path: root/scripts/ntpsweep/ntpsweep.html
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authorLorry Tar Creator <>2014-12-02 09:01:21 +0000
committer <>2014-12-04 16:11:25 +0000
commitbdab5265fcbf3f472545073a23f8999749a9f2b9 (patch)
treec6018dd03dea906f8f1fb5f105f05b71a7dc250a /scripts/ntpsweep/ntpsweep.html
Imported from /home/lorry/working-area/delta_ntp/ntp-dev-4.2.7p482.tar.gz.ntp-dev-4.2.7p482
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1 files changed, 201 insertions, 0 deletions
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+<html lang="en">
+<title>ntpsweep User's Manual</title>
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+<h1 class="settitle">ntpsweep User's Manual</h1>
+<div class="node">
+<a name="Top"></a>Next:&nbsp;<a rel="next" accesskey="n" href="#ntpsweep-Description">ntpsweep Description</a>,
+Previous:&nbsp;<a rel="previous" accesskey="p" href="#dir">(dir)</a>,
+Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#dir">(dir)</a>
+ <p>This document describes the use of the NTP Project's <code>ntpsweep</code> program.
+ <p>This document applies to version 4.2.7p482 of <code>ntpsweep</code>.
+ <div class="shortcontents">
+<h2>Short Contents</h2>
+<ul class="menu">
+<li><a accesskey="1" href="#ntpsweep-Description">ntpsweep Description</a>: Description
+<li><a accesskey="2" href="#ntpsweep-Invocation">ntpsweep Invocation</a>: Invoking ntpsweep
+<div class="node">
+<a name="ntpsweep-Invocation"></a>
+<h3 class="section">0.1 Invoking ntpsweep</h3>
+<p><a name="index-ntpsweep-1"></a><a name="index-Print-various-informations-about-given-ntp-servers-2"></a>
+prints per host the NTP stratum level, the clock offset in seconds, the daemon
+version, the operating system and the processor. Optionally recursing through
+all peers.
+ <p>This section was generated by <strong>AutoGen</strong>,
+using the <code>agtexi-cmd</code> template and the option descriptions for the <code>ntpsweep</code> program.
+<ul class="menu">
+<li><a accesskey="1" href="#ntpsweep-usage">ntpsweep usage</a>: ntpsweep help/usage (<span class="option">--help</span>)
+<li><a accesskey="2" href="#ntpsweep-host_002dlist">ntpsweep host-list</a>: host-list option (-l)
+<li><a accesskey="3" href="#ntpsweep-peers">ntpsweep peers</a>: peers option (-p)
+<li><a accesskey="4" href="#ntpsweep-maxlevel">ntpsweep maxlevel</a>: maxlevel option (-m)
+<li><a accesskey="5" href="#ntpsweep-strip">ntpsweep strip</a>: strip option (-s)
+<li><a accesskey="6" href="#ntpsweep-host">ntpsweep host</a>: host option (-h)
+<li><a accesskey="7" href="#ntpsweep-exit-status">ntpsweep exit status</a>: exit status
+<div class="node">
+<a name="ntpsweep-usage"></a>Next:&nbsp;<a rel="next" accesskey="n" href="#ntpsweep-host_002dlist">ntpsweep host-list</a>,
+Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#ntpsweep-Invocation">ntpsweep Invocation</a>
+<h4 class="subsection">0.1.1 ntpsweep help/usage (<span class="option">--help</span>)</h4>
+<p><a name="index-ntpsweep-help-3"></a>
+This is the automatically generated usage text for ntpsweep.
+ <p>The text printed is the same whether selected with the <code>help</code> option
+(<span class="option">--help</span>) or the <code>more-help</code> option (<span class="option">--more-help</span>). <code>more-help</code> will print
+the usage text by passing it through a pager program.
+<code>more-help</code> is disabled on platforms without a working
+<code>fork(2)</code> function. The <code>PAGER</code> environment variable is
+used to select the program, defaulting to <span class="file">more</span>. Both will exit
+with a status code of 0.
+<pre class="example">ntpsweep - Print various informations about given ntp servers - Ver. 4.2.7p482
+USAGE: ntpsweep [ -&lt;flag&gt; [&lt;val&gt;] | --&lt;name&gt;[{=| }&lt;val&gt;] ]... [hostfile]
+ -l, --host-list=str Host to execute actions on
+ - may appear multiple times
+ -p, --peers Recursively list all peers a host synchronizes to
+ -m, --maxlevel=num Traverse peers up to this level (4 is a reasonable number)
+ -s, --strip=str Strip this string from hostnames
+ -?, --help Display usage information and exit
+ --more-help Pass the extended usage text through a pager
+Options are specified by doubled hyphens and their name or by a single
+hyphen and the flag character.
