path: root/mocha_test/concat.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'mocha_test/concat.js')
1 files changed, 401 insertions, 41 deletions
diff --git a/mocha_test/concat.js b/mocha_test/concat.js
index 389b2de..f6b73b3 100644
--- a/mocha_test/concat.js
+++ b/mocha_test/concat.js
@@ -3,55 +3,415 @@ var expect = require('chai').expect;
var assert = require('assert');
describe('concat', function() {
- it('concat', function(done) {
- var call_order = [];
- var iteratee = function (x, cb) {
- setTimeout(function(){
- call_order.push(x);
- var r = [];
- while (x > 0) {
- r.push(x);
- x--;
+ this.timeout(250);
+ function concatIteratee(callOrder, val, next) {
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ callOrder.push(val);
+ next(null, [val, val+1]);
+ }, val * 25);
+ }
+ context('concat', function() {
+ it('basics', function(done) {
+ var callOrder = [];
+ async.concat([1, 3, 2], concatIteratee.bind(this, callOrder), function(err, result) {
+ expect(err).to.eql(null);
+ expect(callOrder).to.eql([1, 2, 3]);
+ expect(result).to.eql([1, 2, 3, 4, 2, 3]);
+ done();
+ });
+ });
+ it('error', function(done) {
+ async.concat([1, 3, 2], function(val, next) {
+ if (val === 3) {
+ return next(new Error('fail'));
- cb(null, r);
- }, x*25);
- };
- async.concat([1,3,2], iteratee, function(err, results){
- expect(results).to.eql([1,2,1,3,2,1]);
- expect(call_order).to.eql([1,2,3]);
- assert(err === null, err + " passed instead of 'null'");
- done();
+ next(null, [val, val+1]);
+ }, function(err, result) {
+ expect(err).to.not.eql(null);
+ expect(result).to.eql([1, 2]);
+ done();
+ });
+ });
+ it('original untouched', function(done) {
+ var arr = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'];
+ async.concat(arr, function(val, next) {
+ next(null, [val, val]);
+ }, function(err, result) {
+ expect(arr).to.eql(['foo', 'bar', 'baz']);
+ expect(result).to.eql(['foo', 'foo', 'bar', 'bar', 'baz', 'baz']);
+ done();
+ });
+ });
+ it('empty results', function(done) {
+ var arr = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'];
+ async.concat(arr, function(val, next) {
+ next(null);
+ }, function(err, result) {
+ expect(err).to.eql(null);
+ expect(result)'array');
+ done();
+ });
+ });
+ it('empty arrays', function(done) {
+ var arr = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'];
+ async.concat(arr, function(val, next) {
+ next(null, []);
+ }, function(err, result) {
+ expect(err).to.eql(null);
+ expect(result)'array');
+ done();
+ });
+ });
+ it('handles empty object', function(done) {
+ async.concat({}, function(val, next) {
+ assert(false, 'iteratee should not be called');
+ next();
+ }, function(err, result) {
+ expect(err).to.eql(null);
+ expect(result)'array');
+ done();
+ });
+ });
+ it('variadic', function(done) {
+ var arr = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'];
+ async.concat(arr, function(val, next) {
+ next(null, val, val);
+ }, function(err, result) {
+ expect(err).to.eql(null);
+ expect(result).to.eql(['foo', 'foo', 'bar', 'bar', 'baz', 'baz']);
+ done();
+ });
+ });
+ it('flattens arrays', function(done) {
+ var arr = ['foo', 'bar'];
+ async.concat(arr, function(val, next) {
+ next(null, [val, [val]]);
+ }, function(err, result) {
+ expect(err).to.eql(null);
+ expect(result).to.eql(['foo', ['foo'], 'bar', ['bar']]);
+ done();
+ });
+ });
+ it('handles fasly values', function(done) {
+ var falsy = [null, undefined, 0, ''];
+ async.concat(falsy, function(val, next) {
+ next(null, val);
+ }, function(err, result) {
+ expect(err).to.eql(null);
+ expect(result).to.eql(falsy);
+ done();
+ });
+ });
+ it('handles objects', function(done) {
+ var obj = {a: 'foo', b: 'bar', c: 'baz'};
+ async.concat(obj, function(val, next) {
+ next(null, val);
+ }, function(err, result) {
+ expect(err).to.eql(null);
+ expect(result).to.eql(['foo', 'bar', 'baz']);
+ done();
+ });
+ });
+ it('main callback optional', function(done) {
+ var arr = [1, 2, 3];
+ var runs = [];
+ async.concat(arr, function(val, next) {
+ runs.push(val);
+ var _done = (runs.length === arr.length);
+ async.setImmediate(function() {
+ next(null);
+ if (_done) {
+ expect(runs).to.eql(arr);
+ done();
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ it('iteratee callback is only called once', function(done) {
+ async.concat([1, 2], function(val, next) {
+ try {
+ next(val);
+ } catch (exception) {
+ expect(function() {
+ next(exception);
+ }).to.throw(/already called/);
+ done();
+ }
+ }, function() {
+ throw new Error();
+ });
+ });
+ it('preserves order', function(done) {
+ var arr = [30, 15];
+ async.concat(arr, function(x, cb) {
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ cb(null, x);
+ }, x);
+ }, function(err, result) {
+ expect(err).to.eql(null);
+ expect(result).to.eql(arr);
+ done();
+ });
+ });
+ it('handles Map', function(done) {
+ if (typeof Map !== 'function') {
+ return done();
+ }
+ var map = new Map([
+ ['a', 'b'],
+ ['b', 'c'],
+ ['c', 'd']
+ ]);
+ async.concat(map, function(val, next) {
+ next(null, val);
+ }, function(err, result) {
+ expect(err).to.eql(null);
+ expect(result).to.eql(['a', 'b', 'b', 'c', 'c', 'd']);
+ done();
+ });
+ });
+ it('handles sparse results', function(done) {
+ var arr = [1, 2, 3, 4];
+ async.concat(arr, function(val, next) {
+ if (val === 1 || val === 3) {
+ return next(null, val+1);
+ } else if (val === 2) {
+ async.setImmediate(function() {
+ return next(null, val+1);
+ });
+ } else {
+ return next('error');
+ }
+ }, function(err, result) {
+ expect(err).to.not.eql(null);
+ expect(result).to.eql([2, 4]);
+ async.setImmediate(done);
+ });
- it('concat error', function(done) {
- var iteratee = function (x, cb) {
- cb(new Error('test error'));
- };
- async.concat([1,2,3], iteratee, function(err){
- assert(err);
- done();
+ context('concatLimit', function() {
+ var arr = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'];
+ it('basics', function(done) {
+ var running = 0;
+ var concurrency = {'foo': 2, 'bar': 2, 'baz': 1};
+ async.concatLimit(arr, 2, function(val, next) {
+ running++;
+ async.setImmediate(function() {
+ expect(running).to.equal(concurrency[val]);
+ running--;
+ next(null, val, val);
+ })
+ }, function(err, result) {
+ expect(running).to.equal(0);
+ expect(err).to.eql(null);
+ expect(result).to.eql(['foo', 'foo', 'bar', 'bar', 'baz', 'baz']);
+ done();
+ });
+ });
+ it('error', function(done) {
+ async.concatLimit(arr, 1, function(val, next) {
+ if (val === 'bar') {
+ return next(new Error('fail'));
+ }
+ next(null, val);
+ }, function(err, result) {
+ expect(err).to.not.eql(null);
+ expect(result).to.eql(['foo']);
+ done();
+ });
+ });
+ it('handles objects', function(done) {
+ async.concatLimit({'foo': 1, 'bar': 2, 'baz': 3}, 2, function(val, next) {
+ next(null, val+1);
+ }, function(err, result) {
+ expect(err).to.eql(null);
+ expect(result).to.eql([2, 3, 4]);
+ done();
+ });
+ });
+ it('handles empty object', function(done) {
+ async.concatLimit({}, 2, function(val, next) {
+ assert(false, 'iteratee should not be called');
+ next();
+ }, function(err, result) {
+ expect(err).to.eql(null);
+ expect(result)'array');
+ done();
+ });
+ });
+ it('handles undefined', function(done) {
+ async.concatLimit(undefined, 2, function(val, next) {
+ assert(false, 'iteratee should not be called');
+ next();
+ }, function(err, result) {
+ expect(err).to.eql(null);
+ expect(result)'array');
+ done();
+ });
+ });
+ it('limit exceeds size', function(done) {
+ var callOrder = [];
