path: root/lex/
diff options
authorXavier Leroy <>1996-02-25 14:45:47 +0000
committerXavier Leroy <>1996-02-25 14:45:47 +0000
commit22bc127a9261c1ccbf0710e0d330cc69c8ad709a (patch)
treee3f2df30269480e1b4c57283c5984c0104cfbc44 /lex/
parentede06e157da7dbb36c11ffd082a8896b91c23671 (diff)
csllex utilise un automate a pile
git-svn-id: f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02
Diffstat (limited to 'lex/')
1 files changed, 78 insertions, 141 deletions
diff --git a/lex/ b/lex/
index c1a46a07cc..29dd9483c3 100644
--- a/lex/
+++ b/lex/
@@ -11,151 +11,88 @@
(* $Id$ *)
-(* Generating a DFA as a set of mutually recursive functions *)
+(* Output the DFA tables and its entry points *)
+open Printf
open Syntax
+open Lexgen
+open Compact
-let ic = ref stdin
-and oc = ref stdout
-(* 1- Generating the actions *)
+(* To copy the ML code fragments *)
let copy_buffer = String.create 1024
-let copy_chunk (Location(start,stop)) =
- let rec copy s =
- if s <= 0 then () else
- let n = if s < 1024 then s else 1024 in
- let m = input !ic copy_buffer 0 n in
- output !oc copy_buffer 0 m;
- copy (s - m)
- in
- seek_in !ic start;
- copy (stop - start)
-let output_action (i,act) =
- output_string !oc ("action_" ^ string_of_int i ^ " lexbuf = (\n");
- copy_chunk act;
- output_string !oc ")\nand ";
- ()
-(* 2- Generating the states *)
-let states = ref ([||] : automata array)
-let enumerate_vect v =
- let rec enum env pos =
- if pos >= Array.length v then env else
- try
- let pl = List.assoc v.(pos) env in
- pl := pos :: !pl; enum env (succ pos)
- with Not_found ->
- enum ((v.(pos), ref [pos]) :: env) (succ pos) in
- Sort.list
- (fun (e1, pl1) (e2, pl2) -> List.length !pl1 >= List.length !pl2)
- (enum [] 0)
-let output_move = function
- Backtrack ->
- output_string !oc "backtrack lexbuf"
- | Goto dest ->
- match !states.(dest) with
- Perform act_num ->
- output_string !oc ("action_" ^ string_of_int act_num ^ " lexbuf")
- | _ ->
- output_string !oc ("state_" ^ string_of_int dest ^ " lexbuf")
-let output_char_for_read oc = function
- '\'' -> output_string oc "\\'"
- | '\\' -> output_string oc "\\\\"
- | '\n' -> output_string oc "\\n"
- | '\t' -> output_string oc "\\t"
- | c ->
- let n = Char.code c in
- if n >= 32 & n < 127 then
- output_char oc c
- else begin
- output_char oc '\\';
- output_char oc (Char.chr (48 + n / 100));
- output_char oc (Char.chr (48 + (n / 10) mod 10));
- output_char oc (Char.chr (48 + n mod 10))
- end
-let rec output_chars = function
- [] ->
- failwith "output_chars"
- | [c] ->
- output_string !oc "'";
- output_char_for_read !oc (Char.chr c);
- output_string !oc "'"
- | c::cl ->
- output_string !oc "'";
- output_char_for_read !oc (Char.chr c);
- output_string !oc "'|";
- output_chars cl
-let output_one_trans (dest, chars) =
- output_chars !chars;
- output_string !oc " -> ";
- output_move dest;
- output_string !oc "\n | ";
- ()
-let output_all_trans trans =
- output_string !oc " match get_next_char lexbuf with\n ";
- match enumerate_vect trans with
- [] ->
- failwith "output_all_trans"
- | (default, _) :: rest ->
- List.iter output_one_trans rest;
- output_string !oc "_ -> ";
- output_move default;
- output_string !oc "\nand ";
- ()
-let output_state state_num = function
- Perform i ->
- ()
- | Shift(what_to_do, moves) ->
- output_string !oc
- ("state_" ^ string_of_int state_num ^ " lexbuf =\n");
- begin match what_to_do with
- No_remember -> ()
- | Remember i ->
