path: root/neutron
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'neutron')
7 files changed, 0 insertions, 761 deletions
diff --git a/neutron/debug/README b/neutron/debug/README
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-Debug Helper Script for Neutron
-- Configure
-export NEUTRON_TEST_CONFIG_FILE=/etc/neutron/debug.ini
-export NEUTRON_TEST_CONFIG_FILE=/etc/neutron/l3_agent.ini
-you can also specify config file by --config-file option
-- Usage
-neutron-debug commands
-probe-create <net-id>
- Create probe port - create port and interface, then plug it in.
- This commands returns a port id of a probe port. A probe port is a port which is used to test.
- The port id is probe id.
- We can have multiple probe probes in a network, in order to check connectivity between ports.
- neutron-debug probe-exec probe_id_1 'nc -l 22'
- neutron-debug probe-exec probe_id_2 'nc -vz 22'
- Note: You should use a user and a tenant who has permission to
- modify network and subnet if you want to probe. For example, you need to be admin user if you
- want to probe external network.
-probe-delete <port-id> Delete probe - delete port then unplug
-probe-exec <port-id> 'command' Exec commands on the namespace of the probe
-`probe-exec <port-id>` 'interactive command' Exec interactive command (eg, ssh)
-probe-list List probes
-probe-clear Clear All probes
-ping-all --id <network_id> --timeout 1 (optional)
- ping-all is all-in-one command to ping all fixed ip's in all network or a specified network.
- In the command probe is automatically created if needed.
-neutron-debug extends the shell of neutronclient, so you can use all the commands of neutron
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-# Copyright 2012, Nachi Ueno, NTT MCL, Inc.
-# All Rights Reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-# a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-from cliff import lister
-from neutronclient.common import utils
-from neutronclient.neutron import v2_0 as client
-from neutronclient.neutron.v2_0 import port
-from neutron._i18n import _
-class ProbeCommand(client.NeutronCommand):
- def get_debug_agent(self):
- return
-class CreateProbe(ProbeCommand):
- """Create probe port and interface, then plug it in."""
- def get_parser(self, prog_name):
- parser = super(CreateProbe, self).get_parser(prog_name)
- parser.add_argument(
- 'id', metavar='network_id',
- help=_('ID of network to probe'))
- parser.add_argument(
- '--device-owner',
- default='network', choices=['network', 'compute'],
- help=_('Owner type of the device: network/compute'))
- return parser
- def take_action(self, parsed_args):
- debug_agent = self.get_debug_agent()
- probe_port = debug_agent.create_probe(,
- parsed_args.device_owner)
-'Probe created : %s '),
-class DeleteProbe(ProbeCommand):
- """Delete probe - delete port then uplug."""
- def get_parser(self, prog_name):
- parser = super(DeleteProbe, self).get_parser(prog_name)
- parser.add_argument(
- 'id', metavar='port_id',
- help=_('ID of probe port to delete'))
- return parser
- def take_action(self, parsed_args):
- debug_agent = self.get_debug_agent()
- debug_agent.delete_probe(
-'Probe %s deleted'),
-class ListProbe(ProbeCommand, lister.Lister):
- """List probes."""
- _formatters = {'fixed_ips': port._format_fixed_ips, }
- def take_action(self, parsed_args):
- debug_agent = self.get_debug_agent()
- info = debug_agent.list_probes()
- columns = sorted(info[0].keys()) if info else []
- return (columns, (utils.get_item_properties(
- s, columns, formatters=self._formatters, )
- for s in info), )
-class ClearProbe(ProbeCommand):
- """Clear All probes."""
- def take_action(self, parsed_args):
- debug_agent = self.get_debug_agent()
- cleared_probes_count = debug_agent.clear_probes()
-'%d probe(s) deleted', cleared_probes_count)
-class ExecProbe(ProbeCommand):
- """Exec commands on the namespace of the probe."""
- def get_parser(self, prog_name):
- parser = super(ExecProbe, self).get_parser(prog_name)
- parser.add_argument(
- 'id', metavar='port_id',
- help=_('ID of probe port to execute command'))
- parser.add_argument(
- 'command', metavar='command',
- nargs='?',
- default=None,
- help=_('Command to execute'))
- return parser
- def take_action(self, parsed_args):
- debug_agent = self.get_debug_agent()
- result = debug_agent.exec_command(, parsed_args.command)
- + '\n')
-class PingAll(ProbeCommand):
- """Ping all fixed_ip."""
- def get_parser(self, prog_name):
- parser = super(PingAll, self).get_parser(prog_name)
- parser.add_argument(
- '--timeout', metavar='<timeout>',
- default=10,
- help=_('Ping timeout'))
- parser.add_argument(
- '--id', metavar='network_id',
- default=None,
- help=_('ID of network'))
- return parser
- def take_action(self, parsed_args):
- debug_agent = self.get_debug_agent()
- result = debug_agent.ping_all(,
- timeout=parsed_args.timeout)
- + '\n')
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-# Copyright 2012, Nachi Ueno, NTT MCL, Inc.
-# All Rights Reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-# a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-import shlex
-import socket
-import netaddr
-from neutron_lib.api.definitions import portbindings
-from neutron_lib import constants
-from oslo_log import log as logging
-from neutron.agent.linux import dhcp
-from neutron.agent.linux import ip_lib
-LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-class NeutronDebugAgent(object):
- def __init__(self, conf, client, driver):
- self.conf = conf
- self.client = client
- self.driver = driver
- def _get_namespace(self, port):
- return "qprobe-%s" %
- def create_probe(self, network_id, device_owner='network'):
- network = self._get_network(network_id)
- port = self._create_port(network, device_owner)
- interface_name = self.driver.get_device_name(port)
- namespace = self._get_namespace(port)
- if ip_lib.device_exists(interface_name, namespace=namespace):
- LOG.debug('Reusing existing device: %s.', interface_name)
- else:
- self.driver.plug(,
- interface_name,
- port.mac_address,
- namespace=namespace)
- ip_cidrs = []
- for fixed_ip in port.fixed_ips:
- subnet = fixed_ip.subnet
- net = netaddr.IPNetwork(subnet.cidr)
- ip_cidr = '%s/%s' % (fixed_ip.ip_address, net.prefixlen)
- ip_cidrs.append(ip_cidr)
- self.driver.init_l3(interface_name, ip_cidrs, namespace=namespace)
- return port
- def _get_subnet(self, subnet_id):
- subnet_dict = self.client.show_subnet(subnet_id)['subnet']
- return dhcp.DictModel(subnet_dict)
- def _get_network(self, network_id):
- network_dict = self.client.show_network(network_id)['network']
- network = dhcp.DictModel(network_dict)
- # pylint: disable=assigning-non-slot
- network.external = network_dict.get('router:external')
- obj_subnet = [self._get_subnet(s_id) for s_id in network.subnets]
- network.subnets = obj_subnet
- return network
- def clear_probes(self):
- """Returns number of deleted probes"""
- ports = self.client.list_ports(
- device_id=socket.gethostname(),
- info = ports['ports']
- for port in info:
- self.delete_probe(port['id'])
- return len(info)
- def delete_probe(self, port_id):
- port = dhcp.DictModel(self.client.show_port(port_id)['port'])
- namespace = self._get_namespace(port)
- if ip_lib.network_namespace_exists(namespace):
- self.driver.unplug(self.driver.get_device_name(port),
- namespace=namespace)
- try:
- ip_lib.delete_network_namespace(namespace)
- except Exception:
- LOG.warning('Failed to delete namespace %s', namespace)
- else:
- self.driver.unplug(self.driver.get_device_name(port))
- self.client.delete_port(
- def list_probes(self):
- ports = self.client.list_ports(
- info = ports['ports']
- for port in info:
- port['device_name'] = self.driver.get_device_name(
- dhcp.DictModel(port))
- return info
- def exec_command(self, port_id, command=None):
- port = dhcp.DictModel(self.client.show_port(port_id)['port'])
- ip = ip_lib.IPWrapper()
- namespace = self._get_namespace(port)
- if not command:
- return "sudo ip netns exec %s" % self._get_namespace(port)
- namespace = ip.ensure_namespace(namespace)
- # NOTE(ralonsoh): this is going to be called from inside the
- # "neutron-debug" shell command; privsep is not configured.
- return namespace.netns.execute(shlex.split(command))
- def ensure_probe(self, network_id):
- ports = self.client.list_ports(network_id=network_id,
- device_id=socket.gethostname(),
- info = ports.get('ports', [])
- if info:
- return dhcp.DictModel(info[0])
- else:
- return self.create_probe(network_id)
- def ping_all(self, network_id=None, timeout=1):
- if network_id:
- ports = self.client.list_ports(network_id=network_id)['ports']
- else:
- ports = self.client.list_ports()['ports']
- result = ""
- for port in ports:
- probe = self.ensure_probe(port['network_id'])
- if port['device_owner'] == DEVICE_OWNER_NETWORK_PROBE:
- continue
- for fixed_ip in port['fixed_ips']:
- address = fixed_ip['ip_address']
- subnet = self._get_subnet(fixed_ip['subnet_id'])
- if subnet.ip_version == 4:
- ping_command = 'ping'
- else:
- ping_command = 'ping6'
- result += self.exec_command(,
- '%s -c 1 -w %s %s' % (ping_command,
- timeout,
- address))
- return result
- def _create_port(self, network, device_owner):
- host =
- body = {'port': {'admin_state_up': True,
- 'network_id':,
- 'device_id': '%s' % socket.gethostname(),
- 'device_owner': '%s:probe' % device_owner,
- 'tenant_id': network.tenant_id,
- portbindings.HOST_ID: host,
- 'fixed_ips': [dict(
- for s in network.subnets]}}
- port_dict = self.client.create_port(body)['port']
- port = dhcp.DictModel(port_dict)
- # pylint: disable=assigning-non-slot
- = network
- for fixed_ip in port.fixed_ips:
- fixed_ip.subnet = self._get_subnet(fixed_ip.subnet_id)
- return port
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@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2012, Nachi Ueno, NTT MCL, Inc.
-# All Rights Reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-# a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-import sys
-from oslo_config import cfg
-from oslo_utils import importutils
-from neutron._i18n import _
-from neutron.agent.common import utils
-from neutron.common import config as common_config
-from neutron.conf.agent import common as config
-from neutron.conf.plugins.ml2.drivers import ovs_conf
-from neutron.debug import debug_agent
-from neutronclient.common import exceptions as exc
-from neutronclient import shell
- 'probe-create': importutils.import_class(
- 'neutron.debug.commands.CreateProbe'),
- 'probe-delete': importutils.import_class(
- 'neutron.debug.commands.DeleteProbe'),
- 'probe-list': importutils.import_class(
- 'neutron.debug.commands.ListProbe'),
- 'probe-clear': importutils.import_class(
- 'neutron.debug.commands.ClearProbe'),
- 'probe-exec': importutils.import_class(
- 'neutron.debug.commands.ExecProbe'),
- 'ping-all': importutils.import_class(
- 'neutron.debug.commands.PingAll'),
- # TODO(nati) ping, netcat , nmap, bench
-class NeutronDebugShell(shell.NeutronShell):
- def __init__(self, api_version):
- super(NeutronDebugShell, self).__init__(api_version)
- for k, v in COMMANDS[api_version].items():
- self.command_manager.add_command(k, v)
- def build_option_parser(self, description, version):
- parser = super(NeutronDebugShell, self).build_option_parser(
- description, version)
- default = (
- shell.env('NEUTRON_TEST_CONFIG_FILE') or
- )
- parser.add_argument(
- '--config-file',
- default=default,
- help=_('Config file for interface driver '
- '(You may also use l3_agent.ini)'))
- return parser
- def initialize_app(self, argv):
- super(NeutronDebugShell, self).initialize_app(argv)
- if not self.options.config_file:
- raise exc.CommandError(
- _("You must provide a config file for bridge -"
- " either --config-file or env[NEUTRON_TEST_CONFIG_FILE]"))
- client = self.client_manager.neutron
- config.register_interface_opts()
- config.register_interface_driver_opts_helper(cfg.CONF)
- ovs_conf.register_ovs_opts(cfg.CONF)
- cfg.CONF(['--config-file', self.options.config_file])
- config.setup_logging()
- driver = utils.load_interface_driver(cfg.CONF)
- self.debug_agent = debug_agent.NeutronDebugAgent(cfg.CONF,
- client,
- driver)
- self.log.warning('This tool is deprecated and will be removed '
- 'in the future to be replaced with a more '
- 'powerful troubleshooting toolkit.')
