path: root/mozilla/nsprpub/pr/src/nspr.def
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Diffstat (limited to 'mozilla/nsprpub/pr/src/nspr.def')
1 files changed, 480 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/mozilla/nsprpub/pr/src/nspr.def b/mozilla/nsprpub/pr/src/nspr.def
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f67e7ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mozilla/nsprpub/pr/src/nspr.def
@@ -0,0 +1,480 @@
+;+# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
+;+# Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
+;+# The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
+;+# 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+;+# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+;+# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
+;+# WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
+;+# for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
+;+# License.
+;+# The Original Code is the Netscape Portable Runtime (NSPR).
+;+# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
+;+# Netscape Communications Corporation.
+;+# Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2002-2003
+;+# the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
+;+# Contributor(s):
+;+# Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
+;+# either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
+;+# the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
+;+# in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
+;+# of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
+;+# under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
+;+# use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
+;+# decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
+;+# and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
+;+# the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
+;+# the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
+;+# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****
+;+# OK, this file is meant to support SUN, LINUX, AIX, OS/2 and WINDOWS
+;+# 1. For all unix platforms, the string ";-" means "remove this line"
+;+# 2. For all unix platforms, the string " DATA " will be removed from any
+;+# line on which it occurs.
+;+# 3. Lines containing ";+" will have ";+" removed on SUN and LINUX.
+;+# On AIX, lines containing ";+" will be removed.
+;+# 4. For all unix platforms, the string ";;" will thave the ";;" removed.
+;+# 5. For all unix platforms, after the above processing has taken place,
+;+# all characters after the first ";" on the line will be removed.
+;+# And for AIX, the first ";" will also be removed.
+;+# This file is passed directly to windows. Since ';' is a comment, all UNIX
+;+# directives are hidden behind ";", ";+", and ";-"
+;+NSPR_4.0 {
+;+ global:
+LIBRARY nspr4 ;-
+ LL_MaxInt;
+ LL_MinInt;
+ LL_Zero;
+ PR_Abort;
+ PR_AddToCounter;
+ PR_Accept;
+ PR_AcceptRead;
+ PR_Access;
+ PR_AddWaitFileDesc;
+ PR_AllocFileDesc;
+ PR_Assert;
+ PR_AtomicAdd;
+ PR_AtomicDecrement;
+ PR_AtomicIncrement;
+ PR_AtomicSet;
+ PR_AttachSharedMemory;
+ PR_AttachThread;
+ PR_Available;
+ PR_Available64;
+ PR_Bind;
+ PR_BlockClockInterrupts;
+ PR_BlockInterrupt;
+ PR_CEnterMonitor;
+ PR_CExitMonitor;
+ PR_CNotify;
+ PR_CNotifyAll;
+ PR_CSetOnMonitorRecycle;
+ PR_CWait;
+ PR_CallOnce;
+ PR_Calloc;
+ PR_CancelJob;
+ PR_CancelWaitFileDesc;
+ PR_CancelWaitGroup;
+ PR_CeilingLog2;
+ PR_ChangeFileDescNativeHandle;
+ PR_Cleanup;
+ PR_ClearInterrupt;
+ PR_ClearThreadGCAble;
+ PR_Close;
+ PR_CloseDir;
+ PR_CloseFileMap;
+ PR_CloseSemaphore;
+ PR_CloseSharedMemory;
+ PR_Connect;
+ PR_CreateCounter;
+ PR_ConvertIPv4AddrToIPv6;
+ PR_CreateAlarm;
+ PR_CreateFileMap;
+ PR_CreateIOLayerStub;
+ PR_CreateOrderedLock;
+ PR_CreateMWaitEnumerator;
+ PR_CreatePipe;
+ PR_CreateProcess;
+ PR_CreateProcessDetached;
+ PR_CreateSocketPollFd;
+ PR_CreateStack;
+ PR_CreateThread;
+ PR_CreateThreadGCAble;
+ PR_CreateTrace;
+ PR_CreateThreadPool;
+ PR_DecrementCounter;
+ PR_CreateWaitGroup;
+ PR_Delete;
+ PR_DeleteSemaphore;
+ PR_DeleteSharedMemory;
+ PR_DestroyAlarm;
+ PR_DestroyCounter;
+ PR_DestroyCondVar;
+ PR_DestroyLock;
+ PR_DestroyMWaitEnumerator;
+ PR_DestroyOrderedLock;
+ PR_DestroyMonitor;
+ PR_DestroyPollableEvent;
+ PR_DestroyProcessAttr;
+ PR_DestroyRWLock;
+ PR_DestroySem;
+ PR_DestroySocketPollFd;
+ PR_DestroyTrace;
+ PR_DestroyStack;
+ PR_DestroyWaitGroup;
+ PR_DetachProcess;
+ PR_DetachSharedMemory;
+ PR_DetachThread;
+ PR_DisableClockInterrupts;
+ PR_EnableClockInterrupts;
+ PR_EnterMonitor;
+ PR_EnumerateHostEnt;
+ PR_EnumerateThreads;
+ PR_EnumerateWaitGroup;
+ PR_ErrorInstallCallback;
+ PR_ErrorInstallTable;
+ PR_ErrorLanguages;
+ PR_ErrorToName;
+ PR_ErrorToString;
+ PR_ExitMonitor;
+ PR_ExplodeTime;
+ PR_ExportFileMapAsString;
+ PR_FileDesc2NativeHandle;
+ PR_FindSymbol;
+ PR_FindSymbolAndLibrary;
+ PR_FloorLog2;
+ PR_FormatTime;
+ PR_FindNextCounterQname;
+ PR_FindNextCounterRname;
+ PR_FindNextTraceQname;
+ PR_FindNextTraceRname;
+ PR_FormatTimeUSEnglish;
+ PR_Free;
+ PR_FreeLibraryName;
+ PR_GMTParameters;
+ PR_GetConnectStatus;
+ PR_GetCurrentThread;
+ PR_GetDefaultIOMethods;
+ PR_GetDescType;
+ PR_GetDirectorySeparator;
+ PR_GetCounter;
+ PR_GetCounterHandleFromName;
+ PR_GetCounterNameFromHandle;
+ PR_GetDirectorySepartor;
+ PR_GetEnv;
+ PR_GetError;
+ PR_GetErrorText;
+ PR_GetErrorTextLength;
+ PR_GetFileInfo;
+ PR_GetFileInfo64;
+ PR_GetFileMethods;
+ PR_GetGCRegisters;
