path: root/middle_end/flambda/
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Diffstat (limited to 'middle_end/flambda/')
1 files changed, 762 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/middle_end/flambda/ b/middle_end/flambda/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c3a3078512
--- /dev/null
+++ b/middle_end/flambda/
@@ -0,0 +1,762 @@
+(* *)
+(* OCaml *)
+(* *)
+(* Pierre Chambart, OCamlPro *)
+(* Mark Shinwell and Leo White, Jane Street Europe *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright 2013--2016 OCamlPro SAS *)
+(* Copyright 2014--2016 Jane Street Group LLC *)
+(* *)
+(* All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the terms of *)
+(* the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the *)
+(* special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE. *)
+(* *)
+[@@@ocaml.warning "+a-4-9-30-40-41-42-66"]
+open! Int_replace_polymorphic_compare
+module E = Inline_and_simplify_aux.Env
+module B = Inlining_cost.Benefit
+module Definition = struct
+ type t =
+ | Existing_inner_free_var of Variable.t
+ | Projection_from_existing_specialised_arg of Projection.t
+ include Identifiable.Make (struct
+ type nonrec t = t
+ let compare t1 t2 =
+ match t1, t2 with
+ | Existing_inner_free_var var1, Existing_inner_free_var var2 ->
+ var1 var2
+ | Projection_from_existing_specialised_arg proj1,
+ Projection_from_existing_specialised_arg proj2 ->
+ proj1 proj2
+ | Existing_inner_free_var _, _ -> -1
+ | _, Existing_inner_free_var _ -> 1
+ let equal t1 t2 =
+ (compare t1 t2) = 0
+ let hash = Hashtbl.hash
+ let print ppf t =
+ match t with
+ | Existing_inner_free_var var ->
+ Format.fprintf ppf "Existing_inner_free_var %a"
+ Variable.print var
+ | Projection_from_existing_specialised_arg projection ->
+ Format.fprintf ppf "Projection_from_existing_specialised_arg %a"
+ Projection.print projection
+ let output _ _ = failwith "Definition.output not yet implemented"
+ end)
+module What_to_specialise = struct
+ type t = {
+ (* [definitions] is indexed by (fun_var, group) *)
+ definitions : Definition.t list Variable.Pair.Map.t;
+ set_of_closures : Flambda.set_of_closures;
+ make_direct_call_surrogates_for : Variable.Set.t;
+ }
+ let create ~set_of_closures =
+ { definitions = Variable.Pair.Map.empty;
+ set_of_closures;
+ make_direct_call_surrogates_for = Variable.Set.empty;
+ }
+ let new_specialised_arg t ~fun_var ~group ~definition =
+ let key = fun_var, group in
+ let definitions =
+ match Variable.Pair.Map.find key t.definitions with
+ | exception Not_found -> []
+ | definitions -> definitions
+ in
+ let definitions =
+ Variable.Pair.Map.add (fun_var, group) (definition :: definitions)
+ t.definitions
+ in
+ { t with definitions; }
+ let make_direct_call_surrogate_for t ~fun_var =
+ match Variable.Map.find fun_var t.set_of_closures.function_decls.funs with
+ | exception Not_found ->
+ Misc.fatal_errorf "use_direct_call_surrogate_for: %a is not a fun_var \
+ from the given set of closures"
+ Variable.print fun_var
+ | _ ->
+ { t with
+ make_direct_call_surrogates_for =
+ Variable.Set.add fun_var t.make_direct_call_surrogates_for;
+ }
+module W = What_to_specialise
+module type S = sig
+ val pass_name : string
+ val what_to_specialise
+ : env:Inline_and_simplify_aux.Env.t
+ -> set_of_closures:Flambda.set_of_closures
+ -> What_to_specialise.t
+module Processed_what_to_specialise = struct
+ type for_one_function = {
+ fun_var : Variable.t;
+ function_decl : Flambda.function_declaration;
+ make_direct_call_surrogates : bool;
+ new_definitions_indexed_by_new_inner_vars : Definition.t Variable.Map.t;
+ all_new_definitions : Definition.Set.t;
+ new_inner_to_new_outer_vars : Variable.t Variable.Map.t;
+ total_number_of_args : int;
+ existing_specialised_args : Flambda.specialised_to Variable.Map.t;
+ }
+ type t = {
+ set_of_closures : Flambda.set_of_closures;
+ existing_definitions_via_spec_args_indexed_by_fun_var
