path: root/deps/npm/test/fixtures/sandbox.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'deps/npm/test/fixtures/sandbox.js')
1 files changed, 366 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/deps/npm/test/fixtures/sandbox.js b/deps/npm/test/fixtures/sandbox.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4cdd9b70db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deps/npm/test/fixtures/sandbox.js
@@ -0,0 +1,366 @@
+const { createHook, executionAsyncId } = require('async_hooks')
+const { EventEmitter } = require('events')
+const { homedir, tmpdir } = require('os')
+const { dirname, join } = require('path')
+const { promisify } = require('util')
+const mkdirp = require('mkdirp-infer-owner')
+const npmlog = require('npmlog')
+const rimraf = promisify(require('rimraf'))
+const t = require('tap')
+let active = null
+const chain = new Map()
+const sandboxes = new Map()
+// keep a reference to the real process
+const _process = process
+const processHook = createHook({
+ init: (asyncId, type, triggerAsyncId, resource) => {
+ // track parentage of asyncIds
+ chain.set(asyncId, triggerAsyncId)
+ },
+ before: (asyncId) => {
+ // find the nearest parent id that has a sandbox
+ let parent = asyncId
+ while (chain.has(parent) && !sandboxes.has(parent)) {
+ parent = chain.get(parent)
+ }
+ process = sandboxes.has(parent)
+ ? sandboxes.get(parent)
+ : _process
+ },
+for (const level in npmlog.levels) {
+ npmlog[`_${level}`] = npmlog[level]
+ npmlog[level] = (...args) => {
+ process._logs = process._logs || {}
+ process._logs[level] = process._logs[level] || []
+ process._logs[level].push(args)
+ const _level = npmlog.level
+ npmlog.level = 'silent'
+ npmlog[`_${level}`](...args)
+ npmlog.level = _level
+ }
+const _data = Symbol('')
+const _dirs = Symbol('sandbox.dirs')
+const _test = Symbol('sandbox.test')
+const _mocks = Symbol('sandbox.mocks')
+const _npm = Symbol('sandbox.npm')
+const _parent = Symbol('sandbox.parent')
+const _output = Symbol('sandbox.output')
+const _proxy = Symbol('sandbox.proxy')
+const _get = Symbol('sandbox.proxy.get')
+const _set = Symbol('sandbox.proxy.set')
+// these config keys can be redacted widely
+const redactedDefaults = [
+ 'node-version',
+ 'npm-version',
+ 'tmp',
+// we can't just replace these values everywhere because they're known to be
+// very short strings that could be present all over the place, so we only
+// replace them if they're located within quotes for now
+const vagueRedactedDefaults = [
+ 'editor',
+ 'shell',
+const normalize = (str) => str
+ .replace(/\r\n/g, '\n') // normalize line endings (for ini)
+ .replace(/[A-z]:\\/g, '\\') // turn windows roots to posix ones
+ .replace(/\\+/g, '/') // replace \ with /
+class Sandbox extends EventEmitter {
+ constructor (test, options = {}) {
+ super()
+ this[_test] = test
+ this[_mocks] = options.mocks || {}
+ this[_data] = new Map()
+ this[_output] = []
+ const tempDir = `${test.testdirName}-sandbox`
+ this[_dirs] = {
+ temp: tempDir,
+ global: || join(tempDir, 'global'),
+ home: options.home || join(tempDir, 'home'),
+ project: options.project || join(tempDir, 'project'),
+ }
+ this[_proxy] = new Proxy(_process, {
+ get: this[_get].bind(this),
+ set: this[_set].bind(this),
+ })
+ this[_proxy].env = {}
+ this[_proxy].argv = []
+ test.cleanSnapshot = this.cleanSnapshot.bind(this)
+ test.afterEach(() => this.reset())
+ test.teardown(() => this.teardown())
+ }
+ get config () {
