diff options
authorFlavio Percoco <>2014-07-17 09:48:37 +0200
committerFlavio Percoco <>2014-07-17 11:53:18 +0200
commit2450528776035950898607dc0436da0515934244 (patch)
parent80af4f414ab236daf7aa04519233c71cad7cf623 (diff)
Add .gitreview to the repo
This patch also removes `swift` related code until we port it. Change-Id: I5c78af7334cb39e6d32afe7ca342f91c5521d30b
8 files changed, 129 insertions, 1673 deletions
diff --git a/.gitreview b/.gitreview
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..261a6f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitreview
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/doc/source/ b/doc/source/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..125e241
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/source/
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import os
+import sys
+sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('../..'))
+# -- General configuration ----------------------------------------------------
+# Add any Sphinx extension module names here, as strings. They can be
+# extensions coming with Sphinx (named 'sphinx.ext.*') or your custom ones.
+extensions = ['sphinx.ext.autodoc', 'sphinx.ext.intersphinx', 'oslosphinx']
+# autodoc generation is a bit aggressive and a nuisance when doing heavy
+# text edit cycles.
+# execute "export SPHINX_DEBUG=1" in your terminal to disable
+# Add any paths that contain templates here, relative to this directory.
+# templates_path = []
+# The suffix of source filenames.
+source_suffix = '.rst'
+# The master toctree document.
+master_doc = 'index'
+# General information about the project.
+project = u''
+copyright = u'2014, OpenStack Foundation'
+# If true, '()' will be appended to :func: etc. cross-reference text.
+add_function_parentheses = True
+# If true, the current module name will be prepended to all description
+# unit titles (such as .. function::).
+add_module_names = True
+# The name of the Pygments (syntax highlighting) style to use.
+pygments_style = 'sphinx'
+# -- Options for HTML output --------------------------------------------------
+# The theme to use for HTML and HTML Help pages. Major themes that come with
+# Sphinx are currently 'default' and 'sphinxdoc'.
+# html_theme_path = ["."]
+# html_theme = '_theme'
+html_static_path = ['static']
+# Output file base name for HTML help builder.
+htmlhelp_basename = '%sdoc' % project
+git_cmd = "git log --pretty=format:'%ad, commit %h' --date=local -n1"
+html_last_updated_fmt = os.popen(git_cmd).read()
+# Grouping the document tree into LaTeX files. List of tuples
+# (source start file, target name, title, author, documentclass
+# [howto/manual]).
+latex_documents = [
+ ('index',
+ '%s.tex' % project,
+ '%s Documentation' % project,
+ 'OpenStack Foundation', 'manual'),
+# Example configuration for intersphinx: refer to the Python standard library.
+intersphinx_mapping = {'': None}
diff --git a/doc/source/index.rst b/doc/source/index.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..11a5044
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/source/index.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+The library supports the creation, deletion and gather of data
+assets from/to a set of several, different, storage technologies
+.. toctree::
+ :maxdepth: 1
+Release Notes
+* Initial release of glance.store_.
+Indices and tables
+* :ref:`genindex`
+* :ref:`modindex`
+* :ref:`search`
diff --git a/glance/store/_drivers/ b/glance/store/_drivers/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8e79d00..0000000
--- a/glance/store/_drivers/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,687 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2010-2011 OpenStack Foundation
-# All Rights Reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-# a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-"""Storage backend for SWIFT"""
-from __future__ import absolute_import
-import hashlib
-import httplib
-import logging
-import math
-import urllib
-import urlparse
-from oslo.config import cfg
-from glance.common import auth
-from glance.common import exception
-from glance.openstack.common import excutils
- import swiftclient
-except ImportError:
- pass
-LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-ONE_MB = 1000 * 1024
-swift_opts = [
- cfg.BoolOpt('swift_enable_snet', default=False,
- help=_('Whether to use ServiceNET to communicate with the '
- 'Swift storage servers.')),
- cfg.StrOpt('swift_store_auth_address',
- help=_('The address where the Swift authentication service '
- 'is listening.')),
- cfg.StrOpt('swift_store_user', secret=True,
- help=_('The user to authenticate against the Swift '
- 'authentication service')),
- cfg.StrOpt('swift_store_key', secret=True,
- help=_('Auth key for the user authenticating against the '
- 'Swift authentication service.')),
- cfg.StrOpt('swift_store_auth_version', default='2',
- help=_('Version of the authentication service to use. '
- 'Valid versions are 2 for keystone and 1 for swauth '
- 'and rackspace')),
- cfg.BoolOpt('swift_store_auth_insecure', default=False,
- help=_('If True, swiftclient won\'t check for a valid SSL '
- 'certificate when authenticating.')),
- cfg.StrOpt('swift_store_region',
- help=_('The region of the swift endpoint to be used for '
- 'single tenant. This setting is only necessary if the '
- 'tenant has multiple swift endpoints.')),
- cfg.StrOpt('swift_store_endpoint_type', default='publicURL',
- help=_('A string giving the endpoint type of the swift '
- 'service to use (publicURL, adminURL or internalURL). '
- 'This setting is only used if swift_store_auth_version '
- 'is 2.')),
- cfg.StrOpt('swift_store_service_type', default='object-store',
- help=_('A string giving the service type of the swift service '
- 'to use. This setting is only used if '
- 'swift_store_auth_version is 2.')),
- cfg.StrOpt('swift_store_container',
- help=_('Container within the account that the account should '
- 'use for storing images in Swift.')),
- cfg.IntOpt('swift_store_large_object_size',
- help=_('The size, in MB, that Glance will start chunking image '
- 'files and do a large object manifest in Swift')),
- cfg.IntOpt('swift_store_large_object_chunk_size',
- help=_('The amount of data written to a temporary disk buffer '
- 'during the process of chunking the image file.')),
- cfg.BoolOpt('swift_store_create_container_on_put', default=False,
- help=_('A boolean value that determines if we create the '
- 'container if it does not exist.')),
- cfg.BoolOpt('swift_store_multi_tenant', default=False,
- help=_('If set to True, enables multi-tenant storage '
- 'mode which causes Glance images to be stored in '
- 'tenant specific Swift accounts.')),
- cfg.ListOpt('swift_store_admin_tenants', default=[],
- help=_('A list of tenants that will be granted read/write '
- 'access on all Swift containers created by Glance in '
- 'multi-tenant mode.')),
- cfg.BoolOpt('swift_store_ssl_compression', default=True,
- help=_('If set to False, disables SSL layer compression of '
- 'https swift requests. Setting to False may improve '
- 'performance for images which are already in a '
- 'compressed format, eg qcow2.')),
-CONF = cfg.CONF
-class StoreLocation(
- """
- Class describing a Swift URI. A Swift URI can look like any of
- the following:
- swift://
- swift://
- swift+
- swift+
- When using multi-tenant a URI might look like this (a storage URL):
- swift+
- The swift+http:// URIs indicate there is an HTTP authentication URL.
- The default for Swift is an HTTPS authentication URL, so swift:// and
- swift+https:// are the same...
- """
- def process_specs(self):
- self.scheme = self.specs.get('scheme', 'swift+https')
- self.user = self.specs.get('user')
- self.key = self.specs.get('key')
- self.auth_or_store_url = self.specs.get('auth_or_store_url')
- self.container = self.specs.get('container')
- self.obj = self.specs.get('obj')
- def _get_credstring(self):
- if self.user and self.key:
- return '%s:%s@' % (urllib.quote(self.user), urllib.quote(self.key))
- return ''
- def get_uri(self):
- auth_or_store_url = self.auth_or_store_url
- if auth_or_store_url.startswith('http://'):
- auth_or_store_url = auth_or_store_url[len('http://'):]
- elif auth_or_store_url.startswith('https://'):
- auth_or_store_url = auth_or_store_url[len('https://'):]
- credstring = self._get_credstring()
- auth_or_store_url = auth_or_store_url.strip('/')
- container = self.container.strip('/')
- obj = self.obj.strip('/')
- return '%s://%s%s/%s/%s' % (self.scheme, credstring, auth_or_store_url,
- container, obj)
- def parse_uri(self, uri):
- """
- Parse URLs. This method fixes an issue where credentials specified
- in the URL are interpreted differently in Python 2.6.1+ than prior
- versions of Python. It also deals with the peculiarity that new-style
- Swift URIs have where a username can contain a ':', like so:
- swift://
- """
- # Make sure that URIs that contain multiple schemes, such as:
- # swift://user:pass@
- # are immediately rejected.
- if uri.count('://') != 1:
- reason = _("URI cannot contain more than one occurrence "
- "of a scheme. If you have specified a URI like "
- "swift://user:pass@"
- ", you need to change it to use the "
- "swift+http:// scheme, like so: "
- "swift+")
- LOG.debug(_("Invalid store URI: %(reason)s"), {'reason': reason})
- raise exceptions.BadStoreUri(message=reason)
- pieces = urlparse.urlparse(uri)
- assert pieces.scheme in ('swift', 'swift+http', 'swift+https')
- self.scheme = pieces.scheme
- netloc = pieces.netloc
- path = pieces.path.lstrip('/')
- if netloc != '':
- # > Python 2.6.1
- if '@' in netloc:
- creds, netloc = netloc.split('@')
- else:
- creds = None
- else:
- # Python 2.6.1 compat
- # see lp659445 and Python issue7904
- if '@' in path:
- creds, path = path.split('@')
- else:
- creds = None
- netloc = path[0:path.find('/')].strip('/')
- path = path[path.find('/'):].strip('/')
- if creds:
- cred_parts = creds.split(':')
- if len(cred_parts) != 2:
- reason = (_("Badly formed credentials in Swift URI."))
- LOG.debug(reason)
- raise exceptions.BadStoreUri()
- user, key = cred_parts
- self.user = urllib.unquote(user)
- self.key = urllib.unquote(key)
- else:
- self.user = None
- self.key = None
- path_parts = path.split('/')
- try:
- self.obj = path_parts.pop()
- self.container = path_parts.pop()
- if not netloc.startswith('http'):
- # push hostname back into the remaining to build full authurl
- path_parts.insert(0, netloc)
- self.auth_or_store_url = '/'.join(path_parts)
- except IndexError:
- reason = _("Badly formed Swift URI.")
- LOG.debug(reason)
- raise exceptions.BadStoreUri()
- @property
- def swift_url(self):
- """
- Creates a fully-qualified auth url that the Swift client library can
- use. The scheme for the auth_url is determined using the scheme
- included in the `location` field.
- HTTPS is assumed, unless 'swift+http' is specified.
- """
- if self.auth_or_store_url.startswith('http'):
- return self.auth_or_store_url
- else:
- if self.scheme in ('swift+https', 'swift'):
- auth_scheme = 'https://'
- else:
- auth_scheme = 'http://'
- return ''.join([auth_scheme, self.auth_or_store_url])
-def Store(context=None, loc=None):
- if (CONF.swift_store_multi_tenant and
- (loc is None or loc.store_location.user is None)):
- return MultiTenantStore(context, loc)
- return SingleTenantStore(context, loc)
-class BaseStore(
- CHUNKSIZE = 65536
- def get_schemes(self):
- return ('swift+https', 'swift', 'swift+http')
- def configure(self):
- _obj_size = self._option_get('swift_store_large_object_size')
- self.large_object_size = _obj_size * ONE_MB
- _chunk_size = self._option_get('swift_store_large_object_chunk_size')
- self.large_object_chunk_size = _chunk_size * ONE_MB
- self.admin_tenants = CONF.swift_store_admin_tenants
- self.region = CONF.swift_store_region
- self.service_type = CONF.swift_store_service_type
- self.endpoint_type = CONF.swift_store_endpoint_type
- self.snet = CONF.swift_enable_snet
- self.insecure = CONF.swift_store_auth_insecure
- self.ssl_compression = CONF.swift_store_ssl_compression
- def get(self, location, offset=0, chunk_size=None, context=None):
- location = location.store_location
- if not connection:
- connection = self.get_connection(location)
- try:
- resp_headers, resp_body = connection.get_object(
- container=location.container, obj=location.obj,
- resp_chunk_size=self.CHUNKSIZE)
- except swiftclient.ClientException as e:
- if e.http_status == httplib.NOT_FOUND:
- msg = _("Swift could not find object %s.") % location.obj
- LOG.warn(msg)
- raise exceptions.NotFound(msg)
- else:
- raise
- class ResponseIndexable(
- def another(self):
- try:
- return
- except StopIteration:
- return ''
- length = int(resp_headers.get('content-length', 0))
- return (ResponseIndexable(resp_body, length), length)
- def get_size(self, location, connection=None):
- location = location.store_location
- if not connection:
- connection = self.get_connection(location)
- try:
- resp_headers = connection.head_object(
- container=location.container, obj=location.obj)
- return int(resp_headers.get('content-length', 0))
- except Exception:
- return 0
- def _option_get(self, param):
- result = getattr(CONF, param)
- if not result:
- reason = (_("Could not find %(param)s in configuration "
- "options.") % {'param': param})
- LOG.error(reason)
- raise exceptions.BadStoreConfiguration(store_name="swift",
- reason=reason)
- return result
- def _delete_stale_chunks(self, connection, container, chunk_list):
- for chunk in chunk_list:
- LOG.debug(_("Deleting chunk %s") % chunk)
- try:
- connection.delete_object(container, chunk)
- except Exception:
- msg = _("Failed to delete orphaned chunk %s/%s")
- LOG.exception(msg, container, chunk)
- def add(self, image_id, image_file, image_size, connection=None):
- location = self.create_location(image_id)
- if not connection:
- connection = self.get_connection(location)
- self._create_container_if_missing(location.container, connection)
- LOG.debug(_("Adding image object '%(obj_name)s' "
- "to Swift") % dict(obj_name=location.obj))
- try:
- if image_size > 0 and image_size < self.large_object_size:
- # Image size is known, and is less than large_object_size.
- # Send to Swift with regular PUT.
- obj_etag = connection.put_object(location.container,
- location.obj, image_file,
- content_length=image_size)
- else:
- # Write the image into Swift in chunks.
- chunk_id = 1
- if image_size > 0:
- total_chunks = str(int(
- math.ceil(float(image_size) /
- float(self.large_object_chunk_size))))
- else:
- # image_size == 0 is when we don't know the size
- # of the image. This can occur with older clients
- # that don't inspect the payload size.
- LOG.debug(_("Cannot determine image size. Adding as a "
- "segmented object to Swift."))
- total_chunks = '?'