+ : Definition.Set.t Variable.Map.t;
+ (* The following two maps' definitions have already been rewritten
+ into their lifted form (i.e. they reference outer rather than inner
+ variables). *)
+ new_lifted_defns_indexed_by_new_outer_vars : Projection.t Variable.Map.t;
+ new_outer_vars_indexed_by_new_lifted_defns : Variable.t Projection.Map.t;
+ functions : for_one_function Variable.Map.t;
+ make_direct_call_surrogates_for : Variable.Set.t;
+ }
+ let lift_projection t ~(projection : Projection.t) =
+ (* The lifted definition must be in terms of outer variables,
+ not inner variables. *)
+ let find_outer_var inner_var =
+ match Variable.Map.find inner_var t.set_of_closures.specialised_args with
+ | (outer_var : Flambda.specialised_to) -> outer_var.var
+ | exception Not_found ->
+ Misc.fatal_errorf "find_outer_var: expected %a \
+ to be in [specialised_args], but it is \
+ not. The projection was: %a. Set of closures: %a"
+ Variable.print inner_var
+ Projection.print projection
+ Flambda.print_set_of_closures t.set_of_closures
+ in
+ Projection.map_projecting_from projection ~f:find_outer_var
+ let really_add_new_specialised_arg t ~group ~(definition : Definition.t)
+ ~(for_one_function : for_one_function) =
+ let fun_var = for_one_function.fun_var in
+ (* We know here that a new specialised argument must be added. This
+ needs a "new inner var" and a "new outer var". However if there
+ is already a lifted projection being introduced around the set
+ of closures (corresponding to another new specialised argument),
+ we should re-use its "new outer var" to avoid duplication of
+ projection definitions. Likewise if the definition is just
+ [Existing_inner_free_var], in which case we can use the
+ corresponding existing outer free variable. *)
+ let new_outer_var, t =
+ let existing_outer_var =
+ match definition with
+ | Existing_inner_free_var _ -> None
+ | Projection_from_existing_specialised_arg projection ->
+ let projection = lift_projection t ~projection in
+ match
+ Projection.Map.find projection
+ t.new_outer_vars_indexed_by_new_lifted_defns
+ with
+ | new_outer_var -> Some new_outer_var
+ | exception Not_found -> None
+ in
+ match existing_outer_var with
+ | Some existing_outer_var -> existing_outer_var, t
+ | None ->
+ match definition with
+ | Existing_inner_free_var existing_inner_var ->
+ begin match
+ Variable.Map.find existing_inner_var
+ t.set_of_closures.free_vars
+ with
+ | exception Not_found ->
+ Misc.fatal_errorf "really_add_new_specialised_arg: \
+ Existing_inner_free_var %a is not an inner free variable \
+ of %a in %a"
+ Variable.print existing_inner_var
+ Variable.print fun_var
+ Flambda.print_set_of_closures t.set_of_closures
+ | existing_outer_var -> existing_outer_var.var, t
+ end
+ | Projection_from_existing_specialised_arg projection ->
+ let new_outer_var = Variable.rename group in
+ let projection = lift_projection t ~projection in
+ let new_outer_vars_indexed_by_new_lifted_defns =
+ Projection.Map.add
+ projection new_outer_var
+ t.new_outer_vars_indexed_by_new_lifted_defns
+ in
+ let new_lifted_defns_indexed_by_new_outer_vars =
+ Variable.Map.add
+ new_outer_var projection
+ t.new_lifted_defns_indexed_by_new_outer_vars
+ in
+ let t =
+ { t with
+ new_outer_vars_indexed_by_new_lifted_defns;
+ new_lifted_defns_indexed_by_new_outer_vars;
+ }
+ in
+ new_outer_var, t
+ in
+ let new_inner_var = Variable.rename group in
+ let new_inner_to_new_outer_vars =
+ Variable.Map.add new_inner_var new_outer_var
+ for_one_function.new_inner_to_new_outer_vars
+ in
+ let for_one_function : for_one_function =
+ { for_one_function with
+ new_definitions_indexed_by_new_inner_vars =
+ Variable.Map.add new_inner_var definition
+ for_one_function.new_definitions_indexed_by_new_inner_vars;
+ all_new_definitions =
+ Definition.Set.add definition
+ for_one_function.all_new_definitions;
+ new_inner_to_new_outer_vars;
+ total_number_of_args = for_one_function.total_number_of_args + 1;
+ }
+ in
+ { t with
+ functions = Variable.Map.add fun_var for_one_function t.functions;
+ }
+ let new_specialised_arg t ~fun_var ~group ~definition =
+ let for_one_function : for_one_function =
+ match Variable.Map.find fun_var t.functions with
+ | exception Not_found ->
+ begin
+ match Variable.Map.find fun_var t.set_of_closures.function_decls.funs
+ with
+ | exception Not_found -> assert false
+ | (function_decl : Flambda.function_declaration) ->
+ let params = Parameter.Set.vars function_decl.params in
+ let existing_specialised_args =
+ Variable.Map.filter (fun inner_var _spec_to ->
+ Variable.Set.mem inner_var params)
+ t.set_of_closures.specialised_args
+ in
+ let make_direct_call_surrogates =
+ Variable.Set.mem fun_var t.make_direct_call_surrogates_for
+ in
+ { fun_var;
+ function_decl;
+ make_direct_call_surrogates;
+ new_definitions_indexed_by_new_inner_vars = Variable.Map.empty;
+ all_new_definitions = Definition.Set.empty;
+ new_inner_to_new_outer_vars = Variable.Map.empty;
+ (* The "+ 1" is just in case there is a closure environment
+ parameter added later. *)
+ total_number_of_args = List.length function_decl.params + 1;
+ existing_specialised_args;
+ }
+ end
+ | for_one_function -> for_one_function
+ in
+ (* Determine whether there already exists an existing specialised argument
+ that is known to be equal to the one proposed to this function. If so,
+ use that instead. (Note that we also desire to dedup against any
+ new specialised arguments added to the current function; but that
+ happens automatically since [Extract_projections] returns a set.) *)
+ let exists_already =
+ match
+ Variable.Map.find fun_var
+ t.existing_definitions_via_spec_args_indexed_by_fun_var
+ with
+ | exception Not_found -> false
+ | definitions -> Definition.Set.mem definition definitions
+ in
+ if exists_already then t
+ else really_add_new_specialised_arg t ~group ~definition ~for_one_function
+ let create ~env ~(what_to_specialise : W.t) =
+ let existing_definitions_via_spec_args_indexed_by_fun_var =
+ (fun (function_decl : Flambda.function_declaration) ->
+ if function_decl.stub then
+ Definition.Set.empty
+ else
+ let params = Parameter.Set.vars function_decl.params in
+ Variable.Map.fold (fun inner_var
+ (spec_to : Flambda.specialised_to) definitions ->
+ if not (Variable.Set.mem inner_var params) then
+ definitions
+ else
+ let definition : Definition.t =
+ match spec_to.projection with
+ | None -> Existing_inner_free_var inner_var
+ | Some projection ->
+ Projection_from_existing_specialised_arg projection
+ in
+ Definition.Set.add definition definitions)
+ what_to_specialise.set_of_closures.specialised_args
+ Definition.Set.empty)
+ what_to_specialise.set_of_closures.function_decls.funs
+ in
+ let t : t =
+ { set_of_closures = what_to_specialise.set_of_closures;
+ existing_definitions_via_spec_args_indexed_by_fun_var;
+ new_lifted_defns_indexed_by_new_outer_vars = Variable.Map.empty;
+ new_outer_vars_indexed_by_new_lifted_defns = Projection.Map.empty;
+ functions = Variable.Map.empty;
+ make_direct_call_surrogates_for =
+ what_to_specialise.make_direct_call_surrogates_for;
+ }
+ in
+ (* It is important to limit the number of arguments added: if arguments
+ end up being passed on the stack, tail call optimization will be
+ disabled (see asmcomp/
+ For each group of new specialised args provided by [T], either all or
+ none of them will be added. (This is to avoid the situation where we
+ add extra arguments but yet fail to eliminate an original one by
+ stopping part-way through the specialised args addition.) *)
+ let by_group =
+ Variable.Pair.Map.fold (fun (fun_var, group) definitions by_group ->
+ let fun_vars_and_definitions =
+ match Variable.Map.find group by_group with
+ | exception Not_found -> []
+ | fun_vars_and_definitions -> fun_vars_and_definitions
+ in
+ Variable.Map.add group
