diff options
5 files changed, 336 insertions, 28 deletions
diff --git a/gtests/ssl_gtest/ b/gtests/ssl_gtest/
index 745432951..cdcdf5626 100644
--- a/gtests/ssl_gtest/
+++ b/gtests/ssl_gtest/
@@ -25,21 +25,6 @@ class GatherV2ClientHelloTest : public TlsConnectTestBase {
-// Gather a 5-byte v3 record, with a zero fragment length. The empty handshake
-// message should be ignored, and the connection will succeed afterwards.
-TEST_F(TlsConnectTest, GatherEmptyV3Record) {
- DataBuffer buffer;
- size_t idx = 0;
- idx = buffer.Write(idx, 0x16, 1); // handshake
- idx = buffer.Write(idx, 0x0301, 2); // record_version
- (void)buffer.Write(idx, 0U, 2); // length=0
- EnsureTlsSetup();
- client_->SendDirect(buffer);
- Connect();
// Gather a 5-byte v3 record, with a fragment length exceeding the maximum.
TEST_F(TlsConnectTest, GatherExcessiveV3Record) {
DataBuffer buffer;
diff --git a/gtests/ssl_gtest/ b/gtests/ssl_gtest/
index a63e6adc6..6e06657be 100644
--- a/gtests/ssl_gtest/
+++ b/gtests/ssl_gtest/
@@ -309,4 +309,298 @@ auto kTrueFalse = ::testing::ValuesIn(kTrueFalseArr);
INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(TlsPadding, TlsPaddingTest,
::testing::Combine(kContentSizes, kTrueFalse));
-} // namespace nss_test
+/* This filter modifies any application data record, changes its inner content
+ * type to the specified one (default handshake) and optionally add padding,
+ * to create records/fragments invalid in TLS 1.3.
+ *
+ * Implementations MUST NOT send Handshake and Alert records that have a
+ * zero-length TLSInnerPlaintext.content; if such a message is received,
+ * the receiving implementation MUST terminate the connection with an
+ * "unexpected_message" alert [RFC8446, Section 5.4].
+ *
+ * !!! TLS 1.3 ONLY !!! */
+class ZeroLengthInnerPlaintextCreatorFilter : public TlsRecordFilter {
+ public:
+ ZeroLengthInnerPlaintextCreatorFilter(
+ const std::shared_ptr<TlsAgent>& a,
+ SSLContentType contentType = ssl_ct_handshake, size_t padding = 0)
+ : TlsRecordFilter(a), contentType_(contentType), padding_(padding) {}
+ protected:
+ PacketFilter::Action FilterRecord(const TlsRecordHeader& header,
+ const DataBuffer& record, size_t* offset,
+ DataBuffer* output) override {
+ if (!header.is_protected()) {
+ return KEEP;
+ }
+ uint16_t protection_epoch;
+ uint8_t inner_content_type;
+ DataBuffer plaintext;
+ TlsRecordHeader out_header;
+ if (!Unprotect(header, record, &protection_epoch, &inner_content_type,
+ &plaintext, &out_header)) {
+ return KEEP;
+ }
+ if (decrypting() && inner_content_type != ssl_ct_application_data) {
+ return KEEP;
+ }
+ DataBuffer ciphertext;
+ bool ok = Protect(spec(protection_epoch), out_header, contentType_,
+ DataBuffer(0), &ciphertext, &out_header, padding_);
+ if (!ok) {
+ return KEEP;
+ }
+ *offset = out_header.Write(output, *offset, ciphertext);
+ return CHANGE;
+ }
+ private:
+ SSLContentType contentType_;
+ size_t padding_;
+/* Zero-length InnerPlaintext test class
+ *
+ * Parameter = Tuple of:
+ * - TLS variant (datagram/stream)
+ * - Content type to be set in zero-length inner plaintext record
+ * - Padding of record plaintext
+ */
+class ZeroLengthInnerPlaintextSetupTls13
+ : public TlsConnectTestBase,
+ public testing::WithParamInterface<
+ std::tuple<SSLProtocolVariant, SSLContentType, size_t>> {
+ public:
+ ZeroLengthInnerPlaintextSetupTls13()
+ : TlsConnectTestBase(std::get<0>(GetParam()),
+ contentType_(std::get<1>(GetParam())),
+ padding_(std::get<2>(GetParam())){};
+ protected:
+ SSLContentType contentType_;
+ size_t padding_;
+/* Test correct rejection of TLS 1.3 encrypted handshake/alert records with
