path: root/deps/v8/src/ia32/
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Diffstat (limited to 'deps/v8/src/ia32/')
1 files changed, 320 insertions, 203 deletions
diff --git a/deps/v8/src/ia32/ b/deps/v8/src/ia32/
index bac4ee5997..5ab7a531f3 100644
--- a/deps/v8/src/ia32/
+++ b/deps/v8/src/ia32/
@@ -140,7 +140,8 @@ void CodeGenerator::Generate(CompilationInfo* info) {
// Adjust for function-level loop nesting.
- loop_nesting_ += info->loop_nesting();
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, loop_nesting_);
+ loop_nesting_ = info->loop_nesting();
@@ -333,7 +334,8 @@ void CodeGenerator::Generate(CompilationInfo* info) {
// Adjust for function-level loop nesting.
- loop_nesting_ -= info->loop_nesting();
+ ASSERT_EQ(info->loop_nesting(), loop_nesting_);
+ loop_nesting_ = 0;
// Code generation state must be reset.
ASSERT(state_ == NULL);
@@ -2346,7 +2348,7 @@ Result CodeGenerator::ConstantSmiBinaryOperation(
// Check for negative or non-Smi left hand side.
- __ test(operand->reg(), Immediate(kSmiTagMask | 0x80000000));
+ __ test(operand->reg(), Immediate(kSmiTagMask | kSmiSignMask));
if (int_value < 0) int_value = -int_value;
if (int_value == 1) {
@@ -4659,8 +4661,8 @@ Result CodeGenerator::InstantiateFunction(
return frame()->CallStub(&stub, 1);
} else {
- // Call the runtime to instantiate the function boilerplate
- // object.
+ // Call the runtime to instantiate the function based on the
+ // shared function info.
return frame()->CallRuntime(Runtime::kNewClosure, 2);
@@ -5899,7 +5901,7 @@ void CodeGenerator::GenerateIsNonNegativeSmi(ZoneList<Expression*>* args) {
Result value = frame_->Pop();
- __ test(value.reg(), Immediate(kSmiTagMask | 0x80000000));
+ __ test(value.reg(), Immediate(kSmiTagMask | kSmiSignMask));
@@ -5915,43 +5917,11 @@ void CodeGenerator::GenerateFastCharCodeAt(ZoneList<Expression*>* args) {
Comment(masm_, "[ GenerateFastCharCodeAt");
ASSERT(args->length() == 2);
- Label slow_case;
- Label end;
- Label not_a_flat_string;
- Label try_again_with_new_string;
- Label ascii_string;
- Label got_char_code;
Result index = frame_->Pop();
Result object = frame_->Pop();
- // Get register ecx to use as shift amount later.
- Result shift_amount;
- if (object.is_register() && object.reg().is(ecx)) {
- Result fresh = allocator_->Allocate();
- shift_amount = object;
- object = fresh;
- __ mov(object.reg(), ecx);
- }
- if (index.is_register() && index.reg().is(ecx)) {
- Result fresh = allocator_->Allocate();
- shift_amount = index;
- index = fresh;
- __ mov(index.reg(), ecx);
- }
- // There could be references to ecx in the frame. Allocating will
- // spill them, otherwise spill explicitly.
- if (shift_amount.is_valid()) {
- frame_->Spill(ecx);
- } else {
- shift_amount = allocator()->Allocate(ecx);
- }
- ASSERT(shift_amount.is_register());
- ASSERT(shift_amount.reg().is(ecx));
- ASSERT(allocator_->count(ecx) == 1);
// We will mutate the index register and possibly the object register.
// The case where they are somehow the same register is handled
// because we only mutate them in the case where the receiver is a
@@ -5961,93 +5931,33 @@ void CodeGenerator::GenerateFastCharCodeAt(ZoneList<Expression*>* args) {
- // We need a single extra temporary register.
- Result temp = allocator()->Allocate();
- ASSERT(temp.is_valid());
+ // We need two extra registers.
+ Result result = allocator()->Allocate();
+ ASSERT(result.is_valid());
+ Result scratch = allocator()->Allocate();
+ ASSERT(scratch.is_valid());
// There is no virtual frame effect from here up to the final result
// push.
- // If the receiver is a smi trigger the slow case.
- ASSERT(kSmiTag == 0);
- __ test(object.reg(), Immediate(kSmiTagMask));
- __ j(zero, &slow_case);
- // If the index is negative or non-smi trigger the slow case.
- ASSERT(kSmiTag == 0);
- __ test(index.reg(), Immediate(kSmiTagMask | 0x80000000));
- __ j(not_zero, &slow_case);
- // Untag the index.
- __ SmiUntag(index.reg());
- __ bind(&try_again_with_new_string);
- // Fetch the instance type of the receiver into ecx.
- __ mov(ecx, FieldOperand(object.reg(), HeapObject::kMapOffset));
- __ movzx_b(ecx, FieldOperand(ecx, Map::kInstanceTypeOffset));
- // If the receiver is not a string trigger the slow case.
- __ test(ecx, Immediate(kIsNotStringMask));
- __ j(not_zero, &slow_case);
- // Fetch the length field into the temporary register.
- __ mov(temp.reg(), FieldOperand(object.reg(), String::kLengthOffset));
- // Check for index out of range.
- __ cmp(index.reg(), Operand(temp.reg()));
- __ j(greater_equal, &slow_case);
- // Reload the instance type (into the temp register this time)..
- __ mov(temp.reg(), FieldOperand(object.reg(), HeapObject::kMapOffset));
- __ movzx_b(temp.reg(), FieldOperand(temp.reg(), Map::kInstanceTypeOffset));
- // We need special handling for non-flat strings.
- ASSERT(kSeqStringTag == 0);
- __ test(temp.reg(), Immediate(kStringRepresentationMask));
- __ j(not_zero, &not_a_flat_string);
- // Check for 1-byte or 2-byte string.
- __ test(temp.reg(), Immediate(kStringEncodingMask));
- __ j(not_zero, &ascii_string);
- // 2-byte string.
- // Load the 2-byte character code into the temp register.
- __ movzx_w(temp.reg(), FieldOperand(object.reg(),
- index.reg(),
- times_2,
- SeqTwoByteString::kHeaderSize));
- __ jmp(&got_char_code);
- // ASCII string.
- __ bind(&ascii_string);
- // Load the byte into the temp register.
- __ movzx_b(temp.reg(), FieldOperand(object.reg(),
- index.reg(),
- times_1,
- SeqAsciiString::kHeaderSize));
- __ bind(&got_char_code);
- __ SmiTag(temp.reg());
- __ jmp(&end);
- // Handle non-flat strings.
- __ bind(&not_a_flat_string);
- __ and_(temp.reg(), kStringRepresentationMask);
- __ cmp(temp.reg(), kConsStringTag);
- __ j(not_equal, &slow_case);
- // ConsString.
- // Check that the right hand side is the empty string (ie if this is really a
- // flat string in a cons string). If that is not the case we would rather go
- // to the runtime system now, to flatten the string.
- __ mov(temp.reg(), FieldOperand(object.reg(), ConsString::kSecondOffset));
- __ cmp(Operand(temp.reg()), Factory::empty_string());
- __ j(not_equal, &slow_case);
- // Get the first of the two strings.
- __ mov(object.reg(), FieldOperand(object.reg(), ConsString::kFirstOffset));
- __ jmp(&try_again_with_new_string);
+ Label slow_case;
+ Label exit;
+ StringHelper::GenerateFastCharCodeAt(masm_,
+ object.reg(),
+ index.reg(),
+ scratch.reg(),
+ result.reg(),
+ &slow_case,
+ &slow_case,
+ &slow_case);
+ __ jmp(&exit);
__ bind(&slow_case);
// Move the undefined value into the result register, which will
// trigger the slow case.
- __ Set(temp.reg(), Immediate(Factory::undefined_value()));
+ __ Set(result.reg(), Immediate(Factory::undefined_value()));
- __ bind(&end);
- frame_->Push(&temp);
+ __ bind(&exit);
+ frame_->Push(&result);
@@ -6056,46 +5966,22 @@ void CodeGenerator::GenerateCharFromCode(ZoneList<Expression*>* args) {
ASSERT(args->length() == 1);
Result code = frame_->Pop();
- Result temp = allocator()->Allocate();
- ASSERT(temp.is_valid());
- JumpTarget slow_case;
- JumpTarget exit;
- // Fast case of Heap::LookupSingleCharacterStringFromCode.