+ ((fun_var, definitions)::fun_vars_and_definitions)
+ by_group)
+ what_to_specialise.definitions
+ Variable.Map.empty
+ in
+ let module Backend = (val (E.backend env) : Backend_intf.S) in
+ Variable.Map.fold (fun group fun_vars_and_definitions t ->
+ let original_t = t in
+ let t =
+ (* Try adding all specialised args in the current group. *)
+ List.fold_left (fun t (fun_var, definitions) ->
+ List.fold_left (fun t definition ->
+ new_specialised_arg t ~fun_var ~group ~definition)
+ t
+ definitions)
+ t
+ fun_vars_and_definitions
+ in
+ let some_function_has_too_many_args =
+ Variable.Map.exists (fun _ (for_one_function : for_one_function) ->
+ for_one_function.total_number_of_args
+ > Backend.max_sensible_number_of_arguments)
+ t.functions
+ in
+ if some_function_has_too_many_args then
+ original_t (* drop this group *)
+ else
+ t)
+ by_group
+ t
+module P = Processed_what_to_specialise
+let check_invariants ~pass_name ~(set_of_closures : Flambda.set_of_closures)
+ ~original_set_of_closures =
+ if !Clflags.flambda_invariant_checks then begin
+ Variable.Map.iter (fun fun_var
+ (function_decl : Flambda.function_declaration) ->
+ let params = Parameter.Set.vars function_decl.params in
+ Variable.Map.iter (fun inner_var
+ (outer_var : Flambda.specialised_to) ->
+ if Variable.Set.mem inner_var params then begin
+ assert (not (Variable.Set.mem outer_var.var
+ function_decl.free_variables));
+ match outer_var.projection with
+ | None -> ()
+ | Some projection ->
+ let from = Projection.projecting_from projection in
+ if not (Variable.Set.mem from params) then begin
+ Misc.fatal_errorf "Augment_specialised_args (%s): \
+ specialised argument (%a -> %a) references a \
+ projection variable that is not a specialised \
+ argument of the function %a. @ The set of closures \
+ before the transformation was:@ %a. @ The set of \
+ closures after the transformation was:@ %a."
+ pass_name
+ Variable.print inner_var
+ Flambda.print_specialised_to outer_var
+ Variable.print fun_var
+ Flambda.print_set_of_closures original_set_of_closures
+ Flambda.print_set_of_closures set_of_closures
+ end
+ end)
+ set_of_closures.specialised_args)
+ set_of_closures.function_decls.funs
+ end
+module Make (T : S) = struct
+ let () = Pass_wrapper.register ~pass_name:T.pass_name
+ let rename_function_and_parameters ~fun_var
+ ~(function_decl : Flambda.function_declaration) =
+ let new_fun_var = Variable.rename fun_var in
+ let params_renaming_list =
+ (fun param ->
+ let new_param = Parameter.rename param in
+ param, new_param)
+ function_decl.params
+ in
+ let renamed_params = snd params_renaming_list in
+ let params_renaming =
+ Variable.Map.of_list
+ ( (fun (param, new_param) ->
+ Parameter.var param, Parameter.var new_param)
+ params_renaming_list)
+ in
+ new_fun_var, params_renaming, renamed_params
+ let create_wrapper ~(for_one_function : P.for_one_function) ~benefit =
+ let fun_var = for_one_function.fun_var in
+ let function_decl = for_one_function.function_decl in
+ (* To avoid increasing the free variables of the wrapper, for
+ general cleanliness, we restate the definitions of the
+ newly-specialised arguments in the wrapper itself in terms of the
+ original specialised arguments. The variables bound to these
+ definitions are called the "specialised args bound in the wrapper".
+ Note that the domain of [params_renaming] is a (non-strict) superset
+ of the "inner vars" of the original specialised args. *)
+ let params = Parameter.Set.vars function_decl.params in
+ let new_fun_var, params_renaming, wrapper_params =
+ rename_function_and_parameters ~fun_var ~function_decl
+ in
+ let find_wrapper_param param =
+ assert (Variable.Set.mem param params);
+ match Variable.Map.find param params_renaming with
+ | wrapper_param -> wrapper_param
+ | exception Not_found ->
+ Misc.fatal_errorf "find_wrapper_param: expected %a \
+ to be in [params_renaming], but it is not."
+ Variable.print param
+ in
+ let new_inner_vars_to_spec_args_bound_in_the_wrapper_renaming =
+ Variable.Map.mapi (fun new_inner_var _ ->
+ Variable.rename new_inner_var)
+ for_one_function.new_definitions_indexed_by_new_inner_vars
+ in
+ let spec_args_bound_in_the_wrapper =
+ (* N.B.: in the order matching the new specialised argument parameters
+ to the main function. *)
+ new_inner_vars_to_spec_args_bound_in_the_wrapper_renaming
+ in
+ (* New definitions that project from existing specialised args need
+ to be rewritten to use the corresponding specialised args of
+ the wrapper. Definitions that are just equality to existing
+ inner free variables do not need to be changed. Once this has
+ been done the wrapper body can be constructed.
+ We also need to rewrite definitions for any existing specialised
+ args; these now have corresponding wrapper parameters that must
+ also be specialised. *)
+ let wrapper_body, benefit =
+ let apply : Flambda.expr =
+ Apply {
+ func = new_fun_var;
+ args =
+ (Parameter.List.vars wrapper_params) @
+ spec_args_bound_in_the_wrapper;
+ kind = Direct (Closure_id.wrap new_fun_var);
+ dbg = Debuginfo.none;
+ inline = Default_inline;
+ specialise = Default_specialise;
+ }
+ in
+ Variable.Map.fold (fun new_inner_var definition (wrapper_body, benefit) ->
+ let definition : Definition.t =
+ match (definition : Definition.t) with
+ | Existing_inner_free_var _ -> definition
+ | Projection_from_existing_specialised_arg projection ->
+ Projection_from_existing_specialised_arg
+ (Projection.map_projecting_from projection
+ ~f:find_wrapper_param)
+ in
+ let benefit =
+ match (definition : Definition.t) with
+ | Existing_inner_free_var _ -> benefit
+ | Projection_from_existing_specialised_arg projection ->
+ B.add_projection projection benefit
+ in
+ match
+ Variable.Map.find new_inner_var
+ new_inner_vars_to_spec_args_bound_in_the_wrapper_renaming
+ with
+ | exception Not_found -> assert false
+ | new_inner_var_of_wrapper ->
+ let named : Flambda.named =
+ match definition with
+ | Existing_inner_free_var existing_inner_var ->
+ Expr (Var existing_inner_var)
+ | Projection_from_existing_specialised_arg projection ->
+ Flambda_utils.projection_to_named projection
+ in
+ let wrapper_body =
+ Flambda.create_let new_inner_var_of_wrapper named wrapper_body
+ in
+ (wrapper_body, benefit))
+ for_one_function.new_definitions_indexed_by_new_inner_vars
+ (apply, benefit)
+ in
+ let rewritten_existing_specialised_args =
+ Variable.Map.fold (fun inner_var (spec_to : Flambda.specialised_to)
+ result ->
+ let inner_var = find_wrapper_param inner_var in
+ let projection =
+ match spec_to.projection with
+ | None -> None
+ | Some projection ->
+ Some (Projection.map_projecting_from projection
+ ~f:find_wrapper_param)
+ in
+ let spec_to : Flambda.specialised_to =
+ { var = spec_to.var;
+ projection;
+ }
+ in
+ Variable.Map.add inner_var spec_to result)
+ for_one_function.existing_specialised_args
+ Variable.Map.empty
+ in
+ let new_function_decl =
+ Flambda.create_function_declaration
+ ~params:wrapper_params
+ ~body:wrapper_body
+ ~stub:true
+ ~dbg:Debuginfo.none
+ ~inline:Default_inline
+ ~specialise:Default_specialise
+ ~is_a_functor:false
+ ~closure_origin:function_decl.closure_origin
+ in
+ new_fun_var, new_function_decl, rewritten_existing_specialised_args,
+ benefit
+ let rewrite_function_decl (t : P.t) ~env ~duplicate_function
+ ~(for_one_function : P.for_one_function) ~benefit =
+ let set_of_closures = t.set_of_closures in
+ let fun_var = for_one_function.fun_var in
+ let function_decl = for_one_function.function_decl in
+ let num_definitions =
+ Variable.Map.cardinal for_one_function.
