path: root/bin/lib/less/cssmin.js
diff options
authorJohn Postlethwait <>2012-05-11 23:37:35 -0700
committerJohn Postlethwait <>2012-06-07 14:32:43 -0700
commit0074328fbbac6967d5dda2f3b0f3f98a91d17a01 (patch)
tree5eea54c65561786fbd88641dc65d85ac521a51b2 /bin/lib/less/cssmin.js
parent187785b28d7cfeb3fb4f87b67d71bc3dcf1f1354 (diff)
Updating Horizon to use LESS.
This changes all of the Bootstrap CSS and Horizon CSS to use LESS. Horizon's specific CSS will be organized into separate files in another commit, as it is outside the scope of this BP. We are also now packing LESS 1.3.0 directly within Horizon. Implementation of Blueprint transition-to-lesscss Change-Id: Ie4be8b28ab3ce04ea21d7d5cd49c2ccb66bd8ade
Diffstat (limited to 'bin/lib/less/cssmin.js')
1 files changed, 355 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bin/lib/less/cssmin.js b/bin/lib/less/cssmin.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..427de71c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/lib/less/cssmin.js
@@ -0,0 +1,355 @@
+ * cssmin.js
+ * Author: Stoyan Stefanov -
+ * This is a JavaScript port of the CSS minification tool
+ * distributed with YUICompressor, itself a port
+ * of the cssmin utility by Isaac Schlueter -
+ * Permission is hereby granted to use the JavaScript version under the same
+ * conditions as the YUICompressor (original YUICompressor note below).
+ */
+* YUI Compressor
+* Author: Julien Lecomte -
+* Copyright (c) 2011 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
+* The copyrights embodied in the content of this file are licensed
+* by Yahoo! Inc. under the BSD (revised) open source license.
+var YAHOO = YAHOO || {};
+YAHOO.compressor = YAHOO.compressor || {};
+ * Utility method to replace all data urls with tokens before we start
+ * compressing, to avoid performance issues running some of the subsequent
+ * regexes against large strings chunks.
+ *
+ * @private
+ * @method _extractDataUrls
+ * @param {String} css The input css
+ * @param {Array} The global array of tokens to preserve
+ * @returns String The processed css
+ */
+YAHOO.compressor._extractDataUrls = function (css, preservedTokens) {
+ // Leave data urls alone to increase parse performance.
+ var maxIndex = css.length - 1,
+ appendIndex = 0,
+ startIndex,
+ endIndex,
+ terminator,
+ foundTerminator,
+ sb = [],
+ m,
+ preserver,
+ token,
+ pattern = /url\(\s*(["']?)data\:/g;
+ // Since we need to account for non-base64 data urls, we need to handle
+ // ' and ) being part of the data string. Hence switching to indexOf,
+ // to determine whether or not we have matching string terminators and
+ // handling sb appends directly, instead of using matcher.append* methods.
+ while ((m = pattern.exec(css)) !== null) {
+ startIndex = m.index + 4; // "url(".length()
+ terminator = m[1]; // ', " or empty (not quoted)
+ if (terminator.length === 0) {
+ terminator = ")";
+ }
+ foundTerminator = false;
+ endIndex = pattern.lastIndex - 1;
+ while(foundTerminator === false && endIndex+1 <= maxIndex) {
+ endIndex = css.indexOf(terminator, endIndex + 1);
+ // endIndex == 0 doesn't really apply here
+ if ((endIndex > 0) && (css.charAt(endIndex - 1) !== '\\')) {
+ foundTerminator = true;
+ if (")" != terminator) {
+ endIndex = css.indexOf(")", endIndex);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Enough searching, start moving stuff over to the buffer
+ sb.push(css.substring(appendIndex, m.index));
+ if (foundTerminator) {
+ token = css.substring(startIndex, endIndex);
+ token = token.replace(/\s+/g, "");
+ preservedTokens.push(token);
+ preserver = "url(___YUICSSMIN_PRESERVED_TOKEN_" + (preservedTokens.length - 1) + "___)";
+ sb.push(preserver);
+ appendIndex = endIndex + 1;
+ } else {
+ // No end terminator found, re-add the whole match. Should we throw/warn here?
+ sb.push(css.substring(m.index, pattern.lastIndex));
+ appendIndex = pattern.lastIndex;
+ }
+ }
+ sb.push(css.substring(appendIndex));
+ return sb.join("");
+ * Utility method to compress hex color values of the form #AABBCC to #ABC.
+ *
+ * DOES NOT compress CSS ID selectors which match the above pattern (which would break things).
+ * e.g. #AddressForm { ... }
+ *
+ * DOES NOT compress IE filters, which have hex color values (which would break things).
+ * e.g. filter: chroma(color="#FFFFFF");
+ *
+ * DOES NOT compress invalid hex values.
