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diff --git a/doc/source/index.rst b/doc/source/index.rst
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--- a/doc/source/index.rst
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@@ -268,6 +268,7 @@ looking parts of our architecture. These are collected below.
+ user/index
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+User Documentation
+Architecture Overview
+* :doc:`Nova architecture </user/architecture>`: An overview of how all the parts in
+ nova fit together.
+* :doc:`Block Device Mapping </user/block-device-mapping>`: One of the more
+ complicated parts to understand is the Block Device Mapping parameters used
+ to connect specific block devices to computes. This deserves its own deep
+ dive.
+* :doc:`Conductor </user/conductor>`: TODO
+Deployment Considerations
+There is information you might want to consider before doing your deployment,
+especially if it is going to be a larger deployment. For smaller deployments
+the defaults from the :doc:`install guide </install/index>` will be sufficient.
+* **Compute Driver Features Supported**: While the majority of nova deployments use
+ libvirt/kvm, you can use nova with other compute drivers. Nova attempts to
+ provide a unified feature set across these, however, not all features are
+ implemented on all backends, and not all features are equally well tested.
+ * :doc:`Feature Support by Use Case </user/feature-classification>`: A view of
+ what features each driver supports based on what's important to some large
+ use cases (General Purpose Cloud, NFV Cloud, HPC Cloud).
+ * :doc:`Feature Support full list </user/support-matrix>`: A detailed dive through
+ features in each compute driver backend.
+* :doc:`Cells v2 Planning </user/cellsv2_layout>`: For large deployments, Cells v2
+ allows sharding of your compute environment. Upfront planning is key to a
+ successful Cells v2 layout.
+* :doc:`Placement service </user/placement>`: Overview of the placement
+ service, including how it fits in with the rest of nova.
+* :doc:`Running nova-api on wsgi </user/wsgi>`: Considerations for using a real
+ WSGI container instead of the baked-in eventlet web server.
+Once you are running nova, the following information is extremely useful.
+* :doc:`Admin Guide </admin/index>`: A collection of guides for administrating
+ nova.
+ .. warning::
+ This guide was imported during the Pike cycle and is a bit out of
+ date. It will be updated during Queens to be more accurate.
+* :doc:`Upgrades </user/upgrade>`: How nova is designed to be upgraded for minimal
+ service impact, and the order you should do them in.
+* :doc:`Quotas </user/quotas>`: Managing project quotas in nova.
+* :doc:`Aggregates </user/aggregates>`: Aggregates are a useful way of grouping
+ hosts together for scheduling purposes.
+* :doc:`Filter Scheduler </user/filter-scheduler>`: How the filter scheduler is
+ configured, and how that will impact where compute instances land in your
+ environment. If you are seeing unexpected distribution of compute instances
+ in your hosts, you'll want to dive into this configuration.
+* :doc:`Exposing custom metadata to compute instances </user/vendordata>`: How and
+ when you might want to extend the basic metadata exposed to compute instances
+ (either via metadata server or config drive) for your specific purposes.