path: root/parsing/
diff options
authoralainfrisch <>2016-04-13 16:27:46 +0200
committerAlain Frisch <>2016-04-13 16:46:32 +0200
commit8d9dd27cd4d4b04511ce5b3a8a621e4ed81156e1 (patch)
tree3ebc5a0cbc6a77c9c85aca986cb419a1109a24ac /parsing/
parent7924ec57074c127a7dffb79391eea9bc514491e1 (diff)
Move into compilerlibs (ocamlcommon).
This allows external tools to rely on the features provided by this module. An example is ocamldoc itself, which could now be implemented as an external tool. Note that LexiFi variants of OCaml has been embedding in the compiler for a long time in order to support a stricter dependency mode where the compiler is only allowed to load .cmi files corresponding to dependencies as inferred by ocamldep (hereby ensuring that ocamldep is sound by construction).
Diffstat (limited to 'parsing/')
1 files changed, 516 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/parsing/ b/parsing/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..43a139b2ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/parsing/
@@ -0,0 +1,516 @@
+(* *)
+(* OCaml *)
+(* *)
+(* Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright 1999 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
+(* en Automatique. *)
+(* *)
+(* All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the terms of *)
+(* the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the *)
+(* special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE. *)
+(* *)
+open Asttypes
+open Location
+open Longident
+open Parsetree
+module StringSet = Set.Make(struct type t = string let compare = compare end)
+module StringMap = Map.Make(String)
+(* Module resolution map *)
+(* Node (set of imports for this path, map for submodules) *)
+type map_tree = Node of StringSet.t * bound_map
+and bound_map = map_tree StringMap.t
+let bound = Node (StringSet.empty, StringMap.empty)
+(*let get_free (Node (s, _m)) = s*)
+let get_map (Node (_s, m)) = m
+let make_leaf s = Node (StringSet.singleton s, StringMap.empty)
+let make_node m = Node (StringSet.empty, m)
+let rec weaken_map s (Node(s0,m0)) =
+ Node (StringSet.union s s0, (weaken_map s) m0)
+let rec collect_free (Node (s, m)) =
+ StringMap.fold (fun _ n -> StringSet.union (collect_free n)) m s
+(* Returns the imports required to access the structure at path p *)
+(* Only raises Not_found if the head of p is not in the toplevel map *)
+let rec lookup_free p m =
+ match p with
+ [] -> raise Not_found
+ | s::p ->
+ let Node (f, m') = StringMap.find s m in
+ try lookup_free p m' with Not_found -> f
+(* Returns the node corresponding to the structure at path p *)
+let rec lookup_map lid m =
+ match lid with
+ Lident s -> StringMap.find s m
+ | Ldot (l, s) -> StringMap.find s (get_map (lookup_map l m))
+ | Lapply _ -> raise Not_found
+(* Collect free module identifiers in the a.s.t. *)
+let free_structure_names = ref StringSet.empty
+let add_names s =
+ free_structure_names := StringSet.union s !free_structure_names
+let rec add_path bv ?(p=[]) = function
+ | Lident s ->
+ let free =
+ try lookup_free (s::p) bv with Not_found -> StringSet.singleton s
+ in
+ (*StringSet.iter (fun s -> Printf.eprintf "%s " s) free;
+ prerr_endline "";*)
+ add_names free
+ | Ldot(l, s) -> add_path bv ~p:(s::p) l
+ | Lapply(l1, l2) -> add_path bv l1; add_path bv l2
+let open_module bv lid =
+ match lookup_map lid bv with
+ | Node (s, m) ->
+ add_names s;
+ StringMap.fold StringMap.add m bv
+ | exception Not_found ->