-def main(argv=None):
- common_config.register_common_config_options()
- return NeutronDebugShell(shell.NEUTRON_API_VERSION).run(
- argv or sys.argv[1:])
diff --git a/neutron/tests/unit/debug/ b/neutron/tests/unit/debug/
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--- a/neutron/tests/unit/debug/
+++ /dev/null
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index 74bf392999..0000000000
--- a/neutron/tests/unit/debug/
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@@ -1,325 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2012, Nachi Ueno, NTT MCL, Inc.
-# All Rights Reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-# a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-import socket
-from unittest import mock
-from neutron_lib.api.definitions import portbindings
-from neutron_lib import constants
-from oslo_config import cfg
-from neutron.agent.linux import interface
-from neutron.common import config as common_config
-from neutron.conf.agent import common as config
-from neutron.debug import commands
-from neutron.debug import debug_agent
-from neutron.tests import base
-class MyApp(object):
- def __init__(self, _stdout):
- self.stdout = _stdout
-class TestDebugCommands(base.BaseTestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- super(TestDebugCommands, self).setUp()
- config.register_interface_opts()
- common_config.init([])
- config.register_interface_driver_opts_helper(cfg.CONF)
- device_exists_p = mock.patch(
- 'neutron.agent.linux.ip_lib.device_exists', return_value=False)
- device_exists_p.start()
- namespace_e_p = mock.patch(
- 'neutron.agent.linux.ip_lib.network_namespace_exists')
- namespace_e_p.start()
- namespace_d_p = mock.patch(
- 'neutron.agent.linux.ip_lib.delete_network_namespace')
- namespace_d_p.start()
- ensure_namespace_p = mock.patch(
- 'neutron.agent.linux.ip_lib.IPWrapper.ensure_namespace')
- ensure_namespace_p.start()
- dvr_cls_p = mock.patch('neutron.agent.linux.interface.NullDriver')
- driver_cls = dvr_cls_p.start()
- mock_driver = mock.MagicMock()
- mock_driver.DEV_NAME_LEN = (
- interface.LinuxInterfaceDriver.DEV_NAME_LEN)
- mock_driver.get_device_name.return_value = 'tap12345678-12'
- driver_cls.return_value = mock_driver
- self.driver = mock_driver
- client_cls_p = mock.patch('neutronclient.v2_0.client.Client')
- client_cls = client_cls_p.start()
- client_inst = mock.Mock()
- client_cls.return_value = client_inst
- fake_network = {'network': {'id': 'fake_net',
- 'tenant_id': 'fake_tenant',
- 'subnets': ['fake_subnet']}}
- fake_port = {'port':
- {'id': 'fake_port',
- 'device_owner': 'fake_device',
- 'mac_address': 'aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ffa',
- 'network_id': 'fake_net',
- 'fixed_ips':
- [{'subnet_id': 'fake_subnet', 'ip_address': ''}]
- }}
- fake_ports = {'ports': [fake_port['port']]}
- self.fake_ports = fake_ports
- allocation_pools = [{'start': '',
- 'end': ''}]
- fake_subnet_v4 = {'subnet': {'name': 'fake_subnet_v4',
- 'id': 'fake_subnet',
- 'network_id': 'fake_net',
- 'gateway_ip': '',
- 'dns_nameservers': [''],
- 'host_routes': [],
- 'cidr': '',
- 'allocation_pools': allocation_pools,
- 'enable_dhcp': True,
