path: root/middle_end/flambda/
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Diffstat (limited to 'middle_end/flambda/')
1 files changed, 749 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/middle_end/flambda/ b/middle_end/flambda/
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index 0000000000..2f60f9fcfc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/middle_end/flambda/
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+(* *)
+(* OCaml *)
+(* *)
+(* Pierre Chambart, OCamlPro *)
+(* Mark Shinwell and Leo White, Jane Street Europe *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright 2013--2016 OCamlPro SAS *)
+(* Copyright 2014--2016 Jane Street Group LLC *)
+(* *)
+(* All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the terms of *)
+(* the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the *)
+(* special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE. *)
+(* *)
+[@@@ocaml.warning "+a-4-9-30-40-41-42"]
+module V = Backend_var
+module VP = Backend_var.With_provenance
+type 'a for_one_or_more_units = {
+ fun_offset_table : int Closure_id.Map.t;
+ fv_offset_table : int Var_within_closure.Map.t;
+ constant_closures : Closure_id.Set.t;
+ closures: Closure_id.Set.t;
+type t = {
+ current_unit :
+ Set_of_closures_id.t for_one_or_more_units;
+ imported_units :
+ Simple_value_approx.function_declarations for_one_or_more_units;
+let get_fun_offset t closure_id =
+ let fun_offset_table =
+ if Closure_id.in_compilation_unit closure_id (Compilenv.current_unit ())
+ then
+ t.current_unit.fun_offset_table
+ else
+ t.imported_units.fun_offset_table
+ in
+ try Closure_id.Map.find closure_id fun_offset_table
+ with Not_found ->
+ Misc.fatal_errorf "Flambda_to_clambda: missing offset for closure %a"
+ Closure_id.print closure_id
+let get_fv_offset t var_within_closure =
+ let fv_offset_table =
+ if Var_within_closure.in_compilation_unit var_within_closure
+ (Compilenv.current_unit ())
+ then t.current_unit.fv_offset_table
+ else t.imported_units.fv_offset_table
+ in
+ try Var_within_closure.Map.find var_within_closure fv_offset_table
+ with Not_found ->
+ Misc.fatal_errorf "Flambda_to_clambda: missing offset for variable %a"
+ Var_within_closure.print var_within_closure
+let is_function_constant t closure_id =
+ if Closure_id.Set.mem closure_id t.current_unit.closures then
+ Closure_id.Set.mem closure_id t.current_unit.constant_closures
+ else if Closure_id.Set.mem closure_id t.imported_units.closures then
+ Closure_id.Set.mem closure_id t.imported_units.constant_closures
+ else
+ Misc.fatal_errorf "Flambda_to_clambda: missing closure %a"
+ Closure_id.print closure_id
+(* Instrumentation of closure and field accesses to try to catch compiler
+ bugs. *)
+let check_closure ulam named : Clambda.ulambda =
+ if not !Clflags.clambda_checks then ulam
+ else
+ let desc =
+ Primitive.simple ~name:"caml_check_value_is_closure"
+ ~arity:2 ~alloc:false
+ in
+ let str = Format.asprintf "%a" Flambda.print_named named in
+ let str_const =
+ Compilenv.new_structured_constant (Uconst_string str) ~shared:true
+ in
+ Uprim (Pccall desc,
+ [ulam; Clambda.Uconst (Uconst_ref (str_const, None))],
+ Debuginfo.none)
+let check_field ulam pos named_opt : Clambda.ulambda =
+ if not !Clflags.clambda_checks then ulam
+ else
+ let desc =
+ Primitive.simple ~name:"caml_check_field_access"
+ ~arity:3 ~alloc:false
+ in
+ let str =
+ match named_opt with
+ | None -> "<none>"
+ | Some named -> Format.asprintf "%a" Flambda.print_named named
+ in
+ let str_const =
+ Compilenv.new_structured_constant (Uconst_string str) ~shared:true
+ in
+ Uprim (Pccall desc, [ulam; Clambda.Uconst (Uconst_int pos);
+ Clambda.Uconst (Uconst_ref (str_const, None))],
+ Debuginfo.none)
+module Env : sig
+ type t
+ val empty : t
+ val add_subst : t -> Variable.t -> Clambda.ulambda -> t
+ val find_subst_exn : t -> Variable.t -> Clambda.ulambda
+ val add_fresh_ident : t -> Variable.t -> V.t * t
+ val ident_for_var_exn : t -> Variable.t -> V.t
+ val add_fresh_mutable_ident : t -> Mutable_variable.t -> V.t * t
+ val ident_for_mutable_var_exn : t -> Mutable_variable.t -> V.t
+ val add_allocated_const : t -> Symbol.t -> Allocated_const.t -> t
+ val allocated_const_for_symbol : t -> Symbol.t -> Allocated_const.t option
+ val keep_only_symbols : t -> t
+end = struct
+ type t =
+ { subst : Clambda.ulambda Variable.Map.t;
+ var : V.t Variable.Map.t;
+ mutable_var : V.t Mutable_variable.Map.t;
+ toplevel : bool;
+ allocated_constant_for_symbol : Allocated_const.t Symbol.Map.t;
+ }
+ let empty =
+ { subst = Variable.Map.empty;
+ var = Variable.Map.empty;
+ mutable_var = Mutable_variable.Map.empty;
+ toplevel = false;
+ allocated_constant_for_symbol = Symbol.Map.empty;
+ }
+ let add_subst t id subst =
+ { t with subst = Variable.Map.add id subst t.subst }
+ let find_subst_exn t id = Variable.Map.find id t.subst
+ let ident_for_var_exn t id = Variable.Map.find id t.var
+ let add_fresh_ident t var =
+ let id = V.create_local ( var) in
+ id, { t with var = Variable.Map.add var id t.var }
+ let ident_for_mutable_var_exn t mut_var =
+ Mutable_variable.Map.find mut_var t.mutable_var
+ let add_fresh_mutable_ident t mut_var =
+ let id = V.create_local ( mut_var) in
+ let mutable_var = Mutable_variable.Map.add mut_var id t.mutable_var in
+ id, { t with mutable_var; }
+ let add_allocated_const t sym cons =
+ { t with
+ allocated_constant_for_symbol =
+ Symbol.Map.add sym cons t.allocated_constant_for_symbol;
+ }
+ let allocated_const_for_symbol t sym =
+ try
+ Some (Symbol.Map.find sym t.allocated_constant_for_symbol)
+ with Not_found -> None
+ let keep_only_symbols t =
+ { empty with
+ allocated_constant_for_symbol = t.allocated_constant_for_symbol;
+ }
+let subst_var env var : Clambda.ulambda =
+ try Env.find_subst_exn env var
+ with Not_found ->
+ try Uvar (Env.ident_for_var_exn env var)
+ with Not_found ->
+ Misc.fatal_errorf "Flambda_to_clambda: unbound variable %a@."
+ Variable.print var
+let subst_vars env vars = (subst_var env) vars
+let build_uoffset ulam offset : Clambda.ulambda =
+ if offset = 0 then ulam
+ else Uoffset (ulam, offset)
+let to_clambda_allocated_constant (const : Allocated_const.t)
+ : Clambda.ustructured_constant =
+ match const with
+ | Float f -> Uconst_float f
+ | Int32 i -> Uconst_int32 i
+ | Int64 i -> Uconst_int64 i
+ | Nativeint i -> Uconst_nativeint i
+ | Immutable_string s | String s -> Uconst_string s
+ | Immutable_float_array a | Float_array a -> Uconst_float_array a
+let to_uconst_symbol env symbol : Clambda.ustructured_constant option =
+ match Env.allocated_const_for_symbol env symbol with
+ | Some ((Float _ | Int32 _ | Int64 _ | Nativeint _) as const) ->
+ Some (to_clambda_allocated_constant const)
+ | None (* CR-soon mshinwell: Try to make this an error. *)
+ | Some _ -> None
+let to_clambda_symbol' env sym : Clambda.uconstant =
+ let lbl = Linkage_name.to_string (Symbol.label sym) in
+ Uconst_ref (lbl, to_uconst_symbol env sym)
+let to_clambda_symbol env sym : Clambda.ulambda =
+ Uconst (to_clambda_symbol' env sym)
+let to_clambda_const env (const : Flambda.constant_defining_value_block_field)
+ : Clambda.uconstant =
+ match const with
+ | Symbol symbol -> to_clambda_symbol' env symbol
+ | Const (Int i) -> Uconst_int i
+ | Const (Char c) -> Uconst_int (Char.code c)
+ | Const (Const_pointer i) -> Uconst_ptr i
+let rec to_clambda t env (flam : Flambda.t) : Clambda.ulambda =
+ match flam with
+ | Var var -> subst_var env var
+ | Let { var; defining_expr; body; _ } ->
+ (* TODO: synthesize proper value_kind *)
+ let id, env_body = Env.add_fresh_ident env var in
+ Ulet (Immutable, Pgenval, VP.create id,
+ to_clambda_named t env var defining_expr,
+ to_clambda t env_body body)
+ | Let_mutable { var = mut_var; initial_value = var; body; contents_kind } ->
+ let id, env_body = Env.add_fresh_mutable_ident env mut_var in
+ let def = subst_var env var in
+ Ulet (Mutable, contents_kind, VP.create id, def, to_clambda t env_body body)
+ | Let_rec (defs, body) ->
+ let env, defs =
+ List.fold_right (fun (var, def) (env, defs) ->
+ let id, env = Env.add_fresh_ident env var in
+ env, (id, var, def) :: defs)
+ defs (env, [])
+ in
+ let defs =
+ (fun (id, var, def) ->
+ VP.create id, to_clambda_named t env var def)
+ defs
+ in
+ Uletrec (defs, to_clambda t env body)
+ | Apply { func; args; kind = Direct direct_func; dbg = dbg } ->
+ (* The closure _parameter_ of the function is added by cmmgen.
