path: root/stdlib/int32.mli
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authorMaxence Guesdon <>2001-10-26 22:38:48 +0000
committerMaxence Guesdon <>2001-10-26 22:38:48 +0000
commitb95796f46183761597e00edfaa495134f75a2559 (patch)
tree384497c174f6362c20f93dac13f0b8d64dfc3fb9 /stdlib/int32.mli
parent7c6c78a292f25df48d3dd4197a065231fc090292 (diff)
Modification emplacement et syntaxe commentaires pour OCamldoc
git-svn-id: f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02
Diffstat (limited to 'stdlib/int32.mli')
1 files changed, 84 insertions, 60 deletions
diff --git a/stdlib/int32.mli b/stdlib/int32.mli
index eaa5aee575..dbb1c2814b 100644
--- a/stdlib/int32.mli
+++ b/stdlib/int32.mli
@@ -12,9 +12,9 @@
(* $Id$ *)
-(* Module [Int32]: 32-bit integers *)
+(** 32-bit integers.
-(* This module provides operations on the type [int32]
+ This module provides operations on the type [int32]
of signed 32-bit integers. Unlike the built-in [int] type,
the type [int32] is guaranteed to be exactly 32-bit wide on all
platforms. All arithmetic operations over [int32] are taken
@@ -25,94 +25,118 @@
[int32] are generally slower than those on [int]. Use [int32]
only when the application requires exact 32-bit arithmetic. *)
+(** The 32-bit integer 0. *)
val zero : int32
+(** The 32-bit integer 1. *)
val one : int32
+(** The 32-bit integer -1. *)
val minus_one : int32
- (* The 32-bit integers 0, 1, -1. *)
+(** Unary negation. *)
external neg : int32 -> int32 = "%int32_neg"
- (* Unary negation. *)
+(** Addition. *)
external add : int32 -> int32 -> int32 = "%int32_add"
- (* Addition. *)
+(** Subtraction. *)
external sub : int32 -> int32 -> int32 = "%int32_sub"
- (* Subtraction. *)
+(** Multiplication. *)
external mul : int32 -> int32 -> int32 = "%int32_mul"
- (* Multiplication. *)
+(** Integer division. Raise [Division_by_zero] if the second
+ argument is zero. *)
external div : int32 -> int32 -> int32 = "%int32_div"
- (* Integer division. Raise [Division_by_zero] if the second
- argument is zero. *)
+(** Integer remainder. If [x >= 0] and [y > 0], the result
+ of [Int32.rem x y] satisfies the following properties:
+ [0 <= Int32.rem x y < y] and
+ [x = Int32.add (Int32.mul (Int32.div x y) y) (Int32.rem x y)].
+ If [y = 0], [Int32.rem x y] raises [Division_by_zero].
+ If [x < 0] or [y < 0], the result of [Int32.rem x y] is
+ not specified and depends on the platform. *)
external rem : int32 -> int32 -> int32 = "%int32_mod"
- (* Integer remainder. If [x >= 0] and [y > 0], the result
- of [Int32.rem x y] satisfies the following properties:
- [0 <= Int32.rem x y < y] and
- [x = Int32.add (Int32.mul (Int32.div x y) y) (Int32.rem x y)].
- If [y = 0], [Int32.rem x y] raises [Division_by_zero].
- If [x < 0] or [y < 0], the result of [Int32.rem x y] is
- not specified and depends on the platform. *)
+(** Successor. [Int32.succ x] is [Int32.add x]. *)
val succ : int32 -> int32
- (* Successor. [Int32.succ x] is [Int32.add x]. *)
+(** Predecessor. [Int32.pred x] is [Int32.sub x]. *)
val pred : int32 -> int32
- (* Predecessor. [Int32.pred x] is [Int32.sub x]. *)
+(** Return the absolute value of its argument. *)
val abs : int32 -> int32
- (* Return the absolute value of its argument. *)
+(** The greatest representable 32-bit integer, $2^{31} - 1$. *)
val max_int : int32
- (* The greatest representable 32-bit integer, $2^{31} - 1$. *)
+(** The smallest representable 32-bit integer, $-2^{31}$. *)
val min_int : int32
- (* The smallest representable 32-bit integer, $-2^{31}$. *)
+(** Bitwise logical and. *)
external logand : int32 -> int32 -> int32 = "%int32_and"
- (* Bitwise logical and. *)
+(** Bitwise logical or. *)
external logor : int32 -> int32 -> int32 = "%int32_or"
- (* Bitwise logical or. *)
+(** Bitwise logical exclusive or. *)
external logxor : int32 -> int32 -> int32 = "%int32_xor"
- (* Bitwise logical exclusive or. *)
+(** Bitwise logical negation *)
val lognot : int32 -> int32
- (* Bitwise logical negation *)
+(** [Int32.shift_left x y] shifts [x] to the left by [y] bits.
