruhar$2 = "⥦";
-const lvertneqq$2 = "≨︀";
-const lvnE$2 = "≨︀";
-const mDDot$2 = "∺";
-const mac$2 = "¯";
-const macr$2 = "¯";
-const male$2 = "♂";
-const malt$2 = "✠";
-const maltese$2 = "✠";
-const map$5 = "↦";
-const mapsto$2 = "↦";
-const mapstodown$2 = "↧";
-const mapstoleft$2 = "↤";
-const mapstoup$2 = "↥";
-const marker$2 = "▮";
-const mcomma$2 = "⨩";
-const mcy$2 = "м";
-const mdash$2 = "—";
-const measuredangle$2 = "∡";
-const mfr$2 = "𝔪";
-const mho$2 = "℧";
-const micr$2 = "µ";
-const micro$2 = "µ";
-const mid$2 = "∣";
-const midast$2 = "*";
-const midcir$2 = "⫰";
-const middo$2 = "·";
-const middot$2 = "·";
-const minus$2 = "−";
-const minusb$2 = "⊟";
-const minusd$2 = "∸";
-const minusdu$2 = "⨪";
-const mlcp$2 = "⫛";
-const mldr$2 = "…";
-const mnplus$2 = "∓";
-const models$2 = "⊧";
-const mopf$2 = "𝕞";
-const mp$2 = "∓";
-const mscr$2 = "𝓂";
-const mstpos$2 = "∾";
-const mu$2 = "μ";
-const multimap$2 = "⊸";
-const mumap$2 = "⊸";
-const nGg$2 = "⋙̸";
-const nGt$2 = "≫⃒";
-const nGtv$2 = "≫̸";
-const nLeftarrow$2 = "⇍";
-const nLeftrightarrow$2 = "⇎";
-const nLl$2 = "⋘̸";
-const nLt$2 = "≪⃒";
-const nLtv$2 = "≪̸";
-const nRightarrow$2 = "⇏";
-const nVDash$2 = "⊯";
-const nVdash$2 = "⊮";
-const nabla$2 = "∇";
-const nacute$2 = "ń";
-const nang$2 = "∠⃒";
-const nap$2 = "≉";
-const napE$2 = "⩰̸";
-const napid$2 = "≋̸";
-const napos$2 = "ʼn";
-const napprox$2 = "≉";
-const natur$2 = "♮";
-const natural$2 = "♮";
-const naturals$2 = "ℕ";
-const nbs$2 = " ";
-const nbsp$2 = " ";
-const nbump$2 = "≎̸";
-const nbumpe$2 = "≏̸";
-const ncap$2 = "⩃";
-const ncaron$2 = "ň";
-const ncedil$2 = "ņ";
-const ncong$2 = "≇";
-const ncongdot$2 = "⩭̸";
-const ncup$2 = "⩂";
-const ncy$2 = "н";
-const ndash$2 = "–";
-const ne$2 = "≠";
-const neArr$2 = "⇗";
-const nearhk$2 = "⤤";
-const nearr$2 = "↗";
-const nearrow$2 = "↗";
-const nedot$2 = "≐̸";
-const nequiv$2 = "≢";
-const nesear$2 = "⤨";
-const nesim$2 = "≂̸";
-const nexist$2 = "∄";
-const nexists$2 = "∄";
-const nfr$2 = "𝔫";
-const ngE$2 = "≧̸";
-const nge$2 = "≱";
-const ngeq$2 = "≱";
-const ngeqq$2 = "≧̸";
-const ngeqslant$2 = "⩾̸";
-const nges$2 = "⩾̸";
-const ngsim$2 = "≵";
-const ngt$2 = "≯";
-const ngtr$2 = "≯";
-const nhArr$2 = "⇎";
-const nharr$2 = "↮";
-const nhpar$2 = "⫲";
-const ni$2 = "∋";
-const nis$2 = "⋼";
-const nisd$2 = "⋺";
-const niv$2 = "∋";
-const njcy$2 = "њ";
-const nlArr$2 = "⇍";
-const nlE$2 = "≦̸";
-const nlarr$2 = "↚";
-const nldr$2 = "‥";
-const nle$2 = "≰";
-const nleftarrow$2 = "↚";
-const nleftrightarrow$2 = "↮";
-const nleq$2 = "≰";
-const nleqq$2 = "≦̸";
-const nleqslant$2 = "⩽̸";
-const nles$2 = "⩽̸";
-const nless$2 = "≮";
-const nlsim$2 = "≴";
-const nlt$2 = "≮";
-const nltri$2 = "⋪";
-const nltrie$2 = "⋬";
-const nmid$2 = "∤";
-const nopf$2 = "𝕟";
-const no$2 = "¬";
-const not$2 = "¬";
-const notin$2 = "∉";
-const notinE$2 = "⋹̸";
-const notindot$2 = "⋵̸";
-const notinva$2 = "∉";
-const notinvb$2 = "⋷";
-const notinvc$2 = "⋶";
-const notni$2 = "∌";
-const notniva$2 = "∌";
-const notnivb$2 = "⋾";
-const notnivc$2 = "⋽";
-const npar$2 = "∦";
-const nparallel$2 = "∦";
-const nparsl$2 = "⫽⃥";
-const npart$2 = "∂̸";
-const npolint$2 = "⨔";
-const npr$2 = "⊀";
-const nprcue$2 = "⋠";
-const npre$2 = "⪯̸";
-const nprec$2 = "⊀";
-const npreceq$2 = "⪯̸";
-const nrArr$2 = "⇏";
-const nrarr$2 = "↛";
-const nrarrc$2 = "⤳̸";
-const nrarrw$2 = "↝̸";
-const nrightarrow$2 = "↛";
-const nrtri$2 = "⋫";
-const nrtrie$2 = "⋭";
-const nsc$2 = "⊁";
-const nsccue$2 = "⋡";
-const nsce$2 = "⪰̸";
-const nscr$2 = "𝓃";
-const nshortmid$2 = "∤";
-const nshortparallel$2 = "∦";
-const nsim$2 = "≁";
-const nsime$2 = "≄";
-const nsimeq$2 = "≄";
-const nsmid$2 = "∤";
-const nspar$2 = "∦";
-const nsqsube$2 = "⋢";
-const nsqsupe$2 = "⋣";
-const nsub$2 = "⊄";
-const nsubE$2 = "⫅̸";
-const nsube$2 = "⊈";
-const nsubset$2 = "⊂⃒";
-const nsubseteq$2 = "⊈";
-const nsubseteqq$2 = "⫅̸";
-const nsucc$2 = "⊁";
-const nsucceq$2 = "⪰̸";
-const nsup$2 = "⊅";
-const nsupE$2 = "⫆̸";
-const nsupe$2 = "⊉";
-const nsupset$2 = "⊃⃒";
-const nsupseteq$2 = "⊉";
-const nsupseteqq$2 = "⫆̸";
-const ntgl$2 = "≹";
-const ntild$2 = "ñ";
-const ntilde$2 = "ñ";
-const ntlg$2 = "≸";
-const ntriangleleft$2 = "⋪";
-const ntrianglelefteq$2 = "⋬";
-const ntriangleright$2 = "⋫";
-const ntrianglerighteq$2 = "⋭";
-const nu$2 = "ν";
-const num$2 = "#";
-const numero$2 = "№";
-const numsp$2 = " ";
-const nvDash$2 = "⊭";
-const nvHarr$2 = "⤄";
-const nvap$2 = "≍⃒";
-const nvdash$2 = "⊬";
-const nvge$2 = "≥⃒";
-const nvgt$2 = ">⃒";
-const nvinfin$2 = "⧞";
-const nvlArr$2 = "⤂";
-const nvle$2 = "≤⃒";
-const nvlt$2 = "<⃒";
-const nvltrie$2 = "⊴⃒";
-const nvrArr$2 = "⤃";
-const nvrtrie$2 = "⊵⃒";
-const nvsim$2 = "∼⃒";
-const nwArr$2 = "⇖";
-const nwarhk$2 = "⤣";
-const nwarr$2 = "↖";
-const nwarrow$2 = "↖";
-const nwnear$2 = "⤧";
-const oS$2 = "Ⓢ";
-const oacut$2 = "ó";
-const oacute$2 = "ó";
-const oast$2 = "⊛";
-const ocir$2 = "ô";
-const ocirc$2 = "ô";
-const ocy$2 = "о";
-const odash$2 = "⊝";
-const odblac$2 = "ő";
-const odiv$2 = "⨸";
-const odot$2 = "⊙";
-const odsold$2 = "⦼";
-const oelig$2 = "œ";
-const ofcir$2 = "⦿";
-const ofr$2 = "𝔬";
-const ogon$2 = "˛";
-const ograv$2 = "ò";
-const ograve$2 = "ò";
-const ogt$2 = "⧁";
-const ohbar$2 = "⦵";
-const ohm$2 = "Ω";
-const oint$2 = "∮";
-const olarr$2 = "↺";
-const olcir$2 = "⦾";
-const olcross$2 = "⦻";
-const oline$2 = "‾";
-const olt$2 = "⧀";
-const omacr$2 = "ō";
-const omega$2 = "ω";
-const omicron$2 = "ο";
-const omid$2 = "⦶";
-const ominus$2 = "⊖";
-const oopf$2 = "𝕠";
-const opar$2 = "⦷";
-const operp$2 = "⦹";
-const oplus$2 = "⊕";
-const or$2 = "∨";
-const orarr$2 = "↻";
-const ord$2 = "º";
-const order$2 = "ℴ";
-const orderof$2 = "ℴ";
-const ordf$2 = "ª";
-const ordm$2 = "º";
-const origof$2 = "⊶";
-const oror$2 = "⩖";
-const orslope$2 = "⩗";
-const orv$2 = "⩛";
-const oscr$2 = "ℴ";
-const oslas$2 = "ø";
-const oslash$2 = "ø";
-const osol$2 = "⊘";
-const otild$2 = "õ";
-const otilde$2 = "õ";
-const otimes$2 = "⊗";
-const otimesas$2 = "⨶";
-const oum$2 = "ö";
-const ouml$2 = "ö";
-const ovbar$2 = "⌽";
-const par$2 = "¶";
-const para$2 = "¶";
-const parallel$2 = "∥";
-const parsim$2 = "⫳";
-const parsl$2 = "⫽";
-const part$2 = "∂";
-const pcy$2 = "п";
-const percnt$2 = "%";
-const period$2 = ".";
-const permil$2 = "‰";
-const perp$2 = "⊥";
-const pertenk$2 = "‱";
-const pfr$2 = "𝔭";
-const phi$2 = "φ";
-const phiv$2 = "ϕ";
-const phmmat$2 = "ℳ";
-const phone$2 = "☎";
-const pi$2 = "π";
-const pitchfork$2 = "⋔";
-const piv$2 = "ϖ";
-const planck$2 = "ℏ";
-const planckh$2 = "ℎ";
-const plankv$2 = "ℏ";
-const plus$2 = "+";
-const plusacir$2 = "⨣";
-const plusb$2 = "⊞";
-const pluscir$2 = "⨢";
-const plusdo$2 = "∔";
-const plusdu$2 = "⨥";
-const pluse$2 = "⩲";
-const plusm$2 = "±";
-const plusmn$2 = "±";
-const plussim$2 = "⨦";
-const plustwo$2 = "⨧";
-const pm$2 = "±";
-const pointint$2 = "⨕";
-const popf$2 = "𝕡";
-const poun$2 = "£";
-const pound$2 = "£";
-const pr$2 = "≺";
-const prE$2 = "⪳";
-const prap$2 = "⪷";
-const prcue$2 = "≼";
-const pre$2 = "⪯";
-const prec$2 = "≺";
-const precapprox$2 = "⪷";
-const preccurlyeq$2 = "≼";
-const preceq$2 = "⪯";
-const precnapprox$2 = "⪹";
-const precneqq$2 = "⪵";
-const precnsim$2 = "⋨";
-const precsim$2 = "≾";
-const prime$2 = "′";
-const primes$2 = "ℙ";
-const prnE$2 = "⪵";
-const prnap$2 = "⪹";
-const prnsim$2 = "⋨";
-const prod$2 = "∏";
-const profalar$2 = "⌮";
-const profline$2 = "⌒";
-const profsurf$2 = "⌓";
-const prop$2 = "∝";
-const propto$2 = "∝";
-const prsim$2 = "≾";
-const prurel$2 = "⊰";
-const pscr$2 = "𝓅";
-const psi$2 = "ψ";
-const puncsp$2 = " ";
-const qfr$2 = "𝔮";
-const qint$2 = "⨌";
-const qopf$2 = "𝕢";
-const qprime$2 = "⁗";
-const qscr$2 = "𝓆";
-const quaternions$2 = "ℍ";
-const quatint$2 = "⨖";
-const quest$2 = "?";
-const questeq$2 = "≟";
-const quo$2 = "\"";
-const quot$2 = "\"";
-const rAarr$2 = "⇛";
-const rArr$2 = "⇒";
-const rAtail$2 = "⤜";
-const rBarr$2 = "⤏";
-const rHar$2 = "⥤";
-const race$2 = "∽̱";
-const racute$2 = "ŕ";
-const radic$2 = "√";
-const raemptyv$2 = "⦳";
-const rang$2 = "⟩";
-const rangd$2 = "⦒";
-const range$2 = "⦥";
-const rangle$2 = "⟩";
-const raqu$2 = "»";
-const raquo$2 = "»";
-const rarr$2 = "→";
-const rarrap$2 = "⥵";
-const rarrb$2 = "⇥";
-const rarrbfs$2 = "⤠";
-const rarrc$2 = "⤳";
-const rarrfs$2 = "⤞";
-const rarrhk$2 = "↪";
-const rarrlp$2 = "↬";
-const rarrpl$2 = "⥅";
-const rarrsim$2 = "⥴";
-const rarrtl$2 = "↣";
-const rarrw$2 = "↝";
-const ratail$2 = "⤚";
-const ratio$2 = "∶";
-const rationals$2 = "ℚ";
-const rbarr$2 = "⤍";
-const rbbrk$2 = "❳";
-const rbrace$2 = "}";
-const rbrack$2 = "]";
-const rbrke$2 = "⦌";
-const rbrksld$2 = "⦎";
-const rbrkslu$2 = "⦐";
-const rcaron$2 = "ř";
-const rcedil$2 = "ŗ";
-const rceil$2 = "⌉";
-const rcub$2 = "}";
-const rcy$2 = "р";
-const rdca$2 = "⤷";
-const rdldhar$2 = "⥩";
-const rdquo$2 = "”";
-const rdquor$2 = "”";
-const rdsh$2 = "↳";
-const real$2 = "ℜ";
-const realine$2 = "ℛ";
-const realpart$2 = "ℜ";
-const reals$2 = "ℝ";
-const rect$2 = "▭";
-const re$6 = "®";
-const reg$2 = "®";
-const rfisht$2 = "⥽";
-const rfloor$2 = "⌋";
-const rfr$2 = "𝔯";
-const rhard$2 = "⇁";
-const rharu$2 = "⇀";
-const rharul$2 = "⥬";
-const rho$2 = "ρ";
-const rhov$2 = "ϱ";
-const rightarrow$2 = "→";
-const rightarrowtail$2 = "↣";
-const rightharpoondown$2 = "⇁";
-const rightharpoonup$2 = "⇀";
-const rightleftarrows$2 = "⇄";
-const rightleftharpoons$2 = "⇌";
-const rightrightarrows$2 = "⇉";
-const rightsquigarrow$2 = "↝";
-const rightthreetimes$2 = "⋌";
-const ring$2 = "˚";
-const risingdotseq$2 = "≓";
-const rlarr$2 = "⇄";
-const rlhar$2 = "⇌";
-const rlm$2 = "‏";
-const rmoust$2 = "⎱";
-const rmoustache$2 = "⎱";
-const rnmid$2 = "⫮";
-const roang$2 = "⟭";
-const roarr$2 = "⇾";
-const robrk$2 = "⟧";
-const ropar$2 = "⦆";
-const ropf$2 = "𝕣";
-const roplus$2 = "⨮";
-const rotimes$2 = "⨵";
-const rpar$2 = ")";
-const rpargt$2 = "⦔";
-const rppolint$2 = "⨒";
-const rrarr$2 = "⇉";
-const rsaquo$2 = "›";
-const rscr$2 = "𝓇";
-const rsh$2 = "↱";
-const rsqb$2 = "]";
-const rsquo$2 = "’";
-const rsquor$2 = "’";
-const rthree$2 = "⋌";
-const rtimes$2 = "⋊";
-const rtri$2 = "▹";
-const rtrie$2 = "⊵";
-const rtrif$2 = "▸";
-const rtriltri$2 = "⧎";
-const ruluhar$2 = "⥨";
-const rx$2 = "℞";
-const sacute$2 = "ś";
-const sbquo$2 = "‚";
-const sc$2 = "≻";
-const scE$2 = "⪴";
-const scap$2 = "⪸";
-const scaron$2 = "š";
-const sccue$2 = "≽";
-const sce$2 = "⪰";
-const scedil$2 = "ş";
-const scirc$2 = "ŝ";
-const scnE$2 = "⪶";
-const scnap$2 = "⪺";
-const scnsim$2 = "⋩";
-const scpolint$2 = "⨓";
-const scsim$2 = "≿";
-const scy$2 = "с";
-const sdot$2 = "⋅";
-const sdotb$2 = "⊡";
-const sdote$2 = "⩦";
-const seArr$2 = "⇘";
-const searhk$2 = "⤥";
-const searr$2 = "↘";
-const searrow$2 = "↘";
-const sec$2 = "§";
-const sect$2 = "§";
-const semi$2 = ";";
-const seswar$2 = "⤩";
-const setminus$2 = "∖";
-const setmn$2 = "∖";
-const sext$2 = "✶";
-const sfr$2 = "𝔰";
-const sfrown$2 = "⌢";
-const sharp$2 = "♯";
-const shchcy$2 = "щ";
-const shcy$2 = "ш";
-const shortmid$2 = "∣";
-const shortparallel$2 = "∥";
-const sh$2 = "­";
-const shy$2 = "­";
-const sigma$2 = "σ";
-const sigmaf$2 = "ς";
-const sigmav$2 = "ς";
-const sim$2 = "∼";
-const simdot$2 = "⩪";
-const sime$2 = "≃";
-const simeq$2 = "≃";
-const simg$2 = "⪞";
-const simgE$2 = "⪠";
-const siml$2 = "⪝";
-const simlE$2 = "⪟";
-const simne$2 = "≆";
-const simplus$2 = "⨤";
-const simrarr$2 = "⥲";
-const slarr$2 = "←";
-const smallsetminus$2 = "∖";
-const smashp$2 = "⨳";
-const smeparsl$2 = "⧤";
-const smid$2 = "∣";
-const smile$2 = "⌣";
-const smt$2 = "⪪";
-const smte$2 = "⪬";
-const smtes$2 = "⪬︀";
-const softcy$2 = "ь";
-const sol$2 = "/";
-const solb$2 = "⧄";
-const solbar$2 = "⌿";
-const sopf$2 = "𝕤";
-const spades$2 = "♠";
-const spadesuit$2 = "♠";
-const spar$2 = "∥";
-const sqcap$2 = "⊓";
-const sqcaps$2 = "⊓︀";
-const sqcup$2 = "⊔";
-const sqcups$2 = "⊔︀";
-const sqsub$2 = "⊏";
-const sqsube$2 = "⊑";
-const sqsubset$2 = "⊏";
-const sqsubseteq$2 = "⊑";
-const sqsup$2 = "⊐";
-const sqsupe$2 = "⊒";
-const sqsupset$2 = "⊐";
-const sqsupseteq$2 = "⊒";
-const squ$2 = "□";
-const square$2 = "□";
-const squarf$2 = "▪";
-const squf$2 = "▪";
-const srarr$2 = "→";
-const sscr$2 = "𝓈";
-const ssetmn$2 = "∖";
-const ssmile$2 = "⌣";
-const sstarf$2 = "⋆";
-const star$2 = "☆";
-const starf$2 = "★";
-const straightepsilon$2 = "ϵ";
-const straightphi$2 = "ϕ";
-const strns$2 = "¯";
-const sub$2 = "⊂";
-const subE$2 = "⫅";
-const subdot$2 = "⪽";
-const sube$2 = "⊆";
-const subedot$2 = "⫃";
-const submult$2 = "⫁";
-const subnE$2 = "⫋";
-const subne$2 = "⊊";
-const subplus$2 = "⪿";
-const subrarr$2 = "⥹";
-const subset$2 = "⊂";
-const subseteq$2 = "⊆";
-const subseteqq$2 = "⫅";
-const subsetneq$2 = "⊊";
-const subsetneqq$2 = "⫋";
-const subsim$2 = "⫇";
-const subsub$2 = "⫕";
-const subsup$2 = "⫓";
-const succ$2 = "≻";
-const succapprox$2 = "⪸";
-const succcurlyeq$2 = "≽";
-const succeq$2 = "⪰";
-const succnapprox$2 = "⪺";
-const succneqq$2 = "⪶";
-const succnsim$2 = "⋩";
-const succsim$2 = "≿";
-const sum$2 = "∑";
-const sung$2 = "♪";
-const sup$2 = "⊃";
-const sup1$2 = "¹";
-const sup2$2 = "²";
-const sup3$2 = "³";
-const supE$2 = "⫆";
-const supdot$2 = "⪾";
-const supdsub$2 = "⫘";
-const supe$2 = "⊇";
-const supedot$2 = "⫄";
-const suphsol$2 = "⟉";
-const suphsub$2 = "⫗";
-const suplarr$2 = "⥻";
-const supmult$2 = "⫂";
-const supnE$2 = "⫌";
-const supne$2 = "⊋";
-const supplus$2 = "⫀";
-const supset$2 = "⊃";
-const supseteq$2 = "⊇";
-const supseteqq$2 = "⫆";
-const supsetneq$2 = "⊋";
-const supsetneqq$2 = "⫌";
-const supsim$2 = "⫈";
-const supsub$2 = "⫔";
-const supsup$2 = "⫖";
-const swArr$2 = "⇙";
-const swarhk$2 = "⤦";
-const swarr$2 = "↙";
-const swarrow$2 = "↙";
-const swnwar$2 = "⤪";
-const szli$2 = "ß";
-const szlig$2 = "ß";
-const target$2 = "⌖";
-const tau$2 = "τ";
-const tbrk$2 = "⎴";
-const tcaron$2 = "ť";
-const tcedil$2 = "ţ";
-const tcy$2 = "т";
-const tdot$2 = "⃛";
-const telrec$2 = "⌕";
-const tfr$2 = "𝔱";
-const there4$2 = "∴";
-const therefore$2 = "∴";
-const theta$2 = "θ";
-const thetasym$2 = "ϑ";
-const thetav$2 = "ϑ";
-const thickapprox$2 = "≈";
-const thicksim$2 = "∼";
-const thinsp$2 = " ";
-const thkap$2 = "≈";
-const thksim$2 = "∼";
-const thor$2 = "þ";
-const thorn$2 = "þ";
-const tilde$2 = "˜";
-const time$2 = "×";
-const times$2 = "×";
-const timesb$2 = "⊠";
-const timesbar$2 = "⨱";
-const timesd$2 = "⨰";
-const tint$2 = "∭";
-const toea$2 = "⤨";
-const top$2 = "⊤";
-const topbot$2 = "⌶";
-const topcir$2 = "⫱";
-const topf$2 = "𝕥";
-const topfork$2 = "⫚";
-const tosa$2 = "⤩";
-const tprime$2 = "‴";
-const trade$2 = "™";
-const triangle$2 = "▵";
-const triangledown$2 = "▿";
-const triangleleft$2 = "◃";
-const trianglelefteq$2 = "⊴";
-const triangleq$2 = "≜";
-const triangleright$2 = "▹";
-const trianglerighteq$2 = "⊵";
-const tridot$2 = "◬";
-const trie$2 = "≜";
-const triminus$2 = "⨺";
-const triplus$2 = "⨹";
-const trisb$2 = "⧍";
-const tritime$2 = "⨻";
-const trpezium$2 = "⏢";
-const tscr$2 = "𝓉";
-const tscy$2 = "ц";
-const tshcy$2 = "ћ";
-const tstrok$2 = "ŧ";
-const twixt$2 = "≬";
-const twoheadleftarrow$2 = "↞";
-const twoheadrightarrow$2 = "↠";
-const uArr$2 = "⇑";
-const uHar$2 = "⥣";
-const uacut$2 = "ú";
-const uacute$2 = "ú";
-const uarr$2 = "↑";
-const ubrcy$2 = "ў";
-const ubreve$2 = "ŭ";
-const ucir$2 = "û";
-const ucirc$2 = "û";
-const ucy$2 = "у";
-const udarr$2 = "⇅";
-const udblac$2 = "ű";
-const udhar$2 = "⥮";
-const ufisht$2 = "⥾";
-const ufr$2 = "𝔲";
-const ugrav$2 = "ù";
-const ugrave$2 = "ù";
-const uharl$2 = "↿";
-const uharr$2 = "↾";
-const uhblk$2 = "▀";
-const ulcorn$2 = "⌜";
-const ulcorner$2 = "⌜";
-const ulcrop$2 = "⌏";
-const ultri$2 = "◸";
-const umacr$2 = "ū";
-const um$2 = "¨";
-const uml$2 = "¨";
-const uogon$2 = "ų";
-const uopf$2 = "𝕦";
-const uparrow$2 = "↑";
-const updownarrow$2 = "↕";
-const upharpoonleft$2 = "↿";
-const upharpoonright$2 = "↾";
-const uplus$2 = "⊎";
-const upsi$2 = "υ";
-const upsih$2 = "ϒ";
-const upsilon$2 = "υ";
-const upuparrows$2 = "⇈";
-const urcorn$2 = "⌝";
-const urcorner$2 = "⌝";
-const urcrop$2 = "⌎";
-const uring$2 = "ů";
-const urtri$2 = "◹";
-const uscr$2 = "𝓊";
-const utdot$2 = "⋰";
-const utilde$2 = "ũ";
-const utri$2 = "▵";
-const utrif$2 = "▴";
-const uuarr$2 = "⇈";
-const uum$2 = "ü";
-const uuml$2 = "ü";
-const uwangle$2 = "⦧";
-const vArr$2 = "⇕";
-const vBar$2 = "⫨";
-const vBarv$2 = "⫩";
-const vDash$2 = "⊨";
-const vangrt$2 = "⦜";
-const varepsilon$2 = "ϵ";
-const varkappa$2 = "ϰ";
-const varnothing$2 = "∅";
-const varphi$2 = "ϕ";
-const varpi$2 = "ϖ";
-const varpropto$2 = "∝";
-const varr$2 = "↕";
-const varrho$2 = "ϱ";
-const varsigma$2 = "ς";
-const varsubsetneq$2 = "⊊︀";
-const varsubsetneqq$2 = "⫋︀";
-const varsupsetneq$2 = "⊋︀";
-const varsupsetneqq$2 = "⫌︀";
-const vartheta$2 = "ϑ";
-const vartriangleleft$2 = "⊲";
-const vartriangleright$2 = "⊳";
-const vcy$2 = "в";
-const vdash$2 = "⊢";
-const vee$2 = "∨";
-const veebar$2 = "⊻";
-const veeeq$2 = "≚";
-const vellip$2 = "⋮";
-const verbar$2 = "|";
-const vert$2 = "|";
-const vfr$2 = "𝔳";
-const vltri$2 = "⊲";
-const vnsub$2 = "⊂⃒";
-const vnsup$2 = "⊃⃒";
-const vopf$2 = "𝕧";
-const vprop$2 = "∝";
-const vrtri$2 = "⊳";
-const vscr$2 = "𝓋";
-const vsubnE$2 = "⫋︀";
-const vsubne$2 = "⊊︀";
-const vsupnE$2 = "⫌︀";
-const vsupne$2 = "⊋︀";
-const vzigzag$2 = "⦚";
-const wcirc$2 = "ŵ";
-const wedbar$2 = "⩟";
-const wedge$2 = "∧";
-const wedgeq$2 = "≙";
-const weierp$2 = "℘";
-const wfr$2 = "𝔴";
-const wopf$2 = "𝕨";
-const wp$2 = "℘";
-const wr$2 = "≀";
-const wreath$2 = "≀";
-const wscr$2 = "𝓌";
-const xcap$2 = "⋂";
-const xcirc$2 = "◯";
-const xcup$2 = "⋃";
-const xdtri$2 = "▽";
-const xfr$2 = "𝔵";
-const xhArr$2 = "⟺";
-const xharr$2 = "⟷";
-const xi$2 = "ξ";
-const xlArr$2 = "⟸";
-const xlarr$2 = "⟵";
-const xmap$2 = "⟼";
-const xnis$2 = "⋻";
-const xodot$2 = "⨀";
-const xopf$2 = "𝕩";
-const xoplus$2 = "⨁";
-const xotime$2 = "⨂";
-const xrArr$2 = "⟹";
-const xrarr$2 = "⟶";
-const xscr$2 = "𝓍";
-const xsqcup$2 = "⨆";
-const xuplus$2 = "⨄";
-const xutri$2 = "△";
-const xvee$2 = "⋁";
-const xwedge$2 = "⋀";
-const yacut$2 = "ý";
-const yacute$2 = "ý";
-const yacy$2 = "я";
-const ycirc$2 = "ŷ";
-const ycy$2 = "ы";
-const ye$2 = "¥";
-const yen$2 = "¥";
-const yfr$2 = "𝔶";
-const yicy$2 = "ї";
-const yopf$2 = "𝕪";
-const yscr$2 = "𝓎";
-const yucy$2 = "ю";
-const yum$2 = "ÿ";
-const yuml$2 = "ÿ";
-const zacute$2 = "ź";
-const zcaron$2 = "ž";
-const zcy$2 = "з";
-const zdot$2 = "ż";
-const zeetrf$2 = "ℨ";
-const zeta$2 = "ζ";
-const zfr$2 = "𝔷";
-const zhcy$2 = "ж";
-const zigrarr$2 = "⇝";
-const zopf$2 = "𝕫";
-const zscr$2 = "𝓏";
-const zwj$2 = "‍";
-const zwnj$2 = "‌";
-var require$$0$2 = {
- AEli: AEli$2,
- AElig: AElig$2,
- AM: AM$2,
- AMP: AMP$2,
- Aacut: Aacut$2,
- Aacute: Aacute$2,
- Abreve: Abreve$2,
- Acir: Acir$2,
- Acirc: Acirc$2,
- Acy: Acy$2,
- Afr: Afr$2,
- Agrav: Agrav$2,
- Agrave: Agrave$2,
- Alpha: Alpha$2,
- Amacr: Amacr$2,
- And: And$2,
- Aogon: Aogon$2,
- Aopf: Aopf$2,
- ApplyFunction: ApplyFunction$2,
- Arin: Arin$2,
- Aring: Aring$2,
- Ascr: Ascr$2,
- Assign: Assign$2,
- Atild: Atild$2,
- Atilde: Atilde$2,
- Aum: Aum$2,
- Auml: Auml$2,
- Backslash: Backslash$2,
- Barv: Barv$2,
- Barwed: Barwed$2,
- Bcy: Bcy$2,
- Because: Because$2,
- Bernoullis: Bernoullis$2,
- Beta: Beta$2,
- Bfr: Bfr$2,
- Bopf: Bopf$2,
- Breve: Breve$2,
- Bscr: Bscr$2,
- Bumpeq: Bumpeq$2,
- CHcy: CHcy$2,
- COP: COP$2,
- Cacute: Cacute$2,
- Cap: Cap$2,
- CapitalDifferentialD: CapitalDifferentialD$2,
- Cayleys: Cayleys$2,
- Ccaron: Ccaron$2,
- Ccedi: Ccedi$2,
- Ccedil: Ccedil$2,
- Ccirc: Ccirc$2,
- Cconint: Cconint$2,
- Cdot: Cdot$2,
- Cedilla: Cedilla$2,
- CenterDot: CenterDot$2,
- Cfr: Cfr$2,
- Chi: Chi$2,
- CircleDot: CircleDot$2,
- CircleMinus: CircleMinus$2,
- CirclePlus: CirclePlus$2,
- CircleTimes: CircleTimes$2,
- ClockwiseContourIntegral: ClockwiseContourIntegral$2,
- CloseCurlyDoubleQuote: CloseCurlyDoubleQuote$2,
- CloseCurlyQuote: CloseCurlyQuote$2,
- Colon: Colon$2,
- Colone: Colone$2,
- Congruent: Congruent$2,
- Conint: Conint$2,
- ContourIntegral: ContourIntegral$2,
- Copf: Copf$2,
- Coproduct: Coproduct$2,
- CounterClockwiseContourIntegral: CounterClockwiseContourIntegral$2,
- Cross: Cross$2,
- Cscr: Cscr$2,
- Cup: Cup$2,
- CupCap: CupCap$2,
- DD: DD$2,
- DDotrahd: DDotrahd$2,
- DJcy: DJcy$2,
- DScy: DScy$2,
- DZcy: DZcy$2,
- Dagger: Dagger$2,
- Darr: Darr$2,
- Dashv: Dashv$2,
- Dcaron: Dcaron$2,
- Dcy: Dcy$2,
- Del: Del$2,
- Delta: Delta$2,
- Dfr: Dfr$2,
- DiacriticalAcute: DiacriticalAcute$2,
- DiacriticalDot: DiacriticalDot$2,
- DiacriticalDoubleAcute: DiacriticalDoubleAcute$2,
- DiacriticalGrave: DiacriticalGrave$2,
- DiacriticalTilde: DiacriticalTilde$2,
- Diamond: Diamond$2,
- DifferentialD: DifferentialD$2,
- Dopf: Dopf$2,
- Dot: Dot$2,
- DotDot: DotDot$2,
- DotEqual: DotEqual$2,
- DoubleContourIntegral: DoubleContourIntegral$2,
- DoubleDot: DoubleDot$2,
- DoubleDownArrow: DoubleDownArrow$2,
- DoubleLeftArrow: DoubleLeftArrow$2,
- DoubleLeftRightArrow: DoubleLeftRightArrow$2,
- DoubleLeftTee: DoubleLeftTee$2,
- DoubleLongLeftArrow: DoubleLongLeftArrow$2,
- DoubleLongLeftRightArrow: DoubleLongLeftRightArrow$2,
- DoubleLongRightArrow: DoubleLongRightArrow$2,
- DoubleRightArrow: DoubleRightArrow$2,
- DoubleRightTee: DoubleRightTee$2,
- DoubleUpArrow: DoubleUpArrow$2,
- DoubleUpDownArrow: DoubleUpDownArrow$2,
- DoubleVerticalBar: DoubleVerticalBar$2,
- DownArrow: DownArrow$2,
- DownArrowBar: DownArrowBar$2,
- DownArrowUpArrow: DownArrowUpArrow$2,
- DownBreve: DownBreve$2,
- DownLeftRightVector: DownLeftRightVector$2,
- DownLeftTeeVector: DownLeftTeeVector$2,
- DownLeftVector: DownLeftVector$2,
- DownLeftVectorBar: DownLeftVectorBar$2,
- DownRightTeeVector: DownRightTeeVector$2,
- DownRightVector: DownRightVector$2,
- DownRightVectorBar: DownRightVectorBar$2,
- DownTee: DownTee$2,
- DownTeeArrow: DownTeeArrow$2,
- Downarrow: Downarrow$2,
- Dscr: Dscr$2,
- Dstrok: Dstrok$2,
- ENG: ENG$2,
- ET: ET$2,
- ETH: ETH$2,
- Eacut: Eacut$2,
- Eacute: Eacute$2,
- Ecaron: Ecaron$2,
- Ecir: Ecir$2,
- Ecirc: Ecirc$2,
- Ecy: Ecy$2,
- Edot: Edot$2,
- Efr: Efr$2,
- Egrav: Egrav$2,
- Egrave: Egrave$2,
- Element: Element$2,
- Emacr: Emacr$2,
- EmptySmallSquare: EmptySmallSquare$2,
- EmptyVerySmallSquare: EmptyVerySmallSquare$2,
- Eogon: Eogon$2,
- Eopf: Eopf$2,
- Epsilon: Epsilon$2,
- Equal: Equal$2,
- EqualTilde: EqualTilde$2,
- Equilibrium: Equilibrium$2,
- Escr: Escr$2,
- Esim: Esim$2,
- Eta: Eta$2,
- Eum: Eum$2,
- Euml: Euml$2,
- Exists: Exists$2,
- ExponentialE: ExponentialE$2,
- Fcy: Fcy$2,
- Ffr: Ffr$2,
- FilledSmallSquare: FilledSmallSquare$2,
- FilledVerySmallSquare: FilledVerySmallSquare$2,
- Fopf: Fopf$2,
- ForAll: ForAll$2,
- Fouriertrf: Fouriertrf$2,
- Fscr: Fscr$2,
- GJcy: GJcy$2,
- G: G$2,
- GT: GT$2,
- Gamma: Gamma$2,
- Gammad: Gammad$2,
- Gbreve: Gbreve$2,
- Gcedil: Gcedil$2,
- Gcirc: Gcirc$2,
- Gcy: Gcy$2,
- Gdot: Gdot$2,
- Gfr: Gfr$2,
- Gg: Gg$2,
- Gopf: Gopf$2,
- GreaterEqual: GreaterEqual$2,
- GreaterEqualLess: GreaterEqualLess$2,
- GreaterFullEqual: GreaterFullEqual$2,
- GreaterGreater: GreaterGreater$2,
- GreaterLess: GreaterLess$2,
- GreaterSlantEqual: GreaterSlantEqual$2,
- GreaterTilde: GreaterTilde$2,
- Gscr: Gscr$2,
- Gt: Gt$2,
- HARDcy: HARDcy$2,
- Hacek: Hacek$2,
- Hat: Hat$2,
- Hcirc: Hcirc$2,
- Hfr: Hfr$2,
- HilbertSpace: HilbertSpace$2,
- Hopf: Hopf$2,
- HorizontalLine: HorizontalLine$2,
- Hscr: Hscr$2,
- Hstrok: Hstrok$2,
- HumpDownHump: HumpDownHump$2,
- HumpEqual: HumpEqual$2,
- IEcy: IEcy$2,
- IJlig: IJlig$2,
- IOcy: IOcy$2,
- Iacut: Iacut$2,
- Iacute: Iacute$2,
- Icir: Icir$2,
- Icirc: Icirc$2,
- Icy: Icy$2,
- Idot: Idot$2,
- Ifr: Ifr$2,
- Igrav: Igrav$2,
- Igrave: Igrave$2,
- Im: Im$2,
- Imacr: Imacr$2,
- ImaginaryI: ImaginaryI$2,
- Implies: Implies$2,
- Int: Int$2,
- Integral: Integral$2,
- Intersection: Intersection$2,
- InvisibleComma: InvisibleComma$2,
- InvisibleTimes: InvisibleTimes$2,
- Iogon: Iogon$2,
- Iopf: Iopf$2,
- Iota: Iota$2,
- Iscr: Iscr$2,
- Itilde: Itilde$2,
- Iukcy: Iukcy$2,
- Ium: Ium$2,
- Iuml: Iuml$2,
- Jcirc: Jcirc$2,
- Jcy: Jcy$2,
- Jfr: Jfr$2,
- Jopf: Jopf$2,
- Jscr: Jscr$2,
- Jsercy: Jsercy$2,
- Jukcy: Jukcy$2,
- KHcy: KHcy$2,
- KJcy: KJcy$2,
- Kappa: Kappa$2,
- Kcedil: Kcedil$2,
- Kcy: Kcy$2,
- Kfr: Kfr$2,
- Kopf: Kopf$2,
- Kscr: Kscr$2,
- LJcy: LJcy$2,
- L: L$2,
- LT: LT$2,
- Lacute: Lacute$2,
- Lambda: Lambda$2,
- Lang: Lang$2,
- Laplacetrf: Laplacetrf$2,
- Larr: Larr$2,
- Lcaron: Lcaron$2,
- Lcedil: Lcedil$2,
- Lcy: Lcy$2,
- LeftAngleBracket: LeftAngleBracket$2,
- LeftArrow: LeftArrow$2,
- LeftArrowBar: LeftArrowBar$2,
- LeftArrowRightArrow: LeftArrowRightArrow$2,
- LeftCeiling: LeftCeiling$2,
- LeftDoubleBracket: LeftDoubleBracket$2,
- LeftDownTeeVector: LeftDownTeeVector$2,
- LeftDownVector: LeftDownVector$2,
- LeftDownVectorBar: LeftDownVectorBar$2,
- LeftFloor: LeftFloor$2,
- LeftRightArrow: LeftRightArrow$2,
- LeftRightVector: LeftRightVector$2,
- LeftTee: LeftTee$2,
- LeftTeeArrow: LeftTeeArrow$2,
- LeftTeeVector: LeftTeeVector$2,
- LeftTriangle: LeftTriangle$2,
- LeftTriangleBar: LeftTriangleBar$2,
- LeftTriangleEqual: LeftTriangleEqual$2,
- LeftUpDownVector: LeftUpDownVector$2,
- LeftUpTeeVector: LeftUpTeeVector$2,
- LeftUpVector: LeftUpVector$2,
- LeftUpVectorBar: LeftUpVectorBar$2,
- LeftVector: LeftVector$2,
- LeftVectorBar: LeftVectorBar$2,
- Leftarrow: Leftarrow$2,
- Leftrightarrow: Leftrightarrow$2,
- LessEqualGreater: LessEqualGreater$2,
- LessFullEqual: LessFullEqual$2,
- LessGreater: LessGreater$2,
- LessLess: LessLess$2,
- LessSlantEqual: LessSlantEqual$2,
- LessTilde: LessTilde$2,
- Lfr: Lfr$2,
- Ll: Ll$2,
- Lleftarrow: Lleftarrow$2,
- Lmidot: Lmidot$2,
- LongLeftArrow: LongLeftArrow$2,
- LongLeftRightArrow: LongLeftRightArrow$2,
- LongRightArrow: LongRightArrow$2,
- Longleftarrow: Longleftarrow$2,
- Longleftrightarrow: Longleftrightarrow$2,
- Longrightarrow: Longrightarrow$2,
- Lopf: Lopf$2,
- LowerLeftArrow: LowerLeftArrow$2,
- LowerRightArrow: LowerRightArrow$2,
- Lscr: Lscr$2,
- Lsh: Lsh$2,
- Lstrok: Lstrok$2,
- Lt: Lt$2,
- "Map": "⤅",
- Mcy: Mcy$2,
- MediumSpace: MediumSpace$2,
- Mellintrf: Mellintrf$2,
- Mfr: Mfr$2,
- MinusPlus: MinusPlus$2,
- Mopf: Mopf$2,
- Mscr: Mscr$2,
- Mu: Mu$2,
- NJcy: NJcy$2,
- Nacute: Nacute$2,
- Ncaron: Ncaron$2,
- Ncedil: Ncedil$2,
- Ncy: Ncy$2,
- NegativeMediumSpace: NegativeMediumSpace$2,
- NegativeThickSpace: NegativeThickSpace$2,
- NegativeThinSpace: NegativeThinSpace$2,
- NegativeVeryThinSpace: NegativeVeryThinSpace$2,
- NestedGreaterGreater: NestedGreaterGreater$2,
- NestedLessLess: NestedLessLess$2,
- NewLine: NewLine$2,
- Nfr: Nfr$2,
- NoBreak: NoBreak$2,
- NonBreakingSpace: NonBreakingSpace$2,
- Nopf: Nopf$2,
- Not: Not$2,
- NotCongruent: NotCongruent$2,
- NotCupCap: NotCupCap$2,
- NotDoubleVerticalBar: NotDoubleVerticalBar$2,
- NotElement: NotElement$2,
- NotEqual: NotEqual$2,
- NotEqualTilde: NotEqualTilde$2,
- NotExists: NotExists$2,
- NotGreater: NotGreater$2,
- NotGreaterEqual: NotGreaterEqual$2,
- NotGreaterFullEqual: NotGreaterFullEqual$2,
- NotGreaterGreater: NotGreaterGreater$2,
- NotGreaterLess: NotGreaterLess$2,
- NotGreaterSlantEqual: NotGreaterSlantEqual$2,
- NotGreaterTilde: NotGreaterTilde$2,
- NotHumpDownHump: NotHumpDownHump$2,
- NotHumpEqual: NotHumpEqual$2,
- NotLeftTriangle: NotLeftTriangle$2,
- NotLeftTriangleBar: NotLeftTriangleBar$2,
- NotLeftTriangleEqual: NotLeftTriangleEqual$2,
- NotLess: NotLess$2,
- NotLessEqual: NotLessEqual$2,
- NotLessGreater: NotLessGreater$2,
- NotLessLess: NotLessLess$2,
- NotLessSlantEqual: NotLessSlantEqual$2,
- NotLessTilde: NotLessTilde$2,
- NotNestedGreaterGreater: NotNestedGreaterGreater$2,
- NotNestedLessLess: NotNestedLessLess$2,
- NotPrecedes: NotPrecedes$2,
- NotPrecedesEqual: NotPrecedesEqual$2,
- NotPrecedesSlantEqual: NotPrecedesSlantEqual$2,
- NotReverseElement: NotReverseElement$2,
- NotRightTriangle: NotRightTriangle$2,
- NotRightTriangleBar: NotRightTriangleBar$2,
- NotRightTriangleEqual: NotRightTriangleEqual$2,
- NotSquareSubset: NotSquareSubset$2,
- NotSquareSubsetEqual: NotSquareSubsetEqual$2,
- NotSquareSuperset: NotSquareSuperset$2,
- NotSquareSupersetEqual: NotSquareSupersetEqual$2,
- NotSubset: NotSubset$2,
- NotSubsetEqual: NotSubsetEqual$2,
- NotSucceeds: NotSucceeds$2,
- NotSucceedsEqual: NotSucceedsEqual$2,
- NotSucceedsSlantEqual: NotSucceedsSlantEqual$2,
- NotSucceedsTilde: NotSucceedsTilde$2,
- NotSuperset: NotSuperset$2,
- NotSupersetEqual: NotSupersetEqual$2,
- NotTilde: NotTilde$2,
- NotTildeEqual: NotTildeEqual$2,
- NotTildeFullEqual: NotTildeFullEqual$2,
- NotTildeTilde: NotTildeTilde$2,
- NotVerticalBar: NotVerticalBar$2,
- Nscr: Nscr$2,
- Ntild: Ntild$2,
- Ntilde: Ntilde$2,
- Nu: Nu$2,
- OElig: OElig$2,
- Oacut: Oacut$2,
- Oacute: Oacute$2,
- Ocir: Ocir$2,
- Ocirc: Ocirc$2,
- Ocy: Ocy$2,
- Odblac: Odblac$2,
- Ofr: Ofr$2,
- Ograv: Ograv$2,
- Ograve: Ograve$2,
- Omacr: Omacr$2,
- Omega: Omega$2,
- Omicron: Omicron$2,
- Oopf: Oopf$2,
- OpenCurlyDoubleQuote: OpenCurlyDoubleQuote$2,
- OpenCurlyQuote: OpenCurlyQuote$2,
- Or: Or$2,
- Oscr: Oscr$2,
- Oslas: Oslas$2,
- Oslash: Oslash$2,
- Otild: Otild$2,
- Otilde: Otilde$2,
- Otimes: Otimes$2,
- Oum: Oum$2,
- Ouml: Ouml$2,
- OverBar: OverBar$2,
- OverBrace: OverBrace$2,
- OverBracket: OverBracket$2,
- OverParenthesis: OverParenthesis$2,
- PartialD: PartialD$2,
- Pcy: Pcy$2,
- Pfr: Pfr$2,
- Phi: Phi$2,
- Pi: Pi$2,
- PlusMinus: PlusMinus$2,
- Poincareplane: Poincareplane$2,
- Popf: Popf$2,
- Pr: Pr$2,
- Precedes: Precedes$2,
- PrecedesEqual: PrecedesEqual$2,
- PrecedesSlantEqual: PrecedesSlantEqual$2,
- PrecedesTilde: PrecedesTilde$2,
- Prime: Prime$2,
- Product: Product$2,
- Proportion: Proportion$2,
- Proportional: Proportional$2,
- Pscr: Pscr$2,
- Psi: Psi$2,
- QUO: QUO$2,
- Qfr: Qfr$2,
- Qopf: Qopf$2,
- Qscr: Qscr$2,
- RBarr: RBarr$2,
- RE: RE$2,
- REG: REG$2,
- Racute: Racute$2,
- Rang: Rang$2,
- Rarr: Rarr$2,
- Rarrtl: Rarrtl$2,
- Rcaron: Rcaron$2,
- Rcedil: Rcedil$2,
- Rcy: Rcy$2,
- Re: Re$2,
- ReverseElement: ReverseElement$2,
- ReverseEquilibrium: ReverseEquilibrium$2,
- ReverseUpEquilibrium: ReverseUpEquilibrium$2,
- Rfr: Rfr$2,
- Rho: Rho$2,
- RightAngleBracket: RightAngleBracket$2,
- RightArrow: RightArrow$2,
- RightArrowBar: RightArrowBar$2,
- RightArrowLeftArrow: RightArrowLeftArrow$2,
- RightCeiling: RightCeiling$2,
- RightDoubleBracket: RightDoubleBracket$2,
- RightDownTeeVector: RightDownTeeVector$2,
- RightDownVector: RightDownVector$2,
- RightDownVectorBar: RightDownVectorBar$2,
- RightFloor: RightFloor$2,
- RightTee: RightTee$2,
- RightTeeArrow: RightTeeArrow$2,
- RightTeeVector: RightTeeVector$2,
- RightTriangle: RightTriangle$2,
- RightTriangleBar: RightTriangleBar$2,
- RightTriangleEqual: RightTriangleEqual$2,
- RightUpDownVector: RightUpDownVector$2,
- RightUpTeeVector: RightUpTeeVector$2,
- RightUpVector: RightUpVector$2,
- RightUpVectorBar: RightUpVectorBar$2,
- RightVector: RightVector$2,
- RightVectorBar: RightVectorBar$2,
- Rightarrow: Rightarrow$2,
- Ropf: Ropf$2,
- RoundImplies: RoundImplies$2,
- Rrightarrow: Rrightarrow$2,
- Rscr: Rscr$2,
- Rsh: Rsh$2,
- RuleDelayed: RuleDelayed$2,
- SHCHcy: SHCHcy$2,
- SHcy: SHcy$2,
- SOFTcy: SOFTcy$2,
- Sacute: Sacute$2,
- Sc: Sc$2,
- Scaron: Scaron$2,
- Scedil: Scedil$2,
- Scirc: Scirc$2,
- Scy: Scy$2,
- Sfr: Sfr$2,
- ShortDownArrow: ShortDownArrow$2,
- ShortLeftArrow: ShortLeftArrow$2,
- ShortRightArrow: ShortRightArrow$2,
- ShortUpArrow: ShortUpArrow$2,
- Sigma: Sigma$2,
- SmallCircle: SmallCircle$2,
- Sopf: Sopf$2,
- Sqrt: Sqrt$2,
- Square: Square$2,
- SquareIntersection: SquareIntersection$2,
- SquareSubset: SquareSubset$2,
- SquareSubsetEqual: SquareSubsetEqual$2,
- SquareSuperset: SquareSuperset$2,
- SquareSupersetEqual: SquareSupersetEqual$2,
- SquareUnion: SquareUnion$2,
- Sscr: Sscr$2,
- Star: Star$2,
- Sub: Sub$2,
- Subset: Subset$2,
- SubsetEqual: SubsetEqual$2,
- Succeeds: Succeeds$2,
- SucceedsEqual: SucceedsEqual$2,
- SucceedsSlantEqual: SucceedsSlantEqual$2,
- SucceedsTilde: SucceedsTilde$2,
- SuchThat: SuchThat$2,
- Sum: Sum$2,
- Sup: Sup$2,
- Superset: Superset$2,
- SupersetEqual: SupersetEqual$2,
- Supset: Supset$2,
- TSHcy: TSHcy$2,
- TScy: TScy$2,
- Tab: Tab$2,
- Tau: Tau$2,
- Tcaron: Tcaron$2,
- Tcedil: Tcedil$2,
- Tcy: Tcy$2,
- Tfr: Tfr$2,
- Therefore: Therefore$2,
- Theta: Theta$2,
- ThickSpace: ThickSpace$2,
- ThinSpace: ThinSpace$2,
- Tilde: Tilde$2,
- TildeEqual: TildeEqual$2,
- TildeFullEqual: TildeFullEqual$2,
- TildeTilde: TildeTilde$2,
- Topf: Topf$2,
- TripleDot: TripleDot$2,
- Tscr: Tscr$2,
- Tstrok: Tstrok$2,
- Uacut: Uacut$2,
- Uacute: Uacute$2,
- Uarr: Uarr$2,
- Uarrocir: Uarrocir$2,
- Ubrcy: Ubrcy$2,
- Ubreve: Ubreve$2,
- Ucir: Ucir$2,
- Ucirc: Ucirc$2,
- Ucy: Ucy$2,
- Udblac: Udblac$2,
- Ufr: Ufr$2,
- Ugrav: Ugrav$2,
- Ugrave: Ugrave$2,
- Umacr: Umacr$2,
- UnderBar: UnderBar$2,
- UnderBrace: UnderBrace$2,
- UnderBracket: UnderBracket$2,
- UnderParenthesis: UnderParenthesis$2,
- Union: Union$2,
- UnionPlus: UnionPlus$2,
- Uogon: Uogon$2,
- Uopf: Uopf$2,
- UpArrow: UpArrow$2,
- UpArrowBar: UpArrowBar$2,
- UpArrowDownArrow: UpArrowDownArrow$2,
- UpDownArrow: UpDownArrow$2,
- UpEquilibrium: UpEquilibrium$2,
- UpTee: UpTee$2,
- UpTeeArrow: UpTeeArrow$2,
- Uparrow: Uparrow$2,
- Updownarrow: Updownarrow$2,
- UpperLeftArrow: UpperLeftArrow$2,
- UpperRightArrow: UpperRightArrow$2,
- Upsi: Upsi$2,
- Upsilon: Upsilon$2,
- Uring: Uring$2,
- Uscr: Uscr$2,
- Utilde: Utilde$2,
- Uum: Uum$2,
- Uuml: Uuml$2,
- VDash: VDash$2,
- Vbar: Vbar$2,
- Vcy: Vcy$2,
- Vdash: Vdash$2,
- Vdashl: Vdashl$2,
- Vee: Vee$2,
- Verbar: Verbar$2,
- Vert: Vert$2,
- VerticalBar: VerticalBar$2,
- VerticalLine: VerticalLine$2,
- VerticalSeparator: VerticalSeparator$2,
- VerticalTilde: VerticalTilde$2,
- VeryThinSpace: VeryThinSpace$2,
- Vfr: Vfr$2,
- Vopf: Vopf$2,
- Vscr: Vscr$2,
- Vvdash: Vvdash$2,
- Wcirc: Wcirc$2,
- Wedge: Wedge$2,
- Wfr: Wfr$2,
- Wopf: Wopf$2,
- Wscr: Wscr$2,
- Xfr: Xfr$2,
- Xi: Xi$2,
- Xopf: Xopf$2,
- Xscr: Xscr$2,
- YAcy: YAcy$2,
- YIcy: YIcy$2,
- YUcy: YUcy$2,
- Yacut: Yacut$2,
- Yacute: Yacute$2,
- Ycirc: Ycirc$2,
- Ycy: Ycy$2,
- Yfr: Yfr$2,
- Yopf: Yopf$2,
- Yscr: Yscr$2,
- Yuml: Yuml$2,
- ZHcy: ZHcy$2,
- Zacute: Zacute$2,
- Zcaron: Zcaron$2,
- Zcy: Zcy$2,
- Zdot: Zdot$2,
- ZeroWidthSpace: ZeroWidthSpace$2,
- Zeta: Zeta$2,
- Zfr: Zfr$2,
- Zopf: Zopf$2,
- Zscr: Zscr$2,
- aacut: aacut$2,
- aacute: aacute$2,
- abreve: abreve$2,
- ac: ac$2,
- acE: acE$2,
- acd: acd$2,
- acir: acir$2,
- acirc: acirc$2,
- acut: acut$2,
- acute: acute$2,
- acy: acy$2,
- aeli: aeli$2,
- aelig: aelig$2,
- af: af$2,
- afr: afr$2,
- agrav: agrav$2,
- agrave: agrave$2,
- alefsym: alefsym$2,
- aleph: aleph$2,
- alpha: alpha$2,
- amacr: amacr$2,
- amalg: amalg$2,
- am: am$2,
- amp: amp$2,
- and: and$2,
- andand: andand$2,
- andd: andd$2,
- andslope: andslope$2,
- andv: andv$2,
- ang: ang$2,
- ange: ange$2,
- angle: angle$2,
- angmsd: angmsd$2,
- angmsdaa: angmsdaa$2,
- angmsdab: angmsdab$2,
- angmsdac: angmsdac$2,
- angmsdad: angmsdad$2,
- angmsdae: angmsdae$2,
- angmsdaf: angmsdaf$2,
- angmsdag: angmsdag$2,
- angmsdah: angmsdah$2,
- angrt: angrt$2,
- angrtvb: angrtvb$2,
- angrtvbd: angrtvbd$2,
- angsph: angsph$2,
- angst: angst$2,
- angzarr: angzarr$2,
- aogon: aogon$2,
- aopf: aopf$2,
- ap: ap$2,
- apE: apE$2,
- apacir: apacir$2,
- ape: ape$2,
- apid: apid$2,
- apos: apos$2,
- approx: approx$2,
- approxeq: approxeq$2,
- arin: arin$2,
- aring: aring$2,
- ascr: ascr$2,
- ast: ast$2,
- asymp: asymp$2,
- asympeq: asympeq$2,
- atild: atild$2,
- atilde: atilde$2,
- aum: aum$2,
- auml: auml$2,
- awconint: awconint$2,
- awint: awint$2,
- bNot: bNot$2,
- backcong: backcong$2,
- backepsilon: backepsilon$2,
- backprime: backprime$2,
- backsim: backsim$2,
- backsimeq: backsimeq$2,
- barvee: barvee$2,
- barwed: barwed$2,
- barwedge: barwedge$2,
- bbrk: bbrk$2,
- bbrktbrk: bbrktbrk$2,
- bcong: bcong$2,
- bcy: bcy$2,
- bdquo: bdquo$2,
- becaus: becaus$2,
- because: because$2,
- bemptyv: bemptyv$2,
- bepsi: bepsi$2,
- bernou: bernou$2,
- beta: beta$2,
- beth: beth$2,
- between: between$2,
- bfr: bfr$2,
- bigcap: bigcap$2,
- bigcirc: bigcirc$2,
- bigcup: bigcup$2,
- bigodot: bigodot$2,
- bigoplus: bigoplus$2,
- bigotimes: bigotimes$2,
- bigsqcup: bigsqcup$2,
- bigstar: bigstar$2,
- bigtriangledown: bigtriangledown$2,
- bigtriangleup: bigtriangleup$2,
- biguplus: biguplus$2,
- bigvee: bigvee$2,
- bigwedge: bigwedge$2,
- bkarow: bkarow$2,
- blacklozenge: blacklozenge$2,
- blacksquare: blacksquare$2,
- blacktriangle: blacktriangle$2,
- blacktriangledown: blacktriangledown$2,
- blacktriangleleft: blacktriangleleft$2,
- blacktriangleright: blacktriangleright$2,
- blank: blank$2,
- blk12: blk12$2,
- blk14: blk14$2,
- blk34: blk34$2,
- block: block$2,
- bne: bne$2,
- bnequiv: bnequiv$2,
- bnot: bnot$2,
- bopf: bopf$2,
- bot: bot$2,
- bottom: bottom$2,
- bowtie: bowtie$2,
- boxDL: boxDL$2,
- boxDR: boxDR$2,
- boxDl: boxDl$2,
- boxDr: boxDr$2,
- boxH: boxH$2,
- boxHD: boxHD$2,
- boxHU: boxHU$2,
- boxHd: boxHd$2,
- boxHu: boxHu$2,
- boxUL: boxUL$2,
- boxUR: boxUR$2,
- boxUl: boxUl$2,
- boxUr: boxUr$2,
- boxV: boxV$2,
- boxVH: boxVH$2,
- boxVL: boxVL$2,
- boxVR: boxVR$2,
- boxVh: boxVh$2,
- boxVl: boxVl$2,
- boxVr: boxVr$2,
- boxbox: boxbox$2,
- boxdL: boxdL$2,
- boxdR: boxdR$2,
- boxdl: boxdl$2,
- boxdr: boxdr$2,
- boxh: boxh$2,
- boxhD: boxhD$2,
- boxhU: boxhU$2,
- boxhd: boxhd$2,
- boxhu: boxhu$2,
- boxminus: boxminus$2,
- boxplus: boxplus$2,
- boxtimes: boxtimes$2,
- boxuL: boxuL$2,
- boxuR: boxuR$2,
- boxul: boxul$2,
- boxur: boxur$2,
- boxv: boxv$2,
- boxvH: boxvH$2,
- boxvL: boxvL$2,
- boxvR: boxvR$2,
- boxvh: boxvh$2,
- boxvl: boxvl$2,
- boxvr: boxvr$2,
- bprime: bprime$2,
- breve: breve$2,
- brvba: brvba$2,
- brvbar: brvbar$2,
- bscr: bscr$2,
- bsemi: bsemi$2,
- bsim: bsim$2,
- bsime: bsime$2,
- bsol: bsol$2,
- bsolb: bsolb$2,
- bsolhsub: bsolhsub$2,
- bull: bull$2,
- bullet: bullet$2,
- bump: bump$2,
- bumpE: bumpE$2,
- bumpe: bumpe$2,
- bumpeq: bumpeq$2,
- cacute: cacute$2,
- cap: cap$2,
- capand: capand$2,
- capbrcup: capbrcup$2,
- capcap: capcap$2,
- capcup: capcup$2,
- capdot: capdot$2,
- caps: caps$2,
- caret: caret$2,
- caron: caron$2,
- ccaps: ccaps$2,
- ccaron: ccaron$2,
- ccedi: ccedi$2,
- ccedil: ccedil$2,
- ccirc: ccirc$2,
- ccups: ccups$2,
- ccupssm: ccupssm$2,
- cdot: cdot$2,
- cedi: cedi$2,
- cedil: cedil$2,
- cemptyv: cemptyv$2,
- cen: cen$2,
- cent: cent$2,
- centerdot: centerdot$2,
- cfr: cfr$2,
- chcy: chcy$2,
- check: check$3,
- checkmark: checkmark$2,
- chi: chi$2,
- cir: cir$2,
- cirE: cirE$2,
- circ: circ$2,
- circeq: circeq$2,
- circlearrowleft: circlearrowleft$2,
- circlearrowright: circlearrowright$2,
- circledR: circledR$2,
- circledS: circledS$2,
- circledast: circledast$2,
- circledcirc: circledcirc$2,
- circleddash: circleddash$2,
- cire: cire$2,
- cirfnint: cirfnint$2,
- cirmid: cirmid$2,
- cirscir: cirscir$2,
- clubs: clubs$2,
- clubsuit: clubsuit$2,
- colon: colon$2,
- colone: colone$2,
- coloneq: coloneq$2,
- comma: comma$2,
- commat: commat$2,
- comp: comp$2,
- compfn: compfn$2,
- complement: complement$2,
- complexes: complexes$2,
- cong: cong$2,
- congdot: congdot$2,
- conint: conint$2,
- copf: copf$2,
- coprod: coprod$2,
- cop: cop$2,
- copy: copy$2,
- copysr: copysr$2,
- crarr: crarr$2,
- cross: cross$2,
- cscr: cscr$2,
- csub: csub$2,
- csube: csube$2,
- csup: csup$2,
- csupe: csupe$2,
- ctdot: ctdot$2,
- cudarrl: cudarrl$2,
- cudarrr: cudarrr$2,
- cuepr: cuepr$2,
- cuesc: cuesc$2,
- cularr: cularr$2,
- cularrp: cularrp$2,
- cup: cup$2,
- cupbrcap: cupbrcap$2,
- cupcap: cupcap$2,
- cupcup: cupcup$2,
- cupdot: cupdot$2,
- cupor: cupor$2,
- cups: cups$2,
- curarr: curarr$2,
- curarrm: curarrm$2,
- curlyeqprec: curlyeqprec$2,
- curlyeqsucc: curlyeqsucc$2,
- curlyvee: curlyvee$2,
- curlywedge: curlywedge$2,
- curre: curre$2,
- curren: curren$2,
- curvearrowleft: curvearrowleft$2,
- curvearrowright: curvearrowright$2,
- cuvee: cuvee$2,
- cuwed: cuwed$2,
- cwconint: cwconint$2,
- cwint: cwint$2,
- cylcty: cylcty$2,
- dArr: dArr$2,
- dHar: dHar$2,
- dagger: dagger$2,
- daleth: daleth$2,
- darr: darr$2,
- dash: dash$2,
- dashv: dashv$2,
- dbkarow: dbkarow$2,
- dblac: dblac$2,
- dcaron: dcaron$2,
- dcy: dcy$2,
- dd: dd$2,
- ddagger: ddagger$2,
- ddarr: ddarr$2,
- ddotseq: ddotseq$2,
- de: de$2,
- deg: deg$2,
- delta: delta$2,
- demptyv: demptyv$2,
- dfisht: dfisht$2,
- dfr: dfr$2,
- dharl: dharl$2,
- dharr: dharr$2,
- diam: diam$2,
- diamond: diamond$2,
- diamondsuit: diamondsuit$2,
- diams: diams$2,
- die: die$2,
- digamma: digamma$2,
- disin: disin$2,
- div: div$2,
- divid: divid$2,
- divide: divide$2,
- divideontimes: divideontimes$2,
- divonx: divonx$2,
- djcy: djcy$2,
- dlcorn: dlcorn$2,
- dlcrop: dlcrop$2,
- dollar: dollar$2,
- dopf: dopf$2,
- dot: dot$2,
- doteq: doteq$2,
- doteqdot: doteqdot$2,
- dotminus: dotminus$2,
- dotplus: dotplus$2,
- dotsquare: dotsquare$2,
- doublebarwedge: doublebarwedge$2,
- downarrow: downarrow$2,
- downdownarrows: downdownarrows$2,
- downharpoonleft: downharpoonleft$2,
- downharpoonright: downharpoonright$2,
- drbkarow: drbkarow$2,
- drcorn: drcorn$2,
- drcrop: drcrop$2,
- dscr: dscr$2,
- dscy: dscy$2,
- dsol: dsol$2,
- dstrok: dstrok$2,
- dtdot: dtdot$2,
- dtri: dtri$2,
- dtrif: dtrif$2,
- duarr: duarr$2,
- duhar: duhar$2,
- dwangle: dwangle$2,
- dzcy: dzcy$2,
- dzigrarr: dzigrarr$2,
- eDDot: eDDot$2,
- eDot: eDot$2,
- eacut: eacut$2,
- eacute: eacute$2,
- easter: easter$2,
- ecaron: ecaron$2,
- ecir: ecir$2,
- ecirc: ecirc$2,
- ecolon: ecolon$2,
- ecy: ecy$2,
- edot: edot$2,
- ee: ee$2,
- efDot: efDot$2,
- efr: efr$2,
- eg: eg$2,
- egrav: egrav$2,
- egrave: egrave$2,
- egs: egs$2,
- egsdot: egsdot$2,
- el: el$2,
- elinters: elinters$2,
- ell: ell$2,
- els: els$2,
- elsdot: elsdot$2,
- emacr: emacr$2,
- empty: empty$2,
- emptyset: emptyset$2,
- emptyv: emptyv$2,
- emsp13: emsp13$2,
- emsp14: emsp14$2,
- emsp: emsp$2,
- eng: eng$2,
- ensp: ensp$2,
- eogon: eogon$2,
- eopf: eopf$2,
- epar: epar$2,
- eparsl: eparsl$2,
- eplus: eplus$2,
- epsi: epsi$2,
- epsilon: epsilon$2,
- epsiv: epsiv$2,
- eqcirc: eqcirc$2,
- eqcolon: eqcolon$2,
- eqsim: eqsim$2,
- eqslantgtr: eqslantgtr$2,
- eqslantless: eqslantless$2,
- equals: equals$2,
- equest: equest$2,
- equiv: equiv$2,
- equivDD: equivDD$2,
- eqvparsl: eqvparsl$2,
- erDot: erDot$2,
- erarr: erarr$2,
- escr: escr$2,
- esdot: esdot$2,
- esim: esim$2,
- eta: eta$2,
- et: et$2,
- eth: eth$2,
- eum: eum$2,
- euml: euml$2,
- euro: euro$2,
- excl: excl$2,
- exist: exist$2,
- expectation: expectation$2,
- exponentiale: exponentiale$2,
- fallingdotseq: fallingdotseq$2,
- fcy: fcy$2,
- female: female$2,
- ffilig: ffilig$2,
- fflig: fflig$2,
- ffllig: ffllig$2,
- ffr: ffr$2,
- filig: filig$2,
- fjlig: fjlig$2,
- flat: flat$2,
- fllig: fllig$2,
- fltns: fltns$2,
- fnof: fnof$2,
- fopf: fopf$2,
- forall: forall$2,
- fork: fork$2,
- forkv: forkv$2,
- fpartint: fpartint$2,
- frac1: frac1$2,
- frac12: frac12$2,
- frac13: frac13$2,
- frac14: frac14$2,
- frac15: frac15$2,
- frac16: frac16$2,
- frac18: frac18$2,
- frac23: frac23$2,
- frac25: frac25$2,
- frac3: frac3$2,
- frac34: frac34$2,
- frac35: frac35$2,
- frac38: frac38$2,
- frac45: frac45$2,
- frac56: frac56$2,
- frac58: frac58$2,
- frac78: frac78$2,
- frasl: frasl$2,
- frown: frown$2,
- fscr: fscr$2,
- gE: gE$2,
- gEl: gEl$2,
- gacute: gacute$2,
- gamma: gamma$2,
- gammad: gammad$2,
- gap: gap$2,
- gbreve: gbreve$2,
- gcirc: gcirc$2,
- gcy: gcy$2,
- gdot: gdot$2,
- ge: ge$2,
- gel: gel$2,
- geq: geq$2,
- geqq: geqq$2,
- geqslant: geqslant$2,
- ges: ges$2,
- gescc: gescc$2,
- gesdot: gesdot$2,
- gesdoto: gesdoto$2,
- gesdotol: gesdotol$2,
- gesl: gesl$2,
- gesles: gesles$2,
- gfr: gfr$2,
- gg: gg$2,
- ggg: ggg$2,
- gimel: gimel$2,
- gjcy: gjcy$2,
- gl: gl$2,
- glE: glE$2,
- gla: gla$2,
- glj: glj$2,
- gnE: gnE$2,
- gnap: gnap$2,
- gnapprox: gnapprox$2,
- gne: gne$2,
- gneq: gneq$2,
- gneqq: gneqq$2,
- gnsim: gnsim$2,
- gopf: gopf$2,
- grave: grave$2,
- gscr: gscr$2,
- gsim: gsim$2,
- gsime: gsime$2,
- gsiml: gsiml$2,
- g: g$2,
- gt: gt$2,
- gtcc: gtcc$2,
- gtcir: gtcir$2,
- gtdot: gtdot$2,
- gtlPar: gtlPar$2,
- gtquest: gtquest$2,
- gtrapprox: gtrapprox$2,
- gtrarr: gtrarr$2,
- gtrdot: gtrdot$2,
- gtreqless: gtreqless$2,
- gtreqqless: gtreqqless$2,
- gtrless: gtrless$2,
- gtrsim: gtrsim$2,
- gvertneqq: gvertneqq$2,
- gvnE: gvnE$2,
- hArr: hArr$2,
- hairsp: hairsp$2,
- half: half$2,
- hamilt: hamilt$2,
- hardcy: hardcy$2,
- harr: harr$2,
- harrcir: harrcir$2,
- harrw: harrw$2,
- hbar: hbar$2,
- hcirc: hcirc$2,
- hearts: hearts$2,
- heartsuit: heartsuit$2,
- hellip: hellip$2,
- hercon: hercon$2,
- hfr: hfr$2,
- hksearow: hksearow$2,
- hkswarow: hkswarow$2,
- hoarr: hoarr$2,
- homtht: homtht$2,
- hookleftarrow: hookleftarrow$2,
- hookrightarrow: hookrightarrow$2,
- hopf: hopf$2,
- horbar: horbar$2,
- hscr: hscr$2,
- hslash: hslash$2,
- hstrok: hstrok$2,
- hybull: hybull$2,
- hyphen: hyphen$2,
- iacut: iacut$2,
- iacute: iacute$2,
- ic: ic$2,
- icir: icir$2,
- icirc: icirc$2,
- icy: icy$2,
- iecy: iecy$2,
- iexc: iexc$2,
- iexcl: iexcl$2,
- iff: iff$2,
- ifr: ifr$2,
- igrav: igrav$2,
- igrave: igrave$2,
- ii: ii$2,
- iiiint: iiiint$2,
- iiint: iiint$2,
- iinfin: iinfin$2,
- iiota: iiota$2,
- ijlig: ijlig$2,
- imacr: imacr$2,
- image: image$3,
- imagline: imagline$2,
- imagpart: imagpart$2,
- imath: imath$2,
- imof: imof$2,
- imped: imped$2,
- "in": "∈",
- incare: incare$2,
- infin: infin$2,
- infintie: infintie$2,
- inodot: inodot$2,
- int: int$3,
- intcal: intcal$2,
- integers: integers$2,
- intercal: intercal$2,
- intlarhk: intlarhk$2,
- intprod: intprod$2,
- iocy: iocy$2,
- iogon: iogon$2,
- iopf: iopf$2,
- iota: iota$2,
- iprod: iprod$2,
- iques: iques$2,
- iquest: iquest$2,
- iscr: iscr$2,
- isin: isin$2,
- isinE: isinE$2,
- isindot: isindot$2,
- isins: isins$2,
- isinsv: isinsv$2,
- isinv: isinv$2,
- it: it$2,
- itilde: itilde$2,
- iukcy: iukcy$2,
- ium: ium$2,
- iuml: iuml$2,
- jcirc: jcirc$2,
- jcy: jcy$2,
- jfr: jfr$2,
- jmath: jmath$2,
- jopf: jopf$2,
- jscr: jscr$2,
- jsercy: jsercy$2,
- jukcy: jukcy$2,
- kappa: kappa$2,
- kappav: kappav$2,
- kcedil: kcedil$2,
- kcy: kcy$2,
- kfr: kfr$2,
- kgreen: kgreen$2,
- khcy: khcy$2,
- kjcy: kjcy$2,
- kopf: kopf$2,
- kscr: kscr$2,
- lAarr: lAarr$2,
- lArr: lArr$2,
- lAtail: lAtail$2,
- lBarr: lBarr$2,
- lE: lE$2,
- lEg: lEg$2,
- lHar: lHar$2,
- lacute: lacute$2,
- laemptyv: laemptyv$2,
- lagran: lagran$2,
- lambda: lambda$2,
- lang: lang$2,
- langd: langd$2,
- langle: langle$2,
- lap: lap$2,
- laqu: laqu$2,
- laquo: laquo$2,
- larr: larr$2,
- larrb: larrb$2,
- larrbfs: larrbfs$2,
- larrfs: larrfs$2,
- larrhk: larrhk$2,
- larrlp: larrlp$2,
- larrpl: larrpl$2,
- larrsim: larrsim$2,
- larrtl: larrtl$2,
- lat: lat$2,
- latail: latail$2,
- late: late$2,
- lates: lates$2,
- lbarr: lbarr$2,
- lbbrk: lbbrk$2,
- lbrace: lbrace$2,
- lbrack: lbrack$2,
- lbrke: lbrke$2,
- lbrksld: lbrksld$2,
- lbrkslu: lbrkslu$2,
- lcaron: lcaron$2,
- lcedil: lcedil$2,
- lceil: lceil$2,
- lcub: lcub$2,
- lcy: lcy$2,
- ldca: ldca$2,
- ldquo: ldquo$2,
- ldquor: ldquor$2,
- ldrdhar: ldrdhar$2,
- ldrushar: ldrushar$2,
- ldsh: ldsh$2,
- le: le$2,
- leftarrow: leftarrow$2,
- leftarrowtail: leftarrowtail$2,
- leftharpoondown: leftharpoondown$2,
- leftharpoonup: leftharpoonup$2,
- leftleftarrows: leftleftarrows$2,
- leftrightarrow: leftrightarrow$2,
- leftrightarrows: leftrightarrows$2,
- leftrightharpoons: leftrightharpoons$2,
- leftrightsquigarrow: leftrightsquigarrow$2,
- leftthreetimes: leftthreetimes$2,
- leg: leg$2,
- leq: leq$2,
- leqq: leqq$2,
- leqslant: leqslant$2,
- les: les$2,
- lescc: lescc$2,
- lesdot: lesdot$2,
- lesdoto: lesdoto$2,
- lesdotor: lesdotor$2,
- lesg: lesg$2,
- lesges: lesges$2,
- lessapprox: lessapprox$2,
- lessdot: lessdot$2,
- lesseqgtr: lesseqgtr$2,
- lesseqqgtr: lesseqqgtr$2,
- lessgtr: lessgtr$2,
- lesssim: lesssim$2,
- lfisht: lfisht$2,
- lfloor: lfloor$2,
- lfr: lfr$2,
- lg: lg$2,
- lgE: lgE$2,
- lhard: lhard$2,
- lharu: lharu$2,
- lharul: lharul$2,
- lhblk: lhblk$2,
- ljcy: ljcy$2,
- ll: ll$2,
- llarr: llarr$2,
- llcorner: llcorner$2,
- llhard: llhard$2,
- lltri: lltri$2,
- lmidot: lmidot$2,
- lmoust: lmoust$2,
- lmoustache: lmoustache$2,
- lnE: lnE$2,
- lnap: lnap$2,
- lnapprox: lnapprox$2,
- lne: lne$2,
- lneq: lneq$2,
- lneqq: lneqq$2,
- lnsim: lnsim$2,
- loang: loang$2,
- loarr: loarr$2,
- lobrk: lobrk$2,
- longleftarrow: longleftarrow$2,
- longleftrightarrow: longleftrightarrow$2,
- longmapsto: longmapsto$2,
- longrightarrow: longrightarrow$2,
- looparrowleft: looparrowleft$2,
- looparrowright: looparrowright$2,
- lopar: lopar$2,
- lopf: lopf$2,
- loplus: loplus$2,
- lotimes: lotimes$2,
- lowast: lowast$2,
- lowbar: lowbar$2,
- loz: loz$2,
- lozenge: lozenge$2,
- lozf: lozf$2,
- lpar: lpar$2,
- lparlt: lparlt$2,
- lrarr: lrarr$2,
- lrcorner: lrcorner$2,
- lrhar: lrhar$2,
- lrhard: lrhard$2,
- lrm: lrm$2,
- lrtri: lrtri$2,
- lsaquo: lsaquo$2,
- lscr: lscr$2,
- lsh: lsh$2,
- lsim: lsim$2,
- lsime: lsime$2,
- lsimg: lsimg$2,
- lsqb: lsqb$2,
- lsquo: lsquo$2,
- lsquor: lsquor$2,
- lstrok: lstrok$2,
- l: l$2,
- lt: lt$3,
- ltcc: ltcc$2,
- ltcir: ltcir$2,
- ltdot: ltdot$2,
- lthree: lthree$2,
- ltimes: ltimes$2,
- ltlarr: ltlarr$2,
- ltquest: ltquest$2,
- ltrPar: ltrPar$2,
- ltri: ltri$2,
- ltrie: ltrie$2,
- ltrif: ltrif$2,
- lurdshar: lurdshar$2,
- luruhar: luruhar$2,
- lvertneqq: lvertneqq$2,
- lvnE: lvnE$2,
- mDDot: mDDot$2,
- mac: mac$2,
- macr: macr$2,
- male: male$2,
- malt: malt$2,
- maltese: maltese$2,
- map: map$5,
- mapsto: mapsto$2,
- mapstodown: mapstodown$2,
- mapstoleft: mapstoleft$2,
- mapstoup: mapstoup$2,
- marker: marker$2,
- mcomma: mcomma$2,
- mcy: mcy$2,
- mdash: mdash$2,
- measuredangle: measuredangle$2,
- mfr: mfr$2,
- mho: mho$2,
- micr: micr$2,
- micro: micro$2,
- mid: mid$2,
- midast: midast$2,
- midcir: midcir$2,
- middo: middo$2,
- middot: middot$2,
- minus: minus$2,
- minusb: minusb$2,
- minusd: minusd$2,
- minusdu: minusdu$2,
- mlcp: mlcp$2,
- mldr: mldr$2,
- mnplus: mnplus$2,
- models: models$2,
- mopf: mopf$2,
- mp: mp$2,
- mscr: mscr$2,
- mstpos: mstpos$2,
- mu: mu$2,
- multimap: multimap$2,
- mumap: mumap$2,
- nGg: nGg$2,
- nGt: nGt$2,
- nGtv: nGtv$2,
- nLeftarrow: nLeftarrow$2,
- nLeftrightarrow: nLeftrightarrow$2,
- nLl: nLl$2,
- nLt: nLt$2,
- nLtv: nLtv$2,
- nRightarrow: nRightarrow$2,
- nVDash: nVDash$2,
- nVdash: nVdash$2,
- nabla: nabla$2,
- nacute: nacute$2,
- nang: nang$2,
- nap: nap$2,
- napE: napE$2,
- napid: napid$2,
- napos: napos$2,
- napprox: napprox$2,
- natur: natur$2,
- natural: natural$2,
- naturals: naturals$2,
- nbs: nbs$2,
- nbsp: nbsp$2,
- nbump: nbump$2,
- nbumpe: nbumpe$2,
- ncap: ncap$2,
- ncaron: ncaron$2,
- ncedil: ncedil$2,
- ncong: ncong$2,
- ncongdot: ncongdot$2,
- ncup: ncup$2,
- ncy: ncy$2,
- ndash: ndash$2,
- ne: ne$2,
- neArr: neArr$2,
- nearhk: nearhk$2,
- nearr: nearr$2,
- nearrow: nearrow$2,
- nedot: nedot$2,
- nequiv: nequiv$2,
- nesear: nesear$2,
- nesim: nesim$2,
- nexist: nexist$2,
- nexists: nexists$2,
- nfr: nfr$2,
- ngE: ngE$2,
- nge: nge$2,
- ngeq: ngeq$2,
- ngeqq: ngeqq$2,
- ngeqslant: ngeqslant$2,
- nges: nges$2,
- ngsim: ngsim$2,
- ngt: ngt$2,
- ngtr: ngtr$2,
- nhArr: nhArr$2,
- nharr: nharr$2,
- nhpar: nhpar$2,
- ni: ni$2,
- nis: nis$2,
- nisd: nisd$2,
- niv: niv$2,
- njcy: njcy$2,
- nlArr: nlArr$2,
- nlE: nlE$2,
- nlarr: nlarr$2,
- nldr: nldr$2,
- nle: nle$2,
- nleftarrow: nleftarrow$2,
- nleftrightarrow: nleftrightarrow$2,
- nleq: nleq$2,
- nleqq: nleqq$2,
- nleqslant: nleqslant$2,
- nles: nles$2,
- nless: nless$2,
- nlsim: nlsim$2,
- nlt: nlt$2,
- nltri: nltri$2,
- nltrie: nltrie$2,
- nmid: nmid$2,
- nopf: nopf$2,
- no: no$2,
- not: not$2,
- notin: notin$2,
- notinE: notinE$2,
- notindot: notindot$2,
- notinva: notinva$2,
- notinvb: notinvb$2,
- notinvc: notinvc$2,
- notni: notni$2,
- notniva: notniva$2,
- notnivb: notnivb$2,
- notnivc: notnivc$2,
- npar: npar$2,
- nparallel: nparallel$2,
- nparsl: nparsl$2,
- npart: npart$2,
- npolint: npolint$2,
- npr: npr$2,
- nprcue: nprcue$2,
- npre: npre$2,
- nprec: nprec$2,
- npreceq: npreceq$2,
- nrArr: nrArr$2,
- nrarr: nrarr$2,
- nrarrc: nrarrc$2,
- nrarrw: nrarrw$2,
- nrightarrow: nrightarrow$2,
- nrtri: nrtri$2,
- nrtrie: nrtrie$2,
- nsc: nsc$2,
- nsccue: nsccue$2,
- nsce: nsce$2,
- nscr: nscr$2,
- nshortmid: nshortmid$2,
- nshortparallel: nshortparallel$2,
- nsim: nsim$2,
- nsime: nsime$2,
- nsimeq: nsimeq$2,
- nsmid: nsmid$2,
- nspar: nspar$2,
- nsqsube: nsqsube$2,
- nsqsupe: nsqsupe$2,
- nsub: nsub$2,
- nsubE: nsubE$2,
- nsube: nsube$2,
- nsubset: nsubset$2,
- nsubseteq: nsubseteq$2,
- nsubseteqq: nsubseteqq$2,
- nsucc: nsucc$2,
- nsucceq: nsucceq$2,
- nsup: nsup$2,
- nsupE: nsupE$2,
- nsupe: nsupe$2,
- nsupset: nsupset$2,
- nsupseteq: nsupseteq$2,
- nsupseteqq: nsupseteqq$2,
- ntgl: ntgl$2,
- ntild: ntild$2,
- ntilde: ntilde$2,
- ntlg: ntlg$2,
- ntriangleleft: ntriangleleft$2,
- ntrianglelefteq: ntrianglelefteq$2,
- ntriangleright: ntriangleright$2,
- ntrianglerighteq: ntrianglerighteq$2,
- nu: nu$2,
- num: num$2,
- numero: numero$2,
- numsp: numsp$2,
- nvDash: nvDash$2,
- nvHarr: nvHarr$2,
- nvap: nvap$2,
- nvdash: nvdash$2,
- nvge: nvge$2,
- nvgt: nvgt$2,
- nvinfin: nvinfin$2,
- nvlArr: nvlArr$2,
- nvle: nvle$2,
- nvlt: nvlt$2,
- nvltrie: nvltrie$2,
- nvrArr: nvrArr$2,
- nvrtrie: nvrtrie$2,
- nvsim: nvsim$2,
- nwArr: nwArr$2,
- nwarhk: nwarhk$2,
- nwarr: nwarr$2,
- nwarrow: nwarrow$2,
- nwnear: nwnear$2,
- oS: oS$2,
- oacut: oacut$2,
- oacute: oacute$2,
- oast: oast$2,
- ocir: ocir$2,
- ocirc: ocirc$2,
- ocy: ocy$2,
- odash: odash$2,
- odblac: odblac$2,
- odiv: odiv$2,
- odot: odot$2,
- odsold: odsold$2,
- oelig: oelig$2,
- ofcir: ofcir$2,
- ofr: ofr$2,
- ogon: ogon$2,
- ograv: ograv$2,
- ograve: ograve$2,
- ogt: ogt$2,
- ohbar: ohbar$2,
- ohm: ohm$2,
- oint: oint$2,
- olarr: olarr$2,
- olcir: olcir$2,
- olcross: olcross$2,
- oline: oline$2,
- olt: olt$2,
- omacr: omacr$2,
- omega: omega$2,
- omicron: omicron$2,
- omid: omid$2,
- ominus: ominus$2,
- oopf: oopf$2,
- opar: opar$2,
- operp: operp$2,
- oplus: oplus$2,
- or: or$2,
- orarr: orarr$2,
- ord: ord$2,
- order: order$2,
- orderof: orderof$2,
- ordf: ordf$2,
- ordm: ordm$2,
- origof: origof$2,
- oror: oror$2,
- orslope: orslope$2,
- orv: orv$2,
- oscr: oscr$2,
- oslas: oslas$2,
- oslash: oslash$2,
- osol: osol$2,
- otild: otild$2,
- otilde: otilde$2,
- otimes: otimes$2,
- otimesas: otimesas$2,
- oum: oum$2,
- ouml: ouml$2,
- ovbar: ovbar$2,
- par: par$2,
- para: para$2,
- parallel: parallel$2,
- parsim: parsim$2,
- parsl: parsl$2,
- part: part$2,
- pcy: pcy$2,
- percnt: percnt$2,
- period: period$2,
- permil: permil$2,
- perp: perp$2,
- pertenk: pertenk$2,
- pfr: pfr$2,
- phi: phi$2,
- phiv: phiv$2,
- phmmat: phmmat$2,
- phone: phone$2,
- pi: pi$2,
- pitchfork: pitchfork$2,
- piv: piv$2,
- planck: planck$2,
- planckh: planckh$2,
- plankv: plankv$2,
- plus: plus$2,
- plusacir: plusacir$2,
- plusb: plusb$2,
- pluscir: pluscir$2,
- plusdo: plusdo$2,
- plusdu: plusdu$2,
- pluse: pluse$2,
- plusm: plusm$2,
- plusmn: plusmn$2,
- plussim: plussim$2,
- plustwo: plustwo$2,
- pm: pm$2,
- pointint: pointint$2,
- popf: popf$2,
- poun: poun$2,
- pound: pound$2,
- pr: pr$2,
- prE: prE$2,
- prap: prap$2,
- prcue: prcue$2,
- pre: pre$2,
- prec: prec$2,
- precapprox: precapprox$2,
- preccurlyeq: preccurlyeq$2,
- preceq: preceq$2,
- precnapprox: precnapprox$2,
- precneqq: precneqq$2,
- precnsim: precnsim$2,
- precsim: precsim$2,
- prime: prime$2,
- primes: primes$2,
- prnE: prnE$2,
- prnap: prnap$2,
- prnsim: prnsim$2,
- prod: prod$2,
- profalar: profalar$2,
- profline: profline$2,
- profsurf: profsurf$2,
- prop: prop$2,
- propto: propto$2,
- prsim: prsim$2,
- prurel: prurel$2,
- pscr: pscr$2,
- psi: psi$2,
- puncsp: puncsp$2,
- qfr: qfr$2,
- qint: qint$2,
- qopf: qopf$2,
- qprime: qprime$2,
- qscr: qscr$2,
- quaternions: quaternions$2,
- quatint: quatint$2,
- quest: quest$2,
- questeq: questeq$2,
- quo: quo$2,
- quot: quot$2,
- rAarr: rAarr$2,
- rArr: rArr$2,
- rAtail: rAtail$2,
- rBarr: rBarr$2,
- rHar: rHar$2,
- race: race$2,
- racute: racute$2,
- radic: radic$2,
- raemptyv: raemptyv$2,
- rang: rang$2,
- rangd: rangd$2,
- range: range$2,
- rangle: rangle$2,
- raqu: raqu$2,
- raquo: raquo$2,
- rarr: rarr$2,
- rarrap: rarrap$2,
- rarrb: rarrb$2,
- rarrbfs: rarrbfs$2,
- rarrc: rarrc$2,
- rarrfs: rarrfs$2,
- rarrhk: rarrhk$2,
- rarrlp: rarrlp$2,
- rarrpl: rarrpl$2,
- rarrsim: rarrsim$2,
- rarrtl: rarrtl$2,
- rarrw: rarrw$2,
- ratail: ratail$2,
- ratio: ratio$2,
- rationals: rationals$2,
- rbarr: rbarr$2,
- rbbrk: rbbrk$2,
- rbrace: rbrace$2,
- rbrack: rbrack$2,
- rbrke: rbrke$2,
- rbrksld: rbrksld$2,
- rbrkslu: rbrkslu$2,
- rcaron: rcaron$2,
- rcedil: rcedil$2,
- rceil: rceil$2,
- rcub: rcub$2,
- rcy: rcy$2,
- rdca: rdca$2,
- rdldhar: rdldhar$2,
- rdquo: rdquo$2,
- rdquor: rdquor$2,
- rdsh: rdsh$2,
- real: real$2,
- realine: realine$2,
- realpart: realpart$2,
- reals: reals$2,
- rect: rect$2,
- re: re$6,
- reg: reg$2,
- rfisht: rfisht$2,
- rfloor: rfloor$2,
- rfr: rfr$2,
- rhard: rhard$2,
- rharu: rharu$2,
- rharul: rharul$2,
- rho: rho$2,
- rhov: rhov$2,
- rightarrow: rightarrow$2,
- rightarrowtail: rightarrowtail$2,
- rightharpoondown: rightharpoondown$2,
- rightharpoonup: rightharpoonup$2,
- rightleftarrows: rightleftarrows$2,
- rightleftharpoons: rightleftharpoons$2,
- rightrightarrows: rightrightarrows$2,
- rightsquigarrow: rightsquigarrow$2,
- rightthreetimes: rightthreetimes$2,
- ring: ring$2,
- risingdotseq: risingdotseq$2,
- rlarr: rlarr$2,
- rlhar: rlhar$2,
- rlm: rlm$2,
- rmoust: rmoust$2,
- rmoustache: rmoustache$2,
- rnmid: rnmid$2,
- roang: roang$2,
- roarr: roarr$2,
- robrk: robrk$2,
- ropar: ropar$2,
- ropf: ropf$2,
- roplus: roplus$2,
- rotimes: rotimes$2,
- rpar: rpar$2,
- rpargt: rpargt$2,
- rppolint: rppolint$2,
- rrarr: rrarr$2,
- rsaquo: rsaquo$2,
- rscr: rscr$2,
- rsh: rsh$2,
- rsqb: rsqb$2,
- rsquo: rsquo$2,
- rsquor: rsquor$2,
- rthree: rthree$2,
- rtimes: rtimes$2,
- rtri: rtri$2,
- rtrie: rtrie$2,
- rtrif: rtrif$2,
- rtriltri: rtriltri$2,
- ruluhar: ruluhar$2,
- rx: rx$2,
- sacute: sacute$2,
- sbquo: sbquo$2,
- sc: sc$2,
- scE: scE$2,
- scap: scap$2,
- scaron: scaron$2,
- sccue: sccue$2,
- sce: sce$2,
- scedil: scedil$2,
- scirc: scirc$2,
- scnE: scnE$2,
- scnap: scnap$2,
- scnsim: scnsim$2,
- scpolint: scpolint$2,
- scsim: scsim$2,
- scy: scy$2,
- sdot: sdot$2,
- sdotb: sdotb$2,
- sdote: sdote$2,
- seArr: seArr$2,
- searhk: searhk$2,
- searr: searr$2,
- searrow: searrow$2,
- sec: sec$2,
- sect: sect$2,
- semi: semi$2,
- seswar: seswar$2,
- setminus: setminus$2,
- setmn: setmn$2,
- sext: sext$2,
- sfr: sfr$2,
- sfrown: sfrown$2,
- sharp: sharp$2,
- shchcy: shchcy$2,
- shcy: shcy$2,
- shortmid: shortmid$2,
- shortparallel: shortparallel$2,
- sh: sh$2,
- shy: shy$2,
- sigma: sigma$2,
- sigmaf: sigmaf$2,
- sigmav: sigmav$2,
- sim: sim$2,
- simdot: simdot$2,
- sime: sime$2,
- simeq: simeq$2,
- simg: simg$2,
- simgE: simgE$2,
- siml: siml$2,
- simlE: simlE$2,
- simne: simne$2,
- simplus: simplus$2,
- simrarr: simrarr$2,
- slarr: slarr$2,
- smallsetminus: smallsetminus$2,
- smashp: smashp$2,
- smeparsl: smeparsl$2,
- smid: smid$2,
- smile: smile$2,
- smt: smt$2,
- smte: smte$2,
- smtes: smtes$2,
- softcy: softcy$2,
- sol: sol$2,
- solb: solb$2,
- solbar: solbar$2,
- sopf: sopf$2,
- spades: spades$2,
- spadesuit: spadesuit$2,
- spar: spar$2,
- sqcap: sqcap$2,
- sqcaps: sqcaps$2,
- sqcup: sqcup$2,
- sqcups: sqcups$2,
- sqsub: sqsub$2,
- sqsube: sqsube$2,
- sqsubset: sqsubset$2,
- sqsubseteq: sqsubseteq$2,
- sqsup: sqsup$2,
- sqsupe: sqsupe$2,
- sqsupset: sqsupset$2,
- sqsupseteq: sqsupseteq$2,
- squ: squ$2,
- square: square$2,
- squarf: squarf$2,
- squf: squf$2,
- srarr: srarr$2,
- sscr: sscr$2,
- ssetmn: ssetmn$2,
- ssmile: ssmile$2,
- sstarf: sstarf$2,
- star: star$2,
- starf: starf$2,
- straightepsilon: straightepsilon$2,
- straightphi: straightphi$2,
- strns: strns$2,
- sub: sub$2,
- subE: subE$2,
- subdot: subdot$2,
- sube: sube$2,
- subedot: subedot$2,
- submult: submult$2,
- subnE: subnE$2,
- subne: subne$2,
- subplus: subplus$2,
- subrarr: subrarr$2,
- subset: subset$2,
- subseteq: subseteq$2,
- subseteqq: subseteqq$2,
- subsetneq: subsetneq$2,
- subsetneqq: subsetneqq$2,
- subsim: subsim$2,
- subsub: subsub$2,
- subsup: subsup$2,
- succ: succ$2,
- succapprox: succapprox$2,
- succcurlyeq: succcurlyeq$2,
- succeq: succeq$2,
- succnapprox: succnapprox$2,
- succneqq: succneqq$2,
- succnsim: succnsim$2,
- succsim: succsim$2,
- sum: sum$2,
- sung: sung$2,
- sup: sup$2,
- sup1: sup1$2,
- sup2: sup2$2,
- sup3: sup3$2,
- supE: supE$2,
- supdot: supdot$2,
- supdsub: supdsub$2,
- supe: supe$2,
- supedot: supedot$2,
- suphsol: suphsol$2,
- suphsub: suphsub$2,
- suplarr: suplarr$2,
- supmult: supmult$2,
- supnE: supnE$2,
- supne: supne$2,
- supplus: supplus$2,
- supset: supset$2,
- supseteq: supseteq$2,
- supseteqq: supseteqq$2,
- supsetneq: supsetneq$2,
- supsetneqq: supsetneqq$2,
- supsim: supsim$2,
- supsub: supsub$2,
- supsup: supsup$2,
- swArr: swArr$2,
- swarhk: swarhk$2,
- swarr: swarr$2,
- swarrow: swarrow$2,
- swnwar: swnwar$2,
- szli: szli$2,
- szlig: szlig$2,
- target: target$2,
- tau: tau$2,
- tbrk: tbrk$2,
- tcaron: tcaron$2,
- tcedil: tcedil$2,
- tcy: tcy$2,
- tdot: tdot$2,
- telrec: telrec$2,
- tfr: tfr$2,
- there4: there4$2,
- therefore: therefore$2,
- theta: theta$2,
- thetasym: thetasym$2,
- thetav: thetav$2,
- thickapprox: thickapprox$2,
- thicksim: thicksim$2,
- thinsp: thinsp$2,
- thkap: thkap$2,
- thksim: thksim$2,
- thor: thor$2,
- thorn: thorn$2,
- tilde: tilde$2,
- time: time$2,
- times: times$2,
- timesb: timesb$2,
- timesbar: timesbar$2,
- timesd: timesd$2,
- tint: tint$2,
- toea: toea$2,
- top: top$2,
- topbot: topbot$2,
- topcir: topcir$2,
- topf: topf$2,
- topfork: topfork$2,
- tosa: tosa$2,
- tprime: tprime$2,
- trade: trade$2,
- triangle: triangle$2,
- triangledown: triangledown$2,
- triangleleft: triangleleft$2,
- trianglelefteq: trianglelefteq$2,
- triangleq: triangleq$2,
- triangleright: triangleright$2,
- trianglerighteq: trianglerighteq$2,
- tridot: tridot$2,
- trie: trie$2,
- triminus: triminus$2,
- triplus: triplus$2,
- trisb: trisb$2,
- tritime: tritime$2,
- trpezium: trpezium$2,
- tscr: tscr$2,
- tscy: tscy$2,
- tshcy: tshcy$2,
- tstrok: tstrok$2,
- twixt: twixt$2,
- twoheadleftarrow: twoheadleftarrow$2,
- twoheadrightarrow: twoheadrightarrow$2,
- uArr: uArr$2,
- uHar: uHar$2,
- uacut: uacut$2,
- uacute: uacute$2,
- uarr: uarr$2,
- ubrcy: ubrcy$2,
- ubreve: ubreve$2,
- ucir: ucir$2,
- ucirc: ucirc$2,
- ucy: ucy$2,
- udarr: udarr$2,
- udblac: udblac$2,
- udhar: udhar$2,
- ufisht: ufisht$2,
- ufr: ufr$2,
- ugrav: ugrav$2,
- ugrave: ugrave$2,
- uharl: uharl$2,
- uharr: uharr$2,
- uhblk: uhblk$2,
- ulcorn: ulcorn$2,
- ulcorner: ulcorner$2,
- ulcrop: ulcrop$2,
- ultri: ultri$2,
- umacr: umacr$2,
- um: um$2,
- uml: uml$2,
- uogon: uogon$2,
- uopf: uopf$2,
- uparrow: uparrow$2,
- updownarrow: updownarrow$2,
- upharpoonleft: upharpoonleft$2,
- upharpoonright: upharpoonright$2,
- uplus: uplus$2,
- upsi: upsi$2,
- upsih: upsih$2,
- upsilon: upsilon$2,
- upuparrows: upuparrows$2,
- urcorn: urcorn$2,
- urcorner: urcorner$2,
- urcrop: urcrop$2,
- uring: uring$2,
- urtri: urtri$2,
- uscr: uscr$2,
- utdot: utdot$2,
- utilde: utilde$2,
- utri: utri$2,
- utrif: utrif$2,
- uuarr: uuarr$2,
- uum: uum$2,
- uuml: uuml$2,
- uwangle: uwangle$2,
- vArr: vArr$2,
- vBar: vBar$2,
- vBarv: vBarv$2,
- vDash: vDash$2,
- vangrt: vangrt$2,
- varepsilon: varepsilon$2,
- varkappa: varkappa$2,
- varnothing: varnothing$2,
- varphi: varphi$2,
- varpi: varpi$2,
- varpropto: varpropto$2,
- varr: varr$2,
- varrho: varrho$2,
- varsigma: varsigma$2,
- varsubsetneq: varsubsetneq$2,
- varsubsetneqq: varsubsetneqq$2,
- varsupsetneq: varsupsetneq$2,
- varsupsetneqq: varsupsetneqq$2,
- vartheta: vartheta$2,
- vartriangleleft: vartriangleleft$2,
- vartriangleright: vartriangleright$2,
- vcy: vcy$2,
- vdash: vdash$2,
- vee: vee$2,
- veebar: veebar$2,
- veeeq: veeeq$2,
- vellip: vellip$2,
- verbar: verbar$2,
- vert: vert$2,
- vfr: vfr$2,
- vltri: vltri$2,
- vnsub: vnsub$2,
- vnsup: vnsup$2,
- vopf: vopf$2,
- vprop: vprop$2,
- vrtri: vrtri$2,
- vscr: vscr$2,
- vsubnE: vsubnE$2,
- vsubne: vsubne$2,
- vsupnE: vsupnE$2,
- vsupne: vsupne$2,
- vzigzag: vzigzag$2,
- wcirc: wcirc$2,
- wedbar: wedbar$2,
- wedge: wedge$2,
- wedgeq: wedgeq$2,
- weierp: weierp$2,
- wfr: wfr$2,
- wopf: wopf$2,
- wp: wp$2,
- wr: wr$2,
- wreath: wreath$2,
- wscr: wscr$2,
- xcap: xcap$2,
- xcirc: xcirc$2,
- xcup: xcup$2,
- xdtri: xdtri$2,
- xfr: xfr$2,
- xhArr: xhArr$2,
- xharr: xharr$2,
- xi: xi$2,
- xlArr: xlArr$2,
- xlarr: xlarr$2,
- xmap: xmap$2,
- xnis: xnis$2,
- xodot: xodot$2,
- xopf: xopf$2,
- xoplus: xoplus$2,
- xotime: xotime$2,
- xrArr: xrArr$2,
- xrarr: xrarr$2,
- xscr: xscr$2,
- xsqcup: xsqcup$2,
- xuplus: xuplus$2,
- xutri: xutri$2,
- xvee: xvee$2,
- xwedge: xwedge$2,
- yacut: yacut$2,
- yacute: yacute$2,
- yacy: yacy$2,
- ycirc: ycirc$2,
- ycy: ycy$2,
- ye: ye$2,
- yen: yen$2,
- yfr: yfr$2,
- yicy: yicy$2,
- yopf: yopf$2,
- yscr: yscr$2,
- yucy: yucy$2,
- yum: yum$2,
- yuml: yuml$2,
- zacute: zacute$2,
- zcaron: zcaron$2,
- zcy: zcy$2,
- zdot: zdot$2,
- zeetrf: zeetrf$2,
- zeta: zeta$2,
- zfr: zfr$2,
- zhcy: zhcy$2,
- zigrarr: zigrarr$2,
- zopf: zopf$2,
- zscr: zscr$2,
- zwj: zwj$2,
- zwnj: zwnj$2
+var characterEntities = {
+ AEli: 'Æ',
+ AElig: 'Æ',
+ AM: '&',
+ AMP: '&',
+ Aacut: 'Á',
+ Aacute: 'Á',
+ Abreve: 'Ă',
+ Acir: 'Â',
+ Acirc: 'Â',
+ Acy: 'А',
+ Afr: '𝔄',
+ Agrav: 'À',
+ Agrave: 'À',
+ Alpha: 'Α',
+ Amacr: 'Ā',
+ And: '⩓',
+ Aogon: 'Ą',
+ Aopf: '𝔸',
+ ApplyFunction: '⁡',
+ Arin: 'Å',
+ Aring: 'Å',
+ Ascr: '𝒜',
+ Assign: '≔',
+ Atild: 'Ã',
+ Atilde: 'Ã',
+ Aum: 'Ä',
+ Auml: 'Ä',
+ Backslash: '∖',
+ Barv: '⫧',
+ Barwed: '⌆',
+ Bcy: 'Б',
+ Because: '∵',
+ Bernoullis: 'ℬ',
+ Beta: 'Β',
+ Bfr: '𝔅',
+ Bopf: '𝔹',
+ Breve: '˘',
+ Bscr: 'ℬ',
+ Bumpeq: '≎',
+ CHcy: 'Ч',
+ COP: '©',
+ COPY: '©',
+ Cacute: 'Ć',
+ Cap: '⋒',
+ CapitalDifferentialD: 'ⅅ',
+ Cayleys: 'ℭ',
+ Ccaron: 'Č',
+ Ccedi: 'Ç',
+ Ccedil: 'Ç',
+ Ccirc: 'Ĉ',
+ Cconint: '∰',
+ Cdot: 'Ċ',
+ Cedilla: '¸',
+ CenterDot: '·',
+ Cfr: 'ℭ',
+ Chi: 'Χ',
+ CircleDot: '⊙',
+ CircleMinus: '⊖',
+ CirclePlus: '⊕',
+ CircleTimes: '⊗',
+ ClockwiseContourIntegral: '∲',
+ CloseCurlyDoubleQuote: '”',
+ CloseCurlyQuote: '’',
+ Colon: '∷',
+ Colone: '⩴',
+ Congruent: '≡',
+ Conint: '∯',
+ ContourIntegral: '∮',
+ Copf: 'ℂ',
+ Coproduct: '∐',
+ CounterClockwiseContourIntegral: '∳',
+ Cross: '⨯',
+ Cscr: '𝒞',
+ Cup: '⋓',
+ CupCap: '≍',
+ DD: 'ⅅ',
+ DDotrahd: '⤑',
+ DJcy: 'Ђ',
+ DScy: 'Ѕ',
+ DZcy: 'Џ',
+ Dagger: '‡',
+ Darr: '↡',
+ Dashv: '⫤',
+ Dcaron: 'Ď',
+ Dcy: 'Д',
+ Del: '∇',
+ Delta: 'Δ',
+ Dfr: '𝔇',
+ DiacriticalAcute: '´',
+ DiacriticalDot: '˙',
+ DiacriticalDoubleAcute: '˝',
+ DiacriticalGrave: '`',
+ DiacriticalTilde: '˜',
+ Diamond: '⋄',
+ DifferentialD: 'ⅆ',
+ Dopf: '𝔻',
+ Dot: '¨',
+ DotDot: '⃜',
+ DotEqual: '≐',
+ DoubleContourIntegral: '∯',
+ DoubleDot: '¨',
+ DoubleDownArrow: '⇓',
+ DoubleLeftArrow: '⇐',
+ DoubleLeftRightArrow: '⇔',
+ DoubleLeftTee: '⫤',
+ DoubleLongLeftArrow: '⟸',
+ DoubleLongLeftRightArrow: '⟺',
+ DoubleLongRightArrow: '⟹',
+ DoubleRightArrow: '⇒',
+ DoubleRightTee: '⊨',
+ DoubleUpArrow: '⇑',
+ DoubleUpDownArrow: '⇕',
+ DoubleVerticalBar: '∥',
+ DownArrow: '↓',
+ DownArrowBar: '⤓',
+ DownArrowUpArrow: '⇵',
+ DownBreve: '̑',
+ DownLeftRightVector: '⥐',
+ DownLeftTeeVector: '⥞',
+ DownLeftVector: '↽',
+ DownLeftVectorBar: '⥖',
+ DownRightTeeVector: '⥟',
+ DownRightVector: '⇁',
+ DownRightVectorBar: '⥗',
+ DownTee: '⊤',
+ DownTeeArrow: '↧',
+ Downarrow: '⇓',
+ Dscr: '𝒟',
+ Dstrok: 'Đ',
+ ENG: 'Ŋ',
+ ET: 'Ð',
+ ETH: 'Ð',
+ Eacut: 'É',
+ Eacute: 'É',
+ Ecaron: 'Ě',
+ Ecir: 'Ê',
+ Ecirc: 'Ê',
+ Ecy: 'Э',
+ Edot: 'Ė',
+ Efr: '𝔈',
+ Egrav: 'È',
+ Egrave: 'È',
+ Element: '∈',
+ Emacr: 'Ē',
+ EmptySmallSquare: '◻',
+ EmptyVerySmallSquare: '▫',
+ Eogon: 'Ę',
+ Eopf: '𝔼',
+ Epsilon: 'Ε',
+ Equal: '⩵',
+ EqualTilde: '≂',
+ Equilibrium: '⇌',
+ Escr: 'ℰ',
+ Esim: '⩳',
+ Eta: 'Η',
+ Eum: 'Ë',
+ Euml: 'Ë',
+ Exists: '∃',
+ ExponentialE: 'ⅇ',
+ Fcy: 'Ф',
+ Ffr: '𝔉',
+ FilledSmallSquare: '◼',
+ FilledVerySmallSquare: '▪',
+ Fopf: '𝔽',
+ ForAll: '∀',
+ Fouriertrf: 'ℱ',
+ Fscr: 'ℱ',
+ GJcy: 'Ѓ',
+ G: '>',
+ GT: '>',
+ Gamma: 'Γ',
+ Gammad: 'Ϝ',
+ Gbreve: 'Ğ',
+ Gcedil: 'Ģ',
+ Gcirc: 'Ĝ',
+ Gcy: 'Г',
+ Gdot: 'Ġ',
+ Gfr: '𝔊',
+ Gg: '⋙',
+ Gopf: '𝔾',
+ GreaterEqual: '≥',
+ GreaterEqualLess: '⋛',
+ GreaterFullEqual: '≧',
+ GreaterGreater: '⪢',
+ GreaterLess: '≷',
+ GreaterSlantEqual: '⩾',
+ GreaterTilde: '≳',
+ Gscr: '𝒢',
+ Gt: '≫',
+ HARDcy: 'Ъ',
+ Hacek: 'ˇ',
+ Hat: '^',
+ Hcirc: 'Ĥ',
+ Hfr: 'ℌ',
+ HilbertSpace: 'ℋ',
+ Hopf: 'ℍ',
+ HorizontalLine: '─',
+ Hscr: 'ℋ',
+ Hstrok: 'Ħ',
+ HumpDownHump: '≎',
+ HumpEqual: '≏',
+ IEcy: 'Е',
+ IJlig: 'IJ',
+ IOcy: 'Ё',
+ Iacut: 'Í',
+ Iacute: 'Í',
+ Icir: 'Î',
+ Icirc: 'Î',
+ Icy: 'И',
+ Idot: 'İ',
+ Ifr: 'ℑ',
+ Igrav: 'Ì',
+ Igrave: 'Ì',
+ Im: 'ℑ',
+ Imacr: 'Ī',
+ ImaginaryI: 'ⅈ',
+ Implies: '⇒',
+ Int: '∬',
+ Integral: '∫',
+ Intersection: '⋂',
+ InvisibleComma: '⁣',
+ InvisibleTimes: '⁢',
+ Iogon: 'Į',
+ Iopf: '𝕀',
+ Iota: 'Ι',
+ Iscr: 'ℐ',
+ Itilde: 'Ĩ',
+ Iukcy: 'І',
+ Ium: 'Ï',
+ Iuml: 'Ï',
+ Jcirc: 'Ĵ',
+ Jcy: 'Й',
+ Jfr: '𝔍',
+ Jopf: '𝕁',
+ Jscr: '𝒥',
+ Jsercy: 'Ј',
+ Jukcy: 'Є',
+ KHcy: 'Х',
+ KJcy: 'Ќ',
+ Kappa: 'Κ',
+ Kcedil: 'Ķ',
+ Kcy: 'К',
+ Kfr: '𝔎',
+ Kopf: '𝕂',
+ Kscr: '𝒦',
+ LJcy: 'Љ',
+ L: '<',
+ LT: '<',
+ Lacute: 'Ĺ',
+ Lambda: 'Λ',
+ Lang: '⟪',
+ Laplacetrf: 'ℒ',
+ Larr: '↞',
+ Lcaron: 'Ľ',
+ Lcedil: 'Ļ',
+ Lcy: 'Л',
+ LeftAngleBracket: '⟨',
+ LeftArrow: '←',
+ LeftArrowBar: '⇤',
+ LeftArrowRightArrow: '⇆',
+ LeftCeiling: '⌈',
+ LeftDoubleBracket: '⟦',
+ LeftDownTeeVector: '⥡',
+ LeftDownVector: '⇃',
+ LeftDownVectorBar: '⥙',
+ LeftFloor: '⌊',
+ LeftRightArrow: '↔',
+ LeftRightVector: '⥎',
+ LeftTee: '⊣',
+ LeftTeeArrow: '↤',
+ LeftTeeVector: '⥚',
+ LeftTriangle: '⊲',
+ LeftTriangleBar: '⧏',
+ LeftTriangleEqual: '⊴',
+ LeftUpDownVector: '⥑',
+ LeftUpTeeVector: '⥠',
+ LeftUpVector: '↿',
+ LeftUpVectorBar: '⥘',
+ LeftVector: '↼',
+ LeftVectorBar: '⥒',
+ Leftarrow: '⇐',
+ Leftrightarrow: '⇔',
+ LessEqualGreater: '⋚',
+ LessFullEqual: '≦',
+ LessGreater: '≶',
+ LessLess: '⪡',
+ LessSlantEqual: '⩽',
+ LessTilde: '≲',
+ Lfr: '𝔏',
+ Ll: '⋘',
+ Lleftarrow: '⇚',
+ Lmidot: 'Ŀ',
+ LongLeftArrow: '⟵',
+ LongLeftRightArrow: '⟷',
+ LongRightArrow: '⟶',
+ Longleftarrow: '⟸',
+ Longleftrightarrow: '⟺',
+ Longrightarrow: '⟹',
+ Lopf: '𝕃',
+ LowerLeftArrow: '↙',
+ LowerRightArrow: '↘',
+ Lscr: 'ℒ',
+ Lsh: '↰',
+ Lstrok: 'Ł',
+ Lt: '≪',
+ Map: '⤅',
+ Mcy: 'М',
+ MediumSpace: ' ',
+ Mellintrf: 'ℳ',
+ Mfr: '𝔐',
+ MinusPlus: '∓',
+ Mopf: '𝕄',
+ Mscr: 'ℳ',
+ Mu: 'Μ',
+ NJcy: 'Њ',
+ Nacute: 'Ń',
+ Ncaron: 'Ň',
+ Ncedil: 'Ņ',
+ Ncy: 'Н',
+ NegativeMediumSpace: '​',
+ NegativeThickSpace: '​',
+ NegativeThinSpace: '​',
+ NegativeVeryThinSpace: '​',
+ NestedGreaterGreater: '≫',
+ NestedLessLess: '≪',
+ NewLine: '\n',
+ Nfr: '𝔑',
+ NoBreak: '⁠',
+ NonBreakingSpace: ' ',
+ Nopf: 'ℕ',
+ Not: '⫬',
+ NotCongruent: '≢',
+ NotCupCap: '≭',
+ NotDoubleVerticalBar: '∦',
+ NotElement: '∉',
+ NotEqual: '≠',
+ NotEqualTilde: '≂̸',
+ NotExists: '∄',
+ NotGreater: '≯',
+ NotGreaterEqual: '≱',
+ NotGreaterFullEqual: '≧̸',
+ NotGreaterGreater: '≫̸',
+ NotGreaterLess: '≹',
+ NotGreaterSlantEqual: '⩾̸',
+ NotGreaterTilde: '≵',
+ NotHumpDownHump: '≎̸',
+ NotHumpEqual: '≏̸',
+ NotLeftTriangle: '⋪',
+ NotLeftTriangleBar: '⧏̸',
+ NotLeftTriangleEqual: '⋬',
+ NotLess: '≮',
+ NotLessEqual: '≰',
+ NotLessGreater: '≸',
+ NotLessLess: '≪̸',
+ NotLessSlantEqual: '⩽̸',
+ NotLessTilde: '≴',
+ NotNestedGreaterGreater: '⪢̸',
+ NotNestedLessLess: '⪡̸',
+ NotPrecedes: '⊀',
+ NotPrecedesEqual: '⪯̸',
+ NotPrecedesSlantEqual: '⋠',
+ NotReverseElement: '∌',
+ NotRightTriangle: '⋫',
+ NotRightTriangleBar: '⧐̸',
+ NotRightTriangleEqual: '⋭',
+ NotSquareSubset: '⊏̸',
+ NotSquareSubsetEqual: '⋢',
+ NotSquareSuperset: '⊐̸',
+ NotSquareSupersetEqual: '⋣',
+ NotSubset: '⊂⃒',
+ NotSubsetEqual: '⊈',
+ NotSucceeds: '⊁',
+ NotSucceedsEqual: '⪰̸',
+ NotSucceedsSlantEqual: '⋡',
+ NotSucceedsTilde: '≿̸',
+ NotSuperset: '⊃⃒',
+ NotSupersetEqual: '⊉',
+ NotTilde: '≁',
+ NotTildeEqual: '≄',
+ NotTildeFullEqual: '≇',
+ NotTildeTilde: '≉',
+ NotVerticalBar: '∤',
+ Nscr: '𝒩',
+ Ntild: 'Ñ',
+ Ntilde: 'Ñ',
+ Nu: 'Ν',
+ OElig: 'Œ',
+ Oacut: 'Ó',
+ Oacute: 'Ó',
+ Ocir: 'Ô',
+ Ocirc: 'Ô',
+ Ocy: 'О',
+ Odblac: 'Ő',
+ Ofr: '𝔒',
+ Ograv: 'Ò',
+ Ograve: 'Ò',
+ Omacr: 'Ō',
+ Omega: 'Ω',
+ Omicron: 'Ο',
+ Oopf: '𝕆',
+ OpenCurlyDoubleQuote: '“',
+ OpenCurlyQuote: '‘',
+ Or: '⩔',
+ Oscr: '𝒪',
+ Oslas: 'Ø',
+ Oslash: 'Ø',
+ Otild: 'Õ',
+ Otilde: 'Õ',
+ Otimes: '⨷',
+ Oum: 'Ö',
+ Ouml: 'Ö',
+ OverBar: '‾',
+ OverBrace: '⏞',
+ OverBracket: '⎴',
+ OverParenthesis: '⏜',
+ PartialD: '∂',
+ Pcy: 'П',
+ Pfr: '𝔓',
+ Phi: 'Φ',
+ Pi: 'Π',
+ PlusMinus: '±',
+ Poincareplane: 'ℌ',
+ Popf: 'ℙ',
+ Pr: '⪻',
+ Precedes: '≺',
+ PrecedesEqual: '⪯',
+ PrecedesSlantEqual: '≼',
+ PrecedesTilde: '≾',
+ Prime: '″',
+ Product: '∏',
+ Proportion: '∷',
+ Proportional: '∝',
+ Pscr: '𝒫',
+ Psi: 'Ψ',
+ QUO: '"',
+ QUOT: '"',
+ Qfr: '𝔔',
+ Qopf: 'ℚ',
+ Qscr: '𝒬',
+ RBarr: '⤐',
+ RE: '®',
+ REG: '®',
+ Racute: 'Ŕ',
+ Rang: '⟫',
+ Rarr: '↠',
+ Rarrtl: '⤖',
+ Rcaron: 'Ř',
+ Rcedil: 'Ŗ',
+ Rcy: 'Р',
+ Re: 'ℜ',
+ ReverseElement: '∋',
+ ReverseEquilibrium: '⇋',
+ ReverseUpEquilibrium: '⥯',
+ Rfr: 'ℜ',
+ Rho: 'Ρ',
+ RightAngleBracket: '⟩',
+ RightArrow: '→',
+ RightArrowBar: '⇥',
+ RightArrowLeftArrow: '⇄',
+ RightCeiling: '⌉',
+ RightDoubleBracket: '⟧',
+ RightDownTeeVector: '⥝',
+ RightDownVector: '⇂',
+ RightDownVectorBar: '⥕',
+ RightFloor: '⌋',
+ RightTee: '⊢',
+ RightTeeArrow: '↦',
+ RightTeeVector: '⥛',
+ RightTriangle: '⊳',
+ RightTriangleBar: '⧐',
+ RightTriangleEqual: '⊵',
+ RightUpDownVector: '⥏',
+ RightUpTeeVector: '⥜',
+ RightUpVector: '↾',
+ RightUpVectorBar: '⥔',
+ RightVector: '⇀',
+ RightVectorBar: '⥓',
+ Rightarrow: '⇒',
+ Ropf: 'ℝ',
+ RoundImplies: '⥰',
+ Rrightarrow: '⇛',
+ Rscr: 'ℛ',
+ Rsh: '↱',
+ RuleDelayed: '⧴',
+ SHCHcy: 'Щ',
+ SHcy: 'Ш',
+ SOFTcy: 'Ь',
+ Sacute: 'Ś',
+ Sc: '⪼',
+ Scaron: 'Š',
+ Scedil: 'Ş',
+ Scirc: 'Ŝ',
+ Scy: 'С',
+ Sfr: '𝔖',
+ ShortDownArrow: '↓',
+ ShortLeftArrow: '←',
+ ShortRightArrow: '→',
+ ShortUpArrow: '↑',
+ Sigma: 'Σ',
+ SmallCircle: '∘',
+ Sopf: '𝕊',
+ Sqrt: '√',
+ Square: '□',
+ SquareIntersection: '⊓',
+ SquareSubset: '⊏',
+ SquareSubsetEqual: '⊑',
+ SquareSuperset: '⊐',
+ SquareSupersetEqual: '⊒',
+ SquareUnion: '⊔',
+ Sscr: '𝒮',
+ Star: '⋆',
+ Sub: '⋐',
+ Subset: '⋐',
+ SubsetEqual: '⊆',
+ Succeeds: '≻',
+ SucceedsEqual: '⪰',
+ SucceedsSlantEqual: '≽',
+ SucceedsTilde: '≿',
+ SuchThat: '∋',
+ Sum: '∑',
+ Sup: '⋑',
+ Superset: '⊃',
+ SupersetEqual: '⊇',
+ Supset: '⋑',
+ THOR: 'Þ',
+ THORN: 'Þ',
+ TRADE: '™',
+ TSHcy: 'Ћ',
+ TScy: 'Ц',
+ Tab: '\t',
+ Tau: 'Τ',
+ Tcaron: 'Ť',
+ Tcedil: 'Ţ',
+ Tcy: 'Т',
+ Tfr: '𝔗',
+ Therefore: '∴',
+ Theta: 'Θ',
+ ThickSpace: '  ',
+ ThinSpace: ' ',
+ Tilde: '∼',
+ TildeEqual: '≃',
+ TildeFullEqual: '≅',
+ TildeTilde: '≈',
+ Topf: '𝕋',
+ TripleDot: '⃛',
+ Tscr: '𝒯',
+ Tstrok: 'Ŧ',
+ Uacut: 'Ú',
+ Uacute: 'Ú',
+ Uarr: '↟',
+ Uarrocir: '⥉',
+ Ubrcy: 'Ў',
+ Ubreve: 'Ŭ',
+ Ucir: 'Û',
+ Ucirc: 'Û',
+ Ucy: 'У',
+ Udblac: 'Ű',
+ Ufr: '𝔘',
+ Ugrav: 'Ù',
+ Ugrave: 'Ù',
+ Umacr: 'Ū',
+ UnderBar: '_',
+ UnderBrace: '⏟',
+ UnderBracket: '⎵',
+ UnderParenthesis: '⏝',
+ Union: '⋃',
+ UnionPlus: '⊎',
+ Uogon: 'Ų',
+ Uopf: '𝕌',
+ UpArrow: '↑',
+ UpArrowBar: '⤒',
+ UpArrowDownArrow: '⇅',
+ UpDownArrow: '↕',
+ UpEquilibrium: '⥮',
+ UpTee: '⊥',
+ UpTeeArrow: '↥',
+ Uparrow: '⇑',
+ Updownarrow: '⇕',
+ UpperLeftArrow: '↖',
+ UpperRightArrow: '↗',
+ Upsi: 'ϒ',
+ Upsilon: 'Υ',
+ Uring: 'Ů',
+ Uscr: '𝒰',
+ Utilde: 'Ũ',
+ Uum: 'Ü',
+ Uuml: 'Ü',
+ VDash: '⊫',
+ Vbar: '⫫',
+ Vcy: 'В',
+ Vdash: '⊩',
+ Vdashl: '⫦',
+ Vee: '⋁',
+ Verbar: '‖',
+ Vert: '‖',
+ VerticalBar: '∣',
+ VerticalLine: '|',
+ VerticalSeparator: '❘',
+ VerticalTilde: '≀',
+ VeryThinSpace: ' ',
+ Vfr: '𝔙',
+ Vopf: '𝕍',
+ Vscr: '𝒱',
+ Vvdash: '⊪',
+ Wcirc: 'Ŵ',
+ Wedge: '⋀',
+ Wfr: '𝔚',
+ Wopf: '𝕎',
+ Wscr: '𝒲',
+ Xfr: '𝔛',
+ Xi: 'Ξ',
+ Xopf: '𝕏',
+ Xscr: '𝒳',
+ YAcy: 'Я',
+ YIcy: 'Ї',
+ YUcy: 'Ю',
+ Yacut: 'Ý',
+ Yacute: 'Ý',
+ Ycirc: 'Ŷ',
+ Ycy: 'Ы',
+ Yfr: '𝔜',
+ Yopf: '𝕐',
+ Yscr: '𝒴',
+ Yuml: 'Ÿ',
+ ZHcy: 'Ж',
+ Zacute: 'Ź',
+ Zcaron: 'Ž',
+ Zcy: 'З',
+ Zdot: 'Ż',
+ ZeroWidthSpace: '​',
+ Zeta: 'Ζ',
+ Zfr: 'ℨ',
+ Zopf: 'ℤ',
+ Zscr: '𝒵',
+ aacut: 'á',
+ aacute: 'á',
+ abreve: 'ă',
+ ac: '∾',
+ acE: '∾̳',
+ acd: '∿',
+ acir: 'â',
+ acirc: 'â',
+ acut: '´',
+ acute: '´',
+ acy: 'а',
+ aeli: 'æ',
+ aelig: 'æ',
+ af: '⁡',
+ afr: '𝔞',
+ agrav: 'à',
+ agrave: 'à',
+ alefsym: 'ℵ',
+ aleph: 'ℵ',
+ alpha: 'α',
+ amacr: 'ā',
+ amalg: '⨿',
+ am: '&',
+ amp: '&',
+ and: '∧',
+ andand: '⩕',
+ andd: '⩜',
+ andslope: '⩘',
+ andv: '⩚',
+ ang: '∠',
+ ange: '⦤',
+ angle: '∠',
+ angmsd: '∡',
+ angmsdaa: '⦨',
+ angmsdab: '⦩',
+ angmsdac: '⦪',
+ angmsdad: '⦫',
+ angmsdae: '⦬',
+ angmsdaf: '⦭',
+ angmsdag: '⦮',
+ angmsdah: '⦯',
+ angrt: '∟',
+ angrtvb: '⊾',
+ angrtvbd: '⦝',
+ angsph: '∢',
+ angst: 'Å',
+ angzarr: '⍼',
+ aogon: 'ą',
+ aopf: '𝕒',
+ ap: '≈',
+ apE: '⩰',
+ apacir: '⩯',
+ ape: '≊',
+ apid: '≋',
+ apos: "'",
+ approx: '≈',
+ approxeq: '≊',
+ arin: 'å',
+ aring: 'å',
+ ascr: '𝒶',
+ ast: '*',
+ asymp: '≈',
+ asympeq: '≍',
+ atild: 'ã',
+ atilde: 'ã',
+ aum: 'ä',
+ auml: 'ä',
+ awconint: '∳',
+ awint: '⨑',
+ bNot: '⫭',
+ backcong: '≌',
+ backepsilon: '϶',
+ backprime: '‵',
+ backsim: '∽',
+ backsimeq: '⋍',
+ barvee: '⊽',
+ barwed: '⌅',
+ barwedge: '⌅',
+ bbrk: '⎵',
+ bbrktbrk: '⎶',
+ bcong: '≌',
+ bcy: 'б',
+ bdquo: '„',
+ becaus: '∵',
+ because: '∵',
+ bemptyv: '⦰',
+ bepsi: '϶',
+ bernou: 'ℬ',
+ beta: 'β',
+ beth: 'ℶ',
+ between: '≬',
+ bfr: '𝔟',
+ bigcap: '⋂',
+ bigcirc: '◯',
+ bigcup: '⋃',
+ bigodot: '⨀',
+ bigoplus: '⨁',
+ bigotimes: '⨂',
+ bigsqcup: '⨆',
+ bigstar: '★',
+ bigtriangledown: '▽',
+ bigtriangleup: '△',
+ biguplus: '⨄',
+ bigvee: '⋁',
+ bigwedge: '⋀',
+ bkarow: '⤍',
+ blacklozenge: '⧫',
+ blacksquare: '▪',
+ blacktriangle: '▴',
+ blacktriangledown: '▾',
+ blacktriangleleft: '◂',
+ blacktriangleright: '▸',
+ blank: '␣',
+ blk12: '▒',
+ blk14: '░',
+ blk34: '▓',
+ block: '█',
+ bne: '=⃥',
+ bnequiv: '≡⃥',
+ bnot: '⌐',
+ bopf: '𝕓',
+ bot: '⊥',
+ bottom: '⊥',
+ bowtie: '⋈',
+ boxDL: '╗',
+ boxDR: '╔',
+ boxDl: '╖',
+ boxDr: '╓',
+ boxH: '═',
+ boxHD: '╦',
+ boxHU: '╩',
+ boxHd: '╤',
+ boxHu: '╧',
+ boxUL: '╝',
+ boxUR: '╚',
+ boxUl: '╜',
+ boxUr: '╙',
+ boxV: '║',
+ boxVH: '╬',
+ boxVL: '╣',
+ boxVR: '╠',
+ boxVh: '╫',
+ boxVl: '╢',
+ boxVr: '╟',
+ boxbox: '⧉',
+ boxdL: '╕',
+ boxdR: '╒',
+ boxdl: '┐',
+ boxdr: '┌',
+ boxh: '─',
+ boxhD: '╥',
+ boxhU: '╨',
+ boxhd: '┬',
+ boxhu: '┴',
+ boxminus: '⊟',
+ boxplus: '⊞',
+ boxtimes: '⊠',
+ boxuL: '╛',
+ boxuR: '╘',
+ boxul: '┘',
+ boxur: '└',
+ boxv: '│',
+ boxvH: '╪',
+ boxvL: '╡',
+ boxvR: '╞',
+ boxvh: '┼',
+ boxvl: '┤',
+ boxvr: '├',
+ bprime: '‵',
+ breve: '˘',
+ brvba: '¦',
+ brvbar: '¦',
+ bscr: '𝒷',
+ bsemi: '⁏',
+ bsim: '∽',
+ bsime: '⋍',
+ bsol: '\\',
+ bsolb: '⧅',
+ bsolhsub: '⟈',
+ bull: '•',
+ bullet: '•',
+ bump: '≎',
+ bumpE: '⪮',
+ bumpe: '≏',
+ bumpeq: '≏',
+ cacute: 'ć',
+ cap: '∩',
+ capand: '⩄',
+ capbrcup: '⩉',
+ capcap: '⩋',
+ capcup: '⩇',
+ capdot: '⩀',
+ caps: '∩︀',
+ caret: '⁁',
+ caron: 'ˇ',
+ ccaps: '⩍',
+ ccaron: 'č',
+ ccedi: 'ç',
+ ccedil: 'ç',
+ ccirc: 'ĉ',
+ ccups: '⩌',
+ ccupssm: '⩐',
+ cdot: 'ċ',
+ cedi: '¸',
+ cedil: '¸',
+ cemptyv: '⦲',
+ cen: '¢',
+ cent: '¢',
+ centerdot: '·',
+ cfr: '𝔠',
+ chcy: 'ч',
+ check: '✓',
+ checkmark: '✓',
+ chi: 'χ',
+ cir: '○',
+ cirE: '⧃',
+ circ: 'ˆ',
+ circeq: '≗',
+ circlearrowleft: '↺',
+ circlearrowright: '↻',
+ circledR: '®',
+ circledS: 'Ⓢ',
+ circledast: '⊛',
+ circledcirc: '⊚',
+ circleddash: '⊝',
+ cire: '≗',
+ cirfnint: '⨐',
+ cirmid: '⫯',
+ cirscir: '⧂',
+ clubs: '♣',
+ clubsuit: '♣',
+ colon: ':',
+ colone: '≔',
+ coloneq: '≔',
+ comma: ',',
+ commat: '@',
+ comp: '∁',
+ compfn: '∘',
+ complement: '∁',
+ complexes: 'ℂ',
+ cong: '≅',
+ congdot: '⩭',
+ conint: '∮',
+ copf: '𝕔',
+ coprod: '∐',
+ cop: '©',
+ copy: '©',
+ copysr: '℗',
+ crarr: '↵',
+ cross: '✗',
+ cscr: '𝒸',
+ csub: '⫏',
+ csube: '⫑',
+ csup: '⫐',
+ csupe: '⫒',
+ ctdot: '⋯',
+ cudarrl: '⤸',
+ cudarrr: '⤵',
+ cuepr: '⋞',
+ cuesc: '⋟',
+ cularr: '↶',
+ cularrp: '⤽',
+ cup: '∪',
+ cupbrcap: '⩈',
+ cupcap: '⩆',
+ cupcup: '⩊',
+ cupdot: '⊍',
+ cupor: '⩅',
+ cups: '∪︀',
+ curarr: '↷',
+ curarrm: '⤼',
+ curlyeqprec: '⋞',
+ curlyeqsucc: '⋟',
+ curlyvee: '⋎',
+ curlywedge: '⋏',
+ curre: '¤',
+ curren: '¤',
+ curvearrowleft: '↶',
+ curvearrowright: '↷',
+ cuvee: '⋎',
+ cuwed: '⋏',
+ cwconint: '∲',
+ cwint: '∱',
+ cylcty: '⌭',
+ dArr: '⇓',
+ dHar: '⥥',
+ dagger: '†',
+ daleth: 'ℸ',
+ darr: '↓',
+ dash: '‐',
+ dashv: '⊣',
+ dbkarow: '⤏',
+ dblac: '˝',
+ dcaron: 'ď',
+ dcy: 'д',
+ dd: 'ⅆ',
+ ddagger: '‡',
+ ddarr: '⇊',
+ ddotseq: '⩷',
+ de: '°',
+ deg: '°',
+ delta: 'δ',
+ demptyv: '⦱',
+ dfisht: '⥿',
+ dfr: '𝔡',
+ dharl: '⇃',
+ dharr: '⇂',
+ diam: '⋄',
+ diamond: '⋄',
+ diamondsuit: '♦',
+ diams: '♦',
+ die: '¨',
+ digamma: 'ϝ',
+ disin: '⋲',
+ div: '÷',
+ divid: '÷',
+ divide: '÷',
+ divideontimes: '⋇',
+ divonx: '⋇',
+ djcy: 'ђ',
+ dlcorn: '⌞',
+ dlcrop: '⌍',
+ dollar: '$',
+ dopf: '𝕕',
+ dot: '˙',
+ doteq: '≐',
+ doteqdot: '≑',
+ dotminus: '∸',
+ dotplus: '∔',
+ dotsquare: '⊡',
+ doublebarwedge: '⌆',
+ downarrow: '↓',
+ downdownarrows: '⇊',
+ downharpoonleft: '⇃',
+ downharpoonright: '⇂',
+ drbkarow: '⤐',
+ drcorn: '⌟',
+ drcrop: '⌌',
+ dscr: '𝒹',
+ dscy: 'ѕ',
+ dsol: '⧶',
+ dstrok: 'đ',
+ dtdot: '⋱',
+ dtri: '▿',
+ dtrif: '▾',
+ duarr: '⇵',
+ duhar: '⥯',
+ dwangle: '⦦',
+ dzcy: 'џ',
+ dzigrarr: '⟿',
+ eDDot: '⩷',
+ eDot: '≑',
+ eacut: 'é',
+ eacute: 'é',
+ easter: '⩮',
+ ecaron: 'ě',
+ ecir: 'ê',
+ ecirc: 'ê',
+ ecolon: '≕',
+ ecy: 'э',
+ edot: 'ė',
+ ee: 'ⅇ',
+ efDot: '≒',
+ efr: '𝔢',
+ eg: '⪚',
+ egrav: 'è',
+ egrave: 'è',
+ egs: '⪖',
+ egsdot: '⪘',
+ el: '⪙',
+ elinters: '⏧',
+ ell: 'ℓ',
+ els: '⪕',
+ elsdot: '⪗',
+ emacr: 'ē',
+ empty: '∅',
+ emptyset: '∅',
+ emptyv: '∅',
+ emsp13: ' ',
+ emsp14: ' ',
+ emsp: ' ',
+ eng: 'ŋ',
+ ensp: ' ',
+ eogon: 'ę',
+ eopf: '𝕖',
+ epar: '⋕',
+ eparsl: '⧣',
+ eplus: '⩱',
+ epsi: 'ε',
+ epsilon: 'ε',
+ epsiv: 'ϵ',
+ eqcirc: '≖',
+ eqcolon: '≕',
+ eqsim: '≂',
+ eqslantgtr: '⪖',
+ eqslantless: '⪕',
+ equals: '=',
+ equest: '≟',
+ equiv: '≡',
+ equivDD: '⩸',
+ eqvparsl: '⧥',
+ erDot: '≓',
+ erarr: '⥱',
+ escr: 'ℯ',
+ esdot: '≐',
+ esim: '≂',
+ eta: 'η',
+ et: 'ð',
+ eth: 'ð',
+ eum: 'ë',
+ euml: 'ë',
+ euro: '€',
+ excl: '!',
+ exist: '∃',
+ expectation: 'ℰ',
+ exponentiale: 'ⅇ',
+ fallingdotseq: '≒',
+ fcy: 'ф',
+ female: '♀',
+ ffilig: 'ffi',
+ fflig: 'ff',
+ ffllig: 'ffl',
+ ffr: '𝔣',
+ filig: 'fi',
+ fjlig: 'fj',
+ flat: '♭',
+ fllig: 'fl',
+ fltns: '▱',
+ fnof: 'ƒ',
+ fopf: '𝕗',
+ forall: '∀',
+ fork: '⋔',
+ forkv: '⫙',
+ fpartint: '⨍',
+ frac1: '¼',
+ frac12: '½',
+ frac13: '⅓',
+ frac14: '¼',
+ frac15: '⅕',
+ frac16: '⅙',
+ frac18: '⅛',
+ frac23: '⅔',
+ frac25: '⅖',
+ frac3: '¾',
+ frac34: '¾',
+ frac35: '⅗',
+ frac38: '⅜',
+ frac45: '⅘',
+ frac56: '⅚',
+ frac58: '⅝',
+ frac78: '⅞',
+ frasl: '⁄',
+ frown: '⌢',
+ fscr: '𝒻',
+ gE: '≧',
+ gEl: '⪌',
+ gacute: 'ǵ',
+ gamma: 'γ',
+ gammad: 'ϝ',
+ gap: '⪆',
+ gbreve: 'ğ',
+ gcirc: 'ĝ',
+ gcy: 'г',
+ gdot: 'ġ',
+ ge: '≥',
+ gel: '⋛',
+ geq: '≥',
+ geqq: '≧',
+ geqslant: '⩾',
+ ges: '⩾',
+ gescc: '⪩',
+ gesdot: '⪀',
+ gesdoto: '⪂',
+ gesdotol: '⪄',
+ gesl: '⋛︀',
+ gesles: '⪔',
+ gfr: '𝔤',
+ gg: '≫',
+ ggg: '⋙',
+ gimel: 'ℷ',
+ gjcy: 'ѓ',
+ gl: '≷',
+ glE: '⪒',
+ gla: '⪥',
+ glj: '⪤',
+ gnE: '≩',
+ gnap: '⪊',
+ gnapprox: '⪊',
+ gne: '⪈',
+ gneq: '⪈',
+ gneqq: '≩',
+ gnsim: '⋧',
+ gopf: '𝕘',
+ grave: '`',
+ gscr: 'ℊ',
+ gsim: '≳',
+ gsime: '⪎',
+ gsiml: '⪐',
+ g: '>',
+ gt: '>',
+ gtcc: '⪧',
+ gtcir: '⩺',
+ gtdot: '⋗',
+ gtlPar: '⦕',
+ gtquest: '⩼',
+ gtrapprox: '⪆',
+ gtrarr: '⥸',
+ gtrdot: '⋗',
+ gtreqless: '⋛',
+ gtreqqless: '⪌',
+ gtrless: '≷',
+ gtrsim: '≳',
+ gvertneqq: '≩︀',
+ gvnE: '≩︀',
+ hArr: '⇔',
+ hairsp: ' ',
+ half: '½',
+ hamilt: 'ℋ',
+ hardcy: 'ъ',
+ harr: '↔',
+ harrcir: '⥈',
+ harrw: '↭',
+ hbar: 'ℏ',
+ hcirc: 'ĥ',
+ hearts: '♥',
+ heartsuit: '♥',
+ hellip: '…',
+ hercon: '⊹',
+ hfr: '𝔥',
+ hksearow: '⤥',
+ hkswarow: '⤦',
+ hoarr: '⇿',
+ homtht: '∻',
+ hookleftarrow: '↩',
+ hookrightarrow: '↪',
+ hopf: '𝕙',
+ horbar: '―',
+ hscr: '𝒽',
+ hslash: 'ℏ',
+ hstrok: 'ħ',
+ hybull: '⁃',
+ hyphen: '‐',
+ iacut: 'í',
+ iacute: 'í',
+ ic: '⁣',
+ icir: 'î',
+ icirc: 'î',
+ icy: 'и',
+ iecy: 'е',
+ iexc: '¡',
+ iexcl: '¡',
+ iff: '⇔',
+ ifr: '𝔦',
+ igrav: 'ì',
+ igrave: 'ì',
+ ii: 'ⅈ',
+ iiiint: '⨌',
+ iiint: '∭',
+ iinfin: '⧜',
+ iiota: '℩',
+ ijlig: 'ij',
+ imacr: 'ī',
+ image: 'ℑ',
+ imagline: 'ℐ',
+ imagpart: 'ℑ',
+ imath: 'ı',
+ imof: '⊷',
+ imped: 'Ƶ',
+ in: '∈',
+ incare: '℅',
+ infin: '∞',
+ infintie: '⧝',
+ inodot: 'ı',
+ int: '∫',
+ intcal: '⊺',
+ integers: 'ℤ',
+ intercal: '⊺',
+ intlarhk: '⨗',
+ intprod: '⨼',
+ iocy: 'ё',
+ iogon: 'į',
+ iopf: '𝕚',
+ iota: 'ι',
+ iprod: '⨼',
+ iques: '¿',
+ iquest: '¿',
+ iscr: '𝒾',
+ isin: '∈',
+ isinE: '⋹',
+ isindot: '⋵',
+ isins: '⋴',
+ isinsv: '⋳',
+ isinv: '∈',
+ it: '⁢',
+ itilde: 'ĩ',
+ iukcy: 'і',
+ ium: 'ï',
+ iuml: 'ï',
+ jcirc: 'ĵ',
+ jcy: 'й',
+ jfr: '𝔧',
+ jmath: 'ȷ',
+ jopf: '𝕛',
+ jscr: '𝒿',
+ jsercy: 'ј',
+ jukcy: 'є',
+ kappa: 'κ',
+ kappav: 'ϰ',
+ kcedil: 'ķ',
+ kcy: 'к',
+ kfr: '𝔨',
+ kgreen: 'ĸ',
+ khcy: 'х',
+ kjcy: 'ќ',
+ kopf: '𝕜',
+ kscr: '𝓀',
+ lAarr: '⇚',
+ lArr: '⇐',
+ lAtail: '⤛',
+ lBarr: '⤎',
+ lE: '≦',
+ lEg: '⪋',
+ lHar: '⥢',
+ lacute: 'ĺ',
+ laemptyv: '⦴',
+ lagran: 'ℒ',
+ lambda: 'λ',
+ lang: '⟨',
+ langd: '⦑',
+ langle: '⟨',
+ lap: '⪅',
+ laqu: '«',
+ laquo: '«',
+ larr: '←',
+ larrb: '⇤',
+ larrbfs: '⤟',
+ larrfs: '⤝',
+ larrhk: '↩',
+ larrlp: '↫',
+ larrpl: '⤹',
+ larrsim: '⥳',
+ larrtl: '↢',
+ lat: '⪫',
+ latail: '⤙',
+ late: '⪭',
+ lates: '⪭︀',
+ lbarr: '⤌',
+ lbbrk: '❲',
+ lbrace: '{',
+ lbrack: '[',
+ lbrke: '⦋',
+ lbrksld: '⦏',
+ lbrkslu: '⦍',
+ lcaron: 'ľ',
+ lcedil: 'ļ',
+ lceil: '⌈',
+ lcub: '{',
+ lcy: 'л',
+ ldca: '⤶',
+ ldquo: '“',
+ ldquor: '„',
+ ldrdhar: '⥧',
+ ldrushar: '⥋',
+ ldsh: '↲',
+ le: '≤',
+ leftarrow: '←',
+ leftarrowtail: '↢',
+ leftharpoondown: '↽',
+ leftharpoonup: '↼',
+ leftleftarrows: '⇇',
+ leftrightarrow: '↔',
+ leftrightarrows: '⇆',
+ leftrightharpoons: '⇋',
+ leftrightsquigarrow: '↭',
+ leftthreetimes: '⋋',
+ leg: '⋚',
+ leq: '≤',
+ leqq: '≦',
+ leqslant: '⩽',
+ les: '⩽',
+ lescc: '⪨',
+ lesdot: '⩿',
+ lesdoto: '⪁',
+ lesdotor: '⪃',
+ lesg: '⋚︀',
+ lesges: '⪓',
+ lessapprox: '⪅',
+ lessdot: '⋖',
+ lesseqgtr: '⋚',
+ lesseqqgtr: '⪋',
+ lessgtr: '≶',
+ lesssim: '≲',
+ lfisht: '⥼',
+ lfloor: '⌊',
+ lfr: '𝔩',
+ lg: '≶',
+ lgE: '⪑',
+ lhard: '↽',
+ lharu: '↼',
+ lharul: '⥪',
+ lhblk: '▄',
+ ljcy: 'љ',
+ ll: '≪',
+ llarr: '⇇',
+ llcorner: '⌞',
+ llhard: '⥫',
+ lltri: '◺',
+ lmidot: 'ŀ',
+ lmoust: '⎰',
+ lmoustache: '⎰',
+ lnE: '≨',
+ lnap: '⪉',
+ lnapprox: '⪉',
+ lne: '⪇',
+ lneq: '⪇',
+ lneqq: '≨',
+ lnsim: '⋦',
+ loang: '⟬',
+ loarr: '⇽',
+ lobrk: '⟦',
+ longleftarrow: '⟵',
+ longleftrightarrow: '⟷',
+ longmapsto: '⟼',
+ longrightarrow: '⟶',
+ looparrowleft: '↫',
+ looparrowright: '↬',
+ lopar: '⦅',
+ lopf: '𝕝',
+ loplus: '⨭',
+ lotimes: '⨴',
+ lowast: '∗',
+ lowbar: '_',
+ loz: '◊',
+ lozenge: '◊',
+ lozf: '⧫',
+ lpar: '(',
+ lparlt: '⦓',
+ lrarr: '⇆',
+ lrcorner: '⌟',
+ lrhar: '⇋',
+ lrhard: '⥭',
+ lrm: '‎',
+ lrtri: '⊿',
+ lsaquo: '‹',
+ lscr: '𝓁',
+ lsh: '↰',
+ lsim: '≲',
+ lsime: '⪍',
+ lsimg: '⪏',
+ lsqb: '[',
+ lsquo: '‘',
+ lsquor: '‚',
+ lstrok: 'ł',
+ l: '<',
+ lt: '<',
+ ltcc: '⪦',
+ ltcir: '⩹',
+ ltdot: '⋖',
+ lthree: '⋋',
+ ltimes: '⋉',
+ ltlarr: '⥶',
+ ltquest: '⩻',
+ ltrPar: '⦖',
+ ltri: '◃',
+ ltrie: '⊴',
+ ltrif: '◂',
+ lurdshar: '⥊',
+ luruhar: '⥦',
+ lvertneqq: '≨︀',
+ lvnE: '≨︀',
+ mDDot: '∺',
+ mac: '¯',
+ macr: '¯',
+ male: '♂',
+ malt: '✠',
+ maltese: '✠',
+ map: '↦',
+ mapsto: '↦',
+ mapstodown: '↧',
+ mapstoleft: '↤',
+ mapstoup: '↥',
+ marker: '▮',
+ mcomma: '⨩',
+ mcy: 'м',
+ mdash: '—',
+ measuredangle: '∡',
+ mfr: '𝔪',
+ mho: '℧',
+ micr: 'µ',
+ micro: 'µ',
+ mid: '∣',
+ midast: '*',
+ midcir: '⫰',
+ middo: '·',
+ middot: '·',
+ minus: '−',
+ minusb: '⊟',
+ minusd: '∸',
+ minusdu: '⨪',
+ mlcp: '⫛',
+ mldr: '…',
+ mnplus: '∓',
+ models: '⊧',
+ mopf: '𝕞',
+ mp: '∓',
+ mscr: '𝓂',
+ mstpos: '∾',