- ASSERT(kSmiTag == 0);
- ASSERT(kSmiShiftSize == 0);
- ASSERT(IsPowerOf2(String::kMaxAsciiCharCode + 1));
- __ test(code.reg(),
- Immediate(kSmiTagMask |
- ((~String::kMaxAsciiCharCode) << kSmiTagSize)));
- slow_case.Branch(not_zero, &code, not_taken);
- __ Set(temp.reg(), Immediate(Factory::single_character_string_cache()));
- ASSERT(kSmiTag == 0);
- ASSERT(kSmiTagSize == 1);
- ASSERT(kSmiShiftSize == 0);
- // At this point code register contains smi tagged ascii char code.
- __ mov(temp.reg(), FieldOperand(temp.reg(),
- code.reg(), times_half_pointer_size,
- FixedArray::kHeaderSize));
- __ cmp(temp.reg(), Factory::undefined_value());
- slow_case.Branch(equal, &code, not_taken);
- code.Unuse();
+ // StringHelper::GenerateCharFromCode may do a runtime call.
+ frame_->SpillAll();
- frame_->Push(&temp);
- exit.Jump();
+ Result result = allocator()->Allocate();
+ ASSERT(result.is_valid());
- slow_case.Bind(&code);
- frame_->Push(&code);
- Result result = frame_->CallRuntime(Runtime::kCharFromCode, 1);
+ StringHelper::GenerateCharFromCode(masm_,
+ code.reg(),
+ result.reg(),
- exit.Bind();
@@ -6628,6 +6514,80 @@ void CodeGenerator::GenerateRegExpConstructResult(ZoneList<Expression*>* args) {
+class DeferredSearchCache: public DeferredCode {
+ public:
+ DeferredSearchCache(Register dst, Register cache, Register key)
+ : dst_(dst), cache_(cache), key_(key) {
+ set_comment("[ DeferredSearchCache");
+ }
+ virtual void Generate();
+ private:
+ Register dst_, cache_, key_;
+void DeferredSearchCache::Generate() {
+ __ push(cache_);
+ __ push(key_);
+ __ CallRuntime(Runtime::kGetFromCache, 2);
+ if (! {
+ __ mov(dst_, eax);
+ }
+void CodeGenerator::GenerateGetFromCache(ZoneList<Expression*>* args) {
+ ASSERT_EQ(2, args->length());
+ ASSERT_NE(NULL, args->at(0)->AsLiteral());
+ int cache_id = Smi::cast(*(args->at(0)->AsLiteral()->handle()))->value();
+ Handle<FixedArray> jsfunction_result_caches(
+ Top::global_context()->jsfunction_result_caches());
+ if (jsfunction_result_caches->length() <= cache_id) {
+ __ Abort("Attempt to use undefined cache.");
+ frame_->Push(Factory::undefined_value());
+ return;
+ }
+ Handle<FixedArray> cache_obj(
+ FixedArray::cast(jsfunction_result_caches->get(cache_id)));
+ Load(args->at(1));
+ Result key = frame_->Pop();
+ key.ToRegister();
+ Result cache = allocator()->Allocate();
+ __ mov(cache.reg(), cache_obj);
+ Result tmp = allocator()->Allocate();
+ DeferredSearchCache* deferred = new DeferredSearchCache(tmp.reg(),
+ cache.reg(),
+ key.reg());
+ const int kFingerOffset =
+ FixedArray::OffsetOfElementAt(JSFunctionResultCache::kFingerIndex);
+ // tmp.reg() now holds finger offset as a smi.
+ ASSERT(kSmiTag == 0 && kSmiTagSize == 1);
+ __ mov(tmp.reg(), FieldOperand(cache.reg(), kFingerOffset));
+ __ cmp(key.reg(), FieldOperand(cache.reg(),
+ tmp.reg(), // as smi
+ times_half_pointer_size,
+ FixedArray::kHeaderSize));
+ deferred->Branch(not_equal);
+ __ mov(tmp.reg(), FieldOperand(cache.reg(),
+ tmp.reg(), // as smi
+ times_half_pointer_size,
+ kPointerSize + FixedArray::kHeaderSize));
+ deferred->BindExit();
+ frame_->Push(&tmp);
void CodeGenerator::GenerateNumberToString(ZoneList<Expression*>* args) {
ASSERT_EQ(args->length(), 1);
@@ -8446,7 +8406,7 @@ Result CodeGenerator::EmitKeyedStore(StaticType* key_type) {
// Check that the key is a non-negative smi.
- __ test(key.reg(), Immediate(kSmiTagMask | 0x80000000));
+ __ test(key.reg(), Immediate(kSmiTagMask | kSmiSignMask));
// Check that the receiver is not a smi.
