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3 files changed, 117 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/nova/conductor/ b/nova/conductor/
index 0240e62faf..3a774c96e3 100644
--- a/nova/conductor/
+++ b/nova/conductor/
@@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ from nova.scheduler import client as scheduler_client
from nova.scheduler import utils as scheduler_utils
from nova import servicegroup
from nova import utils
+from nova.volume import cinder
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -226,6 +227,7 @@ class ComputeTaskManager(base.Base):
def __init__(self):
super(ComputeTaskManager, self).__init__()
self.compute_rpcapi = compute_rpcapi.ComputeAPI()
+ self.volume_api = cinder.API()
self.image_api = image.API()
self.network_api = network.API()
self.servicegroup_api = servicegroup.API()
@@ -513,6 +515,24 @@ class ComputeTaskManager(base.Base):
return inst_mapping
+ def _validate_existing_attachment_ids(self, context, instance, bdms):
+ """Ensure any attachment ids referenced by the bdms exist.
+ New attachments will only be created if the attachment ids referenced
+ by the bdms no longer exist. This can happen when an instance is
+ rescheduled after a failure to spawn as cleanup code on the previous
+ host will delete attachments before rescheduling.
+ """
+ for bdm in bdms:
+ if bdm.is_volume and bdm.attachment_id:
+ try:
+ self.volume_api.attachment_get(context, bdm.attachment_id)
+ except exception.VolumeAttachmentNotFound:
+ attachment = self.volume_api.attachment_create(
+ context, bdm.volume_id, instance.uuid)
+ bdm.attachment_id = attachment['id']
# NOTE(danms): This is never cell-targeted because it is only used for
# cellsv1 (which does not target cells directly) and n-cpu reschedules
# (which go to the cell conductor and thus are always cell-specific).
@@ -699,6 +719,11 @@ class ComputeTaskManager(base.Base):
if inst_mapping:
+ else:
+ # NOTE(lyarwood): If this is a reschedule then recreate any
+ # attachments that were previously removed when cleaning up
+ # after failures to spawn etc.
+ self._validate_existing_attachment_ids(context, instance, bdms)
alts = [(alt.service_host, alt.nodename) for alt in host_list]
LOG.debug("Selected host: %s; Selected node: %s; Alternates: %s",
diff --git a/nova/tests/functional/regressions/ b/nova/tests/functional/regressions/
index 16c4ce444e..837c31e33d 100644
--- a/nova/tests/functional/regressions/
+++ b/nova/tests/functional/regressions/
@@ -80,9 +80,11 @@ class TestRescheduleWithVolumesAttached(
server_response = self.api.post_server({'server': server_request})
server_id = server_response['id']
- # FIXME(lyarwood): Assert that the instance ends up in an ERROR state
- # with no attachments present in the fixture. The instance should be
- # ACTIVE with a single attachment associated to the volume.
- self._wait_for_state_change(self.api, server_response, 'ERROR')
- self.assertNotIn(volume_id,
- self.cinder.volume_ids_for_instance(server_id))
+ self._wait_for_state_change(self.api, server_response, 'ACTIVE')
+ attached_volume_ids = self.cinder.volume_ids_for_instance(server_id)
+ self.assertIn(volume_id, attached_volume_ids)
+ self.assertEqual(1, len(self.cinder.volume_to_attachment))
+ # There should only be one attachment record for the volume and
+ # instance because the original would have been deleted before
+ # rescheduling off the first host.