+ mu: 'μ',
+ multimap: '⊸',
+ mumap: '⊸',
+ nGg: '⋙̸',
+ nGt: '≫⃒',
+ nGtv: '≫̸',
+ nLeftarrow: '⇍',
+ nLeftrightarrow: '⇎',
+ nLl: '⋘̸',
+ nLt: '≪⃒',
+ nLtv: '≪̸',
+ nRightarrow: '⇏',
+ nVDash: '⊯',
+ nVdash: '⊮',
+ nabla: '∇',
+ nacute: 'ń',
+ nang: '∠⃒',
+ nap: '≉',
+ napE: '⩰̸',
+ napid: '≋̸',
+ napos: 'ʼn',
+ napprox: '≉',
+ natur: '♮',
+ natural: '♮',
+ naturals: 'ℕ',
+ nbs: ' ',
+ nbsp: ' ',
+ nbump: '≎̸',
+ nbumpe: '≏̸',
+ ncap: '⩃',
+ ncaron: 'ň',
+ ncedil: 'ņ',
+ ncong: '≇',
+ ncongdot: '⩭̸',
+ ncup: '⩂',
+ ncy: 'н',
+ ndash: '–',
+ ne: '≠',
+ neArr: '⇗',
+ nearhk: '⤤',
+ nearr: '↗',
+ nearrow: '↗',
+ nedot: '≐̸',
+ nequiv: '≢',
+ nesear: '⤨',
+ nesim: '≂̸',
+ nexist: '∄',
+ nexists: '∄',
+ nfr: '𝔫',
+ ngE: '≧̸',
+ nge: '≱',
+ ngeq: '≱',
+ ngeqq: '≧̸',
+ ngeqslant: '⩾̸',
+ nges: '⩾̸',
+ ngsim: '≵',
+ ngt: '≯',
+ ngtr: '≯',
+ nhArr: '⇎',
+ nharr: '↮',
+ nhpar: '⫲',
+ ni: '∋',
+ nis: '⋼',
+ nisd: '⋺',
+ niv: '∋',
+ njcy: 'њ',
+ nlArr: '⇍',
+ nlE: '≦̸',
+ nlarr: '↚',
+ nldr: '‥',
+ nle: '≰',
+ nleftarrow: '↚',
+ nleftrightarrow: '↮',
+ nleq: '≰',
+ nleqq: '≦̸',
+ nleqslant: '⩽̸',
+ nles: '⩽̸',
+ nless: '≮',
+ nlsim: '≴',
+ nlt: '≮',
+ nltri: '⋪',
+ nltrie: '⋬',
+ nmid: '∤',
+ nopf: '𝕟',
+ no: '¬',
+ not: '¬',
+ notin: '∉',
+ notinE: '⋹̸',
+ notindot: '⋵̸',
+ notinva: '∉',
+ notinvb: '⋷',
+ notinvc: '⋶',
+ notni: '∌',
+ notniva: '∌',
+ notnivb: '⋾',
+ notnivc: '⋽',
+ npar: '∦',
+ nparallel: '∦',
+ nparsl: '⫽⃥',
+ npart: '∂̸',
+ npolint: '⨔',
+ npr: '⊀',
+ nprcue: '⋠',
+ npre: '⪯̸',
+ nprec: '⊀',
+ npreceq: '⪯̸',
+ nrArr: '⇏',
+ nrarr: '↛',
+ nrarrc: '⤳̸',
+ nrarrw: '↝̸',
+ nrightarrow: '↛',
+ nrtri: '⋫',
+ nrtrie: '⋭',
+ nsc: '⊁',
+ nsccue: '⋡',
+ nsce: '⪰̸',
+ nscr: '𝓃',
+ nshortmid: '∤',
+ nshortparallel: '∦',
+ nsim: '≁',
+ nsime: '≄',
+ nsimeq: '≄',
+ nsmid: '∤',
+ nspar: '∦',
+ nsqsube: '⋢',
+ nsqsupe: '⋣',
+ nsub: '⊄',
+ nsubE: '⫅̸',
+ nsube: '⊈',
+ nsubset: '⊂⃒',
+ nsubseteq: '⊈',
+ nsubseteqq: '⫅̸',
+ nsucc: '⊁',
+ nsucceq: '⪰̸',
+ nsup: '⊅',
+ nsupE: '⫆̸',
+ nsupe: '⊉',
+ nsupset: '⊃⃒',
+ nsupseteq: '⊉',
+ nsupseteqq: '⫆̸',
+ ntgl: '≹',
+ ntild: 'ñ',
+ ntilde: 'ñ',
+ ntlg: '≸',
+ ntriangleleft: '⋪',
+ ntrianglelefteq: '⋬',
+ ntriangleright: '⋫',
+ ntrianglerighteq: '⋭',
+ nu: 'ν',
+ num: '#',
+ numero: '№',
+ numsp: ' ',
+ nvDash: '⊭',
+ nvHarr: '⤄',
+ nvap: '≍⃒',
+ nvdash: '⊬',
+ nvge: '≥⃒',
+ nvgt: '>⃒',
+ nvinfin: '⧞',
+ nvlArr: '⤂',
+ nvle: '≤⃒',
+ nvlt: '<⃒',
+ nvltrie: '⊴⃒',
+ nvrArr: '⤃',
+ nvrtrie: '⊵⃒',
+ nvsim: '∼⃒',
+ nwArr: '⇖',
+ nwarhk: '⤣',
+ nwarr: '↖',
+ nwarrow: '↖',
+ nwnear: '⤧',
+ oS: 'Ⓢ',
+ oacut: 'ó',
+ oacute: 'ó',
+ oast: '⊛',
+ ocir: 'ô',
+ ocirc: 'ô',
+ ocy: 'о',
+ odash: '⊝',
+ odblac: 'ő',
+ odiv: '⨸',
+ odot: '⊙',
+ odsold: '⦼',
+ oelig: 'œ',
+ ofcir: '⦿',
+ ofr: '𝔬',
+ ogon: '˛',
+ ograv: 'ò',
+ ograve: 'ò',
+ ogt: '⧁',
+ ohbar: '⦵',
+ ohm: 'Ω',
+ oint: '∮',
+ olarr: '↺',
+ olcir: '⦾',
+ olcross: '⦻',
+ oline: '‾',
+ olt: '⧀',
+ omacr: 'ō',
+ omega: 'ω',
+ omicron: 'ο',
+ omid: '⦶',
+ ominus: '⊖',
+ oopf: '𝕠',
+ opar: '⦷',
+ operp: '⦹',
+ oplus: '⊕',
+ or: '∨',
+ orarr: '↻',
+ ord: 'º',
+ order: 'ℴ',
+ orderof: 'ℴ',
+ ordf: 'ª',
+ ordm: 'º',
+ origof: '⊶',
+ oror: '⩖',
+ orslope: '⩗',
+ orv: '⩛',
+ oscr: 'ℴ',
+ oslas: 'ø',
+ oslash: 'ø',
+ osol: '⊘',
+ otild: 'õ',
+ otilde: 'õ',
+ otimes: '⊗',
+ otimesas: '⨶',
+ oum: 'ö',
+ ouml: 'ö',
+ ovbar: '⌽',
+ par: '¶',
+ para: '¶',
+ parallel: '∥',
+ parsim: '⫳',
+ parsl: '⫽',
+ part: '∂',
+ pcy: 'п',
+ percnt: '%',
+ period: '.',
+ permil: '‰',
+ perp: '⊥',
+ pertenk: '‱',
+ pfr: '𝔭',
+ phi: 'φ',
+ phiv: 'ϕ',
+ phmmat: 'ℳ',
+ phone: '☎',
+ pi: 'π',
+ pitchfork: '⋔',
+ piv: 'ϖ',
+ planck: 'ℏ',
+ planckh: 'ℎ',
+ plankv: 'ℏ',
+ plus: '+',
+ plusacir: '⨣',
+ plusb: '⊞',
+ pluscir: '⨢',
+ plusdo: '∔',
+ plusdu: '⨥',
+ pluse: '⩲',
+ plusm: '±',
+ plusmn: '±',
+ plussim: '⨦',
+ plustwo: '⨧',
+ pm: '±',
+ pointint: '⨕',
+ popf: '𝕡',
+ poun: '£',
+ pound: '£',
+ pr: '≺',
+ prE: '⪳',
+ prap: '⪷',
+ prcue: '≼',
+ pre: '⪯',
+ prec: '≺',
+ precapprox: '⪷',
+ preccurlyeq: '≼',
+ preceq: '⪯',
+ precnapprox: '⪹',
+ precneqq: '⪵',
+ precnsim: '⋨',
+ precsim: '≾',
+ prime: '′',
+ primes: 'ℙ',
+ prnE: '⪵',
+ prnap: '⪹',
+ prnsim: '⋨',
+ prod: '∏',
+ profalar: '⌮',
+ profline: '⌒',
+ profsurf: '⌓',
+ prop: '∝',
+ propto: '∝',
+ prsim: '≾',
+ prurel: '⊰',
+ pscr: '𝓅',
+ psi: 'ψ',
+ puncsp: ' ',
+ qfr: '𝔮',
+ qint: '⨌',
+ qopf: '𝕢',
+ qprime: '⁗',
+ qscr: '𝓆',
+ quaternions: 'ℍ',
+ quatint: '⨖',
+ quest: '?',
+ questeq: '≟',
+ quo: '"',
+ quot: '"',
+ rAarr: '⇛',
+ rArr: '⇒',
+ rAtail: '⤜',
+ rBarr: '⤏',
+ rHar: '⥤',
+ race: '∽̱',
+ racute: 'ŕ',
+ radic: '√',
+ raemptyv: '⦳',
+ rang: '⟩',
+ rangd: '⦒',
+ range: '⦥',
+ rangle: '⟩',
+ raqu: '»',
+ raquo: '»',
+ rarr: '→',
+ rarrap: '⥵',
+ rarrb: '⇥',
+ rarrbfs: '⤠',
+ rarrc: '⤳',
+ rarrfs: '⤞',
+ rarrhk: '↪',
+ rarrlp: '↬',
+ rarrpl: '⥅',
+ rarrsim: '⥴',
+ rarrtl: '↣',
+ rarrw: '↝',
+ ratail: '⤚',
+ ratio: '∶',
+ rationals: 'ℚ',
+ rbarr: '⤍',
+ rbbrk: '❳',
+ rbrace: '}',
+ rbrack: ']',
+ rbrke: '⦌',
+ rbrksld: '⦎',
+ rbrkslu: '⦐',
+ rcaron: 'ř',
+ rcedil: 'ŗ',
+ rceil: '⌉',
+ rcub: '}',
+ rcy: 'р',
+ rdca: '⤷',
+ rdldhar: '⥩',
+ rdquo: '”',
+ rdquor: '”',
+ rdsh: '↳',
+ real: 'ℜ',
+ realine: 'ℛ',
+ realpart: 'ℜ',
+ reals: 'ℝ',
+ rect: '▭',
+ re: '®',
+ reg: '®',
+ rfisht: '⥽',
+ rfloor: '⌋',
+ rfr: '𝔯',
+ rhard: '⇁',
+ rharu: '⇀',
+ rharul: '⥬',
+ rho: 'ρ',
+ rhov: 'ϱ',
+ rightarrow: '→',
+ rightarrowtail: '↣',
+ rightharpoondown: '⇁',
+ rightharpoonup: '⇀',
+ rightleftarrows: '⇄',
+ rightleftharpoons: '⇌',
+ rightrightarrows: '⇉',
+ rightsquigarrow: '↝',
+ rightthreetimes: '⋌',
+ ring: '˚',
+ risingdotseq: '≓',
+ rlarr: '⇄',
+ rlhar: '⇌',
+ rlm: '‏',
+ rmoust: '⎱',
+ rmoustache: '⎱',
+ rnmid: '⫮',
+ roang: '⟭',
+ roarr: '⇾',
+ robrk: '⟧',
+ ropar: '⦆',
+ ropf: '𝕣',
+ roplus: '⨮',
+ rotimes: '⨵',
+ rpar: ')',
+ rpargt: '⦔',
+ rppolint: '⨒',
+ rrarr: '⇉',
+ rsaquo: '›',
+ rscr: '𝓇',
+ rsh: '↱',
+ rsqb: ']',
+ rsquo: '’',
+ rsquor: '’',
+ rthree: '⋌',
+ rtimes: '⋊',
+ rtri: '▹',
+ rtrie: '⊵',
+ rtrif: '▸',
+ rtriltri: '⧎',
+ ruluhar: '⥨',
+ rx: '℞',
+ sacute: 'ś',
+ sbquo: '‚',
+ sc: '≻',
+ scE: '⪴',
+ scap: '⪸',
+ scaron: 'š',
+ sccue: '≽',
+ sce: '⪰',
+ scedil: 'ş',
+ scirc: 'ŝ',
+ scnE: '⪶',
+ scnap: '⪺',
+ scnsim: '⋩',
+ scpolint: '⨓',
+ scsim: '≿',
+ scy: 'с',
+ sdot: '⋅',
+ sdotb: '⊡',
+ sdote: '⩦',
+ seArr: '⇘',
+ searhk: '⤥',
+ searr: '↘',
+ searrow: '↘',
+ sec: '§',
+ sect: '§',
+ semi: ';',
+ seswar: '⤩',
+ setminus: '∖',
+ setmn: '∖',
+ sext: '✶',
+ sfr: '𝔰',
+ sfrown: '⌢',
+ sharp: '♯',
+ shchcy: 'щ',
+ shcy: 'ш',
+ shortmid: '∣',
+ shortparallel: '∥',
+ sh: '­',
+ shy: '­',
+ sigma: 'σ',
+ sigmaf: 'ς',
+ sigmav: 'ς',
+ sim: '∼',
+ simdot: '⩪',
+ sime: '≃',
+ simeq: '≃',
+ simg: '⪞',
+ simgE: '⪠',
+ siml: '⪝',
+ simlE: '⪟',
+ simne: '≆',
+ simplus: '⨤',
+ simrarr: '⥲',
+ slarr: '←',
+ smallsetminus: '∖',
+ smashp: '⨳',
+ smeparsl: '⧤',
+ smid: '∣',
+ smile: '⌣',
+ smt: '⪪',
+ smte: '⪬',
+ smtes: '⪬︀',
+ softcy: 'ь',
+ sol: '/',
+ solb: '⧄',
+ solbar: '⌿',
+ sopf: '𝕤',
+ spades: '♠',
+ spadesuit: '♠',
+ spar: '∥',
+ sqcap: '⊓',
+ sqcaps: '⊓︀',
+ sqcup: '⊔',
+ sqcups: '⊔︀',
+ sqsub: '⊏',
+ sqsube: '⊑',
+ sqsubset: '⊏',
+ sqsubseteq: '⊑',
+ sqsup: '⊐',
+ sqsupe: '⊒',
+ sqsupset: '⊐',
+ sqsupseteq: '⊒',
+ squ: '□',
+ square: '□',
+ squarf: '▪',
+ squf: '▪',
+ srarr: '→',
+ sscr: '𝓈',
+ ssetmn: '∖',
+ ssmile: '⌣',
+ sstarf: '⋆',
+ star: '☆',
+ starf: '★',
+ straightepsilon: 'ϵ',
+ straightphi: 'ϕ',
+ strns: '¯',
+ sub: '⊂',
+ subE: '⫅',
+ subdot: '⪽',
+ sube: '⊆',
+ subedot: '⫃',
+ submult: '⫁',
+ subnE: '⫋',
+ subne: '⊊',
+ subplus: '⪿',
+ subrarr: '⥹',
+ subset: '⊂',
+ subseteq: '⊆',
+ subseteqq: '⫅',
+ subsetneq: '⊊',
+ subsetneqq: '⫋',
+ subsim: '⫇',
+ subsub: '⫕',
+ subsup: '⫓',
+ succ: '≻',
+ succapprox: '⪸',
+ succcurlyeq: '≽',
+ succeq: '⪰',
+ succnapprox: '⪺',
+ succneqq: '⪶',
+ succnsim: '⋩',
+ succsim: '≿',
+ sum: '∑',
+ sung: '♪',
+ sup: '⊃',
+ sup1: '¹',
+ sup2: '²',
+ sup3: '³',
+ supE: '⫆',
+ supdot: '⪾',
+ supdsub: '⫘',
+ supe: '⊇',
+ supedot: '⫄',
+ suphsol: '⟉',
+ suphsub: '⫗',
+ suplarr: '⥻',
+ supmult: '⫂',
+ supnE: '⫌',
+ supne: '⊋',
+ supplus: '⫀',
+ supset: '⊃',
+ supseteq: '⊇',
+ supseteqq: '⫆',
+ supsetneq: '⊋',
+ supsetneqq: '⫌',
+ supsim: '⫈',
+ supsub: '⫔',
+ supsup: '⫖',
+ swArr: '⇙',
+ swarhk: '⤦',
+ swarr: '↙',
+ swarrow: '↙',
+ swnwar: '⤪',
+ szli: 'ß',
+ szlig: 'ß',
+ target: '⌖',
+ tau: 'τ',
+ tbrk: '⎴',
+ tcaron: 'ť',
+ tcedil: 'ţ',
+ tcy: 'т',
+ tdot: '⃛',
+ telrec: '⌕',
+ tfr: '𝔱',
+ there4: '∴',
+ therefore: '∴',
+ theta: 'θ',
+ thetasym: 'ϑ',
+ thetav: 'ϑ',
+ thickapprox: '≈',
+ thicksim: '∼',
+ thinsp: ' ',
+ thkap: '≈',
+ thksim: '∼',
+ thor: 'þ',
+ thorn: 'þ',
+ tilde: '˜',
+ time: '×',
+ times: '×',
+ timesb: '⊠',
+ timesbar: '⨱',
+ timesd: '⨰',
+ tint: '∭',
+ toea: '⤨',
+ top: '⊤',
+ topbot: '⌶',
+ topcir: '⫱',
+ topf: '𝕥',
+ topfork: '⫚',
+ tosa: '⤩',
+ tprime: '‴',
+ trade: '™',
+ triangle: '▵',
+ triangledown: '▿',
+ triangleleft: '◃',
+ trianglelefteq: '⊴',
+ triangleq: '≜',
+ triangleright: '▹',
+ trianglerighteq: '⊵',
+ tridot: '◬',
+ trie: '≜',
+ triminus: '⨺',
+ triplus: '⨹',
+ trisb: '⧍',
+ tritime: '⨻',
+ trpezium: '⏢',
+ tscr: '𝓉',
+ tscy: 'ц',
+ tshcy: 'ћ',
+ tstrok: 'ŧ',
+ twixt: '≬',
+ twoheadleftarrow: '↞',
+ twoheadrightarrow: '↠',
+ uArr: '⇑',
+ uHar: '⥣',
+ uacut: 'ú',
+ uacute: 'ú',
+ uarr: '↑',
+ ubrcy: 'ў',
+ ubreve: 'ŭ',
+ ucir: 'û',
+ ucirc: 'û',
+ ucy: 'у',
+ udarr: '⇅',
+ udblac: 'ű',
+ udhar: '⥮',
+ ufisht: '⥾',
+ ufr: '𝔲',
+ ugrav: 'ù',
+ ugrave: 'ù',
+ uharl: '↿',
+ uharr: '↾',
+ uhblk: '▀',
+ ulcorn: '⌜',
+ ulcorner: '⌜',
+ ulcrop: '⌏',
+ ultri: '◸',
+ umacr: 'ū',
+ um: '¨',
+ uml: '¨',
+ uogon: 'ų',
+ uopf: '𝕦',
+ uparrow: '↑',
+ updownarrow: '↕',
+ upharpoonleft: '↿',
+ upharpoonright: '↾',
+ uplus: '⊎',
+ upsi: 'υ',
+ upsih: 'ϒ',
+ upsilon: 'υ',
+ upuparrows: '⇈',
+ urcorn: '⌝',
+ urcorner: '⌝',
+ urcrop: '⌎',
+ uring: 'ů',
+ urtri: '◹',
+ uscr: '𝓊',
+ utdot: '⋰',
+ utilde: 'ũ',
+ utri: '▵',
+ utrif: '▴',
+ uuarr: '⇈',
+ uum: 'ü',
+ uuml: 'ü',
+ uwangle: '⦧',
+ vArr: '⇕',
+ vBar: '⫨',
+ vBarv: '⫩',
+ vDash: '⊨',
+ vangrt: '⦜',
+ varepsilon: 'ϵ',
+ varkappa: 'ϰ',
+ varnothing: '∅',
+ varphi: 'ϕ',
+ varpi: 'ϖ',
+ varpropto: '∝',
+ varr: '↕',
+ varrho: 'ϱ',
+ varsigma: 'ς',
+ varsubsetneq: '⊊︀',
+ varsubsetneqq: '⫋︀',
+ varsupsetneq: '⊋︀',
+ varsupsetneqq: '⫌︀',
+ vartheta: 'ϑ',
+ vartriangleleft: '⊲',
+ vartriangleright: '⊳',
+ vcy: 'в',
+ vdash: '⊢',
+ vee: '∨',
+ veebar: '⊻',
+ veeeq: '≚',
+ vellip: '⋮',
+ verbar: '|',
+ vert: '|',
+ vfr: '𝔳',
+ vltri: '⊲',
+ vnsub: '⊂⃒',
+ vnsup: '⊃⃒',
+ vopf: '𝕧',
+ vprop: '∝',
+ vrtri: '⊳',
+ vscr: '𝓋',
+ vsubnE: '⫋︀',
+ vsubne: '⊊︀',
+ vsupnE: '⫌︀',
+ vsupne: '⊋︀',
+ vzigzag: '⦚',
+ wcirc: 'ŵ',
+ wedbar: '⩟',
+ wedge: '∧',
+ wedgeq: '≙',
+ weierp: '℘',
+ wfr: '𝔴',
+ wopf: '𝕨',
+ wp: '℘',
+ wr: '≀',
+ wreath: '≀',
+ wscr: '𝓌',
+ xcap: '⋂',
+ xcirc: '◯',
+ xcup: '⋃',
+ xdtri: '▽',
+ xfr: '𝔵',
+ xhArr: '⟺',
+ xharr: '⟷',
+ xi: 'ξ',
+ xlArr: '⟸',
+ xlarr: '⟵',
+ xmap: '⟼',
+ xnis: '⋻',
+ xodot: '⨀',
+ xopf: '𝕩',
+ xoplus: '⨁',
+ xotime: '⨂',
+ xrArr: '⟹',
+ xrarr: '⟶',
+ xscr: '𝓍',
+ xsqcup: '⨆',
+ xuplus: '⨄',
+ xutri: '△',
+ xvee: '⋁',
+ xwedge: '⋀',
+ yacut: 'ý',
+ yacute: 'ý',
+ yacy: 'я',
+ ycirc: 'ŷ',
+ ycy: 'ы',
+ ye: '¥',
+ yen: '¥',
+ yfr: '𝔶',
+ yicy: 'ї',
+ yopf: '𝕪',
+ yscr: '𝓎',
+ yucy: 'ю',
+ yum: 'ÿ',
+ yuml: 'ÿ',
+ zacute: 'ź',
+ zcaron: 'ž',
+ zcy: 'з',
+ zdot: 'ż',
+ zeetrf: 'ℨ',
+ zeta: 'ζ',
+ zfr: '𝔷',
+ zhcy: 'ж',
+ zigrarr: '⇝',
+ zopf: '𝕫',
+ zscr: '𝓏',
+ zwj: '‍',
+ zwnj: '‌'
-var characterEntities$2 = require$$0$2;
-var decodeEntity_1$2 = decodeEntity$3;
-var own$9 = {}.hasOwnProperty;
+var own$5 = {}.hasOwnProperty;
-function decodeEntity$3(characters) {
- return own$$2, characters)
- ? characterEntities$2[characters]
+ * @param {string} characters
+ * @returns {string|false}
+ */
+function decodeEntity(characters) {
+ return own$, characters)
+ ? characterEntities[characters]
: false
-var regexCheck$2 = regexCheck_1;
-var asciiDigit$3 = regexCheck$2(/\d/);
-var asciiDigit_1 = asciiDigit$3;
-var regexCheck$1 = regexCheck_1;
-var asciiHexDigit$1 = regexCheck$1(/[\dA-Fa-f]/);
-var asciiHexDigit_1 = asciiHexDigit$1;
-var decodeEntity$2 = decodeEntity_1$2;
-var asciiAlphanumeric$3 = asciiAlphanumeric_1;
-var asciiDigit$2 = asciiDigit_1;
-var asciiHexDigit = asciiHexDigit_1;
-function _interopDefaultLegacy$1(e) {
- return e && typeof e === 'object' && 'default' in e ? e : {default: e}
-var decodeEntity__default = /*#__PURE__*/ _interopDefaultLegacy$1(decodeEntity$2);
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Construct} Construct
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Tokenizer} Tokenizer
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Token} Token
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').State} State
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Code} Code
+ */
-var characterReference$2 = {
+/** @type {Construct} */
+const characterReference$1 = {
name: 'characterReference',
tokenize: tokenizeCharacterReference
+/** @type {Tokenizer} */
function tokenizeCharacterReference(effects, ok, nok) {
- var self = this;
- var size = 0;
- var max;
- var test;
+ const self = this;
+ let size = 0;
+ /** @type {number} */
+ let max;
+ /** @type {(code: Code) => code is number} */
+ let test;
return start
+ /** @type {State} */
function start(code) {
@@ -35077,6 +37484,7 @@ function tokenizeCharacterReference(effects, ok, nok) {
return open
+ /** @type {State} */
function open(code) {
if (code === 35) {
@@ -35088,9 +37496,10 @@ function tokenizeCharacterReference(effects, ok, nok) {
max = 31;
- test = asciiAlphanumeric$3;
+ test = asciiAlphanumeric;
return value(code)
+ /** @type {State} */
function numeric(code) {
if (code === 88 || code === 120) {
@@ -35105,19 +37514,21 @@ function tokenizeCharacterReference(effects, ok, nok) {
max = 7;
- test = asciiDigit$2;
+ test = asciiDigit;
return value(code)
+ /** @type {State} */
function value(code) {
- var token;
+ /** @type {Token} */
+ let token;
if (code === 59 && size) {
token = effects.exit('characterReferenceValue');
if (
- test === asciiAlphanumeric$3 &&
- !decodeEntity__default['default'](self.sliceSerialize(token))
+ test === asciiAlphanumeric &&
+ !decodeEntity(self.sliceSerialize(token))
) {
return nok(code)
@@ -35138,29 +37549,46 @@ function tokenizeCharacterReference(effects, ok, nok) {
-var characterReference_1 = characterReference$2;
-var markdownLineEnding$e = markdownLineEnding_1;
-var markdownLineEndingOrSpace$7 = markdownLineEndingOrSpace_1;
-var prefixSize$2 = prefixSize_1;
-var factorySpace$b = factorySpace$i;
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Construct} Construct
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Tokenizer} Tokenizer
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').State} State
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Code} Code
+ */
-var codeFenced$1 = {
+/** @type {Construct} */
+const codeFenced = {
name: 'codeFenced',
tokenize: tokenizeCodeFenced,
concrete: true
+/** @type {Tokenizer} */
function tokenizeCodeFenced(effects, ok, nok) {
- var self = this;
- var closingFenceConstruct = {
+ const self = this;
+ /** @type {Construct} */
+ const closingFenceConstruct = {
tokenize: tokenizeClosingFence,
partial: true
- var initialPrefix = prefixSize$2(, 'linePrefix');
- var sizeOpen = 0;
- var marker;
+ /** @type {Construct} */
+ const nonLazyLine = {
+ tokenize: tokenizeNonLazyLine,
+ partial: true
+ };
+ const tail =[ - 1];
+ const initialPrefix =
+ tail && tail[1].type === 'linePrefix'
+ ? tail[2].sliceSerialize(tail[1], true).length
+ : 0;
+ let sizeOpen = 0;
+ /** @type {NonNullable<Code>} */
+ let marker;
return start
+ /** @type {State} */
function start(code) {
@@ -35169,6 +37597,7 @@ function tokenizeCodeFenced(effects, ok, nok) {
marker = code;
return sequenceOpen(code)
+ /** @type {State} */
function sequenceOpen(code) {
if (code === marker) {
@@ -35180,11 +37609,12 @@ function tokenizeCodeFenced(effects, ok, nok) {
return sizeOpen < 3
? nok(code)
- : factorySpace$b(effects, infoOpen, 'whitespace')(code)
+ : factorySpace(effects, infoOpen, 'whitespace')(code)
+ /** @type {State} */
function infoOpen(code) {
- if (code === null || markdownLineEnding$e(code)) {
+ if (code === null || markdownLineEnding(code)) {
return openAfter(code)
@@ -35194,21 +37624,23 @@ function tokenizeCodeFenced(effects, ok, nok) {
return info(code)
+ /** @type {State} */
function info(code) {
- if (code === null || markdownLineEndingOrSpace$7(code)) {
+ if (code === null || markdownLineEndingOrSpace(code)) {
- return factorySpace$b(effects, infoAfter, 'whitespace')(code)
+ return factorySpace(effects, infoAfter, 'whitespace')(code)
if (code === 96 && code === marker) return nok(code)
return info
+ /** @type {State} */
function infoAfter(code) {
- if (code === null || markdownLineEnding$e(code)) {
+ if (code === null || markdownLineEnding(code)) {
return openAfter(code)
@@ -35218,9 +37650,10 @@ function tokenizeCodeFenced(effects, ok, nok) {
return meta(code)
+ /** @type {State} */
function meta(code) {
- if (code === null || markdownLineEnding$e(code)) {
+ if (code === null || markdownLineEnding(code)) {
return openAfter(code)
@@ -35230,65 +37663,97 @@ function tokenizeCodeFenced(effects, ok, nok) {
return meta
+ /** @type {State} */
function openAfter(code) {
- return self.interrupt ? ok(code) : content(code)
+ return self.interrupt ? ok(code) : contentStart(code)
+ /** @type {State} */
- function content(code) {
+ function contentStart(code) {
if (code === null) {
return after(code)
- if (markdownLineEnding$e(code)) {
- effects.enter('lineEnding');
- effects.consume(code);
- effects.exit('lineEnding');
+ if (markdownLineEnding(code)) {
return effects.attempt(
- closingFenceConstruct,
- after,
- initialPrefix
- ? factorySpace$b(effects, content, 'linePrefix', initialPrefix + 1)
- : content
- )
+ nonLazyLine,
+ effects.attempt(
+ closingFenceConstruct,
+ after,
+ initialPrefix
+ ? factorySpace(
+ effects,
+ contentStart,
+ 'linePrefix',
+ initialPrefix + 1
+ )
+ : contentStart
+ ),
+ after
+ )(code)
return contentContinue(code)
+ /** @type {State} */
function contentContinue(code) {
- if (code === null || markdownLineEnding$e(code)) {
+ if (code === null || markdownLineEnding(code)) {
- return content(code)
+ return contentStart(code)
return contentContinue
+ /** @type {State} */
function after(code) {
return ok(code)
+ /** @type {Tokenizer} */
+ function tokenizeNonLazyLine(effects, ok, nok) {
+ const self = this;
+ return start
+ /** @type {State} */
+ function start(code) {
+ effects.enter('lineEnding');
+ effects.consume(code);
+ effects.exit('lineEnding');
+ return lineStart
+ }
+ /** @type {State} */
+ function lineStart(code) {
+ return self.parser.lazy[] ? nok(code) : ok(code)
+ }
+ }
+ /** @type {Tokenizer} */
function tokenizeClosingFence(effects, ok, nok) {
- var size = 0;
- return factorySpace$b(
+ let size = 0;
+ return factorySpace(
- this.parser.constructs.disable.null.indexOf('codeIndented') > -1
+ this.parser.constructs.disable.null.includes('codeIndented')
? undefined
: 4
+ /** @type {State} */
function closingSequenceStart(code) {
return closingSequence(code)
+ /** @type {State} */
function closingSequence(code) {
if (code === marker) {
@@ -35299,11 +37764,12 @@ function tokenizeCodeFenced(effects, ok, nok) {
if (size < sizeOpen) return nok(code)
- return factorySpace$b(effects, closingSequenceEnd, 'whitespace')(code)
+ return factorySpace(effects, closingSequenceEnd, 'whitespace')(code)
+ /** @type {State} */
function closingSequenceEnd(code) {
- if (code === null || markdownLineEnding$e(code)) {
+ if (code === null || markdownLineEnding(code)) {
return ok(code)
@@ -35313,52 +37779,64 @@ function tokenizeCodeFenced(effects, ok, nok) {
-var codeFenced_1 = codeFenced$1;
-var markdownLineEnding$d = markdownLineEnding_1;
-var chunkedSplice$2 = chunkedSplice_1;
-var prefixSize$1 = prefixSize_1;
-var factorySpace$a = factorySpace$i;
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Construct} Construct
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Tokenizer} Tokenizer
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Resolver} Resolver
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Token} Token
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').State} State
+ */
-var codeIndented$1 = {
+/** @type {Construct} */
+const codeIndented = {
name: 'codeIndented',
- tokenize: tokenizeCodeIndented,
- resolve: resolveCodeIndented
+ tokenize: tokenizeCodeIndented
-var indentedContentConstruct = {
+/** @type {Construct} */
+const indentedContent = {
tokenize: tokenizeIndentedContent,
partial: true
-function resolveCodeIndented(events, context) {
- var code = {
- type: 'codeIndented',
- start: events[0][1].start,
- end: events[events.length - 1][1].end
- };
- chunkedSplice$2(events, 0, 0, [['enter', code, context]]);
- chunkedSplice$2(events, events.length, 0, [['exit', code, context]]);
- return events
+/** @type {Tokenizer} */
function tokenizeCodeIndented(effects, ok, nok) {
- return effects.attempt(indentedContentConstruct, afterPrefix, nok)
+ const self = this;
+ return start
+ /** @type {State} */
+ function start(code) {
+ effects.enter('codeIndented');
+ return factorySpace(effects, afterStartPrefix, 'linePrefix', 4 + 1)(code)
+ }
+ /** @type {State} */
+ function afterStartPrefix(code) {
+ const tail =[ - 1];
+ return tail &&
+ tail[1].type === 'linePrefix' &&
+ tail[2].sliceSerialize(tail[1], true).length >= 4
+ ? afterPrefix(code)
+ : nok(code)
+ }
+ /** @type {State} */
function afterPrefix(code) {
if (code === null) {
- return ok(code)
+ return after(code)
- if (markdownLineEnding$d(code)) {
- return effects.attempt(indentedContentConstruct, afterPrefix, ok)(code)
+ if (markdownLineEnding(code)) {
+ return effects.attempt(indentedContent, afterPrefix, after)(code)
return content(code)
+ /** @type {State} */
function content(code) {
- if (code === null || markdownLineEnding$d(code)) {
+ if (code === null || markdownLineEnding(code)) {
return afterPrefix(code)
@@ -35366,40 +37844,76 @@ function tokenizeCodeIndented(effects, ok, nok) {
return content
+ /** @type {State} */
+ function after(code) {
+ effects.exit('codeIndented');
+ return ok(code)
+ }
+/** @type {Tokenizer} */
function tokenizeIndentedContent(effects, ok, nok) {
- var self = this;
- return factorySpace$a(effects, afterPrefix, 'linePrefix', 4 + 1)
+ const self = this;
+ return start
+ /** @type {State} */
- function afterPrefix(code) {
- if (markdownLineEnding$d(code)) {
+ function start(code) {
+ // If this is a lazy line, it can’t be code.
+ if (self.parser.lazy[]) {
+ return nok(code)
+ }
+ if (markdownLineEnding(code)) {
- return factorySpace$a(effects, afterPrefix, 'linePrefix', 4 + 1)
+ return start
- return prefixSize$1(, 'linePrefix') < 4 ? nok(code) : ok(code)
+ return factorySpace(effects, afterPrefix, 'linePrefix', 4 + 1)(code)
+ /** @type {State} */
-var codeIndented_1 = codeIndented$1;
+ function afterPrefix(code) {
+ const tail =[ - 1];
+ return tail &&
+ tail[1].type === 'linePrefix' &&
+ tail[2].sliceSerialize(tail[1], true).length >= 4
+ ? ok(code)
+ : markdownLineEnding(code)
+ ? start(code)
+ : nok(code)
+ }
-var markdownLineEnding$c = markdownLineEnding_1;
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Construct} Construct
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Resolver} Resolver
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Tokenizer} Tokenizer
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Previous} Previous
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Token} Token
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').State} State
+ */
-var codeText$1 = {
+/** @type {Construct} */
+const codeText = {
name: 'codeText',
tokenize: tokenizeCodeText,
resolve: resolveCodeText,
previous: previous$1
+/** @type {Resolver} */
function resolveCodeText(events) {
- var tailExitIndex = events.length - 4;
- var headEnterIndex = 3;
- var index;
- var enter; // If we start and end with an EOL or a space.
+ let tailExitIndex = events.length - 4;
+ let headEnterIndex = 3;
+ /** @type {number} */
+ let index;
+ /** @type {number|undefined} */
+ let enter; // If we start and end with an EOL or a space.
if (
(events[headEnterIndex][1].type === 'lineEnding' ||
@@ -35412,8 +37926,8 @@ function resolveCodeText(events) {
while (++index < tailExitIndex) {
if (events[index][1].type === 'codeTextData') {
// Then we have padding.
- events[tailExitIndex][1].type = events[headEnterIndex][1].type =
- 'codeTextPadding';
+ events[headEnterIndex][1].type = 'codeTextPadding';
+ events[tailExitIndex][1].type = 'codeTextPadding';
headEnterIndex += 2;
tailExitIndex -= 2;
@@ -35448,6 +37962,7 @@ function resolveCodeText(events) {
return events
+/** @type {Previous} */
function previous$1(code) {
// If there is a previous code, there will always be a tail.
@@ -35456,18 +37971,25 @@ function previous$1(code) {[ - 1][1].type === 'characterEscape'
+/** @type {Tokenizer} */
function tokenizeCodeText(effects, ok, nok) {
- var sizeOpen = 0;
- var size;
- var token;
+ let sizeOpen = 0;
+ /** @type {number} */
+ let size;
+ /** @type {Token} */
+ let token;
return start
+ /** @type {State} */
function start(code) {
return openingSequence(code)
+ /** @type {State} */
function openingSequence(code) {
if (code === 96) {
@@ -35479,6 +38001,7 @@ function tokenizeCodeText(effects, ok, nok) {
return gap(code)
+ /** @type {State} */
function gap(code) {
// EOF.
@@ -35500,7 +38023,7 @@ function tokenizeCodeText(effects, ok, nok) {
return gap
- if (markdownLineEnding$c(code)) {
+ if (markdownLineEnding(code)) {
@@ -35511,12 +38034,14 @@ function tokenizeCodeText(effects, ok, nok) {
return data(code)
} // In code.
+ /** @type {State} */
function data(code) {
if (
code === null ||
code === 32 ||
code === 96 ||
- markdownLineEnding$c(code)
+ markdownLineEnding(code)
) {
return gap(code)
@@ -35526,6 +38051,8 @@ function tokenizeCodeText(effects, ok, nok) {
return data
} // Closing fence.
+ /** @type {State} */
function closingSequence(code) {
// More.
if (code === 96) {
@@ -35545,14 +38072,394 @@ function tokenizeCodeText(effects, ok, nok) {
-var codeText_1 = codeText$1;
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Token} Token
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Chunk} Chunk
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Event} Event
+ */
+ * Tokenize subcontent.
+ *
+ * @param {Event[]} events
+ * @returns {boolean}
+ */
+function subtokenize(events) {
+ /** @type {Record<string, number>} */
+ const jumps = {};
+ let index = -1;
+ /** @type {Event} */
+ let event;
+ /** @type {number|undefined} */
+ let lineIndex;
+ /** @type {number} */
+ let otherIndex;
+ /** @type {Event} */
+ let otherEvent;
+ /** @type {Event[]} */
+ let parameters;
+ /** @type {Event[]} */
+ let subevents;
+ /** @type {boolean|undefined} */
+ let more;
+ while (++index < events.length) {
+ while (index in jumps) {
+ index = jumps[index];
+ }
+ event = events[index]; // Add a hook for the GFM tasklist extension, which needs to know if text
+ // is in the first content of a list item.
+ if (
+ index &&
+ event[1].type === 'chunkFlow' &&
+ events[index - 1][1].type === 'listItemPrefix'
+ ) {
+ subevents = event[1];
+ otherIndex = 0;
+ if (
+ otherIndex < subevents.length &&
+ subevents[otherIndex][1].type === 'lineEndingBlank'
+ ) {
+ otherIndex += 2;
+ }
+ if (
+ otherIndex < subevents.length &&
+ subevents[otherIndex][1].type === 'content'
+ ) {
+ while (++otherIndex < subevents.length) {
+ if (subevents[otherIndex][1].type === 'content') {
+ break
+ }
+ if (subevents[otherIndex][1].type === 'chunkText') {
+ subevents[otherIndex][1]._isInFirstContentOfListItem = true;
+ otherIndex++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } // Enter.
+ if (event[0] === 'enter') {
+ if (event[1].contentType) {
+ Object.assign(jumps, subcontent(events, index));
+ index = jumps[index];
+ more = true;
+ }
+ } // Exit.
+ else if (event[1]._container) {
+ otherIndex = index;
+ lineIndex = undefined;
+ while (otherIndex--) {
+ otherEvent = events[otherIndex];
+ if (
+ otherEvent[1].type === 'lineEnding' ||
+ otherEvent[1].type === 'lineEndingBlank'
+ ) {
+ if (otherEvent[0] === 'enter') {
+ if (lineIndex) {
+ events[lineIndex][1].type = 'lineEndingBlank';
+ }
+ otherEvent[1].type = 'lineEnding';
+ lineIndex = otherIndex;
+ }
+ } else {
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ if (lineIndex) {
+ // Fix position.
+ event[1].end = Object.assign({}, events[lineIndex][1].start); // Switch container exit w/ line endings.
+ parameters = events.slice(lineIndex, index);
+ parameters.unshift(event);
+ splice(events, lineIndex, index - lineIndex + 1, parameters);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return !more
+ * Tokenize embedded tokens.
+ *
+ * @param {Event[]} events
+ * @param {number} eventIndex
+ * @returns {Record<string, number>}
+ */
+function subcontent(events, eventIndex) {
+ const token = events[eventIndex][1];
+ const context = events[eventIndex][2];
+ let startPosition = eventIndex - 1;
+ /** @type {number[]} */
+ const startPositions = [];
+ const tokenizer =
+ token._tokenizer || context.parser[token.contentType](token.start);
+ const childEvents =;
+ /** @type {[number, number][]} */
+ const jumps = [];
+ /** @type {Record<string, number>} */
+ const gaps = {};
+ /** @type {Chunk[]} */
+ let stream;
+ /** @type {Token|undefined} */
+ let previous;
+ let index = -1;
+ /** @type {Token|undefined} */
+ let current = token;
+ let adjust = 0;
+ let start = 0;
+ const breaks = [start]; // Loop forward through the linked tokens to pass them in order to the
+ // subtokenizer.
+ while (current) {
+ // Find the position of the event for this token.
+ while (events[++startPosition][1] !== current) {
+ // Empty.
+ }
+ startPositions.push(startPosition);
+ if (!current._tokenizer) {
+ stream = context.sliceStream(current);
+ if (! {
+ stream.push(null);
+ }
+ if (previous) {
+ tokenizer.defineSkip(current.start);
+ }
+ if (current._isInFirstContentOfListItem) {
+ tokenizer._gfmTasklistFirstContentOfListItem = true;
+ }
+ tokenizer.write(stream);
+ if (current._isInFirstContentOfListItem) {
+ tokenizer._gfmTasklistFirstContentOfListItem = undefined;
+ }
+ } // Unravel the next token.
+ previous = current;
+ current =;
+ } // Now, loop back through all events (and linked tokens), to figure out which
+ // parts belong where.
+ current = token;
+ while (++index < childEvents.length) {
+ if (
+ // Find a void token that includes a break.
+ childEvents[index][0] === 'exit' &&
+ childEvents[index - 1][0] === 'enter' &&
+ childEvents[index][1].type === childEvents[index - 1][1].type &&
+ childEvents[index][1].start.line !== childEvents[index][1].end.line
+ ) {
+ start = index + 1;
+ breaks.push(start); // Help GC.
+ current._tokenizer = undefined;
+ current.previous = undefined;
+ current =;
+ }
+ } // Help GC.
+ = []; // If there’s one more token (which is the cases for lines that end in an
+ // EOF), that’s perfect: the last point we found starts it.
+ // If there isn’t then make sure any remaining content is added to it.
+ if (current) {
+ // Help GC.
+ current._tokenizer = undefined;
+ current.previous = undefined;
+ } else {
+ breaks.pop();
+ } // Now splice the events from the subtokenizer into the current events,
+ // moving back to front so that splice indices aren’t affected.
+ index = breaks.length;
+ while (index--) {
+ const slice = childEvents.slice(breaks[index], breaks[index + 1]);
+ const start = startPositions.pop();
+ jumps.unshift([start, start + slice.length - 1]);
+ splice(events, start, 2, slice);
+ }
+ index = -1;
+ while (++index < jumps.length) {
+ gaps[adjust + jumps[index][0]] = adjust + jumps[index][1];
+ adjust += jumps[index][1] - jumps[index][0] - 1;
+ }
+ return gaps
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Construct} Construct
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Resolver} Resolver
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Tokenizer} Tokenizer
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Token} Token
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').State} State
+ */
+ * No name because it must not be turned off.
+ * @type {Construct}
+ */
+const content = {
+ tokenize: tokenizeContent,
+ resolve: resolveContent
+/** @type {Construct} */
+const continuationConstruct = {
+ tokenize: tokenizeContinuation,
+ partial: true
+ * Content is transparent: it’s parsed right now. That way, definitions are also
+ * parsed right now: before text in paragraphs (specifically, media) are parsed.
+ *
+ * @type {Resolver}
+ */
+function resolveContent(events) {
+ subtokenize(events);
+ return events
+/** @type {Tokenizer} */
+function tokenizeContent(effects, ok) {
+ /** @type {Token} */
+ let previous;
+ return start
+ /** @type {State} */
+ function start(code) {
+ effects.enter('content');
+ previous = effects.enter('chunkContent', {
+ contentType: 'content'
+ });
+ return data(code)
+ }
+ /** @type {State} */
+ function data(code) {
+ if (code === null) {
+ return contentEnd(code)
+ }
+ if (markdownLineEnding(code)) {
+ return effects.check(
+ continuationConstruct,
+ contentContinue,
+ contentEnd
+ )(code)
+ } // Data.
+ effects.consume(code);
+ return data
+ }
+ /** @type {State} */
+ function contentEnd(code) {
+ effects.exit('chunkContent');
+ effects.exit('content');
+ return ok(code)
+ }
+ /** @type {State} */
+ function contentContinue(code) {
+ effects.consume(code);
+ effects.exit('chunkContent');
+ = effects.enter('chunkContent', {
+ contentType: 'content',
+ previous
+ });
+ previous =;
+ return data
+ }
+/** @type {Tokenizer} */
+function tokenizeContinuation(effects, ok, nok) {
+ const self = this;
+ return startLookahead
+ /** @type {State} */
-var asciiControl$1 = asciiControl_1;
-var markdownLineEndingOrSpace$6 = markdownLineEndingOrSpace_1;
-var markdownLineEnding$b = markdownLineEnding_1;
+ function startLookahead(code) {
+ effects.exit('chunkContent');
+ effects.enter('lineEnding');
+ effects.consume(code);
+ effects.exit('lineEnding');
+ return factorySpace(effects, prefixed, 'linePrefix')
+ }
+ /** @type {State} */
+ function prefixed(code) {
+ if (code === null || markdownLineEnding(code)) {
+ return nok(code)
+ }
+ const tail =[ - 1];
+ if (
+ !self.parser.constructs.disable.null.includes('codeIndented') &&
+ tail &&
+ tail[1].type === 'linePrefix' &&
+ tail[2].sliceSerialize(tail[1], true).length >= 4
+ ) {
+ return ok(code)
+ }
+ return effects.interrupt(self.parser.constructs.flow, nok, ok)(code)
+ }
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Effects} Effects
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').State} State
+ */
+ * @param {Effects} effects
+ * @param {State} ok
+ * @param {State} nok
+ * @param {string} type
+ * @param {string} literalType
+ * @param {string} literalMarkerType
+ * @param {string} rawType
+ * @param {string} stringType
+ * @param {number} [max=Infinity]
+ * @returns {State}
+ */
// eslint-disable-next-line max-params
-function destinationFactory(
+function factoryDestination(
@@ -35563,9 +38470,10 @@ function destinationFactory(
) {
- var limit = max || Infinity;
- var balance = 0;
+ const limit = max || Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
+ let balance = 0;
return start
+ /** @type {State} */
function start(code) {
if (code === 60) {
@@ -35577,7 +38485,7 @@ function destinationFactory(
return destinationEnclosedBefore
- if (asciiControl$1(code) || code === 41) {
+ if (code === null || code === 41 || asciiControl(code)) {
return nok(code)
@@ -35589,6 +38497,7 @@ function destinationFactory(
return destinationRaw(code)
+ /** @type {State} */
function destinationEnclosedBefore(code) {
if (code === 62) {
@@ -35606,6 +38515,7 @@ function destinationFactory(
return destinationEnclosed(code)
+ /** @type {State} */
function destinationEnclosed(code) {
if (code === 62) {
@@ -35614,13 +38524,14 @@ function destinationFactory(
return destinationEnclosedBefore(code)
- if (code === null || code === 60 || markdownLineEnding$b(code)) {
+ if (code === null || code === 60 || markdownLineEnding(code)) {
return nok(code)
return code === 92 ? destinationEnclosedEscape : destinationEnclosed
+ /** @type {State} */
function destinationEnclosedEscape(code) {
if (code === 60 || code === 62 || code === 92) {
@@ -35630,6 +38541,7 @@ function destinationFactory(
return destinationEnclosed(code)
+ /** @type {State} */
function destinationRaw(code) {
if (code === 40) {
@@ -35651,7 +38563,7 @@ function destinationFactory(
return destinationRaw
- if (code === null || markdownLineEndingOrSpace$6(code)) {
+ if (code === null || markdownLineEndingOrSpace(code)) {
if (balance) return nok(code)
@@ -35660,10 +38572,11 @@ function destinationFactory(
return ok(code)
- if (asciiControl$1(code)) return nok(code)
+ if (asciiControl(code)) return nok(code)
return code === 92 ? destinationRawEscape : destinationRaw
+ /** @type {State} */
function destinationRawEscape(code) {
if (code === 40 || code === 41 || code === 92) {
@@ -35675,17 +38588,31 @@ function destinationFactory(
-var factoryDestination$2 = destinationFactory;
-var markdownLineEnding$a = markdownLineEnding_1;
-var markdownSpace$7 = markdownSpace_1;
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Effects} Effects
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').TokenizeContext} TokenizeContext
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').State} State
+ */
+ * @this {TokenizeContext}
+ * @param {Effects} effects
+ * @param {State} ok
+ * @param {State} nok
+ * @param {string} type
+ * @param {string} markerType
+ * @param {string} stringType
+ * @returns {State}
+ */
// eslint-disable-next-line max-params
-function labelFactory(effects, ok, nok, type, markerType, stringType) {
- var self = this;
- var size = 0;
- var data;
+function factoryLabel(effects, ok, nok, type, markerType, stringType) {
+ const self = this;
+ let size = 0;
+ /** @type {boolean} */
+ let data;
return start
+ /** @type {State} */
function start(code) {
@@ -35695,17 +38622,18 @@ function labelFactory(effects, ok, nok, type, markerType, stringType) {
return atBreak
+ /** @type {State} */
function atBreak(code) {
if (
code === null ||
code === 91 ||
(code === 93 && !data) ||
- /* c8 ignore next */
+ /* Hidden footnotes hook */
+ /* c8 ignore next 3 */
(code === 94 &&
- /* c8 ignore next */
!size &&
- /* c8 ignore next */
'_hiddenFootnoteSupport' in self.parser.constructs) ||
size > 999
) {
@@ -35721,7 +38649,7 @@ function labelFactory(effects, ok, nok, type, markerType, stringType) {
return ok
- if (markdownLineEnding$a(code)) {
+ if (markdownLineEnding(code)) {
@@ -35733,13 +38661,14 @@ function labelFactory(effects, ok, nok, type, markerType, stringType) {
return label(code)
+ /** @type {State} */
function label(code) {
if (
code === null ||
code === 91 ||
code === 93 ||
- markdownLineEnding$a(code) ||
+ markdownLineEnding(code) ||
size++ > 999
) {
@@ -35747,9 +38676,10 @@ function labelFactory(effects, ok, nok, type, markerType, stringType) {
- data = data || !markdownSpace$7(code);
+ data = data || !markdownSpace(code);
return code === 92 ? labelEscape : label
+ /** @type {State} */
function labelEscape(code) {
if (code === 91 || code === 92 || code === 93) {
@@ -35762,45 +38692,27 @@ function labelFactory(effects, ok, nok, type, markerType, stringType) {
-var factoryLabel$2 = labelFactory;
-var markdownLineEnding$9 = markdownLineEnding_1;
-var markdownSpace$6 = markdownSpace_1;
-var factorySpace$9 = factorySpace$i;
-function whitespaceFactory(effects, ok) {
- var seen;
- return start
- function start(code) {
- if (markdownLineEnding$9(code)) {
- effects.enter('lineEnding');
- effects.consume(code);
- effects.exit('lineEnding');
- seen = true;
- return start
- }
- if (markdownSpace$6(code)) {
- return factorySpace$9(
- effects,
- start,
- seen ? 'linePrefix' : 'lineSuffix'
- )(code)
- }
- return ok(code)
- }
-var factoryWhitespace$2 = whitespaceFactory;
-var markdownLineEnding$8 = markdownLineEnding_1;
-var factorySpace$8 = factorySpace$i;
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Effects} Effects
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').State} State
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Code} Code
+ */
-function titleFactory(effects, ok, nok, type, markerType, stringType) {
- var marker;
+ * @param {Effects} effects
+ * @param {State} ok
+ * @param {State} nok
+ * @param {string} type
+ * @param {string} markerType
+ * @param {string} stringType
+ * @returns {State}
+ */
+// eslint-disable-next-line max-params
+function factoryTitle(effects, ok, nok, type, markerType, stringType) {
+ /** @type {NonNullable<Code>} */
+ let marker;
return start
+ /** @type {State} */
function start(code) {
@@ -35810,6 +38722,7 @@ function titleFactory(effects, ok, nok, type, markerType, stringType) {
marker = code === 40 ? 41 : code;
return atFirstTitleBreak
+ /** @type {State} */
function atFirstTitleBreak(code) {
if (code === marker) {
@@ -35823,6 +38736,7 @@ function titleFactory(effects, ok, nok, type, markerType, stringType) {
return atTitleBreak(code)
+ /** @type {State} */
function atTitleBreak(code) {
if (code === marker) {
@@ -35834,11 +38748,11 @@ function titleFactory(effects, ok, nok, type, markerType, stringType) {
return nok(code)
} // Note: blank lines can’t exist in content.
- if (markdownLineEnding$8(code)) {
+ if (markdownLineEnding(code)) {
- return factorySpace$8(effects, atTitleBreak, 'linePrefix')
+ return factorySpace(effects, atTitleBreak, 'linePrefix')
effects.enter('chunkString', {
@@ -35846,9 +38760,10 @@ function titleFactory(effects, ok, nok, type, markerType, stringType) {
return title(code)
+ /** @type {State} */
function title(code) {
- if (code === marker || code === null || markdownLineEnding$8(code)) {
+ if (code === marker || code === null || markdownLineEnding(code)) {
return atTitleBreak(code)
@@ -35856,6 +38771,7 @@ function titleFactory(effects, ok, nok, type, markerType, stringType) {
return code === 92 ? titleEscape : title
+ /** @type {State} */
function titleEscape(code) {
if (code === marker || code === 92) {
@@ -35867,34 +38783,93 @@ function titleFactory(effects, ok, nok, type, markerType, stringType) {
-var factoryTitle$2 = titleFactory;
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Effects} Effects
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').State} State
+ */
-var markdownLineEnding$7 = markdownLineEnding_1;
-var markdownLineEndingOrSpace$5 = markdownLineEndingOrSpace_1;
-var normalizeIdentifier$3 = normalizeIdentifier_1;
-var factoryDestination$1 = factoryDestination$2;
-var factoryLabel$1 = factoryLabel$2;
-var factorySpace$7 = factorySpace$i;
-var factoryWhitespace$1 = factoryWhitespace$2;
-var factoryTitle$1 = factoryTitle$2;
+ * @param {Effects} effects
+ * @param {State} ok
+ */
+function factoryWhitespace(effects, ok) {
+ /** @type {boolean} */
+ let seen;
+ return start
+ /** @type {State} */
+ function start(code) {
+ if (markdownLineEnding(code)) {
+ effects.enter('lineEnding');
+ effects.consume(code);
+ effects.exit('lineEnding');
+ seen = true;
+ return start
+ }
-var definition$2 = {
+ if (markdownSpace(code)) {
+ return factorySpace(
+ effects,
+ start,
+ seen ? 'linePrefix' : 'lineSuffix'
+ )(code)
+ }
+ return ok(code)
+ }
+ * Normalize an identifier (such as used in definitions).
+ *
+ * @param {string} value
+ * @returns {string}
+ */
+function normalizeIdentifier(value) {
+ return (
+ value // Collapse Markdown whitespace.
+ .replace(/[\t\n\r ]+/g, ' ') // Trim.
+ .replace(/^ | $/g, '') // Some characters are considered “uppercase”, but if their lowercase
+ // counterpart is uppercased will result in a different uppercase
+ // character.
+ // Hence, to get that form, we perform both lower- and uppercase.
+ // Upper case makes sure keys will not interact with default prototypal
+ // methods: no method is uppercase.
+ .toLowerCase()
+ .toUpperCase()
+ )
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Construct} Construct
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Tokenizer} Tokenizer
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').State} State
+ */
+/** @type {Construct} */
+const definition$1 = {
name: 'definition',
tokenize: tokenizeDefinition
-var titleConstruct = {
+/** @type {Construct} */
+const titleConstruct = {
tokenize: tokenizeTitle,
partial: true
+/** @type {Tokenizer} */
function tokenizeDefinition(effects, ok, nok) {
- var self = this;
- var identifier;
+ const self = this;
+ /** @type {string} */
+ let identifier;
return start
+ /** @type {State} */
function start(code) {
- return factoryLabel$
+ return
@@ -35904,9 +38879,10 @@ function tokenizeDefinition(effects, ok, nok) {
+ /** @type {State} */
function labelAfter(code) {
- identifier = normalizeIdentifier$3(
+ identifier = normalizeIdentifier(
self.sliceSerialize([ - 1][1]).slice(1, -1)
@@ -35915,14 +38891,14 @@ function tokenizeDefinition(effects, ok, nok) {
effects.exit('definitionMarker'); // Note: blank lines can’t exist in content.
- return factoryWhitespace$1(
+ return factoryWhitespace(
- factoryDestination$1(
+ factoryDestination(
- factorySpace$7(effects, after, 'whitespace'),
- factorySpace$7(effects, after, 'whitespace')
+ factorySpace(effects, after, 'whitespace'),
+ factorySpace(effects, after, 'whitespace')
@@ -35936,12 +38912,13 @@ function tokenizeDefinition(effects, ok, nok) {
return nok(code)
+ /** @type {State} */
function after(code) {
- if (code === null || markdownLineEnding$7(code)) {
+ if (code === null || markdownLineEnding(code)) {
- if (self.parser.defined.indexOf(identifier) < 0) {
+ if (!self.parser.defined.includes(identifier)) {
@@ -35951,21 +38928,24 @@ function tokenizeDefinition(effects, ok, nok) {
return nok(code)
+/** @type {Tokenizer} */
function tokenizeTitle(effects, ok, nok) {
return start
+ /** @type {State} */
function start(code) {
- return markdownLineEndingOrSpace$5(code)
- ? factoryWhitespace$1(effects, before)(code)
+ return markdownLineEndingOrSpace(code)
+ ? factoryWhitespace(effects, before)(code)
: nok(code)
+ /** @type {State} */
function before(code) {
if (code === 34 || code === 39 || code === 40) {
- return factoryTitle$1(
+ return factoryTitle(
- factorySpace$7(effects, after, 'whitespace'),
+ factorySpace(effects, after, 'whitespace'),
@@ -35975,23 +38955,29 @@ function tokenizeTitle(effects, ok, nok) {
return nok(code)
+ /** @type {State} */
function after(code) {
- return code === null || markdownLineEnding$7(code) ? ok(code) : nok(code)
+ return code === null || markdownLineEnding(code) ? ok(code) : nok(code)
-var definition_1$1 = definition$2;
-var markdownLineEnding$6 = markdownLineEnding_1;
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Construct} Construct
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Tokenizer} Tokenizer
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').State} State
+ */
-var hardBreakEscape$1 = {
+/** @type {Construct} */
+const hardBreakEscape = {
name: 'hardBreakEscape',
tokenize: tokenizeHardBreakEscape
+/** @type {Tokenizer} */
function tokenizeHardBreakEscape(effects, ok, nok) {
return start
+ /** @type {State} */
function start(code) {
@@ -35999,9 +38985,10 @@ function tokenizeHardBreakEscape(effects, ok, nok) {
return open
+ /** @type {State} */
function open(code) {
- if (markdownLineEnding$6(code)) {
+ if (markdownLineEnding(code)) {
return ok(code)
@@ -36011,25 +38998,31 @@ function tokenizeHardBreakEscape(effects, ok, nok) {
-var hardBreakEscape_1 = hardBreakEscape$1;
-var markdownLineEnding$5 = markdownLineEnding_1;
-var markdownLineEndingOrSpace$4 = markdownLineEndingOrSpace_1;
-var markdownSpace$5 = markdownSpace_1;
-var chunkedSplice$1 = chunkedSplice_1;
-var factorySpace$6 = factorySpace$i;
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Construct} Construct
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Resolver} Resolver
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Tokenizer} Tokenizer
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Token} Token
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').State} State
+ */
-var headingAtx$1 = {
+/** @type {Construct} */
+const headingAtx = {
name: 'headingAtx',
tokenize: tokenizeHeadingAtx,
resolve: resolveHeadingAtx
+/** @type {Resolver} */
function resolveHeadingAtx(events, context) {
- var contentEnd = events.length - 2;
- var contentStart = 3;
- var content;
- var text; // Prefix whitespace, part of the opening.
+ let contentEnd = events.length - 2;
+ let contentStart = 3;
+ /** @type {Token} */
+ let content;
+ /** @type {Token} */
+ let text; // Prefix whitespace, part of the opening.
if (events[contentStart][1].type === 'whitespace') {
contentStart += 2;
@@ -36061,9 +39054,10 @@ function resolveHeadingAtx(events, context) {
type: 'chunkText',
start: events[contentStart][1].start,
end: events[contentEnd][1].end,
+ // @ts-expect-error Constants are fine to assign.
contentType: 'text'
- chunkedSplice$1(events, contentStart, contentEnd - contentStart + 1, [
+ splice(events, contentStart, contentEnd - contentStart + 1, [
['enter', content, context],
['enter', text, context],
['exit', text, context],
@@ -36073,17 +39067,20 @@ function resolveHeadingAtx(events, context) {
return events
+/** @type {Tokenizer} */
function tokenizeHeadingAtx(effects, ok, nok) {
- var self = this;
- var size = 0;
+ const self = this;
+ let size = 0;
return start
+ /** @type {State} */
function start(code) {
return fenceOpenInside(code)
+ /** @type {State} */
function fenceOpenInside(code) {
if (code === 35 && size++ < 6) {
@@ -36091,13 +39088,14 @@ function tokenizeHeadingAtx(effects, ok, nok) {
return fenceOpenInside
- if (code === null || markdownLineEndingOrSpace$4(code)) {
+ if (code === null || markdownLineEndingOrSpace(code)) {
return self.interrupt ? ok(code) : headingBreak(code)
return nok(code)
+ /** @type {State} */
function headingBreak(code) {
if (code === 35) {
@@ -36105,18 +39103,19 @@ function tokenizeHeadingAtx(effects, ok, nok) {
return sequence(code)
- if (code === null || markdownLineEnding$5(code)) {
+ if (code === null || markdownLineEnding(code)) {
return ok(code)
- if (markdownSpace$5(code)) {
- return factorySpace$6(effects, headingBreak, 'whitespace')(code)
+ if (markdownSpace(code)) {
+ return factorySpace(effects, headingBreak, 'whitespace')(code)
return data(code)
+ /** @type {State} */
function sequence(code) {
if (code === 35) {
@@ -36127,9 +39126,10 @@ function tokenizeHeadingAtx(effects, ok, nok) {
return headingBreak(code)
+ /** @type {State} */
function data(code) {
- if (code === null || code === 35 || markdownLineEndingOrSpace$4(code)) {
+ if (code === null || code === 35 || markdownLineEndingOrSpace(code)) {
return headingBreak(code)
@@ -36139,10 +39139,17 @@ function tokenizeHeadingAtx(effects, ok, nok) {
-var headingAtx_1 = headingAtx$1;
-// This module is copied from <>.
-var basics = [
+ * List of lowercase HTML tag names which when parsing HTML (flow), result
+ * in more relaxed rules (condition 6): because they are known blocks, the
+ * HTML-like syntax doesn’t have to be strictly parsed.
+ * For tag names not in this list, a more strict algorithm (condition 7) is used
+ * to detect whether the HTML-like syntax is seen as HTML (flow) or not.
+ *
+ * This is copied from:
+ * <>.
+ */
+const htmlBlockNames = [
@@ -36207,36 +39214,45 @@ var basics = [
-var htmlBlockNames$1 = basics;
-// This module is copied from <>.
-var raws = ['pre', 'script', 'style', 'textarea'];
-var htmlRawNames$1 = raws;
+ * List of lowercase HTML tag names which when parsing HTML (flow), result in
+ * HTML that can include lines w/o exiting, until a closing tag also in this
+ * list is found (condition 1).
+ *
+ * This module is copied from:
+ * <>.
+ *
+ * Note that `textarea` is not available in `CommonMark@0.29` but has been
+ * merged to the primary branch and is slated to be released in the next release
+ * of CommonMark.
+ */
+const htmlRawNames = ['pre', 'script', 'style', 'textarea'];
-var asciiAlpha$2 = asciiAlpha_1;
-var asciiAlphanumeric$2 = asciiAlphanumeric_1;
-var markdownLineEnding$4 = markdownLineEnding_1;
-var markdownLineEndingOrSpace$3 = markdownLineEndingOrSpace_1;
-var markdownSpace$4 = markdownSpace_1;
-var fromCharCode = fromCharCode_1;
-var htmlBlockNames = htmlBlockNames$1;
-var htmlRawNames = htmlRawNames$1;
-var partialBlankLine$1 = partialBlankLine_1;
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Construct} Construct
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Resolver} Resolver
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Tokenizer} Tokenizer
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').State} State
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Code} Code
+ */
+/** @type {Construct} */
-var htmlFlow$1 = {
+const htmlFlow = {
name: 'htmlFlow',
tokenize: tokenizeHtmlFlow,
resolveTo: resolveToHtmlFlow,
concrete: true
-var nextBlankConstruct = {
+/** @type {Construct} */
+const nextBlankConstruct = {
tokenize: tokenizeNextBlank,
partial: true
+/** @type {Resolver} */
function resolveToHtmlFlow(events) {
- var index = events.length;
+ let index = events.length;
while (index--) {
if (events[index][0] === 'enter' && events[index][1].type === 'htmlFlow') {
@@ -36255,15 +39271,27 @@ function resolveToHtmlFlow(events) {
return events
+/** @type {Tokenizer} */
function tokenizeHtmlFlow(effects, ok, nok) {
- var self = this;
- var kind;
- var startTag;
- var buffer;
- var index;
- var marker;
+ const self = this;
+ /** @type {number} */
+ let kind;
+ /** @type {boolean} */
+ let startTag;
+ /** @type {string} */
+ let buffer;
+ /** @type {number} */
+ let index;
+ /** @type {Code} */
+ let marker;
return start
+ /** @type {State} */
function start(code) {
@@ -36271,6 +39299,7 @@ function tokenizeHtmlFlow(effects, ok, nok) {
return open
+ /** @type {State} */
function open(code) {
if (code === 33) {
@@ -36291,15 +39320,16 @@ function tokenizeHtmlFlow(effects, ok, nok) {
return self.interrupt ? ok : continuationDeclarationInside
- if (asciiAlpha$2(code)) {
+ if (asciiAlpha(code)) {
- buffer = fromCharCode(code);
+ buffer = String.fromCharCode(code);
startTag = true;
return tagName
return nok(code)
+ /** @type {State} */
function declarationStart(code) {
if (code === 45) {
@@ -36316,7 +39346,7 @@ function tokenizeHtmlFlow(effects, ok, nok) {
return cdataOpenInside
- if (asciiAlpha$2(code)) {
+ if (asciiAlpha(code)) {
kind = 4;
return self.interrupt ? ok : continuationDeclarationInside
@@ -36324,6 +39354,7 @@ function tokenizeHtmlFlow(effects, ok, nok) {
return nok(code)
+ /** @type {State} */
function commentOpenInside(code) {
if (code === 45) {
@@ -36333,6 +39364,7 @@ function tokenizeHtmlFlow(effects, ok, nok) {
return nok(code)
+ /** @type {State} */
function cdataOpenInside(code) {
if (code === buffer.charCodeAt(index++)) {
@@ -36346,34 +39378,36 @@ function tokenizeHtmlFlow(effects, ok, nok) {
return nok(code)
+ /** @type {State} */
function tagCloseStart(code) {
- if (asciiAlpha$2(code)) {
+ if (asciiAlpha(code)) {
- buffer = fromCharCode(code);
+ buffer = String.fromCharCode(code);
return tagName
return nok(code)
+ /** @type {State} */
function tagName(code) {
if (
code === null ||
code === 47 ||
code === 62 ||
- markdownLineEndingOrSpace$3(code)
+ markdownLineEndingOrSpace(code)
) {
if (
code !== 47 &&
startTag &&
- htmlRawNames.indexOf(buffer.toLowerCase()) > -1
+ htmlRawNames.includes(buffer.toLowerCase())
) {
kind = 1;
return self.interrupt ? ok(code) : continuation(code)
- if (htmlBlockNames.indexOf(buffer.toLowerCase()) > -1) {
+ if (htmlBlockNames.includes(buffer.toLowerCase())) {
kind = 6;
if (code === 47) {
@@ -36384,23 +39418,24 @@ function tokenizeHtmlFlow(effects, ok, nok) {
return self.interrupt ? ok(code) : continuation(code)
- kind = 7; // Do not support complete HTML when interrupting.
+ kind = 7; // Do not support complete HTML when interrupting
- return self.interrupt
+ return self.interrupt && !self.parser.lazy[]
? nok(code)
: startTag
? completeAttributeNameBefore(code)
: completeClosingTagAfter(code)
- if (code === 45 || asciiAlphanumeric$2(code)) {
+ if (code === 45 || asciiAlphanumeric(code)) {
- buffer += fromCharCode(code);
+ buffer += String.fromCharCode(code);
return tagName
return nok(code)
+ /** @type {State} */
function basicSelfClosing(code) {
if (code === 62) {
@@ -36410,15 +39445,17 @@ function tokenizeHtmlFlow(effects, ok, nok) {
return nok(code)
+ /** @type {State} */
function completeClosingTagAfter(code) {
- if (markdownSpace$4(code)) {
+ if (markdownSpace(code)) {
return completeClosingTagAfter
return completeEnd(code)
+ /** @type {State} */
function completeAttributeNameBefore(code) {
if (code === 47) {
@@ -36426,18 +39463,19 @@ function tokenizeHtmlFlow(effects, ok, nok) {
return completeEnd
- if (code === 58 || code === 95 || asciiAlpha$2(code)) {
+ if (code === 58 || code === 95 || asciiAlpha(code)) {
return completeAttributeName
- if (markdownSpace$4(code)) {
+ if (markdownSpace(code)) {
return completeAttributeNameBefore
return completeEnd(code)
+ /** @type {State} */
function completeAttributeName(code) {
if (
@@ -36445,7 +39483,7 @@ function tokenizeHtmlFlow(effects, ok, nok) {
code === 46 ||
code === 58 ||
code === 95 ||
- asciiAlphanumeric$2(code)
+ asciiAlphanumeric(code)
) {
return completeAttributeName
@@ -36453,6 +39491,7 @@ function tokenizeHtmlFlow(effects, ok, nok) {
return completeAttributeNameAfter(code)
+ /** @type {State} */
function completeAttributeNameAfter(code) {
if (code === 61) {
@@ -36460,13 +39499,14 @@ function tokenizeHtmlFlow(effects, ok, nok) {
return completeAttributeValueBefore
- if (markdownSpace$4(code)) {
+ if (markdownSpace(code)) {
return completeAttributeNameAfter
return completeAttributeNameBefore(code)
+ /** @type {State} */
function completeAttributeValueBefore(code) {
if (
@@ -36485,28 +39525,30 @@ function tokenizeHtmlFlow(effects, ok, nok) {
return completeAttributeValueQuoted
- if (markdownSpace$4(code)) {
+ if (markdownSpace(code)) {
return completeAttributeValueBefore
- marker = undefined;
+ marker = null;
return completeAttributeValueUnquoted(code)
+ /** @type {State} */
function completeAttributeValueQuoted(code) {
+ if (code === null || markdownLineEnding(code)) {
+ return nok(code)
+ }
if (code === marker) {
return completeAttributeValueQuotedAfter
- if (code === null || markdownLineEnding$4(code)) {
- return nok(code)
- }
return completeAttributeValueQuoted
+ /** @type {State} */
function completeAttributeValueUnquoted(code) {
if (
@@ -36517,7 +39559,7 @@ function tokenizeHtmlFlow(effects, ok, nok) {
code === 61 ||
code === 62 ||
code === 96 ||
- markdownLineEndingOrSpace$3(code)
+ markdownLineEndingOrSpace(code)
) {
return completeAttributeNameAfter(code)
@@ -36525,14 +39567,16 @@ function tokenizeHtmlFlow(effects, ok, nok) {
return completeAttributeValueUnquoted
+ /** @type {State} */
function completeAttributeValueQuotedAfter(code) {
- if (code === 47 || code === 62 || markdownSpace$4(code)) {
+ if (code === 47 || code === 62 || markdownSpace(code)) {
return completeAttributeNameBefore(code)
return nok(code)
+ /** @type {State} */
function completeEnd(code) {
if (code === 62) {
@@ -36542,17 +39586,19 @@ function tokenizeHtmlFlow(effects, ok, nok) {
return nok(code)
+ /** @type {State} */
function completeAfter(code) {
- if (markdownSpace$4(code)) {
+ if (markdownSpace(code)) {
return completeAfter
- return code === null || markdownLineEnding$4(code)
+ return code === null || markdownLineEnding(code)
? continuation(code)
: nok(code)
+ /** @type {State} */
function continuation(code) {
if (code === 45 && kind === 2) {
@@ -36580,7 +39626,7 @@ function tokenizeHtmlFlow(effects, ok, nok) {
return continuationCharacterDataInside
- if (markdownLineEnding$4(code) && (kind === 6 || kind === 7)) {
+ if (markdownLineEnding(code) && (kind === 6 || kind === 7)) {
return effects.check(
@@ -36588,34 +39634,59 @@ function tokenizeHtmlFlow(effects, ok, nok) {
- if (code === null || markdownLineEnding$4(code)) {
+ if (code === null || markdownLineEnding(code)) {
return continuationAtLineEnding(code)
return continuation
+ /** @type {State} */
function continuationAtLineEnding(code) {
return htmlContinueStart(code)
+ /** @type {State} */
function htmlContinueStart(code) {
if (code === null) {
return done(code)
- if (markdownLineEnding$4(code)) {
+ if (markdownLineEnding(code)) {
+ return effects.attempt(
+ {
+ tokenize: htmlLineEnd,
+ partial: true
+ },
+ htmlContinueStart,
+ done
+ )(code)
+ }
+ effects.enter('htmlFlowData');
+ return continuation(code)
+ }
+ /** @type {Tokenizer} */
+ function htmlLineEnd(effects, ok, nok) {
+ return start
+ /** @type {State} */
+ function start(code) {
- return htmlContinueStart
+ return lineStart
+ /** @type {State} */
- effects.enter('htmlFlowData');
- return continuation(code)
+ function lineStart(code) {
+ return self.parser.lazy[] ? nok(code) : ok(code)
+ }
+ /** @type {State} */
function continuationCommentInside(code) {
if (code === 45) {
@@ -36625,6 +39696,7 @@ function tokenizeHtmlFlow(effects, ok, nok) {
return continuation(code)
+ /** @type {State} */
function continuationRawTagOpen(code) {
if (code === 47) {
@@ -36635,21 +39707,23 @@ function tokenizeHtmlFlow(effects, ok, nok) {
return continuation(code)
+ /** @type {State} */
function continuationRawEndTag(code) {
- if (code === 62 && htmlRawNames.indexOf(buffer.toLowerCase()) > -1) {
+ if (code === 62 && htmlRawNames.includes(buffer.toLowerCase())) {
return continuationClose
- if (asciiAlpha$2(code) && buffer.length < 8) {
+ if (asciiAlpha(code) && buffer.length < 8) {
- buffer += fromCharCode(code);
+ buffer += String.fromCharCode(code);
return continuationRawEndTag
return continuation(code)
+ /** @type {State} */
function continuationCharacterDataInside(code) {
if (code === 93) {
@@ -36659,6 +39733,7 @@ function tokenizeHtmlFlow(effects, ok, nok) {
return continuation(code)
+ /** @type {State} */
function continuationDeclarationInside(code) {
if (code === 62) {
@@ -36668,9 +39743,10 @@ function tokenizeHtmlFlow(effects, ok, nok) {
return continuation(code)
+ /** @type {State} */
function continuationClose(code) {
- if (code === null || markdownLineEnding$4(code)) {
+ if (code === null || markdownLineEnding(code)) {
return done(code)
@@ -36678,46 +39754,58 @@ function tokenizeHtmlFlow(effects, ok, nok) {
return continuationClose
+ /** @type {State} */
function done(code) {
return ok(code)
+/** @type {Tokenizer} */
function tokenizeNextBlank(effects, ok, nok) {
return start
+ /** @type {State} */
function start(code) {
- return effects.attempt(partialBlankLine$1, ok, nok)
+ return effects.attempt(blankLine, ok, nok)
-var htmlFlow_1 = htmlFlow$1;
-var asciiAlpha$1 = asciiAlpha_1;
-var asciiAlphanumeric$1 = asciiAlphanumeric_1;
-var markdownLineEnding$3 = markdownLineEnding_1;
-var markdownLineEndingOrSpace$2 = markdownLineEndingOrSpace_1;
-var markdownSpace$3 = markdownSpace_1;
-var factorySpace$5 = factorySpace$i;
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Construct} Construct
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Tokenizer} Tokenizer
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').State} State
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Code} Code
+ */
-var htmlText$1 = {
+/** @type {Construct} */
+const htmlText = {
name: 'htmlText',
tokenize: tokenizeHtmlText
+/** @type {Tokenizer} */
function tokenizeHtmlText(effects, ok, nok) {
- var self = this;
- var marker;
- var buffer;
- var index;
- var returnState;
+ const self = this;
+ /** @type {NonNullable<Code>|undefined} */
+ let marker;
+ /** @type {string} */
+ let buffer;
+ /** @type {number} */
+ let index;
+ /** @type {State} */
+ let returnState;
return start
+ /** @type {State} */
function start(code) {
@@ -36725,6 +39813,7 @@ function tokenizeHtmlText(effects, ok, nok) {
return open
+ /** @type {State} */
function open(code) {
if (code === 33) {
@@ -36742,13 +39831,14 @@ function tokenizeHtmlText(effects, ok, nok) {
return instruction
- if (asciiAlpha$1(code)) {
+ if (asciiAlpha(code)) {
return tagOpen
return nok(code)
+ /** @type {State} */
function declarationOpen(code) {
if (code === 45) {
@@ -36763,13 +39853,14 @@ function tokenizeHtmlText(effects, ok, nok) {
return cdataOpen
- if (asciiAlpha$1(code)) {
+ if (asciiAlpha(code)) {
return declaration
return nok(code)
+ /** @type {State} */
function commentOpen(code) {
if (code === 45) {
@@ -36779,6 +39870,7 @@ function tokenizeHtmlText(effects, ok, nok) {
return nok(code)
+ /** @type {State} */
function commentStart(code) {
if (code === null || code === 62) {
@@ -36792,6 +39884,7 @@ function tokenizeHtmlText(effects, ok, nok) {
return comment(code)
+ /** @type {State} */
function commentStartDash(code) {
if (code === null || code === 62) {
@@ -36800,6 +39893,7 @@ function tokenizeHtmlText(effects, ok, nok) {
return comment(code)
+ /** @type {State} */
function comment(code) {
if (code === null) {
@@ -36811,7 +39905,7 @@ function tokenizeHtmlText(effects, ok, nok) {
return commentClose
- if (markdownLineEnding$3(code)) {
+ if (markdownLineEnding(code)) {
returnState = comment;
return atLineEnding(code)
@@ -36819,6 +39913,7 @@ function tokenizeHtmlText(effects, ok, nok) {
return comment
+ /** @type {State} */
function commentClose(code) {
if (code === 45) {
@@ -36828,6 +39923,7 @@ function tokenizeHtmlText(effects, ok, nok) {
return comment(code)
+ /** @type {State} */
function cdataOpen(code) {
if (code === buffer.charCodeAt(index++)) {
@@ -36837,6 +39933,7 @@ function tokenizeHtmlText(effects, ok, nok) {
return nok(code)
+ /** @type {State} */
function cdata(code) {
if (code === null) {
@@ -36848,7 +39945,7 @@ function tokenizeHtmlText(effects, ok, nok) {
return cdataClose
- if (markdownLineEnding$3(code)) {
+ if (markdownLineEnding(code)) {
returnState = cdata;
return atLineEnding(code)
@@ -36856,6 +39953,7 @@ function tokenizeHtmlText(effects, ok, nok) {
return cdata
+ /** @type {State} */
function cdataClose(code) {
if (code === 93) {
@@ -36865,6 +39963,7 @@ function tokenizeHtmlText(effects, ok, nok) {
return cdata(code)
+ /** @type {State} */
function cdataEnd(code) {
if (code === 62) {
@@ -36878,13 +39977,14 @@ function tokenizeHtmlText(effects, ok, nok) {
return cdata(code)
+ /** @type {State} */
function declaration(code) {
if (code === null || code === 62) {
return end(code)
- if (markdownLineEnding$3(code)) {
+ if (markdownLineEnding(code)) {
returnState = declaration;
return atLineEnding(code)
@@ -36892,6 +39992,7 @@ function tokenizeHtmlText(effects, ok, nok) {
return declaration
+ /** @type {State} */
function instruction(code) {
if (code === null) {
@@ -36903,7 +40004,7 @@ function tokenizeHtmlText(effects, ok, nok) {
return instructionClose
- if (markdownLineEnding$3(code)) {
+ if (markdownLineEnding(code)) {
returnState = instruction;
return atLineEnding(code)
@@ -36911,55 +40012,61 @@ function tokenizeHtmlText(effects, ok, nok) {
return instruction
+ /** @type {State} */
function instructionClose(code) {
return code === 62 ? end(code) : instruction(code)
+ /** @type {State} */
function tagCloseStart(code) {
- if (asciiAlpha$1(code)) {
+ if (asciiAlpha(code)) {
return tagClose
return nok(code)
+ /** @type {State} */
function tagClose(code) {
- if (code === 45 || asciiAlphanumeric$1(code)) {
+ if (code === 45 || asciiAlphanumeric(code)) {
return tagClose
return tagCloseBetween(code)
+ /** @type {State} */
function tagCloseBetween(code) {
- if (markdownLineEnding$3(code)) {
+ if (markdownLineEnding(code)) {
returnState = tagCloseBetween;
return atLineEnding(code)
- if (markdownSpace$3(code)) {
+ if (markdownSpace(code)) {
return tagCloseBetween
return end(code)
+ /** @type {State} */
function tagOpen(code) {
- if (code === 45 || asciiAlphanumeric$1(code)) {
+ if (code === 45 || asciiAlphanumeric(code)) {
return tagOpen
- if (code === 47 || code === 62 || markdownLineEndingOrSpace$2(code)) {
+ if (code === 47 || code === 62 || markdownLineEndingOrSpace(code)) {
return tagOpenBetween(code)
return nok(code)
+ /** @type {State} */
function tagOpenBetween(code) {
if (code === 47) {
@@ -36967,23 +40074,24 @@ function tokenizeHtmlText(effects, ok, nok) {
return end
- if (code === 58 || code === 95 || asciiAlpha$1(code)) {
+ if (code === 58 || code === 95 || asciiAlpha(code)) {
return tagOpenAttributeName
- if (markdownLineEnding$3(code)) {
+ if (markdownLineEnding(code)) {
returnState = tagOpenBetween;
return atLineEnding(code)
- if (markdownSpace$3(code)) {
+ if (markdownSpace(code)) {
return tagOpenBetween
return end(code)
+ /** @type {State} */
function tagOpenAttributeName(code) {
if (
@@ -36991,7 +40099,7 @@ function tokenizeHtmlText(effects, ok, nok) {
code === 46 ||
code === 58 ||
code === 95 ||
- asciiAlphanumeric$1(code)
+ asciiAlphanumeric(code)
) {
return tagOpenAttributeName
@@ -36999,6 +40107,7 @@ function tokenizeHtmlText(effects, ok, nok) {
return tagOpenAttributeNameAfter(code)
+ /** @type {State} */
function tagOpenAttributeNameAfter(code) {
if (code === 61) {
@@ -37006,18 +40115,19 @@ function tokenizeHtmlText(effects, ok, nok) {
return tagOpenAttributeValueBefore
- if (markdownLineEnding$3(code)) {
+ if (markdownLineEnding(code)) {
returnState = tagOpenAttributeNameAfter;
return atLineEnding(code)
- if (markdownSpace$3(code)) {
+ if (markdownSpace(code)) {
return tagOpenAttributeNameAfter
return tagOpenBetween(code)
+ /** @type {State} */
function tagOpenAttributeValueBefore(code) {
if (
@@ -37036,12 +40146,12 @@ function tokenizeHtmlText(effects, ok, nok) {
return tagOpenAttributeValueQuoted
- if (markdownLineEnding$3(code)) {
+ if (markdownLineEnding(code)) {
returnState = tagOpenAttributeValueBefore;
return atLineEnding(code)
- if (markdownSpace$3(code)) {
+ if (markdownSpace(code)) {
return tagOpenAttributeValueBefore
@@ -37050,6 +40160,7 @@ function tokenizeHtmlText(effects, ok, nok) {
marker = undefined;
return tagOpenAttributeValueUnquoted
+ /** @type {State} */
function tagOpenAttributeValueQuoted(code) {
if (code === marker) {
@@ -37061,7 +40172,7 @@ function tokenizeHtmlText(effects, ok, nok) {
return nok(code)
- if (markdownLineEnding$3(code)) {
+ if (markdownLineEnding(code)) {
returnState = tagOpenAttributeValueQuoted;
return atLineEnding(code)
@@ -37069,14 +40180,16 @@ function tokenizeHtmlText(effects, ok, nok) {
return tagOpenAttributeValueQuoted
+ /** @type {State} */
function tagOpenAttributeValueQuotedAfter(code) {
- if (code === 62 || code === 47 || markdownLineEndingOrSpace$2(code)) {
+ if (code === 62 || code === 47 || markdownLineEndingOrSpace(code)) {
return tagOpenBetween(code)
return nok(code)
+ /** @type {State} */
function tagOpenAttributeValueUnquoted(code) {
if (
@@ -37090,7 +40203,7 @@ function tokenizeHtmlText(effects, ok, nok) {
return nok(code)
- if (code === 62 || markdownLineEndingOrSpace$2(code)) {
+ if (code === 62 || markdownLineEndingOrSpace(code)) {
return tagOpenBetween(code)
@@ -37099,25 +40212,29 @@ function tokenizeHtmlText(effects, ok, nok) {
} // We can’t have blank lines in content, so no need to worry about empty
// tokens.
+ /** @type {State} */
function atLineEnding(code) {
- return factorySpace$5(
+ return factorySpace(
- self.parser.constructs.disable.null.indexOf('codeIndented') > -1
+ self.parser.constructs.disable.null.includes('codeIndented')
? undefined
: 4
+ /** @type {State} */
function afterPrefix(code) {
return returnState(code)
+ /** @type {State} */
function end(code) {
if (code === 62) {
@@ -37131,47 +40248,53 @@ function tokenizeHtmlText(effects, ok, nok) {
-var htmlText_1 = htmlText$1;
-var markdownLineEndingOrSpace$1 = markdownLineEndingOrSpace_1;
-var chunkedPush = chunkedPush_1;
-var chunkedSplice = chunkedSplice_1;
-var normalizeIdentifier$2 = normalizeIdentifier_1;
-var resolveAll$1 = resolveAll_1;
-var shallow$1 = shallow_1;
-var factoryDestination = factoryDestination$2;
-var factoryLabel = factoryLabel$2;
-var factoryTitle = factoryTitle$2;
-var factoryWhitespace = factoryWhitespace$2;
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Construct} Construct
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Resolver} Resolver
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Tokenizer} Tokenizer
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Event} Event
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Token} Token
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').State} State
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Code} Code
+ */
-var labelEnd$3 = {
+/** @type {Construct} */
+const labelEnd = {
name: 'labelEnd',
tokenize: tokenizeLabelEnd,
resolveTo: resolveToLabelEnd,
resolveAll: resolveAllLabelEnd
-var resourceConstruct = {
+/** @type {Construct} */
+const resourceConstruct = {
tokenize: tokenizeResource
-var fullReferenceConstruct = {
+/** @type {Construct} */
+const fullReferenceConstruct = {
tokenize: tokenizeFullReference
-var collapsedReferenceConstruct = {
+/** @type {Construct} */
+const collapsedReferenceConstruct = {
tokenize: tokenizeCollapsedReference
+/** @type {Resolver} */
function resolveAllLabelEnd(events) {
- var index = -1;
- var token;
+ let index = -1;
+ /** @type {Token} */
+ let token;
while (++index < events.length) {
token = events[index][1];
if (
- !token._used &&
- (token.type === 'labelImage' ||
- token.type === 'labelLink' ||
- token.type === 'labelEnd')
+ token.type === 'labelImage' ||
+ token.type === 'labelLink' ||
+ token.type === 'labelEnd'
) {
// Remove the marker.
events.splice(index + 1, token.type === 'labelImage' ? 4 : 2);
@@ -37182,17 +40305,23 @@ function resolveAllLabelEnd(events) {
return events
+/** @type {Resolver} */
function resolveToLabelEnd(events, context) {
- var index = events.length;
- var offset = 0;
- var group;
- var label;
- var text;
- var token;
- var open;
- var close;
- var media; // Find an opening.
+ let index = events.length;
+ let offset = 0;
+ /** @type {Token} */
+ let token;
+ /** @type {number|undefined} */
+ let open;
+ /** @type {number|undefined} */
+ let close;
+ /** @type {Event[]} */
+ let media; // Find an opening.
while (index--) {
token = events[index][1];
@@ -37228,58 +40357,63 @@ function resolveToLabelEnd(events, context) {
- group = {
+ const group = {
type: events[open][1].type === 'labelLink' ? 'link' : 'image',
- start: shallow$1(events[open][1].start),
- end: shallow$1(events[events.length - 1][1].end)
+ start: Object.assign({}, events[open][1].start),
+ end: Object.assign({}, events[events.length - 1][1].end)
- label = {
+ const label = {
type: 'label',
- start: shallow$1(events[open][1].start),
- end: shallow$1(events[close][1].end)
+ start: Object.assign({}, events[open][1].start),
+ end: Object.assign({}, events[close][1].end)
- text = {
+ const text = {
type: 'labelText',
- start: shallow$1(events[open + offset + 2][1].end),
- end: shallow$1(events[close - 2][1].start)
+ start: Object.assign({}, events[open + offset + 2][1].end),
+ end: Object.assign({}, events[close - 2][1].start)
media = [
['enter', group, context],
['enter', label, context]
]; // Opening marker.
- media = chunkedPush(media, events.slice(open + 1, open + offset + 3)); // Text open.
+ media = push(media, events.slice(open + 1, open + offset + 3)); // Text open.
- media = chunkedPush(media, [['enter', text, context]]); // Between.
+ media = push(media, [['enter', text, context]]); // Between.
- media = chunkedPush(
+ media = push(
- resolveAll$1(
+ resolveAll(
events.slice(open + offset + 4, close - 3),
); // Text close, marker close, label close.
- media = chunkedPush(media, [
+ media = push(media, [
['exit', text, context],
events[close - 2],
events[close - 1],
['exit', label, context]
]); // Reference, resource, or so.
- media = chunkedPush(media, events.slice(close + 1)); // Media close.
+ media = push(media, events.slice(close + 1)); // Media close.
- media = chunkedPush(media, [['exit', group, context]]);
- chunkedSplice(events, open, events.length, media);
+ media = push(media, [['exit', group, context]]);
+ splice(events, open, events.length, media);
return events
+/** @type {Tokenizer} */
function tokenizeLabelEnd(effects, ok, nok) {
- var self = this;
- var index =;
- var labelStart;
- var defined; // Find an opening.
+ const self = this;
+ let index =;
+ /** @type {Token} */
+ let labelStart;
+ /** @type {boolean} */
+ let defined; // Find an opening.
while (index--) {
if (
@@ -37293,6 +40427,7 @@ function tokenizeLabelEnd(effects, ok, nok) {
return start
+ /** @type {State} */
function start(code) {
if (!labelStart) {
@@ -37300,15 +40435,14 @@ function tokenizeLabelEnd(effects, ok, nok) {
} // It’s a balanced bracket, but contains a link.
if (labelStart._inactive) return balanced(code)
- defined =
- self.parser.defined.indexOf(
- normalizeIdentifier$2(
- self.sliceSerialize({
- start: labelStart.end,
- end:
- })
- )
- ) > -1;
+ defined = self.parser.defined.includes(
+ normalizeIdentifier(
+ self.sliceSerialize({
+ start: labelStart.end,
+ end:
+ })
+ )
+ );
@@ -37316,6 +40450,7 @@ function tokenizeLabelEnd(effects, ok, nok) {
return afterLabelEnd
+ /** @type {State} */
function afterLabelEnd(code) {
// Resource: `[asd](fgh)`.
@@ -37339,15 +40474,18 @@ function tokenizeLabelEnd(effects, ok, nok) {
return defined ? ok(code) : balanced(code)
+ /** @type {State} */
function balanced(code) {
labelStart._balanced = true;
return nok(code)
+/** @type {Tokenizer} */
function tokenizeResource(effects, ok, nok) {
return start
+ /** @type {State} */
function start(code) {
@@ -37356,6 +40494,7 @@ function tokenizeResource(effects, ok, nok) {
return factoryWhitespace(effects, open)
+ /** @type {State} */
function open(code) {
if (code === 41) {
@@ -37374,12 +40513,14 @@ function tokenizeResource(effects, ok, nok) {
+ /** @type {State} */
function destinationAfter(code) {
- return markdownLineEndingOrSpace$1(code)
+ return markdownLineEndingOrSpace(code)
? factoryWhitespace(effects, between)(code)
: end(code)
+ /** @type {State} */
function between(code) {
if (code === 34 || code === 39 || code === 40) {
@@ -37395,6 +40536,7 @@ function tokenizeResource(effects, ok, nok) {
return end(code)
+ /** @type {State} */
function end(code) {
if (code === 41) {
@@ -37408,10 +40550,12 @@ function tokenizeResource(effects, ok, nok) {
return nok(code)
+/** @type {Tokenizer} */
function tokenizeFullReference(effects, ok, nok) {
- var self = this;
+ const self = this;
return start
+ /** @type {State} */
function start(code) {
@@ -37424,20 +40568,23 @@ function tokenizeFullReference(effects, ok, nok) {
+ /** @type {State} */
function afterLabel(code) {
- return self.parser.defined.indexOf(
- normalizeIdentifier$2(
+ return self.parser.defined.includes(
+ normalizeIdentifier(
self.sliceSerialize([ - 1][1]).slice(1, -1)
- ) < 0
- ? nok(code)
- : ok(code)
+ )
+ ? ok(code)
+ : nok(code)
+/** @type {Tokenizer} */
function tokenizeCollapsedReference(effects, ok, nok) {
return start
+ /** @type {State} */
function start(code) {
@@ -37446,6 +40593,7 @@ function tokenizeCollapsedReference(effects, ok, nok) {
return open
+ /** @type {State} */
function open(code) {
if (code === 93) {
@@ -37460,19 +40608,24 @@ function tokenizeCollapsedReference(effects, ok, nok) {
-var labelEnd_1 = labelEnd$3;
-var labelEnd$2 = labelEnd_1;
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Construct} Construct
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Tokenizer} Tokenizer
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').State} State
+ */
+/** @type {Construct} */
-var labelStartImage$1 = {
+const labelStartImage = {
name: 'labelStartImage',
tokenize: tokenizeLabelStartImage,
- resolveAll: labelEnd$2.resolveAll
+ resolveAll: labelEnd.resolveAll
+/** @type {Tokenizer} */
function tokenizeLabelStartImage(effects, ok, nok) {
- var self = this;
+ const self = this;
return start
+ /** @type {State} */
function start(code) {
@@ -37481,6 +40634,7 @@ function tokenizeLabelStartImage(effects, ok, nok) {
return open
+ /** @type {State} */
function open(code) {
if (code === 91) {
@@ -37493,31 +40647,36 @@ function tokenizeLabelStartImage(effects, ok, nok) {
return nok(code)
+ /** @type {State} */
function after(code) {
- /* c8 ignore next */
- return code === 94 &&
- /* c8 ignore next */
- '_hiddenFootnoteSupport' in self.parser.constructs
- ? /* c8 ignore next */
- nok(code)
+ /* Hidden footnotes hook */
+ /* c8 ignore next 3 */
+ return code === 94 && '_hiddenFootnoteSupport' in self.parser.constructs
+ ? nok(code)
: ok(code)
-var labelStartImage_1 = labelStartImage$1;
-var labelEnd$1 = labelEnd_1;
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Construct} Construct
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Tokenizer} Tokenizer
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').State} State
+ */
+/** @type {Construct} */
-var labelStartLink$1 = {
+const labelStartLink = {
name: 'labelStartLink',
tokenize: tokenizeLabelStartLink,
- resolveAll: labelEnd$1.resolveAll
+ resolveAll: labelEnd.resolveAll
+/** @type {Tokenizer} */
function tokenizeLabelStartLink(effects, ok, nok) {
- var self = this;
+ const self = this;
return start
+ /** @type {State} */
function start(code) {
@@ -37527,59 +40686,71 @@ function tokenizeLabelStartLink(effects, ok, nok) {
return after
+ /** @type {State} */
function after(code) {
- /* c8 ignore next */
- return code === 94 &&
- /* c8 ignore next */
- '_hiddenFootnoteSupport' in self.parser.constructs
- ? /* c8 ignore next */
- nok(code)
+ /* Hidden footnotes hook. */
+ /* c8 ignore next 3 */
+ return code === 94 && '_hiddenFootnoteSupport' in self.parser.constructs
+ ? nok(code)
: ok(code)
-var labelStartLink_1 = labelStartLink$1;
-var factorySpace$4 = factorySpace$i;
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Construct} Construct
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Tokenizer} Tokenizer
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').State} State
+ */
-var lineEnding$1 = {
+/** @type {Construct} */
+const lineEnding = {
name: 'lineEnding',
tokenize: tokenizeLineEnding
+/** @type {Tokenizer} */
function tokenizeLineEnding(effects, ok) {
return start
+ /** @type {State} */
function start(code) {
- return factorySpace$4(effects, ok, 'linePrefix')
+ return factorySpace(effects, ok, 'linePrefix')
-var lineEnding_1 = lineEnding$1;
-var markdownLineEnding$2 = markdownLineEnding_1;
-var markdownSpace$2 = markdownSpace_1;
-var factorySpace$3 = factorySpace$i;
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Construct} Construct
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Tokenizer} Tokenizer
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').State} State
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Code} Code
+ */
-var thematicBreak$3 = {
+/** @type {Construct} */
+const thematicBreak$1 = {
name: 'thematicBreak',
tokenize: tokenizeThematicBreak
+/** @type {Tokenizer} */
function tokenizeThematicBreak(effects, ok, nok) {
- var size = 0;
- var marker;
+ let size = 0;
+ /** @type {NonNullable<Code>} */
+ let marker;
return start
+ /** @type {State} */
function start(code) {
marker = code;
return atBreak(code)
+ /** @type {State} */
function atBreak(code) {
if (code === marker) {
@@ -37587,17 +40758,18 @@ function tokenizeThematicBreak(effects, ok, nok) {
return sequence(code)
- if (markdownSpace$2(code)) {
- return factorySpace$3(effects, atBreak, 'whitespace')(code)
+ if (markdownSpace(code)) {
+ return factorySpace(effects, atBreak, 'whitespace')(code)
- if (size < 3 || (code !== null && !markdownLineEnding$2(code))) {
+ if (size < 3 || (code !== null && !markdownLineEnding(code))) {
return nok(code)
return ok(code)
+ /** @type {State} */
function sequence(code) {
if (code === marker) {
@@ -37611,17 +40783,17 @@ function tokenizeThematicBreak(effects, ok, nok) {
-var thematicBreak_1$1 = thematicBreak$3;
-var asciiDigit$1 = asciiDigit_1;
-var markdownSpace$1 = markdownSpace_1;
-var prefixSize = prefixSize_1;
-var sizeChunks = sizeChunks_1;
-var factorySpace$2 = factorySpace$i;
-var partialBlankLine = partialBlankLine_1;
-var thematicBreak$2 = thematicBreak_1$1;
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Construct} Construct
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').TokenizeContext} TokenizeContext
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Exiter} Exiter
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Tokenizer} Tokenizer
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').State} State
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Code} Code
+ */
+/** @type {Construct} */
-var list$2 = {
+const list$1 = {
name: 'list',
tokenize: tokenizeListStart,
continuation: {
@@ -37629,23 +40801,36 @@ var list$2 = {
exit: tokenizeListEnd
-var listItemPrefixWhitespaceConstruct = {
+/** @type {Construct} */
+const listItemPrefixWhitespaceConstruct = {
tokenize: tokenizeListItemPrefixWhitespace,
partial: true
-var indentConstruct = {
+/** @type {Construct} */
+const indentConstruct = {
tokenize: tokenizeIndent,
partial: true
+ * @type {Tokenizer}
+ * @this {TokenizeContextWithState}
+ */
function tokenizeListStart(effects, ok, nok) {
- var self = this;
- var initialSize = prefixSize(, 'linePrefix');
- var size = 0;
+ const self = this;
+ const tail =[ - 1];
+ let initialSize =
+ tail && tail[1].type === 'linePrefix'
+ ? tail[2].sliceSerialize(tail[1], true).length
+ : 0;
+ let size = 0;
return start
+ /** @type {State} */
function start(code) {
- var kind =
+ const kind =
self.containerState.type ||
(code === 42 || code === 43 || code === 45
? 'listUnordered'
@@ -37654,7 +40839,7 @@ function tokenizeListStart(effects, ok, nok) {
if (
kind === 'listUnordered'
? !self.containerState.marker || code === self.containerState.marker
- : asciiDigit$1(code)
+ : asciiDigit(code)
) {
if (!self.containerState.type) {
self.containerState.type = kind;
@@ -37666,7 +40851,7 @@ function tokenizeListStart(effects, ok, nok) {
if (kind === 'listUnordered') {
return code === 42 || code === 45
- ? effects.check(thematicBreak$2, nok, atMarker)(code)
+ ? effects.check(thematicBreak$1, nok, atMarker)(code)
: atMarker(code)
@@ -37679,9 +40864,10 @@ function tokenizeListStart(effects, ok, nok) {
return nok(code)
+ /** @type {State} */
function inside(code) {
- if (asciiDigit$1(code) && ++size < 10) {
+ if (asciiDigit(code) && ++size < 10) {
return inside
@@ -37698,6 +40884,9 @@ function tokenizeListStart(effects, ok, nok) {
return nok(code)
+ /**
+ * @type {State}
+ **/
function atMarker(code) {
@@ -37705,7 +40894,7 @@ function tokenizeListStart(effects, ok, nok) {
self.containerState.marker = self.containerState.marker || code;
return effects.check(
- partialBlankLine, // Can’t be empty when interrupting.
+ blankLine, // Can’t be empty when interrupting.
self.interrupt ? nok : onBlank,
@@ -37714,15 +40903,17 @@ function tokenizeListStart(effects, ok, nok) {
+ /** @type {State} */
function onBlank(code) {
self.containerState.initialBlankLine = true;
return endOfPrefix(code)
+ /** @type {State} */
function otherPrefix(code) {
- if (markdownSpace$1(code)) {
+ if (markdownSpace(code)) {
@@ -37731,18 +40922,25 @@ function tokenizeListStart(effects, ok, nok) {
return nok(code)
+ /** @type {State} */
function endOfPrefix(code) {
self.containerState.size =
- initialSize + sizeChunks(self.sliceStream(effects.exit('listItemPrefix')));
+ initialSize +
+ self.sliceSerialize(effects.exit('listItemPrefix'), true).length;
return ok(code)
+ * @type {Tokenizer}
+ * @this {TokenizeContextWithState}
+ */
function tokenizeListContinuation(effects, ok, nok) {
- var self = this;
+ const self = this;
self.containerState._closeFlow = undefined;
- return effects.check(partialBlankLine, onBlank, notBlank)
+ return effects.check(blankLine, onBlank, notBlank)
+ /** @type {State} */
function onBlank(code) {
self.containerState.furtherBlankLines =
@@ -37750,98 +40948,129 @@ function tokenizeListContinuation(effects, ok, nok) {
self.containerState.initialBlankLine; // We have a blank line.
// Still, try to consume at most the items size.