+ <div class="node">
+<a name="ntpsweep-host_002dlist"></a>Next:&nbsp;<a rel="next" accesskey="n" href="#ntpsweep-peers">ntpsweep peers</a>,
+Previous:&nbsp;<a rel="previous" accesskey="p" href="#ntpsweep-usage">ntpsweep usage</a>,
+Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#ntpsweep-Invocation">ntpsweep Invocation</a>
+<h4 class="subsection">0.1.2 host-list option (-l)</h4>
+<p><a name="index-ntpsweep_002dhost_002dlist-4"></a>
+This is the &ldquo;host to execute actions on&rdquo; option.
+This option takes a string argument.
+<p class="noindent">This option has some usage constraints. It:
+ <ul>
+<li>may appear an unlimited number of times.
+ <p>Use this option to specify the host on which this script operates.
+ May appear multiple times.
+<div class="node">
+<a name="ntpsweep-peers"></a>Next:&nbsp;<a rel="next" accesskey="n" href="#ntpsweep-maxlevel">ntpsweep maxlevel</a>,
+Previous:&nbsp;<a rel="previous" accesskey="p" href="#ntpsweep-host_002dlist">ntpsweep host-list</a>,
+Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#ntpsweep-Invocation">ntpsweep Invocation</a>
+<h4 class="subsection">0.1.3 peers option (-p)</h4>
+<p><a name="index-ntpsweep_002dpeers-5"></a>
+This is the &ldquo;recursively list all peers a host synchronizes to&rdquo; option.
+This option has no <span class="samp">doc</span> documentation.
+<div class="node">
+<a name="ntpsweep-maxlevel"></a>Next:&nbsp;<a rel="next" accesskey="n" href="#ntpsweep-strip">ntpsweep strip</a>,
+Previous:&nbsp;<a rel="previous" accesskey="p" href="#ntpsweep-peers">ntpsweep peers</a>,
+Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#ntpsweep-Invocation">ntpsweep Invocation</a>
+<h4 class="subsection">0.1.4 maxlevel option (-m)</h4>
+<p><a name="index-ntpsweep_002dmaxlevel-6"></a>
+This is the &ldquo;traverse peers up to this level (4 is a reasonable number)&rdquo; option.
+This option takes a number argument.
+This option has no <span class="samp">doc</span> documentation.
+<div class="node">
+<a name="ntpsweep-strip"></a>Next:&nbsp;<a rel="next" accesskey="n" href="#ntpsweep-host">ntpsweep host</a>,
+Previous:&nbsp;<a rel="previous" accesskey="p" href="#ntpsweep-maxlevel">ntpsweep maxlevel</a>,
+Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#ntpsweep-Invocation">ntpsweep Invocation</a>
+<h4 class="subsection">0.1.5 strip option (-s)</h4>
+<p><a name="index-ntpsweep_002dstrip-7"></a>
+This is the &ldquo;strip this string from hostnames&rdquo; option.
+This option takes a string argument.
+This option has no <span class="samp">doc</span> documentation.
+<div class="node">
+<a name="ntpsweep-host"></a>Next:&nbsp;<a rel="next" accesskey="n" href="#ntpsweep-exit-status">ntpsweep exit status</a>,
+Previous:&nbsp;<a rel="previous" accesskey="p" href="#ntpsweep-strip">ntpsweep strip</a>,
+Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#ntpsweep-Invocation">ntpsweep Invocation</a>
+<h4 class="subsection">0.1.6 host option (-h)</h4>
+<p><a name="index-ntpsweep_002dhost-8"></a>
+This is the &ldquo;specify a single host&rdquo; option.
+This option takes a string argument.
+This option has no <span class="samp">doc</span> documentation.
+ <p><strong>NOTE</strong><strong>: THIS OPTION IS DEPRECATED</strong>
+<div class="node">
+<a name="ntpsweep-exit-status"></a>Previous:&nbsp;<a rel="previous" accesskey="p" href="#ntpsweep-host">ntpsweep host</a>,
+Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#ntpsweep-Invocation">ntpsweep Invocation</a>
+<h4 class="subsection">0.1.7 ntpsweep exit status</h4>
+<p>One of the following exit values will be returned:
+ <dl>
+<dt><span class="samp">0 (EXIT_SUCCESS)</span><dd>Successful program execution.
+<br><dt><span class="samp">1 (EXIT_FAILURE)</span><dd>The operation failed or the command syntax was not valid.