path: root/oslo_db/sqlalchemy/compat
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authorChangBo Guo(gcb) <>2016-03-14 21:50:22 +0800
committerChangBo Guo(gcb) <>2016-03-14 22:59:31 +0800
commit09c531b389eb27410ed4758ff9a38c2529453fa1 (patch)
tree0b86bb77bde1bc9f812e57544506705c1265ea16 /oslo_db/sqlalchemy/compat
parent045a6fb9fb9441daf806c9b58049f28d184d6aa0 (diff)
Remove sqlalchemy < 1.0.0 compatible layer
We bump sqlalchemy >=1.0.10, so don't need compatible layer in master branch now. Change-Id: Ib3974669893d2f7b059eab38468f127ee2c790af
Diffstat (limited to 'oslo_db/sqlalchemy/compat')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 366 deletions
diff --git a/oslo_db/sqlalchemy/compat/ b/oslo_db/sqlalchemy/compat/
index 0a054d8..e69de29 100644
--- a/oslo_db/sqlalchemy/compat/
+++ b/oslo_db/sqlalchemy/compat/
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-# a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-"""compatiblity extensions for SQLAlchemy versions.
-Elements within this module provide SQLAlchemy features that have been
-added at some point but for which oslo.db provides a compatible versions
-for previous SQLAlchemy versions.
-from oslo_db.sqlalchemy.compat import handle_error as _h_err
-# trying to get: "from oslo_db.sqlalchemy import compat; compat.handle_error"
-# flake8 won't let me import handle_error directly
-handle_error = _h_err.handle_error
-__all__ = ['handle_error']
diff --git a/oslo_db/sqlalchemy/compat/ b/oslo_db/sqlalchemy/compat/
deleted file mode 100644
index a7efcdc..0000000
--- a/oslo_db/sqlalchemy/compat/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,341 +0,0 @@
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-# a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-"""Provide forwards compatibility for the handle_error event.
-See the "handle_error" event at
-import sys
-import six
-from sqlalchemy.engine import base as engine_base
-from sqlalchemy.engine import Engine
-from sqlalchemy import event
-from sqlalchemy import exc as sqla_exc
-from oslo_db.sqlalchemy.compat import utils
-def handle_error(engine, listener):
- """Add a handle_error listener for the given :class:`.Engine`.
- This listener uses the SQLAlchemy
- :meth:`sqlalchemy.event.ConnectionEvents.handle_error`
- event.
- """
- if utils.sqla_100:
- event.listen(engine, "handle_error", listener)
- return
- assert isinstance(engine, Engine), \
- "engine argument must be an Engine instance, not a Connection"
- assert utils.sqla_097
- _rework_connect_and_revalidate_for_events(engine)
- # ctx.engine added per
- #
- def wrap_listener(ctx):
- if isinstance(ctx, engine_base.ExceptionContextImpl):
- ctx.engine = ctx.connection.engine
- return listener(ctx)
- event.listen(engine, "handle_error", wrap_listener)
-def _rework_connect_and_revalidate_for_events(engine):
- """Patch the _revalidate_connection() system on Connection.
- This applies 1.0's _revalidate_connection() approach into an 0.9
- version of SQLAlchemy, and consists of three steps:
- 1. wrap the pool._creator function, which in 0.9 has a local
- call to sqlalchemy.exc.DBAPIError.instance(), so that this exception is
- again unwrapped back to the original DBAPI-specific Error, then raise
- that. This is essentially the same as if the dbapi.connect() isn't
- wrapped in the first place, which is how SQLAlchemy 1.0 now functions.
- 2. patch the Engine object's raw_connection() method. In SQLAlchemy 1.0,
- this is now where the error wrapping occurs when a pool connect attempt
- is made. Here, when raw_connection() is called without a hosting
- Connection, we send exception raises to
- _handle_dbapi_exception_noconnection(), here copied from SQLAlchemy
- 1.0, which is an alternate version of Connection._handle_dbapi_exception()
- tailored for an initial connect failure when there is no
- Connection object being dealt with. This allows the error handler
- events to be called.
- 3. patch the Connection class to follow 1.0's behavior for
- _revalidate_connection(); here, the call to engine.raw_connection()
- will pass the raised error to Connection._handle_dbapi_exception(),
- again allowing error handler events to be called.
- """
- _orig_connect = engine.pool._creator
- def connect():
- try:
- return _orig_connect()
- except sqla_exc.DBAPIError as err:
- original_exception = err.orig
- raise original_exception
- engine.pool._creator = connect
- self = engine
- def contextual_connect(close_with_result=False, **kwargs):
- return self._connection_cls(
- self,
- self._wrap_pool_connect(self.pool.connect, None),
- close_with_result=close_with_result,
- **kwargs)
- def _wrap_pool_connect(fn, connection):
- dialect = self.dialect
- try:
- return fn()
- except dialect.dbapi.Error as e:
- if connection is None:
- _handle_dbapi_exception_noconnection(
- e, dialect, self)
- else:
- six.reraise(*sys.exc_info())
- def raw_connection(_connection=None):
- return self._wrap_pool_connect(
- self.pool.unique_connection, _connection)
- engine.contextual_connect = contextual_connect
- engine._wrap_pool_connect = _wrap_pool_connect
- engine.raw_connection = raw_connection
- class Connection(engine._connection_cls):
- @property
- def connection(self):
- "The underlying DB-API connection managed by this Connection."
