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2 files changed, 0 insertions, 282 deletions
diff --git a/heat/db/sqlalchemy/ b/heat/db/sqlalchemy/
index 5fff4f763..67e2d541e 100644
--- a/heat/db/sqlalchemy/
+++ b/heat/db/sqlalchemy/
@@ -13,83 +13,10 @@
# SQLAlchemy helper functions
-import sqlalchemy
from sqlalchemy.orm import exc
import tenacity
-def clone_table(name, parent, meta, newcols=None, ignorecols=None,
- swapcols=None, ignorecons=None):
- """Helper function that clones parent table schema onto new table.
- :param name: new table name
- :param parent: parent table to copy schema from
- :param newcols: names of new columns to be added
- :param ignorecols: names of columns to be ignored while cloning
- :param swapcols: alternative column schema
- :param ignorecons: names of constraints to be ignored
- :return: sqlalchemy.Table instance
- """
- newcols = newcols or []
- ignorecols = ignorecols or []
- swapcols = swapcols or {}
- ignorecons = ignorecons or []
- cols = [c.copy() for c in parent.columns
- if not in ignorecols
- if not in swapcols]
- cols.extend(swapcols.values())
- cols.extend(newcols)
- new_table = sqlalchemy.Table(name, meta, *(cols))
- def _is_ignorable(cons):
- # consider constraints on columns only
- if hasattr(cons, 'columns'):
- for col in ignorecols:
- if col in cons.columns:
- return True
- return False
- constraints = [c.copy(target_table=new_table) for c in parent.constraints
- if not in ignorecons
- if not _is_ignorable(c)]
- for c in constraints:
- new_table.append_constraint(c)
- new_table.create()
- return new_table
-def migrate_data(migrate_engine,
- table,
- new_table,
- skip_columns=None):
- table_name =
- list_of_rows = list(
- colnames = [ for c in table.columns]
- for row in list_of_rows:
- values = dict(zip(colnames,
- map(lambda colname: getattr(row, colname),
- colnames)))
- if skip_columns is not None:
- for column in skip_columns:
- del values[column]
- migrate_engine.execute(new_table.insert(values))
- table.drop()
- new_table.rename(table_name)
def retry_on_stale_data_error(func):
wrapper = tenacity.retry(
diff --git a/heat/tests/db/ b/heat/tests/db/
deleted file mode 100644
index c6bc30922..000000000
--- a/heat/tests/db/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,209 +0,0 @@
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-# a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-from heat.db.sqlalchemy import utils as migrate_utils
-from heat.tests import common
-from heat.tests import utils
-from sqlalchemy.schema import (Column, MetaData, Table)
-from sqlalchemy.types import (Boolean, String, Integer)
-from sqlalchemy import (CheckConstraint, UniqueConstraint,
- ForeignKey, ForeignKeyConstraint)
-def _has_constraint(cset, ctype, cname):
- for c in cset:
- if (isinstance(c, ctype)
- and == cname):
- return True
- else:
- return False
-class DBMigrationUtilsTest(common.HeatTestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- super(DBMigrationUtilsTest, self).setUp()
- self.engine = utils.get_engine()
- def test_clone_table_adds_or_deletes_columns(self):
- meta = MetaData()
- meta.bind = self.engine
- table = Table('dummy',
- meta,
- Column('id', String(36), primary_key=True,
- nullable=False),
- Column('A', Boolean, default=False)
- )
- table.create()
- newcols = [
- Column('B', Boolean, default=False),
- Column('C', String(255), default='foobar')
- ]
- ignorecols = [
- ]
- new_table = migrate_utils.clone_table('new_dummy', table, meta,
- newcols=newcols,
- ignorecols=ignorecols)
- col_names = [ for c in new_table.columns]
- self.assertEqual(3, len(col_names))