+ new_definitions_indexed_by_new_inner_vars
+ in
+ if function_decl.stub
+ || num_definitions < 1
+ || Variable.Map.mem fun_var set_of_closures.direct_call_surrogates
+ then
+ None
+ else
+ let new_fun_var, wrapper, rewritten_existing_specialised_args, benefit =
+ create_wrapper ~for_one_function ~benefit
+ in
+ let new_specialised_args =
+ Variable.Map.mapi (fun new_inner_var (definition : Definition.t)
+ : Flambda.specialised_to ->
+ assert (not (Variable.Map.mem new_inner_var
+ set_of_closures.specialised_args));
+ match
+ Variable.Map.find new_inner_var
+ for_one_function.new_inner_to_new_outer_vars
+ with
+ | exception Not_found -> assert false
+ | new_outer_var ->
+ match definition with
+ | Existing_inner_free_var _ ->
+ { var = new_outer_var;
+ projection = None;
+ }
+ | Projection_from_existing_specialised_arg projection ->
+ let projecting_from = Projection.projecting_from projection in
+ assert (Variable.Map.mem projecting_from
+ set_of_closures.specialised_args);
+ assert (Variable.Set.mem projecting_from
+ (Parameter.Set.vars function_decl.params));
+ { var = new_outer_var;
+ projection = Some projection;
+ })
+ for_one_function.new_definitions_indexed_by_new_inner_vars
+ in
+ let specialised_args =
+ Variable.Map.disjoint_union rewritten_existing_specialised_args
+ new_specialised_args
+ in
+ let specialised_args, existing_function_decl =
+ if not for_one_function.make_direct_call_surrogates then
+ specialised_args, None
+ else
+ let function_decl, new_specialised_args =
+ duplicate_function ~env ~set_of_closures ~fun_var ~new_fun_var
+ in
+ let specialised_args =
+ Variable.Map.disjoint_union specialised_args new_specialised_args
+ in
+ specialised_args, Some function_decl
+ in
+ let all_params =
+ let new_params =
+ Variable.Set.elements (Variable.Map.keys
+ for_one_function.new_inner_to_new_outer_vars)
+ in
+ let new_params =
+ Parameter.wrap new_params
+ in
+ function_decl.params @ new_params
+ in
+ let closure_origin =
+ Closure_origin.create (Closure_id.wrap new_fun_var)
+ in
+ let rewritten_function_decl =
+ Flambda.create_function_declaration
+ ~params:all_params
+ ~body:function_decl.body
+ ~stub:function_decl.stub
+ ~dbg:function_decl.dbg
+ ~inline:function_decl.inline
+ ~specialise:function_decl.specialise
+ ~is_a_functor:function_decl.is_a_functor
+ ~closure_origin
+ in
+ let funs, direct_call_surrogates =
+ if for_one_function.make_direct_call_surrogates then
+ let surrogate = Variable.rename fun_var in
+ let funs =
+ (* In this case, the original function declaration remains
+ untouched up to alpha-equivalence. Direct calls to it
+ (including inside the rewritten original function) will be
+ replaced by calls to the surrogate (i.e. the wrapper) which
+ will then be inlined. *)
+ let existing_function_decl =
+ match existing_function_decl with
+ | Some decl -> decl
+ | None -> assert false
+ in
+ Variable.Map.add new_fun_var rewritten_function_decl
+ (Variable.Map.add surrogate wrapper
+ (Variable.Map.add fun_var existing_function_decl
+ Variable.Map.empty))
+ in
+ let direct_call_surrogates =
+ Variable.Map.add fun_var surrogate Variable.Map.empty
+ in
+ funs, direct_call_surrogates
+ else
+ let funs =
+ Variable.Map.add new_fun_var rewritten_function_decl
+ (Variable.Map.add fun_var wrapper Variable.Map.empty)
+ in
+ funs, Variable.Map.empty
+ in
+ let free_vars = Variable.Map.empty in
+ Some (funs, free_vars, specialised_args, direct_call_surrogates, benefit)
+ let add_lifted_projections_around_set_of_closures
+ ~(set_of_closures : Flambda.set_of_closures) ~benefit
+ ~new_lifted_defns_indexed_by_new_outer_vars =
+ let body =
+ Flambda_utils.name_expr
+ ~name:Internal_variable_names.set_of_closures
+ (Set_of_closures set_of_closures)
+ in
+ Variable.Map.fold (fun new_outer_var (projection : Projection.t)
+ (expr, benefit) ->
+ let named = Flambda_utils.projection_to_named projection in
+ let benefit = B.add_projection projection benefit in
+ let expr = Flambda.create_let new_outer_var named expr in
+ expr, benefit)
+ new_lifted_defns_indexed_by_new_outer_vars
+ (body, benefit)
+ let rewrite_set_of_closures_core ~env ~duplicate_function ~benefit
+ ~(set_of_closures : Flambda.set_of_closures) =
+ let what_to_specialise =
+ P.create ~env
+ ~what_to_specialise:(T.what_to_specialise ~env ~set_of_closures)
+ in
+ let original_set_of_closures = set_of_closures in
+ let funs, free_vars, specialised_args, direct_call_surrogates,
+ done_something, benefit =
+ Variable.Map.fold (fun fun_var function_decl
+ (funs, free_vars, specialised_args, direct_call_surrogates,
+ done_something, benefit) ->
+ match Variable.Map.find fun_var what_to_specialise.functions with
+ | exception Not_found ->
+ let funs = Variable.Map.add fun_var function_decl funs in
+ funs, free_vars, specialised_args, direct_call_surrogates,
+ done_something, benefit
+ | (for_one_function : P.for_one_function) ->
+ assert (Variable.equal fun_var for_one_function.fun_var);
+ match
+ rewrite_function_decl what_to_specialise ~env
+ ~duplicate_function ~for_one_function ~benefit
+ with
+ | None ->
+ let function_decl = for_one_function.function_decl in
+ let funs = Variable.Map.add fun_var function_decl funs in
+ funs, free_vars, specialised_args, direct_call_surrogates,
+ done_something, benefit
+ | Some (funs', free_vars', specialised_args',
+ direct_call_surrogates', benefit) ->
+ let funs = Variable.Map.disjoint_union funs funs' in
+ let direct_call_surrogates =
+ Variable.Map.disjoint_union direct_call_surrogates
+ direct_call_surrogates'
+ in
+ let free_vars =
+ Variable.Map.disjoint_union free_vars free_vars'
+ in
+ let specialised_args =
+ Variable.Map.disjoint_union specialised_args specialised_args'
+ in
+ funs, free_vars, specialised_args, direct_call_surrogates, true,
+ benefit)
+ set_of_closures.function_decls.funs
+ (Variable.Map.empty, set_of_closures.free_vars,
+ set_of_closures.specialised_args,
+ set_of_closures.direct_call_surrogates, false, benefit)
+ in
+ if not done_something then
+ None
+ else
+ let function_decls =
+ Flambda.update_function_declarations set_of_closures.function_decls
+ ~funs
+ in
+ assert (Variable.Map.cardinal specialised_args
+ >= Variable.Map.cardinal original_set_of_closures.specialised_args);
+ let set_of_closures =
+ Flambda.create_set_of_closures
+ ~function_decls
+ ~free_vars
+ ~specialised_args
+ ~direct_call_surrogates
+ in
+ if !Clflags.flambda_invariant_checks then begin
+ check_invariants ~set_of_closures ~original_set_of_closures
+ ~pass_name:T.pass_name
+ end;
+ let expr, benefit =
+ add_lifted_projections_around_set_of_closures ~set_of_closures ~benefit
+ ~new_lifted_defns_indexed_by_new_outer_vars:
+ what_to_specialise.new_lifted_defns_indexed_by_new_outer_vars
+ in
+ Some (expr, benefit)
+ let rewrite_set_of_closures ~env ~duplicate_function ~set_of_closures =
+ Pass_wrapper.with_dump ~ppf_dump:(Inline_and_simplify_aux.Env.ppf_dump env)
+ ~pass_name:T.pass_name ~input:set_of_closures
+ ~print_input:Flambda.print_set_of_closures
+ ~print_output:(fun ppf (expr, _) -> Flambda.print ppf expr)
+ ~f:(fun () ->
+ rewrite_set_of_closures_core ~env ~duplicate_function
+ ~set_of_closures)