- try:
- return self.__connection
- except AttributeError:
- try:
- return self._revalidate_connection()
- except Exception as e:
- self._handle_dbapi_exception(e, None, None, None, None)
- def _handle_dbapi_exception(self,
- e,
- statement,
- parameters,
- cursor,
- context):
- if self.invalidated:
- # 0.9's _handle_dbapi_exception() can't handle
- # a Connection that is invalidated already, meaning
- # its "__connection" attribute is not set. So if we are
- # in that case, call our "no connection" invalidator.
- # this is fine as we are only supporting handle_error listeners
- # that are applied at the engine level.
- _handle_dbapi_exception_noconnection(
- e, self.dialect, self.engine)
- else:
- super(Connection, self)._handle_dbapi_exception(
- e, statement, parameters, cursor, context)
- def _revalidate_connection(self):
- if self._Connection__can_reconnect and self._Connection__invalid:
- if self._Connection__transaction is not None:
- raise sqla_exc.InvalidRequestError(
- "Can't reconnect until invalid "
- "transaction is rolled back")
- self._Connection__connection = self.engine.raw_connection(
- _connection=self)
- self._Connection__invalid = False
- return self._Connection__connection
- raise sqla_exc.ResourceClosedError("This Connection is closed")
- engine._connection_cls = Connection
-def _handle_dbapi_exception_noconnection(e, dialect, engine):
- exc_info = sys.exc_info()
- is_disconnect = dialect.is_disconnect(e, None, None)
- should_wrap = isinstance(e, dialect.dbapi.Error)
- if should_wrap:
- sqlalchemy_exception = sqla_exc.DBAPIError.instance(
- None,
- None,
- e,
- dialect.dbapi.Error,
- connection_invalidated=is_disconnect)
- else:
- sqlalchemy_exception = None
- newraise = None
- ctx = ExceptionContextImpl(
- e, sqlalchemy_exception, engine, None, None, None,
- None, None, is_disconnect)
- if hasattr(engine, '_oslo_handle_error_events'):
- fns = engine._oslo_handle_error_events
- else:
- fns = engine.dispatch.handle_error
- for fn in fns:
- try:
- # handler returns an exception;
- # call next handler in a chain
- per_fn = fn(ctx)
- if per_fn is not None:
- ctx.chained_exception = newraise = per_fn
- except Exception as _raised:
- # handler raises an exception - stop processing
- newraise = _raised
- break
- if sqlalchemy_exception and \
- is_disconnect != ctx.is_disconnect:
- sqlalchemy_exception.connection_invalidated = \
- is_disconnect = ctx.is_disconnect
- if newraise:
- six.reraise(type(newraise), newraise, exc_info[2])
- elif should_wrap:
- six.reraise(
- type(sqlalchemy_exception), sqlalchemy_exception, exc_info[2])
- else:
- six.reraise(*exc_info)
-class ExceptionContextImpl(object):
- """Encapsulate information about an error condition in progress.
- This is for forwards compatibility with the
- ExceptionContext interface introduced in SQLAlchemy 0.9.7.
- It also provides for the "engine" argument added in SQLAlchemy 1.0.0.
- """
- def __init__(self, exception, sqlalchemy_exception,
- engine, connection, cursor, statement, parameters,
- context, is_disconnect):
- self.engine = engine
- self.connection = connection
- self.sqlalchemy_exception = sqlalchemy_exception
- self.original_exception = exception
- self.execution_context = context
- self.statement = statement
- self.parameters = parameters
- self.is_disconnect = is_disconnect
- connection = None
- """The :class:`.Connection` in use during the exception.
- This member is present, except in the case of a failure when
- first connecting.
- """
- engine = None
- """The :class:`.Engine` in use during the exception.
- This member should always be present, even in the case of a failure
- when first connecting.
- """
- cursor = None
- """The DBAPI cursor object.
- May be None.
- """
- statement = None
- """String SQL statement that was emitted directly to the DBAPI.
- May be None.
- """
- parameters = None
- """Parameter collection that was emitted directly to the DBAPI.
- May be None.
- """
- original_exception = None
- """The exception object which was caught.
- This member is always present.
- """
- sqlalchemy_exception = None
- """The :class:`sqlalchemy.exc.StatementError` which wraps the original,
- and will be raised if exception handling is not circumvented by the event.
- May be None, as not all exception types are wrapped by SQLAlchemy.
- For DBAPI-level exceptions that subclass the dbapi's Error class, this
- field will always be present.
- """
- chained_exception = None
- """The exception that was returned by the previous handler in the
- exception chain, if any.
- If present, this exception will be the one ultimately raised by
- SQLAlchemy unless a subsequent handler replaces it.
- May be None.
- """
- execution_context = None
- """The :class:`.ExecutionContext` corresponding to the execution
- operation in progress.
- This is present for statement execution operations, but not for
- operations such as transaction begin/end. It also is not present when
- the exception was raised before the :class:`.ExecutionContext`
- could be constructed.
- Note that the :attr:`.ExceptionContext.statement` and
- :attr:`.ExceptionContext.parameters` members may represent a
- different value than that of the :class:`.ExecutionContext`,
- potentially in the case where a
- :meth:`.ConnectionEvents.before_cursor_execute` event or similar
- modified the statement/parameters to be sent.
- May be None.
- """
- is_disconnect = None
- """Represent whether the exception as occurred represents a "disconnect"
- condition.
- This flag will always be True or False within the scope of the
- :meth:`.ConnectionEvents.handle_error` handler.
- """