+ * e.g. background-color: #aabbccdd
+ *
+ * @private
+ * @method _compressHexColors
+ * @param {String} css The input css
+ * @returns String The processed css
+ */
+YAHOO.compressor._compressHexColors = function(css) {
+ // Look for hex colors inside { ... } (to avoid IDs) and which don't have a =, or a " in front of them (to avoid filters)
+ var pattern = /(\=\s*?["']?)?#([0-9a-f])([0-9a-f])([0-9a-f])([0-9a-f])([0-9a-f])([0-9a-f])(\}|[^0-9a-f{][^{]*?\})/gi,
+ m,
+ index = 0,
+ isFilter,
+ sb = [];
+ while ((m = pattern.exec(css)) !== null) {
+ sb.push(css.substring(index, m.index));
+ isFilter = m[1];
+ if (isFilter) {
+ // Restore, maintain case, otherwise filter will break
+ sb.push(m[1] + "#" + (m[2] + m[3] + m[4] + m[5] + m[6] + m[7]));
+ } else {
+ if (m[2].toLowerCase() == m[3].toLowerCase() &&
+ m[4].toLowerCase() == m[5].toLowerCase() &&
+ m[6].toLowerCase() == m[7].toLowerCase()) {
+ // Compress.
+ sb.push("#" + (m[3] + m[5] + m[7]).toLowerCase());
+ } else {
+ // Non compressible color, restore but lower case.
+ sb.push("#" + (m[2] + m[3] + m[4] + m[5] + m[6] + m[7]).toLowerCase());
+ }
+ }
+ index = pattern.lastIndex = pattern.lastIndex - m[8].length;
+ }
+ sb.push(css.substring(index));
+ return sb.join("");
+YAHOO.compressor.cssmin = function (css, linebreakpos) {
+ var startIndex = 0,
+ endIndex = 0,
+ i = 0, max = 0,
+ preservedTokens = [],
+ comments = [],
+ token = '',
+ totallen = css.length,
+ placeholder = '';
+ css = this._extractDataUrls(css, preservedTokens);
+ // collect all comment blocks...
+ while ((startIndex = css.indexOf("/*", startIndex)) >= 0) {
+ endIndex = css.indexOf("*/", startIndex + 2);
+ if (endIndex < 0) {
+ endIndex = totallen;
+ }
+ token = css.slice(startIndex + 2, endIndex);
+ comments.push(token);
+ css = css.slice(0, startIndex + 2) + "___YUICSSMIN_PRESERVE_CANDIDATE_COMMENT_" + (comments.length - 1) + "___" + css.slice(endIndex);
+ startIndex += 2;
+ }
+ // preserve strings so their content doesn't get accidentally minified
+ css = css.replace(/("([^\\"]|\\.|\\)*")|('([^\\']|\\.|\\)*')/g, function (match) {
+ var i, max, quote = match.substring(0, 1);
+ match = match.slice(1, -1);
+ // maybe the string contains a comment-like substring?
+ // one, maybe more? put'em back then
+ if (match.indexOf("___YUICSSMIN_PRESERVE_CANDIDATE_COMMENT_") >= 0) {
+ for (i = 0, max = comments.length; i < max; i = i + 1) {
+ match = match.replace("___YUICSSMIN_PRESERVE_CANDIDATE_COMMENT_" + i + "___", comments[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ // minify alpha opacity in filter strings
+ match = match.replace(/progid:DXImageTransform\.Microsoft\.Alpha\(Opacity=/gi, "alpha(opacity=");
+ preservedTokens.push(match);
+ return quote + "___YUICSSMIN_PRESERVED_TOKEN_" + (preservedTokens.length - 1) + "___" + quote;
+ });
+ // strings are safe, now wrestle the comments
+ for (i = 0, max = comments.length; i < max; i = i + 1) {
+ token = comments[i];
+ placeholder = "___YUICSSMIN_PRESERVE_CANDIDATE_COMMENT_" + i + "___";
+ // ! in the first position of the comment means preserve
+ // so push to the preserved tokens keeping the !
+ if (token.charAt(0) === "!") {
+ preservedTokens.push(token);
+ css = css.replace(placeholder, "___YUICSSMIN_PRESERVED_TOKEN_" + (preservedTokens.length - 1) + "___");
+ continue;
+ }
+ // \ in the last position looks like hack for Mac/IE5
+ // shorten that to /*\*/ and the next one to /**/
+ if (token.charAt(token.length - 1) === "\\") {
+ preservedTokens.push("\\");
+ css = css.replace(placeholder, "___YUICSSMIN_PRESERVED_TOKEN_" + (preservedTokens.length - 1) + "___");
+ i = i + 1; // attn: advancing the loop
+ preservedTokens.push("");
+ css = css.replace("___YUICSSMIN_PRESERVE_CANDIDATE_COMMENT_" + i + "___", "___YUICSSMIN_PRESERVED_TOKEN_" + (preservedTokens.length - 1) + "___");
+ continue;
+ }
+ // keep empty comments after child selectors (IE7 hack)
+ // e.g. html >/**/ body
+ if (token.length === 0) {
+ startIndex = css.indexOf(placeholder);
+ if (startIndex > 2) {
+ if (css.charAt(startIndex - 3) === '>') {
+ preservedTokens.push("");
+ css = css.replace(placeholder, "___YUICSSMIN_PRESERVED_TOKEN_" + (preservedTokens.length - 1) + "___");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // in all other cases kill the comment
+ css = css.replace("/*" + placeholder + "*/", "");
+ }
+ // Normalize all whitespace strings to single spaces. Easier to work with that way.