+ At the call site, for a direct call, the closure argument must be
+ explicitly added (by [to_clambda_direct_apply]); there is no special
+ handling of such in the direct call primitive.
+ For an indirect call, we do not need to do anything here; Cmmgen will
+ do the equivalent of the previous paragraph when it generates a direct
+ call to [caml_apply]. *)
+ to_clambda_direct_apply t func args direct_func dbg env
+ | Apply { func; args; kind = Indirect; dbg = dbg } ->
+ let callee = subst_var env func in
+ Ugeneric_apply (check_closure callee (Flambda.Expr (Var func)),
+ subst_vars env args, dbg)
+ | Switch (arg, sw) ->
+ let aux () : Clambda.ulambda =
+ let const_index, const_actions =
+ to_clambda_switch t env sw.consts sw.numconsts sw.failaction
+ in
+ let block_index, block_actions =
+ to_clambda_switch t env sw.blocks sw.numblocks sw.failaction
+ in
+ Uswitch (subst_var env arg,
+ { us_index_consts = const_index;
+ us_actions_consts = const_actions;
+ us_index_blocks = block_index;
+ us_actions_blocks = block_actions;
+ },
+ Debuginfo.none) (* debug info will be added by GPR#855 *)
+ in
+ (* Check that the [failaction] may be duplicated. If this is not the
+ case, share it through a static raise / static catch. *)
+ (* CR-someday pchambart for pchambart: This is overly simplified.
+ We should verify that this does not generates too bad code.
+ If it the case, handle some let cases.
+ *)
+ begin match sw.failaction with
+ | None -> aux ()
+ | Some (Static_raise _) -> aux ()
+ | Some failaction ->
+ let exn = Static_exception.create () in
+ let sw =
+ { sw with
+ failaction = Some (Flambda.Static_raise (exn, []));
+ }
+ in
+ let expr : Flambda.t =
+ Static_catch (exn, [], Switch (arg, sw), failaction)
+ in
+ to_clambda t env expr
+ end
+ | String_switch (arg, sw, def) ->
+ let arg = subst_var env arg in
+ let sw = (fun (s, e) -> s, to_clambda t env e) sw in
+ let def = Misc.may_map (to_clambda t env) def in
+ Ustringswitch (arg, sw, def)
+ | Static_raise (static_exn, args) ->
+ Ustaticfail (Static_exception.to_int static_exn,
+ (subst_var env) args)
+ | Static_catch (static_exn, vars, body, handler) ->
+ let env_handler, ids =
+ List.fold_right (fun var (env, ids) ->
+ let id, env = Env.add_fresh_ident env var in
+ env, (VP.create id, Lambda.Pgenval) :: ids)
+ vars (env, [])
+ in
+ Ucatch (Static_exception.to_int static_exn, ids,
+ to_clambda t env body, to_clambda t env_handler handler)
+ | Try_with (body, var, handler) ->
+ let id, env_handler = Env.add_fresh_ident env var in
+ Utrywith (to_clambda t env body, VP.create id,
+ to_clambda t env_handler handler)
+ | If_then_else (arg, ifso, ifnot) ->
+ Uifthenelse (subst_var env arg, to_clambda t env ifso,
+ to_clambda t env ifnot)
+ | While (cond, body) ->
+ Uwhile (to_clambda t env cond, to_clambda t env body)
+ | For { bound_var; from_value; to_value; direction; body } ->
+ let id, env_body = Env.add_fresh_ident env bound_var in
+ Ufor (VP.create id, subst_var env from_value, subst_var env to_value,
+ direction, to_clambda t env_body body)
+ | Assign { being_assigned; new_value } ->
+ let id =
+ try Env.ident_for_mutable_var_exn env being_assigned
+ with Not_found ->
+ Misc.fatal_errorf "Unbound mutable variable %a in [Assign]: %a"
+ Mutable_variable.print being_assigned
+ Flambda.print flam
+ in
+ Uassign (id, subst_var env new_value)
+ | Send { kind; meth; obj; args; dbg } ->
+ Usend (kind, subst_var env meth, subst_var env obj,
+ subst_vars env args, dbg)
+ | Proved_unreachable -> Uunreachable
+and to_clambda_named t env var (named : Flambda.named) : Clambda.ulambda =
