path: root/oslo_db/sqlalchemy/
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Diffstat (limited to 'oslo_db/sqlalchemy/')
1 files changed, 358 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/oslo_db/sqlalchemy/ b/oslo_db/sqlalchemy/
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index 0000000..efdbb2f
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+++ b/oslo_db/sqlalchemy/
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+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+"""Define exception redefinitions for SQLAlchemy DBAPI exceptions."""
+import collections
+import logging
+import re
+from sqlalchemy import exc as sqla_exc
+from oslo_db._i18n import _LE
+from oslo_db import exception
+from oslo_db.sqlalchemy import compat
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+_registry = collections.defaultdict(
+ lambda: collections.defaultdict(
+ list
+ )
+def filters(dbname, exception_type, regex):
+ """Mark a function as receiving a filtered exception.
+ :param dbname: string database name, e.g. 'mysql'
+ :param exception_type: a SQLAlchemy database exception class, which
+ extends from :class:`sqlalchemy.exc.DBAPIError`.
+ :param regex: a string, or a tuple of strings, that will be processed
+ as matching regular expressions.
+ """
+ def _receive(fn):
+ _registry[dbname][exception_type].extend(
+ (fn, re.compile(reg))
+ for reg in
+ ((regex,) if not isinstance(regex, tuple) else regex)
+ )
+ return fn
+ return _receive
+# NOTE(zzzeek) - for Postgresql, catch both OperationalError, as the
+# actual error is
+# psycopg2.extensions.TransactionRollbackError(OperationalError),
+# as well as sqlalchemy.exc.DBAPIError, as SQLAlchemy will reraise it
+# as this until issue #3075 is fixed.
+@filters("mysql", sqla_exc.OperationalError, r"^.*\b1213\b.*Deadlock found.*")
+@filters("mysql", sqla_exc.OperationalError,
+ r"^.*\b1205\b.*Lock wait timeout exceeded.*")
+@filters("mysql", sqla_exc.InternalError, r"^.*\b1213\b.*Deadlock found.*")
+@filters("postgresql", sqla_exc.OperationalError, r"^.*deadlock detected.*")
+@filters("postgresql", sqla_exc.DBAPIError, r"^.*deadlock detected.*")
+@filters("ibm_db_sa", sqla_exc.DBAPIError, r"^.*SQL0911N.*")
+def _deadlock_error(operational_error, match, engine_name, is_disconnect):
+ """Filter for MySQL or Postgresql deadlock error.
+ NOTE(comstud): In current versions of DB backends, Deadlock violation
+ messages follow the structure:
+ mysql+mysqldb:
+ (OperationalError) (1213, 'Deadlock found when trying to get lock; try '
+ 'restarting transaction') <query_str> <query_args>
+ mysql+mysqlconnector:
+ (InternalError) 1213 (40001): Deadlock found when trying to get lock; try
+ restarting transaction
+ postgresql:
+ (TransactionRollbackError) deadlock detected <deadlock_details>
+ ibm_db_sa:
+ SQL0911N The current transaction has been rolled back because of a
+ deadlock or timeout <deadlock details>
+ """
+ raise exception.DBDeadlock(operational_error)
+@filters("mysql", sqla_exc.IntegrityError,
+ r"^.*\b1062\b.*Duplicate entry '(?P<value>[^']+)'"
+ r" for key '(?P<columns>[^']+)'.*$")
+# NOTE(pkholkin): the first regex is suitable only for PostgreSQL 9.x versions
+# the second regex is suitable for PostgreSQL 8.x versions
+@filters("postgresql", sqla_exc.IntegrityError,
+ (r'^.*duplicate\s+key.*"(?P<columns>[^"]+)"\s*\n.*'
+ r'Key\s+\((?P<key>.*)\)=\((?P<value>.*)\)\s+already\s+exists.*$',
+ r"^.*duplicate\s+key.*\"(?P<columns>[^\"]+)\"\s*\n.*$"))
+def _default_dupe_key_error(integrity_error, match, engine_name,
+ is_disconnect):
+ """Filter for MySQL or Postgresql duplicate key error.
+ note(boris-42): In current versions of DB backends unique constraint
+ violation messages follow the structure:
+ postgres:
+ 1 column - (IntegrityError) duplicate key value violates unique
+ constraint "users_c1_key"
+ N columns - (IntegrityError) duplicate key value violates unique
+ constraint "name_of_our_constraint"
+ mysql+mysqldb:
+ 1 column - (IntegrityError) (1062, "Duplicate entry 'value_of_c1' for key
+ 'c1'")
+ N columns - (IntegrityError) (1062, "Duplicate entry 'values joined
+ with -' for key 'name_of_our_constraint'")
+ mysql+mysqlconnector:
+ 1 column - (IntegrityError) 1062 (23000): Duplicate entry 'value_of_c1' for
+ key 'c1'
+ N columns - (IntegrityError) 1062 (23000): Duplicate entry 'values
+ joined with -' for key 'name_of_our_constraint'
+ """
+ columns ='columns')
+ # note(vsergeyev): UniqueConstraint name convention: "uniq_t0c10c2"
+ # where `t` it is table name and columns `c1`, `c2`
+ # are in UniqueConstraint.
+ uniqbase = "uniq_"
+ if not columns.startswith(uniqbase):
+ if engine_name == "postgresql":
+ columns = [columns[columns.index("_") + 1:columns.rindex("_")]]
+ else:
+ columns = [columns]
+ else:
+ columns = columns[len(uniqbase):].split("0")[1:]
+ value = match.groupdict().get('value')
+ raise exception.DBDuplicateEntry(columns, integrity_error, value)
+@filters("sqlite", sqla_exc.IntegrityError,
+ (r"^.*columns?(?P<columns>[^)]+)(is|are)\s+not\s+unique$",
+ r"^.*UNIQUE\s+constraint\s+failed:\s+(?P<columns>.+)$",
+ r"^.*PRIMARY\s+KEY\s+must\s+be\s+unique.*$"))
+def _sqlite_dupe_key_error(integrity_error, match, engine_name, is_disconnect):
+ """Filter for SQLite duplicate key error.
+ note(boris-42): In current versions of DB backends unique constraint
+ violation messages follow the structure:
+ sqlite:
+ 1 column - (IntegrityError) column c1 is not unique
+ N columns - (IntegrityError) column c1, c2, ..., N are not unique
+ sqlite since 3.7.16:
+ 1 column - (IntegrityError) UNIQUE constraint failed: tbl.k1
+ N columns - (IntegrityError) UNIQUE constraint failed: tbl.k1, tbl.k2
+ sqlite since 3.8.2:
+ (IntegrityError) PRIMARY KEY must be unique
+ """
+ columns = []
+ # NOTE(ochuprykov): We can get here by last filter in which there are no
+ # groups. Trying to access the substring that matched by
+ # the group will lead to IndexError. In this case just
+ # pass empty list to exception.DBDuplicateEntry
+ try:
+ columns ='columns')
+ columns = [c.split('.')[-1] for c in columns.strip().split(", ")]
+ except IndexError:
+ pass
+ raise exception.DBDuplicateEntry(columns, integrity_error)
+@filters("sqlite", sqla_exc.IntegrityError,
+ r"(?i).*foreign key constraint failed")
+@filters("postgresql", sqla_exc.IntegrityError,
+ r".*on table \"(?P<table>[^\"]+)\" violates "
+ "foreign key constraint \"(?P<constraint>[^\"]+)\"\s*\n"
+ "DETAIL: Key \((?P<key>.+)\)=\(.+\) "
+ "is not present in table "
+ "\"(?P<key_table>[^\"]+)\".")
+@filters("mysql", sqla_exc.IntegrityError,
+ r".* 'Cannot add or update a child row: "
+ 'a foreign key constraint fails \([`"].+[`"]\.[`"](?P<table>.+)[`"], '
+ 'CONSTRAINT [`"](?P<constraint>.+)[`"] FOREIGN KEY '
+ '\([`"](?P<key>.+)[`"]\) REFERENCES [`"](?P<key_table>.+)[`"] ')
+def _foreign_key_error(integrity_error, match, engine_name, is_disconnect):
+ """Filter for foreign key errors."""
+ try:
+ table ="table")
+ except IndexError:
+ table = None
+ try:
+ constraint ="constraint")
+ except IndexError:
+ constraint = None
+ try:
+ key ="key")
+ except IndexError:
+ key = None
+ try:
+ key_table ="key_table")
+ except IndexError:
+ key_table = None
+ raise exception.DBReferenceError(table, constraint, key, key_table,
+ integrity_error)
+@filters("ibm_db_sa", sqla_exc.IntegrityError, r"^.*SQL0803N.*$")
+def _db2_dupe_key_error(integrity_error, match, engine_name, is_disconnect):
+ """Filter for DB2 duplicate key errors.
