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- <article><p><img src="" alt="Async Logo"></p>
-<p><a href=""><img src="" alt="Build Status via Travis CI"></a>
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-<p><em>For Async v1.5.x documentation, go <a href="">HERE</a></em></p>
-<p>Async is a utility module which provides straight-forward, powerful functions
-for working with asynchronous JavaScript. Although originally designed for
-use with <a href="">Node.js</a> and installable via <code>npm install async</code>,
-it can also be used directly in the browser.</p>
-<p>Async is also installable via:</p>
-<li><a href="">yarn</a>: <code>yarn add async</code></li>
-<li><a href="">bower</a>: <code>bower install async</code></li>
-<p>Async provides around 70 functions that include the usual &apos;functional&apos;
-suspects (<code>map</code>, <code>reduce</code>, <code>filter</code>, <code>each</code>&#x2026;) as well as some common patterns
-for asynchronous control flow (<code>parallel</code>, <code>series</code>, <code>waterfall</code>&#x2026;). All these
-functions assume you follow the Node.js convention of providing a single
-callback as the last argument of your asynchronous function -- a callback which expects an Error as its first argument -- and calling the callback once.</p>
-<h2>Quick Examples</h2><pre class="prettyprint source lang-js"><code>[&apos;file1&apos;,&apos;file2&apos;,&apos;file3&apos;], fs.stat, function(err, results) {
- // results is now an array of stats for each file
-async.filter([&apos;file1&apos;,&apos;file2&apos;,&apos;file3&apos;], function(filePath, callback) {
- fs.access(filePath, function(err) {
- callback(null, !err)
- });
-}, function(err, results) {
- // results now equals an array of the existing files
- function(callback) { ... },
- function(callback) { ... }
-], function(err, results) {
- // optional callback
- function(callback) { ... },
- function(callback) { ... }
-]);</code></pre><p>There are many more functions available so take a look at the docs below for a
-full list. This module aims to be comprehensive, so if you feel anything is
-missing please create a GitHub issue for it.</p>
-<h2>Common Pitfalls <a href="">(StackOverflow)</a></h2><h3>Synchronous iteration functions</h3><p>If you get an error like <code>RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded.</code> or other stack overflow issues when using async, you are likely using a synchronous iteratee. By <em>synchronous</em> we mean a function that calls its callback on the same tick in the javascript event loop, without doing any I/O or using any timers. Calling many callbacks iteratively will quickly overflow the stack. If you run into this issue, just defer your callback with <code>async.setImmediate</code> to start a new call stack on the next tick of the event loop.</p>
-<p>This can also arise by accident if you callback early in certain cases:</p>
-<pre class="prettyprint source lang-js"><code>async.eachSeries(hugeArray, function iteratee(item, callback) {
- if (inCache(item)) {
- callback(null, cache[item]); // if many items are cached, you&apos;ll overflow
- } else {
- doSomeIO(item, callback);
- }
-}, function done() {
- //...
-});</code></pre><p>Just change it to:</p>
-<pre class="prettyprint source lang-js"><code>async.eachSeries(hugeArray, function iteratee(item, callback) {
- if (inCache(item)) {
- async.setImmediate(function() {
- callback(null, cache[item]);
- });
- } else {
- doSomeIO(item, callback);
- //...
- }
-});</code></pre><p>Async does not guard against synchronous iteratees for performance reasons. If you are still running into stack overflows, you can defer as suggested above, or wrap functions with <a href="#ensureAsync"><code>async.ensureAsync</code></a> Functions that are asynchronous by their nature do not have this problem and don&apos;t need the extra callback deferral.</p>
-<p>If JavaScript&apos;s event loop is still a bit nebulous, check out <a href="">this article</a> or <a href="">this talk</a> for more detailed information about how it works.</p>
-<h3>Multiple callbacks</h3><p>Make sure to always <code>return</code> when calling a callback early, otherwise you will cause multiple callbacks and unpredictable behavior in many cases.</p>
-<pre class="prettyprint source lang-js"><code>async.waterfall([
- function(callback) {
- getSomething(options, function (err, result) {
- if (err) {
- callback(new Error(&quot;failed getting something:&quot; + err.message));
- // we should return here
- }
- // since we did not return, this callback still will be called and
- // `processData` will be called twice
- callback(null, result);
- });
- },
- processData
-], done)</code></pre><p>It is always good practice to <code>return callback(err, result)</code> whenever a callback call is not the last statement of a function.</p>
-<h3>Using ES2017 <code>async</code> functions</h3><p>Async accepts <code>async</code> functions wherever we accept a Node-style callback function. However, we do not pass them a callback, and instead use the return value and handle any promise rejections or errors thrown.</p>
-<pre class="prettyprint source lang-js"><code>async.mapLimit(files, 10, async file =&gt; { // &lt;- no callback!
- const text = await util.promisify(fs.readFile)(dir + file, &apos;utf8&apos;)
- const body = JSON.parse(text) // &lt;- a parse error here will be caught automatically
- if (!(await checkValidity(body))) {
- throw new Error(`${file} has invalid contents`) // &lt;- this error will also be caught
- }
- return body // &lt;- return a value!
-}, (err, contents) =&gt; {
- if (err) throw err
- console.log(contents)
-})</code></pre><p>We can only detect native <code>async</code> functions, not transpiled versions (e.g. with Babel). Otherwise, you can wrap <code>async</code> functions in <code>async.asyncify()</code>.</p>
-<h3>Binding a context to an iteratee</h3><p>This section is really about <code>bind</code>, not about Async. If you are wondering how to
-make Async execute your iteratees in a given context, or are confused as to why
-a method of another library isn&apos;t working as an iteratee, study this example:</p>
-<pre class="prettyprint source lang-js"><code>// Here is a simple object with an (unnecessarily roundabout) squaring method
-var AsyncSquaringLibrary = {
- squareExponent: 2,
- square: function(number, callback){
- var result = Math.pow(number, this.squareExponent);
- setTimeout(function(){
- callback(null, result);
- }, 200);
- }
-[1, 2, 3], AsyncSquaringLibrary.square, function(err, result) {
- // result is [NaN, NaN, NaN]
- // This fails because the `this.squareExponent` expression in the square
- // function is not evaluated in the context of AsyncSquaringLibrary, and is
- // therefore undefined.
-[1, 2, 3], AsyncSquaringLibrary.square.bind(AsyncSquaringLibrary), function(err, result) {
- // result is [1, 4, 9]
- // With the help of bind we can attach a context to the iteratee before
- // passing it to Async. Now the square function will be executed in its
- // &apos;home&apos; AsyncSquaringLibrary context and the value of `this.squareExponent`
- // will be as expected.
-});</code></pre><h3>Subtle Memory Leaks</h3><p>There are cases where you might want to exit early from async flow, when calling an Async method inside another async function:</p>
-<pre class="prettyprint source lang-javascript"><code>function myFunction (args, outerCallback) {
- async.waterfall([
- //...
- function (arg, next) {
- if (someImportantCondition()) {
- return outerCallback(null)
- }
- },
- function (arg, next) {/*...*/}
- ], function done (err) {
- //...
- })
-}</code></pre><p>Something happened in a waterfall where you want to skip the rest of the execution, so you call an outer callack. However, Async will still wait for that inner <code>next</code> callback to be called, leaving some closure scope allocated.</p>
-<p>As of version 3.0, you can call any Async callback with <code>false</code> as the <code>error</code> argument, and the rest of the execution of the Async method will be stopped or ignored.</p>
-<pre class="prettyprint source lang-javascript"><code> function (arg, next) {
- if (someImportantCondition()) {
- outerCallback(null)
- return next(false) // &#x2190; signal that you called an outer callback
- }
- },</code></pre><h3>Mutating collections</h3><p>If you pass an array to a collection method (such as <code>each</code>, <code>mapLimit</code>, or <code>filterSeries</code>), and then attempt to <code>push</code>, <code>pop</code>, or <code>splice</code> additional items on to the array, this could lead to unexpected or undefined behavior. Async will iterate until the original <code>length</code> of the array is met, and the indexes of items <code>pop()</code>ed or <code>splice()</code>d could already have been processed. Therefore, it is not recommended to modify the array after Async has begun iterating over it. If you do need to <code>push</code>, <code>pop</code>, or <code>splice</code>, use a <code>queue</code> instead.</p>
-<h2>Download</h2><p>The source is available for download from
-<a href="">GitHub</a>.
-Alternatively, you can install using npm:</p>
-<pre class="prettyprint source lang-bash"><code>$ npm install async</code></pre><p>As well as using Bower:</p>
-<pre class="prettyprint source lang-bash"><code>$ bower install async</code></pre><p>You can then <code>require()</code> async as normal:</p>
-<pre class="prettyprint source lang-js"><code>var async = require(&quot;async&quot;);</code></pre><p>Or require individual methods:</p>
-<pre class="prettyprint source lang-js"><code>var waterfall = require(&quot;async/waterfall&quot;);
-var map = require(&quot;async/map&quot;);</code></pre><p><strong>Development:</strong> <a href="">async.js</a> - 29.6kb Uncompressed</p>
-<h3>In the Browser</h3><p>Async should work in any ES2015 environment (Node 6+ and all modern browsers).</p>
-<p>If you want to use Async in an older environment, (e.g. Node 4, IE11) you will have to transpile.</p>
-<pre class="prettyprint source lang-html"><code>&lt;script type=&quot;text/javascript&quot; src=&quot;async.js&quot;&gt;&lt;/script&gt;
-&lt;script type=&quot;text/javascript&quot;&gt;
-, asyncProcess, function(err, results) {
- alert(results);
- });
-&lt;/script&gt;</code></pre><p>The portable versions of Async, including <code>async.js</code> and <code>async.min.js</code>, are
-included in the <code>/dist</code> folder. Async can also be found on the <a href="">jsDelivr CDN</a>.</p>
-<h3>ES Modules</h3><p>Async includes a <code>.mjs</code> version that should automatically be used by compatible bundlers such as Webpack or Rollup, anything that uses the <code>module</code> field of the <code>package.json</code>.</p>
-<p>We also provide Async as a collection of purely ES2015 modules, in an alternative <code>async-es</code> package on npm.</p>
-<pre class="prettyprint source lang-bash"><code>$ npm install async-es</code></pre><pre class="prettyprint source lang-js"><code>import waterfall from &apos;async-es/waterfall&apos;;
-import async from &apos;async-es&apos;;</code></pre><h2>Other Libraries</h2><ul>
-<li><a href=""><code>limiter</code></a> a package for rate-limiting based on requests per sec/hour.</li>
-<li><a href=""><code>neo-async</code></a> an altername implementation of Async, focusing on speed.</li>
-<li><a href=""><code>co-async</code></a> a library inspired by Async for use with <a href=""><code>co</code></a> and generator functions.</li>
-<li><a href=""><code>promise-async</code></a> a version of Async where all the methods are Promisified.</li>
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- Documentation generated by <a href="">JSDoc 3.5.5</a> on Sun May 26 2019 14:43:28 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time) using the Minami theme.
- Documentation has been modified from the original. For more information, please see the <a href="">async</a> repository.</footer></div>
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