+ return this[_npm] && this[_npm].config
+ }
+ get logs () {
+ return this[_proxy]._logs
+ }
+ get global () {
+ return this[_dirs].global
+ }
+ get home () {
+ return this[_dirs].home
+ }
+ get project () {
+ return this[_dirs].project
+ }
+ get process () {
+ return this[_proxy]
+ }
+ get output () {
+ return this[_output].map((line) => line.join(' ')).join('\n')
+ }
+ cleanSnapshot (snapshot) {
+ let clean = normalize(snapshot)
+ const viewer = _process.platform === 'win32'
+ ? /"browser"([^:]+|$)/g
+ : /"man"([^:]+|$)/g
+ // the global prefix is platform dependent
+ const realGlobalPrefix = _process.platform === 'win32'
+ ? dirname(_process.execPath)
+ : dirname(dirname(_process.execPath))
+ const cache = _process.platform === 'win32'
+ ? /\{HOME\}\/npm-cache(\r?\n|"|\/|$)/g
+ : /\{HOME\}\/\.npm(\n|"|\/|$)/g
+ // and finally replace some paths we know could be present
+ clean = clean
+ .replace(viewer, '"{VIEWER}"$1')
+ .split(normalize(this[_proxy].execPath)).join('{EXECPATH}')
+ .split(normalize(_process.execPath)).join('{REALEXECPATH}')
+ .split(normalize('{GLOBALPREFIX}')
+ .split(normalize(realGlobalPrefix)).join('{REALGLOBALREFIX}')
+ .split(normalize(this.project)).join('{LOCALPREFIX}')
+ .split(normalize(this.home)).join('{HOME}')
+ .replace(cache, '{CACHE}$1')
+ .split(normalize(dirname(dirname(__dirname)))).join('{NPMDIR}')
+ .split(normalize(tmpdir())).join('{TMP}')
+ .split(normalize(homedir())).join('{REALHOME}')
+ .split(this[_proxy].platform).join('{PLATFORM}')
+ .split(this[_proxy].arch).join('{ARCH}')
+ // We do the defaults after everything else so that they don't cause the
+ // other cleaners to miss values we would have clobbered here. For
+ // instance if execPath is /home/user/.nvm/versions/node/1.0.0/bin/node,
+ // and we replaced the node version first, the real execPath we're trying
+ // to replace would no longer be represented, and be missed.
+ if (this[_npm]) {
+ // replace default config values with placeholders
+ for (const name of redactedDefaults) {
+ let value = this[_npm].config.defaults[name]
+ clean = clean.split(value).join(`{${name.toUpperCase()}}`)
+ }
+ // replace vague default config values that are present within quotes
+ // with placeholders
+ for (const name of vagueRedactedDefaults) {
+ const value = this[_npm].config.defaults[name]
+ clean = clean.split(`"${value}"`).join(`"{${name.toUpperCase()}}"`)
+ }
+ }
+ return clean
+ }
+ // test.afterEach hook
+ reset () {
+ this.removeAllListeners()
+ this[_parent] = undefined
+ this[_output] = []
+ this[_data].clear()
+ this[_proxy].env = {}
+ this[_proxy].argv = []
+ this[_npm] = undefined
+ }
+ // test.teardown hook
+ teardown () {
+ if (this[_parent]) {
+ sandboxes.delete(this[_parent])
+ }
+ return rimraf(this[_dirs].temp).catch(() => null)
+ }
+ // proxy get handler
+ [_get] (target, prop, receiver) {
+ if (this[_data].has(prop)) {
+ return this[_data].get(prop)
+ }
+ if (this[prop] !== undefined) {
+ return Reflect.get(this, prop, this)
+ }
+ const actual = Reflect.get(target, prop, receiver)
+ if (typeof actual === 'function') {
+ // in node 10.1 there's an interesting bug where if a function on process
+ // is called without explicitly forcing the 'this' arg to something, we
+ // get 'Illegal invocation' errors. wrapping function properties in their
+ // own proxy so that we can make sure the context is right fixes it
+ return new Proxy(actual, {
+ apply: (target, context, args) => {
