path: root/parsing
diff options
authorHongbo Zhang <bobzhang1988 AT>2012-11-03 02:20:16 +0000
committerHongbo Zhang <bobzhang1988 AT>2012-11-03 02:20:16 +0000
commit8c0fb4317c3c7fad582a32c6b8dd4c24fa16660c (patch)
treec74d98c64bb5461b08d3e5617af5f00cdb7408c7 /parsing
parent6b8f3706bd428e724a57f434da77428c84c6dc89 (diff)
bug fix for parsing/, now pprintast pass tests of all the files in the compiler directory, including camlp4
git-svn-id: f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02
Diffstat (limited to 'parsing')
2 files changed, 73 insertions, 38 deletions
diff --git a/parsing/ b/parsing/
index a17ff275bf..ff11f38dc1 100644
--- a/parsing/
+++ b/parsing/
@@ -38,14 +38,15 @@ let special_infix_strings =
may have resulted from Pexp -> Texp -> Pexp translation, then checking
if all the characters in the beginning of the string are valid infix
characters. *)
-let fixity_of_string s =
- if ((List.mem s special_infix_strings) || (List.mem s.[0] infix_symbols)) then
- `Infix s
- else `Prefix
+let fixity_of_string = function
+ | s when List.mem s special_infix_strings -> `Infix s
+ | s when List.mem s.[0] infix_symbols -> `Infix s
+ | s when List.mem s.[0] prefix_symbols -> `Prefix s
+ | _ -> `Normal
let view_fixity_of_exp = function
| {pexp_desc = Pexp_ident {txt=Lident l;_};_} -> fixity_of_string l
- | _ -> `Prefix ;;
+ | _ -> `Normal ;;
let is_infix = function | `Infix _ -> true | _ -> false
@@ -111,10 +112,14 @@ let rec is_irrefut_patt x =
class printer ()= object(self:'self)
val pipe = false
val semi = false
+ val ifthenelse = false
method under_pipe = {<pipe=true>}
method under_semi = {<semi=true>}
+ method under_ifthenelse = {<ifthenelse=true>}
method reset_semi = {<semi=false>}
- method reset = {<pipe=false;semi=false>}
+ method reset_ifthenelse = {<ifthenelse=false>}
+ method reset_pipe = {<pipe=false>}
+ method reset = {<pipe=false;semi=false;ifthenelse=false>}
method list : 'a . ?sep:space_formatter -> ?first:space_formatter ->
?last:space_formatter -> (Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) -> Format.formatter -> 'a list -> unit
= fun ?sep ?first ?last fu f xs ->
@@ -145,10 +150,22 @@ class printer ()= object(self:'self)
fun ?(first="") ?(last="") b fu f x ->
if b then pp f "(%(%)%a%(%))" first fu x last
else fu f x
method longident f = function
- | Lident s -> pp f "%s" s
+ | Lident s ->
+ let len = String.length s in
+ (match s.[0] with
+ | '~' ->
+ if List.mem s ["~+";"~-";"~+.";"~-."] (* = "~+" || s = "~-" *)then
+ pp f "%s" (String.sub s 1 (len-1))
+ else
+ pp f "%s" s
+ | 'a' .. 'z' | 'A' .. 'Z' when not (is_infix (fixity_of_string s)) ->
+ pp f "%s" s
+ | _ -> pp f "(@;%s@;)" s )
| Ldot(y,s) -> (match s.[0] with
- | 'a'..'z' | 'A' .. 'Z' when not(is_infix (fixity_of_string s)) ->
+ | 'a'..'z' | 'A' .. 'Z' | '_' when not(is_infix (fixity_of_string s)) ->
pp f "%a.%s" self#longident y s
| _ ->
pp f "%a.(@;%s@;)@ " self#longident y s)
@@ -224,7 +241,7 @@ class printer ()= object(self:'self)
| [] -> ()
| _ ->
pp f "%a@;.@;"
- (self#list self#tyvar ~sep:"@;") l) (List.rev l)) sl self#core_type ct
+ (self#list self#tyvar ~sep:"@;") l) l) sl self#core_type ct
| _ -> pp f "@[<2>%a@]" self#core_type1 x
method core_type1 f x =
match x.ptyp_desc with
@@ -246,14 +263,14 @@ class printer ()= object(self:'self)
| _ -> pp f "@;of@;%a"
(self#list self#core_type ~sep:"&") ctl) ctl
| Rinherit ct -> self#core_type f ct in
- pp f "@[<hov2>[%a%a]@]"
+ pp f "@[<2>[%a%a]@]"
(fun f l -> match l with
| [] -> ()
| _ ->
pp f "%s@;%a"
(match (closed,low) with
| (true,None) -> ""
- | (true,Some _) -> ""
+ | (true,Some _) -> "<" (* FIXME desugar the syntax sugar*)
| (false,_) -> ">")
(self#list type_variant_helper ~sep:"@;<1 -2>| ") l) l
(fun f low -> match low with
@@ -328,7 +345,7 @@ class printer ()= object(self:'self)
({ txt = Lident("::") ;_},
Some ({ppat_desc = Ppat_tuple([pat1; pat2]);_}),
_);_} ->
- pp f "%a::%a" self#pattern1 pat1 pattern_list_helper pat2
+ pp f "%a::%a" self#simple_pattern pat1 pattern_list_helper pat2 (*RA*)
| p -> self#pattern1 f p in
match x.ppat_desc with
| Ppat_variant (l, Some p) -> pp f "@[<2>`%s@;%a@]" l self#pattern1 p (*RA*)
@@ -393,10 +410,10 @@ class printer ()= object(self:'self)
match p.ppat_desc with
| Ppat_var {txt;_} when txt = rest ->
(match opt with
- |Some o -> pp f "?(%s=%a)@;" rest self#expression o
+ |Some o -> pp f "?(%s=@;%a)@;" rest self#expression o
| None -> pp f "?%s@ " rest)
| _ -> (match opt with
- | Some o -> pp f "%s:(%a=%a)@;" l self#pattern1 p self#expression o
+ | Some o -> pp f "%s:(%a=@;%a)@;" l self#pattern1 p self#expression o
| None -> pp f "%s:%a@;" l self#simple_pattern p )
@@ -412,7 +429,7 @@ class printer ()= object(self:'self)
{txt= Ldot (Lident (("Array"|"String") as s),"get");_};_},
[(_,e1);(_,e2)]) -> begin
let fmt:(_,_,_)format =
- if s= "Array" then "@[<hov>%a.(%a)@]" else "@[<hov>%a.[%a]@]" in
+ if s= "Array" then "@[%a.(%a)@]" else "@[%a.[%a]@]" in
pp f fmt self#simple_expr e1 self#expression e2;
@@ -422,9 +439,11 @@ class printer ()= object(self:'self)
{txt= Ldot (Lident (("Array"|"String") as s),
- let fmt :(_,_,_) format= if s= "Array" then
- "@[<hov>%a.(%a)<-%a@]"
- else "@[<hov>%a.[%a]<-%a@]" in
+ let fmt :(_,_,_) format=
+ if s= "Array" then
+ "@[%a.(%a)@ <-@;%a@]"
+ else
+ "@[%a.[%a]@ <-@;%a@]" in (* @;< gives error here *)
pp f fmt self#simple_expr e1 self#expression e2 self#expression e3;
| Pexp_apply ({pexp_desc=Pexp_ident {txt=Lident "!";_};_}, [(_,e)]) -> begin
@@ -435,10 +454,12 @@ class printer ()= object(self:'self)
method expression f x =
match x.pexp_desc with
| Pexp_function _ | Pexp_match _ | Pexp_try _ | Pexp_sequence _
- | Pexp_let _
when pipe || semi ->
self#paren true self#reset#expression f x
+ | Pexp_ifthenelse _ | Pexp_sequence _ when ifthenelse ->
+ self#paren true self#reset#expression f x
+ | Pexp_let _ | Pexp_letmodule _ when semi ->
+ self#paren true self#reset#expression f x
| Pexp_function (p, eo, l) ->
( match l with
| [(p',e')] ->
@@ -473,7 +494,8 @@ class printer ()= object(self:'self)
| _ ->
pp f "@[<hov2>%a@]" begin fun f (e,l) ->
pp f "%a@ %a" self#expression2 e
- (self#list self#reset#label_x_expression_param) l (*reset here only because [function,match,try,sequence] are lower priority*)
+ (self#list self#reset#label_x_expression_param) l
+ (*reset here only because [function,match,try,sequence] are lower priority*)
end (e,l))
| Pexp_construct (li, Some eo, _)
@@ -485,13 +507,14 @@ class printer ()= object(self:'self)
self#simple_expr eo
| _ -> assert false)
| Pexp_setfield (e1, li, e2) ->
- pp f "@[<hov2>%a.%a@ <-@ %a@]" self#simple_expr e1 self#longident_loc li self#expression e2;
+ pp f "@[<2>%a.%a@ <-@ %a@]" self#simple_expr e1 self#longident_loc li self#expression e2;
| Pexp_ifthenelse (e1, e2, eo) ->
- let fmt:(_,_,_)format ="@[<hv0>@[<2>if@ %a@]@ @[<2>then@ %a@]@ @[<2>else@ %a@]@]" in
- pp f fmt self#expression e1 self#under_semi#expression e2
+ (* @;@[<2>else@ %a@]@] *)
+ let fmt:(_,_,_)format ="@[<hv0>@[<2>if@ %a@]@;@[<2>then@ %a@]%a@]" in
+ pp f fmt self#under_ifthenelse#expression e1 self#under_ifthenelse#expression e2
(fun f eo -> match eo with
- | Some x -> self#under_semi#expression f x
- | None -> pp f "()") eo
+ | Some x -> pp f "@;@[<2>else@;%a@]" self#under_semi#expression x
+ | None -> () (* pp f "()" *)) eo