@@ -10732,9 +10692,9 @@ void RegExpExecStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
// Just jump directly to runtime if native RegExp is not selected at compile
// time or if regexp entry in generated code is turned off runtime switch or
// at compilation.
__ TailCallRuntime(Runtime::kRegExpExec, 4, 1);
-#else // V8_NATIVE_REGEXP
if (!FLAG_regexp_entry_native) {
__ TailCallRuntime(Runtime::kRegExpExec, 4, 1);
@@ -10811,9 +10771,8 @@ void RegExpExecStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
// ebx: Length of subject string
// ecx: RegExp data (FixedArray)
// edx: Number of capture registers
- // Check that the third argument is a positive smi.
// Check that the third argument is a positive smi less than the subject
- // string length. A negative value will be greater (usigned comparison).
+ // string length. A negative value will be greater (unsigned comparison).
__ mov(eax, Operand(esp, kPreviousIndexOffset));
__ SmiUntag(eax);
__ cmp(eax, Operand(ebx));
@@ -10860,9 +10819,8 @@ void RegExpExecStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
// string. In that case the subject string is just the first part of the cons
// string. Also in this case the first part of the cons string is known to be
// a sequential string or an external string.
- __ mov(edx, ebx);
- __ and_(edx, kStringRepresentationMask);
- __ cmp(edx, kConsStringTag);
+ __ and_(ebx, kStringRepresentationMask);
+ __ cmp(ebx, kConsStringTag);
__ j(not_equal, &runtime);
__ mov(edx, FieldOperand(eax, ConsString::kSecondOffset));
__ cmp(Operand(edx), Factory::empty_string());
@@ -10881,7 +10839,8 @@ void RegExpExecStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
// ecx: RegExp data (FixedArray)
// Check that the irregexp code has been generated for an ascii string. If
// it has, the field contains a code object otherwise it contains the hole.
- __ cmp(ebx, kStringTag | kSeqStringTag | kTwoByteStringTag);
+ const int kSeqTwoByteString = kStringTag | kSeqStringTag | kTwoByteStringTag;
+ __ cmp(ebx, kSeqTwoByteString);
__ j(equal, &seq_two_byte_string);
if (FLAG_debug_code) {
__ cmp(ebx, kStringTag | kSeqStringTag | kAsciiStringTag);
@@ -10977,7 +10936,7 @@ void RegExpExecStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
// Result must now be exception. If there is no pending exception already a
// stack overflow (on the backtrack stack) was detected in RegExp code but
// haven't created the exception yet. Handle that in the runtime system.
- // TODO(592) Rerunning the RegExp to get the stack overflow exception.
+ // TODO(592): Rerunning the RegExp to get the stack overflow exception.
ExternalReference pending_exception(Top::k_pending_exception_address);
__ mov(eax,
@@ -11028,7 +10987,6 @@ void RegExpExecStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
// ecx: offsets vector
// edx: number of capture registers
Label next_capture, done;
- __ mov(eax, Operand(esp, kPreviousIndexOffset));
// Capture register counter starts from number of capture registers and
// counts down until wraping after zero.
__ bind(&next_capture);
@@ -11053,7 +11011,7 @@ void RegExpExecStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
// Do the runtime call to execute the regexp.
__ bind(&runtime);
__ TailCallRuntime(Runtime::kRegExpExec, 4, 1);
-#endif // V8_NATIVE_REGEXP
@@ -11657,7 +11615,8 @@ void CEntryStub::GenerateCore(MacroAssembler* masm,
Label* throw_termination_exception,
Label* throw_out_of_memory_exception,
bool do_gc,
- bool always_allocate_scope) {
+ bool always_allocate_scope,
+ int /* alignment_skew */) {
// eax: result parameter for PerformGC, if any
// ebx: pointer to C function (C callee-saved)
// ebp: frame pointer (restored after C call)
@@ -11667,7 +11626,17 @@ void CEntryStub::GenerateCore(MacroAssembler* masm,
// Result returned in eax, or eax+edx if result_size_ is 2.
+ // Check stack alignment.
+ if (FLAG_debug_code) {
+ __ CheckStackAlignment();
+ }
if (do_gc) {
+ // Pass failure code returned from last attempt as first argument to
+ // PerformGC. No need to use PrepareCallCFunction/CallCFunction here as the
+ // stack alignment is known to be correct. This function takes one argument
+ // which is passed on the stack, and we know that the stack has been
+ // prepared to pass at least one argument.