+ match named with
+ | Symbol sym -> to_clambda_symbol env sym
+ | Const (Const_pointer n) -> Uconst (Uconst_ptr n)
+ | Const (Int n) -> Uconst (Uconst_int n)
+ | Const (Char c) -> Uconst (Uconst_int (Char.code c))
+ | Allocated_const _ ->
+ Misc.fatal_errorf "[Allocated_const] should have been lifted to a \
+ [Let_symbol] construction before [Flambda_to_clambda]: %a = %a"
+ Variable.print var
+ Flambda.print_named named
+ | Read_mutable mut_var ->
+ begin try Uvar (Env.ident_for_mutable_var_exn env mut_var)
+ with Not_found ->
+ Misc.fatal_errorf "Unbound mutable variable %a in [Read_mutable]: %a"
+ Mutable_variable.print mut_var
+ Flambda.print_named named
+ end
+ | Read_symbol_field (symbol, field) ->
+ Uprim (Pfield field, [to_clambda_symbol env symbol], Debuginfo.none)
+ | Set_of_closures set_of_closures ->
+ to_clambda_set_of_closures t env set_of_closures
+ | Project_closure { set_of_closures; closure_id } ->
+ (* Note that we must use [build_uoffset] to ensure that we do not generate
+ a [Uoffset] construction in the event that the offset is zero, otherwise
+ we might break pattern matches in Cmmgen (in particular for the
+ compilation of "let rec"). *)
+ check_closure (
+ build_uoffset
+ (check_closure (subst_var env set_of_closures)
+ (Flambda.Expr (Var set_of_closures)))
+ (get_fun_offset t closure_id))
+ named
+ | Move_within_set_of_closures { closure; start_from; move_to } ->
+ check_closure (build_uoffset
+ (check_closure (subst_var env closure)
+ (Flambda.Expr (Var closure)))
+ ((get_fun_offset t move_to) - (get_fun_offset t start_from)))
+ named
+ | Project_var { closure; var; closure_id } ->
+ let ulam = subst_var env closure in
+ let fun_offset = get_fun_offset t closure_id in
+ let var_offset = get_fv_offset t var in
+ let pos = var_offset - fun_offset in
+ Uprim (Pfield pos,
+ [check_field (check_closure ulam (Expr (Var closure))) pos (Some named)],
+ Debuginfo.none)
+ | Prim (Pfield index, [block], dbg) ->
+ Uprim (Pfield index, [check_field (subst_var env block) index None], dbg)
+ | Prim (Psetfield (index, maybe_ptr, init), [block; new_value], dbg) ->
+ Uprim (Psetfield (index, maybe_ptr, init), [
+ check_field (subst_var env block) index None;
+ subst_var env new_value;
+ ], dbg)
+ | Prim (Popaque, args, dbg) ->
+ Uprim (Popaque, subst_vars env args, dbg)
+ | Prim (p, args, dbg) ->
+ Uprim (p, subst_vars env args, dbg)
+ | Expr expr -> to_clambda t env expr
+and to_clambda_switch t env cases num_keys default =
+ let num_keys =
+ if Numbers.Int.Set.cardinal num_keys = 0 then 0
+ else Numbers.Int.Set.max_elt num_keys + 1
+ in
+ let store = Flambda_utils.Switch_storer.mk_store () in
+ let default_action =
+ match default with
+ | Some def when List.length cases < num_keys ->
+ store.act_store () def
+ | _ -> -1
+ in
+ let index = Array.make num_keys default_action in
+ let smallest_key = ref num_keys in
+ List.iter
+ (fun (key, lam) ->
+ index.(key) <- store.act_store () lam;
+ smallest_key := min key !smallest_key
+ )
+ cases;
+ if !smallest_key < num_keys then begin
+ let action = ref index.(!smallest_key) in
+ Array.iteri
+ (fun i act ->
+ if act >= 0 then action := act else index.(i) <- !action)
+ index
+ end;
+ let actions = (to_clambda t env) (store.act_get ()) in
+ match actions with
+ | [| |] -> [| |], [| |] (* May happen when [default] is [None]. *)
+ | _ -> index, actions
+and to_clambda_direct_apply t func args direct_func dbg env : Clambda.ulambda =
+ let closed = is_function_constant t direct_func in
+ let label = Compilenv.function_label direct_func in
+ let uargs =
+ let uargs = subst_vars env args in
+ (* Remove the closure argument if the closure is closed. (Note that the
+ closure argument is always a variable, so we can be sure we are not
+ dropping any side effects.) *)
+ if closed then uargs else uargs @ [subst_var env func]
+ in
+ Udirect_apply (label, uargs, dbg)
+(* Describe how to build a runtime closure block that corresponds to the
+ given Flambda set of closures.
+ For instance the closure for the following set of closures:
+ let rec fun_a x =
+ if x <= 0 then 0 else fun_b (x-1) v1
+ and fun_b x y =
+ if x <= 0 then 0 else v1 + v2 + y + fun_a (x-1)
+ will be represented in memory as:
+ [ closure header; fun_a;
+ 1; infix header; fun caml_curry_2;
+ 2; fun_b; v1; v2 ]
+ fun_a and fun_b will take an additional parameter 'env' to
+ access their closure. It will be arranged such that in the body
+ of each function the env parameter points to its own code
+ pointer. For example, in fun_b it will be shifted by 3 words.
+ Hence accessing v1 in the body of fun_a is accessing the
+ 6th field of 'env' and in the body of fun_b the 1st field.
+and to_clambda_set_of_closures t env
+ (({ function_decls; free_vars } : Flambda.set_of_closures)
+ as set_of_closures) : Clambda.ulambda =
+ let all_functions = Variable.Map.bindings function_decls.funs in
+ let env_var = V.create_local "env" in
+ let to_clambda_function
+ (closure_id, (function_decl : Flambda.function_declaration))
+ : Clambda.ufunction =
+ let closure_id = Closure_id.wrap closure_id in
+ let fun_offset =
+ Closure_id.Map.find closure_id t.current_unit.fun_offset_table
+ in
+ let env =
+ (* Inside the body of the function, we cannot access variables
+ declared outside, so start with a suitably clean environment.
+ Note that we must not forget the information about which allocated
+ constants contain which unboxed values. *)
+ let env = Env.keep_only_symbols env in
+ (* Add the Clambda expressions for the free variables of the function
+ to the environment. *)
+ let add_env_free_variable id _ env =
+ let var_offset =
+ try
+ Var_within_closure.Map.find
+ (Var_within_closure.wrap id) t.current_unit.fv_offset_table
+ with Not_found ->
+ Misc.fatal_errorf "Clambda.to_clambda_set_of_closures: offset for \
+ free variable %a is unknown. Set of closures: %a"
+ Variable.print id
+ Flambda.print_set_of_closures set_of_closures
+ in
+ let pos = var_offset - fun_offset in
+ Env.add_subst env id
+ (Uprim (Pfield pos, [Clambda.Uvar env_var], Debuginfo.none))
+ in
+ let env = Variable.Map.fold add_env_free_variable free_vars env in
+ (* Add the Clambda expressions for all functions defined in the current
+ set of closures to the environment. The various functions may be
+ retrieved by moving within the runtime closure, starting from the
+ current function's closure. *)
+ let add_env_function pos env (id, _) =
+ let offset =
+ Closure_id.Map.find (Closure_id.wrap id)
+ t.current_unit.fun_offset_table
+ in
+ let exp : Clambda.ulambda = Uoffset (Uvar env_var, offset - pos) in
+ Env.add_subst env id exp
+ in
+ List.fold_left (add_env_function fun_offset) env all_functions
+ in
+ let env_body, params =
+ List.fold_right (fun var (env, params) ->
+ let id, env = Env.add_fresh_ident env (Parameter.var var) in
+ env, id :: params)
+ function_decl.params (env, [])
+ in
+ { label = Compilenv.function_label closure_id;
+ arity = Flambda_utils.function_arity function_decl;
+ params =
+ (fun var -> VP.create var, Lambda.Pgenval)
+ (params @ [env_var]);
+ return = Lambda.Pgenval;
+ body = to_clambda t env_body function_decl.body;
+ dbg = function_decl.dbg;
+ env = Some env_var;
+ }
+ in
+ let funs = to_clambda_function all_functions in
+ let free_vars =
+ Variable.Map.bindings ( (
+ fun (free_var : Flambda.specialised_to) ->
+ subst_var env free_var.var) free_vars)
+ in
+ Uclosure (funs, snd free_vars)
+and to_clambda_closed_set_of_closures t env symbol
+ ({ function_decls; } : Flambda.set_of_closures)
+ : Clambda.ustructured_constant =
+ let functions = Variable.Map.bindings function_decls.funs in
+ let to_clambda_function (id, (function_decl : Flambda.function_declaration))
+ : Clambda.ufunction =
+ (* All that we need in the environment, for translating one closure from
+ a closed set of closures, is the substitutions for variables bound to
+ the various closures in the set. Such closures will always be
+ referenced via symbols. *)
+ let env =
+ List.fold_left (fun env (var, _) ->
+ let closure_id = Closure_id.wrap var in
+ let symbol = Compilenv.closure_symbol closure_id in
+ Env.add_subst env var (to_clambda_symbol env symbol))
+ (Env.keep_only_symbols env)
+ functions
+ in
+ let env_body, params =
+ List.fold_right (fun var (env, params) ->
+ let id, env = Env.add_fresh_ident env (Parameter.var var) in
+ env, id :: params)
+ function_decl.params (env, [])
+ in
+ { label = Compilenv.function_label (Closure_id.wrap id);
+ arity = Flambda_utils.function_arity function_decl;
+ params = (fun var -> VP.create var, Lambda.Pgenval) params;
+ return = Lambda.Pgenval;
+ body = to_clambda t env_body function_decl.body;
+ dbg = function_decl.dbg;
+ env = None;
+ }
+ in
+ let ufunct = to_clambda_function functions in
+ let closure_lbl = Linkage_name.to_string (Symbol.label symbol) in
+ Uconst_closure (ufunct, closure_lbl, [])
+let to_clambda_initialize_symbol t env symbol fields : Clambda.ulambda =
+ let fields =
+ (fun (index, expr) -> index, to_clambda t env expr) fields
+ in
+ let build_setfield (index, field) : Clambda.ulambda =
+ (* Note that this will never cause a write barrier hit, owing to
+ the [Initialization]. *)
+ Uprim (Psetfield (index, Pointer, Root_initialization),
+ [to_clambda_symbol env symbol; field],
+ Debuginfo.none)
+ in
+ match fields with
+ | [] -> Uconst (Uconst_ptr 0)
+ | h :: t ->
+ List.fold_left (fun acc (p, field) ->
+ Clambda.Usequence (build_setfield (p, field), acc))
+ (build_setfield h) t
+let accumulate_structured_constants t env symbol
+ (c : Flambda.constant_defining_value) acc =
+ match c with
+ | Allocated_const c ->
+ Symbol.Map.add symbol (to_clambda_allocated_constant c) acc
+ | Block (tag, fields) ->
+ let fields = (to_clambda_const env) fields in
+ Symbol.Map.add symbol (Clambda.Uconst_block (Tag.to_int tag, fields)) acc
+ | Set_of_closures set_of_closures ->
+ let to_clambda_set_of_closures =
+ to_clambda_closed_set_of_closures t env symbol set_of_closures
+ in
+ Symbol.Map.add symbol to_clambda_set_of_closures acc
+ | Project_closure _ -> acc
+let to_clambda_program t env constants (program : Flambda.program) =
+ let rec loop env constants (program : Flambda.program_body)
+ : Clambda.ulambda *
+ Clambda.ustructured_constant Symbol.Map.t *
+ Clambda.preallocated_block list =
+ match program with
+ | Let_symbol (symbol, alloc, program) ->
+ (* Useful only for unboxing. Since floats and boxed integers will
+ never be part of a Let_rec_symbol, handling only the Let_symbol
+ is sufficient. *)
+ let env =
+ match alloc with
+ | Allocated_const const -> Env.add_allocated_const env symbol const
+ | _ -> env
+ in
+ let constants =
+ accumulate_structured_constants t env symbol alloc constants
+ in
+ loop env constants program
+ | Let_rec_symbol (defs, program) ->
+ let constants =
+ List.fold_left (fun constants (symbol, alloc) ->
+ accumulate_structured_constants t env symbol alloc constants)
+ constants defs
+ in
+ loop env constants program
+ | Initialize_symbol (symbol, tag, fields, program) ->
+ let fields =
+ List.mapi (fun i field ->
+ i, field,
+ Initialize_symbol_to_let_symbol.constant_field field)
+ fields
+ in
+ let init_fields =
+ List.filter_map (function
+ | (i, field, None) -> Some (i, field)
+ | (_, _, Some _) -> None)
+ fields
+ in
+ let constant_fields =
+ (fun (_, _, constant_field) ->
+ match constant_field with
+ | None -> None
+ | Some (Flambda.Const const) ->
+ let n =
+ match const with
+ | Int i -> i
+ | Char c -> Char.code c
+ | Const_pointer i -> i
+ in
+ Some (Clambda.Uconst_field_int n)
+ | Some (Flambda.Symbol sym) ->
+ let lbl = Linkage_name.to_string (Symbol.label sym) in
+ Some (Clambda.Uconst_field_ref lbl))
+ fields
+ in
+ let e1 = to_clambda_initialize_symbol t env symbol init_fields in
+ let preallocated_block : Clambda.preallocated_block =
+ { symbol = Linkage_name.to_string (Symbol.label symbol);
+ exported = true;
+ tag = Tag.to_int tag;
+ fields = constant_fields;
+ provenance = None;
+ }
+ in
+ let e2, constants, preallocated_blocks = loop env constants program in
+ Usequence (e1, e2), constants, preallocated_block :: preallocated_blocks
+ | Effect (expr, program) ->
+ let e1 = to_clambda t env expr in
+ let e2, constants, preallocated_blocks = loop env constants program in
+ Usequence (e1, e2), constants, preallocated_blocks
+ | End _ ->
+ Uconst (Uconst_ptr 0), constants, []
+ in
+ loop env constants program.program_body
+type result = {
+ expr : Clambda.ulambda;
+ preallocated_blocks : Clambda.preallocated_block list;
+ structured_constants : Clambda.ustructured_constant Symbol.Map.t;
+ exported : Export_info.t;
+let convert (program, exported_transient) : result =
+ let current_unit =
+ let closures =
+ Closure_id.Map.keys (Flambda_utils.make_closure_map program)
+ in
+ let constant_closures =
+ Flambda_utils.all_lifted_constant_closures program
+ in
+ let offsets = Closure_offsets.compute program in
+ { fun_offset_table = offsets.function_offsets;
+ fv_offset_table = offsets.free_variable_offsets;
+ constant_closures;
+ closures;
+ }
+ in
+ let imported_units =
+ let imported = Compilenv.approx_env () in
+ let closures =
+ Set_of_closures_id.Map.fold
+ (fun (_ : Set_of_closures_id.t) fun_decls acc ->
+ Variable.Map.fold
+ (fun var (_ : Simple_value_approx.function_declaration) acc ->
+ let closure_id = Closure_id.wrap var in
+ Closure_id.Set.add closure_id acc)
+ fun_decls.Simple_value_approx.funs
+ acc)
+ imported.sets_of_closures
+ Closure_id.Set.empty
+ in
+ { fun_offset_table = imported.offset_fun;
+ fv_offset_table = imported.offset_fv;
+ constant_closures = imported.constant_closures;
+ closures;
+ }
+ in
+ let t = { current_unit; imported_units; } in
+ let expr, structured_constants, preallocated_blocks =
+ to_clambda_program t Env.empty Symbol.Map.empty program
+ in
+ let exported =
+ Export_info.t_of_transient exported_transient
+ ~program
+ ~local_offset_fun:current_unit.fun_offset_table
+ ~local_offset_fv:current_unit.fv_offset_table
+ ~imported_offset_fun:imported_units.fun_offset_table
+ ~imported_offset_fv:imported_units.fv_offset_table
+ ~constant_closures:current_unit.constant_closures
+ in
+ { expr; preallocated_blocks; structured_constants; exported; }