path: root/oslo_db/tests/sqlalchemy/
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Diffstat (limited to 'oslo_db/tests/sqlalchemy/')
1 files changed, 833 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/oslo_db/tests/sqlalchemy/ b/oslo_db/tests/sqlalchemy/
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index 0000000..157a183
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+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+"""Test exception filters applied to engines."""
+import contextlib
+import itertools
+import mock
+from oslotest import base as oslo_test_base
+import six
+import sqlalchemy as sqla
+from sqlalchemy.orm import mapper
+from oslo_db import exception
+from oslo_db.sqlalchemy import compat
+from oslo_db.sqlalchemy import exc_filters
+from oslo_db.sqlalchemy import session
+from oslo_db.sqlalchemy import test_base
+from oslo_db.tests import utils as test_utils
+_TABLE_NAME = '__tmp__test__tmp__'
+class _SQLAExceptionMatcher(object):
+ def assertInnerException(
+ self,
+ matched, exception_type, message, sql=None, params=None):
+ exc = matched.inner_exception
+ self.assertSQLAException(exc, exception_type, message, sql, params)
+ def assertSQLAException(
+ self,
+ exc, exception_type, message, sql=None, params=None):
+ if isinstance(exception_type, (type, tuple)):
+ self.assertTrue(issubclass(exc.__class__, exception_type))
+ else:
+ self.assertEqual(exc.__class__.__name__, exception_type)
+ self.assertEqual(str(exc.orig).lower(), message.lower())
+ if sql is not None:
+ self.assertEqual(exc.statement, sql)
+ if params is not None:
+ self.assertEqual(exc.params, params)
+class TestsExceptionFilter(_SQLAExceptionMatcher, oslo_test_base.BaseTestCase):
+ class Error(Exception):
+ """DBAPI base error.
+ This exception and subclasses are used in a mock context
+ within these tests.
+ """
+ class OperationalError(Error):
+ pass
+ class InterfaceError(Error):
+ pass
+ class InternalError(Error):
+ pass
+ class IntegrityError(Error):
+ pass
+ class ProgrammingError(Error):
+ pass
+ class TransactionRollbackError(OperationalError):
+ """Special psycopg2-only error class.
+ SQLAlchemy has an issue with this per issue #3075:
+ """
+ def setUp(self):
+ super(TestsExceptionFilter, self).setUp()
+ self.engine = sqla.create_engine("sqlite://")
+ exc_filters.register_engine(self.engine)
+ self.engine.connect().close() # initialize
+ @contextlib.contextmanager
+ def _dbapi_fixture(self, dialect_name):
+ engine = self.engine
+ with test_utils.nested(
+ mock.patch.object(engine.dialect.dbapi,
+ "Error",
+ self.Error),
+ mock.patch.object(engine.dialect, "name", dialect_name),
+ ):
+ yield
+ @contextlib.contextmanager
+ def _fixture(self, dialect_name, exception, is_disconnect=False):
+ def do_execute(self, cursor, statement, parameters, **kw):
+ raise exception
+ engine = self.engine
+ # ensure the engine has done its initial checks against the
+ # DB as we are going to be removing its ability to execute a
+ # statement
+ self.engine.connect().close()
+ with test_utils.nested(
+ mock.patch.object(engine.dialect, "do_execute", do_execute),
+ # replace the whole DBAPI rather than patching "Error"
+ # as some DBAPIs might not be patchable (?)
