path: root/deps/v8/src/compiler/string-builder-optimizer.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'deps/v8/src/compiler/string-builder-optimizer.h')
1 files changed, 378 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/deps/v8/src/compiler/string-builder-optimizer.h b/deps/v8/src/compiler/string-builder-optimizer.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..94f4ce951c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deps/v8/src/compiler/string-builder-optimizer.h
@@ -0,0 +1,378 @@
+// Copyright 2022 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include <cstdint>
+#include <unordered_map>
+#include <vector>
+#include "src/base/macros.h"
+#include "src/base/optional.h"
+#include "src/compiler/graph-assembler.h"
+#include "src/compiler/graph-reducer.h"
+#include "src/compiler/js-graph.h"
+#include "src/compiler/machine-operator.h"
+#include "src/compiler/node-marker.h"
+#include "src/compiler/node.h"
+#include "src/compiler/schedule.h"
+#include "src/zone/zone-containers.h"
+namespace v8 {
+namespace internal {
+class Zone;
+namespace compiler {
+class JSGraphAssembler;
+class NodeOriginTable;
+class Schedule;
+class SourcePositionTable;
+class JSHeapBroker;
+// StringBuilderOptimizer aims at avoid ConsString for some loops that build
+// strings, and instead update a mutable over-allocated backing store, while
+// keeping a (mutable) SlicedString to the valid part of the backing store.
+// StringBuilderOptimizer only does the analysis: it finds out which nodes could
+// benefit from this optimization. Then, EffectControlLinearizer actually
+// applies the optimization to the graph.
+// A typical example of what the StringBuilderOptimizer can optimize is:
+// let s = "";
+// for (...) {
+// s += "...";
+// }
+// In general, for a series of concatenations to be optimized, they need:
+// - To start on a single initial concatenation
+// - All the concatenations in the string builder must have constant strings
+// or String.FromCharCode on their right-hand side.
+// - At least one of the concatenation must be in a loop.
+// Because everything is nicer with a picture, here is one of what kind of
+// patterns the StringBuilderOptimizer tries to optimize:
+// +--------+
+// |kLiteral|
+// +--------+
+// |
+// |
+// v
+// +-------------+ +--------+
+// |kStringConcat| <------- |kLiteral|
+// +-------------+ +--------+
+// |
+// |
+// v
+// optionally,
+// more kStringConcat
+// |
+// |
+// v
+// +----+
+// -------->|kPhi|------------------------------------------
+// | +----+ |
+// | | |
+// | | |
+// | | |
+// | | |
+// | | |
+// | | |
+// | | |
+// | v |
+// | +-------------+ +--------+ |
+// | |kStringConcat| <------- |kLiteral| |
+// | +-------------+ +--------+ |
+// | | |
+// | | |
+// | v |
+// | optionally, v
+// | more kStringConcat optionally,
+// | | more kStringConcat
+// | | or more kPhi/loops
+// | | |
+// ------------| |
+// |
+// |
+// v
+// Where "kLiteral" actually means "either a string literal (HeapConstant) or a
+// StringFromSingleCharCode". And kStringConcat can also be kNewConsString (when
+// the size of the concatenation is known to be more than 13 bytes, Turbofan's
+// front-end generates kNewConsString opcodes rather than kStringConcat).
+// The StringBuilder also supports merge phis. For instance:
+// +--------+
+// |kLiteral|
+// +--------+
+// |
+// |
+// v
+// +-------------+ +--------+
+// |kStringConcat| <------- |kLiteral|
+// +-------------+ +--------+
+// | |
+// | |
+// | |
+// +---------------+ +---------------+
+// | |
+// | |
+// v v
+// +-------------+ +-------------+
+// |kStringConcat| |kStringConcat|
+// +-------------+ +-------------+
+// | |
+// | |
+// | |
+// +---------------+ +---------------+
+// | |
+// | |
+// v v
+// +-------------+
+// | kPhi |
+// | (merge) |
+// +-------------+
+// |
+// |
+// v
+// (and, of course, loops and merge can be mixed).
+class OneOrTwoByteAnalysis final {
+ // The class OneOrTwoByteAnalysis is used to try to statically determine
+ // whether a string constant or StringFromSingleCharCode is a 1-byte or a
+ // 2-byte string.
+ // If we succeed to do this analysis for all of the nodes in a string builder,
+ // then we know statically whether this string builder is building a 1-byte or
+ // a 2-byte string, and we can optimize the generated code to remove all
+ // 1-byte/2-byte checks.