+ PR_GetHostByAddr;
+ PR_GetHostByName;
+ PR_GetIPNodeByName;
+ PR_GetIdentitiesLayer;
+ PR_GetInheritedFD;
+ PR_GetInheritedFileMap;
+ PR_GetLayersIdentity;
+ PR_GetLibraryName;
+ PR_GetLibraryPath;
+ PR_GetMonitorEntryCount;
+ PR_GetNameForIdentity;
+ PR_GetOSError;
+ PR_GetOpenFileInfo;
+ PR_GetOpenFileInfo64;
+ PR_GetPageShift;
+ PR_GetPageSize;
+ PR_GetPeerName;
+ PR_GetPipeMethods;
+ PR_GetProtoByName;
+ PR_GetProtoByNumber;
+ PR_GetRandomNoise;
+ PR_GetSP;
+ PR_GetSockName;
+ PR_GetSocketOption;
+ PR_GetSpecialFD;
+ PR_GetStackSpaceLeft;
+ PR_GetSysfdTableMax;
+ PR_GetSystemInfo;
+ PR_GetTCPMethods;
+ PR_GetThreadAffinityMask;
+ PR_GetThreadID;
+ PR_GetThreadPriority;
+ PR_GetThreadPrivate;
+ PR_GetThreadScope;
+ PR_GetThreadState;
+ PR_GetThreadType;
+ PR_GetUDPMethods;
+ PR_GetUniqueIdentity;
+ PR_ImplodeTime;
+ PR_ImportFile;
+ PR_ImportFileMapFromString;
+ PR_ImportTCPSocket;
+ PR_ImportUDPSocket;
+ PR_GetTraceEntries;
+ PR_GetTraceHandleFromName;
+ PR_GetTraceNameFromHandle;
+ PR_GetTraceOption;
+ PR_Init;
+ PR_Initialize;
+ PR_InitializeNetAddr;
+ PR_Initialized;
+ PR_Interrupt;
+ PR_IntervalNow;
+ PR_IntervalToMicroseconds;
+ PR_IntervalToMilliseconds;
+ PR_IncrementCounter;
+ PR_IntervalToSeconds;
+ PR_IsNetAddrType;
+ PR_JoinJob;
+ PR_JoinThread;
+ PR_JoinThreadPool;
+ PR_KillProcess;
+ PR_Listen;
+ PR_LoadLibrary;
+ PR_LoadLibraryWithFlags;
+ PR_LoadStaticLibrary;
+ PR_LocalTimeParameters;
+ PR_Lock;
+ PR_LockFile;
+ PR_LogFlush;
+ PR_LogPrint;
+ PR_MakeDir;
+ PR_Malloc;
+ PR_MemMap;
+ PR_MemUnmap;
+ PR_MicrosecondsToInterval;
+ PR_MillisecondsToInterval;
+ PR_LockOrderedLock;
+ PR_MkDir;
+ PR_NetAddrToString;
+ PR_NewCondVar;
+ PR_NewLock;
+ PR_NewLogModule;
+ PR_NewMonitor;
+ PR_NewNamedMonitor;
+ PR_NewPollableEvent;
+ PR_NewProcessAttr;
+ PR_NewRWLock;
+ PR_NewSem;
+ PR_NewTCPSocket;
+ PR_NewTCPSocketPair;
+ PR_NewThreadPrivateIndex;
+ PR_NewUDPSocket;
+ PR_NormalizeTime;
+ PR_Notify;
+ PR_NotifyAll;
+ PR_NotifyAllCondVar;
+ PR_NotifyCondVar;
+ PR_Now;
+ PR_Open;
+ PR_OpenAnonFileMap;
+ PR_OpenDir;
+ PR_OpenFile;
+ PR_OpenSemaphore;
+ PR_OpenSharedMemory;
+ PR_OpenTCPSocket;
+ PR_OpenUDPSocket;
+ PR_ParseTimeString;
+ PR_Poll;
+ PR_PopIOLayer;
+ PR_PostSem;
+ PR_PostSemaphore;
+ PR_ProcessAttrSetCurrentDirectory;
+ PR_ProcessAttrSetInheritableFD;
+ PR_ProcessAttrSetInheritableFileMap;
+ PR_ProcessAttrSetStdioRedirect;
+ PR_ProcessExit;
+ PR_PushIOLayer;
+ PR_QueueJob;
+ PR_QueueJob_Accept;
+ PR_QueueJob_Connect;
+ PR_QueueJob_Read;
+ PR_QueueJob_Timer;
+ PR_QueueJob_Write;
+ PR_RWLock_Rlock;
+ PR_RWLock_Unlock;
+ PR_RWLock_Wlock;
+ PR_Read;
+ PR_ReadDir;
+ PR_Realloc;
+ PR_Recv;
+ PR_RecvFrom;
+ PR_Rename;
+ PR_ResetAlarm;
+ PR_ResetProcessAttr;
+ PR_ResumeAll;