+ add_path bv lid; bv
+let add_parent bv lid =
+ match lid.txt with
+ Ldot(l, _s) -> add_path bv l
+ | _ -> ()
+let add = add_parent
+let addmodule bv lid = add_path bv lid.txt
+let handle_extension ext =
+ match (fst ext).txt with
+ | "error" | "ocaml.error" ->
+ raise (Location.Error
+ (Builtin_attributes.error_of_extension ext))
+ | _ ->
+ ()
+let rec add_type bv ty =
+ match ty.ptyp_desc with
+ Ptyp_any -> ()
+ | Ptyp_var _ -> ()
+ | Ptyp_arrow(_, t1, t2) -> add_type bv t1; add_type bv t2
+ | Ptyp_tuple tl -> List.iter (add_type bv) tl
+ | Ptyp_constr(c, tl) -> add bv c; List.iter (add_type bv) tl
+ | Ptyp_object (fl, _) -> List.iter (fun (_, _, t) -> add_type bv t) fl
+ | Ptyp_class(c, tl) -> add bv c; List.iter (add_type bv) tl
+ | Ptyp_alias(t, _) -> add_type bv t
+ | Ptyp_variant(fl, _, _) ->
+ List.iter
+ (function Rtag(_,_,_,stl) -> List.iter (add_type bv) stl
+ | Rinherit sty -> add_type bv sty)
+ fl
+ | Ptyp_poly(_, t) -> add_type bv t
+ | Ptyp_package pt -> add_package_type bv pt
+ | Ptyp_extension e -> handle_extension e
+and add_package_type bv (lid, l) =
+ add bv lid;
+ List.iter (add_type bv) ( (fun (_, e) -> e) l)
+let add_opt add_fn bv = function
+ None -> ()
+ | Some x -> add_fn bv x
+let add_constructor_arguments bv = function
+ | Pcstr_tuple l -> List.iter (add_type bv) l
+ | Pcstr_record l -> List.iter (fun l -> add_type bv l.pld_type) l
+let add_constructor_decl bv pcd =
+ add_constructor_arguments bv pcd.pcd_args;
+ Misc.may (add_type bv) pcd.pcd_res
+let add_type_declaration bv td =
+ List.iter
+ (fun (ty1, ty2, _) -> add_type bv ty1; add_type bv ty2)
+ td.ptype_cstrs;
+ add_opt add_type bv td.ptype_manifest;
+ let add_tkind = function
+ Ptype_abstract -> ()
+ | Ptype_variant cstrs ->
+ List.iter (add_constructor_decl bv) cstrs
+ | Ptype_record lbls ->
+ List.iter (fun pld -> add_type bv pld.pld_type) lbls
+ | Ptype_open -> () in
+ add_tkind td.ptype_kind
+let add_extension_constructor bv ext =
+ match ext.pext_kind with
+ Pext_decl(args, rty) ->
+ add_constructor_arguments bv args;
+ Misc.may (add_type bv) rty
+ | Pext_rebind lid -> add bv lid
+let add_type_extension bv te =
+ add bv te.ptyext_path;
+ List.iter (add_extension_constructor bv) te.ptyext_constructors
+let rec add_class_type bv cty =
+ match cty.pcty_desc with
+ Pcty_constr(l, tyl) ->
+ add bv l; List.iter (add_type bv) tyl
+ | Pcty_signature { pcsig_self = ty; pcsig_fields = fieldl } ->
+ add_type bv ty;
+ List.iter (add_class_type_field bv) fieldl
+ | Pcty_arrow(_, ty1, cty2) ->
+ add_type bv ty1; add_class_type bv cty2
+ | Pcty_extension e -> handle_extension e
+and add_class_type_field bv pctf =
+ match pctf.pctf_desc with
+ Pctf_inherit cty -> add_class_type bv cty
+ | Pctf_val(_, _, _, ty) -> add_type bv ty
+ | Pctf_method(_, _, _, ty) -> add_type bv ty
+ | Pctf_constraint(ty1, ty2) -> add_type bv ty1; add_type bv ty2
+ | Pctf_attribute _ -> ()
+ | Pctf_extension e -> handle_extension e
+let add_class_description bv infos =
+ add_class_type bv infos.pci_expr
+let add_class_type_declaration = add_class_description
+let pattern_bv = ref StringMap.empty
+let rec add_pattern bv pat =
+ match pat.ppat_desc with
+ Ppat_any -> ()
+ | Ppat_var _ -> ()
+ | Ppat_alias(p, _) -> add_pattern bv p
+ | Ppat_interval _
+ | Ppat_constant _ -> ()
+ | Ppat_tuple pl -> List.iter (add_pattern bv) pl
+ | Ppat_construct(c, op) -> add bv c; add_opt add_pattern bv op
+ | Ppat_record(pl, _) ->
+ List.iter (fun (lbl, p) -> add bv lbl; add_pattern bv p) pl