__ mov(Operand(esp, 0 * kPointerSize), eax); // Result.
__ call(FUNCTION_ADDR(Runtime::PerformGC), RelocInfo::RUNTIME_ENTRY);
@@ -12069,6 +12038,154 @@ const char* CompareStub::GetName() {
+void StringHelper::GenerateFastCharCodeAt(MacroAssembler* masm,
+ Register object,
+ Register index,
+ Register scratch,
+ Register result,
+ Label* receiver_not_string,
+ Label* index_not_positive_smi,
+ Label* slow_case) {
+ Label not_a_flat_string;
+ Label try_again_with_new_string;
+ Label ascii_string;
+ Label got_char_code;
+ // If the receiver is a smi trigger the non-string case.
+ ASSERT(kSmiTag == 0);
+ __ test(object, Immediate(kSmiTagMask));
+ __ j(zero, receiver_not_string);
+ // Fetch the instance type of the receiver into result register.
+ __ mov(result, FieldOperand(object, HeapObject::kMapOffset));
+ __ movzx_b(result, FieldOperand(result, Map::kInstanceTypeOffset));
+ // If the receiver is not a string trigger the non-string case.
+ __ test(result, Immediate(kIsNotStringMask));
+ __ j(not_zero, receiver_not_string);
+ // If the index is negative or non-smi trigger the non-positive-smi
+ // case.
+ ASSERT(kSmiTag == 0);
+ __ test(index, Immediate(kSmiTagMask | kSmiSignMask));
+ __ j(not_zero, index_not_positive_smi);
+ // Put untagged index into scratch register.
+ __ mov(scratch, index);
+ __ SmiUntag(scratch);
+ // Check for index out of range.
+ __ cmp(scratch, FieldOperand(object, String::kLengthOffset));
+ __ j(greater_equal, slow_case);
+ __ bind(&try_again_with_new_string);
+ // ----------- S t a t e -------------
+ // -- object : string to access
+ // -- result : instance type of the string
+ // -- scratch : positive smi index < length
+ // -----------------------------------
+ // We need special handling for non-flat strings.
+ ASSERT(kSeqStringTag == 0);
+ __ test(result, Immediate(kStringRepresentationMask));
+ __ j(not_zero, &not_a_flat_string);
+ // Check for 1-byte or 2-byte string.
+ ASSERT(kAsciiStringTag != 0);
+ __ test(result, Immediate(kStringEncodingMask));
+ __ j(not_zero, &ascii_string);
+ // 2-byte string.
+ // Load the 2-byte character code into the temp register.
+ __ movzx_w(result, FieldOperand(object,
+ scratch, times_2,
+ SeqTwoByteString::kHeaderSize));
+ __ jmp(&got_char_code);
+ // Handle non-flat strings.
+ __ bind(&not_a_flat_string);
+ __ and_(result, kStringRepresentationMask);
+ __ cmp(result, kConsStringTag);
+ __ j(not_equal, slow_case);
+ // ConsString.
+ // Check whether the right hand side is the empty string (i.e. if
+ // this is really a flat string in a cons string). If that is not
+ // the case we would rather go to the runtime system now to flatten
+ // the string.
+ __ mov(result, FieldOperand(object, ConsString::kSecondOffset));
+ __ cmp(Operand(result), Factory::empty_string());
+ __ j(not_equal, slow_case);
+ // Get the first of the two strings and load its instance type.
+ __ mov(object, FieldOperand(object, ConsString::kFirstOffset));
+ __ mov(result, FieldOperand(object, HeapObject::kMapOffset));
+ __ movzx_b(result, FieldOperand(result, Map::kInstanceTypeOffset));
+ __ jmp(&try_again_with_new_string);
+ // ASCII string.
+ __ bind(&ascii_string);
+ // Load the byte into the temp register.
+ __ movzx_b(result, FieldOperand(object,
+ scratch, times_1,
+ SeqAsciiString::kHeaderSize));
+ __ bind(&got_char_code);
+ __ SmiTag(result);
+void StringHelper::GenerateCharFromCode(MacroAssembler* masm,
+ Register code,
+ Register result,
+ InvokeFlag flag) {
+ Label slow_case;
+ Label exit;
+ // Fast case of Heap::LookupSingleCharacterStringFromCode.