+ public:
+ OneOrTwoByteAnalysis(Graph* graph, Zone* zone, JSHeapBroker* broker)
+ : states_(graph->NodeCount(), State::kUnknown, zone), broker_(broker) {}
+ enum class State : uint8_t {
+ kUnknown, // Not yet determined if the string is 1 or 2-bytes
+ kOneByte, // Only 1-byte strings in the string builder
+ kTwoByte, // At least one 2-byte string in the string builder
+ kCantKnow // Cannot determine statically if the string will be 1 or 2-bytes
+ // Lattice of possible transitions:
+ //
+ // kUnknown
+ // / | \
+ // / | \
+ // v | \
+ // kOneByte | |
+ // | | | |
+ // | | | |
+ // | v v |
+ // | kTwoByte |
+ // | | /
+ // \ | /
+ // v v v
+ // kCantKnow
+ //
+ // Which means that for instance it's possible to realize that a kUnknown
+ // string builder will produce a 1-byte string, and we can later realize
+ // that it will instead be a 2-byte string. Or, we could be in kOneByte
+ // state, and then realize that the string may or may not end up being
+ // 2-byte, so we'll move to kCantKnow state.
+ };
+ // Computes and returns a State reflecting whether {node} is a 1-byte or
+ // 2-byte string.
+ State OneOrTwoByte(Node* node);
+ // Computes whether the string builder will be on 1-byte or 2-byte if it
+ // contains two nodes that have states {a} and {b}. For instance, if both {a}
+ // and {b} are kOneByte, ConcatResultIsOneOrTwoByte returns kOneByte.
+ static State ConcatResultIsOneOrTwoByte(State a, State b);
+ private:
+ // Returns the positive integral range that {node} can take. If {node} can be
+ // negative or is not a number, returns nullopt. If the range exceeds 2**32,
+ // returns nullopt as well. The analysis of TryGetRange is not complete (some
+ // operators are ignored), so if {node} isn't handled, then nullopt is
+ // returned. If this function returns a range between 0 and 255, then we
+ // assume that calling StringFromSingleCharCode on {node} will produce a
+ // 1-byte string. The analysis is sound (it doesn't make mistake), but is not
+ // complete (it bails out (returns nullopt) on operators that are not
+ // handled).
+ base::Optional<std::pair<int64_t, int64_t>> TryGetRange(Node* node);
+ JSHeapBroker* broker() { return broker_; }
+ ZoneVector<State> states_;
+ JSHeapBroker* broker_;
+class V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE StringBuilderOptimizer final {
+ public:
+ StringBuilderOptimizer(JSGraph* jsgraph, Schedule* schedule, Zone* temp_zone,
+ JSHeapBroker* broker);
+ // Returns true if some trimming code should be inserted at the beginning of
+ // {block} to finalize some string builders.
+ bool BlockShouldFinalizeStringBuilders(BasicBlock* block);
+ // Returns which nodes should be trimmed at the beginning of {block} to
+ // finalize some string builders.
+ ZoneVector<Node*> GetStringBuildersToFinalize(BasicBlock* block);
+ // Returns true if {node} is the last node of a StringBuilder (which means
+ // that trimming code should be inserted after {node}).
+ // Note that string builders cannot end in the middle of a loop (unless it was
+ // started in the same loop). The way it's enforced is that when we first
+ // visit a loop Phi that could be part of a String Builder, we set its status
+ // to State::kPendingPhi. Only once we've visited the whole loop and the
+ // backedge and that the use chain following the loop phi up to and including
+ // the backedge are valid as part of a String Builder, then the loop phi
+ // status is siwtched to State::kInStringBuilder. Then, in the final step
+ // where we switch the status to State::kConfirmedInStringBuilder, we ignore
+ // nodes that have a status that isn't kInStringBuilder, which means that we
+ // ignore loop phis that still have the kPendingPhi status (and their
+ // successors). The String Builders thus cannot end inside loops.
+ bool IsStringBuilderEnd(Node* node);
+ // Returns true if {node} is a the last node of a StringBuilder and is not a
+ // loop phi. The "loop phi" distinction matters, because trimming for loop
+ // phis is trickier (because we don't want to trim at every iteration of the
+ // loop, but only once after the loop).
+ bool IsNonLoopPhiStringBuilderEnd(Node* node);
+ // Returns true if {node} is the input of a concatenation that is part of a
+ // StringBuilder.
+ bool IsStringBuilderConcatInput(Node* node);
+ // Returns true if {node} is part of a StringBuilder.
+ bool ConcatIsInStringBuilder(Node* node);
+ // Returns true if {node} is the 1st node of a StringBuilder (which means that
+ // when lowering {node}, we should allocate and initialize everything for this
+ // particular StringBuilder).
+ bool IsFirstConcatInStringBuilder(Node* node);
+ // Returns a OneOrTwoByteAnalysis::State representing whether the
+ // StringBuilder that contains {node} is building a 1-byte or a 2-byte.
