path: root/ironic/tests/unit/common/
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authorSurya Seetharaman <>2019-06-12 11:27:41 +0200
committerSurya Seetharaman <>2019-08-12 19:29:57 +0200
commitd693d4c06c1ba89332ef8f3f672809b3cc81f8c9 (patch)
treeca10d708194f2a0c18e2eee91de6333691b01513 /ironic/tests/unit/common/
parentaf61985d0366d7db442289e1e4f1203001096e2d (diff)
Support power state change callbacks to nova using ksa_adapter
Add power state change callbacks of an instance to nova by performing API requests. Whenever there is a change in the power state of a physical instance (example a "power on" or "power off" IPMI command is issued or the periodic ``_sync_power_states`` task detects a change in power state) ironic will create and send a ``power-update`` external event to nova using which nova will update the power state of the instance in its database. By conveying the power state changes to nova, ironic becomes the source of truth thus preventing nova from forcing wrong power states on the instance during the nova-ironic periodic sync. It also adds the possibility of bringing up/down a physical instance through the ironic API even if it was put down/up through the nova API. Note that ironic only sends requests to nova if the target power state is either "power on" or "power off". Other error states will be ignored. In cases where the power state change is originally coming from nova, the event will still be created and sent to nova and on the nova side it will be a no-op with a debug log saying the node is already powering on/off. NOTE: Although an exclusive lock (task_manager.upgrade_lock() method) is used when calling the nova API to send events, there can still be a race condition if the nova-ironic power sync happens to happen a nano-second before the power state change event is received from ironic in which case the nova state will be forced on the node. Credit for introducing ksa adapter: Eric Fried <> Depends-On: Part of blueprint nova-support-instance-power-update Story: 2004969 Task: 29424 Change-Id: I6d105524e1645d9a40dfeae2850c33cf2d110826
Diffstat (limited to 'ironic/tests/unit/common/')
1 files changed, 209 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ironic/tests/unit/common/ b/ironic/tests/unit/common/
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+++ b/ironic/tests/unit/common/
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+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+import ddt
+from keystoneauth1 import exceptions as kaexception
+import mock
+import requests
+from ironic.common import context
+from ironic.common import keystone
+from ironic.common import nova
+from ironic.tests import base
+@mock.patch.object(keystone, 'get_session', autospec=True)
+@mock.patch.object(keystone, 'get_adapter', autospec=True)
+class TestNovaAdapter(base.TestCase):
+ def test_get_nova_adapter(self, mock_adapter, mock_nova_session):
+ nova._NOVA_ADAPTER = None
+ mock_session_obj = mock.Mock()
+ expected = {'session': mock_session_obj,
+ 'auth': None,
+ 'version': "2.1"}
+ mock_nova_session.return_value = mock_session_obj
+ nova._get_nova_adapter()
+ mock_nova_session.assert_called_once_with('nova')
+ mock_adapter.assert_called_once_with(group='nova', **expected)
+ """Check if existing adapter is used."""
+ mock_nova_session.reset_mock()
+ nova._get_nova_adapter()
+ mock_nova_session.assert_not_called()
+@mock.patch.object(nova, 'LOG', autospec=True)
+class NovaApiTestCase(base.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ super(NovaApiTestCase, self).setUp()
+ self.api = nova
+ self.ctx = context.get_admin_context()
+{'events': [{'status': 'completed',
+ 'tag': 'POWER_OFF',
+ 'name': 'power-update',
+ 'server_uuid': '1234',
+ 'code': 200}]},
+ {'events': [{'code': 404}]},
+ {'events': [{'code': 400}]})
+ @mock.patch.object(nova, '_get_nova_adapter')
+ def test_power_update(self, nova_result, mock_adapter, mock_log):
+ server_ids = ['server-id-1', 'server-id-2']
+ nova_adapter = mock.Mock()
+ with mock.patch.object(nova_adapter, 'post') as mock_post_event:
+ post_resp_mock = requests.Response()
+ def json_func():
+ return nova_result
+ post_resp_mock.json = json_func
+ post_resp_mock.status_code = 200
+ mock_adapter.return_value = nova_adapter
+ mock_post_event.return_value = post_resp_mock
+ for server in server_ids:
+ result = self.api.power_update(self.ctx, server, 'power on')