+ PR_RmDir;
+ PR_ScanStackPointers;
+ PR_RecordTraceEntries;
+ PR_SecondsToInterval;
+ PR_Seek;
+ PR_Seek64;
+ PR_Select;
+ PR_Send;
+ PR_SendFile;
+ PR_SendTo;
+ PR_SetAlarm;
+ PR_SetConcurrency;
+ PR_SetError;
+ PR_SetErrorText;
+ PR_SetFDCacheSize;
+ PR_SetFDInheritable;
+ PR_SetLibraryPath;
+ PR_SetLogBuffering;
+ PR_SetLogFile;
+ PR_SetNetAddr;
+ PR_SetPollableEvent;
+ PR_SetSocketOption;
+ PR_SetCounter;
+ PR_SetStdioRedirect;
+ PR_SetSysfdTableSize;
+ PR_SetThreadAffinityMask;
+ PR_SetThreadDumpProc;
+ PR_SetThreadGCAble;
+ PR_SetThreadPriority;
+ PR_SetThreadPrivate;
+ PR_SetThreadRecycleMode;
+ PR_Shutdown;
+ PR_ShutdownThreadPool;
+ PR_Sleep;
+ PR_Socket;
+ PR_StackPop;
+ PR_StackPush;
+ PR_Stat;
+ PR_StringToNetAddr;
+ PR_SuspendAll;
+ PR_Sync;
+ PR_TLockFile;
+ PR_ThreadScanStackPointers;
+ PR_SetTraceOption;
+ PR_TicksPerSecond;
+ PR_TransmitFile;
+ PR_USPacificTimeParameters;
+ PR_UnblockClockInterrupts;
+ PR_UnblockInterrupt;
+ PR_UnloadLibrary;
+ PR_SubtractFromCounter;
+ PR_Unlock;
+ PR_UnlockFile;
+ PR_VersionCheck;
+ PR_Wait;
+ PR_WaitCondVar;
+ PR_WaitForPollableEvent;
+ PR_Trace;
+ PR_WaitProcess;
+ PR_WaitRecvReady;
+ PR_WaitSem;
+ PR_WaitSemaphore;
+ PR_Write;
+ PR_Writev;
+ PR_Yield;
+ PR_UnlockOrderedLock;
+ PR_cnvtf;
+ PR_dtoa;
+ PR_fprintf;
+ PR_htonl;
+ PR_htonll;
+ PR_htons;
+ PR_ntohl;
+ PR_ntohll;
+ PR_ntohs;
+ PR_smprintf;
+ PR_smprintf_free;
+ PR_snprintf;
+ PR_sprintf_append;
+ PR_sscanf;
+ PR_strtod;
+ PR_sxprintf;
+ PR_vfprintf;
+ PR_vsmprintf;
+ PR_vsnprintf;
+ PR_vsprintf_append;
+ PR_vsxprintf;
+ PRP_DestroyNakedCondVar;
+ PRP_NakedBroadcast;
+ PRP_NakedNotify;
+ PRP_NakedWait;
+ PRP_NewNakedCondVar;
+ PRP_TryLock;
+ libVersionPoint;
+;+ local: *;
+;+NSPRprivate {
+;+ global:
+ GetExecutionEnvironment;
+ PT_FPrintStats;
+ SetExecutionEnvironment;
+;+ local: *;
+;+NSPR_4.1 {
+;+ global:
+ PR_ConnectContinue;
+ PR_CreateIOLayer;
+ PR_EmulateAcceptRead;
+ PR_EmulateSendFile;
+ PR_FindFunctionSymbol;
+ PR_FindFunctionSymbolAndLibrary;
+ PR_GetMemMapAlignment;
+ PR_GetNumberOfProcessors;
+ PR_ImportPipe;
+ PR_SetEnv;
+;+} NSPR_4.0;
+;+NSPR_4.3 {
+;+ global:
+ LL_MaxUint;
+ PR_CallOnceWithArg;
+ PR_GetLibraryFilePathname;
+;+} NSPR_4.1;
+;+NSPR_4.4 {
+;+ global:
+ PR_GetPathSeparator;
+;+} NSPR_4.3;
+;+NSPR_4.5 {
+;+ global:
+ PR_EnumerateAddrInfo;
+ PR_FreeAddrInfo;
+ PR_GetAddrInfoByName;
+ PR_GetCanonNameFromAddrInfo;
+;+} NSPR_4.4;
+;+NSPR_4.6 {
+;+ global:
+ PR_GetPhysicalMemorySize;
+;+} NSPR_4.5;
+;+NSPR_4.7 {
+;+ global:
+ PR_ParseTimeStringToExplodedTime;
+;+} NSPR_4.6;
+;+NSPR_4.8 {
+;+ global:
+ PR_AssertCurrentThreadOwnsLock;
+ PR_AssertCurrentThreadInMonitor;
+;+} NSPR_4.7;
+;+NSPR_4.8.9 {
+;+ global:
+ PR_GetVersion;
+;+} NSPR_4.8;