- checksum = hashlib.md5()
- written_chunks = []
- combined_chunks_size = 0
- while True:
- chunk_size = self.large_object_chunk_size
- if image_size == 0:
- content_length = None
- else:
- left = image_size - combined_chunks_size
- if left == 0:
- break
- if chunk_size > left:
- chunk_size = left
- content_length = chunk_size
- chunk_name = "%s-%05d" % (location.obj, chunk_id)
- reader = ChunkReader(image_file, checksum, chunk_size)
- try:
- chunk_etag = connection.put_object(
- location.container, chunk_name, reader,
- content_length=content_length)
- written_chunks.append(chunk_name)
- except Exception:
- # Delete orphaned segments from swift backend
- with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
- LOG.exception(_("Error during chunked upload to "
- "backend, deleting stale chunks"))
- self._delete_stale_chunks(connection,
- location.container,
- written_chunks)
- bytes_read = reader.bytes_read
- msg = (_("Wrote chunk %(chunk_name)s (%(chunk_id)d/"
- "%(total_chunks)s) of length %(bytes_read)d "
- "to Swift returning MD5 of content: "
- "%(chunk_etag)s") %
- {'chunk_name': chunk_name,
- 'chunk_id': chunk_id,
- 'total_chunks': total_chunks,
- 'bytes_read': bytes_read,
- 'chunk_etag': chunk_etag})
- LOG.debug(msg)
- if bytes_read == 0:
- # Delete the last chunk, because it's of zero size.
- # This will happen if size == 0.
- LOG.debug(_("Deleting final zero-length chunk"))
- connection.delete_object(location.container,
- chunk_name)
- break
- chunk_id += 1
- combined_chunks_size += bytes_read
- # In the case we have been given an unknown image size,
- # set the size to the total size of the combined chunks.
- if image_size == 0:
- image_size = combined_chunks_size
- # Now we write the object manifest and return the
- # manifest's etag...
- manifest = "%s/%s-" % (location.container, location.obj)
- headers = {'ETag': hashlib.md5("").hexdigest(),
- 'X-Object-Manifest': manifest}
- # The ETag returned for the manifest is actually the
- # MD5 hash of the concatenated checksums of the strings
- # of each we ignore this result in favour of
- # the MD5 of the entire image file contents, so that
- # users can verify the image file contents accordingly
- connection.put_object(location.container, location.obj,
- None, headers=headers)
- obj_etag = checksum.hexdigest()
- # NOTE: We return the user and key here! Have to because
- # location is used by the API server to return the actual
- # image data. We *really* should consider NOT returning
- # the location attribute from GET /images/<ID> and
- # GET /images/details
- return (location.get_uri(), image_size, obj_etag, {})
- except swiftclient.ClientException as e:
- if e.http_status == httplib.CONFLICT:
- raise exceptions.Duplicate(_("Swift already has an image at "
- "this location"))
- msg = (_("Failed to add object to Swift.\n"
- "Got error from Swift: %(e)s") % {'e': e})
- LOG.error(msg)
- raise
- def delete(self, location, connection=None):
- location = location.store_location
- if not connection:
- connection = self.get_connection(location)
- try:
- # We request the manifest for the object. If one exists,
- # that means the object was uploaded in chunks/segments,
- # and we need to delete all the chunks as well as the
- # manifest.
- manifest = None
- try:
- headers = connection.head_object(
- location.container, location.obj)
- manifest = headers.get('x-object-manifest')
- except swiftclient.ClientException as e:
- if e.http_status != httplib.NOT_FOUND:
- raise
- if manifest:
- # Delete all the chunks before the object manifest itself
- obj_container, obj_prefix = manifest.split('/', 1)
- segments = connection.get_container(
- obj_container, prefix=obj_prefix)[1]
- for segment in segments:
- # TODO(jaypipes): This would be an easy area to parallelize
- # since we're simply sending off parallelizable requests
- # to Swift to delete stuff. It's not like we're going to
- # be hogging up network or file I/O here...
- connection.delete_object(obj_container,
- segment['name'])
- # Delete object (or, in segmented case, the manifest)
- connection.delete_object(location.container, location.obj)
- except swiftclient.ClientException as e:
- if e.http_status == httplib.NOT_FOUND:
- msg = _("Swift could not find image at URI.")
- raise exceptions.NotFound(msg)
- else:
- raise
- def _create_container_if_missing(self, container, connection):
- """
- Creates a missing container in Swift if the
- ``swift_store_create_container_on_put`` option is set.
- :param container: Name of container to create
- :param connection: Connection to swift service
- """
- try:
- connection.head_container(container)
- except swiftclient.ClientException as e:
- if e.http_status == httplib.NOT_FOUND:
- if CONF.swift_store_create_container_on_put:
- try:
- connection.put_container(container)
- except swiftclient.ClientException as e:
- msg = (_("Failed to add container to Swift.\n"
- "Got error from Swift: %(e)s") % {'e': e})
- raise
- else:
- msg = (_("The container %(container)s does not exist in "
- "Swift. Please set the "
- "swift_store_create_container_on_put option"
- "to add container to Swift automatically.") %
- {'container': container})
- raise
- else:
- raise
- def get_connection(self):
- raise NotImplemented()
- def create_location(self):
- raise NotImplemented()
-class SingleTenantStore(BaseStore):
- def configure(self):
- super(SingleTenantStore, self).configure()
- self.auth_version = self._option_get('swift_store_auth_version')
- def configure_add(self):
- self.auth_address = self._option_get('swift_store_auth_address')
- if self.auth_address.startswith('http://'):
- self.scheme = 'swift+http'
- else:
- self.scheme = 'swift+https'
- self.container = CONF.swift_store_container
- self.user = self._option_get('swift_store_user')
- self.key = self._option_get('swift_store_key')
- def create_location(self, image_id):
- specs = {'scheme': self.scheme,
- 'container': self.container,
- 'obj': str(image_id),
- 'auth_or_store_url': self.auth_address,
- 'user': self.user,
- 'key': self.key}
- return StoreLocation(specs)
- def get_connection(self, location):
- if not location.user:
- reason = (_("Location is missing user:password information."))
- LOG.debug(reason)
- raise exceptions.BadStoreUri(message=reason)
- auth_url = location.swift_url
- if not auth_url.endswith('/'):
- auth_url += '/'
- if self.auth_version == '2':
- try:
- tenant_name, user = location.user.split(':')
- except ValueError:
- reason = (_("Badly formed tenant:user '%(user)s' in "
- "Swift URI") % {'user': location.user})
- LOG.debug(reason)
- raise exceptions.BadStoreUri()
- else:
- tenant_name = None
- user = location.user
- os_options = {}
- if self.region:
- os_options['region_name'] = self.region
- os_options['endpoint_type'] = self.endpoint_type
- os_options['service_type'] = self.service_type
- return swiftclient.Connection(
- auth_url, user, location.key, insecure=self.insecure,
- tenant_name=tenant_name, snet=self.snet,
- auth_version=self.auth_version, os_options=os_options,
- ssl_compression=self.ssl_compression)
-class MultiTenantStore(BaseStore):
- def configure_add(self):
- self.container = CONF.swift_store_container
- if self.context is None:
- reason = _("Multi-tenant Swift storage requires a context.")
- raise exceptions.BadStoreConfiguration(store_name="swift",
- reason=reason)
- if self.context.service_catalog is None:
- reason = _("Multi-tenant Swift storage requires "
- "a service catalog.")
- raise exceptions.BadStoreConfiguration(store_name="swift",
- reason=reason)
- self.storage_url = auth.get_endpoint(
- self.context.service_catalog, service_type=self.service_type,
- endpoint_region=self.region, endpoint_type=self.endpoint_type)
- if self.storage_url.startswith('http://'):
- self.scheme = 'swift+http'
- else:
- self.scheme = 'swift+https'
- def delete(self, location, connection=None):
- if not connection:
- connection = self.get_connection(location.store_location)
- super(MultiTenantStore, self).delete(location, connection)
- connection.delete_container(location.store_location.container)
- def set_acls(self, location, public=False, read_tenants=None,
- write_tenants=None, connection=None):
- location = location.store_location
- if not connection:
- connection = self.get_connection(location)
- if read_tenants is None:
- read_tenants = []
- if write_tenants is None:
- write_tenants = []
- headers = {}
- if public:
- headers['X-Container-Read'] = ".r:*,.rlistings"
- elif read_tenants:
- headers['X-Container-Read'] = ','.join('%s:*' % i
- for i in read_tenants)
- else:
- headers['X-Container-Read'] = ''
- write_tenants.extend(self.admin_tenants)
- if write_tenants:
- headers['X-Container-Write'] = ','.join('%s:*' % i
- for i in write_tenants)
- else:
- headers['X-Container-Write'] = ''
- try:
- connection.post_container(location.container, headers=headers)
- except swiftclient.ClientException as e:
- if e.http_status == httplib.NOT_FOUND:
- msg = _("Swift could not find image at URI.")
- raise exceptions.NotFound(msg)
- else:
- raise
- def create_location(self, image_id):
- specs = {'scheme': self.scheme,
- 'container': self.container + '_' + str(image_id),
- 'obj': str(image_id),
- 'auth_or_store_url': self.storage_url}
- return StoreLocation(specs)
- def get_connection(self, location):
- return swiftclient.Connection(
- None, self.context.user, None,
- preauthurl=location.swift_url,
- preauthtoken=self.context.auth_tok,
- tenant_name=self.context.tenant,
- auth_version='2', snet=self.snet, insecure=self.insecure,
- ssl_compression=self.ssl_compression)
-class ChunkReader(object):
- def __init__(self, fd, checksum, total):
- self.fd = fd
- self.checksum = checksum
- = total
- self.bytes_read = 0
- def read(self, i):
- left = - self.bytes_read
- if i > left:
- i = left
- result =
- self.bytes_read += len(result)
- self.checksum.update(result)
- return result
diff --git a/glance/store/_drivers/ b/glance/store/_drivers/
index b81be3f..57fad7f 100644
--- a/glance/store/_drivers/
+++ b/glance/store/_drivers/
@@ -176,9 +176,12 @@ class StoreLocation(location.StoreLocation):
return '%s?%s' % (base_url, self.query)
- def _is_valid_path(self, path):
- sdir = self.conf.glance_store.vmware_store_image_dir.strip('/')
- return path.startswith(os.path.join(DS_URL_PREFIX, sdir))
+ # NOTE(flaper87): Commenting out for now, it's probably better to do
+ # it during image add/get. This validation relies on a config param
+ # which doesn't make sense to have in the StoreLocation instance.
+ #def _is_valid_path(self, path):
+ # sdir = self.conf.glance_store.vmware_store_image_dir.strip('/')
+ # return path.startswith(os.path.join(DS_URL_PREFIX, sdir))
def parse_uri(self, uri):
if not uri.startswith('%s://' % STORE_SCHEME):
@@ -189,19 +192,14 @@ class StoreLocation(location.StoreLocation):
(self.scheme, self.server_host,
path, params, query, fragment) = urlparse.urlparse(uri)
if not query:
- path = path.split('?')
- if self._is_valid_path(path[0]):
- self.path = path[0]
- self.query = path[1]
- return
- #elif self._is_valid_path(path):
- else:
- self.path = path
- self.query = query
- return
- reason = 'Badly formed VMware datastore URI %(uri)s.' % {'uri': uri}
- LOG.debug(reason)
- raise exceptions.BadStoreUri(reason)
+ path, query = path.split('?')
+ self.path = path
+ self.query = query
+ # NOTE(flaper87): Read comment on `_is_valid_path`
+ #reason = 'Badly formed VMware datastore URI %(uri)s.' % {'uri': uri}
+ #LOG.debug(reason)
+ #raise exceptions.BadStoreUri(reason)
class Store(
diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
index 0dfb490..ac5e692 100644
--- a/requirements.txt
+++ b/requirements.txt
@@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/test-requirements.txt b/test-requirements.txt
index a975a91..0154dd5 100644
--- a/test-requirements.txt
+++ b/test-requirements.txt
@@ -6,6 +6,20 @@ mock>=1.0
# Unit testing
+# this is required for the docs build jobs
+### Store specific packages
+# For S3 storage backend
+# For VMware storage backend.
+oslo.vmware>=0.4 # Apache-2.0
diff --git a/tests/unit/ b/tests/unit/
deleted file mode 100644
index eaa2a14..0000000
--- a/tests/unit/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,965 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2011 OpenStack Foundation
-# All Rights Reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-# a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-"""Tests the Swift backend store"""
-import hashlib
-import httplib
-import mock
-import StringIO
-import tempfile
-import urllib
-import uuid
-from oslo.config import cfg
-import swiftclient
-from import exceptions
-from import get_location_from_uri
-from import swift
-from glance.tests.unit import base
-CONF = cfg.CONF
-FAKE_UUID = lambda: str(uuid.uuid4())
-Store =
-FIVE_KB = 5 * 1024
-FIVE_GB = 5 * 1024 * 3
-SWIFT_CONF = {'verbose': True,
- 'debug': True,
- 'known_stores': [''],
- 'default_store': 'swift',
- 'swift_store_user': 'user',
- 'swift_store_key': 'key',
- 'swift_store_auth_address': 'localhost:8080',
- 'swift_store_container': 'glance'}
-# We stub out as little as possible to ensure that the code paths
-# between and swiftclient are tested
-# thoroughly
-def stub_out_swiftclient(test, swift_store_auth_version):
- fixture_containers = ['glance']
- fixture_container_headers = {}
- fixture_headers = {
- 'glance/%s' % FAKE_UUID: {
- 'content-length': FIVE_KB,
- 'etag': 'c2e5db72bd7fd153f53ede5da5a06de3'
- }
- }
- fixture_objects = {'glance/%s' % FAKE_UUID:
- StringIO.StringIO("*" * FIVE_KB)}
- def fake_head_container(url, token, container, **kwargs):
- if container not in fixture_containers:
- msg = "No container %s found" % container
- raise swiftclient.ClientException(msg,
- http_status=httplib.NOT_FOUND)
- return fixture_container_headers
- def fake_put_container(url, token, container, **kwargs):
- fixture_containers.append(container)
- def fake_post_container(url, token, container, headers, http_conn=None):
- for key, value in headers.iteritems():
- fixture_container_headers[key] = value
- def fake_put_object(url, token, container, name, contents, **kwargs):
- # PUT returns the ETag header for the newly-added object
- # Large object manifest...
