path: root/deps/npm/docs/content/using-npm/
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+section: using-npm
+title: config
+description: More than you probably want to know about npm configuration
+# config
+## More than you probably want to know about npm configuration
+### Description
+npm gets its configuration values from the following sources, sorted by priority:
+#### Command Line Flags
+Putting `--foo bar` on the command line sets the `foo` configuration
+parameter to `"bar"`. A `--` argument tells the cli parser to stop
+reading flags. Using `--flag` without specifying any value will set
+the value to `true`.
+Example: `--flag1 --flag2` will set both configuration parameters
+to `true`, while `--flag1 --flag2 bar` will set `flag1` to `true`,
+and `flag2` to `bar`. Finally, `--flag1 --flag2 -- bar` will set
+both configuration parameters to `true`, and the `bar` is taken
+as a command argument.
+#### Environment Variables
+Any environment variables that start with `npm_config_` will be
+interpreted as a configuration parameter. For example, putting
+`npm_config_foo=bar` in your environment will set the `foo`
+configuration parameter to `bar`. Any environment configurations that
+are not given a value will be given the value of `true`. Config
+values are case-insensitive, so `NPM_CONFIG_FOO=bar` will work the
+same. However, please note that inside [`npm-scripts`](/docs/using-npm/scripts)
+npm will set its own environment variables and Node will prefer
+those lowercase versions over any uppercase ones that you might set.
+For details see [this issue](
+Notice that you need to use underscores instead of dashes, so `--allow-same-version`
+would become `npm_config_allow_same_version=true`.
+#### npmrc Files
+The four relevant files are:
+* per-project configuration file (`/path/to/my/project/.npmrc`)
+* per-user configuration file (defaults to `$HOME/.npmrc`; configurable via CLI
+ option `--userconfig` or environment variable `$NPM_CONFIG_USERCONFIG`)
+* global configuration file (defaults to `$PREFIX/etc/npmrc`; configurable via
+ CLI option `--globalconfig` or environment variable `$NPM_CONFIG_GLOBALCONFIG`)
+* npm's built-in configuration file (`/path/to/npm/npmrc`)
+See [npmrc](/docs/configuring-npm/npmrc) for more details.
+#### Default Configs
+Run `npm config ls -l` to see a set of configuration parameters that are
+internal to npm, and are defaults if nothing else is specified.
+### Shorthands and Other CLI Niceties
+The following shorthands are parsed on the command-line:
+* `-v`: `--version`
+* `-h`, `-?`, `--help`, `-H`: `--usage`
+* `-s`, `--silent`: `--loglevel silent`
+* `-q`, `--quiet`: `--loglevel warn`
+* `-d`: `--loglevel info`
+* `-dd`, `--verbose`: `--loglevel verbose`
+* `-ddd`: `--loglevel silly`
+* `-g`: `--global`
+* `-C`: `--prefix`
+* `-l`: `--long`
+* `-m`: `--message`
+* `-p`, `--porcelain`: `--parseable`
+* `-reg`: `--registry`
+* `-f`: `--force`
+* `-desc`: `--description`
+* `-S`: `--save`
+* `-P`: `--save-prod`
+* `-D`: `--save-dev`
+* `-O`: `--save-optional`
+* `-B`: `--save-bundle`
+* `-E`: `--save-exact`
+* `-y`: `--yes`
+* `-n`: `--yes false`
+* `ll` and `la` commands: `ls --long`
+If the specified configuration param resolves unambiguously to a known
+configuration parameter, then it is expanded to that configuration
+parameter. For example:
+npm ls --par
+# same as:
+npm ls --parseable
+If multiple single-character shorthands are strung together, and the
+resulting combination is unambiguously not some other configuration
+param, then it is expanded to its various component pieces. For
+npm ls -gpld
+# same as:
+npm ls --global --parseable --long --loglevel info
+### Per-Package Config Settings
+When running scripts (see [`npm-scripts`](scripts)) the package.json "config"
+keys are overwritten in the environment if there is a config param of
+`<name>[@<version>]:<key>`. For example, if the package.json has
+{ "name" : "foo"
+, "config" : { "port" : "8080" }
+, "scripts" : { "start" : "node server.js" } }
+and the server.js is this:
+then the user could change the behavior by doing:
+npm config set foo:port 80
+See [package.json](/docs/configuring-npm/package-json) for more information.