+ ASSERT(kSmiTag == 0);
+ ASSERT(kSmiShiftSize == 0);
+ ASSERT(IsPowerOf2(String::kMaxAsciiCharCode + 1));
+ __ test(code,
+ Immediate(kSmiTagMask |
+ ((~String::kMaxAsciiCharCode) << kSmiTagSize)));
+ __ j(not_zero, &slow_case, not_taken);
+ __ Set(result, Immediate(Factory::single_character_string_cache()));
+ ASSERT(kSmiTag == 0);
+ ASSERT(kSmiTagSize == 1);
+ ASSERT(kSmiShiftSize == 0);
+ // At this point code register contains smi tagged ascii char code.
+ __ mov(result, FieldOperand(result,
+ code, times_half_pointer_size,
+ FixedArray::kHeaderSize));
+ __ cmp(result, Factory::undefined_value());
+ __ j(equal, &slow_case, not_taken);
+ __ jmp(&exit);
+ __ bind(&slow_case);
+ if (flag == CALL_FUNCTION) {
+ __ push(code);
+ __ CallRuntime(Runtime::kCharFromCode, 1);
+ if (! {
+ __ mov(result, eax);
+ }
+ } else {
+ __ pop(eax); // Save return address.
+ __ push(code);
+ __ push(eax); // Restore return address.
+ __ TailCallRuntime(Runtime::kCharFromCode, 1, 1);
+ }
+ __ bind(&exit);
+ if (flag == JUMP_FUNCTION) {
+ __ ret(0);
+ }
void StringAddStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
Label string_add_runtime;
@@ -12135,8 +12252,8 @@ void StringAddStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
// Try to lookup two character string in symbol table. If it is not found
// just allocate a new one.
Label make_two_character_string, make_flat_ascii_string;
- GenerateTwoCharacterSymbolTableProbe(masm, ebx, ecx, eax, edx, edi,
- &make_two_character_string);
+ StringHelper::GenerateTwoCharacterSymbolTableProbe(
+ masm, ebx, ecx, eax, edx, edi, &make_two_character_string);
__ IncrementCounter(&Counters::string_add_native, 1);
__ ret(2 * kPointerSize);
@@ -12228,7 +12345,7 @@ void StringAddStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
// ecx: first character of result
// edx: first char of first argument
// edi: length of first argument
- GenerateCopyCharacters(masm, ecx, edx, edi, ebx, true);
+ StringHelper::GenerateCopyCharacters(masm, ecx, edx, edi, ebx, true);
// Load second argument and locate first character.
__ mov(edx, Operand(esp, 1 * kPointerSize));
__ mov(edi, FieldOperand(edx, String::kLengthOffset));
@@ -12237,7 +12354,7 @@ void StringAddStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
// ecx: next character of result
// edx: first char of second argument
// edi: length of second argument
- GenerateCopyCharacters(masm, ecx, edx, edi, ebx, true);
+ StringHelper::GenerateCopyCharacters(masm, ecx, edx, edi, ebx, true);
__ IncrementCounter(&Counters::string_add_native, 1);
__ ret(2 * kPointerSize);
@@ -12267,7 +12384,7 @@ void StringAddStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
// ecx: first character of result
// edx: first char of first argument
// edi: length of first argument
- GenerateCopyCharacters(masm, ecx, edx, edi, ebx, false);
+ StringHelper::GenerateCopyCharacters(masm, ecx, edx, edi, ebx, false);
// Load second argument and locate first character.
__ mov(edx, Operand(esp, 1 * kPointerSize));
__ mov(edi, FieldOperand(edx, String::kLengthOffset));
@@ -12276,7 +12393,7 @@ void StringAddStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
// ecx: next character of result
// edx: first char of second argument
// edi: length of second argument
- GenerateCopyCharacters(masm, ecx, edx, edi, ebx, false);
+ StringHelper::GenerateCopyCharacters(masm, ecx, edx, edi, ebx, false);
__ IncrementCounter(&Counters::string_add_native, 1);
__ ret(2 * kPointerSize);
@@ -12286,12 +12403,12 @@ void StringAddStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
-void StringStubBase::GenerateCopyCharacters(MacroAssembler* masm,
- Register dest,
- Register src,
- Register count,
- Register scratch,
- bool ascii) {
+void StringHelper::GenerateCopyCharacters(MacroAssembler* masm,
+ Register dest,
+ Register src,
+ Register count,
+ Register scratch,
+ bool ascii) {
Label loop;
__ bind(&loop);
// This loop just copies one character at a time, as it is only used for very
@@ -12312,12 +12429,12 @@ void StringStubBase::GenerateCopyCharacters(MacroAssembler* masm,
-void StringStubBase::GenerateCopyCharactersREP(MacroAssembler* masm,
- Register dest,
- Register src,
- Register count,
- Register scratch,
- bool ascii) {
+void StringHelper::GenerateCopyCharactersREP(MacroAssembler* masm,
+ Register dest,
+ Register src,
+ Register count,
+ Register scratch,
+ bool ascii) {
// Copy characters using rep movs of doublewords. Align destination on 4 byte
// boundary before starting rep movs. Copy remaining characters after running
// rep movs.