+ mock.patch.object(engine.dialect,
+ "dbapi",
+ mock.Mock(Error=self.Error)),
+ mock.patch.object(engine.dialect, "name", dialect_name),
+ mock.patch.object(engine.dialect,
+ "is_disconnect",
+ lambda *args: is_disconnect)
+ ):
+ yield
+ def _run_test(self, dialect_name, statement, raises, expected,
+ is_disconnect=False, params=()):
+ with self._fixture(dialect_name, raises, is_disconnect=is_disconnect):
+ with self.engine.connect() as conn:
+ matched = self.assertRaises(
+ expected, conn.execute, statement, params
+ )
+ return matched
+class TestFallthroughsAndNonDBAPI(TestsExceptionFilter):
+ def test_generic_dbapi(self):
+ matched = self._run_test(
+ "mysql", "select you_made_a_programming_error",
+ self.ProgrammingError("Error 123, you made a mistake"),
+ exception.DBError
+ )
+ self.assertInnerException(
+ matched,
+ "ProgrammingError",
+ "Error 123, you made a mistake",
+ 'select you_made_a_programming_error', ())
+ def test_generic_dbapi_disconnect(self):
+ matched = self._run_test(
+ "mysql", "select the_db_disconnected",
+ self.InterfaceError("connection lost"),
+ exception.DBConnectionError,
+ is_disconnect=True
+ )
+ self.assertInnerException(
+ matched,
+ "InterfaceError", "connection lost",
+ "select the_db_disconnected", ()),
+ def test_operational_dbapi_disconnect(self):
+ matched = self._run_test(
+ "mysql", "select the_db_disconnected",
+ self.OperationalError("connection lost"),
+ exception.DBConnectionError,
+ is_disconnect=True
+ )
+ self.assertInnerException(
+ matched,
+ "OperationalError", "connection lost",
+ "select the_db_disconnected", ()),
+ def test_operational_error_asis(self):
+ """Test operational errors.
+ test that SQLAlchemy OperationalErrors that aren't disconnects
+ are passed through without wrapping.
+ """
+ matched = self._run_test(
+ "mysql", "select some_operational_error",
+ self.OperationalError("some op error"),
+ sqla.exc.OperationalError
+ )
+ self.assertSQLAException(
+ matched,
+ "OperationalError", "some op error"
+ )
+ def test_unicode_encode(self):
+ # intentionally generate a UnicodeEncodeError, as its
+ # constructor is quite complicated and seems to be non-public
+ # or at least not documented anywhere.
+ uee_ref = None
+ try:
+ six.u('\u2435').encode('ascii')
+ except UnicodeEncodeError as uee:
+ # Python3.x added new scoping rules here (sadly)
+ #
+ uee_ref = uee
+ self._run_test(
+ "postgresql", six.u('select \u2435'),
+ uee_ref,
+ exception.DBInvalidUnicodeParameter
+ )
+ def test_garden_variety(self):
+ matched = self._run_test(
+ "mysql", "select some_thing_that_breaks",
+ AttributeError("mysqldb has an attribute error"),
+ exception.DBError
+ )
+ self.assertEqual("mysqldb has an attribute error", matched.args[0])
+class TestReferenceErrorSQLite(_SQLAExceptionMatcher, test_base.DbTestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ super(TestReferenceErrorSQLite, self).setUp()
+ meta = sqla.MetaData(bind=self.engine)
+ table_1 = sqla.Table(
+ "resource_foo", meta,
+ sqla.Column("id", sqla.Integer, primary_key=True),
+ sqla.Column("foo", sqla.Integer),
+ mysql_engine='InnoDB',
+ mysql_charset='utf8',
+ )
+ table_1.create()
+ self.table_2 = sqla.Table(
+ "resource_entity", meta,
+ sqla.Column("id", sqla.Integer, primary_key=True),