+ * zero-length inner plaintext content length with and without padding. */
+TEST_P(ZeroLengthInnerPlaintextSetupTls13, ZeroLengthInnerPlaintextRun) {
+ EnsureTlsSetup();
+ // Filter modifies record to be zero-length
+ auto filter = MakeTlsFilter<ZeroLengthInnerPlaintextCreatorFilter>(
+ client_, contentType_, padding_);
+ filter->EnableDecryption();
+ filter->Disable();
+ Connect();
+ filter->Enable();
+ // Record will be overwritten
+ client_->SendData(0xf);
+ // Receive corrupt record
+ if (variant_ == ssl_variant_stream) {
+ server_->ExpectSendAlert(kTlsAlertUnexpectedMessage);
+ // 22B = 16B MAC + 1B innerContentType + 5B Header
+ server_->ReadBytes(22);
+ // Process alert at peer
+ client_->ExpectReceiveAlert(kTlsAlertUnexpectedMessage);
+ client_->Handshake();
+ } else { /* DTLS */
+ size_t received = server_->received_bytes();
+ // 22B = 16B MAC + 1B innerContentType + 5B Header
+ server_->ReadBytes(22);
+ // Check that no bytes were received => packet was dropped
+ ASSERT_EQ(received, server_->received_bytes());
+ // Check that we are still connected / not in error state
+ EXPECT_EQ(TlsAgent::STATE_CONNECTED, client_->state());
+ EXPECT_EQ(TlsAgent::STATE_CONNECTED, server_->state());
+ }
+// Test for TLS and DTLS
+const SSLProtocolVariant kZeroLengthInnerPlaintextVariants[] = {
+ ssl_variant_stream, ssl_variant_datagram};
+// Test for handshake and alert fragments
+const SSLContentType kZeroLengthInnerPlaintextContentTypes[] = {
+ ssl_ct_handshake, ssl_ct_alert};
+// Test with 0,1 and 100 octets of padding
+const size_t kZeroLengthInnerPlaintextPadding[] = {0, 1, 100};
+ ZeroLengthInnerPlaintextTest, ZeroLengthInnerPlaintextSetupTls13,
+ testing::Combine(testing::ValuesIn(kZeroLengthInnerPlaintextVariants),
+ testing::ValuesIn(kZeroLengthInnerPlaintextContentTypes),
+ testing::ValuesIn(kZeroLengthInnerPlaintextPadding)),
+ [](const testing::TestParamInfo<
+ ZeroLengthInnerPlaintextSetupTls13::ParamType>& inf) {
+ return std::string(std::get<0>(inf.param) == ssl_variant_stream
+ ? "Tls"
+ : "Dtls") +
+ "ZeroLengthInnerPlaintext" +
+ (std::get<1>(inf.param) == ssl_ct_handshake ? "Handshake"
+ : "Alert") +
+ (std::get<2>(inf.param)
+ ? "Padding" + std::to_string(std::get<2>(inf.param)) + "B"
+ : "") +
+ "Test";
+ });
+/* Zero-length record test class
+ *
+ * Parameter = Tuple of:
+ * - TLS variant (datagram/stream)
+ * - Content type to be set in zero-length record
+ */
+class ZeroLengthRecordSetup
+ : public TlsConnectTestBase,
+ public testing::WithParamInterface<
+ std::tuple<SSLProtocolVariant, SSLContentType>> {
+ public:
+ ZeroLengthRecordSetup()
+ : TlsConnectTestBase(std::get<0>(GetParam()), 0),
+ variant_(std::get<0>(GetParam())),
+ contentType_(std::get<1>(GetParam())){};
+ void createZeroLengthRecord(DataBuffer& buffer, unsigned epoch = 0,
+ unsigned seqn = 0) {
+ size_t idx = 0;
+ // Set header content type
+ idx = buffer.Write(idx, contentType_, 1);
+ // The record version is not checked during record layer handling
+ idx = buffer.Write(idx, 0xDEAD, 2);
+ // DTLS (version always < TLS 1.3)
+ if (variant_ == ssl_variant_datagram) {
+ // Set epoch (Should be 0 before handshake)
+ idx = buffer.Write(idx, 0U, 2);
+ // Set 6B sequence number (0 if send as first message)
+ idx = buffer.Write(idx, 0U, 2);
+ idx = buffer.Write(idx, 0U, 4);
+ }
+ // Set fragment to be of zero-length
+ (void)buffer.Write(idx, 0U, 2);
+ }
+ protected:
+ SSLProtocolVariant variant_;
+ SSLContentType contentType_;
+/* Test handling of zero-length (ciphertext/fragment) records before handshake.
+ *
+ * This is only tested before the first handshake, since after it all of these
+ * messages are expected to be encrypted which is impossible for a content
+ * length of zero, always leading to a bad record mac. For TLS 1.3 only
+ * records of application data content type is legal after the handshake.
+ *
+ * Handshake records of length zero will be ignored in the record layer since
+ * the RFC does only specify that such records MUST NOT be sent but it does not
+ * state that an alert should be sent or the connection be terminated
+ * [RFC8446, Section 5.1].
+ *
+ * Even though only handshake messages are handled (ignored) in the record
+ * layer handling, this test covers zero-length records of all content types
+ * for complete coverage of cases.
+ *
+ * !!! Expected TLS (Stream) behavior !!!
+ * - Handshake records of zero length are ignored.
+ * - Alert and ChangeCipherSpec records of zero-length lead to illegal
+ * parameter alerts due to the malformed record content.
+ * - ApplicationData before the handshake leads to an unexpected message alert.
+ *
+ * !!! Expected DTLS (Datagram) behavior !!!
+ * - Handshake message of zero length are ignored.
+ * - Alert messages lead to an illegal parameter alert due to malformed record
+ * content.
+ * - ChangeCipherSpec records before the first handshake are not expected and
+ * ignored (see ssl3con.c, line 3276).
+ * - ApplicationData before the handshake is ignored since it could be a packet
+ * received in incorrect order (see ssl3con.c, line 13353).
+ */
+TEST_P(ZeroLengthRecordSetup, ZeroLengthRecordRun) {
+ DataBuffer buffer;
+ createZeroLengthRecord(buffer);
+ EnsureTlsSetup();
+ // Send zero-length record
+ client_->SendDirect(buffer);
+ // This must be set, otherwise handshake completness assertions might fail
+ server_->StartConnect();
+ // DTLS ignores all cases but malformed alert
+ if (contentType_ != ssl_ct_alert && variant_ == ssl_variant_datagram) {
+ contentType_ = ssl_ct_handshake;
+ }
+ SSLAlertDescription alert;
+ switch (contentType_) {
+ case ssl_ct_alert:
+ case ssl_ct_change_cipher_spec:
+ alert = illegal_parameter;
+ break;
+ case ssl_ct_application_data:
+ alert = unexpected_message;
+ break;
+ default: // ssl_ct_handshake
+ // Receive zero-length record
+ server_->Handshake();
+ // Connect successfully since empty record was ignored
+ Connect();
+ return;
+ }
+ // Assert alert is send for TLS and DTLS alert records
+ server_->ExpectSendAlert(alert);
+ server_->Handshake();
+ // Consume alert at peer, expect alert for TLS and DTLS alert records
+ client_->StartConnect();
+ client_->ExpectReceiveAlert(alert);
+ client_->Handshake();
+// Test for TLS and DTLS
+const SSLProtocolVariant kZeroLengthRecordVariants[] = {ssl_variant_datagram,
+ ssl_variant_stream};
+// Test for handshake, alert, change_cipher_spec and application data fragments
+const SSLContentType kZeroLengthRecordContentTypes[] = {
+ ssl_ct_handshake, ssl_ct_alert, ssl_ct_change_cipher_spec,
+ ssl_ct_application_data};
+ ZeroLengthRecordTest, ZeroLengthRecordSetup,
+ testing::Combine(testing::ValuesIn(kZeroLengthRecordVariants),
+ testing::ValuesIn(kZeroLengthRecordContentTypes)),
+ [](const testing::TestParamInfo<ZeroLengthRecordSetup::ParamType>& inf) {
+ std::string variant =
+ (std::get<0>(inf.param) == ssl_variant_stream) ? "Tls" : "Dtls";
+ std::string contentType;
+ switch (std::get<1>(inf.param)) {
+ case ssl_ct_handshake:
+ contentType = "Handshake";
+ break;
+ case ssl_ct_alert:
+ contentType = "Alert";
+ break;
+ case ssl_ct_application_data:
+ contentType = "ApplicationData";
+ break;
+ case ssl_ct_change_cipher_spec:
+ contentType = "ChangeCipherSpec";
+ break;
+ default:
+ contentType = "InvalidParameter";
+ }
+ return variant + "ZeroLength" + contentType + "Test";
+ });
+} // namespace nss_test \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/ssl/ssl3con.c b/lib/ssl/ssl3con.c
index 0375cf42c..1ac0a7ea5 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/ssl3con.c
+++ b/lib/ssl/ssl3con.c
@@ -13381,9 +13381,13 @@ ssl3_HandleRecord(sslSocket *ss, SSL3Ciphertext *cText)
rv = Null_Cipher(NULL, plaintext->buf, &plaintext->len,
plaintext->space, cText->buf->buf, cText->buf->len);
- /* IMPORTANT: Unprotect functions MUST NOT send alerts
+ * Unprotect functions MUST NOT send alerts
* because we still hold the spec read lock. Instead, if they
- * return SECFailure, they set *alert to the alert to be sent. */
+ * return SECFailure, they set *alert to the alert to be sent.
+ * Additionaly, this is used to silently drop DTLS encryption/record
+ * errors/alerts using the error handling below as suggested in the
+ * DTLS specification [RFC6347, Section]. */
if (spec->version < SSL_LIBRARY_VERSION_TLS_1_3 ||
spec->epoch == 0) {
rv = ssl3_UnprotectRecord(ss, spec, cText, plaintext, &alert);
@@ -13394,6 +13398,7 @@ ssl3_HandleRecord(sslSocket *ss, SSL3Ciphertext *cText)
+ /* Error/Alert handling for ssl3/tls13_UnprotectRecord */
if (rv != SECSuccess) {
ssl_ReleaseSpecReadLock(ss); /***************************/
@@ -13421,10 +13426,19 @@ ssl3_HandleRecord(sslSocket *ss, SSL3Ciphertext *cText)
+ /* All errors/alerts that might occur during unprotection are related
+ * to invalid records (e.g. invalid formatting, length, MAC, ...).
+ * Following the DTLS specification such errors/alerts SHOULD be
+ * dropped silently [RFC6347, Section].
+ * This is done below. */
if ((IS_DTLS(ss) && !dtls13_AeadLimitReached(spec)) ||
(!IS_DTLS(ss) && ss->sec.isServer &&
ss->ssl3.hs.zeroRttIgnore == ssl_0rtt_ignore_trial)) {
- /* Silently drop the packet unless we sent a fatal alert. */
+ /* Silently drop the packet unless we set ss->ssl3.fatalAlertSent.
+ * (Manually or by using functions like
+ * SSL3_SendAlert(.., alert_fatal,..))
+ * This is not currently used in the unprotection functions since
+ * all TLS and DTLS errors are propagated to this handler. */
if (ss->ssl3.fatalAlertSent) {
return SECFailure;
diff --git a/lib/ssl/tls13con.c b/lib/ssl/tls13con.c
index 6a1f352bc..8c54555d3 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/tls13con.c
+++ b/lib/ssl/tls13con.c
@@ -5817,7 +5817,7 @@ tls13_UnprotectRecord(sslSocket *ss,
SSL_GETPID(), ss->fd, spec, spec->epoch, spec->phase,
cText->seqNum, cText->buf->len));
- /* Verify that the content type is right, even though we overwrite it.
+ /* Verify that the content type is right.
* Also allow the DTLS short header in TLS 1.3. */
if (!(cText->hdr[0] == ssl_ct_application_data ||
(IS_DTLS(ss) &&
@@ -5927,6 +5927,29 @@ tls13_UnprotectRecord(sslSocket *ss,
*innerType = (SSLContentType)plaintext->buf[plaintext->len - 1];
+ /* Check for zero-length encrypted Alert and Handshake fragments
+ * (zero-length + inner content type byte).
+ *
+ * Implementations MUST NOT send Handshake and Alert records that have a
+ * zero-length TLSInnerPlaintext.content; if such a message is received,
+ * the receiving implementation MUST terminate the connection with an
+ * "unexpected_message" alert [RFC8446, Section 5.4]. */
+ if (!plaintext->len && ((!IS_DTLS(ss) && cText->hdr[0] == ssl_ct_application_data) ||
+ (IS_DTLS(ss) && dtls_IsDtls13Ciphertext(spec->version, cText->hdr[0])))) {
+ switch (*innerType) {
+ case ssl_ct_alert:
+ *alert = unexpected_message;
+ return SECFailure;
+ case ssl_ct_handshake:
+ *alert = unexpected_message;
+ return SECFailure;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
/* Check that we haven't received too much 0-RTT data. */
if (spec->epoch == TrafficKeyEarlyApplicationData &&
*innerType == ssl_ct_application_data) {
diff --git a/tests/tlsfuzzer/ b/tests/tlsfuzzer/
index 28a7dc015..d24195d21 100644
--- a/tests/tlsfuzzer/
+++ b/tests/tlsfuzzer/
@@ -32,14 +32,6 @@
- "name" : "",
- "arguments": [
- "-p", "@PORT@"
- ],
- "comment": "",
- "exp_pass": false
- },
- {
"name" : "",
"arguments": [
"-p", "@PORT@"