+ OneOrTwoByteAnalysis::State GetOneOrTwoByte(Node* node);
+ void Run();
+ JSGraph* jsgraph() const { return jsgraph_; }
+ Graph* graph() const { return jsgraph_->graph(); }
+ Schedule* schedule() const { return schedule_; }
+ Zone* temp_zone() const { return temp_zone_; }
+ JSHeapBroker* broker() const { return broker_; }
+ private:
+ enum class State : uint8_t {
+ kUnvisited = 0,
+ kBeginStringBuilder, // A (potential) beginning of a StringBuilder
+ kInStringBuilder, // A node that could be in a StringBuilder
+ kPendingPhi, // A phi that could be in a StringBuilder
+ kConfirmedInStringBuilder, // A node that is definitely in a StringBuilder
+ kEndStringBuilder, // A node that ends definitely a StringBuilder, and that
+ // can be trimmed right away
+ kEndStringBuilderLoopPhi, // A phi that ends a StringBuilder, and whose
+ // trimming need to be done at the beginning of
+ // the following blocks.
+ kInvalid, // A node that we visited and that we can't optimize.
+ kNumberOfState
+ };
+ struct Status {
+ int id; // The id of the StringBuilder that the node belongs to (or
+ // kInvalidId).
+ State state; // The state of the node.
+ };
+ static constexpr int kInvalidId = -1;
+ Status GetStatus(Node* node) const {
+ if (node->id() > status_.size()) {
+ return Status{kInvalidId, State::kInvalid};
+ } else {
+ return status_[node->id()];
+ }
+ }
+ void SetStatus(Node* node, State state, int id = kInvalidId) {
+ DCHECK_NE(state, State::kUnvisited);
+ DCHECK_IMPLIES(id != kInvalidId, state != State::kInvalid);
+ if (node->id() >= status_.size()) {
+ // We should really not allocate too many new nodes: the only new nodes we
+ // allocate are constant inputs of nodes in the string builder that have
+ // multiple uses. Thus, we use a slow exponential growth for {status_}.
+ constexpr double growth_factor = 1.1;
+ status_.resize(node->id() * growth_factor,
+ Status{kInvalidId, State::kUnvisited});
+ }
+ status_[node->id()] = Status{id, state};
+ }
+ void UpdateStatus(Node* node, State state) {
+ int id = state == State::kInvalid ? kInvalidId : GetStatus(node).id;
+ status_[node->id()] = Status{id, state};
+ }
+ struct StringBuilder {
+ Node* start;
+ int id;
+ bool has_loop_phi;
+ OneOrTwoByteAnalysis::State one_or_two_bytes;
+ };
+ const StringBuilder kInvalidStringBuilder = {
+ nullptr, kInvalidId, false, OneOrTwoByteAnalysis::State::kUnknown};
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ bool StringBuilderIsValid(StringBuilder string_builder) {
+ return string_builder.start != nullptr && != kInvalidId &&
+ string_builder.has_loop_phi;
+ }
+ bool IsLoopPhi(Node* node) const {
+ return node->opcode() == IrOpcode::kPhi &&
+ schedule()->block(node)->IsLoopHeader();
+ }
+ bool LoopContains(Node* loop_phi, Node* node) {
+ DCHECK(IsLoopPhi(loop_phi));
+ return schedule()->block(loop_phi)->LoopContains(schedule()->block(node));
+ }
+ int GetStringBuilderIdForConcat(Node* node);
+ void ReplaceConcatInputIfNeeded(Node* node, int input_idx);
+ bool CheckNodeUses(Node* node, Node* concat_child, Status status);
+ bool CheckPreviousNodeUses(Node* child, Status status,
+ int input_if_loop_phi = 0);
+ int GetPhiPredecessorsCommonId(Node* node);
+ void FinalizeStringBuilders();
+ void VisitNode(Node* node, BasicBlock* block);
+ void VisitGraph();
+ static constexpr bool kAllowAnyStringOnTheRhs = false;
+ JSGraph* jsgraph_;
+ Schedule* schedule_;
+ Zone* temp_zone_;
+ JSHeapBroker* broker_;
+ unsigned int string_builder_count_ = 0;
+ // {blocks_to_trimmings_map_} is a map from block IDs to loop phi nodes that
+ // end string builders. For each such node, a trimming should be inserted at
+ // the beginning of the block (in EffectControlLinearizer) in order to
+ // properly finish the string builder (well, most things will work if the
+ // trimming is omitted, but adding this trimming save memory and removes the
+ // SlicedString indirection; the only thing that would be an issue is that the
+ // rest of the VM could have access to a SlicedString that is less than
+ // SlicedString::kMinLength characters, which may or may not break things).
+ ZoneVector<base::Optional<ZoneVector<Node*>>> blocks_to_trimmings_map_;
+ ZoneVector<Status> status_;
+ ZoneVector<StringBuilder> string_builders_;
+ // {loop_headers_} is used to keep track ot the start of each loop that the
+ // block currently being visited is part of.
+ ZoneVector<BasicBlock*> loop_headers_;
+} // namespace compiler
+} // namespace internal
+} // namespace v8