path: root/security/nss/lib/ckfw/ckapi.perl
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Diffstat (limited to 'security/nss/lib/ckfw/ckapi.perl')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 497 deletions
diff --git a/security/nss/lib/ckfw/ckapi.perl b/security/nss/lib/ckfw/ckapi.perl
deleted file mode 100644
index 5ec2d20b2..000000000
--- a/security/nss/lib/ckfw/ckapi.perl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,497 +0,0 @@
-# The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
-# License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
-# except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-# the License at
-# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
-# IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
-# implied. See the License for the specific language governing
-# rights and limitations under the License.
-# The Original Code is the Netscape security libraries.
-# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape
-# Communications Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are
-# Copyright (C) 1994-2000 Netscape Communications Corporation. All
-# Rights Reserved.
-# Contributor(s):
-# Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the
-# terms of the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the
-# "GPL"), in which case the provisions of the GPL are applicable
-# instead of those above. If you wish to allow use of your
-# version of this file only under the terms of the GPL and not to
-# allow others to use your version of this file under the MPL,
-# indicate your decision by deleting the provisions above and
-# replace them with the notice and other provisions required by
-# the GPL. If you do not delete the provisions above, a recipient
-# may use your version of this file under either the MPL or the
-# GPL.
-$cvs_id = '@(#) $RCSfile$ $Revision$ $Date$ $Name$';
-$copyright = '/* THIS IS A GENERATED FILE */
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
- * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
- * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
- * the License at
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
- * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
- * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
- * rights and limitations under the License.
- *
- * The Original Code is the Netscape security libraries.
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape
- * Communications Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are
- * Copyright (C) 1994-2000 Netscape Communications Corporation. All
- * Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- *
- * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the
- * terms of the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the
- * "GPL"), in which case the provisions of the GPL are applicable
- * instead of those above. If you wish to allow use of your
- * version of this file only under the terms of the GPL and not to
- * allow others to use your version of this file under the MPL,
- * indicate your decision by deleting the provisions above and
- * replace them with the notice and other provisions required by
- * the GPL. If you do not delete the provisions above, a recipient
- * may use your version of this file under either the MPL or the
- * GPL.
- */
-$count = -1;
-$i = 0;
-while(<>) {
- s/^((?:[^"#]+|"[^"]*")*)(\s*#.*$)/$1/;
- next if (/^\s*$/);
-# print;
- /^([\S]+)\s+([^"][\S]*|"[^"]*")/;
- $name = $1;
- $value = $2;
- if( ($name =~ "FUNCTION") && !($name =~ "CK_FUNCTION") ) {
- $count++;
- $x[$count]{name} = $value;
- $i = 0;
- } else {
- if( $count < 0 ) {
- $value =~ s/"//g;
- $g{$name} = $value;
- } else {
- $x[$count]{args}[$i]{type} = $name;
- $x[$count]{args}[$i]{name} = $value;
- $i++;
- $x[$count]{nargs} = $i; # rewritten each time, oh well
- }
- }
-# dodump();
-sub dodump {
- for( $j = 0; $j <= $count; $j++ ) {
- print "CK_RV CK_ENTRY $x[$j]{name}\n";
- for( $i = 0; $i < $x[$j]{nargs}; $i++ ) {
- print " $x[$j]{args}[$i]{type} $x[$j]{args}[$i]{name}";
- if( $i == ($x[$j]{nargs} - 1) ) {
- print "\n";
- } else {
- print ",\n";
- }
- }
- }
-sub doprint {
-open(PROTOTYPE, ">nssckg.h") || die "Can't open nssckg.h: $!";
-open(TYPEDEF, ">nssckft.h") || die "Can't open nssckft.h: $!";
-open(EPV, ">nssckepv.h") || die "Can't open nssckepv.h: $!";
-open(API, ">nssck.api") || die "Can't open nssck.api: $!";
-select PROTOTYPE;
-print $copyright;
-print <<EOD
-#ifndef NSSCKG_H
-#define NSSCKG_H
-#ifdef DEBUG
-static const char NSSCKG_CVS_ID[] = "$g{CVS_ID} ; $cvs_id";
-#endif /* DEBUG */
- * nssckg.h
- *
- * This automatically-generated header file prototypes the Cryptoki
- * functions specified by PKCS#11.