- self.assertIsNotNone(new_table.c.B)
- self.assertIsNotNone(new_table.c.C)
- self.assertNotIn('A', col_names)
- def test_clone_table_swaps_columns(self):
- meta = MetaData()
- meta.bind = self.engine
- table = Table("dummy1",
- meta,
- Column('id', String(36), primary_key=True,
- nullable=False),
- Column('A', Boolean, default=False),
- )
- table.create()
- swapcols = {
- 'A': Column('A', Integer, default=1),
- }
- new_table = migrate_utils.clone_table('swap_dummy', table, meta,
- swapcols=swapcols)
- self.assertIsNotNone(new_table.c.A)
- self.assertEqual(Integer, type(new_table.c.A.type))
- def test_clone_table_retains_constraints(self):
- meta = MetaData()
- meta.bind = self.engine
- parent = Table('parent',
- meta,
- Column('id', String(36), primary_key=True,
- nullable=False),
- Column('A', Integer),
- Column('B', Integer),
- Column('C', Integer,
- CheckConstraint('C>100', name="above 100")),
- Column('D', Integer, unique=True),
- UniqueConstraint('A', 'B', name='uix_1')
- )
- parent.create()
- child = Table('child',
- meta,
- Column('id', String(36),
- ForeignKey('', name="parent_ref"),
- primary_key=True,
- nullable=False),
- Column('A', Boolean, default=False)
- )
- child.create()
- ignorecols = [
- ]
- new_parent = migrate_utils.clone_table('new_parent', parent, meta,
- ignorecols=ignorecols)
- new_child = migrate_utils.clone_table('new_child', child, meta)
- self.assertTrue(_has_constraint(new_parent.constraints,
- UniqueConstraint, 'uix_1'))
- self.assertTrue(_has_constraint(new_parent.c.C.constraints,
- CheckConstraint, 'above 100'))
- self.assertTrue(_has_constraint(new_child.constraints,
- ForeignKeyConstraint, 'parent_ref'))
- def test_clone_table_ignores_constraints(self):
- meta = MetaData()
- meta.bind = self.engine
- table = Table('constraints_check',
- meta,
- Column('id', String(36), primary_key=True,
- nullable=False),
- Column('A', Integer),
- Column('B', Integer),
- Column('C', Integer,
- CheckConstraint('C>100', name="above 100")),
- UniqueConstraint('A', 'B', name='uix_1')
- )
- table.create()
- ignorecons = [
- 'uix_1',
- ]
- new_table = migrate_utils.clone_table('constraints_check_tmp', table,
- meta, ignorecons=ignorecons)
- self.assertFalse(_has_constraint(new_table.constraints,
- UniqueConstraint, 'uix_1'))
- def test_migrate_data(self):
- meta = MetaData(bind=self.engine)
- # create TableA
- table_a = Table('TableA',
- meta,
- Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
- Column('first', String(8), nullable=False),
- Column('second', Integer))
- table_a.create()
- # update it with sample data
- values = [
- {'id': 1, 'first': 'a'},
- {'id': 2, 'first': 'b'},
- {'id': 3, 'first': 'c'}
- ]
- for value in values:
- self.engine.execute(table_a.insert(values=value))
- # create TableB similar to TableA, except column 'second'
- table_b = Table('TableB',
- meta,
- Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
- Column('first', String(8), nullable=False))
- table_b.create()
- # migrate data
- migrate_utils.migrate_data(self.engine,
- table_a,
- table_b,
- ['second'])
- # validate table_a is dropped
- self.assertTrue(self.engine.dialect.has_table(
- self.engine.connect(),
- 'TableA'),
- 'Data migration failed to drop source table')
- # validate table_b is updated with data from table_a
- table_b_rows = list(
- self.assertEqual(3,
- len(table_b_rows),
- "Data migration is failed")
- table_b_values = []
- for row in table_b_rows:
- table_b_values.append({'id':,
- 'first': row.first})
- self.assertEqual(values,
- table_b_values,
- "Data migration failed with invalid data copy")