+### Config Settings
+#### access
+* Default: `restricted`
+* Type: Access
+When publishing scoped packages, the access level defaults to `restricted`. If
+you want your scoped package to be publicly viewable (and installable) set
+`--access=public`. The only valid values for `access` are `public` and
+`restricted`. Unscoped packages _always_ have an access level of `public`.
+#### allow-same-version
+* Default: false
+* Type: Boolean
+Prevents throwing an error when `npm version` is used to set the new version
+to the same value as the current version.
+#### always-auth
+* Default: false
+* Type: Boolean
+Force npm to always require authentication when accessing the registry,
+even for `GET` requests.
+#### also
+* Default: null
+* Type: String
+When "dev" or "development" and running local `npm shrinkwrap`,
+`npm outdated`, or `npm update`, is an alias for `--dev`.
+#### audit
+* Default: true
+* Type: Boolean
+When "true" submit audit reports alongside `npm install` runs to the default
+registry and all registries configured for scopes. See the documentation
+for [`npm-audit`](/docs/cli-commands/npm-audit) for details on what is submitted.
+#### audit-level
+* Default: `"low"`
+* Type: `'low'`, `'moderate'`, `'high'`, `'critical'`
+The minimum level of vulnerability for `npm audit` to exit with
+a non-zero exit code.
+#### auth-type
+* Default: `'legacy'`
+* Type: `'legacy'`, `'sso'`, `'saml'`, `'oauth'`
+What authentication strategy to use with `adduser`/`login`.
+#### before
+* Alias: enjoy-by
+* Default: null
+* Type: Date
+If passed to `npm install`, will rebuild the npm tree such that only versions
+that were available **on or before** the `--before` time get installed.
+If there's no versions available for the current set of direct dependencies, the
+command will error.
+If the requested version is a `dist-tag` and the given tag does not pass the
+`--before` filter, the most recent version less than or equal to that tag will
+be used. For example, `foo@latest` might install `foo@1.2` even though `latest`
+is `2.0`.
+#### bin-links
+* Default: `true`
+* Type: Boolean
+Tells npm to create symlinks (or `.cmd` shims on Windows) for package
+Set to false to have it not do this. This can be used to work around
+the fact that some file systems don't support symlinks, even on
+ostensibly Unix systems.
+#### browser
+* Default: OS X: `"open"`, Windows: `"start"`, Others: `"xdg-open"`
+* Type: String
+The browser that is called by the `npm docs` command to open websites.
+#### ca
+* Default: The npm CA certificate
+* Type: String, Array or null
+The Certificate Authority signing certificate that is trusted for SSL
+connections to the registry. Values should be in PEM format (Windows calls it "Base-64 encoded X.509 (.CER)") with newlines
+replaced by the string "\n". For example:
+Set to `null` to only allow "known" registrars, or to a specific CA cert
+to trust only that specific signing authority.
+Multiple CAs can be trusted by specifying an array of certificates:
+See also the `strict-ssl` config.
+#### cafile
+* Default: `null`
+* Type: path
+A path to a file containing one or multiple Certificate Authority signing
+certificates. Similar to the `ca` setting, but allows for multiple CA's, as
+well as for the CA information to be stored in a file on disk.
+#### cache
+* Default: Windows: `%AppData%\npm-cache`, Posix: `~/.npm`
+* Type: path
+The location of npm's cache directory. See [`npm-cache`](/docs/cli-commands/npm-cache)
+#### cache-lock-stale
+* Default: 60000 (1 minute)
+* Type: Number
+The number of ms before cache folder lockfiles are considered stale.
+#### cache-lock-retries
+* Default: 10
+* Type: Number
+Number of times to retry to acquire a lock on cache folder lockfiles.
+#### cache-lock-wait
+* Default: 10000 (10 seconds)
+* Type: Number
+Number of ms to wait for cache lock files to expire.
+#### cache-max
+* Default: Infinity
+* Type: Number
+**DEPRECATED**: This option has been deprecated in favor of `--prefer-online`.
+`--cache-max=0` is an alias for `--prefer-online`.
+#### cache-min
+* Default: 10
+* Type: Number
+**DEPRECATED**: This option has been deprecated in favor of `--prefer-offline`.
+`--cache-min=9999 (or bigger)` is an alias for `--prefer-offline`.
+#### cert
+* Default: `null`
+* Type: String
+A client certificate to pass when accessing the registry. Values should be in
+PEM format (Windows calls it "Base-64 encoded X.509 (.CER)") with newlines replaced by the string "\n". For example:
+It is _not_ the path to a certificate file (and there is no "certfile" option).
+#### cidr
+* Default: `null`
+* Type: String, Array, null
+This is a list of CIDR address to be used when configuring limited access tokens with the `npm token create` command.
+#### color
+* Default: true
+* Type: Boolean or `"always"`
+If false, never shows colors. If `"always"` then always shows colors.
+If true, then only prints color codes for tty file descriptors.
+This option can also be changed using the environment: colors are
+disabled when the environment variable `NO_COLOR` is set to any value.
+#### depth
+* Default: Infinity
+* Type: Number
+The depth to go when recursing directories for `npm ls`,
+`npm cache ls`, and `npm outdated`.
+For `npm outdated`, a setting of `Infinity` will be treated as `0`
+since that gives more useful information. To show the outdated status
+of all packages and dependents, use a large integer value,
+e.g., `npm outdated --depth 9999`
+#### description
+* Default: true
+* Type: Boolean
+Show the description in `npm search`
+#### dev
+* Default: false
+* Type: Boolean
+Install `dev-dependencies` along with packages.
+#### dry-run
+* Default: false
+* Type: Boolean
+Indicates that you don't want npm to make any changes and that it should
+only report what it would have done. This can be passed into any of the
+commands that modify your local installation, eg, `install`, `update`,
+`dedupe`, `uninstall`. This is NOT currently honored by some network related
+commands, eg `dist-tags`, `owner`, etc.
+#### editor
+* Default: `EDITOR` environment variable if set, or `"vi"` on Posix,
+ or `"notepad"` on Windows.
+* Type: path
+The command to run for `npm edit` or `npm config edit`.
+#### engine-strict
+* Default: false
+* Type: Boolean
+If set to true, then npm will stubbornly refuse to install (or even
+consider installing) any package that claims to not be compatible with
+the current Node.js version.
+#### force
+* Default: false
+* Type: Boolean
+Makes various commands more forceful.
+* lifecycle script failure does not block progress.
+* publishing clobbers previously published versions.
+* skips cache when requesting from the registry.
+* prevents checks against clobbering non-npm files.
+#### format-package-lock
+* Default: true
+* Type: Boolean
+Format `package-lock.json` or `npm-shrinkwrap.json` as a human readable file.
+#### fetch-retries
+* Default: 2
+* Type: Number
+The "retries" config for the `retry` module to use when fetching
+packages from the registry.
+#### fetch-retry-factor
+* Default: 10
+* Type: Number
+The "factor" config for the `retry` module to use when fetching
+#### fetch-retry-mintimeout
+* Default: 10000 (10 seconds)
+* Type: Number
+The "minTimeout" config for the `retry` module to use when fetching
+#### fetch-retry-maxtimeout
+* Default: 60000 (1 minute)
+* Type: Number
+The "maxTimeout" config for the `retry` module to use when fetching
+#### fund
+* Default: true
+* Type: Boolean
+When "true" displays the message at the end of each `npm install`
+aknowledging the number of dependencies looking for funding.