- */
-#ifndef NSSCKT_H
-#include "nssckt.h"
-#endif /* NSSCKT_H */
- ;
-for( $j = 0; $j <= $count; $j++ ) {
- print "CK_RV CK_ENTRY $x[$j]{name}\n";
- print "(\n";
- for( $i = 0; $i < $x[$j]{nargs}; $i++ ) {
- print " $x[$j]{args}[$i]{type} $x[$j]{args}[$i]{name}";
- if( $i == ($x[$j]{nargs} - 1) ) {
- print "\n";
- } else {
- print ",\n";
- }
- }
- print ");\n\n";
-print <<EOD
-#endif /* NSSCKG_H */
- ;
-select TYPEDEF;
-print $copyright;
-print <<EOD
-#ifndef NSSCKFT_H
-#define NSSCKFT_H
-#ifdef DEBUG
-static const char NSSCKFT_CVS_ID[] = "$g{CVS_ID} ; $cvs_id";
-#endif /* DEBUG */
- * nssckft.h
- *
- * The automatically-generated header file declares a typedef
- * each of the Cryptoki functions specified by PKCS#11.
- */
-#ifndef NSSCKT_H
-#include "nssckt.h"
-#endif /* NSSCKT_H */
- ;
-for( $j = 0; $j <= $count; $j++ ) {
-# print "typedef CK_RV (CK_ENTRY *CK_$x[$j]{name})(\n";
- print "typedef CK_CALLBACK_FUNCTION(CK_RV, CK_$x[$j]{name})(\n";
- for( $i = 0; $i < $x[$j]{nargs}; $i++ ) {
- print " $x[$j]{args}[$i]{type} $x[$j]{args}[$i]{name}";
- if( $i == ($x[$j]{nargs} - 1) ) {
- print "\n";
- } else {
- print ",\n";
- }
- }
- print ");\n\n";
-print <<EOD
-#endif /* NSSCKFT_H */
- ;
-select EPV;
-print $copyright;
-print <<EOD
-#ifndef NSSCKEPV_H
-#define NSSCKEPV_H
-#ifdef DEBUG
-static const char NSSCKEPV_CVS_ID[] = "$g{CVS_ID} ; $cvs_id";
-#endif /* DEBUG */
- * nssckepv.h
- *
- * This automatically-generated header file defines the type
- * CK_FUNCTION_LIST specified by PKCS#11.
- */
-#ifndef NSSCKT_H
-#include "nssckt.h"
-#endif /* NSSCKT_H */
-#ifndef NSSCKFT_H
-#include "nssckft.h"
-#endif /* NSSCKFT_H */
- CK_VERSION version;
- ;
-for( $j = 0; $j <= $count; $j++ ) {
- print " CK_$x[$j]{name} $x[$j]{name};\n";
-print <<EOD
-#endif /* NSSCKEPV_H */
- ;
-select API;
-print $copyright;
-print <<EOD
-#ifdef DEBUG
-static const char NSSCKAPI_CVS_ID[] = "$g{CVS_ID} ; $cvs_id";
-#endif /* DEBUG */
- * nssck.api
- *
- * This automatically-generated file is used to generate a set of
- * Cryptoki entry points within the object space of a Module using
- * the NSS Cryptoki Framework.
- *
- * The Module should have a .c file with the following:
- *
- * #define MODULE_NAME name
- * #define INSTANCE_NAME instance
- * #include "nssck.api"
- *
- * where "name" is some module-specific name that can be used to
- * disambiguate various modules. This included file will then
- * define the actual Cryptoki routines which pass through to the
- * Framework calls. All routines, except C_GetFunctionList, will
- * be prefixed with the name; C_GetFunctionList will be generated
- * to return an entry-point vector with these routines. The
- * instance specified should be the basic instance of NSSCKMDInstance.
- *
- * If, prior to including nssck.api, the .c file also specifies
- *
- *
- * Then a set of "stub" routines not prefixed with the name will
- * be included. This would allow the combined module and framework
- * to be used in applications which are hard-coded to use the
- * PKCS#11 names (instead of going through the EPV). Please note
- * that such applications should be careful resolving symbols when
- * more than one PKCS#11 module is loaded.
