path: root/doc/source/user/usage.rst
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+ Usage
+To use oslo.db in a project:
+Session Handling
+Session handling is achieved using the :mod:`oslo_db.sqlalchemy.enginefacade`
+system. This module presents a function decorator as well as a
+context manager approach to delivering :class:`.Session` as well as
+:class:`.Connection` objects to a function or block.
+Both calling styles require the use of a context object. This object may
+be of any class, though when used with the decorator form, requires
+special instrumentation.
+The context manager form is as follows:
+.. code:: python
+ from oslo_db.sqlalchemy import enginefacade
+ class MyContext(object):
+ "User-defined context class."
+ def some_reader_api_function(context):
+ with enginefacade.reader.using(context) as session:
+ return session.query(SomeClass).all()
+ def some_writer_api_function(context, x, y):
+ with enginefacade.writer.using(context) as session:
+ session.add(SomeClass(x, y))
+ def run_some_database_calls():
+ context = MyContext()
+ results = some_reader_api_function(context)
+ some_writer_api_function(context, 5, 10)
+The decorator form accesses attributes off the user-defined context
+directly; the context must be decorated with the
+decorator. Each function must receive the context argument:
+.. code:: python
+ from oslo_db.sqlalchemy import enginefacade
+ @enginefacade.transaction_context_provider
+ class MyContext(object):
+ "User-defined context class."
+ @enginefacade.reader
+ def some_reader_api_function(context):
+ return context.session.query(SomeClass).all()
+ @enginefacade.writer
+ def some_writer_api_function(context, x, y):
+ context.session.add(SomeClass(x, y))
+ def run_some_database_calls():
+ context = MyContext()
+ results = some_reader_api_function(context)
+ some_writer_api_function(context, 5, 10)
+``connection`` modifier can be used when a :class:`.Session` object is not
+needed, e.g. when `SQLAlchemy Core <>`_
+is preferred:
+.. code:: python
+ @enginefacade.reader.connection
+ def _refresh_from_db(context, cache):
+ sel =[,])
+ res = context.connection.execute(sel).fetchall()
+ cache.id_cache = {r[1]: r[0] for r in res}
+ cache.str_cache = {r[0]: r[1] for r in res}
+.. note:: The ``context.session`` and ``context.connection`` attributes
+ must be accessed within the scope of an appropriate writer/reader block
+ (either the decorator or contextmanager approach). An AttributeError is
+ raised otherwise.
+The decorator form can also be used with class and instance methods which
+implicitly receive the first positional argument:
+.. code:: python
+ class DatabaseAccessLayer(object):
+ @classmethod
+ @enginefacade.reader
+ def some_reader_api_function(cls, context):
+ return context.session.query(SomeClass).all()
+ @enginefacade.writer
+ def some_writer_api_function(self, context, x, y):
+ context.session.add(SomeClass(x, y))
+.. note:: Note that enginefacade decorators must be applied **before**
+ `classmethod`, otherwise you will get a ``TypeError`` at import time
+ (as enginefacade will try to use ``inspect.getargspec()`` on a descriptor,
+ not on a bound method, please refer to the `Data Model
+ <>`_ section
+ of the Python Language Reference for details).
+The scope of transaction and connectivity for both approaches is managed
+transparently. The configuration for the connection comes from the standard
+:obj:`oslo_config.cfg.CONF` collection. Additional configurations can be
+established for the enginefacade using the
+:func:`oslo_db.sqlalchemy.enginefacade.configure` function, before any use of
+the database begins:
+.. code:: python
+ from oslo_db.sqlalchemy import enginefacade
+ enginefacade.configure(
+ sqlite_fk=True,
+ max_retries=5,
+ mysql_sql_mode='ANSI'
+ )
+Base class for models usage
+.. code:: python
+ from oslo_db.sqlalchemy import models
+ class ProjectSomething(models.TimestampMixin,
+ models.ModelBase):
+ id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
+ ...
+DB API backend support
+.. code:: python
+ from oslo_config import cfg
+ from oslo_db import api as db_api
+ _BACKEND_MAPPING = {'sqlalchemy': 'project.db.sqlalchemy.api'}
+ IMPL = db_api.DBAPI.from_config(cfg.CONF, backend_mapping=_BACKEND_MAPPING)
+ def get_engine():
+ return IMPL.get_engine()
+ def get_session():
+ return IMPL.get_session()
+ # DB-API method
+ def do_something(somethind_id):
+ return IMPL.do_something(somethind_id)
+DB migration extensions
+Available extensions for `oslo_db.migration`.
+.. list-plugins:: oslo_db.sqlalchemy.migration
+ :detailed: