path: root/deps/v8/test/cctest/
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Diffstat (limited to 'deps/v8/test/cctest/')
1 files changed, 369 insertions, 126 deletions
diff --git a/deps/v8/test/cctest/ b/deps/v8/test/cctest/
index c2c5b782dc..68bef59d86 100644
--- a/deps/v8/test/cctest/
+++ b/deps/v8/test/cctest/
@@ -3819,6 +3819,375 @@ TEST(neg) {
+template <typename T, typename Op>
+static void AdcsSbcsHelper(Op op, T left, T right, int carry, T expected,
+ StatusFlags expected_flags) {
+ int reg_size = sizeof(T) * 8;
+ auto left_reg = Register::Create(0, reg_size);
+ auto right_reg = Register::Create(1, reg_size);
+ auto result_reg = Register::Create(2, reg_size);
+ SETUP();
+ START();
+ __ Mov(left_reg, left);
+ __ Mov(right_reg, right);
+ __ Mov(x10, (carry ? CFlag : NoFlag));
+ __ Msr(NZCV, x10);
+ (masm.*op)(result_reg, left_reg, right_reg);
+ END();
+ RUN();
+ CHECK_EQUAL_64(left, left_reg.X());
+ CHECK_EQUAL_64(right, right_reg.X());
+ CHECK_EQUAL_64(expected, result_reg.X());
+ CHECK_EQUAL_NZCV(expected_flags);
+TEST(adcs_sbcs_x) {
+ INIT_V8();
+ uint64_t inputs[] = {
+ 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000001, 0x7ffffffffffffffe,
+ 0x7fffffffffffffff, 0x8000000000000000, 0x8000000000000001,
+ 0xfffffffffffffffe, 0xffffffffffffffff,
+ };
+ static const size_t input_count = sizeof(inputs) / sizeof(inputs[0]);
+ struct Expected {
+ uint64_t carry0_result;
+ StatusFlags carry0_flags;
+ uint64_t carry1_result;
+ StatusFlags carry1_flags;
+ };
+ static const Expected expected_adcs_x[input_count][input_count] = {
+ {{0x0000000000000000, ZFlag, 0x0000000000000001, NoFlag},
+ {0x0000000000000001, NoFlag, 0x0000000000000002, NoFlag},
+ {0x7ffffffffffffffe, NoFlag, 0x7fffffffffffffff, NoFlag},
+ {0x7fffffffffffffff, NoFlag, 0x8000000000000000, NVFlag},
+ {0x8000000000000000, NFlag, 0x8000000000000001, NFlag},
+ {0x8000000000000001, NFlag, 0x8000000000000002, NFlag},
+ {0xfffffffffffffffe, NFlag, 0xffffffffffffffff, NFlag},
+ {0xffffffffffffffff, NFlag, 0x0000000000000000, ZCFlag}},
+ {{0x0000000000000001, NoFlag, 0x0000000000000002, NoFlag},
+ {0x0000000000000002, NoFlag, 0x0000000000000003, NoFlag},
+ {0x7fffffffffffffff, NoFlag, 0x8000000000000000, NVFlag},
+ {0x8000000000000000, NVFlag, 0x8000000000000001, NVFlag},
+ {0x8000000000000001, NFlag, 0x8000000000000002, NFlag},
+ {0x8000000000000002, NFlag, 0x8000000000000003, NFlag},
+ {0xffffffffffffffff, NFlag, 0x0000000000000000, ZCFlag},
+ {0x0000000000000000, ZCFlag, 0x0000000000000001, CFlag}},
+ {{0x7ffffffffffffffe, NoFlag, 0x7fffffffffffffff, NoFlag},
+ {0x7fffffffffffffff, NoFlag, 0x8000000000000000, NVFlag},
+ {0xfffffffffffffffc, NVFlag, 0xfffffffffffffffd, NVFlag},
+ {0xfffffffffffffffd, NVFlag, 0xfffffffffffffffe, NVFlag},
+ {0xfffffffffffffffe, NFlag, 0xffffffffffffffff, NFlag},
+ {0xffffffffffffffff, NFlag, 0x0000000000000000, ZCFlag},
+ {0x7ffffffffffffffc, CFlag, 0x7ffffffffffffffd, CFlag},
+ {0x7ffffffffffffffd, CFlag, 0x7ffffffffffffffe, CFlag}},
+ {{0x7fffffffffffffff, NoFlag, 0x8000000000000000, NVFlag},
+ {0x8000000000000000, NVFlag, 0x8000000000000001, NVFlag},
+ {0xfffffffffffffffd, NVFlag, 0xfffffffffffffffe, NVFlag},
+ {0xfffffffffffffffe, NVFlag, 0xffffffffffffffff, NVFlag},
+ {0xffffffffffffffff, NFlag, 0x0000000000000000, ZCFlag},
+ {0x0000000000000000, ZCFlag, 0x0000000000000001, CFlag},
+ {0x7ffffffffffffffd, CFlag, 0x7ffffffffffffffe, CFlag},
+ {0x7ffffffffffffffe, CFlag, 0x7fffffffffffffff, CFlag}},
+ {{0x8000000000000000, NFlag, 0x8000000000000001, NFlag},
+ {0x8000000000000001, NFlag, 0x8000000000000002, NFlag},
+ {0xfffffffffffffffe, NFlag, 0xffffffffffffffff, NFlag},
+ {0xffffffffffffffff, NFlag, 0x0000000000000000, ZCFlag},
+ {0x0000000000000000, ZCVFlag, 0x0000000000000001, CVFlag},
+ {0x0000000000000001, CVFlag, 0x0000000000000002, CVFlag},
+ {0x7ffffffffffffffe, CVFlag, 0x7fffffffffffffff, CVFlag},
+ {0x7fffffffffffffff, CVFlag, 0x8000000000000000, NCFlag}},
+ {{0x8000000000000001, NFlag, 0x8000000000000002, NFlag},
+ {0x8000000000000002, NFlag, 0x8000000000000003, NFlag},
+ {0xffffffffffffffff, NFlag, 0x0000000000000000, ZCFlag},
+ {0x0000000000000000, ZCFlag, 0x0000000000000001, CFlag},
+ {0x0000000000000001, CVFlag, 0x0000000000000002, CVFlag},
+ {0x0000000000000002, CVFlag, 0x0000000000000003, CVFlag},
+ {0x7fffffffffffffff, CVFlag, 0x8000000000000000, NCFlag},
+ {0x8000000000000000, NCFlag, 0x8000000000000001, NCFlag}},
+ {{0xfffffffffffffffe, NFlag, 0xffffffffffffffff, NFlag},
+ {0xffffffffffffffff, NFlag, 0x0000000000000000, ZCFlag},
+ {0x7ffffffffffffffc, CFlag, 0x7ffffffffffffffd, CFlag},
+ {0x7ffffffffffffffd, CFlag, 0x7ffffffffffffffe, CFlag},
+ {0x7ffffffffffffffe, CVFlag, 0x7fffffffffffffff, CVFlag},
+ {0x7fffffffffffffff, CVFlag, 0x8000000000000000, NCFlag},
+ {0xfffffffffffffffc, NCFlag, 0xfffffffffffffffd, NCFlag},
+ {0xfffffffffffffffd, NCFlag, 0xfffffffffffffffe, NCFlag}},
+ {{0xffffffffffffffff, NFlag, 0x0000000000000000, ZCFlag},
+ {0x0000000000000000, ZCFlag, 0x0000000000000001, CFlag},
+ {0x7ffffffffffffffd, CFlag, 0x7ffffffffffffffe, CFlag},
+ {0x7ffffffffffffffe, CFlag, 0x7fffffffffffffff, CFlag},
+ {0x7fffffffffffffff, CVFlag, 0x8000000000000000, NCFlag},
+ {0x8000000000000000, NCFlag, 0x8000000000000001, NCFlag},
+ {0xfffffffffffffffd, NCFlag, 0xfffffffffffffffe, NCFlag},
+ {0xfffffffffffffffe, NCFlag, 0xffffffffffffffff, NCFlag}}};
+ static const Expected expected_sbcs_x[input_count][input_count] = {
+ {{0xffffffffffffffff, NFlag, 0x0000000000000000, ZCFlag},
+ {0xfffffffffffffffe, NFlag, 0xffffffffffffffff, NFlag},
+ {0x8000000000000001, NFlag, 0x8000000000000002, NFlag},
+ {0x8000000000000000, NFlag, 0x8000000000000001, NFlag},
+ {0x7fffffffffffffff, NoFlag, 0x8000000000000000, NVFlag},
