path: root/doc
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-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Django OpenStack Auth documentation build configuration file, created by
-# sphinx-quickstart on Sun Jul 8 15:13:36 2012.
-# This file is execfile()d with the current directory set to its containing dir.
-# Note that not all possible configuration values are present in this
-# autogenerated file.
-# All configuration values have a default; values that are commented out
-# serve to show the default.
-import os
-import django
-os.environ.setdefault('DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE', 'openstack_auth.tests.settings')
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-# add these directories to sys.path here. If the directory is relative to the
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-#sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('.'))
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-# The master toctree document.
-master_doc = 'index'
-# General information about the project.
-project = u'Django OpenStack Auth'
-copyright = u'2012, Gabriel Hurley'
-# The language for content autogenerated by Sphinx. Refer to documentation
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-#today_fmt = '%B %d, %Y'
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-# unit titles (such as .. function::).
-#add_module_names = True
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-# output. They are ignored by default.
-#show_authors = False
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-pygments_style = 'sphinx'
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-modindex_common_prefix = ['openstack_auth.']
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-#html_short_title = None
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-#html_sidebars = {}
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-#html_split_index = False
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-#html_show_sphinx = True
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-#html_show_copyright = True
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-#html_file_suffix = None
-# Output file base name for HTML help builder.
-htmlhelp_basename = 'DjangoOpenStackAuthdoc'
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-Django OpenStack Auth is configured through Django ```` file.
-In most cases it is used combined with the OpenStack Dashboard,
-so the settings file will be ``local/`` file
-in your OpenStack Dashboard deployment.
-This page covers the configuration options referred by Django OpenStack Auth.
-:ref:`Some settings <settings-shared-with-horizon>` are also referred to
-by Horizon. Configure them carefully.
-General settings
-Default: ``['openstack_auth.plugin.password.PasswordPlugin', 'openstack_auth.plugin.token.TokenPlugin']``
-A list of authentication plugins to be used.
-In most cases, there is no need to configure this.
-Default: ``None``
-A list of tuples which define multiple regions. The tuple format is
-``('http://{{ keystone_host }}:5000/v2.0', '{{ region_name }}')``. If any regions
-are specified the login form will have a dropdown selector for authenticating
-to the appropriate region, and there will be a region switcher dropdown in
-the site header when logged in.
-You should also define ``OPENSTACK_KEYSTONE_URL`` to indicate which of
-the regions is the default one.
-Default: ``{}``
-The default service region is set on a per-endpoint basis, meaning that once
-the user logs into some Keystone endpoint, if a default service region is
-defined for it in this setting and exists within Keystone catalog, it will be
-set as the initial service region in this endpoint. By default it is an empty
-dictionary because upstream can neither predict service region names in a
-specific deployment, nor tell whether this behavior is desired. The key of the
-dictionary is a full url of a Keystone endpoint with version suffix, the value
-is a region name.
- }
- {
- "identity": 2.0,
- ...,
- }
-Overrides for OpenStack API versions. Use this setting to force the
-OpenStack dashboard to use a specific API version for a given service API.
-Django OpenStack Auth refers to only the ``"identity"`` entry.
-The current valid values are "2.0" or "3".
-.. note::
- See `Horizon settings
- <>`__
- for the full description of this setting.
-Default: ``"publicURL"``
-A string which specifies the endpoint type to use for the endpoints in the
-Keystone service catalog. The default value for all services except for
-identity is ``"publicURL"``. The default value for the identity service is
-Default: ``["admin"]``
-The list of roles that have administrator privileges in this OpenStack
-installation. This check is very basic and essentially only works with
-keystone v2.0 and v3 with the default policy file. The setting assumes there
-is a common ``admin`` like role(s) across services. Example uses of this
-setting are:
-* to rename the ``admin`` role to ``cloud-admin``
-* allowing multiple roles to have administrative privileges, like
- ``["admin", "cloud-admin", "net-op"]``
-Default: ``"Default"``
-Overrides the default domain used when running on single-domain model
-with Keystone V3. All entities will be created in the default domain.
-.. note::
- This value must be the name of the default domain, NOT the ID.
- Also, you will most likely have a value in the keystone policy file like
- ``"cloud_admin": "rule:admin_required and domain_id:<your domain id>"``.
- This value must be the name of the domain whose ID is specified there.
-.. versionadded:: 12.0.0(Pike)
- (
- ('Default', 'Default'),
- )
-If OPENSTACK_KEYSTONE_DOMAIN_DROPDOWN is enabled, this option can be used to
-set the available domains to choose from. This is a list of pairs whose first
-value is the domain name and the second is the display name.
-.. versionadded:: 12.0.0(Pike)
-Default: ``False``
-Set this to True if you want available domains displayed as a dropdown menu on
-the login screen. It is strongly advised NOT to enable this for public clouds,
-as advertising enabled domains to unauthenticated customers irresponsibly
-exposes private information. This should only be used for private clouds where
-the dashboard sits behind a corporate firewall.