- return factorySpace$2(
+ return factorySpace(
self.containerState.size + 1
+ /** @type {State} */
function notBlank(code) {
- if (self.containerState.furtherBlankLines || !markdownSpace$1(code)) {
- self.containerState.furtherBlankLines = self.containerState.initialBlankLine = undefined;
+ if (self.containerState.furtherBlankLines || !markdownSpace(code)) {
+ self.containerState.furtherBlankLines = undefined;
+ self.containerState.initialBlankLine = undefined;
return notInCurrentItem(code)
- self.containerState.furtherBlankLines = self.containerState.initialBlankLine = undefined;
+ self.containerState.furtherBlankLines = undefined;
+ self.containerState.initialBlankLine = undefined;
return effects.attempt(indentConstruct, ok, notInCurrentItem)(code)
+ /** @type {State} */
function notInCurrentItem(code) {
// While we do continue, we signal that the flow should be closed.
self.containerState._closeFlow = true; // As we’re closing flow, we’re no longer interrupting.
self.interrupt = undefined;
- return factorySpace$2(
+ return factorySpace(
- effects.attempt(list$2, ok, nok),
+ effects.attempt(list$1, ok, nok),
- self.parser.constructs.disable.null.indexOf('codeIndented') > -1
+ self.parser.constructs.disable.null.includes('codeIndented')
? undefined
: 4
+ * @type {Tokenizer}
+ * @this {TokenizeContextWithState}
+ */
function tokenizeIndent(effects, ok, nok) {
- var self = this;
- return factorySpace$2(
+ const self = this;
+ return factorySpace(
self.containerState.size + 1
+ /** @type {State} */
function afterPrefix(code) {
- return prefixSize(, 'listItemIndent') ===
- self.containerState.size
+ const tail =[ - 1];
+ return tail &&
+ tail[1].type === 'listItemIndent' &&
+ tail[2].sliceSerialize(tail[1], true).length === self.containerState.size
? ok(code)
: nok(code)
+ * @type {Exiter}
+ * @this {TokenizeContextWithState}
+ */
function tokenizeListEnd(effects) {
+ * @type {Tokenizer}
+ * @this {TokenizeContextWithState}
+ */
function tokenizeListItemPrefixWhitespace(effects, ok, nok) {
- var self = this;
- return factorySpace$2(
+ const self = this;
+ return factorySpace(
- self.parser.constructs.disable.null.indexOf('codeIndented') > -1
+ self.parser.constructs.disable.null.includes('codeIndented')
? undefined
: 4 + 1
+ /** @type {State} */
function afterPrefix(code) {
- return markdownSpace$1(code) ||
- !prefixSize(, 'listItemPrefixWhitespace')
- ? nok(code)
- : ok(code)
+ const tail =[ - 1];
+ return !markdownSpace(code) &&
+ tail &&
+ tail[1].type === 'listItemPrefixWhitespace'
+ ? ok(code)
+ : nok(code)
-var list_1$1 = list$2;
-var markdownLineEnding$1 = markdownLineEnding_1;
-var shallow = shallow_1;
-var factorySpace$1 = factorySpace$i;
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Construct} Construct
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Resolver} Resolver
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Tokenizer} Tokenizer
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').State} State
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Code} Code
+ */
-var setextUnderline$1 = {
+/** @type {Construct} */
+const setextUnderline = {
name: 'setextUnderline',
tokenize: tokenizeSetextUnderline,
resolveTo: resolveToSetextUnderline
+/** @type {Resolver} */
function resolveToSetextUnderline(events, context) {
- var index = events.length;
- var content;
- var text;
- var definition;
- var heading; // Find the opening of the content.
+ let index = events.length;
+ /** @type {number|undefined} */
+ let content;
+ /** @type {number|undefined} */
+ let text;
+ /** @type {number|undefined} */
+ let definition; // Find the opening of the content.
// It’ll always exist: we don’t tokenize if it isn’t there.
while (index--) {
@@ -37867,10 +41096,10 @@ function resolveToSetextUnderline(events, context) {
- heading = {
+ const heading = {
type: 'setextHeading',
- start: shallow(events[text][1].start),
- end: shallow(events[events.length - 1][1].end)
+ start: Object.assign({}, events[text][1].start),
+ end: Object.assign({}, events[events.length - 1][1].end)
}; // Change the paragraph to setext heading text.
events[text][1].type = 'setextHeadingText'; // If we have definitions in the content, we’ll keep on having content,
@@ -37879,7 +41108,7 @@ function resolveToSetextUnderline(events, context) {
if (definition) {
events.splice(text, 0, ['enter', heading, context]);
events.splice(definition + 1, 0, ['exit', events[content][1], context]);
- events[content][1].end = shallow(events[definition][1].end);
+ events[content][1].end = Object.assign({}, events[definition][1].end);
} else {
events[content][1] = heading;
} // Add the heading exit at the end.
@@ -37887,12 +41116,17 @@ function resolveToSetextUnderline(events, context) {
events.push(['exit', heading, context]);
return events
+/** @type {Tokenizer} */
function tokenizeSetextUnderline(effects, ok, nok) {
- var self = this;
- var index =;
- var marker;
- var paragraph; // Find an opening.
+ const self = this;
+ let index =;
+ /** @type {NonNullable<Code>} */
+ let marker;
+ /** @type {boolean} */
+ let paragraph; // Find an opening.
while (index--) {
// Skip enter/exit of line ending, line prefix, and content.
@@ -37908,9 +41142,10 @@ function tokenizeSetextUnderline(effects, ok, nok) {
return start
+ /** @type {State} */
function start(code) {
- if (!self.lazy && (self.interrupt || paragraph)) {
+ if (!self.parser.lazy[] && (self.interrupt || paragraph)) {
marker = code;
@@ -37919,6 +41154,7 @@ function tokenizeSetextUnderline(effects, ok, nok) {
return nok(code)
+ /** @type {State} */
function closingSequence(code) {
if (code === marker) {
@@ -37927,11 +41163,12 @@ function tokenizeSetextUnderline(effects, ok, nok) {
- return factorySpace$1(effects, closingSequenceEnd, 'lineSuffix')(code)
+ return factorySpace(effects, closingSequenceEnd, 'lineSuffix')(code)
+ /** @type {State} */
function closingSequenceEnd(code) {
- if (code === null || markdownLineEnding$1(code)) {
+ if (code === null || markdownLineEnding(code)) {
return ok(code)
@@ -37940,185 +41177,1037 @@ function tokenizeSetextUnderline(effects, ok, nok) {
-var setextUnderline_1 = setextUnderline$1;
-Object.defineProperty(constructs$2, '__esModule', {value: true});
-var text$1$1 = text$5;
-var attention = attention_1;
-var autolink = autolink_1;
-var blockQuote = blockQuote_1;
-var characterEscape$1 = characterEscape_1;
-var characterReference$1 = characterReference_1;
-var codeFenced = codeFenced_1;
-var codeIndented = codeIndented_1;
-var codeText = codeText_1;
-var definition$1 = definition_1$1;
-var hardBreakEscape = hardBreakEscape_1;
-var headingAtx = headingAtx_1;
-var htmlFlow = htmlFlow_1;
-var htmlText = htmlText_1;
-var labelEnd = labelEnd_1;
-var labelStartImage = labelStartImage_1;
-var labelStartLink = labelStartLink_1;
-var lineEnding = lineEnding_1;
-var list$1 = list_1$1;
-var setextUnderline = setextUnderline_1;
-var thematicBreak$1 = thematicBreak_1$1;
-var document$2 = {
- 42: list$1,
- // Asterisk
- 43: list$1,
- // Plus sign
- 45: list$1,
- // Dash
- 48: list$1,
- // 0
- 49: list$1,
- // 1
- 50: list$1,
- // 2
- 51: list$1,
- // 3
- 52: list$1,
- // 4
- 53: list$1,
- // 5
- 54: list$1,
- // 6
- 55: list$1,
- // 7
- 56: list$1,
- // 8
- 57: list$1,
- // 9
- 62: blockQuote // Greater than
-var contentInitial = {
- 91: definition$1 // Left square bracket
-var flowInitial = {
- '-2': codeIndented,
- // Horizontal tab
- '-1': codeIndented,
- // Virtual space
- 32: codeIndented // Space
-var flow$6 = {
- 35: headingAtx,
- // Number sign
- 42: thematicBreak$1,
- // Asterisk
- 45: [setextUnderline, thematicBreak$1],
- // Dash
- 60: htmlFlow,
- // Less than
- 61: setextUnderline,
- // Equals to
- 95: thematicBreak$1,
- // Underscore
- 96: codeFenced,
- // Grave accent
- 126: codeFenced // Tilde
-var string = {
- 38: characterReference$1,
- // Ampersand
- 92: characterEscape$1 // Backslash
-var text$3 = {
- '-5': lineEnding,
- // Carriage return
- '-4': lineEnding,
- // Line feed
- '-3': lineEnding,
- // Carriage return + line feed
- 33: labelStartImage,
- // Exclamation mark
- 38: characterReference$1,
- // Ampersand
- 42: attention,
- // Asterisk
- 60: [autolink, htmlText],
- // Less than
- 91: labelStartLink,
- // Left square bracket
- 92: [hardBreakEscape, characterEscape$1],
- // Backslash
- 93: labelEnd,
- // Right square bracket
- 95: attention,
- // Underscore
- 96: codeText // Grave accent
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').InitialConstruct} InitialConstruct
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Initializer} Initializer
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').State} State
+ */
+/** @type {InitialConstruct} */
+const flow$1 = {
+ tokenize: initializeFlow
-var insideSpan = {
- null: [attention, text$1$1.resolver]
+/** @type {Initializer} */
+function initializeFlow(effects) {
+ const self = this;
+ const initial = effects.attempt(
+ // Try to parse a blank line.
+ blankLine,
+ atBlankEnding, // Try to parse initial flow (essentially, only code).
+ effects.attempt(
+ this.parser.constructs.flowInitial,
+ afterConstruct,
+ factorySpace(
+ effects,
+ effects.attempt(
+ this.parser.constructs.flow,
+ afterConstruct,
+ effects.attempt(content, afterConstruct)
+ ),
+ 'linePrefix'
+ )
+ )
+ );
+ return initial
+ /** @type {State} */
+ function atBlankEnding(code) {
+ if (code === null) {
+ effects.consume(code);
+ return
+ }
+ effects.enter('lineEndingBlank');
+ effects.consume(code);
+ effects.exit('lineEndingBlank');
+ self.currentConstruct = undefined;
+ return initial
+ }
+ /** @type {State} */
+ function afterConstruct(code) {
+ if (code === null) {
+ effects.consume(code);
+ return
+ }
+ effects.enter('lineEnding');
+ effects.consume(code);
+ effects.exit('lineEnding');
+ self.currentConstruct = undefined;
+ return initial
+ }
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Resolver} Resolver
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Initializer} Initializer
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Construct} Construct
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').InitialConstruct} InitialConstruct
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').State} State
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Code} Code
+ */
+const resolver = {
+ resolveAll: createResolver()
-var disable = {
+const string$1 = initializeFactory('string');
+const text$3 = initializeFactory('text');
+ * @param {'string'|'text'} field
+ * @returns {InitialConstruct}
+ */
+function initializeFactory(field) {
+ return {
+ tokenize: initializeText,
+ resolveAll: createResolver(
+ field === 'text' ? resolveAllLineSuffixes : undefined
+ )
+ }
+ /** @type {Initializer} */
+ function initializeText(effects) {
+ const self = this;
+ const constructs = this.parser.constructs[field];
+ const text = effects.attempt(constructs, start, notText);
+ return start
+ /** @type {State} */
+ function start(code) {
+ return atBreak(code) ? text(code) : notText(code)
+ }
+ /** @type {State} */
+ function notText(code) {
+ if (code === null) {
+ effects.consume(code);
+ return
+ }
+ effects.enter('data');
+ effects.consume(code);
+ return data
+ }
+ /** @type {State} */
+ function data(code) {
+ if (atBreak(code)) {
+ effects.exit('data');
+ return text(code)
+ } // Data.
+ effects.consume(code);
+ return data
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param {Code} code
+ * @returns {boolean}
+ */
+ function atBreak(code) {
+ if (code === null) {
+ return true
+ }
+ const list = constructs[code];
+ let index = -1;
+ if (list) {
+ while (++index < list.length) {
+ const item = list[index];
+ if (!item.previous ||, self.previous)) {
+ return true
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ * @param {Resolver} [extraResolver]
+ * @returns {Resolver}
+ */
+function createResolver(extraResolver) {
+ return resolveAllText
+ /** @type {Resolver} */
+ function resolveAllText(events, context) {
+ let index = -1;
+ /** @type {number|undefined} */
+ let enter; // A rather boring computation (to merge adjacent `data` events) which
+ // improves mm performance by 29%.
+ while (++index <= events.length) {
+ if (enter === undefined) {
+ if (events[index] && events[index][1].type === 'data') {
+ enter = index;
+ index++;
+ }
+ } else if (!events[index] || events[index][1].type !== 'data') {
+ // Don’t do anything if there is one data token.
+ if (index !== enter + 2) {
+ events[enter][1].end = events[index - 1][1].end;
+ events.splice(enter + 2, index - enter - 2);
+ index = enter + 2;
+ }
+ enter = undefined;
+ }
+ }
+ return extraResolver ? extraResolver(events, context) : events
+ }
+ * A rather ugly set of instructions which again looks at chunks in the input
+ * stream.
+ * The reason to do this here is that it is *much* faster to parse in reverse.
+ * And that we can’t hook into `null` to split the line suffix before an EOF.
+ * To do: figure out if we can make this into a clean utility, or even in core.
+ * As it will be useful for GFMs literal autolink extension (and maybe even
+ * tables?)
+ *
+ * @type {Resolver}
+ */
+function resolveAllLineSuffixes(events, context) {
+ let eventIndex = -1;
+ while (++eventIndex <= events.length) {
+ if (
+ (eventIndex === events.length ||
+ events[eventIndex][1].type === 'lineEnding') &&
+ events[eventIndex - 1][1].type === 'data'
+ ) {
+ const data = events[eventIndex - 1][1];
+ const chunks = context.sliceStream(data);
+ let index = chunks.length;
+ let bufferIndex = -1;
+ let size = 0;
+ /** @type {boolean|undefined} */
+ let tabs;
+ while (index--) {
+ const chunk = chunks[index];
+ if (typeof chunk === 'string') {
+ bufferIndex = chunk.length;
+ while (chunk.charCodeAt(bufferIndex - 1) === 32) {
+ size++;
+ bufferIndex--;
+ }
+ if (bufferIndex) break
+ bufferIndex = -1;
+ } // Number
+ else if (chunk === -2) {
+ tabs = true;
+ size++;
+ } else if (chunk === -1) ; else {
+ // Replacement character, exit.
+ index++;
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ if (size) {
+ const token = {
+ type:
+ eventIndex === events.length || tabs || size < 2
+ ? 'lineSuffix'
+ : 'hardBreakTrailing',
+ start: {
+ line: data.end.line,
+ column: data.end.column - size,
+ offset: data.end.offset - size,
+ _index: data.start._index + index,
+ _bufferIndex: index
+ ? bufferIndex
+ : data.start._bufferIndex + bufferIndex
+ },
+ end: Object.assign({}, data.end)
+ };
+ data.end = Object.assign({}, token.start);
+ if (data.start.offset === data.end.offset) {
+ Object.assign(data, token);
+ } else {
+ events.splice(
+ eventIndex,
+ 0,
+ ['enter', token, context],
+ ['exit', token, context]
+ );
+ eventIndex += 2;
+ }
+ }
+ eventIndex++;
+ }
+ }
+ return events
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Code} Code
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Chunk} Chunk
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Point} Point
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Token} Token
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Effects} Effects
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').State} State
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Construct} Construct
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').InitialConstruct} InitialConstruct
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').ConstructRecord} ConstructRecord
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').TokenizeContext} TokenizeContext
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').ParseContext} ParseContext
+ */
+ * Create a tokenizer.
+ * Tokenizers deal with one type of data (e.g., containers, flow, text).
+ * The parser is the object dealing with it all.
+ * `initialize` works like other constructs, except that only its `tokenize`
+ * function is used, in which case it doesn’t receive an `ok` or `nok`.
+ * `from` can be given to set the point before the first character, although
+ * when further lines are indented, they must be set with `defineSkip`.
+ *
+ * @param {ParseContext} parser
+ * @param {InitialConstruct} initialize
+ * @param {Omit<Point, '_index'|'_bufferIndex'>} [from]
+ * @returns {TokenizeContext}
+ */
+function createTokenizer(parser, initialize, from) {
+ /** @type {Point} */
+ let point = Object.assign(
+ from
+ ? Object.assign({}, from)
+ : {
+ line: 1,
+ column: 1,
+ offset: 0
+ },
+ {
+ _index: 0,
+ _bufferIndex: -1
+ }
+ );
+ /** @type {Record<string, number>} */
+ const columnStart = {};
+ /** @type {Construct[]} */
+ const resolveAllConstructs = [];
+ /** @type {Chunk[]} */
+ let chunks = [];
+ /** @type {Token[]} */
+ let stack = [];
+ /**
+ * Tools used for tokenizing.
+ *
+ * @type {Effects}
+ */
+ const effects = {
+ consume,
+ enter,
+ exit,
+ attempt: constructFactory(onsuccessfulconstruct),
+ check: constructFactory(onsuccessfulcheck),
+ interrupt: constructFactory(onsuccessfulcheck, {
+ interrupt: true
+ })
+ };
+ /**
+ * State and tools for resolving and serializing.
+ *
+ * @type {TokenizeContext}
+ */
+ const context = {
+ previous: null,
+ code: null,
+ containerState: {},
+ events: [],
+ parser,
+ sliceStream,
+ sliceSerialize,
+ now,
+ defineSkip,
+ write
+ };
+ /**
+ * The state function.
+ *
+ * @type {State|void}
+ */
+ let state =, effects);
+ if (initialize.resolveAll) {
+ resolveAllConstructs.push(initialize);
+ }
+ return context
+ /** @type {TokenizeContext['write']} */
+ function write(slice) {
+ chunks = push(chunks, slice);
+ main(); // Exit if we’re not done, resolve might change stuff.
+ if (chunks[chunks.length - 1] !== null) {
+ return []
+ }
+ addResult(initialize, 0); // Otherwise, resolve, and exit.
+ = resolveAll(resolveAllConstructs,, context);
+ return
+ } //
+ // Tools.
+ //
+ /** @type {TokenizeContext['sliceSerialize']} */
+ function sliceSerialize(token, expandTabs) {
+ return serializeChunks(sliceStream(token), expandTabs)
+ }
+ /** @type {TokenizeContext['sliceStream']} */
+ function sliceStream(token) {
+ return sliceChunks(chunks, token)
+ }
+ /** @type {TokenizeContext['now']} */
+ function now() {
+ return Object.assign({}, point)
+ }
+ /** @type {TokenizeContext['defineSkip']} */
+ function defineSkip(value) {
+ columnStart[value.line] = value.column;
+ accountForPotentialSkip();
+ } //
+ // State management.
+ //
+ /**
+ * Main loop (note that `_index` and `_bufferIndex` in `point` are modified by
+ * `consume`).
+ * Here is where we walk through the chunks, which either include strings of
+ * several characters, or numerical character codes.
+ * The reason to do this in a loop instead of a call is so the stack can
+ * drain.
+ *
+ * @returns {void}
+ */
+ function main() {
+ /** @type {number} */
+ let chunkIndex;
+ while (point._index < chunks.length) {
+ const chunk = chunks[point._index]; // If we’re in a buffer chunk, loop through it.
+ if (typeof chunk === 'string') {
+ chunkIndex = point._index;
+ if (point._bufferIndex < 0) {
+ point._bufferIndex = 0;
+ }
+ while (
+ point._index === chunkIndex &&
+ point._bufferIndex < chunk.length
+ ) {
+ go(chunk.charCodeAt(point._bufferIndex));
+ }
+ } else {
+ go(chunk);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Deal with one code.
+ *
+ * @param {Code} code
+ * @returns {void}
+ */
+ function go(code) {
+ state = state(code);
+ }
+ /** @type {Effects['consume']} */
+ function consume(code) {
+ if (markdownLineEnding(code)) {
+ point.line++;
+ point.column = 1;
+ point.offset += code === -3 ? 2 : 1;
+ accountForPotentialSkip();
+ } else if (code !== -1) {
+ point.column++;
+ point.offset++;
+ } // Not in a string chunk.
+ if (point._bufferIndex < 0) {
+ point._index++;
+ } else {
+ point._bufferIndex++; // At end of string chunk.
+ // @ts-expect-error Points w/ non-negative `_bufferIndex` reference
+ // strings.
+ if (point._bufferIndex === chunks[point._index].length) {
+ point._bufferIndex = -1;
+ point._index++;
+ }
+ } // Expose the previous character.
+ context.previous = code; // Mark as consumed.
+ }
+ /** @type {Effects['enter']} */
+ function enter(type, fields) {
+ /** @type {Token} */
+ // @ts-expect-error Patch instead of assign required fields to help GC.
+ const token = fields || {};
+ token.type = type;
+ token.start = now();
+['enter', token, context]);
+ stack.push(token);
+ return token
+ }
+ /** @type {Effects['exit']} */
+ function exit(type) {
+ const token = stack.pop();
+ token.end = now();
+['exit', token, context]);
+ return token
+ }
+ /**
+ * Use results.
+ *
+ * @type {ReturnHandle}
+ */
+ function onsuccessfulconstruct(construct, info) {
+ addResult(construct, info.from);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Discard results.
+ *
+ * @type {ReturnHandle}
+ */
+ function onsuccessfulcheck(_, info) {
+ info.restore();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Factory to attempt/check/interrupt.
+ *
+ * @param {ReturnHandle} onreturn
+ * @param {Record<string, unknown>} [fields]
+ */
+ function constructFactory(onreturn, fields) {
+ return hook
+ /**
+ * Handle either an object mapping codes to constructs, a list of
+ * constructs, or a single construct.
+ *
+ * @param {Construct|Construct[]|ConstructRecord} constructs
+ * @param {State} returnState
+ * @param {State} [bogusState]
+ * @returns {State}
+ */
+ function hook(constructs, returnState, bogusState) {
+ /** @type {Construct[]} */
+ let listOfConstructs;
+ /** @type {number} */
+ let constructIndex;
+ /** @type {Construct} */
+ let currentConstruct;
+ /** @type {Info} */
+ let info;
+ return Array.isArray(constructs)
+ ? /* c8 ignore next 1 */
+ handleListOfConstructs(constructs)
+ : 'tokenize' in constructs // @ts-expect-error Looks like a construct.
+ ? handleListOfConstructs([constructs])
+ : handleMapOfConstructs(constructs)
+ /**
+ * Handle a list of construct.
+ *
+ * @param {ConstructRecord} map
+ * @returns {State}
+ */
+ function handleMapOfConstructs(map) {
+ return start
+ /** @type {State} */
+ function start(code) {
+ const def = code !== null && map[code];
+ const all = code !== null && map.null;
+ const list = [
+ // To do: add more extension tests.
+ /* c8 ignore next 2 */
+ ...(Array.isArray(def) ? def : def ? [def] : []),
+ ...(Array.isArray(all) ? all : all ? [all] : [])
+ ];
+ return handleListOfConstructs(list)(code)
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Handle a list of construct.
+ *
+ * @param {Construct[]} list
+ * @returns {State}
+ */
+ function handleListOfConstructs(list) {
+ listOfConstructs = list;
+ constructIndex = 0;
+ if (list.length === 0) {
+ return bogusState
+ }
+ return handleConstruct(list[constructIndex])
+ }
+ /**
+ * Handle a single construct.
+ *
+ * @param {Construct} construct
+ * @returns {State}
+ */
+ function handleConstruct(construct) {
+ return start
+ /** @type {State} */
+ function start(code) {
+ // To do: not needed to store if there is no bogus state, probably?
+ // Currently doesn’t work because `inspect` in document does a check
+ // w/o a bogus, which doesn’t make sense. But it does seem to help perf
+ // by not storing.
+ info = store();
+ currentConstruct = construct;
+ if (!construct.partial) {
+ context.currentConstruct = construct;
+ }
+ if (
+ &&
+ context.parser.constructs.disable.null.includes(
+ ) {
+ return nok()
+ }
+ return
+ // If we do have fields, create an object w/ `context` as its
+ // prototype.
+ // This allows a “live binding”, which is needed for `interrupt`.
+ fields ? Object.assign(Object.create(context), fields) : context,
+ effects,
+ ok,
+ nok
+ )(code)
+ }
+ }
+ /** @type {State} */
+ function ok(code) {
+ onreturn(currentConstruct, info);
+ return returnState
+ }
+ /** @type {State} */
+ function nok(code) {
+ info.restore();
+ if (++constructIndex < listOfConstructs.length) {
+ return handleConstruct(listOfConstructs[constructIndex])
+ }
+ return bogusState
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param {Construct} construct
+ * @param {number} from
+ * @returns {void}
+ */
+ function addResult(construct, from) {
+ if (construct.resolveAll && !resolveAllConstructs.includes(construct)) {
+ resolveAllConstructs.push(construct);
+ }
+ if (construct.resolve) {
+ splice(
+ from,
+ - from,
+ construct.resolve(, context)
+ );
+ }
+ if (construct.resolveTo) {
+ = construct.resolveTo(, context);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Store state.
+ *
+ * @returns {Info}
+ */
+ function store() {
+ const startPoint = now();
+ const startPrevious = context.previous;
+ const startCurrentConstruct = context.currentConstruct;
+ const startEventsIndex =;
+ const startStack = Array.from(stack);
+ return {
+ restore,
+ from: startEventsIndex
+ }
+ /**
+ * Restore state.
+ *
+ * @returns {void}
+ */
+ function restore() {
+ point = startPoint;
+ context.previous = startPrevious;
+ context.currentConstruct = startCurrentConstruct;
+ = startEventsIndex;
+ stack = startStack;
+ accountForPotentialSkip();
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Move the current point a bit forward in the line when it’s on a column
+ * skip.
+ *
+ * @returns {void}
+ */
+ function accountForPotentialSkip() {
+ if (point.line in columnStart && point.column < 2) {
+ point.column = columnStart[point.line];
+ point.offset += columnStart[point.line] - 1;
+ }
+ }
+ * Get the chunks from a slice of chunks in the range of a token.
+ *
+ * @param {Chunk[]} chunks
+ * @param {Pick<Token, 'start'|'end'>} token
+ * @returns {Chunk[]}
+ */
+function sliceChunks(chunks, token) {
+ const startIndex = token.start._index;
+ const startBufferIndex = token.start._bufferIndex;
+ const endIndex = token.end._index;
+ const endBufferIndex = token.end._bufferIndex;
+ /** @type {Chunk[]} */
+ let view;
+ if (startIndex === endIndex) {
+ // @ts-expect-error `_bufferIndex` is used on string chunks.
+ view = [chunks[startIndex].slice(startBufferIndex, endBufferIndex)];
+ } else {
+ view = chunks.slice(startIndex, endIndex);
+ if (startBufferIndex > -1) {
+ // @ts-expect-error `_bufferIndex` is used on string chunks.
+ view[0] = view[0].slice(startBufferIndex);
+ }
+ if (endBufferIndex > 0) {
+ // @ts-expect-error `_bufferIndex` is used on string chunks.
+ view.push(chunks[endIndex].slice(0, endBufferIndex));
+ }
+ }
+ return view
+ * Get the string value of a slice of chunks.
+ *
+ * @param {Chunk[]} chunks
+ * @param {boolean} [expandTabs=false]
+ * @returns {string}
+ */
+function serializeChunks(chunks, expandTabs) {
+ let index = -1;
+ /** @type {string[]} */
+ const result = [];
+ /** @type {boolean|undefined} */
+ let atTab;
+ while (++index < chunks.length) {
+ const chunk = chunks[index];
+ /** @type {string} */
+ let value;
+ if (typeof chunk === 'string') {
+ value = chunk;
+ } else
+ switch (chunk) {
+ case -5: {
+ value = '\r';
+ break
+ }
+ case -4: {
+ value = '\n';
+ break
+ }
+ case -3: {
+ value = '\r' + '\n';
+ break
+ }
+ case -2: {
+ value = expandTabs ? ' ' : '\t';
+ break
+ }
+ case -1: {
+ if (!expandTabs && atTab) continue
+ value = ' ';
+ break
+ }
+ default: {
+ // Currently only replacement character.
+ value = String.fromCharCode(chunk);
+ }
+ }
+ atTab = chunk === -2;
+ result.push(value);
+ }
+ return result.join('')
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Extension} Extension
+ */
+/** @type {Extension['document']} */
+const document$1 = {
+ [42]: list$1,
+ [43]: list$1,
+ [45]: list$1,
+ [48]: list$1,
+ [49]: list$1,
+ [50]: list$1,
+ [51]: list$1,
+ [52]: list$1,
+ [53]: list$1,
+ [54]: list$1,
+ [55]: list$1,
+ [56]: list$1,
+ [57]: list$1,
+ [62]: blockQuote
+/** @type {Extension['contentInitial']} */
+const contentInitial = {
+ [91]: definition$1
+/** @type {Extension['flowInitial']} */
+const flowInitial = {
+ [-2]: codeIndented,
+ [-1]: codeIndented,
+ [32]: codeIndented
+/** @type {Extension['flow']} */
+const flow = {
+ [35]: headingAtx,
+ [42]: thematicBreak$1,
+ [45]: [setextUnderline, thematicBreak$1],
+ [60]: htmlFlow,
+ [61]: setextUnderline,
+ [95]: thematicBreak$1,
+ [96]: codeFenced,
+ [126]: codeFenced
+/** @type {Extension['string']} */
+const string = {
+ [38]: characterReference$1,
+ [92]: characterEscape$1
+/** @type {Extension['text']} */
+const text$2 = {
+ [-5]: lineEnding,
+ [-4]: lineEnding,
+ [-3]: lineEnding,
+ [33]: labelStartImage,
+ [38]: characterReference$1,
+ [42]: attention,
+ [60]: [autolink, htmlText],
+ [91]: labelStartLink,
+ [92]: [hardBreakEscape, characterEscape$1],
+ [93]: labelEnd,
+ [95]: attention,
+ [96]: codeText
+/** @type {Extension['insideSpan']} */
+const insideSpan = {
+ null: [attention, resolver]
+/** @type {Extension['disable']} */
+const disable = {
null: []
-constructs$2.contentInitial = contentInitial;
-constructs$2.disable = disable;
-constructs$2.document = document$2;
-constructs$2.flow = flow$6;
-constructs$2.flowInitial = flowInitial;
-constructs$2.insideSpan = insideSpan;
-constructs$2.string = string;
-constructs$2.text = text$3;
-var content = content$3;
-var document$1 = document$3;
-var flow$5 = flow$7;
-var text$2 = text$5;
-var combineExtensions$1 = combineExtensions_1;
-var createTokenizer = createTokenizer_1;
-var miniflat = miniflat_1;
-var constructs$1 = constructs$2;
-function parse$3(options) {
- var settings = options || {};
- var parser = {
+var defaultConstructs = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
+ __proto__: null,
+ document: document$1,
+ contentInitial: contentInitial,
+ flowInitial: flowInitial,
+ flow: flow,
+ string: string,
+ text: text$2,
+ insideSpan: insideSpan,
+ disable: disable
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').InitialConstruct} InitialConstruct
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').FullNormalizedExtension} FullNormalizedExtension
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').ParseOptions} ParseOptions
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').ParseContext} ParseContext
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Create} Create
+ */
+ * @param {ParseOptions} [options]
+ * @returns {ParseContext}
+ */
+function parse(options = {}) {
+ /** @type {FullNormalizedExtension} */
+ // @ts-expect-error `defaultConstructs` is full, so the result will be too.
+ const constructs = combineExtensions(
+ // @ts-expect-error Same as above.
+ [defaultConstructs].concat(options.extensions || [])
+ );
+ /** @type {ParseContext} */
+ const parser = {
defined: [],
- constructs: combineExtensions$1(
- [constructs$1].concat(miniflat(settings.extensions))
- ),
- content: create(content),
- document: create(document$1),
- flow: create(flow$5),
- string: create(text$2.string),
- text: create(text$2.text)
+ lazy: {},
+ constructs,
+ content: create(content$1),
+ document: create(document$2),
+ flow: create(flow$1),
+ string: create(string$1),
+ text: create(text$3)
return parser
+ /**
+ * @param {InitialConstruct} initial
+ */
- function create(initializer) {
+ function create(initial) {
return creator
+ /** @type {Create} */
function creator(from) {
- return createTokenizer(parser, initializer, from)
+ return createTokenizer(parser, initial, from)
-var parse_1$1 = parse$3;
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Encoding} Encoding
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Value} Value
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Chunk} Chunk
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Code} Code
+ */
-var search = /[\0\t\n\r]/g;
+ * @callback Preprocessor
+ * @param {Value} value
+ * @param {Encoding} [encoding]
+ * @param {boolean} [end=false]
+ * @returns {Chunk[]}
+ */
+const search = /[\0\t\n\r]/g;
+ * @returns {Preprocessor}
+ */
function preprocess() {
- var start = true;
- var column = 1;
- var buffer = '';
- var atCarriageReturn;
+ let column = 1;
+ let buffer = '';
+ /** @type {boolean|undefined} */
+ let start = true;
+ /** @type {boolean|undefined} */
+ let atCarriageReturn;
return preprocessor
+ /** @type {Preprocessor} */
function preprocessor(value, encoding, end) {
- var chunks = [];
- var match;
- var next;
- var startPosition;
- var endPosition;
- var code;
+ /** @type {Chunk[]} */
+ const chunks = [];
+ /** @type {RegExpMatchArray|null} */
+ let match;
+ /** @type {number} */
+ let next;
+ /** @type {number} */
+ let startPosition;
+ /** @type {number} */
+ let endPosition;
+ /** @type {Code} */
+ let code; // @ts-expect-error `Buffer` does allow an encoding.
value = buffer + value.toString(encoding);
startPosition = 0;
buffer = '';
@@ -38134,7 +42223,8 @@ function preprocess() {
while (startPosition < value.length) {
search.lastIndex = startPosition;
match = search.exec(value);
- endPosition = match ? match.index : value.length;
+ endPosition =
+ match && match.index !== undefined ? match.index : value.length;
code = value.charCodeAt(endPosition);
if (!match) {
@@ -38156,21 +42246,32 @@ function preprocess() {
column += endPosition - startPosition;
- if (code === 0) {
- chunks.push(65533);
- column++;
- } else if (code === 9) {
- next = Math.ceil(column / 4) * 4;
- chunks.push(-2);
- while (column++ < next) chunks.push(-1);
- } else if (code === 10) {
- chunks.push(-4);
- column = 1;
- } // Must be carriage return.
- else {
- atCarriageReturn = true;
- column = 1;
+ switch (code) {
+ case 0: {
+ chunks.push(65533);
+ column++;
+ break
+ }
+ case 9: {
+ next = Math.ceil(column / 4) * 4;
+ chunks.push(-2);
+ while (column++ < next) chunks.push(-1);
+ break
+ }
+ case 10: {
+ chunks.push(-4);
+ column = 1;
+ break
+ }
+ default: {
+ atCarriageReturn = true;
+ column = 1;
+ }
@@ -38187,11 +42288,15 @@ function preprocess() {
-var preprocess_1 = preprocess;
-var subtokenize = subtokenize_1;
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Event} Event
+ */
+ * @param {Event[]} events
+ * @returns {Event[]}
+ */
-function postprocess$1(events) {
+function postprocess(events) {
while (!subtokenize(events)) {
// Empty
@@ -38199,4497 +42304,108 @@ function postprocess$1(events) {
return events
-var postprocess_1 = postprocess$1;
-const AEli$1 = "Æ";
-const AElig$1 = "Æ";
-const AM$1 = "&";
-const AMP$1 = "&";
-const Aacut$1 = "Á";
-const Aacute$1 = "Á";
-const Abreve$1 = "Ă";
-const Acir$1 = "Â";
-const Acirc$1 = "Â";
-const Acy$1 = "А";
-const Afr$1 = "𝔄";
-const Agrav$1 = "À";
-const Agrave$1 = "À";
-const Alpha$1 = "Α";
-const Amacr$1 = "Ā";
-const And$1 = "⩓";
-const Aogon$1 = "Ą";
-const Aopf$1 = "𝔸";
-const ApplyFunction$1 = "⁡";
-const Arin$1 = "Å";
-const Aring$1 = "Å";
-const Ascr$1 = "𝒜";
-const Assign$1 = "≔";
-const Atild$1 = "Ã";
-const Atilde$1 = "Ã";
-const Aum$1 = "Ä";
-const Auml$1 = "Ä";
-const Backslash$1 = "∖";
-const Barv$1 = "⫧";
-const Barwed$1 = "⌆";
-const Bcy$1 = "Б";
-const Because$1 = "∵";
-const Bernoullis$1 = "ℬ";
-const Beta$1 = "Β";
-const Bfr$1 = "𝔅";
-const Bopf$1 = "𝔹";
-const Breve$1 = "˘";
-const Bscr$1 = "ℬ";
-const Bumpeq$1 = "≎";
-const CHcy$1 = "Ч";
-const COP$1 = "©";
-const COPY$1 = "©";
-const Cacute$1 = "Ć";
-const Cap$1 = "⋒";
-const CapitalDifferentialD$1 = "ⅅ";
-const Cayleys$1 = "ℭ";
-const Ccaron$1 = "Č";
-const Ccedi$1 = "Ç";
-const Ccedil$1 = "Ç";
-const Ccirc$1 = "Ĉ";
-const Cconint$1 = "∰";
-const Cdot$1 = "Ċ";
-const Cedilla$1 = "¸";
-const CenterDot$1 = "·";
-const Cfr$1 = "ℭ";
-const Chi$1 = "Χ";
-const CircleDot$1 = "⊙";
-const CircleMinus$1 = "⊖";
-const CirclePlus$1 = "⊕";
-const CircleTimes$1 = "⊗";
-const ClockwiseContourIntegral$1 = "∲";
-const CloseCurlyDoubleQuote$1 = "”";
-const CloseCurlyQuote$1 = "’";
-const Colon$1 = "∷";
-const Colone$1 = "⩴";
-const Congruent$1 = "≡";
-const Conint$1 = "∯";
-const ContourIntegral$1 = "∮";
-const Copf$1 = "ℂ";
-const Coproduct$1 = "∐";
-const CounterClockwiseContourIntegral$1 = "∳";
-const Cross$1 = "⨯";
-const Cscr$1 = "𝒞";
-const Cup$1 = "⋓";
-const CupCap$1 = "≍";
-const DD$1 = "ⅅ";
-const DDotrahd$1 = "⤑";
-const DJcy$1 = "Ђ";
-const DScy$1 = "Ѕ";
-const DZcy$1 = "Џ";
-const Dagger$1 = "‡";
-const Darr$1 = "↡";
-const Dashv$1 = "⫤";
-const Dcaron$1 = "Ď";
-const Dcy$1 = "Д";
-const Del$1 = "∇";
-const Delta$1 = "Δ";
-const Dfr$1 = "𝔇";
-const DiacriticalAcute$1 = "´";
-const DiacriticalDot$1 = "˙";
-const DiacriticalDoubleAcute$1 = "˝";
-const DiacriticalGrave$1 = "`";
-const DiacriticalTilde$1 = "˜";
-const Diamond$1 = "⋄";
-const DifferentialD$1 = "ⅆ";
-const Dopf$1 = "𝔻";
-const Dot$1 = "¨";
-const DotDot$1 = "⃜";
-const DotEqual$1 = "≐";
-const DoubleContourIntegral$1 = "∯";
-const DoubleDot$1 = "¨";
-const DoubleDownArrow$1 = "⇓";
-const DoubleLeftArrow$1 = "⇐";
-const DoubleLeftRightArrow$1 = "⇔";
-const DoubleLeftTee$1 = "⫤";
-const DoubleLongLeftArrow$1 = "⟸";
-const DoubleLongLeftRightArrow$1 = "⟺";
-const DoubleLongRightArrow$1 = "⟹";
-const DoubleRightArrow$1 = "⇒";
-const DoubleRightTee$1 = "⊨";
-const DoubleUpArrow$1 = "⇑";
-const DoubleUpDownArrow$1 = "⇕";
-const DoubleVerticalBar$1 = "∥";
-const DownArrow$1 = "↓";
-const DownArrowBar$1 = "⤓";
-const DownArrowUpArrow$1 = "⇵";
-const DownBreve$1 = "̑";
-const DownLeftRightVector$1 = "⥐";
-const DownLeftTeeVector$1 = "⥞";
-const DownLeftVector$1 = "↽";
-const DownLeftVectorBar$1 = "⥖";
-const DownRightTeeVector$1 = "⥟";
-const DownRightVector$1 = "⇁";
-const DownRightVectorBar$1 = "⥗";
-const DownTee$1 = "⊤";
-const DownTeeArrow$1 = "↧";
-const Downarrow$1 = "⇓";
-const Dscr$1 = "𝒟";
-const Dstrok$1 = "Đ";
-const ENG$1 = "Ŋ";
-const ET$1 = "Ð";
-const ETH$1 = "Ð";
-const Eacut$1 = "É";
-const Eacute$1 = "É";
-const Ecaron$1 = "Ě";
-const Ecir$1 = "Ê";
-const Ecirc$1 = "Ê";
-const Ecy$1 = "Э";
-const Edot$1 = "Ė";
-const Efr$1 = "𝔈";
-const Egrav$1 = "È";
-const Egrave$1 = "È";
-const Element$1 = "∈";
-const Emacr$1 = "Ē";
-const EmptySmallSquare$1 = "◻";
-const EmptyVerySmallSquare$1 = "▫";
-const Eogon$1 = "Ę";
-const Eopf$1 = "𝔼";
-const Epsilon$1 = "Ε";
-const Equal$1 = "⩵";
-const EqualTilde$1 = "≂";
-const Equilibrium$1 = "⇌";
-const Escr$1 = "ℰ";
-const Esim$1 = "⩳";
-const Eta$1 = "Η";
-const Eum$1 = "Ë";
-const Euml$1 = "Ë";
-const Exists$1 = "∃";
-const ExponentialE$1 = "ⅇ";
-const Fcy$1 = "Ф";
-const Ffr$1 = "𝔉";
-const FilledSmallSquare$1 = "◼";
-const FilledVerySmallSquare$1 = "▪";
-const Fopf$1 = "𝔽";
-const ForAll$1 = "∀";
-const Fouriertrf$1 = "ℱ";
-const Fscr$1 = "ℱ";
-const GJcy$1 = "Ѓ";
-const G$1 = ">";
-const GT$1 = ">";
-const Gamma$1 = "Γ";
-const Gammad$1 = "Ϝ";
-const Gbreve$1 = "Ğ";
-const Gcedil$1 = "Ģ";
-const Gcirc$1 = "Ĝ";
-const Gcy$1 = "Г";
-const Gdot$1 = "Ġ";
-const Gfr$1 = "𝔊";
-const Gg$1 = "⋙";
-const Gopf$1 = "𝔾";
-const GreaterEqual$1 = "≥";
-const GreaterEqualLess$1 = "⋛";
-const GreaterFullEqual$1 = "≧";
-const GreaterGreater$1 = "⪢";
-const GreaterLess$1 = "≷";
-const GreaterSlantEqual$1 = "⩾";
-const GreaterTilde$1 = "≳";
-const Gscr$1 = "𝒢";
-const Gt$1 = "≫";
-const HARDcy$1 = "Ъ";
-const Hacek$1 = "ˇ";
-const Hat$1 = "^";
-const Hcirc$1 = "Ĥ";
-const Hfr$1 = "ℌ";
-const HilbertSpace$1 = "ℋ";
-const Hopf$1 = "ℍ";
-const HorizontalLine$1 = "─";
-const Hscr$1 = "ℋ";
-const Hstrok$1 = "Ħ";
-const HumpDownHump$1 = "≎";
-const HumpEqual$1 = "≏";
-const IEcy$1 = "Е";
-const IJlig$1 = "IJ";
-const IOcy$1 = "Ё";
-const Iacut$1 = "Í";
-const Iacute$1 = "Í";
-const Icir$1 = "Î";
-const Icirc$1 = "Î";
-const Icy$1 = "И";
-const Idot$1 = "İ";
-const Ifr$1 = "ℑ";
-const Igrav$1 = "Ì";
-const Igrave$1 = "Ì";
-const Im$1 = "ℑ";
-const Imacr$1 = "Ī";
-const ImaginaryI$1 = "ⅈ";
-const Implies$1 = "⇒";
-const Int$1 = "∬";
-const Integral$1 = "∫";
-const Intersection$1 = "⋂";
-const InvisibleComma$1 = "⁣";
-const InvisibleTimes$1 = "⁢";
-const Iogon$1 = "Į";
-const Iopf$1 = "𝕀";
-const Iota$1 = "Ι";
-const Iscr$1 = "ℐ";
-const Itilde$1 = "Ĩ";
-const Iukcy$1 = "І";
-const Ium$1 = "Ï";
-const Iuml$1 = "Ï";
-const Jcirc$1 = "Ĵ";
-const Jcy$1 = "Й";
-const Jfr$1 = "𝔍";
-const Jopf$1 = "𝕁";
-const Jscr$1 = "𝒥";
-const Jsercy$1 = "Ј";
-const Jukcy$1 = "Є";
-const KHcy$1 = "Х";
-const KJcy$1 = "Ќ";
-const Kappa$1 = "Κ";
-const Kcedil$1 = "Ķ";
-const Kcy$1 = "К";
-const Kfr$1 = "𝔎";
-const Kopf$1 = "𝕂";
-const Kscr$1 = "𝒦";
-const LJcy$1 = "Љ";
-const L$1 = "<";
-const LT$1 = "<";
-const Lacute$1 = "Ĺ";
-const Lambda$1 = "Λ";
-const Lang$1 = "⟪";
-const Laplacetrf$1 = "ℒ";
-const Larr$1 = "↞";
-const Lcaron$1 = "Ľ";
-const Lcedil$1 = "Ļ";
-const Lcy$1 = "Л";
-const LeftAngleBracket$1 = "⟨";
-const LeftArrow$1 = "←";
-const LeftArrowBar$1 = "⇤";
-const LeftArrowRightArrow$1 = "⇆";
-const LeftCeiling$1 = "⌈";
-const LeftDoubleBracket$1 = "⟦";
-const LeftDownTeeVector$1 = "⥡";
-const LeftDownVector$1 = "⇃";
-const LeftDownVectorBar$1 = "⥙";
-const LeftFloor$1 = "⌊";
-const LeftRightArrow$1 = "↔";
-const LeftRightVector$1 = "⥎";
-const LeftTee$1 = "⊣";
-const LeftTeeArrow$1 = "↤";
-const LeftTeeVector$1 = "⥚";
-const LeftTriangle$1 = "⊲";
-const LeftTriangleBar$1 = "⧏";
-const LeftTriangleEqual$1 = "⊴";
-const LeftUpDownVector$1 = "⥑";
-const LeftUpTeeVector$1 = "⥠";
-const LeftUpVector$1 = "↿";
-const LeftUpVectorBar$1 = "⥘";
-const LeftVector$1 = "↼";
-const LeftVectorBar$1 = "⥒";
-const Leftarrow$1 = "⇐";
-const Leftrightarrow$1 = "⇔";
-const LessEqualGreater$1 = "⋚";
-const LessFullEqual$1 = "≦";
-const LessGreater$1 = "≶";
-const LessLess$1 = "⪡";
-const LessSlantEqual$1 = "⩽";
-const LessTilde$1 = "≲";
-const Lfr$1 = "𝔏";
-const Ll$1 = "⋘";
-const Lleftarrow$1 = "⇚";
-const Lmidot$1 = "Ŀ";
-const LongLeftArrow$1 = "⟵";
-const LongLeftRightArrow$1 = "⟷";
-const LongRightArrow$1 = "⟶";
-const Longleftarrow$1 = "⟸";
-const Longleftrightarrow$1 = "⟺";
-const Longrightarrow$1 = "⟹";
-const Lopf$1 = "𝕃";
-const LowerLeftArrow$1 = "↙";
-const LowerRightArrow$1 = "↘";
-const Lscr$1 = "ℒ";
-const Lsh$1 = "↰";
-const Lstrok$1 = "Ł";
-const Lt$1 = "≪";
-const Mcy$1 = "М";
-const MediumSpace$1 = " ";
-const Mellintrf$1 = "ℳ";
-const Mfr$1 = "𝔐";
-const MinusPlus$1 = "∓";
-const Mopf$1 = "𝕄";
-const Mscr$1 = "ℳ";
-const Mu$1 = "Μ";
-const NJcy$1 = "Њ";
-const Nacute$1 = "Ń";
-const Ncaron$1 = "Ň";
-const Ncedil$1 = "Ņ";
-const Ncy$1 = "Н";
-const NegativeMediumSpace$1 = "​";
-const NegativeThickSpace$1 = "​";
-const NegativeThinSpace$1 = "​";
-const NegativeVeryThinSpace$1 = "​";
-const NestedGreaterGreater$1 = "≫";
-const NestedLessLess$1 = "≪";
-const NewLine$1 = "\n";
-const Nfr$1 = "𝔑";
-const NoBreak$1 = "⁠";
-const NonBreakingSpace$1 = " ";
-const Nopf$1 = "ℕ";
-const Not$1 = "⫬";
-const NotCongruent$1 = "≢";
-const NotCupCap$1 = "≭";
-const NotDoubleVerticalBar$1 = "∦";
-const NotElement$1 = "∉";
-const NotEqual$1 = "≠";
-const NotEqualTilde$1 = "≂̸";
-const NotExists$1 = "∄";
-const NotGreater$1 = "≯";
-const NotGreaterEqual$1 = "≱";
-const NotGreaterFullEqual$1 = "≧̸";
-const NotGreaterGreater$1 = "≫̸";
-const NotGreaterLess$1 = "≹";
-const NotGreaterSlantEqual$1 = "⩾̸";
-const NotGreaterTilde$1 = "≵";
-const NotHumpDownHump$1 = "≎̸";
-const NotHumpEqual$1 = "≏̸";
-const NotLeftTriangle$1 = "⋪";
-const NotLeftTriangleBar$1 = "⧏̸";
-const NotLeftTriangleEqual$1 = "⋬";
-const NotLess$1 = "≮";
-const NotLessEqual$1 = "≰";
-const NotLessGreater$1 = "≸";
-const NotLessLess$1 = "≪̸";
-const NotLessSlantEqual$1 = "⩽̸";
-const NotLessTilde$1 = "≴";
-const NotNestedGreaterGreater$1 = "⪢̸";
-const NotNestedLessLess$1 = "⪡̸";
-const NotPrecedes$1 = "⊀";
-const NotPrecedesEqual$1 = "⪯̸";
-const NotPrecedesSlantEqual$1 = "⋠";
-const NotReverseElement$1 = "∌";
-const NotRightTriangle$1 = "⋫";
-const NotRightTriangleBar$1 = "⧐̸";
-const NotRightTriangleEqual$1 = "⋭";
-const NotSquareSubset$1 = "⊏̸";
-const NotSquareSubsetEqual$1 = "⋢";
-const NotSquareSuperset$1 = "⊐̸";
-const NotSquareSupersetEqual$1 = "⋣";
-const NotSubset$1 = "⊂⃒";
-const NotSubsetEqual$1 = "⊈";
-const NotSucceeds$1 = "⊁";
-const NotSucceedsEqual$1 = "⪰̸";
-const NotSucceedsSlantEqual$1 = "⋡";
-const NotSucceedsTilde$1 = "≿̸";
-const NotSuperset$1 = "⊃⃒";
-const NotSupersetEqual$1 = "⊉";
-const NotTilde$1 = "≁";
-const NotTildeEqual$1 = "≄";
-const NotTildeFullEqual$1 = "≇";
-const NotTildeTilde$1 = "≉";
-const NotVerticalBar$1 = "∤";
-const Nscr$1 = "𝒩";
-const Ntild$1 = "Ñ";
-const Ntilde$1 = "Ñ";
-const Nu$1 = "Ν";
-const OElig$1 = "Œ";
-const Oacut$1 = "Ó";
-const Oacute$1 = "Ó";
-const Ocir$1 = "Ô";
-const Ocirc$1 = "Ô";
-const Ocy$1 = "О";
-const Odblac$1 = "Ő";
-const Ofr$1 = "𝔒";
-const Ograv$1 = "Ò";
-const Ograve$1 = "Ò";
-const Omacr$1 = "Ō";
-const Omega$1 = "Ω";
-const Omicron$1 = "Ο";
-const Oopf$1 = "𝕆";
-const OpenCurlyDoubleQuote$1 = "“";
-const OpenCurlyQuote$1 = "‘";
-const Or$1 = "⩔";
-const Oscr$1 = "𝒪";
-const Oslas$1 = "Ø";
-const Oslash$1 = "Ø";
-const Otild$1 = "Õ";
-const Otilde$1 = "Õ";
-const Otimes$1 = "⨷";
-const Oum$1 = "Ö";
-const Ouml$1 = "Ö";
-const OverBar$1 = "‾";
-const OverBrace$1 = "⏞";
-const OverBracket$1 = "⎴";
-const OverParenthesis$1 = "⏜";
-const PartialD$1 = "∂";
-const Pcy$1 = "П";
-const Pfr$1 = "𝔓";
-const Phi$1 = "Φ";
-const Pi$1 = "Π";
-const PlusMinus$1 = "±";
-const Poincareplane$1 = "ℌ";
-const Popf$1 = "ℙ";
-const Pr$1 = "⪻";
-const Precedes$1 = "≺";
-const PrecedesEqual$1 = "⪯";
-const PrecedesSlantEqual$1 = "≼";
-const PrecedesTilde$1 = "≾";
-const Prime$1 = "″";
-const Product$1 = "∏";
-const Proportion$1 = "∷";
-const Proportional$1 = "∝";
-const Pscr$1 = "𝒫";
-const Psi$1 = "Ψ";
-const QUO$1 = "\"";
-const QUOT$1 = "\"";
-const Qfr$1 = "𝔔";
-const Qopf$1 = "ℚ";
-const Qscr$1 = "𝒬";
-const RBarr$1 = "⤐";
-const RE$1 = "®";
-const REG$1 = "®";
-const Racute$1 = "Ŕ";
-const Rang$1 = "⟫";
-const Rarr$1 = "↠";
-const Rarrtl$1 = "⤖";
-const Rcaron$1 = "Ř";
-const Rcedil$1 = "Ŗ";
-const Rcy$1 = "Р";
-const Re$1 = "ℜ";
-const ReverseElement$1 = "∋";
-const ReverseEquilibrium$1 = "⇋";
-const ReverseUpEquilibrium$1 = "⥯";
-const Rfr$1 = "ℜ";
-const Rho$1 = "Ρ";
-const RightAngleBracket$1 = "⟩";
-const RightArrow$1 = "→";
-const RightArrowBar$1 = "⇥";
-const RightArrowLeftArrow$1 = "⇄";
-const RightCeiling$1 = "⌉";
-const RightDoubleBracket$1 = "⟧";
-const RightDownTeeVector$1 = "⥝";
-const RightDownVector$1 = "⇂";
-const RightDownVectorBar$1 = "⥕";
-const RightFloor$1 = "⌋";
-const RightTee$1 = "⊢";
-const RightTeeArrow$1 = "↦";
-const RightTeeVector$1 = "⥛";
-const RightTriangle$1 = "⊳";
-const RightTriangleBar$1 = "⧐";
-const RightTriangleEqual$1 = "⊵";
-const RightUpDownVector$1 = "⥏";
-const RightUpTeeVector$1 = "⥜";
-const RightUpVector$1 = "↾";
-const RightUpVectorBar$1 = "⥔";
-const RightVector$1 = "⇀";
-const RightVectorBar$1 = "⥓";
-const Rightarrow$1 = "⇒";
-const Ropf$1 = "ℝ";
-const RoundImplies$1 = "⥰";
-const Rrightarrow$1 = "⇛";
-const Rscr$1 = "ℛ";
-const Rsh$1 = "↱";
-const RuleDelayed$1 = "⧴";
-const SHCHcy$1 = "Щ";
-const SHcy$1 = "Ш";
-const SOFTcy$1 = "Ь";
-const Sacute$1 = "Ś";
-const Sc$1 = "⪼";
-const Scaron$1 = "Š";
-const Scedil$1 = "Ş";
-const Scirc$1 = "Ŝ";
-const Scy$1 = "С";
-const Sfr$1 = "𝔖";
-const ShortDownArrow$1 = "↓";
-const ShortLeftArrow$1 = "←";
-const ShortRightArrow$1 = "→";
-const ShortUpArrow$1 = "↑";
-const Sigma$1 = "Σ";
-const SmallCircle$1 = "∘";
-const Sopf$1 = "𝕊";
-const Sqrt$1 = "√";
-const Square$1 = "□";
-const SquareIntersection$1 = "⊓";
-const SquareSubset$1 = "⊏";
-const SquareSubsetEqual$1 = "⊑";
-const SquareSuperset$1 = "⊐";
-const SquareSupersetEqual$1 = "⊒";
-const SquareUnion$1 = "⊔";
-const Sscr$1 = "𝒮";
-const Star$1 = "⋆";
-const Sub$1 = "⋐";
-const Subset$1 = "⋐";
-const SubsetEqual$1 = "⊆";
-const Succeeds$1 = "≻";
-const SucceedsEqual$1 = "⪰";
-const SucceedsSlantEqual$1 = "≽";
-const SucceedsTilde$1 = "≿";
-const SuchThat$1 = "∋";
-const Sum$1 = "∑";
-const Sup$1 = "⋑";
-const Superset$1 = "⊃";
-const SupersetEqual$1 = "⊇";
-const Supset$1 = "⋑";
-const THOR$1 = "Þ";
-const THORN$1 = "Þ";
-const TRADE$1 = "™";
-const TSHcy$1 = "Ћ";
-const TScy$1 = "Ц";
-const Tab$1 = "\t";
-const Tau$1 = "Τ";
-const Tcaron$1 = "Ť";
-const Tcedil$1 = "Ţ";
-const Tcy$1 = "Т";
-const Tfr$1 = "𝔗";
-const Therefore$1 = "∴";
-const Theta$1 = "Θ";
-const ThickSpace$1 = "  ";
-const ThinSpace$1 = " ";
-const Tilde$1 = "∼";
-const TildeEqual$1 = "≃";
-const TildeFullEqual$1 = "≅";
-const TildeTilde$1 = "≈";
-const Topf$1 = "𝕋";
-const TripleDot$1 = "⃛";
-const Tscr$1 = "𝒯";
-const Tstrok$1 = "Ŧ";
-const Uacut$1 = "Ú";
-const Uacute$1 = "Ú";
-const Uarr$1 = "↟";
-const Uarrocir$1 = "⥉";
-const Ubrcy$1 = "Ў";
-const Ubreve$1 = "Ŭ";
-const Ucir$1 = "Û";
-const Ucirc$1 = "Û";
-const Ucy$1 = "У";
-const Udblac$1 = "Ű";
-const Ufr$1 = "𝔘";
-const Ugrav$1 = "Ù";
-const Ugrave$1 = "Ù";
-const Umacr$1 = "Ū";
-const UnderBar$1 = "_";
-const UnderBrace$1 = "⏟";
-const UnderBracket$1 = "⎵";
-const UnderParenthesis$1 = "⏝";
-const Union$1 = "⋃";
-const UnionPlus$1 = "⊎";
-const Uogon$1 = "Ų";
-const Uopf$1 = "𝕌";
-const UpArrow$1 = "↑";
-const UpArrowBar$1 = "⤒";
-const UpArrowDownArrow$1 = "⇅";
-const UpDownArrow$1 = "↕";
-const UpEquilibrium$1 = "⥮";
-const UpTee$1 = "⊥";
-const UpTeeArrow$1 = "↥";
-const Uparrow$1 = "⇑";
-const Updownarrow$1 = "⇕";
-const UpperLeftArrow$1 = "↖";
-const UpperRightArrow$1 = "↗";
-const Upsi$1 = "ϒ";
-const Upsilon$1 = "Υ";
-const Uring$1 = "Ů";
-const Uscr$1 = "𝒰";
-const Utilde$1 = "Ũ";
-const Uum$1 = "Ü";
-const Uuml$1 = "Ü";
-const VDash$1 = "⊫";
-const Vbar$1 = "⫫";
-const Vcy$1 = "В";
-const Vdash$1 = "⊩";
-const Vdashl$1 = "⫦";
-const Vee$1 = "⋁";
-const Verbar$1 = "‖";
-const Vert$1 = "‖";
-const VerticalBar$1 = "∣";
-const VerticalLine$1 = "|";
-const VerticalSeparator$1 = "❘";
-const VerticalTilde$1 = "≀";
-const VeryThinSpace$1 = " ";
-const Vfr$1 = "𝔙";
-const Vopf$1 = "𝕍";
-const Vscr$1 = "𝒱";
-const Vvdash$1 = "⊪";
-const Wcirc$1 = "Ŵ";
-const Wedge$1 = "⋀";
-const Wfr$1 = "𝔚";
-const Wopf$1 = "𝕎";
-const Wscr$1 = "𝒲";
-const Xfr$1 = "𝔛";
-const Xi$1 = "Ξ";
-const Xopf$1 = "𝕏";
-const Xscr$1 = "𝒳";
-const YAcy$1 = "Я";
-const YIcy$1 = "Ї";
-const YUcy$1 = "Ю";
-const Yacut$1 = "Ý";
-const Yacute$1 = "Ý";
-const Ycirc$1 = "Ŷ";
-const Ycy$1 = "Ы";
-const Yfr$1 = "𝔜";
-const Yopf$1 = "𝕐";
-const Yscr$1 = "𝒴";
-const Yuml$1 = "Ÿ";
-const ZHcy$1 = "Ж";
-const Zacute$1 = "Ź";
-const Zcaron$1 = "Ž";
-const Zcy$1 = "З";
-const Zdot$1 = "Ż";
-const ZeroWidthSpace$1 = "​";
-const Zeta$1 = "Ζ";
-const Zfr$1 = "ℨ";
-const Zopf$1 = "ℤ";
-const Zscr$1 = "𝒵";
-const aacut$1 = "á";
-const aacute$1 = "á";
-const abreve$1 = "ă";
-const ac$1 = "∾";
-const acE$1 = "∾̳";
-const acd$1 = "∿";
-const acir$1 = "â";
-const acirc$1 = "â";
-const acut$1 = "´";
-const acute$1 = "´";
-const acy$1 = "а";
-const aeli$1 = "æ";
-const aelig$1 = "æ";
-const af$1 = "⁡";
-const afr$1 = "𝔞";
-const agrav$1 = "à";
-const agrave$1 = "à";
-const alefsym$1 = "ℵ";
-const aleph$1 = "ℵ";
-const alpha$1 = "α";
-const amacr$1 = "ā";
-const amalg$1 = "⨿";
-const am$1 = "&";
-const amp$1 = "&";
-const and$1 = "∧";
-const andand$1 = "⩕";
-const andd$1 = "⩜";
-const andslope$1 = "⩘";
-const andv$1 = "⩚";
-const ang$1 = "∠";
-const ange$1 = "⦤";
-const angle$1 = "∠";
-const angmsd$1 = "∡";
-const angmsdaa$1 = "⦨";
-const angmsdab$1 = "⦩";
-const angmsdac$1 = "⦪";
-const angmsdad$1 = "⦫";
-const angmsdae$1 = "⦬";
-const angmsdaf$1 = "⦭";
-const angmsdag$1 = "⦮";
-const angmsdah$1 = "⦯";
-const angrt$1 = "∟";
-const angrtvb$1 = "⊾";
-const angrtvbd$1 = "⦝";
-const angsph$1 = "∢";
-const angst$1 = "Å";
-const angzarr$1 = "⍼";
-const aogon$1 = "ą";
-const aopf$1 = "𝕒";
-const ap$1 = "≈";
-const apE$1 = "⩰";
-const apacir$1 = "⩯";
-const ape$1 = "≊";
-const apid$1 = "≋";
-const apos$1 = "'";
-const approx$1 = "≈";
-const approxeq$1 = "≊";
-const arin$1 = "å";
-const aring$1 = "å";
-const ascr$1 = "𝒶";
-const ast$1 = "*";
-const asymp$1 = "≈";
-const asympeq$1 = "≍";
-const atild$1 = "ã";
-const atilde$1 = "ã";
-const aum$1 = "ä";
-const auml$1 = "ä";
-const awconint$1 = "∳";
-const awint$1 = "⨑";
-const bNot$1 = "⫭";
-const backcong$1 = "≌";
-const backepsilon$1 = "϶";
-const backprime$1 = "‵";
-const backsim$1 = "∽";
-const backsimeq$1 = "⋍";
-const barvee$1 = "⊽";
-const barwed$1 = "⌅";
-const barwedge$1 = "⌅";
-const bbrk$1 = "⎵";
-const bbrktbrk$1 = "⎶";
-const bcong$1 = "≌";
-const bcy$1 = "б";
-const bdquo$1 = "„";
-const becaus$1 = "∵";
-const because$1 = "∵";
-const bemptyv$1 = "⦰";
-const bepsi$1 = "϶";
-const bernou$1 = "ℬ";
-const beta$1 = "β";
-const beth$1 = "ℶ";
-const between$1 = "≬";
-const bfr$1 = "𝔟";
-const bigcap$1 = "⋂";
-const bigcirc$1 = "◯";
-const bigcup$1 = "⋃";
-const bigodot$1 = "⨀";
-const bigoplus$1 = "⨁";
-const bigotimes$1 = "⨂";
-const bigsqcup$1 = "⨆";
-const bigstar$1 = "★";
-const bigtriangledown$1 = "▽";
-const bigtriangleup$1 = "△";
-const biguplus$1 = "⨄";
-const bigvee$1 = "⋁";
-const bigwedge$1 = "⋀";
-const bkarow$1 = "⤍";
-const blacklozenge$1 = "⧫";
-const blacksquare$1 = "▪";
-const blacktriangle$1 = "▴";
-const blacktriangledown$1 = "▾";
-const blacktriangleleft$1 = "◂";
-const blacktriangleright$1 = "▸";
-const blank$1 = "␣";
-const blk12$1 = "▒";
-const blk14$1 = "░";
-const blk34$1 = "▓";
-const block$1 = "█";
-const bne$1 = "=⃥";
-const bnequiv$1 = "≡⃥";
-const bnot$1 = "⌐";
-const bopf$1 = "𝕓";
-const bot$1 = "⊥";
-const bottom$1 = "⊥";
-const bowtie$1 = "⋈";
-const boxDL$1 = "╗";
-const boxDR$1 = "╔";
-const boxDl$1 = "╖";
-const boxDr$1 = "╓";
-const boxH$1 = "═";
-const boxHD$1 = "╦";
-const boxHU$1 = "╩";
-const boxHd$1 = "╤";
-const boxHu$1 = "╧";
-const boxUL$1 = "╝";
-const boxUR$1 = "╚";
-const boxUl$1 = "╜";
-const boxUr$1 = "╙";
-const boxV$1 = "║";
-const boxVH$1 = "╬";
-const boxVL$1 = "╣";
-const boxVR$1 = "╠";
-const boxVh$1 = "╫";
-const boxVl$1 = "╢";
-const boxVr$1 = "╟";
-const boxbox$1 = "⧉";
-const boxdL$1 = "╕";
-const boxdR$1 = "╒";
-const boxdl$1 = "┐";
-const boxdr$1 = "┌";
-const boxh$1 = "─";
-const boxhD$1 = "╥";
-const boxhU$1 = "╨";
-const boxhd$1 = "┬";
-const boxhu$1 = "┴";
-const boxminus$1 = "⊟";
-const boxplus$1 = "⊞";
-const boxtimes$1 = "⊠";
-const boxuL$1 = "╛";
-const boxuR$1 = "╘";
-const boxul$1 = "┘";
-const boxur$1 = "└";
-const boxv$1 = "│";
-const boxvH$1 = "╪";
-const boxvL$1 = "╡";
-const boxvR$1 = "╞";
-const boxvh$1 = "┼";
-const boxvl$1 = "┤";
-const boxvr$1 = "├";
-const bprime$1 = "‵";
-const breve$1 = "˘";
-const brvba$1 = "¦";
-const brvbar$1 = "¦";
-const bscr$1 = "𝒷";
-const bsemi$1 = "⁏";
-const bsim$1 = "∽";
-const bsime$1 = "⋍";
-const bsol$1 = "\\";
-const bsolb$1 = "⧅";
-const bsolhsub$1 = "⟈";
-const bull$1 = "•";
-const bullet$1 = "•";
-const bump$1 = "≎";
-const bumpE$1 = "⪮";
-const bumpe$1 = "≏";
-const bumpeq$1 = "≏";
-const cacute$1 = "ć";
-const cap$1 = "∩";
-const capand$1 = "⩄";
-const capbrcup$1 = "⩉";
-const capcap$1 = "⩋";
-const capcup$1 = "⩇";
-const capdot$1 = "⩀";
-const caps$1 = "∩︀";
-const caret$1 = "⁁";
-const caron$1 = "ˇ";
-const ccaps$1 = "⩍";
-const ccaron$1 = "č";
-const ccedi$1 = "ç";
-const ccedil$1 = "ç";
-const ccirc$1 = "ĉ";
-const ccups$1 = "⩌";
-const ccupssm$1 = "⩐";
-const cdot$1 = "ċ";
-const cedi$1 = "¸";
-const cedil$1 = "¸";
-const cemptyv$1 = "⦲";
-const cen$1 = "¢";
-const cent$1 = "¢";
-const centerdot$1 = "·";
-const cfr$1 = "𝔠";
-const chcy$1 = "ч";
-const check$2 = "✓";
-const checkmark$1 = "✓";
-const chi$1 = "χ";
-const cir$1 = "○";
-const cirE$1 = "⧃";
-const circ$1 = "ˆ";
-const circeq$1 = "≗";
-const circlearrowleft$1 = "↺";
-const circlearrowright$1 = "↻";
-const circledR$1 = "®";
-const circledS$1 = "Ⓢ";
-const circledast$1 = "⊛";
-const circledcirc$1 = "⊚";
-const circleddash$1 = "⊝";
-const cire$1 = "≗";
-const cirfnint$1 = "⨐";
-const cirmid$1 = "⫯";
-const cirscir$1 = "⧂";
-const clubs$1 = "♣";
-const clubsuit$1 = "♣";
-const colon$1 = ":";
-const colone$1 = "≔";
-const coloneq$1 = "≔";
-const comma$1 = ",";
-const commat$1 = "@";
-const comp$1 = "∁";
-const compfn$1 = "∘";
-const complement$1 = "∁";
-const complexes$1 = "ℂ";
-const cong$1 = "≅";
-const congdot$1 = "⩭";
-const conint$1 = "∮";
-const copf$1 = "𝕔";
-const coprod$1 = "∐";
-const cop$1 = "©";
-const copy$1 = "©";
-const copysr$1 = "℗";
-const crarr$1 = "↵";
-const cross$1 = "✗";
-const cscr$1 = "𝒸";
-const csub$1 = "⫏";
-const csube$1 = "⫑";
-const csup$1 = "⫐";
-const csupe$1 = "⫒";
-const ctdot$1 = "⋯";
-const cudarrl$1 = "⤸";
-const cudarrr$1 = "⤵";
-const cuepr$1 = "⋞";
-const cuesc$1 = "⋟";
-const cularr$1 = "↶";
-const cularrp$1 = "⤽";
-const cup$1 = "∪";
-const cupbrcap$1 = "⩈";
-const cupcap$1 = "⩆";
-const cupcup$1 = "⩊";
-const cupdot$1 = "⊍";
-const cupor$1 = "⩅";
-const cups$1 = "∪︀";
-const curarr$1 = "↷";
-const curarrm$1 = "⤼";
-const curlyeqprec$1 = "⋞";
-const curlyeqsucc$1 = "⋟";
-const curlyvee$1 = "⋎";
-const curlywedge$1 = "⋏";
-const curre$1 = "¤";
-const curren$1 = "¤";
-const curvearrowleft$1 = "↶";
-const curvearrowright$1 = "↷";
-const cuvee$1 = "⋎";
-const cuwed$1 = "⋏";
-const cwconint$1 = "∲";
-const cwint$1 = "∱";
-const cylcty$1 = "⌭";
-const dArr$1 = "⇓";
-const dHar$1 = "⥥";
-const dagger$1 = "†";
-const daleth$1 = "ℸ";
-const darr$1 = "↓";
-const dash$1 = "‐";
-const dashv$1 = "⊣";
-const dbkarow$1 = "⤏";
-const dblac$1 = "˝";
-const dcaron$1 = "ď";
-const dcy$1 = "д";
-const dd$1 = "ⅆ";
-const ddagger$1 = "‡";
-const ddarr$1 = "⇊";
-const ddotseq$1 = "⩷";
-const de$1 = "°";
-const deg$1 = "°";
-const delta$1 = "δ";
-const demptyv$1 = "⦱";
-const dfisht$1 = "⥿";
-const dfr$1 = "𝔡";
-const dharl$1 = "⇃";
-const dharr$1 = "⇂";
-const diam$1 = "⋄";
-const diamond$1 = "⋄";
-const diamondsuit$1 = "♦";
-const diams$1 = "♦";
-const die$1 = "¨";
-const digamma$1 = "ϝ";
-const disin$1 = "⋲";
-const div$1 = "÷";
-const divid$1 = "÷";
-const divide$1 = "÷";
-const divideontimes$1 = "⋇";
-const divonx$1 = "⋇";
-const djcy$1 = "ђ";
-const dlcorn$1 = "⌞";
-const dlcrop$1 = "⌍";
-const dollar$1 = "$";
-const dopf$1 = "𝕕";
-const dot$1 = "˙";
-const doteq$1 = "≐";
-const doteqdot$1 = "≑";
-const dotminus$1 = "∸";
-const dotplus$1 = "∔";
-const dotsquare$1 = "⊡";
-const doublebarwedge$1 = "⌆";
-const downarrow$1 = "↓";
-const downdownarrows$1 = "⇊";
-const downharpoonleft$1 = "⇃";
-const downharpoonright$1 = "⇂";
-const drbkarow$1 = "⤐";
-const drcorn$1 = "⌟";
-const drcrop$1 = "⌌";
-const dscr$1 = "𝒹";
-const dscy$1 = "ѕ";
-const dsol$1 = "⧶";
-const dstrok$1 = "đ";
-const dtdot$1 = "⋱";
-const dtri$1 = "▿";
-const dtrif$1 = "▾";
-const duarr$1 = "⇵";
-const duhar$1 = "⥯";
-const dwangle$1 = "⦦";
-const dzcy$1 = "џ";
-const dzigrarr$1 = "⟿";
-const eDDot$1 = "⩷";
-const eDot$1 = "≑";
-const eacut$1 = "é";
-const eacute$1 = "é";
-const easter$1 = "⩮";
-const ecaron$1 = "ě";
-const ecir$1 = "ê";
-const ecirc$1 = "ê";
-const ecolon$1 = "≕";
-const ecy$1 = "э";
-const edot$1 = "ė";
-const ee$1 = "ⅇ";
-const efDot$1 = "≒";
-const efr$1 = "𝔢";
-const eg$1 = "⪚";
-const egrav$1 = "è";
-const egrave$1 = "è";
-const egs$1 = "⪖";
-const egsdot$1 = "⪘";
-const el$1 = "⪙";
-const elinters$1 = "⏧";
-const ell$1 = "ℓ";
-const els$1 = "⪕";
-const elsdot$1 = "⪗";
-const emacr$1 = "ē";
-const empty$1 = "∅";
-const emptyset$1 = "∅";
-const emptyv$1 = "∅";
-const emsp13$1 = " ";
-const emsp14$1 = " ";
-const emsp$1 = " ";
-const eng$1 = "ŋ";
-const ensp$1 = " ";
-const eogon$1 = "ę";
-const eopf$1 = "𝕖";
-const epar$1 = "⋕";
-const eparsl$1 = "⧣";
-const eplus$1 = "⩱";
-const epsi$1 = "ε";
-const epsilon$1 = "ε";
-const epsiv$1 = "ϵ";
-const eqcirc$1 = "≖";
-const eqcolon$1 = "≕";
-const eqsim$1 = "≂";
-const eqslantgtr$1 = "⪖";
-const eqslantless$1 = "⪕";
-const equals$1 = "=";
-const equest$1 = "≟";
-const equiv$1 = "≡";
-const equivDD$1 = "⩸";
-const eqvparsl$1 = "⧥";
-const erDot$1 = "≓";
-const erarr$1 = "⥱";
-const escr$1 = "ℯ";
-const esdot$1 = "≐";
-const esim$1 = "≂";
-const eta$1 = "η";
-const et$1 = "ð";
-const eth$1 = "ð";
-const eum$1 = "ë";
-const euml$1 = "ë";
-const euro$1 = "€";
-const excl$1 = "!";
-const exist$1 = "∃";
-const expectation$1 = "ℰ";
-const exponentiale$1 = "ⅇ";
-const fallingdotseq$1 = "≒";
-const fcy$1 = "ф";
-const female$1 = "♀";
-const ffilig$1 = "ffi";
-const fflig$1 = "ff";
-const ffllig$1 = "ffl";
-const ffr$1 = "𝔣";
-const filig$1 = "fi";
-const fjlig$1 = "fj";
-const flat$1 = "♭";
-const fllig$1 = "fl";
-const fltns$1 = "▱";
-const fnof$1 = "ƒ";
-const fopf$1 = "𝕗";
-const forall$1 = "∀";
-const fork$1 = "⋔";
-const forkv$1 = "⫙";
-const fpartint$1 = "⨍";
-const frac1$1 = "¼";
-const frac12$1 = "½";
-const frac13$1 = "⅓";
-const frac14$1 = "¼";
-const frac15$1 = "⅕";
-const frac16$1 = "⅙";
-const frac18$1 = "⅛";
-const frac23$1 = "⅔";
-const frac25$1 = "⅖";
-const frac3$1 = "¾";
-const frac34$1 = "¾";
-const frac35$1 = "⅗";
-const frac38$1 = "⅜";
-const frac45$1 = "⅘";
-const frac56$1 = "⅚";
-const frac58$1 = "⅝";
-const frac78$1 = "⅞";
-const frasl$1 = "⁄";
-const frown$1 = "⌢";
-const fscr$1 = "𝒻";
-const gE$1 = "≧";
-const gEl$1 = "⪌";
-const gacute$1 = "ǵ";
-const gamma$1 = "γ";
-const gammad$1 = "ϝ";
-const gap$1 = "⪆";
-const gbreve$1 = "ğ";
-const gcirc$1 = "ĝ";
-const gcy$1 = "г";
-const gdot$1 = "ġ";
-const ge$1 = "≥";
-const gel$1 = "⋛";
-const geq$1 = "≥";
-const geqq$1 = "≧";
-const geqslant$1 = "⩾";
-const ges$1 = "⩾";
-const gescc$1 = "⪩";
-const gesdot$1 = "⪀";
-const gesdoto$1 = "⪂";
-const gesdotol$1 = "⪄";
-const gesl$1 = "⋛︀";
-const gesles$1 = "⪔";
-const gfr$1 = "𝔤";
-const gg$1 = "≫";
-const ggg$1 = "⋙";
-const gimel$1 = "ℷ";
-const gjcy$1 = "ѓ";
-const gl$1 = "≷";
-const glE$1 = "⪒";
-const gla$1 = "⪥";
-const glj$1 = "⪤";
-const gnE$1 = "≩";
-const gnap$1 = "⪊";
-const gnapprox$1 = "⪊";
-const gne$1 = "⪈";
-const gneq$1 = "⪈";
-const gneqq$1 = "≩";
-const gnsim$1 = "⋧";
-const gopf$1 = "𝕘";
-const grave$1 = "`";
-const gscr$1 = "ℊ";
-const gsim$1 = "≳";
-const gsime$1 = "⪎";
-const gsiml$1 = "⪐";
-const g$1 = ">";
-const gt$1 = ">";
-const gtcc$1 = "⪧";
-const gtcir$1 = "⩺";
-const gtdot$1 = "⋗";
-const gtlPar$1 = "⦕";
-const gtquest$1 = "⩼";
-const gtrapprox$1 = "⪆";
-const gtrarr$1 = "⥸";
-const gtrdot$1 = "⋗";
-const gtreqless$1 = "⋛";
-const gtreqqless$1 = "⪌";
-const gtrless$1 = "≷";
-const gtrsim$1 = "≳";
-const gvertneqq$1 = "≩︀";
-const gvnE$1 = "≩︀";
-const hArr$1 = "⇔";
-const hairsp$1 = " ";
-const half$1 = "½";
-const hamilt$1 = "ℋ";
-const hardcy$1 = "ъ";
-const harr$1 = "↔";
-const harrcir$1 = "⥈";
-const harrw$1 = "↭";
-const hbar$1 = "ℏ";
-const hcirc$1 = "ĥ";
-const hearts$1 = "♥";
-const heartsuit$1 = "♥";
-const hellip$1 = "…";
-const hercon$1 = "⊹";
-const hfr$1 = "𝔥";
-const hksearow$1 = "⤥";
-const hkswarow$1 = "⤦";
-const hoarr$1 = "⇿";
-const homtht$1 = "∻";
-const hookleftarrow$1 = "↩";
-const hookrightarrow$1 = "↪";
-const hopf$1 = "𝕙";
-const horbar$1 = "―";
-const hscr$1 = "𝒽";
-const hslash$1 = "ℏ";
-const hstrok$1 = "ħ";
-const hybull$1 = "⁃";
-const hyphen$1 = "‐";
-const iacut$1 = "í";
-const iacute$1 = "í";
-const ic$1 = "⁣";
-const icir$1 = "î";
-const icirc$1 = "î";
-const icy$1 = "и";
-const iecy$1 = "е";
-const iexc$1 = "¡";
-const iexcl$1 = "¡";
-const iff$1 = "⇔";
-const ifr$1 = "𝔦";
-const igrav$1 = "ì";
-const igrave$1 = "ì";
-const ii$1 = "ⅈ";
-const iiiint$1 = "⨌";
-const iiint$1 = "∭";
-const iinfin$1 = "⧜";
-const iiota$1 = "℩";
-const ijlig$1 = "ij";
-const imacr$1 = "ī";
-const image$2 = "ℑ";
-const imagline$1 = "ℐ";
-const imagpart$1 = "ℑ";
-const imath$1 = "ı";
-const imof$1 = "⊷";
-const imped$1 = "Ƶ";
-const incare$1 = "℅";
-const infin$1 = "∞";
-const infintie$1 = "⧝";
-const inodot$1 = "ı";
-const int$2 = "∫";
-const intcal$1 = "⊺";
-const integers$1 = "ℤ";
-const intercal$1 = "⊺";
-const intlarhk$1 = "⨗";
-const intprod$1 = "⨼";
-const iocy$1 = "ё";
-const iogon$1 = "į";
-const iopf$1 = "𝕚";
-const iota$1 = "ι";
-const iprod$1 = "⨼";
-const iques$1 = "¿";
-const iquest$1 = "¿";
-const iscr$1 = "𝒾";
-const isin$1 = "∈";
-const isinE$1 = "⋹";
-const isindot$1 = "⋵";
-const isins$1 = "⋴";
-const isinsv$1 = "⋳";
-const isinv$1 = "∈";
-const it$1 = "⁢";
-const itilde$1 = "ĩ";
-const iukcy$1 = "і";
-const ium$1 = "ï";
-const iuml$1 = "ï";
-const jcirc$1 = "ĵ";
-const jcy$1 = "й";
-const jfr$1 = "𝔧";
-const jmath$1 = "ȷ";
-const jopf$1 = "𝕛";
-const jscr$1 = "𝒿";
-const jsercy$1 = "ј";
-const jukcy$1 = "є";
-const kappa$1 = "κ";
-const kappav$1 = "ϰ";
-const kcedil$1 = "ķ";
-const kcy$1 = "к";
-const kfr$1 = "𝔨";
-const kgreen$1 = "ĸ";
-const khcy$1 = "х";
-const kjcy$1 = "ќ";
-const kopf$1 = "𝕜";
-const kscr$1 = "𝓀";
-const lAarr$1 = "⇚";
-const lArr$1 = "⇐";
-const lAtail$1 = "⤛";
-const lBarr$1 = "⤎";
-const lE$1 = "≦";
-const lEg$1 = "⪋";
-const lHar$1 = "⥢";
-const lacute$1 = "ĺ";
-const laemptyv$1 = "⦴";
-const lagran$1 = "ℒ";
-const lambda$1 = "λ";
-const lang$1 = "⟨";
-const langd$1 = "⦑";
-const langle$1 = "⟨";
-const lap$1 = "⪅";
-const laqu$1 = "«";
-const laquo$1 = "«";
-const larr$1 = "←";
-const larrb$1 = "⇤";
-const larrbfs$1 = "⤟";
-const larrfs$1 = "⤝";
-const larrhk$1 = "↩";
-const larrlp$1 = "↫";
-const larrpl$1 = "⤹";
-const larrsim$1 = "⥳";
-const larrtl$1 = "↢";
-const lat$1 = "⪫";
-const latail$1 = "⤙";
-const late$1 = "⪭";
-const lates$1 = "⪭︀";
-const lbarr$1 = "⤌";
-const lbbrk$1 = "❲";
-const lbrace$1 = "{";
-const lbrack$1 = "[";
-const lbrke$1 = "⦋";
-const lbrksld$1 = "⦏";
-const lbrkslu$1 = "⦍";
-const lcaron$1 = "ľ";
-const lcedil$1 = "ļ";
-const lceil$1 = "⌈";
-const lcub$1 = "{";
-const lcy$1 = "л";
-const ldca$1 = "⤶";
-const ldquo$1 = "“";
-const ldquor$1 = "„";
-const ldrdhar$1 = "⥧";
-const ldrushar$1 = "⥋";
-const ldsh$1 = "↲";
-const le$1 = "≤";
-const leftarrow$1 = "←";
-const leftarrowtail$1 = "↢";
-const leftharpoondown$1 = "↽";
-const leftharpoonup$1 = "↼";
-const leftleftarrows$1 = "⇇";
-const leftrightarrow$1 = "↔";
-const leftrightarrows$1 = "⇆";
-const leftrightharpoons$1 = "⇋";
-const leftrightsquigarrow$1 = "↭";
-const leftthreetimes$1 = "⋋";
-const leg$1 = "⋚";
-const leq$1 = "≤";
-const leqq$1 = "≦";
-const leqslant$1 = "⩽";
-const les$1 = "⩽";
-const lescc$1 = "⪨";
-const lesdot$1 = "⩿";
-const lesdoto$1 = "⪁";
-const lesdotor$1 = "⪃";
-const lesg$1 = "⋚︀";
-const lesges$1 = "⪓";
-const lessapprox$1 = "⪅";
-const lessdot$1 = "⋖";
-const lesseqgtr$1 = "⋚";
-const lesseqqgtr$1 = "⪋";
-const lessgtr$1 = "≶";
-const lesssim$1 = "≲";
-const lfisht$1 = "⥼";
-const lfloor$1 = "⌊";
-const lfr$1 = "𝔩";
-const lg$1 = "≶";
-const lgE$1 = "⪑";
-const lhard$1 = "↽";
-const lharu$1 = "↼";
-const lharul$1 = "⥪";
-const lhblk$1 = "▄";
-const ljcy$1 = "љ";
-const ll$1 = "≪";
-const llarr$1 = "⇇";
-const llcorner$1 = "⌞";
-const llhard$1 = "⥫";
-const lltri$1 = "◺";
-const lmidot$1 = "ŀ";
-const lmoust$1 = "⎰";
-const lmoustache$1 = "⎰";
-const lnE$1 = "≨";
-const lnap$1 = "⪉";
-const lnapprox$1 = "⪉";
-const lne$1 = "⪇";
-const lneq$1 = "⪇";
-const lneqq$1 = "≨";
-const lnsim$1 = "⋦";
-const loang$1 = "⟬";
-const loarr$1 = "⇽";
-const lobrk$1 = "⟦";
-const longleftarrow$1 = "⟵";
-const longleftrightarrow$1 = "⟷";
-const longmapsto$1 = "⟼";
-const longrightarrow$1 = "⟶";
-const looparrowleft$1 = "↫";
-const looparrowright$1 = "↬";
-const lopar$1 = "⦅";
-const lopf$1 = "𝕝";
-const loplus$1 = "⨭";
-const lotimes$1 = "⨴";
-const lowast$1 = "∗";
-const lowbar$1 = "_";
-const loz$1 = "◊";
-const lozenge$1 = "◊";
-const lozf$1 = "⧫";
-const lpar$1 = "(";
-const lparlt$1 = "⦓";
-const lrarr$1 = "⇆";
-const lrcorner$1 = "⌟";
-const lrhar$1 = "⇋";
-const lrhard$1 = "⥭";
-const lrm$1 = "‎";
-const lrtri$1 = "⊿";
-const lsaquo$1 = "‹";
-const lscr$1 = "𝓁";
-const lsh$1 = "↰";
-const lsim$1 = "≲";
-const lsime$1 = "⪍";
-const lsimg$1 = "⪏";
-const lsqb$1 = "[";
-const lsquo$1 = "‘";
-const lsquor$1 = "‚";
-const lstrok$1 = "ł";
-const l$1 = "<";
-const lt$2 = "<";
-const ltcc$1 = "⪦";
-const ltcir$1 = "⩹";
-const ltdot$1 = "⋖";
-const lthree$1 = "⋋";
-const ltimes$1 = "⋉";
-const ltlarr$1 = "⥶";
-const ltquest$1 = "⩻";
-const ltrPar$1 = "⦖";
-const ltri$1 = "◃";
-const ltrie$1 = "⊴";
-const ltrif$1 = "◂";
-const lurdshar$1 = "⥊";
-const luruhar$1 = "⥦";
-const lvertneqq$1 = "≨︀";
-const lvnE$1 = "≨︀";
-const mDDot$1 = "∺";
-const mac$1 = "¯";
-const macr$1 = "¯";
-const male$1 = "♂";
-const malt$1 = "✠";
-const maltese$1 = "✠";
-const map$4 = "↦";
-const mapsto$1 = "↦";
-const mapstodown$1 = "↧";
-const mapstoleft$1 = "↤";
-const mapstoup$1 = "↥";
-const marker$1 = "▮";
-const mcomma$1 = "⨩";
-const mcy$1 = "м";
-const mdash$1 = "—";
-const measuredangle$1 = "∡";
-const mfr$1 = "𝔪";
-const mho$1 = "℧";
-const micr$1 = "µ";
-const micro$1 = "µ";
-const mid$1 = "∣";
-const midast$1 = "*";
-const midcir$1 = "⫰";
-const middo$1 = "·";
-const middot$1 = "·";
-const minus$1 = "−";
-const minusb$1 = "⊟";
-const minusd$1 = "∸";
-const minusdu$1 = "⨪";
-const mlcp$1 = "⫛";
-const mldr$1 = "…";
-const mnplus$1 = "∓";
-const models$1 = "⊧";
-const mopf$1 = "𝕞";
-const mp$1 = "∓";
-const mscr$1 = "𝓂";
-const mstpos$1 = "∾";
-const mu$1 = "μ";
-const multimap$1 = "⊸";
-const mumap$1 = "⊸";
-const nGg$1 = "⋙̸";
-const nGt$1 = "≫⃒";
-const nGtv$1 = "≫̸";
-const nLeftarrow$1 = "⇍";
-const nLeftrightarrow$1 = "⇎";
-const nLl$1 = "⋘̸";
-const nLt$1 = "≪⃒";
-const nLtv$1 = "≪̸";
-const nRightarrow$1 = "⇏";
-const nVDash$1 = "⊯";
-const nVdash$1 = "⊮";
-const nabla$1 = "∇";
-const nacute$1 = "ń";
-const nang$1 = "∠⃒";
-const nap$1 = "≉";
-const napE$1 = "⩰̸";
-const napid$1 = "≋̸";
-const napos$1 = "ʼn";
-const napprox$1 = "≉";
-const natur$1 = "♮";
-const natural$1 = "♮";
-const naturals$1 = "ℕ";
-const nbs$1 = " ";
-const nbsp$1 = " ";
-const nbump$1 = "≎̸";
-const nbumpe$1 = "≏̸";
-const ncap$1 = "⩃";
-const ncaron$1 = "ň";
-const ncedil$1 = "ņ";
-const ncong$1 = "≇";
-const ncongdot$1 = "⩭̸";
-const ncup$1 = "⩂";
-const ncy$1 = "н";
-const ndash$1 = "–";
-const ne$1 = "≠";
-const neArr$1 = "⇗";
-const nearhk$1 = "⤤";
-const nearr$1 = "↗";
-const nearrow$1 = "↗";
-const nedot$1 = "≐̸";
-const nequiv$1 = "≢";
-const nesear$1 = "⤨";
-const nesim$1 = "≂̸";
-const nexist$1 = "∄";
-const nexists$1 = "∄";
-const nfr$1 = "𝔫";
-const ngE$1 = "≧̸";
-const nge$1 = "≱";
-const ngeq$1 = "≱";
-const ngeqq$1 = "≧̸";
-const ngeqslant$1 = "⩾̸";
-const nges$1 = "⩾̸";
-const ngsim$1 = "≵";
-const ngt$1 = "≯";
-const ngtr$1 = "≯";
-const nhArr$1 = "⇎";
-const nharr$1 = "↮";
-const nhpar$1 = "⫲";
-const ni$1 = "∋";
-const nis$1 = "⋼";
-const nisd$1 = "⋺";
-const niv$1 = "∋";
-const njcy$1 = "њ";
-const nlArr$1 = "⇍";
-const nlE$1 = "≦̸";
-const nlarr$1 = "↚";
-const nldr$1 = "‥";
-const nle$1 = "≰";
-const nleftarrow$1 = "↚";
-const nleftrightarrow$1 = "↮";
-const nleq$1 = "≰";
-const nleqq$1 = "≦̸";
-const nleqslant$1 = "⩽̸";
-const nles$1 = "⩽̸";
-const nless$1 = "≮";
-const nlsim$1 = "≴";
-const nlt$1 = "≮";
-const nltri$1 = "⋪";
-const nltrie$1 = "⋬";
-const nmid$1 = "∤";
-const nopf$1 = "𝕟";
-const no$1 = "¬";
-const not$1 = "¬";
-const notin$1 = "∉";
-const notinE$1 = "⋹̸";
-const notindot$1 = "⋵̸";
-const notinva$1 = "∉";
-const notinvb$1 = "⋷";
-const notinvc$1 = "⋶";
-const notni$1 = "∌";
-const notniva$1 = "∌";
-const notnivb$1 = "⋾";
-const notnivc$1 = "⋽";
-const npar$1 = "∦";
-const nparallel$1 = "∦";
-const nparsl$1 = "⫽⃥";
-const npart$1 = "∂̸";
-const npolint$1 = "⨔";
-const npr$1 = "⊀";
-const nprcue$1 = "⋠";
-const npre$1 = "⪯̸";
-const nprec$1 = "⊀";
-const npreceq$1 = "⪯̸";
-const nrArr$1 = "⇏";
-const nrarr$1 = "↛";
-const nrarrc$1 = "⤳̸";
-const nrarrw$1 = "↝̸";
-const nrightarrow$1 = "↛";
-const nrtri$1 = "⋫";
-const nrtrie$1 = "⋭";
-const nsc$1 = "⊁";
-const nsccue$1 = "⋡";
-const nsce$1 = "⪰̸";
-const nscr$1 = "𝓃";
-const nshortmid$1 = "∤";
-const nshortparallel$1 = "∦";
-const nsim$1 = "≁";
-const nsime$1 = "≄";
-const nsimeq$1 = "≄";
-const nsmid$1 = "∤";
-const nspar$1 = "∦";
-const nsqsube$1 = "⋢";
-const nsqsupe$1 = "⋣";
-const nsub$1 = "⊄";
-const nsubE$1 = "⫅̸";
-const nsube$1 = "⊈";
-const nsubset$1 = "⊂⃒";
-const nsubseteq$1 = "⊈";
-const nsubseteqq$1 = "⫅̸";
-const nsucc$1 = "⊁";
-const nsucceq$1 = "⪰̸";
-const nsup$1 = "⊅";
-const nsupE$1 = "⫆̸";
-const nsupe$1 = "⊉";
-const nsupset$1 = "⊃⃒";
-const nsupseteq$1 = "⊉";
-const nsupseteqq$1 = "⫆̸";
-const ntgl$1 = "≹";
-const ntild$1 = "ñ";
-const ntilde$1 = "ñ";
-const ntlg$1 = "≸";
-const ntriangleleft$1 = "⋪";
-const ntrianglelefteq$1 = "⋬";
-const ntriangleright$1 = "⋫";
-const ntrianglerighteq$1 = "⋭";
-const nu$1 = "ν";
-const num$1 = "#";
-const numero$1 = "№";
-const numsp$1 = " ";
-const nvDash$1 = "⊭";
-const nvHarr$1 = "⤄";
-const nvap$1 = "≍⃒";
-const nvdash$1 = "⊬";
-const nvge$1 = "≥⃒";
-const nvgt$1 = ">⃒";
-const nvinfin$1 = "⧞";
-const nvlArr$1 = "⤂";
-const nvle$1 = "≤⃒";
-const nvlt$1 = "<⃒";
-const nvltrie$1 = "⊴⃒";
-const nvrArr$1 = "⤃";
-const nvrtrie$1 = "⊵⃒";
-const nvsim$1 = "∼⃒";
-const nwArr$1 = "⇖";
-const nwarhk$1 = "⤣";
-const nwarr$1 = "↖";
-const nwarrow$1 = "↖";
-const nwnear$1 = "⤧";
-const oS$1 = "Ⓢ";
-const oacut$1 = "ó";
-const oacute$1 = "ó";
-const oast$1 = "⊛";
-const ocir$1 = "ô";
-const ocirc$1 = "ô";
-const ocy$1 = "о";
-const odash$1 = "⊝";
-const odblac$1 = "ő";
-const odiv$1 = "⨸";
-const odot$1 = "⊙";
-const odsold$1 = "⦼";
-const oelig$1 = "œ";
-const ofcir$1 = "⦿";
-const ofr$1 = "𝔬";
-const ogon$1 = "˛";
-const ograv$1 = "ò";
-const ograve$1 = "ò";
-const ogt$1 = "⧁";
-const ohbar$1 = "⦵";
-const ohm$1 = "Ω";
-const oint$1 = "∮";
-const olarr$1 = "↺";
-const olcir$1 = "⦾";
-const olcross$1 = "⦻";
-const oline$1 = "‾";
-const olt$1 = "⧀";
-const omacr$1 = "ō";
-const omega$1 = "ω";
-const omicron$1 = "ο";
-const omid$1 = "⦶";
-const ominus$1 = "⊖";
-const oopf$1 = "𝕠";
-const opar$1 = "⦷";
-const operp$1 = "⦹";
-const oplus$1 = "⊕";
-const or$1 = "∨";
-const orarr$1 = "↻";
-const ord$1 = "º";
-const order$1 = "ℴ";
-const orderof$1 = "ℴ";
-const ordf$1 = "ª";
-const ordm$1 = "º";
-const origof$1 = "⊶";
-const oror$1 = "⩖";
-const orslope$1 = "⩗";
-const orv$1 = "⩛";
-const oscr$1 = "ℴ";
-const oslas$1 = "ø";
-const oslash$1 = "ø";
-const osol$1 = "⊘";
-const otild$1 = "õ";
-const otilde$1 = "õ";
-const otimes$1 = "⊗";
-const otimesas$1 = "⨶";
-const oum$1 = "ö";
-const ouml$1 = "ö";
-const ovbar$1 = "⌽";
-const par$1 = "¶";
-const para$1 = "¶";
-const parallel$1 = "∥";
-const parsim$1 = "⫳";
-const parsl$1 = "⫽";
-const part$1 = "∂";
-const pcy$1 = "п";
-const percnt$1 = "%";
-const period$1 = ".";
-const permil$1 = "‰";
-const perp$1 = "⊥";
-const pertenk$1 = "‱";
-const pfr$1 = "𝔭";
-const phi$1 = "φ";
-const phiv$1 = "ϕ";
-const phmmat$1 = "ℳ";
-const phone$1 = "☎";
-const pi$1 = "π";
-const pitchfork$1 = "⋔";
-const piv$1 = "ϖ";
-const planck$1 = "ℏ";
-const planckh$1 = "ℎ";
-const plankv$1 = "ℏ";
-const plus$1 = "+";
-const plusacir$1 = "⨣";
-const plusb$1 = "⊞";
-const pluscir$1 = "⨢";
-const plusdo$1 = "∔";
-const plusdu$1 = "⨥";
-const pluse$1 = "⩲";
-const plusm$1 = "±";
-const plusmn$1 = "±";
-const plussim$1 = "⨦";
-const plustwo$1 = "⨧";
-const pm$1 = "±";
-const pointint$1 = "⨕";
-const popf$1 = "𝕡";
-const poun$1 = "£";
-const pound$1 = "£";
-const pr$1 = "≺";
-const prE$1 = "⪳";
-const prap$1 = "⪷";
-const prcue$1 = "≼";
-const pre$1 = "⪯";
-const prec$1 = "≺";
-const precapprox$1 = "⪷";
-const preccurlyeq$1 = "≼";
-const preceq$1 = "⪯";
-const precnapprox$1 = "⪹";
-const precneqq$1 = "⪵";
-const precnsim$1 = "⋨";
-const precsim$1 = "≾";
-const prime$1 = "′";
-const primes$1 = "ℙ";
-const prnE$1 = "⪵";
-const prnap$1 = "⪹";
-const prnsim$1 = "⋨";
-const prod$1 = "∏";
-const profalar$1 = "⌮";
-const profline$1 = "⌒";
-const profsurf$1 = "⌓";
-const prop$1 = "∝";
-const propto$1 = "∝";
-const prsim$1 = "≾";
-const prurel$1 = "⊰";
-const pscr$1 = "𝓅";
-const psi$1 = "ψ";
-const puncsp$1 = " ";
-const qfr$1 = "𝔮";
-const qint$1 = "⨌";
-const qopf$1 = "𝕢";
-const qprime$1 = "⁗";
-const qscr$1 = "𝓆";
-const quaternions$1 = "ℍ";
-const quatint$1 = "⨖";
-const quest$1 = "?";
-const questeq$1 = "≟";
-const quo$1 = "\"";
-const quot$1 = "\"";
-const rAarr$1 = "⇛";
-const rArr$1 = "⇒";
-const rAtail$1 = "⤜";
-const rBarr$1 = "⤏";
-const rHar$1 = "⥤";
-const race$1 = "∽̱";
-const racute$1 = "ŕ";
-const radic$1 = "√";
-const raemptyv$1 = "⦳";
-const rang$1 = "⟩";
-const rangd$1 = "⦒";
-const range$1 = "⦥";
-const rangle$1 = "⟩";
-const raqu$1 = "»";
-const raquo$1 = "»";
-const rarr$1 = "→";
-const rarrap$1 = "⥵";
-const rarrb$1 = "⇥";
-const rarrbfs$1 = "⤠";
-const rarrc$1 = "⤳";
-const rarrfs$1 = "⤞";
-const rarrhk$1 = "↪";
-const rarrlp$1 = "↬";
-const rarrpl$1 = "⥅";
-const rarrsim$1 = "⥴";
-const rarrtl$1 = "↣";
-const rarrw$1 = "↝";
-const ratail$1 = "⤚";
-const ratio$1 = "∶";
-const rationals$1 = "ℚ";
-const rbarr$1 = "⤍";
-const rbbrk$1 = "❳";
-const rbrace$1 = "}";
-const rbrack$1 = "]";
-const rbrke$1 = "⦌";
-const rbrksld$1 = "⦎";
-const rbrkslu$1 = "⦐";
-const rcaron$1 = "ř";
-const rcedil$1 = "ŗ";
-const rceil$1 = "⌉";
-const rcub$1 = "}";
-const rcy$1 = "р";
-const rdca$1 = "⤷";
-const rdldhar$1 = "⥩";
-const rdquo$1 = "”";
-const rdquor$1 = "”";
-const rdsh$1 = "↳";
-const real$1 = "ℜ";
-const realine$1 = "ℛ";
-const realpart$1 = "ℜ";
-const reals$1 = "ℝ";
-const rect$1 = "▭";
-const re$5 = "®";
-const reg$1 = "®";
-const rfisht$1 = "⥽";
-const rfloor$1 = "⌋";
-const rfr$1 = "𝔯";
-const rhard$1 = "⇁";
-const rharu$1 = "⇀";
-const rharul$1 = "⥬";
-const rho$1 = "ρ";
-const rhov$1 = "ϱ";
-const rightarrow$1 = "→";
-const rightarrowtail$1 = "↣";
-const rightharpoondown$1 = "⇁";
-const rightharpoonup$1 = "⇀";
-const rightleftarrows$1 = "⇄";
-const rightleftharpoons$1 = "⇌";
-const rightrightarrows$1 = "⇉";
-const rightsquigarrow$1 = "↝";
-const rightthreetimes$1 = "⋌";
-const ring$1 = "˚";
-const risingdotseq$1 = "≓";
-const rlarr$1 = "⇄";
-const rlhar$1 = "⇌";
-const rlm$1 = "‏";
-const rmoust$1 = "⎱";
-const rmoustache$1 = "⎱";
-const rnmid$1 = "⫮";
-const roang$1 = "⟭";
-const roarr$1 = "⇾";
-const robrk$1 = "⟧";
-const ropar$1 = "⦆";
-const ropf$1 = "𝕣";
-const roplus$1 = "⨮";
-const rotimes$1 = "⨵";
-const rpar$1 = ")";
-const rpargt$1 = "⦔";
-const rppolint$1 = "⨒";
-const rrarr$1 = "⇉";
-const rsaquo$1 = "›";
-const rscr$1 = "𝓇";
-const rsh$1 = "↱";
-const rsqb$1 = "]";
-const rsquo$1 = "’";
-const rsquor$1 = "’";
-const rthree$1 = "⋌";
-const rtimes$1 = "⋊";
-const rtri$1 = "▹";
-const rtrie$1 = "⊵";
-const rtrif$1 = "▸";
-const rtriltri$1 = "⧎";
-const ruluhar$1 = "⥨";
-const rx$1 = "℞";
-const sacute$1 = "ś";
-const sbquo$1 = "‚";
-const sc$1 = "≻";
-const scE$1 = "⪴";
-const scap$1 = "⪸";
-const scaron$1 = "š";
-const sccue$1 = "≽";
-const sce$1 = "⪰";
-const scedil$1 = "ş";
-const scirc$1 = "ŝ";
-const scnE$1 = "⪶";
-const scnap$1 = "⪺";
-const scnsim$1 = "⋩";
-const scpolint$1 = "⨓";
-const scsim$1 = "≿";
-const scy$1 = "с";
-const sdot$1 = "⋅";
-const sdotb$1 = "⊡";
-const sdote$1 = "⩦";
-const seArr$1 = "⇘";
-const searhk$1 = "⤥";
-const searr$1 = "↘";
-const searrow$1 = "↘";
-const sec$1 = "§";
-const sect$1 = "§";
-const semi$1 = ";";
-const seswar$1 = "⤩";
-const setminus$1 = "∖";
-const setmn$1 = "∖";
-const sext$1 = "✶";
-const sfr$1 = "𝔰";
-const sfrown$1 = "⌢";
-const sharp$1 = "♯";
-const shchcy$1 = "щ";
-const shcy$1 = "ш";
-const shortmid$1 = "∣";
-const shortparallel$1 = "∥";
-const sh$1 = "­";
-const shy$1 = "­";
-const sigma$1 = "σ";
-const sigmaf$1 = "ς";
-const sigmav$1 = "ς";
-const sim$1 = "∼";
-const simdot$1 = "⩪";
-const sime$1 = "≃";
-const simeq$1 = "≃";
-const simg$1 = "⪞";
-const simgE$1 = "⪠";
-const siml$1 = "⪝";
-const simlE$1 = "⪟";
-const simne$1 = "≆";
-const simplus$1 = "⨤";
-const simrarr$1 = "⥲";
-const slarr$1 = "←";
-const smallsetminus$1 = "∖";
-const smashp$1 = "⨳";
-const smeparsl$1 = "⧤";
-const smid$1 = "∣";
-const smile$1 = "⌣";
-const smt$1 = "⪪";
-const smte$1 = "⪬";
-const smtes$1 = "⪬︀";
-const softcy$1 = "ь";
-const sol$1 = "/";
-const solb$1 = "⧄";
-const solbar$1 = "⌿";
-const sopf$1 = "𝕤";
-const spades$1 = "♠";
-const spadesuit$1 = "♠";
-const spar$1 = "∥";
-const sqcap$1 = "⊓";
-const sqcaps$1 = "⊓︀";
-const sqcup$1 = "⊔";
-const sqcups$1 = "⊔︀";
-const sqsub$1 = "⊏";
-const sqsube$1 = "⊑";
-const sqsubset$1 = "⊏";
-const sqsubseteq$1 = "⊑";
-const sqsup$1 = "⊐";
-const sqsupe$1 = "⊒";
-const sqsupset$1 = "⊐";
-const sqsupseteq$1 = "⊒";
-const squ$1 = "□";
-const square$1 = "□";
-const squarf$1 = "▪";
-const squf$1 = "▪";
-const srarr$1 = "→";
-const sscr$1 = "𝓈";
-const ssetmn$1 = "∖";
-const ssmile$1 = "⌣";
-const sstarf$1 = "⋆";
-const star$1 = "☆";
-const starf$1 = "★";
-const straightepsilon$1 = "ϵ";
-const straightphi$1 = "ϕ";
-const strns$1 = "¯";
-const sub$1 = "⊂";
-const subE$1 = "⫅";
-const subdot$1 = "⪽";
-const sube$1 = "⊆";
-const subedot$1 = "⫃";
-const submult$1 = "⫁";
-const subnE$1 = "⫋";
-const subne$1 = "⊊";
-const subplus$1 = "⪿";
-const subrarr$1 = "⥹";
-const subset$1 = "⊂";
-const subseteq$1 = "⊆";
-const subseteqq$1 = "⫅";
-const subsetneq$1 = "⊊";
-const subsetneqq$1 = "⫋";
-const subsim$1 = "⫇";
-const subsub$1 = "⫕";
-const subsup$1 = "⫓";
-const succ$1 = "≻";
-const succapprox$1 = "⪸";
-const succcurlyeq$1 = "≽";
-const succeq$1 = "⪰";
-const succnapprox$1 = "⪺";
-const succneqq$1 = "⪶";
-const succnsim$1 = "⋩";
-const succsim$1 = "≿";
-const sum$1 = "∑";
-const sung$1 = "♪";
-const sup$1 = "⊃";
-const sup1$1 = "¹";
-const sup2$1 = "²";
-const sup3$1 = "³";
-const supE$1 = "⫆";
-const supdot$1 = "⪾";
-const supdsub$1 = "⫘";
-const supe$1 = "⊇";
-const supedot$1 = "⫄";
-const suphsol$1 = "⟉";
-const suphsub$1 = "⫗";
-const suplarr$1 = "⥻";
-const supmult$1 = "⫂";
-const supnE$1 = "⫌";
-const supne$1 = "⊋";
-const supplus$1 = "⫀";
-const supset$1 = "⊃";
-const supseteq$1 = "⊇";
-const supseteqq$1 = "⫆";
-const supsetneq$1 = "⊋";
-const supsetneqq$1 = "⫌";
-const supsim$1 = "⫈";
-const supsub$1 = "⫔";
-const supsup$1 = "⫖";
-const swArr$1 = "⇙";
-const swarhk$1 = "⤦";
-const swarr$1 = "↙";
-const swarrow$1 = "↙";
-const swnwar$1 = "⤪";
-const szli$1 = "ß";
-const szlig$1 = "ß";
-const target$1 = "⌖";
-const tau$1 = "τ";
-const tbrk$1 = "⎴";
-const tcaron$1 = "ť";
-const tcedil$1 = "ţ";
-const tcy$1 = "т";
-const tdot$1 = "⃛";
-const telrec$1 = "⌕";
-const tfr$1 = "𝔱";
-const there4$1 = "∴";
-const therefore$1 = "∴";
-const theta$1 = "θ";
-const thetasym$1 = "ϑ";
-const thetav$1 = "ϑ";
-const thickapprox$1 = "≈";
-const thicksim$1 = "∼";
-const thinsp$1 = " ";
-const thkap$1 = "≈";
-const thksim$1 = "∼";
-const thor$1 = "þ";
-const thorn$1 = "þ";
-const tilde$1 = "˜";
-const time$1 = "×";
-const times$1 = "×";
-const timesb$1 = "⊠";
-const timesbar$1 = "⨱";
-const timesd$1 = "⨰";
-const tint$1 = "∭";
-const toea$1 = "⤨";
-const top$1 = "⊤";
-const topbot$1 = "⌶";
-const topcir$1 = "⫱";
-const topf$1 = "𝕥";
-const topfork$1 = "⫚";
-const tosa$1 = "⤩";
-const tprime$1 = "‴";
-const trade$1 = "™";
-const triangle$1 = "▵";
-const triangledown$1 = "▿";
-const triangleleft$1 = "◃";
-const trianglelefteq$1 = "⊴";
-const triangleq$1 = "≜";
-const triangleright$1 = "▹";
-const trianglerighteq$1 = "⊵";
-const tridot$1 = "◬";
-const trie$1 = "≜";
-const triminus$1 = "⨺";
-const triplus$1 = "⨹";
-const trisb$1 = "⧍";
-const tritime$1 = "⨻";
-const trpezium$1 = "⏢";
-const tscr$1 = "𝓉";
-const tscy$1 = "ц";
-const tshcy$1 = "ћ";
-const tstrok$1 = "ŧ";
-const twixt$1 = "≬";
-const twoheadleftarrow$1 = "↞";
-const twoheadrightarrow$1 = "↠";
-const uArr$1 = "⇑";
-const uHar$1 = "⥣";
-const uacut$1 = "ú";
-const uacute$1 = "ú";
-const uarr$1 = "↑";
-const ubrcy$1 = "ў";
-const ubreve$1 = "ŭ";
-const ucir$1 = "û";
-const ucirc$1 = "û";
-const ucy$1 = "у";
-const udarr$1 = "⇅";
-const udblac$1 = "ű";
-const udhar$1 = "⥮";
-const ufisht$1 = "⥾";
-const ufr$1 = "𝔲";
-const ugrav$1 = "ù";
-const ugrave$1 = "ù";
-const uharl$1 = "↿";
-const uharr$1 = "↾";
-const uhblk$1 = "▀";
-const ulcorn$1 = "⌜";
-const ulcorner$1 = "⌜";
-const ulcrop$1 = "⌏";
-const ultri$1 = "◸";
-const umacr$1 = "ū";
-const um$1 = "¨";
-const uml$1 = "¨";
-const uogon$1 = "ų";
-const uopf$1 = "𝕦";
-const uparrow$1 = "↑";
-const updownarrow$1 = "↕";
-const upharpoonleft$1 = "↿";
-const upharpoonright$1 = "↾";
-const uplus$1 = "⊎";
-const upsi$1 = "υ";
-const upsih$1 = "ϒ";
-const upsilon$1 = "υ";
-const upuparrows$1 = "⇈";
-const urcorn$1 = "⌝";
-const urcorner$1 = "⌝";
-const urcrop$1 = "⌎";
-const uring$1 = "ů";
-const urtri$1 = "◹";
-const uscr$1 = "𝓊";
-const utdot$1 = "⋰";
-const utilde$1 = "ũ";
-const utri$1 = "▵";
-const utrif$1 = "▴";
-const uuarr$1 = "⇈";
-const uum$1 = "ü";
-const uuml$1 = "ü";
-const uwangle$1 = "⦧";
-const vArr$1 = "⇕";
-const vBar$1 = "⫨";
-const vBarv$1 = "⫩";
-const vDash$1 = "⊨";
-const vangrt$1 = "⦜";
-const varepsilon$1 = "ϵ";
-const varkappa$1 = "ϰ";
-const varnothing$1 = "∅";
-const varphi$1 = "ϕ";
-const varpi$1 = "ϖ";
-const varpropto$1 = "∝";
-const varr$1 = "↕";
-const varrho$1 = "ϱ";
-const varsigma$1 = "ς";
-const varsubsetneq$1 = "⊊︀";
-const varsubsetneqq$1 = "⫋︀";
-const varsupsetneq$1 = "⊋︀";
-const varsupsetneqq$1 = "⫌︀";
-const vartheta$1 = "ϑ";
-const vartriangleleft$1 = "⊲";
-const vartriangleright$1 = "⊳";
-const vcy$1 = "в";
-const vdash$1 = "⊢";
-const vee$1 = "∨";
-const veebar$1 = "⊻";
-const veeeq$1 = "≚";
-const vellip$1 = "⋮";
-const verbar$1 = "|";
-const vert$1 = "|";
-const vfr$1 = "𝔳";
-const vltri$1 = "⊲";
-const vnsub$1 = "⊂⃒";
-const vnsup$1 = "⊃⃒";
-const vopf$1 = "𝕧";
-const vprop$1 = "∝";
-const vrtri$1 = "⊳";
-const vscr$1 = "𝓋";
-const vsubnE$1 = "⫋︀";
-const vsubne$1 = "⊊︀";
-const vsupnE$1 = "⫌︀";
-const vsupne$1 = "⊋︀";
-const vzigzag$1 = "⦚";
-const wcirc$1 = "ŵ";
-const wedbar$1 = "⩟";
-const wedge$1 = "∧";
-const wedgeq$1 = "≙";
-const weierp$1 = "℘";
-const wfr$1 = "𝔴";
-const wopf$1 = "𝕨";
-const wp$1 = "℘";
-const wr$1 = "≀";
-const wreath$1 = "≀";
-const wscr$1 = "𝓌";
-const xcap$1 = "⋂";
-const xcirc$1 = "◯";
-const xcup$1 = "⋃";
-const xdtri$1 = "▽";
-const xfr$1 = "𝔵";
-const xhArr$1 = "⟺";
-const xharr$1 = "⟷";
-const xi$1 = "ξ";
-const xlArr$1 = "⟸";
-const xlarr$1 = "⟵";
-const xmap$1 = "⟼";
-const xnis$1 = "⋻";
-const xodot$1 = "⨀";
-const xopf$1 = "𝕩";
-const xoplus$1 = "⨁";
-const xotime$1 = "⨂";
-const xrArr$1 = "⟹";
-const xrarr$1 = "⟶";
-const xscr$1 = "𝓍";
-const xsqcup$1 = "⨆";
-const xuplus$1 = "⨄";
-const xutri$1 = "△";
-const xvee$1 = "⋁";
-const xwedge$1 = "⋀";
-const yacut$1 = "ý";
-const yacute$1 = "ý";
-const yacy$1 = "я";
-const ycirc$1 = "ŷ";
-const ycy$1 = "ы";
-const ye$1 = "¥";
-const yen$1 = "¥";
-const yfr$1 = "𝔶";
-const yicy$1 = "ї";
-const yopf$1 = "𝕪";
-const yscr$1 = "𝓎";
-const yucy$1 = "ю";
-const yum$1 = "ÿ";
-const yuml$1 = "ÿ";
-const zacute$1 = "ź";
-const zcaron$1 = "ž";
-const zcy$1 = "з";
-const zdot$1 = "ż";
-const zeetrf$1 = "ℨ";
-const zeta$1 = "ζ";
-const zfr$1 = "𝔷";
-const zhcy$1 = "ж";
-const zigrarr$1 = "⇝";
-const zopf$1 = "𝕫";
-const zscr$1 = "𝓏";
-const zwj$1 = "‍";
-const zwnj$1 = "‌";
-var require$$0$1 = {
- AEli: AEli$1,
- AElig: AElig$1,
- AM: AM$1,
- AMP: AMP$1,
- Aacut: Aacut$1,
- Aacute: Aacute$1,
- Abreve: Abreve$1,
- Acir: Acir$1,
- Acirc: Acirc$1,
- Acy: Acy$1,
- Afr: Afr$1,
- Agrav: Agrav$1,
- Agrave: Agrave$1,
- Alpha: Alpha$1,
- Amacr: Amacr$1,
- And: And$1,
- Aogon: Aogon$1,
- Aopf: Aopf$1,
- ApplyFunction: ApplyFunction$1,
- Arin: Arin$1,
- Aring: Aring$1,
- Ascr: Ascr$1,
- Assign: Assign$1,
- Atild: Atild$1,
- Atilde: Atilde$1,
- Aum: Aum$1,
