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authorLucas Alvares Gomes <>2015-03-20 12:40:06 +0000
committerJay Faulkner <>2015-04-01 13:00:34 -0700
commit86c31d38472554339a0abf3be97d0cb586817bf4 (patch)
parent6f1420dd9dec2e6573e0ebf068a975439fffd55a (diff)
Add config drive documentation
This patch is documenting how to enable and to access the configuration drive when deploying instances with Ironic. Implements: blueprint expose-configdrive Change-Id: I2cced6d188e46dc50602acedfdc02136f8df8748
1 files changed, 105 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/source/deploy/install-guide.rst b/doc/source/deploy/install-guide.rst
index 3bb7b9445..f8cb1cdb9 100644
--- a/doc/source/deploy/install-guide.rst
+++ b/doc/source/deploy/install-guide.rst
@@ -1293,6 +1293,111 @@ Other references
* `Enabling local boot without Nova`_
+Enabling the configuration drive (configdrive)
+Starting with the Kilo release, Ironic supports exposing a configuration
+drive image to the instances.
+The configuration drive is usually used in conjunction with Nova, but
+Ironic also offers a standalone way of using it. The following sections
+will describe both methods.
+When used with Nova
+To enable the configuration drive when deploying an instance, pass
+``--config-drive true`` parameter to the ``nova boot`` command, e.g::
+ nova boot --config-drive true --flavor baremetal --image test-image instance-1
+It's also possible to enable the configuration drive automatically on
+all instances by configuring the ``Nova Compute service`` to always
+create a configuration drive by setting the following option in the
+``/etc/nova/nova.conf`` file, e.g::
+ ...
+ force_config_drive=always
+When used standalone
+When used without Nova, the operator needs to create a configuration drive
+and provide the file or HTTP URL to Ironic.
+For the format of the configuration drive, Ironic expects a ``gzipped``
+and ``base64`` encoded ISO 9660 [*]_ file with a ``config-2`` label. The
+`Ironic client <>`_
+can generate a configuration drive in the expected format. Just pass a
+directory path containing the files that will be injected into it via the
+``--config-drive`` parameter of the ``node-set-provision-state`` command,
+ ironic node-set-provision-state --config-drive /dir/configdrive_files $node_identifier active
+Accessing the configuration drive data
+When the configuration drive is enabled, Ironic will create a partition on the
+instance disk and write the configuration drive image onto it. The
+configuration drive must be mounted before use. This is performed
+automatically by many tools, such as cloud-init and cloudbase-init. To mount
+it manually on a Linux distribution that supports accessing devices by labels,
+simply run the following::
+ mkdir -p /mnt/config
+ mount /dev/disk/by-label/config-2 /mnt/config
+If the guest OS doesn't support accessing devices by labels, you can use
+other tools such as ``blkid`` to identify which device corresponds to
+the configuration drive and mount it, e.g::
+ CONFIG_DEV=$(blkid -t LABEL="config-2" -odevice)
+ mkdir -p /mnt/config
+ mount $CONFIG_DEV /mnt/config
+.. [*] A config drive could also be a data block with a VFAT filesystem
+ on it instead of ISO 9660. But it's unlikely that it would be needed
+ since ISO 9660 is widely supported across operating systems.
+Cloud-init integration
+The configuration drive can be especially
+useful when used with ``cloud-init`` [`link
+but in order to use it we should follow some rules:
+* ``Cloud-init`` expects a specific format to the data. For
+ more information about the expected file layout see [`link
+ <>`_].
+* Since Ironic uses a disk partition as the configuration drive,
+ it will only work with ``cloud-init`` version **>= 0.7.5** [`link
+ <>`_].
+* ``Cloud-init`` has a collection of data source modules, so when
+ building the image with `disk-image-builder`_ we have to define
+ ``DIB_CLOUD_INIT_DATASOURCES`` environment variable and set the
+ appropriate sources to enable the configuration drive, e.g::
+ DIB_CLOUD_INIT_DATASOURCES="ConfigDrive, OpenStack" disk-image-create -o fedora-cloud-image fedora baremetal
+ See [`link
+ <>`_]
+ for more information.