+ sqla.Column("foo_id", sqla.Integer,
+ sqla.ForeignKey("", name="foo_fkey")),
+ mysql_engine='InnoDB',
+ mysql_charset='utf8',
+ )
+ self.table_2.create()
+ def test_raise(self):
+ self.engine.execute("PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON;")
+ matched = self.assertRaises(
+ exception.DBReferenceError,
+ self.engine.execute,
+ self.table_2.insert({'id': 1, 'foo_id': 2})
+ )
+ self.assertInnerException(
+ matched,
+ "IntegrityError",
+ "FOREIGN KEY constraint failed",
+ 'INSERT INTO resource_entity (id, foo_id) VALUES (?, ?)',
+ (1, 2)
+ )
+ self.assertIsNone(matched.table)
+ self.assertIsNone(matched.constraint)
+ self.assertIsNone(matched.key)
+ self.assertIsNone(matched.key_table)
+class TestReferenceErrorPostgreSQL(TestReferenceErrorSQLite,
+ test_base.PostgreSQLOpportunisticTestCase):
+ def test_raise(self):
+ params = {'id': 1, 'foo_id': 2}
+ matched = self.assertRaises(
+ exception.DBReferenceError,
+ self.engine.execute,
+ self.table_2.insert(params)
+ )
+ self.assertInnerException(
+ matched,
+ "IntegrityError",
+ "insert or update on table \"resource_entity\" "
+ "violates foreign key constraint \"foo_fkey\"\nDETAIL: Key "
+ "(foo_id)=(2) is not present in table \"resource_foo\".\n",
+ "INSERT INTO resource_entity (id, foo_id) VALUES (%(id)s, "
+ "%(foo_id)s)",
+ params,
+ )
+ self.assertEqual("resource_entity", matched.table)
+ self.assertEqual("foo_fkey", matched.constraint)
+ self.assertEqual("foo_id", matched.key)
+ self.assertEqual("resource_foo", matched.key_table)
+class TestReferenceErrorMySQL(TestReferenceErrorSQLite,
+ test_base.MySQLOpportunisticTestCase):
+ def test_raise(self):
+ matched = self.assertRaises(
+ exception.DBReferenceError,
+ self.engine.execute,
+ self.table_2.insert({'id': 1, 'foo_id': 2})
+ )
+ self.assertInnerException(
+ matched,
+ "IntegrityError",
+ "(1452, 'Cannot add or update a child row: a "
+ "foreign key constraint fails (`{0}`.`resource_entity`, "
+ "CONSTRAINT `foo_fkey` FOREIGN KEY (`foo_id`) REFERENCES "
+ "`resource_foo` (`id`))')".format(self.engine.url.database),
+ "INSERT INTO resource_entity (id, foo_id) VALUES (%s, %s)",
+ (1, 2)
+ )
+ self.assertEqual("resource_entity", matched.table)
+ self.assertEqual("foo_fkey", matched.constraint)
+ self.assertEqual("foo_id", matched.key)
+ self.assertEqual("resource_foo", matched.key_table)
+ def test_raise_ansi_quotes(self):
+ self.engine.execute("SET SESSION sql_mode = 'ANSI';")
+ matched = self.assertRaises(
+ exception.DBReferenceError,
+ self.engine.execute,
+ self.table_2.insert({'id': 1, 'foo_id': 2})
+ )
+ self.assertInnerException(
+ matched,
+ "IntegrityError",
+ '(1452, \'Cannot add or update a child row: a '
+ 'foreign key constraint fails ("{0}"."resource_entity", '
+ 'CONSTRAINT "foo_fkey" FOREIGN KEY ("foo_id") REFERENCES '
+ '"resource_foo" ("id"))\')'.format(self.engine.url.database),
+ "INSERT INTO resource_entity (id, foo_id) VALUES (%s, %s)",
+ (1, 2)
+ )
+ self.assertEqual("resource_entity", matched.table)
+ self.assertEqual("foo_fkey", matched.constraint)
+ self.assertEqual("foo_id", matched.key)
+ self.assertEqual("resource_foo", matched.key_table)
+class TestDuplicate(TestsExceptionFilter):
+ def _run_dupe_constraint_test(self, dialect_name, message,
+ expected_columns=['a', 'b'],
+ expected_value=None):
+ matched = self._run_test(
+ dialect_name, "insert into table some_values",
+ self.IntegrityError(message),
+ exception.DBDuplicateEntry
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(expected_columns, matched.columns)
+ self.assertEqual(expected_value, matched.value)
+ def _not_dupe_constraint_test(self, dialect_name, statement, message,
+ expected_cls):
+ matched = self._run_test(
+ dialect_name, statement,
+ self.IntegrityError(message),
+ expected_cls
+ )
+ self.assertInnerException(
+ matched,
+ "IntegrityError",
+ str(self.IntegrityError(message)),
+ statement
+ )
+ def test_sqlite(self):
+ self._run_dupe_constraint_test("sqlite", 'column a, b are not unique')
+ def test_sqlite_3_7_16_or_3_8_2_and_higher(self):
+ self._run_dupe_constraint_test(
+ "sqlite",
+ 'UNIQUE constraint failed: tbl.a, tbl.b')
+ def test_sqlite_dupe_primary_key(self):
+ self._run_dupe_constraint_test(
+ "sqlite",
+ "PRIMARY KEY must be unique 'insert into t values(10)'",
+ expected_columns=[])
+ def test_mysql_mysqldb(self):
+ self._run_dupe_constraint_test(
+ "mysql",
+ '(1062, "Duplicate entry '
+ '\'2-3\' for key \'uniq_tbl0a0b\'")', expected_value='2-3')
+ def test_mysql_mysqlconnector(self):
+ self._run_dupe_constraint_test(
+ "mysql",
+ '1062 (23000): Duplicate entry '
+ '\'2-3\' for key \'uniq_tbl0a0b\'")', expected_value='2-3')
+ def test_postgresql(self):
+ self._run_dupe_constraint_test(
+ 'postgresql',
+ 'duplicate key value violates unique constraint'
+ '"uniq_tbl0a0b"'
+ '\nDETAIL: Key (a, b)=(2, 3) already exists.\n',
+ expected_value='2, 3'
+ )
+ def test_mysql_single(self):
+ self._run_dupe_constraint_test(
+ "mysql",
+ "1062 (23000): Duplicate entry '2' for key 'b'",
+ expected_columns=['b'],
+ expected_value='2'
+ )
+ def test_postgresql_single(self):
+ self._run_dupe_constraint_test(
+ 'postgresql',
+ 'duplicate key value violates unique constraint "uniq_tbl0b"\n'
+ 'DETAIL: Key (b)=(2) already exists.\n',
+ expected_columns=['b'],
+ expected_value='2'
+ )
+ def test_unsupported_backend(self):
+ self._not_dupe_constraint_test(
+ "nonexistent", "insert into table some_values",
+ self.IntegrityError("constraint violation"),
+ exception.DBError
+ )
+ def test_ibm_db_sa(self):
+ self._run_dupe_constraint_test(
+ 'ibm_db_sa',
+ 'SQL0803N One or more values in the INSERT statement, UPDATE '
+ 'statement, or foreign key update caused by a DELETE statement are'
+ ' not valid because the primary key, unique constraint or unique '
+ 'index identified by "2" constrains table "NOVA.KEY_PAIRS" from '
+ 'having duplicate values for the index key.',
+ expected_columns=[]
+ )
+ def test_ibm_db_sa_notadupe(self):
+ self._not_dupe_constraint_test(
+ 'ibm_db_sa',
+ 'ALTER TABLE instance_types ADD CONSTRAINT '
+ 'uniq_name_x_deleted UNIQUE (name, deleted)',
+ 'SQL0542N The column named "NAME" cannot be a column of a '
+ 'primary key or unique key constraint because it can contain null '
+ 'values.',
+ exception.DBError
+ )
+class TestDeadlock(TestsExceptionFilter):
+ statement = ('SELECT quota_usages.created_at AS '
+ 'quota_usages_created_at FROM quota_usages '
+ 'WHERE quota_usages.project_id = %(project_id_1)s '
+ 'AND quota_usages.deleted = %(deleted_1)s FOR UPDATE')
+ params = {
+ 'project_id_1': '8891d4478bbf48ad992f050cdf55e9b5',
+ 'deleted_1': 0
+ }
+ def _run_deadlock_detect_test(
+ self, dialect_name, message,
+ orig_exception_cls=TestsExceptionFilter.OperationalError):
+ self._run_test(
+ dialect_name, self.statement,
+ orig_exception_cls(message),
+ exception.DBDeadlock,
+ params=self.params
+ )
+ def _not_deadlock_test(
+ self, dialect_name, message,
+ expected_cls, expected_dbapi_cls,
+ orig_exception_cls=TestsExceptionFilter.OperationalError):
+ matched = self._run_test(
+ dialect_name, self.statement,
+ orig_exception_cls(message),
+ expected_cls,
+ params=self.params
+ )
+ if isinstance(matched, exception.DBError):
+ matched = matched.inner_exception
+ self.assertEqual(matched.orig.__class__.__name__, expected_dbapi_cls)
+ def test_mysql_mysqldb_deadlock(self):
+ self._run_deadlock_detect_test(
+ "mysql",
+ "(1213, 'Deadlock found when trying "
+ "to get lock; try restarting "
+ "transaction')"
+ )
+ def test_mysql_mysqldb_galera_deadlock(self):
+ self._run_deadlock_detect_test(
+ "mysql",
+ "(1205, 'Lock wait timeout exceeded; "
+ "try restarting transaction')"
+ )
+ def test_mysql_mysqlconnector_deadlock(self):
+ self._run_deadlock_detect_test(
+ "mysql",
+ "1213 (40001): Deadlock found when trying to get lock; try "
+ "restarting transaction",
+ orig_exception_cls=self.InternalError
+ )
+ def test_mysql_not_deadlock(self):
+ self._not_deadlock_test(
+ "mysql",
+ "(1005, 'some other error')",
+ sqla.exc.OperationalError, # note OperationalErrors are sent thru
+ "OperationalError",
+ )
+ def test_postgresql_deadlock(self):
+ self._run_deadlock_detect_test(
+ "postgresql",
+ "deadlock detected",
+ orig_exception_cls=self.TransactionRollbackError
+ )
+ def test_postgresql_not_deadlock(self):
+ self._not_deadlock_test(
+ "postgresql",
+ 'relation "fake" does not exist',
+ # can be either depending on #3075
+ (exception.DBError, sqla.exc.OperationalError),
+ "TransactionRollbackError",
+ orig_exception_cls=self.TransactionRollbackError
+ )
+ def test_ibm_db_sa_deadlock(self):
+ self._run_deadlock_detect_test(
+ "ibm_db_sa",
+ "SQL0911N The current transaction has been "
+ "rolled back because of a deadlock or timeout",
+ # use the lowest class b.c. I don't know what actual error
+ # class DB2's driver would raise for this
+ orig_exception_cls=self.Error
+ )
+ def test_ibm_db_sa_not_deadlock(self):
+ self._not_deadlock_test(
+ "ibm_db_sa",
+ "SQL01234B Some other error.",
+ exception.DBError,
+ "Error",
+ orig_exception_cls=self.Error
+ )
+class IntegrationTest(test_base.DbTestCase):
+ """Test an actual error-raising round trips against the database."""
+ def setUp(self):
+ super(IntegrationTest, self).setUp()
+ meta = sqla.MetaData()
+ self.test_table = sqla.Table(
+ _TABLE_NAME, meta,
+ sqla.Column('id', sqla.Integer,
+ primary_key=True, nullable=False),
+ sqla.Column('counter', sqla.Integer,
+ nullable=False),
+ sqla.UniqueConstraint('counter',
+ name='uniq_counter'))
+ self.test_table.create(self.engine)
+ self.addCleanup(self.test_table.drop, self.engine)
+ class Foo(object):
+ def __init__(self, counter):
+ self.counter = counter
+ mapper(Foo, self.test_table)
+ self.Foo = Foo
+ def test_flush_wrapper_duplicate_entry(self):
+ """test a duplicate entry exception."""