+ | Ppat_array pl -> List.iter (add_pattern bv) pl
+ | Ppat_or(p1, p2) -> add_pattern bv p1; add_pattern bv p2
+ | Ppat_constraint(p, ty) -> add_pattern bv p; add_type bv ty
+ | Ppat_variant(_, op) -> add_opt add_pattern bv op
+ | Ppat_type li -> add bv li
+ | Ppat_lazy p -> add_pattern bv p
+ | Ppat_unpack id -> pattern_bv := StringMap.add id.txt bound !pattern_bv
+ | Ppat_exception p -> add_pattern bv p
+ | Ppat_extension e -> handle_extension e
+let add_pattern bv pat =
+ pattern_bv := bv;
+ add_pattern bv pat;
+ !pattern_bv
+let rec add_expr bv exp =
+ match exp.pexp_desc with
+ Pexp_ident l -> add bv l
+ | Pexp_constant _ -> ()
+ | Pexp_let(rf, pel, e) ->
+ let bv = add_bindings rf bv pel in add_expr bv e
+ | Pexp_fun (_, opte, p, e) ->
+ add_opt add_expr bv opte; add_expr (add_pattern bv p) e
+ | Pexp_function pel ->
+ add_cases bv pel
+ | Pexp_apply(e, el) ->
+ add_expr bv e; List.iter (fun (_,e) -> add_expr bv e) el
+ | Pexp_match(e, pel) -> add_expr bv e; add_cases bv pel
+ | Pexp_try(e, pel) -> add_expr bv e; add_cases bv pel
+ | Pexp_tuple el -> List.iter (add_expr bv) el
+ | Pexp_construct(c, opte) -> add bv c; add_opt add_expr bv opte
+ | Pexp_variant(_, opte) -> add_opt add_expr bv opte
+ | Pexp_record(lblel, opte) ->
+ List.iter (fun (lbl, e) -> add bv lbl; add_expr bv e) lblel;
+ add_opt add_expr bv opte
+ | Pexp_field(e, fld) -> add_expr bv e; add bv fld
+ | Pexp_setfield(e1, fld, e2) -> add_expr bv e1; add bv fld; add_expr bv e2
+ | Pexp_array el -> List.iter (add_expr bv) el
+ | Pexp_ifthenelse(e1, e2, opte3) ->
+ add_expr bv e1; add_expr bv e2; add_opt add_expr bv opte3
+ | Pexp_sequence(e1, e2) -> add_expr bv e1; add_expr bv e2
+ | Pexp_while(e1, e2) -> add_expr bv e1; add_expr bv e2
+ | Pexp_for( _, e1, e2, _, e3) ->
+ add_expr bv e1; add_expr bv e2; add_expr bv e3
+ | Pexp_coerce(e1, oty2, ty3) ->
+ add_expr bv e1;
+ add_opt add_type bv oty2;
+ add_type bv ty3
+ | Pexp_constraint(e1, ty2) ->
+ add_expr bv e1;
+ add_type bv ty2
+ | Pexp_send(e, _m) -> add_expr bv e
+ | Pexp_new li -> add bv li
+ | Pexp_setinstvar(_v, e) -> add_expr bv e
+ | Pexp_override sel -> List.iter (fun (_s, e) -> add_expr bv e) sel
+ | Pexp_letmodule(id, m, e) ->
+ let b = add_module_binding bv m in
+ add_expr (StringMap.add id.txt b bv) e
+ | Pexp_letexception(_, e) -> add_expr bv e
+ | Pexp_assert (e) -> add_expr bv e
+ | Pexp_lazy (e) -> add_expr bv e
+ | Pexp_poly (e, t) -> add_expr bv e; add_opt add_type bv t
+ | Pexp_object { pcstr_self = pat; pcstr_fields = fieldl } ->
+ let bv = add_pattern bv pat in List.iter (add_class_field bv) fieldl
+ | Pexp_newtype (_, e) -> add_expr bv e
+ | Pexp_pack m -> add_module bv m
+ | Pexp_open (_ovf, m, e) ->
+ let bv = open_module bv m.txt in add_expr bv e
+ | Pexp_extension (({ txt = ("ocaml.extension_constructor"|
+ "extension_constructor"); _ },
+ PStr [item]) as e) ->
+ begin match item.pstr_desc with
+ | Pstr_eval ({ pexp_desc = Pexp_construct (c, None) }, _) -> add bv c
+ | _ -> handle_extension e
+ end
+ | Pexp_extension e -> handle_extension e
+ | Pexp_unreachable -> ()
+and add_cases bv cases =
+ List.iter (add_case bv) cases
+and add_case bv {pc_lhs; pc_guard; pc_rhs} =
+ let bv = add_pattern bv pc_lhs in
+ add_opt add_expr bv pc_guard;
+ add_expr bv pc_rhs
+and add_bindings recf bv pel =
+ let bv' = List.fold_left (fun bv x -> add_pattern bv x.pvb_pat) bv pel in
+ let bv = if recf = Recursive then bv' else bv in
