path: root/tuskar_ui/infrastructure/overview/
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Diffstat (limited to 'tuskar_ui/infrastructure/overview/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 390 deletions
diff --git a/tuskar_ui/infrastructure/overview/ b/tuskar_ui/infrastructure/overview/
deleted file mode 100644
index 90f9fa37..00000000
--- a/tuskar_ui/infrastructure/overview/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,390 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-# a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-import json
-import logging
-import urlparse
-from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
-from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse_lazy
-from django import http
-from django import shortcuts
-import django.utils.text
-from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
-import heatclient
-import horizon.forms
-from horizon import messages
-from tuskar_ui import api
-from tuskar_ui.infrastructure.overview import forms
-from tuskar_ui.infrastructure import views
-INDEX_URL = 'horizon:infrastructure:overview:index'
-LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-def _steps_message(messages):
- total_steps = len(messages)
- completed_steps = len([m for m in messages if not m.get('is_critical')])
- return _("{0} of {1} Steps Completed").format(completed_steps, total_steps)
-def _get_role_data(plan, stack, form, role):
- """Gathers data about a single deployment role.
- Gathers data about a single deployment role from the related Overcloud
- and Role objects, and presents it in the form convenient for use
- from the template.
- """
- data = {
- 'id':,
- 'role': role,
- 'name':,
- 'planned_node_count': plan.get_role_node_count(role),
- 'field': form['%s-count' %] if form else '',
- }
- if stack:
- resources = stack.resources(role=role, with_joins=True)
- nodes = [r.node for r in resources]
- node_count = len(nodes)
- deployed_node_count = 0
- deploying_node_count = 0
- error_node_count = 0
- waiting_node_count = node_count
- status = 'warning'
- if nodes:
- deployed_node_count = sum(1 for node in nodes
- if node.instance.status == 'ACTIVE')
- deploying_node_count = sum(1 for node in nodes
- if node.instance.status == 'BUILD')
- error_node_count = sum(1 for node in nodes
- if node.instance.status == 'ERROR')
- waiting_node_count = (node_count - deployed_node_count -
- deploying_node_count - error_node_count)
- if error_node_count or 'FAILED' in stack.stack_status:
- status = 'danger'
- elif deployed_node_count == data['planned_node_count']:
- status = 'success'
- else:
- status = 'info'
- finished = deployed_node_count == data['planned_node_count']
- if finished:
- icon = 'fa-check'
- elif status in ('danger', 'warning'):
- icon = 'fa-exclamation'
- else:
- icon = 'fa-spinner fa-spin'
- data.update({
- 'status': status,
- 'finished': finished,
- 'total_node_count': node_count,
- 'deployed_node_count': deployed_node_count,
- 'deploying_node_count': deploying_node_count,
- 'waiting_node_count': waiting_node_count,
- 'error_node_count': error_node_count,
- 'icon': icon,
- })
- # TODO(rdopieralski) get this from ceilometer
- # data['capacity'] = 20
- return data
-class IndexView(horizon.forms.ModalFormView, views.StackMixin):
- template_name = 'infrastructure/overview/index.html'
- form_class = forms.EditPlan
- success_url = reverse_lazy(INDEX_URL)
- def get_progress_update(self, request, data):
- return {
- 'progress': data.get('progress'),
- 'show_last_events': data.get('show_last_events'),
- 'last_events_title': unicode(data.get('last_events_title')),
- 'last_events': [{
- 'event_time': event.event_time,
- 'resource_name': event.resource_name,
- 'resource_status': event.resource_status,
- 'resource_status_reason': event.resource_status_reason,
- } for event in data.get('last_events', [])],
- 'roles': [{
- 'status': role.get('status', 'warning'),
- 'finished': role.get('finished', False),
- 'name': role.get('name', ''),
- 'slug': django.utils.text.slugify(role.get('name', '')),
- 'id': role.get('id', ''),
- 'total_node_count': role.get('node_count', 0),
- 'deployed_node_count': role.get('deployed_node_count', 0),
- 'deploying_node_count': role.get('deploying_node_count', 0),
- 'waiting_node_count': role.get('waiting_node_count', 0),
- 'error_node_count': role.get('error_node_count', 0),
- 'planned_node_count': role.get('planned_node_count', 0),
- 'icon': role.get('icon', ''),
- } for role in data.get('roles', [])],
- }
- def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
- if request.META.get('HTTP_X_HORIZON_PROGRESS', ''):
- # If it's an AJAX call for progress update, send it.
