diff options
authorIllia Khudoshyn <>2013-09-02 19:21:11 +0300
committerIllia Khudoshyn <>2013-09-17 10:48:41 +0300
commitdb1fe87fe36984553052dc2832597046b4fa4638 (patch)
parentb3779e7eb512a9f16c16486fce37066fda546826 (diff)
Adds instructions for manual Trove installation
Adds step-by-step instructions for installing Trove with existing OpenStack environment blueprint provide-documentation-for-manual-setup-of-trove Change-Id: I56f3f0f6b99f405febb8e4734775b3c16fc292ce
3 files changed, 263 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/README.rst b/README.rst
index f67c0f92..d67b34f4 100644
--- a/README.rst
+++ b/README.rst
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ To quickly run the tests for Python 2.7, run:
$ tox -epy27
To quickly run PEP8, run:
-$ to -epep8
+$ tox -epep8
To generate a coverage report,run:
$ tox -ecover
diff --git a/doc/source/dev/manual_install.rst b/doc/source/dev/manual_install.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..74d9cc08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/source/dev/manual_install.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,260 @@
+.. _manual_install:
+Manual Trove Installation
+This document is aimed to provide a step-by-step guide for manual installation of Trove with an existing OpenStack
+environment for development purposes.
+This document does not cover OpenStack setup.
+This document does not cover production-specific moments like high availability or security.
+This document does not cover all possible configurations. It only provides one possible way to get things
+- PC with freshly installed Ubuntu 12.04 to run Trove services. This will be referred to as "local PC"
+- Running Openstack Grizzly environment. All of Grizzly's services must be accessible directly from the local PC
+- AMQP service provided by RabbitMQ
+- MySQL database for Trove's internal needs, accessible from the local PC
+- Though it is not required by OpenStack itself, all OpenStack services must be accessible via network from virtual machines
+- Trove's database must be accessible from VMs, i.e. one must be able to connect to DB from VM
+- VMs must be accessible from local PC (same network)
+Gather info
+ TODO: Requirements below (e.g. admin credentials) are obviously excessive. Try to use regular account.
+The following information about existing environment is required:
+- Keystone host and port(s)
+- OpenStack administrator's username, tenant and password
+- Nova compute URL
+- Cinder URL
+- Swift URL
+- RabbitMQ URL, user Id, password
+- Trove's MySQL connection string
+Install dependencies
+* Install required packages::
+ # sudo apt-get install build-essential libxslt1-dev qemu-utils mysql-client git python-dev python-pexpect python-mysqldb
+* Some packages in Ubuntu repo are outdated, so install their latest version from sources::
+ # cd ~
+ # wget
+ # tar xfvz setuptools-0.9.8.tar.gz
+ # cd setuptools-0.9.8
+ # python install --user
+ # cd ~
+ # wget
+ # tar xfvz pip-1.4.1.tar.gz
+ # cd pip-1.4.1
+ # python install --user
+ # cd ~
+* Note '--user' above -- we installed packages in user's home dir, in $HOME/.local/bin, so we need to add it to path::
+ # echo PATH="$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH" >> ~/.profile
+ # . ~/.profile
+* Install virtualenv, create environment and activate it::
+ # pip install virtualenv --user
+ # virtualenv --system-site-packages env
+ # . env/bin/activate
+Obtain Trove
+* Get Trove's sources from git::
+ # git clone
+ # git clone
+Install Trove
+* First install required python packages::
+ # cd ~/trove
+ # pip install -r requirements.txt
+* Resolve dependency conflicts (if there are any)
+Trove is being built and tested against latest versions of OpenStack components that can be obtained from GitHub.
+But setup downloads dependencies from PyPI which may contain outdated versions. This may cause a dependency conflicts.
+E.g. for now python-cinderclient from PyPI requires older 'requests' than one installed by default, so fix it manually::
+ # pip install --upgrade 'requests<1.2.3'
+or consider manual installing fresh OpenStack components from GitHub
+* Install Trove itself::
+ # python develop
+* Install Trove CLI::
+ # cd ~/python-troveclient
+ # python develop
+ # cd ~
+* We'll need glance client as well::
+ # pip install python-glanceclient
+Prepare OpenStack
+* Create a tenant 'trove' and user 'trove' with password 'trove' to be used with Trove.
+These values are not required to all be 'trove'; you can instead choose your own values for the name,
+tenant, and password::
+ # keystone --os-username <OpenStackAdminUsername> --os-password <OpenStackAdminPassword>
+ --os-tenant-name <OpenStackAdminTenant> --os-auth-url http://<KeystoneIp>:35357/v2.0
+ tenant-create --name trove
+ # keystone --os-username <OpenStackAdminUsername> --os-password <OpenStackAdminPassword>
+ --os-tenant-name <OpenStackAdminTenant> --os-auth-url http://<KeystoneIp>:35357/v2.0
+ user-create --name trove --pass trove --tenant trove
+ # keystone --os-username <OpenStackAdminUsername> --os-password <OpenStackAdminPassword>
+ --os-tenant-name <OpenStackAdminTenant> --os-auth-url http://<KeystoneIp>:35357/v2.0
+ user-role-add --name trove --tenant trove --role admin
+* Create service for trove::
+ # keystone --os-username <OpenStackAdminUsername> --os-password <OpenStackAdminPassword>
+ --os-tenant-name <OpenStackAdminTenant> --os-auth-url http://<KeystoneIp>:35357/v2.0
+ service-create --name trove --type database
+* Create an endpoint that points to localhost. Pay attention to the use of quotes (')::
+ # keystone --os-username <OpenStackAdminUsername> --os-password <OpenStackAdminPassword>
+ --os-tenant-name <OpenStackAdminTenant> --os-auth-url http://<KeystoneIp>:35357/v2.0
+ endpoint-create --service trove --region RegionOne
+ --publicurl 'http://localhost:8779/v1.0/$(tenant_id)s'
+ --adminurl 'http://localhost:8779/v1.0/$(tenant_id)s'
+ --internalurl 'http://localhost:8779/v1.0/$(tenant_id)s'
+Prepare Trove configuration files
+There are several configuration files for Trove:
+- api-paste.ini and trove.conf -- for trove-api
+- trove-taskmanager.conf -- for trove-taskmanager
+- trove-guestagent.conf -- for trove-guestagent
+- <service_type>.cloudinit -- cloudinit scripts for different service types. For now only 'mysql' and 'percona' are recognized as valid service types. NOTE: file names must exactly follow the pattern, e.g. 'mysql.cloudinit'
+Samples of the above are available in $TROVE/trove/etc/trove/ as *.conf.sample files.
+If a vanilla Ubuntu image used as a source image for Trove instances, then it is cloudinit script's responsibility
+to install and run Trove guestagent in the instance.
+As an alternative one may consider creating a custom image with pre-installed and pre-configured Trove in it.
+Prepare image
+* As the source image for trove instances, we will use a cloudinit-enabled vanilla Ubuntu image::
+ # wget
+* Convert the downloaded image into uncompressed qcow2::
+ # qemu-img convert -O qcow2 precise-server-cloudimg-amd64-disk1.img precise.qcow2
+* Upload the converted image into Glance::
+ # glance --os-username trove --os-password trove --os-tenant-name trove --os-auth-url http://<KeystoneIp>:35357/v2.0
+ image-create --name trove-image --public --container-format ovf --disk-format qcow2 --owner trove < precise.qcow2
+Prepare database
+* Initialize the database::
+ # trove-manage --config-file=<PathToTroveConf> db_wipe trove_test.sqlite mysql fake
+* Setup trove to use the uploaded image. Enter the following in a single line, note quotes (') and backquotes(`)::
+ # trove-manage --config-file=<PathToTroveConf> image_update mysql
+ `nova --os-username trove --os-password trove --os-tenant-name trove
+ --os-auth-url http://<KeystoneIp>:5000/v2.0 image-list | awk '/trove-image/ {print $2}'`
+Run Trove
+* Run trove-api::
+ # trove-api --config-file=<PathToTroveConf> &
+* Run trove-taskmanager::
+ # trove-taskmanager --config-file=<PathToTroveTaskmanagerConf> &
+* Try executing a trove command, like get-instance. You must first issue an "auth login" to obtain an API key.::
+ # trove-cli --username=trove --apikey=trove --tenant=trove --auth_url=http://<KeystoneIp>:35357/v2.0/tokens auth login
+ # trove-cli instance list
+No instance IPs in the output of 'trove-cli instance get'
+If Trove instance is created properly, is in the state ACTIVE, and is known for sure to be working,
+but there are no IP addresses for the instance in the output of 'trove-cli instance get <id>', then make sure
+the following lines are added to trove.conf::
+ add_addresses = True
+ network_label_regex = ^NETWORK_NAME$
+where NETWORK_NAME should be replaced with real name of the nova network to which the instance is connected to.
+One possible way to find the nova network name is to execute the 'nova list' command. The output will list
+all Openstack instances for the tenant, including network information. Look for ::
diff --git a/doc/source/index.rst b/doc/source/index.rst
index 35d06b2c..67b6d024 100644
--- a/doc/source/index.rst
+++ b/doc/source/index.rst
@@ -31,6 +31,8 @@ github in the `Trove Integration`_ Repository.
For further details on how to install Trove using the integration
scripts please refer to the :doc:`dev/install` page.
+For further details on how to install Trove to work with existing
+OpenStack environment please refer to the :doc:`dev/manual_install` page.
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