+See [`npm-fund`](/docs/cli-commands/npm-fund) for details.
+#### git
+* Default: `"git"`
+* Type: String
+The command to use for git commands. If git is installed on the
+computer, but is not in the `PATH`, then set this to the full path to
+the git binary.
+#### git-tag-version
+* Default: `true`
+* Type: Boolean
+Tag the commit when using the `npm version` command.
+#### commit-hooks
+* Default: `true`
+* Type: Boolean
+Run git commit hooks when using the `npm version` command.
+#### global
+* Default: false
+* Type: Boolean
+Operates in "global" mode, so that packages are installed into the
+`prefix` folder instead of the current working directory. See
+[npm-folders](/docs/configuring-npm/folders) for more on the differences in behavior.
+* packages are installed into the `{prefix}/lib/node_modules` folder, instead of the
+ current working directory.
+* bin files are linked to `{prefix}/bin`
+* man pages are linked to `{prefix}/share/man`
+#### globalconfig
+* Default: {prefix}/etc/npmrc
+* Type: path
+The config file to read for global config options.
+#### global-style
+* Default: false
+* Type: Boolean
+Causes npm to install the package into your local `node_modules` folder with
+the same layout it uses with the global `node_modules` folder. Only your
+direct dependencies will show in `node_modules` and everything they depend
+on will be flattened in their `node_modules` folders. This obviously will
+eliminate some deduping. If used with `legacy-bundling`, `legacy-bundling` will be
+#### group
+* Default: GID of the current process
+* Type: String or Number
+The group to use when running package scripts in global mode as the root
+#### heading
+* Default: `"npm"`
+* Type: String
+The string that starts all the debugging log output.
+#### https-proxy
+* Default: null
+* Type: url
+A proxy to use for outgoing https requests. If the `HTTPS_PROXY` or
+`https_proxy` or `HTTP_PROXY` or `http_proxy` environment variables are set,
+proxy settings will be honored by the underlying `request` library.
+#### if-present
+* Default: false
+* Type: Boolean
+If true, npm will not exit with an error code when `run-script` is invoked for
+a script that isn't defined in the `scripts` section of `package.json`. This
+option can be used when it's desirable to optionally run a script when it's
+present and fail if the script fails. This is useful, for example, when running
+scripts that may only apply for some builds in an otherwise generic CI setup.
+#### ignore-prepublish
+* Default: false
+* Type: Boolean
+If true, npm will not run `prepublish` scripts.
+#### ignore-scripts
+* Default: false
+* Type: Boolean
+If true, npm does not run scripts specified in package.json files.
+#### init-module
+* Default: ~/.npm-init.js
+* Type: path
+A module that will be loaded by the `npm init` command. See the
+documentation for the
+[init-package-json]( module
+for more information, or [npm-init](/docs/cli-commands/npm-init).
+#### init-author-name
+* Default: ""
+* Type: String
+The value `npm init` should use by default for the package author's name.
+#### init-author-email
+* Default: ""
+* Type: String
+The value `npm init` should use by default for the package author's email.
+#### init-author-url
+* Default: ""
+* Type: String
+The value `npm init` should use by default for the package author's homepage.
+#### init-license
+* Default: "ISC"
+* Type: String
+The value `npm init` should use by default for the package license.
+#### init-version
+* Default: "1.0.0"
+* Type: semver
+The value that `npm init` should use by default for the package
+version number, if not already set in package.json.
+#### json
+* Default: false
+* Type: Boolean
+Whether or not to output JSON data, rather than the normal output.
+This feature is currently experimental, and the output data structures for many
+commands is either not implemented in JSON yet, or subject to change. Only the
+output from `npm ls --json` and `npm search --json` are currently valid.
