path: root/bytecomp
diff options
authorMark Shinwell <>2019-04-01 17:18:47 +0100
committerGitHub <>2019-04-01 17:18:47 +0100
commit72ea849d2a16de0abb42afd85c014cb136822e1f (patch)
tree9178fb72e0d692f0dd0a680ce4da4e60dae0be3b /bytecomp
parent36d299b4aaf7f2d317fbfa148d7f94e720c80730 (diff)
Move some middle-end files around (#2281)
* Various file moves in the middle end: this is the first stage of improving separation between the middle end and backend. * Creation of file_formats/ directory (with associated file moves) to hold the definitions of compilation artifact formats. * Creation of lambda/ directory (with associated file moves) to hold Lambda language definition files, transformation passes and construction passes from Typedtree. * Disable (hopefully temporarily) dynlink, debugger and ocamldoc for the dune build.
Diffstat (limited to 'bytecomp')
26 files changed, 0 insertions, 12492 deletions
diff --git a/bytecomp/cmo_format.mli b/bytecomp/cmo_format.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index d953a8817a..0000000000
--- a/bytecomp/cmo_format.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-(* *)
-(* OCaml *)
-(* *)
-(* Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
-(* *)
-(* Copyright 2006 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
-(* en Automatique. *)
-(* *)
-(* All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the terms of *)
-(* the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the *)
-(* special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE. *)
-(* *)
-(* Symbol table information for .cmo and .cma files *)
-open Misc
-(* Relocation information *)
-type reloc_info =
- Reloc_literal of Lambda.structured_constant (* structured constant *)
- | Reloc_getglobal of Ident.t (* reference to a global *)
- | Reloc_setglobal of Ident.t (* definition of a global *)
- | Reloc_primitive of string (* C primitive number *)
-(* Descriptor for compilation units *)
-type compilation_unit =
- { cu_name: modname; (* Name of compilation unit *)
- mutable cu_pos: int; (* Absolute position in file *)
- cu_codesize: int; (* Size of code block *)
- cu_reloc: (reloc_info * int) list; (* Relocation information *)
- cu_imports: crcs; (* Names and CRC of intfs imported *)
- cu_required_globals: Ident.t list; (* Compilation units whose
- initialization side effects
- must occur before this one. *)
- cu_primitives: string list; (* Primitives declared inside *)
- mutable cu_force_link: bool; (* Must be linked even if unref'ed *)
- mutable cu_debug: int; (* Position of debugging info, or 0 *)
- cu_debugsize: int } (* Length of debugging info *)
-(* Format of a .cmo file:
- magic number (Config.cmo_magic_number)
- absolute offset of compilation unit descriptor
- block of relocatable bytecode
- debugging information if any
- compilation unit descriptor *)
-(* Descriptor for libraries *)
-type library =
- { lib_units: compilation_unit list; (* List of compilation units *)
- lib_custom: bool; (* Requires custom mode linking? *)
- lib_ccobjs: string list; (* C object files needed for -custom *)
- lib_ccopts: string list; (* Extra opts to C compiler *)
- lib_dllibs: string list } (* DLLs needed *)
-(* Format of a .cma file:
- magic number (Config.cma_magic_number)
- absolute offset of library descriptor
- object code for first library member
- ...
- object code for last library member
- library descriptor *)
diff --git a/bytecomp/dune b/bytecomp/dune
index b2409cf4f1..655cb57ebe 100644
--- a/bytecomp/dune
+++ b/bytecomp/dune
@@ -18,11 +18,3 @@
(deps (:instr (file ../runtime/caml/instruct.h)))
(bash "%{dep:../tools/make_opcodes.exe} -opcodes < %{instr} > %{targets}")))
- (targets
- (mode fallback)
- (deps (:fail (file ../runtime/caml/fail.h))
- (:prim (file ../runtime/primitives)))
- (action (with-stdout-to %{targets}
- (run ./ %{fail} %{prim}))))
diff --git a/bytecomp/ b/bytecomp/
deleted file mode 100755
index 66ccf3ce5d..0000000000
--- a/bytecomp/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-#* *
-#* OCaml *
-#* *
-#* Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *
-#* *
-#* Copyright 1999 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *
-#* en Automatique. *
-#* *
-#* All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the terms of *
-#* the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the *
-#* special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE. *
-#* *
-echo 'let builtin_exceptions = [|'
-cat "$1" | tr -d '\r' | \
- sed -n -e 's|.*/\* \("[A-Za-z_]*"\) \*/$| \1;|p'
-echo '|]'
-echo 'let builtin_primitives = [|'
-sed -e 's/.*/ "&";/' "$2"
-echo '|]'
diff --git a/bytecomp/ b/bytecomp/
deleted file mode 100644
index f06d9a820d..0000000000
--- a/bytecomp/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,886 +0,0 @@
-(* *)
-(* OCaml *)
-(* *)
-(* Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
-(* *)
-(* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
-(* en Automatique. *)
-(* *)
-(* All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the terms of *)
-(* the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the *)
-(* special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE. *)
-(* *)
-open Misc
-open Asttypes
-type compile_time_constant =
- | Big_endian
- | Word_size
- | Int_size
- | Max_wosize
- | Ostype_unix
- | Ostype_win32
- | Ostype_cygwin
- | Backend_type
-type immediate_or_pointer =
- | Immediate
- | Pointer
-type initialization_or_assignment =
- | Assignment
- | Heap_initialization
- | Root_initialization
-type is_safe =
- | Safe
- | Unsafe
-type primitive =
- | Pidentity
- | Pbytes_to_string
- | Pbytes_of_string
- | Pignore
- | Prevapply
- | Pdirapply
- (* Globals *)
- | Pgetglobal of Ident.t
- | Psetglobal of Ident.t
- (* Operations on heap blocks *)
- | Pmakeblock of int * mutable_flag * block_shape
- | Pfield of int
- | Pfield_computed
- | Psetfield of int * immediate_or_pointer * initialization_or_assignment
- | Psetfield_computed of immediate_or_pointer * initialization_or_assignment
- | Pfloatfield of int
- | Psetfloatfield of int * initialization_or_assignment
- | Pduprecord of Types.record_representation * int
- (* Force lazy values *)
- (* External call *)
- | Pccall of Primitive.description
- (* Exceptions *)
- | Praise of raise_kind
- (* Boolean operations *)
- | Psequand | Psequor | Pnot
- (* Integer operations *)
- | Pnegint | Paddint | Psubint | Pmulint
- | Pdivint of is_safe | Pmodint of is_safe
- | Pandint | Porint | Pxorint
- | Plslint | Plsrint | Pasrint
- | Pintcomp of integer_comparison
- | Poffsetint of int
- | Poffsetref of int
- (* Float operations *)
- | Pintoffloat | Pfloatofint
- | Pnegfloat | Pabsfloat
- | Paddfloat | Psubfloat | Pmulfloat | Pdivfloat
- | Pfloatcomp of float_comparison
- (* String operations *)
- | Pstringlength | Pstringrefu | Pstringrefs
- | Pbyteslength | Pbytesrefu | Pbytessetu | Pbytesrefs | Pbytessets
- (* Array operations *)
- | Pmakearray of array_kind * mutable_flag
- | Pduparray of array_kind * mutable_flag
- | Parraylength of array_kind
- | Parrayrefu of array_kind
- | Parraysetu of array_kind
- | Parrayrefs of array_kind
- | Parraysets of array_kind
- (* Test if the argument is a block or an immediate integer *)
- | Pisint
- (* Test if the (integer) argument is outside an interval *)
- | Pisout
- (* Operations on boxed integers (Nativeint.t, Int32.t, Int64.t) *)
- | Pbintofint of boxed_integer
- | Pintofbint of boxed_integer
- | Pcvtbint of boxed_integer (*source*) * boxed_integer (*destination*)
- | Pnegbint of boxed_integer
- | Paddbint of boxed_integer
- | Psubbint of boxed_integer
- | Pmulbint of boxed_integer
- | Pdivbint of { size : boxed_integer; is_safe : is_safe }
- | Pmodbint of { size : boxed_integer; is_safe : is_safe }
- | Pandbint of boxed_integer
- | Porbint of boxed_integer
- | Pxorbint of boxed_integer
- | Plslbint of boxed_integer
- | Plsrbint of boxed_integer
- | Pasrbint of boxed_integer
- | Pbintcomp of boxed_integer * integer_comparison
- (* Operations on Bigarrays: (unsafe, #dimensions, kind, layout) *)
- | Pbigarrayref of bool * int * bigarray_kind * bigarray_layout
- | Pbigarrayset of bool * int * bigarray_kind * bigarray_layout
- (* size of the nth dimension of a Bigarray *)
- | Pbigarraydim of int
- (* load/set 16,32,64 bits from a string: (unsafe)*)
- | Pstring_load_16 of bool
- | Pstring_load_32 of bool
- | Pstring_load_64 of bool
- | Pbytes_load_16 of bool
- | Pbytes_load_32 of bool
- | Pbytes_load_64 of bool
- | Pbytes_set_16 of bool
- | Pbytes_set_32 of bool
- | Pbytes_set_64 of bool
- (* load/set 16,32,64 bits from a
- (char, int8_unsigned_elt, c_layout) Bigarray.Array1.t : (unsafe) *)
- | Pbigstring_load_16 of bool
- | Pbigstring_load_32 of bool
- | Pbigstring_load_64 of bool
- | Pbigstring_set_16 of bool
- | Pbigstring_set_32 of bool
- | Pbigstring_set_64 of bool
- (* Compile time constants *)
- | Pctconst of compile_time_constant
- (* byte swap *)
- | Pbswap16
- | Pbbswap of boxed_integer
- (* Integer to external pointer *)
- | Pint_as_pointer
- (* Inhibition of optimisation *)
- | Popaque
-and integer_comparison =
- Ceq | Cne | Clt | Cgt | Cle | Cge
-and float_comparison =
- CFeq | CFneq | CFlt | CFnlt | CFgt | CFngt | CFle | CFnle | CFge | CFnge
-and value_kind =
- Pgenval | Pfloatval | Pboxedintval of boxed_integer | Pintval
-and block_shape =
- value_kind list option
-and array_kind =
- Pgenarray | Paddrarray | Pintarray | Pfloatarray
-and boxed_integer = Primitive.boxed_integer =
- Pnativeint | Pint32 | Pint64
-and bigarray_kind =
- Pbigarray_unknown
- | Pbigarray_float32 | Pbigarray_float64
- | Pbigarray_sint8 | Pbigarray_uint8
- | Pbigarray_sint16 | Pbigarray_uint16
- | Pbigarray_int32 | Pbigarray_int64
- | Pbigarray_caml_int | Pbigarray_native_int
- | Pbigarray_complex32 | Pbigarray_complex64
-and bigarray_layout =
- Pbigarray_unknown_layout
- | Pbigarray_c_layout
- | Pbigarray_fortran_layout
-and raise_kind =
- | Raise_regular
- | Raise_reraise
- | Raise_notrace
-let equal_boxed_integer x y =
- match x, y with
- | Pnativeint, Pnativeint
- | Pint32, Pint32
- | Pint64, Pint64 ->
- true
- | (Pnativeint | Pint32 | Pint64), _ ->
- false
-let equal_primitive =
- (* Should be implemented like [equal_value_kind] of [equal_boxed_integer],
- i.e. by matching over the various constructors but the type has more
- than 100 constructors... *)
- (=)
-let equal_value_kind x y =
- match x, y with
- | Pgenval, Pgenval -> true
- | Pfloatval, Pfloatval -> true
- | Pboxedintval bi1, Pboxedintval bi2 -> equal_boxed_integer bi1 bi2
- | Pintval, Pintval -> true
- | (Pgenval | Pfloatval | Pboxedintval _ | Pintval), _ -> false
-type structured_constant =
- Const_base of constant
- | Const_pointer of int
- | Const_block of int * structured_constant list
- | Const_float_array of string list
- | Const_immstring of string
-type inline_attribute =
- | Always_inline (* [@inline] or [@inline always] *)
- | Never_inline (* [@inline never] *)
- | Unroll of int (* [@unroll x] *)
- | Default_inline (* no [@inline] attribute *)
-let equal_inline_attribute x y =
- match x, y with
- | Always_inline, Always_inline
- | Never_inline, Never_inline
- | Default_inline, Default_inline
- ->
- true
- | Unroll u, Unroll v ->
- u = v
- | (Always_inline | Never_inline | Unroll _ | Default_inline), _ ->
- false
-type specialise_attribute =
- | Always_specialise (* [@specialise] or [@specialise always] *)
- | Never_specialise (* [@specialise never] *)
- | Default_specialise (* no [@specialise] attribute *)
-let equal_specialise_attribute x y =
- match x, y with
- | Always_specialise, Always_specialise
- | Never_specialise, Never_specialise
- | Default_specialise, Default_specialise ->
- true
- | (Always_specialise | Never_specialise | Default_specialise), _ ->
- false
-type local_attribute =
- | Always_local (* [@local] or [@local always] *)
- | Never_local (* [@local never] *)
- | Default_local (* [@local maybe] or no [@local] attribute *)
-type function_kind = Curried | Tupled
-type let_kind = Strict | Alias | StrictOpt | Variable
-type meth_kind = Self | Public | Cached
-let equal_meth_kind x y =
- match x, y with
- | Self, Self -> true
- | Public, Public -> true
- | Cached, Cached -> true
- | (Self | Public | Cached), _ -> false
-type shared_code = (int * int) list
-type function_attribute = {
- inline : inline_attribute;
- specialise : specialise_attribute;
- local: local_attribute;
- is_a_functor: bool;
- stub: bool;
-type lambda =
- Lvar of Ident.t
- | Lconst of structured_constant
- | Lapply of lambda_apply
- | Lfunction of lfunction
- | Llet of let_kind * value_kind * Ident.t * lambda * lambda
- | Lletrec of (Ident.t * lambda) list * lambda
- | Lprim of primitive * lambda list * Location.t
- | Lswitch of lambda * lambda_switch * Location.t
- | Lstringswitch of
- lambda * (string * lambda) list * lambda option * Location.t
- | Lstaticraise of int * lambda list
- | Lstaticcatch of lambda * (int * (Ident.t * value_kind) list) * lambda
- | Ltrywith of lambda * Ident.t * lambda
- | Lifthenelse of lambda * lambda * lambda
- | Lsequence of lambda * lambda
- | Lwhile of lambda * lambda
- | Lfor of Ident.t * lambda * lambda * direction_flag * lambda
- | Lassign of Ident.t * lambda
- | Lsend of meth_kind * lambda * lambda * lambda list * Location.t
- | Levent of lambda * lambda_event
- | Lifused of Ident.t * lambda
-and lfunction =
- { kind: function_kind;
- params: (Ident.t * value_kind) list;
- return: value_kind;
- body: lambda;
- attr: function_attribute; (* specified with [@inline] attribute *)
- loc: Location.t; }
-and lambda_apply =
- { ap_func : lambda;
- ap_args : lambda list;
- ap_loc : Location.t;
- ap_should_be_tailcall : bool;
- ap_inlined : inline_attribute;
- ap_specialised : specialise_attribute; }
-and lambda_switch =
- { sw_numconsts: int;
- sw_consts: (int * lambda) list;
- sw_numblocks: int;
- sw_blocks: (int * lambda) list;
- sw_failaction : lambda option}
-and lambda_event =
- { lev_loc: Location.t;
- lev_kind: lambda_event_kind;
- lev_repr: int ref option;
- lev_env: Env.t }
-and lambda_event_kind =
- Lev_before
- | Lev_after of Types.type_expr
- | Lev_function
- | Lev_pseudo
- | Lev_module_definition of Ident.t
-type program =
- { module_ident : Ident.t;
- main_module_block_size : int;
- required_globals : Ident.Set.t;
- code : lambda }
-let const_unit = Const_pointer 0
-let lambda_unit = Lconst const_unit
-let default_function_attribute = {
- inline = Default_inline;
- specialise = Default_specialise;
- local = Default_local;
- is_a_functor = false;
- stub = false;
-let default_stub_attribute =
- { default_function_attribute with stub = true }
-(* Build sharing keys *)
- Those keys are later compared with
- For that reason, they should not include cycles.
-exception Not_simple
-let max_raw = 32
-let make_key e =
- let count = ref 0 (* Used for controlling size *)
- and make_key = Ident.make_key_generator () in
- (* make_key is used for normalizing let-bound variables *)
- let rec tr_rec env e =
- incr count ;
- if !count > max_raw then raise Not_simple ; (* Too big ! *)
- match e with
- | Lvar id ->
- begin
- try Ident.find_same id env
- with Not_found -> e
- end
- | Lconst (Const_base (Const_string _)) ->
- (* Mutable constants are not shared *)
- raise Not_simple
- | Lconst _ -> e
- | Lapply ap ->
- Lapply {ap with ap_func = tr_rec env ap.ap_func;
- ap_args = tr_recs env ap.ap_args;
- ap_loc = Location.none}
- | Llet (Alias,_k,x,ex,e) -> (* Ignore aliases -> substitute *)
- let ex = tr_rec env ex in
- tr_rec (Ident.add x ex env) e
- | Llet ((Strict | StrictOpt),_k,x,ex,Lvar v) when Ident.same v x ->
- tr_rec env ex
- | Llet (str,k,x,ex,e) ->
- (* Because of side effects, keep other lets with normalized names *)
- let ex = tr_rec env ex in
- let y = make_key x in
- Llet (str,k,y,ex,tr_rec (Ident.add x (Lvar y) env) e)
- | Lprim (p,es,_) ->
- Lprim (p,tr_recs env es, Location.none)
- | Lswitch (e,sw,loc) ->
- Lswitch (tr_rec env e,tr_sw env sw,loc)
- | Lstringswitch (e,sw,d,_) ->
- Lstringswitch
- (tr_rec env e,
- (fun (s,e) -> s,tr_rec env e) sw,
- tr_opt env d,
- Location.none)
- | Lstaticraise (i,es) ->
- Lstaticraise (i,tr_recs env es)
- | Lstaticcatch (e1,xs,e2) ->
- Lstaticcatch (tr_rec env e1,xs,tr_rec env e2)
- | Ltrywith (e1,x,e2) ->
- Ltrywith (tr_rec env e1,x,tr_rec env e2)
- | Lifthenelse (cond,ifso,ifnot) ->
- Lifthenelse (tr_rec env cond,tr_rec env ifso,tr_rec env ifnot)
- | Lsequence (e1,e2) ->
- Lsequence (tr_rec env e1,tr_rec env e2)
- | Lassign (x,e) ->
- Lassign (x,tr_rec env e)
- | Lsend (m,e1,e2,es,_loc) ->
- Lsend (m,tr_rec env e1,tr_rec env e2,tr_recs env es,Location.none)
- | Lifused (id,e) -> Lifused (id,tr_rec env e)
- | Lletrec _|Lfunction _
- | Lfor _ | Lwhile _
-(* Beware: (PR#6412) the event argument to Levent
- may include cyclic structure of type Type.typexpr *)
- | Levent _ ->
- raise Not_simple
- and tr_recs env es = (tr_rec env) es
- and tr_sw env sw =
- { sw with
- sw_consts = (fun (i,e) -> i,tr_rec env e) sw.sw_consts ;
- sw_blocks = (fun (i,e) -> i,tr_rec env e) sw.sw_blocks ;
- sw_failaction = tr_opt env sw.sw_failaction ; }
- and tr_opt env = function
- | None -> None
- | Some e -> Some (tr_rec env e) in
- try
- Some (tr_rec Ident.empty e)
- with Not_simple -> None
-let name_lambda strict arg fn =
- match arg with
- Lvar id -> fn id
- | _ ->
- let id = Ident.create_local "let" in
- Llet(strict, Pgenval, id, arg, fn id)
-let name_lambda_list args fn =
- let rec name_list names = function
- [] -> fn (List.rev names)
- | (Lvar _ as arg) :: rem ->
- name_list (arg :: names) rem
- | arg :: rem ->
- let id = Ident.create_local "let" in
- Llet(Strict, Pgenval, id, arg, name_list (Lvar id :: names) rem) in
- name_list [] args
-let iter_opt f = function
- | None -> ()
- | Some e -> f e
-let shallow_iter ~tail ~non_tail:f = function
- Lvar _
- | Lconst _ -> ()
- | Lapply{ap_func = fn; ap_args = args} ->
- f fn; List.iter f args
- | Lfunction{body} ->
- f body
- | Llet(_str, _k, _id, arg, body) ->
- f arg; tail body
- | Lletrec(decl, body) ->
- tail body;
- List.iter (fun (_id, exp) -> f exp) decl
- | Lprim (Pidentity, [l], _) ->
- tail l
- | Lprim (Psequand, [l1; l2], _)
- | Lprim (Psequor, [l1; l2], _) ->
- f l1;
- tail l2
- | Lprim(_p, args, _loc) ->
- List.iter f args
- | Lswitch(arg, sw,_) ->
- f arg;
- List.iter (fun (_key, case) -> tail case) sw.sw_consts;
- List.iter (fun (_key, case) -> tail case) sw.sw_blocks;
- iter_opt tail sw.sw_failaction
- | Lstringswitch (arg,cases,default,_) ->
- f arg ;
- List.iter (fun (_,act) -> tail act) cases ;
- iter_opt tail default
- | Lstaticraise (_,args) ->
- List.iter f args
- | Lstaticcatch(e1, _, e2) ->
- tail e1; tail e2
- | Ltrywith(e1, _, e2) ->
- f e1; tail e2
- | Lifthenelse(e1, e2, e3) ->
- f e1; tail e2; tail e3
- | Lsequence(e1, e2) ->
- f e1; tail e2
- | Lwhile(e1, e2) ->
- f e1; f e2
- | Lfor(_v, e1, e2, _dir, e3) ->
- f e1; f e2; f e3
- | Lassign(_, e) ->
- f e
- | Lsend (_k, met, obj, args, _) ->
- List.iter f (met::obj::args)
- | Levent (e, _evt) ->
- tail e
- | Lifused (_v, e) ->
- tail e
-let iter_head_constructor f l =
- shallow_iter ~tail:f ~non_tail:f l
-let rec free_variables = function
- | Lvar id -> Ident.Set.singleton id
- | Lconst _ -> Ident.Set.empty
- | Lapply{ap_func = fn; ap_args = args} ->
- free_variables_list (free_variables fn) args
- | Lfunction{body; params} ->
- Ident.Set.diff (free_variables body)
- (Ident.Set.of_list ( fst params))
- | Llet(_str, _k, id, arg, body) ->
- Ident.Set.union
- (free_variables arg)
- (Ident.Set.remove id (free_variables body))
- | Lletrec(decl, body) ->
- let set = free_variables_list (free_variables body) ( snd decl) in
- Ident.Set.diff set (Ident.Set.of_list ( fst decl))
- | Lprim(_p, args, _loc) ->
- free_variables_list Ident.Set.empty args
- | Lswitch(arg, sw,_) ->
- let set =
- free_variables_list
- (free_variables_list (free_variables arg)
- ( snd sw.sw_consts))
- ( snd sw.sw_blocks)
- in
- begin match sw.sw_failaction with
- | None -> set
- | Some failaction -> Ident.Set.union set (free_variables failaction)
- end
- | Lstringswitch (arg,cases,default,_) ->
- let set =
- free_variables_list (free_variables arg)
- ( snd cases)
- in
- begin match default with
- | None -> set
- | Some default -> Ident.Set.union set (free_variables default)
- end
- | Lstaticraise (_,args) ->
- free_variables_list Ident.Set.empty args
- | Lstaticcatch(body, (_, params), handler) ->
- Ident.Set.union
- (Ident.Set.diff
- (free_variables handler)
- (Ident.Set.of_list ( fst params)))
- (free_variables body)
- | Ltrywith(body, param, handler) ->
- Ident.Set.union
- (Ident.Set.remove
- param
- (free_variables handler))
- (free_variables body)
- | Lifthenelse(e1, e2, e3) ->
- Ident.Set.union
- (Ident.Set.union (free_variables e1) (free_variables e2))
- (free_variables e3)
- | Lsequence(e1, e2) ->
- Ident.Set.union (free_variables e1) (free_variables e2)
- | Lwhile(e1, e2) ->
- Ident.Set.union (free_variables e1) (free_variables e2)
- | Lfor(v, lo, hi, _dir, body) ->
- let set = Ident.Set.union (free_variables lo) (free_variables hi) in
- Ident.Set.union set (Ident.Set.remove v (free_variables body))
- | Lassign(id, e) ->
- Ident.Set.add id (free_variables e)
- | Lsend (_k, met, obj, args, _) ->
- free_variables_list
- (Ident.Set.union (free_variables met) (free_variables obj))
- args
- | Levent (lam, _evt) ->
- free_variables lam
- | Lifused (_v, e) ->
- (* Shouldn't v be considered a free variable ? *)
- free_variables e
-and free_variables_list set exprs =
- List.fold_left (fun set expr -> Ident.Set.union (free_variables expr) set)
- set exprs
-(* Check if an action has a "when" guard *)
-let raise_count = ref 0
-let next_raise_count () =
- incr raise_count ;
- !raise_count
-(* Anticipated staticraise, for guards *)
-let staticfail = Lstaticraise (0,[])
-let rec is_guarded = function
- | Lifthenelse(_cond, _body, Lstaticraise (0,[])) -> true
- | Llet(_str, _k, _id, _lam, body) -> is_guarded body
- | Levent(lam, _ev) -> is_guarded lam
- | _ -> false
-let rec patch_guarded patch = function
- | Lifthenelse (cond, body, Lstaticraise (0,[])) ->
- Lifthenelse (cond, body, patch)
- | Llet(str, k, id, lam, body) ->
- Llet (str, k, id, lam, patch_guarded patch body)
- | Levent(lam, ev) ->
- Levent (patch_guarded patch lam, ev)
- | _ -> fatal_error "Lambda.patch_guarded"
-(* Translate an access path *)
-let rec transl_address loc = function
- | Env.Aident id ->
- if id
- then Lprim(Pgetglobal id, [], loc)
- else Lvar id
- | Env.Adot(addr, pos) ->
- Lprim(Pfield pos, [transl_address loc addr], loc)
-let transl_path find loc env path =
- match find path env with
- | exception Not_found ->
- fatal_error ("Cannot find address for: " ^ ( path))
- | addr -> transl_address loc addr
-(* Translation of identifiers *)
-let transl_module_path loc env path =
- transl_path Env.find_module_address loc env path
-let transl_value_path loc env path =
- transl_path Env.find_value_address loc env path
-let transl_extension_path loc env path =
- transl_path Env.find_constructor_address loc env path
-let transl_class_path loc env path =
- transl_path Env.find_class_address loc env path
-let transl_prim mod_name name =
- let pers = Ident.create_persistent mod_name in
- let env = Env.add_persistent_structure pers Env.empty in
- let lid = Longident.Ldot (Longident.Lident mod_name, name) in
- match Env.lookup_value lid env with
- | path, _ -> transl_value_path Location.none env path
- | exception Not_found ->
- fatal_error ("Primitive " ^ name ^ " not found.")
-(* Compile a sequence of expressions *)
-let rec make_sequence fn = function
- [] -> lambda_unit
- | [x] -> fn x
- | x::rem ->
- let lam = fn x in Lsequence(lam, make_sequence fn rem)
-(* Apply a substitution to a lambda-term.
- Assumes that the image of the substitution is out of reach
- of the bound variables of the lambda-term (no capture). *)
-let subst update_env s lam =
- let rec subst s lam =
- let remove_list l s =
- List.fold_left (fun s (id, _kind) -> Ident.Map.remove id s) s l
- in
- let module M = Ident.Map in
- match lam with
- | Lvar id as l ->
- begin try Ident.Map.find id s with Not_found -> l end
- | Lconst _ as l -> l
- | Lapply ap ->
- Lapply{ap with ap_func = subst s ap.ap_func;
- ap_args = subst_list s ap.ap_args}
- | Lfunction lf ->
- let s =
- List.fold_right
- (fun (id, _) s -> Ident.Map.remove id s)
- lf.params s
- in
- Lfunction {lf with body = subst s lf.body}
- | Llet(str, k, id, arg, body) ->
- Llet(str, k, id, subst s arg, subst (Ident.Map.remove id s) body)
- | Lletrec(decl, body) ->
- let s =
- List.fold_left (fun s (id, _) -> Ident.Map.remove id s)
- s decl
- in
- Lletrec( (subst_decl s) decl, subst s body)
- | Lprim(p, args, loc) -> Lprim(p, subst_list s args, loc)
- | Lswitch(arg, sw, loc) ->
- Lswitch(subst s arg,
- {sw with sw_consts = (subst_case s) sw.sw_consts;
- sw_blocks = (subst_case s) sw.sw_blocks;
- sw_failaction = subst_opt s sw.sw_failaction; },
- loc)
- | Lstringswitch (arg,cases,default,loc) ->
- Lstringswitch
- (subst s arg, (subst_strcase s) cases,subst_opt s default,loc)
- | Lstaticraise (i,args) -> Lstaticraise (i, subst_list s args)
- | Lstaticcatch(body, (id, params), handler) ->
- Lstaticcatch(subst s body, (id, params),
- subst (remove_list params s) handler)
- | Ltrywith(body, exn, handler) ->
- Ltrywith(subst s body, exn, subst (Ident.Map.remove exn s) handler)
- | Lifthenelse(e1, e2, e3) -> Lifthenelse(subst s e1, subst s e2, subst s e3)
- | Lsequence(e1, e2) -> Lsequence(subst s e1, subst s e2)
- | Lwhile(e1, e2) -> Lwhile(subst s e1, subst s e2)
- | Lfor(v, lo, hi, dir, body) ->
- Lfor(v, subst s lo, subst s hi, dir,
- subst (Ident.Map.remove v s) body)
- | Lassign(id, e) ->
- assert(not (Ident.Map.mem id s));
- Lassign(id, subst s e)
- | Lsend (k, met, obj, args, loc) ->
- Lsend (k, subst s met, subst s obj, subst_list s args, loc)
- | Levent (lam, evt) ->
- let lev_env =
- Ident.Map.fold (fun id _ env ->
- match Env.find_value (Path.Pident id) evt.lev_env with
- | exception Not_found -> env
- | vd -> update_env id vd env
- ) s evt.lev_env
- in
- Levent (subst s lam, { evt with lev_env })
- | Lifused (v, e) -> Lifused (v, subst s e)
- and subst_list s l = (subst s) l
- and subst_decl s (id, exp) = (id, subst s exp)
- and subst_case s (key, case) = (key, subst s case)
- and subst_strcase s (key, case) = (key, subst s case)
- and subst_opt s = function
- | None -> None
- | Some e -> Some (subst s e)
- in
- subst s lam
-let rename idmap lam =
- let update_env oldid vd env =
- let newid = Ident.Map.find oldid idmap in
- Env.add_value newid vd env
- in
- let s = (fun new_id -> Lvar new_id) idmap in
- subst update_env s lam
-let shallow_map f = function
- | Lvar _
- | Lconst _ as lam -> lam
- | Lapply { ap_func; ap_args; ap_loc; ap_should_be_tailcall;
- ap_inlined; ap_specialised } ->
- Lapply {
- ap_func = f ap_func;
- ap_args = f ap_args;
- ap_loc;
- ap_should_be_tailcall;
- ap_inlined;
- ap_specialised;
- }
- | Lfunction { kind; params; return; body; attr; loc; } ->
- Lfunction { kind; params; return; body = f body; attr; loc; }
- | Llet (str, k, v, e1, e2) ->
- Llet (str, k, v, f e1, f e2)
- | Lletrec (idel, e2) ->
- Lletrec ( (fun (v, e) -> (v, f e)) idel, f e2)
- | Lprim (p, el, loc) ->
- Lprim (p, f el, loc)
- | Lswitch (e, sw, loc) ->
- Lswitch (f e,
- { sw_numconsts = sw.sw_numconsts;
- sw_consts = (fun (n, e) -> (n, f e)) sw.sw_consts;
- sw_numblocks = sw.sw_numblocks;
- sw_blocks = (fun (n, e) -> (n, f e)) sw.sw_blocks;
- sw_failaction = Misc.may_map f sw.sw_failaction;
- },
- loc)
- | Lstringswitch (e, sw, default, loc) ->
- Lstringswitch (
- f e,
- (fun (s, e) -> (s, f e)) sw,
- Misc.may_map f default,
- loc)
- | Lstaticraise (i, args) ->
- Lstaticraise (i, f args)
- | Lstaticcatch (body, id, handler) ->
- Lstaticcatch (f body, id, f handler)
- | Ltrywith (e1, v, e2) ->
- Ltrywith (f e1, v, f e2)
- | Lifthenelse (e1, e2, e3) ->
- Lifthenelse (f e1, f e2, f e3)
- | Lsequence (e1, e2) ->
- Lsequence (f e1, f e2)
- | Lwhile (e1, e2) ->
- Lwhile (f e1, f e2)
- | Lfor (v, e1, e2, dir, e3) ->
- Lfor (v, f e1, f e2, dir, f e3)
- | Lassign (v, e) ->
- Lassign (v, f e)
- | Lsend (k, m, o, el, loc) ->
- Lsend (k, f m, f o, f el, loc)
- | Levent (l, ev) ->
- Levent (f l, ev)
- | Lifused (v, e) ->
- Lifused (v, f e)
-let map f =
- let rec g lam = f (shallow_map g lam) in
- g
-(* To let-bind expressions to variables *)
-let bind_with_value_kind str (var, kind) exp body =
- match exp with
- Lvar var' when Ident.same var var' -> body
- | _ -> Llet(str, kind, var, exp, body)
-let bind str var exp body =
- bind_with_value_kind str (var, Pgenval) exp body
-let negate_integer_comparison = function
- | Ceq -> Cne
- | Cne -> Ceq
- | Clt -> Cge
- | Cle -> Cgt
- | Cgt -> Cle
- | Cge -> Clt
-let swap_integer_comparison = function
- | Ceq -> Ceq
- | Cne -> Cne
- | Clt -> Cgt
- | Cle -> Cge
- | Cgt -> Clt
- | Cge -> Cle
-let negate_float_comparison = function
- | CFeq -> CFneq
- | CFneq -> CFeq
- | CFlt -> CFnlt
- | CFnlt -> CFlt
- | CFgt -> CFngt
- | CFngt -> CFgt
- | CFle -> CFnle
- | CFnle -> CFle
- | CFge -> CFnge
- | CFnge -> CFge
-let swap_float_comparison = function
- | CFeq -> CFeq
- | CFneq -> CFneq
- | CFlt -> CFgt
- | CFnlt -> CFngt
- | CFle -> CFge
- | CFnle -> CFnge
- | CFgt -> CFlt
- | CFngt -> CFnlt
- | CFge -> CFle
- | CFnge -> CFnle
-let raise_kind = function
- | Raise_regular -> "raise"
- | Raise_reraise -> "reraise"
- | Raise_notrace -> "raise_notrace"
-let merge_inline_attributes attr1 attr2 =
- match attr1, attr2 with
- | Default_inline, _ -> Some attr2
- | _, Default_inline -> Some attr1
- | _, _ ->
- if attr1 = attr2 then Some attr1
- else None
-let reset () =
- raise_count := 0
diff --git a/bytecomp/lambda.mli b/bytecomp/lambda.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index 39c7f265ca..0000000000
--- a/bytecomp/lambda.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,426 +0,0 @@
-(* *)
-(* OCaml *)
-(* *)
-(* Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
-(* *)
-(* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
-(* en Automatique. *)
-(* *)
-(* All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the terms of *)
-(* the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the *)
-(* special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE. *)
-(* *)
-(* The "lambda" intermediate code *)
-open Asttypes
-type compile_time_constant =
- | Big_endian
- | Word_size
- | Int_size
- | Max_wosize
- | Ostype_unix
- | Ostype_win32
- | Ostype_cygwin
- | Backend_type
-type immediate_or_pointer =
- | Immediate
- | Pointer
-type initialization_or_assignment =
- | Assignment
- (* Initialization of in heap values, like [caml_initialize] C primitive. The
- field should not have been read before and initialization should happen
- only once. *)
- | Heap_initialization
- (* Initialization of roots only. Compiles to a simple store.
- No checks are done to preserve GC invariants. *)
- | Root_initialization
-type is_safe =
- | Safe
- | Unsafe
-type primitive =
- | Pidentity
- | Pbytes_to_string
- | Pbytes_of_string
- | Pignore
- | Prevapply
- | Pdirapply
- (* Globals *)
- | Pgetglobal of Ident.t
- | Psetglobal of Ident.t
- (* Operations on heap blocks *)
- | Pmakeblock of int * mutable_flag * block_shape
- | Pfield of int
- | Pfield_computed
- | Psetfield of int * immediate_or_pointer * initialization_or_assignment
- | Psetfield_computed of immediate_or_pointer * initialization_or_assignment
- | Pfloatfield of int
- | Psetfloatfield of int * initialization_or_assignment
- | Pduprecord of Types.record_representation * int
- (* External call *)
- | Pccall of Primitive.description
- (* Exceptions *)
- | Praise of raise_kind
- (* Boolean operations *)
- | Psequand | Psequor | Pnot
- (* Integer operations *)
- | Pnegint | Paddint | Psubint | Pmulint
- | Pdivint of is_safe | Pmodint of is_safe
- | Pandint | Porint | Pxorint
- | Plslint | Plsrint | Pasrint
- | Pintcomp of integer_comparison
- | Poffsetint of int
- | Poffsetref of int
- (* Float operations *)
- | Pintoffloat | Pfloatofint
- | Pnegfloat | Pabsfloat
- | Paddfloat | Psubfloat | Pmulfloat | Pdivfloat
- | Pfloatcomp of float_comparison
- (* String operations *)
- | Pstringlength | Pstringrefu | Pstringrefs
- | Pbyteslength | Pbytesrefu | Pbytessetu | Pbytesrefs | Pbytessets
- (* Array operations *)
- | Pmakearray of array_kind * mutable_flag
- | Pduparray of array_kind * mutable_flag
- (** For [Pduparray], the argument must be an immutable array.
- The arguments of [Pduparray] give the kind and mutability of the
- array being *produced* by the duplication. *)
- | Parraylength of array_kind
- | Parrayrefu of array_kind
- | Parraysetu of array_kind
- | Parrayrefs of array_kind
- | Parraysets of array_kind
- (* Test if the argument is a block or an immediate integer *)
- | Pisint
- (* Test if the (integer) argument is outside an interval *)
- | Pisout
- (* Operations on boxed integers (Nativeint.t, Int32.t, Int64.t) *)
- | Pbintofint of boxed_integer
- | Pintofbint of boxed_integer
- | Pcvtbint of boxed_integer (*source*) * boxed_integer (*destination*)
- | Pnegbint of boxed_integer
- | Paddbint of boxed_integer
- | Psubbint of boxed_integer
- | Pmulbint of boxed_integer
- | Pdivbint of { size : boxed_integer; is_safe : is_safe }
- | Pmodbint of { size : boxed_integer; is_safe : is_safe }
- | Pandbint of boxed_integer
- | Porbint of boxed_integer
- | Pxorbint of boxed_integer
- | Plslbint of boxed_integer
- | Plsrbint of boxed_integer
- | Pasrbint of boxed_integer
- | Pbintcomp of boxed_integer * integer_comparison
- (* Operations on Bigarrays: (unsafe, #dimensions, kind, layout) *)
- | Pbigarrayref of bool * int * bigarray_kind * bigarray_layout
- | Pbigarrayset of bool * int * bigarray_kind * bigarray_layout
- (* size of the nth dimension of a Bigarray *)
- | Pbigarraydim of int
- (* load/set 16,32,64 bits from a string: (unsafe)*)
- | Pstring_load_16 of bool
- | Pstring_load_32 of bool
- | Pstring_load_64 of bool
- | Pbytes_load_16 of bool
- | Pbytes_load_32 of bool
- | Pbytes_load_64 of bool
- | Pbytes_set_16 of bool
- | Pbytes_set_32 of bool
- | Pbytes_set_64 of bool
- (* load/set 16,32,64 bits from a
- (char, int8_unsigned_elt, c_layout) Bigarray.Array1.t : (unsafe) *)
- | Pbigstring_load_16 of bool
- | Pbigstring_load_32 of bool
- | Pbigstring_load_64 of bool
- | Pbigstring_set_16 of bool
- | Pbigstring_set_32 of bool
- | Pbigstring_set_64 of bool
- (* Compile time constants *)
- | Pctconst of compile_time_constant
- (* byte swap *)
- | Pbswap16
- | Pbbswap of boxed_integer
- (* Integer to external pointer *)
- | Pint_as_pointer
- (* Inhibition of optimisation *)
- | Popaque
-and integer_comparison =
- Ceq | Cne | Clt | Cgt | Cle | Cge
-and float_comparison =
- CFeq | CFneq | CFlt | CFnlt | CFgt | CFngt | CFle | CFnle | CFge | CFnge
-and array_kind =
- Pgenarray | Paddrarray | Pintarray | Pfloatarray
-and value_kind =
- Pgenval | Pfloatval | Pboxedintval of boxed_integer | Pintval
-and block_shape =
- value_kind list option
-and boxed_integer = Primitive.boxed_integer =
- Pnativeint | Pint32 | Pint64
-and bigarray_kind =
- Pbigarray_unknown
- | Pbigarray_float32 | Pbigarray_float64
- | Pbigarray_sint8 | Pbigarray_uint8
- | Pbigarray_sint16 | Pbigarray_uint16
- | Pbigarray_int32 | Pbigarray_int64
- | Pbigarray_caml_int | Pbigarray_native_int
- | Pbigarray_complex32 | Pbigarray_complex64
-and bigarray_layout =
- Pbigarray_unknown_layout
- | Pbigarray_c_layout
- | Pbigarray_fortran_layout
-and raise_kind =
- | Raise_regular
- | Raise_reraise
- | Raise_notrace
-val equal_primitive : primitive -> primitive -> bool
-val equal_value_kind : value_kind -> value_kind -> bool
-val equal_boxed_integer : boxed_integer -> boxed_integer -> bool
-type structured_constant =
- Const_base of constant
- | Const_pointer of int
- | Const_block of int * structured_constant list
- | Const_float_array of string list
- | Const_immstring of string
-type inline_attribute =
- | Always_inline (* [@inline] or [@inline always] *)
- | Never_inline (* [@inline never] *)
- | Unroll of int (* [@unroll x] *)
- | Default_inline (* no [@inline] attribute *)
-val equal_inline_attribute : inline_attribute -> inline_attribute -> bool
-type specialise_attribute =
- | Always_specialise (* [@specialise] or [@specialise always] *)
- | Never_specialise (* [@specialise never] *)
- | Default_specialise (* no [@specialise] attribute *)
-val equal_specialise_attribute
- : specialise_attribute
- -> specialise_attribute
- -> bool
-type local_attribute =
- | Always_local (* [@local] or [@local always] *)
- | Never_local (* [@local never] *)
- | Default_local (* [@local maybe] or no [@local] attribute *)
-type function_kind = Curried | Tupled
-type let_kind = Strict | Alias | StrictOpt | Variable
-(* Meaning of kinds for let x = e in e':
- Strict: e may have side-effects; always evaluate e first
- (If e is a simple expression, e.g. a variable or constant,
- we may still substitute e'[x/e].)
- Alias: e is pure, we can substitute e'[x/e] if x has 0 or 1 occurrences
- in e'
- StrictOpt: e does not have side-effects, but depend on the store;
- we can discard e if x does not appear in e'
- Variable: the variable x is assigned later in e'
- *)
-type meth_kind = Self | Public | Cached
-val equal_meth_kind : meth_kind -> meth_kind -> bool
-type shared_code = (int * int) list (* stack size -> code label *)
-type function_attribute = {
- inline : inline_attribute;
- specialise : specialise_attribute;
- local: local_attribute;
- is_a_functor: bool;
- stub: bool;
-type lambda =
- Lvar of Ident.t
- | Lconst of structured_constant
- | Lapply of lambda_apply
- | Lfunction of lfunction
- | Llet of let_kind * value_kind * Ident.t * lambda * lambda
- | Lletrec of (Ident.t * lambda) list * lambda
- | Lprim of primitive * lambda list * Location.t
- | Lswitch of lambda * lambda_switch * Location.t
-(* switch on strings, clauses are sorted by string order,
- strings are pairwise distinct *)
- | Lstringswitch of
- lambda * (string * lambda) list * lambda option * Location.t
- | Lstaticraise of int * lambda list
- | Lstaticcatch of lambda * (int * (Ident.t * value_kind) list) * lambda
- | Ltrywith of lambda * Ident.t * lambda
- | Lifthenelse of lambda * lambda * lambda
- | Lsequence of lambda * lambda
- | Lwhile of lambda * lambda
- | Lfor of Ident.t * lambda * lambda * direction_flag * lambda
- | Lassign of Ident.t * lambda
- | Lsend of meth_kind * lambda * lambda * lambda list * Location.t
- | Levent of lambda * lambda_event
- | Lifused of Ident.t * lambda
-and lfunction =
- { kind: function_kind;
- params: (Ident.t * value_kind) list;
- return: value_kind;
- body: lambda;
- attr: function_attribute; (* specified with [@inline] attribute *)
- loc : Location.t; }
-and lambda_apply =
- { ap_func : lambda;
- ap_args : lambda list;
- ap_loc : Location.t;
- ap_should_be_tailcall : bool; (* true if [@tailcall] was specified *)
- ap_inlined : inline_attribute; (* specified with the [@inlined] attribute *)
- ap_specialised : specialise_attribute; }
-and lambda_switch =
- { sw_numconsts: int; (* Number of integer cases *)
- sw_consts: (int * lambda) list; (* Integer cases *)
- sw_numblocks: int; (* Number of tag block cases *)
- sw_blocks: (int * lambda) list; (* Tag block cases *)
- sw_failaction : lambda option} (* Action to take if failure *)
-and lambda_event =
- { lev_loc: Location.t;
- lev_kind: lambda_event_kind;
- lev_repr: int ref option;
- lev_env: Env.t }
-and lambda_event_kind =
- Lev_before
- | Lev_after of Types.type_expr
- | Lev_function
- | Lev_pseudo
- | Lev_module_definition of Ident.t
-type program =
- { module_ident : Ident.t;
- main_module_block_size : int;
- required_globals : Ident.Set.t; (* Modules whose initializer side effects
- must occur before [code]. *)
- code : lambda }
-(* Lambda code for the middle-end.
- * In the closure case the code is a sequence of assignments to a
- preallocated block of size [main_module_block_size] using
- (Setfield(Getglobal(module_ident))). The size is used to preallocate
- the block.
- * In the flambda case the code is an expression returning a block
- value of size [main_module_block_size]. The size is used to build
- the module root as an initialize_symbol
- Initialize_symbol(module_name, 0,
- [getfield 0; ...; getfield (main_module_block_size - 1)])
-(* Sharing key *)
-val make_key: lambda -> lambda option
-val const_unit: structured_constant
-val lambda_unit: lambda
-val name_lambda: let_kind -> lambda -> (Ident.t -> lambda) -> lambda
-val name_lambda_list: lambda list -> (lambda list -> lambda) -> lambda
-val iter_head_constructor: (lambda -> unit) -> lambda -> unit
-(** [iter_head_constructor f lam] apply [f] to only the first level of
- sub expressions of [lam]. It does not recursively traverse the
- expression.
-val shallow_iter:
- tail:(lambda -> unit) ->
- non_tail:(lambda -> unit) ->
- lambda -> unit
-(** Same as [iter_head_constructor], but use a different callback for
- sub-terms which are in tail position or not. *)
-val transl_prim: string -> string -> lambda
-(** Translate a value from a persistent module. For instance:
- {[
- transl_internal_value "CamlinternalLazy" "force"
- ]}
-val free_variables: lambda -> Ident.Set.t
-val transl_module_path: Location.t -> Env.t -> Path.t -> lambda
-val transl_value_path: Location.t -> Env.t -> Path.t -> lambda
-val transl_extension_path: Location.t -> Env.t -> Path.t -> lambda
-val transl_class_path: Location.t -> Env.t -> Path.t -> lambda
-val make_sequence: ('a -> lambda) -> 'a list -> lambda
-val subst: (Ident.t -> Types.value_description -> Env.t -> Env.t) ->
- lambda Ident.Map.t -> lambda -> lambda
-(** [subst env_update_fun s lt] applies a substitution [s] to the lambda-term
- [lt].
- Assumes that the image of the substitution is out of reach
- of the bound variables of the lambda-term (no capture).
- [env_update_fun] is used to refresh the environment contained in debug
- events. *)
-val rename : Ident.t Ident.Map.t -> lambda -> lambda
-(** A version of [subst] specialized for the case where we're just renaming
- idents. *)
-val map : (lambda -> lambda) -> lambda -> lambda
- (** Bottom-up rewriting, applying the function on
- each node from the leaves to the root. *)
-val shallow_map : (lambda -> lambda) -> lambda -> lambda
- (** Rewrite each immediate sub-term with the function. *)
-val bind : let_kind -> Ident.t -> lambda -> lambda -> lambda
-val bind_with_value_kind:
- let_kind -> (Ident.t * value_kind) -> lambda -> lambda -> lambda
-val negate_integer_comparison : integer_comparison -> integer_comparison
-val swap_integer_comparison : integer_comparison -> integer_comparison
-val negate_float_comparison : float_comparison -> float_comparison
-val swap_float_comparison : float_comparison -> float_comparison
-val default_function_attribute : function_attribute
-val default_stub_attribute : function_attribute
-(* For static failures *)
-(* Get a new static failure ident *)
-val next_raise_count : unit -> int
-val staticfail : lambda (* Anticipated static failure *)
-(* Check anticipated failure, substitute its final value *)
-val is_guarded: lambda -> bool
-val patch_guarded : lambda -> lambda -> lambda
-val raise_kind: raise_kind -> string
-val merge_inline_attributes
- : inline_attribute
- -> inline_attribute
- -> inline_attribute option
-val reset: unit -> unit
diff --git a/bytecomp/ b/bytecomp/
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-(* *)
-(* OCaml *)
-(* *)
-(* Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
-(* *)
-(* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
-(* en Automatique. *)
-(* *)
-(* All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the terms of *)
-(* the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the *)
-(* special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE. *)
-(* *)
-(* Compilation of pattern matching *)
-open Misc
-open Asttypes
-open Types
-open Typedtree
-open Lambda
-open Parmatch
-open Printf
-open Printpat
-let dbg = false
-(* See Peyton-Jones, ``The Implementation of functional programming
- languages'', chapter 5. *)
- Well, it was true at the beginning of the world.
- Now, see Lefessant-Maranget ``Optimizing Pattern-Matching'' ICFP'2001
- Compatibility predicate that considers potential rebindings of constructors
- of an extension type.
- "may_compat p q" returns false when p and q never admit a common instance;
- returns true when they may have a common instance.
-module MayCompat =
- Parmatch.Compat (struct let equal = Types.may_equal_constr end)
-let may_compat = MayCompat.compat
-and may_compats = MayCompat.compats
- Many functions on the various data structures of the algorithm :
- - Pattern matrices.
- - Default environments: mapping from matrices to exit numbers.
- - Contexts: matrices whose column are partitioned into
- left and right.