- output_string !oc " lexbuf.lex_last_pos <- lexbuf.lex_curr_pos;\n";
- output_string !oc (" lexbuf.lex_last_action <- Obj.magic action_" ^
- string_of_int i ^ ";\n")
- end;
- output_all_trans moves
-(* 3- Generating the entry points *)
-let rec output_entries = function
- [] -> failwith "output_entries"
- | (name,state_num) :: rest ->
- output_string !oc (name ^ " lexbuf =\n");
- output_string !oc " start_lexing lexbuf;\n";
- output_string !oc (" state_" ^ string_of_int state_num ^ " lexbuf\n");
- match rest with
- [] -> output_string !oc "\n\n"; ()
- | _ -> output_string !oc "\nand "; output_entries rest
-(* All together *)
-let output_lexdef header (initial_st, st, actions) trailer =
- print_int (Array.length st); print_string " states, ";
- print_int (List.length actions); print_string " actions.";
- print_newline();
- output_string !oc "open Obj\nopen Lexing\n\n";
- copy_chunk header;
- output_string !oc "\nlet rec ";
- states := st;
- List.iter output_action actions;
- for i = 0 to Array.length st - 1 do
- output_state i st.(i)
+let copy_chunk ic oc (Location(start,stop)) =
+ seek_in ic start;
+ let n = ref (stop - start) in
+ while !n > 0 do
+ let m = input ic copy_buffer 0 (min !n 1024) in
+ output oc copy_buffer 0 m;
+ n := !n - m
+ done
+(* To output an array of short ints, encoded as a string *)
+let output_byte oc b =
+ output_char oc '\\';
+ output_char oc (Char.chr(48 + b / 100));
+ output_char oc (Char.chr(48 + (b / 10) mod 10));
+ output_char oc (Char.chr(48 + b mod 10))
+let output_array oc v =
+ output_string oc " \"";
+ for i = 0 to Array.length v - 1 do
+ output_byte oc (v.(i) land 0xFF);
+ output_byte oc ((v.(i) asr 8) land 0xFF);
+ if i land 7 = 7 then output_string oc "\\\n "
- output_entries initial_st;
- copy_chunk trailer
+ output_string oc "\""
+(* Output the tables *)
+let output_tables oc tbl =
+ output_string oc "let lex_tables = {\n";
+ fprintf oc " Lexing.lex_base = \n%a;\n" output_array tbl.tbl_base;
+ fprintf oc " Lexing.lex_backtrk = \n%a;\n" output_array tbl.tbl_backtrk;
+ fprintf oc " Lexing.lex_default = \n%a;\n" output_array tbl.tbl_default;
+ fprintf oc " Lexing.lex_trans = \n%a;\n" output_array tbl.tbl_trans;
+ fprintf oc " Lexing.lex_check = \n%a\n" output_array tbl.tbl_check;
+ output_string oc "}\n\n"
+(* Output the entries *)
+let output_entry ic oc e =
+ fprintf oc "%s lexbuf =\n" e.auto_name;
+ fprintf oc " match Lexing.engine lex_tables %d lexbuf with\n "
+ e.auto_initial_state;
+ let first = ref true in
+ List.iter
+ (fun (num, loc) ->
+ if !first then first := false else fprintf oc " | ";
+ fprintf oc "%d -> (" num;
+ copy_chunk ic oc loc;
+ fprintf oc ")\n")
+ e.auto_actions;
+ fprintf oc " | _ -> failwith \"%s: empty token\"\n\n" e.auto_name
+(* Main output function *)
+let output_lexdef ic oc header tables entry_points trailer =
+ Printf.printf "%d states, %d transitions, table size %d bytes\n"
+ (Array.length tables.tbl_base)
+ (Array.length tables.tbl_trans)
+ (2 * (Array.length tables.tbl_base + Array.length tables.tbl_backtrk +
+ Array.length tables.tbl_default + Array.length tables.tbl_trans +
+ Array.length tables.tbl_check));
+ flush stdout;
+ copy_chunk ic oc header;
+ output_tables oc tables;
+ begin match entry_points with
+ [] -> ()
+ | entry1 :: entries ->
+ output_string oc "let rec "; output_entry ic oc entry1;
+ List.iter
+ (fun e -> output_string oc "and "; output_entry ic oc e)
+ entries
+ end;
+ copy_chunk ic oc trailer