+ List.iter (fun x -> add_expr bv x.pvb_expr) pel;
+ bv'
+and add_modtype bv mty =
+ match mty.pmty_desc with
+ Pmty_ident l -> add bv l
+ | Pmty_alias l -> addmodule bv l
+ | Pmty_signature s -> add_signature bv s
+ | Pmty_functor(id, mty1, mty2) ->
+ Misc.may (add_modtype bv) mty1;
+ add_modtype (StringMap.add id.txt bound bv) mty2
+ | Pmty_with(mty, cstrl) ->
+ add_modtype bv mty;
+ List.iter
+ (function
+ | Pwith_type (_, td) -> add_type_declaration bv td
+ | Pwith_module (_, lid) -> addmodule bv lid
+ | Pwith_typesubst td -> add_type_declaration bv td
+ | Pwith_modsubst (_, lid) -> addmodule bv lid
+ )
+ cstrl
+ | Pmty_typeof m -> add_module bv m
+ | Pmty_extension e -> handle_extension e
+and add_module_alias bv l =
+ try
+ add_parent bv l;
+ lookup_map l.txt bv
+ with Not_found ->
+ match l.txt with
+ Lident s -> make_leaf s
+ | _ -> addmodule bv l; bound (* cannot delay *)
+and add_modtype_binding bv mty =
+ if not !Clflags.transparent_modules then add_modtype bv mty;
+ match mty.pmty_desc with
+ Pmty_alias l ->
+ add_module_alias bv l
+ | Pmty_signature s ->
+ make_node (add_signature_binding bv s)
+ | Pmty_typeof modl ->
+ add_module_binding bv modl
+ | _ ->
+ if !Clflags.transparent_modules then add_modtype bv mty; bound
+and add_signature bv sg =
+ ignore (add_signature_binding bv sg)
+and add_signature_binding bv sg =
+ snd (List.fold_left add_sig_item (bv, StringMap.empty) sg)
+and add_sig_item (bv, m) item =
+ match item.psig_desc with
+ Psig_value vd ->
+ add_type bv vd.pval_type; (bv, m)
+ | Psig_type (_, dcls) ->
+ List.iter (add_type_declaration bv) dcls; (bv, m)
+ | Psig_typext te ->
+ add_type_extension bv te; (bv, m)
+ | Psig_exception pext ->
+ add_extension_constructor bv pext; (bv, m)
+ | Psig_module pmd ->
+ let m' = add_modtype_binding bv pmd.pmd_type in
+ let add = StringMap.add pmd.pmd_name.txt m' in
+ (add bv, add m)
+ | Psig_recmodule decls ->
+ let add =
+ List.fold_right (fun pmd -> StringMap.add pmd.pmd_name.txt bound)
+ decls
+ in
+ let bv' = add bv and m' = add m in
+ List.iter (fun pmd -> add_modtype bv' pmd.pmd_type) decls;
+ (bv', m')
+ | Psig_modtype x ->
+ begin match x.pmtd_type with
+ None -> ()
+ | Some mty -> add_modtype bv mty
+ end;
+ (bv, m)
+ | Psig_open od ->
+ (open_module bv od.popen_lid.txt, m)
+ | Psig_include incl ->
+ let Node (s, m') = add_modtype_binding bv incl.pincl_mod in
+ add_names s;
+ let add = StringMap.fold StringMap.add m' in
+ (add bv, add m)
+ | Psig_class cdl ->
+ List.iter (add_class_description bv) cdl; (bv, m)
+ | Psig_class_type cdtl ->
+ List.iter (add_class_type_declaration bv) cdtl; (bv, m)
+ | Psig_attribute _ -> (bv, m)
+ | Psig_extension (e, _) ->
+ handle_extension e;
+ (bv, m)
+and add_module_binding bv modl =
+ if not !Clflags.transparent_modules then add_module bv modl;
+ match modl.pmod_desc with
+ Pmod_ident l ->
+ begin try
+ add_parent bv l;
+ lookup_map l.txt bv
+ with Not_found ->
+ match l.txt with
+ Lident s -> make_leaf s
+ | _ -> addmodule bv l; bound
+ end
+ | Pmod_structure s ->
+ make_node (snd (add_structure_binding bv s))
+ | _ ->
+ if !Clflags.transparent_modules then add_module bv modl; bound
+and add_module bv modl =
+ match modl.pmod_desc with
+ Pmod_ident l -> addmodule bv l
+ | Pmod_structure s -> ignore (add_structure bv s)
+ | Pmod_functor(id, mty, modl) ->
+ Misc.may (add_modtype bv) mty;
+ add_module (StringMap.add id.txt bound bv) modl
+ | Pmod_apply(mod1, mod2) ->
+ add_module bv mod1; add_module bv mod2
