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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/oslo_messaging/_drivers/ b/oslo_messaging/_drivers/
index deeaba2..8fc72db 100644
--- a/oslo_messaging/_drivers/
+++ b/oslo_messaging/_drivers/
@@ -582,12 +582,6 @@ class AMQPDriverBase(base.BaseDriver):
def listen_for_notifications(self, targets_and_priorities, pool,
batch_size, batch_timeout):
conn = self._get_connection(rpc_common.PURPOSE_LISTEN)
- # NOTE(sileht): The application set batch_size, so we don't need to
- # prefetch more messages, especially for notifications. Notifications
- # queues can be really big when the consumer have disapear during a
- # long period, and when it come back, kombu/pyamqp will fetch all
- # messages it can. So we override the default qos prefetch value
- conn.connection.rabbit_qos_prefetch_count = batch_size
listener = AMQPListener(self, conn)
for target, priority in targets_and_priorities: