path: root/bytecomp/
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1 files changed, 129 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/bytecomp/ b/bytecomp/
index 03d503171f..8011953fb8 100644
--- a/bytecomp/
+++ b/bytecomp/
@@ -711,12 +711,137 @@ module Hooks = Misc.MakeHooks(struct
type t = lambda
+(* Simplify local let-bound functions: if all occurrences are
+ fully-applied function calls in the same "tail scope", replace the
+ function by a staticcatch handler (on that scope).
+ This handles as a special case functions used exactly once (in any
+ scope) for a full application.
+type slot =
+ {
+ nargs: int;
+ mutable scope: lambda option;
+ }
+module LamTbl = Hashtbl.Make(struct
+ type t = lambda
+ let equal = (==)
+ let hash = Hashtbl.hash
+ end)
+let simplify_local_functions lam =
+ let slots = Hashtbl.create 16 in
+ let static_id = Hashtbl.create 16 in (* function id -> static id *)
+ let static = LamTbl.create 16 in (* scope -> static function on that scope *)
+ (* We keep track of the current "tail scope", identified
+ by the outermost lambda for which the the current lambda
+ is in tail position. *)
+ let current_scope = ref lam in
+ let check_static lf =
+ if lf.attr.local = Always_local then
+ Location.prerr_warning lf.loc
+ (Warnings.Inlining_impossible
+ "This function cannot be compiled into a static continuation")
+ in
+ let enabled = function
+ | {local = Always_local; _}
+ | {local = Default_local; inline = (Never_inline | Default_inline); _}
+ -> true
+ | {local = Default_local; inline = (Always_inline | Unroll _); _}
+ | {local = Never_local; _}
+ -> false
+ in
+ let rec tail = function
+ | Llet (_str, _kind, id, Lfunction lf, cont) when enabled lf.attr ->
+ let r = {nargs=List.length lf.params; scope=None} in
+ Hashtbl.add slots id r;
+ tail cont;
+ begin match Hashtbl.find_opt slots id with
+ | Some {scope = Some scope; _} ->
+ let st = next_raise_count () in
+ let sc =
+ (* Do not move higher than current lambda *)
+ if scope == !current_scope then cont
+ else scope
+ in
+ Hashtbl.add static_id id st;
+ LamTbl.add static sc (st, lf);
+ (* The body of the function will become an handler
+ in that "scope". *)
+ with_scope ~scope lf.body
+ | _ ->
+ check_static lf;
+ (* note: if scope = None, the function is unused *)
+ non_tail lf.body
+ end
+ | Lapply {ap_func = Lvar id; ap_args; _} ->
+ begin match Hashtbl.find_opt slots id with
+ | Some {nargs; _} when nargs <> List.length ap_args ->
+ (* Wrong arity *)
+ Hashtbl.remove slots id
+ | Some {scope = Some scope; _} when scope != !current_scope ->
+ (* Different "tail scope" *)
+ Hashtbl.remove slots id
+ | Some ({scope = None; _} as slot) ->
+ (* First use of the function: remember the current tail scope *)
+ slot.scope <- Some !current_scope
+ | _ ->
+ ()
+ end;
+ List.iter non_tail ap_args
+ | Lvar id ->
+ Hashtbl.remove slots id
+ | Lfunction lf as lam ->
+ check_static lf;
+ Lambda.shallow_iter ~tail ~non_tail lam
+ | lam ->
+ Lambda.shallow_iter ~tail ~non_tail lam
+ and non_tail lam =
+ with_scope ~scope:lam lam
+ and with_scope ~scope lam =
+ let old_scope = !current_scope in
+ current_scope := scope;
+ tail lam;
+ current_scope := old_scope
+ in
+ tail lam;
+ let rec rewrite lam0 =
+ let lam =
+ match lam0 with
+ | Llet (_, _, id, _, cont) when Hashtbl.mem static_id id ->
+ rewrite cont
+ | Lapply {ap_func = Lvar id; ap_args; _} when Hashtbl.mem static_id id ->
+ Lstaticraise (Hashtbl.find static_id id, rewrite ap_args)
+ | lam ->
+ Lambda.shallow_map rewrite lam
+ in
+ List.fold_right
+ (fun (st, lf) lam ->
+ Lstaticcatch (lam, (st, lf.params), rewrite lf.body)
+ )
+ (LamTbl.find_all static lam0)
+ lam
+ in
+ if LamTbl.length static = 0 then
+ lam
+ else
+ rewrite lam
(* The entry point:
simplification + emission of tailcall annotations, if needed. *)
let simplify_lambda sourcefile lam =
- let res = simplify_lets (simplify_exits lam) in
- let res = Hooks.apply_hooks { Misc.sourcefile } res in
+ let lam =
+ lam
+ |> (if !Clflags.native_code || not !Clflags.debug
+ then simplify_local_functions else
+ )
+ |> simplify_exits
+ |> simplify_lets
+ |> Hooks.apply_hooks { Misc.sourcefile }
+ in
if !Clflags.annotations || Warnings.is_active Warnings.Expect_tailcall
- then emit_tail_infos true res;
- res
+ then emit_tail_infos true lam;
+ lam