+ _session = self.sessionmaker()
+ with _session.begin():
+ foo = self.Foo(counter=1)
+ _session.add(foo)
+ _session.begin()
+ self.addCleanup(_session.rollback)
+ foo = self.Foo(counter=1)
+ _session.add(foo)
+ self.assertRaises(exception.DBDuplicateEntry, _session.flush)
+ def test_autoflush_wrapper_duplicate_entry(self):
+ """Test a duplicate entry exception raised.
+ test a duplicate entry exception raised via query.all()-> autoflush
+ """
+ _session = self.sessionmaker()
+ with _session.begin():
+ foo = self.Foo(counter=1)
+ _session.add(foo)
+ _session.begin()
+ self.addCleanup(_session.rollback)
+ foo = self.Foo(counter=1)
+ _session.add(foo)
+ self.assertTrue(_session.autoflush)
+ self.assertRaises(exception.DBDuplicateEntry,
+ _session.query(self.Foo).all)
+ def test_flush_wrapper_plain_integrity_error(self):
+ """test a plain integrity error wrapped as DBError."""
+ _session = self.sessionmaker()
+ with _session.begin():
+ foo = self.Foo(counter=1)
+ _session.add(foo)
+ _session.begin()
+ self.addCleanup(_session.rollback)
+ foo = self.Foo(counter=None)
+ _session.add(foo)
+ self.assertRaises(exception.DBError, _session.flush)
+ def test_flush_wrapper_operational_error(self):
+ """test an operational error from flush() raised as-is."""
+ _session = self.sessionmaker()
+ with _session.begin():
+ foo = self.Foo(counter=1)
+ _session.add(foo)
+ _session.begin()
+ self.addCleanup(_session.rollback)
+ foo = self.Foo(counter=sqla.func.imfake(123))
+ _session.add(foo)
+ matched = self.assertRaises(sqla.exc.OperationalError, _session.flush)
+ self.assertTrue("no such function" in str(matched))
+ def test_query_wrapper_operational_error(self):
+ """test an operational error from query.all() raised as-is."""
+ _session = self.sessionmaker()
+ _session.begin()
+ self.addCleanup(_session.rollback)
+ q = _session.query(self.Foo).filter(
+ self.Foo.counter == sqla.func.imfake(123))
+ matched = self.assertRaises(sqla.exc.OperationalError, q.all)
+ self.assertTrue("no such function" in str(matched))
+class TestDBDisconnected(TestsExceptionFilter):
+ @contextlib.contextmanager
+ def _fixture(
+ self,
+ dialect_name, exception, num_disconnects, is_disconnect=True):
+ engine = self.engine
+ compat.engine_connect(engine, session._connect_ping_listener)
+ real_do_execute = engine.dialect.do_execute
+ counter = itertools.count(1)
+ def fake_do_execute(self, *arg, **kw):
+ if next(counter) > num_disconnects:
+ return real_do_execute(self, *arg, **kw)
+ else:
+ raise exception
+ with self._dbapi_fixture(dialect_name):
+ with test_utils.nested(
+ mock.patch.object(engine.dialect,
+ "do_execute",
+ fake_do_execute),
+ mock.patch.object(engine.dialect,
+ "is_disconnect",
+ mock.Mock(return_value=is_disconnect))
+ ):
+ yield
+ def _test_ping_listener_disconnected(
+ self, dialect_name, exc_obj, is_disconnect=True):
+ with self._fixture(dialect_name, exc_obj, 1, is_disconnect):
+ conn = self.engine.connect()
+ with conn.begin():
+ self.assertEqual(conn.scalar([1])), 1)
+ self.assertFalse(conn.closed)
+ self.assertFalse(conn.invalidated)
+ self.assertTrue(conn.in_transaction())
+ with self._fixture(dialect_name, exc_obj, 2, is_disconnect):
+ self.assertRaises(
+ exception.DBConnectionError,
+ self.engine.connect
+ )
+ # test implicit execution
+ with self._fixture(dialect_name, exc_obj, 1):
+ self.assertEqual(self.engine.scalar([1])), 1)
+ def test_mysql_ping_listener_disconnected(self):
+ for code in [2006, 2013, 2014, 2045, 2055]:
+ self._test_ping_listener_disconnected(
+ "mysql",
+ self.OperationalError('%d MySQL server has gone away' % code)
+ )
+ def test_mysql_ping_listener_disconnected_regex_only(self):
+ # intentionally set the is_disconnect flag to False
+ # in the "sqlalchemy" layer to make sure the regexp
+ # on _is_db_connection_error is catching
+ for code in [2002, 2003, 2006, 2013]:
+ self._test_ping_listener_disconnected(
+ "mysql",
+ self.OperationalError('%d MySQL server has gone away' % code),
+ is_disconnect=False
+ )
+ def test_db2_ping_listener_disconnected(self):
+ self._test_ping_listener_disconnected(
+ "ibm_db_sa",
+ self.OperationalError(
+ 'SQL30081N: DB2 Server connection is no longer active')
+ )
+ def test_db2_ping_listener_disconnected_regex_only(self):
+ self._test_ping_listener_disconnected(
+ "ibm_db_sa",
+ self.OperationalError(
+ 'SQL30081N: DB2 Server connection is no longer active'),
+ is_disconnect=False
+ )
+class TestDBConnectRetry(TestsExceptionFilter):
+ def _run_test(self, dialect_name, exception, count, retries):
+ counter = itertools.count()
+ engine = self.engine
+ # empty out the connection pool
+ engine.dispose()
+ connect_fn = engine.dialect.connect
+ def cant_connect(*arg, **kw):
+ if next(counter) < count:
+ raise exception
+ else:
+ return connect_fn(*arg, **kw)
+ with self._dbapi_fixture(dialect_name):
+ with mock.patch.object(engine.dialect, "connect", cant_connect):
+ return session._test_connection(engine, retries, .01)
+ def test_connect_no_retries(self):
+ conn = self._run_test(
+ "mysql",
+ self.OperationalError("Error: (2003) something wrong"),
+ 2, 0
+ )
+ # didnt connect because nothing was tried
+ self.assertIsNone(conn)
+ def test_connect_inifinite_retries(self):
+ conn = self._run_test(
+ "mysql",
+ self.OperationalError("Error: (2003) something wrong"),
+ 2, -1
+ )
+ # conn is good
+ self.assertEqual(conn.scalar([1])), 1)
+ def test_connect_retry_past_failure(self):
+ conn = self._run_test(
+ "mysql",
+ self.OperationalError("Error: (2003) something wrong"),
+ 2, 3
+ )
+ # conn is good
+ self.assertEqual(conn.scalar([1])), 1)
+ def test_connect_retry_not_candidate_exception(self):
+ self.assertRaises(
+ sqla.exc.OperationalError, # remember, we pass OperationalErrors
+ # through at the moment :)
+ self._run_test,
+ "mysql",
+ self.OperationalError("Error: (2015) I can't connect period"),
+ 2, 3
+ )
+ def test_connect_retry_stops_infailure(self):
+ self.assertRaises(
+ exception.DBConnectionError,
+ self._run_test,
+ "mysql",
+ self.OperationalError("Error: (2003) something wrong"),
+ 3, 2
+ )
+ def test_db2_error_positive(self):
+ conn = self._run_test(
+ "ibm_db_sa",
+ self.OperationalError("blah blah -30081 blah blah"),
+ 2, -1
+ )
+ # conn is good
+ self.assertEqual(conn.scalar([1])), 1)
+ def test_db2_error_negative(self):
+ self.assertRaises(
+ sqla.exc.OperationalError,
+ self._run_test,
+ "ibm_db_sa",
+ self.OperationalError("blah blah -39981 blah blah"),
+ 2, 3
+ )