+ self.assertEqual(1, len(self.cinder.volume_to_attachment[volume_id]))
diff --git a/nova/tests/unit/conductor/ b/nova/tests/unit/conductor/
index b26a2e4636..e78caeeb64 100644
--- a/nova/tests/unit/conductor/
+++ b/nova/tests/unit/conductor/
@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ from nova import exception as exc
from nova.image import api as image_api
from nova import objects
from nova.objects import base as obj_base
+from nova.objects import block_device as block_device_obj
from nova.objects import fields
from nova.scheduler import client as scheduler_client
from nova.scheduler import utils as scheduler_utils
@@ -59,6 +60,7 @@ from nova.tests.unit import fake_server_actions
from nova.tests.unit import utils as test_utils
from nova.tests import uuidsentinel as uuids
from nova import utils
+from nova.volume import cinder
CONF = conf.CONF
@@ -963,6 +965,88 @@ class _BaseTaskTestCase(object):
+ @mock.patch.object(cinder.API, 'attachment_get')
+ @mock.patch.object(cinder.API, 'attachment_create')
+ @mock.patch.object(block_device_obj.BlockDeviceMapping, 'save')
+ def test_validate_existing_attachment_ids_with_missing_attachments(self,
+ mock_bdm_save, mock_attachment_create, mock_attachment_get):
+ instance = self._create_fake_instance_obj()
+ bdms = [
+ block_device.BlockDeviceDict({
+ 'boot_index': 0,
+ 'guest_format': None,
+ 'connection_info': None,
+ 'device_type': u'disk',
+ 'source_type': 'image',
+ 'destination_type': 'volume',
+ 'volume_size': 1,
+ 'image_id': 1,
+ 'device_name': '/dev/vdb',
+ 'attachment_id': uuids.attachment,
+ 'volume_id': uuids.volume
+ })]
+ bdms = block_device_obj.block_device_make_list_from_dicts(
+ self.context, bdms)
+ mock_attachment_get.side_effect = exc.VolumeAttachmentNotFound(
+ attachment_id=uuids.attachment)
+ mock_attachment_create.return_value = {'id': uuids.new_attachment}
+ self.assertEqual(uuids.attachment, bdms[0].attachment_id)
+ self.conductor_manager._validate_existing_attachment_ids(self.context,
+ instance,
+ bdms)
+ mock_attachment_get.assert_called_once_with(self.context,
+ uuids.attachment)
+ mock_attachment_create.assert_called_once_with(self.context,
+ uuids.volume,
+ instance.uuid)
+ mock_bdm_save.assert_called_once()
+ self.assertEqual(uuids.new_attachment, bdms[0].attachment_id)
+ @mock.patch.object(cinder.API, 'attachment_get')
+ @mock.patch.object(cinder.API, 'attachment_create')
+ @mock.patch.object(block_device_obj.BlockDeviceMapping, 'save')
+ def test_validate_existing_attachment_ids_with_attachments_present(self,
+ mock_bdm_save, mock_attachment_create, mock_attachment_get):
+ instance = self._create_fake_instance_obj()
+ bdms = [
+ block_device.BlockDeviceDict({
+ 'boot_index': 0,
+ 'guest_format': None,
+ 'connection_info': None,
+ 'device_type': u'disk',
+ 'source_type': 'image',
+ 'destination_type': 'volume',
+ 'volume_size': 1,
+ 'image_id': 1,
+ 'device_name': '/dev/vdb',
+ 'attachment_id': uuids.attachment,
+ 'volume_id': uuids.volume
+ })]
+ bdms = block_device_obj.block_device_make_list_from_dicts(
+ self.context, bdms)
+ mock_attachment_get.return_value = {
+ "attachment": {
+ "status": "attaching",
+ "detached_at": "2015-09-16T09:28:52.000000",
+ "connection_info": {},
+ "attached_at": "2015-09-16T09:28:52.000000",
+ "attach_mode": "ro",
+ "instance": instance.uuid,
+ "volume_id": uuids.volume,
+ "id": uuids.attachment
+ }}
+ self.assertEqual(uuids.attachment, bdms[0].attachment_id)
+ self.conductor_manager._validate_existing_attachment_ids(self.context,
+ instance,
+ bdms)
+ mock_attachment_get.assert_called_once_with(self.context,
+ uuids.attachment)
+ mock_attachment_create.assert_not_called()
+ mock_bdm_save.assert_not_called()
+ self.assertEqual(uuids.attachment, bdms[0].attachment_id)
@mock.patch.object(compute_rpcapi.ComputeAPI, 'unshelve_instance')
@mock.patch.object(compute_rpcapi.ComputeAPI, 'start_instance')
def test_unshelve_instance_on_host(self, mock_start, mock_unshelve):