+ async.concatLimit([3, 2, 2, 1], 10, concatIteratee.bind(this, callOrder), function(err, result) {
+ expect(err).to.eql(null);
+ expect(result).to.eql([3, 4, 2, 3, 2, 3, 1, 2]);
+ expect(callOrder).to.eql([1, 2, 2, 3]);
+ done();
+ });
+ });
+ it('limit equal size', function(done) {
+ var callOrder = [];
+ async.concatLimit([3, 2, 2, 1], 4, concatIteratee.bind(this, callOrder), function(err, result) {
+ expect(err).to.eql(null);
+ expect(result).to.eql([3, 4, 2, 3, 2, 3, 1, 2]);
+ expect(callOrder).to.eql([1, 2, 2, 3]);
+ done();
+ });
+ });
+ it('zero limit', function(done) {
+ async.concatLimit([3, 2, 2, 1], 0, function(val, next) {
+ assert(false, 'iteratee should not be called');
+ next();
+ }, function(err, result) {
+ expect(err).to.eql(null);
+ expect(result)'array');
+ done();
+ });
+ });
+ it('does not continue replenishing after error', function(done) {
+ var started = 0;
+ var arr = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9];
+ var limit = 3;
+ var step = 0;
+ var maxSteps = arr.length;
+ async.concatLimit(arr, limit, function(val, next) {
+ started++;
+ if (started === 3) {
+ return next(new Error('fail'));
+ }
+ async.setImmediate(function() {
+ next();
+ });
+ }, function(err, result) {
+ expect(err).to.not.eql(null);
+ expect(result)'array');
+ });
+ // wait `maxSteps` event loop cycles before calling done to ensure
+ // the iteratee is not called on more items in arr.
+ function waitCycle() {
+ step++;
+ if (step >= maxSteps) {
+ expect(started).to.equal(3);
+ done();
+ return;
+ } else {
+ async.setImmediate(waitCycle);
+ }
+ }
+ async.setImmediate(waitCycle);
- it('concatSeries', function(done) {
- var call_order = [];
- var iteratee = function (x, cb) {
- setTimeout(function(){
- call_order.push(x);
- var r = [];
- while (x > 0) {
- r.push(x);
- x--;
+ context('concatSeries', function() {
+ it('basics', function(done) {
+ var callOrder = [];
+ var running = 0;
+ var iteratee = function (x, cb) {
+ running++;
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ expect(running).to.equal(1);
+ running--;
+ callOrder.push(x);
+ var r = [];
+ while (x > 0) {
+ r.push(x);
+ x--;
+ }
+ cb(null, r);
+ }, x*25);
+ };
+ async.concatSeries([1,3,2], iteratee, function(err, results) {
+ expect(results).to.eql([1,3,2,1,2,1]);
+ expect(running).to.equal(0);
+ expect(callOrder).to.eql([1,3,2]);
+ assert(err === null, err + " passed instead of 'null'");
+ done();
+ });
+ });
+ it('error', function(done) {
+ async.concatSeries(['foo', 'bar', 'baz'], function(val, next) {
+ if (val === 'bar') {
+ return next(new Error('fail'));
- cb(null, r);
- }, x*25);
- };
- async.concatSeries([1,3,2], iteratee, function(err, results){
- expect(results).to.eql([1,3,2,1,2,1]);
- expect(call_order).to.eql([1,3,2]);
- assert(err === null, err + " passed instead of 'null'");
- done();
+ next(null, [val, val]);
+ }, function(err, result) {
+ expect(err).to.not.eql(null);
+ expect(result).to.eql(['foo', 'foo']);
+ done();
+ });
+ });
+ it('handles objects', function(done) {
+ async.concatSeries({'foo': 1, 'bar': 2, 'baz': 3}, function(val, next) {
+ return next(null, [val, val+1]);
+ }, function(err, result) {
+ expect(err).to.eql(null);
+ expect(result).to.eql([1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4]);
+ done();
+ });
+ });
+ it('handles empty object', function(done) {
+ async.concatSeries({}, function(val, next) {
+ assert(false, 'iteratee should not be called');
+ next();
+ }, function(err, result) {
+ expect(err).to.eql(null);
+ expect(result)'array');
+ done();
+ });
+ });
+ it('handles undefined', function(done) {
+ async.concatSeries(undefined, function(val, next) {
+ assert(false, 'iteratee should not be called');
+ next();
+ }, function(err, result) {
+ expect(err).to.eql(null);
+ expect(result)'array');
+ done();
+ });