+ self.assertTrue(result)
+ mock_adapter.assert_has_calls([,])
+ req_url = '/os-server-external-events'
+ mock_post_event.assert_has_calls([
+ json={'events': [{'name': 'power-update',
+ 'server_uuid': 'server-id-1',
+ 'tag': 'POWER_ON'}]},
+ microversion='2.76',
+ global_request_id=self.ctx.global_id,
+ raise_exc=False),
+ json={'events': [{'name': 'power-update',
+ 'server_uuid': 'server-id-2',
+ 'tag': 'POWER_ON'}]},
+ microversion='2.76',
+ global_request_id=self.ctx.global_id,
+ raise_exc=False)
+ ])
+ if nova_result['events'][0]['code'] != 200:
+ expected = ('Nova event: %s returned with failed status.',
+ nova_result['events'][0])
+ mock_log.warning.assert_called_with(*expected)
+ else:
+ expected = ("Nova event response: %s.", nova_result['events'][0])
+ mock_log.debug.assert_called_with(*expected)
+ @mock.patch.object(nova, '_get_nova_adapter')
+ def test_invalid_power_update(self, mock_adapter, mock_log):
+ nova_adapter = mock.Mock()
+ with mock.patch.object(nova_adapter, 'post') as mock_post_event:
+ result = self.api.power_update(self.ctx, 'server', None)
+ self.assertFalse(result)
+ expected = ('Invalid Power State %s.', None)
+ mock_log.error.assert_called_once_with(*expected)
+ mock_adapter.assert_not_called()
+ mock_post_event.assert_not_called()
+ def test_power_update_failed(self, mock_log):
+ nova_adapter = nova._get_nova_adapter()
+ event = [{'name': 'power-update',
+ 'server_uuid': 'server-id-1',
+ 'tag': 'POWER_OFF'}]
+ nova_result = requests.Response()
+ with mock.patch.object(nova_adapter, 'post') as mock_post_event:
+ for stat_code in (500, 404, 207):
+ mock_log.reset_mock()
+ nova_result.status_code = stat_code
+ type(nova_result).text = mock.PropertyMock(return_value="blah")
+ if stat_code == 207:
+ def json_func():
+ return {'events': [{}]}
+ nova_result.json = json_func
+ mock_post_event.return_value = nova_result
+ result = self.api.power_update(
+ self.ctx, 'server-id-1', 'power off')
+ self.assertFalse(result)
+ if stat_code == 207:
+ expected = ('Invalid response %s returned from nova for '
+ 'power-update event %s. %s.')
+ self.assertIn(expected, mock_log.error.call_args[0][0])
+ else:
+ expected = ("Failed to notify nova on event: %s. %s.",
+ event[0], "blah")
+ mock_log.warning.assert_called_once_with(*expected)
+ mock_post_event.assert_has_calls([
+ json={'events': event},
+ microversion='2.76',
+ global_request_id=self.ctx.global_id,
+ raise_exc=False)
+ ])
+{'events': [{}]},
+ {'events': []},
+ {'events': None},
+ {})
+ @mock.patch.object(nova, '_get_nova_adapter')
+ def test_power_update_invalid_reponse_format(self, nova_result,
+ mock_adapter, mock_log):
+ nova_adapter = mock.Mock()
+ with mock.patch.object(nova_adapter, 'post') as mock_post_event:
+ post_resp_mock = requests.Response()
+ def json_func():
+ return nova_result
+ post_resp_mock.json = json_func
+ post_resp_mock.status_code = 207
+ mock_adapter.return_value = nova_adapter
+ mock_post_event.return_value = post_resp_mock
+ result = self.api.power_update(self.ctx, 'server-id-1', 'power on')
+ self.assertFalse(result)
+ mock_adapter.assert_has_calls([])
+ req_url = '/os-server-external-events'
+ mock_post_event.assert_has_calls([
+ json={'events': [{'name': 'power-update',
+ 'server_uuid': 'server-id-1',
+ 'tag': 'POWER_ON'}]},
+ microversion='2.76',
+ global_request_id=self.ctx.global_id,
+ raise_exc=False),
+ ])
+ self.assertIn('Invalid response', mock_log.error.call_args[0][0])
+ @mock.patch.object(keystone, 'get_adapter', autospec=True)
+ def test_power_update_failed_no_nova(self, mock_adapter, mock_log):
+ self.config(send_power_notifications=False, group="nova")
+ result = self.api.power_update(self.ctx, 'server-id-1', 'power off')
+ self.assertFalse(result)
+ mock_adapter.assert_not_called()
+ @mock.patch.object(nova, '_get_nova_adapter')
+ def test_power_update_failed_no_nova_auth_url(self, mock_adapter,
+ mock_log):
+ server = 'server-id-1'
+ emsg = 'An auth plugin is required to determine endpoint URL'
+ side_effect = kaexception.MissingAuthPlugin(emsg)
+ mock_nova = mock.Mock()
+ mock_adapter.return_value = mock_nova
+ = side_effect
+ result = self.api.power_update(self.ctx, server, 'power off')
+ msg = ('Could not connect to Nova to send a power notification, '
+ 'please check configuration. %s', side_effect)
+ self.assertFalse(result)
+ mock_log.warning.assert_called_once_with(*msg)
+ mock_adapter.assert_called_once_with()