+ N columns - (IntegrityError) SQL0803N One or more values in the INSERT
+ statement, UPDATE statement, or foreign key update caused by a
+ DELETE statement are not valid because the primary key, unique
+ constraint or unique index identified by "2" constrains table
+ "NOVA.KEY_PAIRS" from having duplicate values for the index
+ key.
+ """
+ # NOTE(mriedem): The ibm_db_sa integrity error message doesn't provide the
+ # columns so we have to omit that from the DBDuplicateEntry error.
+ raise exception.DBDuplicateEntry([], integrity_error)
+@filters("mysql", sqla_exc.DBAPIError, r".*\b1146\b")
+def _raise_mysql_table_doesnt_exist_asis(
+ error, match, engine_name, is_disconnect):
+ """Raise MySQL error 1146 as is.
+ Raise MySQL error 1146 as is, so that it does not conflict with
+ the MySQL dialect's checking a table not existing.
+ """
+ raise error
+@filters("*", sqla_exc.OperationalError, r".*")
+def _raise_operational_errors_directly_filter(operational_error,
+ match, engine_name,
+ is_disconnect):
+ """Filter for all remaining OperationalError classes and apply.
+ Filter for all remaining OperationalError classes and apply
+ special rules.
+ """
+ if is_disconnect:
+ # operational errors that represent disconnect
+ # should be wrapped
+ raise exception.DBConnectionError(operational_error)
+ else:
+ # NOTE(comstud): A lot of code is checking for OperationalError
+ # so let's not wrap it for now.
+ raise operational_error
+@filters("mysql", sqla_exc.OperationalError, r".*\(.*(?:2002|2003|2006|2013)")
+@filters("ibm_db_sa", sqla_exc.OperationalError, r".*(?:30081)")
+def _is_db_connection_error(operational_error, match, engine_name,
+ is_disconnect):
+ """Detect the exception as indicating a recoverable error on connect."""
+ raise exception.DBConnectionError(operational_error)
+@filters("*", sqla_exc.DBAPIError, r".*")
+def _raise_for_remaining_DBAPIError(error, match, engine_name, is_disconnect):
+ """Filter for remaining DBAPIErrors.
+ Filter for remaining DBAPIErrors and wrap if they represent
+ a disconnect error.
+ """
+ if is_disconnect:
+ raise exception.DBConnectionError(error)
+ else:
+ LOG.exception(
+ _LE('DBAPIError exception wrapped from %s') % error)
+ raise exception.DBError(error)
+@filters('*', UnicodeEncodeError, r".*")
+def _raise_for_unicode_encode(error, match, engine_name, is_disconnect):
+ raise exception.DBInvalidUnicodeParameter()
+@filters("*", Exception, r".*")
+def _raise_for_all_others(error, match, engine_name, is_disconnect):
+ LOG.exception(_LE('DB exception wrapped.'))
+ raise exception.DBError(error)
+def handler(context):
+ """Iterate through available filters and invoke those which match.
+ The first one which raises wins. The order in which the filters
+ are attempted is sorted by specificity - dialect name or "*",
+ exception class per method resolution order (``__mro__``).
+ Method resolution order is used so that filter rules indicating a
+ more specific exception class are attempted first.
+ """
+ def _dialect_registries(engine):
+ if in _registry:
+ yield _registry[]
+ if '*' in _registry:
+ yield _registry['*']
+ for per_dialect in _dialect_registries(context.engine):
+ for exc in (
+ context.sqlalchemy_exception,
+ context.original_exception):
+ for super_ in exc.__class__.__mro__:
+ if super_ in per_dialect:
+ regexp_reg = per_dialect[super_]
+ for fn, regexp in regexp_reg:
+ match = regexp.match(exc.args[0])
+ if match:
+ try:
+ fn(
+ exc,
+ match,
+ context.is_disconnect)
+ except exception.DBConnectionError:
+ context.is_disconnect = True
+ raise
+def register_engine(engine):
+ compat.handle_error(engine, handler)
+def handle_connect_error(engine):
+ """Handle connect error.
+ Provide a special context that will allow on-connect errors
+ to be treated within the filtering context.
+ This routine is dependent on SQLAlchemy version, as version 1.0.0
+ provides this functionality natively.
+ """
+ with compat.handle_connect_context(handler, engine):
+ return engine.connect()