path: root/nova/tests/unit/network/security_group/
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Diffstat (limited to 'nova/tests/unit/network/security_group/')
1 files changed, 247 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/nova/tests/unit/network/security_group/ b/nova/tests/unit/network/security_group/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6a86c6df1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nova/tests/unit/network/security_group/
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+# Copyright 2013 OpenStack Foundation
+# All Rights Reserved
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+import mox
+from neutronclient.common import exceptions as n_exc
+from neutronclient.v2_0 import client
+from nova.api.openstack.compute.contrib import security_groups
+from nova import context
+from nova import exception
+from import neutronv2
+from import neutron_driver
+from nova import test
+class TestNeutronDriver(test.NoDBTestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ super(TestNeutronDriver, self).setUp()
+ self.mox.StubOutWithMock(neutronv2, 'get_client')
+ self.moxed_client = self.mox.CreateMock(client.Client)
+ neutronv2.get_client(mox.IgnoreArg()).MultipleTimes().AndReturn(
+ self.moxed_client)
+ self.context = context.RequestContext('userid', 'my_tenantid')
+ setattr(self.context,
+ 'auth_token',
+ 'bff4a5a6b9eb4ea2a6efec6eefb77936')
+ def test_list_with_project(self):
+ project_id = '0af70a4d22cf4652824ddc1f2435dd85'
+ security_groups_list = {'security_groups': []}
+ self.moxed_client.list_security_groups(tenant_id=project_id).AndReturn(
+ security_groups_list)
+ self.mox.ReplayAll()
+ sg_api = neutron_driver.SecurityGroupAPI()
+ sg_api.list(self.context, project=project_id)
+ def test_get_with_name_duplicated(self):
+ sg_name = 'web_server'
+ expected_sg_id = '85cc3048-abc3-43cc-89b3-377341426ac5'
+ list_security_groups = {'security_groups':
+ [{'name': sg_name,
+ 'id': expected_sg_id,
+ 'tenant_id': self.context.tenant,
+ 'description': 'server',
+ 'rules': []}
+ ]}
+ self.moxed_client.list_security_groups(name=sg_name, fields='id',
+ tenant_id=self.context.tenant).AndReturn(list_security_groups)
+ expected_sg = {'security_group': {'name': sg_name,
+ 'id': expected_sg_id,
+ 'tenant_id': self.context.tenant,
+ 'description': 'server', 'rules': []}}
+ self.moxed_client.show_security_group(expected_sg_id).AndReturn(
+ expected_sg)
+ self.mox.ReplayAll()
+ sg_api = neutron_driver.SecurityGroupAPI()
+ observed_sg = sg_api.get(self.context, name=sg_name)
+ expected_sg['security_group']['project_id'] = self.context.tenant
+ del expected_sg['security_group']['tenant_id']
+ self.assertEqual(expected_sg['security_group'], observed_sg)
+ def test_create_security_group_exceed_quota(self):
+ name = 'test-security-group'
+ description = 'test-security-group'
+ body = {'security_group': {'name': name,
+ 'description': description}}
+ message = "Quota exceeded for resources: ['security_group']"
+ self.moxed_client.create_security_group(
+ body).AndRaise(n_exc.NeutronClientException(status_code=409,
+ message=message))
+ self.mox.ReplayAll()
+ sg_api = security_groups.NativeNeutronSecurityGroupAPI()
+ self.assertRaises(exception.SecurityGroupLimitExceeded,
+ sg_api.create_security_group, self.context, name,
+ description)
+ def test_create_security_group_rules_exceed_quota(self):
+ vals = {'protocol': 'tcp', 'cidr': '',
+ 'parent_group_id': '7ae75663-277e-4a0e-8f87-56ea4e70cb47',
+ 'group_id': None, 'from_port': 1025, 'to_port': 1025}
+ body = {'security_group_rules': [{'remote_group_id': None,
+ 'direction': 'ingress', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'ethertype': 'IPv4',
+ 'port_range_max': 1025, 'port_range_min': 1025,
+ 'security_group_id': '7ae75663-277e-4a0e-8f87-56ea4e70cb47',
+ 'remote_ip_prefix': ''}]}
+ name = 'test-security-group'
+ message = "Quota exceeded for resources: ['security_group_rule']"
+ self.moxed_client.create_security_group_rule(
+ body).AndRaise(n_exc.NeutronClientException(status_code=409,
+ message=message))
+ self.mox.ReplayAll()
+ sg_api = security_groups.NativeNeutronSecurityGroupAPI()
+ self.assertRaises(exception.SecurityGroupLimitExceeded,
+ sg_api.add_rules, self.context, None, name, [vals])
+ def test_list_security_group_with_no_port_range_and_not_tcp_udp_icmp(self):
+ sg1 = {'description': 'default',
+ 'id': '07f1362f-34f6-4136-819a-2dcde112269e',
+ 'name': 'default',
+ 'tenant_id': 'c166d9316f814891bcb66b96c4c891d6',
+ 'security_group_rules':
+ [{'direction': 'ingress',
+ 'ethertype': 'IPv4',
+ 'id': '0a4647f1-e1aa-488d-90e1-97a7d0293beb',
+ 'port_range_max': None,
+ 'port_range_min': None,
+ 'protocol': '51',
+ 'remote_group_id': None,
+ 'remote_ip_prefix': None,
+ 'security_group_id':
+ '07f1362f-34f6-4136-819a-2dcde112269e',
+ 'tenant_id': 'c166d9316f814891bcb66b96c4c891d6'}]}
+ self.moxed_client.list_security_groups().AndReturn(
+ {'security_groups': [sg1]})
+ self.mox.ReplayAll()
+ sg_api = neutron_driver.SecurityGroupAPI()
+ result = sg_api.list(self.context)
+ expected = [{'rules':
+ [{'from_port': -1, 'protocol': '51', 'to_port': -1,
+ 'parent_group_id': '07f1362f-34f6-4136-819a-2dcde112269e',
+ 'cidr': '', 'group_id': None,
+ 'id': '0a4647f1-e1aa-488d-90e1-97a7d0293beb'}],
+ 'project_id': 'c166d9316f814891bcb66b96c4c891d6',
+ 'id': '07f1362f-34f6-4136-819a-2dcde112269e',
+ 'name': 'default', 'description': 'default'}]
+ self.assertEqual(expected, result)
+ def test_instances_security_group_bindings(self):
+ server_id = 'c5a20e8d-c4b0-47cf-9dca-ebe4f758acb1'
+ port1_id = '4c505aec-09aa-47bc-bcc0-940477e84dc0'
+ port2_id = 'b3b31a53-6e29-479f-ae5c-00b7b71a6d44'
+ sg1_id = '2f7ce969-1a73-4ef9-bbd6-c9a91780ecd4'
+ sg2_id = '20c89ce5-9388-4046-896e-64ffbd3eb584'
+ servers = [{'id': server_id}]
+ ports = [{'id': port1_id, 'device_id': server_id,
+ 'security_groups': [sg1_id]},
+ {'id': port2_id, 'device_id': server_id,
+ 'security_groups': [sg2_id]}]
+ port_list = {'ports': ports}
+ sg1 = {'id': sg1_id, 'name': 'wol'}
+ sg2 = {'id': sg2_id, 'name': 'eor'}
+ security_groups_list = {'security_groups': [sg1, sg2]}
+ sg_bindings = {server_id: [{'name': 'wol'}, {'name': 'eor'}]}
+ self.moxed_client.list_ports(device_id=[server_id]).AndReturn(
+ port_list)
+ self.moxed_client.list_security_groups(id=[sg2_id, sg1_id]).AndReturn(
+ security_groups_list)
+ self.mox.ReplayAll()
+ sg_api = neutron_driver.SecurityGroupAPI()
+ result = sg_api.get_instances_security_groups_bindings(
+ self.context, servers)
+ self.assertEqual(result, sg_bindings)
+ def _test_instances_security_group_bindings_scale(self, num_servers):
+ max_query = 150
+ sg1_id = '2f7ce969-1a73-4ef9-bbd6-c9a91780ecd4'
+ sg2_id = '20c89ce5-9388-4046-896e-64ffbd3eb584'
+ sg1 = {'id': sg1_id, 'name': 'wol'}
+ sg2 = {'id': sg2_id, 'name': 'eor'}
+ security_groups_list = {'security_groups': [sg1, sg2]}
+ servers = []
+ device_ids = []
+ ports = []
+ sg_bindings = {}
+ for i in xrange(0, num_servers):
+ server_id = "server-%d" % i
+ port_id = "port-%d" % i
+ servers.append({'id': server_id})
+ device_ids.append(server_id)
+ ports.append({'id': port_id,
+ 'device_id': server_id,
+ 'security_groups': [sg1_id, sg2_id]})
+ sg_bindings[server_id] = [{'name': 'wol'}, {'name': 'eor'}]
+ for x in xrange(0, num_servers, max_query):
+ self.moxed_client.list_ports(
+ device_id=device_ids[x:x + max_query]).\
+ AndReturn({'ports': ports[x:x + max_query]})
+ self.moxed_client.list_security_groups(id=[sg2_id, sg1_id]).AndReturn(
+ security_groups_list)
+ self.mox.ReplayAll()
+ sg_api = neutron_driver.SecurityGroupAPI()
+ result = sg_api.get_instances_security_groups_bindings(
+ self.context, servers)
+ self.assertEqual(result, sg_bindings)
+ def test_instances_security_group_bindings_less_than_max(self):
+ self._test_instances_security_group_bindings_scale(100)
+ def test_instances_security_group_bindings_max(self):
+ self._test_instances_security_group_bindings_scale(150)
+ def test_instances_security_group_bindings_more_then_max(self):
+ self._test_instances_security_group_bindings_scale(300)
+ def test_instances_security_group_bindings_with_hidden_sg(self):
+ servers = [{'id': 'server_1'}]
+ ports = [{'id': '1', 'device_id': 'dev_1', 'security_groups': ['1']},
+ {'id': '2', 'device_id': 'dev_1', 'security_groups': ['2']}]
+ port_list = {'ports': ports}
+ sg1 = {'id': '1', 'name': 'wol'}
+ # User doesn't have access to sg2
+ security_groups_list = {'security_groups': [sg1]}
+ sg_bindings = {'dev_1': [{'name': 'wol'}]}
+ self.moxed_client.list_ports(device_id=['server_1']).AndReturn(
+ port_list)
+ self.moxed_client.list_security_groups(id=['1', '2']).AndReturn(
+ security_groups_list)
+ self.mox.ReplayAll()
+ sg_api = neutron_driver.SecurityGroupAPI()
+ result = sg_api.get_instances_security_groups_bindings(
+ self.context, servers)
+ self.assertEqual(result, sg_bindings)
+ def test_instance_empty_security_groups(self):
+ port_list = {'ports': [{'id': 1, 'device_id': '1',
+ 'security_groups': []}]}
+ self.moxed_client.list_ports(device_id=['1']).AndReturn(port_list)
+ self.mox.ReplayAll()
+ sg_api = neutron_driver.SecurityGroupAPI()
+ result = sg_api.get_instance_security_groups(self.context, '1')
+ self.assertEqual([], result)