+#### key
+* Default: `null`
+* Type: String
+A client key to pass when accessing the registry. Values should be in PEM
+format with newlines replaced by the string "\n". For example:
+key="-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\nXXXX\nXXXX\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----"
+It is _not_ the path to a key file (and there is no "keyfile" option).
+#### legacy-bundling
+* Default: false
+* Type: Boolean
+Causes npm to install the package such that versions of npm prior to 1.4,
+such as the one included with node 0.8, can install the package. This
+eliminates all automatic deduping. If used with `global-style` this option
+will be preferred.
+#### link
+* Default: false
+* Type: Boolean
+If true, then local installs will link if there is a suitable globally
+installed package.
+Note that this means that local installs can cause things to be
+installed into the global space at the same time. The link is only done
+if one of the two conditions are met:
+* The package is not already installed globally, or
+* the globally installed version is identical to the version that is
+ being installed locally.
+#### local-address
+* Default: undefined
+* Type: IP Address
+The IP address of the local interface to use when making connections
+to the npm registry. Must be IPv4 in versions of Node prior to 0.12.
+#### loglevel
+* Default: "notice"
+* Type: String
+* Values: "silent", "error", "warn", "notice", "http", "timing", "info",
+ "verbose", "silly"
+What level of logs to report. On failure, *all* logs are written to
+`npm-debug.log` in the current working directory.
+Any logs of a higher level than the setting are shown. The default is "notice".
+#### logstream
+* Default: process.stderr
+* Type: Stream
+This is the stream that is passed to the
+[npmlog]( module at run time.
+It cannot be set from the command line, but if you are using npm
+programmatically, you may wish to send logs to somewhere other than
+If the `color` config is set to true, then this stream will receive
+colored output if it is a TTY.
+#### logs-max
+* Default: 10
+* Type: Number
+The maximum number of log files to store.
+#### long
+* Default: false
+* Type: Boolean
+Show extended information in `npm ls` and `npm search`.
+#### maxsockets
+* Default: 50
+* Type: Number
+The maximum number of connections to use per origin (protocol/host/port
+combination). Passed to the `http` `Agent` used to make the request.
+#### message
+* Default: "%s"
+* Type: String
+Commit message which is used by `npm version` when creating version commit.
+Any "%s" in the message will be replaced with the version number.
+#### metrics-registry
+* Default: The value of `registry` (which defaults to "")
+* Type: String
+The registry you want to send cli metrics to if `send-metrics` is true.
+#### node-options
+* Default: null
+* Type: String
+Options to pass through to Node.js via the `NODE_OPTIONS` environment
+variable. This does not impact how npm itself is executed but it does
+impact how lifecycle scripts are called.
+#### node-version
+* Default: process.version
+* Type: semver or false
+The node version to use when checking a package's `engines` map.
+#### noproxy
+* Default: null
+* Type: String or Array
+A comma-separated string or an array of domain extensions that a proxy should not be used for.
+#### offline
+* Default: false
+* Type: Boolean
+Force offline mode: no network requests will be done during install. To allow
+the CLI to fill in missing cache data, see `--prefer-offline`.
+#### onload-script
+* Default: false
+* Type: path
+A node module to `require()` when npm loads. Useful for programmatic
+#### only
+* Default: null
+* Type: String
+When "dev" or "development" and running local `npm install` without any
+arguments, only devDependencies (and their dependencies) are installed.
+When "dev" or "development" and running local `npm ls`, `npm outdated`, or
+`npm update`, is an alias for `--dev`.
+When "prod" or "production" and running local `npm install` without any
+arguments, only non-devDependencies (and their dependencies) are
+When "prod" or "production" and running local `npm ls`, `npm outdated`, or
+`npm update`, is an alias for `--production`.
+#### optional
+* Default: true
+* Type: Boolean
+Attempt to install packages in the `optionalDependencies` object. Note
+that if these packages fail to install, the overall installation
+process is not aborted.