-Default: ``False``
-Set this to True if running on multi-domain model. When this is enabled, it
-will require user to enter the Domain name in addition to username for login.
-Default: ``"http://%s:5000/v2.0" % OPENSTACK_HOST``
-The full URL for the Keystone endpoint used for authentication. Unless you
-are using HTTPS, running your Keystone server on a nonstandard port, or using
-a nonstandard URL scheme you shouldn't need to touch this setting.
-Default: ``None``
-When unset or set to ``None`` the default CA certificate on the system is used
-for SSL verification.
-When set with the path to a custom CA certificate file, this overrides use of
-the default system CA certificate. This custom certificate is used to verify all
-connections to openstack services when making API calls.
-Default: ``False``
-Disable SSL certificate checks in the OpenStack clients (useful for self-signed
-Default: ``"md5"``
-The hash algorithm to use for authentication tokens. This must match the hash
-algorithm that the identity (Keystone) server and the auth_token middleware
-are using. Allowed values are the algorithms supported by Python's hashlib
-Default: ``True``
-Hashing tokens from Keystone keeps the Horizon session data smaller, but it
-doesn't work in some cases when using PKI tokens. Uncomment this value and
-set it to False if using PKI tokens and there are 401 errors due to token
-This option is now marked as "deprecated" and will be removed in Ocata or a
-later release. PKI tokens currently work with hashing, and Keystone will soon
-deprecate usage of PKI tokens.
-Default: ``-1``
-Password will have an expiration date when using keystone v3 and enabling the
-feature. This setting allows you to set the number of days that the user will
-be alerted prior to the password expiration. Once the password expires keystone
-will deny the access and users must contact an admin to change their password.
-Setting this value to ``N`` days means the user will be alerted when the
-password expires in less than ``N+1`` days. ``-1`` disables the feature.
-Default: ``{}``
-Specifies a list of policy directories per service types. The directories
-are relative to ``POLICY_FILES_PATH``. Services whose additional policies
-are defined here must be defined in ``POLICY_FILES`` too. Otherwise,
-additional policies specified in ``POLICY_DIRS`` are not loaded.
- 'identity': 'keystone_policy.d',
- 'compute': 'nova_policy.d'
- }
-Default: ``{'identity': 'keystone_policy.json', 'compute': 'nova_policy.json'}``
-This should essentially be the mapping of the contents of ``POLICY_FILES_PATH``
-to service types. When policy.json files are added to ``POLICY_FILES_PATH``,
-they should be included here too.
-Default: ``os.path.join(ROOT_PATH, "conf")``
-Specifies where service based policy files are located. These are used to
-define the policy rules actions are verified against.
-Default: ``False``
-If horizon is behind a proxy server and the proxy is configured, the IP address
-from request is passed using header variables inside the request. The header
-name depends on a proxy or a load-balancer. This setting specifies the name of
-the header with remote IP address. The main use is for authentication log
-(success or fail) displaing the IP address of the user.
-The commom value for this setting is ``HTTP_X_REAL_IP`` or
-If not present, then ``REMOTE_ADDR`` header is used. (``REMOTE_ADDR`` is the
-field of Django HttpRequest object which contains IP address of the client.)
-Default: ``"3600"``
-This ``SESSION_TIMEOUT`` is a method to supercede the token timeout with a
-shorter horizon session timeout (in seconds). So if your token expires in
-60 minutes, a value of 1800 will log users out after 30 minutes.
-Default: ``False``
-This setting allows deployers to control whether a token is deleted on log out.
-This can be helpful when there are often long running processes being run
-in the Horizon environment.
-Default: ``0``
-A time margin in seconds to subtract from the real token's validity.
-An example usage is that the token can be valid once the middleware
-passed, and invalid (timed-out) during a view rendering and this
-generates authorization errors during the view rendering.
-By setting this value to some smaller seconds, you can avoid token
-expiration during a view rendering.
-Default: ``"/"``
-Specifies the location where the access to the dashboard is configured in
-the web server.
-For example, if you're accessing the Dashboard via
-https://<your server>/dashboard, you would set this to ``"/dashboard/"``.
-.. note::
- Additional settings may be required in the config files of your webserver
- of choice. For example to make ``"/dashboard/"`` the web root in Apache,
- the ``"sites-available/horizon.conf"`` requires a couple of additional
- aliases set::
- Alias /dashboard/static %HORIZON_DIR%/static
- Alias /dashboard/media %HORIZON_DIR%/openstack_dashboard/static
- Apache also requires changing your WSGIScriptAlias to reflect the desired
- path. For example, you'd replace ``/`` with ``/dashboard`` for the
- alias.
-Web SSO (Single Sign On) settings
-Default: ``False``
-Enables keystone web single-sign-on if set to True. For this feature to work,
-make sure that you are using Keystone V3 and Django OpenStack Auth V1.2.0 or
-Default: ``"credentials"``
-Determines the default authentication mechanism. When user lands on the login
-page, this is the first choice they will see.