+ css = css.replace(/\s+/g, " ");
+ // Remove the spaces before the things that should not have spaces before them.
+ // But, be careful not to turn "p :link {...}" into "p:link{...}"
+ // Swap out any pseudo-class colons with the token, and then swap back.
+ css = css.replace(/(^|\})(([^\{:])+:)+([^\{]*\{)/g, function (m) {
+ return m.replace(":", "___YUICSSMIN_PSEUDOCLASSCOLON___");
+ });
+ css = css.replace(/\s+([!{};:>+\(\)\],])/g, '$1');
+ css = css.replace(/___YUICSSMIN_PSEUDOCLASSCOLON___/g, ":");
+ // retain space for special IE6 cases
+ css = css.replace(/:first-(line|letter)(\{|,)/g, ":first-$1 $2");
+ // no space after the end of a preserved comment
+ css = css.replace(/\*\/ /g, '*/');
+ // If there is a @charset, then only allow one, and push to the top of the file.
+ css = css.replace(/^(.*)(@charset "[^"]*";)/gi, '$2$1');
+ css = css.replace(/^(\s*@charset [^;]+;\s*)+/gi, '$1');
+ // Put the space back in some cases, to support stuff like
+ // @media screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:0){
+ css = css.replace(/\band\(/gi, "and (");
+ // Remove the spaces after the things that should not have spaces after them.
+ css = css.replace(/([!{}:;>+\(\[,])\s+/g, '$1');
+ // remove unnecessary semicolons
+ css = css.replace(/;+\}/g, "}");
+ // Replace 0(px,em,%) with 0.
+ css = css.replace(/([\s:])(0)(px|em|%|in|cm|mm|pc|pt|ex)/gi, "$1$2");
+ // Replace 0 0 0 0; with 0.
+ css = css.replace(/:0 0 0 0(;|\})/g, ":0$1");
+ css = css.replace(/:0 0 0(;|\})/g, ":0$1");
+ css = css.replace(/:0 0(;|\})/g, ":0$1");
+ // Replace background-position:0; with background-position:0 0;
+ // same for transform-origin
+ css = css.replace(/(background-position|transform-origin|webkit-transform-origin|moz-transform-origin|o-transform-origin|ms-transform-origin):0(;|\})/gi, function(all, prop, tail) {
+ return prop.toLowerCase() + ":0 0" + tail;
+ });
+ // Replace 0.6 to .6, but only when preceded by : or a white-space
+ css = css.replace(/(:|\s)0+\.(\d+)/g, "$1.$2");
+ // Shorten colors from rgb(51,102,153) to #336699
+ // This makes it more likely that it'll get further compressed in the next step.
+ css = css.replace(/rgb\s*\(\s*([0-9,\s]+)\s*\)/gi, function () {
+ var i, rgbcolors = arguments[1].split(',');
+ for (i = 0; i < rgbcolors.length; i = i + 1) {
+ rgbcolors[i] = parseInt(rgbcolors[i], 10).toString(16);
+ if (rgbcolors[i].length === 1) {
+ rgbcolors[i] = '0' + rgbcolors[i];
+ }
+ }
+ return '#' + rgbcolors.join('');
+ });
+ // Shorten colors from #AABBCC to #ABC.
+ css = this._compressHexColors(css);
+ // border: none -> border:0
+ css = css.replace(/(border|border-top|border-right|border-bottom|border-right|outline|background):none(;|\})/gi, function(all, prop, tail) {
+ return prop.toLowerCase() + ":0" + tail;
+ });
+ // shorter opacity IE filter
+ css = css.replace(/progid:DXImageTransform\.Microsoft\.Alpha\(Opacity=/gi, "alpha(opacity=");
+ // Remove empty rules.
+ css = css.replace(/[^\};\{\/]+\{\}/g, "");
+ if (linebreakpos >= 0) {
+ // Some source control tools don't like it when files containing lines longer
+ // than, say 8000 characters, are checked in. The linebreak option is used in
+ // that case to split long lines after a specific column.
+ startIndex = 0;
+ i = 0;
+ while (i < css.length) {
+ i = i + 1;
+ if (css[i - 1] === '}' && i - startIndex > linebreakpos) {
+ css = css.slice(0, i) + '\n' + css.slice(i);
+ startIndex = i;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Replace multiple semi-colons in a row by a single one
+ // See SF bug #1980989
+ css = css.replace(/;;+/g, ";");
+ // restore preserved comments and strings
+ for (i = 0, max = preservedTokens.length; i < max; i = i + 1) {
+ css = css.replace("___YUICSSMIN_PRESERVED_TOKEN_" + i + "___", preservedTokens[i]);
+ }
+ // Trim the final string (for any leading or trailing white spaces)
+ css = css.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "");
+ return css;
+exports.compressor = YAHOO.compressor;