- data = self.get_data(request, {})
- return http.HttpResponse(
- json.dumps(self.get_progress_update(request, data)),
- content_type='application/json',
- )
- return super(IndexView, self).get(request, *args, **kwargs)
- def get_form(self, form_class):
- return form_class(self.request, **self.get_form_kwargs())
- def get_context_data(self, *args, **kwargs):
- context = super(IndexView, self).get_context_data(*args, **kwargs)
- context.update(self.get_data(self.request, context))
- return context
- def get_data(self, request, context, *args, **kwargs):
- plan = api.tuskar.Plan.get_the_plan(request)
- stack = self.get_stack()
- form = context.get('form')
- context['plan'] = plan
- context['stack'] = stack
- roles = [_get_role_data(plan, stack, form, role)
- for role in plan.role_list]
- context['roles'] = roles
- if stack:
- context['show_last_events'] = True
- failed_events = [e for e in
- if 'FAILED' in e.resource_status and
- 'aborted' not in e.resource_status_reason][-3:]
- if failed_events:
- context['last_events_title'] = _('Last failed events')
- context['last_events'] = failed_events
- else:
- context['last_events_title'] = _('Last event')
- context['last_events'] = [[0]]
- if stack.is_deleting or stack.is_delete_failed:
- # TODO(lsmola) since at this point we don't have total number
- # of nodes we will hack this around, till API can show this
- # information. So it will actually show progress like the total
- # number is 10, or it will show progress of 5%. Ugly, but
- # workable.
- total_num_nodes_count = 10
- try:
- resources_count = len(
- stack.resources(with_joins=False))
- except heatclient.exc.HTTPNotFound:
- # Immediately after undeploying has started, heat returns
- # this exception so we can take it as kind of init of
- # undeploying.
- resources_count = total_num_nodes_count
- # TODO(lsmola) same as hack above
- total_num_nodes_count = max(
- resources_count, total_num_nodes_count)
- context['progress'] = min(95, max(
- 5, 100 * float(resources_count) / total_num_nodes_count))
- elif stack.is_deploying or stack.is_updating:
- total = sum(d['total_node_count'] for d in roles)
- context['progress'] = min(95, max(
- 5, 100 * sum(float(d.get('deployed_node_count', 0))
- for d in roles) / (total or 1)
- ))
- else:
- # stack is active
- if not stack.is_failed:
- context['show_last_events'] = False
- context['progress'] = 100
- controller_role = plan.get_role_by_name("Controller")
- context['admin_password'] = plan.parameter_value(
- controller_role.parameter_prefix + 'AdminPassword')
- context['dashboard_urls'] = stack.dashboard_urls
- no_proxy = [urlparse.urlparse(url).hostname
- for url in stack.dashboard_urls]
- context['no_proxy'] = ",".join(no_proxy)
- context['auth_url'] = stack.keystone_auth_url
- else:
- messages = forms.validate_plan(request, plan)
- context['plan_messages'] = messages
- context['plan_invalid'] = any(message.get('is_critical')
- for message in messages)
- context['steps_message'] = _steps_message(messages)
- return context
- def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
- """If the post comes from ajax, return validation results as json."""
- if not request.META.get('HTTP_X_HORIZON_VALIDATE', ''):
- return super(IndexView, self).post(request, *args, **kwargs)
- form_class = self.get_form_class()
- form = self.get_form(form_class)
- if form.is_valid():
- handled = form.handle(self.request, form.cleaned_data)
- else:
- handled = False
- if handled:
- messages = forms.validate_plan(request, form.plan)
- else:
- messages = [{
- 'text': _(u"Error saving the plan."),
- 'is_critical': True,
- }]
- messages.extend({
- 'text': repr(error),
- } for error in form.non_field_errors)
- messages.extend({
- 'text': repr(error),
- } for field in form.fields for error in field.errors)
- # We need to unlazify all the lazy urls and translations.
- return http.HttpResponse(json.dumps({
- 'plan_invalid': any(m.get('is_critical') for m in messages),
- 'steps_message': _steps_message(messages),
- 'messages': [{
- 'text': unicode(m.get('text', '')),
- 'is_critical': m.get('is_critical', False),
- 'indent': m.get('indent', 0),
- 'classes': m['classes'],
- } for m in messages],
- }), content_type='application/json')
-class DeployConfirmationView(horizon.forms.ModalFormView, views.StackMixin):
- form_class = forms.DeployOvercloud
- template_name = 'infrastructure/overview/deploy_confirmation.html'
- submit_label = _("Deploy")
- def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
- context = super(DeployConfirmationView,
- self).get_context_data(**kwargs)
- plan = api.tuskar.Plan.get_the_plan(self.request)
- context['autogenerated_parameters'] = (
- plan.list_generated_parameters(with_prefix=False).keys())
- return context
- def get_success_url(self):
- return reverse(INDEX_URL)
-class UndeployConfirmationView(horizon.forms.ModalFormView, views.StackMixin):
- form_class = forms.UndeployOvercloud
- template_name = 'infrastructure/overview/undeploy_confirmation.html'
- submit_label = _("Undeploy")
- def get_success_url(self):
- return reverse(INDEX_URL)
- def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
- context = super(UndeployConfirmationView,
- self).get_context_data(**kwargs)
- context['stack_id'] = self.get_stack().id
- return context
- def get_initial(self, **kwargs):
- initial = super(UndeployConfirmationView, self).get_initial(**kwargs)
- initial['stack_id'] = self.get_stack().id
- return initial
-class PostDeployInitView(horizon.forms.ModalFormView, views.StackMixin):
- form_class = forms.PostDeployInit
- template_name = 'infrastructure/overview/post_deploy_init.html'
- submit_label = _("Initialize")
- def get_success_url(self):
- return reverse(INDEX_URL)
- def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
- context = super(PostDeployInitView,
- self).get_context_data(**kwargs)
- context['stack_id'] = self.get_stack().id
- return context
- def get_initial(self, **kwargs):
- initial = super(PostDeployInitView, self).get_initial(**kwargs)
- initial['stack_id'] = self.get_stack().id
- initial['admin_email'] = getattr(self.request.user, 'email', '')
- return initial
-class ScaleOutView(horizon.forms.ModalFormView, views.StackMixin):
- form_class = forms.ScaleOut
- template_name = "infrastructure/overview/scale_out.html"
- submit_label = _("Deploy Changes")
- def get_success_url(self):
- return reverse(INDEX_URL)
- def get_form(self, form_class):
- return form_class(self.request, **self.get_form_kwargs())
- def get_context_data(self, *args, **kwargs):
- context = super(ScaleOutView, self).get_context_data(*args, **kwargs)
- plan = api.tuskar.Plan.get_the_plan(self.request)
- form = context.get('form')
- roles = [_get_role_data(plan, None, form, role)
- for role in plan.role_list]
- context.update({
- 'roles': roles,
- 'plan': plan,
- })
- return context
-def _get_openrc_credentials(request):
- plan = api.tuskar.Plan.get_the_plan(request)
- stack = api.heat.Stack.get_by_plan(request, plan)
- no_proxy = [urlparse.urlparse(url).hostname
- for url in stack.dashboard_urls]
- controller_role = plan.get_role_by_name("Controller")
- credentials = dict(tenant_name='admin',
- auth_url=stack.keystone_auth_url,
- admin_password=plan.parameter_value(
- controller_role.parameter_prefix + 'AdminPassword'),
- no_proxy=",".join(no_proxy))
- return credentials
-def download_overcloudrc_file(request):
- template = 'infrastructure/overview/'
- try:
- context = _get_openrc_credentials(request)
- response = shortcuts.render(request,
- template,
- context,
- content_type="text/plain")
- response['Content-Disposition'] = ('attachment; '
- 'filename="overcloudrc"')
- response['Content-Length'] = str(len(response.content))
- return response
- except Exception as e:
- LOG.exception("Exception in DownloadOvercloudrcForm.")
- messages.error(request, _('Error Downloading RC File: %s') % e)
- return shortcuts.redirect(request.build_absolute_uri())