path: root/Documentation/ref
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authorBen Pfaff <>2017-12-14 11:17:23 -0800
committerBen Pfaff <>2017-12-14 11:21:42 -0800
commit12b84d50e0324727a24fc5aa378497e1dbe41821 (patch)
tree6bbc52f2da260a5049b684cb225b70d7b18663c7 /Documentation/ref
parentadb4185d01ce964db1154df07dbd91c0f90539f7 (diff)
ovsdb: Improve documentation.
Signed-off-by: Ben Pfaff <> Acked-by: Justin Pettit <>
Diffstat (limited to 'Documentation/ref')
4 files changed, 976 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Documentation/ref/index.rst b/Documentation/ref/index.rst
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+++ b/Documentation/ref/index.rst
@@ -41,6 +41,9 @@ time:
+ ovsdb-server.7
+ ovsdb.5
+ ovsdb.7
The remainder are still in roff format can be found below:
diff --git a/Documentation/ref/ovsdb-server.7.rst b/Documentation/ref/ovsdb-server.7.rst
new file mode 100644
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+ Copyright (c) 2017 Nicira, Inc.
+ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+ not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+ a copy of the License at
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+ WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+ License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ under the License.
+ Convention for heading levels in Open vSwitch documentation:
+ ======= Heading 0 (reserved for the title in a document)
+ ------- Heading 1
+ ~~~~~~~ Heading 2
+ +++++++ Heading 3
+ ''''''' Heading 4
+ Avoid deeper levels because they do not render well.
+``ovsdb-server`` implements the Open vSwitch Database (OVSDB) protocol
+specified in RFC 7047. This document provides clarifications for how
+``ovsdb-server`` implements the protocol and describes the extensions that it
+provides beyond RFC 7047. Numbers in section headings refer to corresponding
+sections in RFC 7047.
+3.1 JSON Usage
+RFC 4627 says that names within a JSON object should be unique.
+The Open vSwitch JSON parser discards all but the last value
+for a name that is specified more than once.
+The definition of <error> allows for implementation extensions.
+Currently ``ovsdb-server`` uses the following additional ``error``
+strings (which might change in later releases):
+``syntax error`` or ``unknown column``
+ The request could not be parsed as an OVSDB request. An additional
+ ``syntax`` member, whose value is a string that contains JSON, may narrow
+ down the particular syntax that could not be parsed.
+``internal error``
+ The request triggered a bug in ``ovsdb-server``.
+``ovsdb error``
+ A map or set contains a duplicate key.
+``permission error``
+ The request was denied by the role-based access control extension,
+ introduced in version 2.8.
+3.2 Schema Format
+RFC 7047 requires the ``version`` field in <database-schema>. Current versions
+of ``ovsdb-server`` allow it to be omitted (future versions are likely to
+require it).
+RFC 7047 allows columns that contain weak references to be immutable. This
+raises the issue of the behavior of the weak reference when the rows that it
+references are deleted. Since version 2.6, ``ovsdb-server`` forces columns
+that contain weak references to be mutable.
+Since version 2.8, the table name ``RBAC_Role`` is used internally by the
+role-based access control extension to ``ovsdb-server`` and should not be used
+for purposes other than defining mappings of role names to table access
+permissions. This table has one row per role name and the following columns:
+ The role name.
+ A map of table name to a reference to a row in a separate permission table.
+The separate RBAC permission table has one row per access control
+configuration and the following columns:
+ The name of the table to which the row applies.
+ The set of column names and column:key pairs to be compared with the client
+ ID in order to determine the authorization status of the requested
+ operation.
+ A boolean value, true if authorized insertions and deletions are allowed,
+ false if no insertions or deletions are allowed.
+ The set of columns and column:key pairs for which authorized update and
+ mutate operations should be permitted.
+4 Wire Protocol
+The original OVSDB specifications included the following reasons, omitted from
+RFC 7047, to operate JSON-RPC directly over a stream instead of over HTTP:
+* JSON-RPC is a peer-to-peer protocol, but HTTP is a client-server protocol,
+ which is a poor match. Thus, JSON-RPC over HTTP requires the client to
+ periodically poll the server to receive server requests.
+* HTTP is more complicated than stream connections and doesn't provide any
+ corresponding advantage.
+* The JSON-RPC specification for HTTP transport is incomplete.
+4.1.3 Transact
+Since version 2.8, role-based access controls can be applied to operations
+within a transaction that would modify the contents of the database (these
+operations include row insert, row delete, column update, and column
+mutate). Role-based access controls are applied when the database schema
+contains a table with the name ``RBAC_Role`` and the connection on which the
+transaction request was received has an associated role name (from the ``role``
+column in the remote connection table). When role-based access controls are
+enabled, transactions that are otherwise well-formed may be rejected depending
+on the client's role, ID, and the contents of the ``RBAC_Role`` table and
+associated permissions table.
+4.1.5 Monitor
+For backward compatibility, ``ovsdb-server`` currently permits a single
+<monitor-request> to be used instead of an array; it is treated as a
+single-element array. Future versions of ``ovsdb-server`` might remove this
+compatibility feature.
+Because the <json-value> parameter is used to match subsequent update
+notifications (see below) to the request, it must be unique among all active
+monitors. ``ovsdb-server`` rejects attempt to create two monitors with the
+same identifier.
+4.1.12 Monitor_cond
+A new monitor method added in Open vSwitch version 2.6. The ``monitor_cond``
+request enables a client to replicate subsets of tables within an OVSDB
+database by requesting notifications of changes to rows matching one of the
+conditions specified in ``where`` by receiving the specified contents of these
+rows when table updates occur. ``monitor_cond`` also allows a more efficient
+update notifications by receiving <table-updates2> notifications (described
+The ``monitor`` method described in Section 4.1.5 also applies to
+``monitor_cond``, with the following exceptions:
+* RPC request method becomes ``monitor_cond``.
+* Reply result follows <table-updates2>, described in Section 4.1.14.
+* Subsequent changes are sent to the client using the ``update2`` monitor
+ notification, described in Section 4.1.14
+* Update notifications are being sent only for rows matching [<condition>*].
+The request object has the following members::
+ "method": "monitor_cond"
+ "params": [<db-name>, <json-value>, <monitor-cond-requests>]
+ "id": <nonnull-json-value>
+The <json-value> parameter is used to match subsequent update notifications
+(see below) to this request. The <monitor-cond-requests> object maps the name
+of the table to an array of <monitor-cond-request>.
+Each <monitor-cond-request> is an object with the following members::
+ "columns": [<column>*] optional
+ "where": [<condition>*] optional
+ "select": <monitor-select> optional
+The ``columns``, if present, define the columns within the table to be
+monitored that match conditions. If not present, all columns are monitored.
+The ``where``, if present, is a JSON array of <condition> and boolean values.
+If not present or condition is an empty array, implicit True will be considered
+and updates on all rows will be sent.
+<monitor-select> is an object with the following members::
+ "initial": <boolean> optional
+ "insert": <boolean> optional
+ "delete": <boolean> optional
+ "modify": <boolean> optional
+The contents of this object specify how the columns or table are to be
+monitored as explained in more detail below.
+The response object has the following members::
+ "result": <table-updates2>
+ "error": null
+ "id": same "id" as request
+The <table-updates2> object is described in detail in Section 4.1.14. It
+contains the contents of the tables for which initial rows are selected. If no
+tables initial contents are requested, then ``result`` is an empty object.
+Subsequently, when changes to a specified table that match one of the
+conditions in <monitor-cond-request> are committed, the changes are
+automatically sent to the client using the ``update2`` monitor notification
+(see Section 4.1.14). This monitoring persists until the JSON-RPC session
+terminates or until the client sends a ``monitor_cancel`` JSON-RPC request.
+Each <monitor-cond-request> specifies one or more conditions and the manner in
+which the rows that match the conditions are to be monitored. The
+circumstances in which an ``update`` notification is sent for a row within the
+table are determined by <monitor-select>:
+* If ``initial`` is omitted or true, every row in the original table that
+ matches one of the conditions is sent as part of the response to the
+ ``monitor_cond`` request.
+* If ``insert`` is omitted or true, update notifications are sent for rows
+ newly inserted into the table that match conditions or for rows modified in
+ the table so that their old version does not match the condition and new
+ version does.
+* If ``delete`` is omitted or true, update notifications are sent for rows
+ deleted from the table that match conditions or for rows modified in the
+ table so that their old version does match the conditions and new version
+ does not.
+* If ``modify`` is omitted or true, update notifications are sent whenever a
+ row in the table that matches conditions in both old and new version is
+ modified.
+Both ``monitor`` and ``monitor_cond`` sessions can exist concurrently. However,
+``monitor`` and ``monitor_cond`` shares the same <json-value> parameter space;
+it must be unique among all ``monitor`` and ``monitor_cond`` sessions.
+4.1.13 Monitor_cond_change
+The ``monitor_cond_change`` request enables a client to change an existing
+``monitor_cond`` replication of the database by specifying a new condition and
+columns for each replicated table. Currently changing the columns set is not
+The request object has the following members::
+ "method": "monitor_cond_change"
+ "params": [<json-value>, <json-value>, <monitor-cond-update-requests>]
+ "id": <nonnull-json-value>
+The <json-value> parameter should have a value of an existing conditional
+monitoring session from this client. The second <json-value> in params array is
+the requested value for this session. This value is valid only after
+``monitor_cond_change`` is committed. A user can use these values to
+distinguish between update messages before conditions update and after. The
+<monitor-cond-update-requests> object maps the name of the table to an array of
+<monitor-cond-update-request>. Monitored tables not included in
+<monitor-cond-update-requests> retain their current conditions.
+Each <monitor-cond-update-request> is an object with the following members::
+ "columns": [<column>*] optional
+ "where": [<condition>*] optional
+The ``columns`` specify a new array of columns to be monitored, although this
+feature is not yet supported.
+The ``where`` specify a new array of conditions to be applied to this
+monitoring session.
+The response object has the following members::
+ "result": null
+ "error": null
+ "id": same "id" as request
+Subsequent <table-updates2> notifications are described in detail in Section
+4.1.14 in the RFC. If insert contents are requested by original monitor_cond
+request, <table-updates2> will contain rows that match the new condition and do
+not match the old condition. If deleted contents are requested by origin
+monitor request, <table-updates2> will contain any matched rows by old
+condition and not matched by the new condition.
+Changes according to the new conditions are automatically sent to the client
+using the ``update2`` monitor notification. An update, if any, as a result of
+a condition change, will be sent to the client before the reply to the
+``monitor_cond_change`` request.
+4.1.14 Update2 notification
+The ``update2`` notification is sent by the server to the client to report
+changes in tables that are being monitored following a ``monitor_cond`` request
+as described above. The notification has the following members::
+ "method": "update2"
+ "params": [<json-value>, <table-updates2>]
+ "id": null
+The <json-value> in ``params`` is the same as the value passed as the
+<json-value> in ``params`` for the corresponding ``monitor`` request.
+<table-updates2> is an object that maps from a table name to a <table-update2>.
+A <table-update2> is an object that maps from row's UUID to a <row-update2>
+object. A <row-update2> is an object with one of the following members:
+``"initial": <row>``
+ present for ``initial`` updates
+``"insert": <row>``
+ present for ``insert`` updates
+``"delete": <row>``
+ present for ``delete`` updates
+``"modify": <row>"``
+ present for ``modify`` updates
+The format of <row> is described in Section 5.1.
+<row> is always a null object for a ``delete`` update. In ``initial`` and
+``insert`` updates, <row> omits columns whose values equal the default value of
+the column type.
+For a ``modify`` update, <row> contains only the columns that are modified.
+<row> stores the difference between the old and new value for those columns, as
+described below.
+For columns with single value, the difference is the value of the new column.
+The difference between two sets are all elements that only belong to one of the
+The difference between two maps are all key-value pairs whose keys appears in
+only one of the maps, plus the key-value pairs whose keys appear in both maps
+but with different values. For the latter elements, <row> includes the value
+from the new column.
+Initial views of rows are not presented in update2 notifications, but in the
+response object to the ``monitor_cond`` request. The formatting of the
+<table-updates2> object, however, is the same in either case.
+4.1.15 Get Server ID
+A new RPC method added in Open vSwitch version 2.7. The request contains the
+following members::
+ "method": "get_server_id"
+ "params": null
+ "id": <nonnull-json-value>
+The response object contains the following members::
+ "result": "<server_id>"
+ "error": null
+ "id": same "id" as request
+<server_id> is JSON string that contains a UUID that uniquely identifies the
+running OVSDB server process. A fresh UUID is generated when the process
+5.1 Notation
+For <condition>, RFC 7047 only allows the use of ``!=``, ``==``, ``includes``,
+and ``excludes`` operators with set types. Open vSwitch 2.4 and later extend
+<condition> to allow the use of ``<``, ``<=``, ``>=``, and ``>`` operators with
+columns with type "set of 0 or 1 integer" and "set of 0 or 1 real". These
+conditions evaluate to false when the column is empty, and otherwise as
+described in RFC 7047 for integer and real types.
+<condition> is specified in Section 5.1 in the RFC with the following change: A
+condition can be either a 3-element JSON array as described in the RFC or a
+boolean value. In case of an empty array an implicit true boolean value will be
+5.2.6 Wait, 5.2.7 Commit, 5.2.9 Comment
+RFC 7047 says that the ``wait``, ``commit``, and ``comment`` operations have no
+corresponding result object. This is not true. Instead, when such an
+operation is successful, it yields a result object with no members.
diff --git a/Documentation/ref/ovsdb.5.rst b/Documentation/ref/ovsdb.5.rst
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index 000000000..f3e50976b
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+ Copyright (c) 2017 Nicira, Inc.
+ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+ not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+ a copy of the License at
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+ WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+ License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ under the License.
+ Convention for heading levels in Open vSwitch documentation:
+ ======= Heading 0 (reserved for the title in a document)
+ ------- Heading 1
+ ~~~~~~~ Heading 2
+ +++++++ Heading 3
+ ''''''' Heading 4
+ Avoid deeper levels because they do not render well.
+OVSDB, the Open vSwitch Database, is a database system whose network
+protocol is specified by RFC 7047. The RFC does not specify an on-disk
+storage format. This manpage documents the format used by Open vSwitch.
+Most users do not need to be concerned with this specification. Instead,
+to manipulate OVSDB files, refer to `ovsdb-tool(1)`. For an
+introduction to OVSDB as a whole, read `ovsdb(7)`.
+OVSDB files explicitly record changes that are implied by the database schema.
+For example, the OVSDB "garbage collection" feature means that when a client
+removes the last reference to a garbage-collected row, the database server
+automatically removes that row. The database file explicitly records the
+deletion of the garbage-collected row, so that the reader does not need to
+infer it.
+OVSDB files do not include the values of ephemeral columns.
+Database files are text files encoded in UTF-8 with LF (U+000A) line ends,
+organized as append-only series of records. Each record consists of 2
+lines of text.
+The first line in each record has the format ``OVSDB JSON`` *length* *hash*,
+where *length* is a positive decimal integer and *hash* is a SHA-1 checksum
+expressed as 40 hexadecimal digits. Words in the first line must be separated
+by exactly one space.
+The second line must be exactly *length* bytes long (including the LF) and its
+SHA-1 checksum (including the LF) must match *hash* exactly. The line's
+contents must be a valid JSON object as specified by RFC 4627. Strings in the
+JSON object must be valid UTF-8. To ensure that the second line is exactly one
+line of text, the OVSDB implementation expresses any LF characters within a
+JSON string as ``\n``. For the same reason, and to save space, the OVSDB
+implementation does not "pretty print" the JSON object with spaces and LFs.
+(The OVSDB implementation tolerates LFs when reading an OVSDB database file, as
+long as *length* and *hash* are correct.)
+JSON Notation
+We use notation from RFC 7047 here to describe the JSON data in records.
+In addition to the notation defined there, we add the following:
+ A 36-character JSON string that contains a UUID in the format described by
+ RFC 4122, e.g. ``"550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000"``
+Standalone Format
+The first record in a standalone database contains the JSON schema for the
+database, as specified in RFC 7047. Only this record is mandatory (a
+standalone file that contains only a schema represents an empty database).
+The second and subsequent records in a standalone database are transaction
+records. Each record may have the following optional special members,
+which do not have any semantics but are often useful to administrators
+looking through a database log with ``ovsdb-tool show-log``:
+``"_date": <integer>``
+ The time at which the transaction was committed, as an integer number of
+ milliseconds since the Unix epoch. Early versions of OVSDB counted seconds
+ instead of milliseconds; these can be detected by noticing that their
+ values are less than 2**32.
+ OVSDB always writes a ``_date`` member.
+``"_comment": <string>``
+ A JSON string that specifies the comment provided in a transaction
+ ``comment`` operation. If a transaction has multiple ``comment``
+ operations, OVSDB concatenates them into a single ``_comment`` member,
+ separated by a new-line.
+ OVSDB only writes a ``_comment`` member if it would be
+ a nonempty string.
+Each of these records also has one or more additional members, each of which
+maps from the name of a database table to a <table-txn>:
+ A JSON object that describes the effects of a transaction on a database
+ table. Its names are <raw-uuid>s for rows in the table and its values are
+ <row-txn>s.
+ Either ``null``, which indicates that the transaction deleted this row, or
+ a JSON object that describes how the transaction inserted or modified the
+ row, whose names are the names of columns and whose values are <value>s
+ that give the column's new value.
+ For new rows, the OVSDB implementation omits columns whose values have the
+ default values for their types defined in RFC 7047 section 5.2.1; for
+ modified rows, the OVSDB implementation omits columns whose values are
+ unchanged.
diff --git a/Documentation/ref/ovsdb.7.rst b/Documentation/ref/ovsdb.7.rst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1106c63e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/ref/ovsdb.7.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,454 @@
+ Copyright (c) 2017 Nicira, Inc.
+ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+ not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+ a copy of the License at
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+ WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+ License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ under the License.
+ Convention for heading levels in Open vSwitch documentation:
+ ======= Heading 0 (reserved for the title in a document)
+ ------- Heading 1
+ ~~~~~~~ Heading 2
+ +++++++ Heading 3
+ ''''''' Heading 4
+ Avoid deeper levels because they do not render well.
+OVSDB, the Open vSwitch Database, is a network database system. Schemas in
+OVSDB specify the tables in a database and their columns' types and can
+include data, uniqueness, and referential integrity constraints. OVSDB
+offers atomic, consistent, isolated, durable transactions. RFC 7047
+specifies the JSON-RPC based protocol that OVSDB clients and servers use to
+The OVSDB protocol is well suited for state synchronization because it
+allows each client to monitor the contents of a whole database or a subset
+of it. Whenever a monitored portion of the database changes, the server
+tells the client what rows were added or modified (including the new
+contents) or deleted. Thus, OVSDB clients can easily keep track of the
+newest contents of any part of the database.
+While OVSDB is general-purpose and not particularly specialized for use with
+Open vSwitch, Open vSwitch does use it for multiple purposes. The leading use
+of OVSDB is for configuring and monitoring ``ovs-vswitchd(8)``, the Open
+vSwitch switch daemon, using the schema documented in
+``ovs-vswitchd.conf.db(5)``. The Open Virtual Network (OVN) sub-project of OVS
+uses two OVSDB schemas, documented in ``ovn-nb(5)`` and ``ovn-sb(5)``.
+Finally, Open vSwitch includes the "VTEP" schema, documented in
+``vtep(5)`` that many third-party hardware switches support for
+configuring VXLAN, although OVS itself does not directly use this schema.
+The OVSDB protocol specification allows independent, interoperable
+implementations of OVSDB to be developed. Open vSwitch includes an OVSDB
+server implementation named ``ovsdb-server(1)``, which supports several
+protocol extensions documented in its manpage, and a basic command-line OVSDB
+client named ``ovsdb-client(1)``, as well as OVSDB client libraries for C and
+for Python. Open vSwitch documentation often speaks of these OVSDB
+implementations in Open vSwitch as simply "OVSDB," even though that is distinct
+from the OVSDB protocol; we make the distinction explicit only when it might
+otherwise be unclear from the context.
+In addition to these generic OVSDB server and client tools, Open vSwitch
+includes tools for working with databases that have specific schemas:
+``ovs-vsctl`` works with the ``ovs-vswitchd`` configuration database,
+``vtep-ctl`` works with the VTEP database, ``ovn-nbctl`` works with
+the OVN Northbound database, and so on.
+RFC 7047 specifies the OVSDB protocol but it does not specify an on-disk
+storage format. Open vSwitch includes ``ovsdb-tool(1)`` for working with its
+own on-disk database formats. The most notable feature of this format is that
+``ovsdb-tool(1)`` makes it easy for users to print the transactions that have
+changed a database since the last time it was compacted. This feature is often
+useful for troubleshooting.
+Schemas in OVSDB have a JSON format that is specified in RFC 7047. They
+are often stored in files with an extension ``.ovsschema``. An
+on-disk database in OVSDB includes a schema and data, embedding both into a
+single file. The Open vSwitch utility ``ovsdb-tool`` has commands
+that work with schema files and with the schemas embedded in database
+An Open vSwitch schema has three important identifiers. The first is its
+name, which is also the name used in JSON-RPC calls to identify a database
+based on that schema. For example, the schema used to configure Open
+vSwitch has the name ``Open_vSwitch``. Schema names begin with a
+letter or an underscore, followed by any number of letters, underscores, or
+digits. The ``ovsdb-tool`` commands ``schema-name`` and
+``db-name`` extract the schema name from a schema or database
+file, respectively.
+An OVSDB schema also has a version of the form ``x.y.z`` e.g. ``1.2.3``.
+Schemas managed within the Open vSwitch project manage version numbering in the
+following way (but OVSDB does not mandate this approach). Whenever we change
+the database schema in a non-backward compatible way (e.g. when we delete a
+column or a table), we increment <x> and set <y> and <z> to 0. When we change
+the database schema in a backward compatible way (e.g. when we add a new
+column), we increment <y> and set <z> to 0. When we change the database schema
+cosmetically (e.g. we reindent its syntax), we increment <z>. The
+``ovsdb-tool`` commands ``schema-version`` and ``db-version`` extract the
+schema version from a schema or database file, respectively.
+Very old OVSDB schemas do not have a version, but RFC 7047 mandates it.