- */
-#ifndef MODULE_NAME
-#error "Error: MODULE_NAME must be defined."
-#endif /* MODULE_NAME */
-#error "Error: INSTANCE_NAME must be defined."
-#endif /* INSTANCE_NAME */
-#ifndef NSSCKT_H
-#include "nssckt.h"
-#endif /* NSSCKT_H */
-#ifndef NSSCKFWT_H
-#include "nssckfwt.h"
-#endif /* NSSCKFWT_H */
-#ifndef NSSCKFWC_H
-#include "nssckfwc.h"
-#endif /* NSSCKFWC_H */
-#ifndef NSSCKEPV_H
-#include "nssckepv.h"
-#endif /* NSSCKEPV_H */
-#define __ADJOIN(x,y) x##y
- * The anchor. This object is used to store an "anchor" pointer in
- * the Module's object space, so the wrapper functions can relate
- * back to this instance.
- */
-static NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance = (NSSCKFWInstance *)0;
- CK_VOID_PTR pInitArgs
- return NSSCKFWC_Initialize(&fwInstance, INSTANCE_NAME, pInitArgs);
- CK_VOID_PTR pInitArgs
- return __ADJOIN(MODULE_NAME,C_Initialize)(pInitArgs);
- CK_VOID_PTR pReserved
- return NSSCKFWC_Finalize(&fwInstance);
- CK_VOID_PTR pReserved
- return __ADJOIN(MODULE_NAME,C_Finalize)(pReserved);
- return NSSCKFWC_GetInfo(fwInstance, pInfo);
- return __ADJOIN(MODULE_NAME,C_GetInfo)(pInfo);
- * C_GetFunctionList is defined at the end.
- */
- ;
-for( $j = 4; $j <= $count; $j++ ) {
- print "CK_RV CK_ENTRY\n";
- print "__ADJOIN(MODULE_NAME,$x[$j]{name})\n";
- print "(\n";
- for( $i = 0; $i < $x[$j]{nargs}; $i++ ) {
- print " $x[$j]{args}[$i]{type} $x[$j]{args}[$i]{name}";
- if( $i == ($x[$j]{nargs} - 1) ) {
- print "\n";
- } else {
- print ",\n";
- }
- }
- print ")\n";
- print "{\n";
- print " return NSSCKFW$x[$j]{name}(fwInstance, ";
- for( $i = 0; $i < $x[$j]{nargs}; $i++ ) {
- print "$x[$j]{args}[$i]{name}";
- if( $i == ($x[$j]{nargs} - 1) ) {
- print ");\n";
- } else {
- print ", ";
- }
- }
- print "}\n\n";
- print "CK_RV CK_ENTRY\n";
- print "$x[$j]{name}\n";
- print "(\n";
- for( $i = 0; $i < $x[$j]{nargs}; $i++ ) {
- print " $x[$j]{args}[$i]{type} $x[$j]{args}[$i]{name}";
- if( $i == ($x[$j]{nargs} - 1) ) {
- print "\n";
- } else {
- print ",\n";
- }
- }
- print ")\n";
- print "{\n";
- print " return __ADJOIN(MODULE_NAME,$x[$j]{name})(";
- for( $i = 0; $i < $x[$j]{nargs}; $i++ ) {
- print "$x[$j]{args}[$i]{name}";
- if( $i == ($x[$j]{nargs} - 1) ) {
- print ");\n";
- } else {
- print ", ";
- }
- }
- print "}\n";
- print "#endif /* DECLARE_STRICT_CRYPTOKI_NAMES */\n\n";
-print <<EOD
-static CK_FUNCTION_LIST FunctionList = {
- { 2, 1 },
- ;
-for( $j = 0; $j <= $count; $j++ ) {
- print "__ADJOIN(MODULE_NAME,$x[$j]{name})";
- if( $j < $count ) {
- print ",\n";
- } else {
- print "\n};\n\n";
- }
-print <<EOD
- *ppFunctionList = &FunctionList;
- return CKR_OK;
-/* This one is always present */
- return __ADJOIN(MODULE_NAME,C_GetFunctionList)(ppFunctionList);
-#undef __ADJOIN
- ;
-select STDOUT;