- 'ip_version': constants.IP_VERSION_4}}
- client_inst.list_ports.return_value = fake_ports
- client_inst.create_port.return_value = fake_port
- client_inst.show_port.return_value = fake_port
- client_inst.show_network.return_value = fake_network
- client_inst.show_subnet.return_value = fake_subnet_v4
- self.client = client_inst
- mock_std = mock.Mock()
- = MyApp(mock_std)
- = debug_agent.NeutronDebugAgent(cfg.CONF,
- client_inst,
- mock_driver)
- def _test_create_probe(self, device_owner):
- cmd = commands.CreateProbe(, None)
- cmd_parser = cmd.get_parser('create_probe')
- if device_owner == debug_agent.DEVICE_OWNER_COMPUTE_PROBE:
- args = ['fake_net', '--device-owner', 'compute']
- else:
- args = ['fake_net']
- parsed_args = cmd_parser.parse_args(args)
- fake_port = {'port':
- {'device_owner': device_owner,
- 'admin_state_up': True,
- 'network_id': 'fake_net',
- 'tenant_id': 'fake_tenant',
- portbindings.HOST_ID:,
- 'fixed_ips': [{'subnet_id': 'fake_subnet'}],
- 'device_id': socket.gethostname()}}
- namespace = 'qprobe-fake_port'
- self.client.assert_has_calls(['fake_net'),
- self.driver.assert_has_calls([,
- 'fake_port',
- 'tap12345678-12',
- 'aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ffa',
- namespace=namespace),
- [''],
- namespace=namespace
- )])
- def test_create_network_probe(self):
- self._test_create_probe(debug_agent.DEVICE_OWNER_NETWORK_PROBE)
- def test_create_nova_probe(self):
- self._test_create_probe(debug_agent.DEVICE_OWNER_COMPUTE_PROBE)
- def _test_create_probe_external(self, device_owner):
- fake_network = {'network': {'id': 'fake_net',
- 'tenant_id': 'fake_tenant',
- 'router:external': True,
- 'subnets': ['fake_subnet']}}
- self.client.show_network.return_value = fake_network
- cmd = commands.CreateProbe(, None)
- cmd_parser = cmd.get_parser('create_probe')
- if device_owner == debug_agent.DEVICE_OWNER_COMPUTE_PROBE:
- args = ['fake_net', '--device-owner', 'compute']
- else:
- args = ['fake_net']
- parsed_args = cmd_parser.parse_args(args)
- fake_port = {'port':
- {'device_owner': device_owner,
- 'admin_state_up': True,
- 'network_id': 'fake_net',
- 'tenant_id': 'fake_tenant',
- portbindings.HOST_ID:,
- 'fixed_ips': [{'subnet_id': 'fake_subnet'}],
- 'device_id': socket.gethostname()}}
- namespace = 'qprobe-fake_port'
- self.client.assert_has_calls(['fake_net'),
- self.driver.assert_has_calls([,
- 'fake_port',
- 'tap12345678-12',
- 'aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ffa',
- namespace=namespace),
- [''],
- namespace=namespace
- )])
- def test_create_network_probe_external(self):
- self._test_create_probe_external(
- def test_create_nova_probe_external(self):
- self._test_create_probe_external(
- def test_delete_probe(self):
- cmd = commands.DeleteProbe(, None)
- cmd_parser = cmd.get_parser('delete_probe')
- args = ['fake_port']
- parsed_args = cmd_parser.parse_args(args)
- namespace = 'qprobe-fake_port'
- self.client.assert_has_calls(['fake_port'),
- self.driver.assert_has_calls([,
- namespace=namespace)])
- def test_delete_probe_external(self):
- fake_network = {'network': {'id': 'fake_net',
- 'tenant_id': 'fake_tenant',
- 'router:external': True,
- 'subnets': ['fake_subnet']}}