- (
- ("credentials", _("Keystone Credentials")),
- ("oidc", _("OpenID Connect")),
- ("saml2", _("Security Assertion Markup Language"))
- )
-This is the list of authentication mechanisms available to the user. It
-includes Keystone federation protocols such as OpenID Connect and SAML, and
-also keys that map to specific identity provider and federation protocol
-combinations (as defined in ``WEBSSO_IDP_MAPPING``). The list of choices is
-completely configurable, so as long as the id remains intact. Do not remove
-the credentials mechanism unless you are sure. Once removed, even admins will
-have no way to log into the system via the dashboard.
-Default: ``{}``
-A dictionary of specific identity provider and federation protocol combinations.
-From the selected authentication mechanism, the value will be looked up as keys
-in the dictionary. If a match is found, it will redirect the user to a identity
-provider and federation protocol specific WebSSO endpoint in keystone, otherwise
-it will use the value as the protocol_id when redirecting to the WebSSO by
-protocol endpoint.
- ("credentials", _("Keystone Credentials")),
- ("oidc", _("OpenID Connect")),
- ("saml2", _("Security Assertion Markup Language")),
- ("acme_oidc", "ACME - OpenID Connect"),
- ("acme_saml2", "ACME - SAML2")
- )
- "acme_oidc": ("acme", "oidc"),
- "acme_saml2": ("acme", "saml2")
- }
-.. note::
- The value is expected to be a tuple formatted as: (<idp_id>, <protocol_id>).
-K2K (Keystone to Keystone) Federation settings
-Default: ``Local Keystone``
-The Keystone Provider drop down uses Keystone to Keystone federation
-to switch between Keystone service providers.
-This sets display name for Identity Provider (dropdown display name).
-Default:: ``localkeystone``
-This ID is used for only for comparison with the service provider IDs.
-This ID should not match any service provider IDs.
-.. _settings-shared-with-horizon:
-Settings shared with Horizon
-The following settings in Django OpenStack Auth are also used by Horizon.
-* ``WEBROOT``
-Django OpenStack Auth also refers to the following Django settings.
-For more detail, see `Django settings documentation
-They are usually configured as part of Horizon settings.
-* ``LOGIN_URL``
-* ``USE_TZ``
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-Django OpenStack Auth
-Django OpenStack Auth is a pluggable Django authentication backend that
-works with Django's ``contrib.auth`` framework to authenticate a user against
-OpenStack's Keystone Identity API.
-The current version is designed to work with the Keystone V2 or V3 API.
-.. toctree::
- :maxdepth: 2
- install/index
- configuration/index
- reference/index
-* :ref:`genindex`
-* :ref:`modindex`
-* :ref:`search`
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-Getting Started
-Installing is quick and easy:
-#. Run ``pip install django_openstack_auth``.
-#. Add ``openstack_auth`` to ``settings.INSTALLED_APPS``.
-#. Add ``'openstack_auth.backend.KeystoneBackend'`` to your
- ``settings.AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS``, e.g.::
- AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS = ('openstack_auth.backend.KeystoneBackend',)
-#. Configure your API endpoint(s) in ````::
-#. Include ``'openstack_auth.urls'`` somewhere in your ```` file.
-#. Use it as you would any other Django auth backend.
-Running Tests
-Before running tests, you should have ``tox`` installed and available in your
-.. code-block:: bash
- $ pip install tox
-.. NOTE::
- You may need to perform both the above operation and the next inside a
- python virtualenv, or prefix the above command with ``sudo``, depending on
- your preference.
-To execute the full suite of tests maintained within the project, simply run:
-.. code-block:: bash
- $ tox
-.. NOTE::
- The first time you run ``tox``, it will take additional time to build
- virtualenvs. You can later use the ``-r`` option with ``tox`` to rebuild
- your virtualenv in a similar manner.
-To run tests for one or more specific test environments (for example, the most
-common configuration of Python 2.7 and PEP-8), list the environments with the
-``-e`` option, separated by spaces:
-.. code-block:: bash
- $ tox -e py27,pep8
-See ``tox.ini`` for the full list of available test environments.
diff --git a/doc/source/reference/backend.rst b/doc/source/reference/backend.rst
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-The Backend Module
-.. automodule:: openstack_auth.backend
- :members:
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-The Forms Module
-.. automodule:: openstack_auth.forms
- :members:
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- Django OpenStack Auth API Reference
-.. toctree::
- :maxdepth: 2
- user
- views
- forms
- backend
- utils
diff --git a/doc/source/reference/user.rst b/doc/source/reference/user.rst
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-The User Class
-.. automodule:: openstack_auth.user
- :members:
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-The Utils Module
-.. automodule:: openstack_auth.utils
- :members:
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-The Views Module
-.. automodule:: openstack_auth.views
- :members: