path: root/testsuite/tests/typing-objects/Tests.compilers.reference
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Diffstat (limited to 'testsuite/tests/typing-objects/Tests.compilers.reference')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 316 deletions
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/typing-objects/Tests.compilers.reference b/testsuite/tests/typing-objects/Tests.compilers.reference
deleted file mode 100644
index 3c287ec0b2..0000000000
--- a/testsuite/tests/typing-objects/Tests.compilers.reference
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,316 +0,0 @@
-- : < x : int > ->
- < x : int > -> < x : int > -> < x : int > * < x : int > * < x : int >
-= <fun>
-class ['a] c : unit -> object constraint 'a = int method f : int c end
-and ['a] d : unit -> object constraint 'a = int method f : int c end
-Characters 230-271:
- ....and d () = object
- inherit ['a] c ()
- end..
-Error: Some type variables are unbound in this type:
- class d : unit -> object method f : 'a -> unit end
- The method f has type 'a -> unit where 'a is unbound
-class virtual c : unit -> object end
-and ['a] d :
- unit -> object constraint 'a = < x : int; .. > method f : 'a -> int end
-class ['a] c : unit -> object constraint 'a = int end
-and ['a] d : unit -> object constraint 'a = int #c end
-class ['a] c :
- 'a -> object ('a) constraint 'a = < f : 'a; .. > method f : 'a end
-- : ('a c as 'a) -> 'a = <fun>
-Characters 128-176:
- class x () = object
- method virtual f : int
- end..
-Error: This class should be virtual. The following methods are undefined : f
-Characters 144-152:
- class virtual c ((x : 'a): < f : int >) = object (_ : 'a) end
- ^^^^^^^^
-Error: This pattern cannot match self: it only matches values of type
- < f : int >
-Characters 32-110:
- class ['a] c () = object
- constraint 'a = int
- method f x = (x : bool c)
- end..
-Error: The abbreviation c is used with parameters bool c
- which are incompatible with constraints int c
-class ['a, 'b] c :
- unit ->
- object
- constraint 'a = int -> 'c
- constraint 'b = 'a * < x : 'b > * 'c * 'd
- method f : 'a -> 'b -> unit
- end
-class ['a, 'b] d :
- unit ->
- object
- constraint 'a = int -> 'c
- constraint 'b = 'a * < x : 'b > * 'c * 'd
- method f : 'a -> 'b -> unit
- end
-val x : '_weak1 list ref = {contents = []}
-Characters 0-50:
- class ['a] c () = object
- method f = (x : 'a)
- end..
-Error: The type of this class,
- class ['a] c :
- unit -> object constraint 'a = '_weak1 list ref method f : 'a end,
- contains type variables that cannot be generalized
-Characters 21-53:
- type 'a c = <f : 'a c; g : 'a d>
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-Error: In the definition of d, type int c should be 'a c
-type 'a c = < f : 'a c; g : 'a d >
-and 'a d = < f : 'a c >
-type 'a c = < f : 'a c >
-and 'a d = < f : int c >
-Characters 22-39:
- and 'a t = 'a t u;; (* fails since 4.04 *)
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-Error: The definition of t contains a cycle:
- 'a t u
-Characters 15-32:
- and 'a t = 'a t u;;
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-Error: The type abbreviation t is cyclic
-type 'a u = 'a
-Characters 0-18:
- type t = t u * t u;;
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-Error: The type abbreviation t is cyclic
-type t = < x : 'a > as 'a
-type 'a u = 'a
-- : t -> t u -> bool = <fun>
-- : t -> t u -> bool = <fun>
-module M :
- sig
- class ['a, 'b] c :
- int ->
- 'b ->
- object
- constraint 'a = int -> bool
- val x : float list
- val y : 'b
- method f : 'a -> unit
- method g : 'b
- end
- end
-module M' :
- sig
- class virtual ['a, 'b] c :
- int ->
- 'b ->
- object
- constraint 'a = int -> bool
- val x : float list
- val y : 'b
- method f : 'a -> unit
- method g : 'b
- end
- end
-class ['a, 'b] d :
- unit ->
- 'b ->
- object
- constraint 'a = int -> bool
- val x : float list
- val y : 'b
- method f : 'a -> unit
- method g : 'b
- end
-class ['a, 'b] e :
- unit ->
- 'b ->
- object
- constraint 'a = int -> bool
- val x : float list
- val y : 'b
- method f : 'a -> unit
- method g : 'b
- end
-- : string = "a"
-- : int = 10
-- : float = 7.1
-- : bool = true
-module M : sig class ['a] c : unit -> object method f : 'a -> unit end end
-module M' : sig class ['a] c : unit -> object method f : 'a -> unit end end
-- : ('a #M.c as 'b) -> 'b = <fun>
-- : ('a #M'.c as 'b) -> 'b = <fun>
-class ['a] c : 'a #c -> object end
-class ['a] c : 'a #c -> object end
-class c : unit -> object method f : int end
-and d : unit -> object method f : int end
-class e : unit -> object method f : int end
-- : int = 2
-Characters 30-34:
- class c () = object val x = - true val y = -. () end;;
- ^^^^
-Error: This expression has type bool but an expression was expected of type
- int
-class c : unit -> object method f : int method g : int method h : int end
-class d : unit -> object method h : int method i : int method j : int end
-class e :
- unit ->
- object
- method f : int
- method g : int
- method h : int
- method i : int
- method j : int
- end
-val e : e = <obj>
-- : int * int * int * int * int = (1, 3, 2, 2, 3)
-class c : 'a -> object val a : 'a val x : int val y : int val z : int end
-class d : 'a -> object val b : 'a val t : int val u : int val z : int end
-Characters 42-45:
- inherit c 5
- ^^^
-Warning 13: the following instance variables are overridden by the class c :
- x
-The behaviour changed in ocaml 3.10 (previous behaviour was hiding.)
-Characters 52-53:
- val y = 3
- ^
-Warning 13: the instance variable y is overridden.
-The behaviour changed in ocaml 3.10 (previous behaviour was hiding.)
-Characters 80-83:
- inherit d 7
- ^^^
-Warning 13: the following instance variables are overridden by the class d :
- t z
-The behaviour changed in ocaml 3.10 (previous behaviour was hiding.)
-Characters 90-91:
- val u = 3
- ^
-Warning 13: the instance variable u is overridden.
-The behaviour changed in ocaml 3.10 (previous behaviour was hiding.)
-class e :
- unit ->
- object
- val a : int
- val b : int
- val t : int
- val u : int
- val x : int
- val y : int
- val z : int
- method a : int
- method b : int
- method t : int
- method u : int
- method x : int
- method y : int
- method z : int
- end
-val e : e = <obj>
-- : int * int * int * int * int * int * int = (1, 3, 2, 2, 3, 5, 7)
-class c :
- int ->
- int -> object val x : int val y : int method x : int method y : int end
-class d :
- int ->
- int -> object val x : int val y : int method x : int method y : int end
-- : int * int = (1, 2)
-- : int * int = (1, 2)
-class ['a] c : 'a -> object end
-- : 'a -> 'a c = <fun>
-module M : sig class c : unit -> object method xc : int end end
-class d : unit -> object val x : int method xc : int method xd : int end
-- : int * int = (1, 2)
-Characters 1-154:
- class virtual ['a] matrix (sz, init : int * 'a) = object
- val m = Array.make_matrix sz sz init
- method add (mtx : 'a matrix) = (mtx#m.(0).(0) : 'a)
- end..
-Error: The abbreviation 'a matrix expands to type < add : 'a matrix -> 'a >
- but is used with type < m : 'a array array; .. >
-class c : unit -> object method m : c end
-- : c = <obj>
-module M : sig class c : unit -> object method m : c end end
-- : M.c = <obj>
-type uu = A of int | B of (< leq : 'a > as 'a)
-class virtual c : unit -> object ('a) method virtual m : 'a end
-module S : sig val f : (#c as 'a) -> 'a end
-Characters 12-43:
- ............struct
- let f (x : #c) = x
- end......
-Error: Signature mismatch:
- Modules do not match:
- sig val f : (#c as 'a) -> 'a end
- is not included in
- sig val f : #c -> #c end
- Values do not match:
- val f : (#c as 'a) -> 'a
- is not included in
- val f : #c -> #c
-Characters 38-39:
- module M = struct type t = int class t () = object end end;;
- ^
-Error: Multiple definition of the type name t.
- Names must be unique in a given structure or signature.
-- : < m : (< m : 'a > as 'b) -> 'b as 'a; .. > -> 'b = <fun>
-Characters 10-39:
- fun x -> (x : int -> bool :> 'a -> 'a);;
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-Error: Type int -> bool is not a subtype of int -> int
- Type bool is not a subtype of int
-Characters 9-40:
- fun x -> (x : int -> bool :> int -> int);;
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-Error: Type int -> bool is not a subtype of int -> int
- Type bool is not a subtype of int
-- : < > -> < > = <fun>
-- : < .. > -> < > = <fun>
-val x : '_weak2 list ref = {contents = []}
-module F : functor (X : sig end) -> sig type t = int end
-- : < m : int > list ref = {contents = []}
-type 'a t
-Characters 9-19:
- fun (x : 'a t as 'a) -> ();;
- ^^^^^^^^^^
-Error: This alias is bound to type 'a t but is used as an instance of type 'a
- The type variable 'a occurs inside 'a t
-Characters 19-20:
- fun (x : 'a t) -> (x : 'a); ();;
- ^
-Error: This expression has type 'a t but an expression was expected of type
- 'a
- The type variable 'a occurs inside 'a t
-type 'a t = < x : 'a >
-- : ('a t as 'a) -> unit = <fun>
-Characters 18-26:
- fun (x : 'a t) -> (x : 'a); ();;
- ^^^^^^^^
-Warning 10: this expression should have type unit.
-- : ('a t as 'a) t -> unit = <fun>
-class ['a] c :
- unit ->
- object constraint 'a = (< .. > as 'b) -> unit method m : 'b -> unit end
-class ['a] c :
- unit ->
- object constraint 'a = unit -> (< .. > as 'b) method m : 'a -> 'b end
-class c : unit -> object method private m : int method n : int end
-class d :
- unit -> object method private m : int method n : int method o : int end
-- : int * int = (1, 1)
-class c : unit -> object method m : int end
-val r : int ref = {contents = 0}
-val id : < .. > -> int = <fun>
-- : unit = ()
-- : int = 1
-- : int = 2
-- : int * int * int = (3, 4, 5)
-- : int * int * int * int * int = (6, 7, 8, 33, 33)
-- : int * int * int * int * int * int * int = (9, 10, 10, 11, 11, 33, 33)
-Characters 42-69:
- class a = let _ = new b in object end
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-Error: This kind of recursive class expression is not allowed
-Characters 11-38:
- class a = let _ = new a in object end;;
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-Error: This kind of recursive class expression is not allowed