path: root/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 302 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e48a916
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,302 @@
+# master file for open-iscsi project
+project('open-iscsi', 'c',
+ meson_version: '>= 0.54.0',
+ version: '2.1.7',
+ license: 'LGPL-2.1-or-later',
+ default_options: [
+ 'c_std=gnu99',
+ 'warning_level=1',
+ 'buildtype=release',
+ 'prefix=/usr']
+ )
+# can't set sbindir=/sbin (vs /usr/sbin) here, since that only
+# works on newer version of meson (>0.63.0)
+# needed for path checking
+fs = import('fs')
+# handle options
+no_systemd = get_option('no_systemd')
+home_dir = get_option('homedir')
+if not fs.is_absolute(home_dir)
+ home_dir = get_option('sysconfdir') / home_dir
+db_root = get_option('dbroot')
+if not fs.is_absolute(db_root)
+ db_root = get_option('sysconfdir') / db_root
+lock_dir = get_option('lockdir')
+rules_dir = get_option('rulesdir')
+if not fs.is_absolute(rules_dir)
+ rules_dir = get_option('sysconfdir') / rules_dir
+if not no_systemd
+ systemd_dir = get_option('systemddir')
+ unit_dir = systemd_dir / 'system'
+ generator_dir = systemd_dir /'system-generators'
+c_args = get_option('c_args')
+man_dir = get_option('mandir')
+iscsi_sbindir = get_option('iscsi_sbindir')
+# get list of sources from subdirs (iscsiuio included at bottom)
+conf = configuration_data()
+conf.set('SBINDIR', iscsi_sbindir)
+conf.set('HOMEDIR', home_dir)
+conf.set('DBROOT', db_root)
+# set up general C args
+genl_cargs = [
+ '-DISCSI_CONFIG_ROOT="@0@"'.format(home_dir),
+ '-DISCSI_DB_ROOT="@0@"'.format(db_root),
+ '-DLOCK_DIR="@0@"'.format(lock_dir),
+ '-DISCSI_VERSION_STR="@0@"'.format(meson.project_version())]
+# set up no-system flag, if needed
+if no_systemd
+ genl_cargs += '-DNO_SYSTEMD'
+# set up include directories
+main_inc = include_directories('include')
+lib_inc = include_directories('libopeniscsiusr')
+usr_inc = include_directories('usr')
+# set up dependencies
+kmod_dep = dependency('libkmod')
+crypto_dep = dependency('libcrypto')
+mount_dep = dependency('mount')
+if not no_systemd
+ systemd_dep = dependency('libsystemd')
+# build two static libs that programs in 'usr' will need, which
+# do not depend on anything local
+libsysdeps = static_library('sysdeps', sysdeps_files,
+ include_directories: [usr_inc, main_inc, lib_inc],
+ c_args: '-Wno-all')
+libfwparam = static_library('fwparam', fwparam_files,
+ include_directories: [usr_inc, main_inc, lib_inc],
+ c_args: [genl_cargs, '-Wno-all'])
+# build libopeniscsiusr, since it does not
+# depend on anything else locally
+# build man pages for externally available interfaces
+# for each header file, get a list of man pages
+# from that file, then process each page, one
+# at a time
+foreach api_file: libiscsi_usr_doc_headers
+ # get a list of pages for this header file
+ c = run_command(list_pages_cmd, api_file, check: true)
+ man_pages = c.stdout().split()
+ # process each page, one at a time, generating dependencies
+ foreach page: man_pages
+ custom_target(
+ page.underscorify() + '_man',
+ input: api_file,
+ output: page + '.3',
+ capture: true,
+ command: [
+ kernel_doc_cmd,
+ '-module', 'libopeniscsiusr',
+ '-man',
+ '-function', page,
+ api_file],
+ install: true,
+ install_dir: man_dir / 'man3')
+ endforeach
+# install our static man page(s)
+# build the shared library
+libiscsi_usr = shared_library('openiscsiusr',
+ libiscsi_usr_srcs,
+ include_directories: [libiscsi_usr_private_includes, libiscsi_usr_public_includes],
+ dependencies: kmod_dep,
+ version: '0.2.0',
+ c_args: genl_cargs,
+ install: true)
+# build pkg-config for libopeniscsiusr
+pkg_mod = import('pkgconfig')
+pkg_mod.generate(libraries: libiscsi_usr,
+ version: '0.2.0',
+ name: 'libopeniscsiusr',
+ filebase: 'libopeniscsiusr',
+ description: 'iSCSI userspace library')
+install_headers([libiscsi_usr_doc_headers, libiscsi_usr_headers])
+# handle building the main binaries, in 'usr'
+# set up dependencies based on static libs we built
+sysdeps_dep = declare_dependency(link_with: libsysdeps)
+fwparam_dep = declare_dependency(link_with: libfwparam)
+libiscsi_usr_dep = declare_dependency(link_with: libiscsi_usr)
+# build libopeniscsi tests
+foreach a,v: test_arr
+ e = executable('test_' + a,
+ sources: v,
+ include_directories: [lib_inc],
+ dependencies: libiscsi_usr_dep,
+ c_args: genl_cargs)
+ test('test ' + a, e)
+# set up usr dependences and link args
+usr_deps = [kmod_dep, crypto_dep, mount_dep, sysdeps_dep, fwparam_dep, libiscsi_usr_dep]
+if not no_systemd
+ usr_deps += systemd_dep
+# handle two libs that won't be found with "dependency()"
+cc = meson.get_compiler('c')
+usr_deps += cc.find_library('rt')
+usr_deps += cc.find_library('isns')
+# build iscsid, iscsiadm, and iscsistart
+foreach k,v: iscsi_usr_arr
+ executable(k,
+ sources: v,
+ include_directories: [usr_inc, main_inc, lib_inc],
+ dependencies: usr_deps,
+ c_args: genl_cargs,
+ install: true,
+ install_dir: iscsi_sbindir)
+# handle utility programs and scripts from 'utils'
+# build the one binary from utils
+iname_cmd = executable('iscsi-iname',
+ sources: iscsi_iname_src_files,
+ c_args: genl_cargs,
+ install: true,
+ install_dir: iscsi_sbindir)
+# process shell templates (2 steps)
+foreach k,v: iscsi_util_sh_template_arr
+ subst = configure_file(
+ input: v,
+ output: k,
+ configuration: conf,
+ install: true,
+ install_dir: iscsi_sbindir,
+ install_mode: 'rwxr-xr-x')
+# process shell scripts
+foreach k,v: iscsi_util_sh_arr
+ install_data(v,
+ rename: k,
+ install_dir: iscsi_sbindir,
+ install_mode: 'rwxr-xr-x')
+# process other templated files (not installed for now)
+foreach k,v: iscsi_util_other_template_arr
+ configure_file(
+ input: v,
+ output: k,
+ configuration: conf,
+ install: true,
+ install_dir: rules_dir)
+if not no_systemd
+ #
+ # handle stuff (systemd, config files, ...) from 'etc'
+ #
+ # handle templated service files
+ foreach k,v: iscsi_etc_systemd_service_units_arr
+ configure_file(
+ input: v,
+ output: k,
+ configuration: conf,
+ install: true,
+ install_dir: unit_dir)
+ endforeach
+ # handle socket service files (not templated)
+ install_data(iscsi_etc_systemd_socket_units,
+ install_dir: unit_dir)
+ # the systemd generator file
+ install_data(iscsi_etc_systemd_generator_src,
+ install_dir: generator_dir,
+ install_mode: 'rwxr-xr-x')
+# the iface.example file
+install_data(iscsi_etc_iface_file_src, install_dir: db_root / 'ifaces')
+# the iscsid.conf config file
+install_data(iscsi_etc_config_file_src, install_dir: home_dir)
+# create a *unique* initiatorname file
+if not meson.is_cross_build()
+ custom_target(
+ 'initiatorname_file',
+ output: 'initiatorname.iscsi',
+ capture: true,
+ command: [iname_cmd, '-g'],
+ install: true,
+ install_dir: home_dir,
+ install_mode: 'rw-r--r--')
+# handle documentation from 'doc'
+# handle template files
+man_dir_8 = man_dir / 'man8'
+foreach k,v: iscsi_doc_man_pages_template_arr
+ configure_file(
+ input: v,
+ output: k,
+ configuration: conf,
+ install: true,
+ install_dir: man_dir_8)
+# handle regular/static man pages
+# lastly, build iscsiuio, which does not rely on anything outside itself -- all
+# the work is done in the file there