path: root/doc/source/specification/events.rst
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+ Copyright 2014 IBM Corp.
+ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+ not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+ a copy of the License at
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+ WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+ License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ under the License.
+.. _events:
+ Events
+The CADF Event Model applies semantics to the activities, resources,
+information, and changes within a cloud provider’s infrastructure and models
+these using the concept of an event.
+============= =================== ========= =============================================================================================================================================================
+Property Type Required Description
+============= =================== ========= =============================================================================================================================================================
+id cadf:Identifier Yes The unique identifier of the CADF Event Record
+typeURI cadf:Path Dependent Can be used to declare versioning of Events.
+eventType xs:string Yes The classification of the type of event
+eventTime cadf:Timestamp Yes The OBSERVER's best estimate as to the time the Actual Event occurred or began
+action cadf:Path Yes This property represents the event's ACTION
+outcome cadf:Path Yes A valid classification value from the CADF Outcome Taxonomy
+initiator cadf:Resource Dependent The event's INITIATOR. Required if not initiatorId
+initiatorId cadf:Identifier Dependent The event's INITIATOR resource by reference. Required if not initiator
+target cadf:Resource Dependent The event's TARGET. Required if not targetId
+targetId cadf:Identifier Dependent The event's TARGET by reference. Required if not target
+observer cadf:Resource Dependent The event's OBSERVER. Required if not observerId
+observerId cadf:Identifier Dependent The event's OBSERVER by reference. Required if not observer
+reason cadf:Reason No Domain-specific reason code and policy data that provides an additional level of detail to the outcome value. Required if the eventType property is "control"
+severity xs:string No Describes domain-relative severity assigned to the event by the OBSERVER. This property's value is non-normative
+measurements cadf:Measurement[] Dependent Any measurement (values) associated with the event. Required if the eventType property is "monitor"
+name xs:string No A descriptive name for the event
+tags cadf:Tag[] No Array of Tags that MAY be used to further qualify or categorize the CADF Event Record
+attachments cadf:Attachment[] No Array of extended or domain-specific information about the event or its context
+reporterchain cadf:Reporterstep[] No Array of Reporterstep typed data that contains information about the sequenced handling of or change to the associated CADF Event Record by any REPORTER
+============= =================== ========= =============================================================================================================================================================
+ {
+ 'typeURI': '',
+ 'id': 'openstack:a80dc5ee-be83-48ad-ad5e-6577f2217637‘,
+ 'eventType': 'activity',
+ 'action': 'read',
+ 'outcome': 'success',
+ 'reason': {'reasonCode': '200', 'reasonType': 'HTTP'},
+ 'eventTime': '2014-01-17T23:23:38.109989+0000',
+ 'initiator': {
+ 'id': 'openstack:95f12d248a234a969f456cd2c794f29a'
+ 'typeURI': 'service/security/account/user',
+ 'name': ‘admin',
+ 'project_id': 'openstack:e55b158759854ea6a7852aa76632c6c1',
+ 'credential': {
+ 'token': ‘MIIQBgYJKoZIhvcNAQcCoIIP9z xxxxxx KoZIhvcIP9z=‘,
+ 'identity_status': 'Confirmed'},
+ 'host': {
+ 'agent': 'python-novaclient',
+ 'address': ''},
+ },
+ 'target': {
+ 'id': 'openstack:0f126160203748a5b4923f2eb6e3b7db',
+ 'typeURI': ‘service/compute/servers',
+ 'name': 'nova‘
+ 'addresses': [
+ {'url': '',
+ 'name': 'admin'},
+ {'url': '',
+ 'name': 'private'},
+ {'url': '',
+ 'name': 'public'}
+ ],
+ },
+ 'observer': { 'id': 'target'},
+ 'reporterchain': [
+ {'reporterTime': '2014-01-17T23:23:38.154152+0000',
+ 'role': 'modifier',
+ 'reporter': {'id': 'target'}}
+ ],
+ 'requestPath': '/v2/56600971-90f3-4370-807f-ab79339381a9/servers',
+ 'tags': ['correlation_id?value=openstack:bcac04dc-e0be-4110-862c-347088a7836a']
+ }