- Auml: Auml$1,
- Backslash: Backslash$1,
- Barv: Barv$1,
- Barwed: Barwed$1,
- Bcy: Bcy$1,
- Because: Because$1,
- Bernoullis: Bernoullis$1,
- Beta: Beta$1,
- Bfr: Bfr$1,
- Bopf: Bopf$1,
- Breve: Breve$1,
- Bscr: Bscr$1,
- Bumpeq: Bumpeq$1,
- CHcy: CHcy$1,
- COP: COP$1,
- Cacute: Cacute$1,
- Cap: Cap$1,
- CapitalDifferentialD: CapitalDifferentialD$1,
- Cayleys: Cayleys$1,
- Ccaron: Ccaron$1,
- Ccedi: Ccedi$1,
- Ccedil: Ccedil$1,
- Ccirc: Ccirc$1,
- Cconint: Cconint$1,
- Cdot: Cdot$1,
- Cedilla: Cedilla$1,
- CenterDot: CenterDot$1,
- Cfr: Cfr$1,
- Chi: Chi$1,
- CircleDot: CircleDot$1,
- CircleMinus: CircleMinus$1,
- CirclePlus: CirclePlus$1,
- CircleTimes: CircleTimes$1,
- ClockwiseContourIntegral: ClockwiseContourIntegral$1,
- CloseCurlyDoubleQuote: CloseCurlyDoubleQuote$1,
- CloseCurlyQuote: CloseCurlyQuote$1,
- Colon: Colon$1,
- Colone: Colone$1,
- Congruent: Congruent$1,
- Conint: Conint$1,
- ContourIntegral: ContourIntegral$1,
- Copf: Copf$1,
- Coproduct: Coproduct$1,
- CounterClockwiseContourIntegral: CounterClockwiseContourIntegral$1,
- Cross: Cross$1,
- Cscr: Cscr$1,
- Cup: Cup$1,
- CupCap: CupCap$1,
- DD: DD$1,
- DDotrahd: DDotrahd$1,
- DJcy: DJcy$1,
- DScy: DScy$1,
- DZcy: DZcy$1,
- Dagger: Dagger$1,
- Darr: Darr$1,
- Dashv: Dashv$1,
- Dcaron: Dcaron$1,
- Dcy: Dcy$1,
- Del: Del$1,
- Delta: Delta$1,
- Dfr: Dfr$1,
- DiacriticalAcute: DiacriticalAcute$1,
- DiacriticalDot: DiacriticalDot$1,
- DiacriticalDoubleAcute: DiacriticalDoubleAcute$1,
- DiacriticalGrave: DiacriticalGrave$1,
- DiacriticalTilde: DiacriticalTilde$1,
- Diamond: Diamond$1,
- DifferentialD: DifferentialD$1,
- Dopf: Dopf$1,
- Dot: Dot$1,
- DotDot: DotDot$1,
- DotEqual: DotEqual$1,
- DoubleContourIntegral: DoubleContourIntegral$1,
- DoubleDot: DoubleDot$1,
- DoubleDownArrow: DoubleDownArrow$1,
- DoubleLeftArrow: DoubleLeftArrow$1,
- DoubleLeftRightArrow: DoubleLeftRightArrow$1,
- DoubleLeftTee: DoubleLeftTee$1,
- DoubleLongLeftArrow: DoubleLongLeftArrow$1,
- DoubleLongLeftRightArrow: DoubleLongLeftRightArrow$1,
- DoubleLongRightArrow: DoubleLongRightArrow$1,
- DoubleRightArrow: DoubleRightArrow$1,
- DoubleRightTee: DoubleRightTee$1,
- DoubleUpArrow: DoubleUpArrow$1,
- DoubleUpDownArrow: DoubleUpDownArrow$1,
- DoubleVerticalBar: DoubleVerticalBar$1,
- DownArrow: DownArrow$1,
- DownArrowBar: DownArrowBar$1,
- DownArrowUpArrow: DownArrowUpArrow$1,
- DownBreve: DownBreve$1,
- DownLeftRightVector: DownLeftRightVector$1,
- DownLeftTeeVector: DownLeftTeeVector$1,
- DownLeftVector: DownLeftVector$1,
- DownLeftVectorBar: DownLeftVectorBar$1,
- DownRightTeeVector: DownRightTeeVector$1,
- DownRightVector: DownRightVector$1,
- DownRightVectorBar: DownRightVectorBar$1,
- DownTee: DownTee$1,
- DownTeeArrow: DownTeeArrow$1,
- Downarrow: Downarrow$1,
- Dscr: Dscr$1,
- Dstrok: Dstrok$1,
- ENG: ENG$1,
- ET: ET$1,
- ETH: ETH$1,
- Eacut: Eacut$1,
- Eacute: Eacute$1,
- Ecaron: Ecaron$1,
- Ecir: Ecir$1,
- Ecirc: Ecirc$1,
- Ecy: Ecy$1,
- Edot: Edot$1,
- Efr: Efr$1,
- Egrav: Egrav$1,
- Egrave: Egrave$1,
- Element: Element$1,
- Emacr: Emacr$1,
- EmptySmallSquare: EmptySmallSquare$1,
- EmptyVerySmallSquare: EmptyVerySmallSquare$1,
- Eogon: Eogon$1,
- Eopf: Eopf$1,
- Epsilon: Epsilon$1,
- Equal: Equal$1,
- EqualTilde: EqualTilde$1,
- Equilibrium: Equilibrium$1,
- Escr: Escr$1,
- Esim: Esim$1,
- Eta: Eta$1,
- Eum: Eum$1,
- Euml: Euml$1,
- Exists: Exists$1,
- ExponentialE: ExponentialE$1,
- Fcy: Fcy$1,
- Ffr: Ffr$1,
- FilledSmallSquare: FilledSmallSquare$1,
- FilledVerySmallSquare: FilledVerySmallSquare$1,
- Fopf: Fopf$1,
- ForAll: ForAll$1,
- Fouriertrf: Fouriertrf$1,
- Fscr: Fscr$1,
- GJcy: GJcy$1,
- G: G$1,
- GT: GT$1,
- Gamma: Gamma$1,
- Gammad: Gammad$1,
- Gbreve: Gbreve$1,
- Gcedil: Gcedil$1,
- Gcirc: Gcirc$1,
- Gcy: Gcy$1,
- Gdot: Gdot$1,
- Gfr: Gfr$1,
- Gg: Gg$1,
- Gopf: Gopf$1,
- GreaterEqual: GreaterEqual$1,
- GreaterEqualLess: GreaterEqualLess$1,
- GreaterFullEqual: GreaterFullEqual$1,
- GreaterGreater: GreaterGreater$1,
- GreaterLess: GreaterLess$1,
- GreaterSlantEqual: GreaterSlantEqual$1,
- GreaterTilde: GreaterTilde$1,
- Gscr: Gscr$1,
- Gt: Gt$1,
- HARDcy: HARDcy$1,
- Hacek: Hacek$1,
- Hat: Hat$1,
- Hcirc: Hcirc$1,
- Hfr: Hfr$1,
- HilbertSpace: HilbertSpace$1,
- Hopf: Hopf$1,
- HorizontalLine: HorizontalLine$1,
- Hscr: Hscr$1,
- Hstrok: Hstrok$1,
- HumpDownHump: HumpDownHump$1,
- HumpEqual: HumpEqual$1,
- IEcy: IEcy$1,
- IJlig: IJlig$1,
- IOcy: IOcy$1,
- Iacut: Iacut$1,
- Iacute: Iacute$1,
- Icir: Icir$1,
- Icirc: Icirc$1,
- Icy: Icy$1,
- Idot: Idot$1,
- Ifr: Ifr$1,
- Igrav: Igrav$1,
- Igrave: Igrave$1,
- Im: Im$1,
- Imacr: Imacr$1,
- ImaginaryI: ImaginaryI$1,
- Implies: Implies$1,
- Int: Int$1,
- Integral: Integral$1,
- Intersection: Intersection$1,
- InvisibleComma: InvisibleComma$1,
- InvisibleTimes: InvisibleTimes$1,
- Iogon: Iogon$1,
- Iopf: Iopf$1,
- Iota: Iota$1,
- Iscr: Iscr$1,
- Itilde: Itilde$1,
- Iukcy: Iukcy$1,
- Ium: Ium$1,
- Iuml: Iuml$1,
- Jcirc: Jcirc$1,
- Jcy: Jcy$1,
- Jfr: Jfr$1,
- Jopf: Jopf$1,
- Jscr: Jscr$1,
- Jsercy: Jsercy$1,
- Jukcy: Jukcy$1,
- KHcy: KHcy$1,
- KJcy: KJcy$1,
- Kappa: Kappa$1,
- Kcedil: Kcedil$1,
- Kcy: Kcy$1,
- Kfr: Kfr$1,
- Kopf: Kopf$1,
- Kscr: Kscr$1,
- LJcy: LJcy$1,
- L: L$1,
- LT: LT$1,
- Lacute: Lacute$1,
- Lambda: Lambda$1,
- Lang: Lang$1,
- Laplacetrf: Laplacetrf$1,
- Larr: Larr$1,
- Lcaron: Lcaron$1,
- Lcedil: Lcedil$1,
- Lcy: Lcy$1,
- LeftAngleBracket: LeftAngleBracket$1,
- LeftArrow: LeftArrow$1,
- LeftArrowBar: LeftArrowBar$1,
- LeftArrowRightArrow: LeftArrowRightArrow$1,
- LeftCeiling: LeftCeiling$1,
- LeftDoubleBracket: LeftDoubleBracket$1,
- LeftDownTeeVector: LeftDownTeeVector$1,
- LeftDownVector: LeftDownVector$1,
- LeftDownVectorBar: LeftDownVectorBar$1,
- LeftFloor: LeftFloor$1,
- LeftRightArrow: LeftRightArrow$1,
- LeftRightVector: LeftRightVector$1,
- LeftTee: LeftTee$1,
- LeftTeeArrow: LeftTeeArrow$1,
- LeftTeeVector: LeftTeeVector$1,
- LeftTriangle: LeftTriangle$1,
- LeftTriangleBar: LeftTriangleBar$1,
- LeftTriangleEqual: LeftTriangleEqual$1,
- LeftUpDownVector: LeftUpDownVector$1,
- LeftUpTeeVector: LeftUpTeeVector$1,
- LeftUpVector: LeftUpVector$1,
- LeftUpVectorBar: LeftUpVectorBar$1,
- LeftVector: LeftVector$1,
- LeftVectorBar: LeftVectorBar$1,
- Leftarrow: Leftarrow$1,
- Leftrightarrow: Leftrightarrow$1,
- LessEqualGreater: LessEqualGreater$1,
- LessFullEqual: LessFullEqual$1,
- LessGreater: LessGreater$1,
- LessLess: LessLess$1,
- LessSlantEqual: LessSlantEqual$1,
- LessTilde: LessTilde$1,
- Lfr: Lfr$1,
- Ll: Ll$1,
- Lleftarrow: Lleftarrow$1,
- Lmidot: Lmidot$1,
- LongLeftArrow: LongLeftArrow$1,
- LongLeftRightArrow: LongLeftRightArrow$1,
- LongRightArrow: LongRightArrow$1,
- Longleftarrow: Longleftarrow$1,
- Longleftrightarrow: Longleftrightarrow$1,
- Longrightarrow: Longrightarrow$1,
- Lopf: Lopf$1,
- LowerLeftArrow: LowerLeftArrow$1,
- LowerRightArrow: LowerRightArrow$1,
- Lscr: Lscr$1,
- Lsh: Lsh$1,
- Lstrok: Lstrok$1,
- Lt: Lt$1,
- "Map": "⤅",
- Mcy: Mcy$1,
- MediumSpace: MediumSpace$1,
- Mellintrf: Mellintrf$1,
- Mfr: Mfr$1,
- MinusPlus: MinusPlus$1,
- Mopf: Mopf$1,
- Mscr: Mscr$1,
- Mu: Mu$1,
- NJcy: NJcy$1,
- Nacute: Nacute$1,
- Ncaron: Ncaron$1,
- Ncedil: Ncedil$1,
- Ncy: Ncy$1,
- NegativeMediumSpace: NegativeMediumSpace$1,
- NegativeThickSpace: NegativeThickSpace$1,
- NegativeThinSpace: NegativeThinSpace$1,
- NegativeVeryThinSpace: NegativeVeryThinSpace$1,
- NestedGreaterGreater: NestedGreaterGreater$1,
- NestedLessLess: NestedLessLess$1,
- NewLine: NewLine$1,
- Nfr: Nfr$1,
- NoBreak: NoBreak$1,
- NonBreakingSpace: NonBreakingSpace$1,
- Nopf: Nopf$1,
- Not: Not$1,
- NotCongruent: NotCongruent$1,
- NotCupCap: NotCupCap$1,
- NotDoubleVerticalBar: NotDoubleVerticalBar$1,
- NotElement: NotElement$1,
- NotEqual: NotEqual$1,
- NotEqualTilde: NotEqualTilde$1,
- NotExists: NotExists$1,
- NotGreater: NotGreater$1,
- NotGreaterEqual: NotGreaterEqual$1,
- NotGreaterFullEqual: NotGreaterFullEqual$1,
- NotGreaterGreater: NotGreaterGreater$1,
- NotGreaterLess: NotGreaterLess$1,
- NotGreaterSlantEqual: NotGreaterSlantEqual$1,
- NotGreaterTilde: NotGreaterTilde$1,
- NotHumpDownHump: NotHumpDownHump$1,
- NotHumpEqual: NotHumpEqual$1,
- NotLeftTriangle: NotLeftTriangle$1,
- NotLeftTriangleBar: NotLeftTriangleBar$1,
- NotLeftTriangleEqual: NotLeftTriangleEqual$1,
- NotLess: NotLess$1,
- NotLessEqual: NotLessEqual$1,
- NotLessGreater: NotLessGreater$1,
- NotLessLess: NotLessLess$1,
- NotLessSlantEqual: NotLessSlantEqual$1,
- NotLessTilde: NotLessTilde$1,
- NotNestedGreaterGreater: NotNestedGreaterGreater$1,
- NotNestedLessLess: NotNestedLessLess$1,
- NotPrecedes: NotPrecedes$1,
- NotPrecedesEqual: NotPrecedesEqual$1,
- NotPrecedesSlantEqual: NotPrecedesSlantEqual$1,
- NotReverseElement: NotReverseElement$1,
- NotRightTriangle: NotRightTriangle$1,
- NotRightTriangleBar: NotRightTriangleBar$1,
- NotRightTriangleEqual: NotRightTriangleEqual$1,
- NotSquareSubset: NotSquareSubset$1,
- NotSquareSubsetEqual: NotSquareSubsetEqual$1,
- NotSquareSuperset: NotSquareSuperset$1,
- NotSquareSupersetEqual: NotSquareSupersetEqual$1,
- NotSubset: NotSubset$1,
- NotSubsetEqual: NotSubsetEqual$1,
- NotSucceeds: NotSucceeds$1,
- NotSucceedsEqual: NotSucceedsEqual$1,
- NotSucceedsSlantEqual: NotSucceedsSlantEqual$1,
- NotSucceedsTilde: NotSucceedsTilde$1,
- NotSuperset: NotSuperset$1,
- NotSupersetEqual: NotSupersetEqual$1,
- NotTilde: NotTilde$1,
- NotTildeEqual: NotTildeEqual$1,
- NotTildeFullEqual: NotTildeFullEqual$1,
- NotTildeTilde: NotTildeTilde$1,
- NotVerticalBar: NotVerticalBar$1,
- Nscr: Nscr$1,
- Ntild: Ntild$1,
- Ntilde: Ntilde$1,
- Nu: Nu$1,
- OElig: OElig$1,
- Oacut: Oacut$1,
- Oacute: Oacute$1,
- Ocir: Ocir$1,
- Ocirc: Ocirc$1,
- Ocy: Ocy$1,
- Odblac: Odblac$1,
- Ofr: Ofr$1,
- Ograv: Ograv$1,
- Ograve: Ograve$1,
- Omacr: Omacr$1,
- Omega: Omega$1,
- Omicron: Omicron$1,
- Oopf: Oopf$1,
- OpenCurlyDoubleQuote: OpenCurlyDoubleQuote$1,
- OpenCurlyQuote: OpenCurlyQuote$1,
- Or: Or$1,
- Oscr: Oscr$1,
- Oslas: Oslas$1,
- Oslash: Oslash$1,
- Otild: Otild$1,
- Otilde: Otilde$1,
- Otimes: Otimes$1,
- Oum: Oum$1,
- Ouml: Ouml$1,
- OverBar: OverBar$1,
- OverBrace: OverBrace$1,
- OverBracket: OverBracket$1,
- OverParenthesis: OverParenthesis$1,
- PartialD: PartialD$1,
- Pcy: Pcy$1,
- Pfr: Pfr$1,
- Phi: Phi$1,
- Pi: Pi$1,
- PlusMinus: PlusMinus$1,
- Poincareplane: Poincareplane$1,
- Popf: Popf$1,
- Pr: Pr$1,
- Precedes: Precedes$1,
- PrecedesEqual: PrecedesEqual$1,
- PrecedesSlantEqual: PrecedesSlantEqual$1,
- PrecedesTilde: PrecedesTilde$1,
- Prime: Prime$1,
- Product: Product$1,
- Proportion: Proportion$1,
- Proportional: Proportional$1,
- Pscr: Pscr$1,
- Psi: Psi$1,
- QUO: QUO$1,
- Qfr: Qfr$1,
- Qopf: Qopf$1,
- Qscr: Qscr$1,
- RBarr: RBarr$1,
- RE: RE$1,
- REG: REG$1,
- Racute: Racute$1,
- Rang: Rang$1,
- Rarr: Rarr$1,
- Rarrtl: Rarrtl$1,
- Rcaron: Rcaron$1,
- Rcedil: Rcedil$1,
- Rcy: Rcy$1,
- Re: Re$1,
- ReverseElement: ReverseElement$1,
- ReverseEquilibrium: ReverseEquilibrium$1,
- ReverseUpEquilibrium: ReverseUpEquilibrium$1,
- Rfr: Rfr$1,
- Rho: Rho$1,
- RightAngleBracket: RightAngleBracket$1,
- RightArrow: RightArrow$1,
- RightArrowBar: RightArrowBar$1,
- RightArrowLeftArrow: RightArrowLeftArrow$1,
- RightCeiling: RightCeiling$1,
- RightDoubleBracket: RightDoubleBracket$1,
- RightDownTeeVector: RightDownTeeVector$1,
- RightDownVector: RightDownVector$1,
- RightDownVectorBar: RightDownVectorBar$1,
- RightFloor: RightFloor$1,
- RightTee: RightTee$1,
- RightTeeArrow: RightTeeArrow$1,
- RightTeeVector: RightTeeVector$1,
- RightTriangle: RightTriangle$1,
- RightTriangleBar: RightTriangleBar$1,
- RightTriangleEqual: RightTriangleEqual$1,
- RightUpDownVector: RightUpDownVector$1,
- RightUpTeeVector: RightUpTeeVector$1,
- RightUpVector: RightUpVector$1,
- RightUpVectorBar: RightUpVectorBar$1,
- RightVector: RightVector$1,
- RightVectorBar: RightVectorBar$1,
- Rightarrow: Rightarrow$1,
- Ropf: Ropf$1,
- RoundImplies: RoundImplies$1,
- Rrightarrow: Rrightarrow$1,
- Rscr: Rscr$1,
- Rsh: Rsh$1,
- RuleDelayed: RuleDelayed$1,
- SHCHcy: SHCHcy$1,
- SHcy: SHcy$1,
- SOFTcy: SOFTcy$1,
- Sacute: Sacute$1,
- Sc: Sc$1,
- Scaron: Scaron$1,
- Scedil: Scedil$1,
- Scirc: Scirc$1,
- Scy: Scy$1,
- Sfr: Sfr$1,
- ShortDownArrow: ShortDownArrow$1,
- ShortLeftArrow: ShortLeftArrow$1,
- ShortRightArrow: ShortRightArrow$1,
- ShortUpArrow: ShortUpArrow$1,
- Sigma: Sigma$1,
- SmallCircle: SmallCircle$1,
- Sopf: Sopf$1,
- Sqrt: Sqrt$1,
- Square: Square$1,
- SquareIntersection: SquareIntersection$1,
- SquareSubset: SquareSubset$1,
- SquareSubsetEqual: SquareSubsetEqual$1,
- SquareSuperset: SquareSuperset$1,
- SquareSupersetEqual: SquareSupersetEqual$1,
- SquareUnion: SquareUnion$1,
- Sscr: Sscr$1,
- Star: Star$1,
- Sub: Sub$1,
- Subset: Subset$1,
- SubsetEqual: SubsetEqual$1,
- Succeeds: Succeeds$1,
- SucceedsEqual: SucceedsEqual$1,
- SucceedsSlantEqual: SucceedsSlantEqual$1,
- SucceedsTilde: SucceedsTilde$1,
- SuchThat: SuchThat$1,
- Sum: Sum$1,
- Sup: Sup$1,
- Superset: Superset$1,
- SupersetEqual: SupersetEqual$1,
- Supset: Supset$1,
- TSHcy: TSHcy$1,
- TScy: TScy$1,
- Tab: Tab$1,
- Tau: Tau$1,
- Tcaron: Tcaron$1,
- Tcedil: Tcedil$1,
- Tcy: Tcy$1,
- Tfr: Tfr$1,
- Therefore: Therefore$1,
- Theta: Theta$1,
- ThickSpace: ThickSpace$1,
- ThinSpace: ThinSpace$1,
- Tilde: Tilde$1,
- TildeEqual: TildeEqual$1,
- TildeFullEqual: TildeFullEqual$1,
- TildeTilde: TildeTilde$1,
- Topf: Topf$1,
- TripleDot: TripleDot$1,
- Tscr: Tscr$1,
- Tstrok: Tstrok$1,
- Uacut: Uacut$1,
- Uacute: Uacute$1,
- Uarr: Uarr$1,
- Uarrocir: Uarrocir$1,
- Ubrcy: Ubrcy$1,
- Ubreve: Ubreve$1,
- Ucir: Ucir$1,
- Ucirc: Ucirc$1,
- Ucy: Ucy$1,
- Udblac: Udblac$1,
- Ufr: Ufr$1,
- Ugrav: Ugrav$1,
- Ugrave: Ugrave$1,
- Umacr: Umacr$1,
- UnderBar: UnderBar$1,
- UnderBrace: UnderBrace$1,
- UnderBracket: UnderBracket$1,
- UnderParenthesis: UnderParenthesis$1,
- Union: Union$1,
- UnionPlus: UnionPlus$1,
- Uogon: Uogon$1,
- Uopf: Uopf$1,
- UpArrow: UpArrow$1,
- UpArrowBar: UpArrowBar$1,
- UpArrowDownArrow: UpArrowDownArrow$1,
- UpDownArrow: UpDownArrow$1,
- UpEquilibrium: UpEquilibrium$1,
- UpTee: UpTee$1,
- UpTeeArrow: UpTeeArrow$1,
- Uparrow: Uparrow$1,
- Updownarrow: Updownarrow$1,
- UpperLeftArrow: UpperLeftArrow$1,
- UpperRightArrow: UpperRightArrow$1,
- Upsi: Upsi$1,
- Upsilon: Upsilon$1,
- Uring: Uring$1,
- Uscr: Uscr$1,
- Utilde: Utilde$1,
- Uum: Uum$1,
- Uuml: Uuml$1,
- VDash: VDash$1,
- Vbar: Vbar$1,
- Vcy: Vcy$1,
- Vdash: Vdash$1,
- Vdashl: Vdashl$1,
- Vee: Vee$1,
- Verbar: Verbar$1,
- Vert: Vert$1,
- VerticalBar: VerticalBar$1,
- VerticalLine: VerticalLine$1,
- VerticalSeparator: VerticalSeparator$1,
- VerticalTilde: VerticalTilde$1,
- VeryThinSpace: VeryThinSpace$1,
- Vfr: Vfr$1,
- Vopf: Vopf$1,
- Vscr: Vscr$1,
- Vvdash: Vvdash$1,
- Wcirc: Wcirc$1,
- Wedge: Wedge$1,
- Wfr: Wfr$1,
- Wopf: Wopf$1,
- Wscr: Wscr$1,
- Xfr: Xfr$1,
- Xi: Xi$1,
- Xopf: Xopf$1,
- Xscr: Xscr$1,
- YAcy: YAcy$1,
- YIcy: YIcy$1,
- YUcy: YUcy$1,
- Yacut: Yacut$1,
- Yacute: Yacute$1,
- Ycirc: Ycirc$1,
- Ycy: Ycy$1,
- Yfr: Yfr$1,
- Yopf: Yopf$1,
- Yscr: Yscr$1,
- Yuml: Yuml$1,
- ZHcy: ZHcy$1,
- Zacute: Zacute$1,
- Zcaron: Zcaron$1,
- Zcy: Zcy$1,
- Zdot: Zdot$1,
- ZeroWidthSpace: ZeroWidthSpace$1,
- Zeta: Zeta$1,
- Zfr: Zfr$1,
- Zopf: Zopf$1,
- Zscr: Zscr$1,
- aacut: aacut$1,
- aacute: aacute$1,
- abreve: abreve$1,
- ac: ac$1,
- acE: acE$1,
- acd: acd$1,
- acir: acir$1,
- acirc: acirc$1,
- acut: acut$1,
- acute: acute$1,
- acy: acy$1,
- aeli: aeli$1,
- aelig: aelig$1,
- af: af$1,
- afr: afr$1,
- agrav: agrav$1,
- agrave: agrave$1,
- alefsym: alefsym$1,
- aleph: aleph$1,
- alpha: alpha$1,
- amacr: amacr$1,
- amalg: amalg$1,
- am: am$1,
- amp: amp$1,
- and: and$1,
- andand: andand$1,
- andd: andd$1,
- andslope: andslope$1,
- andv: andv$1,
- ang: ang$1,
- ange: ange$1,
- angle: angle$1,
- angmsd: angmsd$1,
- angmsdaa: angmsdaa$1,
- angmsdab: angmsdab$1,
- angmsdac: angmsdac$1,
- angmsdad: angmsdad$1,
- angmsdae: angmsdae$1,
- angmsdaf: angmsdaf$1,
- angmsdag: angmsdag$1,
- angmsdah: angmsdah$1,
- angrt: angrt$1,
- angrtvb: angrtvb$1,
- angrtvbd: angrtvbd$1,
- angsph: angsph$1,
- angst: angst$1,
- angzarr: angzarr$1,
- aogon: aogon$1,
- aopf: aopf$1,
- ap: ap$1,
- apE: apE$1,
- apacir: apacir$1,
- ape: ape$1,
- apid: apid$1,
- apos: apos$1,
- approx: approx$1,
- approxeq: approxeq$1,
- arin: arin$1,
- aring: aring$1,
- ascr: ascr$1,
- ast: ast$1,
- asymp: asymp$1,
- asympeq: asympeq$1,
- atild: atild$1,
- atilde: atilde$1,
- aum: aum$1,
- auml: auml$1,
- awconint: awconint$1,
- awint: awint$1,
- bNot: bNot$1,
- backcong: backcong$1,
- backepsilon: backepsilon$1,
- backprime: backprime$1,
- backsim: backsim$1,
- backsimeq: backsimeq$1,
- barvee: barvee$1,
- barwed: barwed$1,
- barwedge: barwedge$1,
- bbrk: bbrk$1,
- bbrktbrk: bbrktbrk$1,
- bcong: bcong$1,
- bcy: bcy$1,
- bdquo: bdquo$1,
- becaus: becaus$1,
- because: because$1,
- bemptyv: bemptyv$1,
- bepsi: bepsi$1,
- bernou: bernou$1,
- beta: beta$1,
- beth: beth$1,
- between: between$1,
- bfr: bfr$1,
- bigcap: bigcap$1,
- bigcirc: bigcirc$1,
- bigcup: bigcup$1,
- bigodot: bigodot$1,
- bigoplus: bigoplus$1,
- bigotimes: bigotimes$1,
- bigsqcup: bigsqcup$1,
- bigstar: bigstar$1,
- bigtriangledown: bigtriangledown$1,
- bigtriangleup: bigtriangleup$1,
- biguplus: biguplus$1,
- bigvee: bigvee$1,
- bigwedge: bigwedge$1,
- bkarow: bkarow$1,
- blacklozenge: blacklozenge$1,
- blacksquare: blacksquare$1,
- blacktriangle: blacktriangle$1,
- blacktriangledown: blacktriangledown$1,
- blacktriangleleft: blacktriangleleft$1,
- blacktriangleright: blacktriangleright$1,
- blank: blank$1,
- blk12: blk12$1,
- blk14: blk14$1,
- blk34: blk34$1,
- block: block$1,
- bne: bne$1,
- bnequiv: bnequiv$1,
- bnot: bnot$1,
- bopf: bopf$1,
- bot: bot$1,
- bottom: bottom$1,
- bowtie: bowtie$1,
- boxDL: boxDL$1,
- boxDR: boxDR$1,
- boxDl: boxDl$1,
- boxDr: boxDr$1,
- boxH: boxH$1,
- boxHD: boxHD$1,
- boxHU: boxHU$1,
- boxHd: boxHd$1,
- boxHu: boxHu$1,
- boxUL: boxUL$1,
- boxUR: boxUR$1,
- boxUl: boxUl$1,
- boxUr: boxUr$1,
- boxV: boxV$1,
- boxVH: boxVH$1,
- boxVL: boxVL$1,
- boxVR: boxVR$1,
- boxVh: boxVh$1,
- boxVl: boxVl$1,
- boxVr: boxVr$1,
- boxbox: boxbox$1,
- boxdL: boxdL$1,
- boxdR: boxdR$1,
- boxdl: boxdl$1,
- boxdr: boxdr$1,
- boxh: boxh$1,
- boxhD: boxhD$1,
- boxhU: boxhU$1,
- boxhd: boxhd$1,
- boxhu: boxhu$1,
- boxminus: boxminus$1,
- boxplus: boxplus$1,
- boxtimes: boxtimes$1,
- boxuL: boxuL$1,
- boxuR: boxuR$1,
- boxul: boxul$1,
- boxur: boxur$1,
- boxv: boxv$1,
- boxvH: boxvH$1,
- boxvL: boxvL$1,
- boxvR: boxvR$1,
- boxvh: boxvh$1,
- boxvl: boxvl$1,
- boxvr: boxvr$1,
- bprime: bprime$1,
- breve: breve$1,
- brvba: brvba$1,
- brvbar: brvbar$1,
- bscr: bscr$1,
- bsemi: bsemi$1,
- bsim: bsim$1,
- bsime: bsime$1,
- bsol: bsol$1,
- bsolb: bsolb$1,
- bsolhsub: bsolhsub$1,
- bull: bull$1,
- bullet: bullet$1,
- bump: bump$1,
- bumpE: bumpE$1,
- bumpe: bumpe$1,
- bumpeq: bumpeq$1,
- cacute: cacute$1,
- cap: cap$1,
- capand: capand$1,
- capbrcup: capbrcup$1,
- capcap: capcap$1,
- capcup: capcup$1,
- capdot: capdot$1,
- caps: caps$1,
- caret: caret$1,
- caron: caron$1,
- ccaps: ccaps$1,
- ccaron: ccaron$1,
- ccedi: ccedi$1,
- ccedil: ccedil$1,
- ccirc: ccirc$1,
- ccups: ccups$1,
- ccupssm: ccupssm$1,
- cdot: cdot$1,
- cedi: cedi$1,
- cedil: cedil$1,
- cemptyv: cemptyv$1,
- cen: cen$1,
- cent: cent$1,
- centerdot: centerdot$1,
- cfr: cfr$1,
- chcy: chcy$1,
- check: check$2,
- checkmark: checkmark$1,
- chi: chi$1,
- cir: cir$1,
- cirE: cirE$1,
- circ: circ$1,
- circeq: circeq$1,
- circlearrowleft: circlearrowleft$1,
- circlearrowright: circlearrowright$1,
- circledR: circledR$1,
- circledS: circledS$1,
- circledast: circledast$1,
- circledcirc: circledcirc$1,
- circleddash: circleddash$1,
- cire: cire$1,
- cirfnint: cirfnint$1,
- cirmid: cirmid$1,
- cirscir: cirscir$1,
- clubs: clubs$1,
- clubsuit: clubsuit$1,
- colon: colon$1,
- colone: colone$1,
- coloneq: coloneq$1,
- comma: comma$1,
- commat: commat$1,
- comp: comp$1,
- compfn: compfn$1,
- complement: complement$1,
- complexes: complexes$1,
- cong: cong$1,
- congdot: congdot$1,
- conint: conint$1,
- copf: copf$1,
- coprod: coprod$1,
- cop: cop$1,
- copy: copy$1,
- copysr: copysr$1,
- crarr: crarr$1,
- cross: cross$1,
- cscr: cscr$1,
- csub: csub$1,
- csube: csube$1,
- csup: csup$1,
- csupe: csupe$1,
- ctdot: ctdot$1,
- cudarrl: cudarrl$1,
- cudarrr: cudarrr$1,
- cuepr: cuepr$1,
- cuesc: cuesc$1,
- cularr: cularr$1,
- cularrp: cularrp$1,
- cup: cup$1,
- cupbrcap: cupbrcap$1,
- cupcap: cupcap$1,
- cupcup: cupcup$1,
- cupdot: cupdot$1,
- cupor: cupor$1,
- cups: cups$1,
- curarr: curarr$1,
- curarrm: curarrm$1,
- curlyeqprec: curlyeqprec$1,
- curlyeqsucc: curlyeqsucc$1,
- curlyvee: curlyvee$1,
- curlywedge: curlywedge$1,
- curre: curre$1,
- curren: curren$1,
- curvearrowleft: curvearrowleft$1,
- curvearrowright: curvearrowright$1,
- cuvee: cuvee$1,
- cuwed: cuwed$1,
- cwconint: cwconint$1,
- cwint: cwint$1,
- cylcty: cylcty$1,
- dArr: dArr$1,
- dHar: dHar$1,
- dagger: dagger$1,
- daleth: daleth$1,
- darr: darr$1,
- dash: dash$1,
- dashv: dashv$1,
- dbkarow: dbkarow$1,
- dblac: dblac$1,
- dcaron: dcaron$1,
- dcy: dcy$1,
- dd: dd$1,
- ddagger: ddagger$1,
- ddarr: ddarr$1,
- ddotseq: ddotseq$1,
- de: de$1,
- deg: deg$1,
- delta: delta$1,
- demptyv: demptyv$1,
- dfisht: dfisht$1,
- dfr: dfr$1,
- dharl: dharl$1,
- dharr: dharr$1,
- diam: diam$1,
- diamond: diamond$1,
- diamondsuit: diamondsuit$1,
- diams: diams$1,
- die: die$1,
- digamma: digamma$1,
- disin: disin$1,
- div: div$1,
- divid: divid$1,
- divide: divide$1,
- divideontimes: divideontimes$1,
- divonx: divonx$1,
- djcy: djcy$1,
- dlcorn: dlcorn$1,
- dlcrop: dlcrop$1,
- dollar: dollar$1,
- dopf: dopf$1,
- dot: dot$1,
- doteq: doteq$1,
- doteqdot: doteqdot$1,
- dotminus: dotminus$1,
- dotplus: dotplus$1,
- dotsquare: dotsquare$1,
- doublebarwedge: doublebarwedge$1,
- downarrow: downarrow$1,
- downdownarrows: downdownarrows$1,
- downharpoonleft: downharpoonleft$1,
- downharpoonright: downharpoonright$1,
- drbkarow: drbkarow$1,
- drcorn: drcorn$1,
- drcrop: drcrop$1,
- dscr: dscr$1,
- dscy: dscy$1,
- dsol: dsol$1,
- dstrok: dstrok$1,
- dtdot: dtdot$1,
- dtri: dtri$1,
- dtrif: dtrif$1,
- duarr: duarr$1,
- duhar: duhar$1,
- dwangle: dwangle$1,
- dzcy: dzcy$1,
- dzigrarr: dzigrarr$1,
- eDDot: eDDot$1,
- eDot: eDot$1,
- eacut: eacut$1,
- eacute: eacute$1,
- easter: easter$1,
- ecaron: ecaron$1,
- ecir: ecir$1,
- ecirc: ecirc$1,
- ecolon: ecolon$1,
- ecy: ecy$1,
- edot: edot$1,
- ee: ee$1,
- efDot: efDot$1,
- efr: efr$1,
- eg: eg$1,
- egrav: egrav$1,
- egrave: egrave$1,
- egs: egs$1,
- egsdot: egsdot$1,
- el: el$1,
- elinters: elinters$1,
- ell: ell$1,
- els: els$1,
- elsdot: elsdot$1,
- emacr: emacr$1,
- empty: empty$1,
- emptyset: emptyset$1,
- emptyv: emptyv$1,
- emsp13: emsp13$1,
- emsp14: emsp14$1,
- emsp: emsp$1,
- eng: eng$1,
- ensp: ensp$1,
- eogon: eogon$1,
- eopf: eopf$1,
- epar: epar$1,
- eparsl: eparsl$1,
- eplus: eplus$1,
- epsi: epsi$1,
- epsilon: epsilon$1,
- epsiv: epsiv$1,
- eqcirc: eqcirc$1,
- eqcolon: eqcolon$1,
- eqsim: eqsim$1,
- eqslantgtr: eqslantgtr$1,
- eqslantless: eqslantless$1,
- equals: equals$1,
- equest: equest$1,
- equiv: equiv$1,
- equivDD: equivDD$1,
- eqvparsl: eqvparsl$1,
- erDot: erDot$1,
- erarr: erarr$1,
- escr: escr$1,
- esdot: esdot$1,
- esim: esim$1,
- eta: eta$1,
- et: et$1,
- eth: eth$1,
- eum: eum$1,
- euml: euml$1,
- euro: euro$1,
- excl: excl$1,
- exist: exist$1,
- expectation: expectation$1,
- exponentiale: exponentiale$1,
- fallingdotseq: fallingdotseq$1,
- fcy: fcy$1,
- female: female$1,
- ffilig: ffilig$1,
- fflig: fflig$1,
- ffllig: ffllig$1,
- ffr: ffr$1,
- filig: filig$1,
- fjlig: fjlig$1,
- flat: flat$1,
- fllig: fllig$1,
- fltns: fltns$1,
- fnof: fnof$1,
- fopf: fopf$1,
- forall: forall$1,
- fork: fork$1,
- forkv: forkv$1,
- fpartint: fpartint$1,
- frac1: frac1$1,
- frac12: frac12$1,
- frac13: frac13$1,
- frac14: frac14$1,
- frac15: frac15$1,
- frac16: frac16$1,
- frac18: frac18$1,
- frac23: frac23$1,
- frac25: frac25$1,
- frac3: frac3$1,
- frac34: frac34$1,
- frac35: frac35$1,
- frac38: frac38$1,
- frac45: frac45$1,
- frac56: frac56$1,
- frac58: frac58$1,
- frac78: frac78$1,
- frasl: frasl$1,
- frown: frown$1,
- fscr: fscr$1,
- gE: gE$1,
- gEl: gEl$1,
- gacute: gacute$1,
- gamma: gamma$1,
- gammad: gammad$1,
- gap: gap$1,
- gbreve: gbreve$1,
- gcirc: gcirc$1,
- gcy: gcy$1,
- gdot: gdot$1,
- ge: ge$1,
- gel: gel$1,
- geq: geq$1,
- geqq: geqq$1,
- geqslant: geqslant$1,
- ges: ges$1,
- gescc: gescc$1,
- gesdot: gesdot$1,
- gesdoto: gesdoto$1,
- gesdotol: gesdotol$1,
- gesl: gesl$1,
- gesles: gesles$1,
- gfr: gfr$1,
- gg: gg$1,
- ggg: ggg$1,
- gimel: gimel$1,
- gjcy: gjcy$1,
- gl: gl$1,
- glE: glE$1,
- gla: gla$1,
- glj: glj$1,
- gnE: gnE$1,
- gnap: gnap$1,
- gnapprox: gnapprox$1,
- gne: gne$1,
- gneq: gneq$1,
- gneqq: gneqq$1,
- gnsim: gnsim$1,
- gopf: gopf$1,
- grave: grave$1,
- gscr: gscr$1,
- gsim: gsim$1,
- gsime: gsime$1,
- gsiml: gsiml$1,
- g: g$1,
- gt: gt$1,
- gtcc: gtcc$1,
- gtcir: gtcir$1,
- gtdot: gtdot$1,
- gtlPar: gtlPar$1,
- gtquest: gtquest$1,
- gtrapprox: gtrapprox$1,
- gtrarr: gtrarr$1,
- gtrdot: gtrdot$1,
- gtreqless: gtreqless$1,
- gtreqqless: gtreqqless$1,
- gtrless: gtrless$1,
- gtrsim: gtrsim$1,
- gvertneqq: gvertneqq$1,
- gvnE: gvnE$1,
- hArr: hArr$1,
- hairsp: hairsp$1,
- half: half$1,
- hamilt: hamilt$1,
- hardcy: hardcy$1,
- harr: harr$1,
- harrcir: harrcir$1,
- harrw: harrw$1,
- hbar: hbar$1,
- hcirc: hcirc$1,
- hearts: hearts$1,
- heartsuit: heartsuit$1,
- hellip: hellip$1,
- hercon: hercon$1,
- hfr: hfr$1,
- hksearow: hksearow$1,
- hkswarow: hkswarow$1,
- hoarr: hoarr$1,
- homtht: homtht$1,
- hookleftarrow: hookleftarrow$1,
- hookrightarrow: hookrightarrow$1,
- hopf: hopf$1,
- horbar: horbar$1,
- hscr: hscr$1,
- hslash: hslash$1,
- hstrok: hstrok$1,
- hybull: hybull$1,
- hyphen: hyphen$1,
- iacut: iacut$1,
- iacute: iacute$1,
- ic: ic$1,
- icir: icir$1,
- icirc: icirc$1,
- icy: icy$1,
- iecy: iecy$1,
- iexc: iexc$1,
- iexcl: iexcl$1,
- iff: iff$1,
- ifr: ifr$1,
- igrav: igrav$1,
- igrave: igrave$1,
- ii: ii$1,
- iiiint: iiiint$1,
- iiint: iiint$1,
- iinfin: iinfin$1,
- iiota: iiota$1,
- ijlig: ijlig$1,
- imacr: imacr$1,
- image: image$2,
- imagline: imagline$1,
- imagpart: imagpart$1,
- imath: imath$1,
- imof: imof$1,
- imped: imped$1,
- "in": "∈",
- incare: incare$1,
- infin: infin$1,
- infintie: infintie$1,
- inodot: inodot$1,
- int: int$2,
- intcal: intcal$1,
- integers: integers$1,
- intercal: intercal$1,
- intlarhk: intlarhk$1,
- intprod: intprod$1,
- iocy: iocy$1,
- iogon: iogon$1,
- iopf: iopf$1,
- iota: iota$1,
- iprod: iprod$1,
- iques: iques$1,
- iquest: iquest$1,
- iscr: iscr$1,
- isin: isin$1,
- isinE: isinE$1,
- isindot: isindot$1,
- isins: isins$1,
- isinsv: isinsv$1,
- isinv: isinv$1,
- it: it$1,
- itilde: itilde$1,
- iukcy: iukcy$1,
- ium: ium$1,
- iuml: iuml$1,
- jcirc: jcirc$1,
- jcy: jcy$1,
- jfr: jfr$1,
- jmath: jmath$1,
- jopf: jopf$1,
- jscr: jscr$1,
- jsercy: jsercy$1,
- jukcy: jukcy$1,
- kappa: kappa$1,
- kappav: kappav$1,
- kcedil: kcedil$1,
- kcy: kcy$1,
- kfr: kfr$1,
- kgreen: kgreen$1,
- khcy: khcy$1,
- kjcy: kjcy$1,
- kopf: kopf$1,
- kscr: kscr$1,
- lAarr: lAarr$1,
- lArr: lArr$1,
- lAtail: lAtail$1,
- lBarr: lBarr$1,
- lE: lE$1,
- lEg: lEg$1,
- lHar: lHar$1,
- lacute: lacute$1,
- laemptyv: laemptyv$1,
- lagran: lagran$1,
- lambda: lambda$1,
- lang: lang$1,
- langd: langd$1,
- langle: langle$1,
- lap: lap$1,
- laqu: laqu$1,
- laquo: laquo$1,
- larr: larr$1,
- larrb: larrb$1,
- larrbfs: larrbfs$1,
- larrfs: larrfs$1,
- larrhk: larrhk$1,
- larrlp: larrlp$1,
- larrpl: larrpl$1,
- larrsim: larrsim$1,
- larrtl: larrtl$1,
- lat: lat$1,
- latail: latail$1,
- late: late$1,
- lates: lates$1,
- lbarr: lbarr$1,
- lbbrk: lbbrk$1,
- lbrace: lbrace$1,
- lbrack: lbrack$1,
- lbrke: lbrke$1,
- lbrksld: lbrksld$1,
- lbrkslu: lbrkslu$1,
- lcaron: lcaron$1,
- lcedil: lcedil$1,
- lceil: lceil$1,
- lcub: lcub$1,
- lcy: lcy$1,
- ldca: ldca$1,
- ldquo: ldquo$1,
- ldquor: ldquor$1,
- ldrdhar: ldrdhar$1,
- ldrushar: ldrushar$1,
- ldsh: ldsh$1,
- le: le$1,
- leftarrow: leftarrow$1,
- leftarrowtail: leftarrowtail$1,
- leftharpoondown: leftharpoondown$1,
- leftharpoonup: leftharpoonup$1,
- leftleftarrows: leftleftarrows$1,
- leftrightarrow: leftrightarrow$1,
- leftrightarrows: leftrightarrows$1,
- leftrightharpoons: leftrightharpoons$1,
- leftrightsquigarrow: leftrightsquigarrow$1,
- leftthreetimes: leftthreetimes$1,
- leg: leg$1,
- leq: leq$1,
- leqq: leqq$1,
- leqslant: leqslant$1,
- les: les$1,
- lescc: lescc$1,
- lesdot: lesdot$1,
- lesdoto: lesdoto$1,
- lesdotor: lesdotor$1,
- lesg: lesg$1,
- lesges: lesges$1,
- lessapprox: lessapprox$1,
- lessdot: lessdot$1,
- lesseqgtr: lesseqgtr$1,
- lesseqqgtr: lesseqqgtr$1,
- lessgtr: lessgtr$1,
- lesssim: lesssim$1,
- lfisht: lfisht$1,
- lfloor: lfloor$1,
- lfr: lfr$1,
- lg: lg$1,
- lgE: lgE$1,
- lhard: lhard$1,
- lharu: lharu$1,
- lharul: lharul$1,
- lhblk: lhblk$1,
- ljcy: ljcy$1,
- ll: ll$1,
- llarr: llarr$1,
- llcorner: llcorner$1,
- llhard: llhard$1,
- lltri: lltri$1,
- lmidot: lmidot$1,
- lmoust: lmoust$1,
- lmoustache: lmoustache$1,
- lnE: lnE$1,
- lnap: lnap$1,
- lnapprox: lnapprox$1,
- lne: lne$1,
- lneq: lneq$1,
- lneqq: lneqq$1,
- lnsim: lnsim$1,
- loang: loang$1,
- loarr: loarr$1,
- lobrk: lobrk$1,
- longleftarrow: longleftarrow$1,
- longleftrightarrow: longleftrightarrow$1,
- longmapsto: longmapsto$1,
- longrightarrow: longrightarrow$1,
- looparrowleft: looparrowleft$1,
- looparrowright: looparrowright$1,
- lopar: lopar$1,
- lopf: lopf$1,
- loplus: loplus$1,
- lotimes: lotimes$1,
- lowast: lowast$1,
- lowbar: lowbar$1,
- loz: loz$1,
- lozenge: lozenge$1,
- lozf: lozf$1,
- lpar: lpar$1,
- lparlt: lparlt$1,
- lrarr: lrarr$1,
- lrcorner: lrcorner$1,
- lrhar: lrhar$1,
- lrhard: lrhard$1,
- lrm: lrm$1,
- lrtri: lrtri$1,
- lsaquo: lsaquo$1,
- lscr: lscr$1,
- lsh: lsh$1,
- lsim: lsim$1,
- lsime: lsime$1,
- lsimg: lsimg$1,
- lsqb: lsqb$1,
- lsquo: lsquo$1,
- lsquor: lsquor$1,
- lstrok: lstrok$1,
- l: l$1,
- lt: lt$2,
- ltcc: ltcc$1,
- ltcir: ltcir$1,
- ltdot: ltdot$1,
- lthree: lthree$1,
- ltimes: ltimes$1,
- ltlarr: ltlarr$1,
- ltquest: ltquest$1,
- ltrPar: ltrPar$1,
- ltri: ltri$1,
- ltrie: ltrie$1,
- ltrif: ltrif$1,
- lurdshar: lurdshar$1,
- luruhar: luruhar$1,
- lvertneqq: lvertneqq$1,
- lvnE: lvnE$1,
- mDDot: mDDot$1,
- mac: mac$1,
- macr: macr$1,
- male: male$1,
- malt: malt$1,
- maltese: maltese$1,
- map: map$4,
- mapsto: mapsto$1,
- mapstodown: mapstodown$1,
- mapstoleft: mapstoleft$1,
- mapstoup: mapstoup$1,
- marker: marker$1,
- mcomma: mcomma$1,
- mcy: mcy$1,
- mdash: mdash$1,
- measuredangle: measuredangle$1,
- mfr: mfr$1,
- mho: mho$1,
- micr: micr$1,
- micro: micro$1,
- mid: mid$1,
- midast: midast$1,
- midcir: midcir$1,
- middo: middo$1,
- middot: middot$1,
- minus: minus$1,
- minusb: minusb$1,
- minusd: minusd$1,
- minusdu: minusdu$1,
- mlcp: mlcp$1,
- mldr: mldr$1,
- mnplus: mnplus$1,
- models: models$1,
- mopf: mopf$1,
- mp: mp$1,
- mscr: mscr$1,
- mstpos: mstpos$1,
- mu: mu$1,
- multimap: multimap$1,
- mumap: mumap$1,
- nGg: nGg$1,
- nGt: nGt$1,
- nGtv: nGtv$1,
- nLeftarrow: nLeftarrow$1,
- nLeftrightarrow: nLeftrightarrow$1,
- nLl: nLl$1,
- nLt: nLt$1,
- nLtv: nLtv$1,
- nRightarrow: nRightarrow$1,
- nVDash: nVDash$1,
- nVdash: nVdash$1,
- nabla: nabla$1,
- nacute: nacute$1,
- nang: nang$1,
- nap: nap$1,
- napE: napE$1,
- napid: napid$1,
- napos: napos$1,
- napprox: napprox$1,
- natur: natur$1,
- natural: natural$1,
- naturals: naturals$1,
- nbs: nbs$1,
- nbsp: nbsp$1,
- nbump: nbump$1,
- nbumpe: nbumpe$1,
- ncap: ncap$1,
- ncaron: ncaron$1,
- ncedil: ncedil$1,
- ncong: ncong$1,
- ncongdot: ncongdot$1,
- ncup: ncup$1,
- ncy: ncy$1,
- ndash: ndash$1,
- ne: ne$1,
- neArr: neArr$1,
- nearhk: nearhk$1,
- nearr: nearr$1,
- nearrow: nearrow$1,
- nedot: nedot$1,
- nequiv: nequiv$1,
- nesear: nesear$1,
- nesim: nesim$1,
- nexist: nexist$1,
- nexists: nexists$1,
- nfr: nfr$1,
- ngE: ngE$1,
- nge: nge$1,
- ngeq: ngeq$1,
- ngeqq: ngeqq$1,
- ngeqslant: ngeqslant$1,
- nges: nges$1,
- ngsim: ngsim$1,
- ngt: ngt$1,
- ngtr: ngtr$1,
- nhArr: nhArr$1,
- nharr: nharr$1,
- nhpar: nhpar$1,
- ni: ni$1,
- nis: nis$1,
- nisd: nisd$1,
- niv: niv$1,
- njcy: njcy$1,
- nlArr: nlArr$1,
- nlE: nlE$1,
- nlarr: nlarr$1,
- nldr: nldr$1,
- nle: nle$1,
- nleftarrow: nleftarrow$1,
- nleftrightarrow: nleftrightarrow$1,
- nleq: nleq$1,
- nleqq: nleqq$1,
- nleqslant: nleqslant$1,
- nles: nles$1,
- nless: nless$1,
- nlsim: nlsim$1,
- nlt: nlt$1,
- nltri: nltri$1,
- nltrie: nltrie$1,
- nmid: nmid$1,
- nopf: nopf$1,
- no: no$1,
- not: not$1,
- notin: notin$1,
- notinE: notinE$1,
- notindot: notindot$1,
- notinva: notinva$1,
- notinvb: notinvb$1,
- notinvc: notinvc$1,
- notni: notni$1,
- notniva: notniva$1,
- notnivb: notnivb$1,
- notnivc: notnivc$1,
- npar: npar$1,
- nparallel: nparallel$1,
- nparsl: nparsl$1,
- npart: npart$1,
- npolint: npolint$1,
- npr: npr$1,
- nprcue: nprcue$1,
- npre: npre$1,
- nprec: nprec$1,
- npreceq: npreceq$1,
- nrArr: nrArr$1,
- nrarr: nrarr$1,
- nrarrc: nrarrc$1,
- nrarrw: nrarrw$1,
- nrightarrow: nrightarrow$1,
- nrtri: nrtri$1,
- nrtrie: nrtrie$1,
- nsc: nsc$1,
- nsccue: nsccue$1,
- nsce: nsce$1,
- nscr: nscr$1,
- nshortmid: nshortmid$1,
- nshortparallel: nshortparallel$1,
- nsim: nsim$1,
- nsime: nsime$1,
- nsimeq: nsimeq$1,
- nsmid: nsmid$1,
- nspar: nspar$1,
- nsqsube: nsqsube$1,
- nsqsupe: nsqsupe$1,
- nsub: nsub$1,
- nsubE: nsubE$1,
- nsube: nsube$1,
- nsubset: nsubset$1,
- nsubseteq: nsubseteq$1,
- nsubseteqq: nsubseteqq$1,
- nsucc: nsucc$1,
- nsucceq: nsucceq$1,
- nsup: nsup$1,
- nsupE: nsupE$1,
- nsupe: nsupe$1,
- nsupset: nsupset$1,
- nsupseteq: nsupseteq$1,
- nsupseteqq: nsupseteqq$1,
- ntgl: ntgl$1,
- ntild: ntild$1,
- ntilde: ntilde$1,
- ntlg: ntlg$1,
- ntriangleleft: ntriangleleft$1,
- ntrianglelefteq: ntrianglelefteq$1,
- ntriangleright: ntriangleright$1,
- ntrianglerighteq: ntrianglerighteq$1,
- nu: nu$1,
- num: num$1,
- numero: numero$1,
- numsp: numsp$1,
- nvDash: nvDash$1,
- nvHarr: nvHarr$1,
- nvap: nvap$1,
- nvdash: nvdash$1,
- nvge: nvge$1,
- nvgt: nvgt$1,
- nvinfin: nvinfin$1,
- nvlArr: nvlArr$1,
- nvle: nvle$1,
- nvlt: nvlt$1,
- nvltrie: nvltrie$1,
- nvrArr: nvrArr$1,
- nvrtrie: nvrtrie$1,
- nvsim: nvsim$1,
- nwArr: nwArr$1,
- nwarhk: nwarhk$1,
- nwarr: nwarr$1,
- nwarrow: nwarrow$1,
- nwnear: nwnear$1,
- oS: oS$1,
- oacut: oacut$1,
- oacute: oacute$1,
- oast: oast$1,
- ocir: ocir$1,
- ocirc: ocirc$1,
- ocy: ocy$1,
- odash: odash$1,
- odblac: odblac$1,
- odiv: odiv$1,
- odot: odot$1,
- odsold: odsold$1,
- oelig: oelig$1,
- ofcir: ofcir$1,
- ofr: ofr$1,
- ogon: ogon$1,
- ograv: ograv$1,
- ograve: ograve$1,
- ogt: ogt$1,
- ohbar: ohbar$1,
- ohm: ohm$1,
- oint: oint$1,
- olarr: olarr$1,
- olcir: olcir$1,
- olcross: olcross$1,
- oline: oline$1,
- olt: olt$1,
- omacr: omacr$1,
- omega: omega$1,
- omicron: omicron$1,
- omid: omid$1,
- ominus: ominus$1,
- oopf: oopf$1,
- opar: opar$1,
- operp: operp$1,
- oplus: oplus$1,
- or: or$1,
- orarr: orarr$1,
- ord: ord$1,
- order: order$1,
- orderof: orderof$1,
- ordf: ordf$1,
- ordm: ordm$1,
- origof: origof$1,
- oror: oror$1,
- orslope: orslope$1,
- orv: orv$1,
- oscr: oscr$1,
- oslas: oslas$1,
- oslash: oslash$1,
- osol: osol$1,
- otild: otild$1,
- otilde: otilde$1,
- otimes: otimes$1,
- otimesas: otimesas$1,
- oum: oum$1,
- ouml: ouml$1,
- ovbar: ovbar$1,
- par: par$1,
- para: para$1,
- parallel: parallel$1,
- parsim: parsim$1,
- parsl: parsl$1,
- part: part$1,
- pcy: pcy$1,
- percnt: percnt$1,
- period: period$1,
- permil: permil$1,
- perp: perp$1,
- pertenk: pertenk$1,
- pfr: pfr$1,
- phi: phi$1,
- phiv: phiv$1,
- phmmat: phmmat$1,
- phone: phone$1,
- pi: pi$1,
- pitchfork: pitchfork$1,
- piv: piv$1,
- planck: planck$1,
- planckh: planckh$1,
- plankv: plankv$1,
- plus: plus$1,
- plusacir: plusacir$1,
- plusb: plusb$1,
- pluscir: pluscir$1,
- plusdo: plusdo$1,
- plusdu: plusdu$1,
- pluse: pluse$1,
- plusm: plusm$1,
- plusmn: plusmn$1,
- plussim: plussim$1,
- plustwo: plustwo$1,
- pm: pm$1,
- pointint: pointint$1,
- popf: popf$1,
- poun: poun$1,
- pound: pound$1,
- pr: pr$1,
- prE: prE$1,
- prap: prap$1,
- prcue: prcue$1,
- pre: pre$1,
- prec: prec$1,
- precapprox: precapprox$1,
- preccurlyeq: preccurlyeq$1,
- preceq: preceq$1,
- precnapprox: precnapprox$1,
- precneqq: precneqq$1,
- precnsim: precnsim$1,
- precsim: precsim$1,
- prime: prime$1,
- primes: primes$1,
- prnE: prnE$1,
- prnap: prnap$1,
- prnsim: prnsim$1,
- prod: prod$1,
- profalar: profalar$1,
- profline: profline$1,
- profsurf: profsurf$1,
- prop: prop$1,
- propto: propto$1,
- prsim: prsim$1,
- prurel: prurel$1,
- pscr: pscr$1,
- psi: psi$1,
- puncsp: puncsp$1,
- qfr: qfr$1,
- qint: qint$1,
- qopf: qopf$1,
- qprime: qprime$1,
- qscr: qscr$1,
- quaternions: quaternions$1,
- quatint: quatint$1,
- quest: quest$1,
- questeq: questeq$1,
- quo: quo$1,
- quot: quot$1,
- rAarr: rAarr$1,
- rArr: rArr$1,
- rAtail: rAtail$1,
- rBarr: rBarr$1,
- rHar: rHar$1,
- race: race$1,
- racute: racute$1,
- radic: radic$1,
- raemptyv: raemptyv$1,
- rang: rang$1,
- rangd: rangd$1,
- range: range$1,
- rangle: rangle$1,
- raqu: raqu$1,
- raquo: raquo$1,
- rarr: rarr$1,
- rarrap: rarrap$1,
- rarrb: rarrb$1,
- rarrbfs: rarrbfs$1,
- rarrc: rarrc$1,
- rarrfs: rarrfs$1,
- rarrhk: rarrhk$1,
- rarrlp: rarrlp$1,
- rarrpl: rarrpl$1,
- rarrsim: rarrsim$1,
- rarrtl: rarrtl$1,
- rarrw: rarrw$1,
- ratail: ratail$1,
- ratio: ratio$1,
- rationals: rationals$1,
- rbarr: rbarr$1,
- rbbrk: rbbrk$1,
- rbrace: rbrace$1,
- rbrack: rbrack$1,
- rbrke: rbrke$1,
- rbrksld: rbrksld$1,
- rbrkslu: rbrkslu$1,
- rcaron: rcaron$1,
- rcedil: rcedil$1,
- rceil: rceil$1,
- rcub: rcub$1,
- rcy: rcy$1,
- rdca: rdca$1,
- rdldhar: rdldhar$1,
- rdquo: rdquo$1,
- rdquor: rdquor$1,
- rdsh: rdsh$1,
- real: real$1,
- realine: realine$1,
- realpart: realpart$1,
- reals: reals$1,
- rect: rect$1,
- re: re$5,
- reg: reg$1,
- rfisht: rfisht$1,
- rfloor: rfloor$1,
- rfr: rfr$1,
- rhard: rhard$1,
- rharu: rharu$1,
- rharul: rharul$1,
- rho: rho$1,
- rhov: rhov$1,
- rightarrow: rightarrow$1,
- rightarrowtail: rightarrowtail$1,
- rightharpoondown: rightharpoondown$1,
- rightharpoonup: rightharpoonup$1,
- rightleftarrows: rightleftarrows$1,
- rightleftharpoons: rightleftharpoons$1,
- rightrightarrows: rightrightarrows$1,
- rightsquigarrow: rightsquigarrow$1,
- rightthreetimes: rightthreetimes$1,
- ring: ring$1,
- risingdotseq: risingdotseq$1,
- rlarr: rlarr$1,
- rlhar: rlhar$1,
- rlm: rlm$1,
- rmoust: rmoust$1,
- rmoustache: rmoustache$1,
- rnmid: rnmid$1,
- roang: roang$1,
- roarr: roarr$1,
- robrk: robrk$1,
- ropar: ropar$1,
- ropf: ropf$1,
- roplus: roplus$1,
- rotimes: rotimes$1,
- rpar: rpar$1,
- rpargt: rpargt$1,
- rppolint: rppolint$1,
- rrarr: rrarr$1,
- rsaquo: rsaquo$1,
- rscr: rscr$1,
- rsh: rsh$1,
- rsqb: rsqb$1,
- rsquo: rsquo$1,
- rsquor: rsquor$1,
- rthree: rthree$1,
- rtimes: rtimes$1,
- rtri: rtri$1,
- rtrie: rtrie$1,
- rtrif: rtrif$1,
- rtriltri: rtriltri$1,
- ruluhar: ruluhar$1,
- rx: rx$1,
- sacute: sacute$1,
- sbquo: sbquo$1,
- sc: sc$1,
- scE: scE$1,
- scap: scap$1,
- scaron: scaron$1,
- sccue: sccue$1,
- sce: sce$1,
- scedil: scedil$1,
- scirc: scirc$1,
- scnE: scnE$1,
- scnap: scnap$1,
- scnsim: scnsim$1,
- scpolint: scpolint$1,
- scsim: scsim$1,
- scy: scy$1,
- sdot: sdot$1,
- sdotb: sdotb$1,
- sdote: sdote$1,
- seArr: seArr$1,
- searhk: searhk$1,
- searr: searr$1,
- searrow: searrow$1,
- sec: sec$1,
- sect: sect$1,
- semi: semi$1,
- seswar: seswar$1,
- setminus: setminus$1,
- setmn: setmn$1,
- sext: sext$1,
- sfr: sfr$1,
- sfrown: sfrown$1,
- sharp: sharp$1,
- shchcy: shchcy$1,
- shcy: shcy$1,
- shortmid: shortmid$1,
- shortparallel: shortparallel$1,
- sh: sh$1,
- shy: shy$1,
- sigma: sigma$1,
- sigmaf: sigmaf$1,
- sigmav: sigmav$1,
- sim: sim$1,
- simdot: simdot$1,
- sime: sime$1,
- simeq: simeq$1,
- simg: simg$1,
- simgE: simgE$1,
- siml: siml$1,
- simlE: simlE$1,
- simne: simne$1,
- simplus: simplus$1,
- simrarr: simrarr$1,
- slarr: slarr$1,
- smallsetminus: smallsetminus$1,
- smashp: smashp$1,
- smeparsl: smeparsl$1,
- smid: smid$1,
- smile: smile$1,
- smt: smt$1,
- smte: smte$1,
- smtes: smtes$1,
- softcy: softcy$1,
- sol: sol$1,
- solb: solb$1,
- solbar: solbar$1,
- sopf: sopf$1,
- spades: spades$1,
- spadesuit: spadesuit$1,
- spar: spar$1,
- sqcap: sqcap$1,
- sqcaps: sqcaps$1,
- sqcup: sqcup$1,
- sqcups: sqcups$1,
- sqsub: sqsub$1,
- sqsube: sqsube$1,
- sqsubset: sqsubset$1,
- sqsubseteq: sqsubseteq$1,
- sqsup: sqsup$1,
- sqsupe: sqsupe$1,
- sqsupset: sqsupset$1,
- sqsupseteq: sqsupseteq$1,
- squ: squ$1,
- square: square$1,
- squarf: squarf$1,
- squf: squf$1,
- srarr: srarr$1,
- sscr: sscr$1,
- ssetmn: ssetmn$1,
- ssmile: ssmile$1,
- sstarf: sstarf$1,
- star: star$1,
- starf: starf$1,
- straightepsilon: straightepsilon$1,
- straightphi: straightphi$1,
- strns: strns$1,
- sub: sub$1,
- subE: subE$1,
- subdot: subdot$1,
- sube: sube$1,
- subedot: subedot$1,
- submult: submult$1,
- subnE: subnE$1,
- subne: subne$1,
- subplus: subplus$1,
- subrarr: subrarr$1,
- subset: subset$1,
- subseteq: subseteq$1,
- subseteqq: subseteqq$1,
- subsetneq: subsetneq$1,
- subsetneqq: subsetneqq$1,
- subsim: subsim$1,
- subsub: subsub$1,
- subsup: subsup$1,
- succ: succ$1,
- succapprox: succapprox$1,
- succcurlyeq: succcurlyeq$1,
- succeq: succeq$1,
- succnapprox: succnapprox$1,
- succneqq: succneqq$1,
- succnsim: succnsim$1,
- succsim: succsim$1,
- sum: sum$1,
- sung: sung$1,
- sup: sup$1,
- sup1: sup1$1,
- sup2: sup2$1,
- sup3: sup3$1,
- supE: supE$1,
- supdot: supdot$1,
- supdsub: supdsub$1,
- supe: supe$1,
- supedot: supedot$1,
- suphsol: suphsol$1,
- suphsub: suphsub$1,
- suplarr: suplarr$1,
- supmult: supmult$1,
- supnE: supnE$1,
- supne: supne$1,
- supplus: supplus$1,
- supset: supset$1,
- supseteq: supseteq$1,
- supseteqq: supseteqq$1,
- supsetneq: supsetneq$1,
- supsetneqq: supsetneqq$1,
- supsim: supsim$1,
- supsub: supsub$1,
- supsup: supsup$1,
- swArr: swArr$1,
- swarhk: swarhk$1,
- swarr: swarr$1,
- swarrow: swarrow$1,
- swnwar: swnwar$1,
- szli: szli$1,
- szlig: szlig$1,
- target: target$1,
- tau: tau$1,
- tbrk: tbrk$1,
- tcaron: tcaron$1,
- tcedil: tcedil$1,
- tcy: tcy$1,
- tdot: tdot$1,
- telrec: telrec$1,
- tfr: tfr$1,
- there4: there4$1,
- therefore: therefore$1,
- theta: theta$1,
- thetasym: thetasym$1,
- thetav: thetav$1,
- thickapprox: thickapprox$1,
- thicksim: thicksim$1,
- thinsp: thinsp$1,
- thkap: thkap$1,
- thksim: thksim$1,
- thor: thor$1,
- thorn: thorn$1,
- tilde: tilde$1,
- time: time$1,
- times: times$1,
- timesb: timesb$1,
- timesbar: timesbar$1,
- timesd: timesd$1,
- tint: tint$1,
- toea: toea$1,
- top: top$1,
- topbot: topbot$1,
- topcir: topcir$1,
- topf: topf$1,
- topfork: topfork$1,
- tosa: tosa$1,
- tprime: tprime$1,
- trade: trade$1,
- triangle: triangle$1,
- triangledown: triangledown$1,
- triangleleft: triangleleft$1,
- trianglelefteq: trianglelefteq$1,
- triangleq: triangleq$1,
- triangleright: triangleright$1,
- trianglerighteq: trianglerighteq$1,
- tridot: tridot$1,
- trie: trie$1,
- triminus: triminus$1,
- triplus: triplus$1,
- trisb: trisb$1,
- tritime: tritime$1,
- trpezium: trpezium$1,
- tscr: tscr$1,
- tscy: tscy$1,
- tshcy: tshcy$1,
- tstrok: tstrok$1,
- twixt: twixt$1,
- twoheadleftarrow: twoheadleftarrow$1,
- twoheadrightarrow: twoheadrightarrow$1,
- uArr: uArr$1,
- uHar: uHar$1,
- uacut: uacut$1,
- uacute: uacute$1,
- uarr: uarr$1,
- ubrcy: ubrcy$1,
- ubreve: ubreve$1,
- ucir: ucir$1,
- ucirc: ucirc$1,
- ucy: ucy$1,
- udarr: udarr$1,
- udblac: udblac$1,
- udhar: udhar$1,
- ufisht: ufisht$1,
- ufr: ufr$1,
- ugrav: ugrav$1,
- ugrave: ugrave$1,
- uharl: uharl$1,
- uharr: uharr$1,
- uhblk: uhblk$1,
- ulcorn: ulcorn$1,
- ulcorner: ulcorner$1,
- ulcrop: ulcrop$1,
- ultri: ultri$1,
- umacr: umacr$1,
- um: um$1,
- uml: uml$1,
- uogon: uogon$1,
- uopf: uopf$1,
- uparrow: uparrow$1,
- updownarrow: updownarrow$1,
- upharpoonleft: upharpoonleft$1,
- upharpoonright: upharpoonright$1,
- uplus: uplus$1,
- upsi: upsi$1,
- upsih: upsih$1,
- upsilon: upsilon$1,
- upuparrows: upuparrows$1,
- urcorn: urcorn$1,
- urcorner: urcorner$1,
- urcrop: urcrop$1,
- uring: uring$1,
- urtri: urtri$1,
- uscr: uscr$1,
- utdot: utdot$1,
- utilde: utilde$1,
- utri: utri$1,
- utrif: utrif$1,
- uuarr: uuarr$1,
- uum: uum$1,
- uuml: uuml$1,
- uwangle: uwangle$1,
- vArr: vArr$1,
- vBar: vBar$1,
- vBarv: vBarv$1,
- vDash: vDash$1,
- vangrt: vangrt$1,
- varepsilon: varepsilon$1,
- varkappa: varkappa$1,
- varnothing: varnothing$1,
- varphi: varphi$1,
- varpi: varpi$1,
- varpropto: varpropto$1,
- varr: varr$1,
- varrho: varrho$1,
- varsigma: varsigma$1,
- varsubsetneq: varsubsetneq$1,
- varsubsetneqq: varsubsetneqq$1,
- varsupsetneq: varsupsetneq$1,
- varsupsetneqq: varsupsetneqq$1,
- vartheta: vartheta$1,
- vartriangleleft: vartriangleleft$1,
- vartriangleright: vartriangleright$1,
- vcy: vcy$1,
- vdash: vdash$1,
- vee: vee$1,
- veebar: veebar$1,
- veeeq: veeeq$1,
- vellip: vellip$1,
- verbar: verbar$1,
- vert: vert$1,
- vfr: vfr$1,
- vltri: vltri$1,
- vnsub: vnsub$1,
- vnsup: vnsup$1,
- vopf: vopf$1,
- vprop: vprop$1,
- vrtri: vrtri$1,
- vscr: vscr$1,
- vsubnE: vsubnE$1,
- vsubne: vsubne$1,
- vsupnE: vsupnE$1,
- vsupne: vsupne$1,
- vzigzag: vzigzag$1,
- wcirc: wcirc$1,
- wedbar: wedbar$1,
- wedge: wedge$1,
- wedgeq: wedgeq$1,
- weierp: weierp$1,
- wfr: wfr$1,
- wopf: wopf$1,
- wp: wp$1,
- wr: wr$1,
- wreath: wreath$1,
- wscr: wscr$1,
- xcap: xcap$1,
- xcirc: xcirc$1,
- xcup: xcup$1,
- xdtri: xdtri$1,
- xfr: xfr$1,
- xhArr: xhArr$1,
- xharr: xharr$1,
- xi: xi$1,
- xlArr: xlArr$1,
- xlarr: xlarr$1,
- xmap: xmap$1,
- xnis: xnis$1,
- xodot: xodot$1,
- xopf: xopf$1,
- xoplus: xoplus$1,
- xotime: xotime$1,
- xrArr: xrArr$1,
- xrarr: xrarr$1,
- xscr: xscr$1,
- xsqcup: xsqcup$1,
- xuplus: xuplus$1,
- xutri: xutri$1,
- xvee: xvee$1,
- xwedge: xwedge$1,
- yacut: yacut$1,
- yacute: yacute$1,
- yacy: yacy$1,
- ycirc: ycirc$1,
- ycy: ycy$1,
- ye: ye$1,
- yen: yen$1,
- yfr: yfr$1,
- yicy: yicy$1,
- yopf: yopf$1,
- yscr: yscr$1,
- yucy: yucy$1,
- yum: yum$1,
- yuml: yuml$1,
- zacute: zacute$1,
- zcaron: zcaron$1,
- zcy: zcy$1,
- zdot: zdot$1,
- zeetrf: zeetrf$1,
- zeta: zeta$1,
- zfr: zfr$1,
- zhcy: zhcy$1,
- zigrarr: zigrarr$1,
- zopf: zopf$1,
- zscr: zscr$1,
- zwj: zwj$1,
- zwnj: zwnj$1
-var characterEntities$1 = require$$0$1;
-var decodeEntity_1$1 = decodeEntity$1;
+ * Turn the number (in string form as either hexa- or plain decimal) coming from
+ * a numeric character reference into a character.
+ *
+ * @param {string} value
+ * Value to decode.
+ * @param {number} base
+ * Numeric base.
+ * @returns {string}
+ */
+function decodeNumericCharacterReference(value, base) {
+ const code = Number.parseInt(value, base);
-var own$8 = {}.hasOwnProperty;
+ if (
+ // C0 except for HT, LF, FF, CR, space
+ code < 9 ||
+ code === 11 ||
+ (code > 13 && code < 32) || // Control character (DEL) of the basic block and C1 controls.
+ (code > 126 && code < 160) || // Lone high surrogates and low surrogates.
+ (code > 55295 && code < 57344) || // Noncharacters.
+ (code > 64975 && code < 65008) ||
+ (code & 65535) === 65535 ||
+ (code & 65535) === 65534 || // Out of range
+ code > 1114111
+ ) {
+ return '\uFFFD'
+ }
-function decodeEntity$1(characters) {
- return own$$1, characters)
- ? characterEntities$1[characters]
- : false
+ return String.fromCharCode(code)
-var dist = fromMarkdown$1;
-// These three are compiled away in the `dist/`
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Encoding} Encoding
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Event} Event
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').ParseOptions} ParseOptions
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Token} Token
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').TokenizeContext} TokenizeContext
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Value} Value
+ * @typedef {Root|Root['children'][number]} Node
+ * @typedef {import('unist').Parent} Parent
+ * @typedef {import('unist').Point} Point
+ * @typedef {import('mdast').Break} Break
+ * @typedef {import('mdast').Blockquote} Blockquote
+ * @typedef {import('mdast').Code} Code
+ * @typedef {import('mdast').Definition} Definition
+ * @typedef {import('mdast').Emphasis} Emphasis
+ * @typedef {import('mdast').Heading} Heading
+ * @typedef {import('mdast').HTML} HTML
+ * @typedef {import('mdast').Image} Image
+ * @typedef {import('mdast').InlineCode} InlineCode
+ * @typedef {import('mdast').Link} Link
+ * @typedef {import('mdast').List} List
+ * @typedef {import('mdast').ListItem} ListItem
+ * @typedef {import('mdast').Paragraph} Paragraph
+ * @typedef {import('mdast').Root} Root
+ * @typedef {import('mdast').Strong} Strong
+ * @typedef {import('mdast').Text} Text
+ * @typedef {import('mdast').ThematicBreak} ThematicBreak
+ */
+const own$4 = {}.hasOwnProperty;
+ * @param value Markdown to parse (`string` or `Buffer`).
+ * @param [encoding] Character encoding to understand `value` as when it’s a `Buffer` (`string`, default: `'utf8'`).
+ * @param [options] Configuration
+ */
-var toString$4 = mdastUtilToString$1;
-var assign = assign_1;
-var own$7 = hasOwnProperty$2;
-var normalizeIdentifier$1 = normalizeIdentifier_1;
-var safeFromInt = safeFromInt_1;
-var parser = parse_1$1;
-var preprocessor = preprocess_1;
-var postprocess = postprocess_1;
-var decode$1 = decodeEntity_1$1;
-var stringifyPosition$2 = unistUtilStringifyPosition;
+const fromMarkdown =
+ /**
+ * @type {(
+ * ((value: Value, encoding: Encoding, options?: Options) => Root) &
+ * ((value: Value, options?: Options) => Root)
+ * )}
+ */
-function fromMarkdown$1(value, encoding, options) {
- if (typeof encoding !== 'string') {
- options = encoding;
- encoding = undefined;
- }
+ /**
+ * @param {Value} value
+ * @param {Encoding} [encoding]
+ * @param {Options} [options]
+ * @returns {Root}
+ */
+ function (value, encoding, options) {
+ if (typeof encoding !== 'string') {
+ options = encoding;
+ encoding = undefined;
+ }
- return compiler(options)(
- postprocess(
- parser(options).document().write(preprocessor()(value, encoding, true))
+ return compiler(options)(
+ postprocess(
+ parse(options).document().write(preprocess()(value, encoding, true))
+ )
- )
+ };
+ * Note this compiler only understand complete buffering, not streaming.
+ *
+ * @param {Options} [options]
+ */
-// Note this compiler only understand complete buffering, not streaming.
-function compiler(options) {
- var settings = options || {};
- var config = configure$2(
+function compiler(options = {}) {
+ /** @type {NormalizedExtension} */
+ // @ts-expect-error: our base has all required fields, so the result will too.
+ const config = configure$1(
transforms: [],
canContainEols: [
@@ -42699,7 +42415,6 @@ function compiler(options) {
enter: {
autolink: opener(link),
autolinkProtocol: onenterdata,
@@ -42743,7 +42458,6 @@ function compiler(options) {
strong: opener(strong),
thematicBreak: opener(thematicBreak)
exit: {
atxHeading: closer(),
atxHeadingSequence: onexitatxheadingsequence,
@@ -42795,34 +42509,46 @@ function compiler(options) {
thematicBreak: closer()
- settings.mdastExtensions || []
+ options.mdastExtensions || []
+ /** @type {CompileData} */
- var data = {};
+ const data = {};
return compile
+ /**
+ * @param {Array.<Event>} events
+ * @returns {Root}
+ */
function compile(events) {
- var tree = {type: 'root', children: []};
- var stack = [tree];
- var tokenStack = [];
- var listStack = [];
- var index = -1;
- var handler;
- var listStart;
- var context = {
- stack: stack,
- tokenStack: tokenStack,
- config: config,
- enter: enter,
- exit: exit,
- buffer: buffer,
- resume: resume,
- setData: setData,
- getData: getData
+ /** @type {Root} */
+ let tree = {
+ type: 'root',
+ children: []
+ /** @type {CompileContext['stack']} */
+ const stack = [tree];
+ /** @type {CompileContext['tokenStack']} */
+ const tokenStack = [];
+ /** @type {Array.<number>} */
+ const listStack = [];
+ /** @type {Omit<CompileContext, 'sliceSerialize'>} */
+ const context = {
+ stack,
+ tokenStack,
+ config,
+ enter,
+ exit,
+ buffer,
+ resume,
+ setData,
+ getData
+ };
+ let index = -1;
while (++index < events.length) {
// We preprocess lists to add `listItem` tokens, and to infer whether
@@ -42834,8 +42560,8 @@ function compiler(options) {
if (events[index][0] === 'enter') {
} else {
- listStart = listStack.pop(index);
- index = prepareList(events, listStart, index);
+ const tail = listStack.pop();
+ index = prepareList(events, tail, index);
@@ -42843,64 +42569,88 @@ function compiler(options) {
index = -1;
while (++index < events.length) {
- handler = config[events[index][0]];
+ const handler = config[events[index][0]];
- if (own$, events[index][1].type)) {
+ if (own$, events[index][1].type)) {
- assign({sliceSerialize: events[index][2].sliceSerialize}, context),
+ Object.assign(
+ {
+ sliceSerialize: events[index][2].sliceSerialize
+ },
+ context
+ ),
- if (tokenStack.length) {
+ if (tokenStack.length > 0) {
throw new Error(
'Cannot close document, a token (`' +
tokenStack[tokenStack.length - 1].type +
'`, ' +
- stringifyPosition$2({
+ stringifyPosition$1({
start: tokenStack[tokenStack.length - 1].start,
end: tokenStack[tokenStack.length - 1].end
}) +
') is still open'
- }
+ } // Figure out `root` position.
- // Figure out `root` position.
tree.position = {
start: point(
- events.length ? events[0][1].start : {line: 1, column: 1, offset: 0}
+ events.length > 0
+ ? events[0][1].start
+ : {
+ line: 1,
+ column: 1,
+ offset: 0
+ }
end: point(
- events.length
+ events.length > 0
? events[events.length - 2][1].end
- : {line: 1, column: 1, offset: 0}
+ : {
+ line: 1,
+ column: 1,
+ offset: 0
+ }
index = -1;
while (++index < config.transforms.length) {
tree = config.transforms[index](tree) || tree;
return tree
+ /**
+ * @param {Array.<Event>} events
+ * @param {number} start
+ * @param {number} length
+ * @returns {number}
+ */
function prepareList(events, start, length) {
- var index = start - 1;
- var containerBalance = -1;
- var listSpread = false;
- var listItem;
- var tailIndex;
- var lineIndex;
- var tailEvent;
- var event;
- var firstBlankLineIndex;
- var atMarker;
+ let index = start - 1;
+ let containerBalance = -1;
+ let listSpread = false;
+ /** @type {Token|undefined} */
+ let listItem;
+ /** @type {number|undefined} */
+ let lineIndex;
+ /** @type {number|undefined} */
+ let firstBlankLineIndex;
+ /** @type {boolean|undefined} */
+ let atMarker;
while (++index <= length) {
- event = events[index];
+ const event = events[index];
if (
event[1].type === 'listUnordered' ||
@@ -42947,11 +42697,11 @@ function compiler(options) {
event[1].type === 'listOrdered'))
) {
if (listItem) {
- tailIndex = index;
+ let tailIndex = index;
lineIndex = undefined;
while (tailIndex--) {
- tailEvent = events[tailIndex];
+ const tailEvent = events[tailIndex];
if (
tailEvent[1].type === 'lineEnding' ||
@@ -42981,26 +42731,26 @@ function compiler(options) {
firstBlankLineIndex &&
(!lineIndex || firstBlankLineIndex < lineIndex)
) {
+ // @ts-expect-error Patched.
listItem._spread = true;
- }
+ } // Fix position.
- // Fix position.
- listItem.end = point(
+ listItem.end = Object.assign(
+ {},
lineIndex ? events[lineIndex][1].start : event[1].end
events.splice(lineIndex || index, 0, ['exit', listItem, event[2]]);
- }
+ } // Create a new list item.
- // Create a new list item.
if (event[1].type === 'listItemPrefix') {
listItem = {
type: 'listItem',
+ // @ts-expect-error Patched
_spread: false,
- start: point(event[1].start)
- };
+ start: Object.assign({}, event[1].start)
+ }; // @ts-expect-error: `listItem` is most definitely defined, TS...
events.splice(index, 0, ['enter', listItem, event[2]]);
@@ -43009,64 +42759,124 @@ function compiler(options) {
atMarker = true;
- }
+ } // @ts-expect-error Patched.
events[start][1]._spread = listSpread;
return length
+ /**
+ * @type {CompileContext['setData']}
+ * @param [value]
+ */
function setData(key, value) {
data[key] = value;
+ /**
+ * @type {CompileContext['getData']}
+ * @template {string} K
+ * @param {K} key
+ * @returns {CompileData[K]}
+ */
function getData(key) {
return data[key]
+ /**
+ * @param {Point} d
+ * @returns {Point}
+ */
function point(d) {
- return {line: d.line, column: d.column, offset: d.offset}
+ return {
+ line: d.line,
+ column: d.column,
+ offset: d.offset
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param {(token: Token) => Node} create
+ * @param {Handle} [and]
+ * @returns {Handle}
+ */
function opener(create, and) {
return open
+ /**
+ * @this {CompileContext}
+ * @param {Token} token
+ * @returns {void}
+ */
function open(token) {, create(token), token);
if (and), token);
+ /** @type {CompileContext['buffer']} */
function buffer() {
- this.stack.push({type: 'fragment', children: []});
+ // @ts-expect-error: Custom node type to collect text.
+ this.stack.push({
+ type: 'fragment',
+ children: []
+ });
+ /**
+ * @type {CompileContext['enter']}
+ * @template {Node} N
+ * @this {CompileContext}
+ * @param {N} node
+ * @param {Token} token
+ * @returns {N}
+ */
function enter(node, token) {
- this.stack[this.stack.length - 1].children.push(node);
+ /** @type {Parent} */
+ // @ts-expect-error: Assume parent.
+ const parent = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1];
+ parent.children.push(node);
- this.tokenStack.push(token);
- node.position = {start: point(token.start)};
+ this.tokenStack.push(token); // @ts-expect-error: `end` will be patched later.
+ node.position = {
+ start: point(token.start)
+ };
return node
+ /**
+ * @param {Handle} [and]
+ * @returns {Handle}
+ */
function closer(and) {
return close
+ /**
+ * @this {CompileContext}
+ * @param {Token} token
+ * @returns {void}
+ */
function close(token) {
if (and), token);, token);
+ /** @type {CompileContext['exit']} */
function exit(token) {
- var node = this.stack.pop();
- var open = this.tokenStack.pop();
+ const node = this.stack.pop();
+ const open = this.tokenStack.pop();
if (!open) {
throw new Error(
'Cannot close `' +
token.type +
'` (' +
- stringifyPosition$2({start: token.start, end: token.end}) +
+ stringifyPosition$1({
+ start: token.start,
+ end: token.end
+ }) +
'): it’s not open'
} else if (open.type !== token.type) {
@@ -43074,11 +42884,17 @@ function compiler(options) {
'Cannot close `' +
token.type +
'` (' +
- stringifyPosition$2({start: token.start, end: token.end}) +
+ stringifyPosition$1({
+ start: token.start,
+ end: token.end
+ }) +
'): a different token (`' +
open.type +
'`, ' +
- stringifyPosition$2({start: open.start, end: open.end}) +
+ stringifyPosition$1({
+ start: open.start,
+ end: open.end
+ }) +
') is open'
@@ -43086,39 +42902,46 @@ function compiler(options) {
node.position.end = point(token.end);
return node
+ /**
+ * @this {CompileContext}
+ * @returns {string}
+ */
function resume() {
- return toString$4(this.stack.pop())
- }
- //
+ return toString(this.stack.pop())
+ } //
// Handlers.
+ /** @type {Handle} */
function onenterlistordered() {
setData('expectingFirstListItemValue', true);
+ /** @type {Handle} */
function onenterlistitemvalue(token) {
if (getData('expectingFirstListItemValue')) {
- this.stack[this.stack.length - 2].start = parseInt(
+ this.stack[this.stack.length - 2].start = Number.parseInt(
+ /** @type {Handle} */
function onexitcodefencedfenceinfo() {
- var data = this.resume();
+ const data = this.resume();
this.stack[this.stack.length - 1].lang = data;
+ /** @type {Handle} */
function onexitcodefencedfencemeta() {
- var data = this.resume();
+ const data = this.resume();
this.stack[this.stack.length - 1].meta = data;
+ /** @type {Handle} */
function onexitcodefencedfence() {
// Exit if this is the closing fence.
@@ -43126,127 +42949,149 @@ function compiler(options) {
setData('flowCodeInside', true);
+ /** @type {Handle} */
function onexitcodefenced() {
- var data = this.resume();
+ const data = this.resume();
this.stack[this.stack.length - 1].value = data.replace(
+ /** @type {Handle} */
function onexitcodeindented() {
- var data = this.resume();
- this.stack[this.stack.length - 1].value = data;
+ const data = this.resume();
+ this.stack[this.stack.length - 1].value = data.replace(/(\r?\n|\r)$/g, '');
+ /** @type {Handle} */
function onexitdefinitionlabelstring(token) {
// Discard label, use the source content instead.
- var label = this.resume();
+ const label = this.resume();
this.stack[this.stack.length - 1].label = label;
- this.stack[this.stack.length - 1].identifier = normalizeIdentifier$1(
+ this.stack[this.stack.length - 1].identifier = normalizeIdentifier(
+ /** @type {Handle} */
function onexitdefinitiontitlestring() {
- var data = this.resume();
+ const data = this.resume();
this.stack[this.stack.length - 1].title = data;
+ /** @type {Handle} */
function onexitdefinitiondestinationstring() {
- var data = this.resume();
+ const data = this.resume();
this.stack[this.stack.length - 1].url = data;
+ /** @type {Handle} */
function onexitatxheadingsequence(token) {
if (!this.stack[this.stack.length - 1].depth) {
- this.stack[this.stack.length - 1].depth = this.sliceSerialize(
- token
- ).length;
+ this.stack[this.stack.length - 1].depth =
+ this.sliceSerialize(token).length;
+ /** @type {Handle} */
function onexitsetextheadingtext() {
setData('setextHeadingSlurpLineEnding', true);
+ /** @type {Handle} */
function onexitsetextheadinglinesequence(token) {
this.stack[this.stack.length - 1].depth =
this.sliceSerialize(token).charCodeAt(0) === 61 ? 1 : 2;
+ /** @type {Handle} */
function onexitsetextheading() {
+ /** @type {Handle} */
function onenterdata(token) {
- var siblings = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1].children;
- var tail = siblings[siblings.length - 1];
+ /** @type {Parent} */
+ // @ts-expect-error: assume parent.
+ const parent = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1];
+ /** @type {Node} */
+ // @ts-expect-error: assume child.
+ let tail = parent.children[parent.children.length - 1];
if (!tail || tail.type !== 'text') {
// Add a new text node.
- tail = text();
- tail.position = {start: point(token.start)};
- this.stack[this.stack.length - 1].children.push(tail);
+ tail = text(); // @ts-expect-error: we’ll add `end` later.
+ tail.position = {
+ start: point(token.start)
+ };
+ parent.children.push(tail);
+ /** @type {Handle} */
function onexitdata(token) {
- var tail = this.stack.pop();
+ const tail = this.stack.pop();
tail.value += this.sliceSerialize(token);
tail.position.end = point(token.end);
+ /** @type {Handle} */
function onexitlineending(token) {
- var context = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1];
+ /** @type {Parent} */
+ // @ts-expect-error: supposed to be a parent.
+ const context = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1];
// If we’re at a hard break, include the line ending in there.
if (getData('atHardBreak')) {
- context.children[context.children.length - 1].position.end = point(
- token.end
- );
+ const tail = context.children[context.children.length - 1];
+ tail.position.end = point(token.end);
if (
!getData('setextHeadingSlurpLineEnding') &&
- config.canContainEols.indexOf(context.type) > -1
+ config.canContainEols.includes(context.type)
) {, token);, token);
+ /** @type {Handle} */
function onexithardbreak() {
setData('atHardBreak', true);
+ /** @type {Handle} */
function onexithtmlflow() {
- var data = this.resume();
+ const data = this.resume();
this.stack[this.stack.length - 1].value = data;
+ /** @type {Handle} */
function onexithtmltext() {
- var data = this.resume();
+ const data = this.resume();
this.stack[this.stack.length - 1].value = data;
+ /** @type {Handle} */
function onexitcodetext() {
- var data = this.resume();
+ const data = this.resume();
this.stack[this.stack.length - 1].value = data;
+ /** @type {Handle} */
function onexitlink() {
- var context = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1];
+ const context = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1]; // To do: clean.
- // To do: clean.
if (getData('inReference')) {
context.type += 'Reference';
context.referenceType = getData('referenceType') || 'shortcut';
@@ -43260,11 +43105,11 @@ function compiler(options) {
+ /** @type {Handle} */
function onexitimage() {
- var context = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1];
+ const context = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1]; // To do: clean.
- // To do: clean.
if (getData('inReference')) {
context.type += 'Reference';
context.referenceType = getData('referenceType') || 'shortcut';
@@ -43278,20 +43123,20 @@ function compiler(options) {
+ /** @type {Handle} */
function onexitlabeltext(token) {
- this.stack[this.stack.length - 2].identifier = normalizeIdentifier$1(
+ this.stack[this.stack.length - 2].identifier = normalizeIdentifier(
+ /** @type {Handle} */
function onexitlabel() {
- var fragment = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1];
- var value = this.resume();
- this.stack[this.stack.length - 1].label = value;
+ const fragment = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1];
+ const value = this.resume();
+ this.stack[this.stack.length - 1].label = value; // Assume a reference.
- // Assume a reference.
setData('inReference', true);
if (this.stack[this.stack.length - 1].type === 'link') {
@@ -43300,225 +43145,374 @@ function compiler(options) {
this.stack[this.stack.length - 1].alt = value;
+ /** @type {Handle} */
function onexitresourcedestinationstring() {
- var data = this.resume();
+ const data = this.resume();
this.stack[this.stack.length - 1].url = data;
+ /** @type {Handle} */
function onexitresourcetitlestring() {
- var data = this.resume();
+ const data = this.resume();
this.stack[this.stack.length - 1].title = data;
+ /** @type {Handle} */
function onexitresource() {
+ /** @type {Handle} */
function onenterreference() {
setData('referenceType', 'collapsed');
+ /** @type {Handle} */
function onexitreferencestring(token) {
- var label = this.resume();
+ const label = this.resume();
this.stack[this.stack.length - 1].label = label;
- this.stack[this.stack.length - 1].identifier = normalizeIdentifier$1(
+ this.stack[this.stack.length - 1].identifier = normalizeIdentifier(
setData('referenceType', 'full');
+ /** @type {Handle} */
function onexitcharacterreferencemarker(token) {
setData('characterReferenceType', token.type);
+ /** @type {Handle} */
function onexitcharacterreferencevalue(token) {
- var data = this.sliceSerialize(token);
- var type = getData('characterReferenceType');
- var value;
- var tail;
+ const data = this.sliceSerialize(token);
+ const type = getData('characterReferenceType');
+ /** @type {string} */
+ let value;
if (type) {
- value = safeFromInt(
+ value = decodeNumericCharacterReference(
type === 'characterReferenceMarkerNumeric' ? 10 : 16
} else {
- value = decode$1(data);
+ // @ts-expect-error `decodeEntity` can return false for invalid named
+ // character references, but everything we’ve tokenized is valid.
+ value = decodeEntity(data);
- tail = this.stack.pop();
+ const tail = this.stack.pop();
tail.value += value;
tail.position.end = point(token.end);
+ /** @type {Handle} */
function onexitautolinkprotocol(token) {, token);
this.stack[this.stack.length - 1].url = this.sliceSerialize(token);
+ /** @type {Handle} */
function onexitautolinkemail(token) {, token);
this.stack[this.stack.length - 1].url =
'mailto:' + this.sliceSerialize(token);
- }
- //
+ } //
// Creaters.
+ /** @returns {Blockquote} */
function blockQuote() {
- return {type: 'blockquote', children: []}
+ return {
+ type: 'blockquote',
+ children: []
+ }
+ /** @returns {Code} */
function codeFlow() {
- return {type: 'code', lang: null, meta: null, value: ''}
+ // @ts-expect-error: we’ve always used `null`.
+ return {
+ type: 'code',
+ lang: null,
+ meta: null,
+ value: ''
+ }
+ /** @returns {InlineCode} */
function codeText() {
- return {type: 'inlineCode', value: ''}
+ return {
+ type: 'inlineCode',
+ value: ''
+ }
+ /** @returns {Definition} */
function definition() {
return {
type: 'definition',
identifier: '',
+ // @ts-expect-error: we’ve always used `null`.
label: null,
+ // @ts-expect-error: we’ve always used `null`.
title: null,
url: ''
+ /** @returns {Emphasis} */
function emphasis() {
- return {type: 'emphasis', children: []}
+ return {
+ type: 'emphasis',
+ children: []
+ }
+ /** @returns {Heading} */
function heading() {
- return {type: 'heading', depth: undefined, children: []}
+ // @ts-expect-error `depth` will be set later.
+ return {
+ type: 'heading',
+ depth: undefined,
+ children: []
+ }
+ /** @returns {Break} */
function hardBreak() {
- return {type: 'break'}
+ return {
+ type: 'break'
+ }
+ /** @returns {HTML} */
function html() {
- return {type: 'html', value: ''}
+ return {
+ type: 'html',
+ value: ''
+ }
+ /** @returns {Image} */
function image() {
- return {type: 'image', title: null, url: '', alt: null}
+ // @ts-expect-error: we’ve always used `null`.
+ return {
+ type: 'image',
+ title: null,
+ url: '',
+ alt: null
+ }
+ /** @returns {Link} */
function link() {
- return {type: 'link', title: null, url: '', children: []}
+ // @ts-expect-error: we’ve always used `null`.
+ return {
+ type: 'link',
+ title: null,
+ url: '',
+ children: []
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param {Token} token
+ * @returns {List}
+ */
function list(token) {
return {
type: 'list',
ordered: token.type === 'listOrdered',
+ // @ts-expect-error: we’ve always used `null`.
start: null,
+ // @ts-expect-error Patched.
spread: token._spread,
children: []
+ /**
+ * @param {Token} token
+ * @returns {ListItem}
+ */
function listItem(token) {
return {
type: 'listItem',
+ // @ts-expect-error Patched.
spread: token._spread,
+ // @ts-expect-error: we’ve always used `null`.
checked: null,
children: []
+ /** @returns {Paragraph} */
function paragraph() {
- return {type: 'paragraph', children: []}
+ return {
+ type: 'paragraph',
+ children: []
+ }
+ /** @returns {Strong} */
function strong() {
- return {type: 'strong', children: []}
+ return {
+ type: 'strong',
+ children: []
+ }
+ /** @returns {Text} */
function text() {
- return {type: 'text', value: ''}
+ return {
+ type: 'text',
+ value: ''
+ }
+ /** @returns {ThematicBreak} */
function thematicBreak() {
- return {type: 'thematicBreak'}
+ return {
+ type: 'thematicBreak'
+ }
+ * @param {Extension} combined
+ * @param {Array.<Extension|Array.<Extension>>} extensions
+ * @returns {Extension}
+ */
-function configure$2(config, extensions) {
- var index = -1;
+function configure$1(combined, extensions) {
+ let index = -1;
while (++index < extensions.length) {
- extension(config, extensions[index]);
+ const value = extensions[index];
+ if (Array.isArray(value)) {
+ configure$1(combined, value);
+ } else {
+ extension(combined, value);
+ }
- return config
+ return combined
+ * @param {Extension} combined
+ * @param {Extension} extension
+ * @returns {void}
+ */
-function extension(config, extension) {
- var key;
- var left;
+function extension(combined, extension) {
+ /** @type {string} */
+ let key;
for (key in extension) {
- left = own$, key) ? config[key] : (config[key] = {});
+ if (own$, key)) {
+ const list = key === 'canContainEols' || key === 'transforms';
+ const maybe = own$, key) ? combined[key] : undefined;
+ /* c8 ignore next */
- if (key === 'canContainEols' || key === 'transforms') {
- config[key] = [].concat(left, extension[key]);
- } else {
- Object.assign(left, extension[key]);
+ const left = maybe || (combined[key] = list ? [] : {});
+ const right = extension[key];
+ if (right) {
+ if (list) {
+ // @ts-expect-error: `left` is an array.
+ combined[key] = [...left, ...right];
+ } else {
+ Object.assign(left, right);
+ }
+ }
-var mdastUtilFromMarkdown = dist;
-var remarkParse = parse$2;
-var fromMarkdown = mdastUtilFromMarkdown;
-function parse$2(options) {
- var self = this;
+ * @typedef {import('mdast').Root} Root
+ * @typedef {import('mdast-util-from-markdown').Options} Options
+ */
- this.Parser = parse;
+/** @type {import('unified').Plugin<[Options?] | void[], string, Root>} */
+function remarkParse(options) {
+ /** @type {import('unified').ParserFunction<Root>} */
+ const parser = (doc) => {
+ // Assume options.
+ const settings = /** @type {Options} */ ('settings'));
- function parse(doc) {
return fromMarkdown(
- Object.assign({},'settings'), options, {
+ Object.assign({}, settings, options, {
// Note: these options are not in the readme.
// The goal is for them to be set by plugins on `data` instead of being
// passed by users.
- extensions:'micromarkExtensions') || [],
- mdastExtensions:'fromMarkdownExtensions') || []
+ extensions:'micromarkExtensions') || [],
+ mdastExtensions:'fromMarkdownExtensions') || []
- }
+ };
+ Object.assign(this, {Parser: parser});
-var zwitch$1 = factory$4;
+var own$3 = {}.hasOwnProperty;
-var noop$1 = Function.prototype;
-var own$6 = {}.hasOwnProperty;
+ * @callback Handler
+ * @param {...unknown} value
+ * @return {unknown}
+ *
+ * @typedef {Record<string, Handler>} Handlers
+ *
+ * @typedef {Object} Options
+ * @property {Handler} [unknown]
+ * @property {Handler} [invalid]
+ * @property {Handlers} [handlers]
+ */
-// Handle values based on a property.
-function factory$4(key, options) {
+ * Handle values based on a property.
+ *
+ * @param {string} key
+ * @param {Options} [options]
+ */
+function zwitch(key, options) {
var settings = options || {};
+ /**
+ * Handle one value.
+ * Based on the bound `key`, a respective handler will be called.
+ * If `value` is not an object, or doesn’t have a `key` property, the special
+ * “invalid” handler will be called.
+ * If `value` has an unknown `key`, the special “unknown” handler will be
+ * called.
+ *
+ * All arguments, and the context object, are passed through to the handler,
+ * and it’s result is returned.
+ *
+ * @param {...unknown} [value]
+ * @this {unknown}
+ * @returns {unknown}
+ * @property {Handler} invalid
+ * @property {Handler} unknown
+ * @property {Handlers} handlers
+ */
function one(value) {
var fn = one.invalid;
var handlers = one.handlers;
- if (value && own$, key)) {
- fn = own$, value[key]) ? handlers[value[key]] : one.unknown;
+ if (value && own$, key)) {
+ fn = own$, value[key]) ? handlers[value[key]] : one.unknown;
- return (fn || noop$1).apply(this, arguments)
+ if (fn) {
+ return fn.apply(this, arguments)
+ }
one.handlers = settings.handlers || {};
@@ -43528,25 +43522,37 @@ function factory$4(key, options) {
return one
-var configure_1 = configure$1;
+ * @typedef {import('./types.js').Options} Options
+ * @typedef {import('./types.js').Context} Context
+ */
-function configure$1(base, extension) {
- var index = -1;
- var key;
+ * @param {Context} base
+ * @param {Options} extension
+ * @returns {Context}
+ */
+function configure(base, extension) {
+ let index = -1;
+ /** @type {string} */
+ let key;
// First do subextensions.
if (extension.extensions) {
while (++index < extension.extensions.length) {
- configure$1(base, extension.extensions[index]);
+ configure(base, extension.extensions[index]);
for (key in extension) {
if (key === 'extensions') ; else if (key === 'unsafe' || key === 'join') {
- base[key] = base[key].concat(extension[key] || []);
+ /* c8 ignore next 2 */
+ // @ts-expect-error: hush.
+ base[key] = [...(base[key] || []), ...(extension[key] || [])];
} else if (key === 'handlers') {
base[key] = Object.assign(base[key], extension[key] || {});
} else {
+ // @ts-expect-error: hush.
base.options[key] = extension[key];
@@ -43554,37 +43560,49 @@ function configure$1(base, extension) {
return base
-var handle = {};
-var containerFlow$1 = flow$4;
-var repeat$5 = repeatString;
+ * @typedef {import('../types.js').Node} Node
+ * @typedef {import('../types.js').Parent} Parent
+ * @typedef {import('../types.js').Join} Join
+ * @typedef {import('../types.js').Context} Context
+ */
-function flow$4(parent, context) {
- var children = parent.children || [];
- var results = [];
- var index = -1;
- var child;
+ * @param {Parent} parent
+ * @param {Context} context
+ * @returns {string}
+ */
+function containerFlow(parent, context) {
+ const children = parent.children || [];
+ /** @type {Array.<string>} */
+ const results = [];
+ let index = -1;
while (++index < children.length) {
- child = children[index];
+ const child = children[index];
context.handle(child, parent, context, {before: '\n', after: '\n'})
- if (index + 1 < children.length) {
+ if (index < children.length - 1) {
results.push(between(child, children[index + 1]));
return results.join('')
+ /**
+ * @param {Node} left
+ * @param {Node} right
+ * @returns {string}
+ */
function between(left, right) {
- var index = -1;
- var result;
+ let index = context.join.length;
+ /** @type {ReturnType<Join>} */
+ let result;
- while (++index < context.join.length) {
+ while (index--) {
result = context.join[index](left, right, parent, context);
if (result === true || result === 1) {
@@ -43592,7 +43610,7 @@ function flow$4(parent, context) {
if (typeof result === 'number') {
- return repeat$5('\n', 1 + Number(result))
+ return '\n'.repeat(1 + result)
if (result === false) {
@@ -43604,17 +43622,30 @@ function flow$4(parent, context) {
-var indentLines_1 = indentLines$4;
+ * @callback Map
+ * @param {string} value
+ * @param {number} line
+ * @param {boolean} blank
+ * @returns {string}
+ */
-var eol$1 = /\r?\n|\r/g;
+const eol = /\r?\n|\r/g;
-function indentLines$4(value, map) {
- var result = [];
- var start = 0;
- var line = 0;
- var match;
+ * @param {string} value
+ * @param {Map} map
+ * @returns {string}
+ */
+function indentLines(value, map) {
+ /** @type {Array.<string>} */
+ const result = [];
+ let start = 0;
+ let line = 0;
+ /** @type {RegExpExecArray|null} */
+ let match;
- while ((match = eol$1.exec(value))) {
+ while ((match = eol.exec(value))) {
one(value.slice(start, match.index));
start = match.index + match[0].length;
@@ -43625,39 +43656,59 @@ function indentLines$4(value, map) {
return result.join('')
+ /**
+ * @param {string} value
+ */
function one(value) {
result.push(map(value, line, !value));
-var blockquote_1 = blockquote;
-var flow$3 = containerFlow$1;
-var indentLines$3 = indentLines_1;
+ * @typedef {import('mdast').Blockquote} Blockquote
+ * @typedef {import('../types.js').Handle} Handle
+ * @typedef {import('../util/indent-lines.js').Map} Map
+ */
+ * @type {Handle}
+ * @param {Blockquote} node
+ */
function blockquote(node, _, context) {
- var exit = context.enter('blockquote');
- var value = indentLines$3(flow$3(node, context), map$3);
+ const exit = context.enter('blockquote');
+ const value = indentLines(containerFlow(node, context), map$1);
return value
-function map$3(line, index, blank) {
+/** @type {Map} */
+function map$1(line, _, blank) {
return '>' + (blank ? '' : ' ') + line
-var patternInScope_1 = patternInScope$2;
+ * @typedef {import('../types.js').Unsafe} Unsafe
+ */
-function patternInScope$2(stack, pattern) {
+ * @param {Array.<string>} stack
+ * @param {Unsafe} pattern
+ * @returns {boolean}
+ */
+function patternInScope(stack, pattern) {
return (
listInScope(stack, pattern.inConstruct, true) &&
- !listInScope(stack, pattern.notInConstruct)
+ !listInScope(stack, pattern.notInConstruct, false)
+ * @param {Array.<string>} stack
+ * @param {Unsafe['inConstruct']} list
+ * @param {boolean} none
+ * @returns {boolean}
+ */
function listInScope(stack, list, none) {
- var index;
if (!list) {
return none
@@ -43666,10 +43717,10 @@ function listInScope(stack, list, none) {
list = [list];
- index = -1;
+ let index = -1;
while (++index < list.length) {
- if (stack.indexOf(list[index]) !== -1) {
+ if (stack.includes(list[index])) {
return true
@@ -43677,19 +43728,24 @@ function listInScope(stack, list, none) {
return false
-var _break = hardBreak;
-var patternInScope$1 = patternInScope_1;
+ * @typedef {import('../types.js').Handle} Handle
+ * @typedef {import('mdast').Break} Break
+ */
-function hardBreak(node, _, context, safe) {
- var index = -1;
+ * @type {Handle}
+ * @param {Break} _
+ */
+function hardBreak(_, _1, context, safe) {
+ let index = -1;
while (++index < context.unsafe.length) {
// If we can’t put eols in this construct (setext headings, tables), use a
// space instead.
if (
context.unsafe[index].character === '\n' &&
- patternInScope$1(context.stack, context.unsafe[index])
+ patternInScope(context.stack, context.unsafe[index])
) {
return /[ \t]/.test(safe.before) ? '' : ' '
@@ -43698,60 +43754,74 @@ function hardBreak(node, _, context, safe) {
return '\\\n'
-var longestStreak_1 = longestStreak;
-// Get the count of the longest repeating streak of `character` in `value`.
+ * Get the count of the longest repeating streak of `character` in `value`.
+ *
+ * @param {string} value Content.
+ * @param {string} character Single character to look for
+ * @returns {number} Count of most frequent adjacent `character`s in `value`
+ */
function longestStreak(value, character) {
+ var source = String(value);
+ var index = source.indexOf(character);
+ var expected = index;
var count = 0;
- var maximum = 0;
- var expected;
- var index;
+ var max = 0;
if (typeof character !== 'string' || character.length !== 1) {
throw new Error('Expected character')
- value = String(value);
- index = value.indexOf(character);
- expected = index;
while (index !== -1) {
- count++;
if (index === expected) {
- if (count > maximum) {
- maximum = count;
+ if (++count > max) {
+ max = count;
} else {
count = 1;
expected = index + 1;
- index = value.indexOf(character, expected);
+ index = source.indexOf(character, expected);
- return maximum
+ return max
-var formatCodeAsIndented_1 = formatCodeAsIndented$2;
+ * @typedef {import('mdast').Code} Code
+ * @typedef {import('../types.js').Context} Context
+ */
-function formatCodeAsIndented$2(node, context) {
- return (
+ * @param {Code} node
+ * @param {Context} context
+ * @returns {boolean}
+ */
+function formatCodeAsIndented(node, context) {
+ return Boolean(
!context.options.fences &&
- node.value &&
- // If there’s no info…
- !node.lang &&
- // And there’s a non-whitespace character…
- /[^ \r\n]/.test(node.value) &&
- // And the value doesn’t start or end in a blank…
- !/^[\t ]*(?:[\r\n]|$)|(?:^|[\r\n])[\t ]*$/.test(node.value)
+ node.value &&
+ // If there’s no info…
+ !node.lang &&
+ // And there’s a non-whitespace character…
+ /[^ \r\n]/.test(node.value) &&
+ // And the value doesn’t start or end in a blank…
+ !/^[\t ]*(?:[\r\n]|$)|(?:^|[\r\n])[\t ]*$/.test(node.value)
-var checkFence_1 = checkFence$1;
+ * @typedef {import('../types.js').Context} Context
+ * @typedef {import('../types.js').Options} Options
+ */
-function checkFence$1(context) {
- var marker = context.options.fence || '`';
+ * @param {Context} context
+ * @returns {Exclude<Options['fence'], undefined>}
+ */
+function checkFence(context) {
+ const marker = context.options.fence || '`';
if (marker !== '`' && marker !== '~') {
throw new Error(
@@ -43764,25 +43834,25 @@ function checkFence$1(context) {
return marker
-var patternCompile_1 = patternCompile$3;
-function patternCompile$3(pattern) {
- var before;
- var after;
+ * @typedef {import('../types.js').Unsafe} Unsafe
+ */
+ * @param {Unsafe} pattern
+ * @returns {RegExp}
+ */
+function patternCompile(pattern) {
if (!pattern._compiled) {
- before = pattern.before ? '(?:' + pattern.before + ')' : '';
- after = pattern.after ? '(?:' + pattern.after + ')' : '';
- if (pattern.atBreak) {
- before = '[\\r\\n][\\t ]*' + before;
- }
+ const before =
+ (pattern.atBreak ? '[\\r\\n][\\t ]*' : '') +
+ (pattern.before ? '(?:' + pattern.before + ')' : '');
pattern._compiled = new RegExp(
(before ? '(' + before + ')' : '') +
(/[|\\{}()[\]^$+*?.-]/.test(pattern.character) ? '\\' : '') +
pattern.character +
- (after || ''),
+ (pattern.after ? '(?:' + pattern.after + ')' : ''),
@@ -43790,45 +43860,44 @@ function patternCompile$3(pattern) {
return pattern._compiled
-var safe_1 = safe$7;
-var patternCompile$2 = patternCompile_1;
-var patternInScope = patternInScope_1;
+ * @typedef {import('../types.js').Context} Context
+ * @typedef {import('../types.js').SafeOptions} SafeOptions
+ */
-function safe$7(context, input, config) {
- var value = (config.before || '') + (input || '') + (config.after || '');
- var positions = [];
- var result = [];
- var infos = {};
- var index = -1;
- var before;
- var after;
- var position;
- var pattern;
- var expression;
- var match;
- var start;
- var end;
+ * @param {Context} context
+ * @param {string|null|undefined} input
+ * @param {SafeOptions & {encode?: Array.<string>}} config
+ * @returns {string}
+ */
+function safe(context, input, config) {
+ const value = (config.before || '') + (input || '') + (config.after || '');
+ /** @type {Array.<number>} */
+ const positions = [];
+ /** @type {Array.<string>} */
+ const result = [];
+ /** @type {Record<number, {before: boolean, after: boolean}>} */
+ const infos = {};
+ let index = -1;
while (++index < context.unsafe.length) {
- pattern = context.unsafe[index];
+ const pattern = context.unsafe[index];
if (!patternInScope(context.stack, pattern)) {
- expression = patternCompile$2(pattern);
+ const expression = patternCompile(pattern);
+ /** @type {RegExpExecArray|null} */
+ let match;
while ((match = expression.exec(value))) {
- before = 'before' in pattern || pattern.atBreak;
- after = 'after' in pattern;
- position = match.index + (before ? match[1].length : 0);
+ const before = 'before' in pattern || Boolean(pattern.atBreak);
+ const after = 'after' in pattern;
+ const position = match.index + (before ? match[1].length : 0);
- if (positions.indexOf(position) === -1) {
- positions.push(position);
- infos[position] = {before: before, after: after};
- } else {
+ if (positions.includes(position)) {
if (infos[position].before && !before) {
infos[position].before = false;
@@ -43836,24 +43905,24 @@ function safe$7(context, input, config) {
if (infos[position].after && !after) {
infos[position].after = false;
+ } else {
+ positions.push(position);
+ infos[position] = {before, after};
- start = config.before ? config.before.length : 0;
- end = value.length - (config.after ? config.after.length : 0);
+ let start = config.before ? config.before.length : 0;
+ const end = value.length - (config.after ? config.after.length : 0);
index = -1;
while (++index < positions.length) {
- position = positions[index];
+ const position = positions[index];
- if (
- // Character before or after matched:
- position < start ||
- position >= end
- ) {
+ // Character before or after matched:
+ if (position < start || position >= end) {
@@ -43881,7 +43950,7 @@ function safe$7(context, input, config) {
if (
/[!-/:-@[-`{-~]/.test(value.charAt(position)) &&
- (!config.encode || config.encode.indexOf(value.charAt(position)) === -1)
+ (!config.encode || !config.encode.includes(value.charAt(position)))
) {
// Character escape.