+ The result is unspecified if [y < 0] or [y >= 32]. *)
external shift_left : int32 -> int -> int32 = "%int32_lsl"
- (* [Int32.shift_left x y] shifts [x] to the left by [y] bits.
- The result is unspecified if [y < 0] or [y >= 32]. *)
+(** [Int32.shift_right x y] shifts [x] to the right by [y] bits.
+ This is an arithmetic shift: the sign bit of [x] is replicated
+ and inserted in the vacated bits.
+ The result is unspecified if [y < 0] or [y >= 32]. *)
external shift_right : int32 -> int -> int32 = "%int32_asr"
- (* [Int32.shift_right x y] shifts [x] to the right by [y] bits.
- This is an arithmetic shift: the sign bit of [x] is replicated
- and inserted in the vacated bits.
- The result is unspecified if [y < 0] or [y >= 32]. *)
+(** [Int32.shift_right_logical x y] shifts [x] to the right by [y] bits.
+ This is a logical shift: zeroes are inserted in the vacated bits
+ regardless of the sign of [x].
+ The result is unspecified if [y < 0] or [y >= 32]. *)
external shift_right_logical : int32 -> int -> int32 = "%int32_lsr"
- (* [Int32.shift_right_logical x y] shifts [x] to the right by [y] bits.
- This is a logical shift: zeroes are inserted in the vacated bits
- regardless of the sign of [x].
- The result is unspecified if [y < 0] or [y >= 32]. *)
+(** Convert the given integer (type [int]) to a 32-bit integer (type [int32]). *)
external of_int : int -> int32 = "%int32_of_int"
- (* Convert the given integer (type [int]) to a 32-bit integer
- (type [int32]). *)
+(** Convert the given 32-bit integer (type [int32]) to an
+ integer (type [int]). On 32-bit platforms, the 32-bit integer
+ is taken modulo $2^{31}$, i.e. the high-order bit is lost
+ during the conversion. On 64-bit platforms, the conversion
+ is exact. *)
external to_int : int32 -> int = "%int32_to_int"
- (* Convert the given 32-bit integer (type [int32]) to an
- integer (type [int]). On 32-bit platforms, the 32-bit integer
- is taken modulo $2^{31}$, i.e. the high-order bit is lost
- during the conversion. On 64-bit platforms, the conversion
- is exact. *)
+(** Convert the given floating-point number to a 32-bit integer,
+ discarding the fractional part (truncate towards 0).
+ The result of the conversion is undefined if, after truncation,
+ the number is outside the range \[{!Int32.min_int}, {!Int32.max_int}\]. *)
external of_float : float -> int32 = "int32_of_float"
- (* Convert the given floating-point number to a 32-bit integer,
- discarding the fractional part (truncate towards 0).
- The result of the conversion is undefined if, after truncation,
- the number is outside the range [Int32.min_int, Int32.max_int]. *)
+(** Convert the given 32-bit integer to a floating-point number. *)
external to_float : int32 -> float = "int32_to_float"
- (* Convert the given 32-bit integer to a floating-point number. *)
+(** Convert the given string to a 32-bit integer.
+ The string is read in decimal (by default) or in hexadecimal,
+ octal or binary if the string begins with [0x], [0o] or [0b]
+ respectively.
+ Raise [Failure "int_of_string"] if the given string is not
+ a valid representation of an integer. *)
external of_string : string -> int32 = "int32_of_string"
- (* Convert the given string to a 32-bit integer.
- The string is read in decimal (by default) or in hexadecimal,
- octal or binary if the string begins with [0x], [0o] or [0b]
- respectively.
- Raise [Failure "int_of_string"] if the given string is not
- a valid representation of an integer. *)
+(** Return the string representation of its argument, in signed decimal. *)
val to_string : int32 -> string
- (* Return the string representation of its argument,
- in signed decimal. *)
+(** [Int32.format fmt n] return the string representation of the
+ 32-bit integer [n] in the format specified by [fmt].
+ [fmt] is a [Printf]-style format containing exactly
+ one [%d], [%i], [%u], [%x], [%X] or [%o] conversion specification.
+ See the documentation of the [Printf] module for more information, *)
external format : string -> int32 -> string = "int32_format"
- (* [Int32.format fmt n] return the string representation of the
- 32-bit integer [n] in the format specified by [fmt].
- [fmt] is a [Printf]-style format containing exactly
- one [%d], [%i], [%u], [%x], [%X] or [%o] conversion specification.
- See the documentation of the [Printf] module for more information, *)