+#### otp
+* Default: null
+* Type: Number
+This is a one-time password from a two-factor authenticator. It's needed
+when publishing or changing package permissions with `npm access`.
+#### package-lock
+* Default: true
+* Type: Boolean
+If set to false, then ignore `package-lock.json` files when installing. This
+will also prevent _writing_ `package-lock.json` if `save` is true.
+When package package-locks are disabled, automatic pruning of extraneous
+modules will also be disabled. To remove extraneous modules with
+package-locks disabled use `npm prune`.
+This option is an alias for `--shrinkwrap`.
+#### package-lock-only
+* Default: false
+* Type: Boolean
+If set to true, it will update only the `package-lock.json`,
+instead of checking `node_modules` and downloading dependencies.
+#### parseable
+* Default: false
+* Type: Boolean
+Output parseable results from commands that write to
+standard output. For `npm search`, this will be tab-separated table format.
+#### prefer-offline
+* Default: false
+* Type: Boolean
+If true, staleness checks for cached data will be bypassed, but missing data
+will be requested from the server. To force full offline mode, use `--offline`.
+This option is effectively equivalent to `--cache-min=9999999`.
+#### prefer-online
+* Default: false
+* Type: Boolean
+If true, staleness checks for cached data will be forced, making the CLI look
+for updates immediately even for fresh package data.
+#### prefix
+* Default: see [npm-folders](/docs/configuring-npm/folders)
+* Type: path
+The location to install global items. If set on the command line, then
+it forces non-global commands to run in the specified folder.
+#### preid
+* Default: ""
+* Type: String
+The "prerelease identifier" to use as a prefix for the "prerelease" part of a
+semver. Like the `rc` in `1.2.0-rc.8`.
+#### production
+* Default: false
+* Type: Boolean
+Set to true to run in "production" mode.
+1. devDependencies are not installed at the topmost level when running
+ local `npm install` without any arguments.
+2. Set the NODE_ENV="production" for lifecycle scripts.
+#### progress
+* Default: true, unless TRAVIS or CI env vars set.
+* Type: Boolean
+When set to `true`, npm will display a progress bar during time intensive
+operations, if `process.stderr` is a TTY.
+Set to `false` to suppress the progress bar.
+#### proxy
+* Default: null
+* Type: url
+A proxy to use for outgoing http requests. If the `HTTP_PROXY` or
+`http_proxy` environment variables are set, proxy settings will be
+honored by the underlying `request` library.
+#### read-only
+* Default: false
+* Type: Boolean
+This is used to mark a token as unable to publish when configuring limited access tokens with the `npm token create` command.
+#### rebuild-bundle
+* Default: true
+* Type: Boolean
+Rebuild bundled dependencies after installation.
+#### registry
+* Default:
+* Type: url
+The base URL of the npm package registry.
+#### rollback
+* Default: true
+* Type: Boolean
+Remove failed installs.
+#### save
+* Default: true
+* Type: Boolean
+Save installed packages to a package.json file as dependencies.
+When used with the `npm rm` command, it removes it from the `dependencies`
+Only works if there is already a package.json file present.
+#### save-bundle
+* Default: false
+* Type: Boolean
+If a package would be saved at install time by the use of `--save`,
+`--save-dev`, or `--save-optional`, then also put it in the
+`bundleDependencies` list.
+When used with the `npm rm` command, it removes it from the
+bundledDependencies list.
+#### save-prod
+* Default: false
+* Type: Boolean
+Makes sure that a package will be saved into `dependencies` specifically. This
+is useful if a package already exists in `devDependencies` or
+`optionalDependencies`, but you want to move it to be a production dep. This is
+also the default behavior if `--save` is true, and neither `--save-dev` or
+`--save-optional` are true.
+#### save-dev
+* Default: false
+* Type: Boolean
+Save installed packages to a package.json file as `devDependencies`.
+When used with the `npm rm` command, it removes it from the
+`devDependencies` object.
+Only works if there is already a package.json file present.
+#### save-exact
+* Default: false
+* Type: Boolean
+Dependencies saved to package.json using `--save`, `--save-dev` or
+`--save-optional` will be configured with an exact version rather than
+using npm's default semver range operator.
+#### save-optional
+* Default: false
+* Type: Boolean
+Save installed packages to a package.json file as
+When used with the `npm rm` command, it removes it from the
+`devDependencies` object.
+Only works if there is already a package.json file present.
+#### save-prefix
+* Default: '^'
+* Type: String
+Configure how versions of packages installed to a package.json file via
+`--save` or `--save-dev` get prefixed.
+For example if a package has version `1.2.3`, by default its version is
+set to `^1.2.3` which allows minor upgrades for that package, but after
+`npm config set save-prefix='~'` it would be set to `~1.2.3` which only allows
+patch upgrades.
+#### scope
+* Default: the scope of the current project, if any, or ""
+* Type: String
+Associate an operation with a scope for a scoped registry. Useful when logging
+in to a private registry for the first time:
+`npm login --scope=@organization`, which
+will cause `@organization` to be mapped to the registry for future installation
+of packages specified according to the pattern `@organization/package`.
+#### script-shell
+* Default: `null`
+* Type: path
+The shell to use for scripts run with the `npm run` command.
+#### scripts-prepend-node-path
+* Default: "warn-only"
+* Type: Boolean, `"auto"` or `"warn-only"`
+If set to `true`, add the directory in which the current `node` executable
+resides to the `PATH` environment variable when running scripts,
+even if that means that `npm` will invoke a different `node` executable than
+the one which it is running.
+If set to `false`, never modify `PATH` with that.
+If set to `"warn-only"`, never modify `PATH` but print a warning if `npm` thinks
+that you may want to run it with `true`, e.g. because the `node` executable
+in the `PATH` is not the one `npm` was invoked with.
+If set to `auto`, only add that directory to the `PATH` environment variable
+if the `node` executable with which `npm` was invoked and the one that is found
+first on the `PATH` are different.
+#### searchexclude
+* Default: ""
+* Type: String
+Space-separated options that limit the results from search.
+#### searchopts
+* Default: ""
+* Type: String
+Space-separated options that are always passed to search.
+#### searchlimit
+* Default: 20
+* Type: Number
+Number of items to limit search results to. Will not apply at all to legacy
+#### searchstaleness
+* Default: 900 (15 minutes)
+* Type: Number
+The age of the cache, in seconds, before another registry request is made if
+using legacy search endpoint.
+#### send-metrics
+* Default: false
+* Type: Boolean
+If true, success/failure metrics will be reported to the registry stored in
+`metrics-registry`. These requests contain the number of successful and
+failing runs of the npm CLI and the time period overwhich those counts were
+gathered. No identifying information is included in these requests.
+#### shell
+* Default: SHELL environment variable, or "bash" on Posix, or "cmd" on
+ Windows
+* Type: path
+The shell to run for the `npm explore` command.
+#### shrinkwrap
+* Default: true
+* Type: Boolean
+If set to false, then ignore `npm-shrinkwrap.json` files when installing. This
+will also prevent _writing_ `npm-shrinkwrap.json` if `save` is true.
+This option is an alias for `--package-lock`.
+#### sign-git-commit
+* Default: false
+* Type: Boolean
+If set to true, then the `npm version` command will commit the new package
+version using `-S` to add a signature.
+Note that git requires you to have set up GPG keys in your git configs
+for this to work properly.
+#### sign-git-tag
+* Default: false
+* Type: Boolean
+If set to true, then the `npm version` command will tag the version
+using `-s` to add a signature.
+Note that git requires you to have set up GPG keys in your git configs
+for this to work properly.
+#### sso-poll-frequency
+* Default: 500
+* Type: Number
+When used with SSO-enabled `auth-type`s, configures how regularly the registry
+should be polled while the user is completing authentication.
+#### sso-type
+* Default: 'oauth'
+* Type: 'oauth', 'saml', or null
+If `--auth-type=sso`, the type of SSO type to use.
+#### strict-ssl
+* Default: true
+* Type: Boolean
+Whether or not to do SSL key validation when making requests to the
+registry via https.
+See also the `ca` config.
+#### tag
+* Default: latest
+* Type: String
+If you ask npm to install a package and don't tell it a specific version, then
+it will install the specified tag.
+Also the tag that is added to the package@version specified by the `npm
+tag` command, if no explicit tag is given.
+#### tag-version-prefix
+* Default: `"v"`
+* Type: String
+If set, alters the prefix used when tagging a new version when performing a
+version increment using `npm-version`. To remove the prefix altogether, set it
+to the empty string: `""`.
+Because other tools may rely on the convention that npm version tags look like
+`v1.0.0`, _only use this property if it is absolutely necessary_. In
+particular, use care when overriding this setting for public packages.
+#### timing
+* Default: `false`
+* Type: Boolean
+If true, writes an `npm-debug` log to `_logs` and timing information to
+`_timing.json`, both in your cache. `_timing.json` is a newline delimited
+list of JSON objects. You can quickly view it with this
+[json]( command line:
+`json -g < ~/.npm/_timing.json`.
+#### tmp
+* Default: TMPDIR environment variable, or "/tmp"
+* Type: path
+Where to store temporary files and folders. All temp files are deleted
+on success, but left behind on failure for forensic purposes.
+#### unicode
+* Default: false on windows, true on mac/unix systems with a unicode locale
+* Type: Boolean
+When set to true, npm uses unicode characters in the tree output. When
+false, it uses ascii characters to draw trees.
+#### unsafe-perm
+* Default: false if running as root, true otherwise
+* Type: Boolean
+Set to true to suppress the UID/GID switching when running package
+scripts. If set explicitly to false, then installing as a non-root user
+will fail.
+#### update-notifier
+* Default: true
+* Type: Boolean
+Set to false to suppress the update notification when using an older
+version of npm than the latest.
+#### usage
+* Default: false
+* Type: Boolean
+Set to show short usage output (like the -H output)
+instead of complete help when doing [`npm-help`](/docs/cli-commands/npm-help).
+#### user
+* Default: "nobody"
+* Type: String or Number
+The UID to set to when running package scripts as root.
+#### userconfig
+* Default: ~/.npmrc
+* Type: path
+The location of user-level configuration settings.
+#### umask
+* Default: 022
+* Type: Octal numeric string in range 0000..0777 (0..511)
+The "umask" value to use when setting the file creation mode on files
+and folders.
+Folders and executables are given a mode which is `0777` masked against
+this value. Other files are given a mode which is `0666` masked against
+this value. Thus, the defaults are `0755` and `0644` respectively.
+#### user-agent
+* Default: node/{process.version} {process.platform} {process.arch}
+* Type: String
+Sets a User-Agent to the request header
+#### version
+* Default: false
+* Type: boolean
+If true, output the npm version and exit successfully.
+Only relevant when specified explicitly on the command line.
+#### versions
+* Default: false
+* Type: boolean
+If true, output the npm version as well as node's `process.versions` map, and
+exit successfully.
+Only relevant when specified explicitly on the command line.
+#### viewer
+* Default: "man" on Posix, "browser" on Windows
+* Type: path
+The program to use to view help content.
+Set to `"browser"` to view html help content in the default web browser.
+### See also
+* [npm config](/cli-commands/npm-config)
+* [npmrc](/configuring-npm/npmrc)
+* [npm scripts](/using-npm/scripts)
+* [npm folders](/configuring-npm/folders)
+* [npm](/cli-commands/npm)