+ return Reflect.apply(target, _process, args)
+ },
+ })
+ }
+ return actual
+ }
+ // proxy set handler
+ [_set] (target, prop, value) {
+ if (prop === 'env') {
+ value = {
+ ...value,
+ HOME: this.home,
+ }
+ }
+ if (prop === 'argv') {
+ value = [
+ process.execPath,
+ join(dirname(process.execPath), 'npm'),
+ ...value,
+ ]
+ }
+ return this[_data].set(prop, value)
+ }
+ async run (command, argv = []) {
+ await Promise.all([
+ mkdirp(this.project),
+ mkdirp(this.home),
+ mkdirp(,
+ ])
+ // attach the sandbox process now, doing it after the promise above is
+ // necessary to make sure that only async calls spawned as part of this
+ // call to run will receive the sandbox. if we attach it too early, we
+ // end up interfering with tap
+ this[_parent] = executionAsyncId()
+ this[_data].set('_asyncId', this[_parent])
+ sandboxes.set(this[_parent], this[_proxy])
+ process = this[_proxy]
+ this[_proxy].argv = [
+ '--prefix', this.project,
+ '--userconfig', join(this.home, '.npmrc'),
+ '--globalconfig', join(, 'npmrc'),
+ command,
+ ...argv,
+ ]
+ this[_npm] = this[_test].mock('../../lib/npm.js', this[_mocks])
+ this[_npm].output = (...args) => this[_output].push(args)
+ await this[_npm].load()
+ // in some node versions (later 10.x) our executionAsyncId at this point
+ // will for some reason appear to have been triggered by a different parent
+ // so immediately after load, if we can see that we lost our ancestry, we
+ // fix it here with a hammer
+ if (chain.get(executionAsyncId()) !== this[_parent]) {
+ chain.set(executionAsyncId(), this[_parent])
+ process = this[_proxy]
+ }
+ const cmd = this[_npm].argv.shift()
+ const impl = this[_npm].commands[cmd]
+ if (!impl) {
+ throw new Error(`Unknown command: ${cmd}`)
+ }
+ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+ impl(this[_npm].argv, (err) => {
+ if (err) {
+ return reject(err)
+ }
+ return resolve()
+ })
+ })
+ }
+ async complete (command, argv, partial) {
+ if (!Array.isArray(argv)) {
+ partial = argv
+ argv = []
+ }
+ await Promise.all([
+ mkdirp(this.project),
+ mkdirp(this.home),
+ mkdirp(,
+ ])
+ // attach the sandbox process now, doing it after the promise above is
+ // necessary to make sure that only async calls spawned as part of this
+ // call to run will receive the sandbox. if we attach it too early, we
+ // end up interfering with tap
+ this[_parent] = executionAsyncId()
+ this[_data].set('_asyncId', this[_parent])
+ sandboxes.set(this[_parent], this[_proxy])
+ process = this[_proxy]
+ this[_proxy].argv = [
+ '--prefix', this.project,
+ '--userconfig', join(this.home, '.npmrc'),
+ '--globalconfig', join(, 'npmrc'),
+ command,
+ ...argv,
+ ]
+ this[_npm] = this[_test].mock('../../lib/npm.js', this[_mocks])
+ this[_npm].output = (...args) => this[_output].push(args)
+ await this[_npm].load()
+ // in some node versions (later 10.x) our executionAsyncId at this point
+ // will for some reason appear to have been triggered by a different parent
+ // so immediately after load, if we can see that we lost our ancestry, we
+ // fix it here with a hammer
+ if (chain.get(executionAsyncId()) !== this[_parent]) {
+ chain.set(executionAsyncId(), this[_parent])
+ process = this[_proxy]
+ }
+ const impl = this[_npm].commands[command]
+ if (!impl) {
+ throw new Error(`Unknown command: ${cmd}`)
+ }
+ return impl.completion({
+ partialWord: partial,
+ conf: {
+ argv: {
+ remain: ['npm', command, ...argv],
+ },
+ },
+ })
+ }
+module.exports = Sandbox