+ {0x7ffffffffffffffe, NoFlag, 0x7fffffffffffffff, NoFlag},
+ {0x0000000000000001, NoFlag, 0x0000000000000002, NoFlag},
+ {0x0000000000000000, ZFlag, 0x0000000000000001, NoFlag}},
+ {{0x0000000000000000, ZCFlag, 0x0000000000000001, CFlag},
+ {0xffffffffffffffff, NFlag, 0x0000000000000000, ZCFlag},
+ {0x8000000000000002, NFlag, 0x8000000000000003, NFlag},
+ {0x8000000000000001, NFlag, 0x8000000000000002, NFlag},
+ {0x8000000000000000, NVFlag, 0x8000000000000001, NVFlag},
+ {0x7fffffffffffffff, NoFlag, 0x8000000000000000, NVFlag},
+ {0x0000000000000002, NoFlag, 0x0000000000000003, NoFlag},
+ {0x0000000000000001, NoFlag, 0x0000000000000002, NoFlag}},
+ {{0x7ffffffffffffffd, CFlag, 0x7ffffffffffffffe, CFlag},
+ {0x7ffffffffffffffc, CFlag, 0x7ffffffffffffffd, CFlag},
+ {0xffffffffffffffff, NFlag, 0x0000000000000000, ZCFlag},
+ {0xfffffffffffffffe, NFlag, 0xffffffffffffffff, NFlag},
+ {0xfffffffffffffffd, NVFlag, 0xfffffffffffffffe, NVFlag},
+ {0xfffffffffffffffc, NVFlag, 0xfffffffffffffffd, NVFlag},
+ {0x7fffffffffffffff, NoFlag, 0x8000000000000000, NVFlag},
+ {0x7ffffffffffffffe, NoFlag, 0x7fffffffffffffff, NoFlag}},
+ {{0x7ffffffffffffffe, CFlag, 0x7fffffffffffffff, CFlag},
+ {0x7ffffffffffffffd, CFlag, 0x7ffffffffffffffe, CFlag},
+ {0x0000000000000000, ZCFlag, 0x0000000000000001, CFlag},
+ {0xffffffffffffffff, NFlag, 0x0000000000000000, ZCFlag},
+ {0xfffffffffffffffe, NVFlag, 0xffffffffffffffff, NVFlag},
+ {0xfffffffffffffffd, NVFlag, 0xfffffffffffffffe, NVFlag},
+ {0x8000000000000000, NVFlag, 0x8000000000000001, NVFlag},
+ {0x7fffffffffffffff, NoFlag, 0x8000000000000000, NVFlag}},
+ {{0x7fffffffffffffff, CVFlag, 0x8000000000000000, NCFlag},
+ {0x7ffffffffffffffe, CVFlag, 0x7fffffffffffffff, CVFlag},
+ {0x0000000000000001, CVFlag, 0x0000000000000002, CVFlag},
+ {0x0000000000000000, ZCVFlag, 0x0000000000000001, CVFlag},
+ {0xffffffffffffffff, NFlag, 0x0000000000000000, ZCFlag},
+ {0xfffffffffffffffe, NFlag, 0xffffffffffffffff, NFlag},
+ {0x8000000000000001, NFlag, 0x8000000000000002, NFlag},
+ {0x8000000000000000, NFlag, 0x8000000000000001, NFlag}},
+ {{0x8000000000000000, NCFlag, 0x8000000000000001, NCFlag},
+ {0x7fffffffffffffff, CVFlag, 0x8000000000000000, NCFlag},
+ {0x0000000000000002, CVFlag, 0x0000000000000003, CVFlag},
+ {0x0000000000000001, CVFlag, 0x0000000000000002, CVFlag},
+ {0x0000000000000000, ZCFlag, 0x0000000000000001, CFlag},
+ {0xffffffffffffffff, NFlag, 0x0000000000000000, ZCFlag},
+ {0x8000000000000002, NFlag, 0x8000000000000003, NFlag},
+ {0x8000000000000001, NFlag, 0x8000000000000002, NFlag}},
+ {{0xfffffffffffffffd, NCFlag, 0xfffffffffffffffe, NCFlag},
+ {0xfffffffffffffffc, NCFlag, 0xfffffffffffffffd, NCFlag},
+ {0x7fffffffffffffff, CVFlag, 0x8000000000000000, NCFlag},
+ {0x7ffffffffffffffe, CVFlag, 0x7fffffffffffffff, CVFlag},
+ {0x7ffffffffffffffd, CFlag, 0x7ffffffffffffffe, CFlag},
+ {0x7ffffffffffffffc, CFlag, 0x7ffffffffffffffd, CFlag},
+ {0xffffffffffffffff, NFlag, 0x0000000000000000, ZCFlag},
+ {0xfffffffffffffffe, NFlag, 0xffffffffffffffff, NFlag}},
+ {{0xfffffffffffffffe, NCFlag, 0xffffffffffffffff, NCFlag},
+ {0xfffffffffffffffd, NCFlag, 0xfffffffffffffffe, NCFlag},
+ {0x8000000000000000, NCFlag, 0x8000000000000001, NCFlag},
+ {0x7fffffffffffffff, CVFlag, 0x8000000000000000, NCFlag},
+ {0x7ffffffffffffffe, CFlag, 0x7fffffffffffffff, CFlag},
+ {0x7ffffffffffffffd, CFlag, 0x7ffffffffffffffe, CFlag},
+ {0x0000000000000000, ZCFlag, 0x0000000000000001, CFlag},
+ {0xffffffffffffffff, NFlag, 0x0000000000000000, ZCFlag}}};
+ for (size_t left = 0; left < input_count; left++) {
+ for (size_t right = 0; right < input_count; right++) {
+ const Expected& expected = expected_adcs_x[left][right];
+ AdcsSbcsHelper(&MacroAssembler::Adcs, inputs[left], inputs[right], 0,
+ expected.carry0_result, expected.carry0_flags);
+ AdcsSbcsHelper(&MacroAssembler::Adcs, inputs[left], inputs[right], 1,
+ expected.carry1_result, expected.carry1_flags);
+ }
+ }
+ for (size_t left = 0; left < input_count; left++) {
+ for (size_t right = 0; right < input_count; right++) {
+ const Expected& expected = expected_sbcs_x[left][right];
+ AdcsSbcsHelper(&MacroAssembler::Sbcs, inputs[left], inputs[right], 0,
+ expected.carry0_result, expected.carry0_flags);
+ AdcsSbcsHelper(&MacroAssembler::Sbcs, inputs[left], inputs[right], 1,
+ expected.carry1_result, expected.carry1_flags);
+ }
+ }
+TEST(adcs_sbcs_w) {
+ INIT_V8();
+ uint32_t inputs[] = {
+ 0x00000000, 0x00000001, 0x7ffffffe, 0x7fffffff,
+ 0x80000000, 0x80000001, 0xfffffffe, 0xffffffff,
+ };
+ static const size_t input_count = sizeof(inputs) / sizeof(inputs[0]);
+ struct Expected {
+ uint32_t carry0_result;
+ StatusFlags carry0_flags;
+ uint32_t carry1_result;
+ StatusFlags carry1_flags;
+ };
+ static const Expected expected_adcs_w[input_count][input_count] = {
+ {{0x00000000, ZFlag, 0x00000001, NoFlag},
+ {0x00000001, NoFlag, 0x00000002, NoFlag},
+ {0x7ffffffe, NoFlag, 0x7fffffff, NoFlag},
+ {0x7fffffff, NoFlag, 0x80000000, NVFlag},
+ {0x80000000, NFlag, 0x80000001, NFlag},
+ {0x80000001, NFlag, 0x80000002, NFlag},
+ {0xfffffffe, NFlag, 0xffffffff, NFlag},
+ {0xffffffff, NFlag, 0x00000000, ZCFlag}},
+ {{0x00000001, NoFlag, 0x00000002, NoFlag},
+ {0x00000002, NoFlag, 0x00000003, NoFlag},
+ {0x7fffffff, NoFlag, 0x80000000, NVFlag},
+ {0x80000000, NVFlag, 0x80000001, NVFlag},
+ {0x80000001, NFlag, 0x80000002, NFlag},
+ {0x80000002, NFlag, 0x80000003, NFlag},
+ {0xffffffff, NFlag, 0x00000000, ZCFlag},
+ {0x00000000, ZCFlag, 0x00000001, CFlag}},
+ {{0x7ffffffe, NoFlag, 0x7fffffff, NoFlag},
+ {0x7fffffff, NoFlag, 0x80000000, NVFlag},
+ {0xfffffffc, NVFlag, 0xfffffffd, NVFlag},
+ {0xfffffffd, NVFlag, 0xfffffffe, NVFlag},
+ {0xfffffffe, NFlag, 0xffffffff, NFlag},
+ {0xffffffff, NFlag, 0x00000000, ZCFlag},
+ {0x7ffffffc, CFlag, 0x7ffffffd, CFlag},
+ {0x7ffffffd, CFlag, 0x7ffffffe, CFlag}},
+ {{0x7fffffff, NoFlag, 0x80000000, NVFlag},
+ {0x80000000, NVFlag, 0x80000001, NVFlag},
+ {0xfffffffd, NVFlag, 0xfffffffe, NVFlag},
+ {0xfffffffe, NVFlag, 0xffffffff, NVFlag},
+ {0xffffffff, NFlag, 0x00000000, ZCFlag},
+ {0x00000000, ZCFlag, 0x00000001, CFlag},
+ {0x7ffffffd, CFlag, 0x7ffffffe, CFlag},
+ {0x7ffffffe, CFlag, 0x7fffffff, CFlag}},
+ {{0x80000000, NFlag, 0x80000001, NFlag},
+ {0x80000001, NFlag, 0x80000002, NFlag},
+ {0xfffffffe, NFlag, 0xffffffff, NFlag},
+ {0xffffffff, NFlag, 0x00000000, ZCFlag},
+ {0x00000000, ZCVFlag, 0x00000001, CVFlag},
+ {0x00000001, CVFlag, 0x00000002, CVFlag},
+ {0x7ffffffe, CVFlag, 0x7fffffff, CVFlag},
+ {0x7fffffff, CVFlag, 0x80000000, NCFlag}},
+ {{0x80000001, NFlag, 0x80000002, NFlag},
+ {0x80000002, NFlag, 0x80000003, NFlag},
+ {0xffffffff, NFlag, 0x00000000, ZCFlag},
+ {0x00000000, ZCFlag, 0x00000001, CFlag},
+ {0x00000001, CVFlag, 0x00000002, CVFlag},
+ {0x00000002, CVFlag, 0x00000003, CVFlag},
+ {0x7fffffff, CVFlag, 0x80000000, NCFlag},
+ {0x80000000, NCFlag, 0x80000001, NCFlag}},
+ {{0xfffffffe, NFlag, 0xffffffff, NFlag},
+ {0xffffffff, NFlag, 0x00000000, ZCFlag},
+ {0x7ffffffc, CFlag, 0x7ffffffd, CFlag},
+ {0x7ffffffd, CFlag, 0x7ffffffe, CFlag},
+ {0x7ffffffe, CVFlag, 0x7fffffff, CVFlag},
+ {0x7fffffff, CVFlag, 0x80000000, NCFlag},
+ {0xfffffffc, NCFlag, 0xfffffffd, NCFlag},
+ {0xfffffffd, NCFlag, 0xfffffffe, NCFlag}},
+ {{0xffffffff, NFlag, 0x00000000, ZCFlag},
+ {0x00000000, ZCFlag, 0x00000001, CFlag},
+ {0x7ffffffd, CFlag, 0x7ffffffe, CFlag},
+ {0x7ffffffe, CFlag, 0x7fffffff, CFlag},
+ {0x7fffffff, CVFlag, 0x80000000, NCFlag},
+ {0x80000000, NCFlag, 0x80000001, NCFlag},
+ {0xfffffffd, NCFlag, 0xfffffffe, NCFlag},
+ {0xfffffffe, NCFlag, 0xffffffff, NCFlag}}};
+ static const Expected expected_sbcs_w[input_count][input_count] = {
+ {{0xffffffff, NFlag, 0x00000000, ZCFlag},
+ {0xfffffffe, NFlag, 0xffffffff, NFlag},
+ {0x80000001, NFlag, 0x80000002, NFlag},
+ {0x80000000, NFlag, 0x80000001, NFlag},
+ {0x7fffffff, NoFlag, 0x80000000, NVFlag},
+ {0x7ffffffe, NoFlag, 0x7fffffff, NoFlag},
+ {0x00000001, NoFlag, 0x00000002, NoFlag},
+ {0x00000000, ZFlag, 0x00000001, NoFlag}},
+ {{0x00000000, ZCFlag, 0x00000001, CFlag},
+ {0xffffffff, NFlag, 0x00000000, ZCFlag},
+ {0x80000002, NFlag, 0x80000003, NFlag},
+ {0x80000001, NFlag, 0x80000002, NFlag},
+ {0x80000000, NVFlag, 0x80000001, NVFlag},
+ {0x7fffffff, NoFlag, 0x80000000, NVFlag},
+ {0x00000002, NoFlag, 0x00000003, NoFlag},
+ {0x00000001, NoFlag, 0x00000002, NoFlag}},
+ {{0x7ffffffd, CFlag, 0x7ffffffe, CFlag},
+ {0x7ffffffc, CFlag, 0x7ffffffd, CFlag},
+ {0xffffffff, NFlag, 0x00000000, ZCFlag},
+ {0xfffffffe, NFlag, 0xffffffff, NFlag},
+ {0xfffffffd, NVFlag, 0xfffffffe, NVFlag},
+ {0xfffffffc, NVFlag, 0xfffffffd, NVFlag},
