path: root/deps/v8/src/compiler/turboshaft/layered-hash-map.h
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1 files changed, 194 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/deps/v8/src/compiler/turboshaft/layered-hash-map.h b/deps/v8/src/compiler/turboshaft/layered-hash-map.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a481a8ddc8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deps/v8/src/compiler/turboshaft/layered-hash-map.h
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+// Copyright 2022 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include <cstddef>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <limits>
+#include "src/base/bits.h"
+#include "src/base/optional.h"
+#include "src/compiler/turboshaft/fast-hash.h"
+#include "src/zone/zone-containers.h"
+namespace v8::internal::compiler::turboshaft {
+// LayeredHashMap is a hash map whose elements are groupped into layers, such
+// that it's efficient to remove all of the items from the last inserted layer.
+// In addition to the regular Insert/Get/Contains functions of hash maps, it
+// thus provides two additional functions: StartLayer to indicate that future
+// insertions are part of a new layer, and DropLastLayer to remove all of the
+// items of the last layer.
+// LayeredHashMap does not support inserting multiple values with the same key,
+// and does not support updating already-inserted items in the map. If you need
+// to update an existing key, you'll need to remove it (by calling DropLastLayer
+// as many times as needed), and then re-insert it.
+// The implementation uses a regular ZoneVector for the main hash table, while
+// keeping a linked list of items per layer. When inserting an item in the
+// LayeredHashMap, we insert it into the ZoneVector and link it to the linked
+// list of the current (=latest) layer. In order to remove all of the items from
+// the last layer, we iterate its linked list, and remove the items one by one
+// from the ZoneVector, after which we drop the linked list alltogether.
+template <class Key, class Value>
+class LayeredHashMap {
+ public:
+ explicit LayeredHashMap(Zone* zone, uint32_t initial_capacity = 64);
+ void StartLayer();
+ void DropLastLayer();
+ void InsertNewKey(Key key, Value value);
+ bool Contains(Key key);
+ base::Optional<Value> Get(Key key);
+ private:
+ struct Entry {
+ size_t hash = 0;
+ Key key = Key();
+ Value value = Value();
+ Entry* depth_neighboring_entry = nullptr;
+ };
+ void ResizeIfNeeded();
+ size_t NextEntryIndex(size_t index) { return (index + 1) & mask_; }
+ Entry* FindEntryForKey(Key key, size_t hash = 0);
+ Entry* InsertEntry(Entry entry);
+ size_t ComputeHash(Key key) {
+ size_t hash = fast_hash<Key>()(key);
+ return V8_UNLIKELY(hash == 0) ? 1 : hash;
+ }
+ size_t mask_;
+ size_t entry_count_;
+ base::Vector<Entry> table_;
+ ZoneVector<Entry*> depths_heads_;
+ Zone* zone_;
+ static constexpr double kNeedResizePercentage = 0.75;
+ static constexpr int kGrowthFactor = 2;
+template <class Key, class Value>
+LayeredHashMap<Key, Value>::LayeredHashMap(Zone* zone,
+ uint32_t initial_capacity)
+ : entry_count_(0), depths_heads_(zone), zone_(zone) {
+ // Setting the minimal capacity to 16
+ initial_capacity = std::max<uint32_t>(initial_capacity, 16);
+ // {initial_capacity} should be a power of 2, so that we can compute offset
+ // in {table_} with a mask rather than a modulo.
+ initial_capacity = base::bits::RoundUpToPowerOfTwo32(initial_capacity);
+ mask_ = initial_capacity - 1;
+ // Allocating the table_
+ table_ = zone_->NewVector(initial_capacity, Entry());
+template <class Key, class Value>
+void LayeredHashMap<Key, Value>::StartLayer() {
+ depths_heads_.push_back(nullptr);
+template <class Key, class Value>
+void LayeredHashMap<Key, Value>::DropLastLayer() {
+ DCHECK_GT(depths_heads_.size(), 0);
+ for (Entry* entry = depths_heads_.back(); entry != nullptr;) {
+ Entry* next = entry->depth_neighboring_entry;
+ *entry = Entry();
+ entry = next;
+ }
+ depths_heads_.pop_back();
+template <class Key, class Value>
+typename LayeredHashMap<Key, Value>::Entry*
+LayeredHashMap<Key, Value>::FindEntryForKey(Key key, size_t hash) {
+ for (size_t i = hash & mask_;; i = NextEntryIndex(i)) {
+ if (table_[i].hash == 0) return &table_[i];
+ if (table_[i].hash == hash && table_[i].key == key) return &table_[i];
+ }
+template <class Key, class Value>
+void LayeredHashMap<Key, Value>::InsertNewKey(Key key, Value value) {
+ ResizeIfNeeded();
+ size_t hash = ComputeHash(key);
+ Entry* destination = FindEntryForKey(key, hash);
+ DCHECK_EQ(destination->hash, 0);
+ *destination = Entry{hash, key, value, depths_heads_.back()};
+ depths_heads_.back() = destination;
+template <class Key, class Value>
+base::Optional<Value> LayeredHashMap<Key, Value>::Get(Key key) {
+ Entry* destination = FindEntryForKey(key, ComputeHash(key));
+ if (destination->hash == 0) return base::nullopt;
+ return destination->value;
+template <class Key, class Value>
+bool LayeredHashMap<Key, Value>::Contains(Key key) {
+ return Get(key).has_value();
+template <class Key, class Value>
+void LayeredHashMap<Key, Value>::ResizeIfNeeded() {
+ if (table_.size() * kNeedResizePercentage > entry_count_) return;
+ CHECK_LE(table_.size(), std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max() / kGrowthFactor);
+ table_ = zone_->NewVector<Entry>(table_.size() * kGrowthFactor, Entry());
+ mask_ = table_.size() - 1;
+ DCHECK_EQ(base::bits::CountPopulation(mask_),
+ sizeof(mask_) * 8 - base::bits::CountLeadingZeros(mask_));
+ for (size_t depth_idx = 0; depth_idx < depths_heads_.size(); depth_idx++) {
+ // It's important to fill the new hash by inserting data in increasing
+ // depth order, in order to avoid holes when later calling DropLastLayer.
+ // Consider for instance:
+ //
+ // ---+------+------+------+----
+ // | a1 | a2 | a3 |
+ // ---+------+------+------+----
+ //
+ // Where a1, a2 and a3 have the same hash. By construction, we know that
+ // depth(a1) <= depth(a2) <= depth(a3). If, when re-hashing, we were to
+ // insert them in another order, say:
+ //
+ // ---+------+------+------+----
+ // | a3 | a1 | a2 |
+ // ---+------+------+------+----
+ //
+ // Then, when we'll call DropLastLayer to remove entries from a3's depth,
+ // we'll get this:
+ //
+ // ---+------+------+------+----
+ // | null | a1 | a2 |
+ // ---+------+------+------+----
+ //
+ // And, when looking if a1 is in the hash, we'd find a "null" where we
+ // expect it, and assume that it's not present. If, instead, we always
+ // conserve the increasing depth order, then when removing a3, we'd get:
+ //
+ // ---+------+------+------+----
+ // | a1 | a2 | null |
+ // ---+------+------+------+----
+ //
+ // Where we can still find a1 and a2.
+ Entry* entry = depths_heads_[depth_idx];
+ depths_heads_[depth_idx] = nullptr;
+ while (entry != nullptr) {
+ Entry* new_entry_loc = FindEntryForKey(entry->key, entry->hash);
+ *new_entry_loc = *entry;
+ Entry* next_entry = entry->depth_neighboring_entry;
+ new_entry_loc->depth_neighboring_entry = depths_heads_[depth_idx];
+ depths_heads_[depth_idx] = new_entry_loc;
+ entry = next_entry;
+ }
+ }
+} // namespace v8::internal::compiler::turboshaft