path: root/security/nss/doc/nroff/pp.1
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Diffstat (limited to 'security/nss/doc/nroff/pp.1')
1 files changed, 98 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/security/nss/doc/nroff/pp.1 b/security/nss/doc/nroff/pp.1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b074f1c39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/security/nss/doc/nroff/pp.1
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+'\" t
+.\" Title: PP
+.\" Author: [see the "Authors" section]
+.\" Generator: DocBook XSL Stylesheets v1.77.1 <>
+.\" Date: 15 February 2013
+.\" Manual: NSS Security Tools
+.\" Source: nss-tools
+.\" Language: English
+.TH "PP" "1" "15 February 2013" "nss-tools" "NSS Security Tools"
+.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
+.\" * Define some portability stuff
+.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \n(.g .ds Aq \(aq
+.el .ds Aq '
+.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
+.\" * set default formatting
+.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
+.\" disable hyphenation
+.\" disable justification (adjust text to left margin only) l
+.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
+.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
+pp \- Prints certificates, keys, crls, and pkcs7 files
+.HP \w'\fBpp\ \-t\ type\ [\-a]\ [\-i\ input]\ [\-o\ output]\fR\ 'u
+\fBpp \-t type [\-a] [\-i input] [\-o output]\fR
+This documentation is still work in progress\&. Please contribute to the initial review in
+\m[blue]\fBMozilla NSS bug 836477\fR\m[]\&\s-2\u[1]\d\s+2
+\fBpp \fRpretty\-prints private and public key, certificate, certificate\-request, pkcs7 or crl files
+\fB\-t \fR \fItype\fR
+.RS 4
+specify the input, one of {private\-key | public\-key | certificate | certificate\-request | pkcs7 | crl}
+\fB\-a \fR
+.RS 4
+Input is in ascii encoded form (RFC1113)
+\fB\-i \fR \fIinputfile\fR
+.RS 4
+Define an input file to use (default is stdin)
+\fB\-u \fR \fIoutputfile\fR
+.RS 4
+Define an output file to use (default is stdout)
+NSS is maintained in conjunction with PKI and security\-related projects through Mozilla dn Fedora\&. The most closely\-related project is Dogtag PKI, with a project wiki at
+\m[blue]\fBPKI Wiki\fR\m[]\&\s-2\u[2]\d\s+2\&.
+For information specifically about NSS, the NSS project wiki is located at
+\m[blue]\fBMozilla NSS site\fR\m[]\&\s-2\u[3]\d\s+2\&. The NSS site relates directly to NSS code changes and releases\&.
+Mailing lists: pki\-devel@redhat\&.com and pki\-users@redhat\&.com
+IRC: Freenode at #dogtag\-pki
+The NSS tools were written and maintained by developers with Netscape, Red Hat, and Sun\&.
+Authors: Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat\&.com>, Deon Lackey <dlackey@redhat\&.com>\&.
+Licensed under the Mozilla Public License, version 1\&.1, and/or the GNU General Public License, version 2 or later, and/or the GNU Lesser General Public License, version 2\&.1 or later\&.
+.IP " 1." 4
+Mozilla NSS bug 836477
+.RS 4
+.IP " 2." 4
+PKI Wiki
+.RS 4
+.IP " 3." 4
+Mozilla NSS site
+.RS 4