+ {0x7fffffff, NoFlag, 0x80000000, NVFlag},
+ {0x7ffffffe, NoFlag, 0x7fffffff, NoFlag}},
+ {{0x7ffffffe, CFlag, 0x7fffffff, CFlag},
+ {0x7ffffffd, CFlag, 0x7ffffffe, CFlag},
+ {0x00000000, ZCFlag, 0x00000001, CFlag},
+ {0xffffffff, NFlag, 0x00000000, ZCFlag},
+ {0xfffffffe, NVFlag, 0xffffffff, NVFlag},
+ {0xfffffffd, NVFlag, 0xfffffffe, NVFlag},
+ {0x80000000, NVFlag, 0x80000001, NVFlag},
+ {0x7fffffff, NoFlag, 0x80000000, NVFlag}},
+ {{0x7fffffff, CVFlag, 0x80000000, NCFlag},
+ {0x7ffffffe, CVFlag, 0x7fffffff, CVFlag},
+ {0x00000001, CVFlag, 0x00000002, CVFlag},
+ {0x00000000, ZCVFlag, 0x00000001, CVFlag},
+ {0xffffffff, NFlag, 0x00000000, ZCFlag},
+ {0xfffffffe, NFlag, 0xffffffff, NFlag},
+ {0x80000001, NFlag, 0x80000002, NFlag},
+ {0x80000000, NFlag, 0x80000001, NFlag}},
+ {{0x80000000, NCFlag, 0x80000001, NCFlag},
+ {0x7fffffff, CVFlag, 0x80000000, NCFlag},
+ {0x00000002, CVFlag, 0x00000003, CVFlag},
+ {0x00000001, CVFlag, 0x00000002, CVFlag},
+ {0x00000000, ZCFlag, 0x00000001, CFlag},
+ {0xffffffff, NFlag, 0x00000000, ZCFlag},
+ {0x80000002, NFlag, 0x80000003, NFlag},
+ {0x80000001, NFlag, 0x80000002, NFlag}},
+ {{0xfffffffd, NCFlag, 0xfffffffe, NCFlag},
+ {0xfffffffc, NCFlag, 0xfffffffd, NCFlag},
+ {0x7fffffff, CVFlag, 0x80000000, NCFlag},
+ {0x7ffffffe, CVFlag, 0x7fffffff, CVFlag},
+ {0x7ffffffd, CFlag, 0x7ffffffe, CFlag},
+ {0x7ffffffc, CFlag, 0x7ffffffd, CFlag},
+ {0xffffffff, NFlag, 0x00000000, ZCFlag},
+ {0xfffffffe, NFlag, 0xffffffff, NFlag}},
+ {{0xfffffffe, NCFlag, 0xffffffff, NCFlag},
+ {0xfffffffd, NCFlag, 0xfffffffe, NCFlag},
+ {0x80000000, NCFlag, 0x80000001, NCFlag},
+ {0x7fffffff, CVFlag, 0x80000000, NCFlag},
+ {0x7ffffffe, CFlag, 0x7fffffff, CFlag},
+ {0x7ffffffd, CFlag, 0x7ffffffe, CFlag},
+ {0x00000000, ZCFlag, 0x00000001, CFlag},
+ {0xffffffff, NFlag, 0x00000000, ZCFlag}}};
+ for (size_t left = 0; left < input_count; left++) {
+ for (size_t right = 0; right < input_count; right++) {
+ const Expected& expected = expected_adcs_w[left][right];
+ AdcsSbcsHelper(&MacroAssembler::Adcs, inputs[left], inputs[right], 0,
+ expected.carry0_result, expected.carry0_flags);
+ AdcsSbcsHelper(&MacroAssembler::Adcs, inputs[left], inputs[right], 1,
+ expected.carry1_result, expected.carry1_flags);
+ }
+ }
+ for (size_t left = 0; left < input_count; left++) {
+ for (size_t right = 0; right < input_count; right++) {
+ const Expected& expected = expected_sbcs_w[left][right];
+ AdcsSbcsHelper(&MacroAssembler::Sbcs, inputs[left], inputs[right], 0,
+ expected.carry0_result, expected.carry0_flags);
+ AdcsSbcsHelper(&MacroAssembler::Sbcs, inputs[left], inputs[right], 1,
+ expected.carry1_result, expected.carry1_flags);
+ }
+ }
TEST(adc_sbc_shift) {
@@ -3887,132 +4256,6 @@ TEST(adc_sbc_shift) {
CHECK_EQUAL_32(0x91111110 + 1, w26);
CHECK_EQUAL_32(0x9a222221 + 1, w27);
- // Check that adc correctly sets the condition flags.