- - Jump summaries: mapping from exit numbers to contexts
-let string_of_lam lam =
- Printlambda.lambda Format.str_formatter lam ;
- Format.flush_str_formatter ()
-let all_record_args lbls = match lbls with
-| (_,{lbl_all=lbl_all},_)::_ ->
- let t =
- (fun lbl -> mknoloc (Longident.Lident "?temp?"), lbl,omega)
- lbl_all in
- List.iter
- (fun ((_, lbl,_) as x) -> t.(lbl.lbl_pos) <- x)
- lbls ;
- Array.to_list t
-| _ -> fatal_error "Parmatch.all_record_args"
-type matrix = pattern list list
-let add_omega_column pss = (fun ps -> omega::ps) pss
-type ctx = {left:pattern list ; right:pattern list}
-let pretty_ctx ctx =
- List.iter
- (fun {left=left ; right=right} ->
- Format.eprintf "LEFT:%a RIGHT:%a\n" pretty_line left pretty_line right)
- ctx
-let le_ctx c1 c2 =
- le_pats c1.left c2.left &&
- le_pats c1.right c2.right
-let lshift {left=left ; right=right} = match right with
-| x::xs -> {left=x::left ; right=xs}
-| _ -> assert false
-let lforget {left=left ; right=right} = match right with
-| _::xs -> {left=omega::left ; right=xs}
-| _ -> assert false
-let rec small_enough n = function
- | [] -> true
- | _::rem ->
- if n <= 0 then false
- else small_enough (n-1) rem
-let ctx_lshift ctx =
- if small_enough (!Clflags.match_context_rows - 1) ctx then
- lshift ctx
- else (* Context pruning *) begin
- get_mins le_ctx ( lforget ctx)
- end
-let rshift {left=left ; right=right} = match left with
-| p::ps -> {left=ps ; right=p::right}
-| _ -> assert false
-let ctx_rshift ctx = rshift ctx
-let rec nchars n ps =
- if n <= 0 then [],ps
- else match ps with
- | p::rem ->
- let chars, cdrs = nchars (n-1) rem in
- p::chars,cdrs
- | _ -> assert false
-let rshift_num n {left=left ; right=right} =
- let shifted,left = nchars n left in
- {left=left ; right = shifted@right}
-let ctx_rshift_num n ctx = (rshift_num n) ctx
-(* Recombination of contexts (eg: (_,_)::p1::p2::rem -> (p1,p2)::rem)
- All mutable fields are replaced by '_', since side-effects in
- guards can alter these fields *)
-let combine {left=left ; right=right} = match left with
-| p::ps -> {left=ps ; right=set_args_erase_mutable p right}
-| _ -> assert false
-let ctx_combine ctx = combine ctx
-let ncols = function
- | [] -> 0
- | ps::_ -> List.length ps
-exception NoMatch
-exception OrPat
-let filter_matrix matcher pss =
- let rec filter_rec = function
- | (p::ps)::rem ->
- begin match p.pat_desc with
- | Tpat_alias (p,_,_) ->
- filter_rec ((p::ps)::rem)
- | Tpat_var _ ->
- filter_rec ((omega::ps)::rem)
- | _ ->
- begin
- let rem = filter_rec rem in
- try
- matcher p ps::rem
- with
- | NoMatch -> rem
- | OrPat ->
- match p.pat_desc with
- | Tpat_or (p1,p2,_) -> filter_rec [(p1::ps) ;(p2::ps)]@rem
- | _ -> assert false
- end
- end
- | [] -> []
- | _ ->
- pretty_matrix Format.err_formatter pss ;
- fatal_error "Matching.filter_matrix" in
- filter_rec pss
-let make_default matcher env =
- let rec make_rec = function
- | [] -> []
- | ([[]],i)::_ -> [[[]],i]
- | (pss,i)::rem ->
- let rem = make_rec rem in
- match filter_matrix matcher pss with
- | [] -> rem
- | ([]::_) -> ([[]],i)::rem
- | pss -> (pss,i)::rem in
- make_rec env
-let ctx_matcher p =
- let p = normalize_pat p in
- match p.pat_desc with
- | Tpat_construct (_, cstr,omegas) ->
- (fun q rem -> match q.pat_desc with
- | Tpat_construct (_, cstr',args)
-(* NB: may_constr_equal considers (potential) constructor rebinding *)
- when Types.may_equal_constr cstr cstr' ->
- p,args@rem
- | Tpat_any -> p,omegas @ rem
- | _ -> raise NoMatch)
- | Tpat_constant cst ->
- (fun q rem -> match q.pat_desc with
- | Tpat_constant cst' when const_compare cst cst' = 0 ->
- p,rem
- | Tpat_any -> p,rem
- | _ -> raise NoMatch)
- | Tpat_variant (lab,Some omega,_) ->
- (fun q rem -> match q.pat_desc with
- | Tpat_variant (lab',Some arg,_) when lab=lab' ->
- p,arg::rem
- | Tpat_any -> p,omega::rem
- | _ -> raise NoMatch)
- | Tpat_variant (lab,None,_) ->
- (fun q rem -> match q.pat_desc with
- | Tpat_variant (lab',None,_) when lab=lab' ->
- p,rem
- | Tpat_any -> p,rem
- | _ -> raise NoMatch)
- | Tpat_array omegas ->
- let len = List.length omegas in
- (fun q rem -> match q.pat_desc with
- | Tpat_array args when List.length args = len -> p,args @ rem
- | Tpat_any -> p, omegas @ rem
- | _ -> raise NoMatch)
- | Tpat_tuple omegas ->
- let len = List.length omegas in
- (fun q rem -> match q.pat_desc with
- | Tpat_tuple args when List.length args = len -> p,args @ rem
- | Tpat_any -> p, omegas @ rem
- | _ -> raise NoMatch)
- | Tpat_record (((_, lbl, _) :: _) as l,_) -> (* Records are normalized *)
- let len = Array.length lbl.lbl_all in
- (fun q rem -> match q.pat_desc with
- | Tpat_record (((_, lbl', _) :: _) as l',_)
- when Array.length lbl'.lbl_all = len ->
- let l' = all_record_args l' in
- p, List.fold_right (fun (_, _,p) r -> p::r) l' rem
- | Tpat_any -> p,List.fold_right (fun (_, _,p) r -> p::r) l rem
- | _ -> raise NoMatch)
- | Tpat_lazy omega ->
- (fun q rem -> match q.pat_desc with
- | Tpat_lazy arg -> p, (arg::rem)
- | Tpat_any -> p, (omega::rem)
- | _ -> raise NoMatch)
- | _ -> fatal_error "Matching.ctx_matcher"
-let filter_ctx q ctx =
- let matcher = ctx_matcher q in
- let rec filter_rec = function
- | ({right=p::ps} as l)::rem ->
- begin match p.pat_desc with
- | Tpat_or (p1,p2,_) ->
- filter_rec ({l with right=p1::ps}::{l with right=p2::ps}::rem)
- | Tpat_alias (p,_,_) ->
- filter_rec ({l with right=p::ps}::rem)
- | Tpat_var _ ->
- filter_rec ({l with right=omega::ps}::rem)
- | _ ->
- begin let rem = filter_rec rem in
- try
- let to_left, right = matcher p ps in
- {left=to_left::l.left ; right=right}::rem
- with
- | NoMatch -> rem
- end
- end
- | [] -> []
- | _ -> fatal_error "Matching.filter_ctx" in
- filter_rec ctx
-let select_columns pss ctx =
- let n = ncols pss in
- List.fold_right
- (fun ps r ->
- List.fold_right
- (fun {left=left ; right=right} r ->
- let transfert, right = nchars n right in
- try
- {left = lubs transfert ps @ left ; right=right}::r
- with
- | Empty -> r)
- ctx r)
- pss []
-let ctx_lub p ctx =
- List.fold_right
- (fun {left=left ; right=right} r ->
- match right with
- | q::rem ->
- begin try
- {left=left ; right = lub p q::rem}::r
- with
- | Empty -> r
- end
- | _ -> fatal_error "Matching.ctx_lub")
- ctx []
-let ctx_match ctx pss =
- List.exists
- (fun {right=qs} -> List.exists (fun ps -> may_compats qs ps) pss)
- ctx
-type jumps = (int * ctx list) list
-let pretty_jumps (env : jumps) = match env with
-| [] -> ()
-| _ ->
- List.iter
- (fun (i,ctx) ->
- Printf.fprintf stderr "jump for %d\n" i ;
- pretty_ctx ctx)
- env
-let rec jumps_extract i = function
- | [] -> [],[]
- | (j,pss) as x::rem as all ->
- if i=j then pss,rem
- else if j < i then [],all
- else
- let r,rem = jumps_extract i rem in
- r,(x::rem)
-let rec jumps_remove i = function
- | [] -> []
- | (j,_)::rem when i=j -> rem
- | x::rem -> x::jumps_remove i rem
-let jumps_empty = []
-and jumps_is_empty = function
- | [] -> true
- | _ -> false
-let jumps_singleton i = function
- | [] -> []
- | ctx -> [i,ctx]
-let jumps_add i pss jumps = match pss with
-| [] -> jumps
-| _ ->
- let rec add = function
- | [] -> [i,pss]
- | (j,qss) as x::rem as all ->
- if j > i then x::add rem
- else if j < i then (i,pss)::all
- else (i,(get_mins le_ctx (pss@qss)))::rem in
- add jumps
-let rec jumps_union (env1:(int*ctx list)list) env2 = match env1,env2 with
-| [],_ -> env2
-| _,[] -> env1
-| ((i1,pss1) as x1::rem1), ((i2,pss2) as x2::rem2) ->
- if i1=i2 then
- (i1,get_mins le_ctx (pss1@pss2))::jumps_union rem1 rem2
- else if i1 > i2 then
- x1::jumps_union rem1 env2
- else
- x2::jumps_union env1 rem2
-let rec merge = function
- | env1::env2::rem -> jumps_union env1 env2::merge rem
- | envs -> envs
-let rec jumps_unions envs = match envs with
- | [] -> []
- | [env] -> env
- | _ -> jumps_unions (merge envs)
-let jumps_map f env =
- (fun (i,pss) -> i,f pss)
- env
-(* Pattern matching before any compilation *)
-type pattern_matching =
- { mutable cases : (pattern list * lambda) list;
- args : (lambda * let_kind) list ;
- default : (matrix * int) list}
-(* Pattern matching after application of both the or-pat rule and the
- mixture rule *)
-type pm_or_compiled =
- {body : pattern_matching ;
- handlers :
- (matrix * int * (Ident.t * Lambda.value_kind) list * pattern_matching)
- list;
- or_matrix : matrix ; }
-type pm_half_compiled =
- | PmOr of pm_or_compiled
- | PmVar of pm_var_compiled
- | Pm of pattern_matching
-and pm_var_compiled =
- {inside : pm_half_compiled ; var_arg : lambda ; }
-type pm_half_compiled_info =
- {me : pm_half_compiled ;
- matrix : matrix ;
- top_default : (matrix * int) list ; }
-let pretty_cases cases =
- List.iter
- (fun (ps,_l) ->
- List.iter
- (fun p -> Format.eprintf " %a%!" top_pretty p)
- ps ;
- Format.eprintf "\n")
- cases
-let pretty_def def =
- Format.eprintf "+++++ Defaults +++++\n" ;
- List.iter
- (fun (pss,i) -> Format.eprintf "Matrix for %d\n%a" i pretty_matrix pss)
- def ;
- Format.eprintf "+++++++++++++++++++++\n"
-let pretty_pm pm =
- pretty_cases pm.cases ;
- if pm.default <> [] then
- pretty_def pm.default
-let rec pretty_precompiled = function
- | Pm pm ->
- Format.eprintf "++++ PM ++++\n" ;
- pretty_pm pm
- | PmVar x ->
- Format.eprintf "++++ VAR ++++\n" ;
- pretty_precompiled x.inside
- | PmOr x ->
- Format.eprintf "++++ OR ++++\n" ;
- pretty_pm x.body ;
- pretty_matrix Format.err_formatter x.or_matrix ;
- List.iter
- (fun (_,i,_,pm) ->
- eprintf "++ Handler %d ++\n" i ;
- pretty_pm pm)
- x.handlers
-let pretty_precompiled_res first nexts =
- pretty_precompiled first ;
- List.iter
- (fun (e, pmh) ->
- eprintf "** DEFAULT %d **\n" e ;
- pretty_precompiled pmh)
- nexts
-(* Identifying some semantically equivalent lambda-expressions,
- Our goal here is also to
- find alpha-equivalent (simple) terms *)
-(* However, as shown by PR#6359 such sharing may hinders the
- lambda-code invariant that all bound idents are unique,
- when switches are compiled to test sequences.
- The definitive fix is the systematic introduction of exit/catch
- in case action sharing is present.
-module StoreExp =
- Switch.Store
- (struct
- type t = lambda
- type key = lambda
- let compare_key =
- let make_key = Lambda.make_key
- end)
-let make_exit i = Lstaticraise (i,[])
-(* Introduce a catch, if worth it *)
-let make_catch d k = match d with
-| Lstaticraise (_,[]) -> k d
-| _ ->
- let e = next_raise_count () in
- Lstaticcatch (k (make_exit e),(e,[]),d)
-(* Introduce a catch, if worth it, delayed version *)
-let rec as_simple_exit = function
- | Lstaticraise (i,[]) -> Some i
- | Llet (Alias,_k,_,_,e) -> as_simple_exit e
- | _ -> None
-let make_catch_delayed handler = match as_simple_exit handler with
-| Some i -> i,(fun act -> act)
-| None ->
- let i = next_raise_count () in
- Printf.eprintf "SHARE LAMBDA: %i\n%s\n" i (string_of_lam handler);
- i,
- (fun body -> match body with
- | Lstaticraise (j,_) ->
- if i=j then handler else body
- | _ -> Lstaticcatch (body,(i,[]),handler))
-let raw_action l =
- match make_key l with | Some l -> l | None -> l
-let tr_raw act = match make_key act with
-| Some act -> act
-| None -> raise Exit
-let same_actions = function
- | [] -> None
- | [_,act] -> Some act
- | (_,act0) :: rem ->
- try
- let raw_act0 = tr_raw act0 in
- let rec s_rec = function
- | [] -> Some act0
- | (_,act)::rem ->
- if raw_act0 = tr_raw act then
- s_rec rem
- else
- None in
- s_rec rem
- with
- | Exit -> None
-(* Test for swapping two clauses *)
-let up_ok_action act1 act2 =
- try
- let raw1 = tr_raw act1
- and raw2 = tr_raw act2 in
- raw1 = raw2
- with
- | Exit -> false
-let up_ok (ps,act_p) l =
- List.for_all
- (fun (qs,act_q) ->
- up_ok_action act_p act_q || not (may_compats ps qs))
- l
- The simplify function normalizes the first column of the match
- - records are expanded so that they possess all fields
- - aliases are removed and replaced by bindings in actions.
- However or-patterns are simplified differently,
- - aliases are not removed
- - or-patterns (_|p) are changed into _
-exception Var of pattern
-let simplify_or p =
- let rec simpl_rec p = match p with
- | {pat_desc = Tpat_any|Tpat_var _} -> raise (Var p)
- | {pat_desc = Tpat_alias (q,id,s)} ->
- begin try
- {p with pat_desc = Tpat_alias (simpl_rec q,id,s)}
- with
- | Var q -> raise (Var {p with pat_desc = Tpat_alias (q,id,s)})
- end
- | {pat_desc = Tpat_or (p1,p2,o)} ->
- let q1 = simpl_rec p1 in
- begin try
- let q2 = simpl_rec p2 in
- {p with pat_desc = Tpat_or (q1, q2, o)}
- with
- | Var q2 -> raise (Var {p with pat_desc = Tpat_or (q1, q2, o)})
- end
- | {pat_desc = Tpat_record (lbls,closed)} ->
- let all_lbls = all_record_args lbls in
- {p with pat_desc=Tpat_record (all_lbls, closed)}
- | _ -> p in
- try
- simpl_rec p
- with
- | Var p -> p
-let simplify_cases args cls = match args with
-| [] -> assert false
-| (arg,_)::_ ->
- let rec simplify = function
- | [] -> []
- | ((pat :: patl, action) as cl) :: rem ->
- begin match pat.pat_desc with
- | Tpat_var (id, _) ->
- let k = Typeopt.value_kind pat.pat_env pat.pat_type in
- (omega :: patl, bind_with_value_kind Alias (id, k) arg action) ::
- simplify rem
- | Tpat_any ->
- cl :: simplify rem
- | Tpat_alias(p, id,_) ->
- let k = Typeopt.value_kind pat.pat_env pat.pat_type in
- simplify ((p :: patl,
- bind_with_value_kind Alias (id, k) arg action) :: rem)
- | Tpat_record ([],_) ->
- (omega :: patl, action)::
- simplify rem
- | Tpat_record (lbls, closed) ->
- let all_lbls = all_record_args lbls in
- let full_pat =
- {pat with pat_desc=Tpat_record (all_lbls, closed)} in
- (full_pat::patl,action)::
- simplify rem
- | Tpat_or _ ->
- let pat_simple = simplify_or pat in
- begin match pat_simple.pat_desc with
- | Tpat_or _ ->
- (pat_simple :: patl, action) ::
- simplify rem
- | _ ->
- simplify ((pat_simple::patl,action) :: rem)
- end
- | _ -> cl :: simplify rem
- end
- | _ -> assert false in
- simplify cls
-(* Once matchings are simplified one can easily find
- their nature *)
-let rec what_is_cases cases = match cases with
-| ({pat_desc=Tpat_any} :: _, _) :: rem -> what_is_cases rem
-| (({pat_desc=(Tpat_var _|Tpat_or (_,_,_)|Tpat_alias (_,_,_))}::_),_)::_
- -> assert false (* applies to simplified matchings only *)
-| (p::_,_)::_ -> p
-| [] -> omega
-| _ -> assert false
-(* A few operations on default environments *)
-let as_matrix cases = get_mins le_pats ( (fun (ps,_) -> ps) cases)
-let cons_default matrix raise_num default =
- match matrix with
- | [] -> default
- | _ -> (matrix,raise_num)::default
-let default_compat p def =
- List.fold_right
- (fun (pss,i) r ->
- let qss =
- List.fold_right
- (fun qs r -> match qs with
- | q::rem when may_compat p q -> rem::r
- | _ -> r)
- pss [] in
- match qss with
- | [] -> r
- | _ -> (qss,i)::r)
- def []
-(* Or-pattern expansion, variables are a complication w.r.t. the article *)
-exception Cannot_flatten
-let mk_alpha_env arg aliases ids =
- (fun id -> id,
- if List.mem id aliases then
- match arg with
- | Some v -> v
- | _ -> raise Cannot_flatten
- else
- Ident.create_local ( id))
- ids
-let rec explode_or_pat arg patl mk_action rem vars aliases = function
- | {pat_desc = Tpat_or (p1,p2,_)} ->
- explode_or_pat
- arg patl mk_action
- (explode_or_pat arg patl mk_action rem vars aliases p2)
- vars aliases p1
- | {pat_desc = Tpat_alias (p,id, _)} ->
- explode_or_pat arg patl mk_action rem vars (id::aliases) p
- | {pat_desc = Tpat_var (x, _)} ->
- let env = mk_alpha_env arg (x::aliases) vars in
- (omega::patl,mk_action ( snd env))::rem
- | p ->
- let env = mk_alpha_env arg aliases vars in
- (alpha_pat env p::patl,mk_action ( snd env))::rem
-let pm_free_variables {cases=cases} =
- List.fold_right
- (fun (_,act) r -> Ident.Set.union (free_variables act) r)
- cases Ident.Set.empty
-(* Basic grouping predicates *)
-let pat_as_constr = function
- | {pat_desc=Tpat_construct (_, cstr,_)} -> cstr
- | _ -> fatal_error "Matching.pat_as_constr"
-let group_const_int = function
- | {pat_desc= Tpat_constant Const_int _ } -> true
- | _ -> false
-let group_const_char = function
- | {pat_desc= Tpat_constant Const_char _ } -> true
- | _ -> false
-let group_const_string = function
- | {pat_desc= Tpat_constant Const_string _ } -> true
- | _ -> false
-let group_const_float = function
- | {pat_desc= Tpat_constant Const_float _ } -> true
- | _ -> false
-let group_const_int32 = function
- | {pat_desc= Tpat_constant Const_int32 _ } -> true
- | _ -> false
-let group_const_int64 = function
- | {pat_desc= Tpat_constant Const_int64 _ } -> true
- | _ -> false
-let group_const_nativeint = function
- | {pat_desc= Tpat_constant Const_nativeint _ } -> true
- | _ -> false
-and group_constructor = function
- | {pat_desc = Tpat_construct (_,_,_)} -> true
- | _ -> false
-and group_variant = function
- | {pat_desc = Tpat_variant (_, _, _)} -> true
- | _ -> false
-and group_var = function
- | {pat_desc=Tpat_any} -> true
- | _ -> false
-and group_tuple = function
- | {pat_desc = (Tpat_tuple _|Tpat_any)} -> true
- | _ -> false
-and group_record = function
- | {pat_desc = (Tpat_record _|Tpat_any)} -> true
- | _ -> false
-and group_array = function
- | {pat_desc=Tpat_array _} -> true
- | _ -> false
-and group_lazy = function
- | {pat_desc = Tpat_lazy _} -> true
- | _ -> false
-let get_group p = match p.pat_desc with
-| Tpat_any -> group_var
-| Tpat_constant Const_int _ -> group_const_int
-| Tpat_constant Const_char _ -> group_const_char
-| Tpat_constant Const_string _ -> group_const_string
-| Tpat_constant Const_float _ -> group_const_float
-| Tpat_constant Const_int32 _ -> group_const_int32
-| Tpat_constant Const_int64 _ -> group_const_int64
-| Tpat_constant Const_nativeint _ -> group_const_nativeint
-| Tpat_construct _ -> group_constructor
-| Tpat_tuple _ -> group_tuple
-| Tpat_record _ -> group_record
-| Tpat_array _ -> group_array
-| Tpat_variant (_,_,_) -> group_variant
-| Tpat_lazy _ -> group_lazy
-| _ -> fatal_error "Matching.get_group"
-let is_or p = match p.pat_desc with
-| Tpat_or _ -> true
-| _ -> false
-(* Conditions for appending to the Or matrix *)
-let conda p q = not (may_compat p q)
-and condb act ps qs = not (is_guarded act) && Parmatch.le_pats qs ps
-let or_ok p ps l =
- List.for_all
- (function
- | ({pat_desc=Tpat_or _} as q::qs,act) ->
- conda p q || condb act ps qs
- | _ -> true)
- l
-(* Insert or append a pattern in the Or matrix *)
-let equiv_pat p q = le_pat p q && le_pat q p
-let rec get_equiv p l = match l with
- | (q::_,_) as cl::rem ->
- if equiv_pat p q then
- let others,rem = get_equiv p rem in
- cl::others,rem
- else
- [],l
- | _ -> [],l
-let insert_or_append p ps act ors no =
- let rec attempt seen = function
- | (q::qs,act_q) as cl::rem ->
- if is_or q then begin
- if may_compat p q then
- if
- Typedtree.pat_bound_idents p = [] &&
- Typedtree.pat_bound_idents q = [] &&
- equiv_pat p q
- then (* attempt insert, for equivalent orpats with no variables *)
- let _, not_e = get_equiv q rem in
- if
- or_ok p ps not_e && (* check append condition for head of O *)
- List.for_all (* check insert condition for tail of O *)
- (fun cl -> match cl with
- | (q::_,_) -> not (may_compat p q)
- | _ -> assert false)
- seen
- then (* insert *)
- List.rev_append seen ((p::ps,act)::cl::rem), no
- else (* fail to insert or append *)
- ors,(p::ps,act)::no
- else if condb act_q ps qs then (* check condition (b) for append *)
- attempt (cl::seen) rem
- else
- ors,(p::ps,act)::no
- else (* p # q, go on with append/insert *)
- attempt (cl::seen) rem
- end else (* q is not an or-pat, go on with append/insert *)
- attempt (cl::seen) rem
- | _ -> (* [] in fact *)
- (p::ps,act)::ors,no in (* success in appending *)
- attempt [] ors
-(* Reconstruct default information from half_compiled pm list *)
-let rec rebuild_matrix pmh = match pmh with
- | Pm pm -> as_matrix pm.cases
- | PmOr {or_matrix=m} -> m
- | PmVar x -> add_omega_column (rebuild_matrix x.inside)
-let rec rebuild_default nexts def = match nexts with
-| [] -> def
-| (e, pmh)::rem ->
- (add_omega_column (rebuild_matrix pmh), e)::
- rebuild_default rem def
-let rebuild_nexts arg nexts k =
- List.fold_right
- (fun (e, pm) k -> (e, PmVar {inside=pm ; var_arg=arg})::k)
- nexts k
- Split a matching.
- Splitting is first directed by or-patterns, then by
- tests (e.g. constructors)/variable transitions.
- The approach is greedy, every split function attempts to
- raise rows as much as possible in the top matrix,
- then splitting applies again to the remaining rows.
- Some precompilation of or-patterns and
- variable pattern occurs. Mostly this means that bindings
- are performed now, being replaced by let-bindings
- in actions (cf. simplify_cases).
- Additionally, if the match argument is a variable, matchings whose
- first column is made of variables only are split further
- (cf. precompile_var).
-let rec split_or argo cls args def =
- let cls = simplify_cases args cls in
- let rec do_split before ors no = function
- | [] ->
- cons_next
- (List.rev before) (List.rev ors) (List.rev no)
- | ((p::ps,act) as cl)::rem ->
- if up_ok cl no then
- if is_or p then
- let ors, no = insert_or_append p ps act ors no in
- do_split before ors no rem
- else begin
- if up_ok cl ors then
- do_split (cl::before) ors no rem
- else if or_ok p ps ors then
- do_split before (cl::ors) no rem
- else
- do_split before ors (cl::no) rem
- end
- else
- do_split before ors (cl::no) rem
- | _ -> assert false
- and cons_next yes yesor = function
- | [] ->
- precompile_or argo yes yesor args def []
- | rem ->
- let {me=next ; matrix=matrix ; top_default=def},nexts =
- do_split [] [] [] rem in
- let idef = next_raise_count () in
- precompile_or
- argo yes yesor args
- (cons_default matrix idef def)
- ((idef,next)::nexts) in
- do_split [] [] [] cls
-(* Ultra-naive splitting, close to semantics, used for extension,
- as potential rebind prevents any kind of optimisation *)
-and split_naive cls args def k =
- let rec split_exc cstr0 yes = function
- | [] ->
- let yes = List.rev yes in
- { me = Pm {cases=yes; args=args; default=def;} ;
- matrix = as_matrix yes ;
- top_default=def},
- k
- | (p::_,_ as cl)::rem ->
- if group_constructor p then
- let cstr = pat_as_constr p in
- if cstr = cstr0 then split_exc cstr0 (cl::yes) rem
- else
- let yes = List.rev yes in
- let {me=next ; matrix=matrix ; top_default=def}, nexts =
- split_exc cstr [cl] rem in
- let idef = next_raise_count () in
- let def = cons_default matrix idef def in
- { me = Pm {cases=yes; args=args; default=def} ;
- matrix = as_matrix yes ;
- top_default = def; },
- (idef,next)::nexts
- else
- let yes = List.rev yes in
- let {me=next ; matrix=matrix ; top_default=def}, nexts =
- split_noexc [cl] rem in
- let idef = next_raise_count () in
- let def = cons_default matrix idef def in
- { me = Pm {cases=yes; args=args; default=def} ;
- matrix = as_matrix yes ;
- top_default = def; },
- (idef,next)::nexts
- | _ -> assert false
- and split_noexc yes = function
- | [] -> precompile_var args (List.rev yes) def k
- | (p::_,_ as cl)::rem ->
- if group_constructor p then
- let yes= List.rev yes in
- let {me=next; matrix=matrix; top_default=def;},nexts =
- split_exc (pat_as_constr p) [cl] rem in
- let idef = next_raise_count () in
- precompile_var
- args yes
- (cons_default matrix idef def)
- ((idef,next)::nexts)
- else split_noexc (cl::yes) rem
- | _ -> assert false in
- match cls with
- | [] -> assert false
- | (p::_,_ as cl)::rem ->
- if group_constructor p then
- split_exc (pat_as_constr p) [cl] rem
- else
- split_noexc [cl] rem
- | _ -> assert false
-and split_constr cls args def k =
- let ex_pat = what_is_cases cls in
- match ex_pat.pat_desc with
- | Tpat_any -> precompile_var args cls def k
- | Tpat_construct (_,{cstr_tag=Cstr_extension _},_) ->
- split_naive cls args def k
- | _ ->
- let group = get_group ex_pat in
- let rec split_ex yes no = function
- | [] ->
- let yes = List.rev yes and no = List.rev no in
- begin match no with
- | [] ->
- {me = Pm {cases=yes ; args=args ; default=def} ;
- matrix = as_matrix yes ;
- top_default = def},
- k
- | cl::rem ->
- begin match yes with
- | [] ->
- (* Could not success in raising up a constr matching up *)
- split_noex [cl] [] rem
- | _ ->
- let {me=next ; matrix=matrix ; top_default=def}, nexts =
- split_noex [cl] [] rem in
- let idef = next_raise_count () in
- let def = cons_default matrix idef def in
- {me = Pm {cases=yes ; args=args ; default=def} ;
- matrix = as_matrix yes ;
- top_default = def },
- (idef, next)::nexts
- end
- end
- | (p::_,_) as cl::rem ->
- if group p && up_ok cl no then
- split_ex (cl::yes) no rem
- else
- split_ex yes (cl::no) rem
- | _ -> assert false
- and split_noex yes no = function
- | [] ->
- let yes = List.rev yes and no = List.rev no in
- begin match no with
- | [] -> precompile_var args yes def k
- | cl::rem ->
- let {me=next ; matrix=matrix ; top_default=def}, nexts =
- split_ex [cl] [] rem in
- let idef = next_raise_count () in
- precompile_var
- args yes
- (cons_default matrix idef def)
- ((idef,next)::nexts)
- end
- | [ps,_ as cl]
- when List.for_all group_var ps && yes <> [] ->
- (* This enables an extra division in some frequent cases :
- last row is made of variables only *)
- split_noex yes (cl::no) []
- | (p::_,_) as cl::rem ->
- if not (group p) && up_ok cl no then
- split_noex (cl::yes) no rem
- else
- split_noex yes (cl::no) rem
- | _ -> assert false in
- match cls with
- | ((p::_,_) as cl)::rem ->
- if group p then split_ex [cl] [] rem
- else split_noex [cl] [] rem
- | _ -> assert false
-and precompile_var args cls def k = match args with
-| [] -> assert false
-| _::((Lvar v as av,_) as arg)::rargs ->
- begin match cls with
- | [_] -> (* as split as it can *)
- dont_precompile_var args cls def k
- | _ ->
-(* Precompile *)
- let var_cls =
- (fun (ps,act) -> match ps with
- | _::ps -> ps,act | _ -> assert false)
- cls
- and var_def = make_default (fun _ rem -> rem) def in
- let {me=first ; matrix=matrix}, nexts =
- split_or (Some v) var_cls (arg::rargs) var_def in
-(* Compute top information *)
- match nexts with
- | [] -> (* If you need *)
- dont_precompile_var args cls def k
- | _ ->
- let rfirst =
- {me = PmVar {inside=first ; var_arg = av} ;
- matrix = add_omega_column matrix ;
- top_default = rebuild_default nexts def ; }
- and rnexts = rebuild_nexts av nexts k in
- rfirst, rnexts
- end
-| _ ->
- dont_precompile_var args cls def k
-and dont_precompile_var args cls def k =
- {me = Pm {cases = cls ; args = args ; default = def } ;
- matrix=as_matrix cls ;
- top_default=def},k
-and precompile_or argo cls ors args def k = match ors with
-| [] -> split_constr cls args def k
-| _ ->
- let rec do_cases = function
- | ({pat_desc=Tpat_or _} as orp::patl, action)::rem ->
- let others,rem = get_equiv orp rem in
- let orpm =
- {cases =
- (patl, action)::
- (function
- | (_::ps,action) -> ps,action
- | _ -> assert false)
- others ;
- args = (match args with _::r -> r | _ -> assert false) ;
- default = default_compat orp def} in
- let pm_fv = pm_free_variables orpm in
- let vars =
- Typedtree.pat_bound_idents_full orp
- |> List.filter (fun (id, _, _) -> Ident.Set.mem id pm_fv)
- |> (fun (id,_,ty) -> id,Typeopt.value_kind orp.pat_env ty)
- in
- let or_num = next_raise_count () in
- let new_patl = Parmatch.omega_list patl in
- let mk_new_action vs =
- Lstaticraise
- (or_num, (fun v -> Lvar v) vs) in
- let body,handlers = do_cases rem in
- explode_or_pat
- argo new_patl mk_new_action body ( fst vars) [] orp,
- let mat = [[orp]] in
- ((mat, or_num, vars , orpm):: handlers)
- | cl::rem ->
- let new_ord,new_to_catch = do_cases rem in
- cl::new_ord,new_to_catch
- | [] -> [],[] in
- let end_body, handlers = do_cases ors in
- let matrix = as_matrix (cls@ors)
- and body = {cases=cls@end_body ; args=args ; default=def} in
- {me = PmOr {body=body ; handlers=handlers ; or_matrix=matrix} ;
- matrix=matrix ;
- top_default=def},
- k
-let split_precompile argo pm =
- let {me=next}, nexts = split_or argo pm.cases pm.args pm.default in
- if dbg && (nexts <> [] || (match next with PmOr _ -> true | _ -> false))
- then begin
- Format.eprintf "** SPLIT **\n" ;
- pretty_pm pm ;
- pretty_precompiled_res next nexts
- end ;
- next, nexts
-(* General divide functions *)
-let add_line patl_action pm = pm.cases <- patl_action :: pm.cases; pm
-type cell =
- {pm : pattern_matching ;
- ctx : ctx list ;
- pat : pattern}
-let add make_matching_fun division eq_key key patl_action args =
- try
- let (_,cell) = List.find (fun (k,_) -> eq_key key k) division in
- <- patl_action ::;
- division
- with Not_found ->
- let cell = make_matching_fun args in
- <- [patl_action] ;
- (key, cell) :: division
-let divide make eq_key get_key get_args ctx pm =
- let rec divide_rec = function
- | (p::patl,action) :: rem ->
- let this_match = divide_rec rem in
- add
- (make p pm.default ctx)
- this_match eq_key (get_key p) (get_args p patl,action) pm.args
- | _ -> [] in
- divide_rec pm.cases
-let divide_line make_ctx make get_args pat ctx pm =
- let rec divide_rec = function
- | (p::patl,action) :: rem ->
- let this_match = divide_rec rem in
- add_line (get_args p patl, action) this_match
- | _ -> make pm.default pm.args in
- {pm = divide_rec pm.cases ;
- ctx=make_ctx ctx ;
- pat=pat}
-(* Then come various functions,
- There is one set of functions per matching style
- (constants, constructors etc.)
- - matcher functions are arguments to make_default (for default handlers)
- They may raise NoMatch or OrPat and perform the full
- matching (selection + arguments).
- - get_args and get_key are for the compiled matrices, note that
- selection and getting arguments are separated.
- - make_ _matching combines the previous functions for producing
- new ``pattern_matching'' records.
-let rec matcher_const cst p rem = match p.pat_desc with
-| Tpat_or (p1,p2,_) ->
- begin try
- matcher_const cst p1 rem with
- | NoMatch -> matcher_const cst p2 rem
- end
-| Tpat_constant c1 when const_compare c1 cst = 0 -> rem
-| Tpat_any -> rem
-| _ -> raise NoMatch
-let get_key_constant caller = function
- | {pat_desc= Tpat_constant cst} -> cst
- | p ->
- Format.eprintf "BAD: %s" caller ;
- pretty_pat p ;
- assert false
-let get_args_constant _ rem = rem
-let make_constant_matching p def ctx = function
- [] -> fatal_error "Matching.make_constant_matching"
- | (_ :: argl) ->
- let def =
- make_default
- (matcher_const (get_key_constant "make" p)) def
- and ctx =
- filter_ctx p ctx in
- {pm = {cases = []; args = argl ; default = def} ;
- ctx = ctx ;
- pat = normalize_pat p}
-let divide_constant ctx m =
- divide
- make_constant_matching
- (fun c d -> const_compare c d = 0) (get_key_constant "divide")
- get_args_constant
- ctx m
-(* Matching against a constructor *)
-let make_field_args loc binding_kind arg first_pos last_pos argl =
- let rec make_args pos =
- if pos > last_pos
- then argl
- else (Lprim(Pfield pos, [arg], loc), binding_kind) :: make_args (pos + 1)
- in make_args first_pos
-let get_key_constr = function
- | {pat_desc=Tpat_construct (_, cstr,_)} -> cstr.cstr_tag
- | _ -> assert false
-let get_args_constr p rem = match p with
-| {pat_desc=Tpat_construct (_, _, args)} -> args @ rem
-| _ -> assert false
-(* NB: matcher_constr applies to default matrices.
- In that context, matching by constructors of extensible
- types degrades to arity checking, due to potential rebinding.
- This comparison is performed by Types.may_equal_constr.
-let matcher_constr cstr = match cstr.cstr_arity with
-| 0 ->
- let rec matcher_rec q rem = match q.pat_desc with
- | Tpat_or (p1,p2,_) ->
- begin
- try matcher_rec p1 rem
- with NoMatch -> matcher_rec p2 rem
- end
- | Tpat_construct (_, cstr',[])
- when Types.may_equal_constr cstr cstr' -> rem
- | Tpat_any -> rem
- | _ -> raise NoMatch in
- matcher_rec
-| 1 ->
- let rec matcher_rec q rem = match q.pat_desc with
- | Tpat_or (p1,p2,_) ->
- let r1 = try Some (matcher_rec p1 rem) with NoMatch -> None
- and r2 = try Some (matcher_rec p2 rem) with NoMatch -> None in
- begin match r1,r2 with
- | None, None -> raise NoMatch
- | Some r1, None -> r1
- | None, Some r2 -> r2
- | Some (a1::_), Some (a2::_) ->
- {a1 with
- pat_loc = Location.none ;
- pat_desc = Tpat_or (a1, a2, None)}::
- rem
- | _, _ -> assert false
- end
- | Tpat_construct (_, cstr', [arg])
- when Types.may_equal_constr cstr cstr' -> arg::rem
- | Tpat_any -> omega::rem
- | _ -> raise NoMatch in
- matcher_rec
-| _ ->
- fun q rem -> match q.pat_desc with
- | Tpat_or (_,_,_) -> raise OrPat
- | Tpat_construct (_,cstr',args)
- when Types.may_equal_constr cstr cstr' -> args @ rem
- | Tpat_any -> Parmatch.omegas cstr.cstr_arity @ rem
- | _ -> raise NoMatch
-let make_constr_matching p def ctx = function
- [] -> fatal_error "Matching.make_constr_matching"
- | ((arg, _mut) :: argl) ->
- let cstr = pat_as_constr p in
- let newargs =
- if cstr.cstr_inlined <> None then
- (arg, Alias) :: argl
- else match cstr.cstr_tag with
- Cstr_constant _ | Cstr_block _ ->
- make_field_args p.pat_loc Alias arg 0 (cstr.cstr_arity - 1) argl
- | Cstr_unboxed -> (arg, Alias) :: argl
- | Cstr_extension _ ->
- make_field_args p.pat_loc Alias arg 1 cstr.cstr_arity argl in
- {pm=
- {cases = []; args = newargs;
- default = make_default (matcher_constr cstr) def} ;
- ctx = filter_ctx p ctx ;
- pat=normalize_pat p}
-let divide_constructor ctx pm =
- divide
- make_constr_matching
- (=) get_key_constr get_args_constr
- ctx pm
-(* Matching against a variant *)
-let rec matcher_variant_const lab p rem = match p.pat_desc with
-| Tpat_or (p1, p2, _) ->
- begin
- try
- matcher_variant_const lab p1 rem
- with
- | NoMatch -> matcher_variant_const lab p2 rem
- end
-| Tpat_variant (lab1,_,_) when lab1=lab -> rem
-| Tpat_any -> rem
-| _ -> raise NoMatch
-let make_variant_matching_constant p lab def ctx = function
- [] -> fatal_error "Matching.make_variant_matching_constant"
- | (_ :: argl) ->
- let def = make_default (matcher_variant_const lab) def
- and ctx = filter_ctx p ctx in
- {pm={ cases = []; args = argl ; default=def} ;
- ctx=ctx ;
- pat = normalize_pat p}
-let matcher_variant_nonconst lab p rem = match p.pat_desc with
-| Tpat_or (_,_,_) -> raise OrPat
-| Tpat_variant (lab1,Some arg,_) when lab1=lab -> arg::rem
-| Tpat_any -> omega::rem
-| _ -> raise NoMatch
-let make_variant_matching_nonconst p lab def ctx = function
- [] -> fatal_error "Matching.make_variant_matching_nonconst"
- | ((arg, _mut) :: argl) ->
- let def = make_default (matcher_variant_nonconst lab) def
- and ctx = filter_ctx p ctx in
- {pm=
- {cases = []; args = (Lprim(Pfield 1, [arg], p.pat_loc), Alias) :: argl;
- default=def} ;
- ctx=ctx ;
- pat = normalize_pat p}
-let divide_variant row ctx {cases = cl; args = al; default=def} =
- let row = Btype.row_repr row in
- let rec divide = function
- ({pat_desc = Tpat_variant(lab, pato, _)} as p:: patl, action) :: rem ->
- let variants = divide rem in
- if try Btype.row_field_repr (List.assoc lab row.row_fields) = Rabsent
- with Not_found -> true
- then
- variants
- else begin
- let tag = Btype.hash_variant lab in
- match pato with
- None ->
- add (make_variant_matching_constant p lab def ctx) variants
- (=) (Cstr_constant tag) (patl, action) al
- | Some pat ->
- add (make_variant_matching_nonconst p lab def ctx) variants
- (=) (Cstr_block tag) (pat :: patl, action) al
- end
- | _ -> []
- in
- divide cl
- Three ``no-test'' cases
- *)
-(* Matching against a variable *)
-let get_args_var _ rem = rem
-let make_var_matching def = function
- | [] -> fatal_error "Matching.make_var_matching"
- | _::argl ->
- {cases=[] ;
- args = argl ;
- default= make_default get_args_var def}
-let divide_var ctx pm =
- divide_line ctx_lshift make_var_matching get_args_var omega ctx pm
-(* Matching and forcing a lazy value *)
-let get_arg_lazy p rem = match p with
-| {pat_desc = Tpat_any} -> omega :: rem
-| {pat_desc = Tpat_lazy arg} -> arg :: rem
-| _ -> assert false
-let matcher_lazy p rem = match p.pat_desc with
-| Tpat_or (_,_,_) -> raise OrPat
-| Tpat_any
-| Tpat_var _ -> omega :: rem
-| Tpat_lazy arg -> arg :: rem
-| _ -> raise NoMatch
-(* Inlining the tag tests before calling the primitive that works on
- lazy blocks. This is also used in
- No other call than Obj.tag when the value has been forced before.
-let prim_obj_tag =
- Primitive.simple ~name:"caml_obj_tag" ~arity:1 ~alloc:false
-let get_mod_field modname field =
- lazy (
- let mod_ident = Ident.create_persistent modname in
- let env = Env.add_persistent_structure mod_ident Env.initial_safe_string in
- match Env.open_pers_signature modname env with
- | exception Not_found -> fatal_error ("Module "^modname^" unavailable.")
- | env -> begin
- match Env.lookup_value (Longident.Lident field) env with
- | exception Not_found ->
- fatal_error ("Primitive "^modname^"."^field^" not found.")
- | (path, _) -> transl_value_path Location.none env path
- end
- )
-let code_force_lazy_block =
- get_mod_field "CamlinternalLazy" "force_lazy_block"
-let code_force_lazy =
- get_mod_field "CamlinternalLazy" "force"
-(* inline_lazy_force inlines the beginning of the code of Lazy.force. When
- the value argument is tagged as:
- - forward, take field 0
- - lazy, call the primitive that forces (without testing again the tag)
- - anything else, return it
- Using Lswitch below relies on the fact that the GC does not shortcut
- Forward(val_out_of_heap).
-let inline_lazy_force_cond arg loc =
- let idarg = Ident.create_local "lzarg" in
- let varg = Lvar idarg in
- let tag = Ident.create_local "tag" in
- let force_fun = Lazy.force code_force_lazy_block in
- Llet(Strict, Pgenval, idarg, arg,
- Llet(Alias, Pgenval, tag, Lprim(Pccall prim_obj_tag, [varg], loc),
- Lifthenelse(
- (* if (tag == Obj.forward_tag) then varg.(0) else ... *)
- Lprim(Pintcomp Ceq,
- [Lvar tag; Lconst(Const_base(Const_int Obj.forward_tag))],
- loc),
- Lprim(Pfield 0, [varg], loc),
- Lifthenelse(
- (* ... if (tag == Obj.lazy_tag) then Lazy.force varg else ... *)
- Lprim(Pintcomp Ceq,
- [Lvar tag; Lconst(Const_base(Const_int Obj.lazy_tag))],
- loc),
- Lapply{ap_should_be_tailcall=false;
- ap_loc=loc;
- ap_func=force_fun;
- ap_args=[varg];
- ap_inlined=Default_inline;
- ap_specialised=Default_specialise},
- (* ... arg *)
- varg))))
-let inline_lazy_force_switch arg loc =
- let idarg = Ident.create_local "lzarg" in
- let varg = Lvar idarg in
- let force_fun = Lazy.force code_force_lazy_block in
- Llet(Strict, Pgenval, idarg, arg,
- Lifthenelse(
- Lprim(Pisint, [varg], loc), varg,
- (Lswitch
- (varg,
- { sw_numconsts = 0; sw_consts = [];
- sw_numblocks = 256; (* PR#6033 - tag ranges from 0 to 255 *)
- sw_blocks =
- [ (Obj.forward_tag, Lprim(Pfield 0, [varg], loc));
- (Obj.lazy_tag,
- Lapply{ap_should_be_tailcall=false;
- ap_loc=loc;
- ap_func=force_fun;
- ap_args=[varg];
- ap_inlined=Default_inline;
- ap_specialised=Default_specialise}) ];
- sw_failaction = Some varg }, loc ))))
-let inline_lazy_force arg loc =
- if !Clflags.afl_instrument then
- (* Disable inlining optimisation if AFL instrumentation active,
- so that the GC forwarding optimisation is not visible in the
- instrumentation output.
- (see *)
- Lapply{ap_should_be_tailcall = false;
- ap_loc=loc;
- ap_func=Lazy.force code_force_lazy;
- ap_args=[arg];
- ap_inlined=Default_inline;
- ap_specialised=Default_specialise}
- else
- if !Clflags.native_code then
- (* Lswitch generates compact and efficient native code *)
- inline_lazy_force_switch arg loc
- else
- (* generating bytecode: Lswitch would generate too many rather big
- tables (~ 250 elts); conditionals are better *)
- inline_lazy_force_cond arg loc
-let make_lazy_matching def = function
- [] -> fatal_error "Matching.make_lazy_matching"
- | (arg,_mut) :: argl ->
- { cases = [];
- args =
- (inline_lazy_force arg Location.none, Strict) :: argl;
- default = make_default matcher_lazy def }
-let divide_lazy p ctx pm =
- divide_line
- (filter_ctx p)
- make_lazy_matching
- get_arg_lazy
- p ctx pm
-(* Matching against a tuple pattern *)
-let get_args_tuple arity p rem = match p with
-| {pat_desc = Tpat_any} -> omegas arity @ rem
-| {pat_desc = Tpat_tuple args} ->
- args @ rem
-| _ -> assert false
-let matcher_tuple arity p rem = match p.pat_desc with
-| Tpat_or (_,_,_) -> raise OrPat
-| Tpat_any
-| Tpat_var _ -> omegas arity @ rem
-| Tpat_tuple args when List.length args = arity -> args @ rem
-| _ -> raise NoMatch
-let make_tuple_matching loc arity def = function
- [] -> fatal_error "Matching.make_tuple_matching"
- | (arg, _mut) :: argl ->
- let rec make_args pos =
- if pos >= arity
- then argl
- else (Lprim(Pfield pos, [arg], loc), Alias) :: make_args (pos + 1) in
- {cases = []; args = make_args 0 ;
- default=make_default (matcher_tuple arity) def}
-let divide_tuple arity p ctx pm =
- divide_line
- (filter_ctx p)
- (make_tuple_matching p.pat_loc arity)
- (get_args_tuple arity) p ctx pm
-(* Matching against a record pattern *)
-let record_matching_line num_fields lbl_pat_list =
- let patv = Array.make num_fields omega in
- List.iter (fun (_, lbl, pat) -> patv.(lbl.lbl_pos) <- pat) lbl_pat_list;
- Array.to_list patv
-let get_args_record num_fields p rem = match p with
-| {pat_desc=Tpat_any} ->
- record_matching_line num_fields [] @ rem
-| {pat_desc=Tpat_record (lbl_pat_list,_)} ->
- record_matching_line num_fields lbl_pat_list @ rem
-| _ -> assert false
-let matcher_record num_fields p rem = match p.pat_desc with
-| Tpat_or (_,_,_) -> raise OrPat
-| Tpat_any
-| Tpat_var _ ->
- record_matching_line num_fields [] @ rem
-| Tpat_record ([], _) when num_fields = 0 -> rem
-| Tpat_record ((_, lbl, _) :: _ as lbl_pat_list, _)
- when Array.length lbl.lbl_all = num_fields ->
- record_matching_line num_fields lbl_pat_list @ rem
-| _ -> raise NoMatch
-let make_record_matching loc all_labels def = function
- [] -> fatal_error "Matching.make_record_matching"
- | ((arg, _mut) :: argl) ->
- let rec make_args pos =
- if pos >= Array.length all_labels then argl else begin
- let lbl = all_labels.(pos) in
- let access =
- match lbl.lbl_repres with
- | Record_regular | Record_inlined _ ->
- Lprim (Pfield lbl.lbl_pos, [arg], loc)
- | Record_unboxed _ -> arg
- | Record_float -> Lprim (Pfloatfield lbl.lbl_pos, [arg], loc)
- | Record_extension _ -> Lprim (Pfield (lbl.lbl_pos + 1), [arg], loc)
- in
- let str =
- match lbl.lbl_mut with
- Immutable -> Alias
- | Mutable -> StrictOpt in
- (access, str) :: make_args(pos + 1)
- end in
- let nfields = Array.length all_labels in
- let def= make_default (matcher_record nfields) def in
- {cases = []; args = make_args 0 ; default = def}
-let divide_record all_labels p ctx pm =
- let get_args = get_args_record (Array.length all_labels) in
- divide_line
- (filter_ctx p)
- (make_record_matching p.pat_loc all_labels)
- get_args
- p ctx pm
-(* Matching against an array pattern *)
-let get_key_array = function
- | {pat_desc=Tpat_array patl} -> List.length patl
- | _ -> assert false
-let get_args_array p rem = match p with
-| {pat_desc=Tpat_array patl} -> patl@rem
-| _ -> assert false
-let matcher_array len p rem = match p.pat_desc with
-| Tpat_or (_,_,_) -> raise OrPat
-| Tpat_array args when List.length args=len -> args @ rem
-| Tpat_any -> Parmatch.omegas len @ rem
-| _ -> raise NoMatch
-let make_array_matching kind p def ctx = function
- | [] -> fatal_error "Matching.make_array_matching"
- | ((arg, _mut) :: argl) ->
- let len = get_key_array p in
- let rec make_args pos =
- if pos >= len
- then argl
- else (Lprim(Parrayrefu kind,
- [arg; Lconst(Const_base(Const_int pos))],
- p.pat_loc),
- StrictOpt) :: make_args (pos + 1) in
- let def = make_default (matcher_array len) def
- and ctx = filter_ctx p ctx in
- {pm={cases = []; args = make_args 0 ; default = def} ;
- ctx=ctx ;
- pat = normalize_pat p}
-let divide_array kind ctx pm =
- divide
- (make_array_matching kind)
- (=) get_key_array get_args_array ctx pm
- Specific string test sequence
- Will be called by the bytecode compiler, from
- The strategy is first dichotomic search (we perform 3-way tests
- with compare_string), then sequence of equality tests
- when there are less then T=strings_test_threshold static strings to match.
- Increasing T entails (slightly) less code, decreasing T
- (slightly) favors runtime speed.
- T=8 looks a decent tradeoff.
-(* Utilities *)
-let strings_test_threshold = 8
-let prim_string_notequal =
- Pccall(Primitive.simple
- ~name:"caml_string_notequal"
- ~arity:2
- ~alloc:false)
-let prim_string_compare =
- Pccall(Primitive.simple
- ~name:"caml_string_compare"
- ~arity:2
- ~alloc:false)
-let bind_sw arg k = match arg with
-| Lvar _ -> k arg
-| _ ->
- let id = Ident.create_local "switch" in
- Llet (Strict,Pgenval,id,arg,k (Lvar id))
-(* Sequential equality tests *)
-let make_string_test_sequence loc arg sw d =
- let d,sw = match d with
- | None ->
- begin match sw with
- | (_,d)::sw -> d,sw
- | [] -> assert false
- end
- | Some d -> d,sw in
- bind_sw arg
- (fun arg ->
- List.fold_right
- (fun (s,lam) k ->
- Lifthenelse
- (Lprim
- (prim_string_notequal,
- [arg; Lconst (Const_immstring s)], loc),
- k,lam))
- sw d)
-let rec split k xs = match xs with
-| [] -> assert false
-| x0::xs ->
- if k <= 1 then [],x0,xs
- else
- let xs,y0,ys = split (k-2) xs in
- x0::xs,y0,ys
-let zero_lam = Lconst (Const_base (Const_int 0))
-let tree_way_test loc arg lt eq gt =
- Lifthenelse
- (Lprim (Pintcomp Clt,[arg;zero_lam], loc),lt,
- Lifthenelse(Lprim (Pintcomp Clt,[zero_lam;arg], loc),gt,eq))
-(* Dichotomic tree *)
-let rec do_make_string_test_tree loc arg sw delta d =
- let len = List.length sw in
- if len <= strings_test_threshold+delta then
- make_string_test_sequence loc arg sw d
- else
- let lt,(s,act),gt = split len sw in
- bind_sw
- (Lprim
- (prim_string_compare,
- [arg; Lconst (Const_immstring s)], loc))
- (fun r ->
- tree_way_test loc r
- (do_make_string_test_tree loc arg lt delta d)
- act
- (do_make_string_test_tree loc arg gt delta d))
-(* Entry point *)
-let expand_stringswitch loc arg sw d = match d with
-| None ->
- bind_sw arg
- (fun arg -> do_make_string_test_tree loc arg sw 0 None)
-| Some e ->
- bind_sw arg
- (fun arg ->
- make_catch e
- (fun d -> do_make_string_test_tree loc arg sw 1 (Some d)))
-(* Generic test trees *)
-(* Sharing *)
-(* Add handler, if shared *)
-let handle_shared () =
- let hs = ref (fun x -> x) in
- let handle_shared act = match act with
- | Switch.Single act -> act
- | Switch.Shared act ->
- let i,h = make_catch_delayed act in
- let ohs = !hs in
- hs := (fun act -> h (ohs act)) ;
- make_exit i in
- hs,handle_shared
-let share_actions_tree sw d =
- let store = StoreExp.mk_store () in
-(* Default action is always shared *)
- let d =
- match d with
- | None -> None
- | Some d -> Some (store.Switch.act_store_shared () d) in
-(* Store all other actions *)
- let sw =
- (fun (cst,act) -> cst,store.Switch.act_store () act) sw in
-(* Retrieve all actions, including potential default *)
- let acts = store.Switch.act_get_shared () in
-(* Array of actual actions *)
- let hs,handle_shared = handle_shared () in
- let acts = handle_shared acts in
-(* Reconstruct default and switch list *)
- let d = match d with
- | None -> None
- | Some d -> Some (acts.(d)) in
- let sw = (fun (cst,j) -> cst,acts.(j)) sw in
- !hs,sw,d
-(* Note: dichotomic search requires sorted input with no duplicates *)
-let rec uniq_lambda_list sw = match sw with
- | []|[_] -> sw
- | (c1,_ as p1)::((c2,_)::sw2 as sw1) ->
- if const_compare c1 c2 = 0 then uniq_lambda_list (p1::sw2)
- else p1::uniq_lambda_list sw1
-let sort_lambda_list l =
- let l =
- List.stable_sort (fun (x,_) (y,_) -> const_compare x y) l in
- uniq_lambda_list l
-let rec cut n l =
- if n = 0 then [],l
- else match l with
- [] -> raise (Invalid_argument "cut")
- | a::l -> let l1,l2 = cut (n-1) l in a::l1, l2
-let rec do_tests_fail loc fail tst arg = function
- | [] -> fail
- | (c, act)::rem ->
- Lifthenelse
- (Lprim (tst, [arg ; Lconst (Const_base c)], loc),
- do_tests_fail loc fail tst arg rem,
- act)
-let rec do_tests_nofail loc tst arg = function
- | [] -> fatal_error "Matching.do_tests_nofail"
- | [_,act] -> act
- | (c,act)::rem ->
- Lifthenelse
- (Lprim (tst, [arg ; Lconst (Const_base c)], loc),
- do_tests_nofail loc tst arg rem,
- act)
-let make_test_sequence loc fail tst lt_tst arg const_lambda_list =
- let const_lambda_list = sort_lambda_list const_lambda_list in
- let hs,const_lambda_list,fail =
- share_actions_tree const_lambda_list fail in
- let rec make_test_sequence const_lambda_list =
- if List.length const_lambda_list >= 4 && lt_tst <> Pignore then
- split_sequence const_lambda_list
- else match fail with
- | None -> do_tests_nofail loc tst arg const_lambda_list
- | Some fail -> do_tests_fail loc fail tst arg const_lambda_list
- and split_sequence const_lambda_list =
- let list1, list2 =
- cut (List.length const_lambda_list / 2) const_lambda_list in
- Lifthenelse(Lprim(lt_tst,
- [arg; Lconst(Const_base (fst(List.hd list2)))],
- loc),
- make_test_sequence list1, make_test_sequence list2)
- in
- hs (make_test_sequence const_lambda_list)
-module SArg = struct
- type primitive = Lambda.primitive
- let eqint = Pintcomp Ceq
- let neint = Pintcomp Cne
- let leint = Pintcomp Cle
- let ltint = Pintcomp Clt
- let geint = Pintcomp Cge
- let gtint = Pintcomp Cgt
- type act = Lambda.lambda
- let make_prim p args = Lprim (p,args,Location.none)
- let make_offset arg n = match n with
- | 0 -> arg
- | _ -> Lprim (Poffsetint n,[arg],Location.none)
- let bind arg body =
- let newvar,newarg = match arg with
- | Lvar v -> v,arg
- | _ ->
- let newvar = Ident.create_local "switcher" in
- newvar,Lvar newvar in
- bind Alias newvar arg (body newarg)
- let make_const i = Lconst (Const_base (Const_int i))
- let make_isout h arg = Lprim (Pisout, [h ; arg],Location.none)
- let make_isin h arg = Lprim (Pnot,[make_isout h arg],Location.none)
- let make_if cond ifso ifnot = Lifthenelse (cond, ifso, ifnot)
- let make_switch loc arg cases acts =
- let l = ref [] in
- for i = Array.length cases-1 downto 0 do
- l := (i,acts.(cases.(i))) :: !l
- done ;
- Lswitch(arg,
- {sw_numconsts = Array.length cases ; sw_consts = !l ;
- sw_numblocks = 0 ; sw_blocks = [] ;
- sw_failaction = None}, loc)
- let make_catch = make_catch_delayed
- let make_exit = make_exit
-(* Action sharing for Lswitch argument *)
-let share_actions_sw sw =
-(* Attempt sharing on all actions *)
- let store = StoreExp.mk_store () in
- let fail = match sw.sw_failaction with
- | None -> None
- | Some fail ->
- (* Fail is translated to exit, whatever happens *)
- Some (store.Switch.act_store_shared () fail) in
- let consts =
- (fun (i,e) -> i,store.Switch.act_store () e)
- sw.sw_consts
- and blocks =
- (fun (i,e) -> i,store.Switch.act_store () e)
- sw.sw_blocks in
- let acts = store.Switch.act_get_shared () in
- let hs,handle_shared = handle_shared () in
- let acts = handle_shared acts in
- let fail = match fail with
- | None -> None
- | Some fail -> Some (acts.(fail)) in
- !hs,
- { sw with
- sw_consts = (fun (i,j) -> i,acts.(j)) consts ;
- sw_blocks = (fun (i,j) -> i,acts.(j)) blocks ;
- sw_failaction = fail; }
-(* Reintroduce fail action in switch argument,
- for the sake of avoiding carrying over huge switches *)
-let reintroduce_fail sw = match sw.sw_failaction with
-| None ->
- let t = Hashtbl.create 17 in
- let seen (_,l) = match as_simple_exit l with
- | Some i ->
- let old = try Hashtbl.find t i with Not_found -> 0 in
- Hashtbl.replace t i (old+1)
- | None -> () in
- List.iter seen sw.sw_consts ;
- List.iter seen sw.sw_blocks ;
- let i_max = ref (-1)
- and max = ref (-1) in
- Hashtbl.iter
- (fun i c ->
- if c > !max then begin
- i_max := i ;
- max := c
- end) t ;
- if !max >= 3 then
- let default = !i_max in
- let remove =
- List.filter
- (fun (_,lam) -> match as_simple_exit lam with
- | Some j -> j <> default
- | None -> true) in
- {sw with
- sw_consts = remove sw.sw_consts ;
- sw_blocks = remove sw.sw_blocks ;
- sw_failaction = Some (make_exit default)}
- else sw
-| Some _ -> sw
-module Switcher = Switch.Make(SArg)
-open Switch
-let rec last def = function
- | [] -> def
- | [x,_] -> x
- | _::rem -> last def rem
-let get_edges low high l = match l with
-| [] -> low, high
-| (x,_)::_ -> x, last high l
-let as_interval_canfail fail low high l =
- let store = StoreExp.mk_store () in
- let do_store _tag act =
- let i = store.act_store () act in
- eprintf "STORE [%s] %i %s\n" tag i (string_of_lam act) ;
- i in
- let rec nofail_rec cur_low cur_high cur_act = function
- | [] ->
- if cur_high = high then
- [cur_low,cur_high,cur_act]
- else
- [(cur_low,cur_high,cur_act) ; (cur_high+1,high, 0)]
- | ((i,act_i)::rem) as all ->
- let act_index = do_store "NO" act_i in
- if cur_high+1= i then
- if act_index=cur_act then
- nofail_rec cur_low i cur_act rem
- else if act_index=0 then
- (cur_low,i-1, cur_act)::fail_rec i i rem
- else
- (cur_low, i-1, cur_act)::nofail_rec i i act_index rem
- else if act_index = 0 then
- (cur_low, cur_high, cur_act)::
- fail_rec (cur_high+1) (cur_high+1) all
- else
- (cur_low, cur_high, cur_act)::
- (cur_high+1,i-1,0)::
- nofail_rec i i act_index rem
- and fail_rec cur_low cur_high = function
- | [] -> [(cur_low, cur_high, 0)]
- | (i,act_i)::rem ->
- let index = do_store "YES" act_i in
- if index=0 then fail_rec cur_low i rem
- else
- (cur_low,i-1,0)::
- nofail_rec i i index rem in
- let init_rec = function
- | [] -> [low,high,0]
- | (i,act_i)::rem ->
- let index = do_store "INIT" act_i in
- if index=0 then
- fail_rec low i rem
- else
- if low < i then
- (low,i-1,0)::nofail_rec i i index rem
- else
- nofail_rec i i index rem in
- assert (do_store "FAIL" fail = 0) ; (* fail has action index 0 *)
- let r = init_rec l in
- Array.of_list r, store
-let as_interval_nofail l =
- let store = StoreExp.mk_store () in
- let rec some_hole = function
- | []|[_] -> false
- | (i,_)::((j,_)::_ as rem) ->
- j > i+1 || some_hole rem in
- let rec i_rec cur_low cur_high cur_act = function
- | [] ->
- [cur_low, cur_high, cur_act]
- | (i,act)::rem ->
- let act_index = store.act_store () act in
- if act_index = cur_act then
- i_rec cur_low i cur_act rem
- else
- (cur_low, cur_high, cur_act)::
- i_rec i i act_index rem in
- let inters = match l with
- | (i,act)::rem ->
- let act_index =
- (* In case there is some hole and that a switch is emitted,
- action 0 will be used as the action of unreachable
- cases (cf., make_switch).
- Hence, this action will be shared *)
- if some_hole rem then
- store.act_store_shared () act
- else
- store.act_store () act in
- assert (act_index = 0) ;
- i_rec i i act_index rem
- | _ -> assert false in
- Array.of_list inters, store
-let sort_int_lambda_list l =
- List.sort
- (fun (i1,_) (i2,_) ->
- if i1 < i2 then -1
- else if i2 < i1 then 1
- else 0)
- l
-let as_interval fail low high l =
- let l = sort_int_lambda_list l in
- get_edges low high l,
- (match fail with
- | None -> as_interval_nofail l
- | Some act -> as_interval_canfail act low high l)
-let call_switcher loc fail arg low high int_lambda_list =
- let edges, (cases, actions) =
- as_interval fail low high int_lambda_list in
- Switcher.zyva loc edges arg cases actions
-let rec list_as_pat = function
- | [] -> fatal_error "Matching.list_as_pat"
- | [pat] -> pat
- | pat::rem ->
- {pat with pat_desc = Tpat_or (pat,list_as_pat rem,None)}
-let complete_pats_constrs = function
- | p::_ as pats ->
- (pat_of_constr p)
- (complete_constrs p ( get_key_constr pats))
- | _ -> assert false
- Following two ``failaction'' function compute n, the trap handler
- to jump to in case of failure of elementary tests
-let mk_failaction_neg partial ctx def = match partial with
-| Partial ->
- begin match def with
- | (_,idef)::_ ->
- Some (Lstaticraise (idef,[])),jumps_singleton idef ctx
- | [] ->
- (* Act as Total, this means
- If no appropriate default matrix exists,
- then this switch cannot fail *)
- None, jumps_empty
- end
-| Total ->
- None, jumps_empty
-(* In line with the article and simpler than before *)
-let mk_failaction_pos partial seen ctx defs =
- if dbg then begin
- Format.eprintf "**POS**\n" ;
- pretty_def defs ;
- ()
- end ;
- let rec scan_def env to_test defs = match to_test,defs with
- | ([],_)|(_,[]) ->
- List.fold_left
- (fun (klist,jumps) (pats,i)->
- let action = Lstaticraise (i,[]) in
- let klist =
- List.fold_right
- (fun pat r -> (get_key_constr pat,action)::r)
- pats klist
- and jumps =
- jumps_add i (ctx_lub (list_as_pat pats) ctx) jumps in
- klist,jumps)
- ([],jumps_empty) env
- | _,(pss,idef)::rem ->
- let now, later =
- List.partition
- (fun (_p,p_ctx) -> ctx_match p_ctx pss) to_test in
- match now with
- | [] -> scan_def env to_test rem
- | _ -> scan_def (( fst now,idef)::env) later rem in
- let fail_pats = complete_pats_constrs seen in
- if List.length fail_pats < !Clflags.match_context_rows then begin
- let fail,jmps =
- scan_def
- []
- (
- (fun pat -> pat, ctx_lub pat ctx)
- fail_pats)
- defs in
- if dbg then begin
- eprintf "POSITIVE JUMPS [%i]:\n" (List.length fail_pats);
- pretty_jumps jmps
- end ;
- None,fail,jmps
- end else begin (* Too many non-matched constructors -> reduced information *)
- if dbg then eprintf "POS->NEG!!!\n%!" ;
- let fail,jumps = mk_failaction_neg partial ctx defs in
- if dbg then
- eprintf "FAIL: %s\n"
- (match fail with
- | None -> "<none>"
- | Some lam -> string_of_lam lam) ;
- fail,[],jumps
- end
-let combine_constant loc arg cst partial ctx def
- (const_lambda_list, total, _pats) =
- let fail, local_jumps =
- mk_failaction_neg partial ctx def in
- let lambda1 =
- match cst with
- | Const_int _ ->
- let int_lambda_list =
- (function Const_int n, l -> n,l | _ -> assert false)
- const_lambda_list in
- call_switcher loc fail arg min_int max_int int_lambda_list
- | Const_char _ ->
- let int_lambda_list =
- (function Const_char c, l -> (Char.code c, l)
- | _ -> assert false)
- const_lambda_list in
- call_switcher loc fail arg 0 255 int_lambda_list
- | Const_string _ ->
-(* Note as the bytecode compiler may resort to dichotomic search,
- the clauses of stringswitch are sorted with duplicates removed.
- This partly applies to the native code compiler, which requires
- no duplicates *)
- let const_lambda_list = sort_lambda_list const_lambda_list in
- let sw =
- (fun (c,act) -> match c with
- | Const_string (s,_) -> s,act
- | _ -> assert false)
- const_lambda_list in
- let hs,sw,fail = share_actions_tree sw fail in
- hs (Lstringswitch (arg,sw,fail,loc))
- | Const_float _ ->
- make_test_sequence loc
- fail
- (Pfloatcomp CFneq) (Pfloatcomp CFlt)
- arg const_lambda_list
- | Const_int32 _ ->
- make_test_sequence loc
- fail
- (Pbintcomp(Pint32, Cne)) (Pbintcomp(Pint32, Clt))
- arg const_lambda_list
- | Const_int64 _ ->
- make_test_sequence loc
- fail
- (Pbintcomp(Pint64, Cne)) (Pbintcomp(Pint64, Clt))
- arg const_lambda_list
- | Const_nativeint _ ->
- make_test_sequence loc
- fail
- (Pbintcomp(Pnativeint, Cne)) (Pbintcomp(Pnativeint, Clt))
- arg const_lambda_list
- in lambda1,jumps_union local_jumps total
-let split_cases tag_lambda_list =
- let rec split_rec = function
- [] -> ([], [])
- | (cstr, act) :: rem ->
- let (consts, nonconsts) = split_rec rem in
- match cstr with
- Cstr_constant n -> ((n, act) :: consts, nonconsts)
- | Cstr_block n -> (consts, (n, act) :: nonconsts)
- | Cstr_unboxed -> (consts, (0, act) :: nonconsts)
- | Cstr_extension _ -> assert false in
- let const, nonconst = split_rec tag_lambda_list in
- sort_int_lambda_list const,
- sort_int_lambda_list nonconst
-let split_extension_cases tag_lambda_list =
- let rec split_rec = function
- [] -> ([], [])
- | (cstr, act) :: rem ->
- let (consts, nonconsts) = split_rec rem in
- match cstr with
- Cstr_extension(path, true) -> ((path, act) :: consts, nonconsts)
- | Cstr_extension(path, false) -> (consts, (path, act) :: nonconsts)
- | _ -> assert false in
- split_rec tag_lambda_list
-let combine_constructor loc arg ex_pat cstr partial ctx def
- (tag_lambda_list, total1, pats) =
- if cstr.cstr_consts < 0 then begin
- (* Special cases for extensions *)
- let fail, local_jumps =
- mk_failaction_neg partial ctx def in
- let lambda1 =
- let consts, nonconsts = split_extension_cases tag_lambda_list in
- let default, consts, nonconsts =
- match fail with
- | None ->
- begin match consts, nonconsts with
- | _, (_, act)::rem -> act, consts, rem
- | (_, act)::rem, _ -> act, rem, nonconsts
- | _ -> assert false
- end
- | Some fail -> fail, consts, nonconsts in
- let nonconst_lambda =
- match nonconsts with
- [] -> default
- | _ ->
- let tag = Ident.create_local "tag" in
- let tests =
- List.fold_right
- (fun (path, act) rem ->
- let ext = transl_extension_path loc ex_pat.pat_env path in
- Lifthenelse(Lprim(Pintcomp Ceq, [Lvar tag; ext], loc),
- act, rem))
- nonconsts
- default
- in
- Llet(Alias, Pgenval,tag, Lprim(Pfield 0, [arg], loc), tests)
- in
- List.fold_right
- (fun (path, act) rem ->
- let ext = transl_extension_path loc ex_pat.pat_env path in
- Lifthenelse(Lprim(Pintcomp Ceq, [arg; ext], loc),
- act, rem))
- consts
- nonconst_lambda
- in
- lambda1, jumps_union local_jumps total1
- end else begin
- (* Regular concrete type *)
- let ncases = List.length tag_lambda_list
- and nconstrs = cstr.cstr_consts + cstr.cstr_nonconsts in
- let sig_complete = ncases = nconstrs in
- let fail_opt,fails,local_jumps =
- if sig_complete then None,[],jumps_empty
- else
- mk_failaction_pos partial pats ctx def in
- let tag_lambda_list = fails @ tag_lambda_list in
- let (consts, nonconsts) = split_cases tag_lambda_list in
- let lambda1 =
- match fail_opt,same_actions tag_lambda_list with
- | None,Some act -> act (* Identical actions, no failure *)
- | _ ->
- match
- (cstr.cstr_consts, cstr.cstr_nonconsts, consts, nonconsts)
- with
- | (1, 1, [0, act1], [0, act2]) ->
- (* Typically, match on lists, will avoid isint primitive in that
- case *)
- Lifthenelse(arg, act2, act1)
- | (n,0,_,[]) -> (* The type defines constant constructors only *)
- call_switcher loc fail_opt arg 0 (n-1) consts
- | (n, _, _, _) ->
- let act0 =
- (* = Some act when all non-const constructors match to act *)
- match fail_opt,nonconsts with
- | Some a,[] -> Some a
- | Some _,_ ->
- if List.length nonconsts = cstr.cstr_nonconsts then
- same_actions nonconsts
- else None
- | None,_ -> same_actions nonconsts in
- match act0 with
- | Some act ->
- Lifthenelse
- (Lprim (Pisint, [arg], loc),
- call_switcher loc
- fail_opt arg
- 0 (n-1) consts,
- act)
-(* Emit a switch, as bytecode implements this sophisticated instruction *)
- | None ->
- let sw =
- {sw_numconsts = cstr.cstr_consts; sw_consts = consts;
- sw_numblocks = cstr.cstr_nonconsts; sw_blocks = nonconsts;
- sw_failaction = fail_opt} in
- let hs,sw = share_actions_sw sw in
- let sw = reintroduce_fail sw in
- hs (Lswitch (arg,sw,loc)) in
- lambda1, jumps_union local_jumps total1
- end
-let make_test_sequence_variant_constant fail arg int_lambda_list =
- let _, (cases, actions) =
- as_interval fail min_int max_int int_lambda_list in
- Switcher.test_sequence arg cases actions
-let call_switcher_variant_constant loc fail arg int_lambda_list =
- call_switcher loc fail arg min_int max_int int_lambda_list
-let call_switcher_variant_constr loc fail arg int_lambda_list =
- let v = Ident.create_local "variant" in
- Llet(Alias, Pgenval, v, Lprim(Pfield 0, [arg], loc),
- call_switcher loc
- fail (Lvar v) min_int max_int int_lambda_list)
-let combine_variant loc row arg partial ctx def
- (tag_lambda_list, total1, _pats) =
- let row = Btype.row_repr row in
- let num_constr = ref 0 in
- if row.row_closed then
- List.iter
- (fun (_, f) ->
- match Btype.row_field_repr f with
- Rabsent | Reither(true, _::_, _, _) -> ()
- | _ -> incr num_constr)
- row.row_fields
- else
- num_constr := max_int;
- let test_int_or_block arg if_int if_block =
- Lifthenelse(Lprim (Pisint, [arg], loc), if_int, if_block) in
- let sig_complete = List.length tag_lambda_list = !num_constr
- and one_action = same_actions tag_lambda_list in
- let fail, local_jumps =
- if
- sig_complete || (match partial with Total -> true | _ -> false)
- then
- None, jumps_empty
- else
- mk_failaction_neg partial ctx def in
- let (consts, nonconsts) = split_cases tag_lambda_list in
- let lambda1 = match fail, one_action with
- | None, Some act -> act
- | _,_ ->
- match (consts, nonconsts) with
- | ([_, act1], [_, act2]) when fail=None ->
- test_int_or_block arg act1 act2
- | (_, []) -> (* One can compare integers and pointers *)
- make_test_sequence_variant_constant fail arg consts
- | ([], _) ->
- let lam = call_switcher_variant_constr loc
- fail arg nonconsts in
- (* One must not dereference integers *)
- begin match fail with
- | None -> lam
- | Some fail -> test_int_or_block arg fail lam
- end
- | (_, _) ->
- let lam_const =
- call_switcher_variant_constant loc
- fail arg consts
- and lam_nonconst =
- call_switcher_variant_constr loc
- fail arg nonconsts in
- test_int_or_block arg lam_const lam_nonconst
- in
- lambda1, jumps_union local_jumps total1
-let combine_array loc arg kind partial ctx def
- (len_lambda_list, total1, _pats) =
- let fail, local_jumps = mk_failaction_neg partial ctx def in
- let lambda1 =
- let newvar = Ident.create_local "len" in
- let switch =
- call_switcher loc
- fail (Lvar newvar)
- 0 max_int len_lambda_list in
- bind
- Alias newvar (Lprim(Parraylength kind, [arg], loc)) switch in
- lambda1, jumps_union local_jumps total1
-(* Insertion of debugging events *)
-let rec event_branch repr lam =
- begin match lam, repr with
- (_, None) ->
- lam
- | (Levent(lam', ev), Some r) ->
- incr r;
- Levent(lam', {lev_loc = ev.lev_loc;
- lev_kind = ev.lev_kind;
- lev_repr = repr;
- lev_env = ev.lev_env})
- | (Llet(str, k, id, lam, body), _) ->
- Llet(str, k, id, lam, event_branch repr body)
- | Lstaticraise _,_ -> lam
- | (_, Some _) ->
- Printlambda.lambda Format.str_formatter lam ;
- fatal_error
- ("Matching.event_branch: "^Format.flush_str_formatter ())
- end
- This exception is raised when the compiler cannot produce code
- because control cannot reach the compiled clause,
- Unused is raised initially in compile_test.
- compile_list (for compiling switch results) catch Unused
- comp_match_handlers (for compiling split matches)
- may reraise Unused
-exception Unused
-let compile_list compile_fun division =
- let rec c_rec totals = function
- | [] -> [], jumps_unions totals, []
- | (key, cell) :: rem ->
- begin match cell.ctx with
- | [] -> c_rec totals rem
- | _ ->
- try
- let (lambda1, total1) = compile_fun cell.ctx in
- let c_rem, total, new_pats =
- c_rec
- (jumps_map ctx_combine total1::totals) rem in
- ((key,lambda1)::c_rem), total, (cell.pat::new_pats)
- with
- | Unused -> c_rec totals rem
- end in
- c_rec [] division
-let compile_orhandlers compile_fun lambda1 total1 ctx to_catch =
- let rec do_rec r total_r = function
- | [] -> r,total_r
- | (mat,i,vars,pm)::rem ->
- begin try
- let ctx = select_columns mat ctx in
- let handler_i, total_i =
- compile_fun ctx pm in
- match raw_action r with
- | Lstaticraise (j,args) ->
- if i=j then
- List.fold_right2 (bind_with_value_kind Alias)
- vars args handler_i,
- jumps_map (ctx_rshift_num (ncols mat)) total_i
- else
- do_rec r total_r rem
- | _ ->
- do_rec
- (Lstaticcatch (r,(i,vars), handler_i))
- (jumps_union
- (jumps_remove i total_r)
- (jumps_map (ctx_rshift_num (ncols mat)) total_i))
- rem
- with
- | Unused ->
- do_rec (Lstaticcatch (r, (i,vars), lambda_unit)) total_r rem
- end in
- do_rec lambda1 total1 to_catch
-let compile_test compile_fun partial divide combine ctx to_match =
- let division = divide ctx to_match in
- let c_div = compile_list compile_fun division in
- match c_div with
- | [],_,_ ->
- begin match mk_failaction_neg partial ctx to_match.default with
- | None,_ -> raise Unused
- | Some l,total -> l,total
- end
- | _ ->
- combine ctx to_match.default c_div
-(* Attempt to avoid some useless bindings by lowering them *)
-(* Approximation of v present in lam *)
-let rec approx_present v = function
- | Lconst _ -> false
- | Lstaticraise (_,args) ->
- List.exists (fun lam -> approx_present v lam) args
- | Lprim (_,args,_) ->
- List.exists (fun lam -> approx_present v lam) args
- | Llet (Alias, _k, _, l1, l2) ->
- approx_present v l1 || approx_present v l2
- | Lvar vv -> Ident.same v vv
- | _ -> true
-let rec lower_bind v arg lam = match lam with
-| Lifthenelse (cond, ifso, ifnot) ->
- let pcond = approx_present v cond
- and pso = approx_present v ifso
- and pnot = approx_present v ifnot in
- begin match pcond, pso, pnot with
- | false, false, false -> lam
- | false, true, false ->
- Lifthenelse (cond, lower_bind v arg ifso, ifnot)
- | false, false, true ->
- Lifthenelse (cond, ifso, lower_bind v arg ifnot)
- | _,_,_ -> bind Alias v arg lam
- end
-| Lswitch (ls,({sw_consts=[i,act] ; sw_blocks = []} as sw), loc)
- when not (approx_present v ls) ->
- Lswitch (ls, {sw with sw_consts = [i,lower_bind v arg act]}, loc)
-| Lswitch (ls,({sw_consts=[] ; sw_blocks = [i,act]} as sw), loc)
- when not (approx_present v ls) ->
- Lswitch (ls, {sw with sw_blocks = [i,lower_bind v arg act]}, loc)
-| Llet (Alias, k, vv, lv, l) ->
- if approx_present v lv then
- bind Alias v arg lam
- else
- Llet (Alias, k, vv, lv, lower_bind v arg l)
-| _ ->
- bind Alias v arg lam
-let bind_check str v arg lam = match str,arg with
-| _, Lvar _ ->bind str v arg lam
-| Alias,_ -> lower_bind v arg lam
-| _,_ -> bind str v arg lam
-let comp_exit ctx m = match m.default with
-| (_,i)::_ -> Lstaticraise (i,[]), jumps_singleton i ctx
-| _ -> fatal_error "Matching.comp_exit"
-let rec comp_match_handlers comp_fun partial ctx arg first_match next_matchs =
- match next_matchs with
- | [] -> comp_fun partial ctx arg first_match
- | rem ->
- let rec c_rec body total_body = function
- | [] -> body, total_body
- (* Hum, -1 means never taken
- | (-1,pm)::rem -> c_rec body total_body rem *)
- | (i,pm)::rem ->
- let ctx_i,total_rem = jumps_extract i total_body in
- begin match ctx_i with
- | [] -> c_rec body total_body rem
- | _ ->
- try
- let li,total_i =
- comp_fun
- (match rem with [] -> partial | _ -> Partial)
- ctx_i arg pm in
- c_rec
- (Lstaticcatch (body,(i,[]),li))
- (jumps_union total_i total_rem)
- rem
- with
- | Unused ->
- c_rec (Lstaticcatch (body,(i,[]),lambda_unit))
- total_rem rem
- end in
- try
- let first_lam,total = comp_fun Partial ctx arg first_match in
- c_rec first_lam total rem
- with Unused -> match next_matchs with
- | [] -> raise Unused
- | (_,x)::xs -> comp_match_handlers comp_fun partial ctx arg x xs
-(* To find reasonable names for variables *)
-let rec name_pattern default = function
- (pat :: _, _) :: rem ->
- begin match pat.pat_desc with
- Tpat_var (id, _) -> id
- | Tpat_alias(_, id, _) -> id
- | _ -> name_pattern default rem
- end
- | _ -> Ident.create_local default
-let arg_to_var arg cls = match arg with
-| Lvar v -> v,arg
-| _ ->
- let v = name_pattern "*match*" cls in
- v,Lvar v
- The main compilation function.
- Input:
- repr=used for inserting debug events
- partial=exhaustiveness information from Parmatch
- ctx=a context
- m=a pattern matching
- Output: a lambda term, a jump summary {..., exit number -> context, .. }
-let rec compile_match repr partial ctx m = match m with
-| { cases = []; args = [] } -> comp_exit ctx m
-| { cases = ([], action) :: rem } ->
- if is_guarded action then begin
- let (lambda, total) =
- compile_match None partial ctx { m with cases = rem } in
- event_branch repr (patch_guarded lambda action), total
- end else
- (event_branch repr action, jumps_empty)
-| { args = (arg, str)::argl } ->
- let v,newarg = arg_to_var arg m.cases in
- let first_match,rem =
- split_precompile (Some v)
- { m with args = (newarg, Alias) :: argl } in
- let (lam, total) =
- comp_match_handlers
- ((if dbg then do_compile_matching_pr else do_compile_matching) repr)
- partial ctx newarg first_match rem in
- bind_check str v arg lam, total
-| _ -> assert false
-(* verbose version of do_compile_matching, for debug *)
-and do_compile_matching_pr repr partial ctx arg x =
- Format.eprintf "COMPILE: %s\nMATCH\n"
- (match partial with Partial -> "Partial" | Total -> "Total") ;
- pretty_precompiled x ;
- Format.eprintf "CTX\n" ;
- pretty_ctx ctx ;
- let (_, jumps) as r = do_compile_matching repr partial ctx arg x in
- Format.eprintf "JUMPS\n" ;
- pretty_jumps jumps ;
- r
-and do_compile_matching repr partial ctx arg pmh = match pmh with
-| Pm pm ->
- let pat = what_is_cases pm.cases in
- begin match pat.pat_desc with
- | Tpat_any ->
- compile_no_test
- divide_var ctx_rshift repr partial ctx pm
- | Tpat_tuple patl ->
- compile_no_test
- (divide_tuple (List.length patl) (normalize_pat pat)) ctx_combine
- repr partial ctx pm
- | Tpat_record ((_, lbl,_)::_,_) ->
- compile_no_test
- (divide_record lbl.lbl_all (normalize_pat pat))
- ctx_combine repr partial ctx pm
- | Tpat_constant cst ->
- compile_test
- (compile_match repr partial) partial
- divide_constant
- (combine_constant pat.pat_loc arg cst partial)
- ctx pm
- | Tpat_construct (_, cstr, _) ->
- compile_test
- (compile_match repr partial) partial
- divide_constructor
- (combine_constructor pat.pat_loc arg pat cstr partial)
- ctx pm
- | Tpat_array _ ->
- let kind = Typeopt.array_pattern_kind pat in
- compile_test (compile_match repr partial) partial
- (divide_array kind) (combine_array pat.pat_loc arg kind partial)
- ctx pm
- | Tpat_lazy _ ->
- compile_no_test
- (divide_lazy (normalize_pat pat))
- ctx_combine repr partial ctx pm
- | Tpat_variant(_, _, row) ->
- compile_test (compile_match repr partial) partial
- (divide_variant !row)
- (combine_variant pat.pat_loc !row arg partial)
- ctx pm
- | _ -> assert false
- end
-| PmVar {inside=pmh ; var_arg=arg} ->
- let lam, total =
- do_compile_matching repr partial (ctx_lshift ctx) arg pmh in
- lam, jumps_map ctx_rshift total
-| PmOr {body=body ; handlers=handlers} ->
- let lam, total = compile_match repr partial ctx body in
- compile_orhandlers (compile_match repr partial) lam total ctx handlers
-and compile_no_test divide up_ctx repr partial ctx to_match =
- let {pm=this_match ; ctx=this_ctx } = divide ctx to_match in
- let lambda,total = compile_match repr partial this_ctx this_match in
- lambda, jumps_map up_ctx total
-(* The entry points *)
- If there is a guard in a matching or a lazy pattern,
- then set exhaustiveness info to Partial.
- (because of side effects, assume the worst).
- Notice that exhaustiveness information is trusted by the compiler,
- that is, a match flagged as Total should not fail at runtime.
- More specifically, for instance if match y with x::_ -> x is flagged
- total (as it happens during JoCaml compilation) then y cannot be []
- at runtime. As a consequence, the static Total exhaustiveness information
- have to be downgraded to Partial, in the dubious cases where guards
- or lazy pattern execute arbitrary code that may perform side effects
- and change the subject values.
- Lazy pattern was PR#5992, initial patch by lpw25.
- I have generalized the patch, so as to also find mutable fields.
-let find_in_pat pred =
- let rec find_rec p =
- pred p.pat_desc ||
- begin match p.pat_desc with
- | Tpat_alias (p,_,_) | Tpat_variant (_,Some p,_) | Tpat_lazy p ->
- find_rec p
- | Tpat_tuple ps|Tpat_construct (_,_,ps) | Tpat_array ps ->
- List.exists find_rec ps
- | Tpat_record (lpats,_) ->
- List.exists
- (fun (_, _, p) -> find_rec p)
- lpats
- | Tpat_or (p,q,_) ->
- find_rec p || find_rec q
- | Tpat_constant _ | Tpat_var _
- | Tpat_any | Tpat_variant (_,None,_) -> false
- | Tpat_exception _ -> assert false
- end in
- find_rec
-let is_lazy_pat = function
- | Tpat_lazy _ -> true
- | Tpat_alias _ | Tpat_variant _ | Tpat_record _
- | Tpat_tuple _|Tpat_construct _ | Tpat_array _
- | Tpat_or _ | Tpat_constant _ | Tpat_var _ | Tpat_any
- -> false
- | Tpat_exception _ -> assert false
-let is_lazy p = find_in_pat is_lazy_pat p
-let have_mutable_field p = match p with
-| Tpat_record (lps,_) ->
- List.exists
- (fun (_,lbl,_) ->
- match lbl.Types.lbl_mut with
- | Mutable -> true
- | Immutable -> false)
- lps
-| Tpat_alias _ | Tpat_variant _ | Tpat_lazy _
-| Tpat_tuple _|Tpat_construct _ | Tpat_array _
-| Tpat_or _
-| Tpat_constant _ | Tpat_var _ | Tpat_any
- -> false
-| Tpat_exception _ -> assert false
-let is_mutable p = find_in_pat have_mutable_field p
-(* Downgrade Total when
- 1. Matching accesses some mutable fields;
- 2. And there are guards or lazy patterns.
-let check_partial is_mutable is_lazy pat_act_list = function
- | Partial -> Partial
- | Total ->
- if
- pat_act_list = [] || (* allow empty case list *)
- List.exists
- (fun (pats, lam) ->
- is_mutable pats && (is_guarded lam || is_lazy pats))
- pat_act_list
- then Partial
- else Total
-let check_partial_list =
- check_partial (List.exists is_mutable) (List.exists is_lazy)
-let check_partial = check_partial is_mutable is_lazy
-(* have toplevel handler when appropriate *)
-let start_ctx n = [{left=[] ; right = omegas n}]
-let check_total total lambda i handler_fun =
- if jumps_is_empty total then
- lambda
- else begin
- Lstaticcatch(lambda, (i,[]), handler_fun())
- end
-let compile_matching repr handler_fun arg pat_act_list partial =
- let partial = check_partial pat_act_list partial in
- match partial with
- | Partial ->
- let raise_num = next_raise_count () in
- let pm =
- { cases = (fun (pat, act) -> ([pat], act)) pat_act_list;
- args = [arg, Strict] ;
- default = [[[omega]],raise_num]} in
- begin try
- let (lambda, total) = compile_match repr partial (start_ctx 1) pm in
- check_total total lambda raise_num handler_fun
- with
- | Unused -> assert false (* ; handler_fun() *)
- end
- | Total ->
- let pm =
- { cases = (fun (pat, act) -> ([pat], act)) pat_act_list;
- args = [arg, Strict] ;
- default = []} in
- let (lambda, total) = compile_match repr partial (start_ctx 1) pm in
- assert (jumps_is_empty total) ;
- lambda
-let partial_function loc () =
- let slot =
- transl_extension_path loc
- Env.initial_safe_string Predef.path_match_failure
- in
- let (fname, line, char) = Location.get_pos_info loc.Location.loc_start in
- Lprim(Praise Raise_regular, [Lprim(Pmakeblock(0, Immutable, None),
- [slot; Lconst(Const_block(0,
- [Const_base(Const_string (fname, None));
- Const_base(Const_int line);
- Const_base(Const_int char)]))], loc)], loc)
-let for_function loc repr param pat_act_list partial =
- compile_matching repr (partial_function loc) param pat_act_list partial
-(* In the following two cases, exhaustiveness info is not available! *)
-let for_trywith param pat_act_list =
- compile_matching None
- (fun () -> Lprim(Praise Raise_reraise, [param], Location.none))
- param pat_act_list Partial
-let simple_for_let loc param pat body =
- compile_matching None (partial_function loc) param [pat, body] Partial
-(* Optimize binding of immediate tuples
- The goal of the implementation of 'for_let' below, which replaces
- 'simple_for_let', is to avoid tuple allocation in cases such as
- this one:
- let (x,y) =
- let foo = ... in
- if foo then (1, 2) else (3,4)
- in bar
- The compiler easily optimizes the simple `let (x,y) = (1,2) in ...`
- case (call to Matching.for_multiple_match from Translcore), but
- didn't optimize situations where the rhs tuples are hidden under
- a more complex context.
- The idea comes from Alain Frisch who suggested and implemented
- the following compilation method, based on Lassign:
- let x = dummy in let y = dummy in
- begin
- let foo = ... in
- if foo then
- (let x1 = 1 in let y1 = 2 in x <- x1; y <- y1)
- else
- (let x2 = 3 in let y2 = 4 in x <- x2; y <- y2)
- end;
- bar
- The current implementation from Gabriel Scherer uses Lstaticcatch /
- Lstaticraise instead:
- catch
- let foo = ... in
- if foo then
- (let x1 = 1 in let y1 = 2 in exit x1 y1)
- else
- (let x2 = 3 in let y2 = 4 in exit x2 y2)
- with x y ->
- bar
- The catch/exit is used to avoid duplication of the let body ('bar'
- in the example), on 'if' branches for example; it is useless for
- linear contexts such as 'let', but we don't need to be careful to
- generate nice code because Simplif will remove such useless
- catch/exit.
-let rec map_return f = function
- | Llet (str, k, id, l1, l2) -> Llet (str, k, id, l1, map_return f l2)
- | Lletrec (l1, l2) -> Lletrec (l1, map_return f l2)
- | Lifthenelse (lcond, lthen, lelse) ->
- Lifthenelse (lcond, map_return f lthen, map_return f lelse)
- | Lsequence (l1, l2) -> Lsequence (l1, map_return f l2)
- | Levent (l, ev) -> Levent (map_return f l, ev)
- | Ltrywith (l1, id, l2) -> Ltrywith (map_return f l1, id, map_return f l2)
- | Lstaticcatch (l1, b, l2) ->
- Lstaticcatch (map_return f l1, b, map_return f l2)
- | Lstaticraise _ | Lprim(Praise _, _, _) as l -> l
- | l -> f l
-(* The 'opt' reference indicates if the optimization is worthy.
- It is shared by the different calls to 'assign_pat' performed from
- 'map_return'. For example with the code
- let (x, y) = if foo then z else (1,2)
- the else-branch will activate the optimization for both branches.
- That means that the optimization is activated if *there exists* an
- interesting tuple in one hole of the let-rhs context. We could
- choose to activate it only if *all* holes are interesting. We made
- that choice because being optimistic is extremely cheap (one static
- exit/catch overhead in the "wrong cases"), while being pessimistic
- can be costly (one unnecessary tuple allocation).
-let assign_pat opt nraise catch_ids loc pat lam =
- let rec collect acc pat lam = match pat.pat_desc, lam with
- | Tpat_tuple patl, Lprim(Pmakeblock _, lams, _) ->
- opt := true;
- List.fold_left2 collect acc patl lams
- | Tpat_tuple patl, Lconst(Const_block(_, scl)) ->
- opt := true;
- let collect_const acc pat sc = collect acc pat (Lconst sc) in
- List.fold_left2 collect_const acc patl scl
- | _ ->
- (* pattern idents will be bound in staticcatch (let body), so we
- refresh them here to guarantee binders uniqueness *)
- let pat_ids = pat_bound_idents pat in
- let fresh_ids = (fun id -> id, Ident.rename id) pat_ids in
- (fresh_ids, alpha_pat fresh_ids pat, lam) :: acc
- in
- (* sublets were accumulated by 'collect' with the leftmost tuple
- pattern at the bottom of the list; to respect right-to-left
- evaluation order for tuples, we must evaluate sublets
- top-to-bottom. To preserve tail-rec, we will fold_left the
- reversed list. *)
- let rev_sublets = List.rev (collect [] pat lam) in
- let exit =
- (* build an Ident.tbl to avoid quadratic refreshing costs *)
- let add t (id, fresh_id) = Ident.add id fresh_id t in
- let add_ids acc (ids, _pat, _lam) = List.fold_left add acc ids in
- let tbl = List.fold_left add_ids Ident.empty rev_sublets in
- let fresh_var id = Lvar (Ident.find_same id tbl) in
- Lstaticraise(nraise, fresh_var catch_ids)
- in
- let push_sublet code (_ids, pat, lam) = simple_for_let loc lam pat code in
- List.fold_left push_sublet exit rev_sublets
-let for_let loc param pat body =
- match pat.pat_desc with
- | Tpat_any ->
- (* This eliminates a useless variable (and stack slot in bytecode)
- for "let _ = ...". See #6865. *)
- Lsequence(param, body)
- | Tpat_var (id, _) ->
- (* fast path, and keep track of simple bindings to unboxable numbers *)
- let k = Typeopt.value_kind pat.pat_env pat.pat_type in
- Llet(Strict, k, id, param, body)
- | _ ->
- let opt = ref false in
- let nraise = next_raise_count () in
- let catch_ids = pat_bound_idents_full pat in
- let ids_with_kinds =
- (fun (id, _, typ) -> id, Typeopt.value_kind pat.pat_env typ)
- catch_ids
- in
- let ids = (fun (id, _, _) -> id) catch_ids in
- let bind = map_return (assign_pat opt nraise ids loc pat) param in
- if !opt then Lstaticcatch(bind, (nraise, ids_with_kinds), body)
- else simple_for_let loc param pat body
-(* Handling of tupled functions and matchings *)
-(* Easy case since variables are available *)
-let for_tupled_function loc paraml pats_act_list partial =
- let partial = check_partial_list pats_act_list partial in
- let raise_num = next_raise_count () in
- let omegas = [ (fun _ -> omega) paraml] in
- let pm =
- { cases = pats_act_list;
- args = (fun id -> (Lvar id, Strict)) paraml ;
- default = [omegas,raise_num]
- } in
- try
- let (lambda, total) = compile_match None partial
- (start_ctx (List.length paraml)) pm in
- check_total total lambda raise_num (partial_function loc)
- with
- | Unused -> partial_function loc ()
-let flatten_pattern size p = match p.pat_desc with
-| Tpat_tuple args -> args
-| Tpat_any -> omegas size
-| _ -> raise Cannot_flatten
-let rec flatten_pat_line size p k = match p.pat_desc with
-| Tpat_any -> omegas size::k
-| Tpat_tuple args -> args::k
-| Tpat_or (p1,p2,_) -> flatten_pat_line size p1 (flatten_pat_line size p2 k)
-| Tpat_alias (p,_,_) -> (* Note: if this 'as' pat is here, then this is a
- useless binding, solves PR#3780 *)
- flatten_pat_line size p k
-| _ -> fatal_error "Matching.flatten_pat_line"
-let flatten_cases size cases =
- (fun (ps,action) -> match ps with
- | [p] -> flatten_pattern size p,action
- | _ -> fatal_error "Matching.flatten_case")
- cases
-let flatten_matrix size pss =
- List.fold_right
- (fun ps r -> match ps with
- | [p] -> flatten_pat_line size p r
- | _ -> fatal_error "Matching.flatten_matrix")
- pss []
-let flatten_def size def =
- (fun (pss,i) -> flatten_matrix size pss,i)
- def
-let flatten_pm size args pm =
- {args = args ; cases = flatten_cases size pm.cases ;
- default = flatten_def size pm.default}
-let flatten_precompiled size args pmh = match pmh with
-| Pm pm -> Pm (flatten_pm size args pm)
-| PmOr {body=b ; handlers=hs ; or_matrix=m} ->
- PmOr
- {body=flatten_pm size args b ;
- handlers=
- (fun (mat,i,vars,pm) -> flatten_matrix size mat,i,vars,pm)
- hs ;
- or_matrix=flatten_matrix size m ;}
-| PmVar _ -> assert false
- compiled_flattened is a ``comp_fun'' argument to comp_match_handlers.
- Hence it needs a fourth argument, which it ignores
-let compile_flattened repr partial ctx _ pmh = match pmh with
-| Pm pm -> compile_match repr partial ctx pm
-| PmOr {body=b ; handlers=hs} ->
- let lam, total = compile_match repr partial ctx b in
- compile_orhandlers (compile_match repr partial) lam total ctx hs
-| PmVar _ -> assert false
-let do_for_multiple_match loc paraml pat_act_list partial =
- let repr = None in
- let partial = check_partial pat_act_list partial in
- let raise_num,pm1 =
- match partial with
- | Partial ->
- let raise_num = next_raise_count () in
- raise_num,
- { cases = (fun (pat, act) -> ([pat], act)) pat_act_list;
- args = [Lprim(Pmakeblock(0, Immutable, None), paraml, loc), Strict];
- default = [[[omega]],raise_num] }
- | _ ->
- -1,
- { cases = (fun (pat, act) -> ([pat], act)) pat_act_list;
- args = [Lprim(Pmakeblock(0, Immutable, None), paraml, loc), Strict];
- default = [] } in
- try
- try
-(* Once for checking that compilation is possible *)
- let next, nexts = split_precompile None pm1 in
- let size = List.length paraml
- and idl = (fun _ -> Ident.create_local "*match*") paraml in
- let args = (fun id -> Lvar id, Alias) idl in
- let flat_next = flatten_precompiled size args next
- and flat_nexts =
- (fun (e,pm) -> e,flatten_precompiled size args pm)
- nexts in
- let lam, total =
- comp_match_handlers
- (compile_flattened repr)
- partial (start_ctx size) () flat_next flat_nexts in
- List.fold_right2 (bind Strict) idl paraml
- (match partial with
- | Partial ->
- check_total total lam raise_num (partial_function loc)
- | Total ->
- assert (jumps_is_empty total) ;
- lam)
- with Cannot_flatten ->
- let (lambda, total) = compile_match None partial (start_ctx 1) pm1 in
- begin match partial with
- | Partial ->
- check_total total lambda raise_num (partial_function loc)
- | Total ->
- assert (jumps_is_empty total) ;
- lambda
- end
- with Unused ->
- assert false (* ; partial_function loc () *)
-(* PR#4828: Believe it or not, the 'paraml' argument below
- may not be side effect free. *)
-let param_to_var param = match param with
-| Lvar v -> v,None
-| _ -> Ident.create_local "*match*",Some param
-let bind_opt (v,eo) k = match eo with
-| None -> k
-| Some e -> Lambda.bind Strict v e k
-let for_multiple_match loc paraml pat_act_list partial =
- let v_paraml = param_to_var paraml in
- let paraml = (fun (v,_) -> Lvar v) v_paraml in
- List.fold_right bind_opt v_paraml
- (do_for_multiple_match loc paraml pat_act_list partial)
diff --git a/bytecomp/matching.mli b/bytecomp/matching.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index f29901bd0c..0000000000
--- a/bytecomp/matching.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-(* *)
-(* OCaml *)
-(* *)
-(* Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
-(* *)
-(* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
-(* en Automatique. *)
-(* *)
-(* All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the terms of *)
-(* the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the *)
-(* special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE. *)
-(* *)
-(* Compilation of pattern-matching *)
-open Typedtree
-open Lambda
-(* Entry points to match compiler *)
-val for_function:
- Location.t -> int ref option -> lambda -> (pattern * lambda) list ->
- partial -> lambda
-val for_trywith:
- lambda -> (pattern * lambda) list -> lambda
-val for_let:
- Location.t -> lambda -> pattern -> lambda -> lambda
-val for_multiple_match:
- Location.t -> lambda list -> (pattern * lambda) list -> partial ->
- lambda
-val for_tupled_function:
- Location.t -> Ident.t list -> (pattern list * lambda) list ->
- partial -> lambda
-exception Cannot_flatten
-val flatten_pattern: int -> pattern -> pattern list
-(* Expand stringswitch to string test tree *)
-val expand_stringswitch:
- Location.t -> lambda -> (string * lambda) list -> lambda option -> lambda
-val inline_lazy_force : lambda -> Location.t -> lambda
diff --git a/bytecomp/ b/bytecomp/
deleted file mode 100644
index e4bb26a686..0000000000
--- a/bytecomp/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,648 +0,0 @@
-(* *)
-(* OCaml *)
-(* *)
-(* Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
-(* *)
-(* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
-(* en Automatique. *)
-(* *)
-(* All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the terms of *)
-(* the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the *)
-(* special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE. *)
-(* *)
-open Format
-open Asttypes
-open Primitive
-open Types
-open Lambda
-let rec struct_const ppf = function
- | Const_base(Const_int n) -> fprintf ppf "%i" n
- | Const_base(Const_char c) -> fprintf ppf "%C" c
- | Const_base(Const_string (s, _)) -> fprintf ppf "%S" s
- | Const_immstring s -> fprintf ppf "#%S" s
- | Const_base(Const_float f) -> fprintf ppf "%s" f
- | Const_base(Const_int32 n) -> fprintf ppf "%lil" n
- | Const_base(Const_int64 n) -> fprintf ppf "%LiL" n
- | Const_base(Const_nativeint n) -> fprintf ppf "%nin" n
- | Const_pointer n -> fprintf ppf "%ia" n
- | Const_block(tag, []) ->
- fprintf ppf "[%i]" tag
- | Const_block(tag, sc1::scl) ->
- let sconsts ppf scl =
- List.iter (fun sc -> fprintf ppf "@ %a" struct_const sc) scl in
- fprintf ppf "@[<1>[%i:@ @[%a%a@]]@]" tag struct_const sc1 sconsts scl
- | Const_float_array [] ->
- fprintf ppf "[| |]"
- | Const_float_array (f1 :: fl) ->
- let floats ppf fl =
- List.iter (fun f -> fprintf ppf "@ %s" f) fl in
- fprintf ppf "@[<1>[|@[%s%a@]|]@]" f1 floats fl
-let array_kind = function
- | Pgenarray -> "gen"
- | Paddrarray -> "addr"
- | Pintarray -> "int"
- | Pfloatarray -> "float"
-let boxed_integer_name = function
- | Pnativeint -> "nativeint"
- | Pint32 -> "int32"
- | Pint64 -> "int64"
-let value_kind ppf = function
- | Pgenval -> ()
- | Pintval -> fprintf ppf "[int]"
- | Pfloatval -> fprintf ppf "[float]"
- | Pboxedintval bi -> fprintf ppf "[%s]" (boxed_integer_name bi)
-let return_kind ppf = function
- | Pgenval -> ()
- | Pintval -> fprintf ppf ": int@ "
- | Pfloatval -> fprintf ppf ": float@ "
- | Pboxedintval bi -> fprintf ppf ": %s@ " (boxed_integer_name bi)
-let field_kind = function
- | Pgenval -> "*"
- | Pintval -> "int"
- | Pfloatval -> "float"
- | Pboxedintval bi -> boxed_integer_name bi
-let print_boxed_integer_conversion ppf bi1 bi2 =
- fprintf ppf "%s_of_%s" (boxed_integer_name bi2) (boxed_integer_name bi1)
-let boxed_integer_mark name = function
- | Pnativeint -> Printf.sprintf "Nativeint.%s" name
- | Pint32 -> Printf.sprintf "Int32.%s" name
- | Pint64 -> Printf.sprintf "Int64.%s" name
-let print_boxed_integer name ppf bi =
- fprintf ppf "%s" (boxed_integer_mark name bi);;
-let print_bigarray name unsafe kind ppf layout =
- fprintf ppf "Bigarray.%s[%s,%s]"
- (if unsafe then "unsafe_"^ name else name)
- (match kind with
- | Pbigarray_unknown -> "generic"
- | Pbigarray_float32 -> "float32"
- | Pbigarray_float64 -> "float64"
- | Pbigarray_sint8 -> "sint8"
- | Pbigarray_uint8 -> "uint8"
- | Pbigarray_sint16 -> "sint16"
- | Pbigarray_uint16 -> "uint16"
- | Pbigarray_int32 -> "int32"
- | Pbigarray_int64 -> "int64"
- | Pbigarray_caml_int -> "camlint"
- | Pbigarray_native_int -> "nativeint"
- | Pbigarray_complex32 -> "complex32"
- | Pbigarray_complex64 -> "complex64")
- (match layout with
- | Pbigarray_unknown_layout -> "unknown"
- | Pbigarray_c_layout -> "C"
- | Pbigarray_fortran_layout -> "Fortran")
-let record_rep ppf r =
- match r with
- | Record_regular -> fprintf ppf "regular"
- | Record_inlined i -> fprintf ppf "inlined(%i)" i
- | Record_unboxed false -> fprintf ppf "unboxed"
- | Record_unboxed true -> fprintf ppf "inlined(unboxed)"
- | Record_float -> fprintf ppf "float"
- | Record_extension path -> fprintf ppf "ext(%a)" Printtyp.path path
-let block_shape ppf shape = match shape with
- | None | Some [] -> ()
- | Some l when List.for_all ((=) Pgenval) l -> ()
- | Some [elt] ->
- Format.fprintf ppf " (%s)" (field_kind elt)
- | Some (h :: t) ->
- Format.fprintf ppf " (%s" (field_kind h);
- List.iter (fun elt ->
- Format.fprintf ppf ",%s" (field_kind elt))
- t;
- Format.fprintf ppf ")"
-let integer_comparison ppf = function
- | Ceq -> fprintf ppf "=="
- | Cne -> fprintf ppf "!="
- | Clt -> fprintf ppf "<"
- | Cle -> fprintf ppf "<="
- | Cgt -> fprintf ppf ">"
- | Cge -> fprintf ppf ">="
-let float_comparison ppf = function
- | CFeq -> fprintf ppf "==."
- | CFneq -> fprintf ppf "!=."
- | CFlt -> fprintf ppf "<."
- | CFnlt -> fprintf ppf "!<."
- | CFle -> fprintf ppf "<=."
- | CFnle -> fprintf ppf "!<=."
- | CFgt -> fprintf ppf ">."
- | CFngt -> fprintf ppf "!>."
- | CFge -> fprintf ppf ">=."
- | CFnge -> fprintf ppf "!>=."
-let primitive ppf = function
- | Pidentity -> fprintf ppf "id"
- | Pbytes_to_string -> fprintf ppf "bytes_to_string"
- | Pbytes_of_string -> fprintf ppf "bytes_of_string"
- | Pignore -> fprintf ppf "ignore"
- | Prevapply -> fprintf ppf "revapply"
- | Pdirapply -> fprintf ppf "dirapply"
- | Pgetglobal id -> fprintf ppf "global %a" Ident.print id
- | Psetglobal id -> fprintf ppf "setglobal %a" Ident.print id
- | Pmakeblock(tag, Immutable, shape) ->
- fprintf ppf "makeblock %i%a" tag block_shape shape
- | Pmakeblock(tag, Mutable, shape) ->
- fprintf ppf "makemutable %i%a" tag block_shape shape
- | Pfield n -> fprintf ppf "field %i" n
- | Pfield_computed -> fprintf ppf "field_computed"
- | Psetfield(n, ptr, init) ->
- let instr =
- match ptr with
- | Pointer -> "ptr"
- | Immediate -> "imm"
- in
- let init =
- match init with
- | Heap_initialization -> "(heap-init)"
- | Root_initialization -> "(root-init)"
- | Assignment -> ""
- in
- fprintf ppf "setfield_%s%s %i" instr init n
- | Psetfield_computed (ptr, init) ->
- let instr =
- match ptr with
- | Pointer -> "ptr"
- | Immediate -> "imm"
- in
- let init =
- match init with
- | Heap_initialization -> "(heap-init)"
- | Root_initialization -> "(root-init)"
- | Assignment -> ""
- in
- fprintf ppf "setfield_%s%s_computed" instr init
- | Pfloatfield n -> fprintf ppf "floatfield %i" n
- | Psetfloatfield (n, init) ->
- let init =
- match init with
- | Heap_initialization -> "(heap-init)"
- | Root_initialization -> "(root-init)"
- | Assignment -> ""
- in
- fprintf ppf "setfloatfield%s %i" init n
- | Pduprecord (rep, size) -> fprintf ppf "duprecord %a %i" record_rep rep size
- | Pccall p -> fprintf ppf "%s" p.prim_name
- | Praise k -> fprintf ppf "%s" (Lambda.raise_kind k)
- | Psequand -> fprintf ppf "&&"
- | Psequor -> fprintf ppf "||"
- | Pnot -> fprintf ppf "not"
- | Pnegint -> fprintf ppf "~"
- | Paddint -> fprintf ppf "+"
- | Psubint -> fprintf ppf "-"
- | Pmulint -> fprintf ppf "*"
- | Pdivint Safe -> fprintf ppf "/"
- | Pdivint Unsafe -> fprintf ppf "/u"
- | Pmodint Safe -> fprintf ppf "mod"
- | Pmodint Unsafe -> fprintf ppf "mod_unsafe"
- | Pandint -> fprintf ppf "and"
- | Porint -> fprintf ppf "or"
- | Pxorint -> fprintf ppf "xor"
- | Plslint -> fprintf ppf "lsl"
- | Plsrint -> fprintf ppf "lsr"
- | Pasrint -> fprintf ppf "asr"
- | Pintcomp(cmp) -> integer_comparison ppf cmp
- | Poffsetint n -> fprintf ppf "%i+" n
- | Poffsetref n -> fprintf ppf "+:=%i"n
- | Pintoffloat -> fprintf ppf "int_of_float"
- | Pfloatofint -> fprintf ppf "float_of_int"
- | Pnegfloat -> fprintf ppf "~."
- | Pabsfloat -> fprintf ppf "abs."
- | Paddfloat -> fprintf ppf "+."
- | Psubfloat -> fprintf ppf "-."
- | Pmulfloat -> fprintf ppf "*."
- | Pdivfloat -> fprintf ppf "/."
- | Pfloatcomp(cmp) -> float_comparison ppf cmp
- | Pstringlength -> fprintf ppf "string.length"
- | Pstringrefu -> fprintf ppf "string.unsafe_get"
- | Pstringrefs -> fprintf ppf "string.get"
- | Pbyteslength -> fprintf ppf "bytes.length"
- | Pbytesrefu -> fprintf ppf "bytes.unsafe_get"
- | Pbytessetu -> fprintf ppf "bytes.unsafe_set"
- | Pbytesrefs -> fprintf ppf "bytes.get"
- | Pbytessets -> fprintf ppf "bytes.set"
- | Parraylength k -> fprintf ppf "array.length[%s]" (array_kind k)
- | Pmakearray (k, Mutable) -> fprintf ppf "makearray[%s]" (array_kind k)
- | Pmakearray (k, Immutable) -> fprintf ppf "makearray_imm[%s]" (array_kind k)
- | Pduparray (k, Mutable) -> fprintf ppf "duparray[%s]" (array_kind k)
- | Pduparray (k, Immutable) -> fprintf ppf "duparray_imm[%s]" (array_kind k)
- | Parrayrefu k -> fprintf ppf "array.unsafe_get[%s]" (array_kind k)
- | Parraysetu k -> fprintf ppf "array.unsafe_set[%s]" (array_kind k)
- | Parrayrefs k -> fprintf ppf "array.get[%s]" (array_kind k)
- | Parraysets k -> fprintf ppf "array.set[%s]" (array_kind k)
- | Pctconst c ->
- let const_name = match c with
- | Big_endian -> "big_endian"
- | Word_size -> "word_size"
- | Int_size -> "int_size"
- | Max_wosize -> "max_wosize"
- | Ostype_unix -> "ostype_unix"
- | Ostype_win32 -> "ostype_win32"
- | Ostype_cygwin -> "ostype_cygwin"
- | Backend_type -> "backend_type" in
- fprintf ppf "sys.constant_%s" const_name
- | Pisint -> fprintf ppf "isint"
- | Pisout -> fprintf ppf "isout"
- | Pbintofint bi -> print_boxed_integer "of_int" ppf bi
- | Pintofbint bi -> print_boxed_integer "to_int" ppf bi
- | Pcvtbint (bi1, bi2) -> print_boxed_integer_conversion ppf bi1 bi2
- | Pnegbint bi -> print_boxed_integer "neg" ppf bi
- | Paddbint bi -> print_boxed_integer "add" ppf bi
- | Psubbint bi -> print_boxed_integer "sub" ppf bi
- | Pmulbint bi -> print_boxed_integer "mul" ppf bi
- | Pdivbint { size = bi; is_safe = Safe } ->
- print_boxed_integer "div" ppf bi
- | Pdivbint { size = bi; is_safe = Unsafe } ->
- print_boxed_integer "div_unsafe" ppf bi
- | Pmodbint { size = bi; is_safe = Safe } ->
- print_boxed_integer "mod" ppf bi
- | Pmodbint { size = bi; is_safe = Unsafe } ->
- print_boxed_integer "mod_unsafe" ppf bi
- | Pandbint bi -> print_boxed_integer "and" ppf bi
- | Porbint bi -> print_boxed_integer "or" ppf bi
- | Pxorbint bi -> print_boxed_integer "xor" ppf bi
- | Plslbint bi -> print_boxed_integer "lsl" ppf bi
- | Plsrbint bi -> print_boxed_integer "lsr" ppf bi
- | Pasrbint bi -> print_boxed_integer "asr" ppf bi
- | Pbintcomp(bi, Ceq) -> print_boxed_integer "==" ppf bi
- | Pbintcomp(bi, Cne) -> print_boxed_integer "!=" ppf bi
- | Pbintcomp(bi, Clt) -> print_boxed_integer "<" ppf bi
- | Pbintcomp(bi, Cgt) -> print_boxed_integer ">" ppf bi
- | Pbintcomp(bi, Cle) -> print_boxed_integer "<=" ppf bi
- | Pbintcomp(bi, Cge) -> print_boxed_integer ">=" ppf bi
- | Pbigarrayref(unsafe, _n, kind, layout) ->
- print_bigarray "get" unsafe kind ppf layout
- | Pbigarrayset(unsafe, _n, kind, layout) ->
- print_bigarray "set" unsafe kind ppf layout
- | Pbigarraydim(n) -> fprintf ppf "Bigarray.dim_%i" n
- | Pstring_load_16(unsafe) ->
- if unsafe then fprintf ppf "string.unsafe_get16"
- else fprintf ppf "string.get16"
- | Pstring_load_32(unsafe) ->
- if unsafe then fprintf ppf "string.unsafe_get32"
- else fprintf ppf "string.get32"
- | Pstring_load_64(unsafe) ->
- if unsafe then fprintf ppf "string.unsafe_get64"
- else fprintf ppf "string.get64"
- | Pbytes_load_16(unsafe) ->
- if unsafe then fprintf ppf "bytes.unsafe_get16"
- else fprintf ppf "bytes.get16"
- | Pbytes_load_32(unsafe) ->
- if unsafe then fprintf ppf "bytes.unsafe_get32"
- else fprintf ppf "bytes.get32"
- | Pbytes_load_64(unsafe) ->
- if unsafe then fprintf ppf "bytes.unsafe_get64"
- else fprintf ppf "bytes.get64"
- | Pbytes_set_16(unsafe) ->
- if unsafe then fprintf ppf "bytes.unsafe_set16"
- else fprintf ppf "bytes.set16"
- | Pbytes_set_32(unsafe) ->
- if unsafe then fprintf ppf "bytes.unsafe_set32"
- else fprintf ppf "bytes.set32"
- | Pbytes_set_64(unsafe) ->
- if unsafe then fprintf ppf "bytes.unsafe_set64"
- else fprintf ppf "bytes.set64"
- | Pbigstring_load_16(unsafe) ->
- if unsafe then fprintf ppf "bigarray.array1.unsafe_get16"
- else fprintf ppf "bigarray.array1.get16"
- | Pbigstring_load_32(unsafe) ->
- if unsafe then fprintf ppf "bigarray.array1.unsafe_get32"
- else fprintf ppf "bigarray.array1.get32"
- | Pbigstring_load_64(unsafe) ->
- if unsafe then fprintf ppf "bigarray.array1.unsafe_get64"
- else fprintf ppf "bigarray.array1.get64"
- | Pbigstring_set_16(unsafe) ->
- if unsafe then fprintf ppf "bigarray.array1.unsafe_set16"
- else fprintf ppf "bigarray.array1.set16"
- | Pbigstring_set_32(unsafe) ->
- if unsafe then fprintf ppf "bigarray.array1.unsafe_set32"
- else fprintf ppf "bigarray.array1.set32"
- | Pbigstring_set_64(unsafe) ->
- if unsafe then fprintf ppf "bigarray.array1.unsafe_set64"
- else fprintf ppf "bigarray.array1.set64"
- | Pbswap16 -> fprintf ppf "bswap16"
- | Pbbswap(bi) -> print_boxed_integer "bswap" ppf bi
- | Pint_as_pointer -> fprintf ppf "int_as_pointer"
- | Popaque -> fprintf ppf "opaque"
-let name_of_primitive = function
- | Pidentity -> "Pidentity"
- | Pbytes_of_string -> "Pbytes_of_string"
- | Pbytes_to_string -> "Pbytes_to_string"
- | Pignore -> "Pignore"
- | Prevapply -> "Prevapply"
- | Pdirapply -> "Pdirapply"
- | Pgetglobal _ -> "Pgetglobal"
- | Psetglobal _ -> "Psetglobal"
- | Pmakeblock _ -> "Pmakeblock"
- | Pfield _ -> "Pfield"
- | Pfield_computed -> "Pfield_computed"
- | Psetfield _ -> "Psetfield"
- | Psetfield_computed _ -> "Psetfield_computed"
- | Pfloatfield _ -> "Pfloatfield"
- | Psetfloatfield _ -> "Psetfloatfield"
- | Pduprecord _ -> "Pduprecord"
- | Pccall _ -> "Pccall"
- | Praise _ -> "Praise"
- | Psequand -> "Psequand"
- | Psequor -> "Psequor"
- | Pnot -> "Pnot"
- | Pnegint -> "Pnegint"
- | Paddint -> "Paddint"
- | Psubint -> "Psubint"
- | Pmulint -> "Pmulint"
- | Pdivint _ -> "Pdivint"
- | Pmodint _ -> "Pmodint"
- | Pandint -> "Pandint"
- | Porint -> "Porint"
- | Pxorint -> "Pxorint"
- | Plslint -> "Plslint"
- | Plsrint -> "Plsrint"
- | Pasrint -> "Pasrint"
- | Pintcomp _ -> "Pintcomp"
- | Poffsetint _ -> "Poffsetint"
- | Poffsetref _ -> "Poffsetref"
- | Pintoffloat -> "Pintoffloat"
- | Pfloatofint -> "Pfloatofint"
- | Pnegfloat -> "Pnegfloat"
- | Pabsfloat -> "Pabsfloat"
- | Paddfloat -> "Paddfloat"
- | Psubfloat -> "Psubfloat"
- | Pmulfloat -> "Pmulfloat"
- | Pdivfloat -> "Pdivfloat"
- | Pfloatcomp _ -> "Pfloatcomp"
- | Pstringlength -> "Pstringlength"
- | Pstringrefu -> "Pstringrefu"
- | Pstringrefs -> "Pstringrefs"
- | Pbyteslength -> "Pbyteslength"
- | Pbytesrefu -> "Pbytesrefu"
- | Pbytessetu -> "Pbytessetu"
- | Pbytesrefs -> "Pbytesrefs"
- | Pbytessets -> "Pbytessets"
- | Parraylength _ -> "Parraylength"
- | Pmakearray _ -> "Pmakearray"
- | Pduparray _ -> "Pduparray"
- | Parrayrefu _ -> "Parrayrefu"
- | Parraysetu _ -> "Parraysetu"
- | Parrayrefs _ -> "Parrayrefs"
- | Parraysets _ -> "Parraysets"
- | Pctconst _ -> "Pctconst"
- | Pisint -> "Pisint"
- | Pisout -> "Pisout"
- | Pbintofint _ -> "Pbintofint"
- | Pintofbint _ -> "Pintofbint"
- | Pcvtbint _ -> "Pcvtbint"
- | Pnegbint _ -> "Pnegbint"
- | Paddbint _ -> "Paddbint"
- | Psubbint _ -> "Psubbint"
- | Pmulbint _ -> "Pmulbint"
- | Pdivbint _ -> "Pdivbint"
- | Pmodbint _ -> "Pmodbint"
- | Pandbint _ -> "Pandbint"
- | Porbint _ -> "Porbint"
- | Pxorbint _ -> "Pxorbint"
- | Plslbint _ -> "Plslbint"
- | Plsrbint _ -> "Plsrbint"
- | Pasrbint _ -> "Pasrbint"
- | Pbintcomp _ -> "Pbintcomp"
- | Pbigarrayref _ -> "Pbigarrayref"
- | Pbigarrayset _ -> "Pbigarrayset"
- | Pbigarraydim _ -> "Pbigarraydim"
- | Pstring_load_16 _ -> "Pstring_load_16"
- | Pstring_load_32 _ -> "Pstring_load_32"
- | Pstring_load_64 _ -> "Pstring_load_64"
- | Pbytes_load_16 _ -> "Pbytes_load_16"
- | Pbytes_load_32 _ -> "Pbytes_load_32"
- | Pbytes_load_64 _ -> "Pbytes_load_64"
- | Pbytes_set_16 _ -> "Pbytes_set_16"
- | Pbytes_set_32 _ -> "Pbytes_set_32"
- | Pbytes_set_64 _ -> "Pbytes_set_64"
- | Pbigstring_load_16 _ -> "Pbigstring_load_16"
- | Pbigstring_load_32 _ -> "Pbigstring_load_32"
- | Pbigstring_load_64 _ -> "Pbigstring_load_64"
- | Pbigstring_set_16 _ -> "Pbigstring_set_16"
- | Pbigstring_set_32 _ -> "Pbigstring_set_32"
- | Pbigstring_set_64 _ -> "Pbigstring_set_64"
- | Pbswap16 -> "Pbswap16"
- | Pbbswap _ -> "Pbbswap"
- | Pint_as_pointer -> "Pint_as_pointer"
- | Popaque -> "Popaque"
-let function_attribute ppf { inline; specialise; local; is_a_functor; stub } =
- if is_a_functor then
- fprintf ppf "is_a_functor@ ";
- if stub then
- fprintf ppf "stub@ ";
- begin match inline with
- | Default_inline -> ()
- | Always_inline -> fprintf ppf "always_inline@ "
- | Never_inline -> fprintf ppf "never_inline@ "
- | Unroll i -> fprintf ppf "unroll(%i)@ " i
- end;
- begin match specialise with
- | Default_specialise -> ()
- | Always_specialise -> fprintf ppf "always_specialise@ "
- | Never_specialise -> fprintf ppf "never_specialise@ "
- end;
- begin match local with
- | Default_local -> ()
- | Always_local -> fprintf ppf "always_local@ "
- | Never_local -> fprintf ppf "never_local@ "
- end
-let apply_tailcall_attribute ppf tailcall =
- if tailcall then
- fprintf ppf " @@tailcall"
-let apply_inlined_attribute ppf = function
- | Default_inline -> ()
- | Always_inline -> fprintf ppf " always_inline"
- | Never_inline -> fprintf ppf " never_inline"
- | Unroll i -> fprintf ppf " never_inline(%i)" i
-let apply_specialised_attribute ppf = function
- | Default_specialise -> ()
- | Always_specialise -> fprintf ppf " always_specialise"
- | Never_specialise -> fprintf ppf " never_specialise"
-let rec lam ppf = function
- | Lvar id ->
- Ident.print ppf id
- | Lconst cst ->
- struct_const ppf cst
- | Lapply ap ->
- let lams ppf largs =
- List.iter (fun l -> fprintf ppf "@ %a" lam l) largs in
- fprintf ppf "@[<2>(apply@ %a%a%a%a%a)@]" lam ap.ap_func lams ap.ap_args
- apply_tailcall_attribute ap.ap_should_be_tailcall
- apply_inlined_attribute ap.ap_inlined
- apply_specialised_attribute ap.ap_specialised
- | Lfunction{kind; params; return; body; attr} ->
- let pr_params ppf params =
- match kind with
- | Curried ->
- List.iter (fun (param, k) ->
- fprintf ppf "@ %a%a" Ident.print param value_kind k) params
- | Tupled ->
- fprintf ppf " (";
- let first = ref true in
- List.iter
- (fun (param, k) ->
- if !first then first := false else fprintf ppf ",@ ";
- Ident.print ppf param;
- value_kind ppf k)
- params;
- fprintf ppf ")" in
- fprintf ppf "@[<2>(function%a@ %a%a%a)@]" pr_params params
- function_attribute attr return_kind return lam body
- | Llet(str, k, id, arg, body) ->
- let kind = function
- Alias -> "a" | Strict -> "" | StrictOpt -> "o" | Variable -> "v"
- in
- let rec letbody = function
- | Llet(str, k, id, arg, body) ->
- fprintf ppf "@ @[<2>%a =%s%a@ %a@]"
- Ident.print id (kind str) value_kind k lam arg;
- letbody body
- | expr -> expr in
- fprintf ppf "@[<2>(let@ @[<hv 1>(@[<2>%a =%s%a@ %a@]"
- Ident.print id (kind str) value_kind k lam arg;
- let expr = letbody body in
- fprintf ppf ")@]@ %a)@]" lam expr
- | Lletrec(id_arg_list, body) ->
- let bindings ppf id_arg_list =
- let spc = ref false in
- List.iter
- (fun (id, l) ->
- if !spc then fprintf ppf "@ " else spc := true;
- fprintf ppf "@[<2>%a@ %a@]" Ident.print id lam l)
- id_arg_list in
- fprintf ppf
- "@[<2>(letrec@ (@[<hv 1>%a@])@ %a)@]" bindings id_arg_list lam body
- | Lprim(prim, largs, _) ->
- let lams ppf largs =
- List.iter (fun l -> fprintf ppf "@ %a" lam l) largs in
- fprintf ppf "@[<2>(%a%a)@]" primitive prim lams largs
- | Lswitch(larg, sw, _loc) ->
- let switch ppf sw =
- let spc = ref false in
- List.iter
- (fun (n, l) ->
- if !spc then fprintf ppf "@ " else spc := true;
- fprintf ppf "@[<hv 1>case int %i:@ %a@]" n lam l)
- sw.sw_consts;
- List.iter
- (fun (n, l) ->
- if !spc then fprintf ppf "@ " else spc := true;
- fprintf ppf "@[<hv 1>case tag %i:@ %a@]" n lam l)
- sw.sw_blocks ;
- begin match sw.sw_failaction with
- | None -> ()
- | Some l ->
- if !spc then fprintf ppf "@ " else spc := true;
- fprintf ppf "@[<hv 1>default:@ %a@]" lam l
- end in
- fprintf ppf
- "@[<1>(%s %a@ @[<v 0>%a@])@]"
- (match sw.sw_failaction with None -> "switch*" | _ -> "switch")
- lam larg switch sw
- | Lstringswitch(arg, cases, default, _) ->
- let switch ppf cases =
- let spc = ref false in
- List.iter
- (fun (s, l) ->
- if !spc then fprintf ppf "@ " else spc := true;
- fprintf ppf "@[<hv 1>case \"%s\":@ %a@]" (String.escaped s) lam l)
- cases;
- begin match default with
- | Some default ->
- if !spc then fprintf ppf "@ " else spc := true;
- fprintf ppf "@[<hv 1>default:@ %a@]" lam default
- | None -> ()
- end in
- fprintf ppf
- "@[<1>(stringswitch %a@ @[<v 0>%a@])@]" lam arg switch cases
- | Lstaticraise (i, ls) ->
- let lams ppf largs =
- List.iter (fun l -> fprintf ppf "@ %a" lam l) largs in
- fprintf ppf "@[<2>(exit@ %d%a)@]" i lams ls;
- | Lstaticcatch(lbody, (i, vars), lhandler) ->
- fprintf ppf "@[<2>(catch@ %a@;<1 -1>with (%d%a)@ %a)@]"
- lam lbody i
- (fun ppf vars ->
- List.iter
- (fun (x, k) -> fprintf ppf " %a%a" Ident.print x value_kind k)
- vars
- )
- vars
- lam lhandler
- | Ltrywith(lbody, param, lhandler) ->
- fprintf ppf "@[<2>(try@ %a@;<1 -1>with %a@ %a)@]"
- lam lbody Ident.print param lam lhandler
- | Lifthenelse(lcond, lif, lelse) ->
- fprintf ppf "@[<2>(if@ %a@ %a@ %a)@]" lam lcond lam lif lam lelse
- | Lsequence(l1, l2) ->
- fprintf ppf "@[<2>(seq@ %a@ %a)@]" lam l1 sequence l2
- | Lwhile(lcond, lbody) ->
- fprintf ppf "@[<2>(while@ %a@ %a)@]" lam lcond lam lbody
- | Lfor(param, lo, hi, dir, body) ->
- fprintf ppf "@[<2>(for %a@ %a@ %s@ %a@ %a)@]"
- Ident.print param lam lo
- (match dir with Upto -> "to" | Downto -> "downto")
- lam hi lam body
- | Lassign(id, expr) ->
- fprintf ppf "@[<2>(assign@ %a@ %a)@]" Ident.print id lam expr
- | Lsend (k, met, obj, largs, _) ->
- let args ppf largs =
- List.iter (fun l -> fprintf ppf "@ %a" lam l) largs in
- let kind =
- if k = Self then "self" else if k = Cached then "cache" else "" in
- fprintf ppf "@[<2>(send%s@ %a@ %a%a)@]" kind lam obj lam met args largs
- | Levent(expr, ev) ->
- let kind =
- match ev.lev_kind with
- | Lev_before -> "before"
- | Lev_after _ -> "after"
- | Lev_function -> "funct-body"
- | Lev_pseudo -> "pseudo"
- | Lev_module_definition ident ->
- Format.asprintf "module-defn(%a)" Ident.print ident
- in
- fprintf ppf "@[<2>(%s %s(%i)%s:%i-%i@ %a)@]" kind
- ev.lev_loc.Location.loc_start.Lexing.pos_fname
- ev.lev_loc.Location.loc_start.Lexing.pos_lnum
- (if ev.lev_loc.Location.loc_ghost then "<ghost>" else "")
- ev.lev_loc.Location.loc_start.Lexing.pos_cnum
- ev.lev_loc.Location.loc_end.Lexing.pos_cnum
- lam expr
- | Lifused(id, expr) ->
- fprintf ppf "@[<2>(ifused@ %a@ %a)@]" Ident.print id lam expr
-and sequence ppf = function
- | Lsequence(l1, l2) ->
- fprintf ppf "%a@ %a" sequence l1 sequence l2
- | l ->
- lam ppf l
-let structured_constant = struct_const
-let lambda = lam
-let program ppf { code } = lambda ppf code
diff --git a/bytecomp/printlambda.mli b/bytecomp/printlambda.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index 7dab5229ac..0000000000
--- a/bytecomp/printlambda.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-(* *)
-(* OCaml *)
-(* *)
-(* Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
-(* *)
-(* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
-(* en Automatique. *)
-(* *)
-(* All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the terms of *)
-(* the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the *)
-(* special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE. *)
-(* *)
-open Lambda
-open Format
-val integer_comparison: formatter -> integer_comparison -> unit
-val float_comparison: formatter -> float_comparison -> unit
-val structured_constant: formatter -> structured_constant -> unit
-val lambda: formatter -> lambda -> unit
-val program: formatter -> program -> unit
-val primitive: formatter -> primitive -> unit
-val name_of_primitive : primitive -> string
-val value_kind : formatter -> value_kind -> unit
-val block_shape : formatter -> value_kind list option -> unit
-val record_rep : formatter -> Types.record_representation -> unit
-val print_bigarray :
- string -> bool -> Lambda.bigarray_kind -> formatter ->
- Lambda.bigarray_layout -> unit
diff --git a/bytecomp/runtimedef.mli b/bytecomp/runtimedef.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index 3baabb643b..0000000000
--- a/bytecomp/runtimedef.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-(* *)
-(* OCaml *)
-(* *)
-(* Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
-(* *)
-(* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
-(* en Automatique. *)
-(* *)
-(* All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the terms of *)
-(* the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the *)
-(* special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE. *)
-(* *)
-(* Values and functions known and/or provided by the runtime system *)
-val builtin_exceptions: string array
-val builtin_primitives: string array
diff --git a/bytecomp/ b/bytecomp/
deleted file mode 100644
index d57171e8b1..0000000000
--- a/bytecomp/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,854 +0,0 @@
-(* *)
-(* OCaml *)
-(* *)
-(* Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
-(* *)
-(* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
-(* en Automatique. *)
-(* *)
-(* All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the terms of *)
-(* the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the *)
-(* special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE. *)
-(* *)
-(* Elimination of useless Llet(Alias) bindings.
- Also transform let-bound references into variables. *)
-open Asttypes
-open Lambda
-(* To transform let-bound references into variables *)
-exception Real_reference
-let rec eliminate_ref id = function
- Lvar v as lam ->
- if Ident.same v id then raise Real_reference else lam
- | Lconst _ as lam -> lam
- | Lapply ap ->
- Lapply{ap with ap_func = eliminate_ref id ap.ap_func;
- ap_args = (eliminate_ref id) ap.ap_args}
- | Lfunction _ as lam ->
- if Ident.Set.mem id (free_variables lam)
- then raise Real_reference
- else lam
- | Llet(str, kind, v, e1, e2) ->
- Llet(str, kind, v, eliminate_ref id e1, eliminate_ref id e2)
- | Lletrec(idel, e2) ->
- Lletrec( (fun (v, e) -> (v, eliminate_ref id e)) idel,
- eliminate_ref id e2)
- | Lprim(Pfield 0, [Lvar v], _) when Ident.same v id ->
- Lvar id
- | Lprim(Psetfield(0, _, _), [Lvar v; e], _) when Ident.same v id ->
- Lassign(id, eliminate_ref id e)
- | Lprim(Poffsetref delta, [Lvar v], loc) when Ident.same v id ->
- Lassign(id, Lprim(Poffsetint delta, [Lvar id], loc))
- | Lprim(p, el, loc) ->
- Lprim(p, (eliminate_ref id) el, loc)
- | Lswitch(e, sw, loc) ->
- Lswitch(eliminate_ref id e,
- {sw_numconsts = sw.sw_numconsts;
- sw_consts =
- (fun (n, e) -> (n, eliminate_ref id e)) sw.sw_consts;
- sw_numblocks = sw.sw_numblocks;
- sw_blocks =
- (fun (n, e) -> (n, eliminate_ref id e)) sw.sw_blocks;
- sw_failaction =
- Misc.may_map (eliminate_ref id) sw.sw_failaction; },
- loc)
- | Lstringswitch(e, sw, default, loc) ->
- Lstringswitch
- (eliminate_ref id e,
- (fun (s, e) -> (s, eliminate_ref id e)) sw,
- Misc.may_map (eliminate_ref id) default, loc)
- | Lstaticraise (i,args) ->
- Lstaticraise (i, (eliminate_ref id) args)
- | Lstaticcatch(e1, i, e2) ->
- Lstaticcatch(eliminate_ref id e1, i, eliminate_ref id e2)
- | Ltrywith(e1, v, e2) ->
- Ltrywith(eliminate_ref id e1, v, eliminate_ref id e2)
- | Lifthenelse(e1, e2, e3) ->
- Lifthenelse(eliminate_ref id e1,
- eliminate_ref id e2,
- eliminate_ref id e3)
- | Lsequence(e1, e2) ->
- Lsequence(eliminate_ref id e1, eliminate_ref id e2)
- | Lwhile(e1, e2) ->
- Lwhile(eliminate_ref id e1, eliminate_ref id e2)
- | Lfor(v, e1, e2, dir, e3) ->
- Lfor(v, eliminate_ref id e1, eliminate_ref id e2,
- dir, eliminate_ref id e3)
- | Lassign(v, e) ->
- Lassign(v, eliminate_ref id e)
- | Lsend(k, m, o, el, loc) ->
- Lsend(k, eliminate_ref id m, eliminate_ref id o,
- (eliminate_ref id) el, loc)
- | Levent(l, ev) ->
- Levent(eliminate_ref id l, ev)
- | Lifused(v, e) ->
- Lifused(v, eliminate_ref id e)
-(* Simplification of exits *)
-type exit = {
- mutable count: int;
- mutable max_depth: int;
-let simplify_exits lam =
- (* Count occurrences of (exit n ...) statements *)
- let exits = Hashtbl.create 17 in
- let try_depth = ref 0 in
- let get_exit i =
- try Hashtbl.find exits i
- with Not_found -> {count = 0; max_depth = 0}
- and incr_exit i nb d =
- match Hashtbl.find_opt exits i with
- | Some r ->
- r.count <- r.count + nb;
- r.max_depth <- max r.max_depth d
- | None ->
- let r = {count = nb; max_depth = d} in
- Hashtbl.add exits i r
- in
- let rec count = function
- | (Lvar _| Lconst _) -> ()
- | Lapply ap -> count ap.ap_func; List.iter count ap.ap_args
- | Lfunction {body} -> count body
- | Llet(_str, _kind, _v, l1, l2) ->
- count l2; count l1
- | Lletrec(bindings, body) ->
- List.iter (fun (_v, l) -> count l) bindings;
- count body
- | Lprim(_p, ll, _) -> List.iter count ll
- | Lswitch(l, sw, _loc) ->
- count_default sw ;
- count l;
- List.iter (fun (_, l) -> count l) sw.sw_consts;
- List.iter (fun (_, l) -> count l) sw.sw_blocks
- | Lstringswitch(l, sw, d, _) ->
- count l;
- List.iter (fun (_, l) -> count l) sw;
- begin match d with
- | None -> ()
- | Some d -> match sw with
- | []|[_] -> count d
- | _ -> count d; count d (* default will get replicated *)
- end
- | Lstaticraise (i,ls) -> incr_exit i 1 !try_depth; List.iter count ls
- | Lstaticcatch (l1,(i,[]),Lstaticraise (j,[])) ->
- (* i will be replaced by j in l1, so each occurrence of i in l1
- increases j's ref count *)
- count l1 ;
- let ic = get_exit i in
- incr_exit j ic.count (max !try_depth ic.max_depth)
- | Lstaticcatch(l1, (i,_), l2) ->
- count l1;
- (* If l1 does not contain (exit i),
- l2 will be removed, so don't count its exits *)
- if (get_exit i).count > 0 then
- count l2
- | Ltrywith(l1, _v, l2) -> incr try_depth; count l1; decr try_depth; count l2
- | Lifthenelse(l1, l2, l3) -> count l1; count l2; count l3
- | Lsequence(l1, l2) -> count l1; count l2
- | Lwhile(l1, l2) -> count l1; count l2
- | Lfor(_, l1, l2, _dir, l3) -> count l1; count l2; count l3
- | Lassign(_v, l) -> count l
- | Lsend(_k, m, o, ll, _) -> List.iter count (m::o::ll)
- | Levent(l, _) -> count l
- | Lifused(_v, l) -> count l
- and count_default sw = match sw.sw_failaction with
- | None -> ()
- | Some al ->
- let nconsts = List.length sw.sw_consts
- and nblocks = List.length sw.sw_blocks in
- if
- nconsts < sw.sw_numconsts && nblocks < sw.sw_numblocks
- then begin (* default action will occur twice in native code *)
- count al ; count al
- end else begin (* default action will occur once *)
- assert (nconsts < sw.sw_numconsts || nblocks < sw.sw_numblocks) ;
- count al
- end
- in
- count lam;
- assert(!try_depth = 0);
- (*
- Second pass simplify ``catch body with (i ...) handler''
- - if (exit i ...) does not occur in body, suppress catch
- - if (exit i ...) occurs exactly once in body,
- substitute it with handler
- - If handler is a single variable, replace (exit i ..) with it
- Note:
- In ``catch body with (i x1 .. xn) handler''
- Substituted expression is
- let y1 = x1 and ... yn = xn in
- handler[x1 <- y1 ; ... ; xn <- yn]
- For the sake of preserving the uniqueness of bound variables.
- (No alpha conversion of ``handler'' is presently needed, since
- substitution of several ``(exit i ...)''
- occurs only when ``handler'' is a variable.)
- *)
- let subst = Hashtbl.create 17 in
- let rec simplif = function
- | (Lvar _|Lconst _) as l -> l
- | Lapply ap ->
- Lapply{ap with ap_func = simplif ap.ap_func;
- ap_args = simplif ap.ap_args}
- | Lfunction{kind; params; return; body = l; attr; loc} ->
- Lfunction{kind; params; return; body = simplif l; attr; loc}
- | Llet(str, kind, v, l1, l2) -> Llet(str, kind, v, simplif l1, simplif l2)
- | Lletrec(bindings, body) ->
- Lletrec( (fun (v, l) -> (v, simplif l)) bindings, simplif body)
- | Lprim(p, ll, loc) -> begin
- let ll = simplif ll in
- match p, ll with
- (* Simplify %revapply, for n-ary functions with n > 1 *)
- | Prevapply, [x; Lapply ap]
- | Prevapply, [x; Levent (Lapply ap,_)] ->
- Lapply {ap with ap_args = ap.ap_args @ [x]; ap_loc = loc}
- | Prevapply, [x; f] -> Lapply {ap_should_be_tailcall=false;
- ap_loc=loc;
- ap_func=f;
- ap_args=[x];
- ap_inlined=Default_inline;
- ap_specialised=Default_specialise}
- (* Simplify %apply, for n-ary functions with n > 1 *)
- | Pdirapply, [Lapply ap; x]
- | Pdirapply, [Levent (Lapply ap,_); x] ->
- Lapply {ap with ap_args = ap.ap_args @ [x]; ap_loc = loc}
- | Pdirapply, [f; x] -> Lapply {ap_should_be_tailcall=false;
- ap_loc=loc;
- ap_func=f;
- ap_args=[x];
- ap_inlined=Default_inline;
- ap_specialised=Default_specialise}
- (* Simplify %identity *)
- | Pidentity, [e] -> e
- (* Simplify Obj.with_tag *)
- | Pccall { Primitive.prim_name = "caml_obj_with_tag"; _ },
- [Lconst (Const_base (Const_int tag));
- Lprim (Pmakeblock (_, mut, shape), fields, loc)] ->
- Lprim (Pmakeblock(tag, mut, shape), fields, loc)
- | Pccall { Primitive.prim_name = "caml_obj_with_tag"; _ },
- [Lconst (Const_base (Const_int tag));
- Lconst (Const_block (_, fields))] ->
- Lconst (Const_block (tag, fields))
- | _ -> Lprim(p, ll, loc)
- end
- | Lswitch(l, sw, loc) ->
- let new_l = simplif l
- and new_consts = (fun (n, e) -> (n, simplif e)) sw.sw_consts
- and new_blocks = (fun (n, e) -> (n, simplif e)) sw.sw_blocks
- and new_fail = Misc.may_map simplif sw.sw_failaction in
- Lswitch
- (new_l,
- {sw with sw_consts = new_consts ; sw_blocks = new_blocks;
- sw_failaction = new_fail},
- loc)
- | Lstringswitch(l,sw,d,loc) ->
- Lstringswitch
- (simplif l, (fun (s,l) -> s,simplif l) sw,
- Misc.may_map simplif d,loc)
- | Lstaticraise (i,[]) as l ->
- begin try
- let _,handler = Hashtbl.find subst i in
- handler
- with
- | Not_found -> l
- end
- | Lstaticraise (i,ls) ->
- let ls = simplif ls in
- begin try
- let xs,handler = Hashtbl.find subst i in
- let ys = (fun (x, k) -> Ident.rename x, k) xs in
- let env =
- List.fold_right2
- (fun (x, _) (y, _) env -> Ident.Map.add x y env)
- xs ys Ident.Map.empty
- in
- List.fold_right2
- (fun (y, kind) l r -> Llet (Strict, kind, y, l, r))
- ys ls (Lambda.rename env handler)
- with
- | Not_found -> Lstaticraise (i,ls)
- end
- | Lstaticcatch (l1,(i,[]),(Lstaticraise (_j,[]) as l2)) ->
- Hashtbl.add subst i ([],simplif l2) ;
- simplif l1
- | Lstaticcatch (l1,(i,xs),l2) ->
- let {count; max_depth} = get_exit i in
- if count = 0 then
- (* Discard staticcatch: not matching exit *)
- simplif l1
- else if count = 1 && max_depth <= !try_depth then begin
- (* Inline handler if there is a single occurrence and it is not
- nested within an inner try..with *)
- assert(max_depth = !try_depth);
- Hashtbl.add subst i (xs,simplif l2);
- simplif l1
- end else
- Lstaticcatch (simplif l1, (i,xs), simplif l2)
- | Ltrywith(l1, v, l2) ->
- incr try_depth;
- let l1 = simplif l1 in
- decr try_depth;
- Ltrywith(l1, v, simplif l2)
- | Lifthenelse(l1, l2, l3) -> Lifthenelse(simplif l1, simplif l2, simplif l3)
- | Lsequence(l1, l2) -> Lsequence(simplif l1, simplif l2)
- | Lwhile(l1, l2) -> Lwhile(simplif l1, simplif l2)
- | Lfor(v, l1, l2, dir, l3) ->
- Lfor(v, simplif l1, simplif l2, dir, simplif l3)
- | Lassign(v, l) -> Lassign(v, simplif l)
- | Lsend(k, m, o, ll, loc) ->
- Lsend(k, simplif m, simplif o, simplif ll, loc)
- | Levent(l, ev) -> Levent(simplif l, ev)
- | Lifused(v, l) -> Lifused (v,simplif l)
- in
- simplif lam
-(* Compile-time beta-reduction of functions immediately applied:
- Lapply(Lfunction(Curried, params, body), args, loc) ->
- let paramN = argN in ... let param1 = arg1 in body
- Lapply(Lfunction(Tupled, params, body), [Lprim(Pmakeblock(args))], loc) ->
- let paramN = argN in ... let param1 = arg1 in body
- Assumes |args| = |params|.
-let beta_reduce params body args =
- List.fold_left2 (fun l (param, kind) arg -> Llet(Strict, kind, param, arg, l))
- body params args
-(* Simplification of lets *)
-let simplify_lets lam =
- (* Disable optimisations for bytecode compilation with -g flag *)
- let optimize = !Clflags.native_code || not !Clflags.debug in
- (* First pass: count the occurrences of all let-bound identifiers *)
- let occ = (Hashtbl.create 83: (Ident.t, int ref) Hashtbl.t) in
- (* The global table [occ] associates to each let-bound identifier
- the number of its uses (as a reference):
- - 0 if never used
- - 1 if used exactly once in and not under a lambda or within a loop
- - > 1 if used several times or under a lambda or within a loop.
- The local table [bv] associates to each locally-let-bound variable
- its reference count, as above. [bv] is enriched at let bindings
- but emptied when crossing lambdas and loops. *)
- (* Current use count of a variable. *)
- let count_var v =
- try
- !(Hashtbl.find occ v)
- with Not_found ->
- 0
- (* Entering a [let]. Returns updated [bv]. *)
- and bind_var bv v =
- let r = ref 0 in
- Hashtbl.add occ v r;
- Ident.Map.add v r bv
- (* Record a use of a variable *)
- and use_var bv v n =
- try
- let r = Ident.Map.find v bv in r := !r + n
- with Not_found ->
- (* v is not locally bound, therefore this is a use under a lambda
- or within a loop. Increase use count by 2 -- enough so
- that single-use optimizations will not apply. *)
- try
- let r = Hashtbl.find occ v in r := !r + 2
- with Not_found ->
- (* Not a let-bound variable, ignore *)
- () in
- let rec count bv = function
- | Lconst _ -> ()
- | Lvar v ->
- use_var bv v 1
- | Lapply{ap_func = Lfunction{kind = Curried; params; body}; ap_args = args}
- when optimize && List.length params = List.length args ->
- count bv (beta_reduce params body args)
- | Lapply{ap_func = Lfunction{kind = Tupled; params; body};
- ap_args = [Lprim(Pmakeblock _, args, _)]}
- when optimize && List.length params = List.length args ->
- count bv (beta_reduce params body args)
- | Lapply{ap_func = l1; ap_args = ll} ->
- count bv l1; List.iter (count bv) ll
- | Lfunction {body} ->
- count Ident.Map.empty body
- | Llet(_str, _k, v, Lvar w, l2) when optimize ->
- (* v will be replaced by w in l2, so each occurrence of v in l2
- increases w's refcount *)
- count (bind_var bv v) l2;
- use_var bv w (count_var v)
- | Llet(str, _kind, v, l1, l2) ->
- count (bind_var bv v) l2;
- (* If v is unused, l1 will be removed, so don't count its variables *)
- if str = Strict || count_var v > 0 then count bv l1
- | Lletrec(bindings, body) ->
- List.iter (fun (_v, l) -> count bv l) bindings;
- count bv body
- | Lprim(_p, ll, _) -> List.iter (count bv) ll
- | Lswitch(l, sw, _loc) ->
- count_default bv sw ;
- count bv l;
- List.iter (fun (_, l) -> count bv l) sw.sw_consts;
- List.iter (fun (_, l) -> count bv l) sw.sw_blocks
- | Lstringswitch(l, sw, d, _) ->
- count bv l ;
- List.iter (fun (_, l) -> count bv l) sw ;
- begin match d with
- | Some d ->
- begin match sw with
- | []|[_] -> count bv d
- | _ -> count bv d ; count bv d
- end
- | None -> ()
- end
- | Lstaticraise (_i,ls) -> List.iter (count bv) ls
- | Lstaticcatch(l1, _, l2) -> count bv l1; count bv l2
- | Ltrywith(l1, _v, l2) -> count bv l1; count bv l2
- | Lifthenelse(l1, l2, l3) -> count bv l1; count bv l2; count bv l3
- | Lsequence(l1, l2) -> count bv l1; count bv l2
- | Lwhile(l1, l2) -> count Ident.Map.empty l1; count Ident.Map.empty l2
- | Lfor(_, l1, l2, _dir, l3) ->
- count bv l1; count bv l2; count Ident.Map.empty l3
- | Lassign(_v, l) ->
- (* Lalias-bound variables are never assigned, so don't increase
- v's refcount *)
- count bv l
- | Lsend(_, m, o, ll, _) -> List.iter (count bv) (m::o::ll)
- | Levent(l, _) -> count bv l
- | Lifused(v, l) ->
- if count_var v > 0 then count bv l
- and count_default bv sw = match sw.sw_failaction with
- | None -> ()
- | Some al ->
- let nconsts = List.length sw.sw_consts
- and nblocks = List.length sw.sw_blocks in
- if
- nconsts < sw.sw_numconsts && nblocks < sw.sw_numblocks
- then begin (* default action will occur twice in native code *)
- count bv al ; count bv al
- end else begin (* default action will occur once *)
- assert (nconsts < sw.sw_numconsts || nblocks < sw.sw_numblocks) ;
- count bv al
- end
- in
- count Ident.Map.empty lam;
- (* Second pass: remove Lalias bindings of unused variables,
- and substitute the bindings of variables used exactly once. *)
- let subst = Hashtbl.create 83 in
-(* This (small) optimisation is always legal, it may uncover some
- tail call later on. *)
- let mklet str kind v e1 e2 = match e2 with
- | Lvar w when optimize && Ident.same v w -> e1
- | _ -> Llet (str, kind,v,e1,e2) in
- let rec simplif = function
- Lvar v as l ->
- begin try
- Hashtbl.find subst v
- with Not_found ->
- l
- end
- | Lconst _ as l -> l
- | Lapply{ap_func = Lfunction{kind = Curried; params; body}; ap_args = args}
- when optimize && List.length params = List.length args ->
- simplif (beta_reduce params body args)
- | Lapply{ap_func = Lfunction{kind = Tupled; params; body};
- ap_args = [Lprim(Pmakeblock _, args, _)]}
- when optimize && List.length params = List.length args ->
- simplif (beta_reduce params body args)
- | Lapply ap -> Lapply {ap with ap_func = simplif ap.ap_func;
- ap_args = simplif ap.ap_args}
- | Lfunction{kind; params; return=return1; body = l; attr; loc} ->
- begin match simplif l with
- Lfunction{kind=Curried; params=params'; return=return2; body; attr; loc}
- when kind = Curried && optimize ->
- (* The return type is the type of the value returned after
- applying all the parameters to the function. The return
- type of the merged function taking [params @ params'] as
- parameters is the type returned after applying [params']. *)
- let return = return2 in
- Lfunction{kind; params = params @ params'; return; body; attr; loc}
- | body ->
- Lfunction{kind; params; return = return1; body; attr; loc}
- end
- | Llet(_str, _k, v, Lvar w, l2) when optimize ->
- Hashtbl.add subst v (simplif (Lvar w));
- simplif l2
- | Llet(Strict, kind, v,
- Lprim(Pmakeblock(0, Mutable, kind_ref) as prim, [linit], loc), lbody)
- when optimize ->
- let slinit = simplif linit in
- let slbody = simplif lbody in
- begin try
- let kind = match kind_ref with
- | None -> Pgenval
- | Some [field_kind] -> field_kind
- | Some _ -> assert false
- in
- mklet Variable kind v slinit (eliminate_ref v slbody)
- with Real_reference ->
- mklet Strict kind v (Lprim(prim, [slinit], loc)) slbody
- end
- | Llet(Alias, kind, v, l1, l2) ->
- begin match count_var v with
- 0 -> simplif l2
- | 1 when optimize -> Hashtbl.add subst v (simplif l1); simplif l2
- | _ -> Llet(Alias, kind, v, simplif l1, simplif l2)
- end
- | Llet(StrictOpt, kind, v, l1, l2) ->
- begin match count_var v with
- 0 -> simplif l2
- | _ -> mklet StrictOpt kind v (simplif l1) (simplif l2)
- end
- | Llet(str, kind, v, l1, l2) -> mklet str kind v (simplif l1) (simplif l2)
- | Lletrec(bindings, body) ->
- Lletrec( (fun (v, l) -> (v, simplif l)) bindings, simplif body)
- | Lprim(p, ll, loc) -> Lprim(p, simplif ll, loc)
- | Lswitch(l, sw, loc) ->
- let new_l = simplif l
- and new_consts = (fun (n, e) -> (n, simplif e)) sw.sw_consts
- and new_blocks = (fun (n, e) -> (n, simplif e)) sw.sw_blocks
- and new_fail = Misc.may_map simplif sw.sw_failaction in
- Lswitch
- (new_l,
- {sw with sw_consts = new_consts ; sw_blocks = new_blocks;
- sw_failaction = new_fail},
- loc)
- | Lstringswitch (l,sw,d,loc) ->
- Lstringswitch
- (simplif l, (fun (s,l) -> s,simplif l) sw,
- Misc.may_map simplif d,loc)
- | Lstaticraise (i,ls) ->
- Lstaticraise (i, simplif ls)
- | Lstaticcatch(l1, (i,args), l2) ->
- Lstaticcatch (simplif l1, (i,args), simplif l2)
- | Ltrywith(l1, v, l2) -> Ltrywith(simplif l1, v, simplif l2)
- | Lifthenelse(l1, l2, l3) -> Lifthenelse(simplif l1, simplif l2, simplif l3)
- | Lsequence(Lifused(v, l1), l2) ->
- if count_var v > 0
- then Lsequence(simplif l1, simplif l2)
- else simplif l2
- | Lsequence(l1, l2) -> Lsequence(simplif l1, simplif l2)
- | Lwhile(l1, l2) -> Lwhile(simplif l1, simplif l2)
- | Lfor(v, l1, l2, dir, l3) ->
- Lfor(v, simplif l1, simplif l2, dir, simplif l3)
- | Lassign(v, l) -> Lassign(v, simplif l)
- | Lsend(k, m, o, ll, loc) ->
- Lsend(k, simplif m, simplif o, simplif ll, loc)
- | Levent(l, ev) -> Levent(simplif l, ev)
- | Lifused(v, l) ->
- if count_var v > 0 then simplif l else lambda_unit
- in
- simplif lam
-(* Tail call info in annotation files *)
-let is_tail_native_heuristic : (int -> bool) ref =
- ref (fun _ -> true)
-let rec emit_tail_infos is_tail lambda =
- let call_kind args =
- if is_tail
- && ((not !Clflags.native_code)
- || (!is_tail_native_heuristic (List.length args)))
- then Annot.Tail
- else Annot.Stack in
- match lambda with
- | Lvar _ -> ()
- | Lconst _ -> ()
- | Lapply ap ->
- if ap.ap_should_be_tailcall
- && not is_tail
- && Warnings.is_active Warnings.Expect_tailcall
- then Location.prerr_warning ap.ap_loc Warnings.Expect_tailcall;
- emit_tail_infos false ap.ap_func;
- list_emit_tail_infos false ap.ap_args;
- if !Clflags.annotations then
- Stypes.record (Stypes.An_call (ap.ap_loc, call_kind ap.ap_args))
- | Lfunction {body = lam} ->
- emit_tail_infos true lam
- | Llet (_str, _k, _, lam, body) ->
- emit_tail_infos false lam;
- emit_tail_infos is_tail body
- | Lletrec (bindings, body) ->
- List.iter (fun (_, lam) -> emit_tail_infos false lam) bindings;
- emit_tail_infos is_tail body
- | Lprim (Pidentity, [arg], _) ->
- emit_tail_infos is_tail arg
- | Lprim ((Pbytes_to_string | Pbytes_of_string), [arg], _) ->
- emit_tail_infos is_tail arg
- | Lprim (Psequand, [arg1; arg2], _)
- | Lprim (Psequor, [arg1; arg2], _) ->
- emit_tail_infos false arg1;
- emit_tail_infos is_tail arg2
- | Lprim (_, l, _) ->
- list_emit_tail_infos false l
- | Lswitch (lam, sw, _loc) ->
- emit_tail_infos false lam;
- list_emit_tail_infos_fun snd is_tail sw.sw_consts;
- list_emit_tail_infos_fun snd is_tail sw.sw_blocks;
- Misc.may (emit_tail_infos is_tail) sw.sw_failaction
- | Lstringswitch (lam, sw, d, _) ->
- emit_tail_infos false lam;
- List.iter
- (fun (_,lam) -> emit_tail_infos is_tail lam)
- sw ;
- Misc.may (emit_tail_infos is_tail) d
- | Lstaticraise (_, l) ->
- list_emit_tail_infos false l
- | Lstaticcatch (body, _, handler) ->
- emit_tail_infos is_tail body;
- emit_tail_infos is_tail handler
- | Ltrywith (body, _, handler) ->
- emit_tail_infos false body;
- emit_tail_infos is_tail handler
- | Lifthenelse (cond, ifso, ifno) ->
- emit_tail_infos false cond;
- emit_tail_infos is_tail ifso;
- emit_tail_infos is_tail ifno
- | Lsequence (lam1, lam2) ->
- emit_tail_infos false lam1;
- emit_tail_infos is_tail lam2
- | Lwhile (cond, body) ->
- emit_tail_infos false cond;
- emit_tail_infos false body
- | Lfor (_, low, high, _, body) ->
- emit_tail_infos false low;
- emit_tail_infos false high;
- emit_tail_infos false body
- | Lassign (_, lam) ->
- emit_tail_infos false lam
- | Lsend (_, meth, obj, args, loc) ->
- emit_tail_infos false meth;
- emit_tail_infos false obj;
- list_emit_tail_infos false args;
- if !Clflags.annotations then
- Stypes.record (Stypes.An_call (loc, call_kind (obj :: args)));
- | Levent (lam, _) ->
- emit_tail_infos is_tail lam
- | Lifused (_, lam) ->
- emit_tail_infos is_tail lam
-and list_emit_tail_infos_fun f is_tail =
- List.iter (fun x -> emit_tail_infos is_tail (f x))
-and list_emit_tail_infos is_tail =
- List.iter (emit_tail_infos is_tail)
-(* Split a function with default parameters into a wrapper and an
- inner function. The wrapper fills in missing optional parameters
- with their default value and tail-calls the inner function. The
- wrapper can then hopefully be inlined on most call sites to avoid
- the overhead associated with boxing an optional argument with a
- 'Some' constructor, only to deconstruct it immediately in the
- function's body. *)
-let split_default_wrapper ~id:fun_id ~kind ~params ~return ~body ~attr ~loc =
- let rec aux map = function
- | Llet(Strict, k, id, (Lifthenelse(Lvar optparam, _, _) as def), rest) when
- optparam = "*opt*" && List.mem_assoc optparam params
- && not (List.mem_assoc optparam map)
- ->
- let wrapper_body, inner = aux ((optparam, id) :: map) rest in
- Llet(Strict, k, id, def, wrapper_body), inner
- | _ when map = [] -> raise Exit
- | body ->
- (* Check that those *opt* identifiers don't appear in the remaining
- body. This should not appear, but let's be on the safe side. *)
- let fv = Lambda.free_variables body in
- List.iter (fun (id, _) -> if Ident.Set.mem id fv then raise Exit) map;
- let inner_id = Ident.create_local ( fun_id ^ "_inner") in
- let map_param p = try List.assoc p map with Not_found -> p in
- let args = (fun (p, _) -> Lvar (map_param p)) params in
- let wrapper_body =
- Lapply {
- ap_func = Lvar inner_id;
- ap_args = args;
- ap_loc = Location.none;
- ap_should_be_tailcall = false;
- ap_inlined = Default_inline;
- ap_specialised = Default_specialise;
- }
- in
- let inner_params = map_param ( fst params) in
- let new_ids = Ident.rename inner_params in
- let subst =
- List.fold_left2 (fun s id new_id ->
- Ident.Map.add id new_id s
- ) Ident.Map.empty inner_params new_ids
- in
- let body = Lambda.rename subst body in
- let inner_fun =
- Lfunction { kind = Curried;
- params = (fun id -> id, Pgenval) new_ids;
- return; body; attr; loc; }
- in
- (wrapper_body, (inner_id, inner_fun))
- in
- try
- let body, inner = aux [] body in
- let attr = default_stub_attribute in
- [(fun_id, Lfunction{kind; params; return; body; attr; loc}); inner]
- with Exit ->
- [(fun_id, Lfunction{kind; params; return; body; attr; loc})]
-(* Simplify local let-bound functions: if all occurrences are
- fully-applied function calls in the same "tail scope", replace the
- function by a staticcatch handler (on that scope).
- This handles as a special case functions used exactly once (in any
- scope) for a full application.
-type slot =
- {
- nargs: int;
- mutable scope: lambda option;
- }
-module LamTbl = Hashtbl.Make(struct
- type t = lambda
- let equal = (==)
- let hash = Hashtbl.hash
- end)
-let simplify_local_functions lam =
- let slots = Hashtbl.create 16 in
- let static_id = Hashtbl.create 16 in (* function id -> static id *)
- let static = LamTbl.create 16 in (* scope -> static function on that scope *)
- (* We keep track of the current "tail scope", identified
- by the outermost lambda for which the the current lambda
- is in tail position. *)
- let current_scope = ref lam in
- let check_static lf =
- if lf.attr.local = Always_local then
- Location.prerr_warning lf.loc
- (Warnings.Inlining_impossible
- "This function cannot be compiled into a static continuation")
- in
- let enabled = function
- | {local = Always_local; _}
- | {local = Default_local; inline = (Never_inline | Default_inline); _}
- -> true
- | {local = Default_local; inline = (Always_inline | Unroll _); _}
- | {local = Never_local; _}
- -> false
- in
- let rec tail = function
- | Llet (_str, _kind, id, Lfunction lf, cont) when enabled lf.attr ->
- let r = {nargs=List.length lf.params; scope=None} in
- Hashtbl.add slots id r;
- tail cont;
- begin match Hashtbl.find_opt slots id with
- | Some {scope = Some scope; _} ->
- let st = next_raise_count () in
- let sc =
- (* Do not move higher than current lambda *)
- if scope == !current_scope then cont
- else scope
- in
- Hashtbl.add static_id id st;
- LamTbl.add static sc (st, lf);
- (* The body of the function will become an handler
- in that "scope". *)
- with_scope ~scope lf.body
- | _ ->
- check_static lf;
- (* note: if scope = None, the function is unused *)
- non_tail lf.body
- end
- | Lapply {ap_func = Lvar id; ap_args; _} ->
- begin match Hashtbl.find_opt slots id with
- | Some {nargs; _} when nargs <> List.length ap_args ->
- (* Wrong arity *)
- Hashtbl.remove slots id
- | Some {scope = Some scope; _} when scope != !current_scope ->
- (* Different "tail scope" *)
- Hashtbl.remove slots id
- | Some ({scope = None; _} as slot) ->
- (* First use of the function: remember the current tail scope *)
- slot.scope <- Some !current_scope
- | _ ->
- ()
- end;
- List.iter non_tail ap_args
- | Lvar id ->
- Hashtbl.remove slots id
- | Lfunction lf as lam ->
- check_static lf;
- Lambda.shallow_iter ~tail ~non_tail lam
- | lam ->
- Lambda.shallow_iter ~tail ~non_tail lam
- and non_tail lam =
- with_scope ~scope:lam lam
- and with_scope ~scope lam =
- let old_scope = !current_scope in
- current_scope := scope;
- tail lam;
- current_scope := old_scope
- in
- tail lam;
- let rec rewrite lam0 =
- let lam =
- match lam0 with
- | Llet (_, _, id, _, cont) when Hashtbl.mem static_id id ->
- rewrite cont
- | Lapply {ap_func = Lvar id; ap_args; _} when Hashtbl.mem static_id id ->
- Lstaticraise (Hashtbl.find static_id id, rewrite ap_args)
- | lam ->
- Lambda.shallow_map rewrite lam
- in
- List.fold_right
- (fun (st, lf) lam ->
- Lstaticcatch (lam, (st, lf.params), rewrite lf.body)
- )
- (LamTbl.find_all static lam0)
- lam
- in
- if LamTbl.length static = 0 then
- lam
- else
- rewrite lam
-(* The entry point:
- simplification + emission of tailcall annotations, if needed. *)
-let simplify_lambda lam =
- let lam =
- lam
- |> (if !Clflags.native_code || not !Clflags.debug
- then simplify_local_functions else
- )
- |> simplify_exits
- |> simplify_lets
- in
- if !Clflags.annotations || Warnings.is_active Warnings.Expect_tailcall
- then emit_tail_infos true lam;
- lam
diff --git a/bytecomp/simplif.mli b/bytecomp/simplif.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index d5ca210e5a..0000000000
--- a/bytecomp/simplif.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-(* *)
-(* OCaml *)
-(* *)
-(* Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
-(* *)
-(* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
-(* en Automatique. *)
-(* *)
-(* All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the terms of *)
-(* the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the *)
-(* special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE. *)
-(* *)
-(** Lambda simplification.
- {b Warning:} this module is unstable and part of
- {{!Compiler_libs}compiler-libs}.
-(* Elimination of useless Llet(Alias) bindings.
- Transformation of let-bound references into variables.
- Simplification over staticraise/staticcatch constructs.