- CHUNKSIZE = 64 * units.Ki
- fixture_key = "%s/%s" % (container, name)
- if fixture_key not in fixture_headers:
- if kwargs.get('headers'):
- etag = kwargs['headers']['ETag']
- fixture_headers[fixture_key] = {'manifest': True,
- 'etag': etag}
- return etag
- if hasattr(contents, 'read'):
- fixture_object = StringIO.StringIO()
- chunk =
- checksum = hashlib.md5()
- while chunk:
- fixture_object.write(chunk)
- checksum.update(chunk)
- chunk =
- etag = checksum.hexdigest()
- else:
- fixture_object = StringIO.StringIO(contents)
- etag = hashlib.md5(fixture_object.getvalue()).hexdigest()
- read_len = fixture_object.len
- if read_len > MAX_SWIFT_OBJECT_SIZE:
- msg = ('Image size:%d exceeds Swift max:%d' %
- (read_len, MAX_SWIFT_OBJECT_SIZE))
- raise swiftclient.ClientException(
- msg, http_status=httplib.REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE)
- fixture_objects[fixture_key] = fixture_object
- fixture_headers[fixture_key] = {
- 'content-length': read_len,
- 'etag': etag}
- return etag
- else:
- msg = ("Object PUT failed - Object with key %s already exists"
- % fixture_key)
- raise swiftclient.ClientException(msg,
- http_status=httplib.CONFLICT)
- def fake_get_object(url, token, container, name, **kwargs):
- # GET returns the tuple (list of headers, file object)
- fixture_key = "%s/%s" % (container, name)
- if fixture_key not in fixture_headers:
- msg = "Object GET failed"
- raise swiftclient.ClientException(msg,
- http_status=httplib.NOT_FOUND)
- fixture = fixture_headers[fixture_key]
- if 'manifest' in fixture:
- # Large object manifest... we return a file containing
- # all objects with prefix of this fixture key
- chunk_keys = sorted([k for k in fixture_headers.keys()
- if k.startswith(fixture_key) and
- k != fixture_key])
- result = StringIO.StringIO()
- for key in chunk_keys:
- result.write(fixture_objects[key].getvalue())
- return fixture_headers[fixture_key], result
- else:
- return fixture_headers[fixture_key], fixture_objects[fixture_key]
- def fake_head_object(url, token, container, name, **kwargs):
- # HEAD returns the list of headers for an object
- try:
- fixture_key = "%s/%s" % (container, name)
- return fixture_headers[fixture_key]
- except KeyError:
- msg = "Object HEAD failed - Object does not exist"
- raise swiftclient.ClientException(msg,
- http_status=httplib.NOT_FOUND)
- def fake_delete_object(url, token, container, name, **kwargs):
- # DELETE returns nothing
- fixture_key = "%s/%s" % (container, name)
- if fixture_key not in fixture_headers:
- msg = "Object DELETE failed - Object does not exist"
- raise swiftclient.ClientException(msg,
- http_status=httplib.NOT_FOUND)
- else:
- del fixture_headers[fixture_key]
- del fixture_objects[fixture_key]
- def fake_http_connection(*args, **kwargs):
- return None
- def fake_get_auth(url, user, key, snet, auth_version, **kwargs):
- if url is None:
- return None, None
- if 'http' in url and '://' not in url:
- raise ValueError('Invalid url %s' % url)
- # Check the auth version against the configured value
- if swift_store_auth_version != auth_version:
- msg = 'AUTHENTICATION failed (version mismatch)'
- raise swiftclient.ClientException(msg)
- return None, None
- to_mock = [('head_container', fake_head_container),
- ('put_container', fake_put_container),
- ('post_container', fake_post_container),
- ('put_object', fake_put_object),
- ('delete_object', fake_delete_object),
- ('head_object', fake_head_object),
- ('get_object', fake_get_object),
- ('get_auth', fake_get_auth),
- ('http_connection', fake_http_connection)]
- for (meth, fake_meth) in to_mock:
- mocked = mock.patch.object(swiftclient.client, meth).start()
- mocked.side_effect = fake_meth
- test.add_cleanUp(mocked.stop)
-class SwiftTests(object):
- @property
- def swift_store_user(self):
- return urllib.quote(CONF.swift_store_user)
- def test_get_size(self):
- """
- Test that we can get the size of an object in the swift store
- """
- uri = "swift://%s:key@auth_address/glance/%s" % (
- self.swift_store_user, FAKE_UUID)
- loc = get_location_from_uri(uri)
- image_size =
- self.assertEqual(image_size, 5120)
- def test_get_size_with_multi_tenant_on(self):
- """Test that single tenant uris work with multi tenant on."""
- uri = ("swift://%s:key@auth_address/glance/%s" %
- (self.swift_store_user, FAKE_UUID))
- self.config(swift_store_multi_tenant=True)
- #NOTE(markwash): ensure the image is found
- context = glance.context.RequestContext()
- size =, uri)
- self.assertEqual(size, 5120)
- def test_get(self):
- """Test a "normal" retrieval of an image in chunks"""
- uri = "swift://%s:key@auth_address/glance/%s" % (
- self.swift_store_user, FAKE_UUID)
- loc = get_location_from_uri(uri)
- (image_swift, image_size) =
- self.assertEqual(image_size, 5120)
- expected_data = "*" * FIVE_KB
- data = ""
- for chunk in image_swift:
- data += chunk
- self.assertEqual(expected_data, data)
- def test_get_with_http_auth(self):
- """
- Test a retrieval from Swift with an HTTP authurl. This is
- specified either via a Location header with swift+http:// or using
- http:// in the swift_store_auth_address config value
- """
- loc = get_location_from_uri("swift+http://%s:key@auth_address/"
- "glance/%s" %
- (self.swift_store_user, FAKE_UUID))
- (image_swift, image_size) =
- self.assertEqual(image_size, 5120)
- expected_data = "*" * FIVE_KB
- data = ""
- for chunk in image_swift:
- data += chunk
- self.assertEqual(expected_data, data)
- def test_get_non_existing(self):
- """
- Test that trying to retrieve a swift that doesn't exist
- raises an error
- """
- loc = get_location_from_uri("swift://%s:key@authurl/glance/noexist" % (
- self.swift_store_user))
- self.assertRaises(exceptions.NotFound,
- loc)
- def test_add(self):
- """Test that we can add an image via the swift backend"""
- expected_swift_size = FIVE_KB
- expected_swift_contents = "*" * expected_swift_size
- expected_checksum = hashlib.md5(expected_swift_contents).hexdigest()
- expected_image_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
- loc = 'swift+https://%s:key@localhost:8080/glance/%s'
- expected_location = loc % (self.swift_store_user,
- expected_image_id)
- image_swift = StringIO.StringIO(expected_swift_contents)
- location, size, checksum, _ =,
- image_swift,
- expected_swift_size)
- self.assertEqual(expected_location, location)
- self.assertEqual(expected_swift_size, size)
- self.assertEqual(expected_checksum, checksum)
- # Expecting a single object to be created on Swift i.e. no chunking.
