path: root/doc
diff options
authorJames E. Blair <>2021-09-15 16:29:20 -0700
committerJames E. Blair <>2021-11-24 09:10:32 -0800
commit7f2986fa52c03a8303023e1a169d54fcff630c59 (patch)
tree5131d24233408946ae9e1ae3177a82f061b177e9 /doc
parentd5efa366849116120d7e4fe6fbcf6730993e16dd (diff)
Add a zookeeper map to developer docs
Add a description of the ZK paths that we use and why, in order to aid developers. Change-Id: Ia656782872a0bf09ee6598029c5b00ecbac906e6
Diffstat (limited to 'doc')
3 files changed, 351 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/source/_static/custom.css b/doc/source/_static/custom.css
index b49c2c032..f208eef84 100644
--- a/doc/source/_static/custom.css
+++ b/doc/source/_static/custom.css
@@ -4,3 +4,6 @@
div.sphinxsidebarwrapper p.logo {
text-align: left;
+dl.zuul.path {
+ margin-bottom: 1em;
diff --git a/doc/source/reference/developer/index.rst b/doc/source/reference/developer/index.rst
index 3c137fb39..30a302f0a 100644
--- a/doc/source/reference/developer/index.rst
+++ b/doc/source/reference/developer/index.rst
@@ -18,4 +18,5 @@ Zuul, though advanced users may find it interesting.
+ zookeeper
diff --git a/doc/source/reference/developer/zookeeper.rst b/doc/source/reference/developer/zookeeper.rst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..89b96af00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/source/reference/developer/zookeeper.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,347 @@
+Zookeeper Map
+This is a reference for object layout in Zookeeper.
+.. path:: zuul
+ All ephemeral data stored here. Remove the entire tree to "reset"
+ the system.
+.. path:: zuul/cache/connection/<connection>
+ The connection cache root. Each connection has a dedicated space
+ for its caches. Two types of caches are currently implemented:
+ change and branch.
+.. path:: zuul/cache/connection/<connection>/branches
+ The connection branch cache root. Contains the cache itself and a
+ lock.
+.. path:: zuul/cache/connection/<connection>/branches/data
+ :type: BranchCacheZKObject (sharded)
+ The connection branch cache data. This is a single sharded JSON blob.
+.. path:: zuul/cache/connection/<connection>/branches/lock
+ :type: RWLock
+ The connection branch cache read/write lock.
+.. path:: zuul/cache/connection/<connection>/cache
+ The connection change cache. Each node under this node is an entry
+ in the change cache. The node ID is a sha256 of the cache key, the
+ contents are the JSON serialization of the cache entry metadata.
+ One of the included items is the `data_uuid` which is used to
+ retrieve the actual change data.
+ When a cache entry is updated, a new data node is created without
+ deleting the old data node. They are eventually garbage collected.
+.. path:: zuul/cache/connection/<connection>/data
+ Data for the change cache. These nodes are identified by a UUID
+ referenced from the cache entries.
+ These are sharded JSON blobs of the change data.
+.. path:: zuul/cleanup
+ This node holds locks for the cleanup routines to make sure that
+ only one scheduler runs them at a time.
+ .. path:: build_requests
+ .. path:: connection
+ .. path:: general
+ .. path:: merge_requests
+ .. path:: node_request
+ .. path:: sempahores
+.. path:: zuul/components
+ The component registry. Each Zuul process registers itself under
+ the appropriate node in this hierarchy so the system has a holistic
+ view of what's running. The name of the node is based on the
+ hostname but is a sequence node in order to handle multiple
+ processes. The nodes are ephemeral so an outage is automatically
+ detected.
+ The contents of each node contain information about the running
+ process and may be updated periodically.
+ .. path:: executor
+ .. path:: fingergw
+ .. path:: merger
+ .. path:: scheduler
+ .. path:: web
+.. path:: zuul/config/cache
+ The unparsed config cache. This contains the contents of every
+ Zuul config file returned by the mergers for use in configuration.
+ Organized by repo canonical name, branch, and filename. The files
+ themeselves are sharded.
+.. path:: zuul/config/lock
+ Locks for the unparsed config cache.
+.. path:: zuul/events/connection/<connection>/events
+ :type: ConnectionEventQueue
+ The connection event queue root. Each connection has an event
+ queue where incoming events are recorded before being moved to the
+ tenant event queue.
+.. path:: zuul/events/connection/<connection>/events/queue
+ The actual event queue. Entries in the queue reference separate
+ data nodes. These are sequence nodes to maintain the event order.
+.. path:: zuul/events/connection/<connection>/events/data
+ Event data nodes referenced by queue items. These are sharded.
+.. path:: zuul/events/connection/<connection>/events/election
+ An election to determine which scheduler processes the event queue
+ and moves events to the tenant event queues.
+ Drivers may have additional elections as well. For example, Gerrit
+ has an election for the watcher and poller.
+.. path:: zuul/events/tenant/<tenant>
+ Tenant-specific event queues. Each queue described below has a
+ data and queue subnode.
+.. path:: zuul/events/tenant/<tenant>/management
+ The tenant-specific management event queue.
+.. path:: zuul/events/tenant/<tenant>/trigger
+ The tenant-specific trigger event queue.
+.. path:: zuul/events/tenant/<tenant>/pipelines
+ Holds a set of queues for each pipeline.
+.. path:: zuul/events/tenant/<tenant>/pipelines/<pipeline>/management
+ The pipeline management event queue.
+.. path:: zuul/events/tenant/<tenant>/pipelines/<pipeline>/result
+ The pipeline result event queue.
+.. path:: zuul/events/tenant/<tenant>/pipelines/<pipeline>/trigger
+ The pipeline trigger event queue.
+.. path:: zuul/executor/unzoned
+ :type: JobRequestQueue
+ The unzoned executor build request queue. The generic description
+ of a job request queue follows:
+ .. path:: requests/<request uuid>
+ Requests are added by UUID. Consumers watch the entire tree and
+ order the requests by znode creation time.
+ .. path:: locks/<request uuid>
+ :type: Lock
+ A consumer will create a lock under this node before processing
+ a request. The znode containing the lock and the requent znode
+ have the same UUID. This is a side-channel lock so that the
+ lock can be held while the request itself is deleted.
+ .. path:: params/<request uuid>
+ Parameters can be quite large, so they are kept in a separate
+ znode and only read when needed, and may be removed during
+ request processing to save space in ZooKeeper. The data may be
+ sharded.
+ .. path:: result-data/<request uuid>
+ When a job is complete, the results of the merge are written
+ here. The results may be quite large, so they are sharded.
+ .. path:: results/<request uuid>
+ Since writing sharded data is not atomic, once the results are
+ written to ``result-data``, a small znode is written here to
+ indicate the results are ready to read. The submitter can watch
+ this znode to be notified that it is ready.
+ .. path:: waiters/<request uuid>
+ :ephemeral:
+ A submitter who requires the results of the job creates an
+ ephemeral node here to indicate their interest in the results.
+ This is used by the cleanup routines to ensure that they don't
+ prematurely delete the result data. Used for merge jobs
+.. path:: zuul/executor/zones/<zone>
+ A zone-specific executor build request queue. The contents are the
+ same as above.
+.. path:: zuul/layout/<tenant>
+ The layout state for the tenant. Contains the cache and time data
+ needed for a component to determine if its in-memory layout is out
+ of date and update it if so.
+.. path:: zuul/locks
+ Holds various types of locks so that multiple components can coordinate.
+.. path:: zuul/locks/events
+ Locks related to tenant event queues.
+.. path:: zuul/locks/events/trigger/<tenant>
+ :type: Lock
+ The scheduler locks the trigger event queue for each tenant before
+ processing it. This lock is only needed when processing and
+ removing items from the queue; no lock is required to add items.
+.. path:: zuul/locks/events/management/<tenant>
+ :type: Lock
+ The scheduler locks the management event queue for each tenant
+ before processing it. This lock is only needed when processing and
+ removing items from the queue; no lock is required to add items.
+.. path:: zuul/locks/pipeline
+ Locks related to pipelines.
+.. path:: zuul/locks/pipeline/<tenant>/<pipeline>
+ :type: Lock
+ The scheduler obtains a lock before processing each pipeline.
+.. path:: zuul/locks/tenant
+ Tenant configuration locks.
+.. path:: zuul/locks/tenant/<tenant>
+ :type: RWLock
+ A write lock is obtained at this location before creating a new
+ tenant layout and storing its metadata in ZooKeeper. Components
+ which later determine that they need to update their tenant
+ configuration to match the state in ZooKeeper will obtain a read
+ lock at this location to ensure the state isn't mutated again while
+ the components are updating their layout to match.
+.. path:: zuul/ltime
+ An empty node which serves to coordinate logical timestamps across
+ the cluster. Components may update this znode which will cause the
+ latest ZooKeeper transaction ID to appear in the zstat for this
+ znode. This is known as the `ltime` and can be used to communicate
+ that any subsequent transactions have occurred after this `ltime`.
+ This is frequently used for cache validation. Any cache which was
+ updated after a specified `ltime` may be determined to be
+ sufficiently up-to-date for use without invalidation.
+.. path:: zuul/merger
+ :type: JobRequestQueue
+ A JobRequestQueue for mergers. See :path:`zuul/executor/unzoned`.
+.. path:: zuul/nodepool
+ :type: NodepoolEventElection
+ An election to decide which scheduler will monitor nodepool
+ requests and generate node completion events as they are completed.
+.. path:: zuul/results/management
+ Stores results from management events (such as an enqueue event).
+.. path:: zuul/scheduler/timer-election
+ :type: SessionAwareElection
+ An election to decide which scheduler will generate events for
+ timer pipeline triggers.
+.. path:: zuul/scheduler/stats-election
+ :type: SchedulerStatsElection
+ An election to decide which scheduler will report system-wide stats
+ (such as total node requests).
+.. path:: zuul/semaphores/<tenant>/<semaphore>
+ :type: SemaphoreHandler
+ Represents a semaphore. Information about which builds hold the
+ semaphore is stored in the znode data.
+.. path:: zuul/system
+ :type: SystemConfigCache
+ System-wide configuration data.
+ .. path:: conf
+ The serialized version of the unparsed abide configuration as
+ well as system attributes (such as the tenant list).
+ .. path:: conf-lock
+ :type: WriteLock
+ A lock to be acquired before updating :path:`zuul/system/conf`
+.. path:: zuul/tenant/<tenant>
+ Tenant-specific information here.
+.. path:: zuul/tenant/<tenant>/pipeline/<pipeline>
+ Pipeline state.
+.. path:: zuul/tenant/<tenant>/pipeline/<pipeline>/queue
+ Holds queue objects.
+.. path:: zuul/tenant/<tenant>/pipeline/<pipeline>/item/<item uuid>
+ Items belong to queues, but are held in their own hierarchy since
+ they may shift to differrent queues during reconfiguration.
+.. path:: zuul/tenant/<tenant>/pipeline/<pipeline>/item/<item uuid>/buildset/<buildset uuid>
+ There will only be one buildset under the buildset/ node. If we
+ reset it, we will get a new uuid and delete the old one. Any
+ external references to it will be automatically invalidated.
+.. path:: zuul/tenant/<tenant>/pipeline/<pipeline>/item/<item uuid>/buildset/<buildset uuid>/repo_state
+ The global repo state for the buildset is kept in its own node
+ since it can be large, and is also common for all jobs in this
+ buildset.
+.. path:: zuul/tenant/<tenant>/pipeline/<pipeline>/item/<item uuid>/buildset/<buildset uuid>/job/<job name>
+ The frozen job.
+.. path:: zuul/tenant/<tenant>/pipeline/<pipeline>/item/<item uuid>/buildset/<buildset uuid>/job/<job name>/build/<build uuid>
+ Information about this build of the job. Similar to buildset,
+ there should only be one entry, and using the UUID automatically
+ invalidates any references.
+.. path:: zuul/tenant/<tenant>/pipeline/<pipeline>/item/<item uuid>/buildset/<buildset uuid>/job/<job name>/build/<build uuid>/parameters
+ Parameters for the build; these can be large so they're in their
+ own znode and will be read only if needed.