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1 files changed, 7 insertions, 16 deletions
diff --git a/doc/source/development_saio.rst b/doc/source/development_saio.rst
index f5aa3b6ba..4cf9b9d0d 100644
--- a/doc/source/development_saio.rst
+++ b/doc/source/development_saio.rst
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ Installing dependencies and the core code
#. `apt-get install python-software-properties`
#. `add-apt-repository ppa:swift-core/ppa`
#. `apt-get update`
- #. `apt-get install curl gcc bzr memcached python-configobj
+ #. `apt-get install curl gcc git-core memcached python-configobj
python-coverage python-dev python-nose python-setuptools python-simplejson
python-xattr sqlite3 xfsprogs python-webob python-eventlet
python-greenlet python-pastedeploy python-netifaces`
@@ -229,19 +229,10 @@ Getting the code and setting up test environment
Sample configuration files are provided with all defaults in line-by-line comments.
-Do these commands as you on guest. The bazaar configuration is optional; you can always do a bzr branch command regardless of whether you have a Launchpad account:
+Do these commands as you on guest.
#. `mkdir ~/bin`
- #. (optional) `mkdir ~/.bazaar`
- #. (optional) Create `~/.bazaar/bazaar.conf`::
- email = Your Name <your-email-address>
- #. (optional) If you are using launchpad to get the code or make changes, run
- `bzr launchpad-login <launchpad_id>`
- #. Create the swift repo with `bzr init-repo swift`
- #. Check out a bzr branch of swift, for example:
- `cd ~/swift; bzr branch lp:swift trunk`
+ #. Check out the swift repo with `git clone`
#. Build a development installation of swift, for example:
`cd ~/swift/trunk; sudo python develop`
#. Edit `~/.bashrc` and add to the end::
@@ -629,15 +620,15 @@ Setting up scripts for running Swift
#. `chmod +x ~/bin/*`
#. `remakerings`
- #. `cd ~/swift/trunk; ./.unittests`
+ #. `cd ~/swift; ./.unittests`
#. `startmain` (The ``Unable to increase file descriptor limit. Running as non-root?`` warnings are expected and ok.)
#. Get an `X-Storage-Url` and `X-Auth-Token`: ``curl -v -H 'X-Storage-User: test:tester' -H 'X-Storage-Pass: testing'``
#. Check that you can GET account: ``curl -v -H 'X-Auth-Token: <token-from-x-auth-token-above>' <url-from-x-storage-url-above>``
#. Check that `swift` works: `swift -A -U test:tester -K testing stat`
- #. `cp ~/swift/trunk/test/functional/sample.conf /etc/swift/func_test.conf`
- #. `cd ~/swift/trunk; ./.functests` (Note: functional tests will first delete
+ #. `cp ~/swift/test/functional/sample.conf /etc/swift/func_test.conf`
+ #. `cd ~/swift; ./.functests` (Note: functional tests will first delete
everything in the configured accounts.)
- #. `cd ~/swift/trunk; ./.probetests` (Note: probe tests will reset your
+ #. `cd ~/swift; ./.probetests` (Note: probe tests will reset your
environment as they call `resetswift` for each test.)
If you plan to work on documentation (and who doesn't?!):