| Pexp_sequence _ ->
let rec sequence_helper acc = function
| {pexp_desc=Pexp_sequence(e1,e2);_} ->
@@ -544,14 +567,11 @@ class printer ()= object(self:'self)
(match view_expr x with
| `nil -> pp f "[]"
| `tuple -> pp f "()"
- | `list xs -> pp f "[%a]" (self#list self#under_semi#expression ~sep:";@;") xs
+ | `list xs -> pp f "@[<hv0>[%a]@]" (self#list self#under_semi#expression ~sep:";@;") xs
| `simple x -> self#longident f x
| _ -> assert false)
- | Pexp_ident li ->
- let flag = is_infix (view_fixity_of_exp x) || (match li.txt with
- | Lident li -> List.mem li.[0] prefix_symbols
- | _ -> false) in
- self#paren flag ~first:" " ~last:" " self#longident_loc f li
+ | Pexp_ident li ->
+ self#longident_loc f li
| Pexp_constant c -> self#constant f c;
| Pexp_pack me ->
pp f "(module@;%a)" self#module_expr me
@@ -581,7 +601,8 @@ class printer ()= object(self:'self)
let fmt:(_,_,_)format = "@[<2>while@;%a@;do@;%a@;done@]" in
pp f fmt self#expression e1 self#expression e2
| Pexp_for (s, e1, e2, df, e3) ->
- let fmt:(_,_,_)format = "@[<hv0>@[<hv2>@[<2>for %s =@;%a@;%a@;%a@;do@]@;%a@;@]@;done@]" in
+ let fmt:(_,_,_)format =
+ "@[<hv0>@[<hv2>@[<2>for %s =@;%a@;%a%a@;do@]@;%a@]@;done@]" in
pp f fmt s.txt self#expression e1 self#direction_flag df self#expression e2 self#expression e3
| _ -> self#paren true self#expression f x
@@ -753,7 +774,7 @@ class printer ()= object(self:'self)
| Pmty_typeof me ->
pp f "@[<hov2>module@ type@ of@ %a@]"
self#module_expr me
- method signature f x = self#list ~sep:"@." self#signature_item f x
+ method signature f x = self#list ~sep:"@\n" self#signature_item f x
method signature_item f x :unit= begin
match x.psig_desc with
@@ -853,11 +874,20 @@ class printer ()= object(self:'self)
| Pexp_newtype (str,e) ->
pp f "(type@ %s)@ %a" str pp_print_pexp_function e
| _ -> pp f "=@;%a" self#expression x in
- match x.pexp_desc with
- | Pexp_when (e1,e2) ->
+ match (x.pexp_desc,p.ppat_desc) with
+ | (Pexp_when (e1,e2),_) ->
pp f "=@[<hov2>fun@ %a@ when@ %a@ ->@ %a@]"
- self#simple_pattern p self#expression e1 self#expression e2
- | _ -> pp f "%a@ %a" self#simple_pattern p pp_print_pexp_function x
+ self#simple_pattern p self#expression e1 self#expression e2
+ | ( _ , Ppat_constraint( p ,ty)) -> (* special case for the first*)
+ (match ty.ptyp_desc with
+ | Ptyp_poly _ ->
+ pp f "%a@;:@;%a=@;%a" self#simple_pattern p self#core_type ty self#expression x
+ | _ ->
+ pp f "(%a@;:%a)=@;%a" self#simple_pattern p self#core_type ty self#expression x)
+ | (Pexp_constraint (e,Some t1,None),Ppat_var {txt;_}) ->
+ pp f "%s:%a@;=%a" txt self#core_type t1 self#expression e
+ | _ -> pp f "%a@ %a" self#simple_pattern p pp_print_pexp_function x
method bindings f l =
begin match l with
| [] -> ()
diff --git a/parsing/pprintast.mli b/parsing/pprintast.mli
index 993f38b392..58290c0121 100644
--- a/parsing/pprintast.mli
+++ b/parsing/pprintast.mli
@@ -77,8 +77,12 @@ class printer :
method pattern1 : Format.formatter -> Parsetree.pattern -> unit
method private_flag : Format.formatter -> Asttypes.private_flag -> unit
method rec_flag : Format.formatter -> Asttypes.rec_flag -> unit
method reset : 'b
method reset_semi : 'b
+ method reset_ifthenelse : 'b
+ method reset_pipe : 'b
method signature :
Format.formatter -> Parsetree.signature_item list -> unit
method signature_item :
@@ -107,6 +111,7 @@ class printer :
method tyvar : Format.formatter -> string -> unit
method under_pipe : 'b
method under_semi : 'b
+ method under_ifthenelse : 'b
method value_description :
Format.formatter -> Parsetree.value_description -> unit
method virtual_flag : Format.formatter -> Asttypes.virtual_flag -> unit