- self.assertEqual(SWIFT_PUT_OBJECT_CALLS, 1)
- loc = get_location_from_uri(expected_location)
- (new_image_swift, new_image_size) =
- new_image_contents = new_image_swift.getvalue()
- new_image_swift_size = len(new_image_swift)
- self.assertEqual(expected_swift_contents, new_image_contents)
- self.assertEqual(expected_swift_size, new_image_swift_size)
- def test_add_auth_url_variations(self):
- """
- Test that we can add an image via the swift backend with
- a variety of different auth_address values
- """
- variations = {
- 'http://localhost:80': 'swift+http://%s:key@localhost:80'
- '/glance/%s',
- 'http://localhost': 'swift+http://%s:key@localhost/glance/%s',
- 'http://localhost/v1': 'swift+http://%s:key@localhost'
- '/v1/glance/%s',
- 'http://localhost/v1/': 'swift+http://%s:key@localhost'
- '/v1/glance/%s',
- 'https://localhost': 'swift+https://%s:key@localhost/glance/%s',
- 'https://localhost:8080': 'swift+https://%s:key@localhost:8080'
- '/glance/%s',
- 'https://localhost/v1': 'swift+https://%s:key@localhost'
- '/v1/glance/%s',
- 'https://localhost/v1/': 'swift+https://%s:key@localhost'
- '/v1/glance/%s',
- 'localhost': 'swift+https://%s:key@localhost/glance/%s',
- 'localhost:8080/v1': 'swift+https://%s:key@localhost:8080'
- '/v1/glance/%s',
- }
- for variation, expected_location in variations.items():
- image_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
- expected_location = expected_location % (
- self.swift_store_user, image_id)
- expected_swift_size = FIVE_KB
- expected_swift_contents = "*" * expected_swift_size
- expected_checksum = \
- hashlib.md5(expected_swift_contents).hexdigest()
- image_swift = StringIO.StringIO(expected_swift_contents)
- self.config(swift_store_auth_address=variation)
- = Store()
- location, size, checksum, _ =, image_swift,
- expected_swift_size)
- self.assertEqual(expected_location, location)
- self.assertEqual(expected_swift_size, size)
- self.assertEqual(expected_checksum, checksum)
- self.assertEqual(SWIFT_PUT_OBJECT_CALLS, 1)
- loc = get_location_from_uri(expected_location)
- (new_image_swift, new_image_size) =
- new_image_contents = new_image_swift.getvalue()
- new_image_swift_size = len(new_image_swift)
- self.assertEqual(expected_swift_contents, new_image_contents)
- self.assertEqual(expected_swift_size, new_image_swift_size)
- def test_add_no_container_no_create(self):
- """
- Tests that adding an image with a non-existing container
- raises an appropriate exception
- """
- self.config(swift_store_create_container_on_put=False,
- swift_store_container='noexist')
- = Store()
- image_swift = StringIO.StringIO("nevergonnamakeit")
- # We check the exception text to ensure the container
- # missing text is found in it, otherwise, we would have
- # simply used self.assertRaises here
- exception_caught = False
- try:
-, image_swift, 0)
- except backend.BackendException as e:
- exception_caught = True
- self.assertTrue("container noexist does not exist "
- "in Swift" in str(e))
- self.assertTrue(exception_caught)
- self.assertEqual(SWIFT_PUT_OBJECT_CALLS, 0)
- def test_add_no_container_and_create(self):
- """
- Tests that adding an image with a non-existing container
- creates the container automatically if flag is set
- """
- expected_swift_size = FIVE_KB
- expected_swift_contents = "*" * expected_swift_size
- expected_checksum = hashlib.md5(expected_swift_contents).hexdigest()
- expected_image_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
- loc = 'swift+https://%s:key@localhost:8080/noexist/%s'
- expected_location = loc % (self.swift_store_user,
- expected_image_id)
- image_swift = StringIO.StringIO(expected_swift_contents)
- self.config(swift_store_create_container_on_put=True,
- swift_store_container='noexist')
- = Store()
- location, size, checksum, _ =,
- image_swift,
- expected_swift_size)
- self.assertEqual(expected_location, location)
- self.assertEqual(expected_swift_size, size)
- self.assertEqual(expected_checksum, checksum)
- self.assertEqual(SWIFT_PUT_OBJECT_CALLS, 1)
- loc = get_location_from_uri(expected_location)
- (new_image_swift, new_image_size) =
- new_image_contents = new_image_swift.getvalue()
- new_image_swift_size = len(new_image_swift)
- self.assertEqual(expected_swift_contents, new_image_contents)
- self.assertEqual(expected_swift_size, new_image_swift_size)
- def test_add_large_object(self):
- """
- Tests that adding a very large image. We simulate the large
- object by setting store.large_object_size to a small number
- and then verify that there have been a number of calls to
- put_object()...
- """
- expected_swift_size = FIVE_KB
- expected_swift_contents = "*" * expected_swift_size
- expected_checksum = hashlib.md5(expected_swift_contents).hexdigest()
- expected_image_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
- loc = 'swift+https://%s:key@localhost:8080/glance/%s'
- expected_location = loc % (self.swift_store_user,
- expected_image_id)
- image_swift = StringIO.StringIO(expected_swift_contents)
- self.config(swift_store_container='glance')
- = Store()
- orig_max_size =
- orig_temp_size =
- try:
- = 1024
- = 1024
- location, size, checksum, _ =,
- image_swift,
- expected_swift_size)
- finally:
- = orig_temp_size
- = orig_max_size
- self.assertEqual(expected_location, location)
- self.assertEqual(expected_swift_size, size)
- self.assertEqual(expected_checksum, checksum)
- # Expecting 6 objects to be created on Swift -- 5 chunks and 1
- # manifest.
- self.assertEqual(SWIFT_PUT_OBJECT_CALLS, 6)
- loc = get_location_from_uri(expected_location)
- (new_image_swift, new_image_size) =
- new_image_contents = new_image_swift.getvalue()
- new_image_swift_size = len(new_image_swift)
- self.assertEqual(expected_swift_contents, new_image_contents)
- self.assertEqual(expected_swift_size, new_image_swift_size)
- def test_add_large_object_zero_size(self):
- """
- Tests that adding an image to Swift which has both an unknown size and
- exceeds Swift's maximum limit of 5GB is correctly uploaded.
- We avoid the overhead of creating a 5GB object for this test by
- temporarily setting MAX_SWIFT_OBJECT_SIZE to 1KB, and then adding
- an object of 5KB.
- Bug lp:891738
- """
- # Set up a 'large' image of 5KB
- expected_swift_size = FIVE_KB
- expected_swift_contents = "*" * expected_swift_size
- expected_checksum = hashlib.md5(expected_swift_contents).hexdigest()
- expected_image_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
- loc = 'swift+https://%s:key@localhost:8080/glance/%s'
- expected_location = loc % (self.swift_store_user,
- expected_image_id)
- image_swift = StringIO.StringIO(expected_swift_contents)
- # Temporarily set Swift MAX_SWIFT_OBJECT_SIZE to 1KB and add our image,
- # explicitly setting the image_length to 0
- self.config(swift_store_container='glance')
- = Store()
- orig_max_size =
- orig_temp_size =
- orig_max_swift_object_size = MAX_SWIFT_OBJECT_SIZE
- try:
- = 1024
- = 1024
- location, size, checksum, _ =,
- image_swift, 0)
- finally:
- = orig_temp_size
- = orig_max_size
- MAX_SWIFT_OBJECT_SIZE = orig_max_swift_object_size
- self.assertEqual(expected_location, location)
- self.assertEqual(expected_swift_size, size)
- self.assertEqual(expected_checksum, checksum)
- # Expecting 7 calls to put_object -- 5 chunks, a zero chunk which is
- # then deleted, and the manifest. Note the difference with above
- # where the image_size is specified in advance (there's no zero chunk
- # in that case).
