path: root/deps/npm/man/man1/coding-style.1
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 254 deletions
diff --git a/deps/npm/man/man1/coding-style.1 b/deps/npm/man/man1/coding-style.1
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index 25147bfb00..0000000000
--- a/deps/npm/man/man1/coding-style.1
+++ /dev/null
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-.\" Generated with Ronnjs 0.3.8
-.TH "NPM\-CODING\-STYLE" "1" "June 2013" "" ""
-\fBnpm-coding-style\fR \-\- npm\'s "funny" coding style
-npm\'s coding style is a bit unconventional\. It is not different for
-difference\'s sake, but rather a carefully crafted style that is
-designed to reduce visual clutter and make bugs more apparent\.
-If you want to contribute to npm (which is very encouraged), you should
-make your code conform to npm\'s style\.
-Note: this concerns npm\'s code not the specific packages at npmjs\.org
-.SH "Line Length"
-Keep lines shorter than 80 characters\. It\'s better for lines to be
-too short than to be too long\. Break up long lists, objects, and other
-statements onto multiple lines\.
-.SH "Indentation"
-Two\-spaces\. Tabs are better, but they look like hell in web browsers
-(and on github), and node uses 2 spaces, so that\'s that\.
-Configure your editor appropriately\.
-.SH "Curly braces"
-Curly braces belong on the same line as the thing that necessitates them\.
-.IP "" 4
-function ()
-.IP "" 0
-.IP "" 4
-function () {
-.IP "" 0
-If a block needs to wrap to the next line, use a curly brace\. Don\'t
-use it if it doesn\'t\.
-.IP "" 4
-if (foo) { bar() }
-while (foo)
- bar()
-.IP "" 0
-.IP "" 4
-if (foo) bar()
-while (foo) {
- bar()
-.IP "" 0
-.SH "Semicolons"
-Don\'t use them except in four situations:
-.IP "\(bu" 4
-\fBfor (;;)\fR loops\. They\'re actually required\.
-.IP "\(bu" 4
-null loops like: \fBwhile (something) ;\fR (But you\'d better have a good
-reason for doing that\.)
-.IP "\(bu" 4
-\fBcase "foo": doSomething(); break\fR
-.IP "\(bu" 4
-In front of a leading \fB(\fR or \fB[\fR at the start of the line\.
-This prevents the expression from being interpreted
-as a function call or property access, respectively\.
-.IP "" 0
-Some examples of good semicolon usage:
-.IP "" 4
-;(x || y)\.doSomething()
-;[a, b, c]\.forEach(doSomething)
-for (var i = 0; i < 10; i ++) {
- switch (state) {
- case "begin": start(); continue
- case "end": finish(); break
- default: throw new Error("unknown state")
- }
- end()
-.IP "" 0
-Note that starting lines with \fB\-\fR and \fB+\fR also should be prefixed
-with a semicolon, but this is much less common\.
-.SH "Comma First"
-If there is a list of things separated by commas, and it wraps
-across multiple lines, put the comma at the start of the next
-line, directly below the token that starts the list\. Put the
-final token in the list on a line by itself\. For example:
-.IP "" 4
-var magicWords = [ "abracadabra"
- , "gesundheit"
- , "ventrilo"
- ]
- , spells = { "fireball" : function () { setOnFire() }
- , "water" : function () { putOut() }
- }
- , a = 1
- , b = "abc"
- , etc
- , somethingElse
-.IP "" 0
-.SH "Whitespace"
-Put a single space in front of ( for anything other than a function call\.
-Also use a single space wherever it makes things more readable\.
-Don\'t leave trailing whitespace at the end of lines\. Don\'t indent empty
-lines\. Don\'t use more spaces than are helpful\.
-.SH "Functions"
-Use named functions\. They make stack traces a lot easier to read\.
-.SH "Callbacks, Sync/async Style"
-Use the asynchronous/non\-blocking versions of things as much as possible\.
-It might make more sense for npm to use the synchronous fs APIs, but this
-way, the fs and http and child process stuff all uses the same callback\-passing
-The callback should always be the last argument in the list\. Its first
-argument is the Error or null\.
-Be very careful never to ever ever throw anything\. It\'s worse than useless\.
-Just send the error message back as the first argument to the callback\.
-.SH "Errors"
-Always create a new Error object with your message\. Don\'t just return a
-string message to the callback\. Stack traces are handy\.
-.SH "Logging"
-Logging is done using the npmlog \fIhttps://github\.com/isaacs/npmlog\fR
-Please clean up logs when they are no longer helpful\. In particular,
-logging the same object over and over again is not helpful\. Logs should
-report what\'s happening so that it\'s easier to track down where a fault
-Use appropriate log levels\. See \fBnpm help config\fR and search for
-.SH "Case, naming, etc\."
-Use \fBlowerCamelCase\fR for multiword identifiers when they refer to objects,
-functions, methods, members, or anything not specified in this section\.
-Use \fBUpperCamelCase\fR for class names (things that you\'d pass to "new")\.
-Use \fBall\-lower\-hyphen\-css\-case\fR for multiword filenames and config keys\.
-Use named functions\. They make stack traces easier to follow\.
-Use \fBCAPS_SNAKE_CASE\fR for constants, things that should never change
-and are rarely used\.
-Use a single uppercase letter for function names where the function
-would normally be anonymous, but needs to call itself recursively\. It
-makes it clear that it\'s a "throwaway" function\.
-.SH "null, undefined, false, 0"
-Boolean variables and functions should always be either \fBtrue\fR or \fBfalse\fR\|\. Don\'t set it to 0 unless it\'s supposed to be a number\.
-When something is intentionally missing or removed, set it to \fBnull\fR\|\.
-Don\'t set things to \fBundefined\fR\|\. Reserve that value to mean "not yet
-set to anything\."
-Boolean objects are verboten\.
-.IP "\(bu" 4
-npm help developers
-.IP "\(bu" 4
-npm help faq
-.IP "\(bu" 4
-npm help npm
-.IP "" 0