- self.client.show_network.return_value = fake_network
- cmd = commands.DeleteProbe(, None)
- cmd_parser = cmd.get_parser('delete_probe')
- args = ['fake_port']
- parsed_args = cmd_parser.parse_args(args)
- namespace = 'qprobe-fake_port'
- self.client.assert_has_calls(['fake_port'),
- self.driver.assert_has_calls([,
- namespace=namespace)])
- def test_list_probe(self):
- cmd = commands.ListProbe(, None)
- cmd_parser = cmd.get_parser('list_probe')
- args = []
- parsed_args = cmd_parser.parse_args(args)
- self.client.assert_has_calls(
- [
- device_owner=[debug_agent.DEVICE_OWNER_NETWORK_PROBE,
- def test_exec_command(self):
- cmd = commands.ExecProbe(, None)
- cmd_parser = cmd.get_parser('exec_command')
- args = ['fake_port', 'fake_command']
- parsed_args = cmd_parser.parse_args(args)
- with mock.patch('neutron.agent.linux.ip_lib.IpNetnsCommand') as ns:
- ns.assert_has_calls([])
- self.client.assert_has_calls(['fake_port')])
- def test_clear_probe(self):
- cmd = commands.ClearProbe(, None)
- cmd_parser = cmd.get_parser('clear_probe')
- args = []
- parsed_args = cmd_parser.parse_args(args)
- namespace = 'qprobe-fake_port'
- self.client.assert_has_calls(
- [
- device_id=socket.gethostname(),
- device_owner=[debug_agent.DEVICE_OWNER_NETWORK_PROBE,
- self.driver.assert_has_calls([,
- namespace=namespace)])
- def test_ping_all_with_ensure_port(self):
- fake_ports = self.fake_ports
- def fake_port_list(network_id=None, device_owner=None, device_id=None):
- if network_id:
- # In order to test ensure_port, return []
- return {'ports': []}
- return fake_ports
- self.client.list_ports.side_effect = fake_port_list
- cmd = commands.PingAll(, None)
- cmd_parser = cmd.get_parser('ping_all')
- args = []
- parsed_args = cmd_parser.parse_args(args)
- namespace = 'qprobe-fake_port'
- with mock.patch('neutron.agent.linux.ip_lib.IpNetnsCommand') as ns:
- ns.assert_has_calls([])
- fake_port = {'port':
- {'device_owner': debug_agent.DEVICE_OWNER_NETWORK_PROBE,
- 'admin_state_up': True,
- 'network_id': 'fake_net',
- 'tenant_id': 'fake_tenant',
- portbindings.HOST_ID:,
- 'fixed_ips': [{'subnet_id': 'fake_subnet'}],
- 'device_id': socket.gethostname()}}
- expected = ['fake_net'),
- self.client.assert_has_calls(expected)
- self.driver.assert_has_calls(['tap12345678-12',
- [''],
- namespace=namespace
- )])
- def test_ping_all(self):
- cmd = commands.PingAll(, None)
- cmd_parser = cmd.get_parser('ping_all')
- args = []
- parsed_args = cmd_parser.parse_args(args)
- with mock.patch('neutron.agent.linux.ip_lib.IpNetnsCommand') as ns:
- ns.assert_has_calls([])
- expected = [,
- network_id='fake_net',
- device_owner=debug_agent.DEVICE_OWNER_NETWORK_PROBE,
- device_id=socket.gethostname()),
- self.client.assert_has_calls(expected)
- def test_ping_all_v6(self):
- fake_subnet_v6 = {'subnet': {'name': 'fake_v6',
- 'ip_version': constants.IP_VERSION_6}}
- self.client.show_subnet.return_value = fake_subnet_v6
- cmd = commands.PingAll(, None)
- cmd_parser = cmd.get_parser('ping_all')
- args = []
- parsed_args = cmd_parser.parse_args(args)
- with mock.patch('neutron.agent.linux.ip_lib.IpNetnsCommand') as ns:
- ns.assert_has_calls([])
- self.client.assert_has_calls([])