@@ -43899,18 +43968,31 @@ function safe$7(context, input, config) {
return result.join('')
+ * @param {number} a
+ * @param {number} b
+ * @returns {number}
+ */
function numerical(a, b) {
return a - b
+ * @param {string} value
+ * @param {string} after
+ * @returns {string}
+ */
function escapeBackslashes(value, after) {
- var expression = /\\(?=[!-/:-@[-`{-~])/g;
- var positions = [];
- var results = [];
- var index = -1;
- var start = 0;
- var whole = value + after;
- var match;
+ const expression = /\\(?=[!-/:-@[-`{-~])/g;
+ /** @type {Array.<number>} */
+ const positions = [];
+ /** @type {Array.<string>} */
+ const results = [];
+ const whole = value + after;
+ let index = -1;
+ let start = 0;
+ /** @type {RegExpExecArray|null} */
+ let match;
while ((match = expression.exec(whole))) {
@@ -43930,35 +44012,39 @@ function escapeBackslashes(value, after) {
return results.join('')
-var code_1 = code$1;
-var repeat$4 = repeatString;
-var streak = longestStreak_1;
-var formatCodeAsIndented$1 = formatCodeAsIndented_1;
-var checkFence = checkFence_1;
-var indentLines$2 = indentLines_1;
-var safe$6 = safe_1;
+ * @typedef {import('mdast').Code} Code
+ * @typedef {import('../types.js').Handle} Handle
+ * @typedef {import('../types.js').Exit} Exit
+ * @typedef {import('../util/indent-lines.js').Map} Map
+ */
+ * @type {Handle}
+ * @param {Code} node
+ */
function code$1(node, _, context) {
- var marker = checkFence(context);
- var raw = node.value || '';
- var suffix = marker === '`' ? 'GraveAccent' : 'Tilde';
- var value;
- var sequence;
- var exit;
- var subexit;
- if (formatCodeAsIndented$1(node, context)) {
+ const marker = checkFence(context);
+ const raw = node.value || '';
+ const suffix = marker === '`' ? 'GraveAccent' : 'Tilde';
+ /** @type {string} */
+ let value;
+ /** @type {Exit} */
+ let exit;
+ if (formatCodeAsIndented(node, context)) {
exit = context.enter('codeIndented');
- value = indentLines$2(raw, map$2);
+ value = indentLines(raw, map);
} else {
- sequence = repeat$4(marker, Math.max(streak(raw, marker) + 1, 3));
+ const sequence = marker.repeat(Math.max(longestStreak(raw, marker) + 1, 3));
+ /** @type {Exit} */
+ let subexit;
exit = context.enter('codeFenced');
value = sequence;
if (node.lang) {
subexit = context.enter('codeFencedLang' + suffix);
- value += safe$6(context, node.lang, {
+ value += safe(context, node.lang, {
before: '`',
after: ' ',
encode: ['`']
@@ -43970,7 +44056,7 @@ function code$1(node, _, context) {
subexit = context.enter('codeFencedMeta' + suffix);
value +=
' ' +
- safe$6(context, node.meta, {
+ safe(context, node.meta, {
before: ' ',
after: '\n',
encode: ['`']
@@ -43991,4485 +44077,34 @@ function code$1(node, _, context) {
return value
-function map$2(line, _, blank) {
+/** @type {Map} */
+function map(line, _, blank) {
return (blank ? '' : ' ') + line
-const AEli = "Æ";
-const AElig = "Æ";
-const AM = "&";
-const AMP = "&";
-const Aacut = "Á";
-const Aacute = "Á";
-const Abreve = "Ă";
-const Acir = "Â";
-const Acirc = "Â";
-const Acy = "А";
-const Afr = "𝔄";
-const Agrav = "À";
-const Agrave = "À";
-const Alpha = "Α";
-const Amacr = "Ā";
-const And = "⩓";
-const Aogon = "Ą";
-const Aopf = "𝔸";
-const ApplyFunction = "⁡";
-const Arin = "Å";
-const Aring = "Å";
-const Ascr = "𝒜";
-const Assign = "≔";
-const Atild = "Ã";
-const Atilde = "Ã";
-const Aum = "Ä";
-const Auml = "Ä";
-const Backslash = "∖";
-const Barv = "⫧";
-const Barwed = "⌆";
-const Bcy = "Б";
-const Because = "∵";
-const Bernoullis = "ℬ";
-const Beta = "Β";
-const Bfr = "𝔅";
-const Bopf = "𝔹";
-const Breve = "˘";
-const Bscr = "ℬ";
-const Bumpeq = "≎";
-const CHcy = "Ч";
-const COP = "©";
-const COPY = "©";
-const Cacute = "Ć";
-const Cap = "⋒";
-const CapitalDifferentialD = "ⅅ";
-const Cayleys = "ℭ";
-const Ccaron = "Č";
-const Ccedi = "Ç";
-const Ccedil = "Ç";
-const Ccirc = "Ĉ";
-const Cconint = "∰";
-const Cdot = "Ċ";
-const Cedilla = "¸";
-const CenterDot = "·";
-const Cfr = "ℭ";
-const Chi = "Χ";
-const CircleDot = "⊙";
-const CircleMinus = "⊖";
-const CirclePlus = "⊕";
-const CircleTimes = "⊗";
-const ClockwiseContourIntegral = "∲";
-const CloseCurlyDoubleQuote = "”";
-const CloseCurlyQuote = "’";
-const Colon = "∷";
-const Colone = "⩴";
-const Congruent = "≡";
-const Conint = "∯";
-const ContourIntegral = "∮";
-const Copf = "ℂ";
-const Coproduct = "∐";
-const CounterClockwiseContourIntegral = "∳";
-const Cross = "⨯";
-const Cscr = "𝒞";
-const Cup = "⋓";
-const CupCap = "≍";
-const DD = "ⅅ";
-const DDotrahd = "⤑";
-const DJcy = "Ђ";
-const DScy = "Ѕ";
-const DZcy = "Џ";
-const Dagger = "‡";
-const Darr = "↡";
-const Dashv = "⫤";
-const Dcaron = "Ď";
-const Dcy = "Д";
-const Del = "∇";
-const Delta = "Δ";
-const Dfr = "𝔇";
-const DiacriticalAcute = "´";
-const DiacriticalDot = "˙";
-const DiacriticalDoubleAcute = "˝";
-const DiacriticalGrave = "`";
-const DiacriticalTilde = "˜";
-const Diamond = "⋄";
-const DifferentialD = "ⅆ";
-const Dopf = "𝔻";
-const Dot = "¨";
-const DotDot = "⃜";
-const DotEqual = "≐";
-const DoubleContourIntegral = "∯";
-const DoubleDot = "¨";
-const DoubleDownArrow = "⇓";
-const DoubleLeftArrow = "⇐";
-const DoubleLeftRightArrow = "⇔";
-const DoubleLeftTee = "⫤";
-const DoubleLongLeftArrow = "⟸";
-const DoubleLongLeftRightArrow = "⟺";
-const DoubleLongRightArrow = "⟹";
-const DoubleRightArrow = "⇒";
-const DoubleRightTee = "⊨";
-const DoubleUpArrow = "⇑";
-const DoubleUpDownArrow = "⇕";
-const DoubleVerticalBar = "∥";
-const DownArrow = "↓";
-const DownArrowBar = "⤓";
-const DownArrowUpArrow = "⇵";
-const DownBreve = "̑";
-const DownLeftRightVector = "⥐";
-const DownLeftTeeVector = "⥞";
-const DownLeftVector = "↽";
-const DownLeftVectorBar = "⥖";
-const DownRightTeeVector = "⥟";
-const DownRightVector = "⇁";
-const DownRightVectorBar = "⥗";
-const DownTee = "⊤";
-const DownTeeArrow = "↧";
-const Downarrow = "⇓";
-const Dscr = "𝒟";
-const Dstrok = "Đ";
-const ENG = "Ŋ";
-const ET = "Ð";
-const ETH = "Ð";
-const Eacut = "É";
-const Eacute = "É";
-const Ecaron = "Ě";
-const Ecir = "Ê";
-const Ecirc = "Ê";
-const Ecy = "Э";
-const Edot = "Ė";
-const Efr = "𝔈";
-const Egrav = "È";
-const Egrave = "È";
-const Element = "∈";
-const Emacr = "Ē";
-const EmptySmallSquare = "◻";
-const EmptyVerySmallSquare = "▫";
-const Eogon = "Ę";
-const Eopf = "𝔼";
-const Epsilon = "Ε";
-const Equal = "⩵";
-const EqualTilde = "≂";
-const Equilibrium = "⇌";
-const Escr = "ℰ";
-const Esim = "⩳";
-const Eta = "Η";
-const Eum = "Ë";
-const Euml = "Ë";
-const Exists = "∃";
-const ExponentialE = "ⅇ";
-const Fcy = "Ф";
-const Ffr = "𝔉";
-const FilledSmallSquare = "◼";
-const FilledVerySmallSquare = "▪";
-const Fopf = "𝔽";
-const ForAll = "∀";
-const Fouriertrf = "ℱ";
-const Fscr = "ℱ";
-const GJcy = "Ѓ";
-const G = ">";
-const GT = ">";
-const Gamma = "Γ";
-const Gammad = "Ϝ";
-const Gbreve = "Ğ";
-const Gcedil = "Ģ";
-const Gcirc = "Ĝ";
-const Gcy = "Г";
-const Gdot = "Ġ";
-const Gfr = "𝔊";
-const Gg = "⋙";
-const Gopf = "𝔾";
-const GreaterEqual = "≥";
-const GreaterEqualLess = "⋛";
-const GreaterFullEqual = "≧";
-const GreaterGreater = "⪢";
-const GreaterLess = "≷";
-const GreaterSlantEqual = "⩾";
-const GreaterTilde = "≳";
-const Gscr = "𝒢";
-const Gt = "≫";
-const HARDcy = "Ъ";
-const Hacek = "ˇ";
-const Hat = "^";
-const Hcirc = "Ĥ";
-const Hfr = "ℌ";
-const HilbertSpace = "ℋ";
-const Hopf = "ℍ";
-const HorizontalLine = "─";
-const Hscr = "ℋ";
-const Hstrok = "Ħ";
-const HumpDownHump = "≎";
-const HumpEqual = "≏";
-const IEcy = "Е";
-const IJlig = "IJ";
-const IOcy = "Ё";
-const Iacut = "Í";
-const Iacute = "Í";
-const Icir = "Î";
-const Icirc = "Î";
-const Icy = "И";
-const Idot = "İ";
-const Ifr = "ℑ";
-const Igrav = "Ì";
-const Igrave = "Ì";
-const Im = "ℑ";
-const Imacr = "Ī";
-const ImaginaryI = "ⅈ";
-const Implies = "⇒";
-const Int = "∬";
-const Integral = "∫";
-const Intersection = "⋂";
-const InvisibleComma = "⁣";
-const InvisibleTimes = "⁢";
-const Iogon = "Į";
-const Iopf = "𝕀";
-const Iota = "Ι";
-const Iscr = "ℐ";
-const Itilde = "Ĩ";
-const Iukcy = "І";
-const Ium = "Ï";
-const Iuml = "Ï";
-const Jcirc = "Ĵ";
-const Jcy = "Й";
-const Jfr = "𝔍";
-const Jopf = "𝕁";
-const Jscr = "𝒥";
-const Jsercy = "Ј";
-const Jukcy = "Є";
-const KHcy = "Х";
-const KJcy = "Ќ";
-const Kappa = "Κ";
-const Kcedil = "Ķ";
-const Kcy = "К";
-const Kfr = "𝔎";
-const Kopf = "𝕂";
-const Kscr = "𝒦";
-const LJcy = "Љ";
-const L = "<";
-const LT = "<";
-const Lacute = "Ĺ";
-const Lambda = "Λ";
-const Lang = "⟪";
-const Laplacetrf = "ℒ";
-const Larr = "↞";
-const Lcaron = "Ľ";
-const Lcedil = "Ļ";
-const Lcy = "Л";
-const LeftAngleBracket = "⟨";
-const LeftArrow = "←";
-const LeftArrowBar = "⇤";
-const LeftArrowRightArrow = "⇆";
-const LeftCeiling = "⌈";
-const LeftDoubleBracket = "⟦";
-const LeftDownTeeVector = "⥡";
-const LeftDownVector = "⇃";
-const LeftDownVectorBar = "⥙";
-const LeftFloor = "⌊";
-const LeftRightArrow = "↔";
-const LeftRightVector = "⥎";
-const LeftTee = "⊣";
-const LeftTeeArrow = "↤";
-const LeftTeeVector = "⥚";
-const LeftTriangle = "⊲";
-const LeftTriangleBar = "⧏";
-const LeftTriangleEqual = "⊴";
-const LeftUpDownVector = "⥑";
-const LeftUpTeeVector = "⥠";
-const LeftUpVector = "↿";
-const LeftUpVectorBar = "⥘";
-const LeftVector = "↼";
-const LeftVectorBar = "⥒";
-const Leftarrow = "⇐";
-const Leftrightarrow = "⇔";
-const LessEqualGreater = "⋚";
-const LessFullEqual = "≦";
-const LessGreater = "≶";
-const LessLess = "⪡";
-const LessSlantEqual = "⩽";
-const LessTilde = "≲";
-const Lfr = "𝔏";
-const Ll = "⋘";
-const Lleftarrow = "⇚";
-const Lmidot = "Ŀ";
-const LongLeftArrow = "⟵";
-const LongLeftRightArrow = "⟷";
-const LongRightArrow = "⟶";
-const Longleftarrow = "⟸";
-const Longleftrightarrow = "⟺";
-const Longrightarrow = "⟹";
-const Lopf = "𝕃";
-const LowerLeftArrow = "↙";
-const LowerRightArrow = "↘";
-const Lscr = "ℒ";
-const Lsh = "↰";
-const Lstrok = "Ł";
-const Lt = "≪";
-const Mcy = "М";
-const MediumSpace = " ";
-const Mellintrf = "ℳ";
-const Mfr = "𝔐";
-const MinusPlus = "∓";
-const Mopf = "𝕄";
-const Mscr = "ℳ";
-const Mu = "Μ";
-const NJcy = "Њ";
-const Nacute = "Ń";
-const Ncaron = "Ň";
-const Ncedil = "Ņ";
-const Ncy = "Н";
-const NegativeMediumSpace = "​";
-const NegativeThickSpace = "​";
-const NegativeThinSpace = "​";
-const NegativeVeryThinSpace = "​";
-const NestedGreaterGreater = "≫";
-const NestedLessLess = "≪";
-const NewLine = "\n";
-const Nfr = "𝔑";
-const NoBreak = "⁠";
-const NonBreakingSpace = " ";
-const Nopf = "ℕ";
-const Not = "⫬";
-const NotCongruent = "≢";
-const NotCupCap = "≭";
-const NotDoubleVerticalBar = "∦";
-const NotElement = "∉";
-const NotEqual = "≠";
-const NotEqualTilde = "≂̸";
-const NotExists = "∄";
-const NotGreater = "≯";
-const NotGreaterEqual = "≱";
-const NotGreaterFullEqual = "≧̸";
-const NotGreaterGreater = "≫̸";
-const NotGreaterLess = "≹";
-const NotGreaterSlantEqual = "⩾̸";
-const NotGreaterTilde = "≵";
-const NotHumpDownHump = "≎̸";
-const NotHumpEqual = "≏̸";
-const NotLeftTriangle = "⋪";
-const NotLeftTriangleBar = "⧏̸";
-const NotLeftTriangleEqual = "⋬";
-const NotLess = "≮";
-const NotLessEqual = "≰";
-const NotLessGreater = "≸";
-const NotLessLess = "≪̸";
-const NotLessSlantEqual = "⩽̸";
-const NotLessTilde = "≴";
-const NotNestedGreaterGreater = "⪢̸";
-const NotNestedLessLess = "⪡̸";
-const NotPrecedes = "⊀";
-const NotPrecedesEqual = "⪯̸";
-const NotPrecedesSlantEqual = "⋠";
-const NotReverseElement = "∌";
-const NotRightTriangle = "⋫";
-const NotRightTriangleBar = "⧐̸";
-const NotRightTriangleEqual = "⋭";
-const NotSquareSubset = "⊏̸";
-const NotSquareSubsetEqual = "⋢";
-const NotSquareSuperset = "⊐̸";
-const NotSquareSupersetEqual = "⋣";
-const NotSubset = "⊂⃒";
-const NotSubsetEqual = "⊈";
-const NotSucceeds = "⊁";
-const NotSucceedsEqual = "⪰̸";
-const NotSucceedsSlantEqual = "⋡";
-const NotSucceedsTilde = "≿̸";
-const NotSuperset = "⊃⃒";
-const NotSupersetEqual = "⊉";
-const NotTilde = "≁";
-const NotTildeEqual = "≄";
-const NotTildeFullEqual = "≇";
-const NotTildeTilde = "≉";
-const NotVerticalBar = "∤";
-const Nscr = "𝒩";
-const Ntild = "Ñ";
-const Ntilde = "Ñ";
-const Nu = "Ν";
-const OElig = "Œ";
-const Oacut = "Ó";
-const Oacute = "Ó";
-const Ocir = "Ô";
-const Ocirc = "Ô";
-const Ocy = "О";
-const Odblac = "Ő";
-const Ofr = "𝔒";
-const Ograv = "Ò";
-const Ograve = "Ò";
-const Omacr = "Ō";
-const Omega = "Ω";
-const Omicron = "Ο";
-const Oopf = "𝕆";
-const OpenCurlyDoubleQuote = "“";
-const OpenCurlyQuote = "‘";
-const Or = "⩔";
-const Oscr = "𝒪";
-const Oslas = "Ø";
-const Oslash = "Ø";
-const Otild = "Õ";
-const Otilde = "Õ";
-const Otimes = "⨷";
-const Oum = "Ö";
-const Ouml = "Ö";
-const OverBar = "‾";
-const OverBrace = "⏞";
-const OverBracket = "⎴";
-const OverParenthesis = "⏜";
-const PartialD = "∂";
-const Pcy = "П";
-const Pfr = "𝔓";
-const Phi = "Φ";
-const Pi = "Π";
-const PlusMinus = "±";
-const Poincareplane = "ℌ";
-const Popf = "ℙ";
-const Pr = "⪻";
-const Precedes = "≺";
-const PrecedesEqual = "⪯";
-const PrecedesSlantEqual = "≼";
-const PrecedesTilde = "≾";
-const Prime = "″";
-const Product = "∏";
-const Proportion = "∷";
-const Proportional = "∝";
-const Pscr = "𝒫";
-const Psi = "Ψ";
-const QUO = "\"";
-const QUOT = "\"";
-const Qfr = "𝔔";
-const Qopf = "ℚ";
-const Qscr = "𝒬";
-const RBarr = "⤐";
-const RE = "®";
-const REG = "®";
-const Racute = "Ŕ";
-const Rang = "⟫";
-const Rarr = "↠";
-const Rarrtl = "⤖";
-const Rcaron = "Ř";
-const Rcedil = "Ŗ";
-const Rcy = "Р";
-const Re = "ℜ";
-const ReverseElement = "∋";
-const ReverseEquilibrium = "⇋";
-const ReverseUpEquilibrium = "⥯";
-const Rfr = "ℜ";
-const Rho = "Ρ";
-const RightAngleBracket = "⟩";
-const RightArrow = "→";
-const RightArrowBar = "⇥";
-const RightArrowLeftArrow = "⇄";
-const RightCeiling = "⌉";
-const RightDoubleBracket = "⟧";
-const RightDownTeeVector = "⥝";
-const RightDownVector = "⇂";
-const RightDownVectorBar = "⥕";
-const RightFloor = "⌋";
-const RightTee = "⊢";
-const RightTeeArrow = "↦";
-const RightTeeVector = "⥛";
-const RightTriangle = "⊳";
-const RightTriangleBar = "⧐";
-const RightTriangleEqual = "⊵";
-const RightUpDownVector = "⥏";
-const RightUpTeeVector = "⥜";
-const RightUpVector = "↾";
-const RightUpVectorBar = "⥔";
-const RightVector = "⇀";
-const RightVectorBar = "⥓";
-const Rightarrow = "⇒";
-const Ropf = "ℝ";
-const RoundImplies = "⥰";
-const Rrightarrow = "⇛";
-const Rscr = "ℛ";
-const Rsh = "↱";
-const RuleDelayed = "⧴";
-const SHCHcy = "Щ";
-const SHcy = "Ш";
-const SOFTcy = "Ь";
-const Sacute = "Ś";
-const Sc = "⪼";
-const Scaron = "Š";
-const Scedil = "Ş";
-const Scirc = "Ŝ";
-const Scy = "С";
-const Sfr = "𝔖";
-const ShortDownArrow = "↓";
-const ShortLeftArrow = "←";
-const ShortRightArrow = "→";
-const ShortUpArrow = "↑";
-const Sigma = "Σ";
-const SmallCircle = "∘";
-const Sopf = "𝕊";
-const Sqrt = "√";
-const Square = "□";
-const SquareIntersection = "⊓";
-const SquareSubset = "⊏";
-const SquareSubsetEqual = "⊑";
-const SquareSuperset = "⊐";
-const SquareSupersetEqual = "⊒";
-const SquareUnion = "⊔";
-const Sscr = "𝒮";
-const Star = "⋆";
-const Sub = "⋐";
-const Subset = "⋐";
-const SubsetEqual = "⊆";
-const Succeeds = "≻";
-const SucceedsEqual = "⪰";
-const SucceedsSlantEqual = "≽";
-const SucceedsTilde = "≿";
-const SuchThat = "∋";
-const Sum = "∑";
-const Sup = "⋑";
-const Superset = "⊃";
-const SupersetEqual = "⊇";
-const Supset = "⋑";
-const THOR = "Þ";
-const THORN = "Þ";
-const TRADE = "™";
-const TSHcy = "Ћ";
-const TScy = "Ц";
-const Tab = "\t";
-const Tau = "Τ";
-const Tcaron = "Ť";
-const Tcedil = "Ţ";
-const Tcy = "Т";
-const Tfr = "𝔗";
-const Therefore = "∴";
-const Theta = "Θ";
-const ThickSpace = "  ";
-const ThinSpace = " ";
-const Tilde = "∼";
-const TildeEqual = "≃";
-const TildeFullEqual = "≅";
-const TildeTilde = "≈";
-const Topf = "𝕋";
-const TripleDot = "⃛";
-const Tscr = "𝒯";
-const Tstrok = "Ŧ";
-const Uacut = "Ú";
-const Uacute = "Ú";
-const Uarr = "↟";
-const Uarrocir = "⥉";
-const Ubrcy = "Ў";
-const Ubreve = "Ŭ";
-const Ucir = "Û";
-const Ucirc = "Û";
-const Ucy = "У";
-const Udblac = "Ű";
-const Ufr = "𝔘";
-const Ugrav = "Ù";
-const Ugrave = "Ù";
-const Umacr = "Ū";
-const UnderBar = "_";
-const UnderBrace = "⏟";
-const UnderBracket = "⎵";
-const UnderParenthesis = "⏝";
-const Union = "⋃";
-const UnionPlus = "⊎";
-const Uogon = "Ų";
-const Uopf = "𝕌";
-const UpArrow = "↑";
-const UpArrowBar = "⤒";
-const UpArrowDownArrow = "⇅";
-const UpDownArrow = "↕";
-const UpEquilibrium = "⥮";
-const UpTee = "⊥";
-const UpTeeArrow = "↥";
-const Uparrow = "⇑";
-const Updownarrow = "⇕";
-const UpperLeftArrow = "↖";
-const UpperRightArrow = "↗";
-const Upsi = "ϒ";
-const Upsilon = "Υ";
-const Uring = "Ů";
-const Uscr = "𝒰";
-const Utilde = "Ũ";
-const Uum = "Ü";
-const Uuml = "Ü";
-const VDash = "⊫";
-const Vbar = "⫫";
-const Vcy = "В";
-const Vdash = "⊩";
-const Vdashl = "⫦";
-const Vee = "⋁";
-const Verbar = "‖";
-const Vert = "‖";
-const VerticalBar = "∣";
-const VerticalLine = "|";
-const VerticalSeparator = "❘";
-const VerticalTilde = "≀";
-const VeryThinSpace = " ";
-const Vfr = "𝔙";
-const Vopf = "𝕍";
-const Vscr = "𝒱";
-const Vvdash = "⊪";
-const Wcirc = "Ŵ";
-const Wedge = "⋀";
-const Wfr = "𝔚";
-const Wopf = "𝕎";
-const Wscr = "𝒲";
-const Xfr = "𝔛";
-const Xi = "Ξ";
-const Xopf = "𝕏";
-const Xscr = "𝒳";
-const YAcy = "Я";
-const YIcy = "Ї";
-const YUcy = "Ю";
-const Yacut = "Ý";
-const Yacute = "Ý";
-const Ycirc = "Ŷ";
-const Ycy = "Ы";
-const Yfr = "𝔜";
-const Yopf = "𝕐";
-const Yscr = "𝒴";
-const Yuml = "Ÿ";
-const ZHcy = "Ж";
-const Zacute = "Ź";
-const Zcaron = "Ž";
-const Zcy = "З";
-const Zdot = "Ż";
-const ZeroWidthSpace = "​";
-const Zeta = "Ζ";
-const Zfr = "ℨ";
-const Zopf = "ℤ";
-const Zscr = "𝒵";
-const aacut = "á";
-const aacute = "á";
-const abreve = "ă";
-const ac = "∾";
-const acE = "∾̳";
-const acd = "∿";
-const acir = "â";
-const acirc = "â";
-const acut = "´";
-const acute = "´";
-const acy = "а";
-const aeli = "æ";
-const aelig = "æ";
-const af = "⁡";
-const afr = "𝔞";
-const agrav = "à";
-const agrave = "à";
-const alefsym = "ℵ";
-const aleph = "ℵ";
-const alpha = "α";
-const amacr = "ā";
-const amalg = "⨿";
-const am = "&";
-const amp = "&";
-const and = "∧";
-const andand = "⩕";
-const andd = "⩜";
-const andslope = "⩘";
-const andv = "⩚";
-const ang = "∠";
-const ange = "⦤";
-const angle = "∠";
-const angmsd = "∡";
-const angmsdaa = "⦨";
-const angmsdab = "⦩";
-const angmsdac = "⦪";
-const angmsdad = "⦫";
-const angmsdae = "⦬";
-const angmsdaf = "⦭";
-const angmsdag = "⦮";
-const angmsdah = "⦯";
-const angrt = "∟";
-const angrtvb = "⊾";
-const angrtvbd = "⦝";
-const angsph = "∢";
-const angst = "Å";
-const angzarr = "⍼";
-const aogon = "ą";
-const aopf = "𝕒";
-const ap = "≈";
-const apE = "⩰";
-const apacir = "⩯";
-const ape = "≊";
-const apid = "≋";
-const apos = "'";
-const approx = "≈";
-const approxeq = "≊";
-const arin = "å";
-const aring = "å";
-const ascr = "𝒶";
-const ast = "*";
-const asymp = "≈";
-const asympeq = "≍";
-const atild = "ã";
-const atilde = "ã";
-const aum = "ä";
-const auml = "ä";
-const awconint = "∳";
-const awint = "⨑";
-const bNot = "⫭";
-const backcong = "≌";
-const backepsilon = "϶";
-const backprime = "‵";
-const backsim = "∽";
-const backsimeq = "⋍";
-const barvee = "⊽";
-const barwed = "⌅";
-const barwedge = "⌅";
-const bbrk = "⎵";
-const bbrktbrk = "⎶";
-const bcong = "≌";
-const bcy = "б";
-const bdquo = "„";
-const becaus = "∵";
-const because = "∵";
-const bemptyv = "⦰";
-const bepsi = "϶";
-const bernou = "ℬ";
-const beta = "β";
-const beth = "ℶ";
-const between = "≬";
-const bfr = "𝔟";
-const bigcap = "⋂";
-const bigcirc = "◯";
-const bigcup = "⋃";
-const bigodot = "⨀";
-const bigoplus = "⨁";
-const bigotimes = "⨂";
-const bigsqcup = "⨆";
-const bigstar = "★";
-const bigtriangledown = "▽";
-const bigtriangleup = "△";
-const biguplus = "⨄";
-const bigvee = "⋁";
-const bigwedge = "⋀";
-const bkarow = "⤍";
-const blacklozenge = "⧫";
-const blacksquare = "▪";
-const blacktriangle = "▴";
-const blacktriangledown = "▾";
-const blacktriangleleft = "◂";
-const blacktriangleright = "▸";
-const blank = "␣";
-const blk12 = "▒";
-const blk14 = "░";
-const blk34 = "▓";
-const block = "█";
-const bne = "=⃥";
-const bnequiv = "≡⃥";
-const bnot = "⌐";
-const bopf = "𝕓";
-const bot = "⊥";
-const bottom = "⊥";
-const bowtie = "⋈";
-const boxDL = "╗";
-const boxDR = "╔";
-const boxDl = "╖";
-const boxDr = "╓";
-const boxH = "═";
-const boxHD = "╦";
-const boxHU = "╩";
-const boxHd = "╤";
-const boxHu = "╧";
-const boxUL = "╝";
-const boxUR = "╚";
-const boxUl = "╜";
-const boxUr = "╙";
-const boxV = "║";
-const boxVH = "╬";
-const boxVL = "╣";
-const boxVR = "╠";
-const boxVh = "╫";
-const boxVl = "╢";
-const boxVr = "╟";
-const boxbox = "⧉";
-const boxdL = "╕";
-const boxdR = "╒";
-const boxdl = "┐";
-const boxdr = "┌";
-const boxh = "─";
-const boxhD = "╥";
-const boxhU = "╨";
-const boxhd = "┬";
-const boxhu = "┴";
-const boxminus = "⊟";
-const boxplus = "⊞";
-const boxtimes = "⊠";
-const boxuL = "╛";
-const boxuR = "╘";
-const boxul = "┘";
-const boxur = "└";
-const boxv = "│";
-const boxvH = "╪";
-const boxvL = "╡";
-const boxvR = "╞";
-const boxvh = "┼";
-const boxvl = "┤";
-const boxvr = "├";
-const bprime = "‵";
-const breve = "˘";
-const brvba = "¦";
-const brvbar = "¦";
-const bscr = "𝒷";
-const bsemi = "⁏";
-const bsim = "∽";
-const bsime = "⋍";
-const bsol = "\\";
-const bsolb = "⧅";
-const bsolhsub = "⟈";
-const bull = "•";
-const bullet = "•";
-const bump = "≎";
-const bumpE = "⪮";
-const bumpe = "≏";
-const bumpeq = "≏";
-const cacute = "ć";
-const cap = "∩";
-const capand = "⩄";
-const capbrcup = "⩉";
-const capcap = "⩋";
-const capcup = "⩇";
-const capdot = "⩀";
-const caps = "∩︀";
-const caret = "⁁";
-const caron = "ˇ";
-const ccaps = "⩍";
-const ccaron = "č";
-const ccedi = "ç";
-const ccedil = "ç";
-const ccirc = "ĉ";
-const ccups = "⩌";
-const ccupssm = "⩐";
-const cdot = "ċ";
-const cedi = "¸";
-const cedil = "¸";
-const cemptyv = "⦲";
-const cen = "¢";
-const cent = "¢";
-const centerdot = "·";
-const cfr = "𝔠";
-const chcy = "ч";
-const check$1 = "✓";
-const checkmark = "✓";
-const chi = "χ";
-const cir = "○";
-const cirE = "⧃";
-const circ = "ˆ";
-const circeq = "≗";
-const circlearrowleft = "↺";
-const circlearrowright = "↻";
-const circledR = "®";
-const circledS = "Ⓢ";
-const circledast = "⊛";
-const circledcirc = "⊚";
-const circleddash = "⊝";
-const cire = "≗";
-const cirfnint = "⨐";
-const cirmid = "⫯";
-const cirscir = "⧂";
-const clubs = "♣";
-const clubsuit = "♣";
-const colon = ":";
-const colone = "≔";
-const coloneq = "≔";
-const comma = ",";
-const commat = "@";
-const comp = "∁";
-const compfn = "∘";
-const complement = "∁";
-const complexes = "ℂ";
-const cong = "≅";
-const congdot = "⩭";
-const conint = "∮";
-const copf = "𝕔";
-const coprod = "∐";
-const cop = "©";
-const copy = "©";
-const copysr = "℗";
-const crarr = "↵";
-const cross = "✗";
-const cscr = "𝒸";
-const csub = "⫏";
-const csube = "⫑";
-const csup = "⫐";
-const csupe = "⫒";
-const ctdot = "⋯";
-const cudarrl = "⤸";
-const cudarrr = "⤵";
-const cuepr = "⋞";
-const cuesc = "⋟";
-const cularr = "↶";
-const cularrp = "⤽";
-const cup = "∪";
-const cupbrcap = "⩈";
-const cupcap = "⩆";
-const cupcup = "⩊";
-const cupdot = "⊍";
-const cupor = "⩅";
-const cups = "∪︀";
-const curarr = "↷";
-const curarrm = "⤼";
-const curlyeqprec = "⋞";
-const curlyeqsucc = "⋟";
-const curlyvee = "⋎";
-const curlywedge = "⋏";
-const curre = "¤";
-const curren = "¤";
-const curvearrowleft = "↶";
-const curvearrowright = "↷";
-const cuvee = "⋎";
-const cuwed = "⋏";
-const cwconint = "∲";
-const cwint = "∱";
-const cylcty = "⌭";
-const dArr = "⇓";
-const dHar = "⥥";
-const dagger = "†";
-const daleth = "ℸ";
-const darr = "↓";
-const dash = "‐";
-const dashv = "⊣";
-const dbkarow = "⤏";
-const dblac = "˝";
-const dcaron = "ď";
-const dcy = "д";
-const dd = "ⅆ";
-const ddagger = "‡";
-const ddarr = "⇊";
-const ddotseq = "⩷";
-const de = "°";
-const deg = "°";
-const delta = "δ";
-const demptyv = "⦱";
-const dfisht = "⥿";
-const dfr = "𝔡";
-const dharl = "⇃";
-const dharr = "⇂";
-const diam = "⋄";
-const diamond = "⋄";
-const diamondsuit = "♦";
-const diams = "♦";
-const die = "¨";
-const digamma = "ϝ";
-const disin = "⋲";
-const div = "÷";
-const divid = "÷";
-const divide = "÷";
-const divideontimes = "⋇";
-const divonx = "⋇";
-const djcy = "ђ";
-const dlcorn = "⌞";
-const dlcrop = "⌍";
-const dollar = "$";
-const dopf = "𝕕";
-const dot = "˙";
-const doteq = "≐";
-const doteqdot = "≑";
-const dotminus = "∸";
-const dotplus = "∔";
-const dotsquare = "⊡";
-const doublebarwedge = "⌆";
-const downarrow = "↓";
-const downdownarrows = "⇊";
-const downharpoonleft = "⇃";
-const downharpoonright = "⇂";
-const drbkarow = "⤐";
-const drcorn = "⌟";
-const drcrop = "⌌";
-const dscr = "𝒹";
-const dscy = "ѕ";
-const dsol = "⧶";
-const dstrok = "đ";
-const dtdot = "⋱";
-const dtri = "▿";
-const dtrif = "▾";
-const duarr = "⇵";
-const duhar = "⥯";
-const dwangle = "⦦";
-const dzcy = "џ";
-const dzigrarr = "⟿";
-const eDDot = "⩷";
-const eDot = "≑";
-const eacut = "é";
-const eacute = "é";
-const easter = "⩮";
-const ecaron = "ě";
-const ecir = "ê";
-const ecirc = "ê";
-const ecolon = "≕";
-const ecy = "э";
-const edot = "ė";
-const ee = "ⅇ";
-const efDot = "≒";
-const efr = "𝔢";
-const eg = "⪚";
-const egrav = "è";
-const egrave = "è";
-const egs = "⪖";
-const egsdot = "⪘";
-const el = "⪙";
-const elinters = "⏧";
-const ell = "ℓ";
-const els = "⪕";
-const elsdot = "⪗";
-const emacr = "ē";
-const empty = "∅";
-const emptyset = "∅";
-const emptyv = "∅";
-const emsp13 = " ";
-const emsp14 = " ";
-const emsp = " ";
-const eng = "ŋ";
-const ensp = " ";
-const eogon = "ę";
-const eopf = "𝕖";
-const epar = "⋕";
-const eparsl = "⧣";
-const eplus = "⩱";
-const epsi = "ε";
-const epsilon = "ε";
-const epsiv = "ϵ";
-const eqcirc = "≖";
-const eqcolon = "≕";
-const eqsim = "≂";
-const eqslantgtr = "⪖";
-const eqslantless = "⪕";
-const equals = "=";
-const equest = "≟";
-const equiv = "≡";
-const equivDD = "⩸";
-const eqvparsl = "⧥";
-const erDot = "≓";
-const erarr = "⥱";
-const escr = "ℯ";
-const esdot = "≐";
-const esim = "≂";
-const eta = "η";
-const et = "ð";
-const eth = "ð";
-const eum = "ë";
-const euml = "ë";
-const euro = "€";
-const excl = "!";
-const exist = "∃";
-const expectation = "ℰ";
-const exponentiale = "ⅇ";
-const fallingdotseq = "≒";
-const fcy = "ф";
-const female = "♀";
-const ffilig = "ffi";
-const fflig = "ff";
-const ffllig = "ffl";
-const ffr = "𝔣";
-const filig = "fi";
-const fjlig = "fj";
-const flat = "♭";
-const fllig = "fl";
-const fltns = "▱";
-const fnof = "ƒ";
-const fopf = "𝕗";
-const forall = "∀";
-const fork = "⋔";
-const forkv = "⫙";
-const fpartint = "⨍";
-const frac1 = "¼";
-const frac12 = "½";
-const frac13 = "⅓";
-const frac14 = "¼";
-const frac15 = "⅕";
-const frac16 = "⅙";
-const frac18 = "⅛";
-const frac23 = "⅔";
-const frac25 = "⅖";
-const frac3 = "¾";
-const frac34 = "¾";
-const frac35 = "⅗";
-const frac38 = "⅜";
-const frac45 = "⅘";
-const frac56 = "⅚";
-const frac58 = "⅝";
-const frac78 = "⅞";
-const frasl = "⁄";
-const frown = "⌢";
-const fscr = "𝒻";
-const gE = "≧";
-const gEl = "⪌";
-const gacute = "ǵ";
-const gamma = "γ";
-const gammad = "ϝ";
-const gap = "⪆";
-const gbreve = "ğ";
-const gcirc = "ĝ";
-const gcy = "г";
-const gdot = "ġ";
-const ge = "≥";
-const gel = "⋛";
-const geq = "≥";
-const geqq = "≧";
-const geqslant = "⩾";
-const ges = "⩾";
-const gescc = "⪩";
-const gesdot = "⪀";
-const gesdoto = "⪂";
-const gesdotol = "⪄";
-const gesl = "⋛︀";
-const gesles = "⪔";
-const gfr = "𝔤";
-const gg = "≫";
-const ggg = "⋙";
-const gimel = "ℷ";
-const gjcy = "ѓ";
-const gl = "≷";
-const glE = "⪒";
-const gla = "⪥";
-const glj = "⪤";
-const gnE = "≩";
-const gnap = "⪊";
-const gnapprox = "⪊";
-const gne = "⪈";
-const gneq = "⪈";
-const gneqq = "≩";
-const gnsim = "⋧";
-const gopf = "𝕘";
-const grave = "`";
-const gscr = "ℊ";
-const gsim = "≳";
-const gsime = "⪎";
-const gsiml = "⪐";
-const g = ">";
-const gt = ">";
-const gtcc = "⪧";
-const gtcir = "⩺";
-const gtdot = "⋗";
-const gtlPar = "⦕";
-const gtquest = "⩼";
-const gtrapprox = "⪆";
-const gtrarr = "⥸";
-const gtrdot = "⋗";
-const gtreqless = "⋛";
-const gtreqqless = "⪌";
-const gtrless = "≷";
-const gtrsim = "≳";
-const gvertneqq = "≩︀";
-const gvnE = "≩︀";
-const hArr = "⇔";
-const hairsp = " ";
-const half = "½";
-const hamilt = "ℋ";
-const hardcy = "ъ";
-const harr = "↔";
-const harrcir = "⥈";
-const harrw = "↭";
-const hbar = "ℏ";
-const hcirc = "ĥ";
-const hearts = "♥";
-const heartsuit = "♥";
-const hellip = "…";
-const hercon = "⊹";
-const hfr = "𝔥";
-const hksearow = "⤥";
-const hkswarow = "⤦";
-const hoarr = "⇿";
-const homtht = "∻";
-const hookleftarrow = "↩";
-const hookrightarrow = "↪";
-const hopf = "𝕙";
-const horbar = "―";
-const hscr = "𝒽";
-const hslash = "ℏ";
-const hstrok = "ħ";
-const hybull = "⁃";
-const hyphen = "‐";
-const iacut = "í";
-const iacute = "í";
-const ic = "⁣";
-const icir = "î";
-const icirc = "î";
-const icy = "и";
-const iecy = "е";
-const iexc = "¡";
-const iexcl = "¡";
-const iff = "⇔";
-const ifr = "𝔦";
-const igrav = "ì";
-const igrave = "ì";
-const ii = "ⅈ";
-const iiiint = "⨌";
-const iiint = "∭";
-const iinfin = "⧜";
-const iiota = "℩";
-const ijlig = "ij";
-const imacr = "ī";
-const image$1 = "ℑ";
-const imagline = "ℐ";
-const imagpart = "ℑ";
-const imath = "ı";
-const imof = "⊷";
-const imped = "Ƶ";
-const incare = "℅";
-const infin = "∞";
-const infintie = "⧝";
-const inodot = "ı";
-const int$1 = "∫";
-const intcal = "⊺";
-const integers = "ℤ";
-const intercal = "⊺";
-const intlarhk = "⨗";
-const intprod = "⨼";
-const iocy = "ё";
-const iogon = "į";
-const iopf = "𝕚";
-const iota = "ι";
-const iprod = "⨼";
-const iques = "¿";
-const iquest = "¿";
-const iscr = "𝒾";
-const isin = "∈";
-const isinE = "⋹";
-const isindot = "⋵";
-const isins = "⋴";
-const isinsv = "⋳";
-const isinv = "∈";
-const it = "⁢";
-const itilde = "ĩ";
-const iukcy = "і";
-const ium = "ï";
-const iuml = "ï";
-const jcirc = "ĵ";
-const jcy = "й";
-const jfr = "𝔧";
-const jmath = "ȷ";
-const jopf = "𝕛";
-const jscr = "𝒿";
-const jsercy = "ј";
-const jukcy = "є";
-const kappa = "κ";
-const kappav = "ϰ";
-const kcedil = "ķ";
-const kcy = "к";
-const kfr = "𝔨";
-const kgreen = "ĸ";
-const khcy = "х";
-const kjcy = "ќ";
-const kopf = "𝕜";
-const kscr = "𝓀";
-const lAarr = "⇚";
-const lArr = "⇐";
-const lAtail = "⤛";
-const lBarr = "⤎";
-const lE = "≦";
-const lEg = "⪋";
-const lHar = "⥢";
-const lacute = "ĺ";
-const laemptyv = "⦴";
-const lagran = "ℒ";
-const lambda = "λ";
-const lang = "⟨";
-const langd = "⦑";
-const langle = "⟨";
-const lap = "⪅";
-const laqu = "«";
-const laquo = "«";
-const larr = "←";
-const larrb = "⇤";
-const larrbfs = "⤟";
-const larrfs = "⤝";
-const larrhk = "↩";
-const larrlp = "↫";
-const larrpl = "⤹";
-const larrsim = "⥳";
-const larrtl = "↢";
-const lat = "⪫";
-const latail = "⤙";
-const late = "⪭";
-const lates = "⪭︀";
-const lbarr = "⤌";
-const lbbrk = "❲";
-const lbrace = "{";
-const lbrack = "[";
-const lbrke = "⦋";
-const lbrksld = "⦏";
-const lbrkslu = "⦍";
-const lcaron = "ľ";
-const lcedil = "ļ";
-const lceil = "⌈";
-const lcub = "{";
-const lcy = "л";
-const ldca = "⤶";
-const ldquo = "“";
-const ldquor = "„";
-const ldrdhar = "⥧";
-const ldrushar = "⥋";
-const ldsh = "↲";
-const le = "≤";
-const leftarrow = "←";
-const leftarrowtail = "↢";
-const leftharpoondown = "↽";
-const leftharpoonup = "↼";
-const leftleftarrows = "⇇";
-const leftrightarrow = "↔";
-const leftrightarrows = "⇆";
-const leftrightharpoons = "⇋";
-const leftrightsquigarrow = "↭";
-const leftthreetimes = "⋋";
-const leg = "⋚";
-const leq = "≤";
-const leqq = "≦";
-const leqslant = "⩽";
-const les = "⩽";
-const lescc = "⪨";
-const lesdot = "⩿";
-const lesdoto = "⪁";
-const lesdotor = "⪃";
-const lesg = "⋚︀";
-const lesges = "⪓";
-const lessapprox = "⪅";
-const lessdot = "⋖";
-const lesseqgtr = "⋚";
-const lesseqqgtr = "⪋";
-const lessgtr = "≶";
-const lesssim = "≲";
-const lfisht = "⥼";
-const lfloor = "⌊";
-const lfr = "𝔩";
-const lg = "≶";
-const lgE = "⪑";
-const lhard = "↽";
-const lharu = "↼";
-const lharul = "⥪";
-const lhblk = "▄";
-const ljcy = "љ";
-const ll = "≪";
-const llarr = "⇇";
-const llcorner = "⌞";
-const llhard = "⥫";
-const lltri = "◺";
-const lmidot = "ŀ";
-const lmoust = "⎰";
-const lmoustache = "⎰";
-const lnE = "≨";
-const lnap = "⪉";
-const lnapprox = "⪉";
-const lne = "⪇";
-const lneq = "⪇";
-const lneqq = "≨";
-const lnsim = "⋦";
-const loang = "⟬";
-const loarr = "⇽";
-const lobrk = "⟦";
-const longleftarrow = "⟵";
-const longleftrightarrow = "⟷";
-const longmapsto = "⟼";
-const longrightarrow = "⟶";
-const looparrowleft = "↫";
-const looparrowright = "↬";
-const lopar = "⦅";
-const lopf = "𝕝";
-const loplus = "⨭";
-const lotimes = "⨴";
-const lowast = "∗";
-const lowbar = "_";
-const loz = "◊";
-const lozenge = "◊";
-const lozf = "⧫";
-const lpar = "(";
-const lparlt = "⦓";
-const lrarr = "⇆";
-const lrcorner = "⌟";
-const lrhar = "⇋";
-const lrhard = "⥭";
-const lrm = "‎";
-const lrtri = "⊿";
-const lsaquo = "‹";
-const lscr = "𝓁";
-const lsh = "↰";
-const lsim = "≲";
-const lsime = "⪍";
-const lsimg = "⪏";
-const lsqb = "[";
-const lsquo = "‘";
-const lsquor = "‚";
-const lstrok = "ł";
-const l = "<";
-const lt$1 = "<";
-const ltcc = "⪦";
-const ltcir = "⩹";
-const ltdot = "⋖";
-const lthree = "⋋";
-const ltimes = "⋉";
-const ltlarr = "⥶";
-const ltquest = "⩻";
-const ltrPar = "⦖";
-const ltri = "◃";
-const ltrie = "⊴";
-const ltrif = "◂";
-const lurdshar = "⥊";
-const luruhar = "⥦";
-const lvertneqq = "≨︀";
-const lvnE = "≨︀";
-const mDDot = "∺";
-const mac = "¯";
-const macr = "¯";
-const male = "♂";
-const malt = "✠";
-const maltese = "✠";
-const map$1 = "↦";
-const mapsto = "↦";
-const mapstodown = "↧";
-const mapstoleft = "↤";
-const mapstoup = "↥";
-const marker = "▮";
-const mcomma = "⨩";
-const mcy = "м";
-const mdash = "—";
-const measuredangle = "∡";
-const mfr = "𝔪";
-const mho = "℧";
-const micr = "µ";
-const micro = "µ";
-const mid = "∣";
-const midast = "*";
-const midcir = "⫰";
-const middo = "·";
-const middot = "·";
-const minus = "−";
-const minusb = "⊟";
-const minusd = "∸";
-const minusdu = "⨪";
-const mlcp = "⫛";
-const mldr = "…";
-const mnplus = "∓";
-const models = "⊧";
-const mopf = "𝕞";
-const mp = "∓";
-const mscr = "𝓂";
-const mstpos = "∾";
-const mu = "μ";
-const multimap = "⊸";
-const mumap = "⊸";
-const nGg = "⋙̸";
-const nGt = "≫⃒";
-const nGtv = "≫̸";
-const nLeftarrow = "⇍";
-const nLeftrightarrow = "⇎";
-const nLl = "⋘̸";
-const nLt = "≪⃒";
-const nLtv = "≪̸";
-const nRightarrow = "⇏";
-const nVDash = "⊯";
-const nVdash = "⊮";
-const nabla = "∇";
-const nacute = "ń";
-const nang = "∠⃒";
-const nap = "≉";
-const napE = "⩰̸";
-const napid = "≋̸";
-const napos = "ʼn";
-const napprox = "≉";
-const natur = "♮";
-const natural = "♮";
-const naturals = "ℕ";
-const nbs = " ";
-const nbsp = " ";
-const nbump = "≎̸";
-const nbumpe = "≏̸";
-const ncap = "⩃";
-const ncaron = "ň";
-const ncedil = "ņ";
-const ncong = "≇";
-const ncongdot = "⩭̸";
-const ncup = "⩂";
-const ncy = "н";
-const ndash = "–";
-const ne = "≠";
-const neArr = "⇗";
-const nearhk = "⤤";
-const nearr = "↗";
-const nearrow = "↗";
-const nedot = "≐̸";
-const nequiv = "≢";
-const nesear = "⤨";
-const nesim = "≂̸";
-const nexist = "∄";
-const nexists = "∄";
-const nfr = "𝔫";
-const ngE = "≧̸";
-const nge = "≱";
-const ngeq = "≱";
-const ngeqq = "≧̸";
-const ngeqslant = "⩾̸";
-const nges = "⩾̸";
-const ngsim = "≵";
-const ngt = "≯";
-const ngtr = "≯";
-const nhArr = "⇎";
-const nharr = "↮";
-const nhpar = "⫲";
-const ni = "∋";
-const nis = "⋼";
-const nisd = "⋺";
-const niv = "∋";
-const njcy = "њ";
-const nlArr = "⇍";
-const nlE = "≦̸";
-const nlarr = "↚";
-const nldr = "‥";
-const nle = "≰";
-const nleftarrow = "↚";
-const nleftrightarrow = "↮";
-const nleq = "≰";
-const nleqq = "≦̸";
-const nleqslant = "⩽̸";
-const nles = "⩽̸";
-const nless = "≮";
-const nlsim = "≴";
-const nlt = "≮";
-const nltri = "⋪";
-const nltrie = "⋬";
-const nmid = "∤";
-const nopf = "𝕟";
-const no = "¬";
-const not = "¬";
-const notin = "∉";
-const notinE = "⋹̸";
-const notindot = "⋵̸";
-const notinva = "∉";
-const notinvb = "⋷";
-const notinvc = "⋶";
-const notni = "∌";
-const notniva = "∌";
-const notnivb = "⋾";
-const notnivc = "⋽";
-const npar = "∦";
-const nparallel = "∦";
-const nparsl = "⫽⃥";
-const npart = "∂̸";
-const npolint = "⨔";
-const npr = "⊀";
-const nprcue = "⋠";
-const npre = "⪯̸";
-const nprec = "⊀";
-const npreceq = "⪯̸";
-const nrArr = "⇏";
-const nrarr = "↛";
-const nrarrc = "⤳̸";
-const nrarrw = "↝̸";
-const nrightarrow = "↛";
-const nrtri = "⋫";
-const nrtrie = "⋭";
-const nsc = "⊁";
-const nsccue = "⋡";
-const nsce = "⪰̸";
-const nscr = "𝓃";
-const nshortmid = "∤";
-const nshortparallel = "∦";
-const nsim = "≁";
-const nsime = "≄";
-const nsimeq = "≄";
-const nsmid = "∤";
-const nspar = "∦";
-const nsqsube = "⋢";
-const nsqsupe = "⋣";
-const nsub = "⊄";
-const nsubE = "⫅̸";
-const nsube = "⊈";
-const nsubset = "⊂⃒";
-const nsubseteq = "⊈";
-const nsubseteqq = "⫅̸";
-const nsucc = "⊁";
-const nsucceq = "⪰̸";
-const nsup = "⊅";
-const nsupE = "⫆̸";
-const nsupe = "⊉";
-const nsupset = "⊃⃒";
-const nsupseteq = "⊉";
-const nsupseteqq = "⫆̸";
-const ntgl = "≹";
-const ntild = "ñ";
-const ntilde = "ñ";
-const ntlg = "≸";
-const ntriangleleft = "⋪";
-const ntrianglelefteq = "⋬";
-const ntriangleright = "⋫";
-const ntrianglerighteq = "⋭";
-const nu = "ν";
-const num = "#";
-const numero = "№";
-const numsp = " ";
-const nvDash = "⊭";
-const nvHarr = "⤄";
-const nvap = "≍⃒";
-const nvdash = "⊬";
-const nvge = "≥⃒";
-const nvgt = ">⃒";
-const nvinfin = "⧞";
-const nvlArr = "⤂";
-const nvle = "≤⃒";
-const nvlt = "<⃒";
-const nvltrie = "⊴⃒";
-const nvrArr = "⤃";
-const nvrtrie = "⊵⃒";
-const nvsim = "∼⃒";
-const nwArr = "⇖";
-const nwarhk = "⤣";
-const nwarr = "↖";
-const nwarrow = "↖";
-const nwnear = "⤧";
-const oS = "Ⓢ";
-const oacut = "ó";
-const oacute = "ó";
-const oast = "⊛";
-const ocir = "ô";
-const ocirc = "ô";
-const ocy = "о";
-const odash = "⊝";
-const odblac = "ő";
-const odiv = "⨸";
-const odot = "⊙";
-const odsold = "⦼";
-const oelig = "œ";
-const ofcir = "⦿";
-const ofr = "𝔬";
-const ogon = "˛";
-const ograv = "ò";
-const ograve = "ò";
-const ogt = "⧁";
-const ohbar = "⦵";
-const ohm = "Ω";
-const oint = "∮";
-const olarr = "↺";
-const olcir = "⦾";
-const olcross = "⦻";
-const oline = "‾";
-const olt = "⧀";
-const omacr = "ō";
-const omega = "ω";
-const omicron = "ο";
-const omid = "⦶";
-const ominus = "⊖";
-const oopf = "𝕠";
-const opar = "⦷";
-const operp = "⦹";
-const oplus = "⊕";
-const or = "∨";
-const orarr = "↻";
-const ord = "º";
-const order = "ℴ";
-const orderof = "ℴ";
-const ordf = "ª";
-const ordm = "º";
-const origof = "⊶";
-const oror = "⩖";
-const orslope = "⩗";
-const orv = "⩛";
-const oscr = "ℴ";
-const oslas = "ø";
-const oslash = "ø";
-const osol = "⊘";
-const otild = "õ";
-const otilde = "õ";
-const otimes = "⊗";
-const otimesas = "⨶";
-const oum = "ö";
-const ouml = "ö";
-const ovbar = "⌽";
-const par = "¶";
-const para = "¶";
-const parallel = "∥";
-const parsim = "⫳";
-const parsl = "⫽";
-const part = "∂";
-const pcy = "п";
-const percnt = "%";
-const period = ".";
-const permil = "‰";
-const perp = "⊥";
-const pertenk = "‱";
-const pfr = "𝔭";
-const phi = "φ";
-const phiv = "ϕ";
-const phmmat = "ℳ";
-const phone = "☎";
-const pi = "π";
-const pitchfork = "⋔";
-const piv = "ϖ";
-const planck = "ℏ";
-const planckh = "ℎ";
-const plankv = "ℏ";
-const plus = "+";
-const plusacir = "⨣";
-const plusb = "⊞";
-const pluscir = "⨢";
-const plusdo = "∔";
-const plusdu = "⨥";
-const pluse = "⩲";
-const plusm = "±";
-const plusmn = "±";
-const plussim = "⨦";
-const plustwo = "⨧";
-const pm = "±";
-const pointint = "⨕";
-const popf = "𝕡";
-const poun = "£";
-const pound = "£";
-const pr = "≺";
-const prE = "⪳";
-const prap = "⪷";
-const prcue = "≼";
-const pre = "⪯";
-const prec = "≺";
-const precapprox = "⪷";
-const preccurlyeq = "≼";
-const preceq = "⪯";
-const precnapprox = "⪹";
-const precneqq = "⪵";
-const precnsim = "⋨";
-const precsim = "≾";
-const prime = "′";
-const primes = "ℙ";
-const prnE = "⪵";
-const prnap = "⪹";
-const prnsim = "⋨";
-const prod = "∏";
-const profalar = "⌮";
-const profline = "⌒";
-const profsurf = "⌓";
-const prop = "∝";
-const propto = "∝";
-const prsim = "≾";
-const prurel = "⊰";
-const pscr = "𝓅";
-const psi = "ψ";
-const puncsp = " ";
-const qfr = "𝔮";
-const qint = "⨌";
-const qopf = "𝕢";
-const qprime = "⁗";
-const qscr = "𝓆";
-const quaternions = "ℍ";
-const quatint = "⨖";
-const quest = "?";
-const questeq = "≟";
-const quo = "\"";
-const quot = "\"";
-const rAarr = "⇛";
-const rArr = "⇒";
-const rAtail = "⤜";
-const rBarr = "⤏";
-const rHar = "⥤";
-const race = "∽̱";
-const racute = "ŕ";
-const radic = "√";
-const raemptyv = "⦳";
-const rang = "⟩";
-const rangd = "⦒";
-const range = "⦥";
-const rangle = "⟩";
-const raqu = "»";
-const raquo = "»";
-const rarr = "→";
-const rarrap = "⥵";
-const rarrb = "⇥";
-const rarrbfs = "⤠";
-const rarrc = "⤳";
-const rarrfs = "⤞";
-const rarrhk = "↪";
-const rarrlp = "↬";
-const rarrpl = "⥅";
-const rarrsim = "⥴";
-const rarrtl = "↣";
-const rarrw = "↝";
-const ratail = "⤚";
-const ratio = "∶";
-const rationals = "ℚ";
-const rbarr = "⤍";
-const rbbrk = "❳";
-const rbrace = "}";
-const rbrack = "]";
-const rbrke = "⦌";
-const rbrksld = "⦎";
-const rbrkslu = "⦐";
-const rcaron = "ř";
-const rcedil = "ŗ";
-const rceil = "⌉";
-const rcub = "}";
-const rcy = "р";
-const rdca = "⤷";
-const rdldhar = "⥩";
-const rdquo = "”";
-const rdquor = "”";
-const rdsh = "↳";
-const real = "ℜ";
-const realine = "ℛ";
-const realpart = "ℜ";
-const reals = "ℝ";
-const rect = "▭";
-const re$4 = "®";
-const reg = "®";
-const rfisht = "⥽";
-const rfloor = "⌋";
-const rfr = "𝔯";
-const rhard = "⇁";
-const rharu = "⇀";
-const rharul = "⥬";
-const rho = "ρ";
-const rhov = "ϱ";
-const rightarrow = "→";
-const rightarrowtail = "↣";
-const rightharpoondown = "⇁";
-const rightharpoonup = "⇀";
-const rightleftarrows = "⇄";
-const rightleftharpoons = "⇌";
-const rightrightarrows = "⇉";
-const rightsquigarrow = "↝";
-const rightthreetimes = "⋌";
-const ring = "˚";
-const risingdotseq = "≓";
-const rlarr = "⇄";
-const rlhar = "⇌";
-const rlm = "‏";
-const rmoust = "⎱";
-const rmoustache = "⎱";
-const rnmid = "⫮";
-const roang = "⟭";
-const roarr = "⇾";
-const robrk = "⟧";
-const ropar = "⦆";
-const ropf = "𝕣";
-const roplus = "⨮";
-const rotimes = "⨵";
-const rpar = ")";
-const rpargt = "⦔";
-const rppolint = "⨒";
-const rrarr = "⇉";
-const rsaquo = "›";
-const rscr = "𝓇";
-const rsh = "↱";
-const rsqb = "]";
-const rsquo = "’";
-const rsquor = "’";
-const rthree = "⋌";
-const rtimes = "⋊";
-const rtri = "▹";
-const rtrie = "⊵";
-const rtrif = "▸";
-const rtriltri = "⧎";
-const ruluhar = "⥨";
-const rx = "℞";
-const sacute = "ś";
-const sbquo = "‚";
-const sc = "≻";
-const scE = "⪴";
-const scap = "⪸";
-const scaron = "š";
-const sccue = "≽";
-const sce = "⪰";
-const scedil = "ş";
-const scirc = "ŝ";
-const scnE = "⪶";
-const scnap = "⪺";
-const scnsim = "⋩";
-const scpolint = "⨓";
-const scsim = "≿";
-const scy = "с";
-const sdot = "⋅";
-const sdotb = "⊡";
-const sdote = "⩦";
-const seArr = "⇘";
-const searhk = "⤥";
-const searr = "↘";
-const searrow = "↘";
-const sec = "§";
-const sect = "§";
-const semi = ";";
-const seswar = "⤩";
-const setminus = "∖";
-const setmn = "∖";
-const sext = "✶";
-const sfr = "𝔰";
-const sfrown = "⌢";
-const sharp = "♯";
-const shchcy = "щ";
-const shcy = "ш";
-const shortmid = "∣";
-const shortparallel = "∥";
-const sh = "­";
-const shy = "­";
-const sigma = "σ";
-const sigmaf = "ς";
-const sigmav = "ς";
-const sim = "∼";
-const simdot = "⩪";
-const sime = "≃";
-const simeq = "≃";
-const simg = "⪞";
-const simgE = "⪠";
-const siml = "⪝";
-const simlE = "⪟";
-const simne = "≆";
-const simplus = "⨤";
-const simrarr = "⥲";
-const slarr = "←";
-const smallsetminus = "∖";
-const smashp = "⨳";
-const smeparsl = "⧤";
-const smid = "∣";
-const smile = "⌣";
-const smt = "⪪";
-const smte = "⪬";
-const smtes = "⪬︀";
-const softcy = "ь";
-const sol = "/";
-const solb = "⧄";
-const solbar = "⌿";
-const sopf = "𝕤";
-const spades = "♠";
-const spadesuit = "♠";
-const spar = "∥";
-const sqcap = "⊓";
-const sqcaps = "⊓︀";
-const sqcup = "⊔";
-const sqcups = "⊔︀";
-const sqsub = "⊏";
-const sqsube = "⊑";
-const sqsubset = "⊏";
-const sqsubseteq = "⊑";
-const sqsup = "⊐";
-const sqsupe = "⊒";
-const sqsupset = "⊐";
-const sqsupseteq = "⊒";
-const squ = "□";
-const square = "□";
-const squarf = "▪";
-const squf = "▪";
-const srarr = "→";
-const sscr = "𝓈";
-const ssetmn = "∖";
-const ssmile = "⌣";
-const sstarf = "⋆";
-const star = "☆";
-const starf = "★";
-const straightepsilon = "ϵ";
-const straightphi = "ϕ";
-const strns = "¯";
-const sub = "⊂";
-const subE = "⫅";
-const subdot = "⪽";
-const sube = "⊆";
-const subedot = "⫃";
-const submult = "⫁";
-const subnE = "⫋";
-const subne = "⊊";
-const subplus = "⪿";
-const subrarr = "⥹";
-const subset = "⊂";
-const subseteq = "⊆";
-const subseteqq = "⫅";
-const subsetneq = "⊊";
-const subsetneqq = "⫋";
-const subsim = "⫇";
-const subsub = "⫕";
-const subsup = "⫓";
-const succ = "≻";
-const succapprox = "⪸";
-const succcurlyeq = "≽";
-const succeq = "⪰";
-const succnapprox = "⪺";
-const succneqq = "⪶";
-const succnsim = "⋩";
-const succsim = "≿";
-const sum = "∑";
-const sung = "♪";
-const sup = "⊃";
-const sup1 = "¹";
-const sup2 = "²";
-const sup3 = "³";
-const supE = "⫆";
-const supdot = "⪾";
-const supdsub = "⫘";
-const supe = "⊇";
-const supedot = "⫄";
-const suphsol = "⟉";
-const suphsub = "⫗";
-const suplarr = "⥻";
-const supmult = "⫂";
-const supnE = "⫌";
-const supne = "⊋";
-const supplus = "⫀";
-const supset = "⊃";
-const supseteq = "⊇";
-const supseteqq = "⫆";
-const supsetneq = "⊋";
-const supsetneqq = "⫌";
-const supsim = "⫈";
-const supsub = "⫔";
-const supsup = "⫖";
-const swArr = "⇙";
-const swarhk = "⤦";
-const swarr = "↙";
-const swarrow = "↙";
-const swnwar = "⤪";
-const szli = "ß";
-const szlig = "ß";
-const target = "⌖";
-const tau = "τ";
-const tbrk = "⎴";
-const tcaron = "ť";
-const tcedil = "ţ";
-const tcy = "т";
-const tdot = "⃛";
-const telrec = "⌕";
-const tfr = "𝔱";
-const there4 = "∴";
-const therefore = "∴";
-const theta = "θ";
-const thetasym = "ϑ";
-const thetav = "ϑ";
-const thickapprox = "≈";
-const thicksim = "∼";
-const thinsp = " ";
-const thkap = "≈";
-const thksim = "∼";
-const thor = "þ";
-const thorn = "þ";
-const tilde = "˜";
-const time = "×";
-const times = "×";
-const timesb = "⊠";
-const timesbar = "⨱";
-const timesd = "⨰";
-const tint = "∭";
-const toea = "⤨";
-const top = "⊤";
-const topbot = "⌶";
-const topcir = "⫱";
-const topf = "𝕥";
-const topfork = "⫚";
-const tosa = "⤩";
-const tprime = "‴";
-const trade = "™";
-const triangle = "▵";
-const triangledown = "▿";
-const triangleleft = "◃";
-const trianglelefteq = "⊴";
-const triangleq = "≜";
-const triangleright = "▹";
-const trianglerighteq = "⊵";
-const tridot = "◬";
-const trie = "≜";
-const triminus = "⨺";
-const triplus = "⨹";
-const trisb = "⧍";
-const tritime = "⨻";
-const trpezium = "⏢";
-const tscr = "𝓉";
-const tscy = "ц";
-const tshcy = "ћ";
-const tstrok = "ŧ";
-const twixt = "≬";
-const twoheadleftarrow = "↞";
-const twoheadrightarrow = "↠";
-const uArr = "⇑";
-const uHar = "⥣";
-const uacut = "ú";
-const uacute = "ú";
-const uarr = "↑";
-const ubrcy = "ў";
-const ubreve = "ŭ";
-const ucir = "û";
-const ucirc = "û";
-const ucy = "у";
-const udarr = "⇅";
-const udblac = "ű";
-const udhar = "⥮";
-const ufisht = "⥾";
-const ufr = "𝔲";
-const ugrav = "ù";
-const ugrave = "ù";
-const uharl = "↿";
-const uharr = "↾";
-const uhblk = "▀";
-const ulcorn = "⌜";
-const ulcorner = "⌜";
-const ulcrop = "⌏";
-const ultri = "◸";
-const umacr = "ū";
-const um = "¨";
-const uml = "¨";
-const uogon = "ų";
-const uopf = "𝕦";
-const uparrow = "↑";
-const updownarrow = "↕";
-const upharpoonleft = "↿";
-const upharpoonright = "↾";
-const uplus = "⊎";
-const upsi = "υ";
-const upsih = "ϒ";
-const upsilon = "υ";
-const upuparrows = "⇈";
-const urcorn = "⌝";
-const urcorner = "⌝";
-const urcrop = "⌎";
-const uring = "ů";
-const urtri = "◹";
-const uscr = "𝓊";
-const utdot = "⋰";
-const utilde = "ũ";
-const utri = "▵";
-const utrif = "▴";
-const uuarr = "⇈";
-const uum = "ü";
-const uuml = "ü";
-const uwangle = "⦧";
-const vArr = "⇕";
-const vBar = "⫨";
-const vBarv = "⫩";
-const vDash = "⊨";
-const vangrt = "⦜";
-const varepsilon = "ϵ";
-const varkappa = "ϰ";
-const varnothing = "∅";
-const varphi = "ϕ";
-const varpi = "ϖ";
-const varpropto = "∝";
-const varr = "↕";
-const varrho = "ϱ";
-const varsigma = "ς";
-const varsubsetneq = "⊊︀";
-const varsubsetneqq = "⫋︀";
-const varsupsetneq = "⊋︀";
-const varsupsetneqq = "⫌︀";
-const vartheta = "ϑ";
-const vartriangleleft = "⊲";
-const vartriangleright = "⊳";
-const vcy = "в";
-const vdash = "⊢";
-const vee = "∨";
-const veebar = "⊻";
-const veeeq = "≚";
-const vellip = "⋮";
-const verbar = "|";
-const vert = "|";
-const vfr = "𝔳";
-const vltri = "⊲";
-const vnsub = "⊂⃒";
-const vnsup = "⊃⃒";
-const vopf = "𝕧";
-const vprop = "∝";
-const vrtri = "⊳";
-const vscr = "𝓋";
-const vsubnE = "⫋︀";
-const vsubne = "⊊︀";
-const vsupnE = "⫌︀";
-const vsupne = "⊋︀";
-const vzigzag = "⦚";
-const wcirc = "ŵ";
-const wedbar = "⩟";
-const wedge = "∧";
-const wedgeq = "≙";
-const weierp = "℘";
-const wfr = "𝔴";
-const wopf = "𝕨";
-const wp = "℘";
-const wr = "≀";
-const wreath = "≀";
-const wscr = "𝓌";
-const xcap = "⋂";
-const xcirc = "◯";
-const xcup = "⋃";
-const xdtri = "▽";
-const xfr = "𝔵";
-const xhArr = "⟺";
-const xharr = "⟷";
-const xi = "ξ";
-const xlArr = "⟸";
-const xlarr = "⟵";
-const xmap = "⟼";
-const xnis = "⋻";
-const xodot = "⨀";
-const xopf = "𝕩";
-const xoplus = "⨁";
-const xotime = "⨂";
-const xrArr = "⟹";
-const xrarr = "⟶";
-const xscr = "𝓍";
-const xsqcup = "⨆";
-const xuplus = "⨄";
-const xutri = "△";
-const xvee = "⋁";
-const xwedge = "⋀";
-const yacut = "ý";
-const yacute = "ý";
-const yacy = "я";
-const ycirc = "ŷ";
-const ycy = "ы";
-const ye = "¥";
-const yen = "¥";
-const yfr = "𝔶";
-const yicy = "ї";
-const yopf = "𝕪";
-const yscr = "𝓎";
-const yucy = "ю";
-const yum = "ÿ";
-const yuml = "ÿ";
-const zacute = "ź";
-const zcaron = "ž";
-const zcy = "з";
-const zdot = "ż";
-const zeetrf = "ℨ";
-const zeta = "ζ";
-const zfr = "𝔷";
-const zhcy = "ж";
-const zigrarr = "⇝";
-const zopf = "𝕫";
-const zscr = "𝓏";
-const zwj = "‍";
-const zwnj = "‌";
-var require$$0 = {
- AEli: AEli,
- AElig: AElig,
- AM: AM,
- Aacut: Aacut,
- Aacute: Aacute,
- Abreve: Abreve,
- Acir: Acir,
- Acirc: Acirc,
- Acy: Acy,
- Afr: Afr,
- Agrav: Agrav,
- Agrave: Agrave,
- Alpha: Alpha,
- Amacr: Amacr,
- And: And,
- Aogon: Aogon,
- Aopf: Aopf,
- ApplyFunction: ApplyFunction,
- Arin: Arin,
- Aring: Aring,
- Ascr: Ascr,
- Assign: Assign,
- Atild: Atild,
- Atilde: Atilde,
- Aum: Aum,
- Auml: Auml,
- Backslash: Backslash,
- Barv: Barv,
- Barwed: Barwed,
- Bcy: Bcy,
- Because: Because,
- Bernoullis: Bernoullis,
- Beta: Beta,
- Bfr: Bfr,
- Bopf: Bopf,
- Breve: Breve,
- Bscr: Bscr,
- Bumpeq: Bumpeq,
- CHcy: CHcy,
- Cacute: Cacute,
- Cap: Cap,
- CapitalDifferentialD: CapitalDifferentialD,
- Cayleys: Cayleys,
- Ccaron: Ccaron,
- Ccedi: Ccedi,
- Ccedil: Ccedil,
- Ccirc: Ccirc,
- Cconint: Cconint,
- Cdot: Cdot,
- Cedilla: Cedilla,
- CenterDot: CenterDot,
- Cfr: Cfr,
- Chi: Chi,
- CircleDot: CircleDot,
- CircleMinus: CircleMinus,
- CirclePlus: CirclePlus,
- CircleTimes: CircleTimes,
- ClockwiseContourIntegral: ClockwiseContourIntegral,
- CloseCurlyDoubleQuote: CloseCurlyDoubleQuote,
- CloseCurlyQuote: CloseCurlyQuote,
- Colon: Colon,
- Colone: Colone,
- Congruent: Congruent,
- Conint: Conint,
- ContourIntegral: ContourIntegral,
- Copf: Copf,
- Coproduct: Coproduct,
- CounterClockwiseContourIntegral: CounterClockwiseContourIntegral,
- Cross: Cross,
- Cscr: Cscr,
- Cup: Cup,
- CupCap: CupCap,
- DD: DD,
- DDotrahd: DDotrahd,
- DJcy: DJcy,
- DScy: DScy,
- DZcy: DZcy,
- Dagger: Dagger,
- Darr: Darr,
- Dashv: Dashv,
- Dcaron: Dcaron,
- Dcy: Dcy,
- Del: Del,
- Delta: Delta,
- Dfr: Dfr,
- DiacriticalAcute: DiacriticalAcute,
- DiacriticalDot: DiacriticalDot,
- DiacriticalDoubleAcute: DiacriticalDoubleAcute,
- DiacriticalGrave: DiacriticalGrave,
- DiacriticalTilde: DiacriticalTilde,
- Diamond: Diamond,
- DifferentialD: DifferentialD,
- Dopf: Dopf,
- Dot: Dot,
- DotDot: DotDot,
- DotEqual: DotEqual,
- DoubleContourIntegral: DoubleContourIntegral,
- DoubleDot: DoubleDot,
- DoubleDownArrow: DoubleDownArrow,
- DoubleLeftArrow: DoubleLeftArrow,
- DoubleLeftRightArrow: DoubleLeftRightArrow,
- DoubleLeftTee: DoubleLeftTee,
- DoubleLongLeftArrow: DoubleLongLeftArrow,
- DoubleLongLeftRightArrow: DoubleLongLeftRightArrow,
- DoubleLongRightArrow: DoubleLongRightArrow,
- DoubleRightArrow: DoubleRightArrow,
- DoubleRightTee: DoubleRightTee,
- DoubleUpArrow: DoubleUpArrow,
- DoubleUpDownArrow: DoubleUpDownArrow,
- DoubleVerticalBar: DoubleVerticalBar,
- DownArrow: DownArrow,
- DownArrowBar: DownArrowBar,
- DownArrowUpArrow: DownArrowUpArrow,
- DownBreve: DownBreve,
- DownLeftRightVector: DownLeftRightVector,
- DownLeftTeeVector: DownLeftTeeVector,
- DownLeftVector: DownLeftVector,
- DownLeftVectorBar: DownLeftVectorBar,
- DownRightTeeVector: DownRightTeeVector,
- DownRightVector: DownRightVector,
- DownRightVectorBar: DownRightVectorBar,
- DownTee: DownTee,
- DownTeeArrow: DownTeeArrow,
- Downarrow: Downarrow,
- Dscr: Dscr,
- Dstrok: Dstrok,
- ET: ET,
- Eacut: Eacut,
- Eacute: Eacute,
- Ecaron: Ecaron,
- Ecir: Ecir,
- Ecirc: Ecirc,
- Ecy: Ecy,
- Edot: Edot,
- Efr: Efr,
- Egrav: Egrav,
- Egrave: Egrave,
- Element: Element,
- Emacr: Emacr,
- EmptySmallSquare: EmptySmallSquare,
- EmptyVerySmallSquare: EmptyVerySmallSquare,
- Eogon: Eogon,
- Eopf: Eopf,
- Epsilon: Epsilon,
- Equal: Equal,
- EqualTilde: EqualTilde,
- Equilibrium: Equilibrium,
- Escr: Escr,
- Esim: Esim,
- Eta: Eta,
- Eum: Eum,
- Euml: Euml,
- Exists: Exists,
- ExponentialE: ExponentialE,
- Fcy: Fcy,
- Ffr: Ffr,
- FilledSmallSquare: FilledSmallSquare,
- FilledVerySmallSquare: FilledVerySmallSquare,
- Fopf: Fopf,
- ForAll: ForAll,
- Fouriertrf: Fouriertrf,
- Fscr: Fscr,
- GJcy: GJcy,
- G: G,
- GT: GT,
- Gamma: Gamma,
- Gammad: Gammad,
- Gbreve: Gbreve,
- Gcedil: Gcedil,
- Gcirc: Gcirc,
- Gcy: Gcy,
- Gdot: Gdot,
- Gfr: Gfr,
- Gg: Gg,
- Gopf: Gopf,
- GreaterEqual: GreaterEqual,
- GreaterEqualLess: GreaterEqualLess,
- GreaterFullEqual: GreaterFullEqual,
- GreaterGreater: GreaterGreater,
- GreaterLess: GreaterLess,
- GreaterSlantEqual: GreaterSlantEqual,
- GreaterTilde: GreaterTilde,
- Gscr: Gscr,
- Gt: Gt,
- HARDcy: HARDcy,
- Hacek: Hacek,
- Hat: Hat,
- Hcirc: Hcirc,
- Hfr: Hfr,
- HilbertSpace: HilbertSpace,
- Hopf: Hopf,
- HorizontalLine: HorizontalLine,
- Hscr: Hscr,
- Hstrok: Hstrok,
- HumpDownHump: HumpDownHump,
- HumpEqual: HumpEqual,
- IEcy: IEcy,
- IJlig: IJlig,
- IOcy: IOcy,
- Iacut: Iacut,
- Iacute: Iacute,
- Icir: Icir,
- Icirc: Icirc,
- Icy: Icy,
- Idot: Idot,
- Ifr: Ifr,
- Igrav: Igrav,
- Igrave: Igrave,
- Im: Im,
- Imacr: Imacr,
- ImaginaryI: ImaginaryI,
- Implies: Implies,
- Int: Int,
- Integral: Integral,
- Intersection: Intersection,
- InvisibleComma: InvisibleComma,
- InvisibleTimes: InvisibleTimes,
- Iogon: Iogon,
- Iopf: Iopf,
- Iota: Iota,
- Iscr: Iscr,
- Itilde: Itilde,
- Iukcy: Iukcy,
- Ium: Ium,
- Iuml: Iuml,
- Jcirc: Jcirc,
- Jcy: Jcy,
- Jfr: Jfr,
- Jopf: Jopf,
- Jscr: Jscr,
- Jsercy: Jsercy,
- Jukcy: Jukcy,
- KHcy: KHcy,
- KJcy: KJcy,
- Kappa: Kappa,
- Kcedil: Kcedil,
- Kcy: Kcy,
- Kfr: Kfr,
- Kopf: Kopf,
- Kscr: Kscr,
- LJcy: LJcy,
- L: L,
- LT: LT,
- Lacute: Lacute,
- Lambda: Lambda,
- Lang: Lang,
- Laplacetrf: Laplacetrf,
- Larr: Larr,
- Lcaron: Lcaron,
- Lcedil: Lcedil,
- Lcy: Lcy,
- LeftAngleBracket: LeftAngleBracket,
- LeftArrow: LeftArrow,
- LeftArrowBar: LeftArrowBar,
- LeftArrowRightArrow: LeftArrowRightArrow,
- LeftCeiling: LeftCeiling,
- LeftDoubleBracket: LeftDoubleBracket,
- LeftDownTeeVector: LeftDownTeeVector,
- LeftDownVector: LeftDownVector,
- LeftDownVectorBar: LeftDownVectorBar,
- LeftFloor: LeftFloor,
- LeftRightArrow: LeftRightArrow,
- LeftRightVector: LeftRightVector,
- LeftTee: LeftTee,
- LeftTeeArrow: LeftTeeArrow,
- LeftTeeVector: LeftTeeVector,
- LeftTriangle: LeftTriangle,
- LeftTriangleBar: LeftTriangleBar,
- LeftTriangleEqual: LeftTriangleEqual,
- LeftUpDownVector: LeftUpDownVector,
- LeftUpTeeVector: LeftUpTeeVector,
- LeftUpVector: LeftUpVector,
- LeftUpVectorBar: LeftUpVectorBar,
- LeftVector: LeftVector,
- LeftVectorBar: LeftVectorBar,
- Leftarrow: Leftarrow,
- Leftrightarrow: Leftrightarrow,
- LessEqualGreater: LessEqualGreater,
- LessFullEqual: LessFullEqual,
- LessGreater: LessGreater,
- LessLess: LessLess,
- LessSlantEqual: LessSlantEqual,
- LessTilde: LessTilde,
- Lfr: Lfr,
- Ll: Ll,
- Lleftarrow: Lleftarrow,
- Lmidot: Lmidot,
- LongLeftArrow: LongLeftArrow,
- LongLeftRightArrow: LongLeftRightArrow,
- LongRightArrow: LongRightArrow,
- Longleftarrow: Longleftarrow,
- Longleftrightarrow: Longleftrightarrow,
- Longrightarrow: Longrightarrow,
- Lopf: Lopf,
- LowerLeftArrow: LowerLeftArrow,
- LowerRightArrow: LowerRightArrow,
- Lscr: Lscr,
- Lsh: Lsh,
- Lstrok: Lstrok,
- Lt: Lt,
- "Map": "⤅",
- Mcy: Mcy,
- MediumSpace: MediumSpace,
- Mellintrf: Mellintrf,
- Mfr: Mfr,
- MinusPlus: MinusPlus,
- Mopf: Mopf,
- Mscr: Mscr,
- Mu: Mu,
- NJcy: NJcy,
- Nacute: Nacute,
- Ncaron: Ncaron,
- Ncedil: Ncedil,
- Ncy: Ncy,
- NegativeMediumSpace: NegativeMediumSpace,
- NegativeThickSpace: NegativeThickSpace,
- NegativeThinSpace: NegativeThinSpace,
- NegativeVeryThinSpace: NegativeVeryThinSpace,
- NestedGreaterGreater: NestedGreaterGreater,
- NestedLessLess: NestedLessLess,
- NewLine: NewLine,
- Nfr: Nfr,
- NoBreak: NoBreak,
- NonBreakingSpace: NonBreakingSpace,
- Nopf: Nopf,
- Not: Not,
- NotCongruent: NotCongruent,
- NotCupCap: NotCupCap,
- NotDoubleVerticalBar: NotDoubleVerticalBar,
- NotElement: NotElement,
- NotEqual: NotEqual,
- NotEqualTilde: NotEqualTilde,
- NotExists: NotExists,
- NotGreater: NotGreater,
- NotGreaterEqual: NotGreaterEqual,
- NotGreaterFullEqual: NotGreaterFullEqual,
- NotGreaterGreater: NotGreaterGreater,
- NotGreaterLess: NotGreaterLess,
- NotGreaterSlantEqual: NotGreaterSlantEqual,
- NotGreaterTilde: NotGreaterTilde,
- NotHumpDownHump: NotHumpDownHump,
- NotHumpEqual: NotHumpEqual,
- NotLeftTriangle: NotLeftTriangle,
- NotLeftTriangleBar: NotLeftTriangleBar,
- NotLeftTriangleEqual: NotLeftTriangleEqual,
- NotLess: NotLess,
- NotLessEqual: NotLessEqual,
- NotLessGreater: NotLessGreater,
- NotLessLess: NotLessLess,
- NotLessSlantEqual: NotLessSlantEqual,
- NotLessTilde: NotLessTilde,
- NotNestedGreaterGreater: NotNestedGreaterGreater,
- NotNestedLessLess: NotNestedLessLess,
- NotPrecedes: NotPrecedes,
- NotPrecedesEqual: NotPrecedesEqual,
- NotPrecedesSlantEqual: NotPrecedesSlantEqual,
- NotReverseElement: NotReverseElement,
- NotRightTriangle: NotRightTriangle,
- NotRightTriangleBar: NotRightTriangleBar,
- NotRightTriangleEqual: NotRightTriangleEqual,
- NotSquareSubset: NotSquareSubset,
- NotSquareSubsetEqual: NotSquareSubsetEqual,
- NotSquareSuperset: NotSquareSuperset,
- NotSquareSupersetEqual: NotSquareSupersetEqual,
- NotSubset: NotSubset,
- NotSubsetEqual: NotSubsetEqual,
- NotSucceeds: NotSucceeds,
- NotSucceedsEqual: NotSucceedsEqual,
- NotSucceedsSlantEqual: NotSucceedsSlantEqual,
- NotSucceedsTilde: NotSucceedsTilde,
- NotSuperset: NotSuperset,
- NotSupersetEqual: NotSupersetEqual,
- NotTilde: NotTilde,
- NotTildeEqual: NotTildeEqual,
- NotTildeFullEqual: NotTildeFullEqual,
- NotTildeTilde: NotTildeTilde,
- NotVerticalBar: NotVerticalBar,
- Nscr: Nscr,
- Ntild: Ntild,
- Ntilde: Ntilde,
- Nu: Nu,
- OElig: OElig,
- Oacut: Oacut,
- Oacute: Oacute,
- Ocir: Ocir,
- Ocirc: Ocirc,
- Ocy: Ocy,
- Odblac: Odblac,
- Ofr: Ofr,
- Ograv: Ograv,
- Ograve: Ograve,
- Omacr: Omacr,
- Omega: Omega,
- Omicron: Omicron,
- Oopf: Oopf,
- OpenCurlyDoubleQuote: OpenCurlyDoubleQuote,
- OpenCurlyQuote: OpenCurlyQuote,
- Or: Or,
- Oscr: Oscr,
- Oslas: Oslas,
- Oslash: Oslash,
- Otild: Otild,
- Otilde: Otilde,
- Otimes: Otimes,
- Oum: Oum,
- Ouml: Ouml,
- OverBar: OverBar,
- OverBrace: OverBrace,
- OverBracket: OverBracket,
- OverParenthesis: OverParenthesis,
- PartialD: PartialD,
- Pcy: Pcy,
- Pfr: Pfr,
- Phi: Phi,
- Pi: Pi,
- PlusMinus: PlusMinus,
- Poincareplane: Poincareplane,
- Popf: Popf,
- Pr: Pr,
- Precedes: Precedes,
- PrecedesEqual: PrecedesEqual,
- PrecedesSlantEqual: PrecedesSlantEqual,
- PrecedesTilde: PrecedesTilde,
- Prime: Prime,
- Product: Product,
- Proportion: Proportion,
- Proportional: Proportional,
- Pscr: Pscr,
- Psi: Psi,
- Qfr: Qfr,
- Qopf: Qopf,
- Qscr: Qscr,
- RBarr: RBarr,
- RE: RE,
- Racute: Racute,
- Rang: Rang,
- Rarr: Rarr,
- Rarrtl: Rarrtl,
- Rcaron: Rcaron,
- Rcedil: Rcedil,
- Rcy: Rcy,
- Re: Re,
- ReverseElement: ReverseElement,
- ReverseEquilibrium: ReverseEquilibrium,
- ReverseUpEquilibrium: ReverseUpEquilibrium,
- Rfr: Rfr,
- Rho: Rho,
- RightAngleBracket: RightAngleBracket,
- RightArrow: RightArrow,
- RightArrowBar: RightArrowBar,
- RightArrowLeftArrow: RightArrowLeftArrow,
- RightCeiling: RightCeiling,
- RightDoubleBracket: RightDoubleBracket,
- RightDownTeeVector: RightDownTeeVector,
- RightDownVector: RightDownVector,
- RightDownVectorBar: RightDownVectorBar,
- RightFloor: RightFloor,
- RightTee: RightTee,
- RightTeeArrow: RightTeeArrow,
- RightTeeVector: RightTeeVector,
- RightTriangle: RightTriangle,
- RightTriangleBar: RightTriangleBar,
- RightTriangleEqual: RightTriangleEqual,
- RightUpDownVector: RightUpDownVector,
- RightUpTeeVector: RightUpTeeVector,
- RightUpVector: RightUpVector,
- RightUpVectorBar: RightUpVectorBar,
- RightVector: RightVector,
- RightVectorBar: RightVectorBar,
- Rightarrow: Rightarrow,
- Ropf: Ropf,
- RoundImplies: RoundImplies,
- Rrightarrow: Rrightarrow,
- Rscr: Rscr,
- Rsh: Rsh,
- RuleDelayed: RuleDelayed,
- SHCHcy: SHCHcy,
- SHcy: SHcy,
- SOFTcy: SOFTcy,
- Sacute: Sacute,
- Sc: Sc,
- Scaron: Scaron,
- Scedil: Scedil,
- Scirc: Scirc,
- Scy: Scy,
- Sfr: Sfr,
- ShortDownArrow: ShortDownArrow,
- ShortLeftArrow: ShortLeftArrow,
- ShortRightArrow: ShortRightArrow,
- ShortUpArrow: ShortUpArrow,
- Sigma: Sigma,
- SmallCircle: SmallCircle,
- Sopf: Sopf,
- Sqrt: Sqrt,
- Square: Square,
- SquareIntersection: SquareIntersection,
- SquareSubset: SquareSubset,
- SquareSubsetEqual: SquareSubsetEqual,
- SquareSuperset: SquareSuperset,
- SquareSupersetEqual: SquareSupersetEqual,
- SquareUnion: SquareUnion,
- Sscr: Sscr,
- Star: Star,
- Sub: Sub,
- Subset: Subset,
- SubsetEqual: SubsetEqual,
- Succeeds: Succeeds,
- SucceedsEqual: SucceedsEqual,
- SucceedsSlantEqual: SucceedsSlantEqual,
- SucceedsTilde: SucceedsTilde,
- SuchThat: SuchThat,
- Sum: Sum,
- Sup: Sup,
- Superset: Superset,
- SupersetEqual: SupersetEqual,
- Supset: Supset,
- TSHcy: TSHcy,
- TScy: TScy,
- Tab: Tab,
- Tau: Tau,
- Tcaron: Tcaron,
- Tcedil: Tcedil,
- Tcy: Tcy,
- Tfr: Tfr,
- Therefore: Therefore,
- Theta: Theta,
- ThickSpace: ThickSpace,
- ThinSpace: ThinSpace,
- Tilde: Tilde,
- TildeEqual: TildeEqual,
- TildeFullEqual: TildeFullEqual,
- TildeTilde: TildeTilde,
- Topf: Topf,
- TripleDot: TripleDot,
- Tscr: Tscr,
- Tstrok: Tstrok,
- Uacut: Uacut,
- Uacute: Uacute,
- Uarr: Uarr,
- Uarrocir: Uarrocir,
- Ubrcy: Ubrcy,
- Ubreve: Ubreve,
- Ucir: Ucir,
- Ucirc: Ucirc,
- Ucy: Ucy,
- Udblac: Udblac,
- Ufr: Ufr,
- Ugrav: Ugrav,
- Ugrave: Ugrave,
- Umacr: Umacr,
- UnderBar: UnderBar,
- UnderBrace: UnderBrace,
- UnderBracket: UnderBracket,
- UnderParenthesis: UnderParenthesis,
- Union: Union,
- UnionPlus: UnionPlus,
- Uogon: Uogon,
- Uopf: Uopf,
- UpArrow: UpArrow,
- UpArrowBar: UpArrowBar,
- UpArrowDownArrow: UpArrowDownArrow,
- UpDownArrow: UpDownArrow,
- UpEquilibrium: UpEquilibrium,
- UpTee: UpTee,
- UpTeeArrow: UpTeeArrow,
- Uparrow: Uparrow,
- Updownarrow: Updownarrow,
- UpperLeftArrow: UpperLeftArrow,
- UpperRightArrow: UpperRightArrow,
- Upsi: Upsi,
- Upsilon: Upsilon,
- Uring: Uring,
- Uscr: Uscr,
- Utilde: Utilde,
- Uum: Uum,
- Uuml: Uuml,
- VDash: VDash,
- Vbar: Vbar,
- Vcy: Vcy,
- Vdash: Vdash,
- Vdashl: Vdashl,
- Vee: Vee,
- Verbar: Verbar,
- Vert: Vert,
- VerticalBar: VerticalBar,
- VerticalLine: VerticalLine,
- VerticalSeparator: VerticalSeparator,
- VerticalTilde: VerticalTilde,
- VeryThinSpace: VeryThinSpace,
- Vfr: Vfr,
- Vopf: Vopf,
- Vscr: Vscr,
- Vvdash: Vvdash,
- Wcirc: Wcirc,
- Wedge: Wedge,
- Wfr: Wfr,
- Wopf: Wopf,
- Wscr: Wscr,
- Xfr: Xfr,
- Xi: Xi,
- Xopf: Xopf,
- Xscr: Xscr,
- YAcy: YAcy,
- YIcy: YIcy,
- YUcy: YUcy,
- Yacut: Yacut,
- Yacute: Yacute,
- Ycirc: Ycirc,
- Ycy: Ycy,
- Yfr: Yfr,
- Yopf: Yopf,
- Yscr: Yscr,
- Yuml: Yuml,
- ZHcy: ZHcy,
- Zacute: Zacute,
- Zcaron: Zcaron,
- Zcy: Zcy,
- Zdot: Zdot,
- ZeroWidthSpace: ZeroWidthSpace,
- Zeta: Zeta,
- Zfr: Zfr,
- Zopf: Zopf,
- Zscr: Zscr,
- aacut: aacut,
- aacute: aacute,
- abreve: abreve,
- ac: ac,
- acE: acE,
- acd: acd,
- acir: acir,
- acirc: acirc,
- acut: acut,
- acute: acute,
- acy: acy,
- aeli: aeli,
- aelig: aelig,
- af: af,
- afr: afr,
- agrav: agrav,
- agrave: agrave,
- alefsym: alefsym,
- aleph: aleph,
- alpha: alpha,
- amacr: amacr,
- amalg: amalg,
- am: am,
- amp: amp,
- and: and,
- andand: andand,
- andd: andd,
- andslope: andslope,
- andv: andv,
- ang: ang,
- ange: ange,
- angle: angle,
- angmsd: angmsd,
- angmsdaa: angmsdaa,
- angmsdab: angmsdab,
- angmsdac: angmsdac,
- angmsdad: angmsdad,
- angmsdae: angmsdae,
- angmsdaf: angmsdaf,
- angmsdag: angmsdag,
- angmsdah: angmsdah,
- angrt: angrt,
- angrtvb: angrtvb,
- angrtvbd: angrtvbd,
- angsph: angsph,
- angst: angst,
- angzarr: angzarr,
- aogon: aogon,
- aopf: aopf,
- ap: ap,
- apE: apE,
- apacir: apacir,
- ape: ape,
- apid: apid,
- apos: apos,
- approx: approx,
- approxeq: approxeq,
- arin: arin,
- aring: aring,
- ascr: ascr,
- ast: ast,
- asymp: asymp,
- asympeq: asympeq,
- atild: atild,
- atilde: atilde,
- aum: aum,
- auml: auml,
- awconint: awconint,
- awint: awint,
- bNot: bNot,
- backcong: backcong,
- backepsilon: backepsilon,
- backprime: backprime,
- backsim: backsim,
- backsimeq: backsimeq,
- barvee: barvee,
- barwed: barwed,
- barwedge: barwedge,
- bbrk: bbrk,
- bbrktbrk: bbrktbrk,
- bcong: bcong,
- bcy: bcy,
- bdquo: bdquo,
- becaus: becaus,
- because: because,
- bemptyv: bemptyv,
- bepsi: bepsi,
- bernou: bernou,
- beta: beta,
- beth: beth,
- between: between,
- bfr: bfr,
- bigcap: bigcap,
- bigcirc: bigcirc,
- bigcup: bigcup,
- bigodot: bigodot,
- bigoplus: bigoplus,
- bigotimes: bigotimes,
- bigsqcup: bigsqcup,
- bigstar: bigstar,
- bigtriangledown: bigtriangledown,
- bigtriangleup: bigtriangleup,
- biguplus: biguplus,
- bigvee: bigvee,
- bigwedge: bigwedge,
- bkarow: bkarow,
- blacklozenge: blacklozenge,
- blacksquare: blacksquare,
- blacktriangle: blacktriangle,
- blacktriangledown: blacktriangledown,
- blacktriangleleft: blacktriangleleft,
- blacktriangleright: blacktriangleright,
- blank: blank,
- blk12: blk12,
- blk14: blk14,
- blk34: blk34,
- block: block,
- bne: bne,
- bnequiv: bnequiv,
- bnot: bnot,
- bopf: bopf,
- bot: bot,
- bottom: bottom,
- bowtie: bowtie,
- boxDL: boxDL,
- boxDR: boxDR,
- boxDl: boxDl,
- boxDr: boxDr,
- boxH: boxH,
- boxHD: boxHD,
- boxHU: boxHU,
- boxHd: boxHd,
- boxHu: boxHu,
- boxUL: boxUL,
- boxUR: boxUR,
- boxUl: boxUl,
- boxUr: boxUr,
- boxV: boxV,
- boxVH: boxVH,
- boxVL: boxVL,
- boxVR: boxVR,
- boxVh: boxVh,
- boxVl: boxVl,
- boxVr: boxVr,
- boxbox: boxbox,
- boxdL: boxdL,
- boxdR: boxdR,
- boxdl: boxdl,
- boxdr: boxdr,
- boxh: boxh,
- boxhD: boxhD,
- boxhU: boxhU,
- boxhd: boxhd,
- boxhu: boxhu,
- boxminus: boxminus,
- boxplus: boxplus,
- boxtimes: boxtimes,
- boxuL: boxuL,
- boxuR: boxuR,
- boxul: boxul,
- boxur: boxur,
- boxv: boxv,
- boxvH: boxvH,
- boxvL: boxvL,
- boxvR: boxvR,
- boxvh: boxvh,
- boxvl: boxvl,
- boxvr: boxvr,
- bprime: bprime,
- breve: breve,
- brvba: brvba,
- brvbar: brvbar,
- bscr: bscr,
- bsemi: bsemi,
- bsim: bsim,
- bsime: bsime,
- bsol: bsol,
- bsolb: bsolb,
- bsolhsub: bsolhsub,
- bull: bull,
- bullet: bullet,
- bump: bump,
- bumpE: bumpE,
- bumpe: bumpe,
- bumpeq: bumpeq,
- cacute: cacute,
- cap: cap,
- capand: capand,
- capbrcup: capbrcup,
- capcap: capcap,
- capcup: capcup,
- capdot: capdot,
- caps: caps,
- caret: caret,
- caron: caron,
- ccaps: ccaps,
- ccaron: ccaron,
- ccedi: ccedi,
- ccedil: ccedil,
- ccirc: ccirc,
- ccups: ccups,
- ccupssm: ccupssm,
- cdot: cdot,
- cedi: cedi,
- cedil: cedil,
- cemptyv: cemptyv,
- cen: cen,
- cent: cent,
- centerdot: centerdot,
- cfr: cfr,
- chcy: chcy,
- check: check$1,
- checkmark: checkmark,
- chi: chi,
- cir: cir,
- cirE: cirE,
- circ: circ,
- circeq: circeq,
- circlearrowleft: circlearrowleft,
- circlearrowright: circlearrowright,
- circledR: circledR,
- circledS: circledS,
- circledast: circledast,
- circledcirc: circledcirc,
- circleddash: circleddash,
- cire: cire,
- cirfnint: cirfnint,
- cirmid: cirmid,
- cirscir: cirscir,
- clubs: clubs,
- clubsuit: clubsuit,
- colon: colon,
- colone: colone,
- coloneq: coloneq,
- comma: comma,
- commat: commat,
- comp: comp,
- compfn: compfn,
- complement: complement,
- complexes: complexes,
- cong: cong,
- congdot: congdot,
- conint: conint,
- copf: copf,
- coprod: coprod,
- cop: cop,
- copy: copy,
- copysr: copysr,
- crarr: crarr,
- cross: cross,
- cscr: cscr,
- csub: csub,
- csube: csube,
- csup: csup,
- csupe: csupe,
- ctdot: ctdot,
- cudarrl: cudarrl,
- cudarrr: cudarrr,
- cuepr: cuepr,
- cuesc: cuesc,
- cularr: cularr,
- cularrp: cularrp,
- cup: cup,
- cupbrcap: cupbrcap,
- cupcap: cupcap,
- cupcup: cupcup,
- cupdot: cupdot,
- cupor: cupor,
- cups: cups,
- curarr: curarr,
- curarrm: curarrm,
- curlyeqprec: curlyeqprec,
- curlyeqsucc: curlyeqsucc,
- curlyvee: curlyvee,
- curlywedge: curlywedge,
- curre: curre,
- curren: curren,
- curvearrowleft: curvearrowleft,
- curvearrowright: curvearrowright,
- cuvee: cuvee,
- cuwed: cuwed,
- cwconint: cwconint,
- cwint: cwint,
- cylcty: cylcty,
- dArr: dArr,
- dHar: dHar,
- dagger: dagger,
- daleth: daleth,
- darr: darr,
- dash: dash,
- dashv: dashv,
- dbkarow: dbkarow,
- dblac: dblac,
- dcaron: dcaron,
- dcy: dcy,
- dd: dd,
- ddagger: ddagger,
- ddarr: ddarr,
- ddotseq: ddotseq,
- de: de,
- deg: deg,
- delta: delta,
- demptyv: demptyv,
- dfisht: dfisht,
- dfr: dfr,
- dharl: dharl,
- dharr: dharr,
- diam: diam,
- diamond: diamond,
- diamondsuit: diamondsuit,
- diams: diams,
- die: die,
- digamma: digamma,
- disin: disin,
- div: div,
- divid: divid,
- divide: divide,
- divideontimes: divideontimes,
- divonx: divonx,
- djcy: djcy,
- dlcorn: dlcorn,
- dlcrop: dlcrop,
- dollar: dollar,
- dopf: dopf,
- dot: dot,
- doteq: doteq,
- doteqdot: doteqdot,
- dotminus: dotminus,
- dotplus: dotplus,
- dotsquare: dotsquare,
- doublebarwedge: doublebarwedge,
- downarrow: downarrow,
- downdownarrows: downdownarrows,
- downharpoonleft: downharpoonleft,
- downharpoonright: downharpoonright,
- drbkarow: drbkarow,
- drcorn: drcorn,
- drcrop: drcrop,
- dscr: dscr,
- dscy: dscy,
- dsol: dsol,
- dstrok: dstrok,
- dtdot: dtdot,
- dtri: dtri,
- dtrif: dtrif,
- duarr: duarr,
- duhar: duhar,
- dwangle: dwangle,
- dzcy: dzcy,
- dzigrarr: dzigrarr,
- eDDot: eDDot,
- eDot: eDot,
- eacut: eacut,
- eacute: eacute,
- easter: easter,
- ecaron: ecaron,
- ecir: ecir,
- ecirc: ecirc,
- ecolon: ecolon,
- ecy: ecy,
- edot: edot,
- ee: ee,
- efDot: efDot,
- efr: efr,
- eg: eg,
- egrav: egrav,
- egrave: egrave,
- egs: egs,
- egsdot: egsdot,
- el: el,
- elinters: elinters,
- ell: ell,
- els: els,
- elsdot: elsdot,
- emacr: emacr,
- empty: empty,
- emptyset: emptyset,
- emptyv: emptyv,
- emsp13: emsp13,
- emsp14: emsp14,
- emsp: emsp,
- eng: eng,
- ensp: ensp,
- eogon: eogon,
- eopf: eopf,
- epar: epar,
- eparsl: eparsl,
- eplus: eplus,
- epsi: epsi,
- epsilon: epsilon,
- epsiv: epsiv,
- eqcirc: eqcirc,
- eqcolon: eqcolon,
- eqsim: eqsim,
- eqslantgtr: eqslantgtr,
- eqslantless: eqslantless,
- equals: equals,
- equest: equest,
- equiv: equiv,
- equivDD: equivDD,
- eqvparsl: eqvparsl,
- erDot: erDot,
- erarr: erarr,
- escr: escr,
- esdot: esdot,
- esim: esim,
- eta: eta,
- et: et,
- eth: eth,
- eum: eum,
- euml: euml,
- euro: euro,
- excl: excl,
- exist: exist,
- expectation: expectation,
- exponentiale: exponentiale,
- fallingdotseq: fallingdotseq,
- fcy: fcy,
- female: female,
- ffilig: ffilig,
- fflig: fflig,
- ffllig: ffllig,
- ffr: ffr,
- filig: filig,
- fjlig: fjlig,
- flat: flat,
- fllig: fllig,
- fltns: fltns,
- fnof: fnof,
- fopf: fopf,
- forall: forall,
- fork: fork,
- forkv: forkv,
- fpartint: fpartint,
- frac1: frac1,
- frac12: frac12,
- frac13: frac13,
- frac14: frac14,
- frac15: frac15,
- frac16: frac16,
- frac18: frac18,
- frac23: frac23,
- frac25: frac25,
- frac3: frac3,
- frac34: frac34,
- frac35: frac35,
- frac38: frac38,
- frac45: frac45,
- frac56: frac56,
- frac58: frac58,
- frac78: frac78,
- frasl: frasl,
- frown: frown,
- fscr: fscr,
- gE: gE,
- gEl: gEl,
- gacute: gacute,
- gamma: gamma,
- gammad: gammad,
- gap: gap,
- gbreve: gbreve,
- gcirc: gcirc,
- gcy: gcy,
- gdot: gdot,
- ge: ge,
- gel: gel,
- geq: geq,
- geqq: geqq,
- geqslant: geqslant,
- ges: ges,
- gescc: gescc,
- gesdot: gesdot,
- gesdoto: gesdoto,
- gesdotol: gesdotol,
- gesl: gesl,
- gesles: gesles,
- gfr: gfr,
- gg: gg,
- ggg: ggg,
- gimel: gimel,
- gjcy: gjcy,
- gl: gl,
- glE: glE,
- gla: gla,
- glj: glj,
- gnE: gnE,
- gnap: gnap,
- gnapprox: gnapprox,
- gne: gne,
- gneq: gneq,
- gneqq: gneqq,
- gnsim: gnsim,
- gopf: gopf,
- grave: grave,
- gscr: gscr,
- gsim: gsim,
- gsime: gsime,
- gsiml: gsiml,
- g: g,
- gt: gt,
- gtcc: gtcc,
- gtcir: gtcir,
- gtdot: gtdot,
- gtlPar: gtlPar,
- gtquest: gtquest,
- gtrapprox: gtrapprox,
- gtrarr: gtrarr,
- gtrdot: gtrdot,
- gtreqless: gtreqless,
- gtreqqless: gtreqqless,
- gtrless: gtrless,
- gtrsim: gtrsim,
- gvertneqq: gvertneqq,
- gvnE: gvnE,
- hArr: hArr,
- hairsp: hairsp,
- half: half,
- hamilt: hamilt,
- hardcy: hardcy,
- harr: harr,
- harrcir: harrcir,
- harrw: harrw,
- hbar: hbar,
- hcirc: hcirc,
- hearts: hearts,
- heartsuit: heartsuit,
- hellip: hellip,
- hercon: hercon,
- hfr: hfr,
- hksearow: hksearow,
- hkswarow: hkswarow,
- hoarr: hoarr,
- homtht: homtht,
- hookleftarrow: hookleftarrow,
- hookrightarrow: hookrightarrow,
- hopf: hopf,
- horbar: horbar,
- hscr: hscr,
- hslash: hslash,
- hstrok: hstrok,
- hybull: hybull,
- hyphen: hyphen,
- iacut: iacut,
- iacute: iacute,
- ic: ic,
- icir: icir,
- icirc: icirc,
- icy: icy,
- iecy: iecy,
- iexc: iexc,
- iexcl: iexcl,
- iff: iff,
- ifr: ifr,
- igrav: igrav,
- igrave: igrave,
- ii: ii,
- iiiint: iiiint,
- iiint: iiint,
- iinfin: iinfin,
- iiota: iiota,
- ijlig: ijlig,
- imacr: imacr,
- image: image$1,
- imagline: imagline,
- imagpart: imagpart,
- imath: imath,
- imof: imof,
- imped: imped,
- "in": "∈",
- incare: incare,
- infin: infin,
- infintie: infintie,
- inodot: inodot,
- int: int$1,
- intcal: intcal,
- integers: integers,
- intercal: intercal,
- intlarhk: intlarhk,
- intprod: intprod,
- iocy: iocy,
- iogon: iogon,
- iopf: iopf,
- iota: iota,
- iprod: iprod,
- iques: iques,
- iquest: iquest,
- iscr: iscr,
- isin: isin,
- isinE: isinE,
- isindot: isindot,
- isins: isins,
- isinsv: isinsv,
- isinv: isinv,
- it: it,
- itilde: itilde,
- iukcy: iukcy,
- ium: ium,
- iuml: iuml,
- jcirc: jcirc,
- jcy: jcy,
- jfr: jfr,
- jmath: jmath,
- jopf: jopf,
- jscr: jscr,
- jsercy: jsercy,
- jukcy: jukcy,
- kappa: kappa,
- kappav: kappav,
- kcedil: kcedil,
- kcy: kcy,
- kfr: kfr,
- kgreen: kgreen,
- khcy: khcy,
- kjcy: kjcy,
- kopf: kopf,
- kscr: kscr,
- lAarr: lAarr,
- lArr: lArr,
- lAtail: lAtail,
- lBarr: lBarr,
- lE: lE,
- lEg: lEg,
- lHar: lHar,
- lacute: lacute,
- laemptyv: laemptyv,
- lagran: lagran,
- lambda: lambda,
- lang: lang,
- langd: langd,
- langle: langle,
- lap: lap,
- laqu: laqu,
- laquo: laquo,
- larr: larr,
- larrb: larrb,
- larrbfs: larrbfs,
- larrfs: larrfs,
- larrhk: larrhk,
- larrlp: larrlp,
- larrpl: larrpl,
- larrsim: larrsim,
- larrtl: larrtl,
- lat: lat,
- latail: latail,
- late: late,
- lates: lates,
- lbarr: lbarr,
- lbbrk: lbbrk,
- lbrace: lbrace,
- lbrack: lbrack,
- lbrke: lbrke,
- lbrksld: lbrksld,
- lbrkslu: lbrkslu,
- lcaron: lcaron,
- lcedil: lcedil,
- lceil: lceil,
- lcub: lcub,
- lcy: lcy,
- ldca: ldca,
- ldquo: ldquo,
- ldquor: ldquor,
- ldrdhar: ldrdhar,
- ldrushar: ldrushar,
- ldsh: ldsh,
- le: le,
- leftarrow: leftarrow,
- leftarrowtail: leftarrowtail,
- leftharpoondown: leftharpoondown,
- leftharpoonup: leftharpoonup,
- leftleftarrows: leftleftarrows,
- leftrightarrow: leftrightarrow,
- leftrightarrows: leftrightarrows,
- leftrightharpoons: leftrightharpoons,
- leftrightsquigarrow: leftrightsquigarrow,
- leftthreetimes: leftthreetimes,
- leg: leg,
- leq: leq,
- leqq: leqq,
- leqslant: leqslant,
- les: les,
- lescc: lescc,
- lesdot: lesdot,
- lesdoto: lesdoto,
- lesdotor: lesdotor,
- lesg: lesg,
- lesges: lesges,
- lessapprox: lessapprox,
- lessdot: lessdot,
- lesseqgtr: lesseqgtr,
- lesseqqgtr: lesseqqgtr,
- lessgtr: lessgtr,
- lesssim: lesssim,
- lfisht: lfisht,
- lfloor: lfloor,
- lfr: lfr,
- lg: lg,
- lgE: lgE,
- lhard: lhard,
- lharu: lharu,
- lharul: lharul,
- lhblk: lhblk,
- ljcy: ljcy,
- ll: ll,
- llarr: llarr,
- llcorner: llcorner,
- llhard: llhard,
- lltri: lltri,
- lmidot: lmidot,
- lmoust: lmoust,
- lmoustache: lmoustache,
- lnE: lnE,
- lnap: lnap,
- lnapprox: lnapprox,
- lne: lne,
- lneq: lneq,
- lneqq: lneqq,
- lnsim: lnsim,
- loang: loang,
- loarr: loarr,
- lobrk: lobrk,
- longleftarrow: longleftarrow,
- longleftrightarrow: longleftrightarrow,
- longmapsto: longmapsto,
- longrightarrow: longrightarrow,
- looparrowleft: looparrowleft,
- looparrowright: looparrowright,
- lopar: lopar,
- lopf: lopf,
- loplus: loplus,
- lotimes: lotimes,
- lowast: lowast,
- lowbar: lowbar,
- loz: loz,
- lozenge: lozenge,
- lozf: lozf,
- lpar: lpar,
- lparlt: lparlt,
- lrarr: lrarr,
- lrcorner: lrcorner,
- lrhar: lrhar,
- lrhard: lrhard,
- lrm: lrm,
- lrtri: lrtri,
- lsaquo: lsaquo,
- lscr: lscr,
- lsh: lsh,
- lsim: lsim,
- lsime: lsime,
- lsimg: lsimg,
- lsqb: lsqb,
- lsquo: lsquo,
- lsquor: lsquor,
- lstrok: lstrok,
- l: l,
- lt: lt$1,
- ltcc: ltcc,
- ltcir: ltcir,
- ltdot: ltdot,
- lthree: lthree,
- ltimes: ltimes,
- ltlarr: ltlarr,
- ltquest: ltquest,
- ltrPar: ltrPar,
- ltri: ltri,
- ltrie: ltrie,
- ltrif: ltrif,
- lurdshar: lurdshar,
- luruhar: luruhar,
- lvertneqq: lvertneqq,
- lvnE: lvnE,
- mDDot: mDDot,
- mac: mac,
- macr: macr,
- male: male,
- malt: malt,
- maltese: maltese,
- map: map$1,
- mapsto: mapsto,
- mapstodown: mapstodown,
- mapstoleft: mapstoleft,
- mapstoup: mapstoup,
- marker: marker,
- mcomma: mcomma,
- mcy: mcy,
- mdash: mdash,
- measuredangle: measuredangle,
- mfr: mfr,
- mho: mho,
- micr: micr,
- micro: micro,
- mid: mid,
- midast: midast,
- midcir: midcir,
- middo: middo,
- middot: middot,
- minus: minus,
- minusb: minusb,
- minusd: minusd,
- minusdu: minusdu,
- mlcp: mlcp,
- mldr: mldr,
- mnplus: mnplus,
- models: models,
- mopf: mopf,
- mp: mp,
- mscr: mscr,
- mstpos: mstpos,
- mu: mu,
- multimap: multimap,
- mumap: mumap,
- nGg: nGg,
- nGt: nGt,
- nGtv: nGtv,
- nLeftarrow: nLeftarrow,
- nLeftrightarrow: nLeftrightarrow,
- nLl: nLl,
- nLt: nLt,
- nLtv: nLtv,
- nRightarrow: nRightarrow,
- nVDash: nVDash,
- nVdash: nVdash,
- nabla: nabla,
- nacute: nacute,
- nang: nang,
- nap: nap,
- napE: napE,
- napid: napid,
- napos: napos,
- napprox: napprox,
- natur: natur,
- natural: natural,
- naturals: naturals,
- nbs: nbs,
- nbsp: nbsp,
- nbump: nbump,
- nbumpe: nbumpe,
- ncap: ncap,
- ncaron: ncaron,
- ncedil: ncedil,
- ncong: ncong,
- ncongdot: ncongdot,
- ncup: ncup,
- ncy: ncy,
- ndash: ndash,
- ne: ne,
- neArr: neArr,
- nearhk: nearhk,
- nearr: nearr,
- nearrow: nearrow,
- nedot: nedot,
- nequiv: nequiv,
- nesear: nesear,
- nesim: nesim,
- nexist: nexist,
- nexists: nexists,
- nfr: nfr,
- ngE: ngE,
- nge: nge,
- ngeq: ngeq,
- ngeqq: ngeqq,
- ngeqslant: ngeqslant,
- nges: nges,
- ngsim: ngsim,
- ngt: ngt,
- ngtr: ngtr,
- nhArr: nhArr,
- nharr: nharr,
- nhpar: nhpar,
- ni: ni,
- nis: nis,
- nisd: nisd,
- niv: niv,
- njcy: njcy,
- nlArr: nlArr,
- nlE: nlE,
- nlarr: nlarr,
- nldr: nldr,
- nle: nle,
- nleftarrow: nleftarrow,
- nleftrightarrow: nleftrightarrow,
- nleq: nleq,
- nleqq: nleqq,
- nleqslant: nleqslant,
- nles: nles,
- nless: nless,
- nlsim: nlsim,
- nlt: nlt,
- nltri: nltri,
- nltrie: nltrie,
- nmid: nmid,
- nopf: nopf,
- no: no,
- not: not,
- notin: notin,
- notinE: notinE,
- notindot: notindot,
- notinva: notinva,
- notinvb: notinvb,
- notinvc: notinvc,
- notni: notni,
- notniva: notniva,
- notnivb: notnivb,
- notnivc: notnivc,
- npar: npar,
- nparallel: nparallel,
- nparsl: nparsl,
- npart: npart,
- npolint: npolint,
- npr: npr,
- nprcue: nprcue,
- npre: npre,
- nprec: nprec,
- npreceq: npreceq,
- nrArr: nrArr,
- nrarr: nrarr,
- nrarrc: nrarrc,
- nrarrw: nrarrw,
- nrightarrow: nrightarrow,
- nrtri: nrtri,
- nrtrie: nrtrie,
- nsc: nsc,
- nsccue: nsccue,
- nsce: nsce,
- nscr: nscr,
- nshortmid: nshortmid,
- nshortparallel: nshortparallel,
- nsim: nsim,
- nsime: nsime,
- nsimeq: nsimeq,
- nsmid: nsmid,
- nspar: nspar,
- nsqsube: nsqsube,
- nsqsupe: nsqsupe,
- nsub: nsub,
- nsubE: nsubE,
- nsube: nsube,
- nsubset: nsubset,
- nsubseteq: nsubseteq,
- nsubseteqq: nsubseteqq,
- nsucc: nsucc,
- nsucceq: nsucceq,
- nsup: nsup,
- nsupE: nsupE,
- nsupe: nsupe,
- nsupset: nsupset,
- nsupseteq: nsupseteq,
- nsupseteqq: nsupseteqq,
- ntgl: ntgl,
- ntild: ntild,
- ntilde: ntilde,
- ntlg: ntlg,
- ntriangleleft: ntriangleleft,
- ntrianglelefteq: ntrianglelefteq,
- ntriangleright: ntriangleright,
- ntrianglerighteq: ntrianglerighteq,
- nu: nu,
- num: num,
- numero: numero,
- numsp: numsp,
- nvDash: nvDash,
- nvHarr: nvHarr,
- nvap: nvap,
- nvdash: nvdash,
- nvge: nvge,
- nvgt: nvgt,
- nvinfin: nvinfin,
- nvlArr: nvlArr,
- nvle: nvle,
- nvlt: nvlt,
- nvltrie: nvltrie,
- nvrArr: nvrArr,
- nvrtrie: nvrtrie,
- nvsim: nvsim,
- nwArr: nwArr,
- nwarhk: nwarhk,
- nwarr: nwarr,
- nwarrow: nwarrow,
- nwnear: nwnear,
- oS: oS,
- oacut: oacut,
- oacute: oacute,
- oast: oast,
- ocir: ocir,
- ocirc: ocirc,
- ocy: ocy,
- odash: odash,
- odblac: odblac,
- odiv: odiv,
- odot: odot,
- odsold: odsold,
- oelig: oelig,
- ofcir: ofcir,
- ofr: ofr,
- ogon: ogon,
- ograv: ograv,
- ograve: ograve,
- ogt: ogt,
- ohbar: ohbar,
- ohm: ohm,
- oint: oint,
- olarr: olarr,
- olcir: olcir,
- olcross: olcross,
- oline: oline,
- olt: olt,
- omacr: omacr,
- omega: omega,
- omicron: omicron,
- omid: omid,
- ominus: ominus,
- oopf: oopf,
- opar: opar,
- operp: operp,
- oplus: oplus,
- or: or,
- orarr: orarr,
- ord: ord,
- order: order,
- orderof: orderof,
- ordf: ordf,
- ordm: ordm,
- origof: origof,
- oror: oror,
- orslope: orslope,
- orv: orv,
- oscr: oscr,
- oslas: oslas,
- oslash: oslash,
- osol: osol,
- otild: otild,
- otilde: otilde,
- otimes: otimes,
- otimesas: otimesas,
- oum: oum,
- ouml: ouml,
- ovbar: ovbar,
- par: par,
- para: para,
- parallel: parallel,
- parsim: parsim,
- parsl: parsl,
- part: part,
- pcy: pcy,
- percnt: percnt,
- period: period,
- permil: permil,
- perp: perp,
- pertenk: pertenk,
- pfr: pfr,
- phi: phi,
- phiv: phiv,
- phmmat: phmmat,
- phone: phone,
- pi: pi,
- pitchfork: pitchfork,
- piv: piv,
- planck: planck,
- planckh: planckh,
- plankv: plankv,
- plus: plus,
- plusacir: plusacir,
- plusb: plusb,
- pluscir: pluscir,
- plusdo: plusdo,
- plusdu: plusdu,
- pluse: pluse,
- plusm: plusm,
- plusmn: plusmn,
- plussim: plussim,
- plustwo: plustwo,
- pm: pm,
- pointint: pointint,
- popf: popf,
- poun: poun,
- pound: pound,
- pr: pr,
- prE: prE,
- prap: prap,
- prcue: prcue,
- pre: pre,
- prec: prec,
- precapprox: precapprox,
- preccurlyeq: preccurlyeq,
- preceq: preceq,
- precnapprox: precnapprox,
- precneqq: precneqq,
- precnsim: precnsim,
- precsim: precsim,
- prime: prime,
- primes: primes,
- prnE: prnE,
- prnap: prnap,
- prnsim: prnsim,
- prod: prod,
- profalar: profalar,
- profline: profline,
- profsurf: profsurf,
- prop: prop,
- propto: propto,
- prsim: prsim,
- prurel: prurel,
- pscr: pscr,
- psi: psi,
- puncsp: puncsp,
- qfr: qfr,
- qint: qint,
- qopf: qopf,
- qprime: qprime,
- qscr: qscr,
- quaternions: quaternions,
- quatint: quatint,
- quest: quest,
- questeq: questeq,
- quo: quo,
- quot: quot,
- rAarr: rAarr,
- rArr: rArr,
- rAtail: rAtail,
- rBarr: rBarr,
- rHar: rHar,
- race: race,
- racute: racute,
- radic: radic,
- raemptyv: raemptyv,
- rang: rang,
- rangd: rangd,
- range: range,
- rangle: rangle,
- raqu: raqu,
- raquo: raquo,
- rarr: rarr,
- rarrap: rarrap,
- rarrb: rarrb,
- rarrbfs: rarrbfs,
- rarrc: rarrc,
- rarrfs: rarrfs,
- rarrhk: rarrhk,
- rarrlp: rarrlp,
- rarrpl: rarrpl,
- rarrsim: rarrsim,
- rarrtl: rarrtl,
- rarrw: rarrw,
- ratail: ratail,
- ratio: ratio,
- rationals: rationals,
- rbarr: rbarr,
- rbbrk: rbbrk,
- rbrace: rbrace,
- rbrack: rbrack,
- rbrke: rbrke,
- rbrksld: rbrksld,
- rbrkslu: rbrkslu,
- rcaron: rcaron,
- rcedil: rcedil,
- rceil: rceil,
- rcub: rcub,
- rcy: rcy,
- rdca: rdca,
- rdldhar: rdldhar,
- rdquo: rdquo,
- rdquor: rdquor,
- rdsh: rdsh,
- real: real,
- realine: realine,
- realpart: realpart,
- reals: reals,
- rect: rect,
- re: re$4,
- reg: reg,
- rfisht: rfisht,
- rfloor: rfloor,
- rfr: rfr,
- rhard: rhard,
- rharu: rharu,
- rharul: rharul,
- rho: rho,
- rhov: rhov,
- rightarrow: rightarrow,
- rightarrowtail: rightarrowtail,
- rightharpoondown: rightharpoondown,
- rightharpoonup: rightharpoonup,
- rightleftarrows: rightleftarrows,
- rightleftharpoons: rightleftharpoons,
- rightrightarrows: rightrightarrows,
- rightsquigarrow: rightsquigarrow,
- rightthreetimes: rightthreetimes,
- ring: ring,
- risingdotseq: risingdotseq,
- rlarr: rlarr,
- rlhar: rlhar,
- rlm: rlm,
- rmoust: rmoust,
- rmoustache: rmoustache,
- rnmid: rnmid,
- roang: roang,
- roarr: roarr,
- robrk: robrk,
- ropar: ropar,
- ropf: ropf,
- roplus: roplus,
- rotimes: rotimes,
- rpar: rpar,
- rpargt: rpargt,
- rppolint: rppolint,
- rrarr: rrarr,
- rsaquo: rsaquo,
- rscr: rscr,
- rsh: rsh,
- rsqb: rsqb,
- rsquo: rsquo,
- rsquor: rsquor,
- rthree: rthree,
- rtimes: rtimes,
- rtri: rtri,
- rtrie: rtrie,
- rtrif: rtrif,
- rtriltri: rtriltri,
- ruluhar: ruluhar,
- rx: rx,
- sacute: sacute,
- sbquo: sbquo,
- sc: sc,
- scE: scE,
- scap: scap,
- scaron: scaron,
- sccue: sccue,
- sce: sce,
- scedil: scedil,
- scirc: scirc,
- scnE: scnE,
- scnap: scnap,
- scnsim: scnsim,
- scpolint: scpolint,
- scsim: scsim,
- scy: scy,
- sdot: sdot,
- sdotb: sdotb,
- sdote: sdote,
- seArr: seArr,
- searhk: searhk,
- searr: searr,
- searrow: searrow,
- sec: sec,
- sect: sect,
- semi: semi,
- seswar: seswar,
- setminus: setminus,
- setmn: setmn,
- sext: sext,
- sfr: sfr,
- sfrown: sfrown,
- sharp: sharp,
- shchcy: shchcy,
- shcy: shcy,
- shortmid: shortmid,
- shortparallel: shortparallel,
- sh: sh,
- shy: shy,
- sigma: sigma,
- sigmaf: sigmaf,
- sigmav: sigmav,
- sim: sim,
- simdot: simdot,
- sime: sime,
- simeq: simeq,
- simg: simg,
- simgE: simgE,
- siml: siml,
- simlE: simlE,
- simne: simne,
- simplus: simplus,
- simrarr: simrarr,
- slarr: slarr,
- smallsetminus: smallsetminus,
- smashp: smashp,
- smeparsl: smeparsl,
- smid: smid,
- smile: smile,
- smt: smt,
- smte: smte,
- smtes: smtes,
- softcy: softcy,
- sol: sol,
- solb: solb,
- solbar: solbar,
- sopf: sopf,
- spades: spades,
- spadesuit: spadesuit,
- spar: spar,
- sqcap: sqcap,
- sqcaps: sqcaps,
- sqcup: sqcup,
- sqcups: sqcups,
- sqsub: sqsub,
- sqsube: sqsube,
- sqsubset: sqsubset,
- sqsubseteq: sqsubseteq,
- sqsup: sqsup,
- sqsupe: sqsupe,
- sqsupset: sqsupset,
- sqsupseteq: sqsupseteq,
- squ: squ,
- square: square,
- squarf: squarf,
- squf: squf,
- srarr: srarr,
- sscr: sscr,
- ssetmn: ssetmn,
- ssmile: ssmile,
- sstarf: sstarf,
- star: star,
- starf: starf,
- straightepsilon: straightepsilon,
- straightphi: straightphi,
- strns: strns,
- sub: sub,
- subE: subE,
- subdot: subdot,
- sube: sube,
- subedot: subedot,
- submult: submult,
- subnE: subnE,
- subne: subne,
- subplus: subplus,
- subrarr: subrarr,
- subset: subset,
- subseteq: subseteq,
- subseteqq: subseteqq,
- subsetneq: subsetneq,
- subsetneqq: subsetneqq,
- subsim: subsim,
- subsub: subsub,
- subsup: subsup,
- succ: succ,
- succapprox: succapprox,
- succcurlyeq: succcurlyeq,
- succeq: succeq,
- succnapprox: succnapprox,
- succneqq: succneqq,
- succnsim: succnsim,
- succsim: succsim,
- sum: sum,
- sung: sung,
- sup: sup,
- sup1: sup1,
- sup2: sup2,
- sup3: sup3,
- supE: supE,
- supdot: supdot,
- supdsub: supdsub,
- supe: supe,
- supedot: supedot,
- suphsol: suphsol,
- suphsub: suphsub,
- suplarr: suplarr,
- supmult: supmult,
- supnE: supnE,
- supne: supne,
- supplus: supplus,
- supset: supset,
- supseteq: supseteq,
- supseteqq: supseteqq,
- supsetneq: supsetneq,
- supsetneqq: supsetneqq,
- supsim: supsim,
- supsub: supsub,
- supsup: supsup,
- swArr: swArr,
- swarhk: swarhk,
- swarr: swarr,
- swarrow: swarrow,
- swnwar: swnwar,
- szli: szli,
- szlig: szlig,
- target: target,
- tau: tau,
- tbrk: tbrk,
- tcaron: tcaron,
- tcedil: tcedil,
- tcy: tcy,
- tdot: tdot,
- telrec: telrec,
- tfr: tfr,
- there4: there4,
- therefore: therefore,
- theta: theta,
- thetasym: thetasym,
- thetav: thetav,
- thickapprox: thickapprox,
- thicksim: thicksim,
- thinsp: thinsp,
- thkap: thkap,
- thksim: thksim,
- thor: thor,
- thorn: thorn,
- tilde: tilde,
- time: time,
- times: times,
- timesb: timesb,
- timesbar: timesbar,
- timesd: timesd,
- tint: tint,
- toea: toea,
- top: top,
- topbot: topbot,
- topcir: topcir,
- topf: topf,
- topfork: topfork,
- tosa: tosa,
- tprime: tprime,
- trade: trade,
- triangle: triangle,
- triangledown: triangledown,
- triangleleft: triangleleft,
- trianglelefteq: trianglelefteq,
- triangleq: triangleq,
- triangleright: triangleright,
- trianglerighteq: trianglerighteq,
- tridot: tridot,
- trie: trie,
- triminus: triminus,
- triplus: triplus,
- trisb: trisb,
- tritime: tritime,
- trpezium: trpezium,
- tscr: tscr,
- tscy: tscy,
- tshcy: tshcy,
- tstrok: tstrok,
- twixt: twixt,
- twoheadleftarrow: twoheadleftarrow,
- twoheadrightarrow: twoheadrightarrow,
- uArr: uArr,
- uHar: uHar,
- uacut: uacut,
- uacute: uacute,
- uarr: uarr,
- ubrcy: ubrcy,
- ubreve: ubreve,
- ucir: ucir,
- ucirc: ucirc,
- ucy: ucy,
- udarr: udarr,
- udblac: udblac,
- udhar: udhar,
- ufisht: ufisht,
- ufr: ufr,
- ugrav: ugrav,
- ugrave: ugrave,
- uharl: uharl,
- uharr: uharr,
- uhblk: uhblk,
- ulcorn: ulcorn,
- ulcorner: ulcorner,
- ulcrop: ulcrop,
- ultri: ultri,
- umacr: umacr,
- um: um,
- uml: uml,
- uogon: uogon,
- uopf: uopf,
- uparrow: uparrow,
- updownarrow: updownarrow,
- upharpoonleft: upharpoonleft,
- upharpoonright: upharpoonright,
- uplus: uplus,
- upsi: upsi,
- upsih: upsih,
- upsilon: upsilon,
- upuparrows: upuparrows,
- urcorn: urcorn,
- urcorner: urcorner,
- urcrop: urcrop,
- uring: uring,
- urtri: urtri,
- uscr: uscr,
- utdot: utdot,
- utilde: utilde,
- utri: utri,
- utrif: utrif,
- uuarr: uuarr,
- uum: uum,
- uuml: uuml,
- uwangle: uwangle,
- vArr: vArr,
- vBar: vBar,
- vBarv: vBarv,
- vDash: vDash,
- vangrt: vangrt,
- varepsilon: varepsilon,
- varkappa: varkappa,
- varnothing: varnothing,
- varphi: varphi,
- varpi: varpi,
- varpropto: varpropto,
- varr: varr,
- varrho: varrho,
- varsigma: varsigma,
- varsubsetneq: varsubsetneq,
- varsubsetneqq: varsubsetneqq,
- varsupsetneq: varsupsetneq,
- varsupsetneqq: varsupsetneqq,
- vartheta: vartheta,
- vartriangleleft: vartriangleleft,
- vartriangleright: vartriangleright,
- vcy: vcy,
- vdash: vdash,
- vee: vee,
- veebar: veebar,
- veeeq: veeeq,
- vellip: vellip,
- verbar: verbar,
- vert: vert,
- vfr: vfr,
- vltri: vltri,
- vnsub: vnsub,
- vnsup: vnsup,
- vopf: vopf,
- vprop: vprop,
- vrtri: vrtri,
- vscr: vscr,
- vsubnE: vsubnE,
- vsubne: vsubne,
- vsupnE: vsupnE,
- vsupne: vsupne,
- vzigzag: vzigzag,
- wcirc: wcirc,
- wedbar: wedbar,
- wedge: wedge,
- wedgeq: wedgeq,
- weierp: weierp,
- wfr: wfr,
- wopf: wopf,
- wp: wp,
- wr: wr,
- wreath: wreath,
- wscr: wscr,
- xcap: xcap,
- xcirc: xcirc,
- xcup: xcup,
- xdtri: xdtri,
- xfr: xfr,
- xhArr: xhArr,
- xharr: xharr,
- xi: xi,
- xlArr: xlArr,
- xlarr: xlarr,
- xmap: xmap,
- xnis: xnis,
- xodot: xodot,
- xopf: xopf,
- xoplus: xoplus,
- xotime: xotime,
- xrArr: xrArr,
- xrarr: xrarr,
- xscr: xscr,
- xsqcup: xsqcup,
- xuplus: xuplus,
- xutri: xutri,
- xvee: xvee,
- xwedge: xwedge,
- yacut: yacut,
- yacute: yacute,
- yacy: yacy,
- ycirc: ycirc,
- ycy: ycy,
- ye: ye,
- yen: yen,
- yfr: yfr,
- yicy: yicy,
- yopf: yopf,
- yscr: yscr,
- yucy: yucy,
- yum: yum,
- yuml: yuml,
- zacute: zacute,
- zcaron: zcaron,
- zcy: zcy,
- zdot: zdot,
- zeetrf: zeetrf,
- zeta: zeta,
- zfr: zfr,
- zhcy: zhcy,
- zigrarr: zigrarr,
- zopf: zopf,
- zscr: zscr,
- zwj: zwj,
- zwnj: zwnj
-var characterEntities = require$$0;
-var decodeEntity_1 = decodeEntity;
-var own$5 = {}.hasOwnProperty;
-function decodeEntity(characters) {
- return own$, characters)
- ? characterEntities[characters]
- : false
-var association_1 = association$3;
-var decode = decodeEntity_1;
+ * @typedef {import('mdast').Association} Association
+ */
-var characterEscape = /\\([!-/:-@[-`{-~])/g;
-var characterReference = /&(#(\d{1,7}|x[\da-f]{1,6})|[\da-z]{1,31});/gi;
+const characterEscape = /\\([!-/:-@[-`{-~])/g;
+const characterReference = /&(#(\d{1,7}|x[\da-f]{1,6})|[\da-z]{1,31});/gi;
-// The `label` of an association is the string value: character escapes and
-// references work, and casing is intact.
-// The `identifier` is used to match one association to another: controversially,
-// character escapes and references don’t work in this matching: `&copy;` does
-// not match `©`, and `\+` does not match `+`.
-// But casing is ignored (and whitespace) is trimmed and collapsed: ` A\nb`
-// matches `a b`.
-// So, we do prefer the label when figuring out how we’re going to serialize:
-// it has whitespace, casing, and we can ignore most useless character escapes
-// and all character references.
-function association$3(node) {
+ * The `label` of an association is the string value: character escapes and
+ * references work, and casing is intact.
+ * The `identifier` is used to match one association to another: controversially,
+ * character escapes and references don’t work in this matching: `&copy;` does
+ * not match `©`, and `\+` does not match `+`.
+ * But casing is ignored (and whitespace) is trimmed and collapsed: ` A\nb`
+ * matches `a b`.
+ * So, we do prefer the label when figuring out how we’re going to serialize:
+ * it has whitespace, casing, and we can ignore most useless character escapes
+ * and all character references.
+ *
+ * @param {Association} node
+ * @returns {string}
+ */
+function association(node) {
if (node.label || !node.identifier) {
return node.label || ''
@@ -48479,14 +44114,26 @@ function association$3(node) {
.replace(characterReference, decodeIfPossible)
+ * @param {string} $0
+ * @param {string} $1
+ * @returns {string}
+ */
function decodeIfPossible($0, $1) {
- return decode($1) || $0
+ return decodeEntity($1) || $0
-var checkQuote_1 = checkQuote$3;
+ * @typedef {import('../types.js').Context} Context
+ * @typedef {import('../types.js').Options} Options
+ */
-function checkQuote$3(context) {
- var marker = context.options.quote || '"';
+ * @param {Context} context
+ * @returns {Exclude<Options['quote'], undefined>}
+ */
+function checkQuote(context) {
+ const marker = context.options.quote || '"';
if (marker !== '"' && marker !== "'") {
throw new Error(
@@ -48499,19 +44146,22 @@ function checkQuote$3(context) {
return marker
-var definition_1 = definition;
-var association$2 = association_1;
-var checkQuote$2 = checkQuote_1;
-var safe$5 = safe_1;
+ * @typedef {import('mdast').Definition} Definition
+ * @typedef {import('../types.js').Handle} Handle
+ */
+ * @type {Handle}
+ * @param {Definition} node
+ */
function definition(node, _, context) {
- var marker = checkQuote$2(context);
- var suffix = marker === '"' ? 'Quote' : 'Apostrophe';
- var exit = context.enter('definition');
- var subexit = context.enter('label');
- var value =
- '[' + safe$5(context, association$2(node), {before: '[', after: ']'}) + ']: ';
+ const marker = checkQuote(context);
+ const suffix = marker === '"' ? 'Quote' : 'Apostrophe';
+ const exit = context.enter('definition');
+ let subexit = context.enter('label');
+ let value =
+ '[' + safe(context, association(node), {before: '[', after: ']'}) + ']: ';
@@ -48522,11 +44172,11 @@ function definition(node, _, context) {
/[ \t\r\n]/.test(node.url)
) {
subexit = context.enter('destinationLiteral');
- value += '<' + safe$5(context, node.url, {before: '<', after: '>'}) + '>';
+ value += '<' + safe(context, node.url, {before: '<', after: '>'}) + '>';
} else {
// No whitespace, raw is prettier.
subexit = context.enter('destinationRaw');
- value += safe$5(context, node.url, {before: ' ', after: ' '});
+ value += safe(context, node.url, {before: ' ', after: ' '});
@@ -48536,7 +44186,7 @@ function definition(node, _, context) {
value +=
' ' +
marker +
- safe$5(context, node.title, {before: marker, after: marker}) +
+ safe(context, node.title, {before: marker, after: marker}) +
@@ -48546,10 +44196,17 @@ function definition(node, _, context) {
return value
-var checkEmphasis_1 = checkEmphasis$1;
+ * @typedef {import('../types.js').Context} Context
+ * @typedef {import('../types.js').Options} Options
+ */
-function checkEmphasis$1(context) {
- var marker = context.options.emphasis || '*';
+ * @param {Context} context
+ * @returns {Exclude<Options['emphasis'], undefined>}
+ */
+function checkEmphasis(context) {
+ const marker = context.options.emphasis || '*';
if (marker !== '*' && marker !== '_') {
throw new Error(
@@ -48562,22 +44219,34 @@ function checkEmphasis$1(context) {
return marker
-var containerPhrasing$1 = phrasing$6;
+ * @typedef {import('../types.js').Node} Node
+ * @typedef {import('../types.js').Parent} Parent
+ * @typedef {import('../types.js').SafeOptions} SafeOptions
+ * @typedef {import('../types.js').Context} Context
+ */
-function phrasing$6(parent, context, safeOptions) {
- var children = parent.children || [];
- var results = [];
- var index = -1;
- var before = safeOptions.before;
- var after;
- var handle;
- var child;
+ * @param {Parent} parent
+ * @param {Context} context
+ * @param {SafeOptions} safeOptions
+ * @returns {string}
+ */
+function containerPhrasing(parent, context, safeOptions) {
+ const children = parent.children || [];
+ /** @type {Array.<string>} */
+ const results = [];
+ let index = -1;
+ let before = safeOptions.before;
while (++index < children.length) {
- child = children[index];
+ const child = children[index];
+ /** @type {string} */
+ let after;
if (index + 1 < children.length) {
- handle = context.handle.handlers[children[index + 1].type];
+ // @ts-expect-error: hush, it’s actually a `zwitch`.
+ let handle = context.handle.handlers[children[index + 1].type];
if (handle && handle.peek) handle = handle.peek;
after = handle
? handle(children[index + 1], parent, context, {
@@ -48607,12 +44276,7 @@ function phrasing$6(parent, context, safeOptions) {
before = ' ';
- results.push(
- context.handle(child, parent, context, {
- before: before,
- after: after
- })
- );
+ results.push(context.handle(child, parent, context, {before, after}));
before = results[results.length - 1].slice(-1);
@@ -48620,91 +44284,86 @@ function phrasing$6(parent, context, safeOptions) {
return results.join('')
-var emphasis_1 = emphasis;
-emphasis.peek = emphasisPeek;
+ * @typedef {import('mdast').Emphasis} Emphasis
+ * @typedef {import('../types.js').Handle} Handle
+ */
-var checkEmphasis = checkEmphasis_1;
-var phrasing$5 = containerPhrasing$1;
+emphasis.peek = emphasisPeek;
// To do: there are cases where emphasis cannot “form” depending on the
// previous or next character of sequences.
// There’s no way around that though, except for injecting zero-width stuff.
// Do we need to safeguard against that?
+ * @type {Handle}
+ * @param {Emphasis} node
+ */
function emphasis(node, _, context) {
- var marker = checkEmphasis(context);
- var exit = context.enter('emphasis');
- var value = phrasing$5(node, context, {before: marker, after: marker});
+ const marker = checkEmphasis(context);
+ const exit = context.enter('emphasis');
+ const value = containerPhrasing(node, context, {
+ before: marker,
+ after: marker
+ });
return marker + value + marker
-function emphasisPeek(node, _, context) {
+ * @type {Handle}
+ * @param {Emphasis} _
+ */
+function emphasisPeek(_, _1, context) {
return context.options.emphasis || '*'
-var mdastUtilToString = toString$3;
-// Get the text content of a node.
-// Prefer the node’s plain-text fields, otherwise serialize its children,
-// and if the given value is an array, serialize the nodes in it.
-function toString$3(node) {
- return (
- (node &&
- (node.value ||
- node.alt ||
- node.title ||
- ('children' in node && all$1(node.children)) ||
- ('length' in node && all$1(node)))) ||
- ''
- )
-function all$1(values) {
- var result = [];
- var index = -1;
- while (++index < values.length) {
- result[index] = toString$3(values[index]);
- }
- return result.join('')
-var formatHeadingAsSetext_1 = formatHeadingAsSetext$2;
-var toString$2 = mdastUtilToString;
+ * @typedef {import('mdast').Heading} Heading
+ * @typedef {import('../types.js').Context} Context
+ */
-function formatHeadingAsSetext$2(node, context) {
- return (
- context.options.setext && (!node.depth || node.depth < 3) && toString$2(node)
+ * @param {Heading} node
+ * @param {Context} context
+ * @returns {boolean}
+ */
+function formatHeadingAsSetext(node, context) {
+ return Boolean(
+ context.options.setext && (!node.depth || node.depth < 3) && toString(node)
-var heading_1 = heading;
-var repeat$3 = repeatString;
-var formatHeadingAsSetext$1 = formatHeadingAsSetext_1;
-var phrasing$4 = containerPhrasing$1;
+ * @typedef {import('mdast').Heading} Heading
+ * @typedef {import('../types.js').Handle} Handle
+ * @typedef {import('../types.js').Exit} Exit
+ */
+ * @type {Handle}
+ * @param {Heading} node
+ */
function heading(node, _, context) {
- var rank = Math.max(Math.min(6, node.depth || 1), 1);
- var exit;
- var subexit;
- var value;
- var sequence;
+ const rank = Math.max(Math.min(6, node.depth || 1), 1);
+ /** @type {Exit} */
+ let exit;
+ /** @type {Exit} */
+ let subexit;
+ /** @type {string} */
+ let value;
- if (formatHeadingAsSetext$1(node, context)) {
+ if (formatHeadingAsSetext(node, context)) {
exit = context.enter('headingSetext');
subexit = context.enter('phrasing');
- value = phrasing$4(node, context, {before: '\n', after: '\n'});
+ value = containerPhrasing(node, context, {before: '\n', after: '\n'});
return (
value +
'\n' +
- repeat$3(
- rank === 1 ? '=' : '-',
+ (rank === 1 ? '=' : '-').repeat(
// The whole size…
value.length -
// Minus the position of the character after the last EOL (or
@@ -48714,10 +44373,10 @@ function heading(node, _, context) {
- sequence = repeat$3('#', rank);
+ const sequence = '#'.repeat(rank);
exit = context.enter('headingAtx');
subexit = context.enter('phrasing');
- value = phrasing$4(node, context, {before: '# ', after: '\n'});
+ value = containerPhrasing(node, context, {before: '# ', after: '\n'});
value = value ? sequence + ' ' + value : sequence;
if (context.options.closeAtx) {
value += ' ' + sequence;
@@ -48729,29 +44388,45 @@ function heading(node, _, context) {
return value
-var html_1 = html;
+ * @typedef {import('mdast').HTML} HTML
+ * @typedef {import('../types.js').Handle} Handle
+ */
html.peek = htmlPeek;
+ * @type {Handle}
+ * @param {HTML} node
+ */
function html(node) {
return node.value || ''
+ * @type {Handle}
+ */
function htmlPeek() {
return '<'
-var image_1 = image;
-image.peek = imagePeek;
+ * @typedef {import('mdast').Image} Image
+ * @typedef {import('../types.js').Handle} Handle
+ */
-var checkQuote$1 = checkQuote_1;
-var safe$4 = safe_1;
+image.peek = imagePeek;
+ * @type {Handle}
+ * @param {Image} node
+ */
function image(node, _, context) {
- var quote = checkQuote$1(context);
- var suffix = quote === '"' ? 'Quote' : 'Apostrophe';
- var exit = context.enter('image');
- var subexit = context.enter('label');
- var value = '![' + safe$4(context, node.alt, {before: '[', after: ']'}) + '](';
+ const quote = checkQuote(context);
+ const suffix = quote === '"' ? 'Quote' : 'Apostrophe';
+ const exit = context.enter('image');
+ let subexit = context.enter('label');
+ let value = '![' + safe(context, node.alt, {before: '[', after: ']'}) + '](';
@@ -48762,11 +44437,11 @@ function image(node, _, context) {
/[ \t\r\n]/.test(node.url)
) {
subexit = context.enter('destinationLiteral');
- value += '<' + safe$4(context, node.url, {before: '<', after: '>'}) + '>';
+ value += '<' + safe(context, node.url, {before: '<', after: '>'}) + '>';
} else {
// No whitespace, raw is prettier.
subexit = context.enter('destinationRaw');
- value += safe$4(context, node.url, {
+ value += safe(context, node.url, {
before: '(',
after: node.title ? ' ' : ')'
@@ -48779,7 +44454,7 @@ function image(node, _, context) {
value +=
' ' +
quote +
- safe$4(context, node.title, {before: quote, after: quote}) +
+ safe(context, node.title, {before: quote, after: quote}) +
@@ -48790,31 +44465,37 @@ function image(node, _, context) {
return value
+ * @type {Handle}
+ */
function imagePeek() {
return '!'