- Generation of tail-call annotations if -annot is set. *)
-open Lambda
-val simplify_lambda: lambda -> lambda
-val split_default_wrapper
- : id:Ident.t
- -> kind:function_kind
- -> params:(Ident.t * Lambda.value_kind) list
- -> return:Lambda.value_kind
- -> body:lambda
- -> attr:function_attribute
- -> loc:Location.t
- -> (Ident.t * lambda) list
-(* To be filled by asmcomp/ *)
-val is_tail_native_heuristic: (int -> bool) ref
- (* # arguments -> can tailcall *)
diff --git a/bytecomp/ b/bytecomp/
deleted file mode 100644
index 89bfe83a07..0000000000
--- a/bytecomp/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,877 +0,0 @@
-(* *)
-(* OCaml *)
-(* *)
-(* Luc Maranget, projet Moscova, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
-(* *)
-(* Copyright 2000 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
-(* en Automatique. *)
-(* *)
-(* All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the terms of *)
-(* the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the *)
-(* special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE. *)
-(* *)
-type 'a shared = Shared of 'a | Single of 'a
-type ('a, 'ctx) t_store =
- {act_get : unit -> 'a array ;
- act_get_shared : unit -> 'a shared array ;
- act_store : 'ctx -> 'a -> int ;
- act_store_shared : 'ctx -> 'a -> int ; }
-exception Not_simple
-module type Stored = sig
- type t
- type key
- val compare_key : key -> key -> int
- val make_key : t -> key option
-module type CtxStored = sig
- include Stored
- type context
- val make_key : context -> t -> key option
-module CtxStore(A:CtxStored) = struct
- module AMap =
- Map.Make(struct type t = A.key let compare = A.compare_key end)
- type intern =
- { mutable map : (bool * int) AMap.t ;
- mutable next : int ;
- mutable acts : (bool * A.t) list; }
- let mk_store () =
- let st =
- { map = AMap.empty ;
- next = 0 ;
- acts = [] ; } in
- let add mustshare act =
- let i = in
- st.acts <- (mustshare,act) :: st.acts ;
- <- i+1 ;
- i in
- let store mustshare ctx act = match A.make_key ctx act with
- | Some key ->
- begin try
- let (shared,i) = AMap.find key in
- if not shared then <- AMap.add key (true,i) ;
- i
- with Not_found ->
- let i = add mustshare act in
- <- AMap.add key (mustshare,i) ;
- i
- end
- | None ->
- add mustshare act
- and get () = Array.of_list (List.rev_map (fun (_,act) -> act) st.acts)
- and get_shared () =
- let acts =
- Array.of_list
- (List.rev_map
- (fun (shared,act) ->
- if shared then Shared act else Single act)
- st.acts) in
- AMap.iter
- (fun _ (shared,i) ->
- if shared then match acts.(i) with
- | Single act -> acts.(i) <- Shared act
- | Shared _ -> ())
- ;
- acts in
- {act_store = store false ; act_store_shared = store true ;
- act_get = get; act_get_shared = get_shared; }
-module Store(A:Stored) = struct
- module Me =
- CtxStore
- (struct
- include A
- type context = unit
- let make_key () = A.make_key
- end)
- let mk_store = Me.mk_store
-module type S =
- type primitive
- val eqint : primitive
- val neint : primitive
- val leint : primitive
- val ltint : primitive
- val geint : primitive
- val gtint : primitive
- type act
- val bind : act -> (act -> act) -> act
- val make_const : int -> act
- val make_offset : act -> int -> act
- val make_prim : primitive -> act list -> act
- val make_isout : act -> act -> act
- val make_isin : act -> act -> act
- val make_if : act -> act -> act -> act
- val make_switch : Location.t -> act -> int array -> act array -> act
- val make_catch : act -> int * (act -> act)
- val make_exit : int -> act
-(* The module will ``produce good code for the case statement'' *)
- Adaptation of
- R.L. Berstein
- ``Producing good code for the case statement''
- Software Practice and Experience, 15(10) (1985)
- and
- D.L. Spuler
- ``Two-Way Comparison Search Trees, a Generalisation of Binary Search Trees
- and Split Trees''
- ``Compiler Code Generation for Multiway Branch Statement as
- a Static Search Problem''
- Technical Reports, James Cook University
- Main adaptation is considering interval tests
- (implemented as one addition + one unsigned test and branch)
- which leads to exhaustive search for finding the optimal
- test sequence in small cases and heuristics otherwise.
-module Make (Arg : S) =
- type 'a inter =
- {cases : (int * int * int) array ;
- actions : 'a array}
- type 'a t_ctx = {off : int ; arg : 'a}
- let cut = ref 8
- and more_cut = ref 16
-let pint chan i =
- if i = min_int then Printf.fprintf chan "-oo"
- else if i=max_int then Printf.fprintf chan "oo"
- else Printf.fprintf chan "%d" i
-let pcases chan cases =
- for i =0 to Array.length cases-1 do
- let l,h,act = cases.(i) in
- if l=h then
- Printf.fprintf chan "%d:%d " l act
- else
- Printf.fprintf chan "%a..%a:%d " pint l pint h act
- done
-let prerr_inter i = Printf.fprintf stderr
- "cases=%a" pcases i.cases
- let get_act cases i =
- let _,_,r = cases.(i) in
- r
- and get_low cases i =
- let r,_,_ = cases.(i) in
- r
- type ctests = {
- mutable n : int ;
- mutable ni : int ;
- }
- let too_much = {n=max_int ; ni=max_int}
-let ptests chan {n=n ; ni=ni} =
- Printf.fprintf chan "{n=%d ; ni=%d}" n ni
-let pta chan t =
- for i =0 to Array.length t-1 do
- Printf.fprintf chan "%d: %a\n" i ptests t.(i)
- done
- let less_tests c1 c2 =
- if c1.n < c2.n then
- true
- else if c1.n = c2.n then begin
- if < then
- true
- else
- false
- end else
- false
- and eq_tests c1 c2 = c1.n = c2.n &&
- let less2tests (c1,d1) (c2,d2) =
- if eq_tests c1 c2 then
- less_tests d1 d2
- else
- less_tests c1 c2
- let add_test t1 t2 =
- t1.n <- t1.n + t2.n ;
- <- + ;
- type t_ret = Inter of int * int | Sep of int | No
-let pret chan = function
- | Inter (i,j)-> Printf.fprintf chan "Inter %d %d" i j
- | Sep i -> Printf.fprintf chan "Sep %d" i
- | No -> Printf.fprintf chan "No"
- let coupe cases i =
- let l,_,_ = cases.(i) in
- l,
- Array.sub cases 0 i,
- Array.sub cases i (Array.length cases-i)
- let case_append c1 c2 =
- let len1 = Array.length c1
- and len2 = Array.length c2 in
- match len1,len2 with
- | 0,_ -> c2
- | _,0 -> c1
- | _,_ ->
- let l1,h1,act1 = c1.(Array.length c1-1)
- and l2,h2,act2 = c2.(0) in
- if act1 = act2 then
- let r = Array.make (len1+len2-1) c1.(0) in
- for i = 0 to len1-2 do
- r.(i) <- c1.(i)
- done ;
- let l =
- if len1-2 >= 0 then begin
- let _,h,_ = r.(len1-2) in
- if h+1 < l1 then
- h+1
- else
- l1
- end else
- l1
- and h =
- if 1 < len2-1 then begin
- let l,_,_ = c2.(1) in
- if h2+1 < l then
- l-1
- else
- h2
- end else
- h2 in
- r.(len1-1) <- (l,h,act1) ;
- for i=1 to len2-1 do
- r.(len1-1+i) <- c2.(i)
- done ;
- r
- else if h1 > l1 then
- let r = Array.make (len1+len2) c1.(0) in
- for i = 0 to len1-2 do
- r.(i) <- c1.(i)
- done ;
- r.(len1-1) <- (l1,l2-1,act1) ;
- for i=0 to len2-1 do
- r.(len1+i) <- c2.(i)
- done ;
- r
- else if h2 > l2 then
- let r = Array.make (len1+len2) c1.(0) in
- for i = 0 to len1-1 do
- r.(i) <- c1.(i)
- done ;
- r.(len1) <- (h1+1,h2,act2) ;
- for i=1 to len2-1 do
- r.(len1+i) <- c2.(i)
- done ;
- r
- else
- Array.append c1 c2
- let coupe_inter i j cases =
- let lcases = Array.length cases in
- let low,_,_ = cases.(i)
- and _,high,_ = cases.(j) in
- low,high,
- Array.sub cases i (j-i+1),
- case_append (Array.sub cases 0 i) (Array.sub cases (j+1) (lcases-(j+1)))
- type kind = Kvalue of int | Kinter of int | Kempty
-let pkind chan = function
- | Kvalue i ->Printf.fprintf chan "V%d" i
- | Kinter i -> Printf.fprintf chan "I%d" i
- | Kempty -> Printf.fprintf chan "E"
-let rec pkey chan = function
- | [] -> ()
- | [k] -> pkind chan k
- | k::rem ->
- Printf.fprintf chan "%a %a" pkey rem pkind k
- let t = Hashtbl.create 17
- let make_key cases =
- let seen = ref []
- and count = ref 0 in
- let rec got_it act = function
- | [] ->
- seen := (act,!count):: !seen ;
- let r = !count in
- incr count ;
- r
- | (act0,index) :: rem ->
- if act0 = act then
- index
- else
- got_it act rem in
- let make_one l h act =
- if l=h then
- Kvalue (got_it act !seen)
- else
- Kinter (got_it act !seen) in
- let rec make_rec i pl =
- if i < 0 then
- []
- else
- let l,h,act = cases.(i) in
- if pl = h+1 then
- make_one l h act::make_rec (i-1) l
- else
- Kempty::make_one l h act::make_rec (i-1) l in
- let l,h,act = cases.(Array.length cases-1) in
- make_one l h act::make_rec (Array.length cases-2) l
- let same_act t =
- let len = Array.length t in
- let a = get_act t (len-1) in
- let rec do_rec i =
- if i < 0 then true
- else
- let b = get_act t i in
- b=a && do_rec (i-1) in
- do_rec (len-2)
- Interval test x in [l,h] works by checking x-l in [0,h-l]
- * This may be false for arithmetic modulo 2^31
- * Subtracting l may change the relative ordering of values
- and invalid the invariant that matched values are given in
- increasing order
- To avoid this, interval check is allowed only when the
- integers indeed present in the whole case interval are
- in [-2^16 ; 2^16]
- This condition is checked by zyva
- let inter_limit = 1 lsl 16
- let ok_inter = ref false
- let rec opt_count top cases =
- let key = make_key cases in
- try
- Hashtbl.find t key
- with
- | Not_found ->
- let r =
- let lcases = Array.length cases in
- match lcases with
- | 0 -> assert false
- | _ when same_act cases -> No, ({n=0; ni=0},{n=0; ni=0})
- | _ ->
- if lcases < !cut then
- enum top cases
- else if lcases < !more_cut then
- heuristic cases
- else
- divide cases in
- Hashtbl.add t key r ;
- r
- and divide cases =
- let lcases = Array.length cases in
- let m = lcases/2 in
- let _,left,right = coupe cases m in
- let ci = {n=1 ; ni=0}
- and cm = {n=1 ; ni=0}
- and _,(cml,cleft) = opt_count false left
- and _,(cmr,cright) = opt_count false right in
- add_test ci cleft ;
- add_test ci cright ;
- if less_tests cml cmr then
- add_test cm cmr
- else
- add_test cm cml ;
- Sep m,(cm, ci)
- and heuristic cases =
- let lcases = Array.length cases in
- let sep,csep = divide cases
- and inter,cinter =
- if !ok_inter then begin
- let _,_,act0 = cases.(0)
- and _,_,act1 = cases.(lcases-1) in
- if act0 = act1 then begin
- let low, high, inside, outside = coupe_inter 1 (lcases-2) cases in
- let _,(cmi,cinside) = opt_count false inside
- and _,(cmo,coutside) = opt_count false outside
- and cmij = {n=1 ; ni=(if low=high then 0 else 1)}
- and cij = {n=1 ; ni=(if low=high then 0 else 1)} in
- add_test cij cinside ;
- add_test cij coutside ;
- if less_tests cmi cmo then
- add_test cmij cmo
- else
- add_test cmij cmi ;
- Inter (1,lcases-2),(cmij,cij)
- end else
- Inter (-1,-1),(too_much, too_much)
- end else
- Inter (-1,-1),(too_much, too_much) in
- if less2tests csep cinter then
- sep,csep
- else
- inter,cinter
- and enum top cases =
- let lcases = Array.length cases in
- let lim, with_sep =
- let best = ref (-1) and best_cost = ref (too_much,too_much) in
- for i = 1 to lcases-(1) do
- let _,left,right = coupe cases i in
- let ci = {n=1 ; ni=0}
- and cm = {n=1 ; ni=0}
- and _,(cml,cleft) = opt_count false left
- and _,(cmr,cright) = opt_count false right in
- add_test ci cleft ;
- add_test ci cright ;
- if less_tests cml cmr then
- add_test cm cmr
- else
- add_test cm cml ;
- if
- less2tests (cm,ci) !best_cost
- then begin
- if top then
- Printf.fprintf stderr "Get it: %d\n" i ;
- best := i ;
- best_cost := (cm,ci)
- end
- done ;
- !best, !best_cost in
- let ilow, ihigh, with_inter =
- if not !ok_inter then
- let rlow = ref (-1) and rhigh = ref (-1)
- and best_cost= ref (too_much,too_much) in
- for i=1 to lcases-2 do
- let low, high, inside, outside = coupe_inter i i cases in
- if low=high then begin
- let _,(cmi,cinside) = opt_count false inside
- and _,(cmo,coutside) = opt_count false outside
- and cmij = {n=1 ; ni=0}
- and cij = {n=1 ; ni=0} in
- add_test cij cinside ;
- add_test cij coutside ;
- if less_tests cmi cmo then
- add_test cmij cmo
- else
- add_test cmij cmi ;
- if less2tests (cmij,cij) !best_cost then begin
- rlow := i ;
- rhigh := i ;
- best_cost := (cmij,cij)
- end
- end
- done ;
- !rlow, !rhigh, !best_cost
- else
- let rlow = ref (-1) and rhigh = ref (-1)
- and best_cost= ref (too_much,too_much) in
- for i=1 to lcases-2 do
- for j=i to lcases-2 do
- let low, high, inside, outside = coupe_inter i j cases in
- let _,(cmi,cinside) = opt_count false inside
- and _,(cmo,coutside) = opt_count false outside
- and cmij = {n=1 ; ni=(if low=high then 0 else 1)}
- and cij = {n=1 ; ni=(if low=high then 0 else 1)} in
- add_test cij cinside ;
- add_test cij coutside ;
- if less_tests cmi cmo then
- add_test cmij cmo
- else
- add_test cmij cmi ;
- if less2tests (cmij,cij) !best_cost then begin
- rlow := i ;
- rhigh := j ;
- best_cost := (cmij,cij)
- end
- done
- done ;
- !rlow, !rhigh, !best_cost in
- let r = ref (Inter (ilow,ihigh)) and rc = ref with_inter in
- if less2tests with_sep !rc then begin
- r := Sep lim ; rc := with_sep
- end ;
- !r, !rc
- let make_if_test test arg i ifso ifnot =
- Arg.make_if
- (Arg.make_prim test [arg ; Arg.make_const i])
- ifso ifnot
- let make_if_lt arg i ifso ifnot = match i with
- | 1 ->
- make_if_test Arg.leint arg 0 ifso ifnot
- | _ ->
- make_if_test Arg.ltint arg i ifso ifnot
- and make_if_ge arg i ifso ifnot = match i with
- | 1 ->
- make_if_test Arg.gtint arg 0 ifso ifnot
- | _ ->
- make_if_test Arg.geint arg i ifso ifnot
- and make_if_eq arg i ifso ifnot =
- make_if_test Arg.eqint arg i ifso ifnot
- and make_if_ne arg i ifso ifnot =
- make_if_test Arg.neint arg i ifso ifnot
- let do_make_if_out h arg ifso ifno =
- Arg.make_if (Arg.make_isout h arg) ifso ifno
- let make_if_out ctx l d mk_ifso mk_ifno = match l with
- | 0 ->
- do_make_if_out
- (Arg.make_const d) ctx.arg (mk_ifso ctx) (mk_ifno ctx)
- | _ ->
- Arg.bind
- (Arg.make_offset ctx.arg (-l))
- (fun arg ->
- let ctx = {off= ( ; arg=arg} in
- do_make_if_out
- (Arg.make_const d) arg (mk_ifso ctx) (mk_ifno ctx))
- let do_make_if_in h arg ifso ifno =
- Arg.make_if (Arg.make_isin h arg) ifso ifno
- let make_if_in ctx l d mk_ifso mk_ifno = match l with
- | 0 ->
- do_make_if_in
- (Arg.make_const d) ctx.arg (mk_ifso ctx) (mk_ifno ctx)
- | _ ->
- Arg.bind
- (Arg.make_offset ctx.arg (-l))
- (fun arg ->
- let ctx = {off= ( ; arg=arg} in
- do_make_if_in
- (Arg.make_const d) arg (mk_ifso ctx) (mk_ifno ctx))
- let rec c_test ctx ({cases=cases ; actions=actions} as s) =
- let lcases = Array.length cases in
- assert(lcases > 0) ;
- if lcases = 1 then
- actions.(get_act cases 0) ctx
- else begin
- let w,_c = opt_count false cases in
- Printf.fprintf stderr
- "off=%d tactic=%a for %a\n"
- pret w pcases cases ;
- *)
- match w with
- | No -> actions.(get_act cases 0) ctx
- | Inter (i,j) ->
- let low,high,inside, outside = coupe_inter i j cases in
- let _,(cinside,_) = opt_count false inside
- and _,(coutside,_) = opt_count false outside in
- (* Costs are retrieved to put the code with more remaining tests
- in the privileged (positive) branch of ``if'' *)
- if low=high then begin
- if less_tests coutside cinside then
- make_if_eq
- ctx.arg
- (
- (c_test ctx {s with cases=inside})
- (c_test ctx {s with cases=outside})
- else
- make_if_ne
- ctx.arg
- (
- (c_test ctx {s with cases=outside})
- (c_test ctx {s with cases=inside})
- end else begin
- if less_tests coutside cinside then
- make_if_in
- ctx
- (
- (high-low)
- (fun ctx -> c_test ctx {s with cases=inside})
- (fun ctx -> c_test ctx {s with cases=outside})
- else
- make_if_out
- ctx
- (
- (high-low)
- (fun ctx -> c_test ctx {s with cases=outside})
- (fun ctx -> c_test ctx {s with cases=inside})
- end
- | Sep i ->
- let lim,left,right = coupe cases i in
- let _,(cleft,_) = opt_count false left
- and _,(cright,_) = opt_count false right in
- let left = {s with cases=left}
- and right = {s with cases=right} in
- if i=1 && ( && get_low cases then
- make_if_ne
- ctx.arg 0
- (c_test ctx right) (c_test ctx left)
- else if less_tests cright cleft then
- make_if_lt
- ctx.arg (
- (c_test ctx left) (c_test ctx right)
- else
- make_if_ge
- ctx.arg (
- (c_test ctx right) (c_test ctx left)
- end
- (* Minimal density of switches *)
- let theta = ref 0.33333
- (* Minimal number of tests to make a switch *)
- let switch_min = ref 3
- (* Particular case 0, 1, 2 *)
- let particular_case cases i j =
- j-i = 2 &&
- (let l1,_h1,act1 = cases.(i)
- and l2,_h2,_act2 = cases.(i+1)
- and l3,h3,act3 = cases.(i+2) in
- l1+1=l2 && l2+1=l3 && l3=h3 &&
- act1 <> act3)
- let approx_count cases i j =
- let l = j-i+1 in
- if l < !cut then
- let _,(_,{n=ntests}) = opt_count false (Array.sub cases i l) in
- ntests
- else
- l-1
- (* Sends back a boolean that says whether is switch is worth or not *)
- let dense {cases} i j =
- if i=j then true
- else
- let l,_,_ = cases.(i)
- and _,h,_ = cases.(j) in
- let ntests = approx_count cases i j in
- (ntests+1) >= theta * (h-l+1)
- particular_case cases i j ||
- (ntests >= !switch_min &&
- float_of_int ntests +. 1.0 >=
- !theta *. (float_of_int h -. float_of_int l +. 1.0))
- (* Compute clusters by dynamic programming
- Adaptation of the correction to Bernstein
- ``Correction to `Producing Good Code for the Case Statement' ''
- S.K. Kannan and T.A. Proebsting
- Software Practice and Experience Vol. 24(2) 233 (Feb 1994)
- *)
- let comp_clusters s =
- let len = Array.length s.cases in
- let min_clusters = Array.make len max_int
- and k = Array.make len 0 in
- let get_min i = if i < 0 then 0 else min_clusters.(i) in
- for i = 0 to len-1 do
- for j = 0 to i do
- if
- dense s j i &&
- get_min (j-1) + 1 < min_clusters.(i)
- then begin
- k.(i) <- j ;
- min_clusters.(i) <- get_min (j-1) + 1
- end
- done ;
- done ;
- min_clusters.(len-1),k
- (* Assume j > i *)
- let make_switch loc {cases=cases ; actions=actions} i j =
- let ll,_,_ = cases.(i)
- and _,hh,_ = cases.(j) in
- let tbl = Array.make (hh-ll+1) 0
- and t = Hashtbl.create 17
- and index = ref 0 in
- let get_index act =
- try
- Hashtbl.find t act
- with
- | Not_found ->
- let i = !index in
- incr index ;
- Hashtbl.add t act i ;
- i in
- for k=i to j do
- let l,h,act = cases.(k) in
- let index = get_index act in
- for kk=l-ll to h-ll do
- tbl.(kk) <- index
- done
- done ;
- let acts = Array.make !index actions.(0) in
- Hashtbl.iter
- (fun act i -> acts.(i) <- actions.(act))
- t ;
- (fun ctx ->
- match with
- | 0 -> Arg.make_switch loc ctx.arg tbl acts
- | _ ->
- Arg.bind
- (Arg.make_offset ctx.arg (
- (fun arg -> Arg.make_switch loc arg tbl acts))
- let make_clusters loc ({cases=cases ; actions=actions} as s) n_clusters k =
- let len = Array.length cases in
- let r = Array.make n_clusters (0,0,0)
- and t = Hashtbl.create 17
- and index = ref 0
- and bidon = ref (Array.length actions) in
- let get_index act =
- try
- let i,_ = Hashtbl.find t act in
- i
- with
- | Not_found ->
- let i = !index in
- incr index ;
- Hashtbl.add
- t act
- (i,(fun _ -> actions.(act))) ;
- i
- and add_index act =
- let i = !index in
- incr index ;
- incr bidon ;
- Hashtbl.add t !bidon (i,act) ;
- i in
- let rec zyva j ir =
- let i = k.(j) in
- begin if i=j then
- let l,h,act = cases.(i) in
- r.(ir) <- (l,h,get_index act)
- else (* assert i < j *)
- let l,_,_ = cases.(i)
- and _,h,_ = cases.(j) in
- r.(ir) <- (l,h,add_index (make_switch loc s i j))
- end ;
- if i > 0 then zyva (i-1) (ir-1) in
- zyva (len-1) (n_clusters-1) ;
- let acts = Array.make !index (fun _ -> assert false) in
- Hashtbl.iter (fun _ (i,act) -> acts.(i) <- act) t ;
- {cases = r ; actions = acts}
- ;;
- let do_zyva loc (low,high) arg cases actions =
- let old_ok = !ok_inter in
- ok_inter := (abs low <= inter_limit && abs high <= inter_limit) ;
- if !ok_inter <> old_ok then Hashtbl.clear t ;
- let s = {cases=cases ; actions=actions} in
- Printf.eprintf "ZYVA: %B [low=%i,high=%i]\n" !ok_inter low high ;
- pcases stderr cases ;
- prerr_endline "" ;
- let n_clusters,k = comp_clusters s in
- let clusters = make_clusters loc s n_clusters k in
- c_test {arg=arg ; off=0} clusters
- let abstract_shared actions =
- let handlers = ref (fun x -> x) in
- let actions =
- (fun act -> match act with
- | Single act -> act
- | Shared act ->
- let i,h = Arg.make_catch act in
- let oh = !handlers in
- handlers := (fun act -> h (oh act)) ;
- Arg.make_exit i)
- actions in
- !handlers,actions
- let zyva loc lh arg cases actions =
- assert (Array.length cases > 0) ;
- let actions = actions.act_get_shared () in
- let hs,actions = abstract_shared actions in
- hs (do_zyva loc lh arg cases actions)
- and test_sequence arg cases actions =
- assert (Array.length cases > 0) ;
- let actions = actions.act_get_shared () in
- let hs,actions = abstract_shared actions in
- let old_ok = !ok_inter in
- ok_inter := false ;
- if !ok_inter <> old_ok then Hashtbl.clear t ;
- let s =
- {cases=cases ;
- (fun act -> (fun _ -> act)) actions} in
- Printf.eprintf "SEQUENCE: %B\n" !ok_inter ;
- pcases stderr cases ;
- prerr_endline "" ;
- hs (c_test {arg=arg ; off=0} s)
- ;;
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deleted file mode 100644
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@@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
-(* *)
-(* OCaml *)
-(* *)
-(* Luc Maranget, projet Moscova, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
-(* *)
-(* Copyright 2000 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
-(* en Automatique. *)
-(* *)
-(* All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the terms of *)
-(* the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the *)
-(* special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE. *)
-(* *)
- This module transforms generic switches in combinations
- of if tests and switches.
-(* For detecting action sharing, object style *)
-(* Store for actions in object style:
- act_store : store an action, returns index in table
- In case an action with equal key exists, returns index
- of the stored action. Otherwise add entry in table.
- act_store_shared : This stored action will always be shared.
- act_get : retrieve table
- act_get_shared : retrieve table, with sharing explicit
-type 'a shared = Shared of 'a | Single of 'a
-type ('a, 'ctx) t_store =
- {act_get : unit -> 'a array ;
- act_get_shared : unit -> 'a shared array ;
- act_store : 'ctx -> 'a -> int ;
- act_store_shared : 'ctx -> 'a -> int ; }
-exception Not_simple
-module type Stored = sig
- type t
- type key
- val compare_key : key -> key -> int
- val make_key : t -> key option
-module type CtxStored = sig
- include Stored
- type context
- val make_key : context -> t -> key option
-module CtxStore(A:CtxStored) :
- sig
- val mk_store : unit -> (A.t, A.context) t_store
- end
-module Store(A:Stored) :
- sig
- val mk_store : unit -> (A.t, unit) t_store
- end
-(* Arguments to the Make functor *)
-module type S =
- sig
- (* type of basic tests *)
- type primitive
- (* basic tests themselves *)
- val eqint : primitive
- val neint : primitive
- val leint : primitive
- val ltint : primitive
- val geint : primitive
- val gtint : primitive
- (* type of actions *)
- type act
- (* Various constructors, for making a binder,
- adding one integer, etc. *)
- val bind : act -> (act -> act) -> act
- val make_const : int -> act
- val make_offset : act -> int -> act
- val make_prim : primitive -> act list -> act
- val make_isout : act -> act -> act
- val make_isin : act -> act -> act
- val make_if : act -> act -> act -> act
- (* construct an actual switch :
- make_switch arg cases acts
- NB: cases is in the value form *)
- val make_switch :
- Location.t -> act -> int array -> act array -> act
- (* Build last minute sharing of action stuff *)
- val make_catch : act -> int * (act -> act)
- val make_exit : int -> act
- end
- Make.zyva arg low high cases actions where
- - arg is the argument of the switch.
- - low, high are the interval limits.
- - cases is a list of sub-interval and action indices
- - actions is an array of actions.
- All these arguments specify a switch construct and zyva
- returns an action that performs the switch.
-module Make :
- functor (Arg : S) ->
- sig
-(* Standard entry point, sharing is tracked *)
- val zyva :
- Location.t ->
- (int * int) ->
- Arg.act ->
- (int * int * int) array ->
- (Arg.act, _) t_store ->
- Arg.act
-(* Output test sequence, sharing tracked *)
- val test_sequence :
- Arg.act ->
- (int * int * int) array ->
- (Arg.act, _) t_store ->
- Arg.act
- end
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deleted file mode 100644
index 1520a3b41f..0000000000
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-(* *)
-(* OCaml *)
-(* *)
-(* Pierre Chambart, OCamlPro *)
-(* *)
-(* Copyright 2015 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
-(* en Automatique. *)
-(* *)
-(* All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the terms of *)
-(* the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the *)
-(* special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE. *)
-(* *)
-open Typedtree
-open Lambda
-open Location
-let is_inline_attribute = function
- | {txt=("inline"|"ocaml.inline")} -> true
- | _ -> false
-let is_inlined_attribute = function
- | {txt=("inlined"|"ocaml.inlined")} -> true
- | {txt=("unrolled"|"ocaml.unrolled")} when Config.flambda -> true
- | _ -> false
-let is_specialise_attribute = function
- | {txt=("specialise"|"ocaml.specialise")} when Config.flambda -> true
- | _ -> false
-let is_specialised_attribute = function
- | {txt=("specialised"|"ocaml.specialised")} when Config.flambda -> true
- | _ -> false
-let is_local_attribute = function
- | {txt=("local"|"ocaml.local")} -> true
- | _ -> false
-let find_attribute p attributes =
- let inline_attribute, other_attributes =
- List.partition (fun a -> p a.Parsetree.attr_name) attributes
- in
- let attr =
- match inline_attribute with
- | [] -> None
- | [attr] -> Some attr
- | _ :: {Parsetree.attr_name = {txt;loc}; _} :: _ ->
- Location.prerr_warning loc (Warnings.Duplicated_attribute txt);
- None
- in
- attr, other_attributes
-let is_unrolled = function
- | {txt="unrolled"|"ocaml.unrolled"} -> true
- | {txt="inline"|"ocaml.inline"|"inlined"|"ocaml.inlined"} -> false
- | _ -> assert false
-let get_id_payload =
- let open Parsetree in
- function
- | PStr [] -> Some ""
- | PStr [{pstr_desc = Pstr_eval ({pexp_desc},[])}] ->
- begin match pexp_desc with
- | Pexp_ident { txt = Longident.Lident id } -> Some id
- | _ -> None
- end
- | _ -> None
-let parse_id_payload txt loc ~default ~empty cases payload =
- let[@local] warn () =
- let ( %> ) f g x = g (f x) in
- let msg =
- cases
- |> (fst %> Printf.sprintf "'%s'")
- |> String.concat ", "
- |> Printf.sprintf "It must be either %s or empty"
- in
- Location.prerr_warning loc (Warnings.Attribute_payload (txt, msg));
- default
- in
- match get_id_payload payload with
- | Some "" -> empty
- | None -> warn ()
- | Some id ->
- match List.assoc_opt id cases with
- | Some r -> r
- | None -> warn ()
-let parse_inline_attribute attr =
- match attr with
- | None -> Default_inline
- | Some {Parsetree.attr_name = {txt;loc} as id; attr_payload = payload} ->
- let open Parsetree in
- if is_unrolled id then begin
- (* the 'unrolled' attributes must be used as [@unrolled n]. *)
- let warning txt = Warnings.Attribute_payload
- (txt, "It must be an integer literal")
- in
- match payload with
- | PStr [{pstr_desc = Pstr_eval ({pexp_desc},[])}] -> begin
- match pexp_desc with
- | Pexp_constant (Pconst_integer(s, None)) -> begin
- try
- Unroll ( s)
- with Failure _ ->
- Location.prerr_warning loc (warning txt);
- Default_inline
- end
- | _ ->
- Location.prerr_warning loc (warning txt);
- Default_inline
- end
- | _ ->
- Location.prerr_warning loc (warning txt);
- Default_inline
- end else
- parse_id_payload txt loc
- ~default:Default_inline
- ~empty:Always_inline
- [
- "never", Never_inline;
- "always", Always_inline;
- ]
- payload
-let parse_specialise_attribute attr =
- match attr with
- | None -> Default_specialise
- | Some {Parsetree.attr_name = {txt; loc}; attr_payload = payload} ->
- parse_id_payload txt loc
- ~default:Default_specialise
- ~empty:Always_specialise
- [
- "never", Never_specialise;
- "always", Always_specialise;
- ]
- payload
-let parse_local_attribute attr =
- match attr with
- | None -> Default_local
- | Some {Parsetree.attr_name = {txt; loc}; attr_payload = payload} ->
- parse_id_payload txt loc
- ~default:Default_local
- ~empty:Always_local
- [
- "never", Never_local;
- "always", Always_local;
- "maybe", Default_local;
- ]
- payload
-let get_inline_attribute l =
- let attr, _ = find_attribute is_inline_attribute l in
- parse_inline_attribute attr
-let get_specialise_attribute l =
- let attr, _ = find_attribute is_specialise_attribute l in
- parse_specialise_attribute attr
-let get_local_attribute l =
- let attr, _ = find_attribute is_local_attribute l in
- parse_local_attribute attr
-let check_local_inline loc attr =
- match attr.local, attr.inline with
- | Always_local, (Always_inline | Unroll _) ->
- Location.prerr_warning loc
- (Warnings.Duplicated_attribute "local/inline")
- | _ ->
- ()
-let add_inline_attribute expr loc attributes =
- match expr, get_inline_attribute attributes with
- | expr, Default_inline -> expr
- | Lfunction({ attr = { stub = false } as attr } as funct), inline ->
- begin match attr.inline with
- | Default_inline -> ()
- | Always_inline | Never_inline | Unroll _ ->
- Location.prerr_warning loc
- (Warnings.Duplicated_attribute "inline")
- end;
- let attr = { attr with inline } in
- check_local_inline loc attr;
- Lfunction { funct with attr = attr }
- | expr, (Always_inline | Never_inline | Unroll _) ->
- Location.prerr_warning loc
- (Warnings.Misplaced_attribute "inline");
- expr
-let add_specialise_attribute expr loc attributes =
- match expr, get_specialise_attribute attributes with
- | expr, Default_specialise -> expr
- | Lfunction({ attr = { stub = false } as attr } as funct), specialise ->
- begin match attr.specialise with
- | Default_specialise -> ()
- | Always_specialise | Never_specialise ->
- Location.prerr_warning loc
- (Warnings.Duplicated_attribute "specialise")
- end;
- let attr = { attr with specialise } in
- Lfunction { funct with attr }
- | expr, (Always_specialise | Never_specialise) ->
- Location.prerr_warning loc
- (Warnings.Misplaced_attribute "specialise");
- expr
-let add_local_attribute expr loc attributes =
- match expr, get_local_attribute attributes with
- | expr, Default_local -> expr
- | Lfunction({ attr = { stub = false } as attr } as funct), local ->
- begin match attr.local with
- | Default_local -> ()
- | Always_local | Never_local ->
- Location.prerr_warning loc
- (Warnings.Duplicated_attribute "local")
- end;
- let attr = { attr with local } in
- check_local_inline loc attr;
- Lfunction { funct with attr }
- | expr, (Always_local | Never_local) ->
- Location.prerr_warning loc
- (Warnings.Misplaced_attribute "local");
- expr
-(* Get the [@inlined] attribute payload (or default if not present).
- It also returns the expression without this attribute. This is
- used to ensure that this attribute is not misplaced: If it
- appears on any expression, it is an error, otherwise it would
- have been removed by this function *)
-let get_and_remove_inlined_attribute e =
- let attr, exp_attributes =
- find_attribute is_inlined_attribute e.exp_attributes
- in
- let inlined = parse_inline_attribute attr in
- inlined, { e with exp_attributes }
-let get_and_remove_inlined_attribute_on_module e =
- let rec get_and_remove mod_expr =
- let attr, mod_attributes =
- find_attribute is_inlined_attribute mod_expr.mod_attributes
- in
- let attr = parse_inline_attribute attr in
- let attr, mod_desc =
- match mod_expr.Typedtree.mod_desc with
- | Tmod_constraint (me, mt, mtc, mc) ->
- let inner_attr, me = get_and_remove me in
- let attr =
- match attr with
- | Always_inline | Never_inline | Unroll _ -> attr
- | Default_inline -> inner_attr
- in
- attr, Tmod_constraint (me, mt, mtc, mc)
- | md -> attr, md
- in
- attr, { mod_expr with mod_desc; mod_attributes }
- in
- get_and_remove e
-let get_and_remove_specialised_attribute e =
- let attr, exp_attributes =
- find_attribute is_specialised_attribute e.exp_attributes
- in
- let specialised = parse_specialise_attribute attr in
- specialised, { e with exp_attributes }
-(* It also removes the attribute from the expression, like
- get_inlined_attribute *)
-let get_tailcall_attribute e =
- let is_tailcall_attribute = function
- | {Parsetree.attr_name = {txt=("tailcall"|"ocaml.tailcall")}; _} -> true
- | _ -> false
- in
- let tailcalls, exp_attributes =
- List.partition is_tailcall_attribute e.exp_attributes
- in
- match tailcalls with
- | [] -> false, e
- | _ :: r ->
- begin match r with
- | [] -> ()
- | {Parsetree.attr_name = {txt;loc}; _} :: _ ->
- Location.prerr_warning loc (Warnings.Duplicated_attribute txt)
- end;
- true, { e with exp_attributes }
-let check_attribute e {Parsetree.attr_name = { txt; loc }; _} =
- match txt with
- | "inline" | "ocaml.inline"
- | "specialise" | "ocaml.specialise" -> begin
- match e.exp_desc with
- | Texp_function _ -> ()
- | _ ->
- Location.prerr_warning loc
- (Warnings.Misplaced_attribute txt)
- end
- | "inlined" | "ocaml.inlined"
- | "specialised" | "ocaml.specialised"
- | "tailcall" | "ocaml.tailcall" ->
- (* Removed by the Texp_apply cases *)
- Location.prerr_warning loc
- (Warnings.Misplaced_attribute txt)
- | _ -> ()
-let check_attribute_on_module e {Parsetree.attr_name = { txt; loc }; _} =
- match txt with
- | "inline" | "ocaml.inline" -> begin
- match e.mod_desc with
- | Tmod_functor _ -> ()
- | _ ->
- Location.prerr_warning loc
- (Warnings.Misplaced_attribute txt)
- end
- | "inlined" | "ocaml.inlined" ->
- (* Removed by the Texp_apply cases *)
- Location.prerr_warning loc
- (Warnings.Misplaced_attribute txt)
- | _ -> ()
-let add_function_attributes lam loc attr =
- let lam =
- add_inline_attribute lam loc attr
- in
- let lam =
- add_specialise_attribute lam loc attr
- in
- let lam =
- add_local_attribute lam loc attr
- in
- lam
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deleted file mode 100644
index bf22fd1c5d..0000000000
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@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-(* *)
-(* OCaml *)
-(* *)
-(* Pierre Chambart, OCamlPro *)
-(* *)
-(* Copyright 2015 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
-(* en Automatique. *)
-(* *)
-(* All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the terms of *)
-(* the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the *)
-(* special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE. *)
-(* *)
-val check_attribute
- : Typedtree.expression
- -> Parsetree.attribute
- -> unit
-val check_attribute_on_module
- : Typedtree.module_expr
- -> Parsetree.attribute
- -> unit
-val add_inline_attribute
- : Lambda.lambda
- -> Location.t
- -> Parsetree.attributes
- -> Lambda.lambda
-val get_inline_attribute
- : Parsetree.attributes
- -> Lambda.inline_attribute
-val add_specialise_attribute
- : Lambda.lambda
- -> Location.t
- -> Parsetree.attributes
- -> Lambda.lambda
-val get_specialise_attribute
- : Parsetree.attributes
- -> Lambda.specialise_attribute
-val add_local_attribute
- : Lambda.lambda
- -> Location.t
- -> Parsetree.attributes
- -> Lambda.lambda
-val get_local_attribute
- : Parsetree.attributes
- -> Lambda.local_attribute
-val get_and_remove_inlined_attribute
- : Typedtree.expression
- -> Lambda.inline_attribute * Typedtree.expression
-val get_and_remove_inlined_attribute_on_module
- : Typedtree.module_expr
- -> Lambda.inline_attribute * Typedtree.module_expr
-val get_and_remove_specialised_attribute
- : Typedtree.expression
- -> Lambda.specialise_attribute * Typedtree.expression
-val get_tailcall_attribute
- : Typedtree.expression
- -> bool * Typedtree.expression
-val add_function_attributes
- : Lambda.lambda
- -> Location.t
- -> Parsetree.attributes
- -> Lambda.lambda
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deleted file mode 100644
index 10b09066d7..0000000000
--- a/bytecomp/
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@@ -1,946 +0,0 @@
-(* *)
-(* OCaml *)
-(* *)
-(* Jerome Vouillon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
-(* *)
-(* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
-(* en Automatique. *)
-(* *)
-(* All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the terms of *)
-(* the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the *)
-(* special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE. *)
-(* *)
-open Asttypes
-open Types
-open Typedtree
-open Lambda
-open Translobj
-open Translcore
-(* XXX Rajouter des evenements... | Add more events... *)
-type error = Tags of label * label
-exception Error of Location.t * error
-let lfunction params body =
- if params = [] then body else
- match body with
- | Lfunction {kind = Curried; params = params'; body = body'; attr; loc} ->
- Lfunction {kind = Curried; params = params @ params';
- return = Pgenval;
- body = body'; attr;
- loc}
- | _ ->
- Lfunction {kind = Curried; params; return = Pgenval;
- body;
- attr = default_function_attribute;
- loc = Location.none}
-let lapply ap =
- match ap.ap_func with
- Lapply ap' ->
- Lapply {ap with ap_func = ap'.ap_func; ap_args = ap'.ap_args @ ap.ap_args}
- | _ ->
- Lapply ap
-let mkappl (func, args) =
- Lapply {ap_should_be_tailcall=false;
- ap_loc=Location.none;
- ap_func=func;
- ap_args=args;
- ap_inlined=Default_inline;
- ap_specialised=Default_specialise};;
-let lsequence l1 l2 =
- if l2 = lambda_unit then l1 else Lsequence(l1, l2)
-let lfield v i = Lprim(Pfield i, [Lvar v], Location.none)
-let transl_label l = share (Const_immstring l)
-let transl_meth_list lst =
- if lst = [] then Lconst (Const_pointer 0) else
- share (Const_block
- (0, (fun lab -> Const_immstring lab) lst))
-let set_inst_var obj id expr =
- Lprim(Psetfield_computed (Typeopt.maybe_pointer expr, Assignment),
- [Lvar obj; Lvar id; transl_exp expr], Location.none)
-let transl_val tbl create name =
- mkappl (oo_prim (if create then "new_variable" else "get_variable"),
- [Lvar tbl; transl_label name])
-let transl_vals tbl create strict vals rem =
- List.fold_right
- (fun (name, id) rem ->
- Llet(strict, Pgenval, id, transl_val tbl create name, rem))
- vals rem
-let meths_super tbl meths inh_meths =
- List.fold_right
- (fun (nm, id) rem ->
- try
- (nm, id,
- mkappl(oo_prim "get_method", [Lvar tbl; Lvar (Meths.find nm meths)]))
- :: rem
- with Not_found -> rem)
- inh_meths []
-let bind_super tbl (vals, meths) cl_init =
- transl_vals tbl false StrictOpt vals
- (List.fold_right (fun (_nm, id, def) rem ->
- Llet(StrictOpt, Pgenval, id, def, rem))
- meths cl_init)
-let create_object cl obj init =
- let obj' = Ident.create_local "self" in
- let (inh_init, obj_init, has_init) = init obj' in
- if obj_init = lambda_unit then
- (inh_init,
- mkappl (oo_prim (if has_init then "create_object_and_run_initializers"
- else"create_object_opt"),
- [obj; Lvar cl]))
- else begin
- (inh_init,
- Llet(Strict, Pgenval, obj',
- mkappl (oo_prim "create_object_opt", [obj; Lvar cl]),
- Lsequence(obj_init,
- if not has_init then Lvar obj' else
- mkappl (oo_prim "run_initializers_opt",
- [obj; Lvar obj'; Lvar cl]))))
- end
-let name_pattern default p =
- match p.pat_desc with
- | Tpat_var (id, _) -> id
- | Tpat_alias(_, id, _) -> id
- | _ -> Ident.create_local default
-let rec build_object_init cl_table obj params inh_init obj_init cl =
- match cl.cl_desc with
- Tcl_ident (path, _, _) ->
- let obj_init = Ident.create_local "obj_init" in
- let envs, inh_init = inh_init in
- let env =
- match envs with None -> []
- | Some envs ->
- [Lprim(Pfield (List.length inh_init + 1),
- [Lvar envs],
- Location.none)]
- in
- let path_lam = transl_class_path cl.cl_loc cl.cl_env path in
- ((envs, (path, path_lam, obj_init) :: inh_init),
- mkappl(Lvar obj_init, env @ [obj]))
- | Tcl_structure str ->
- create_object cl_table obj (fun obj ->
- let (inh_init, obj_init, has_init) =
- List.fold_right
- (fun field (inh_init, obj_init, has_init) ->
- match field.cf_desc with
- Tcf_inherit (_, cl, _, _, _) ->
- let (inh_init, obj_init') =
- build_object_init cl_table (Lvar obj) [] inh_init
- (fun _ -> lambda_unit) cl
- in
- (inh_init, lsequence obj_init' obj_init, true)
- | Tcf_val (_, _, id, Tcfk_concrete (_, exp), _) ->
- (inh_init, lsequence (set_inst_var obj id exp) obj_init,
- has_init)
- | Tcf_method _ | Tcf_val _ | Tcf_constraint _ | Tcf_attribute _->
- (inh_init, obj_init, has_init)
- | Tcf_initializer _ ->
- (inh_init, obj_init, true)
- )
- str.cstr_fields
- (inh_init, obj_init obj, false)
- in
- (inh_init,
- List.fold_right
- (fun (id, expr) rem ->
- lsequence (Lifused (id, set_inst_var obj id expr)) rem)
- params obj_init,
- has_init))
- | Tcl_fun (_, pat, vals, cl, partial) ->
- let (inh_init, obj_init) =
- build_object_init cl_table obj (vals @ params) inh_init obj_init cl
- in
- (inh_init,
- let build params rem =
- let param = name_pattern "param" pat in
- Lfunction {kind = Curried; params = (param, Pgenval)::params;
- return = Pgenval;
- attr = default_function_attribute;
- loc = pat.pat_loc;
- body = Matching.for_function
- pat.pat_loc None (Lvar param) [pat, rem] partial}
- in
- begin match obj_init with
- Lfunction {kind = Curried; params; body = rem} -> build params rem
- | rem -> build [] rem
- end)
- | Tcl_apply (cl, oexprs) ->
- let (inh_init, obj_init) =
- build_object_init cl_table obj params inh_init obj_init cl
- in
- (inh_init, transl_apply obj_init oexprs Location.none)
- | Tcl_let (rec_flag, defs, vals, cl) ->
- let (inh_init, obj_init) =
- build_object_init cl_table obj (vals @ params) inh_init obj_init cl
- in
- (inh_init, Translcore.transl_let rec_flag defs obj_init)
- | Tcl_open (_, cl)
- | Tcl_constraint (cl, _, _, _, _) ->
- build_object_init cl_table obj params inh_init obj_init cl
-let rec build_object_init_0 cl_table params cl copy_env subst_env top ids =
- match cl.cl_desc with
- Tcl_let (_rec_flag, _defs, vals, cl) ->
- build_object_init_0 cl_table (vals@params) cl copy_env subst_env top ids
- | _ ->
- let self = Ident.create_local "self" in
- let env = Ident.create_local "env" in
- let obj = if ids = [] then lambda_unit else Lvar self in
- let envs = if top then None else Some env in
- let ((_,inh_init), obj_init) =
- build_object_init cl_table obj params (envs,[]) copy_env cl in
- let obj_init =
- if ids = [] then obj_init else lfunction [self, Pgenval] obj_init in
- (inh_init, lfunction [env, Pgenval] (subst_env env inh_init obj_init))
-let bind_method tbl lab id cl_init =
- Llet(Strict, Pgenval, id, mkappl (oo_prim "get_method_label",
- [Lvar tbl; transl_label lab]),
- cl_init)
-let bind_methods tbl meths vals cl_init =
- let methl = Meths.fold (fun lab id tl -> (lab,id) :: tl) meths [] in
- let len = List.length methl and nvals = List.length vals in
- if len < 2 && nvals = 0 then Meths.fold (bind_method tbl) meths cl_init else
- if len = 0 && nvals < 2 then transl_vals tbl true Strict vals cl_init else
- let ids = Ident.create_local "ids" in
- let i = ref (len + nvals) in
- let getter, names =
- if nvals = 0 then "get_method_labels", [] else
- "new_methods_variables", [transl_meth_list ( fst vals)]
- in
- Llet(Strict, Pgenval, ids,
- mkappl (oo_prim getter,
- [Lvar tbl; transl_meth_list ( fst methl)] @ names),
- List.fold_right
- (fun (_lab,id) lam -> decr i; Llet(StrictOpt, Pgenval, id,
- lfield ids !i, lam))
- (methl @ vals) cl_init)
-let output_methods tbl methods lam =
- match methods with
- [] -> lam
- | [lab; code] ->
- lsequence (mkappl(oo_prim "set_method", [Lvar tbl; lab; code])) lam
- | _ ->
- lsequence (mkappl(oo_prim "set_methods",
- [Lvar tbl; Lprim(Pmakeblock(0,Immutable,None),
- methods, Location.none)]))
- lam
-let rec ignore_cstrs cl =
- match cl.cl_desc with
- Tcl_constraint (cl, _, _, _, _) -> ignore_cstrs cl
- | Tcl_apply (cl, _) -> ignore_cstrs cl
- | _ -> cl
-let rec index a = function
- [] -> raise Not_found
- | b :: l ->
- if b = a then 0 else 1 + index a l
-let bind_id_as_val (id, _) = ("", id)
-let rec build_class_init cla cstr super inh_init cl_init msubst top cl =
- match cl.cl_desc with
- | Tcl_ident _ ->
- begin match inh_init with
- | (_, path_lam, obj_init)::inh_init ->
- (inh_init,
- Llet (Strict, Pgenval, obj_init,
- mkappl(Lprim(Pfield 1, [path_lam], Location.none), Lvar cla ::
- if top then [Lprim(Pfield 3, [path_lam], Location.none)]
- else []),
- bind_super cla super cl_init))
- | _ ->
- assert false
- end
- | Tcl_structure str ->
- let cl_init = bind_super cla super cl_init in
- let (inh_init, cl_init, methods, values) =
- List.fold_right
- (fun field (inh_init, cl_init, methods, values) ->
- match field.cf_desc with
- Tcf_inherit (_, cl, _, vals, meths) ->
- let cl_init = output_methods cla methods cl_init in
- let inh_init, cl_init =
- build_class_init cla false
- (vals, meths_super cla str.cstr_meths meths)
- inh_init cl_init msubst top cl in
- (inh_init, cl_init, [], values)
- | Tcf_val (name, _, id, _, over) ->
- let values =
- if over then values else (name.txt, id) :: values
- in
- (inh_init, cl_init, methods, values)
- | Tcf_method (_, _, Tcfk_virtual _)
- | Tcf_constraint _
- ->
- (inh_init, cl_init, methods, values)
- | Tcf_method (name, _, Tcfk_concrete (_, exp)) ->
- let met_code = msubst true (transl_exp exp) in
- let met_code =
- if !Clflags.native_code && List.length met_code = 1 then
- (* Force correct naming of method for profiles *)
- let met = Ident.create_local ("method_" ^ name.txt) in
- [Llet(Strict, Pgenval, met, List.hd met_code, Lvar met)]
- else met_code
- in
- (inh_init, cl_init,
- Lvar(Meths.find name.txt str.cstr_meths) :: met_code @ methods,
- values)
- | Tcf_initializer exp ->
- (inh_init,
- Lsequence(mkappl (oo_prim "add_initializer",
- Lvar cla :: msubst false (transl_exp exp)),
- cl_init),
- methods, values)
- | Tcf_attribute _ ->
- (inh_init, cl_init, methods, values))
- str.cstr_fields
- (inh_init, cl_init, [], [])
- in
- let cl_init = output_methods cla methods cl_init in
- (inh_init, bind_methods cla str.cstr_meths values cl_init)
- | Tcl_fun (_, _pat, vals, cl, _) ->
- let (inh_init, cl_init) =
- build_class_init cla cstr super inh_init cl_init msubst top cl
- in
- let vals = bind_id_as_val vals in
- (inh_init, transl_vals cla true StrictOpt vals cl_init)
- | Tcl_apply (cl, _exprs) ->
- build_class_init cla cstr super inh_init cl_init msubst top cl
- | Tcl_let (_rec_flag, _defs, vals, cl) ->
- let (inh_init, cl_init) =
- build_class_init cla cstr super inh_init cl_init msubst top cl
- in
- let vals = bind_id_as_val vals in
- (inh_init, transl_vals cla true StrictOpt vals cl_init)
- | Tcl_constraint (cl, _, vals, meths, concr_meths) ->
- let virt_meths =
- List.filter (fun lab -> not (Concr.mem lab concr_meths)) meths in
- let concr_meths = Concr.elements concr_meths in
- let narrow_args =
- [Lvar cla;
- transl_meth_list vals;
- transl_meth_list virt_meths;
- transl_meth_list concr_meths] in
- let cl = ignore_cstrs cl in
- begin match cl.cl_desc, inh_init with
- | Tcl_ident (path, _, _), (path', path_lam, obj_init)::inh_init ->
- assert (Path.same path path');
- let inh = Ident.create_local "inh"
- and ofs = List.length vals + 1
- and valids, methids = super in
- let cl_init =
- List.fold_left
- (fun init (nm, id, _) ->
- Llet(StrictOpt, Pgenval, id,
- lfield inh (index nm concr_meths + ofs),
- init))
- cl_init methids in
- let cl_init =
- List.fold_left
- (fun init (nm, id) ->
- Llet(StrictOpt, Pgenval, id,
- lfield inh (index nm vals + 1), init))
- cl_init valids in
- (inh_init,
- Llet (Strict, Pgenval, inh,
- mkappl(oo_prim "inherits", narrow_args @
- [path_lam;
- Lconst(Const_pointer(if top then 1 else 0))]),
- Llet(StrictOpt, Pgenval, obj_init, lfield inh 0, cl_init)))
- | _ ->
- let core cl_init =
- build_class_init cla true super inh_init cl_init msubst top cl
- in
- if cstr then core cl_init else
- let (inh_init, cl_init) =
- core (Lsequence (mkappl (oo_prim "widen", [Lvar cla]), cl_init))
- in
- (inh_init,
- Lsequence(mkappl (oo_prim "narrow", narrow_args),
- cl_init))
- end
- | Tcl_open (_, cl) ->
- build_class_init cla cstr super inh_init cl_init msubst top cl
-let rec build_class_lets cl =
- match cl.cl_desc with
- Tcl_let (rec_flag, defs, _vals, cl') ->
- let env, wrap = build_class_lets cl' in
- (env, fun x ->
- Translcore.transl_let rec_flag defs (wrap x))
- | _ ->
- (cl.cl_env, fun x -> x)
-let rec get_class_meths cl =
- match cl.cl_desc with
- Tcl_structure cl ->
- Meths.fold (fun _ -> Ident.Set.add) cl.cstr_meths Ident.Set.empty
- | Tcl_ident _ -> Ident.Set.empty
- | Tcl_fun (_, _, _, cl, _)
- | Tcl_let (_, _, _, cl)
- | Tcl_apply (cl, _)
- | Tcl_open (_, cl)
- | Tcl_constraint (cl, _, _, _, _) -> get_class_meths cl
- XXX Il devrait etre peu couteux d'ecrire des classes :
- | Writing classes should be cheap
- class c x y = d e f
-let rec transl_class_rebind obj_init cl vf =
- match cl.cl_desc with
- Tcl_ident (path, _, _) ->
- if vf = Concrete then begin
- try if (Env.find_class path cl.cl_env).cty_new = None then raise Exit
- with Not_found -> raise Exit
- end;
- let path_lam = transl_class_path cl.cl_loc cl.cl_env path in
- (path, path_lam, obj_init)
- | Tcl_fun (_, pat, _, cl, partial) ->
- let path, path_lam, obj_init = transl_class_rebind obj_init cl vf in
- let build params rem =
- let param = name_pattern "param" pat in
- Lfunction {kind = Curried; params = (param, Pgenval)::params;
- return = Pgenval;
- attr = default_function_attribute;
- loc = pat.pat_loc;
- body = Matching.for_function
- pat.pat_loc None (Lvar param) [pat, rem] partial}
- in
- (path, path_lam,
- match obj_init with
- Lfunction {kind = Curried; params; body} -> build params body
- | rem -> build [] rem)
- | Tcl_apply (cl, oexprs) ->
- let path, path_lam, obj_init = transl_class_rebind obj_init cl vf in
- (path, path_lam, transl_apply obj_init oexprs Location.none)
- | Tcl_let (rec_flag, defs, _vals, cl) ->
- let path, path_lam, obj_init = transl_class_rebind obj_init cl vf in
- (path, path_lam, Translcore.transl_let rec_flag defs obj_init)
- | Tcl_structure _ -> raise Exit
- | Tcl_constraint (cl', _, _, _, _) ->
- let path, path_lam, obj_init = transl_class_rebind obj_init cl' vf in
- let rec check_constraint = function
- Cty_constr(path', _, _) when Path.same path path' -> ()
- | Cty_arrow (_, _, cty) -> check_constraint cty
- | _ -> raise Exit
- in
- check_constraint cl.cl_type;
- (path, path_lam, obj_init)
- | Tcl_open (_, cl) ->
- transl_class_rebind obj_init cl vf
-let rec transl_class_rebind_0 (self:Ident.t) obj_init cl vf =
- match cl.cl_desc with
- Tcl_let (rec_flag, defs, _vals, cl) ->
- let path, path_lam, obj_init =
- transl_class_rebind_0 self obj_init cl vf
- in
- (path, path_lam, Translcore.transl_let rec_flag defs obj_init)
- | _ ->
- let path, path_lam, obj_init = transl_class_rebind obj_init cl vf in
- (path, path_lam, lfunction [self, Pgenval] obj_init)
-let transl_class_rebind cl vf =
- try
- let obj_init = Ident.create_local "obj_init"
- and self = Ident.create_local "self" in
- let obj_init0 =
- lapply {ap_should_be_tailcall=false;
- ap_loc=Location.none;
- ap_func=Lvar obj_init;
- ap_args=[Lvar self];
- ap_inlined=Default_inline;
- ap_specialised=Default_specialise}
- in
- let _, path_lam, obj_init' = transl_class_rebind_0 self obj_init0 cl vf in
- let id = (obj_init' = lfunction [self, Pgenval] obj_init0) in
- if id then path_lam else
- let cla = Ident.create_local "class"
- and new_init = Ident.create_local "new_init"
- and env_init = Ident.create_local "env_init"
- and table = Ident.create_local "table"
- and envs = Ident.create_local "envs" in
- Llet(
- Strict, Pgenval, new_init, lfunction [obj_init, Pgenval] obj_init',
- Llet(
- Alias, Pgenval, cla, path_lam,
- Lprim(Pmakeblock(0, Immutable, None),
- [mkappl(Lvar new_init, [lfield cla 0]);
- lfunction [table, Pgenval]
- (Llet(Strict, Pgenval, env_init,
- mkappl(lfield cla 1, [Lvar table]),
- lfunction [envs, Pgenval]
- (mkappl(Lvar new_init,
- [mkappl(Lvar env_init, [Lvar envs])]))));
- lfield cla 2;
- lfield cla 3],
- Location.none)))
- with Exit ->
- lambda_unit
-(* Rewrite a closure using builtins. Improves native code size. *)
-let rec module_path = function
- Lvar id ->
- let s = id in s <> "" && s.[0] >= 'A' && s.[0] <= 'Z'
- | Lprim(Pfield _, [p], _) -> module_path p
- | Lprim(Pgetglobal _, [], _) -> true
- | _ -> false
-let const_path local = function
- Lvar id -> not (List.mem id local)
- | Lconst _ -> true
- | Lfunction {kind = Curried; body} ->
- let fv = free_variables body in
- List.for_all (fun x -> not (Ident.Set.mem x fv)) local
- | p -> module_path p
-let rec builtin_meths self env env2 body =
- let const_path = const_path (env::self) in
- let conv = function
- (* Lvar s when List.mem s self -> "_self", [] *)
- | p when const_path p -> "const", [p]
- | Lprim(Parrayrefu _, [Lvar s; Lvar n], _) when List.mem s self ->
- "var", [Lvar n]
- | Lprim(Pfield n, [Lvar e], _) when Ident.same e env ->
- "env", [Lvar env2; Lconst(Const_pointer n)]
- | Lsend(Self, met, Lvar s, [], _) when List.mem s self ->
- "meth", [met]
- | _ -> raise Not_found
- in
- match body with
- | Llet(_str, _k, s', Lvar s, body) when List.mem s self ->
- builtin_meths (s'::self) env env2 body
- | Lapply{ap_func = f; ap_args = [arg]} when const_path f ->
- let s, args = conv arg in ("app_"^s, f :: args)
- | Lapply{ap_func = f; ap_args = [arg; p]} when const_path f && const_path p ->
- let s, args = conv arg in
- ("app_"^s^"_const", f :: args @ [p])
- | Lapply{ap_func = f; ap_args = [p; arg]} when const_path f && const_path p ->
- let s, args = conv arg in
- ("app_const_"^s, f :: p :: args)
- | Lsend(Self, Lvar n, Lvar s, [arg], _) when List.mem s self ->
- let s, args = conv arg in
- ("meth_app_"^s, Lvar n :: args)
- | Lsend(Self, met, Lvar s, [], _) when List.mem s self ->
- ("get_meth", [met])
- | Lsend(Public, met, arg, [], _) ->
- let s, args = conv arg in
- ("send_"^s, met :: args)
- | Lsend(Cached, met, arg, [_;_], _) ->
- let s, args = conv arg in
- ("send_"^s, met :: args)
- | Lfunction {kind = Curried; params = [x, _]; body} ->
- let rec enter self = function
- | Lprim(Parraysetu _, [Lvar s; Lvar n; Lvar x'], _)
- when Ident.same x x' && List.mem s self ->
- ("set_var", [Lvar n])
- | Llet(_str, _k, s', Lvar s, body) when List.mem s self ->
- enter (s'::self) body
- | _ -> raise Not_found
- in enter self body
- | Lfunction _ -> raise Not_found
- | _ ->
- let s, args = conv body in ("get_"^s, args)
-module M = struct
- open CamlinternalOO
- let builtin_meths self env env2 body =
- let builtin, args = builtin_meths self env env2 body in
- (* if not arr then [mkappl(oo_prim builtin, args)] else *)
- let tag = match builtin with
- "get_const" -> GetConst
- | "get_var" -> GetVar
- | "get_env" -> GetEnv
- | "get_meth" -> GetMeth
- | "set_var" -> SetVar
- | "app_const" -> AppConst
- | "app_var" -> AppVar
- | "app_env" -> AppEnv
- | "app_meth" -> AppMeth
- | "app_const_const" -> AppConstConst
- | "app_const_var" -> AppConstVar
- | "app_const_env" -> AppConstEnv
- | "app_const_meth" -> AppConstMeth
- | "app_var_const" -> AppVarConst
- | "app_env_const" -> AppEnvConst
- | "app_meth_const" -> AppMethConst
- | "meth_app_const" -> MethAppConst
- | "meth_app_var" -> MethAppVar
- | "meth_app_env" -> MethAppEnv
- | "meth_app_meth" -> MethAppMeth
- | "send_const" -> SendConst
- | "send_var" -> SendVar
- | "send_env" -> SendEnv
- | "send_meth" -> SendMeth
- | _ -> assert false
- in Lconst(Const_pointer(Obj.magic tag)) :: args
-open M
- Class translation.