- START();
- __ Mov(x0, 1);
- __ Mov(x1, 0xffffffffffffffffL);
- // Clear the C flag.
- __ Adds(x0, x0, Operand(0));
- __ Adcs(x10, x0, Operand(x1));
- END();
- RUN();
- CHECK_EQUAL_64(0, x10);
- START();
- __ Mov(x0, 1);
- __ Mov(x1, 0x8000000000000000L);
- // Clear the C flag.
- __ Adds(x0, x0, Operand(0));
- __ Adcs(x10, x0, Operand(x1, ASR, 63));
- END();
- RUN();
- CHECK_EQUAL_64(0, x10);
- START();
- __ Mov(x0, 0x10);
- __ Mov(x1, 0x07ffffffffffffffL);
- // Clear the C flag.
- __ Adds(x0, x0, Operand(0));
- __ Adcs(x10, x0, Operand(x1, LSL, 4));
- END();
- RUN();
- CHECK_EQUAL_64(0x8000000000000000L, x10);
- // Check that sbc correctly sets the condition flags.
- START();
- __ Mov(x0, 0);
- __ Mov(x1, 0xffffffffffffffffL);
- // Clear the C flag.
- __ Adds(x0, x0, Operand(0));
- __ Sbcs(x10, x0, Operand(x1));
- END();
- RUN();
- CHECK_EQUAL_64(0, x10);
- START();
- __ Mov(x0, 1);
- __ Mov(x1, 0xffffffffffffffffL);
- // Clear the C flag.
- __ Adds(x0, x0, Operand(0));
- __ Sbcs(x10, x0, Operand(x1, LSR, 1));
- END();
- RUN();
- CHECK_EQUAL_64(0x8000000000000001L, x10);
- START();
- __ Mov(x0, 0);
- // Clear the C flag.
- __ Adds(x0, x0, Operand(0));
- __ Sbcs(x10, x0, Operand(0xffffffffffffffffL));
- END();
- RUN();
- CHECK_EQUAL_64(0, x10);
- __ Mov(w0, 0x7fffffff);
- // Clear the C flag.
- __ Adds(x0, x0, Operand(0));
- __ Ngcs(w10, w0);
- END();
- RUN();
- CHECK_EQUAL_64(0x80000000, x10);
- START();
- // Clear the C flag.
- __ Adds(x0, x0, Operand(0));
- __ Ngcs(x10, 0x7fffffffffffffffL);
- END();
- RUN();
- CHECK_EQUAL_64(0x8000000000000000L, x10);
- __ Mov(x0, 0);
- // Set the C flag.
- __ Cmp(x0, Operand(x0));
- __ Sbcs(x10, x0, Operand(1));
- END();
- RUN();
- CHECK_EQUAL_64(0xffffffffffffffffL, x10);
- __ Mov(x0, 0);
- // Set the C flag.
- __ Cmp(x0, Operand(x0));
- __ Ngcs(x10, 0x7fffffffffffffffL);
- END();
- RUN();
- CHECK_EQUAL_64(0x8000000000000001L, x10);