-var imageReference_1 = imageReference;
-imageReference.peek = imageReferencePeek;
+ * @typedef {import('mdast').ImageReference} ImageReference
+ * @typedef {import('../types.js').Handle} Handle
+ */
-var association$1 = association_1;
-var safe$3 = safe_1;
+imageReference.peek = imageReferencePeek;
+ * @type {Handle}
+ * @param {ImageReference} node
+ */
function imageReference(node, _, context) {
- var type = node.referenceType;
- var exit = context.enter('imageReference');
- var subexit = context.enter('label');
- var alt = safe$3(context, node.alt, {before: '[', after: ']'});
- var value = '![' + alt + ']';
- var reference;
- var stack;
+ const type = node.referenceType;
+ const exit = context.enter('imageReference');
+ let subexit = context.enter('label');
+ const alt = safe(context, node.alt, {before: '[', after: ']'});
+ let value = '![' + alt + ']';
// Hide the fact that we’re in phrasing, because escapes don’t work.
- stack = context.stack;
+ const stack = context.stack;
context.stack = [];
subexit = context.enter('reference');
- reference = safe$3(context, association$1(node), {before: '[', after: ']'});
+ const reference = safe(context, association(node), {before: '[', after: ']'});
context.stack = stack;
@@ -48828,23 +44509,28 @@ function imageReference(node, _, context) {
return value
+ * @type {Handle}
+ */
function imageReferencePeek() {
return '!'
-var inlineCode_1 = inlineCode$1;
-inlineCode$1.peek = inlineCodePeek$1;
+ * @typedef {import('mdast').InlineCode} InlineCode
+ * @typedef {import('../types.js').Handle} Handle
+ */
-var patternCompile$1 = patternCompile_1;
+inlineCode.peek = inlineCodePeek;
-function inlineCode$1(node, parent, context) {
- var value = node.value || '';
- var sequence = '`';
- var index = -1;
- var pattern;
- var expression;
- var match;
- var position;
+ * @type {Handle}
+ * @param {InlineCode} node
+ */
+function inlineCode(node, _, context) {
+ let value = node.value || '';
+ let sequence = '`';
+ let index = -1;
// If there is a single grave accent on its own in the code, use a fence of
// two.
@@ -48857,8 +44543,7 @@ function inlineCode$1(node, parent, context) {
// first or last character are a space, eol, or tick, then pad with spaces.
if (
/[^ \r\n]/.test(value) &&
- (/[ \r\n`]/.test(value.charAt(0)) ||
- /[ \r\n`]/.test(value.charAt(value.length - 1)))
+ ((/^[ \r\n]/.test(value) && /[ \r\n]$/.test(value)) || /^`|`$/.test(value))
) {
value = ' ' + value + ' ';
@@ -48871,17 +44556,18 @@ function inlineCode$1(node, parent, context) {
// transformed to spaces when going from markdown to HTML anyway, we can swap
// them out.
while (++index < context.unsafe.length) {
- pattern = context.unsafe[index];
+ const pattern = context.unsafe[index];
+ const expression = patternCompile(pattern);
+ /** @type {RegExpExecArray|null} */
+ let match;
// Only look for `atBreak`s.
// Btw: note that `atBreak` patterns will always start the regex at LF or
// CR.
if (!pattern.atBreak) continue
- expression = patternCompile$1(pattern);
while ((match = expression.exec(value))) {
- position = match.index;
+ let position = match.index;
// Support CRLF (patterns only look for one of the characters).
if (
@@ -48898,59 +44584,75 @@ function inlineCode$1(node, parent, context) {
return sequence + value + sequence
-function inlineCodePeek$1() {
+ * @type {Handle}
+ */
+function inlineCodePeek() {
return '`'
-var formatLinkAsAutolink_1 = formatLinkAsAutolink$1;
-var toString$1 = mdastUtilToString;
+ * @typedef {import('mdast').Link} Link
+ * @typedef {import('../types.js').Context} Context
+ */
-function formatLinkAsAutolink$1(node, context) {
- var raw = toString$1(node);
+ * @param {Link} node
+ * @param {Context} context
+ * @returns {boolean}
+ */
+function formatLinkAsAutolink(node, context) {
+ const raw = toString(node);
- return (
+ return Boolean(
!context.options.resourceLink &&
- // If there’s a url…
- node.url &&
- // And there’s a no title…
- !node.title &&
- // And the content of `node` is a single text node…
- node.children &&
- node.children.length === 1 &&
- node.children[0].type === 'text' &&
- // And if the url is the same as the content…
- (raw === node.url || 'mailto:' + raw === node.url) &&
- // And that starts w/ a protocol…
- /^[a-z][a-z+.-]+:/i.test(node.url) &&
- // And that doesn’t contain ASCII control codes (character escapes and
- // references don’t work) or angle brackets…
- !/[\0- <>\u007F]/.test(node.url)
+ // If there’s a url…
+ node.url &&
+ // And there’s a no title…
+ !node.title &&
+ // And the content of `node` is a single text node…
+ node.children &&
+ node.children.length === 1 &&
+ node.children[0].type === 'text' &&
+ // And if the url is the same as the content…
+ (raw === node.url || 'mailto:' + raw === node.url) &&
+ // And that starts w/ a protocol…
+ /^[a-z][a-z+.-]+:/i.test(node.url) &&
+ // And that doesn’t contain ASCII control codes (character escapes and
+ // references don’t work) or angle brackets…
+ !/[\0- <>\u007F]/.test(node.url)
-var link_1 = link;
-link.peek = linkPeek;
+ * @typedef {import('mdast').Link} Link
+ * @typedef {import('../types.js').Handle} Handle
+ * @typedef {import('../types.js').Exit} Exit
+ */
-var checkQuote = checkQuote_1;
-var formatLinkAsAutolink = formatLinkAsAutolink_1;
-var phrasing$3 = containerPhrasing$1;
-var safe$2 = safe_1;
+link.peek = linkPeek;
+ * @type {Handle}
+ * @param {Link} node
+ */
function link(node, _, context) {
- var quote = checkQuote(context);
- var suffix = quote === '"' ? 'Quote' : 'Apostrophe';
- var exit;
- var subexit;
- var value;
- var stack;
+ const quote = checkQuote(context);
+ const suffix = quote === '"' ? 'Quote' : 'Apostrophe';
+ /** @type {Exit} */
+ let exit;
+ /** @type {Exit} */
+ let subexit;
+ /** @type {string} */
+ let value;
if (formatLinkAsAutolink(node, context)) {
// Hide the fact that we’re in phrasing, because escapes don’t work.
- stack = context.stack;
+ const stack = context.stack;
context.stack = [];
exit = context.enter('autolink');
- value = '<' + phrasing$3(node, context, {before: '<', after: '>'}) + '>';
+ value =
+ '<' + containerPhrasing(node, context, {before: '<', after: '>'}) + '>';
context.stack = stack;
return value
@@ -48958,7 +44660,8 @@ function link(node, _, context) {
exit = context.enter('link');
subexit = context.enter('label');
- value = '[' + phrasing$3(node, context, {before: '[', after: ']'}) + '](';
+ value =
+ '[' + containerPhrasing(node, context, {before: '[', after: ']'}) + '](';
if (
@@ -48968,11 +44671,11 @@ function link(node, _, context) {
/[ \t\r\n]/.test(node.url)
) {
subexit = context.enter('destinationLiteral');
- value += '<' + safe$2(context, node.url, {before: '<', after: '>'}) + '>';
+ value += '<' + safe(context, node.url, {before: '<', after: '>'}) + '>';
} else {
// No whitespace, raw is prettier.
subexit = context.enter('destinationRaw');
- value += safe$2(context, node.url, {
+ value += safe(context, node.url, {
before: '(',
after: node.title ? ' ' : ')'
@@ -48985,7 +44688,7 @@ function link(node, _, context) {
value +=
' ' +
quote +
- safe$2(context, node.title, {before: quote, after: quote}) +
+ safe(context, node.title, {before: quote, after: quote}) +
@@ -48996,32 +44699,38 @@ function link(node, _, context) {
return value
+ * @type {Handle}
+ * @param {Link} node
+ */
function linkPeek(node, _, context) {
return formatLinkAsAutolink(node, context) ? '<' : '['
-var linkReference_1 = linkReference;
-linkReference.peek = linkReferencePeek;
+ * @typedef {import('mdast').LinkReference} LinkReference
+ * @typedef {import('../types.js').Handle} Handle
+ */
-var association = association_1;
-var phrasing$2 = containerPhrasing$1;
-var safe$1 = safe_1;
+linkReference.peek = linkReferencePeek;
+ * @type {Handle}
+ * @param {LinkReference} node
+ */
function linkReference(node, _, context) {
- var type = node.referenceType;
- var exit = context.enter('linkReference');
- var subexit = context.enter('label');
- var text = phrasing$2(node, context, {before: '[', after: ']'});
- var value = '[' + text + ']';
- var reference;
- var stack;
+ const type = node.referenceType;
+ const exit = context.enter('linkReference');
+ let subexit = context.enter('label');
+ const text = containerPhrasing(node, context, {before: '[', after: ']'});
+ let value = '[' + text + ']';
// Hide the fact that we’re in phrasing, because escapes don’t work.
- stack = context.stack;
+ const stack = context.stack;
context.stack = [];
subexit = context.enter('reference');
- reference = safe$1(context, association(node), {before: '[', after: ']'});
+ const reference = safe(context, association(node), {before: '[', after: ']'});
context.stack = stack;
@@ -49035,25 +44744,40 @@ function linkReference(node, _, context) {
return value
+ * @type {Handle}
+ */
function linkReferencePeek() {
return '['
-var list_1 = list;
-var flow$2 = containerFlow$1;
+ * @typedef {import('mdast').List} List
+ * @typedef {import('../types.js').Handle} Handle
+ */
+ * @type {Handle}
+ * @param {List} node
+ */
function list(node, _, context) {
- var exit = context.enter('list');
- var value = flow$2(node, context);
+ const exit = context.enter('list');
+ const value = containerFlow(node, context);
return value
-var checkBullet_1 = checkBullet$2;
+ * @typedef {import('../types.js').Context} Context
+ * @typedef {import('../types.js').Options} Options
+ */
-function checkBullet$2(context) {
- var marker = context.options.bullet || '*';
+ * @param {Context} context
+ * @returns {Exclude<Options['bullet'], undefined>}
+ */
+function checkBullet(context) {
+ const marker = context.options.bullet || '*';
if (marker !== '*' && marker !== '+' && marker !== '-') {
throw new Error(
@@ -49066,11 +44790,20 @@ function checkBullet$2(context) {
return marker
-var checkListItemIndent_1 = checkListItemIndent$2;
+ * @typedef {import('../types.js').Context} Context
+ * @typedef {import('../types.js').Options} Options
+ */
-function checkListItemIndent$2(context) {
- var style = context.options.listItemIndent || 'tab';
+ * @param {Context} context
+ * @returns {Exclude<Options['listItemIndent'], undefined>}
+ */
+function checkListItemIndent(context) {
+ const style = context.options.listItemIndent || 'tab';
+ // To do: remove in a major.
+ // @ts-expect-error: deprecated.
if (style === 1 || style === '1') {
return 'one'
@@ -49086,79 +44819,102 @@ function checkListItemIndent$2(context) {
return style
-var listItem_1 = listItem$1;
-var repeat$2 = repeatString;
-var checkBullet$1 = checkBullet_1;
-var checkListItemIndent$1 = checkListItemIndent_1;
-var flow$1 = containerFlow$1;
-var indentLines$1 = indentLines_1;
+ * @typedef {import('mdast').ListItem} ListItem
+ * @typedef {import('mdast').List} List
+ * @typedef {import('../util/indent-lines.js').Map} Map
+ * @typedef {import('../types.js').Options} Options
+ * @typedef {import('../types.js').Handle} Handle
+ */
-function listItem$1(node, parent, context) {
- var bullet = checkBullet$1(context);
- var listItemIndent = checkListItemIndent$1(context);
- var size;
- var value;
- var exit;
+ * @type {Handle}
+ * @param {ListItem} node
+ */
+function listItem(node, parent, context) {
+ const listItemIndent = checkListItemIndent(context);
+ /** @type {string} */
+ let bullet = checkBullet(context);
- if (parent && parent.ordered) {
+ if (parent && parent.type === 'list' && parent.ordered) {
bullet =
- (parent.start > -1 ? parent.start : 1) +
+ (typeof parent.start === 'number' && parent.start > -1
+ ? parent.start
+ : 1) +
(context.options.incrementListMarker === false
? 0
: parent.children.indexOf(node)) +
- size = bullet.length + 1;
+ let size = bullet.length + 1;
if (
listItemIndent === 'tab' ||
- (listItemIndent === 'mixed' && ((parent && parent.spread) || node.spread))
+ (listItemIndent === 'mixed' &&
+ ((parent && 'spread' in parent && parent.spread) || node.spread))
) {
size = Math.ceil(size / 4) * 4;
- exit = context.enter('listItem');
- value = indentLines$1(flow$1(node, context), map);
+ const exit = context.enter('listItem');
+ const value = indentLines(containerFlow(node, context), map);
return value
+ /** @type {Map} */
function map(line, index, blank) {
if (index) {
- return (blank ? '' : repeat$2(' ', size)) + line
+ return (blank ? '' : ' '.repeat(size)) + line
- return (blank ? bullet : bullet + repeat$2(' ', size - bullet.length)) + line
+ return (blank ? bullet : bullet + ' '.repeat(size - bullet.length)) + line
-var paragraph_1 = paragraph;
-var phrasing$1 = containerPhrasing$1;
+ * @typedef {import('mdast').Paragraph} Paragraph
+ * @typedef {import('../types.js').Handle} Handle
+ */
+ * @type {Handle}
+ * @param {Paragraph} node
+ */
function paragraph(node, _, context) {
- var exit = context.enter('paragraph');
- var subexit = context.enter('phrasing');
- var value = phrasing$1(node, context, {before: '\n', after: '\n'});
+ const exit = context.enter('paragraph');
+ const subexit = context.enter('phrasing');
+ const value = containerPhrasing(node, context, {before: '\n', after: '\n'});
return value
-var root_1 = root;
-var flow = containerFlow$1;
+ * @typedef {import('mdast').Root} Root
+ * @typedef {import('../types.js').Handle} Handle
+ */
+ * @type {Handle}
+ * @param {Root} node
+ */
function root(node, _, context) {
- return flow(node, context)
+ return containerFlow(node, context)
-var checkStrong_1 = checkStrong$1;
+ * @typedef {import('../types.js').Context} Context
+ * @typedef {import('../types.js').Options} Options
+ */
-function checkStrong$1(context) {
- var marker = context.options.strong || '*';
+ * @param {Context} context
+ * @returns {Exclude<Options['strong'], undefined>}
+ */
+function checkStrong(context) {
+ const marker = context.options.strong || '*';
if (marker !== '*' && marker !== '_') {
throw new Error(
@@ -49171,40 +44927,64 @@ function checkStrong$1(context) {
return marker
-var strong_1 = strong;
-strong.peek = strongPeek;
+ * @typedef {import('mdast').Strong} Strong
+ * @typedef {import('../types.js').Handle} Handle
+ */
-var checkStrong = checkStrong_1;
-var phrasing = containerPhrasing$1;
+strong.peek = strongPeek;
// To do: there are cases where emphasis cannot “form” depending on the
// previous or next character of sequences.
// There’s no way around that though, except for injecting zero-width stuff.
// Do we need to safeguard against that?
+ * @type {Handle}
+ * @param {Strong} node
+ */
function strong(node, _, context) {
- var marker = checkStrong(context);
- var exit = context.enter('strong');
- var value = phrasing(node, context, {before: marker, after: marker});
+ const marker = checkStrong(context);
+ const exit = context.enter('strong');
+ const value = containerPhrasing(node, context, {
+ before: marker,
+ after: marker
+ });
return marker + marker + value + marker + marker
-function strongPeek(node, _, context) {
+ * @type {Handle}
+ * @param {Strong} _
+ */
+function strongPeek(_, _1, context) {
return context.options.strong || '*'
-var text_1 = text$1;
-var safe = safe_1;
+ * @typedef {import('mdast').Text} Text
+ * @typedef {import('../types.js').Handle} Handle
+ */
-function text$1(node, parent, context, safeOptions) {
+ * @type {Handle}
+ * @param {Text} node
+ */
+function text$1(node, _, context, safeOptions) {
return safe(context, node.value, safeOptions)
-var checkRuleRepeat = checkRule$2;
+ * @typedef {import('../types.js').Context} Context
+ * @typedef {import('../types.js').Options} Options
+ */
-function checkRule$2(context) {
- var repetition = context.options.ruleRepetition || 3;
+ * @param {Context} context
+ * @returns {Exclude<Options['ruleRepetition'], undefined>}
+ */
+function checkRuleRepetition(context) {
+ const repetition = context.options.ruleRepetition || 3;
if (repetition < 3) {
throw new Error(
@@ -49217,10 +44997,17 @@ function checkRule$2(context) {
return repetition
-var checkRule_1 = checkRule$1;
+ * @typedef {import('../types.js').Context} Context
+ * @typedef {import('../types.js').Options} Options
+ */
-function checkRule$1(context) {
- var marker = context.options.rule || '*';
+ * @param {Context} context
+ * @returns {Exclude<Options['rule'], undefined>}
+ */
+function checkRule(context) {
+ const marker = context.options.rule || '*';
if (marker !== '*' && marker !== '-' && marker !== '_') {
throw new Error(
@@ -49233,47 +45020,54 @@ function checkRule$1(context) {
return marker
-var thematicBreak_1 = thematicBreak;
-var repeat$1 = repeatString;
-var checkRepeat = checkRuleRepeat;
-var checkRule = checkRule_1;
+ * @typedef {import('../types.js').Handle} Handle
+ * @typedef {import('mdast').ThematicBreak} ThematicBreak
+ */
-function thematicBreak(node, parent, context) {
- var value = repeat$1(
- checkRule(context) + (context.options.ruleSpaces ? ' ' : ''),
- checkRepeat(context)
- );
+ * @type {Handle}
+ * @param {ThematicBreak} _
+ */
+function thematicBreak(_, _1, context) {
+ const value = (
+ checkRule(context) + (context.options.ruleSpaces ? ' ' : '')
+ ).repeat(checkRuleRepetition(context));
return context.options.ruleSpaces ? value.slice(0, -1) : value
-handle.blockquote = blockquote_1;
-handle.break = _break;
-handle.code = code_1;
-handle.definition = definition_1;
-handle.emphasis = emphasis_1;
-handle.hardBreak = _break;
-handle.heading = heading_1;
-handle.html = html_1;
-handle.image = image_1;
-handle.imageReference = imageReference_1;
-handle.inlineCode = inlineCode_1; = link_1;
-handle.linkReference = linkReference_1;
-handle.list = list_1;
-handle.listItem = listItem_1;
-handle.paragraph = paragraph_1;
-handle.root = root_1;
-handle.strong = strong_1;
-handle.text = text_1;
-handle.thematicBreak = thematicBreak_1;
-var join = [joinDefaults];
-var formatCodeAsIndented = formatCodeAsIndented_1;
-var formatHeadingAsSetext = formatHeadingAsSetext_1;
+const handle = {
+ blockquote,
+ break: hardBreak,
+ code: code$1,
+ definition,
+ emphasis,
+ hardBreak,
+ heading,
+ html,
+ image,
+ imageReference,
+ inlineCode,
+ link,
+ linkReference,
+ list,
+ listItem,
+ paragraph,
+ root,
+ strong,
+ text: text$1,
+ thematicBreak
+ * @typedef {import('./types.js').Join} Join
+ */
+/** @type {Array.<Join>} */
+const join = [joinDefaults];
+/** @type {Join} */
function joinDefaults(left, right, parent, context) {
if (
// Two lists with the same marker.
@@ -49291,7 +45085,7 @@ function joinDefaults(left, right, parent, context) {
// Join children of a list or an item.
// In which case, `parent` has a `spread` field.
- if (typeof parent.spread === 'boolean') {
+ if ('spread' in parent && typeof parent.spread === 'boolean') {
if (
left.type === 'paragraph' &&
// Two paragraphs.
@@ -49307,7 +45101,12 @@ function joinDefaults(left, right, parent, context) {
-var unsafe = [
+ * @typedef {import('./types.js').Unsafe} Unsafe
+ */
+/** @type {Array.<Unsafe>} */
+const unsafe = [
character: '\t',
inConstruct: ['codeFencedLangGraveAccent', 'codeFencedLangTilde']
@@ -49418,44 +45217,49 @@ var unsafe = [
{atBreak: true, character: '~'}
-var lib = toMarkdown$1;
-var zwitch = zwitch$1;
-var configure = configure_1;
-var defaultHandlers = handle;
-var defaultJoin = join;
-var defaultUnsafe = unsafe;
+ * @typedef {import('./types.js').Node} Node
+ * @typedef {import('./types.js').Options} Options
+ * @typedef {import('./types.js').Context} Context
+ * @typedef {import('./types.js').Handle} Handle
+ * @typedef {import('./types.js').Join} Join
+ * @typedef {import('./types.js').Unsafe} Unsafe
+ */
-function toMarkdown$1(tree, options) {
- var settings = options || {};
- var context = {
- enter: enter,
+ * @param {Node} tree
+ * @param {Options} [options]
+ * @returns {string}
+ */
+function toMarkdown(tree, options = {}) {
+ /** @type {Context} */
+ // @ts-expect-error: we’ll add `handle` later.
+ const context = {
+ enter,
stack: [],
unsafe: [],
join: [],
handlers: {},
options: {}
- var result;
- configure(context, {
- unsafe: defaultUnsafe,
- join: defaultJoin,
- handlers: defaultHandlers
- });
- configure(context, settings);
+ configure(context, {unsafe, join, handlers: handle});
+ configure(context, options);
if (context.options.tightDefinitions) {
- context.join = [joinDefinition].concat(context.join);
+ configure(context, {join: [joinDefinition]});
+ /** @type {Handle} */
context.handle = zwitch('type', {
- invalid: invalid,
- unknown: unknown,
+ invalid,
+ // @ts-expect-error: hush.
+ unknown,
+ // @ts-expect-error: hush.
handlers: context.handlers
- result = context.handle(tree, null, context, {before: '\n', after: '\n'});
+ let result = context.handle(tree, null, context, {before: '\n', after: '\n'});
if (
result &&
@@ -49467,6 +45271,7 @@ function toMarkdown$1(tree, options) {
return result
+ /** @type {Context['enter']} */
function enter(name) {
return exit
@@ -49477,14 +45282,23 @@ function toMarkdown$1(tree, options) {
+ * @type {Handle}
+ * @param {unknown} value
+ */
function invalid(value) {
throw new Error('Cannot handle value `' + value + '`, expected node')
+ * @type {Handle}
+ * @param {Node} node
+ */
function unknown(node) {
throw new Error('Cannot handle unknown node `' + node.type + '`')
+/** @type {Join} */
function joinDefinition(left, right) {
// No blank line between adjacent definitions.
if (left.type === 'definition' && left.type === right.type) {
@@ -49492,38 +45306,36 @@ function joinDefinition(left, right) {
-var mdastUtilToMarkdown = lib;
-var remarkStringify = stringify$1;
-var toMarkdown = mdastUtilToMarkdown;
-function stringify$1(options) {
- var self = this;
+ * @typedef {import('mdast').Root|import('mdast').Content} Node
+ * @typedef {import('mdast-util-to-markdown').Options} Options
+ */
- this.Compiler = compile;
+/** @type {import('unified').Plugin<[Options]|void[], Node, string>} */
+function remarkStringify(options) {
+ /** @type {import('unified').CompilerFunction<Node, string>} */
+ const compiler = (tree) => {
+ // Assume options.
+ const settings = /** @type {Options} */ ('settings'));
- function compile(tree) {
return toMarkdown(
- Object.assign({},'settings'), options, {
+ Object.assign({}, settings, options, {
// Note: this option is not in the readme.
// The goal is for it to be set by plugins on `data` instead of being
// passed by users.
- extensions:'toMarkdownExtensions') || []
+ extensions:'toMarkdownExtensions') || []
- }
+ };
-var unified = unified_1;
-var parse$1 = remarkParse;
-var stringify = remarkStringify;
+ Object.assign(this, {Compiler: compiler});
-var remark = unified().use(parse$1).use(stringify).freeze();
+const remark = unified().use(remarkParse).use(remarkStringify).freeze();
const name$1 = "remark";
-const version$1 = "13.0.0";
+const version$1 = "14.0.1";
const description$1 = "Markdown processor powered by plugins part of the unified collective";
const license = "MIT";
const keywords = [
@@ -49552,21 +45364,32 @@ const author = "Titus Wormer <> (";
const contributors = [
"Titus Wormer <> ("
+const sideEffects = false;
+const type = "module";
+const main$1 = "index.js";
+const types = "index.d.ts";
const files = [
- "index.js",
- "types/index.d.ts"
+ "index.d.ts",
+ "index.js"
-const types$1 = "types/index.d.ts";
const dependencies$1 = {
- "remark-parse": "^9.0.0",
- "remark-stringify": "^9.0.0",
- unified: "^9.1.0"
+ "@types/mdast": "^3.0.0",
+ "remark-parse": "^10.0.0",
+ "remark-stringify": "^10.0.0",
+ unified: "^10.0.0"
const scripts$1 = {
- test: "tape test.js"
+ test: "node --conditions development test.js",
+ build: "rimraf \"*.d.ts\" && tsc && type-coverage"
const xo = false;
-var require$$3 = {
+const typeCoverage = {
+ atLeast: 100,
+ detail: true,
+ strict: true,
+ ignoreCatch: true
+var proc = {
name: name$1,
version: version$1,
description: description$1,
@@ -49578,11 +45401,15 @@ var require$$3 = {
funding: funding,
author: author,
contributors: contributors,
+ sideEffects: sideEffects,
+ type: type,
+ main: main$1,
+ types: types,
files: files,
- types: types$1,
dependencies: dependencies$1,
scripts: scripts$1,
- xo: xo
+ xo: xo,
+ typeCoverage: typeCoverage
const name = "node-lint-md-cli-rollup";
@@ -49597,17 +45424,17 @@ const devDependencies = {
const dependencies = {
"markdown-extensions": "^1.1.1",
- remark: "^13.0.0",
+ remark: "^14.0.0",
"remark-gfm": "^2.0.0",
"remark-preset-lint-node": "^3.0.0",
- "unified-args": "^8.1.0"
+ "unified-args": "^9.0.0"
const main = "dist/index.js";
const scripts = {
build: "npx rollup -c",
- "build-node": "npm run build && npx shx cp dist/index.js ../lint-md.js"
+ "build-node": "npm run build && npx shx cp dist/index.mjs ../lint-md.mjs"
-var require$$4 = {
+var cli = {
name: name,
description: description,
version: version,
@@ -49708,7 +45535,7 @@ function location(file) {
* @typedef {null|undefined|Type|Props|TestFunctionAnything|Array.<Type|Props|TestFunctionAnything>} Test
-const convert$2 =
+const convert =
* @type {(
* (<T extends Node>(test: T['type']|Partial<T>|TestFunctionPredicate<T>) => AssertPredicate<T>) &
@@ -49728,15 +45555,15 @@ const convert$2 =
function (test) {
if (test === undefined || test === null) {
- return ok$1
+ return ok
if (typeof test === 'string') {
- return typeFactory$1(test)
+ return typeFactory(test)
if (typeof test === 'object') {
- return Array.isArray(test) ? anyFactory$1(test) : propsFactory(test)
+ return Array.isArray(test) ? anyFactory(test) : propsFactory(test)
if (typeof test === 'function') {
@@ -49750,13 +45577,13 @@ const convert$2 =
* @param {Array.<Type|Props|TestFunctionAnything>} tests
* @returns {AssertAnything}
-function anyFactory$1(tests) {
+function anyFactory(tests) {
/** @type {Array.<AssertAnything>} */
const checks = [];
let index = -1;
while (++index < tests.length) {
- checks[index] = convert$2(tests[index]);
+ checks[index] = convert(tests[index]);
return castFactory(any)
@@ -49811,7 +45638,7 @@ function propsFactory(check) {
* @param {Type} check
* @returns {AssertAnything}
-function typeFactory$1(check) {
+function typeFactory(check) {
return castFactory(type)
@@ -49843,7 +45670,7 @@ function castFactory(check) {
// Utility to return true.
-function ok$1() {
+function ok() {
return true
@@ -49851,7 +45678,7 @@ function ok$1() {
* @param {string} d
* @returns {string}
-function color$3(d) {
+function color$2(d) {
return '\u001B[33m' + d + '\u001B[39m'
@@ -49864,17 +45691,17 @@ function color$3(d) {
* Continue traversing as normal
-const CONTINUE$3 = true;
+const CONTINUE$2 = true;
* Do not traverse this node’s children
-const SKIP$3 = 'skip';
+const SKIP$2 = 'skip';
* Stop traversing immediately
-const EXIT$3 = false;
+const EXIT$2 = false;
-const visitParents$3 =
+const visitParents$2 =
* @type {(
* (<T extends Node>(tree: Node, test: T['type']|Partial<T>|import('unist-util-is').TestFunctionPredicate<T>|Array.<T['type']|Partial<T>|import('unist-util-is').TestFunctionPredicate<T>>, visitor: Visitor<T>, reverse?: boolean) => void) &
@@ -49899,7 +45726,7 @@ const visitParents$3 =
test = null;
- var is = convert$2(test);
+ var is = convert(test);
var step = reverse ? -1 : 1;
factory(tree, null, [])();
@@ -49926,7 +45753,7 @@ const visitParents$3 =
Object.defineProperty(visit, 'name', {
'node (' +
- color$3(value.type + (name ? '<' + name + '>' : '')) +
+ color$2(value.type + (name ? '<' + name + '>' : '')) +
@@ -49946,12 +45773,12 @@ const visitParents$3 =
if (!test || is(node, index, parents[parents.length - 1] || null)) {
result = toResult$2(visitor(node, parents));
- if (result[0] === EXIT$3) {
+ if (result[0] === EXIT$2) {
return result
- if (node.children && result[0] !== SKIP$3) {
+ if (node.children && result[0] !== SKIP$2) {
// @ts-ignore looks like a parent.
offset = (reverse ? node.children.length : -1) + step;
// @ts-ignore looks like a parent.
@@ -49961,7 +45788,7 @@ const visitParents$3 =
while (offset > -1 && offset < node.children.length) {
subresult = factory(node.children[offset], offset, grandparents)();
- if (subresult[0] === EXIT$3) {
+ if (subresult[0] === EXIT$2) {
return subresult
@@ -49986,7 +45813,7 @@ function toResult$2(value) {
if (typeof value === 'number') {
- return [CONTINUE$3, value]
+ return [CONTINUE$2, value]
return [value]
@@ -49999,7 +45826,7 @@ function toResult$2(value) {
* @typedef {import('unist-util-visit-parents').VisitorResult} VisitorResult
-const visit$3 =
+const visit$1 =
* @type {(
* (<T extends Node>(tree: Node, test: T['type']|Partial<T>|import('unist-util-is').TestFunctionPredicate<T>|Array.<T['type']|Partial<T>|import('unist-util-is').TestFunctionPredicate<T>>, visitor: Visitor<T>, reverse?: boolean) => void) &
@@ -50023,7 +45850,7 @@ const visit$3 =
test = null;
- visitParents$3(tree, test, overload, reverse);
+ visitParents$2(tree, test, overload, reverse);
* @param {Node} node
@@ -50113,7 +45940,7 @@ const visit$3 =
* @property {boolean} state
-const own$4 = {}.hasOwnProperty;
+const own$2 = {}.hasOwnProperty;
* @type {import('unified').Plugin<[Options]>}
@@ -50155,7 +45982,7 @@ function messageControl(options) {
/** @type {Mark[]} */
const globals = [];
- visit$3(tree, options.test, visitor);
+ visit$1(tree, options.test, visitor);
file.messages = file.messages.filter((m) => filter(m));
@@ -50323,7 +46150,7 @@ function messageControl(options) {
// Toggle all known rules.
if (!ruleId) {
for (ruleId in scope) {
- if (own$, ruleId)) {
+ if (own$, ruleId)) {
toggle(point, state, ruleId);
@@ -50390,7 +46217,7 @@ function detectGaps(tree, file) {
let gap;
// Find all gaps.
- visit$3(tree, one);
+ visit$1(tree, one);
// Get the end of the document.
// This detects if the last node was the last node.
@@ -50608,92 +46435,6 @@ function lintMessageControl() {
- * @typedef {(error?: Error|null|undefined, ...output: any[]) => void} Callback
- * @typedef {(...input: any[]) => any} Middleware
- *
- * @typedef {(...input: any[]) => void} Run Call all middleware.
- * @typedef {(fn: Middleware) => Pipeline} Use Add `fn` (middleware) to the list.
- * @typedef {{run: Run, use: Use}} Pipeline
- */
- * Wrap `middleware`.
- * Can be sync or async; return a promise, receive a callback, or return new
- * values and errors.
- *
- * @param {Middleware} middleware
- * @param {Callback} callback
- */
-function wrap(middleware, callback) {
- /** @type {boolean} */
- let called;
- return wrapped
- /**
- * Call `middleware`.
- * @param {any[]} parameters
- * @returns {void}
- */
- function wrapped(...parameters) {
- const fnExpectsCallback = middleware.length > parameters.length;
- /** @type {any} */
- let result;
- if (fnExpectsCallback) {
- parameters.push(done);
- }
- try {
- result = middleware(...parameters);
- } catch (error) {
- /** @type {Error} */
- const exception = error;
- // Well, this is quite the pickle.
- // `middleware` received a callback and called it synchronously, but that
- // threw an error.
- // The only thing left to do is to throw the thing instead.
- if (fnExpectsCallback && called) {
- throw exception
- }
- return done(exception)
- }
- if (!fnExpectsCallback) {
- if (result instanceof Promise) {
- result.then(then, done);
- } else if (result instanceof Error) {
- done(result);
- } else {
- then(result);
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Call `callback`, only once.
- * @type {Callback}
- */
- function done(error, ...output) {
- if (!called) {
- called = true;
- callback(error, ...output);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Call `done` with one value.
- *
- * @param {any} [value]
- */
- function then(value) {
- done(null, value);
- }
* @typedef {import('unist').Node} Node
* @typedef {import('vfile').VFile} VFile
@@ -50708,13 +46449,13 @@ function wrap(middleware, callback) {
* @returns {void}
-const primitives = new Set(['string', 'number', 'boolean']);
+const primitives$G = new Set(['string', 'number', 'boolean']);
* @param {string} id
* @param {Rule} rule
-function lintRule(id, rule) {
+function lintRule$G(id, rule) {
const parts = id.split(':');
// Possibly useful if externalised later.
/* c8 ignore next */
@@ -50727,7 +46468,7 @@ function lintRule(id, rule) {
/** @type {import('unified').Plugin<[unknown]|void[]>} */
function plugin(raw) {
- const [severity, options] = coerce$2(ruleId, raw);
+ const [severity, options] = coerce$H(ruleId, raw);
if (!severity) return
@@ -50766,7 +46507,7 @@ function lintRule(id, rule) {
* @param {unknown} value
* @returns {SeverityTuple}
-function coerce$2(name, value) {
+function coerce$H(name, value) {
/** @type {unknown[]} */
let result;
@@ -50778,7 +46519,7 @@ function coerce$2(name, value) {
Array.isArray(value) &&
// `isArray(unknown)` is turned into `any[]`:
// type-coverage:ignore-next-line
- primitives.has(typeof value[0])
+ primitives$G.has(typeof value[0])
) {
// `isArray(unknown)` is turned into `any[]`:
// type-coverage:ignore-next-line
@@ -50873,7 +46614,7 @@ function coerce$2(name, value) {
* ```
-const remarkLintFinalNewline = lintRule(
+const remarkLintFinalNewline = lintRule$G(
/** @type {import('unified-lint-rule').Rule<Root, void>} */
(_, file) => {
@@ -50888,6 +46629,134 @@ const remarkLintFinalNewline = lintRule(
var remarkLintFinalNewline$1 = remarkLintFinalNewline;
+ * @typedef {import('unist').Node} Node
+ * @typedef {import('vfile').VFile} VFile
+ *
+ * @typedef {0|1|2} Severity
+ * @typedef {'warn'|'on'|'off'|'error'} Label
+ * @typedef {[Severity, ...unknown[]]} SeverityTuple
+ *
+ * @callback Rule
+ * @param {Node} tree
+ * @param {VFile} file
+ * @param {unknown} options
+ * @returns {void}
+ */
+const primitives$F = new Set(['string', 'number', 'boolean']);
+ * @param {string} id
+ * @param {Rule} rule
+ */
+function lintRule$F(id, rule) {
+ const parts = id.split(':');
+ // Possibly useful if externalised later.
+ /* c8 ignore next */
+ const source = parts[1] ? parts[0] : undefined;
+ const ruleId = parts[1];
+ Object.defineProperty(plugin, 'name', {value: id});
+ return plugin
+ /** @type {import('unified').Plugin<[unknown]|void[]>} */
+ function plugin(raw) {
+ const [severity, options] = coerce$G(ruleId, raw);
+ if (!severity) return
+ const fatal = severity === 2;
+ return (tree, file, next) => {
+ let index = file.messages.length - 1;
+ wrap(rule, (error) => {
+ const messages = file.messages;
+ // Add the error, if not already properly added.
+ // Only happens for incorrect plugins.
+ /* c8 ignore next 6 */
+ // @ts-expect-error: errors could be `messages`.
+ if (error && !messages.includes(error)) {
+ try {
+ } catch {}
+ }
+ while (++index < messages.length) {
+ Object.assign(messages[index], {ruleId, source, fatal});
+ }
+ next();
+ })(tree, file, options);
+ }
+ }
+ * Coerce a value to a severity--options tuple.
+ *
+ * @param {string} name
+ * @param {unknown} value
+ * @returns {SeverityTuple}
+ */
+function coerce$G(name, value) {
+ /** @type {unknown[]} */
+ let result;
+ if (typeof value === 'boolean') {
+ result = [value];
+ } else if (value === null || value === undefined) {
+ result = [1];
+ } else if (
+ Array.isArray(value) &&
+ // `isArray(unknown)` is turned into `any[]`:
+ // type-coverage:ignore-next-line
+ primitives$F.has(typeof value[0])
+ ) {
+ // `isArray(unknown)` is turned into `any[]`:
+ // type-coverage:ignore-next-line
+ result = [...value];
+ } else {
+ result = [1, value];
+ }
+ let level = result[0];
+ if (typeof level === 'boolean') {
+ level = level ? 1 : 0;
+ } else if (typeof level === 'string') {
+ if (level === 'off') {
+ level = 0;
+ } else if (level === 'on' || level === 'warn') {
+ level = 1;
+ } else if (level === 'error') {
+ level = 2;
+ } else {
+ level = 1;
+ result = [level, result];
+ }
+ }
+ if (typeof level !== 'number' || level < 0 || level > 2) {
+ throw new Error(
+ 'Incorrect severity `' +
+ level +
+ '` for `' +
+ name +
+ '`, ' +
+ 'expected 0, 1, or 2'
+ )
+ }
+ result[0] = level;
+ // @ts-expect-error: it’s now a valid tuple.
+ return result
var pluralize = {exports: {}};
/* global define */
@@ -51397,7 +47266,7 @@ var plural = pluralize.exports;
* @param {string} d
* @returns {string}
-function color$2(d) {
+function color$1(d) {
return '\u001B[33m' + d + '\u001B[39m'
@@ -51410,15 +47279,15 @@ function color$2(d) {
* Continue traversing as normal
-const CONTINUE$2 = true;
+const CONTINUE$1 = true;
* Do not traverse this node’s children
-const SKIP$2 = 'skip';
+const SKIP$1 = 'skip';
* Stop traversing immediately
-const EXIT$2 = false;
+const EXIT$1 = false;
* Visit children of tree which pass a test
@@ -51428,7 +47297,7 @@ const EXIT$2 = false;
* @param visitor Function to run for each node
* @param reverse Visit the tree in reverse order, defaults to false
-const visitParents$2 =
+const visitParents$1 =
* @type {(
* (<Tree extends Node, Check extends Test>(tree: Tree, test: Check, visitor: Visitor<import('./complex-types').Matches<import('./complex-types').InclusiveDescendant<Tree>, Check>>, reverse?: boolean) => void) &
@@ -51450,7 +47319,7 @@ const visitParents$2 =
test = null;
- const is = convert$2(test);
+ const is = convert(test);
const step = reverse ? -1 : 1;
factory(tree, null, [])();
@@ -51478,7 +47347,7 @@ const visitParents$2 =
Object.defineProperty(visit, 'name', {
'node (' +
- color$2(value.type + (name ? '<' + name + '>' : '')) +
+ color$1(value.type + (name ? '<' + name + '>' : '')) +
@@ -51498,13 +47367,13 @@ const visitParents$2 =
if (!test || is(node, index, parents[parents.length - 1] || null)) {
result = toResult$1(visitor(node, parents));
- if (result[0] === EXIT$2) {
+ if (result[0] === EXIT$1) {
return result
// @ts-expect-error looks like a parent.
- if (node.children && result[0] !== SKIP$2) {
+ if (node.children && result[0] !== SKIP$1) {
// @ts-expect-error looks like a parent.
offset = (reverse ? node.children.length : -1) + step;
// @ts-expect-error looks like a parent.
@@ -51515,7 +47384,7 @@ const visitParents$2 =
// @ts-expect-error looks like a parent.
subresult = factory(node.children[offset], offset, grandparents)();
- if (subresult[0] === EXIT$2) {
+ if (subresult[0] === EXIT$1) {
return subresult
@@ -51540,7 +47409,7 @@ function toResult$1(value) {
if (typeof value === 'number') {
- return [CONTINUE$2, value]
+ return [CONTINUE$1, value]
return [value]
@@ -51561,7 +47430,7 @@ function toResult$1(value) {
* @param visitor Function to run for each node
* @param reverse Fisit the tree in reverse, defaults to false
-const visit$2 =
+const visit =
* @type {(
* (<Tree extends Node, Check extends Test>(tree: Tree, test: Check, visitor: Visitor<import('unist-util-visit-parents/complex-types').Matches<import('unist-util-visit-parents/complex-types').InclusiveDescendant<Tree>, Check>>, reverse?: boolean) => void) &
@@ -51582,7 +47451,7 @@ const visit$2 =
test = null;
- visitParents$2(tree, test, overload, reverse);
+ visitParents$1(tree, test, overload, reverse);
* @param {Node} node
@@ -51638,11 +47507,11 @@ const visit$2 =
* 4:2: Incorrect indentation before bullet: remove 1 space
-const remarkLintListItemBulletIndent = lintRule(
+const remarkLintListItemBulletIndent = lintRule$F(
/** @type {import('unified-lint-rule').Rule<Root, void>} */
(tree, file) => {
- visit$2(tree, 'list', (list, _, grandparent) => {
+ visit(tree, 'list', (list, _, grandparent) => {
let index = -1;
while (++index < list.children.length) {
@@ -51677,6 +47546,134 @@ const remarkLintListItemBulletIndent = lintRule(
var remarkLintListItemBulletIndent$1 = remarkLintListItemBulletIndent;
+ * @typedef {import('unist').Node} Node
+ * @typedef {import('vfile').VFile} VFile
+ *
+ * @typedef {0|1|2} Severity
+ * @typedef {'warn'|'on'|'off'|'error'} Label
+ * @typedef {[Severity, ...unknown[]]} SeverityTuple
+ *
+ * @callback Rule
+ * @param {Node} tree
+ * @param {VFile} file
+ * @param {unknown} options
+ * @returns {void}
+ */
+const primitives$E = new Set(['string', 'number', 'boolean']);
+ * @param {string} id
+ * @param {Rule} rule
+ */
+function lintRule$E(id, rule) {
+ const parts = id.split(':');
+ // Possibly useful if externalised later.
+ /* c8 ignore next */
+ const source = parts[1] ? parts[0] : undefined;
+ const ruleId = parts[1];
+ Object.defineProperty(plugin, 'name', {value: id});
+ return plugin
+ /** @type {import('unified').Plugin<[unknown]|void[]>} */
+ function plugin(raw) {
+ const [severity, options] = coerce$F(ruleId, raw);
+ if (!severity) return
+ const fatal = severity === 2;
+ return (tree, file, next) => {
+ let index = file.messages.length - 1;
+ wrap(rule, (error) => {
+ const messages = file.messages;
+ // Add the error, if not already properly added.
+ // Only happens for incorrect plugins.
+ /* c8 ignore next 6 */
+ // @ts-expect-error: errors could be `messages`.
+ if (error && !messages.includes(error)) {
+ try {
+ } catch {}
+ }
+ while (++index < messages.length) {
+ Object.assign(messages[index], {ruleId, source, fatal});
+ }
+ next();
+ })(tree, file, options);
+ }
+ }
+ * Coerce a value to a severity--options tuple.
+ *
+ * @param {string} name
+ * @param {unknown} value
+ * @returns {SeverityTuple}
+ */
+function coerce$F(name, value) {
+ /** @type {unknown[]} */
+ let result;
+ if (typeof value === 'boolean') {
+ result = [value];
+ } else if (value === null || value === undefined) {
+ result = [1];
+ } else if (
+ Array.isArray(value) &&
+ // `isArray(unknown)` is turned into `any[]`:
+ // type-coverage:ignore-next-line
+ primitives$E.has(typeof value[0])
+ ) {
+ // `isArray(unknown)` is turned into `any[]`:
+ // type-coverage:ignore-next-line
+ result = [...value];
+ } else {
+ result = [1, value];
+ }
+ let level = result[0];
+ if (typeof level === 'boolean') {
+ level = level ? 1 : 0;
+ } else if (typeof level === 'string') {
+ if (level === 'off') {
+ level = 0;
+ } else if (level === 'on' || level === 'warn') {
+ level = 1;
+ } else if (level === 'error') {
+ level = 2;
+ } else {
+ level = 1;
+ result = [level, result];
+ }
+ }
+ if (typeof level !== 'number' || level < 0 || level > 2) {
+ throw new Error(
+ 'Incorrect severity `' +
+ level +
+ '` for `' +
+ name +
+ '`, ' +
+ 'expected 0, 1, or 2'
+ )
+ }
+ result[0] = level;
+ // @ts-expect-error: it’s now a valid tuple.
+ return result
* @typedef {import('unist').Position} Position
* @typedef {import('unist').Point} Point
@@ -51690,15 +47687,15 @@ var remarkLintListItemBulletIndent$1 = remarkLintListItemBulletIndent;
* @property {PositionLike} [position]
-var pointStart = point$2('start');
-var pointEnd = point$2('end');
+var pointStart = point('start');
+var pointEnd = point('end');
* Get the positional info of `node`.
* @param {'start'|'end'} type
-function point$2(type) {
+function point(type) {
return point
@@ -51868,7 +47865,7 @@ function generated(node) {
* 1:1: Incorrect list-item indent style `💩`: use either `'tab-size'`, `'space'`, or `'mixed'`
-const remarkLintListItemIndent = lintRule(
+const remarkLintListItemIndent = lintRule$E(
/** @type {import('unified-lint-rule').Rule<Root, Options>} */
(tree, file, option = 'tab-size') => {
@@ -51882,7 +47879,7 @@ const remarkLintListItemIndent = lintRule(
- visit$2(tree, 'list', (node) => {
+ visit(tree, 'list', (node) => {
if (generated(node)) return
const spread = node.spread;
@@ -51926,59 +47923,131 @@ const remarkLintListItemIndent = lintRule(
var remarkLintListItemIndent$1 = remarkLintListItemIndent;
- * @typedef Options
- * @property {boolean} [includeImageAlt=true]
- */
- * Get the text content of a node.
- * Prefer the node’s plain-text fields, otherwise serialize its children,
- * and if the given value is an array, serialize the nodes in it.
+ * @typedef {import('unist').Node} Node
+ * @typedef {import('vfile').VFile} VFile
- * @param {unknown} node
- * @param {Options} [options]
- * @returns {string}
+ * @typedef {0|1|2} Severity
+ * @typedef {'warn'|'on'|'off'|'error'} Label
+ * @typedef {[Severity, ...unknown[]]} SeverityTuple
+ *
+ * @callback Rule
+ * @param {Node} tree
+ * @param {VFile} file
+ * @param {unknown} options
+ * @returns {void}
-function toString(node, options) {
- var {includeImageAlt = true} = options || {};
- return one(node, includeImageAlt)
+const primitives$D = new Set(['string', 'number', 'boolean']);
- * @param {unknown} node
- * @param {boolean} includeImageAlt
- * @returns {string}
+ * @param {string} id
+ * @param {Rule} rule
-function one(node, includeImageAlt) {
- return (
- (node &&
- typeof node === 'object' &&
- // @ts-ignore looks like a literal.
- (node.value ||
- // @ts-ignore looks like an image.
- (includeImageAlt ? node.alt : '') ||
- // @ts-ignore looks like a parent.
- ('children' in node && all(node.children, includeImageAlt)) ||
- (Array.isArray(node) && all(node, includeImageAlt)))) ||
- ''
- )
+function lintRule$D(id, rule) {
+ const parts = id.split(':');
+ // Possibly useful if externalised later.
+ /* c8 ignore next */
+ const source = parts[1] ? parts[0] : undefined;
+ const ruleId = parts[1];
+ Object.defineProperty(plugin, 'name', {value: id});
+ return plugin
+ /** @type {import('unified').Plugin<[unknown]|void[]>} */
+ function plugin(raw) {
+ const [severity, options] = coerce$E(ruleId, raw);
+ if (!severity) return
+ const fatal = severity === 2;
+ return (tree, file, next) => {
+ let index = file.messages.length - 1;
+ wrap(rule, (error) => {
+ const messages = file.messages;
+ // Add the error, if not already properly added.
+ // Only happens for incorrect plugins.
+ /* c8 ignore next 6 */
+ // @ts-expect-error: errors could be `messages`.
+ if (error && !messages.includes(error)) {
+ try {
+ } catch {}
+ }
+ while (++index < messages.length) {
+ Object.assign(messages[index], {ruleId, source, fatal});
+ }
+ next();
+ })(tree, file, options);
+ }
+ }
- * @param {Array.<unknown>} values
- * @param {boolean} includeImageAlt
- * @returns {string}
+ * Coerce a value to a severity--options tuple.
+ *
+ * @param {string} name
+ * @param {unknown} value
+ * @returns {SeverityTuple}
-function all(values, includeImageAlt) {
- /** @type {Array.<string>} */
- var result = [];
- var index = -1;
+function coerce$E(name, value) {
+ /** @type {unknown[]} */
+ let result;
- while (++index < values.length) {
- result[index] = one(values[index], includeImageAlt);
+ if (typeof value === 'boolean') {
+ result = [value];
+ } else if (value === null || value === undefined) {
+ result = [1];
+ } else if (
+ Array.isArray(value) &&
+ // `isArray(unknown)` is turned into `any[]`:
+ // type-coverage:ignore-next-line
+ primitives$D.has(typeof value[0])
+ ) {
+ // `isArray(unknown)` is turned into `any[]`:
+ // type-coverage:ignore-next-line
+ result = [...value];
+ } else {
+ result = [1, value];
- return result.join('')
+ let level = result[0];
+ if (typeof level === 'boolean') {
+ level = level ? 1 : 0;
+ } else if (typeof level === 'string') {
+ if (level === 'off') {
+ level = 0;
+ } else if (level === 'on' || level === 'warn') {
+ level = 1;
+ } else if (level === 'error') {
+ level = 2;
+ } else {
+ level = 1;
+ result = [level, result];
+ }
+ }
+ if (typeof level !== 'number' || level < 0 || level > 2) {
+ throw new Error(
+ 'Incorrect severity `' +
+ level +
+ '` for `' +
+ name +
+ '`, ' +
+ 'expected 0, 1, or 2'
+ )
+ }
+ result[0] = level;
+ // @ts-expect-error: it’s now a valid tuple.
+ return result
@@ -52023,11 +48092,11 @@ function all(values, includeImageAlt) {
// See: <>.
const protocol = /^[a-z][a-z+.-]+:\/?/i;
-const remarkLintNoAutoLinkWithoutProtocol = lintRule(
+const remarkLintNoAutoLinkWithoutProtocol = lintRule$D(
/** @type {import('unified-lint-rule').Rule<Root, void>} */
(tree, file) => {
- visit$2(tree, 'link', (node) => {
+ visit(tree, 'link', (node) => {
if (
!generated(node) &&
pointStart(node).column === pointStart(node.children[0]).column - 1 &&
@@ -52044,6 +48113,134 @@ const remarkLintNoAutoLinkWithoutProtocol = lintRule(
var remarkLintNoAutoLinkWithoutProtocol$1 = remarkLintNoAutoLinkWithoutProtocol;
+ * @typedef {import('unist').Node} Node
+ * @typedef {import('vfile').VFile} VFile
+ *
+ * @typedef {0|1|2} Severity
+ * @typedef {'warn'|'on'|'off'|'error'} Label
+ * @typedef {[Severity, ...unknown[]]} SeverityTuple
+ *
+ * @callback Rule
+ * @param {Node} tree
+ * @param {VFile} file
+ * @param {unknown} options
+ * @returns {void}
+ */
+const primitives$C = new Set(['string', 'number', 'boolean']);
+ * @param {string} id
+ * @param {Rule} rule
+ */
+function lintRule$C(id, rule) {
+ const parts = id.split(':');
+ // Possibly useful if externalised later.
+ /* c8 ignore next */
+ const source = parts[1] ? parts[0] : undefined;
+ const ruleId = parts[1];
+ Object.defineProperty(plugin, 'name', {value: id});
+ return plugin
+ /** @type {import('unified').Plugin<[unknown]|void[]>} */
+ function plugin(raw) {
+ const [severity, options] = coerce$D(ruleId, raw);
+ if (!severity) return
+ const fatal = severity === 2;
+ return (tree, file, next) => {
+ let index = file.messages.length - 1;
+ wrap(rule, (error) => {
+ const messages = file.messages;
+ // Add the error, if not already properly added.
+ // Only happens for incorrect plugins.
+ /* c8 ignore next 6 */
+ // @ts-expect-error: errors could be `messages`.
+ if (error && !messages.includes(error)) {
+ try {
+ } catch {}
+ }
+ while (++index < messages.length) {
+ Object.assign(messages[index], {ruleId, source, fatal});
+ }
+ next();
+ })(tree, file, options);
+ }
+ }
+ * Coerce a value to a severity--options tuple.
+ *
+ * @param {string} name
+ * @param {unknown} value
+ * @returns {SeverityTuple}
+ */
+function coerce$D(name, value) {
+ /** @type {unknown[]} */
+ let result;
+ if (typeof value === 'boolean') {
+ result = [value];
+ } else if (value === null || value === undefined) {
+ result = [1];
+ } else if (
+ Array.isArray(value) &&
+ // `isArray(unknown)` is turned into `any[]`:
+ // type-coverage:ignore-next-line
+ primitives$C.has(typeof value[0])
+ ) {
+ // `isArray(unknown)` is turned into `any[]`:
+ // type-coverage:ignore-next-line
+ result = [...value];
+ } else {
+ result = [1, value];
+ }
+ let level = result[0];
+ if (typeof level === 'boolean') {
+ level = level ? 1 : 0;
+ } else if (typeof level === 'string') {
+ if (level === 'off') {
+ level = 0;
+ } else if (level === 'on' || level === 'warn') {
+ level = 1;
+ } else if (level === 'error') {
+ level = 2;
+ } else {
+ level = 1;
+ result = [level, result];
+ }
+ }
+ if (typeof level !== 'number' || level < 0 || level > 2) {
+ throw new Error(
+ 'Incorrect severity `' +
+ level +
+ '` for `' +
+ name +
+ '`, ' +
+ 'expected 0, 1, or 2'
+ )
+ }
+ result[0] = level;
+ // @ts-expect-error: it’s now a valid tuple.
+ return result
* @author Titus Wormer
* @copyright 2015 Titus Wormer
* @license MIT
@@ -52100,14 +48297,14 @@ var remarkLintNoAutoLinkWithoutProtocol$1 = remarkLintNoAutoLinkWithoutProtocol;
* 3:1: Missing marker in block quote
-const remarkLintNoBlockquoteWithoutMarker = lintRule(
+const remarkLintNoBlockquoteWithoutMarker = lintRule$C(
/** @type {import('unified-lint-rule').Rule<Root, void>} */
(tree, file) => {
const value = String(file);
const loc = location(file);
- visit$2(tree, 'blockquote', (node) => {
+ visit(tree, 'blockquote', (node) => {
let index = -1;
while (++index < node.children.length) {
@@ -52141,6 +48338,134 @@ const remarkLintNoBlockquoteWithoutMarker = lintRule(
var remarkLintNoBlockquoteWithoutMarker$1 = remarkLintNoBlockquoteWithoutMarker;
+ * @typedef {import('unist').Node} Node
+ * @typedef {import('vfile').VFile} VFile
+ *
+ * @typedef {0|1|2} Severity
+ * @typedef {'warn'|'on'|'off'|'error'} Label
+ * @typedef {[Severity, ...unknown[]]} SeverityTuple
+ *
+ * @callback Rule
+ * @param {Node} tree
+ * @param {VFile} file
+ * @param {unknown} options
+ * @returns {void}
+ */
+const primitives$B = new Set(['string', 'number', 'boolean']);
+ * @param {string} id
+ * @param {Rule} rule
+ */
+function lintRule$B(id, rule) {
+ const parts = id.split(':');
+ // Possibly useful if externalised later.
+ /* c8 ignore next */
+ const source = parts[1] ? parts[0] : undefined;
+ const ruleId = parts[1];
+ Object.defineProperty(plugin, 'name', {value: id});
+ return plugin
+ /** @type {import('unified').Plugin<[unknown]|void[]>} */
+ function plugin(raw) {
+ const [severity, options] = coerce$C(ruleId, raw);
+ if (!severity) return
+ const fatal = severity === 2;
+ return (tree, file, next) => {
+ let index = file.messages.length - 1;
+ wrap(rule, (error) => {
+ const messages = file.messages;
+ // Add the error, if not already properly added.
+ // Only happens for incorrect plugins.
+ /* c8 ignore next 6 */
+ // @ts-expect-error: errors could be `messages`.
+ if (error && !messages.includes(error)) {
+ try {
+ } catch {}
+ }
+ while (++index < messages.length) {
+ Object.assign(messages[index], {ruleId, source, fatal});
+ }
+ next();
+ })(tree, file, options);
+ }
+ }
+ * Coerce a value to a severity--options tuple.
+ *
+ * @param {string} name
+ * @param {unknown} value
+ * @returns {SeverityTuple}
+ */
+function coerce$C(name, value) {
+ /** @type {unknown[]} */
+ let result;
+ if (typeof value === 'boolean') {
+ result = [value];
+ } else if (value === null || value === undefined) {
+ result = [1];
+ } else if (
+ Array.isArray(value) &&
+ // `isArray(unknown)` is turned into `any[]`:
+ // type-coverage:ignore-next-line
+ primitives$B.has(typeof value[0])
+ ) {
+ // `isArray(unknown)` is turned into `any[]`:
+ // type-coverage:ignore-next-line
+ result = [...value];
+ } else {
+ result = [1, value];
+ }
+ let level = result[0];
+ if (typeof level === 'boolean') {
+ level = level ? 1 : 0;
+ } else if (typeof level === 'string') {
+ if (level === 'off') {
+ level = 0;
+ } else if (level === 'on' || level === 'warn') {
+ level = 1;
+ } else if (level === 'error') {
+ level = 2;
+ } else {
+ level = 1;
+ result = [level, result];
+ }
+ }
+ if (typeof level !== 'number' || level < 0 || level > 2) {
+ throw new Error(
+ 'Incorrect severity `' +
+ level +
+ '` for `' +
+ name +
+ '`, ' +
+ 'expected 0, 1, or 2'
+ )
+ }
+ result[0] = level;
+ // @ts-expect-error: it’s now a valid tuple.
+ return result
* @author Titus Wormer
* @copyright 2015 Titus Wormer
* @license MIT
@@ -52176,11 +48501,11 @@ var remarkLintNoBlockquoteWithoutMarker$1 = remarkLintNoBlockquoteWithoutMarker;
* 1:1-1:19: Don’t use literal URLs without angle brackets
-const remarkLintNoLiteralUrls = lintRule(
+const remarkLintNoLiteralUrls = lintRule$B(
/** @type {import('unified-lint-rule').Rule<Root, void>} */
(tree, file) => {
- visit$2(tree, 'link', (node) => {
+ visit(tree, 'link', (node) => {
const value = toString(node);
if (
@@ -52199,6 +48524,134 @@ const remarkLintNoLiteralUrls = lintRule(
var remarkLintNoLiteralUrls$1 = remarkLintNoLiteralUrls;
+ * @typedef {import('unist').Node} Node
+ * @typedef {import('vfile').VFile} VFile
+ *
+ * @typedef {0|1|2} Severity
+ * @typedef {'warn'|'on'|'off'|'error'} Label
+ * @typedef {[Severity, ...unknown[]]} SeverityTuple
+ *
+ * @callback Rule
+ * @param {Node} tree
+ * @param {VFile} file
+ * @param {unknown} options
+ * @returns {void}
+ */
+const primitives$A = new Set(['string', 'number', 'boolean']);
+ * @param {string} id
+ * @param {Rule} rule
+ */
+function lintRule$A(id, rule) {
+ const parts = id.split(':');
+ // Possibly useful if externalised later.
+ /* c8 ignore next */
+ const source = parts[1] ? parts[0] : undefined;
+ const ruleId = parts[1];
+ Object.defineProperty(plugin, 'name', {value: id});
+ return plugin
+ /** @type {import('unified').Plugin<[unknown]|void[]>} */
+ function plugin(raw) {
+ const [severity, options] = coerce$B(ruleId, raw);
+ if (!severity) return
+ const fatal = severity === 2;
+ return (tree, file, next) => {
+ let index = file.messages.length - 1;
+ wrap(rule, (error) => {
+ const messages = file.messages;
+ // Add the error, if not already properly added.
+ // Only happens for incorrect plugins.
+ /* c8 ignore next 6 */
+ // @ts-expect-error: errors could be `messages`.
+ if (error && !messages.includes(error)) {
+ try {
+ } catch {}
+ }
+ while (++index < messages.length) {
+ Object.assign(messages[index], {ruleId, source, fatal});
+ }
+ next();
+ })(tree, file, options);
+ }
+ }
+ * Coerce a value to a severity--options tuple.
+ *
+ * @param {string} name
+ * @param {unknown} value
+ * @returns {SeverityTuple}
+ */
+function coerce$B(name, value) {
+ /** @type {unknown[]} */
+ let result;
+ if (typeof value === 'boolean') {
+ result = [value];
+ } else if (value === null || value === undefined) {
+ result = [1];
+ } else if (
+ Array.isArray(value) &&
+ // `isArray(unknown)` is turned into `any[]`:
+ // type-coverage:ignore-next-line
+ primitives$A.has(typeof value[0])
+ ) {
+ // `isArray(unknown)` is turned into `any[]`:
+ // type-coverage:ignore-next-line
+ result = [...value];
+ } else {
+ result = [1, value];
+ }
+ let level = result[0];
+ if (typeof level === 'boolean') {
+ level = level ? 1 : 0;
+ } else if (typeof level === 'string') {
+ if (level === 'off') {
+ level = 0;
+ } else if (level === 'on' || level === 'warn') {
+ level = 1;
+ } else if (level === 'error') {
+ level = 2;
+ } else {
+ level = 1;
+ result = [level, result];
+ }
+ }
+ if (typeof level !== 'number' || level < 0 || level > 2) {
+ throw new Error(
+ 'Incorrect severity `' +
+ level +
+ '` for `' +
+ name +
+ '`, ' +
+ 'expected 0, 1, or 2'
+ )
+ }
+ result[0] = level;
+ // @ts-expect-error: it’s now a valid tuple.
+ return result
* @author Titus Wormer
* @copyright 2015 Titus Wormer
* @license MIT
@@ -52255,7 +48708,7 @@ var remarkLintNoLiteralUrls$1 = remarkLintNoLiteralUrls;
* 1:1: Incorrect ordered list item marker style `💩`: use either `'.'` or `')'`
-const remarkLintOrderedListMarkerStyle = lintRule(
+const remarkLintOrderedListMarkerStyle = lintRule$A(
/** @type {import('unified-lint-rule').Rule<Root, Options>} */
(tree, file, option = 'consistent') => {
@@ -52269,7 +48722,7 @@ const remarkLintOrderedListMarkerStyle = lintRule(
- visit$2(tree, 'list', (node) => {
+ visit(tree, 'list', (node) => {
let index = -1;
if (!node.ordered) return
@@ -52302,6 +48755,134 @@ const remarkLintOrderedListMarkerStyle = lintRule(
var remarkLintOrderedListMarkerStyle$1 = remarkLintOrderedListMarkerStyle;
+ * @typedef {import('unist').Node} Node
+ * @typedef {import('vfile').VFile} VFile
+ *
+ * @typedef {0|1|2} Severity
+ * @typedef {'warn'|'on'|'off'|'error'} Label
+ * @typedef {[Severity, ...unknown[]]} SeverityTuple
+ *
+ * @callback Rule
+ * @param {Node} tree
+ * @param {VFile} file
+ * @param {unknown} options
+ * @returns {void}
+ */
+const primitives$z = new Set(['string', 'number', 'boolean']);
+ * @param {string} id
+ * @param {Rule} rule
+ */
+function lintRule$z(id, rule) {
+ const parts = id.split(':');
+ // Possibly useful if externalised later.
+ /* c8 ignore next */
+ const source = parts[1] ? parts[0] : undefined;
+ const ruleId = parts[1];
+ Object.defineProperty(plugin, 'name', {value: id});
+ return plugin
+ /** @type {import('unified').Plugin<[unknown]|void[]>} */
+ function plugin(raw) {
+ const [severity, options] = coerce$A(ruleId, raw);
+ if (!severity) return
+ const fatal = severity === 2;
+ return (tree, file, next) => {
+ let index = file.messages.length - 1;
+ wrap(rule, (error) => {
+ const messages = file.messages;
+ // Add the error, if not already properly added.
+ // Only happens for incorrect plugins.
+ /* c8 ignore next 6 */
+ // @ts-expect-error: errors could be `messages`.
+ if (error && !messages.includes(error)) {
+ try {
+ } catch {}
+ }
+ while (++index < messages.length) {
+ Object.assign(messages[index], {ruleId, source, fatal});
+ }
+ next();
+ })(tree, file, options);
+ }
+ }
+ * Coerce a value to a severity--options tuple.
+ *
+ * @param {string} name
+ * @param {unknown} value
+ * @returns {SeverityTuple}
+ */
+function coerce$A(name, value) {
+ /** @type {unknown[]} */
+ let result;
+ if (typeof value === 'boolean') {
+ result = [value];
+ } else if (value === null || value === undefined) {
+ result = [1];
+ } else if (
+ Array.isArray(value) &&
+ // `isArray(unknown)` is turned into `any[]`:
+ // type-coverage:ignore-next-line
+ primitives$z.has(typeof value[0])
+ ) {
+ // `isArray(unknown)` is turned into `any[]`:
+ // type-coverage:ignore-next-line
+ result = [...value];
+ } else {
+ result = [1, value];
+ }
+ let level = result[0];
+ if (typeof level === 'boolean') {
+ level = level ? 1 : 0;
+ } else if (typeof level === 'string') {
+ if (level === 'off') {
+ level = 0;
+ } else if (level === 'on' || level === 'warn') {
+ level = 1;
+ } else if (level === 'error') {
+ level = 2;
+ } else {
+ level = 1;
+ result = [level, result];
+ }
+ }
+ if (typeof level !== 'number' || level < 0 || level > 2) {
+ throw new Error(
+ 'Incorrect severity `' +
+ level +
+ '` for `' +
+ name +
+ '`, ' +
+ 'expected 0, 1, or 2'
+ )
+ }
+ result[0] = level;
+ // @ts-expect-error: it’s now a valid tuple.
+ return result
* @author Titus Wormer
* @copyright 2015 Titus Wormer
* @license MIT
@@ -52327,13 +48908,13 @@ var remarkLintOrderedListMarkerStyle$1 = remarkLintOrderedListMarkerStyle;
* 1:12-2:1: Use two spaces for hard line breaks
-const remarkLintHardBreakSpaces = lintRule(
+const remarkLintHardBreakSpaces = lintRule$z(
/** @type {import('unified-lint-rule').Rule<Root, void>} */
(tree, file) => {
const value = String(file);
- visit$2(tree, 'break', (node) => {
+ visit(tree, 'break', (node) => {
if (!generated(node)) {
const slice = value
.slice(pointStart(node).offset, pointEnd(node).offset)
@@ -52350,71 +48931,132 @@ const remarkLintHardBreakSpaces = lintRule(
var remarkLintHardBreakSpaces$1 = remarkLintHardBreakSpaces;
-var own$3 = {}.hasOwnProperty;
* @typedef {import('unist').Node} Node
- * @typedef {import('unist').Position} Position
- * @typedef {import('unist').Point} Point
+ * @typedef {import('vfile').VFile} VFile
+ *
+ * @typedef {0|1|2} Severity
+ * @typedef {'warn'|'on'|'off'|'error'} Label
+ * @typedef {[Severity, ...unknown[]]} SeverityTuple
+ *
+ * @callback Rule
+ * @param {Node} tree
+ * @param {VFile} file
+ * @param {unknown} options
+ * @returns {void}
+const primitives$y = new Set(['string', 'number', 'boolean']);
- * Stringify one point, a position (start and end points), or a node’s
- * positional information.
- *
- * @param {Node|Position|Point} [value]
- * @returns {string}
+ * @param {string} id
+ * @param {Rule} rule
-function stringifyPosition$1(value) {
- // Nothing.
- if (!value || typeof value !== 'object') {
- return ''
- }
+function lintRule$y(id, rule) {
+ const parts = id.split(':');
+ // Possibly useful if externalised later.
+ /* c8 ignore next */
+ const source = parts[1] ? parts[0] : undefined;
+ const ruleId = parts[1];
- // Node.
- if (own$, 'position') || own$, 'type')) {
- // @ts-ignore looks like a node.
- return position$3(value.position)
- }
+ Object.defineProperty(plugin, 'name', {value: id});
- // Position.
- if (own$, 'start') || own$, 'end')) {
- // @ts-ignore looks like a position.
- return position$3(value)
- }
+ return plugin
- // Point.
- if (own$, 'line') || own$, 'column')) {
- // @ts-ignore looks like a point.
- return point$1(value)
- }
+ /** @type {import('unified').Plugin<[unknown]|void[]>} */
+ function plugin(raw) {
+ const [severity, options] = coerce$z(ruleId, raw);
- // ?
- return ''
+ if (!severity) return
- * @param {Point} point
- * @returns {string}
- */
-function point$1(point) {
- return index$1(point && point.line) + ':' + index$1(point && point.column)
+ const fatal = severity === 2;
- * @param {Position} pos
- * @returns {string}
- */
-function position$3(pos) {
- return point$1(pos && pos.start) + '-' + point$1(pos && pos.end)
+ return (tree, file, next) => {
+ let index = file.messages.length - 1;
+ wrap(rule, (error) => {
+ const messages = file.messages;
+ // Add the error, if not already properly added.
+ // Only happens for incorrect plugins.
+ /* c8 ignore next 6 */
+ // @ts-expect-error: errors could be `messages`.
+ if (error && !messages.includes(error)) {
+ try {
+ } catch {}
+ }
+ while (++index < messages.length) {
+ Object.assign(messages[index], {ruleId, source, fatal});
+ }
+ next();
+ })(tree, file, options);
+ }
+ }
- * @param {number} value
- * @returns {number}
+ * Coerce a value to a severity--options tuple.
+ *
+ * @param {string} name
+ * @param {unknown} value
+ * @returns {SeverityTuple}
-function index$1(value) {
- return value && typeof value === 'number' ? value : 1
+function coerce$z(name, value) {
+ /** @type {unknown[]} */
+ let result;
+ if (typeof value === 'boolean') {
+ result = [value];
+ } else if (value === null || value === undefined) {
+ result = [1];
+ } else if (
+ Array.isArray(value) &&
+ // `isArray(unknown)` is turned into `any[]`:
+ // type-coverage:ignore-next-line
+ primitives$y.has(typeof value[0])
+ ) {
+ // `isArray(unknown)` is turned into `any[]`:
+ // type-coverage:ignore-next-line
+ result = [...value];
+ } else {
+ result = [1, value];
+ }
+ let level = result[0];
+ if (typeof level === 'boolean') {
+ level = level ? 1 : 0;
+ } else if (typeof level === 'string') {
+ if (level === 'off') {
+ level = 0;
+ } else if (level === 'on' || level === 'warn') {
+ level = 1;
+ } else if (level === 'error') {
+ level = 2;
+ } else {
+ level = 1;
+ result = [level, result];
+ }
+ }
+ if (typeof level !== 'number' || level < 0 || level > 2) {
+ throw new Error(
+ 'Incorrect severity `' +
+ level +
+ '` for `' +
+ name +
+ '`, ' +
+ 'expected 0, 1, or 2'
+ )
+ }
+ result[0] = level;
+ // @ts-expect-error: it’s now a valid tuple.
+ return result
@@ -52443,14 +49085,14 @@ function index$1(value) {
* 2:1-2:11: Do not use definitions with the same identifier (1:1)
-const remarkLintNoDuplicateDefinitions = lintRule(
+const remarkLintNoDuplicateDefinitions = lintRule$y(
/** @type {import('unified-lint-rule').Rule<Root, void>} */
(tree, file) => {
/** @type {Record<string, string>} */
const map = Object.create(null);
- visit$2(tree, (node) => {
+ visit(tree, (node) => {
if (
(node.type === 'definition' || node.type === 'footnoteDefinition') &&
@@ -52476,6 +49118,134 @@ const remarkLintNoDuplicateDefinitions = lintRule(
var remarkLintNoDuplicateDefinitions$1 = remarkLintNoDuplicateDefinitions;
+ * @typedef {import('unist').Node} Node
+ * @typedef {import('vfile').VFile} VFile
+ *
+ * @typedef {0|1|2} Severity
+ * @typedef {'warn'|'on'|'off'|'error'} Label
+ * @typedef {[Severity, ...unknown[]]} SeverityTuple
+ *
+ * @callback Rule
+ * @param {Node} tree
+ * @param {VFile} file
+ * @param {unknown} options
+ * @returns {void}
+ */
+const primitives$x = new Set(['string', 'number', 'boolean']);
+ * @param {string} id
+ * @param {Rule} rule
+ */
+function lintRule$x(id, rule) {
+ const parts = id.split(':');
+ // Possibly useful if externalised later.
+ /* c8 ignore next */
+ const source = parts[1] ? parts[0] : undefined;
+ const ruleId = parts[1];
+ Object.defineProperty(plugin, 'name', {value: id});
+ return plugin
+ /** @type {import('unified').Plugin<[unknown]|void[]>} */
+ function plugin(raw) {
+ const [severity, options] = coerce$y(ruleId, raw);
+ if (!severity) return
+ const fatal = severity === 2;
+ return (tree, file, next) => {
+ let index = file.messages.length - 1;
+ wrap(rule, (error) => {
+ const messages = file.messages;
+ // Add the error, if not already properly added.
+ // Only happens for incorrect plugins.
+ /* c8 ignore next 6 */
+ // @ts-expect-error: errors could be `messages`.
+ if (error && !messages.includes(error)) {
+ try {
+ } catch {}
+ }
+ while (++index < messages.length) {
+ Object.assign(messages[index], {ruleId, source, fatal});
+ }
+ next();
+ })(tree, file, options);
+ }
+ }
+ * Coerce a value to a severity--options tuple.
+ *
+ * @param {string} name
+ * @param {unknown} value
+ * @returns {SeverityTuple}
+ */
+function coerce$y(name, value) {
+ /** @type {unknown[]} */
+ let result;
+ if (typeof value === 'boolean') {
+ result = [value];
+ } else if (value === null || value === undefined) {
+ result = [1];
+ } else if (
+ Array.isArray(value) &&
+ // `isArray(unknown)` is turned into `any[]`:
+ // type-coverage:ignore-next-line
+ primitives$x.has(typeof value[0])
+ ) {
+ // `isArray(unknown)` is turned into `any[]`:
+ // type-coverage:ignore-next-line
+ result = [...value];
+ } else {
+ result = [1, value];
+ }
+ let level = result[0];
+ if (typeof level === 'boolean') {
+ level = level ? 1 : 0;
+ } else if (typeof level === 'string') {
+ if (level === 'off') {
+ level = 0;
+ } else if (level === 'on' || level === 'warn') {
+ level = 1;
+ } else if (level === 'error') {
+ level = 2;
+ } else {
+ level = 1;
+ result = [level, result];
+ }
+ }
+ if (typeof level !== 'number' || level < 0 || level > 2) {
+ throw new Error(
+ 'Incorrect severity `' +
+ level +
+ '` for `' +
+ name +
+ '`, ' +
+ 'expected 0, 1, or 2'
+ )
+ }
+ result[0] = level;
+ // @ts-expect-error: it’s now a valid tuple.
+ return result
* @typedef {import('mdast').Heading} Heading
* @typedef {'atx'|'atx-closed'|'setext'} Style
@@ -52584,11 +49354,11 @@ function consolidate(depth, relative) {
* #··
-const remarkLintNoHeadingContentIndent = lintRule(
+const remarkLintNoHeadingContentIndent = lintRule$x(
/** @type {import('unified-lint-rule').Rule<Root, void>} */
(tree, file) => {
- visit$2(tree, 'heading', (node) => {
+ visit(tree, 'heading', (node) => {
if (generated(node)) {
@@ -52641,6 +49411,134 @@ const remarkLintNoHeadingContentIndent = lintRule(
var remarkLintNoHeadingContentIndent$1 = remarkLintNoHeadingContentIndent;
+ * @typedef {import('unist').Node} Node
+ * @typedef {import('vfile').VFile} VFile
+ *
+ * @typedef {0|1|2} Severity
+ * @typedef {'warn'|'on'|'off'|'error'} Label
+ * @typedef {[Severity, ...unknown[]]} SeverityTuple
+ *
+ * @callback Rule
+ * @param {Node} tree
+ * @param {VFile} file
+ * @param {unknown} options
+ * @returns {void}
+ */
+const primitives$w = new Set(['string', 'number', 'boolean']);
+ * @param {string} id
+ * @param {Rule} rule
+ */
+function lintRule$w(id, rule) {
+ const parts = id.split(':');
+ // Possibly useful if externalised later.
+ /* c8 ignore next */
+ const source = parts[1] ? parts[0] : undefined;
+ const ruleId = parts[1];
+ Object.defineProperty(plugin, 'name', {value: id});
+ return plugin
+ /** @type {import('unified').Plugin<[unknown]|void[]>} */
+ function plugin(raw) {
+ const [severity, options] = coerce$x(ruleId, raw);
+ if (!severity) return
+ const fatal = severity === 2;
+ return (tree, file, next) => {
+ let index = file.messages.length - 1;
+ wrap(rule, (error) => {
+ const messages = file.messages;
+ // Add the error, if not already properly added.
+ // Only happens for incorrect plugins.
+ /* c8 ignore next 6 */
+ // @ts-expect-error: errors could be `messages`.
+ if (error && !messages.includes(error)) {
+ try {
+ } catch {}
+ }
+ while (++index < messages.length) {
+ Object.assign(messages[index], {ruleId, source, fatal});
+ }
+ next();
+ })(tree, file, options);
+ }
+ }
+ * Coerce a value to a severity--options tuple.
+ *
+ * @param {string} name
+ * @param {unknown} value
+ * @returns {SeverityTuple}
+ */
+function coerce$x(name, value) {
+ /** @type {unknown[]} */
+ let result;
+ if (typeof value === 'boolean') {
+ result = [value];
+ } else if (value === null || value === undefined) {
+ result = [1];
+ } else if (
+ Array.isArray(value) &&
+ // `isArray(unknown)` is turned into `any[]`:
+ // type-coverage:ignore-next-line
+ primitives$w.has(typeof value[0])
+ ) {
+ // `isArray(unknown)` is turned into `any[]`:
+ // type-coverage:ignore-next-line
+ result = [...value];
+ } else {
+ result = [1, value];
+ }
+ let level = result[0];
+ if (typeof level === 'boolean') {
+ level = level ? 1 : 0;
+ } else if (typeof level === 'string') {
+ if (level === 'off') {
+ level = 0;
+ } else if (level === 'on' || level === 'warn') {
+ level = 1;
+ } else if (level === 'error') {
+ level = 2;
+ } else {
+ level = 1;
+ result = [level, result];
+ }
+ }
+ if (typeof level !== 'number' || level < 0 || level > 2) {
+ throw new Error(
+ 'Incorrect severity `' +
+ level +
+ '` for `' +
+ name +
+ '`, ' +
+ 'expected 0, 1, or 2'
+ )
+ }
+ result[0] = level;
+ // @ts-expect-error: it’s now a valid tuple.
+ return result
* @author Titus Wormer
* @copyright 2015 Titus Wormer
* @license MIT
@@ -52667,13 +49565,13 @@ var remarkLintNoHeadingContentIndent$1 = remarkLintNoHeadingContentIndent;
* 1:7-1:38: Don’t pad `link` with inner spaces
-const remarkLintNoInlinePadding = lintRule(
+const remarkLintNoInlinePadding = lintRule$w(
/** @type {import('unified-lint-rule').Rule<Root, void>} */
(tree, file) => {
// Note: `emphasis`, `strong`, `delete` (GFM) can’t have padding anymore
// since CM.
- visit$2(tree, (node) => {
+ visit(tree, (node) => {
if (
(node.type === 'link' || node.type === 'linkReference') &&
@@ -52691,6 +49589,134 @@ const remarkLintNoInlinePadding = lintRule(
var remarkLintNoInlinePadding$1 = remarkLintNoInlinePadding;
+ * @typedef {import('unist').Node} Node
+ * @typedef {import('vfile').VFile} VFile
+ *
+ * @typedef {0|1|2} Severity
+ * @typedef {'warn'|'on'|'off'|'error'} Label
+ * @typedef {[Severity, ...unknown[]]} SeverityTuple
+ *
+ * @callback Rule
+ * @param {Node} tree
+ * @param {VFile} file
+ * @param {unknown} options
+ * @returns {void}
+ */
+const primitives$v = new Set(['string', 'number', 'boolean']);
+ * @param {string} id
+ * @param {Rule} rule
+ */
+function lintRule$v(id, rule) {
+ const parts = id.split(':');
+ // Possibly useful if externalised later.
+ /* c8 ignore next */
+ const source = parts[1] ? parts[0] : undefined;
+ const ruleId = parts[1];
+ Object.defineProperty(plugin, 'name', {value: id});
+ return plugin
+ /** @type {import('unified').Plugin<[unknown]|void[]>} */
+ function plugin(raw) {
+ const [severity, options] = coerce$w(ruleId, raw);
+ if (!severity) return
+ const fatal = severity === 2;
+ return (tree, file, next) => {
+ let index = file.messages.length - 1;
+ wrap(rule, (error) => {
+ const messages = file.messages;
+ // Add the error, if not already properly added.
+ // Only happens for incorrect plugins.
+ /* c8 ignore next 6 */
+ // @ts-expect-error: errors could be `messages`.
+ if (error && !messages.includes(error)) {
+ try {
+ } catch {}
+ }
+ while (++index < messages.length) {
+ Object.assign(messages[index], {ruleId, source, fatal});
+ }
+ next();
+ })(tree, file, options);
+ }
+ }
+ * Coerce a value to a severity--options tuple.
+ *
+ * @param {string} name
+ * @param {unknown} value
+ * @returns {SeverityTuple}
+ */
+function coerce$w(name, value) {
+ /** @type {unknown[]} */
+ let result;
+ if (typeof value === 'boolean') {
+ result = [value];
+ } else if (value === null || value === undefined) {
+ result = [1];
+ } else if (
+ Array.isArray(value) &&
+ // `isArray(unknown)` is turned into `any[]`:
+ // type-coverage:ignore-next-line
+ primitives$v.has(typeof value[0])
+ ) {
+ // `isArray(unknown)` is turned into `any[]`:
+ // type-coverage:ignore-next-line
+ result = [...value];
+ } else {
+ result = [1, value];
+ }
+ let level = result[0];
+ if (typeof level === 'boolean') {
+ level = level ? 1 : 0;
+ } else if (typeof level === 'string') {
+ if (level === 'off') {
+ level = 0;
+ } else if (level === 'on' || level === 'warn') {
+ level = 1;
+ } else if (level === 'error') {
+ level = 2;
+ } else {
+ level = 1;
+ result = [level, result];
+ }
+ }
+ if (typeof level !== 'number' || level < 0 || level > 2) {
+ throw new Error(
+ 'Incorrect severity `' +
+ level +
+ '` for `' +
+ name +
+ '`, ' +
+ 'expected 0, 1, or 2'
+ )
+ }
+ result[0] = level;
+ // @ts-expect-error: it’s now a valid tuple.
+ return result
* @author Titus Wormer
* @copyright 2015 Titus Wormer
* @license MIT
@@ -52724,11 +49750,11 @@ var remarkLintNoInlinePadding$1 = remarkLintNoInlinePadding;
* 1:1-1:7: Use the trailing [] on reference images
-const remarkLintNoShortcutReferenceImage = lintRule(
+const remarkLintNoShortcutReferenceImage = lintRule$v(
/** @type {import('unified-lint-rule').Rule<Root, void>} */
(tree, file) => {
- visit$2(tree, 'imageReference', (node) => {
+ visit(tree, 'imageReference', (node) => {
if (!generated(node) && node.referenceType === 'shortcut') {
file.message('Use the trailing [] on reference images', node);
@@ -52739,6 +49765,134 @@ const remarkLintNoShortcutReferenceImage = lintRule(
var remarkLintNoShortcutReferenceImage$1 = remarkLintNoShortcutReferenceImage;
+ * @typedef {import('unist').Node} Node
+ * @typedef {import('vfile').VFile} VFile
+ *
+ * @typedef {0|1|2} Severity
+ * @typedef {'warn'|'on'|'off'|'error'} Label
+ * @typedef {[Severity, ...unknown[]]} SeverityTuple
+ *
+ * @callback Rule
+ * @param {Node} tree
+ * @param {VFile} file
+ * @param {unknown} options
+ * @returns {void}
+ */
+const primitives$u = new Set(['string', 'number', 'boolean']);
+ * @param {string} id
+ * @param {Rule} rule
+ */
+function lintRule$u(id, rule) {
+ const parts = id.split(':');
+ // Possibly useful if externalised later.
+ /* c8 ignore next */
+ const source = parts[1] ? parts[0] : undefined;
+ const ruleId = parts[1];
+ Object.defineProperty(plugin, 'name', {value: id});
+ return plugin
+ /** @type {import('unified').Plugin<[unknown]|void[]>} */
+ function plugin(raw) {
+ const [severity, options] = coerce$v(ruleId, raw);
+ if (!severity) return
+ const fatal = severity === 2;
+ return (tree, file, next) => {
+ let index = file.messages.length - 1;
+ wrap(rule, (error) => {
+ const messages = file.messages;
+ // Add the error, if not already properly added.
+ // Only happens for incorrect plugins.
+ /* c8 ignore next 6 */
+ // @ts-expect-error: errors could be `messages`.
+ if (error && !messages.includes(error)) {
+ try {
+ } catch {}
+ }
+ while (++index < messages.length) {
+ Object.assign(messages[index], {ruleId, source, fatal});
+ }
+ next();
+ })(tree, file, options);
+ }
+ }
+ * Coerce a value to a severity--options tuple.
+ *
+ * @param {string} name
+ * @param {unknown} value
+ * @returns {SeverityTuple}
+ */
+function coerce$v(name, value) {
+ /** @type {unknown[]} */
+ let result;
+ if (typeof value === 'boolean') {
+ result = [value];
+ } else if (value === null || value === undefined) {
+ result = [1];
+ } else if (
+ Array.isArray(value) &&
+ // `isArray(unknown)` is turned into `any[]`:
+ // type-coverage:ignore-next-line
+ primitives$u.has(typeof value[0])
+ ) {
+ // `isArray(unknown)` is turned into `any[]`:
+ // type-coverage:ignore-next-line
+ result = [...value];
+ } else {
+ result = [1, value];
+ }
+ let level = result[0];
+ if (typeof level === 'boolean') {
+ level = level ? 1 : 0;
+ } else if (typeof level === 'string') {
+ if (level === 'off') {
+ level = 0;
+ } else if (level === 'on' || level === 'warn') {
+ level = 1;
+ } else if (level === 'error') {
+ level = 2;
+ } else {
+ level = 1;
+ result = [level, result];
+ }
+ }
+ if (typeof level !== 'number' || level < 0 || level > 2) {
+ throw new Error(
+ 'Incorrect severity `' +
+ level +
+ '` for `' +
+ name +
+ '`, ' +
+ 'expected 0, 1, or 2'
+ )
+ }
+ result[0] = level;
+ // @ts-expect-error: it’s now a valid tuple.
+ return result
* @author Titus Wormer
* @copyright 2015 Titus Wormer
* @license MIT
@@ -52772,11 +49926,11 @@ var remarkLintNoShortcutReferenceImage$1 = remarkLintNoShortcutReferenceImage;
* 1:1-1:6: Use the trailing `[]` on reference links
-const remarkLintNoShortcutReferenceLink = lintRule(
+const remarkLintNoShortcutReferenceLink = lintRule$u(
/** @type {import('unified-lint-rule').Rule<Root, void>} */
(tree, file) => {
- visit$2(tree, 'linkReference', (node) => {
+ visit(tree, 'linkReference', (node) => {
if (!generated(node) && node.referenceType === 'shortcut') {
file.message('Use the trailing `[]` on reference links', node);
@@ -52787,24 +49941,131 @@ const remarkLintNoShortcutReferenceLink = lintRule(
var remarkLintNoShortcutReferenceLink$1 = remarkLintNoShortcutReferenceLink;
- * Normalize an identifier (such as used in definitions).
+ * @typedef {import('unist').Node} Node
+ * @typedef {import('vfile').VFile} VFile
- * @param {string} value
- * @returns {string}
+ * @typedef {0|1|2} Severity
+ * @typedef {'warn'|'on'|'off'|'error'} Label
+ * @typedef {[Severity, ...unknown[]]} SeverityTuple
+ *
+ * @callback Rule
+ * @param {Node} tree
+ * @param {VFile} file
+ * @param {unknown} options
+ * @returns {void}
-function normalizeIdentifier(value) {
- return (
- value // Collapse Markdown whitespace.
- .replace(/[\t\n\r ]+/g, ' ') // Trim.
- .replace(/^ | $/g, '') // Some characters are considered “uppercase”, but if their lowercase
- // counterpart is uppercased will result in a different uppercase
- // character.
- // Hence, to get that form, we perform both lower- and uppercase.
- // Upper case makes sure keys will not interact with default prototypal
- // methods: no method is uppercase.
- .toLowerCase()
- .toUpperCase()
- )
+const primitives$t = new Set(['string', 'number', 'boolean']);
+ * @param {string} id
+ * @param {Rule} rule
+ */
+function lintRule$t(id, rule) {
+ const parts = id.split(':');
+ // Possibly useful if externalised later.
+ /* c8 ignore next */
+ const source = parts[1] ? parts[0] : undefined;
+ const ruleId = parts[1];
+ Object.defineProperty(plugin, 'name', {value: id});
+ return plugin
+ /** @type {import('unified').Plugin<[unknown]|void[]>} */
+ function plugin(raw) {
+ const [severity, options] = coerce$u(ruleId, raw);
+ if (!severity) return
+ const fatal = severity === 2;
+ return (tree, file, next) => {
+ let index = file.messages.length - 1;
+ wrap(rule, (error) => {
+ const messages = file.messages;
+ // Add the error, if not already properly added.
+ // Only happens for incorrect plugins.
+ /* c8 ignore next 6 */
+ // @ts-expect-error: errors could be `messages`.
+ if (error && !messages.includes(error)) {
+ try {
+ } catch {}
+ }
+ while (++index < messages.length) {
+ Object.assign(messages[index], {ruleId, source, fatal});
+ }
+ next();
+ })(tree, file, options);
+ }
+ }
+ * Coerce a value to a severity--options tuple.
+ *
+ * @param {string} name
+ * @param {unknown} value
+ * @returns {SeverityTuple}
+ */
+function coerce$u(name, value) {
+ /** @type {unknown[]} */
+ let result;
+ if (typeof value === 'boolean') {
+ result = [value];
+ } else if (value === null || value === undefined) {
+ result = [1];
+ } else if (
+ Array.isArray(value) &&
+ // `isArray(unknown)` is turned into `any[]`:
+ // type-coverage:ignore-next-line
+ primitives$t.has(typeof value[0])
+ ) {
+ // `isArray(unknown)` is turned into `any[]`:
+ // type-coverage:ignore-next-line
+ result = [...value];
+ } else {
+ result = [1, value];
+ }
+ let level = result[0];
+ if (typeof level === 'boolean') {
+ level = level ? 1 : 0;
+ } else if (typeof level === 'string') {
+ if (level === 'off') {
+ level = 0;
+ } else if (level === 'on' || level === 'warn') {
+ level = 1;
+ } else if (level === 'error') {
+ level = 2;
+ } else {
+ level = 1;
+ result = [level, result];
+ }
+ }
+ if (typeof level !== 'number' || level < 0 || level > 2) {
+ throw new Error(
+ 'Incorrect severity `' +
+ level +
+ '` for `' +
+ name +
+ '`, ' +
+ 'expected 0, 1, or 2'
+ )
+ }
+ result[0] = level;
+ // @ts-expect-error: it’s now a valid tuple.
+ return result
@@ -52875,7 +50136,7 @@ function normalizeIdentifier(value) {
* 17:23-17:26: Found reference to undefined definition
-const remarkLintNoUndefinedReferences = lintRule(
+const remarkLintNoUndefinedReferences = lintRule$t(
/** @type {import('unified-lint-rule').Rule<Root, Options>} */
(tree, file, option = {}) => {
@@ -52888,7 +50149,7 @@ const remarkLintNoUndefinedReferences = lintRule(
/** @type {Record<string, boolean>} */
const map = Object.create(null);
- visit$2(tree, (node) => {
+ visit(tree, (node) => {
if (
(node.type === 'definition' || node.type === 'footnoteDefinition') &&
@@ -52897,7 +50158,7 @@ const remarkLintNoUndefinedReferences = lintRule(
- visit$2(tree, (node) => {
+ visit(tree, (node) => {
// CM specifiers that references only form when defined.
// Still, they could be added by plugins, so let’s keep it.
/* c8 ignore next 10 */
@@ -52924,14 +50185,14 @@ const remarkLintNoUndefinedReferences = lintRule(
/** @type {Range[]} */
let ranges = [];
- visit$2(node, (child) => {
+ visit(node, (child) => {
// Ignore the node itself.
if (child === node) return
// Can’t have links in links, so reset ranges.
if (child.type === 'link' || child.type === 'linkReference') {
ranges = [];
- return SKIP$2
+ return SKIP$1
// Enter non-text.
@@ -52942,7 +50203,7 @@ const remarkLintNoUndefinedReferences = lintRule(
// Bail if there’s no positional info.
if (typeof start !== 'number' || typeof end !== 'number') {
- return EXIT$2
+ return EXIT$1
const source = contents.slice(start, end);
@@ -53040,7 +50301,7 @@ const remarkLintNoUndefinedReferences = lintRule(
- return SKIP$2
+ return SKIP$1
* @param {Range} range
@@ -53076,6 +50337,134 @@ const remarkLintNoUndefinedReferences = lintRule(
var remarkLintNoUndefinedReferences$1 = remarkLintNoUndefinedReferences;
+ * @typedef {import('unist').Node} Node
+ * @typedef {import('vfile').VFile} VFile
+ *
+ * @typedef {0|1|2} Severity
+ * @typedef {'warn'|'on'|'off'|'error'} Label
+ * @typedef {[Severity, ...unknown[]]} SeverityTuple
+ *
+ * @callback Rule
+ * @param {Node} tree
+ * @param {VFile} file
+ * @param {unknown} options
+ * @returns {void}
+ */
+const primitives$s = new Set(['string', 'number', 'boolean']);
+ * @param {string} id
+ * @param {Rule} rule
+ */
+function lintRule$s(id, rule) {
+ const parts = id.split(':');
+ // Possibly useful if externalised later.
+ /* c8 ignore next */
+ const source = parts[1] ? parts[0] : undefined;
+ const ruleId = parts[1];
+ Object.defineProperty(plugin, 'name', {value: id});
+ return plugin
+ /** @type {import('unified').Plugin<[unknown]|void[]>} */
+ function plugin(raw) {
+ const [severity, options] = coerce$t(ruleId, raw);
+ if (!severity) return
+ const fatal = severity === 2;
+ return (tree, file, next) => {
+ let index = file.messages.length - 1;
+ wrap(rule, (error) => {
+ const messages = file.messages;
+ // Add the error, if not already properly added.
+ // Only happens for incorrect plugins.
+ /* c8 ignore next 6 */
+ // @ts-expect-error: errors could be `messages`.
+ if (error && !messages.includes(error)) {
+ try {
+ } catch {}
+ }
+ while (++index < messages.length) {
+ Object.assign(messages[index], {ruleId, source, fatal});
+ }
+ next();
+ })(tree, file, options);
+ }
+ }
+ * Coerce a value to a severity--options tuple.
+ *
+ * @param {string} name
+ * @param {unknown} value
+ * @returns {SeverityTuple}
+ */
+function coerce$t(name, value) {
+ /** @type {unknown[]} */
+ let result;
+ if (typeof value === 'boolean') {
+ result = [value];
+ } else if (value === null || value === undefined) {
+ result = [1];
+ } else if (
+ Array.isArray(value) &&
+ // `isArray(unknown)` is turned into `any[]`:
+ // type-coverage:ignore-next-line
+ primitives$s.has(typeof value[0])
+ ) {
+ // `isArray(unknown)` is turned into `any[]`:
+ // type-coverage:ignore-next-line
+ result = [...value];
+ } else {
+ result = [1, value];
+ }
+ let level = result[0];
+ if (typeof level === 'boolean') {
+ level = level ? 1 : 0;
+ } else if (typeof level === 'string') {
+ if (level === 'off') {
+ level = 0;
+ } else if (level === 'on' || level === 'warn') {
+ level = 1;
+ } else if (level === 'error') {
+ level = 2;
+ } else {
+ level = 1;
+ result = [level, result];
+ }
+ }
+ if (typeof level !== 'number' || level < 0 || level > 2) {
+ throw new Error(
+ 'Incorrect severity `' +
+ level +
+ '` for `' +
+ name +
+ '`, ' +
+ 'expected 0, 1, or 2'
+ )
+ }
+ result[0] = level;
+ // @ts-expect-error: it’s now a valid tuple.
+ return result
* @author Titus Wormer
* @copyright 2016 Titus Wormer
* @license MIT
@@ -53101,16 +50490,16 @@ var remarkLintNoUndefinedReferences$1 = remarkLintNoUndefinedReferences;
* 1:1-1:27: Found unused definition
-const own$2 = {}.hasOwnProperty;
+const own$1 = {}.hasOwnProperty;
-const remarkLintNoUnusedDefinitions = lintRule(
+const remarkLintNoUnusedDefinitions = lintRule$s(
/** @type {import('unified-lint-rule').Rule<Root, void>} */
(tree, file) => {
/** @type {Record<string, {node: DefinitionContent, used: boolean}>} */
const map = Object.create(null);
- visit$2(tree, (node) => {
+ visit(tree, (node) => {
if (
(node.type === 'definition' || node.type === 'footnoteDefinition') &&
@@ -53119,7 +50508,7 @@ const remarkLintNoUnusedDefinitions = lintRule(
- visit$2(tree, (node) => {
+ visit(tree, (node) => {
if (
node.type === 'imageReference' ||
node.type === 'linkReference' ||
@@ -53137,7 +50526,7 @@ const remarkLintNoUnusedDefinitions = lintRule(
let identifier;
for (identifier in map) {
- if (own$, identifier)) {
+ if (own$, identifier)) {
const entry = map[identifier];
if (!entry.used) {
@@ -53156,35 +50545,162 @@ var remarkLintNoUnusedDefinitions$1 = remarkLintNoUnusedDefinitions;
* mistakes or stuff that fails across vendors.
-/** @type {Preset} */
-const remarkPresetLintRecommended = {
- plugins: [
- remarkLint,
- // Unix compatibility.
- remarkLintFinalNewline$1,
- // Rendering across vendors differs greatly if using other styles.
- remarkLintListItemBulletIndent$1,
- [remarkLintListItemIndent$1, 'tab-size'],
- // Differs or unsupported across vendors.
- remarkLintNoAutoLinkWithoutProtocol$1,
- remarkLintNoBlockquoteWithoutMarker$1,
- remarkLintNoLiteralUrls$1,
- [remarkLintOrderedListMarkerStyle$1, '.'],
- // Mistakes.
- remarkLintHardBreakSpaces$1,
- remarkLintNoDuplicateDefinitions$1,
- remarkLintNoHeadingContentIndent$1,
- remarkLintNoInlinePadding$1,
- remarkLintNoShortcutReferenceImage$1,
- remarkLintNoShortcutReferenceLink$1,
- remarkLintNoUndefinedReferences$1,
- remarkLintNoUnusedDefinitions$1
- ]
+const plugins$1 = [
+ remarkLint,
+ // Unix compatibility.
+ remarkLintFinalNewline$1,
+ // Rendering across vendors differs greatly if using other styles.
+ remarkLintListItemBulletIndent$1,
+ [remarkLintListItemIndent$1, 'tab-size'],
+ // Differs or unsupported across vendors.
+ remarkLintNoAutoLinkWithoutProtocol$1,
+ remarkLintNoBlockquoteWithoutMarker$1,
+ remarkLintNoLiteralUrls$1,
+ [remarkLintOrderedListMarkerStyle$1, '.'],
+ // Mistakes.
+ remarkLintHardBreakSpaces$1,
+ remarkLintNoDuplicateDefinitions$1,
+ remarkLintNoHeadingContentIndent$1,
+ remarkLintNoInlinePadding$1,
+ remarkLintNoShortcutReferenceImage$1,
+ remarkLintNoShortcutReferenceLink$1,
+ remarkLintNoUndefinedReferences$1,
+ remarkLintNoUnusedDefinitions$1
+const remarkPresetLintRecommended = {plugins: plugins$1};
var remarkPresetLintRecommended$1 = remarkPresetLintRecommended;
+ * @typedef {import('unist').Node} Node
+ * @typedef {import('vfile').VFile} VFile
+ *
+ * @typedef {0|1|2} Severity
+ * @typedef {'warn'|'on'|'off'|'error'} Label
+ * @typedef {[Severity, ...unknown[]]} SeverityTuple
+ *
+ * @callback Rule
+ * @param {Node} tree
+ * @param {VFile} file
+ * @param {unknown} options
+ * @returns {void}
+ */
+const primitives$r = new Set(['string', 'number', 'boolean']);
+ * @param {string} id
+ * @param {Rule} rule
+ */
+function lintRule$r(id, rule) {
+ const parts = id.split(':');
+ // Possibly useful if externalised later.
+ /* c8 ignore next */
+ const source = parts[1] ? parts[0] : undefined;
+ const ruleId = parts[1];
+ Object.defineProperty(plugin, 'name', {value: id});
+ return plugin
+ /** @type {import('unified').Plugin<[unknown]|void[]>} */
+ function plugin(raw) {
+ const [severity, options] = coerce$s(ruleId, raw);
+ if (!severity) return
+ const fatal = severity === 2;
+ return (tree, file, next) => {
+ let index = file.messages.length - 1;
+ wrap(rule, (error) => {
+ const messages = file.messages;
+ // Add the error, if not already properly added.
+ // Only happens for incorrect plugins.
+ /* c8 ignore next 6 */
+ // @ts-expect-error: errors could be `messages`.
+ if (error && !messages.includes(error)) {
+ try {
+ } catch {}
+ }
+ while (++index < messages.length) {
+ Object.assign(messages[index], {ruleId, source, fatal});
+ }
+ next();
+ })(tree, file, options);
+ }
+ }
+ * Coerce a value to a severity--options tuple.
+ *
+ * @param {string} name
+ * @param {unknown} value
+ * @returns {SeverityTuple}
+ */
+function coerce$s(name, value) {
+ /** @type {unknown[]} */
+ let result;
+ if (typeof value === 'boolean') {
+ result = [value];
+ } else if (value === null || value === undefined) {
+ result = [1];
+ } else if (
+ Array.isArray(value) &&
+ // `isArray(unknown)` is turned into `any[]`:
+ // type-coverage:ignore-next-line
+ primitives$r.has(typeof value[0])
+ ) {
+ // `isArray(unknown)` is turned into `any[]`:
+ // type-coverage:ignore-next-line
+ result = [...value];
+ } else {
+ result = [1, value];
+ }
+ let level = result[0];
+ if (typeof level === 'boolean') {
+ level = level ? 1 : 0;
+ } else if (typeof level === 'string') {
+ if (level === 'off') {
+ level = 0;
+ } else if (level === 'on' || level === 'warn') {
+ level = 1;
+ } else if (level === 'error') {
+ level = 2;
+ } else {
+ level = 1;
+ result = [level, result];
+ }
+ }
+ if (typeof level !== 'number' || level < 0 || level > 2) {
+ throw new Error(
+ 'Incorrect severity `' +
+ level +
+ '` for `' +
+ name +
+ '`, ' +
+ 'expected 0, 1, or 2'
+ )
+ }
+ result[0] = level;
+ // @ts-expect-error: it’s now a valid tuple.
+ return result
* @author Titus Wormer
* @copyright 2015 Titus Wormer
* @license MIT
@@ -53234,11 +50750,11 @@ var remarkPresetLintRecommended$1 = remarkPresetLintRecommended;
* 9:3: Add 1 space between block quote and content
-const remarkLintBlockquoteIndentation = lintRule(
+const remarkLintBlockquoteIndentation = lintRule$r(
/** @type {import('unified-lint-rule').Rule<Root, Options>} */
(tree, file, option = 'consistent') => {
- visit$2(tree, 'blockquote', (node) => {
+ visit(tree, 'blockquote', (node) => {
if (generated(node) || node.children.length === 0) {
@@ -53277,6 +50793,134 @@ function check(node) {
+ * @typedef {import('unist').Node} Node
+ * @typedef {import('vfile').VFile} VFile
+ *
+ * @typedef {0|1|2} Severity
+ * @typedef {'warn'|'on'|'off'|'error'} Label
+ * @typedef {[Severity, ...unknown[]]} SeverityTuple
+ *
+ * @callback Rule
+ * @param {Node} tree
+ * @param {VFile} file
+ * @param {unknown} options
+ * @returns {void}
+ */
+const primitives$q = new Set(['string', 'number', 'boolean']);
+ * @param {string} id
+ * @param {Rule} rule
+ */
+function lintRule$q(id, rule) {
+ const parts = id.split(':');
+ // Possibly useful if externalised later.
+ /* c8 ignore next */
+ const source = parts[1] ? parts[0] : undefined;
+ const ruleId = parts[1];
+ Object.defineProperty(plugin, 'name', {value: id});
+ return plugin
+ /** @type {import('unified').Plugin<[unknown]|void[]>} */
+ function plugin(raw) {
+ const [severity, options] = coerce$r(ruleId, raw);
+ if (!severity) return
+ const fatal = severity === 2;
+ return (tree, file, next) => {
+ let index = file.messages.length - 1;
+ wrap(rule, (error) => {
+ const messages = file.messages;
+ // Add the error, if not already properly added.
+ // Only happens for incorrect plugins.
+ /* c8 ignore next 6 */
+ // @ts-expect-error: errors could be `messages`.
+ if (error && !messages.includes(error)) {
+ try {
+ } catch {}
+ }
+ while (++index < messages.length) {
+ Object.assign(messages[index], {ruleId, source, fatal});
+ }
+ next();
+ })(tree, file, options);
+ }
+ }
+ * Coerce a value to a severity--options tuple.
+ *
+ * @param {string} name
+ * @param {unknown} value
+ * @returns {SeverityTuple}
+ */
+function coerce$r(name, value) {
+ /** @type {unknown[]} */
+ let result;
+ if (typeof value === 'boolean') {
+ result = [value];
+ } else if (value === null || value === undefined) {
+ result = [1];
+ } else if (
+ Array.isArray(value) &&
+ // `isArray(unknown)` is turned into `any[]`:
+ // type-coverage:ignore-next-line
+ primitives$q.has(typeof value[0])
+ ) {
+ // `isArray(unknown)` is turned into `any[]`:
+ // type-coverage:ignore-next-line
+ result = [...value];
+ } else {
+ result = [1, value];
+ }
+ let level = result[0];
+ if (typeof level === 'boolean') {
+ level = level ? 1 : 0;
+ } else if (typeof level === 'string') {
+ if (level === 'off') {
+ level = 0;
+ } else if (level === 'on' || level === 'warn') {
+ level = 1;
+ } else if (level === 'error') {
+ level = 2;
+ } else {
+ level = 1;
+ result = [level, result];
+ }
+ }
+ if (typeof level !== 'number' || level < 0 || level > 2) {
+ throw new Error(
+ 'Incorrect severity `' +
+ level +
+ '` for `' +
+ name +
+ '`, ' +
+ 'expected 0, 1, or 2'
+ )
+ }
+ result[0] = level;
+ // @ts-expect-error: it’s now a valid tuple.
+ return result
* @author Titus Wormer
* @copyright 2015 Titus Wormer
* @license MIT
@@ -53355,7 +50999,7 @@ function check(node) {
* 1:1: Incorrect checked checkbox marker `💩`: use either `'x'`, or `'X'`
-const remarkLintCheckboxCharacterStyle = lintRule(
+const remarkLintCheckboxCharacterStyle = lintRule$q(
/** @type {import('unified-lint-rule').Rule<Root, Options>} */
(tree, file, option = 'consistent') => {
@@ -53386,7 +51030,7 @@ const remarkLintCheckboxCharacterStyle = lintRule(
- visit$2(tree, 'listItem', (node) => {
+ visit(tree, 'listItem', (node) => {
const head = node.children[0];
const point = pointStart(head);
@@ -53439,6 +51083,134 @@ const remarkLintCheckboxCharacterStyle = lintRule(
var remarkLintCheckboxCharacterStyle$1 = remarkLintCheckboxCharacterStyle;
+ * @typedef {import('unist').Node} Node
+ * @typedef {import('vfile').VFile} VFile
+ *
+ * @typedef {0|1|2} Severity
+ * @typedef {'warn'|'on'|'off'|'error'} Label
+ * @typedef {[Severity, ...unknown[]]} SeverityTuple
+ *
+ * @callback Rule
+ * @param {Node} tree
+ * @param {VFile} file
+ * @param {unknown} options
+ * @returns {void}
+ */
+const primitives$p = new Set(['string', 'number', 'boolean']);
+ * @param {string} id
+ * @param {Rule} rule
+ */
+function lintRule$p(id, rule) {
+ const parts = id.split(':');
+ // Possibly useful if externalised later.
+ /* c8 ignore next */
+ const source = parts[1] ? parts[0] : undefined;
+ const ruleId = parts[1];
+ Object.defineProperty(plugin, 'name', {value: id});
+ return plugin
+ /** @type {import('unified').Plugin<[unknown]|void[]>} */
+ function plugin(raw) {
+ const [severity, options] = coerce$q(ruleId, raw);
+ if (!severity) return
+ const fatal = severity === 2;
+ return (tree, file, next) => {
+ let index = file.messages.length - 1;
+ wrap(rule, (error) => {
+ const messages = file.messages;
+ // Add the error, if not already properly added.
+ // Only happens for incorrect plugins.
+ /* c8 ignore next 6 */
+ // @ts-expect-error: errors could be `messages`.
+ if (error && !messages.includes(error)) {
+ try {
+ } catch {}
+ }
+ while (++index < messages.length) {
+ Object.assign(messages[index], {ruleId, source, fatal});
+ }
+ next();
+ })(tree, file, options);
+ }
+ }
+ * Coerce a value to a severity--options tuple.
+ *
+ * @param {string} name
+ * @param {unknown} value
+ * @returns {SeverityTuple}
+ */
+function coerce$q(name, value) {
+ /** @type {unknown[]} */
+ let result;
+ if (typeof value === 'boolean') {
+ result = [value];
+ } else if (value === null || value === undefined) {
+ result = [1];
+ } else if (
+ Array.isArray(value) &&
+ // `isArray(unknown)` is turned into `any[]`:
+ // type-coverage:ignore-next-line
+ primitives$p.has(typeof value[0])
+ ) {
+ // `isArray(unknown)` is turned into `any[]`:
+ // type-coverage:ignore-next-line
+ result = [...value];
+ } else {
+ result = [1, value];
+ }
+ let level = result[0];
+ if (typeof level === 'boolean') {
+ level = level ? 1 : 0;
+ } else if (typeof level === 'string') {
+ if (level === 'off') {
+ level = 0;
+ } else if (level === 'on' || level === 'warn') {
+ level = 1;
+ } else if (level === 'error') {
+ level = 2;
+ } else {
+ level = 1;
+ result = [level, result];
+ }
+ }
+ if (typeof level !== 'number' || level < 0 || level > 2) {
+ throw new Error(
+ 'Incorrect severity `' +
+ level +
+ '` for `' +
+ name +
+ '`, ' +
+ 'expected 0, 1, or 2'
+ )
+ }
+ result[0] = level;
+ // @ts-expect-error: it’s now a valid tuple.
+ return result
* @author Titus Wormer
* @copyright 2015 Titus Wormer
* @license MIT
@@ -53470,14 +51242,14 @@ var remarkLintCheckboxCharacterStyle$1 = remarkLintCheckboxCharacterStyle;
* 4:7-4:10: Checkboxes should be followed by a single character
-const remarkLintCheckboxContentIndent = lintRule(
+const remarkLintCheckboxContentIndent = lintRule$p(
/** @type {import('unified-lint-rule').Rule<Root, void>} */
(tree, file) => {
const value = String(file);
const loc = location(file);
- visit$2(tree, 'listItem', (node) => {
+ visit(tree, 'listItem', (node) => {
const head = node.children[0];
const point = pointStart(head);
@@ -53519,6 +51291,134 @@ const remarkLintCheckboxContentIndent = lintRule(
var remarkLintCheckboxContentIndent$1 = remarkLintCheckboxContentIndent;
+ * @typedef {import('unist').Node} Node
+ * @typedef {import('vfile').VFile} VFile
+ *
+ * @typedef {0|1|2} Severity
+ * @typedef {'warn'|'on'|'off'|'error'} Label
+ * @typedef {[Severity, ...unknown[]]} SeverityTuple
+ *
+ * @callback Rule
+ * @param {Node} tree
+ * @param {VFile} file
+ * @param {unknown} options
+ * @returns {void}
+ */
+const primitives$o = new Set(['string', 'number', 'boolean']);
+ * @param {string} id
+ * @param {Rule} rule
+ */
+function lintRule$o(id, rule) {
+ const parts = id.split(':');
+ // Possibly useful if externalised later.
+ /* c8 ignore next */
+ const source = parts[1] ? parts[0] : undefined;
+ const ruleId = parts[1];
+ Object.defineProperty(plugin, 'name', {value: id});
+ return plugin
+ /** @type {import('unified').Plugin<[unknown]|void[]>} */
+ function plugin(raw) {
+ const [severity, options] = coerce$p(ruleId, raw);
+ if (!severity) return
+ const fatal = severity === 2;
+ return (tree, file, next) => {
+ let index = file.messages.length - 1;
+ wrap(rule, (error) => {
+ const messages = file.messages;
+ // Add the error, if not already properly added.
+ // Only happens for incorrect plugins.
+ /* c8 ignore next 6 */
+ // @ts-expect-error: errors could be `messages`.
+ if (error && !messages.includes(error)) {
+ try {
+ } catch {}
+ }
+ while (++index < messages.length) {
+ Object.assign(messages[index], {ruleId, source, fatal});
+ }
+ next();
+ })(tree, file, options);
+ }
+ }
+ * Coerce a value to a severity--options tuple.
+ *
+ * @param {string} name
+ * @param {unknown} value
+ * @returns {SeverityTuple}
+ */
+function coerce$p(name, value) {
+ /** @type {unknown[]} */
+ let result;
+ if (typeof value === 'boolean') {
+ result = [value];
+ } else if (value === null || value === undefined) {
+ result = [1];
+ } else if (
+ Array.isArray(value) &&
+ // `isArray(unknown)` is turned into `any[]`:
+ // type-coverage:ignore-next-line
+ primitives$o.has(typeof value[0])
+ ) {
+ // `isArray(unknown)` is turned into `any[]`:
+ // type-coverage:ignore-next-line
+ result = [...value];
+ } else {
+ result = [1, value];
+ }
+ let level = result[0];
+ if (typeof level === 'boolean') {
+ level = level ? 1 : 0;
+ } else if (typeof level === 'string') {
+ if (level === 'off') {
+ level = 0;
+ } else if (level === 'on' || level === 'warn') {
+ level = 1;
+ } else if (level === 'error') {
+ level = 2;
+ } else {
+ level = 1;
+ result = [level, result];
+ }
+ }
+ if (typeof level !== 'number' || level < 0 || level > 2) {
+ throw new Error(
+ 'Incorrect severity `' +
+ level +
+ '` for `' +
+ name +
+ '`, ' +
+ 'expected 0, 1, or 2'
+ )
+ }
+ result[0] = level;
+ // @ts-expect-error: it’s now a valid tuple.
+ return result
* @author Titus Wormer
* @copyright 2015 Titus Wormer
* @license MIT
@@ -53621,7 +51521,7 @@ var remarkLintCheckboxContentIndent$1 = remarkLintCheckboxContentIndent;
* 1:1: Incorrect code block style `💩`: use either `'consistent'`, `'fenced'`, or `'indented'`
-const remarkLintCodeBlockStyle = lintRule(
+const remarkLintCodeBlockStyle = lintRule$o(
/** @type {import('unified-lint-rule').Rule<Root, Options>} */
(tree, file, option = 'consistent') => {
@@ -53639,7 +51539,7 @@ const remarkLintCodeBlockStyle = lintRule(
- visit$2(tree, 'code', (node) => {
+ visit(tree, 'code', (node) => {
if (generated(node)) {
@@ -53664,6 +51564,134 @@ const remarkLintCodeBlockStyle = lintRule(
var remarkLintCodeBlockStyle$1 = remarkLintCodeBlockStyle;
+ * @typedef {import('unist').Node} Node
+ * @typedef {import('vfile').VFile} VFile
+ *
+ * @typedef {0|1|2} Severity
+ * @typedef {'warn'|'on'|'off'|'error'} Label
+ * @typedef {[Severity, ...unknown[]]} SeverityTuple
+ *
+ * @callback Rule
+ * @param {Node} tree
+ * @param {VFile} file
+ * @param {unknown} options
+ * @returns {void}
+ */
+const primitives$n = new Set(['string', 'number', 'boolean']);
+ * @param {string} id
+ * @param {Rule} rule
+ */
+function lintRule$n(id, rule) {
+ const parts = id.split(':');
+ // Possibly useful if externalised later.
+ /* c8 ignore next */
+ const source = parts[1] ? parts[0] : undefined;
+ const ruleId = parts[1];
+ Object.defineProperty(plugin, 'name', {value: id});
+ return plugin
+ /** @type {import('unified').Plugin<[unknown]|void[]>} */
+ function plugin(raw) {
+ const [severity, options] = coerce$o(ruleId, raw);
+ if (!severity) return
+ const fatal = severity === 2;
+ return (tree, file, next) => {
+ let index = file.messages.length - 1;
+ wrap(rule, (error) => {
+ const messages = file.messages;
+ // Add the error, if not already properly added.
+ // Only happens for incorrect plugins.
+ /* c8 ignore next 6 */
+ // @ts-expect-error: errors could be `messages`.
+ if (error && !messages.includes(error)) {
+ try {
+ } catch {}
+ }
+ while (++index < messages.length) {
+ Object.assign(messages[index], {ruleId, source, fatal});
+ }
+ next();
+ })(tree, file, options);
+ }
+ }
+ * Coerce a value to a severity--options tuple.
+ *
+ * @param {string} name
+ * @param {unknown} value
+ * @returns {SeverityTuple}
+ */
+function coerce$o(name, value) {
+ /** @type {unknown[]} */
+ let result;
+ if (typeof value === 'boolean') {
+ result = [value];
+ } else if (value === null || value === undefined) {
+ result = [1];
+ } else if (
+ Array.isArray(value) &&
+ // `isArray(unknown)` is turned into `any[]`:
+ // type-coverage:ignore-next-line
+ primitives$n.has(typeof value[0])
+ ) {
+ // `isArray(unknown)` is turned into `any[]`:
+ // type-coverage:ignore-next-line
+ result = [...value];
+ } else {
+ result = [1, value];
+ }
+ let level = result[0];
+ if (typeof level === 'boolean') {
+ level = level ? 1 : 0;
+ } else if (typeof level === 'string') {
+ if (level === 'off') {
+ level = 0;
+ } else if (level === 'on' || level === 'warn') {
+ level = 1;
+ } else if (level === 'error') {
+ level = 2;
+ } else {
+ level = 1;
+ result = [level, result];
+ }
+ }
+ if (typeof level !== 'number' || level < 0 || level > 2) {
+ throw new Error(
+ 'Incorrect severity `' +
+ level +
+ '` for `' +
+ name +
+ '`, ' +
+ 'expected 0, 1, or 2'
+ )
+ }
+ result[0] = level;
+ // @ts-expect-error: it’s now a valid tuple.
+ return result
* @author Titus Wormer
* @copyright 2015 Titus Wormer
* @license MIT
@@ -53689,13 +51717,13 @@ var remarkLintCodeBlockStyle$1 = remarkLintCodeBlockStyle;
const label = /^\s*\[((?:\\[\s\S]|[^[\]])+)]/;
-const remarkLintDefinitionSpacing = lintRule(
+const remarkLintDefinitionSpacing = lintRule$n(
/** @type {import('unified-lint-rule').Rule<Root, void>} */
(tree, file) => {
const value = String(file);
- visit$2(tree, (node) => {
+ visit(tree, (node) => {
if (node.type === 'definition' || node.type === 'footnoteDefinition') {
const start = pointStart(node).offset;
const end = pointEnd(node).offset;
@@ -53718,6 +51746,134 @@ const remarkLintDefinitionSpacing = lintRule(
var remarkLintDefinitionSpacing$1 = remarkLintDefinitionSpacing;
+ * @typedef {import('unist').Node} Node
+ * @typedef {import('vfile').VFile} VFile
+ *
+ * @typedef {0|1|2} Severity
+ * @typedef {'warn'|'on'|'off'|'error'} Label
+ * @typedef {[Severity, ...unknown[]]} SeverityTuple
+ *
+ * @callback Rule
+ * @param {Node} tree
+ * @param {VFile} file
+ * @param {unknown} options
+ * @returns {void}
+ */
+const primitives$m = new Set(['string', 'number', 'boolean']);
+ * @param {string} id
+ * @param {Rule} rule
+ */
+function lintRule$m(id, rule) {
+ const parts = id.split(':');
+ // Possibly useful if externalised later.
+ /* c8 ignore next */
+ const source = parts[1] ? parts[0] : undefined;
+ const ruleId = parts[1];
+ Object.defineProperty(plugin, 'name', {value: id});
+ return plugin
+ /** @type {import('unified').Plugin<[unknown]|void[]>} */
+ function plugin(raw) {
+ const [severity, options] = coerce$n(ruleId, raw);
+ if (!severity) return
+ const fatal = severity === 2;
+ return (tree, file, next) => {
+ let index = file.messages.length - 1;
+ wrap(rule, (error) => {
+ const messages = file.messages;
+ // Add the error, if not already properly added.
+ // Only happens for incorrect plugins.
+ /* c8 ignore next 6 */
+ // @ts-expect-error: errors could be `messages`.
+ if (error && !messages.includes(error)) {
+ try {
+ } catch {}
+ }
+ while (++index < messages.length) {
+ Object.assign(messages[index], {ruleId, source, fatal});
+ }
+ next();
+ })(tree, file, options);
+ }
+ }
+ * Coerce a value to a severity--options tuple.
+ *
+ * @param {string} name
+ * @param {unknown} value
+ * @returns {SeverityTuple}
+ */
+function coerce$n(name, value) {
+ /** @type {unknown[]} */
+ let result;
+ if (typeof value === 'boolean') {
+ result = [value];
+ } else if (value === null || value === undefined) {
+ result = [1];
+ } else if (
+ Array.isArray(value) &&
+ // `isArray(unknown)` is turned into `any[]`:
+ // type-coverage:ignore-next-line
+ primitives$m.has(typeof value[0])
+ ) {
+ // `isArray(unknown)` is turned into `any[]`:
+ // type-coverage:ignore-next-line
+ result = [...value];
+ } else {
+ result = [1, value];
+ }
+ let level = result[0];
+ if (typeof level === 'boolean') {
+ level = level ? 1 : 0;
+ } else if (typeof level === 'string') {
+ if (level === 'off') {
+ level = 0;
+ } else if (level === 'on' || level === 'warn') {
+ level = 1;
+ } else if (level === 'error') {
+ level = 2;
+ } else {
+ level = 1;
+ result = [level, result];
+ }
+ }
+ if (typeof level !== 'number' || level < 0 || level > 2) {
+ throw new Error(
+ 'Incorrect severity `' +
+ level +
+ '` for `' +
+ name +
+ '`, ' +
+ 'expected 0, 1, or 2'
+ )
+ }
+ result[0] = level;
+ // @ts-expect-error: it’s now a valid tuple.
+ return result
* @author Titus Wormer
* @copyright 2015 Titus Wormer
* @license MIT
@@ -53801,7 +51957,7 @@ var remarkLintDefinitionSpacing$1 = remarkLintDefinitionSpacing;
const fence = /^ {0,3}([~`])\1{2,}/;
-const remarkLintFencedCodeFlag = lintRule(
+const remarkLintFencedCodeFlag = lintRule$m(
/** @type {import('unified-lint-rule').Rule<Root, Options>} */
(tree, file, option) => {
@@ -53822,7 +51978,7 @@ const remarkLintFencedCodeFlag = lintRule(
- visit$2(tree, 'code', (node) => {
+ visit(tree, 'code', (node) => {
if (!generated(node)) {
if (node.lang) {
if (allowed.length > 0 && !allowed.includes(node.lang)) {
@@ -53846,6 +52002,134 @@ const remarkLintFencedCodeFlag = lintRule(
var remarkLintFencedCodeFlag$1 = remarkLintFencedCodeFlag;
+ * @typedef {import('unist').Node} Node
+ * @typedef {import('vfile').VFile} VFile
+ *
+ * @typedef {0|1|2} Severity
+ * @typedef {'warn'|'on'|'off'|'error'} Label
+ * @typedef {[Severity, ...unknown[]]} SeverityTuple
+ *
+ * @callback Rule
+ * @param {Node} tree
+ * @param {VFile} file
+ * @param {unknown} options
+ * @returns {void}
+ */
+const primitives$l = new Set(['string', 'number', 'boolean']);
+ * @param {string} id
+ * @param {Rule} rule
+ */
+function lintRule$l(id, rule) {
+ const parts = id.split(':');
+ // Possibly useful if externalised later.
+ /* c8 ignore next */
+ const source = parts[1] ? parts[0] : undefined;
+ const ruleId = parts[1];
+ Object.defineProperty(plugin, 'name', {value: id});
+ return plugin
+ /** @type {import('unified').Plugin<[unknown]|void[]>} */
+ function plugin(raw) {
+ const [severity, options] = coerce$m(ruleId, raw);
+ if (!severity) return
+ const fatal = severity === 2;
+ return (tree, file, next) => {
+ let index = file.messages.length - 1;
+ wrap(rule, (error) => {
+ const messages = file.messages;
+ // Add the error, if not already properly added.
+ // Only happens for incorrect plugins.
+ /* c8 ignore next 6 */
+ // @ts-expect-error: errors could be `messages`.
+ if (error && !messages.includes(error)) {
+ try {
+ } catch {}
+ }
+ while (++index < messages.length) {
+ Object.assign(messages[index], {ruleId, source, fatal});
+ }
+ next();
+ })(tree, file, options);
+ }
+ }
+ * Coerce a value to a severity--options tuple.
+ *
+ * @param {string} name
+ * @param {unknown} value
+ * @returns {SeverityTuple}
+ */
+function coerce$m(name, value) {
+ /** @type {unknown[]} */
+ let result;
+ if (typeof value === 'boolean') {
+ result = [value];
+ } else if (value === null || value === undefined) {
+ result = [1];
+ } else if (
+ Array.isArray(value) &&
+ // `isArray(unknown)` is turned into `any[]`:
+ // type-coverage:ignore-next-line
+ primitives$l.has(typeof value[0])
+ ) {
+ // `isArray(unknown)` is turned into `any[]`:
+ // type-coverage:ignore-next-line
+ result = [...value];
+ } else {
+ result = [1, value];
+ }
+ let level = result[0];
+ if (typeof level === 'boolean') {
+ level = level ? 1 : 0;
+ } else if (typeof level === 'string') {
+ if (level === 'off') {
+ level = 0;
+ } else if (level === 'on' || level === 'warn') {
+ level = 1;
+ } else if (level === 'error') {
+ level = 2;
+ } else {
+ level = 1;
+ result = [level, result];
+ }
+ }
+ if (typeof level !== 'number' || level < 0 || level > 2) {
+ throw new Error(
+ 'Incorrect severity `' +
+ level +
+ '` for `' +
+ name +
+ '`, ' +
+ 'expected 0, 1, or 2'
+ )
+ }
+ result[0] = level;
+ // @ts-expect-error: it’s now a valid tuple.
+ return result
* @author Titus Wormer
* @copyright 2015 Titus Wormer
* @license MIT
@@ -53936,7 +52220,7 @@ var remarkLintFencedCodeFlag$1 = remarkLintFencedCodeFlag;
* 1:1: Incorrect fenced code marker `💩`: use either `'consistent'`, `` '`' ``, or `'~'`
-const remarkLintFencedCodeMarker = lintRule(
+const remarkLintFencedCodeMarker = lintRule$l(
/** @type {import('unified-lint-rule').Rule<Root, Options>} */
(tree, file, option = 'consistent') => {
@@ -53950,7 +52234,7 @@ const remarkLintFencedCodeMarker = lintRule(
- visit$2(tree, 'code', (node) => {
+ visit(tree, 'code', (node) => {
const start = pointStart(node).offset;
if (typeof start === 'number') {
@@ -53980,6 +52264,134 @@ const remarkLintFencedCodeMarker = lintRule(
var remarkLintFencedCodeMarker$1 = remarkLintFencedCodeMarker;
+ * @typedef {import('unist').Node} Node
+ * @typedef {import('vfile').VFile} VFile
+ *
+ * @typedef {0|1|2} Severity
+ * @typedef {'warn'|'on'|'off'|'error'} Label
+ * @typedef {[Severity, ...unknown[]]} SeverityTuple
+ *
+ * @callback Rule
+ * @param {Node} tree
+ * @param {VFile} file
+ * @param {unknown} options
+ * @returns {void}
+ */
+const primitives$k = new Set(['string', 'number', 'boolean']);
+ * @param {string} id
+ * @param {Rule} rule
+ */
+function lintRule$k(id, rule) {
+ const parts = id.split(':');
+ // Possibly useful if externalised later.
+ /* c8 ignore next */
+ const source = parts[1] ? parts[0] : undefined;
+ const ruleId = parts[1];
+ Object.defineProperty(plugin, 'name', {value: id});
+ return plugin
+ /** @type {import('unified').Plugin<[unknown]|void[]>} */
+ function plugin(raw) {
+ const [severity, options] = coerce$l(ruleId, raw);
+ if (!severity) return
+ const fatal = severity === 2;
+ return (tree, file, next) => {
+ let index = file.messages.length - 1;
+ wrap(rule, (error) => {
+ const messages = file.messages;
+ // Add the error, if not already properly added.
+ // Only happens for incorrect plugins.
+ /* c8 ignore next 6 */
+ // @ts-expect-error: errors could be `messages`.
+ if (error && !messages.includes(error)) {
+ try {
+ } catch {}
+ }
+ while (++index < messages.length) {
+ Object.assign(messages[index], {ruleId, source, fatal});
+ }
+ next();
+ })(tree, file, options);
+ }
+ }
+ * Coerce a value to a severity--options tuple.
+ *
+ * @param {string} name
+ * @param {unknown} value
+ * @returns {SeverityTuple}
+ */
+function coerce$l(name, value) {
+ /** @type {unknown[]} */
+ let result;
+ if (typeof value === 'boolean') {
+ result = [value];
+ } else if (value === null || value === undefined) {
+ result = [1];
+ } else if (
+ Array.isArray(value) &&
+ // `isArray(unknown)` is turned into `any[]`:
+ // type-coverage:ignore-next-line
+ primitives$k.has(typeof value[0])
+ ) {
+ // `isArray(unknown)` is turned into `any[]`:
+ // type-coverage:ignore-next-line
+ result = [...value];
+ } else {
+ result = [1, value];
+ }
+ let level = result[0];
+ if (typeof level === 'boolean') {
+ level = level ? 1 : 0;
+ } else if (typeof level === 'string') {
+ if (level === 'off') {
+ level = 0;
+ } else if (level === 'on' || level === 'warn') {
+ level = 1;
+ } else if (level === 'error') {
+ level = 2;
+ } else {
+ level = 1;
+ result = [level, result];
+ }
+ }
+ if (typeof level !== 'number' || level < 0 || level > 2) {
+ throw new Error(
+ 'Incorrect severity `' +
+ level +
+ '` for `' +
+ name +
+ '`, ' +
+ 'expected 0, 1, or 2'
+ )
+ }
+ result[0] = level;
+ // @ts-expect-error: it’s now a valid tuple.
+ return result
* @author Titus Wormer
* @copyright 2015 Titus Wormer
* @license MIT
@@ -54007,7 +52419,7 @@ var remarkLintFencedCodeMarker$1 = remarkLintFencedCodeMarker;
* {"name": "readme.mkd", "setting": "mkd"}
-const remarkLintFileExtension = lintRule(
+const remarkLintFileExtension = lintRule$k(
/** @type {import('unified-lint-rule').Rule<Root, Options>} */
(_, file, option = 'md') => {
@@ -54022,6 +52434,134 @@ const remarkLintFileExtension = lintRule(
var remarkLintFileExtension$1 = remarkLintFileExtension;
+ * @typedef {import('unist').Node} Node
+ * @typedef {import('vfile').VFile} VFile
+ *
+ * @typedef {0|1|2} Severity
+ * @typedef {'warn'|'on'|'off'|'error'} Label
+ * @typedef {[Severity, ...unknown[]]} SeverityTuple
+ *
+ * @callback Rule
+ * @param {Node} tree
+ * @param {VFile} file
+ * @param {unknown} options
+ * @returns {void}
+ */
+const primitives$j = new Set(['string', 'number', 'boolean']);
+ * @param {string} id
+ * @param {Rule} rule
+ */
+function lintRule$j(id, rule) {
+ const parts = id.split(':');
+ // Possibly useful if externalised later.
+ /* c8 ignore next */
+ const source = parts[1] ? parts[0] : undefined;
+ const ruleId = parts[1];
+ Object.defineProperty(plugin, 'name', {value: id});
+ return plugin
+ /** @type {import('unified').Plugin<[unknown]|void[]>} */
+ function plugin(raw) {
+ const [severity, options] = coerce$k(ruleId, raw);
+ if (!severity) return
+ const fatal = severity === 2;
+ return (tree, file, next) => {
+ let index = file.messages.length - 1;
+ wrap(rule, (error) => {
+ const messages = file.messages;
+ // Add the error, if not already properly added.
+ // Only happens for incorrect plugins.
+ /* c8 ignore next 6 */
+ // @ts-expect-error: errors could be `messages`.
+ if (error && !messages.includes(error)) {
+ try {
+ } catch {}
+ }
+ while (++index < messages.length) {
+ Object.assign(messages[index], {ruleId, source, fatal});
+ }
+ next();
+ })(tree, file, options);
+ }
+ }
+ * Coerce a value to a severity--options tuple.
+ *
+ * @param {string} name
+ * @param {unknown} value
+ * @returns {SeverityTuple}
+ */
+function coerce$k(name, value) {
+ /** @type {unknown[]} */
+ let result;
+ if (typeof value === 'boolean') {
+ result = [value];
+ } else if (value === null || value === undefined) {
+ result = [1];
+ } else if (
+ Array.isArray(value) &&
+ // `isArray(unknown)` is turned into `any[]`:
+ // type-coverage:ignore-next-line
+ primitives$j.has(typeof value[0])
+ ) {
+ // `isArray(unknown)` is turned into `any[]`:
+ // type-coverage:ignore-next-line
+ result = [...value];
+ } else {
+ result = [1, value];
+ }
+ let level = result[0];
+ if (typeof level === 'boolean') {
+ level = level ? 1 : 0;
+ } else if (typeof level === 'string') {
+ if (level === 'off') {
+ level = 0;
+ } else if (level === 'on' || level === 'warn') {
+ level = 1;
+ } else if (level === 'error') {
+ level = 2;
+ } else {
+ level = 1;
+ result = [level, result];
+ }
+ }
+ if (typeof level !== 'number' || level < 0 || level > 2) {
+ throw new Error(
+ 'Incorrect severity `' +
+ level +
+ '` for `' +
+ name +
+ '`, ' +
+ 'expected 0, 1, or 2'
+ )
+ }
+ result[0] = level;
+ // @ts-expect-error: it’s now a valid tuple.
+ return result
* @author Titus Wormer
* @copyright 2015 Titus Wormer
* @license MIT
@@ -54063,13 +52603,13 @@ var remarkLintFileExtension$1 = remarkLintFileExtension;
* [example-2]:
-const remarkLintFinalDefinition = lintRule(
+const remarkLintFinalDefinition = lintRule$j(
/** @type {import('unified-lint-rule').Rule<Root, void>} */
(tree, file) => {
let last = 0;
- visit$2(
+ visit(
(node) => {
// Ignore generated and HTML comment nodes.
@@ -54104,6 +52644,134 @@ const remarkLintFinalDefinition = lintRule(
var remarkLintFinalDefinition$1 = remarkLintFinalDefinition;
+ * @typedef {import('unist').Node} Node
+ * @typedef {import('vfile').VFile} VFile
+ *
+ * @typedef {0|1|2} Severity
+ * @typedef {'warn'|'on'|'off'|'error'} Label
+ * @typedef {[Severity, ...unknown[]]} SeverityTuple
+ *
+ * @callback Rule
+ * @param {Node} tree
+ * @param {VFile} file
+ * @param {unknown} options
+ * @returns {void}
+ */
+const primitives$i = new Set(['string', 'number', 'boolean']);
+ * @param {string} id
+ * @param {Rule} rule
+ */
+function lintRule$i(id, rule) {
+ const parts = id.split(':');
+ // Possibly useful if externalised later.
+ /* c8 ignore next */
+ const source = parts[1] ? parts[0] : undefined;
+ const ruleId = parts[1];
+ Object.defineProperty(plugin, 'name', {value: id});
+ return plugin
+ /** @type {import('unified').Plugin<[unknown]|void[]>} */
+ function plugin(raw) {
+ const [severity, options] = coerce$j(ruleId, raw);
+ if (!severity) return
+ const fatal = severity === 2;
+ return (tree, file, next) => {
+ let index = file.messages.length - 1;
+ wrap(rule, (error) => {
+ const messages = file.messages;
+ // Add the error, if not already properly added.
+ // Only happens for incorrect plugins.
+ /* c8 ignore next 6 */
+ // @ts-expect-error: errors could be `messages`.
+ if (error && !messages.includes(error)) {
+ try {
+ } catch {}
+ }
+ while (++index < messages.length) {
+ Object.assign(messages[index], {ruleId, source, fatal});
+ }
+ next();
+ })(tree, file, options);
+ }
+ }
+ * Coerce a value to a severity--options tuple.
+ *
+ * @param {string} name
+ * @param {unknown} value
+ * @returns {SeverityTuple}
+ */
+function coerce$j(name, value) {
+ /** @type {unknown[]} */
+ let result;
+ if (typeof value === 'boolean') {
+ result = [value];
+ } else if (value === null || value === undefined) {
+ result = [1];
+ } else if (
+ Array.isArray(value) &&
+ // `isArray(unknown)` is turned into `any[]`:
+ // type-coverage:ignore-next-line
+ primitives$i.has(typeof value[0])
+ ) {
+ // `isArray(unknown)` is turned into `any[]`:
+ // type-coverage:ignore-next-line
+ result = [...value];
+ } else {
+ result = [1, value];
+ }
+ let level = result[0];
+ if (typeof level === 'boolean') {
+ level = level ? 1 : 0;
+ } else if (typeof level === 'string') {
+ if (level === 'off') {
+ level = 0;
+ } else if (level === 'on' || level === 'warn') {
+ level = 1;
+ } else if (level === 'error') {
+ level = 2;
+ } else {
+ level = 1;
+ result = [level, result];
+ }
+ }
+ if (typeof level !== 'number' || level < 0 || level > 2) {
+ throw new Error(
+ 'Incorrect severity `' +
+ level +
+ '` for `' +
+ name +
+ '`, ' +
+ 'expected 0, 1, or 2'
+ )
+ }
+ result[0] = level;
+ // @ts-expect-error: it’s now a valid tuple.
+ return result
* @author Titus Wormer
* @copyright 2015 Titus Wormer
* @license MIT
@@ -54195,13 +52863,13 @@ var remarkLintFinalDefinition$1 = remarkLintFinalDefinition;
* 1:1-1:14: First heading level should be `2`
-const re$3 = /<h([1-6])/;
+const re = /<h([1-6])/;
-const remarkLintFirstHeadingLevel = lintRule(
+const remarkLintFirstHeadingLevel = lintRule$i(
/** @type {import('unified-lint-rule').Rule<Root, Options>} */
(tree, file, option = 1) => {
- visit$2(tree, (node) => {
+ visit(tree, (node) => {
if (!generated(node)) {
/** @type {Depth|undefined} */
let rank;
@@ -54217,7 +52885,7 @@ const remarkLintFirstHeadingLevel = lintRule(
file.message('First heading level should be `' + option + '`', node);
- return EXIT$2
+ return EXIT$1
@@ -54231,12 +52899,140 @@ var remarkLintFirstHeadingLevel$1 = remarkLintFirstHeadingLevel;
* @returns {Depth|undefined}
function infer(node) {
- const results = node.value.match(re$3);
+ const results = node.value.match(re);
// @ts-expect-error: can be castes fine.
return results ? Number(results[1]) : undefined
+ * @typedef {import('unist').Node} Node
+ * @typedef {import('vfile').VFile} VFile
+ *
+ * @typedef {0|1|2} Severity
+ * @typedef {'warn'|'on'|'off'|'error'} Label
+ * @typedef {[Severity, ...unknown[]]} SeverityTuple
+ *
+ * @callback Rule
+ * @param {Node} tree
+ * @param {VFile} file
+ * @param {unknown} options
+ * @returns {void}
+ */
+const primitives$h = new Set(['string', 'number', 'boolean']);
+ * @param {string} id
+ * @param {Rule} rule
+ */
+function lintRule$h(id, rule) {
+ const parts = id.split(':');
+ // Possibly useful if externalised later.
+ /* c8 ignore next */
+ const source = parts[1] ? parts[0] : undefined;
+ const ruleId = parts[1];
+ Object.defineProperty(plugin, 'name', {value: id});
+ return plugin
+ /** @type {import('unified').Plugin<[unknown]|void[]>} */
+ function plugin(raw) {
+ const [severity, options] = coerce$i(ruleId, raw);
+ if (!severity) return
+ const fatal = severity === 2;
+ return (tree, file, next) => {
+ let index = file.messages.length - 1;
+ wrap(rule, (error) => {
+ const messages = file.messages;
+ // Add the error, if not already properly added.
+ // Only happens for incorrect plugins.
+ /* c8 ignore next 6 */
+ // @ts-expect-error: errors could be `messages`.
+ if (error && !messages.includes(error)) {
+ try {
+ } catch {}
+ }
+ while (++index < messages.length) {
+ Object.assign(messages[index], {ruleId, source, fatal});
+ }
+ next();
+ })(tree, file, options);
+ }
+ }
+ * Coerce a value to a severity--options tuple.
+ *
+ * @param {string} name
+ * @param {unknown} value
+ * @returns {SeverityTuple}
+ */
+function coerce$i(name, value) {
+ /** @type {unknown[]} */
+ let result;
+ if (typeof value === 'boolean') {
+ result = [value];
+ } else if (value === null || value === undefined) {
+ result = [1];
+ } else if (
+ Array.isArray(value) &&
+ // `isArray(unknown)` is turned into `any[]`:
+ // type-coverage:ignore-next-line
+ primitives$h.has(typeof value[0])
+ ) {
+ // `isArray(unknown)` is turned into `any[]`:
+ // type-coverage:ignore-next-line
+ result = [...value];
+ } else {
+ result = [1, value];
+ }
+ let level = result[0];
+ if (typeof level === 'boolean') {
+ level = level ? 1 : 0;
+ } else if (typeof level === 'string') {
+ if (level === 'off') {
+ level = 0;
+ } else if (level === 'on' || level === 'warn') {
+ level = 1;
+ } else if (level === 'error') {
+ level = 2;
+ } else {
+ level = 1;
+ result = [level, result];
+ }
+ }
+ if (typeof level !== 'number' || level < 0 || level > 2) {
+ throw new Error(
+ 'Incorrect severity `' +
+ level +
+ '` for `' +
+ name +
+ '`, ' +
+ 'expected 0, 1, or 2'
+ )
+ }
+ result[0] = level;
+ // @ts-expect-error: it’s now a valid tuple.
+ return result
* @author Titus Wormer
* @copyright 2015 Titus Wormer
* @license MIT
@@ -54314,7 +53110,7 @@ function infer(node) {
* 1:1: Incorrect heading style type `💩`: use either `'consistent'`, `'atx'`, `'atx-closed'`, or `'setext'`
-const remarkLintHeadingStyle = lintRule(
+const remarkLintHeadingStyle = lintRule$h(
/** @type {import('unified-lint-rule').Rule<Root, Options>} */
(tree, file, option = 'consistent') => {
@@ -54331,7 +53127,7 @@ const remarkLintHeadingStyle = lintRule(
- visit$2(tree, 'heading', (node) => {
+ visit(tree, 'heading', (node) => {
if (!generated(node)) {
if (option === 'consistent') {
// Funky nodes perhaps cannot be detected.
@@ -54348,6 +53144,134 @@ const remarkLintHeadingStyle = lintRule(
var remarkLintHeadingStyle$1 = remarkLintHeadingStyle;
+ * @typedef {import('unist').Node} Node
+ * @typedef {import('vfile').VFile} VFile
+ *
+ * @typedef {0|1|2} Severity
+ * @typedef {'warn'|'on'|'off'|'error'} Label
+ * @typedef {[Severity, ...unknown[]]} SeverityTuple
+ *
+ * @callback Rule
+ * @param {Node} tree
+ * @param {VFile} file
+ * @param {unknown} options
+ * @returns {void}
+ */
+const primitives$g = new Set(['string', 'number', 'boolean']);
+ * @param {string} id
+ * @param {Rule} rule
+ */
+function lintRule$g(id, rule) {
+ const parts = id.split(':');
+ // Possibly useful if externalised later.
+ /* c8 ignore next */
+ const source = parts[1] ? parts[0] : undefined;
+ const ruleId = parts[1];
+ Object.defineProperty(plugin, 'name', {value: id});
+ return plugin
+ /** @type {import('unified').Plugin<[unknown]|void[]>} */
+ function plugin(raw) {
+ const [severity, options] = coerce$h(ruleId, raw);
+ if (!severity) return
+ const fatal = severity === 2;
+ return (tree, file, next) => {
+ let index = file.messages.length - 1;
+ wrap(rule, (error) => {
+ const messages = file.messages;
+ // Add the error, if not already properly added.
+ // Only happens for incorrect plugins.
+ /* c8 ignore next 6 */
+ // @ts-expect-error: errors could be `messages`.
+ if (error && !messages.includes(error)) {
+ try {
+ } catch {}
+ }
+ while (++index < messages.length) {
+ Object.assign(messages[index], {ruleId, source, fatal});
+ }
+ next();
+ })(tree, file, options);
+ }
+ }
+ * Coerce a value to a severity--options tuple.
+ *
+ * @param {string} name
+ * @param {unknown} value
+ * @returns {SeverityTuple}
+ */
+function coerce$h(name, value) {
+ /** @type {unknown[]} */
+ let result;
+ if (typeof value === 'boolean') {
+ result = [value];
+ } else if (value === null || value === undefined) {
+ result = [1];
+ } else if (
+ Array.isArray(value) &&
+ // `isArray(unknown)` is turned into `any[]`:
+ // type-coverage:ignore-next-line
+ primitives$g.has(typeof value[0])
+ ) {
+ // `isArray(unknown)` is turned into `any[]`:
+ // type-coverage:ignore-next-line
+ result = [...value];
+ } else {
+ result = [1, value];
+ }
+ let level = result[0];
+ if (typeof level === 'boolean') {
+ level = level ? 1 : 0;
+ } else if (typeof level === 'string') {
+ if (level === 'off') {
+ level = 0;
+ } else if (level === 'on' || level === 'warn') {
+ level = 1;
+ } else if (level === 'error') {
+ level = 2;
+ } else {
+ level = 1;
+ result = [level, result];
+ }
+ }
+ if (typeof level !== 'number' || level < 0 || level > 2) {
+ throw new Error(
+ 'Incorrect severity `' +
+ level +
+ '` for `' +
+ name +
+ '`, ' +
+ 'expected 0, 1, or 2'
+ )
+ }
+ result[0] = level;
+ // @ts-expect-error: it’s now a valid tuple.
+ return result
* @author Titus Wormer
* @copyright 2015 Titus Wormer
* @license MIT
@@ -54445,14 +53369,14 @@ var remarkLintHeadingStyle$1 = remarkLintHeadingStyle;
* 4:12: Line must be at most 10 characters
-const remarkLintMaximumLineLength = lintRule(
+const remarkLintMaximumLineLength = lintRule$g(
/** @type {import('unified-lint-rule').Rule<Root, Options>} */
(tree, file, option = 80) => {
const value = String(file);
const lines = value.split(/\r?\n/);
- visit$2(tree, (node) => {
+ visit(tree, (node) => {
if (
(node.type === 'heading' ||
node.type === 'table' ||
@@ -54474,7 +53398,7 @@ const remarkLintMaximumLineLength = lintRule(
// the wrap.
// However, when they do, and there’s whitespace after it, they are not
// allowed.
- visit$2(tree, (node, pos, parent_) => {
+ visit(tree, (node, pos, parent_) => {
const parent = /** @type {Parent} */ (parent_);
if (
@@ -54539,6 +53463,134 @@ const remarkLintMaximumLineLength = lintRule(
var remarkLintMaximumLineLength$1 = remarkLintMaximumLineLength;
+ * @typedef {import('unist').Node} Node
+ * @typedef {import('vfile').VFile} VFile
+ *
+ * @typedef {0|1|2} Severity
+ * @typedef {'warn'|'on'|'off'|'error'} Label
+ * @typedef {[Severity, ...unknown[]]} SeverityTuple
+ *
+ * @callback Rule
+ * @param {Node} tree
+ * @param {VFile} file
+ * @param {unknown} options
+ * @returns {void}
+ */
+const primitives$f = new Set(['string', 'number', 'boolean']);
+ * @param {string} id
+ * @param {Rule} rule
+ */
+function lintRule$f(id, rule) {
+ const parts = id.split(':');
+ // Possibly useful if externalised later.
+ /* c8 ignore next */
+ const source = parts[1] ? parts[0] : undefined;
+ const ruleId = parts[1];
+ Object.defineProperty(plugin, 'name', {value: id});
+ return plugin
+ /** @type {import('unified').Plugin<[unknown]|void[]>} */
+ function plugin(raw) {
+ const [severity, options] = coerce$g(ruleId, raw);
+ if (!severity) return
+ const fatal = severity === 2;
+ return (tree, file, next) => {
+ let index = file.messages.length - 1;
+ wrap(rule, (error) => {
+ const messages = file.messages;
+ // Add the error, if not already properly added.
+ // Only happens for incorrect plugins.
+ /* c8 ignore next 6 */
+ // @ts-expect-error: errors could be `messages`.
+ if (error && !messages.includes(error)) {
+ try {
+ } catch {}
+ }
+ while (++index < messages.length) {
+ Object.assign(messages[index], {ruleId, source, fatal});
+ }
+ next();
+ })(tree, file, options);
+ }
+ }
+ * Coerce a value to a severity--options tuple.
+ *
+ * @param {string} name
+ * @param {unknown} value
+ * @returns {SeverityTuple}
+ */
+function coerce$g(name, value) {
+ /** @type {unknown[]} */
+ let result;
+ if (typeof value === 'boolean') {
+ result = [value];
+ } else if (value === null || value === undefined) {
+ result = [1];
+ } else if (
+ Array.isArray(value) &&
+ // `isArray(unknown)` is turned into `any[]`:
+ // type-coverage:ignore-next-line
+ primitives$f.has(typeof value[0])
+ ) {
+ // `isArray(unknown)` is turned into `any[]`:
+ // type-coverage:ignore-next-line
+ result = [...value];
+ } else {
+ result = [1, value];
+ }
+ let level = result[0];
+ if (typeof level === 'boolean') {
+ level = level ? 1 : 0;
+ } else if (typeof level === 'string') {
+ if (level === 'off') {
+ level = 0;
+ } else if (level === 'on' || level === 'warn') {
+ level = 1;
+ } else if (level === 'error') {
+ level = 2;
+ } else {
+ level = 1;
+ result = [level, result];
+ }
+ }
+ if (typeof level !== 'number' || level < 0 || level > 2) {
+ throw new Error(
+ 'Incorrect severity `' +
+ level +
+ '` for `' +
+ name +
+ '`, ' +
+ 'expected 0, 1, or 2'
+ )
+ }
+ result[0] = level;
+ // @ts-expect-error: it’s now a valid tuple.
+ return result
* @author Titus Wormer
* @copyright 2015 Titus Wormer
* @license MIT
@@ -54584,11 +53636,11 @@ var remarkLintMaximumLineLength$1 = remarkLintMaximumLineLength;
* 4:5: Remove 2 lines after node
-const remarkLintNoConsecutiveBlankLines = lintRule(
+const remarkLintNoConsecutiveBlankLines = lintRule$f(
/** @type {import('unified-lint-rule').Rule<Root, void>} */
(tree, file) => {
- visit$2(tree, (node) => {
+ visit(tree, (node) => {
if (!generated(node) && 'children' in node) {
const head = node.children[0];
@@ -54649,6 +53701,134 @@ const remarkLintNoConsecutiveBlankLines = lintRule(
var remarkLintNoConsecutiveBlankLines$1 = remarkLintNoConsecutiveBlankLines;
+ * @typedef {import('unist').Node} Node
+ * @typedef {import('vfile').VFile} VFile
+ *
+ * @typedef {0|1|2} Severity
+ * @typedef {'warn'|'on'|'off'|'error'} Label
+ * @typedef {[Severity, ...unknown[]]} SeverityTuple
+ *
+ * @callback Rule
+ * @param {Node} tree
+ * @param {VFile} file
+ * @param {unknown} options
+ * @returns {void}
+ */
+const primitives$e = new Set(['string', 'number', 'boolean']);
+ * @param {string} id
+ * @param {Rule} rule
+ */
+function lintRule$e(id, rule) {
+ const parts = id.split(':');
+ // Possibly useful if externalised later.
+ /* c8 ignore next */
+ const source = parts[1] ? parts[0] : undefined;
+ const ruleId = parts[1];
+ Object.defineProperty(plugin, 'name', {value: id});
+ return plugin
+ /** @type {import('unified').Plugin<[unknown]|void[]>} */
+ function plugin(raw) {
+ const [severity, options] = coerce$f(ruleId, raw);
+ if (!severity) return
+ const fatal = severity === 2;
+ return (tree, file, next) => {
+ let index = file.messages.length - 1;
+ wrap(rule, (error) => {
+ const messages = file.messages;
+ // Add the error, if not already properly added.
+ // Only happens for incorrect plugins.
+ /* c8 ignore next 6 */
+ // @ts-expect-error: errors could be `messages`.
+ if (error && !messages.includes(error)) {
+ try {
+ } catch {}
+ }
+ while (++index < messages.length) {
+ Object.assign(messages[index], {ruleId, source, fatal});
+ }
+ next();
+ })(tree, file, options);
+ }
+ }
+ * Coerce a value to a severity--options tuple.
+ *
+ * @param {string} name
+ * @param {unknown} value
+ * @returns {SeverityTuple}
+ */
+function coerce$f(name, value) {
+ /** @type {unknown[]} */
+ let result;
+ if (typeof value === 'boolean') {
+ result = [value];
+ } else if (value === null || value === undefined) {
+ result = [1];
+ } else if (
+ Array.isArray(value) &&
+ // `isArray(unknown)` is turned into `any[]`:
+ // type-coverage:ignore-next-line
+ primitives$e.has(typeof value[0])
+ ) {
+ // `isArray(unknown)` is turned into `any[]`:
+ // type-coverage:ignore-next-line
+ result = [...value];
+ } else {
+ result = [1, value];
+ }
+ let level = result[0];
+ if (typeof level === 'boolean') {
+ level = level ? 1 : 0;
+ } else if (typeof level === 'string') {
+ if (level === 'off') {
+ level = 0;
+ } else if (level === 'on' || level === 'warn') {
+ level = 1;
+ } else if (level === 'error') {
+ level = 2;
+ } else {
+ level = 1;
+ result = [level, result];
+ }
+ }
+ if (typeof level !== 'number' || level < 0 || level > 2) {
+ throw new Error(
+ 'Incorrect severity `' +
+ level +
+ '` for `' +
+ name +
+ '`, ' +
+ 'expected 0, 1, or 2'
+ )
+ }
+ result[0] = level;
+ // @ts-expect-error: it’s now a valid tuple.
+ return result
* @author Titus Wormer
* @copyright 2015 Titus Wormer
* @license MIT
@@ -54680,7 +53860,7 @@ var remarkLintNoConsecutiveBlankLines$1 = remarkLintNoConsecutiveBlankLines;
* 1:1: Do not start file names with `an`
-const remarkLintNoFileNameArticles = lintRule(
+const remarkLintNoFileNameArticles = lintRule$e(
/** @type {import('unified-lint-rule').Rule<Root, void>} */
(_, file) => {
@@ -54695,6 +53875,134 @@ const remarkLintNoFileNameArticles = lintRule(
var remarkLintNoFileNameArticles$1 = remarkLintNoFileNameArticles;
+ * @typedef {import('unist').Node} Node
+ * @typedef {import('vfile').VFile} VFile
+ *
+ * @typedef {0|1|2} Severity
+ * @typedef {'warn'|'on'|'off'|'error'} Label
+ * @typedef {[Severity, ...unknown[]]} SeverityTuple
+ *
+ * @callback Rule
+ * @param {Node} tree
+ * @param {VFile} file
+ * @param {unknown} options
+ * @returns {void}
+ */
+const primitives$d = new Set(['string', 'number', 'boolean']);
+ * @param {string} id
+ * @param {Rule} rule
+ */
+function lintRule$d(id, rule) {
+ const parts = id.split(':');
+ // Possibly useful if externalised later.
+ /* c8 ignore next */
+ const source = parts[1] ? parts[0] : undefined;
+ const ruleId = parts[1];
+ Object.defineProperty(plugin, 'name', {value: id});
+ return plugin
+ /** @type {import('unified').Plugin<[unknown]|void[]>} */
+ function plugin(raw) {
+ const [severity, options] = coerce$e(ruleId, raw);
+ if (!severity) return
+ const fatal = severity === 2;
+ return (tree, file, next) => {
+ let index = file.messages.length - 1;
+ wrap(rule, (error) => {
+ const messages = file.messages;
+ // Add the error, if not already properly added.
+ // Only happens for incorrect plugins.
+ /* c8 ignore next 6 */
+ // @ts-expect-error: errors could be `messages`.
+ if (error && !messages.includes(error)) {
+ try {
+ } catch {}
+ }
+ while (++index < messages.length) {
+ Object.assign(messages[index], {ruleId, source, fatal});
+ }
+ next();
+ })(tree, file, options);
+ }
+ }
+ * Coerce a value to a severity--options tuple.
+ *
+ * @param {string} name
+ * @param {unknown} value
+ * @returns {SeverityTuple}
+ */
+function coerce$e(name, value) {
+ /** @type {unknown[]} */
+ let result;
+ if (typeof value === 'boolean') {
+ result = [value];
+ } else if (value === null || value === undefined) {
+ result = [1];
+ } else if (
+ Array.isArray(value) &&
+ // `isArray(unknown)` is turned into `any[]`:
+ // type-coverage:ignore-next-line
+ primitives$d.has(typeof value[0])
+ ) {
+ // `isArray(unknown)` is turned into `any[]`:
+ // type-coverage:ignore-next-line
+ result = [...value];
+ } else {
+ result = [1, value];
+ }
+ let level = result[0];
+ if (typeof level === 'boolean') {
+ level = level ? 1 : 0;
+ } else if (typeof level === 'string') {
+ if (level === 'off') {
+ level = 0;
+ } else if (level === 'on' || level === 'warn') {
+ level = 1;
+ } else if (level === 'error') {
+ level = 2;
+ } else {
+ level = 1;
+ result = [level, result];
+ }
+ }
+ if (typeof level !== 'number' || level < 0 || level > 2) {
+ throw new Error(
+ 'Incorrect severity `' +
+ level +
+ '` for `' +
+ name +
+ '`, ' +
+ 'expected 0, 1, or 2'
+ )
+ }
+ result[0] = level;
+ // @ts-expect-error: it’s now a valid tuple.
+ return result
* @author Titus Wormer
* @copyright 2015 Titus Wormer
* @license MIT
@@ -54711,7 +54019,7 @@ var remarkLintNoFileNameArticles$1 = remarkLintNoFileNameArticles;
* 1:1: Do not use consecutive dashes in a file name
-const remarkLintNoFileNameConsecutiveDashes = lintRule(
+const remarkLintNoFileNameConsecutiveDashes = lintRule$d(
/** @type {import('unified-lint-rule').Rule<Root, void>} */
(_, file) => {
@@ -54724,6 +54032,134 @@ const remarkLintNoFileNameConsecutiveDashes = lintRule(
var remarkLintNoFileNameConsecutiveDashes$1 = remarkLintNoFileNameConsecutiveDashes;
+ * @typedef {import('unist').Node} Node
+ * @typedef {import('vfile').VFile} VFile
+ *
+ * @typedef {0|1|2} Severity
+ * @typedef {'warn'|'on'|'off'|'error'} Label
+ * @typedef {[Severity, ...unknown[]]} SeverityTuple
+ *
+ * @callback Rule
+ * @param {Node} tree
+ * @param {VFile} file
+ * @param {unknown} options
+ * @returns {void}
+ */
+const primitives$c = new Set(['string', 'number', 'boolean']);
+ * @param {string} id
+ * @param {Rule} rule
+ */
+function lintRule$c(id, rule) {
+ const parts = id.split(':');
+ // Possibly useful if externalised later.
+ /* c8 ignore next */
+ const source = parts[1] ? parts[0] : undefined;
+ const ruleId = parts[1];
+ Object.defineProperty(plugin, 'name', {value: id});
+ return plugin
+ /** @type {import('unified').Plugin<[unknown]|void[]>} */
+ function plugin(raw) {
+ const [severity, options] = coerce$d(ruleId, raw);
+ if (!severity) return
+ const fatal = severity === 2;
+ return (tree, file, next) => {
+ let index = file.messages.length - 1;
+ wrap(rule, (error) => {
+ const messages = file.messages;
+ // Add the error, if not already properly added.
+ // Only happens for incorrect plugins.
+ /* c8 ignore next 6 */
+ // @ts-expect-error: errors could be `messages`.
+ if (error && !messages.includes(error)) {
+ try {
+ } catch {}
+ }
+ while (++index < messages.length) {
+ Object.assign(messages[index], {ruleId, source, fatal});
+ }
+ next();
+ })(tree, file, options);
+ }
+ }
+ * Coerce a value to a severity--options tuple.
+ *
+ * @param {string} name
+ * @param {unknown} value
+ * @returns {SeverityTuple}
+ */
+function coerce$d(name, value) {
+ /** @type {unknown[]} */
+ let result;
+ if (typeof value === 'boolean') {
+ result = [value];
+ } else if (value === null || value === undefined) {
+ result = [1];
+ } else if (
+ Array.isArray(value) &&
+ // `isArray(unknown)` is turned into `any[]`:
+ // type-coverage:ignore-next-line
+ primitives$c.has(typeof value[0])
+ ) {
+ // `isArray(unknown)` is turned into `any[]`:
+ // type-coverage:ignore-next-line
+ result = [...value];
+ } else {
+ result = [1, value];
+ }
+ let level = result[0];
+ if (typeof level === 'boolean') {
+ level = level ? 1 : 0;
+ } else if (typeof level === 'string') {
+ if (level === 'off') {
+ level = 0;
+ } else if (level === 'on' || level === 'warn') {
+ level = 1;
+ } else if (level === 'error') {
+ level = 2;
+ } else {
+ level = 1;
+ result = [level, result];
+ }
+ }
+ if (typeof level !== 'number' || level < 0 || level > 2) {
+ throw new Error(
+ 'Incorrect severity `' +
+ level +
+ '` for `' +
+ name +
+ '`, ' +
+ 'expected 0, 1, or 2'
+ )
+ }
+ result[0] = level;
+ // @ts-expect-error: it’s now a valid tuple.
+ return result
* @author Titus Wormer
* @copyright 2015 Titus Wormer
* @license MIT
@@ -54745,7 +54181,7 @@ var remarkLintNoFileNameConsecutiveDashes$1 = remarkLintNoFileNameConsecutiveDas
* 1:1: Do not use initial or final dashes in a file name
-const remarkLintNofileNameOuterDashes = lintRule(
+const remarkLintNofileNameOuterDashes = lintRule$c(
/** @type {import('unified-lint-rule').Rule<Root, void>} */
(_, file) => {
@@ -54758,6 +54194,134 @@ const remarkLintNofileNameOuterDashes = lintRule(
var remarkLintNofileNameOuterDashes$1 = remarkLintNofileNameOuterDashes;
+ * @typedef {import('unist').Node} Node
+ * @typedef {import('vfile').VFile} VFile
+ *
+ * @typedef {0|1|2} Severity
+ * @typedef {'warn'|'on'|'off'|'error'} Label
+ * @typedef {[Severity, ...unknown[]]} SeverityTuple
+ *
+ * @callback Rule
+ * @param {Node} tree
+ * @param {VFile} file
+ * @param {unknown} options
+ * @returns {void}
+ */
+const primitives$b = new Set(['string', 'number', 'boolean']);
+ * @param {string} id
+ * @param {Rule} rule
+ */
+function lintRule$b(id, rule) {
+ const parts = id.split(':');
+ // Possibly useful if externalised later.
+ /* c8 ignore next */
+ const source = parts[1] ? parts[0] : undefined;
+ const ruleId = parts[1];
+ Object.defineProperty(plugin, 'name', {value: id});
+ return plugin
+ /** @type {import('unified').Plugin<[unknown]|void[]>} */
+ function plugin(raw) {
+ const [severity, options] = coerce$c(ruleId, raw);
+ if (!severity) return
+ const fatal = severity === 2;
+ return (tree, file, next) => {
+ let index = file.messages.length - 1;
+ wrap(rule, (error) => {
+ const messages = file.messages;
+ // Add the error, if not already properly added.
+ // Only happens for incorrect plugins.
+ /* c8 ignore next 6 */
+ // @ts-expect-error: errors could be `messages`.
+ if (error && !messages.includes(error)) {
+ try {
+ } catch {}
+ }
+ while (++index < messages.length) {
+ Object.assign(messages[index], {ruleId, source, fatal});
+ }
+ next();
+ })(tree, file, options);
+ }
+ }
+ * Coerce a value to a severity--options tuple.
+ *
+ * @param {string} name
+ * @param {unknown} value
+ * @returns {SeverityTuple}
+ */
+function coerce$c(name, value) {
+ /** @type {unknown[]} */
+ let result;
+ if (typeof value === 'boolean') {
+ result = [value];
+ } else if (value === null || value === undefined) {
+ result = [1];
+ } else if (
+ Array.isArray(value) &&
+ // `isArray(unknown)` is turned into `any[]`:
+ // type-coverage:ignore-next-line
+ primitives$b.has(typeof value[0])
+ ) {
+ // `isArray(unknown)` is turned into `any[]`:
+ // type-coverage:ignore-next-line
+ result = [...value];
+ } else {
+ result = [1, value];
+ }
+ let level = result[0];
+ if (typeof level === 'boolean') {
+ level = level ? 1 : 0;
+ } else if (typeof level === 'string') {
+ if (level === 'off') {
+ level = 0;
+ } else if (level === 'on' || level === 'warn') {
+ level = 1;
+ } else if (level === 'error') {
+ level = 2;
+ } else {
+ level = 1;
+ result = [level, result];
+ }
+ }
+ if (typeof level !== 'number' || level < 0 || level > 2) {
+ throw new Error(
+ 'Incorrect severity `' +
+ level +
+ '` for `' +
+ name +
+ '`, ' +
+ 'expected 0, 1, or 2'
+ )
+ }
+ result[0] = level;
+ // @ts-expect-error: it’s now a valid tuple.
+ return result
* @author Titus Wormer
* @copyright 2015 Titus Wormer
* @license MIT
@@ -54808,11 +54372,11 @@ var remarkLintNofileNameOuterDashes$1 = remarkLintNofileNameOuterDashes;
* 8:4: Remove 3 spaces before this heading
-const remarkLintNoHeadingIndent = lintRule(
+const remarkLintNoHeadingIndent = lintRule$b(
/** @type {import('unified-lint-rule').Rule<Root, void>} */
(tree, file) => {
- visit$2(tree, 'heading', (node, _, parent) => {
+ visit(tree, 'heading', (node, _, parent) => {
// Note: it’s rather complex to detect what the expected indent is in block
// quotes and lists, so let’s only do directly in root for now.
if (generated(node) || (parent && parent.type !== 'root')) {
@@ -54837,71 +54401,132 @@ const remarkLintNoHeadingIndent = lintRule(
var remarkLintNoHeadingIndent$1 = remarkLintNoHeadingIndent;
-var own$1 = {}.hasOwnProperty;
* @typedef {import('unist').Node} Node
- * @typedef {import('unist').Position} Position
- * @typedef {import('unist').Point} Point
+ * @typedef {import('vfile').VFile} VFile
+ *
+ * @typedef {0|1|2} Severity
+ * @typedef {'warn'|'on'|'off'|'error'} Label
+ * @typedef {[Severity, ...unknown[]]} SeverityTuple
+ *
+ * @callback Rule
+ * @param {Node} tree
+ * @param {VFile} file
+ * @param {unknown} options
+ * @returns {void}
+const primitives$a = new Set(['string', 'number', 'boolean']);
- * Stringify one point, a position (start and end points), or a node’s
- * positional information.
- *
- * @param {Node|Position|Point} [value]
- * @returns {string}
+ * @param {string} id
+ * @param {Rule} rule
-function stringifyPosition(value) {
- // Nothing.
- if (!value || typeof value !== 'object') {
- return ''
- }
+function lintRule$a(id, rule) {
+ const parts = id.split(':');
+ // Possibly useful if externalised later.
+ /* c8 ignore next */
+ const source = parts[1] ? parts[0] : undefined;
+ const ruleId = parts[1];
- // Node.
- if (own$, 'position') || own$, 'type')) {
- // @ts-ignore looks like a node.
- return position$2(value.position)
- }
+ Object.defineProperty(plugin, 'name', {value: id});
- // Position.
- if (own$, 'start') || own$, 'end')) {
- // @ts-ignore looks like a position.
- return position$2(value)
- }
+ return plugin
- // Point.
- if (own$, 'line') || own$, 'column')) {
- // @ts-ignore looks like a point.
- return point(value)
- }
+ /** @type {import('unified').Plugin<[unknown]|void[]>} */
+ function plugin(raw) {
+ const [severity, options] = coerce$b(ruleId, raw);
- // ?
- return ''
+ if (!severity) return
- * @param {Point} point
- * @returns {string}
- */
-function point(point) {
- return index(point && point.line) + ':' + index(point && point.column)
+ const fatal = severity === 2;
- * @param {Position} pos
- * @returns {string}
- */
-function position$2(pos) {
- return point(pos && pos.start) + '-' + point(pos && pos.end)
+ return (tree, file, next) => {
+ let index = file.messages.length - 1;
+ wrap(rule, (error) => {
+ const messages = file.messages;
+ // Add the error, if not already properly added.
+ // Only happens for incorrect plugins.
+ /* c8 ignore next 6 */
+ // @ts-expect-error: errors could be `messages`.
+ if (error && !messages.includes(error)) {
+ try {
+ } catch {}
+ }
+ while (++index < messages.length) {
+ Object.assign(messages[index], {ruleId, source, fatal});
+ }
+ next();
+ })(tree, file, options);
+ }
+ }
- * @param {number} value
- * @returns {number}
+ * Coerce a value to a severity--options tuple.
+ *
+ * @param {string} name
+ * @param {unknown} value
+ * @returns {SeverityTuple}
-function index(value) {
- return value && typeof value === 'number' ? value : 1
+function coerce$b(name, value) {
+ /** @type {unknown[]} */
+ let result;
+ if (typeof value === 'boolean') {
+ result = [value];
+ } else if (value === null || value === undefined) {
+ result = [1];
+ } else if (
+ Array.isArray(value) &&
+ // `isArray(unknown)` is turned into `any[]`:
+ // type-coverage:ignore-next-line
+ primitives$a.has(typeof value[0])
+ ) {
+ // `isArray(unknown)` is turned into `any[]`:
+ // type-coverage:ignore-next-line
+ result = [...value];
+ } else {
+ result = [1, value];
+ }
+ let level = result[0];
+ if (typeof level === 'boolean') {
+ level = level ? 1 : 0;
+ } else if (typeof level === 'string') {
+ if (level === 'off') {
+ level = 0;
+ } else if (level === 'on' || level === 'warn') {
+ level = 1;
+ } else if (level === 'error') {
+ level = 2;
+ } else {
+ level = 1;
+ result = [level, result];
+ }
+ }
+ if (typeof level !== 'number' || level < 0 || level > 2) {
+ throw new Error(
+ 'Incorrect severity `' +
+ level +
+ '` for `' +
+ name +
+ '`, ' +
+ 'expected 0, 1, or 2'
+ )
+ }
+ result[0] = level;
+ // @ts-expect-error: it’s now a valid tuple.
+ return result
@@ -54934,14 +54559,14 @@ function index(value) {
* 3:1-3:6: Don’t use multiple top level headings (1:1)
-const remarkLintNoMultipleToplevelHeadings = lintRule(
+const remarkLintNoMultipleToplevelHeadings = lintRule$a(
/** @type {import('unified-lint-rule').Rule<Root, Options>} */
(tree, file, option = 1) => {
/** @type {string|undefined} */
let duplicate;
- visit$2(tree, 'heading', (node) => {
+ visit(tree, 'heading', (node) => {
if (!generated(node) && node.depth === option) {
if (duplicate) {
@@ -54949,7 +54574,7 @@ const remarkLintNoMultipleToplevelHeadings = lintRule(
} else {
- duplicate = stringifyPosition(pointStart(node));
+ duplicate = stringifyPosition$1(pointStart(node));
@@ -54959,6 +54584,134 @@ const remarkLintNoMultipleToplevelHeadings = lintRule(
var remarkLintNoMultipleToplevelHeadings$1 = remarkLintNoMultipleToplevelHeadings;
+ * @typedef {import('unist').Node} Node
+ * @typedef {import('vfile').VFile} VFile
+ *
+ * @typedef {0|1|2} Severity
+ * @typedef {'warn'|'on'|'off'|'error'} Label
+ * @typedef {[Severity, ...unknown[]]} SeverityTuple
+ *
+ * @callback Rule
+ * @param {Node} tree
+ * @param {VFile} file
+ * @param {unknown} options
+ * @returns {void}
+ */
+const primitives$9 = new Set(['string', 'number', 'boolean']);
+ * @param {string} id
+ * @param {Rule} rule
+ */
+function lintRule$9(id, rule) {
+ const parts = id.split(':');
+ // Possibly useful if externalised later.
+ /* c8 ignore next */
+ const source = parts[1] ? parts[0] : undefined;
+ const ruleId = parts[1];
+ Object.defineProperty(plugin, 'name', {value: id});
+ return plugin
+ /** @type {import('unified').Plugin<[unknown]|void[]>} */
+ function plugin(raw) {
+ const [severity, options] = coerce$a(ruleId, raw);
+ if (!severity) return
+ const fatal = severity === 2;
+ return (tree, file, next) => {
+ let index = file.messages.length - 1;
+ wrap(rule, (error) => {
+ const messages = file.messages;
+ // Add the error, if not already properly added.
+ // Only happens for incorrect plugins.
+ /* c8 ignore next 6 */
+ // @ts-expect-error: errors could be `messages`.
+ if (error && !messages.includes(error)) {
+ try {
+ } catch {}
+ }
+ while (++index < messages.length) {
+ Object.assign(messages[index], {ruleId, source, fatal});
+ }
+ next();
+ })(tree, file, options);
+ }
+ }
+ * Coerce a value to a severity--options tuple.
+ *
+ * @param {string} name
+ * @param {unknown} value
+ * @returns {SeverityTuple}
+ */
+function coerce$a(name, value) {
+ /** @type {unknown[]} */
+ let result;
+ if (typeof value === 'boolean') {
+ result = [value];
+ } else if (value === null || value === undefined) {
+ result = [1];
+ } else if (
+ Array.isArray(value) &&
+ // `isArray(unknown)` is turned into `any[]`:
+ // type-coverage:ignore-next-line
+ primitives$9.has(typeof value[0])
+ ) {
+ // `isArray(unknown)` is turned into `any[]`:
+ // type-coverage:ignore-next-line
+ result = [...value];
+ } else {
+ result = [1, value];
+ }
+ let level = result[0];
+ if (typeof level === 'boolean') {
+ level = level ? 1 : 0;
+ } else if (typeof level === 'string') {
+ if (level === 'off') {
+ level = 0;
+ } else if (level === 'on' || level === 'warn') {
+ level = 1;
+ } else if (level === 'error') {
+ level = 2;
+ } else {
+ level = 1;
+ result = [level, result];
+ }
+ }
+ if (typeof level !== 'number' || level < 0 || level > 2) {
+ throw new Error(
+ 'Incorrect severity `' +
+ level +
+ '` for `' +
+ name +
+ '`, ' +
+ 'expected 0, 1, or 2'
+ )
+ }
+ result[0] = level;
+ // @ts-expect-error: it’s now a valid tuple.
+ return result
* @author Titus Wormer
* @copyright 2015 Titus Wormer
* @license MIT
@@ -55032,11 +54785,11 @@ const flags = new Set([
-const remarkLintNoShellDollars = lintRule(
+const remarkLintNoShellDollars = lintRule$9(
/** @type {import('unified-lint-rule').Rule<Root, void>} */
(tree, file) => {
- visit$2(tree, 'code', (node) => {
+ visit(tree, 'code', (node) => {
// Check both known shell code and unknown code.
if (!generated(node) && node.lang && flags.has(node.lang)) {
const lines = node.value
@@ -55065,6 +54818,134 @@ const remarkLintNoShellDollars = lintRule(
var remarkLintNoShellDollars$1 = remarkLintNoShellDollars;
+ * @typedef {import('unist').Node} Node
+ * @typedef {import('vfile').VFile} VFile
+ *
+ * @typedef {0|1|2} Severity
+ * @typedef {'warn'|'on'|'off'|'error'} Label
+ * @typedef {[Severity, ...unknown[]]} SeverityTuple
+ *
+ * @callback Rule
+ * @param {Node} tree
+ * @param {VFile} file
+ * @param {unknown} options
+ * @returns {void}
+ */
+const primitives$8 = new Set(['string', 'number', 'boolean']);
+ * @param {string} id
+ * @param {Rule} rule
+ */
+function lintRule$8(id, rule) {
+ const parts = id.split(':');
+ // Possibly useful if externalised later.
+ /* c8 ignore next */
+ const source = parts[1] ? parts[0] : undefined;
+ const ruleId = parts[1];
+ Object.defineProperty(plugin, 'name', {value: id});
+ return plugin
+ /** @type {import('unified').Plugin<[unknown]|void[]>} */
+ function plugin(raw) {
+ const [severity, options] = coerce$9(ruleId, raw);
+ if (!severity) return
+ const fatal = severity === 2;
+ return (tree, file, next) => {
+ let index = file.messages.length - 1;
+ wrap(rule, (error) => {
+ const messages = file.messages;
+ // Add the error, if not already properly added.
+ // Only happens for incorrect plugins.
+ /* c8 ignore next 6 */
+ // @ts-expect-error: errors could be `messages`.
+ if (error && !messages.includes(error)) {
+ try {
+ } catch {}
+ }
+ while (++index < messages.length) {
+ Object.assign(messages[index], {ruleId, source, fatal});
+ }
+ next();
+ })(tree, file, options);
+ }
+ }
+ * Coerce a value to a severity--options tuple.
+ *
+ * @param {string} name
+ * @param {unknown} value
+ * @returns {SeverityTuple}
+ */
+function coerce$9(name, value) {
+ /** @type {unknown[]} */
+ let result;
+ if (typeof value === 'boolean') {
+ result = [value];
+ } else if (value === null || value === undefined) {
+ result = [1];
+ } else if (
+ Array.isArray(value) &&
+ // `isArray(unknown)` is turned into `any[]`:
+ // type-coverage:ignore-next-line
+ primitives$8.has(typeof value[0])
+ ) {
+ // `isArray(unknown)` is turned into `any[]`:
+ // type-coverage:ignore-next-line
+ result = [...value];
+ } else {
+ result = [1, value];
+ }
+ let level = result[0];
+ if (typeof level === 'boolean') {
+ level = level ? 1 : 0;
+ } else if (typeof level === 'string') {
+ if (level === 'off') {
+ level = 0;
+ } else if (level === 'on' || level === 'warn') {
+ level = 1;
+ } else if (level === 'error') {
+ level = 2;
+ } else {
+ level = 1;
+ result = [level, result];
+ }
+ }
+ if (typeof level !== 'number' || level < 0 || level > 2) {
+ throw new Error(
+ 'Incorrect severity `' +
+ level +
+ '` for `' +
+ name +
+ '`, ' +
+ 'expected 0, 1, or 2'
+ )
+ }
+ result[0] = level;
+ // @ts-expect-error: it’s now a valid tuple.
+ return result
* @author Titus Wormer
* @copyright 2015 Titus Wormer
* @license MIT
@@ -55130,14 +55011,14 @@ var remarkLintNoShellDollars$1 = remarkLintNoShellDollars;
* 3:6: Do not indent table rows
-const remarkLintNoTableIndentation = lintRule(
+const remarkLintNoTableIndentation = lintRule$8(
/** @type {import('unified-lint-rule').Rule<Root, void>} */
(tree, file) => {
const value = String(file);
const loc = location(value);
- visit$2(tree, 'table', (node, _, parent) => {
+ visit(tree, 'table', (node, _, parent) => {
const end = pointEnd(node).line;
let line = pointStart(node).line;
let column = 0;
@@ -55184,7 +55065,7 @@ const remarkLintNoTableIndentation = lintRule(
- return SKIP$2
+ return SKIP$1
@@ -55192,6 +55073,134 @@ const remarkLintNoTableIndentation = lintRule(
var remarkLintNoTableIndentation$1 = remarkLintNoTableIndentation;
+ * @typedef {import('unist').Node} Node
+ * @typedef {import('vfile').VFile} VFile
+ *
+ * @typedef {0|1|2} Severity
+ * @typedef {'warn'|'on'|'off'|'error'} Label
+ * @typedef {[Severity, ...unknown[]]} SeverityTuple
+ *
+ * @callback Rule
+ * @param {Node} tree
+ * @param {VFile} file
+ * @param {unknown} options
+ * @returns {void}
+ */
+const primitives$7 = new Set(['string', 'number', 'boolean']);
+ * @param {string} id
+ * @param {Rule} rule
+ */
+function lintRule$7(id, rule) {
+ const parts = id.split(':');
+ // Possibly useful if externalised later.
+ /* c8 ignore next */
+ const source = parts[1] ? parts[0] : undefined;
+ const ruleId = parts[1];
+ Object.defineProperty(plugin, 'name', {value: id});
+ return plugin
+ /** @type {import('unified').Plugin<[unknown]|void[]>} */
+ function plugin(raw) {
+ const [severity, options] = coerce$8(ruleId, raw);
+ if (!severity) return
+ const fatal = severity === 2;
+ return (tree, file, next) => {
+ let index = file.messages.length - 1;
+ wrap(rule, (error) => {
+ const messages = file.messages;
+ // Add the error, if not already properly added.
+ // Only happens for incorrect plugins.
+ /* c8 ignore next 6 */
+ // @ts-expect-error: errors could be `messages`.
+ if (error && !messages.includes(error)) {
+ try {
+ } catch {}
+ }
+ while (++index < messages.length) {
+ Object.assign(messages[index], {ruleId, source, fatal});
+ }
+ next();
+ })(tree, file, options);
+ }
+ }
+ * Coerce a value to a severity--options tuple.
+ *
+ * @param {string} name
+ * @param {unknown} value
+ * @returns {SeverityTuple}
+ */
+function coerce$8(name, value) {
+ /** @type {unknown[]} */
+ let result;
+ if (typeof value === 'boolean') {
+ result = [value];
+ } else if (value === null || value === undefined) {
+ result = [1];
+ } else if (
+ Array.isArray(value) &&
+ // `isArray(unknown)` is turned into `any[]`:
+ // type-coverage:ignore-next-line
+ primitives$7.has(typeof value[0])
+ ) {
+ // `isArray(unknown)` is turned into `any[]`:
+ // type-coverage:ignore-next-line
+ result = [...value];
+ } else {
+ result = [1, value];
+ }
+ let level = result[0];
+ if (typeof level === 'boolean') {
+ level = level ? 1 : 0;
+ } else if (typeof level === 'string') {
+ if (level === 'off') {
+ level = 0;
+ } else if (level === 'on' || level === 'warn') {
+ level = 1;
+ } else if (level === 'error') {
+ level = 2;
+ } else {
+ level = 1;
+ result = [level, result];
+ }
+ }
+ if (typeof level !== 'number' || level < 0 || level > 2) {
+ throw new Error(
+ 'Incorrect severity `' +
+ level +
+ '` for `' +
+ name +
+ '`, ' +
+ 'expected 0, 1, or 2'
+ )
+ }
+ result[0] = level;
+ // @ts-expect-error: it’s now a valid tuple.
+ return result
* @author Titus Wormer
* @copyright 2015 Titus Wormer
* @license MIT
@@ -55246,7 +55255,7 @@ var remarkLintNoTableIndentation$1 = remarkLintNoTableIndentation;
* 13:41: Use spaces instead of tabs
-const remarkLintNoTabs = lintRule(
+const remarkLintNoTabs = lintRule$7(
/** @type {import('unified-lint-rule').Rule<Root, void>} */
(_, file) => {
@@ -55432,7 +55441,7 @@ function toThunk(obj, ctx) {
return obj;
- if (isObject$1(obj) || Array.isArray(obj)) {
+ if (isObject(obj) || Array.isArray(obj)) {
return, obj);
@@ -55566,7 +55575,7 @@ function isGeneratorFunction(obj) {
* @api private
-function isObject$1(val) {
+function isObject(val) {
return val && Object == val.constructor;
@@ -55601,7 +55610,7 @@ var co = co_1;
* Export `wrapped`
-var wrapped_1 = wrapped$2;
+var wrapped_1 = wrapped$1;
* Wrap a function to support
@@ -55612,7 +55621,7 @@ var wrapped_1 = wrapped$2;
* @api public
-function wrapped$2(fn) {
+function wrapped$1(fn) {
function wrap() {
var args = sliced(arguments);
var last = args[args.length - 1];
@@ -55702,15 +55711,15 @@ function promise(value) {
return value && 'function' == typeof value.then;
-var wrapped$1 = wrapped_1;
+var wrapped = wrapped_1;
-var unifiedLintRule$1 = factory$3;
+var unifiedLintRule = factory;
-function factory$3(id, rule) {
+function factory(id, rule) {
var parts = id.split(':');
var source = parts[0];
var ruleId = parts[1];
- var fn = wrapped$1(rule);
+ var fn = wrapped(rule);
/* istanbul ignore if - possibly useful if externalised later. */
if (!ruleId) {
@@ -55723,7 +55732,7 @@ function factory$3(id, rule) {
return attacher
function attacher(raw) {
- var config = coerce$1(ruleId, raw);
+ var config = coerce$7(ruleId, raw);
var severity = config[0];
var options = config[1];
var fatal = severity === 2;
@@ -55763,7 +55772,7 @@ function factory$3(id, rule) {
// Coerce a value to a severity--options tuple.
-function coerce$1(name, value) {
+function coerce$7(name, value) {
var def = 1;
var result;
var level;
@@ -55817,9 +55826,9 @@ function coerce$1(name, value) {
return result
-var rule$1 = unifiedLintRule$1;
+var rule = unifiedLintRule;
-var remarkLintNoTrailingSpaces = rule$1('remark-lint:no-trailing-spaces', noTrailingSpaces);
+var remarkLintNoTrailingSpaces = rule('remark-lint:no-trailing-spaces', noTrailingSpaces);
* Lines that are just space characters are not present in
@@ -55842,4480 +55851,177 @@ function noTrailingSpaces(ast, file) {
-function* getLinksRecursively(node) {
- if (node.url) {
- yield node;
- }
- for (const child of node.children || []) {
- yield* getLinksRecursively(child);
- }
-function validateLinks(tree, vfile) {
- const currentFileURL = url.pathToFileURL(require$$0__default$2['default'].join(vfile.cwd, vfile.path));
- let previousDefinitionLabel;
- for (const node of getLinksRecursively(tree)) {
- if (node.url[0] !== "#") {
- const targetURL = new URL(node.url, currentFileURL);
- if (targetURL.protocol === "file:" && !require$$0__default$3['default'].existsSync(targetURL)) {
- vfile.message("Broken link", node);
- } else if (targetURL.pathname === currentFileURL.pathname) {
- const expected = node.url.includes("#")
- ? node.url.slice(node.url.indexOf("#"))
- : "#";
- vfile.message(
- `Self-reference must start with hash (expected "${expected}", got "${node.url}")`,
- node
- );
- }
- }
- if (node.type === "definition") {
- if (previousDefinitionLabel && previousDefinitionLabel > node.label) {
- vfile.message(
- `Unordered reference ("${node.label}" should be before "${previousDefinitionLabel}")`,
- node
- );
- }
- previousDefinitionLabel = node.label;
- }
- }
-const remarkLintNodejsLinks = lintRule(
- "remark-lint:nodejs-links",
- validateLinks
-/*! js-yaml 4.1.0 @license MIT */
-function isNothing(subject) {
- return (typeof subject === 'undefined') || (subject === null);
-function isObject(subject) {
- return (typeof subject === 'object') && (subject !== null);
-function toArray(sequence) {
- if (Array.isArray(sequence)) return sequence;
- else if (isNothing(sequence)) return [];
- return [ sequence ];
-function extend(target, source) {
- var index, length, key, sourceKeys;
- if (source) {
- sourceKeys = Object.keys(source);
- for (index = 0, length = sourceKeys.length; index < length; index += 1) {
- key = sourceKeys[index];
- target[key] = source[key];
- }
- }
- return target;
-function repeat(string, count) {
- var result = '', cycle;
- for (cycle = 0; cycle < count; cycle += 1) {
- result += string;
- }
- return result;
-function isNegativeZero(number) {
- return (number === 0) && (Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY === 1 / number);
-var isNothing_1 = isNothing;
-var isObject_1 = isObject;
-var toArray_1 = toArray;
-var repeat_1 = repeat;
-var isNegativeZero_1 = isNegativeZero;
-var extend_1 = extend;
-var common = {
- isNothing: isNothing_1,
- isObject: isObject_1,
- toArray: toArray_1,
- repeat: repeat_1,
- isNegativeZero: isNegativeZero_1,
- extend: extend_1
-// YAML error class.
-function formatError(exception, compact) {
- var where = '', message = exception.reason || '(unknown reason)';
- if (!exception.mark) return message;
- if ( {
- where += 'in "' + + '" ';
- }
- where += '(' + (exception.mark.line + 1) + ':' + (exception.mark.column + 1) + ')';
- if (!compact && exception.mark.snippet) {
- where += '\n\n' + exception.mark.snippet;
- }
- return message + ' ' + where;
-function YAMLException$1(reason, mark) {
- // Super constructor
- = 'YAMLException';
- this.reason = reason;
- this.mark = mark;
- this.message = formatError(this, false);
- // Include stack trace in error object
- if (Error.captureStackTrace) {
- // Chrome and NodeJS
- Error.captureStackTrace(this, this.constructor);
- } else {
- // FF, IE 10+ and Safari 6+. Fallback for others
- this.stack = (new Error()).stack || '';
- }
-// Inherit from Error
-YAMLException$1.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype);
-YAMLException$1.prototype.constructor = YAMLException$1;
-YAMLException$1.prototype.toString = function toString(compact) {
- return + ': ' + formatError(this, compact);
-var exception = YAMLException$1;
-// get snippet for a single line, respecting maxLength
-function getLine(buffer, lineStart, lineEnd, position, maxLineLength) {
- var head = '';
- var tail = '';
- var maxHalfLength = Math.floor(maxLineLength / 2) - 1;
- if (position - lineStart > maxHalfLength) {
- head = ' ... ';
- lineStart = position - maxHalfLength + head.length;
- }
- if (lineEnd - position > maxHalfLength) {
- tail = ' ...';
- lineEnd = position + maxHalfLength - tail.length;
- }
- return {
- str: head + buffer.slice(lineStart, lineEnd).replace(/\t/g, '→') + tail,
- pos: position - lineStart + head.length // relative position
- };
-function padStart(string, max) {
- return common.repeat(' ', max - string.length) + string;
-function makeSnippet(mark, options) {
- options = Object.create(options || null);
- if (!mark.buffer) return null;
- if (!options.maxLength) options.maxLength = 79;
- if (typeof options.indent !== 'number') options.indent = 1;
- if (typeof options.linesBefore !== 'number') options.linesBefore = 3;
- if (typeof options.linesAfter !== 'number') options.linesAfter = 2;
- var re = /\r?\n|\r|\0/g;
- var lineStarts = [ 0 ];
- var lineEnds = [];
- var match;
- var foundLineNo = -1;
- while ((match = re.exec(mark.buffer))) {
- lineEnds.push(match.index);
- lineStarts.push(match.index + match[0].length);
- if (mark.position <= match.index && foundLineNo < 0) {
- foundLineNo = lineStarts.length - 2;
- }
- }
- if (foundLineNo < 0) foundLineNo = lineStarts.length - 1;
- var result = '', i, line;
- var lineNoLength = Math.min(mark.line + options.linesAfter, lineEnds.length).toString().length;
- var maxLineLength = options.maxLength - (options.indent + lineNoLength + 3);
- for (i = 1; i <= options.linesBefore; i++) {
- if (foundLineNo - i < 0) break;
- line = getLine(
- mark.buffer,
- lineStarts[foundLineNo - i],
- lineEnds[foundLineNo - i],
- mark.position - (lineStarts[foundLineNo] - lineStarts[foundLineNo - i]),
- maxLineLength
- );
- result = common.repeat(' ', options.indent) + padStart((mark.line - i + 1).toString(), lineNoLength) +
- ' | ' + line.str + '\n' + result;
- }
- line = getLine(mark.buffer, lineStarts[foundLineNo], lineEnds[foundLineNo], mark.position, maxLineLength);
- result += common.repeat(' ', options.indent) + padStart((mark.line + 1).toString(), lineNoLength) +
- ' | ' + line.str + '\n';
- result += common.repeat('-', options.indent + lineNoLength + 3 + line.pos) + '^' + '\n';
- for (i = 1; i <= options.linesAfter; i++) {
- if (foundLineNo + i >= lineEnds.length) break;
- line = getLine(
- mark.buffer,
- lineStarts[foundLineNo + i],
- lineEnds[foundLineNo + i],
- mark.position - (lineStarts[foundLineNo] - lineStarts[foundLineNo + i]),
- maxLineLength
- );
- result += common.repeat(' ', options.indent) + padStart((mark.line + i + 1).toString(), lineNoLength) +
- ' | ' + line.str + '\n';
- }
- return result.replace(/\n$/, '');
-var snippet = makeSnippet;
- 'kind',
- 'multi',
- 'resolve',
- 'construct',
- 'instanceOf',
- 'predicate',
- 'represent',
- 'representName',
- 'defaultStyle',
- 'styleAliases'
- 'scalar',
- 'sequence',
- 'mapping'
-function compileStyleAliases(map) {
- var result = {};
- if (map !== null) {
- Object.keys(map).forEach(function (style) {
- map[style].forEach(function (alias) {
- result[String(alias)] = style;
- });
- });
- }
- return result;
-function Type$1(tag, options) {
- options = options || {};
- Object.keys(options).forEach(function (name) {
- if (TYPE_CONSTRUCTOR_OPTIONS.indexOf(name) === -1) {
- throw new exception('Unknown option "' + name + '" is met in definition of "' + tag + '" YAML type.');
- }
- });
- // TODO: Add tag format check.
- this.options = options; // keep original options in case user wants to extend this type later
- this.tag = tag;
- this.kind = options['kind'] || null;
- this.resolve = options['resolve'] || function () { return true; };
- this.construct = options['construct'] || function (data) { return data; };
- this.instanceOf = options['instanceOf'] || null;
- this.predicate = options['predicate'] || null;
- this.represent = options['represent'] || null;
- this.representName = options['representName'] || null;
- this.defaultStyle = options['defaultStyle'] || null;
- this.multi = options['multi'] || false;
- this.styleAliases = compileStyleAliases(options['styleAliases'] || null);
- if (YAML_NODE_KINDS.indexOf(this.kind) === -1) {
- throw new exception('Unknown kind "' + this.kind + '" is specified for "' + tag + '" YAML type.');
- }
-var type = Type$1;
-/*eslint-disable max-len*/
-function compileList(schema, name) {
- var result = [];
- schema[name].forEach(function (currentType) {
- var newIndex = result.length;
- result.forEach(function (previousType, previousIndex) {
- if (previousType.tag === currentType.tag &&
- previousType.kind === currentType.kind &&
- previousType.multi === currentType.multi) {
- newIndex = previousIndex;
- }
- });
- result[newIndex] = currentType;
- });
- return result;
-function compileMap(/* lists... */) {
- var result = {
- scalar: {},
- sequence: {},
- mapping: {},
- fallback: {},
- multi: {
- scalar: [],
- sequence: [],
- mapping: [],
- fallback: []
- }
- }, index, length;
- function collectType(type) {
- if (type.multi) {
- result.multi[type.kind].push(type);
- result.multi['fallback'].push(type);
- } else {
- result[type.kind][type.tag] = result['fallback'][type.tag] = type;
- }
- }
- for (index = 0, length = arguments.length; index < length; index += 1) {
- arguments[index].forEach(collectType);
- }
- return result;
-function Schema$1(definition) {
- return this.extend(definition);
-Schema$1.prototype.extend = function extend(definition) {
- var implicit = [];
- var explicit = [];
- if (definition instanceof type) {
- // Schema.extend(type)
- explicit.push(definition);
- } else if (Array.isArray(definition)) {
- // Schema.extend([ type1, type2, ... ])
- explicit = explicit.concat(definition);
- } else if (definition && (Array.isArray(definition.implicit) || Array.isArray(definition.explicit))) {
- // Schema.extend({ explicit: [ type1, type2, ... ], implicit: [ type1, type2, ... ] })
- if (definition.implicit) implicit = implicit.concat(definition.implicit);
- if (definition.explicit) explicit = explicit.concat(definition.explicit);
- } else {
- throw new exception('Schema.extend argument should be a Type, [ Type ], ' +
- 'or a schema definition ({ implicit: [...], explicit: [...] })');
- }
- implicit.forEach(function (type$1) {
- if (!(type$1 instanceof type)) {
- throw new exception('Specified list of YAML types (or a single Type object) contains a non-Type object.');
- }
- if (type$1.loadKind && type$1.loadKind !== 'scalar') {
- throw new exception('There is a non-scalar type in the implicit list of a schema. Implicit resolving of such types is not supported.');
- }
- if (type$1.multi) {
- throw new exception('There is a multi type in the implicit list of a schema. Multi tags can only be listed as explicit.');
- }
- });
- explicit.forEach(function (type$1) {
- if (!(type$1 instanceof type)) {
- throw new exception('Specified list of YAML types (or a single Type object) contains a non-Type object.');
- }
- });
- var result = Object.create(Schema$1.prototype);
- result.implicit = (this.implicit || []).concat(implicit);
- result.explicit = (this.explicit || []).concat(explicit);
- result.compiledImplicit = compileList(result, 'implicit');
- result.compiledExplicit = compileList(result, 'explicit');
- result.compiledTypeMap = compileMap(result.compiledImplicit, result.compiledExplicit);
- return result;
-var schema = Schema$1;
-var str = new type(',2002:str', {
- kind: 'scalar',
- construct: function (data) { return data !== null ? data : ''; }
-var seq = new type(',2002:seq', {
- kind: 'sequence',
- construct: function (data) { return data !== null ? data : []; }
-var map = new type(',2002:map', {
- kind: 'mapping',
- construct: function (data) { return data !== null ? data : {}; }
-var failsafe = new schema({
- explicit: [
- str,
- seq,
- map
- ]
-function resolveYamlNull(data) {
- if (data === null) return true;
- var max = data.length;
- return (max === 1 && data === '~') ||
- (max === 4 && (data === 'null' || data === 'Null' || data === 'NULL'));
-function constructYamlNull() {
- return null;
-function isNull(object) {
- return object === null;
-var _null = new type(',2002:null', {
- kind: 'scalar',
- resolve: resolveYamlNull,
- construct: constructYamlNull,
- predicate: isNull,
- represent: {
- canonical: function () { return '~'; },
- lowercase: function () { return 'null'; },
- uppercase: function () { return 'NULL'; },
- camelcase: function () { return 'Null'; },
- empty: function () { return ''; }
- },
- defaultStyle: 'lowercase'
-function resolveYamlBoolean(data) {
- if (data === null) return false;
- var max = data.length;
- return (max === 4 && (data === 'true' || data === 'True' || data === 'TRUE')) ||
- (max === 5 && (data === 'false' || data === 'False' || data === 'FALSE'));
-function constructYamlBoolean(data) {
- return data === 'true' ||
- data === 'True' ||
- data === 'TRUE';
-function isBoolean(object) {
- return === '[object Boolean]';
-var bool = new type(',2002:bool', {
- kind: 'scalar',
- resolve: resolveYamlBoolean,
- construct: constructYamlBoolean,
- predicate: isBoolean,
- represent: {
- lowercase: function (object) { return object ? 'true' : 'false'; },
- uppercase: function (object) { return object ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE'; },
- camelcase: function (object) { return object ? 'True' : 'False'; }
- },
- defaultStyle: 'lowercase'
-function isHexCode(c) {
- return ((0x30/* 0 */ <= c) && (c <= 0x39/* 9 */)) ||
- ((0x41/* A */ <= c) && (c <= 0x46/* F */)) ||
- ((0x61/* a */ <= c) && (c <= 0x66/* f */));
-function isOctCode(c) {
- return ((0x30/* 0 */ <= c) && (c <= 0x37/* 7 */));
-function isDecCode(c) {
- return ((0x30/* 0 */ <= c) && (c <= 0x39/* 9 */));
-function resolveYamlInteger(data) {
- if (data === null) return false;
- var max = data.length,
- index = 0,
- hasDigits = false,
- ch;
- if (!max) return false;
- ch = data[index];
- // sign
- if (ch === '-' || ch === '+') {
- ch = data[++index];
- }
- if (ch === '0') {
- // 0
- if (index + 1 === max) return true;
- ch = data[++index];
- // base 2, base 8, base 16
- if (ch === 'b') {
- // base 2
- index++;
- for (; index < max; index++) {
- ch = data[index];
- if (ch === '_') continue;
- if (ch !== '0' && ch !== '1') return false;
- hasDigits = true;
- }
- return hasDigits && ch !== '_';
- }
- if (ch === 'x') {
- // base 16
- index++;
- for (; index < max; index++) {
- ch = data[index];
- if (ch === '_') continue;
- if (!isHexCode(data.charCodeAt(index))) return false;
- hasDigits = true;
- }
- return hasDigits && ch !== '_';
- }
- if (ch === 'o') {
- // base 8
- index++;
- for (; index < max; index++) {
- ch = data[index];
- if (ch === '_') continue;
- if (!isOctCode(data.charCodeAt(index))) return false;
- hasDigits = true;
- }
- return hasDigits && ch !== '_';
- }
- }
- // base 10 (except 0)
- // value should not start with `_`;
- if (ch === '_') return false;
- for (; index < max; index++) {
- ch = data[index];
- if (ch === '_') continue;
- if (!isDecCode(data.charCodeAt(index))) {
- return false;
- }
- hasDigits = true;
- }
- // Should have digits and should not end with `_`
- if (!hasDigits || ch === '_') return false;
- return true;
-function constructYamlInteger(data) {
- var value = data, sign = 1, ch;
- if (value.indexOf('_') !== -1) {
- value = value.replace(/_/g, '');
- }
- ch = value[0];
- if (ch === '-' || ch === '+') {
- if (ch === '-') sign = -1;
- value = value.slice(1);
- ch = value[0];
- }
- if (value === '0') return 0;
- if (ch === '0') {
- if (value[1] === 'b') return sign * parseInt(value.slice(2), 2);
- if (value[1] === 'x') return sign * parseInt(value.slice(2), 16);
- if (value[1] === 'o') return sign * parseInt(value.slice(2), 8);
- }
- return sign * parseInt(value, 10);
-function isInteger(object) {
- return ( === '[object Number]' &&
- (object % 1 === 0 && !common.isNegativeZero(object));
-var int = new type(',2002:int', {
- kind: 'scalar',
- resolve: resolveYamlInteger,
- construct: constructYamlInteger,
- predicate: isInteger,
- represent: {
- binary: function (obj) { return obj >= 0 ? '0b' + obj.toString(2) : '-0b' + obj.toString(2).slice(1); },
- octal: function (obj) { return obj >= 0 ? '0o' + obj.toString(8) : '-0o' + obj.toString(8).slice(1); },
- decimal: function (obj) { return obj.toString(10); },
- /* eslint-disable max-len */
- hexadecimal: function (obj) { return obj >= 0 ? '0x' + obj.toString(16).toUpperCase() : '-0x' + obj.toString(16).toUpperCase().slice(1); }
- },
- defaultStyle: 'decimal',
- styleAliases: {
- binary: [ 2, 'bin' ],
- octal: [ 8, 'oct' ],
- decimal: [ 10, 'dec' ],
- hexadecimal: [ 16, 'hex' ]
- }
-var YAML_FLOAT_PATTERN = new RegExp(
- // 2.5e4, 2.5 and integers
- '^(?:[-+]?(?:[0-9][0-9_]*)(?:\\.[0-9_]*)?(?:[eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?' +
- // .2e4, .2
- // special case, seems not from spec
- '|\\.[0-9_]+(?:[eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?' +
- // .inf
- '|[-+]?\\.(?:inf|Inf|INF)' +
- // .nan
- '|\\.(?:nan|NaN|NAN))$');
-function resolveYamlFloat(data) {
- if (data === null) return false;
- if (!YAML_FLOAT_PATTERN.test(data) ||
- // Quick hack to not allow integers end with `_`
- // Probably should update regexp & check speed
- data[data.length - 1] === '_') {
- return false;
- }
- return true;
-function constructYamlFloat(data) {
- var value, sign;
- value = data.replace(/_/g, '').toLowerCase();
- sign = value[0] === '-' ? -1 : 1;
- if ('+-'.indexOf(value[0]) >= 0) {
- value = value.slice(1);
- }
- if (value === '.inf') {
- return (sign === 1) ? Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY : Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
- } else if (value === '.nan') {
- return NaN;
- }
- return sign * parseFloat(value, 10);
-var SCIENTIFIC_WITHOUT_DOT = /^[-+]?[0-9]+e/;
-function representYamlFloat(object, style) {
- var res;
- if (isNaN(object)) {
- switch (style) {
- case 'lowercase': return '.nan';
- case 'uppercase': return '.NAN';
- case 'camelcase': return '.NaN';
- }
- } else if (Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY === object) {
- switch (style) {
- case 'lowercase': return '.inf';
- case 'uppercase': return '.INF';
- case 'camelcase': return '.Inf';
- }
- } else if (Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY === object) {
- switch (style) {
- case 'lowercase': return '-.inf';
- case 'uppercase': return '-.INF';
- case 'camelcase': return '-.Inf';
- }
- } else if (common.isNegativeZero(object)) {
- return '-0.0';
- }
- res = object.toString(10);
- // JS stringifier can build scientific format without dots: 5e-100,
- // while YAML requres dot: 5.e-100. Fix it with simple hack
- return SCIENTIFIC_WITHOUT_DOT.test(res) ? res.replace('e', '.e') : res;
-function isFloat(object) {
- return ( === '[object Number]') &&
- (object % 1 !== 0 || common.isNegativeZero(object));
-var float = new type(',2002:float', {
- kind: 'scalar',
- resolve: resolveYamlFloat,
- construct: constructYamlFloat,
- predicate: isFloat,
- represent: representYamlFloat,
- defaultStyle: 'lowercase'
-var json = failsafe.extend({
- implicit: [
- _null,
- bool,
- int,
- float
- ]
-var core = json;
-var YAML_DATE_REGEXP = new RegExp(
- '^([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9])' + // [1] year
- '-([0-9][0-9])' + // [2] month
- '-([0-9][0-9])$'); // [3] day
- '^([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9])' + // [1] year
- '-([0-9][0-9]?)' + // [2] month
- '-([0-9][0-9]?)' + // [3] day
- '(?:[Tt]|[ \\t]+)' + // ...
- '([0-9][0-9]?)' + // [4] hour
- ':([0-9][0-9])' + // [5] minute
- ':([0-9][0-9])' + // [6] second
- '(?:\\.([0-9]*))?' + // [7] fraction
- '(?:[ \\t]*(Z|([-+])([0-9][0-9]?)' + // [8] tz [9] tz_sign [10] tz_hour
- '(?::([0-9][0-9]))?))?$'); // [11] tz_minute
-function resolveYamlTimestamp(data) {
- if (data === null) return false;
- if (YAML_DATE_REGEXP.exec(data) !== null) return true;
- if (YAML_TIMESTAMP_REGEXP.exec(data) !== null) return true;
- return false;
-function constructYamlTimestamp(data) {
- var match, year, month, day, hour, minute, second, fraction = 0,
- delta = null, tz_hour, tz_minute, date;
- match = YAML_DATE_REGEXP.exec(data);
- if (match === null) match = YAML_TIMESTAMP_REGEXP.exec(data);
- if (match === null) throw new Error('Date resolve error');
- // match: [1] year [2] month [3] day
- year = +(match[1]);
- month = +(match[2]) - 1; // JS month starts with 0
- day = +(match[3]);
- if (!match[4]) { // no hour
- return new Date(Date.UTC(year, month, day));
- }
- // match: [4] hour [5] minute [6] second [7] fraction
- hour = +(match[4]);
- minute = +(match[5]);
- second = +(match[6]);
- if (match[7]) {
- fraction = match[7].slice(0, 3);
- while (fraction.length < 3) { // milli-seconds
- fraction += '0';
- }
- fraction = +fraction;
- }
- // match: [8] tz [9] tz_sign [10] tz_hour [11] tz_minute
- if (match[9]) {
- tz_hour = +(match[10]);
- tz_minute = +(match[11] || 0);
- delta = (tz_hour * 60 + tz_minute) * 60000; // delta in mili-seconds
- if (match[9] === '-') delta = -delta;
- }
- date = new Date(Date.UTC(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, fraction));
- if (delta) date.setTime(date.getTime() - delta);
- return date;
-function representYamlTimestamp(object /*, style*/) {
- return object.toISOString();
-var timestamp = new type(',2002:timestamp', {
- kind: 'scalar',
- resolve: resolveYamlTimestamp,
- construct: constructYamlTimestamp,
- instanceOf: Date,
- represent: representYamlTimestamp
-function resolveYamlMerge(data) {
- return data === '<<' || data === null;
-var merge = new type(',2002:merge', {
- kind: 'scalar',
- resolve: resolveYamlMerge
-/*eslint-disable no-bitwise*/
-// [ 64, 65, 66 ] -> [ padding, CR, LF ]
-var BASE64_MAP = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=\n\r';
-function resolveYamlBinary(data) {
- if (data === null) return false;
- var code, idx, bitlen = 0, max = data.length, map = BASE64_MAP;
- // Convert one by one.
- for (idx = 0; idx < max; idx++) {
- code = map.indexOf(data.charAt(idx));
- // Skip CR/LF
- if (code > 64) continue;
- // Fail on illegal characters
- if (code < 0) return false;
- bitlen += 6;
- }
- // If there are any bits left, source was corrupted
- return (bitlen % 8) === 0;
-function constructYamlBinary(data) {
- var idx, tailbits,
- input = data.replace(/[\r\n=]/g, ''), // remove CR/LF & padding to simplify scan
- max = input.length,
- map = BASE64_MAP,
- bits = 0,
- result = [];
- // Collect by 6*4 bits (3 bytes)
- for (idx = 0; idx < max; idx++) {
- if ((idx % 4 === 0) && idx) {
- result.push((bits >> 16) & 0xFF);
- result.push((bits >> 8) & 0xFF);
- result.push(bits & 0xFF);
- }
- bits = (bits << 6) | map.indexOf(input.charAt(idx));
- }
- // Dump tail
- tailbits = (max % 4) * 6;
- if (tailbits === 0) {
- result.push((bits >> 16) & 0xFF);
- result.push((bits >> 8) & 0xFF);
- result.push(bits & 0xFF);
- } else if (tailbits === 18) {
- result.push((bits >> 10) & 0xFF);
- result.push((bits >> 2) & 0xFF);
- } else if (tailbits === 12) {
- result.push((bits >> 4) & 0xFF);
- }
- return new Uint8Array(result);
-function representYamlBinary(object /*, style*/) {
- var result = '', bits = 0, idx, tail,
- max = object.length,
- map = BASE64_MAP;
- // Convert every three bytes to 4 ASCII characters.
- for (idx = 0; idx < max; idx++) {
- if ((idx % 3 === 0) && idx) {
- result += map[(bits >> 18) & 0x3F];
- result += map[(bits >> 12) & 0x3F];
- result += map[(bits >> 6) & 0x3F];
- result += map[bits & 0x3F];
- }
- bits = (bits << 8) + object[idx];
- }
- // Dump tail
- tail = max % 3;
- if (tail === 0) {
- result += map[(bits >> 18) & 0x3F];
- result += map[(bits >> 12) & 0x3F];
- result += map[(bits >> 6) & 0x3F];
- result += map[bits & 0x3F];
- } else if (tail === 2) {
- result += map[(bits >> 10) & 0x3F];
- result += map[(bits >> 4) & 0x3F];
- result += map[(bits << 2) & 0x3F];
- result += map[64];
- } else if (tail === 1) {
- result += map[(bits >> 2) & 0x3F];
- result += map[(bits << 4) & 0x3F];
- result += map[64];
- result += map[64];
- }
- return result;
-function isBinary(obj) {
- return === '[object Uint8Array]';
-var binary = new type(',2002:binary', {
- kind: 'scalar',
- resolve: resolveYamlBinary,
- construct: constructYamlBinary,
- predicate: isBinary,
- represent: representYamlBinary
-var _hasOwnProperty$3 = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
-var _toString$2 = Object.prototype.toString;
-function resolveYamlOmap(data) {
- if (data === null) return true;
- var objectKeys = [], index, length, pair, pairKey, pairHasKey,
- object = data;
- for (index = 0, length = object.length; index < length; index += 1) {
- pair = object[index];
- pairHasKey = false;
- if (_toString$ !== '[object Object]') return false;
- for (pairKey in pair) {
- if (_hasOwnProperty$, pairKey)) {
- if (!pairHasKey) pairHasKey = true;
- else return false;
- }
- }
- if (!pairHasKey) return false;
- if (objectKeys.indexOf(pairKey) === -1) objectKeys.push(pairKey);
- else return false;
- }
- return true;
-function constructYamlOmap(data) {
- return data !== null ? data : [];
-var omap = new type(',2002:omap', {
- kind: 'sequence',
- resolve: resolveYamlOmap,
- construct: constructYamlOmap
-var _toString$1 = Object.prototype.toString;
-function resolveYamlPairs(data) {
- if (data === null) return true;
- var index, length, pair, keys, result,
- object = data;
- result = new Array(object.length);
- for (index = 0, length = object.length; index < length; index += 1) {
- pair = object[index];
- if (_toString$ !== '[object Object]') return false;
- keys = Object.keys(pair);
- if (keys.length !== 1) return false;
- result[index] = [ keys[0], pair[keys[0]] ];
- }
- return true;
-function constructYamlPairs(data) {
- if (data === null) return [];
- var index, length, pair, keys, result,
- object = data;
- result = new Array(object.length);
- for (index = 0, length = object.length; index < length; index += 1) {
- pair = object[index];
- keys = Object.keys(pair);
- result[index] = [ keys[0], pair[keys[0]] ];
- }
- return result;
-var pairs = new type(',2002:pairs', {
- kind: 'sequence',
- resolve: resolveYamlPairs,
- construct: constructYamlPairs
-var _hasOwnProperty$2 = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
-function resolveYamlSet(data) {
- if (data === null) return true;
- var key, object = data;
- for (key in object) {
- if (_hasOwnProperty$, key)) {
- if (object[key] !== null) return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
-function constructYamlSet(data) {
- return data !== null ? data : {};
-var set = new type(',2002:set', {
- kind: 'mapping',
- resolve: resolveYamlSet,
- construct: constructYamlSet
-var _default = core.extend({
- implicit: [
- timestamp,
- merge
- ],
- explicit: [
- binary,
- omap,
- pairs,
- set
- ]
-/*eslint-disable max-len,no-use-before-define*/
-var _hasOwnProperty$1 = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
-var PATTERN_NON_PRINTABLE = /[\x00-\x08\x0B\x0C\x0E-\x1F\x7F-\x84\x86-\x9F\uFFFE\uFFFF]|[\uD800-\uDBFF](?![\uDC00-\uDFFF])|(?:[^\uD800-\uDBFF]|^)[\uDC00-\uDFFF]/;
-var PATTERN_NON_ASCII_LINE_BREAKS = /[\x85\u2028\u2029]/;
-var PATTERN_FLOW_INDICATORS = /[,\[\]\{\}]/;
-var PATTERN_TAG_HANDLE = /^(?:!|!!|![a-z\-]+!)$/i;
-var PATTERN_TAG_URI = /^(?:!|[^,\[\]\{\}])(?:%[0-9a-f]{2}|[0-9a-z\-#;\/\?:@&=\+\$,_\.!~\*'\(\)\[\]])*$/i;
-function _class(obj) { return; }
-function is_EOL(c) {
- return (c === 0x0A/* LF */) || (c === 0x0D/* CR */);
-function is_WHITE_SPACE(c) {
- return (c === 0x09/* Tab */) || (c === 0x20/* Space */);
-function is_WS_OR_EOL(c) {
- return (c === 0x09/* Tab */) ||
- (c === 0x20/* Space */) ||
- (c === 0x0A/* LF */) ||
- (c === 0x0D/* CR */);
-function is_FLOW_INDICATOR(c) {
- return c === 0x2C/* , */ ||
- c === 0x5B/* [ */ ||
- c === 0x5D/* ] */ ||
- c === 0x7B/* { */ ||
- c === 0x7D/* } */;
-function fromHexCode(c) {
- var lc;
- if ((0x30/* 0 */ <= c) && (c <= 0x39/* 9 */)) {
- return c - 0x30;
- }
- /*eslint-disable no-bitwise*/
- lc = c | 0x20;
- if ((0x61/* a */ <= lc) && (lc <= 0x66/* f */)) {
- return lc - 0x61 + 10;
- }
- return -1;
-function escapedHexLen(c) {
- if (c === 0x78/* x */) { return 2; }
- if (c === 0x75/* u */) { return 4; }
- if (c === 0x55/* U */) { return 8; }
- return 0;
-function fromDecimalCode(c) {
- if ((0x30/* 0 */ <= c) && (c <= 0x39/* 9 */)) {
- return c - 0x30;
- }
- return -1;
-function simpleEscapeSequence(c) {
- /* eslint-disable indent */
- return (c === 0x30/* 0 */) ? '\x00' :
- (c === 0x61/* a */) ? '\x07' :
- (c === 0x62/* b */) ? '\x08' :
- (c === 0x74/* t */) ? '\x09' :
- (c === 0x09/* Tab */) ? '\x09' :
- (c === 0x6E/* n */) ? '\x0A' :
- (c === 0x76/* v */) ? '\x0B' :
- (c === 0x66/* f */) ? '\x0C' :
- (c === 0x72/* r */) ? '\x0D' :
- (c === 0x65/* e */) ? '\x1B' :
- (c === 0x20/* Space */) ? ' ' :
- (c === 0x22/* " */) ? '\x22' :
- (c === 0x2F/* / */) ? '/' :
- (c === 0x5C/* \ */) ? '\x5C' :
- (c === 0x4E/* N */) ? '\x85' :
- (c === 0x5F/* _ */) ? '\xA0' :
- (c === 0x4C/* L */) ? '\u2028' :
- (c === 0x50/* P */) ? '\u2029' : '';
-function charFromCodepoint(c) {
- if (c <= 0xFFFF) {
- return String.fromCharCode(c);
- }
- // Encode UTF-16 surrogate pair
- //
- return String.fromCharCode(
- ((c - 0x010000) >> 10) + 0xD800,
- ((c - 0x010000) & 0x03FF) + 0xDC00
- );
-var simpleEscapeCheck = new Array(256); // integer, for fast access
-var simpleEscapeMap = new Array(256);
-for (var i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
- simpleEscapeCheck[i] = simpleEscapeSequence(i) ? 1 : 0;
- simpleEscapeMap[i] = simpleEscapeSequence(i);
-function State$1(input, options) {
- this.input = input;
- this.filename = options['filename'] || null;
- this.schema = options['schema'] || _default;
- this.onWarning = options['onWarning'] || null;
- // (Hidden) Remove? makes the loader to expect YAML 1.1 documents
- // if such documents have no explicit %YAML directive
- this.legacy = options['legacy'] || false;
- this.json = options['json'] || false;
- this.listener = options['listener'] || null;
- this.implicitTypes = this.schema.compiledImplicit;
- this.typeMap = this.schema.compiledTypeMap;
- this.length = input.length;
- this.position = 0;
- this.line = 0;
- this.lineStart = 0;
- this.lineIndent = 0;
- // position of first leading tab in the current line,
- // used to make sure there are no tabs in the indentation
- this.firstTabInLine = -1;
- this.documents = [];
- /*
- this.version;
- this.checkLineBreaks;
- this.tagMap;
- this.anchorMap;
- this.tag;
- this.anchor;
- this.kind;
- this.result;*/
-function generateError(state, message) {
- var mark = {
- name: state.filename,
- buffer: state.input.slice(0, -1), // omit trailing \0
- position: state.position,
- line: state.line,
- column: state.position - state.lineStart
- };
- mark.snippet = snippet(mark);
- return new exception(message, mark);
-function throwError(state, message) {
- throw generateError(state, message);
-function throwWarning(state, message) {
- if (state.onWarning) {
-, generateError(state, message));
- }
-var directiveHandlers = {
- YAML: function handleYamlDirective(state, name, args) {
- var match, major, minor;
- if (state.version !== null) {
- throwError(state, 'duplication of %YAML directive');
- }
- if (args.length !== 1) {
- throwError(state, 'YAML directive accepts exactly one argument');
- }
- match = /^([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)$/.exec(args[0]);
- if (match === null) {
- throwError(state, 'ill-formed argument of the YAML directive');
- }
- major = parseInt(match[1], 10);
- minor = parseInt(match[2], 10);
- if (major !== 1) {
- throwError(state, 'unacceptable YAML version of the document');
- }
- state.version = args[0];
- state.checkLineBreaks = (minor < 2);
- if (minor !== 1 && minor !== 2) {
- throwWarning(state, 'unsupported YAML version of the document');
- }
- },
- TAG: function handleTagDirective(state, name, args) {
- var handle, prefix;
- if (args.length !== 2) {
- throwError(state, 'TAG directive accepts exactly two arguments');
- }
- handle = args[0];
- prefix = args[1];
- if (!PATTERN_TAG_HANDLE.test(handle)) {
- throwError(state, 'ill-formed tag handle (first argument) of the TAG directive');
- }
- if (_hasOwnProperty$, handle)) {
- throwError(state, 'there is a previously declared suffix for "' + handle + '" tag handle');
- }
- if (!PATTERN_TAG_URI.test(prefix)) {
- throwError(state, 'ill-formed tag prefix (second argument) of the TAG directive');
- }
- try {
- prefix = decodeURIComponent(prefix);
- } catch (err) {
- throwError(state, 'tag prefix is malformed: ' + prefix);
- }
- state.tagMap[handle] = prefix;
- }
-function captureSegment(state, start, end, checkJson) {
- var _position, _length, _character, _result;
- if (start < end) {
- _result = state.input.slice(start, end);
- if (checkJson) {
- for (_position = 0, _length = _result.length; _position < _length; _position += 1) {
- _character = _result.charCodeAt(_position);
- if (!(_character === 0x09 ||
- (0x20 <= _character && _character <= 0x10FFFF))) {
- throwError(state, 'expected valid JSON character');
- }
- }
- } else if (PATTERN_NON_PRINTABLE.test(_result)) {
- throwError(state, 'the stream contains non-printable characters');
- }
- state.result += _result;
- }
-function mergeMappings(state, destination, source, overridableKeys) {
- var sourceKeys, key, index, quantity;
- if (!common.isObject(source)) {
- throwError(state, 'cannot merge mappings; the provided source object is unacceptable');
- }
- sourceKeys = Object.keys(source);
- for (index = 0, quantity = sourceKeys.length; index < quantity; index += 1) {
- key = sourceKeys[index];
- if (!_hasOwnProperty$, key)) {
- destination[key] = source[key];
- overridableKeys[key] = true;
- }
- }
-function storeMappingPair(state, _result, overridableKeys, keyTag, keyNode, valueNode,
- startLine, startLineStart, startPos) {
- var index, quantity;
- // The output is a plain object here, so keys can only be strings.
- // We need to convert keyNode to a string, but doing so can hang the process
- // (deeply nested arrays that explode exponentially using aliases).
- if (Array.isArray(keyNode)) {
- keyNode =;
- for (index = 0, quantity = keyNode.length; index < quantity; index += 1) {
- if (Array.isArray(keyNode[index])) {
- throwError(state, 'nested arrays are not supported inside keys');
- }
- if (typeof keyNode === 'object' && _class(keyNode[index]) === '[object Object]') {
- keyNode[index] = '[object Object]';
- }
- }
- }
- // Avoid code execution in load() via toString property
- // (still use its own toString for arrays, timestamps,
- // and whatever user schema extensions happen to have @@toStringTag)
- if (typeof keyNode === 'object' && _class(keyNode) === '[object Object]') {
- keyNode = '[object Object]';
- }
- keyNode = String(keyNode);
- if (_result === null) {
- _result = {};
- }
- if (keyTag === ',2002:merge') {
- if (Array.isArray(valueNode)) {
- for (index = 0, quantity = valueNode.length; index < quantity; index += 1) {
- mergeMappings(state, _result, valueNode[index], overridableKeys);
- }
- } else {
- mergeMappings(state, _result, valueNode, overridableKeys);
- }
- } else {
- if (!state.json &&
- !_hasOwnProperty$, keyNode) &&
- _hasOwnProperty$, keyNode)) {
- state.line = startLine || state.line;
- state.lineStart = startLineStart || state.lineStart;
- state.position = startPos || state.position;
- throwError(state, 'duplicated mapping key');
- }
- // used for this specific key only because Object.defineProperty is slow
- if (keyNode === '__proto__') {
- Object.defineProperty(_result, keyNode, {
- configurable: true,
- enumerable: true,
- writable: true,
- value: valueNode
- });
- } else {
- _result[keyNode] = valueNode;
- }
- delete overridableKeys[keyNode];
- }
- return _result;
-function readLineBreak(state) {
- var ch;
- ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position);
- if (ch === 0x0A/* LF */) {
- state.position++;
- } else if (ch === 0x0D/* CR */) {
- state.position++;
- if (state.input.charCodeAt(state.position) === 0x0A/* LF */) {
- state.position++;
- }
- } else {
- throwError(state, 'a line break is expected');
- }
- state.line += 1;
- state.lineStart = state.position;
- state.firstTabInLine = -1;
-function skipSeparationSpace(state, allowComments, checkIndent) {
- var lineBreaks = 0,
- ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position);
- while (ch !== 0) {
- while (is_WHITE_SPACE(ch)) {
- if (ch === 0x09/* Tab */ && state.firstTabInLine === -1) {
- state.firstTabInLine = state.position;
- }
- ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position);
- }
- if (allowComments && ch === 0x23/* # */) {
- do {
- ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position);
- } while (ch !== 0x0A/* LF */ && ch !== 0x0D/* CR */ && ch !== 0);
- }
- if (is_EOL(ch)) {
- readLineBreak(state);
- ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position);
- lineBreaks++;
- state.lineIndent = 0;
- while (ch === 0x20/* Space */) {
- state.lineIndent++;
- ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position);
- }
- } else {
- break;
- }
- }
- if (checkIndent !== -1 && lineBreaks !== 0 && state.lineIndent < checkIndent) {
- throwWarning(state, 'deficient indentation');
- }
- return lineBreaks;
-function testDocumentSeparator(state) {
- var _position = state.position,
- ch;
- ch = state.input.charCodeAt(_position);
- // Condition state.position === state.lineStart is tested
- // in parent on each call, for efficiency. No needs to test here again.
- if ((ch === 0x2D/* - */ || ch === 0x2E/* . */) &&
- ch === state.input.charCodeAt(_position + 1) &&
- ch === state.input.charCodeAt(_position + 2)) {
- _position += 3;
- ch = state.input.charCodeAt(_position);
- if (ch === 0 || is_WS_OR_EOL(ch)) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
-function writeFoldedLines(state, count) {
- if (count === 1) {
- state.result += ' ';
- } else if (count > 1) {
- state.result += common.repeat('\n', count - 1);
- }
-function readPlainScalar(state, nodeIndent, withinFlowCollection) {
- var preceding,
- following,
- captureStart,
- captureEnd,
- hasPendingContent,
- _line,
- _lineStart,
- _lineIndent,
- _kind = state.kind,
- _result = state.result,
- ch;
- ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position);
- if (is_WS_OR_EOL(ch) ||
- is_FLOW_INDICATOR(ch) ||
- ch === 0x23/* # */ ||
- ch === 0x26/* & */ ||
- ch === 0x2A/* * */ ||
- ch === 0x21/* ! */ ||
- ch === 0x7C/* | */ ||
- ch === 0x3E/* > */ ||
- ch === 0x27/* ' */ ||
- ch === 0x22/* " */ ||
- ch === 0x25/* % */ ||
- ch === 0x40/* @ */ ||
- ch === 0x60/* ` */) {
- return false;
- }
- if (ch === 0x3F/* ? */ || ch === 0x2D/* - */) {
- following = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position + 1);
- if (is_WS_OR_EOL(following) ||
- withinFlowCollection && is_FLOW_INDICATOR(following)) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- state.kind = 'scalar';
- state.result = '';
- captureStart = captureEnd = state.position;
- hasPendingContent = false;
- while (ch !== 0) {
- if (ch === 0x3A/* : */) {
- following = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position + 1);
- if (is_WS_OR_EOL(following) ||
- withinFlowCollection && is_FLOW_INDICATOR(following)) {
- break;
- }
- } else if (ch === 0x23/* # */) {
- preceding = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position - 1);
- if (is_WS_OR_EOL(preceding)) {
- break;
- }
- } else if ((state.position === state.lineStart && testDocumentSeparator(state)) ||
- withinFlowCollection && is_FLOW_INDICATOR(ch)) {
- break;
- } else if (is_EOL(ch)) {
- _line = state.line;
- _lineStart = state.lineStart;
- _lineIndent = state.lineIndent;
- skipSeparationSpace(state, false, -1);
- if (state.lineIndent >= nodeIndent) {
- hasPendingContent = true;
- ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position);
- continue;
- } else {
- state.position = captureEnd;
- state.line = _line;
- state.lineStart = _lineStart;
- state.lineIndent = _lineIndent;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (hasPendingContent) {
- captureSegment(state, captureStart, captureEnd, false);
- writeFoldedLines(state, state.line - _line);
- captureStart = captureEnd = state.position;
- hasPendingContent = false;
- }
- if (!is_WHITE_SPACE(ch)) {
- captureEnd = state.position + 1;
- }
- ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position);
- }
- captureSegment(state, captureStart, captureEnd, false);
- if (state.result) {
- return true;
- }
- state.kind = _kind;
- state.result = _result;
- return false;
-function readSingleQuotedScalar(state, nodeIndent) {
- var ch,
- captureStart, captureEnd;
- ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position);
- if (ch !== 0x27/* ' */) {
- return false;
- }
- state.kind = 'scalar';
- state.result = '';
- state.position++;
- captureStart = captureEnd = state.position;
- while ((ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position)) !== 0) {
- if (ch === 0x27/* ' */) {
- captureSegment(state, captureStart, state.position, true);
- ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position);
- if (ch === 0x27/* ' */) {
- captureStart = state.position;
- state.position++;
- captureEnd = state.position;
- } else {
- return true;
- }
- } else if (is_EOL(ch)) {
- captureSegment(state, captureStart, captureEnd, true);
- writeFoldedLines(state, skipSeparationSpace(state, false, nodeIndent));
- captureStart = captureEnd = state.position;
- } else if (state.position === state.lineStart && testDocumentSeparator(state)) {
- throwError(state, 'unexpected end of the document within a single quoted scalar');
- } else {
- state.position++;
- captureEnd = state.position;
- }
- }
- throwError(state, 'unexpected end of the stream within a single quoted scalar');
-function readDoubleQuotedScalar(state, nodeIndent) {
- var captureStart,
- captureEnd,
- hexLength,
- hexResult,
- tmp,
- ch;
- ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position);
- if (ch !== 0x22/* " */) {
- return false;
- }
- state.kind = 'scalar';
- state.result = '';
- state.position++;
- captureStart = captureEnd = state.position;
- while ((ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position)) !== 0) {
- if (ch === 0x22/* " */) {
- captureSegment(state, captureStart, state.position, true);
- state.position++;
- return true;
- } else if (ch === 0x5C/* \ */) {
- captureSegment(state, captureStart, state.position, true);
- ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position);
- if (is_EOL(ch)) {
- skipSeparationSpace(state, false, nodeIndent);
- // TODO: rework to inline fn with no type cast?
- } else if (ch < 256 && simpleEscapeCheck[ch]) {
- state.result += simpleEscapeMap[ch];
- state.position++;
- } else if ((tmp = escapedHexLen(ch)) > 0) {
- hexLength = tmp;
- hexResult = 0;
- for (; hexLength > 0; hexLength--) {
- ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position);
- if ((tmp = fromHexCode(ch)) >= 0) {
- hexResult = (hexResult << 4) + tmp;
- } else {
- throwError(state, 'expected hexadecimal character');
- }
- }
- state.result += charFromCodepoint(hexResult);
- state.position++;
- } else {
- throwError(state, 'unknown escape sequence');
- }
- captureStart = captureEnd = state.position;
- } else if (is_EOL(ch)) {
- captureSegment(state, captureStart, captureEnd, true);
- writeFoldedLines(state, skipSeparationSpace(state, false, nodeIndent));
- captureStart = captureEnd = state.position;
- } else if (state.position === state.lineStart && testDocumentSeparator(state)) {
- throwError(state, 'unexpected end of the document within a double quoted scalar');
- } else {
- state.position++;
- captureEnd = state.position;
- }
- }
- throwError(state, 'unexpected end of the stream within a double quoted scalar');
-function readFlowCollection(state, nodeIndent) {
- var readNext = true,
- _line,
- _lineStart,
- _pos,
- _tag = state.tag,
- _result,
- _anchor = state.anchor,
- following,
- terminator,
- isPair,
- isExplicitPair,
- isMapping,
- overridableKeys = Object.create(null),
- keyNode,
- keyTag,
- valueNode,
- ch;
- ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position);
- if (ch === 0x5B/* [ */) {
- terminator = 0x5D;/* ] */
- isMapping = false;
- _result = [];
- } else if (ch === 0x7B/* { */) {
- terminator = 0x7D;/* } */
- isMapping = true;
- _result = {};
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- if (state.anchor !== null) {
- state.anchorMap[state.anchor] = _result;
- }
- ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position);
- while (ch !== 0) {
- skipSeparationSpace(state, true, nodeIndent);
- ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position);
- if (ch === terminator) {
- state.position++;
- state.tag = _tag;
- state.anchor = _anchor;
- state.kind = isMapping ? 'mapping' : 'sequence';
- state.result = _result;
- return true;
- } else if (!readNext) {
- throwError(state, 'missed comma between flow collection entries');
- } else if (ch === 0x2C/* , */) {
- // "flow collection entries can never be completely empty", as per YAML 1.2, section 7.4
- throwError(state, "expected the node content, but found ','");
- }
- keyTag = keyNode = valueNode = null;
- isPair = isExplicitPair = false;
- if (ch === 0x3F/* ? */) {
- following = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position + 1);
- if (is_WS_OR_EOL(following)) {
- isPair = isExplicitPair = true;
- state.position++;
- skipSeparationSpace(state, true, nodeIndent);
- }
- }
- _line = state.line; // Save the current line.
- _lineStart = state.lineStart;
- _pos = state.position;
- composeNode(state, nodeIndent, CONTEXT_FLOW_IN, false, true);
- keyTag = state.tag;
- keyNode = state.result;
- skipSeparationSpace(state, true, nodeIndent);
- ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position);
- if ((isExplicitPair || state.line === _line) && ch === 0x3A/* : */) {
- isPair = true;
- ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position);
- skipSeparationSpace(state, true, nodeIndent);
- composeNode(state, nodeIndent, CONTEXT_FLOW_IN, false, true);
- valueNode = state.result;
- }
- if (isMapping) {
- storeMappingPair(state, _result, overridableKeys, keyTag, keyNode, valueNode, _line, _lineStart, _pos);
- } else if (isPair) {
- _result.push(storeMappingPair(state, null, overridableKeys, keyTag, keyNode, valueNode, _line, _lineStart, _pos));
- } else {
- _result.push(keyNode);
- }
- skipSeparationSpace(state, true, nodeIndent);
- ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position);
- if (ch === 0x2C/* , */) {
- readNext = true;
- ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position);
- } else {
- readNext = false;
- }
- }
- throwError(state, 'unexpected end of the stream within a flow collection');
-function readBlockScalar(state, nodeIndent) {
- var captureStart,
- folding,
- chomping = CHOMPING_CLIP,
- didReadContent = false,
- detectedIndent = false,
- textIndent = nodeIndent,
- emptyLines = 0,
- atMoreIndented = false,
- tmp,
- ch;
- ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position);
- if (ch === 0x7C/* | */) {
- folding = false;
- } else if (ch === 0x3E/* > */) {
- folding = true;
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- state.kind = 'scalar';
- state.result = '';
- while (ch !== 0) {
- ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position);
- if (ch === 0x2B/* + */ || ch === 0x2D/* - */) {
- if (CHOMPING_CLIP === chomping) {
- chomping = (ch === 0x2B/* + */) ? CHOMPING_KEEP : CHOMPING_STRIP;
- } else {
- throwError(state, 'repeat of a chomping mode identifier');
- }
- } else if ((tmp = fromDecimalCode(ch)) >= 0) {
- if (tmp === 0) {
- throwError(state, 'bad explicit indentation width of a block scalar; it cannot be less than one');
- } else if (!detectedIndent) {
- textIndent = nodeIndent + tmp - 1;
- detectedIndent = true;
- } else {
- throwError(state, 'repeat of an indentation width identifier');
- }
- } else {
- break;
- }
- }
- if (is_WHITE_SPACE(ch)) {
- do { ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position); }
- while (is_WHITE_SPACE(ch));
- if (ch === 0x23/* # */) {
- do { ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position); }
- while (!is_EOL(ch) && (ch !== 0));
- }
- }
- while (ch !== 0) {
- readLineBreak(state);
- state.lineIndent = 0;
- ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position);
- while ((!detectedIndent || state.lineIndent < textIndent) &&
- (ch === 0x20/* Space */)) {
- state.lineIndent++;
- ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position);
- }
- if (!detectedIndent && state.lineIndent > textIndent) {
- textIndent = state.lineIndent;
- }
- if (is_EOL(ch)) {
- emptyLines++;
- continue;
- }
- // End of the scalar.
- if (state.lineIndent < textIndent) {
- // Perform the chomping.
- if (chomping === CHOMPING_KEEP) {
- state.result += common.repeat('\n', didReadContent ? 1 + emptyLines : emptyLines);
- } else if (chomping === CHOMPING_CLIP) {
- if (didReadContent) { // i.e. only if the scalar is not empty.
- state.result += '\n';
- }
- }
- // Break this `while` cycle and go to the funciton's epilogue.
- break;
- }
- // Folded style: use fancy rules to handle line breaks.
- if (folding) {
- // Lines starting with white space characters (more-indented lines) are not folded.
- if (is_WHITE_SPACE(ch)) {
- atMoreIndented = true;
- // except for the first content line (cf. Example 8.1)
- state.result += common.repeat('\n', didReadContent ? 1 + emptyLines : emptyLines);
- // End of more-indented block.
- } else if (atMoreIndented) {
- atMoreIndented = false;
- state.result += common.repeat('\n', emptyLines + 1);
- // Just one line break - perceive as the same line.
- } else if (emptyLines === 0) {
- if (didReadContent) { // i.e. only if we have already read some scalar content.
- state.result += ' ';
- }
- // Several line breaks - perceive as different lines.
- } else {
- state.result += common.repeat('\n', emptyLines);
- }
- // Literal style: just add exact number of line breaks between content lines.
- } else {
- // Keep all line breaks except the header line break.
- state.result += common.repeat('\n', didReadContent ? 1 + emptyLines : emptyLines);
- }
- didReadContent = true;
- detectedIndent = true;
- emptyLines = 0;
- captureStart = state.position;
- while (!is_EOL(ch) && (ch !== 0)) {
- ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position);
- }
- captureSegment(state, captureStart, state.position, false);
- }
- return true;
-function readBlockSequence(state, nodeIndent) {
- var _line,
- _tag = state.tag,
- _anchor = state.anchor,
- _result = [],
- following,
- detected = false,
- ch;
- // there is a leading tab before this token, so it can't be a block sequence/mapping;
- // it can still be flow sequence/mapping or a scalar
- if (state.firstTabInLine !== -1) return false;
- if (state.anchor !== null) {
- state.anchorMap[state.anchor] = _result;
- }
- ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position);
- while (ch !== 0) {
- if (state.firstTabInLine !== -1) {
- state.position = state.firstTabInLine;
- throwError(state, 'tab characters must not be used in indentation');
- }
- if (ch !== 0x2D/* - */) {
- break;
- }
- following = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position + 1);
- if (!is_WS_OR_EOL(following)) {
- break;
- }
- detected = true;
- state.position++;
- if (skipSeparationSpace(state, true, -1)) {
- if (state.lineIndent <= nodeIndent) {
- _result.push(null);
- ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position);
- continue;
- }
- }
- _line = state.line;
- composeNode(state, nodeIndent, CONTEXT_BLOCK_IN, false, true);
- _result.push(state.result);
- skipSeparationSpace(state, true, -1);
- ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position);
- if ((state.line === _line || state.lineIndent > nodeIndent) && (ch !== 0)) {
- throwError(state, 'bad indentation of a sequence entry');
- } else if (state.lineIndent < nodeIndent) {
- break;
- }
- }
- if (detected) {
- state.tag = _tag;
- state.anchor = _anchor;
- state.kind = 'sequence';
- state.result = _result;
- return true;
- }
- return false;
-function readBlockMapping(state, nodeIndent, flowIndent) {
- var following,
- allowCompact,
- _line,
- _keyLine,
- _keyLineStart,
- _keyPos,
- _tag = state.tag,
- _anchor = state.anchor,
- _result = {},
- overridableKeys = Object.create(null),
- keyTag = null,
- keyNode = null,
- valueNode = null,
- atExplicitKey = false,
- detected = false,
- ch;
- // there is a leading tab before this token, so it can't be a block sequence/mapping;
- // it can still be flow sequence/mapping or a scalar
- if (state.firstTabInLine !== -1) return false;
- if (state.anchor !== null) {
- state.anchorMap[state.anchor] = _result;
- }
- ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position);
- while (ch !== 0) {
- if (!atExplicitKey && state.firstTabInLine !== -1) {
- state.position = state.firstTabInLine;
- throwError(state, 'tab characters must not be used in indentation');
- }
- following = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position + 1);
- _line = state.line; // Save the current line.
- //
- // Explicit notation case. There are two separate blocks:
- // first for the key (denoted by "?") and second for the value (denoted by ":")
- //
- if ((ch === 0x3F/* ? */ || ch === 0x3A/* : */) && is_WS_OR_EOL(following)) {
- if (ch === 0x3F/* ? */) {
- if (atExplicitKey) {
- storeMappingPair(state, _result, overridableKeys, keyTag, keyNode, null, _keyLine, _keyLineStart, _keyPos);
- keyTag = keyNode = valueNode = null;
- }
- detected = true;
- atExplicitKey = true;
- allowCompact = true;
- } else if (atExplicitKey) {
- // i.e. 0x3A/* : */ === character after the explicit key.
- atExplicitKey = false;
- allowCompact = true;
- } else {
- throwError(state, 'incomplete explicit mapping pair; a key node is missed; or followed by a non-tabulated empty line');
- }
- state.position += 1;
- ch = following;
- //
- // Implicit notation case. Flow-style node as the key first, then ":", and the value.
- //
- } else {
- _keyLine = state.line;
- _keyLineStart = state.lineStart;
- _keyPos = state.position;
- if (!composeNode(state, flowIndent, CONTEXT_FLOW_OUT, false, true)) {
- // Neither implicit nor explicit notation.
- // Reading is done. Go to the epilogue.
- break;
- }
- if (state.line === _line) {
- ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position);
- while (is_WHITE_SPACE(ch)) {
- ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position);
- }
- if (ch === 0x3A/* : */) {
- ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position);
- if (!is_WS_OR_EOL(ch)) {
- throwError(state, 'a whitespace character is expected after the key-value separator within a block mapping');
- }
- if (atExplicitKey) {
- storeMappingPair(state, _result, overridableKeys, keyTag, keyNode, null, _keyLine, _keyLineStart, _keyPos);
- keyTag = keyNode = valueNode = null;
- }
- detected = true;
- atExplicitKey = false;
- allowCompact = false;
- keyTag = state.tag;
- keyNode = state.result;
- } else if (detected) {
- throwError(state, 'can not read an implicit mapping pair; a colon is missed');
- } else {
- state.tag = _tag;
- state.anchor = _anchor;
- return true; // Keep the result of `composeNode`.
- }
- } else if (detected) {
- throwError(state, 'can not read a block mapping entry; a multiline key may not be an implicit key');
- } else {
- state.tag = _tag;
- state.anchor = _anchor;
- return true; // Keep the result of `composeNode`.
- }
- }
- //
- // Common reading code for both explicit and implicit notations.
- //
- if (state.line === _line || state.lineIndent > nodeIndent) {
- if (atExplicitKey) {
- _keyLine = state.line;
- _keyLineStart = state.lineStart;
- _keyPos = state.position;
- }
- if (composeNode(state, nodeIndent, CONTEXT_BLOCK_OUT, true, allowCompact)) {
- if (atExplicitKey) {
- keyNode = state.result;
- } else {
- valueNode = state.result;
- }
- }
- if (!atExplicitKey) {
- storeMappingPair(state, _result, overridableKeys, keyTag, keyNode, valueNode, _keyLine, _keyLineStart, _keyPos);
- keyTag = keyNode = valueNode = null;
- }
- skipSeparationSpace(state, true, -1);
- ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position);
- }
- if ((state.line === _line || state.lineIndent > nodeIndent) && (ch !== 0)) {
- throwError(state, 'bad indentation of a mapping entry');
- } else if (state.lineIndent < nodeIndent) {
- break;
- }
- }
- //
- // Epilogue.
- //
- // Special case: last mapping's node contains only the key in explicit notation.
- if (atExplicitKey) {
- storeMappingPair(state, _result, overridableKeys, keyTag, keyNode, null, _keyLine, _keyLineStart, _keyPos);
- }
- // Expose the resulting mapping.
- if (detected) {
- state.tag = _tag;
- state.anchor = _anchor;
- state.kind = 'mapping';
- state.result = _result;
- }
- return detected;
-function readTagProperty(state) {
- var _position,
- isVerbatim = false,
- isNamed = false,
- tagHandle,
- tagName,
- ch;
- ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position);
- if (ch !== 0x21/* ! */) return false;
- if (state.tag !== null) {
- throwError(state, 'duplication of a tag property');
- }
- ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position);
- if (ch === 0x3C/* < */) {
- isVerbatim = true;
- ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position);
- } else if (ch === 0x21/* ! */) {
- isNamed = true;
- tagHandle = '!!';
- ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position);
- } else {
- tagHandle = '!';
- }
- _position = state.position;
- if (isVerbatim) {
- do { ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position); }
- while (ch !== 0 && ch !== 0x3E/* > */);
- if (state.position < state.length) {
- tagName = state.input.slice(_position, state.position);
- ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position);
- } else {
- throwError(state, 'unexpected end of the stream within a verbatim tag');
- }
- } else {
- while (ch !== 0 && !is_WS_OR_EOL(ch)) {
- if (ch === 0x21/* ! */) {
- if (!isNamed) {
- tagHandle = state.input.slice(_position - 1, state.position + 1);
- if (!PATTERN_TAG_HANDLE.test(tagHandle)) {
- throwError(state, 'named tag handle cannot contain such characters');
- }
- isNamed = true;
- _position = state.position + 1;
- } else {
- throwError(state, 'tag suffix cannot contain exclamation marks');
- }
- }
- ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position);
- }
- tagName = state.input.slice(_position, state.position);
- if (PATTERN_FLOW_INDICATORS.test(tagName)) {
- throwError(state, 'tag suffix cannot contain flow indicator characters');
- }
- }
- if (tagName && !PATTERN_TAG_URI.test(tagName)) {
- throwError(state, 'tag name cannot contain such characters: ' + tagName);
- }
- try {
- tagName = decodeURIComponent(tagName);
- } catch (err) {
- throwError(state, 'tag name is malformed: ' + tagName);
- }
- if (isVerbatim) {
- state.tag = tagName;
- } else if (_hasOwnProperty$, tagHandle)) {
- state.tag = state.tagMap[tagHandle] + tagName;
- } else if (tagHandle === '!') {
- state.tag = '!' + tagName;
- } else if (tagHandle === '!!') {
- state.tag = ',2002:' + tagName;
- } else {
- throwError(state, 'undeclared tag handle "' + tagHandle + '"');
- }
- return true;
-function readAnchorProperty(state) {
- var _position,
- ch;
- ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position);
- if (ch !== 0x26/* & */) return false;
- if (state.anchor !== null) {
- throwError(state, 'duplication of an anchor property');
- }
- ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position);
- _position = state.position;
- while (ch !== 0 && !is_WS_OR_EOL(ch) && !is_FLOW_INDICATOR(ch)) {
- ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position);
- }
- if (state.position === _position) {
- throwError(state, 'name of an anchor node must contain at least one character');
- }
- state.anchor = state.input.slice(_position, state.position);
- return true;
-function readAlias(state) {
- var _position, alias,
- ch;
- ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position);
- if (ch !== 0x2A/* * */) return false;
- ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position);
- _position = state.position;
- while (ch !== 0 && !is_WS_OR_EOL(ch) && !is_FLOW_INDICATOR(ch)) {
- ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position);
- }
- if (state.position === _position) {
- throwError(state, 'name of an alias node must contain at least one character');
- }
- alias = state.input.slice(_position, state.position);
- if (!_hasOwnProperty$, alias)) {
- throwError(state, 'unidentified alias "' + alias + '"');
- }
- state.result = state.anchorMap[alias];
- skipSeparationSpace(state, true, -1);
- return true;
-function composeNode(state, parentIndent, nodeContext, allowToSeek, allowCompact) {
- var allowBlockStyles,
- allowBlockScalars,
- allowBlockCollections,
- indentStatus = 1, // 1: this>parent, 0: this=parent, -1: this<parent
- atNewLine = false,
- hasContent = false,
- typeIndex,
- typeQuantity,
- typeList,
- type,
- flowIndent,
- blockIndent;
- if (state.listener !== null) {
- state.listener('open', state);
- }
- state.tag = null;
- state.anchor = null;
- state.kind = null;
- state.result = null;
- allowBlockStyles = allowBlockScalars = allowBlockCollections =
- CONTEXT_BLOCK_OUT === nodeContext ||
- CONTEXT_BLOCK_IN === nodeContext;
- if (allowToSeek) {
- if (skipSeparationSpace(state, true, -1)) {
- atNewLine = true;
- if (state.lineIndent > parentIndent) {
- indentStatus = 1;
- } else if (state.lineIndent === parentIndent) {
- indentStatus = 0;
- } else if (state.lineIndent < parentIndent) {
- indentStatus = -1;
- }
- }
- }
- if (indentStatus === 1) {
- while (readTagProperty(state) || readAnchorProperty(state)) {
- if (skipSeparationSpace(state, true, -1)) {
- atNewLine = true;
- allowBlockCollections = allowBlockStyles;
- if (state.lineIndent > parentIndent) {
- indentStatus = 1;
- } else if (state.lineIndent === parentIndent) {
- indentStatus = 0;
- } else if (state.lineIndent < parentIndent) {
- indentStatus = -1;
- }
- } else {
- allowBlockCollections = false;
- }
- }
- }
- if (allowBlockCollections) {
- allowBlockCollections = atNewLine || allowCompact;
- }
- if (indentStatus === 1 || CONTEXT_BLOCK_OUT === nodeContext) {
- if (CONTEXT_FLOW_IN === nodeContext || CONTEXT_FLOW_OUT === nodeContext) {
- flowIndent = parentIndent;
- } else {
- flowIndent = parentIndent + 1;
- }
- blockIndent = state.position - state.lineStart;
- if (indentStatus === 1) {
- if (allowBlockCollections &&
- (readBlockSequence(state, blockIndent) ||
- readBlockMapping(state, blockIndent, flowIndent)) ||
- readFlowCollection(state, flowIndent)) {
- hasContent = true;
- } else {
- if ((allowBlockScalars && readBlockScalar(state, flowIndent)) ||
- readSingleQuotedScalar(state, flowIndent) ||
- readDoubleQuotedScalar(state, flowIndent)) {
- hasContent = true;
+ * @typedef {import('unist').Node} Node
+ * @typedef {import('vfile').VFile} VFile
+ *
+ * @typedef {0|1|2} Severity
+ * @typedef {'warn'|'on'|'off'|'error'} Label
+ * @typedef {[Severity, ...unknown[]]} SeverityTuple
+ *
+ * @callback Rule
+ * @param {Node} tree
+ * @param {VFile} file
+ * @param {unknown} options
+ * @returns {void}
+ */
- } else if (readAlias(state)) {
- hasContent = true;
+const primitives$6 = new Set(['string', 'number', 'boolean']);
- if (state.tag !== null || state.anchor !== null) {
- throwError(state, 'alias node should not have any properties');
- }
+ * @param {string} id
+ * @param {Rule} rule
+ */
+function lintRule$6(id, rule) {
+ const parts = id.split(':');
+ // Possibly useful if externalised later.
+ /* c8 ignore next */
+ const source = parts[1] ? parts[0] : undefined;
+ const ruleId = parts[1];
- } else if (readPlainScalar(state, flowIndent, CONTEXT_FLOW_IN === nodeContext)) {
- hasContent = true;
+ Object.defineProperty(plugin, 'name', {value: id});
- if (state.tag === null) {
- state.tag = '?';
- }
- }
+ return plugin
- if (state.anchor !== null) {
- state.anchorMap[state.anchor] = state.result;
- }
- }
- } else if (indentStatus === 0) {
- // Special case: block sequences are allowed to have same indentation level as the parent.
- //
- hasContent = allowBlockCollections && readBlockSequence(state, blockIndent);
- }
- }
+ /** @type {import('unified').Plugin<[unknown]|void[]>} */
+ function plugin(raw) {
+ const [severity, options] = coerce$6(ruleId, raw);
- if (state.tag === null) {
- if (state.anchor !== null) {
- state.anchorMap[state.anchor] = state.result;
- }
+ if (!severity) return
- } else if (state.tag === '?') {
- // Implicit resolving is not allowed for non-scalar types, and '?'
- // non-specific tag is only automatically assigned to plain scalars.
- //
- // We only need to check kind conformity in case user explicitly assigns '?'
- // tag, for example like this: "!<?> [0]"
- //
- if (state.result !== null && state.kind !== 'scalar') {
- throwError(state, 'unacceptable node kind for !<?> tag; it should be "scalar", not "' + state.kind + '"');
- }
+ const fatal = severity === 2;
- for (typeIndex = 0, typeQuantity = state.implicitTypes.length; typeIndex < typeQuantity; typeIndex += 1) {
- type = state.implicitTypes[typeIndex];
+ return (tree, file, next) => {
+ let index = file.messages.length - 1;
- if (type.resolve(state.result)) { // `state.result` updated in resolver if matched
- state.result = type.construct(state.result);
- state.tag = type.tag;
- if (state.anchor !== null) {
- state.anchorMap[state.anchor] = state.result;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- } else if (state.tag !== '!') {
- if (_hasOwnProperty$[state.kind || 'fallback'], state.tag)) {
- type = state.typeMap[state.kind || 'fallback'][state.tag];
- } else {
- // looking for multi type
- type = null;
- typeList = state.typeMap.multi[state.kind || 'fallback'];
+ wrap(rule, (error) => {
+ const messages = file.messages;
- for (typeIndex = 0, typeQuantity = typeList.length; typeIndex < typeQuantity; typeIndex += 1) {
- if (state.tag.slice(0, typeList[typeIndex].tag.length) === typeList[typeIndex].tag) {
- type = typeList[typeIndex];
- break;
+ // Add the error, if not already properly added.
+ // Only happens for incorrect plugins.
+ /* c8 ignore next 6 */
+ // @ts-expect-error: errors could be `messages`.
+ if (error && !messages.includes(error)) {
+ try {
+ } catch {}
- }
- }
- if (!type) {
- throwError(state, 'unknown tag !<' + state.tag + '>');
- }
- if (state.result !== null && type.kind !== state.kind) {
- throwError(state, 'unacceptable node kind for !<' + state.tag + '> tag; it should be "' + type.kind + '", not "' + state.kind + '"');
- }
- if (!type.resolve(state.result, state.tag)) { // `state.result` updated in resolver if matched
- throwError(state, 'cannot resolve a node with !<' + state.tag + '> explicit tag');
- } else {
- state.result = type.construct(state.result, state.tag);
- if (state.anchor !== null) {
- state.anchorMap[state.anchor] = state.result;
- }
- }
- }
- if (state.listener !== null) {
- state.listener('close', state);
- }
- return state.tag !== null || state.anchor !== null || hasContent;
-function readDocument(state) {
- var documentStart = state.position,
- _position,
- directiveName,
- directiveArgs,
- hasDirectives = false,
- ch;
- state.version = null;
- state.checkLineBreaks = state.legacy;
- state.tagMap = Object.create(null);
- state.anchorMap = Object.create(null);
- while ((ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position)) !== 0) {
- skipSeparationSpace(state, true, -1);
- ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position);
- if (state.lineIndent > 0 || ch !== 0x25/* % */) {
- break;
- }
- hasDirectives = true;
- ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position);
- _position = state.position;
- while (ch !== 0 && !is_WS_OR_EOL(ch)) {
- ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position);
- }
- directiveName = state.input.slice(_position, state.position);
- directiveArgs = [];
- if (directiveName.length < 1) {
- throwError(state, 'directive name must not be less than one character in length');
- }
- while (ch !== 0) {
- while (is_WHITE_SPACE(ch)) {
- ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position);
- }
- if (ch === 0x23/* # */) {
- do { ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position); }
- while (ch !== 0 && !is_EOL(ch));
- break;
- }
- if (is_EOL(ch)) break;
- _position = state.position;
- while (ch !== 0 && !is_WS_OR_EOL(ch)) {
- ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position);
- }
- directiveArgs.push(state.input.slice(_position, state.position));
- }
- if (ch !== 0) readLineBreak(state);
- if (_hasOwnProperty$, directiveName)) {
- directiveHandlers[directiveName](state, directiveName, directiveArgs);
- } else {
- throwWarning(state, 'unknown document directive "' + directiveName + '"');
- }
- }
- skipSeparationSpace(state, true, -1);
- if (state.lineIndent === 0 &&
- state.input.charCodeAt(state.position) === 0x2D/* - */ &&
- state.input.charCodeAt(state.position + 1) === 0x2D/* - */ &&
- state.input.charCodeAt(state.position + 2) === 0x2D/* - */) {
- state.position += 3;
- skipSeparationSpace(state, true, -1);
- } else if (hasDirectives) {
- throwError(state, 'directives end mark is expected');
- }
- composeNode(state, state.lineIndent - 1, CONTEXT_BLOCK_OUT, false, true);
- skipSeparationSpace(state, true, -1);
- if (state.checkLineBreaks &&
- PATTERN_NON_ASCII_LINE_BREAKS.test(state.input.slice(documentStart, state.position))) {
- throwWarning(state, 'non-ASCII line breaks are interpreted as content');
- }
- state.documents.push(state.result);
- if (state.position === state.lineStart && testDocumentSeparator(state)) {
- if (state.input.charCodeAt(state.position) === 0x2E/* . */) {
- state.position += 3;
- skipSeparationSpace(state, true, -1);
- }
- return;
- }
- if (state.position < (state.length - 1)) {
- throwError(state, 'end of the stream or a document separator is expected');
- } else {
- return;
- }
-function loadDocuments(input, options) {
- input = String(input);
- options = options || {};
- if (input.length !== 0) {
- // Add tailing `\n` if not exists
- if (input.charCodeAt(input.length - 1) !== 0x0A/* LF */ &&
- input.charCodeAt(input.length - 1) !== 0x0D/* CR */) {
- input += '\n';
- }
- // Strip BOM
- if (input.charCodeAt(0) === 0xFEFF) {
- input = input.slice(1);
- }
- }
- var state = new State$1(input, options);
- var nullpos = input.indexOf('\0');
- if (nullpos !== -1) {
- state.position = nullpos;
- throwError(state, 'null byte is not allowed in input');
- }
- // Use 0 as string terminator. That significantly simplifies bounds check.
- state.input += '\0';
- while (state.input.charCodeAt(state.position) === 0x20/* Space */) {
- state.lineIndent += 1;
- state.position += 1;
- }
- while (state.position < (state.length - 1)) {
- readDocument(state);
- }
- return state.documents;
-function loadAll$1(input, iterator, options) {
- if (iterator !== null && typeof iterator === 'object' && typeof options === 'undefined') {
- options = iterator;
- iterator = null;
- }
- var documents = loadDocuments(input, options);
- if (typeof iterator !== 'function') {
- return documents;
- }
- for (var index = 0, length = documents.length; index < length; index += 1) {
- iterator(documents[index]);
- }
-function load$1(input, options) {
- var documents = loadDocuments(input, options);
- if (documents.length === 0) {
- /*eslint-disable no-undefined*/
- return undefined;
- } else if (documents.length === 1) {
- return documents[0];
- }
- throw new exception('expected a single document in the stream, but found more');
-var loadAll_1 = loadAll$1;
-var load_1 = load$1;
-var loader = {
- loadAll: loadAll_1,
- load: load_1
-/*eslint-disable no-use-before-define*/
-var _toString = Object.prototype.toString;
-var _hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
-var CHAR_BOM = 0xFEFF;
-var CHAR_TAB = 0x09; /* Tab */
-var CHAR_LINE_FEED = 0x0A; /* LF */
-var CHAR_CARRIAGE_RETURN = 0x0D; /* CR */
-var CHAR_SPACE = 0x20; /* Space */
-var CHAR_EXCLAMATION = 0x21; /* ! */
-var CHAR_DOUBLE_QUOTE = 0x22; /* " */
-var CHAR_SHARP = 0x23; /* # */
-var CHAR_PERCENT = 0x25; /* % */
-var CHAR_AMPERSAND = 0x26; /* & */
-var CHAR_SINGLE_QUOTE = 0x27; /* ' */
-var CHAR_ASTERISK = 0x2A; /* * */
-var CHAR_COMMA = 0x2C; /* , */
-var CHAR_MINUS = 0x2D; /* - */
-var CHAR_COLON = 0x3A; /* : */
-var CHAR_EQUALS = 0x3D; /* = */
-var CHAR_GREATER_THAN = 0x3E; /* > */
-var CHAR_QUESTION = 0x3F; /* ? */
-var CHAR_COMMERCIAL_AT = 0x40; /* @ */
-var CHAR_LEFT_SQUARE_BRACKET = 0x5B; /* [ */
-var CHAR_RIGHT_SQUARE_BRACKET = 0x5D; /* ] */
-var CHAR_GRAVE_ACCENT = 0x60; /* ` */
-var CHAR_LEFT_CURLY_BRACKET = 0x7B; /* { */
-var CHAR_VERTICAL_LINE = 0x7C; /* | */
-var CHAR_RIGHT_CURLY_BRACKET = 0x7D; /* } */
-ESCAPE_SEQUENCES[0x00] = '\\0';
-ESCAPE_SEQUENCES[0x07] = '\\a';
-ESCAPE_SEQUENCES[0x08] = '\\b';
-ESCAPE_SEQUENCES[0x09] = '\\t';
-ESCAPE_SEQUENCES[0x0A] = '\\n';
-ESCAPE_SEQUENCES[0x0B] = '\\v';
-ESCAPE_SEQUENCES[0x0C] = '\\f';
-ESCAPE_SEQUENCES[0x0D] = '\\r';
-ESCAPE_SEQUENCES[0x1B] = '\\e';
-ESCAPE_SEQUENCES[0x22] = '\\"';
-ESCAPE_SEQUENCES[0x5C] = '\\\\';
-ESCAPE_SEQUENCES[0x85] = '\\N';
-ESCAPE_SEQUENCES[0xA0] = '\\_';
-ESCAPE_SEQUENCES[0x2028] = '\\L';
-ESCAPE_SEQUENCES[0x2029] = '\\P';
- 'y', 'Y', 'yes', 'Yes', 'YES', 'on', 'On', 'ON',
- 'n', 'N', 'no', 'No', 'NO', 'off', 'Off', 'OFF'
-var DEPRECATED_BASE60_SYNTAX = /^[-+]?[0-9_]+(?::[0-9_]+)+(?:\.[0-9_]*)?$/;
-function compileStyleMap(schema, map) {
- var result, keys, index, length, tag, style, type;
- if (map === null) return {};
- result = {};
- keys = Object.keys(map);
- for (index = 0, length = keys.length; index < length; index += 1) {
- tag = keys[index];
- style = String(map[tag]);
- if (tag.slice(0, 2) === '!!') {
- tag = ',2002:' + tag.slice(2);
- }
- type = schema.compiledTypeMap['fallback'][tag];
- if (type &&, style)) {
- style = type.styleAliases[style];
- }
- result[tag] = style;
- }
- return result;
-function encodeHex(character) {
- var string, handle, length;
- string = character.toString(16).toUpperCase();
- if (character <= 0xFF) {
- handle = 'x';
- length = 2;
- } else if (character <= 0xFFFF) {
- handle = 'u';
- length = 4;
- } else if (character <= 0xFFFFFFFF) {
- handle = 'U';
- length = 8;
- } else {
- throw new exception('code point within a string may not be greater than 0xFFFFFFFF');
- }
- return '\\' + handle + common.repeat('0', length - string.length) + string;
-function State(options) {
- this.schema = options['schema'] || _default;
- this.indent = Math.max(1, (options['indent'] || 2));
- this.noArrayIndent = options['noArrayIndent'] || false;
- this.skipInvalid = options['skipInvalid'] || false;
- this.flowLevel = (common.isNothing(options['flowLevel']) ? -1 : options['flowLevel']);
- this.styleMap = compileStyleMap(this.schema, options['styles'] || null);
- this.sortKeys = options['sortKeys'] || false;
- this.lineWidth = options['lineWidth'] || 80;
- this.noRefs = options['noRefs'] || false;
- this.noCompatMode = options['noCompatMode'] || false;
- this.condenseFlow = options['condenseFlow'] || false;
- this.quotingType = options['quotingType'] === '"' ? QUOTING_TYPE_DOUBLE : QUOTING_TYPE_SINGLE;
- this.forceQuotes = options['forceQuotes'] || false;
- this.replacer = typeof options['replacer'] === 'function' ? options['replacer'] : null;
- this.implicitTypes = this.schema.compiledImplicit;
- this.explicitTypes = this.schema.compiledExplicit;
- this.tag = null;
- this.result = '';
- this.duplicates = [];
- this.usedDuplicates = null;
-// Indents every line in a string. Empty lines (\n only) are not indented.
-function indentString(string, spaces) {
- var ind = common.repeat(' ', spaces),
- position = 0,
- next = -1,
- result = '',
- line,
- length = string.length;
- while (position < length) {
- next = string.indexOf('\n', position);
- if (next === -1) {
- line = string.slice(position);
- position = length;
- } else {
- line = string.slice(position, next + 1);
- position = next + 1;
- }
- if (line.length && line !== '\n') result += ind;
- result += line;
- }
- return result;
-function generateNextLine(state, level) {
- return '\n' + common.repeat(' ', state.indent * level);
-function testImplicitResolving(state, str) {
- var index, length, type;
- for (index = 0, length = state.implicitTypes.length; index < length; index += 1) {
- type = state.implicitTypes[index];
- if (type.resolve(str)) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
-// [33] s-white ::= s-space | s-tab
-function isWhitespace(c) {
- return c === CHAR_SPACE || c === CHAR_TAB;
-// Returns true if the character can be printed without escaping.
-// From YAML 1.2: "any allowed characters known to be non-printable
-// should also be escaped. [However,] This isn’t mandatory"
-// Derived from nb-char - \t - #x85 - #xA0 - #x2028 - #x2029.
-function isPrintable(c) {
- return (0x00020 <= c && c <= 0x00007E)
- || ((0x000A1 <= c && c <= 0x00D7FF) && c !== 0x2028 && c !== 0x2029)
- || ((0x0E000 <= c && c <= 0x00FFFD) && c !== CHAR_BOM)
- || (0x10000 <= c && c <= 0x10FFFF);
-// [34] ns-char ::= nb-char - s-white
-// [27] nb-char ::= c-printable - b-char - c-byte-order-mark
-// [26] b-char ::= b-line-feed | b-carriage-return
-// Including s-white (for some reason, examples doesn't match specs in this aspect)
-// ns-char ::= c-printable - b-line-feed - b-carriage-return - c-byte-order-mark
-function isNsCharOrWhitespace(c) {
- return isPrintable(c)
- && c !== CHAR_BOM
- // - b-char
- && c !== CHAR_LINE_FEED;
-// [127] ns-plain-safe(c) ::= c = flow-out ⇒ ns-plain-safe-out
-// c = flow-in ⇒ ns-plain-safe-in
-// c = block-key ⇒ ns-plain-safe-out
-// c = flow-key ⇒ ns-plain-safe-in
-// [128] ns-plain-safe-out ::= ns-char
-// [129] ns-plain-safe-in ::= ns-char - c-flow-indicator
-// [130] ns-plain-char(c) ::= ( ns-plain-safe(c) - “:” - “#” )
-// | ( /* An ns-char preceding */ “#” )
-// | ( “:” /* Followed by an ns-plain-safe(c) */ )
-function isPlainSafe(c, prev, inblock) {
- var cIsNsCharOrWhitespace = isNsCharOrWhitespace(c);
- var cIsNsChar = cIsNsCharOrWhitespace && !isWhitespace(c);
- return (
- // ns-plain-safe
- inblock ? // c = flow-in
- cIsNsCharOrWhitespace
- : cIsNsCharOrWhitespace
- // - c-flow-indicator
- && c !== CHAR_COMMA
- )
- // ns-plain-char
- && c !== CHAR_SHARP // false on '#'
- && !(prev === CHAR_COLON && !cIsNsChar) // false on ': '
- || (isNsCharOrWhitespace(prev) && !isWhitespace(prev) && c === CHAR_SHARP) // change to true on '[^ ]#'
- || (prev === CHAR_COLON && cIsNsChar); // change to true on ':[^ ]'
-// Simplified test for values allowed as the first character in plain style.
-function isPlainSafeFirst(c) {
- // Uses a subset of ns-char - c-indicator
- // where ns-char = nb-char - s-white.
- // No support of ( ( “?” | “:” | “-” ) /* Followed by an ns-plain-safe(c)) */ ) part
- return isPrintable(c) && c !== CHAR_BOM
- && !isWhitespace(c) // - s-white
- // - (c-indicator ::=
- // “-” | “?” | “:” | “,” | “[” | “]” | “{” | “}”
- && c !== CHAR_MINUS
- && c !== CHAR_QUESTION
- && c !== CHAR_COLON
- && c !== CHAR_COMMA
- // | “#” | “&” | “*” | “!” | “|” | “=” | “>” | “'” | “"”
- && c !== CHAR_SHARP
- && c !== CHAR_ASTERISK
- && c !== CHAR_EQUALS
- // | “%” | “@” | “`”)
- && c !== CHAR_PERCENT
-// Simplified test for values allowed as the last character in plain style.
-function isPlainSafeLast(c) {
- // just not whitespace or colon, it will be checked to be plain character later
- return !isWhitespace(c) && c !== CHAR_COLON;
-// Same as 'string'.codePointAt(pos), but works in older browsers.
-function codePointAt(string, pos) {
- var first = string.charCodeAt(pos), second;
- if (first >= 0xD800 && first <= 0xDBFF && pos + 1 < string.length) {
- second = string.charCodeAt(pos + 1);
- if (second >= 0xDC00 && second <= 0xDFFF) {
- //
- return (first - 0xD800) * 0x400 + second - 0xDC00 + 0x10000;
- }
- }
- return first;
-// Determines whether block indentation indicator is required.
-function needIndentIndicator(string) {
- var leadingSpaceRe = /^\n* /;
- return leadingSpaceRe.test(string);
-var STYLE_PLAIN = 1,
-// Determines which scalar styles are possible and returns the preferred style.
-// lineWidth = -1 => no limit.
-// Pre-conditions: str.length > 0.
-// Post-conditions:
-// STYLE_PLAIN or STYLE_SINGLE => no \n are in the string.
-// STYLE_LITERAL => no lines are suitable for folding (or lineWidth is -1).
-// STYLE_FOLDED => a line > lineWidth and can be folded (and lineWidth != -1).
-function chooseScalarStyle(string, singleLineOnly, indentPerLevel, lineWidth,
- testAmbiguousType, quotingType, forceQuotes, inblock) {
- var i;
- var char = 0;
- var prevChar = null;
- var hasLineBreak = false;
- var hasFoldableLine = false; // only checked if shouldTrackWidth
- var shouldTrackWidth = lineWidth !== -1;
- var previousLineBreak = -1; // count the first line correctly
- var plain = isPlainSafeFirst(codePointAt(string, 0))
- && isPlainSafeLast(codePointAt(string, string.length - 1));
- if (singleLineOnly || forceQuotes) {
- // Case: no block styles.
- // Check for disallowed characters to rule out plain and single.
- for (i = 0; i < string.length; char >= 0x10000 ? i += 2 : i++) {
- char = codePointAt(string, i);
- if (!isPrintable(char)) {
- return STYLE_DOUBLE;
- }
- plain = plain && isPlainSafe(char, prevChar, inblock);
- prevChar = char;
- }
- } else {
- // Case: block styles permitted.
- for (i = 0; i < string.length; char >= 0x10000 ? i += 2 : i++) {
- char = codePointAt(string, i);
- if (char === CHAR_LINE_FEED) {
- hasLineBreak = true;
- // Check if any line can be folded.
- if (shouldTrackWidth) {
- hasFoldableLine = hasFoldableLine ||
- // Foldable line = too long, and not more-indented.
- (i - previousLineBreak - 1 > lineWidth &&
- string[previousLineBreak + 1] !== ' ');
- previousLineBreak = i;
+ while (++index < messages.length) {
+ Object.assign(messages[index], {ruleId, source, fatal});
- } else if (!isPrintable(char)) {
- return STYLE_DOUBLE;
- }
- plain = plain && isPlainSafe(char, prevChar, inblock);
- prevChar = char;
- }
- // in case the end is missing a \n
- hasFoldableLine = hasFoldableLine || (shouldTrackWidth &&
- (i - previousLineBreak - 1 > lineWidth &&
- string[previousLineBreak + 1] !== ' '));
- }
- // Although every style can represent \n without escaping, prefer block styles
- // for multiline, since they're more readable and they don't add empty lines.
- // Also prefer folding a super-long line.
- if (!hasLineBreak && !hasFoldableLine) {
- // Strings interpretable as another type have to be quoted;
- // e.g. the string 'true' vs. the boolean true.
- if (plain && !forceQuotes && !testAmbiguousType(string)) {
- return STYLE_PLAIN;
- }
- }
- // Edge case: block indentation indicator can only have one digit.
- if (indentPerLevel > 9 && needIndentIndicator(string)) {
- return STYLE_DOUBLE;
- }
- // At this point we know block styles are valid.
- // Prefer literal style unless we want to fold.
- if (!forceQuotes) {
- return hasFoldableLine ? STYLE_FOLDED : STYLE_LITERAL;
- }
-// Note: line breaking/folding is implemented for only the folded style.
-// NB. We drop the last trailing newline (if any) of a returned block scalar
-// since the dumper adds its own newline. This always works:
-// • No ending newline => unaffected; already using strip "-" chomping.
-// • Ending newline => removed then restored.
-// Importantly, this keeps the "+" chomp indicator from gaining an extra line.
-function writeScalar(state, string, level, iskey, inblock) {
- state.dump = (function () {
- if (string.length === 0) {
- return state.quotingType === QUOTING_TYPE_DOUBLE ? '""' : "''";
- }
- if (!state.noCompatMode) {
- if (DEPRECATED_BOOLEANS_SYNTAX.indexOf(string) !== -1 || DEPRECATED_BASE60_SYNTAX.test(string)) {
- return state.quotingType === QUOTING_TYPE_DOUBLE ? ('"' + string + '"') : ("'" + string + "'");
- }
- }
- var indent = state.indent * Math.max(1, level); // no 0-indent scalars
- // As indentation gets deeper, let the width decrease monotonically
- // to the lower bound min(state.lineWidth, 40).
- // Note that this implies
- // state.lineWidth ≤ 40 + state.indent: width is fixed at the lower bound.
- // state.lineWidth > 40 + state.indent: width decreases until the lower bound.
- // This behaves better than a constant minimum width which disallows narrower options,
- // or an indent threshold which causes the width to suddenly increase.
- var lineWidth = state.lineWidth === -1
- ? -1 : Math.max(Math.min(state.lineWidth, 40), state.lineWidth - indent);
- // Without knowing if keys are implicit/explicit, assume implicit for safety.
- var singleLineOnly = iskey
- // No block styles in flow mode.
- || (state.flowLevel > -1 && level >= state.flowLevel);
- function testAmbiguity(string) {
- return testImplicitResolving(state, string);
- }
- switch (chooseScalarStyle(string, singleLineOnly, state.indent, lineWidth,
- testAmbiguity, state.quotingType, state.forceQuotes && !iskey, inblock)) {
- return string;
- return "'" + string.replace(/'/g, "''") + "'";
- return '|' + blockHeader(string, state.indent)
- + dropEndingNewline(indentString(string, indent));
- return '>' + blockHeader(string, state.indent)
- + dropEndingNewline(indentString(foldString(string, lineWidth), indent));
- return '"' + escapeString(string) + '"';
- default:
- throw new exception('impossible error: invalid scalar style');
+ next();
+ })(tree, file, options);
- }());
-// Pre-conditions: string is valid for a block scalar, 1 <= indentPerLevel <= 9.
-function blockHeader(string, indentPerLevel) {
- var indentIndicator = needIndentIndicator(string) ? String(indentPerLevel) : '';
- // note the special case: the string '\n' counts as a "trailing" empty line.
- var clip = string[string.length - 1] === '\n';
- var keep = clip && (string[string.length - 2] === '\n' || string === '\n');
- var chomp = keep ? '+' : (clip ? '' : '-');
- return indentIndicator + chomp + '\n';
-// (See the note for writeScalar.)
-function dropEndingNewline(string) {
- return string[string.length - 1] === '\n' ? string.slice(0, -1) : string;
-// Note: a long line without a suitable break point will exceed the width limit.
-// Pre-conditions: every char in str isPrintable, str.length > 0, width > 0.
-function foldString(string, width) {
- // In folded style, $k$ consecutive newlines output as $k+1$ newlines—
- // unless they're before or after a more-indented line, or at the very
- // beginning or end, in which case $k$ maps to $k$.
- // Therefore, parse each chunk as newline(s) followed by a content line.
- var lineRe = /(\n+)([^\n]*)/g;
- // first line (possibly an empty line)
- var result = (function () {
- var nextLF = string.indexOf('\n');
- nextLF = nextLF !== -1 ? nextLF : string.length;
- lineRe.lastIndex = nextLF;
- return foldLine(string.slice(0, nextLF), width);
- }());
- // If we haven't reached the first content line yet, don't add an extra \n.
- var prevMoreIndented = string[0] === '\n' || string[0] === ' ';
- var moreIndented;
- // rest of the lines
- var match;
- while ((match = lineRe.exec(string))) {
- var prefix = match[1], line = match[2];
- moreIndented = (line[0] === ' ');
- result += prefix
- + (!prevMoreIndented && !moreIndented && line !== ''
- ? '\n' : '')
- + foldLine(line, width);
- prevMoreIndented = moreIndented;
- return result;
-// Greedy line breaking.
-// Picks the longest line under the limit each time,
-// otherwise settles for the shortest line over the limit.
-// NB. More-indented lines *cannot* be folded, as that would add an extra \n.
-function foldLine(line, width) {
- if (line === '' || line[0] === ' ') return line;
- // Since a more-indented line adds a \n, breaks can't be followed by a space.
- var breakRe = / [^ ]/g; // note: the match index will always be <= length-2.
- var match;
- // start is an inclusive index. end, curr, and next are exclusive.
- var start = 0, end, curr = 0, next = 0;
- var result = '';
- // Invariants: 0 <= start <= length-1.
- // 0 <= curr <= next <= max(0, length-2). curr - start <= width.
- // Inside the loop:
- // A match implies length >= 2, so curr and next are <= length-2.
- while ((match = breakRe.exec(line))) {
- next = match.index;
- // maintain invariant: curr - start <= width
- if (next - start > width) {
- end = (curr > start) ? curr : next; // derive end <= length-2
- result += '\n' + line.slice(start, end);
- // skip the space that was output as \n
- start = end + 1; // derive start <= length-1
- }
- curr = next;
- }
+ * Coerce a value to a severity--options tuple.
+ *
+ * @param {string} name
+ * @param {unknown} value
+ * @returns {SeverityTuple}
+ */
+function coerce$6(name, value) {
+ /** @type {unknown[]} */
+ let result;
- // By the invariants, start <= length-1, so there is something left over.
- // It is either the whole string or a part starting from non-whitespace.
- result += '\n';
- // Insert a break if the remainder is too long and there is a break available.
- if (line.length - start > width && curr > start) {
- result += line.slice(start, curr) + '\n' + line.slice(curr + 1);
+ if (typeof value === 'boolean') {
+ result = [value];
+ } else if (value === null || value === undefined) {
+ result = [1];
+ } else if (
+ Array.isArray(value) &&
+ // `isArray(unknown)` is turned into `any[]`:
+ // type-coverage:ignore-next-line
+ primitives$6.has(typeof value[0])
+ ) {
+ // `isArray(unknown)` is turned into `any[]`:
+ // type-coverage:ignore-next-line
+ result = [...value];
} else {
- result += line.slice(start);
- }
- return result.slice(1); // drop extra \n joiner
-// Escapes a double-quoted string.
-function escapeString(string) {
- var result = '';
- var char = 0;
- var escapeSeq;
- for (var i = 0; i < string.length; char >= 0x10000 ? i += 2 : i++) {
- char = codePointAt(string, i);
- escapeSeq = ESCAPE_SEQUENCES[char];
- if (!escapeSeq && isPrintable(char)) {
- result += string[i];
- if (char >= 0x10000) result += string[i + 1];
- } else {
- result += escapeSeq || encodeHex(char);
- }
- }
- return result;
-function writeFlowSequence(state, level, object) {
- var _result = '',
- _tag = state.tag,
- index,
- length,
- value;
- for (index = 0, length = object.length; index < length; index += 1) {
- value = object[index];
- if (state.replacer) {
- value =, String(index), value);
- }
- // Write only valid elements, put null instead of invalid elements.
- if (writeNode(state, level, value, false, false) ||
- (typeof value === 'undefined' &&
- writeNode(state, level, null, false, false))) {
- if (_result !== '') _result += ',' + (!state.condenseFlow ? ' ' : '');
- _result += state.dump;
- }
- }
- state.tag = _tag;
- state.dump = '[' + _result + ']';
-function writeBlockSequence(state, level, object, compact) {
- var _result = '',
- _tag = state.tag,
- index,
- length,
- value;
- for (index = 0, length = object.length; index < length; index += 1) {
- value = object[index];
- if (state.replacer) {
- value =, String(index), value);
- }
- // Write only valid elements, put null instead of invalid elements.
- if (writeNode(state, level + 1, value, true, true, false, true) ||
- (typeof value === 'undefined' &&
- writeNode(state, level + 1, null, true, true, false, true))) {
- if (!compact || _result !== '') {
- _result += generateNextLine(state, level);
- }
- if (state.dump && CHAR_LINE_FEED === state.dump.charCodeAt(0)) {
- _result += '-';
- } else {
- _result += '- ';
- }
- _result += state.dump;
- }
- }
- state.tag = _tag;
- state.dump = _result || '[]'; // Empty sequence if no valid values.
-function writeFlowMapping(state, level, object) {
- var _result = '',
- _tag = state.tag,
- objectKeyList = Object.keys(object),
- index,
- length,
- objectKey,
- objectValue,
- pairBuffer;
- for (index = 0, length = objectKeyList.length; index < length; index += 1) {
- pairBuffer = '';
- if (_result !== '') pairBuffer += ', ';
- if (state.condenseFlow) pairBuffer += '"';
- objectKey = objectKeyList[index];
- objectValue = object[objectKey];
- if (state.replacer) {
- objectValue =, objectKey, objectValue);
- }
- if (!writeNode(state, level, objectKey, false, false)) {
- continue; // Skip this pair because of invalid key;
- }
- if (state.dump.length > 1024) pairBuffer += '? ';
- pairBuffer += state.dump + (state.condenseFlow ? '"' : '') + ':' + (state.condenseFlow ? '' : ' ');
- if (!writeNode(state, level, objectValue, false, false)) {
- continue; // Skip this pair because of invalid value.
- }
- pairBuffer += state.dump;
- // Both key and value are valid.
- _result += pairBuffer;
- }
- state.tag = _tag;
- state.dump = '{' + _result + '}';
-function writeBlockMapping(state, level, object, compact) {
- var _result = '',
- _tag = state.tag,
- objectKeyList = Object.keys(object),
- index,
- length,
- objectKey,
- objectValue,
- explicitPair,
- pairBuffer;
- // Allow sorting keys so that the output file is deterministic
- if (state.sortKeys === true) {
- // Default sorting
- objectKeyList.sort();
- } else if (typeof state.sortKeys === 'function') {
- // Custom sort function
- objectKeyList.sort(state.sortKeys);
- } else if (state.sortKeys) {
- // Something is wrong
- throw new exception('sortKeys must be a boolean or a function');
+ result = [1, value];
- for (index = 0, length = objectKeyList.length; index < length; index += 1) {
- pairBuffer = '';
- if (!compact || _result !== '') {
- pairBuffer += generateNextLine(state, level);
- }
- objectKey = objectKeyList[index];
- objectValue = object[objectKey];
- if (state.replacer) {
- objectValue =, objectKey, objectValue);
- }
- if (!writeNode(state, level + 1, objectKey, true, true, true)) {
- continue; // Skip this pair because of invalid key.
- }
- explicitPair = (state.tag !== null && state.tag !== '?') ||
- (state.dump && state.dump.length > 1024);
- if (explicitPair) {
- if (state.dump && CHAR_LINE_FEED === state.dump.charCodeAt(0)) {
- pairBuffer += '?';
- } else {
- pairBuffer += '? ';
- }
- }
- pairBuffer += state.dump;
- if (explicitPair) {
- pairBuffer += generateNextLine(state, level);
- }
- if (!writeNode(state, level + 1, objectValue, true, explicitPair)) {
- continue; // Skip this pair because of invalid value.
- }
+ let level = result[0];
- if (state.dump && CHAR_LINE_FEED === state.dump.charCodeAt(0)) {
- pairBuffer += ':';
+ if (typeof level === 'boolean') {
+ level = level ? 1 : 0;
+ } else if (typeof level === 'string') {
+ if (level === 'off') {
+ level = 0;
+ } else if (level === 'on' || level === 'warn') {
+ level = 1;
+ } else if (level === 'error') {
+ level = 2;
} else {
- pairBuffer += ': ';
- }
- pairBuffer += state.dump;
- // Both key and value are valid.
- _result += pairBuffer;
- }
- state.tag = _tag;
- state.dump = _result || '{}'; // Empty mapping if no valid pairs.
-function detectType(state, object, explicit) {
- var _result, typeList, index, length, type, style;
- typeList = explicit ? state.explicitTypes : state.implicitTypes;
- for (index = 0, length = typeList.length; index < length; index += 1) {
- type = typeList[index];
- if ((type.instanceOf || type.predicate) &&
- (!type.instanceOf || ((typeof object === 'object') && (object instanceof type.instanceOf))) &&
- (!type.predicate || type.predicate(object))) {
- if (explicit) {
- if (type.multi && type.representName) {
- state.tag = type.representName(object);
- } else {
- state.tag = type.tag;
- }
- } else {
- state.tag = '?';
- }
- if (type.represent) {
- style = state.styleMap[type.tag] || type.defaultStyle;
- if ( === '[object Function]') {
- _result = type.represent(object, style);
- } else if (, style)) {
- _result = type.represent[style](object, style);
- } else {
- throw new exception('!<' + type.tag + '> tag resolver accepts not "' + style + '" style');
- }
- state.dump = _result;
- }
- return true;
+ level = 1;
+ result = [level, result];
- return false;
-// Serializes `object` and writes it to global `result`.
-// Returns true on success, or false on invalid object.
-function writeNode(state, level, object, block, compact, iskey, isblockseq) {
- state.tag = null;
- state.dump = object;
- if (!detectType(state, object, false)) {
- detectType(state, object, true);
- }
- var type =;
- var inblock = block;
- var tagStr;
- if (block) {
- block = (state.flowLevel < 0 || state.flowLevel > level);
- }
- var objectOrArray = type === '[object Object]' || type === '[object Array]',
- duplicateIndex,
- duplicate;
- if (objectOrArray) {
- duplicateIndex = state.duplicates.indexOf(object);
- duplicate = duplicateIndex !== -1;
- }
- if ((state.tag !== null && state.tag !== '?') || duplicate || (state.indent !== 2 && level > 0)) {
- compact = false;
- }
- if (duplicate && state.usedDuplicates[duplicateIndex]) {
- state.dump = '*ref_' + duplicateIndex;
- } else {
- if (objectOrArray && duplicate && !state.usedDuplicates[duplicateIndex]) {
- state.usedDuplicates[duplicateIndex] = true;
- }
- if (type === '[object Object]') {
- if (block && (Object.keys(state.dump).length !== 0)) {
- writeBlockMapping(state, level, state.dump, compact);
- if (duplicate) {
- state.dump = '&ref_' + duplicateIndex + state.dump;
- }
- } else {
- writeFlowMapping(state, level, state.dump);
- if (duplicate) {
- state.dump = '&ref_' + duplicateIndex + ' ' + state.dump;
- }
- }
- } else if (type === '[object Array]') {
- if (block && (state.dump.length !== 0)) {
- if (state.noArrayIndent && !isblockseq && level > 0) {
- writeBlockSequence(state, level - 1, state.dump, compact);
- } else {
- writeBlockSequence(state, level, state.dump, compact);
- }
- if (duplicate) {
- state.dump = '&ref_' + duplicateIndex + state.dump;
- }
- } else {
- writeFlowSequence(state, level, state.dump);
- if (duplicate) {
- state.dump = '&ref_' + duplicateIndex + ' ' + state.dump;
- }
- }
- } else if (type === '[object String]') {
- if (state.tag !== '?') {
- writeScalar(state, state.dump, level, iskey, inblock);
- }
- } else if (type === '[object Undefined]') {
- return false;
- } else {
- if (state.skipInvalid) return false;
- throw new exception('unacceptable kind of an object to dump ' + type);
- }
- if (state.tag !== null && state.tag !== '?') {
- // Need to encode all characters except those allowed by the spec:
- //
- // [35] ns-dec-digit ::= [#x30-#x39] /* 0-9 */
- // [36] ns-hex-digit ::= ns-dec-digit
- // | [#x41-#x46] /* A-F */ | [#x61-#x66] /* a-f */
- // [37] ns-ascii-letter ::= [#x41-#x5A] /* A-Z */ | [#x61-#x7A] /* a-z */
- // [38] ns-word-char ::= ns-dec-digit | ns-ascii-letter | “-”
- // [39] ns-uri-char ::= “%” ns-hex-digit ns-hex-digit | ns-word-char | “#”
- // | “;” | “/” | “?” | “:” | “@” | “&” | “=” | “+” | “$” | “,”
- // | “_” | “.” | “!” | “~” | “*” | “'” | “(” | “)” | “[” | “]”
- //
- // Also need to encode '!' because it has special meaning (end of tag prefix).
- //
- tagStr = encodeURI(
- state.tag[0] === '!' ? state.tag.slice(1) : state.tag
- ).replace(/!/g, '%21');
- if (state.tag[0] === '!') {
- tagStr = '!' + tagStr;
- } else if (tagStr.slice(0, 18) === ',2002:') {
- tagStr = '!!' + tagStr.slice(18);
- } else {
- tagStr = '!<' + tagStr + '>';
- }
- state.dump = tagStr + ' ' + state.dump;
- }
+ if (typeof level !== 'number' || level < 0 || level > 2) {
+ throw new Error(
+ 'Incorrect severity `' +
+ level +
+ '` for `' +
+ name +
+ '`, ' +
+ 'expected 0, 1, or 2'
+ )
- return true;
-function getDuplicateReferences(object, state) {
- var objects = [],
- duplicatesIndexes = [],
- index,
- length;
- inspectNode(object, objects, duplicatesIndexes);
+ result[0] = level;
- for (index = 0, length = duplicatesIndexes.length; index < length; index += 1) {
- state.duplicates.push(objects[duplicatesIndexes[index]]);
- }
- state.usedDuplicates = new Array(length);
+ // @ts-expect-error: it’s now a valid tuple.
+ return result
-function inspectNode(object, objects, duplicatesIndexes) {
- var objectKeyList,
- index,
- length;
- if (object !== null && typeof object === 'object') {
- index = objects.indexOf(object);
- if (index !== -1) {
- if (duplicatesIndexes.indexOf(index) === -1) {
- duplicatesIndexes.push(index);
- }
- } else {
- objects.push(object);
- if (Array.isArray(object)) {
- for (index = 0, length = object.length; index < length; index += 1) {
- inspectNode(object[index], objects, duplicatesIndexes);
- }
- } else {
- objectKeyList = Object.keys(object);
- for (index = 0, length = objectKeyList.length; index < length; index += 1) {
- inspectNode(object[objectKeyList[index]], objects, duplicatesIndexes);
- }
- }
- }
+function* getLinksRecursively(node) {
+ if (node.url) {
+ yield node;
-function dump$1(input, options) {
- options = options || {};
- var state = new State(options);
- if (!state.noRefs) getDuplicateReferences(input, state);
- var value = input;
- if (state.replacer) {
- value ={ '': value }, '', value);
+ for (const child of node.children || []) {
+ yield* getLinksRecursively(child);
- if (writeNode(state, 0, value, true, true)) return state.dump + '\n';
- return '';
-var dump_1 = dump$1;
-var dumper = {
- dump: dump_1
-function renamed(from, to) {
- return function () {
- throw new Error('Function yaml.' + from + ' is removed in js-yaml 4. ' +
- 'Use yaml.' + to + ' instead, which is now safe by default.');
- };
-var Type = type;
-var Schema = schema;
-var FAILSAFE_SCHEMA = failsafe;
-var JSON_SCHEMA = json;
-var CORE_SCHEMA = core;
-var DEFAULT_SCHEMA = _default;
-var load = loader.load;
-var loadAll = loader.loadAll;
-var dump = dumper.dump;
-var YAMLException = exception;
-// Re-export all types in case user wants to create custom schema
-var types = {
- binary: binary,
- float: float,
- map: map,
- null: _null,
- pairs: pairs,
- set: set,
- timestamp: timestamp,
- bool: bool,
- int: int,
- merge: merge,
- omap: omap,
- seq: seq,
- str: str
-// Removed functions from JS-YAML 3.0.x
-var safeLoad = renamed('safeLoad', 'load');
-var safeLoadAll = renamed('safeLoadAll', 'loadAll');
-var safeDump = renamed('safeDump', 'dump');
-var jsYaml = {
- Type: Type,
- Schema: Schema,
- load: load,
- loadAll: loadAll,
- dump: dump,
- YAMLException: YAMLException,
- types: types,
- safeLoad: safeLoad,
- safeLoadAll: safeLoadAll,
- safeDump: safeDump
-// Note: this is the version of the spec that it implements
-// Not necessarily the package version of this code.
-const SEMVER_SPEC_VERSION = '2.0.0';
-const MAX_LENGTH$2 = 256;
- /* istanbul ignore next */ 9007199254740991;
-// Max safe segment length for coercion.
-var constants = {
-var re$2 = {exports: {}};
-const debug$1 = (
- typeof process === 'object' &&
- process.env &&
- process.env.NODE_DEBUG &&
- /\bsemver\b/i.test(process.env.NODE_DEBUG)
-) ? (...args) => console.error('SEMVER', ...args)
- : () => {};
-var debug_1 = debug$1;
-(function (module, exports) {
-const { MAX_SAFE_COMPONENT_LENGTH } = constants;
-const debug = debug_1;
-exports = module.exports = {};
-// The actual regexps go on
-const re = = [];
-const src = exports.src = [];
-const t = exports.t = {};
-let R = 0;
-const createToken = (name, value, isGlobal) => {
- const index = R++;
- debug(index, value);
- t[name] = index;
- src[index] = value;
- re[index] = new RegExp(value, isGlobal ? 'g' : undefined);
-// The following Regular Expressions can be used for tokenizing,
-// validating, and parsing SemVer version strings.
-// ## Numeric Identifier
-// A single `0`, or a non-zero digit followed by zero or more digits.
-createToken('NUMERICIDENTIFIER', '0|[1-9]\\d*');
-createToken('NUMERICIDENTIFIERLOOSE', '[0-9]+');
-// ## Non-numeric Identifier
-// Zero or more digits, followed by a letter or hyphen, and then zero or
-// more letters, digits, or hyphens.
-createToken('NONNUMERICIDENTIFIER', '\\d*[a-zA-Z-][a-zA-Z0-9-]*');
-// ## Main Version
-// Three dot-separated numeric identifiers.
-createToken('MAINVERSION', `(${src[t.NUMERICIDENTIFIER]})\\.` +
- `(${src[t.NUMERICIDENTIFIER]})\\.` +
- `(${src[t.NUMERICIDENTIFIER]})`);
-// ## Pre-release Version Identifier
-// A numeric identifier, or a non-numeric identifier.
-// ## Pre-release Version
-// Hyphen, followed by one or more dot-separated pre-release version
-// identifiers.
-createToken('PRERELEASE', `(?:-(${src[t.PRERELEASEIDENTIFIER]
-// ## Build Metadata Identifier
-// Any combination of digits, letters, or hyphens.
-createToken('BUILDIDENTIFIER', '[0-9A-Za-z-]+');
-// ## Build Metadata
-// Plus sign, followed by one or more period-separated build metadata
-// identifiers.
-createToken('BUILD', `(?:\\+(${src[t.BUILDIDENTIFIER]
-// ## Full Version String
-// A main version, followed optionally by a pre-release version and
-// build metadata.
-// Note that the only major, minor, patch, and pre-release sections of
-// the version string are capturing groups. The build metadata is not a
-// capturing group, because it should not ever be used in version
-// comparison.
-createToken('FULLPLAIN', `v?${src[t.MAINVERSION]
- src[t.BUILD]}?`);
-createToken('FULL', `^${src[t.FULLPLAIN]}$`);
-// like full, but allows v1.2.3 and =1.2.3, which people do sometimes.
-// also, 1.0.0alpha1 (prerelease without the hyphen) which is pretty
-// common in the npm registry.
-createToken('LOOSEPLAIN', `[v=\\s]*${src[t.MAINVERSIONLOOSE]
- src[t.BUILD]}?`);
-createToken('LOOSE', `^${src[t.LOOSEPLAIN]}$`);
-createToken('GTLT', '((?:<|>)?=?)');
-// Something like "2.*" or "1.2.x".
-// Note that "x.x" is a valid xRange identifer, meaning "any version"
-// Only the first item is strictly required.
-createToken('XRANGEIDENTIFIER', `${src[t.NUMERICIDENTIFIER]}|x|X|\\*`);
-createToken('XRANGEPLAIN', `[v=\\s]*(${src[t.XRANGEIDENTIFIER]})` +
- `(?:\\.(${src[t.XRANGEIDENTIFIER]})` +
- `(?:\\.(${src[t.XRANGEIDENTIFIER]})` +
- `(?:${src[t.PRERELEASE]})?${
- src[t.BUILD]}?` +
- `)?)?`);
-createToken('XRANGEPLAINLOOSE', `[v=\\s]*(${src[t.XRANGEIDENTIFIERLOOSE]})` +
- `(?:\\.(${src[t.XRANGEIDENTIFIERLOOSE]})` +
- `(?:\\.(${src[t.XRANGEIDENTIFIERLOOSE]})` +
- `(?:${src[t.PRERELEASELOOSE]})?${
- src[t.BUILD]}?` +
- `)?)?`);
-createToken('XRANGE', `^${src[t.GTLT]}\\s*${src[t.XRANGEPLAIN]}$`);
-createToken('XRANGELOOSE', `^${src[t.GTLT]}\\s*${src[t.XRANGEPLAINLOOSE]}$`);
-// Coercion.
-// Extract anything that could conceivably be a part of a valid semver
-createToken('COERCE', `${'(^|[^\\d])' +
- '(\\d{1,'}${MAX_SAFE_COMPONENT_LENGTH}})` +
- `(?:\\.(\\d{1,${MAX_SAFE_COMPONENT_LENGTH}}))?` +
- `(?:\\.(\\d{1,${MAX_SAFE_COMPONENT_LENGTH}}))?` +
- `(?:$|[^\\d])`);
-createToken('COERCERTL', src[t.COERCE], true);
-// Tilde ranges.
-// Meaning is "reasonably at or greater than"
-createToken('LONETILDE', '(?:~>?)');
-createToken('TILDETRIM', `(\\s*)${src[t.LONETILDE]}\\s+`, true);
-exports.tildeTrimReplace = '$1~';
-createToken('TILDE', `^${src[t.LONETILDE]}${src[t.XRANGEPLAIN]}$`);
-createToken('TILDELOOSE', `^${src[t.LONETILDE]}${src[t.XRANGEPLAINLOOSE]}$`);
-// Caret ranges.
-// Meaning is "at least and backwards compatible with"
-createToken('LONECARET', '(?:\\^)');
-createToken('CARETTRIM', `(\\s*)${src[t.LONECARET]}\\s+`, true);
-exports.caretTrimReplace = '$1^';
-createToken('CARET', `^${src[t.LONECARET]}${src[t.XRANGEPLAIN]}$`);
-createToken('CARETLOOSE', `^${src[t.LONECARET]}${src[t.XRANGEPLAINLOOSE]}$`);
-// A simple gt/lt/eq thing, or just "" to indicate "any version"
-createToken('COMPARATORLOOSE', `^${src[t.GTLT]}\\s*(${src[t.LOOSEPLAIN]})$|^$`);
-createToken('COMPARATOR', `^${src[t.GTLT]}\\s*(${src[t.FULLPLAIN]})$|^$`);
-// An expression to strip any whitespace between the gtlt and the thing
-// it modifies, so that `> 1.2.3` ==> `>1.2.3`
-createToken('COMPARATORTRIM', `(\\s*)${src[t.GTLT]
-}\\s*(${src[t.LOOSEPLAIN]}|${src[t.XRANGEPLAIN]})`, true);
-exports.comparatorTrimReplace = '$1$2$3';
-// Something like `1.2.3 - 1.2.4`
-// Note that these all use the loose form, because they'll be
-// checked against either the strict or loose comparator form
-// later.
-createToken('HYPHENRANGE', `^\\s*(${src[t.XRANGEPLAIN]})` +
- `\\s+-\\s+` +
- `(${src[t.XRANGEPLAIN]})` +
- `\\s*$`);
-createToken('HYPHENRANGELOOSE', `^\\s*(${src[t.XRANGEPLAINLOOSE]})` +
- `\\s+-\\s+` +
- `(${src[t.XRANGEPLAINLOOSE]})` +
- `\\s*$`);
-// Star ranges basically just allow anything at all.
-createToken('STAR', '(<|>)?=?\\s*\\*');
-// >=0.0.0 is like a star
-createToken('GTE0', '^\\s*>=\\s*0\.0\.0\\s*$');
-createToken('GTE0PRE', '^\\s*>=\\s*0\.0\.0-0\\s*$');
-}(re$2, re$2.exports));
-// parse out just the options we care about so we always get a consistent
-// obj with keys in a consistent order.
-const opts = ['includePrerelease', 'loose', 'rtl'];
-const parseOptions$2 = options =>
- !options ? {}
- : typeof options !== 'object' ? { loose: true }
- : opts.filter(k => options[k]).reduce((options, k) => {
- options[k] = true;
- return options
- }, {});
-var parseOptions_1 = parseOptions$2;
-const numeric = /^[0-9]+$/;
-const compareIdentifiers$1 = (a, b) => {
- const anum = numeric.test(a);
- const bnum = numeric.test(b);
- if (anum && bnum) {
- a = +a;
- b = +b;
- }
- return a === b ? 0
- : (anum && !bnum) ? -1
- : (bnum && !anum) ? 1
- : a < b ? -1
- : 1
-const rcompareIdentifiers = (a, b) => compareIdentifiers$1(b, a);
-var identifiers = {
- compareIdentifiers: compareIdentifiers$1,
- rcompareIdentifiers
-const debug = debug_1;
-const { MAX_LENGTH: MAX_LENGTH$1, MAX_SAFE_INTEGER } = constants;
-const { re: re$1, t: t$1 } = re$2.exports;
-const parseOptions$1 = parseOptions_1;
-const { compareIdentifiers } = identifiers;
-class SemVer$2 {
- constructor (version, options) {
- options = parseOptions$1(options);
- if (version instanceof SemVer$2) {
- if (version.loose === !!options.loose &&
- version.includePrerelease === !!options.includePrerelease) {
- return version
- } else {
- version = version.version;
- }
- } else if (typeof version !== 'string') {
- throw new TypeError(`Invalid Version: ${version}`)
- }
- if (version.length > MAX_LENGTH$1) {
- throw new TypeError(
- `version is longer than ${MAX_LENGTH$1} characters`
- )
- }
- debug('SemVer', version, options);
- this.options = options;
- this.loose = !!options.loose;
- // this isn't actually relevant for versions, but keep it so that we
- // don't run into trouble passing this.options around.
- this.includePrerelease = !!options.includePrerelease;
- const m = version.trim().match(options.loose ? re$1[t$1.LOOSE] : re$1[t$1.FULL]);
- if (!m) {
- throw new TypeError(`Invalid Version: ${version}`)
- }
- this.raw = version;
- // these are actually numbers
- this.major = +m[1];
- this.minor = +m[2];
- this.patch = +m[3];
- if (this.major > MAX_SAFE_INTEGER || this.major < 0) {
- throw new TypeError('Invalid major version')
- }
- if (this.minor > MAX_SAFE_INTEGER || this.minor < 0) {
- throw new TypeError('Invalid minor version')
- }
- if (this.patch > MAX_SAFE_INTEGER || this.patch < 0) {
- throw new TypeError('Invalid patch version')
- }
- // numberify any prerelease numeric ids
- if (!m[4]) {
- this.prerelease = [];
- } else {
- this.prerelease = m[4].split('.').map((id) => {
- if (/^[0-9]+$/.test(id)) {
- const num = +id;
- if (num >= 0 && num < MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) {
- return num
- }
- }
- return id
- });
- }
- = m[5] ? m[5].split('.') : [];
- this.format();
- }
- format () {
- this.version = `${this.major}.${this.minor}.${this.patch}`;
- if (this.prerelease.length) {
- this.version += `-${this.prerelease.join('.')}`;
- }
- return this.version
- }
- toString () {
- return this.version
- }
- compare (other) {
- debug('', this.version, this.options, other);
- if (!(other instanceof SemVer$2)) {
- if (typeof other === 'string' && other === this.version) {
- return 0
- }
- other = new SemVer$2(other, this.options);
- }
- if (other.version === this.version) {
- return 0
- }
- return this.compareMain(other) || this.comparePre(other)
- }
- compareMain (other) {
- if (!(other instanceof SemVer$2)) {
- other = new SemVer$2(other, this.options);
- }
- return (
- compareIdentifiers(this.major, other.major) ||
- compareIdentifiers(this.minor, other.minor) ||
- compareIdentifiers(this.patch, other.patch)
- )
- }
- comparePre (other) {
- if (!(other instanceof SemVer$2)) {
- other = new SemVer$2(other, this.options);
- }
- // NOT having a prerelease is > having one
- if (this.prerelease.length && !other.prerelease.length) {
- return -1
- } else if (!this.prerelease.length && other.prerelease.length) {
- return 1
- } else if (!this.prerelease.length && !other.prerelease.length) {
- return 0
- }
- let i = 0;
- do {
- const a = this.prerelease[i];
- const b = other.prerelease[i];
- debug('prerelease compare', i, a, b);
- if (a === undefined && b === undefined) {
- return 0
- } else if (b === undefined) {
- return 1
- } else if (a === undefined) {
- return -1
- } else if (a === b) {
- continue
- } else {
- return compareIdentifiers(a, b)
+function validateLinks(tree, vfile) {
+ const currentFileURL = pathToFileURL(path$b.join(vfile.cwd, vfile.path));
+ let previousDefinitionLabel;
+ for (const node of getLinksRecursively(tree)) {
+ if (node.url[0] !== "#") {
+ const targetURL = new URL(node.url, currentFileURL);
+ if (targetURL.protocol === "file:" && !require$$0$3.existsSync(targetURL)) {
+ vfile.message("Broken link", node);
+ } else if (targetURL.pathname === currentFileURL.pathname) {
+ const expected = node.url.includes("#")
+ ? node.url.slice(node.url.indexOf("#"))
+ : "#";
+ vfile.message(
+ `Self-reference must start with hash (expected "${expected}", got "${node.url}")`,
+ node
+ );
- } while (++i)
- }
- compareBuild (other) {
- if (!(other instanceof SemVer$2)) {
- other = new SemVer$2(other, this.options);
- let i = 0;
- do {
- const a =[i];
- const b =[i];
- debug('prerelease compare', i, a, b);
- if (a === undefined && b === undefined) {
- return 0
- } else if (b === undefined) {
- return 1
- } else if (a === undefined) {
- return -1
- } else if (a === b) {
- continue
- } else {
- return compareIdentifiers(a, b)
+ if (node.type === "definition") {
+ if (previousDefinitionLabel && previousDefinitionLabel > node.label) {
+ vfile.message(
+ `Unordered reference ("${node.label}" should be before "${previousDefinitionLabel}")`,
+ node
+ );
- } while (++i)
- }
- // preminor will bump the version up to the next minor release, and immediately
- // down to pre-release. premajor and prepatch work the same way.
- inc (release, identifier) {
- switch (release) {
- case 'premajor':
- this.prerelease.length = 0;
- this.patch = 0;
- this.minor = 0;
- this.major++;
-'pre', identifier);
- break
- case 'preminor':
- this.prerelease.length = 0;
- this.patch = 0;
- this.minor++;
-'pre', identifier);
- break
- case 'prepatch':
- // If this is already a prerelease, it will bump to the next version
- // drop any prereleases that might already exist, since they are not
- // relevant at this point.
- this.prerelease.length = 0;
-'patch', identifier);
-'pre', identifier);
- break
- // If the input is a non-prerelease version, this acts the same as
- // prepatch.
- case 'prerelease':
- if (this.prerelease.length === 0) {
-'patch', identifier);
- }
-'pre', identifier);
- break
- case 'major':
- // If this is a pre-major version, bump up to the same major version.
- // Otherwise increment major.
- // 1.0.0-5 bumps to 1.0.0
- // 1.1.0 bumps to 2.0.0
- if (
- this.minor !== 0 ||
- this.patch !== 0 ||
- this.prerelease.length === 0
- ) {
- this.major++;
- }
- this.minor = 0;
- this.patch = 0;
- this.prerelease = [];
- break
- case 'minor':
- // If this is a pre-minor version, bump up to the same minor version.
- // Otherwise increment minor.
- // 1.2.0-5 bumps to 1.2.0
- // 1.2.1 bumps to 1.3.0
- if (this.patch !== 0 || this.prerelease.length === 0) {
- this.minor++;
- }
- this.patch = 0;
- this.prerelease = [];
- break
- case 'patch':
- // If this is not a pre-release version, it will increment the patch.
- // If it is a pre-release it will bump up to the same patch version.
- // 1.2.0-5 patches to 1.2.0
- // 1.2.0 patches to 1.2.1
- if (this.prerelease.length === 0) {
- this.patch++;
- }
- this.prerelease = [];
- break
- // This probably shouldn't be used publicly.
- // 1.0.0 'pre' would become 1.0.0-0 which is the wrong direction.
- case 'pre':
- if (this.prerelease.length === 0) {
- this.prerelease = [0];
- } else {
- let i = this.prerelease.length;
- while (--i >= 0) {
- if (typeof this.prerelease[i] === 'number') {
- this.prerelease[i]++;
- i = -2;
- }
- }
- if (i === -1) {
- // didn't increment anything
- this.prerelease.push(0);
- }
- }
- if (identifier) {
- // 1.2.0-beta.1 bumps to 1.2.0-beta.2,
- // 1.2.0-beta.fooblz or 1.2.0-beta bumps to 1.2.0-beta.0
- if (this.prerelease[0] === identifier) {
- if (isNaN(this.prerelease[1])) {
- this.prerelease = [identifier, 0];
- }
- } else {
- this.prerelease = [identifier, 0];
- }
- }
- break
- default:
- throw new Error(`invalid increment argument: ${release}`)
+ previousDefinitionLabel = node.label;
- this.format();
- this.raw = this.version;
- return this
-var semver = SemVer$2;
-const {MAX_LENGTH} = constants;
-const { re, t } = re$2.exports;
-const SemVer$1 = semver;
-const parseOptions = parseOptions_1;
-const parse = (version, options) => {
- options = parseOptions(options);
- if (version instanceof SemVer$1) {
- return version
- }
- if (typeof version !== 'string') {
- return null
- }
- if (version.length > MAX_LENGTH) {
- return null
- }
- const r = options.loose ? re[t.LOOSE] : re[t.FULL];
- if (!r.test(version)) {
- return null
- }
- try {
- return new SemVer$1(version, options)
- } catch (er) {
- return null
- }
-var parse_1 = parse;
-const SemVer = semver;
-const compare$1 = (a, b, loose) =>
- new SemVer(a, loose).compare(new SemVer(b, loose));
-var compare_1 = compare$1;
-const compare = compare_1;
-const lt = (a, b, loose) => compare(a, b, loose) < 0;
-var lt_1 = lt;
+const remarkLintNodejsLinks = lintRule$6(
+ "remark-lint:nodejs-links",
+ validateLinks
const allowedKeys = [
@@ -60529,7 +56235,7 @@ function validateMeta(node, file, meta) {
function validateYAMLComments(tree, file) {
- visit$2(tree, "html", function visitor(node) {
+ visit(tree, "html", function visitor(node) {
if (node.value.startsWith("<!--YAML\n"))
"Expected `<!-- YAML`, found `<!--YAML`. Please add a space",
@@ -60546,134 +56252,118 @@ function validateYAMLComments(tree, file) {
-const remarkLintNodejsYamlComments = lintRule(
+const remarkLintNodejsYamlComments = lintRule$6(
-var escapeStringRegexp$2 = string => {
+function escapeStringRegexp(string) {
if (typeof string !== 'string') {
throw new TypeError('Expected a string');
// Escape characters with special meaning either inside or outside character sets.
- // Use a simple backslash escape when it’s always valid, and a \unnnn escape when the simpler form would be disallowed by Unicode patterns’ stricter grammar.
+ // Use a simple backslash escape when it’s always valid, and a `\xnn` escape when the simpler form would be disallowed by Unicode patterns’ stricter grammar.
return string
.replace(/[|\\{}()[\]^$+*?.]/g, '\\$&')
.replace(/-/g, '\\x2d');
-var start$2 = factory$2('start');
-var end = factory$2('end');
-var unistUtilPosition = position$1;
-position$1.start = start$2;
-position$1.end = end;
-function position$1(node) {
- return {start: start$2(node), end: end(node)}
-function factory$2(type) {
- point.displayName = type;
- return point
- function point(node) {
- var point = (node && node.position && node.position[type]) || {};
- return {
- line: point.line || null,
- column: point.column || null,
- offset: isNaN(point.offset) ? null : point.offset
- }
- }
-var wrapped = wrapped_1;
-var unifiedLintRule = factory$1;
+ * @typedef {import('unist').Node} Node
+ * @typedef {import('vfile').VFile} VFile
+ *
+ * @typedef {0|1|2} Severity
+ * @typedef {'warn'|'on'|'off'|'error'} Label
+ * @typedef {[Severity, ...unknown[]]} SeverityTuple
+ *
+ * @callback Rule
+ * @param {Node} tree
+ * @param {VFile} file
+ * @param {unknown} options
+ * @returns {void}
+ */
-function factory$1(id, rule) {
- var parts = id.split(':');
- var source = parts[0];
- var ruleId = parts[1];
- var fn = wrapped(rule);
+const primitives$5 = new Set(['string', 'number', 'boolean']);
- /* istanbul ignore if - possibly useful if externalised later. */
- if (!ruleId) {
- ruleId = source;
- source = null;
- }
+ * @param {string} id
+ * @param {Rule} rule
+ */
+function lintRule$5(id, rule) {
+ const parts = id.split(':');
+ // Possibly useful if externalised later.
+ /* c8 ignore next */
+ const source = parts[1] ? parts[0] : undefined;
+ const ruleId = parts[1];
- attacher.displayName = id;
+ Object.defineProperty(plugin, 'name', {value: id});
- return attacher
+ return plugin
- function attacher(raw) {
- var config = coerce(ruleId, raw);
- var severity = config[0];
- var options = config[1];
- var fatal = severity === 2;
+ /** @type {import('unified').Plugin<[unknown]|void[]>} */
+ function plugin(raw) {
+ const [severity, options] = coerce$5(ruleId, raw);
- return severity ? transformer : undefined
+ if (!severity) return
- function transformer(tree, file, next) {
- var index = file.messages.length;
+ const fatal = severity === 2;
- fn(tree, file, options, done);
+ return (tree, file, next) => {
+ let index = file.messages.length - 1;
- function done(err) {
- var messages = file.messages;
- var message;
+ wrap(rule, (error) => {
+ const messages = file.messages;
// Add the error, if not already properly added.
- /* istanbul ignore if - only happens for incorrect plugins */
- if (err && messages.indexOf(err) === -1) {
+ // Only happens for incorrect plugins.
+ /* c8 ignore next 6 */
+ // @ts-expect-error: errors could be `messages`.
+ if (error && !messages.includes(error)) {
try {
- } catch (_) {}
+ } catch {}
- while (index < messages.length) {
- message = messages[index];
- message.ruleId = ruleId;
- message.source = source;
- message.fatal = fatal;
- index++;
+ while (++index < messages.length) {
+ Object.assign(messages[index], {ruleId, source, fatal});
- }
+ })(tree, file, options);
-// Coerce a value to a severity--options tuple.
-function coerce(name, value) {
- var def = 1;
- var result;
- var level;
+ * Coerce a value to a severity--options tuple.
+ *
+ * @param {string} name
+ * @param {unknown} value
+ * @returns {SeverityTuple}
+ */
+function coerce$5(name, value) {
+ /** @type {unknown[]} */
+ let result;
- /* istanbul ignore if - Handled by unified in v6.0.0 */
if (typeof value === 'boolean') {
result = [value];
- } else if (value == null) {
- result = [def];
+ } else if (value === null || value === undefined) {
+ result = [1];
} else if (
- typeof value === 'object' &&
- (typeof value[0] === 'number' ||
- typeof value[0] === 'boolean' ||
- typeof value[0] === 'string')
+ Array.isArray(value) &&
+ // `isArray(unknown)` is turned into `any[]`:
+ // type-coverage:ignore-next-line
+ primitives$5.has(typeof value[0])
) {
- result = value.concat();
+ // `isArray(unknown)` is turned into `any[]`:
+ // type-coverage:ignore-next-line
+ result = [...value];
} else {
result = [1, value];
- level = result[0];
+ let level = result[0];
if (typeof level === 'boolean') {
level = level ? 1 : 0;
@@ -60690,7 +56380,7 @@ function coerce(name, value) {
- if (level < 0 || level > 2) {
+ if (typeof level !== 'number' || level < 0 || level > 2) {
throw new Error(
'Incorrect severity `' +
level +
@@ -60703,285 +56393,24 @@ function coerce(name, value) {
result[0] = level;
+ // @ts-expect-error: it’s now a valid tuple.
return result
-var convert_1 = convert$1;
-function convert$1(test) {
- if (test == null) {
- return ok
- }
- if (typeof test === 'string') {
- return typeFactory(test)
- }
- if (typeof test === 'object') {
- return 'length' in test ? anyFactory(test) : allFactory(test)
- }
- if (typeof test === 'function') {
- return test
- }
- throw new Error('Expected function, string, or object as test')
-// Utility assert each property in `test` is represented in `node`, and each
-// values are strictly equal.
-function allFactory(test) {
- return all
- function all(node) {
- var key;
- for (key in test) {
- if (node[key] !== test[key]) return false
- }
- return true
- }
-function anyFactory(tests) {
- var checks = [];
- var index = -1;
- while (++index < tests.length) {
- checks[index] = convert$1(tests[index]);
- }
- return any
- function any() {
- var index = -1;
- while (++index < checks.length) {
- if (checks[index].apply(this, arguments)) {
- return true
- }
- }
- return false
- }
-// Utility to convert a string into a function which checks a given node’s type
-// for said string.
-function typeFactory(test) {
- return type
- function type(node) {
- return Boolean(node && node.type === test)
- }
-// Utility to return true.
-function ok() {
- return true
-var color_1 = color$1;
-function color$1(d) {
- return '\u001B[33m' + d + '\u001B[39m'
-var unistUtilVisitParents = visitParents$1;
-var convert = convert_1;
-var color = color_1;
-var CONTINUE$1 = true;
-var SKIP$1 = 'skip';
-var EXIT$1 = false;
-visitParents$1.CONTINUE = CONTINUE$1;
-visitParents$1.SKIP = SKIP$1;
-visitParents$1.EXIT = EXIT$1;
-function visitParents$1(tree, test, visitor, reverse) {
- var step;
- var is;
- if (typeof test === 'function' && typeof visitor !== 'function') {
- reverse = visitor;
- visitor = test;
- test = null;
- }
- is = convert(test);
- step = reverse ? -1 : 1;
- factory(tree, null, [])();
- function factory(node, index, parents) {
- var value = typeof node === 'object' && node !== null ? node : {};
- var name;
- if (typeof value.type === 'string') {
- name =
- typeof value.tagName === 'string'
- ? value.tagName
- : typeof === 'string'
- ?
- : undefined;
- visit.displayName =
- 'node (' + color(value.type + (name ? '<' + name + '>' : '')) + ')';
- }
- return visit
- function visit() {
- var grandparents = parents.concat(node);
- var result = [];
- var subresult;
- var offset;
- if (!test || is(node, index, parents[parents.length - 1] || null)) {
- result = toResult(visitor(node, parents));
- if (result[0] === EXIT$1) {
- return result
- }
- }
- if (node.children && result[0] !== SKIP$1) {
- offset = (reverse ? node.children.length : -1) + step;
- while (offset > -1 && offset < node.children.length) {
- subresult = factory(node.children[offset], offset, grandparents)();
- if (subresult[0] === EXIT$1) {
- return subresult
- }
- offset =
- typeof subresult[1] === 'number' ? subresult[1] : offset + step;
- }
- }
- return result
- }
- }
-function toResult(value) {
- if (value !== null && typeof value === 'object' && 'length' in value) {
- return value
- }
- if (typeof value === 'number') {
- return [CONTINUE$1, value]
- }
- return [value]
-var unistUtilVisit = visit$1;
-var visitParents = unistUtilVisitParents;
-var CONTINUE = visitParents.CONTINUE;
-var SKIP = visitParents.SKIP;
-var EXIT = visitParents.EXIT;
-visit$1.SKIP = SKIP;
-visit$1.EXIT = EXIT;
-function visit$1(tree, test, visitor, reverse) {
- if (typeof test === 'function' && typeof visitor !== 'function') {
- reverse = visitor;
- visitor = test;
- test = null;
- }
- visitParents(tree, test, overload, reverse);
- function overload(node, parents) {
- var parent = parents[parents.length - 1];
- var index = parent ? parent.children.indexOf(node) : null;
- return visitor(node, index, parent)
- }
-var vfileLocation$1 = factory;
-function factory(file) {
- var value = String(file);
- var indices = [];
- var search = /\r?\n|\r/g;
- while (search.exec(value)) {
- indices.push(search.lastIndex);
- }
- indices.push(value.length + 1);
- return {
- toPoint: offsetToPoint,
- toPosition: offsetToPoint,
- toOffset: pointToOffset
- }
- // Get the line and column-based `point` for `offset` in the bound indices.
- function offsetToPoint(offset) {
- var index = -1;
- if (offset > -1 && offset < indices[indices.length - 1]) {
- while (++index < indices.length) {
- if (indices[index] > offset) {
- return {
- line: index + 1,
- column: offset - (indices[index - 1] || 0) + 1,
- offset: offset
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return {}
- }
- // Get the `offset` for a line and column-based `point` in the bound
- // indices.
- function pointToOffset(point) {
- var line = point && point.line;
- var column = point && point.column;
- var offset;
- if (!isNaN(line) && !isNaN(column) && line - 1 in indices) {
- offset = (indices[line - 2] || 0) + column - 1 || 0;
- }
- return offset > -1 && offset < indices[indices.length - 1] ? offset : -1
- }
-const escapeStringRegexp$1 = escapeStringRegexp$2;
-const position = unistUtilPosition;
-const rule = unifiedLintRule;
-const visit = unistUtilVisit;
-const vfileLocation = vfileLocation$1;
-const start$1 = position.start;
-var remarkLintProhibitedStrings = rule('remark-lint:prohibited-strings', prohibitedStrings);
+const remarkLintProhibitedStrings = lintRule$5('remark-lint:prohibited-strings', prohibitedStrings);
function testProhibited (val, content) {
let regexpFlags = 'g';
let no =;
if (!no) {
- no = escapeStringRegexp$1(val.yes);
+ no = escapeStringRegexp(val.yes);
regexpFlags += 'i';
let regexpString = '(?<!\\.|@[a-zA-Z0-9/-]*)';
- const ignoreNextTo = val.ignoreNextTo ? escapeStringRegexp$1(val.ignoreNextTo) : '';
+ const ignoreNextTo = val.ignoreNextTo ? escapeStringRegexp(val.ignoreNextTo) : '';
const replaceCaptureGroups = !!val.replaceCaptureGroups;
// If it starts with a letter, make sure it is a word break.
@@ -61022,13 +56451,13 @@ function testProhibited (val, content) {
function prohibitedStrings (ast, file, strings) {
- const location = vfileLocation(file);
+ const myLocation = location(file);
visit(ast, 'text', checkText);
function checkText (node) {
const content = node.value;
- const initial = start$1(node).offset;
+ const initial = pointStart(node).offset;
strings.forEach((val) => {
const results = testProhibited(val, content);
@@ -61036,8 +56465,8 @@ function prohibitedStrings (ast, file, strings) {
results.forEach(({ result, index, yes }) => {
const message = val.yes ? `Use "${yes}" instead of "${result}"` : `Do not use "${result}"`;
file.message(message, {
- start: location.toPoint(initial + index),
- end: location.toPoint(initial + index + [...result].length)
+ start: myLocation.toPoint(initial + index),
+ end: myLocation.toPoint(initial + index + [...result].length)
@@ -61046,6 +56475,134 @@ function prohibitedStrings (ast, file, strings) {
+ * @typedef {import('unist').Node} Node
+ * @typedef {import('vfile').VFile} VFile
+ *
+ * @typedef {0|1|2} Severity
+ * @typedef {'warn'|'on'|'off'|'error'} Label
+ * @typedef {[Severity, ...unknown[]]} SeverityTuple
+ *
+ * @callback Rule
+ * @param {Node} tree
+ * @param {VFile} file
+ * @param {unknown} options
+ * @returns {void}
+ */
+const primitives$4 = new Set(['string', 'number', 'boolean']);
+ * @param {string} id
+ * @param {Rule} rule
+ */
+function lintRule$4(id, rule) {
+ const parts = id.split(':');
+ // Possibly useful if externalised later.
+ /* c8 ignore next */
+ const source = parts[1] ? parts[0] : undefined;
+ const ruleId = parts[1];
+ Object.defineProperty(plugin, 'name', {value: id});
+ return plugin
+ /** @type {import('unified').Plugin<[unknown]|void[]>} */
+ function plugin(raw) {
+ const [severity, options] = coerce$4(ruleId, raw);
+ if (!severity) return
+ const fatal = severity === 2;
+ return (tree, file, next) => {
+ let index = file.messages.length - 1;
+ wrap(rule, (error) => {
+ const messages = file.messages;
+ // Add the error, if not already properly added.
+ // Only happens for incorrect plugins.
+ /* c8 ignore next 6 */
+ // @ts-expect-error: errors could be `messages`.
+ if (error && !messages.includes(error)) {
+ try {
+ } catch {}
+ }
+ while (++index < messages.length) {
+ Object.assign(messages[index], {ruleId, source, fatal});
+ }
+ next();
+ })(tree, file, options);
+ }
+ }
+ * Coerce a value to a severity--options tuple.
+ *
+ * @param {string} name
+ * @param {unknown} value
+ * @returns {SeverityTuple}
+ */
+function coerce$4(name, value) {
+ /** @type {unknown[]} */
+ let result;
+ if (typeof value === 'boolean') {
+ result = [value];
+ } else if (value === null || value === undefined) {
+ result = [1];
+ } else if (
+ Array.isArray(value) &&
+ // `isArray(unknown)` is turned into `any[]`:
+ // type-coverage:ignore-next-line
+ primitives$4.has(typeof value[0])
+ ) {
+ // `isArray(unknown)` is turned into `any[]`:
+ // type-coverage:ignore-next-line
+ result = [...value];
+ } else {
+ result = [1, value];
+ }
+ let level = result[0];
+ if (typeof level === 'boolean') {
+ level = level ? 1 : 0;
+ } else if (typeof level === 'string') {
+ if (level === 'off') {
+ level = 0;
+ } else if (level === 'on' || level === 'warn') {
+ level = 1;
+ } else if (level === 'error') {
+ level = 2;
+ } else {
+ level = 1;
+ result = [level, result];
+ }
+ }
+ if (typeof level !== 'number' || level < 0 || level > 2) {
+ throw new Error(
+ 'Incorrect severity `' +
+ level +
+ '` for `' +
+ name +
+ '`, ' +
+ 'expected 0, 1, or 2'
+ )
+ }
+ result[0] = level;
+ // @ts-expect-error: it’s now a valid tuple.
+ return result
* @author Titus Wormer
* @copyright 2015 Titus Wormer
* @license MIT
@@ -61107,7 +56664,7 @@ function prohibitedStrings (ast, file, strings) {
* 1:1: Incorrect preferred rule style: provide a correct markdown rule or `'consistent'`
-const remarkLintRuleStyle = lintRule(
+const remarkLintRuleStyle = lintRule$4(
/** @type {import('unified-lint-rule').Rule<Root, Options>} */
(tree, file, option = 'consistent') => {
@@ -61119,7 +56676,7 @@ const remarkLintRuleStyle = lintRule(
- visit$2(tree, 'thematicBreak', (node) => {
+ visit(tree, 'thematicBreak', (node) => {
const initial = pointStart(node).offset;
const final = pointEnd(node).offset;
@@ -61139,6 +56696,134 @@ const remarkLintRuleStyle = lintRule(
var remarkLintRuleStyle$1 = remarkLintRuleStyle;
+ * @typedef {import('unist').Node} Node
+ * @typedef {import('vfile').VFile} VFile
+ *
+ * @typedef {0|1|2} Severity
+ * @typedef {'warn'|'on'|'off'|'error'} Label
+ * @typedef {[Severity, ...unknown[]]} SeverityTuple
+ *
+ * @callback Rule
+ * @param {Node} tree
+ * @param {VFile} file
+ * @param {unknown} options
+ * @returns {void}
+ */
+const primitives$3 = new Set(['string', 'number', 'boolean']);
+ * @param {string} id
+ * @param {Rule} rule
+ */
+function lintRule$3(id, rule) {
+ const parts = id.split(':');
+ // Possibly useful if externalised later.
+ /* c8 ignore next */
+ const source = parts[1] ? parts[0] : undefined;
+ const ruleId = parts[1];
+ Object.defineProperty(plugin, 'name', {value: id});
+ return plugin
+ /** @type {import('unified').Plugin<[unknown]|void[]>} */
+ function plugin(raw) {
+ const [severity, options] = coerce$3(ruleId, raw);
+ if (!severity) return
+ const fatal = severity === 2;
+ return (tree, file, next) => {
+ let index = file.messages.length - 1;
+ wrap(rule, (error) => {
+ const messages = file.messages;
+ // Add the error, if not already properly added.
+ // Only happens for incorrect plugins.
+ /* c8 ignore next 6 */
+ // @ts-expect-error: errors could be `messages`.
+ if (error && !messages.includes(error)) {
+ try {
+ } catch {}
+ }
+ while (++index < messages.length) {
+ Object.assign(messages[index], {ruleId, source, fatal});
+ }
+ next();
+ })(tree, file, options);
+ }
+ }
+ * Coerce a value to a severity--options tuple.
+ *
+ * @param {string} name
+ * @param {unknown} value
+ * @returns {SeverityTuple}
+ */
+function coerce$3(name, value) {
+ /** @type {unknown[]} */
+ let result;
+ if (typeof value === 'boolean') {
+ result = [value];
+ } else if (value === null || value === undefined) {
+ result = [1];
+ } else if (
+ Array.isArray(value) &&
+ // `isArray(unknown)` is turned into `any[]`:
+ // type-coverage:ignore-next-line
+ primitives$3.has(typeof value[0])
+ ) {
+ // `isArray(unknown)` is turned into `any[]`:
+ // type-coverage:ignore-next-line
+ result = [...value];
+ } else {
+ result = [1, value];
+ }
+ let level = result[0];
+ if (typeof level === 'boolean') {
+ level = level ? 1 : 0;
+ } else if (typeof level === 'string') {
+ if (level === 'off') {
+ level = 0;
+ } else if (level === 'on' || level === 'warn') {
+ level = 1;
+ } else if (level === 'error') {
+ level = 2;
+ } else {
+ level = 1;
+ result = [level, result];
+ }
+ }
+ if (typeof level !== 'number' || level < 0 || level > 2) {
+ throw new Error(
+ 'Incorrect severity `' +
+ level +
+ '` for `' +
+ name +
+ '`, ' +
+ 'expected 0, 1, or 2'
+ )
+ }
+ result[0] = level;
+ // @ts-expect-error: it’s now a valid tuple.
+ return result
* @author Titus Wormer
* @copyright 2015 Titus Wormer
* @license MIT
@@ -61198,7 +56883,7 @@ var remarkLintRuleStyle$1 = remarkLintRuleStyle;
* 1:1: Incorrect strong marker `💩`: use either `'consistent'`, `'*'`, or `'_'`
-const remarkLintStrongMarker = lintRule(
+const remarkLintStrongMarker = lintRule$3(
/** @type {import('unified-lint-rule').Rule<Root, Options>} */
(tree, file, option = 'consistent') => {
@@ -61212,7 +56897,7 @@ const remarkLintStrongMarker = lintRule(
- visit$2(tree, 'strong', (node) => {
+ visit(tree, 'strong', (node) => {
const start = pointStart(node).offset;
if (typeof start === 'number') {
@@ -61231,6 +56916,134 @@ const remarkLintStrongMarker = lintRule(
var remarkLintStrongMarker$1 = remarkLintStrongMarker;
+ * @typedef {import('unist').Node} Node
+ * @typedef {import('vfile').VFile} VFile
+ *
+ * @typedef {0|1|2} Severity
+ * @typedef {'warn'|'on'|'off'|'error'} Label
+ * @typedef {[Severity, ...unknown[]]} SeverityTuple
+ *
+ * @callback Rule
+ * @param {Node} tree
+ * @param {VFile} file
+ * @param {unknown} options
+ * @returns {void}
+ */
+const primitives$2 = new Set(['string', 'number', 'boolean']);
+ * @param {string} id
+ * @param {Rule} rule
+ */
+function lintRule$2(id, rule) {
+ const parts = id.split(':');
+ // Possibly useful if externalised later.
+ /* c8 ignore next */
+ const source = parts[1] ? parts[0] : undefined;
+ const ruleId = parts[1];
+ Object.defineProperty(plugin, 'name', {value: id});
+ return plugin
+ /** @type {import('unified').Plugin<[unknown]|void[]>} */
+ function plugin(raw) {
+ const [severity, options] = coerce$2(ruleId, raw);
+ if (!severity) return
+ const fatal = severity === 2;
+ return (tree, file, next) => {
+ let index = file.messages.length - 1;
+ wrap(rule, (error) => {
+ const messages = file.messages;
+ // Add the error, if not already properly added.
+ // Only happens for incorrect plugins.
+ /* c8 ignore next 6 */
+ // @ts-expect-error: errors could be `messages`.
+ if (error && !messages.includes(error)) {
+ try {
+ } catch {}
+ }
+ while (++index < messages.length) {
+ Object.assign(messages[index], {ruleId, source, fatal});
+ }
+ next();
+ })(tree, file, options);
+ }
+ }
+ * Coerce a value to a severity--options tuple.
+ *
+ * @param {string} name
+ * @param {unknown} value
+ * @returns {SeverityTuple}
+ */
+function coerce$2(name, value) {
+ /** @type {unknown[]} */
+ let result;
+ if (typeof value === 'boolean') {
+ result = [value];
+ } else if (value === null || value === undefined) {
+ result = [1];
+ } else if (
+ Array.isArray(value) &&
+ // `isArray(unknown)` is turned into `any[]`:
+ // type-coverage:ignore-next-line
+ primitives$2.has(typeof value[0])
+ ) {
+ // `isArray(unknown)` is turned into `any[]`:
+ // type-coverage:ignore-next-line
+ result = [...value];
+ } else {
+ result = [1, value];
+ }
+ let level = result[0];
+ if (typeof level === 'boolean') {
+ level = level ? 1 : 0;
+ } else if (typeof level === 'string') {
+ if (level === 'off') {
+ level = 0;
+ } else if (level === 'on' || level === 'warn') {
+ level = 1;
+ } else if (level === 'error') {
+ level = 2;
+ } else {
+ level = 1;
+ result = [level, result];
+ }
+ }
+ if (typeof level !== 'number' || level < 0 || level > 2) {
+ throw new Error(
+ 'Incorrect severity `' +
+ level +
+ '` for `' +
+ name +
+ '`, ' +
+ 'expected 0, 1, or 2'
+ )
+ }
+ result[0] = level;
+ // @ts-expect-error: it’s now a valid tuple.
+ return result
* @author Titus Wormer
* @copyright 2015 Titus Wormer
* @license MIT
@@ -61402,7 +57215,7 @@ var remarkLintStrongMarker$1 = remarkLintStrongMarker;
* | Echo | Foxtrot |
-const remarkLintTableCellPadding = lintRule(
+const remarkLintTableCellPadding = lintRule$2(
/** @type {import('unified-lint-rule').Rule<Root, Options>} */
(tree, file, option = 'consistent') => {
@@ -61418,7 +57231,7 @@ const remarkLintTableCellPadding = lintRule(
- visit$2(tree, 'table', (node) => {
+ visit(tree, 'table', (node) => {
const rows = node.children;
// To do: fix types to always have `align` defined.
/* c8 ignore next */
@@ -61487,7 +57300,7 @@ const remarkLintTableCellPadding = lintRule(
checkSide('end', entries[index], style, sizes);
- return SKIP$2
+ return SKIP$1
@@ -61568,6 +57381,134 @@ function size(node) {
+ * @typedef {import('unist').Node} Node
+ * @typedef {import('vfile').VFile} VFile
+ *
+ * @typedef {0|1|2} Severity
+ * @typedef {'warn'|'on'|'off'|'error'} Label
+ * @typedef {[Severity, ...unknown[]]} SeverityTuple
+ *
+ * @callback Rule
+ * @param {Node} tree
+ * @param {VFile} file
+ * @param {unknown} options
+ * @returns {void}
+ */
+const primitives$1 = new Set(['string', 'number', 'boolean']);
+ * @param {string} id
+ * @param {Rule} rule
+ */
+function lintRule$1(id, rule) {
+ const parts = id.split(':');
+ // Possibly useful if externalised later.
+ /* c8 ignore next */
+ const source = parts[1] ? parts[0] : undefined;
+ const ruleId = parts[1];
+ Object.defineProperty(plugin, 'name', {value: id});
+ return plugin
+ /** @type {import('unified').Plugin<[unknown]|void[]>} */
+ function plugin(raw) {
+ const [severity, options] = coerce$1(ruleId, raw);
+ if (!severity) return
+ const fatal = severity === 2;
+ return (tree, file, next) => {
+ let index = file.messages.length - 1;
+ wrap(rule, (error) => {
+ const messages = file.messages;
+ // Add the error, if not already properly added.
+ // Only happens for incorrect plugins.
+ /* c8 ignore next 6 */
+ // @ts-expect-error: errors could be `messages`.
+ if (error && !messages.includes(error)) {
+ try {
+ } catch {}
+ }
+ while (++index < messages.length) {
+ Object.assign(messages[index], {ruleId, source, fatal});
+ }
+ next();
+ })(tree, file, options);
+ }
+ }
+ * Coerce a value to a severity--options tuple.
+ *
+ * @param {string} name
+ * @param {unknown} value
+ * @returns {SeverityTuple}
+ */
+function coerce$1(name, value) {
+ /** @type {unknown[]} */
+ let result;
+ if (typeof value === 'boolean') {
+ result = [value];
+ } else if (value === null || value === undefined) {
+ result = [1];
+ } else if (
+ Array.isArray(value) &&
+ // `isArray(unknown)` is turned into `any[]`:
+ // type-coverage:ignore-next-line
+ primitives$1.has(typeof value[0])
+ ) {
+ // `isArray(unknown)` is turned into `any[]`:
+ // type-coverage:ignore-next-line
+ result = [...value];
+ } else {
+ result = [1, value];
+ }
+ let level = result[0];
+ if (typeof level === 'boolean') {
+ level = level ? 1 : 0;
+ } else if (typeof level === 'string') {
+ if (level === 'off') {
+ level = 0;
+ } else if (level === 'on' || level === 'warn') {
+ level = 1;
+ } else if (level === 'error') {
+ level = 2;
+ } else {
+ level = 1;
+ result = [level, result];
+ }
+ }
+ if (typeof level !== 'number' || level < 0 || level > 2) {
+ throw new Error(
+ 'Incorrect severity `' +
+ level +
+ '` for `' +
+ name +
+ '`, ' +
+ 'expected 0, 1, or 2'
+ )
+ }
+ result[0] = level;
+ // @ts-expect-error: it’s now a valid tuple.
+ return result
* @author Titus Wormer
* @copyright 2015 Titus Wormer
* @license MIT
@@ -61609,13 +57550,13 @@ function size(node) {
const reasonStart = 'Missing initial pipe in table fence';
const reasonEnd = 'Missing final pipe in table fence';
-const remarkLintTablePipes = lintRule(
+const remarkLintTablePipes = lintRule$1(
/** @type {import('unified-lint-rule').Rule<Root, void>} */
(tree, file) => {
const value = String(file);
- visit$2(tree, 'table', (node) => {
+ visit(tree, 'table', (node) => {
let index = -1;
while (++index < node.children.length) {
@@ -61644,6 +57585,134 @@ const remarkLintTablePipes = lintRule(
var remarkLintTablePipes$1 = remarkLintTablePipes;
+ * @typedef {import('unist').Node} Node
+ * @typedef {import('vfile').VFile} VFile
+ *
+ * @typedef {0|1|2} Severity
+ * @typedef {'warn'|'on'|'off'|'error'} Label
+ * @typedef {[Severity, ...unknown[]]} SeverityTuple
+ *
+ * @callback Rule
+ * @param {Node} tree
+ * @param {VFile} file
+ * @param {unknown} options
+ * @returns {void}
+ */
+const primitives = new Set(['string', 'number', 'boolean']);
+ * @param {string} id
+ * @param {Rule} rule
+ */
+function lintRule(id, rule) {
+ const parts = id.split(':');
+ // Possibly useful if externalised later.
+ /* c8 ignore next */
+ const source = parts[1] ? parts[0] : undefined;
+ const ruleId = parts[1];
+ Object.defineProperty(plugin, 'name', {value: id});
+ return plugin
+ /** @type {import('unified').Plugin<[unknown]|void[]>} */
+ function plugin(raw) {
+ const [severity, options] = coerce(ruleId, raw);
+ if (!severity) return
+ const fatal = severity === 2;
+ return (tree, file, next) => {
+ let index = file.messages.length - 1;
+ wrap(rule, (error) => {
+ const messages = file.messages;
+ // Add the error, if not already properly added.
+ // Only happens for incorrect plugins.
+ /* c8 ignore next 6 */
+ // @ts-expect-error: errors could be `messages`.
+ if (error && !messages.includes(error)) {
+ try {
+ } catch {}
+ }
+ while (++index < messages.length) {
+ Object.assign(messages[index], {ruleId, source, fatal});
+ }
+ next();
+ })(tree, file, options);
+ }
+ }
+ * Coerce a value to a severity--options tuple.
+ *
+ * @param {string} name
+ * @param {unknown} value
+ * @returns {SeverityTuple}
+ */
+function coerce(name, value) {
+ /** @type {unknown[]} */
+ let result;
+ if (typeof value === 'boolean') {
+ result = [value];
+ } else if (value === null || value === undefined) {
+ result = [1];
+ } else if (
+ Array.isArray(value) &&
+ // `isArray(unknown)` is turned into `any[]`:
+ // type-coverage:ignore-next-line
+ primitives.has(typeof value[0])
+ ) {
+ // `isArray(unknown)` is turned into `any[]`:
+ // type-coverage:ignore-next-line
+ result = [...value];
+ } else {
+ result = [1, value];
+ }
+ let level = result[0];
+ if (typeof level === 'boolean') {
+ level = level ? 1 : 0;
+ } else if (typeof level === 'string') {
+ if (level === 'off') {
+ level = 0;
+ } else if (level === 'on' || level === 'warn') {
+ level = 1;
+ } else if (level === 'error') {
+ level = 2;
+ } else {
+ level = 1;
+ result = [level, result];
+ }
+ }
+ if (typeof level !== 'number' || level < 0 || level > 2) {
+ throw new Error(
+ 'Incorrect severity `' +
+ level +
+ '` for `' +
+ name +
+ '`, ' +
+ 'expected 0, 1, or 2'
+ )
+ }
+ result[0] = level;
+ // @ts-expect-error: it’s now a valid tuple.
+ return result
* @author Titus Wormer
* @copyright 2015 Titus Wormer
* @license MIT
@@ -61734,7 +57803,7 @@ const remarkLintUnorderedListMarkerStyle = lintRule(
- visit$2(tree, 'list', (node) => {
+ visit(tree, 'list', (node) => {
if (node.ordered) return
let index = -1;
@@ -61766,10 +57835,10 @@ const remarkLintUnorderedListMarkerStyle = lintRule(
var remarkLintUnorderedListMarkerStyle$1 = remarkLintUnorderedListMarkerStyle;
-// @see
+// @see
// Add in rules alphabetically
-const remarkPresetLintNode = [
+const plugins = [
// Leave preset at the top so it can be overridden
[remarkLintBlockquoteIndentation$1, 2],
@@ -61844,343 +57913,7 @@ const remarkPresetLintNode = [
[remarkLintUnorderedListMarkerStyle$1, "*"],
-var remarkPresetLintNode$1 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
- __proto__: null,
- 'default': remarkPresetLintNode
-var require$$5 = /*@__PURE__*/getAugmentedNamespace(remarkPresetLintNode$1);
- * Like `Array#splice`, but smarter for giant arrays.
- *
- * `Array#splice` takes all items to be inserted as individual argument which
- * causes a stack overflow in V8 when trying to insert 100k items for instance.
- *
- * Otherwise, this does not return the removed items, and takes `items` as an
- * array instead of rest parameters.
- *
- * @template {unknown} T
- * @param {T[]} list
- * @param {number} start
- * @param {number} remove
- * @param {T[]} items
- * @returns {void}
- */
-function splice(list, start, remove, items) {
- const end = list.length;
- let chunkStart = 0;
- /** @type {unknown[]} */
- let parameters; // Make start between zero and `end` (included).
- if (start < 0) {
- start = -start > end ? 0 : end + start;
- } else {
- start = start > end ? end : start;
- }
- remove = remove > 0 ? remove : 0; // No need to chunk the items if there’s only a couple (10k) items.
- if (items.length < 10000) {
- parameters = Array.from(items);
- parameters.unshift(start, remove) // @ts-expect-error Hush, it’s fine.
- ;[].splice.apply(list, parameters);
- } else {
- // Delete `remove` items starting from `start`
- if (remove) [].splice.apply(list, [start, remove]); // Insert the items in chunks to not cause stack overflows.
- while (chunkStart < items.length) {
- parameters = items.slice(chunkStart, chunkStart + 10000);
- parameters.unshift(start, 0) // @ts-expect-error Hush, it’s fine.
- ;[].splice.apply(list, parameters);
- chunkStart += 10000;
- start += 10000;
- }
- }
- * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').NormalizedExtension} NormalizedExtension
- * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Extension} Extension
- * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Construct} Construct
- * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').HtmlExtension} HtmlExtension
- */
-const hasOwnProperty = {}.hasOwnProperty;
- * Combine several syntax extensions into one.
- *
- * @param {Extension[]} extensions List of syntax extensions.
- * @returns {NormalizedExtension} A single combined extension.
- */
-function combineExtensions(extensions) {
- /** @type {NormalizedExtension} */
- const all = {};
- let index = -1;
- while (++index < extensions.length) {
- syntaxExtension(all, extensions[index]);
- }
- return all
- * Merge `extension` into `all`.
- *
- * @param {NormalizedExtension} all Extension to merge into.
- * @param {Extension} extension Extension to merge.
- * @returns {void}
- */
-function syntaxExtension(all, extension) {
- /** @type {string} */
- let hook;
- for (hook in extension) {
- const maybe =, hook) ? all[hook] : undefined;
- const left = maybe || (all[hook] = {});
- const right = extension[hook];
- /** @type {string} */
- let code;
- for (code in right) {
- if (!, code)) left[code] = [];
- const value = right[code];
- constructs(
- // @ts-expect-error Looks like a list.
- left[code],
- Array.isArray(value) ? value : value ? [value] : []
- );
- }
- }
- * Merge `list` into `existing` (both lists of constructs).
- * Mutates `existing`.
- *
- * @param {unknown[]} existing
- * @param {unknown[]} list
- * @returns {void}
- */
-function constructs(existing, list) {
- let index = -1;
- /** @type {unknown[]} */
- const before = [];
- while (++index < list.length) {
-(list[index].add === 'after' ? existing : before).push(list[index]);
- }
- splice(existing, 0, 0, before);
- * Combine several HTML extensions into one.
- *
- * @param {HtmlExtension[]} htmlExtensions List of HTML extensions.
- * @returns {HtmlExtension} A single combined extension.
- */
-function combineHtmlExtensions(htmlExtensions) {
- /** @type {HtmlExtension} */
- const handlers = {};
- let index = -1;
- while (++index < htmlExtensions.length) {
- htmlExtension(handlers, htmlExtensions[index]);
- }
- return handlers
- * Merge `extension` into `all`.
- *
- * @param {HtmlExtension} all Extension to merge into.
- * @param {HtmlExtension} extension Extension to merge.
- * @returns {void}
- */
-function htmlExtension(all, extension) {
- /** @type {string} */
- let hook;
- for (hook in extension) {
- const maybe =, hook) ? all[hook] : undefined;
- const left = maybe || (all[hook] = {});
- const right = extension[hook];
- /** @type {string} */
- let type;
- if (right) {
- for (type in right) {
- left[type] = right[type];
- }
- }
- }
-// This module is generated by `script/`.
-// CommonMark handles attention (emphasis, strong) markers based on what comes
-// before or after them.
-// One such difference is if those characters are Unicode punctuation.
-// This script is generated from the Unicode data.
-const unicodePunctuationRegex =
- /[!-/:-@[-`{-~\u00A1\u00A7\u00AB\u00B6\u00B7\u00BB\u00BF\u037E\u0387\u055A-\u055F\u0589\u058A\u05BE\u05C0\u05C3\u05C6\u05F3\u05F4\u0609\u060A\u060C\u060D\u061B\u061E\u061F\u066A-\u066D\u06D4\u0700-\u070D\u07F7-\u07F9\u0830-\u083E\u085E\u0964\u0965\u0970\u09FD\u0A76\u0AF0\u0C77\u0C84\u0DF4\u0E4F\u0E5A\u0E5B\u0F04-\u0F12\u0F14\u0F3A-\u0F3D\u0F85\u0FD0-\u0FD4\u0FD9\u0FDA\u104A-\u104F\u10FB\u1360-\u1368\u1400\u166E\u169B\u169C\u16EB-\u16ED\u1735\u1736\u17D4-\u17D6\u17D8-\u17DA\u1800-\u180A\u1944\u1945\u1A1E\u1A1F\u1AA0-\u1AA6\u1AA8-\u1AAD\u1B5A-\u1B60\u1BFC-\u1BFF\u1C3B-\u1C3F\u1C7E\u1C7F\u1CC0-\u1CC7\u1CD3\u2010-\u2027\u2030-\u2043\u2045-\u2051\u2053-\u205E\u207D\u207E\u208D\u208E\u2308-\u230B\u2329\u232A\u2768-\u2775\u27C5\u27C6\u27E6-\u27EF\u2983-\u2998\u29D8-\u29DB\u29FC\u29FD\u2CF9-\u2CFC\u2CFE\u2CFF\u2D70\u2E00-\u2E2E\u2E30-\u2E4F\u2E52\u3001-\u3003\u3008-\u3011\u3014-\u301F\u3030\u303D\u30A0\u30FB\uA4FE\uA4FF\uA60D-\uA60F\uA673\uA67E\uA6F2-\uA6F7\uA874-\uA877\uA8CE\uA8CF\uA8F8-\uA8FA\uA8FC\uA92E\uA92F\uA95F\uA9C1-\uA9CD\uA9DE\uA9DF\uAA5C-\uAA5F\uAADE\uAADF\uAAF0\uAAF1\uABEB\uFD3E\uFD3F\uFE10-\uFE19\uFE30-\uFE52\uFE54-\uFE61\uFE63\uFE68\uFE6A\uFE6B\uFF01-\uFF03\uFF05-\uFF0A\uFF0C-\uFF0F\uFF1A\uFF1B\uFF1F\uFF20\uFF3B-\uFF3D\uFF3F\uFF5B\uFF5D\uFF5F-\uFF65]/;
- * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Code} Code
- */
- * Check whether the character code represents an ASCII alpha (`a` through `z`,
- * case insensitive).
- *
- * An **ASCII alpha** is an ASCII upper alpha or ASCII lower alpha.
- *
- * An **ASCII upper alpha** is a character in the inclusive range U+0041 (`A`)
- * to U+005A (`Z`).
- *
- * An **ASCII lower alpha** is a character in the inclusive range U+0061 (`a`)
- * to U+007A (`z`).
- */
-const asciiAlpha = regexCheck(/[A-Za-z]/);
- * Check whether the character code represents an ASCII digit (`0` through `9`).
- *
- * An **ASCII digit** is a character in the inclusive range U+0030 (`0`) to
- * U+0039 (`9`).
- */
-const asciiDigit = regexCheck(/\d/);
- * Check whether the character code represents an ASCII alphanumeric (`a`
- * through `z`, case insensitive, or `0` through `9`).
- *
- * An **ASCII alphanumeric** is an ASCII digit (see `asciiDigit`) or ASCII alpha
- * (see `asciiAlpha`).
- */
-const asciiAlphanumeric = regexCheck(/[\dA-Za-z]/);
- * Check whether a character code is an ASCII control character.
- *
- * An **ASCII control** is a character in the inclusive range U+0000 NULL (NUL)
- * to U+001F (US), or U+007F (DEL).
- *
- * @param {Code} code
- * @returns {code is number}
- */
-function asciiControl(code) {
- return (
- // Special whitespace codes (which have negative values), C0 and Control
- // character DEL
- code !== null && (code < 32 || code === 127)
- )
- * Check whether a character code is a markdown line ending (see
- * `markdownLineEnding`) or markdown space (see `markdownSpace`).
- *
- * @param {Code} code
- * @returns {code is number}
- */
-function markdownLineEndingOrSpace(code) {
- return code !== null && (code < 0 || code === 32)
- * Check whether a character code is a markdown line ending.
- *
- * A **markdown line ending** is the virtual characters M-0003 CARRIAGE RETURN
- *
- * In micromark, the actual character U+000A LINE FEED (LF) and U+000D CARRIAGE
- * RETURN (CR) are replaced by these virtual characters depending on whether
- * they occurred together.
- *
- * @param {Code} code
- * @returns {code is number}
- */
-function markdownLineEnding(code) {
- return code !== null && code < -2
- * Check whether a character code is a markdown space.
- *
- * A **markdown space** is the concrete character U+0020 SPACE (SP) and the
- * virtual characters M-0001 VIRTUAL SPACE (VS) and M-0002 HORIZONTAL TAB (HT).
- *
- * In micromark, the actual character U+0009 CHARACTER TABULATION (HT) is
- * replaced by one M-0002 HORIZONTAL TAB (HT) and between 0 and 3 M-0001 VIRTUAL
- * SPACE (VS) characters, depending on the column at which the tab occurred.
- *
- * @param {Code} code
- * @returns {code is number}
- */
-function markdownSpace(code) {
- return code === -2 || code === -1 || code === 32
- * Check whether the character code represents Unicode whitespace.
- *
- * Note that this does handle micromark specific markdown whitespace characters.
- * See `markdownLineEndingOrSpace` to check that.
- *
- * A **Unicode whitespace** is a character in the Unicode `Zs` (Separator,
- * Space) category, or U+0009 CHARACTER TABULATION (HT), U+000A LINE FEED (LF),
- * U+000C (FF), or U+000D CARRIAGE RETURN (CR) (**\[UNICODE]**).
- *
- * See:
- * **\[UNICODE]**:
- * [The Unicode Standard](
- * Unicode Consortium.
- */
-const unicodeWhitespace = regexCheck(/\s/);
- * Check whether the character code represents Unicode punctuation.
- *
- * A **Unicode punctuation** is a character in the Unicode `Pc` (Punctuation,
- * Connector), `Pd` (Punctuation, Dash), `Pe` (Punctuation, Close), `Pf`
- * (Punctuation, Final quote), `Pi` (Punctuation, Initial quote), `Po`
- * (Punctuation, Other), or `Ps` (Punctuation, Open) categories, or an ASCII
- * punctuation (see `asciiPunctuation`).
- *
- * See:
- * **\[UNICODE]**:
- * [The Unicode Standard](
- * Unicode Consortium.
- */
-// Size note: removing ASCII from the regex and using `asciiPunctuation` here
-// In fact adds to the bundle size.
-const unicodePunctuation = regexCheck(unicodePunctuationRegex);
- * Create a code check from a regex.
- *
- * @param {RegExp} regex
- * @returns {(code: Code) => code is number}
- */
-function regexCheck(regex) {
- return check
- /**
- * Check whether a code matches the bound regex.
- *
- * @param {Code} code Character code
- * @returns {code is number} Whether the character code matches the bound regex
- */
- function check(code) {
- return code !== null && regex.test(String.fromCharCode(code))
- }
+const remarkPresetLintNode = { plugins };
* @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Extension} Extension
@@ -63007,67 +58740,6 @@ const gfmStrikethroughHtml = {
- * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Code} Code
- */
- * Classify whether a character code represents whitespace, punctuation, or
- * something else.
- *
- * Used for attention (emphasis, strong), whose sequences can open or close
- * based on the class of surrounding characters.
- *
- * Note that eof (`null`) is seen as whitespace.
- *
- * @param {Code} code
- * @returns {number|undefined}
- */
-function classifyCharacter(code) {
- if (
- code === null ||
- markdownLineEndingOrSpace(code) ||
- unicodeWhitespace(code)
- ) {
- return 1
- }
- if (unicodePunctuation(code)) {
- return 2
- }
- * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').TokenizeContext} TokenizeContext
- * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Event} Event
- * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Resolver} Resolver
- */
- * Call all `resolveAll`s.
- *
- * @param {{resolveAll?: Resolver}[]} constructs
- * @param {Event[]} events
- * @param {TokenizeContext} context
- * @returns {Event[]}
- */
-function resolveAll(constructs, events, context) {
- /** @type {Resolver[]} */
- const called = [];
- let index = -1;
- while (++index < constructs.length) {
- const resolve = constructs[index].resolveAll;
- if (resolve && !called.includes(resolve)) {
- events = resolve(events, context);
- called.push(resolve);
- }
- }
- return events
* @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Extension} Extension
* @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Resolver} Resolver
* @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Tokenizer} Tokenizer
@@ -63388,45 +59060,6 @@ function replace$1($0, $1) {
- * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Effects} Effects
- * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').State} State
- */
- * @param {Effects} effects
- * @param {State} ok
- * @param {string} type
- * @param {number} [max=Infinity]
- * @returns {State}
- */
-function factorySpace(effects, ok, type, max) {
- const limit = max ? max - 1 : Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
- let size = 0;
- return start
- /** @type {State} */
- function start(code) {
- if (markdownSpace(code)) {
- effects.enter(type);
- return prefix(code)
- }
- return ok(code)
- }
- /** @type {State} */
- function prefix(code) {
- if (markdownSpace(code) && size++ < limit) {
- effects.consume(code);
- return prefix
- }
- effects.exit(type);
- return ok(code)
- }
* @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Extension} Extension
* @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Resolver} Resolver
* @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Tokenizer} Tokenizer
@@ -64233,7 +59866,7 @@ function spaceThenNonSpace(effects, ok, nok) {
* @param {Options} [options]
* @returns {Extension}
-function gfm$1(options) {
+function gfm(options) {
return combineExtensions([
@@ -64277,16 +59910,149 @@ function ccount(value, character) {
return count
-function escapeStringRegexp(string) {
- if (typeof string !== 'string') {
- throw new TypeError('Expected a string');
- }
+ * @param {string} d
+ * @returns {string}
+ */
+function color(d) {
+ return '\u001B[33m' + d + '\u001B[39m'
- // Escape characters with special meaning either inside or outside character sets.
- // Use a simple backslash escape when it’s always valid, and a `\xnn` escape when the simpler form would be disallowed by Unicode patterns’ stricter grammar.
- return string
- .replace(/[|\\{}()[\]^$+*?.]/g, '\\$&')
- .replace(/-/g, '\\x2d');
+ * @typedef {import('unist').Node} Node
+ * @typedef {import('unist').Parent} Parent
+ * @typedef {import('unist-util-is').Test} Test
+ */
+ * Continue traversing as normal
+ */
+const CONTINUE = true;
+ * Do not traverse this node’s children
+ */
+const SKIP = 'skip';
+ * Stop traversing immediately
+ */
+const EXIT = false;
+const visitParents =
+ /**
+ * @type {(
+ * (<T extends Node>(tree: Node, test: T['type']|Partial<T>|import('unist-util-is').TestFunctionPredicate<T>|Array.<T['type']|Partial<T>|import('unist-util-is').TestFunctionPredicate<T>>, visitor: Visitor<T>, reverse?: boolean) => void) &
+ * ((tree: Node, test: Test, visitor: Visitor<Node>, reverse?: boolean) => void) &
+ * ((tree: Node, visitor: Visitor<Node>, reverse?: boolean) => void)
+ * )}
+ */
+ (
+ /**
+ * Visit children of tree which pass a test
+ *
+ * @param {Node} tree Abstract syntax tree to walk
+ * @param {Test} test test Test node
+ * @param {Visitor<Node>} visitor Function to run for each node
+ * @param {boolean} [reverse] Fisit the tree in reverse, defaults to false
+ */
+ function (tree, test, visitor, reverse) {
+ if (typeof test === 'function' && typeof visitor !== 'function') {
+ reverse = visitor;
+ // @ts-ignore no visitor given, so `visitor` is test.
+ visitor = test;
+ test = null;
+ }
+ var is = convert(test);
+ var step = reverse ? -1 : 1;
+ factory(tree, null, [])();
+ /**
+ * @param {Node} node
+ * @param {number?} index
+ * @param {Array.<Parent>} parents
+ */
+ function factory(node, index, parents) {
+ /** @type {Object.<string, unknown>} */
+ var value = typeof node === 'object' && node !== null ? node : {};
+ /** @type {string} */
+ var name;
+ if (typeof value.type === 'string') {
+ name =
+ typeof value.tagName === 'string'
+ ? value.tagName
+ : typeof === 'string'
+ ?
+ : undefined;
+ Object.defineProperty(visit, 'name', {
+ value:
+ 'node (' +
+ color(value.type + (name ? '<' + name + '>' : '')) +
+ ')'
+ });
+ }
+ return visit
+ function visit() {
+ /** @type {ActionTuple} */
+ var result = [];
+ /** @type {ActionTuple} */
+ var subresult;
+ /** @type {number} */
+ var offset;
+ /** @type {Array.<Parent>} */
+ var grandparents;
+ if (!test || is(node, index, parents[parents.length - 1] || null)) {
+ result = toResult(visitor(node, parents));
+ if (result[0] === EXIT) {
+ return result
+ }
+ }
+ if (node.children && result[0] !== SKIP) {
+ // @ts-ignore looks like a parent.
+ offset = (reverse ? node.children.length : -1) + step;
+ // @ts-ignore looks like a parent.
+ grandparents = parents.concat(node);
+ // @ts-ignore looks like a parent.
+ while (offset > -1 && offset < node.children.length) {
+ subresult = factory(node.children[offset], offset, grandparents)();
+ if (subresult[0] === EXIT) {
+ return subresult
+ }
+ offset =
+ typeof subresult[1] === 'number' ? subresult[1] : offset + step;
+ }
+ }
+ return result
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ );
+ * @param {VisitorResult} value
+ * @returns {ActionTuple}
+ */
+function toResult(value) {
+ if (Array.isArray(value)) {
+ return value
+ }
+ if (typeof value === 'number') {
+ return [CONTINUE, value]
+ }
+ return [value]
@@ -64364,12 +60130,12 @@ const findAndReplace =
settings = {};
- const ignored = convert$2(settings.ignore || []);
+ const ignored = convert(settings.ignore || []);
const pairs = toPairs(schema);
let pairIndex = -1;
while (++pairIndex < pairs.length) {
- visitParents$3(tree, 'text', visitor);
+ visitParents(tree, 'text', visitor);
return tree
@@ -64526,7 +60292,6 @@ function toFunction(replace) {
- * @typedef {import('mdast').Link} Link
* @typedef {import('mdast-util-from-markdown').Extension} FromMarkdownExtension
* @typedef {import('mdast-util-from-markdown').Transform} FromMarkdownTransform
* @typedef {import('mdast-util-from-markdown').Handle} FromMarkdownHandle
@@ -64579,6 +60344,7 @@ const gfmAutolinkLiteralToMarkdown = {
/** @type {FromMarkdownHandle} */
function enterLiteralAutolink(token) {
+ // @ts-expect-error: `null` is fine.
this.enter({type: 'link', title: null, url: '', children: []}, token);
@@ -64595,8 +60361,7 @@ function exitLiteralAutolinkHttp(token) {
/** @type {FromMarkdownHandle} */
function exitLiteralAutolinkWww(token) {, token);
- const node = /** @type {Link} */ (this.stack[this.stack.length - 1]);
- node.url = 'http://' + this.sliceSerialize(token);
+ this.stack[this.stack.length - 1].url = 'http://' + this.sliceSerialize(token);
/** @type {FromMarkdownHandle} */
@@ -64614,8 +60379,8 @@ function transformGfmAutolinkLiterals(tree) {
- [/(https?:\/\/|www(?=\.))([-.\w]+)([^ \t\r\n]*)/gi, findUrl],
- [/([-.\w+]+)@([-\w]+(?:\.[-\w]+)+)/g, findEmail]
+ [/(https?:\/\/|www(?=\.))([-.\w]+)([^ \t\r\n]*)/i, findUrl],
+ [/([-.\w+]+)@([-\w]+(?:\.[-\w]+)+)/, findEmail]
{ignore: ['link', 'linkReference']}
@@ -64654,6 +60419,7 @@ function findUrl(_, protocol, domain, path, match) {
if (!parts[0]) return false
/** @type {PhrasingContent} */
+ // @ts-expect-error: `null` is fine.
const result = {
type: 'link',
title: null,
@@ -64683,6 +60449,7 @@ function findEmail(_, atext, label, match) {
return {
type: 'link',
+ // @ts-expect-error: `null` is fine.
title: null,
url: 'mailto:' + atext + '@' + label,
children: [{type: 'text', value: atext + '@' + label}]
@@ -64761,71 +60528,6 @@ function previous(match, email) {
- * @typedef {import('../types.js').Node} Node
- * @typedef {import('../types.js').Parent} Parent
- * @typedef {import('../types.js').SafeOptions} SafeOptions
- * @typedef {import('../types.js').Context} Context
- */
- * @param {Parent} parent
- * @param {Context} context
- * @param {SafeOptions} safeOptions
- * @returns {string}
- */
-function containerPhrasing(parent, context, safeOptions) {
- const children = parent.children || [];
- /** @type {Array.<string>} */
- const results = [];
- let index = -1;
- let before = safeOptions.before;
- while (++index < children.length) {
- const child = children[index];
- /** @type {string} */
- let after;
- if (index + 1 < children.length) {
- // @ts-expect-error: hush, it’s actually a `zwitch`.
- let handle = context.handle.handlers[children[index + 1].type];
- if (handle && handle.peek) handle = handle.peek;
- after = handle
- ? handle(children[index + 1], parent, context, {
- before: '',
- after: ''
- }).charAt(0)
- : '';
- } else {
- after = safeOptions.after;
- }
- // In some cases, html (text) can be found in phrasing right after an eol.
- // When we’d serialize that, in most cases that would be seen as html
- // (flow).
- // As we can’t escape or so to prevent it from happening, we take a somewhat
- // reasonable approach: replace that eol with a space.
- // See: <>
- if (
- results.length > 0 &&
- (before === '\r' || before === '\n') &&
- child.type === 'html'
- ) {
- results[results.length - 1] = results[results.length - 1].replace(
- /(\r?\n|\r)$/,
- ' '
- );
- before = ' ';
- }
- results.push(context.handle(child, parent, context, {before, after}));
- before = results[results.length - 1].slice(-1);
- }
- return results.join('')
* @typedef {import('mdast').Delete} Delete
* @typedef {import('mdast-util-from-markdown').Extension} FromMarkdownExtension
* @typedef {import('mdast-util-from-markdown').Handle} FromMarkdownHandle
@@ -64875,107 +60577,6 @@ function peekDelete() {
- * @typedef {import('../types.js').Unsafe} Unsafe
- */
- * @param {Unsafe} pattern
- * @returns {RegExp}
- */
-function patternCompile(pattern) {
- if (!pattern._compiled) {
- const before =
- (pattern.atBreak ? '[\\r\\n][\\t ]*' : '') +
- (pattern.before ? '(?:' + pattern.before + ')' : '');
- pattern._compiled = new RegExp(
- (before ? '(' + before + ')' : '') +
- (/[|\\{}()[\]^$+*?.-]/.test(pattern.character) ? '\\' : '') +
- pattern.character +
- (pattern.after ? '(?:' + pattern.after + ')' : ''),
- 'g'
- );
- }
- return pattern._compiled
- * @typedef {import('mdast').InlineCode} InlineCode
- * @typedef {import('../types.js').Handle} Handle
- */
-inlineCode.peek = inlineCodePeek;
- * @type {Handle}
- * @param {InlineCode} node
- */
-function inlineCode(node, _, context) {
- let value = node.value || '';
- let sequence = '`';
- let index = -1;
- // If there is a single grave accent on its own in the code, use a fence of
- // two.
- // If there are two in a row, use one.
- while (new RegExp('(^|[^`])' + sequence + '([^`]|$)').test(value)) {
- sequence += '`';
- }
- // If this is not just spaces or eols (tabs don’t count), and either the
- // first or last character are a space, eol, or tick, then pad with spaces.
- if (
- /[^ \r\n]/.test(value) &&
- ((/^[ \r\n]/.test(value) && /[ \r\n]$/.test(value)) || /^`|`$/.test(value))
- ) {
- value = ' ' + value + ' ';
- }
- // We have a potential problem: certain characters after eols could result in
- // blocks being seen.
- // For example, if someone injected the string `'\n# b'`, then that would
- // result in an ATX heading.
- // We can’t escape characters in `inlineCode`, but because eols are
- // transformed to spaces when going from markdown to HTML anyway, we can swap
- // them out.
- while (++index < context.unsafe.length) {
- const pattern = context.unsafe[index];
- const expression = patternCompile(pattern);
- /** @type {RegExpExecArray|null} */
- let match;
- // Only look for `atBreak`s.
- // Btw: note that `atBreak` patterns will always start the regex at LF or
- // CR.
- if (!pattern.atBreak) continue
- while ((match = expression.exec(value))) {
- let position = match.index;
- // Support CRLF (patterns only look for one of the characters).
- if (
- value.charCodeAt(position) === 10 /* `\n` */ &&
- value.charCodeAt(position - 1) === 13 /* `\r` */
- ) {
- position--;
- }
- value = value.slice(0, position) + ' ' + value.slice(match.index + 1);
- }
- }
- return sequence + value + sequence
- * @type {Handle}
- */
-function inlineCodePeek() {
- return '`'
* @typedef MarkdownTableOptions
* @property {string|null|Array.<string|null|undefined>} [align]
* @property {boolean} [padding=true]
@@ -65471,216 +61072,6 @@ function gfmTableToMarkdown(options) {
- * @typedef {import('../types.js').Context} Context
- * @typedef {import('../types.js').Options} Options
- */
- * @param {Context} context
- * @returns {Exclude<Options['bullet'], undefined>}
- */
-function checkBullet(context) {
- const marker = context.options.bullet || '*';
- if (marker !== '*' && marker !== '+' && marker !== '-') {
- throw new Error(
- 'Cannot serialize items with `' +
- marker +
- '` for `options.bullet`, expected `*`, `+`, or `-`'
- )
- }
- return marker
- * @typedef {import('../types.js').Context} Context
- * @typedef {import('../types.js').Options} Options
- */
- * @param {Context} context
- * @returns {Exclude<Options['listItemIndent'], undefined>}
- */
-function checkListItemIndent(context) {
- const style = context.options.listItemIndent || 'tab';
- // To do: remove in a major.
- // @ts-expect-error: deprecated.
- if (style === 1 || style === '1') {
- return 'one'
- }
- if (style !== 'tab' && style !== 'one' && style !== 'mixed') {
- throw new Error(
- 'Cannot serialize items with `' +
- style +
- '` for `options.listItemIndent`, expected `tab`, `one`, or `mixed`'
- )
- }
- return style
- * @typedef {import('../types.js').Node} Node
- * @typedef {import('../types.js').Parent} Parent
- * @typedef {import('../types.js').Join} Join
- * @typedef {import('../types.js').Context} Context
- */
- * @param {Parent} parent
- * @param {Context} context
- * @returns {string}
- */
-function containerFlow(parent, context) {
- const children = parent.children || [];
- /** @type {Array.<string>} */
- const results = [];
- let index = -1;
- while (++index < children.length) {
- const child = children[index];
- results.push(
- context.handle(child, parent, context, {before: '\n', after: '\n'})
- );
- if (index < children.length - 1) {
- results.push(between(child, children[index + 1]));
- }
- }
- return results.join('')
- /**
- * @param {Node} left
- * @param {Node} right
- * @returns {string}
- */
- function between(left, right) {
- let index = context.join.length;
- /** @type {ReturnType<Join>} */
- let result;
- while (index--) {
- result = context.join[index](left, right, parent, context);
- if (result === true || result === 1) {
- break
- }
- if (typeof result === 'number') {
- return '\n'.repeat(1 + result)
- }
- if (result === false) {
- return '\n\n<!---->\n\n'
- }
- }
- return '\n\n'
- }
- * @callback Map
- * @param {string} value
- * @param {number} line
- * @param {boolean} blank
- * @returns {string}
- */
-const eol = /\r?\n|\r/g;
- * @param {string} value
- * @param {Map} map
- * @returns {string}
- */
-function indentLines(value, map) {
- /** @type {Array.<string>} */
- const result = [];
- let start = 0;
- let line = 0;
- /** @type {RegExpExecArray|null} */
- let match;
- while ((match = eol.exec(value))) {
- one(value.slice(start, match.index));
- result.push(match[0]);
- start = match.index + match[0].length;
- line++;
- }
- one(value.slice(start));
- return result.join('')
- /**
- * @param {string} value
- */
- function one(value) {
- result.push(map(value, line, !value));
- }
- * @typedef {import('mdast').ListItem} ListItem
- * @typedef {import('mdast').List} List
- * @typedef {import('../util/indent-lines.js').Map} Map
- * @typedef {import('../types.js').Options} Options
- * @typedef {import('../types.js').Handle} Handle
- */
- * @type {Handle}
- * @param {ListItem} node
- */
-function listItem(node, parent, context) {
- const listItemIndent = checkListItemIndent(context);
- /** @type {string} */
- let bullet = checkBullet(context);
- if (parent && parent.type === 'list' && parent.ordered) {
- bullet =
- (typeof parent.start === 'number' && parent.start > -1
- ? parent.start
- : 1) +
- (context.options.incrementListMarker === false
- ? 0
- : parent.children.indexOf(node)) +
- '.';
- }
- let size = bullet.length + 1;
- if (
- listItemIndent === 'tab' ||
- (listItemIndent === 'mixed' &&
- ((parent && 'spread' in parent && parent.spread) || node.spread))
- ) {
- size = Math.ceil(size / 4) * 4;
- }
- const exit = context.enter('listItem');
- const value = indentLines(containerFlow(node, context), map);
- exit();
- return value
- /** @type {Map} */
- function map(line, index, blank) {
- if (index) {
- return (blank ? '' : ' '.repeat(size)) + line
- }
- return (blank ? bullet : bullet + ' '.repeat(size - bullet.length)) + line
- }
* @typedef {import('mdast').ListItem} ListItem
* @typedef {import('mdast').Paragraph} Paragraph
* @typedef {import('mdast').BlockContent} BlockContent
@@ -65829,7 +61220,7 @@ function gfmToMarkdown(options) {
function remarkGfm(options = {}) {
const data =;
- add('micromarkExtensions', gfm$1(options));
+ add('micromarkExtensions', gfm(options));
add('fromMarkdownExtensions', gfmFromMarkdown);
add('toMarkdownExtensions', gfmToMarkdown(options));
@@ -65848,26 +61239,10 @@ function remarkGfm(options = {}) {
-var remarkGfm$1 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
- __proto__: null,
- 'default': remarkGfm
-var require$$6 = /*@__PURE__*/getAugmentedNamespace(remarkGfm$1);
// To aid in future maintenance, this layout closely matches remark-cli/cli.js.
-const start = unifiedArgs;
-const extensions = markdownExtensions;
-const processor = remark;
-const proc = require$$3;
-const cli = require$$4;
-const lintNode = require$$5;
-const gfm = require$$6;
- processor: processor().use(gfm).use(lintNode),
+ processor: remark().use(remarkGfm).use(remarkPresetLintNode),
description: cli.description,
version: [
@@ -65879,8 +61254,6 @@ start({
packageField: + 'Config',
rcName: '.' + + 'rc',
ignoreName: '.' + + 'ignore',
- extensions: extensions,
+ extensions: markdownExtensions,
detectConfig: false,
-module.exports = cliEntry;
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+++ b/tools/node-lint-md-cli-rollup/package-lock.json
@@ -579,11 +579,11 @@
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"vfile-message": "^3.0.0"
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"dev": true,
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"requires": {
"@types/unist": "^2.0.0",
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"unist-util-visit-parents": {
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"requires": {
"@types/unist": "^2.0.0",
- "unist-util-is": "^4.0.0"
+ "unist-util-is": "^5.0.0"
"util-deprecate": {
@@ -9779,9 +7057,13 @@
"vfile-location": {
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+ "@types/unist": "^2.0.0",
+ "vfile": "^5.0.0"
+ }
"vfile-message": {
"version": "3.0.2",
diff --git a/tools/node-lint-md-cli-rollup/package.json b/tools/node-lint-md-cli-rollup/package.json
index 0602d902c2..56ad44b391 100644
--- a/tools/node-lint-md-cli-rollup/package.json
+++ b/tools/node-lint-md-cli-rollup/package.json
@@ -19,6 +19,6 @@
"main": "dist/index.js",
"scripts": {
"build": "npx rollup -c",
- "build-node": "npm run build && npx shx cp dist/index.js ../lint-md.js"
+ "build-node": "npm run build && npx shx cp dist/index.mjs ../lint-md.mjs"
diff --git a/tools/node-lint-md-cli-rollup/rollup.config.js b/tools/node-lint-md-cli-rollup/rollup.config.js
index 531103d729..0a2b2098e6 100644
--- a/tools/node-lint-md-cli-rollup/rollup.config.js
+++ b/tools/node-lint-md-cli-rollup/rollup.config.js
@@ -7,22 +7,18 @@ const json = require('@rollup/plugin-json');
module.exports = {
input: 'src/cli-entry.mjs',
output: {
- file: 'dist/index.js',
- format: 'cjs',
+ file: 'dist/index.mjs',
+ format: 'es',
sourcemap: false,
exports: 'none',
external: [
- 'stream',
- 'path',
- 'module',
- 'util',
- 'tty',
- 'os',
- 'fs',
- 'fsevents',
- 'events',
- 'assert',
+ 'node:events',
+ 'node:fs',
+ 'node:path',
+ 'node:process',
+ 'node:stream',
+ 'node:url',
plugins: [
@@ -47,7 +43,7 @@ module.exports = {
preferConst: true
- nodeResolve(), // tells Rollup how to find date-fns in node_modules
+ nodeResolve({ exportConditions: ['node'] }),
name: 'banner',
diff --git a/vcbuild.bat b/vcbuild.bat
index 202b0ecb7e..f5f3fa4226 100644
--- a/vcbuild.bat
+++ b/vcbuild.bat
@@ -674,7 +674,7 @@ for /D %%D IN (doc\*) do (
set "lint_md_files="%%F" !lint_md_files!"
-%node_exe% tools\lint-md.js -q -f %lint_md_files%
+%node_exe% tools\lint-md.mjs -q -f %lint_md_files%
goto exit