- Three subcases:
- * reapplication of a known class -> transl_class_rebind
- * class without local dependencies -> direct translation
- * with local dependencies -> generate a stubs tree,
- with a node for every local classes inherited
- A class is a 4-tuple:
- (obj_init, class_init, env_init, env)
- obj_init: creation function (unit -> obj)
- class_init: inheritance function (table -> env_init)
- (one by source code)
- env_init: parameterisation by the local environment
- (env -> params -> obj_init)
- (one for each combination of inherited class_init )
- env: local environment
- If ids=0 (immediate object), then only env_init is conserved.
-let prerr_ids msg ids =
- let names = Ident.unique_toplevel_name ids in
- prerr_endline (String.concat " " (msg :: names))
-let free_methods l =
- let fv = ref Ident.Set.empty in
- let rec free l =
- Lambda.iter_head_constructor free l;
- match l with
- | Lsend(Self, Lvar meth, _, _, _) ->
- fv := Ident.Set.add meth !fv
- | Lsend _ -> ()
- | Lfunction{params} ->
- List.iter (fun (param, _) -> fv := Ident.Set.remove param !fv) params
- | Llet(_str, _k, id, _arg, _body) ->
- fv := Ident.Set.remove id !fv
- | Lletrec(decl, _body) ->
- List.iter (fun (id, _exp) -> fv := Ident.Set.remove id !fv) decl
- | Lstaticcatch(_e1, (_,vars), _e2) ->
- List.iter (fun (id, _) -> fv := Ident.Set.remove id !fv) vars
- | Ltrywith(_e1, exn, _e2) ->
- fv := Ident.Set.remove exn !fv
- | Lfor(v, _e1, _e2, _dir, _e3) ->
- fv := Ident.Set.remove v !fv
- | Lassign _
- | Lvar _ | Lconst _ | Lapply _
- | Lprim _ | Lswitch _ | Lstringswitch _ | Lstaticraise _
- | Lifthenelse _ | Lsequence _ | Lwhile _
- | Levent _ | Lifused _ -> ()
- in free l; !fv
-let transl_class ids cl_id pub_meths cl vflag =
- (* First check if it is not only a rebind *)
- let rebind = transl_class_rebind cl vflag in
- if rebind <> lambda_unit then rebind else
- (* Prepare for heavy environment handling *)
- let tables = Ident.create_local ( cl_id ^ "_tables") in
- let (top_env, req) = oo_add_class tables in
- let top = not req in
- let cl_env, llets = build_class_lets cl in
- let new_ids = if top then [] else Env.diff top_env cl_env in
- let env2 = Ident.create_local "env" in
- let meth_ids = get_class_meths cl in
- let subst env lam i0 new_ids' =
- let fv = free_variables lam in
- (* prerr_ids "cl_id =" [cl_id]; prerr_ids "fv =" (Ident.Set.elements fv); *)
- let fv = List.fold_right Ident.Set.remove !new_ids' fv in
- (* We need to handle method ids specially, as they do not appear
- in the typing environment (PR#3576, PR#4560) *)
- (* very hacky: we add and remove free method ids on the fly,
- depending on the visit order... *)
- method_ids :=
- Ident.Set.diff (Ident.Set.union (free_methods lam) !method_ids) meth_ids;
- (* prerr_ids "meth_ids =" (Ident.Set.elements meth_ids);
- prerr_ids "method_ids =" (Ident.Set.elements !method_ids); *)
- let new_ids = List.fold_right Ident.Set.add new_ids !method_ids in
- let fv = Ident.Set.inter fv new_ids in
- new_ids' := !new_ids' @ Ident.Set.elements fv;
- (* prerr_ids "new_ids' =" !new_ids'; *)
- let i = ref (i0-1) in
- List.fold_left
- (fun subst id ->
- incr i; Ident.Map.add id (lfield env !i) subst)
- Ident.Map.empty !new_ids'
- in
- let new_ids_meths = ref [] in
- let no_env_update _ _ env = env in
- let msubst arr = function
- Lfunction {kind = Curried; params = (self, Pgenval) :: args; body} ->
- let env = Ident.create_local "env" in
- let body' =
- if new_ids = [] then body else
- Lambda.subst no_env_update (subst env body 0 new_ids_meths) body in
- begin try
- (* Doesn't seem to improve size for bytecode *)
- (* if not !Clflags.native_code then raise Not_found; *)
- if not arr || !Clflags.debug then raise Not_found;
- builtin_meths [self] env env2 (lfunction args body')
- with Not_found ->
- [lfunction ((self, Pgenval) :: args)
- (if not (Ident.Set.mem env (free_variables body')) then body' else
- Llet(Alias, Pgenval, env,
- Lprim(Pfield_computed,
- [Lvar self; Lvar env2],
- Location.none),
- body'))]
- end
- | _ -> assert false
- in
- let new_ids_init = ref [] in
- let env1 = Ident.create_local "env" and env1' = Ident.create_local "env'" in
- let copy_env self =
- if top then lambda_unit else
- Lifused(env2, Lprim(Psetfield_computed (Pointer, Assignment),
- [Lvar self; Lvar env2; Lvar env1'],
- Location.none))
- and subst_env envs l lam =
- if top then lam else
- (* must be called only once! *)
- let lam = Lambda.subst no_env_update (subst env1 lam 1 new_ids_init) lam in
- Llet(Alias, Pgenval, env1, (if l = [] then Lvar envs else lfield envs 0),
- Llet(Alias, Pgenval, env1',
- (if !new_ids_init = [] then Lvar env1 else lfield env1 0),
- lam))
- in
- (* Now we start compiling the class *)
- let cla = Ident.create_local "class" in
- let (inh_init, obj_init) =
- build_object_init_0 cla [] cl copy_env subst_env top ids in
- let inh_init' = List.rev inh_init in
- let (inh_init', cl_init) =
- build_class_init cla true ([],[]) inh_init' obj_init msubst top cl
- in
- assert (inh_init' = []);
- let table = Ident.create_local "table"
- and class_init = Ident.create_local ( cl_id ^ "_init")
- and env_init = Ident.create_local "env_init"
- and obj_init = Ident.create_local "obj_init" in
- let pub_meths =
- List.sort
- (fun s s' -> compare (Btype.hash_variant s) (Btype.hash_variant s'))
- pub_meths in
- let tags = Btype.hash_variant pub_meths in
- let rev_map = List.combine tags pub_meths in
- List.iter2
- (fun tag name ->
- let name' = List.assoc tag rev_map in
- if name' <> name then raise(Error(cl.cl_loc, Tags(name, name'))))
- tags pub_meths;
- let ltable table lam =
- Llet(Strict, Pgenval, table,
- mkappl (oo_prim "create_table", [transl_meth_list pub_meths]), lam)
- and ldirect obj_init =
- Llet(Strict, Pgenval, obj_init, cl_init,
- Lsequence(mkappl (oo_prim "init_class", [Lvar cla]),
- mkappl (Lvar obj_init, [lambda_unit])))
- in
- (* Simplest case: an object defined at toplevel (ids=[]) *)
- if top && ids = [] then llets (ltable cla (ldirect obj_init)) else
- let concrete = (vflag = Concrete)
- and lclass lam =
- let cl_init = llets (Lfunction{kind = Curried;
- attr = default_function_attribute;
- loc = Location.none;
- return = Pgenval;
- params = [cla, Pgenval]; body = cl_init}) in
- Llet(Strict, Pgenval, class_init, cl_init, lam (free_variables cl_init))
- and lbody fv =
- if List.for_all (fun id -> not (Ident.Set.mem id fv)) ids then
- mkappl (oo_prim "make_class",[transl_meth_list pub_meths;
- Lvar class_init])
- else
- ltable table (
- Llet(
- Strict, Pgenval, env_init, mkappl (Lvar class_init, [Lvar table]),
- Lsequence(
- mkappl (oo_prim "init_class", [Lvar table]),
- Lprim(Pmakeblock(0, Immutable, None),
- [mkappl (Lvar env_init, [lambda_unit]);
- Lvar class_init; Lvar env_init; lambda_unit],
- Location.none))))
- and lbody_virt lenvs =
- Lprim(Pmakeblock(0, Immutable, None),
- [lambda_unit; Lfunction{kind = Curried;
- attr = default_function_attribute;
- loc = Location.none;
- return = Pgenval;
- params = [cla, Pgenval]; body = cl_init};
- lambda_unit; lenvs],
- Location.none)
- in
- (* Still easy: a class defined at toplevel *)
- if top && concrete then lclass lbody else
- if top then llets (lbody_virt lambda_unit) else
- (* Now for the hard stuff: prepare for table caching *)
- let envs = Ident.create_local "envs"
- and cached = Ident.create_local "cached" in
- let lenvs =
- if !new_ids_meths = [] && !new_ids_init = [] && inh_init = []
- then lambda_unit
- else Lvar envs in
- let lenv =
- let menv =
- if !new_ids_meths = [] then lambda_unit else
- Lprim(Pmakeblock(0, Immutable, None),
- (fun id -> Lvar id) !new_ids_meths,
- Location.none) in
- if !new_ids_init = [] then menv else
- Lprim(Pmakeblock(0, Immutable, None),
- menv :: (fun id -> Lvar id) !new_ids_init,
- Location.none)
- and linh_envs =
- (fun (_, path_lam, _) -> Lprim(Pfield 3, [path_lam], Location.none))
- (List.rev inh_init)
- in
- let make_envs lam =
- Llet(StrictOpt, Pgenval, envs,
- (if linh_envs = [] then lenv else
- Lprim(Pmakeblock(0, Immutable, None),
- lenv :: linh_envs, Location.none)),
- lam)
- and def_ids cla lam =
- Llet(StrictOpt, Pgenval, env2,
- mkappl (oo_prim "new_variable", [Lvar cla; transl_label ""]),
- lam)
- in
- let inh_paths =
- List.filter
- (fun (path, _, _) -> List.mem (Path.head path) new_ids) inh_init
- in
- let inh_keys =
- (fun (_, path_lam, _) -> Lprim(Pfield 1, [path_lam], Location.none))
- inh_paths
- in
- let lclass lam =
- Llet(Strict, Pgenval, class_init,
- Lfunction{kind = Curried; params = [cla, Pgenval];
- return = Pgenval;
- attr = default_function_attribute;
- loc = Location.none;
- body = def_ids cla cl_init}, lam)
- and lcache lam =
- if inh_keys = [] then Llet(Alias, Pgenval, cached, Lvar tables, lam) else
- Llet(Strict, Pgenval, cached,
- mkappl (oo_prim "lookup_tables",
- [Lvar tables; Lprim(Pmakeblock(0, Immutable, None),
- inh_keys, Location.none)]),
- lam)
- and lset cached i lam =
- Lprim(Psetfield(i, Pointer, Assignment),
- [Lvar cached; lam], Location.none)
- in
- let ldirect () =
- ltable cla
- (Llet(Strict, Pgenval, env_init, def_ids cla cl_init,
- Lsequence(mkappl (oo_prim "init_class", [Lvar cla]),
- lset cached 0 (Lvar env_init))))
- and lclass_virt () =
- lset cached 0
- (Lfunction
- {
- kind = Curried;
- attr = default_function_attribute;
- loc = Location.none;
- return = Pgenval;
- params = [cla, Pgenval];
- body = def_ids cla cl_init;
- }
- )
- in
- let lupdate_cache =
- if ids = [] then ldirect () else
- if not concrete then lclass_virt () else
- lclass (
- mkappl (oo_prim "make_class_store",
- [transl_meth_list pub_meths;
- Lvar class_init; Lvar cached])) in
- let lcheck_cache =
- if !Clflags.native_code && !Clflags.afl_instrument then
- (* When afl-fuzz instrumentation is enabled, ignore the cache
- so that the program's behaviour does not change between runs *)
- lupdate_cache
- else
- Lifthenelse(lfield cached 0, lambda_unit, lupdate_cache) in
- llets (
- lcache (
- Lsequence(lcheck_cache,
- make_envs (
- if ids = [] then mkappl (lfield cached 0, [lenvs]) else
- Lprim(Pmakeblock(0, Immutable, None),
- (if concrete then
- [mkappl (lfield cached 0, [lenvs]);
- lfield cached 1;
- lfield cached 0;
- lenvs]
- else [lambda_unit; lfield cached 0; lambda_unit; lenvs]),
- Location.none
- )))))
-(* Wrapper for class compilation *)
- let cl_id = ci.ci_id_class in
-(* TODO: cl_id is used somewhere else as typesharp ? *)
- let _arity = List.length ci.ci_params in
- let pub_meths = m in
- let cl = ci.ci_expr in
- let vflag = vf in
-let transl_class ids id pub_meths cl vf =
- oo_wrap cl.cl_env false (transl_class ids id pub_meths cl) vf
-let () =
- transl_object := (fun id meths cl -> transl_class [] id meths cl Concrete)
-(* Error report *)
-open Format
-let report_error ppf = function
- | Tags (lab1, lab2) ->
- fprintf ppf "Method labels `%s' and `%s' are incompatible.@ %s"
- lab1 lab2 "Change one of them."
-let () =
- Location.register_error_of_exn
- (function
- | Error (loc, err) ->
- Some (Location.error_of_printer ~loc report_error err)
- | _ ->
- None
- )
diff --git a/bytecomp/translclass.mli b/bytecomp/translclass.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c4bed0f63..0000000000
--- a/bytecomp/translclass.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-(* *)
-(* OCaml *)
-(* *)
-(* Jerome Vouillon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
-(* *)
-(* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
-(* en Automatique. *)
-(* *)
-(* All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the terms of *)
-(* the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the *)
-(* special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE. *)
-(* *)
-open Typedtree
-open Lambda
-val transl_class :
- Ident.t list -> Ident.t ->
- string list -> class_expr -> Asttypes.virtual_flag -> lambda;;
-type error = Tags of string * string
-exception Error of Location.t * error
-open Format
-val report_error: formatter -> error -> unit
diff --git a/bytecomp/ b/bytecomp/
deleted file mode 100644
index 6fe2dcbbb9..0000000000
--- a/bytecomp/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1048 +0,0 @@
-(* *)
-(* OCaml *)
-(* *)
-(* Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
-(* *)
-(* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
-(* en Automatique. *)
-(* *)
-(* All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the terms of *)
-(* the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the *)
-(* special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE. *)
-(* *)
-(* Translation from typed abstract syntax to lambda terms,
- for the core language *)
-open Misc
-open Asttypes
-open Primitive
-open Types
-open Typedtree
-open Typeopt
-open Lambda
-type error =
- Free_super_var
- | Unreachable_reached
-exception Error of Location.t * error
-let use_dup_for_constant_arrays_bigger_than = 4
-(* Forward declaration -- to be filled in by Translmod.transl_module *)
-let transl_module =
- ref((fun _cc _rootpath _modl -> assert false) :
- module_coercion -> Path.t option -> module_expr -> lambda)
-let transl_object =
- ref (fun _id _s _cl -> assert false :
- Ident.t -> string list -> class_expr -> lambda)
-(* Compile an exception/extension definition *)
-let prim_fresh_oo_id =
- Pccall (Primitive.simple ~name:"caml_fresh_oo_id" ~arity:1 ~alloc:false)
-let transl_extension_constructor env path ext =
- let path =
- Printtyp.wrap_printing_env env ~error:true (fun () ->
- (Printtyp.rewrite_double_underscore_paths env) path)
- in
- let name =
- match path, !Clflags.for_package with
- None, _ -> ext.ext_id
- | Some p, None -> p
- | Some p, Some pack -> Printf.sprintf "%s.%s" pack ( p)
- in
- let loc = ext.ext_loc in
- match ext.ext_kind with
- Text_decl _ ->
- Lprim (Pmakeblock (Obj.object_tag, Immutable, None),
- [Lconst (Const_base (Const_string (name, None)));
- Lprim (prim_fresh_oo_id, [Lconst (Const_base (Const_int 0))], loc)],
- loc)
- | Text_rebind(path, _lid) ->
- transl_extension_path loc env path
-(* To propagate structured constants *)
-exception Not_constant
-let extract_constant = function
- Lconst sc -> sc
- | _ -> raise Not_constant
-let extract_float = function
- Const_base(Const_float f) -> f
- | _ -> fatal_error "Translcore.extract_float"
-(* Push the default values under the functional abstractions *)
-(* Also push bindings of module patterns, since this sound *)
-type binding =
- | Bind_value of value_binding list
- | Bind_module of Ident.t * string loc * module_presence * module_expr
-let rec push_defaults loc bindings cases partial =
- match cases with
- [{c_lhs=pat; c_guard=None;
- c_rhs={exp_desc = Texp_function { arg_label; param; cases; partial; } }
- as exp}] ->
- let cases = push_defaults exp.exp_loc bindings cases partial in
- [{c_lhs=pat; c_guard=None;
- c_rhs={exp with exp_desc = Texp_function { arg_label; param; cases;
- partial; }}}]
- | [{c_lhs=pat; c_guard=None;
- c_rhs={exp_attributes=[{Parsetree.attr_name = {txt="#default"};_}];
- exp_desc = Texp_let
- (Nonrecursive, binds, ({exp_desc = Texp_function _} as e2))}}] ->
- push_defaults loc (Bind_value binds :: bindings)
- [{c_lhs=pat;c_guard=None;c_rhs=e2}]
- partial
- | [{c_lhs=pat; c_guard=None;
- c_rhs={exp_attributes=[{Parsetree.attr_name = {txt="#modulepat"};_}];
- exp_desc = Texp_letmodule
- (id, name, pres, mexpr,
- ({exp_desc = Texp_function _} as e2))}}] ->
- push_defaults loc (Bind_module (id, name, pres, mexpr) :: bindings)
- [{c_lhs=pat;c_guard=None;c_rhs=e2}]
- partial
- | [case] ->
- let exp =
- List.fold_left
- (fun exp binds ->
- {exp with exp_desc =
- match binds with
- | Bind_value binds -> Texp_let(Nonrecursive, binds, exp)
- | Bind_module (id, name, pres, mexpr) ->
- Texp_letmodule (id, name, pres, mexpr, exp)})
- case.c_rhs bindings
- in
- [{case with c_rhs=exp}]
- | {c_lhs=pat; c_rhs=exp; c_guard=_} :: _ when bindings <> [] ->
- let param = Typecore.name_cases "param" cases in
- let desc =
- {val_type = pat.pat_type; val_kind = Val_reg;
- val_attributes = []; Types.val_loc = Location.none; }
- in
- let env = Env.add_value param desc exp.exp_env in
- let name = param in
- let exp =
- { exp with exp_loc = loc; exp_env = env; exp_desc =
- Texp_match
- ({exp with exp_type = pat.pat_type; exp_env = env; exp_desc =
- Texp_ident
- (Path.Pident param, mknoloc (Longident.Lident name), desc)},
- cases, partial) }
- in
- push_defaults loc bindings
- [{c_lhs={pat with pat_desc = Tpat_var (param, mknoloc name)};
- c_guard=None; c_rhs=exp}]
- Total
- | _ ->
- cases
-(* Insertion of debugging events *)
-let event_before = Translprim.event_before
-let event_after = Translprim.event_after
-let event_function exp lam =
- if !Clflags.debug && not !Clflags.native_code then
- let repr = Some (ref 0) in
- let (info, body) = lam repr in
- (info,
- Levent(body, {lev_loc = exp.exp_loc;
- lev_kind = Lev_function;
- lev_repr = repr;
- lev_env = exp.exp_env}))
- else
- lam None
-(* Assertions *)
-let assert_failed exp =
- let slot =
- transl_extension_path Location.none
- Env.initial_safe_string Predef.path_assert_failure
- in
- let (fname, line, char) =
- Location.get_pos_info exp.exp_loc.Location.loc_start
- in
- Lprim(Praise Raise_regular, [event_after exp
- (Lprim(Pmakeblock(0, Immutable, None),
- [slot;
- Lconst(Const_block(0,
- [Const_base(Const_string (fname, None));
- Const_base(Const_int line);
- Const_base(Const_int char)]))], exp.exp_loc))], exp.exp_loc)
-let rec cut n l =
- if n = 0 then ([],l) else
- match l with [] -> failwith "Translcore.cut"
- | a::l -> let (l1,l2) = cut (n-1) l in (a::l1,l2)
-(* Translation of expressions *)
-let rec iter_exn_names f pat =
- match pat.pat_desc with
- | Tpat_var (id, _) -> f id
- | Tpat_alias (p, id, _) ->
- f id;
- iter_exn_names f p
- | _ -> ()
-let transl_ident loc env ty path desc =
- match desc.val_kind with
- | Val_prim p ->
- Translprim.transl_primitive loc p env ty (Some path)
- | Val_anc _ ->
- raise(Error(loc, Free_super_var))
- | Val_reg | Val_self _ ->
- transl_value_path loc env path
- | _ -> fatal_error "Translcore.transl_exp: bad Texp_ident"
-let rec transl_exp e =
- List.iter (Translattribute.check_attribute e) e.exp_attributes;
- let eval_once =
- (* Whether classes for immediate objects must be cached *)
- match e.exp_desc with
- Texp_function _ | Texp_for _ | Texp_while _ -> false
- | _ -> true
- in
- if eval_once then transl_exp0 e else
- Translobj.oo_wrap e.exp_env true transl_exp0 e
-and transl_exp0 e =
- match e.exp_desc with
- | Texp_ident(path, _, desc) ->
- transl_ident e.exp_loc e.exp_env e.exp_type path desc
- | Texp_constant cst ->
- Lconst(Const_base cst)
- | Texp_let(rec_flag, pat_expr_list, body) ->
- transl_let rec_flag pat_expr_list (event_before body (transl_exp body))
- | Texp_function { arg_label = _; param; cases; partial; } ->
- let ((kind, params, return), body) =
- event_function e
- (function repr ->
- let pl = push_defaults e.exp_loc [] cases partial in
- let return_kind = function_return_value_kind e.exp_env e.exp_type in
- transl_function e.exp_loc return_kind !Clflags.native_code repr
- partial param pl)
- in
- let attr = default_function_attribute in
- let loc = e.exp_loc in
- let lam = Lfunction{kind; params; return; body; attr; loc} in
- Translattribute.add_function_attributes lam loc e.exp_attributes
- | Texp_apply({ exp_desc = Texp_ident(path, _, {val_kind = Val_prim p});
- exp_type = prim_type } as funct, oargs)
- when List.length oargs >= p.prim_arity
- && List.for_all (fun (_, arg) -> arg <> None) oargs ->
- let argl, extra_args = cut p.prim_arity oargs in
- let arg_exps =
- (function _, Some x -> x | _ -> assert false) argl
- in
- let args = transl_list arg_exps in
- let prim_exp = if extra_args = [] then Some e else None in
- let lam =
- Translprim.transl_primitive_application
- e.exp_loc p e.exp_env prim_type path
- prim_exp args arg_exps
- in
- if extra_args = [] then lam
- else begin
- let should_be_tailcall, funct =
- Translattribute.get_tailcall_attribute funct
- in
- let inlined, funct =
- Translattribute.get_and_remove_inlined_attribute funct
- in
- let specialised, funct =
- Translattribute.get_and_remove_specialised_attribute funct
- in
- let e = { e with exp_desc = Texp_apply(funct, oargs) } in
- event_after e
- (transl_apply ~should_be_tailcall ~inlined ~specialised
- lam extra_args e.exp_loc)
- end
- | Texp_apply(funct, oargs) ->
- let should_be_tailcall, funct =
- Translattribute.get_tailcall_attribute funct
- in
- let inlined, funct =
- Translattribute.get_and_remove_inlined_attribute funct
- in
- let specialised, funct =
- Translattribute.get_and_remove_specialised_attribute funct
- in
- let e = { e with exp_desc = Texp_apply(funct, oargs) } in
- event_after e
- (transl_apply ~should_be_tailcall ~inlined ~specialised
- (transl_exp funct) oargs e.exp_loc)
- | Texp_match(arg, pat_expr_list, partial) ->
- transl_match e arg pat_expr_list partial
- | Texp_try(body, pat_expr_list) ->
- let id = Typecore.name_cases "exn" pat_expr_list in
- Ltrywith(transl_exp body, id,
- Matching.for_trywith (Lvar id) (transl_cases_try pat_expr_list))
- | Texp_tuple el ->
- let ll, shape = transl_list_with_shape el in
- begin try
- Lconst(Const_block(0, extract_constant ll))
- with Not_constant ->
- Lprim(Pmakeblock(0, Immutable, Some shape), ll, e.exp_loc)
- end
- | Texp_construct(_, cstr, args) ->
- let ll, shape = transl_list_with_shape args in
- if cstr.cstr_inlined <> None then begin match ll with
- | [x] -> x
- | _ -> assert false
- end else begin match cstr.cstr_tag with
- Cstr_constant n ->
- Lconst(Const_pointer n)
- | Cstr_unboxed ->
- (match ll with [v] -> v | _ -> assert false)
- | Cstr_block n ->
- begin try
- Lconst(Const_block(n, extract_constant ll))
- with Not_constant ->
- Lprim(Pmakeblock(n, Immutable, Some shape), ll, e.exp_loc)
- end
- | Cstr_extension(path, is_const) ->
- let lam = transl_extension_path e.exp_loc e.exp_env path in
- if is_const then lam
- else
- Lprim(Pmakeblock(0, Immutable, Some (Pgenval :: shape)),
- lam :: ll, e.exp_loc)
- end
- | Texp_extension_constructor (_, path) ->
- transl_extension_path e.exp_loc e.exp_env path
- | Texp_variant(l, arg) ->
- let tag = Btype.hash_variant l in
- begin match arg with
- None -> Lconst(Const_pointer tag)
- | Some arg ->
- let lam = transl_exp arg in
- try
- Lconst(Const_block(0, [Const_base(Const_int tag);
- extract_constant lam]))
- with Not_constant ->
- Lprim(Pmakeblock(0, Immutable, None),
- [Lconst(Const_base(Const_int tag)); lam], e.exp_loc)
- end
- | Texp_record {fields; representation; extended_expression} ->
- transl_record e.exp_loc e.exp_env fields representation
- extended_expression
- | Texp_field(arg, _, lbl) ->
- let targ = transl_exp arg in
- begin match lbl.lbl_repres with
- Record_regular | Record_inlined _ ->
- Lprim (Pfield lbl.lbl_pos, [targ], e.exp_loc)
- | Record_unboxed _ -> targ
- | Record_float -> Lprim (Pfloatfield lbl.lbl_pos, [targ], e.exp_loc)
- | Record_extension _ ->
- Lprim (Pfield (lbl.lbl_pos + 1), [targ], e.exp_loc)
- end
- | Texp_setfield(arg, _, lbl, newval) ->
- let access =
- match lbl.lbl_repres with
- Record_regular
- | Record_inlined _ ->
- Psetfield(lbl.lbl_pos, maybe_pointer newval, Assignment)
- | Record_unboxed _ -> assert false
- | Record_float -> Psetfloatfield (lbl.lbl_pos, Assignment)
- | Record_extension _ ->
- Psetfield (lbl.lbl_pos + 1, maybe_pointer newval, Assignment)
- in
- Lprim(access, [transl_exp arg; transl_exp newval], e.exp_loc)
- | Texp_array expr_list ->
- let kind = array_kind e in
- let ll = transl_list expr_list in
- begin try
- (* For native code the decision as to which compilation strategy to
- use is made later. This enables the Flambda passes to lift certain
- kinds of array definitions to symbols. *)
- (* Deactivate constant optimization if array is small enough *)
- if List.length ll <= use_dup_for_constant_arrays_bigger_than
- then begin
- raise Not_constant
- end;
- begin match extract_constant ll with
- | exception Not_constant when kind = Pfloatarray ->
- (* We cannot currently lift [Pintarray] arrays safely in Flambda
- because [caml_modify] might be called upon them (e.g. from
- code operating on polymorphic arrays, or functions such as
- [caml_array_blit].
- To avoid having different Lambda code for
- bytecode/Closure vs. Flambda, we always generate
- [Pduparray] here, and deal with it in [Bytegen] (or in
- the case of Closure, in [Cmmgen], which already has to
- handle [Pduparray Pmakearray Pfloatarray] in the case
- where the array turned out to be inconstant).
- When not [Pfloatarray], the exception propagates to the handler
- below. *)
- let imm_array =
- Lprim (Pmakearray (kind, Immutable), ll, e.exp_loc)
- in
- Lprim (Pduparray (kind, Mutable), [imm_array], e.exp_loc)
- | cl ->
- let imm_array =
- match kind with
- | Paddrarray | Pintarray ->
- Lconst(Const_block(0, cl))
- | Pfloatarray ->
- Lconst(Const_float_array( extract_float cl))
- | Pgenarray ->
- raise Not_constant (* can this really happen? *)
- in
- Lprim (Pduparray (kind, Mutable), [imm_array], e.exp_loc)
- end
- with Not_constant ->
- Lprim(Pmakearray (kind, Mutable), ll, e.exp_loc)
- end
- | Texp_ifthenelse(cond, ifso, Some ifnot) ->
- Lifthenelse(transl_exp cond,
- event_before ifso (transl_exp ifso),
- event_before ifnot (transl_exp ifnot))
- | Texp_ifthenelse(cond, ifso, None) ->
- Lifthenelse(transl_exp cond,
- event_before ifso (transl_exp ifso),
- lambda_unit)
- | Texp_sequence(expr1, expr2) ->
- Lsequence(transl_exp expr1, event_before expr2 (transl_exp expr2))
- | Texp_while(cond, body) ->
- Lwhile(transl_exp cond, event_before body (transl_exp body))
- | Texp_for(param, _, low, high, dir, body) ->
- Lfor(param, transl_exp low, transl_exp high, dir,
- event_before body (transl_exp body))
- | Texp_send(_, _, Some exp) -> transl_exp exp
- | Texp_send(expr, met, None) ->
- let obj = transl_exp expr in
- let lam =
- match met with
- Tmeth_val id -> Lsend (Self, Lvar id, obj, [], e.exp_loc)
- | Tmeth_name nm ->
- let (tag, cache) = Translobj.meth obj nm in
- let kind = if cache = [] then Public else Cached in
- Lsend (kind, tag, obj, cache, e.exp_loc)
- in
- event_after e lam
- | Texp_new (cl, {Location.loc=loc}, _) ->
- Lapply{ap_should_be_tailcall=false;
- ap_loc=loc;
- ap_func=
- Lprim(Pfield 0, [transl_class_path loc e.exp_env cl], loc);
- ap_args=[lambda_unit];
- ap_inlined=Default_inline;
- ap_specialised=Default_specialise}
- | Texp_instvar(path_self, path, _) ->
- let self = transl_value_path e.exp_loc e.exp_env path_self in
- let var = transl_value_path e.exp_loc e.exp_env path in
- Lprim(Pfield_computed, [self; var], e.exp_loc)
- | Texp_setinstvar(path_self, path, _, expr) ->
- let self = transl_value_path e.exp_loc e.exp_env path_self in
- let var = transl_value_path e.exp_loc e.exp_env path in
- transl_setinstvar e.exp_loc self var expr
- | Texp_override(path_self, modifs) ->
- let self = transl_value_path e.exp_loc e.exp_env path_self in
- let cpy = Ident.create_local "copy" in
- Llet(Strict, Pgenval, cpy,
- Lapply{ap_should_be_tailcall=false;
- ap_loc=Location.none;
- ap_func=Translobj.oo_prim "copy";
- ap_args=[self];
- ap_inlined=Default_inline;
- ap_specialised=Default_specialise},
- List.fold_right
- (fun (path, _, expr) rem ->
- let var = transl_value_path e.exp_loc e.exp_env path in
- Lsequence(transl_setinstvar Location.none
- (Lvar cpy) var expr, rem))
- modifs
- (Lvar cpy))
- | Texp_letmodule(id, loc, Mp_present, modl, body) ->
- let defining_expr =
- Levent (!transl_module Tcoerce_none None modl, {
- lev_loc = loc.loc;
- lev_kind = Lev_module_definition id;
- lev_repr = None;
- lev_env = Env.empty;
- })
- in
- Llet(Strict, Pgenval, id, defining_expr, transl_exp body)
- | Texp_letmodule(_, _, Mp_absent, _, body) ->
- transl_exp body
- | Texp_letexception(cd, body) ->
- Llet(Strict, Pgenval,
- cd.ext_id, transl_extension_constructor e.exp_env None cd,
- transl_exp body)
- | Texp_pack modl ->
- !transl_module Tcoerce_none None modl
- | Texp_assert {exp_desc=Texp_construct(_, {cstr_name="false"}, _)} ->
- assert_failed e
- | Texp_assert (cond) ->
- if !Clflags.noassert
- then lambda_unit
- else Lifthenelse (transl_exp cond, lambda_unit, assert_failed e)
- | Texp_lazy e ->
- (* when e needs no computation (constants, identifiers, ...), we
- optimize the translation just as Lazy.lazy_from_val would
- do *)
- begin match Typeopt.classify_lazy_argument e with
- | `Constant_or_function ->
- (* A constant expr (of type <> float if [Config.flat_float_array] is
- true) gets compiled as itself. *)
- transl_exp e
- | `Float_that_cannot_be_shortcut ->
- (* We don't need to wrap with Popaque: this forward
- block will never be shortcutted since it points to a float
- and Config.flat_float_array is true. *)
- Lprim(Pmakeblock(Obj.forward_tag, Immutable, None),
- [transl_exp e], e.exp_loc)
- | `Identifier `Forward_value ->
- (* CR-someday mshinwell: Consider adding a new primitive
- that expresses the construction of forward_tag blocks.
- We need to use [Popaque] here to prevent unsound
- optimisation in Flambda, but the concept of a mutable
- block doesn't really match what is going on here. This
- value may subsequently turn into an immediate... *)
- Lprim (Popaque,
- [Lprim(Pmakeblock(Obj.forward_tag, Immutable, None),
- [transl_exp e], e.exp_loc)],
- e.exp_loc)
- | `Identifier `Other ->
- transl_exp e
- | `Other ->
- (* other cases compile to a lazy block holding a function *)
- let fn = Lfunction {kind = Curried;
- params= [Ident.create_local "param", Pgenval];
- return = Pgenval;
- attr = default_function_attribute;
- loc = e.exp_loc;
- body = transl_exp e} in
- Lprim(Pmakeblock(Config.lazy_tag, Mutable, None), [fn], e.exp_loc)
- end
- | Texp_object (cs, meths) ->
- let cty = cs.cstr_type in
- let cl = Ident.create_local "class" in
- !transl_object cl meths
- { cl_desc = Tcl_structure cs;
- cl_loc = e.exp_loc;
- cl_type = Cty_signature cty;
- cl_env = e.exp_env;
- cl_attributes = [];
- }
- | Texp_letop{let_; ands; param; body; partial} ->
- event_after e
- (transl_letop e.exp_loc e.exp_env let_ ands param body partial)
- | Texp_unreachable ->
- raise (Error (e.exp_loc, Unreachable_reached))
- | Texp_open (od, e) ->
- let pure = pure_module od.open_expr in
- (* this optimization shouldn't be needed because Simplif would
- actually remove the [Llet] when it's not used.
- But since [scan_used_globals] runs before Simplif, we need to
- do it. *)
- begin match od.open_bound_items with
- | [] when pure = Alias -> transl_exp e
- | _ ->
- let oid = Ident.create_local "open" in
- let body, _ =
- List.fold_left (fun (body, pos) id ->
- Llet(Alias, Pgenval, id,
- Lprim(Pfield pos, [Lvar oid], od.open_loc), body),
- pos + 1
- ) (transl_exp e, 0) (bound_value_identifiers od.open_bound_items)
- in
- Llet(pure, Pgenval, oid,
- !transl_module Tcoerce_none None od.open_expr, body)
- end
-and pure_module m =
- match m.mod_desc with
- Tmod_ident _ -> Alias
- | Tmod_constraint (m,_,_,_) -> pure_module m
- | _ -> Strict
-and transl_list expr_list =
- transl_exp expr_list
-and transl_list_with_shape expr_list =
- let transl_with_shape e =
- let shape = Typeopt.value_kind e.exp_env e.exp_type in
- transl_exp e, shape
- in
- List.split ( transl_with_shape expr_list)
-and transl_guard guard rhs =
- let expr = event_before rhs (transl_exp rhs) in
- match guard with
- | None -> expr
- | Some cond ->
- event_before cond (Lifthenelse(transl_exp cond, expr, staticfail))
-and transl_case {c_lhs; c_guard; c_rhs} =
- c_lhs, transl_guard c_guard c_rhs
-and transl_cases cases =
- let cases =
- List.filter (fun c -> c.c_rhs.exp_desc <> Texp_unreachable) cases in
- transl_case cases
-and transl_case_try {c_lhs; c_guard; c_rhs} =
- iter_exn_names Translprim.add_exception_ident c_lhs;
- Misc.try_finally
- (fun () -> c_lhs, transl_guard c_guard c_rhs)
- ~always:(fun () ->
- iter_exn_names Translprim.remove_exception_ident c_lhs)
-and transl_cases_try cases =
- let cases =
- List.filter (fun c -> c.c_rhs.exp_desc <> Texp_unreachable) cases in
- transl_case_try cases
-and transl_tupled_cases patl_expr_list =
- let patl_expr_list =
- List.filter (fun (_,_,e) -> e.exp_desc <> Texp_unreachable)
- patl_expr_list in
- (fun (patl, guard, expr) -> (patl, transl_guard guard expr))
- patl_expr_list
-and transl_apply ?(should_be_tailcall=false) ?(inlined = Default_inline)
- ?(specialised = Default_specialise) lam sargs loc =
- let lapply funct args =
- match funct with
- Lsend(k, lmet, lobj, largs, loc) ->
- Lsend(k, lmet, lobj, largs @ args, loc)
- | Levent(Lsend(k, lmet, lobj, largs, loc), _) ->
- Lsend(k, lmet, lobj, largs @ args, loc)
- | Lapply ap ->
- Lapply {ap with ap_args = ap.ap_args @ args; ap_loc = loc}
- | lexp ->
- Lapply {ap_should_be_tailcall=should_be_tailcall;
- ap_loc=loc;
- ap_func=lexp;
- ap_args=args;
- ap_inlined=inlined;
- ap_specialised=specialised;}
- in
- let rec build_apply lam args = function
- (None, optional) :: l ->
- let defs = ref [] in
- let protect name lam =
- match lam with
- Lvar _ | Lconst _ -> lam
- | _ ->
- let id = Ident.create_local name in
- defs := (id, lam) :: !defs;
- Lvar id
- in
- let args, args' =
- if List.for_all (fun (_,opt) -> opt) args then [], args
- else args, [] in
- let lam =
- if args = [] then lam else lapply lam (List.rev_map fst args) in
- let handle = protect "func" lam
- and l = (fun (arg, opt) -> may_map (protect "arg") arg, opt) l
- and id_arg = Ident.create_local "param" in
- let body =
- match build_apply handle ((Lvar id_arg, optional)::args') l with
- Lfunction{kind = Curried; params = ids; return;
- body = lam; attr; loc} ->
- Lfunction{kind = Curried;
- params = (id_arg, Pgenval)::ids;
- return;
- body = lam; attr;
- loc}
- | Levent(Lfunction{kind = Curried; params = ids; return;
- body = lam; attr; loc}, _) ->
- Lfunction{kind = Curried; params = (id_arg, Pgenval)::ids;
- return;
- body = lam; attr;
- loc}
- | lam ->
- Lfunction{kind = Curried; params = [id_arg, Pgenval];
- return = Pgenval; body = lam;
- attr = default_stub_attribute; loc = loc}
- in
- List.fold_left
- (fun body (id, lam) -> Llet(Strict, Pgenval, id, lam, body))
- body !defs
- | (Some arg, optional) :: l ->
- build_apply lam ((arg, optional) :: args) l
- | [] ->
- lapply lam (List.rev_map fst args)
- in
- (build_apply lam [] ( (fun (l, x) ->
- may_map transl_exp x, Btype.is_optional l)
- sargs)
- : Lambda.lambda)
-and transl_function loc return untuplify_fn repr partial (param:Ident.t) cases =
- match cases with
- [{c_lhs=pat; c_guard=None;
- c_rhs={exp_desc = Texp_function { arg_label = _; param = param'; cases;
- partial = partial'; }; exp_env; exp_type} as exp}]
- when Parmatch.inactive ~partial pat ->
- let kind = value_kind pat.pat_env pat.pat_type in
- let return_kind = function_return_value_kind exp_env exp_type in
- let ((_, params, return), body) =
- transl_function exp.exp_loc return_kind false repr partial' param' cases
- in
- ((Curried, (param, kind) :: params, return),
- Matching.for_function loc None (Lvar param) [pat, body] partial)
- | {c_lhs={pat_desc = Tpat_tuple pl}} :: _ when untuplify_fn ->
- begin try
- let size = List.length pl in
- let pats_expr_list =
- (fun {c_lhs; c_guard; c_rhs} ->
- (Matching.flatten_pattern size c_lhs, c_guard, c_rhs))
- cases in
- let kinds =
- (* All the patterns might not share the same types. We must take the
- union of the patterns types *)
- match pats_expr_list with
- | [] -> assert false
- | (pats, _, _) :: cases ->
- let first_case_kinds =
- (fun pat -> value_kind pat.pat_env pat.pat_type) pats
- in
- List.fold_left
- (fun kinds (pats, _, _) ->
- List.map2 (fun kind pat ->
- value_kind_union kind
- (value_kind pat.pat_env pat.pat_type))
- kinds pats)
- first_case_kinds cases
- in
- let tparams =
- (fun kind -> Ident.create_local "param", kind) kinds
- in
- let params = fst tparams in
- ((Tupled, tparams, return),
- Matching.for_tupled_function loc params
- (transl_tupled_cases pats_expr_list) partial)
- with Matching.Cannot_flatten ->
- ((Curried, [param, Pgenval], return),
- Matching.for_function loc repr (Lvar param)
- (transl_cases cases) partial)
- end
- | {c_lhs=pat} :: other_cases ->
- let kind =
- (* All the patterns might not share the same types. We must take the
- union of the patterns types *)
- List.fold_left (fun k {c_lhs=pat} ->
- Typeopt.value_kind_union k
- (value_kind pat.pat_env pat.pat_type))
- (value_kind pat.pat_env pat.pat_type) other_cases
- in
- ((Curried, [param, kind], return),
- Matching.for_function loc repr (Lvar param)
- (transl_cases cases) partial)
- | [] ->
- (* With Camlp4, a pattern matching might be empty *)
- ((Curried, [param, Pgenval], return),
- Matching.for_function loc repr (Lvar param)
- (transl_cases cases) partial)
- Notice: transl_let consumes (ie compiles) its pat_expr_list argument,
- and returns a function that will take the body of the lambda-let construct.
- This complication allows choosing any compilation order for the
- bindings and body of let constructs.