+ | Pmod_constraint(modl, mty) ->
+ add_module bv modl; add_modtype bv mty
+ | Pmod_unpack(e) ->
+ add_expr bv e
+ | Pmod_extension e ->
+ handle_extension e
+and add_structure bv item_list =
+ let (bv, m) = add_structure_binding bv item_list in
+ add_names (collect_free (make_node m));
+ bv
+and add_structure_binding bv item_list =
+ List.fold_left add_struct_item (bv, StringMap.empty) item_list
+and add_struct_item (bv, m) item : _ StringMap.t * _ StringMap.t =
+ match item.pstr_desc with
+ Pstr_eval (e, _attrs) ->
+ add_expr bv e; (bv, m)
+ | Pstr_value(rf, pel) ->
+ let bv = add_bindings rf bv pel in (bv, m)
+ | Pstr_primitive vd ->
+ add_type bv vd.pval_type; (bv, m)
+ | Pstr_type (_, dcls) ->
+ List.iter (add_type_declaration bv) dcls; (bv, m)
+ | Pstr_typext te ->
+ add_type_extension bv te;
+ (bv, m)
+ | Pstr_exception pext ->
+ add_extension_constructor bv pext; (bv, m)
+ | Pstr_module x ->
+ let b = add_module_binding bv x.pmb_expr in
+ let add = StringMap.add x.pmb_name.txt b in
+ (add bv, add m)
+ | Pstr_recmodule bindings ->
+ let add =
+ List.fold_right (fun x -> StringMap.add x.pmb_name.txt bound) bindings
+ in
+ let bv' = add bv and m = add m in
+ List.iter
+ (fun x -> add_module bv' x.pmb_expr)
+ bindings;
+ (bv', m)
+ | Pstr_modtype x ->
+ begin match x.pmtd_type with
+ None -> ()
+ | Some mty -> add_modtype bv mty
+ end;
+ (bv, m)
+ | Pstr_open od ->
+ (open_module bv od.popen_lid.txt, m)
+ | Pstr_class cdl ->
+ List.iter (add_class_declaration bv) cdl; (bv, m)
+ | Pstr_class_type cdtl ->
+ List.iter (add_class_type_declaration bv) cdtl; (bv, m)
+ | Pstr_include incl ->
+ let Node (s, m') = add_module_binding bv incl.pincl_mod in
+ add_names s;
+ let add = StringMap.fold StringMap.add m' in
+ (add bv, add m)
+ | Pstr_attribute _ -> (bv, m)
+ | Pstr_extension (e, _) ->
+ handle_extension e;
+ (bv, m)
+and add_use_file bv top_phrs =
+ ignore (List.fold_left add_top_phrase bv top_phrs)
+and add_implementation bv l =
+ if !Clflags.transparent_modules then
+ ignore (add_structure_binding bv l)
+ else ignore (add_structure bv l)
+and add_implementation_binding bv l =
+ snd (add_structure_binding bv l)
+and add_top_phrase bv = function
+ | Ptop_def str -> add_structure bv str
+ | Ptop_dir (_, _) -> bv
+and add_class_expr bv ce =
+ match ce.pcl_desc with
+ Pcl_constr(l, tyl) ->
+ add bv l; List.iter (add_type bv) tyl
+ | Pcl_structure { pcstr_self = pat; pcstr_fields = fieldl } ->
+ let bv = add_pattern bv pat in List.iter (add_class_field bv) fieldl
+ | Pcl_fun(_, opte, pat, ce) ->
+ add_opt add_expr bv opte;
+ let bv = add_pattern bv pat in add_class_expr bv ce
+ | Pcl_apply(ce, exprl) ->
+ add_class_expr bv ce; List.iter (fun (_,e) -> add_expr bv e) exprl
+ | Pcl_let(rf, pel, ce) ->
+ let bv = add_bindings rf bv pel in add_class_expr bv ce
+ | Pcl_constraint(ce, ct) ->
+ add_class_expr bv ce; add_class_type bv ct
+ | Pcl_extension e -> handle_extension e
+and add_class_field bv pcf =
+ match pcf.pcf_desc with
+ Pcf_inherit(_, ce, _) -> add_class_expr bv ce
+ | Pcf_val(_, _, Cfk_concrete (_, e))
+ | Pcf_method(_, _, Cfk_concrete (_, e)) -> add_expr bv e
+ | Pcf_val(_, _, Cfk_virtual ty)
+ | Pcf_method(_, _, Cfk_virtual ty) -> add_type bv ty
+ | Pcf_constraint(ty1, ty2) -> add_type bv ty1; add_type bv ty2
+ | Pcf_initializer e -> add_expr bv e
+ | Pcf_attribute _ -> ()
+ | Pcf_extension e -> handle_extension e
+and add_class_declaration bv decl =
+ add_class_expr bv decl.pci_expr