path: root/deps/npm/node_modules/node-gyp/test/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'deps/npm/node_modules/node-gyp/test/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 143 deletions
diff --git a/deps/npm/node_modules/node-gyp/test/ b/deps/npm/node_modules/node-gyp/test/
deleted file mode 100755
index b64b79a376..0000000000
--- a/deps/npm/node_modules/node-gyp/test/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
-#set -e
-test_node_versions="0.8.28 0.10.40 0.12.7"
-test_iojs_versions="1.8.4 2.4.0 3.3.0"
-__dirname="$(CDPATH= cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)"
-# borrows from
-# Simple setup function for a container:
-# setup_container(image id, base image, commands to run to set up)
-setup_container() {
- local container_id="$1"
- local base_container="$2"
- local run_cmd="$3"
- # Does this image exist? If yes, ignore
- docker inspect "$container_id" &> /dev/null
- if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then
- echo "Found existing container [$container_id]"
- else
- # No such image, so make it
- echo "Did not find container [$container_id], creating..."
- docker run -i $base_container /bin/bash -c "$run_cmd"
- sleep 2
- docker commit $(docker ps -l -q) $container_id
- fi
-# Run tests inside each of the versioned containers, copy cwd into npm's copy of node-gyp
-# so it'll be invoked by npm when a compile is needed
-# run_tests(version, test-commands)
-run_tests() {
- local version="$1"
- local run_cmd="$2"
- run_cmd="rsync -aAXx --delete --exclude .git --exclude build /node-gyp-src/ /usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/node-gyp/;
- /bin/su -s /bin/bash node-gyp -c 'cd && ${run_cmd}'"
- rm -rf $dot_node_gyp
- docker run \
- --rm -i \
- -v ~/.npm/:/node-gyp/.npm/ \
- -v ${dot_node_gyp}:/node-gyp/.node-gyp/ \
- -v $(pwd):/node-gyp-src/:ro \
- node-gyp-test/${version} /bin/bash -c "${run_cmd}"
-# A base image with build tools and a user account
-setup_container "node-gyp-test/base" "ubuntu:14.04" "
- apt-get update &&
- apt-get install -y build-essential python git rsync curl &&
- adduser --gecos node-gyp --home /node-gyp/ --disabled-login node-gyp &&
- echo "node-gyp:node-gyp" | chpasswd
-# An image on top of the base containing clones of repos we want to use for testing
-setup_container "node-gyp-test/clones" "node-gyp-test/base" "
- cd /node-gyp/ && git clone &&
- cd /node-gyp/ && git clone &&
- chown -R node-gyp.node-gyp /node-gyp/
-# An image for each of the node versions we want to test with that version installed and the latest npm
-for v in $test_node_versions; do
- setup_container "node-gyp-test/${v}" "node-gyp-test/clones" "
- curl -sL${v}/node-v${v}-linux-x64.tar.gz | tar -zxv --strip-components=1 -C /usr/ &&
- npm install npm@latest -g &&
- node -v && npm -v
- "
-# An image for each of the io.js versions we want to test with that version installed and the latest npm
-for v in $test_iojs_versions; do
- setup_container "node-gyp-test/${v}" "node-gyp-test/clones" "
- curl -sL${v}/iojs-v${v}-linux-x64.tar.gz | tar -zxv --strip-components=1 -C /usr/ &&
- npm install npm@latest -g &&
- node -v && npm -v
- "
-# Run the tests for all of the test images we've created,
-# we should see node-gyp doing its download, configure and run thing
-# _NOTE: bignum doesn't compile on 0.8 currently so it'll fail for that version only_
-for v in $test_node_versions $test_iojs_versions; do
- run_tests $v "
- cd node-buffertools && npm install --loglevel=info && npm test && cd
- "
- # removed for now, too noisy: cd node-bignum && npm install --loglevel=info && npm test
-# Test use of --target=x.y.z to compile against alternate versions
-test_download_node_version() {
- local run_with_ver="$1"
- local expected_dir="$2"
- local expected_ver="$3"
- run_tests $run_with_ver "cd node-buffertools && npm install --loglevel=info --target=${expected_ver}"
- local node_ver=$(cat "${dot_node_gyp}${expected_dir}/node_version.h" | grep '#define NODE_\w*_VERSION [0-9]*$')
- node_ver=$(echo $node_ver | sed 's/#define NODE_[A-Z]*_VERSION //g' | sed 's/ /./g')
- if [ "X$(echo $node_ver)" != "X${expected_ver}" ]; then
- echo "Did not download v${expected_ver} using --target, instead got: $(echo $node_ver)"
- exit 1
- fi
- echo "Verified correct download of [v${node_ver}]"
-test_download_node_version "0.12.7" "0.10.30/src" "0.10.30"
-test_download_node_version "3.3.0" "iojs-1.8.4/src" "1.8.4"
-# should download the headers file
-test_download_node_version "3.3.0" "iojs-3.2.0/include/node" "3.2.0"
-# TODO: test --dist-url by starting up a localhost server and serving up tarballs
-# testing --dist-url, using simple-proxy.js to make localhost work as a distribution
-# point for tarballs
-# we can test whether it uses the proxy because after 2 connections the proxy will
-# die and therefore should not be running at the end of the test, `nc` can tell us this
-run_tests "3.3.0" "
- (node /node-gyp-src/test/simple-proxy.js 8080 /foobar/ &) &&
- cd node-buffertools &&
- /node-gyp-src/bin/node-gyp.js --loglevel=info --dist-url=http://localhost:8080/foobar/ rebuild &&
- nc -z localhost 8080 && echo -e \"\\n\\n\\033[31mFAILED TO USE LOCAL PROXY\\033[39m\\n\\n\"
-run_tests "3.3.0" "
- (node /node-gyp-src/test/simple-proxy.js 8080 /doobar/ &) &&
- cd node-buffertools &&
- NVM_IOJS_ORG_MIRROR=http://localhost:8080/doobar/ /node-gyp-src/bin/node-gyp.js --loglevel=info rebuild &&
- nc -z localhost 8080 && echo -e \"\\n\\n\\033[31mFAILED TO USE LOCAL PROXY\\033[39m\\n\\n\"
-run_tests "0.12.7" "
- (node /node-gyp-src/test/simple-proxy.js 8080 /boombar/ &) &&
- cd node-buffertools &&
- NVM_NODEJS_ORG_MIRROR=http://localhost:8080/boombar/ /node-gyp-src/bin/node-gyp.js --loglevel=info rebuild &&
- nc -z localhost 8080 && echo -e \"\\n\\n\\033[31mFAILED TO USE LOCAL PROXY\\033[39m\\n\\n\"
-rm -rf $dot_node_gyp