-and transl_let rec_flag pat_expr_list =
- match rec_flag with
- Nonrecursive ->
- let rec transl = function
- [] ->
- fun body -> body
- | {vb_pat=pat; vb_expr=expr; vb_attributes=attr; vb_loc} :: rem ->
- let lam = transl_exp expr in
- let lam = Translattribute.add_function_attributes lam vb_loc attr in
- let mk_body = transl rem in
- fun body -> Matching.for_let pat.pat_loc lam pat (mk_body body)
- in transl pat_expr_list
- | Recursive ->
- let idlist =
- (fun {vb_pat=pat} -> match pat.pat_desc with
- Tpat_var (id,_) -> id
- | Tpat_alias ({pat_desc=Tpat_any}, id,_) -> id
- | _ -> assert false)
- pat_expr_list in
- let transl_case {vb_expr=expr; vb_attributes; vb_loc} id =
- let lam = transl_exp expr in
- let lam =
- Translattribute.add_function_attributes lam vb_loc vb_attributes
- in
- (id, lam) in
- let lam_bds = List.map2 transl_case pat_expr_list idlist in
- fun body -> Lletrec(lam_bds, body)
-and transl_setinstvar loc self var expr =
- Lprim(Psetfield_computed (maybe_pointer expr, Assignment),
- [self; var; transl_exp expr], loc)
-and transl_record loc env fields repres opt_init_expr =
- let size = Array.length fields in
- (* Determine if there are "enough" fields (only relevant if this is a
- functional-style record update *)
- let no_init = match opt_init_expr with None -> true | _ -> false in
- if no_init || size < Config.max_young_wosize
- then begin
- (* Allocate new record with given fields (and remaining fields
- taken from init_expr if any *)
- let init_id = Ident.create_local "init" in
- let lv =
- Array.mapi
- (fun i (_, definition) ->
- match definition with
- | Kept typ ->
- let field_kind = value_kind env typ in
- let access =
- match repres with
- Record_regular | Record_inlined _ -> Pfield i
- | Record_unboxed _ -> assert false
- | Record_extension _ -> Pfield (i + 1)
- | Record_float -> Pfloatfield i in
- Lprim(access, [Lvar init_id], loc), field_kind
- | Overridden (_lid, expr) ->
- let field_kind = value_kind expr.exp_env expr.exp_type in
- transl_exp expr, field_kind)
- fields
- in
- let ll, shape = List.split (Array.to_list lv) in
- let mut =
- if Array.exists (fun (lbl, _) -> lbl.lbl_mut = Mutable) fields
- then Mutable
- else Immutable in
- let lam =
- try
- if mut = Mutable then raise Not_constant;
- let cl = extract_constant ll in
- match repres with
- | Record_regular -> Lconst(Const_block(0, cl))
- | Record_inlined tag -> Lconst(Const_block(tag, cl))
- | Record_unboxed _ -> Lconst(match cl with [v] -> v | _ -> assert false)
- | Record_float ->
- Lconst(Const_float_array( extract_float cl))
- | Record_extension _ ->
- raise Not_constant
- with Not_constant ->
- match repres with
- Record_regular ->
- Lprim(Pmakeblock(0, mut, Some shape), ll, loc)
- | Record_inlined tag ->
- Lprim(Pmakeblock(tag, mut, Some shape), ll, loc)
- | Record_unboxed _ -> (match ll with [v] -> v | _ -> assert false)
- | Record_float ->
- Lprim(Pmakearray (Pfloatarray, mut), ll, loc)
- | Record_extension path ->
- let slot = transl_extension_path loc env path in
- Lprim(Pmakeblock(0, mut, Some (Pgenval :: shape)), slot :: ll, loc)
- in
- begin match opt_init_expr with
- None -> lam
- | Some init_expr -> Llet(Strict, Pgenval, init_id,
- transl_exp init_expr, lam)
- end
- end else begin
- (* Take a shallow copy of the init record, then mutate the fields
- of the copy *)
- let copy_id = Ident.create_local "newrecord" in
- let update_field cont (lbl, definition) =
- match definition with
- | Kept _type -> cont
- | Overridden (_lid, expr) ->
- let upd =
- match repres with
- Record_regular
- | Record_inlined _ ->
- Psetfield(lbl.lbl_pos, maybe_pointer expr, Assignment)
- | Record_unboxed _ -> assert false
- | Record_float -> Psetfloatfield (lbl.lbl_pos, Assignment)
- | Record_extension _ ->
- Psetfield(lbl.lbl_pos + 1, maybe_pointer expr, Assignment)
- in
- Lsequence(Lprim(upd, [Lvar copy_id; transl_exp expr], loc), cont)
- in
- begin match opt_init_expr with
- None -> assert false
- | Some init_expr ->
- Llet(Strict, Pgenval, copy_id,
- Lprim(Pduprecord (repres, size), [transl_exp init_expr], loc),
- Array.fold_left update_field (Lvar copy_id) fields)
- end
- end
-and transl_match e arg pat_expr_list partial =
- let rewrite_case (val_cases, exn_cases, static_handlers as acc)
- ({ c_lhs; c_guard; c_rhs } as case) =
- if c_rhs.exp_desc = Texp_unreachable then acc else
- let val_pat, exn_pat = split_pattern c_lhs in
- match val_pat, exn_pat with
- | None, None -> assert false
- | Some pv, None ->
- let val_case =
- transl_case { case with c_lhs = pv }
- in
- val_case :: val_cases, exn_cases, static_handlers
- | None, Some pe ->
- let exn_case = transl_case_try { case with c_lhs = pe } in
- val_cases, exn_case :: exn_cases, static_handlers
- | Some pv, Some pe ->
- assert (c_guard = None);
- let lbl = next_raise_count () in
- let static_raise ids =
- Lstaticraise (lbl, (fun id -> Lvar id) ids)
- in
- (* Simplif doesn't like it if binders are not uniq, so we make sure to
- use different names in the value and the exception branches. *)
- let ids_full = Typedtree.pat_bound_idents_full pv in
- let ids = (fun (id, _, _) -> id) ids_full in
- let ids_kinds =
- (fun (id, _, ty) -> id, Typeopt.value_kind pv.pat_env ty)
- ids_full
- in
- let vids = Ident.rename ids in
- let pv = alpha_pat (List.combine ids vids) pv in
- (* Also register the names of the exception so Re-raise happens. *)
- iter_exn_names Translprim.add_exception_ident pe;
- let rhs =
- Misc.try_finally
- (fun () -> event_before c_rhs (transl_exp c_rhs))
- ~always:(fun () ->
- iter_exn_names Translprim.remove_exception_ident pe)
- in
- (pv, static_raise vids) :: val_cases,
- (pe, static_raise ids) :: exn_cases,
- (lbl, ids_kinds, rhs) :: static_handlers
- in
- let val_cases, exn_cases, static_handlers =
- let x, y, z = List.fold_left rewrite_case ([], [], []) pat_expr_list in
- List.rev x, List.rev y, List.rev z
- in
- let static_catch body val_ids handler =
- let id = Typecore.name_pattern "exn" ( fst exn_cases) in
- let static_exception_id = next_raise_count () in
- Lstaticcatch
- (Ltrywith (Lstaticraise (static_exception_id, body), id,
- Matching.for_trywith (Lvar id) exn_cases),
- (static_exception_id, val_ids),
- handler)
- in
- let classic =
- match arg, exn_cases with
- | {exp_desc = Texp_tuple argl}, [] ->
- assert (static_handlers = []);
- Matching.for_multiple_match e.exp_loc (transl_list argl) val_cases partial
- | {exp_desc = Texp_tuple argl}, _ :: _ ->
- let val_ids =
- (fun arg ->
- Typecore.name_pattern "val" [],
- Typeopt.value_kind arg.exp_env arg.exp_type
- )
- argl
- in
- let lvars = (fun (id, _) -> Lvar id) val_ids in
- static_catch (transl_list argl) val_ids
- (Matching.for_multiple_match e.exp_loc lvars val_cases partial)
- | arg, [] ->
- assert (static_handlers = []);
- Matching.for_function e.exp_loc None (transl_exp arg) val_cases partial
- | arg, _ :: _ ->
- let val_id = Typecore.name_cases "val" pat_expr_list in
- let k = Typeopt.value_kind arg.exp_env arg.exp_type in
- static_catch [transl_exp arg] [val_id, k]
- (Matching.for_function e.exp_loc None (Lvar val_id) val_cases partial)
- in
- List.fold_left (fun body (static_exception_id, val_ids, handler) ->
- Lstaticcatch (body, (static_exception_id, val_ids), handler)
- ) classic static_handlers
-and transl_letop loc env let_ ands param case partial =
- let rec loop prev_lam = function
- | [] -> prev_lam
- | and_ :: rest ->
- let left_id = Ident.create_local "left" in
- let right_id = Ident.create_local "right" in
- let op =
- transl_ident and_.bop_op_name.loc env
- and_.bop_op_type and_.bop_op_path and_.bop_op_val
- in
- let exp = transl_exp and_.bop_exp in
- let lam =
- bind Strict right_id exp
- (Lapply{ap_should_be_tailcall = false;
- ap_loc = and_.bop_loc;
- ap_func = op;
- ap_args=[Lvar left_id; Lvar right_id];
- ap_inlined=Default_inline;
- ap_specialised=Default_specialise})
- in
- bind Strict left_id prev_lam (loop lam rest)
- in
- let op =
- transl_ident let_.bop_op_name.loc env
- let_.bop_op_type let_.bop_op_path let_.bop_op_val
- in
- let exp = loop (transl_exp let_.bop_exp) ands in
- let func =
- let return_kind = value_kind case.c_rhs.exp_env case.c_rhs.exp_type in
- let (kind, params, return), body =
- event_function case.c_rhs
- (function repr ->
- transl_function case.c_rhs.exp_loc return_kind
- !Clflags.native_code repr partial param [case])
- in
- let attr = default_function_attribute in
- let loc = case.c_rhs.exp_loc in
- Lfunction{kind; params; return; body; attr; loc}
- in
- Lapply{ap_should_be_tailcall = false;
- ap_loc = loc;
- ap_func = op;
- ap_args=[exp; func];
- ap_inlined=Default_inline;
- ap_specialised=Default_specialise}
-(* Wrapper for class compilation *)
-let transl_exp = transl_exp_wrap
-let transl_let rec_flag pat_expr_list body =
- match pat_expr_list with
- [] -> body
- | (_, expr) :: _ ->
- Translobj.oo_wrap expr.exp_env false
- (transl_let rec_flag pat_expr_list) body
-(* Error report *)
-open Format
-let report_error ppf = function
- | Free_super_var ->
- fprintf ppf
- "Ancestor names can only be used to select inherited methods"
- | Unreachable_reached ->
- fprintf ppf "Unreachable expression was reached"
-let () =
- Location.register_error_of_exn
- (function
- | Error (loc, err) ->
- Some (Location.error_of_printer ~loc report_error err)
- | _ ->
- None
- )
diff --git a/bytecomp/translcore.mli b/bytecomp/translcore.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index 7a27dbcb39..0000000000
--- a/bytecomp/translcore.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-(* *)
-(* OCaml *)
-(* *)
-(* Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
-(* *)
-(* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
-(* en Automatique. *)
-(* *)
-(* All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the terms of *)
-(* the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the *)
-(* special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE. *)
-(* *)
-(* Translation from typed abstract syntax to lambda terms,
- for the core language *)
-open Asttypes
-open Typedtree
-open Lambda
-val pure_module : module_expr -> let_kind
-val transl_exp: expression -> lambda
-val transl_apply: ?should_be_tailcall:bool
- -> ?inlined:inline_attribute
- -> ?specialised:specialise_attribute
- -> lambda -> (arg_label * expression option) list
- -> Location.t -> lambda
-val transl_let: rec_flag -> value_binding list -> lambda -> lambda
-val transl_extension_constructor: Env.t -> Path.t option ->
- extension_constructor -> lambda
-type error =
- Free_super_var
- | Unreachable_reached
-exception Error of Location.t * error
-open Format
-val report_error: formatter -> error -> unit
-(* Forward declaration -- to be filled in by Translmod.transl_module *)
-val transl_module :
- (module_coercion -> Path.t option -> module_expr -> lambda) ref
-val transl_object :
- (Ident.t -> string list -> class_expr -> lambda) ref
diff --git a/bytecomp/ b/bytecomp/
deleted file mode 100644
index bf111693be..0000000000
--- a/bytecomp/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1556 +0,0 @@
-(* *)
-(* OCaml *)
-(* *)
-(* Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
-(* *)
-(* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
-(* en Automatique. *)
-(* *)
-(* All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the terms of *)
-(* the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the *)
-(* special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE. *)
-(* *)
-(* Translation from typed abstract syntax to lambda terms,
- for the module language *)
-open Misc
-open Asttypes
-open Path
-open Types
-open Typedtree
-open Lambda
-open Translobj
-open Translcore
-open Translclass
-type unsafe_component =
- | Unsafe_module_binding
- | Unsafe_functor
- | Unsafe_non_function
- | Unsafe_typext
-type unsafe_info = { reason:unsafe_component; loc:Location.t; subid:Ident.t }
-type error =
- Circular_dependency of (Ident.t * unsafe_info) list
-| Conflicting_inline_attributes
-exception Error of Location.t * error
-(* Keep track of the root path (from the root of the namespace to the
- currently compiled module expression). Useful for naming extensions. *)
-let global_path glob = Some(Pident glob)
-let functor_path path param =
- match path with
- None -> None
- | Some p -> Some(Papply(p, Pident param))
-let field_path path field =
- match path with
- None -> None
- | Some p -> Some(Pdot(p, field))
-(* Compile type extensions *)
-let transl_type_extension env rootpath tyext body =
- List.fold_right
- (fun ext body ->
- let lam =
- transl_extension_constructor env (field_path rootpath ext.ext_id) ext
- in
- Llet(Strict, Pgenval, ext.ext_id, lam, body))
- tyext.tyext_constructors
- body
-(* Compile a coercion *)
-let rec apply_coercion loc strict restr arg =
- match restr with
- Tcoerce_none ->
- arg
- | Tcoerce_structure(pos_cc_list, id_pos_list) ->
- name_lambda strict arg (fun id ->
- let get_field pos = Lprim(Pfield pos,[Lvar id], loc) in
- let lam =
- Lprim(Pmakeblock(0, Immutable, None),
- (apply_coercion_field loc get_field) pos_cc_list,
- loc)
- in
- wrap_id_pos_list loc id_pos_list get_field lam)
- | Tcoerce_functor(cc_arg, cc_res) ->
- let param = Ident.create_local "funarg" in
- let carg = apply_coercion loc Alias cc_arg (Lvar param) in
- apply_coercion_result loc strict arg [param, Pgenval] [carg] cc_res
- | Tcoerce_primitive { pc_loc; pc_desc; pc_env; pc_type; } ->
- Translprim.transl_primitive pc_loc pc_desc pc_env pc_type None
- | Tcoerce_alias (env, path, cc) ->
- let lam = transl_module_path loc env path in
- name_lambda strict arg
- (fun _ -> apply_coercion loc Alias cc lam)
-and apply_coercion_field loc get_field (pos, cc) =
- apply_coercion loc Alias cc (get_field pos)
-and apply_coercion_result loc strict funct params args cc_res =
- match cc_res with
- | Tcoerce_functor(cc_arg, cc_res) ->
- let param = Ident.create_local "funarg" in
- let arg = apply_coercion loc Alias cc_arg (Lvar param) in
- apply_coercion_result loc strict funct
- ((param, Pgenval) :: params) (arg :: args) cc_res
- | _ ->
- name_lambda strict funct
- (fun id ->
- Lfunction
- {
- kind = Curried;
- params = List.rev params;
- return = Pgenval;
- attr = { default_function_attribute with
- is_a_functor = true;
- stub = true; };
- loc = loc;
- body = apply_coercion
- loc Strict cc_res
- (Lapply{ap_should_be_tailcall=false;
- ap_loc=loc;
- ap_func=Lvar id;
- ap_args=List.rev args;
- ap_inlined=Default_inline;
- ap_specialised=Default_specialise})})
-and wrap_id_pos_list loc id_pos_list get_field lam =
- let fv = free_variables lam in
- (*Format.eprintf "%a@." Printlambda.lambda lam;
- Ident.Set.iter (fun id -> Format.eprintf "%a " Ident.print id) fv;
- Format.eprintf "@.";*)
- let (lam,s) =
- List.fold_left (fun (lam, s) (id',pos,c) ->
- if Ident.Set.mem id' fv then
- let id'' = Ident.create_local ( id') in
- (Llet(Alias, Pgenval, id'',
- apply_coercion loc Alias c (get_field pos),lam),
- Ident.Map.add id' id'' s)
- else (lam, s))
- (lam, Ident.Map.empty) id_pos_list
- in
- if s == Ident.Map.empty then lam else Lambda.rename s lam
-(* Compose two coercions
- apply_coercion c1 (apply_coercion c2 e) behaves like
- apply_coercion (compose_coercions c1 c2) e. *)
-let rec compose_coercions c1 c2 =
- match (c1, c2) with
- (Tcoerce_none, c2) -> c2
- | (c1, Tcoerce_none) -> c1
- | (Tcoerce_structure (pc1, ids1), Tcoerce_structure (pc2, ids2)) ->
- let v2 = Array.of_list pc2 in
- let ids1 =
- (fun (id,pos1,c1) ->
- let (pos2,c2) = v2.(pos1) in (id, pos2, compose_coercions c1 c2))
- ids1
- in
- Tcoerce_structure
- (
- (fun pc ->
- match pc with
- | _, (Tcoerce_primitive _ | Tcoerce_alias _) ->
- (* These cases do not take an argument (the position is -1),
- so they do not need adjusting. *)
- pc
- | (p1, c1) ->
- let (p2, c2) = v2.(p1) in
- (p2, compose_coercions c1 c2))
- pc1,
- ids1 @ ids2)
- | (Tcoerce_functor(arg1, res1), Tcoerce_functor(arg2, res2)) ->
- Tcoerce_functor(compose_coercions arg2 arg1,
- compose_coercions res1 res2)
- | (c1, Tcoerce_alias (env, path, c2)) ->
- Tcoerce_alias (env, path, compose_coercions c1 c2)
- | (_, _) ->
- fatal_error "Translmod.compose_coercions"
-let apply_coercion a b c =
- Format.eprintf "@[<2>apply_coercion@ %a@]@." Includemod.print_coercion b;
- apply_coercion a b c
-let compose_coercions c1 c2 =
- let c3 = compose_coercions c1 c2 in
- let open Includemod in
- Format.eprintf "@[<2>compose_coercions@ (%a)@ (%a) =@ %a@]@."
- print_coercion c1 print_coercion c2 print_coercion c3;
- c3
-(* Record the primitive declarations occurring in the module compiled *)
-let primitive_declarations = ref ([] : Primitive.description list)
-let record_primitive = function
- | {val_kind=Val_prim p;val_loc} ->
- Translprim.check_primitive_arity val_loc p;
- primitive_declarations := p :: !primitive_declarations
- | _ -> ()
-(* Utilities for compiling "module rec" definitions *)
-let mod_prim = Lambda.transl_prim "CamlinternalMod"
-let undefined_location loc =
- let (fname, line, char) = Location.get_pos_info loc.Location.loc_start in
- Lconst(Const_block(0,
- [Const_base(Const_string (fname, None));
- Const_base(Const_int line);
- Const_base(Const_int char)]))
-exception Initialization_failure of unsafe_info
-let init_shape id modl =
- let rec init_shape_mod subid loc env mty =
- match Mtype.scrape env mty with
- Mty_ident _
- | Mty_alias _ ->
- raise (Initialization_failure {reason=Unsafe_module_binding;loc;subid})
- | Mty_signature sg ->
- Const_block(0, [Const_block(0, init_shape_struct env sg)])
- | Mty_functor _ ->
- (* can we do better? *)
- raise (Initialization_failure {reason=Unsafe_functor;loc;subid})
- and init_shape_struct env sg =
- match sg with
- [] -> []
- | Sig_value(subid, {val_kind=Val_reg; val_type=ty; val_loc=loc},_) :: rem ->
- let init_v =
- match Ctype.expand_head env ty with
- {desc = Tarrow(_,_,_,_)} ->
- Const_pointer 0 (* camlinternalMod.Function *)
- | {desc = Tconstr(p, _, _)} when Path.same p Predef.path_lazy_t ->
- Const_pointer 1 (* camlinternalMod.Lazy *)
- | _ ->
- let not_a_function = {reason=Unsafe_non_function; loc; subid } in
- raise (Initialization_failure not_a_function) in
- init_v :: init_shape_struct env rem
- | Sig_value(_, {val_kind=Val_prim _}, _) :: rem ->
- init_shape_struct env rem
- | Sig_value _ :: _rem ->
- assert false
- | Sig_type(id, tdecl, _, _) :: rem ->
- init_shape_struct (Env.add_type ~check:false id tdecl env) rem
- | Sig_typext (subid, {ext_loc=loc},_,_) :: _ ->
- raise (Initialization_failure {reason=Unsafe_typext; loc; subid})
- | Sig_module(id, Mp_present, md, _, _) :: rem ->
- init_shape_mod id md.md_loc env md.md_type ::
- init_shape_struct (Env.add_module_declaration ~check:false
- id Mp_present md env) rem
- | Sig_module(id, Mp_absent, md, _, _) :: rem ->
- init_shape_struct
- (Env.add_module_declaration ~check:false
- id Mp_absent md env) rem
- | Sig_modtype(id, minfo, _) :: rem ->
- init_shape_struct (Env.add_modtype id minfo env) rem
- | Sig_class _ :: rem ->
- Const_pointer 2 (* camlinternalMod.Class *)
- :: init_shape_struct env rem
- | Sig_class_type _ :: rem ->
- init_shape_struct env rem
- in
- try
- Ok(undefined_location modl.mod_loc,
- Lconst(init_shape_mod id modl.mod_loc modl.mod_env modl.mod_type))
- with Initialization_failure reason -> Result.Error(reason)
-(* Reorder bindings to honor dependencies. *)
-type binding_status =
- | Undefined
- | Inprogress of int option (** parent node *)
- | Defined
-let extract_unsafe_cycle id status init cycle_start =
- let info i = match init.(i) with
- | Result.Error r -> id.(i), r
- | Ok _ -> assert false in
- let rec collect stop l i = match status.(i) with
- | Inprogress None | Undefined | Defined -> assert false
- | Inprogress Some i when i = stop -> info i :: l
- | Inprogress Some i -> collect stop (info i::l) i in
- collect cycle_start [] cycle_start
-let reorder_rec_bindings bindings =
- let id = Array.of_list ( (fun (id,_,_,_) -> id) bindings)
- and loc = Array.of_list ( (fun (_,loc,_,_) -> loc) bindings)
- and init = Array.of_list ( (fun (_,_,init,_) -> init) bindings)
- and rhs = Array.of_list ( (fun (_,_,_,rhs) -> rhs) bindings) in
- let fv = Lambda.free_variables rhs in
- let num_bindings = Array.length id in
- let status = Array.make num_bindings Undefined in
- let res = ref [] in
- let is_unsafe i = match init.(i) with
- | Ok _ -> false
- | Result.Error _ -> true in
- let init_res i = match init.(i) with
- | Result.Error _ -> None
- | Ok(a,b) -> Some(a,b) in
- let rec emit_binding parent i =
- match status.(i) with
- Defined -> ()
- | Inprogress _ ->
- status.(i) <- Inprogress parent;
- let cycle = extract_unsafe_cycle id status init i in
- raise(Error(loc.(i), Circular_dependency cycle))
- | Undefined ->
- if is_unsafe i then begin
- status.(i) <- Inprogress parent;
- for j = 0 to num_bindings - 1 do
- if Ident.Set.mem id.(j) fv.(i) then emit_binding (Some i) j
- done
- end;
- res := (id.(i), init_res i, rhs.(i)) :: !res;
- status.(i) <- Defined in
- for i = 0 to num_bindings - 1 do
- match status.(i) with
- Undefined -> emit_binding None i
- | Inprogress _ -> assert false
- | Defined -> ()
- done;
- List.rev !res
-(* Generate lambda-code for a reordered list of bindings *)
-let eval_rec_bindings bindings cont =
- let rec bind_inits = function
- [] ->
- bind_strict bindings
- | (_id, None, _rhs) :: rem ->
- bind_inits rem
- | (id, Some(loc, shape), _rhs) :: rem ->
- Llet(Strict, Pgenval, id,
- Lapply{ap_should_be_tailcall=false;
- ap_loc=Location.none;
- ap_func=mod_prim "init_mod";
- ap_args=[loc; shape];
- ap_inlined=Default_inline;
- ap_specialised=Default_specialise},
- bind_inits rem)
- and bind_strict = function
- [] ->
- patch_forwards bindings
- | (id, None, rhs) :: rem ->
- Llet(Strict, Pgenval, id, rhs, bind_strict rem)
- | (_id, Some _, _rhs) :: rem ->
- bind_strict rem
- and patch_forwards = function
- [] ->
- cont
- | (_id, None, _rhs) :: rem ->
- patch_forwards rem
- | (id, Some(_loc, shape), rhs) :: rem ->
- Lsequence(Lapply{ap_should_be_tailcall=false;
- ap_loc=Location.none;
- ap_func=mod_prim "update_mod";
- ap_args=[shape; Lvar id; rhs];
- ap_inlined=Default_inline;
- ap_specialised=Default_specialise},
- patch_forwards rem)
- in
- bind_inits bindings
-let compile_recmodule compile_rhs bindings cont =
- eval_rec_bindings
- (reorder_rec_bindings
- (
- (fun {mb_id=id; mb_expr=modl; mb_loc=loc; _} ->
- (id, modl.mod_loc, init_shape id modl, compile_rhs id modl loc))
- bindings))
- cont
-(* Code to translate class entries in a structure *)
-let transl_class_bindings cl_list =
- let ids = (fun (ci, _) -> ci.ci_id_class) cl_list in
- (ids,
- (fun ({ci_id_class=id; ci_expr=cl; ci_virt=vf}, meths) ->
- (id, transl_class ids id meths cl vf))
- cl_list)
-(* Compile one or more functors, merging curried functors to produce
- multi-argument functors. Any [@inline] attribute on a functor that is
- merged must be consistent with any other [@inline] attribute(s) on the
- functor(s) being merged with. Such an attribute will be placed on the
- resulting merged functor. *)
-let merge_inline_attributes attr1 attr2 loc =
- match Lambda.merge_inline_attributes attr1 attr2 with
- | Some attr -> attr
- | None -> raise (Error (loc, Conflicting_inline_attributes))
-let merge_functors mexp coercion root_path =
- let rec merge mexp coercion path acc inline_attribute =
- let finished = acc, mexp, path, coercion, inline_attribute in
- match mexp.mod_desc with
- | Tmod_functor (param, _, _, body) ->
- let inline_attribute' =
- Translattribute.get_inline_attribute mexp.mod_attributes
- in
- let arg_coercion, res_coercion =
- match coercion with
- | Tcoerce_none -> Tcoerce_none, Tcoerce_none
- | Tcoerce_functor (arg_coercion, res_coercion) ->
- arg_coercion, res_coercion
- | _ -> fatal_error "Translmod.merge_functors: bad coercion"
- in
- let loc = mexp.mod_loc in
- let path = functor_path path param in
- let inline_attribute =
- merge_inline_attributes inline_attribute inline_attribute' loc
- in
- merge body res_coercion path ((param, loc, arg_coercion) :: acc)
- inline_attribute
- | _ -> finished
- in
- merge mexp coercion root_path [] Default_inline
-let rec compile_functor mexp coercion root_path loc =
- let functor_params_rev, body, body_path, res_coercion, inline_attribute =
- merge_functors mexp coercion root_path
- in
- assert (List.length functor_params_rev >= 1); (* cf. [transl_module] *)
- let params, body =
- List.fold_left (fun (params, body) (param, loc, arg_coercion) ->
- let param' = Ident.rename param in
- let arg = apply_coercion loc Alias arg_coercion (Lvar param') in
- let params = (param', Pgenval) :: params in
- let body = Llet (Alias, Pgenval, param, arg, body) in
- params, body)
- ([], transl_module res_coercion body_path body)
- functor_params_rev
- in
- Lfunction {
- kind = Curried;
- params;
- return = Pgenval;
- attr = {
- inline = inline_attribute;
- specialise = Default_specialise;
- local = Default_local;
- is_a_functor = true;
- stub = false;
- };
- loc;
- body;
- }
-(* Compile a module expression *)
-and transl_module cc rootpath mexp =
- List.iter (Translattribute.check_attribute_on_module mexp)
- mexp.mod_attributes;
- let loc = mexp.mod_loc in
- match mexp.mod_desc with
- | Tmod_ident (path,_) ->
- apply_coercion loc Strict cc
- (transl_module_path loc mexp.mod_env path)
- | Tmod_structure str ->
- fst (transl_struct loc [] cc rootpath str)
- | Tmod_functor _ ->
- oo_wrap mexp.mod_env true (fun () ->
- compile_functor mexp cc rootpath loc) ()
- | Tmod_apply(funct, arg, ccarg) ->
- let inlined_attribute, funct =
- Translattribute.get_and_remove_inlined_attribute_on_module funct
- in
- oo_wrap mexp.mod_env true
- (apply_coercion loc Strict cc)
- (Lapply{ap_should_be_tailcall=false;
- ap_loc=loc;
- ap_func=transl_module Tcoerce_none None funct;
- ap_args=[transl_module ccarg None arg];
- ap_inlined=inlined_attribute;
- ap_specialised=Default_specialise})
- | Tmod_constraint(arg, _, _, ccarg) ->
- transl_module (compose_coercions cc ccarg) rootpath arg
- | Tmod_unpack(arg, _) ->
- apply_coercion loc Strict cc (Translcore.transl_exp arg)
-and transl_struct loc fields cc rootpath str =
- transl_structure loc fields cc rootpath str.str_final_env str.str_items
-(* The function transl_structure is called by the bytecode compiler.
- Some effort is made to compile in top to bottom order, in order to display
- warning by increasing locations. *)
-and transl_structure loc fields cc rootpath final_env = function
- [] ->
- let body, size =
- match cc with
- Tcoerce_none ->
- Lprim(Pmakeblock(0, Immutable, None),
- (fun id -> Lvar id) (List.rev fields), loc),
- List.length fields
- | Tcoerce_structure(pos_cc_list, id_pos_list) ->
- (* Do not ignore id_pos_list ! *)
- (*Format.eprintf "%a@.@[" Includemod.print_coercion cc;
- List.iter (fun l -> Format.eprintf "%a@ " Ident.print l)
- fields;
- Format.eprintf "@]@.";*)
- let v = Array.of_list (List.rev fields) in
- let get_field pos =
- if pos < 0 then lambda_unit
- else Lvar v.(pos)
- in
- let ids = List.fold_right Ident.Set.add fields Ident.Set.empty in
- let lam =
- Lprim(Pmakeblock(0, Immutable, None),
- (fun (pos, cc) ->
- match cc with
- Tcoerce_primitive p ->
- Translprim.transl_primitive p.pc_loc
- p.pc_desc p.pc_env p.pc_type None
- | _ -> apply_coercion loc Strict cc (get_field pos))
- pos_cc_list, loc)
- and id_pos_list =
- List.filter (fun (id,_,_) -> not (Ident.Set.mem id ids))
- id_pos_list
- in
- wrap_id_pos_list loc id_pos_list get_field lam,
- List.length pos_cc_list
- | _ ->
- fatal_error "Translmod.transl_structure"
- in
- (* This debugging event provides information regarding the structure
- items. It is ignored by the OCaml debugger but is used by
- Js_of_ocaml to preserve variable names. *)
- (if !Clflags.debug && not !Clflags.native_code then
- Levent(body,
- {lev_loc = loc;
- lev_kind = Lev_pseudo;
- lev_repr = None;
- lev_env = final_env})
- else
- body),
- size
- | item :: rem ->
- match item.str_desc with
- | Tstr_eval (expr, _) ->
- let body, size =
- transl_structure loc fields cc rootpath final_env rem
- in
- Lsequence(transl_exp expr, body), size
- | Tstr_value(rec_flag, pat_expr_list) ->
- (* Translate bindings first *)
- let mk_lam_let = transl_let rec_flag pat_expr_list in
- let ext_fields = rev_let_bound_idents pat_expr_list @ fields in
- (* Then, translate remainder of struct *)
- let body, size =
- transl_structure loc ext_fields cc rootpath final_env rem
- in
- mk_lam_let body, size
- | Tstr_primitive descr ->
- record_primitive descr.val_val;
- transl_structure loc fields cc rootpath final_env rem
- | Tstr_type _ ->
- transl_structure loc fields cc rootpath final_env rem
- | Tstr_typext(tyext) ->
- let ids = (fun ext -> ext.ext_id) tyext.tyext_constructors in
- let body, size =
- transl_structure loc (List.rev_append ids fields)
- cc rootpath final_env rem
- in
- transl_type_extension item.str_env rootpath tyext body, size
- | Tstr_exception ext ->
- let id = ext.tyexn_constructor.ext_id in
- let path = field_path rootpath id in
- let body, size =
- transl_structure loc (id :: fields) cc rootpath final_env rem
- in
- Llet(Strict, Pgenval, id,
- transl_extension_constructor item.str_env
- path
- ext.tyexn_constructor, body),
- size
- | Tstr_module ({mb_presence=Mp_present} as mb) ->
- let id = mb.mb_id in
- (* Translate module first *)
- let module_body =
- transl_module Tcoerce_none (field_path rootpath id) mb.mb_expr
- in
- let module_body =
- Translattribute.add_inline_attribute module_body mb.mb_loc
- mb.mb_attributes
- in
- (* Translate remainder second *)
- let body, size =
- transl_structure loc (id :: fields) cc rootpath final_env rem
- in
- let module_body =
- Levent (module_body, {
- lev_loc = mb.mb_loc;
- lev_kind = Lev_module_definition id;
- lev_repr = None;
- lev_env = Env.empty;
- })
- in
- Llet(pure_module mb.mb_expr, Pgenval, id,
- module_body,
- body), size
- | Tstr_module {mb_presence=Mp_absent} ->
- transl_structure loc fields cc rootpath final_env rem
- | Tstr_recmodule bindings ->
- let ext_fields =
- List.rev_append ( (fun mb -> mb.mb_id) bindings) fields
- in
- let body, size =
- transl_structure loc ext_fields cc rootpath final_env rem
- in
- let lam =
- compile_recmodule
- (fun id modl loc ->
- let module_body =
- transl_module Tcoerce_none (field_path rootpath id) modl
- in
- Levent (module_body, {
- lev_loc = loc;
- lev_kind = Lev_module_definition id;
- lev_repr = None;
- lev_env = Env.empty;
- }))
- bindings
- body
- in
- lam, size
- | Tstr_class cl_list ->
- let (ids, class_bindings) = transl_class_bindings cl_list in
- let body, size =
- transl_structure loc (List.rev_append ids fields)
- cc rootpath final_env rem
- in
- Lletrec(class_bindings, body), size
- | Tstr_include incl ->
- let ids = bound_value_identifiers incl.incl_type in
- let modl = incl.incl_mod in
- let mid = Ident.create_local "include" in
- let rec rebind_idents pos newfields = function
- [] ->
- transl_structure loc newfields cc rootpath final_env rem
- | id :: ids ->
- let body, size =
- rebind_idents (pos + 1) (id :: newfields) ids
- in
- Llet(Alias, Pgenval, id,
- Lprim(Pfield pos, [Lvar mid], incl.incl_loc), body),
- size
- in
- let body, size = rebind_idents 0 fields ids in
- Llet(pure_module modl, Pgenval, mid,
- transl_module Tcoerce_none None modl, body),
- size
- | Tstr_open od ->
- let pure = pure_module od.open_expr in
- (* this optimization shouldn't be needed because Simplif would
- actually remove the [Llet] when it's not used.
- But since [scan_used_globals] runs before Simplif, we need to do
- it. *)
- begin match od.open_bound_items with
- | [] when pure = Alias ->
- transl_structure loc fields cc rootpath final_env rem
- | _ ->
- let ids = bound_value_identifiers od.open_bound_items in
- let mid = Ident.create_local "open" in
- let rec rebind_idents pos newfields = function
- [] ->
- transl_structure loc newfields cc rootpath final_env rem
- | id :: ids ->
- let body, size =
- rebind_idents (pos + 1) (id :: newfields) ids
- in
- Llet(Alias, Pgenval, id,
- Lprim(Pfield pos, [Lvar mid], od.open_loc), body),
- size
- in
- let body, size = rebind_idents 0 fields ids in
- Llet(pure, Pgenval, mid,
- transl_module Tcoerce_none None od.open_expr, body), size
- end
- | Tstr_modtype _
- | Tstr_class_type _
- | Tstr_attribute _ ->
- transl_structure loc fields cc rootpath final_env rem
-(* Update forward declaration in Translcore *)
-let _ =
- Translcore.transl_module := transl_module
-(* Introduce dependencies on modules referenced only by "external". *)
-let scan_used_globals lam =
- let globals = ref Ident.Set.empty in
- let rec scan lam =
- Lambda.iter_head_constructor scan lam;
- match lam with
- Lprim ((Pgetglobal id | Psetglobal id), _, _) ->
- globals := Ident.Set.add id !globals
- | _ -> ()
- in
- scan lam; !globals
-let required_globals ~flambda body =
- let globals = scan_used_globals body in
- let add_global id req =
- if not flambda && Ident.Set.mem id globals then
- req
- else
- Ident.Set.add id req
- in
- let required =
- List.fold_left
- (fun acc path -> add_global (Path.head path) acc)
- (if flambda then globals else Ident.Set.empty)
- (Translprim.get_used_primitives ())
- in
- let required =
- List.fold_right add_global (Env.get_required_globals ()) required
- in
- Env.reset_required_globals ();
- Translprim.clear_used_primitives ();
- required
-(* Compile an implementation *)
-let transl_implementation_flambda module_name (str, cc) =
- reset_labels ();
- primitive_declarations := [];
- Translprim.clear_used_primitives ();
- let module_id = Ident.create_persistent module_name in
- let body, size =
- Translobj.transl_label_init
- (fun () -> transl_struct Location.none [] cc
- (global_path module_id) str)
- in
- { module_ident = module_id;
- main_module_block_size = size;
- required_globals = required_globals ~flambda:true body;
- code = body }
-let transl_implementation module_name (str, cc) =
- let implementation =
- transl_implementation_flambda module_name (str, cc)
- in
- let code =
- Lprim (Psetglobal implementation.module_ident, [implementation.code],
- Location.none)
- in
- { implementation with code }
-(* Build the list of value identifiers defined by a toplevel structure
- (excluding primitive declarations). *)
-let rec defined_idents = function
- [] -> []
- | item :: rem ->
- match item.str_desc with
- | Tstr_eval _ -> defined_idents rem
- | Tstr_value(_rec_flag, pat_expr_list) ->
- let_bound_idents pat_expr_list @ defined_idents rem
- | Tstr_primitive _ -> defined_idents rem
- | Tstr_type _ -> defined_idents rem
- | Tstr_typext tyext ->
- (fun ext -> ext.ext_id) tyext.tyext_constructors
- @ defined_idents rem
- | Tstr_exception ext -> ext.tyexn_constructor.ext_id :: defined_idents rem
- | Tstr_module {mb_id; mb_presence=Mp_present} -> mb_id :: defined_idents rem
- | Tstr_module {mb_presence=Mp_absent} -> defined_idents rem
- | Tstr_recmodule decls ->
- (fun mb -> mb.mb_id) decls @ defined_idents rem
- | Tstr_modtype _ -> defined_idents rem
- | Tstr_open od ->
- bound_value_identifiers od.open_bound_items @ defined_idents rem
- | Tstr_class cl_list ->
- (fun (ci, _) -> ci.ci_id_class) cl_list @ defined_idents rem
- | Tstr_class_type _ -> defined_idents rem
- | Tstr_include incl ->
- bound_value_identifiers incl.incl_type @ defined_idents rem
- | Tstr_attribute _ -> defined_idents rem
-(* second level idents (module M = struct ... let id = ... end),
- and all sub-levels idents *)
-let rec more_idents = function
- [] -> []
- | item :: rem ->
- match item.str_desc with
- | Tstr_eval _ -> more_idents rem
- | Tstr_value _ -> more_idents rem
- | Tstr_primitive _ -> more_idents rem
- | Tstr_type _ -> more_idents rem
- | Tstr_typext _ -> more_idents rem
- | Tstr_exception _ -> more_idents rem
- | Tstr_recmodule _ -> more_idents rem
- | Tstr_modtype _ -> more_idents rem
- | Tstr_open od ->
- let rest = more_idents rem in
- begin match od.open_expr.mod_desc with
- | Tmod_structure str -> all_idents str.str_items @ rest
- | _ -> rest
- end
- | Tstr_class _ -> more_idents rem
- | Tstr_class_type _ -> more_idents rem
- | Tstr_include{incl_mod={mod_desc =
- Tmod_constraint ({mod_desc = Tmod_structure str},
- _, _, _)}} ->
- all_idents str.str_items @ more_idents rem
- | Tstr_include _ -> more_idents rem
- | Tstr_module
- {mb_presence=Mp_present; mb_expr={mod_desc = Tmod_structure str}}
- | Tstr_module
- {mb_presence=Mp_present;
- mb_expr={mod_desc=
- Tmod_constraint ({mod_desc = Tmod_structure str}, _, _, _)}} ->
- all_idents str.str_items @ more_idents rem
- | Tstr_module _ -> more_idents rem
- | Tstr_attribute _ -> more_idents rem
-and all_idents = function
- [] -> []
- | item :: rem ->
- match item.str_desc with
- | Tstr_eval _ -> all_idents rem
- | Tstr_value(_rec_flag, pat_expr_list) ->
- let_bound_idents pat_expr_list @ all_idents rem
- | Tstr_primitive _ -> all_idents rem
- | Tstr_type _ -> all_idents rem
- | Tstr_typext tyext ->
- (fun ext -> ext.ext_id) tyext.tyext_constructors
- @ all_idents rem
- | Tstr_exception ext -> ext.tyexn_constructor.ext_id :: all_idents rem
- | Tstr_recmodule decls ->
- (fun mb -> mb.mb_id) decls @ all_idents rem
- | Tstr_modtype _ -> all_idents rem
- | Tstr_open od ->
- let rest = all_idents rem in
- begin match od.open_expr.mod_desc with
- | Tmod_structure str ->
- bound_value_identifiers od.open_bound_items
- @ all_idents str.str_items
- @ rest
- | _ -> bound_value_identifiers od.open_bound_items @ rest
- end
- | Tstr_class cl_list ->
- (fun (ci, _) -> ci.ci_id_class) cl_list @ all_idents rem
- | Tstr_class_type _ -> all_idents rem
- | Tstr_include{incl_type; incl_mod={mod_desc =
- Tmod_constraint ({mod_desc = Tmod_structure str},
- _, _, _)}} ->
- bound_value_identifiers incl_type
- @ all_idents str.str_items
- @ all_idents rem
- | Tstr_include incl ->
- bound_value_identifiers incl.incl_type @ all_idents rem
- | Tstr_module
- {mb_id;mb_presence=Mp_present;mb_expr={mod_desc = Tmod_structure str}}
- | Tstr_module
- {mb_id;mb_presence=Mp_present;
- mb_expr=
- {mod_desc =
- Tmod_constraint ({mod_desc = Tmod_structure str}, _, _, _)}} ->
- mb_id :: all_idents str.str_items @ all_idents rem
- | Tstr_module {mb_id;mb_presence=Mp_present} -> mb_id :: all_idents rem
- | Tstr_module {mb_presence=Mp_absent} -> all_idents rem
- | Tstr_attribute _ -> all_idents rem
-(* A variant of transl_structure used to compile toplevel structure definitions
- for the native-code compiler. Store the defined values in the fields
- of the global as soon as they are defined, in order to reduce register
- pressure. Also rewrites the defining expressions so that they
- refer to earlier fields of the structure through the fields of
- the global, not by their names.
- "map" is a table from defined idents to (pos in global block, coercion).
- "prim" is a list of (pos in global block, primitive declaration). *)
-let transl_store_subst = ref Ident.Map.empty
- (** In the native toplevel, this reference is threaded through successive
- calls of transl_store_structure *)
-let nat_toplevel_name id =
- try match Ident.Map.find id !transl_store_subst with
- | Lprim(Pfield pos, [Lprim(Pgetglobal glob, [], _)], _) -> (glob,pos)
- | _ -> raise Not_found
- with Not_found ->
- fatal_error("Translmod.nat_toplevel_name: " ^ Ident.unique_name id)
-let field_of_str loc str =
- let ids = Array.of_list (defined_idents str.str_items) in
- fun (pos, cc) ->
- match cc with
- | Tcoerce_primitive { pc_loc; pc_desc; pc_env; pc_type; } ->
- Translprim.transl_primitive pc_loc pc_desc pc_env pc_type None
- | Tcoerce_alias (env, path, cc) ->
- let lam = transl_module_path loc env path in
- apply_coercion loc Alias cc lam
- | _ -> apply_coercion loc Strict cc (Lvar ids.(pos))
-let transl_store_structure glob map prims aliases str =
- let no_env_update _ _ env = env in
- let rec transl_store rootpath subst cont = function
- [] ->
- transl_store_subst := subst;
- Lambda.subst no_env_update subst cont
- | item :: rem ->
- match item.str_desc with
- | Tstr_eval (expr, _attrs) ->
- Lsequence(Lambda.subst no_env_update subst (transl_exp expr),
- transl_store rootpath subst cont rem)
- | Tstr_value(rec_flag, pat_expr_list) ->
- let ids = let_bound_idents pat_expr_list in
- let lam =
- transl_let rec_flag pat_expr_list
- (store_idents Location.none ids)
- in
- Lsequence(Lambda.subst no_env_update subst lam,
- transl_store rootpath
- (add_idents false ids subst) cont rem)
- | Tstr_primitive descr ->
- record_primitive descr.val_val;
- transl_store rootpath subst cont rem
- | Tstr_type _ ->
- transl_store rootpath subst cont rem
- | Tstr_typext(tyext) ->
- let ids =
- (fun ext -> ext.ext_id) tyext.tyext_constructors
- in
- let lam =
- transl_type_extension item.str_env rootpath tyext
- (store_idents Location.none ids)
- in
- Lsequence(Lambda.subst no_env_update subst lam,
- transl_store rootpath
- (add_idents false ids subst) cont rem)
- | Tstr_exception ext ->
- let id = ext.tyexn_constructor.ext_id in
- let path = field_path rootpath id in
- let lam =
- transl_extension_constructor item.str_env
- path
- ext.tyexn_constructor
- in
- Lsequence(Llet(Strict, Pgenval, id,
- Lambda.subst no_env_update subst lam,
- store_ident ext.tyexn_constructor.ext_loc id),
- transl_store rootpath
- (add_ident false id subst) cont rem)
- | Tstr_module{mb_id=id;mb_loc=loc;mb_presence=Mp_present;
- mb_expr={mod_desc = Tmod_structure str} as mexp;
- mb_attributes} ->
- List.iter (Translattribute.check_attribute_on_module mexp)
- mb_attributes;
- let lam =
- transl_store (field_path rootpath id) subst
- lambda_unit str.str_items
- in
- (* Careful: see next case *)
- let subst = !transl_store_subst in
- Lsequence(lam,
- Llet(Strict, Pgenval, id,
- Lambda.subst no_env_update subst
- (Lprim(Pmakeblock(0, Immutable, None),
- (fun id -> Lvar id)
- (defined_idents str.str_items), loc)),
- Lsequence(store_ident loc id,
- transl_store rootpath
- (add_ident true id subst)
- cont rem)))
- | Tstr_module{
- mb_id=id;mb_loc=loc;mb_presence=Mp_present;
- mb_expr= {
- mod_desc = Tmod_constraint (
- {mod_desc = Tmod_structure str} as mexp, _, _,
- (Tcoerce_structure (map, _) as _cc))};
- mb_attributes
- } ->
- (* Format.printf "coerc id %s: %a@." (Ident.unique_name id)
- Includemod.print_coercion cc; *)
- List.iter (Translattribute.check_attribute_on_module mexp)
- mb_attributes;
- let lam =
- transl_store (field_path rootpath id) subst
- lambda_unit str.str_items
- in
- (* Careful: see next case *)
- let subst = !transl_store_subst in
- let field = field_of_str loc str in
- Lsequence(lam,
- Llet(Strict, Pgenval, id,
- Lambda.subst no_env_update subst
- (Lprim(Pmakeblock(0, Immutable, None),
- field map, loc)),
- Lsequence(store_ident loc id,
- transl_store rootpath
- (add_ident true id subst)
- cont rem)))
- | Tstr_module
- {mb_id=id; mb_presence=Mp_present; mb_expr=modl;
- mb_loc=loc; mb_attributes} ->
- let lam =
- Translattribute.add_inline_attribute
- (transl_module Tcoerce_none (field_path rootpath id) modl)
- loc mb_attributes
- in
- (* Careful: the module value stored in the global may be different
- from the local module value, in case a coercion is applied.
- If so, keep using the local module value (id) in the remainder of
- the compilation unit (add_ident true returns subst unchanged).
- If not, we can use the value from the global
- (add_ident true adds id -> Pgetglobal... to subst). *)
- Llet(Strict, Pgenval, id, Lambda.subst no_env_update subst lam,
- Lsequence(store_ident loc id,
- transl_store rootpath (add_ident true id subst)
- cont rem))
- | Tstr_module {mb_presence=Mp_absent} ->
- transl_store rootpath subst cont rem
- | Tstr_recmodule bindings ->
- let ids = (fun mb -> mb.mb_id) bindings in
- compile_recmodule
- (fun id modl _loc ->
- Lambda.subst no_env_update subst
- (transl_module Tcoerce_none
- (field_path rootpath id) modl))
- bindings
- (Lsequence(store_idents Location.none ids,
- transl_store rootpath (add_idents true ids subst)
- cont rem))
- | Tstr_class cl_list ->
- let (ids, class_bindings) = transl_class_bindings cl_list in
- let lam =
- Lletrec(class_bindings, store_idents Location.none ids)
- in
- Lsequence(Lambda.subst no_env_update subst lam,
- transl_store rootpath (add_idents false ids subst)
- cont rem)
- | Tstr_include{
- incl_loc=loc;
- incl_mod= {
- mod_desc = Tmod_constraint (
- ({mod_desc = Tmod_structure str} as mexp), _, _,
- (Tcoerce_structure (map, _)))};
- incl_attributes;
- incl_type;
- } ->
- List.iter (Translattribute.check_attribute_on_module mexp)
- incl_attributes;
- (* Shouldn't we use mod_attributes instead of incl_attributes?
- Same question for the Tstr_module cases above, btw. *)
- let lam =
- transl_store None subst lambda_unit str.str_items
- (* It is tempting to pass rootpath instead of None
- in order to give a more precise name to exceptions
- in the included structured, but this would introduce
- a difference of behavior compared to bytecode. *)
- in
- let subst = !transl_store_subst in
- let field = field_of_str loc str in
- let ids0 = bound_value_identifiers incl_type in
- let rec loop ids args =
- match ids, args with
- | [], [] ->
- transl_store rootpath (add_idents true ids0 subst)
- cont rem
- | id :: ids, arg :: args ->
- Llet(Alias, Pgenval, id,
- Lambda.subst no_env_update subst (field arg),
- Lsequence(store_ident loc id,
- loop ids args))
- | _ -> assert false
- in
- Lsequence(lam, loop ids0 map)
- | Tstr_include incl ->
- let ids = bound_value_identifiers incl.incl_type in
- let modl = incl.incl_mod in
- let mid = Ident.create_local "include" in
- let loc = incl.incl_loc in
- let rec store_idents pos = function
- | [] ->
- transl_store rootpath (add_idents true ids subst) cont rem
- | id :: idl ->
- Llet(Alias, Pgenval, id, Lprim(Pfield pos, [Lvar mid], loc),
- Lsequence(store_ident loc id,
- store_idents (pos + 1) idl))
- in
- Llet(Strict, Pgenval, mid,
- Lambda.subst no_env_update subst
- (transl_module Tcoerce_none None modl),
- store_idents 0 ids)
- | Tstr_open od ->
- begin match od.open_expr.mod_desc with
- | Tmod_structure str ->
- let lam =
- transl_store rootpath subst lambda_unit str.str_items
- in
- let ids = Array.of_list (defined_idents str.str_items) in
- let ids0 = bound_value_identifiers od.open_bound_items in
- let subst = !transl_store_subst in
- let rec store_idents pos = function
- | [] -> transl_store rootpath subst cont rem
- | id :: idl ->
- Llet(Alias, Pgenval, id, Lvar ids.(pos),
- Lsequence(store_ident od.open_loc id,
- store_idents (pos + 1) idl))
- in
- Lsequence(lam, Lambda.subst no_env_update subst
- (store_idents 0 ids0))
- | _ ->
- let pure = pure_module od.open_expr in
- (* this optimization shouldn't be needed because Simplif would
- actually remove the [Llet] when it's not used.
- But since [scan_used_globals] runs before Simplif, we need to
- do it. *)
- match od.open_bound_items with
- | [] when pure = Alias -> transl_store rootpath subst cont rem
- | _ ->
- let ids = bound_value_identifiers od.open_bound_items in
- let mid = Ident.create_local "open" in
- let loc = od.open_loc in
- let rec store_idents pos = function
- [] ->
- transl_store rootpath (add_idents true ids subst) cont
- rem
- | id :: idl ->
- Llet(Alias, Pgenval, id, Lprim(Pfield pos, [Lvar mid],
- loc),
- Lsequence(store_ident loc id,
- store_idents (pos + 1) idl))
- in
- Llet(pure, Pgenval, mid,
- Lambda.subst no_env_update subst
- (transl_module Tcoerce_none None od.open_expr),
- store_idents 0 ids)
- end
- | Tstr_modtype _
- | Tstr_class_type _
- | Tstr_attribute _ ->
- transl_store rootpath subst cont rem
- and store_ident loc id =
- try
- let (pos, cc) = Ident.find_same id map in
- let init_val = apply_coercion loc Alias cc (Lvar id) in
- Lprim(Psetfield(pos, Pointer, Root_initialization),
- [Lprim(Pgetglobal glob, [], loc); init_val],
- loc)
- with Not_found ->
- fatal_error("Translmod.store_ident: " ^ Ident.unique_name id)
- and store_idents loc idlist =
- make_sequence (store_ident loc) idlist
- and add_ident may_coerce id subst =
- try
- let (pos, cc) = Ident.find_same id map in
- match cc with
- Tcoerce_none ->
- Ident.Map.add id
- (Lprim(Pfield pos,
- [Lprim(Pgetglobal glob, [], Location.none)],
- Location.none))
- subst
- | _ ->
- if may_coerce then subst else assert false
- with Not_found ->
- assert false
- and add_idents may_coerce idlist subst =
- List.fold_right (add_ident may_coerce) idlist subst
- and store_primitive (pos, prim) cont =
- Lsequence(Lprim(Psetfield(pos, Pointer, Root_initialization),
- [Lprim(Pgetglobal glob, [], Location.none);
- Translprim.transl_primitive Location.none
- prim.pc_desc prim.pc_env prim.pc_type None],
- Location.none),
- cont)
- and store_alias (pos, env, path, cc) =
- let path_lam = transl_module_path Location.none env path in
- let init_val = apply_coercion Location.none Strict cc path_lam in
- Lprim(Psetfield(pos, Pointer, Root_initialization),
- [Lprim(Pgetglobal glob, [], Location.none);
- init_val],
- Location.none)
- in
- let aliases = make_sequence store_alias aliases in
- List.fold_right store_primitive prims
- (transl_store (global_path glob) !transl_store_subst aliases str)
-(* Transform a coercion and the list of value identifiers defined by
- a toplevel structure into a table [id -> (pos, coercion)],
- with [pos] being the position in the global block where the value of
- [id] must be stored, and [coercion] the coercion to be applied to it.
- A given identifier may appear several times
- in the coercion (if it occurs several times in the signature); remember
- to assign it the position of its last occurrence.
- Identifiers that are not exported are assigned positions at the
- end of the block (beyond the positions of all exported idents).
- Also compute the total size of the global block,
- and the list of all primitives exported as values. *)
-let build_ident_map restr idlist more_ids =
- let rec natural_map pos map prims aliases = function
- | [] ->
- (map, prims, aliases, pos)
- | id :: rem ->
- natural_map (pos+1)
- (Ident.add id (pos, Tcoerce_none) map) prims aliases rem
- in
- let (map, prims, aliases, pos) =
- match restr with
- | Tcoerce_none ->
- natural_map 0 Ident.empty [] [] idlist
- | Tcoerce_structure (pos_cc_list, _id_pos_list) ->
- (* ignore _id_pos_list as the ids are already bound *)
- let idarray = Array.of_list idlist in
- let rec export_map pos map prims aliases undef = function
- | [] ->
- natural_map pos map prims aliases undef
- | (_source_pos, Tcoerce_primitive p) :: rem ->
- export_map (pos + 1) map
- ((pos, p) :: prims) aliases undef rem
- | (_source_pos, Tcoerce_alias(env, path, cc)) :: rem ->
- export_map (pos + 1) map prims
- ((pos, env, path, cc) :: aliases) undef rem
- | (source_pos, cc) :: rem ->
- let id = idarray.(source_pos) in
- export_map (pos + 1) (Ident.add id (pos, cc) map)
- prims aliases (list_remove id undef) rem
- in
- export_map 0 Ident.empty [] [] idlist pos_cc_list
- | _ ->
- fatal_error "Translmod.build_ident_map"
- in
- natural_map pos map prims aliases more_ids
-(* Compile an implementation using transl_store_structure
- (for the native-code compiler). *)
-let transl_store_gen module_name ({ str_items = str }, restr) topl =
- reset_labels ();
- primitive_declarations := [];
- Translprim.clear_used_primitives ();
- let module_id = Ident.create_persistent module_name in
- let (map, prims, aliases, size) =
- build_ident_map restr (defined_idents str) (more_idents str) in
- let f = function
- | [ { str_desc = Tstr_eval (expr, _attrs) } ] when topl ->
- assert (size = 0);
- Lambda.subst (fun _ _ env -> env) !transl_store_subst (transl_exp expr)
- | str -> transl_store_structure module_id map prims aliases str
- in
- transl_store_label_init module_id size f str
- (*size, transl_label_init (transl_store_structure module_id map prims str)*)
-let transl_store_phrases module_name str =
- transl_store_gen module_name (str,Tcoerce_none) true
-let transl_store_implementation module_name (str, restr) =
- let s = !transl_store_subst in
- transl_store_subst := Ident.Map.empty;
- let (i, code) = transl_store_gen module_name (str, restr) false in
- transl_store_subst := s;
- { Lambda.main_module_block_size = i;
- code;
- (* module_ident is not used by closure, but this allow to share
- the type with the flambda version *)
- module_ident = Ident.create_persistent module_name;
- required_globals = required_globals ~flambda:true code }
-(* Compile a toplevel phrase *)
-let toploop_ident = Ident.create_persistent "Toploop"
-let toploop_getvalue_pos = 0 (* position of getvalue in module Toploop *)
-let toploop_setvalue_pos = 1 (* position of setvalue in module Toploop *)
-let aliased_idents = ref Ident.empty
-let set_toplevel_unique_name id =
- aliased_idents :=
- Ident.add id (Ident.unique_toplevel_name id) !aliased_idents
-let toplevel_name id =
- try Ident.find_same id !aliased_idents
- with Not_found -> id
-let toploop_getvalue id =
- Lapply{ap_should_be_tailcall=false;
- ap_loc=Location.none;
- ap_func=Lprim(Pfield toploop_getvalue_pos,
- [Lprim(Pgetglobal toploop_ident, [], Location.none)],
- Location.none);
- ap_args=[Lconst(Const_base(Const_string (toplevel_name id, None)))];
- ap_inlined=Default_inline;
- ap_specialised=Default_specialise}
-let toploop_setvalue id lam =
- Lapply{ap_should_be_tailcall=false;
- ap_loc=Location.none;
- ap_func=Lprim(Pfield toploop_setvalue_pos,
- [Lprim(Pgetglobal toploop_ident, [], Location.none)],
- Location.none);
- ap_args=[Lconst(Const_base(Const_string (toplevel_name id, None)));
- lam];
- ap_inlined=Default_inline;
- ap_specialised=Default_specialise}
-let toploop_setvalue_id id = toploop_setvalue id (Lvar id)
-let close_toplevel_term (lam, ()) =
- Ident.Set.fold (fun id l -> Llet(Strict, Pgenval, id,
- toploop_getvalue id, l))
- (free_variables lam) lam
-let transl_toplevel_item item =
- match item.str_desc with
- Tstr_eval (expr, _)
- | Tstr_value(Nonrecursive,
- [{vb_pat = {pat_desc=Tpat_any};vb_expr = expr}]) ->
- (* special compilation for toplevel "let _ = expr", so
- that Toploop can display the result of the expression.
- Otherwise, the normal compilation would result
- in a Lsequence returning unit. *)
- transl_exp expr
- | Tstr_value(rec_flag, pat_expr_list) ->
- let idents = let_bound_idents pat_expr_list in
- transl_let rec_flag pat_expr_list
- (make_sequence toploop_setvalue_id idents)
- | Tstr_typext(tyext) ->
- let idents =
- (fun ext -> ext.ext_id) tyext.tyext_constructors
- in
- (* we need to use unique name in case of multiple
- definitions of the same extension constructor in the toplevel *)
- List.iter set_toplevel_unique_name idents;
- transl_type_extension item.str_env None tyext
- (make_sequence toploop_setvalue_id idents)
- | Tstr_exception ext ->
- set_toplevel_unique_name ext.tyexn_constructor.ext_id;
- toploop_setvalue ext.tyexn_constructor.ext_id
- (transl_extension_constructor item.str_env None ext.tyexn_constructor)
- | Tstr_module {mb_id=id; mb_presence=Mp_present; mb_expr=modl} ->
- (* we need to use the unique name for the module because of issues
- with "open" (PR#8133) *)
- set_toplevel_unique_name id;
- let lam = transl_module Tcoerce_none (Some(Pident id)) modl in
- toploop_setvalue id lam
- | Tstr_recmodule bindings ->
- let idents = (fun mb -> mb.mb_id) bindings in
- compile_recmodule
- (fun id modl _loc -> transl_module Tcoerce_none (Some(Pident id)) modl)
- bindings
- (make_sequence toploop_setvalue_id idents)
- | Tstr_class cl_list ->
- (* we need to use unique names for the classes because there might
- be a value named identically *)
- let (ids, class_bindings) = transl_class_bindings cl_list in
- List.iter set_toplevel_unique_name ids;
- Lletrec(class_bindings, make_sequence toploop_setvalue_id ids)
- | Tstr_include incl ->
- let ids = bound_value_identifiers incl.incl_type in
- let modl = incl.incl_mod in
- let mid = Ident.create_local "include" in
- let rec set_idents pos = function
- [] ->
- lambda_unit
- | id :: ids ->
- Lsequence(toploop_setvalue id
- (Lprim(Pfield pos, [Lvar mid], Location.none)),
- set_idents (pos + 1) ids) in
- Llet(Strict, Pgenval, mid,
- transl_module Tcoerce_none None modl, set_idents 0 ids)
- | Tstr_primitive descr ->
- record_primitive descr.val_val;
- lambda_unit
- | Tstr_open od ->
- let pure = pure_module od.open_expr in
- (* this optimization shouldn't be needed because Simplif would
- actually remove the [Llet] when it's not used.
- But since [scan_used_globals] runs before Simplif, we need to do
- it. *)
- begin match od.open_bound_items with
- | [] when pure = Alias -> lambda_unit
- | _ ->
- let ids = bound_value_identifiers od.open_bound_items in
- let mid = Ident.create_local "open" in
- let rec set_idents pos = function
- [] ->
- lambda_unit
- | id :: ids ->
- Lsequence(toploop_setvalue id
- (Lprim(Pfield pos, [Lvar mid], Location.none)),
- set_idents (pos + 1) ids)
- in
- Llet(pure, Pgenval, mid,
- transl_module Tcoerce_none None od.open_expr, set_idents 0 ids)
- end
- | Tstr_modtype _
- | Tstr_module {mb_presence=Mp_absent}
- | Tstr_type _
- | Tstr_class_type _
- | Tstr_attribute _ ->
- lambda_unit
-let transl_toplevel_item_and_close itm =
- close_toplevel_term
- (transl_label_init (fun () -> transl_toplevel_item itm, ()))
-let transl_toplevel_definition str =
- reset_labels ();
- Translprim.clear_used_primitives ();
- make_sequence transl_toplevel_item_and_close str.str_items
-(* Compile the initialization code for a packed library *)
-let get_component = function
- None -> Lconst const_unit
- | Some id -> Lprim(Pgetglobal id, [], Location.none)
-let transl_package_flambda component_names coercion =
- let size =
- match coercion with
- | Tcoerce_none -> List.length component_names
- | Tcoerce_structure (l, _) -> List.length l
- | Tcoerce_functor _
- | Tcoerce_primitive _
- | Tcoerce_alias _ -> assert false
- in
- size,
- apply_coercion Location.none Strict coercion
- (Lprim(Pmakeblock(0, Immutable, None),
- get_component component_names,
- Location.none))
-let transl_package component_names target_name coercion =
- let components =
- Lprim(Pmakeblock(0, Immutable, None),
- get_component component_names, Location.none) in
- Lprim(Psetglobal target_name,
- [apply_coercion Location.none Strict coercion components],
- Location.none)
- (*
- let components =
- match coercion with
- Tcoerce_none ->
- get_component component_names
- | Tcoerce_structure (pos_cc_list, id_pos_list) ->
- (* ignore id_pos_list as the ids are already bound *)
- let g = Array.of_list component_names in
- (fun (pos, cc) -> apply_coercion Strict cc (get_component g.(pos)))
- pos_cc_list
- | _ ->
- assert false in
- Lprim(Psetglobal target_name, [Lprim(Pmakeblock(0, Immutable), components)])
- *)
-let transl_store_package component_names target_name coercion =
- let rec make_sequence fn pos arg =
- match arg with
- [] -> lambda_unit
- | hd :: tl -> Lsequence(fn pos hd, make_sequence fn (pos + 1) tl) in
- match coercion with
- Tcoerce_none ->
- (List.length component_names,
- make_sequence
- (fun pos id ->
- Lprim(Psetfield(pos, Pointer, Root_initialization),
- [Lprim(Pgetglobal target_name, [], Location.none);
- get_component id],
- Location.none))
- 0 component_names)
- | Tcoerce_structure (pos_cc_list, _id_pos_list) ->
- let components =
- Lprim(Pmakeblock(0, Immutable, None),
- get_component component_names,
- Location.none)
- in
- let blk = Ident.create_local "block" in
- (List.length pos_cc_list,
- Llet (Strict, Pgenval, blk,
- apply_coercion Location.none Strict coercion components,
- make_sequence
- (fun pos _id ->
- Lprim(Psetfield(pos, Pointer, Root_initialization),
- [Lprim(Pgetglobal target_name, [], Location.none);
- Lprim(Pfield pos, [Lvar blk], Location.none)],
- Location.none))
- 0 pos_cc_list))
- (*
- (* ignore id_pos_list as the ids are already bound *)
- let id = Array.of_list component_names in
- (List.length pos_cc_list,
- make_sequence
- (fun dst (src, cc) ->
- Lprim(Psetfield(dst, false),
- [Lprim(Pgetglobal target_name, []);
- apply_coercion Strict cc (get_component id.(src))]))
- 0 pos_cc_list)
- *)
- | _ -> assert false
-(* Error report *)
-open Format
-let print_cycle ppf cycle =
- let print_ident ppf (x,_) = Format.pp_print_string ppf ( x) in
- let pp_sep ppf () = fprintf ppf "@ -> " in
- Format.fprintf ppf "%a%a%s"
- (Format.pp_print_list ~pp_sep print_ident) cycle
- pp_sep ()
- ( @@ fst @@ List.hd cycle)
-(* we repeat the first element to make the cycle more apparent *)
-let explanation_submsg (id, {reason;loc;subid}) =
- let print fmt =
- let printer = Format.dprintf fmt ( id) ( subid) in
- Location.mkloc printer loc in
- match reason with
- | Unsafe_module_binding -> print "Module %s defines an unsafe module, %s ."
- | Unsafe_functor -> print "Module %s defines an unsafe functor, %s ."
- | Unsafe_typext ->
- print "Module %s defines an unsafe extension constructor, %s ."
- | Unsafe_non_function -> print "Module %s defines an unsafe value, %s ."
-let report_error loc = function
- | Circular_dependency cycle ->
- let[@manual.ref "s-recursive-modules"] chapter, section = 8, 2 in
- Location.errorf ~loc ~sub:( explanation_submsg cycle)
- "Cannot safely evaluate the definition of the following cycle@ \
- of recursively-defined modules:@ %a.@ \
- There are no safe modules in this cycle@ (see manual section %d.%d)."
- print_cycle cycle chapter section
- | Conflicting_inline_attributes ->
- Location.errorf "@[Conflicting 'inline' attributes@]"
-let () =
- Location.register_error_of_exn
- (function
- | Error (loc, err) -> Some (report_error loc err)
- | _ ->
- None
- )
-let reset () =
- primitive_declarations := [];
- transl_store_subst := Ident.Map.empty;
- aliased_idents := Ident.empty;
- Env.reset_required_globals ();
- Translprim.clear_used_primitives ()
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@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-(* *)
-(* OCaml *)
-(* *)
-(* Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
-(* *)
-(* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
-(* en Automatique. *)
-(* *)
-(* All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the terms of *)
-(* the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the *)
-(* special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE. *)
-(* *)
-(* Translation from typed abstract syntax to lambda terms,
- for the module language *)
-open Typedtree
-open Lambda
-val transl_implementation:
- string -> structure * module_coercion -> Lambda.program
-val transl_store_phrases: string -> structure -> int * lambda
-val transl_store_implementation:
- string -> structure * module_coercion -> Lambda.program
-val transl_implementation_flambda:
- string -> structure * module_coercion -> Lambda.program
-val transl_toplevel_definition: structure -> lambda
-val transl_package:
- Ident.t option list -> Ident.t -> module_coercion -> lambda
-val transl_store_package:
- Ident.t option list -> Ident.t -> module_coercion -> int * lambda
-val transl_package_flambda:
- Ident.t option list -> module_coercion -> int * lambda
-val toplevel_name: Ident.t -> string
-val nat_toplevel_name: Ident.t -> Ident.t * int
-val primitive_declarations: Primitive.description list ref
-type unsafe_component =
- | Unsafe_module_binding
- | Unsafe_functor
- | Unsafe_non_function
- | Unsafe_typext
-type unsafe_info = { reason:unsafe_component; loc:Location.t; subid:Ident.t }
-type error =
- Circular_dependency of (Ident.t * unsafe_info) list
-| Conflicting_inline_attributes
-exception Error of Location.t * error
-val report_error: Location.t -> error -> Location.error
-val reset: unit -> unit
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-(* *)
-(* OCaml *)
-(* *)
-(* Jerome Vouillon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
-(* *)
-(* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
-(* en Automatique. *)
-(* *)
-(* All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the terms of *)
-(* the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the *)
-(* special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE. *)
-(* *)
-open Asttypes
-open Lambda
-(* Get oo primitives identifiers *)
-let oo_prim = Lambda.transl_prim "CamlinternalOO"
-(* Share blocks *)
-let consts : (structured_constant, Ident.t) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 17
-let share c =
- match c with
- Const_block (_n, l) when l <> [] ->
- begin try
- Lvar (Hashtbl.find consts c)
- with Not_found ->
- let id = Ident.create_local "shared" in
- Hashtbl.add consts c id;
- Lvar id
- end
- | _ -> Lconst c
-(* Collect labels *)
-let cache_required = ref false
-let method_cache = ref lambda_unit
-let method_count = ref 0
-let method_table = ref []
-let meth_tag s = Lconst(Const_base(Const_int(Btype.hash_variant s)))
-let next_cache tag =
- let n = !method_count in
- incr method_count;
- (tag, [!method_cache; Lconst(Const_base(Const_int n))])
-let rec is_path = function
- Lvar _ | Lprim (Pgetglobal _, [], _) | Lconst _ -> true
- | Lprim (Pfield _, [lam], _) -> is_path lam
- | Lprim ((Parrayrefu _ | Parrayrefs _), [lam1; lam2], _) ->
- is_path lam1 && is_path lam2
- | _ -> false
-let meth obj lab =
- let tag = meth_tag lab in
- if not (!cache_required && !Clflags.native_code) then (tag, []) else
- if not (is_path obj) then next_cache tag else
- try
- let r = List.assoc obj !method_table in
- try
- (tag, List.assoc tag !r)
- with Not_found ->
- let p = next_cache tag in
- r := p :: !r;
- p
- with Not_found ->
- let p = next_cache tag in
- method_table := (obj, ref [p]) :: !method_table;
- p
-let reset_labels () =
- Hashtbl.clear consts;
- method_count := 0;
- method_table := []
-(* Insert labels *)
-let int n = Lconst (Const_base (Const_int n))
-let prim_makearray =
- Primitive.simple ~name:"caml_make_vect" ~arity:2 ~alloc:true
-(* Also use it for required globals *)
-let transl_label_init_general f =
- let expr, size = f () in
- let expr =
- Hashtbl.fold
- (fun c id expr -> Llet(Alias, Pgenval, id, Lconst c, expr))
- consts expr
- in
- (*let expr =
- List.fold_right
- (fun id expr -> Lsequence(Lprim(Pgetglobal id, [], Location.none), expr))
- (Env.get_required_globals ()) expr
- in
- Env.reset_required_globals ();*)
- reset_labels ();
- expr, size
-let transl_label_init_flambda f =
- assert(Config.flambda);
- let method_cache_id = Ident.create_local "method_cache" in
- method_cache := Lvar method_cache_id;
- (* Calling f (usually Translmod.transl_struct) requires the
- method_cache variable to be initialised to be able to generate
- method accesses. *)
- let expr, size = f () in
- let expr =
- if !method_count = 0 then expr
- else
- Llet (Strict, Pgenval, method_cache_id,
- Lprim (Pccall prim_makearray,
- [int !method_count; int 0],
- Location.none),
- expr)
- in
- transl_label_init_general (fun () -> expr, size)
-let transl_store_label_init glob size f arg =
- assert(not Config.flambda);
- assert(!Clflags.native_code);
- method_cache := Lprim(Pfield size,
- [Lprim(Pgetglobal glob, [], Location.none)],
- Location.none);
- let expr = f arg in
- let (size, expr) =
- if !method_count = 0 then (size, expr) else
- (size+1,
- Lsequence(
- Lprim(Psetfield(size, Pointer, Root_initialization),
- [Lprim(Pgetglobal glob, [], Location.none);
- Lprim (Pccall prim_makearray,
- [int !method_count; int 0],
- Location.none)],
- Location.none),
- expr))
- in
- let lam, size = transl_label_init_general (fun () -> (expr, size)) in
- size, lam
-let transl_label_init f =
- if !Clflags.native_code then
- transl_label_init_flambda f
- else
- transl_label_init_general f
-(* Share classes *)
-let wrapping = ref false
-let top_env = ref Env.empty
-let classes = ref []
-let method_ids = ref Ident.Set.empty
-let oo_add_class id =
- classes := id :: !classes;
- (!top_env, !cache_required)
-let oo_wrap env req f x =
- if !wrapping then
- if !cache_required then f x else
- Misc.protect_refs [Misc.R (cache_required, true)] (fun () ->
- f x
- )
- else
- Misc.protect_refs [Misc.R (wrapping, true); Misc.R (top_env, env)]
- (fun () ->
- cache_required := req;
- classes := [];
- method_ids := Ident.Set.empty;
- let lambda = f x in
- let lambda =
- List.fold_left
- (fun lambda id ->
- Llet(StrictOpt, Pgenval, id,
- Lprim(Pmakeblock(0, Mutable, None),
- [lambda_unit; lambda_unit; lambda_unit],
- Location.none),
- lambda))
- lambda !classes
- in
- lambda
- )
-let reset () =
- Hashtbl.clear consts;
- cache_required := false;
- method_cache := lambda_unit;
- method_count := 0;
- method_table := [];
- wrapping := false;
- top_env := Env.empty;
- classes := [];
- method_ids := Ident.Set.empty
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index c27053e961..0000000000
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-(* *)
-(* OCaml *)
-(* *)
-(* Jerome Vouillon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
-(* *)
-(* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
-(* en Automatique. *)
-(* *)
-(* All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the terms of *)
-(* the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the *)
-(* special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE. *)
-(* *)
-open Lambda
-val oo_prim: string -> lambda
-val share: structured_constant -> lambda
-val meth: lambda -> string -> lambda * lambda list
-val reset_labels: unit -> unit
-val transl_label_init: (unit -> lambda * 'a) -> lambda * 'a
-val transl_store_label_init:
- Ident.t -> int -> ('a -> lambda) -> 'a -> int * lambda
-val method_ids: Ident.Set.t ref (* reset when starting a new wrapper *)
-val oo_wrap: Env.t -> bool -> ('a -> lambda) -> 'a -> lambda
-val oo_add_class: Ident.t -> Env.t * bool
-val reset: unit -> unit
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-(* *)
-(* OCaml *)
-(* *)
-(* Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
-(* *)
-(* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
-(* en Automatique. *)
-(* *)
-(* All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the terms of *)
-(* the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the *)
-(* special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE. *)
-(* *)
-(* Translation of primitives *)
-open Misc
-open Asttypes
-open Primitive
-open Types
-open Typedtree
-open Typeopt
-open Lambda
-type error =
- | Unknown_builtin_primitive of string
- | Wrong_arity_builtin_primitive of string
-exception Error of Location.t * error
-(* Insertion of debugging events *)
-let event_before exp lam = match lam with
-| Lstaticraise (_,_) -> lam
-| _ ->
- if !Clflags.debug && not !Clflags.native_code
- then Levent(lam, {lev_loc = exp.exp_loc;
- lev_kind = Lev_before;
- lev_repr = None;
- lev_env = exp.exp_env})
- else lam
-let event_after exp lam =
- if !Clflags.debug && not !Clflags.native_code
- then Levent(lam, {lev_loc = exp.exp_loc;
- lev_kind = Lev_after exp.exp_type;
- lev_repr = None;
- lev_env = exp.exp_env})
- else lam
-type comparison =
- | Equal
- | Not_equal
- | Less_equal
- | Less_than
- | Greater_equal
- | Greater_than
- | Compare
-type comparison_kind =
- | Compare_generic
- | Compare_ints
- | Compare_floats
- | Compare_strings
- | Compare_bytes
- | Compare_nativeints
- | Compare_int32s
- | Compare_int64s
-type loc_kind =
- | Loc_FILE
- | Loc_LINE
- | Loc_MODULE
- | Loc_LOC
- | Loc_POS
-type prim =
- | Primitive of Lambda.primitive * int
- | External of Primitive.description
- | Comparison of comparison * comparison_kind
- | Raise of Lambda.raise_kind
- | Raise_with_backtrace
- | Lazy_force
- | Loc of loc_kind
- | Send
- | Send_self
- | Send_cache
-let used_primitives = Hashtbl.create 7
-let add_used_primitive loc env path =
- match path with
- Some (Path.Pdot _ as path) ->
- let path = Env.normalize_path_prefix (Some loc) env path in
- let unit = Path.head path in
- if unit && not (Hashtbl.mem used_primitives path)
- then Hashtbl.add used_primitives path loc
- | _ -> ()
-let clear_used_primitives () = Hashtbl.clear used_primitives
-let get_used_primitives () =
- Hashtbl.fold (fun path _ acc -> path :: acc) used_primitives []
-let gen_array_kind =
- if Config.flat_float_array then Pgenarray else Paddrarray
-let prim_sys_argv =
- Primitive.simple ~name:"caml_sys_argv" ~arity:1 ~alloc:true
-let primitives_table =
- create_hashtable 57 [
- "%identity", Primitive (Pidentity, 1);
- "%bytes_to_string", Primitive (Pbytes_to_string, 1);
- "%bytes_of_string", Primitive (Pbytes_of_string, 1);
- "%ignore", Primitive (Pignore, 1);
- "%revapply", Primitive (Prevapply, 2);
- "%apply", Primitive (Pdirapply, 2);
- "%loc_LOC", Loc Loc_LOC;
- "%loc_FILE", Loc Loc_FILE;
- "%loc_LINE", Loc Loc_LINE;
- "%loc_POS", Loc Loc_POS;
- "%loc_MODULE", Loc Loc_MODULE;
- "%field0", Primitive ((Pfield 0), 1);
- "%field1", Primitive ((Pfield 1), 1);
- "%setfield0", Primitive ((Psetfield(0, Pointer, Assignment)), 2);
- "%makeblock", Primitive ((Pmakeblock(0, Immutable, None)), 1);
- "%makemutable", Primitive ((Pmakeblock(0, Mutable, None)), 1);
- "%raise", Raise Raise_regular;
- "%reraise", Raise Raise_reraise;
- "%raise_notrace", Raise Raise_notrace;
- "%raise_with_backtrace", Raise_with_backtrace;
- "%sequand", Primitive (Psequand, 2);
- "%sequor", Primitive (Psequor, 2);
- "%boolnot", Primitive (Pnot, 1);
- "%big_endian", Primitive ((Pctconst Big_endian), 1);
- "%backend_type", Primitive ((Pctconst Backend_type), 1);
- "%word_size", Primitive ((Pctconst Word_size), 1);
- "%int_size", Primitive ((Pctconst Int_size), 1);
- "%max_wosize", Primitive ((Pctconst Max_wosize), 1);
- "%ostype_unix", Primitive ((Pctconst Ostype_unix), 1);
- "%ostype_win32", Primitive ((Pctconst Ostype_win32), 1);
- "%ostype_cygwin", Primitive ((Pctconst Ostype_cygwin), 1);
- "%negint", Primitive (Pnegint, 1);
- "%succint", Primitive ((Poffsetint 1), 1);
- "%predint", Primitive ((Poffsetint(-1)), 1);
- "%addint", Primitive (Paddint, 2);
- "%subint", Primitive (Psubint, 2);
- "%mulint", Primitive (Pmulint, 2);
- "%divint", Primitive ((Pdivint Safe), 2);
- "%modint", Primitive ((Pmodint Safe), 2);
- "%andint", Primitive (Pandint, 2);
- "%orint", Primitive (Porint, 2);
- "%xorint", Primitive (Pxorint, 2);
- "%lslint", Primitive (Plslint, 2);
- "%lsrint", Primitive (Plsrint, 2);
- "%asrint", Primitive (Pasrint, 2);
- "%eq", Primitive ((Pintcomp Ceq), 2);
- "%noteq", Primitive ((Pintcomp Cne), 2);
- "%ltint", Primitive ((Pintcomp Clt), 2);
- "%leint", Primitive ((Pintcomp Cle), 2);
- "%gtint", Primitive ((Pintcomp Cgt), 2);
- "%geint", Primitive ((Pintcomp Cge), 2);
- "%incr", Primitive ((Poffsetref(1)), 1);
- "%decr", Primitive ((Poffsetref(-1)), 1);
- "%intoffloat", Primitive (Pintoffloat, 1);
- "%floatofint", Primitive (Pfloatofint, 1);
- "%negfloat", Primitive (Pnegfloat, 1);
- "%absfloat", Primitive (Pabsfloat, 1);
- "%addfloat", Primitive (Paddfloat, 2);
- "%subfloat", Primitive (Psubfloat, 2);
- "%mulfloat", Primitive (Pmulfloat, 2);
- "%divfloat", Primitive (Pdivfloat, 2);
- "%eqfloat", Primitive ((Pfloatcomp CFeq), 2);
- "%noteqfloat", Primitive ((Pfloatcomp CFneq), 2);
- "%ltfloat", Primitive ((Pfloatcomp CFlt), 2);
- "%lefloat", Primitive ((Pfloatcomp CFle), 2);
- "%gtfloat", Primitive ((Pfloatcomp CFgt), 2);
- "%gefloat", Primitive ((Pfloatcomp CFge), 2);
- "%string_length", Primitive (Pstringlength, 1);
- "%string_safe_get", Primitive (Pstringrefs, 2);
- "%string_safe_set", Primitive (Pbytessets, 3);
- "%string_unsafe_get", Primitive (Pstringrefu, 2);
- "%string_unsafe_set", Primitive (Pbytessetu, 3);
- "%bytes_length", Primitive (Pbyteslength, 1);
- "%bytes_safe_get", Primitive (Pbytesrefs, 2);
- "%bytes_safe_set", Primitive (Pbytessets, 3);
- "%bytes_unsafe_get", Primitive (Pbytesrefu, 2);
- "%bytes_unsafe_set", Primitive (Pbytessetu, 3);
- "%array_length", Primitive ((Parraylength gen_array_kind), 1);
- "%array_safe_get", Primitive ((Parrayrefs gen_array_kind), 2);
- "%array_safe_set", Primitive ((Parraysets gen_array_kind), 3);
- "%array_unsafe_get", Primitive ((Parrayrefu gen_array_kind), 2);
- "%array_unsafe_set", Primitive ((Parraysetu gen_array_kind), 3);
- "%obj_size", Primitive ((Parraylength gen_array_kind), 1);
- "%obj_field", Primitive ((Parrayrefu gen_array_kind), 2);
- "%obj_set_field", Primitive ((Parraysetu gen_array_kind), 3);
- "%floatarray_length", Primitive ((Parraylength Pfloatarray), 1);
- "%floatarray_safe_get", Primitive ((Parrayrefs Pfloatarray), 2);
- "%floatarray_safe_set", Primitive ((Parraysets Pfloatarray), 3);
- "%floatarray_unsafe_get", Primitive ((Parrayrefu Pfloatarray), 2);
- "%floatarray_unsafe_set", Primitive ((Parraysetu Pfloatarray), 3);
- "%obj_is_int", Primitive (Pisint, 1);
- "%lazy_force", Lazy_force;
- "%nativeint_of_int", Primitive ((Pbintofint Pnativeint), 1);
- "%nativeint_to_int", Primitive ((Pintofbint Pnativeint), 1);
- "%nativeint_neg", Primitive ((Pnegbint Pnativeint), 1);
- "%nativeint_add", Primitive ((Paddbint Pnativeint), 2);
- "%nativeint_sub", Primitive ((Psubbint Pnativeint), 2);
- "%nativeint_mul", Primitive ((Pmulbint Pnativeint), 2);
- "%nativeint_div",
- Primitive ((Pdivbint { size = Pnativeint; is_safe = Safe }), 2);
- "%nativeint_mod",
- Primitive ((Pmodbint { size = Pnativeint; is_safe = Safe }), 2);
- "%nativeint_and", Primitive ((Pandbint Pnativeint), 2);
- "%nativeint_or", Primitive ( (Porbint Pnativeint), 2);
- "%nativeint_xor", Primitive ((Pxorbint Pnativeint), 2);
- "%nativeint_lsl", Primitive ((Plslbint Pnativeint), 2);
- "%nativeint_lsr", Primitive ((Plsrbint Pnativeint), 2);
- "%nativeint_asr", Primitive ((Pasrbint Pnativeint), 2);
- "%int32_of_int", Primitive ((Pbintofint Pint32), 1);
- "%int32_to_int", Primitive ((Pintofbint Pint32), 1);
- "%int32_neg", Primitive ((Pnegbint Pint32), 1);
- "%int32_add", Primitive ((Paddbint Pint32), 2);
- "%int32_sub", Primitive ((Psubbint Pint32), 2);
- "%int32_mul", Primitive ((Pmulbint Pint32), 2);
- "%int32_div", Primitive ((Pdivbint { size = Pint32; is_safe = Safe }), 2);
- "%int32_mod", Primitive ((Pmodbint { size = Pint32; is_safe = Safe }), 2);
- "%int32_and", Primitive ((Pandbint Pint32), 2);
- "%int32_or", Primitive ( (Porbint Pint32), 2);
- "%int32_xor", Primitive ((Pxorbint Pint32), 2);
- "%int32_lsl", Primitive ((Plslbint Pint32), 2);
- "%int32_lsr", Primitive ((Plsrbint Pint32), 2);
- "%int32_asr", Primitive ((Pasrbint Pint32), 2);
- "%int64_of_int", Primitive ((Pbintofint Pint64), 1);
- "%int64_to_int", Primitive ((Pintofbint Pint64), 1);
- "%int64_neg", Primitive ((Pnegbint Pint64), 1);
- "%int64_add", Primitive ((Paddbint Pint64), 2);
- "%int64_sub", Primitive ((Psubbint Pint64), 2);
- "%int64_mul", Primitive ((Pmulbint Pint64), 2);
- "%int64_div", Primitive ((Pdivbint { size = Pint64; is_safe = Safe }), 2);
- "%int64_mod", Primitive ((Pmodbint { size = Pint64; is_safe = Safe }), 2);
- "%int64_and", Primitive ((Pandbint Pint64), 2);
- "%int64_or", Primitive ( (Porbint Pint64), 2);
- "%int64_xor", Primitive ((Pxorbint Pint64), 2);
- "%int64_lsl", Primitive ((Plslbint Pint64), 2);
- "%int64_lsr", Primitive ((Plsrbint Pint64), 2);
- "%int64_asr", Primitive ((Pasrbint Pint64), 2);
- "%nativeint_of_int32", Primitive ((Pcvtbint(Pint32, Pnativeint)), 1);
- "%nativeint_to_int32", Primitive ((Pcvtbint(Pnativeint, Pint32)), 1);
- "%int64_of_int32", Primitive ((Pcvtbint(Pint32, Pint64)), 1);
- "%int64_to_int32", Primitive ((Pcvtbint(Pint64, Pint32)), 1);
- "%int64_of_nativeint", Primitive ((Pcvtbint(Pnativeint, Pint64)), 1);
- "%int64_to_nativeint", Primitive ((Pcvtbint(Pint64, Pnativeint)), 1);
- "%caml_ba_ref_1",
- Primitive
- ((Pbigarrayref(false, 1, Pbigarray_unknown, Pbigarray_unknown_layout)),
- 2);
- "%caml_ba_ref_2",
- Primitive
- ((Pbigarrayref(false, 2, Pbigarray_unknown, Pbigarray_unknown_layout)),
- 3);
- "%caml_ba_ref_3",
- Primitive
- ((Pbigarrayref(false, 3, Pbigarray_unknown, Pbigarray_unknown_layout)),
- 4);
- "%caml_ba_set_1",
- Primitive
- ((Pbigarrayset(false, 1, Pbigarray_unknown, Pbigarray_unknown_layout)),
- 3);
- "%caml_ba_set_2",
- Primitive
- ((Pbigarrayset(false, 2, Pbigarray_unknown, Pbigarray_unknown_layout)),
- 4);
- "%caml_ba_set_3",
- Primitive
- ((Pbigarrayset(false, 3, Pbigarray_unknown, Pbigarray_unknown_layout)),
- 5);
- "%caml_ba_unsafe_ref_1",
- Primitive
- ((Pbigarrayref(true, 1, Pbigarray_unknown, Pbigarray_unknown_layout)),
- 2);
- "%caml_ba_unsafe_ref_2",
- Primitive
- ((Pbigarrayref(true, 2, Pbigarray_unknown, Pbigarray_unknown_layout)),
- 3);
- "%caml_ba_unsafe_ref_3",
- Primitive
- ((Pbigarrayref(true, 3, Pbigarray_unknown, Pbigarray_unknown_layout)),
- 4);
- "%caml_ba_unsafe_set_1",
- Primitive
- ((Pbigarrayset(true, 1, Pbigarray_unknown, Pbigarray_unknown_layout)),
- 3);
- "%caml_ba_unsafe_set_2",
- Primitive
- ((Pbigarrayset(true, 2, Pbigarray_unknown, Pbigarray_unknown_layout)),
- 4);
- "%caml_ba_unsafe_set_3",
- Primitive
- ((Pbigarrayset(true, 3, Pbigarray_unknown, Pbigarray_unknown_layout)),
- 5);
- "%caml_ba_dim_1", Primitive ((Pbigarraydim(1)), 1);
- "%caml_ba_dim_2", Primitive ((Pbigarraydim(2)), 1);
- "%caml_ba_dim_3", Primitive ((Pbigarraydim(3)), 1);
- "%caml_string_get16", Primitive ((Pstring_load_16(false)), 2);
- "%caml_string_get16u", Primitive ((Pstring_load_16(true)), 2);
- "%caml_string_get32", Primitive ((Pstring_load_32(false)), 2);
- "%caml_string_get32u", Primitive ((Pstring_load_32(true)), 2);
- "%caml_string_get64", Primitive ((Pstring_load_64(false)), 2);
- "%caml_string_get64u", Primitive ((Pstring_load_64(true)), 2);
- "%caml_string_set16", Primitive ((Pbytes_set_16(false)), 3);
- "%caml_string_set16u", Primitive ((Pbytes_set_16(true)), 3);
- "%caml_string_set32", Primitive ((Pbytes_set_32(false)), 3);
- "%caml_string_set32u", Primitive ((Pbytes_set_32(true)), 3);
- "%caml_string_set64", Primitive ((Pbytes_set_64(false)), 3);
- "%caml_string_set64u", Primitive ((Pbytes_set_64(true)), 3);
- "%caml_bytes_get16", Primitive ((Pbytes_load_16(false)), 2);
- "%caml_bytes_get16u", Primitive ((Pbytes_load_16(true)), 2);
- "%caml_bytes_get32", Primitive ((Pbytes_load_32(false)), 2);
- "%caml_bytes_get32u", Primitive ((Pbytes_load_32(true)), 2);
- "%caml_bytes_get64", Primitive ((Pbytes_load_64(false)), 2);
- "%caml_bytes_get64u", Primitive ((Pbytes_load_64(true)), 2);
- "%caml_bytes_set16", Primitive ((Pbytes_set_16(false)), 3);
- "%caml_bytes_set16u", Primitive ((Pbytes_set_16(true)), 3);
- "%caml_bytes_set32", Primitive ((Pbytes_set_32(false)), 3);
- "%caml_bytes_set32u", Primitive ((Pbytes_set_32(true)), 3);
- "%caml_bytes_set64", Primitive ((Pbytes_set_64(false)), 3);
- "%caml_bytes_set64u", Primitive ((Pbytes_set_64(true)), 3);
- "%caml_bigstring_get16", Primitive ((Pbigstring_load_16(false)), 2);
- "%caml_bigstring_get16u", Primitive ((Pbigstring_load_16(true)), 2);
- "%caml_bigstring_get32", Primitive ((Pbigstring_load_32(false)), 2);
- "%caml_bigstring_get32u", Primitive ((Pbigstring_load_32(true)), 2);
- "%caml_bigstring_get64", Primitive ((Pbigstring_load_64(false)), 2);
- "%caml_bigstring_get64u", Primitive ((Pbigstring_load_64(true)), 2);
- "%caml_bigstring_set16", Primitive ((Pbigstring_set_16(false)), 3);
- "%caml_bigstring_set16u", Primitive ((Pbigstring_set_16(true)), 3);
- "%caml_bigstring_set32", Primitive ((Pbigstring_set_32(false)), 3);
- "%caml_bigstring_set32u", Primitive ((Pbigstring_set_32(true)), 3);
- "%caml_bigstring_set64", Primitive ((Pbigstring_set_64(false)), 3);
- "%caml_bigstring_set64u", Primitive ((Pbigstring_set_64(true)), 3);
- "%bswap16", Primitive (Pbswap16, 1);
- "%bswap_int32", Primitive ((Pbbswap(Pint32)), 1);
- "%bswap_int64", Primitive ((Pbbswap(Pint64)), 1);
- "%bswap_native", Primitive ((Pbbswap(Pnativeint)), 1);
- "%int_as_pointer", Primitive (Pint_as_pointer, 1);
- "%opaque", Primitive (Popaque, 1);
- "%sys_argv", External prim_sys_argv;
- "%send", Send;
- "%sendself", Send_self;
- "%sendcache", Send_cache;
- "%equal", Comparison(Equal, Compare_generic);
- "%notequal", Comparison(Not_equal, Compare_generic);
- "%lessequal", Comparison(Less_equal, Compare_generic);
- "%lessthan", Comparison(Less_than, Compare_generic);
- "%greaterequal", Comparison(Greater_equal, Compare_generic);
- "%greaterthan", Comparison(Greater_than, Compare_generic);
- "%compare", Comparison(Compare, Compare_generic);
- ]
-let lookup_primitive loc p =
- match Hashtbl.find primitives_table p.prim_name with
- | prim -> prim
- | exception Not_found ->
- if String.length p.prim_name > 0 && p.prim_name.[0] = '%' then
- raise(Error(loc, Unknown_builtin_primitive p.prim_name));
- External p
-let lookup_primitive_and_mark_used loc p env path =
- match lookup_primitive loc p with
- | External _ as e -> add_used_primitive loc env path; e
- | x -> x
-let simplify_constant_constructor = function
- | Equal -> true
- | Not_equal -> true
- | Less_equal -> false
- | Less_than -> false
- | Greater_equal -> false
- | Greater_than -> false
- | Compare -> false
-(* The following function computes the greatest lower bound in the
- semilattice of array kinds:
- gen
- / \
- addr float
- |
- int
- Note that the GLB is not guaranteed to exist, in which case we return
- our first argument instead of raising a fatal error because, although
- it cannot happen in a well-typed program, (ab)use of Obj.magic can
- probably trigger it.
-let glb_array_type t1 t2 =
- match t1, t2 with
- | Pfloatarray, (Paddrarray | Pintarray)
- | (Paddrarray | Pintarray), Pfloatarray -> t1
- | Pgenarray, x | x, Pgenarray -> x
- | Paddrarray, x | x, Paddrarray -> x
- | Pintarray, Pintarray -> Pintarray
- | Pfloatarray, Pfloatarray -> Pfloatarray
-(* Specialize a primitive from available type information. *)
-let specialize_primitive env ty ~has_constant_constructor prim =
- let param_tys =
- match is_function_type env ty with
- | None -> []
- | Some (p1, rhs) ->
- match is_function_type env rhs with
- | None -> [p1]
- | Some (p2, _) -> [p1;p2]
- in
- match prim, param_tys with
- | Primitive (Psetfield(n, Pointer, init), arity), [_; p2] -> begin
- match maybe_pointer_type env p2 with
- | Pointer -> None
- | Immediate -> Some (Primitive (Psetfield(n, Immediate, init), arity))
- end
- | Primitive (Parraylength t, arity), [p] -> begin
- let array_type = glb_array_type t (array_type_kind env p) in
- if t = array_type then None
- else Some (Primitive (Parraylength array_type, arity))
- end
- | Primitive (Parrayrefu t, arity), p1 :: _ -> begin
- let array_type = glb_array_type t (array_type_kind env p1) in
- if t = array_type then None
- else Some (Primitive (Parrayrefu array_type, arity))
- end
- | Primitive (Parraysetu t, arity), p1 :: _ -> begin
- let array_type = glb_array_type t (array_type_kind env p1) in
- if t = array_type then None
- else Some (Primitive (Parraysetu array_type, arity))
- end
- | Primitive (Parrayrefs t, arity), p1 :: _ -> begin
- let array_type = glb_array_type t (array_type_kind env p1) in
- if t = array_type then None
- else Some (Primitive (Parrayrefs array_type, arity))
- end
- | Primitive (Parraysets t, arity), p1 :: _ -> begin
- let array_type = glb_array_type t (array_type_kind env p1) in
- if t = array_type then None
- else Some (Primitive (Parraysets array_type, arity))
- end
- | Primitive (Pbigarrayref(unsafe, n, Pbigarray_unknown,
- Pbigarray_unknown_layout), arity), p1 :: _ -> begin
- let (k, l) = bigarray_type_kind_and_layout env p1 in
- match k, l with
- | Pbigarray_unknown, Pbigarray_unknown_layout -> None
- | _, _ -> Some (Primitive (Pbigarrayref(unsafe, n, k, l), arity))
- end
- | Primitive (Pbigarrayset(unsafe, n, Pbigarray_unknown,
- Pbigarray_unknown_layout), arity), p1 :: _ -> begin
- let (k, l) = bigarray_type_kind_and_layout env p1 in
- match k, l with
- | Pbigarray_unknown, Pbigarray_unknown_layout -> None
- | _, _ -> Some (Primitive (Pbigarrayset(unsafe, n, k, l), arity))
- end
- | Primitive (Pmakeblock(tag, mut, None), arity), fields -> begin
- let shape = (Typeopt.value_kind env) fields in
- let useful = List.exists (fun knd -> knd <> Pgenval) shape in
- if useful then Some (Primitive (Pmakeblock(tag, mut, Some shape), arity))
- else None
- end
- | Comparison(comp, Compare_generic), p1 :: _ ->
- if (has_constant_constructor
- && simplify_constant_constructor comp) then begin
- Some (Comparison(comp, Compare_ints))
- end else if (is_base_type env p1 Predef.path_int
- || is_base_type env p1 Predef.path_char
- || (maybe_pointer_type env p1 = Immediate)) then begin
- Some (Comparison(comp, Compare_ints))
- end else if is_base_type env p1 Predef.path_float then begin
- Some (Comparison(comp, Compare_floats))
- end else if is_base_type env p1 Predef.path_string then begin
- Some (Comparison(comp, Compare_strings))
- end else if is_base_type env p1 Predef.path_bytes then begin
- Some (Comparison(comp, Compare_bytes))
- end else if is_base_type env p1 Predef.path_nativeint then begin
- Some (Comparison(comp, Compare_nativeints))
- end else if is_base_type env p1 Predef.path_int32 then begin
- Some (Comparison(comp, Compare_int32s))
- end else if is_base_type env p1 Predef.path_int64 then begin
- Some (Comparison(comp, Compare_int64s))
- end else begin
- None
- end
- | _ -> None
-let unboxed_compare name native_repr =
- Primitive.make ~name ~alloc:false ~native_name:(name^"_unboxed")
- ~native_repr_args:[native_repr;native_repr] ~native_repr_res:Untagged_int
-let caml_equal =
- Primitive.simple ~name:"caml_equal" ~arity:2 ~alloc:true
-let caml_string_equal =
- Primitive.simple ~name:"caml_string_equal" ~arity:2 ~alloc:false
-let caml_bytes_equal =
- Primitive.simple ~name:"caml_bytes_equal" ~arity:2 ~alloc:false
-let caml_notequal =
- Primitive.simple ~name:"caml_notequal" ~arity:2 ~alloc:true
-let caml_string_notequal =
- Primitive.simple ~name:"caml_string_notequal" ~arity:2 ~alloc:false
-let caml_bytes_notequal =
- Primitive.simple ~name:"caml_bytes_notequal" ~arity:2 ~alloc:false
-let caml_lessequal =
- Primitive.simple ~name:"caml_lessequal" ~arity:2 ~alloc:true
-let caml_string_lessequal =
- Primitive.simple ~name:"caml_string_lessequal" ~arity:2 ~alloc:false
-let caml_bytes_lessequal =
- Primitive.simple ~name:"caml_bytes_lessequal" ~arity:2 ~alloc:false
-let caml_lessthan =
- Primitive.simple ~name:"caml_lessthan" ~arity:2 ~alloc:true
-let caml_string_lessthan =
- Primitive.simple ~name:"caml_string_lessthan" ~arity:2 ~alloc:false
-let caml_bytes_lessthan =
- Primitive.simple ~name:"caml_bytes_lessthan" ~arity:2 ~alloc:false
-let caml_greaterequal =
- Primitive.simple ~name:"caml_greaterequal" ~arity:2 ~alloc:true
-let caml_string_greaterequal =
- Primitive.simple ~name:"caml_string_greaterequal" ~arity:2 ~alloc:false
-let caml_bytes_greaterequal =
- Primitive.simple ~name:"caml_bytes_greaterequal" ~arity:2 ~alloc:false
-let caml_greaterthan =
- Primitive.simple ~name:"caml_greaterthan" ~arity:2 ~alloc:true
-let caml_string_greaterthan =
- Primitive.simple ~name:"caml_string_greaterthan" ~arity:2 ~alloc: false
-let caml_bytes_greaterthan =
- Primitive.simple ~name:"caml_bytes_greaterthan" ~arity:2 ~alloc: false
-let caml_compare =
- Primitive.simple ~name:"caml_compare" ~arity:2 ~alloc:true
-let caml_int_compare =
- (* Not unboxed since the comparison is done directly on tagged int *)
- Primitive.simple ~name:"caml_int_compare" ~arity:2 ~alloc:false
-let caml_float_compare =
- unboxed_compare "caml_float_compare" Unboxed_float
-let caml_string_compare =
- Primitive.simple ~name:"caml_string_compare" ~arity:2 ~alloc:false
-let caml_bytes_compare =
- Primitive.simple ~name:"caml_bytes_compare" ~arity:2 ~alloc:false
-let caml_nativeint_compare =
- unboxed_compare "caml_nativeint_compare" (Unboxed_integer Pnativeint)
-let caml_int32_compare =
- unboxed_compare "caml_int32_compare" (Unboxed_integer Pint32)
-let caml_int64_compare =
- unboxed_compare "caml_int64_compare" (Unboxed_integer Pint64)
-let comparison_primitive comparison comparison_kind =
- match comparison, comparison_kind with
- | Equal, Compare_generic -> Pccall caml_equal
- | Equal, Compare_ints -> Pintcomp Ceq
- | Equal, Compare_floats -> Pfloatcomp CFeq
- | Equal, Compare_strings -> Pccall caml_string_equal
- | Equal, Compare_bytes -> Pccall caml_bytes_equal
- | Equal, Compare_nativeints -> Pbintcomp(Pnativeint, Ceq)
- | Equal, Compare_int32s -> Pbintcomp(Pint32, Ceq)
- | Equal, Compare_int64s -> Pbintcomp(Pint64, Ceq)
- | Not_equal, Compare_generic -> Pccall caml_notequal
- | Not_equal, Compare_ints -> Pintcomp Cne
- | Not_equal, Compare_floats -> Pfloatcomp CFneq
- | Not_equal, Compare_strings -> Pccall caml_string_notequal
- | Not_equal, Compare_bytes -> Pccall caml_bytes_notequal
- | Not_equal, Compare_nativeints -> Pbintcomp(Pnativeint, Cne)
- | Not_equal, Compare_int32s -> Pbintcomp(Pint32, Cne)
- | Not_equal, Compare_int64s -> Pbintcomp(Pint64, Cne)
- | Less_equal, Compare_generic -> Pccall caml_lessequal
- | Less_equal, Compare_ints -> Pintcomp Cle
- | Less_equal, Compare_floats -> Pfloatcomp CFle
- | Less_equal, Compare_strings -> Pccall caml_string_lessequal
- | Less_equal, Compare_bytes -> Pccall caml_bytes_lessequal
- | Less_equal, Compare_nativeints -> Pbintcomp(Pnativeint, Cle)
- | Less_equal, Compare_int32s -> Pbintcomp(Pint32, Cle)
- | Less_equal, Compare_int64s -> Pbintcomp(Pint64, Cle)
- | Less_than, Compare_generic -> Pccall caml_lessthan
- | Less_than, Compare_ints -> Pintcomp Clt
- | Less_than, Compare_floats -> Pfloatcomp CFlt
- | Less_than, Compare_strings -> Pccall caml_string_lessthan
- | Less_than, Compare_bytes -> Pccall caml_bytes_lessthan
- | Less_than, Compare_nativeints -> Pbintcomp(Pnativeint, Clt)
- | Less_than, Compare_int32s -> Pbintcomp(Pint32, Clt)
- | Less_than, Compare_int64s -> Pbintcomp(Pint64, Clt)
- | Greater_equal, Compare_generic -> Pccall caml_greaterequal
- | Greater_equal, Compare_ints -> Pintcomp Cge
- | Greater_equal, Compare_floats -> Pfloatcomp CFge
- | Greater_equal, Compare_strings -> Pccall caml_string_greaterequal
- | Greater_equal, Compare_bytes -> Pccall caml_bytes_greaterequal
- | Greater_equal, Compare_nativeints -> Pbintcomp(Pnativeint, Cge)
- | Greater_equal, Compare_int32s -> Pbintcomp(Pint32, Cge)
- | Greater_equal, Compare_int64s -> Pbintcomp(Pint64, Cge)
- | Greater_than, Compare_generic -> Pccall caml_greaterthan
- | Greater_than, Compare_ints -> Pintcomp Cgt
- | Greater_than, Compare_floats -> Pfloatcomp CFgt
- | Greater_than, Compare_strings -> Pccall caml_string_greaterthan
- | Greater_than, Compare_bytes -> Pccall caml_bytes_greaterthan
- | Greater_than, Compare_nativeints -> Pbintcomp(Pnativeint, Cgt)
- | Greater_than, Compare_int32s -> Pbintcomp(Pint32, Cgt)
- | Greater_than, Compare_int64s -> Pbintcomp(Pint64, Cgt)
- | Compare, Compare_generic -> Pccall caml_compare
- | Compare, Compare_ints -> Pccall caml_int_compare
- | Compare, Compare_floats -> Pccall caml_float_compare
- | Compare, Compare_strings -> Pccall caml_string_compare
- | Compare, Compare_bytes -> Pccall caml_bytes_compare
- | Compare, Compare_nativeints -> Pccall caml_nativeint_compare
- | Compare, Compare_int32s -> Pccall caml_int32_compare
- | Compare, Compare_int64s -> Pccall caml_int64_compare
-let lambda_of_loc kind loc =
- let loc_start = loc.Location.loc_start in
- let (file, lnum, cnum) = Location.get_pos_info loc_start in
- let file =
- if Filename.is_relative file then
- file
- else
- Location.rewrite_absolute_path file in
- let enum = loc.Location.loc_end.Lexing.pos_cnum -
- loc_start.Lexing.pos_cnum + cnum in
- match kind with
- | Loc_POS ->
- Lconst (Const_block (0, [
- Const_immstring file;
- Const_base (Const_int lnum);
- Const_base (Const_int cnum);
- Const_base (Const_int enum);
- ]))
- | Loc_FILE -> Lconst (Const_immstring file)
- | Loc_MODULE ->
- let filename = Filename.basename file in
- let name = Env.get_unit_name () in
- let module_name = if name = "" then "//"^filename^"//" else name in
- Lconst (Const_immstring module_name)
- | Loc_LOC ->
- let loc = Printf.sprintf "File %S, line %d, characters %d-%d"
- file lnum cnum enum in
- Lconst (Const_immstring loc)
- | Loc_LINE -> Lconst (Const_base (Const_int lnum))
-let caml_restore_raw_backtrace =
- Primitive.simple ~name:"caml_restore_raw_backtrace" ~arity:2 ~alloc:false
-let try_ids = Hashtbl.create 8
-let add_exception_ident id =
- Hashtbl.replace try_ids id ()
-let remove_exception_ident id =
- Hashtbl.remove try_ids id
-let lambda_of_prim prim_name prim loc args arg_exps =
- match prim, args with
- | Primitive (prim, arity), args when arity = List.length args ->
- Lprim(prim, args, loc)
- | External prim, args when prim = prim_sys_argv ->
- Lprim(Pccall prim, Lconst (Const_pointer 0) :: args, loc)
- | External prim, args ->
- Lprim(Pccall prim, args, loc)
- | Comparison(comp, knd), ([_;_] as args) ->
- let prim = comparison_primitive comp knd in
- Lprim(prim, args, loc)
- | Raise kind, [arg] ->
- let kind =
- match kind, arg with
- | Raise_regular, Lvar argv when Hashtbl.mem try_ids argv ->
- Raise_reraise
- | _, _ ->
- kind
- in
- let arg =
- match arg_exps with
- | None -> arg
- | Some [arg_exp] -> event_after arg_exp arg
- | Some _ -> assert false
- in
- Lprim(Praise kind, [arg], loc)
- | Raise_with_backtrace, [exn; bt] ->
- let vexn = Ident.create_local "exn" in
- let raise_arg =
- match arg_exps with
- | None -> Lvar vexn
- | Some [exn_exp; _] -> event_after exn_exp (Lvar vexn)
- | Some _ -> assert false
- in
- Llet(Strict, Pgenval, vexn, exn,
- Lsequence(Lprim(Pccall caml_restore_raw_backtrace,
- [Lvar vexn; bt],
- loc),
- Lprim(Praise Raise_reraise, [raise_arg], loc)))
- | Lazy_force, [arg] ->
- Matching.inline_lazy_force arg Location.none
- | Loc kind, [] ->
- lambda_of_loc kind loc
- | Loc kind, [arg] ->
- let lam = lambda_of_loc kind loc in
- Lprim(Pmakeblock(0, Immutable, None), [lam; arg], loc)
- | Send, [obj; meth] ->
- Lsend(Public, meth, obj, [], loc)
- | Send_self, [obj; meth] ->
- Lsend(Self, meth, obj, [], loc)
- | Send_cache, [obj; meth; cache; pos] ->
- Lsend(Cached, meth, obj, [cache; pos], loc)
- | (Raise _ | Raise_with_backtrace
- | Lazy_force | Loc _ | Primitive _ | Comparison _
- | Send | Send_self | Send_cache), _ ->
- raise(Error(loc, Wrong_arity_builtin_primitive prim_name))
-let check_primitive_arity loc p =
- let prim = lookup_primitive loc p in
- let ok =
- match prim with
- | Primitive (_,arity) -> arity = p.prim_arity
- | External _ -> true
- | Comparison _ -> p.prim_arity = 2
- | Raise _ -> p.prim_arity = 1
- | Raise_with_backtrace -> p.prim_arity = 2
- | Lazy_force -> p.prim_arity = 1
- | Loc _ -> p.prim_arity = 1 || p.prim_arity = 0
- | Send | Send_self -> p.prim_arity = 2
- | Send_cache -> p.prim_arity = 4
- in
- if not ok then raise(Error(loc, Wrong_arity_builtin_primitive p.prim_name))
-(* Eta-expand a primitive *)
-let transl_primitive loc p env ty path =
- let prim = lookup_primitive_and_mark_used loc p env path in
- let has_constant_constructor = false in
- let prim =
- match specialize_primitive env ty ~has_constant_constructor prim with
- | None -> prim
- | Some prim -> prim
- in
- let rec make_params n =
- if n <= 0 then []
- else (Ident.create_local "prim", Pgenval) :: make_params (n-1)
- in
- let params = make_params p.prim_arity in
- let args = (fun (id, _) -> Lvar id) params in
- let body = lambda_of_prim p.prim_name prim loc args None in
- match params with
- | [] -> body
- | _ ->
- Lfunction{ kind = Curried;
- params;
- return = Pgenval;
- attr = default_stub_attribute;
- loc = loc;
- body = body; }
-(* Determine if a primitive is a Pccall or will be turned later into
- a C function call that may raise an exception *)
-let primitive_is_ccall = function
- | Pccall _ | Pstringrefs | Pbytesrefs | Pbytessets | Parrayrefs _ |
- Parraysets _ | Pbigarrayref _ | Pbigarrayset _ | Pduprecord _ | Pdirapply |
- Prevapply -> true
- | _ -> false
-(* Determine if a primitive should be surrounded by an "after" debug event *)
-let primitive_needs_event_after = function
- | Primitive (prim,_) -> primitive_is_ccall prim
- | External _ -> true
- | Comparison(comp, knd) ->
- primitive_is_ccall (comparison_primitive comp knd)
- | Lazy_force | Send | Send_self | Send_cache -> true
- | Raise _ | Raise_with_backtrace | Loc _ -> false
-let transl_primitive_application loc p env ty path exp args arg_exps =
- let prim = lookup_primitive_and_mark_used loc p env (Some path) in
- let has_constant_constructor =
- match arg_exps with
- | [_; {exp_desc = Texp_construct(_, {cstr_tag = Cstr_constant _}, _)}]
- | [{exp_desc = Texp_construct(_, {cstr_tag = Cstr_constant _}, _)}; _]
- | [_; {exp_desc = Texp_variant(_, None)}]
- | [{exp_desc = Texp_variant(_, None)}; _] -> true
- | _ -> false
- in
- let prim =
- match specialize_primitive env ty ~has_constant_constructor prim with
- | None -> prim
- | Some prim -> prim
- in
- let lam = lambda_of_prim p.prim_name prim loc args (Some arg_exps) in
- let lam =
- if primitive_needs_event_after prim then begin
- match exp with
- | None -> lam
- | Some exp -> event_after exp lam
- end else begin
- lam
- end
- in
- lam
-(* Error report *)
-open Format
-let report_error ppf = function
- | Unknown_builtin_primitive prim_name ->
- fprintf ppf "Unknown builtin primitive \"%s\"" prim_name
- | Wrong_arity_builtin_primitive prim_name ->
- fprintf ppf "Wrong arity for builtin primitive \"%s\"" prim_name
-let () =
- Location.register_error_of_exn
- (function
- | Error (loc, err) ->
- Some (Location.error_of_printer ~loc report_error err)
- | _ ->
- None
- )
diff --git a/bytecomp/translprim.mli b/bytecomp/translprim.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index abf0f7d589..0000000000
--- a/bytecomp/translprim.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-(* *)
-(* OCaml *)
-(* *)
-(* Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
-(* *)
-(* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
-(* en Automatique. *)
-(* *)
-(* All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the terms of *)
-(* the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the *)
-(* special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE. *)
-(* *)
-(* Insertion of debugging events *)
-val event_before : Typedtree.expression -> Lambda.lambda -> Lambda.lambda
-val event_after : Typedtree.expression -> Lambda.lambda -> Lambda.lambda
-(* Translation of primitives *)
-val add_exception_ident : Ident.t -> unit
-val remove_exception_ident : Ident.t -> unit
-val clear_used_primitives : unit -> unit
-val get_used_primitives: unit -> Path.t list
-val check_primitive_arity : Location.t -> Primitive.description -> unit
-val transl_primitive :
- Location.t -> Primitive.description -> Env.t ->
- Types.type_expr -> Path.t option -> Lambda.lambda
-val transl_primitive_application :
- Location.t -> Primitive.description -> Env.t ->
- Types.type_expr -> Path.t -> Typedtree.expression option ->
- Lambda.lambda list -> Typedtree.expression list -> Lambda.lambda
-(* Errors *)
-type error =
- | Unknown_builtin_primitive of string
- | Wrong_arity_builtin_primitive of string
-exception Error of Location.t * error
-open Format
-val report_error : formatter -> error -> unit