- self.assertEqual(SWIFT_PUT_OBJECT_CALLS, 7)
- loc = get_location_from_uri(expected_location)
- (new_image_swift, new_image_size) =
- new_image_contents = new_image_swift.getvalue()
- new_image_swift_size = len(new_image_swift)
- self.assertEqual(expected_swift_contents, new_image_contents)
- self.assertEqual(expected_swift_size, new_image_swift_size)
- def test_add_already_existing(self):
- """
- Tests that adding an image with an existing identifier
- raises an appropriate exception
- """
- image_swift = StringIO.StringIO("nevergonnamakeit")
- self.assertRaises(exceptions.Duplicate,
- FAKE_UUID, image_swift, 0)
- def test_add_saves_and_reraises_and_not_uses_wildcard_raise(self):
- image_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
- swift_size = = 1024
- loc = 'swift+https://%s:key@localhost:8080/glance/%s'
- swift_contents = "*" * swift_size
- connection = mock.Mock()
- def fake_delete_chunk(connection,
- container,
- chunks):
- try:
- raise Exception()
- except Exception:
- pass
- image_swift = StringIO.StringIO(swift_contents)
- connection.put_object.side_effect = exceptions.ClientConnectionError
- = fake_delete_chunk
- self.assertRaises(exceptions.ClientConnectionError,
- image_id,
- image_swift,
- swift_size,
- connection)
- def _option_required(self, key):
- conf = self.getConfig()
- conf[key] = None
- try:
- self.config(**conf)
- = Store()
- return ==
- except Exception:
- return False
- return False
- def test_no_user(self):
- """
- Tests that options without user disables the add method
- """
- self.assertTrue(self._option_required('swift_store_user'))
- def test_no_key(self):
- """
- Tests that options without key disables the add method
- """
- self.assertTrue(self._option_required('swift_store_key'))
- def test_no_auth_address(self):
- """
- Tests that options without auth address disables the add method
- """
- self.assertTrue(self._option_required('swift_store_auth_address'))
- def test_delete(self):
- """
- Test we can delete an existing image in the swift store
- """
- uri = "swift://%s:key@authurl/glance/%s" % (
- self.swift_store_user, FAKE_UUID)
- loc = get_location_from_uri(uri)
- self.assertRaises(exceptions.NotFound,, loc)
- def test_delete_non_existing(self):
- """
- Test that trying to delete a swift that doesn't exist
- raises an error
- """
- loc = get_location_from_uri("swift://%s:key@authurl/glance/noexist" % (
- self.swift_store_user))
- self.assertRaises(exceptions.NotFound,, loc)
- def test_read_acl_public(self):
- """
- Test that we can set a public read acl.
- """
- self.config(swift_store_multi_tenant=True)
- context = glance.context.RequestContext()
- store = Store(context)
- uri = "swift+http://storeurl/glance/%s" % FAKE_UUID
- loc = get_location_from_uri(uri)
- store.set_acls(loc, public=True)
- container_headers = swiftclient.client.head_container('x', 'y',
- 'glance')
- self.assertEqual(container_headers['X-Container-Read'],
- ".r:*,.rlistings")
- def test_read_acl_tenants(self):
- """
- Test that we can set read acl for tenants.
- """
- self.config(swift_store_multi_tenant=True)
- context = glance.context.RequestContext()
- store = Store(context)
- uri = "swift+http://storeurl/glance/%s" % FAKE_UUID
- loc = get_location_from_uri(uri)
- read_tenants = ['matt', 'mark']
- store.set_acls(loc, read_tenants=read_tenants)
- container_headers = swiftclient.client.head_container('x', 'y',
- 'glance')
- self.assertEqual(container_headers['X-Container-Read'],
- 'matt:*,mark:*')
- def test_write_acls(self):
- """
- Test that we can set write acl for tenants.
- """
- self.config(swift_store_multi_tenant=True)
- context = glance.context.RequestContext()
- store = Store(context)
- uri = "swift+http://storeurl/glance/%s" % FAKE_UUID
- loc = get_location_from_uri(uri)
- read_tenants = ['frank', 'jim']
- store.set_acls(loc, write_tenants=read_tenants)
- container_headers = swiftclient.client.head_container('x', 'y',
- 'glance')
- self.assertEqual(container_headers['X-Container-Write'],
- 'frank:*,jim:*')
-class TestStoreAuthV1(base.StoreClearingUnitTest, SwiftTests):
- def getConfig(self):
- conf = SWIFT_CONF.copy()
- conf['swift_store_auth_version'] = '1'
- conf['swift_store_user'] = 'user'
- return conf
- def setUp(self):
- """Establish a clean test environment"""
- conf = self.getConfig()
- self.config(**conf)
- super(TestStoreAuthV1, self).setUp()
- stub_out_swiftclient(self, conf['swift_store_auth_version'])
- = Store()
-class TestStoreAuthV2(TestStoreAuthV1):
- def getConfig(self):
- conf = super(TestStoreAuthV2, self).getConfig()
- conf['swift_store_user'] = 'tenant:user'
- conf['swift_store_auth_version'] = '2'
- return conf
- def test_v2_with_no_tenant(self):
- conf = self.getConfig()
- conf['swift_store_user'] = 'failme'
- uri = "swift://%s:key@auth_address/glance/%s" % (
- conf['swift_store_user'], FAKE_UUID)
- loc = get_location_from_uri(uri)
- self.assertRaises(exceptions.BadStoreUri,
- loc)
- def test_v2_multi_tenant_location(self):
- conf = self.getConfig()
- conf['swift_store_multi_tenant'] = True
- uri = "swift://auth_address/glance/%s" % (FAKE_UUID)
- loc = get_location_from_uri(uri)
- self.assertEqual('swift', loc.store_name)
-class FakeConnection(object):
- def __init__(self, authurl, user, key, retries=5, preauthurl=None,
- preauthtoken=None, snet=False, starting_backoff=1,
- tenant_name=None, os_options={}, auth_version="1",
- insecure=False, ssl_compression=True):
- self.authurl = authurl
- self.user = user
- self.key = key
- self.preauthurl = preauthurl
- self.preauthtoken = preauthtoken
- self.snet = snet
- self.tenant_name = tenant_name
- self.os_options = os_options
- self.auth_version = auth_version
- self.insecure = insecure
-class TestSingleTenantStoreConnections(base.IsolatedUnitTest):
- def setUp(self):
- super(TestSingleTenantStoreConnections, self).setUp()
- self.stubs.Set(swiftclient, 'Connection', FakeConnection)
- =
- specs = {'scheme': 'swift',
- 'auth_or_store_url': '',
- 'user': 'tenant:user',
- 'key': 'abcdefg',
- 'container': 'cont',
- 'obj': 'object'}
- self.location =
- def test_basic_connection(self):
- connection =
- self.assertEqual(connection.authurl, '')
- self.assertEqual(connection.auth_version, '2')
- self.assertEqual(connection.user, 'user')
- self.assertEqual(connection.tenant_name, 'tenant')
- self.assertEqual(connection.key, 'abcdefg')
- self.assertFalse(connection.snet)
- self.assertEqual(connection.preauthurl, None)
- self.assertEqual(connection.preauthtoken, None)
- self.assertFalse(connection.insecure)
- self.assertEqual(connection.os_options,
- {'service_type': 'object-store',
- 'endpoint_type': 'publicURL'})
- def test_connection_with_no_trailing_slash(self):
- self.location.auth_or_store_url = ''
- connection =
- self.assertEqual(connection.authurl, '')
