path: root/ceilometer/hardware/inspector/
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 346 deletions
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-# Copyright 2014 ZHAW SoE
-# Copyright 2014 Intel Corp
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-# a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-"""Inspector for collecting data over SNMP"""
-import copy
-from oslo_log import log
-from pysnmp.entity.rfc3413.oneliner import cmdgen
-from pysnmp.proto import rfc1905
-from urllib import parse as urlparse
-from ceilometer.hardware.inspector import base
-LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)
-class SNMPException(Exception):
- pass
-def parse_snmp_return(ret, is_bulk=False):
- """Check the return value of snmp operations
- :param ret: a tuple of (errorIndication, errorStatus, errorIndex, data)
- returned by pysnmp
- :param is_bulk: True if the ret value is from GetBulkRequest
- :return: a tuple of (err, data)
- err: True if error found, or False if no error found
- data: a string of error description if error found, or the
- actual return data of the snmp operation
- """
- err = True
- (errIndication, errStatus, errIdx, varBinds) = ret
- if errIndication:
- data = errIndication
- elif errStatus:
- if is_bulk:
- varBinds = varBinds[-1]
- data = "%s at %s" % (errStatus.prettyPrint(),
- errIdx and varBinds[int(errIdx) - 1] or "?")
- else:
- err = False
- data = varBinds
- return err, data
-EXACT = 'type_exact'
-PREFIX = 'type_prefix'
-_auth_proto_mapping = {
- 'md5': cmdgen.usmHMACMD5AuthProtocol,
- 'sha': cmdgen.usmHMACSHAAuthProtocol,
-_priv_proto_mapping = {
- 'des': cmdgen.usmDESPrivProtocol,
- 'aes128': cmdgen.usmAesCfb128Protocol,
- '3des': cmdgen.usm3DESEDEPrivProtocol,
- 'aes192': cmdgen.usmAesCfb192Protocol,
- 'aes256': cmdgen.usmAesCfb256Protocol,
-_usm_proto_mapping = {
- 'auth_proto': ('authProtocol', _auth_proto_mapping),
- 'priv_proto': ('privProtocol', _priv_proto_mapping),
-class SNMPInspector(base.Inspector):
- # Default port
- _port = 161
- _CACHE_KEY_OID = "snmp_cached_oid"
- # NOTE: The following mapping has been moved to the yaml file identified
- # by the config options hardware.meter_definitions_file. However, we still
- # keep the description here for code reading purpose.
- """
- The following mapping define how to construct
- (value, metadata, extra) returned by inspect_generic
- 'identifier: {
- 'matching_type': EXACT or PREFIX,
- 'metric_oid': (oid, value_converter)
- 'metadata': {
- metadata_name1: (oid1, value_converter),
- metadata_name2: (oid2, value_converter),
- },
- 'post_op': special func to modify the return data,
- },
- }
- For matching_type of EXACT, each item in the above mapping will
- return exact one (value, metadata, extra) tuple. The value would be
- returned from SNMP request GetRequest for oid of 'metric_oid', the
- metadata dict would be constructed based on the returning from SNMP
- GetRequest for oids of 'metadata'.
- For matching_type of PREFIX, SNMP request GetBulkRequest
- would be sent to get values for oids of 'metric_oid' and
- 'metadata' of each item in the above mapping. And each item might
- return multiple (value, metadata, extra) tuples, e.g.
- Suppose we have the following mapping:
- '': {
- 'matching_type': PREFIX,
- 'metric_oid': ("", int)
- 'metadata': {
- 'device': ("", str),
- 'path': ("", str),
- },
- 'post_op': None,
- },
- and the SNMP have the following oid/value(s):
- {
- '': 19222656,
- '': "/dev/sda2",
- '': "/"
- '': 808112,
- '': "tmpfs",
- '': "/run",
- }
- So here we'll return 2 instances of (value, metadata, extra):
- (19222656, {'device': "/dev/sda2", 'path': "/"}, None)
- (808112, {'device': "tmpfs", 'path': "/run"}, None)
- The post_op is assumed to be implemented by new metric developer. It
- could be used to add additional special metadata(e.g. ip address), or
- it could be used to add information into extra dict to be returned
- to construct the pollster how to build final sample, e.g.
- extra.update('project_id': xy, 'user_id': zw)
- """
- def _query_oids(self, host, oids, cache, is_bulk):
- # send GetRequest or GetBulkRequest to get oids values and
- # populate the values into cache
- authData = self._get_auth_strategy(host)
- transport = cmdgen.UdpTransportTarget((host.hostname,
- host.port or self._port))
- oid_cache = cache.setdefault(self._CACHE_KEY_OID, {})
- cmd_runner = cmdgen.CommandGenerator()
- if is_bulk:
- ret = cmd_runner.bulkCmd(authData, transport, 0, 100, *oids,
- lookupValues=True)
- else:
- ret = cmd_runner.getCmd(authData, transport, *oids,
- lookupValues=True)
- (error, data) = parse_snmp_return(ret, is_bulk)
- if error:
- raise SNMPException("An error occurred, oids %(oid)s, "
- "host %(host)s, %(err)s" %
- dict(oid=oids,
- host=host.hostname,
- err=data))
- # save result into cache
- if is_bulk:
- for var_bind_table_row in data:
- for name, val in var_bind_table_row:
- oid_cache[str(name)] = val
- else:
- for name, val in data:
- oid_cache[str(name)] = val
- @staticmethod
- def find_matching_oids(oid_cache, oid, match_type, find_one=True):
- matched = []
- if match_type == PREFIX:
- for key in oid_cache.keys():
- if key.startswith(oid):
- matched.append(key)
- if find_one:
- break
- else:
- if oid in oid_cache:
- matched.append(oid)
- return matched
- @staticmethod
- def get_oid_value(oid_cache, oid_def, suffix='', host=None):
- oid, converter = oid_def
- value = oid_cache[oid + suffix]
- if isinstance(value, (rfc1905.NoSuchObject, rfc1905.NoSuchInstance)):
- LOG.debug("OID %s%s has no value" % (
- oid, " on %s" % host.hostname if host else ""))
- return None
- if converter:
- value = converter(value)
- return value
- @classmethod
- def construct_metadata(cls, oid_cache, meta_defs, suffix='', host=None):
- metadata = {}
- for key, oid_def in meta_defs.items():
- metadata[key] = cls.get_oid_value(oid_cache, oid_def, suffix, host)
- return metadata
- @classmethod
- def _find_missing_oids(cls, meter_def, cache):
- # find oids have not been queried and cached
- new_oids = []
- oid_cache = cache.setdefault(cls._CACHE_KEY_OID, {})
- # check metric_oid
- if not cls.find_matching_oids(oid_cache,
- meter_def['metric_oid'][0],
- meter_def['matching_type']):
- new_oids.append(meter_def['metric_oid'][0])
- for metadata in meter_def['metadata'].values():
- if not cls.find_matching_oids(oid_cache,
- metadata[0],
- meter_def['matching_type']):
- new_oids.append(metadata[0])
- return new_oids
- def inspect_generic(self, host, cache, extra_metadata, param):
- # the snmp definition for the corresponding meter
- meter_def = param
- # collect oids that needs to be queried
- oids_to_query = self._find_missing_oids(meter_def, cache)
- # query oids and populate into caches
- if oids_to_query:
- self._query_oids(host, oids_to_query, cache,
- meter_def['matching_type'] == PREFIX)
- # construct (value, metadata, extra)
- oid_cache = cache[self._CACHE_KEY_OID]
- # find all oids which needed to construct final sample values
- # for matching type of EXACT, only 1 sample would be generated
- # for matching type of PREFIX, multiple samples could be generated
- oids_for_sample_values = self.find_matching_oids(
- oid_cache,
- meter_def['metric_oid'][0],
- meter_def['matching_type'],
- False)
- input_extra_metadata = extra_metadata
- for oid in oids_for_sample_values:
- suffix = oid[len(meter_def['metric_oid'][0]):]
- value = self.get_oid_value(oid_cache,
- meter_def['metric_oid'],
- suffix, host)
- # get the metadata for this sample value
- metadata = self.construct_metadata(oid_cache,
- meter_def['metadata'],
- suffix, host)
- extra_metadata = copy.deepcopy(input_extra_metadata) or {}
- # call post_op for special cases
- if meter_def['post_op']:
- func = getattr(self, meter_def['post_op'], None)
- if func:
- value = func(host, cache, meter_def,
- value, metadata, extra_metadata,
- suffix)
- yield (value, metadata, extra_metadata)
- def _post_op_memory_avail_to_used(self, host, cache, meter_def,
- value, metadata, extra, suffix):
- _memory_total_oid = ""
- if _memory_total_oid not in cache[self._CACHE_KEY_OID]:
- self._query_oids(host, [_memory_total_oid], cache, False)
- total_value = self.get_oid_value(cache[self._CACHE_KEY_OID],
- (_memory_total_oid, int))
- if total_value is None:
- return None
- return total_value - value
- def _post_op_net(self, host, cache, meter_def,
- value, metadata, extra, suffix):
- # add ip address into metadata
- _interface_ip_oid = ""
- oid_cache = cache.setdefault(self._CACHE_KEY_OID, {})
- if not self.find_matching_oids(oid_cache,
- _interface_ip_oid,
- # populate the oid into cache
- self._query_oids(host, [_interface_ip_oid], cache, True)
- ip_addr = ''
- for k, v in oid_cache.items():
- if k.startswith(_interface_ip_oid) and v == int(suffix[1:]):
- ip_addr = k.replace(_interface_ip_oid + ".", "")
- metadata.update(ip=ip_addr)
- # update resource_id for each nic interface
- self._suffix_resource_id(host, metadata, 'name', extra)
- return value
- def _post_op_disk(self, host, cache, meter_def,
- value, metadata, extra, suffix):
- self._suffix_resource_id(host, metadata, 'device', extra)
- return value
- @staticmethod
- def _suffix_resource_id(host, metadata, key, extra):
- prefix = metadata.get(key)
- if prefix:
- res_id = extra.get('resource_id') or host.hostname
- res_id = res_id + ".%s" % metadata.get(key)
- extra.update(resource_id=res_id)
- @staticmethod
- def _get_auth_strategy(host):
- options = urlparse.parse_qs(host.query)
- kwargs = {}
- for key in _usm_proto_mapping:
- opt = options.get(key, [None])[-1]
- value = _usm_proto_mapping[key][1].get(opt)
- if value:
- kwargs[_usm_proto_mapping[key][0]] = value
- priv_pass = options.get('priv_password', [None])[-1]
- if priv_pass:
- kwargs['privKey'] = priv_pass
- if host.password:
- kwargs['authKey'] = host.password
- if kwargs:
- auth_strategy = cmdgen.UsmUserData(host.username,
- **kwargs)
- else:
- auth_strategy = cmdgen.CommunityData(host.username or 'public')
- return auth_strategy
- def prepare_params(self, param):
- processed = {}
- processed['matching_type'] = param['matching_type']
- processed['metric_oid'] = (param['oid'], eval(param['type']))
- processed['post_op'] = param.get('post_op', None)
- processed['metadata'] = {}
- for k, v in param.get('metadata', {}).items():
- processed['metadata'][k] = (v['oid'], eval(v['type']))
- return processed