+An OVSDB schema optionally has a "checksum." RFC 7047 does not specify the use
+of the checksum and recommends that clients ignore it. Open vSwitch uses the
+checksum to remind developers to update the version: at build time, if the
+schema's embedded checksum, ignoring the checksum field itself, does not match
+the schema's content, then it fails the build with a recommendation to update
+the version and the checksum. Thus, a developer who changes the schema, but
+does not update the version, receives an automatic reminder. In practice this
+has been an effective way to ensure compliance with the version number policy.
+The ``ovsdb-tool`` commands ``schema-cksum`` and ``db-cksum`` extract the
+schema checksum from a schema or database file, respectively.
+Service Models
+OVSDB supports two service models for databases: **standalone**, and
+**active-backup**. The service models provide different compromises
+among consistency and availability.
+RFC 7047, which specifies the OVSDB protocol, does not mandate or specify
+any particular service model.
+The following sections describe the individual service models.
+Standalone Database Service Model
+A **standalone** database runs a single server. If the server stops running,
+the database becomes inaccessible, and if the server's storage is lost or
+corrupted, the database's content is lost. This service model is appropriate
+when the database controls a process or activity to which it is linked via
+"fate-sharing." For example, an OVSDB instance that controls an Open vSwitch
+virtual switch daemon, ``ovs-vswitchd``, is a standalone database because a
+server failure would take out both the database and the virtual switch.
+To set up a standalone database, use ``ovsdb-tool create`` to
+create a database file, then run ``ovsdb-server`` to start the
+database service.
+Active-Backup Database Service Model
+An **active-backup** database runs two servers (on different hosts). At any
+given time, one of the servers is designated with the **active** role and the
+other the **backup** role. An active server behaves just like a standalone
+server. A backup server makes an OVSDB connection to the active server and
+uses it to continuously replicate its content as it changes in real time.
+OVSDB clients can connect to either server but only the active server allows
+data modification or lock transactions.
+Setup for an active-backup database starts from a working standalone database
+service, which is initially the active server. On another node, to set up a
+backup server, create a database file with the same schema as the active
+server. The initial contents of the database file do not matter, as long as
+the schema is correct, so ``ovsdb-tool create`` will work, as will copying the
+database file from the active server. Then use
+``ovsdb-server --sync-from=<active>`` to start the backup server, where
+<active> is an OVSDB connection method (see `Connection Methods`_ below) that
+connects to the active server. At that point, the backup server will fetch a
+copy of the active database and keep it up-to-date until it is killed.
+When the active server in an active-backup server pair fails, an administrator
+can switch the backup server to an active role with the ``ovs-appctl`` command
+``ovsdb-server/disconnect-active-ovsdb-server``. Clients then have read/write
+access to the now-active server. Of course, administrators are slow to respond
+compared to software, so in practice external management software detects the
+active server's failure and changes the backup server's role. For example, the
+"Integration Guide for Centralized Control" in the Open vSwitch documentation
+describes how to use Pacemaker for this purpose in OVN.
+Suppose an active server fails and its backup is promoted to active. If the
+failed server is revived, it must be started as a backup server. Otherwise, if
+both servers are active, then they may start out of sync, if the database
+changed while the server was down, and they will continue to diverge over time.
+This also happens if the software managing the database servers cannot reach
+the active server and therefore switches the backup to active, but other hosts
+can reach both servers. These "split-brain" problems are unsolvable in general
+for server pairs.
+Compared to a standalone server, the active-backup service model
+somewhat increases availability, at a risk of split-brain. It adds
+generally insignificant performance overhead.
+Open vSwitch 2.6 introduced support for the active-backup service model.
+Database Replication
+OVSDB can layer **replication** on top of any of its service models.
+Replication, in this context, means to make, and keep up-to-date, a read-only
+copy of the contents of a database (the ``replica``). One use of replication
+is to keep an up-to-date backup of a database. A replica used solely for
+backup would not need to support clients of its own. A set of replicas that do
+serve clients could be used to scale out read access to the primary database.
+A database replica is set up in the same way as a backup server in an
+active-backup pair, with the difference that the replica is never promoted to
+an active role.
+A database can have multiple replicas.
+Open vSwitch 2.6 introduced support for database replication.
+Connection Methods
+An OVSDB **connection method** is a string that specifies how to make a
+JSON-RPC connection between an OVSDB client and server. Connection methods are
+part of the Open vSwitch implementation of OVSDB and not specified by RFC 7047.
+``ovsdb-server`` uses connection methods to specify how it should listen for
+connections from clients and ``ovsdb-client`` uses them to specify how it
+should connect to a server. Connections in the opposite direction, where
+``ovsdb-server`` connects to a client that is configured to listen for an
+incoming connection, are also possible.
+Connection methods are classified as **active** or **passive**. An active
+connection method makes an outgoing connection to a remote host; a passive
+connection method listens for connections from remote hosts. The most common
+arrangement is to configure an OVSDB server with passive connection methods and
+clients with active ones, but the OVSDB implementation in Open vSwitch supports
+the opposite arrangement as well.
+OVSDB supports the following active connection methods:
+ The specified SSL or TLS <port> on the host at the given <ip>.
+ The specified TCP <port> on the host at the given <ip>.
+ On Unix-like systems, connect to the Unix domain server socket named
+ <file>.
+ On Windows, connect to a local named pipe that is represented by a file
+ created in the path <file> to mimic the behavior of a Unix domain socket.
+OVSDB supports the following passive connection methods:
+ Listen on the given TCP <port> for SSL or TLS connections. By default,
+ connections are not bound to a particular local IP address. Specifying
+ <ip> limits connections to those from the given IP.
+ Listen on the given TCP <port>. By default, connections are not bound to a
+ particular local IP address. Specifying <ip> limits connections to those
+ from the given IP.
+ On Unix-like systems, listens for connections on the Unix domain socket
+ named <file>.
+ On Windows, listens on a local named pipe, creating a named pipe
+ <file> to mimic the behavior of a Unix domain socket.
+All IP-based connection methods accept IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. To specify an
+IPv6 address, wrap it in square brackets, e.g. ``ssl:[::1]:6640``. Passive
+IP-based connection methods by default listen for IPv4 connections only; use
+``[::]`` as the address to accept both IPv4 and IPv6 connections,
+e.g. ``pssl:6640:[::]``. DNS names are not accepted. On Linux, use
+``%<device>`` to designate a scope for IPv6 link-level addresses,
+e.g. ``ssl:[fe80::1234%eth0]:6653``.
+The <port> may be omitted from connection methods that use a port number. The
+default <port> for TCP-based connection methods is 6640, e.g. ``pssl:`` is
+equivalent to ``pssl:6640``. In Open vSwitch prior to version 2.4.0, the
+default port was 6632. To avoid incompatibility between older and newer
+versions, we encourage users to specify a port number.
+The ``ssl`` and ``pssl`` connection methods requires additional configuration
+through ``--private-key``, ``--certificate``, and ``--ca-cert`` command line
+options. Open vSwitch can be built without SSL support, in which case these
+connection methods are not supported.
+Database Life Cycle
+This section describes how to handle various events in the life cycle of
+a database using the Open vSwitch implementation of OVSDB.
+Creating a Database
+Creating and starting up the service for a new database was covered
+separately for each database service model in the `Service
+Models`_ section, above.
+Backing Up and Restoring a Database
+OVSDB is often used in contexts where the database contents are not
+particularly valuable. For example, in many systems, the database for
+configuring ``ovs-vswitchd`` is essentially rebuilt from scratch
+at boot time. It is not worthwhile to back up these databases.
+When OVSDB is used for valuable data, a backup strategy is worth
+considering. One way is to use database replication, discussed above in
+`Database Replication`_ which keeps an online, up-to-date
+copy of a database, possibly on a remote system. This works with all OVSDB
+service models.
+A more common backup strategy is to periodically take and store a snapshot.
+For the standalone and active-backup service models, making a copy of the
+database file, e.g. using ``cp``, effectively makes a snapshot, and because
+OVSDB database files are append-only, it works even if the database is being
+modified when the snapshot takes place.
+To restore from a backup, stop the database server or servers, overwrite
+the database file with the backup (e.g. with ``cp``), and then
+restart the servers.
+None of these approaches saves and restores data in columns that the schema
+designates as ephemeral. This is by design: the designer of a schema only
+marks a column as ephemeral if it is acceptable for its data to be lost
+when a database server restarts.
+Upgrading or Downgrading a Database
+The evolution of a piece of software can require changes to the schemas of the
+databases that it uses. For example, new features might require new tables or
+new columns in existing tables, or conceptual changes might require a database
+to be reorganized in other ways. In some cases, the easiest way to deal with a
+change in a database schema is to delete the existing database and start fresh
+with the new schema, especially if the data in the database is easy to
+reconstruct. But in many other cases, it is better to convert the database
+from one schema to another.
+The OVSDB implementation in Open vSwitch has built-in support for some simple
+cases of converting a database from one schema to another. This support can
+handle changes that add or remove database columns or tables or that eliminate
+constraints (for example, changing a column that must have exactly one value
+into one that has one or more values). It can also handle changes that add
+constraints or make them stricter, but only if the existing data in the
+database satisfies the new constraints (for example, changing a column that has
+one or more values into a column with exactly one value, if every row in the
+column has exactly one value). The built-in conversion can cause data loss in
+obvious ways, for example if the new schema removes tables or columns, or
+indirectly, for example by deleting unreferenced rows in tables that the new
+schema marks for garbage collection.
+Converting a database can lose data, so it is wise to make a backup beforehand.
+To use OVSDB's built-in support for schema conversion with a standalone or
+active-backup database, first stop the database server or servers, then use
+``ovsdb-tool convert`` to convert it to the new schema, and then restart the
+database server.
+Schema versions and checksums (see Schemas_ above) can give hints about whether
+a database needs to be converted to a new schema. If there is any question,
+though, the ``needs-conversion`` command on ``ovsdb-tool`` can provide a
+definitive answer.
+Working with Database History
+Both on-disk database formats that OVSDB supports are organized as a stream of
+transaction records. Each record describes a change to the database as a list
+of rows that were inserted or deleted or modified, along with the details.
+Therefore, in normal operation, a database file only grows, as each change
+causes another record to be appended at the end. Usually, a user has no need
+to understand this file structure. This section covers some exceptions.
+Compacting Databases
+If OVSDB database files were truly append-only, then over time they would grow
+without bound. To avoid this problem, OVSDB can **compact** a database file,
+that is, replace it by a new version that contains only the current database
+contents, as if it had been inserted by a single transaction. From time to
+time, ``ovsdb-server`` automatically compacts a database that grows much larger
+than its minimum size.
+Because ``ovsdb-server`` automatically compacts databases, it is usually not
+necessary to compact them manually, but OVSDB still offers a few ways to do it.
+First, ``ovsdb-tool compact`` can compact a standalone or active-backup
+database that is not currently being served by ``ovsdb-server`` (or otherwise
+locked for writing by another process). To compact any database that is
+currently being served by ``ovsdb-server``, use ``ovs-appctl`` to send the
+``ovsdb-server/compact`` command. Each server in an active-backup database
+maintains its database file independently, so to compact all of them, issue
+this command separately on each server.
+Viewing History
+The ``ovsdb-tool`` utility's ``show-log`` command displays the transaction
+records in an OVSDB database file in a human-readable format. By default, it
+shows minimal detail, but adding the option ``-m`` once or twice increases the
+level of detail. In addition to the transaction data, it shows the time and
+date of each transaction and any "comment" added to the transaction by the
+client. The comments can be helpful for quickly understanding a transaction;
+for example, ``ovs-vsctl`` adds its command line to the transactions that it
+For active-backup databases, the sequence of transactions in each server's log
+will differ, even at points when they reflect the same data.
+Truncating History
+It may occasionally be useful to "roll back" a database file to an earlier
+point. Because of the organization of OVSDB records, this is easy to do.
+Start by noting the record number <i> of the first record to delete in
+``ovsdb-tool show-log`` output. Each record is two lines of plain text, so
+trimming the log is as simple as running ``head -n <j>``, where <j> = 2 * <i>.
+When ``ovsdb-server`` opens an OVSDB database file, of any kind, it reads as
+many transaction records as it can from the file until it reaches the end of
+the file or it encounters a corrupted record. At that point it stops reading
+and regards the data that it has read to this point as the full contents of the
+database file, effectively rolling the database back to an earlier point.
+Each transaction record contains an embedded SHA-1 checksum, which the server
+verifies as it reads a database file. It detects corruption when a checksum
+fails to verify. Even though SHA-1 is no longer considered secure for use in
+cryptography, it is acceptable for this purpose because it is not used to
+defend against malicious attackers.
+The first record in a standalone or active-backup database file specifies the
+schema. ``ovsdb-server`` will refuse to work with a database whose first
+record is corrupted. Delete and recreate such a database, or restore it from a
+When ``ovsdb-server`` adds records to a database file in which it detected
+corruption, it first truncates the file just after the last good record.
+See Also
+RFC 7047, "The Open vSwitch Database Management Protocol."
+Open vSwitch implementations of generic OVSDB functionality:
+``ovsdb-server(1)``, ``ovsdb-client(1)``, ``ovsdb-tool(1)``.
+Tools for working with databases that have specific OVSDB schemas:
+``ovs-vsctl(8)``, ``vtep-ctl(8)``, ``ovn-nbctl(8)``, ``ovn-sbctl(8)``.
+OVSDB schemas for Open vSwitch and related functionality:
+``ovs-vswitchd.conf.db(5)``, ``vtep(5)``, ``ovn-nb(5)``, ``ovn-sb(5)``.