- def test_connection_insecure(self):
- self.config(swift_store_auth_insecure=True)
- connection =
- self.assertTrue(connection.insecure)
- def test_connection_with_auth_v1(self):
- self.config(swift_store_auth_version='1')
- self.location.user = 'auth_v1_user'
- connection =
- self.assertEqual(connection.auth_version, '1')
- self.assertEqual(connection.user, 'auth_v1_user')
- self.assertEqual(connection.tenant_name, None)
- def test_connection_invalid_user(self):
- self.location.user = 'invalid:format:user'
- self.assertRaises(exceptions.BadStoreUri,
-, self.location)
- def test_connection_missing_user(self):
- self.location.user = None
- self.assertRaises(exceptions.BadStoreUri,
-, self.location)
- def test_connection_with_region(self):
- self.config(swift_store_region='Sahara')
- connection =
- self.assertEqual(connection.os_options,
- {'region_name': 'Sahara',
- 'service_type': 'object-store',
- 'endpoint_type': 'publicURL'})
- def test_connection_with_service_type(self):
- self.config(swift_store_service_type='shoe-store')
- connection =
- self.assertEqual(connection.os_options,
- {'service_type': 'shoe-store',
- 'endpoint_type': 'publicURL'})
- def test_connection_with_endpoint_type(self):
- self.config(swift_store_endpoint_type='internalURL')
- connection =
- self.assertEqual(connection.os_options,
- {'service_type': 'object-store',
- 'endpoint_type': 'internalURL'})
- def test_connection_with_snet(self):
- self.config(swift_enable_snet=True)
- connection =
- self.assertTrue(connection.snet)
-class TestMultiTenantStoreConnections(base.IsolatedUnitTest):
- def setUp(self):
- super(TestMultiTenantStoreConnections, self).setUp()
- self.stubs.Set(swiftclient, 'Connection', FakeConnection)
- self.context = glance.context.RequestContext(
- user='user', tenant='tenant', auth_tok='0123')
- =
- specs = {'scheme': 'swift',
- 'auth_or_store_url': '',
- 'container': 'cont',
- 'obj': 'object'}
- self.location =
- def test_basic_connection(self):
- connection =
- self.assertEqual(connection.authurl, None)
- self.assertEqual(connection.auth_version, '2')
- self.assertEqual(connection.user, 'user')
- self.assertEqual(connection.tenant_name, 'tenant')
- self.assertEqual(connection.key, None)
- self.assertFalse(connection.snet)
- self.assertEqual(connection.preauthurl, '')
- self.assertEqual(connection.preauthtoken, '0123')
- self.assertEqual(connection.os_options, {})
- def test_connection_with_snet(self):
- self.config(swift_enable_snet=True)
- connection =
- self.assertTrue(connection.snet)
-class FakeGetEndpoint(object):
- def __init__(self, response):
- self.response = response
- def __call__(self, service_catalog, service_type=None,
- endpoint_region=None, endpoint_type=None):
- self.service_type = service_type
- self.endpoint_region = endpoint_region
- self.endpoint_type = endpoint_type
- return self.response
-class TestCreatingLocations(base.IsolatedUnitTest):
- def test_single_tenant_location(self):
- self.config(swift_store_auth_address='',
- swift_store_container='container',
- swift_store_user='tenant:user',
- swift_store_key='auth_key')
- store =
- location = store.create_location('image-id')
- self.assertEqual(location.scheme, 'swift+https')
- self.assertEqual(location.swift_url, '')
- self.assertEqual(location.container, 'container')
- self.assertEqual(location.obj, 'image-id')
- self.assertEqual(location.user, 'tenant:user')
- self.assertEqual(location.key, 'auth_key')
- def test_single_tenant_location_http(self):
- self.config(swift_store_auth_address='',
- swift_store_container='container',
- swift_store_user='tenant:user',
- swift_store_key='auth_key')
- store =
- location = store.create_location('image-id')
- self.assertEqual(location.scheme, 'swift+http')
- self.assertEqual(location.swift_url, '')
- def test_multi_tenant_location(self):
- self.config(swift_store_container='container')
- fake_get_endpoint = FakeGetEndpoint('https://some_endpoint')
- self.stubs.Set(, 'get_endpoint', fake_get_endpoint)
- context = glance.context.RequestContext(
- user='user', tenant='tenant', auth_tok='123',
- service_catalog={})
- store =
- location = store.create_location('image-id')
- self.assertEqual(location.scheme, 'swift+https')
- self.assertEqual(location.swift_url, 'https://some_endpoint')
- self.assertEqual(location.container, 'container_image-id')
- self.assertEqual(location.obj, 'image-id')
- self.assertEqual(location.user, None)
- self.assertEqual(location.key, None)
- self.assertEqual(fake_get_endpoint.service_type, 'object-store')
- def test_multi_tenant_location_http(self):
- fake_get_endpoint = FakeGetEndpoint('http://some_endpoint')
- self.stubs.Set(, 'get_endpoint', fake_get_endpoint)
- context = glance.context.RequestContext(
- user='user', tenant='tenant', auth_tok='123',
- service_catalog={})
- store =
- location = store.create_location('image-id')
- self.assertEqual(location.scheme, 'swift+http')
- self.assertEqual(location.swift_url, 'http://some_endpoint')
- def test_multi_tenant_location_with_region(self):
- self.config(swift_store_region='WestCarolina')
- fake_get_endpoint = FakeGetEndpoint('https://some_endpoint')
- self.stubs.Set(, 'get_endpoint', fake_get_endpoint)
- context = glance.context.RequestContext(
- user='user', tenant='tenant', auth_tok='123',
- service_catalog={})
- store =
- self.assertEqual(fake_get_endpoint.endpoint_region, 'WestCarolina')
- def test_multi_tenant_location_custom_service_type(self):
- self.config(swift_store_service_type='toy-store')
- fake_get_endpoint = FakeGetEndpoint('https://some_endpoint')
- self.stubs.Set(, 'get_endpoint', fake_get_endpoint)
- context = glance.context.RequestContext(
- user='user', tenant='tenant', auth_tok='123',
- service_catalog={})
- store =
- self.assertEqual(fake_get_endpoint.service_type, 'toy-store')
- def test_multi_tenant_location_custom_endpoint_type(self):
- self.config(swift_store_endpoint_type='InternalURL')
- fake_get_endpoint = FakeGetEndpoint('https://some_endpoint')
- self.stubs.Set(, 'get_endpoint', fake_get_endpoint)
- context = glance.context.RequestContext(
- user='user', tenant='tenant', auth_tok='123',
- service_catalog={})
- store =
- self.assertEqual(fake_get_endpoint.endpoint_type, 'InternalURL')
-class TestChunkReader(base.StoreClearingUnitTest):
- def test_read_all_data(self):
- """
- Replicate what goes on in the Swift driver with the
- repeated creation of the ChunkReader object
- """
- checksum = hashlib.md5()
- data_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
- data_file.write('*' * units.Ki)
- data_file.flush()
- infile = open(, 'rb')
- bytes_read = 0
- while True:
- cr =, checksum, CHUNKSIZE)
- chunk =
- bytes_read += len(chunk)
- if not chunk:
- break
- self.assertEqual(1024, bytes_read)
- data_file.close()