@@ -12372,13 +12489,13 @@ void StringStubBase::GenerateCopyCharactersREP(MacroAssembler* masm,
-void StringStubBase::GenerateTwoCharacterSymbolTableProbe(MacroAssembler* masm,
- Register c1,
- Register c2,
- Register scratch1,
- Register scratch2,
- Register scratch3,
- Label* not_found) {
+void StringHelper::GenerateTwoCharacterSymbolTableProbe(MacroAssembler* masm,
+ Register c1,
+ Register c2,
+ Register scratch1,
+ Register scratch2,
+ Register scratch3,
+ Label* not_found) {
// Register scratch3 is the general scratch register in this function.
Register scratch = scratch3;
@@ -12492,10 +12609,10 @@ void StringStubBase::GenerateTwoCharacterSymbolTableProbe(MacroAssembler* masm,
-void StringStubBase::GenerateHashInit(MacroAssembler* masm,
- Register hash,
- Register character,
- Register scratch) {
+void StringHelper::GenerateHashInit(MacroAssembler* masm,
+ Register hash,
+ Register character,
+ Register scratch) {
// hash = character + (character << 10);
__ mov(hash, character);
__ shl(hash, 10);
@@ -12507,10 +12624,10 @@ void StringStubBase::GenerateHashInit(MacroAssembler* masm,
-void StringStubBase::GenerateHashAddCharacter(MacroAssembler* masm,
- Register hash,
- Register character,
- Register scratch) {
+void StringHelper::GenerateHashAddCharacter(MacroAssembler* masm,
+ Register hash,
+ Register character,
+ Register scratch) {
// hash += character;
__ add(hash, Operand(character));
// hash += hash << 10;
@@ -12524,9 +12641,9 @@ void StringStubBase::GenerateHashAddCharacter(MacroAssembler* masm,
-void StringStubBase::GenerateHashGetHash(MacroAssembler* masm,
- Register hash,
- Register scratch) {
+void StringHelper::GenerateHashGetHash(MacroAssembler* masm,
+ Register hash,
+ Register scratch) {
// hash += hash << 3;
__ mov(scratch, hash);
__ shl(scratch, 3);
@@ -12600,8 +12717,8 @@ void SubStringStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
// Try to lookup two character string in symbol table.
Label make_two_character_string;
- GenerateTwoCharacterSymbolTableProbe(masm, ebx, ecx, eax, edx, edi,
- &make_two_character_string);
+ StringHelper::GenerateTwoCharacterSymbolTableProbe(
+ masm, ebx, ecx, eax, edx, edi, &make_two_character_string);
__ ret(3 * kPointerSize);
__ bind(&make_two_character_string);
@@ -12640,7 +12757,7 @@ void SubStringStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
// edx: original value of esi
// edi: first character of result
// esi: character of sub string start
- GenerateCopyCharactersREP(masm, edi, esi, ecx, ebx, true);
+ StringHelper::GenerateCopyCharactersREP(masm, edi, esi, ecx, ebx, true);
__ mov(esi, edx); // Restore esi.
__ IncrementCounter(&Counters::sub_string_native, 1);
__ ret(3 * kPointerSize);
@@ -12679,7 +12796,7 @@ void SubStringStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
// edx: original value of esi
// edi: first character of result
// esi: character of sub string start
- GenerateCopyCharactersREP(masm, edi, esi, ecx, ebx, false);
+ StringHelper::GenerateCopyCharactersREP(masm, edi, esi, ecx, ebx, false);
__ mov(esi, edx); // Restore esi.
__ IncrementCounter(&Counters::sub_string_native, 1);
__ ret(3 * kPointerSize);